#charlie spring is a simp
wantmeifyouwantme · 2 years
OK so i have a theory
y'know how a bunch of people have different ideas on when Nick fell for Charlie cuz its pretty obvi when Charlie starts to fall in love (the first time they meet in form) but when did Nick fall? the first meet? snow scene? pulling Ben off of Charlie? Lovesick/running scene?
well, my theory is that it's the rugby scene where Charlie giggles. why? well, when Charlie first meets Nick (and falls in love) there are the animated leaves floating around.
they then only appear in the first episode once after that, (i think lol) (excluding the title-thing-animation)
and that's when Nick and Charlie are doing RuhGbyY training (imagine it in a geordie accent) and Nick says well done.
and the look on his face is him falling in love (IMO lol)
edit: wait hang on wtf why does this have 700 notes???
edit 2: 😳
edit 3: 😯
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will80sbyers · 8 months
clingy Nick Nelson 💓💓💓💓
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aliciasfantasyxox · 7 months
Nicholas Nelson is Charlie’s biggest fan, no cap.
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clumsyartish · 11 months
The fact that they casted not only the perfect person for Nick Nelson in the Heartstopper adaption, but also the guy with the most fitted name for a character with as Tori Spring herself said in solitare "The most successful combination of name and surname I have ever heard"
For Kit Connor to play Nick Nelson... Idk there is just something very pleasing about saying that.
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(This is my favorite scene in the series, ngl)
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eiochevart · 2 years
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 years
i need nick and imogen to pull a steve and robin and become THE iconic duo, i need it.
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robertalpascal · 2 years
man, watching any series/movie is so hard these days, because they're progressively getting better but leave a huge unattended emotional baggage behind.
and there's no support group because everyone is just crying.
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My gf: *links pinkies with me while at an event*
Me: (whispering, bc I know this is a reference) You're a dork
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iamspaceyprincess · 2 years
I just want to find my own (sapphic) Nick Nelson to love and hold me.
Then I remember I hate physical touch and hugs like his would make me nauseous.
But what if love conquers all?
This, this is why I’m single.
Books really do create the most unrealistic romantic expectations.
I’m still gonna keep dreaming of the day I meet my female Nick Nelson 🥺
*sighs in wistful depressed lesbian*
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my homescreen lol
i’m matching wallpapers with someone
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tarotfiend · 2 years
Is it too much to ask to have something like Charlie and Nick?
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thehiccupingbanana · 7 days
Call Me Maybe
PAIRNING/FANDOM: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) GENRE: Fluff WORD COUNT: 2,427 WARNINGS: none :) SUMMARY: Nick opened the hardcover of the textbook to see a pink sticky note, with some writing on it: "hi, hope you don’t mind me saying this, but my friend thinks you’re really cute. here’s her number: xxxx … and if by any chance you are gay, here’s mine xxxx" or Based off the meme with the same quote. ADDTIONAL TAGS: Alternate Universe - College/University, Meet-Cute, Confident Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Based off a meme, Crack Treated Seriously, i think it's fun when Charlie and imogen are biffles in fics, this has been in my drafts forever, Aged-Up Character(s), nick simping after Charlie from day one
‘I wonder if he is going to be here today. No Nick, he comes here to pick up his girlfriend, stop crushing on straight men, this never ends well for you.’ Nick thought. ‘Oh, there he is waiting at the door. Man, she’s so lucky that she gets to kiss him whenever she wants, he’s so pretty. Oh my god he opened the door and is walking in now, be cool Nick.’
“Don’t forget to submit your discussion questions before the end of day tomorrow.” Mrs. Robinson, his professor, stated. “Mr. Charles, lovely to see you again as always.”
“Same to you Mrs. Robinson.” The pretty man, Charles, responded with a smile, before he started walking towards the back of the room.
Nick attempted to quickly grab his bag out of the walk way, but suddenly felt the graze of Charles’ bag hitting his shoulder, and the smell of his cologne hitting Nick.
