#copia is my comfort character okay
ghostussy · 1 year
Trans Copia x Transmasc teen reader, platonic
Copia finds the reader struggling to use trans tape.
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Quick drabble I started last night after trying trans tape for the first time lol
(It didn't work but that's okay, I'll give it a few days and decide what else I'd like to do, if anything.)
TW: Mentions of crying, being trans, dysphoria, self-hate, etc.
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You don't answer.
"Y/n, please answer the door," Copia calls, concerned. "The ghouls say there is lots of, eh, distress coming from in there."
You ignore him, hoping he'll go away. He doesn't. Instead, you hear the jingle of a master key.
"Child, I am coming in there if you do not answer."
"Copia!" You call back, panicked. You stand from your place on the floor, hurriedly throwing a blanket over the mess you've made, and throwing a shirt on. "O-one sec, please!"
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine!" You squeak, picking up a few loose strands of adhesive. "Just tidying up!"
When you think you've got everything cleaned up, you answer the door.
"Y/n... have you been crying?"
You wipe your face, looking away. "No."
He sighs. "Can I come in?"
You stand in the doorway, blocking his way in. "No."
"Please tell me what is wrong. I know you are upset."
"I'm not upset. I'm fine."
"I said I'm fine!" You shout, then gasp and cover your mouth in shock. "Papa, I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
His eyes soften, and he looks at you with pity. "Let me in."
Tears form in your eyes again, and you step off to the side. "Okay." You shut the door behind him, and he walks over to your bed.
"Oh, why is this blanket on the floor?"
"No-!" You're too late, he's already picked up the blanket to reveal a mess of used trans tape, the paper backings strewn all over the floor, loose adhesive where you'd cut the corners from the tape and a pair of scissors. He sets the blanket on the bed before speaking.
"Oh," he says softly, not looking at you. His eyes are transfixed on the mess.
"Copia, I-"
"Shh, I know."
"It's not-" You stop speaking when he looks up, raising his eyebrows at you. Tears start streaming down your face, and you can't look at him.
"Oh, kiddo. Come here," he coos, moving to pull you into his embrace. You pull back, subconsciously moving your arms to hide your chest. He smiles sadly. "It's alright, I don't mind. Come here." He pulls you in somewhat forcefully, but gently enough that if you wanted to pull away, you could. You don't.
You bury your face in his chest, tears staining the fabric of his shirt. Those loose tears turn into tired sobs, and he rubs your back in an attempt to help ground you. "Shh, it's alright. Your papa is here. It's okay."
It takes you a few minutes to gather yourself, and when you do he pulls away to look you in the eyes. "Was this your first time binding?" You nod, and he gives you a sympathetic look. "Okay. Can I see?"
You shake your head. "I'm not wearing any. It didn't work."
"How bad are the abrasions?"
You shrug.
"Will you let me see?"
He starts picking up pieces of paper and tape. You scramble to help him, feeling guilty about the mess. When you're done, he stands to face you. "Alright, here's what's going to happen; you are not wearing any tape or a bra tonight. You need to let that heal. I have some ointment that can help... and to make sure you don't wallow in your dysphoria, you're sleeping in my bed tonight. End of discussion." He uses a hand to tilt your head up. "When that heals, I will help you learn to apply tape properly. Do not ever treat your skin as harshly as you have tonight, okay?"
Slowly, you lift up your shirt. You're still wearing the pasties, so it's not like he can see much, but you feel entirely too exposed and naked. You hold the shirt to limit what he sees, so that he only has visuals on where you'd torn your skin.
"Fuck, kid. How many times did you rip the tape off?" He eyes the angry, red abrasions that cover much of the skin across your breasts. "Alright, you're done. I- shit. I'm sorry y/n, that looks awful. No wonder you were in tears. I would have been too." You pull down your shirt.
You look at him, confused. "Copia, you don't know how to apply tape, do you?"
He smiles kindly at you. "Your papa was not born this way, you know."
You frown. "What do you mean?"
He gestures towards the door. "Grab some loose pj's and come on."
. . .
"Okie dokie, this is for those nasty abrasions." He hands you a small bottle of some sort of medicated cream. "My bathroom is right in there, you may use it to change and apply as much as that as you need."
"Thank you," you mumble, barely audible. You disappear into the bathroom, where you take your time. Tears brim in your eyes when you see just how much damage you've done to your skin, but you quickly wipe them away.
When you come back into Copia's bedroom, he's already got the lights dimmed. He smiles warmly when he sees you. "Ah, there we are. Feeling a little better, I hope?" You shrug. "Ah, well. That's alright. Come on, let's get you into bed." He gestures at the bed, which is adorned with blankets and stuffed animals. You tiredly climb in, and he follows suit.
You curl up next to him, and he wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you to rest in the crook of his arm. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks, voice gentle.
You shrug again. "I don't like this, papa." Your voice is small, as if you can't believe the words coming out of your mouth. "I don't want to be trans. I just want to be..." your voice cracks as the tears start up again, and you throw your hands up in defeat. "Why couldn't I have been born right?"
"It's alright," he runs his hand up your arm. "I do not know why you were born this way, but we can take actions to make you feel better. You do not have to do anything you do not want to. I can help you apply the tape next time, or we can get you a binder, or even surgery in the future."
"I just... I don't want to be trans." You whisper.
"I know." He looks sad, yet understanding. "You know... If you ever, eh, have any questions or need to talk, I am here. But please know these awful feelings you have, they will pass. There will come a time that you will feel alright. You may not wish to be trans now, but these are the cards you were delt. This is a piece of you. One day you will learn to be okay." He pauses. "I do... speak from experience," he says slowly.
You look at him, curious. "You do?"
"Si," he says, lifting his shirt for you to see. You spot two familiar crescent shaped scars, located just beneath his pecs. "I do."
You smile as he pulls down his shirt. "So things will get better? Promise?"
He pulls you closer, pressing a small kiss onto the top of your head. "Promise."
He wraps a blanket around the two of you, reaching for the TV remote. "Now, I was thinking we could watch a movie before bed..."
. . .
Copia steals a glance at you a few movies later. You've long since fallen asleep, face pressed into his side with your arms curled around him.
He sighs, thankful he'd found you. The idea of you crying yourself to sleep, feeling dysphoric and upset saddens him.
Gently, he brushes a few loose strands of hair from your face. You mumble something incoherent before sleepily pressing yourself closer to him.
"Sorry," he says quietly, "I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep."
You mumble something else; though he still doesn't understand, your voice is more loud and clear.
He drags his hand gently across your back, a soft and fatherly action. "Shh, rest now. I will be here when you wake up."
"Promise?" He looks down to see you staring at him, eyes open yet half-lidded and clouded with a sleepy haze.
"Promise," he whispers, and his confirmation is all you need to be sent back into a blissful sleep.
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copiasblair · 1 year
i really can't be mean to copia even in a jokey "tsundere" way like the way people will go "oh i hate him he sucks grrrrr" as a way to be affectionate, like it's cool if that's what you do but for me i'm just too sensitive i don't like to be mean to him even in a jokey way it feels bad to me :((
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dervampireprince · 3 months
ASMR | Ghost - Cardinal Copia x Listener SFW Cardinal Copia Tries To Comfort You
[M4A] [Listener left ambiguous - could be a human member of the church of a ghoul, but aren't a member of the band] [Comfort] [Reverse comfort] [TW rats]
So this silly man has been requested a lot. I'll confess, my favourite Papas are Terzo and Secondo, and while I like Copia I'm much more familiar with him in his early cardinal appearances in the web shorts Ghost made and not so familiar with how he acts as Papa IV so this audio is set during Copia's early days after being put as the new leader of the band and public face of the church. I just don't think I'd be able to accurately act in character for Papa IV Copia, but hope I did an okay job as the young Cardinal Copia. Also, I made him autistic-coded because I can. Please let me know if you think I did okay as him, if you want more of him, and if you think the listener should be a brother/sister of sin (I don't know if there's an official gender neutral phrase) or a Ghoul or if I should try and keep it ambiguous (though I don't know if that's possible).
I cannot claim to have made up the name Rigatoni for one of Copia's rats, I've seen multiple fanfics and posts on Tumblr that use that name and unsure who I should credit the name too, it seems a fairly popular headcannon in the fandom. I'm expanding it further that I'm headcannoning all his rats are named after types of pasta, or at least different food/dishes.
Old public spicy audios on sound gasm (link in pinned post). 2 Exclusive spicy audios on Patreon every month. I also stream on Twitch every week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit any of my content]
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m0rbidmacabre · 4 months
The Latin Professor
You are a student of his, the cardinal… your crush seems to be getting out of hand and your embarrassment begins to rise as the cardinal offers to help you study for your upcoming Latin test.
