#couldn’t help the sweater too he’s cozy
trainwrecksys · 11 months
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GOOD GIRL || Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: you get caught in the rain on your way to Professor Miller’s house and your lesson gets derailed.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, fluff, big age gap (reader’s in her early 20s, Joel’s in his late 40s), insecure reader, soft!Joel, praise, f!oral, unprotected piv, belly bulge, use of a morning after pill, slight Professor kink, power imbalance. Joel can pick up reader, reader has hair. Pics are only for the mood, reader has no physical description.
Word count: 7,9k
A/n: this is for @undercoverpena ‘s April Showers Challenge. Big thank you to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing. Hope you all will enjoy it💖
You are rushing along an empty suburban street caught in a warm summer rain. Soaked strands of hair are sticking to your face and you brush them off, feeling your clothes getting wet too. Drops of water are trickling down your naked thighs as your skirt rides up and your shoes squelch with every hurried step.
The rain isn’t too heavy and you might have enjoyed it some other time but not now, not when you’re running late for your lesson at Professor Miller’s house. You could have waited it out under a tree but by the look of it, the pouring won’t stop soon.
You didn’t want to make Professor Miller wait. He is already doing you a huge favor, tutoring you a few hours a week in preparation for another year at college.
You decided to switch majors and, being a good friend of your mother, Professor Miller agreed to help you so you could catch up on what you had missed and get more confident in the new field.
Frankly you wouldn’t be late if you hadn’t been running circles in your room, trying to decide what to wear. Of course, you had a crush on Professor Miller. He was handsome, intelligent, nice and much older than you. But you’d never act on it because you couldn’t even imagine him looking at you like that. So you weren’t choosing anything to attract him that day. All you wanted was to look nice. You always wore formal clothing out of respect for him. One time you put on a band tee and a pair of ripped jeans for your lesson and felt terribly out of place next to the perfect Professor Miller. After that you swore to yourself to look presentable at his lessons.
You’re looking very far from presentable when Professor Miller opens the door to you now. Yet there’s not a trace of displeasure in his warm gaze.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re soaked!” he exclaims, eyes widened behind his black-rimmed glasses.
“Forgot my umbrella, so sorry,” you mumble, stepping inside. You take off your wet shoes and put on the slippers you always wear in his house. Seeing that you’re dripping water on the floor, you silently curse.
As a striking contrast to you Professor Miller looks impeccable. Beautiful dark curls are combed back, a black sweater over a white dress shirt and black slacks make him look like he’s on a red carpet rather than in a suburban house on a Saturday.
He rushes away, mumbling something about towels, and you peek into the hall mirror to check the damage.
What you see makes you want to jump out of the window - your mascara is running, the hair’s wet and disheveled but what makes your heart drop to your stomach is your white blouse, soaked, stuck to your torso and completely see-through. Your chest is fully exposed except for your white lacy bra which isn’t much help either as you can definitely see your nipples.
Your hands dart to cover yourself but you don’t want to attract more attention to it, so you try to cross your arms over your breasts as casually as possible.
“Here.” You jerk, hearing Professor Miller’s beautiful voice and take a towel from him with a quiet ‘thank you.’
“Can I use the bathroom?” You ask, hugging the towel close to your chest.
“Of course, take your time. Join me in the office when you’re ready.”
You love Professor Miller’s guest bathroom. All of his house actually. It’s always neat and feels warm and cozy. Every piece of furniture seems thought through, the colors are rich but calming and you often find yourself wishing to stay here longer.
You clean your face up and dry yourself as well as you can. Your hair is still damp, but the skirt is not that wet. On the other hand your blouse still makes you wanna cry. At some point you contemplate asking Professor Miller for a spare shirt but this seems very inappropriate.
So you take a deep breath and decide that you can cover your almost exposed breasts with a book or something else.
You walk to the office and hastily join Professor Miller at his desk. A cup of hot tea is waiting for you next to a stack of books.
“Take a seat, sweetheart,” he says, patting the chair next to him and you plop down awkwardly, trying to hide your indecency. “Drink this. It’ll help you to get warm.” His gaze slides over you fast, not sticking to anything in particular, and you ease up a little.
He starts the lesson by checking your homework and explains your mistakes. You nod but hardly listen to him. So close to Professor Miller you feel disappointed in yourself, looking like an idiot who forgets to check the weather before leaving the house.
A light breeze hits your back and you shiver.
“Oh, I’ll close the window.” Professor Miller rushes to stand up, but you stop him with a hand on his arm. As if electrified by the feeling of his firm muscles under your touch, you dart your hand back, as your cheeks burn and you say,
“It’s ok. I love the sound of rain.”
“But you must be cold? Here, take my cardigan.” You object but he doesn’t listen, grabbing it off his chair and putting it over your shoulders.
“Thank you,” you breathe out, wrapping yourself in it as his scent envelops you. He smells of vanilla and cardamom and you can’t help but take a deep breath of him. He smiles, but you don’t notice it.
A couple of times during the lesson Professor Miller seems to lose his train of thought and you blame your look for it. He must be thinking that you look like a stray wet dog and your mood gets worse.
When he stands up to get a book from his home library you use the pause to apologize,
“I’m sorry again for looking like this. I should have waited the rain out but I was running late.”
He turns to you, standing at the wall full of books, and shakes his head, a warm smile on his handsome face,
“What are you talking about? You look great.”
“Ehm…I doubt it. I bet I’ve left a puddle in your hall like a wet dog.”
He chuckles, then grabs the necessary book and returns to the desk. He sits down and turns slightly towards you. His knee touches your naked thigh and you press your legs together, feeling the tingling between them. With a new wave of embarrassment overtaking you, you close the cardigan over your chest. He doesn’t look down but instead searches for your eyes.
“You look amazing, sweetheart, you always do. And I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. It’s just rain.”
The sun peeks through the clouds for a second, and when its golden rays fill the room, you notice how beautifully Professor Miller’s eyes sparkle behind the glasses when the light shines on them. It takes your breath away and you lower your gaze with a smile. His praise makes you feel warm and fuzzy and your heart sings at the sincerity in his voice.
“Thank you.” Your quiet words are barely audible because of the sound of the rain outside.
Professor Miller takes a deep sigh. “Sometimes when I look at you…I wish I was younger.”
Your jaw nearly hits the floor as you look up at him and stumble, “W- what… why? Really? Why?”
He chuckles. “Yeah, my back wouldn’t give me so much grief.”
You’re nodding with a fake smile, disappointed by his answer. He’d never look at you this way, in a different way. He’s perfect and you’re …well, you. He interrupts your self-deprecation saying softly, “Sweetheart, you worry too much. You, young people, don't understand how lucky you are. You have the whole life ahead of you, you’re free of regrets, sorrows. And the youth passes so quickly.”
You’re staring at him now, lips half parted, and then suddenly blurt out, “I am afraid. Almost all the time.”
“Of what? Why?” He asks, looking concerned.
“I don’t know. Of… everything.”
You turn slightly to him on the chair but quickly avert your gaze and stare back at the open window. The thrumming of the rain outside makes it easier to talk, as if it is accompanying your words.
“I’m afraid of my future. How wonderful it can be or how unhappy I might become. I study hard thinking …wishing the result will give me happiness but what if it doesn’t. I worry about my future career, but I’m not even sure I want it. I.. I don’t know what I want. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
You feel wetness coating your eyes and glance at him. He’s looking at you with intent, his brows slightly furrowed in thought.
You sniff, turning back to the desk, and stare at your fingers fumbling with the corner of Professor Miller’s cardigan.
“Sweetheart, no one knows what the fuck they’re doing.”
Your head whips up and you gawk at him with widened eyes. You’ve never heard him swear and never thought you ever would. He smiles, as if finding your reaction amusing.
“I might look all put together but I’m just like you. Scared, unsure… hell, we all are. No matter the age, I doubt it ever goes away,” he says placing his heavy hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, “But you can try to focus on the present, enjoy the moment, enjoy yourself.”
The sadness in your eyes makes him chuckle bitterly, “My intent was to help but it seems like I’ve done the opposite.”
“No, it’s fine. I appreciate you telling me this but I doubt I can do that.“
He watches you for a few moments and suddenly his face lights up and a charming lopsided smile twists his lips. You almost giggle at how mischievous and joyful he looks.
“I know what we should do.” He gets up and offers you his hand.
You look up at him confused but so much joy is radiating from him, you can’t say ‘no’. You take his hand and your whole body vibrates with skin on skin contact. You’re overwhelmed by his and your confession, by the unexpected turn your lesson took, and your heart is fluttering in your chest.
You follow him to the living room, your hand in his, and come up to the French windows which lead to the back yard. He lets go of your hand and you fix his cardigan that’s slipping off your shoulders.
Professor Miller opens the windows and a flow of humid slightly cold air rushes into the room and you wrap the cardigan tighter around your torso. The rain got heavier and you see little puddles on the patio.
He turns to you and says, louder than usual, so you could hear through the drumming of the shower.
“You know what I want to do now? What will make me happier?”
He starts walking backwards out to the wet patio and you open your mouth and giggle,
“Oh my god, Professor! What are you doing?”
He shoots you a wink and steps under the heavy rain. Then he tilts his head up, closing his eyes and exposing his face to the drops, falling from the sky.
“Please, come back inside!” You walk up to him, still standing under the cover of the roof. You place your hand on his shoulder and grab him lightly. “Come back inside, you’ll get cold. I’m not sad anymore, I promise.”
Just a few moments under the downpour are enough to drench him and when he looks at you, his glasses are all wet, curls are stuck to his forehead, his sweater is soaked.
“Do you like walking in the rain, sweetheart?”
“Well, sometimes yeah, I guess, but…”
With that, he grabs your hand on his shoulder and pulls you out onto the wet grass. You gasp, feeling the rain drops on your face and body again, your clothes and slippers getting wet slowly but surely. You try to get back inside but he quickly closes the windows and stands in front of you, not letting you through.
“Come on, sweetheart, enjoy this summer rain with me.”
“I will but maybe inside the house?” you plead, trying to cover your head with your hands.
“And where's the fun in that? C’mon,” he returns your pleading gaze with his own, placing his hands on your shoulders, “Let’s enjoy the moment. Do what you want. Don’t worry about the future. Live now.”
His hands leave your shoulders and he steps up closer, making you walk further from the cover of his house. Watching him prowl towards you like that, with a charming smile, his hands in the pockets of his slacks, sends a surge of arousal through your core and you feel yourself getting wet not only from the rain. You stop and he does too, an arm length from you.
You two are standing in the middle of the backyard, smiling at each other, while the heavy rain is soaking your clothes, drawing wet paths down your faces.
You follow his lead from a few moments ago, looking up and closing your eyes. You feel the drops caressing your skin, kissing your eyelids, nose, lips and then sliding down your neck. For a moment you let go of your fears and hopes that weigh on you rather than motivate you and just feel, taking a deep breath.
When you open your eyes a few moments later, there’s something different about the way Professor Miller is looking at you. His cheer is gone and he’s serious again but not in his usual ‘I’m a professor’ way. His gaze is focused on you, dark eyes tracing your features with quiet hunger.
“What would you like to do right now?” He asks you, tilting his head to the side. The answer comes to you like lightning and you act on it immediately.
You take a step, reach up and kiss him. It’s just a peck but you stay there for a few seconds pressing your wet lips to his.
He breathes in sharply against your mouth and the realization of what you’ve just done hits you like a freight train. You part from him and step back, your eyes filled with terror.
You’re staring at each other for a few long moments, only the sound of rain and your pounding heartbeat breaking the silence. You open your mouth to dump all possible apologies on your tutor but you have no time to do it because in the next moment Professor Miller kisses you.
One hand on your neck, the other on your arm he’s kissing you, keeping you close, but not grabbing you. You can stop it any second. You don’t. You revel in the feeling of his lips gently caressing yours. They taste like rain. His thumb is sliding along your jaw and your pussy aches with need. You’re cold from the rain but burning up inside for him at the same time. A shiver runs through your body and his lips leave yours.
“Let’s go back inside. You are freezing,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours. You curse your body for interrupting the most beautiful moment of your life but follow him when he takes your hand in his and leads you back into the house.
You’re dripping on his carpet in the living room until Professor Miller brings towels and you dry yourselves. He takes off his sweater and you swallow loudly when he rolls up the sleeves of his white shirt exposing his big forearms. His tousled wet curls take your breath away. One curl falls on his forehead and your heart hurts from how handsome he looks. He places his glasses on the coffee table and asks you,
“Would you like to change? I can give you my shirt. Or find something of Sarah.”
After discarding his soaked cardigan, you look down and see your sheer wet blouse sticking to your breasts but you don’t feel uncomfortable or embarrassed any more. You shake your head, wanting him to see you, all of you. The realization makes you gush and your pussy tingles, making you press your thighs together.
“God, you’re shivering, you can get sick,” he fusses over you and he’s right, you’re trembling all over, but not only because of the rain-drenched clothes. Your whole world is upside down. You shoved your crush on Professor Miller into the furthest corner of your heart, being scared of it. You were always good at limiting and controlling yourself, at making yourself feel less, not acting on your desires.
Until today.
Shaking legs bring you to the sofa and you sit down. He takes a blanket from the side of it and wraps you in it, rubbing your arms and back over the material, trying to warm you up.
He’s so close to you. You stare at his wet face, lashes stuck together, lips shining with the rain or your saliva or both.
It feels like a dream that you don’t want to end. His hands leave you and you look at each other. His gaze slides down to your lips and your heart flutters. You wonder if you have enough courage to kiss him again.
Suddenly you hear a loud thunder and jump in your seat. You look around and it’s like you finally woke up. Your heart freezes at the thought, ‘You kissed Professor Miller! You kissed your fucking tutor! Your mom’s friend! Fuck!’
Your head whips back to him. “I’m so sorry,” you mumble, trying not to burst into tears, your throat getting squeezed with embarrassment. “I…I don’t know why I’ve done it. I must have lost my mind. I’m sorry. Thank you for taking pity on me, Professor.”
His hand darts to your shoulder but he swiftly puts it away.
“First of all, call me Joel, please …and what do you mean by pity? I didn’t take pity on you. I acted inappropriately but… I wish you could see what I see when I look at you.”
You drop your head and murmur under your breath, “A complete mess?”
He sighs and takes your hand in his. His big warm palm engulfs it completely and you look up at him, not being able to contain yourself anymore, as tears well up in your eyes. His voice is warm and soft and so pleasant you wish he’d never stop talking.
“You’re a wonderful young woman. Intelligent, kind, capable of anything you’ll set your mind to. Your future is bright, I'm sure of it.”
You smile and tears roll down your cheeks.
“And you’re very beautiful. I hope someone tells you this.”
You sniff, eyes downcast, and shake your head, making your tears fall. Joel gently takes your chin between his fingers and tilts your head up so you would look at him. His face is blurry with all the wetness in your eyes. He cups your cheek and brushes a tear away with his thumb.
“Well, then let me do it. You’re the most beautiful woman I know.”
Your heart stops. At least you think so because what you’re hearing can not be real. You died and went to heaven otherwise it’s unbelievable that Professor Miller… Joel is telling you this.
You’re gawking at him and he chuckles before taking his hand away.
“I love that I can see all your emotions on your face.”
You hastily close your mouth and try to collect yourself while a whirlwind of feelings swirls in your stomach.
“And I don’t regret kissing you.”
You search his face for a sign of a joke, but find none. He looks and sounds serious and you feel yourself lean closer to him.
“Me neither, Joel,” you whisper, his name sweet on your tongue, and lean forward a little. It takes him a second to meet you halfway and kiss you. He takes the lead and moves his lips slowly and gently against yours but you feel that he’s holding himself down by the way he breathes, the way his lips move faster and with more vigor until he stops himself. You feel hot wrapped in the warm blanket so still glued to him you unwrap yourself and it pools at your feet.
“You’ll get cold,” he mumbles against your lips and you shake your head no, still kissing him. You don’t want it to end so you desperately cling to him with only your lips touching.
Another thunder shakes the house and you feel his hand on your naked knee. You part your legs and scoot closer to him and his thumb brushes your inner thigh. Your whole body erupts with chills.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers as his lips leave yours, “Your legs are ice cold.” He puts his hands on your arms, “And you’re still shivering, poor thing.”
You’re about to explain that it’s not because of the rain or wet clothes, at least not only. It’s him, his plush lips on yours, his warm hands gliding over your skin, his eyes looking at you so differently from what you’re used to. All of it makes every cell in your body vibrate, your stomach churn, your core burn with arousal.
But before you can tell him all that, he says something that makes you stop in your tracks, “Would you like to take a bath?”
For the hundredth time today you’re staring at him with your mouth agape.
“H-here? In your house?” you stumble, blinking at him.
“Yes. There's a nice tub upstairs in my bedroom.” He hears himself and hastily adds, “It’s not like that. Ehm… You can take it and I’ll wait for you here. I’m afraid you’ll get sick because of my carelessness.”
His beautiful brown eyes are pleading you to agree. You don’t want to leave him but your sodden cold clothes make the offer of a hot bath sound better with every second.
So you nod and he beams at you. In a second he’s walking upstairs and you’re trailing behind him, your hand in his. He leads you to his bedroom and you quickly look around, seeing that it’s perfect like the rest of his house, simple but cozy. You follow him to the en-suite bathroom and he starts the water. He explains to you how to make it colder and hotter like you’ve never seen a bathtub before but you don’t get offended or annoyed. He’s nervous, it’s visible and it makes you jittery too. Suddenly the idea of being alone without him makes you sad and your heart aches.
The tub fills up fast and while he’s telling you about the bath salts and towels you interrupt him,
“Can you stay?”
Now it’s his turn to gawk at you.
“When…until it’s full?” He asks and you shake your head.
“No, when I take it. Can you stay with me?”
He swallows loudly and takes a step closer to you.
“Sweetheart, I’ve crossed so many lines today. I’m not sure I can cross this one.”
“You told me to do what I want right? And I want you to stay with me, Joel,” you say louder, trying to feign confidence, before taking a step to him.
“Are you sure?”
You look deep into his eyes, so close that you can see your own reflection in them and reply,
“I'm not sure about anything in my life… but I'm sure that I want this,” you say, drawing an invisible line between your hearts with your finger, and add, “Really badly.”
His dark eyes are darting between yours as if he’s looking for a trace of doubt in them. He won’t find any. He’s reading your features and they probably tell him something because in the next moment he slowly leans to you. The kiss is soft but the more you taste him the more confident you get.
So you press your body to his and he groans when your lower belly touches his bulge. Your heart and pussy flutter when you realize how big and stiff he is. Is it because of you? A part of you can’t believe a man like him can be interested in you but his body can’t lie.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers, pulling away but, in an attempt to interrupt something you don’t want to hear, you raise your hands and start unbuttoning your wet blouse.
Joel’s eyes are glued to your fingers, working their way up your top. Soon your belly is revealed, then sternum and your breasts, covered by the bra. You slide the blouse off your body and it pools at your feet.
“You’re so beautiful,” Joel whispers, as his hand slowly lifts to your breast and he brushes your nipple through the thin lace of the bra with his thumb. It’s already perked up from all the kissing and the cold and you whimper, your body vibrating with desire at the slightest touch of his big hand.
You get impatient and take your skirt off too. You’re standing in front of him wearing nothing but a lace white set and Joel growls like a hungry wolf. You bite your lip, hearing the sound of his desire for you.
His gaze slides from your face to your breasts, belly, hips, legs and up to your face again. He seems to make a decision because soon he starts unbuttoning his shirt too.
“I’m going to hell,” he mumbles as the expanse of his chest is revealed to you and you salivate seeing his golden skin, soft belly, happy trail that leads down. Your clit twitches when he unzips his pants.
Soon his clothes join yours on the floor and he places his hands on your waist. You try not to look at the huge tent in his boxers but fail miserably. He smiles and pulls you into his arms and you hug his middle. He’s big and hot against your cold skin and your whole body erupts in goosebumps.
“Still shivering, poor thing, let’s get you into the hot water,” he whispers and his hands slide to your back. He searches for your eyes and after you look up and nod, he unclasps your bra and takes it off you.
His chest is heaving when his gaze moves down to your naked breasts but he doesn’t stop stripping you. With his fingers hooked in your panties, he waits for your permission and then slides them down. They fall on the floor around your feet and you step out of them.
His eyes are completely obsidian now and his hands dart to you but he stops himself.
“Could you help me?” You ask and turn around before offering him your hand. He takes it and you step into the full tub. The water feels scolding hot at first but all your senses are focused on Joel and you lower yourself into the hot water. Sitting in the middle of the tub you look at his bulge, which is at your eye level now.
“Join me, please,” you plead and he mumbles soft “yeah,” before pulling his boxers down. His cock springs free and your pussy buzzes with anticipation and fear because he’s really big and thick.
Joel gets in the water behind you, his legs bent at the knees by your sides. He puts his hands on your shoulders and pulls you to lie down against his chest.
You rest your back on his warm broad chest and he wraps his arms around your waist. You feel his cock twitch against your lower back and a quiet whimper escapes your lips, “Joel.”
He almost purrs hearing how you said his name. You feel his heart beating hard at your back. His body, so big and strong, envelops you, warms you up better than the hot water around you and you feel like it’s where you belong, in his arms, reveling in his warmth, his softness, ready to give him anything he’d wish for.
The ache in your pussy gets harder to ignore and you squirm between his legs. He takes a sharp breath and bucks his hips against your butt. You feel his lips at your temple as he plants a kiss there.
“You’re so hot,” he praises you as his hands slide up your body and he cups your breasts. He palms your pebbled nipples and you moan, pressing your thighs together.
Then you tilt your head to the side and back and look up at Joel. His face is twisted in pleasure, eyes blown, and he lowers his head and catches your lips with his. This kiss is different from the ones you’ve shared before. Craving, impatience in every stroke of his lips, every swipe of his tongue, and you drown in pleasure of his caress.
Suddenly it’s not enough for the both of you. Without saying a word to each other you sit up and turn around while he helps you shift in the tub with his hands on your waist. You’re facing him now, standing on your knees, and he takes in your wet naked body before whispering,
“Let me make you feel good, sweetheart.”
You breathe out a soft ‘ok’ and in a second he lifts you up and sets you on the edge of the tub in the corner. You lean your back against the cold tile wall and shiver. Joel notices your reaction and starts pouring the water over you so you’d warm up again.
When you say that you’re not cold, he stands on his knees in front of you, his hands planted on the edge of the tub by your sides. He cages you in between his broad torso and the wall and your pussy pulsates for him.
“Could you spread your legs for me, please?” he says, sitting down on his heels, as his chest is pressed to your knees.
You slowly do what he asked and your pussy blooms for him, folds opening up to his view and Joel’s breath hitches and he llicks his lips at the sight.
“Oh, my,” he mumbles and glances up at you, "You have the most gorgeous pussy, sweetheart." That word on his lips sends a fiery wave through every inch of your body and you whimper, when he moves into the space between your legs, spreading your thighs wider with his broad torso.
His plush lips parted, eyes blown and restless, he takes you in - his gaze hastily runs over your face, breast, belly, cunt as if he can't get enough of you. He reaches for your face and kisses you deeply and passionately. His hand brushes against your aching pussy and you moan.
