#chess choco cookie x reader
brittle-doughie · 4 months
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The Gist of the Dangerous Exchange
This is one of my favorite events, how have I not done something about it yet-
The encounter with the Chess Choco twins would unintentionally have been the closest you got to being brought into the Darkness. (Rip Pomegranate) The inner parent within you wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with their antics, fully willing to go along with what they wish for you, unaware of the ties they had with the cookie that was after you.
“Oh! You can be our King/Queen piece!”
“Be our King/Queen piece.”
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Earl Grey Cookie though…you were suspicious of him just as much as you were with the previous CoD members, but that fact wasn’t known to you yet. You just had this odd feeling with the him, no matter how close and friendly he tried to get with you.
Trying to give you the first class experience, your very own room with all your needs met, even a bell to call for him if need be. Normally, you’d be pretty thankful of such treatment, but again, the vibes he’d give off made you steadfast.
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As per the two’s request, you were made to be their King/Queen piece. You really couldn’t say no to the two, it made you happy to see them happy when you accepted, much to Brave and friends’ surprise. The twins made it pretty apparent that they were next level in terms of their skill for this game.
King: You were well protected by their pieces on the board, Gingerbrave and friends could not find an opening with how well guarded your position was.
Queen: The twins were a lot more loose with their pieces, but your role as a Queen piece meant you were actively taking the Brave gang’s pieces more often.
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Those feelings about Earl Grey from earlier only seemed to become validated when came time for the chess game. You weren’t an expert with this game at all, but even you could see that Earl Grey seemed to be purposely throwing the match with his stalling.
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A part of you was relieved when Gingerbrave decided to be, well, Gingerbrave, and win the match by putting you in checkmate. Hey, guess cheating was fine as long as you win, right?
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The twins were not having it with Brave’s actions though. They demanded a rematch as you tried to calm them down, but Brave and the others grabbed you and led you away out of there, calling out to the two to take care now since there wasn’t really a whole lot you could do. Now the twins were even more upset at seeing you go, with Earl Grey having to be the one to calm them down…
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“We lost…our perfect plans…”
“Our plans failed…”
“Where are Gingerbrave and the others?”
The twins had to solemnly admit that they got away..
“Was a cookie with a bright soul with them?”
The twins perked up a little with this question, saying that they did with Y/N Cookie! They reminisce on how fun it was to play chess with them, they even made them their most important piece! It was like when they saw into your, they saw a piece of family in your soul. An important piece….
“Hmph, I see…”
BRB, Dark Enchantress Cookie gotta slam her head against a table and scream into a pillow for losing Y/N Cookie AGAIN
“However, there will be another opportunity…”
“We’re sorry…”
“We are sorry…”
“Seek me out. We have much work to do…”
“We’re gonna win next time! And then Y/N Cookie will play with us again!”
“We will win next time. Y/N Cookie will play with us again.”
“Yes, they’re quite special, aren’t they…? I will be waiting..”
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Ayyye, back with Poison Mushroom and Choco Chess for this request!
Also I found out how to link text hehe
Also I realized that I forgot to add how Strawberry Crepe would act around Gingerbrave and his friends in the head cannons, so I’ll add those here too! Sorry, I was so out of it yesterday oml-
Poison Mushroom x Parental Reader
~| Babe.
~| They don’t know what’s happening 90% of the time, they just vibe and do the happy shroomies.
~| Just show up and adopt them, they’ll be like ‘alright’. Very chill about it, if anything, happy. They still go back to see their friends (like Dark Choco, Licorice, and Pomegranate) every once in a while. I find it so cute that Mushroom was willing to be hurt themself so they wouldn’t hurt Pom oml- The Cookies of Darkness would probably try and take them back, and Poison Mushroom would get thrown around between y’all for a long time.
~| Some days, when you’re worried sick about them because they’ve been missing for days, they’ll just show up on your doorstep. “I had a funnnn sleepover with Pomegranate cookieeee…!!” It’s pretty much become routine for them to randomly go visit their old friends. No one can stop them, and the Cookies of Darkness can’t even stop them from returning to you.
~| Poison Mushroom Cookie is in a constant state of ‘no thoughts, head empty’ 24/7. I mean, just LOOK at those eyes. Those are the most braindead eyes if I’ve ever seen them! Big cuddle bug, will constantly just come up to you and hug you. Requires snuggling, don’t try to get them off of you, they WILL cling onto you like their life depends on it.
~| Absolutely adores when you compliment them and call them cute little names. Occasionally they’ll just come up to you and say “I’m your little shroooomie!” Which would probably make you melt inside, if you’re anything like me.
~| You have to accept that they’re weird. They do what they want all the time, but not in a rebellious way. The most wholesome and braindead of all the Cookies of Darkness. Poison Mushroom doesn’t require as much attention as most children, but they adore it when you come and play with them.
~| They offer you shroomies all the time, and they are coming up to you and giving you some. We’ve all seen what happens when you eat one (April Fool’s Day update where you at-), so maybe its best to keep them like flowers! Or make a little garden with them- Poison Mushroom would love sitting in a garden of mushrooms.
~| As for Gingerbrave and friends? More cookies to play with and offer their shroomies to! Poison Mushroom literally cannot hold a grudge to save their life. They’re too wholesome, too braindead, and too forgetful.
~| Take them out for a playdate with the gang and they’ll be so happy, oml, they’ll tell you all about it even though you were literally right there.
Choco Chess x Parental Reader
~| I would die for these two. No questions asked. They’re just so cute but they’ve been through so much! At least they have each other, and they’re thankful and happy for that. If we were to take Earl Grey out of the picture as their caretaker, I believe they would be pretty calm about going home with you. Not as calm as Poison Mushroom, but not as suspicious of you as Strawberry Crepe. Once they see you won’t hurt them, they’ll relax.
~| Very needy. Very. It’s not that they can’t do stuff my themselves, it’s just that they absolutely adore the fuzzy feelings they get when you’re around to help them. They’ve never had a parent before, so they’ve never experienced this familial bond with someone that wasn’t their twin.
~| Pawn White and Pawn Black are very close. You will not be able to separate them without both of them being extremely upset and shutting down. They have to be near or touching the other to properly function. Their twin will always be their number one, and once you’ve become their parent, you’ll be their number two.
~| A little mischievous. They definitely help each other out when they want something. If they cant get it themselves, they’ll go up to you. Who can say no to a cute little kid face? Well, now try saying no to two!
~| Constantly asking you and others around you to play chess with them. They never want to play any other games, not sports or even checkers, only chess. They love going to public events that hold chess games and tournaments, and often win them. If they hear of a public chess event, you better take them to it, else they’ll be very salty about it.
~| They eat a lot, and drink a lot. Their tiny little prodigy minds require constant nourishment in meals and drinks, but often times they’re caught up in chess or other things, so you’ll have to practically be their waiter.
~| They aren’t really into physical affection, but they do love to give you gifts- often times hand-made items they carved, or oddly shaped rocks they painted. Oddly enough, the two little children are very crafty and artsy. They’ve made their own chess set out of wood before, multiple times.
~| When they get hurt, you’ll have to go out of your way to help them. Often times, their twin will try to patch them up, and they’ll hide it from you, mostly because they don’t want you to get upset and angry. They have a bit of ✨trauma✨ from Dark Enchantress and their parents of whom we do not speak of smh.
~| They like to hang around Gingerbrave and his friends, most of the time playing and teaching them chess. They quite enjoy the odd cookie’s company, and occasionally they’ll ask “Are we gonna go visit Gingerbrave? When will we see Gingerbrave next?”
Strawberry Crepe Pt II x Parental Reader
Because I completely forgot about the last line “and being friends with gingerbrave and the others” in the request hbsidbwidn
~| Strawberry Crepe does not like Gingerbrave nor any of his friends. They hold a huge grudge against them for harming their wafflebots- and them! Strawberry Crepe most likely announced loudly that “Oh, hey, those are the cookies who hurt me and my wafflebots!” And, if you were anything like me, you’d most likely get angry at them for hurting precious baby.
~| Crepe refuses to talk to them. They will not even acknowledge that they’re there. Most of the time they just hide behind you, pout, and wait for them to go away. They don’t like it when you interact with others anyways- they especially don’t like it when you talk to cookies that hurt their wafflebots.
