#coloring still evades my brain though
amelia-yap · 1 year
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collab w/ @astertimberwolf! we did this all over the place lmao, but they mostly did the lineart and me with the coloring!!
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Dancing through the night
@incorrectly-quoting-mxtx here is the ficlet that resulted from your prompt marinating in my brain for the past two days. Thank you for the wait and the sweet words, I hope you like this!
If any of you have any ideas you'd like me to write, feel free to mention me in a post and I may write it if the inspiration gods bless me!
"Is there anything you can't do to perfection?" Wei Wuxian begins, a fond look in his eyes and a teasing smile on his lips as he and his husband walk into their inn suite. "I don't think there's anything you don't excel at!"
Lan Wangji's eyes color a light pink at that as he sits at the table, a pot of wine awaiting, courtesy of the innkeeper.
Though he is used to hearing such words left and right, praise an appanage of his reputation, his heart always stutters whenever Wei Wuxian sets on a tirade about how great his Hanguang-Jun is. The words flow so easily out of him, like he's laying out obvious facts that anybody would see, poorly pretending to be unaware of the effect he has on Lan Wangji. It hasn't been a rare occurence for the man to have to shut Wei Wuxian up with kisses - otherwise he would have gone on for hours, waxing poetic about his husband's everything.
However, tonight is going to go different.
"There is something." Lan Wangji responds, pouring a cup of wine for Wei Wuxian, who gratefully downs it before taking his seat on Lan Wangji's lap, arms coming to circle his neck loosely. The closeness is both comforting and electric, eyes locked lovingly.
"What could there be that the great, unparalleled Hanguang-Jun hasn't mastered yet?" Wei Wuxian asks, letting one of his hands cup Lan Wangji's face, thumb stroking his cheek.
"Oh?" Wei Wuxian feigns shock, "We cannot let such a simple skill evade someone as amazing as you, can we?"
Lan Wangji lets his hands caress over Wei Ying's thighs, parting robes. "Hm? What do you suggest?"
"Fortunately for you, I am an amazing dancer, and I can teach you!"
Before Lan Wangji can protest, Wei Wuxian pulls him up to his feet, and he has to catch himself out of the saccharine sweetness of having been held and holding his beloved before he falls flat on his face.
"We need music." Lan Wangji attempts a protest, though his hands come to rest around Wei Wuxian's slim waist nevertheless.
Wei Wuxian smiles, winding his arms around Lan Wangji again and begins humming a familiar tune, his voice melodious around the unspoken lyrics. He urges Lan Wangji to move, steps slow and close together, a simple sequence of moving together into an imaginary circle.
Lan Wangji's brows furrow in concentration, and Wei Wuxian finds the sight adorable enough to let a small giggle escape him before he leans to leave a butterfly kiss on the tip of his husband's nose. He stops humming to do it, and Lan Wangji stills, embarrassed.
"Wei Ying. The music."
"You know it too."
Lan Wangji wraps an arm around Wei Wuxian's waist, firmer, and fills up the tiny space between them. He picks up the song where Wei Ying left off, and tries to mirror the movements Wei Wuxian just showed him.
He thinks of the way he composed that song, how easily it had come to him and how difficult it had been for him to understand what he was feeling for this annoying, rule-breaking, intelligent, beautiful man that's now his companion for life.
He thinks of how he hummed this song thinking of him, when he was missing, when he wasn't himself, when he died.
He thinks of how he'd sang it as lullaby for A-Yuan.
He thinks of how it had been the first song Wei Ying played when he returned.
They move in tandem to their song, little circles around the wide room, and some time between gazing at his beloved like he hung the moon and the stars in the sky, and delighting in how easily he picked up those simple movements, Wei Wuxian joins in the duet.
They hum and dance like that for a while, unhurried, enjoying one another and the memories they had with their song, adding yet another one to cherish with Wangxian as a background melody.
One day, perhaps, they'd write a sequel.
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readersandtmnt · 1 year
Truth Serum
Ahhhh? Writing this took forever, and I rewrote it seven times. A little steamy in some parts. I wrote this with the beyverse turtles in mind, with mentions of characters that I know from 2003.
femreader because the princess nickname makes my brain go brrrr, but I can re-write it to be gender neutral when I'm ready to look at it again.
Word count: 4,474
TW: reader is drugged, use of needles, one line about adult magazines, handsy reader and Raph.
Classes had let out early the day you were taken, you remember walking to your apartment from the campus around noon. It was the middle of the day, sidewalks were bustling, your favorite turtle would be stopping by to escort you to work later that night. You were happy, happy enough to stop in front of a flower stand that you regularly passed on your way to and from school. The owner liked to keep a few red chrysanthemums aside for you, though you always hesitated to tell the owner why red was your favorite color. So distracted by the pretty blooms you didn't even notice the men dressed in black hiding behind a delivery van that was following you, that is you didn't notice until they grabbed you as you passed by a rather busy intersection. The men threw you into the bed of the van and your first thought was that it was the foot clan kidnapping you again. So far in your friendship with the turtles you had been kidnapped thrice now? Once by the Foot and twice by the Purple Dragons. Part of you was honestly relieved every time you were captured because it meant that your friends continued to evade the shadowy organization's grasp. Still it was kind of annoying. All of these thoughts died out in your head as you felt the pinch of a needle jab into your neck and all you knew was darkness.
The darkness turned into a blinding headache as you awoke, you grit your teeth against the pain, you knew the lights of the abandoned laboratory, the chains around your wrists and ankles. Finally blinking open your eyes you came face to face with a sneering scientist, you couldn't hear what he was saying over the ringing in your ears. But you suspected that he was asking a bunch of questions that you wouldn't have answered even before being drugged. The scratching of his voice wavered in and out of your auditory periphery as you looked around. You were chained onto a sort of X shaped thing, always good for a nice stretch, night had fallen, also amazing, it means that Raph would have noticed you were gone by now and Donnie should be tracking your position. A shock of pain bolts through you and your face is forcibly turned to the scientist in the white lab coat. He frowns, finally falling silent long enough for the ringing in your head to calm into a low buzz. Your eyes focus long enough to see the table next to you, you expected to see an array of knives, a taser, the usual torture gadgets but instead there was only a black cloth that seemed to cover something.
"Previous attempts at getting information did not work, so today we will be trying something a little more… drastic." The scientist walked around you, lifting the cloth to reveal a glowing blue syringe.
"Oh, wow, always wanted to try Zydrate." You joked before biting the inside of your cheek as another shock pulsed through your system. The lab coat chuckled.
"I must thank you for participating in our field test for this truth serum." The needle jabbed into your arm just as the door to the room broke down. The cold burn enveloped your arm as if you dipped it into a frozen lake, you could hear Raph calling out your name as the cold filled your lungs and every pump of your heart moved the icebergs that became your blood. Thankfully the burning cold melted into a chill as Raph dispatched the lab coat with ease just as his brothers entered the room. Everything in your head felt fuzzy, almost like a thin cloud of cotton candy formed around your senses.
"Don, they injected somthin' inta'er." The purple banded brother walked forward, taking the empty syringe from your arm.
"I'll run some tests when we get back to the lair." He did a quick check, noting how the limbic boundary (outer edge of the iris) was quickly turning a glowing blue color.
"Will she be okay?" Raph broke the chains that held you captive, moving quickly to catch you before you could fall to the floor. Standing was an issue for you at the moment. Along with everything else, you could barely focus on what was being said around you, as Raph's strong arm held you up with little to no problem. Donnie observed you with worried eyes.
"Until we figure out what it was that they injected into her, I can't say." You leaned against Raph's plastron, your head resting nicely against his shoulder.
"You're so handsome, Raphie." The words slurred past your lips as your eyes focused on Raph's face. "It's really hot when you get all protective." Silence swallowed the group as the turtles looked at you in absolute shock.
"I think they broke her brain or something, Don." Mikey was the first to recover, your vision blurs as you try to focus on Mikey, frowning at his insinuation.
"They did not." Raph's arm tightens around you keeping you from your attempt to stumble towards Mikey.
"Easy there Princess." You settled still pouting. Donnie grabbed your attention, softly calling your name.
"Can you tell us how you're feeling?"
"Feels like my blood was replaced with glacier water, and my brain's been wrapped in dryer lint." Donnie was about to open his mouth to ask another question when Leo stepped in.
"We can continue this back at the lair, but for now, can you walk?" The question was directed to you and testing out your still wobbly legs you shook your head grimacing. Leo nodded and looked at Raph. "You okay carrying her?" Mid question Raph had picked you up hooking your knees over his free arm. Your head swam with the sudden movement, eyes closing upon facing the wave of nausea.
"'m not trusting any of yous to do it." Your hands rested against his chest as you pushed your face against his shoulder. Without warning he took off running after his brothers. "It's okay, 'm not gonna drop yah." His words were low and warm against your ear.
"I know, I trust you with everything I have." You whispered, lips pressing against his shoulder, you felt the muscle jump at your action. "'m just a little dizzy right now."
You arrive at the lair without ceremony, Donnie quickly ushering Raph and you into his lab where he had you seated on an old exam chair. The lights were dimmed and the various machines buzzed and whirred in the room. Donnie ushered Raph out of the room and got to work drawing blood for samples. Conversation was light between you two, almost easier under the influence of the drug, as you said pretty much anything that came to mind, earning a few laughs from Dr. Don. It was a natural lull in the conversation, when your eyes moved over to some blueprints Don had up on the wall, it looked like some sort of laser or gun.
"Don, you know you're probably smart enough to find a way to just wipe out the entire human race, but I really like how you're kind and compassionate enough to not do that. Even though I really wouldn't blame you." Don hummed pulling a machine up to your head for a sort of brain scan as you spoke. "I really wish your brothers acknowledged just how- how good you are? Like not just smart, because everyone knows you're smart, but you're also so full of curiosity and ingenuity and the world would be such an amazing place if more people were like you and your brothers. I wish the world was better for you." Brown eyes regarded you softly as the scan continued mapping out brain activity.
"I know you do." He pulled the conversation away from whatever else you were wanting to say, bringing up some tests where he asked you to lie about what you saw and marked how the activity in your brain changed with each request.
"She said it was a truth serum." Donnie gathered his brothers in their kitchen, you were still in the lab, having fallen asleep while Don continued his tests. "Activity of her brain is consistent with the claim, the neural pathways of the brain connected to inhibitions have pretty much shut off, and all tests just support the hypothesis that the foot has developed an honest to goodness truth serum."
"So she's okay, right? she's just physically incapable of lying, or stopping herself from talking?" Mikey asked, his eyes moving from Don to Raph. Donnie rubbed a hand over his eyes.
"So far she seems okay, I just don't know how long it will last. Or the side effects associated with it." Mikey grinned, rubbing his hands together.
"Oh, shell yeah! This is going to be fun, we can ask her all sorts of questions. Like what her favorite pizza is, what flowers she likes, her favorite color, whether or not she's in love with Raph." Raph walloped Mikey in the arm.
"Shut it, we don't need to ask her anythin' Mikey."
"What, you're saying you already know everything about her?"
"What? No! Of course not! I'm just saying those are a bunch of stupid questions." Raph's hands curled into fists as he faced Mikey.
"You got any better questions?"
"She's awake." Leo's voice cut through the tension that Mikey was needling. All of the turtles attention turned to you as you slowly made your way out of the lab. Raph wanted to say you looked like a newborn deer with how unsteady you seemed. He quickly made his way over to you, helping you take a seat at the kitchen table, ignoring the looks from his brothers.
"You okay there, Princess?" You nod, taking one of his hands into your own, fingers softly tracing over the lines in his skin.
"I'm better now, I feel safer with you at least." Donnie, Mikey, and Leo exchange glances before taking their places at the table. Raph opted to stand, allowing you to study his hand as you pleased.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Leo asked you, casting his red banded brother an odd look.
"Classes ended around noon, probably because the professor still had a hangover, I picked up some flowers on my way back to the apartment, a few guys in black grabbed me at that busy intersection, the one where you guys fought the strange ooze fellow, I guess with so much going on no one noticed when they grabbed me, and I was thrown into the back of a van, I felt a needle go into my neck and lights out." You felt the muscles in Raph's arm ripple with anger and you let your fingers focus on massaging the meat of his palm and wrist. "When I came to, I was still super out of it, couldn't even recognize the english language, and that's when I was shot with the truth serum, and you all saved me almost immediately after that." You pause, looking around the table slowly. "I'm sorry for making you all worry." Raph awkwardly cleared his throat as you looked up at him, his lips parted but Leo interjected before he could speak.
"Did they ask you any questions?" You shook your head, gaze returning to the three fingered hand in yours.
"No, the lab coat just thanked me for participating in the trial. I did compare the drug to Zydrate, from Repo, but I don't think he's familiar with the movie."
"The first injection might have been something that would allow the truth serum to be more effective." Donnie muttered to himself. "I should see if I can replicate the formula, I could get started on an antidote just in case it lasts too long." You smile and nod.
"Yeah, I don't think I can work while under the influence of truth juice. It's hard enough dealing with a few of the customers without it, and I will get fired if I tell my boss they smell like rotten milk." Raph chuckles, his free hand resting on the back of your chair. Donnie nods before excusing himself to the lab. Leo also stands, ready to return to his meditation now that the situation has been mostly resolved.
"You're always welcome to stay here for as long as you need." He reassures you before excusing himself to the training room. Mikey wandered into the kitchen, after asking if you wanted anything. You still had Raph's hand captive with your own, fingers tracing over the hairline scars he gained from years of training and fights he's gotten into. Raph has always noticed how different your hands were to his, and now it seemed even more apparent. He had opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
"I've always loved your hands." He blinks, mouth closing around the emotion that he found himself afflicted with when he was with you.
"Yeah?" He flexed the tendons you were tracing over, taking a seat next to you.
"You're incredible, I've seen you punch through walls," the pads of your fingers dance over his knuckles, "rip through metal as if it were tissue paper," his eyes fixed on your face as you spoke focusing on the tilt of your lips, "so powerful, so strong, so gentle." He shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with your praise. "These hands have saved all of New York, several times over, your hands have saved me more times than I can count." You bring his hand up, pressing your lips to a scar that's long since faded. His breathing is shallow as he whispers your name. "I want to hold your hands more often, I want to be held by you more often." His free hand moves to the side of your face and you lean into the contact with a sigh, the back of his neck prickled and he became aware of just how exposed the two of you were sitting at the table near the kitchen.
"Come on," he pulled you up with him, making a short trip to the kitchen to grab you both water. Mikey couldn't help but snicker at the sight of your joined hands, Raph shot the younger brother a glare as he led you towards his room.
"Shut it Mikey."
"I wasn't going to say anything!" The youngest protested, a can of soda in his hand. Raph grunted in disbelief quickly getting you to his room.
"There, uh, there should still be some of your clothes here if you want to change." He gently detangles his hand from yours, setting the waters to the side of his bed. You couldn't even remember when or why it happened but Raph's bottom drawer had long been home to your things for when you would stay over, either voluntarily like for a movie or game marathon, or involuntarily like the one time you were being stalked by Hun for a week. "I'll be back soon, I'll see if I can get your bag." He watches you carefully as you step towards him, wrapping your arms around him as well as you could manage. Your lips pressed against his shoulder for the second time that night and he enclosed you in his arms, eyes closing as he pressed his nose to the top of your head. He was used to you being affectionate, in the years that you've known the turtles you were always comfortable with them, you've never once flinched away from what he was, who he was. He doesn't remember when it started but he found himself craving your touch, craving your hand on his, he looked forward to the movie nights where you would curl up against his side, the tv marathons where you would fall asleep using him as your pillow, all the times you would stay over, all the times you would call him over to stay a few hours with you when you couldn't sleep. He tightened his grip on you, inhaling your scent, feeling your pulse and warmth as you melt against him.
"I don't want you to go." Hands trailed from his waist up his shell to his shoulders as he pressed your face against his chest. He didn't want to go either, but no matter how he looked at it, you were still under the influence of a mind altering substance and if he didn't get a grip on himself...
"I'll be right back." He inhaled one last time letting out a long breath before moving you away one of his hands moving your hair from your face. "I'll be right back." You nod, hands clasped in front of you as you watch him walk out of his room. He shuts the door, leaning against it with a heavy breath. Collecting himself he headed out.
It wasn't long before he returned, your school bag miraculously untouched and with the chrysanthemums you had picked up before being kidnapped relatively no worse for wear. Don was headed back to the lab with a mug of fresh coffee when Raph stopped him.
"Did she say anything... weird to yah while you were checking her over?" Don looked over the rim of the mug, seeing the flowers and bag in Raph's hand.
"Nothing that she probably hasn't thought about saying a thousand times before. She did thank me for not murdering the entire human race." Raph chuckled at that.
"Yeah, I can see her givin’ ya props for that. Anything else?" Anything about me, he wanted to say.
"Well I was under the impression that the two of you were already dating, I was wrong apparently."
"Why would you think we were dating? Whadda'yah mean already?" Don gave Raph an unimpressed look.
"You get moody and irrational when you don't see or hear from her for more than 15 hours, she has hearts next to your name in her contact list, and when she wasn't at her apartment you were willing to tear all of New York City to the ground to look for her despite the fact that I have a subdural tracker on her. And the fact that she was the one who suggested having a subdural tracker installed so that if she were kidnapped, or running late, or out with friends you would know where she was?" Raph could only sheepishly rub the back of his head as all the evidence was put out in front of him.
"I just, it feels wrong asking anything of her when she doesn't have the ability to say no." Donnie rubbed his tired eyes.
"She can still say no, in fact it might be easier for her now since she doesn't have that worry of making people like her. Everything that she says or does right now are things that she's always wanted to say or do, but thought better of. Now if I can go back to work?" Raph sighs and nods.
"Yeah, uh, thanks Don." Donnie gives Raph a small wave as he heads back towards the lab, and Raph turns to go back to his room.
You had made yourself quite comfortable in his room, changing into an oversized t-shirt, and a pair of shorts. You had debated on just wearing a pair of underwear under the shirt, but that might be moving too fast, and you want Raph to feel as safe with you as you felt with him. You poked about his room while you waited, finding a few worn out nude magazines under his bed, a few comics that he claimed to outgrow, and your favorite book, the pages well worn and the spine broken in several places. You settled into his bed, hugging his pillow tightly as you settled with the book in hand, it wasn't long after that Raph entered.
He stood frozen in the doorway, you looked like a dream come true, the shirt sliding off your shoulder, the shorts that covered exactly what they had to and not much else, his pillow in your arms as you leaned against the headrest. He didn't even register the book in your hands as your eyes watched him, the blue glow standing out against the normal color, the glow seemed to twist a knife in his gut, as he's reminded of the drug. Shaking his head he places your bag and the flowers on his dresser, removing his own weapons and belt. You slip off the bed with this want to be close to him.
"You're gorgeous, Raphael." You whisper as your fingers trail over a design in his shell. Green eyes meet yours from over his shoulder as he slowly turns, letting your hand flow with the movement until your palm is resting against his chest. His hand raises to yours, keeping it against him as he watches you. "The first time I saw you, you took my breath away."
"You can't lie, can you." You shook your head, and he knew already, from what Don said and Raph trusted Don the most out of all his brothers.
"I can't lie, I can't stop myself from wanting to be close to you, needing to be close to you. But I will back off, the best I can, if you're uncomfortable." His hand tightens at the last part.
"No." He shakes his head. "I don' wan'cha to worry abou' me." He feels a little more in control of his heartbeat now. Now that he feels your own pulse in your wrist, and how it jumps with his words. "Jus' promise me you'll still feel the same way when the serum ain't in your head." You were pouting as you focused on his lips.
"I've been in love with you for three and a half years now, my feelings aren't going anywhere, I'm not going anywhere." Raph was never good with words, one of the things you loved about him, he was blunt and his actions always spoke for him. And they spoke now as he removed his mask, using the same hand to pull you closer, his eyes begging for an answer to the question he couldn't ask as he pressed his bare forehead to yours. "I've always been yours."
The kiss was clumsy, all teeth and lips as he pulled you against him, he moved his hands, one on your neck the other grasping at your back, balling the fabric of your shirt in his fist, you matched the energy, placing a hand on the back of his head so he wouldn't move too far away, the other grasping at his shoulder. With each parting of lips one of you moved to reconnect. He moves the two of you onto the bed, and you finally pull away as you feel his hand move to cup your ass.
"Raphael." He growls at the sound of his name on your lips. "I want you, all of you, but maybe not right now?" He takes a few deep breaths nodding at your words. "I want my first time to be in my apartment, with you. I have an entire outfit planned to seduce you and everything." He laughed at that, moving his hand up to rest on your waist. "And I really don't care if Mikey hears us, but I would be mortified if Master Splinter does, and I would rather not traumatize Donnie." He nuzzles your hair, pressing soft kisses to your forehead and crown.
"Okay, I waited this long, I can wait until you say it's okay." You hum, leaning against him.
"You are absolutely wonderful, and amazing, and I love you, and I know you somewhat feel the same, at least I hope you do because this would be really awkward if you didn't." Your rambling was cut short by his kisses.
"I love ya too."
The rest of the night continued with Raph holding you close, kissing you into silence when you compliment him too much, asking you questions that he always wanted to know. Finding out that you thought of him as the most attractive brother, you didn't really like pizza but would gladly eat it if it meant you could spend time with the guys. You stopped watching them train and spar because, in your own words, "You're too sexy when you fight and I didn't want to make you or your brothers uncomfortable with my ogling you when you're just trying to train." The conversation tapered down by mid morning, the lair was silent and your eyes were heavy. Raph's arm kept you tucked against his side as he curled himself around you.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why'da keep it to yerself for so long?" His voice was a low sleepy grumble and you nuzzled your face against his neck.
"At first I didn't tell you because I had no idea if you wanted a romantic partner, if you would even consider a human for a mate, and the fact that you gave no indication of finding me attractive," he tightened his hold on you at those words, "I didn't want to misread anything. Didn't want to put you in a position where you felt like you had to say yes. You're the type to put your happiness aside for your family and I wasn't sure how to approach you in a way that would put that fear at ease. So I hoped if you made the first move then it would be of your own volition." Your sentence was punctuated with yawns and sleepy kisses to his chin and throat. His churs easily put you to sleep, as he mulled your words over inside his head.
Evening rolled around and you were making everyone breakfast with Mikey, having spent a good hour in Don's lab per his request. Raph sat at the kitchen island, smiling as you fed him a slice of bacon or two, without Mikey noticing. You had the kettle boiling for Leo and Master Splinter's tea, and a pot of coffee ready for Donnie, who left his lab as you were preparing more batter for Mikey.
"I have good news." The purple banded terrapin announced, pouring himself another cup of coffee. "It looks like the serum is temporary, and should only last another day or two." You nod with a bright smile. "I would still like to study the after effects so I hope you won't mind coming down to the lair every day just so I can run a quick scan." You share a look with Raph.
"Sounds like another amazing plan to me." You take the plate of pancakes that Mikey finished making. "Oh, Don, do you know if it's possible for Raph and I to have children?"
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papermint-airplane · 7 months
Previously on The Non-Canon Just Because I Feel Like It Bachelor Challenge...
Seven contestants answered the casting call to join a Bachelor Challenge reality show. Once they arrived to the filming location, however, they were rendered unconscious by an unseen force while signing the standard reality show waiver, then abducted into parts unknown of OUTER SPACE!!! where they regained consciousness and were forced to sign a new waiver they weren't allowed to read.
Despite the fact that this show was now taking a decidedly different format than the one they signed up for, the girls decided to remain calm and proceed as if everything was perfectly normal. Well, some of them.
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Eleanor: Am I the only one weirded out by this?
Their mission was to compete in challenges to win the heart of Aiden Ayy, our alien bachelor. Unlike the contestants, Aiden never signed up for a reality show in the first place. Instead, he was abducted from his Earth home where he had been stranded for 18 years, and held captive in a separate pod from the women. Why was he chosen to be the bachelor in this reality show? Because...uh...because of rational non-petty reasons unrelated to any sort of deep-seated desire to see this particular man suffer.
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It's simply because he...uh...he looks good on camera. Yeah, that's it.
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See? The camera loves him.
Anyway. *cough*
The first challenge, a waffle-making contest, was held and the apparently-duplicitous Rose was the failure of the week.
