#come on guys even naruto fans hate naruto
ot3 · 8 months
lost a surprising amount of followers for saying i hate naruto
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#so because i hate myself obviously i decided to finally finish naruto. after all those years. it was time#and damn you guys. and here i mean you guys who love this show. i would like to ask you how#i skipped all the filler eps for my own sanity (thank you anime filler list i owe you several hours of my life)#i have seen the first 250eps or so when it was still freshly coming out all those *checks watch* eleven years ago. wow. horrifying.#so it only took me like 3 days since i also kept skipping all the flashback scenes. some of which i have seen at least 20 times#im not even joking. 20 times. the exact same scenes. within 100-200 eps. why and also fuck you#anyways#i have just a few more to go but i know how it ends anyways so its just a formality now but like. i have just one teeny tiny question#why the fuck. is sasuke evil again#for the ten thousandth time#yo fans of naruto. completely seriously how do you deal with this shit#i dont hate the show. it has been a huge formative anime of my childhood/adolescence. my entrance to fandom#my reason to learn english and also japanese#my reason to start drawing and writing and creating and so on and so forth#but my fucking dudes. the story writing of the show is so shit#the show couldve ended at ep 340 or so. for what reason were there fifty different plot twists#i swear no one was amazed anymore. there were no plot holes to fill i promise you. why would you keep snowballing more#''secret evil plots'' and ''actually even stronger eviler more god-like creature that wants to end humanity for whatever reason''#this is like number one rule of good story telling. you cannot keep telling the reader actually this was all someone else's evil plan#and then keep going with the ''actually'' three more times#im so annoyed because regardless of how bad the quality of the show always was and how mediocre some of the characters were#*cough* all the women ones *cough*#i still loved the show. if nothing else for nostalgia sake#but sasuke turning evil for the nth time like 10 eps before the show ends really makes me want to throw hands#to quote my real life friend chidi anagonye: the dot above the 'i' broke me. sasuke being evil again for one last plot twist did it#his character is so empty what the hell. i cant even say that his actions are out of character bc i dont think he even has any#also now that i started shitting at the show. whats with all those bible references. why?? for what reason???? stop?#i get izanagi and izanami and a literal ep called sengoku jidai but my dude. cant you just do one?#(if i see obito's tragic backstory flashback one more fucjing time i will lose it i swear on this. or worse - turn evil!)#also if anyone of you read this whole rant im sorry but also this ones on you <3
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bwabys-scenarios · 10 months
Heyy what do you think Chrollo’s icks would be? 😵‍💫
Chrollo’s Icks
-literally learns everything there is to know about your interests and then explains the complexities of it to you like you’re a fucking IDIOT. he thinks you’ll love it because he’s interested in YOUR interests, but it only pisses you off
-he tries so hard to be suave and cool that it makes you cringe. you’re pretty sure you heard the line he just used on you from a shojo anime…
-he’s really rude. it’s not on purpose, I swear, but if you wear something he doesn’t like he’ll just look at you all displeased. “are you really going to wear that to the function? I did tell you it was formal… right?”
-analyses everything you do, but is often wrong. will try to predict what you’re going to say/do next only to be proven wrong, embarrassing himself
-snobby when it comes to books, even if his favorite thing to read is manga. will criticize you for liking the Percy Jackson series with a copy of Naruto in his hand
-he’s handsome and he knows it. is a bit too cocky about his looks and ends up relying on them too much. unfortunately, you don’t care about how handsome he is after he’s missed the fourth date in a row
-speaking of dates, he’s bad about canceling last minute and/or leaving mid date for his job(if you can call it that)
-he’s so clingy at times, sometimes when you would rather not be held. then when you’re in need of some comfort or cuddles, he’s distant and cold. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME
-has definitely used a line from fifty shades of grey in the bedroom, turning your coochie into a desert immediately
-gives you gifts that you don’t even want, like expensive jewelry and clothes when all you wanted was some roses and a teddy bear. he often buys you things that you can wear that are HIS style. not yours
-if he’s gone for a while he may send someone to watch over you, that person often being Feitan or Pakunoda. Pakunoda is okay, bringing you desserts and hanging out. Feitan however watches you from a distance, and only after you call the police on him because he looks like he’s going to murder you, does Chrollo inform you that Feitan is his friend. Feitan isn’t a bad guy though. Once you invite him in his creepiness dies down. A little.
-talks down to you a lot
Things that ick him out
-people that smoke(he hates the smell)
-sloppy/messy people
-if the person he’s interested doesn’t like his friends, he loses interest in them immediately. He may not want you to be around the Troupe a lot, but you at least have to like them. They’re basically his family!
-never, and I mean NEVER try to convince him that his lifestyle is wrong or try to change him. He’s not changing, and you’ll only give him the ick. If you want chrollo, you gotta accept him, flaws and all. And those flaws are him being a wanted criminal
-he doesn’t like people that are ungrateful or take life for granted.
-anyone that insults Meteor City will not only give him the ick, but will cause that person to lose a limb. if you aren’t from meteor city, you don’t get to trash talk it
-he hates strong perfumes/lotions. it gives him a headache
Random HCs
-despite all his icks he’s actually a really sweet lover. genuinely cares about you and your well being, and his icks will improve over time if he’s pushed in the right direction,
-I think we all know this but chrollo is a huge cock warming fan. it doesn’t matter if he just wants to read a book at his desk or is out at a restaurant, he’s amazing at hiding the fact he’s buried deep inside you
-if you two get a pet the pet will always end up hating him or loving him more than you, there’s no in between
-he’s so silly, he pretends that reality tv is below him but will also watch it from the kitchen when you’re not paying attention, gasping when they do something shocking
-he’s actually a little shy the first time you two have sex! it’s not that he’s a virgin, he just loves you so much he’s a bit scared he’ll cum too quick. he’s been imagining this for a long time, and just seeing you naked underneath him is enough for him to be leaking profusely
-he has autism. this is a very biased headcanon because I’m also autistic, but just look at that guy, it screams undiagnosed autism
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leportraitducadavre · 1 month
It's this article even real? I found it hard to believe someone would read the manga or watch the show and decide that Naruto "doesn't need the overdone Sasuke Arc".
First and most importantly, Sasuke singlehandedly moves the entirety of the plot forward, he doesn't have an entire arc dedicated to himself because he's relevant for every single arc the story possesses, and he's the reason key characters behave the way they do; taking away Sasuke's journey to make him a complying tool of the state wipes out the reasoning behind every villain's actions, therefore, it destroys them as well.
It's hilarious how this article exists to take away Sasuke's relevance within the story to give it completely to Naruto, something his fandom has wanted since the very beginning of the manga and that Kishimoto never complied.
In the Naruto series, Sasuke was Naruto's rival in the Hidden Leaf. However, he was training to kill his older brother, Itachi, for wiping out their clan. In time, Sasuke would learn Itachi did what he did to protect Konoha as their Uchiha kin wanted a coup. This enraged Sasuke, who nonetheless vowed to kill Itachi and exact revenge on Konoha.
Okay so, we start awfully, and no surprises there. Sasuke killed Itachi and later on, through Obito, learned about the reasoning behind his brother's actions. It's after this that he vows to bring down those who allowed and encouraged the construction of a system that pushed the Uchiha to rise up against this power dome and forced his brother to murder his entire family.
Regardless of the circumstances, Sasuke hated the fact he had to grow up alone. This is the reason he joined the Akatsuki, formed his own terrorist cell called Taka, and tried to murder Naruto after the wars against Obito and Madara.
No. You cannot use "regardless of the circumstances" when those circumstances are detrimental to his character's actions and the functioning of the system against which he, like other characters throughout the plot, stands. He not only hated having to grow up alone (a consequence of, once again, the genocide carried out BY THE STATE ITSELF through his brother), but also the indiscriminate murder of his relatives, both those who engineered the coup and those who were profiled based on biological conditions over which they had no control.
Also, there was one single war against Obito and Madara that stretched through a couple of days for which he participated in bringing down both of them as his idea of revolution didn't partake in their idea of absolute control of people's minds.
The Naruto movie (and obviously, the sequels) would be better served by doing something unpredictable. The Evil Sasuke arc is overdone, especially since it comes up in the Boruto era. In the latter case, a redeemed Sasuke keeps using it as a lesson to teach Boruto and Kawaki why they should not let rage guide them. Fans don't like being reminded how unnecessary this was in the source material.
Overdone? Did this guy actually watch the anime at least? The entirety of the plot focuses on the system flaws that even the protagonist is "set to change", Sasuke's arc is detrimental to the story as both Naruto and Sasuke observe the same issue from different standpoints, the former wants to keep the system and make gradual changes as not to "bring chaos" and the latter wants its complete destruction as a gradual change only guarantees greater injustices being committed over time until it is "changed".
Take Sasuke off of this equation and there's no reason for Naruto to even go on or have any introspection on the matter of Konoha's political and military system --and I'm being incredibly kind about this as even when Sasuke blatantly exposes it Naruto has a hard time grasping the most basic concepts to rebel against.
Additionally, Sasuke's villain arc would be a lot to condense into live-action, even if it's done over a trilogy. It could be done the way the MCU took 10 years to build the Thanos fight in Avengers: Endgame, but by that time, the story would be stale. Everyone would know what happened. The advantage the MCU had while adapting the source material is that it subverted the lore and crafted an original story. c
Does this author actually know what "adaptation" actually means? Or what it entails? What they seem to want is a reversion of the story as they desire to modify the entirety of the character that is the main plot device within the original product, not an adaptation. Also, what's with the last phrase? How can Sasuke be a loyal rogue? That's a contradiction in itself, is he a rogue of Konoha or is he loyal to Konoha? Pick one -you can't have both.
The advantage of Sasuke being a rebel without defecting from Konoha is that Naruto would have the help needed to fight the big villains of the franchise: the Ōtsutsuki. 
Sasuke fought alongside Naruto against Kaguya, bringing the union of former Team 7, without having to compromise his original ideals... did they just... forget?
Kaguya was the first alien who came to Earth, got sealed away, and then tried to return to enslave it. Naruto and Sasuke were reincarnations of her sons (Ashura and Indra, respectively), but the manga and anime didn't spend much time detailing how they would form their clans down the line and the emotional impact Kaguya had fighting her descendants.
