#coming back after a nine month hiatus only to give you like three chapters in a row of terrible things is like.....not nice of me?
chasing-chimeras · 2 years
29. We Have Forgotten, In Ignorance Stumbling (The Blue Runt)
Gimme 👀
I know that I've kept you waiting for like an ungodly amount of time, so here's a longer one.
“Theo,” Liam warned, not amused in the slightest by his continued flirting.
“I’m teasing.” Theo crossed the room to sit back on the bed and he abruptly pulled Liam into a hug, which the younger man didn’t resist. “Let me warm you up like this, at least, yeah?”
Liam released a frustrated breath and leaned into Theo’s warmth. You need to stop putting up walls with him. He doesn’t deserve it. He’s going through just as much as you are, he’s just handling it better. Because he’s stronger. The last thought came surprisingly, but Liam knew it was true. They’d both suffered a lot since meeting, but Theo always seemed to rebound stronger and faster.
No…that’s not right.
He tilted his head and looked into Theo’s eyes. The older man’s characteristic amusement melted into a tumultuous vulnerability after a few seconds of prolonged eye contact.
He just hides it better.
A knock at the door interrupted their moment and Liam shied away from Theo, trying to look normal.
“Everyone decent?” Yazara’s voice was muffled by the thick wooden door.
“Just a second! Here.” Theo stripped off his tunic and handed it over to Liam. The shorter man gave his lover a suspicious look, but took the clothing when Theo shook it, impatiently.
“Thanks,” Liam mumbled, but continued to side-eye Theo.
“What?” Theo laughed and glanced down at his shirtless torso. “You’re shyer than I am.”
“Whatever.” Theo rolled his eyes. “You can come in, Yaz, we’re good.”
So it’s already Yaz?
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
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updated 11/24/2023
hey everyone! welcome to my moon knight masterlist. here you will find all links to my fics. please consider leaving feedback as you read, it would be greatly appreciated! i hope you enjoy :)
Steven Grant
the morning after: as steven watches you sleep, he starts to wonder whether you deserve to be with a man as broken as he is.
love you like the sun came out: steven spends an evening with two of his absolute favorites— the egyptian exhibit at the museum and you.
somewhere only we know: your story with steven all came to be whilst surrounded by shelves of old and dusty books, yet you couldn’t imagine a better beginning.
plushie: based on the prompt “i bought this because i thought you’d like it.”
lessons in touch: an inexperienced steven turns to you, his best friend, for advice ahead of a date. you happily agree to give him a few pointers, including a quick guide on how to kiss. but what starts out as an innocent favor ends up unearthing feelings that steven has buried for so long, complicating things more as his lessons in touch with you unexpectedly continue. in progress; nsfw in later chapters.
one // ON HIATUS
dom!mr. knight (nsfw)
emoji prompt
emoji prompt two (nsfw)
sentence prompts: one // two // three // four
sentence prompts (nsfw): one
slow (nsfw)
sfw: one // two // three
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Marc Spector
priority: based on the prompt “i never want you to think you’re anything less than my top priority.”
baby names: based on the prompt “i like it when you say my name.”
emoji prompt
sentence prompts: one // two // three // four // five
sentence prompts (nsfw): one // two
red (nsfw)
keep you safe
sfw: one
prince!marc AU
coffee shop AU
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Jake Lockley
fire & desire: whether he’d disappear for days, weeks, or even months, jake would always come back to you, And you’d always find yourself waiting for his return, knowing that you could never deny him despite all. (nsfw)
deep: based on the prompt “oh my god, do that again.” (nsfw)
sentence prompts: one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten
sentence prompts (nsfw): one // two // three
heat (nsfw)
hold still
sfw: one
nsfw: one
cat dad
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Moon Boys
✧ works featuring two or all moon boys
for all you give (i’ll give it back to you): after a bad day, marc and steven do everything they can to make you smile.
cuffed: the moon boys each take a turn playing with you and a pair of handcuffs. complete; ~7.5k wc (nsfw)
part 1: steven is in for a treat when you decide to bring out the handcuffs one night.
part 2: it’s marc’s turn with the cuffs now, and he’s not as sweet and gentle as steven.
part 3: jake finally makes his appearance. how he uses the handcuffs ends up being the cherry-on-top that evening.
sentence prompts: one
sfw: one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight
nsfw: one // two // three
✧ if you’d like to be tagged in my fics, feel free to shoot me an ask or dm!
➥ masterlist navigation
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So I decided that for my day nine, I’d do a list of some of my favorite fics to give the fandom authors some recognition. Of course, all of our fanfic authors are amazing and I’m so grateful that they do what they do, but these are just a few of my favorites. 
I tried to tag any authors that had a tumblr account, but it’s entirely possible I missed some, so if I did, sorry
This post isn’t super long but it’s pretty damn long so all below the cut
(also do note that my interest in bellarke is only a few months old so I have a lot more clexa fics than I do bellarke sorry)
Canon AU
Set The Dark On Fire by @talistheintrovert (complete)
Okay okay so this is a pretty dark fic, but god is it beautiful. After waking up from Cryo, Clarke and Spacekru try to figure out what to do about this new planet situation, but Clarke isn’t handling it very well and attempts a suicide. Like I said, pretty dark and serious, so if that isn’t your thing don’t read, but it’s amazing
Three Lives, Three Loves, One Face by @these-dreams-go-on (complete)
This fic has a ton of my favorite themes all mashed together and it’s amazing. Basically it’s similar to the Josephine!Clarke situation of s6, but Wanheda is an actual manifestation also inhabiting Clarke’s body so when Josie gets put into Clarke, Wanheda takes over and goes mass murder on Sanctum. Phenomenal fic, I’ve read it so many times and I adore it
Into The Anomaly by @fuckitup-in-style (WIP)
Time Travel AU!!! Starts after s6, but resets back to s1 canon divergence. The hundred all wake up on dropships and they all remember up until their deaths, and then it’s this thing where the mains all take charge and start herding up their crew. Just- if you like time travel fix-its, this is p e r f e c t please read it
And Now You’re Home by @asroarke (complete)
I just read this one recently and g o d is it amazing. After being left alone during Praimfaya, Clarke finds herself becoming desperate after being alone for so long. Until she finds out there’s been a grounder watching her the whole time. Grounder!Bellamy AU, with some accidental pregnancy that just makes it even cuter
Modern AU
I Found Peace in Your Violence by @eyessharpweaponshot (WIP)
I just found this fic a few days ago and holy shit is it a piece of art. I finally went through and read the entire 80k fic last night, it’s absolutely enthralling. Basically, there’s this gene called HTS and Clarke ends up having it, and so does Bellamy, and it’s just a beautiful story from both a romance and a plot standpoint. Such an interesting concept
our stars came in a packet of two by @millipop (WIP)
This isn’t a super long fic, it’s 20k right now and hasn’t been updated in a few months but what’s there is amazing. So the delinquent group is desperately trying to get Bellamy and Clarke together since they’re constantly denying their chemistry, but what the delinquents don’t know is that Clarke and Bell have actually already been together in secret and it’s such a fun fic, highly recommend
Don’t Wake Me, I’m Not Dreaming by grumpybell (complete) (I can’t find their tumblr sorry)
A very interesting AU where Clarke can see into other people’s dreams. She’s been meeting Bellamy in his dreams for years, him being the only person who could actually see her. Guess what happens when they meet in person? Probably not what you expect. Read the fic to find out, you’ll love it
reelin’ through the midnight streets by @detectivebellamyblake​ (WIP)
I haven’t finished this fic yet, but what I’ve read so far is wonderful. Basically Clarke, Bell and Octavia all grew up in a trailer park together, and eventually Clarke has had enough of her mom’s bullshit and decides to get out. Bellamy and Octavia go with her
Canon AU
Broken Body, Broken Spirit by @vmplvr1977 (complete)
I love love love this fic!! It basically mashes together the worlds of The 100 and Deus-ex, and if you don’t know what the latter is don’t worry too much, the fic gives all the backstory you’ll need!! Basically Clarke gets severly injured and ends up with augmented limbs, and Lexa, thinking Clarke dead, has some pretty severe reactions to it all. Kind of an enemies-to-lovers, but it’s set after the s2 finale
Clarke Kom Azgeda by FMLClexa (WIP)
This fic combines so many of my favorite ideas it��s amazing. Coming back after a long hiatus, basically Clarke gets sent down to Earth alone and ends up in Azgeda territory. She’s tortured and trained into Nia’s top assassin for years, and eventually gets the order to infiltrate Polis and kill the commander. You can guess how that goes
A Riffle and the Sea by Follower_Of_Mania (complete)
I will say it’s been a while since I read this fic but it’s amazing. Another Clarke gets sent to Earth alone AU, but she gets adopted by Floukru and trained to be a seriously badass killer grounder, like even Lexa is pretty put off by her. Clarke and Lexa develop this really interesting relationship where half the time you can’t tell if they love or hate each other and it’s amazing
Ascendants by whiteleopard1124 (WIP)
So this isn’t entirely clexa, it’s also clarke x luna but it’s clexa enough. Basically Clarke and the hundred get injected with this solution before being sent to the ground, and it causes certain people to develop supernatural powers. But Clarke gets injected with a special serum that causes her to be extra-OP but like in a very very good way
doing the impossible (with you) by snowandwolves (WIP)
Another Time Travel AU where Clarke kills herself and, after having a discussion with the goddess of death herself, wakes up back in time. She (and her accomplices) work out how to rewrite their story and make everything go better than it did last time. One of the best time travel fics, in my opinion
Healer on the Ground by Owlmemaybe (WIP)
This has long been one of my favorite fics, I love AUs where Clarke turns grounder, and that’s exactly what this is. Basically Clarke has a healing talent, so she can heal herself and others on command, and during s1 gets separated from the 100 and ends up with Heda. Another fic that isn’t likely to get updated, but it’s 100k of goodness that you h a v e to read
Whispers In The Dark (Lead Us To The Light) by JadelynDeath (WIP)
This one also hasn’t been updated very recently, but it’s still 50k good words to enjoy. Wanheda!Clarke AU where Death is a real being and takes a liking to Clarke before she even touches the ground, and once on Earth Clarke is an absolute badass in leading the delinquents.
(my) Destruction Within Your Mouth by @entirelytookeen (WIP)
It took me so long to actually finish this fic once I started reading because oh my god the angst, it was actually too much for me. This is a beautifully written story, so many emotions, can’t recommend it enough. Basically, Clarke gets separated from the 100 and ends up temporarily mute while she’s taken in by Heda
She’s a maniac by ChocDog (complete)
Another big-time favorite, this has badass commanders Heda and Wanheda. The grounder culture is different in this fic, but in such a good way. They’re much more tribal than is portrayed in the show, preferring not much clothing, bloodthirstiness, but it’s amazing. Also Bellamy comes in and makes a fuss of things
Through the Looking Glass by RhinoMouse (WIP)
Role Reversal AU where Lexa comes down with the 100 and Clarke is a BAMF Commander of the grounders. It’s been a really long time since I’ve read this one but I remember loving every second of it. Faintly follows the s2 plot, but it’s different enough that not a second of it is boring
Can you See Me? by clexawarrior (complicated)
Okay so basically this story was discontinued, but the author left a summary of how it would’ve played out at the end, so it’s... complicated. But this is another one of my favorites!! Lexa was at the explosion on the bridge and got injured, Clarke brings her back to the dropship to care for her. A lot of sexual tension ensues
From The Ashes by ArchonsVoice (complete)
I love love love this fic!!! So basically the dropship landed in the sea rather than on land, the ship explodes, leaving Clarke stranded alone in the middle of the ocean. She’s rescued by a clan called Tseekru and after years of living with them, has a run-in with our one and only Heda and sets this whole thing going. Amazing fic, so many twists
Returning to Hell by ElseworldKara, littleraider99 (complete)
If you haven’t read this fic what have you even been doing honestly. Set two years after the s2 finale, Clarke leads the coalition beside Heda, and she’s returned to Arkadia to finally tell them to get their shit together or suffer the consequences. Very dark, a lot of character bashing on Abby, Bellamy, and others. An inspiration for many of my own fics
Then There Were Two by TheWorldNeedsMoreOctaven (WIP)
I haven’t read the most recent chapters of this, but it’s phenomenal. ABO universe where Clarke is the only omega sent down in the hundred (later followed by Raven), and they have to deal with the grounders and nature. It’s a lot more interesting than I make it sound, promise. Also very octavia/raven based too
Doctor on the Ground by @underneaththecovers-au (WIP)
Very angsty, very smutty fic. Clarke finds an injured Lexa while out of camp and takes her to the bunker to help her heal. Lexa pretends she can’t understand English, but even with the barrier, things get heated very quickly. You can imagine the chaos when Lexa’s secret gets out. Must-read
Modern AU
Vantage Point by thatoneloser_kid (complete)
This is pretty short, only 16k words, but god is it good. If you like dark!clarke, this is the story for you. Clarke, Lexa, Octavia, and Raven are all a bunch of criminals who run around- saving people?? That makes it sound like a superhero story but no, they’re all badass. Clarke is literally a psychopathic ex-assassin. It’s just an amazing fic
Are You A Kidnapper? (Because You Abducted My Heart) by 707 (complete)
This isn’t normally the type of fic that I like to read but I’m so glad I picked it up. So Clarke and Lexa have this hatred going on between them that’s actually just hidden attraction, and they’re finally forced to address it when they get kidnapped and locked in a room together. This fic has it all, fluff, smut, angst, an amazing plot, it’s just all around wonderful
Make Two Halves Whole by awkwardrainbow, Lexawoodz (WIP)
This one I also don’t remember all that much about other than that it was amazing. It’s been years since it was updated, though, so I doubt we’ll get any more, but what’s there is 80k worth of goodness. Clarke and Lexa meet online through Twitter, living on opposite sides of the US, but still manage to fall in love with each other
breathe into my lips the life i do not have by @ur-the-puppy (complete)
So this is another long-time favorite of mine!! It’s a 36k oneshot where Clarke moves into a house that ghost Lexa haunts but instead of being creeped out Clarke just starts chatting up the ghost and they become roommate buddies. Such a good fic, I highly highly recommend this one
You See the Smile That's On My Mouth (it's hiding the words that don't come out) by heartshapedcandy (complete)
Another fic I need to go back and reread, but I remember being absolutely absorbed in this fic!! Childhood friends to lovers AU, with a fuck ton of angst and confusion and oblivious pining dorks that you can’t help but love it to death. Also a lot of ‘’’’platonic’’’’ kissing
Other AU
Storm of the Heart by @cruellanita-bby (WIP)
Mermaid AU!! Clarke lives on an island where they grow up hating the mermaids that attack their fishing ships, and she hates them too until she finds Lexa the mermaid washed up on the shore, injured, and starts taking care of her. They fall in love and try to mend the relationship between their people. I’ve been keeping up with this one for a while, it’s so good, please read it
Hold Me Till The Stars Dim by @ur-the-puppy (complete)
I’m putting this one down here rather than in modern AU just because of how different it is from most modern AUs. Lexa goes camping with her friends out in the woods, some shit happens, and she meets what’s basically grounder Clarke, with a twist. This fic is so captivating, I loved it
You’re safe with me by I_am_clexa (WIP)
ABO modern AU where omegas are sold as slaves to alphas. Clarke is an omega who is bought by Lexa’s father as a gift to her, but Lexa doesn’t like the way omegas are treated and goes out of her way to give Clarke the best life she could possibly have
Other Pairings
Canon AU
Three Loves (Pieces Of Us) by @kendrene , @bae-in-maine (WIP)
Clarke/Lexa/Anya fic where Anya takes Clarke back to Lexa as a kind of prize, Clarke ends up making an alliance with the Trikru and maybe also falling in love with the commander and her general along the way. I’ve read this fic so many times, but it hasn’t been updated in years. It’s still 150k worth of amazing fic though
Twisted Steel by Steelehart (complete)
A clarke/raven fic where an explosion on the Ark leaves Clarke with two prosthetic arms. Follows fairly closely to the s1 plot once you get into it, but deviates in the later chapters. It’s an amazing fic I promise, please read it
Modern AU
and four makes home by @dreamsheartstory (complete)
This is over 300k worth of Clarke/Lexa/Octavia/Raven, which seems like a lot but I promise you it’s perfect. It’s been a bit since I read this, but from what I remember it’s your typical fall-in-love modern fic, just with the added angst of figuring out a four-way poly relationship
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sharktoothedboys · 3 years
One Of The Guys - Chapter One
U.A were some of the best years of your life, no question.
the skills you learnt, the control you gained over your quirk and most importantly, the friends you made along the way. 
Which is the one thing you didn’t expect. As a Todoroki, prodigal child, you and your twin brother Shoto were raised in a stoic manner, to put it politely, You were both taught from an early age that you only needed each other and everyone else was weak and a big fat waste of time, even your other siblings.
So when the loveable red head, the brash blonde and the timid green haired boy, as well as a few others, managed to tear down your walls, you were m ore than surprised, to sat the least. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. Then of course you managed to break your brother down too and that’s when you both learnt the true value of friendship.
Fast forward 12 years, 28 years old, you and Shoto are having an event at your co-owned agency to celebrate its first very successful first year, You both decided to open an agency together when you learned that your father was talking retirement, neither of you wanted to merely have his agency handed over to you, so you decided together you would make names for yourselves as separate Todorokis from your father, even though the past is in the past and you were mostly on good terms now, Neither of you wanted anything handing to you in life without hard work and determination. Of course you took on a few investors in the form of your old classmates and fellow pro heroes. 
Midoriya, Denki, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Sero and of course your old secret crush, Eijiro Kirishima. Mina was around most of the tie as your best friend and soul mate as she put it, but she wasn't apart of the agency as she was currently on hiatus trying for children, which was never a bad thing, just not your cup of tea, even though you couldn't wait to see who future mini Mina took after. 
You were currently getting ready for the event, floating on cloud nine just thinking about seeing Kiri in a tux, it always made you weak when he wore a suit, and everyone thought it was adorable when you tried to adjust his tie because he was so tall and you were, well, not. Everyone saw how you two were and how you loved each other, it was just a shame the two of you didn’t see it from each other. Luckily the building you and your brother had purchased stood a mighty 27 stories tall and the top floor came fully equipped with 4, 2 bedroom apartments, which was ideal for all involved, and one of the main reasons you and Shoto decided to buy it in the first place. then you rented  the 5 floors below you to a hotel chain and restaurants and the rest of the building was your hero agency, something you were both immensely proud of. Obviously apartments had to be doubled up on, Shoto shared with Tokoyami to create the worlds quietest living space, Bakugo and Midoroya shared a place, Denki and Sero, and that left you with Kiri, straws were drawn and you are not how you got so lucky. Not that you were complaining. 
Back to getting ready! Mina was here to help! Fashion, hair and beauty were by no means your strong point, drop kicking a man and using a switch blade you could handle, winged eyeliner not so much, you could have just watched a video and become an expert in seconds, but you didn’t want to take away from Minas fun. Kiri had currently been kicked out and was in Bakugo and Midoriyas polce getting himself ready so you and mina could have girl time, b ut you you knew the truth, what Mina wanted... 
“Sooooo....” She began, but was quickly cut off by you. 
“Don’t start Mina.” You smirked at her, knowing what she was getting at, cheeks flushing slightly at the thought. 
“Oh come on (Y/N)!!!” She pouted “Its been 12 years!! When are you going to grow a pair and just confess already? Its so obvious that you two love each other, and I mean crazy movie kinda love! It makes me sick that neither of you have fessed up yet!”
“If he liked me, He would have confessed by now!” You continued “I mean, we’ve lived together for the best part of two years while we got the agency up and running, He’s seen me in just my underwear, dancing around in just a long shirt, HIS SHIRT! he’s sat with me while I’ve been in the bath and told me about his day! He’s never even made a passing comment never mind made a move on me!” 
you looked down sadly at your scarred hands and pouted.
“Well, you know what he’s like.” Mina said tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, “Its not manly to stare.” 
You laugh at her comment, as there’s a knock at the door and she raises herself to her feet.  
“I’ll go grab that, you are all done anyway, just need your shoes, they are by the mirror!” She said happily as she left your room, “You scrub up well.” 
She points to the mirror as she disappears behind your door to see who was here. 
She was right, you didn’t even recognise yourself! Which was a good thing, all eyes would be on you and Shoto today, the Paparazzi was going to be there, as well as all your old class A classmates, and class B , some of your old teachers and even your father was making an appearance, after 6 months of his retirement and not showing his face much while he enjoyed it, he was going to be a hot topic. 
“(Y/N)!” Mina yelled from the living area, “Its Bakugo!”
You quickly get up and put on your high high shoes, but it was fine, this you did watch a video on, because you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself, and no of course, you were a seasoned expert at walking in heels. you gave yourself one last glance and headed out towards Mina and Bukugo. 
“You ladies ready?” He asks as you round the hallway. 
I think so.” You answer, placing your phone in to your bag and giving hi a smile. 
“You don’t look to shabby (Y/N)” He remarked as you twirled. 
“Thanks, you don’t look terrible yourself Suki.” You replied, His nickname from school still sticking, not that he minded, you were one of the few people he tolerated more than others, mainly down to the respect he had for you as a person, he had definitely grown up a little, in body and mind.
“Shall we go?” Mina asked, linking her arm with Bakugo’s..
Yes they were an item, that’s why you couldn’t wait to see how mini Mina turned out, a pink haired baby Bakugo sounded to cute to comprehend! You’re still not sure how it even happened, but it did and there were an adorable couple and great together, you were so happy for them, you couldn’t wait until they had a child to complete their little family, even if it did mean Bakugo would move out eventually. 
“Sure, lets party.” You said with a hint of sarcasm, you hated these events in all honestly, but the free publicity would do your agency wonders. 
Bakugo lead you both out of your apartment and over the the elevators, The ride done was silent, besides Mina humming as she fixed Bakugos bow tie, and a small wince coming from you as your feet were already hurting.  The ding indicated you had reached your destination, the doors open to a barrage of flashes and “Over here’s” as the Paps had been patiently waiting for you all to arrive. 
The three of you made your way over to the reception room past the rows of cameras, you smiled and waved and happily answered as few questions thrown your way, as did Mina. Bakugo however just walked by, ignoring them all and made hi way into the reception room where the event was set to take place. Some things never change. 
You and Mina broke away from them, saying your goodbyes and offering them all a drink or two at the open bar later on. Just as you were both about to enter the grand doors to the reception room, the elevator dinged again and a cameraz man shouted. 
“Red riot has arrived!” 
You smiled at Mina and turned to watch him emerge from the elevator and make his way to you. but you didn’t expect to see what you did.
Your smile quickly faded as he appeared, but not alone, a pretty woman was basically attached to him, his arm protectively around her waist and he guided her gracefully past the paps and towards where you and Mina stood. He smiled and obliged to stop for photos on his way. his arm never leaving her hips.
Your mouth went dry, the colour visibly drained from your face and suddenly you couldn’t remember how to move as your body gave up on you as you desperately wanted to avoid this interaction. 
Who was she? 
“(Y/N)” Mina whispered as you stared in disbelief “Are you okay?” 
Her question pulling you back to reality
“Yes.” You lied, “Why wouldn’t I be, He isn’t mine in the first place, he can do as he pleases.” 
She knew better as you put on a fake smile as he got closer to the two of you. 
“Hi Guys!” He beamed and your heart skipped a beat, “Meet Kimiko, Kimiko, this is Mina and (Y/N)”
You put your hand out to shake hers in greeting and she gave you a look that could kill as she ignored your gesture.
“A pleasure,” She all but spat out. “(Y/N)? the person you share the apartment with?” 
She’d been in your apartment?
“I didn’t know it was a girl you lived with.” She said, words full of hatred. 
“Of course she’s a she, she’s my best friend.” He said happily, making you smile at him as he defended you a little. “Besides there nothing to worry about, right (Y/N)?” He asked, not giving you time to answer. “She’s one of the guys.”
You’re heart broke.
You held back the tears that felt like acid in your eyes as you felt Mina’s hand grab yours in a desperate attempt of some kind of comfort for you.
“Anyway, see you guys inside!” Kirishima said as he lead Kimiko inside the hall.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you had been holding and looked over at Mina and small, sad smile adorned your face. 
“See, its a good job I never confessed,” You chuckle out, holding back a sob, “I am just one of the guys.” 
“(Y/N)...” Mina started but you abrup0tly cut her off.
“Shall we go inside?” You asked, dabbing under your eyes to catch any stray tears that had dared to fall, ignoring Minas concern as you turn and head inside the venue, a hug pretend smile plastered on your face. You were not going to let it ruin your big night you think to yourself as you confidently stroll in looking for your brother, it was an important night and you couldn’t let just “being one of the guys” get you down, not right now. 
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excorcismic · 4 years
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      ❛ remember the time . . . in SAN FRANCISCO ? with me by your side , in SAN FRANCISCO ? you are such a  s i g h t  , the deepest brown eyes , my dear . . . ❜
                                                                      ❛ MISA MISA !! ❜                                            playlist . plotting call . listen as you read !
the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of HIRAI MOMO  -  but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of VALENTINE’S DAY , 2011 strikes you.  perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself  -  you’re MISA AMANE ! ,  a TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD STREAMER / MUSICIAN whose virtue lies in your + LOYALTY & + OPTIMISM , although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite - NAÏVE & - IMPULSIVE ,  and you’re associated with BLACK PAINTED NAILS HOLDING A FOUNTAIN PEN , RUBY RED LIPS & EYES THAT MATCH , GIVING HIM YOUR EVERYTHING IN EXCHANGE FOR JUST HIS HEART by those around you.  suddenly,  however,  you’ve found LIGHT’S WHITE JACKET on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse,  memories from your life in DEATH NOTE have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you.  you can almost hear SAN FRANCISCO by THE DRIVER ERA following in your wake. ( she/her & demigirl )
                       this is the story of a very lonely girl .
born in alucard , pennsylvania - misa amane was the child of celebrity parents who settled down in the small town . as of course , a TEMPORARY break . a director father and a failed actress mother , they were determined their daughter continue the legacy and turn into a star . and after a few good , normal years ( if ‘normal’ involved going to school & playing during the day then coming home to intense acting , singing , dancing practice ) , she managed to get wrapped into the world of stardom . 
first , it was through commercials . then , small parts in movies that called for cute little girls . then . . . a deal with a children’s network at age nine to star in a series about a child detective . affectionately called , THE MYSTERIES OF MISS MISA-MISA !
from nine to sixteen , she’d work tirelessly - becoming an instant hit the moment the pilot episode aired , selling merchandise all over the country and making appearances on other television shows . 
but then there’s the inevitable - kids start to grow up . the childish charm is lost & the children start to realize they were deprived of so much for the sake of fame . such things , like friends . and misa . . . although initially asked for a sequel series that would tackle the child detective now as a high schooler , declined in favor of going back home to pursue her high school years as a normal teen . of course - to the chagrin of her parents . she’d go back home to live with an aunt in alucard for a year , finishing her sophomore year , then her parents would follow - she’d move back in again at the start of her junior . and . . . it was not at all easy . considering a , she already had a reputation as a child star - which was equivalent to a target along her back . and b , the lack of friends was obvious - and even when she smiled at everyone , complimented their styles , helped them out with work she could assist with . . . most of the time , she’d sit by herself at the lunch table . or , with people that she didn’t know if they were actual friends or not . 
graduation comes , and misa amane stands to accept her diploma . there isn’t a graduation party ; she just sits in the back of her parents’ car , ready to go out to a fancy dinner she isn’t looking forward to .