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She was ejected from the house, but not before she could reveal her true colors as a spiteful sore loser who vowed to return and do whatever it took to win.
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Why does she want to win so badly? Does she care about Aiden at all or is defeating the competition and being declared the victor the only thing that matters to her?
Bailey, the challenge winner, became the first contestant to go on a one-on-one date with Aiden. The two, though awkward at first, began to hit it off with one another.
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That's when Bailey dropped the bombshell that she was still in love with her ex-boyfriend who she had been forbidden to see by her father. Bailey then tried to forfeit the competition but I, the all-powerful Watcher, refused to let her leave of her own volition. If anyone leaves this house, it's because I said they can, understand? That's how this show works, and don't any of you forget it!
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Bailey moped for a bit.
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Viridia slapped the shit out of Kitty.
The two events were unrelated, mind you, but it was hilarious. I just had to see it again. Sometimes, I just replay that part over and over again just to see the stupid look on her face.
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The next challenge began *cough* shortly afterwards, but there was something decidedly off about this one.
It soon became apparent that Rose, the thorn in my side she is, had somehow managed to evade my security measures and sneaked her way into my control room during my lunch break, locking me out in the process. For whatever lame-brained reason, she forced the contestants to ride a bull to prove their commitment to Aiden which is just so incredibly stupid to me. I mean what does riding a bull have to do with dating someone? Is this a sex thing? Is this a metaphor about taking charge in a relationship? Did any thought go into this whatsoever?
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Predictably, Kitty, the contestant with the largest proverbial stick lodged firmly up her proverbial ass, lost. Even though this challenge was not my idea, after valiantly wresting control of the competition from Rose (entirely off screen so you'll have to imagine how that went down) I decided that Kitty's loss was canon. Honestly, I just wanted to get rid of her. Her constant lectures on propriety were bringing down the whole vibe.
Bailey attempted to throw the competition yet again, but it was Kitty who was ultimately ejected from the house much to the delight of me, Viridia, and the viewing public at large.
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Speaking of Viridia, she was the winner of the challenge, and just as soon as I get this jerry-rigged satellite back into position to continue my pirate broadca--I mean, completely legitimate broadcast --she will be going on a one-on-one date with Aiden.
Where will the competition go from here? It's anyone's guess! Will the growing alliance between Eleanor and Bailey become an issue for me maintaining control of the house? Will Rose return to wreak havoc once again? Will Viridia blow out Aiden's eardrums when it's just the two of them in close proximity with each other? Will my devious machinations be revealed? Will the various intergalactic law enforcement agencies who have been keeping a keen eye on this completely legitimate broadcast finally locate the planet the hostages--I mean contestants are being held on? Will Tumblr stop messing up the format of my posts so the pictures are in the body of text instead of all clumped together at the top of the post?
Find out soon on...
The Non-Canon Just Because I Feel Like It Bachelor Challenge!
[Beginning] [Previous] [Next]
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gay-trashcan-cat · 9 months
how the fuck do you infuse so much personality into your doodles. are you pulling a fnaf and putting human souls in them?? if so, could you tell me how to do it?
ok first off, THANK YOU? got me going teehee blink blink face. Didn't expect to have an art question but I'm very glad, it's my first one so I'll answer to the best I can!
When it comes to personality in drawings (assuming your talking about characters), I often like to think about my characters as friends or someone you know. Often times I'm just saying to myself, "OH! Character would definitely react like this or say this!" (like how you would say your friend would do something unique only to them in a silly situation) Stepping into you characters' shoes or viewing them as a buddy can help you apply and do a bunch!
Though I do understand that you can know a ton about a character but still struggle on what to apply to a drawing with them in it!
There are a few things I tend to do and add when it comes to drawings!
First off is expression, putting some extra thought into expressions can really help add more to your character. Especially pushing expression! (Won't go too deep with expression because that's a whole other can of beans)
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My silly goofy cat is a real happy and loud guy, so a simple smile won't always cut it! Really pushing that joy and loudness helps add more to him as a character!
Another thing you may have noticed in the drawing is how I added some (very silly looking) arms to the surface he was near! This moves on to the next thing I often do. Body language! (Which could also be seen as, gesture/posing)
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Though relatively the same expression (note the eyes size difference makes the first doodle look more aware/awake, that just shows expression can change even with the slightest difference, this was accidental though), the change of the pose adds story to the character. The first drawing comes off as a more plain hello, while the second drawing adds more excitement and characterization to the goofy guy! As we see how he waves his hand quickly with joy while his left foot taps up with energy, most likely meeting up with a friend! All this movement also makes your characters look less stiff and lifeless.
I also like to add my own stylistic ways of movement or little reaction marks, I'm not too sure what to call them exactly tho (what I mean are the extra colored bits around the character below, they dont always need color though).
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This is just a nice way to add more flavor to a drawing! And you can always experiment, or mix and match to see what you like.
Another thing I do is try to imagine scenarios or scenes that would work well with what I have in mind. To get to that point I'm often writing it down or doing thumbnails and lil roughs before I actually make my sketches that I post (insider secrets right here!).
(Here's an example of my drafting process with poses and expressions for this ask I did a while ago, yes it is cursed so read at ur own cost❤ )
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Another thing would be textures, you often see me switching colors and brushes, even software's as I draw! that's why every doodle feels a little different, which I feel helps give off different ideas and emotions (or laziness who knows).
Some other factors that play into the "personality" of my drawings is the reactions, with cause and effect. Which has actions that make a new reaction for each character (or even object) that is exaggerated. Like someone making a disgusted face to someone vomiting, even a cat knocking a cup over, or a cat getting scared by a glass breaking (this could also just be a continuation of the last statement). Possibly even the IRS coming for you after evading your taxes and you having to jump out the window.
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I mainly use this for comics! But you could do this in a single drawing, I like to have a moment kind of frozen in place either after or in the middle of an action (sorta lets your brain imagine the in-betweens). Though when it comes to exaggerating your reactions or causes, it takes some practice and imagination, so don't be discouraged if it takes some trial and error to get the hand of it! Honestly I'm still practicing too.
Other things that help me put some more life into my drawings is well... life itself! lots of interactions, faces, and poses are based on things I've seen in real life, from watching people (while in the bushes).
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Though that isn't the only thing! I also use what I see in media, or photos! even some shows and movies, since there are so many good scenes or frames that can be used as great inspiration!
lastly, yes I do put human souls in my drawings, as well as sacrifice some squirrels here and there to my Elmo shrine, but thats not tooo important right?
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
Find something different to defend to the death. Like idk, a classic book or smth. Or a movie that was actually good and had cultural impact (not the Star Wars sequels, only the prequel and og trilogy had impact. The new shot is blatant milking from a capitalist shitstain company that would rather its employees die in their cars from starvation than give them a livable wage.) or maybe go take a literature class and learn abt subtext and themes, and narrative equivalencies, and be able to understand that real life affects fiction (1984) so logically, the reverse must be true. (literary tropes and monsters becoming mainstream, concepts and phrases from books becoming so commonplace nobody can even remember where they came from, a lot of things abt Sherlock Holmes and how so many things from that series of stories affected real life police and detectives and how they were perceived. these are all examples of fiction affecting reality and peoples perception of it.) you are being a clown for no reason. Take off the mcdonald shoes and put on your big girl ones.
What kinda fucking cocknozzle sits there and tells someone else that the thing they like ain't worth defending then shoots a fucking fat turd of a paragraph trying to explain why?
Yes, that's what I want. A fucking prick telling me the thing I love is bad because they don't fucking understand it.
Ya daffy fucking cunt. You probably don't know fucking dick about botany but that don't mean the kudzu that has been slowly choking the entirety of the fucking southern states of America suddenly isn't a fucking issue anymore because you don't understand what the flying fuck it is.
Things can mean many things to other people even though the point can evade you, and fuck me sideways, a lot of information looks like it evades those two brain cells you got knockin' around. Let's help you out by pointing you to a few metas since you can't seem to understand the cultural impact these movies may have had on some people: Musically Ben and Rey mirror one another.
Another music study on Ben and Rey's leitmotifs because John Williams don't fuck around and understood the fucking assignment.
Reylo is just reverse anidala and you can see this shit with your fucking eyes closed
Rey has a lot of fucking reasons to be absolutely fucking furious but chooses the high road and how we can all learn from that.
Rey and Ben are ying and yang.
They cover that topic a lot because it's not fucking subtle.
Kylo Ren and the five stages of grief
The color red is in The Last Jedi a lot and it's not fucking accidental.
More on the topic of blood and the color red used in these movies.
The trilogies are all metaphors for growing up.
The Force Bond was set up in The Force Awakens and it's really fucking obvious.
Another one.
And another one.
Many of these metas, specifically the force bond ones, were made well fucking before The Last Jedi came out if that tells you how fucking obvious the bond was going to be in the plot structure of these fucking movies moving forward.
You remember this scene?
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Yeah John Williams knew full fucking well reylo was gonna be a goddamn thing
Really fucking obvious Beauty and the Beast parallels.
Snoke is a dragon from ye olde fairytales.
The canto bight scene and it's cinematic parallels to My Fair Lady
Just to name a fucking few.
There are literal lists upon lists of these fucking metas on tumblr.
Listen, I could go fucking on there are countless metas floating around on this very fucking website that covers just... fucking everything dealing with The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.
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Not you Rise of Skywalker, we don't fucking talk about you.
These 2 movies alone gave us so much fucking content that even now 8 years after their release we can still dive in and catch new shit. That ain't fucking shallow you dense motherfucker.
Just because you watched these movies with your head rammed up your ass so fucking far you can only see shit doesn't mean they are shallow works with zero cultural impact. They don't mean dick To You. They mean quite a bit to many other people who ain't fucking stupid.
I may be a clown but you're a fucking joke.
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younganarchist · 2 years
I daydream a lot, but refuse to write them, because I get mad it's not perfect.
ANYWHO, here's this twisted wonderland world I have.
So far I have seven female oc's, one being a staff member. In this world Yuu is still present, but not as the mc of the world. Each character have their own story / love Intrests. These girls were saved from dire situations by a woman called Mistress Nadia, and in turn, she made a coven. (These are witches by the way, they aren't overly different was wizards in this world, but like, they also are? idk) Eventually, she sends them off to NRC in order to help the headmaster start a coed program. Here's our lovely girls. Also as an FYI, I'm so bad at last names, so no one has one lol.
(siren mer thing)
Unique Magic :
Shockwave -
Can feel soundwaves and manipulate them, works best when she's singing
Also specializes in volcal magic
Year : 2
Age : 18
Height : 5'8
Looks : medium light brown hair, piercing blue eyes, fangs, sharp features, scars
Siren Form : hair has blue throughout it, scales, muted blue tail with some green, pointed ears, fangs get sharper
Dress : grungy ish, can dress well if she feels like it, doesn't really give a shit though
Love Intrest(s) : Jade and Flyod Leech (They share her, nothing between the two) Azul Ashengrotto (enemies to lovers? bullies to lovers? rivals to lovers? idk theyre all just toxic and red flags)
Unique Magic :
Medusa's Gift -
Can turn someone into stone or make them freeze in place.
Fangs have venom
Year : 2
Age : 18
Height : 5 ' 6
Looks : tight curly hair, green at tips, fangs, mixed skin, scars, tattoos, green eyes, scars
Dress : pretty fashionable unless she's tried, then she just throws on whatever, sticks to darker and muted color pallets
Love Intrest(s) : Doesn't need a man when she has herself. Has Intrest in Kalim but definitely won't say anything for a VERY long time
(ram hybrid beast men thingy) (I have so many ram oc's why did I do this again)
Unique Magic :
Clouds -
Like Aries for Fairy Tail, can produce a Fluffy cloud
Specializes in Celestial Magic
Year : 3
Age : 19
Height : 5 ' 3
Looks : shoulder length hair, light ginger, curly, ram horns, ram tail, plus size, nice hips, stretch marks, freckles, chestnut eyes, bottom and top fang things (crocodile ones?)
Dress : a mix between lighter and darker aesthetics, really can't choose, pretty artsy / natural
Love Intrest(s) : Leona Kingscholar (Guy falls first, kinda slow burn)
(Vampire, will bite you bc she can)
Unique Magic :
Slowdown -
Time slows down when someone goes to attack, giving her time to evade
Specializes in Blood Magic
Year : 3
Age : Ancient
Height : 5'1
Looks : blonde hair, long, keeps it in pony tails a lot, red eyes, VERY sharp fangs
Dress : goth.
Love Intrest(s) : Lilia (Second Chance)
Unique Magic :
Year : 2
Age : 17
Height : 5'9
(uses She / They)
Looks : very pristine, long legs, afro, dark skin, heterochromia (green, brown)
Dress : should be in fashion school, drop dead gorgeous
Love Intrest(s) : None, they're ace
Unique Magic :
Flower Power -
Can grow flowers where she pleases, some even only exist with her magic, specializes in making one choke on them, like that one thing
Year : 2
Age : 17
Height : 5'5
Looks : wavy medium hair, hazel eyes, freckles (light) hip tattoo of flowers. definition of small but deadly
Dress : wears flower crowns a lot, sundresses, soft girl aesthetic
Love Intrest(s) : Cater Diamond / Trey Clover (Friends to Lovers)
Unique Magic :
Healers Delight - Can heal someone with the cost of her own energy.
Age : 30
Height : 5'2
Looks : flat dark hair, thin eyes, brown
Dress :
Likes : her culture
Dislikes :
Love Intrest(s) : None (Kinda)
I mainly focus on Nerissa, Celeste, and Clove at the moment, because it's all my brain wants to focus on, if anyone wants to know more about any of those three lmk.
Nerissa ? Red flag, just like her lovers
Celeste ? So sweet, "innocent" ig
Clove ? Looks like a sweet doll, would argue for hours
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sanguinescorpios · 3 years
I’d also like to submit to the dom George brain rot !! He is definitely so mean to you and degrades you for sure but of course you like to push his buttons and act like a brat and I just KNOW he won’t give in to your little games so he’s so monotone and just says “Stop that.” in the most bland voice ever not giving you the satisfaction or irritating him or getting under his skin so you have to constantly turn it up to try to get his attention. First it was brushing up against him in the most ‘innocent’ ways you could think of (pressing your ass against his crotch when trying to maneuver around the kitchen and saying a simple sorry and batting your eyelashes), nonchalantly talking back to him and rolling your eyes, playfully flirting with his friends, you even went as far as to send him scandalous texts, pictures, audios whenever he was busy. But just nothing seemed to work on him and break his facade he would either ignore it or sigh and say in a plain voice “I’m telling you to stop now, you won’t be happy later tonight if you keep up this attitude.” and of course you don’t listen. So I just know for his punishment he would heavily degrade you and say things like “God so fucking stupid for my cock you can’t just be a good girl and wait.” “The boys were wondering why I left so fast if only they knew I had a slutty little bitch I have to stuff full with my cock.” etc. I just know the punishment would either be having you sit in-between his legs while overstimulates you to no end and when you’re crying, begging him to stop because of how many times you’ve came he just says a simple “Awww, but isn’t this what you wanted? Stupid slut wanted to cum, yeah?” or he’ll either deny your orgasm for so long and he’ll make you beg HARD for it and even make you apologize for every bratty thing you did today; making you list them off and saying “I’m sorry sir.” of course the aftercare is great tho (bath, water, granola bars if need be) and he’s always checking your color during the punishment to make sure you’re doing good :)
OH my god I didn’t realize how much I wrote but 💀💀 as you can see I am a very heavy dom!George enthusiast and I hope this is enjoyable !! :D
anon that was a masterpiece you have put many new dom!george thoughts in this head of mine whew
george is a busy man; between twitch, youtube, and simply keeping up a social media presence, he has a lot on his plate. when it comes to teaching you a lesson, though, george has all the time in the world. despite this, he isn’t a fan of you wasting his time. riling him up when he’s working on a new code or editing a video, things you know take a lot of time for him.
he keeps his cool for the most part, telling you calmly and flatly to ‘stop that’ and ‘knock it off’, shooing you out of his office and trying to ignore the budding hard on in his pants. he holds himself back when you bat your eyelashes at him and give him that puppy dog gaze, telling you he’s too busy to give you the kind of attention you’re asking for. he turns away your lingering touches and kisses, refusing to give in to your obvious teasing.
when you go as far as to mention how “embarrassingly horny” he’s been to his two best friends on a discord call, george decides he’s finally had enough. he can’t take it anymore, can’t let you keep distracting him by acting like a little whore around the house and certainly can’t let you act that way around his friends. so, he does what you do best: edge.
he has you in between his legs on his bed, staring into the full length mirror on the opposite wall. one arm holds you against him tightly while the other circles where you need him most at a menacingly slow pace. you’ve been stripped down to nothing and he’s still fully clothed, holding yet another bit of power over you. he keeps you there for hours, forcing you to watch as he brings you to the brink of an orgasm with just his hands and then pulls away completely, over and over again.
“what? little slut can’t handle a taste of their own medicine?” he’d sneer as you plead for him to let you cum, bucking up into his touch and letting tears fall from your eyes. “say sorry and maybe i’ll consider letting you cum.”
and you would, blubbering out a string of apologies and trying your hardest to remember every bad thing you’d done over the past week. anything to get him to forgive you, anything to get your release.
even then, even after your earnest apology he wouldn’t let you cum. he’d leave you high and dry, rolling you off of him and walking out the door, ordering you to not touch yourself just before he left.
of course he’d give in eventually, not able to evade those innocent eyes forever, but for the time being you’d left george feeling even more in charge than he was before your teasing. quite frankly, you weren’t complaining.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 13
A/N: ayyyy, lucky number 13! a lot of stuff goes down in this chapter, but you guys will be getting part of the resolution!! this isn’t the end though, there are two chapters left in the story! Oh also my pal Jack made a spotify playlist for this series, and all the songs on it work so well and absolutely slap!!
Warnings: possession, manipulation, swordfight, self-worth issues, violence, choking (not in the *wink* way stop it it’s meant to be angsty), kissing, hugs
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost 
Scott didn’t know where he was. It was like he was standing in the Void, but there was something more off about the pitch black landscape than usual. It was tinted red, somehow. There was a deep crimson color that permeated the air, a thick fog that threatened to choke Scott- and then he saw him. It was- it was himself, sort of. The figure before him looked exactly like Scott, but something was definitely off. First was the color scheme of his clothing- red and black instead of the cyan and white of his empire. Then, most glaringly, was his eyes. Deep red, just like the corruption in Scott’s arm. And when he put a hand on the hilt of the dark blade strapped to his side and grinned, Scott saw far too sharp teeth.
“Who are you?!” Scott demanded, instinctively reaching for his sword and pleasantly surprised to find it sheathed at his side- he hadn’t remembered it being there before. The red version himself somehow managed to grin wider.
“A small part of a larger plan. He will be pleased to know I have you under my control,” the red Scott taunted. Scott’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“He? What plan, what are you talking about?” Scott asked, and the red version of himself laughed.
“So you don’t remember yet… that explains why you were so easy to defeat,” he taunted. Scott grit his teeth and drew his sword.
“You haven’t defeated me yet,” Scott growled. The red Scott only laughed, before lunging at Scott faster than he thought was possible. He blocked the incoming blow just in time, trying to push the red version of himself back.
“I won’t be as easy to defeat as your pathetic little fish boy,” the red Scott sneered.
“He isn’t mine,” Scott protested through gritted teeth before managing to push his other self back. He slashed at the red Scott, who easily sidestepped the attack.
“Oh you definitely made sure of that, didn’t you?” the red Scott scoffed. Scott’s attacks faltered, and his other self took the opening. Scott managed to evade most of the blow, but he was stumbling and unsteady now, and the edge of the red Scott’s blade ended up cutting his arm.
“This- this isn’t even about him,” Scott protested, but his voice came out weaker than he meant it to.
“But you can’t resist thinking about him anyway, can’t you? I’ve been in your head, Scott. No matter how hard you try, that fool in a cod head can’t escape your attention. But you ruined everything you could have had with him before it had barely begun,” the red Scott taunted, continuing to strike at Scott, and he could barely block the blows as he continued to speak.
“Stop,” Scott managed to get out, choking back a sob as he tried to continue fighting his other self.
“He was an Icarus, and you were his sun. He got too close and you burned him, Scott. Everything that you touch crashes and burns, so why not give in? Why not let me take the reins- certainly things would be better without you,” the red Scott crooned, and he didn’t even need to raise a sword to send Scott reeling. Before he knew what he was doing, he lowered his sword, and the red fog started closing in, becoming tangible and wrapping around Scott, pinning his arms to his sides.
“Wait- no!” Scott cried, trying to struggle against the strange red substance, but it was too late. It had Scott firmly in its clutches, and the red Scott grinned.
“Goodbye, Scott,” he said with a cackle, and the last thing Scott saw was a blade slashing towards him.
It had at most been a few hours since they had locked Jimmy away with Scott when he woke up. Scott sat bolt upright in bed, chest heaving as he accidentally dislodged Jimmy’s hand from his own. Jimmy reached out for his hand again, but froze when he saw Scott’s eyes. They were red. Jimmy knew what he had to do- he had to tell the others that Scott had lost to the corruption. But Jimmy still couldn’t find it in himself to give up on Scott. So he sat there, frozen as he watched Scott catch his breath, eyes blood red and the corruption visibly pulsing beneath his skin.
“Scott?” Jimmy asked softly, still foolishly clinging to hope. Scott’s head snapped to him, and with a growl he lunged at Jimmy. He successfully tackled him to the ground, hands around his throat. A horrible choked noise escaped Jimmy’s lips as he clawed at Scott’s hands, struggling to breathe. He couldn’t even call out to his friends if he wanted to, and he felt his vision already darkening at the edges. His friends had been right, and all Jimmy could think about was how he would never see Scott’s brilliant icy blue eyes again.
Suddenly there was a bright purple flash between them. Gem’s crystal! It seemed to have worked, causing Scott to scramble off of Jimmy and hiss in pain. Jimmy rubbed at his throat, his other hand up placatingly as he gave Scott a pleading expression. But there was no recognition in Scott’s now crimson eyes, just fiery anger. He lunged at Jimmy again, despite the crystal around his neck, and the two of them grappled for control. The crystal still glowed brightly, causing Scott to hiss in pain, but he still kept coming after Jimmy, trying to pin him down and get a grip on his throat again. Jimmy had to get away, he had to call for help. He managed to shove Scott off of him, and scramble to his feet- but Scott got up just as quickly. There was a brief moment of stillness, of both of them catching their breath. But the second Jimmy tried to make a break for the hidden door, Scott’s wings suddenly drew back and snapped closed on Jimmy’s head, causing his ears to ring and his vision to blur from the blow. He fell to his knees, blinking rapidly to try and get his vision to clear. He vaguely registered a blur of white and blue lunging at him and fully tackling him down to the ground. He tried to push Scott off of him again, but his wrists were snatched up and forcefully pinned on either side of his head.
The ringing in Jimmy’s ears finally ceased and his vision cleared to see Scott above him with a manic, victorious grin on his face. And well… Jimmy got an idea. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea- but Scott had him pinned, and his face was inches away from Jimmy. He couldn’t help but think of the first time they fought like this- and that felt like centuries ago, now. Except that time Jimmy didn’t think either of them wanted the other to die. But here Scott was, trying to kill Jimmy… and there was only thing Jimmy could think of to maybe unbalance Scott. So he lunged up, eyes squeezed shut as he crushed his lips against Scott’s. If he had kept his eyes open, he would have seen the red in Scott’s eyes flicker before they fluttered shut, and the corruption slowly seep out of his skin. But Jimmy was too focused on the way Scott kissed him back, hands releasing his wrists to instead cup his face and run through his hair. Jimmy almost got lost in the kiss- in Scott's small gasp paired with a pleasant shiver as Jimmy’s hands brushed the base of his wings when his arms wrapped around him, in how Scott kissed him as desperate as a man fighting not to drown- but then Jimmy remembered the reason he had kissed Scott in the first place. He neatly flipped them over, breaking the kiss and grabbing Scott’s hands, intending to pin him like he had done to Jimmy- but then he saw Scott’s eyes. They were confused and disorientated, but were the icy blue shade that Jimmy knew so well.