Haha, come on, this is clickbait isn't it? Ashura and Indra are not Kaguya's sons, they're her grandchildren that reminded her of her sons, bet your ass this is a Boruto fan that just heard about the original series and wrote whatever this was without eyeing the og manga.
but the manga and anime didn't spend much time detailing how they would form their clans down the line and the emotional impact Kaguya had fighting her descendants.
That's because one of Kaguya's sons went to live on the moon and the other one, Hagoromo, had two sons on Earth (Indra and Ashura) who -as the manga establishes, founded their own clans (Uchiha and Senju respectively) that were at war until Konoha's foundation.
It focused heavily on Sasuke plotting in the shadows, and Naruto forming an army, realizing much later in the story of their link to Kaguya.
What? They learned about their connection to Kaguya through Hagoromo before fighting her, Sasuke also never plotted in the shadows, he blatantly tells them he wants a Revolution and later on decides to kill Naruto as he's his last connection to his past! That's the whole reason they fight!
By switching this up and making lineage a primary and not secondary arc, the movie can dial more into the emotional core: Sasuke and Naruto exploring their family tree and the overall theme of dynasty. Sasuke could learn more about how Indra developed a dark side, which passed down to the Uchiha, while Ashura's light gave way to the Senju and Uzumaki (Naruto's family) clans.
That's incredibly explored throughout the manga. The Senju are the only clan linked canonically to Ashura himself, the Uzumaki obtained Ashura's attention after the Senju disappeared as they were distant relatives.
Also, love the distinction of "Indra developed a dark side which passed down to the Uchiha" and "Ashura's light gave way to the Senju". Hagoromo favored this distinction by granting the totality of his power to one of his sons and expecting the other to be functional to his brother's decisions. If Hagoromo considered that Ashura's position was better than Indra's, why did he not teach his eldest son to make similar decisions? How is it that Indra decided to form a clan and a collective group of people if his idea was to move and gain power alone? How is it that Ashura, the being full of light, decided to fight his brother for power instead of seeking a peaceful solution to work together if what he wanted was power through union? Why did he not question the idea of a single person having the totality of command?
This would allow the movie to not hinge on Naruto and his fate with his Nine-Tailed Demon Fox (Kurama).
This just proves my initial point.
Instead, Sasuke would become a key player by garnering clues as to who Kaguya is. This would also unearth her plan to place everyone in a dream state (via the Infinite Tsukuyomi genjutsu technique) and drain their chakra. In other words, he would be the egotistical brains of the operation, while Naruto functions as the go-lucky muscle.
What's the point of doing all that if this exact thing ends up happening anyway without having to destroy any character's core? Are they serious?
This would not be different from what's been seen with Iron Man and Captain America, and Batman and Superman.
Brain minimized by the same comic story over and over again, what's the point of seeing a dynamic story repeated hundreds of times in different products? Is the main idea of this theme to make audiences like this guy believe that he possesses some kind of intellect because he can predict a plot he has seen thousands of times before?
Such an approach speaks to the legacy of both warriors, which makes them the yin and yang they were meant to be. 
Don't believe this fool. Sasuke and Naruto as characters explore the Yin and Yang implications very well as they are, he doesn't seem to understand what this metaphor actually entails.
Such a change fits Sasuke's destiny organically because this is the kind of sleuth he would become in the Boruto era, where he atoned and roamed the lands as a Ranger. This same development felt rushed and left-field in the manga, as he never did that kind of work before.
Making Sasuke a heroic anchor in the Naruto movie also works for the evolution of Team 7. To start with, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura were all trained by Kakashi, but their story felt disjointed. Naruto was preoccupied with bringing Sasuke home, Sasuke was off seeking Itachi and an army, while Sakura tried to quell the anger in both of them. This took away time from her personal development and detracted from the bigger threat of the aliens. By making the plot so convoluted, fans found it odd the Boruto era would marry Sakura and Sasuke, despite them never being developed as an official romantic couple.
By not splintering the team, Naruto's director, Daniel Destin Cretton, can focus on what made Team 7 work in the first place. Sakura was known to stop arguments and function as the team's mature, responsible leader. Naruto also liked her while she liked Sasuke. Sakura eventually realized she needed to change the views of Konoha and have the village recognize female shinobi more. This worked in the love triangle that allowed Sasuke to develop feelings for Sakura that would pay off down the line. This would also allow Naruto to understand he was meant to lead the Hidden Leaf.
What is removing Sasuke's entire characterization gonna do for the rest of the characters? The author is not saying Sakura realized this canonically, by the way the paragraph goes, what he implies is that she could realize this in the movie. So he’s telling us that Sakura didn’t notice she needed to change Konoha’s views about females because Sasuke wasn’t there to help her or what? It's Sasuke staying that detrimental to her development?
He wants to change everything about the original Team 7 in order to make them fit their Boruto’s characterizations. Hell, I bet he’s a Boruto fan who barely watched the original series, I’ll go as far as to state he used AI to write this garbage.
That also was Tsunade’s ordeal as well. Shikamaru questioned her involvement and was proven wrong when she “consoled” him after Sasuke’s Retrieval Arc and proved herself to be a good Kage. He’s asking something of Sakura that Tsunade already did.
Does he know what character development is? Why should they change everything about the original series to fit better the spin-off? Is the spin-off that it's badly written as it couldn't follow the original's characterizations, not the other way around.
According to his page, Renaldo Matadeen, "author" of this abysmal take, focuses on: As a filmmaker and scriptwriter, Renaldo loves to dissect the nuances of stories, especially narratives involving people of colour, minorities, and the socially-displaced. He believes art is a medium to reflect and provoke, and loves engaging in content that evokes this energy. 
So you mean to tell me that Sasuke, a metaphor for the socially displaced people, a survivor of a state-sanctioned genocide, and a revolutionary is somehow better by being stripped of any value inside a story that focused on his struggles, to begin with? That somehow the story would be better if he, a minority, was more complacent with the State that represses him?
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tamelee · 8 months
Do ppl genuinely believe gaara has a crush on naruto? I thought it was a joke 😭 the jokes like gaara hating sasuke are funny but they're far from true considering in canon he cried for sasuke and tried to tell him to return. He told naruto later on that sasuke's not planning on coming back bc it was true, not bc he's jealous or some shit 💀 it was naruto who got upset at that and shoved his hand away, and also bc gaara made it clear that if in the war sasuke is on the enemy team then he won't hold back and will go for the kill. He's just another person who doesn't care about sasuke anymore which is why naruto got mad. To me only naruto and sasuke being romantically in love makes any sense, when ppl bring in not only gaara but even shikamaru, neji, Lee, sai it just seem like a joke bc wtf? Most of those ppl are pretty openly straight anyway. It seems like only sasunaru fans do this, they think every man around naruto wants him and is jealous of sasuke and sasuke's not a good bf but all of that is pure projection and stupidity and they act like incels when they treat naruto like some helpless girl with her Chad bf who should instead be with the nice guys. Anyway that went sorta off topic but yeah I don't think gaara's actually in love. Or if he is, he's not the jealous type bc I admit if he was a girl, even dudebros might see it with him. It's just that naruto has it part of his character that everyone worships him sooner or later. Whenever he changes someone they become his fan and act like he's God. Gaara, neji, shikamaru, pain, obito, tsunade. Sasuke's the only special one bc their relationship is actually different and special. But even for him sometimes some sns fans reduce him to a naruto worshipper in sns fics. Or they talk about the "i'm in naruto's world, I'm blessed to exist" quote that seems an awful lot like idol worship. I hate when they reduce sasuke and his relationship to naruto to that, that's hinata's job, to be naruto's personal slave, not sasuke. And if you remember this while analyzing gaara he just seems like yet another character that got reduced to a naruto dick sucker, that's all.
Gaara and Sai openly straight Nonee? xD I understand your points, but I do think you’re doing yourself a HUGE disservice if you think Gaara is just a... *checks* 👀... “Naruto dick sucker”... 
... kinda falls short, no? Their bond is distinct, and categorizing it as similar to Naruto's other connections, especially when most are comrades at best. Villagers conditionally acknowledge Naruto because they see him as useful until he proves otherwise, and that includes the majority of his... friends. Naruto said it himself, he doesn’t trust them (I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT THIS REGARDING 'HOPE' TBH I’LL FINISH THAT DRAFT SOON FINALLY LOL) This lack of trust is evident again during his fight with Kurama.
With Gaara, it is very uniquely a bond of their own regardless whether someone believes it is romantic or not and it doesn’t really have anything to do with Sasuke, so I’m not sure how to feel about a comparison? 
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However, Naruto's connection with Gaara does share some similarities with his bond with Sasuke; hurting for Gaara’s pain because he understood it as fellow Jinchuuriki, or hurting for Sasuke’s pain and burdens but going on a journey because he wanted to understand (‘we could’ve been in each other’s shoes, Sasuke’). These bonds also relate to the system itself, which is closely interlinked. Hence, Sasuke shouting at Naruto for not understanding in VotE1. But it's not the same thing, and that's perhaps one of the most significant differences between Naruto's bonds with Sasuke and Gaara, don't you think? The contrasting pain (regarding that understanding) he felt played a crucial role in his learning process. "I felt less pain when I escaped loneliness, but Gaara was lonelier for longer and Sasuke has to live with this burden... which is unbearable, what can I do?" Collaboration only becomes possible when you can truly understand one another. The same was seen during the Shinobi War when they had to unite as a single alliance. Gaara references this several times.
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That understanding transcends national borders, and it's an integral part of Naruto's Ninja Way. It's also a way to demonstrate that mutual understanding could potentially unite the Nations, but that's a different topic. What remains consistent is Naruto's anger towards the entire system when it becomes personal and disregarding what is seen as 'appropriate Shinobi behavior'. (Lmao not those anti-Naruto post claiming Naruto was fine with everything altogether 😭 ffs, delete.) 
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Of course Naruto’s emotions played a huge part in him going feral. It was primarily triggered by Gaara's death, but even before that Kurama's Chakra was slipping through as he was learning about himself, Jinchuuriki and discovering new things that Konoha, and even Jiraiya, whom he trained with for years, had never shared with him. Our boy was seriously going through it, but this drive wasn’t just him showing Shonen Hero behavior to ‘stop the bad guys from gaining power’ or grieving a friends’ death at that moment even.