BUT ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST ! graduation is the end of a chapter - and the beginning of the next rests in amane’s hands . three months pass , and once again the family puts pressure on her to go back into showbiz . it isn’t too late , you’re young & pretty - you’re meant for movies . but . . . misa , of course , refuses . she actually is looking into maybe making another name for herself . . . but in a very different way than her parents would hope .
it’s an argument . an argument about how misa has talent she’s ignoring & an argument about how her parents can’t control her forever . one friend she has sits in her truck in the parking lot as misa packs her bags , and the heated argument ends with the blonde girl slamming the door and her parents telling her to come back only when she has her head screwed on straight . but it’s fine . misa’s alright with this - she’s going to be a star in her own right , since a band she’s started playing in underground has just gotten noticed . YOUR FRIENDS & THE SKELETONS - a hard pop-punk band influenced by the likes of my chemical romance , paramore , two door cinema club , the 1975 , what have you . 
alucard is left behind when the recognition comes since misa amane needs the change of scenery . but that doesn’t mean she is gone forever , as sometimes the pursuit of other things only lasts for so long . 
the next few years are kind . the band experiences a nice success that means misa gets to live her dream - but she realizes the burnout when she looks back on everything she’s accomplished . the constant moving around , always only talking to the same few people or never anyone she gets to know - it registers that she’s still in some sort of box . and maybe a break from said box is needed .
your friends & the skeletons goes on a touring hiatus , retiring back to alucard . misa does not tell her family she’s going back - she doesn’t give a shit , and she doesn’t think they do , either . she gets an apartment by herself , and starts frequently streaming to still connect with her fans even though she’s taken a step back out of the spotlight . 
alucard is quiet . and alucard is home . but there’s a lot that misa again has to face .
she has a history here , yes - but nevertheless , there is still that feeling of loneliness . in every aspect - she never had many friends . little of her relationships lasted long , always ending with unrequited love , quick heartbreak , what have you . only her bandmembers did she have , even though she tried to throw herself at every friendly face she saw .
because she’s always been friendly . always a friend to everyone else , even if they aren’t a friend to her . only hoping maybe SOMEONE ELSE can see her as someone - begging to be somebody’s top-pick , somebody’s vip , somebody to someone . because her whole life she’s lived as only the bridesmaid , but never the bride in the eyes of those looking away from stardom . because it’s one thing to be adored by fans - it’s another to be adored by individual people .
nevertheless , amane is never one to give up quickly . because she believes that someday , maybe she’ll get what she wants . . . even though of course , when things go south , she still quickly accepts maybe she isn’t meant to be somebody’s someone . 
but she always smiles .
misa amane is one of a kind . she’s got so much love in her heart to share - she’s sensitive , maybe she gets hurt easily . maybe she’s IMPULSIVE and naive to where she bites off more than she can chew and believes things she shouldn’t . she jumps into things without realizing how much she could get hurt . talks without thinking . but she is friendly - she’s kind , outgoing , and cherishes those she admires even if they don’t cherish her back . her heart is forever on her sleeve , and all she wants to be loved . she’s been lonely for a long time .
she’s talented ! not only fronting her band with vocals & rhythm guitar , but also taking interests in visual art , crafting . aside from streaming , she runs a little etsy shop where she makes jewelry and keychains of her own little style . she of course can act , but hates it at this point . she also knows how to play the piano & the drums !!
she regularly streams for her fans - whether it’s to watch movies or shows with them or to play video games she has with them . she’s social , in that she always loves to talk to someone . her batteries recharge through social interaction , as an extrovert’s extrovert .
i wouldn’t say misa is stupid . she’s clever - witty . but sometimes she’s a little ditzy and acts without thinking ; i like to thing she did pretty well in school in terms of her grades , but her tendencies to both act and speak without thinking and sometimes forgetting simple things can give the impression she isn’t too smart . but she is ; just in her own special ways . she’s not dumb at all .
she also knows no fear - courageous to some points where it’s even dangerous . she regularly likes to go on adventures in the dark to investigate possible haunted areas , always is the one to kill the bugs when everyone else is scared , heights and the dark are never an issue . she also lives and breathes for the occult , heavily believing in everything supernatural . she even practices witchcraft ! 
also she's hardcore pan if u think misa is straight U Are Mistaken
it is almost a certain guarantee that misa amane is perhaps one of the friendliest faces in alucard . the one that only hopes you like her as much as she likes you . and maybe one day she’ll find that - until then , she will never stop persisting . she goes everywhere and she smiles at everyone ; a shimmer of sunshine in black platforms & cross earrings .
                    . . .  holding on , i’m holding on to our story . . .
there is a girl . a very lonely girl . a very lonely girl that looks back at misa when she stares into the house of mirrors . and that lonely girl is a thought that misa can’t get out of her head , along with the newfound feeling that there is something - no , someone missing from her life that should be there . or was there . a missing piece that she doesn’t recognize . and the white jacket , a bit too big for her to fit , that appears on her person - the attachment she feels to it gives her security , like a safety blanket ; even though she has no clue where it came from , or who it actually belonged to . . . 
god i fried my own brain writing this but anyway HELLO EVERYONE once again i am hylia and . . . i have finally finished . my monster of an intro for misa . once again if u want to look at my plot/connection ideas pls click the plotting call link at the top of this post !! i love this girl to death and i hope u guys like her too c: bc she is my BABIE and i ,,, am so stoked to write her here . I’LL SEE Y’ALL WHEN I GET OFF WORK !! <3 
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
hello everyone. let me just take a moment to introduce myself. my name is Megan and two years ago, I started this blog originally under the user name @/syzygy-yoongi to post one shots about the boys from IQIYI’s Idol Producer. since that time, i have gain a mass following (2,000+ today) that i am forever grateful for. i have also made many friends that i love dearly and am so blessed to have in my life.
when i began this blog, i didn’t expect so many people to pay attention or to read my stories. if you remember, i was pumping out chapters two or three times a day, finishing series within a week or two because i loved writing that much.
today, i’m going to rank my top five completed series that i have written. feel free to reblog with your own opinions/rankings as well or leave me an ask with your opinions about my stories! (i’m very bored).
Now let’s get this show on the road!
1. Girls Like You (Cai Xukun)
Summary: IP High School is one of the most prestigious boarding schools in China for the fine arts. Owned by the Huang family, the school only accepts the best of the best. Many of China’s biggest stars came from this school and many of their students already have offers upon their graduation.
This year will be Cai Xukun’s fourth year at the school and fourth year witnessing the favoritism of his classmate, Zhu Zhengting (who’s parents are world class dancers) as well as the favoritism from students Fan Chengcheng (little brother of China’s most famous actress) and headmasters’ son, Huang Justin. The three of them are known to run the school. They get away with being late to classes, missing classes completely, missing assignments, talking back and Xukun swears he’s never seen them in full uniform. Safe to say that he kind of despises them and their “holier-than-thou” mindsets.
So when Justin’s sister joins them for her senior year, he could only roll his eyes at the news. While all of Xukun’s friends seem to fall for her, he can’t see the magic of it all.
“Girls like you? Girls like you are the kind that I can’t stand! You think just because you’re rich and pretty that we all have to fall for you? Well news flash, it’s not going to work on me. Now stay out of my way!”
MY OPINION: I really hold this fic near and dear to my heart because of the amount of work I put into the relationship between YN and Justin, YN and Zhengting and YN and Xukun. These were the three main relationships throughout the story that I feel really made readers pick sides. In all honesty, I was very nervous the first half the the story because everyone was on Zhengting’s side. This story was one of my most popular series and I was very pleased with the outcome, though I do have some regrets.
LOVED MOST: The relationship between YN and Justin. Justin’s character was the most difficult character I have ever portrayed. The early stages of developing his character actually spurred from Charlie from the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. As for YN’s character, I grew up in a household where my parents were always at work and so I had to raise my younger siblings (obviously not to the extent of YN’s and my parents are kind people). Her motherly tendencies came a lot from the things I had personally done growing up (making meals, putting together backpacks, so on and so forth). I think of all the relationships I’ve ever written, YN’s and Justin’s “Huang or Die” relationship is always going to be my favorite.
BIGGEST REGRET: The ending. Looking back on it now, I honestly think the story should have gone another way. Of course YN runs from Zhengting but I personally think that the ending was way too rushed. It was something I put together in the matter of hours just because I wanted to get the story over with. I think now, I would have let YN have more time to be herself and to be a kid in Korea rather than carrying on being a mother. I also would have liked it if she had ended up with Chengcheng, the only boy in this entire story besides Zhengting, who had been there from start to finish . I would have also liked to have seen the more interaction with her and Yanjun and Ziyi, considering they, along with Bingbing were the main hands that took part in her escape.
2. SUBSCRIBE! (Xiao Gui)
Summary: Wang Linkai just posted videos of himself playing videos for fun. He never in a million years expected to build the type of following he did.
Zhu YN started off just posting little home videos for her and her friends. She never in a million years expected to build the type of following she did.
The one where you and Xiao Gui have no idea who the other is until one day, your brother sends you the link to a video called “REACTING TO TEXTS FROM AN ANGEL I MET TODAY!”
MY OPINION: Though Xiao Gui continues to be my bias up until today, the fic that I wrote for him is second place. I had a lot of fun writing it but with a more regrets than I did with Girls Like You. (Also let’s all remember when I wrote that he was a matcha frappe guy and then days later, he was papped with that exact drink).
LOVED MOST: Xiao Gui’s character development is something I’m always going to take pride in. I think out of all of my stories, his character was one of the most carefully planned. There were little details (such as when Gui goes from stealing Ziyi’s car keys to asking for them in the end) that really showed how much he grew. I’m also glad he didn’t just give up his dream for love and how he wanted YN to be free while he was away. I feel like had he been the same person from the beginning, he either would’ve given up his music career or made YN wait for him. I really loved to see how much he grew during this story.
BIGGEST REGRET: How YN knew Xiao Gui’s mother 🤦🏻‍♀️. That was such a plot twist ending that didn’t even make sense. I wish I had found a different way for YN to have gotten Gui to be with his mother other than “oh she sells me fruit”.
3. Smile for the Camera (Zhu Zhengting)
Summary: Nine Percent Photography is a small company with big names. Owned by Y/N, it features the faces of Cai Xukun, Chen Linong, Fan Chengcheng, Huang Justin, Lin Yanjun, Wang Ziyi and You Zhangjing.
Nine Percent Photography is best known for their creativity and ability to push their models into various aesthetics. They are one of the richest companies in Asia with every model raking in an estimated 2.3 million dollars every month. It is every model’s dream to be apart of this world class company.
Zhu Zhengting is an aspiring model. Up until this point, he has only scored small gigs. That is, until one phone call changed his entire life.
Zhengting finally has the chance to follow his dreams. He’s not going to let anything get in his way. Right?
MY OPINION: This story was the first story of mine that really blew up. It’s my pride and joy and where my following really started to build.
LOVED MOST: I loved the harmony between the company. It was like they were all destined to be together. I also liked how they were so honest with each other towards the end. I loved how they all had to fall apart to come back together. I also really appreciated Yanjun’s friendship with YN and how much YN loved her company.
BIGGEST REGRET: I should have made the the story longer so that YN and Zhengting could have had more time to fall in love with each other. I reread it a couple of weeks ago and honestly, the way the fell was so awkward and rushed. Had I gone back to write it, I would have focused more on their love story. I also wished I would have gone and written more about their modeling and/or their work since they were a modeling company. I also wished I had gone deeper into YN and Zeren’s backstory.
4. Oblivious (Wang Ziyi)
Wang Ziyi has never been the type to confront his feelings head on. He’s always swallowed the butterflies, tied his shoe laces and held on to the safety handle to make sure he never let him fall for anyone. He likes to say it’s because he doesn’t want to get his heart broken but his friends say that maybe he’s just saving those feelings for you.
the one where people aren’t sure whether you two really hate each other or really like each other.
MY OPINION: This was one of my more humorous stories. I’m usually an angst writer so getting to write Ziyi and YN in such a playful manner was like a breath of fresh air. This is also the story that came after I took my first hiatus (which was supposed to be like a week but ended up being like a day lol). I remember the stress of wanting to write something angsty for Ziyi and not having the storyline so instead, I decided to write a funnier story for him. Though, not as popular as Girls Like You, Subscribe! or Smile for the Camera, it still ranks high for me.
LOVED MOST: I LOVED HOW FUNNY ZIYI AND YN’S CHARACTERS WERE — actually all of them! One of my favorite parts of the story is always going to be the line where Linong says he has “bible study in an hour” and Yanjun replies “PLEASE STOP CALLING YOUR THEOLOGY (the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs) CLASS BIBLE STUDY!” All of the characters played a big part in the story unlike in the others where characters like Zhangjing and Linong are more of the background extras.
BIGGEST REGRET: THE WHOLE ENDING! I remember a lot of people were upset with YN and her plans and I agree because what she did was a bit uncalled for. But I remember just wanting it to end so I let it end the way it did. Had I gone back and rewritten it, I probably would have let Xingjie and YN play out for a bit before the two realized they were better off as friends. Sort of along the lines of Lara Jean and John Ambrose.
5. Trust Me - Lin Yanjun
Summary: Summary: Ever since you were a freshman in high school, Wang Ziyi has always felt the need to protect you. Now you’re a freshman in college and nothing has changed. When he hears that the labeled player, Lin Yanjun, is trying to make his way into your life, Ziyi finds it harder to keep his secret under wraps - especially when you make friends with You Zhangjing, Lin Yanjun’s best friend.
MY OPINION: Ah yes. I feel like this is a forgotten story of mine. It was one of my first ever series. I think I was still @/syzygy-yoongi at the time that I wrote this. I still get nostalgic when I see people finding it now. This is actually the story that got me into writing series (I had never written one before Trust Me) when a follower suggested the idea to me.
LOVED MOST: I really loved the plot twist at the end. I think of all of my stories, this was the only one that I really planned out and stuck to it. I didn’t overthink Trust Me because at the time, I did get have many followers and I didn’t have anyone to disappoint.
BIGGEST REGRET: I think the reason why I ranked Trust Me so lowly is because of the lack of quality it had. It was the earliest development of what yanjuniverse is today. This is the story that made me realize that I really had a knack for angst. I have the fondest memories of Trust Me and I’m so happy I wrote it.
Conclusion: This was my top five rankings for my completed series. Of course it doesn’t go into my incompleted series (I Bet would’ve knocked Trust Me right off of this list). This was a complete waste of time but just something I wanted to do because I had just spent the past couple of weeks rereading my fics. Hope you all enjoyed and if you made it this far, thank you so much. I’m so grateful for this blog. It really made me who I am today. I’m so grateful for the memories and how much I grew from these stories!
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
The Ballads of Rebirth (Arthur Morgan x Reader)
Chapter 13: Whispers of An Early Morning Traveler
A/N: Sorry for the weird hiatus, a lots happened since then. I also struggled to write this chapter, I don’t know why but I really wasn’t digging it at first.
I made a discord server for this crazy fic, I’m not expecting too many people to join, but if you want to join, it’s very much appreciated, even if you do just lurk :)
Lee returned to your side after hanging up the phone. Once again he was stared at, all eyes on him. He was the only visitor, after all it was six in the morning. Two more hours and you should be awake, at least from the doctor’s estimate. They assumed you had passed out from exhaustion and blood loss, judging by your clothes and your feet, but still it was an estimate. There was no telling when you woke up.
You looked peaceful, despite being bruised and bloodied. It made his heart lurch.
He’d have to wait. Waiting was something Lee was good at, or rather, he had learned to be good at. This week had been beyond insane, only a few days before the wedding, you hadn’t even found a dress. The plan was a very simple wedding, married at the chapel in the woods, Lee inviting his close friends from childhood, and then a small party at the apartment. The honeymoon would be a trip to Chicago, as you’d always wanted to return to your home city. Lee wanted to see a sprawling city, larger than Richfield. But a wedding seemed so fruitless now, it was very possibly there would be no wedding and Lee would be left alone again. It seemed outlaws always weaseled their way into his life, and the outcome was never good.
What would he tell his father? His father probably already expected an old flame had returned. His father would die before he would get to see Lee married. The thought scared him, one day his father wouldn’t be here, and that day would be coming very quickly.
Arthur was there within minutes of his call, he looked tired too. It seemed like all three of them were.
His heavy footsteps knocked Lee out of his deep thought, Lee simply nodding to him.
Arthur looked vacant at the sight of you, sighing as he sat down next to Lee’s chair.
“When’d they find her?”
“Couple hours ago. I think, at least. Not too sure.”
“This whole mess..” Arthur trailed off, still staring at you with watchful eyes.
“I know.” Lee laughed dryly.
Silence ticked on. Coughs rung out through the building. Arthur looked around, grimacing at the sight of gaunt and pale faces.
“I looked like all these people a few months ago,” Arthur muttered.
“Surprised she was even able to be around me, I looked damn near like a skeleton.” He continued.
“She’s not like that.” Lee responded dimly, leaning back into his chair.
“You’re right.”
Lee was so damn tired, heaviness pulling on every part of his being. But he had to be there when you woke up.
“You know.. you know she used to cry over you?”
Arthur glanced at Lee.
“For the longest time I couldn’t figure it out, it would be small things, a mention of a journal, candy, anything. She’d tried to hide it, until one day I finally asked her. Felt like shit of course, but I had to know.”
“Even at night, when I moved in with her, she’d cry late at night, small sniffles when she thought I was sleeping. I’d wake up and feel so broken about it, maybe even a bit jealous. I wondered why she still cried over you.” Lee’s eyes were clouded with emotion. Dark, and glossy.
“I thought about her every night,” Arthur cleared his throat after a moment.
“I had no idea if she was alive or six feet under. But I couldn’t search for her - I couldn’t. I wasn’t well enough.”
“How’d you make it out alive?” Lee asked him.
“A friend of mine found me. Rushed me back to a native reservation, wasn’t even much of one at the time. An older woman there kept me alive. I like to think she was some sort of guardian sent to save me, and she did, and once her mission was done she died.” Arthur nodded, confessing his story.
“I’m sorry about all this.” Lee finally said.
“Me too.”
Time passed slower while in hospitals, or perhaps waiting was what made it so unbearable. Nurses came and checked on you, but you were still out of it and only somewhat responsive. It seemed more so like you were sleeping, peaceful and with the occasional slight movement. That was a good sign at least.
When eight rolled around everyone was holding their breath, at least Lee was. His foot tapping on the floor restlessly. Arthur scribbled away in a black journal, eyes burrowed in thought.
Minutes ticked on, it was almost nine now. Lee was sure you’d never wake up then, but when you began to stir he changed his mind.
It started with a small flicker of your eyelashes, then a slight head move and then your arms. Lee watched you intently, his brown eyes gazing your body.
Your eyes slowly opened, and blinked a few more times.
“Oh thank god.” Lee said, rushing to your side. He kneeled next to your bed, holding your hand in his.
“Lee?” You asked him, still adjusting to the bright lights.
“I’m here. Shh.” Lee smiled with tears welling in his eyes. He didn’t care if he looked stupid and he sure as hell didn’t care about all the eyes watching him.
You tried to sit up but Lee lightly pushed you back down. Your head hurt like hell, and so did your arm.
“Arthur?” You said, looking off towards Arthur.
“I’m here, sweetheart.” Arthur smiled too.
“Don’t ever do that again.” Lee laughed through his tears. You nodded in response. Lee’s hands gingerly caressed your own.
“My head hurts.” You groaned.
“I know it does, sweetheart. You gotta pull through for us, okay?” Arthur responded.
Arthur felt like an intruder. Like he wasn’t supposed to see this reunion. He felt like a stranger even next to you.
Arthur desperately needed to talk to you, you would just have to listen.
He remembered the chocolate bar in his pocket then. A small tradition. Arthur pulled it out. He stared at it in his hands as Lee said something to you he couldn’t hear.
Then you spoke.
“You always did give me that brand.”
Arthur walked closer to your bed, handing the chocolate bar to your outstretched hand.
“Chocolate?” Lee asked.
“It’s an old tradition.. when Arthur first saved me he had a chocolate bar in his pocket. It was the only thing he had and I was starved, so I nearly gobbled it up. It’s been a tradition ever since then, every time I’ve been hurt he’s given me a candy bar.” You said, remembering the story.
“We got a girl over here, Dutch!” Arthur shouted. The entire place smelled of carnage, a smell Arthur had become acquainted with after joining Dutch.
You were wide eyed and cowering in the corner of the room, in nothing more than a dirty, torn white gown.
“I ain’t gonna hurt you, miss.” Arthur said, slowly walking towards you. He raised his hands up. You were silent, staring at him with fearful eyes.
Dutch and John entered the room and you flinched. Arthur motioned them to stand back, and they did.
Your bottom lip quivered as Arthur approached you, backing further into the wall.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. What’s your name, miss?” Arthur asked you, stopping in place.
Your small voice gave him your name, flickering your eyes between John and Dutch.
“That’s a pretty name. My name is Arthur.” He smiled at you.
You stared at him with woeful eyes.
“Are the bad men gone?” You asked him quietly.
Arthur nodded. You ran up to him, pouncing from your corner. You wrapped your arms around him and wept. Arthur was hesitant, but slowly wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re safe.” He mumbled.
Once the men took everything they could, Arthur waited outside with you, finally free from your cage. You were gaunt, and looked like hell had ripped through you.
Arthur’s horse whinnied as you ran your hands over it’s silky head. It had been too long since you’ve seen a horse, or even been outside for that matter. Arthur wondered who you were or how you even ended up with that gang.
You were still shaking, despite the heat of the desert air.
“Are you hungry, miss?” Arthur asked you.
You nodded quickly. It had been days since they had fed you.
Arthur felt around in his pocket, feeling a rectangular object. He pulled it out, it was the chocolate bar he had been saving for later. Arthur learned he had quite the sweet tooth after joining Dutch, after all, he finally had money to buy chocolate.
He didn’t mind giving it to you, so he held it out. You eyed the chocolate bar suspiciously.
“It’s not poisoned.. or rotten?”
“No, no, not of that sort.” Arthur laughed.
You snatched the bar from his hands, you tore the package open and relished the sweet smell. You took a small bite, chewing slowly and then a giant one. And then another, and another.
“Woah! Slow down or you’ll make yourself sick.” He told you.
You moved the chocolate away from your face, giving him a grin. You had chocolate all over your face, but he was happy to see you smile.
Lee still fretted over you, as you waited for the doctor to come treat you. You just wanted to tell him to back off, but you knew better than to yell at him, he was just worried. You ate your chocolate, wondering how in the hell you had gotten yourself into this whole mess.
The doctor was a middle aged man, with light hair and tired eyes.
“Glad to finally see you awake, Mrs. Rinascita.” He said, setting down his clipboard.
Arthur looked from you to Lee and scowled. Your last name was Morgan, not Rinascita
“Seems you gave your husband quite the scare,” He chuckled, pulling out a stethoscope. You laughed softly. He placed the stethoscope on your chest and listened.
“Can you tell me what happened, miss?” He spoke slowly.
You bit your bottom lip, a habit you had when nervous.
“I was attacked by a wolf. I made it out and ran for miles it seemed, before I collapsed on the main road.” You sighed, eyeing Lee’s stunned face.
“Do you have a headache of that sort, dizziness, perhaps?”
“I have a headache, but no dizziness.”
“I think you may be a little dehydrated, how long would you say you ran?”
“I ran for hours, then the wolf came and I ran for a while too.” You said, making sure to leave out the fact that you were running from the men Lee sent out after you.
The doctor nodded, picking up his clipboard and scribbling something down.
“Well, I think you may just be exhausted and dehydrated from all that running. We’ll make sure that wound doesn’t get infected, so after we do that you’ll be all good to go.” The doctor smiled.
“That’s good news, doc.” Lee sighed.
Arthur simply stood and watched, he was never fond of doctors anyways.
Once the nurses reapplied your bandages and made sure to give you lots of water, they pulled you away from your boys for a private examination, after that they sent you on your merry way.Your face still felt swollen and a few of the scratches would surely leave a scar. You wondered if John would have laughed at you now.
Lee still had to head back to the police station to fill out the rest of the report, but for now all he wanted was to be with you. Arthur walked next to you as you traveled down the cobblestone streets of Richfield. Your feet were blistered, but you didn’t complain.
Everything still felt different, and while your expedition away from the men felt freeing, everything had still been changed. It changed the second Arthur stepped foot back into your life, back from the grave. The world felt like it had been split in two, and you were stuck in the middle.
When you arrived back at the general store, you felt relieved to see your home. It was old, rickety and worn, but it was home. Lee was home, and Arthur was too.
Lee held the door for you and Arthur as you walked in.
“So..” You trailed off, leaning against the counter, you held your elbow.
“So,” Lee continued.
Arthur looked at the both of you. He had to be alone with you, even for just a second.
“We need to talk. Just you and I, alone.” Arthur said to you. Lee nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. He walked away, to the stairwell, before walking up he looked at you once more as he reached the first step. Lee looked at you like he was begging you to make the right choice.
