#causation and correlation mean nothing to you
I saw a post and it made me mad because my girl deserves respect
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Aang couldn't do what she did and Korra couldn't do what Aang did but they're both valid.
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Incorrect World Tour Quotes
all quotes from a generator
Team Amazon: Courtney: Where's Gwen, Cody, and Heather? Sierra: They're playing hide and seek. Courtney: Where? Sierra: I don't think you get how this game works. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Courtney: What does 'take out' mean? Gwen: Food. Cody: Dating Heather: Murder Sierra: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sierra: Anyone d-  Courtney: Depressed?  Gwen: Drained?  Cody: Dumb?  Heather: Disliked?  Sierra: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot: Noah: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.  Alejandro: This knife is actually a magic wand.  Tyler: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.  Izzy: *cocks gun* Magic missile.  Owen: …Are you all okay?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Noah: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?  Tyler: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies  Owen: Socks are Feetie Heaties  Izzy: Forks are Stabby Grabbies  Tyler: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties  Owen: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies  Izzy: Stamps are Lickie Stickies  Alejandro, annoyed: You are disappointments
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Noah: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?  Alejandro: Rude.  Tyler: That’s fair.  Izzy: Not again.  Owen: Are you going to want this back?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Team Victory:
Bridgette: Time for plan G. Zeeke: Don’t you mean plan B? Bridgette: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. DJ: What about plan D? Bridgette: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Lindsay: What about plan E? Bridgette: Harold dies in plan E. Leshawna: I don’t like plan E.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bridgette: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.  Zeeke: What if it bites me and it dies!?  DJ: Then you’re poisonous. Lindsay: What if it bites itself and I die?  Harold: That’s voodoo.  Leshawna: What if it bites me and someone else dies?  Harold: That’s correlation, not causation.  Lindsay: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?  Harold: That’s kinky.  Bridgette: Oh my God.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Leshawna: Rules are made to be broken.  Bridgette: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.  DJ: Uh, piñatas.  Lindsay: Glow sticks.  Harold: Karate boards.  Zeeke: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.  Leshawna: Rules.  Bridgette:
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samueldays · 4 months
Plagiarist's Cant, and Plagiarists Can't.
"This was merely a single skirmish in a broader war to unravel public faith in pillars of American society."
-Claudine Gay, NYT, 2024.
That's four metaphors combined in one sentence: military, fabric, religion, architecture.
"The Ogre does what ogres can, Deeds quite impossible for Man, But one prize is beyond his reach, The Ogre cannot master Speech. About a subjugated plain, Among its desperate and slain, The Ogre stalks with hands on hips While drivel gushes from his lips."
-W.H. Auden, 1968, originally about Soviet cant.
The Gay affair (thank you English phraseology) has gotten headlines with Claudine Gay, plagiarism and antisemitism, but my interest in it is more about the entire class of people eagerly telling lies and talking cant. Lying is wrong. Cant is ogrish.
Gay lied, and the Harvard board lied to back her up, and an entire class of allegedly truth-seeking, fact-checking journalists lied some more. Several "professional" people who are well paid to be well informed were revealed as aggressively ignorant and less informed than I was after an hour with Sci-Hub and Google Scholar. I already felt cynical and jaded beforehand, and I nonetheless kept being disappointed by the sheer torrent of lies in the Gay affair.
I say "lies" because the alternative is that they are delusional imbeciles who genuinely believe that this canting midwit is a groundbreaking scholar. Look at her. Look at her and laugh.
Given a NYT column and a last word of sorts, she delivers neither competent workmanlike prose, nor literary excellence, but instead a grab bag of cant and overused metaphor and pompous self-importance.
My hope is that by stepping down I will deny demagogues the opportunity to further weaponize my presidency in their campaign to undermine the ideals animating Harvard since its founding: excellence, openness, independence, truth.
She did not bring excellence, nor openness, nor truth, and I'm skeptical about the independence. She is at best spouting cant, at worst lying again. She communicates in emotive connotations, unfitting of a Harvard scholar.
It is not lost on me that I make an ideal canvas for projecting every anxiety about the generational and demographic changes unfolding on American campuses: a Black woman selected to lead a storied institution. Someone who views diversity as a source of institutional strength and dynamism. Someone who has advocated a modern curriculum that spans from the frontier of quantum science to the long-neglected history of Asian Americans. Someone who believes that a daughter of Haitian immigrants has something to offer to the nation’s oldest university.
What a lot of blather. "Diversity" in particular is a bait-and-switch word that changes between meaning "More black people" and "Variety of opinions" depending on whether the speaker is engaged in rhetorical attack or defense. The four sentences of this paragraph could be reduced with little loss to the four words "Black. Race. Asian. Black." and in the process constitute evidence that the anxiety about changes on American campus is justified - the campus is becoming race-obsessed to the detriment of everything else. It's race-cant, similar in spirit to plagiarism, and to Orwell's complaint: "his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself."
The plagiarism is not the only problem. Even the broader issue that she writes and talks sloppily is not the only problem. Her papers were bad as scientific papers. Her p-values were absurd, her statistical analysis was confounded, she dropped an inconvenient data point, she failed to distinguish correlation with causation, she asserted overly strong conclusions from tiny sample sizes processed through interpolative models, et cetera. I've got Tumblr mutuals who write better and more factful analysis.
There is nothing inherently wrong with plagiarism as such: for example engineering approaches to the same problem, studies of the same object, or entertainment in the same genre ought to be similar to one another with good reason.