"My sweet girl," he whispers against the corner of your mouth and his soft lips move down to your neck, collar bone, chest. He's swirling his tongue over your nipple, his hand kneading your breast while you are running your fingers through his damp curls.
Soon he gets to your pussy and when his hot lips touch you there you almost come against his mouth.
“You’re sweet all over, honey,” he mumbles against your twitching clit, hunching down. Then he grabs your ankle in the water and lifts your leg.
“Put your foot on the edge, yeah, like that, good girl.” You’re completely exposed to him now but your desire shuts all your insecurities and you ache to show him every inch of you without any shame.
Soon you’re moaning and writhing on the edge of the tub as his tongue is dancing over your clit before his lips close around it and he gently sucks on the bud, keeping your folds spread with his thick fingers.
You’ve never felt more euphoric in your life and he approvingly hums against your pussy, when you whisper his name again and again, alternating it with whimpers and soft ‘yeah’s’.
“Damn, I can come just from hearing you, honey. What are you doing to me?” He says, looking up at you from between your thighs, eyes glistening. He looks completely pussy-drunk and it must be taking everything from him not to spill his seed into the bath water right now.
You give him a little apologetic smile and he continues pleasuring you. Joel’s caresses are slow and gentle, he’s almost edging you but when you start moving your hips, searching for more friction, he reads your signal immediately.
“Need more, sweetheart?”
You nod eagerly and with his hands on your inner thighs he starts devouring your pussy, his growls full of lust. The flat of his tongue is rubbing against your clit, then the warm muscle plunges into your crying hole as his nose nudges your clit and soon you’re screaming, shaking with the hardest climax of your life.
Joel laps at your juices, generously dripping into his greedy mouth as you’re digging your fingers into his broad shoulders, clenching around his tongue when he slides it inside you.
“Yeah… like that. Oh, my good girl,” Joel mumbles, his words muffled by your pussy.
When your climax dissipates, you rest your head back against the wall and he stays between your legs, peppering kisses on your inner thighs. His palms glide up and down your legs as you’re catching your breath.
When you look down, your eyes well up with tears when you see this big, gorgeous, intelligent, hot man on his knees in front of you. A voice inside your head reminds you that he’s much older, your parents will kill you, you’re fucked. But you push all your fears away when he gently helps you get back in the water and sets you on his lap.
Straddling him, you look into his eyes. You’re feeling a myriad of emotions but the brightest one makes your heart sing - you finally feel like yourself, confident, free, happy.
“Thank you,” you whisper with a smile, grateful for the pleasure but also for the self assurance he gave you.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He returns your smile with the warmest grin and pulls you into his embrace before kissing you. His big arms envelop your torso as you melt against his chest.
His cock twitches between your bodies and the fire in your core ignites with a new force.
“I want you inside,” you whisper, nuzzling his neck.
“Oh, darling… I wish for nothing more but … I’m afraid to hurt you.”
You sit up straight and drop your gaze into the water. His cock looks painfully hard and huge and you take a sharp breath, imagining it piercing you.
“I wanna try,” you say with confidence.
He searches for any doubt in your eyes again and then nods. Joel helps you to stand on your knees in the bath, holding you steady with his hand on your hip, the other holding his cock at the base.
“Start slowly and if it hurts… stop any second, ok?”
You agree, positioning yourself right above his waiting cock and begin lowering your hips.
You feel his hot tip bump into your clit and, feeling a burst of pleasure, you grind against it a few times. You both moan at the sensation and Joel tightens his grip on your body.
His handsome face twisted in pleasure might be the most beautiful thing you’ve seen. You don’t tear your eyes off him, wishing the image got sealed in your memory forever.
You shift a little, nudge your hole with his fat head and start sinking on his throbbing member.
He’s big. Really big.
You widen your eyes as his length parts your folds and slides inside you, surprisingly easily thanks to your recent orgasm.
Joel leans back against the tub and watches your pussy swallow him in the water, his brows furrowed, half-lidded eyes set on the place where you two are slowly joining.
You lower yourself further as your walls spread, trying to accommodate his member inside you. It hurts a little but you’re so aroused you hardly notice it.
Joel moans when you’re finally flush with him, his cock filling your wet heat perfectly.
“Fuck, ohhh, fuck… I’m sorry for all the cursing, honey, but your pussy feels fucking incredible.”
You smile at the praise and clench around him making him squeeze his eyes shut.
“You’re not a virgin, are you?” he asks with his eyes still closed.
You shake your head, but hastily add ‘no’, realizing he can’t see you.
“I’ve had a boyfriend. But he dumped me pretty quickly.”
He looks at you, brows furrowed, as he hears a slight sadness in your voice.
“His loss, sweetheart,” he says, gently taking your neck between his palms.
His gaze slides down your body to your pussy.
“Hnggg, you’re so tight.”
“Sorry. “
“What? No, it’s .. Gosh, I can’t think straight when you …look like this, wrapped around my cock. I’m in heaven.”
His warm hand rises to your face and he cups your heated cheek. You nuzzle into it smiling against his palm. Then you move your face a little and when you feel his thumb at your lips you part them and take it into your mouth.
His cock throbs deliciously inside you, and he moans as your tongue swirls over his thick finger.
“Oh my god, you naughty thing. You’re going to be the death of me.”
You smile around his finger and roll your hips a little. You both almost scream at the sensation. His thumb slips out of your open mouth as a wave of pleasure rushes through you. You seem to feel his cock everywhere. You can’t stop now, not with the way his thick length massages your pussy on the inside, sending bolts of ecstasy through your body.
You start fucking yourself on his stiff cock and you both fill the room with groans and whimpers, adding them to the soft splashing of the tub water.
He tilts his head back and squeezes his eyes shut while you feel another climax building.
“Oh, Professor,” you moan and he groans, clenching his teeth,
“What?” You ask and bite your lip, seeing that he’s deep in the pits of lust just like you are.
“Because I won’t let you stop calling me that,” he groans and your heart sings at the implication of you two doing it again in the future.
Not giving him any respite you breathe out, “It feels so good, Professor,” and start bouncing on his throbbing cock.
Joel moans but then holds you down.
“Baby, are you on the pill? I can’t… I’m gonna come soon.”
“No,” you reply through panting and he furrows his brows,
“Shit… not sure I have condoms,” he says, his eyes darting between yours. He clears his throat and adds, “I haven’t been with anyone for …some time now.”
You feel like he wants to apologize and you shut him up with a kiss.
“It’s ok. I’ll get Plan B. I want…want it inside me,” you whisper against his lips and sit up, starting to move again. You roll your hips, feeling your clit rub against his soft belly, and whimpers escape your parted lips again and again.
“Fuck, look at you,” he mumbles, watching your body slowly move on him. He’s almost drooling as his palm slides from your neck to your chest, over the swells of your breasts, brushing against your erect nipples, caressing the soft skin of your belly. He dips his hand in the water and presses it to a lump right over your mound and moans,
“Oh, fuck, I can feel my cock right here… do you feel me deep, baby? Tell me.”
“Yes, Professor,”
“Shit, I’m not gonna last, gonna fill you up.”
Looking down, you see it, the bulge in your belly moving up and down, his cock inside you stretching your skin.
With a loud moan, you clench around him and it sends a chain reaction making your pussy vibrate and contract, as another climax starts shaking your body.
“Yeah, baby, just like that… squeeze my fat cock, my good fucking girl.”
Not being able to hold any longer, Joel erupts inside your core, jets of cum spurting against your walls. You feel hot from the water and his heated body and now there’s warmth inside you too, your pussy’s getting filled with him.
You’re fucking yourself on his exploding cock while he’s sucking on your neck, and then he holds you so tight, it gets difficult to breathe. Every cell in your body is screaming with pleasure and you wish this moment never passed, he was inside you forever, holding you close.
When you both feel your climaxes subside, Joel leans back against the wall and pulls you to lie on his chest. You stay like this for a few minutes, plugged by his cock and full of his seed. You breathe in the scent of his skin, your hands on his chest as he rocks you like a big strong wave, slowly breathing in and out. You feel an immense affection towards him, and your throat gets squeezed with upcoming tears. You try to hide them from him but when you sniff he gently cups your cheek and makes you look at him.
“Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?” he asks, looking you over with worry in his gaze.
“No, I’m just… I’m just happy. I’m sorry.”
You smile at each other until he takes your face in his big hands and plants kisses on your eyes, cheeks, nose, chin, lips. You giggle when his facial hair tickles your delicate skin and he laughs with you.
Your bodies relaxed, hunger satiated, you stay in the bath for a few more minutes while he’s pouring water with his hands over your shoulders to keep you warm.
When the temperature lowers, he gets out of the tub and brings you a big fluffy towel while you shamelessly watch him move naked and wet around the bathroom. He helps you to get up and you bite your lip when his cock twitches at the sight of your body on display for him. He clears his throat and starts gently drying your skin. The memory takes you back to him drying you in his living room, before you crossed the line with him and you marvel how much changed between now and then.
You feel happy for the first time in a long time but also scared of what happens next. What if he goes back to being just your tutor, what if he doesn’t want to see you at all, what if your parents find out… The thoughts rush through your mind and he reads your face again and asks, “What is it, sweetheart?”
You shake your head, driving away your fears. Joel wraps you in the towel and you gasp when he lifts you. He laughs, carrying you to his bedroom, and then lowers you gently on the bed.
“Get under the duvet, sweetheart.”
You listen to him and get comfortable in his bed. The sheets smell of him and you can’t help but gush again. He brings your clothes and you sit up reaching for them so you could put them on but he stops you.
“Stay here. I’ll go get you the pill,” he says and makes you lie back down. After getting dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, Joel tucks you in and kisses you gently before leaving.
You hear his car drive off and fall into the comfort of his bed. You close your eyes for a second suddenly feeling tired.
You wake up from soft kisses to your forehead, cheeks, lips.
“I hate to wake you up, honey, but your parents are worried.”
You sit up rubbing your eyes and holding the duvet over your naked breasts. You see the pill and a glass of water on the nightstand and take it.
“They called?” You ask, swallowing Plan B.
“Yes, I told them you needed to do some extra exercises.”
You giggle but he looks upset. Your fears come back again.
“You regret it,” you whisper, as your eyes well up with tears.
In a second you’re in his big arms and he whispers against your cheek,
“Never, baby. I don’t. But I can’t help but feel guilty. I should know better. I feel like I’m robbing you of your time. You should be someone young, someone who can give you more.”
You search for his eyes and take his face in your hands.
“No, I don’t want anyone else. I want… I need you.”
You kiss him and pull him to lie over you on the bed. You’re making out holding each other close. The rain has stopped and you can hear birds chirping outside through an open window.
“Fuck.. I need to go,” you whine, parting from Joel and reaching for your clothes at the foot of the bed.
“Language, young lady,” he scolds you with a smirk. You bite your lip and purr with a sultry tone, “Sorry, Professor.”
You love how this word makes him shiver with arousal now.
He adjusts himself, cursing under his breath and his dark eyes are watching you while you’re giving him a little show while putting on your clothes - gliding your hands over your body, slowly slipping into your panties and bra. When you slide your arms into your already dry blouse, he gets up to button it up for you. Soon your lips gravitate towards each other and it takes a lot from you to part from him again.
You go downstairs and Joel offers to drive you home but you politely refuse.
“I’ll walk. I love the smell of the air after rain,” you smile ready to leave, standing at the door, “besides someone told me to enjoy myself more so I’m gonna follow his advice.”
You smile at each other and he gives you a farewell kiss, hugging you, before whispering in your ear, “My sweet girl. Thank you.”
You look deeply into his eyes and ask,
“See you on Thursday?”
“Yes, but you’re going to study.” Your widened sad eyes make him chuckle as he adds, “Among other things.”
You beam at him, peck his lips and walk out of the door, feeling wings behind your back.
Thank you for reading!🌺
Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! 💖
Tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @survivingandenduring @missannwinchester @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @littlemisspascal
If you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, let me know!💕
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rachalixie · 1 year
a/n: lil hand holding drabble for my wife @lino-nyangi kisses u
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you leave the shower shivering, the cold air of the apartment a sharp contrast to the steamy water you were washed under just a few minutes ago. despite the cozy sweatpants and sweater you put on, you couldn’t stop your fingers and toes from feeling more like icicles than appendages. the pair of fluffy cat socks you put on helps, but your fingers are still so cold.
when you join minho on the couch, you immediately shove your hands under your thighs in an attempt to warm them up. it helps a little, and you sigh as you melt into the cushions, closing your eyes in contentment.
when you open them he’s staring at you, curious eyes blinking back and forth between your face and your hands. you usually cuddle right into him when you sit by him, like he’s a magnet you can’t stay away from. he pretends to be bothered by the skinship, but you know he loves it, especially because he’s looking at you like he’s waiting to have you in his arms right now.
“my hands are freezing,” you offer as an explanation, shrugging and wiggling your hands even further under your legs.
“oh,” he frowns, holding his hands out. “why didn’t you tell me? i’ll warm them up for you.”
your hands fly into his in excitement before your brain can catch up. whenever he initiates physical contact it’s like a treat, you never get tired of it despite it happening on a daily basis.
he envelopes your fingers with his own warm ones, sliding his thumb across your knuckles. you sigh again and slide to the side until your head is pillowed onto his shoulder.
you’re content there for a few minutes, sitting in comfortable silence while he rubs at your hands, until he breaks it.
“are your lips cold?” he asks, leaning into your space a bit. “i can help with that, too.”
soft hours
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lale-txt · 6 months
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❈ 𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭 𝐰/ 𝐈𝐧𝐨 & 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
where you and Ino are stuck due a snow storm and have to stay warm...
a/n: merry Christmas, my dear @mirkaaaluv (´⌣`ʃƪ)♡ i'm sooo excited i get to be your secret santa! you definitely passed the Ino fever onto me, how is he just so [incoherent screeching]? hope you'll enjoy this fic, i had so much fun writing this for you.
contains: ns.fw under the cut, afab!reader (no pronouns used, ‘cunt’ and ‘pussy’ used to describe genitalia), dirty talk, spanking, breath play, overstimulation, praise kink, fingering (reader receiving), creampie, breeding kink (no mention of pregnancy or babies), rough but loving sex, pet names (babe, baby, sweet little thing, darling)
word count: 3.1k
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“See? A small fire and this place feels super cozy already. Imagine a little winter vacation getaway, just you and me–” “–and the hundred curses hiding outside within the temple, waiting to be exorcized…” “Babe, please… I’m trying to be romantic here…”
You can’t help but giggle when Ino takes you in his arms and kisses the bridge of your nose, rubbing your back to warm you up. He had managed to light up the old stove with some firewood, old newspapers and a pack of matches that you found within the abandoned hut. Now the crackling sound of burning wood filled the room, paired with the relentless howling of the snow storm outside. It was a miracle that you found this place during your mission, caught by surprise from the sudden snow. Judging from the simple but clean interior, someone associated with the uninhabited temple you were supposed to cleanse of curses has lived here before. 
Now it is your safe haven in the midst of a storm. While the weather forecast didn’t look good, neither of you would have expected to get snowed in, but here you are. And still, you couldn’t even be mad about it–being stuck with Ino in the middle of nowhere wasn’t too bad, considering your occupation as sorcerers often didn’t leave you with much free time to spend together as a couple. Maybe the stars had aligned to grant you some time together, or how Ino said: A little winter vacation getaway. 
Your partner seems to be all fired up about the situation you found yourself in, his protective instincts kicking into gear. He scurries around the hut, opening drawers and cabinets and gathering everything that could be useful in a pile; from blankets to an old kettle, he even found some dried tea leaves and pickled veggies (that would go along perfectly with the bread rolls Nanami had gifted you and Ino prior to your mission, a small souvenir from his latest bakery discovery). He also drags the mattress from the other room over, putting it in front of the stove from where you watched him with a small smirk curving up your lips. Within a few minutes the room already looked much cozier than before. 
“We should probably get out of these wet clothes or else we’ll catch a cold,” you point out and Ino nods, a hint of mischief on his face before he peels out of his jacket and his black sweater, hanging both over a chair to dry. Both of you strip down to your underwear (not without a little peeking), then Ino is the first to sit down on the mattress, grabbing the biggest blanket and patting his thigh for you to sit on. You don’t hesitate at all, craving all the warmth you can get. When you crawl into his arms, you’re welcomed with lots and lots of kisses on your face down to the side of your neck, before you settle down comfortably with your back against Ino’s chest, letting him wrap the blanket around you both. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, taking deep inhales of the scent of his favorite person in the whole world. 
A comfortable silence falls between you two, and for a while you just sit there holding each other, watching the fire in the stove almost mesmerized, and listening to the sounds of the storm outside. Snow is already piling up on the windowsill while the sun is long gone, but you’re not afraid; you could never while being in these arms. 
“I love you so,” Ino eventually mumbles against your skin before kissing your shoulder and hugging you a bit closer to him. He cups your hands with his, noticing how they were still not fully warmed up yet. He rubs them a little and places a few kisses on your fingertips. “Should I go find another blanket for you? Or make some tea?”
You shake your head and rest your head against his shoulder, looking up at him with a small smile. “Nah, I’m fine. Let’s just stay like this for a little longer. I already feel much warmer.”
Ino looks like he is about to protest, but then he opts to kiss you instead. He is gentle at first, his lips softly brushing against yours, but he is quick to pick up your subtle cues and kisses you harder, one hand coming to your chin while his tongue finds yours. His arm wraps a little tighter around your middle, pulling you closer to him, till there’s not even an inch left between your bare bodies. You can tell from his breathing that Ino is feeling the same rising heat from within as you do. 
A quiet growl comes from his throat when you arch your back a little, grinding your ass against his boxers from where his cock was throbbing already, and it takes him every ounce of self-restraint to not just pull the fabric aside and sink you down on his length. Instead he makes sure you’re nestled tightly with your back against his chest, the hand on your chin wandering down slowly to your throat while his other reaches for your thighs, spreading them open till your legs are hooked over his knees. The blanket hides the damp patch in your panties that would otherwise be on full display, but by now Ino doesn’t need to see to know how aroused you are; your sweet little sounds and your squirming tell him everything he needs to know. 
“Wet already? My sweet little thing is so eager for me, hm?” he hums in your ear when running his knuckles between your clothed folds, the fabric sticking to them. You whine a little, hungry for more of his touch, and he squeezes his fingers around your throat a bit tighter, not too much but enough to remind you of the position you’re in. “Tell me what you want, baby…”
Not giving you any time to respond, Ino’s big hand cups your cunt, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest when he feels you buck your hips against him. He starts to massage your folds a little, a thumb brushing over your sensitive clit and making your legs tremble, a finger hooked under the crotch of your panties and pulling them up. He always loves to tease you like that, your reactions making him hungry to devour you. 
“Wanna cum on your cock,” you mumble in his ear, kissing every inch of him you can reach. His scent was so familiar, so warm, and a little intoxicating; you just couldn’t get enough of him, ever. “Wanna feel you all the way inside my tummy…” 
“Oh, yeah? Gonna be so good for me, baby? Gonna let me stuff that pretty little cunt of yours?”, Ino asks, his voice low and husky. He’s planning on fucking you against every flat surface in this hut anyway, but he loves it when you use your words to say what you want. He can never get enough of the yearning and the desire in your voice, a melody for his ears only. Patience was never his strong suit though, not when you’re both so riled up, so it’s no surprise when he slides your panties down to your ankles and dips one finger into your wetness. 
Your head falls back against his shoulder when Ino adds a second finger, then a third when he feels how your walls flutter around him. His breath is hot and heavy on your skin while he makes you fall apart in his arms, whispering needy words close to your ear. His hand around your throat squeezes tighter every time you clench down on his slender fingers, rubbing that sweet spot that pushes you over the edge so easily. You start feeling a little lightheaded, your whole body tingling. 
“Cum for me, baby… need you all nice and loose so you can take me, okay?”, Ino mutters, pressing his fingers deeper into your heat. You’re dripping by now, your juices running down his wrist while you swallow him so greedily, close, so close–
Ino lets go of your throat once you gush around him, muffling your mewls and whimpers with a deep kiss that takes your breath away. He keeps teasing your clit throughout your orgasm, the overstimulation making you squirm, but you’re still nestled so tightly against him, there’s no escape. Ino can never get enough of the way you look when you’re wrecked with pleasure, but he’s no bully so he lets you breathe for a moment and slides his fingers out to bring them to his lips. 
“I love how you taste,” he moans quietly against your ear, relishing the sticky mess you’ve made. Ino kisses you again and lets you savor your own juices. “So sweet. So delicious. Tastes like heaven to me.” 
He nibbles on your ear and holds you tight in his arms until your heart rate slows down a bit. The whole time his aching cock is pressed against the small of your back, throbbing and desperate to be touched.
When you finally feel the strength in your limbs returning, you sit up slightly, the blanket falling down your shoulders and revealing your bare form. Ino’s eyes never leave your silhouette, he’s taking you in and admiring the shape of you with the eyes of a love drunk man. 
“Fuck me.” 
Your voice is barely a whisper, a little husky even. Dripping with desire. Ino pulls down his boxers and his cock springs free, resting heavy against his stomach. The pink tip is oozing with precum, he can barely hold back anymore. He starts stroking himself slowly while you get on all fours, facing the stove and presenting him your backside. You lower your upper body to the ground, your ass up in the air, spreading your folds with two fingers wide open for him. Ino lets out a shaky breath at the sight of yours, but he doesn’t dare to touch you yet.
“Please… need your cock. Need you inside. Fuck me, Ino, darling, please, fuck me…”
Your sweet please make your lover’s resistance crumble. Ino gets behind you, one hand on your ass to spread it apart even wider for a better view. The light of the fire dips him into warm shades of gold, and his hungry gaze lingers on you. You let out a needy mewl when he rubs just the tip against your cunt, almost making you jolt from being so sensitive still. You whine out his name and arch your back more to push yourself onto him, but he keeps you in place, his fingers digging deeply into your flesh. Ino breathes heavily, and then his hand comes down for a sharp smack, quickly soothed by more kneading. 
“You’re dripping,” he mutters and teases your clit with the tip of his cock, charming out sweet moans from your throat with every move. “Tell me again what you want, baby, c’mon…”
“Need your cock, please, please, just fuck me already–”, you whimper, and cry out loud when another smack lands on your ass, the other side this time. The sharp pain burns so good, and this time Ino comes down to kiss the spot where a faint red mark blooms. Oh, how badly Ino wants to bury his face in your cunt, and lick and spit and suck till you choke on his name on your tongue, but for now he has other plans.
With one swift movement he grabs you by the hips and spins you around, letting out a small growl now that you’re under him. Ino leans down, one hand grabbing your wrists and pinning them down above your head, while his lips find yours again, kissing you feverishly. His cock rests heavy and twitching on your stomach now, as if to demonstrate you how deep he’s gonna nestle inside of you.
“Wanna see your pretty face when you cream around my cock, baby,” Ino sighs and looks at you like you’re magic; pure adoration and desire. It sends warm shivers throughout your whole body and makes your pussy throb, feeling empty ever since his fingers slid out. He lets go of your wrists to grab your legs and put them over his shoulders, making sure you’re comfortable while being spread wide open for him. Ino kisses the insides of your thighs, a few light bites in between, and groans when your hands come to his cock, giving it a few strokes before raising your hips slightly for him to slide in. By now your mind is blank, desiring nothing but to be stuffed to the brim.