You sure as hell hoped you would.
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randomly-random-jen · 4 years
Heaven Can’t Wait Updates Coming
I’m @ing you specifically @bellamyblake​.
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I know I haven’t posted an update to Heaven Can’t Wait in almost two years. It’s been a rough two years with my health, but I’m finally starting to get a grip in that area of my life. I’ve had tests done, consulted with numerous doctors, started new meds, and trying new things. Right now I finally have a little more energy. More than I’ve had in a long time (chronic fatigue sucks).
With that came a little bit of creativity as well. I managed to edit a couple stories I wrote years ago and posted those, but what I’ve always wanted was to get back to working on Heaven. And then one day, I just did it.
I currently have three chapters completely ready to be posted--as in they are in my queue ready to go. I have six more chapters that are in advanced edits and could be ready by the end of the day if I wanted (well some of them anyway). Then I have six more that are written but haven’t begun the editing process. That’s fifteen chapters potentially ready to post in the coming months.
But that leaves the rest of the story to write. It is now my goal for NaNoWriMo to finish this story once and for all. I have a detailed outline chapter-by-chapter up to chapter 65 and then also for 75-80. I’ve always planned this to be 80 chapters plus an epilogue. I know where I’m going and what I have to write (those 10 blank chapters just need the details nailed down--I know what happens in them).
Now the question to the fans (if you’re still reading this after all that rambling) is should I start posting chapters now or wait until I have more finished and ready to go? I had planned to wait until the fifteen were in my queue, but I’m getting kind of antsy now. I do have those three ready to go. 
The other question is are you all good with just one chapter a week again after waiting two years for an update? If I start this Saturday, that would take us through the end of January with new chapters every week, including holiday weekends. OR I could do chapters per week (probably Wednesday and Saturday) which would give you guaranteed new chapters until the middle of December.
Here’s the thing...
I don’t know how my health will be from day to day, week to week. Some days I have more energy and more focus. The other day I worked on nine chapters and wrote a total of 3,482 words. That’s the most I’ve written in years really. Yesterday, I only managed to finish one chapter at a little under 2,000 words. Tomorrow, I might not even look at the story because I’m too tired or depressed.
I do plan to put much effort into it during NaNo in November, but I also can’t guarantee I’ll actually finish the story at this time. It could go back on hiatus after these fifteen chapters are posted. Could be weeks or months or years before I pick it up. I am confident I can have these fifteen ready to post, though. And I hope to write at least a few more in the coming weeks. I just never know with my health. 
So, if you were reading this story, let me know what you’d prefer (Iva, I’m sure you want all the chapters right now in one big dump, lol).
Also, here’s a little snippet from the next chapter:
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The two girls from his bed, scamper out of the room, giggling. The three kids on his desk teeter precariously, eyes drowsy. There’s a distinct smell in the air that makes him want to vomit. He glares even harder at Jasper. Jasper grins back.
“We’re just having a little fun,” Harper says, running her hands through Monty’s hair.
And now a little game...
Pick a chapter from 38-52 and give me a sentence number, and I’ll post the six sentences around that point as a spoiler.
For reference, the above snippet was the middle six sentences of 128.
An example:
Chapter 42, Sentence 77 is...
Bellamy shakes his head, standing straight on unsteady legs. I can’t go to Clarke with this—she wouldn’t understand.
If you can’t talk to your best friend then who can you talk to?
So, Clarke’s my best friend now, huh?
He doesn’t even notice he’s moving again as the voice chuckles deep in his head. Something like that.
So hit me up for some spoilers, and maybe I’ll have a new chapter up on Saturday.
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peachywise · 5 years
nullify part 5
an umbrella academy fanfiction // klaus hargreeves x reader
- part v: the disrupting, devilish, and demanding deal || part i ⋆ part ii ⋆ part iii ⋆ part iv ⋆ part vi ⋆ more parts to be released
- synopsis: Finally, the truth of the Hargreeves story comes out. It's a little hard to believe, but what's even worse is what exactly they need your help for. Vanya, you're happy to deal with, but Klaus? Looks like you two are going to be spending a great deal of time together as well.
- notes: hello oh gosh okay i am sorry this hiatus was so long but i am 100% done all my exams so i am officially back at it and writing actively. expect next chapter out soon and it will be a good ol funny fluff klaus heavy chapter okay i love you all i'm sorry, adios
link on ao3 
“Do you want to put your pants back on?”
“No,” Klaus smiled, flopping down next to you on the couch and wrapping his arm tightly around your shoulders.
“Then off you go,” you smiled politely back. He gave you a sort of quirked, curious look, but you quickly shoved him off on to the floor before he could figure out your intentions. “I came here to get answers, not to get diseased.”
Klaus mock gasped, while Luther tried to suppress his half-snort laugh from behind his rather large hand. Klaus just crawled halfway across the floor to where he had dropped his pants and slipped them back on— struggling a bit because wow was that leather tight— mumbling incoherently under his breath.
“So, who’s going to be the one to tell me why exactly I’m here?” You questioned, pulling your legs up and crossing them under you, looking from Klaus, to Luther, and then at Five. All three looked at each other as if they hadn’t exactly thought this far ahead. Lovely.  Five sighed as he sat on the chair across from you and leaned slightly forward, clasping his hands together as a serious look befell his face.
“I guess I’ll start at the beginning. Just hold off on any questions until the end, it might be a bit hard for you to believe.”
You couldn’t hold back your laugh as you leaned back comfortably. “We were all born to mothers who hadn’t really been pregnant and have powers because of it. You’re afraid your story will be too much for my mind to comprehend? Have a little faith in me.”
Five raised an eyebrow, and Klaus moved back to sit beside you once his pants were properly back on. “Oh, you say that now.” Klaus smiled, giddy in his fidgety excitement, “but personally, I can’t wait to see your reaction.”
“Klaus,” Luther grumbled in an almost warning gesture. Klaus ignored him.
Jesus, you didn’t have time for this.
“For fuck’s sakes, will one of you just spit it out already!”
A moment of silence followed your outcry, but then rather unceremoniously, Five stated point-blank, “we’re from the future and traveled back in time to stop the apocalypse from happening.”
And then, like the clever little slice you are, you allowed yourself a moment of silence as well. You couldn’t even hear your breath, a pin drop, a mouse scurrying across the house, yadda yadda and all those fun clichés.
“You in there?” Klaus asked. He even knocked you on the head lightly, murmuring, “I think you broke the poor thing.”
You swatted his hand away, and he reared it back into his chest, cradling it with the look of a hurt puppy. “I’m not broken,” you grumbled, sitting up a bit as you turned your attention back to Five. “I’m just wondering what you guys take me for. I’m not gullible. Yeah, maybe I believed at one-point Santa existed and was my fourth-grade teacher in disguise, but this? That sounds like a bad plot to a shitty TV show.”
Klaus moved to sit next to Five, covering the kid's ears as he did. “Shh, he was never around long enough for us to tell him the truth about Santa.” You just rolled your eyes as Five simultaneously jerked away so fast, throwing a fast punch to Klaus’s gut that had him doubled over groaning in a second flat. His attention turned back to you just as fast.
“This isn’t a joke. When I disappeared all those years ago, I found a way to travel through time but I got stuck there. What I found was nothing— no civilization, no us, no you. Everything was in ruins. It took me many years, but I found my way back to stop the apocalypse from happening.” At that, he exchanged an odd look with both Klaus and Luther. Klaus looked more sympathetic at that, his expression turning more serious in those moments. Luther meanwhile just looked uncomfortable and a little shutoff, his arms crossed so tightly against his chest that you wondered if those jacket sleeves would rip.
“And this apocalypse, when is it supposed to happen exactly?” you asked, deciding to play into whatever they were pulling. You should have known they were all insane. You’d expected it of Klaus, but man, were all of them this disillusioned? “Let me guess. Big meteors are supposed to rain down and destroy us like they did the dinosaurs? Oh! Better yet, all these fossilized dinosaurs are going to come back to life and eat us all!”
“Someone has an active imagination,” Klaus commented, a gleeful look crossing his face, but Five’s own cynical impatience cut both of you down. “No,” he sneered, standing up in what you assumed was his way of seeming more intimidating or serious. It was just hard to take it that way when he didn’t even reach five feet. “But if you stop talking long enough for me to tell you the story, maybe you would simultaneously stop proving your idiocy and get the answers you want.”
Well, then.
“Carry on.”
“So, you’re telling me all of you traveled back to the past— my present—three months ago after your sister almost ended the world?”
“Technically she did, we just popped right on out before we all rather disastrously perished,” Klaus interjected, speaking for the first time since Five finished relaying his tall tale of all that had happened. Luther simply groaned, tightening his crossed arms even more.
Five ignored them both completely. “In layman’s terms, yes, that’s what happened.”
Now, you were no doubt impressed by his ability to tell stories. It was convincing, you’d give him that, but you just weren’t positive it was true. If you sat there and told him you believed him, for one, you’d look like an utter idiot if they turned out they were lying. It would have had to have been an intricate joke on their part, but you’d be damned if it was going to be played on you. No. You needed to make sure that what he said was real. And there was only one plausible way to do it.
“I have questions. If you even pause in answering them, I’ll kick your ass for lying to me. Got it?”
Five nodded. Klaus just looked amused and leaned forward like he was ready to watch an entertaining game.
“If they aren’t going to be convinced, why are we even bothering telling them? This is a waste of time and energy.” Diego’s voice sounded behind you, causing you to jump a bit and exclaim softly, “Jesus Christ.” When the fuck did he get there? You hadn’t even heard him.
Twisting around and resting your arms on the back of the too-plush, white leather couch, you questioned, “are you sure all you can do is throw knives? Maybe you’re a cat shifter or something, you’re so sneaky. Here, let me test to see if you have nine lives— pass me one of your knives,” you smirked snidely, an impish imitation of the scowl he offered you back. Diego clearly wasn’t amused. “Listen to me, you—”
“Both of you, shut up,” Five snapped, his patience clearly wearing thinner by the second. It looked like the Fisher-Price poster boy might explode. A pity, but hey, you could live with it. “Why must you ruin the fun? I wanted to see the show,” Klaus sighed, resting his hand on the side of his face. You threw a pillow at him, and he caught it with a wink in your direction.
Standing up from your seat, noting with jealously how your butt hadn’t fallen asleep like it did on your thrift store found shit couch, you crossed your arms and stared down at the boy. Back to business.
“Whose apartment is this?”
“Allison’s. It’s a second one she barely uses, so it’s likely we’ll go relatively undetected,” Luther replied.
Made sense. “What year did you guys come from?”  
“2019,” Five replied in a bored manner.
Now that had you squinting your eyes a bit. It was 2015 now, so allegedly you could ask anything about the future.
“Did Jon Snow really die in the season five finale of Game of Thrones?”
Five tilted his head slightly in confusion, and Diego just looked annoyed as he threw his hands up and begun pacing. Klaus snorted. But surprisingly, Luther was the one to answer the question, shifting uncomfortably as his eyes darted to the ceiling, “uhm, no. He’s alive.”
His siblings gave him a questioning look, but you didn’t care which one of them actually knew. You were just thinking thank fuck he was alive. Well. Thank fuck if the Hargreeves were telling the truth and were from the future. Now you were really hoping they were.
“Who won the presidential election?”
Diego was the one to reply this time, a deeper bitterness attached to his tone than the one directed at you earlier. “Donald Trump,”  
Never mind. You hoped they were filthy, humorless liars.
Your face must have displayed your severe disappointment and revolt, as Klaus speedily added, “I would offer words of comfort, but even I can’t find the silver lining in it,” giving a small shudder as he said it.
“Well if you’re done with twenty questions, can I finally get to the part to where you come in, or would you rather waste my time for a while longer?”
You felt a twitch at the corner of your eye at Five’s abrasiveness, but you offered a sweet smile over it. “As a matter of fact, I would rather waste your time longer. Thanks.”
Was he getting red in the face? Ooo, delightful.
Diego apparently didn’t see the joy in it. He stomped over to you in his little combat boots and all, getting directly in your face. “You can nullify powers, and we have a sister who’s having trouble controlling hers, and no longer wants to try. Either you help, or get out and forget about all this."
You held your breath for a moment, eyeing him down in what you were sure was some unspoken fight for dominance. At least he was blunt about something both Klaus and Five had been leading up to. You could respect that. However, the situation on the other hand? It was a little confusing. If Vanya did actually have powers— and after having read her book, you were surprised in the least to hear of them— and was the cause for the end of the world, what could be done to really control them? You could stop it from happening maybe, granted you had no idea how much pressure your force field could take in stopping her from using them, but wasn’t that just a momentary fix?
“She nearly put an end to the whole world, or rather, she did, but you all just escaped it. What exactly do you need me for? You expect her to do it again or something? Where even is she?”
Luther suddenly pulled Diego back, taking his place in front of you as a voice for the collective of them. “She’s in one of the rooms with Allison now, but all you need to understand is we’ve been here for three months. For the first month, Vanya couldn’t even look at us. She wouldn’t speak. She was in a catatonic state. In the second month, we tried to understand the extent of her powers to figure out how to prevent another apocalypse from happening, but every time she tried to use them, she couldn’t control them. Now she won’t even try, but they’re still there. She’s a ticking time bomb.”
A small unsettled flare lit in your stomach. “She’s also your sister. Don’t talk about her like she’s just a problem to fix. From the story Five told, you guys locking her up and essentially ignoring her for her whole life was the catalyst for this whole thing. Yeah, I get it. She almost ended the world, and what she did to Allison was fucked up. I’m not condoning that. But if you’re actually going to help her now, then do it for her. Actually, be there for her. Don’t pin me— a stranger— on her to take the problem off your fucking hands.”
You had been in enough foster and group homes to understand the loneliness that often came with them. But it was one thing to be ignored, and another to be acknowledged as simply not good enough. Vanya’s book had been very telling, about all their lives and not just hers. Each Hargreeves sibling had been fucked over by their mad father, and undoubtedly you felt empathy and sympathy for each of their situations and not just hers. Though your life had its own tragedies at the hand of your powers and other’s opinion of them, you had still spent most of the time you could avoiding every being detected by Reginald at all, fearing being included in his little makeshift family. You had known the love of a father before. They clearly hadn’t. Growing up, the Academy thing left a sour taste in your mouth. It wasn’t until you had read Vanya’s book that you finally understood why.
Luther blinked at you in surprise, and you noted a bob in his throat as he swallowed a little nervously. He looked a bit cross like he might actually dare to argue back, but Klaus cut him off before he could, moving to stand beside him.
His wide eyes seemed to reflect a serious outlook, his face a little pale. “We all made mistakes, we know that,” he started off with, and you were once again shocked by the sincerity he seemed to be able to display. Your breathing was a bit ragged after getting so aggravated in your little monologue, and Klaus grabbed your hands and led you back to the couch as if calming an upset child. Ass face. Sitting across from you on to ottoman, he continued, “we all sat there pinning blame on one another when really, it was dear old dad who ruined us all. I want to help. We all want to help.” he squeezed your hands, before finally releasing them. “But we need you as well. Vanya needs to feel like she’s in a controlled environment. If she practices around you and things get out of hand, hopefully, you can turn it off before things go boom again.”
Leaning back, you sank down into the cushions and covered your face with your hand, the light not helping your now growing headache. You took a deep breath in and then out. “Okay. Okay, I’ll help,” you relented, dropping your hand to peer at Klaus’s hopeful little smile. You quickly shifted your gaze back to Five, who had been silent during the entire exchange, simply watching with a contemplative eye. “So, what’s the plan then? I just come over sometimes and stand guard or something while she does her thing?”
Five picked up a coffee mug of the table and took a sip, putting it back down as he muttered, “you ask a lot of questions. But no. We want to be as safe as possible, so the plan would be for you to move in here in case anything was to happen.”
You were quiet for a moment. Maybe a little too quiet, since Five looked a little surprised by your lack of response, which was odd, since you weren’t sure what he was expecting your reaction to be.
“You should stick to brooding. Humour is not your strong suit. Seriously, what’s the plan?”
“I’m not joking. That is the plan.”
Getting up from the couch, you picked up your tote bag, and then the broken clock which had still been sitting on the floor. You slipped it into the bag. Pulling down your sunglasses, you turned towards the group and gave a lazy salute, stating, “Well, it’s been real guys. I’ll be sure to send you a Christmas card.”
Klaus shot up so suddenly you almost got whiplash, and ran to the door to pin himself in front of it like a scraggly leather clad barrier. “Whoa, whoa, hold on a second,” he pleading with a frantic little laugh, “be reasonable.”
“Reasonable?” You huffed at the shithead, no trace of such amusement in your voice. “You want me to just drop my whole life to live with a bunch of batshit insane grown up super babies and be at your every beck and call? Hell no. I have two jobs. I have an apartment I need to pay for!”
Klaus muttered back awkwardly, “technically you’re also a batshit insane grown up super baby,” but before you could reach back into your bag for the clock to chuck at his head, Five’s hand gripped your wrist in a tight grasp.
“Will you calm down? If you don’t want to move in here, then Vanya can move into your apartment with you,” Five snapped, releasing his grasp as Klaus started to move back towards you like an inquisitive animal unsure if the being in front of it was a predator or not.
You scrunched your brows together. “Seriously? I told you guys she needs her family. Having her live with me isn’t going to do much good. Look, I am fine coming over once and a while to help out, I really am, but I can’t just drop my whole life. You guys aren’t going to be here forever, and what happens when you guys leave? I have to go back to something.”
Five took a step back, contemplating this as you spoke. Diego took the quiet opportunity to intervene with his own point of view, adding, “they’re right. This whole plan was bound to fail anyway. We can think of something else.”
You were about to agree with him, but before you could, Klaus interjected with a very loud, “wait, I have an idea!”
Luther stated, “well that’s a first,” and you decided your clock’s next target was going to be his big rude head instead.
“Vanya will live with you, but all of us can still visit you and stay with her when you’re at work or what not.” Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea, you thought. But still, she should be around them more so than around you. Part of fixing this whole situation was fixing their family relationship too. Klaus seemed to almost read your mind, albeit, a little misconstrued, as he added, “better yet, I’ll move in too! It’ll be fun, we can all paint each other’s nails and braid each other’s hair—
“Fuck no.”
Klaus frowned, grabbing your shoulders and giving your tense self a little shake. “Oh, come on. I thought we were getting along?”
You deadpanned, “I’m a terrific actor.”
Granted, his plan did have some merit, but you loved having your own space. Your apartment wasn’t even that big anyway. You had your room, a pull-out bed in your crappy makeshift spare room, and then that uncomfortable couch. You wouldn’t subject anyone to that no matter what.
“We’ll pay you if you agree,” Five interrupted your thoughts, and suddenly, you wondered why you had ever thought it had been a bad idea at all.
“Well in that case, hello roomie,” you smiled at Klaus, as his mouth popped open in slight shock. Ignoring him, you dropped your bag on the floor and turned back to the rest of the family.
“Well, let me meet Vanya. We should probably check to see if my force field can even keep her powers at bay in the first place. Or if she’s even comfortable moving in with me.” Lowering your sunglasses back down, you looked them all in the eyes and said, “I, of course, will be paid for my services no matter the outcome.”  
Klaus uttered a small, but very audible, awe of, “they’re magnificent, aren’t they?”
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hope-for-olicity · 5 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - May 10th, 2019
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog.
With the Speed of an Arrow multi-chapter Complete by @academyofshipping - Oliver Queen’s elite and silver-spoon life has taken some blows in the past few years, but he is still the carefree billionaire everyone knows of and loves. When his role in the family business is in jeopardy and he is introduced to a motley of new people, his status quo is threatened. With a changed perspective, Oliver realizes his feeling for his best friend and anchor-in-life, Felicity Smoak, may be more than just platonic. OR A modern adaption of Jane Austen’s Emma with a gender swap* and no island. *Knowing that gender is not binary https://archiveofourown.org/works/16559846/chapters/38799857
Tick Tick Boom multi-chapter WIP by @nodecaff4me - This story is loosely based on S02, starting with the appearance of the Clock King. Only this time, Tockman is not just after the money, but also after Felicity. Someone hired him to go after her. How will she and her team handle this new threat? And the even bigger question; who is after her and why? https://archiveofourown.org/works/5365172/chapters/12390371
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
Let it Out by @laxit21 - Let’s pretend that Arrow ended after Oliver was acquitted in 6x21. The Lizard and everyone connected to him all died or were erased from existence, including Black Siren. This is sad. You’ve been warned. After an unexpected tragedy, Oliver and Felicity say goodbye to someone important to both of them. https://laxit21.tumblr.com/post/184626020474/let-it-out
Conspiracy by @felicityollies - (prompt) Slade conspires with Thea of all people to get Oliver and Felicity to break their "let's take it one step at a time rule" by putting them in a situation for Oliver to propose to her again. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11915487
Blast from the Past by @felicityollies - Set in season two - Oliver’s ex comes to visit him, but has to stop by executive assistant Felicity first. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11921649
Unasked Questions by @laurabelle2930 - This one takes place during 3x20. It’s my take on what happened before we see Oliver staring out over the moon lit sands of Nanda Parbat. Warning: It’s smutty... https://archiveofourown.org/works/11927979
Want vs Need by @felicityollies - Felicity knows the difference between want versus need, but she can’t seem to let go of a beautiful jacket she saw in a department store window. She goes as far as to steal it right off the rack. A kind stranger, that happens to be the city’s mayor, steps in when she gets caught. (prompt) https://archiveofourown.org/works/11940456
Every Piece of You multi-chapter WIP by @bowsmoakandarrow - If anyone had told Felicity Smoak that she'd be a single mother right out of MIT, she would have laughed in your face. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11554779/chapters/25950957
I Do Believe In Magic by @smoakmonster - AU 5x09 flashback, in which present day Oliver Queen actually time-travels back for a short visit to see Felicity in 2012, before she became his partner, before he’s supposed to be in love with her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/2588447/chapters/20369764
Is it Too Much to Ask? (It Probably is) by @laureningall - Written for the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon prompt "Ask" Felicity knows that Oliver would do just about anything she asked of him. But what about something that was pretty silly. It was silly really, what was bothering her. Felicity works to track down a long lost team mate for some help with her unusual request. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11921043
Something Old and Someone New by CaptainBrieOnToast - Felicity decides to make a pretty drastic lifestyle change her Senior Year of high school, at first no one notices, but then some does. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11944593
You're thinking too LOUD by sssssssim - Once upon a time, metaphoricalanchor posted this thing: AU prompt: Person A is thinking sexually graphic or generally odd thoughts and suddenly panics and thinks “If you’re a mind reader, cough right now.” Person B coughs. Then, wittyfelicity had a party in the tags: #IMAGINE THIS ABOUT OLIVER AND FELICITY#LIKE FELICITY IS HAVING A DAYDREAM AND THEN HER THOUGHTS START TO GET REALLY GRAPHIC AND OLIVER PRACTICALLY CHOKES WHEN SHE SUDDENLY THINKS#THAT#CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS THOUGH#SOMEONE NEEDS TO WRITE IT ... I took it upon myself to write the thing. Smut. THING. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1414105/chapters/5204288
The Only Way to Know is to Ask by @cruzrogue - Felicity and Oliver have been living in their new home for roughly a month and after Oliver's run he meets one person that Felicity has conversed with during his outing. But they aren't the new neighbors... https://archiveofourown.org/works/11951745
Olicity One-Shot: The Rage Phase by @entersomethingcleverhere - Newsroom AU — Felicity might have been the face of Atlantic Cable News’ financial analysis, but when an ex-boyfriend takes revenge on her for breaking up with him, he tries to ruin it all for her. Oliver’s the only one she can turn to to help her get off the floor and fight back. https://entersomethingcleverhere.tumblr.com/post/164841890517/olicity-one-shot-the-rage-phase
The Fan multi-chapter WIP by @leuska - For the past couple of months, Felicity Smoak, previous child star known to the world through her alter ego Lisy the Tech Whiz, who ended her career and her growing popularity at the age of thirteen rather abruptly, has sporadically received disturbing notes and gifts in her mail. Police believe the notes to be just little tokens of appreciation by a former fan. Despite having left the spotlight over a decade ago and living in anonymity since, the fan mail keeps coming, increasing in frequency as well as intensity. Thelast drop is when Felicity receives another letter with a love note. A scary, ominous note. A note written in human blood.FBI director Amanda Waller tasks her best Agent to the case. Oliver Queen, a criminal profiler, is currently working on a special task force formed between SCPD and FBI to catch a man dubbed the Start City Slasher, who has murdered at least three young women in the past nine months. Agent Queen is not thrilled with the prospect of holding a former princess’ hand through her problem with a simple stalker while a serial killer is still at large. However, once meeting her, Oliver finds there is nothing easy or simple about Felicity Smoak as their worlds start to intertwine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17726573/chapters/41820368
Did You Pack Enough? by @christinabeggs - Felicity preparing for trip with the two most important men in her life. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11955036
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Choose Me by @felicityollies - prompt: choose - Felicity begs Oliver not to continue his daredevil lifestyle. She wishes he would give up his street racing and choose her, but he’s adamant that his racing is for her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11034534/chapters/27176745
Choose by @wetsuiton - dialogue fic, prompt choose https://archiveofourown.org/works/11084547/chapters/27178335#main
Our Once Barren World Now Brims with Life by @overwatchandarrow - Felicity is worried Willaim won't like her. Oliver wholeheartedly disagrees. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12018810
Five Times Felicity Finds the Ring multi-chapter Complete by @anthfan - Five part series. Each chapter shows a different way Felicity finds out about the ring in the bowl. Chapters are standalone. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5184392/chapters/11944589
The Voyage to You multi-chapter WIP by @obibalwin - Felicity Smoak didn’t want a complicated life. She enjoyed helping people as a nurse at Starling City General Hospital and spending time with her best friend Sara. When a John Doe arrives on the fifth floor of thehospital, she finds herself being dragged into a world of mysterious oaths and visions. The only thing she can hope is to stay strong enough to resist the man who has traveled to find her. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16596788/chapters/38895977
I Can't Let Her Die multi-chapter WIP by @originalhybridloverfics - Future Oliver seeks present day Oliver help to save Felicity. Chapter 1 https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/183625037894/i-cant-let-her-die Chapter 2 https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/184191980224/i-cant-let-her-die-ch2 Chapter 3 https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/184665869079/i-cant-let-her-die-ch3
Forget Me Not multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity was presumed dead after The Gambit was shipwrecked and she went missing. As the one year anniversary of her death approaches, a miracle happens and she is found. Just when Oliver thinks the universe has given them a second chance, he learns Felicity barely remembers him and the memories of their love together are gone entirely. Oliver and Felicity’s journey after they reunite prove to be a tough road ahead, and then they learn that Felicity’s accident may have had a more sinister motive behind it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18392291/chapters/43556987
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Hard To Find Love multi-chapter WIP by Mellowyellowdiamonds - Through a tragic twist of fate Felicity finds herself left with an orphaned young William Clayton. Keeping her promise to her friend, Felicity raises William diligently, loving him as if he were her own child, only to have Moira Queen storm into their lives several years later demanding custody of her grandson. Locked in a war with Moira Queen, things get complicated when Felicity finds herself developing unwanted feelings for William's biological father, Oliver Queen. At the same time she must try to manage her meddling 13 year old son, who has it in his head that if Felicity would just cooperate and fall for his father, everything would be right in the world. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15941786/chapters/37173917
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Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Our Version of Events multi-chapter WIP by @machawicket and @geneeste - Action star Ollie Queen is trying to clean up his image and land parts that require him to do more than appear shirtless while fighting stuntmen. Pop star Felicity Smoak wants to be seen as an adult in time for the release of her new, grittier album. And talent manager John Diggle’s got an idea about what coverage of Oliver and Felicity’s brand new (and totally fake) romance could do for them both. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8025382/chapters/18375349
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P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
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hazbinhoteltheories · 5 years
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Theory: Note; I have not read Zoophobia as I’m sending this: There was a recent drawing that Viv made of Angel interacting with Marx back in 2015 in his current design, do you think this could be evidence that the Dragon brothers(or at least some of them)could be on the show? Also, what do you think their purpose to the show’s story will be based on what we know about them and their own respective backstories? 
