#chrissy the princess??
maxmayfieldirl · 2 years
I am thimking about stranger things...breakfast club au...
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ebongawk · 2 days
the first time chrissy breaks smth at the trailer, maybe one of wayne’s mugs or smth, she’s spiraling like it’s the end of the world while eddie is like ???? baby things break all the time is this what living at the cunninghams is like
Eddie jumped to his feet, snuffing his half-smoked cigarette and tripping over their hastily discarded clothes to grab boxers and rush toward the kitchen. Chrissy had just gotten up, pulling on his t-shirt with a shy smile over her shoulder after saying she wanted a glass of water. Eddie offered to get it (especially since her knees didn't seem to, uh, want to work properly, not that he was being particularly smug about that) but Chrissy insisted that she needed to stretch her legs.
Swinging around the doorway to the kitchen, he found Chrissy standing in the middle of the floor surrounded by tiny shrapnel shards of a mug. Sharp little landmines just waiting to dig into unsuspecting toes.
"Ah, shit," Eddie breathed, trying to assess the best path to her. "Don't–– Don't move, sweetness, one second, let me––"
He rushed into the living room before she could respond, yanking his Reeboks on and nearly falling on his ass when he tried to jump up too quickly. Laughing at himself, he walked back into the kitchen, trying to avoid the bulk of the ceramic and cringing at every slight crunch under his soles. Chrissy hadn't moved, her eyes down like she, too, was searching for a pathway among the mess.
"Alright, uh, just––" He hoisted her easily into his arms, protecting her bare feet by carrying her like Princess Buttercup through the fire swamp. Depositing her in the hallway, Eddie ducked past her, grabbing the broom and dustpan from the pantry. "Lemme clean this up, alright? You can, uh, go back to the bedroom if you want? I'll bring you some water."
Chrissy didn't look at him. She kept her eyes down, and Eddie followed her gaze, searching her skin for any small cuts he hadn't noticed.
"Fuck, baby, you alright?" he asked, crouching down by her legs, rapt eyes searching for specks of blood. He carefully lifted one foot, making sure her heel was intact before setting it down and inspecting the other. He looked up at her, wrapping his hands loosely around her knees. "Are you hurt?"
Chrissy still wasn't looking at him when she shook her head. Eyes shut tight, head turned resolutely away from him as Eddie slowly rose to standing. His palms climbed from her knees to her hips to her waist on the way up, and he squeezed gently.
"C'mon," he said softly, not quite understanding what was happening but hoping he sounded reassuring. Urging her back a step, he eased her into turning toward his bedroom. "Go sit, yeah? I'll be back in a minute."
Still silent, Chrissy turned and practically ran back into the bedroom. Eddie blinked after her for a moment before turning to the task at hand, grabbing the broom and carefully sweeping up the debris. Making sure to get all the corners under the cabinets to avoid any later mishaps.
He threw the pieces into a paper food bag before throwing them in the garbage to hopefully prevent anything from piercing the plastic. Smacking his shoes a couple of times over the can, he tossed those aside before grabbing another mug of water and walking back into his bedroom to see if Chrissy was okay.
She was dressed in her own clothes, quietly gathering up her belongings and folding them back into her overnight bag. Eddie stopped, feeling his heart seize in his chest. Ice slithered up his back, cold tendrils like fingers wrapping around his spine and holding him in place for a long, breathless moment.
Was she leaving?
Back to him, Chrissy froze, her makeup bag hovered over her backpack.
"I'll, um," she began, her voice thick. Clearing her throat a little, she tried again. "I can, um, drop some money off for the mug later."
"What?" Eddie asked, trying to shake off the glaciers wrapped around his ankles with a cautious step toward her. "Why would you do that? Baby, it's just a mug. Dunno if you noticed but, uh, Wayne has about a million of them."
"But I––" Her voice was heavy with tears. Whirling around, Chrissy dropped the makeup bag in her hand to the floor, looking up at Eddie for the first time as tears spilled down her cheeks. "But I broke it, Eddie. I was careless and I dropped it. I-I didn't mean to, I swear, I just––"
"Whoa, hey, hey." Breaking out of his hesitation, Eddie crossed the room, gently cupping her cheeks in his hands and wiping her tears away. She met his gaze, her big blue eyes swimming. A storm settling over the ocean. "Sweetness, it's okay. It's just a mug. I'm just happy you're not hurt, alright?"
"B-B-But you even offered to get it, and––"
"And it doesn't matter," he insisted, ducking to grab her attention when her eyes wandered away in shame. "I couldn't give less of a fuck about a broken mug if I tried, okay? It's just a mug."
Collapsing against his chest, Chrissy took in a hitched breath and let out a great sob. Eddie held her close, letting her cry her upset into his bare skin. One hand wrapped around her waist and the other buried in her hair. She clutched at him, fingers digging into his back like she was terrified he was going to change his mind and decide he was angry.
What in the fuck went on at the Cunningham household that would make her respond like this?
After about a minute, her cries quieted, though her shoulders still trembled against him. Eddie kissed her temple, lips tracking down to her cheek before he pulled back far enough to wipe the remainder of her tears away.
"Will Wayne be mad?" she asked, her voice small and her eyes so terribly scared.