1110 words
(Hey guys, I know it's been a long time since I have written anything… i guess this me trying to get back into the flow of writing. This part isn't very long.. But I wanted to introduce the characters, and how they are with each other before switching. This is probably only going to published on tumbler as my confidence is shot at the moment. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none so far…
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The Latin Professor
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part three
Cardinal Copia had never been the most popular of people, even when he ascended to cardinal in his early adulthood. People always saw him as uptight, scholarly and tiresome. You however… You didn’t see him that way, you saw a handsome, knowledgable man with an undeniably strong work ethic, but you kept your opinions to yourself, afraid your peers would jeer at you for your crush on the cardinal.
This particular day you were working hard in the library, studying for your upcoming language assessment in Latin. You were starting to think that taking the extra course wasn’t the best of your ideas. It wasn’t that you were inept of learning, it was the fact the Cardinal taught the latin class, while you admire him for his efforts in trying to teach you... The class always ended with you daydreaming about him. He would be stood teaching you, making sure your pronunciation was perfect, and all you could think about was how you would like his hands all over you and his perfect mouth in places that would make lucifer himself blush. This often leads to you losing your train of thought and embarrassing yourself even more in front of him. The cardinal most likely thought you were ditsy, a poor student, but if he did… he never let you think that. His praise was never something he kept to himself around you.
As you were flicking through the pages of Latin for dummies, your head in your hands as you struggle to take in the words on the page in front of you, you hear a small cough from behind you. You let out a big huff in annoyance, the last thing you needed right now was siblings bothering you when you needed to study. you slam the book closed and turn in your seat. Your anger quickly turning to embarrassment the moment you notice that it wasn’t a sibling, but the cardinal stood behind you.
“Are you studying hard for your test Sorella?” the cardinal said to you as your face turned a beetroot shade of red.
“I am cardinal, yes. I’m sorry, I thought you were a sibling” you quietly reply shifting in your seat and tidying up your hair... Anything to keep yourself distracted from the awful truth you had just huffed at him. Keeping your temper in check was never your strong suit and you had just shown that to the person you admire most.
“Si, Si… Why don’t you take a break from your studies? You seem frustrated. I hear the gardens look beautiful this afternoon. Would you like to take a walk? I could help you with your studies.” The cardinal offering a small smile to you, his attempt at comforting you, not once questioning your temper.
“Oh, erm… are you sure? Are you not too busy? You quickly answered him, in an attempt to remind him of his duties, in another attempt to avoid him.
“Oh Sorella, I could take some time for my favourite student, si?” he beamed back at you. You felt your stomach grow warm the moment he called you his favourite student, how could you say no? you simply couldn’t.
“Okay…” you smile at him picking up your books, and then offering him your hand to help you up. He obliges and as you stand up, he tucks your arm into his keeping it effortlessly close to him.
Walking though the ministry you both barely say more than a few words to each other. Both of you happy to walk in comforting silence. You steal a glance at the cardinal as you both reach primos gardens, his eyes firmly on the path in front of you both... You couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked when he walked with purpose. “The gardens do look beautiful today, maybe a little more because you’re here…” you thought to yourself as the smile eclipsed your lips.
“How about we sit here Sister?” the cardinal asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Erm... Sure, sure” you quickly answered, hoping he didn’t notice the fact you were completely lost in thought.
You both sat down under the willow tree together, the sun making its presence known, casting shadows on the ground that dance though the low-hanging leaves of the tree.
The cardinal turns to you “et soror, ubi incipimus?” (so sister, where do we start?)
You smile at him; you love hearing him speak Latin, he always speaks with such passion. You pull out your book and flick though the pages, looking to formulate an answer for him.
“lets 'legere cardinal” (let's read Cardinal) you goofily answer him. Your answer made him smile so sweetly at you, he always liked your willingness to try.
“Perfect, Sorella!” he answered you. You smile at him, his praise sending you a little pink.
You carried on flicking the pages of the book, and the cardinal sat close by, his legs crossed under his cassock. Your eyes darted the pages as you both sat together.
“Now sister, tell me, how do you say beautiful”
“Pulchra, Cardinal” you answered him, quickly.
“Si… Sister, now can you write it for me?”
You take out your pen and set about writing out the word beautiful, the cardinal shifting in closer to watch that you are doing it correctly. You spell out the word on your pad, saying the word as you write... Mimicking each letter as you spell it. The Cardinal smiles at your efforts and leans in “you see this here Sister? It should be written like this… if you don’t mind...”. Taking your hand, he corrects the word you had just written, lovingly moving with you as you both spell out the words together. “Like this…” he adds, smiling at you. Your eyes drift to the pen and your hand, his hand is placed around yours… and all you can do is look with the embarrassment slowly setting in. You quickly remove your hand, the pen falling to the page and the cardinal removing his just as fast as both of your eyes meet.
“Sorella, I’m sorry... I was only trying to help” the cardinal said to you shyly, his own embarrassment setting in. His face hinting at a pink tint as he waits for your reaction.
“No, cardinal… it’s ok... I have to go... I’m sorry...” you collect your book, slamming it shut and getting to your feet. Running away from the scene before you die of embarrassment. You ache to look back, but your heart won’t let you as you quickly run through the ministry and slam your dorm room closed behind you.
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
I've been debating sharing this, but my pup was diagnosed with cancer on Halloween and put to sleep on the seventh of Dec. I was wondering if you could do a piece with the Papa's/ghouls offering support for their darling?
So sorry for your loss, hope this helps a little x - Nyx
I feel your pain, dude. Lost my cat to cancer and cried hysterically for two days. Take your time to heal. I'm here for ya. - Nosferatu
Ghost characters comforting their s/o after the loss of a pet
Includes: Primo, Secondo. Terzo (drabble), Copia, Old Nihil, Swiss (drabble), Sodo, Mountain and Cumulus.
He just knows something is wrong before you even get a chance to tell him.
You get home and are instantly greeted by the calming smell of incense mixed in with tea. You smile to yourself when you see the steaming teapot on the table, two cups out beside it.
Primo is sat on the sofa and pats the spot next to him. His expression is one of total understanding. He waits until you are settled before he pours the tea. "You can talk to me caro, whatever you need." He wraps a blanket round you and softly kisses your forehead.
He lets you talk for as long as you need, offering reassurances where he can. You talk about all your happy memories and he also allows you to cry. Holding you close to him. There is something so comofrting about him that it's okay you can let it all out.
That night he holds you close to him and tells you stories about his day in the garden to take your mind off things. His voice is calming and you drift into a peaceful sleep. These tales often involvle the antics of the Ghouls or Terzo sneaking in to try and steal some roses for his latest lover. (Terzo only needs to ask Primo but apparently trying to sneak past his brother is more fun).
He takes you into his arms as soon as he sees you. He know something is wrong.
He immediately takes you into his arms and just lets you cry, muttering soft Italians against your head and rocking back and forth softly.
Gently leads you to the bedroom and put's on your favorite movie or show, and just holds you. Making sure you're okay, or as okay as you could be.
Will let you scream or hit his chest, or will hold you so tight that your spine pops.
Makes homemade ice creams and treats, and pulls you closer, even if you cannot get closer. He just wants you to be okay. He hates seeing you cry.
Will get you a hyper realistic plushie of your pet, and makes sure that it's in your arms for the entire time.
Terzo greeted you as you walked into his office with a warm smile and affectionate kiss to the cheek. Though when he noticed you seemed upset, they held your jaw tenderly.
“Cara Mia…what’s troubling you so?”
They hold you as long as you need while you talk, rubbing your back and kissing your forehead tenderly. Drying your tears and listening to fond memories of your pup. Sad that you lost such an important companion.
“I am very sorry you lost such an important friend amore. We will make a little remembrance altar when you are up to it. Give such a loyal friend a proper service.”
Once you feel a bit better, he’ll guide you to the bath. Filling it with your favourite scent of bubble bath and lighting your favourite candles. Helping wash your hair and relax you after the stressful day.
Once back in the bed, they’ll give you a massage and let you choose how you both spend the rest of the evening. Holding you close the entire time unless you need anything. Then he’ll spring up and hurry to get it.
You deserve the world, he will strive to give a small part of it to you during this hard time.
Copia himself is just comforting, you want nothing more than to get home and fall into his arms. You race through the corridors before finally burting into his rooms. He is straight over to you. "Amore, what is wrong, please tell me sì?" When you tell him he pulls you into a tight hug "I am so sorry, but Papa is here for you okay?"
