#cause i have zero impulse control
transjudas · 11 months
ooooo you wanna gif the babyboy or hand thing so bad yes you do (sending intense brain waves your way)
what if i’m making a franthony compilation gifset. what then.
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zitasaurusrex · 2 years
I'm serious when I say I think the sentiment that kindness requires "zero effort" is harmful.
The idea that kind is a thing you can be innately, without having to think or feel anything about it, leaves a gap in the fence where the other idea "if I have unkind thoughts or feelings, I am by nature a bad, unkind person" can slip through.
Listen. That's bullshit.
Being kind to other people means paying attention to the effect your words and actions have on others, caring about it, and trying to make those effects better. That's work.
If you have a nasty thought about another person that annoys you and you contain the impulse, hold your tongue, and let it go? That was effort.
If you took time out to really think about something you wanted to say and make sure it would have its intended result without causing accidental harm that you wouldn't have noticed if you went totally off the cuff? Wow, that took some work!
If you were tired and angry and full of hatred but you still did the dishes so your housemate has something to eat their breakfast off of in the morning, that wasn't easy.
I don't think there are magical "kind" people who never have a mean thought and are always selfless and pure. That would be exhausting and impossible.
I'm not a "nice person," I'm a nasty, bitter, angry, sad person who tries to have good leash manners, control my worst impulses, and not jump on strangers because they don't deserve that shit from me.
I don't always succeed, but I'm trying. I'm trying and it's worth it.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
Is Lyanna really as terrible as some people portray her as?
no, not even a little bit.
the absolute most important thing about lyanna is that when she dies she is only 16. i am someone who works with kids - i work in a library so i spend most of my days cleaning up after tweens and asking teenagers to please stop doing dumb shit- and the first thing anyone who has ever worked with kids and especially teenagers is that they may look like adults but they are NOT. they don’t understand boundaries, they have next to zero impulse control, and every bad thing that happens feels like the worst thing ever because it very likely IS the worst thing they’ve ever experienced bc they have not been alive that long!
and this goes for every single teen & tween character in this series, not just lyanna! shit, i am someone who feels an immense amount of sympathy for joffrey! on one side he’s got his mother telling him he can do anything he wants with no repercussions and on the other he’s got his father hitting him so hard that stannis thought joffrey was going to die. and then he is given unchecked power and told not to abuse it! EYE cannot even guarantee that i wouldn’t use unchecked power to do shady shit and i am a fully grown adult, not a traumatized, irrationally, and deeply vindictive 13 year old boy.
but honestly the most important thing about lyanna is that we have ZERO CONTEXT for what happens between her and Rhaegar. What we have is
Ned’s sparse & guilt ridden thoughts about Lyanna and one (1) comment about Rhaegar
Robert’s angry, entitled, and grief ridden outbursts about Lyanna and Rhaegar
Barristan’s incredibly romanticized, guilt & grief ridden take on their relationship
Meera’s second hand account of Lyanna, told to her by a father who is likely just as guilt & grief ridden as the others, who likely has his own view of Lyanna
What’s important to note is that our view of her is heavily filtered through the eyes of the men that knew her. Robert loves an idealized version of her that never existed. Barristan never actually knew her. Ned is not only viewing her under 200 layers of guilt and grief, but very obviously does not understand his sister, or why she made the choices she did, and struggles constantly with knowing that he will never know her the way he wishes he could, the way he thought he did. Given the way Meera describes Lyanna, I actually think Howland is our most accurate look at her but even that is buried behind years of grief & a fair amount of hero worship and affection (“that’s my fathers man you’re kicking howled the she-wolf” is a line that makes me WEEP for this exact reason; Howland sees Lyanna as his hero above all else!).
All of that to say - we don't even know what Lyanna did that was so terrible! Even if she was a grown woman capable of making rational decisions, we have no idea what her decisions were. She could have been lied to, misled, kidnapped, threatened, just as surely as she could have walked into the situation with open eyes. Even in the show, with a slightly aged up Lyanna - we get, what, just Sam's opinion on Rhaegar and Lyanna being in love because they got hitched? Completely ignoring the fact that we had several women in this series get married not because they were in love or willing but because someone more powerful decided on it and that was that, so there's still no evidence that Lyanna had enough information about the situation to make any sort of informed, consensual decision.
so no, i do not hold lyanna responsible for anything at all that happened regardless of how it happened because she was not mentally mature enough to understand what the hell was going on. a 15 year old is just not mature enough to think “if i run off with this married man, it’s going to cause a cascade of political issues that could have disastrous consequences.” what she’s probably thinking is “this man says he can help me and i am fucking miserable and no one else will listen.” it’s why we don’t throw 15 year olds who run away to meet up with old dudes they met online in jail when they’re caught (or theoretically why we don’t punish them at any rate). There is one person and one person only who is responsible for the massive fuck up that is the Elia-Rhaenys-Aegon-Lyanna-Jon mess and that is RHAEGAR, the person with the most amount of power who used it in the dumbest way imaginable and got himself, most of his heirs, his wife, and his teenaged mistress killed. The only other people responsible are the Kingsguard who kept Lyanna under lock and key while she lay dying and pleading for her brother to come save her.
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balioc · 2 months
I have a beard, of a particular slightly-distinctive style. I've had that same beard for the entirety of my adult life.
This is, obviously, the most contingent kind of fact about me. If I wanted to shave it off, or to style it differently, I could do so right now with zero difficulty. It's not a cultural signifier, or a marker of group belonging, or anything; even to me, it doesn't really mean anything other than "this is a symbol of me-the-person because it is associated with me because I have it." I started cultivating it in mid-adolescence for ephemeral irrelevant reasons, and kept it going basically out of inertia.
Nonetheless: it is really important to me. Like, really really important.