Nick dropped his bag and gasped, turning around quickly to see both Charles and his girlfriend looking at him with concern etched on their face.
“Are you okay?” the girl asked.
Nick looked over at the man and saw only kindness in his eyes. Nick opened his mouth to say anything but no words came out. Instead, Nick grabbed his bag quickly and walked out of the classroom faster than he’s ever walked, muttering under his breath about how embarrassing he is around his crush. 
“Oh no.” Nick muttered under his breath, spinning around to head back to the classroom. ‘Can’t believe I didn’t grab the textbook’. 
Luckily, the short walk back to the classroom was long enough for the room to have emptied out. When Nick got to his desk, his textbook thankfully still there, he noticed a small pink piece of paper hanging out the top of the book. Out of curiosity, Nick opened the hardcover of the textbook to see a pink sticky note, with some writing on it.
 hi, hope you don’t mind me saying this, but my friend thinks you’re really cute. here’s her number: xxxx … and if by any chance you are gay, here’s mine xxxx 
Nick stared at the note in confusion; he hadn’t been gone from the classroom for more than five minutes. Was someone so cruel to play a joke on the bi-guy? Nick left the note in his textbook, closed it, and promptly shoved his textbook in his bag to deal with later.
It’s been two days since Nick has had that sticky note in his textbook, and two days of thinking about that note.
If someone left that note in his textbook as a prank on the bi-guy, then whatever, Nick could throw away the note and not think about it.
If someone left that note in his textbook as a serious inquiry, they (both) could be waiting on a response from Nick, and Nick didn’t want to ghost anyone. He had been ghosted before and he didn’t like it one bit.
The scent of the sweet cologne in the passing wind brings him back to the present. Nick turned his head to see who walked past his desk, only to see that beautiful man with his hands on his much shorter friend’s shoulders, looking like he was consoling her over something.
Nick quickly packed his bag, doublechecking the textbook was there this time, and hastily left the room before he embarrassed himself again.
Hours of studying, a rugby match, a night out with the rugby lads, a day of nursing a hangover, and a morning of mindlessly watching TV, and Nick still couldn’t stop thinking about the what ifs of that note. It might be time to bring in the reinforcements. 
[Darcy, Tara, & Me] Nick: SOS  [image attached] Darcy: NNNNIIIIICCCCCKKKKKKYYYYYY!!!!! Tara: ?? Nick: Help me guys! What do I do? Tara: you text both of them, is what you do! Nick: I can’t! Tara: why not? Darcy: is this about that boy that comes into your class sometimes to pick up his (girl?)friend? Nick: No! Well, kinda? Darcy: have you spoken to him yet? Nick: [typing] Nick: [typing] Nick: [typing] Tara: Nick, we can see you typing! Nick: No, I haven’t spoken to him. Nick: I embarrassed myself in front of him the other day and I don’t know how I’m going to even see him again! Darcy: what did you do nickypoo? Nick: 🥴🥴🥴🥴 Tara: Nick…. Nick: He walked by my desk and his bag barely touched my shoulder and I gasped so loud, and dropped my bag. It was embarrassing. 🥴 Nick: I picked up my bag and ran out the room, leaving my textbook on the desk. So then I had to go back and get it. Nick: And when I got my textbook it had that note in it. Darcy: 🤣🤣🤣 Tara: oh honey… Darcy: nick, you know we love you, but you are an absolute disaster Nick: I know… 😣 Nick: But now you can see why I can’t say anything to him! Nick: What do I do about the note though? What if it’s a joke or they got the wrong person? Tara: what if it’s not either? and was completely meant for you, sincerely? Darcy: listen to tara!! Nick: Thanks guys.
Nick sent the last text message and sighed, not feeling better or getting an answer that he felt like he could do, but knowing what he should do.