Ok, I have taken way too long to answer these asks. This was sent to me at the start of my hiatus, so months before Inside of Every Demon There’s a Rainbow, but in this clip, we see two of the dragon brothers. 
Here’s Marx;
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And here’s Hatchet;
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However, as far as I’m aware, it has not been confirmed yet if they are now actual characters in Hazbin Hotel or if they are just cameos. I think the images of Marx and Angel together could be evidence on them being the former, as I think there is more than one piece of artwork with the two of them together, but I’m kind of split on whether I think Fitch and his brothers have fully transitioned from Zoophobia to Hazbin Hotel or not.
The reason I have as to why they might not be Hazbin hotel characters is because there’s already a huge number of characters to develop for what’s meant to be a short series without adding four more. The misfits alone make up nine characters and then there are the antagonists, Cherry Bomb, Charlie’s family, the other family in the portraits Charlie’s has and possibly Angel’s family to contend with too. Zoophobia had a ton of characters in it but that was supposed to be a huge story, spreading over at least ten arches. Vivzie stated herself that she wants to keep Hazbin Hotel relatively short despite having many ideas that could extend it. If you put too many characters in a short series, some of them might be overlooked and end up underdeveloped. I’m sure Vivzie knows this, that’s why her first project was intended to be this huge, epic saga set in it’s own world. This way she could give herself the freedom she would need to let herself go crazy and have fun creating as many characters as she could come up with to fil it. 
Since Hazbin is meant to be a much shorter series and there are already quite a few characters in it, that indicates to me that the cast of Hazbin hotel is at full capacity and Vivzie will not be adding any more characters to its story. Therefore, the appearances of Marx and Hatchet were meant to be fun cameos and nothing more. However, there is the possibility that Vivzie decided to make the series longer than she first intended and if so, then Fitch could still be part of the story. With Sir Pentious and Katie Killjoy being the villains of the first season and Fitch being a villain in the next. Which bring me onto my reasons as to why I think Fitch and his brothers could now be part of Hazbin Hotel’s universe;
Characters have made the transition from Zoophobia to Hazbin Hotel before. In fact, Hazbin Hotel’s three main characters, Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust were all originally going to be in a Zoophobia arc called Angels and Demons. From what I’ve seen of the artwork and a small comic made a few years back, Fitch was also in this arc and was going to be the secondary antagonist, working under the main antagonist, Adina. If the three main protagonists have gone from being in this arc to their own series, then I don’t see why Fitch wouldn’t have made the same transition. For all I know, the whole Angels and Demons arc might have been scrapped from Zoophobia entirely in favour of it being remade into Hazbin Hotel. If that is what has happened, then Fitch would have undoubtedly been recycled into Hazbin Hotel’s story as well. With his story, his enemies and his nemesis gone from Zoophobia, what purpose would Fitch have left in that story? I don’t see why Vivzie would keep a character in a story if she removed everything they were a part of. Admittedly, I barely know anything about the other dragon brothers and nothing at all about their backstories but I think it’s clear all four brothers were written as characters first, individuals second and brothers last. They are all very different from each other and coming up with some idea of what their roles could be in Hazbin is difficult, because I don’t really know what their roles in Zoophobia were supposed to be to begin with.
It’s been over two years since I read Zoophobia, so my memory is sketchy but I think only one dragon brother appeared in it and that was Malcom. I think he was a member of the academy’s staff but what he did or what he taught, if he was one of the teaches at all, I don’t know. Vivzie decided to postpone then reboot the comic after five chapters and the other dragon brothers didn’t get to make an appearance, so I’m completely in the dark about what they were supposed to do in the series, but vivzie did make a little comic about Fitch’s relationships with all his brothers and from that, I can make some vague guesses on what they were going to be and what they will be if they are now characters in Hazbin Hotel. I’ll share it with you now;
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This comic reveals that Fitch is very distant from his family and isn’t close to his brothers at all, except for Hatchet. I’ve never actually seen any of the dragon brothers together in any piece of artwork Vivzie has done, expect for in a sketch that I’m not even sure was done by her, so I don’t think it’s just Fitch whose distant. I think they are all estranged from each other in various degrees and live there lives completely separate from one another. 
For this reason, I think the dragon brothers were originally going to be part of separate story lines, with their own roles in their own arches, and with little to no connection to each other. That’s what makes figuring out what their roles would be in Hazbin Hotel so difficult.
Fitch is by far the easiest. He was a villain in Zoophobia so he’ll undoubtedly be a villain in hazbin hotel. Plain and simple.
Hatchet, I think will end up working along side Fitch. I think this was supposed to be his role in Zoophobia, since they do have the closest bond, or the closest thing to a bond that we’ve seen out of the four brothers. But I don’t think he’ll be a straight up villain like Fitch. He’s always seemed more like a chaotic neutral to me. He’s wild and crazy but he has a loving side too, as shown through his girlfriend, Eve. I think he’ll help Fitch out simply because he’s his favourite brother, but he’ll try to stop Fitch if he tries to something he morally disagrees with.
Marx, I honestly don’t know actually. He definitely wouldn’t side with Fitch because they didn't even speak to each other in Zoophobia, but I can’t imagine him being actively involved in Charlie’s campaign either. Perhaps, he’ll give Charlie information on how to defeat Fitch. Because, although they are about as estranged as a pair of siblings can get, Fitch is still Marx’s brother and therefore, Marx might know him well enough to know some of his weaknesses.
As for Malcom, I can only imagine one role for him in Hazbin Hotel and that is being a patient at the Happy Hotel. I have no idea why Malcom would end up in hell in the first place because, in Zoophobia he seemed to be a generally nice person but of all the dragon brothers, Malcom would be the one who would want to redeem himself. Perhaps that would be what ultimately stops Fitch from attacking the hotel. I think Fitch will either be an angel or a fallen angel in the story and his reasoning to try and stop Charlie from redeeming demons is because he believes there is no real way to truly redeem demons and letting them in to heaven would only spell disaster for all involved. I think he would get close to destroying the hotel only to see his brother there, as a patient and genially trying to become a better person. Hopeful that one day, he can make it into heaven, perhaps to join his brother. Perhaps that could be the one thing that changes his mind entirely and leads to him deciding to let the hotel exist and become more open to the idea of redemption. 
If the dragon brothers are in Hazbin Hotel. That brings up all sorts of questions. Like where is Marx’s adopted son, Gustav? Is he in Hazbin Hotel now? Or Zoophobia? If he’s in Hazbin, is he in hell, in heaven or alive? If he’s still in Zoophobia, who are his parents now? Hatchet had a girlfriend, where is she now? Is she still a character or has she been deleted? Who has Malcolm's job if he did work for the academy? Who’s going to fill the role he had in Zoophobia if he’s transitioned over to Hazbin? Whose going to fill Marx’s role if he’s in Hazbin Hotel too? How did Malcolm end up in hell? How did any of them end up in hell? Are they all in hell? Are half of them in hell and the other in heaven? 
These are just some of the questions that came to mind at the thought of four established characters being removed from a series and placed in an other and the only person who can answer any of them is Vivzie. I’m sure that if this decision has been made, then she will have answers for all of these questions and more but it’ll take a while for her to address them in her stories. As neither the stories of Hazbin Hotel or Zoophobia are ready to be told yet. I’m looking forward to seeing once and for all if these Zoophobia characters are now Hazbin hotel characters and I’m looking forward to having these questions answered but for now, we’ll just have to wait and see.
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rwbyremnants · 5 years
WARNINGS: Rough sex, wall sex, analingus, anal prodding, sixty-nine, anal plug, double-ended dildo sex, facial, anal fingering, coitus interruptus.
NOTES: This is a flash-foward, but as far as “epilogues” go it’s going to be two chapters instead of just one. And don’t worry – there will be other stories in this universe! But this (and chapter 43) is the last of the fully Freezerburn-focused main story, even if Weiss and Yang will pop up in the spinoffs. Hope some of you enjoy what else emerges in the near future!
=Chapter 42
Five years of bliss followed that magical first moment in the Iron Man-styled Schnee-Xiao Long home.
In that time, while their love for one another hadn't changed, there was so much more that had. The popstar/bodyguard couple that shocked that eventful Beach Fest were now an established act together. The occasional top ten hit aside, however, not as quite as earth-shattering as Weiss's original solo career. But they didn't mind. It was a manageable and less stressful target, one that was flexible to their new lifestyles.
Ruby and Penny had graduated, so they needed advice on finances and where to apply for jobs, which led to them buying an apartment of their own. Blake's career path also eventually brought her to Nashville, where she and Sun had settled into a home twenty minutes’ drive from Yang, and that involved helping them transport all their things. All sorts of new chaos required a lot of attention…
But for the latter two of those five years, their career had mostly been on hiatus, and for very good reasons. During that period, thankfully Weiss's father wasn't without an act he could earn from. Since the untimely end of Neon's last contract, she and three friends had formed a group act of their own, one now signed on by Papa Schnee himself at Weiss's emphatic insistence. And while the lax, unhurried schedule was healthily manageable for his daughter and her girlfriend, Neon’s “FNKI” was becoming a huge money maker, taking the world by storm. It meant the couple could worry more about their lives than career paths or job securities, while also assuring Weiss's good friend still had a thriving following.
Despite the hiatus, the couple had still been in the news on occasion. Some, as predicted, were trying to pick fault over their outing, but the rest seemed to have no problem whatsoever. Yang remembered the ridiculous grin Weiss had when she noticed in one of her trashier magazines that they had been placed in a “Top 50 cutest couples” list.
Some time after the official release of “Changes Come”, their first single as “Freezerburn”, Yang had made the much-debated decision to come out as trans to the public. And unlike she feared, the majority were accepting, and even proud of her. It was a weight off her chest, especially with the knowledge that people had facts rather than unreliable rumours.
Given the changing laws, there was even less barring them from getting their marriage license before they enjoyed a lovely tropical ceremony in Hawaii, open only to their closest friends. Glowing lanterns swung from the roof of the small gazebo set up on the beach, though both Yang and Weiss were wearing lovely white dresses more suited to an indoor event. Giddy smiles and blushes never left their faces for more than an instant throughout the entire ceremony. Both of their fathers had walked them down the aisle at the same time, completely casting aside that old convention that only "the girl" got to be "given away". Neither of them looked entirely comfortable, but both looked happy.
Neon, Blake, and Winter, in an even less traditional fashion, were wearing matching blue one-piece bathing suits with seafoam-patterned sarongs to befit the locale, and the groomsmen — Sun, and oddly enough, Ruby and Penny, who had assured everyone that they didn't mind balancing out the wedding party on that side — were decked out in tuxedos with quite tropical cummerbunds and bowties. The rest of Neon's band was in attendance, clapping and cheering boisterously.
By the end of the proceedings, a couple of paparazzi had figured out what they had stumbled across and snapped a few blurry, zoomed-out photos, but for the most part their special day was kept private. There were more pictures of their reception, which was a luau during which the two were wearing original top-of-the-line designer swimsuits, Yang's with jean shorts on over the top of them for understandable reasons. In fact, the picture that popped up on the news most often was of Weiss losing her shot at the limbo contest when she fell straight down on her butt, laughing up a storm.
And a lot more had taken place between that marriage and the present day. Many stories for another time.
Their lakeside house was in a state that was very rare these days: quiet as a mouse. Ruby had offered them a day of peace while she took care of other matters, well aware that they would need as much space as they could get. After all, Freezerburn was arranging its return in style — back on another two-month tour alongside FNKI around the country. Weiss was currently making all the arrangements, writing notes and chatting to Neon herself, who'd thought of the idea.
"So we're agreed the last performance should be the Big Apple? That time of year, at least it shouldn't be snowing too hard."
"Even if it is, who cares?" Weiss chuckled, fingers flying over the keys of her laptop while glancing over at the phone now and then. "Nobody will want to miss this. But you're right, it never hurts to give the fans some consideration."
"Yeah, exactly. I mean, they'll be warm anyways with the crowd but who wants to wade in slush when they wanna see a show?" Clearly biting the top of her pencil for a moment, her eyes then lit up again when she thought of something else. "Oh! Did you and Yang wanna do a few of the signings? They're totally optional, and I know you got things to think about but I figured I should ask."
"You did need to ask, but… yeah, I think we should. I mean, if we're going to do this thing, we should really go all the way. And we've set it up with a little more time between shows, so it won't be like the hectic tours I did as a solo act." Then she smiled again. "But I'm really glad we're doing this. It's gonna be like old times!"
"Except with considerably less drinking… you were a pretty hilarious drunk but you'd be a bad influence to you-know-who now." Finally taking off the ridiculous reading glasses, Neon folded her arms and leaned in toward the camera. "So how’s life, girl?"
"Life… is perfect," Weiss sighed easily, pushing aside her laptop. "Not every second of it is, I mean, there's always little bumps in every relationship. Just, ours are honestly so tiny… I think one day we had a fight over whether or not to buy a new mattress. I wanted to get one shipped in from one of those online companies; Yang said we didn’t need it. But I mean, it was a fight that ended with us banging on top of the old one, so how does that really count as 'marital strife', right?"
"Angry seeeex," Neon teased for a moment, ending it with a small giggle, as per usual. "But that's really great to hear! I mean, we all know you and Yang are forever. Little arguments and shit are nothing. Healthy even, sometimes."
Nodding, Weiss arranged the few papers she had in addition to all the online delegating and scheduling, laying them further away and bringing her now-cold cup of cappuccino toward herself. "True. I believe that any relationship without any strife is more or less a lie – and a ticking time bomb. Better to get the worries out in the open."
Then she hesitated. There was something she wanted to bring up, but wasn't sure it would be the best idea. After all, some ancient history should stay that way. But she and Yang had been talking about it off and on for a year or so, at first only as a joke, but then more seriously as time wore on.
"What?" She asked, tilting her head. But when Weiss wouldn't answer, she seemed to give a friendly glare at the camera. "Come on, Weiss, I know that look. What's on your mind?"
"Okay, this will sound stupid," she laughed, even if the discomfort shone through. "But we were kind of talking about… ancient history, and some stuff that almost happened with Blake and Sun one time, and… well, you don't have a steady girlfriend. So we were wondering if during the tour, you'd want to… crash with us on the bus? It's a pretty big bed…"
"Oh." Clearly in the phone screen, even with the slightly jumpy picture at times, Neon was blushing, having to look away from the screen a moment. It seemed as though she was considering that proposal at first, but then when she looked back: "I… didn't tell you about me and Inu, did I?"
"Sure you did. And that groupie from your show in Ireland," Weiss teased, but very lightly. Then she cleared her throat. "That was part of why we considered this, actually. Plus how much you liked Yang's little video way back when. But of course, if you're not comfortable, or interested…"
"While the idea is extremely tempting, and I do still think that's a very pretty dick from what I remember…" She couldn't even hide the blush now, and the ridiculous attempts to try as she rested her head on her hand only made it more obvious. Eventually, however, she cleared her throat. "People don't know yet, and we wanna keep it that way, for now… but yeah, Inu and I are… more than just a fling. When you spend so much time on a tour bus and the other two sleep all the time… things kinda happen, heh."
"Really? With Inu?!" Weiss blinked for a moment, a little stunned. Partly at the rejection of her offer, which was a minor disappointment in the grand scheme of things, but there was another reason. "Wow… I mean, she's always so quiet, wearing those headphones all the time. I figured you'd go for a more outgoing type, like yourself."
Usually, she'd agree straight away. But this time, she didn't. She instead appeared offended. "Have you ever tried talking to her? You have her Instagram and Facebook and everything. Once you get her talking, she won't stop. It's adorable, she gets so excited."
"Well… no, I haven't; just in person at a couple of the signings, the company parties. She didn't say a word back to me." Weiss seemed most definitely startled by Neon's annoyance, because the last thing she had wanted to do was offend.
"Because she can't. You honestly haven’t noticed that as soon as fans talk to her, she either pulls out her phone or she just nods really intense?"
Shrugging her shoulders, she responded, "Hey, I just thought she was trying for that whole 'aloof celebrity' vibe! What do you mean, she 'can't'?"
"Dude, no way! She loves that people are talking to her; people usually give her the cold shoulder because she doesn't talk back. But she is listening." Soon after, she rested her hands on the table instead. No longer was she offended, simply trying to explain. "She's mute, dude. Honestly, I thought everyone knew."
"She's… wait, what?" But Neon didn't need to repeat herself. "She's a member of your band, she's a musician, so I… wow. I did not expect that." Her eyebrows shot up. "What… I mean, oh God, I've been so stupid! She probably thinks I hated her and just thought she was boring, I- I walked away from her because she wasn't talking back, I didn't know what else to do!"
"Hey hey, don't sweat it! Happens to her all the time, she knows. I'm sure if you talk to her next time you see her, she'll understand. And we'll have tons of time on tour, right?" She didn't know how else to respond. She couldn't tell Weiss she wasn't offensive; lying would do nothing. But at least she could reassure her. "Inu's pretty easy-going, she won't dwell on anything, so just apologise and she'll probably do her adorable little happy bounce she does."
Slumping down in her chair, Weiss let out a long, slow groan. "Alright… wow, I really hope she doesn't resent me too bad. And this isn't all my fault, you know; a lot of unpleasantness could have been avoided if you just somehow let me know she wouldn't be responding verbally! I mean, I felt like she was only looking and listening to be polite but she secretly wanted me to leave her alone, so I did!"
She couldn't help but chuckle to herself when seeing how flustered Weiss was getting. "Of course she didn't want that! And of course she won't resent you. She'll be fine. In fact…" Seeming to blush once again, she looked around for a moment; before leaning further in toward the camera. "If you're okay with it… I can ask if she wants to take part in that offer? Might be a little more than you were angling for, though."
"Oh, that's…" The notion made Weiss sit back and blink, several times. It was true that she hadn't thought much about Inu Shibe, not more than in passing. She'd had a few scattered conversations with Flynt, and they got along fairly well, but the other two members of FNKI were still somewhat of a mystery.
But when she thought about Inu's dyed-blonde hair, her gentle face and almond-shaped brown eyes, and especially how she was one of the few women she knew that was actually shorter than her and Neon, she felt a little guilty rush of curiosity about what it might be like, being with her in that way.
"I'll… ask Yang. This isn't the original idea, so it seems unwise to assume on her behalf, but… y-yeah, that might be okay," she began to sputter. Already, she had felt nervous about asking Neon in the first place, but had several weeks to rehearse the question, build up her confidence. This was an entirely new ballgame.
"That's fair. You want me to ask her?" But before she could even answer that question again, she began to laugh. "Wait, is this a regular thing you two do? I never expected you guys to be the swingin' type!"
"Actually…" For some reason, even though they were definitely alone on both ends of the call, Weiss's voice dropped to a whisper. "This will be the first time it's actually happened, if it does. We tossed the idea around with, um, this other couple, but we all decided in the end that the timing wasn't right. But…" Her blush was starting to rival Neon's now, despite promising herself she would be as casual about this as she could. "I've never forgotten how much fun you are. And how you drooled over Yang's video. So you're a natural choice, right?"
The blush was getting no better on Neon’s end as she was rather obviously rendering a mental image. Especially when she was squirming in her seat a little while avoiding eye contact. But rather than comment further, after the brief pause, she teased, "Think of the children."
Snorting in bemusement, Weiss finally took another sip of her coffee as she forced herself to calm down a bit. "Glowstick dipstick. But seriously, listen… I know Inu's very cute, and I’m no hag exactly, but… well, I guess what I'm saying is, if either of you aren't interested because my body's gone to Hell in a handbasket the past few years, don't even worry about it."
"Psshhh, are you kidding me? You look fine, and I'm sure even without clothes you'll look fine as well. You got a rockin' body anyone'd be jealous of."
"Well, thank you," Weiss said primly, not letting on how much that helped ease her still-fragile pride on the issue. Having Yang to reassure her all the time that she was still the "perfect ten" pop star she married went a long way toward that, and her doubts were never quite so pronounced as they had been before their relationship began. Still, it was something she would probably struggle with for a long time yet.
"Anyway, I'm looking forward to your answer. I only suggested the bus because despite the previous break-in, it's rather discreet, the new one has better locks, and no one will question why we're all in there together." Then in a still-stunned voice, she added, "All… four of us. Wow, my life turned out so much different than I expected at nineteen!"
Snorting herself, she looked straight to the screen again, smiling endearingly. "But I'm sure you wouldn't change a thing, right? Total perfect life. Got your family, your career, that sweet place on the lake… you're living the dream, I'm jealous."
"Then be part of that dream," she wheedled, mostly kidding as she displayed a moment later when she giggled. "Okay, okay, I'll drop it for now. And we seem to be all set here, so I'll have Father follow up on that date in DC and then we'll see where we are tomorrow. Sound good?"
"Can do! Right, I'll let you go, and I'll text you if Inu is a maybe or not, if you ask Yang." But just as she reached toward the phone, she paused. "Oh yeah! And, give the little one a kiss from me."
"Don't worry, I will. She's-"
At that moment, a small furry bundle leapt into her lap, and she laughed, petting her idly. "I think she heard you, Neon! Xu-Xu, say hi to your 'cousin'!"
The other side the screen, Neon was quite obviously giggling, even giving a wave with her fingers toward the small white flat-faced cat that was purring away while Weiss petted it. "Hi Xu-Xu! Us cats gotta stick together, huh?"
Picking up her little paw, Weiss helped the ball of fluff wave back. Then she laughed when she jumped down. "And hates it when I make her do human things."
"Hey, I hate it when people make me do human things too. Like getting dressed and having to be presentable when I'd rather just lay down and lick my own-"
"NEON!" But she was laughing, despite being so scandalised. "If you figure out how to accomplish that, tell me how; I think Yang would be just as interested in that lesson!"
"And I'm sure you'd be interested in watching that." Laughing again, she finally did reach for the phone this time. "You fuss over said darling wife, while I go… pick an outfit for when Inu comes over tonight. Call you soon!"
"Alright, have fuuuun!" The extra emphasis was clear in its intent, but she hung up before Neon could even so much as roll her eyes.
Then Weiss walked into the kitchen and dumped out the rest of her cappuccino. Her mood was light; the new tour was on track, their tentative plans to explore "recreational activities" with outside parties had not been met with a definite negative, and all else was as it should be. How had she got so lucky?
"Okay, the one you saw in that magazine would look great on you. That's if you wanted to go with white, I mean, have you seen some of the gorgeous purple dresses they've been doing?"
There was the faint voice of her wife from the other end of the kitchen. She too was locked in conversation with her phone screen, but unlike Weiss, was actually making sure to drink her coffee. While Weiss's call was to handle business, Yang's was to help Blake plan her own big day.
She remembered fondly how that even came to be. The rest of the Schnee-Xiao Long wedding party had plotted it without Blake's knowledge, had made sure that Blake was the one to catch Yang's bouquet when it was thrown, and have him right behind her down on one knee when she caught it. Of course she said yes; the two had been a couple for longer than Weiss and Yang had. And the several “It's about time!” comments from the other attendees confirmed it was the right decision.
Of course, now it meant all the stress of the organisation, which Yang had assisted with.
"But the purple ones will make me look like a giant plumb," Blake lamented weakly, running a hand through her bangs. "And you know I already hate how I look in dresses… can't I just borrow yours? Maybe it's not original, but it's a great dress, right?"
"If you want to you're more than welcome, but don't you want your own for your special day? Plus mine only really works if you're gonna have your wedding in Hawaii as well, with the flowers ‘n’ stuff." She took another sip of her drink while flicking through a couple more of the magazines she had to hand. Some which she'd saved just for helping Blake with this task.
"I'm just really stressing about this whole thing… and it's more about Sun's parents than him, they're all about us having a super traditional huge church wedding so they can show off the photos to everybody, and we just want you guys there at the Justice of the Peace and to get on with the reception, you know?" With a quiet laugh, she added, "But you have been awesome through all this. Thanks so much."
"Sounds like Sun's parents aren't quite ready to admit their little boy's a grown man. He told 'em to buzz off yet?" She continued to go through one of the magazines a bit longer, eventually stopping on one page. Folding the corner over so it was saved, she then looked back to her smiling friend. "And shut up. You were a godsend when it came to mine and Weiss's. And our bachelorette party was the best thing ever, told you I'd make it up to you."
"Oh that was totally my pleasure! You guys looked awesome, the party was a blast, and I've used the 'bridesmaid dress' every time we go to the beach, since I'm not much of a bikini girl. But yeah, Sun's parents are pretty traditional like that, they either want us to have an Eastern wedding or a Western one. Alternative ceremonies make them get all grumpy."