I basically cannot use character-creators or avatar-generators of any sort unless they have appropriate-enough beard options. When I contemplate getting rid of the beard...well, based on the way other people use the term, I think that the appropriate word for the feeling I get from that is dysphoria. During a brief period when I thought that I might have to get rid of the beard for medical reasons, I seriously considered wearing some kind of full-face leper mask whenever I left the house, because the thought of hiding my face from the world forever made me less unhappy than the thought of having people see me clean-shaven.
And, crucially, this affects my ability to Identify With People in literature and media. I am about 900% more likely to have an "it me" mental reflex if the character in question has a Beard Like Mine, regardless of whether there's any actual substantive commonality or grounds-for-sympathy there. I can control this with deliberate effort, but -- it takes deliberate effort. This phenomenon has probably had some measurable effect on my personality and philosophy, simply by causing me to identify or not-identify with potentially-high-impact characters in a subconscious (or conscious) way.
For example: I basically always see elves as Other and Not-Me, because elves are usually portrayed as the Beardless People, even if there are all sorts of obvious reasons to map myself onto a particular elvish character or elvish culture. Which there often are!
You might be inclined to say that this is, uh, stupid. I wouldn't blame you. It is, at the least, definitely very irrational; it's an aggressively hypertrophied bit of mental DNA, the sort of thing that you might fairly-if-uncharitably call a "psychic cancer." But of course it's never going to change, because the phenomenon operates deep down on the level of appreciative impulses and happy-buttons, which are mostly impervious to reason. (Assuming that you're inclined to try and alter them through reason, which is usually not worth the effort even when it can work.)
It's not actually a problem for me that beard-related neurosis prevents me from identifying with elves. Not much of a problem, anyway. I guess I lose out on some cool Line of Feanor feels.
But I can imagine it being a problem. I can imagine the world in which the cool resonant myth that everyone cares about, the thing around which you want to build big chunks of your identity, has only elves with whom to identify. I can imagine the world in which all the cool smart people I want to be my friends are endlessly talking about their elfsonas.
And, y'know, in that hypothetical world, there's a few different ways I could react. I could say "fuck you, fantasy myth is for losers." I could be a mythic entrepreneur, and aggressively push my own homegrown stories featuring dwarves and ogres and other beardy folk. I could try to [shudder] map myself onto a beardless elf in my mind, and let that image occupy space in my fantasies, and hope that the revulsion and dissonance don't tear me apart. I could just be kinda sad about it all.
Or I could say: Hey, guys, could we maybe just agree that elves can have beards? Since they're made up and all, and their beardlessness doesn't even really matter to the myth anyway?
If I were so inclined, I could even follow that up with: Look, this is a really big deal for me. I'm pretty sure it's a much bigger deal for me than it is for any of you. That would be 100% honest.
And I imagine that many people would respond: What? No. Ew. The elf stories have clear lore and a well-defined aesthetic, and you're proposing to shit all over them with your weird beard nonsense. You don't get to do that; you don't get to make the akashic commons worse for your own private benefit; it doesn't matter what your reasons are. Play by the rules, or go play another game.
I would have a lot of sympathy for those people.
(Yes, yes, I know, Cirdan the Shipwright, don't @ me.)
There are, of course, lessons in this. Perhaps I will spell them out in another post, soon, if I find myself feeling less tired and cranky. But for now: he who has ears to hear, let him hear.
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cookii-moon · 1 month
Introducing… the Perfectly Neurotypical Ninja!!!
(I had an idea and thought it’d be funny)
our first incredibly neurotypical ninja is…
✨ JAY! ✨
Has zero volume control whatsoever
He can NOT be quiet for the life of him
There is no way he doesn’t have some form of anxiety disorder
Like his entire panic and fear definitely seem like anxiety to me
Has a plushie he still sleeps with for comfort and is emotionally attached to (which is super real of him honestly)
Panic attacks
He DEFINITELY has hyperfixations
Have you just seen him in general
That one short where he just starts running around on the roof
Also that one time he and Kai were supposed to train and got distracted by competition (Actually this could probably apply to all the ninja because they do this type of thing all the time)
Got so hyperfixated on dancing games that he learnt how to dance
I don’t think he can sit still it just doesn’t seem possible to me
(I’m not a Jay fan so I can’t point to much else off the top of my head but we’re all in agreement there’s no way he’s neurotypical right?)
Okay never mind, our FIRSt neurotypical ninja is…
✨ COLE! ✨
Talks to himself. A lot.
No seriously he talks to himself so much
Professional school dropout
Gets along great with animals and people who don’t fit in
Probably has owned a pet. Or five. (Probably a cat or a reptile) (he came around to them eventually and now he loves them) (dogs are too energetic and loud)
Most likely has depression
Definitely has sensory issues there’s no way he doesn’t
That one time he nearly had a breakdown from being overwhelmed. (Points to core shorts)
Dislikes metaphors (canon)
Wears the exact same hoodie without fail in every single episode where he has to wear civilian clothing (I think it’s a comfort thing at this point)
Probably taught himself several different ninja things he had no need to learn (why can he fight with a sword and nunchucks when he never uses either of them outside of a single special) (this also applies to shields and staffs and throwing stars but those are at least practical)
He says it’s to prepare but really he did it for fun
Has somehow not discovered his ninja special interest yet
(he physically can’t do anything else it’s too boring) (even when he’s not ninjaing he needs to practice once a day minimum or else he explodes)
Dances when happy/excited (definitely not a stim)
Immediately starts telling Jay about dancing when he enters the contest in a very excited manner (definitely not infodumping)
Has caused several misunderstandings due to bad social skills (he can NOT read the room for the life of him)
His best friend is Jay.
(even if he’s not autistic there’s no way this guy is neurotypical.)