He himself isn't really sure what he can do to help, he wants to help so badly but he is afraid he will do the wrong thing. So he does what used to cheer him up and make him feel safe.
He sits you down and brings you a hot chocolate before sitting next to you and just holding you. The rats also sense something is wrong and they curl up around you two. Some on your lap, your shoulders and one even attempts to sit on your head. Copia catches him when he falls with a squeak, and finally you smile a little.
You can just feel the love from all of them, you are wanted here and you belong. You don't have to pretend to be okay you can just be.
Copia offers to stay up as late as you need, or you can just sleep now in his arms if you want. If you are staying up he'll get his film collection out and put whatever you want on. He'll make popcorn, from scratch. It's literally the most amazing thing you've ever tasted and he can make whatever flavour you want, tonight it's your favourite.
Old Nihil
As oblivious as he often is, he notices you being upset. And he is not fond of that. His sweet darling upset? Absolutely not.
He wants to see you happy! He wants to see you smile!
So he asks you what happened, offering you a shoulder to cry on.
This man has really nice arms, he's gonna hold you in them as love as you need, listening to you weep, rant or even scream if you need.
He doesn't offer solutions, because it doesn't seem like that's what you need at the moment.
Offers you his oxygen machine if you lose breath for whatever reason.
Tries cheering you up with your favorite movie or a private saxophone concert.
Or you can just nap together. Whatever you want.
After you take some time to heal, he might offer to get you a new puppy.
He's gonna be there for you and do the best he can, even at his age.
You come home and slowly open the door, Swiss jumps up from the sofa. "Hello my beloved agent of chaos." He can't help but smile at the sight of you, his tail swishing. But then his expression turns more srious, concerned. "what's wrong?" he asks as he runs over to you and picks you up bridal style.
His embrace immediatly makes you feel safe and loved. As you tell him what had happpened, he says softly "Oh...I see, I am so sorry my love." While he tries to think of a solution, he just wants to see you happy again.
Xey carries you through to the bedroom and lays you on the bed. Then xey lies next to you and cuddles you. Xey'll hold you for as long as you need, every now and then xey offers you his vape. The smell of watermelon filling the room, settling over you like a warm comforting blanket.
His first idea is to try and distract you. Xey tell daft jokes and tries to make you smile. But you need so he lies back down holding you and listens, for as long as you need. He does his best to get you to focus on all the happy memories you have with your pup.
His cuddles are just perfect, the most comforting and loving cuddles ever. Xey also kisses you all over, anything it can to help. Once you've cheered up a little he'll start telling dumb jokes or making a fool out of himself just to see you smile. But if that doesn't help just let him know what you need and he will do it.
His first reaction is to nuzzle you.
He just sorta lays on top of you for a while and waits for you to speak.
He doesn't want to pressure you, so he just lays there, letting you enjoy your favorite heated blanket.
You open up eventually, telling him about everything that happened.
He offers to let you do absolutely anything you want to his hair.
He pretty much agrees to become your doll for the evening, letting you dress him up, mess with his hair, do his make-up, everything.
You end up having a sleepover, watching shitty horror flicks and eating ice cream together in comfy pjs.
And your warm twink cuddling your worries away.
Somehow you end up with a small hell hound a few weeks later.
He refuses to let you go.
Keeps you in his arms and is holding you the entire time, mumbling about how he's here for you.
Wont let you be alone for even one moment, hugging you tight the entire time. Will make you snacks and bake for you.
Offers to braid or brush your hair, and invites you into the garden and green house.
Shitty romance movies and matching pj's.
All the pasrreys you could ever want, and all the forehead kisses. You can cry, scream, or just sit there. Whatever makes you happy.
You end up with a hyper realistic painting of your pet.
She keeps you in her arms the entire time, hugging you tightly.
Sings you lullabies or just hums to help you feel better.
She wants everything to be better for you, no matter what.
She just loves you a lot. And she remembers how happy your pet made you.
Offers to get you a plushie of said pet. Or a tattoo, if you're up for it.
She lets you talk about all the happy moments with your pet. All the cute things.
You're free to use her as a pillow.
She makes you an album with your pet's pictures, with a picture of a new pet on the last page.
"I thought you'd feel good with a new tiny friend."
Primo, Copia and Swiss written by Nyx.
Secondo and Mountain written by Zenith/Jasper.
Terzo written by Death.
Old Nihil, Sodo and Cumulus written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @thatoddboy @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @choco-meow69 @mybotanicaldemise @bloodmoon-bites
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carnivore-voyeur · 8 months
I hope Tobias and his "Ghouls" enjoy their break. They've earned it. This was a very long tour for everyone. The ending of their tours always feels bittersweet because they're so fun, but we know that it can come with big changes.
It's difficult, because I think Ghost has a fanbase that largely struggles with change. Fans get quite attached to the characters they see on stage and it's hard for them to imagine accepting something or even someone different.
Ghost's fanbase is largely queer and neurodivergent, and I know personally that change is difficult when what you're used to brings you comfort and joy. But. I've been through changes with Ghost. This isn't my first rodeo, and I still absolutely love what they do.
I started listening to Ghost with Terzo. I remember Copia coming onto the scene and it felt weird. I had my first "ritual" with Cardinal Copia, though, and I really enjoyed it. It's been great to see that character evolve as Ghost skyrocketed to fame.
But change is inevitable. And it's okay.
So, I promise for those of you who are here for maybe your first album cycle or your first tour that all will be okay. If you love the Ghouls? Check out their other projects. If you want to see more Ghost material, just be patient. It will come.
They're a solid band with a vision, and if you're worried about how that may play out remember that they're "with you always" even if they don't look or sound the same as before. Whatever you love about them will stay with you as long as you want.
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ghostieboi1 · 7 months
Teen!Reader & Primo/Secondo/Terzo Genre: Scenarios, fluff, hurt/comfort Characters: Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Copia, Sister Imperator, Mountain, Swiss, and Aether Summary: Reader is the child of Primo/Secondo/Terzo (depending on the scenario) and they react to their father getting resurrected. Reader is also either a few days/weeks from turning 18 or recently turned 18 (so they would've initially died when they were around 13 or 14). Warnings: GN!Reader, SFW, crying, I'm putting more emphasis on the HURT/COMFORT part, poorly translated Italian, all gifs not mine A/N: Whoa, two Ghost fics in two days? I'm getting productive before my annual hibernation lol
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You had caught a rumor of one of the Papas getting resurrected from the dead but it was only a guess who it was going to be. It wasn't until you overheard Copia and Sister Imperator talking in Copia's office about the Papa they resurrected; your father.
Running down the corridors of the Ministry to Primo's old bedroom, your adrenaline spiking beyond belief for the first time in years. When you reached the door, a ghoul was standing in front of the door, clearly on guard. It was Mountain and he immediately recognized you.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but I can't let you in yet." Mountain warned but his voice was soft, sympathetic even.
"Please, I have to see him. I need to know if he's okay." You practically begged, you felt your voice shake and knew you'd start becoming emotional any minute.
Mountain opened his mouth to protest but the way you looked so desperate and the fact he knew you were so young when Primo died... He eventually just sighed and stepped aside.
"Be careful with him though, he's still trying to understand everything." Mountain warned, gently placing his hand on your shoulder before letting you enter.
You sighed before opening the door, preparing for honestly anything. What you saw made your heart feel whole again. Primo was sitting on his sofa, his favorite and prized flowers in front of him as he inspected each pedal for any damage. He had heard the door open and shut but didn't look up right away, when he did, the expression he held softened.
"(Y/N)...?" Primo asked, his voice was a little gravelly but you expected that.
All you could do was nod, not trusting your voice. Primo stood up and made his way to you, it was a little slow but you knew he was just trying to wrap his head around everything. When he was close enough, you hugged him, allowing yourself to cry now.
"Oh, mio caro..." Primo sighed, returning the hug. His hand gently placed itself on the back of your head. "I'm so sorry I missed out on so much." His voice was now shaky.
"It's not your fault." You muttered, you were trying to not cling too hard to him because you didn't know how he was physically. But if you could, you'd squeeze him for dear life.
"I know, but I still feel awful about it." Primo said, he was definitely crying now too.
"I missed you." You muttered, afraid to let go of him.
"I know, mio caro, but I'm here now." Primo comforted, kissing the top of your head.
You finally pulled away and smiled at him, he smiled back.
"(Y/N), could you tell me who took care of my garden while I was gone?" Primo asked, glancing at his flower pot.
"I did, with the help of Mountain. It made me feel like you were still here even if it was just my imagination." You admitted, chuckling a little.