"Would ours have made them go 'Aaaaaahhhhh!' ?" she asked with a giggle. However, that did give her another idea. While she and Weiss were debating the style of their wedding, an Eastern wedding did come up. Especially when Yang knew how keen Weiss would be on it. Even if in the end they opted for something else instead, that didn't mean Blake and Sun had to.
"You know, what about a hanfu? I could hook you up with the place that did mine."
"O-oh? You… sure you won't have a problem with that?" The question was subtle, but necessary. "Not just because of that time, but I'm still a white girl. It wouldn't seem like I was trying to be something I'm not?"
Yang smiled in sympathy. "Dude, that’s ancient history. Me being mad doesn’t mean you didn’t look really good in it. And I say go for it! I know he's not really big on Chinese shit, exactly like me; but no reason why you can't ask him, right? May even keep his mom and dad off your back."
The image of Blake on the screen paused to think that over. "Well… I did always think yours was beautiful… would you go with me to have one fitted, so I don't look like some weirdo with an Asian fetish?" Then she laughed. "Even if it might be slightly true."
"Considering your dating history, yeah," Yang giggled with her. "Course I'll come with you, girl. I got another appointment on Friday, we can meet up afterward and go then?"
Alas, that was something that still hadn't quite changed. There had never been another near-miss again, but on the odd occasion, a rough patch would come. Thankfully now Yang was doing a much better job of admitting she wasn’t okay, and accepting the help. Although she probably didn't need ongoing counselling any longer, she continued to attend once a week until told otherwise “just in case” - and with Weiss and her friends’ encouragement that there was nothing wrong with mental health maintenance.
"Definitely," Blake responded immediately, nodding her understanding. "We'll have to get dinner afterward, Sun is off with his buddies doing some kind of… rock climbing thing, whatever. I mean, unless I'm taking you away from Wifey?"
"Lemme check. Oh wifey-dearest?" She turned, slightly tilting her chair so Blake could quite clearly see Weiss was in the background, making herself another cappuccino to replace the cold one she had to dispose of. Batting her eyelashes toward her, she tilted her head. "May I please, please, pretty please go for lunch with my bestie on Friday?"
"Alright," Weiss called back in an intentionally droll tone of voice as she turned the machine on. "Just don't have any sex unless you bring protection."
Of course, Blake was immediately sputtering and shouting, "H-hey, we haven't done that in forever, and we agreed that- oh, just shut the fuck up!"
But all the while Yang was laughing, even if she was surprised by the comment. They kept joking about it, even if they hadn't re-engaged in that activity since she and Weiss reunited, but it didn't stop the teasing. Even if she 'barked' right back, "Well, it's not as if we're getting any with how loud you get!"
And just as loudly, Weiss rebutted, "You ride me too hard! Especially in the ass! How do you expect me to keep it down when you're stretching out my-"
"WOW, okay, I do not need to hear this!" Blake laughed uncomfortably.
"Holy fucking shit, I did not think you'd yell about that across the room." Now it was Yang who ended up blushing uncontrollably as she went back to the camera, trying to bring her hair forward to cover her face however she could, groaning behind it.
"You really like that?" Blake called out, clearly intending it for Weiss.
"Sure!" Once her beverage was ready, she came over to stand behind Yang's chair, sipping at the mug. "Was pretty unusual at first, I'll admit, but… now it's a good alternative once in awhile. Sometimes I'm more in the mood for that, to be entirely honest with you."
Now Blake and Yang were both blushing, with Weiss the only one oddly calm. "Huh," the brunette breathed, pressing a hand into her mouth for a few seconds. "I mean, I've done it to Sun a million times, but never felt like I wanted to be on the receiving end…"
"I can't speak for those without a prostate, but it's hella fun even if you don't touch it directly…" The voice came from behind the blonde hair, still slightly muffled as Yang tried to hide away the violently red cheeks. Eventually, when the other two were done laughing at her, she did come out again, taking a sip of her drink to try and distract herself for a little while longer, before suddenly saying, "Hey, you could always save that for the wedding night."
"Good point," Blake laughed, still sounding uncertain. "My regular virginity's a distant memory by now, but the anal kind can be my wedding present to the big dope. Then again, he's just as likely to insist he's the one on bottom."
"Oh, I remember," Weiss chuckled. "He seemed to enjoy Yang's lap the few times we got him to sit on it…"
"You guys just use me as a sex toy to turn him on, I swear to god." Her wife rolled her eyes, looking off to one side. She never meant it, even if it was a very common occurrence when it came to teasing Blake's fiance.
"Don't be fooled by his 'nah, I'm not about that life' act," Blake told Yang with a slightly devilish smirk. "If you ever did want to bend him over the bed, he'd be thrilled." Then she held up a hand to forestall any comments. "Not saying we aren't satisfied with our decision to keep things, you know, separated. Just… he sure is a butt-slut."
"Yes, thank you, Miss Belladonna — soon to be Wukong." The thought was still appealing to her even now. Even if it had been many years of sleeping with Weiss and only Weiss, the occasional fantasy of sleeping with men again did cross her mind. She'd more or less accepted that no matter who her partner was, she was pansexual. It was just that sleeping with someone like Sun meant that she could still be the top.
But that would remain a fantasy. She was happy with who she was with, and happy with their current status. Even if it was only on occasion, they had other things to worry about. More important things.
Blake raised an eyebrow. "Although?"
"Well," Weiss began with a smirk as she calmly slid into Yang's lap, "Our decision stands. But how about… a competition? To span two nights during our honeymoon. First you and I on bottom, then Sun and Yang on bottom. And we see who's the loudest. In the event of a tie, we have one final round of the usual missionary as a tie-breaker."
Seeing that Blake was seriously considering that offer, Yang frantically looked between them back and forth, eventually raising a hand to her face again in an attempt to cover it. "Seriously?! Are you in heat right now or something? First that little ‘idea’ about Neon, and now this! Do I need to hose you down?!"
"Hey, it'd be kind of hot without getting our wires crossed," Blake admitted, though she too was still holding a hand in front of her face. "But… yeah, I'll have to talk it over with Sun. I won't tell him about the back door, since that's a surprise, but just… the other part, and see where we end up."
"Excellent!" Weiss said, cheeks only slightly pink as she wriggled more comfortably into her wife's thighs. "And honestly, it's just a random idea I had, based on… well, another conversation I had recently. No pressure."
"Okay, yeah, good to know there's no pressure," Blake snorted. "Yang, uh, you okay over there?"
"Oh, just fine. I thought we were just asking one another about dinner plans and it leads to sex contests, so I'm a little flustered, that's all." Yang instead tried to go for her coffee, even if Weiss, now present on her lap made that incredibly difficult. But realising how long they'd been on the phone, she asked, "Should I let you go? Gotta get back to work, right?"
"Oh! Good point, I only have ten minutes left on my lunch, so I should probably warm up that tuna-noodle bake. Love you guys — see you Friday, Yang!"
"Text ya later!" And with that, she reached toward the phone, giving a brief wave before she cut off the call. Then she was left with her wife on her lap, who was still smirking even with her faint blush. The smug expression Yang grew to love. "You are a nightmare."
"You have NO idea." As she shifted back and forth, intentionally winding up her wife now, she immediately transitioned into the business they had most hoped to get around to after all the other was taken care of, and using the tail end of her own call to get there. "So about our potential arrangement with Neon. There's a snag that might not be a snag."
"Arrangement with- oh." At least her cheeks were already red, so she didn't have to make any excuses. Sliding her hands around her wife's body to hold her on her lap, she asked, "And what snag is that?"
"She wants to possibly invite Inu. You know, that shy girl from her band?"
"Oh, the cute little mute girl? She wants to make it a foursome? Really?" She assumed the “bonding session” would be more than enough to ask, but now this seemed to be even better than they hoped! More to assist with, should the mood call for it – and if they paired off, no matter who with, it wouldn’t be so awkward and nobody would feel left out. Even if adding more than just Neon made her more nervous.
"YOU KNEW?!" Weiss burst out, drawing back in alarm. Then she deflated, mouth still hanging open. "Why am I always the last one to know anything?! Like honestly, I feel so stupid all the time!"
"You didn't?!" Yang couldn't help but laugh at her misfortune. She really had slipped on noticing so many things. From Yang being trans to even Neon's obvious flirting when on the talk show. Seemed it expanded even to this.
Weiss merely sat there looking grumpy and embarrassed until Yang's laughter died down. Then she continued, "Alright, listen… I just assumed she didn't like me, or wasn't very sociable. My mistake. Anyway, she is pretty cute, I just haven't ever had any reason to think about her before now since — through no fault of my own — I thought she wasn't interested in talking to me, okay?"
Finally Yang nodded, keeping her giggle suppressed as best she could so Weiss didn't have to hear her continuously making fun of her slow realisation skills. Then went back to the subject again. "Yeah… Inu is pretty fucking cute. Would be a good tale."
"Just imagine," she continued softly, settling in against her once more as she gazed up at the ceiling. "Two months of unrestricted exploration with two women as gorgeous as them… and then, when the tour is over, back to our lives like nothing ever happened. No strings."
"Yeah? Well, that does sound pretty interesting…" Even if she wasn’t totally sure about the ‘no strings’ part working. After all, Blake had still acted a little weird around her for a year or so after their ‘no strings’ romps. She pulled Weiss slightly more towards her, lightly groping the ass cheek as she looked up with a slight smirk of her own. "And after two years of worrying about volume, will be nice to just cut loose and forget about it."
Biting her bottom lip, Weiss allowed her eyes to close as she relished the gentle sensations of pleasure, thrived upon them. "Mmm… yeah, and Neon can get pretty loud. Not as loud as me, though. And…" She sighed, though she began to rub her hand up and down Yang's shoulder through her orange t-shirt. "I am sorry that it makes it so hard for us to… to do you-know-what lately. But when you really get me going-"
"Yeah, have you at least thought about the ball gag?" She smirked teasingly, continuing to stroke her backside and keep grasping on occasion, lightly shrugging the shoulder that Weiss was stroking. "So we don't have to worry about it. Last thing we want is tiny feets walking into the room to see what's up with all the racket."
At that moment, Xu-Xu meowed and came up to them, and Weiss blinked down at her. "Silly kitty. Hmm… you may have a point. Let's adjourn to our bedroom." As she stood, she added, "And we talked about all that ball gag and BDSM stuff, and I told you that I am not interested! Handcuffs are kinky enough for me!"
"I never said the rest! Literally just the gag, for noise reasons!" She laughed, taking her hand and following her straight away. As they turned the corner to head up the stairs, however, Yang spared a small wave to Xu-xu, putting on a babying voice. "And you're going to stay down here and be a good girl! Yes you are, yes you are!"
"Or we'll get out the spray bottle again, yes we will, yes we will!" Weiss said in the same cloying tone. Of course, the cat knew no difference in their words, and simply blinked up at them curiously.
Once they were in the room, Weiss kicked the door shut with her heel and whipped her white blouse off so fast that a few buttons popped free, forever ruining it unless she took the time to sew them back on. Which she likely wouldn't. And Yang quickly threw off her top in response, already reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra. It seemed like forever ago that the cast stopped her before. In fact, she could barely remember it at all.
When she threw the bra among their shirts, Yang spared a glance to the digital clock on their bed side table. Three PM. "We got one hour before Ruby gets here. Ready to race?"
"PAH!" Weiss burst out as she shucked her yoga pants and panties all in one go. "We both know that we can get so much done in an hour, it's not even funny!" Then she fluffed out her hair once she was standing there entirely nude. "Now then… what are you gonna do to your 'princess'?"
Still unbuckling her belt and shorts, she was trying to shuffle them and her underwear down as quickly as she could, quickly pushing her own hair up and out her face. Seemed Weiss's lap sitting and teasing had completely paid off, considering Yang was already semi-erect out of the gate.
"Oh I don't know… There's so many things I could do. Maybe I should pin you up against a wall; or bend you over the bed…"
"The wall?" Weiss gasped, face lighting up in excitement. "Wow, we haven't done that since… Belize, I think it was." She began to stride forward. "Do it, if you think you can."
Moving forward to meet her, Yang grasped her arms right away, using them to push her back into the nearest wall with no hope of release. "Don't think I won't," she said with a smirk, before dipping to kiss her more firmly. It'd been so long, no wonder they were each so desperate to rough one another up in the sheets. Or against the nearest flat surface, in this case.
"Nnhhh!" Weiss groaned against the lips crushing down on hers, already feeling Yang's hardness getting harder up against her curling hairs. There was a reason she did not take as much care trimming them lately, but she would reinitiate her beautification rituals from back in her solo tour days soon enough, when she and Yang were on the bus. With or without Neon and her silent companion.
Satisfied she was pinned long enough, her hands released Weiss's wrists, instead moving down her body while they kissed up a storm. Tongues battling, bodies grinding against one another firmly; just like their adrenaline filled days on tour. When they had their moments, it never really changed. Sure, they sped things up by removing their own clothes rather than each other's, and protection was no longer an issue; but in that sense, the two of them never truly grew up. They adored their time together.
"God, your rocket is already clearing the launch pad," Weiss half-laughed, half-groaned as she leaned her neck to the side to allow Yang to have her way with it. But she didn't mind; that was the goal, after all. To enjoy each other with their stolen moment.
"Always is for you." But she immediately fell to biting and suckling without a single care as to who saw the mark afterward. By now neither of them did; anyone who had a problem was simply laughed at by Yang. One hand was brushing it's way over her body, brushing to the small area above the hair. A finger seemed to stroke over something in particular; a scar that wasn't there before. It was only a slight bump of skin, but all the same, Yang fussed over it. Breaking from her kiss to whisper, "Because who can resist your gorgeous body? This included."
Weiss froze and looked away. Collected herself, suppressed strong reactions that wanted to take over the mood. It didn’t take as long as it had once upon a time, and a few seconds later, she was already looking back to Yang, smiling a small, coy smile.
"Apparently, not you," she whispered gratefully.
Noticing the slight funk in her mood, she moved the hand to her hips. Once her diva was smiling again, she brushed that hand downward, pulling Weiss's leg up against her rather firmly. "Are you kidding me?" she asked, pecking at her neck once more. "I don't stand a single chance of turning up my nose at this beautiful prize."
Another sigh, one of great need, escaped Weiss as she hitched herself up higher, wrapping her legs around Yang and locking them at the ankles to help support her weight. Between that and the wall, they were able to keep her weight upward. The thickness grinding up against her clit was delectable, but she couldn't wait to get more out of Yang than just that.
"Fuck me hard," she urged, pressing her cheek urgently against the crown of her head. "Mmhhh… more!"
"You got it, princess." Not lingering to tease further, she drew her hips back, sparing a hand to line herself up with the entrance of her lover's body. Then she surged forward, releasing a needy moan when she felt her length enter the warm, wet folds. The hand returned to her ass to support her again before she set to work. They hadn't time to waste, and were eager to enjoy their precious hour.
Screams of pleasure erupted the instant she felt herself being filled by her wife, head thrown back in ecstasy, arms coming up to wrap around Yang's back as she shifted her hips back and forth. Already, she felt ready to burst — and they had been at it mere seconds! At this rate, they would not only finish, but have time for an episode of Jessica Jones.
It was a good thing they were somewhat alone in the house with the volume of those moans. Not that Xu-Xu would bother them, thanks to the closed door. There was one occasion where the ball of fluff thought it appropriate to hop and curl up on the bedsheets above the couple, despite them quite obviously playing with each other underneath – even trying to pounce on certain bumps under the sheet. Needless to say, it was still a hilarious encounter.
Yang's own moans were simply desperate with need. Pumping herself in and out at a hard and fast pace, she bit her own lip to try and prevent them becoming too loud. For the sake of her own sense of pride more than anything. And Weiss was already fast approaching her own finish. Could she really have been this hard up for time spent alone with Yang? They should never have let themselves get this busy, this often; she would have to start setting aside more time for them to get wild and uninhibited.
"NNhhah! Yang, you're so… GOD, I needed this!"
She'd barely started, but could already feel the telltale signs her wife was about to finish. Not this soon already, she needed more time. Playing this into the game, she leaned in close and purred, "Don't you dare come. I'm not done with you yet."
A little thrill shot down into Weiss’s stomach; she loved when she was forceful. Just enough of a thrill, being commanded like that… and besides, she wanted to see how much better she could feel if she held out longer. Nodding her understanding, she tried to suppress the onslaught of pleasure that the thrusting was bringing her, licking her lips as she was bounced up and down against the wall. Yang was like an animal, unhinged and wild, desperately set on one thing and one thing only. There was a moan each time she pushed deep into her lover's body, feeling as Weiss's muscles twitched in a desperate attempt to hold off. She knew she wouldn't be able to for long, but hopefully enough time so she could find her own release. Which at this rate was building fast.
Alas, Weiss couldn't manage it any longer than that. All she had time to pant was, "K-keep going, don't stop!" before she was already riding out an orgasm unlike any she had felt in weeks. It was as sudden as it was intense.
And Yang didn’t stop. She continued to pump fast and hard, even when Weiss's muscles were trying to clamp onto her member, trying to get something out of it. The build up was quick, but getting to the finish line wasn't quite as quick at arriving.
Or arriving at all. An annoyed groan later she stopped, slipping herself out of Weiss's body. Her member was still hard, and now more or less dripping with Weiss's juices but even that wasn't enough.
"It's no good… I can't quite get there. Damnit."
"Now I… remember why we haven't done this in a while," Weiss laughed breathlessly as she was slowly let down to stand on her own. "Takes too long. Take me to the bed."
As she had become accustomed to Yang throwing her over her shoulder, it had happened so many times, she didn't even truly ask about it anymore. Which was exactly what happened; Yang lifted her up and over, quickly pacing toward the bed while she still had herself in its full glory. There was no way she wanted that to fade yet, not when they were barely fifteen minutes into their hour. While they both giggled, she tossed Weiss down into the plush mattress, about to climb on top of her when…
She paused, spying the bedside drawer. And remembered something they hadn't done in a long long time. It'd been the initial subject of her phone call with Blake, ironically enough, yet she could barely remember the last time they tried. Pausing as she was straddled over Weiss's hips, she asked, "What about… you taking me?"
"How about you taking me?" Weiss playfully teased, but she wasn't truly going to ignore her wife's request. Instead, she thumbed over her shoulder at the table. "Go on, get your best friend, but… I want you to play with me a little more first, if that's alright."
"That can easily be arranged…" She grinned, crawling over her petite wife to get to the bedside drawer. Shuffling through the various things placed in there to hide the particularly raunchy items, she pulled out the bottle of lubricant first, and then hesitated. "Hmm… double-ender, or you want me to just hit your clit this round?"
"Ooh, you're so playful today… I can't decide." Her smile was genuine; this was a lot of fun for her. "Get a few toys out and we'll figure it out later. Right now… just use your tongue. God, I miss that tongue…"
Nodding in agreement with her wife, Yang did as she was asked, pulling out the few toys they had. Their first, the icey blue friend from that video together, a double ended yellow one, a butt plug and a small vibrator. Then she went back to work. Climbing down her lover's body, she left a trail of kisses down the soft delicate skin, hands grasping her legs to prise them apart. All Weiss did was stretch out luxuriously, a contented smile on her face. Having just climaxed, she really loved having that moment to simply bask in the worship, to let Yang's lips graze over her…
Even her soft thatch of hair, which she had flinched at earlier. It did not happen a second time; she merely moaned slightly lower, loving how much her bodyguard loved her as she began to glide her toes up and down Yang's hips and thighs, trying to repay the attention in some small way. They had plenty of time to spare, plenty of time to slow down and give attention to Yang’s favourite body in the world. Even if Weiss was touchy about certain areas these days, Yang wasn’t. She would lavish the faint marks with attention, kissing continuously, all the way along the length of it.
"You've given me so much," she seemed to whisper directly to the skin, kissing one more time before she started to make her way lower. "Allow me, princess, to give back."
"Anytime," she responded, with tears of gratitude in her eyes. They wouldn't quite fall, she was past that by now, but they always welled up slightly when Yang was so considerate.
And then the eyes fell closed with a sigh of pleasure when lips hit home. "Ooh…"
This time, Yang treated her lover’s flower it with delicate care. A huge contrast between the rough treatment she'd given it not even five minutes ago. Not wanting to disappoint, she allowed her tongue to dip between the lips. Arching her back into the contact, Weiss allowed her legs to come to a rest on Yang's hips while the tongue worked its magic. Even though she had already finished, she wanted more; always more from Yang, she needed it! Licking her lips, her idle hands came up to squeeze her own chest, hoping to coax that much more pleasure from the moment.
Feeling her lips curl into a smile, she continued to savour the flavours of her lover, kissing and licking and dipping her tongue all around the softer skin. Occasionally she made sure to raise her tongue more than usual, flicking it across the surface of the delicate nub at the top. Just enough to give her a taste of what was to come. Every instant that the wet muscle met her nub, the diva bucked upward, as if chasing the sensation. And in a way, she was, though at the same time she also relished the chase, and welcomed waiting for Yang to pursue her again.
Lightly smirking this time, she waited for when Weiss seemed to be unsuspecting… and then did it again. And she continued that pattern, waiting until her guard was down before attacking. It wasn't until the fifth time it happened that she started to giggle, looking up to her from below with a cheeky grin.
"Stop teasing!" Weiss gasped breathlessly, bringing her heel down on Yang's back. "You're… so bad!"
"I know." She giggled, wincing at the brief pain from the kick. "But you already came once. That's not fair."
"And I'd want you to come five or six times if it was possible, but… we know there's only one way you can technically do it twice." Reaching over blindly, she was finally able to pick up and present Yang with the correct implement; the yellow one. "Care to… share the banana?"
She rolled her eyes, hitching herself up to take it from her. "And here I thought you were gonna treat me. Rude." But there was still a smile on her face when she crawled over again to fetch the bottle of lube, sitting it by Weiss's side for a moment so she could prepare the rest. Holding the 'giving' end toward her, she smirked. "Open wide."
Amused, she did as Yang asked — to the best of her abilities. Though Weiss may have been complaining about her aging body a few minutes ago, it wasn't as if she was taking the passage of time lying down; she was still in damn good shape. She curled her abdomen inward, reaching down and clasping her ankles to pull her feet up and position them behind her head.
"Is… this wide enough?"
Every time, Yang was amazed at the displays Weiss put on for her. She remembered how flexible Blake was, but when she told Weiss that, she was determined to beat her. And that training seemed to pay off, certainly now more than ever.
"It's good… But." She held up the dildo again, looking between it, and where it would be pushed into. "You're making this difficult to put on."
"Too bad," Weiss goaded with a grin, obviously clenching her hindmuscles. "Let's see how you pull this off; I'm curious now."
"Geeze, you make this difficult," she groaned, looking toward the now-tightened opening of her lover again. This position was going to make it so much more filling for her, but also so awkward for Yang to work with. Still, she was up for the challenge. Shuffling toward her target, she held up the yellow cock, slowly lining up the end of it with her entrance. Gradually, she pushed it up against her, slowly applying more pressure to push it inside.
"Ohhhh, that's what I like," the diva groaned in an almost obscene voice, eyes closing in bliss at the feeling of the length filling her. None of the toys were that small, but the thing she liked about this end of the yellow one was that it was just about the same size as Yang. Meanwhile, the other end… well, that was quite a bit larger.
Once it was fully slid inside, Yang took a long look at her while holding up the straps on either side. Which was making it increasingly difficult to determine how she would do it. She couldn't thread it around herself like normal, or move her legs much from that position. Eventually, she just blushed and let out a whine of annoyance.
"Stop ogling and start strapping," Weiss taunted. But when Yang only scratched her head, she rolled her eyes and lowered her legs with a slight grunt, pushing her hips up off the bed. "Is this easier for you?"
"Was that so hard to do instead of just showing off, Mrs Flexible?" she asked sarcastically, finally getting back to work now she could reach things properly. Strapping the ends around both her legs to keep it in place, she was finally ready to take her.
Of course, while Yang waited for a response, she was also looking at the much bigger end. The one she'd be receiving. It was slightly bigger than their icey blue friend in width, but Yang assured Weiss she could handle it. And a handful of times, she certainly did. Still, the sight was always one that made her weak in the knees.
Licking her lips as she watched Yang gaze at the opening, unbelievably turned on by the notion, Weiss couldn't resist any longer. Voice husky and needy, she whispered, "Hand me that lube and get your ass over my face. You have no idea how much I want to get you ready for my cock."
Immediately, Yang’s blush doubled. She looked in shock back at Weiss again, barely able to believe how forward she was being today. But she loved it and wasn't about to argue. Still needy herself, she did just as she was asked, handing the bottle straight over and climbing toward her, turning herself around once close enough so she'd present herself.
"Whatever you say, princess."
"Don't act like we don't both know how much you love it," Weiss breathed, taking in the glorious sight. Perhaps she didn't speak this plainly all the time, and it had been a while since they got to have a good, long session like this, but she had made no secret of how much fun she found toying with the tight little opening below her lover's organ.
Which was partly why she wasted no time in drawing it down closer, pressing her lips up against the tightly-puckered skin with a contented little mewl. And why Yang bit her lip, suppressing the shaky moan that attempted to escape. The fact she hadn't yet come was really taking its toll on her, making her grow desperate with desire and lust. She could even feel the slight chill from where it was still wet with her wife’s essence. But if only she could place such wetness to the opening Weiss required.
At least she knew her lover would handle that with the lubricant. She enjoyed doing that, and often insisted she'd do it over Yang herself.
However, the smaller woman was still engaged in prelubrication. As her thumb flicked open the bottle next to her, the other hand kept Yang's hips still as she pressed her tongue up against the ring of muscle as hard as she could, trying to worm her way inside without any forewarning or coaxing.
"NNNN!!! Jesus, is it even possible to work out with your t-tongue?!" she asked, trying to suppress the moans once more as she let Weiss do her work, feeling the attempts to push inside very easily. Grasping the bedsheets tightly for a moment to try and hold on, she slowly looked backwards at what was happening, barely able to keep herself contained. The moans into the skin were completely uninhibited, but she didn't take long to fully enjoy them before she was bringing up the bottle and drizzling the clear liquid onto where her tongue had just opened very slightly.