"Nah," Eddie reassured her. "Wayne probably won't even notice it's missing."
Fuck, that was the wrong thing to say. Her face crumpled, eyes filling all over again.
"We have to tell him!" Chrissy cried. "W-We can't hide it, Eddie, what if he finds out and gets even more mad––"
"Hey," Eddie cooed softly, trying to keep his voice from quavering with the anger that suddenly surged. Not at her, of course, never at her, but what the fuck was wrong with her family? "We'll tell him, yeah? But I swear, baby, he's not gonna be mad. It's just a thing." Gently urging her chin back, Eddie looked her directly in the eye when he said, "Things break all the time. That's a fact of, like, general product ownership."
"But," Chrissy whispered, falling back into his chest. "But what about the set?"
"Uh. What?"
"The set. The set of mugs. It'll be incomplete now." She looked at him again. "Do you know where I can buy a replacement?"
Eddie blinked at her. "I'm, uh, pretty sure that was, like, a novelty mug he got at a truck stop. It's not part of a set."
Her bottom lip warbled. "So it was important to him? A memory?"
"God, Chrissy, no," Eddie couldn't help it – he had to laugh a little. Gently, he eased her down onto the bed, sitting beside her and pulling her halfway across his lap. "And even if it was? It's not important enough to throw a fit over if it gets broken. It's just stuff, baby, they're just things." He shook his head, resting his chin on her crown when she snuggled into him. "You can't own stuff without expecting to lose or break it, that's not how accidents work. I've broken probably two dozen mugs in my lifetime."
Her voice was so, so incredibly small when she asked, "So you don't want me to leave?"
"Baby, you can stay the rest of your life if you want," Eddie vowed, his voice laced in jest but meaning every goddamn word. "Or, y'know, just until we get the hell out of this town."
He felt the slight curl of her smile where her cheek was pressed over his heart. Wondering if she could hear the new uptick through the wall of his chest.
"I-I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want you to yell at me."
Taking a slow, deep breath, Eddie closed his eyes to keep from cussing out the phantom of Chrissy's mother that seemed to have its claws stuck into Chrissy's brain.
"Listen, I am never going to yell at you," Eddie promised. Letting his fingertips drift up and down the length of her spine. Giving her hip a soft squeeze with every pass. "And if I do? You have my express permission to hit me."
"I can't promise I won't like it, though."
"God," she snorted, falling into a fit of giggles. After a moment, she let out a deep breath, the warmth of her anxieties bleeding across his skin as she exhaled them from her bones. "Thank you for being so good, Eddie."
His scalp prickled in pleasure at her compliment. Forehead falling against her crown, Eddie took his own shaky breath in, slowly breathing out as he pulled her even closer.
"Shit, sweetness, for you? Anything."
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loserharrington · 1 year
chrissy cunningham is a fucking STAR
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mudwerks · 10 months
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(via Sinéad O’Connor 1966-2023: A life in pictures – The Irish Times)
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discoscoob · 2 years
“Eddie Munson wouldn’t call his s/o princess.” Eddie Munson who is obsessed with D&D and Lord of the Rings? Eddie Munson who refers to his trailer as ‘his castle?’ Eddie Munson who literally chooses the weapons that most look like a medieval knights sword and shield? Are you sure about that?
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pollenallergie · 5 months
Joe talking about how they developed Eddie’s look at Fan Expo Portland, January 12th, 2024
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xenon-demon · 1 year
In a steddie doctor who AU neither of them are the doctor. ROBIN is the doctor and Steve is her long term companion who basically just lives in the TARDIS with her because he didn’t have a whole lot keeping him where he was originally from. They meet Eddie when they’re in Hawkins in the 80s investigating some strange events that scream of spacetime fuckery and Steve goes “can we keep him 🥺” and Robin says yes absolutely - after hitting Steve with the I Know What You Are eyes of course. Once it’s established he can come back without anyone missing him (cause yknow, time travel) Eddie is thrilled to come with them because oh my god??? Aliens are real??? TIME TRAVEL is real???? Eddie’s got enough self-authored Star Trek fanfiction hidden under his bed to not need to think twice about this decision, okay.
Cue adventures and shenanigans and Eddie having the classic companion dilemma of “I love travelling with you and also am kinda falling in love with Steve but I also have friends (the CC boys) and family (Wayne) I really care about waiting for me back in Hawkins that I can’t just abandon”. I’m thinking the solution to that is something along the lines of Steve settling down with Eddie and staying with him on Earth, either in his original time in Hawkins or somewhere/sometime else with Robin generously helping Wayne out so he can go with them.
Also Eddie demands they use time travel for the greatest possible good: allowing him to see all his favourite metal bands live in concert in their prime.
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 9 months
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Hellcheer AU: The Little Mermaid...er Merman
In which Eddie the Merman makes a deal with Vecna in order to become human. All he has to do is get the girl of his dreams to fall for him within three days. Oh, and he can’t speak. Shouldn’t be too hard though, right?
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jessfandrawer · 2 years
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Inspired by this reblog originally from @oo0lady-mad0oo (is this the right way to tag/mention on here? I'm crap with social media). The most challenging bit was making Eddie and Chrissy look like themselves, and the placement of the dreaded pencil hand. I think each piece mostly came together though!