~| They may get a bit better, depending on how remorseful the others are, but they still will not talk. If you tell them that both of you are going to visit Gingerbrave and the others, Strawberry Crepe will whine. “Do we reaaaaally have to go? I can build a robot of that brave cookie if you want to talk to him so bad!” “Come on Crepe, we have to be there by 3.” “AhhHHHHH I don’t wannaAA!”
I need to drink some water now.
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Earl Grey Cookie x Male!Reader: The Tea Party (UNFINISHED)
HI!! This is an unfinished fanfic that I made back in… June? I think?? Well, I fell out of love with cookie run, so I never finished this. But, I felt like uploading this to you guys, so that you could see how shit my writing was!!
Plot: Earl Grey wants to have a nice break from the grandmaster hotel and taking care of the Chess Choco Twins, so why not have a tea party with his amazing boyfriend?
Side Notes: Unfinished Fanfic, Earl Grey calls his Boyfriend his prince as a pet name, Everyone is human but still has their cookie names, Earl Grey adopted the Chess Choco Twins, The Reader has his own rented room in the grandmaster hotel, Both of the chess choco twins are agender and use they/them pronouns, The chess choco twins call Earl Grey ‘dad’ and [Reader] ‘father’, and the Chess Choco Twins are homeschooled.
[Reader] stretched his aching back while yawning. He rubbed his eyes, and lazily opened them. He then stood up from his soft and cozy bed made from the purest of cotton, and went to his dresser and pulled one of the drawers open. He looked through the clothes, only for [Reader] realize that all of the good looking clothes that were stored in his dresser were dirty and currently going through the process of being washed. He groaned, and went to his closet to look for something decent to wear.
After what felt like ages of searching, he finally found something to wear. It was a beautiful [Favorite Color] tuxedo paired with dress pants that both glistened as soon as he looked at it, as if the tuxedo was calling for [Reader] to wear it. It was a gift given by Earl Grey as a one year anniversary gift for them dating.
‘Woah. I am so glad I have a boyfriend to give me stuff like this.’ [Reader] thought to himself. He grabbed to tuxedo and took it out of the closet, but then quickly stopped himself. “Wait, shouldn’t I save this for a special occasion? Eh, who cares? Let’s just hope that Earl Grey magically wants to take me out on a fancy date so that this tuxedo won’t go to waste.” [Reader] said.
He put the tuxedo on, and then went up to the full body mirror he kept in his room to see how it looked on him. “Huh, I don’t look half bad.” [Reader] said smugly. He smirked while putting his hand to his chin. “Well, can’t admire myself forever. Let me leave to go find Earl Grey.” He remarked. He walked out the room before quickly realizing something.
“Ah, I never put shoes on. Lemme go put on those dress shoes.” [Reader] went under his bed to grab his dress shoes that Earl Grey had, coincidentally, also got him and put them on. “Okay, now I am finally ready to leave.” [Reader] said proudly. He then opened his door, and then exited his room to go look for Earl Grey.
Earl Grey had just finished getting some more guests into their rooms, and he then went off to go look his boyfriend. He then bumped into the Chess Choco twins. ‘Ah, it's them.’ Earl Grey thought to himself.
“Dad! Let’s play Chess!”
“Dad, can we play chess?” The two asked out of their dad.
“Not now you two, I know you just got out of school and finished your homework and you need something to do, but I’m currently looking for your father. But, I promise I’ll play with you two later.” Earl grey informed the twins.
“Awww, Just one game! It’ll be quick!” “Our game of chess will be brief.” The chess choco twins begged.
Earl Grey sighed. “Alright, I’ll play one game. Only one game though.”
The twins cheered out of excitement (mainly Pawn White), then the twins dragged their dad over to a table with a chessboard on it. The pieces were already placed correctly. The twins then sat down on the left side of the table, while Earl Grey sat on the right.
‘Oh dear, I am in for one hell of a ride…’
Even though Earl Grey said that he’d only play one game, he’s already played about nine, and he lost every single one. His eyes are sore, his glasses are sliding off of his face, and all he can think about is his boyfriend. He doesn’t care about chess anymore, he just wants his sweet prince to save him from this nightmare. The twins then exclaimed checkmate, showing that they just beat Earl Grey AGAIN. “Well, my amazing and sweet children, I must leave now. I’ve had fun, but I must now go look for [Reader].” He informed the twins.
“C’mon, why not one more game?”
“One more round can’t hurt, right dad?” The twins pleaded.
“Sincerest apologies, but I must go.”
“Just one more ga-!”
“I. MUST. GO.” Earl Grey fumed, while running away from the two.
He eventually went outside to the garden at the back of the hotel, where he found [Reader]. He was relieved and felt like it was a blessing to see him again. “My dear prince, I am so happy to see you! You have no idea what I have went through today.” Earl Grey proclaimed. [Reader] tilted his head out of confusion. “Umm, Earl Grey, you’re acting more enthusiastic than usual, you ok?” [Reader] had question. “Ah, my sweet precious prince, I am perfectly fine! The twins just begged me into playing hour long games of chess is al-!”
“Yep, you only act enthusiastic whenever you get out of a stressful situation.” [Reader] pointed out.
“Heh, you are correct, my lovely prince. It was not just one game, not three, but nine games of chess. It was… Horrid. I can’t even describe the terror that was going on-!” Before Earl Grey could finish, [Reader] had given him a quick kiss.
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queensharotto · 6 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 1: Mid to Late 2022)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month, starting with August 2022.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
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August 2022 🌅
• “Picnic Time” 💗
Featuring: Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Pizza Time” 💗
Featuring: Pizza Cookie
September 2022 🍂
• “The Beloved of Duskgloom Sea” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Heartbreak”
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie
• “The Apple in this Doctor’s Eye” 💗
Featuring: Dr Bones Cookie
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #1”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “The Time Balance Department’s Handycookie”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
October 2022 🎃
• “Biggest Fans” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “The Idol and the DJ” 💗
Featuring: DJ Cookie
• “Time Travel, Woo!” 💗
Featuring: Croissant Cookie
• “Hollyberrian Marketplace Ruckus”
Featuring: Princess Cookie, Knight Cookie and the Hollyberrian Shopkeepers
• “The Spooky Cookie Tapes” 🎃💗
Featuring: Numerous cookies
• “The Thrill or the Peace”
Featuring: Adventurer Cookie and Blackberry Cookie
• “The Deal with Dragons” 💗
Featuring: The 5 Dragons
• “Baking for Them”
Featuring: Frost Queen Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie
• “The Face of the Future”
Featuring: Director Croissant Cookie, Stringy Gummy Cookie, and Ephemeral Flow Timekeeper Cookie
• “Missing You…” 😞
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sunrises”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Real Y/N Cookie Birthday Hours” 🎂
Featuring: Birthday Cake Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Lotus Dragon Cookie, and Croissant Cookie
November 2022 🌾
• “A Tune for You”
Featuring: Vagabond Cookie
• “Let Me Be Your Relay Cookie”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Phenomenal Photo”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie, Shining Glitter Cookie, Scorpion Cookie, Orange Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, and Almond Cookie
• “Polar Opposites” 💗
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
December 2022 🎄
• “Bake It till You Make It” 🍪💗
Featuring: Captain Caviar Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, Oyster Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, and Cocoa Cookie
• “The Deal with Ancients V1”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Co, The Cookies of Darkness, The First 3 Playable Ancient Heroes and Cookies seen throughout Episodes 9 - 14
• “Yandere Cookie Team Ups” 💗
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie, Wind Archer Cookie, Croissant Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “Speak of the Tree”
Featuring: Millennial Tree Cookie and Churro Cookie
• “For Their Majesty” 💗
Featuring: Amber Sugar Cookie
• “Spared No Expense” 💗
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “The Flipside” 😞
Featuring: Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “When the Jingle Bells Rock” 🎄
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “What If: In Your Name” 🍪
Featuring: St Pastry Order
• “Secretly Reading Your Diary”
Featuring: Rougefort Cookie, Licorice Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie and the Choco Chess Twins
• “From the Brink”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Pastry Cookie and Milk Cookie
• “In a Heartbeat” 💗
Featuring: Pink Choco Cookie
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norieoncrack · 3 years
Oh thank you for making choco and sorbet request that was the cutest thing can you do a continuation where reader fall in love with wind archer cookie but is too nervous to tell him but chess choco and sorbet shark decided to help his dad to confess his felling to the love of his live headcanons
Noice, I'll put it in my work pile thank you very much,
*•.¸♡ 𝒪𝓊𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 ♡¸.•*
Genre: Fluff Character: Wind archer cookie, Chess choco cookie, sobert shark cookie, Y/n. Type: headcanons Pronouns: he/him, male. Summary: from a family of four into a family of five.