"Do you have any idea how much I wish we had more time than we do today?" she sighed shakily as she brought one fingertip up to rest against the slicked skin, pressing in gently. "It's been like, five seconds, and I miss the taste of your ass already… weird as that sounds, I know."
"I never said it was weird when you first admitted you liked the taste, I sure as hell ain't gonna start saying it now." Hanging onto the sheets even still as she felt the tip begin to slide inside, she let out a moan of her own, grinning in sheer delight as her finger easily penetrated it, and teasingly began to open her up. "Thaaaaat's it, right like that…"
Biting her lip — partly just because she was enjoying participating in the show, but partly to further enjoy the lingering taste of Yang on her lips — she watched as her finger slid all the way into the tight little opening, looked on in detached wonder as it drew out again. Feeling some resistance, she raised the bottle and added a little more, letting it start to drip down around the sides before she pushed again. A few more repeated attempts, and it was flying in and out of Yang freely.
She knew her weakness too well. Sure, getting her dick off was good, but this had her wife singing. Each time the finger slid inside, she couldn't hold back, letting out yet another needy moan into the air. And now it was going at a rapid pace, it was becoming very difficult not to jerk herself off whilst this was happening.
Speaking of which… Holding her hand back, she tried to stop her moans a moment, asking, "The bottle… Lemme prepare you."
That made Weiss pause entirely. "Oh, you… want to prepare me, too?" Her abdomen clenched, which Yang would have to be completely overtaken by the throes of the teasing in her hindquarters to miss. Gulping, she glanced over at the black plug; it had been so long since they used that, and with good reason. It was not at all petite. Her secondary entrance was only used to Yang being in there, and not the wider girth of said toy.
"Yeah, make things slide all the more easier," Yang explained. Although she noticed the clenching, and sudden anticipation when it came to her suggestion, she hadn't seemed to have guessed what Weiss was thinking. Only moving one of her hands to the banana for a moment. Seemed they were both on a slightly different page and didn't realise it.
Gulping at the thought of being double-penetrated for only the second or third time in her life, and the first with the hefty plug they had purchased primarily for Yang's needs, Weiss nodded and reached over to grasp it, passing both it and the bottle to her wife.
"Okay, j-just… just go slow?"
"…W-wait, what?" Suddenly appearing to have noticed what Weiss was implying, she looked at the items being handed to her. All she had expected was to be taken herself with the other end of the strap on, and then to put the rest away. Now Weiss wanted to use that as well? She really did want to cram everything into one hour. "You serious? You want this?"
"Yeah! I mean… wait, was that not what you were talking about?" Letting out a weakly nervous laugh, she licked her lips and said, "O-oh. Wow, I guess I really have ass on the brain." Then she giggled and said, "Does that make me a butthead?"
Chuckling to herself, Yang crawled forward and away from Weiss's finger at last, shuffling forward enough to prepare things down below. "Yep, it sure does. But who can blame you, it's been a while." Bringing the bottle up into her hands, she squeezed a hearty helping onto the yellow dildo first, getting right to work as she stroked it up and down, thoroughly soaking the entirety of what wasn’t inside her wife. There were times where she'd make her grip rather tight, enough to make the other side pump in and out of her.
Then she let a little more drizzle down between Weiss’s cheeks. Once the bottle was set down, she slid a finger into her – all at once. By now, they both knew her princess’s ass could take that with almost no effort. It pumped in and out of her until she felt the muscles give, ready to receive more.
"Mmhhh," Weiss sighed, allowing her eyes to close from the dull pleasure of the twin sensations. "Yeah… jack me off, you beautiful woman. Make your man proud."
Smirking to herself, she continued to coat the length as wet as she could. That in addition to how wet her own opening was, thanks to Weiss, she knew this would be an easy and smooth ride. Now it was her turn. She looked over her shoulder to deliberately check Weiss was looking, holding the large plug into her view. Then with the other hand, she squeezed a large helping of the liquid all over it. "And does my man… want his butt to be claimed?"
The fleeting relief that Weiss had felt when the attention returned to the "banana" was now draining away as she stared at the implement again. Her lips parted, and she had intended to go ahead and tell her wife that maybe they shouldn't bother tonight. That she liked the idea, but wanted to work up to it gradually; worry about the huge thing another time.
What came out was, "Yes."
However, Yang noticed the worried expression. It was true that they didn’t play with Weiss’s butt nearly as much as the other way around – well, with the exception of Yang claiming it with her cock. But she could give her the choice. Turning around to line her cheeks up with the phallus, she placed the plug down a moment to pick up the last toy she'd picked out. The vibrator. It was a lot smaller in comparison, however, if she was already penetrated in one hole, it would be plenty.
"Seriously, we can just use this baby instead if you don't want the plug. I know it's fucking huge; not the biggest on the market, but a lot to take up the ass."
"Maybe I want you to use both," she joked, not even laughing or smiling at the quip as she considered. "But… no, we have to use a plug; the other thing would fall out once I start fucking you." Then she took a deep breath. "You've opened up my ass a hundred times. I think I'm ready to… at least try this thing. See if I can take it. And if it doesn’t work, that’s fine."
"Well, alright, Princess." And here she was thinking she could get her end, but Weiss was so insatiable she needed more – and what Weiss wanted, Weiss got. Retrieving the plug again and putting the vibrator back, she climbed down once again to between Weiss's legs. Pressing the tapering end of the well-lubricated silicon between those cheeks, she lined it up with the slightly-loosened ring of muscle, starting to rotate around it to open her.
"Ohhhh God," Weiss breathed shakily, cheeks moving from side to side at the sensation. "Oh, I hope I open right up for it…" But already, she loved the sensation against her skin; she knew she would, she always had. It was only the thought of how much pressure was about to befall the tightly-puckered opening that kept her from letting go to enjoy the magic befalling her body.
When she felt Weiss relaxing more, Yang began to push pushing harder, rolling the plug around to open her up as much as possible. Easing gently, bearing in mind how much bigger it was toward the base than Yang’s cock. Pressing her cleaner hand to her face, Weiss panted with the effort of not crying out at the intensity. It was so big! Too big, possibly, but it was only about halfway inside of her. Maybe this wouldn’t work, but how would she know if she didn't try? Part of her said that she should be taking out the yellow one while trying this, but somehow, it was also making it easier to take; the whole area being stimulated made her muscles feel more alive, ready for anything. And this certainly qualified as "anything"!
"Doing okay?" she asked, pushing more of it inside even firmer. It was beginning to surpass the width of the strap on itself, the bigger end that Yang was going to take, gradually getting even wider. Still taking in the sight, she could barely believe how much her petite girlfriend could handle.
"WAIT!" Weiss finally gasped out when she felt the pleasure very slightly starting to edge closer to pain – a warning sign both women had learned to heed after a few unfortunate incidents. "Just… it needs a second to catch up!"
“Okay.” Holding it still again, her bodyguard gazed in awe at just how much she had taken already. Above halfway; and only a tiny amount to go. But still, she looked back up to try and catch her expression. "You're like, a finger's width off from the end, y'know. You gonna be okay?"
A weak nod. "Y-yeah… but if you kept going before… I think it would have been bad." Swallowing, she brushed her bangs away from her face; they were beginning to stick. "Can you… twist it a little, stimulate the skin?"
Tilting her head in response, she turned her hand slowly around, spinning the plug within her, inside the right ring of muscle it was forced into. "Like this?"
"NNhhhhhHH! More lube!" she demanded weakly, though her legs were shifting this way and that in extreme pleasure. Even if she might need more lubrication, it being rough was definitely not making her change her mind.
Drawing a very small amount of the plug back out again, Yang went to grasp the bottle, squirting a hearty helping around her skin, and the length itself. Managing to rub it against both, she attempted again, turning the plug around and around to spread the coating evenly.
"Ohhh… okay, I think… yeah, we're good now, it's good… thank you, baby." Her eyes were full of love for the bodyguard suddenly, lips turned up into an adoring smile even as she panted with the effort of weathering the bullet being ground past her defenses.
Nodding, she smiled back for a moment before getting right back to it. Slowly she pushed her hand forward again, stretching Weiss out wider and wider… back to where they were at before, and beyond, until she finally felt the skin accept the rest of it, releasing as the grip took the entire plug in for her and the base sat against her backside.
There was a little "AH!" from Weiss at the plug going all the way in, and then she relaxed completely. "Oh… ooh… oh that feels… interesting…" The two masses inside of her were pressing into one another through the membranes of her body, and it was not an altogether unpleasant sensation. Just a new one.
Simply taking a moment to stare, Yang was blushing anew yet again. Her lover, now with her bigger sized plug inside her dark opening, was ready to go. Phallus lubed up and waiting, just begging to be ridden. Not to mention, Weiss was filled in both her entrances. Not only would this be fantastic for Yang, but it would be something new altogether for her wife.
Grasping the phallus and slowly jerking it up and down again, she asked, "So… how do you want me? Facing you?"
"Ohhhh yeah," Weiss replied without hesitation, twitching all over from even that slight pressure in her cavity. Both of them, now. "That's… yeah, I want to see you… watch you enjoy me…"
Half closing her eyes seductively, she nodded, soon climbing over her yet again to get into position. Straddling her lover's hips, she leant right forward, sparing one of her hands to reach down to grasp the dick of her lover. After a brief pat around, she found it. Pulling it in toward her, she continued to make eye contact with her while she maneuvered that into position, lining it up with her moistened entrance. Until finally, she began to slide down, eyes slightly widening as she felt the pleasure swim through her.
"God, Yang, you look so good!" Weiss glowed, watching as the implement slowly sank deeper and deeper into her the lower her body went. Though Yang's beautiful example of a sex was partially obstructing her view, she still valued both highly, wanting to reach down and play with everything in sight. Again, another time.
Sliding down all the more, Yang eventually let out more needy moans into the air, leaning back to stare at the ceiling as she tried to process. It was so big! And so long… It always felt like something close to a train ramming its way in every time. But she loved every second. Sooner than usual, her cheeks landed right into Weiss’s lap as she moaned out again, "G-god… Ah…"
Weiss couldn’t resist. Even though it was very slightly mean, she moved her hips from side to side a bit earlier than she normally would. She also let out a quiet gasp of pleasure from it shifting inside herself before asking in a playful voice, “Does my wife like being filled by her husband?”
"Is that a trick question?" she asked, adjusting the position of her knees so she was straddling her again, making it much easier to shift herself upward to pull it out slightly. Biting her lip again, she struggled to keep in another moan. It was pushing against her inner walls so easily with each shift, touching all different areas. It felt fantastic! "Of course I do."
Already, Weiss felt almost as if she could finish again; the sensations paired with the sights were incredible, and that was without the mammoth thing inside her rear entrance. She really could scarcely stand it! Yet she wanted it there, was happy to be teased in two different ways at once. Always had been; this was just taking it to the next level.
Forcing herself back down onto it again, Yang looked straight back into Weiss's eyes again when she moaned out, pressing one of her hands onto one of the bare breasts before her. Meanwhile, she didn’t know if she should use her other hand to toy with Weiss more, or for leverage in case her knees didn't suffice. Yet also felt a dying need for something else, the sensation that had never been allowed to come to a close. That needed to be handled.
Once sure Weiss was watching, she reached downward, grasping her length and beginning to jerk firmly, matching the pace of her mild movements on Weiss's fake cock, moaning even more. "Mmm… Yeah."
"HEY!" Weiss yelped out, slapping weakly at Yang's hand as it stroked her erect length feverishly. "What… do you think you're doing with that? It… belongs to me! You have to ask!"
"O-oh, right." Releasing it from her grip, she instead placed it on her stomach a moment, slowing her riding down to give her enough time to ask. "Please, may I stroke myself?"
But to Yang's surprise, what Weiss said was, "No." Then she reached down and grasped it firmly herself, biting her lip at the sensation of her own essence mixing with the small amount that had already escaped from the head. This wasn’t the easiest angle to jerk her off from, but she really wanted to. "No, you may not. Just ride me."
Looking down at Weiss's hand, she nodded in agreement, placing her hand back down to better balance herself as she rode her “husband” again, doing just what she asked. Nodding to show that she understood, and eagerly waited for what was to come. The delicate hand angled up, holding the cock just right so that with every bounce up and down on the rigid length within her, Yang would also end up thrusting into her fist. Seeing as how each bounce also shoved the length inside her tortured sex right up against the filling presence in her other orifice, she somehow almost felt as if she were fucking herself in the ass.
Why was that idea so hot?!
Fucking Weiss’s hand was all the motivation Yang needed to go faster. Allowing herself to be filled over and over, she thrust harder, quicker. The moans practically poured through her mouth as she looked toward her with a grin, even starting to laugh.
"Oh, this is amusing to you, is it?" Weiss teased breathlessly, licking her lips as she felt Yang sliding in and out of her fingers, teasing everything in the back region of herself. "We'll… see how funny you find it… NOW!"
And with that, she began to raise her hips up to meet Yang's with increasing frequency, nearly doubling how hard and fast she rammed into her over and over. The screams of pleasure only got louder. Such a thick cock, and the fist was curled so tight around her own! The more she backed her hips to meet with Weiss's own, the closer she was getting. Especially when on a few particular thrusts, she felt her favourite spot being assaulted again and again, unable to help the higher pitched squeal that came from her when it did.
Meanwhile, Weiss was trying not to scream out from her own mistreatment; every thrust up into Yang slammed the other end into her fragile sex, torturing her insides so much that she could feel her toes tingling, her knees weakening. This was so good — and she had needed it so, so bad.
"HNNN! Aaah! Weiss!" One particularly hard thrust hit Yang's spot, making her entire lower half shudder. And then each thrust was hitting it over and over. Legs shuddering, muscles starting to clamp onto that thick length sailing in and out of her body… She could feel it now, she was incredibly close. "Faster!" she begged, licking her lips to try and regain a little composure for the end. "Y-your hand… I-it's g-gonna…!"
So it was time. Weiss had been preparing for this; she knew what she wanted. Maybe it wouldn't happen, but she had one chance to do what she could. Curling her abdomen inward, she leaned up as much as she could with the other elbow that wasn't busy helping Yang. Then, once she was as far forward as she could comfortably get…
Her hand moved faster up and down Yang while she squeezed tighter than usual. The added pressure might bring about a result they both wanted. By now they were rather practiced at this; it worked a few times, and Weiss was delighted with the results, but others it simply lead to embarrassment or even a laughable moment. Still to this day, Yang had no idea why her wife enjoyed that so much, when most would brand it as disgusting.
But finally, after a few firmer thrusts into her backside, Yang's mouth fell open, gasping loudly as she felt the waves of intense pleasure flow through her entire being, length throbbing in Weiss's grip as it shot out its seed fast and hard. She never got to see where it went, her eyes were closed tightly while she felt the pure ecstasy taking over. More shudders of joy went across her lower half. It had been far too long since she got to enjoy an orgasm as intense as this one.
An orgasm so intense that it led to Weiss's, as well — not purely from Yang gasping, but from the feeling of hot seed splashing across her cheek. She'd made it. She had not missed her mark!
"NNHAAAAHHH!!!!" she moaned out in pure joy as she climaxed again, feeling more droplets landing on her stomach. Only the one spurt had made it all the way up toward her face, but one was enough to send her gasping and shivering, completely overjoyed.
Letting the waves fizzle out gradually, Yang came to rest on Weiss's lap, completely content. The length was still fully inside her, something she didn't want to shift just yet. It felt good there, oddly warm and filling. She needed to simply savour the moment, especially now that her lover had climaxed as well.
The clock on the bedside table read 3:40pm. Twenty minutes: plenty of time to cool down and take care of everything.
"Want the plug out?" she asked when Weiss had finished her own screaming.
"Ahhh… not yet," Weiss sighed. "Let's take care of… other stuff first." Her hands glided up and down Yang's thighs now, and she let out a small chuckle when she felt a little of the cum being smeared on the skin from where it had dripped onto her thumb. "Oops… sorry about that."
"Nice." She laughed, still not completely moving off it when she leant forward to fetch a tissue from the box on the table, biting her lip when the yellow presence shifted back inside her when she sat down again. "Gah… That's what these tissues are for, you know. Don't wipe it on me!" But still, she took care of the mess, dabbing her own skin and the top of her member, then moving on to her wife's stomach and cheek.
"Thank you," she told her doting wife primly as she was cleansed, smiling as if she were a queen on her throne instead of a girl with two implements deep inside of her, naked on her back. "Now… I have something I want to do for you. Maybe you can guess what it is without any hints, but here's one; I'll need a glove."
"Does this mean I have to get up?" she asked, teasingly moving her hips side to side, but also biting her lip at the sensations it caused to her insides.
"Up off the banana, at the least." Once Yang started to lean up slightly, she reached forward and weakly swatted at her hip. "Come on; time is a luxury today! Let me get in there, I want my baby to have two O's like I did!"
"Alright, alright. I just find the banana appealing, okay?" She let that pun sink for a short moment, listening to her wife groan as she pulled herself upward, unable to help the small shudder that happened when she was out entirely. Once that was done she straddled Weiss's hips again. "Where do you want me?"
"In me." Then she let out a theatrical sigh and shrugged. "However, since I doubt you'll be 'up' for that…"
Apparently, Yang wasn't the only one who could make jokes. Sighing as she looked down to her member, now limp and lacklustre, she took a moment to reach for the gloves in the drawer. "Less taunting, more fingering, Wifey."
"Hey, I am capable of multitasking." But the taunting smile gave way to a more earnest one. "You want it on your back so I can really get in there? It's been a good while since your spot and I had a chance to bond."
"Now you're talkin'." She purred with delight, hopping off her lap and instead laying to one side on her back, spreading her legs to give Weiss more than enough of the room she needed. "It's been way too long."
Leaning up and sliding her arm over Yang's thigh, gazing down, she couldn't help the greedy little smirk that crept over her face as she began to pull the glove on. "Ooohhh, where shall I begin? Everything looks so good; I can't decide." Her now-gloved fingertips poked Yang's soft sack, making sure to avoid its contents for fear of hurting her.
"Hmm…" Instinctively she tensed, but nonetheless rested a leg up on her diva's shoulder, looking up with a smile. "Well, it's all yours. I think that was the agreement when I married you right?"
"True." As her fingers came to a rest up against Yang's slick entrance, feeling how it was already so wide open and ready to receive more, she leaned down to press her lips up against the fragile sack. "All mine, and all delicious."
Quickly glancing at the clock once more, just to double check, she then looked back toward her with another smirk, tensing the muscles deliberately against the fingers. "Well you better hurry then, clock's ticking."
Nodding, Weiss leaned up and took the partially-softened cock into her mouth. The muted salty tang of her essence hit her taste buds as she groaned against the flesh, swirling her tongue around the head as two of her fingers began to slide past her wife's loosened opening. Right away, Yang felt slight relief from feeling such wetness touching the member again after it'd become sore from the movements of her strokes, so feeling its coolness made her grin with delight. Just as the fingers heading into her backside did, which she bit her lip to try and suppress a louder noise. Her diva really was determined to make her go again!
The stirring didn't go unnoticed; Yang was getting slightly more aroused from her teasings. Of course, Weiss already knew that the chances of getting Yang all the way hard again weren't high, let alone a second spurting. But just feeling the warm flesh in her mouth was reason enough for her to keep going — so long as Yang didn't complain of discomfort.
And speaking of which… a pleased little chuckle sounded in her throat when she felt the little ridged mass she had been seeking out, deep within her lover. There it was.
"O-ooohh…" A quiet, but content purr sounded out from her bodyguard, unable to help when her legs twitched against Weiss's shoulders. Laying her head back and grinning from ear to ear, her wife was going to fuss over her favourite spot again and again, going to bring her to a second clima-
11 notes · View notes
searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Natural Opposite: 13/16
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Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! Thanks as always to the best beta ever, @distant-rose. I encourage you to go read all of her own fics because she's fantastic. My artist @optomisticgirl has once again made wonderful chapter art for this . Please check out her blog to see all her art (not just for this story) as well as her own fanfics which are some of my favs. Also head over to @captainswanbigbang if you haven't already. There were so many amazing fics written for this event; we are a blessed fandom!
Summary: Dance is more than Emma Swan’s career; it’s practically saved her life on more than one occasion. But when it comes to reality TV shows, she’s always danced in the shadows of her twin brother David and her sister Elsa. Her first season as a pro on Dancing With the Stars was a disaster, and she enters her second season determined to prove herself. All she needs is a good partner. Hollywood bad boy and ladies’ man Killian Jones isn’t what she had in mind.
Rating: M for mature themes, steamy dance routines, and sexy times (But NOT smut)
Trigger warnings: discussions of online solicitation of a minor, bullying, statutory rape, and emotionally abusive/controlling relationships; stalking; anti-Rumbelle, anti-Neal
Chapter Art by @optomisticgirl: Four| Five| Six| Seven| Nine| Eleven| Twelve|
Can also be read on Ao3
Tagging: (let me know if you want to be added to my tag list) @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kday426 @bethacaciakay @teamhook @snidgetsafan @delirious-latenight-laughs @jennjenn615 @winterbaby89 @onceuponaprincessworld @followbatb @hollyethecurious @ohmakemeahercules
Chapter Thirteen: Hook
Emma reached down to pet Graham’s service dog as she headed to the kitchen for another helping of orange chicken from the take out containers. Elsa and Graham had graciously allowed Emma and Henry to join them for their impromptu celebration for getting voted off in today’s eliminations.
“I still can’t believe we’re celebrating,” Emma commented as she settled back down on the couch.
Elsa turned to Graham, who had her tucked against his side, his hand resting on her hip. She traced his jaw and smiled. “We don’t have to hide that we’re together anymore,” she said, and Graham pressed a kiss to her forehead. Then Elsa turned to Emma. “Besides, now we don’t have to compete against you and Killian in the semi-finals. Now I can just cheer on my little sister.”
“You and Jones are going to win,” Graham told her confidently as he took a sip of his beer.
Emma sighed as she speared a piece of chicken with her chopsticks. “I hope so.”
“He sure beat me in that dance off,” Graham chuckled.
Elsa pressed her face against Graham’s chest as a blush stained her cheeks. Emma’s own face burned. The show had only aired on the east coast a couple of hours ago, and already the salsa dance-off between the two couples was being dubbed “The Chest-Off.” It already had thousands of views on YouTube, and everyone was in a heated discussion on which was hotter: chest hair or a smooth chest? While they were dancing, Emma and Elsa couldn’t see the meter recording the live votes, but when they watched the footage later, they laughed hysterically as the little bar at the bottom of the screen spiked wildly in Graham’s direction as soon as he took his shirt off. But then Killian had taken off his, and the meter surged in the opposite direction. In the end, the vote had been clear: Killian’s chest hair had won the salsa. There was no way of knowing, of course, if losing those extra points had cost Graham the semi-finals or not, but it had certainly helped Emma and Killian. The other couple voted off had been August and Jasmine. Emma tried to feel bad for her temporary partner, and when she couldn’t, she felt slightly guilty.
“It’s down to two athletes, Killian, and Belle,” Elsa commented as she grabbed a fortune cookie and cracked it open.
“Yeah, it’s shaping up to be a great end to the season,” Emma said.
“Aw, look,” Elsa gushed, showing Graham the tiny slip of paper from her cookie, “it says The end is sometimes really the beginning. Isn’t that perfect for today?”
Graham’s face softened. “It’s perfect for us. For a while, it felt like everything that mattered to me was ending, but it all led me right here. To you.”
Graham then cupped Elsa’s face and gave her a soft kiss.
“Ugh,” Henry complained, pretending to gag on an eggroll, “kid in the room, remember?”
Graham and Elsa both chuckled. “Sorry,” Graham apologized, but he didn’t let go of Emma’s sister, simply tucking her head beneath his chin and tugging her a bit closer. Elsa softened against him with a contented smile on her face.
As she watched them, Emma tried to keep her mind from dwelling on a certain blue-eyed Brit with soft lips and strong hands. She stared into her plate of Chinese food, willing her blood to cool and her mind to cease replaying that kiss. It’s not like it would lead to the same place Elsa found herself in with Graham. Killian wasn’t a retired Marine with multiple options before him. He was an actor. How many times had she reminded herself of that fact? The thing was, since there kiss it was getting harder and harder to remember.
Emma hadn’t even made her way out of bed yet the next morning when her phone dinged that she had a text message. It was from Killian.
Can we meet, Swan? Away from the cameras?
Emma worried her lower lip as she contemplated his request. She had a feeling she knew what he wanted to talk about, and while it was a conversation she really didn’t want to have, she also didn’t want to risk the situation blowing up in their faces while the cameras rolled.
Sure. Same cafe as last time? Just not outside this time.
She hit send, and Killian quickly sent back a reply.
Ha ha, definitely no. I’ll be in a ball cap again just to be safe.
Emma texted back with a time for him to meet her then slipped out of bed. She skipped a shower, figuring it was pointless anyway since she’d just get sweaty at rehearsals. She put her messy hair in a ponytail, then shoved it into an Angels baseball cap that August had given her. She brushed a kiss across the cheek of a bleary-eyed Henry as he shuffled from his room.
“I thought you didn’t have to practice as early now that Neverland’s on hiatus,” her son grumbled.
“I know, and starting tomorrow morning I’ll make you breakfast every day till New Year’s, okay kid?”
He shrugged his acceptance as he grabbed a box of cereal from the pantry, and Emma dashed out the door. She knew he was responsible enough to catch the bus on time, and Elsa was still home. Still, mommy guilt sometimes felt like her constant companion. Even with all the help from her siblings and Mary Margaret, being a single mom wasn’t easy. She pushed such thoughts from her mind as she made her way through LA traffic. She was early enough that rush hour hadn’t begun yet, but the streets were still a bit congested. In the end, she was ten minutes late meeting Killian.
Emma kept her sunglasses on just in case as she stepped into the cafe. She wouldn’t have recognized Killian if not for the bright blue eyes shining from under the brim of his Dodgers baseball cap. He was wearing a plain gray hoodie that seemed to be his standard uniform when trying to go unrecognized.
His phone was pressed to his ear, but when Emma reached the table, he smiled up at her. “Um, sorry Robin, but I’ve got to go. Emma’s here,” he paused, giving Emma an apologetic look for being on his phone. “Aye, mate, I look forward to it. . . I will . . . bye.”