The air is knocked out of lungs when Ino finally pushes his cock inside in one swift movement. You’re so wet and your walls swallow him greedily, fluttering around him as you let out a sigh of relief, the biggest smile curling upon your lips when he starts rutting like an animal, setting a merciless pace from the very beginning. While he first held your legs in place, Ino now puts his hands down on the mattress next to your head, basically folding you in half while he keeps on pounding into you. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby, feels so good, so pretty for me…” Ino growls and brushes a strand of hair out of your face to get a better look at your blissfully fucked out expression, your eyes rolling in the back of your head with every thrust of his. Your sweet moans and whimpers are louder than the snow storm outside and awake something feral within him; all he can think about is how badly he wants to breed you, how he wants to stuff you so full of his cum till it’s dripping out of your throbbing core, how he needs to fill you up till you remember his shape forever.
“Close… ‘m so close…”, you mewl, that familiar knot in your core once again dancing on the edge of snapping. You’re melting underneath him, your vision getting a little blurry when you rest one hand on your tummy and feel his cock stretching you out so deliciously. The words falling out of your mouth are drowned out in needy moans and whimpers. “Gonna cum… wanna cum with you, Ino… love you, gonna cum, gonna…” 
Ino lets out an airy laugh, not mocking but so full of love, overwhelmed by his own emotions. He leans down to kiss you again, and to push his cock a little bit deeper inside of you as well until he’s fully bottomed out in your aching cunt. 
“I love you. Love you so much, baby,” he babbles, his hips stuttering by now while he also chases his high, his thrusts getting harsh and sloppy. “Sweet thing… taking me so well… gonna let me fill you up, yeah? Want my cum? I love you. I love you. Fuck, you’re squeezing me, baby, feels good, feels so good… I love your pussy so much… love you. Mine, all mine… ‘m gonna…” 
Your legs slide down from his shoulders and wrap around his waist, pulling him even closer to you, as if he wasn’t already bottomed out in your core, seconds away from falling apart. He moans into your open mouth and after one more brutish thrust you feel waves of pleasure rush throughout your limbs, a numbing and tingling sensation exploding within you. You cum so hard, it makes Ino take a sharp breath and whimper as your cunt milks him, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck when he cums shortly after you, spilling his hot load inside. 
While your orgasm seems to last forever, neither Ino nor you make an attempt to move or pull apart, content in your tiny universe. The only sounds are your heavy breathing, your hammering heartbeat and the crackling of the fire wood. Ino still keeps on mumbling words of praise and adoration against your skin, until you muffle them with a kiss on his lips which he returns with equal passion. 
You trace the scar on his forehead gently with your fingers while gazing into his eyes. They were a bit glazy, with the reflection of the flames dancing in them. Ino leans more into your touch, kissing the palm of your hand and down to your wrist. He doesn’t pull out, not yet, feasting on the feeling of you pulsating around his cock; his load and your juices slowly dripping down from where you’re connected. 
“You’re not cold anymore, are you? I warmed you up really good?”, he asks with a grin and gently bites down on one of your fingers. His eyes sparkle with mischief. You let out a small chuckle. Sometimes he reminds you of a puppy, chewing on everything he could get a hold on, and so eager to get praised.
“Mmm, I’m not sure,” you think out loud and watch his eyebrows twitch in irritation. You laugh again and cup his chin with your hand, pressing another kiss on his lips. “I’ve heard it’s important to keep moving if you want to stay warm…” 
Ino huffs and rolls his hips in response, twitching inside of you, getting hard again. He is so easy to tease, it’s adorable. His hands come down to your hips, and suddenly in one swift motion you’re lying flat on your stomach again, with Ino bottoming out inside of you. Being manhandled like this, plus the new angle, make you moan out loud and tremble from pleasure and overstimulation, and Ino clicks his tongue at your poor attempt to crawl away.
“Oh, I can keep you warm, my sweet,” he whispers close to your ear, pinning you down against the mattress. He lets out a small hushed moan when you arch your back further for him. “Will you be good and return the favor? Gonna let me keep my cock in your pretty pussy? You’re clenching so hard around me, baby, it’s like you never wanna let me go…”
There’s truth in his words, and that night, you definitely don’t let go; and when the sun rises again and the snow starts melting, nothing but love lies on the tip of your tongue, getting swallowed greedily by the one who has your whole heart.
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moonchild9350 · 23 days
Sweet Treat
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Summary: You find yourself reminiscing on the day you met your boyfriend.
Pairing: Hyunjin x fem. reader
Word Count: 1479
Warnings: kissing if that needs a warning ha, straight up fluff
Note: This is my first fic! Thought of this while listening to Hoodie Season (one of my fav Stray Kids songs) and Hyunjin in a hoodie is well yk. I hope you like it and I'd love your feedback :)
Please do not translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 2024
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You were digging around in your closet, trying to find something to wear tonight for your date to celebrate your one-year anniversary with your boyfriend.  You wanted to wear something cozy.  Summer was slowly coming to an end, fall right around the corner, and with that, the nights were cooler.  The outfit you were looking for was a pretty, beige sweater dress that you loved to wear during this time of year.  The oversized dress was your favorite; it was not too tight but also not too loose.  You knew your boyfriend Hyunjin would like it too.  
As you continued to look through your shared closet, you came across your boyfriend’s black hoodie.  Stopping your search for your dress, you picked up Hyujin’s hoodie and briefly snuggled your face into it.  Looking at the hoodie, you put it on, inhaling the scent of Hyunjin.  While snuggling the hoodie, you couldn’t help but think about how you met Hyunjin a little over a year ago, your first date, and how you ultimately ended up together.  
It was a typical day for you; you had just gotten off work after a hectic day and decided to get a sweet treat.  It was a hot day, as it was the middle of summer, and so you decided to stop at the local ice cream shop on your way home to get your favorite ice cream, caramel toffee nut in a waffle cone; the thought of spoiling your dinner be damned.  Upon entering the shop, there weren’t many people given the time of day.  After you placed your order, you went to the pickup counter to wait for your ice cream.  You were looking through your phone when suddenly you noticed a beautiful man who looked like an angel walking through the door.  He was tall, with long, shoulder-length black hair.  Trying not to stare at the newcomer, you peeked a glance every now and then as he placed his order.  Soon, he walked over to where you were standing.  You looked up and met his eyes. You noticed they were a beautiful chocolate brown.  He had a cute little mole under his left eye.  He then gave you a dazzling smile.  
‘He looks like an angel,’ you thought. 
You smiled back at him.  The worker then brought your ice cream to the counter.  You thanked them, then turned to the stranger, smiled at him again, and left the shop. 
‘Surely I won’t be forgetting his face anytime soon,’ you thought to yourself.  
A couple of weeks later, you found yourself back at the same ice cream shop after work.  You wondered if you would see the beautiful man with black hair again.  As you were waiting for your ice cream, the door opened, and the same man you saw weeks ago walked in.  You thought it was your lucky day.  
This time, after ordering, he walked over to you and said, “Hi, what’s your name?”  
You were so busy looking at his beautiful smile and face that you missed his question.  
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” you responded.  
Laughing, he said, “I said hello and what is your name.”  
“Oh, uh…hi, my name is y/n.” 
“Y/n, such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” He responded.  
You blushed at this and were speechless for a moment.  “Thank you,” you shyly replied.  “What’s your name?” you asked the man. 
 “My name is Hyunjin,” he replied. 
 You blushed while saying, “Hyunjin? I like that name.” 
Hyunjin smiled at you and noticed your order on the pickup counter.  “Is that one yours?”
 “Oh, yes, it is!” you replied.  You picked up your ice cream and made to leave, but Hyunjin lightly grabbed your arm and said, “Wait! I would love to take you out…if you’ll let me.”  
“Like a date?” you asked. 
 “Sure, we can call it that,” Hyunjin said. 
 You barely gave it thought and said, “Okay, sure, I’d love that!” 
“Great!” Hyunjin said, “What’s your number?” You gave him your number, grabbed your ice cream, and said goodbye.
A few days later, you were getting ready for your first date with Hyunjin.  You were nervous about the date since you had not gone on a date with anyone in a while.  Hyunjin wanted to take you to a coffee shop for your date, so you dressed in a pair of jeans and a crop top.  You did your hair and makeup and then left for your date.  Hyunjin was already at the coffee shop when you arrived.  He wore a black hoodie and jeans since it was a casual date.  You noticed he looked even more beautiful than you remembered, if that was even possible.  You and Hyunjin ordered your drinks and a couple of pastries and then sat down.  You talked about anything and everything, such as his job, where you learned he was an artist and currently painting for a local gallery.  You also learned that he loved dogs and dancing.  
‘It’s really easy to talk with him,’ you noted to yourself.  You had not felt this comfortable with a person in a while.   
Before you knew it, a few hours had passed.  You both did not want the date to end, but the coffee shop was getting ready to close.  Hyunjin then asked if you wanted to take a walk around town.  You agreed, and both of you left the coffee shop.  
Walking around town with Hyunjin as the city slowed down was heaven.  You really did enjoy his company.  Little did you know he was enjoying your company, too.  As the night went on, you started to shiver slightly, not dressed for the occasion, as you did not anticipate walking around the city at night.  
Hyunjin noticed and asked, “Would you like to wear my hoodie?  I noticed you were shivering and it is a little chilly tonight.”   
Such a gentleman.  “Sure, I would like that,” you answered.  
He then took off his hoodie.  As he passed the hoodie over his head, his shirt rose briefly, and you noticed he was toned.  You blushed and quickly looked away, hoping Hyunjin didn’t see you staring.  He handed you his hoodie, and you put it on.  You noticed it smelled slightly woodsy, mixed with a cinnamon scent.  You tried your best not to inhale his scent more deeply.  
Soon, it was time to head back, as you both had work tomorrow.  Hyunjin walked you back to your apartment, and when you got to your building, you began to take off his hoodie and give it back to him.  
He stopped you with a gentle touch to your arm.   “Keep it please.  That way I know I’ll get to see you again.”  
You felt your face heat up at his statement. “Oh, um, okay, if you’re sure,” you said. Then it’s a date…again,” and you nervously laughed.  
Hyunjin laughed, too.  He then tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear that had gotten loose because of the wind.  He bid you goodnight and watched you enter your building and enter the elevator.  He had a great time and secretly thought you were the one.
Weeks passed, and on a cool, early fall day, you and Hyunjin made it official as a couple.  You were wearing his hoodie on the day he asked you to be his girlfriend.  You were surrounded by the woodsy and cinnamon smell of his hoodie as you answered, “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend.”  He pulled the hoodie's hood over your hair and kissed you soft and sweet.  
“Angel? Are you ready?” 
You were brought out of your thoughts by the voice of the love of your life.  
“Not quite, I’m done with my hair and makeup, just trying to find the sweater dress I was going to wear tonight.”  
Hyunjin hummed, walked up to you, and wrapped his arms around you.  “Is that my hoodie?” he asked. 
 “Yep, I was just remembering how we met and how I was wearing this hoodie the day you asked me to be your girlfriend.  It’s really been a whole year huh love?” 
Hyunjin pulled you tighter, gave you a gentle kiss, and stated, “It has.  And I couldn’t imagine anyone else I’d rather be with.  You're the love of my life, and I want to grow old with you.  I hope you know that.”  
You felt tears pricking your eyes.  You hugged his hoodie tighter to your chest, the woodsy and cinnamon scent of Hyunjin all around you, your comfort.  
“You're mine too.  I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”  
You then dropped the hoodie, placed your hands on either side of Hyunjin’s cheeks, and pulled him in for a kiss.  
‘Yes,’ you thought,  ‘this is the love of your life.’  You were so glad you decided to stop for that sweet treat that day.
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anama-cara · 5 months
swipe right
Rhysand x reader drabble
Summary: After matching on a dating app, you meet Rhysand at your local café for a 1st date. It does not go how you expected. Word count: 2.2k Drabble. AU. Set in the real world. Descriptions of reader’s clothing only. Use of y/n.
Warnings: Minors dni, 18+, Unprotected PIV, fingering (f receiving)
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You’re sitting in a booth with your back against the wall, facing the door. He’s late. You swirl your cup of coffee in front of you. You know you should have waited for him to order, but you felt bad taking up a table and not ordering anything. You dressed up a bit for your date, but not too much. You don’t want to appear like you’re trying too hard, or be over dressed if he wears something really casual. You wear a black skater skirt and a light blue sweater with a silver pendant.
              Did you just get stood up? You stare at your cup, only a third left. The bell above the door jingles and you look up. The world seems to go quiet and you stare. He’s freaking gorgeous. Darkness seems to ripple out of him. The people chatting around you go quiet for a second. Tall dark and handsome would be an understatement, you think to yourself. You blink and avert your eyes before he can catch you staring. The talking around you starts up again. My gosh he is unbelievably attractive. He was handsome in his profile picture sure, but the photo was a bit farther away and kinda grainy, this… him… Your heart is beating embarrassingly fast.
              He glances around the café and his eyes land on you. Your stomach flutters at the eye contact made. He grins and you began to feel that flutter a little lower. He approaches your table, smoothly. So smooth. He moves silently, full of ease and grace.
              You have to clear your throat before saying, “Yes, nice to finally meet you in person.”
              He drags the chair out from the table and takes a seat across from you. You watch him as he moves and gulp. You watch his hands as he grips the chair, broad and strong, watch the muscles flex in his forearms. His arms were tanned and muscled, his biceps tight under his charcoal short sleeved t-shirt. The shirt also graciously showed off his broad shoulders and chest. You knew underneath there hid a very toned abdomen. You said a silent thank you to the shirt. He wore black jeans and black boots to complete the look. Peeking out underneath his shirt collar you could see whispers of a dark flowing tattoo that swept across his chest. It wound around his biceps too. You had never really been a fan of tattoos but suddenly it seemed like the most attractive thing in the world. That is, until you looked up and met his eyes as he sat down as gazed at you, smiling broadly.
              You wouldn’t admit to yourself that you felt a tug between your legs. His eyes were violet. Impossible. He had violet eyes that seemed to dance in the light. You stared until you realized you were being rude and blinked away, hoping he hadn’t noticed your awe. He did. His devilish grin grew.
              “Hello darling���
              Oh fuuuuck. That velvet voice. You were in trouble alright.
              “Nice to meet you too. This is a charming little place you picked,” he says casually, glancing around the café. He looks back to you. “Cozy,” he says with a wink. A flirt.
              He noticed your already half drunk cup of coffee and frowns. “I’m sorry I was late. A friend of mine, Cass, was in a tight spot and I had to help him out.”
You realize you haven’t spoken a word yet. You were too enthralled with his beauty. You shake your head ever so slightly and ask calmy, “Oh no worries. Is your friend okay?”
              “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” he replied with a cocky smile. “He’s just one of those friends that sometimes does stuff without thinking and trouble always seems to follow them.”
              Just then the waitress arrives and stands next to him to take his order. Very close to him. He gives he order quickly – coffee. Black.
              “Thank you,” he says as she writes it down. His voice is polite and quiet. Not at all like the flirtatious tone he had just been using moments ago, despite the waitress flashing smiles and batting her eyelashes, giving all the obvious signals like you’re invisible. You clear your throat. She throws you a glare before leaving.
              “You look beautiful.” Now his tone is respectful. Sincere. You hide your blush.
              What a flirt. But it was working.
              “Thank you.” You give a little laugh. “You look beautiful too.” He smiles at your compliment.
You chat back and forth about all the normal first date stuff: where you both grew up, what you studied in school, what your favorite book was, what kind of music you listened to. You got to know each other, sipping on coffee and giggling at his shameless flirting. Before you knew it two hours had gone by and the shop was closing.
“Where did you park?” he asks. “I’ll walk you to your car.”
“I’m behind the back and down the alley,” you give a shrug. “Free parking.”
He chuckles and stands from his chair, offering you a hand. You take it and he helps you up. He doesn’t let go of your hand. He leads you through the shop to the back door. As you pass the waitress you give her an overly sweet sarcastic smile.
Its late in the afternoon and the sky is a fading blue and the sun sinks into dusk. There’s a street lamp on the road, but the alley is mostly painted in shadows.
He stops and turns to face you. “I had a good time today. When can I see you again?” He’s still holding your hand.
Your mind is blank, he’s so much closer, there’s no table between you, no café full of other people. It’s just the two of you, surrounded by shadow in the still night and he is standing right in front of you, so very close. You could reach out and touch his face, you could…
His eyes move back and forth between your own. The slight anxiety he had from you not answering his question instantly vanishes and he clocks your expression. He takes a step forward, closing the space between you. Your hand floats upwards on its own accord and reaches out to cup his jaw. Your eyes never leave his own and you still look dazed. He smiles to himself and takes another step. You instinctively follow his lead, stepping backwards until your back is pressed against the cold alley wall. He lets go of you and cages you against the wall, hands pressed into the concrete on either side of your head. Your beautiful hand is still cupping his face and he leans into your touch closing his eyes a moment to relish in it. When he opens his eyes again you’re still gazing at him and your glossed lips are slightly parted. He lowers his head and leans in closer, whispering against your skin barely inches away.
“Can I kiss you?” You nod and close your eyes. He smiles and takes pauses, taking the image of you in, committing it to memory before he presses his lips to yours.
His lips are soft and full as they move against yours, taking your breath away. You lift your head off the wall slightly, deepening the kiss. He reciprocates your eagerness and you part your lips, his tongue immediately licking into your mouth. Your hand that was resting on his jaw moves down, lightly sliding along the skin of his neck and collar bone to grip at his shoulder, pulling him closer to you. You hook one leg around his waist to pull his whole body against yours. Any tenderness in that kiss is gone and you are full on making-out. Your body grinds into his and you feel his body tense in response. What is wrong with you? You don’t do this on first dates. You don’t make out with people in dark alleyways. But he has some power of you, there’s just something about him that draws you in and won’t let go. All rational thoughts leave your head as your body takes over, focusing on the feel of his lips against yours, the muscles in his shoulder, the warmth of his body pressed to yours. His right hand drops from the wall and reaches for the leg you looped around him. He hikes your leg up and hold you, slowly running his hand up and down your thigh. Your skin tingles at his touch and you feel yourself getting wetter. His hand moves farther up your thigh and he skims the hem of skirt. He pulls back, gasping. You tilt your head back, leaning it against the wall for support.
“Can I- “
“Please” you immediately respond.
He smirks and leans forward to kiss you again. His hand moves all the way up your thigh, under your skirt and his thumb hooks the waistband of your lacy underwear. He slowly pulls them down, taking his time as his hand brushes against your skin. Not wanting them to fall on the dirty alley floor he tucks them into his back pocket. Maybe you’ll just let him keep them. Then his hand is back on you, gliding up, leaving a trail of electricity at the contact. His touch makes your skin come alive and you arch your back at the feeling.
Gently his fingers reach your core and he runs his middle finger up your seam. He groans into your mouth at the feeling of your wetness. It drags up and down a few times tantalizingly, then circles your entrance to gather slick before sliding back up to your clit. He flicks it then begins rubbing slow circles. You moan into his mouth as he plays with you. His finger glides back down and pushes into you, curling against your wall in the most wonderful way. You break the kiss as you tilt your head back into the wall, pressing against it as your back arches and your hips roll into his hand. He brings his lips to your chin that juts out, leaving a kiss before his open lips trail down your neck. A shiver runs down your spine. Your having trouble figuring out where to focus, his mouth or his hand. He presses his lips into the hollow of your throat then into the bit of cleavage visible above the V-neck collar of your sweater. He sucks on the soft flesh of your breast as he continues to slide his finger in and out of you. It feels so good and you let out a strangled little noise. His hand stills and leaves you to rest on your inner thigh. His eyes flick up to yours and his lips leave your flesh.
“Are you sure?” He asks. His violet eyes are gleaming and eager.
You nod as you reach for his pants in response. You unbutton his jeans and look up to meet his eyes again as you slowly lower his zipper. He is completely still; you think he may even be holding his breath. Your fingers slip under the waistband of his jeans and boxers at his hips. With both hands you tug them down till they rest on his thighs. Even in the low lighting you can tell that his cock is just as beautiful as the rest of him. But he doesn’t give you any time to admire it. He leans you back against the wall again and hooks your leg back around him, holding just below your knee. He gives you a quick kiss before pulling back to wrap a large hand around his thick cock and guiding it into your entrance. He pauses there to read your eyes again before slowly pushing all the way into you. Once he is inside you, he breathes deeply. His hand brushes against your cheek affectionately before he places it back onto the wall. He shits his weight forward, leaning against his hand and thrusting even farther into you, pushing your own hips into the wall. He hits something deep inside you and you let out a moan. Spurred on by your sounds he pulls out halfway then thrusts back into you as he sets up a pace.
It doesn’t take long before you feel your orgasm building.
“Rhysand I’m-“
“Me too darling.” He replies with a grunt as he deepens his movements.
And then you’re contracting around him, holding onto him as you ride your waves of pleasure. Your hand is squeezing his shoulder and your pussy is squeezing his cock as you cling to him. Just as you’re coming down you feel him quickly pull out. He strokes his cock and points it at the alley wall beside you but he sees you lift your skirt up and groans loudly as he spills on your lower stomach. It trickles down onto your mound and your sensitive core.
He lets out a shaky breath and leans into you, resting his head on your shoulder, his cock pressed against your sticky stomach. You feel his chest rise and fall against yours and his hot breath on your back.
“Tomorrow. I’m free tomorrow.” You say and he laughs. It’s a bright, beautiful laugh and you smile underneath him. He presses a kiss to your shoulder then your lips.
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biancadjarin · 1 year
🌾a Roll in the Hay🌾
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pairing : perv!em x innocent!countrygirl!reader
warnings : graphic sex, p-in-v, breeding kink (sorta?)
a/n : hoo boy ok so I’ve been thinking about country girl reader and Eddie for a while, went a little crazy on this one. It’s kinda long, but I hope you enjoy! I have a lot of WIPs and ideas for different types of Eddie’s but it really helps when you guys comment/like/reblog so I know what you want to read more of.🧡
18+ !!!
You hear the crunch of his boots on the gravel outside the barn, your hands finishing up a braid in your horse’s mane. You feel the excited butterflies flutter awake in your tummy, a smile breaking across your face.
“There’s my pretty little baby.” Eddie coos as he wraps his arms around your waist, breathing in your sweet scent deeply. You’re so fuckin’ cute and innocent. In your sweet little blue and white gingham dress, a little bow tied between your boobs. And you never wear a bra. Fuck does Eddie love that. He swept his eyes down your frame, your soft thighs leading to the smooth skin of your calves, frilly little socks peeking out of the top of your boots.
He holds out a tiny bouquet of wildflowers he picked on his walk from his van to here. Tiny white and yellow star-lily’s, a baby pink prairie rose, a little bundle of baby’s breath. He’s always doing little sweet things to make you smile.
You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a tight hug. “Teddy Bear!” You squeak, nicknaming him that after he won you a little blue bear at the carnival. He squeezes the jiggly skin of your asscheeks in his big, calloused hands and lifts you to wrap your legs around his waist, kissing you like he hasn’t seen you in a week. It’s only been about 18 hours. He spins while he’s holding you, making you giggle and get dizzy. “Put me down, Teddy!” You say as more giggles bubble out of your throat.