★彡 𝒜 𝓈𝓊𝓅𝓅𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝒶 𝒹𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝓃'𝓉 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉 彡★
⁀➷"Once again, thanks a lot Wind Archer"
⁀➷"Ah, It's nothing we're friends you know? This is nothing"
⁀➷Life was good, very good :'). Until they found out how dense their dad was.
⁀➷Chess Choco cookie just stared at the scene while shaking their head in disappointment.
⁀➷While Sobert shark just sleeps on the couch like a little cat.
⁀➷Wind Archer was friends with Y/n on one of their adventures, surprisingly he fell in love. (Name a person who doesn't like my anons and readers I'll wait)
⁀➷"This can't go on, I'm tired of seeing them acting so dense!" White pawn cookie said.
⁀➷" I agree, I suppose we can help father. What do you think Sobert?" black pawn said.
⁀➷"OoOoOoOOOOooooOOOO!!" (translation: Yea! Let's help dad)
⁀➷An agreement between a pair of strategists and a baby shark was made.
⁀➷Step 1 of mission: Distract dad so that we can get the spare key is a go!!
⁀➷ "Dad!! Why can't we come with you!?" White pawn said whining creating a distraction.
⁀➷" No is a no, you can't go with me to the (random place name) today. I have work, now go take care of Sobert and your twin" Y/n said bonking his kid's head.
⁀➷As Y/n walked out of the door, the little cookies gathered at the door putting their ear on the ear listening carefully for their dad's footstep.
⁀➷"You got the keys?" White pawn said staring at the two. Black pawn searched the pockets and took out a pair of keys with a tag that said spare.
⁀➷Step 1 of mission: Distract dad so that we can get the spare key. Success.
⁀➷Step 2: Sticking in the background and making sure mister and dad get together is now in operation.
⁀➷Sneaking out of the house was easy now stalking is the hard part for them.
⁀➷The three often come with their dad to work so they know the way like the back of their hand.
⁀➷" Oh wind archer! I didn't expect you to visit right now" Y/n said
⁀➷" Oh, were you busy? I could come at another time" Wind archer stepped in.
⁀➷"... They seem to be talking a lot, Is this a good sign? Black Pawn analysis!" White pawn shouted.
⁀➷"Shut up, I'm trying to figure it out"
⁀➷Step 2: Sticking in the background and making sure mister and dad get together. Completed-ish?
⁀➷Step 3: we wait and strike.
⁀➷While the three were sneaking about hiding in the corner planning their next move. Two figures let out a sigh.
⁀➷"So when are we gonna tell them." Wind archer said slumping against the wall.
⁀➷"I'm not sure, they seem to have their hands full from following us" Y/n smirked leaving the counter.
⁀➷"let's play the children's game a bit longer, shall we ?"
⁀➷Mission Failed Successfully.
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Hey it me the anon about sorbet choco chess and squid being adopt can you do a part 2 where pure vanilla show them to the other ancients and a little did he know that the kids cuteness capture the other ancients hearts and they constantly spoils the kids off hollyberry gives them the best desserts of hollyberry kingdom dark cacao gives them toy weapons for them and have play dates with the young dark choco golden cheese gives jewels and lily gives the most beautiful flower crowns headcanons
Here you go Anon! ^^ This is so cute, my heart melted when I wrote this!
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Requested?: Yes
Genre: Fluff (slight comedic?)
Warnings: None
Pronouns used: They/Them for Sorbet Shark Cookie, Squid Ink Cookie, Pawn White Cookie and Pawn Black Cookie, He/Him for Pure Vanilla Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie
(I wasn't sure which banner to use-)
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-They were all immediately smitten 
-”How adorable!” “Hello little ones” “They’re so cute!” “Aww” 
-As much as Pure Vanilla Cookie wants to tell the other ancients to not spoil the four, he can’t 
-The children’s happy faces have captured his heart too ^^ 
-Hollyberry Cookie would always give them so many sweets and desserts 
-With some of them bouncing off the walls due to a sugar rush but it was worth it- 
-Dark Choco Cookie would be like an older brother to them, and miiiiiiiiight teach them some fighting skills 
-He’s super protective of the four, anyone who tries to hurt them will regret it for sure 
-Everytime the four come back from their visit to Golden Cheese Cookie’s kingdom, they’d have some jewels with them, which they’re all super happy with, especially Sorbet Shark Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie 
-They all have their own chest in their rooms for the jewels <3 
-They all love the flower crowns that White Lily Cookie gives them and cherishes them 
-They’d often come running back to you and Pure Vanilla Cookie happily with flower crowns of their favourite colours, telling you two about how they were made <3 
-They’re all often spoiled with headpats ^^ 
-What a big, lively family you all have! <3 
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bunie-grrss · 2 years
*falls down* HI, savior of boredom earl grey anon is here, may I request a poly relationship with Whipped Cream Cookie x Caretaker! Reader x Earl Grey Cookie, Like Reader is a caretaker to Princess Cookie, so one day when Princess Cookie was running through Parfaedia being chaotic, reader met Whipped Cream and Earl Grey and it was love at first sight so Princess Cookie did everything to get the three to date?
You weren't sure why you agreed to go out and hang out with princess and knight, maybe their just only your remaining friends but you don't mind that, you always enjoyed their company no matter what, or why, but you have to stop princess from running away too far or going somewhere shady, it was exhausting but you always charged up when seeing princess so happy.
While she was running all and about, she met two tall men, one with pristine outfit, a blond off white hair, a green hair tie, and round bronze off gold glasses to match. The other men was white hair with streaks of light pastel pink with little beads in them, cozy button up shirt, with a beige cardigan, and black pants to match. Princess accidently bumping in to them, as you apologized profusely for the inconvenience "it's alright! Please don't need to be sorry!" The white-pink hair men said, as he tried to comfort you.
Meanwhile princess was... Seeing it differently, she notices their facial expression turn into kinda abit of a flush, than awkwardness, she already got the hint! And she will not let her ship sink!! So what did she tried to do in the future? Well...put you three together into a relationship of course! But she needs you to meet them more frequently..maybe name exchanges? Maybe turn into acquintances! Taking little baby steps is the way to go!.
Before she would get a word out of her mouth, she was interrupted was the glasses wearing man "may I ask your name? Sorry it's too informal for me to ask" he would say as he gave a slight bowing position, he seemed very polite. "Ah sorry! I forgot to mention my name, I'm Y/n Cookie, sorry for the inconvenience" you would reply with a slight panic tone to it, but earl grey would just nod "I hope we can meet up in the future" he would say before following his friend "ah sorry, my name is whipped cream, the guy that asked, was earl grey cookie! But I hope we can see each other again y/n cookie!" Whipped cream would say abit happy tone, as he walked away.
Well that was unexpected.
It took awhile for you to accept your feelings for the both men, after knight and princess nudge you to confess, meanwhile the chess choco twins were nudging earl grey too for a sweet loving confession, but enough of that! Now dating HCs!
Whipped Cream and Earl grey! Let's date!
π~the first one to confess or blatantly say 'i love you but I'm in denial' was you!, You were abit unsure about your feelings and it's alright! It takes time and you became to realise that it may be true love!
π~of course it didn't take awhile for whipped cream nor earl grey to know that, they had feelings for you too, and know that you too have feelings for them, it made them happy
the first one to notice that you have feelings for them is earl grey, of course! They work at a hotel, and their observation skills are beyond god-like, they know how you feeling like lonely, upset, or even happy! So don't worry!