"Well, you did an amazing job, mio caro." Primo said, taking your hand in his. "I'm sorry I left so sudden and when you were still so young, but let's try to make up for time, sÌ?"
"Sì, Papa." You nodded, wiping your tears away.
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You had caught a rumor of one of the Papas getting resurrected from the dead but it was only a guess who it was going to be. It wasn't until you overheard Copia and Sister Imperator talking in Copia's office about the Papa they resurrected; your father.
Instead of running, you hurriedly walked towards Secondo's bedroom. You didn't want to hold your breath and hope it was true because you had been lied to by Sister Imperator before, not Copia so much unless he was trying to protect you.
But when you saw Swiss standing in front of the door, a place he normally wouldn't be, you knew for sure he was back. You slowed your walking down a bit as you got closer, Swiss was already giving you a look that said "I'm sorry".
"(Y/N), please..." Swiss muttered, shaking his head slowly.
"Please what? I deserve to see him." You said sternly, now standing directly in front of him.
"I know, but Papa didn't want him to have any visitors yet and honestly, how do you think he'll react when he sees you—" You cut Swiss off.
"He deserves to know. You weren't here when he was but he wasn't informed about anything, everyone left him in the dark and I will not let that continue now that he's back." You practically ordered, raising your voice a little.
It wasn't common for humans to be able to scare ghouls, but it seemed you had this ability to do just that. Swiss didn't want to argue with you anymore and just decided to let you enter the room, you thanked him and apologized because you did feel bad for yelling.
Secondo immediately looked up at the door when it opened, he didn't seem to recognize you right away until he thought about it. The way you were standing and your features were all too familiar, then it hit him, but he was a little too slow.
"Hello, father." You greeted, your voice was soft because you didn't want to startle him and because you were nervous.
Secondo stood up and began walking to you. "(Y/N)," he trailed off as he glanced over you. "You... You've grown." He chuckled, a stark difference from him before.
You nodded, chuckling with him. You weren't sure what to feel right now, all you knew was that before long, you had tears falling down your face. "Oh, ragazzino." Secondo cooed, bringing you in for a hug.
This sudden show of this much love coming from Secondo felt weird but you didn't care, maybe he's realized that life can be short and to accept everything as is now that he's back, he wants to fix anything that may have been broken.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I wish I had been there for you just a little bit more back then, but I can try to make it up to you if you'll let me." Secondo offered, gently swaying you side to side as if you were still a baby.
You nodded, smiling a little. "I thought you were too stone cold to do anything like that." You joked, chuckling a little.
"Never, just was too busy. But if I was, Hell must've warmed me up then." Secondo joked back, there was a slight shake in his voice.
"I thought I'd lost you forever." You sobbed, clutching his robes.
"Oh, mio caro. You could never lose me, even in death. I'll always watch over you." Secondo comforted, the shake in his voice more prominent. "Ti amo, (Y/N), tanto."
"Anch'io ti amo, Papa." You whispered back, smiling the best you could.
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You had caught a rumor of one of the Papas getting resurrected from the dead but it was only a guess who it was going to be. It wasn't until you overheard Copia and Sister Imperator talking in Copia's office about the Papa they resurrected; your father.
Dread filled you, not because he was back, but because you were afraid how the Ministry would treat him again. Regardless, you went to find him. You had to remain mostly professional still because you were pretty much the only person in the Ministry up for being elected Cardinal but you had to wait until eighteen to be officially a Cardinal.
Once you made it to the last corner to his room though, you changed. Now desperate to see him again, you ran for the door and, despite Aether telling you not to, opened it to see Terzo staring at the wound around his neck in a mirror.
Terzo noticed the door opening immediately turned around to look at whoever opened his bedroom door so suddenly. Aether followed you in and tried ushering you away but you lightly argued with him but it wasn't until Terzo told Aether you could be here that the ghoul left and shut the door.
You stared at him in disbelief, he was alive despite how they killed him. You also seemed to be taller than him, which kind of surprised you.
"I left you alone for, how many years, and you had the audacity to grow taller than your old man." Terzo teased, crossing his arms in front of him.
You chuckled, it was airy and more like a sigh but the smile on your face let him know you were happy. "Are you okay? Your, uh..." You trailed off, glancing at his neck.
"Oh, this thing? Beats me how they managed to do it but I'm also not going to question it because our Dark Lord works in mysterious ways." Terzo sighed, gently touching the stitches.
You fell silent, not sure what to say or do. Terzo noticed, the look on his face changed from confident and cocky to concern and sadness. He sighed before opening his arms, allowing you to hug him. You didn't hesitate on returning the gesture and clung to him as if he was just in your mind and you would never see him again. You began crying, unable to hold your emotions back.
"Oh, amore mio. I'm so sorry I left you alone when you needed me." Terzo apologized, his own voice breaking as he cried.
"It's not your fault." You muttered, sniffling.
"Ti amo, (Y/N). Mi scuso per tutto." Terzo whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"Anch'io ti amo, Papa." You muttered, smiling a little as you pulled away a bit.
You wiped the tears from your face and chuckled a little at the small stain of tears on Terzo's shoulder, Terzo did the same.
"There is something I should probably tell you before anything else. Um, I'm gonna become Cardinal shortly after I turn eighteen." You explained, fidgeting with your hands.
Terzo's eyes widened before he smiled big. "You really have grown up, taking on a Cardinal's responsibilities at an early age isn't easy." Terzo chuckled, he was definitely proud of you.
"I know, but Copia has been helping me with it when he can." You informed, shrugging a bit.
"Copia... How's he been handling the whole 'Papa Emeritus IV' thing?" Terzo asked, it wasn't bitter or mean, it sounded as if he actually cared about him.
"Good. Better than most thought." You admitted, sighing.
Terzo paused a bit, a small smile growing in the silence. "I'm so proud of you, mio caro." Terzo admitted, giving you another hug.
"Thank you, Papa." You muttered in return, resting your head on his shoulder.
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canarycolemine · 1 year
Vignettes of Paradise
Vignette 1
Pairing: Papa Emeritus x Original Female Character 
Summary: Copia comforts Sister Evie, stressed from long days of work and dreaming of domestic bliss. 
AO3 link!
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Pictured above: Demon and Tamara (1889) Konstantin Makovsky
The sun had long since set, the moonlight hidden behind a thick cover of cloud. A night, felt solidly in Sister Evie’s eyes.
The infirmary was abuzz with patients, never providing a moment of relief for the young woman. On her feet for hours long stretches, Evie longed for her rest since high noon.
She had recently moved into the Papal suites from her small dormitory, and yet, a single evening she was not granted to be with her lover. Understanding of Copia’s obligations, she wanted to make it home before him, at least to have a sweet dinner and cuddle before bed. The domestic bliss of a nighttime routine was not yet granted to her. But how she wanted it.
She hardly registered the tears falling from her eyes as she reached the shared suite. Whether they were tears of exhaustion or of missing her love, a sniffle brought her to reality.
The heavy oak door opened slowly, cautious to avoid excessive noise, hoping not to awake Copia from his sleep.
The low glow of a slowly extinguishing fireplace was the only source of light in the brilliant foyer. Certainly Copia was asleep.
She hadn’t expected him to be up, it would be unfair, but she wanted to hold him, to see him. A pouty frown crossed her face.
Less than gracefully dropping her work bag, discarding her veil on top. Normally, her neat nature would make her cringe by not depositing her laundry in an appropriate place. But today, fatigue wore on her last principles of cleanliness.
Her long black hair, tightly braided and bunned now unpinned- letting the tension fall from her scalp. A gentle tingle fell down her spine, letting her have some relief. She began the oft more relaxing process of removing her braid. Her movements were halted by a strong grasp on her shoulder. In her moments of reprieve, she didn’t register her lover walking into the room.
The grasp on her shoulder turned her around.
Copia gazed upon his lovely. He took in the sight of her reddened eyes, from fatigue and slightly puffed from tears likely. His face fell looking at her exhausted state. But such a sweet smile crossed her tired face, just to see him, just the relief she needed.
Copia’s face was equally tired, remnants of his papal paint long removed lingered in the tight junctions of his aged eyes. How Evie wished to wash his face herself, just to tenderly wipe away his obligations and the stress of his role. Silently, she cupped the man’s face in her hands, as he snaked his hands around her waist, pulling her close.
Gently, as if he was made of glass, surely shattering if she slightly let go, she made small circles around his cheeks.
“Hello, cara mia.”
“Hi, Papa” she gently said, hardly above a whisper. How she adored him. “I’m sorry I’m late.” And her face fell, suddenly allowing the fatigue to affect her emotions. Her eyes water, a small lump building in her throat.
