#chakra healing birth
dreiddesigns · 7 months
Stone Drawstring Bracelet
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modernhippiemindset · 2 years
Pay attention to what people pay attention to, and they will show you their true intentions. 🫰
💚This has been my favorite quote since 10th grade. People will show you exactly what they want from you without ever actually telling you. You just have to watch their patterns. Watch when they talk to you. How they talk to you. What they ask from you and how they act in those situations. It’s not hard to notice patterns.
💚With the amount of trauma and chaos our little family has endured true colors have really come out. We’ve seen who has been there. We’ve seen who really truly cared. Without anyone ever saying a word. We’ve almost broken, fell apart, not known what to do. Only to rebuild everything back stronger. To those who truly cared and were there for us , Thank you for sticking by us through this massive shift in our reality. We’ve had to change everything from how we live daily life to how we think. Those who didn’t, we notice that to and it’s okay. We just create space. Space for more growth and more goals to be met. 💚 Time for focus to shift again to build an empire for my little family. I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring. Whatever it is, it will be great! ❤️‍🩹
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Visualization Meditation Most Poweful Tool for Manifestation
Visualization Meditation Visualization Meditation is among those terms that refer to how you can meditate using visualization. While some may distinguish between visualization and meditation, the terms are often used interchangeably, particularly among practitioners of the Law of Attraction. As children, our imaginations run wild, visualizing ourselves in fantastical scenarios. Whether it’s…
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himalyaquartz05 · 2 years
Amethyst quartz is a beautiful purple variety of quartz highly valued for ornamental purposes. It is the most popular quartz variety and is used in jewelry and decorative items. Amethyst quartz is discovered in lots of places across the world. However, the best specimens come from Brazil.
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cyb3rtarot · 6 months
What Messages are Coming Through in Your Dreams?
Disclaimer: tarot readings are not replacements for professional advice. Take what resonates; don’t force a reading to fit. This is just a look into some of the energies in your dreams, not a comprehensive reading of what all your dreams mean. I used a recolored Smith-Waite, Tarot of Mystical Moments, Zerner-Farber Tarot, Oracle of the Radiant Sun, the Chakra Oracle, and runes.
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pile 1↝pile 2 pile 3↝pile 4
Pile 1:
Cards: four of wands, the hermit, empress rx, flattery (Venus in Gemini, 3rd house)|| exaltation (Moon in Taurus, 2nd house), queen of swords sideways, sharing (queen of action), completion, page of pentacles rx, page of swords, Ehwaz rune
The Dreams: hi pile one! Your energy came through strongly so your dreams could be more intense and vivid right now. You could also be having more bad dreams. You may feel like you’re in another realm or some kind of fantasy world while sleeping. In these dreams you could feel little control over anything or like you’re a different person. Like you’re “you” but feeling the experience of someone else. This could include very strong emotions. For example, melancholy you don’t feel while awake. Your dreams could be lonely during this time; you may frequently end up by yourself, others are far away, or they turn on you (one scenario I’m seeing is getting ostracized at a party). You might also feel like you’re having similar dreams repeatedly. Some of you are flip-flopping between these deeper dreams and lighthearted ones. Despite the contents, some of you are using dreams and sleep as an escape or coping mechanism.
Themes that could be common in your dreams right now: the moon (especially full), night time, the beach/ocean, planets in the sky. Palm trees, masculine side characters (one recurring in particular), sports jerseys, crying, flowing robes, pregnancy (especially a sudden one), gas stations, corner/convenience stores, brown or brick buildings, a different country, gray clouds or white skies, eating snacks, being a side piece or cheated on, feeling unappreciated, being ostracized or abandoned, a new family, being lied to, real life conflicts or enemies, the dream starting good and turning bad
The Messages: your subconscious is processing a lot right now which is partly why your dreams seem fantastical and out of control. But your dreams are also reflecting conscious fear. There’s a sense of imprisonment in your own mind while awake and it continues in your dreams. Huge themes in your cards are fertility, birth, and abundance. For a chunk of you, this is literal as I was picking up on a pregnancy around 5-9 months. But in general, your dreams are portraying something coming into fruition or being birthed, like something you’ve wanted or worked really hard on for a long time. The cycle is almost complete, but at this last step there’s hesitancy on your end. There’s a split between people in this pile who are making big physical changes like moving, starting a family etc, versus people who have gone through a big internal transformation and are holding onto limiting beliefs (overlapping for many). Whatever developments are coming feel inevitable and time-based; I don’t think you’re “blocking” it. But I do feel like there's a lot of present joy you can partake in if only you will accept it. I am never encouraging you to not think or to do something that’s toxic for you, I am only encouraging you to find a healthy balance between your rational and emotional sides :] When you deny yourself comfort or joy hopefully it’s for a strong reason, not because you’re afraid to be happy. I do see a lot of you have done significant shadow and healing work already, and now you’re in a transitory period. There’s also highly personal signs in your dreams, some from your guides. Your dreams are showing you one half of a story or sentence. You’re being encouraged to fill the other half through your own analysis instead of accepting your dreams as the full picture. It’s important to be realistic with this; don’t immediately take the worst case scenario of your nightmares and say it must be real life lol
Extra Details: just went through an upsetting time, Brazil, dark hair, love interest from another culture, very bright blue eyes, disappointment in love, a brother energy or friend who’s like a brother, Japan, Portugal, conflict with friends/family/neighbors (all 3 at once for some), mermaids, weddings, photoshoots, 4444, fear of abandonment due to trauma. One or some of you experienced a miscarriage in the past and you may be projecting that trauma onto future hopes for a family. For others this is fear caused by something you really wanted falling through and an opportunity to try again. Experiencing healthy, loyal love after toxic past love. Creative projects. Travel delays. Visas. 90 day fiancé?
Pile 2:
Cards: two of wands, king of pentacles, seven of pentacles, birth (Venus in Cancer, 4th house)|| five of cups rx, ten of pentacles rx, ace of cups rx, friendship (Moon in Cancer, 4th house), the world, Jera rune
The Dreams: hello pile two! Like pile one I see your dreams feeling lonely, though for you it does seem like there are people talking to you in them. These dreams could feel very nostalgic, melancholic, or empty, as if you’re in your own world. I’m also seeing disappointment—dreams where you are longing for something deeply. Dreams where you experience a taste of what you want in real life, and they make you feel worse when you wake up. You might not even get to enjoy those moments. They could feel aimless, like there’s no plot or point to them. I see scenes where people are talking to you, but it seems like both of you don’t really want to be there. Like everyone’s nihilistic or apathetic. The dreams could also be extremely beautiful but you don’t notice it at the time. You could dream about people and places you loved in your youth, even fictional ones. Some of you might feel like you’re playing a game or in a game in your dreams? If you felt drawn to pile one I encourage you to take a look!
Themes that could be common in your dreams right now: childhood home or town, driving down long roads, bright/pretty sunsets, the ocean/coast, small towns or villages, dreams centered on conversations, friends and love interests you don’t know in real life or from childhood, video games, something out of grasp, pregnancy, travel, expensive cars, walking down the street, everyone being unhappy, the countryside, feeling used, being rich, being in a relationship, the Sun as an odd color (like purple), young children
The Messages: you guys have an energy of mourning in two different ways. One, mourning for a part of yourself that was lost from your earlier youth, or something left behind. There might be a loss of innocence, wonder, or happiness; a natural self acceptance that no longer comes easy to you. On the other side of this, I see some of you have lost people who were important when you were younger. For some this is due to a passing, but for others the relationship came to a close. Whatever this perceived lack is, it weighs heavily and comes through your dreams in the form of beautiful but melancholic nostalgia. The good times are right there, but you can’t fully enjoy them. Dreams where people are unhappy, apathetic, or ticked off could reflect a falling out, feeling like you let someone down (including yourself), or that you can’t make amends. Your dreams are a reminder that it’s the natural progression of life for things to end and begin anew. This doesn’t lessen the burden, but as time keeps moving so do you. Grieve and feel your feelings, learn lessons, but remember there’s still life for you to enjoy. There are new things to be found. Try heavy-handed self-compassion and forgiveness. Though there’s a focus on what’s no longer there, there’s a sense of acceptance. A few of you have just come out of a heavy healing period and might be feeling things you haven't felt since childhood. Or, you may suddenly remember things from childhood.