This has been going on for a few weeks, after you met Eddie and his friends at the Hawkins carnival, you two couldn’t be separated. He kissed you at the top of the ferris wheel, telling you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever met. And he meant it.
“Why have I never seen you around before?” He’d asked, lips leaving wet kisses along your jaw. You giggle into his hair, the feeling of his big hands holding your hips, one of his hands sliding your legs over his thigh.
“I live an hour outside of this town. On a farm.” You reply breathlessly. He pulled back, his big brown eyes looking like a sad puppy’s. “An hour?” He sounded disappointed. He twirls your hair around a finger, his other hand playing with the hem of your tiny Levi’s shorts.
You nod at him, waiting for him to tell you that’s too far away for him to bother. He shrugs, “Guess I’m about to put a lot of miles on my van.” He says, pulling you into his chest, leather jacket arm closing around your shoulder, your head pressed against his shirt, his heart beating fast and the rumble of his voice in your ear. “I’m going to come see you so much, you’ll get sick of me.”
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So Eddie drops you down, still holding you close, his tight jeans and black sweater making him look extra cozy.
“Just missed you so much, babygirl. I hate when we’re apart.” He cupped your cheek and you smiled softly, leaning into his palm like a kitten being pet. “I missed you too Daddy.” That’s your favorite nickname for Eddie. His too. It sends a jolt right to his cock every time.
“So what do we want to do today?” Eddie asks, lacing his fingers with yours, swinging your hands gently. You two have gone to dinners, movies, concerts, taken long car rides. Anything to spend time together. But today, you have other plans.
“Mmm… I have an idea…” you sway nervously on your heels. “But I wanna show you something first.”
Eddie’s eyebrows raise curiously, nodding softly for you to continue. You take a deep breath, “okay. well I went to the starcourt mall last week and bought something for you.” “For me? Baby, you know you don’t have to buy me things.” He starts to chastise you.
“I think you’ll like this gift, Teddy Bear.” You push him back gently, telling him to sit on a hay bale. You lift the skirt of your dress up to your waist, revealing the lingerie you bought.
Eddie releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. His eyes go wide as he looks toward the opening of the barn, making sure no one can see you two. You giggle, “no one’s home, daddy, don’t worry. s’just me and you.”
Eddie’s brain short circuits as he drinks you in. His soft innocent little bunny, your sun-kissed skin, covered in peach fuzz and goosebumps. A sheer pink lace thong covers your smooth core, little flowers, leaves and strawberries embroidered in the fabric. A garter cinches at your waist, thin ribbons circling around your thighs. Silky pink bows hanging off your hips.
“Wow baby, fuck.” “You like it?” You ask, peeking down. “Like it? I’m losing my mind over it.” He says, hands coming out to pull you towards him. You rest your hands on his shoulders as he traces his fingertips over the ribbons, so dainty and small in his hands.
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Or anyone.” He says, looking up at you. The sun setting outside the barn is sending golden amber beams in through the door and Eddie’s caramel colored eyes are sparkling as he looks at you.
“What are you thinking about, daddy?” You ask, sweet as peach pie. “Shit,” he takes a deep breath, pulling your tummy close to his face, his lips kissing any bit of skin they can reach. “I don’t know if I should say what I’m thinking about.” He laughs.
“Are you thinking about fucking me?” You ask nonchalantly. He looks up at you, hands gripping your waist. “You can’t just say stuff like that, babygirl. You trying to kill me?” You giggle at the look on his face. “No, Eddie, I’m serious.” You say, shaking his shoulders softly and wiggling your hips to emphasize your point. Eddie watches as your hips and thighs recoil at the movement, he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold himself back and be a gentleman.
“But I thought you wanted to wait until we’re married?” He asks, sliding back on the hay bale to pull you into his lap. You look off to the side, clearly conflicted with what you were raised to believe and what you really want.
Eddie is a perv but he’s also so in love with you, it makes his stomach ache. He would never want to push you to do anything you didn’t want to do but to be honest, this whole ‘waiting until marriage’ thing has been kind of a bitch. He’s gotten used to rubbing your clothed pussy against his boner for a release, feeling guilty about it every time. But he needs to get off. And you make him so horny.
You whispering “Well maybe we can do… other things.” is all the ammo Eddie needs. He pulls your dress off over your shoulders, watching as your round perky boobs bounce back once the fabric is gone. He groans as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, eyelids hooded as he palms and squeezes your boobs. He lets each fingertip graze over your nipples as you let your head fall back, tingles all over your body. He pinches your hard nipples a little too roughly, a loud moan escaping your throat.
He smiles slowly, “Oh, don’t tell me you liked that. Don’t tell me that because I won’t be able to control myself.” You nod, “Felt good, daddy.” You whimper. His eyes roll back in his head as he takes your nipple in his mouth, his tongue sucking and laving over it while he tweaks your other one. He switches back and forth between them until they’re nice and wet, his lips glimmering with saliva. You rake your nails through his hair, scratching gently at the nape of his neck.
“I feel tingly down there again, Eddie. Remember how I told you last time?” Oh he remembers. Almost had to pull his dick out and stroke it in front of you when you told him. You had been making out, your little hips wiggling, your pussy getting drenched. Eddie loves the fact that he can get you so turned on. He loves that he’s the one who gets to introduce you to all this stuff. He wanted to touch you that day but held himself back. But he’s done holding back.
He pulls a flannel blanket off the top of the hay and lays it out onto the dirty barn floor. He instructs you to lay down, while he unclasps your garter belt and slips your panties down your legs. He sniffs them taking a slow, deep breath, making you giggle and blush before he slips them in his back pocket.
You feel totally bare in front of him, legs spread wide open for him to settle in between. He crouches down, eyes hooded and mouth hanging open as he takes in the beautiful flower between your legs. Pussy lips all pink and puffy, little nub of your clit sticking out under it’s hood just begging for attention. Your tiny fluttering hole is leaking clear, milky fluid that has his mouth watering, he licks his lips to stop from drooling.
He lets his fingers dance through your folds, gathering all your slick. You tremble at his fingers, thighs starting to come together. “Oh none of that baby,” he says pushing your thighs down with his palms. “so sensitive aren’t you?” he asks before landing a little spank to your clit. You moan loudly, hands cupping your breasts and squeezing hard.
Eddie’s in awe of you, so perfect and pure laying open for him. He gets down on his stomach and hooks his forearms under your thighs, guiding your ankles over his shoulders. “Gonna help you get nice and open for me, ok baby? Gonna get you nice and ready.” You bite your lip and nod, eyes closing as his lips trail little wet kisses up your inner thigh.
He spreads open your lips and spits directly on your cunt, watching it drip down and mix with your juices. His mouth attaches to your clit while he carefully, slowly slips his middle finger into your tight hole. His thick finger curls upwards, finding that special spot deep inside you.
You rake your fingers through his hair, pulling his face closer to you and moaning his name. He smiles against your pussy, peeking his head up to admire your fucked out face and tell you how sweet you taste.
He goes back to licking and sucking at your clit sloppily, his wrist working faster to fuck his finger in and out of you. He pulls his finger out to dip the tip of his tongue inside you, so warm and tight around his pink muscle. “Daddy, feels so good, need your finger again.” He dips his first and middle fingers in this time, seeing how much you can take.
“Fuck baby, your pussy’s practically pulling in my fingers.” He groans. He flips his hand so his palm is up and he starts pistoning his fingers in and out of you. Your legs start to shake and he holds them down, fingers squeezing at the flesh of your thighs.
You cry out his name, a tense spasm feeling starting deep within. His thumb starts to strum fast circles on your clit, “c’mon baby. show me you’re a good girl. know you can do it.” He says, out of breath. You squeeze your eyes shut, all sound fading away as your first orgasm comes crashing over you, each wave of pleasure more intense than the last. You cry out, repeating Eddie’s name as you gush onto his hand.
“Fuuuuck babygirl, that’s it. Did so good for me, so fucking perfect.” He says as you come down from your high, catching your breath. “Oh my god, daddy.” you say, exhausted smile on your face.
Eddie palms at his hard length through his jeans, if he doesn’t stop neglecting it soon, he’s going to lose his mind. He leans over you, kissing you deeply, tongue sliding over yours. You run your fingers up his chest under his shirt, helping him pull it off. He pushes his hips into yours, the rough fabric of his jeans scratching at your soft skin. “I need to know how it feels to be inside you baby, just for a minute. I promise I won’t put more than just the tip in. Please.” He begs you, his hands already unzipping his jeans, unbuckling his belt. “Just for a minute?” You clarify. “Cause you know I’m not on the pill, Teddy Bear.”
He growls, “Just a quick minute baby,” he kisses the tip of your nose, “I promise, I just need to feel you wrapped around me.” You nod at him, sweet little smile on your lips. He shimmies down his pants and boxers, just to his thighs.
He shudders as he reaches down to grab his cock, giving it a few tugs as he kisses your neck and whispers a thank you in your ear. Your eyes wander down to look at it. “It’s pretty like you, daddy. Pink like your lips.” You giggle. He smiles, kissing you softly as his weight comes down on you. He looks down between your bodies, letting the mushroom head push through your slick folds. “Gonna be a little bit of a stretch, bunny. But it’ll feel better soon.” He says before pushing his cock all the way in to the hilt. You hold back a moan, focusing on when it’s going to stop hurting.
Eddie’s mind goes blank. Being inside you is more addicting than he thought it would be. He slowly pulls all the way out before sliding back in, just as deeply as before. He lets out a whimper as his face gets nuzzled into the crook of your neck, one hand on your hip, the other holding your cheek.
Your gummy walls hug him tight, like you were made for him. He lets his hips start to hump in and out of you, never fully pulling out, just enough to feel his balls slap against your ass. He keeps going and going and going, whimpering and moaning your name telling you how good you feel.
The painful stretching feeling is gone and all that’s left is pleasure, Eddie’s big thick cock filling you up just right, so much better than his fingers, which you didn’t think was possible.
Eddie’s hands grab behind your lower back, hugging you close to him as he fucks up into you. “So fucking tight baby, never gonna let this pussy go. Gonna make you mine forever.” He grunts as he fucks you hard and deep.
He’s starting to sweat, mumbling curses and praises to you. It feels so good you don’t want it to stop but you start to get worried. He’ll stop before it goes too far you think. His hips pump faster into you, wet sounds and skin on skin slaps echoing through the large barn. “Can’t pull out-can’t. Feels too good.” He chokes out. You whimper, hands pushing his chest, little “no”s leaving your mouth as another orgasm creeps up on you.
His movements get faster and sloppier, short broken moans leaving his mouth as his eyes screw shut, his forehead coming down to meet yours. You open your mouth as a silent moan comes from deep within you, coming at the same time as him. Thick ropes of his cum shoot inside you, his hips flush to yours as he pumps every last bit of his seed into you with a shudder.
You look at him angrily, “Eddie!” “What?” He says, laughing a bit at how cute you sound when you’re angry. “You said only for a minute!” “I’m sorry, it felt too good. Been waiting so long for that.” “You lied to me.” You said, eyes starting to water. He tuts at you, smile leaving his face. “No, no, no bunny, I tried to pull out, I really did. I’m sorry.”
A fat tear rolls down your cheek, “You didn’t try! Now what am I going to do? What if-what if-” you choke out through sobs. “It’ll be fine baby. You’re not pregnant. And if you are, we’ll be ok. All three of us.” You look at him with your big wet eyes, starting to relax and breathe normally again and Eddie smiles softly. He doesn’t regret what he did because he’d do it again. He meant what he said. He’ll make you his forever.
“Yeah?” You ask him. “Of course. Whatever happens, I’ll always be here. No matter what.” He says, thumb swiping away the trail of tears from your cheeks. He kisses you softly, “I love you, Bunny.” You smile, “I love you too, Eddie.”
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stvrni0lo · 10 months
𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
chris sturniolo x reader (fluff)
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summary: chris loves seeing you in his clothes. he grows flustered upon seeing you wear his sweater - the problem? you’re just friends
warnings/notes: none! lmk if i missed anything
requested?: yes!! tysm for all these requests :)
> > >
You were over at Chris’ apartment for what felt like the hundredth time this week. The weather had been less than ideal in LA lately, so he suggested that you two do something fun with Nick and Matt at their house.
You would never turn down such an offer so, of course, you agreed to come over.
Which led you to where you were now.
Chris had his arm draped across the couch behind you. At the beginning you had tried to not pay too much attention to it, but as time went on you began to find it harder to breathe.
It felt like his body heat was transferring onto you, each breath of air he took was louder than it should’ve been. Your senses were extremely hyper-aware at this point.
“I’m gonna go get some water, does anyone want anything?” you asked.
In truth you knew you needed to be away from him before you spontaneously combusted. You liked being near him - but the fact that his arm was so close to you, but not quite touching you, was driving you insane.
“No, I’m okay,” said Matt. Nick and Chris agreed.
Sitting up, you made your way to the kitchen. You hadn’t actually realized how thirsty you were, but now that you were drinking water, you finally noticed. Taking big gulps, you accidentally tilted the cup too hard and spilt it all over yourself.
“For fuck’s sake,” you mumbled, huffing in annoyance.
Chris turned his head towards the kitchen. He stood up almost immediately and walked towards you.
“Are you okay?” he said as he saw you. Once he realized he let out a silent ‘oh’. You knew he was trying to stifle a laugh, but upon seeing your death glare, a serious look took over his face.
He knew better than to laugh when you were annoyed.
“Come on. I’ll get you one of my shirts,” Chris suggested.
He motioned for you to follow him as you walked after him, hot on his heels. You hated the feeling of being wet, especially when your clothes stuck to you.
Chris rummaged through his drawer as he pulled out a sweatshirt of his. It was one of his oversized ones, which was good for you. You loved being cozy on the couch, so this was perfect.
You thanked him as you watched him leave the room to let you get changed.
Pulling the cotton over your head, you breathed in it’s scent. Something about Chris’ natural smell always comforted you.
“I’m done!” you said as you balled your wet shirt up into a ball. “Where should I put my shirt?”
Chris gently opened the door, fully not expecting his breath to be taken away at the sight of you in his clothes. The words seemed to catch in his throat as he stared at you. His eyes trailed down from your neck to your waist, eyes twinkling in delight.
He couldn’t help but think that he should give you his sweaters more often.
“Oh wow,” he breathed out.
Your face grew hot under his stare. He began to make his way towards you, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips. His hands found yours, interlocking your fingers. The look he had on his face almost made your knees weak.
The blue in his eyes met your own colored irises. You locked pupils, barely breaking the contact. Chris noticed the flustered state you were in, and he moved towards you a bit more.
His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What? You nervous?” he said, his lips quirking upwards. What a cocky bastard.
You rolled your eyes, shoving him backwards.
“You wish.”
His eyes trailed down your face. The movement was so quick that you almost didn’t notice it, but his gaze landed on your lips. Just for a split moment.
You leaned forwards, ghosting your lips over his. Your hands found their way to his shoulders, lightly pushing him against the door.
His breath hitched. And you knew you got him.
“Well, look who’s nervous now,” you said.
Pushing off of him, you pulled the handle on his bedroom door, forcing Chris away from the exit.
You could feel his eyes on you as you walked back into the living room. It’s safe to say that he practically sprinted back in there, before finally wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
- - -
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aclowntiny · 11 months
I’ve been thinking of requesting something for a while and saw ur recent post which reminded me to. Congrats on 400! ☺️
I’d like to request a meeting pirate!Ateez reaction, or if you’re not vibing with that Ateez sharing clothes with their s/o (either s/o wearing their clothes or them wearing their s/o’s clothes, I think both are cute!)
Thanks so much for your work and no pressure at all! Your stuff always makes me happy when it comes up on my timeline 🫶🫶
Thank you so much sweetie! Yes, I’m so glad you requested ☺️ that makes me so happy to hear you don’t even know 🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕 I love this idea so without further ado…
(I’m sorry for how delayed this was! The other one will just be on a separate imagine hehe 🏴‍☠️)
Ateez Sharing Clothes With Their S/O
♡ Oh you know this man will lend you anything out of his closet you need to complete your look 👀 If you’re down for it, Hongjoong would enjoy being the one to dress you just to admire how amazing you look and hope you see it too! Every time he dresses you he tries to balance things he wants to see you in, your own style/tastes, and of course including at least one piece of his!
♡ Seeing you in his jacket? Heaven. You are not accepting any jackets from any other men, only his 😤 but don’t worry he’ll smile so big and give you heart eyes the whole time he drapes it over you, handing the other member’s jacket back.
♡ The more pieces he lends you, the more you appear outwardly his, and that makes his heart go crazy. He’ll get extra affectionate and protective, wrapping an arm around you and placing kisses on your cheek. “That looks better on you than on me,” he’ll tell you with a cheeky grin, sliding his arm around your waist.
♡ Slides a ring off his hand and onto yours 💗
♡ But also highkey if he likes a piece of your jewelry he may ask to borrow it!!! What, it would go perfectly with these shoes!
♡ Some of Seonghwa’s clothes just become yours because he gives you his sweater when you’re cold and then lets you keep it 🥺
♡ Sweaters are his favorite because you look so cute and cozy in them! Especially if the sleeves are long on you and you do sweater paws, that’s just the cutest thing in the world to him! He’ll sometimes hold your hands through the sweater paws so you both get warm hands~
♡ Goofball steals a pair of your fuzzy socks one day because he likes them and you tease him that ew, don’t take those, now they’re ruined, but in reality the pattern just suits him more and he looks so cute in your fluffy little garments that you have to give him a kiss~
♡ You two basically trade pieces of jewelry, like he gets one of your favorite rings and you get one of his- it's yours and Seonghwa's version of swapping sim card trays!
♡ If you put on one of his shirts without him knowing, he'll come up behind you, arms snaking around you, and start teasing you. "Well, this is a nice shirt- where did you find this, hm?"
♡ You didn’t know there was an upgrade to being given your boyfriend’s jacket but here we are: being given your boyfriend’s suit jacket.
♡ Yunho and you were attending a formal event and, well, he had a suit jacket and you didn’t, so when you got cold, he was draping you with designer formalwear of all things. You couldn’t help reaching up to feel the shoulders, smiling shyly. “You look great, maybe you should keep it.” Yunho winks, then laughs in spite of himself.
♡ You prefer his jackets, he prefers your scarves. What, they smell like you and are way softer than his big ol thick one?
♡ Sometimes you, instead of looking through a mess of clothing or just because you need a shirt, you grab one of Yunho’s button-ups and throw it on.
♡ Yunho.exe has stopped working. His hands will be on you faster than you can say Timbuktu 👀
♡ You got this huge fluffy wonderful robe drapey fleece cloud of a garment for bedtime when it was cold, and little did you know your boyfriend was going to fall in love with it.
♡ He asked to try it on, and the moment it covered him he pulled it tight, falling backwards onto the bed in bliss. Sure, you’d bought it for yourself, but Yeosang looked so cute, how could you say no?
♡ Compromise achieved: Yeosang wears the open-faced fleece wonder, you just lay on his chest and get wrapped up in it too 🩷
♡ You jokingly stole one of his sweaters as ‘revenge’, pulling it on to see how he reacted, if he fought you on it.
♡ Spoiler alert: he did not, only burst into a shy, loving smile and pull you into his side for a hug, telling you you’re so cute 🥺 you should’ve known with how much it takes to make him mad!
♡ Does that corny thing where he wraps both of you in one long scarf. You can hardly walk but it’s ok because San is so cute as he nuzzles into you from above the soft knit 💔
♡ You also wear his gloves a lot because you forget them so San throws an extra pair in his pockets just for you! His gloves are way softer than yours anyway.
♡ One day, you throw on one of his infamous muscle shirts and flex, both of you laughing but also…San’s lowkey blushing at the sight of you like that 🤭
♡ All of a sudden he’s stammering out ‘u-uh if you want that you can keep it. I mean it just looks really, really good and…’
♡ Since you liked his winter coat last season, he starts shopping for another in your favorite color and material so you can steal it. Smiles with such joy and pride as he drapes the garment over you, helping you into the sleeves, and you gush over how cozy it feels and how much you love it. Mission success.
♡ You needed a shirt one day after swimming, so Mingi gave you an extra t-shirt. Joke was on him, though- you just wanted a Mingi shirt 😈
♡ The next time you guys hang out, you’re wearing it and his jaw drops at the way it fits your body, having not really seen it beneath the night sky and your towel the first time.
♡ Arms go right around your middle immediately, you are trapped in Mingi’s embrace don’t try to get out it’s impossible 😤 well ok it’s possible but then he’ll be sad 🥺
♡ Starts lifting it up slightly as if he thinks something different from usual is going to be under there lmao. Smiles so wide, loving, cheeky, and blissful all in one almost no matter how you react to that.
♡ You start surprising him by stealing his clothes and wearing them since you got such a good reaction the first time! Most of the time he just lets you keep them as long as he can get his hands on you~
♡ Bro he steals your clothes
♡ Loves the way they smell! If you can’t see each other for any extended amount of time beyond, like, a few days or a week he wants something of yours to have with him because your scent helps him fall asleep. Also guilty of cuddling your clothes and pretending you’re there 😅
♡ He loves putting his clothes on you, especially tighter stuff from on-stage, and then telling you how hot you look in them! Buys you similar things to keep afterward even if you just wear them for him 👀
♡ Lives for corny couple outfits, so expect him to buy two of things so you can both wear it or give you something of his so that he can dress to complement! You'll probably have to stop him from straight-up just buying those corny shirts that say 'yours' and 'mine' or 'I'm his! I'm hers!' type of stuff because Wooyoung that's silly!!!
♡ You give him one of your favorite bracelets he's mentioned liking before to wear so he has a piece of you and Wooyoung just melts. Never takes that thing off unless he's showering or something. No other bracelets exist in Jung Wooyoung's eyes.
♡ You guys are engaged in a jesting war over jacket custody
♡ He gave it to you one cold evening and you loved it so much, you joked about never wanting to give it back and he protested, laughing as you pouted, and you dug in your heels until you two were laughing like dorks over nothing. Now you two alternate wearing it a lot, but Jongho remains insistent that it’s his, you just take care of it.
♡ He steals and tries on a hat of yours one day, and as much as you laugh you think it suits him pretty well; suddenly the hat gets joint custody too.
♡ It may sound odd, but he gives you an old necklace of his he doesn't wear much anymore because he likes more traditional gifts like jewelry and then you'll have a memento of him! You're like sorry this is way less sentimental I got you a new watch lmao but don't worry, he needed one and he loves it 😊
♡ The one day you grab one of his shirts, though, something snaps in him and he can’t stop staring. You ask him what, starting to apologize for taking it, but he just shakes his head and holds up a halting hand. “No, don’t be sorry. I really like seeing you this way,” he says, eyes sweeping before meeting yours again.
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dreaming-medium · 6 months
Christmas Wrapping
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Pairing: Changbin x reader (established relationship)
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: fluff fluff fluff
Summary: Your boyfriend is horrible at wrapping presents. How lucky that he has you to help him.
A/N: This isn’t proofread yet, but I couldn’t help but think of soft Christmas Binnie while I was wrapping presents today <3 Enjoy!
“Oh lord.” It comes out of your mouth before you can stop it. Then, your statement is quickly followed by a snort and a laugh.