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Naruto had every right to be furious. This is the same anger that says, 'If you Shinobi of the Leaf hadn't placed a monster in me,' and 'Did any of you even try to ask ME how I felt?!!' But, of course, Naruto repressed his anger and avoided empathizing with himself. However, this anger still simmers beneath the surface in the story. (Sakura's display of compassion for Naruto's situation after realizing he could die was a good moment tbh, I liked it even if Naruto shoved it aside. Kinda like he was saying they could never understand as Sasuke said to him, except Naruto sorta laughs it off and shows confidence instead. Anw, Sakura's best moments are in this arc, and it has nothing to do with the Sasori fight.)
But why doesn't Naruto express anger for himself?
Because, in this case, he carries a sense of guilt towards Gaara. He heard Gaara express how he desperately searched for a reason to live, feeling like a 'relic of the past that people wanted to get rid of'—unwanted and alone. This led Gaara to decide to care only for himself and kill everyone else. While Naruto could empathize with Gaara due to the shared pain stemming from similar situations, he also understood that their circumstances were entirely different at the time he met him. Naruto compared his own situation with Gaara's, stating that 'everyone' else had saved him from a dark and lonely hell, lumping the village together to contrast it with Gaara, who had no one still.
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Naruto eventually said that Iruka and Sasuke were the ones who truly saved him after learning about different types of bonds and gaining a better understanding. However, the idea of being supported by so many people, (conditional or not) in contrast to Gaara, tore Naruto apart because he knows how unbearable it is to live that way. The Gaara he encountered during the exams represented Naruto's greatest fear for himself, and he began to feel guilty for having people around him, or even those who 'worship' him, as he felt it was unfair to Gaara. Despite his repressed emotions, Itachi's 'fear-inspiring Genjutsu' exposed Naruto's feelings and fears.
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Naruto's efforts didn't just lead to a strong friendship; they also provided Gaara with hope. In this story, 'Hope' is perhaps the most important theme, a reason to live that is much more bearable. I wouldn't reduce all of this to Gaara merely 'worshipping' Naruto. Such analysis seems to miss the nuances of their complex bond regardless.
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Naruto's sharing of joy also reflects his 'mysterious power.' He had mixed feelings about seeing Gaara advance so quickly as Kazekage but also genuinely felt happy for him. I genuinely believe that dismissing the Naruto-Gaara dynamic as mere 'worship' overlooks the significant impact Naruto had on Gaara and those around them. Which was extremely important to the story itself. I love the bond between Naruto and Gaara, but acknowledge it really isn't the same as the one with Sasuke. But considering their relationship, it's not surprising that Gaara might have a little crush on Naruto. However, it's not essential to insist on finding canonical evidence for this imo. While it's a plausible interpretation, I don't think that Gaara's feelings for Naruto are taken too seriously by most fans? Furthermore, Gaara's seeming 'pettiness' regarding Sasuke or Naruto's prioritization of him above others is not something anyone understood. The general consensus "for Naruto's sake" was that “Sasuke causes Naruto pain” (more like, Sasuke’s pain hurts Naruto because he loves him) so of course, Gaara's feelings were conflicted by his duty (getting rid of a 'criminal') and his friendship with Naruto (who will fight against such Shinobi duties because feelings are involved and they'll never be able to truly become emotionless tools-). Sasuke had attacked the summit after all, usually an immediate death sentence regardless of reason. Gaara is Naruto’s friend, it would be weird if he didn’t want to protect Naruto in return even against Sasuke, it's just that Naruto didn't see it the same way as everyone around him. THAT is frustrating!! Remember he told Naruto to really think about his friendship with Sasuke and what it meant? 👀 Like, "Naruto, you really want to do this? We are friends too, yeah? Doesn’t he cause you pain? Look at you... think about this carefully, kinda sus tbh. What’s this meaaann? I give my life for you, I will fight for you but what we do now huh?" Etc- 
In the end, Naruto is the protagonist of a Shonen story, serving as a measuring device to gauge the significance of events in the narrative. (This role is largely shared with Sasuke though). Naruto provides the reference point for understanding the story's relationships. The core message, typically related to positive change as defined by Naruto/the main character, is a fundamental aspect of these stories. What truly matters is why something is significant in the story and what it means to the characters. His bond with Gaara a huge part of it. And to a degree the others as well because that's kind of the point.... And it's not for nothing we haven't seen the same development with the villagers as a whole because it wasn't important to the story.... yet. (Should've been solved before he became Hokage though 😂 "Naruto-the-village-is-family-I-guess-cuz-former-hokage-said-so-Uzumaki." Bro.)
"only sasunaru fans do this, they think every man around naruto wants him and is jealous of sasuke and sasuke's not a good bf but all of that is pure projection and stupidity and they act like incels when they treat naruto like some helpless girl with her Chad bf who should instead be with the nice guys."
Ngl, I can't disagree with this one. Idk why the Naruto-bl-harem is so popular? And ok, have them all worship Naruto for all I care, but why is he always so....... dainty. Don't mind me some uwu-Naruto, he's cute alright, but.... no 😭 I don't even have words.
"Sasuke's the only special one bc their relationship is actually different and special. But even for him sometimes some sns fans reduce him to a naruto worshipper in sns fics."
I mean... to a certain degree. Define worshipping 👀 from what I can read about the true definition, their 'worshipping' is pretty mutual, but the difference lies in the foundation and the fact that it is unconditional. I know what you mean though, the Sasuke guilt tripping is real and a bit painful. Like? Isn't that Esaka's job?
"Or they talk about the "i'm in naruto's world, I'm blessed to exist" quote that seems an awful lot like idol worship."
UGH! 😓 This stupid non-canon quote. Did everyone forget who wrote this novel about Sasuke 'atoning for his sins'??? 😭 SPOILER: NOT KISHIMOTO. (Kinda want to read it though to fact-check some things.) There might be some truth in the words now that I have spent many months thinking about the blank period... but so does Naruto not want to live without Sasuke. As much as their world includes the other, they are still their own characters with their own goals in a Shinobi world with a system that would never allow them to truly live in each others' worlds fully anyway gerigjekrg3rhiqjkhmregqerigkjqrg;-; ok bye.
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randomchaosyay · 2 months
Please may I have Naruto Platonic headcanons of Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno with a childhood friend who is exactly like Yukio Okumura from Blue exorcist and he is also Sasuke Uchiha's younger twin brother. He used to be a crybaby and was picked on quite often during childhood. He grew out of it when he was 7 and started training as a ninja around that time and he became a Jonin at the age of 11. He didn't spiral on a path of revenge like Sasuke but it was clear the relationship between Sasuke and him was not the same anymore. *he did gain more fangirls than his brother though..and he wasn't picked on anymore*. He is a highly skilled Uchiha and that much was obvious.
Naruto's relationship with him from childhood to now
Sakura's relationship with him from childhood to now
Sasuke Uchiha's relationship with his brother from childhood to now
Kakashi's relationship with him
Team 7 - Platonic Childhood Relationships
Warnings: None
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Naruto Uzamaki
- He always saw you crying and alone when you two were kids so from the beginning he liked you more than Sasuke
- He could empathize with the loneliness
- Once you guys werewere forced to hang around each other he didn’t really like you as much
- You were a stickler for the rules and a bit standoff ish and always surrounded with fan girls
- So he was jealous and found you annoying like he did with Sasuke
- But then came a day where he unlocked your Traumatic Backstory TM
- Because of that he was able to know you and understand you better and you two became close
- I think you and Naruto would have gotten the closest out of everyone and became really good friends
- Even in the war, you two would always look out for each other
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Sakura Haruno
- She thought you were annoying at the start
- A crybaby, she thought your brother was much cooler than you and probably used you a couple times just to talk to him
- As your personality started changing though she started talking to you more
- After spending more time with her and team seven, as well as being a jonin at an exceptionally young age Sakura liked you a lot
- It was probably your mysterious personality she was drawn too
- However the more you hung out with Naruto the more she started liking and talking to Sasuke and using you again
- By the time the war was over though, you two put your past aside and managed to become pretty good friends
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Sasuke Uchiha
- Before everything with Itachi happened you two were inseparable
- You did everything together
- But once it was all done, he slowly started growing distant
- You were all each other had and your bond deepend initially
- However that didn’t last long
- Sasuke hated your crybaby attitude and it wasn’t long before you drifted from one another
- Once you two had to spend more time together again it took a while for you two to get warmed up to each other again
- The past and his jealousy of you being a jonin greeting in the way of a stable sibling relationship
- It took a while but you two managed to make amends
- When he set out to take revenge on Itachi, he tries to convince you to come, hating you when you refused, hating that you were stronger than him and wouldn’t avenge your clan
- Your relationship was in shambles once again
- Once he returned you two worked together when you had to but still usually avoided each other when possible
- After the war was over you two started working on fixing your relationship once again
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Kakashi Hatake
- He practically adopted you
- He saw himself in you and knew he wanted to protect you
- No matter the situation Kakashi was always there for you to help
- He became a very important father figure in your life
- Helped you learn a lot of the Uchiha techniques
- He helped you with your training as a jonin and went with you on your first few missions to get you used to it
- You two had a really close bond
- Once the war started he tried to get you on he easier missions not wanting to lose you in the war.