Extra Details: 555, longing for a better life, RPG games (particularly JRPGs), racing or racing games, vintage, having lived with a friend or relative of similar age to you, having lived near water, feeling like the world is changing too much, periwinkle, a child passing (already happened. A cousin or sibling?), going to therapy or being a therapist, a falling out with multiple friends (I’m mostly getting two friends), feeling numb, lonely, a friend who always wears their hair in a ponytail, a masculine friend with dark, big hair and glasses, empty villages, Japan, regressing. I see a lack of adult presence in childhood. Growing up, you might’ve felt like you only had those few friends or cousins to depend on, even though you were too young to take care of each other.
Pile 3:
Cards: Temperance, four of wands, the Empress rx, devotion (Saturn in libra, 7th house), consciousness rx, devotion, traveling, the outsider rx, new vision rx|| king of wands sideways, king of pentacles sideway, the emperor, the high priestess, the emperor rx, defense (Mars in Taurus, 2nd house), seven of wands rx, Tiwaz rune
The Dreams: hi pile three! I feel like you guys are not remembering dreams as much right now, or only remembering fragments. There are more nights where you feel like you didn’t dream. This is my pile that’s astral projecting at bed time, and this is part of why I picked up on less dreams (both purposeful and not. Some of you just started doing this). Whether through the astral or your dreams, you’re having adventures that are opposite your real life experience. I see you guys having dreams others may think scary—like being chased, but you’re just vibing. There’s a sense of being stuck, trapped, or stagnant in real life; there’s also a lack of understanding and denial about your desires. Your dreams are fulfilling repressed wants by sending you to any and everything you don’t do in real life. The subconscious aspect of your desires is partly why so many fantastical elements make their way into this other life. Many of you also like watching and reading speculative genres (particularly horror, sci-fi, and fantasy), and this is also why those elements are in your dreams. Your dreams seem like a means of escape and fun to balance your day and night. To combat feeling trapped, you could have dreams of running far away from a creature, or exploring somewhere beautiful. A specific part of this pile has dreams of being in romantic relationships, and while you may genuinely not want one right now, it could represent another desire such as socialization. Your day and night are actual opposites haha. This was strange but there was a strong pull between this pile and pile 4, I felt like some of you have friends that would be in pile 4 (or you may resonate with some details yourself if you feel drawn to it).
Themes that could be common in your dreams right now: night time/full moons, fantasy creatures and companions (I saw green goblins? And vampires), historical settings, castles, feeling creepy, eerie emptiness, bats, forests, villages or towns (especially empty ones), pine trees, green meadows and hills, bright flowers, butterflies, cabins, scary situations but not feeling scared, theaters or plays (red curtains?), places that look like fairytales, being attracted to a character in the dream (even the bad guys lol), people you know as background characters, real life events replaying with different outcomes
Messages: your dreams or astral travels are a reminder of your real life potential! You guys don’t always have to hold the fort down. I feel like you portray an easygoing attitude and convince yourself you’re just okay with whatever. There are many highly spiritual people in this group, and you may feel like physical life doesn’t matter as much because your spiritual life has the real depth. But the astral and dream world are not meant to replace the 3D world. Your capacity to have these experiences is proof that you have amazing things in you, and if you wish, you can seek amazement in the waking world too. It’s very much within your capacity! I also feel like some of you guys have a “duty,” like there’s a constant responsibility you shoulder (or that you’re assigned), and you feel like you should just accept it peacefully. Your sense of duty is wonderful, but please also have one towards yourself! A lot of you guys want to travel internationally and the main blockage is your own self limits.
Extra Details: Latino (specifically Mexican for a chunk of you), Eastern Europe, Germany, 414, Titanic (the movie? You might find it romantic), “hit the road,” Indigenous American, travel list, familial responsibility, dissatisfied with a job, straight brown or black hair (reaches top of back), big eyes, stressed but can’t tell under the numbness, going through the motions, feeling on the defense or like a side character in your own life, having a job to pay bills but not a career, wanting to run away, feeling like your spiritual skills are developing too fast, rubbing hands on face when stressed (I see someone standing in a hallway outside their boss’ office, rubbing their face and then carrying on), literally taking the trash out (during the night, or to a dumpster in an alley?), over-sacrificing oneself, court or legal matters (including working in law), believing in fairies, or astral travels involving fairies, fairy rings near ponds?
Pile 4:
Cards: egotism (mars in leo, 5th house), eight of swords rx, ten of pentacles rx, the lovers rx,|| truthfulness (throat chakra), imagination (brow chakra), riches (saturn in capricorn, 10th house), fulfillment (saturn in sagittarius, 9th house), the fool, eight of wands, eight of pentacles, nine of pentacles, king of swords, the magician, Fehu rune
The Dreams [CW for creepiness]: hi pile four! First I’ll say there was a strong link between this pile and pile 3, so if you feel drawn to it maybe check it out! There are similarities with you two having dreams with fantastical creatures popping up, and having dreams that others would deem as nightmares. You might also only remember little fragments right now. However, I feel you guys out of all the piles are having the most actual nightmares. I saw dreams that started out nice and calm then suddenly flip. There could be random characters popping up out of nowhere that don’t match the dream at all, like clowns or mascots. You might also have a lot of dreams where you feel watched, or are being watched by something in the background. Dreams where you feel a strong need to escape; you might feel preyed upon, followed, or anxious. It mostly seems like any weird things in your dream just “linger” instead of actually harming you, though there might be the occasional attempt. There’s also a strong sense of nostalgia, but tainted? Like you can’t enjoy it because of whatever else is going on, or it’s a reminder of what’s been lost as you’ve grown up. These dreams feel like you’re often alone except for whatever is loitering around you. Or when there’s someone else there, it’s like they’re kind of flat? Like a memory being replayed. A lot of you guys could dream of your grandmother. You might have dreams that actually look like “dreamcore.”
Themes that could be common in your dreams right now: beautiful places (I’m seeing a village by a gigantic mountainside, very bright blue skies, fluffy white clouds), cozy homes/cabins, grandmacore, cooking or eating, bananas?, PB&J?, having extremely different dreams everyday or in one night, scary creatures just standing there, feeling like you have to fight or survive, friends or partners from years before, caves, grimace??, eyes (floating eyes?), shadows, jumpscares
The Messages: Your cards got me riled up! I feel like a good chunk of your life, maybe up until right now, has been very tumultuous. You had to hold on and just find strength to survive, and this caused you to repress a lot. Your dreams are calling you to face what you’ve repressed—your shadow—because you are quickly entering a completely different era. It feels like all the ways you’ve had to struggle and fight are going to start giving way to a new life filled with things that bring fulfillment or contentment. I’m not sure exactly what these blessings are but they spoke of freedom, abundance, and new opportunities. It did seem like these are blessings you’ll bring about by your own hand instead of completely unexpected ones. Despite how off-putting or strange your dreams may be, they are prompting you to resolve things from the past that would make the future difficult to appreciate. We all carry scars, but doing our best to heal them will allow us to create a more joyful existence. What are the things you’ve pushed deep down that have been begging to come out? I do feel like some of you have been manipulated into staying silent, maybe about the way you were treated and harmed, and this has created a stifled feeling. I don’t know your individual situation, but I greatly wish for you to find a space where you can safely and truthfully exist. If you feel you need the help of a professional to do healing work or to escape any dangerous situations please research what’s accessible to you!!
Extra Details [TW abuse mention]: swears a lot, childhood trauma or abuse (some of you are still in contact with harmful people from your childhood and this is influencing you), Central Europe or Belgium, very close to a grandmother (especially one who’s passed), blockages in throat energy (could have trouble speaking up for yourself, saying what you mean, stumbling on words, or you REALLY want to talk about something), toxic or abusive friends, having no one to support you, you might just want to scream, seeing sequential numbers (like 234) or 8 a lot, feeling pulled towards a career where you use your voice or express yourself (writer, singer, motivational speaker, artist, communications), absent parents, a great new job or financial opportunity, lots of astral projection and lucid dreaming in this pile but also physically moving and traveling (some of you could go look at places you want to travel to in the astral or dream realm lol, or some of you AP into space? Cool. I also see someone AP-ing or lucid dreaming somewhere with a lot of vegetation), environmental activism, your childhood home or town being renovated/changed, rectangular glasses (thin frame), major Capricorn or Saturn in chart. If you already felt drawn to pile 2, you may resonate with it also.