Nick: Hi. Your friend left your number in my textbook the other day. I’m sure you’re lovely, but to be honest with you, I currently really like someone and I don’t think it would be fair to you if we went on a date. Unknown: That’s okay! Thank you for getting back to me 🙂.
Nick: Hi. You left your number in my textbook the other day, and just wanted to let you know, I’m bi actually, not gay. Unknown: hi that works too :)  Nick: 😊 Nick: Anyways, I should be honest with you. There’s this guy that I really like, and I don’t think it would be fair to you… I like him a lot. We can still be friends though! Unknown: aww, you’re such a sweetheart, thank you for telling me that 🙂 do you want to talk about it? I’m the king of unrequited crushes 😅 Nick: It’s definitely unrequited, and I think he has a girlfriend🙃 But he’s so pretty! But also, handsome! If that makes sense. Unknown: it makes perfect sense! in secondary school I had a crush so hard on the rugby team captain that i joined the team 🫠 same reason though! he was very pretty and handsome. Unknown: anyways… let me know if you ever make progress with your crush (i’m invested)! have a goodnight 🙂 Nick: 😆 Okay! Good night 🙂
The next day in class Nick was more focused on the work now that the note was taken care of. Nick felt better that he was able to be honest to the two people, and it didn’t seem like anyone had any hurt feelings. Still, Nick was glad that class was over and he’ll get to see his crush.
Upon hearing the sound of something hitting the ground, Nick looked to his left to see a black fountain pen sitting on the ground that wasn’t there earlier. Nick continued to stare at the pen as if it could tell him what to do. ‘Maybe Tara and Darcy are right. I should just talk to him.’ Nick thought as he picked up the pen and walked up to the man and his friend.
“Hi.” Nick greeted the man, taking in all the features he didn’t notice from afar.
“Hi?” the man questioned with a smile.
“I think you may have dropped this?” Nick asked, holding his hand out flat with the pen balancing on it.
“Oh! Umm, th-thanks.” the man stuttered. 
“No problem.” Nick smiled. “Umm, I use fountain pens too.”
“Yeah? I like to use fountain pens because it makes my hand-” the man started.
“Handwriting so much better? Yeah, same!” Nick interrupted and finished. 
“Umm, I’m Nick. I sit a couple desks in front of you…” Nick introduced himself, trying to find a reason to keep talking to his crush, and if she is Charles’ girlfriend.
“Imogen.” the short girl filled in before gesturing towards the man, “And this is Charlie.”
“Nice to meet you both.” Nick beamed.
“Nice to meet you too, Nick.” Charlie replied, his eyes never leaving Nick’s. “We usually go to the cafe a couple blocks away and get some iced coffee after Immy is done with this class. Do you want to join?” Charlie asked.
“Iced coffee?” Nick exclaimed, “It’s less than 5 degrees outside!”
“Yes Nick. I am very gay,” Charlie chuckles and points to the gay man pride flag pin on his bag, “I like iced coffee no matter the weather.”
“So… you’re not dating…?” Nick asked, gesturing between Charlie and Imogen.
“Oh, no!” Imogen replied with wide eyes.
“No, Imogen is just my best friend.” Charlie exclaimed then with a smile, “So… coffee?” 
“Sorry Charlie, not today; I have a paper I need to finish. You both still go though!” Imogen winked at Nick before walking away, “Have a good time boys.”
“Would you still like company to get coffee?” Nick asked.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” Charlie grinned.
“Lead the way?” Nick asked, grabbing his stuff from his desk and following Charlie out of the classroom to the café.
“Are you in your second year too?” Nick asked, attempting to make small talk. 
“No, I’m in my first year.”
“Oh! So where do you know Imogen from if it’s not a class?”
“We went to the same secondary school, and seen each other around, but were not in the same circles. But I went to a party hosted by the Pride SOC at the beginning of the year here, and she was there so we started talking and now we don’t shut up when we are in the same room.” Charlie chuckled at the end of his story.  