- You mananged to convince him you could handle the war and the two of you stayed together through thick and thin
- Once the war was over you helped him with his duties and made sure everything went well
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cartoonrival · 2 months
3 15 16 22 smirks
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok if im being honest im STILL thinking about ytp/exploding hotdogs inthe micrwave-amy. NO SHE WOULD FUCKING NOTTTTT you guys just think that any girl liking traditionally feminine things automatically = no personality so the only way you can wrap your head around "fixing her" is making her less "girly". im still going to war over what ppl are doing to amy. literally no one on the planet understands amy like i do and shes not even one of my faves. i dont even enjoy understanding her like she's my own daughter i do it like its an obligation like im legally required. i also recently learned that "does naruto having blonde hair and blue eyes mean he's white-coded" is legitimate discourse and i fr think you all need serious help
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
ok this is my biggest hater opinion and i KNOWWWW its like unnecessarily pissy so i havent said antyhing abt it until now but i think you might understand me. I DONT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE GIVE SHADOW SOME LITTLE THING TO TAKE CARE OF. I DONT LIKE HIS CHAO AND I DONT LIKE [expunged for my and others' safety] AND I DONT LIKE WHEN PEOPLE JUST GIVE HIM CATS. HE CANT TAKE CARE OF LITTLE CREATURES HE DOESNT CARE TO DO THAT HE DOESNT WANT TO HE JUST DOES NOT HAVE THE CARETAKERS SOUL LIKE HES NOT DOING THAT. HES NOT DOING THAT. BUT PPL DRAW IT ALLLLL THE TIMEE.......... IS THERE NO OTHER WAY WE CAN SHOW HIS SOFT SIDE THEN GIVING HIM SOME LITTLE CREATURE. HES NOT DOING THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!! its so stupid bc its not even like ooc NECESSARILY i mean his chao exists in at least some canons and theres nothing really saying it COULDNT happen and its such a harmless thing to be a hater about BUT I HATE ITTTTTT also when ppl make the hedgehogs wag their tails BE SO SERIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
literally every ship with amy. i think you guys just are desperate to ship her w someone. AROACE AMY SWEEP. ASK ME ABOUT MY AROACE AMY AGENDA!!! also i know youve talked about this 1 million times but i cannot fucking stand how the greater fandom talks about scourge bc none of them even KNOW HIM AT ALL and miss literally EVERYTHING that makes his character interesting and fun bc you didnt even READ ARCHIE you just decided to take this one dude out and sand him of everything of note so you can make him a sad little meow meow ToT SONIC HAS PLENTY OF SAD LITTLE MEOW MEOWS CANT A GUY JTSU SUCK??? CANT HE JUST BE A TERRIBLE LOSER? COME ONNNNNNN but ofc you wouldnt understand bc you didnt even READ ARCHIEEEEEE.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
JULIE SU. JULIE SU. JULIE SU ALWAYS. theres literally so much that could be said and expanded upon w her family and background and not even in the way that canon didnt give her anything at all and you gotta diy everything, shes SUCH A FUN CHARACTER shes so funny and such a jerk and everyone writes her off as "girl knuckles" so fast that they wont even LOOK at how much unique personality she has and how UNIQUE her relationship w knuckles is LIKE.... ken penders actually gave js a fun and unique and dope personality, the FANS are the ones writing her off as girl knuckles. ummmmm its not looking good for you people! and theres the assumption ig that all the romances in archie just suck bc theres sort of a lot of them, obviously i dont like every one COUGHken and sallyCOUGH but like ToT KNUXSU IS SO SO SO GOOD.... THE WAY THEY TALK TO EACH OTHER IS SO GOOD like you guys wipe every characters personality to put them in a ship, then talk about knuxsu as if thats the issue with it and why you dont like it, but. ITS NOT EVEN LIKE THAT. AND IF IT WAS SHOULDNT YOU LIKE THAT SORT OF SLOPim sounding like lorillee rn. QPR KNUXSU AGENDA WILL NEVER DIE
and in the same vein as js, lien da also. ppl just in passing say that either shes hot or shes ugly and no one talks about that creepy as fuck issue where eggman surgically put her back together. that issue was so fucking dope. shes so awesome. i love you lien da you are terrible and i love you.
obviously literally just all of archie. nobody talks about archie. i fucking love archie but everyones too scared. i wish i could make that au
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duckymcdoorknob · 8 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 8: 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱
My lil dude whom I adore with my whole heart.
Oh look Naruto’s there too!
No I’m kidding I’d sell my soul to meet either of them.
Tags: @chrimsss @sleepysheepytea (I know you’re a Naruto fan, so I thought you might enjoy this!!) @tickletr-ash @ticklish-n-stuff @giggly-squiggily
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
As much as Naruto loved his friends, boy did they show up at the worst times. He WAS planning on spending his day off doing something incredibly important, mind you. Okay- fine, he was going to spend the day sleeping and eating, but that’s equally as important as anything else his friends have planned.
Though, the impromptu visits did make him feel loved. How far he’s come… younger him couldn’t even begin to fathom a life like this.
So, when he heard the ecstatic knocking at his door, a smile crept onto his features. He perked through the peephole and was delighted to see all of his friends.
“Hey, guys I was actually-“
“NARUTOOOOOOO!” Lee cheered, “We have come to see you on our day off! It is important to keep your youth healthy and abundant!”
The blonde ninja sighed. “My youth is perfectly abundant… I think?”
The group chuckled a bit. All of them removed their shoes and sprawled out on any and all furniture in the boy’s tiny apartment. Lee kicked his feet with a smile as he lay on his stomach to feed Akamaru little crackers, with Choji attempting to swipe them from him.
“Let’s play a game!” Kiba chirped.
“A game? What kind of game?” Neji inquired, eyes closed as Shikamaru carefully untangled his messy hair
“Oooh, how about truth or dare?” Choji asked with a Cheshire grin.
“What are we, twelve?” Shikamaru grumbled.
“Fine then, Shikamaru. We can-“
All eyes turned to the blonde, causing him to blink rapidly a few times. “I-I want to play. I’ve never… uh.”
The boys looked upon him with confusion.
“You’ve never played truth or dare before?” Shino asked in disbelief.
Naruto stared back at them as if they were all morons, lifting his tee shirt to reveal the seal that adorned his stomach.
A collective “ohhh” filled the room.
“So yeah, I think I wanna play.”
“Sure, man!” Kiba cheered. “Everyone come sit in a circle!”
All of the shinobi obey and are soon sat criss-crossed in a circle. Eyes dart around the group as they try to decide who will ask first.
Shikamaru finally sighed and spoke up. “Choji, you asked to play. You first.”
“Alright! Hmmm…” the red-haired boy looked around. He locked eyes with… “Neji, truth or dare?”
“Mmm, truth,” the Hyuga replied.
“Booooring- okay, fine. Do you have a crush on any of the girls?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but quickly closed it with a scoff. “O-Of course not. That’s-“
“Why the stutter, pretty boy?” Kiba teased.
“Yeah, Neji. You lie like a rug,” Shikamaru quipped as he squeezed the latter’s shoulders.
“Alright fine!” he cleared his throat. “I will say that… erm… I find Tenten to be rather alluring.”
A chorus of “ohhhh!”s filled the tiny apartment as they all chuckled and teased the Byakugan user.
“Ooooh! I must tell Guy-Sensei, he would be-“
“One word out of you, and I will sew your lips shut!”
“Don’t cross me, Lee!”
Amidst the chaos between the two teammates, the game continued. Kiba had to stand on his hands for a minute, Shino revealed a secret love for literature, Sai ate a spoonful of fridge jungle juice, aka whatever condiments they could find mixed with milk; and Shikamaru revealed a slight crush on Temari.
Finally it was Naruto’s turn.
“Alright, Naruto. Truth or dare?”
Oh man, tough choice…
“Mmm, truth! I pick truth!”
“Okay, uhh… let’s see.” A sudden flash of malice appeared in Shikamaru’s eyes. “Where are you most ticklish?”
Just like earlier, all eyes fell onto him. He shifted nervously as he tried to think of an answer.
“I- um… w-well, that’s- uh…”
“You can tell us. We won’t use it against you or anything,” the shadow user replied with a patient, but curious, smile.
“Well… I actually don’t… know?”
They stared at him, bug-eyed. Was he serious? There’s no way that he didn’t know… How could he not?
Realization appeared across the Nara’s features. “You’ve never been tickled before?”
“I-I didn’t say that-“
“But it’s true, isn’t it?”
“I- um…” A pink hue appeared on the boy’s ears. “I mean other than this one time that Pervy Sage did…”
“Alright, come here.” Shikamaru patted the spot in front of him. “Let’s find out.”
Was this guy serious?! Why so bold?? Should he just accept the-
“If you don’t come over, I’m gonna have to have Kiba take matters into his own hands, then we learn the hard way.”
Naruto’s eyes darted over to Kiba, who was already staring back at him with a menacing smile.
“Nopenopenopenope-“ The blonde ran from the circle, dodging around furniture, and eventually getting stuck in a corner.
“Come on, Naruto. Don’t make me do this the hard way. It’ll be easier for both of us if you just come to me.”
“Waaaaah! I want to but- NGH-“ In an instant the boy fell paralyzed, his arms holding themselves above his head. “Oh you bi- HYEAHA!”
Kiba smiled as he tweaked at the blonde’s hips. “Ohh, he’s ticklish alright!”
“Kihihibahaha! Wahahahait!” The jinchuriki whined.
“No wait! I’m curious! Let’s try here, I bet you’re ticklish here!” He mused as he skittered his fingers over Naruto’s stomach
“Hold on? But you’re so ticklish here! Is it because of your mark?” The brunette chirped.
The fanged boy’s eyes lit up as he had just snuck his hand under the blonde’s shirt to squeeze at his stomach. “Ohoho! It is the mark! Awww! That’s so cute!”
“Are you sure? Maaan some kind of endurance you have. What kind of ninja are you?”
“We gotta tell master Jiraiya about this, maybe he can help you.”
The teasing and the tickles in his worst spot were far too much… “OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! YOHOHOHOU MAHAHADE YOHOHOUR POHOHOHOINT! STAHAHAHAPPIHIHIT!”
The Inuzuka boy smiled as he moved to gently scratch under Naruto’s arms. “Oh man, that is like so freaking cool. I never knew that your mark could affect you so much!”
The blonde closed his eyes and laughed helplessly, feeling vulnerable in front of the group, while also feeling the safest that he has in a while. “Kihihibahaha, stahahap teheheasihihing.”
Neji, being as perceptive as he is, noticed a small detail… “Ah… I forgot you too can feel what he’s feeling.”
The Nara boy was standing completely still, limbs vibrating as he bit his lip. “N-Nothing wo-worth mENtionihihihing.”
“Oye, Kiba! Don’t move spots, looks like we found Shikamaru’s tickle spot too.” Choji chimed as he looked upon his teammate evilly.
Welp… someone had to make the sacrifice. It’s not like he wasn’t expecting retaliation from it.