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cooki3face · 8 months
what you will be like as a mother 💛
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message: I did a corresponding one for the divine masculine collective and what he would be like as a father so I thought I’d do this one too. Having a little bit of a marathon here if you will, I’m using up this opportunity to do what I love the most and help and send off messages for the collective. Divine feminine would be you if you consider yourself a feminine energy or you are the divine feminine in this case, the titles are a little bit different because I usually speak mostly to the divine feminine collective as I am a divine feminine energy myself. I hope this reading is beautiful and gives you something to hope for. 💛
You could’ve gone through so much healing pile one, heart break, trauma, depression and anxiety and spirit is telling me that all this healing wasn’t for nothing. You not only have souls purposes to fulfill here I’m hearing you have more than one but you may really aspire to mother hood or really want to be a mother one day, you may have had to heal deep mother wounds as well. All of this heart chakra opening and all of this heart break and hardship was so that you could mature emotionally and spiritually and build on the natural compassionate heart and spirit you have already and all of this will be relevant within your experience in mother hood. You will pour all of your love, knowledge and wisdom into your children. You may be someone who is very wise or has spent a great deal of their lives growing and learning from your experiences in life. You may even have children within your early twenties or mid twenties im seeing. You’re someone whose fairly young whose accumulated more experience and wisdom than most people who are nearing the ends of their lives and there will be a deep amount of devotion and love and compassion between you and your children pile one.
You may also have many children i’m getting. You could be an old soul there’s something really significant here about the way you view motherhood or child baring that comes from a different time or there is old practices or ideas that you adhere too in terms of bringing children into this world, specifically that, you could be someone who is very progressive in terms of parenting or the way you plan to raise your children but you may plan to have many or plan to give birth at home or have an alternative birthing experience planned. I brought up an old soul because there is something really significant about your energy in terms of an old life or a view on life that pushes you to want a large family or have multiple children throughout your life time like they used to back in the day when everyone’s grandmother dropped a whole litter for no reason other than because she could.
I see experiencing motherhood or having a child for you finally allowing you to live in peace or be freed from any left over limiting beliefs or feelings. There’s this level of completion, a calm after a storm or a wish fulfillment here surrounding mother hood for you. It’s almost like it will be a moment or a time period within your life that will be apart of some of the highest moments. You see long term commitment and mother hood as a reward. You see motherhood as a stamp or seal of achievement and honor. Like you’ve made it to that point and nothing else matters. All your heart break, all your hardship hasn’t been in vain and you finally feel as though you’ve checked that one thing off of your souls list of priorities. You could’ve been really connected to readings about spirit babies or you could’ve really resonated with one of my last readings about spirit babies. There is so much profound energy here regarding your experience as a mother. Motherhood and children could’ve been something incredibly significant for you in a past life, you could’ve missed out on having children of your own or lost a child here for some of you in a past life. And I hear spirit saying that even your pain and loss in your past life was not in vain. You were meant to have all your manifestations, all of your fulfillment, all of your happiness in this life. The things that await you here.
You could also be in a soulmate connection or twin flame connection and I’m hearing that it’s entirely possible you didn’t come into union with this person in your past life or get to have a family with them or be with them in your past life because spirit planned for you to come into union with them and have children with them in this life. I’m hearing spirit saying that they needed you here, that your divine purpose is always big, always profound but in this life, in this era, in this world, you are needed more than ever. You could have spiritual gifts or have a passion or something you’re meant to do in this life and motherhood is one of them.
As a mother, you will encourage your children to speak and express themselves freely and encourage clear communication and boundaries with them. You may feel very strongly about social Justice issues or trauma and hardship that are apart of life as a human being and I see you raising up your children in a way that encourages them to be independent thinkers and encourages them to remain in tune with themselves from the very beginning past the point in which they leave your home and go out into the world on their own. Your parenting style or your way of treating and acknowledging your children will create very special people and will prepare them to live out their own souls purposes in a very authentic manner. I’m hearing that you will respect and honor your children and see them as people. This is something you feel very strongly about.
These decisions that you will make will influence the way they raise their children and will influence your entire bloodline after you. You may be someone who breaks a lot of generational curses or comes from a home with a lot of wounded feminine energy, with addiction and abuse and other karmic energies that affect your other family members and people around you. Your work, your journey, will inspire many. You may even write a parenting book or write books to help others or serve others. There’s something you’re meant to do or something you’re about to do within your life that will change and inspire many others and the first set of those people will be your children who will live on to tell your story.
You will serve as a guide for your children. As their mother. You will continuesly remind them to grow or to turn inwards and tackle issues within and to heal so that they can move through life intentionally and be happy and healthy. You’ll encourage them to do deep soul searching and find out who they really are from a very young age. I think that there are no real words for how much you’re about to do just by being a mother. Typing this, writing this, im almost outside of myself and outside of my mind here or my human form. This is very divine. This is higher than us. Than many. This pile is very specific here and for a select few people who have a job to do for the divine.
For your children you will bring so much structure, you will provide them with a foundation that’s irreplaceable and they may even find themselves wishing they could speak with you long after you’ve passed to help them replicate what you created for them growing up. The future is very significant here. When you’re gone you’re not really going to have gone anywhere. You’ll be in everything, you’ll be in stars, in the moon, in the sun, in the trees, in the rivers. You will be protective of them, you will be prepared to make sacrifices for their sake. I’m getting the imagery of Moses in the basket floating down the Nile river for his safety and for his protection, because his mother loved him so much, so deeply that she would risk the pain of sending her child away to protect him from something that was larger than her that had the potential to strike her down if it tried.
You may be a poet or a writer already. Something you will write and something you will create will serve your children and your lineage well. You will set them up to make important connections, be in important places, connect with others on a very deep and profound level. I’m getting that quote again, “it takes a village. And you are the village.” I wrote that into the corresponding reading “what your divine masculine will be like as a father” pile one could be significant to you for that reading as well. He is your person here or this is your divine counterpart and you may have read both of these readings and recognized his energy within that reading. These children will be well loved and well supported and appreciated. It’s never ending. The love predates you and your husband and the home you’ve built, it will live on forever and ever. Nothing can stand in its way once it’s created, once it’s done and in motion.
You could also have a pet who will be beside you for the next 20-30 years or so, and this pet is coming through here very strongly, you may very much admire this pet, I almost want to say this person. This pet could be the spirit of an ancestor or be some type of familiar spirit for you. The two of you are very connected and in tune and throughout the years of your life this pet will love and admire your children very much and will love living and being apart of your home and family. He/she knows you’re destined for many great things. The two of you are young. You have a life to experience with one another as eachothers company. You may even view this pet as a baby or someone an animal who holds the spirit of youth or of a child and while they are young in their form they are very wise and all knowing in their spirits and hearts. They will be sitting with you and bringing immense love and support to you. I’m hearing they protect you, they’ll protect the babies like they’re their own.
You may have a child at a time in your life you least expect and you may be required by your spirit guides to show off your strength and perseverance in the beginning here because this may a pregnancy you were unprepared for but a child that will bring you great happiness and fulfillment in life. This child will reflect back to you the vulnerability of your inner child I’m hearing, you may grow to be really protective over this child here, not allowing certain people to see them, not allowing them to be exposed to certain things that you were at a young age that brought upon great hardship and struggle for you. I see you coming into yourself because of the presence of this child and coming into your power and higher self and as a thanks to this child protecting them with all your might and giving them the ability and the protection to grow into someone wonderful and have a good life.