"You could at least take me out to dinner first before you pin me like that," he joked weakly. Jimmy let out a mildly hysterical laugh. He scrambled off of Scott to instead pull him into his lap and hug him tightly.
"You're okay!" he said in a gasp. Scott slowly hugged him back, expression twisted with confusion and disbelief.
“I- you- did you- but I thought I was dead... so- what? How?” Scott asked, looking like his brain was going a million miles a minute.
“That corruption in your skin- we did everything to try and stop it or remove it, but nothing was working- and it was up to you to fight it off and you almost didn’t- but of course you did in the end, you’re- you’re you…” Jimmy trailed off, pausing for only a brief moment before gently cradling Scott’s jaw and pulling him into a kiss. Scott kissed him back for half a second, before pulling back with wide eyes. Jimmy’s stomach started turning nervously, and he drew his hand back from Scott’s face.
“Why are you- you kissed me? And still want to kiss me? Why?” he asked in disbelief. Jimmy laughed nervously.
“I uh. I got carried away, huh? I just- I was so relieved you were alive, and that you were… you. And the first time I was just trying to throw you off, but I guess that was the final push you needed to fight back,” Jimmy explained sheepishly. Scott still looked hopelessly lost.
“But- but I betrayed you. And I just tried to kill you!” he protested.
“You weren’t yourself,” Jimmy said softly.
“But I was when I was working with Fwhip! You- you shouldn’t want to do anything to do with me- you said so yourself!” he continued, tears gathering in his eyes. Jimmy took Scott’s hands, squeezing them gently as he looked at Scott right in the eyes.
“Scott. I should have listened to you when you tried to tell me that you cared, and I should have believed you when you told me that you were only trying to protect me. I’m sorry for pushing you away, Scott,” Jimmy said firmly. Scott still looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he didn’t pull away from Jimmy.
“But- but I wouldn’t have even gotten feelings for you if Fwhip hadn’t told me to keep an eye on you,” Scott protested weakly. Jimmy pondered this for a moment, gaze darting away before looking back to Scott with a softly determined expression.
“When did you first realize you had feelings for me?” he asked. Scott blinked in surprise at the question, and he swallowed nervously before answering.
“It was the day I had stolen the slimeball from you. You- you chased after me, grinning like an idiot and the scales on your stupid cod head were glinting like bronze in the sunlight… you- you were irrevocably radiant, and I realized I didn’t want a world without your smile or laugh in it,” Scott confessed softly. Jimmy grinned, heart soaring.
“That was when I realized it too. And if we’ve both cared about each other for that long… then what’s the point in getting fussed over the reason why?” Jimmy replied. Scott let out a sound that was half laugh, half sob as he abruptly leaned forward and hugged Jimmy tightly. Jimmy hugged him back, running a hand through rustled feathers and smoothing them out.
“I’m so sorry for everything, I know it wasn’t all my fault- but the explosion, everything before that…” Scott trailed off into sobs. Jimmy shifted, pressing a kiss to his hair.
“It’s alright, I promise you it’s alright- that you’re alright, and that we’re alright. I forgive you, it wasn’t your fault,” Jimmy murmured, holding Scott as he cried. Eventually the tears subsided, and Scott’s breathing evened out. Jimmy shifted slightly so that he could look Scott in the eyes- even if at first, that movement earned him a slight pout. Jimmy chuckled at the sight of it.
“Can we try that first kiss again? It keeps getting interrupted by silly things like trying to save each others’ lives and self-doubt,” he asked with a cocky grin. Scott laughed.
“I think I kind of like having you alive, Jimmy,” Scott said between laughs.
“Could’ve fooled me,” Jimmy teased with a grin, easily falling back into their playful banter. Scott smirked, leaning in until he was a mere breath away from Jimmy. Jimmy’s heart rate spiked very quickly, and at this rate maybe Scott was still trying to kill him. Not that Jimmy was exactly complaining if this was the way he went out, a handsome winged elf in his lap looking at him like he was the world.
“Shut up and kiss me, you idiot,” Scott murmured.
“Gladly,” Jimmy breathed out, before closing the little distance between them. It was fireworks behind Jimmy’s eyes, flowers blooming in his chest, it was sunlight and glittering gold- but most importantly it was Scott, alive and himself, safe in Jimmy’s arms.
Taglists below! Let me know if you wanna be added/removed!
MCYT General Fic Taglist: @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @space-ace123 @vyeoh 
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p---ink · 3 years
What’s On Your Mind?
Author’s Note: Hi :) Remember me? I’ve missed you guys, and Tumblr altogether. I felt absolutely guilty about not writing, but the writer’s block was strong on this one guys. And while I’ve had lots of ideas for stories I couldn't quite put them onto paper...or screen. Anyway, wanted to try something new. So this one is about a Thor! I dedicate this one to you @swaggysposts​ since I know you love Chris Hemsworth. Its pretty short, but still, tell me what you think, my love! 
Summary: Avenger reader has a crush on the god of thunder.
Warnings: some lite language and fluff. 
Word Count: 4.7k
Part Two   Part Three
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“I’m sorry? Did I hear that right? You said you can what?” Mr. Stark asked, without a doubt forgetting that there were stranger things in the world. 
Clearing my voice, and speaking a bit louder I say, “I can read minds, sir.”
“That’s what I thought you said.” Stark voiced out loud placing a sleek pair of sunglasses on his face. He was still pretty skeptical of my claims, but another part of him was very anxious. Or would the word be embarrassed? Mortified? Yes that was definitely the perfect description.
Whatever the feeling was, I knew the cause was because he knew that if what I was saying was true, he would have to start groveling because of the dirty thoughts that raced through his mind when we first introduced ourselves.  
‘Forgive me for looking Pepper, but this girl has the ass of a professional volleyball player’ was what he thought as he opened the door for me on the way in.
“I can’t hear what you’re thinking though, because It only works through touch.” I lie, as I watch his worry fade away. I needed this job, and I couldn’t be disqualified because of harmless thoughts that we could all be guilty of sometimes. Besides it wasn’t Tony’s fault: these jeans did do wonders for my bottom. 
Something told me though, that if this Pepper weren’t in the picture, he’d have no problem saying what he thought of me out loud. And he was a handsome man, couldn’t be much older than 40, so maybe in another universe I’d consider him. Not this one though. 
“Hey Kid,” Stark started, interrupting my own inappropriate thoughts, “just saying ‘I can read minds’, wont be enough. You’ll have to prove it.”
“Of course! Sorry—” I was cut short by the sound of the thick glass doors of the conference room being slammed against the walls. 
A brown haired boy with deep chestnut eyes, that looked as frantic as the rest of his face, rushed out apology after apology as he took his seat next to the older man. 
Tony, who hadn’t spared the younger boy a glance, said, “Ah, perfect. Tell me what he’s thinking.”
‘Spiderling’ was the name he had assigned him through thought. As I concentrated on his confused features, he looked from me to Stark.
“What who’s thinking? Is Dad—I mean Mr. Stark, referring to me? How could she possibly do that? Oh God, he hasn’t said a word to me since I got here. He must be really upset because I’m late. Geez, I hope he doesn’t take Karen again. I’d rather he kill me.” I repeated, after relaying all of the boy’s thoughts as fast as he could think them. 
“Is she right?” Tony asked the boy. He felt both amazed and amused. Amazed with me, and amused by Spiderling for thinking of him as a dad. He would never let him live that one down. 
After swallowing his astonishment, and turning his attention from me, Spiderling answered “Yes.”
“Good. And at least we both agree on your punishment. I’d rather kill you, too. Saves me less trouble in the future.” Tony stated. He was punishing him because apparently this was the third time he’s been late to the interviews he was supposed to be in charge of. 
Spiderling let alarm overtake his features, but before he could say anything, Tony continued on with more questions. 
“Do you have any other skills, we should know about?”
“Well just a bit of hand to hand combat. But it still needs a lot of work. Other than that no—”
“How did this happen?” Spiderling interrupted, wonder getting the best of him.
“Kid,” Tony starts, but he goes ignored by Spiderling. 
“Were you bitten by some kind of radioactive insect like me? Or are you super smart like Mr. Stark? Or perhaps it was gamma radiation like Dr. Banner! Or maybe a super serum like Mr. Rogers!—”
“Don’t make me remove your batteries, junior!” Tony interrupted, then he looked to me. “I’m sorry. He’ll keep going if you don’t nip it in the bud early.”
But he didn’t have to tell me that. His own mind, like Spiderling’s, was racing a mile a minute. 
“No its fine really. He’s just curious.” I reply with a chuckle. “And to answer your question Spiderling: maybe I was born with it, or maybe its Maybeline.”
I began to grow embarrassed by their silence at my terrible joke, until Spiderling stifled a chuckle. “I get it!” He said between snickers. “Wait why’d you call me Spiderling?” He asked. ‘Is she picking on me?’ He thought. 
Needing to correct his thoughts to clear up any offense I say, “No! I would never pick on you, I just thought that was your name because Mr.—”
“Y/N, was it?” Tony interrupts, yet again. “I think you’d make an excellent addition to our team! When can you start?” 
“Really?” I ask gleaming, ignoring the fact that he wanted me to shut for outing what he really thought of his younger protégé. “I can start right away! Thank you so much for this opportunity!”
“Yeah, don’t mention it.” He hurried. “F.R.I.DAY, will prepare your room, and Peter here will show you around.”
At that Peter hopped to his feet mind racing with thoughts of excitement on the hopes of a future friendship. “Follow me!” He said, grabbing my hand.
“Not so fast, champ. I need to speak with Ms. L/N alone for a moment.” Tony stated, nodding at Peter as he excused himself from the room. 
Tony cleared his throat, and relayed his thoughts, thoughts that were hard to separate from Peter’s louder ones earlier. “So Y/N,” He started towards me, leaning in close as he chose his words carefully. “I couldn’t help but notice, that you didn’t need to touch Parker nor I to read our thoughts. Care to explain?”
Flustered at being caught I stumble across my words as I try to explain, “Ah yes, well its rare, but sometimes I don’t need to touch the person.”
“Mmm.” Tony hummed, not believing a word I said, and I knew then the gig was up.
Cocking my head, and wearing a semi-sympathetic expression I say, “Don’t worry. I don’t even know who Pepper is.” 
And before Stark could protest, I ran to Peter’s side, so we could begin the tour around my new home. 
That was all a little over eight months ago. And so much had changed now. Peter’s hopes became true. We were the best of friends. His boy-like charm never grew old to me, and nor did my gifts to him.
“Cerulean” I’d say, when he’d think things like ‘What’s your favorite color?’. He always thought questions like that as a sort of game. I never got tired of playing along. 
It seemed to never click in his mind though that he could never scare or surprise me when he hid behind corners or couches, because I could hear his thoughts before he got the chance to. 
But besides the little stunts he’d try to pull by hiding his thoughts in order to frighten me, Peter was as transparent as they were. The boy was an open book, and he rarely kept a secret. It made us perfect friends, because he never seemed to get tired of me knowing every single detail about him. 
Though the other avengers treated me like family, Peter seemed to be the only one welcoming of my “gift”. 
If you asked Steve, he’d think something along the lines of “I’m too old for this shit” when I’d answer questions he hadn’t had the chance to ask. Then he’d immediately curse himself, for thinking a swear word when I’d tease him with one of the team’s inside jokes, like “language.”
Bucky tried his hardest to keep his thoughts in a vault, but it never worked. I knew exactly how many dead bodies he had under his belt, and where he kept his hidden stash of plums. 
Natasha, however, never tried to hide her kill count. She always made it a point to up the number by one as a threat to me, every time I accidentally crept inside her head. I always made it a point to keep my distance whenever she was deep in reflection.
Banner was interesting. His mind had two voices of course, and neither one of them gave a shit about whether I heard them or not. There were the deep thoughts that I struggled to understand most of the time, then others were one-word sentences only. They were louder than the rational side of his brain. 
“La, la, la, la, la”, was literally all that Sam would think whenever there was something he wanted to hide. Sometimes he’d do it just to piss me off, because he knew if I said to ‘knock it off’, he could accuse me of evading his thoughts in the first place. 
In truth, I never tried to read what they were thinking. I found the process invasive, and distracting from my own feelings. I worked hard to shut it all out, doing my best to make truth of that lie I told Stark all those months ago. But it was very draining, and took more energy than my body could exert. One person was easy enough to ignore, but more than ten, proved to be a task.
Most of my entire life I spent working in order to shut out all of the world around me. I avoided crowds whenever I could, blasted my music through my headphones whenever I couldn’t, and made sure to drug my body heavily with painkillers and vitamins whenever the last two weren’t options. 
It was so much work just to go out into the world. So much work until I met him. 
The son of Odin was the only person whose thoughts I would pay to hear. Coincidentally, he was also the only person who’s thoughts I couldn’t read. I could never hear him, I would only ever feel him. He radiated a rare intensity I had never felt before. His thoughts, or should I say feelings, even managed to drown out all of those around him. I had no choice but to focus on him whenever he was around. 
When I was with him, he literally clouded my brain. I didn’t have to work to shut him or the others out. He did it for me. 
I usually thought that was refreshing. But in the time I grew to know him, I found it mostly frustrating at times. 
You could say I liked him, but that would be putting it lightly. 
Liking someone for me, was a rare luxury. My crushes were always narrowed down to celebrities, and other people who didn’t know I existed. 
It was a pain to date people whose thoughts about you were always on display.
And if you thought dating was hard as a telepath, try having sex. Imagine being able to hear all of your partner’s most inner thoughts about the faces you make when you cum, or discovering that you have a small birthmark on your ass that you would otherwise know nothing about. 
Yeah, it wasn’t the greatest experience.  
I had never experienced the actual joys of feelings for someone, and wondering if they liked me back. Thor was my first. And chances are, he would never feel the same way. 
He was a literal god, and he lived up to that fact. I was just an average Midgardian, with a silly school-girl crush. It would never happen. 
Silly thing that Fate was. She had to make the only man I found irresistible, unattainable too. What a bitch. 
“Hey. Are you ready?” Natasha asked referring to our daily training. 
“Yes, what’s on the agenda today?” I ask, a bit confused that she isn’t in her workout attire. 
“Well you’ll h–”
“What? Why?” I squeak, before she can finish her thought…well before she can finish her sentence. According to her thoughts, I’d now be training with Odinson.
“I think you’ve graduated from me, kiddo. You can read my thoughts fast enough to predict as well as react to all of my oncoming moves.” Natasha relayed, a hint of sadness detectable through her words. Though she behaved like an older sister to me, she would miss throwing me around on the mat. “We’ll have to see how you do against someone whose actions you can’t predict, just in case that problem comes up out in the field.” She informed me while walking away, before I could confront her. 
“Can’t it be someone else?” I yell to her, but she doesn’t answer. 
“You wound me, Y/N.” That deep familiar voice bellowed from behind me. “And here I thought you enjoyed my company.”
Oh you have no idea, I thought to myself, as I spun on my feet to face him. I craned my neck to peer up at his eyes. One was a pretty hazel, while the other a deep blue. Cerulean. Funny how he’s the reason I’ve grown so fond of the color after all of these months.
“It’s not that I don’t like you. I just don’t think its fair is all. You know? With you being a god.”
“You’re worried you won’t be able to handle me? Do not fret. I wouldn’t dream of giving you more than you could handle.” He said, wiggling his brows suggestively, while flashing a smile. I suppose I failed to mention that he was a massive flirt that could put even Tony Stark to shame. “I promise to take it easy on you.” He furthered, smirking and winking his hazel orb.
“Why do I feel like your idea of taking it easy is vastly different from mine.” I say, trying to settle the butterflies. 
“Whatever you’ve heard about me is nonsense. I’m a merciful master.” He assured.  “We’ll just do some light work today: of course we’ll start with stretching, then 30 laps around the facility to build your stamina, a few hours of work on the machines to build your muscle—because my lady you are a dainty little thing, and then we’ll end the day with an hour or two of sparring.” 
At the sight of my dumbstruck face, Thor says, “I’m sorry that must be too light. How does 50 laps and three hours of sparring, sound?”
“Are you joking?”
“You’re right. I have some matters to attend to on Asgard, but I think we can squeeze in 75 laps, take it or leave it.”
Realizing how deathly serious he was, I quickly say, “I’ll leave it. Let’s get started.”  Deciding to address the subject of excessive training later, I turn to begin my stretches. 
Quiet. As usual. I was alone with my thoughts, which was something that only happened quite literally when I was alone. I couldn’t help but be immensely aware of his presence.
Moments like these i’d die to know what he was thinking. Especially when I could feel his stare. It burned worse than fire on my skin. 
Fire couldn’t compare to his actual touch, however. The same touch I now felt on my upper back.  For a man who weighed over 600 pounds, he was as stealthy as a cat when he wanted to be. His thick fingers against my spine raised goosebumps to my flesh. I would have jumped out of my body if he wasn’t there to keep me grounded. 
“My apologies. It was not my intention to startle you.” He informed, through a deep hearty chuckle. “I just needed to correct your form. Your time on the field will suffer if you continue with your training like this.” 
“Oh.” I replied, tensing a bit as one of his hands traveled around to my stomach and the other pushed against my spine to straighten my posture. My mind was hazy, and if I had even understood the words he spewed a moment ago, that status now changed.
“It all makes me wonder what the Lady Spider has been teaching you.” He continued, as if he didn’t notice the change in my demeanor. “Better.” 
When he stepped away from me, I released a small shaky breath. “What’s on your mind?” He asked. Maybe he did notice the change.
I mentally decided that I would ask him the months-long question I had always wondered about. “What’s on yours.” I state instead of ask, trying to resume my stretches.
“Pardon?” Thor asked. “Do you wonder about what is I ponder? Or is that your answer?
“Both.” I say without hesitation. “Why can’t I read your mind?”
“I’m afraid that’s by design, my lady.”
I stop stretching and turn around to ask, “How?” He had my full attention now. 
Shortly after he corrected my posture, Thor had propped himself up against one of the machines to properly examine my form while I stretched. I tried to ignore how awkward that made me feel. 
“Since an early age I’ve had to learn to guard my thoughts.” He stated. “My brother is the God of Mischief, and Loki often played games of the mind. Mother took notice of how much it was ailing me, and taught me a few useful tricks on how to keep him out. I guess I’ve always practiced them, even in his absence. I don’t know if I even know how to stop it.”
“Oh.” I breathed out. Trying to make sense of his words. 
While I was doing that, he asked,“May I ask why it is you wish to know? I thought you hated your gift.”
“I do. But I guess it still feels odd to not be able to use it on someone. I have no clue what you’re thinking let alone how you feel about me. It unsettles me.” I immediately regretted saying the last part as soon as it was out. 
His reaction did not aid my embarrassment. A thunderous laugh erupted from his throat. It was the kind of laugh that you could feel in your abs, and I knew this because his whole torso shook as it spread through his vocal cords. He was genuinely amused. 
His amusement prompted me to ask, “What’s so funny?”
“How I feel about you.” I think he mutter softly, before following a little louder to himself, “It’s weakened you.” 
“What did you say?” I never had to ask someone to repeat themselves unironically, until I met him. 
“Your ability I mean. It has impaired you.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
“I think the word is ‘spoiled’. Yes that seems to be the perfect descriptor.” He teased.
His words made me feel small and silly. Almost insignificant. “Excuse me?”
Sensing my irritation, he quickly told me, “I meant no disrespect. Its just most of your kind and some of mine are not awarded the same privileges that you have. We rely on body language and hidden meanings behind words to determine how someone feels. Well with the exception of me of course, because who would not adore me?” He joked. “But that’s beside the point. You have not yet learned how to read between the lines. Which is why I unsettle you.”
“I know how to read body language, I’m not an idiot.” I say a bit more sharply than I intended. My sense of inferiority getting the best of me.
“I’m not implying that you are, just that if it were not for your talent you would know have known what was on my mind ages ago.”
“That makes no sense. If I couldn’t read minds, i’d be in the same place I am now: unable to know what it is you think.”
“My dear, even if you could read my mind it would make no difference, for I’ve already made my feelings towards you painfully clear. One need not the aid of your capabilities.”
“Thor, could you stop the riddles—”
He ignored my pleas and kept going. “But just to be explicitly clear this time, since obviousness is lost on you—” 
“Stop insulting—”
“I shall tell you how I feel about you.” He stepped and leaned in closer, as if what he was about to say was a secret meant for only my ears.  “Listen closely because I will say this but once, so be wary not to misunderstand: I desire you.” He explained, words dripping with the utmost sincerity. 
My brain started racing. And I suddenly realized just how close he was. “You desire me?” I repeated to myself.
“Yes. I desire you.” He stated again, anticipating my uncertainty. 
If my heart wasn’t beating fast before, it surely was now. My poor ribcage wasn’t built for this.
“A-A-as a friend right?” I stutter out. “Because we aren’t, we aren’t close, like the rest of the team? Yes,” I breathe out. “That has to be what you mean.” I say that last part more to myself than to him. Clearly I’ve misunderstood his words, even though he warned me not to.
“While I would value a companionship, I’m afraid that is not all I mean when I say I desire you.”
“Eerr” Words are hard to form all of the sudden. Stammering out sounds is all that I can do. 
The air around us stilled, and it was pregnant with silence. He gave me a moment to think before asking, “Would you like further explanation.”
“Yes please.” I rush out quickly. “I think that will clear things up a bit more.”
“Right it would. Well If you wish to know what’s on my brain when you’re near, I shall tell you.” His words are teasingly slow, and he knows this.
"But I doubt,” He continues, “i’ll be able to properly convey just how bad I long to be in your presence when you are gone. Just how much I battle myself when it comes to finding any excuse to touch you. As you know, I lost one of those battles today. I don’t know if you can handle, just how much I imagine your warm embrace to be. How tender I’ve imagined your lips to feel. I just know them to be softer than rose petals and sweeter than nectar.”
“In fact,” He started. I could almost physically see the lightbulb go off over his head. And then, he began ridding us of the rest of our space, extending his long arm to snake around my waist, and pulling me against his chest at a speed faster than lighting. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to put that theory to test.”
It was like a lucid dream. I was only allowed to watch everything play out before me, without the luxury of making any actions myself. It took great focus on my part to even will my head to move. My nod was so subtle I was unsure if he could even see it. But the God of Thunder had more than enough to go off on.
He joined the hand around my waist with his other, and shortly after I could feel my feet rise from the ground. My hands that were previously glued to his chest, found their place behind his neck to support the rest of my body. His head met me the rest of the way, before he blanketed his lips over mine.  
He released one of the hands around my waist, to bring it up to my face. His fingers, now fastened to my jaw, slightly parted my lips allowing him to further explore my mouth with his. As massaged my tongue with his own, I could feel his eyelashes dance across my cheeks. That’s how close he was.
Most beards are scratchy and rough, but his felt like silk against my skin. His lips were even softer, and were like velvet in comparison. 
I inhaled the scent of rain on freshly cut grass. It reminded me of dewy meadows and Irish springs. His touch was firm, but he managed to hold me with care, like a bull who had trained for years with the sole purpose of entering a china shop. 
He tasted like what summer felt like, if you could make sense of it. The kiss had the same intensity behind severe thunderstorms. Beautiful but deadly. I found myself teetering on the edge of a cliff: desperate to chase this thrill, but also wary of whether or not it was worth dying for. 
I mentally decided that I could expire in his arms, and be perfectly content with that decision.
I got more into it. I thought that if this was a dream I’d take full advantage of it. Surely dream Thor would be fine with me taking over the kiss. It felt only natural. 
I decided it was time for my tongue to do the exploring. My lips needed to memorize the feel of his. My hands wanted to study every strand of hair that lived on the nape of his neck. That was only fair right?
I was enjoying his embrace so much, that I mistook the spinning in my head for shock from kissing a god, instead of the telltale signs of an impending headache. The lack of air in my lungs was because he took my breath away in a figurative sense, instead of the literal physical sense it actually was. The ache that spread throughout my body wasn’t because of the suffocating grip he had to keep me pressed to his chest, but because our bodies were on the brink of fusing into one. 
On second thought, maybe dying in his arms is more painful than I previously thought. 
I tapped out, and he immediately released me, placing me gently on the ground. I struggled for air, but it was like he didn’t miss a beat. Not a drop of sweat in sight on his gorgeous face. Instead, I could see a bright smile forming. 
