#children in danger
seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 19: Enough is Enough
Fandom: TMNT
Knees Buckling
Repeatedly passing out
Head lolling
And coming back around my fixations list. We have some more turtle* (*not so) angst. }:) Mikey is both Bamf and a little dark at one point? But youngest siblings can be pretty unhinged at times so… 
Mikey comes from a pretty big family. It's not a conventional family by any means, but a family nonetheless. And being the youngest could have its advantages, sure, but there were also the downsides that made him want to tear his hair out and scream at the top of his lungs. 
He loved his family, he would do anything for his family, and they didn't seem to understand that he could. That he wasn't some baby who couldn't handle himself, that he had natural talent, and good ideas and a great potential, but he was never really given the chance to prove it. So, when it just caused discontent, he stopped trying so hard. 
But now, his family was in danger. And he could be thankful that he was underestimated, because it gave him the chances he needed. People didn't seem to see that this family was full of protectors, and he was part of it. But he'd get to show them, he'd make them pay for what they'd done. And they would learn, they would learn not to cross Michaelangelo Hamato. 
Mikey supposed you could say this is all his fault, And even if somehow it wasnt, he'd get blamed anyway he's sure. Really it probably was his fault, with their father and the others on a training/information gathering trip, it was just the four of them and he should have been on his best guard. 
Instead he was too slow, and before even Raphael could react, they were down. Mikey thinks it may have been their quickest defeat by an enemy, he can only imagine how disappointed Master Splinter will be, if they- no when they- make it out or this. Because these guys, whoever they were, hurt his brothers. 
They'd obviously done their research, Mikey thinks as he watches them. They inject Raph with something, and almost immediately, his eyes roll and head falls forward, out like a light-They obviously know what chemicals work past their enhancements. Taking him out first was smart, because when Raph got angry it was hard to take him down, and what they did next definitely would have angered him. 
Donnie is next, which most would think a weird choice, but Donnie was a plan guy, and Leo relied on him more than people knew. They stick something to the back of his neck, and it must hurt because Donnie jerks before going stiff, then limp. He's not unconscious, but his head lulls this way and that, his eyes fogging over in a way that says 'no one home'. His face is tense though, as if in pain, and Mikey can only assume the device is somehow keeping him from thinking or doing. 
Leo has been thrashing this whole time, obviously angry, angrier than Mikeys used to seeing from his older brother. The fact they are still able to hold him down is astounding, though it could have something to do with the sword at the back of Mikey's neck. But as Mikey said, these guys have done their research, so they do Leo next, because Mikey is the youngest. 
Underestimated and labeled as the weak link, it hurts, but it's to his advantage. 
They inject Leo with- Mikey assumes- the same thing they gave Raph, but while his struggles weaken, they do not cease like Raphs had. Mikey's plan solidifies when they make their next move, none of these guys will be spared from his wrath. Not as they stab Leo. Not as the blade is pulled, covered in his brother's blood, from Leo's side. They inject him again, even though Leo has slumped-breathing harsh- and his brother's eyes close. 
Even as they simply knock Mikey over the head, not caring to take the same precautions, Mikey feels something snap inside him. As darkness encompasses his vision, his brothers’ conditions imprinted on his eyelids, he makes a promise to himself. To make these men pay, and get his brothers to safety. Even if it's the last thing he does.
Mikey had taken it upon himself, to learn as much as he could about taking care of people. Donnie had a lot on his shoulders most days, and Mikey wasnt stupid, he could see how the weight made him sag. So he'd subtly inserted the thought into the others' heads, because his family was full of stubborn buttheads, and watched as they'd each come up with a way to help. Raph and Leo started helping in the garage, Casey and April helped in the lab, repairs around their hideout were done together rather than forced on Donnie. And Mikey, Mikey decided being a Medic would be a big help. 
He was grateful for it now, as he used their wrapping to bind Leo's wound as best he could. He needed far more than bandages, but Mikey didn't think they'd be getting that anytime soon. He didn't know what they wanted yet, but with the three they deemed important out of commision, he wondered how they planned to get anything from them.