(these are not the actions of a neurotypical person we’re all in agreement of that right)
Whoops… uh…never mind…our FIRST!!!! Neurotypical ninja…
✨ NYA! ✨
Terrified of failure
Like it haunts her she does NOT want to fail she has an entire arc devoted to it
Has a hard time letting go of things (she holds grudges A LOT)
This also includes things of sentimental value like Samurai X
Change is difficult for her just in general
SUPER stubborn
Definitely has a schedule that she envisions in her head but forgets to tell everyone else
(that short where she planned to spend time with Jay but he was going to the arcade)
Short temper especially on bad days
The more I write this the more I realize how little characterization she actually gets for most of the series
Justice for Nya honestly
(I’m assigning her neurodivergence I don’t care how short this is)
(I think autistic. But spicy.)
(probably also anxiety or OCD)
(do you see the vision)
….Okay so maybe not that one either- Uh… our FIRST!!! Neurotypical !!! Ninja!!!
✨ KAI! ✨
Has anger issues. Probably.
Super impulsive
No like incredibly impulsive. Ultra impulsive.
Craves attention but has really bad self worth issues
Hinges his worth on his powers (not healthy)
Wanted to be useful so badly that he convinced himself he’d get powers if he drop kicked Garmadon (it did not work)
Did I mention anger issues
Wants to be useful so he can protect!!!
That one time he and Jay were supposed to be training and-
Has zero patience
(I don’t know what flavor of neurodivergent he is but he’s neurodivergent somehow)
(once again I don’t pay attention to Kai there’s definitely more)
…Okay so this time for sure. Introducing FOR SURE our FIRST neurotypical ninja….
✨ ZANE! ✨
Do I even need to say anything
The entire episode “Home”
Social skills
Taking things literal
That one canon (?) book where he apparently has flashbacks to the ice emperor (im calling OCD or PTSD on that one Zane)
Also that one time he locked away bad memories in decoded (decoded is canon to me and the reason for that is mainly because it actually references ghost Cole (iirc) which is a miracle)
Yeah I think he has PTSD
that one time he hyperfixated on and roleplayed as a detective and then a pirate
probably more. Maybe.
That one’s a robot he’s disqualified. The FIRST, FOR SURE, NO MISTAKES, neurotypical ninja is…
✨ LLOYD! ✨
The fact he apparently has so much of starfarer memorized that he can nearly win a quiz contest thingy and the only thing that stopped him from doing that was that he hadn’t read a brand new limited edition issue
starfarer in general he is not normal about starfarer
Way too trusting for his own good
I would be more surprised if he didn’t have some sort of disorder considering everything he’s gone through
hes got to have at least something related to his trauma right
(This one is way shorter because. Again. Not a Lloyd fan. but. I think the starfarer thing is enough to push him into probably not neurotypical territory.)
(most kids do not know the entire plot and all the fun facts to a long running comic book series by heart)
Are you kidding me none of them are neurotypical?
Okay ne- what do you mean the last one
there’s those ones over there!!!! *points to Arin, Sora and wyldfyre*
Oh wait they’re also neurodivergent?
…..uuuuugh shows canceled then…. Sigh… Guess I’ll start up the Incredibly Neurodivergent Ninja show instead.
(disclaimer this is a joke)
(but they are all neurodivergent that part isn’t)
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chippedtoons · 4 months
reasons why MK is The Protagonist Of All Time™️
- MK's two best friends are fucking millionaires. one of them is literally royalty. Wukong, his mentor, is basically a known celebrity and has comic books, two known tv shows, two known cardboard cutouts, cereal, candy bars, action figures, plushies, a fucking video game, and more [keep in mind this id just in-universe], so hes definitely loaded in cash. MK not only works at a 9-5 job for a business his dad owns and is also the only one of these four characters with a job.
- he once ate cursed meatballs which resulted in him getting hiccups so bad they caused fucking earthquakes. after having said hiccups cured he openly admitted to wanting more cursed meatballs.
- there's an entire episode dedicated to showcasing how this guy cannot pay attention. at all.
- the dude has ZERO fucking impulse control and does NOT intend on gaining any. he climbed up an entire building, fell off, and climbed it from a different side in a matter of seconds. because he thought he saw his childhood hero.
- he can summon a giant robot at will???? and no one questions it???????
- he accidentally shrunk his uncle once.
- hes guilty of murdering four people and two of them were on accident.
- he didnt know he wasnt a human being until like. a week ago. he just had the ability to kill god one day and never questioned it. he was literally told of his entire origin and went "no, im NormalMan 9000. trust me."
- his dad quite literally saw him standing outside his shop one day and went "oh, fuck. no one ELSE is gonna adopt this random child!" and took him in without hesitation.
- accidentally turned his hands into dogs once.
- he killed the second jade emperor.
- he's scared of spiders.
feel free to add more because this is just the stuff i remember
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hii! I got this idea after I woke up so, I'm sorry if it's a little messy. What if Remus, Sirius and James fall for the same reader? Any of them know about the yandere tendencies of each other (they never talk about it cause they thought the others would judge him) but one day they found each other while stalking the reader? 🤔
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Finally got something out! Thank you for your patience and the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of stalking
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I think that each of them is slightly different in how they fall for you and figure out that the others have done the same.
Both Sirius and James are fast to start obsessing over you, yet there is absolutely no shaking them out of it.
We're given hints as to what James acted like with Lily. He pursued her for years, very persistent and firm despite her showing zero interest, and at times, only irritation for him.
I talked about Sirius's behavior during a couple of my writing events, but he's very outwardly passionate about his darling, as well as the most dangerous out of the three of them.
He's impulsive, aggressive, and oftentimes jealous. While James isn't as eager to hurt others who talk to you, Sirius will jinx, hex, and bully anyone who he deems as a threat (which can be almost anyone).