The second one was whipped cream, his abit of a softer side of the relationship, his nice, handsome, and charming! The one to call you cute nicknames like kitty, deerloft, etc! They don't have observation skills like earl grey, they know how you feel by subtle hints that you gave off unexpectedly
π~ ever feel lonely? Earl grey make sure to have your favourite beverage of choice right by your side, whipped cream will give you a little music box, similiar to his so you can always listen to the music and imagine you and them together, cuddling on a cold restless night
π~earl grey and whipped cream will show affection through actions, giving gifts, making breakfast, or even romantic touches
π~just for fun, the one who tease you alot is both of them, litterally will whisper into your ear of the sweetest or warmet things that will left you a blushing mess-
π~ regardless, you still look out for princess, your her caretaker and won't leave her side even if you have a relationship, but now she had two new friends! Chess choco cookies! She found them very friendly despite the differences
@mid-is-a-simp I finally finish your request, I'm sorri that it took long :(
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eoncafe · 3 years
Yo 🦈anon here Yes in the first I’m mean with the kids but I’m also love the dating headcanons can you do with hollyberry x reader adopt sorbet and choco chess please
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sure thing!! i’ll get right to it
pairing(s): hollyberry x reader + sorbet shark and the chess choco twins (familial)
type: fluff, headcanons
warnings: none!
reader type: gender neutral (they/them)
hollyberry would gladly take them under her wing!!
after she spends about five minutes gushing over how cute these youngsters are, she’s more than happy to!
good mom? good mom
she’s a great cook so she’ll make anything they ask her to
she enjoys playing games with the twins, even if she may not be too good at them
she also likes taking all of them on her adventures, making sure to keep them safe with her shield!
she likes to teach them how to fight themselves of course, so they can hold their own if something were to happen
whenever her travels take her to the ocean, she always brings sorbet with her. she delights in their joy at seeing the ocean and loves watching them splash in the water
cuddle piles!!!!! at the end of the day when everyone is tired from playing and adventuring she pulls you and the kids into a big hug. it doesn’t get much better than that!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Licorice Cookie x Female Reader, married headcanons or story please?
Licorice had this proposal planned out perfectly. He's worried about rejection (even assuming he'll be rejected anyway), but goes for it when you're both wandering his trial lands, where his minions gathered around you under the full moonlight.
"My beloved night owl, will you help me rule the Cookie Kingdom as my dark and sinister wife?" He kneels and presents a ring made of black sugar crystal and a gem resembling your magic candy.
When you said "yes" he cried like a baby bc he was so happy and relieved. He felt like he was melting from joy but you managed to hold him together.
He's so used to being alone..so this was gonna be a wonderful change for him.
To no one's surprise, Dark Enchantress finds out but you've been helpful to her cause, so she gives you her blessing to marry her left-hand cookie.
The Cookies of Darkness officiate the wedding, and you're allowed to invite all your friends. Licorice begrudgingly called a "temporary one-day only" truce when he saw Gingerbrave and the rest of the "good cookies" attending.
As a tailor he made his own suit and had Bat-Cat and Brute in suits as well.
During the wedding, at the "are there any objections" part, Licorice was PISSED to see the Chess Chocos stand up....only to ask when they could go back to playing chess.
Your chuckle is what makes him forget his anger and focus on what's most important today.
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blindedwings · 2 years
Hi! Wondering if I could get an Earl Grey cookie X she/her reader, romantic if it's okay! Would love to start supporting small writers around here! <3
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"Welcome to the Grandmaster Hotel."
♡} --- Your letter has been received and accepted !
♡} --- Check under the cut for your letter back !
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⪩⪨ --- Pairings : Earl grey + female reader
⪩⪨ --- Genre : Romantic
⪩⪨ --- Side Note : why of course! I was waiting for an ask for a cookie from ovenbreak for a while,thank you!
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• Just like the name above,Earl grey will forever love and stay loyal to you,only you !
• You can do no wrong in his eyes,dear. So if you manage to find out the chess choco cookies plan and how they are using him,tell him,let the words of 'I live to serve the house of Chess Choco Cookie' turn into a lie.
• He overworks himself,that's no surprise.so please take care of him!
• If you have played his trial,you have most probably seen the three staff members that appear during the trial,and the first one is normally the chef! Well darling,if you are ever hungry,do tell him and he'll have the best meals prepared just for you
• Be prepared to be met with loads and loads of affection!
• If you have insecurities like me,I think he would ask which part of your body your body you're insecure about and he'll kiss those parts and remind you that you need not worry <3
• My oh my he is a gentleman! He will be the perfect partner !
• He wants nothing more than to finish a hard day of work and cuddle you, nothing more
• Calls you 'my love' or 'darling'
• If you are a scatterbrain,do not worry!he will keep everything in place for you
• Or if you're like him,my,even better! He loves your taste in music and let's you pick the song that echos through the hotel! (No you are NOT allowed to play cupcakKe)
• He very much adores the feeling of his hands around your waist!
• His favorite place to kiss would most definitely be your forehead,he does not know why,though..
• The chess choco cookies view you and earl as their parents,and pawn white cookie even once said that you two should get married!
• That left both of you shocked,and,Earl even passed out..
• If only you knew that a certain box resided in his pocket..
• Well ! Let us wait and see when he will show you the box!
✩ } --- Tag list : @kalopsia-sonder - @mid-is-a-simp
This is the 'suprise',I hope you two enjoy it lol
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕,
Do not steal.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Yooo, that mourning y/n cookie fic was top tier!♡ I gotta more uplifting request to balance out the angst with some sugar and spice😘
y/n sending some of their old books to the kid cookies, but inadvertently brings their old photo album instead: not only do the kid cookies, and some of the adults, see the usual mature but fun loving y/n cookie as either a rough and tumble gang member or a shy inverted geek (you can pick whichever would be more embarrassing for them), they also see some of the old photos of y/n cookie with old friends, new friends, and a few polaroids of their now crumbled spouse.... If you write one of them asking "who's that," istg-
- Drama anon🥀
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Congratulations, you jinxed yourself, man.
And so, the jelly worm told the jelly frog, “Why do worms go across the playground? To get to the other mud slide!”
The crowd of young cookies giggled and laughed among themselves with that joke! Every one in this joke book you had never failed to brighten up with spirits with laughter. Even some adults around the library couldn’t help but chuckle a little at it.
You had volunteered at the city’s library to read some books you’ve brought to the younger cookies that came there. The staff did try to pay you for your time, but you declined. You’ve always wanted to share the wonders of what you’ve read in hopes the cookies might like it too. You did have plans that day, but if it was for the young ones’ sake, you suppose you can move things around!
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“*sniffle*…can you read us another book? Please?”
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“Tell us another book, Y/N Cookie! You have to tell us another book.”
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“I wouldn’t mind listening to more stories from you, Y/N Cookie!”
You chuckled as you rubbed the back of your head nervously. You weren’t expecting them to really like what you brought, so it brought you relief that they end up liking it after all. You thanked them for doing so as you reached for your last one.
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“Come on, what’s that last book you got there? I’m seeing some pictures on it…of you?”
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“Y/N Cookie, is that really a book? It looks more like a….photo album?
What did they mean-your look suddenly changed to that of horror as you spotted the picture ridden cover of your photo album?! What the?! How did this happen? Did you accidentally leave the album at the bottom of your book stack when you took it with you?! Oh geez, you were incredibly embarrassed at what the others were already seeing on it. Photos of you on vacation, exploring a cave, you next TK’s machine you’ve just fixed while giving a thumbs up.
You quickly shuffle the album behind your back before awkwardly tell the cookies around you that story time was over for today and you’ll be seeing them next. You were already getting up to go before the young cookies started to make a fuss and you stopped there anxiously.
“*sob* You’re leaving already? But..I want to see the album…*sniffle*”
“Yeah, we want to look at the album too! Let us look at the album.”
“I want to look at it too, but if it’s too much to ask, I understand…”
“This is totally your choice though, Y/N. We aren’t going to pressure you if you don’t wanna.”
“I second that!”
Oh did you want to take the opportunity to just run on out of there in embarrassment and just hide under your covers…but seeing the hopeful look of the younger cookies with the accepting looks from the older ones made you ponder for moment as you think for a moment…run off with your photo album abruptly and be done with the day…or….you swallow your embarrassment and be open about your past.
You made your choice, you took a deep breath…
and walked out the door…
The younger cookies looking down saddened as the older ones just looked to the side, accepting that you valued your history, so they were not going to pry you about it…
Everyone looked up in surprise as the doors opened and saw you coming back in with a determined smile on your face as you sat back down with the photo album in your hands.
Sorry for walking out like that, you just had to put away all the books into your vehicle for a second there. Now, who was ready to learn a little more about you?
The cookies around you couldn’t get more interested and excited. The young cookies gathered in front of you as Bellflower and Pizza Cookie went to your sides.
You turned the album to your first series of photos, your school days.
You were the shy, but incredibly smart one in your class. You didn’t do much to socialize with the cookies in your class, you just sorta stuck to yourself as you worked on your assignments.
This made you look more endearing to your fellow classmates as anyone who had a bone to pick with you for some reason would have to face a group of cookies ready to defend you from whatever accusations this bully was trying to say.
You weren’t exactly a small cookie, you just didn’t like confrontation all that much, so usually other cookies would come to your aid for you. Saving you the trouble…..and pretty much having that cookie hanging off you for the day.