When you opened the door to you and your boyfriend’s shared apartment, the last thing you expected to see was him standing at your kitchen island wrapping presents.
Poppy Christmas music is playing loudly on the Alexa on the kitchen counter. He’s singing to himself, moving his hips back and forth to the beat.
The softest looking cashmere sweater stretches over his broad shoulders, dress pants barely containing his muscular legs.
He may be wrapping presents, but he’s the one that looks like a gift that’s only missing a bow.
The cherry on top was the Santa hat plopped on top of his curly hair.
‘Wrapping presents’ is a loose term though. The two parcels he’s done already are stacked on the counter with the worst wrap job you’ve ever seen in your life.
The edges were bumpy and lumpy, the paper jutting out in every direction. There was so much scotch tape on the paper you’re wondering if you should’ve picked some up on your way home.
Kicking off your shoes and hanging your coat up, you notice that Changbin hasn’t noticed you come home yet, he’s too wrapped up in his Christmas bubble— no pun intended.
When you pad up behind your cozy boyfriend, you slide your arms around his waist and hug him from behind.
Changbin jumps, startled, and makes a tiny noise of surprise.
“Hi, Binnie,” you coo, squeezing him tighter.
“Hello, my Christmas Angel.” His hands rest on top of yours.
His body heat already warming you up from the outdoor chill.
You peer around his shoulder down at the present in front of you. He’s about halfway through the Holiday Abomination he calls wrapping.
“What are you up to?”
He hums and reaches down to twist the half-wrapped gift around. “I knew we were going to be pressed for time before the party tonight, thought I would help with wrapping gifts so you didn’t need to rush.”
Your heart swells three sizes like the grinch, a genuine smile gracing your cheeks.
“Aren’t you sweeter than a Christmas cookie?” You move around to stand next to him and press a long, sweet kiss to his cheek.
When you pull away from his cheek, he’s quicker. Changbin sweetly grabs your face and presses his lips to yours for a long, delicate kiss.
Pulling away, he rubs your cheek with his thumb. “You’re home early, sugar plum.”
You giggle. He’s made it his mission since December first to call you every cheesy Christmas pet name he could think of.
“My boss let us loose for the holiday.” Once more, you wrap your arms around him, he turns to face you completely.
“How nice.” Another peck to your lips.
“More time to spend with my amazing boyfriend,” you say against his lips.
Changbin kisses you again. “Is he coming?” You pinch his side. He yelps and jumps in your arms.
Again and again he kisses your lips sweetly.
You don’t even bother opening your eyes in between them, you know he’s going to continue over and over again.
Eventually, the kisses move to your cheeks, to your nose, your forehead, anywhere he can reach.
Both of you are smiling like idiots, unable to stop your childish giggles.
“Okay, okay,” you laugh and push his chest to get him away from you.
Changbin whines. “One more, one more!”
“Okay, okay!”
He leans in and kisses your lips; it’s so soft and gentle. Every delightful emotion that comes with the holiday season is packed into it.
How did you ever spend a Christmas without him? All of those Christmas songs make sense now that you’re with him.
When you lean back to separate from the kiss, he leans forward more, grabbing your waist with both hands to keep you close to him.
The two of you are both so whipped for one another— it’s so sweet it could rot your teeth.
You laugh into the kiss, Changbin can’t help but smile against your lips. Your happiness is so contagious.
Turning your head, you wrap your arms around his neck and look down at the kitchen island.
He continues his assault on your face in spite of his ‘one more’ statement.
You can’t even be mad or upset at the terrible wrap job of the gift, he’s helping in whatever way he could think of.
But, my god, it’s so bad.
More and more laughter bubbles from your chest the longer you look down at it. How did he even do this horrible?
“Binnie, my dear?” you ask.
“Yes, my Christmas cookie?” he responds in between smooches.
“Have you ever wrapped presents before?”
Slowly, his kisses slow down, one by one until he stops and turns to look down at the present in front of you both.
His arms wrap around your waist even tighter, his cheek presses against yours.
God, the two of you are sickening to anyone but yourselves.
“Is it obvious?”
Yes. “No.”
You turn and kiss his cheek. “I think it’s great for your first time.” Kiss. “I’ll help you with the rest.” Kiss. “And I’ll show you an even easier way to wrap them.” Kiss.
He laughs against your face.
“Okay, okay, come on then, teach me how to wrap them, Betty Lou Who.”
Reaching up, you pinch his cheek playfully. “Don’t be a grinch.”
Chuckling, he pushes your hand away from his face, feigning pain.
You both turn and look at the present. “Here,” you say, turning it around a bit. “We’ll finish this guy and then do the rest.”
Changbin presses one last kiss on the crown of your hair and turns his attention to the poorly wrapped gift once more.
“Can you man the tape dispenser?” You grab the tape and hand it to him.
He nods, already ripping one piece off.
Assessing the damage, you go to work. It’s a box set of party games that you bought for Felix. He’s been hosting more get togethers at his apartment, and each time, he complains about not having any games to play.
You fold the paper around and make some cuts at the excess.
When you hold your hand out, Changbin sticks a tiny piece of tape to your finger. Smiling, you tape down the paper and spin the box to work on the sides.
You repeat this process over and over with the gift until it’s covered with green and gold paper.
Humming, you look around. “Do you wanna put a bow on it?”
Changbin giggles, “Yes.” He reaches for the bag and finds the bow with the most glitter on it and sticks it right in the middle of the box.
“Okay, now write his name on a label and stick it to the box.”
He follows your instructions and you grab the next present.
A new picnic basket set for Hyunjin. Changbin insisted this was the perfect gift for him.
Thank god it came in a box.
You roll out the sparkly paper and start measuring and cutting. Changbin watches closely over your shoulder.
Fold after fold, you wrap up the gift, your boyfriend continuing to hand you pieces of tape.
He hums and sings along with the songs playing over the speaker.
Before you could even ask, he slaps on a big bow and a premade label.
“Beautiful!” he cheers, picking up the gift to move it to the side.
He puts it with the other completed gifts. The stark difference between your handiwork and his makes you snort.
Three more gifts to wrap.
You grab the nice diffuser you bought for Chan. It came with several scents which you read were great for falling asleep; which he desperately needed.
Hovering over your shoulder, Changbin continues to watch your movements closely.
In between tape pieces, he kisses your neck and shoulders softly. Each press sends goosebumps down your arms.
Within a few minutes, the diffuser is wrapped, a bow placed on top with a label written out.
Changbin grabs the gift and moves it to the side.
You’re preparing to wrap the new knife set for Minho when you feel something placed on top of your head. A soft, white puff ball bounces in front of your eyes.
“Much better for my little snow Angel.” Changbin wraps his arms around you from behind, his nose tucking into your neck.
The Santa hat that now adorns your head matches his.
You lean into his warmth, it wraps around you like a blanket. To the slow rhythm of the music, Changbin sways the two of you back and forth.
You’re still able to reach the gift in his grasp.
Humming to the music, you continue to wrap Minho’s gift. Changbin picks up the tape and hands you pieces.
With the way he’s holding you, it’s like you have a second set of arms.
Which would be remarkably helpful this time of year.
The gift is wrapped before the song is over.
“You want to put a bow on this one?” you ask, turning your head to kiss his cheek.
Changbin looks over to where the bows and labels are on the counter. Dramatically, he reaches his hand out to them. “So far away,” he whines.
Quickly, his arm comes back to wrap around your middle. “Too far away, sorry.”
You kiss his cheek two more times, a dopey smile pulling at his lips. “Drama Queen.”
Pushing the gift to the side, you grab the last one. A laptop stand for Jisung. According yo Changbin, he’s been slouching to look at his in the studio.
“Can I wrap this one?” Binnie asks on your shoulder.
“Of course, baby.”
He releases your waist and comes around to your side. When you don’t move, Changbin looks down at you expectantly.
“What?” you ask with a laugh.
“Assume position, Mrs. Claus.” He motions behind him.
You laugh and grab the tape from him. “Oh, sorry, Mr. Claus.”
As soon as you’re behind him, Changbin reaches behind him to grab your wrists and wraps them around his body.
You’re barely able to peer over his shoulder or around his bicep to see how he’s doing.
Changbin hesitates for only a few seconds before rolling out the wrapping paper.
He smells so nice. You nuzzle your nose into his sweater. A clean, musky scent wraps around your nose. He smells like the holidays.
Your arms tighten around him.
“You’re bad at playing Tape Girl.” He pats your hand.
“My bad, there’s a hulking man blocking my vision.” You rip a piece of tape and hold it for him to take.
Changbin takes the piece from your fingers. “A muscular hunk, you mean.”
“A muscular, sexy, bulging, handsome man.”
“Oh, I like that better.”
You feel him flex his abs under your hands. Giggling, you squeeze him tighter.
There’s some movement, you rip another piece of tape. He takes it.
You take over his previous job of swaying to the music and humming behind him. The softness of his sweater feels so nice against your cheek.
His shoulder muscles move with each fold and turn off the present.
When you rip each piece of tape, he takes it gingerly.
It takes a lot longer than if you did it, but Changbin proclaims the present as finished after a few minutes.
Peering around his body, you warily take a look.
And much to your surprise, the present is neatly wrapped! It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s definitely better than his first two attempts.
“Wow, Binnie!” you say with a smile. “You learn quickly!”
He turns around, you move your arms up around his neck.
Changbin nuzzles his nose with yours in an Eskimo kiss. The two of you giggle like school kids.
His arm raises above your head. Pulling away, you look up to see him holding a small bundle of green ribbon.
“Mistletoe,” he says cheekily.
“That’s not mistletoe,” you tease.
Changbin kisses your cheek slowly, he moves all around your skin, skillfully avoiding your lips.
���Oh, it’s not?” Kiss. “I guess I can’t kiss you anymore then.”
He begins to pull away from you but you just as quickly yank his face back to yours.
“Come here, you big softie.”
He laughs and drops the ribbon on the ground, scooping you up with both arms to kiss your lips.
Each time your lips meet, it feels like the first time. Your heart lights up like a Yule log— his love is warmer than any fireplace, any mug of cocoa you could ever wrap your hands around.
His lips slide over yours slowly, making sure you feel every ounce of his love. Even your heartbeats begin to sync up.
“I love you,” you whisper in between kisses.
“I love you too, my sugar cookie.”
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matchavellichor · 1 year
No Better Way to Warm Up
Sebastian x Ominis x f!MC - NSFW - 5.7k words - ao3
(Part two here!) (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
A/N: no one ask why I'm writing an xmas oneshot in the middle of may, i'm shamelessly procrastinating on my other wips rn lmfao
Tags: Idiots in Love, Pining, Drinking, Cunnilingus, Body Worship, Threesome - F/M/M, Hesitant Ominis, Eager Sebastian
Summary: Ominis, Sebastian, and MC are snowed in the castle together during winter break. After an entire bottle of Ogden's, a long night of banter, and much-lowered inhibitions, the three friends soon find themselves in a rather intimate situation that not a single one of them is apt to resist.
The three friends huddled in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin common room, hands outstretched in front of the flickering flames in an attempt to draw out the numbness in their fingers from the cold. They had just returned from a short trip to Hogsmeade, after much insistence from Sebastian that an assortment of treats from Honeyduke’s was absolutely essential for a proper Christmas Eve celebration, regardless of the harrowing conditions outside. 
Both boys had decided to stay at Hogwarts for winter break to keep their dear friend company, refusing to let her spend her first Christmas in the wizarding world alone. It was a strange feeling to occupy the castle after the majority of the students had gone, but there was also a pleasant sense of coziness in having the common room all to themselves, considering all the other Slytherins had families to go home to.
“You’re going to catch a cold.” Ominis admonished lightly when he noticed she was still shivering after a few minutes. She hadn’t taken off her coat, despite it being soaked from the melted snow, the damp wool clinging to her skin. The blonde sat up from his spot beside her, feeling around her shoulders until he reached the buttons on her front, quickly undoing them with deft fingers. He continued scolding her under his breath as he peeled away the sullen fabric, slipping the coat from her shoulders. Despite how much she’d usually fight him for it, it was admittedly sort of endearing the way he coddled her so often, handling her with a strange sort of protectiveness she’d never experienced before. 
Sebastian was of a similar fashion, though his doting was usually expressed in more subliminal forms and accompanied with a fair amount of teasing to go along with it. Nonetheless, the ways the boys treated her had made her feel more loved than she’d ever felt in her entire life and she found herself growing increasingly attached to them. Their friendship had grown so strong over the past few months, and she would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit she was growing a sense of genuine affection for the pair of Slytherins, though she’d never allow herself to indulge in these thoughts.
She thanked Ominis meekly through chattering teeth as she settled back down in front of the fire. Her sweater underneath was subtly damp and so she begrudgingly decided to remove it as well, draping it over the stone mantel of the fireplace to dry out. She was too preoccupied to notice the way Sebastian’s eyes lingered over her exposed skin as she settled back down between the two boys, at how he traced the outline of her curves under her camisole with his gaze, nor did she pay any mind to the way his face flushed immediately after, chalking up the pink on his cheeks to a side effect from the cold.
Sebastian cleared his throat nervously and shifted his attention towards rummaging through his rucksack and pulling out the assortment of Yuletide sweets. He made sure to purchase an impressive variety, determined to expose her to every facet of wizarding Christmas. He couldn’t help but feel his stomach flutter as he watched her face light up at the sight of them, a smile breaking out on her lips.
Her fingers brushed against his momentarily as she took the sweets from him and he frowned. “Poor thing, you’re freezing.” 
He took her hands in his gently, squeezing her fingers in an attempt to seep some warmth into them. The warmth in his hands seemed to go straight to her cheeks instead, and she reprimanded herself in her head for enjoying the feeling of her hands in his a little too much.
Sebastian pulled out a few bottles of cider next, setting them down on the stone in front of the fireplace to warm as he pulled out one final item that neither of his friends had spotted him purchasing. He set his bag aside and cracked open the bottle of Ogden’s, pretending not to notice Ominis’ obvious disapproval at the tell-tale sound of the bottle of strong liquor opening.
“What? There’s no better way to warm up.” He murmured through the rim of the bottle as he took a swig, grimacing slightly as the firewhiskey burned a path down his throat. He extended the bottle towards the blonde, shaking it enticingly. “Go on now.”
“You’re incorrigible.” Ominis muttered, rolling his eyes before he snatched the bottle from the brunette’s hand and begrudgingly took a drink himself. He handed it back to Sebastian and the brunette held it out to her now, tilting his head in an encouraging manner.
“I’ve never had any.” She admitted sheepishly.
“And you won’t have any.” Ominis objected in that paternalistic tone of his, shooting a stern glare towards Sebastian.
“Loosen up, Ominis.” Sebastian sighed as he pushed the bottle into her hands. “Let the girl have some fun.”
She gave an uneasy smile to Sebastian as she finally brought the bottle to her lips, taking a much larger swig than she probably should’ve. She painfully willed herself not to grimace or show any indication of the burn in a stupid attempt to prove herself in some way. Nonetheless, she choked out a few coughs as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and handed the bottle back to Sebastian, who looked positively delighted with her. 
“See? Takes it like a champ.” He commented, a satisfaction in his eyes that made her feel warm inside.
The next several hours were spent bantering amongst themselves and working down the remainder of the liquor and the sweets, the last vestiges of daylight blurring into darkness as the blizzard continued to rage outside. At some point she had stumbled towards her dorm room and lugged out her gramophone, forcing the boys to drunkenly twirl around the common room with her to the latest Muggle composers. They took turns dancing around with her, Ominis doing so with an impressive amount of finesse, most likely due to years of pureblood etiquette lessons. Sebastian was a bit less poised, nearly knocking her down on several occasions and spinning her in his arms until her head was dizzy. By the end of the night she was nearly in tears on the floor from laughter, her head a fuzzy haze from the endorphins and alcohol.
When the peak of the evening had eventually died down they settled onto the couch together, where she inevitably curled into herself as sleep slowly overtook her, her head falling against Ominis’ shoulder and her legs draped over Sebastian’s lap. The boys exchanged knowing glances in the silence, allowing themselves a few more moments to bask in the serenity of the situation they found themselves in. Neither boy had to say a word, they were both blissfully aware of just how much the other was shamelessly enjoying this.
Sebastian rubbed gentle circles absentmindedly on her legs where her skirt had slightly ridden up and Ominis softly brushed her hair back from her face, delicate fingers tracing her features. They couldn’t help but admire how perfect she felt pressed against them and they would’ve stayed there forever if they could, just listening to her soft breathing. Eventually though, Ominis being the more responsible of the two, cleared his throat and broke them out of their audacious indulgence.
“Come on, love, up.” Sebastian sighed as he begrudgingly stood himself up, running his hands down her shoulders gently to rouse her from her sleep. “Off to bed.”
“But I’m not even tired,” She murmured through a yawn as Ominis stood and helped pull her up from the couch, wrapping an arm around her waist to support her.
“Aham, sure.” Ominis smiled softly down at her as they began their walk towards the girl’s dormitories, Sebastian following beside her. He tangled his fingers in hers and she eagerly welcomed the contact.
“We should have a sleepover,” She remarked eagerly, her speech slightly slurred and drowsy from sleep and the lingering effects of the firewhiskey. “We can…mmh all sleep in my bed.”
“That sounds like a lovely idea—” 
“ Sebastian .” Ominis interjected with a scolding tone. “We’ll all sleep in our own beds.”
“But that’s no fun.” She frowned, turning to the blonde with heartbroken simpering. “Don’t you want to sleep with me, Ominis?”
“That’s — that’s, uh, hardly appropriate, I—” He flushed immediately, stumbling over his words at the innuendo.
“Trust me, Ominis would love nothing more than to sleep with you.” Sebastian informed with a smug smile, amused by the way the blonde turned red and immediately whacked him in the shoulder. 
“You’re…you’re both so…so nice to me,” She continued her dozy ambling, a soft smile on her face. “Mmh, my boys.”
They pushed open the door to her room and settled her on her bed, Sebastian sinking to his knees to undo the laces on her boots and Ominis sitting beside her. She leaned her head on his shoulder and watched Sebastian, his fingers working diligently to get her ready for bed.
“You’re a terribly sappy drunk.” He chuckled, looking up at her. He couldn’t help but notice how absolutely enamored Ominis looked beside her, pink tinging his cheeks.
“It’s quite cute though.” Ominis remarked softly, wanting to stretch these last few moments out for as long as possible before they’d both have to retreat their dorms and have to stifle their longing yet again.
“You’re quite cute.” She replied as she turned to face him, a love-drunk smile on her face and her eyes half-lidded.
Ominis flushed profusely at the compliment, his mouth opening to stammer some nervous reply, but before any comment could be made, her lips were suddenly on his. 
Both boys stood frozen in shock, barely even conscious of what had happened, the gesture feeling like a dream. Ominis looked as if he could faint, and Sebastian was expecting the blonde to immediately have pulled away, but when she curled her small fingers into the front of his robes and he groaned against her mouth, it became clear that not even Ominis, as stuck-up and decorous as he was, could resist the likes of her.
She was the one that finally broke the kiss. Her eyes widened as she looked at Ominis’ flushed face and parted lips, then looked down at Sebastian who was still frozen by her legs in front of her. It was as if the reality of what she had done had just caught up to her, sobering quickly and her cheeks warming with shame. She brought her fingers up to hover over her glistening lips and Sebastian couldn’t help but marvel at how precious she looked, overcome with the desire to leave her that breathless with his own kiss.
“I–I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have—” She began immediately, her voice coated in mortification and he wanted nothing more than to tell her that she had nothing to be sorry about. Confess every single feeling the both of them had harbored for her for the longest time, admit to every hidden fantasy that they had shared over her, every secret desire.
He simply couldn’t help himself. He had shut her up with his mouth before she could ramble, swallowing the gasp she let out against his lips. He slowly rose from his knees, towering over her on the bed and he was delighted when she didn’t pull away, instead her hands coming up to cup his cheeks and pull him in deeper.
“Sebastian, we should stop.” Ominis spoke up beside the two after a moment, his voice strained. He was still trying to muster some composure after what had happened, and this was proving even more difficult as he listened to what was unraveling beside him.  He was desperately trying to cling to rationality and not give into temptation.
“Do you want to stop?” Sebastian pulled his lips away for a brief moment, directing the question towards her.
She paused, staring up at him. She didn’t know what she wanted — a confusing mixture of uncertainty, nervousness, and desire clouded her brain — but she knew for certain that the last thing she wanted to do was stop. She took in a shaky breath before she swallowed, shaking her head.
Sebastian’s lips were on hers again in the next second, his kiss more brutal this time, hungry and passionate and bruising. She involuntarily whined against his mouth and it clearly had an effect on both boys. 
Ominis paused behind her, wide-eyed and considering for a moment. Was this really happening? Should he stop this before things got too far? Did he even have the willpower inside him to stop this?
Sebastian didn’t let any of the blonde’s plans in impeding this come into fruition though, backing her up against Ominis’ chest until she was in his lap. “Touch her, it’s okay.” He told Ominis encouragingly, sensing his friend’s hesitations, before he dove back into her lips.
The feeling of her tight, warm body pressed against his, the soft little moans that Sebastian was pulling from her lips, the brunette’s encouraging words, it was all enough to make his walls crumble. How could he resist when all he ever wanted was right here in his arms?
His hands hesitantly came up to do as Sebastian said, hovering over her skin for a brief moment before he brushed back her hair from her shoulders, his fingers tracing her soft skin as if afraid to touch her. He slowly leaned down, his warm breath sending goosebumps down her spine when he finally attached his lips to the sensitive skin of her neck.
She moaned at the contact and it was all the approval he needed before he allowed himself to give in completely, his lips reveling in the feeling of her warm skin. She was intoxicating and his desire for her ached deep inside him, his trousers strained where she was pressing against him.
“If you want to stop at any moment, if anything bothers you, tell us. You don’t have to do anything you wouldn’t like to.” Ominis breathed against her ear, his self-restraint slowly slipping from him. He had to make sure she was comfortable with this, that she wouldn’t regret this. “Do you understand?”
She nodded, her voice caught in her throat. She was too enraptured by the feeling of their lips on her to form any semblance of a coherent sentence.
“Words, love, use your words.” Sebastian urged gently.
“Yes,” She blurted out, her entire body warming at the term of endearment. “I—I understand.”
She let out a small gasp when she felt Ominis’ tongue on the side of her jaw. He licked a hungry stripe down her neck, desperate to taste more of her. She could feel how stiff he was already as she squirmed against him, his chest pressed to her back while Sebastian loomed over her.
The boys explored every inch of her as if she were a work of art to be analyzed and discovered, to be worshiped and adored and studied intently with their mouths and hands. There was still a gentleness to the way they handled her, one similar to the manner that they always treated her, but she could tell that they were holding back, that they were balancing on the precipice of succumbing to their darkest desires.
It was clear that Ominis was trying to be a mediating force, scolding the brunette when he got too impassioned and nipped her bottom lip, earning a whimper from her and making him fret that they were being too rough. She could tell that even his self-control was faltering though, by the way his fingers dug into her hips to still her when she writhed against him, rubbing against his erection until it was too much for him to handle. 
“Is this okay?” Sebastian asked softly as his hands trailed to cup her breasts t  hrough the thin fabric of her undershirt. “Can I touch you here?” 