As for Remus, he's not as quick to fall. He likely sees how foolishly his friends are acting and questions how you've brought this out in them.
Trying to figure out the answer to such a question leads him to an obsession of his own.
He's not as bold as Sirius and James are. He's quieter and reserved, and he can actually be very charming when it comes to you.
While obsessed, he leans toward the softer side, and not many will see his yandere tendencies (though he can get worse towards the full moon. More possessive and aggressive if he thinks someone is threatening you.)
As for stalking you, all of them have a certain fondness for it.
For Sirius, stalking you can be pretty easy. He's an animagus, after all, and people won't really question seeing a stray dog on Hogwarts grounds. Soon enough you'll start to call this dog a friend with how often you see him, unaware that it's Sirius trying to get close to you.
Don't worry, Sirius quite enjoys the pets.
For James and Remus, though, it can be more difficult to stalk you.
While James is an animagus, his is much less discreet than Sirius's. He can't exactly follow you around without getting a lot of weird stares. A giant stag isn't as normal to see in the hallways of Hogwarts as a dog is.
However, when you're going for a walk outside through Hogwart's spacious grounds or are attending a Care for Magical Creatures class, you will occasionally see James following you around.
While it may be a bit odd to see a stag, you can't really question it when it's out in nature, can you? After all, Hogwarts is home to quite a few non-magical animals too.
And poor Remus doesn't really have a good way to stalk you discreetly. Unlike his friends, he's not an animagus. His lycanthropy is only during the full moon, and he never does have control of himself then.
Instead, he just does so the normal way.
However, despite Remus not really having a subtle way to stalk you, he would likely be the one to figure out the others are doing it first.
As I said, he's the last to fall, and he knows his friends quite well.
His way of stalking forces him to be smart. He has to stay hidden in fear of you or someone else seeing him.
Considering this, Remus is likely the first to spot the others while they're all stalking you, and it was funny seeing the familiar forms of a dog and a stag following you out on your walk.
Sirius was the next to figure it out. His animagus has the sharpest nose out of them, so smelling both Remus and James close by was a dead giveaway.
And James, as focused as he was on you, was quite confused when Sirius and Remus cornered him suddenly, and he was afraid that they might snitch on him.
Only for Remus to spill out exactly what's been happening. How each one of them has been obsessing over and stalking you for months now.
It doesn't take long for them to come to an agreement. The three of them are about the only people each of them would share their darling with, with only a couple of exceptions.
The amount of trust they have in each other is unrivaled, and soon, so is their ability to woo, and if necessary, kidnap their darling.
As a unit, these three are very dangerous.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
i love everything about this au! just how feral are all of them? is there anything they won't do?
Donnie is really the only one who is feral 24/7, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Mikey is violent in little bursts, especially in the beginning, but he’s always apologetic after accidentally hurting anyone, and eventually manages to get a handle of his punch first, ask questions later impulses. Leo is the opposite of Mikey, where he was so used to controlling and masking his emotions that it’s only after he starts to feel comfortable around everyone that he lets some of his more violent tendencies out—but most of the time they’re just empty—if slightly terrifying threats to disembowel them all for the slightest inconvenience they cause him.
But thats mostly among the family. In fights, all three have to work very, very, very hard to not use lethal force with the villain of the week, lest they disappoint Raph and Splinter, who stress non-lethal philosophies. The first time Leo cut down a gang of Foot recruits with zero mercy, Splinter grounded him for a month and Raph cried. The others learned pretty quickly that if they weren’t careful, Splinter wouldn’t allow them to join Raph and April on their patrols and that they wouldn’t be able to protect them. They’re all smart enough to understand the consequences of not following Splinter’s rules, even if it takes some time before they can see the reasons behind them.
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spiderliliez · 1 year
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The GIFs above are excerpts from Morfydd’s five different interviews during the promotion of “Saint Maud” while still filming “The Rings of Power” where she briefly talks about, and inadvertently exhibits her ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) traits. The first one shows of her being surprised by her alarm, and explains she keeps it on snooze so she doesn’t forget her tasks. Some would think this is just normal, that we all really need to have reminders anyway. But when you have ADHD, your alarms will be your lifesaver, and it can be quite extreme as your attention easily wanders off and you have almost no control of it, because you simply completely forget what you’re supposed to do. 😖
In the second interview, the keyword is “Procrastination” and she mentions how procrastination doesn’t make her feel guilty. Constant procrastination is very common amongst people with ADHD. It’s just always there. Yes, we all procrastinate, but people with ADHD does it more extreme than others. There are those who would feel endless guilt when they dither and temporize what needs to be done, and after all that, they still couldn’t keep themselves from procrastinating anyway. It becomes this vicious cycle, that adds on to one’s depression because of feeling incompetent. I’m just glad she’s allowed herself to indulge in what she wants to do and not feel criminal about it. 🙃 In the third one, she talks about her struggle with reading and being unable to keep at it for a certain duration. This is very common with ADHD as your ability to focus shifts so quickly, especially if you happen to be reading something you realized you’re not that interested in. However as she mentioned, she was able to read through the entire script (for “Saint Maud”) in one go, of which shows how much she loved the story. In some of her interviews, she speaks of how audiobooks have been very helpful to her. People with ADHD can also have “Dyslexia” (just like Morfydd). It’s more common than not, and that makes reading and writing even more challenging.