Let’s just hope he has more stamina than Naruto did…
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sasukeless · 8 months
I love sasuke he’s one of my favorite characters along with lee and deidara but I hate when people woobify him so much why can’t naruto stans see all characters are flawed ?
lol. im not w you here sorry. i will take sasuke stans that woobify him any day over the big majority of naruto fandom who vilifies sasuke completely or think sasuke should atone for his “crimes”.
the thing is, as a sasuke stan i can admit he’s a multifaceted guy and very complex he does have natural flaws as any other character in the series However when it comes to fandom sasuke is the only character who’s flaws are either over exaggerated or people just make them up because he doesn’t act the way they want him to act meanwhile when naruto or other characters have flaws the fans water them down or simply give them a pass because “it doesn’t represent the character” yet for some reason they don’t give sasuke the same treatment and its nor a small portion that does this its the big majority from dudebros, to shippers to casual fans to even tumblrinas making their metas here. so no sorry, i would take a woobifier sasuke stan any day instead of the other side of the coin
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maoam · 7 months
I'm sorry for this long ass ask. I just wished to get a bit this out of my chest. Feel free to delete it if you would want to feel a bit more positive!
As you said once, if I remember correctly, there is no one more mysoginistic in fandoms (especially shonen) than the het shippers rather than the "fujoshis." In my personal experience, at least, I rarely have seen people hate a girl because she is in the way of their mlm pairing. But I have seen in het ships women be especially vile with their words like slut shaming, body shaming (flat chest vs busty discourses).
Especially in the Naruto fandom, I don't understand why NH and SS stans have to be on the march of war against each other, or why pit their favs against each other when they clearly are "not in the way" of their respective pairings, or even harass all other ships. In fact, I Hinata and Sakura are even in friendly terms. If not outright, they don't care about each other's existence for most of the time, I think?? So why so much catty?
Sometimes, I visit NH/SS/NaruSaku blogs out of curiosity, without doing anything but looking. Usually their content is all about shitting on other pairings but just that. They don't support other creators who appreciate the pairings, like writers or artists. Just shit on the rival pairing while be like "unlike that shit, this pairing has sense and is better". Like, they are more obsessive about what they hate rather than what they love. Absurd.
I have seen people call Sakura a cumdumpster (I swear to god that word-) and Sarada a hoe/slut, and considering Sarada is like 12 to 16 years old... well, it weirds me out. Or shame on the fact Hinata is a busty woman and usually that's the only bad thing they can say about her that comes to my mind, along with other slut shaming.
Or the weird obsession Sakura fans have about Sakura's body, like "THIS IS WHY SHE IS NOT FLAT." Why do you care so much if she's beautiful anyway?
I can go long but I won't because it sounds kinda frustrating.
But why can't these people just... stay in their planes? And ignore each other? Or if they love their one true pairing, just support artists or recommend fan fictions they like, or heck do something themselves and create a more positive environment not only for the fandoms but for themselves as well. Because most of the time, they go on anti - or pro tags and just harass people who think differently like they do with you or sneezemonster-
Again, sorry for the rant, and thank you if you had the patience of reading. Bless your day and keep doing what you do! What you write is always interesting to read <3
People mistake fujoshis (or just people who ship gay pairings) complaining about the het ships having no mutual development/how the female character in said ship has no individual development/revolves only around the guy she likes as "hating on the female character/misogyny". Which it isn't. Sure there might be couple who are misogynists, but that really isn't what I usually see. Meanwhile het shippers are indeed very vile in their ship wars.
"I don't understand why NH and SS stans have to be on the march of war against each other, or why pit their favs against each other when they clearly are "not in the way" of their respective pairings"
Because to them shipping is also a contest, and everyone is their competitor. They need to show everyone how they ship the best ship or how "their girl" is the best girl of the show. NH will talk about how Hinata is more "fertile" than Sakura (which is really misogynistic), how she is the heiress, how she is the richest girl in Konoha (lol). All very shallow things, none of them she even earned. And SS will go out of their way to "prove" Sakura is better looking than the other Naruto girls, because somehow that matters more than Sakura not having any dignity in the story... And yes, SS's crazy need to prove Sakura is not flat, sometimes they straight up edit Kishimoto's drawings so she would have a bigger chest.
This is also why these especially crazy people don't flock to shojo as much, since shojo doesn't usually have as big of a mainstream audience as shonen. And maybe they are addicted to one-sided interaction, because they relate to it? They can't relate to a female character that has reasonable feelings?
But yeah, recently I have seen a lot of Historia hate and it's all "she's spreading her legs to the farmer", "Whorestoria", "even her whore mother didn't like her", "blonde whore" and so on from certain het ship fandom. But sure fujoshis are the worst ones for saying Mikasa's character revolved too much around Eren...
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
the Sakura v casca poll is sorta interesting to me bc i think it terms of like popularity and general consensus of a character, I think it goes to Sakura. I mean that in the way of like even when I talk to someone who knows nothing about Naruto, people have things to say about Sakura because the main ship in that series is so widespread, like the father of yaoi ships (from shonen battle series anyway). Even when you Google Sakura, you're so quick to run into someone making fun of her. One time i was talking to a group of guys as the only woman and Sakura gets mentioned and they say to me "you're not a fan of Sakura, right?" like they were testing me?? Like i wasn't allowed to say yes?? I don't even know much about Naruto but it's so bizarre! And then you look at the notes on the poll itself and people STILL are disparaging her.
On the other hand, Casca is a totally different story in the sense that i actually think it's less common to find someone who hates her, even for the purposes of yaoi, but the ones who do hate her are like...insane about it. They're malicious. The things that fans will put her through for the sake of getting her out of the way are horrific.
At the end of the day, I think it really comes down to what each person interprets what it means to be "a victim of yaoi" and for me, a lot of that has to do with fan reception and not the writing itself. Good writing will NOT save you from being a female character caught between a yaoi ship.
That last sentence!!! Even if the author is a woman and treats her female characters right there will still be yaoi wars 😔
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kaethefangirl · 26 days
I feel the need to yap about how much I fucking hate the new age of anime.
We used to get amazing plot lines and stories from authors who gave a fuck about their animes and actually put thought and time into making complex story webs that all come together and make sense at the end.
There was a time where we got anime's that had themes that made you sit and think, the type of shit that you have to sit and dwell on and it shapes your philosophy.
Philosophy is such a big part of anime, and maybe I'm biased because thats the field that I'm most interested in but you cannot tell me that Philisophy and good anime don't go hand in hand.
The time of good anime is over and I hate that, while there are some amazing modern anime's they just aren't as popular and get none of the recognition that they deserve.
Instead, we're getting the shitty isekais like "i got reincarnated as a.." and then its a old ass man in the body of a 14 year old surrounded by a harem of idiot airheaded girls who's only seperation and individuality is being "the big boobed one" or the one with the fat ass or the angry one.
Why are those animes getting the most popular you ask? The answer is quite simple. It's the 'people' you know and hate, the ones that ruined society, the one
the only...
Men are the ones creating these dumbass animes for men. Men are also the ones assuming that women would only like to watch a romance anime, and while i can appreciate a good shojo, that's not the only thing I want to see. Fullmetal Alchemist is actually brilliant and I'll never stop praising it as one of if not the only shonen that hasn't a drop of fan service and gets straight to the point. Not a single weird ass beach episode where the female love interest has to wear a stupidly revealing bikini, no filler, and most importantly its written by a WOMAN!
Oh! Oh! I have an idea, what if we left deciding what women want to see to the actual fucking women. Men really just sat up in the writing studio and said, "For us, let's make an epic ass anime. I'm talking naruto, bleach, fairy tail!"
"What about the girls?"
"Oh.. them. Uh.. give em highschool boys or somethin'."
I fucking love certain romance animes, *cough* the ones that are written by women *cough* but that doesn't mean I don't ADORE a good shonen.
Bleach and Fairytail are my personal favorite shonens but the turn off was all the fan service, I can't even watch it around anyone because as soon as they walk in its like one of the girls is smothering a dude in her tits. I wanted to show my little brothers fairy tail like my sister did me but I had to turn it off quick as hell. Same goes for Bleach, the story line is amazing and Rukia made me think "oh hey, maybe it wont be so much fan service" then we got Orihime. And I'm gonna make a seperate post for how much I hate how women are depicted in anime. DONT GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON SEVEN DEADLY SINS EITHER-
The bottom line is, the anime's that are written by women might not be the most popular, but they're usually the best animes out there in their respective genres. Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruit's Basket, Ranma 1/2, and Kamisama Kiss are all examples of how amazing female writing has shaped the world of shojo and how good female writing is compared to shows written by men.
Also anime has so much misogyny ingrained into it its insane. The whole "traditional woman" thing probably either stems from or is fueled by the fact that in almost every major shonen, the male mc ends up with an airheaded woman with little to no personality. The girl's personality is just being the love interest of the mc. "I.. believe in you!" and thats it, no development, not jack shit.
Also women's taste in anime is better than men's, I rest my case. And this is all me generalizing things down to the statistics of men and women. If you're a guy and you don't think like this then that's actually amazing for you but that just means I'm not talking about you. On the other hand if you are a consumer of one of the weird shitty harem animes then I'm wishing nothing but the worst on you!
OH AND WOMEN = identify as a woman
MEN = identify as a man
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nikki-kitty · 3 months
this is my opinion on Sakura. I have a love and hate relationship for her and I just want to state my opinions on her but they may be some points wrong since I haven’t watched naruto in a long time but you can always correct me, let’s get started. Reminder to not attack anyone who made this. I found all of these on Pinterest but DO NOT ATTACK THEM I REPEAT DO NOT ATTACK THEM. Thank you
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”Sasuke and Sakura have always had feelings for each other”. What? I don’t know if this dude watch the anime at all but probably did and the filters too but Sasuke did not had any romantic feelings for Sakura. I covered the username on the TikTok because I don’t want you attacking him.