Unless they wanted to dissect them and see what made them tick, which… made the most sense. Master Splinter had tried to protect them from the world, tried to give them as normal a life as he could. But they were science experiments, practically super soldiers, and it made sense that others would want to use that. Even if they were just kids. 
He sat back, hands and pants bloody, and surveyed his other two brothers. 
They were all in seperate cages, three in a row- Donnie, Leo, Raph- while Mikey's own cage was beside Leos. He'd just barely been able to reach his brother, who'd been awake just long enough to scoot to the bars before he'd passed out again. But he could do nothing for Raph or Donnie. 
Donnie, whose head hangs limp, chin against his chest, before it’d sway lazily one way then the other. Occasionally Mikey would catch a glimpse of his face, when his hair shifted and head turned just so, and that look from before was really only getting worse. His eyebrows knitted, teeth clenched, but eyes dull. 
Raph was still out cold, sprawled on his side and looking pale. He'd twitch sometimes, but hadn't woken up yet. Besides the few bruises and knicks they'd all sustained, he seemed the best shape of the three, even if a bit sickly. 
They wouldn't be much help in an escape, so Mikey had to figure out how to get three limp noodles to safety. Really the only option is to incapacitate everyone in the building so no one can stand in his way. Which he had no problem with, he was looking forward to punching some lights out, to tearing through them all left and right, for stomping on their remains for thinking they could get away with this, for- 
Alright, maybe he needed to chill a little. No use in peeling faces off when his brothers needed medical attention. Mikey was a ninja, they had a code or whatever. And while he would not be holding back on these guys, his main focus needed to be his family. 
The doors across the room open, and Mikey watches their every step- eyes wide and fearful to play up the innocent youngest vibe these guys seemed to see him as. Trying to get a read on their intentions, while ironing out the details of his plan. They stop in front of his cage, which is nice because he couldn't guarantee his control would last much longer if they'd gone after the others. 
"If you quaporate, the others won't be killed now, understand?" Well, this would be easier than he thought. 
A fearful nod, a little trembling, a loving look to his brothers, and these guys are sold. Mikey couldn't wait to see their faces, when he clobbered them. 
He knows better than to act out on the first contact. He needs more information before he can initiate anything, he needs to not run in fists first when he couldn't 100% rely on them. 
So he lets them take him the first time. And the second time. Even a third time. But the time he has to act is dwindling each time, so he'll have to use what he's gathered so far, and do his best. 
Because Donnies curled up on his side now, practically grinding his forehead into the ground. Raphs breathing sounds like that dying frog from Ogre the 3rd. And Leo, who'd woken up when he'd returned both the first and second time, didn't even stir the third time, the wrapping around his side red and spreading. 
He sits against the bars, as close to his brothers as he can get, and centers himself like they've been trained. He pushes away all his distractions, prays for strength for his brothers, and prays that he'll get them through this. When the doors open again, he is calm, pain has been pushed aside, and his focus is solely on what he has to do. He knows it won't last forever though, he needed to do this fast.
His hair covers his eyes, he doesn't hear what they say as they open the door, he's focused on the breathing behind him. He's stiller than he's ever been before, stiller than he ever thought possible, he can practically feel the air shifting around the arm reaching for him. 
His eyes open, and he's outside his cage, the two men unconscious- or maybe dead- inside it. He's given little time to think about it, as the doors open and more men- he'd only seen men, he wonders why- enter. The fact they'd been watched this whole time, and still underestimated him, proves they are not as smart as they think.
He moves through the forces with the ease of adrenaline and instinct- and training too of course. Still it's one against a heck of a lot more, and for all their enhancements, they are still mortals, so it's no surprise they land quite a few hits too. But running on pure spite seems to work more than he expected, his brothers' forms behind him reminding him and fueling his actions. 
Revenge wasn't something Master Splinter encouraged, he'd say something about it blackening their hearts and following the same road as Shredder or something he's sure. But Mikey honestly couldn't care less right now. If Splinter wanted to see them again, then Mikey had to do this, besides he'd rather have the blood of enemies on his hands than that of his brothers. Even if it garnered Splinters disapproval. It wouldn't be the first time anyway. 
By the time they stop coming through the door, Mikey is exhausted. He waits a moment, to see if there would be any sneak attacks or the likes, but nothing happens, no one moves, so Mikey makes his way- walking backwards- to his brothers cages. 