As Emma sat down, she noted the way his smile reached his eyes, crinkling the skin around them. “Must be good news.”
“It is,” Killian replied, excitement coloring his voice. They were interrupted by a waitress taking their order, but as soon as she left, Killian continued eagerly. “You know the movie musical The Greatest Showman, right?”
Emma nodded with a shrug, “Who doesn’t?”
“Well, the same producers are developing a new movie musical about the rise of the punk music scene in London in the 70s. They want me for the lead.”
Emma smiled broadly. “That’s great!”
He ducked his head with that bashful smile of his that she never would have expected him capable of three months ago. “I have you to thank,” he told her.
Emma shook her head. “No, Killian. All I did was teach you some dance steps. You’re the one who proved to the world that you’re a triple threat. So who’s the choreographer?”
The waitress brought their orders out, and Emma stirred the whipped cream and cinnamon into her hot chocolate as she watched Killian take a bite of his breakfast sandwich before answering. When he did, his eyes were bright with excitement.
“Tabatha and Napoleon D’Umo.”
Emma almost knocked her hot chocolate over as her hands flew to her mouth. “Nappy Tabs? Seriously?! I’m so jealous. I never got to work with them on So You Think You Can Dance.”
Killian’s grin was broad as he took in her reaction. “Their lyrical hip hop is the style they’re going for in the film.”
“Oh, I’m so jealous,” Emma sighed as she broke apart her blueberry muffin and popped a bite in her mouth. “Put in a word for me? I sing you know.”
“That’s right,” Killian nodded, “you did Broadway.”
“Just in the corp. It was a steadier life for Henry than touring the ballroom circuit. Ingrid and Anna went with me to help with Henry. I missed Elsa and David, especially David, but I still got to dance and Ingrid kept working with me to get me back in competition shape.” Emma shook her head as she stared into her mug of cocoa. “Why am I babbling on about me? This is great news for you!”
“Aye. The casting director and producers want to meet me in London after the show wraps.”
Emma felt her stomach drop. “London?”
Killian eyed her with that intense look of his. “They want actual London landmarks from that time in the film. Sort of like how LA was a character in La La Land.”
Emma bit her lip, her eyes darting away from Killian’s face. “London . . . “
Killian cleared his throat. “But that’s not why I asked you to meet me. Emma –“
“Is this about Liam leaving?” Emma cut him off, locking her eyes on his again.
Killian arched one brow and gave her a half smile. “No, it’s not that either. I knew he’d have to go back home sooner or later. He’s got a job, you know. Pretty brunette bookworms can’t distract him from that reality.”
Emma laughed nervously. “Right . . .”
Killian leaned across the table. “And you’re changing the subject.”
Emma swallowed hard and fiddled with the napkin in her hand. “What subject?”
“The kiss, Emma.”
Emma scoffed even as heat crept up her neck. “Why? It was just a kiss.”
“Not for me,” he said, voice laced with conviction. He reached across the table and stilled the nervous motion of her hands by covering them with his. “Emma, when I was just starting in the industry, I was so focused on my career that I didn’t take the time to pursue any relationships. Then I got the role on Neverland, and I got carried away with partying and all the attention from women. Until one day I realized those women were attracted to my fame, not me. I never thought I’d actually find someone I could truly love . . . until I met you.”
Emma pulled her hands away abruptly and stared at her lap. She wasn’t sure what she could say to any of that.
Killian added in almost a whisper, “That’s what the kiss revealed.”
Emma lifted her head finally, clasping her hands tightly in her lap. “You just told me you’ll be moving to London, Killian.”
“But we –“
“No,” Emma cut him off, standing abruptly. She shook her head. “Please don’t make empty promises, Killian. You won’t keep them, believe me.”
Killian just looked at her silently for a moment. Then he gave one nod of his head; a nod of acceptance. “Okay, Emma. I won’t push it. Whatever we become, if anything, it’s up to you just as much as it is me.” He reached out and took her hand. “Just don’t leave. We’re still partners. And . . . friends? I hope?”
Emma gave him a tentative smile as she sat back down at the table. She squeezed his hand before releasing it. “Yes, definitely friends.”
She picked up her fork, slightly dazed when Killian smoothly changed the subject and started to tell her how he decided to grow his hair long at seventeen, much to Liam’s horror. She laughed between bites of her omelet, the tension from moments ago melting away. His patience with her walls meant more to her than she cared to admit. She honestly didn’t know that there were men out there who would actually take “no” for an answer.
“What’s with the box?” Killian asked when he entered the studio. Emma had asked him to wait ten minutes at the café so they wouldn’t show up on set at the same time. The cameras were already rolling.
Emma smiled brightly at him and accepted his casual hug despite the electricity she felt every time he touched her. They had to dance together this week, after all, and this was being recorded.
“I don’t know what’s in the box,” she told him honestly. “We can’t open it until we look at the input from fans on Twitter. It’s people’s choice week. The viewers get to pick what we dance.”
Emma sat cross legged on the floor and powered up her laptop. Killian plopped down next to her, scooting close so he could see the screen. His leg was pressed against her knee, and she felt like a ridiculous teenager as her pounding heart reacted to it. His head was inclined towards her, too, and she kept her eyes glued to the device in her hands lest she turn her head and tumble headlong into those blue eyes of his.
“Okay,” Emma said as she scrolled through the tweets the producers had sent her, “this one says, With Neverland on hiatus, I’m going through withdrawal. I want to see Captain Hook on the dance floor! And this fan wants you to dance to the theme from Neverland.”
Killian leaned closer as he read the next tweet. “I want to see him dance with the hook!” He turned to face her, and Emma was forced to meet his gaze. “Doesn’t this all go against the very reason I did the show? To help people see me as more than Hook?”
Emma smiled softly at him. “You have proven that. But your fans love your show and the character you created.” She bit her lip to stop from adding that the show was ending. That wasn’t public knowledge yet, though rumors were all over the internet. Emma had a feeling those rumors were fueling the tweets a little.
Killian rubbed his jaw and sighed. “Okay. So what’s the dance style then?”
Emma leaned against the wall, crossing her arms and thinking. In the past, the audience voted on the song, style, and theme. The result had sometimes been disastrous when the three didn’t complement one another. So this year they were leaving the dance style up to the pros.
“Well, I think I’ll have to listen to the Neverland score again before I make that decision.” She went to her dance bag and pulled out her phone and her earbuds. She pulled up the music and closed her eyes as the notes flowed through her. Her whole life, even before she was formally trained, she imagined dances in her head whenever she heard music. The light and playful melody of the Neverland score was no different. She smiled as she opened her eyes. “A quick step, definitely.”
Killian was looking at her with such intensity, it almost put her on edge. A soft smile filled his face. “Dance and music are in your blood, aren’t they, Swan?”
Emma turned quickly as she yanked her ear buds out and stuffed them back in her bag. It was disconcerting the way he read her sometimes. She cleared her throat as she pulled her iPhone speakers out and set them up.
“Well, let’s get started.”
“As you wish.”
The box, naturally, had contained Killian’s hook and brace that he wore on Neverland. Three hooks, actually. Killian explained it to her; one was rubber and used for stunts so no one got hurt accidentally. The second was a light aluminum hook with a blunted point that he wore for the majority of scenes, and the last one was made of actual steel and had a real, sharp tip. It was used for close ups or when the script called for him to hit or cut something with the hook. The last one, the sharp one, clearly couldn’t be used for their dance. The rubber one seemed like the most logical choice, but when they started working on the routine, it kept bending as they moved. Even to a TV audience, it would be obvious that it was fake.
Killian frowned. “Stunts are always edited so you don’t notice that it’s rubber. I guess I didn’t think of that.” He rubbed at the straps underneath his t-shirt. “I’m used to wearing that heavy leather duster and sweating under these straps, but dancing in this is giving me blisters. I hope I still have hair on my chest after this is over.”
“You better,” Emma laughed.
“Why Swan,” Killian grinned, “are you saying you like my chest hair?”
Emma’s face burned even as she swatted him with the back of her hand and rolled her eyes. He’d had to remove his shirt to put the brace on, and the sight of that again hadn’t exactly made the “just friends” thing easy to remember.
Emma let out a long breath as she pushed wisps of hair out of her face. “I guess we’ll have to try the aluminum hook then. The end is blunted, right?”
“Aye,” he told her as he unscrewed the rubber one from the end of his brace, “I won’t hurt you, love.”
He winked at that, and Emma’s traitorous blushing started again. What was her problem? He’d been flirting with her from day one. She should be used to it by now.
Unfortunately, switching hooks didn’t help. If anything, Emma was struggling even more with the choreography. She would have Killian turn a certain direction, but when she went to take his hand, the hook was there instead. She felt like a complete novice as she struggled to figure out turns and holds when Killian, essentially, only had one hand. The longer she struggled, the more frustrated she became.
“Fuck this!” she growled, yanking at her ponytail in frustration as she paced to the far corner of the room. Well, the editing room would have fun bleeping out all her swearing this week.
“Hey,” Killian said gently as he came up behind her. He rested his hand, and his hook, on her shoulders. He was obviously used to the prop that he spent the majority of his days wearing. But Emma wasn’t used to it. “We’ll figure this out, Emma. The way we always do . . . together.”
Emma, who had also been trying so hard all day to hold back from his casual affections, gave up and leaned back against him. He wrapped both arms around her, dropping his face to the crook of her neck. The cool metal of his hook felt odd against her hip.
“Can we call it a day?” she asked wearily.
“Sure,” he mumbled against her hair. Was that a kiss he just brushed to the side of her head?
When they parted ways, Emma wasn’t sure what had her shaken more: her struggles to choreograph this routine, or how natural it had become to be in Killian’s arms.
The next morning, Emma had only just greeted Killian when her phone buzzed with a message from Regina. Emma’s brow furrowed as she read it.
“Something wrong, Swan?”
Emma shook her head. “No, nothing’s wrong. It’s just . . . “ she looked up at Killian, then glanced over his shoulder at the camera crew, “they’re sending someone to help us choreograph around the hook?”
Killian’s confused expression mirrored her own. “Who could that be?”
“I don’t know, I mean –“ Emma was interrupted by a knock at the studio door. She glanced at the camera crew again, then at Killian, who shrugged. “Come in?”
The door was flung open and a petite, energetic blonde burst into the room. Rose; Killian’s co-star. He laughed with delight and rushed to embrace her.
“Emma!” Rose squealed, pulling her into an eager hug. When she let her go, Rose winked at Killian. “So, I hear you’re having trouble working around this guy’s hook.”
Emma swallowed down the sudden irritation that had welled up within her. The cameras were rolling, so she plastered on a smile. “Yeah, I’m not used to having to choreograph with just his right hand.”
“Why don’t you show me?” Rose asked eagerly, motioning with her hands for Emma and Killian to partner up.
Emma nodded and stepped into Killian’s hold. She counted out the beats as they went into the opening sequence of the syncopated choreography. The quickstep’s quick-quick-slow rhythm was difficult enough, but when they went into the quarter turn, Emma found herself grabbing for Killian’s hand only to find that it wasn’t there.
“See?” Emma said, pressing both hands to Killian’s chest to stop them both. “If I turn one way, I’m grabbing for the hook, but if I turn the other way, he can’t grab hold of my waist.”
Rose shrugged. “Why can’t you grab his hook?”
Emma shook her head. “What?”
“On Neverland, I hold his hook all the time, like it’s a hand.”
“The aluminum one?” Emma asked.
“Of course,” Rose explained, “the rubber one would bend if I grabbed it. When Hook and Tink danced at that ball in season two, Killian and I did that waltz with the aluminum hook.”
Killian arched a brow at Emma. “I told you I wouldn’t hurt you, Swan.”
Rose brushed past Emma and grabbed Killian’s arms. Emma hated the way it made her bristle. Rose put Killian’s right hand at her waist, then grabbed his hook and lifted his arm. Her frame was terrible, but she and Killian waltzed around the room in perfect rhythm just like Emma remembered in the episode Rose had referred to. Then Killian lifted Rose’s arm over her head, and the tiny blonde did a tight turn perfectly, still holding on to his hook. Then he spun her out and back in, his hook now at her waist.
“See how he holds it?” Rose showed her. “Whenever the script calls for him to hug me or embrace me, he keeps it sideways like this.”
Emma nodded, and she suddenly felt foolish. “So what you’re saying is I should just choreograph the way I normally do?”
“Well, not necessarily . . . “
Rose stayed with them the rest of the day, and slowly, as time wore on, Emma found she actually enjoyed having her there. Rose and Killian were obviously close, but now that she really paid attention, she could see that it was a very casual and platonic relationship. They teased each other almost like siblings would, and Rose gushed over Emma’s partnership with Killian, calling them “adorable” and “the cutest thing ever.” Rose helped Emma tremendously with the choreography, showing her which side to stand on if she needed to clasp Killian’s opposite hand, and how to execute the dance’s one spinning lift safely. At the end of the day, she and Rose grabbed the other two hooks from the box, and the three of them posed for a selfie with them.
As Emma gathered up her things and stood with her dance bag slung over her shoulder, Rose was next to her with an impish grin on her face. “Can I talk to you for a second now that Killian’s gone?” Rose asked.
Emma glanced over to the corner where the camera crew was packing up their gear. She let out a relieved sigh. “Sure.”
“I don’t mean to overstep my bounds, but I’ve been watching the show . . . ” she hesitated, her brow furrowing.
Emma lifted her hand. “Not you too, Rose! I know everyone talks about our chemistry, but he has chemistry with you, too. Frankly, he seems to have chemistry with everyone.”
Rose shook her head. “Not like with you. And it’s not just when you perform. He’s been . . . different. Happier.” She took Emma’s hands in hers. “He deserves more than shallow women grasping for fame.”
Emma broke eye contact with her, shaking her head. “Rose, I think you’ve misunderstood –“
“No,” she interrupted, “I don’t think I have. You were jealous of that other dancer, Jasmine. You’ve been jealous of me.”
Emma’s head snapped up, her eyes blinking. “That’s ridiculous!”
Rose’s face gentled as she let go of Emma’s hands. “Is it? You care for him, I can see that you do.”
Emma gave her a wry smile. “Is this where you warn me not to break his heart like his fangirls do online?”
Rose shook her head. “I think you’re more worried about your heart. That’s what I wanted to tell you. He’s a good guy, so don’t be afraid to give what you two have a chance.” She gave her another smile, patted her shoulder, and left the room.
Emma groaned and let her dance bag drag the floor as she left the room wearily. Couldn’t the universe just let her protect her heart in peace?
The semi-final episode actually involved two dances, just like the finals would. For this one, they had the people’s choice dance and then a re-do of their lowest scoring dance. They were slated to dance next-to-last for both. They did a re-do of their week three salsa first, getting two tens and a nine from Blue. Killian was definitely better at shaking his hips than he had been when the competition started.
Then they took the floor for their quickstep. Killian was dressed like Captain Hook, only this costume was made of light, stretchy imitation leather instead of the heavy garments he wore on his TV show. Killian also joked that his pirate duster on Neverland wasn’t bedazzled like this one.
The studio audience cheered when Rose showed up in the rehearsal footage. Emma actually smiled as it played; the three of them really had a great time together that day. She glanced over to the studio audience where Rose was sitting in the front. She winked at Emma and gave her a thumbs up. As the package wound to a close, Emma turned to Killian, stepping into his embrace. Her hair was done up in a loose bun and she wore the green tunic dress as Tinkerbell.
The bright, light, and airy piano notes of the Neverland theme began to play, and Emma and Killian began their routine. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something was different tonight. She was painfully aware of Rose in the audience; painfully aware of the costumes they both wore. She usually could slip into a role so easily, but tonight she felt like an imposter. The Captain Fairy fandom was in the back of her mind the whole time. How were they receiving this dance? Emma was frustrated with herself when the final notes faded out, realizing she had been stuck in her head the entire time.
Killian put his arm around her and pulled her close as they turned to the judges. The results were a big surprise; for once, Tiana was their toughest critic.
“I don’t know what it was, but I felt a disconnect,” she told them.
In the end, she gave them a nine while Teach and even Blue gave them a ten (for their flawless quickstep technique). Emma’s shoulders slumped, even though Killian told her he was thrilled with the performance. She hated it because she knew who was at fault for the disconnect Tiana had mentioned. Emma could blame no one but herself. With so few dancers left, time was brief, so she didn’t have the luxury of slipping backstage to nurse her wounds. But Killian caught her hand and squeezed it. When she looked up at him, his gaze was soft.
“You can do this, Emma.”
She blinked. “Do what?”
“Anything,” he said huskily, brushing at a stray curl that framed her face, “for I have yet to see you fail.”
She pressed her lips together, trying desperately not to let him see how deeply those words touched her. She was rescued from having to respond when an assistant director barked at them to take their places downstairs before the commercial break ended.
Emma and Killian took their place with the rest of the celebs and their dancers: figure skater Aurora Briar, football player Lance Knight, and finally, Belle. Killian was still in his pirate garb and hook, but he still wrapped his arms tightly around her. Emma leaned back into him, her eyes closed tight. There was still no guarantee they had made it into the finals, and if that lackluster performance had been their last, Emma would kick herself.
“The first couple dancing in the finals is . . .” Marco paused dramatically, “Belle French and her partner Jefferson!”
Belle let out a loud squeal and almost knocked Jefferson over with the force of her hug. Emma smiled up at Killian; they both adored Belle and were happy for her. Honestly, Emma felt that whoever in this group made it into the finals, they would deserve it.
“The next group to make the finals . . . “ this time it was Ashley dragging out the suspense, “Aurora and Sean!”
Sean Herman, her brother David’s best friend since the eighth grade, shouted and lifted his partner off her feet, spinning her around. Sean had been on the show since the fourth season and had never made the finals. David would be thrilled for him.
The lights dimmed in the entire studio, and two spotlights shone down on Emma and Killian on stage left, and Lance and Gwen on stage right. Emma bit her lip and shifted so she could wrap her arms around Killian’s waist. They had been dancing strong all season, but Lance was an NFL football player, and football players had always done extremely well on Dancing on the Stars. Many of them had won the mirror ball.
“The final couple...“ Marco intoned, “performing in the finals...is...“
Emma grasped Killian’s forearm in a vise-like grip. Couldn’t Marco just get to the damn point?
“ ...Killian Jones and Emma Swan!”
Emma felt her knees buckle beneath her, but Killian kept her on her feet as he squeezed her tight. She didn’t know whether to shout for joy or cry. Finally, the mirror ball might actually be hers.
Emma was so excited, she couldn’t help but go on social media before bed that night to see what Killian’s fans were saying about him making the finals. And, she had to confess, she probably was also craving some positive feedback after their lackluster quickstep. Emma was shocked when the buzz online wasn’t about the Neverland dance, or Killian’s hip-shaking in the salsa, or even their place in the finals. No, Killian’s fans were demanding one thing and one thing only.
When are they going to kiss? @piratelover
Kiss already, Captain Swan! @neverlander
I know the disconnect Tiana was talking about. They just need to kiss! @trueloveandpixiedust
Dear Captain Swan, can we please have a kiss in the final? @fairytaledaydreamer
When Emma showed her sister, Elsa just laughed.
“And you were worried his fans would hate you for pretending to be Tinkerbell,” she quipped with a wink.
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askthenewhopespeak · 6 years
Okay I just found this blog. Get me up to speed. Who's already dead? What are the ships?
//*Cracks knuckles* Welcome. Apologies for the horrendous, outdated state of the pages that should fill you in on this, that’s all my fault, but here goes:
-Blog canon is very close to the canon of the series, with some exceptions:
-The last… four or so? chapters of the Killer Killer manga are non-canon. Fujigawa stabbed Asano and left her in a wheelchair.
-The Danganronpa Togami novel is… weird. It’s apparently actually all a dream or the matrix or some shit in the actual book? Either way, the characters from it do exist but most of them are dead now..
-Everything else is pretty much canon. Including the brainwashing. Unfortunately.
Deaths: (Posts in which they died are linked)
-Everyone who died in canon. (They occasionally come back as ghosts, though that hasn’t been happening much lately due to mysterious circumstances.)
Season 1:
-Haiji Towa. When Makoto Naegi first reopened Hope’s Peak, Haiji tried to kill him. Makoto was saved, however Hajime Hinata made good on a promise he made that if anyone tried to restart the tragedy, he would kill them, and we are down one pedophile! Hajime ends up leaving the school immediately after.
-Kanon Nakajima (Leon Kuwata’s cousin if you haven’t read Ultra Despair Hagakure, don’t worry, it won’t matter for much longer) was infected with a lethal disease, along with 7 others, and there was only enough cure for 7 people, so Kanon decided to down a handful of sleeping pills.
-Stephanie Storm. An OC (there are a lot of those on this blog) who was the aunt of the main antagonist of Season 1, Maverick Storm (Another OC). Maverick shot and killed her, and that caused the AI she made, one that looks but does not act like Chiaki, to go haywire, essentially becoming evil and have mysterious motivations, also kickstarting the meta plot where she hijacks posts away from me. Look for either zalgo text or 1′s and 0′s replacing I’s and O’s when that happens. Anyway Stephanie really wasn’t all that important, but her creation is.
-Kazuya Togami: Adopted sibling of Byakuya’s half sister, Shinobu. Kazuya was a rapist. That’s… basically all of his character. Shinobu killed him by stomping his chest in after he kidnapped her, and everyone rejoiced.
And then we hit Season 1′s finale, where a bunch of people died:
-Suzuhiko Ootsuki: Shinobu’s other brother, whose personality was cocky hitman rapist. He was killed by a clone of Nagisa named Nine, who’s literally Izuru Kamakura 2.0
-Maverick Storm: The main antagonist of the previous season got an arrow through his eye courtesy of this season’s main antagonist. It was very much deserved, for a large, large number of reasons.
-Yasuhiro Hagakure: The first major canon character to die, Hiro, Hina, and Mahiru were trapped in a gym with Saki Maruyama (OC), a bloodthirsty mercenary working for Maverick. Maruyama tortured Mahiru, resulting in her being rendered mute, and Hiro sacrificed himself by distracting Saki long enough to let Hina get Mahiru to safety.
-Gundam Tanaka: Gundam was killed by Mutsumi Wakatsuki,  an OC belonging to @shslnerdytrash. Wakatsuki gassed the infirmary, knocking everyone in it out, and killed Gundam.
-Seiko Kimura: While she was dead before the series started, Seiko was brought back as a ghost, and worked as the school’s chemistry teacher up until the Invasion, where Kamiko Hisoka, (@hopeful-blue-wanderer‘s OC) shot Jataro in the chest. Seiko then performed what’s called a “Ghost Sacrifice”, and gave up her existence to save Jataro’s life.
-Junko Enoshima: This is a two-in-one. We got a Junko from an alternate timeline pop in, where she didn’t appear to be despaired, but Fuyuhiko decided he didn’t want to take chances and shot her in the head. (I’m not linking it as it happens in the same post that Gundam dies) Then this universe’s Junko appeared as a ghost, and killed Takemichi Yukimaru (Mondo’s captive in Towa City, and leader of the Crazy Diamonds on this blog since Mondo’s been dead for a few years now). But then the Chaos!Anon (Another contributor to the meta plot) then forced her to save Yukimaru’s life, contributing his own life force to do so.
Alter Ego: AI Chiaki killed him, but he’s back now, with a brand new color scheme!
And I believe that’s everyone from Season 1. I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m mistaken.
Season 2
Makoto Naegi/Future!Mukuro Ikusaba: OK, technically, Naegi is alive, having been stabbed by Tsumugi Shirogane and then saved by the ghost of Mukuro Ikusaba from the future (I’ll get to that). But his current situation is… complicated and not yet fully explained on the blog.
Saki Maruyama: Saki died in a killing game set up by the group Invidia. The contestants of the game were all criminals who had escaped the law in some way, and Saki died to a random guy who was literally just a name and a crime. Out of all the characters I’ve killed off on this blog, Saki is the one I am the most dissatisfied with, in the arc I’ve probably had the least fun writing… minus potentially the Couples Games. But at least the couples games didn’t lead into a months-long hiatus, so…
Kresta Ivanov (OC): A minor villain from Season 1 who didn’t really do much, and got killed along with most of the other minor characters at the end of the killing game, as her mod left the blog.
(I’ve seperated this into 3 categories, 2 canon characters, a canon character and an OC, and 2 OCs)
Canon Character X Canon Character:
Makoto Naegi x Kyoko Kirigiri: Kyoko believes Makoto is dead, and he has not done anything to dissuade that idea, so this couple has technichally broken up.
Toko Fukawa x Komaru Naegi: They’ve been dating for about a year and a half, and are the moms to the Warriors of Hope (Minus Monaca).
Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura x Nagito Komaeda: Hajime and Nagito were dating before Hajime chose to leave Hope’s Peak and hunt down Remnants, and during that time, Izuru’s personality awoke and took over, working with Maverick for a while, until Maverick nearly killed Nagito, during which Izuru decided to save Nagito’s life and bring him to the infirmary, and Izuru’s pretty much been hanging out since (Would you try to kick him out?). They’re technically not dating, but try getting Izuru to do anything useful without Nagito asking him.
Mahiru Koizumi x Hiyoko Saionji: They’ve been dating for… I dunno, a while. I don’t really have a whole lot else to say on that. 
Ryota Mitarai x Imposter-san: Neither of these two have worked up the courage to ask the other out.
Sonia Nevermind x Gundam Tanaka: They were together… but then Gundam died and that ship sank.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama: I’m gonna say they got married offscreen.
Akane Owari x Nekomaru Nidai: Married offscreen and Akane is currently about 4 months pregnant.
Masaru Daimon x Kotoko Utsugi: They’re dating.
Shinobu Togami x Yui Samidare: Both are interested in the other but neither has acted on it.
Mekuru Katsuragi x Misaki Asano: Same situation as Shinobu and Yui.
Canon Character x OC:
Takumi Hijirihara x Naomi Kizakura: Married, and Naomi is currently about five months pregnant.
Mikan Tsumiki x Kyoji Nakamura: Dating, and Mikan is currently about eight months pregnant
Misako Kawa x Nagisa Shingetsu: Dating.