You could spend a lot of your time reading, studying, trying to understand children and their development or trying to unearth trauma within yourself and heal it when you realize you’re having this baby or when you become a mother for fear that you’ll project unresolved trauma onto your child or that you’ll make giant mistakes a long the way. I see you potentially reconciling with a friend here from your past or watching someone from your past on social media who has children of their own and admiring their parenting style and their path through motherhood and trying to find the best ways possible to show up for your child and be a good mother. You may feel discouraged or feel as though you’re not meant for motherhood or if you were a mother it would be a disaster because of how deeply your past, certain environments or even your own mother affected you and your mental health. You could have very significant mother wounds here that kept you stagnant or are keeping you stagnant at this point in your life and leading you down bad paths here, into bad relationships, into insecurity and self limiting beliefs.
I see the presence of a pregnancy here bringing up old memories or trauma that you’ve suppressed and allowing you to become aware of the things that went on in your childhood or the things you don’t want to repeat when raising a child or your own. I’ve been getting “don’t you forget about me” by simple minds this whole entire time and I don’t know what it is about that song that’s significant. 1985 could be significant or the 80s as a whole, I see you reevaluating your values and your priorities when this child comes along. I see you realizing that you may be prone to traumatizing your child, manipulating them or being reckless and irresponsible when raising your child if you don’t prioritize your healing before they get here. You could be someone who has a lack of long term vision and doesn’t necessarily think very far ahead.
This pregnancy, this child will be a large wake up call for you. I don’t know what it is about 80s music and the 80s that’s so significant. You may end up really enjoying 80s music or aesthetics or you and your child will enjoy 80s music together at some point in your life.
In the beginning, when you conceive or when you find out that you’re pregnant you’ll experience a lot of fear and self doubt coming to ahead here, your divine masculine, the father, the relationship, the pregnancy is all going to shake you and make you feel incredibly undeserving and this coming up is the energy that you’ve been carrying with you almost all of your life. Undeserving. But you will make the decision to move forward with the pregnancy and accept the relationship and the child you’ve been given as a gift, your worries will go away, you’ll grow, you’ll heal, you’ll learn.
Something about this pregnancy could be accidental or unexpected after a long run of infertility or something others of you may have a child who will change your life or essentially cause you to do a complete 180. There’s something here about learning from mistakes or learning from failure of some sort. Having a child may also push you to better be able to identify certain short comings within your family line and better assess and understand traumas to break generational curses on a large and timeless scale. You may also become influential in a way to others as a mother and as a parental guardian. You may also even adopt or foster children and give children from other places who’ve been in rough situations a chance to live a good life and have good things.
Something about children, a child, or motherhood will bring immense change to your life in all aspects im really getting humanitarian vibes or something of the sort. You’re going to be stepping into the position of a natural born leader or a visionary. Your souls purpose may lie in motherhood or being a mother to all. Taking care of children or helping out children in need will allow you to heal a great deal of trauma you carry with you that you may have found difficult to resolve or overcome. Trauma surrounding child hood experiences, neglect from parents and family members or even trouble and loss in child barring as well. As a mother you’ll grow to be fearless and boundless. Being able to resolve deeply rooted fears that kept you feeling stagnant and unable to move forward, you’ll be able to express your emotion and heal your heart and your spirit by being giving and being generous to young souls and to your children.
Before motherhood you may feel confused or out of alignment with your souls purpose or your reasoning for living and being on the planet and you’ll find it through motherhood and being able to raise and nurture children. I see you feeling stuck or feeling somewhat unfulfilled until you get a chance to love someone the way you were meant to be loved or make things right by paying it forward towards those who are young and in need. You may even grow to enjoy charity work and you may donate money to children who are ill or need food to eat or need shelter outside of the ones you cannot take in on your own. You may also even have the experience of even having an orphanage of your own as well for some of you.
There’s a great deal of Justice that revolves around your experience as a mother and as a giver. Your hard work, your lives work, is being a mother and even for those of you who don’t become a mother on such a large scale, you’ll take motherhood and protecting your children very seriously. Always keeping a close eye on them, always ready to defend them, always ready to advocate for them and their needs. I’m hearing, “you get nothing else from me today, don’t make me fall Portia” lol like your kids are going to be very serious about their mom because they know that you’ll go hard for them and cape for them at any given moment. You’ll be the type of mother your children aren’t afraid to call and tell what happened when they’ve made a mistake or done something bad because they trust that you’ll be gentle with them and offer them forgiveness and understanding and help them grow.
As a mother you’ll be selfless and forgiving. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do. There’s nothing you wouldn’t give. You may also be a huge part of your community, a pta mom/member, the mom all the kids in the neighborhood go to for advice or go to when they want to feel safe or when they feel unwell or are having a hard time. Home is within you. And I see you being someone who is a very sentimental person and you may also be extremely interested in choosing the right home to raise children in or settle in and your home will become a safe space for many. Your children may even grow up one day and have a hard time leaving home or come to visit you frequently because even when they’re adults and they move out their own houses won’t feel like home. Children who you’ve met along the way will cycle back to come visit you. You are the community. The mother, the father, the teacher,,,
Sorry that pile three seemed short and sweet ❤️ I love you and welcome back guys! Or I should be saying welcome back to me it’s my own job I left lmao, anyways, have a good night, good evening, or good morning! I love you!
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thesensteawitch · 4 months
A Long Awaited Message From Your Spirit Guides 🩵🧚
Pick A Pile Reading
🩵(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)🩵
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Hello, Senstea Souls!🦋🩷
This is a collective reading on a long awaited message from your spirit guides about a specific situation in your life. Take a deep breath and choose your pile/piles intuitively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Feel free to DM me in case you want to book a reading with me.
Now go ahead and read your pile.
Also, thank you for all the reblogs that you guys do. I am forever grateful!🌻
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Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Ace of Cups, 8 of wands, King of swords, page of pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, ace of pentacles
Hello, my dear pile 1. Well for you I see that this specific message is regarding your health or some insecurities regarding your body. For a very long time, you have not been feeling good in your body. Some of you may even be going through some health issues. It has been pretty overwhelming for you to deal with what was coming towards you on the health front. Your spirit guides want you to stop thinking of the worst-case scenarios or look down upon your body in any way possible. Because your thoughts create your reality. But the good thing is that none of the worst-case scenarios that are playing in your head are going to come true. Nothing will come out of this worry but if you don't stop thinking of negative thoughts then you'll develop a pattern that will lead you to manifest worst-case scenarios in other areas of your life. So please, my dear pile 1, stop worrying. Rewire your brain to think of the best-case scenarios. The card here says, “You do not have to think specific positive thoughts about your body, but you have to not think specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body, and instead just think pleasant thoughts, your body would reclaim its natural place of wellness.” I also sense a rigid mindset. Your energy is inflexible. I see two polarities but it's difficult for you to find a common ground between them. The two polarities confuse you. You must learn to accept both worlds and find peace in that acceptance. As much as gray there is in this world, it's equally true that black and white exist too. You need to ground your energy. Your root chakra may be imbalanced. Spend time in nature. Open your heart to the healing energy of the earth. Don't hold onto the idea that your body should be a certain way. You can't afford to do that! Don't think you have so less and hold onto it. There's abundance and soon you'll be shown the way. Give yourself a chance. Don't try to look too much into the way your body is. It is lovely the way it is. Once a doctor said to me, “Your heart is still beating, isn't it? Your lungs are still working perfectly fine, aren't they? That means you have a purpose to fulfill and your story isn't over yet. There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are. There's no one else like you. God didn't make the exact same human as you and sent them to this earth in the same family as yours or the same environment as yours. You are unique!” Know that the universe will test you and will see if you've learned your lesson or not. So do not look down upon your body in any way. It's your safe abode. As soon as you let go of the insecurities you'll soon notice your creativity birthing out of your sacral chakra. You'll start expressing more and won't let anybody make you believe otherwise about your body. I also sense new opportunities in terms of healing and career are coming your way so keep your eyes open. Free yourself, free your spirit.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
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Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Lovers, King of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Seven of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Two of Wands
Hello, my dear pile 2. Well, the first thing that I sensed is that some of you may be projectors by human design. Because the card here says, “The entire universe is being affected by what you are offering.” You have this sweet child-like energy but at the same time, you are a wise old soul. You may be seeing a lot of angel numbers, especially 888. I hear, “What comes down must go up.” Your life is about to change pile 2. Your guides want you to know that whatever decisions you are making right now are drastically shaping your future. Many of you are stuck between two decisions and your only way out is to take a balanced approach. There is strong water and fire energy in the cards. Opposing forces but very powerful. Both can cleanse and heal. Some of you are even going through a period of cleansing. A lot of negativity is being released from your life so don't hold onto your past. Your hard work will pay off and soon you'll find the clarity regarding a certain situation you're very confused about. All your long-awaited dreams are soon coming true. Your spirit guides want you to know that all the pain and confusion you went through was part of the plan only to bless you beyond your imagination. Your patience will reap rewards. For some of you, I hear that your patience will bring true love in your life. A time of celebration awaits. No one and nothing can put you down. Nobody will be able to stop you. I hear ‘Unstoppable’ by Sia. Being a projector you took in a lot of negativity from people's aura and now it's time for you to release all of that. It's time for you to come to yourself. Call all your power back that you gave away to others. I sense that some of you are even highly sensitive. You can easily pick up on people's true intentions. Don't underestimate your own power pile 2. You're gifted. Do not undermine your own gifts. The world needs someone like you. And you guys are soon going to receive a big boon and you guys are so intelligent that you will know how to make the best use of it. I sense strong psychic abilities in this pile. You are beyond beautiful, pile 2. I am in awe!!!!!! The only guidance here is to listen to your intuition and to leave the toxicity behind. Be it people or places. Those who can't reciprocate what you have to offer don't DESERVE to be in your life. Period. Protect yourself, you beautiful souls!