One cookie in particular was White Cactus Cookie
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She’s alive, y’all
Seeing how non-threatening you were just made White want to scoop you into her arms for a hug.
When it came to group projects, you were always paired with her, Cactus herself seeking you out immediately when the time to pick began. She’ll even strategically seat herself next to you in the event group projects did happen.
She introduced you to her friend, Black Garlic Cookie, whom became your second major friend in the school days. If someone needed to see you, 9/10 you’re with both of the girls.
When it came to cookies who thought you were an easy target, they were in for a scare as White Cactus would creep on behind them and give them a frightful jolt as she screamed. She would innocently wave them bye as they ran down the hall and out of sight.
She would hug and snuggle the hell out of you after completing a group project. She was so proud of you working so hard on it!
Here’s to a wonderful school year together with you and her~
And that photo right there was White Cactus chasing off the cheerleading captain for taking her spot next to me during lunch. White Cactus..didn’t like it when other cookies tried to get all close to you. You two were the best of friends in school, nothing would change that!
“She sounds a little scary, but she’s a nice friend…*sniffle*”
“Those mean Cookies deserved it for picking on you! They deserved it.”
“It is nice to have friends there for you, even if they can be scary!”
“You were just minding your own business, I feel like they deserved what they got.”
“Cookies shouldn’t be bringing down each other! It was nice to hear that you had a cookie to look out for you!”
You appreciated the words from the others about your friend, White Cactus Cookie. You do hope that she’s doing well after graduating…
You shook your head off the thought as you turned to the next page-oh.
This phase in your life may be a little weird to explain…
Who would’ve thunk it that after having a fairly normal upbringing and graduating from school, that life would deal you a bad hand and you were at rock bottom. In any attempt to find a way to keep up with the rising payments, you had to locate a different kind of job…
In other words? You essentially became part of a gang.
They claimed to be..a crew of timeline hopping misfits? And they’ve picked YOU to join them!
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Twizzly Gummy took notice of your situation and wanted to be merciful, how about a spot on her crew!? There’s always room for another! It wasn’t like you had any other choice anyway, once she sets her eye on something, she’s taking it!
You wanted to decline. Despite life being hard for you, you didn’t want to have to turn to villainy to help you out…but you gaze at the spread of papers with payment orders on your desk within your apartment….you were at a loss.
“Come on!! What do ya say?! Together with us, you can have all the coins you could’ve ever want!”
“Why work when you can just rob a cookie! Way easier if you’re askin’ me!”
“Think this through, bro. You won’t have to worry about paying for anything for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t be in this dump anymore, that’s for sure…”
Again, you didn’t have a choice, did you?
And that’s how you ended up becoming the new cookie in Twizzly Gummy’s crew. Taking up a defender role, you donned a club and a shield as you became the wall that kept the crew from harm. Throughout your time with them, you only grew more sturdy and withstanding, evident in your dough, but you had never hurt a cookie during these robberies, you never could…
The coins from these heists proved true to their words, it was so much that you could actually start affording things you wanted, not just needs…it…got to you. Morals were suppressed as you went on these heists with your crew, you let the prospect of finally obtaining the things you wanted get to your head.
Until the reality of your actions hit you like a brick when an organization known as the Time Balance Department arrested the whole crew. The high of getting all of this coin came crashing down on you as you were carried off with the rest of the crew.
Thank Fortuna that whoever was listening answered your plight as you got a lighter sentence for your crimes. Despite all of the crimes you’ve committed, you never once used violence on others in any way, you were more of a shield for the crew to hide behind, the club was just to look fearsome.
You served your time and walked away a free cookie, clean from the whole situation, and started anew. One of the guards looked up your file and expressed sympathy. If you were ever in need of a job, there might be just the place…
The photos to signify this time in your life were the photos of you and the crew, with the last one being the only copy of your mugshot.
A concern did occur to you. What if the crew ever broke out of their prison, what would they do…and if they’re looking for you.
Note: Y/N Cookie’s backstory is totally up to you, the reader. This is just one of many that could happen to you.
You covered your face in shame and embarrassment as the cookies around you had surprised and shocked looks.
You had to make it very clear to them that you wiped your hands of this part of your past. You paid to have it scrubbed off your record and you were a completely different cookie now then before.
You regretted ever taking that offer and you could only hope to make up for it some day. It’s fine if they want to stay away from you for that.
“B-but why would I do that…*sniffle*…you’re so nice to me…”
Eh? What-
“We all make mistakes, like Pawn White does without me. Hey!”
“You learned from your mistakes and became an even better cookie now. You never hurt another cookie and grew from this!”
“Yeah, as long as you did your time and realized that it was a pretty stupid thing to do, you’re all good.”
“I do feel bad for the robbed cookies, did you ever give back what those cookies stole from them?”
You brightened up once your turned to the next page. Now THIS is when your redemption arc began!
You were pondering the offer the guard had given you. A spot…in the Time Balance Department? The exact organization that arrested you back then? Was this a good idea? Would they hold your past against you and reject your application? Your mind wandered oh so much.
Until you received a call. You jumped a bit before answering it and a voice called for your name.
“Hey, is this Y/N Cookie? Nice, the name’s Croissant Cookie! I’m an engineer at the Time Balance Department and have heard that you’ve shown interest applying here, at least from what I’m told.”
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Well, it was nice to meet this Croissant Cookie! If she was calling you, then you assumed that you got the job?
“Yep! We looked over your resume and everything seemed to be in order! We know you might have had a crummy point in your life, but here at the TBD, you can do genuine work and it benefits other cookies too! It’s a win-win!”
That was perfect. After a pretty bad choice in your life, you were worried that you may have had a bad reputation there and could get your application rejected, so it was nice of them to have actually accepted it. You accepted the offer and scheduled later to see the place, your voice gaining a chipper and hopeful tone!
“Welcome to the TBD, Y/N Cookie. I have a feeling that if it’s like this conversation, then we can become the best of friends here. See you soon!”
You will admit, you were a bit hesitant during the initial hiring since their main deal was handling things related to time that you worry you could mess up something that could be pretty important. Luckily, you had a cookie to guide you through your new job, Croissant Cookie.
The photo to commemorate this part of your life was a photo of you and Croissant doing a thumbs up at the camera.
You still work for the TBD to this day, repairing any machines that needed fixing and helping out your fellow coworkers with anything in that field. You were referred to as one of the TBD’s handycookies! Pretty interesting title.
“What a nice ending…*sniffle*”
“Working for the TBD? That sounds important! It does sounds important.”
“You made it through to now, Y/N Cookie. I’m happy to hear things are okay now!”
“That was totally redeeming if you want my two coins on it.”
“That answers my question. Still the Y/N Cookie I know in the end hehe!”
You thanked them with a smile as you turned to the end of the album…and come across some old polaroids of you…and an unfamiliar cookie.
These photos were much more intimate in nature, with you hugging and kissing them Cookie on the cheek, the cookie warmly receiving them with a happy smile. Your smile turned more solemn, but never losing its warmth as you looked at them.
You caressed your nonexistent thumb over the photo as you looked at it, looking back on the memory in your head. That day where you and that cookie looked at the sunset together, leaning on each other. You remember whispering your love for them and them doing so in return…you could feel a tear well up in your eye.
The cookies around you eyed the photos in curiosity. Lollipop breaking the silence by asking,
“Woah, that cookie looks very nice to you! Who is that?”
You turned to Lollipop with your almost sad smile.
Someone amazing…
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Can um have dark cacao cookie pure vanilla cookie and latte cookie x reader who is overprotective over sorbet shark cookie and choco chess cookie and ask them if they can adopt them please sorbet they have being alone in the ocean for years and choco chess are homeless I’m want them to be happy headcanons please
Hello, anon! I’m more than happy to write for my favorite little cookies! Choco Chess and Sorbet Shark really do deserve better.
Also, when it comes to cookies, I tend to stick to their in-game pronouns. If they aren’t said to have an in-game pronoun (like Choco Chess) then I’ll use they/them for them! Just wanted to clarify that in case some people were curious 💕!
Dark Cacao x Overprotective reader ft SS and CC
~| Dark Cacao is generally a good cookie, but there’s a lot of stuff he absolutely does not understand. Children is one of them. As seen with Dark Choco, Dark Cacao does not know how to give children proper affection, and though he may try after what happened to his previous son, he will still be horrible at it, mostly because of his lack in experience at being a ‘good’ father.