Ryouko Otonashi x Sly: Ryouko is a clone of Junko Enoshima, and she and Sly recently ran off to join Invidia, a vigilante group that kills criminals
OC x OC:
Momo Kuzuryuu x Alyssa Storm/Satoru-Kun: A dimension-travelling nine year old has attracted both a psychopath and a ghost (both of whom are also kids). This can only end well.
Sora Hijirihara x Mitsuru Nakamura: Fankids from the future who time travelled here and ended up getting together.
Blog Lore:
The blog is set in 2020, roughly 2 years ahead of the real world’s time.
Alternate Universes: The Multiverse is a thing here, there are a few characters who come from alternate universes (Mainly the V3 kids, and an OC, Momo Kuzuryuu, an alternate universe daughter of Fuyuhiko and Mikan).
Time Travel: Five kids from the future (Sora Hijirihara, Mitsuru Nakamura, Kaede and Shuuichi Naegi, and Akio Hinata) travelled back into the past. Shuuichi came with his “Guardian Angel”, the ghost of Mukuro Ikusaba.
Ghosts and the afterlife: The Afterlife is a small town square, with a cinema to view the current happenings in the living world, and an odd, white building that leads to reincarnation. Current ghosts living at Hope’s Peak Academy are Natsumi Kuzuryuu and Kiyotaka Ishimaru.
Ghost Sacrifices: Ghosts can give up their existence to save the lives of dying humans. So far, this has happened three times, all noted up above.
Clones: In this world, the science to copy a person and recreate them exists. You wanna know the science? Ask @commander-bubbles-the-first. He’s the smart one around here. Current clones that exist are Ryouko Otonashi, a clone of Junko Enoshima, and Nine, a clone of Nagisa imbued with the abilities of Izuru Kamakura.
The Izuru Kamakura Project: Hajime Hinata was the eighth student to undergo the Izuru Kamakura project. Only one of the other eight survived.
Hope’s Peak Academy: Re-opened two years ago, with Makoto as the headmaster, it’s now just a school, no longer for the best of the best (though, it turns out that kids who come tend to have a talent of some kind anyways, go figure). The school finds itself under attack. A lot. Following Makoto’s disappearance, Byakuya Togami took over as headmaster.
Ultimate Despair: This once powerful terrorist group has now been reduced to a mere shell, with the largest ‘cell’, (if you can even call it that) being reduced to 4 people and a monster hiding in Seoul.
Invidia: A vigilante group that surfaced in April of this year, Invidia was responsible for starting a killing game full of kidnapped criminals, which was eventually shut down due to Monaca Towa and Kokichi Ouma working together, as well as Nine invading. They recently resurfaced with a bolstered membership, slaughtering their way through a prison, and are discussing whether or not to let a stoway from said prison join them.
Final note:
A lot of OCs have come and gone on this blog, some only leaving as recently as two arcs ago. It’s very likely that if you go through some older posts you will see them, but for most, their plotlines died when their characters left.
So uh, that’s a sorta kinda recap on this batshit crazy blog. Welcome! I hope I didn’t scare you off with all this.
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selfwrittenstars · 6 years
Larry fanfiction masterpost
Some of my favourite long fics that I’ve come across during the many hours that I’ve spent reading (if I’m not mistaken they all are at least 90k words long).🌈💝💛💚💜💙
1) Dress you up in my love.
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6135802/chapters/14060698
Summary: Harry is single, and more than anything wants to find love. Agreeing to sign up to a dating website was a bad, bad idea. Niall’s bad, bad idea. Louis is single, but has no interest in relationships. Or so he tells himself. 

Harry is a lawyer whose boss, Nick, happens to give him a bonus, which he decides to splurge on a new work wardrobe. Louis is a frustrated designer, working as a personal shopper at Selfridges. Louis happens to be working on the day a very beautiful, but out of his depth, new customer ambles into their department in need of advice. Louis might have just found the muse he never knew he was looking for.  
2)  Shake me down
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3331958/chapters/7285322
Summary: Harry’s new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
3) Fading
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/629683/chapters/1138549
Summary: Louis knows about beauty; the combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses. He creates that combination every day in the garments he designs while studying fashion at uni. The cut of the design, the color of the fabric, the intricacy of the stitching; it all comes together to create something beautiful. When the science student with the long legs and dimpled smile agrees to model for him, Louis decides he’s found beauty personified. Harry just thinks Louis needs someone to show him how beautiful he is.
4) And then a bit
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1415272/chapters/2972746
Summary: “We’d like to give the fans what they want.” Magee states, placing his hand on the table in front of him and leaning forward. “We want to give them Larry Stylinson.”   Or, take a parallel universe where Louis and Harry were never together, mix in a two year hiatus and an impending comeback, pour in a dash of lost fans, two tablespoons of strong friendship and a Modest! employee with a good idea. Add a squeeze of pretending to be a couple, lots of kisses and a tattoo or two. Stir. Serve: the mother of all publicity stunts. (aka Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.)
5) Young & beautiful 
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/838537/chapters/1597776
Summary: Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn’t stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
6) You are in love
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5299295/chapters/12594848?view_adult=true
Summary: The one to cry your eyeballs out. Harry is first with Xander Ritz. Larry go from friends, to something more than friends, to lovers, to something more than friends, to nothing, to lovers again. Uni AU.
7) Nobody shines the way that you do
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3374579/chapters/7381043
Summary: “We might as well just date.”Harry froze in his arms, his body stilled as he slowly lifted his head up at Louis to give him the most confused expression he’d ever worn. Louis literally wanted to fuck him into the next century. “What?” Harry asked. “Are you–.”“No,” Louis said, shaking his head before Harry could go far with that idea and trap Louis into confessing his own feelings. “I mean…like I think I have a plan?”“A plan?” Harry said slowly. “A plan other than me going to Peter’s tomorrow and groveling for hours; maybe even days?”The thought of Harry doing that made Louis’ skin burn, but he schooled his expression well and nodded swiftly. “There will be no groveling. Well, there will be, but not on your end.”orLouis pretends to be Harry’s boyfriend to help him win back his douchebag ex-boyfriend, but things don’t go according to plan.
8) Empty skies
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1261096/chapters/2599474
Summary: For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream – making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He’s still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?Featuring Perrie as Harry’s adorable flatmate, Niall as his manager, and Liam and Zayn as Louis’ bandmates. ESCAPADE
9) In circles of you and me
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12266679
Summary: Louis pulls Harry closer by the belt loops. Harry could feel his breath warm against his neck as he brushes his lips against his skin. “You know… I don’t care if you kiss other people.” Harry smiles as he feels Louis’ stubble scratch against his neck. “I know you don’t, but-”He stifles a moan as Louis bites down gently on the soft surface of his skin. “You can kiss other people too-” Louis pauses to look at him pointedly. “I know I can.”“Well, have you?” Harry asks, his brows furrowed. “What’s it to you?” Louis retorts with a smirk. “You’re the one I’m kissing now.”–Or, Louis and Harry keep running into each other at parties. It doesn’t mean anything, until it does.
10) Relief next to me
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1117942/chapters/2251923
Summary: AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
11) Play the odds
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8948758
Summary: Harry and Louis are best friends since childhood who, after a night of drinking, find themselves locked in a bet: first one to kiss the other a thousand times wins. Wins what? They don’t know. Glory, Harry supposes. Bragging rights, though those don’t do much in this economy. All Harry knows is that this is one bet he can finally win. What he doesn’t expect, though, is what happens when he starts kissing his best friend on a daily basis. Namely, he doesn’t expect falling head over heels in love with his best friend. Now all he has to do is make sure the bet never ends, so he never has to stop kissing Louis.
12) Time bomb
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3641511/chapters/8044863
Summary: “Why exactly are you here?” Louis asked, feigning annoyance and failing pathetically at it. “My publicist told me I can’t go anywhere near you.” Harry said, eyes still smudged with last night’s eye liner. “That makes you my favorite person in the world.” Or the one where Louis has everything: a lead role in a giant Hollywood franchise, a glittering new house with an entertaining Irish neighbor, and a steady, normal boyfriend who he probably loves. Louis never expected to become a household name among young Hollywood overnight. He also never expected to find something endearing about the enigmatic rockstar who keeps showing up on his back porch.
13) Hiding place
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4858376/chapters/11133491
Summary: Louis never wanted a soulmate, didn’t really care for the whole Bonding thing at all, really. Enter Harry Styles, who’s wanted to be Bonded for as long as he could remember. With one fateful meeting in an X Factor bathroom, Louis gets a dagger on his arm and the realization that just because Harry is his soulmate doesn’t mean it’s mutual.From the X Factor house to Madison Square Garden, from the Fountain Studios stage to stadiums across the world, Louis has to learn to love without losing himself completely, because someday his best friend will Bond to someone and replace Louis as the center of his universe. Meanwhile, Harry begins to think that maybe fate doesn’t actually know what it’s doing after all, because his other half has clearly been right in front of him the whole time. All he has to do now is convince Louis to give them a chance.    Or, the canon compliant Harry and Louis love story from the very beginning, where the only difference is that the love between them is literally written on their skin, and there’s only so much they can hide.
14) You You You
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/846690/chapters/1617212
Summary: “Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown,” read the headline. Underneath were pictures of a boy with dark curls, green eyes and very tight pants. They both studied the article for a moment, reading it through quickly. “Is that…?” Louis frowned. That guy almost looked exactly like… “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” “Louis,” Niall said, looking absolutely fucked over. “You just fucked the most wanted guy on earth. You just fucked Harry Styles of One Direction."Or, the one where Harry and Louis meet at a club and Louis takes Harry home, only for him to realize that the boy who just made him breakfast half naked is Harry Styles from One Direction.
15) Never Be
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8318785/chapters/19050769
Summary: Monica: You’ve got to see her again. Ross: And why do you care so much? Monica: Because! You could get to live out my fantasy! Ross: You had fantasies about Emily? Monica: No! Y’know, the fantasy! Meet someone from a strange land, fall madly in love, and spend the rest of your lives together.  The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.
16) Unbelievers
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3592992/chapters/7924602
Summary: It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.Or: The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything.
17) Into The Blue
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1035822/chapters/2065499
Summary: AU. In which Louis is Harry’s scuba instructor and quite happy to provide the requested special treatment, pun fully intended. It can’t be all that difficult to convince Harry that they’re on the same page, right? Also, Niall and Liam may or may not be dating, and Zayn is surrounded by emotionally stunted idiots. He bears it with dignity.
18) We’re okay
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/635292/chapters/1150082
Summary: It’s funny, really, that their lives hadn’t intercepted before that point. That all it took was one little thing that set off a chain reaction of circumstances which led them all to each other. But it was for the best, really, because in the end, with each other, they were all okay.And if you asked them, the whole thing could be blamed on Liam sleeping in, for once in his life.
19) Don’t Look Down
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/738944/chapters/1375483
Summary: AU. In which Louis is a solicitor at one of London’s most prestigious law firms and Harry happens to apply for the position as his trainee. And everyone else is around, too.
20) got the sunshine on my shoulders
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10785375/chapters/23922933
Summary: five years ago, harry styles left his tiny home town to make it big as a recording artist. he didn’t have much regard for what he left behind - a life, a family, and a husband, who woke up one morning to find him gone.now, harry has everything he could possibly want: he’s rich, famous, and adored by everyone he meets, including his boyfriend. but when said boyfriend proposes to him, he’s forced to face the uncomfortable facts of his past - and louis, who’s spent the last five years returning every set of divorce papers harry sent him.(or, an au based on the movie sweet home alabama.)
21) Love is a Rebellious Bird
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1162438/chapters/2362331
Summary: AU in which the boys still make music.  Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again” according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best.  Zayn and Liam are around too. Don’t hum Bolero.
22) Wear it like a crown
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1816771/chapters/3900322
Summary: AU. As part of a team of fixers hired to handle a gay scandal in Buckingham Palace, Louis expects Prince Harry to be a lot of things—most notably a royally spoilt brat. Never mind that the very same Prince Harry used to star in quite a number of Louis' teenage fantasies.
23) Lonesome when you go
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11032023/chapters/24588318
Summary: Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam are surgeons-in-training at the most prestigious program in the United States.More than that, Harry and Louis have a history unknown to the others, a history that involves dogs and God, anatomy lessons, food fights, vinyl jazz records, and one hell of an oyster tour. A story of trust and friendship, of poetry and rock and roll, pink-tinged dawns and the darkest nights. A tale of portraits, tattoos, and everlasting love.
24) You watched me sink
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6896620
Summary: They've discussed it a few times - the boyfriend thing. It's not like it's some forbidden, horrific, abandon hope all ye who talk about furthering the relationship sort of subject. They're mature adults. They're in tune with their feelings, their hearts' desires, the way those butterflies swoop in their bellies whenever they so much as hold each other's hands. They like each other. A lot. It's mutual, they know. But for now, they're just content to enjoy the simplicity of what they have, and what they have is great.  When dating in secret stops being enough, then they'll discuss that too. Or, the one where Harry teaches Sex Ed and sneaks around with the drama teacher, and doesn't realize how out of tune he is with his true feelings until everyone else figures it out for him.
25) we’re not friends, we could be anything
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7873252/chapters/17980723
Summary: The next second, Harry is firing back, “If I wanted to kill you I could have just poisoned your fajitas.”Louis rolls his eyes. “Clever boy.”Harry feels his skin start to prickle with irritation. The way Louis talks to him, so condescending... Like he’s smarter than Harry… Fuck that.“I don’t have time for this,” Harry says. “Some of us have schoolwork to do. And jobs to get to. So if you’ll excuse me.”Harry doesn’t wait for a reply before he pushes past Louis, hoisting his bag further up his shoulder and rushing towards the door. No, not rushing. That would imply Louis is chasing him out. He walks to the door hastily.He’s not sure, but he thinks he hears Louis mutter “Fucking wanker” before the door to the flat clicks shut behind him. ...Or, the one where Harry and Louis are unlikely uni flatmates who definitely don't like each other and definitely won't fall in love (even if Liam and Niall think otherwise).
26) Nameless night
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3467966/chapters/7611533
Summary: For their 18th birthday, every person receives a letter that reads a simple date. That is the date you'll meet your soulmate. Harry and Louis have different beliefs, live in different worlds and have different dreams, hopes and fears. Yet, they're not so different from each other when it comes to love. When their paths cross, there is no doubt they belong together. Except for that one, essential difference: they didn't receive the same date. Or, a fic about differences that make no difference at all: Harry and Louis are soulmates. In every way possible. Featuring Niall as a role model, and Liam and Zayn as a different kind of role models.
Happy reading!!
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its-negans-lucille · 7 years
LNF = Link Not Found
Erik Killmonger Prompts!
Amber Eyes 1 - Present Synopsis: Erik notices you, Okoye’s right hand woman as soon as he walks into the throne room and is immediately intrigued. You deal with losing your King and an important part of your culture. Diverges from the original plot and contains spoilers!
Hidden Talent Synopsis:  Erik has enjoyed your food for over a year and has become rather accustomed to it so when you leave he has to try his own in the kitchen. You return early and realise he could cook the whole time much to your dismay.
Beer Synopsis:  Erik has had a crush on you for as long as he could remember and now he has to make a choice: you or the future? Well, he could do that or drink his sorrows into oblivion for a couple of hours.
Negan Prompts!
Fancy Meeting You Here - Part One - Part Two Synopsis: Imagine y/n was a part of Rick’s group, but  she’s been kicked out by Rick, cause Daryl & her were always fighting (mostly cause Daryl had a lil crush). After being alone for few weeks, the reader stumbles upon Negan’s men. They bring her back. Negan tried several time to get her as his wife but she always refuses. When the line up comes y/n is here, hidden. She grabs Negan’s arm when he’s about to kill Glenn & just say Yes, so he knows she’ll become his new wife and doesn’t kill Glenn. All Rick’s group is surprised to see her.
His Queen Synopsis: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a oneshot or something where the reader is practically believed to be like Negan’s queen and all his people respect her like they respect him? She’s always where he is and they’re inseperable kinda thing please? :) - Via Anon
Ankle Biter Synopsis: Your dog ran away from Alexandria and when you went to find her you found someone else had already found your Golden Retriever.
The Silent One - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four [LNF] - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - Part Fourteen - Part Fifteen - Part Sixteen - Part Seventeen - Part Eighteen - Part Nineteen - Part Twenty  - Part Twenty-One - Part Twenty-Two - Part Twenty-Three - Part Twenty-Four - Part Twenty-Five - Part Twenty-Six - Part Twenty-Seven - Part Twenty-Eight - Part Twenty-Nine (On Hiatus) Synopsis of Story: The Reader refuses to talk to Negan while Negan is intrigued by them  and is determined to charm them but things go bad when the you choose to run from the man who was so determined to have you.
You Can Look, But Don’t Touch Synopsis: Can you do one where the reader is really tiny and she has long 4c hair(which is Afro hair) and she’s in the lineup with the group and when Negan sees her he sees she’s really pretty and he kneels down to inspect her and he’s close and he goes to touch her hair and she head butts the crap outta him! And when he looks back at her she just shrugs and goes “don’t touch my hair”. He takes a liking to her😊 - Via Nonnie
Unforgettable Synopsis: You and Negan get in a ferocious fight… A tickle fight?
My Father - Part One - Part Two - Part Three Synopsis: When you’re Negans daughter and you get taken by another group as revenge and Negan comes to save you.
Nurse Synopsis:  Where the reader lives in the Sanctuary with Negan and goes off on a run with a few people, but she gets hurt, (idk shot in the shoulder or something) and she tries to hide it from Negan but he finds out and gets mad that she hid it from him. -Via Anon
Goddess Synopsis: Negan x Plus Sized reader. You’re one of Negan’s wives and you’re feeling insecure about your body size. Negan of course puts that to rest.
Saviour Synopsis: Imagine you have been in a relationship with Negan for the past few months. Ever since you arrived he hasn’t dealt with the wives & he is obviously devoted to you. One night a horde of walkers get in to the sanctuary. When he arrives at the saviours safe spot you are nowhere to be found. You are cornered on the other side of the compound & he has to fight to get to you. - Via Anon
Blood Rose - Part One - Part Two Synopsis: You have a crush on Negan. You leave him little drawings of him and flowers and poems and it secretly becomes his fav part of the day. One day you accidentally get caught by him. -Via Nonnie
Things You Need Too Know Synopsis: Can I request where negan teaches the reader how to defend themselves and even gets her, her own bat? With lots of fluff? - Via Anon
Hide and Seek Synopsis: It’s night and you somehow escaped the Sanctuary, only to end up in a forest, you get lost and Negan is following you and toying with you. -Via Anon
Tease Synopsis: Negan wanted you, oh how he wanted you. But you decided that you’d tease him a little before he got what he wanted. Original prompt was: You’re not a leader, you’re a fucking tyrant!!”
It’s Okay Darlin’ Synopsis: One where the reader was in a different group before she met Negan and she was raped by someone in that first group and she’s in a relationship with Negan but she doesn’t feel comfortable with having sex yet because of what happened and Negan finds out and gets mad and wants to find the guy who did it but she calms him down and just fluff. -Via Anon
Med Kit Synopsis: negan x reader where during lunch amber keeps making fun of a new girl in the compound who is plus size and the reader is pissed off so she tells amber to shut up b4 she punches her and later in her room negan comes and asks her and is impressd+fluff.
The Scars We Bare Synopsis: You are Negan’s wife and your face gets a cut that will scar and you’re extremely self conscious but Negan puts that to rest! - Via Anon
Wounds - Part One - Part Two - Part Three Synopsis: You found Negan in a sticky situation and you help him out of it. A bit of smut in the last chapter.
Promise Synopsis: Male!reader is feminine and gets picked on by the saviours a lot but Negan takes a liking to him and is always giving looks and being over-protective of reader
Paradise Synopsis: NeganxDeaf!reader where he meets her at Alexandria and is immediately attracted to her
Laundry Synopsis: You are falling behind on points, especially after a fight with a fellow Saviour. Negan has a solution, be his bride.
Baby Lucille Synopsis: Negan finds you crouched over the toilet so you have no choice than to tell the big man that he’s going to be a father. His reaction surprised you.
A Game Of Tag Synopsis: You have a maternal instinct and that’s why you became a teacher at the Sanctuary’s school. But what you didn’t account for was Negan.
Staff Synopsis: You are being chased by the Saviours by taking out four of their men, when you finally meet the infamous Negan he is amused and enamoured by you.
At Least Synopsis: You jump in front of Glenn to save his life and Negan seemed rather enamoured by your action and decides that he rather likes you.
Ten O’Clock Synopsis: You (A Lesbian) and Negan begin to compete for one girl. eventually, you come to a compromise that fits the both of you.
Fury Synopsis: Negan carries on trying to push you over the edge and when he eventually does, he is not disapointed.
Sanctuary Synopsis: Negan confronts three siblings who were abused by their father and he makes them an offer
Smirks Synopsis: Negan has been flirting with you for a while now but when he finally makes his move you reveal to him that you are actually gay. Prequel to Ten O'clock
Strong as Steel Synopsis: You and Carl are together but when Negan arrives one day and takes a liking to you everything goes to hell
Survive Synopsis:  You are Daryl’s 19 year old, kickass, niece, Shauna, and when you and your group were at the line-up Negan decided to take a little souvenir. You. Since then you have grown to love the man who had imprisoned you and you had recently found out that he had Daryl, Negan promised to take you to him…
Stretch Marks Synopsis: You have many stretch marks that you are self conscious of, but Negan puts that to rest swiftly and easily.
Head Start Synopsis: You come across some of Negan’s men and they take you to see the man himself, he seems rather impressed by you.
Twins Synopsis: You have a protective twin brother, Dylan, who tries to protect you from Negan. Tries being the key word.
Claimed Synopsis: You are Rick’s daughter and unfortunately the Gods have decided to punish you by loving the wrong man, Negan. You and Negan are just getting down to business when your little brother, Carl, walks in.
Father’s Love Synopsis: Negan’s daughter (you) has recently started a relationship with Rick Grimes, the leader of a community called Alexandria. Negan geting into protective dad mode and has a little chat with Rick on how his little girl is to be treated.
The Danger of Caring Synopsis: You are an artist who has been at the Sanctuary for four years now and since the day you arrived you have loved Negan. He, however, doesn’t feel the same. (Angst Fic)
Lucille Synopsis: You and Negan have a child of 5 years old and she seems to have picked up on some of Negans vocabulary. So when she says a bad word Negan steps in and tells her that it’s a bad word while you are stifling your giggles and Lucille is looking completely confused!
Boo Hoo Synopsis: You are a mercenary who’s only love is battle, though negan seems to be trying to change that. You share stories around a campfire about your past.
Use Your Voice Synopsis: You are very shy so when Negan comes to town and begins to try and coax you out of your shell you’re reluctant, but eh, who are you to refuse?
Okay Synopsis: You are weak and beaten after a particularly bad row with your husband. Negan finds you laying on the floor, blood all around you. All he wants you to know is that you’ll be okay.
Double Standard Synopsis: You decide to question Negan on his double standard. On how he is free to sleep with whomever he likes while his wives must remain loyal to him and only him. This gets Negan thinking.
Thank the Lord for Repairs Synopsis: You are physically disabled and unfortunately your wheelchair is in repairs. But hey, why have a wheel chair when Negan can carry you everywhere!
Old Friends - Part One - Part Two Synopsis:  You and Negan have been friends since you were kids yet when the apocalypse hit you were separated have been ever since that is until one day when the Saviours come knocking at your communities door.
Bertha Synopsis: You were a model before the apocalypse, not just any model, but a model who did sexy photo shoots and one day Negan gets his hands on one of your sexy magazines.
Proud Synopsis: You are Negan’s daughter and when Negan is getting stressed about Alexandria you have to go and being him back down to earth.
Kissed By Moonlight Synopsis: You are trans man and have fully transitioned. Everything is going well until Negan starts dreaming about you and he comes to confront you about said dreams.
May we Meet Again Synopsis: You are Daryl’s twin and suddenly Negan seems to take express interest in you. Merle and Daryl try to stop his advances but it’s going to take a little more than that to dissuade Negan.
Moonlight Synopsis: You suffer from breast cancer and you tell Negan about this fact.
Open Doors Synopsis: You are physically disabled and when a new arrival at the Sanctuary and starts making ablest remarks you try and keep it to yourself. Until Simon walks in and like a good boy he goes to Negan and tells him about the verbal assaults. You are left feeling low, but Negan puts a stop to that.
Coach Synopsis: You have been on your own for a long time now. Your mother and family were dead and you had no one left in the world. At least that’s what you thought until you run into your old coach, Negan.
A Romantic Synopsis: Negan has been attempting to woo a woman for months now but what he doesn’t know is that she is Aromatic! (Warning severe second hand embarrassment)
What Are the Chances Synopsis: You were Lucille’s little sister and when the end of the world occurred Negan was the one who looked after you. That was, however, until you were separated. You finally found Negan, but when you were in a lineup with your group.
Trichotillomania Synopsis: You suffer from Trichotillomania - a mental disorder which compels you to pull out your hair in large clumps. One time Negan finds you in one of your states and he makes sure to help you.
Acne Synopsis: You suffer from bad acne but because it’s the end of the world you can do nothing about the zit’s that haunt you day and night. That is until Negan has had enough of you hurting your face by popping them and comes up with a solution.
In Sickness and in Health Synopsis: You are super sick and Negan takes it upon himself to look after you.
Drinks Synopsis: It is your birthday and you may have had a little two much to drink … more thank a little really. Negan takes it upon himself to help you out of your drunken state. (Negan x Physically Disabled Wife!Reader)
All I See - Part One - Part Two Synopsis: You are blind and your day was going really rather well until the Saviours turned up and Maggie shoved you into a small cupboard. Soon Negan and Rick come round and you, unfortunately can’t keep quiet for long.
Satisfied Synopsis: You are trying your best tome keep under the radar, disguised so that Negan does not recognize you but when you see a little girl being threatened you step in and blow your cover.
Snuggles Synopsis: You are Negan’s husband and with him working late you have to wait up to ungodly hours to see your husband. Though, it’s all worth it in the end.
Seared Synopsis: You are Daryl and Merle’s sister and after a fight Negan takes you to the Sanctuary, you and him have an interesting car journey.
Stakes Synopsis: You’re a teenage boy and we all know that being a teenager is tough but when you call your boss and your idol (Negan) ‘dad’, unironically, it all gets a whole lot worse.
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