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
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Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Cups, 10 of Cups, The Lovers, 7 of Cups, 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords
Hello, my dear pile 3. For most of you, the message has something to do with ‘love’. I am even hearing, “To love, love, yeah. I needed to lose you to love me.” I also sense that fun times are coming for you but it seems that some of you are heartbroken about a situation or relationship that ended in your life. You are looking for closure. You need to make some adjustments in your life because what happened in your life happened to teach a very important karmic lesson. I also hear, “In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was.” Your card says, “Be easy about all of this. Life is supposed to be fun, you know. We want you to feel love for your life, for the people of your world, and most of all, for yourself. There is great love here for you.” Some of you may be moving places or recently moved to a different place and are feeling disheartened. The card wants you to know that love is everywhere you go. And I don't think that you guys are alone. There's someone still sticking around with you. It's time for you to explore what it truly means to love and feel loved. It doesn't mean that you're supposed to go on multiple dates but experience love in every way possible. Write someone a letter, paint, give someone flowers, or apologize to someone if any apologies are pending. As you embody love soon the romantic love will find you and it will stay with you for a lifetime. You may be tempted to go back to your ex or the person you broke up with. But please don't, especially with the same energy that you sent out previously. Do the right thing. There's no point in writing the same story over and over again. Don't start many things just focus on one thing. You may end up feeling tired or low in confidence at the end of the day as you may end up having high expectations from yourself. It's time for you to write a new story and not repeat the same old patterns. That's why your guides are asking you to make some adjustments in your life. Have fun with your work but don't end up burnt out. Forgive those who have left you and forgive yourself if something didn't work out. It's time to let go. Remember what's meant for you won't pass you by. So take things lightly and hold onto the spark of inspiration that you may get now and then. Keep your heart pure and don't let your love be overcome by any temptations.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
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azure-cherie · 2 years
𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓸𝓲𝓭 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 11911 𝓲𝓷 𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼
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This asteroid is an indicator of one's spirit guides and where it sits in your chart represents which aspects would your spirit guides help you the most for growth in the field.
You're recommended to use whole signs and you can see for your Tropical and Sidereal measurements as well.
I am not a professional astrologer so take what resonates, enjoy 💕
1st house :
Being confident in oneself, healing traumas , sometimes due to past life traumas one suffers body pain , cuts , marks etc , your guides would help you to let go of that , they could help you in helping to understand yourself more , indications of something wrong going in your life or shift from your actual path would be shown by changes in your physical body . They will make you comfortable with living as a human and the basic art of surviving.
2nd house :
Your guides will help you in acquiring things , improving finances , Making you understand the value of material gains as balanced to your spiritual gains , they will help you in improving your self esteem , could reward you through gifts , you could be a medium for channeling messages for others too . They will help you to get the best version of your personality. Will help you in art too.
3rd house :
Your guides will help you with learning, communication, intelligence, you might be blessed with clair cognizance, they will help you in studies , gaining ideas through writing and poetry , might give you oracular abilities, local travels might help you in connecting more to your guides , could help in throat chakra healing . Could help in business professions , media sector and paparazzi sector too.
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4th house :
Your guides will help you in feeling secure , maybe in the past you felt abandoned, they will make you understand that no matter what you have your guides, will help you in healing your relationship with your mom . Like someone hugging you because you have been through so much, they will help you in your housing as you settle on your own in future.
5th house :
Your guides will help you in feeling creative , self expression, will help you in acquiring leisurely pursuits and luxury in your life , could help you with sports and anything to do with play as well , kinda about being active . They might communicate to you through kids , alternatively you might have youthful guides . They would help you in the time of your child birth as well.
6th house :
Your guides will help you in clearing your debts , feeling motivated , postive , maintaing routines, will help you in healing your illnesses , charity work is recommended for you , you might connect to your guides as you serve different people , it's your guides blessing you when the person whom you help says "god bless you my child" , you will clear your bad karma and achieve good karmas.
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7th house :
Your guides will help you in forming meaningful and long relationships with people, in business deals , and help you in showing resources to aid your career . They will help you in finding someone to love , in your marriage too , will lead you to do the betterment of your spouse , will help you to be a good lover .
8th house:
Your guides will definitely help you with intense changes and transformations , in the art of tantra, witchcraft . Would help you get inheritance and gifts , will help you in connecting more to your sexual side and aid in awakening your kundalini, as the placement suggests to reincarnation, you might have a guide that has worked with you since your past life.
9th house :
Your guides will help you with spirituality, higher education, you could have god's as your spirit guides , you could get philosophy lessons from your guides , you will connect to your guides as you go for long distance travels , they will help you in learning ethics , foreign culture , will be your lucky charm.
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10th house :
Your guides will help you in your career path , goals and recognition, resolve any issues related to your job situation, will be your light in the darkest of times , they might connect to you through superiors . They will help you in establishing routines and will reward you if you work hard for your goals.
11th house :
Your guides will help you with networking finding a lot of friends, in revolutions, big changes , will help you through your rise to fame as well, healing your past wounds , will communicate to you through random people you meet , you could have the ability of prediction and would make good astrologers and readers , you could gain information through your devices as well.
12 th house :
Your guides might connect to you through your dreams, they will help you in getting closer to your spiritual aspects, you might have a lot of psychic abilities you haven't tapped in they will help you through it , they will help you gain enlightenment motivation and healing and also heal you after a major loss if any .
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That's all thank you for reading 💗
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tarotbydelilah444 · 10 months
✨🤰Details Of Your Future Pregnancy + Baby
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hi guys, I’m back with another pac reading. This pac reading will be about your future baby + details about your future pregnancy. This reading is for entertainment purposes. I hope that you enjoy the reading and continue to keep following and sharing my posts, if you enjoy the content. Sending you love and light 🤍✨ - Delilah pile 1 | 🤎
Your pregnancy might be unexpected, so you were not expecting nor planning to have a baby when you find out. You could have been in denial or doubted that you were pregnant. You will definitely be shocked when you find out and try to hid this information from your person. For some, you could have strategically planned for this pregnancy without your partner knowing ( it may not have been in a malicious way), maybe you wanted a baby but your partner may not have been ready for one at the time.
Your partner will likely not be happy, but they won’t be mad about it either when they find out or when you tell them. They will likely confront you and you two will talk it out and kiss and make up in the end.
Your family will have very mixed feelings about the news of your pregnancy, but they will happy about the news for the most part. They will see this pregnancy as a blessing no matter the circumstances. They may see this baby/pregnancy as a miracle that will bring healing and reunite the family and bring balance into everyone’s life. Maybe you could have had issues with your family in the past, but this baby will put an end to any animosity/ issues within the family.