~| When you first introduced the three, Dark Cacao is quite confused, especially when you claim them to be your children. Did you just randomly find them? Probably. “Just don’t let them go touching and breaking things.” Dark Cacao would grumble as he accepted the fact that he would now have three tiny cookies running around.
~| And, guess what? The first thing Sorbet Shark does is break something. They tried to look through a window and forgot that glass existed, so they ended up shattering it.
~| “Told you this was a bad idea.” “Dark Cacao, shUT.”
~| Dark Cacao often gets annoyed by the children, with Sorbet Shark’s knack for getting in trouble and the Chess Choco Twins constantly asking for him to play chess with them (which he’s quite surprised when they beat him- he’s actually pretty good at chess). But, when Dark Cacao is off duty as a king, he does enjoy his time with the small children, even if you have to force him to spend bonding time with them.
~| If one of them called Dark Cacao their father or something similar, Dark Cacao would be done. Dead. Right there, right then, he wouldn’t be able to process it. It would most likely have to be the Chess Choco Twins since Sorbet Shark can’t really talk oop-. Dark Cacao is a tyrant. He doesn’t understand why you’re so protective of them and often tells you that you need to calm down, but when he gets attached to them, he is worse than you. He assigns the kiddos personal bodyguards when both he and you are busy, which they don’t mind (it gives Choco Chess someone to play chess with, and it gives Sorbet Shark someone to just play with if you’re not there to do so).
~| Dark Cacao got a journal and, in his free time, writes about what he saw the kiddos doing that day. ‘Today Sorbet Shark climbed up to the banister and got stuck. S/O was freaking out, but I was calm.’ Flashback to the event, where both S/O and Dark Cacao were panicking, trying to get a very happy Sorbet Shark down.
~| Dark Cacao could spend hours playing chess with Choco Chess Cookie, and finds their small shenanigans entertaining- especially how they are so connected each other. Sometimes, it makes him wish he had a twin to share his every thought and pain with, even without speaking. After he plays chess with the two, and 80% of the time looses, he always comes to you to tell you about their game. The first time Dark Cacao beat the twins they were both very salty about it, and he occasionally throws the game by making himself loose, if it seems like he’s on a streak.
~| It may take a while for him to get attached to the kiddos, but when he does, it’s complete game over. They have the cold king in the palm of their tiny little hands.
~| Bonus~ if Dark Choco were to ever come back and live with ya’ll, he would be like an older brother to all of them as soon as he saw, and this would improve Dark Cacao and Dark Choco’s relationship, as they have something to bond over- the children! As for you, you get to adopt another child. I bet you’re happy about that, aren’t you 🍿?
Pure Vanilla x Overprotective reader ft SS and CC
~| “Wonderful!”
~| When you approach Pure Vanilla and introduce the two as your new children, he’s just like ‘lol, alright.’
~| Very laid back when it comes to discipline, cannot do it to save his life. He’ll do anything to cheer them up if they get sad, or do something wrong. Chess Choco knows this and sometimes uses it to get their way. “What’s wrong, my darlings? Why do you look so down? Do you need anything?” “We’re hungry! We are hungry.” “Alright, only the finest for my little cookies!” Sorbet Shark also does this, but less consciously than Chess Choco. Pure Vanilla is more than happy to do all three of their biddings.
~| You cannot get Pure Vanilla off of them. He always seems to be either playing with them or doing something for them. Even when he’s on the throne, his mind often circles back to your children.
~| When they first called him their dad, he was over the moon with joy. He took all of you to a fancy restaurant and announced to the waiter that “Yes, my children, my love, and I are ready to order!”
~| One time the three were trying to reach some jellies on a high shelf. The Choco Chess Twins were on the bottom, holding Sorbet Shark up. Pure Vanilla found them doing so and was quite amused. He lifted Sorbet Shark up higher for them to grab the jellies, which they happily did, before putting them back down and whispering “Don’t tell [mom/dad/parent/S/O]!” That’s a common phrase for him.
~| Surprisingly protective. Not nearly as much as you, but he has to constantly have them in his sight when they’re around him, and he makes sure they’re never alone. Like Dark Cacao, bodyguards when neither of you can be around, but he calls them play mates!
~| He remembers everything they do, and I mean everything. Often he’ll just bring up little stories (sometimes exposing himself by telling you one of those ‘don’t tell [mom/dad/parent/S/O]’ moments oop-) to you when you’re alone.
~| When he can’t sleep, often he will go and check on the kids. Just a little peep into their room to make sure they’re alright, and he’s relaxed by their sleeping figures. Speaking of which, he always tells them a story every night, sometimes two or three if they asking him for it!
~| He gives the kids (and you!) a lot of gifts. A lot of flowers, oddities, trinkets, etc. Pure Vanilla always seems to know what to get them- once Chess Choco’s chess set broke, and he got them two chess sets! One made out of pure glass and the other made out of wood. You couldn’t pull them away from those chess boards for days. When Pure Vanilla has time, he loves to bury little trinkets and give Sorbet Shark a map to the buried treasure. He loves walking alongside the small cookie as they figure out where to go next.
~| If he receives a gift from them, he will literally m e l t, especially if it’s hand made (he loves that they put so much time and effort into something made especially for him!). His room is decorated with all the little gifts meant for him, he keeps every single one of them, and often smiles when he looks at them, as they remind him of you and the kids.
~| Takes you and the kiddos out on picnics to the gardens, when he has the chance! Loves to watch them chase butterflies or observe the flowers. He makes all of the food for these picnics by hand, and sometimes he lets you help out as well. Pure Vanilla makes bomb peanut butter jelly sandwiches, and you can’t convince me otherwise.
~| The most doting father you’ll ever know. He believes they can do no wrong. He comforts them when they’re sad, lifts them higher when they’re happy, and is just the type of cookie that the smaller ones will cling to.
~| These kids could probably get away with murder when Pure Vanilla is around, tbh.
Latte x Overprotective reader ft SS and CC
~| Best mom you’ll ever find.
~| At first, she’s a bit worried at where these three came from- do they have parents!? Is someone looking for them? After hearing Chess Choco’s story (and reading some very wobbly notes from Sorbet Shark), she instantly got attached. Three orphans, with no where to go!? Now, that can’t happen, not on her watch!
~| Latte has worked with kids her entire life, from when she was one to her job as a teacher! She knows how to be strict yet kind, and she uses her experience to her full advantage.
~| You’ll often find her teaching them little things- like how to tie knots, how to bake, etc- but sometimes she tries to teach them some magic. Pawn White and Pawn Black can now move chess pieces through telekinesis :).
~| Loves to take them for rides on her staff. When it’s just her and Sorbet Shark, she’ll often do little spins in the air, which Sorbet Shark absolutely adores.
~| She invites Creampuff and Madeleine over all the time for playdates! She loves watching all 5 cookies play games like hide and seek and truth or dare (she swears Madeleine is a bigger child than all 5 of them). Often times she has to be the referee, but, occasionally, Latte will join in on the games. If you’re ever around during these playdates as well, you’ll be literally dragged into their game.
~| When both of you are busy, she’ll often ask Eclair or to babysit (she doesn’t ask Espresso because she knows he’s always busy), which Eclair will 90% of the time accept. Usually they’ll go to the library, and Choco Chess will use the public chess board they have there, while Sorbet Shark flips through all the picture books and runs around the library like it’s a maze.
~| Checks up on them a lot. You know how mothers always seem to know where everything is? She’s a very good example of this. “Sorbet, where’s your telescope?” “Ooo…” “I think I saw it on top of the book shelf.” “OoOoO00!?!?”
~| Cue Sorbet Shark rushing off and returning with their telescope, indeed looking very happy. “OoOOooO00oO!!!”
~| Latte makes sure all of them are tucked into bed nice and properly, and will sing them lullabies to lull them to sleep. Occasionally, she’ll sing you a lullaby as well!
~| All-around a perfect mother for these kiddos- she has enough free time to just bond with them, and is the perfect mix of sweet and stern.
Hope these were to your liking <3! I, personally, enjoying writing them, I just couldn’t stop adding stuff to Pure Vanilla’s!! I mainly concentrated on their bonds with the children, but there’s still some x reader in there too.
Also, 2 posts in 1 day!?!? Yay!
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lunarhellscape · 2 years
Hello! Is it fine if I can request some Earl Grey cookie x reader headcanons where it's a slowburn from friends to lovers? Even a bit of Chess Choco cookie trying to push the pining cookies together?
hi of course!! i had some already written down but they got yeeted aha ;;
also i don't know too much about him so i'm sorry if these seem ooc!