They were code locked, but Mikey had heard the tones they made when they opened his own, and thankfully they were stupid enough to use the same for all of them. The only problem now was getting three teens out of here. He chews on his lip a moment, eyes flickering from the doors to his brothers. 
"Alright Mikey… you can do this." 
He goes to Donnies first, eying the device then his brother's face. He'd need to be careful, he didn't want to mess with any of the nerves or important things at the base of his skull. It was obvious that it was messing with Donnies functions, so in theory, if he pulled it out it should… stop interfering? Or it could kill his brother, or paralyze him, or make him brain dead forever! Or-
No! Now was not the time for panicking. 
He grips the device between two fingers, sends another prayer to any ancestors listening, and pulls. Donnie yelps and Mikey flinches as his brother does a full body shiver before going completely limp. 
He's killed him. OhgodsMikeykilledhisbrotherhowcouldheohmygodsstrikemedownnow-
Another groan, and Donnies head weakly rolls to look up at him with one eye squinted open. 
"Motren." He croaks out. And Mikey could weep.
"I promise, once we get out of here." 
He helps his brother into a sitting position outside his cage, then takes his arm wrappings to redo Leo's dressings. He can only figure that whatever they injected his brothers with, was hindering their healing capabilities. He hopes it'll flush itself out, cause he doubts he'd find any notes about it lying around. 
He carefully pulls Leo out of his cell to lean against Donnie, then drags Raph- who's feverish and pale- to join them. Leo's eyes open briefly, his hand resting on Raphs forehead before closing once more. Mikey stares at the three before looking around the room for anything useful. Besides a body sled this room is useless. But Donnie, despite his head randomly lolling forward, is at least awake. And while it's not a ninja weapon, it'll have to do for now. 
"Donnie, shoot anyone that's not us okay?" 
He presses a gun from a fallen baddie into his brother's hand, before turning to the doors. He passed a lot of doors when they dragged him around, one of them had to have something useful. 
He stares at the brother pile he'd made. Two rolling office chairs taped together, Leo sitting in one, Donnie in the other, with Raph across their laps. It was so, not the best plan, but it was the only one he had. And with the movement he'd heard on his way back, it was the best way to get his brother's mobile while leaving him open to protect them. 
"Alright, let's keep up the not dying thing we've got going, and get the heck out of here."
He drags rather than pushes, putting himself first just in case. Donnie still had a good drip on his gun, had managed not to shoot Mikey when he'd come back, so hopefully he'd shoot anyone still lingering around. If they got past Mikey that is. 
At the very least, he's assuming the rest of the people still trying, have gotten smart enough to know he's a threat. It messes with his element of surprise, but at least he'll have a challenge to focus on with his mind now in ten different places- at the least.
He stops just before a corner, hears the shift of movement, and can only assume this is their final stand. Turning his brothers so the chair backs are against the wall, and Donnie can hopefully have a good enough view to have time to defend, he takes a stuttered breath and slips into the shadows. He doesn't have a stealth weapon, he'll be able to get one shot off before his position is revealed. He had to make it count. 
There aren't very many left, it bugs him that they were able to overtake them at all, that three of his brothers were taken down by a group he’s been able to defeat in less than an hour, and that was after everything they did. Did catching them off guard really allow all of this? Or was Mikey missing something? 
He shoots twice in quick succession, before ducking out of the way and shooting some more. He pants as he stands in the middle of their fallen bodies, hands trembling by his sides,
He must of been quiet for too long, Donnie’s voice shocking him back to his mission. He knows for a fact two of the big guys involved in their capture are missing from the bodies. He needs to get his brothers out of here before they rear their ugly faces, the fight is slowly draining from him, he needed to focus on his brothers, and fixing his mistake. 
He comes around the corner, moving the gun Donnie points at his face, 
“Sorry ‘Tello, lets get out of here.” 