You will be glowing during your pregnancy. Motherhood will definitely look good on you and your baby will be healthy and growing. Everything will go well during your pregnancy journey. You may get spoiled a lot by others and your partner. You will be very relaxed and well taken care of. People will buy you gifts for the baby and you will start buying gifts and necessities for your baby before their birth. You will also be eating healthy and prioritizing you health to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Overall your pregnancy will be very peaceful and you will enjoy every moment and milestone during your pregnancy.
Your baby might be a girl. You and your partner might think it’s a boy, or you or your partner wanted a boy. Either way, you and your partner only care if the baby is healthy and whole. You could possibly have twins, so a boy and girl. Your baby/ies will be gifted, she/he/they will be able to hear and communicate with higher realms or spiritual beings. Your baby will be very aware and alert, they could also start talking or learning at a faster rate than most babies/toddlers. They will be very talkative as they age and self expression will be very important to this child. Your baby will be very intelligent as they mature. They will likely make good grades in school and they will like to learn a lot. They will be very loving, kind, caring, sensitive, independent, studious, curious, and dependable as they get older. Your baby will likely cry a lot, so you and your partner will not get much sleep for a while, but it will bring you and your partner much closer as you take in the joy of raising your child/children together. Your baby/babies could be a Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn, or Sagittarius.
channeled messages | straight textured hair, healing/self-love, healing family issues, surprised gender, spoiled-rotten, throat chakra, divine masculine, divine feminine, dark brown/black hair, brown eyes, black, or dark green eyes, angel baby, restless nights, blessed with beauty & grace, anxiety, and nightmares
pile 2 | 🧸
Your pregnancy will be exciting news that you have been waiting for, so a lot of you wanted to have a baby badly and you will be pretty excited and ready to share the news with your partner and others. You may announce your pregnancy to your partner in a creative way or in form of a present. You and your partner may make love after the news. You could have intuitively known that your were pregnant.
Your partner will be very happy about the news. They will literally get emotional once you tell them the news. This will only increase their love for you and they literally smother you with all forms of affection. They will be very supportive to you during the pregnancy.
Your family will be also happy and excited about the news. Someone may have already knew that you were pregnant, maybe they saw it in a dream or they could sensed it in general. Lots of calls and messages from your family and your person’s family to congratulate you and your partner. It will be a  welcoming and emotional experience for everyone.
You and your partner may move into a bigger home or will renovate your home to support your growing family. Your pregnancy will go very well and might go by very fast. You will feel very supported and loved through your pregnancy journey. Your family and friends might even plan you a baby shower and it will be quite a celebration. You will feel very stable, secured, and loved during your pregnancy. I also feel like you will be grateful for everything that you’ve been blessed with. You will likely like to be home a lot during your pregnancy with your partner preparing for your new arrival. You might have headaches or have a hard time sleeping while you are pregnant, so take it slow and try not to stress. You might have more dreams relating to your baby during your pregnancy.
Your baby may be a boy, but if you have a girl, she will likely have fire placements or masculine qualities, in regards to their personality. You and your partner are in it for a wild child. Your child will be a handful and likely a trouble maker. Your child will be very ferocious, brave, energetic, bratty, playful, and a ball of energy that refuses to be tamed. They may throw temper tantrums when they get upset or when you don’t give them what they want. This baby will like to explore and always looking for the next adventure or something to get into, so make sure to put them in lots of sports and have activities for them to channel their fiery energy. Your baby will love sports and is very competitive in anything he/she gets into and it may get them in some trouble sometimes as they mature. They will be very noisy or like to make a lot of noise/ or they love music. They will be very intelligent and intuitive, so you won’t be able to fool them or lie to them. They will like to be free and independent, so give them enough space to explore and learn new things on their own. They also have good emotional intelligence and they could even be an empath as they mature. Your baby could be a Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, or Aquarius
channeled messages | wears glasses, new house/apartment, angel numbers, Fire and Water, phone calls/messages, divine masculine, bossy, temperamental, ball of energy, solitude, ambivert, free-thinker, innovative, rebellious, stubborn, music lover, protective, momma-bear, red, brown, or blond hair, muscular/lean built, tall, proposal, gift from the universe, and planning mode 
pile 3 | 🤍
[TW] For some, I don’t feel like you will be happy about finding out about your pregnancy. You may wish to terminate the pregnancy, maybe due to financial reasonings or life circumstances may be too difficult and stressful for you to handle. You will likely go back and forth on whether you want to continue or terminate your pregnancy. For others, you could have had a miscarriage(s) in the past and this made you believe that you would never be able to get pregnant or sustain a full term pregnancy, and as a result, you could have given up hope, until the universe blessed you with this new miracle. Some of you could’ve had health issues that prevented you from getting pregnant, but by you changing your lifestyle and trusting in the divine, you will be able to have your miracle baby. You may find out that you are pregnant during a new moon.
You and your person may be separated or you could be separated by distance when they find out that you are expecting. This person will be extremely happy and excited about the news of your pregnancy. If this was a breakup/separation, your person will want to fix and heal the relationship to provide a loving and supportive environment for the child. If you two are separated by distance, you and this person will be reunited after a period of separation. They might travel back home right away to celebrate the news with you after a period of strife and struggles. 
Your family will also be happy about the news. They feel like you will be an amazing mother. They will be very supportive of you during your pregnancy. This may be a maternal figure that will be most excited about the news. So be prepared for lots of tears of joy. Your family will also want you and your person to reconcile to provide your child with a strong family unit.
You will be very protective of your baby during your pregnancy. You will be very conscious of everything that goes on around you. You will be very conscious of your health, making sure that you are healthy to sustain your pregnancy. You will be protecting your peace & well-being, as well as the well-being of your unborn child. You will be so in love with your child and you will do anything and everything to keep them protected and always surrounded in/by love. Your child will be very active, so they will move around a lot during your pregnancy. You will try your best to ensure that your pregnancy journey goes smoothly and peacefully.
Your baby will be so beautiful/handsome. They will also be very lucky and highly blessed by the universe, but they may still go through some ups and downs in life, but they will always manage to come back more resilient and wise every time. Your child will be very powerful and they may have strong psychic & intuitive abilities that were bestowed to them by the universe. They were meant to come into this life to heal generational trauma or karmic debts in this lifetime. They are meant to heal themselves & the collective in some way, so they could be natural-born healers. They will be highly protected and guided by the universe. They will be very creative and imaginative, so they will daydream a lot or always seem like they have their head in the clouds. Your child will love to dress up or play pretend/ they may even have an imaginary friend that they interact with and play with when they are lonely or bored. Your child may be misunderstood by others because they may feel like they’re different from their peers, so they will spend most their time building and creating their own fantasy to live in and explore because they feel so disconnected from the physical world. Your child will likely be shy and quiet for the most part. They are very sensitive to other people’s energy and they will need time alone throughout their life to recharge their energy. As your child matures, they will be very successful and confident in themselves. They will have the power to change and transform their own life and the lives of others. Your baby might be a Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, or have 12th house placements in their chart.
channeled messages | 444, 777, 666, Mexico, scholarships, struggles, medicine woman/man, financially secured, emotional unavailability, fashionista, 12th house, big decisions third eye, solar plexus, November, rewards and gifts from the universe, likes to sleep, rainbow baby, wanderer, new moon, and astral travel.
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cvntyboylove-666 · 3 days
Reasons why you should want a witchy goth boyfriend:
He can make you tea and then read your leaves
Just tell him your birth date and time and he'll know exactly what you like and where he should touch you to turn you on
He'll bring you rocks and shiny things like a little crow
You can go on a foraging date
You can watch his adorable expressions when he tells you about his special interests (bones, crystals, herbs, astrology, mythology, etc...)