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I’m not saying all Sakura fans are like this but I come across on Pinterest to some Sakura fans like this. How is Hinata coping Sakura? Didn’t Kishimoto design them? How the fuck did this person saw this and say hinata outfit is a copy of Sakura outfit? Sakura and hinata have similar designs in the last but just because Hinata has a similar outfit to Sakura, does not mean she’s coping her. Didn’t tenten had a similar design to Sakura as well? So why do they fucking whine and complain about Hinata design similar to Sakura
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I don’t know what to say about this but Sasuke woke up from a coma and probably doesn’t know wants going on so I don’t know how some Sasusaku/SS fans/Stans see this as “true love”.
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Toneri is abusive? I don’t know if pulling someone hair is abusive but I did search on google to see if it is them google said it is so, Apparently they saying that sasusaku is not abusive but toneri is? Look I’m not saying sasuke is abusive towards Sakura but he did give a shit about her.
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So apparently Sakura is allowed to be shipped with other people, different anime’s, and adults from naruto but when Sasuke is shipped with someone else like a boy or girl, they go insane and say shit “nOoo sAuKe iS OnLY mEaNT fOr sAkUrA!!!” And bash other ships that include sasuke who is not Sakura or attack people if they don’t ship sasusaku. I’m not saying all sasusaku fans are like this but to the ones who like act this.
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It’s funny about this. Just because sasuke looked at her doesn’t mean he loves her. The first one when I saw it in Pinterest and checked the comments and some of the comments were saying “Sasuke retsuden is canon”! Let me tell you this, Sasuke retusden is not canon for fuck sakes, I believe the cover is made by kishimoto but the novel is made by Jun esaka and if the novel was canon, then it will be written by kishimoto.
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What? I don’t think Sakura can even beat itachi. Yes Sakura is strong but I think itachi had more fighting experience/skills than Sakura. If they were was a fight between Sakura and Itachi then Sakura probably would be dead unless she heals. I do believe we were told she was a resistance to genjutsu but if he puts her in a tsukuyomi then she might be dead because you can’t break free or cancel it from itachi tsukuyomi like he did to Kakashi. Sakura is strong but not the same level as itachi I believe.
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I don’t know if this is true or not, so I’m just going to between believing it and not believing it but I just want to say about this. People attacked or shit on Hinata for stalking naruto but not Sakura? Sakura chased sasuke on his journey/traveling until he said yes and no one says it. In my opinion both Sakura and Hinata either deserve jail time or criticism for that or just deserve to be single.
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“Sakura deserves better” When people say this, they putting the blame on Sasuke like Sasuke is the one that turned her like this. It’s not sasuke fault, Sakura chose to be that or Kishimoto wrote her that way. Sakura can’t accept no from Sasuke when he told her he wasn’t interested in her multiple times. Sakura legit can’t take no as an answer and still chase a guy who treated her like shit. In my opinion when people say “Sakura deserves better” meaning my opinion she deserves better character development and goals not winning over a guy who treats like shit.
this is all for now, I will probably do more next time. Remember this is my opinion about Sakura little, if you’re a Sakura fan or sasusaku fan, it’s better for you to not view this because I’m not going to waste my time bothering arguing with you about this. I would like Sakura more if kishimoto knew how to write woman.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Hate Sex:  J.WY ~ Part Two
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♡Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader (f) ♡Genre: non-idol au, enemies to lovers au ♡Word Count: 3,406 ♡Warnings: degradation kink, booty smacking, some dom!woo, fingering (f receiving), penetration with no barrier, breath play, m and f orgasm, creampie, wooyoung is shit at aftercare but he somewhat means well ♡Rated: 18+ MDNI, smut with angst! ♡Part One from Kinktober~ Hate Sex ♡Dedication~@mejuii @downtoamagicalland part two because when the vending machine was fed :D where would i be without you two hahahah
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Leave it to Seonghwa to throw a party just for the excuse for himself to dress up in BDSM harnesses and label it as a "mercenary hot" theme.
Yunho was picking you up, as per normal, but when you slipped into the passenger seat and Yunho took his car out of park, his hand slipped on your thigh and you promptly removed it. Yunho gave you a brief look, not eager to remove his eyes from the road anytime soon, but still wondering why you wouldn’t let him do this small move that previously you let him get away with.
“You’re picking up Wooyoung too, remember?” You told him pointedly, keeping your eyes on the road as well.
“And since when did his opinion matter?” Yunho couldn't help but grumble. 
‘Because I don’t need to make Wooyoung any more jealous than he already is’, you thought to yourself but didn’t say that. “I just think you’re taking a lot of liberties with me, Yunnie.”
Yunho frowned, “I…what?”
You rolled your eyes, “Do you really think I’m that dense that I don’t know about your little group project? With the guys? Come on Yunho, the hand on the leg means something.”
Yunho cleared his throat. “You know about that?”
You sighed heavily through your nose. “Yes, Yunho, I know.”
“So… does this mean I lose then?” Yunho glanced over. Leave it to an Aries to be all about winning.
“Yes, Yunho, you lose,” You couldn't help but be bland and yet laugh under your breath.
Yunho let out a sigh of relief. “You’re not angry then, I take it?”
“I’m flattered but Wooyoung isn’t a fan, hence the hand removal,” You revealed.
Yunho winced, “You know about that too?”
“Oh my god, Yunho, yes! Geez.”
"Well, don't tell him you do. That would only upset him even more," Yunho pleaded.
Then it struck you; Wooyoung hadn't told anyone about fucking you. You didn’t have long to contemplate that fact because Yunho arrived in front of Wooyoung's place. Wooyoung opened the back door and threw himself into the back. “‘Sup losers.”
Yunho chatted happily with Wooyoung, who ignored you like he typically did. It all seemed like nothing had happened between you and Wooyoung. You were even more confused.
You weren’t the only one who was confused. It had been a few weeks since Wooyoung had fucked you and he still couldn't wrap his head around what the hell had happened. He kept replaying the night over and over in his head and it made him groan in frustration. How could he hate you so damn much but you simply adored him? It made him even more angry, actually.
What didn’t help you was that when the three of you entered Seonghwa’s place, San zoomed up to you, eager to show off his outfit. The tight, cropped vest that mimicked a bulletproof vest fit him wonderfully. You squeezed his arms in appreciation and San couldn't stop beaming from ear to ear. Wooyoung’s temper went from one to ten immediately. No one commented on his cross-chest straps or turtleneck sleeveless shirt. That’s it, he had enough.
“I fucked our favourite girl already,” Wooyoung announced very loudly. Jongho choked on the food he was eating. 
Seonghwa’s eyebrows puckered in confusion. “I thought you guys were having a Naruto marathon?”
Yunho looked dumb-struck. "I thought you hated her?”
“Wait, without me?” Yeosang demanded.
Mingi looked for clarification from Yeosang. “Are you asking without you for the sex or the marathon?” 
Wooyoung raised his chin stubbornly, “I do.”
“Then why fuck her?” San wondered.
You felt yourself sink into the cushions of Seonghwa’s couch. This was not how this party was supposed to go AT ALL. “Uh, do we really have to talk about this right now?”
Seonghwa looked at you in sympathy, “Wait, guys--!”
“So does that mean we all lost to Wooyoung?” Jongho brought up.
“Actually…” Yeosang chuckled, “About that…”
“No!” San shouted. “Yeosang?”
“He didn’t fuck her,” Wooyoung said smugly.
"So Wooyoung did win," Mingi looked hurt, as he usually did when he lost.
You stood up abruptly. "I'm gonna go!"
"Shit," Yunho cursed as they all watched you dash towards the front door. "Wooyoung!"
Seonghwa glared under a heavy brow. "Thanks a lot for ruining my party, Wooyoung."
Except Wooyoung wasn't paying attention to anyone but you. He felt empty; wasn't revenge supposed to be satisfying? He started walking after you, shaking off Jongho and San who tried to stop him.
Wooyoung busted through the door but you had simply slid against the wall opposite of it. Your head was on your arms, braced against your knees. Were you crying?
"Are you…okay?" Wooyoung asked tentatively.
Your head snapped up and you banged it against the wall behind you. "Wooyoung?"
Wooyoung's eyes were on the ceiling, avoiding your tear-streaked face. "I mean… I don't know why. You were perfectly fine with it when we fucked."
“I really didn’t think you were going to announce it to the boys when I was fucking there, Wooyoung!” You snapped.
That put Wooyoung on the defensive immediately. “It’s not like you didn’t know all of that already!”
“I’m sorry if I didn’t take well to you reaffirming with everyone that you fucking hate me!” You said, tears welling up once again. You dashed them away angrily.
Wooyoung’s stomach dipped. You really did like him. Wooyoung pushed a hand through his hair. “Well, you knew about that already too,” but with less venom in his voice than he had before.
“Why are you out here anyways? You wanna rub it in my face that I let you fuck me even though you can’t stand me? I would have thought that you would want to brag to everyone that I’m yours now and I’m addicted to your cock and how pathetic I am letting you fuck me even though I know that.”
Well, when you put it that way, suddenly Wooyoung’s hatred of you didn’t feel all that well founded. But he didn’t like the way you were making him feel right now. How was he the bad guy here when you were the one that was ruining their friend group? 
“This is stupid,” is all that Wooyoung could manage, sounding sulky even to his own damn ears. He kicked an imaginary rock.
“Yeah it is,” You said with a sigh. You stood up. “I’m leaving. Please don’t follow me. I really don’t want to be around you right now.”
Wooyoung watched you with dark eyes as you went down the hallway. He could already hear Yunho scolding him if he went back in there. And Seonghwa nagging him about his ruined party. The anger flared back in Wooyoung’s chest. No, he was not going to let you have the upper hand here.
Wooyoung walked angrily after you down the hallway, grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. “No. You go back in there and tell them that what we did was mutual! In fact, you tormented me even more so than I did to you. All your stupid heart eyes as I fucked you. Like that didn’t confuse the fuck out of me! No, you go back there and tell them that you loved me in spite of my feelings. You’re the one fucking all of this up. I was supposed to hate you!”
You stared up at Wooyoung, eyes wide. “What do you mean you were supposed to hate me?”
Wooyoung’s chest was heaving and the air passing through his throat burned but he was past the point of no return. “I don’t know anymore!” he yelled.
Now you were confused and hurt and angry. “Stop yelling at me!” You said, poking his chest angrily; the chest that you had licked and sucked and groped not only a few weeks ago.
Wooyoung frowned down at you. “Don’t touch me.”