Copia pulled her head to his chest and began to rock her, as small streams fell from her eyes.
“It’s okay, my Evie. You’re home now.” He didn’t shush her, didn’t attempt to stop her tears. A keen understanding of her feelings. To validate her. She needed to cry, he would be here to hold her through it.
A few minutes passed.
“I’m sorry, my love, I wanted to be here with you.” She choked.
“You’re here now, yes? Then it is okay!” He said so quietly, just to her.
“I just… want to spend an evening with you. Get ready for bed, be here for you. I missed you so much today. I’m sorry, Copia, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be apologizing for, Evie. You have been so busy, the siblings in the infirmary need you! Who else would be treating the gonorrhea that Terzo gives them!”
She chuckled, feeling a lightness return.
“That’s patient confidentiality, Copia. I cannot disclose that information to you.” She teased.
“Papa is a slut, he does not keep that confidential.” Copia eased her, he pulled her face away from his chest, getting a proper look at her. “I love you, my Evie.”
“I love you, my Copia.”
“Let’s go to bed.” He lifted her in his arms, sliding his hands under her knees and back. She snaked her arms around his neck.
Here she was, his whole world in his arms. And so he held the whole world in arms as they returned to their bedroom. Carefully, slipping her into her pajamas - she wanted one of Copia’s old shirts. It was so comfortable, being surrounded by him. All of it.
He held her close to his chest, she fell quickly asleep to the steady heartbeat of the man she loved most of all. And there he kept her, holding her as if she was going to slip away if he even loosened his hold.
This was their love. So alive in the quiet. Heaven could offer no greater paradise.
I hope you enjoyed and don’t mind learning more about Copia and Evie’s relationship!
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lilypadlys · 1 month
Mushy May Day Five - Animals
Characters: Copia 
Notes: Copia rescues a new rat friend. Prompt list by @forlorn-crows. See prompt list here
Word Count: 595
Read on AO3 or below the cut
Copia is interrupted in heading to a meeting by a frightened squeaking coming from beneath a side table.
“Eh? What do we have here?”
He squats down to see a small rat cowering underneath. His footsteps must have scared the poor thing.
“Ciao piccolo. It’s okay. I don’t mean you any harm.”
He soothingly talks to the rodent, and it slowly relaxes. It flinches again when he reaches out a gloved hand but inches forward close enough to take a tentative sniff. Making a curious little squeak, it crawls close enough to perch its little front paws on his index finger.
“You’re such a sweet little thing. It must be scary living out here in the halls, hm?” He could’ve sworn the rat nods. “If you’d like, you can come live with me? I’ve some other little ratties and they’d love a new friend.”
In response the rat crawls all the way into his palm and squeaks again.
“Okay then! I’ve got to go to a meeting first but then I’ll bring you to your new home.”
He lets the rat ride on his shoulder until he reaches the meeting room.
“You have to stay out of sight for a bit, the others may not appreciate you like I do. Would you like to hide in my pocket?”
He pulls the pocket of his robes open and the rat scurries down his arm and inside. That settled, Copia attends his meeting.
It doesn’t end nearly soon enough. It’s just a lot of the clergy patting themselves on the back for the work Copia and his ghouls did on tour. Still if it makes them happy, who is he to interfere? When it’s finally over, he escapes back to his chambers to make his new friend comfortable.
“Sorry about that cara. They just love to talk, don't they?”
His pocket rustles and squeaks.
“Let's get you settled in now, sì?”
He gently scoops the rat up and sets it down on his nightstand.
“I will go change and then we’ll get you a bath going.”
Copia ducks into the bathroom to change from his robes to his tracksuit, as well as wash off his face paint. Once the makeup washes down the drain, he fills the sink with warm water and fur shampoo and retrieves his rat.
“Let's get you all cleaned up.”
He sets the rat on the counter and lets it take an experimental sniff at the suds. When it climbs in the sink all on its own he smiles. He gets a hand under it so it doesn’t have to tread water and gently starts rubbing suds over its body. Then he drains the sink, and starts a slow trickle of water to wash the rat off. One that’s done, he grabs a hand towel and delicately dries the rat off, chuckling when it’s fur poofs a little.
“Are you ready to meet all your new friends?”
A squeak is the reply.
As Copia takes the rat to its new cage, he hums.
“What should you be called? How about Brie.”
The rat squeaks happily.
“Brie it is! Alright everyone!” He addresses the cage where his three other rats sit attentively. “This is Brie. I want you to be nice and welcome your new friend alright?”
Feta and Cheddar squeak excitedly and Gouda gives a little salute.
Copia opens the latch and Brie scurries in. The rats give each other sniffs and before long start grooming each other. Copia refills their food and water and latches the door.
“Enjoy your new home piccolo.”
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cumulo-ghoulll · 9 days
oh and number 1 (your comfort characters)
hehe hello again
Okay comfort characters, I have a bunch but here's a few!
- Copia from Ghost (obviously ehehe)
- Campbell Bain from Takin Over the Asylum (highly recommended that show, it's on yt but cw for some heavy topics about mental health and death)
- Roy from The IT Crowd
- Sherlock (bbc version)
- Miles Maitland from Bright Young Things (I aspire to be as camp has him)
- The 10th Doctor from Doctor Who
- Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood (i prefer him in Torchwood)
- Crowley from Good Omens
- Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein from Misfits
- Ed from OFMD
- Lazlo from WWDITS
- Viago from WWDITS (he's so bbg I love him sm i want to cry)
- Phil from The League of Gentleman (mark gatiss with platinum blond hair really did something to me when I first watched tlog)
- Alvin Steele from The League of Gentleman (again Mark Gatiss with white hair hhhhhhhh)
This was, in fact, not a few. I could literally write an essay on why I love them all but I don't think anyone has time for that lmao. Thank you for letting me share my goobers tho =]
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whump-ghoul · 1 year
Ghost Whump Month #1: “Are you okay?”
Summary: in which Copia offloads his insecurities to some unlikely listeners. (Just a lil' character study)
WC: 1491
Tags: angst / insecurity / mentions of depression / google translate Italian
(Big thanks to @cirrus-ghoulette for this event, Whump is my thing! Shameless plug, but I do run a Whump writing prompts blog: @promptsforyourwhumpfic!)
The rats were squeaking at him; chirping their excited noises at the food bringer who appeared a little sad. Collectively, they emerged from their habitats, a trio having to untangle themselves from an afternoon nap in one of their hammocks. They padded to the now open cage door and into the expectant palms of the newly anointed Papa.
The rats cared not for his embellished title, and that’s what he adored about them the most. There were no stakes to his presence; no expectations other than respect and care, and no need to constantly be putting out fires as he was now expected to. The rats cared not for the fancy clothes he adorned, nor the time it took for him to perfect his ritual makeup. In this moment of quietness; when the ministry was to be asleep, they cared for the man who showed them endless kindness in his ministrations.
“Ah, good evening to you too.” Copia greeted, bringing the two that had settled in his palms to his pointed nose.
“I see you are doing well, how do you like the hammock, hm?”
In their appreciation, the black and white rats licked at his nose. He chuckled.
“I’m glad to hear it i miei ratti, I’m just glad someone appreciates what I do…” he checked to see that the door to the spare room was shut before allowing the rats to free-roam. Guilt tugged at his heart when he remembered he’d been neglecting their enrichment needs as of late, so despite how tired he felt, he was going to let them roam for as long as they wished - he trusted them to entertain themselves should he fall prey to sleep.
The spare room was small; traditionally used for storage but his unconventional upbringing saw him with few personal belongings, so he decided to dedicate it to his pets. His friends - companions. After all they owned him more than he owned them - not that he'd admit it of course. All he allowed himself was a small armchair near the window with a side table to watch over the rats as they played. The wooden floor had as many spare rugs as he could find so the rats wouldn't slip as they run, as well as a myriad of toys and tunnels for them to explore.
Satisfied that they were able to entertain themselves he settled in his chair; his bones aching for rest despite his racing mind and incessant pounding behind his eyes.
“How do you do it, hm?” He spoke aloud to the rats. The large brown female, Rosa, began to scale his leg, utilising the purposeful ladders and loose threads in the trousers to get to Copias lap. Right. He’d forgotten he was still in the clothes from the morning's wardrobe testing. He’d only just had time to mindlessly toss a hoodie over his head before heading off to complete more duties regarding the next leg of Rituals. When he looked down at the pocket Rosa was trying to bury herself in, he came to the realization that it wasn’t his jumper that he had picked up. No, the dramatically oversized hoodie most likely belonged to Aether.