He'll hex your ex
He'll draw protective sigils into your skin to keep you safe
You can have a barefoot picnic together to ground yourselves (and maybe fuck in the grass)
He'll pray to his deities to keep you safe
He has the best taste in music
You can heal your chakras and/or inner child(ren) together
You can do a binding ritual to tie your souls together
He knows lust spells to spice up bedroom time
He always smells faintly of incense, herbs, or coffee (or weed)
You can scare homophobic christians together
You can celebrate pagan holidays together like Yule and Samhain
He already manifested you into his life
He needs to be loved
You can raise pagan children together
It's me
This was a ploy to get you to fall in love with me lol
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dreiddesigns · 8 months
Natural Stone Ring
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modernhippiemindset · 2 years
Healing is not linear. There are ups and downs, some days you backslide. Some days you wake up and feel great others not so much. The point is to never give up. Never stop pushing for better. You will be tested. You will be let down at times. You may even fall back into heavy anxiety and depression (I have lately). ➡️The point of this journey is to never quit trying. Never stop lifting yourself or others up. Never stop looking for the light (it is always there even if you can’t see it at the moment). Take each day minute by minute and look for the small things that bring you joy. Find your reason to smile even if only for a few minutes here and there. You are worth it. 💚💚💚So for today, just focus on today. Leave tomorrow for tomorrow and leave yesterday where it was. Focus on this moment. 💚💚💚
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ancientastarwis · 7 months
Welcome to November! 🌟 The unique Pick One Image that I've prepared this month has the theme of forest animals, mainly because two options were intuitively clear before even choosing a theme. Choose the animal(s) you feel guided and let me know your option(s) below. Each option contains guidance for November through tarot and/or oracle, as I'm intuitively guided.
There's something special about this month, because I was guided to pull from two! oracles. Each image contains one card from one oracle and two cards from a different oracle. The first is Work Your Light by @rebeccacampbell_author and the other cards are pulled from the Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer.
Feel free to book a personal reading or session with me, covering any area you might need guidance with, through the tools that you trust the most.
Leave a like and reblog this post if you loved it. Your support means a lot to me.
Have a beautiful day♥️
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Open for Results 🦉🐇🦌
Option 1: Owl 🦉
MINTAKAN. Longing for home. Belonging. The original Lightworkers. Mintakans are a soul group who originated on a planet in the constellation Orion. They were the first star beings to travel to Earth, and believed to be the original Lightworkers. The Mintakans’ home planet is thought to have been a water world with water so pure that you could see through it for miles. For this reason, Mintakans feel most at peace and at home when in or around crystal-clear water. They are here to teach us to see the potential in everything and the light in all beings. Many Mintakans have an odd longing for ‘home,’ and struggle with feeling like they don’t belong. It is thought that this is due to their home planet no longer being in existence. If you pulled this card, it could mean that you are a Mintakan or are longing for a sense of belonging and Root Chakra healing is necessary for you to feel secure and safe. Perhaps you feel this longing to find home without knowing where that is, or you’ve been moving around a lot and yearn for a place on Earth to call your own. If so, you are being called to connect with Mother Earth and create it for yourself now. To choose where you feel most at home and create it, rather than waiting for the feeling of belonging to come. Repeat: I allow myself to be truly here and at home on this planet. I release any grief around not belonging or feeling held and call in the perfect home.'
SPRING EQUINOX: Rebirth. You thought this passage you have been through would never end. Trust as certain that the light of the world fades every few months, it makes its return, and the Earth rejoices. The fresh breath of spring sweeps away the cobwebs acquired from the absence of the light. The light is now obviously increasing as Nature begins to emerge in all her many forms, shapes, and colors that remind ns of the continual cycles of Earth Mother. This cycle of rebirth you are experiencing follows a considerably challenging time. Any tears you may have shed have cleared the way for what has been gesturing, which is now ripe and ready to emerge. That which no longer serves you needs to be put to rest so that a freshness and newness of spirit can make itself known to you. Sometimes birth can be pain fid, particularly in that passage just before delivery, yet what emerges can be fresh and beautiful. Be with the emergence of this next cycle with faith and grace.
CRYSTALS: Focus. The nature of quartz crystals, the second most common element in the Earth's crust, is that they help focus the power of our life force, or Spirit. Where attention goes, power flows—and crystals magnify this power tenfold. Our intention influences where our attention goes. When we're consciously aware of our intention, it facilitates the focus of that spiritual power and supports the manifestation in material reality of that intention. It is time to bring your complete focus to the subject of your inquiry. Eliminate all distractions, and give this your undivided attention. Whether this is a project, relationship, or simply a relaxing time spent walking in Nature, be fully present to the situation. This sharpening of focus will expand your awareness and allow your inner guidance to penetrate your consciousness, which can then be parlayed into appropriate action By being focused with crystal clarity, you are in the flow of your life force and, in fact, have become one with it. It is not a hypervigilant or tension-filled state, but one of relaxed attention. Keep your eyes, ears, and heart focused on that which you need to pay attention to, and miracles can be created. To paraphrase a fictional elder, "Use the Force," and use it in life-enhancing ways.
Option 2: Rabbit 🐇
LEAP. You go first. The Universe will catch you. Life bends for the courageous. The Universe wants to support you, but first you need to leap. To throw your life up in the air. Perhaps you know what you are being called to leap toward (or away from) but are scared to make the move. Or maybe perhaps you are waiting for a big fat sign, or instruction manual, or permission to do so first. If this is you, then this card is your sign and permission slip to take a deep breath, and leap into the unknown. It’s scary to let go of all that we know in hope for something new. And it’s normal to feel anxious at the thought of letting go of what we know for sure. But this is the unavoidable process of rising. And right now, this is how you are being called to live. Nature is constantly showing us how to live with courage. Fall comes every year and encourages the trees to loosen their grip. To allow what once was so full of life, to fall away, leaf by leaf. For a moment, it feels like nothing will grow again. The branches are left bare without the comfort of what once was. But in the morn of spring, new shoots begin to appear and something new is born that is even more glorious than before.
STONE PEOPLE: Vigilance. Remain vigilant at this time, but not out of fear. "Vigilant" simply means opening up your mind and senses to information as it is presented to you: through your eyes, ears, physical sensations, and detached thoughts. It is especially true in two main areas. First, follow any gut feelings that tell you to be wary about someone or something; second, pay close attention to an important opportunity that presents itself one that may enhance your life and the lives of others. Maintain your vigilance of the clues around you and inside of you. Assess what is emanating from your body, and then sort out any conditioned responses from what is purely instinctual. Examine the situation with heart, intuition, and mind in harmony; for this is how vigilance serves you. Detach, take a breath, and stand tall in your stature.
WOLF: Instinct. You have lost touch with your instinctual sensitivities. It is the result of cultural and/or religious proscriptions dictating that anything wild and instinctual is threatening and, therefore, has to be controlled or eliminated. Now is the time to overcome this limited mind­ set and tune in to these instinctual cues. Let the Spirit of Wolf be your teacher, and call upon this benevolent being for help identifying what those specific cues are saying. Shed some of your inhibitions with the only guideline being to "do no harm.” Experiment by getting out of the straitjacket of familiar societal norms and listening to those sensations in your gut that are trying to give you a message. It may be a warning or an urging to take action of some sort. Take some deep breaths, and simply notice what your bodily sensations are telling you. Your mind will be the receiver of that information, and your body and mind can learn to work more closely with each other once again.
Option 3: Deer 🦌
DON’T DIM TO FIT IN. How are you dimming your light in order to fit in? Don't dim your light to accommodate someone else's smallness. We are all born to shine big and bright. The Universe is expanding and you are part of the Universe, so expanding is part of your nature. If someone makes you want to retract, notice, and slowly back away; they are not for you and you are not forthem. Better yet, find it within yourself to expand and shine your light anyway. Flowers don’t open and close according to who is walking by. They open and show their beauty regardless. If others don’t want to be around you, or you make them uncomfortable, it’s because you are shining light on the fact that they are dimming to fit in. By choosing to shine bright you may just inspire them to turn on their light too. Or not. Keep your light on anyway. All relationships are essentially an energetic agreement. The moment one person decides to start rising up and allowing their light to shine, it changes the energetic agreement and can create some waves. That's completely normal. The relationships that are meant to last will adapt to the change in energy. Others won’t because they were likely born under the proviso of'I love you, as long as you don’t shine brighter than me.' That’s OK, not all people are meant to be in your life forever. But the lessons they teach us can still live on.