- you and earl grey were just coworkers at first, working at the same hotel
- you were a receptionist who found amusement in watching him flit around, but you were also impressed at how he never seemed to tire
- he would stop by and talk to you on the rare occasions he got a break and it was always a good time
- something about his perfectionist nature was charming to you
- after a while, you'd catch yourself staring as you watched him work
- you hadn't really notice the twins at first, until they ran up to you one day and whispered that early grey had a thing for you
- honestly, you nearly had a heart attack
- your feelings were mutual?? great
- your shock only skyrocketed when earl grey approached you during one of his breaks and asked if you'd like to go out with him after your shifts had ended
- you could barely breathe, unable to tell if this was real or not
- you still managed to mumble out a yes as your face heated up
- him taking your hand gently and kissing it didn't make your situation any better
- unbeknownst to you, as the two of you left together that night, the twins watched you giggling to themselves
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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When the Jingle Bells Rock (Christmas Special)
A combination of my own idea and a ask by an anon! Merry Christmas, folks!
You had collected all that you needed from the shop as you placed the christmas lights in your cart as you made your way to the front, the sounds of jolly music playing in the speakers within the store. You sigh in content as you sway your head side as you nod to the music, moving your cart to the front of the store to pay for them before heading out to your vehicle.
You had packed everything up and was getting ready to drive off when…
“La di dum…La di da…~”
The sound of someone singing behind you! You turn your head to see the cookie singing right as you closed your trunk to see it was Carol Cookie!
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“The time of year spent with family🎵 Time spent where everyone is happy!🎵”
You smiled and clapped to Carol’s singing and playing, bringing a smile to her face as she giggled.
“The occasion that brings everyone together🎵 Wonderful memories that last forever..!🎵”
You did agree with her lyrics with a chuckle, it is a nice time in the year to spend it with those you care about and the family that you have. Though your voice kind of trailed off from that last part.
Something that Carol took notice of.
“Is something wrong? You do have cookies you wish to spend the time of year with, right? I can come over to spend it with you!”
You gave her an awkward chuckle before reassuring her that you’ll have a splendid holiday this year, no need to worry about it! You’ve got it! You fist pumped into the air to really show your enthusiasm!
“Well…..I’ll believe you, Y/N. Have a great holiday! La di da~ La di dum~”
Carol walked away as she continued to strum her instrument as she sung along. You waved her bye as you got into your car and drove home. Once you got on the road, you let out the sigh that you’ve been holding throughout the exchange earlier. You will admit that you weren’t…entirely honest with Carol, but you didn’t want to bother her with your problems. Especially during this of year where every cookie has someone to go spend the holiday with, and you didn’t want to ruin that.
You didn’t want to ruin that for anyone.
You stopped at a light at a plaza center where you saw a sort of marching parade going on, various cookies with instruments and holiday themed outfits were making a spectacle of themselves as the cookies around them gathered and clapped for them. You will admit that it was a pretty nice event going on that really brought the festive cheer to the cookies of the city, and what surprised you is the fact you can recognize two little cookies in the march, dressed up like winter guards. It was the Chess Choco Cookies!
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They caught sight of you as they both waved at you, Pawn White much more energetically then Pawn Black. You waved back in return, but you did have to pay attention to the light in case it turned green! You can tell they wanted to run on over to speak up a storm with you, but their current parade kinda has them occupied at the moment.
“Y/N Cookie! Hello, Y/N Cookie.”
Pawn White tried to head on over to you real quick but was stopped by Pawn Black. Pawn Black too wanted to come over as well, but they still had a parade to do, which makes Pawn White pout but relented.
The two doing their best to hide their disappointment for such unfortunate timing.
“Oh but I want to go to Y/N Cookie! We have a parade, we can’t go to Y/N Cookie.”
Pawn White ultimately relented but waves again at you, promising to see you again later, the two wanted another match at chess with you after all, to which Pawn Black nodded to.
“We’ll see you later, Y/N! We will see you later, Y/N. Happy holidays.”
You chuckled to yourself as you called out to take them up up on that chess offer as the light turned green and you drove away from the plaza center snd continued on your way home.
You had stopped at a station to refill your car, once you were done, you were about to hop right back into your vehicle…when you felt like there was a presence close by. You could feel the stare they gave you as you quickly turned to that direction, but saw no one..when you felt two hands cover your eyes.
“Hello, my dearest jewel~”
Yep, this pretty much clued you in that this cookie was none other then Rougefort Cookie.
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“I couldn’t let the holidays go by without giving my precious jewel a present that suits them~”
Rougefort then handed you a small gift box that you collected, still taken aback a bit from their sudden appearance, but thanked for the present. Pondering…you asked if Rougefort had someone they spend the holidays with.
“Oh..? Are you implying what I think you are~?”
Rougefort got closer to you as you backed away appropriately.
“You do not have a cookie to spend the holidays with? If so…I wouldn’t mind spending it with you, my jewel~ I wouldn’t mind at all~
You shook your hands in front of you as you assured them that it was okay, they should spend the holidays with cookies he cares about more!
“But…I care about you the most, my jewel~ Among the countless I’ve seen, you shine the most~ Please…I insist~”
They got incredibly closer as you continued to try to assure them that you were okay! Your back hit your vehicle as Rougefort got in your face.
“There is no escaping my grasp, my dearest jewel-“
Before he was stopped by a passerby. You swore you saw his eye twitch a little in hidden irritation as he moved back.
“What a shame. Oh well, I’ll get you later, my jewel~ Happy holidays~”
Rougefort leaped onto the station roof and was out of sight fast. You took a deep breath as you let your face cool, Rougefort nearly had you cornered there!
But…a part of you wondered how it would be if you accepted their company…but they probably had better things to do on this day. Yeah…
You made a quick pitstop to the toy shop to pick up a few toys. Christmas was a time of giving and the countless toys the shop offered had plenty of potential joy to be had to the young cookie it will go to! Opening the door alerted the owner who was stocking the toys on shelves, Butterbear Cookie!
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“Ah, Y/N Cookie! It’s a joy to see you here, my friend. Have you come to buy toys?”
You answered yes to his question. After a little back and forth, he went around and grabbed a couple of toys and placed them into boxes for you.
“That’s quite the list there, Y/N Cookie! Eggnog would really appreciate the work you’re doing for the young cookies around.”
You assured Butterbear that it was nothing, it was Christmas soon! So the time of giving just comes to you pretty hard.
The conversation alerted another cookie that was in the shop to the front, who immediately brightened up upon seeing you!
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“Y/N Cookie!”
Lollipop Cookie hurried past the counter and hugged your waist as you chuckled.
“What brings you here? Have you come to get toys?”
“That’s right! Y/N Cookie approached me with a gift list for a number of cookies on it!
“Oh! I know a couple of cookies on there! I can show you which gifts they’ll really like!”
Lollipop asked, with how giddy she was, you couldn’t say no.
“Heh heh! Come on, I know just the right ones!”
As you two picked out the gifts, you took a good look at some of them...and reflected on how the cookies getting them likely have fellow cookies to spend the holiday with, rejoicing and having good times with one another…makes you wonder if you’ll ever have a true holiday experience someday…
It looks like your longing look attracted Lollipop’s attention, she looked at you worried.
“Y/N Cookie, are you ok? You’ve been staring at that teddy bear for a while..”
You shook your head after coming back to reality and reassure Lollipop that you were just stuck in your thoughts for a moment, it was all good!
“It’s ok, Y/N Cookie! You can tell me what you’re thinking!”
You politely turned her down again.
She doesn’t budge.
Now Butterbear’s attention was peaked too as he head over to you two.
“Is everything alright?”
“Something is troubling Y/N Cookie and they’re not answering me…”
Lollipop looked sadly as Butterbear looked at you with worry too. He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N Cookie, if something is the matter, you can tell me. Even as a secret, it will be safe with me.”
You wanted to tell them the issue..but you couldn’t…you didn’t want to burden them..
You simply sunk your head down a bit and shook your head. Lollipop only felt more bad as Butterbear had a solemn look to him.
“I see. Well, I hope whatever is troubling you doesn’t for long.”
The rest of the time was spent in silence as you and Lollipop picked out the rest of the gifts as you payed for them and began to leave.