He pushes his brothers through alley after alley, not sure if it’s simply the chairs leading him forward or his own will. He also doesn’t know exactly where he’s headed, maybe home, but he can’t be sure. He needs someone with medical knowledge, maybe Leatherhead, or father, but he didn’t know where they were. So he needed supplies instead, Donnie could maybe direct him on what to do if he stayed coherent long enough, he just needed to clean and stitch Leo up, get that stuff out of his and Raph’s systems, and keep an eye on Donnie. He could do that…
Noise above has his heart rate spiking as he pulls to a stop, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as he looks to the roofs. It’s still, too still, before a shadow moves and Karai is jumping down, her face shows her concern as she pulls her mask down. 
“What happened?” 
“They need help.” His knees buckle, trusting his sister to help now. They would be fine, he could rest now right? Please… let them be fine.
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
the men and boys are innocent too.
we cry "the innocent women and children" to appeal to the masses, to try and force their sympathy, but the men and boys are innocent too.
I have seen sons crying out for their mothers, their fathers, their siblings. I have seen them break down at the loss of their families. I have seen them cling to their dead and grieve.
I have seen fathers cradle their dead children, seen them kiss their faces and hold their little hands. I have seen them faint with grief when asked to identify the dead. I have seen them carry their sons and daughters. I have seen them fasting to provide what little they can for their families.
I have seen men and boys digging through the rubble with just their bare hands, I have seen them comforting strangers, playing with children, rocking them, hushing them, even if the face of such imminent danger. I have seen them cry, seen them grieve, seen them break down into each other's arms, seen them be selfless, beyond selfless, becoming something I don't have a word for.
I have seen the men who are doctors refuse to leave their patients, even when they have no medicine or supplies to give them, even when they're threatened with bombings. I have seen fathers who have lost all their children pick orphans up into their arms and proclaim them their child so they are not alone. I have seen men and boys digging pets out of the rubble.
the men are innocent too. the men and boys are being hurt and killed too. the men and boys are grieving too. the men and boys are scared too. the men and boys are fighting to save their people too. the men and boys deserve to be fought for too.
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lilislegacy · 8 days
*percy controlling akhlys’ poison to use it against her and choking her on her own tears and saliva*
annabeth: never do it again. never do anything like it again. i’m begging you
many years later
*percy and annabeth’s teenage children being held at knifepoint by enemies, seconds away from being killed*
annabeth: percy, do it
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feyburner · 10 months
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More de-aged Tim AU
Text below cut
Page one text:
Bruce: *kkh* Go for Batman. …Mm. …The museum? (…Again? Sigh.) …I’ll be there. *clik*
Alfred: Shall I ready the Batmobile, sir?
Bruce: Please.
Alfred: Very good sir.
Timmy: Okay. Let’s go.
Bruce: No
Page two text:
Bruce: What are you going to do
Timmy: Stay put
Bruce: What are you NOT going to do
Timmy: Go after you
Bruce: Even if
Timmy: Even if Jason says it’s okay which he might because he’s a pushover
Jason: Hey.
Jason: Alright, pipsqueak. It’s you n me. What do you wanna do?
Timmy: Jump off a really tall building and you catch me right before I go splat
Jason: How bout a movie
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conurecc · 1 year
nothing like citing bible verses while justifying child abuse
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ain't no hate like christian love
curiously the majority of states that allow for corporal punishment in school (read: literal child abuse) are run by Republicans
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& this remains the most accurate meme i ever made
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 112
Once again, you know who is underutilized in DCxDP crossovers? Battinson. Skrunkly shivering boi. Who we should definitely give children to care for. 
 Did you know that Jason canonically had a brother named Danny? Well you do now, and it should also be used more. 
 We all want to give Battinson a robin, so why not give him four for the price of two. He of course gets Dick from the circus- he’s never going to go into public again, this was the first time he’d gone to do something out of his comfort zone for a while and look how that turned out. 
 And on one of the nights that Dick has to stay home (Alfred insists he must finish his homework if he wants to go out on patrol) Bruce returns to the batmobile to find not one child, but two. Is Danny reincarnated? Just appeared one day? Who knows, but he’s here now and going to protect his little brother. 