In her fourth and fifth interview, she talks about how her brain reacts while she was in school. It’s quite clear, listening and reading her interviews, that she has the combination of both the “Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive Type”. As you know, there are three types (Hyperactive-Impulsive, Inattentive, and having both). Being in class, with so much stimuli, with her brain firing different thoughts and ideas almost all at once, as Morfydd exclaimed, “So exciting!”, while the teacher talks about a subject that she probably doesn’t find interesting, plus that insatiable need to get on her feet to be where she wants to be, or do what she wants to do. And all of that... you can imagine, it just becomes quite taxing for an excited ADHD brain. 🧠 I get that, really. The most common type of ADHD in girls is the “Inattentive Type” (formerly just called “ADD” aka Attention Deficit Disorder), which is easily overlooked. I was only diagnosed with it as an adult, which makes it sad as I’ve always been so cruel to myself before, not knowing what was wrong with me, and admitted to myself that I was just simply “lacking” or worst, feeling “dumb”. It’s a terrible (false) acceptance for a kid, and I carried that thought until adulthood. Morfydd got her diagnosis when she was seven. She was probably quite a handful! 😅 Parents and teachers can easily spot the “Hyperactive” kids because, well, they are literally hyperactive and uncontrollably rambunctious. Because of that, they can get their diagnosis earlier in life and get the help they require in their formative years. I was not like that. I was quiet, and timid. I was even called the “most behaved in class”. I didn’t cause any trouble in school. However, my concentration level is next to zero at worst times. I might be sitting quietly, but my mind is just all over the place. I’ve learned earlier in life on how to pretend I’m okay and find ways to cope.
🗨️ MORFYDD SAID:  I knew I was different from age seven when I started having medication for it. I understood that something was different but I didn’t understand what it was. I’d go and get my tablet in the staff room at lunchtime and there was a boy a few years above me who had an illness that required lots of medication, but I didn’t know this at the time. I remember seeing him get lots of tablets, cause that’s what he needed, and being like “Wow. He must be really naughty because I am quite naughty and I get one tablet.” I think quite early on, you label yourself as naughty and bad. (via ContentMode)
My ADHD caused me to have insomnia as early as age eight or nine. My brain just never stops wandering, even when I am physically tired. When I do things, I finish my tasks a lot longer than most people, be it at school, at home, or at work. This is not something I’ve talked about before, because I feel as an adult, in the usual corporate profession, I feel I’d be marginalized for it. It’s not really something I want my colleagues, and my boss to know. What’s more, for ADHD people, other learning disabilities are quite common. In school I enjoyed writing essays and stories, however, I suffered from mild “Dyslexia” and when I started second grade I started to have terrible “Dyscalculia” that I still have to this day.
🗨️ MORFYDD SAID: My dyslexia means I can’t read for long periods or the letters start moving around on the page, giving me headaches, so I have to prep more than others in shorter bursts — and when I’m home I’ve got these orange tinted glasses that I have to wear. (via WalesOnline)
My dyslexia has progressively gotten better as I have gotten older, and I even joined spelling bees in school. But the amount of hard work I did for that was just a lot. When I joined my local school paper, I decided it’s better I just focus on “editorial cartooning” instead of writing features and news because I have trouble submitting my articles on time. My dyscalculia until now is the same. I took up “Bachelor of Computer Science”, and you could call it a miracle, but I did manage to graduate. During exams, I always leave the room last, as I have to recheck my answers again and again before I submit them. Same with writing emails at work. And when I have to read a book, I oftentimes find myself stuck on one page over and over again. I’d be reading the same lines, but my mind just flies off, so I have to either stop, or restart reading until I could concentrate. The distraction can be caused by my own thoughts, or because I’m distracted by my surroundings. It’s really hard to focus, and I think Morfydd is amazing for being able to remember her lines especially when she’s doing onstage plays.
🗨️ MORFYDD SAID: I feel that acting really suits me because sometimes I struggle with a whole day rehearsal in a play, but film is very short moments of intense concentration. Then you can snap out of it. Also, the stakes are high. If I was going to have to do something boring like writing an essay, I can only do it under huge amounts of pressure and adrenaline. Being on set you have short bursts with pressure and it’s fun. In terms of learning lines, I will just wander around my flat or town saying them. There is no structure. I struggle when there is a structure enforced on me, that I can’t do. Within film, I am allowed to be fluid and structured within this world. I thought about that a lot with Maud. Because I thought, “Would I have been bullied a lot if I had been in an office, because I would just be annoying? Would I be fired a lot for being late?” (via ContentMode)
The good thing about ADHD, is you have this superpower to “Hyperfocus”. This is when you would zone in on a task, happens when you have so much interest in a certain activity. Just like what Morfydd said, when she read “Saint Maud” for the first time, that she was able to finish it in one go. In that state, nothing can distract you, and I mean nothing! I would often forget the time, or my surroundings when I hyperfocus. I don’t even notice people when they call me. I’m sure it’s the same for Morfydd when it comes to acting. 😎
If you have ADHD, and you aim to meet expectations (such as graduating from school or university, being in a relationship, running a business, or keeping your job), your brain really needs to work extra hard to compensate for your lack of focus and distractibility. In short an ADHD brain tends to be a lot more fatigued, and stressed than others. It can get easier by taking your prescribed medication for ADHD, managing your time, and not forgetting to setup your reminders. Finding ways to cope with the help of recent studies are quite helpful. Support from your friends and family is very important, too!