“Please,” She breathed against his lips and it was all the approval he needed to rub gentle circles over the sensitive flesh. He palmed hungrily at her breasts, before circling her nipples with his thumbs, smiling at the way she gasped from the contact. He dipped his head down to plant kisses along her collarbone. 
Ominis’ lips left her neck, his hand sliding down in its place and gently taking hold of her chin, tilting her head up and maneuvering her so he could take what he wanted from her. His lips met hers with a desperate urgency, his tongue slipping in her mouth immediately with a hunger to taste her.
“So fucking perfect.” Sebastian whispered against her skin as his mouth trailed down her chest, leaving innumerable kisses as he explored. He took his time when he reached her breasts, tonguing her nipples through her undergarment and soaking the thin cotton with his saliva. 
She was a mess . She could feel the slickness coating her thighs under her skirt, Sebastian pressed in between her legs as he worked at her breasts. Ominis’ kiss was enough to make her head spin, his tongue exploring every inch of her as his fingers tangled through her hair. 
“Let me take this off,” Sebastian muttered in a lust-drunk haze as he groped hungrily at her breasts through the fabric.
“ Sebastian , slow down.” Ominis pulled his mouth away from hers begrudgingly to admonish the brunette for his lack of patience. The last thing he wanted was to rush this, to make her uncomfortable in even the slightest way.
“It’s—it’s okay.” She said breathlessly which seemed to surprise both boys. Sebastian looked up at her for further confirmation. When she nodded, he eagerly began on the long line of buttons on her front.
He was surprisingly slow and gentle while he undressed her, despite his fervent desire. He wanted to savor every inch of her, kiss every tiny bit of exposed skin and make her feel worshiped and cared for. He wanted her to know his adoration for her in every caress, every brush of his lips.
“Arms up, darling.” Ominis ordered her softly when Sebastian began tugging the shirt over her stomach. 
She was on another plane of existence at the moment, her brain fuzzy from pleasure. How could she possibly keep her wits about her when she was sandwiched between two boys that were kissing, licking, and caressing every sensitive inch of her? Thankfully, wits were the last thing she needed right now, and she had never felt safer than she did in the moment, despite her obvious lack of control. It felt so good to be able to trust them so much, to know they would do nothing but care for her and attend to her every need.
Ominis helped her raise her arms, smiling softly to himself at how much of a mess she was, her limbs adorably limp and languid. If she was in this state already, how would she be when they actually got their way with her? They didn’t plan on stopping until they had coaxed multiple orgasms out of her, until she was a weak, little thing underneath them that barely even remembered her own name.
Sebastian slipped the thin piece of cotton over her head, groaning when the sight of her bare chest was finally revealed to him, his hands immediately finding purchase on her skin, kneading the soft flesh. 
“She’s so beautiful, Ominis.” Sebastian breathed out, awe-struck.
“That I already knew,” Ominis murmured dotingly, placing a tender kiss to her temple.
Sebastian’s hands ran affectionately up and down her sides for a few moments, appreciating just how perfect she looked laid out in front of him, only the warm, flickering light from the kerosene lamp beside them dancing over her features. He dipped his head down to let his tongue work at her sensitive breasts, sucking with open-mouthed kisses until he left pretty little marks on her perfect, untouched skin. Ominis’ lips never left hers, pouring all his devotion into every kiss he left on her neck, her cheeks, her lips, every tender little bit of exposed skin he could reach that made her breath hitch in her throat.
The feeling of Ominis’ erection pressed against the small of her back, and Sebastian’s against her inner thigh drove her insane. She bucked her hips, a pathetic array of pleas spilling from her lips that would’ve left her embarrassed from the neediness in her voice if she wasn’t utterly drunk on lust at the moment.
“Where, hm?” He asked softly as his hand trailed over her thighs, the smallest hint of taunting in his tone of voice that made her grow even needier. “Here? Is this where you want me to touch you?”
“S-Sebastian, please—” Her voice caught in her throat as his hand hovered over her core, his fingers brushing over the fabric of her skirt and pressing against her.
“Tell him to stop and he’ll stop.” Ominis reminded her reassuringly and his voice was so soothing, so grounding in her ear that she almost sobbed from how perfect it all was.
“Don’t stop.” She finally begged, grinding her hips up to meet his hand, desperate for any friction to relieve the ache between her thighs.
Sebastian eagerly obliged, unable to contain himself any longer. His hand slipped under the hem of her skirt, coming in contact with the wet fabric of her panties. “ Fuck , she’s soaked.” Sebastian marveled at the sensation, breathless. He toyed with her slowly, rubbing the wetness in with his fingertips. “Is all this for us?” He stroked gently up and down the soft cotton, delighting himself with the way her hips sought out his hand, the soft little whines tumbling from her lips.
“Stop torturing the poor girl, Sebastian.” Ominis chastised lightly, though she could hear the amusement in his voice. He loved having her like this, loved the way she writhed against him, loved feeling her lips stutter against his when Sebastian applied a bit more pressure and the pleasure was too much for her to kiss him back properly. He couldn’t help but imagine kissing her while Sebastian was fucking her to the point of tears, to feel her come undone in his arms and swallow every pretty moan she let out.
“Such a mess,” Sebastian tsked as he pulled her panties to the side, his fingers collecting her wetness. “The prettiest little mess.”
“ Please , Sebastian.” She begged, and it was music to his ears. If she was making all these pretty sounds with just his fingers, he wondered what kind of noises she would make when he was buried deep inside her.
“Give her what she wants.” Ominis said mercifully, his hands coming up to toy with her nipples.
Sebastian sank one finger inside of her, biting his lip at how warm and wet she felt squeezing him. None of his filthiest fantasies could’ve prepared him for the actual feeling of her.
“So fucking tight,” He murmured as he placed gentle kisses on the inside of her thighs, pumping in and out of her slowly, careful to allow her to adjust to the sensation. Her moans only encouraged him, and he reveled in the way she gasped when he eased another finger inside of her. “I don’t think she’ll be able to take us, Ominis.”
“I—I can take it,” She said defiantly, her head falling back against Ominis’ shoulder as Sebastian continued his slow, languid pace.
“Not yet, darling.” Ominis hushed her, kissing her cheek. 
The feeling of Ominis’ hands rolling her nipples, the open-mouthed kisses he was leaving on her neck, the way Sebastian’s fingers curled inside her in just the right spot, it was all too much. When his pace quickened and he brought his thumb to rub tight, little circles on her clit, she saw stars. “Please, please, please, oh God.”
“ Fuck , you’re gorgeous like this.” Sebastian watched intently, wholly infatuated at the way her face contorted in pleasure, her eyes squeezed shut. “Eyes open, I want you to look at me.”
She immediately obliged, her fluttering open to meet his. He looked at her as if she were the most breathtaking sight in the world, taking in every little feature and committing it to memory. He made a mental note to get his hands on a Pensieve after this, so he could replay the image of her falling apart so beautifully on his fingers over and over again.
Sebastian’s fingers hit just the right spot and the coil of tension inside her exploded, her entire body trembling as she let out a strangled moan. He didn’t stop until she was writhing away from him, her hands weakly pushing his wrist away from the overstimulation. Ominis murmured praises in her ear the entire time, brushing back the hair sticking to her sweat-damp cheeks and placing doting kisses to her temple as she came down from her high. 
“Gods, fucking taste her.” Sebastian breathed out as he slipped his fingers out from inside her, bringing them up towards Ominis’ lips. She watched through half-lidded eyes, her head still dizzy from the mind-shattering orgasm, as the blonde licked hungrily from his friend’s fingers, savoring the taste.
It was as if something snapped inside of him and suddenly he was slipping out from behind her, Sebastian quickly taking his place. He sank down to his knees in front of her, his hands coming to rest on her thighs to keep her legs spread for him.
Despite how eager he was to get another orgasm out of her himself, Ominis restrained himself, knowing she was still sensitive and recovering. He adjusted her against Sebastian so that she felt secure in his arms before he leaned down to kiss her slowly, plying her open to him and being mindful of her reactions, making sure he was touching her in all of the right places.
There was a carefulness to the way his lips met hers that made her head spin in the most delicious of ways, a gentleness in the way he trailed his lips down her neck, dragged his tongue over her sternum and then around her nipples. His kisses slowly increased in intensity, his touch becoming hungry and bruising before he sank down to plant kisses along her navel, just above the hem of her skirt.
Sebastian was quiet behind her, as if fully immersed in the sight before him, only the sound of his pants against her ear. She could feel the twitch in his trousers against her back every time she’d moan or let out a breathy gasp. He was utterly enraptured, as if he enjoyed watching her like this, watching Ominis touch and kiss her while she squirmed.
“May I?” Ominis asked, his hands on the clasp of her skirt.
“Yes.” She nodded, semi-conscious of the fact that she’d probably agree to just about anything at this point as long as it meant they kept touching her.
Ominis slid her skirt down with a resounding amount of care, her panties coming down with it. His hands came up to marvel at her hips, squeezing the supple flesh as if he wanted to tear her apart. She was so soft , it was maddening, and some part of him wanted to absolutely ruin her.
She was completely nude now, her only modesty lying in her wool knee socks. She probably should’ve felt embarrassed, exposed, insecure , yet she had never felt more secure and comfortable in her life.
“Beautiful, so, so beautiful.” Sebastian whispered in her ear with an awe-struck breathlessness, taking in the sight of her body over her shoulder.
Ominis’ lips were trailing up her thighs from her knees, torturously slow and deliberate, as if he wanted to savor every inch of her. He bit the sensitive skin of her inner thighs and chuckled when her hips jolted from the contact. “So sensitive.” He whispered and she could feel him smirking against her skin.
He ran his tongue over everywhere except where she needed him most and it was driving her insane. She wanted to beg, cry, anything in order to relieve the growing ache between her legs from the lack of stimulation. Despite her recent orgasm, seeing Ominis in front of her worshiping every square inch of her body made her insatiable once again. 
Finally, as if deciding to grant her mercy, she felt a soft kiss just on top of her mound, watched him rub his nose against it and groan from the taste.
“Please, Ominis.” She whined, squirming underneath him but he increased the pressure of his hands on her hips to still her.
“I know, sweet girl, I know.” He hushed against her skin and the vibrations of his voice against her made her even needier.
“Who’s torturing the poor girl now?” Sebastian chuckled, his warm breath fanning her ear. He placed soft kisses on her shoulder, his eyes glued to the beautiful sight before him. 
Ominis placed another kiss on her mound, just above her clit and she keened, earning a satisfied groan from both boys. It drove her insane, something about them finding great enjoyment in turning her into a pathetic mess, in watching her whine and beg for them.
Ominis’ hands intertwined with hers, pinning them down to the mattress beside her hips as he finally licked a long stripe through her slit, collecting the wetness on his tongue. “Tastes like heaven.” He moaned, his grip on her hands tightening.
“Well, that’s because she’s an angel.” Sebastian smiled fondly, pecking her cheek. Her head dropped back against his shoulder and he couldn’t help but study her face obsessively. It was truly the prettiest sight he had ever seen, her brows furrowed and her lips parted as a pathetic array of pleas and whimpers fell from her little mouth. 
Ominis was growing more insatiable by the second, licking broader and broader strokes through her folds. He shifted his attention to her clit, tonguing soft circles around the sensitive nub until she was moaning his name desperately, her eyes rolling back into her head.
“Feels so good, doesn’t it?” Sebastian whispered in her ear as he watched her writhe, her legs struggling against where Ominis was keeping them pinned to the mattress. “Can’t even keep still, poor thing.”
Ominis slackened the grip on one of her hands, guiding her hand to his head. When he increased the pace of his tongue on her, she instinctively tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling on it. He groaned in satisfaction at the sensation, desperate to bring her to climax soon, concerned that if he kept this up any longer he’d be finishing in his pants.
“Ominis, please — oh, God don’t stop.” She moaned, her hands holding his mouth pressed against her cunt. He had never experienced a greater euphoria than this, his fingers digging into her thighs so roughly he was sure he would leave marks.
“So fucking perfect,” Sebastian moaned against her skin as he planted searing kisses along her neck, leaving marks all over her skin. “Cum for us, just like that, God — that’s it,” His hands kneaded at her breasts, rubbing over her sensitive nipples until she was a mess. “Our pretty girl.”
She reached her peak with Sebastian’s encouraging words in her ear, her wetness dripping down Ominis’ chin, and he savored every drop, lapping at the evidence of her climax hungrily. He didn’t pull away until she was pulling at his hair and pleading, overcome with pleasure. She twitched from the aftershocks as he finally came up to kiss her and he couldn’t help but smile against her lips, the taste of her on his tongue.
“You’re better than I could’ve ever imagined, do you know that?” He whispered, overcome with satisfaction at her soft little pants, at the way her bare chest heaved underneath him.
She gave him a soft, pleasure-drunk smile, barely able to form any coherent thoughts, much less words. She was on cloud nine, utterly high from the endorphins, a languid, syrupy mess in between the two boys who were still kissing her softly as they eased her down from her second orgasm.
They wanted to coax a third, fourth, fifth out of her but could tell by her inability to even thoroughly keep her eyes open that they had probably reached her limit for the night. Their focus was completely on making her feel as safe and cared for as possible, at earning her trust and confidence, thus they knew they had to take this slow. There would be other opportunities to leave her thoroughly sore and fucked out, that they were sure of, but tonight wasn’t one of them.
The boys shifted her until they were laying on the bed on either side of her, their arms wrapped protectively around her. She barely had the energy to move a muscle, but she decided to force herself anyways, eager to return the favor from all the care she had received tonight. 
Her hands came into contact with Sebastian’s belt but he quickly stilled them, pulling them up to his lips to place soft kisses on her knuckles. “Not tonight, love.”
“But I—”
“Another time.” Ominis assured her, his lips brushing over her bare shoulder. “Rest, darling.” 
“But you didn’t—”
“So concerned,” Sebastian chuckled, placing a chaste kiss on her lips and caressing her cheek with a feather-light touch. “We’ll survive, I promise.”
She settled back against the pillows reluctantly, sandwiched between the two boys. Ominis pulled the covers over the three of them and she had never felt more loved than she did at the moment, listening to Sebastian’s heartbeat as she rested against his chest, Ominis pressed flush against her back as if any personal space between them would be unbearable.
Ominis traced soft patterns over her arms, reminiscing in the feeling of her soft skin on his fingertips. Sebastian was of a similar manner, his thumb brushing back and forth on her hip bone. 
“There’ll be another time then?” She whispered sometime in the stillness of the aftermath, just before she let sleep overcome her.
“Oh, certainly.” Sebastian answered quietly, his arms around her tightening. “Or did you think we were letting you go after this?”
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inkorganic · 6 months
The Way Things Are
Featuring: Tomura Shigaraki x female reader cw: 18+ minors do not interact, smut, unprotected sex, reader has a quirk, messy, loss of virginity Word count: 4.5 k AO3
The days unfolded more as they passed. Blending like watercolors, transforming into a jumble of warm mornings, hazy afternoons, and cold nights A month passed, and it was hard to believe; however, the calendar on your phone couldn’t be lying, or maybe it could. After all, you didn’t have a recollection of ever using your quirk in this exhausting way.
Maybe it could mess with the internal clocks of phones too. Concealing your presence was an easy job—a hum that surrounded your life, making you almost indestructible and undetectable.
A cozy blanket that kept you safe well into your early adulthood Concealing others was a different story, though, having to synchronize with their heartbeats and breaths. The unwelcome familiarity of discovering the patterns of the league. You were the newest member; a few weeks didn’t make a significant difference, but facts are facts.
They already had a well-established dynamic; it’s not that they didn’t attempt to incorporate you. Making friends was simply not on your list of reasons for joining this organization in the first place. Allies were required to accomplish your end goal; the plan was to keep them safe with your quirk, and they would assist you in exacting your revenge.
You have to stay inside the tiny cabin. No , you thought this was hardly a cabin. It’s a shed not meant for staying for more than a night or to be used as temporary shelter, but the times were rough and the money was cut off many weeks ago. Getting used to the pungent smell of rotting wood was still an active project.
The wood panels that acted as walls provided minimal protection from the weather; if it rained, you knew because the water formed poodles on the already-molding hardwood flooring.
This was better than staying outside , you told yourself as you checked your ratty sleeping bag for ticks and other unwanted companions. Getting a bug bite-transmitted disease would be the cherry on top of this disadvantageous situation.
That night, it was only you and Tomura in the room; the other members decided to flee for liberty. The only night the leader decided to take a real break and not only a few hours to rest
Even Spinner excused himself; you didn’t have anywhere else to go, and your head pounded painfully behind your eyes like a second heartbeat with the uninterrupted use of your quirk. You might as well take the chance and turn it off for once.
Being a loner, even in a group of other outcasts, was funny in a way. The night was setting, and soon Tomura would enter the room, nod at you, and ignore you for the rest of the night until the sun rose again.
The only change in the routine was that tonight he would sleep in, which made you nervous. You were used to the others being here, coming and going, murmuring greetings, and asking if suddenly food decided to manifest itself in the pantry.
You didn’t realize you had fallen asleep until the soft noises of Tomura setting his sleeping bag woke you up. You didn’t mean to pry into his nightly routine, but you couldn’t help it. The dim lighting provided by the sad portable light cast shadows on his face, making his dark undereyes more noticeable and deeper. The crazy rhythm he set for himself was starting to wear him down. Suddenly, he looked five years older in the span of a few weeks.
He was down to his t-shirt, but the night was so cold , you thought. Maybe it was your people-pleasing personality or the fact that you wanted to talk to someone about anything. You left the warm cocoon of your sleeping bag to go look into your things for a spare hoodie, sweater, or anything warm.
He lifted his eyes and did the usual thing he did: he nodded at you, and you nodded back in silent acknowledgment. This time, though, you offered him a hoodie.
“It’s cold” You haven’t used your voice in hours, so it came like a hoarse whisper. His gaze went from your face to the hand offering the garment.
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“Your hands are shaking.” You were talking in whispers, the same tone you would use when talking to a feral cat. “I’ll leave it here.” You crouched slowly. Again, he looked tired and easy to piss off, and he was already easy to provoke when he was in a good mood, so it was better not to poke at him.
“Whatever,” he sighed.
You stayed there a little. Listening to the sounds from outside the walls. Letting your hands grow colder so you can warm them up later inside your sack. Watching your nails turn purple with poor blood circulation and then returning to a healthy pink. Pretending you were on a camping excursion with friends and not on a terrorist mission with people you barely spoke to, your thoughts made you giggle. The absurdity of it all
“What’s so funny?” He sounded more annoyed than tired, so maybe he did want to talk.
“I’ve never been camping.” And with that, you got up and crawled back to your small personal space.
“Me neither,” he said after a long pause.
Just above a whisper from his mouth, it felt like a small win to get him to speak about other things that weren’t his plans for the league or video games. You let the moment go too far; the opportunity to converse was halted. Soon, his steady breathing told you he was asleep. Good for him; you knew he needed the sleep.
You couldn’t make yourself sleep tossing and turning for what you felt were hours. The cold claimed your body, and your breath was visible in front of you in wisps of steam. How much did the temperature drop? It was hard to know for sure, but the bites from the bitter cold were eating your fingers, leaving flushed cheeks, stiff toes, and clattering teeth behind for you to endure.
It never crossed your mind that you could miss having all the members of the league around to provide human heat, but here you were shivering inside a thin sleeping bag in the middle of nowhere.
You wondered if Tomura was doing better, so you tuned in to check on him. To see his half-lidded eyes already staring at you. You noticed he was wearing your hoodie—another win for your small record. No, like you were keeping a record.
“Y/n” He broke the silence, his voice husky and tired.
“Can you turn on your quirk?”
You were not expecting that at all. You sat slowly, warming your hands with your breath.
“The buzz sound—I got used to hearing it.”
You could accept his petition, but you could also get something from him—a mutual favor: he wanted the side effect of your quirk, and you wanted a source of heat.
“Sure, but can I move closer to you?” The words left your mouth, and they turned into ribbons wrapping themselves around your neck, too accustomed to never asking for anything from anyone. To want was to desire, and desire was why you ended up as a stray on the edges of society.
“You don’t need to be close.” He replied, stating the knowledge he had of the way your quirk worked. It tasted too much like rejection—the oily, sour aftertaste setting in the back of your throat.
“That is true.” You shrugged, letting your quirk wrap around him. His heartbeat joined the sounds inside your head, along with the palpitation of your headache. He was upset; probably his pulse was faster than it should be considering he was lying down.
“Is it easier to use if you’re close?”
“No.” You sighed, shaking your head. “I’m cold, that’s all.”
He kept his eyes on you, actually taking notice of your presence for the first time since you joined the league. You wanted to be out of this situation. A wave of stress settled on your shoulders, and the tightness of your chest made it harder to breathe. You didn’t like being noticed; it was easier to be in the background, taking little space.
“I smell!" Tomura snorted, almost chuckling. Almost. It's another win for the record.
“We all do.” You let a chunk of your stress be dissolved by a short laugh. “We all should bathe and soak there for a few hours”.
He chuckled this time. You joined him. It felt delicious. You felt normal for once in a while.
“You can move closer.” He whispered reluctantly, his rapid heartbeat hammering the back of your head. Maybe it was invasive to get a glimpse of a clue to how he felt without disclosing it, but no one asked, and you were not about to go. Hey, just letting you know that I can hear and feel your heartbeats inside my head. Sorry about that.
You rose, your steps muffled by your socks. He was already making space for you. You lay beside him on your side, facing him. The sleeping bag was slightly bigger than yours, but still, your knees were touching, and suddenly you gained awareness of all your limbs and their positions. The way you bent at uncomfortable angles to avoid touching him more than what was inevitably necessary. It was warmer and nicer too, even if you were never going to voice such a thought; your fingers were finally allowed to regain blood flow.
You wanted more. You wanted to take more; the ache for human contact was tingling at your fingertips, so close to another human yet so far. You longed to be the one who takes, not the one who stays empty-handed, and god, you were as empty as you could be; nothing belonged to you.
So in a moment of impulsivity, with his heartbeat driving you insane and his knees touching yours, you decided to press your mouth on his closed lips—a peck. You waited for him to push you away to try and turn you into dust for the audacity of daring to kiss him. But he didn’t; he remained still. A muffled sound coming from his throat was the only acknowledgment you got.
You pushed it more; it was addicting—the heat from his body and the way he tasted the musky smell from him—making you wish you could get inside his clothes. You parted your lips, trying to deepen the kiss. His hands found their way to your upper arms, squeezing them in a fourth-finger grip, not pushing you away, not pulling you in either, just keeping you there. The guilt made you draw back.
Your mind was racing as your stomach tangled into tight knots. But then you saw his face, eyes closed, and brows furrowed together.
“I can’t touch you.” He murmured, his breath tickling your mouth. Letting go of your arms, he set his hands into fists on his sides.
Now his gaze was on your eyes, his pupils engulfing the red of his irises. He wanted to give in to physical pleasure; he never really let himself explore before. His life had always been about controlling decay, and he didn’t particularly like the fact that your quirk could potentially make you immune to his.
He used to indulge in fantasies where he met someone who he could touch and who would not squirm away from him in fear or disgust. Then he met you, gentle-faced and not quite made for a villain’s life but with a useful quirk he was not going to turn down.