“Are my thoughts clear enough, now?” He asked, breaking out into smirk.
But I had no time to acknowledge his joke, for I could feel reality setting back in. And reality is, I was a flustered fuck. 
“I’m sorry.” I stammered. “I must be holding you from your business on Asgard!”
“What? No—”
But he had no time to argue, for in a flash I was already gathering my gym bag and heading for the door.
“What about your training?” I heard him yell.
“I’m sorry! Maybe another time!” And after that, I practically sprinted to get out of earshot before he could protest or stop me. 
I raced passed Peter who was on his way into the gym. “Y/N! Are you okay?” I heard him yell. But what was strange is that I couldn’t hear him think it, despite being more than enough distance away from Thor.
“I’m fine.” I yelled back, hoping he wouldn’t follow. Maybe Peter’s mouth was faster than his thoughts.
No. That wasn’t it, because as I raced through the tower, everyone’s minds were silent, even though they were chatting casually with one another. That never happened. 
I burst through the nearest lady’s room, desperate to calm my nerves, when I saw Natasha applying red lipstick.  The action by itself wasn’t disturbing, but the expression she wore was.
“Don’t tell the others.” She voiced, in a threatening tone.
“Don’t tell the others what?” I asked confused. Maybe she’d be able to take my mind off of things. 
She looked at me like I had grown two heads, much like the first day we met when I proved that I could read her thoughts. “I know you read them. But this is different Y/N, the guys will never let me live this one down.”
“Nat, what are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the date.”
“You’re going on a date?” No wonder she was so panicked. The woman was more comfortable with killing than she was with being vulnerable.
“Yes—What is wrong with you?” She half-yelled, interrupting herself as if she just realized something was wrong.
I had, had enough with trying to not think about him, because the task was damn near impossible so I decided to just say it. “Thor admitted his feelings for me. And then we kissed!” I cried. 
Oh, Nat mouthed, taking a more comfortable position against the bathroom sink. She leaned against its counter, and crossed her arms,“And now you can’t take your mind off of him.”
It was my turn to look at her like she was a lunatic. “How did you know that? Are you a mind-reader too?”
Song for the Chapter: Waiting For You by the Aces:  Pretty Self-explanatory lyrics. Think of the song from Thor’s POV
part II
A/N: If you made it this far, don’t be afraid to tell me what you think :)
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kofubisha · 3 years
the offer
a stormy evening. an uninvited guest.
[this fic was written for @millenniumzine: a charity zine celebrating the tenth anniversary of noragami's serialization. there are just a few copies left!!!]
When Hiyori walked into the kitchen, she did not expect to find Yato there.
She certainly did not expect to find him making himself comfortable at the table, propping his feet up on its pristine surface and tipping back what looked suspiciously like a can of her father’s preferred after-work beer. She scowled in his direction until he reluctantly removed his feet from the table.
“Daikoku kicked me out,” Yato said, before she could ask.
“He probably had a good reason.”
Hiyori strode across the kitchen, plucked the can out of his grip, and emptied it straight into the sink. “You have a problem.”
Yato smacked his lips unrepentantly. “It’s not my fault your dad has fantastic taste in booze.”
Hiyori cast him a withering look as she sat down. “How many bottles of coins do you think it would take to cover all the alcohol you’ve ‘borrowed’ off various members of my family?”
Yato winced at the prospect. Hiyori, however, had at last noticed what was missing from the room.
“Where’s Yukine?” she asked.
“Daikoku didn’t kick him out.”
Despite his dejected tone, Yato didn’t look particularly sad. He cast his eyes sideways out the window, where the sky was the color of an old bruise.
As if on cue, a single raindrop struck the window. Several more followed, plinking harmlessly against the glass. Seconds later, the sky seemed to swing open, unleashing a cascade of water that hammered the roof like ammunition. Hiyori shuddered at the thought of venturing outside.
Yato seemed to have the same idea, because when he looked back at her his eyes were as full of innocence as a sacrificial lamb’s.
“You wouldn’t make me walk home in this, would you, Hiyori?” he pleaded.
Hiyori just shivered and scrubbed her shoulders. The temperature in the kitchen had already dropped by several degrees. A warm drink would soon fix that. She rose from the table and went to the cupboards, rummaging for a cup.
“Hiyoriiii…” Yato whined.
Hiyori sighed and brought out a second mug. After all, her mother had raised her to be courteous.
As she moved around the kitchen pouring water and lighting the stove under the kettle, the ferocity of the rain outside seemed to fade, if only in her own ears. She could feel Yato watching her. His attention, though obvious, wasn’t unpleasant. At times, Hiyori got the sense that he was a little fascinated by this sort of domestic ritual. She wondered how many others had ever offered him such simple favors.
From the corner of her eye, Hiyori saw the whipping branches of trees outside the window. The wind had risen to a boisterous gale, battering the windows with sheets of water.
“I hope everyone is safe inside,” she murmured, with a thought for her traveling parents and for Masaomi, who was probably holed up in one of his friend’s leaky apartments. Carrying the two mugs over to the table, she again sat down across from Yato.
“Can you believe this, Hiyori?” he held his phone up at her, the screen bright in her face. She blinked.
“No texts! Not even one angry voicemail! Does he care if I get struck by freak lightning and die?!”
Hiyori’s brain slowly caught up with Yato’s chaotic train of thought.
“I’m sure Yukine knows you’re here,” she said comfortingly, unable to suppress a smile at his indignation.
The volume of the wind outside rose sharply. It howled around the eaves of the house like a starving animal. The mournful noise shuddered down Hiyori’s spine, and she curled her shoulders inward around her cup.
“It sounds horrible out there,” she murmured.
At the very moment Yato opened his mouth to respond, the kitchen plunged into darkness.
Before Hiyori could do more than gasp, there was the soft click of a cigarette lighter. Yato’s face appeared, bathed in flickering yellow.
“Well, isn’t this creepy?” he asked. His voice was full of barely repressed mischief. “It’s okay Hiyori, you can cling to me if you’re scared.”
Hiyori’s cheeks grew warm. She pushed herself out of the chair with a clatter and marched across the kitchen.
“This happens all the time,” she shot back at him. “The house is old. We have candles in every room.”
“Then what’s taking you so long?” Yato asked. She could hear the smirk in his voice and Hiyori grit her teeth, fumbling in the kitchen drawers for the expected candles.
When she returned, pointedly not making eye contact with Yato, she set her findings on the table: a single, well-used tea light that, based on the remaining wax, promised fifteen minutes of illumination at most.
“Not very disaster-prepared, are you?” Yato asked. A question Hiyori did not dignify with a response.
Yato lit the candle, then snuffed the cigarette lighter and replaced it in his pocket. The anemic glow did very little to dispel the shadows in the room, but it was a more steady source than the lighter’s open flame.
“This is almost as bad as one of Kofuku’s,” Hiyori observed, staring out the window into the roaring storm. The old house was sturdy enough, but that didn’t stop its ancient bones from shivering and groaning with each savage gust.
Yato eyed Hiyori’s white-knuckled grip on the mug. He leaned over the table toward her, and she felt her cheeks heating up again under the keenness of his gaze.
“My offer still stands, you know,” he said. Hiyori blinked.
“Your offer?”
An odd expression flashed across Yato’s face. It was almost sheepish, but gone before Hiyori could make anything more of it.
“The offer for you to cling to m—”
“Oh, that one,” she said. “No thanks.”
Yato clapped a hand to his chest in exaggerated fashion, collapsing back into the chair with a defeated exhale. Hiyori hoped the darkness of the room concealed her raging blush.
“One day, Hiyori,” he said, stirring his tea. “You’re going to beg for my godly favor, and I won’t be there to help you.”
She almost laughed in his face.
“Yato. I have.”
The corner of his mouth tugged downward.
“I would definitely remember that,” he said, and Hiyori narrowed her eyes.
“You don’t remember when you took my money, evaded my calls, and used my vulnerabilities to your own advantage?”
Yato winced. “‘Used’ is a harsh word.”
“Would ‘exploited’ be more accurate?”
He fell silent at that, which bothered her. Hiyori wasn’t used to getting the last word.
“I guess it would,” he said. His voice was light, and if Hiyori could have seen his expression she might have believed it a joke. But his eyes were in shadow, and the shape of his mouth was flat and humorless.
“What I meant…”
Her words trailed off. Hiyori desperately wished for Yukine to be there. She didn’t know why the mood had altered, nor why the air seemed to thicken in her mouth when she tried to speak.
“I just meant that…you’ve already helped me.”
Her voice dropped to little more than a whisper at the end, and her scalp tingled with shame. Why was this such an awkward admission? She’d told him as much before. Hiyori’s ears grew impossibly hotter as she remembered how effortlessly—how proudly she’d claimed him as her god of fortune.
This was different.
The struggling flame from the tea light had been barely enough to illuminate their faces, and as the seconds ticked by, its glow was weakening.
She dared to hope Yato hadn’t heard her.
Her head snapped up. Yato’s voice was startlingly close. He leaned toward her again, both elbows resting on the table. Hiyori made the mistake of meeting his eyes. She wondered, sometimes, how anyone could think blue eyes cold.
“You’re kind,” he said, simply.
Hiyori made an embarrassing sound in the back of her throat. To escape Yato’s eyes, she hid her steaming face in her mug and took an ambitious gulp of what turned out to be very cold, bitter tea.
Spluttering, she set her cup back on the table and reached for Yato’s, horrified when she saw he had already consumed its entire contents.
“Why did you drink the whole thing?!” she wailed, brandishing the empty cup in Yato’s face.
“I thought it was fine,” he said.
Hiyori glared at him, inexplicably furious. She wasn’t sure toward whom that anger was directed, but it felt more substantial than a dispute over cold tea.
At that moment, the candle went out.
Yato cursed—colorfully but quietly—and she heard the lighter flick again. The candle flared once, then went out.
Hiyori blinked rapidly, trying to force her eyes to adjust to the absolute darkness. Outside, the tempest was amassing its forces. There was no lightning in this storm: only rain, wind, and utter dark.
It was the kind of storm that spawned monsters, and Hiyori, despite herself, was afraid of it.
“I’m sure we have a flashlight,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
Before Hiyori could even lurch out of her chair, a set of fingers closed around her wrist. She froze. Surely, surely, Yato could feel the wild hammering of her blood beneath his thumb.
“Is this all right?” he asked.
Hiyori didn’t immediately respond. She was stunned at how unexpectedly warm his hand felt against hers. Interpreting her silence as a denial, Yato immediately withdrew, and Hiyori’s stomach plunged horribly at the loss of contact.
“No, w—”
She barely had to speak before his hand returned, closing gently around her wrist. She allowed him to move her fingers so that they interlocked with his. The tension began to drain out of her body, and Hiyori dared not question why.
“This doesn’t count,” she heard herself blurt.
She couldn’t see his face, but she knew Yato was looking at her, confused. Gathering herself as best she could, Hiyori said:
“This doesn’t count towards your offer.”
Yato didn’t respond immediately, but his fingers tightened around hers. A conversation like this really would be impossible if she could see him.
“Of course it doesn’t,” he replied. “That’s why I’m not charging.”
The fondness in Yato’s voice set her ears aflame, and she lost any ready response she might have had. She was almost glad that she couldn’t see his expression
The pressure of his hand around hers was gentle. He cradled it like it was an exquisite thing. Tingling warmth seemed to spread from her chest through her whole body: not the heat of embarrassment, but something tender and protective. Something that made moisture spring to her eyes, and urged her to curl her fingers tighter around Yato’s own.
A little longer, Hiyori thought. She held Yato’s hand tight in hers, and she prayed to the storm.
Just a little bit longer like this.
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wrightaboutthat · 3 years
Proposing a Duel ~A Narumitsu One-Shot~
Summary: Finally, after years of pining, years of waiting, is Phoenix prepared to propose to the love of his life. But with someone he parallels so intensely, nothing can ever be straightforward.
Tags: Marriage Proposal, Idiots in Love, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Arguing, Childhood Memories, they're so dumb, and bickering 5ever, but they're so incredibly in love your honor, and deserve intense happiness like this, also this is probably set in the aa5-6 timeline somewhere but Who's Counting
Additional Notes: Hello everyone! Finally managed to tackle and finish one of my 20+ Narumitsu drafts lol. I recognize that this is quite the common trope/plot with these two, but I'm of course shooting for a "yay, two cakes" situation! We simply cannot have enough proposal fics, and these two deserve all the happiness/sweetness in the world quite honestly. They're tired- let them REST.
Anyway, super excited to share this with you all, and I hope you enjoy!
You can also read the work on AO3 here [x]
It felt different. He felt different. There was a certain and light sweetness that seemed to be lingering in the air. There was a tender warmth that seemed to be burning between two forms. There was a magnetic tug that seemed to be pulling harder than usual.
Perhaps it was finally pulling towards the inevitable.
Phoenix’s breath caught in his throat at the very consideration. It had been so long after all. The entirety of his life had slowly led up to such a thing. But even still, he doubted his readiness, doubted his ability to proceed.
Though, looking at the man beside him easily dampened such doubts. Fear melted away into giddy nervousness, and worry softened into warm tingles.
Because it was Miles.
A man who had evaded him for years. A man who had changed him for the better. A man who had beautifully fought for betterment all for his sake. A man who he’d do anything for.
A man he wanted to marry.
The direct utterance within his mind manifested a flushed smile, his head going woozy with adoration. Inevitable indeed; it felt so right to consider, so...perfect. He of course hoped his proposal would follow suit, that it would declare such deep admiration to the receiver. He wanted it to be just as wonderful as the very man-
“What is it?”
The murmured baritone snapped Phoenix from his honeyed thoughts, startling as he returned to the present.
Though Miles’ stare remained trained ahead, Phoenix could still pick up on the tenderness that washed over his facial expression.
“You were staring quite intently, darling.”
The term of endearment, the tonality of his boyfriend’s voice, and the ginger facial expression did nothing to help his blush. The defense attorney’s cheeks were fiery, though his growing smile aided in the distribution of heat.
“Is that anything new? I always struggle to take my eyes off you.”
He watched with amusement as color struck Miles’ face to match, his expression crinkling into something of embarrassment.
“Nngh...” he quietly groaned, earning a chuckle from Phoenix before he continued, “Well, at least I’m the one driving then.”
“Thank God for that.”
They ventured back into comfortable silence, but affections were still reciprocated. Miles slipped a hand off the steering wheel and laid it palm-up on the console, an invitation that Phoenix immediately took. He gave his boyfriend’s hand a soft squeeze, contentedly sighing as his thoughts began to wander once more.
Hand holding wouldn’t feel the same for very long after all. There would be an even deeper connection with it, a deeper unity. Soft skin and sturdy fingers would be bordered with precious metal, a glistening reminder of their utmost promise to each other...
The tanner man jerked back to the present once again, though not as harshly as before.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet.”
“Are you saying I’m normally loud, baby?”
The slight rise of his boyfriend’s brow was enough to draw forth a laugh, the deeper implications plenty visible in such a mere gesture.
“More talkative than I, yes,” Miles huffed, though he quickly ventured back towards a more solemn air. “Is something on your mind?”
“Ahh...no.” A lie. And it was very dangerous to offer a lie to the man who sought nothing but the truth in every regard. So Phoenix very quickly covered with a genuine statement, a true explanation indeed. “I just...get lost in how much I love you sometimes.”
Heterochromatic eyes had averted with such a statement, and his other hand had taken purchase upon his neck. The silence that followed however, drew his gaze back towards his partner. But, following the pattern of comfort, any and all apprehension was doused by the prosecutor; the intense blush and bashful furrow on his counterpart’s face triggered giggles.
“Darling...” Miles muttered in disdain.
“It’s true!”
Silver eyes briefly flitted sideways, before the opposing man heaved a large sigh. Years ago, such a statement would likely earn some manner of reluctance or coldness. In the present though, and to Phoenix’s delight, it slowly drew forth a gentle smile once more.
“If I wasn’t speeding down a highway, I would perhaps have to kiss you,” Miles eventually murmured.
“Just perhaps?” Phoenix laughed.
The prosecutor readjusted their conjoined hands, and better gripped Phoenix’s, gently bringing it to his awaiting mouth.
“Assuredly,” he said, sealing the word with a tender kiss.
It was the defense’s turn to be bashful, flushing and giggling and crumpling in on himself. It was without fail; close to proposing, and yet rendered so useless by his beloved. He doubted that would change, even well into their marriage. It hadn’t for years and years after all.
When Miles lowered their hands back to the console, Phoenix heaved a breath, easing into conversation before thoughts hoisted him away again.
“Where are we going anyway?”
There was an odd pause, coupled with what sounded like a shaky inhalation. The prosecutor did indeed answer, but through vagueness only.
“You’ll see.”
“Are we close? Because I perhaps have to kiss you too.” Just as Miles has done, he brought their hands upward, gripping the prosecutor’s just so and returning the gesture with warm lips. “Hands don’t really cut it.”
“Yes, dear. Shouldn’t be much longer.”
Phoenix grinned, and pressed a plethora of short kisses to the other man’s hand- so much so that he earned a soft whap of disdain to the face. He broke into giggles then and freed the prosecutor from his onslaught, simply opting to sit and wait for their arrival, albeit anxiously. He hoped it was a proper location. He hoped it was someplace fitting. He hoped it would be a date worth turning into something more. He wasn’t sure if he could stand the idea of having to push things back any longer; the ring had already been in his possession for one day too many.
The car finally slowing down brought him from his thoughts, and he blinked as he attempted to process where they were. It didn’t seem to be a fancy restaurant or anything typical of Miles; in fact, it seemed like they were just in some random part of the city. And yet, there seemed to exist an odd sort of...familiarity to it all, a sense of dejavu gnawing on his mind.
Regardless of the swirling thoughts, he snapped to action the moment they stopped. The second Miles parked the car, he was leaning across the center console, following through with his previous statements and tugging them both into a proper kiss. The pair sighed and melted against each other’s mouths, sucking and gliding and caressing.
When Phoenix attempted to slide his tongue betwixt his partner’s lips however, did the prosecutor lean back and break their connection.
“Not so fast, Wright,” he tutted, though his brow was playfully cocked, “Can’t have you sullying this date.”
“Me? You’re the one who’s irresistibly gorgeous.”
Miles rolled his eyes, causing the tanner man to chuckle, before he poised himself to depart the vehicle.
“I rest my case.”
Phoenix continued with his mirth, but had no further objections; no, he didn’t need to sully their date at all. There would be plenty of time for intimacy, but only one chance to present such a momentous inquiry. So he exited after his boyfriend, and walked around the car to be by his side.
Gazes were soft once more upon meeting, and the prosecutor offered a hand for Phoenix to take. He did so happily, and allowed his partner to lead. In doing so however, perplexity joined the mix, his wavy brows furrowing as he continued to try and place...where exactly they were. It wasn’t exactly a park, or a restaurant, or any discernible destination at all. It merely seemed like Miles was leading him down a sidewalk- and was his hand...trembling?
His face scrunched with further confusion, the two of them continuing to wind through buildings. Soon however, buildings opened up to a very particular scene. Rounding a corner stopped him dead in his tracks. Gazing upon the openness before him smacked his brain with a plethora of memories. He saw many a picture, heard swaths of innocent laughter, and felt rushes of old warmth...
“Remember this spot?”
Miles’ murmur managed to reach him, but his composure still swayed. Tears almost pricked his heterochromatic eyes, his nose tickling with the threat of their manifestation. Because yes, he absolutely did. The small canal, the grassy hill, the surrounding quaint homes, the sunset...
It was a scene from their youth. It was a place they had frequented together as grade schoolers. It was a place where dreams had been discussed, and bonds had been formed.
And God, was it perfect for taking said bonds even further.
Phoenix had to keep a hand over his mouth for a few beats, attempting to keep his composure at bay. Breaking down in front of Miles wouldn’t be anything new necessarily, but it would produce suspicion.
Thankfully, the prosecutor didn’t seem to notice- at least, not yet. For he simply snickered and tugged, softly beckoning with their conjoined hands.
“I take that as a yes. Come on then.”
He led them both down the old path, strolling in the golden light of the setting sun. Phoenix could almost see flashes of their grade school selves as they happened along, laughing and shoving and playing. And, through the sparkles in his vision, could he also picture the glistens of precious metal, of gemstones shining with promise and love.
He had to bite his cheek to keep himself in check. When would be the proper time to ask anyway? It felt so close, but so very far. It felt so perfect, but so out of reach. Maybe it would just come to him. Maybe the stars would align. And if Miles’ hand was still oddly trembling, he could no longer tell; his was too.
The prosecutor slowing down pulled him from his running thoughts, but made the situation all the more real. He allowed Miles to lead him into the grass, onto one of the slopes neighboring the sidewalk. Mismatched eyes rapidly blinked to shoo away tears; it was such the perfect parallel. It was such a beautiful nod to their roots.
“Love, I didn’t think you remembered this!” he strained out, beginning to beam immensely, “It was so long ago.”
“Well of course I do. You were the better part of those years after all.”
“Miles...” Phoenix heaved a breath, his smile beginning to rival the light shining upon them. “You’re such a sweetheart, you know that? This was so thoughtful.”
He watched with delight as the opposing man flushed something terrible, his silver eyes averting and his grasp retracting.
“Ngh...” he softly groaned, before dismissively waving a hand and moving to sit, “It’s merely a trip down memory lane, that’s all.”
“Yeah but...” Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh, latching on to some teasing for a bit of emotional respite, “Esteemed Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth sitting in the grass for me?”
Miles seemed to stiffen a bit, coupled with another crawl of red across his visage.
“Is that really such an oddity?”
“A bit, yeah! It’s different than what we normally do.” Phoenix snickered a bit more, before he lowered himself to the ground as well, sitting flush against his partner. The mirth departed his voice then, his tone traveling back towards a more earnest warmth. “So it’s just...It’s really sweet. And meaningful.”
And utterly perfect for what he had planned.
He watched as Miles’ face immensely softened, though silver eyes averted once more. Phoenix took the opportunity to press a quick kiss to the offered cheek, before moving to nestle his head against his boyfriend’s shoulder. He sighed a contented breath upon doing so- particularly when he eventually felt Miles’ head snuggle against his.
Part of him was anxious, what with a brewing proposal swirling around in his depths. But another part hushed him, and told him to simply enjoy the scene for a moment. It was a lovely contrast against their usual life; just getting to take a few moments of calm hush with his beloved, in a place that meant so much to them. The sunlight was warming, his partner’s body was soothing, and the air was enticing.
Mismatched eyes half-lidded, and he hummed amidst the quiet. He wanted it to continue. He wanted to stay in the moment forever. But the other half of him began to cry out for attention. The other half drove him to speak, to drive the peace towards partnership.
“God, Miles...How did we even get here?”
“It’s been a long road, hmm?” the prosecutor murmured after a few beats.
“Yeah. Crazy to think I’m here with you like this. It was always a dream of mine.”
“I concur.”
“So proper,” Phoenix snickered, moving to press another kiss to the opposing man’s cheek.
“Hush,” he huffed. Before Phoenix could nestle back downwards however, Miles turned his head and captured their mouths for a proper kiss. And just as soon as the kiss started was he rising to stand, stoically and handsomely staring out towards the departing sun. He seemed to let out a shaky breath, before he continued in solemn tones. “As children, when I sat with you here, I...couldn’t help but look to the future, and imagine what could be. To think that it’s realized now, and far more than I ever pictured...”
He heaved again, and seemed to look downward at his feet.
“And to think that it could continue...”
Phoenix’s heart leapt into his throat; how was it that Miles was perfectly setting him up? How was it that he was meticulously laying the puzzle pieces out? It was almost like he knew, like he was aware of the ring burning brightly in his pocket.
It was time. Oh God, it was time. It was like some divine forces yanked him upward, piloting him towards the start of a new beginning. He no longer questioned it. He no longer felt apprehensive. He only felt entirely driven to begin.
“-Miles, I adore you,” he blurted, butting in and rambling without much control, “I love you so much. I can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. You’re gorgeous, and amazing, and so important to me, and...”
He could feel his partner’s eyes on him. He could feel the burn of their bodies. He could feel the very question hanging in the air between them. His chest tightened, his eyes watered, and his extremities quivered...Yet he still managed to reach for the life changing box in his pocket, and poised himself to get down on one knee.