“I went to one Pride SOC meeting last year, but ended up late to rugby practice and coach made me run laps for half the practice. And one Pride Soc party was happening at the same time as a party hosted by one of my team mates so I tried to go to both for a little bit. Some of my teammates and both of my best friends made fun of me for weeks after about how much of a disaster I ended up being at both parties. So, it’s kind of hard to go to events for both.” Nick finished.  
“I guess there’s not a lot of people who are in both rugby and the Pride SOC.” Charlie joked as they came up to the cafe.
“Oh no, not at all.”
The line in the cafe was short and both boys were able to order their drinks to-go (Charlie - iced coffee, Nick - hot tea) and started making their way to Charlie’s flat as it was closer.
“Okay, Nick.” Charlie started, taking a sip of his drink, “Tell me about yourself.”
“Oh, umm.” Nick stuttered.
“Only what you want to! And if you don’t want to say anything, that’s okay too.” Charlie interrupted.
“I want to tell you more about myself, Charlie.” Nick smiled, “I just don’t know where to start.”
“Let’s start simple. What’s your favourite colour? Mine’s yellow.” Charlie said.
“Okay, simple questions. My favourite colour is blue.” Nick answered, “Video games or board games? I like doing puzzles with my mum, but playing Mario Kart with my mates.”
“My friends and I have a movie and board game night every other week, but usually ends with my friend Isacc “accidently” kicking the Monopoly board over.” Charlie chuckled, “But I am really good at Mario Kart too.”
“I will also “accidently” kick a Monopoly board over. That game takes forever!” Nick started, “You have to come over to mine sometime so we can see who the real Mario Kart champion is.”
“It’s me.” Charlie smiled, “I have a younger brother, and I couldn’t let him get a big ego, so I had to be the best at Mario Kart.”
“Sounds like you’re challenging me, Charles.” Nick joked.
“Oh, I definitely am, Nicholas.” Charlie replied, taking another sip of his drink. “Okay next question, do you- on Wednesday, do you want to join Imogen and I after class for coffee again?”  
“Yes! Of course!” Nick exclaimed. “I had a really nice time hanging out with you today.”
“I had a great time getting to know you too, Nick.” Charlie beamed, before waving his hand to the building they were about to pass, “This is me.”
“Wait, Charlie?” 
“Can I have your number?” Nick asked bravely. “For our Mario Kart competition?”
Charlie paused for a moment before letting out a shy chuckle and pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Umm, you already have it.”
“Huh?” Nick questioned before hearing a ping on his phone.
Unknown: hi 🙂
“Oh!” Nick chuckled, adding a name to the contact, Charlie joining in with an awkward laugh of his own.  
“Charlie.” Nick said, bringing his hand up to the back of his neck. “I- I really like you.”
“You do?” Charlie asked, his dark eyebrows raised.
“I do. Was it not obvious?” 
“No!” Charlie chortled. “But Nick, I really like you too.”
“Yes! Obviously!”  
“Can you text me when you get home?”
“Yes, I will.”
“I’ll look forward to it.” Charlie smiled then reached up and pressed a light kiss to Nick’s cheek. “Bye.” Charlie waved.
“Bye.” Nick blushed and waved until Charlie was inside the door to his flat.  
Nick spent the rest of the seven-minute walk to his flat trying to get his blushing under control. Once he was home and sat on the couch, he pulled his phone out and texted Charlie. 