STAR MOTHER. How can you Mother yourself? You are more held than you could possibly imagine. Loved and cherished so dearly that, if you knew, you would not spend one second of your life in separation, worry or fear. Let the Mother carry your burdens; let Her rock away your fears. Lay all of your worries, regrets, shame and guilt on Her altar. Please, please sweet child, do not fear. You are love in motion. If you see it, you are already healed, Let Her remind you of your goodness. Let Her love away your fears. Your capacity to love and hold others is limited to your capacity to love and hold yourself. Be compassionate with your sweet body, mind, and soul. Treat yourself like the beautiful spirit that you truly are. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and try not to carry it all on your own. You have got this and the Mother has got you. Let Her broad arms take away your burdens; let Her lift the weight of the world off your shoulders. Forgive yourself, my dear sweet child of the Earth.
MILKY WAY: Perspective. You have lost your perspective, so it is time to step back, breathe, and allow yourself to detach in order to gather information from your senses and regain your perspective about the situation. Detachment does not mean that you no longer care—it simply indicates that you are looking at things from a different point of view. It is an outlook that is not clouded by emotions, judgment, or attachment to outcome, but instead maintains a nonreactive awareness of these things. The Witness, that internal aspect of yourself that simply observes everything in your life, offers his or her eyes here. Through these lenses of pure awareness, you can examine all aspects of your experiences—physical, emotional, and mental—without denying anything. By doing so, you will come to understand a greater perspective than is typically justified by the ego, which allows you to see what is before you with clear vision and an open mind.
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astrotalk1726 · 16 days
In a Cancer ascendant, Rahu is in the 6th house. How will be the result of Rahu in this house?
In Vedic astrology, the placement of Rahu in the 6th house for a Cancer ascendant can have various interpretations depending on the broader context of the birth chart, including other planetary placements, aspects, and the dasa (planetary period) system. Let's delve into the general impact of Rahu in the 6th house for a Cancer ascendant:
The 6th House in Vedic Astrology
The 6th house represents a range of themes including health, work, service, daily routines, debts, diseases, conflicts, litigation, and enemies. It is a house associated with overcoming obstacles and addressing challenges.
Rahu in the 6th House: General Traits
Rahu, known for its unconventional, ambitious, and sometimes disruptive nature, can bring a unique approach to the themes of the 6th house. The following are some common effects and characteristics:
1. Unconventional Approaches to Health and Work
Rahu in the 6th house can indicate innovative or unconventional approaches to health and work. You might be attracted to new and non-traditional methods of healing, fitness, or work practices.
There may be a tendency to excel in problem-solving and finding unique solutions to workplace challenges.
2. Drive and Determination
Rahu in the 6th house can provide a strong drive and ambition to overcome obstacles. You might be highly motivated to tackle difficult situations and find success in competitive environments.
This placement can lead to a successful career in industries related to health, service, or litigation, as you may have a knack for dealing with adversities.
3. Potential for Conflict and Competition
The 6th house is associated with enemies and conflicts. With Rahu here, there's potential for intense competition and confrontation. You might attract hidden enemies or find yourself in contentious situations.
Rahu's nature can sometimes lead to deception, so it's essential to be cautious and discerning in your interactions, especially in work-related matters.
4. Health Considerations
Rahu in the 6th house might bring unexpected health issues, sometimes due to stress or unconventional habits. It's important to maintain a balanced lifestyle and be mindful of health and wellness.
Cancer Ascendant and Rahu in the 6th House
For a Cancer ascendant, the 6th house is governed by Sagittarius, with Jupiter as the house lord. With Rahu in Sagittarius in the 6th house, the following are additional considerations:
Spiritual and Philosophical Challenges: Rahu in Sagittarius can bring a sense of restlessness and unconventionality to spiritual and philosophical beliefs. This might influence how you approach work and service.
Drive for Learning and Exploration: Sagittarius is associated with higher learning and exploration. Rahu might lead you to explore unconventional subjects or foreign cultures in the context of work and health.
Conflicts Over Beliefs: Since Sagittarius is linked to beliefs and ideologies, Rahu here could lead to conflicts stemming from differing philosophies or religious views.
Rahu in the sixth house for Cancer ascendant can bring a dynamic and challenging energy in work, health and daily routine. Although it may inspire you to excel and overcome obstacles, it is also likely to cause struggles and health issues. It is advised to maintain balance and adopt a cautious approach towards conflicts and health. To understand the specific results and nuances for which you can take the help of Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software. Which can give you accurate information.
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horizonaarc1726 · 3 months
Is Moon in the 6th house of horoscope bad?
The placement of the Moon in the 6th house of the horoscope can have various effects, and whether it is considered "bad" or not depends on the overall context of the individual's birth chart. Here are some points to consider:
Work and Service Orientation: The 6th house is traditionally associated with work, service, and health matters. When the Moon is placed here, it may indicate a person who finds emotional fulfillment through work and service to others. This placement can be beneficial for those involved in healing professions or service-oriented jobs.
Emotional Challenges: On the flip side, the Moon in the 6th house might suggest emotional challenges related to work, health, or daily routines. The individual may be emotionally invested in their job or may experience fluctuations in emotions based on the daily grind.
Health Concerns: Depending on other factors in the chart, the Moon in the 6th house could also influence health matters. Emotional well-being may have an impact on physical health, and there may be a need to pay attention to maintaining a healthy daily routine.
Conflict and Enemies: The 6th house is associated with conflict, enemies, and obstacles. The Moon here may indicate emotional conflicts or challenges with co-workers. However, the overall aspects and influences on the Moon will determine the intensity and nature of these conflicts.
Nurturing Others: The Moon represents nurturing and caring instincts. In the 6th house, this could manifest as a caring and nurturing attitude towards colleagues, subordinates, or those in need. The person may find emotional satisfaction in helping others overcome challenges.
Routine and Habits: The Moon in the 6th house may influence emotional responses to daily routines and habits. Establishing a stable and emotionally satisfying routine could be important for overall well-being.
It is important to consider the entire birth chart and aspects (angular relationships between planets) for a comprehensive analysis. Additionally, a person's personal experiences and choices play a significant role in how these astrological factors manifest in their life. For detailed consultation and personal interpretation, you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 Software, always contact 8595675042.
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horoscope1726 · 1 month
What happens when Saturn and Jupiter are in the 12th house?
In astrology, when Saturn and Jupiter are in the 12th house of a birth chart, it can suggest several possible interpretations depending on the specific placements and aspects involved, as well as the overall context of the chart. Here are some general themes associated with this placement:
Spiritual Growth and Insight: The 12th house is often associated with spirituality, hidden strengths, and subconscious patterns. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, in this house, there may be a strong inclination towards spiritual growth, philosophical exploration, and seeking higher meaning in life. Saturn's influence here can add discipline and structure to these pursuits, encouraging a more serious and committed approach to spiritual practices or inner work.
Isolation and Withdrawal: The 12th house is also linked to isolation, seclusion, and retreat. When Saturn and Jupiter combine in this house, there may be a tendency towards introversion, a need for solitude, or a feeling of being separate from mainstream society. This can be a time for deep introspection, reflection, and inner healing, but it may also indicate challenges related to loneliness or feelings of being misunderstood.
Charitable Endeavors and Service: Jupiter's presence in the 12th house can inspire a sense of compassion and altruism, leading individuals to engage in charitable activities, volunteer work, or humanitarian efforts. Saturn's influence here can bring a sense of responsibility and duty to these endeavors, encouraging a structured and practical approach to service-oriented activities.
Karmic Lessons and Self-Undoing: The 12th house is often associated with karmic patterns, unconscious motivations, and self-undoing tendencies. With Saturn and Jupiter in this house, there may be a need to confront and resolve past karma or subconscious patterns that are limiting personal growth. Saturn's influence can bring a sense of accountability and a willingness to confront difficult truths, while Jupiter's optimism and wisdom can provide guidance and support in navigating these challenges.
Hidden Strengths and Inner Resilience: Despite the potential challenges associated with the 12th house placement, Saturn and Jupiter here can also indicate hidden strengths, resilience, and inner resources that can be tapped into during times of adversity. Individuals with this placement may possess a deep reservoir of inner wisdom, faith, and perseverance that enables them to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger on the other side.
As with any astrological interpretation, it is important to consider the entire birth chart and the individual's specific circumstances and experiences. The position of other planets, aspects and the individual's personal development will all influence how Saturn and Jupiter in the 12th house manifest in their life. For which you can use Kundli Chakra professional software. Which can give you accurate information.
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