Copia sighed in his exhaustion - it was yet another thing he would have to rectify, yet the comforting aura emanating from the fabric had him in no rush to return it.
“They’re going to think of me as a fool.” He spoke aloud, accent thick with tiredness. “That’s If they do not already think so. I have already messed up too much on this tour of Rituals; I am forgetful of lyrics and too anxious to make a mistake. To the Ghouls, their showmanship comes easily, but to me… I think Sister Imperator may have made a mistake.
How am I supposed to live up to a sacred bloodline? I work hard, that is true, but that mostly comes from the workload given to me; not the work I seek. I’ve always been scholarly, I know this, but there’s little else to do when the other children do not wish to be friends with you - when you do not even know your own family. I do envy you, my rats; your companionship and loyalty to one another. La tua famiglia. I am reminded of this with my Ghouls.
Ah. Well. I do not like calling them my ghouls. They may have been summoned for me, but I do not wish to lay claim to them. They are their own beings; their own family. They are quick witted and sure of themselves and their chemistry during Rituals is unmatched. I would not say that I am jealous but… well... I guess I am.”
Copia couldn’t help but feel tears of frustration come to his bloodshot eyes. He didn’t have the right to feel envious.
“I shouldn’t be, no, not when I do not work hard enough to be better. Nihil likes to remind me so; that despite everything I’ll never be them. I am so tired. Physically yes, but emotionally too. I need to rest, that is what my body tells me, but my mind forces me to move; to practice, to attend mass, to constantly strive to be better.”
He ground his palms into his eyes, barely dispersing the pain with his cool, shaking hands.
“Worst of all I cannot get rid of this headache; it pounds behind my eyes and I cannot seem to sleep. I can hardly eat as it is and I know what Sister is going to say. She’ll tell me I’m wasting away; that I am not strong enough; imposing enough to be Papa.”
He sighed, tears falling free despite himself.
“I snapped at the ghouls today, and I have felt awful since. They do not deserve it, they were only asking if I’m okay… I suppose I am not, but I need to be enough for them. A Papa needs to be strong. A leader. A Papa cannot be weak like me.
Am I not enough already?”
He felt a nibble at his finger, and found all six of his rats in his lap; looking up at him with beady, expectant eyes. Rosa lifted her nose from where she chewed lightly at his knuckles. The black and white twins had decided themselves in his hoodie pocket, their tail ends poking from one side as the white male groomed Rosa, and the black and gray (the latest additions Sister definitely knows about) nervously sniffed at his trousers. Copia was immediately brought back into the room, his pounding heart slowing slightly at the reminder of his reality rather than the hypotheticals his mind suggested.
“Ah, I’m sorry, mia bellas, I have been rambling again. Are you ready to return to your cage? I suppose I should be heading to bed soon… I must try to get rid of this headache… and I have to be up in good time to complete some paperwork for Sister before yet another day of engagements.” The thought of which made his stomach churn, and his head swim.
At the words, the rats instinctively began to scale back down his leg; the Papa extending it out to be more of a ramp for the elder-most ones. He stood, swayed a little on the spot, and shakily helped his friends back to the cage. Since it was bedtime, they knew better than to move from their platform as Copia collected some treats for them.
“Ah I am running low on these chips, I am sorry my friends.” He apologized sincerely, yet another admission of guilt. He wondered when the feelings of liability and anxiety would cease as he handed them the last few of the bag; the smaller, broken ones that often fell to the bottom. Rosa, the large rat from before hesitated, instead placing her paw on his fingers that offered the treat.
“I am fine, mio amico.” He insisted in a whisper as the sounds of five other snacking rats filled the silence. She stared for a moment, then looked towards the door to the room, her ears perked. Copia gently shook the hand she rested on. Still unconvinced, Rosa still took her treat and trotted off to bed. Copia watched her go as he shut, locked and double checked the fastenings of the cage door. He trusted the rats not to escape, he just didn’t trust anyone else not to get to them; not after the hushed rumors regarding his unusual pets that always found their way to him.
For a moment, he allowed his head to rest on the cool bars, relishing in the scent of sawdust and the fruit he had left in their bowl that morning. Tomorrow, he decided, tomorrow he would reorganize their cage and refresh their food.
Rosa chirped, and he cracked open an eye.
“Yes, yes, I’m going.” He sighed, pushing away from the large cage and staggering towards the door. 
Sleep sounded ideal.
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honey-tongued-devil · 19 days
it’s me again ! first off, wonderful chapter as always—you know well that I love your writing, and it’s no wonder that so many people are as passionate about this series as you are because … hello … your writing is so fucking good?!!? I READ ONE WORD AND IM LIKE “ohhh purrrr okay” like your word is fact and IT IS FACT. but I really liked how the chapter just focused on the 🧡 domestic 🧡 of it all, and it was just the sweetest chapter. I loved it so much. I especially LOVED the rain content I got in this chapter, that’s my man my man my man and the whole time i was likee shitttt 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦 when we got a lil spicy. You write spice scenes beautifully by the way, the way you incorporate the intimacy of it, the chase of pleasure, the love the characters feel for eachother is something i eat UP. and i am going to be so for real when i say the way he (presumably) spoke to the reader, the way he was like “you are beautiful.” and it was so like. raw. and vulnerable and it was so *true* i deadass wanted to cry
like I DONT KNOW. I feel so much love for rain as a character, the GHOULS, in general and this story just strengthens my love even more—it personifies it actually; the only difference is that if the ghouls ever took me into the pack i wouldn’t question it at all and infact i’d fully believe i was in paradise already actually i would be like “oh you wanna ?? you wanna have a lil sleepover where everybody gets naked and sleeps next to eachother and just loves? shit im down lets go!” i just. i feel so much love for them. they give me so much comfort, and your story gives me so much comfort—i love binging this series because it never fails to make me happier:) that one part where rain was just kissing the reader and they were just being all lovey dovey put me in my feelings because oh my goshhh i wish i wish i wish !!!! I love phantom and rain they’re my lovies. I hope we get more scenes of all three of them (reader, phantom and rain) where they’re all just cuddling and being happy and giggling and kicking their feet cause that woild heal me. ALSO CIRRUS. CIRRUS I LOVE CIRRUS SO MUCH her little feature in the story gave me happiness :( and AETHER AND MARGARET awwww i love them theyre so adorbs!!! I specifically like the line “[…] making her feel again the young woman who ran among the ghouls every chance she got that she was.” i have no particular reason why, its just so heartwarming. I love how you portray each and every character. Also, Phantom picking Dew up and Dew just cursing him out? …me and who I MEAN I MEAN— i literally live for that dynamic though like okay i see you, i see you! I think it’s adorable and that they’re both adorable and that everything in this chapter is adorable and i am so so happy and fulfilled everytime you post another chapter
the latest chapter was like dipping a mango in the sweetest sugar one can find and eating it. basically, i was in heaven. however…
no mention of ifrit 👁️ it worries me to an extent. cuz wdym copias showering ALL of the ghouls. wdym you can hear ALL of their shouts of disobedience. that is NAWT. all of the GHOULS. Where is IFRIT. is he okay. i am worried . i hope hes alright. i hope the shack is homely. i hope hes okay. :( im a big softie.
overall, this chapter REVIVED me. it gave me the motivation I needed to lock in and start reviewing for my upcomign exams. (next week bleh) it gave me LIFE. even. it gave me a good SKINCARE ROUTINE. It gave me ALL OF THE MONEY FROM ITS WALLET. it gave me NEW CLOTHES! I really loved it, truly. You are blessed with such wonderful writing ability—and i hope to see more:D the next chapter will be like a reward to me; much needed after i slave away studying for my several exams🕵️‍♂️ for future reference, i was wondering if we could ask you more questions about the story and some scenarios about it? like for example, “how would the ghouls react to the reader who, upon realizing they were being integrated into the pack, was very happy and actively integrated themselves into the packs routine” or something like that? i like to pry and prod at characters, test their limits and all—also, I hope you know that in actuality, the fact that you’re writing stories so good that I cannot help but send you reviews of the chapter, is the best part for me, myself. I am an avid fan of huits and I literally kick my feet whenever you update. you are such a sweetheart. you deserve everything good that comes to u.
looking forward to another update!! in the meantime, i’ll be binging the story<3 thank you for blessing us with your writing once more!
- @n4zareth 🧡
Hello my dear,
I'll start by saying that you can ask all the questions you want, request headcanons, scenarios, and anything else you'd like. No problem at all, especially since I've just finished the fourth page of chapter 17 (18 for AO3), so I'm really nearing the end, then I'll start working on what's coming next.