Nick: Hi ❤️ Charlie: hi ❤️❤️ Nick: I made it home. Charlie: 🙂 i only have a morning class tomorrow… do you want to do something? Nick: Do you want to come over to mine? Charlie: 😳😏 Nick: 🫢 No! Not like that! Charlie: 🤣 I know what you mean nick. You want me to beat your ass at Mario Kart sooner rather than later. Nick: The confidence. Charlie: 😊 Text me your building and dorm number? And I’ll bring you a tea? You can think of it as a ‘sorry not sorry’ gift for when you lose. Nick: Charlie! Charlie: :laugh: Nick: Here’s the pin for my dorm: xxxx See you tomorrow 😊❤️ Charlie: See you tomorrow, Nick ❤️
as always, if there is a cw or tw that i missed, please let me know and i will add it.
title by the lovely @sleepywriter00
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kai-silence · 8 months
i dont simp for charlie spring
i dont simp for nick nelson
i simp for their relationship
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1c3d-choco · 2 years
Ahem, anyways, more Indie Cross trio headcannoning time because I'm bored+
(Image is not mine)
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Cuphead is a "kidult". Well, I heard that both Mugman and Cuphead are 18 or above but I prefer headcannoning them as 17 year old siblings.
Cuphead is asexual, although he didn't know what the fuck does "gay" and "queer" means.
He is still looking forward for a broadcasting job.
Although Cuphead is a kid, he still knows what porn means and he doesn't like it.
He is friends with Knuckles due to the fact that both of their hands are actually weapons.
He is also friends with Sunky the game, Samantha Coleman, Kel, Hero, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, WI!Boyfriend, Mickey Mouse, Cartoon Cat, Sunny, Herb cookie, Latte cookie and Micheal Holden
Cuphead has only one best friend... and it's Sayori.
He listens to JTmusic and DAGAMES music
He will definitely become suicidal and run to get in the nearby chruch when he sees his fangirls.
Sans uses either he/him or they/them pronouns as I hc him as demi-boy
Yes, I also hc him as asexual too.
He probably summons the bones out of his hands to bonk his head as a melody for music. No reason, just a Indie Cross reference.
They are fine with being a Tumblr Sexymen.
He is best friends with the Berserk Skeletons, Jonah Marshall, Nick Nelson, Tao Xu, Sunky the game, Dark Choco cookie, Sonic the hedgehog, Eteled and Boyfriend himself.
Bro is a simp over ketchup 👁👄👁
They dislikes their fangirls except the others that are not yandere and cringe.
Despite Sans being enemies with Ink Bendy in Morø Nighteye's animations, their unexpectedly frenemies according to my headcannon.
I forgot to say that both Garcello and Nagito are Sans's close friends; Despite Nagito being almost close to Sans, Garcello is the closest to them
He's an anti-monarch, which can explain why the queen died the same date as Sans becoming the no.1 Tumblr Sexyman
Lord X is mostly likely Sans's enemy. No reason, just felt like it.
They don't care about gender.
Ink Bendy
*Breathe* He's transgender, which is the reason why his vagina appears. However, it was covered by ink, making it appear seldomly.
Ink Bendy is also asexual. However, he is still waiting to be in a relationship(and still preventing sexual ones) due to him being sex-repulsed.
He uses he/it pronouns.
Just like Sans, Ink Bendy dislikes its fangirls but this time the "dislikes" is stronger.
Ink Bendy used to always crave for Bacon Soup although it expired. Now, he don't like it anymore.
Wednesday Infidelity Satan, Selever the demon, Sky the fangirl, Shadow the Hedgehog, Embry, Omori, Squid Ink cookie, Espresso cookie, Licorice cookie, Chira, Cartoon cat, Fatal Error, Yuri, Charlie Spring and Tori Spring are Ink Bendy's close friends.
Despite the last hc above, both Sonic.EXE and Trollge Girlfriend are Ink Bendy's best friends.
Both Boyfriend and Bendy are frenemies due to Iced Choco herself having a soft spot of them. Same goes to Sans.
He's alcohol intolerance as his inky body can't take most of the drugs except for cigarettes.
He also don't care about gender.