🗨️ MORFYDD SAID:  People with ADHD find it really hard to put effort into things that they don’t find interesting. So, it’s about finding the thing that your child or person with ADHD is passionate about and finding a way to make that part of your world.” (via ContentMode) It’s weird to have a diagnosis from seven. It makes you feel different or other, which feeds a fascination with brains and why people are the way they are. I’m kind to myself about stuff I find difficult, because I understand why. (via NZHerald)
There are many people, especially girls and women who struggle with this neurodevelopmental disorder and not know they actually have it. So, I do have a lot of love, respect and appreciation for Miv, especially that she talks about this publicly, and reminding others that, ‘it’s okay’. With that, I have been reminded to be kinder to myself. I was never okay with having ADHD, but when people like her talk about it, I feel not so alone anymore. 🥀
Thanks to: ContentMode, NZHerald, The Observer, The Upcoming, BFI, Harper's Bazaar UK, Carl Marsh, BAFTA Guru, WalesOnline, ADDITUDE
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hueberryshortcake · 1 year
scrooge is so fucking stupid I love him so much. imagine being told "hey please don't build my sister an experimental super rocket while she is expecting" and then going "I guess I have no choice but to build my niece an experimental super rocket" knowing that she has zero impulse control and then being surprised when she steals it and gets herself lost in space and THEN having the AUDACITY to say "I was NOT responsible for the spear of selene" TO HER BROTHER'S FACE. like homie god bless you definitely were responsible. like textbook cause -> effect you were responsible for this
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💎🪞Venus Observations #3 🪞💎
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I’ve previously made other posts related to Venus in close aspects to Neptune and Ketu/South Node, so I feel inclined to discussing the effects of this planet interacting with Rahu/North Node.
It is important to keep in mind that if Venus is being aspected by Ketu/South Node, then Rahu/North Node will also be involved but the effects are definitely distinct from each other. Specifically if its a conjunction/opposition.
Rahu/North Node represents what our soul wants to develop further in this lifetime. The house and sign will be one the themes that you naturally feel driven towards in an almost obsessive way, and you will be very much aware of this. The nature of this “shadow planet” is to create a laser focus on your life, regardless of what path you try to take, Rahu/North Node will ensure you can’t ignore it.
Individuals with planets conjunct Rahu/North Node will be in a way eclipse or swallowed by the “head of the dragon” and display an almost uncontrollable growth in the themes represented by the planet, since it likes to exacerbate everything it touches. Meaning, if you have this point touching Mars your drive will be immense, as well as your sexual desires, conflicts, impulsiveness, ambition, etc.
When Venus comes into the play you will also notice how regardless of what you do, it seems impossible to get your head to stop obsessing with topics of love, beauty, art, pleasure, and everything that relates to this planet.
I’ve noticed these individuals tend to have an almost physical need to create and have no shame to put themselves out there, or to pursue this desire. In fact, they need it in order to release their emotions and it will function as a way to alleviate, soothe, and express themselves.
If they don’t come from a family that’s wealthy, they will find themselves attracting wealth quite easily, as Rahu/North Node will ensure you obtain material success since it has a focus on what you must achieve in this earthly plane. Actually, it will make it almost impossible for you to not focus entirely on this unless you have A LOT of earth energy or Saturn aspects.
They fall in love hard, and almost obsessively. They will also attract lovers who will feel this way as well. Since Ketu/South Node creates the need to detach and let go, it is Rahu/North node’s duty to cause the entirely opposite effect. Relationships may also play an important factor or have an impact when it comes to your wealth as well.
They also struggle with seeing the faults in their loved ones to a point where it’s detrimental to their health. Rahu/North Node creates a hunger that feels almost impossible to satisfy, or at least until they pour all that energy into themselves and their art. It can also be easy for them to click with other individuals who have Rahu/North Node aspects, as they feel deeply understood and accepted.
Rahu/North Node also rules the internet and social media, so it will be easy for them to gain a lot of followers or people who want to keep up with what they are doing. This energy is intense and difficult to control until Venus matures (around 25 years old) and Rahu/North Node (42 years old) as well. It is common for the native to be a serial dater during their early life due to their lack of satisfaction and impulsive nature. Pretty much a “zero thoughts, only vibes” and “I’m all in” type of energy until the native grows weary of repeating the same cycles.
They might even reach a point of wanting to detach from everything related to Venus, but even when they do try, life will keep throwing them into complicated situations that will force them to grow and somewhat stabilize this energy with the help of Ketu/South Node.
It is important to keep in mind that, this axis exists so we can find a balance between the skills we’ve already developed in a past life, and the ones that are meant to be mastered in this one. Leaning too much in one or the other will keep on bringing difficulties until acceptance is reached. Life is like the ocean tides, and learning to flow with it all makes the journey much easier.
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deadboyswalking · 1 year
Why The Overhaul Arc Matters
Strap the FUCK in I just realized the actual narrative significance of the Overhaul arc.
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Eri-Tomura Parallel
At a surface level, Eri and Tomura have obvious parallels, right?
Visually, they look very similar with light hair and red eyes. Quirk-wise, they both have incredibly powerful, devastating Quirks that caused a fatal accident with their real families.
Eri hated herself because of the poison that Chisaki put in her head. Tomura hates himself for the same reason but with AFO.
They both were groomed to feel fully responsible for their traumatizing childhood accidents and for their only self-worth to be related to being useful towards their manipulative abuser and his goals.
Their parallels have been discussed at length by many people, so I'm not going to go into it except to say: no, they aren't literally blood related like some people argue. I also don't think AFO gave either of them their Quirks. Did AFO give Decay? Analysis Thread
Overhaul-AFO Parallel
That leads me to my next point: Overhaul and All For One are the same character.
As leaders, they prey on vulnerable people and buy their unquestioned loyalty (the Shie Hassaikai, Dr. Garaki, Machia, etc)
They will use these people for their purposes and then discard them at will, without any emotions or ethics to consider.
Their relationship toward their charge is NOT exactly parental. There is zero affection or even pretended affection towards Eri or Tomura and, in fact, others are doing their actual day-to-day care (various Hassaikai members, Kurogiri).