He was waiting all night for her ask him for something so he could drop that line. ;)
Music I was art-vibing the most to: Carly Rae Jepsen's E-MO-TION album, Lord Huron's Vide Noir album (especially Moonbeam), I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness.
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hellcheer-heaven · 8 months
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“That day, she was amazed to discover that when he was saying ‘As you wish,’ what he meant was, ‘I love you.’ And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back.”
Winner of the Hellcheer couples costume poll: Chrissy and Eddie as Buttercup and Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts. I decided to go for a Disney inspired look for this one. Poses based on the scene where he’s unmasked and they hold each other after tumbling down the hill together. I was going to go for an 80s look, but chose a 90s look instead.
Happy Halloween!
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ghostlyfleur · 7 months
omgomg harmo can u imagine halloween with chrissy?? idk what you would go as but it’d probably be so cute and whimsical ugh <3
requested by @inkluvs at my old acc.
i think halloween as best friends would go something like you dressing as a fairy and chrissy dressing as a princess. all cute outfits, not too short, full of glitter and sparks, soft colors and soft makeup but lots of colors and shimmer. you two would stay close all night, hands brushing, using excuses to touch— like you say her tiara is out of place so you step closer than necessary and softly move the little sparkly crown she has in her hair, touches that last too long, a blush in both your cheeks, and you let your fingers run through her hair. she smiles really big because she’s slightly tipsy otherwise she would’ve gotten flustered. later, though, she wraps her arms around your waist from behind and rests her head on your shoulder because shes so tired. you enjoy it for longer than you probably should before you two go back to your place for an innocent sleepover. both of you wake up with glitter everywhere and happy smiles.
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now, after you two get together? as a couple: chrissy would definitely want to match! you’re (and i’m definitely projecting) really into disney’s villains, and chrissy, being the lovely girlfriend that she is, knows that you’re only ever attending halloween parties because she enjoys them, she wants your company, and you’re being her perfect girl, so she chooses something she knows you’ll like— maleficent (your favorite) and aurora (her favorite princess). needless to say, you two are unable to keep your hands to yourselves all night.
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# chrissy cunningham
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roadkill-writes · 6 months
Princess Part 2
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Not my gif please give credit to @suledins
This is the second part of Princess could technically be read as it’s own fic!
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: Drug use (weed even though I don’t count it as a drug) it is a heavily mentioned, a nod at Chrissy’s ED (again I don’t condone it but I know it’s a trigger to some, Broken family (adultery, mother cheating), No use of (y/n), Swear words. Afab!reader
Please let me know if there is anything that I may have missed, as well at this is very vaguely proofed. In no way shape or form do I give permission for anyone to republish or repost my work on other sites without my consent and full credit given.
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This morning was no different than yesterday. Your alarm goes off at five and yet you lay in bed for another five minutes before rolling over to let your feet hit the soft shag purple carpet you begged your parents to put in. You shuffle around your room for another ten minutes trying to collect the things you need for a hot shower like a towel. 
And then you pad down the hall to the bathroom attempting not to wake your dad. The cold metal knobs of the shower shock you ever time, twisting the hot water on and then the cold  just enough to your liking. Slowing peel your silk pajamas off and step into the water letting the warmth wake you to your fullest. 
Rinsing the last of the soap off your body you twist the knobs off and tear back the curtain the cold air always seemed to help wake you up. Pulling the towel for the rack you wrap it around your body before reaching for the towel for you hair. Stepping onto the plush bath mat you dry your feet before opening the door and making your way back into your bedroom. Locking the door and grabbing a Metallica record out of your collect before turning up the volume just low enough to hear through the door.
Putting your cheer uniform on for the day, drying and doing your hair promptly with your cheer bow, and applying makeup. By now your dad’s usually awake you can hear him making his way down stairs but just before he does he stops out side of your door telling you he’s making coffee if you’d like some. Most days you decline but on days like today where you felt like you really needed it you tell him thank you and that you’d be down in a few minutes. 
Onto the next step of your daily routine, your knees firmly planted onto your plush purple carpet as you dig under your bed for your metal lunch box. The one one dawned in Smokey the bear telling you that ‘Only you can prevent forest fires’ quite ironic actually, your dad thinks you pack your lunch in it. But in reality you keep your weed stash tucked away, it hidden just behind an old shoe box under your bed. Grabbing ahold on the clanky handle you retrieve it and make your way over to your desk to pre roll a few. 
This wasn’t routine, you’re running low on weed. And after learning yesterday that you’ve been getting ripped off by Jeremy McCoy you weren’t the happiest camper. “For fucks sake.” You mutter, not wanting to alert your dad of your dismay or your ‘stress relief’ stash.
You rolled what you could with what you had left, like four. Slamming the lid of the lunch box closed and swiftly locking the latches before tossing it into your awaiting book bag by your feet. Zipping that closed as well before tossing a strap over your shoulder, shutting your record player off and checking your makeup one last time before heading downstairs. 
You dad sat at the head of the table morning paper between his hands covering his face from view. A hot cup of coffee steaming on the table in front of him, he leaned the paper forward just enough to view you as you walked in.
”Good morning, sweetheart. Your cups sitting on the island just the way ya like it. And your allowance is there as well.” He smiles before lifting the paper back up to continue where he left off. 