“You put your hands on me first!” You shouted back.
“I’ll show you put my hands on you!” Wooyoung’s hands wrapped around your upper arms and pulled you adjacent to his body. 
Your eyes widened in surprise at the chubby poking through his leather pants and against your hip. He was… turned on right now? The fuck? “I’ll put my hands all over you,” Wooyoung said with a quiet threat. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You whimpered. You didn’t want this. Not again. Your heart was heavy but your body was reacting just like the first time. You were turned on by the heat of his anger, just as clearly as he was. "Fuck, Wooyoung."
Wooyoung leaned closer to your face. "So fucking desperate for me, aren't you?"
"Just shut up and kiss me already!" You said with some heat.
Wooyoung smirked. "I'm not the one desperate for your lips."
You smashed your lips against this, hungry for something you had thought you would never taste again. Wooyoung turned his head so that you had easier access to his mouth, which your tongue dipped into immediately. He tasted like the Amaro he had shot earlier but you didn't care; his kisses were always going to taste bitter to you because of the way he couldn't let his ego go and stop hating you. 
Now it was Wooyoung’s turn to swear. "Fuck, why do you always kiss me like you wanna dive into my mouth?" Not that he was going to admit that it made a feeling curl in his stomach, like he had taken a shot of something warm.
"Wooyoung, shut the fuck up for once!" You demanded and kissed him again, this time grabbing the back of his neck and bringing his mouth to yours once again.
By the time you were satisfied with his kisses, the two of you were panting in need, foreheads pressed together and barely letting your lips part for long. "Do I need to show you how much you're just as desperate for me?"
"Desperate my ass!" Wooyoung growled.
"Wooyoung, you were fucking pussy-drunk last time, don't even!" You huffed against his swollen lips.
Wooyoung bit down on those lips. "I did not." He wasn't going to speak on how that was the quickest he had come in a long time. He was just going to peg that on not getting off in a while.
"You are fucking ridiculous," You cursed softly under your breath.
Wooyoung took a deep breath and impulsively grabbed your hand. "We're going back to Seonghwa’s apartment."
You tugged back. "I'm not going back in there. And I'm certainly not going back in there with you."
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at you. "Yes you are. If you wanna fuck me, you will."
"Wooyoung!" You whined as Wooyoung pulled you but you didn't really put any resistance into it because you knew you had to have Wooyoung again. You had to have a piece of him that wanted you.
"Oh good you're back!" Yeosang said in relief.
"Did you two talk it out?" Yunho asked hopefully.
You walked past them all with an awkward smile. Wooyoung said nothing, simply snaking his way between everyone and down the hall.
"Where are they going?" Mingi whispered loudly.
"Oh no… Wooyoung, don't!" Seonghwa wailed.
Had Wooyoung taken others to Seonghwa’s room to fuck? you thought as you stared at his back. 
Wooyoung turned around after opening the bedroom door, but his eyes dropped stubbornly from yours. "Get on the bed. I don't want to look at you anymore."
"On all fours!" Wooyoung barked.
Your eyes never left his face as you passed by him until you had no choice but to remove them as you crawled onto Seonghwa’s bed. You were on your hands and knees when you heard the door close and felt the bed dip behind you.
"Shoulda took you like this the first time," Wooyoung grumbled. "Just like the whore you are. Tap you from behind so I don't have to deal with your stupid feelings."
Wooyoung flipped your skirt over the small of your back and pulled your tube top down. The harness was the only thing holding your clothes on your body. You were fully exposed in any way Wooyoung wanted. He continued to mutter about how stupid this was, all the while, brushing his fingers over your ass and down the outer lips of your pussy.
You turned your head so you could cast a glance back at the red haired man that made your heart clench. "You gonna admire my amazing body all night or are you gonna fuck me, Wooyoungie?" You poked at Wooyoung verbally.
Wooyoung recalled your pain kink, so he slapped your ass. "I'll do whatever I damn well want because you'll take it all, won't you?" He admired the red imprint of his hand on your ass cheek. 
You leaned down, folding your arms under your cheek and waved your ass invitingly. "Come on, Woo," You cooed. " 'member how good it was last time?"
Wooyoung rubbed his fingers over your entrance, slicking them up before inserting two fingers into you. He finger fucked you, enjoying the lewd noises that were coming from your lower half. Now this part he understood; your want for him was a given, as should everyone's. Wooyoung was desirable. Everyone should get wet for him.
You didn't want to come this way, stripped down only for him to play with you with his fingers. The only way to truly get to Wooyoung was to shove the facts in his face. Wooyoung needed to fuck you again and he needed to feel something for you, anything. You were sure the second time would do it. So you did the only thing you seemed to know how to: piss him off.
"Oh, San's shoulders felt so fucking good earlier! It's too bad he didn't want you to feel them, huh? I bet clinging to those shoulders while he drills into you is nice," You contemplated.
"You wanna be drilled into?" Wooyoung said through gritted teeth. 
His hands left your body and you could only assume he was about to do exactly what you wanted. 
Wooyoung slipped into you with next to no resistance. "Such a fucking easy lay, you whore." Once you felt Wooyoung’s hips flush with your ass, you smiled to yourself. "Only for you," You murmured under your breath.
"That's right, only for me," Wooyoung panted above you. He began to move in and out of you, sucking air through his teeth at the sensation. "They all want you but I'm the only one who gets access to this tight fucking pussy. You only want my dick even though you're the last thing I want to fuck."
"Fuuuuuck," You groaned as Wooyoung rubbed the spot inside of you that made you feel damn good.
"C'mere," Wooyoung grunted. He raised you upwards, your back against his chest, the harness digging into your skin. His hand wrapped around your throat, simply to hold you in place. The new angle pulled another moan from you. 
You swallowed desperately against Wooyoung's palm. His other hand curled around your hip, thrusting into you with small cries. "So--fucking--desperate--for--me!" He said between thrusts.
"Woo," You replied weakly.
Wooyoung’s other hand moved up your stomach from your hip to cup your breast. He rolled your nipple between his fingers, pinching and pulling. "Just for me," Wooyoung licked and sucked love bites along your shoulder, "Everyone should see that."
Your ass bounced against Wooyoung’s hips, your own body working against him now, desperate for him to give you exactly what you desired. "Wooyoungie," You whimpered.
"Stop that," Wooyoung said, his voice raw, "Don't call me that. Don't say it like that."
His hand tightened on your throat and you made gurgled noise as he restricted your airflow. "Just focus on coming undone on my cock, okay? No need for anything more than that."
You nodded, unable to voice an opinion properly. Just as Wooyoung picked up the pace, flexing his hips, the edges of your vision darkened. You whimpered, your pleasure sharpening. Wooyoung let your air pipe go. "Such a kinky whore," he growled.
He let you collapse back to the bed, choking and gasping in air. He focused everything on gripping your hips and fucking into you. Your hands gripped the sheets under you, pleasure making your hoarse throat cry out, higher and higher, until an orgasm ripped through you. "Wooyoung!" You screamed, unable to help yourself.
"Finally!" Wooyoung grunted. 
He had been barely holding on. Fucking you from behind, the flare of your ass from your waist, was a feast for him eyes. All your clothes limited to around your waist made his dick throb. It really was like you were made for him. Watching you fuck yourself on his dick had been his limit. You said his name with such vulnerability that it made his heart skip a beat and his throat tighten.
Wooyoung sloppily thrusted into you, slapped your ass again for good measure, making you whine loudly, already come down from the rough orgasm, and then he unloaded into you with a moan. He thrusted weakly, spurting so much inside of you, that when he pulled out of you, he spilled out of you. 
Wooyoung blinked wearily, well aware that he hadn't even bothered to touch himself after fucking you the last time. He didn't want to think about you looking up at him, his hands around your throat and your pussy clenching around him. So his cum dripping out of you was the culmination of denying himself of thoughts of you. He balanced on the balls of his feet until you woke him out of his orgasm-stupor.
"I…" You laughed weakly, "Help?" You had zero strength to put yourself in a more comfortable position. 
Wooyoung rolled his eyes but his hands were gentle, turning you over to your side. "You're useless," he muttered, collapsing beside you.
"Made you come, didn't I?" You fought back immediately but your snarl didn't come out half as mean as you intended. "A lot, by the feel of it."
Wooyoung was glad you didn't have any energy to lift your head because his cheeks heated up. "Just konk out and shut up, why don't you."
"I'm not sleeping in Seonghwa’s bed after you fucked me stupid in it!" You protested but ironically yawned after your statement.
Wooyoung turned on his side but your eyes were already closed. He flattened your skirt over your hips and pulled up your tube top the best he could. He knew someone would be in here to see what damage was wrought. He'd spare you flashing anyone you didn't willing want to. 
His hand print still peeked out from the skirt and your shoulders were still lined with his love bites. Wooyoung couldn't help but smile smugly to himself. At least if someone peeked in, they'd see that he had claimed you as his toy. 
Wooyoung fell asleep thinking about how he could use you to aid him to get what he wanted. Maybe even Yunho would be tempted…
Yunho was the only one brave enough to enter Seonghwa’s bedroom. Wooyoung hadn't locked the door, but it was more so, that everyone was worried about finding what had happened inside. Oddly enough, your head was tucked into Wooyoung’s chest and his arm was thrown around your waist to draw you closer to him. 
It might have been a little bit cute, if not for the fact that you had so many marks over your body that it was very clear of Wooyoung’s intent: mine. Which didn't make any fucking sense but Yunho didn't pretend to understand Wooyoung and his thought process.
Seonghwa entered behind him, using one hand to cover both of his eyes. "Tell me the good news first."
"She's not dead," Yunho stated sarcastically.
Seonghwa pfft-ed. "Of course she isn't. Wooyoung enjoys fucking with her too much."
"Or just plain fucking her," Yunho mused.
Seonghwa wrinkled his nose. "You aren't staring at them, are you?"
Yunho rolled his eyes. "Just get what you need and let them slink off in shame tomorrow morning."
Secretly, Yunho was hoping you had Wooyoung out of your system. He certainly did. Maybe you would call Yunho to pick you up in the morning, he'd take you to Starbucks and you'd let him put his hand on your thigh again. 