They speak in the same way to and about their charges. "You're a cursed human." "Another death on your hands." "Symbol of Fear" "You have within you the impulse to destroy that even you can't control." A huge part of their abuse is based in manipulating their charges to despise themselves and think they're inherently evil, so said charges give up on being a regular human. Further literary parallel: Claude Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Deku's Connection
AND FINALLY, my point: the Overhaul-Eri situation is directly responsible for Deku's current empathy toward Tomura and drive to save him. When Deku saw AFO take over Tomura and use his body for his own purposes during the war, especially with what he saw in the vestige realm, I think the parallel with Eri clicked.
Tomura is what would've happened to Eri if she hadn't been rescued. I fully think that if Eri had survived to adulthood without being rescued, Overhaul would have groomed her to live entirely for his benefit with full live-or-die loyalty for him (like the rest of the Shie Hassaikai, but stronger due to manipulation from childhood onwards). She would have grown to hate society for not saving her AND for being against Overhaul's goals. I honestly think she would've been even scarier than Tomura since Tomura at least had Kurogiri (who has been show to genuinely care for him on some level) rather than random gangsters as his primary caregiver.
Don't you see? It's all connected to Deku's endgame: pulling Tomura away from AFO and saving someone else who has been damned because of their Quirk and abuser. Of course, saving Tomura, a grown man who has committed A LOT of violence, is going to be much harder than saving a wholly innocent little girl, but the SEED was planted during the Overhaul arc.
I believe this is also WHY Deku chooses to see the Tenko that still lives inside Tomura.
Final Thoughts
This might be super obvious but I'd been scratching my head for MONTHS about how the Overhaul arc is significant to the narrative since the Quirk bullets storyline went nowhere and I'm not a fan of the "Eri rewinds the villains or the whole world!" take. I was so quick to discard the Overhaul arc as unimportant when the bullets didn't impact the story much, but I just completely missed the big picture.
I SAW the Eri-Tomura and Overhaul-AFO parallels but I couldn't quite figure out how the pieces went together beyond the surface parallel of two similarly abused children and two abusers. Understanding this connection also fixes what I had considered to be a huge logical plot hole in the story: why did Deku have a sudden 11th-hour change of heart and shift his focus from defeating Tomura to saving him?
Overhaul-Eri to AFO-Tomura is a direct link for Deku's endgame and the total themes of the story, I just couldn't see it before.
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angie-long-legs · 1 month
Age Restricted
This blog is 18+, absolutely no exceptions! Mun is in their 20s and will not rp with minors. If you are under 18, please do not follow or interact. You will be blocked.
At the moment, I am happy to rp/interact with the majority of those who want to write with me! However, I can be choosy if I feel our writing styles don't match or we don't click in the way we portray our muses.
I may drop threads if I lose motivation or I feel as though I'm carrying it. If you're concerned I've dropped our thread and wish to continue it, please just let me know! I may be open to continuing with some additional plotting, or at the very least I will offer an explanation as to why it was dropped.
I don't do exclusives! I love to see writers portray their own take on their muses, so doubles are welcome here.
Hard blocking is reserved for minors and weirdos - I won't hard block you if I no longer want to interact, I will probably just unfollow.
Dark Themes
This is Angel Dust - dark topics and are going to be a common occurance. Please be mindful of your own wellbeing and/or triggers. Sexual violence, physical violence, abuse, trauma, sex work, substance abuse and addiction are all big parts of Angel's story, and while I will do my best to tag things accordingly, if this is likely to trigger you, I would advise not to follow.
Mun =/= Muse
Angel can be a prize dickhead at times. He might not be kind to your muse, even if your muse is kind to him. He has a short temper and zero impulse control, and is prone to flying off the handle. I will most likely ask if I feel like anything I write would cross a line, but I don't see this as ever being more than Angel throwing around hurtful words.
I tag obvious triggers such as abuse and violence, but if you need anything more specific tagged, just let me know! I may fuck up from time to time and forget to tag something, in which case just shoot me a message and I'll fix it.
NSFW content is fine and to be expected with this muse! However, I won't write smut unless we've been writing together for a while. All NSFW content will be tagged, and anything explicit will be under a cut.
Head over heels for Huskerdust, not massively interested in shipping Angel with other characters from the show. However, I ship based on chemistry, so if our muses develop a connection, I'm open to exploring this. I prefer this to be discussed ooc if it starts heading that direction. Open to OC ships, but again, chemistry is key. And, obviously, Angel is gay - I'll be writing him as such. If your muse is female/fem-leaning, sorry, but he ain't into it!
(I also feel the need to stress that while I enjoy exploring the dynamic between Angel and Valentino, please do not misinterpret this as shipping. To be clear, writing interactions between characters who have a toxic and abusive relationship while also acknowledging love, sex and trauma bonding as a realistic part of that relationship does not constitute shipping, to my own definition. I am more than happy to explore the dark themes within their dynamic as long as we are on the same page about this.)
Requires Discussion
I am pretty lax, and will rp a lot without requiring prior discussion. If your muse is becoming violent towards mine, you don't need to worry about asking permission, especially when it is context relevant (eg. a thread between Angel and Valentino). I only ask that the following are discussed beforehand: any form of sexual assault (I will not write anything graphic), discussion of csa, a character causing massive injury to another or a character killing another.
Off Limits
Graphic descriptions of sexual violence; sexual or romantic interactions with a character who is a minor; incest; paraphilias
I have a preference for long-form RP, but I also do IC asks. Multi para is preferred.
I will answer most asks - just please don't spam my inbox!
I don't expect anyone to match my length with replies - this is largely because I have a tendency to go overboard and write more than my partner! I prefer to write multi para because of this, but I'm open to all lengths.
Although I don't expect partners to match my length, I do like them to match my effort. As much as this is a fun and silly hobby, it's time-consuming and laborious, and I very much pour my heart into my writing. I want to write with people who value my contributions as much as I value theirs!
Personally, I am not massively bothered about literacy skill. However, if your language or grammar make it so I struggle to understand your response, I will not be able to write with you.