“Thanks dad.” You had the smallest of smiles on your face.
You haven’t had the best relationship since your mom moved out a few months ago, but you both tried to make it work. Never getting in each others way within the house and keeping conversations to a minimum almost like roommates in an odd way. More times than not he was normally out the door before you would leave for school, always just leaving your allowance on the counter.
You took a few large sips of your coffee until you glanced over at the clock above the stove, realizing that it was now almost 7 and you’d have to leave soon. Grabbing the cash of the counter top needing to put it in your coin purse.
“Dad? Have you seen my keys?” You asked from the hallway.
“They should be either hanging up by the door or in the bowl in the hallway.
Another daily thing, not remembering where you put your keys. Even though the night before you would have sworn you had hung them up or thrown them on the kitchen counter for the morning retrieval.
”Found ‘em! Also don’t wait up for me I’ve got a game after school.” Hand on the front door knob twisting it before pulling it open.
”Wasn’t planning on it gotta stay late at work.” 
Your dad did work as a lawyer stayed late most nights but he brought enough money in to never have to worry so you never really minded. You nodded your head even though you knew he wasn’t even paying attention to you as you closed the door behind you. 
Tossing your bag in the passenger seat as you closed the door, car coming alive with the turn of a key. Deciding to change your Kate Bush cassette out for one of the ones hidden under your passenger seat, todays blind choice was - you looked at the label - Slayer’s new album Show No Mercy. Tossing Kate bush onto your passenger seat for quick retrieval for when you pulled into the school parking lot.
You’d be caught dead if any of your friends knew what kind of music you listened to. Would totally ruin your cheerleader reputation and your spot as cheer captain with the way some of the girls on the team have been acting as of recently. Some of them knew of your light work with weed but in their eyes it was only at parties and you would like it to stay that way.
The drive to school was never terrible humming along to whatever music you decided to play that day got you into a good mood. The still warm late summer breeze blowing through your open windows was also a plus to your morning commute. 
The school parking lot was hustling and bustling as it always did approaching first period, ejecting the slayer cassette before grabbing the one you had tossed onto your passenger seat and inserting it as you drove into the parking lot. Slayer then got tossed onto the floor for you to shove under the seat later. Finding an open parking spot was easier said than done especially since you ended up running a few minutes behind this morning. 
Thankfully finding one on the far end, un thankfully next to a ratty two-tone beat up looking van. Eddie Munsons van. The same van he just happened to be sitting in right now. With the car in park, you leaned over into your passenger seat to grab the cassette up from the floor and tuck it back into its hiding spot under the seat. You could hear the bell ring in the process signaling the start of first period, which also now meant that you were late. 
Which also means that Eddie was late and you could catch him before while no one was around to see. Plucking the keys from the ignition and you bag from the passenger seat you climbed out of your car closing the door behind you. Eddie paid you no mind as you looked at him through the passenger window so you decided to give it a small knock with your knuckle. 
Eddie paid you no mind as the loud music played around him as he rolled a joint. Taking matters into your own hands you opened the door and climbed in slamming the door in the process. Immediately reaching for the radio to turn the loud volume down.
”Eddie! For Christ sake first bell already rang and I’ve been knocking on the window.”
“Jeez princess, sure you wanna get caught in the Shaggin Wagon?”
You roll your eyes with a huff, “The only shag in here is the carpet on the floor. But seriously I need to ask you something.”
”No.” He stared with a blank expression as he continued to roll his joint.
”Huh? You don’t even know what I was going to ask you.” You sat bewildered. 
“As much a banging a cheerleader is top priority on my list it’s not gonna happen.” 
You let out a scoff, “Ugh as if! I was gonna ask for weed but at this point I’d rather be over paying from McCoy.” You had pulled the handle to open the door it released with a click. Hopping out and slamming the door before Eddie could even plead his case. Stomping your way across the courtyard and into the school.
Classes have gone and went, thankfully your first period teacher didn’t mark you absent for the day since you were late. But now was on to lunch, making a short stop at your locker with a few of the other cheerleaders to drop off some books you made your way into the cafeteria. 
Standing in line you all got your food and made your way to your designated table with all the other girls. You sat across from Chrissy and next to Madeline two of your favorite underclass men. Madeline was a girl of average height, with brown hair that fell just past her shoulders in perfect curls when she didn’t have it pulled back into a pony tail. She was a quite bubbly girl along side Chrissy. Chrissy has a personality just as bright as her blonde hair, a little ball of sunshine as you will. Both girls were a year below you but when they had tried out for the cheer team their freshman year you all just clicked, inviting them to parties and sleepovers and driving them around in your car on occasions, even going to the mall regularly when it was still open. You wouldn’t trade these girls for the world, you quite literally took them under your wing.
“Hello girls! Did ya miss me all day?” You smiled while getting situated at the table next to Madeline. 
They both let out giggles. “Of course we did,” Chrissy said she picked around at her french fries never actually eating any of them.
“We missed you at practice yesterday, what happened?” Glancing up from your tray at Madeline’s question.
“Oh Mads I meant to call you last night and explain. Had really bad cramps, barely made it home.” Both girls nodded in understanding, it wasn’t uncommon for some of the girls to sit out or not show if nature called. 