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ao3feed-narlie · 1 month
At the Top Crashing Down
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yIsw4uO by 7ate9 He was on top of the world— “Oi, Nick!” And then he came crashing back down. Nick and Charlie looked up in tandem. Marcus called from across the room, “Is that hickey from you, then?” Out of the corner of his eye, Nick saw Charlie curl into himself, putting down his fork like he didn’t plan on picking it up again. Nick clenched his jaw and glared at Marcus. “Yeah.” *** or, if they have the conversation at dinner that night Words: 1018, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 22 of Nick Nelson Says ‘Screw It’ Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Harry Greene, that asshole who tried making fun of Nick Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Coda, i love this scene, Mentioned Eating Disorders, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson Loves Charles "Charlie" Spring, he’s such a simp, I love him for it, Public Display of Affection, a bit - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yIsw4uO
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fritzyships · 1 year
Pro shippers stay the actual fuck away from me and every fucking post I make. Y’all can choke and die.
Our Glitchtrap and Burntrap are William Afton and have nothing to do with mimic. Please respect this. Hello I’m Fritz! A 33 year old trans man! This is my self ship blog! My pronouns are he/him, they/them, Fae/faer, vamp/vampself,bun/Bunself and glitch/Glitchself and cat/Catself but he/him on it’s own is a okay
My f/o source is FNAF but I’m always open to new sources
My carrd: https://fofritz.carrd.co/
Most of my f/os are ones I am NOT comfy with sharing sorry. Especially the romantic ones. I will share NONE of them. If you share my romantic f/os with me, please block me period. I don’t want to interact with you. My romantic f/os mean the most to me. Do NOT call me a simp under ANY circumstances. I am in an actual relationship of some sort with all of these characters and I’d appreciate it if you understood that. Anyways. Married to Glitchtrap Springtrap and Ballora. Married to William tse afton and Henry Emily. Married to Dave/tse Afton. Married to Steve/Movie Afton. Married to Burntrap marrying Scraptrap. If you share any of my f/os in other ways like romantic as a platonic of familial we’re fine!
Tags under readmore!
Honey Bunny[Glitchtrap]
Beautiful Dancer[Ballora]
Honey Bear[Henry]
Purple Bitch[William]
Weasel Boy[Dave]
Crispy Bun[Burntrap]
Old Bun[M Afton]
Scrunkle Bun[Anthro Afton]
Crispy old Man [tfc William]
Drama Bun[tto spring]
Sweet Clown[Circus Baby]
Soft Boy[Evan Afton]
Tough Boy[Micheal Afton]
Tragic Child[Charlie Emily]
Little Sweetie[Oliver]
Scrap Princess[S Baby]
Sweet Dearest[Sophie]
Lil Goof[Noah]
Bread Pup[Charlie(boy)]
Elizabeth and Clara(Ballora) have their own tags as their human selves
I scream for ice cream[Elizabeth](is an f/o since she’s in a separate f/o family from circus baby there’s no problems)
Wonderful Woman[Clara](we don’t f/o her she just gets a tag as an Afton family member she is lovely though)
And puppet has her own tag
Got no strings[puppet](we semi f/o her. She comes around here every now and then and never lets Charlie know the truth about her, she feels bad about that but it’s best until we can truly let her know in the gentlest way)
White Rabbit[Vanny]
BBF(Bear Best Friend)[G Freddy]
Coolest Girl[Roxanne]
Party Girl[G Chica]
Rock n Roll[Monty]
Forgotten Friend[G Bonnie]
Spaghetti Bear[M Freddy]
The ships
Afton x Henry x Fritz
Glitchtrap x Springtrap x Ballora x Fritz
Fritzy x Dave Miller
Felix x Burntrap
Flynn x Scraptrap
Finley x Steve
Finnegan x Anthro Steve
Finnick x Tfc William
Ship tags
the little bun boy(Springtrap Glitchtrap Ballora ship)
the little mechanic (Henry and William ship)
his little meow meow (Dave ship)
the little nightguard (Burntrap ship)
the little shit(Scraptrap ship)
devil in disguise(Steve ship)
Sweet deer(rabbit Steve verse)
Big meow meow(tfc ship)
Bun bun[tto verse]
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