Activity Status
Currently very active! With my current number of threads, my average reply time is around 2-4 days. But if for some reason I haven't replied, don't panic! I'm a naturally slow writer and a perfectionist, it can take me a while to finish a response, especially if our thread responses are long. And, obviously, I do have a life outside of tumblr. However, if you're worried I've forgotten our thread, just shoot me a message!
I am more than happy to talk ooc, and welcome yall to message me! Whether it's for plotting reasons, ideas, headcanons, or just to shoot the shit, I love getting to know the people I write with!
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starlightshore · 2 months
Love the new ask blog! What made you decide to take on another project? I assume this one is more lighthearted and most just for fun!
Oh defs just for fun and when I feel like it.
I made it cause I love flowey and have zero impulse control <3
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timeguardians · 3 months
Additions to this blog by request
Mia Thermopolis - Princess Diaries
Cherry Valance - Outsiders
May Grant-Nash-911
Emilia Walker (24/911/fbi/one chicago - special agent)
Constance Bonacieux - Musketeers
Jackie Curatola - Blue bloods
-- And likely to add more cause I have ZERO impulse control-
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YN The Hunter:
Dealing with Gon and Killua pt. ✌🏻
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Hunter Hunter characters x gn! Reader
Warnings: Ging 🙄; Gon being a himbo in the making, Killua being a turd, so much swearing
A/N: A part two was requested and since I have absolutely zero impulse control, I shall spinkle the feed for headcanons for everyone to enjoy 🥰
Are you cursed YN?
I think you're definitely cursed
Because literally as soon as you got rid of Gon and Killua you almost instantly got them back 🙄
It’s like you are the magnet and Gon is the metal
And with Gon comes Killua so too bad so sad Yn
The Bain of your existence, Ging 😌, is always causing you trouble
Literally man’s will pawn his kid off on anyone at this point
Like how did he keep Gon alive as a baby? There’s just no way, NO WAY
Anyways 🙄
He probably sent you some cryptic message telling you to meet him in the Greed Island Game
He said, and I quote, "meet me in Greed Island, I've got something for you"
You knew it was a trap but a small part of yourself was like, “you know what? Maybe he’s changed? I should give him a shot!”
Because that’s how you are, you give people second chances!
It’s a pipe dream Yn, that bitch ain’t ever gonna change
Honestly how gullible are you because the literal minute you step foot inside the game you hear it
Killua is literally walking behind him being all tough and stuff 🙄
You 👉🏻😐🙄 you can not be serious rn
This is what you get for giving people a second chance Yn
Biscuit is accompanying them and she looks exhausted
“Hello Gon, Killua, Biscuit, it’s nice to see you all,” you deadpan, “can’t believe you’re all here.”
So shocked 🙄
“I’m here to find my dad!” Gon says :D
“I’m here to help Gon,” Killua adds
“At this point, I don’t know why I’m here,” Biscuit chimes in
“Well it looks like Ging sent me to help you again boys so let’s get to it,” you say as Gon’s eyes light up 🤩
“Did you finally get your hunter license?” You say looking at Killua as he glares
“You wanna go?” He says as you smirk, Gon holding him back
You 👉🏻😐🙄
Well, at least, while you’re here you might as well play the elusive game that Ging developed right
Man has enough time to develop games but not enough time to raise his kid 🤨 ight-
Anyways, you manage to help Gon and Killua began to master there Nen Techniques
Since Gon is enhancement, you help him develop his jajanken
Which honestly is beyond fitting for a future himbo imma just put it out there 😂
Seriously it’s literally a rock, paper, scissors move which seems simple to others
But when you have explosive powers like Gon 👀
Literally this boy is beyond easy to train
“Gon you need to bottle up more strength,” you say
Gon 👉🏻 Ok Yn : D
“Gon stop holding back!” You preach
Gone 👉🏻 Got it YN : D
Killua on the other hand is good at Transmutation
Which lends excellent to his absolute to use electricity to disable his opponents
This boy really has a thing for cause harm 😬
But like given his upbringing, it’s not surprising honestly
Killua is kind of a pain in the ass, literally the kind of kid that would rather do things on his own
Like he’s teachable but he’s stubborn
“Killua you need to listen to me,” you say, trying to teach the feral child
Killua 👉🏻 Y tho 🤨
You 👉🏻 *rethinks entire life*
Unsurprisingly, you manage to survive and finish the game
Like ok- this was fun but you really need to be going now
“Ok welp, you guys, I best be on my way, so many hunter things to accomplish like finding Gon’s dad and ringing his neck,” you say ✌🏻
Then Gon has an absolutely fantastic idea because why not!
“Hey Yn! We are going to see Ging right now!!! Why don’t you come with us!” Gon :D
You 👉🏻 😐 this feels like a trap…
“But it’s not YN, see!” He says and him and Killua explain their amazing idea
You nod, kind of stunned that they would think of such an ingenious plan
“Alright but listen Gon, when I see Ging I’m get the first punch got it?!?” You say
Gon is just like “sure whatever I get to see my dad :D”
Killua is like excited because YNbis about to hand Ging an ass kicking
Once they bid fairwell to Biscuit, they head off in search of Ging
When you are transported, you arrive in a swap like area and you instantly know….
“SON OF A BITCH!” You scream as Gon and Killua look at you
Suddenly, some crazy ass ant comes out of now where, biting Killua
All hell breaks loose for like .05 seconds and then he appears
“Oh hey Yn, what are you doing here?” Kite asks as you glare at him
“Oh nothing just hanging out with my two wards,” you say, rolling your eyes as you plop down on the ground
“Well I’m glad you’re here Yn because, you see, I could really use your help,” he says
“Oh really now…” 👀
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