 Bruce might have tears in his eyes when they both hit him in the kneecaps and bolt because even with the armor it still hurts. How he manages to grab both kids he’s not too sure, but he ends up getting them food after they put the tires back. He also doesn’t understand how he’s convinced them into the car but they’ve both conked out and maybe he’s panicking and needs Alfred- 
 D-Dick why is there another child here? He’s the neighbor, cool cool. W-what do you mean he’s home alone, he’s like, 4?? What do you mean he’s been alone for a week now???
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catsofyore · 1 month
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She does not like to be squeezed! From The Cat Book by Jan Pfloog, 1964.
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cosmicwhoreo · 4 months
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exhibit A of why Gold should not be trusted around children
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skeletoninthemelonland · 10 months
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Now that’s a rare sight
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Ummmm soooo there's been a trend of "Fixing disgusting proshipper art!" On yt that's been gaining WAYYY too much attraction recently. The one I encountered and reported was someone "fixing" William x Elizabeth Afton fanart. Normally I wouldn't care but there was THOUSANDS of comments and likes. This could put artists in danger. I just wanted to spread awareness!
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 12: What Could Go Wrong?
Fandom: Young Justice
Mayday mayday
Cave in
Rusty Nail Alt #5: Ambushed
Alright, I've only watched two seasons, the ending messed me up and that was back when we didnt really know if we were getting a season 3. So, this is timeline adjacent obviously. 😬 and super short but my brain is barely working ya feel?
Going on missions-real missions- still sent a thrill of excitement through the team, though some hid it better than others. There was just such a difference from the lives they led before, to what they get to do now. Even if they were a little rocky as a team at the start, now it was hard to imagine fighting by anyone else.
Wally loved fighting by his Uncles side, dont get him wrong, but this team, his friends, he couldnt imagine going back. He couldnt imagine a world where he wasnt fighting side by side with these people. Well... he could, but he didnt like to think about that world.
Hes only half listening to the conversation taking place, he'd read through the mission report a million times, and listened to the first speal Kaldur had given, he knew the plan. Wally supposed its a good thing in the long run (ha), as he looks out from the BioShips view screen and reacts faster than anyone else can. He has everyone in their seats and buckled before they can blink, calling out a warning just as he makes it back to his own seat. The impact jars everyone, Wally is thrown, he hopes the others are okay.
"Im losing control! We're going down!"
"Mayday Mayday! This is Young Justice calling for back up and Medical! We are going down!"
"Guns, everything down! Whatd they hit us with!?"
"I dont know, I didnt see, Wally- wheres Wally!?"
"Brace for Impact!"
Robin really doesnt know how he keeps surviving things like this. Though hes beginning to think it has something to do with Wally or genetic modification. Hed have to do tests when he got home, but Wally is a common variable about these situations so...
He wasn't answering. He wasnt in his seat. He got out of his seat to move everyone else... where...
Where was Wally? Where was everyone? Where was he?
Forcing his eyes open seems to alert his body, as he feels like one giant bruise covered by another bruise. A cloud of dirt is still settling, and his throat is scratchy with it as he coughs. The fact hes no longer in the bioship is concerning to say the least, and as he forces himself to sit up his gut sinks further.
The bioship has reverted to its sphere form and looks worse for wear to his human eyes. He coughs again, clutching his ribs as he scans his surroundings. It takes him a moment too long to realize he's using nightvision mode on his mask, to see the rocks surrounding him in all directions, to realize their crash must have caused a cave in.
A groan interupts his oncoming panic, allowing him to mentally smack himself, as his eyes find two bodies he hadnt seen. Kaldur is slowly sitting up, and M'gann is twitching beside him. Robin forces himself to his feet, stumbles his way over to them and falls to his knees to check them over, and only to check them over its so not because he couldnt stand.
"Robin? What...where are we?" Kaldur coughs and Robin is sure this dust is killing his lungs.
"A cave in. We were ambushed, they hit the Bioship with something."
Mgann is slowly coming too, but having been connected to the BioShip probably took a toll on her. Robin scans the room again, trying to find his other three friends. Kaldurs arms light up enough to cast a soft glow, they cant rely on it, but it does help Robin spot something new. Horror dawns on his face hes sure, as he once again stumbles to his feet and rushes across the space.