He decided later on that not having the power to get rid of you if needed was not something he was fond of, contrary to what he initially thought. Still, he wanted to dig his fingers into the plumpness of your hips, knowing that you would stay whole. He could not afford the distraction though, so keeping you at arm’s length was necessary.
Tomura didn’t imagine you were going to be the one to close the distance he so carefully crafted. Even more so, he would let you effortlessly do it too, giving in so easily to a gentle gesture, a tender kiss, and a kind caress.
“I don’t want to.” He ran his hand through his hair, the pale locks stealing highlights from the faint portable light. “I should not want to.” He spoke to himself, attempting to assure himself that he had no special interest in you.
One of his hands moved to your nape, drawing you closer. He didn’t allow you the chance to flee and hide in your sack; the hand on your neck brought you back to his mouth. This time, he was the one who started it. Too quick, too eager, too hungry—his kiss was clumsy and inexperienced. You bit him softly, trying not to break his chapped lips any further, just enough to make him stop for a second.
He was perplexed.
“I thought you wanted”— I thought you wanted me , left unsaid. He whispered, tilting his head to get a better view of yours. “You kissed me first.”
“I do,” you said, attempting but failing to conceal your hesitation. “I did”
You fell into an awkward silence, peering into one another’s eyes but not daring to break it again.
“Why? He inquired. His glance flew to your lips, then up to your eyes, expecting to find the answer he was seeking.
“I felt like it.” 
That was not what he was expecting, yet again. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to hear; for months, he had prevented his attention from wandering to you and your ridiculous quirk.
He was aware that he was not in love with you. That was not something he believed himself capable of; not even lust was something he frequently indulged in; usually, it concerned physical sensations, the twitch in his lower abdomen, and the slight relaxation that followed. That was a checkbox on the pyramid of needs that humans had to meet.
“Do it again?” He whispered, giving in. He could swear the buzzing of your quirk started to have a rapid heartbeat-like pattern.
The previous uncomfortable silence was preferable to this conversation. The consequences of your actions didn’t make themselves wait; they showed up barely minutes after kissing him.
“Do it again?” You echoed his words with an unsure voice.
“Don’t act like that now. I’m not the one who started this with the excuse of being cold.”
“It was not an excuse; I was cold,” you replied.
“Yeah, well. You certainly aren’t anymore." He trailed off, his gaze fixed on you. A frown formed on his brow.
“Should we talk about it?” You inquired shyly.
“What? Now you want to talk. You never say anything and have never actively participated in our missions! Now suddenly, you’re interested in discussing things? Acting like a damn NPC,” he retorted, his tone laced with skepticism.
“You never complained before.” You mumbled.
Successfully, you annoyed him in record time. He laughed wryly.
“Is this a fucking joke? Is this how you entertain yourself?” He leaned forward, his mouth close to your ear. The breath hitting your skin made you shiver. “You think that because I can’t use my quirk on you, you can just do anything you want to me without consequences?”
“Of course not. Look, I apologize for what I did. I’m leaving” You said to walk away like you often do when things become too difficult to handle. “Let’s pretend it never happened.”
You crawled out of his sleeping bag with all the dignity you could muster, shuddering when your calf accidentally brushed against his forearm. You didn’t get far; well, Tomura didn’t let you get far. He grabbed you by the ankle.
“You don’t get to just walk away from this.” He stated. “Not when we work together every day. And not after you just kissed me out of nowhere.”
The chill from the floor pierced your bare foot as your sock turned to dust. Your quirk buzzed around your body, repelling his.
“You thought you could get away with it? Just do whatever you want to me. It doesn’t work like that.”
“Then what do you want? I offered to talk, and you said no, but you also said no to me, leaving you alone. Yes, I shouldn’t have kissed you, but you kissed me back.” You huffed. “Just let it go.”
You were purposefully ignoring the fact that he did ask you to kiss him again, and you rejected him. It was terrifying to understand that the very first kiss was more than simply impulsiveness; perhaps you wished for a warm body to exchange body heat with, but not anyone you wanted his.
“You shouldn’t play with people’s feelings like that.” He definitely didn’t take it well. He yanked on your ankle, sending pain through your leg and forcing you to step forward. Your hands broke your fall; kicking him instinctively, your foot connected with his shoulder, causing him to hiss.
“What’s the matter with you? You yelled. He had already sat down when you turned your body to face him. “Why do you act like that over something as insignificant as a kiss?”
“It’s not about the kiss,” he said, sighing. Tiredness framed his face, and his skin was as irritated as ever. The faint sounds of nature outside flowed through the room as he sat there. This situation was entirely your own creation.
“Don’t kiss me and then reject me.” He mumbled. You knew that saying that cost him. “That’s cruel”
You gulped, drooling like an animal in captivity who had just been thrown a piece of meat after long weeks of starvation. Slowly, your finger brushed the shoulder that you were pretty sure you’d kicked.
He lifted his gaze, doubt written all over his face.
He hesitated to answer. Licking his chapped lips before talking.
“Kiss me or leave.”
The bluntness of his statement left you frozen, but you couldn’t deny the pit of desire ignited in your body. The hand that was on his shoulder moved up to his face, cupping his cheek. His breath hitched, and you launched yourself forward, pressing your mouth to his lips.
Your tongue traced the outline of his scar. Tomura opened his mouth, capturing your tongue and licking it. He didn’t know where to put his hands; maybe you would not decay, but your clothes were another story. He settled for burying his hands in your hair.
Starting to feel lightheaded, you dropped your hand to his chest, not that you needed it to feel his heartbeat. You never retrieved your quirk effect from him; his pulse was hammering rapidly in your head, making you wonder where all that blood was traveling.
He quietly gasped, breaking the kiss. He glanced into your eyes, and that’s when he knew you were into this as much as he was. He kissed you on the neck, his breath caressing your sensitive skin and causing you to jolt when he nibbled the spot where your neck meets your shoulder, forcing a moan out of your mouth.
He stiffened; he could never have thought a little sound like that coming from your mouth could have such an effect on him as electricity rushing down to his groin, feeling himself grow harder. Self-conscious about the possibility of you noticing his erection, he pulled aside a little.
“What?” You muttered.
“Nothing,” he lied.
“Do you want to stop?” You asked.
“Can I touch you?” Your desire was palpable in your speech.
He nodded. And you ran away with the confirmation. You reached out to touch the rough lines that composed him, and as your hand went to his lap, he quickly wrapped his hand around your wrist, not with any real force.
“We can stop." You started, but he interrupted you.
“I already told you I don’t want to stop,” Tomura snarled. “I just need a moment.”
You chuckled under your breath.
“Why are you acting like a virgin? We are just making out!”
He looked dumbstruck, and his saliva-coated lips parted in an expression you didn’t think he was capable of. He coughed, wiping his face. The realization hit you like a fist to the nose. Of course, he didn’t have any experience in this department. It wasn’t even hard to guess.
You pushed the virgin too far. With a vice grip, he yanked your hair; the pain was registered later on by your nerves when he was already pushing you to the sleeping bag. He pinned your hands above your head, brutally stretching your shoulders, making you trash under him.
His narrowed eyes met yours. His lips were tugged down so deeply that you could see the specks of blood blooming from his chapped lips. Tomura was mad, tired, and aroused.
You inhaled deeply, allowing the air to fill your lungs. Hopefully, the newfound oxygen in your bloodstream could help you find a way out. Suddenly, he let go of your wrists, choosing to nuzzle your neck instead.
“I’m tired,” Tomura mumbled, sounding muffled and defeated.
On the other hand, you were restless. His hair was brushing your cheek, and his breath condensed on the skin of your neck, leaving a moist, warm feeling behind. You ran your hand through his hair; it was softer than you imagined, curling around your fingers.
He sighed, rolling off you to sit beside you, making the old wood flooring crack under him. The cold indignantly filtered through your body again, missing his body heat. Like a moth to a flame, you wrapped your arms around him and turned to bury your face in the crook of his neck. You could get used to his smell and the way his pulse quickens beneath your lips.
“Sorry.” He whispered.
“Just hug me back,” you replied.
He took advantage of the situation by slipping his hands under your sweater. Tomura's hands were warm, which was ironic given the destructive nature of his quirk. No one else was going to love the texture of his fingertips tracing lines on their backs except you.
There was no lust in his touch at the beginning, but that didn’t last long, with his contact growing hungry and desperate. You straddled him, his finger digging into the small of your waist and bringing you closer, encouraging you in. Tomura lifted his head to meet your eyes and opened his mouth, hesitating to speak.
There’s no need to speak, you thought. Kissing the corner of his mouth and licking the dry blood from his lips, the faint coppery taste only served to feed your desire for him. Your arousal would already be coating his lap if it weren't for the thick sweatpants you were wearing. You needed him to stop being so shy.
“Decay my clothes." Your speech was muffled against his mouth, but he heard every syllable, replaying it in his mind over and over.
“You’re insane,” he whispered back.
“Undress me then."
"Huh? I'm not going to strip you." For a split second, you assumed that meant he didn't want to go any further with you. You were gloriously incorrect. He gently pushed you on your back again, this time placing his palm on the back of your head to ensure you would not get hurt. “Not fully. You’re cold, remember?”
A hasty hand slid down your pants, his thumb hooked in the waistband. You arched your back to help him undress you with the combination of his warm hands and the cold room. He mostly kept his word, only setting one leg free from your pants and underwear.
As eager as he was, you battled with the button of his jeans. Pulling it until his erection sprang free, you wish the room were thoughtfully illuminated so you could see all of him. This time, he didn't wrap his hand around your wrist to stop you.
Instead, he sank his finger into the swell of your hip, stealing a gasp from your mouth, encouraging him to touch you more as he pleased. Without losing any more time, you stroke his cock, slowly caressing his flushed tip with your thumb, smearing the precum down his length.
He jerked forward, biting down a whiny moan.
Your mouth was on his neck, kissing and licking him, down to his collarbones, tasting his salty skin. Tomura was on cloud nine; your hand was warm and soft around him, and you were doing this willingly.
“Please Y/n” He was not used to asking for permission; he was raised with the encouragement to take whatever he desired when he wanted. For some reason, he wanted you to give yourself to him without having to force you.
“Let me help you." You whispered Tomura jolted when you guided his cock to your entrance, wrapping your legs around his bony hips. Tomura grabbed you by the waist, burying himself in the inviting wetness of your cunt.
You heard yourself cry out a moan at the sudden stretch. Just like the first kiss, he was sloppy and rhythmless. No, that he cared at that very moment. You felt so good clenching around his cock.
"Tomura." You breathed out his name.
He grabbed your plushy thighs, parting your legs further. He wanted to be inside you so deeply that you would feel like something was missing when he pulled out.
You pulled his hair, sending delicious tingles down his neck. Tomura pressed his mouth to yours forcing his tongue inside your mouth as he  began to set a pace sending waves of pleasure with each thrust
“I want you to cum with me. What should I do?” He asked, panting in a hoarse whisper.
“Touch my clit while you fuck me."
His thumb found the bundle of nerves, and a wave of pleasure invaded your body, making you breathless and gasping for air. You knew he was close when he started to moan in your ear. His hips rocked intensely. Tomura felt his abdomen clenching, and he gave in to your grip. The world stopped for a moment, and it was only him and you. Putting your hand behind his nape, you draw him closer, kissing him while you reach your peak.
Tomura plopped on top of you, still to the hilt inside you. The spasms, remnants of your orgasm, emptying him further inside you. Kissing your sweaty temple, he rolled off you.
You didn’t want to think you’d regret this so soon after it was over, occupying your mind with cleaning the mess before it dried in a sticky nightmare instead. You used your remaining sock to clean his cum that slid down your thighs.
After you fixed your clothes, you turned to see Tomura, who was already sleeping on his side, giving his back to you. Odd. Well, he did say he was tired. In one of many kind gestures, he wasn’t sure he hated or loved; you fixed his clothes by pulling his jeans back on.
He looked content with his usual scowl, relaxing to a neutral expression. Finally, you settled for letting him sleep alone in his sleeping bag; eventually, you’d have to talk with him; he owed you a pair of socks after all.
When you were seeking a shield from the cold in your sleeping bag, exhaustion had already claimed your body. You were drifting to dreamless sleep.
You will regret this.
Chap 2.
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bvidzsoo · 7 months
Love made me crazy...
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TW: mentions of a panic attack, and just an overload of fluff and delulu lol
Word count: 2,5k
A/N: Uh...hi? I don't want to talk about it, okay? I don't know what's happening to me because I keep writing and writing when I have so many other things to do, it's maddening. But this is solely Jongho's fault: 1. he keeps bias wrecking me, and I love this man so much that I can barely contain myself at this point; 2. he just had to mention the first snow fall in Korea man...; 3. I love Choi Jongho. Anyways, this is a small scenario/drabble, I don't even know what to call it. I hope you all enjoy it and leave feedback, I really appreciate it! Happy reading!
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            There was something about winter time that you didn’t particularly like. Perhaps it was the sun going down too fast, coating the world into darkness at 5 pm already, or perhaps it was the cold which never seemed to go away, seeping into your bones, making it a constant reminder that you handled warmth and summer a lot better. But then there were also things you absolutely loved about winter: the cozy clothes you could wear, the hot chocolate with marshmallows you could frequently enjoy, the Christmas Carols which became annoying once the holiday was over, the joy and excitement you felt wrapping up presents and then opening yours, the possibility to go skating on a warmer day, the relief of entering a warm place after being out in the cold for too long, and the snow. The snow was your number one favorite. You couldn’t wait for it to finally fall, the first snow holding a deeper significance. If you were with your lover while the first snow fell, that meant eternal love and a lifetime spent together. The thought alone could make you giggle and you muffled your mouth with the paw of you thick sweater, having gotten off track while studying. The holidays were right around the corner and winter break would soon start, you wanted to get some homework done before you’d be on your merry way, and what better place to do that at other than your university’s library? The studious ambiance helped focusing on your task at hand, feeling determined to finish your assignment in cultural studies. It was a subject you weren’t fond of and found it hard to sit yourself down and proceed with the assignment, but after all of your friends have handed in theirs, you realized the deadline was dangerously nearing, and so, you finally committed yourself to doing it. If it weren’t for the library and all the other hard-working students, you probably would have given up after half an hour. But now, three hours later, you stood proudly, and admittedly quite tiredly, as you stretched in your seat, a grin on your lips. It was almost 7 pm, the library would be closing in just an hour. You only had to write the conclusion for your assignment, but that was something you could do in the comfort of your room too, so, you grabbed the two books you have used for research, and stood, turning to walk to place them back on their respective shelves. One section wasn’t far from your desk as you quickly found where the book belonged to, having memorized the shelf and two other books you have taken them from beside. Then came the last book, which was more towards the back of the library, where the lights were dimmer in order to save up some costs since no students sat around there. You turned to the left, walking down between two large bookcases, eyes narrowed at the titles of the books. Your vision was slightly blurry as your eyes hurt from having stared at your laptop for three hours without a break. You realized you had turned onto the wrong row, so you went to check out the next one, successfully finding the empty spot where your book belonged. You cheered very quietly, pushing the book back to its place, just as you felt hands on your waist, squeezing. You yelped loudly, grateful that you were in the back and not bothering anyone, as you quickly turned around, slightly terrified by who would sneak up on you like that, but your heartbeats slightly calmed at the familiar face of your boyfriend.
“Jongho!” You whisper-shouted as you lightly slapped your boyfriend’s chest, his lips pulling up into an adorable grin, cheeks puffing up and eyes twinkling with amusement, “You scared me!”
“I thought my girlfriend would be more aware of her surroundings,” Jongho teased as he ruffled your hair, making you pout, “Especially when a handsome man like myself was trailing her—”
“Ey, Jongho, now you’re just asking for—” You tsked as you narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend, who slightly stepped closer, making you walk into the shelves behind you.
“Asking for a what?” He asked cheekily, making your heartbeat pick up again. Jongho and you had been dating for two months now and you knew you should have gotten used to his antics, his shameless flirting and playfulness, but you could never quite do so. He always said something which took you off guard or made you a blushing and stuttering mess. Like right now, as he jut his lips out and made kissy faces, teasing you as you pretended to be annoyed, desperately trying not to giggle.
“Who’s the one asking for a kiss now?” You teased back, but only blushed more when Jongho smirked, leaning closer, your noses almost touching.
“I can’t help myself when my girlfriend is so cute.” You would’ve rolled your eyes but Jongho’s soft lips were pressed against yours, making your eyes close as your arms went around his shoulders, pulling him into yourself. Jongho’s hands wrapped around your middle, smiling into the kiss as your lips assaulted his eagerly, having missed him all day long. He had classes early in the morning and then he had to attend his swimming classes, his tournament was soon coming up, he had to train hard. You didn’t even agree to meet up today, but his presence was more than welcomed as you had been thinking about him all day. Your lips moved softly against each other, kisses drawn out and slow, Jongho taking his time in tasting you and the hot white chocolate you had drank not too long ago—you had to sneak that into the library, but what the librarian doesn’t know about won’t hurt her. You revealed in Jongho’s comforting arms, his honey like cologne sweet and familiar. He felt like home, like that cozy place you’d frequent because you grew to love it and made you feel safe, protected from the cold outside world. That’s how Jongho made you feel like, safe, and like you could conquer the whole world with him by your side. He was the sweetest person you had the luck of meeting and far the most loving person in your life. He was so easy to love, your heart felt full as your lips moved together, breathing in each other, wrapped up in your own world before Jongho slightly pulled back, seemingly breathless. It made you chuckle as you cradled his cheek and rubbed his flushed soft skin with your thumb, not even trying to fight off the huge smile on your lips.
“I missed you.” You couldn’t help but giggle as you allowed the confession to slip past your lips, and Jongho’s face lit up even more as his cheeks flushed a darker shade of red, lips pouting as he looked down embarrassed, but still nuzzled his face into your hand. Sometimes he made you wonder how you survived his cuteness without having a heart attack yet.
“I missed you too, how was your day?” Jongho asked as he raised his head up again, and kissed your cheeks slowly, slightly distracting you from what you were about to say.
“Way too long without you by my side, but—” You giggled as Jongho bit your cheek lightly, “I finally managed to do my social studies assignment!”
Jongho hummed and pulled away to be able to look into your eyes, “Finally, I thought I’d have to tie you to a chair myself and force you to do it.”
You snickered and lightly punched his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his neck again as you pressed a quick kiss against his cherry red lips, “And how was your day?”
“Productive and practical,” Jongho said confidently, eyes glinting with mischief, “I have mastered how to keep you out of my thoughts, you won’t be able to bother me anymore when you’re not with me.”
You gasped dramatically and tried to step away from Jongho, but his arms tightened around you as he grinned, fingers flexing against your sides, threatening to tickle you, “Don’t pout like that. If I keep thinking about you only I will lose in the tournament, and then I’ll be really sad.”
“You won’t lose, Jongho, you’re phenomenal, I’ve seen you compete before.” You encouraged him with a fond smile, having seen him competing before. It’s actually how you got to know of the existence of Choi Jongho. Your best friend had been a big swimmer until an awful injury, which led her to now enjoying going to swimming competitions, cheering for her once fellow teammates and rivals. Apparently, Jongho and her used to train under the same coach, so when she heard that Jongho went to the same university as the two of you while maintaining his swimmer career, she was exhilarated to go and see him compete. And, of course, she dragged you with herself, trying to convince you why you should also pick up a few swimming lessons as you couldn’t swim very well. The match seemed to be quite interesting, but you found yourself bored throughout the half of it, having to excuse yourself to the bathroom. On your way back is when you ran into Jongho, quite literally, as he came stumbling out of the men’s restroom. He seemed to have trouble breathing and when you noticed he couldn’t really form coherent sentences, it became obvious by his lack of breathing pattern that he was having a panic attack. Your best friend having those quite often, you were familiar with the process, and you managed in helping Jongho calm down, only to find out that he got proposed to join the national swimming team. Since he was already nervous from the current match, and that combined with the shocking news he had just gotten it lead to him feeling overwhelmed, which then lead to a breakdown. After you were sure he was feeling fine, the two of you parted ways and you went back to my best friend, explaining why you came back later than expected. And much to your surprise, after the event was over, your best friend forced you to wait with her for her long-time friend, only to introduce you to the guy you had helped with his panic attack, Choi Jongho. You seemed to run into each other quite frequently at university after that, and after a few in passing quick conversations, Jongho asked for your number, which you gladly gave to him. That was probably the best decision of your life.
“What would I do without your support…” Jongho mumbled to himself before he pecked your lips and stepped back, offering his hand for you to take, “Are you hungry? Want to grab some dinner on our way home?”
“I’m a bit tired, if you don’t mind, we could just hang out at my place instead of eating out.” You said as your fingers interlaced and the two of you took off towards your table. Jongho wore an ankle long dark brown coat, his black ripped jeans peeking through as he walked.
“That’s fine by me,” Jongho answered quietly with a smile, “how do you feel about some Chinese take-out?”
You grinned as you nodded your head at him, “That would be lovely.”
            After gathering your things and placing them in your backpack, Jongho and you were off towards the Chinese take-out place, hands clasped together, and noses hidden behind your thick scarves. Jongho talked about his day, told you about meeting his new coach and instantly taking a liking to him. He mentioned how Hongjoong got the call too and would be joining their team, leaving Jongho ecstatic that his best friend would be once again by his side not just out of water, but in water too. He knew you wouldn’t see each other for a month as he’d be touring the country very soon, so very enthusiastically he showed you the calendar on his phone and what plans he had made for the two of you for the remaining days of the month, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible. You couldn’t help but tear up a bit at how attentive and caring he was, pecking his cheek lightly despite Jongho hating PDA; he didn’t exactly complain as he turned his head and stole a swift kiss, making you giggle. Just as you crossed the road, the Chinese restaurant a few steps in front of you, something wet fell on your cheek. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked up, dreading the thought of rain as you hadn’t brought an umbrella with yourself, and by the looks of it, Jongho didn’t have one either. Jongho noticed how you had stopped moving and he turned around, eyebrows raised as he gazed at you curiously, your eyebrows furrowed as you stared up at the dark cloudy sky, white specks helter-skelter falling from the darkness above. Your eyes widened as more wet spots fell on your face and you raised your free hand up high, opening your palm to catch the small snowflakes. Jongho’s eyes wandered around in surprise as he took in the sudden snowfall, fingers tightening around yours. It was the first snowfall of the year. Upon realizing this, your lips pulled up into a huge grin and you beamed up at Jongho as his eyes found yours. That gummy smile which you loved so much was back on his face and he gently tugged on your joined hands, pulling you into his chest.
“Would you look at that,” He muttered with amusement; however his eyes were filled with fondness, “The first snowfall of the year.”
“Just when I was walking with my boyfriend, how convenient.” You chuckled as your nose scrunched up and you leaned in, kissing the corner of your boyfriend’s lips.
“You know what this means…” Jongho trailed off, grinning as the snow continued to fall around the two of you, wrapping the world into a white blanket.
“I do, Jongho.” You whispered, suddenly feeling shy as your boyfriend cooed at you.
“I suppose you’ll be stuck with me forever now.” He said quite smugly, shrugging nonchalantly as he made you laugh, content about the prospect of having to live his life with you by his side.
“Wouldn’t want to have it any other way,” You brought your joined hands inside your jacket’s pocket, fingers having frozen by now, “I love you, Jongho.”