Lollipop wanted to reach out to you, to try and get you to tell her what’s wrong, if there was anything she can do, but didn’t want to overstep any boundaries as she watched you get in your vehicle and leave.
“Don’t worry, young cookie. It couldn’t be now, but when the time is right for them, they’ll speak what’s on their mind…”
You finally made it home as you brought your stuff in. You started to decorate the tree, hang up your lights, activated your fireplace, and prepared the food that you were planning to eat…alone.
You took a gander at the letter on your counter, your parents were away on a holiday of their own, but they do give their best wishes and gifts to you. You mentally wished them to have fun on their trip as you continued organizing the sole cookie festivity.
Christmas was a time that should be spent with those you care for the most and you didn’t want to get in the way of that. It did feel..lonesome, but if it meant other cookies got to spend time with their loved ones, then so be it.
You vegged out on the sofa as you watched television, eating your mashed potatoes. You did have to deliver the gifts soon, so you kept the timer on your clock. But in the meantime..
Merry Christmas to lonely ol’ you.
But then the silence was interrupted when a knock came at your door. You perked up immediately and wandered over to your door as you opened it.
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Blackberry and Onion Cookie?
“I see that you have your decorations ready. I’ll get to work on preparing for the guests.”
She took Onion by the hand and came inside, you were still processing the fact that she just allowed herself in. You didn’t have any problems with that, but..
You tried reassuring her that it was all okay, didn’t she have cookies to spend the holiday with?
“I have Onion to spend it with, but I started to think about you….and who you’d spend this time of year with. It would pain me to see you alone during this day, so I’ve decided I wanted to spend it with you..”
“You shouldn’t be alone, Y/N…sob…sob”
The door rung again, stopping your train of thought.
“Ah, that must be more guests.”
Blackberry opened the door and revealed more cookies waiting at the door.
“Aha! So it was a lonely holiday you were suffering from!”
“We’re here, Y/N! Let’s play! We should play, Y/N.”
“Did you really think I’d allow you to spend the holiday alone, my jewel~”
“Y/N..we would’ve understood! I would like to spend the holiday with you!”
“The young cookie is right, my friend. The holidays are to be spent with cookies you care for, and that includes you.”
There was already a bunch of cookies making their way in, it made your head spin. The incoming crushing hug surprised you.
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“Haha! It’s good to see you again, Y/N Cookie! A good eye for festive lights I can see!”
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“Woah..your home is packed, Y/N! There’s so many cookies here!”
Brave?! When did you get here-
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“We made it! Y/N Cookie, care for a cup of cocoa!”
“Allow me to play for you, Y/N.”
You were in awe of just how many cookies chose to instead come to your house to celebrate then their own.
Yes, you had even let in Kumiho Cookie, who saw this as a win in her book. Maybe one day…
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“Oh I’m so happy to spend the holiday with you, darling~”
There was some cookies you hadn’t met before that also came by, you were more wary about them at first. Rambutan had brought in a pal of hers, Mangosteen Cookie.
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There was something about that cookie that felt odd…but you couldn’t place your finger on it. The way Mangosteen looked you with interest and fixation did raise the nonexistent hairs on your neck.
Affogato had invited some of his followers to the party too. That little scuffle at the Dark Cacao Kingdom didn’t leave time for introductions, so these disciples were eager to meet the cookie Affogato had talked so much about. You were everything he had ever talked about. Your home was pretty cozy too, cuddle them on your sofa please-
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You did your best to keep the home under control, you served your food to the cookies who took the time to give their compliments to it.
Any mistletoe attempts were halted. Croissant was against it..
Pomegranate didn’t kindly to any of those goody two-shoes cookies trying to get chummy with you. She was holding back the urge to lay a curse on them.
Black Pearl was holding back on her end to drown all the competition in one go. But for you, she’ll allow them to live another day..
You decorated Caramel Arrow’s hair with a lovely flower, making her red in the face. The other Cacao members did get a bit envious of her.
As you relaxed on the sofa, cookies on your sides chatting with you as you gazed upon the room full of cookies, having a great time.
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You looked down into your cup of cocoa, seeing your reflection in it…
Your eyes…were you crying? Perhaps you were…
You felt stupid, of course with cookies like these folks, you weren’t ever going to spend the holidays alone, never ever…
Maybe…you prefer it that way…
Until you were crowded by the young cookies when it was time to hand out gifts lol.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
Of all the cookies, who do you think would be able to read y/n cookie's diary secretly if given the chance because it was unsupervised or alone next to them?
I can only think of one cookie, yes, I'm looking at you Roguefort but can't think of other ones (No request, I would just like to know your opinion 👍)
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Rougefort would be an obvious choice, they couldn’t help it, they had to learn any potential secrets their jewel is keeping~
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Licorice knows the value of having your privacy, hell he has his own diary that he keeps from everyone. But…man, he was dying to know what you wrote in yours, he wanted to know if you wrote anything about him in there! He probably chuckles to himself as he gets his hands on it, reading the diary of the cookie that has his eye? So evil! Though if you tried to read his, he’d be blubbering all over the place, pleading for you not to read it.
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Pomegranate swears to the other CoD members that she’s only taking your diary to “gather intel” that would help aid in the mission to bring you to their side. On the inside, she too was curious if you’ve wrote anything about DE inside…or even wrote anything about her specifically. The way you wrote about your day and the many things about yourself..it made her feel more closer to you now that she knew these things about you. She does feel a little guilty reading your secrets, she swears that once you join them, she’ll repay for her intrusions in full.
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Strawberry Crepe would be curious about you since analyzing you didn’t give them much to work with. It almost made them giddy when they see you had left your diary around. Perhaps if they took it, they could get to work to really inspect the type of cookie you were!
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You have left your diary back at the hotel and the Chess Choco twins came across it. Pawn Black wanted to give it back to you right away, but Pawn White was excited as they got a hold of it, trying to encourage Pawn Black to want to look into it too, don’t they want to learn more about their favorite cookie to play chess with?! Pawn Black supposed they could read the diary, but only a little! Earl Grey would have to take the diary from them after catching them reading 25 pages in.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
May im have part 3 of pure vanilla x reader with sorbet and chess it happen during the dark flour war y/n sorbet and chess run from all of that while the other ancients and vanilla go to fight with dark enchantress cookie y/n and the kids live in raisin cookie village when gingerbrave and his friends arrive y/n and the children go with them then they arrive in the castle dark enchantress it amused to see the rest of the royal family of vanilla kingdom may dark choco reaction too headcanons pls
Gasp :00 is this an... angsty part 3???
Angst my beloved 👀
Also yes there is an angsty kinda ending at the last few ones. I should have wrote this as a one shot but I have no clue how to do time skips in one shots so take headcannon form instead 😎 it can kinda be read as a one shot ig?
Pure Vanilla x reader ft Sorbet Shark and Chess Choco - pt 3
~| Life in Black Raisin's village isn't too bad. Despite having little food, of which is mostly raisin bread or anything edible that can be found in a barren wasteland, everyone looks after each other. It was a good place for you to keep Sorbet Shark and Chess Choco safe.
~| You had decided to tag along with Gingerbrave's group after hearing how they were going up into the castle, hopefully to stop Dark Enchantress. Pure Vanilla had been gone for a long while, and you were worried about him.
~| Sorbet Shark and Chess Choco were told to stay behind. Of course, they did the opposite and followed you from the shadows- which Black Raisin had detected as soon as Sorbet Shark stepped a little too loudly.
~| Welp, now you were stuck with your children on this dangerous mission.
~| You we're soon met with the ancients facing off Dark Enchantress. It looked like it had been going on for a while, all of them were tired.
~| First thing Pure Vanilla did when he saw you was hug you, and then freak out asking why the children were here. He was very much panicked.
~| Dark Choco was there as well. Probably fighting alongside Dark Enchantress with the other Cookies of Darkness.
~| Choco boy is very jealous that his father's friend is an actual good father. He would find himself wishing Pure Vanilla was his father instead of Dark Cacao.
~| Despite all of you- the ancients and Gingerbrave's group- fighting against Dark Enchantress, she was still too powerful, nothing would even seem to phase her.
~| You had managed to get Chess Choco and Sorbet Shark out of the room as Pure Vanilla performed his final gambit. Dark Choco was supposed to go after you and stop you, but he kinda just pretended to not hear Dark Enchantress and continue sword fighting his father.
~| And bam, everyone dies gets scattered and a good few loose their memory. Unbeknownst to you, that may have been the last time you would see Pure Vanilla in a very, very long time.
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