Chrissy light up with a smile, “Well hey at least you’re feeling better today. Especially since we have the game tonight.” You nodded your head at you dipped a French fry into your ketchup before eating it.
A hand slid its way onto your shoulder not thinking anything of it. “There’s my little lady.” A sultry voice came from behind you.
”Jeremy, I’m not your lady. And I don’t know how many more times I have to tell you this.” You swiped his hand off your shoulder not even having to look behind you to know who it was.
Looking down as you pushed your french fries around with your manicured finger. “No, but you could be if you’d go out with me this Friday.” Both of his hands now resting on your shoulders giving them a little squeeze as he gently rocked you back and forth.
You happen to look up and meet the eyes of none other than Eddie across a few tables, not even paying attention to his friends around him in conversation, a look on his face that you couldn’t read but you got an idea. Turning your head to look up at Jeremy. “Actually, you know what Jeremy. I will go out with you this Friday.” A bright smile written across your features, scrunching up your nose in a cute manner. 
At that moment in time Jeremy McCoy looked as if he just won the lottery, eyes wide and fist pumping in the air. He just about ran his way over to the other basketball players to rejoice. Getting high fives and chest bumps from the other jocks. “Fuck yeah she said yes!” Turning your head back to look at Eddie, you smirked. Two could play this game.
Lunch finished up by now you and all the girls got up to throw whatever was left in to the trash, said your goodbyes and headed off to your lockers before your next classes. By the time you made your way to your locker there was a freshman standing waiting for you looking to be out of breathe and just slightly sweaty. He looked like one of the boys that were sat at the table with Eddie.
You pretended not to notice him as you began twisting the dial of your lock to put in the combination. He cleared his throat trying to get you to acknowledge him. “I’m sorry can I help you with something are you lost?” Looking him in the eyes.
 He felt tense under your gaze. “Uh oh no! I’m not lost.” 
You opened your locker and began grabbing the books you needed for your next classes. “Then what do you want?” You asked blankly. “Uh Ed, Eddie wanted me to give you this.” He stuttered as he stuck his hand out a note grasped in his fingers. You’re reached out to grab it your fingers grazing his unknowingly you could almost see him shriver at the touch. Taking the note and before you even got it fully in your grasp the boy turned and sped off down the long crowded hallway. You didn’t have time to read it now as the bell began to ring signaling to get to class, so you just finished grabbing your books and headed off to class.
 Taking your seat in chemistry you placed your books on your desk and your bookbag on the ground next to the legs of your chair. You had a few minutes before Mrs.Humphrey started classes so you opened the note.
 Meet me at the picnic table after your stupid game
You couldn’t help but slightly chuckle, you were 0-1 already. He was wrapped around your finger already and you’ve barely even started.
Classes were rearing to an end as the final bell was set to go off and kids were waiting to rush to the gymnasium for the start of the basketball game. You met up with Madeline and Chrissy at your locker after the final bell rang, you had about thirty minutes before the game and cheer routine was set to start but you had forgotten your pompoms in your car. 
You dug your keys out of your book bag before closing your locker. “I left my poms in my car I’ll meet you guys in the gym.” Looking over your shoulder.
Both girls let out an ‘alright’ as they went to walk off down the hall through the sea of students. Pushing your way through the large heavy front doors or the school you made your way across the asphalt to your cherry red car shining beautifully in the sun. Climbing into the leather seat to try and relax for a moment. To no avail you couldn’t relax not without a pre roll, but there’s no way you could go in there smelling like reefer ricks place not with most of the student body in attendance tonight. So you slugged your way out of the seat to pop the hatch of your car to retrieve the things you came looking for in the first place.
You could feel the vibration of everyone in the bleachers before you made your way into the gymnasium, b-lining right for the cheerleader section front and center on the bottom two rows of bleachers. You caught the eye of Buckley up in the band section, you smiled and waved well more of like shook your pompom at her before you took your seat next to Evelyn the current cheer captain. Robin was a nice girl, you had a few classes with her, even did a few class projects together. Even running into her at Scoops Ahoy! back when StarCourt Mall was up and running before the fire. She’s a bit awkward in a blurted stuff out kinda way but a sweet girl non the less some might even say a friend. 
“Robin was that-“ Robin cut Steve off before he got the chance to finish his sentence.
”Yes Steve, yes it was.” Steve had a ‘tell me everything’ look on his face.
”She was my partner in English and biology once. Nothing crazy.” Robin gave a crooked smile.
”Nothing crazy Robin? The soon to be cheer captain stopping to smile and wave at you before a big game!” Robins shoulder jumped to her ears. 
“Steve shush!” She tried to get him to lower his voice so attention wasn’t drawn to them both. 
The loud voice of the principal was heard over the microphone interrupting their conversation. “Welcome students and faculty to the Hawkins Tigers basketball game!” He paused as the loud rawr of applause rang out through the gym, sending vibrations through out the floor and walls. The cheer team stomping their feet and ruffling their pom poms together with bright smile on their faces. “Go Tigers! Woo!” 
The principal continued, “If you’d all stand and take your hats off for the National anthem!”
You and the rest of the cheer team stood before turning around to place your poms on the bleachers where each of you were sat. Placing a hand over your heart as a girl who looked like a muppet sang the national anthem very poorly if you might add.