Both headcanons and scenarios, whether connected to HUITS or not, are welcome. You (all) can spam more than one request, even better, so I have more choices on what to do first and what to do later :P
That said! It's pretty obvious by now, but I'm really a sucker for the domestic. I'm a country girl, and the sexiest thing someone can wear is flour. Additionally, I quite like relating the fact that before Copia, the ghouls were in close contact with the sisters (besides being social), so they're not at all stressed by the change.
Regarding the spicy scenes, thank you for noticing HAHA. Actually, there's a fundamental issue (which is that I'm a lesbian), so I don't find the idea of a very explicit scene particularly moody or exciting. On the contrary, the overall vibe seems almost tastier than the act itself. I mean, the action is the same, but if the person changes (or the ghoul in this case), all the attitudes around it change. Phantom is awkward, shy, 100% a “missionary because he can both hold your hand and look you in the eyes” type. Rain is more desperate, more needy; he doesn't care about physical contact but wants the visual because he wants to be seen as the "cause" of your pleasure. Dew, on the other hand, would probably keep your head in the pillow because he hates eye contact and doesn't want vulnerability during intimate moments. It's all more frenetic, more intense.
The dish is the same; the presentation, the seasoning, and the sides change.
Regarding the bit where Rain looks lovingly at the reader, I swear I wanted to hit him with a metal bar (affectionately, of course) because he's truly in love. It's not just physical need; it's a need he feels almost in his veins to be yours.
You're so right about the reactions. My two beta readers laughed so hard at the part where the reader hesitates to undress because it's these little things that make it clear I'm not projecting myself but structuring a character (I live undressed; I probably would have been naked before everyone else, to be honest).
Based on this review, I feel like telling you that you'll like the next chapter. One of the requested things is in there. Not Ifrit, but to understand why Ifrit was saved but doesn't appear, I think you'll have to get to the last chapter. The first chapters were introductory, but the plot started from the first trip to the ministry. For now, I don't think anyone understands what's happening. Even though the story is from your point of view, some things will only make sense in the final two chapters (including that poor beast).
But I promise you he's okay! I haven't listened to the song yet, though, because I haven't written for a month or two, so I waited to get back into the vibe before listening to it.
Good luck with your exams, darling!
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emeritus-fuckers · 10 months
I know you said requests are closed, but I’m really hoping you can help.
My friend just lost a family member and I was hoping you’d be willing to write some confit hcs with any of the papas or the ghouls.
I fully understand if you ignore and delete this. I’m just trying to cheer him up since he and I are long distance friends and I can’t do much over the phone.
Thanks for your time and consideration
I'm using the characters discussed in the dms. I hope this helps. - Jez
Comfort after losing a loved one headcanons
Includes: Primo, Copia, Mountain, Swiss, Sodo, Rain and Cumulus
Due to his age, he's lost many people in his life. Some closer than others. So he understands your loss and is there in whatever way you need him to be.
He's there to offer a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.
He'll kiss your hands as you talk. Or rub your back. Or whatever you wish. He's there to support you.
Offers to help you grow the most beautiful flowers for their grave when you're ready.
He lets you talk all you want. Whenever you need. It doesn't matter if he's in the middle of something.
He's always there for you.
If you want to get your mind off of it, he'll offer many relaxing activities.
No matter what you need to do, he will be there for you and he'll do his best to provide you his support.
He knows he's not the best at comforting, but he does his best. He holds you tightly and lets you talk about the person you lost.
Tries his best to sympathize with you. Lets you hold and okay with his rats in hopes that it'll cheer you up at least a little bit.
Watches your comfort movies with you. Gets your favorite food. He tries his best to make sure you know you can always count on him.
Sister will probably get upset with him for it, but he won't even touch his work until you feel better.
He loves you so much, he wishes he could do something to magically remove your pain, but he knows healing can take a long time.
He'll be there with you the entire time. He loves you a lot. And he'll do anything you ask, just as long as he can comfort you somehow.
Lets you get all the frustration out on his drumset.
You're also forbidden from walking. He's gonna carry you and give you all the hugs and kisses he can.
His tail is basically your new stress toy. He doesn't care how sensitive it is, if you want to play with it, it's yours.
He'd let you absolutely bite or scratch him if needed.
Doesn't mind if you need to cling to him, he easily carries you with one arm.
Makes you food and offers to feed you.
He'll baby you all you need, taking care of your needs for you.
He's even gonna keep you wrapped in a blanket.
You can take all your time mourning. He's got you.
Lets you talk and and cry all you need. He's fully prepared to do absolutely anything for you, no matter what that is.
He's gonna do his best to bring you some joy.
Plays funny riffs for you, acts out funny scenes, tells you dumb jokes and puns.
Lets you fuck around with his instruments if it helps.
Swiss lives for your smiles so by default, he tries to get you to smile.
He's willing to cuddle you to oblivion if it helps you.
Kisses and hugs all around.
He's going to listen to you and make as much small talk as possible.
It's just his first instinct to distract you and cheer you up. If you tell him that's not what you need, he'll listen.
He'll let you lay on top of him, throwing a dumb joke to hopefully cheer you up.
He does his best to make you focus on happy thoughts about the person you've lost, kissing you all over.
Will absolutely make a fool out of himself for you.
The first thing he does is make sure you get your space. Unless you specifically ask him to let someone get close to you, he's gonna chase anyone away. You are not to be bothered and that's final.
He's the most protective of the bunch, I'd say. But he's also rather awkward.
He will bring you things to cheer you up. Your favorite snacks and drinks, fluffy blankets...
He gets you plushies and other stuff you can cuddle up to.
He deals with his issues by biting you, so he offers to let you bite him, hoping it helps at least a little bit.
Tell him what you need, it'll make everything much easier for the both of you.
He'll let you cuddle onto him for as long as you need. He can't say no to you.
He'll let you hold into him as long as you need, doesn't matter how long.
He's very good at soothing you.
Let's you curl up on his lap. He'll hold you and give you tiny kisses.
He'll play his bass for you, might offer to teach you a few simple riffs.
He'll let you play with his tail and talk about the loved one you lost.
Will offer to take you out for a swim, since it usually soothes him.
He would slowly undress you both and cuddles with you in the bathtub.
He's not too fond of bubble baths, but he doesn't mind if it's for you.
He'll gladly endure anything, really, if it cheers you up.
Kisses your hair often. Murmurs comforting words.
Basically becomes your own personal plushie until you feel better.
Speaking of plushies, this gorgeous Ghoulette becomes your plushie, pillow and mattress.
Lay on top of her all you need. Cry all you need. She's prepared for that.
She'll quietly sing to you, hoping to make you feel better.
If she's not holding you, she's getting your favorite snack and trying anything she can to bring a smile to your face.
She'll listen to you, rubbing comforting circles on your back as she kisses he top of your head.
She's very good at making you feel heard.
She'll listen to any stories you have and will also ask about them, hoping you'll feel a bit better if you focus on the happy memory.
She's also completely okay with you hiding from the rest of the world in her chest of thighs.
She offerss you her complete support, no matter what you need.
Written by Jez.
Taglist: @sirlsplayland @firefirevampire @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @natoncesaid @igodownjustlikeholymary @strawberriiblossoms @bloodmoon-bites
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ghostieboi1 · 11 months
No More Hurt
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Copia & GN!Child!Reader
Characters: Copia, Sister Imperator, Terzo, Secondo, Primo, and Nihil
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Info: All four of Nihil's sons (including Nihil) are alive
Word count: 1,046-ish
You sat in a quiet room of a building, the building was large and looked beautiful but you didn't know any of these people but you already trusted them more than you did your parents. You were a little scared but no one seemed threatening and even a little scared, they looked like nuns and priests but something wasn't quite right, you couldn't place it but they weren't the typical nun or priest.
The sound of a small knock scared you a little as the door opened and in came a woman and five different looking men, three of them looked to be around fifty years old and older than the other two. All of them were first confused, maybe even looked a little angry until they saw you and their eyes went soft.
"Is this them?" The woman asked a nun that came in.
"Yes, we found them crying outside the gates." The nun said, that being clearly backed up because of the towel draped around you.
"Thank you, I think we can handle this." The woman said, gently escorting the nun out of the room.
The first person to get any closer to you was a man with brown hair, he looked incredibly concerned. You flinched a little away from him when you realized how close he was, he seemed to notice and slowed his movements a bit.
"Sweetie? What's your name?" The man asked, his voice was soft but also had an accent.
"(Y/N)..." You replied, your voice shaky.
"It's nice to meet you, (Y/N). My name is Copia." Copia pointed at a man with raven black hair. "That man's name is Terzo," then to a tall man with sunglasses on. "His name is Secondo," then to a man with pointed ears. "His name is Primo," then to the eldest man of the room. "His name's Nihil," then to the woman. "Her name is Sister Imperator."