“And I love you too, pookie.” The nickname made you burst into laughter, but you pulled Jongho into a hug, burying your head into the comfort of his neck, the inside of his scarf warm against your skin. Your nose was freezing and Jongho yelped when he felt it pressing against his hot skin, making you chuckle. But he didn’t pull away as he patted the snow out of your hair, feeling content.
“Let’s go inside before we turn into statues.” He mumbled close to your ear and you nodded, agreeing with him. The moment might’ve felt magical, but you fancied knowing your body wouldn’t freeze over. With your hands still intertwined, you hurried inside the Chinese take-out place, giggling as Jongho ruffled his hair, making it stick out in odd places.
Yes, perhaps there were no coincidences. You could totally imagine living your life with this one lovable human being.
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Masterlist (divider)
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Vaya Con Dio
Dio Morrissey x f!reader
Dio thinks he's got her all figured out, but she's got a few tricks up her cashmere sleeve.
wordcount: 3K
story playlist (which I highly recommend listening to while reading)
warnings | 18+ *smacks fic like a car salesman* this bad boy can fit so much depravity in it. SMUT, kinda angst? pegging, duh
a/n | Dio Morrissey - if you don't know him, get to know him, law and order, babes, he's my new favorite freak ;)
It’s too easy, really. He has it down to a science. The library on fifth is the best for this, being so close to the NYU campus. Smart girls, but not too smart, not smart enough to get into Columbia. And good girls, studying in the stacks on a Wednesday afternoon, pulling their little cashmere cardigans bought by daddy closer around their shoulders. Dio gets to kill two birds with one stone this way, brushing up on his important literature (he’s really into Scientology these days) and finding a pretty little thing to take home for his dinner. 
Today is no different. He’s got his eyes set on a baby pink sweater set, and a cute little headband that matches, plush lips wrapped around the eraser of a pencil, brow furrowed in concentration over whatever she’s working on. Showtime.
He sits down in the seat next to hers, nothing more than a glance his way before she focuses back on her textbook. It’s a script by now, certified. He watches the clock, aimlessly flipping through a book, waiting the requisite five minutes before sitting back with a huff, slamming his book shut with a dull thud.​​ That gets her attention, winged-eyeliner focused on him now.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. It’s just– your aura– it's mesmerizing to me.” A little quirk of a lip-glossed smile is all he needs to know that he’s got her, leaning closer on his elbows to hear her response.
“Does that line work on other girls?” Kitty’s got claws. He can work with that. 
“What? You don’t think I mean it? How you wound me, pretty girl. You see, I have a good feel for these things. I’m drawn to beauty, to pureness. I just couldn’t help myself when I saw you, I had to come talk to you.”  Her eyes narrow at him as she lets out a breathy giggle, shaking her head lightly at his words. Got her. He slings his arm over the back of her chair, leaning in real close, letting his lips crook up like he’s got the most delicious secret to tell her.
“Do you wanna get out of here? Go somewhere a little more, mm, cozy, so we can really talk? I’d like to get to know you better.” Her perfect french manicure twists around her pencil as she bites down on her lip, and he doesn’t even need to hear her speak to know what her answer is.
“This is me, home sweet home, or something like that.” He grins, all teeth, as she ducks under his arm and into his shitty little apartment. He doesn’t have much, just a futon and a pile of clothes, some books, a stove that works half the time. But he doesn’t care about possessions like all the sheep. Besides, chicks dig it, it adds to the whole effect.
Her heels click on the peeling linoleum floor, spinning in a slow circle as she takes in the space before her wide eyes finally settle back on him. 
“Come get comfortable, baby. Let’s talk.” He coaxes her over to his futon, sitting down next her, his thigh pressing up against hers as he slings his arm over the back of the makeshift couch. Her eyes are focused on something behind him, and when he jerks his chin over his shoulder and sees that she’s looking at his bong propped next to the futon, he grins. 
“You want a hit, pretty girl? I’m happy to share.” He’s already reaching for it along with his lighter as she answers him.
“Oh, um, sure. Actually I was looking at what’s laying next to that, but I’ll take a hit.” When he realizes what she’s referring to, the dark purple strap-on that’s haphazardly laying on the ground, he can’t help but chuckle.
“You ever seen one of those before, baby?” He revels in her wide eyes as he turns back to her, fiddling with his lighter to fix up the bong for them.
“Do you use it a lot?” 
“I enjoy partaking, yeah. Why? You looking to try it out?” Not really expecting an answer from her, he takes the first hit from the bong, his eyes not leaving hers as he lets a slow slip of smoke out of his mouth.
“Here, pretty girl, let me show you how to–” before he can even finish, she’s taking the bong and lighter out of his hands, hitting it with the deft precision of someone who has done this many times before. She blows the smoke out with a smirk, the haze directed right at his face. He hates to admit it, but it throws him off his game, just a little, though he’s quick to compose himself with a smirk of his own.
“Well, well, aren’t you just full of surprises? You do a lot of this in coll–” She’s surprising him again, setting the bong on the floor before straddling his thighs, her little mini-skirt bunching up at her hips. Her hand cups his cheek, a soft touch that he can’t help but lean into, his own hands resting on her thighs. But as she slips her fingers back into his hair, her light touch turns hard all at once, nails grazing his scalp as she tugs his head back, pressing a kiss to his bobbing throat. 
“You know, baby, I’m not really interested in doing any more talking.” This is a first for him, and it’s not that he minds exactly, but he did have a whole routine ready for her, and she just stepped all over it with her pretty pink kitten heels. But he doesn’t have much time to get pissy about it, not when she’s tugging him by his hair into a kiss that’s all tongue and teeth and sticky-sweet lip gloss. 
It’s too easy, really. She has it down to a science. Boys like this, who think they have the whole world figured out and wrapped around their black nail-polished fingers, are her favorite. She knows how unassuming she looks, and she knows what they think of her. Innocence lost, an easy target, something sugary sweet to sink their teeth into. She revels in proving them wrong.
“Dio– that’s not your real name, is it, baby? Why don’t you be a good boy and tell me your real name?” She tugs him back by the hair at the nape of his neck, his eyes wide and dark as he looks at her, mouth agape and spit-slick, remnants of her lip gloss smeared glittery on his lips. His Adam's apple bobs, fingers flexing where his hands are curled on her hips. She’s got him surprised, guard down, mind swimming in her shocking sour-sweetness. She’s got him right where she wants him.
“It’s– it’s Shane. My name is Shane.” Not so tough now, are you? She grins, leaning in and letting her lips just graze over his, tongue flickering out over his top lip.
“Shane, you wanna have some fun together?” 
“Mmhmm, yeah, I– yes.” She has to giggle at his frantic answer, the jerky nod of his head, and she pulls him in for another hard kiss, licking into his mouth as she grinds her hips down on his already prominent bulge. She pulls away just as fast though, dragging his bottom lip between her teeth before letting it snap back in place, getting up off his lap to stand in front of him with her hands on her hips.
“Why don’t you take your clothes off for me, pretty boy?” He doesn’t need to be asked twice, shrugging out of his leather duster jacket, standing up in just his black wife beater and chains, making quick work of his belt, toeing off his boots and shucking off his pants, all the while keeping his eyes glued to her, lips parted and dazed.
“You can leave the hardware on, baby, silver suits you.” He gets what she means, nodding and tugging his tank top over his head but leaving his chains, a nervous little smile quirking his mouth as she steps forward and shoves him back down onto the futon. 
When she straddles his hips again, there’s a whole lot less fabric separating her throbbing core and his obvious hardness, grinding the damp cotton of her panties down over the bulge in his boxers. He lets out a low groan when she swirls her hips, the sound getting stuck in his throat when she licks a hot stripe up the strong slope of his neck. 
“Fuck, you’re– you’re unreal.” 
“Oh, Shaney, I assure you I’m very real.” They’re so predictable, you’d think she’d be bored of this particular flavor by now. But she can’t help herself, there’s just something too good, too delicious, about putting a guy like this in his place. She pulls him into another kiss, yanking him in by his chains as she coaxes him to lay out on the futon. When his hands start to tug at her sweater, however, she’s quick to pull away.
“Ah-ah, what do you want, baby? Use your words for me.” He’s breathless, hazy, looking up at her through pretty lashes and a furrowed brow.
“I– can you take that off?” 
“I mean, I can–” he doesn’t like that one bit, practically growling in frustration as his hands squeeze at her hips.
“Would you take it off, fucking– please?” She stifles her giggle, rubbing her palms on his chest before shrugging off her cardigan and peeling off her tank top. It’s an awkward shuffle, but he’s happy to help her as she shimmies her panties down from under her skirt, holding her steady as she lifts one knee and then the other to flick them away. 
“There, that’s better, huh, baby?” He’s trying to get the upper hand again, only answering her with a grunt as he guides her back down with a hand on the nape of her neck, tongue dipping and flickering into her mouth. But she doesn’t let him have control for long, pressing her hips down hard, her dripping cunt grinding over his boxer-covered length. He goes just slack enough at the sensation, sighing into her mouth, that she can start crawling up his torso, his dopey eyes flickering with recognition of what she wants.
“Oh, fuck yes.” As her thighs frame his face, she swings her legs around before he can pull her down to his mouth, her hands splaying out over his taut stomach as she now faces his legs.
“This ok for you, Shane?” The only answer she gets is a low rumbled mmhmm before he pulls her hips down, licking a flat stripe through her folds that catches her by surprise. She hadn’t exactly been expecting him to be good at it, but he is, he really fucking is. That perfectly arched nose of his is notching at her entrance as he slurps at her clit, and she can’t help the gasp she lets out when his teeth graze that spot, lurching forward until her hands are on the tops of his thighs. She noses at his cock through his boxers, pressing heated little kisses along his length before tugging the fabric down and oh, he’s pretty everywhere. Flushed pink, thick enough to set spit pooling in her mouth, a cute little curve to him that she traces with the pads of her fingers, his groans thrumming through her cunt. 
When she does take him into her mouth, the moan he lets out into her core makes her dizzy, coaxing her to take more and more of him until there’s a stretching ache in her jaw. He seems just as encouraged, pulling her hips down harder, his palms kneading and groping at her ass as he alternates between licking into her and dragging his tongue over her clit. The only sounds are their equally salacious mouths, spit-slick gasps and moans that are sending her over the edge before she can even clock it, her cunt spasming around nothing as he licks her through it. While her hips jerk in his hold, trying to get away from the sensitivity, he only firms up his fingers on her ass, continuing to lap at her through the aftershocks as she can only meekly kitten lick his throbbing cock. But then her eyes focus on something laying next to the futon, something dark purple, and she nearly kicks him in the head, wriggling out of his grip and turning around to look at him. 
“Wait, I wanna do something else with you, Shaney.” He’s an obscene vision looking up at her, lips swollen and glistening with her, chest heaving, pupils blown wide as he nods jerkily. She grins, reaching behind them to pick up the strap-on.
“Where do you keep your lube, baby?” 
It isn’t much longer after asking that question that she stands before him, adjusting the straps of the harness around her hips as he clutches the bottle of lube in his hands, knuckles white as he watches her. 
“You–you’ve done this before?” She smirks at him, stepping forward and tilting his chin up with her fingers, pouting her lips as she tilts her head at him.
“What? Is it so hard to believe that I know how to have fun too? Don’t worry, Shaney, I’m gonna take such good care of you. Now why don’t you be a good boy and get my dick ready for you.” 
“Fuck, that’s hot–” He seems to be saying it absentmindedly, murmuring it to himself as he uncaps the bottle of lube, squirting some into his hand before slicking it up and down her plastic length. It’s such a power trip, standing over him as he strokes her fake dick, dark eyes looking up at her all the while. 
“That’s good, baby, thank you. You wanna get on your hands and knees for me?” He moves in a flash, and she has to admit, she likes a man so responsive to orders. She kneels behind him, bringing a palm to his low back as she squirts a little more lube over his hole, giggling at the huff he lets out at the sensation. She notches the tip of her plastic dick at his hole, leaning over him so she can whisper in his ear as she presses her hips forward.
“There you go, baby. Gotta relax for me, huh? Gonna take care of you, just need you to open up for me. There it is. Feels good, yeah?” He whimpers, the poor boy, fingers gripping at the sheet covering the futon as she stills inside him, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck. 
“Tell me when I can mo–” “Fuck me, please– I– you– just, fuck me.” She smiles into his shoulder blades, pressing a kiss there as she arcs her hips back, a sweet and slow drag that makes him groan.
“Aw, you like it slow, don’t you, baby?”
“Uh-huh, sl-slow is good– fuck, you’re good at this.” His breathless praise makes her laugh as she leans back to really work him, keeping her slow, circuitous pace as she reaches around to stroke his dick. As a matter of fact, she has done this before, many times, and she is good at it, savoring the grunted curses he lets out, his hips pressing back against hers with each thrust. 
“You gonna come for me, Shane? Gonna give me what I want?” 
“Yeah, yes– shit, just keep– keep doing that– oh my god.” She snaps her hips a little harder, a little quicker, dragging her nails down his spine before holding his waist steady to thrust into him with a little more intention than the lazy strokes she had started out with. Keeping one hand anchored on his hip, she leans forward, bringing her other palm to his throat, a suggestion of pressure, her french-tipped nails curling ever so slightly. 
“Being so good for me, baby. Want you to come for me, just like this. Can you do that for me? Be a good boy and come for me.” He lets out a whine that sort of sounds like an mmhmm, and she can just catch a glimpse over his shoulder of his scrunched-shut eyes and slack jaw.
It’s not long after that he comes with a string of punched-out curses, collapsing onto his forearms as she presses her hips against his with one final stroke. He whimpers when she pulls out, his legs splaying out as he slumps down into a puddle of his own come, resting his cheek on his forearm as he catches his breath. She’s quick to get up, slipping the harness down off her legs and stepping out of it as she walks over to his “kitchen,” filling up the one chipped glass he has at the sink and bringing it back over to him.
“Did so good for me, Shane. Here, have some water, baby.” He presses up on his elbows, eyes still scrunched shut as she coaxes a few sips out of him before setting the glass down next to the futon. He slumps back down, cheek squished against his forearm, his eyes barely opening to watch her get dressed. 
“Are you a succubus?” She glances over at him, smirking at his cute, pale ass on full display. 
“You wish, baby.” She slips her cardigan on with a satisfied sigh, stepping into her heels and grabbing her purse as well.
“Are you– you’re just gonna leave now?” He squints up at her, still laying on his stomach, his head propped up in one hand. She hums at his question, taking a quick glance at her watch, really more for effect than anything else. 
“Mmhmm, I have dinner plans. But this was fun, yeah?” His face is completely slack, lips parted in clear confusion, though she doesn’t give him much of a chance to respond, clicking her tongue and breezing over to the door.
“Wait, I don't even know your name.” 
“You don’t need to. Bye, Shane, thanks for the good time.”
taglist (come get y'alls juice): @wannab-urs @beskarandblasters @cutesyscreenname @pr0ximamidnight @swiftispunk @gab-thelamb-onthemoon @thereaperisabitch @running-writing @leeeesahhh @toxic-seduction @str84pedro @mydailyhyperfixations
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alatushours · 6 months
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☆ WINTER WONDERLAND, genshin men — when the snow keeps you indoors, what are you doing to pass the time?
contents. features zhongli, kazuha and albedo. gender neutral reader. holidays, fluff ♡ word count. 457
notes. i’m posting this just two days after my last one i’m proud of myself :muscle emoji: here’s a sweet little winter drabble for you all, and i am planning a longer piece to be (hopefully) posted on christmas day <3 also zhongli debut ! ! !
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zhongli brews hot drinks for you to share. earl grey tea for him, and a mug of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream for you, to enjoy by the warm fireplace.
“there’s nothing like a cup of warmth to brighten up your day,” he says, setting a wooden tray down on the table. “drink it while it’s still warm, love.”
you smile and nestle up to him with your hot chocolate in hand, watching the flames roar in the hearth as you sipped from the mug.
“you have something on your face,” zhongli remarks. you turn to face him, confused. he swipes a finger across the corner of your lips, revealing the dollop of whipped cream on his index finger. “there, all gone.”
you laugh, giving him a kiss. “who needs hot chocolate when i have you to keep me nice and cozy?”
albedo takes the snow day as an opportunity to spend time with his lover. he accompanies you the whole day, doing whatever you want to do.
you wanted to make gingerbread cookies for your christmas party, so he helped you shape the batter into trees and presents and candy canes. while they were in the oven, you sat by the window, staring at the snowfall outside.
“look, ‘bedo!” you exclaimed, pointing at the snow-covered rooftops. “it’s like i’m looking inside a giant snow globe!”
“oh, so it does.” albedo smiles at your childish shenanigans. “if the snowstorm lets up, perhaps i’ll bring klee out to play later.”
a long afternoon of decorating cookies and wrapping presents later, albedo finds you asleep on the couch, a half-finished knit sweater in your lap. your lover chuckles to himself before going off to find his art supplies. he hasn’t drawn in a while, perhaps now is the perfect moment for a new masterpiece.
kazuha spends the day in bed with you; telling stories of winters back in inazuma while you play with his hair.
he shared how, back in his youth, there would be sparrows in the trees and snow foxes that frolicked in the snow-covered fields.
“were there big festivals with sparkly lights?” you ask him.
he nods. "there were festivals, but none as big as the ones here," he replies. "like the one being held today."
you sit upright, remembering what day it was. “wait! the winter wonderland extravaganza? that’s today?!” you sighed. “oh archons, i completely forgot! we wouldn’t have been able go anyway, with this freak snowstorm going on outside.”
kazuha laughs. “well, i suppose that means we can take another nap, hm?”
well, you couldn’t say no to spending the whole day in bed doing nothing. you smile and climb back under the covers, feeling your boyfriend’s warmth. “i suppose it does.”
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end notes. fastest i’ve ever wrote something omg 0.0 i hope it didn’t seem too rushed, but i wanted to get something short and sweet out before a longer piece that i hope to be posted on christmas day!
© alatushours 2023. please do not copy, modify, or translate my work in any way, nor upload to any other platforms. in the meantime, if you enjoyed, please like, reblog, and comment! it helps a lot ♡
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shuastars · 12 days
under the same stars
songs : night changes by one direction, photograph by ed sheeran
in the bustling corridors of the high school, jeonghan was often overlooked. to most, he was just the quiet, bespectacled boy who spent more time in the library than on the sports field. his mop of dark hair often fell over his eyes, and his oversized sweaters gave him an unassuming presence. yet, there was an undeniable charm in his intelligence and the way he meticulously organized his notebooks, filled with intricate diagrams and neat handwriting.
you, on the other hand, were known for your vibrant energy and your knack for bringing people together. as the captain of the debate team and the editor of the school newspaper, you were always at the heart of the action. your paths rarely crossed until one fateful aternoon.
it was a particularly busy day in the library, with students cramming for the upcoming finals. you had come in search of a book in rhetorical strategies for your next debate, only to find it missing from its usual spot. frustrated, you approached the librarian, mrs kim, who pointed you toward the secluded corner where jeonghan sat, engrossed in the very book you needed.
taking a deep breath, you walked over to him. “excuse me, jeonghan, right ? i was wondering if i could borrow that book for a bit. it’s really important for my debate preparation.”
jeonghan looked up, his eyes widening slightly behind his glasses. he nodded and, without a word, handed you the book. as your fingers brushed against his, you couldn’t help but notice the warmth in his touch and the slight smile that tugged at the corner of his lips.
“thank you,” you said, a bit taken aback by his quiet kindness. “how about i buy you a coffee sometime to repay you ?”
jeonghan’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and he nodded again. “that’s sounds nice”, he replied softly.
from that moment, an unexpected friendship began to blossom. you found yourself seeking jeonghan’s company more and more, drawn to his quiet wisdom and gentle demeanor. he, in turn, seemed to enjoy your lively stories and infectious enthusiasm. the two of you made an unlikely pair — the vibrant social butterfly and the shy intellectual — but it worked.
one chilly autumn afternoon, you decided to take jeonghan up on your coffee offer. the two of you walked to a cozy café near the school, where you spent hours talking about everything from favourite books to future aspirations. jeonghan opened up in a way you had never seen before, his eyes lighting up as he talked about his love for astronomy and his dream of becoming an astrophysicist.
“why didn’t you ever join any clubs ?” you asked, sipping your hot chocolate.
jeonghan shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. “i guess i never felt like i fit in. i’ve always been more comfortable with books than with people.”
you reached across the table and squeezed his hands. “well, for what it’s worth, i’m really glad we met. you’re one of the most interesting people i’ve ever known.”
jeonghan’s smile widened, and he squeezed your hand back. “i’m glad we met too.”
as the weeks went by, your bond grew stronger. you started studying together, and jeonghan even helped you with your debate research, his analytical mind proving invaluable. in return, you coaxed him out of his shell, inviting him to join group activities and introducing him to your friends. slowly but surely, jeonghan became a more prominent presence in the school’s social scene, though he still preferred the quiet sanctuary of the library.
one evening, as you were working on a particularly challenging debate case in the library, jeonghan leaned over and whispered, “do you want to see something amazing ?”
curious, you nodded. he led you up to the school’s rooftop, where he had set up his telescope. the night sky was clear, and the stars shone brightly above. jeonghan adjusted the telescope and motioned for you to look.
you gasped as you saw saturn, its rings clearly visible through the lens. “this is incredible, jeonghan,” you whispered.
he smiled, his eyes reflecting the starlight. “i thought you might like it. i come up here often to stargaze. it’s my way of escaping.”
you looked at him, a newfound admiration in your eyes. “thank you for sharing this with me.”
jeonghan turned to you, his expression serious. “thank you for seeing me for who i am, not just the nerdy guy in the library.”
moved by his words, you took his hand. “you’re so much more than that, jeonghan. you’re brilliant, kind, and amazing. i’m lucky to have you as a friend.”
as the months passed, your relationship deepened. you found yourself looking forward to your late-night study sessions and stargazing adventures. jeonghan, once the quiet, overlooked student, became a central figure in your life. you supported each other through the stresses of senior year, and when it came time to apply for colleges, you cheered each other on.
one evening, as you sat on the rooftop, watching the stars, jeonghan turned to you, his eyes full of determination. “i’ve decided to apply to MIT. it’s my dream school, and i want to study astrophysics.”
you beamed at him. “that’s amazing, jeonghan ! i know you’ll get in.”
he looked at you, his expression softening. “what about you ? what’s your dream ?”
you took a deep breath. “i want to study journalism at Columbia. it’s always been my passion, and i want to make a difference with my writing.”
jeonghan nodded, his eyes shining with pride. “i know you’ll do great things.”
as graduation approached, you both received your acceptance letters. jeonghan was going to MIT, and you were headed to Columbia. the realization that you would be miles apart was bittersweet, but you promised to keep in touch and visit each other whenever you could.
on your last night together before leaving for college, you sat on the rooftop, reminiscing about the past year. jeonghan took your hand, his eyes reflecting the stars. “no matter where we go, or how far apart we are, you’ll always be my best friend.”
you squeezed his hand, your heart swelling with emotion. “and you’ll always be mine.”
as you looked up at the sky, you knew that your bond with jeonghan was something special, something that would withstand the test of time and distance. and as you embarked on your new adventures, you carried with you the memories of a friendship that had changed your life forever.
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