Where the entrance caved, arm and some of his torso pinned, is Wally. A small pool of blood has formed below him, shiny in Kaldurs light, and Robin has to force the tremble from his hands. He presses two fingers to Wallys throat, finds a pulse far slower than a speedsters should be, but a sign of life nonetheless.
"Is he..?"
"Alive, but pinned and... he wasnt in his seat when we were hit, he needs medical."
"The puddle isnt growing very fast, I assume the rocks are putting pressure on his wounds. To move him could be fatal, however if the pile shifts..."
"He'd be crushed. Could lose his arm or... worse." Robin finishes. "I have some first aid supplies, we should get him out. Hopefully our distress signal went out..."
"I can help, keep the pile steady while you guys get him out." M'ganns voice has a strain to it, but shes standing on her own and determination shines in her eyes.
Robin steeles himself, carefully grabbing hold of Wally as Kaldur grips the large chunk of mountain, Mgann raises her hands, and as one they move. As soon as the rock is up, Robin pulls Wally out of the way. They all hold their breath as Kaldur drops his rock and Mgann keeps the trembling wall steady.
While they need a way out, theyre still missing two team mates and that wall could kill them all if it falls wrong. There focus right now is keeping Wally alive until a new plan can form. So Robin makes quick work of cleaning- as best he can- and binding the bleeding wounds on his best friend. There isnt much he can do about his broken ribs, just glad they arent puncturing anything, hes in rough shape and thats just from what Robin can see. They work together to get to the side of the cave, Mgann tells them the Biship is unresponsive, and that Konner and Artemis arent answering yet.
They hold onto the yet. Because they will answer eventually.
Everyone else is out of range. But she keeps a look out for familiar minds. They just have to wait for now.
Wally hurts all over. He hasn't hurt like this in a while, wonders idily what he did to anger...
No that... that wasnt right.
He was... on a... Mission!
With... not Uncle Barry... not Uncle Hal...
Was it a callaboration with the Bats? Or Speedy?
No he doesnt go by Speedy any more.
He was on a mission with the team!
And they were ambushed in the sky, they got hit by something and... oh gods, he needed to check on the team! There was a cave in, they could be hurt!
A groan escapes the gingers lips, as his body refuses to comply with his need to get up.
"Dont move Wally, youre hurt!" M'ganns worried voice reaches his ears and rings inside his head, though he doesnt know which one he actually gets.
"We've got you Walls." Robins voice comes from above him, his pillow then.
"Just rest my friend." And Kaldur, alright so theyre all more or less okay good...
He still peels his eyes open, met with mostly darkness and darker dark blobs, his friends he assumes. His mouth feels and tastes like a desert, but he forces his vocal cords to work,
"Cave in... pushed Arty... and Kon..."
"Of course you did. You've been quite the hero today Wally. Im sure rescue will be here soon, you did good."
"You...all ok?"
"Yeah, little banged up, but we'll be fine bud."
If they dont die from lack of everything. Great, this would be quite the way to die.
"We'll get out of here Wally, dont worry." M'gann is gentle as she take his hand, the one not tingling on the edge of numbness.
He gives it a light squeeze and silence falls again. Hes almost dozed off again when Mgann gasps, and her voice fills their heads.
"Artemis, Konner! Are you guys okay?"
"I think we're in one piece. You guys? Baywatch pushed us out of the way, is he.."
"Im here Arty."
"And we're fine my friends. Do you perhaps have an escape on your side?"
"No, looks like our crash and whoever our unexpected company was, sealed us in."
"The league should be able to see the disturbance in the mountain though." Konner adds.
"Alright, I guess we're back to hanging tight."
Light flashes behind closed eyelids.
Fingers twitch as raspy barely there breaths fill the once silence.
Rocks moving, Dust billowing, voices echoing around them with no desernable words.
Warmth to numb limbs, water to dry lips, air to shriveled lungs. Pressure to weeping wounds.
Hands in hands, refusing to let go.
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Number 1
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spacedace · 1 year
I don't know if this idea has been brought up before but:
Dp x dc writing prompt where Mr. Lancer is Jason Todd's false identity while going on a long term under cover mission. He's completely disguised himself and let's his literary nerd flag fly as the English teacher/vice principal of the local high school for his investigation (investigating the mad scientist supervillains in the making Jack & Maddie perhaps?).