She finished the song and you couldn't help but wince at her screeching voice. Turning back around for your Pom poms quickly you and the rest again stomped your feet as loud as you all could and ruffled your poms together. 
During half time was the girls time to shine. Doing the dance routine just like you’ve all been practicing for weeks. Hearts thumping, girls jumping and flipping all over the court. Pom Poms ruffling, the team shouting chants. You finished off the routine with doing a full gymnastic routine you’ve been working extremely hard on,  a front handspring, step out, round off back handspring, step out, round off back handspring, full twisted layout. 
Your landing places you directly in the middle of the gym floor, flipping your hair back with your head raised high a giant smile on your face. Everyone hooted and hollered with a round of applause for your excellent performance. Retrieving your pompoms off the floor rushing back over towards the bleachers. Looking up into the crowed to wave at Robin again before the band started to play, catching the look of Steve “The King” Harrington standing next to her the biggest grin on his face as he looks down at you and waves. 
You and Steve had your fair share of run ins even though he graduated last year. Being paired for beer pong a few times at his infamous party’s or even running into him and Robin every now and again at Family Video when the newest movies that you’re dying to see come out. No one would exactly call your relationship together as being friends more of acquaintances if that at all. 
You grabbed a water bottle off of your coach before returning to your place in the bleachers the game clock slowly ticking down to the eventual ending. The loud buzzers erupted and cheers echoed through the crowd as you looked to see that Lucas Sinclair had scored the winning basket. The team enveloped Lucas in hugs and shouts of success, the entire student body clapped and yelling loudly as the opposing team bowed their heads in defeat. 
After everyone said congratulations and their goodbyes you bobbed and weaved through the large crowd on the floor attempting to find at least one of the cheerleaders to give thank you’s and to wish them a good night but large bodies bumped you in every direction until you got pushed into someone. Turning your body to apologize dread written across your face, “Oh my I am so sorry!” 
“Oh no you’re totally fine! Was completely my fault.” A girlish awkward voice sounded off. 
“Robin, seriously if there’s anything I can make up for it?” You attempted to plead your case once you realized who it was. “When do you work next I can stop in and bring you and Steve lunch?”
”You don’t have to do that just making sure a pretty girl doesn’t fall. Lik- like in a friendly manner of course. The cheer team would have my head if you got hurt on my watch.” You noticed her trumpet clasped tightly in her hands, her awkwardly babbling out apologies.
“Well I greatly appreciate it Robin. Seriously though maybe we could have a girls day actually get to hang out instead of running into eachother.” You kicked the toe of your shoe off the linoleum flooring.
The crowd still was buzzing around you both until realization set in. “Oh fuck! Sorry but I’m late for something.” You turned to start walking away. “If you see Madeline ask her for my number!” You yelled off behind you Robin just nodded her head as a yeah of saying okay.
”Holy shit.” Robin muttered in awe as she stared after your form pushing and ducking under people’s arms to get through the crowd.
You had safely maneuvered through through the thick crowd and had made it to your locker unscathed, thankfully. Retrieving your book bag you made your way out into the parking lot watching people get into their cars and leaving. You pulled your special lunch box out before tossing your book bag and Pom poms into the passenger seat and slamming the door. You checked over your shoulder before making the trek over to the forest line to the dirt path you know like the back of your hand. This was the perfect time to light one up right after the first winning basket ball game of the season. Pausing on the path you unlatched the box balancing it on your forearm as you grabbed out what you needed and a lighter before flicking open your zippo letting the tip burn bright red before snapping the zippo closed and locking up the box. Holding it back down at your side the cold metal brushed up against your leg as you took slow antagonizing steps. 
Eddie almost thought you weren’t going to show, maybe that you had gone off with the two friends of yours or maybe even to a party because who knows what you popular people do. Maybe you didn’t care that McCoy was over charging you, or maybe not even charging you at all after the show he put on at lunch. Maybe you and your friends were at your house having a sleepover, the one you talk about boys and wear little skimpy pajamas and have sexy pillow fights and playing truth or dare where you all end up kissing. God would Eddie love to watch that. Hell he’d be drooling and begging in his knees for front row tickets if you’d let him. No no, she thinks he’s a major creep, number one clown at the fun house circus. Down at capital loser, population one. So much to his surprise you sauntered out from behind the bushes blocking the end of the dirty path almost tripping over a stick that definitely wasn’t there yesterday.
You may or may not have ended up walking super dooper slow so you’d be able to savor your three out of four joints. Pausing a few times to giggle at the trees or missing your step over some loose rocks on the trail. Your eyes locked with Eddie’s, and all of a sudden you could feel your blood pumping the thumping of your heart. But that’s normally how you feel when you get higher than Willie Nelson, and that alone made you giggle just thinking about it. Eddie looked at you confused when you began laughing softly as you made your slow venture over to the table to sit down. 
“You look like you’ve been having fun.” Eddie motioned towards you.
“Can’t believe you had a child hand deliver me a note.” You said in an almost matter of fact tone.
”Well hey it worked didn’t it?” He fiddled with one of his bracelets on his wrist.
”Yeah I guess it did. So’d you call me out her to apologize for this morning or are you still thinking with your other head?” Eddie laughed at your question as he shook his head yes.