“And so I have to do something I’ve thought about since I met-“
“-Hold it!”
The sudden objection from his boyfriend startled him, causing him to crash down upon his knee as opposed to a gentle descent. He winced a bit at the impact, but physical pain was quickly replaced by emotional; Miles looked...appalled. Phoenix felt his chest squeeze immensely, coupled with a croaked utterance of the prosecutor’s name.
“Wh- Miles?”
He watched with further horror as his counterpart backed away, heaving and wringing his fists a plenty. Miles even went so far as to pinch the bridge of his nose with a hand, sighing and straining a cursed sentence.
“I cannot believe this...”
The defense lawyer trembled, the words piercing a crack in his heart. He had been wrong. He had been overzealous. He had pushed Miles too far. He had backed himself into an unlovable corner yet again.
He opened his mouth to speak, to question, to beg for answers, but all that escaped was a quivering breath. Oddly enough, the sound still managed to reach the prosecutor, because he looked back before...miraculously softening?
“-Wait wait, no. Apologies. I...” he said with a raised hand, before pulling it back in and freezing.
They both were silent for several beats then, the air immensely tense and thick. Though Phoenix felt slightly better that his beloved no longer appeared...disgusted, his heart still ached something terrible. He was confused, and downtrodden, watching his boyfriend closely for any further reactions.
React he did; he shifted more into the typical tense nervousness, pulling at his shirt and avoiding eye contact. Numerous deep breaths also heaved from the prosecutor, the exhalations sounding surprisingly shaky. Though it was likely only seconds, the quiet felt like hours, Phoenix clambering for any sign he hadn’t just made the worst mistake of his life.
And it was a wonder he doubted his partner so. It was crazy that his anxiety still got to him. The traumatic scars really did run immensely deep. But regardless, Miles finally provided, looking back and turning the situation around.
“My darling,” he began, his silver eyes interlocking with heterochromatic, “I am...so sorry for startling you. I just...have no idea how we possibly managed...”
With that, the prosecutor reached into his own pocket, and presented something that connected all the glittering puzzle pieces together.
Every ounce of apprehension washed away. Every bit of discomfort fizzled into nothingness. Every drop of sadness evaporated into thin air. And all was replaced by the most dazzling, incredible warmth Phoenix had ever experienced.
Because it was a box, much like the one he still had in his own hand.
Suddenly, everything made sense. He had brought him out here with identical intentions. He had sweetened his tongue with the same question. He had been preparing to go down the same road, and was startled by the abrupt change in plans.
They had both tried to propose to each other. They had both tried to ask for each other’s hand.
Phoenix wasn’t sure whether to laugh or sob, and subsequently settled for a mixture of both. His free hand clapped over his mouth, and he quivered from tears and mirth alike.
“Miles? Miles?!”
Through the glaze, he could see the prosecutor shaking his head. And over his trembling vocalizations, he could hear the strained quality his boyfriend’s voice had taken.
“Always throwing me for a loop, Wright.”
“Oh my God!” Phoenix laughed, rubbing at his eyes with a hand as he attempted to compose himself. He was overwhelmed, so delightfully overwhelmed. Because two opposing rings meant they were on the exact same page. Two pieces of beautiful metal signaled each other’s answer.
His laugh choked off with more of a sob, and he peered through his fingers to get a look at his boyfriend. Miles had his head turned away, a hand grasping his face once more. Was he crying as well? Or trying not to? Whatever the case, the very consideration sent further tears down the tanner man’s cheeks.
“I...I love you,” he rasped.
“I...” Normally smooth and cool vocals were shaky and taut, the prosecutor clearing his throat before attempting again. “I love you too, dearest.”
The situation beautifully plateaued, the two men taking numerous beats to compose themselves. Neither moved. Neither said anything. Neither made any sort of advance with such a dear connection woven between them.
Phoenix continued wiping his tears and blowing out cleansing breaths. He slowly became aware of the fact that he was still on one knee, still poised to officially pop the question. Though, how was he to go about it? And with an opposing ring in the playing field? He felt inclined to inquire.
He watched as the prosecutor straightened, smoothing out his dress shirt and composing himself something proper. It looked very much like how he recovered in court after a sudden blow, scrambling back from an emotional edge and easing back into stoicism.
“Yes?” he answered after a few beats, though his voice was still thickened.
“What...what do we even do now?!” Phoenix laughed, his free hand traveling to rest upon his neck.
“Well,” Miles began after heaving another cleansing breath, “If we’re getting into technicalities, I’ve had this planned for months.”
The sheen in Phoenix’s eyes flashed with a new spark, the tears glistening with fire. No, not just an opposing ring- a rival ring. It seemed that old habits died hard.
“So? I’m the one on one knee right now! I beat you to it.”
“And? I don’t believe you had any sort of plan regarding this.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I’m trying to marry you, Phoenix,” Miles said matter-of-factly, tapping his bicep in the normal way, “Ergo, I know you better than perhaps the back of my own hand.”
The tanner man wanted to laugh at the courtroom persona his partner had suddenly adopted, argue with the points being brought to the table, and melt at the fact that Miles Edgeworth wanted to marry him. Unfortunately, he was incapable of anything of the sort; the truth was a little too on the nose.
“Ahh...” was all he sheepishly managed, his free hand grasping his neck harder.
He watched as Miles cocked a brow and gave him a knowing look, furthering the blush that gripped his cheeks.
“Out with it then.”
“Okay...Maybe I was about to start winging it...”
“Mm, as always.”
“But so what?” Phoenix exclaimed, “I’m always ready to get into how much I adore you, and why I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else, and-“
“-You are not about to advantageously segue, Phoenix Wright.”
The defense attorney burst out laughing, finally standing back up and closing the distance between them.
“Miles!” he comedically whined, giving his boyfriend’s chest a gentle shove, “Dammit, you do know me a little too well.”
“Indeed. Which is why I feel more than apt to be the first one to proceed.”
“No! I was ramping myself up towards a big speech and everything.”
“As was I. I’ve dreamed of this since I was young.”
“And you think I haven’t?!”
The prosecutor’s face devolved into more of his usual scowl, his arms lacing across his chest. It was quite the sight really, what with his eyes still containing wisps of moisture. Still, the strange contrast didn’t cease the pair’s argument.
“We seem to be at quite the impasse then.”
“A bit!” Phoenix snorted.
“Is your stubbornness really going to stop us from getting engaged?”
“Is yours?”
Miles let out a harsh sigh, his annoyance becoming more and more noticeable.
“You’re being ridiculous. Why does it matter who proposes to whom anyway?”
“If it didn’t matter so much, you would have let me go for it!” the tanner man pointed out.
“You’re incredibly obstinate.”
“Haven’t you always admired that?”
“Phoenix,” Miles hissed.
“Besides, so are you!”
“Tell me, do you have a better comeback besides mirroring what I’ve just said?”
“I could always tell you to shut up and let me get on with it.”
“Oh, so romantic and well spoken,” the prosecutor snapped, throwing his hands with exasperation, “Truly makes for the sweetest memories.”
“Says you! You’re the one who started all of this. I could have proposed already!”
It was then that Phoenix’s eyes glinted once more, this time with a spark of mischievous stubbornness. In knowing him so well, Miles appeared to pick up on it, his body twitching and his brow furrowing.
“Don’t you dare-“
The prosecutor’s snarl cut off as they both leapt for the same conclusion. Knees crashed to the ground together, and boxes were hastily grappled for, the two racing for that beautiful spot.
And then something tickled Phoenix once more.
Maybe it was the way the love of his life was kneeling and fuming before him, holding a precious box in such a seething manner. Or maybe it was the way they were both treating their rings as weapons, like they were drawing them for a duel. Or maybe, it was the way they were arguing over a damn proposal.
Regardless, the tanner man was powerless, and began laughing again without much control. The sudden mirth seemed to slap the prosecutor; out of the corner of Phoenix’s eye, he could see his partner stiffen something terrible. It was likely striking even more of a nerve, but he couldn’t help it. It was so...stupidly them, and so amusing as a result.
He bent over from the force of his giggles, instinctively placing a hand on Miles’ bent knee to steady himself. The voice of reason in the very back of his head screamed danger, as an angry prosecutor could easily shove it off. But just as the situation continued to unfold in an odd manner, as did motivations. For Phoenix felt a gentle hand come to rest upon his own, squeezing as opposed to throwing.
“What’s...so funny?” he barely heard his boyfriend ask, his hesitant voice drowned out by the seamless mirth. He had to take numerous beats to sharply inhale, to attempt to get some air, before he could even consider replying.
“...This!” he gasped, wiping building tears with his free hand, “Us!”
To both his surprise and amusement, he heard what sounded like a cheerful huff from the prosecutor. Maybe he was being pulled down into the fun as well? The thought tickled the tanner man even more, and he rode another wave of giggles before fighting for further conversation.
“Miles...Miles...What the hell are we even doing?”
Yes, the prosecutor was definitely laughing now; Phoenix could hear the chuckles blending in so well with his own. It sent him into another fit, made worse by what Miles said next.
“Being...Imbecilic I suppose.”
The pair took a few moments to laugh together then, completely replacing the annoyance in Phoenix’s system with honeyed warmth once more. How typical of them. How beautiful of them. Riding an emotional rollercoaster was something of wonderful normalcy, even in what was supposed to be a special moment. Though, perhaps it actually made the moment all the more meaningful, all the more memorable.
“God! We’re so stupid...We’re so damn stupid...” the defense eventually wheezed, continuing to wipe at his eyes.
“Speak for yourself,” Miles huffed, slowly standing back up and brushing himself off.
“We’re- hey!” Phoenix laughed, erecting to give his boyfriend’s chest yet another push, “You’re an ass.”
“Oh, will the loving talk ever cease?” the prosecutor sighed with a roll of his eyes.
The tanner man continued to giggle, before he stepped even closer, nuzzling his nose tenderly against Miles’. The pair softened immensely, and the defense attorney took advantage by offering yet another kiss.
“I love you so much,” he whispered when their mouths parted.
“I love you too.”
The pair took a few beats of tender silence then, stepping down from the nonsensical energy that had been their argument. It was Miles’ turn to take advantage then; he reached with a hand to brush black hairs back into place before gently framing a damp cheek.
“I do still intend to go through with this, you know,” he murmured, before mildly cocking a brow, “Even though the mood has been thoroughly soiled now.”
“I do too. I-“ Heterochromatic eyes widened slightly, the tanner man starting like he had reached a brilliant conclusion in court. “Hey, actually...”
“Hear me out on this, okay? Going back and forth is totally our thing, right? We kinda just proved that.”
A huff and eye roll from the prosecutor drew another shaky laugh from the defense. Still, he continued.
“So what if we...propose together? Back and forth?”
He watched as a strong swath of red spread across his boyfriend’s cheeks, coupled with a furrow of his brow. Silver eyes flitted off to the side as well, a sign he was either flustered or objecting.
In fearing the latter, Phoenix quickly interjected. “-I know, I know, it’s weird. And not exactly traditional. But it’s...us, you know?”
“I suppose that would indeed solve our problem after all.”
The tanner man heaved a multitude of cleansing breaths, attempting to pull his composure back to the proper place. But with the element of surprise gone, with two rings in the vicinity, and with the love of his life staring through sparkles of unshed tears...He couldn’t help but shakily laugh, intense emotions swaying all over the place.
“Whew, I...Dammit! I can’t focus now-“
“-Shh,” Miles cut in, suddenly leaning closer and nestling their foreheads together, “Come here then, dearest. I believe we need to...take a moment.”
The defense’s breath caught at the proximity, but he nodded, allowing himself to get ushered away by the man before him. Nestled so close, aggressively ricocheting emotions had no choice but to settle; for there was nothing quite as soothing as snuggling up to his beloved. His mind whited out with the gentle, floral scent of the prosecutor, and the soft warmth his being provided. Though his heart was still pounding, and his eyes were still watering, it did indeed effectively walk him back to a more composed mentality. Perhaps because it reminded him just how much he adored the opposing man, and just how much he wanted to marry him.
“Better?” Miles eventually whispered.
“Yeah...” Phoenix replied, before blowing out a few more cleansing breaths. This was it. This was really it. “Okay. Okay okay...”
He leaned back then, intertwining both stares and fingers. The two shared a look of love, of reverence, of happiness, before stepping fully into the light.
“Phoenix Wright...”
“Miles Edgeworth...”
The tanner man watched as his beloved opened his mouth, but stiffened when no words followed. The tender visage furrowed back into a scowl, but thankfully, Phoenix wasn’t left in apprehension for too long.
“Curses. I had been so ready!”
Phoenix found himself laughing once again; composure was still a beast, it seemed. But somehow, by some damn graces, were words poised on his own tongue. So he gripped his love’s hand a bit tighter, and allowed them to fall.
“Well here- I knew I wanted to marry you from the moment I met you.”
The furrow on Miles’ face didn’t ease- it only turned incredulous. Naturally, Phoenix laughed even harder, and gave the prosecutor’s hand another squeeze.
“I’m serious! Even at nine years old, I could recognize my soulmate.”
Miles seemed to consider the statement, or allow the words to blanket over him. Either way, after a few beats, did he find his stride as well, steering them both towards a more solemn air.
“From the beginning, you enraptured me,” he murmured, silver eyes trained off to the side, “I felt safe around you, happy around you. And there was a deeper sort of calling that I recognized too- something brilliant and pure that I haven’t experienced with anyone else.”
“I think it was so strong and beautiful that I didn’t know what to do with myself,” Phoenix admitted.
“Indeed. It frightened me, and you know this. I denied its call initially. Or perhaps I didn’t deem myself worthy of standing hand in hand with such an incredible, intelligent, wonderful man.”
“Miles...” Phoenix murmured, his voice and face coated with disdain.
“Especially after all I’d done. So, I of course stepped away from that gorgeous light you cast.”
“But I had no intention of losing you. Still don’t.”
The two squeezed hands, before monochrome eyes slowly crept upwards to find mismatched once more.
“Nor I you,” Miles whispered, “When your hand was presented, I could only avoid its reach for so long. There was only so much running before that warmth enveloped me. No longer could I deny the deep and complex feelings you evoked within.”
“I didn’t know how to go about it, you know. Once I had your hand, I didn’t know what to do. I stumbled a bit trying to figure it all out.” Phoenix looked downward at their connection then, a warm, tearful smile overtaking his face. “All I did know was that I was so incredibly in love with you.”
He heard Miles’ breath catch, and subsequently offered a few caresses with his thumb. The prosecutor softly cleared his throat, before he managed to tenderly continue.
“I...knew I was in love with you too. The second you found me, the second you reached me, I could feel it.”
“Yet somehow we danced circles around each other,” Phoenix shakily snickered.
“I just couldn’t comprehend it. I struggled to find mutuality. Because, I of course just wanted to see you happy. I wanted nothing but the best for you. And I wasn’t sure I fit that bill.”
“You did. You do.” Phoenix softly broke their connection for the purpose of framing his partner’s face, tenderly holding and intently staring. “God, Miles, you do. I don’t think I could love someone as much as I love you. Maybe I couldn’t even wrap my head around it either.”
“And we both experienced hardships of course.”
“Yeah. But you were there for me. You took my hand as well. You guided me and made me a stronger, better person. I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for you.”
“I of course can say the same about you. You are...” Miles heaved a shaky breath himself, before reaching to mirror the touch. “...the dearest thing in my life, Phoenix. You are my light, my guidance, my foundation, and my truth. You are so incredibly important to me, and I love you more than I ever deemed possible.”
Phoenix had heard his partner speak soft sentiments before. He had experienced the deeper, more vulnerable side of the prosecutor a handful of times. But whispered in a spot from their childhood, proclaimed as they sought to strengthen their bond...
It amplified his tears tenfold, his bottom lip wobbling as awed cascades poured forth.
“I...M-Miles...Dammit...” he croaked, leading to a playful eye roll from his partner.
“Mm, so eloquent,” Miles softly huffed.
“Shh! I...” Phoenix hesitated, overwhelmed and overflowing with adoration. He felt there wasn’t much to say to top what had just been murmured- and he also knew he dangerously close to falling apart. Consequently, he softly tugged his partner closer, and locked them in a tender kiss. He couldn’t help but whimper against the prosecutor’s lips, but he hoped to instill every bit of honeyed warmth he could manage- at least until he could properly vocalize.
“You’re my home, my warmth, my dream, my everything,” he eventually murmured, his mouth ghosting against his partner’s, “I love you more than humanely possible. You make me so so happy. There is no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. So you’re kinda...stuck with me forever.”
“I would have it no other way. You have me, always.”
“Always. I’m yours.”
The two men stared at each other for numerous beats, glassy eyes peering deeply into each other’s souls. Tears ran down Phoenix’s cheeks, whereas Miles remained unshed and unbroken. But regardless, the intense emotion was palpable, the next step dangling right there for both to grab.
“So then...” Miles whispered.
“So then...” Phoenix quietly returned.
In mirroring each other, in being on the same plane, the two simultaneously lowered to one knee, far slower and less chaotic than the previous time. Instead, it was purposeful, devout, the pair entirely interlocked as they continued. They both presented their respective boxes once more, and shakily prepared for the final step.
“Phoenix Wright?”
“Miles Edgeworth?”
“Would...would you do me the extraordinary honor...and privilege...” Miles started.
“...of becoming my husband?” Phoenix finished.
It was then that he opened his box, with Miles following closely behind. And again, did he come incredibly close to breaking. Again, did he nearly lose hold on reality.
Because of course he and Miles continued to parallel. Of course they both ran with the same idea: The ring the prosecutor was presenting glistened with blue, just as the ring he presented glistened with red. They were gifting each other’s aesthetics. They deeply recognized each other, nodded to each other, and such an element would likely switch the next time they gifted rings.
The next time they gifted rings...
“I’ve waited so long to marry you, Miles...” Phoenix managed to gasp.
“I’ve pictured no one else...”
Phoenix was barely breathing, barely thinking. But still, did the words roll off his tongue, like they had been poised to do for eternity.
The preciousness finally broke the nigh impenetrable glass, a single tear rolling down the prosecutor’s cheek as he returned the deepest sentiment.
Phoenix choked out a pitiful sob, and couldn’t help but tug them both upwards, his mouth finding Miles’ the second they were standing. And it was a wonder how their kiss almost immediately felt different, tasted different. It was sweeter, purer, and more profound. It was like their lips connected in a way they hadn’t before. It was something gorgeous, something new.
Perhaps it was because they were engaged. They were engaged.
Miles Edgeworth was his fiancé.
Another heaving sob from the defense attorney forced the kiss apart, and he opted to simply bury himself against Miles’ neck, beaming and crying all the while. He snuggled as close as he could possibly manage, and relished in the feeling of hands embracing him tightly. There, he attempted to compose himself, but naturally, the opposing man didn’t make things easy.
“Pull yourself together, Wright,” Miles softly jested, his voice thick with moisture, “You’re yanking me down with you.”
“I c-can’t,” he half-laughed half-sobbed.
“Mm...Perhaps I should take advantage and christen your finger with a ring first then...”
Sobs leant more towards laughter then, the defense attorney tightly hugging the prosecutor before leaning back in the embrace.
“N-nice try! We’re still doing this together.”
“We need both hands, silly,” Miles huffed before cocking an amused brow at his partner, “Though, judging by our differing composure, I relinquish my previous statement and deem it appropriate that you go first. Before you collapse on me, that is.”
“God, I love you...” Phoenix laughed, “And yeah, no promises...”
They both snickered, before turning their attention downward. Eyeing the two rings almost choked Phoenix up something terrible, but he managed to hang on by a mere thread. He focused on the band he intended to gift, the essence of his partner, fixating on completing the beautiful tradition. With a hand, he removed the precious ring from its box. And then shakily, softly, reverently, did he grab Miles’ hand with one of his own, and slip the band onto his finger with the other.
He shivered at the sight, at the ring finally resting in its proper place. But he barely had time to process before Miles began to mirror, slipping the opposing ring onto his tanner finger in return.
And then red truly danced with blue. Blue completely intertwined with red. Two colors dazzled and sparkled beside each other- just as they had for years, and would continue to do so for the rest of their days.
Phoenix could do nothing but stare for what seemed like an eternity, his trance only broken by Miles bringing their hands upward. Once more did he press soft kisses to Phoenix’s fingers, the weight of which was far greater now. The defense had no choice but to articulate.
“I’m...I’m going to marry you.”
Phoenix let out another round of gasping breaths, and was sure his smile was going to split his cheeks as he uttered the dreamlike phrase once more.
“Oh my God...I’m going to...marry you, Miles...We’re engaged.”
“We are...” the prosecutor quietly reaffirmed.
Shivering laughs trembled both bodies, before Phoenix gently pried his hands free. He immediately reached to frame Miles’ face, and the new glisten to his finger forced further cascades down his cheeks.
“We did it...” he laughed.
And the expression that had washed over his fiancé’s face was like nothing he had ever seen. It seemed to carry a level of adoration he didn’t even know existed. It seemed to be comprised of more warmth than that of the sun on the horizon. It seemed to be an expression entirely reserved for him.
All of which told Phoenix that he had, in fact, made the best decision of his life. Though, the following murmured word from his beloved hammered it in, cemented them fully on the unified plane.
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outlaw-unicorn · 3 years
For the writing prompts, I've got a one-word one: care! (I love your fics btw!)
Vongole was the first to notice - rising with a huff and claws ticking on the wooden floor as she padded towards the door. At least he thought so. Or maybe that was just his brain coming up with an explanation for why the golden retriever wasn’t when he opened his eyes. Mikeko was there though, blinking at him as something - someone - thudded against the apartment door, and they were both thinking the same thing: this bed here was nice and warm, did he really want to get up?
Another crash, this time from inside their condo, had him roll out of bed with a sigh whereas his cat just curled up again. Oh to be a cat and just sleep through whatever ruckus his boyfriend was making. Well, the ruckus and one very loud Shhhhhhhhh. Although, he thought as he rounded the corner and saw the man turning in a circle as he tried (and failed) to get his boots off - then he’d miss the show. Since those awful boots kept trying to evade, Klavier had now grabbed hold of his right leg and was slowly inching his hands down as if that would help him reach the zipper. If it didn’t make him fall over first.
“You’re back,” he snorted, resisting the urge to grab his phone because this was looking more and more like a Bambi-on-Ice reenactment.
Klavier’s head shot up, the rest of his body following somewhat more sluggishly and the dorkiest grin ever spread over his face.
“Schatzi!” he all but yelled, throwing his arms wide and stumbling into the wall. “You’re awake!”
“Uh huh. And you’re drunk.” Klavier’s grin widened even more and he took a step toward Apollo.
“Nuuuuh, it’s just windy.” Another unsteady step and Apollo decided to close the distance between them before the ‘wind’ knocked his boyfriend over.
“Sure, Klav. Let’s just-” sit down he didn’t get because suddenly he had a heavy, not-drunk boyfriend draped over him, rubbing his cheek against the top of his head.
“You’re so warm,” Klavier purred.
“Yeah, and you know what else is warm? Our bed. So-” He slipped out from under the taller man and pushed him against their dresser until he sat. “- let’s just get you out of these. Hold still.”
“Okay.” Klavier nodded, wide grin growing wider. “You’re so nice to me. I need to get you something as a thank you. How about something red. You like red.”
Snorting he knelt down and made quick work of the boots, pulling them off one after the other as Klavier babbled on. Would Apollo like to redesign their kitchen in red? No? What about-
“Did you guys have fun,” he interrupted, because he also liked their living room as it was, even if red was a pretty color.
“Ja! You should come too next time. Simon is hil- hila- so funny.” Klavier leaned into him again as Apollo tried to maneuver them towards their bedroom, gesturing wildly, and he chuckled at the antics.
“You and Athena have a weird sense of humor,” he mused as he dumped the uncoordinated bundle of limbs on their mattress, much to Mikeko’s dismay, and watched as Klavier rolled on his back and opened his arms, demanding a hug. He had no idea how he managed to date an international rockstar that turned into a cuddly koala after a few drinks but he certainly wasn’t complaining. But he was taking too long, what with him going back to close the door and everything, because said rockstar started making grabby hands at him with a truly impressive pout.