"(Y/N), can you tell us why you were in front of the gate?" Terzo asked, wanting more information.
"I... uh..." You stuttered, you knew you had to tell them why eventually but you didn't want to cry in front of them.
"It's okay, you're safe here." Primo comforted, sending a genuine smile your way.
You tried to smile back but knew it probably didn't look as nice as his. "I ran away from home..." You simply said, hoping you wouldn't have to explain anymore.
"How come?" Secondo asked, his voice sounded the most intimidating.
"My mom... she, uh... She hit me, a lot. My dad didn't help me, and I got hurt. She got mad at me yesterday and she told me to leave and never come back... so I've been running for a while." You explained, trying to not cry.
They all kept looking around at each other while you talked, the look on their faces clearly said enough to make you feel a little concerned.
"(Y/N), how long was this going on?" Imperator asked, her voice full of concern and worry.
"I don't remember, it's always been like that." You said, they all fell silent again. "You're not... you're not going to hurt me like she did, right?"
"No. We won't let anyone hurt you like that again." Copia said, his tone was a little stern but not loud.
"And we're also not sending you back and if she turns up, we'll tell her that you're not here." Terzo added, it seemed that Copia and Terzo were more vocal in protecting you.
"Do we know where they're going to stay? We don't have any rooms available unless they share one with someone." Nihil asked, a good question that got answered rather quick.
"They can stay with me for tonight or until we figure something out." Copia said, seeming to already grow a fondness over you.
"Alright, well, since it's already late in the night, I suggest we continue discussing this tomorrow." Imperator said, noticing the tired look on your face.
A few minutes passed before Copia told you that you needed to follow him, you left the room together and you finally got to take a look at how beautiful the building was. You must have been showing your admiration on your face because Copia chuckled a little when he looked at you.
"You look like you just stepped into a castle." Copia chuckled, finding it rather cute.
"You all live here?" You asked, surprised at how big it was.
"Yep, including some others." Copia added, it was just then he remembered the ghouls...
"Can I live here too?" You asked, your mind must have forgotten completely about your past as you were full of excitement.
"I'm pretty sure we can make that happen." Copia said, smiling down at you.
Along the way, you mentioned you were a little hungry. Copia changed his course of direction and started leading you to the kitchen and dining area, knowing there's bound to be snacks in there somewhere. You sat on the counter (Copia put you up there) and watched the man dig through a pantry.
"Uh, all I can find were these." Copia held out a bag of Goldfish, you gladly took it.
You and Copia stayed in the kitchen until you finished the snack, but while Copia was cleaning up the tiny mess, you had fallen asleep. Copia smiled before gently picking you up and carrying you to his room, the Clergy was completely silent now so he didn't worry about anyone waking you.
The walk back to his room wasn't long and was somewhat peaceful. Once Copia was in his room, he quickly made a spot for you on his bed before putting on some soft background music, an instrumental version of his favorite musical, The Phantom of the Opera.
You were still sound asleep as Copia tucked you in, he carefully placed his hand on your shoulder, gently caressing his thumb. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." Copia whispered, in his mind, he now had the responsibility of raising and protecting you.
Copia shifted over a little and fell asleep shortly after, he hoped that the Clergy would let him adopt you in the near future since it was pretty clear your biological parents should be locked up for what they did.
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Hi ghestie, love your writing! A humble little request if you're up for it, but Copia/Papa IV in a platonic/paternal way comforting a trans male reader who had an emotionally abusive Catholic father who never allowed them to express their feelings or accepted them growing up and needs some reassurance after going no contact and joining the Clergy that they're safe now and everything's okay? Totally unrelated to my own daddy issues and clinging to Papa as a comfort character of course ahem
Thank you for this request, ghestie! I hope I did it justice! ❤️❤️❤️
Mirrored here on AO3
If anyone has any requests, send them my way (see pinned post for more info)!
Welcome Home
You sniffed, attempting to stay quiet, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. Not that anyone else was in the chapel at that time. You had come here to be alone and think.
All of this was so different for you, this… acceptance. You could hardly believe it was true. In fact, you didn’t. Not always. You continually expected the bubble to burst, that your… father would suddenly appear before you, and you would find yourself back in your previous situation. It seemed as though you had gone from one religious extreme to the next, but where one had been horrible, being here at the Abbey was almost too good to be true.
The sound of the chapel doors squeaking open made you jump, but you stayed facing forward, hoping whoever it was would not notice you. But that was apparently too much to hope for. The sound of footfalls grew steadily louder as the person approached you until they stopped altogether. You half expected to be reprimanded for being in there or be told to leave.
You startled again, this time because you realized the person was Copia. You turned to look at him, finding him standing at the end of the pew behind you with a look of concern on his face. He was in his black robes and papal paint, likely about to get ready for confessions.
“Are you alright?” he continued.
You swallowed and nodded. “Yes, Papa. Fine.”
Copia gestured toward the pew. “May I sit?”
You nodded again and watched him out of the corner of your eye as he shuffled between the pews to sit next to you.
“Forgive me, brother, but you do not seem alright,” he said gently. “If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine! But… Just know I’m here to listen, sì?”
You gazed up at him for a moment before returning your attention to the pew in front of you. "None of this feels real. I'd never been accepted for who I am before until I got here. I keep expecting it to all end, that I'll turn a corner and there my father will be, and I just can't—" You broke off to take a deep breath.
Papa placed a hand on your shoulder. He knew your situation and had been nothing but supportive of you, as had everyone else at the Abbey who knew. "You're safe here, you know that, sì? Your father cannot get you here. No one will ever hurt you again, not as long as I have anything to say about it."
You looked up at him again, tears shining in your eyes. "I know, Papa. I'm not used to being able to just be me. I don't even know if I know how to be me."
Papa smiled. "Well, we will help you with that, brother. It will take time, but just know you will always have our support." He gave your shoulder a squeeze. "You will always have my support."
You closed your eyes and nodded. That was all you wanted. "I may have only been here a short time, but you've been more of a father to me than my actual father," you admitted quietly. "Thank you for that, Papa."
"There's no need to thank me, brother. I am more than happy to fill that role for you. You may always depend on me."
On impulse, you wrapped your arms around him, pressing your face to his chest. You had never felt more relieved and accepted and happy than in that moment. 
"Thank you," you whispered through your tears.
Copia soothingly rubbed your back. "Of course. Welcome home… son."
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can-of-pringles · 10 months
for the new ask game :)
3, 6, 9, 14, 18 [Silas & Copia], 22, 28, 42, 44, and 47 (you don't have to answer all of these, i'm just eager to test out the new questions lol)
3. Have you ever written a soulmate AU? If you haven't, why would/wouldn't you write one?
No, I haven't. I know I've kinda mentioned it slightly before but I usually don't like soulmate AUs. Sometimes they're done okay but idk the concept itself is kinda uncomfy.
6. Have you ever started to write a relationship and had it develop differently than you expected? How so?
I don't think so... maybe just by how fast/slow the relationship happened.
9. When you write, do you plan out the stages of a relationship, or just let it flow? Do you have any works where the characters seem to "write themselves"?
I usually try more of a let-it-flow approach, but occasionally I plan more stages.
14. Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you want to write in the future, but haven't yet?
I guess that one trope where they only call each other by their last name or something similar until an emotional moment and they use their first names.
18. Pick a few characters you've written for (or, for a fun twist, asker chooses). Tell me about their relationship in three sentences or less.
Ok Copia and Silas in three sentences?
I think the first mlm oc ship I've had? Both are chaotic but in their own way. Weirdly slightly reminds me a bit of Moomin and Snufkin (but probably because Silas reminds me of Snufkin)
22. Have you ever written a break-up scene? How did it go? Was it a permanent split?
I have not. However, that doesn't mean I won't write one in the future.
28. Have you ever written a tragic romance? How did it turn out?
*stares at Arith and Iriel* Oh yeah it turned out just fine /s
42. As an author, are you gentle to your characters?
I feel like the above answer sums it up (not as gentle as I probably should be)
44. What's your favorite type of relationship to write? What makes it most fun for you?
Sun and moon dynamic, in love but also best friends. I'm not quite sure except it's so sweet and soft and I like writing characters that are so comfortable around each other.
47. What's the most self-indulgent relationship you've written? Are there any particular moments/scenes that you wrote just for you?
Probably Peter and Marigold? I mean a lot of my writing is for me if that makes sense. I can't think of a specific one.. but it's been a while.
Fanfic Couples/Relationships ask game
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