”Maybe I am, would you like to find out?” 
His joking tone helped ease the tension between the two of you. Cleared the air if you will. 
“Well I’m waiting Munson.” You laughed. “ I wanna hear you say it.”
”And what are you waiting to to hear.” Confused was all Eddie could muster in his head.
”Say the magic word.” You waved your hands around as if to help him conjure the words.
”Magi- Oh!” It was as if a lightbulb went off above his head. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head with a smile. “ Nope.” You said while popping the p to add emphasis on the word. Again confusion washed across his face as he tried to rack his brain in what exactly you could be attempting to get him to say. He said he was sorry what more could you want him to say?
”Alright, princess I’m sorry.” He felt a blush rush up his neck and across his cheeks ending at the tip of his ears, he couldn’t have been more grateful that his hair is covering them completely.
”Bingo!” You said loudly into the air. “Now was that so hard to say?”
He shook his head, his hair brushing his shoulders. “No, I guess not. But are you gonna help me smoke this or what.” He pulled out a joint from his lunch box and held it in front of you ready for the taking.
You and Eddie lit up and passed it back and forth in conversation, he brought up what happened during lunch and you explained how McCoy had asked you out on a date Friday and Eddie couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his stomach. You had asked about your mom and how she’s been doing, as you haven’t gotten the heart to go visit her yourself. Not after what happened at least, you couldn’t barely stay on the line when she called the house and you inevitably answered the phone thinking that it was one of your friends. Immediately hanging the phone up once she started talking, and you knew it was wrong but so is what she did. You had opened up to Eddie more about your mom tonight than you ever have even to your dad, you had came clean about how she cheated and how you were the one to catch her and how she was doing it for years before anyone had found out. And about how you were the one to eventually tell your dad after the guilt started to eat at you after the first few days of holding that massive secret; and you would never begin to comprehend on why she had done it after she had gotten everything handed to her from your father everything from cars to vacations to extravagant dinners out in Indianapolis.
By now you and Eddie were lounged across the top of the table shoulder to shoulder with both of your feet propped up in the bench seat, looking up at the sky. Laid there in silence just enjoying the comfortable company from one another hearing one another’s breathe in the night’s air, the leather from his jacket brushing up on your arm it making you shiver slightly with how cool it was to the touch. Turning your head to gaze at him fully taking in his features, the slight freckles dusting his face and the way his curls fall.  Not realizing you had been just laying there staring at him until you caught his eye and he smiled, the dimples that so wonderfully graced his cheeks, they were adorable.
”Whatcha looking at princess?” His eyes scanned your face for a moment before his gazed landed on your lips. Still a slight shine on them from the lipgloss you had on earlier that you had wiped off before you started smoking together. Even though Eddie had told you that you didn’t have to he didn’t mind it, you did it out of common courtesy.
”Just trying to figure out why I’ve hated you for so long.” Eddie of course laughed out loud at that one. His shoulders shaking from it as he clutched his stomach. His laughter was contagious enough that you had started laughing along with him, although it might have just been the weed making everything so funny to you both. You both had been laying there what felt like hours laughing on and off sharing funny stories until you had both finally calmed down heads turned facing each other, noses almost touching as his breathe fanned your face. You stared into each others eyes before you had glanced down at his lips. You felt as if it was the right thing to do in the moment so you went for it, your hand rested on his cheek as you leaned in the rest of the way as your soft lips landed on his. You didn’t stay there long pulling away after a few seconds went by you opened your eyes to see Eddie’s wide in you didn’t actually know what emotion. You sat up quickly and collected whatever was on the table of yours before throwing it into your lunch box and locked it up tight. Hopping off of the table your sneakers connected with the grass with a small thump. 
“Fuck I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. ” Was all you said before you ran away back to your car, Eddie was too shocked to speak to even mutter a word. He sat up and tried to stop you but nothing came out of his mouth, he couldn’t move.  Short time had passed where he just sat there before he put his face in his hands and sighed.
“Way to go Eddie.” He muttered into his hands. 
As quickly as you pulled into your driveway was just as quick as you got into the house and up to your room, your dad still wasn’t home as you hadn’t seen his car in the driveway when you pulled in. You had kicked your shoes off before flopping onto your bed face into the pillow and let out a small scream kicking your feet into your mattress. “Why in the fuck did you do that!” You screamed into your pillow. 
The sound of the phone on your nightstand dragged you out of your pillow, your stomach sunk thinking about what you and Eddie had talked about earlier that night, what if it was your mom? Would you stay on the line would you have anything to say to her? After the thrift ring you picked it up, holding it against your ear you waited for her voice but it didn’t come. This was someone else, was it Eddie? No you don’t remember ever giving it to him. Oh, maybe it was Robin, you had told her to get it from Madeline if she happened to see her.
“He-hello?” You said quietly into the phone but all you could hear was weird static, maybe almost a dinging noise, kind of like an old clock. The ones you would find an old house like your grandma’s house. What really out you on edge is when the dinging started to gradually grow louder. You slammed the phone down on the receiver, and took a large breath to try and calm the nerves that creepy sound just gave you.
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pollenallergie · 5 months
Hi this is my favorite interaction of all time??