“You’re so far away, Schatz.”
“And you’re still wearing your pants and jacket. That’s gonna be uncomfortable when you wake up.”
Klavier’s eyes widened, as did his grin, and he whispered: “Are you trying to get in my pants, Forehead?”
His own smile matched Klavier’s at the hopeful tone even as he shook his head. “Not while you’re drunk, Klav. But if you help me with getting these off, we can cuddle.”
“Yes, I’ll be good."
He was not. He kept trying to hug Apollo when he just wanted to get that man’s arm out of his sleeves but truthfully, there were worse things to sacrifice your sleep for.
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floating-mid-air · 3 years
The Princess of All Saiyans
Chapter 10 is finally here. Something I noticed while working on this chapter is when I'm writing as the narrator. I use Goku and Kakarot interchangeably. I looked back into the other chapters and noticed I've been doing that the entire time. I honestly just write whichever name feels natural in the context. I think I'll continue writing like that. I think it's more fun switching up Goku's name every once in a while. As always, if you have any comments or questions, feel free to let me know.
Chapter 10
You and Goku sit on opposite ends of the ditch. The choice to sit as far away from him as possible was strictly for your own sanity. You can feel his scolding gaze on you, burning holes through the entirety of your body, making your skin crawl. 
You've been desperately attempting to evade eye contact with the defective Saiyan, which is becoming significantly more strenuous with each second that passes. Goku lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Can we at least sit closer together?"
You turn your head at him, narrowing your eyes. "No, Kakarot."
Goku presses his thumb and index finger together, leaving a tiny hole. He brings the flexed hand up to his eye, looking at you through the minuscule opening. "What about this much closer?"
"No." Your gaze remains locked on him, with a deadpan look on your face.
"But why not?" He wines as you begin to massage your temples. If he keeps this up, the two of you won't survive down here together for much longer. You're ninety-nine percent sure that being stuck with Kakarot will somehow be the greatest adversity of your life. Okay, so maybe you're being just a tad bit overdramatic. 
"Because I don't trust myself not to kill you." You snarl at him. Your composure is dangling by a thin thread, and Goku is an extremely sharp pair of scissors.
Your words seem to have shut Goku up, well, at least for a little while. "Hey Y/N?"
You ball your hands into fists, clenching your jaw as your right eye begins to spasm. You're developing an eye twitch. How lovely. "What is it now, Kakarot?"
"How did you do that thing with your eyes?"
You furrow your brows at the younger Saiyan. "What the hell are you talking about?" You're really starting to get fed up with him, and you've only been trapped down here for around fifteen minutes.
"Your eyes turned red when you were fighting that guy." Your eyes widen before you quickly cover up your shock with a scowl. Fuck. You knew you should've kept your temper under control. How could you have been so stupid?
Lucky for you, Kakarot is a moron. He lacks understanding regarding body language and various emotion cues. It shouldn't be difficult for you to get out of this at all. "Your eyes were just playing tricks on you. Your vision was probably strained from traveling for such an extended amount of time. My eyes did not, nor have they ever changed color."
"But, I saw---" 
"Well, you saw wrong!" You take several deep breaths, attempting to regain your composure. Spoiler alert, it doesn't work. "I can't take this anymore!" You've finally snapped, but to be fair. You lasted much longer than you expected. "Stop asking me a million questions! No, you know what. Stop speaking to me in general! You are the most infuriating---"
Amidst your screaming, Goku jumps up, pulling you into a far corner of the trench. One of his hands is placed over your lips. And his other arm is tightly wrapped around your waist, his hand ghosting over the base of your tail. Your back is pressed up against the rocky wall, and you feel like his larger body is engulfing your form entirely. You glare at him in irritation as an oddly serious expression crosses Goku's face. 
"I'm gonna take my hand away. Be quiet and focus for a minute." He moves his hand, resting it comfortably on your side. It's placed directly on your wound, courtesy of your battle with Burter. You bite your lip, preventing yourself from wincing. Even the smallest amount of pressure is causing you severe pain. Maybe your injury is worse than you presumed. 
You shut your eyes partly to distract yourself from the pain, but the main objective is to focus on the energy around you. There's someone out there, and they're powerful too. That has to be Ginyu. Shit, your explosive outburst could have just gotten you both killed. What is wrong with you today? 
Where you're standing in the pit. There's still a patch of grass over the top. Providing a shield from anything or anyone from the outside. You hate to admit it, but this was actually a wise decision on Goku's part. Never did you think that Kakarot would be the one to remain collective while you're the one behaving recklessly.  
The two of you remain pressed up against each other. Frankly, you're too close for comfort. You can feel every fall and rise of his chest. You can even hear his heartbeat, which is thumping just as rapidly as your own. The sound of Ginyu's faint murmuring invades your ears, though you can't hear anything he says clearly. He must be too far away.
You try to keep your erratic breathing under control, which stems from both pain and nerves. Your surroundings grow quiet, and Ginyu's energy disappears altogether. He must have left. You finally have room to breathe as Goku takes a few steps back, distancing himself from you. His eyes scan your face before quickly darting down to one of his hands. Specifically, the one that's now covered in your blood. His eyes go-round as he moves closer, invading your personal space once again. "Are you hurt?"
His tone lacks his typical cheery nature, causing you to tilt your head upward, your brain desperately attempting to form a contingency plan to get you out of this mess. "I'm fine." Goku makes you uneasy. He's nothing like a Saiyan should be. His behavior is all over the place, and not a single one of his actions adds up in your realm of logic. Out of all the ruthless and sadistic Saiyan's that could've survived, never in a million years did you expect one as pathetic as Kakarot to live.
"But, you're bleeding." This timid side of Goku is somehow worse than his typical cheerful self. You didn't think he could disgust you further, but once again, that defect proves you wrong.
You suppress an eye roll, keeping your piercing gaze locked on him. If you were to look away now, it would appear like you were backing down. And you refuse to let a fool like Kakarot win. "It's not my blood, Kakarot." Hopefully, he'll fall for your lies and drop this pointless conversation here.
"If it's not your blood, then let me see." He moves his hands to your hips, clawing at the bottom of your chest plate.
You grab his wrist, pushing them away. The two of you continue going back and forth, gripping and pushing at each other. It's been a while since someone challenged you like this, one on one. No one back on the Frieza Force would have dared to go against your wishes. Goku's different from them. He's not afraid of you, and it doesn't seem that he'll give up anytime soon. You would've never pegged Kakarot for the stubborn type. Maybe there's still a bit of true Saiyan nature in him, after all. And as infuriating as he is, you can't say you're disappointed. "Knock it off, Kakarot!" 
"Stop being such a baby, and let me help you." If you were in a public setting, those passing by might have believed you were a couple. Having one of those sweet but sicking play fights. While in reality, that was far from the truth. This proves just how thin the line between love and hate truly is. 
"I don't want your help!" You stop fighting him, crossing your arms over your chest, denying him access to your upper half. 
You thought you had outsmarted him, that was until his hands landed on the sides of your top. "Fine. I'll just tear your armor off then."
You stare at him in disbelief. "Do you have no boundaries?" He has to be bluffing, right? No one could be this shameless. However, the look on his face, mixed with his grip on your top tightening, tells you a whole different story. He's serious about this. "Wait---" You place one of your hands on his chest. "If you back off, and shut up. I'll take it off."
He complies with your terms, stepping back, pressing his lips into a thin line. Your hands are violently shaking as you slowly move them to the corners of your chest piece. You've stripped your armor off in front of Raditz, Nappa, and Cado a million times before. So why does this feel so different?
You steadily pull your tunic above your head, slipping your chest piece off your body, leaving you in your nylon blue sports bra. And it really doesn't leave much to the imagination. You turn your head, finally getting to see the wound yourself. It's much deeper than you thought, but due to your Saiyan genetics, it's already healing quite nicely. "Are you pleased? Now, will you finally shut up?"
Feeling self-conscious from his gaze, you cross your arms over your chest again. "No. Why would I be happy about this? It looks, really, bad Y/N." Why does he care about your physical condition? At the end of the day, you're enemies, and your nauseating alliance is only temporary. You just don't understand him. You can't read him either, so you have no clue what he'll do next. And it's driving you mad. 
"Wait." He grins. "I brought Senzu Beans with me." A Senzu what now? Those must be those healing beans he gave Krillin and Gohan back on Earth. He searches his pockets, only to come up empty-handed. He grabs his head as a look of realization crosses his features. "I'm so stupid. I left them on the ship."
Well, there's one thing you both agree on, Kakarot does have a moronic nature. "Hey, relax. I'm fine, Kakarot." You wrap your tail around your waist, applying pressure to your wound. "This is all I need to do. I've done this several times before, and look, I'm still standing, aren't I?"
Your assurance doesn't seem to be enough for Goku. "Please--- just let me help you." He's pleading with you. Does he really have no ulterior motives? Does he really just want to help you? You'd typically laugh at someone pleading with you, but when it's from him. It makes you uncharacteristically sad.
Those puppy dog eyes should be illegal. You swear Goku would be able to make you do anything just with that one look. "O-Ok." Did you seriously just agree? How can a simple glance make you so weak? An expression like that would typically make you sick. Maybe the amount of blood you've lost has made you delirious. That's a plausible explanation. You're clearly doing everything under Namek's three suns to evade the possibility that these new strange feelings could be your own mind's fabrication. 
He removes the cord holding his gi together, causing the orange fabric to hang loose. You now have a clear view of his torso, revealing the blue undershirt that was once hidden under his gi. He slips the shirt off, ripping the bottom of his shirt into strips. "You know I might not be the smartest guy in the world. But I do know that you have to keep wounds clean to avoid infection." He kneels in front of you, giving himself easier access to your side. You don't mind. Him leaning down to help you would've probably made you even more flustered. 
His hand brushes against your tail, causing you to jump. He stares at you in alarm. "Sorry, I forgot that hurts you."
"I-It didn't hurt. I trained myself out of that weakness a long time ago. It's just a sensitive area still." He nods as you uncoil your tail, giving him direct access to your injury. He wraps the strips of cloth around your torso. The fabric is in replacement of a bandage, not bad for a makeshift patch-up at all. You've seen Nappa and Raditz do much worse.
Goku stands back up, tying his gi back together. "See. Good as new." That dopey smile on his face really makes you want to punch him. His facial expression may be causing you mild irritation, and his words had no humor to them, but you can no longer hold back your fit of laughter that is now escaping your lips. "What's so funny?"
"You are."
He pouts, which only makes you laugh more. "I'm not funny."
"Oh, yes you are, Kakarot. Everything about your existence is either. A. amusing or B. irritating." You're about to berate him even further, but you stop yourself. Someone is standing directly above you, and It isn't Ginyu this time. Their power level is far too low. It's not anyone you're currently aligned with either. By now, you know Vegeta's power level by heart, and you were able to memorize the other's energy levels during your previous encounter with them. So it's best to assume that above you is one of Frieza's minions. 
You do have a weapon at your disposal. No one knows that Goku is here except for you. And you intend to use that piece of knowledge to your advantage. You grab his wrist, pulling Goku back to the wall, successfully switching positions with him.
 You look up, getting a good look at the figure above you. Just your luck, it's Jeice. What's next? Will a scorned, old flame of yours show up in an attempt to win you back? Or will Frieza show up for a tea party?
Sadly, it's too late for you to duck back into the corner. That prick already saw you. You move out into the open, keeping Jeice off Kakarot's scent. A self-satisfied grin appears on Jeice lips as he admires your practically bare torso. "Hello, love. You having fun down there?"
"Oh, it's a real party, Jeice." His gaze makes your skin crawl differently. Kakarot's makes you nervous, but Jeice's makes you want to hurl.  
"I have to say, Y/N. I am surprised you'd fall for something so simple-minded."
You turn your head, subtly glaring at Goku. "You're right. That's not like me at all. I must have had a severe lapse in judgment."
"Well, gorgeous. Looks like today's your lucky day. I'll pull you up, but under one condition." You wouldn't accept his aid even if there wasn't a catch. You'd rather spend an eternity in the pit with Kakarot than owe Jeice any favors. "All you have to do is betray Vegeta, re-pledge your allegiance to Lord Frieza, and of course, become my wife."
You scoff, shaking your head. "Ya, no chance in hell I'm doing any of that."
"Oh, come on, Y/N. You'd rather be stuck down there, all alone. Then be with me."
"I wish I was alone right now." You mutter to yourself. Whether this statement was directed at Jeice of Goku is unclear, but it's most likely the latter.
He moves his hand to his scouter. "I didn't quite catch that Y/N. Was that your native tongue? Or were you just whispering?"
"I said I'd rather rot down here! And by the way, the only thing less appealing than death on this shitty planet would be marrying you."
He scowls at you. "I was trying to play nice, but now I see that's not a viable option. So if you insist you'd rather die down there, I won't be the one to stop you. Just know, you lost your only chance of leaving this damn rock alive." He takes off, now in an irritable mood. Maybe you should've played nice and asked him about Vegeta and the others. It probably doesn't matter either way. Who's to say Jeice would've told the truth.
Goku walks over to you, sheepishly handing you your chest piece. You find him much less irritating now. It turns out Kakarot isn't the worst being you could've been trapped with. It could've been much worse. You could be stuck down here with Jeice instead.
The group of four has covered a lot of ground, considering what terrible shape they're in. Recoome really did a number on them, especially Vegeta. He's limping while the others are still able to walk with only mild discomfort. After Vegeta was down for the count, it took Gohan, Krillin, and Raditz all together to finish Recoome off. Raditz is by far in the best shape of the group. Since he jumped in last, getting the KO. The other three would've been executed without the intervention of the largest Saiyan. And lady luck appeared to be on their side because Jeice fled shortly after Recoome fell. A few weeks ago, this group teaming up would've been unimaginable, former allies, enemies, and friends alike, with the lines between each category, quickly blurring together.
The issue with you suppressing your power level is now more prominent than ever. They can't easily locate you, so a search party is sadly the best they can do. Vegeta knew he should've gotten you chipped when he had the chance. He'd be able to locate you anywhere, anytime he wanted. So what if it violated your privacy. If it was up to Vegeta, you'd be one leash by now.
Gohan turns to his uncle. "Do you think Y/N's alright?"
"She's fine. Y/N's incredibly resourceful. If she couldn't surpass him in strength, she'd be able to easily outwit him. Y/N's always done as she's pleased, so it's not surprising if she got a bit carried away." Raditz knows you're alive. He can feel it. A creature as brain-dead as Burter wouldn't be the one to take you out. You'd definitely go out with a bigger bang.
"Stop the chit-chat, and stay focused!" Vegeta snarls at the uncle-nephew duo.
Raditz lowers his voice to a whisper. "Don't mind him. Vegeta's just worried."
"Shut your damn mouth, Raditz! Before I shut it for you, permanently." Raditz's eyes widen in terror as he frantically restarts his search. Pissing off Vegeta right now would not be an intelligent choice.
They explore another good portion of the planet. The only downside is they haven't found any sign of life. The group was about to pause and rest until a strange ship entered their field of vision. Krillin's eyes widen, a grin spreading across his lips. As he reads the words located on the side of the vessel. He begins sprinting toward the machine with Gohan not far behind. "Capsule Corp! We're saved!" 
Vegeta and Raditz observe the two in bewilderment. Vegeta never thought that Raditz could ever be the second smartest person in his vicinity. Today is just full of surprises. "Slow down, you neanderthals!" Vegeta shouts. "It could be a trap." The two Saiayn's have obviously seen more of the world. Even a fool like Raditz understands protocol about behavior on a foreign planet.
The pair ignore their Saiyan allies. With Krillin entering the ship first. "Goku?" He shouts.
"Dad?" Gohan enters the ship, only to find no sign of his father. The pair begin searching the aircraft, looking for clues to where Goku's whereabouts may be. The two Saiyan's tread carefully into the ship. Nothing seems dangerous at the moment. And they wouldn't put it past Kakarot to abandon the only source of transportation off this damn planet. Gohan furrows his brows. "Where could he have gone?"
"Do you guys think he could've been captured? Krillin's question was directed toward the Saiyan's. Vegeta and Raditz both know what the Frieza Force can do while he and Gohan are basically fish out of water.
"Relax." Raditz is the one to break the silence. "If Kakarot was captured, we'd all already know."
"There would be signs of a struggle. And extreme damage to the outside terrain. Kakarot left on his own accord, now let's go, we now have two fools to find."
Krillin was about to follow Vegeta's orders until his eyes land on a small bag. "Wait." He grabs the bag from the table. "If this is what I think it is--- it is. Leave it to Goku to forget an entire bag of Senzu beans." He pulls one of the green beans out of the bag, tossing it to Gohan and grabbing another for himself. 
He throws the bag at Raditz, who catches it with ease. The Saiyan watches the earthling and half-breed eat them first. Their injuries heal instantly, so it isn't poison. That small fact seems to be enough for Raditz, as he eats one of the beans himself. 
After he heals, he hands the bag to Vegeta. "Wait! Raditz!" Krillin shrieks. He's aware that their alliance is quite temporary and will probably end once they successfully disband the Ginyu Force.
Krillin charges at Vegeta, only to be stopped by Raidtz's hand. Which is placed firmly against his forehead, the Saiyan can hold him back with ease. "Stop. You know we can't do this on our own, even with Kakarot's help. Take it from someone who personally knows Frieza and the Ginyu Force. We need him."
Vegeta holds the Senzu bean in his hand, eyeing it skeptically. Before tossing it in his mouth, chewing it slowly. His eyes flash in amazement as his substantial injuries heal instantly. Even though he's seen the bean work wonders before, he still can't believe its capabilities. 
"Do you guys think that Goku and Y/N could be together?" Krillin's question makes a lot of sense, and unknowingly to him, very accurate. 
Vegeta sighs. "It's a possibility." The idea alone makes Vegeta cringe. Just the possibility of you being alone with Kakarot makes him irritable. 
"Well, if they're together, that's a good thing, right?" Gohan's cheerful voice cuts in. "It should be easier to find them, then."
Raditz snickers. "But, will they both be alive? That's the million-dollar question."
Krillin's eyes widen. It wouldn't surprise him if Goku's personality pushed you over the realm of sanity. He sometimes even feels like he's losing his mind when he's with his childhood friend. "Good point. If that's the case, we better step up our game."
The group of four exits the ship, continuing their search. And it doesn't take long for them to discover something else that stops them in their tracks. They located Burter's corpse, more specifically a headless Burter. Decapitation seems to be your go-to method of execution today. It's good to mix things up once in a while.
"Well, it looks like we know what happened here." You jump up in the pit. You'd recognize that voice anywhere. As always, your big brother, Vegeta, comes to your rescue.
"Vegeta! Get me the hell out of here!" Vegeta furrows his brows, desperately looking in all directions. He flys up to get a birds-eye view of the landscape. A higher altitude should be beneficial in tracking you down.
As soon as you hear Vegeta's obnoxious laughter, you know he's found you. He lands on the side of the dip in the ground. "Looks like you're in quite the predicament there, baby sister!" You've never been happier to see that arrogant smirk before in your life. 
"Vegeta, come on, get me out of here! I can't take another second of this torture."
"I don't know." Vegeta rubs his chin. "You did leave me alone, with those three idiots. Maybe I should leave you down there with Kakarot so you can learn a lesson."
"Come on, Vegeta. You know we don't have time for this." Raditz places a large branch in the pit. You should easily be able to climb up it. The barrier is only activated for those inside the hole. So it should cause a rift when something is poking out of it.
You place your hands on the wood as you start shimming upwards. You wince in pain, stumbling a bit. Your injury must be affecting you more than you thought. Goku quickly grabs you, placing his hands on your hips holding you in place.
"D- Don't touch me!"
Goku sighs. Your hot and cold behavior is really confusing to him. "I was just trying to help you. You were gonna fall."
"As we discussed before. I don't want your help." You pull yourself up the rest of the way up, rushing to Raditz. You wrap your arms around the giant, desperately clinging to him. "I take back every bad thing I've ever said about you."
Raditz furrows his brows, looking over your head at his brother, who had just climbed back to the surface. "God, Kakarot. What did you do to her?"
"Relax, you drama queen. You were only down there for about an hour or so." Vegeta pulls you off Raditz as your hand quickly lands over the sight of your wound. There's no need to worry Vegeta about this. It's just a minor scratch, that's all. He scans his eyes over your from, checking for any irregularities. "No injuries. All your limbs are intact. I'm surprised."
"Well, actually---" You slap Goku's leg with your tail, causing him to yelp out in pain. 
"Yep, I'm all good." You plaster an ingenuine smile on your face.
Gohan, Krillin, and Goku all have a little reunion. The rest of you will not take any part in that conversation. Kakarot's arrival isn't something to celebrate. He won't be your saving grace. "So, what's our next move?" Raditz turns to Vegeta. It's almost like nothing has changed. Like you've stepped into a time machine and went back to a much simpler time. Back when things were much less complicated.
"We go find Ginyu and Jeice too." Vegeta turns to you. "That red menace got away."
"I know. Jeice paid Kakarot and me a visit. Putting it simply, he's not gonna be in very high spirits."
Raditz chuckles. "Well, getting turned down so many times can't be good for his ego. Especially by the ice princess."
"She's far from an ice princess. Saiyan-wise, my sister is actually quite friendly. Out of our entire bloodline, I'd say she has the best people skills. She knows how to work a crowd. That's why our father wanted to put her in charge of foreign affairs."
"Was that a compliment, Vegeta?"
"I wouldn't dare." He pauses, turning to the other three. "Alright, let's get this over with. I don't want to spend any more time with you fools than necessary."
The group is finally reunited. But what does Captain Ginyu have in store for our heroes? And will Jeice ever get Y/N's attention? Find out in the next chapter of The Princess of All Saiyans..
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
In My Dreams V
Characters: Zhongli, fm!reader
Word Count: 3,492
Warnings: None
Premise: The past is many things. Something to admire, something to learn from, something to hold dear. And yet how unreliable it can be, especially in the hands of ghosts.
In which the reader dreams of the past.
Author’s Note: This one is probably the one that deviates most from the original prompt. Still I enjoyed writing it a lot, and I hope you enjoy reading it.  
This is the end! Thank you for reading and for your patience and I hope you enjoyed!
There was a young man standing in front of you. Standing in sharp contrast to the darkened landscape around him he naturally drew your eye. You stood facing him, making no effort to approach him. You weren’t even sure you’d be able to if you tried.
The morning sunlight burst forth suddenly from behind you eyelids. Blinking heavily you let out a groan, turning over and smashing your face into the nearest pillow, willing yourself to go back to sleep. A familiar chuckle sounded next to you as a kiss was planted on your cheek.
“You cannot evade the day forever my love. There is much to be done.”
“Five more minutes…”
“If I let you sleep five more minutes then it will surely turn into at least an hour. Besides, did you not tell me once that five minutes was hardly any sleep time at all?”
“Maybe.” You grumbled.
Sitting up you shielded your eyes with your hand. Though you appreciated the heavy curtains that kept the light out in the morning, you had to admit the adjustment every day could be difficult. Especially when your dreams had been so muted. What had you been dreaming of again? Random thoughts flower in and out of your head. Sometimes about a dark landscape. And maybe a person? You supposed it didn’t really matter.
Gathering your clothes you strapped your adventuring belt across your waist. Frowning at the weight of one of the bags you reached your hand into the satchel. Your fingers found rough stone, and when pulling the offending object out you found yourself face to face with a sort of mineral you’d never seen before.
“Hey, Zhongli?”
“Yes my love?”
“Tell me, have you ever seen this before?”
As you held the crystal out to Zhongli you could swear a flicker of darkness shadowed his eyes. Walking over to take the mineral out of your hand he turned it over gently, an expression of stony focus coating his features.
The crystal seemed to glow slightly. Reddish in hue it seemed to have been shot through with gold, if that was possible of a rock. The rusted red color was opaque, and the features of Zhongli’s hands faded into shadow underneath the mineral. Yet still it seemed almost delicate, the golden glow giving it a sense of fragility that undermined its general heaviness.
“This mineral, it is very strange. It reminds me of something I saw once, long ago, but the makeup is different. I cannot even be sure it is not a combination of various minerals. How very strange.”
“Do you think there’s something wrong?” You asked, surprised by the quiet intensity in Zhongli’s words.