The mission rapidly goes off the rails as ghosts start showing up to cause chaos and he realizes one of his students is actually the new out of his depths hero Phantom.
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soracities · 20 days
if we should protect children because they are vunerable, this means you would protect cruel children who bullies people who different than them then. the children who responsible to trauma for someone else's entire years
You're assuming that "protecting" children is the same as absolving them of responsibility and that's not what I said. All children are vulnerable, because all children are children; they don't come out of the womb with a perfectly working moral compass anymore than they come out of it waiting to hurt people--they're vulnerable because their understanding of the world is entirely at the mercy of what we, as adults, consistently tell them and show them. Children behaving cruelly aren't exempt from that--they learn that cruelty from somewhere, or someone. Your job, as the adult, is to make sure they understand that it's unacceptable so it will not happen again--but your job is also to ask why someone that young is behaving this way to begin with, so you can ensure they become better.
"Protecting" kids is not ignoring when they hurt or torment others, it's not refusing to teach them consequences or right from wrong, it's not "zero tolerance" policies in schools that treat a child being bullied and the child bullying them as equal instigators, and it's certainly not protecting them from recognizing, and atoning for, the pain they have caused someone else. You don't have to make peace with the now-adults who hurt you when you both were kids, but you cannot let the horrors of your own childhood impact how you treat or respond to the children living theirs around you right now, either.
You don't protect kids so they can get a free pass for bullying or tormenting another child. You protect them because kids are impulsive, emotionally reactive, and profoundly social (which means deeply impressionable) human beings who are still learning & processing insane amounts of information every day about what it means to be alive, to be alive as yourself, to be alive as yourself with other people. Protecting them is realising that you can't isolate the responsibility of a 10 year old from the bigger responsibility of the literal grown adults around them, adults who are in charge of teaching them about the world and how to behave in it. Whether you have children of your own in the future or not is completely irrelevant to this; we all become those adults eventually--no matter what happened to us as kids.
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scatterbrainedbot · 4 months
Hello :D
You're so cool
Anyway have you thought that in your rat sons au Splinter might outlive the boys?
You're very cool :D love your stuff dude
(tw for some blood, light gore, implied overdose (kinda??))
hi copper!!! this is a fantastic question!
so obviously typical irl rats have far shorter lifespans than the average irl tortoise. according to google (yes, be awed by my spectacularly in-depth wealth of research) the average pet rat lives between 2-4 years ish, and the oldest on record lived to be about 7. meanwhile, an African spurred tortoise (Splinter's species) averages more around a 50ish year lifespan in captivity, tho is suspected to possibly exceed 75 or more in the wild.
Now, the mutation does give us a lot of wiggle room for playing with these numbers. For the rat sons boys, id say their natural lifespan probably clocks in at about 45-55 years old? definitely not old by human standards, but not young young either. (though, its also important to note that the boys were exposed to the mutagen just days after being born.)
For Splinter, meanwhile, aging is slightly more complicated. He lived the vast majority of his life as a regular normal African spurred tortoise (well, non-mutated at least. there were perhaps some shenanigans of a more mystical variety going on before he was mutated, but thats a separate matter) He was about 70ish i think? when the boys were born and they were all exposed to the mutagen. so he is already distinctly an old man turtle papa. id guess he'd probably still have another eh lets say 25-30 years after his mutation. he could probably push it a little farther even with some mystic nonsense, but when push comes to shove id say his 'natural' post-mutation lifespan would put his death like a solid decade or two before his sons.
of course, the tricky part of the matter is that theres no way for Splinter to know any of this. theres no way for him to know how the mutation affected them all, or if it even affected them all in the same way. especially since the boys dont show many physical signs of mutation for the first few years, and just kinda look like normal rats, (albeit with a more human sort of intelligence) — what sort of health standard do you hold them to? what if they simply dont show external signs of sickness or old age anymore? how do you actually know if something is wrong?
for a while there Splinter is very worried that one of his babies will just essentially reach the end of their normal rat lifespan, fall and not get up again.
so mostly, he just tries to live in the moment, enjoying whatever time he does have with his little ones, taking each day as a gift <3
that fear
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