Because, even though this entire time you had been crushing on Wooyoung, Yunho had been crushing on you.
And the plot thickens.
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tamelee · 2 years
Can you do your drawings more the manga style? The others are fine but anime characters shouldn’t be drawn in a realistic style because it looks weird. Your art is good but maybe you can draw actors your one style and then anime for the other. I read you were practicing for the manga. Dont worry I want to read it! The thing about realism is that you cant represent a character factually in their true cultural foundation since it doesnt exist. The character doesnt exist. How can you draw Sasuke as a Japanese person and represent him as one in real life when you dont know what he looks like? Same with Naruto. This is no hate but just advice for your future career. I see many artist making mistakes like this and this is just a warning to prevent you from making it worse. I hope you can see it as such and not make a big deal out of it. I like your analysis’s though, keep up the good work have a nice day. Peace ✨
“Can you do your drawings more the manga style?”
No matter how much you try to formulate a question like this in order to make it sound “polite”, you don’t grasp the severity of the thing you’re “asking”. 
You’re asking an artist (in my case someone who’s practicing to become one professionally), to change their art-style. An art-style is something that belongs to a person. It’s something that develops and an artist can play around with it, but you (and anyone else) don’t get to decide how they should do that. 
It’s impossible, even if we "wanted to".
And quite rude. 
When I first started with commissions people always asked me to “draw me this like that artist does” and basically they always wanted a copy. It used to be so confusing to me, because if they wanted something that looked exactly like the other artist’s drawing.. then why ask me? Why tell me you “like my art so much”, come to me for a commission because of it, but then don’t want it the way I draw it?
It made me really insecure about the way I draw.. and it still does to be honest. 
“Copying” an artist’s art style can be a good way to practice art and figure out what you like, there is no shame in that, but it isn’t part of “us”. 
What do you even mean with “manga-style” anyway? You do realize that there is not one “manga-style” either right? Have you seen the ‘Naruto’ tribute drawings made by other Mangaka’s? They look very different from Kishimoto’s “manga-style”. 
Hirohiko Araki: 
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Mitsubishi Shimabukuro:
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Masanori Morita:
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Toshiaki Iwashiro:
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Kentaro Yabuki:
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Takeshi Obata:
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And these are only a few... (lmao to fan-artists getting criticized for slightly different facial proportions being part of their art-style when it's more than normal (in the Manga world), but ok.)
“The others are fine but anime characters shouldn’t be drawn in a realistic style because it looks weird.”
This statement in itself is ridiculous. Anime characters drawn (semi-)realistic-looking being “weird” regardless of how it’s drawn or by who, is your opinion. Your own personal opinion which is weird to send to someone. Meaning: your opinion is not factual. Now that, is not my opinion, that’s commonly accepted as a fact. 
Kishimoto himself drew his characters more "realistic" as well. 
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Not just him, but there is another Mangaka who did. 
“Dont worry I want to read it!”
I wasn’t.
“The thing about realism is that you cant represent a character factually in their true cultural foundation since it doesnt exist. The character doesnt exist. How can you draw Sasuke as a Japanese person and represent him as one in real life when you dont know what he looks like? Same with Naruto.” 
You talk like you have zero understanding of what “art” even means in the first place. 
I don’t even have to explain myself to you, but:
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.. these aren’t even all.. 
(Please guys, I’m aware of what is happening.. and yes I get them too. I’m not going to talk about other blogs, my blog isn’t a call-out blog, but this is going against my style specifically.. so here we are.) 
Adding “realism” is just an interpretation, a way to enrich the fictional fantasy of a character. It’s true that you can’t represent a character “factually in their true cultural foundation since it doesn’t exist” as you say. 
Because Konoha doesn’t exist. Ninja’s (from Naruto) don’t exist. 
Konoha isn’t an accurate representation of Japan and its culture either as Kishimoto is also influenced by different media from all over the world. His fantasy world in which this creation was born from exists, because it isn’t limited to one cultural region and it doesn’t have your personal boundaries. His childhood as far as we know was full with superheroes that were created from minds all over the world with super-powers that aren't tied to our realistic (cultural) representations. We can't manipulate Chakra like these characters do, now can we? 
That’s why it’s fiction. 
That’s why you’re right and also contradicting yourself because of it. 
Why the hell would I want to take the beauty out of something that not only entertains us, but perhaps even helped us cope or forget this dumb “real life” you talk about and bring it ‘back to Earth’ when the mouths that lick the asses of those that embrace this ‘cancel culture’-mentality so-lovingly want to steer us towards all these ‘problematic’ things they call “reality”. Seemingly: you.  
The beauty in art or fanart, fan work, fiction, fantasy is exactly that it does NOT have to represent anything exactly in real life, but it can be whatever the creator wants it to be. Interpretation is never the same for everyone. And frankly, you don’t have to agree with it. You can turn on your news-channels, discuss shit on Facebook or focus on something else if you want to see something that “represents your reality” and even then that’s questionable to say the least :’) 
Art, this platform, entertainment, humor or this story that exists from the mind of a man that somehow, someway came up with the most beautiful.. tragic, love story of all time, discussing it, getting lost in the charm or artistry that went behind in making it- it’s supposed to be fun. A way to escape that reality, but all this backlash and criticism towards not just fan-artists, but also fan fiction authors who do nothing, but share their works for free does not make it very attractive to do so. One day this fandom will die down, because of this, yet it doesn’t have to. 
People will always do what they love to do. 
Let them. 
“This is no hate but just advice for your future career. I see many artist making mistakes like this and this is just a warning to prevent you from making it worse.“
No, artists following your advice is the mistake. Uno reverse warning. 
Have fun on your journey drawing, writing or anything that you love to do. You’re the only one having access to your mind. In art specifically, there is not one art-style, it’s something you develop overtime through drawing the things you love drawing. Every time you’ll think to yourself “hey, I liked that, I want to incorporate that the next time I draw too!” It’ll build from there. 
“I hope you can see it as such and not make a big deal out of it.”
I hope you see the hypocrisy in this sentence. 
Have a nice day too. I left you a drawing. (It’s the latest one.) 
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GoTron Was Another Summer Best (another Summer yap session)
Let's start with one thing. I felt generous and tried to watch Rickdependence Spray. I turned it off after 10 seconds. In fact, I paused after I saw that horse breeder thing for longer than I watched the intro Tried watching the Thanksgiving episode which was, just fine. Although nothing Summer caught my eye. I did this to finish up Season 5 but it was not worth it
You know WHAT was worth it, though? And what a few of you guys recommended?
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'GoTron Jerrysis Rickvangelion'
I now see why this was recommended to me, and by the way it means a lot that most of you guys want me to write about Summer :3
It's almost Summer's episode, focused on her dynamic with Rick too and how it can clash with Morty
(FYI the wiki doesn't have a gallery for this episode I literally will rely on Google for this shit)
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Right from the start we see that Summer is basically Rick's right-hand man. I know many people have pointed out (and it's outright said) that Summer is enabling Rick's obsession, which is explained IN the episode and something I'll return to later. Part of this episode is not only her relationship with Rick but with herself. Morty sees this as some sort of sabotage when Rick goes with her opinion and sees Morty as sort of an enemy for not going with what he wanted
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She not only LITERALLY becomes a right-hand to the GoTron itself but oversees these Rick meetings instead of just hanging out with the other Summers. I mentioned the fact that Summer holds family in such a high regard. Whether or not they did this because this was also a Goodfellas parody, any good parody utilizes its characters purposefully, so I think it still works. There's also several lines where Summer talks about keeping the family close, and considering the blog I wrote about Rickmancing the Stone that mentions her being the glue that keeps the family together...yeah. When I say she's consistent and has a clear arc, it's because I managed to break her down and see the same attributes pop up here explicitly
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Rick congratulates Summer for being the one reason he's even doing this GoTron shit and calls her a queen (queef first tho). Considering Season 7 where he says Summer reminds him of Diane, every time he cherishes Summer it's very genuine and because of how special and important she is to him
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I know that the plot was hinging on Morty pointing out Summer being a negative influence but I still understood what she was going for. If my points sound hollow, it's because from now on I don't want to sound like a broken record whenever I mention the words 'Family' and 'Summer'
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Like I said I was not a fan of Naruto and the fact that this show says the phrase 'giant incest space baby' more than once, which no show should ever do. But when Summer talks about how lonely she feels, it felt fitting. Sure, it's a...gross incest baby, but Summer felt basic motherly instincts kick on. She also wanted him to escape from there because she knows about the literal feeling of being cooped up. Like...how often does Summer go out?
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With whatever friends she has she usually just stays inside. I am writing this AS I'M COOPED UP INSIDE AS PER USUAL I'D KILL SOMEONE TO GO OUT. The point being that avoiding this is something she actively does. That's why she was surprised her mom didn't originally want to use the GoTron Ferrets and why she kept enabling Rick. It's not an agenda, she just wants to bond more and go out more
However, I want to know - does this contradict 'Big Trouble in Little Sanchez'? I bring this up because it's an episode where they're supposed to be bonding and Summer is rational enough to know Rick is being harmed, yet everyone hates her for it. Why didn't Summer stop enabling Rick if it meant he would've been obsessed further? In that episode, it quite literally was killing Rick. Here, different universe versions of the Smith family come together as if to emphasize the point further. The actual issues were ones that Summer weren't aware of, but I just bring this up because no, this doesn't contradict any earlier episodes. Plus, Summer is obviously changing
Also, Summer's speech was fucking amazing. She mentions how lonely she feels in her OWN FAMILY because she has no one and went with Naruto, which is also temporary. She'll take any chance to bond with anyone
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To wrap this up - Summer's place in this episode IS the crux of the plot. The family is brought together in more ways than one, with the robots and alternate universes coming together. This also makes sense with Rick having Morty and Beth having Jerry 'naturally', so to speak. If these people have each other, who does Summer have?
Her family
And even if she doesn't have ONE person to always fall back on (as she tends to be around Rick AND Morty), she'll be the one that chooses to keep everyone together. What I said in 'Rickmancing the Stone' and the trilogy I analyzed was true, Summer is the glue that keeps the family together
oh also im gonna be making a blog on the voiceovarians and a theory on Night Summer so keep an eye out for that guys
Thanks for reading!! <3
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