“I doubt it very much. Thankfully I doubt that a single odd crystal could shake the foundations of Liyue. Still, it is very strange.” He rolled it over one more time before looking back into your eyes, stare deadly serious. “Do you mind if I keep this for a little while? I promise I shall return it, only there is one thing I wish to enquire after.”
“Of course you can! What’s mine is yours and besides, I don’t have any particular attachment to it. I found it on the ground somewhere.”
“Thank you my love.”
Zhongli leaned over to give you a soft kiss. You sighed happily, glad to be immersed in his proximity. Still a piece of you wondered at the look on his face, and the smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
The day passed quietly, with no interesting rock discoveries or sudden natural disasters in sight. You’d almost forgotten about the whole rock deal in fact, too busy with the sudden uptick in geovishaps on the plains of Liyue to think about much else. By the time you arrived home that evening your thoughts were filled with nothing other than some rest and time with the one you loved most.
“I’m home!” You announced loudly, taking your shoes off and hanging your pack in its usual spot.
“Welcome back my love.”
“Did you have a good day?” You called out, walking through the hall into the living room. Zhongli was sitting in his usual chair, back facing away from you. Walking over you leaned forward, kissing his cheek before going to face him.
The expression of quiet worry on Zhongli’s face quickly pulled you out of your reverie. Sitting down on his lap you pushed the hair out of his eyes, examining him for any fatigue.
“Is something wrong? Did Hu Tao give you a hard time?”
“Work was fine my love, do not worry. It is only the gemstone you gave to me, it… it is very strange.”
“Strange how?” You asked, a chill running down your spine.
“Only that it is quite unique, so unique in fact that I have never seen a mineral or crystal formation like it. As I said there was once a mineral similar in nature, but the means to that mineral was long ago destroyed, and the formation was different.”
“Was the other mineral dangerous?”
“Not intrinsically. Nor can I sense any intrinsic danger from this mineral. Still, I think you ought to keep it hidden for some time. Citizens would surely be curious, and until I can be sure that this symbolizes no threat to Liyue I would not speak of it.”
“Did you notify the Qixing?”
“I informed Ningguang about it today. I trust that she will come to a decision in regards to any monitoring by the Qixing. Still, there are a few things I wish to observe.” Glancing up at your face Zhongli softened a bit, smiling slightly. “Do not worry my love, I am sure there is nothing to fear.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” You replied. But the sense of mundane bliss that had coated you was now shattered, and you found threads of anxiety tugging at your brain, threatening to consume your thoughts and lead you down the path of worrying.
The young man was back that night, once more faraway and unapproachable. This time however his hand was stretched out, palm up, as if waiting for something.
“What do you want?” You called out. There was no reply.
Suddenly the side of your nightdress grew heavy. Reaching into your pocket you pulled out the gemstone, shining faintly in the dark.
“This? What is it?”
The young man smiled, eyes glinting.
“That is the truth?”
You blinked, eyes useless in the dark that still enveloped the world. What time was it? You lay on your back, listening to the soft sighs of your partner, the noise mixing with the soft sound of birds chirping; soon it would be daytime. You sighed, staring up at the ceiling. You’d been dreaming about something, what was it? It was somehow familiar, as if you’d dreamt it before, though surely it wasn’t a normal recurring dream, as you couldn’t seem to remember it. Still, it had made you uneasy, though you weren’t sure why.
Rolling over to face your partner you closed your eyes. No use thinking about it now. What you couldn’t remember you couldn’t remember. Besides, all you wanted to do was sleep.
The morning came far too soon, and with it the knowledge of a busy day that stretched out before you. Blinking away your fatigue you kissed Zhongli an absentminded goodbye before dragging yourself out the door. Collecting your commissions with equal sluggishness you ignored the stares from other Guild members, the quiet concern of Katheryne as she asked if you had slept alright.
Thankfully the day was gorgeous and the workload relatively light. Leaning against a rock, letting the grass of the Liyue plains tickle your hand you stared up at the blue sky. Absentmindedly you wondered again about the dream. What had it been about? Closing your eyes you tried to call it back. The lazy afternoon sun shined down upon you. Soon you found your thoughts melding together and before you knew it you slipped off into sleep.
There was a young man standing in front of you, eyes stony, smile superficial. You glanced around, confused by the black landscape in which you found yourself. This must be a dream. And yet it seemed so familiar that you were sure you’d dreamt this before.
“What do you want?” You called out. Something flickered in your memory. The gemstone, and the fact this young man had reached out for it.
“The truth.” The young man’s smile grew wider, somehow distorted and foreboding.
“What do you mean by the truth?”
“The truth that they wish to hide. The truth that only they can speak.”
“Who do you mean by that?” You felt panic rising as the dream weighed heavy on you. “What do you mean?”
But the young man said nothing. He merely smiled. Suddenly the black seemed to shatter like glass, falling onto your head and drowning you in pitch.
You lurched forward, breath harsh in your lungs. Standing up you glanced around wildly. That dream, what had that dream been? Searching your pockets you stopped, realizing that Zhongli had never given the crystal back. The memory of your dream, combined with the knowledge that the subject must’ve been the same as the one the previous night, left you stunned. More than shock however you felt panic, pure panic at what you’d just experienced. What did that young man mean? What did he want?
You picked up your equipment, not bothering to organize anything. Making your way down the slopes, the nearest waypoint over the crest of a rocky hill, you could think of only one thing. Zhongli, you had to tell Zhongli. Only he could tell you the answers, only he could stop this panic from consuming you. Looking up at the still blue sky you found yourself releasing a prayer into the wind. Please let everything be alright, please let nothing come crashing down.
The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was a surprisingly comfortable space, decorated to match the appearance of a tea room rather than a place where the dead were prepared for their final departure. Normally you appreciated this strangely homey atmosphere, so eagerly and carefully cultivated by Hu Tao. Today, however, you felt only urgency. Making your way down the familiar corridors you yanked the door to Zhongli’s office open, praying that he would be inside.
The sight of your love at work was always compelling. Though seriousness and concentration marked his features, the quiet passion for history and tradition could also be seen, softening his gaze and turning what might have been an unapproachable figure into one of surprising comfort. Glancing up at the sound of the door Zhongli smiled softly; a smile that quickly morphed into a frown as he took in your agitated state.
“My love, what is wrong?”
Zhongli stood up, making his way over to you. Dropping your equipment on the floor you launched yourself into his arms. Breathing in his comforting presence you felt your heartrate slow slightly, the shaking you hadn’t even been aware of subsiding.
“Are you alright?” Zhongli’s voice was soft and full of worry.
“I, I don’t know,” you took in a shaky breath, relaxing as Zhongli wrapped his arms around your waist, “I fell asleep while on a break and I dreamt something very, strange.”
Recounting the dream you watched as Zhongli’s eyes darkened. When you were done he pulled you into a tight hug. Carding his fingers through your hair you felt his arms tighten around you, a silent affirmation of his worry.
“I don’t know what to do,” you murmured into his shoulder, “I know it’s just a dream, but it seems so real, so frightening.”
“It will be alright my love. I promise, nothing ill will come to you, or to the people of Liyue.”
“I wonder what he meant,” you shivered slightly, “I wonder who he meant by ‘they’.”
You weren’t sure if you’d truly felt Zhongli freeze for a moment, so focused were you on the emotions that roiled inside your heart.
The young man seemed angrier than he had previously. Glaring at you from across the darkened landscape he shook his head in what seemed to be disgust.
“You didn’t confront him about it.”
“Confront who?” You asked, defensiveness mixing with the panic welling up once more inside of you.
“The hypocrite. The one who claims to love humans while crushing them under his heel.”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“You do! You’re simply a traitor. You betrayed me, you betrayed the rest of our family. You’ve cursed yourself.”
“I haven’t betrayed anyone!” You heard the pitch of your voice rising. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“You could’ve made us so happy. You could’ve continued our legacy. Instead your cursed us, instead you cursed yourself. You’re just like them, you’re just like the people who killed us!”
You jolted awake, gasping as you threw the coverlet off you, the heat oppressive and sticky against your sweat drenched skin. Sitting up you forced air into your lungs, breathing in and out, trying to match your rhythm with Zhongli’s, who slept quietly next to you. Gazing down at him you turned the words of your dream back over in your head. “You’re simply a traitor… You’ve cursed yourself.” The words were vague, but you felt a cold sensation creep over you, the unspoken sound of pieces fitting into place and fear clouding your mind.
The next day you could barely drag yourself out of bed, having spent the rest of the night sitting on the floor as thoughts raced through your head. Though you were sure Zhongli had asked you about your current state you couldn’t truly remember any conversation, and the trip to the Guild seemed longer than usual as you found yourself making wrong turns and bumping into various walls.
The commissions of the day certainly didn’t help. Ordered to chase a few Fatui members out of Liyue, or at least stop them from attacking every adventurer in the City, you felt your stomach dropped as you realized the location was that of where you’d found the fateful stone. Climbing over mountain ridges and dodging the occasional hilichurls camp you felt your limbs dragging underneath you. Though there couldn’t have been more than a few meters between you and the Fatui members it felt as if there were actually miles.
The situation only got worse when you finally scaled the last crest, pulling yourself up before two Hydro Legionnaires and an Anemo Vanguard. Summoning your claymore you felt as if your weapon had gotten heavier, and your steps were awkward and unsure as you charged the all too prepared Fatui members.
You swings sliced through the air as if it were made of gel, your steps stumbling and unsure. The Skirmishers dodged your strikes easily, laughing openly and jeering at you to make another dive towards them. You ignored their taunts, trying to focus on your breathing, on keeping your steps uniform and controlled. Still you knew that you were in over your head. You didn’t know what was going to happen, regretted that you hadn’t asked for help or simply requested a day off. Now however you were stuck, locked into a battle you knew you were going to lose.
Eventually the Anemo seemed to tired of your exhausted movements. Running up towards you, you felt your lungs burn as air rammed straight into your chest. Teetering on the edge of the mountain you felt yourself fall backwards. Seeing the sky above you, you let yourself scream. How could you have been so careless? How could you have failed so quickly? Closing your eyes you wished that you might faint. Whatever was at the bottom of this fall, it wasn’t going to be pretty.
However just as soon as your eyes closed you felt your fall broken. Snapping your eyes open you were met with the sight of Zhongli, face stony, eyes glowing preternaturally. Floating down softly he deposited you on a grass ridge of the mountain. Saying nothing he seemed to float upward into the air, aiming right towards where the Fatui were gathered. Sighing you closed your eyes once more, stilling the emotions that swirled inside you, the knowledge that you may have just escaped serious injury or worse. Slumping forward you felt tears at the edges of your eyes. You were tired. You were oh so tired.
“Are you hurt?” Zhongli’s voice was soothing, even in its urgency.
“I’m fine,” you opened your eyes to gaze up at your partner who crouched before you, “I’m just shaken.”
“I should have paid more attention to your physical state this morning,” Zhongli frowned, his smooth features contrasting the emotions that roiled in his eyes, “if I had not been here you may have died.”
“But you were here. Why?”
“This place, it was once a very important place of trade. I returned here to see if there were any lingering traces of that trade, those contracts. It is where I saw the ore that is mimicked in the mineral you found.”
“I see.” You paused, unsure if you wanted your next words released into the world. “Zhongli?”
“Yes my love?”
“The tyrant that boy in my dream mentioned, is that you?”
Zhongli was silent for some time, his deepening frown the only indication he had heard you. Finally he sighed. Sitting down next to you he gazed out onto the landscape, surveying it as he must’ve done all those years as Rex Lapis.
“The place that I mentioned, the origin of the ore from which yours takes its likeness, was a kingdom unlike the Seven which now dominate Teyvat. It was created only by humans, untouched by the hands of a god or higher being. It dabble in alchemy, created stones that could not be found anywhere else. And then, long ago, it was razed to the ground.”
“By who?”
“By the seven archons.” Zhongli’s features were still, his eyes giving away no tangible emotion, no sense of loss or satisfaction or hate.
“I see.”
“The people of the land scattered. Yet some would not forget the destruction of their kingdom. They banded together, creating the Abyss. They hold the old artifacts of their city dear, the prospect of revenge even more so. Their hatred of the Seven runs deep.”
“And the young man who is in my dreams is part of the Abyss?”
“It appears to be that way. Yet there is something about your descriptions, about the stone. The Abyss has never before been able to manipulate people’s dreams. There is something about that young man that is foreign even to them.”
“Yet he must believe in the Abyss very deeply.” You remarked.
Zhongli said nothing more, simply continuing to look out over the mountain. You wondered if he held any regrets for the place he destroyed, if he wondered what might come to pass should Liyue be subject to such a thing. Yet you couldn’t find it in you to chastise him. Somehow you knew, the wounds that he already carried would be little helped by your words.
“Thank you for telling me.” You leaned over to lay your hand over your partner. Finally breaking his stare Zhongli gazed at you, face still as ever, eyes tinged with an ancient melancholy.
“I hope I have not betrayed you, or the contract of our trust.”
“How could it be a betrayal if I never asked or knew about it?” You leaned over to press a soft kiss on Zhongli’s forehead. “I’m only glad you told me now.”
The ex-archon’s frame seemed to relax a little. Leaning over he cupped your cheek, brushing his lips softly against yours.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
“Thank you for telling me.”
“What will you do now?”
“I’m not sure. Hope that whoever he was, that young man has given up on me I guess.”
“I hope you do not feel as if you have betrayed someone.”
“How can I feel betrayal for someone that I don’t know or don’t remember?” You shook your head. “I don’t know what that person is looking for, or what he expects of me. I do know you however, and what I do know is that if loving you has made me a traitor of something, so be it.”
Zhongli’s smile was one that reached his eyes, enveloping you in a silent warmth. As the two of you leaned against one another, gazing out upon the landscape shadowed in the afternoon sun, you let yourself finally relax. Questions still sifted through your head, but you let them fall through your consciousness, like sand through your fingers. You didn’t know whether Zhongli felt regret for what he did, whether or not he felt justified in the destruction he participated in. What you did know however was that you loved him.
And for now that was enough.
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wheresmynaya · 3 years
Hate to Date Ch.2 | Brittana
A/N - Back to back weekly updates? You can thank this damn head cold for keeping me in bed LOL. I’m so blown away by the response the first chapter received, like holy shit you guys love a good trope combo same as me! Happy that you’re all enjoying it so far, hopefully I can keep delivering. Have at it! 💙
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut!
“I cannot believe this.”
Puck looks over at Santana muttering to herself as she stares at her phone and quirks his brow. She’s shaking her head now as she scrolls and it makes Puck wonder.
“What is it?”
Santana’s eyes widen at the screen before she’s scrolling again. With the shake of her head, she continues to mutter.
“Like I cannot actually believe this is happening to me.”
“What?” Puck tries again.
When Santana doesn’t answer, he leans over the armrest separating them to take a peek at her screen, but she quickly yanks the phone to her chest.
Puck sits back a little and starts to smirk, “You getting nudes in class now or something?”
Several students seated around turn to stare at them – even Brittany. Santana can already feel the color starting to drain from her face as they stare. It’s not the possibility that everyone will find out she’s being sent risky pictures, because hello been there done that – but because this is way worse.
“Jesus, no!” Santana snaps, but her deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression doesn’t help.
Brittany shakes her head before turning back to her work. The other students around them follow suit, but Puck’s the only one that seems way more interested in whatever’s going on with Santana than taking notes. He continues staring at her while she furiously taps at her screen.
“Can you stop? You’re being weird,” Santana grumbles as she side eyes him while she puts away her phone.
“Me?” Puck lets out a laugh in disbelief, “I’m being weird? You’re the one talking to yourself.”
Santana gives him a look but he doesn’t waver. In fact, he scoffs at her attitude.
“Ever since you came back from your last trip home you’ve been all,” Puck motions at her with his hand, “Which like, you’re always a little on edge whenever you come back from a visit but it’s lasting so much longer this time. Not to mention that you haven’t had any of your late night visitors come around. Something’s up.”
Santana stays quiet though and turns to keep taking notes. Puck eyes her, trying to find a weak spot in her armor.
“I haven’t seen Denise around,” Puck ends up adding, “I figured after bringing her home with you that she’d have a least one more week before you’re kicking her to the curb.”
At the mention of Denise, Santana stiffens.
Puck notices and pushes further, “Shit. What happened? Did your mom like…walk in on you two…” Puck lifts his hands to gesture but Santana quickly swats them down.
“Will you just drop it?”
“I can’t! Not when you’re always huffing and puffing at your phone,” Puck reasons, “Just tell me what’s going on with you?”
“No way.”
“Why not?”
“Because why?
“Because it’s too embarrassing.”
“Now you definitely have to tell me!”
Suddenly Brittany’s turning around again, a flash of blonde hair whipping past, and a scowl on her face. Her piercing blue eyes cut her like ice as she glares.
“Can you both keep it down?” She scolds, “Some of us are trying to pay attention.”
“Some of us are trying to pay attention,” Santana mocks.
“Grow up,” Brittany says with an eyeroll before turning around.
Santana only sticks her tongue out, but despite the reminder that they’re still in the middle of class Puck is determined to get Santana talking. He’s such a little shit like that when it comes to keeping secrets.
“Just tell me,” He insists in a hushed tone, “I told you about that one time I nearly burned my dick off using your fancy shaving cream.”
“Yeah, I didn’t ask for that,” Santana replies bluntly, “I remember specifically saying that I didn’t want to know.”
“But that’s an embarrassing moment, so now you have to tell me yours.”
“That’s not how it works,” Santana says.
Just then, her phone lights up on her desk. She glances to it as Puck does the same. She knows what’s about to happen, but she shifts her stare to Puck hoping that he’s smarter than that.
Of course, he’s not and soon they’re both lunging for her phone.
Santana’s closer so she gets a hand on it first, but so does Puck and he tries valiantly to muscle her out of the way. It’s a lost cause trying to beat him but what she lacks in brawn she makes up for in brain. She’s quick to pinch him right under the bicep and Puck instantly pulls back.
“Ow! Fuck!” He groans.
Santana only smirks, “Don’t touch my shit.”
His face is still screwed up in pain as he rubs the spot while Santana slips her phone safely in her bag.
“That was dirty,” Puck tells her.
Santana just shrugs, “Would you expect anything less of me?”
Puck starts to grin, “Guess not.”
“Okay then,” She smirks and nods to the front of the lecture hall, “Now leave me alone. I’m trying to listen.”
And Puck does as he’s told – for a solid five seconds.
“Come on,” Puck pleads, “This is just a review. You don’t even need to listen.”
Santana sighs, “You’re not going to drop this?”
“Fine,” Santana leans closer to Puck and whispers, “Swear you’ll never repeat this.”
Puck’s eyes widen like he’s just hit the jackpot, “I swear.”
“Okay,” Santana closes her eyes and settles her racing heart, “My mom is setting me up on blind dates because she’s tired of the kind of girls I bring home.”
Puck sits back and blinks, “Wait. What?”
“Yeah,” Santana says dejectedly as she goes back to writing, “It’s the same shit. She doesn’t think I take my future with her at the firm seriously because of my so-called reputation with women so now she’s taking over like she always does and trying to set me up with the perfect person. God, she makes it sound like I’m some sleezy player, but I’m respectful!”
“Now that’s hilarious,” Brittany comments just loud enough for Santana to hear.
Santana doesn’t pay her any mind though and looks back at Puck, “I’ve wine and dined every woman I’ve been with, you know that. I’ve opened every door, paid every tab, I even make sure they come first!”
“Totally, yeah.”
Santana slumps in her chair and thinks aloud, “I can’t help that I’m attractive, that’s what I told her. What’s so wrong about keeping my options open, right? What’s the point of being young and in college if she already wants me to settle down with someone already? It’s crazy and it’s ridiculous!”
Puck stays quiet for a moment longer like he’s still trying to grasp the concept, but only one question begs to be asked.
“Are they at least hot blind dates?”
Santana looks to him unamused, but she can tell he’s being completely serious and he’s so used to her judgment that it doesn’t usually phase him anymore anyway. So she sighs again and shrugs.
“I mean, yeah but that’s besides the point,” Santana answers honestly.
“Looks are important,” Puck assures her.
“Obviously, but I’m not that shallow,” Santana waves him off.
Puck shakes his head in disbelief, “So Mama Lopez has you going on blind dates...”
“Technically she’s only set me up on one blind date but she keeps sending through these potential romance partners,” Santana replies, “She has them formatted like a damn resume with a picture and bio, likes and dislikes, future plans. Every one of them has professional goals and despite them being relatively hot, they’re boring as hell!”
Puck starts to giggle as Santana shows him an example which earns him a punch in the arm.
“This is no laughing matter, Puckerman,” Santana says, “This is serious shit! I wouldn’t be surprised if she signs me up for The Bachelorette or something. This really is a new low for me.”
Puck looks back at her with a brow raised, “Oh no, my mom is setting me up on dates with beautiful and successful women. My life is so hard.”
“See that right there,” Santana points a finger at him, “That’s why I didn’t tell you in the first place.”
“Come on,” Puck jokes, “I can kind of see why she’s stepping in. Your dating history is on the same level as mine and that’s not a good thing.”
“Why?” Santana cocks her head to the side, “Because you’re a guy?”
“I – well…”
“Exactly,” Santana huffs, “I’m tired of the insane double standards. I like to date, so what? Doesn’t give her an excuse to meddle in my love life.”
“More like lust life.”
Santana gives him a look, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Puck brushes off, “I’m just pointing out the obvious. You don’t do commitments and you don’t do long term. You’re there for the fun parts and then as soon as they get attached, you break it off. It’s text book Lopez.”
Santana hates how see-through she feels and crosses her arms over her chest in defiance.
“You’re one to talk. When was your last relationship?”
“You know the answer to that,” Puck says with an unexpected seriousness in his tone.
Santana grits her teeth and looks away, “Point is I don’t need her setting me up. I like my life the way that it is.”
“She’s doing the work for you though,” Puck reasons, “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic here?”
“Of course not!”
Suddenly Brittany’s turning around again, “You two are unbelievable.”
“Sorry Britt,” Puck apologizes and taps his paper, “I’m all ears now.”
Santana doesn’t have anything witty to say in return though, because now she’s finally letting the gravity of the situation she’s gotten herself into weight down on her. Since returning home, she’s been brushing this whole blind date thing off but now that she’s talked about it aloud it’s like the veil of ignorant bliss has been lifted.
She really is in deep shit.
There’s only so many times she can try to evade Maribel’s attempts before she’s being ambushed – hell, it’s already happened once before! Her mother’s never been one to back down easily, so Santana doesn’t see the end coming anytime soon, not until Santana has a proper suiter by her side.
“I have to figure a way out of this,” She says suddenly before turning to Puck. “She’s already set me up on another date when I come home for winter break.”
“Damn, Mama Lopez works quick.”
Santana reached over and grabs his wrist. Her grip is so tight that Puck winces.  
“Ow! What the hell?”
“You’ve got to help me,” Santana tells him, “What if I’m stuck going on boring dates for the rest of my life?”
Puck laughs as he pries her fingers off, “Why don’t you just date one of the girls you bring home for longer than a couple weeks?”
Santana shakes her head, “I can’t do that. Have you seen these women my mom has picked out? The Art Majors I’ve taken home can’t compete with that!”
“Well then I guess I can offer my services.”
Santana rolls her eyes, “One: that ship sailed a long ass time ago. Two: no one would believe it. Three: I need someone that’s actually impressive.”
“Rude,” Puck puffs out his chest, “I’m impressive. Check out these guns.”
Santana shakes her head as he starts to flex.
“You okay back there, Noah?” Professor Martinez asks, “You forget you’re not at football practice again?”
Puck instantly stops, “My B, Prof Martinez!”
While they get back to focusing on class, Santana’s gears are still turning, trying to come up with a solution to this mess.
After another few days of dealing with Maribel playing matchmaker, Santana’s had enough.
She and Puck are home trying to wind down after their long day of school and practice. Puck’s in the middle of ordering way too much pizza while Santana’s in the kitchen already halfway through her second glass of wine. She’s mindlessly scrolling through her phone when a text from Maribel comes through.
“This woman doesn’t quit,” Santana laughs as she joins Puck on the couch, “Check this one out.”