Grace being an comedian, a genius, an icon, and the moment (and also 100% correct) at Fan Expo Portland, January 12th, 2024
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
Y'know, the more i think about hellcheer, like, as a ship, the more i veer away from anything that has Eddie putting Chrissy on any kind of pedestal (even in a joking, petname sort of way where he calls her princess or angel or anything like that)
Like. Eddie could very easily have pulled out the kid gloves when interacting with Chrissy, she's physically small and emotionally fragile, it's not hard to let that kind of shit cloud the way you see someone. Genuinely, everyone in Chrissy's life seems to hold her to this weird Good Girl standard. See: Jason's outright refusal to believe she would've stooped so low as to associate with Eddie and willingly do drugs. See: the way her mother talks about her during her eulogy, not like she was a person but like she was some light-bringing saint.
But Eddie just kind of. Treats her like a person. And that seems to be what she likes about him.
Plus, he's doing it on purpose, as far as i can tell.
He saw something was off, in the beginning, she was acting weird, and he tried to validate her feeling like the whole situation is strange by dropping his "queen of Hawkins High" line, but then when this was her reaction to that:
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He immediately shifted gears. He got a lot more theatrical about the whole thing—something he seems to only do around his friends—and started trying to connect with her by bringing up the fact they knew each other in middle school. Like he was trying to reassure her that he didn't just see her as the person she became in high school, the Important Cheerleader Girl, because clearly whatever reputation she's cultivated isn't all that comfortable for her.
Like a good 40 seconds after he fails to get a response to the Queen Chrissy comment he calls her a freak instead and
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My girl is here for it, okay. She's into it. They're making googly eyes at each other and suddenly he's inviting her to see his band and showing her the tattoo on his chest even though he has SEVERAL on his arms he could've just pointed to instead, like. Okay, slut.
My POINT is, this isn't some cliche Good Girl Is Taken In By Local Bad Boy love story where she's not really a person and he treats her like an object because she's so pristine. Chrissy's been living this life that has her holding herself to impossible standards, where the stress of it has her seeing a counsellor and throwing up in the bathroom and keeping horrifying hallucinations to herself because she can't tell anyone in her life that she's struggling. And then Eddie comes along and goes "Yeah, I mean, life is kinda fucked isn't it," like that's just normal, because it is, and she can't help but want to know what it's like to be that comfortable.
And while she's being drawn in by the idea that maybe it's okay to be a little fucked up, he's realizing that she really isn't that Good Girl Cheerleader archetype, she's a person with struggles and quirks and he'd really like to maybe get to know more about that because she isn't judging him by his reputation either and she remembers what his band is called and he's just a little bit extremely infatuated but it like, in the normal adorable "I made her laugh I can die happy now" sort of way not the weird "She's literally a perfect angel" kind of shit that seems to pop up a lot when girls are blonde and nice.
Idk I'd just like to see more Eddie giving Chrissy increasingly nonsensical petnames to make her laugh. Them getting high together and Chrissy finding out she kinda hates it but she just kind of giggles her way through a rambling explanation of how weird it is before passing out. Or her practising cheer routines while Eddie hangs out because she just likes having him around, despite the fact that him (obnoxiously, loudly) cheering on her cheering is super distracting. Etc. Just. Y'know. Them being weird and messy and silly with each other. Fuckin' around being dumb, because they feel safe with each other.
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sofiiel · 1 month
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
bard/knight 2 extra boost 💪
pfff the way i cackled!! i adore you. thank you for your service etc etc 🫶 bard/knight part 1 preceding snippets: no. 1 • no. 2 • no. 3 • no. 4
Chrissy laughs, a joyful sound echoing through the hall and pulling many a pair of eyes toward them, but Eddie pays them no mind even as nervousness makes an eerie reappearance in the forefront of his mind.
“I cannot wait to hear you play tonight,” the Princess continues, unaware of Eddie’s dilemma. There must be something in his face, though, for she reaches out to take hold of his hand. “You will, right? Tell me you will, Eddie. What reason have you to look so gloom?”
Eddie turns his hand to hold onto hers, propriety be damned even as he hears a gasp or two followed by scandalised whispering. For Hawkins, everything he does is scandalous, even merely existing. Holding the Princess’s hand is but another item on the list.
“Forgive me, my Princess, but I cannot play tonight.”
“It is the Knightmærs that you long to hear, and it was always a dream to fill these halls with song of my own, believe me. But it seems I am a fraud, and I need to do right by someone first before I will ever take to my lute again.” After a moment of silence he adds, “If you would like me to leave, I understand. But I will not sing.”
The Princess looks at him for a long time, reading something that might be written behind his eyes, but she keeps a hold of his hand.
“He talked to you, then.”
Eddie’s heart falls as he grasps the meaning of her words. She knows about Lord Harrington and his involuntary ties to Eddie’s renown. Everyone in this room might know, might have heard of his deeds, might have seen his wounds as he returned from the battlefield that seems to follow his every step, while Eddie was out in the world living a lavish life, making a name for himself with the famosity he earned telling another man’s stories of valour and agony as if they were his own.
“He did,” Eddie whispers.
🤍🌷 make me write (please) — you can't vote anymore but asks are still welcome as i make my way through them ever so slowly
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