Puck leans over and reads, “Likes quiet nights at home, reading and horseback riding.”
“She’s a horse girl,” Santana states, “My mother has recommended I date a horse girl.”
“She’s the hottest horse girl I’ve ever seen,” Puck compliments, “And hey, at least she’d know how to ri– “
“Don’t even,” Santana stops him.
“What?” Puck snickers, “Let me see the next one.”
Santana sighs but shows him anyway. They go through a couple duds before settling on another pretty blonde that sparks both of their attentions.
“This one’s in culinary school,” Santana says, “Not really a career path mom would’ve included in here but maybe she’s an heir to the throne or something.”
“Which throne?”
“Who knows,” Santana shrugs.
“Dating a chef would be cool. You’d always eat good,” Puck starts to smirk, “You see what I did there?”
Santana looks unimpressed, “Stevie Wonder could see that coming.”
Puck brushes her off as he takes a sip of his beer.
“You’re mean when you haven’t been laid,” He frowns.
Once the pizza comes, they lay out the boxes on the coffee table and camp out around it while they continue drinking. Puck has something random on tv but it’s so lame that it starts to be hilarious – or maybe that’s the alcohol talking. They go between watching the screen and scrolling through more of the profiles Maribel sends through.
“I don’t even reply to these things anymore,” Santana giggles.
“You’re leaving Mama Lopez on read?” Puck asks with his eyes all glassy, “Damn. That’s cold. Even your own mom gets the Lady Killer Lopez treatment.”
“That’s not a thing,” Santana laughs, “Besides, I reply to her just not when she’s trying to set me up with a future wife.”
Puck shakes his head, “How you gonna ghost her when you go home in a few weeks?”
“Maybe I’ll skip going home?”
“Bullshit,” Puck jokes, “Your mom would kick your ass then she’d kick mine for not locking you out of the apartment.”
“You right,” Santana chuckles, “I guess I’ll just figure it out when I get there.”
After a few more slices of pizza and more drinking, Puck gets an idea.
“What if you tell her you already have a girlfriend?”
Santana starts to giggle, “And who would this girlfriend be?”
“I don’t know,” Puck shrugs, “She’s made up!”
“Made up? That’s the worst idea ever.”
“She can’t send you pics of hot chicks anymore if you’ve got one though?”
“But I don’t have one,” Santana reasons.
“So lie.”
Santana quirks her brow, “You want me to lie to Maribel Lopez?”
Puck raises his beer, “Got a better idea?”
Santana thinks about that for a moment but everything’s kind of wine-soaked and cloudy.
“I guess not.”
Puck grins, “Then this is the answer to all your problems! Tell her you have a girlfriend already!”
It’s not one of her brightest moments in the world, but are any ideas bright after a bottle of wine? She just wants the constant texts about prospective suiters to stop and at this moment in time, Puck’s a goddamn genius.
“Done,” Santana says triumphantly and goes to send the text to Maribel.
“Liar,” Puck laughs, “You didn’t actually, right?”
“I sure fucking did,” Santana nods and shows the screen to her best friend.
“Can’t. Got a gf. It’s pretty serious,” Puck reads then falls on his back roaring with laughter.
“What?” Santana looks back at the text. The screen’s a little blurry so she squints, “Did I spell something wrong?”
“I can’t believe you actually sent that,” Puck says. There’s a brief moment of clarity where Santana regrets her decision but it’s quickly interrupted by Puck adding, “You never listen to me!”
“Yeah, there’s a reason for that…”
Santana looks back at the screen contemplating whether or not she should follow up with a jk or just leave it, but the alcohol is making her move slower than usual. By the time she decides, there’s a next text from Maribel.
“Shit!” Santana throws the phone at Puck’s chest, “You read it. I can’t.”
Puck sits back up and does his best impression of Maribel as he reads, “Lovely. Can’t wait to meet her.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!”
“You’re so screwed,” Puck laughs, “What are you going to do?”
“Hell if I fucking know! This is your fault.”
“Hey, I didn’t send that message. You did.”
“You know how I feel about peer pressure!” Santana argues, “Mama didn’t raise no bitch.”
“You’re right, she raised a dumbass!”
“Fuck off!”
Puck laughs while Santana goes to stand and starts pacing but instead of straight lines, her path is curvy and she nearly trips over the leg of the coffee table.
“Sit your ass down. You’re making me dizzy!”
“I’m making me dizzy,” Santana snaps but slumps down on the coach. She tries to relax but her thoughts keep whirling, “Shit. What did I just do?”
Puck glances warily in her direction, “Okay. You’re killing my buzz. You need to chill.”
Santana shakes her head, “What I need is a hot and smart girlfriend who can put all these women my mom is trying to set me up with to shame now because apparently I have one of those!”
Puck raises a brow, “Where the hell you gonna find someone like that?”
Santana only shrugs as she downs the rest of her glass.  
Puck nods, but something about Santana’s comment gets him thinking.
It takes about a week before Puck’s finally ready to present Santana with his solution. He’s like a giddy kid on Christmas morning as he leads Santana to a vacant study room one day before her cheer practice.
Santana grows even more curious as they walk by the smaller rooms available for booking and head down to the very end where the larger rooms are situated. She wouldn’t say she trusts Puck’s judgement because he’s partly the reason why she’s in this mess, but part of her really is curious about this big idea he has.
Or maybe the curiosity is actually desperation?
When they get to the last door, Puck pauses and turns to her.
“You ready?”
Santana gives him a curious look before shrugging, “I guess?”
Puck nods and swings open the door in a showy fashion.
There is a single table with two chairs set up on the near side of the room and Puck leads the way over, pulling the chair out for Santana so she can sit. She’s looking around cautiously, trying to figure out what’s going on here when Puck calls out.
“Okay ladies, you can come out now!”
“Huh?” Santana deadpans.
Suddenly, a side door opens and line of six women come sauntering out. Santana’s looking at them, trying to figure out if she can recognize who they are. Instead, she finds them giving her flirty looks accompanied by brilliant smiles. Santana’s momentarily starstruck by their beauty, but then she turns to Puck and remembers that she has no idea what’s going on.
“What the hell is this?” She asks him.
“Well,” Puck smirks as he takes the seat next to her, “These are the most eligible girls on campus that you can take home to impress your mom.”
Santana’s jaw drops, “Are you kidding me?”
“I’m so serious,” Puck replies, “I listened to what you said the other night. You need hot, smart, and put together – someone who can put all the ones your mom suggests to shame. Well, look no further because here they are!”
“Why does everyone feel the need to ambush me with beautiful women?” Santana mumbles to herself before looking at Puck, “How did you find these people?”
“I’ve got my ways,” Puck smirks, “They tick all the boxes – mostly – so you just have to pick one to be your girlfriend. Problem solved.”
“Problem not solved,” Santana says, “I don’t want a girlfriend!”
“They know that,” Puck replies, “They’re all wannabe actors. They see this as an opportunity to go all Jared Leto.”
Santana wrinkles her nose, “They’re going to send me a dead pig?”
“What? No, they’re going to go all method acting on you! They know the relationship is all for show is what I’m trying to say,” Puck explains, “They’re just going to pretend to be your girlfriend.”
“So they’re basically escorts.”
“I mean,” Puck glances to them and back at Santana. He lowers his voice to a whisper, “I think one of them actually is. I’m not sure. No judgement though, do what you gotta do.”
Santana shakes her head, “No. Hell no.”
“Why?” Puck asks, “It’s like your personal episode of the Bachelorette. You love that show!”
Santana’s eyes widen, “Will you keep it down? I don’t love that show. I just like the drama.”
“Yeah whatever,” Puck waves off, “Just ask them a few questions and see which one you like the most and you’ll have a girlfriend. Boom!”
“I said no.”
“Come on, why not?”
“Why not?” Santana laughs, “Because I don’t want my life to be like that show. In fact, I was hoping it’d never happen to me and yet…here we are.”
Puck cringes but tries to smile through her anger, “At least we’re not on tv?”
Santana’s in disbelief, “Yeah. I guess there’s that.”
“You know, I worked really hard on this,” Puck frowns, “You know how many study sessions I’ve missed trying to find these people? I’m missing one right now, Britt’s so disappointed.”
“Boo-hoo,” Santana waves off, “I’m not doing this. I’m not about to pretend to date a random. First of all, they’re pretending to be someone they’re not on top of pretending to be my girlfriend. Second of all, I don’t know any of these people well enough to bring them around my family. It’s a shit show waiting to happen. God, you know what would happen if this got back to my mom? It would be way worse than what I’ve been doing.”
“How would it get back to her? Who would even tell?” Puck questions, “The girls have been sworn to secrecy!”
“Gee, I don’t know,” Santana argues, “Maybe her husband?”
Puck scoffs, “Coach wouldn’t – “
Santana gives him a look, “Who told her about the time cops busted up our Halloween party because some asshole tipped them off? And what about that llama that I helped your dumbass set free in the freshman dorms when you were drunk because of a ridiculous bet?”
“Shit, you’re right,” Puck slumps in his chair.
Santana stands and pats Puck on the shoulder, “This whole thing is a hard no. Good try though.”
“Thanks,” He sighs before calling out to the women, “Sorry, ladies! Deal’s off.”
The women all stop smiling and grumble beneath their breath as they exit the room, casting dirty looks at Puck and Santana.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that,” She says, “I didn’t have anything to do with this.”
“So winter break starts next week,” Puck mentions as the women file out of the room, “What are you going to do now?”
Santana shrugs, “I’ve been thinking of hanging back for Christmas so I can catch up on some work. Maybe make a little progress on that big assignment for Professor Martinez’s class.”
Puck’s brows rise, “You’re gonna stay home? I thought that was off the table?”
“Just for Christmas. I’ll definitely have to make an appearance for New Year’s,” Santana replies, “Maybe I’ll tell my mom I’ve gone home with my imaginary girlfriend to visit her family instead?”
“That could actually work,” Puck chuckles.
“Maybe,” Santana smirks, “Anyway…now you’ve got time for your study session with what’s-her-face.”
Puck laughs at that as he throws his arm around her shoulders, “You know I’m determined to figure this out for you, right? You asked for my help and I’m committed.”
“Yeah and I appreciate it,” Santana chuckles, “Go. Don’t want to keep Brittany waiting, she might draw a frowny face on your homework.”
Puck gets to thinking, “Don’t joke. She just might!”
While Santana continues to ponder on this dilemma, she contemplates swearing off alcohol for a long time. If she hadn’t been drinking with Puck that night then maybe she wouldn’t have dug herself into an even deeper hole. The longer she thinks on it, the more frustrated she becomes, but what can she do?
The next time Puck approaches Santana with a potential solution, it’s through a single text message a few days later:
Puckerman: Meet me at Rise & Grind at 3.
Santana eyes the message suspiciously. Judging by his last attempt, who knows what her best friend has up his sleeve this time. Still, she agrees because honestly she doesn’t have anything better to do and she’s curious. What could he possibly do to top his little Bachelorette stunt from the other day?
When she arrives to the café on time, Puck’s waiting for her outside the entry doors.
“Yo!” He calls out to her.
“Hey,” She greets in return before nodding at the doors, “I’m not about to walk into a blind date, am I?”
Puck laughs, “Mama Lopez got you all traumatized now?”
“I’m just saying,” Santana replies, “I don’t know if I can handle another one of your great ideas so this better be good.”
“Damn. Where’s the faith?”
“Why do you think I agreed to meet you? You’re lucky I even showed up,” Santana answers as she follows Puck inside.
“Okay, so hear me out – “
Santana freezes when Puck leads her to an occupied table. More importantly, a table being occupied by none other than Brittany S. Pierce herself.
“What the hell is this?” Santana snaps and turns to Puck, “Why is she here?”
Brittany also looks to Puck for an answer, “I could ask the same thing.”
Puck’s all devious grins and confidence as he pushes at Santana’s shoulders so that she’d sit across from Brittany. He grabs a spare chair from a nearby table and takes a seat between the enemies.
“So I’m sure you guys are wondering why we’re here,” Puck starts to explain.
“No shit,” Santana grumbles.
“I mean, I was meant to be here,” Brittany says and looks to Santana, “Just not with you.”
“Believe me, there are many places I’d much rather be,” Santana rolls her eyes and looks to Puck, “What is this about? I thought you were presenting me another one of your great ideas.”
“I am,” Puck insists, “If you’d just shut up for two seconds, I can explain.”
“Big ask,” Brittany teases, “She loves hearing the sound of her own voice.”
“Says you!” Santana snaps, “Seriously Puckerman, why’s she here?”
“Like I said, I’m meant to be here,” Brittany replies, “I booked this table.”
“Okay okay,” Puck interrupts Santana’s next insult, “The reason why you’re both here is that I think you two need each other.”
“Need each other?” Brittany’s brows rise comically while Santana’s just laughs.
“I need her like I need a nail to the head,” Santana says flatly.
“Same,” Brittany agrees then looks to Puck, “I thought we were here to make up for those study sessions you’ve been missing?”
“Of course you thought that,” Santana shakes her head, “What a nerd.”
“Hey,” Puck says sternly, “Didn’t you kick a girl out of your bed because she made you late for class?”
Santana’s jaw drops at the low blow, “I can’t believe you just said that.”
Brittany starts to smirk, “Who’s the nerd now?”
Santana rolls her eyes and goes to stand, “This was a big fail, Noah. I don’t know what you were thinking but this – “
“I didn’t even explain yet,” Puck interrupts, “Just sit, okay? You two are already going to have to work together so you might as well start getting along now.”
“Back up,” Santana flinches, “What do you mean work together?”
Brittany gives them both a blank look, “I’m so confused right now.”
“No surprise there,” Santana quips to which Brittany scoffs.
“Okay look,” Puck starts again, “I may have spoken to Professor Martinez and now you two are sort of working together for the assignment.”
Santana’s eyes widen, “How the fuck did you manage to pull that off?”
“It was weirdly easy actually,” Puck shrugs, “A little fear and intimidation tactic to get Brittany’s partner to agree to the switch then I just hit up Prof Martinez to confirm.”
“I didn’t agree to a partner switch,” Brittany adds then cuts a glare to Santana, “Especially when that partner is you.”
Santana rolls her eyes at the blonde before looking to Puck, “Seriously, I’m this close to kicking your ass.”
Brittany sputters a laugh, “As much as I’d love to see that considering your bite-sized stature – ”
“I’ll show you bite-sized.”
“See!” Puck interjects, “You guys are already hitting it off!”
Santana and Brittany both stop to glare at him.
“Clearly, we are not,” Santana points out.
Santana’s starting to get really worked up about this now, she can feel her face heating with rage. Honestly, what the hell was he thinking? This might be even worse than the whole imaginary girlfriend idea!
Brittany on the other hand speaks more calmly, “I don’t know why you’d think it would be okay to switch partners without my permission or what you’re trying to drag me into but I’m not here for it. This grade is important to me. My education is important to me.”
“I know,” Puck says genuinely, “Seriously, I know. That’s why I did it. Kind of.”
“Kind of?” Brittany frowns.
“Yeah, well it’s part of the reason why I did it,” Puck replies cryptically, “I think you two should work together, because you’re each other’s best chance at getting the grant. You’re the best in class!”
“I’m better,” Santana slips in.
Brittany gives her an amused look, “Sure.”
Puck shakes his head and looks at Santana, “I know you need this a lot more than I do.” Then he looks to Brittany, “So do you. And as cool as it would be to ride on Santana’s coattails for this, I don’t think I’d feel right sharing the benefits if I didn’t work as hard.”
“You’d have to win first,” Brittany comments.
“Right,” Puck agrees, “And it’s a slime chance of that if we’re teaming up – but you two? Together?”
Santana and Brittany share a glance, but they quickly avert their eyes back to Puck.
“Professor Martinez was right about what could be if you both put your differences aside,” Puck tells them, “If you two work together on this, it would be an easy win. You keep it the way it is, maybe none of us would get that grant.”
Brittany seems to really take in his words and consider the offer, while Santana watches him curiously. Since when has her best friend ever worried about riding her coattails for a good grade?
“Plus,” Puck adds, “It’ll help make your relationship a lot more believable.”
“Our what?!” Santana and Brittany gasp in unison.
“Your relationship,” Puck says, “You’ll be spending lots of time together working on this assignment, late nights at the library or whatever, sparks are bound to fly so a budding romance wouldn’t be the craziest thing ever. I mean, minus the whole hating each other part but you could just blame it on the sexual tension. Everyone’s already thinking it anyway.”
“Wait what?” Santana blinks blankly, “What do you mean they’re already thinking it?”
Puck ignores her, “You two working together on this assignment is the perfect cover! Like, how many lab partners have you hooked up with because you’ve spent so much time together? Personally, I’m at like a solid three and a half.”
“How can there be a half?” Brittany asks.
Puck only winks, “We got interrupted.”
Brittany looks taken aback, “Right…”
Santana, on the other hand, looks at Puck like he’s got two heads, “Have you lost your goddamn mind or have you been hit too many times out on that field and you’re now concussed?”
Puck sighs, “I’m serious.”
Santana stares back with her jaw tensed, still trying to decide how she feels about this proposition.
“I’m still on the relationship part,” Brittany mutters.
Puck looks to Santana with a proud grin on his face, “This’ll work.”
Santana doesn’t really know what to think at the moment. She hasn’t had enough time to process, but the logic is there – sort of. Call it a momentary lapse in judgement, but she let’s the thought roll around in her mind.
Unlike the girls he tried to set her up with the other day, she actually knows Brittany – she knows that she’s apparently a genius otherwise she wouldn’t be giving Santana so much grief. That’s at least one box checked so far?
“You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this,” Santana notes.
“Dude, you have no idea!” Puck replies excitedly, “It’s my best work yet. Look at her, she’s everything you asked for.”
Puck and Santana glance at Brittany who’s growing even more confused by the second.
“What exactly did you ask for?” She looks between the two skeptically.
The question goes unanswered though as Santana quickly interrupts.
“Puckerman, no.”
“Santana, yes.”
Brittany cuts in, “Can someone answer me?”
Santana looks to Puck, “Don’t.”
Puck doesn’t listen though, “Long story short, Santana needs someone to pretend to be her girlfriend for awhile so her mom will take her seriously.”
Santana’s face goes red as she gives Puck a death glare.
Brittany looks to her and smirks, “I’ve seen the women hanging off of you. It’s going to take a lot more than a fake girlfriend to do that.”
“You know what? Fuck you,” Santana mutters.
“I know,” Puck says to Brittany, “That’s why she needs someone hot and smart and impressive to convince Mama Lopez that she’s in a legit relationship and she’s serious about her future and stuff. She needs you!”
Santana’s heart plummets to her stomach. She can’t believe Puck’s just airing out her business like this to Brittany of all people. She can’t wait to give him a good kick in the crotch when they’re out of here, maybe remind him about what it means to be loyal.
“Okay, you know what?” Santana snaps, “Fuck you both,”
Brittany’s even more intrigued now though, so much so that she begins to smirk.
“So you need me?” She asks devilishly, “This is getting better by the second.”
“I don’t,” Santana rolls her eyes and stands, “You’re out of your mind, Puck.”
“Wait!” Puck tries, “I’m not finished.”
“Nah, I’ve heard enough.”
“I’ll listen,” Brittany says which makes Santana stop.
“You’ll listen?” Santana’s in awe, “Why would you entertain this?”
“Because I’m interested,” Brittany shrugs, “And I think it’s hilarious that you, Miss Santana Lopez, the supposedly smoothest talking femme fatale on campus needs help from little ole me.”
Santana can’t help but roll her eyes.
“Which is satisfying in of itself, but what’s in it for me?” Brittany questions as she looks to Puck, “Why do I need to be in a relationship with her?”
Santana goes to sit back down, drawn in by the banter, “I don’t know why you say it like that as if several women wouldn’t kill to be in your position.”
“Well,” Brittany starts to smirk, “They must not be as smart and hot and impressive as me or they’d be here, right?”
Santana rests back in her chair, her arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“That’s what I thought,” Brittany grins and looks to Puck, “So what’s in it for me?”
Puck looks between the two before settling on Brittany, “From what we were talking about yesterday, I think you know the answer to your question, Britt.”
Surprisingly, Brittany suddenly softens.
“You’d benefit from this just as much,” Puck continues, “It’s Santana Lopez after all. You know she has some pull around here.”
“Right,” Brittany answers quietly.
There’s something beneath the surface, Santana can see it, but she’s not sure what and she’s not sure why her pull means anything to the blonde. Brittany only nods like she and Puck share some secret and that tugs at something deep within Santana. But before Santana can try and delve into what that secret might be, the spotlight’s back on her.
“And New Year’s is coming up,” Puck mentions to Santana, “You really want to go home empty handed after telling your mom that you’ve got this serious girlfriend now?”
Santana groans, “Fuck that.”
“That’s what I thought,” Puck nods, “Think about it. You both need each other in more ways than one but hey, what do I know? Just the dumb jock here. You’ve got to admit though that this could work.”
Santana and Brittany exchange a look as if they are contemplating whether or not they’d actually be able to stand each other long enough to make this relationship believable.
“You wouldn’t need to do it forever,” Puck adds, “Just a few months or so.”
“True,” Brittany nods, “No way I could last any longer than that.”
“You got that right,” Santana agrees and looks to Brittany, “If you agree to this, you’ll have to fly home with me often. That means being around my family and there’s a lot of them. They’re going to be all up in your business too, can you handle that?”
“Easy,” Brittany shrugs, “Parents love me.”
Santana’s slightly impressed by the fact that Brittany’s seemingly confidence about this already. Most of the girls she has brought home either panic or don’t panic enough. She’s interested to see how much of this confidence holds up though when the time comes.
“And on campus,” Santana adds, “We’re going to have to act like a couple here too. We can’t slip up because word might get back to my mom and that’ll fuck up the whole thing.”
“It’ll be difficult,” Brittany replies, “But I’m sure I can manage, so long as you do your best work for Prof Martinez’s assignment. I need that grant.”
“We’ll get that grant,” Santana assures her.
“So,” Puck prompts, “What do you say? You two girlfriends now?”
Again, Santana and Brittany look back at each other. Santana eyes her analytically and she can’t believe she’s actually considering this. Ever since Brittany’s transferred here, she has challenged Santana academically at every turn, it’s been a nightmare. She’s never been one to share the top spot and now she’s expected to work with her? It’s crazy talk.
But the longer she stares, the more sense it starts to make because Brittany really does check all the boxes – no matter how much Santana hates to admit it. Obviously, the smarts are there otherwise they wouldn’t be in this rivalry mess but that’s not all there is. Brittany competes with the Brainiacs and she’s on the robotics team, she tutors in her free time and other nerdy shit Santana wouldn’t dare get involved with.
Not to mention, Brittany’s smokin’ hot. Like objectively speaking, Santana thinks. She’s got legs for days and this mega watt smile and those eyes – as much as she hates to make eye contact with her, it’s not the worst view in the world.
When Santana finally drifts back to reality, she lets out a deep sigh.
“Really?” Puck clarifies.
“I’m not going to say it again,” Santana grumbles.
“And you?” Puck asks Brittany.
She hesitates first before nodding, “Yeah.”
“Yes!” Puck exclaims and looks to Santana, “See, I told you I was committed to figuring this out! Break out your phones, let’s make this Facebook official!”
Santana nods warily then looks to Brittany, “The first hurdle will be the annual New Year’s Eve party my mom puts together so we can use the week before as a practice run. Unless you’re heading home for Christmas?”
Brittany shakes her head, “I’ll be here.”
“Great,” Santana replies, “God, I can’t believe I’m even talking about this. I can’t believe I have to pretend to be in a relationship with you.”
“The feeling’s mutual,” Brittany says, “Like you aren’t even my type.”
Santana’s first instinct is to scoff, but she can’t help but wonder what Brittany’s reason for agreeing to do all this might be. Surely her parents aren’t also trying to set her up on dates with randoms? Either way, whatever it is – maybe Santana can have some fun with this? After all, what’s the point of fake dating your archnemesis if you can’t make them suffer a little?
“Please,” Santana smirks, “I’m the embodiment of your type.”
“Yeah. Right,” Brittany laughs, “You like them easy and ditzy.”
Puck only wears a proud smile as he watches from between them.
“Love the bonding, guys! No one’s going to suspect a thing!”
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