Much like Van Halen's famous "remove the brown M&Ms from the bowl" contract, though, a ban on close plagiarism can serve as a simple and visible test of someone's ability to follow correct procedure. Hence the pun: plagiarists can't. Claudine Gay is a serial plagiarist who sucks at expressing herself, so she copies, and she cants.
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
I don't want to be disrespectful but I'm feeling conflicted working with Hermes sometimes.
He's always been kind to me. I'm very grateful for that.
He has encouraged my passion for helping others especially the homeless and disabled. It's just so much discourse around me is telling me he's evil or at the very least dishonorable because he's apathetic and a trickster/thief. That he's only in my life because I'm amusing or easy to manipulate.
Gods aren't human and they're complicated. I just sometimes feel alone in my appreciation of him. I feel like I have to give up when it comes to talking about him around anybody else. Have you ever felt like this before in your practice? Thank you for listening.
***Please read this knowing I had good intentions and my tone is meant to be kind, respectful, and serious. I say this now because this feels like it may be a sensitive topic, and I don't want you to interpret this as me trying to be critical, rude, mean, etc. I promise I am not upset at you, Nonny. I know this was probably difficult for you to share.***
Hey, Nonny, thank you for entrusting me with this topic.
Honestly, I haven't seen any discourse about worshipping Hermes (keep in mind that this is the only social media, besides YouTube, that I use), but what you're describing sounds very similar to the discourse around worshipping Loki (I am a devotee of them as well). If you don't know about the discourse around Loki, I actually encourage you to look into it because it's a good example of how people will literally criticize a deity to hell and back, especially for things they did in myths or based on a person's random UPG.
The thing is, Nonny, that there is nuance in everything. Nothing is ever so neatly black and white or good and bad; there are always layers. Hermes is a god of thievery, yes, but have you considered that some people steal because they literally have no other access to basic needs, such as food or medication? Hermes is a trickster god, but have you considered that maybe it contributes to his love of laughter and fun? That in order to have a good time, sometimes you need to be witty and a bit chaotic? Being a god over these things is the same as Zeus being a god of storms: these things will happen passively, and it doesn't have to mean that god is making or causing something to happen. Just because someone gets their wallet stolen doesn't mean that Hermes was behind it. I guess it's kind of the idea that correlation does not equal causation.
About Hermes being apathetic, though, that's an absolutely ridiculous claim if I've ever heard one. In the myths, who tended to come to people's aid the most, unprompted? Hermes. Who has the epithet of joy-giver, ready-helper, and luck-bringer? Hermes. Who did some ancient shepherds pray to when their herds (their livelihood) were attacked, ancient beggars struggling to survive on the streets, ancient travelers who were terrified and lost their way? Hermes. Hermes is MUCH more than just a god of trickery and thievery. He is a god of the people. He genuinely cares about his worshippers, which literally every worshipper has told me that I've interacted with, and he takes good care of his devotees. I encourage you to research Hermes further and read about how he was worshipped in ancient times. Try to better understand who he is as a god; the view of him you're describing to me comes across as being rather black and white and disregards all of his other domains and aspects.
You need to know, Nonny, that I am someone who believes that the gods can and do love us. I believe that they can and do support us. I also believe they can and do make mistakes or upset us sometimes, but that doesn't make them (or us) evil, bad, or wrong. I believe that Hermes loves me and all his worshippers (and even others who don't actively worship him, I bet), but that's just my belief, similar to how these people talking about random Hermes discourse are simply expressing their beliefs. Remember, Nonny, that these people's beliefs are not facts. They do not dictate your life or your world view or your relationship with Hermes. Only you can decide how those things look for you. So I ask you, what do you believe? What do you believe is true about Hermes? What has he shown and expressed to you personally? How has he treated you? What has he helped you with? What has he done for you? Do you feel happy worshipping him? This is something that you need to settle within yourself. No one but you can give you the answer you're searching for.
Maybe it would also help for you to look into any potential religious or personal trauma you have and see if that is also affecting your relationship with Hermes. I did this a while back, and it was immensely helpful for me personally. I can't say that I ever viewed Hermes as being evil or anything like that, but I did have some trauma that was making me anxious about spirituality and worship in general. I recommend looking into anything that you may be dealing with as well.
If you feel something is not right within your personal relationship with Hermes, that's something you need to directly communicate with him about. Get his opinions, his insight, and even his advice, if you want it. I think it'd really help you to speak with him as directly as you can about this topic. And you know, if you are really having a hard time worshipping this god, then maybe it just isn't meant to work for now, and that's perfectly ok. It's normal not to get along or click with every deity ever. There are some deities I personally don't worship simply because I don't feel we click well, and that's ok. It's the same as how some humans just don't mix with each other well; you simply go your separate ways and continue on.
When it comes to being alone while worshipping Hermes in the community, I do understand how you feel, but to combat those feelings of loneliness, I try to actively surround myself with other blogs and people who worship or venerate Hermes. There are actually quite a lot of blogs on Tumblr that worship him; it's simply a matter of seeking them out intentionally. I don't know how it is on other social media, however. If you use TikTok (specifically PaganTok), I would actually straight-up encourage you to not. Not for spiritual stuff, anyway. People spread misinformation there like a fucking wildfire, and you will find an overabundance of hatred and ignorance in all its forms. I deleted TikTok specifically because of PaganTok, and it was literally the best choice I've ever made for myself. I encourage you to do the same if that is the issue for you.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck on your journey ahead. I hope this answer helped you in some way. Regardless of what happens with Hermes, I hope you find deities you worship that blend well with you and help you grow as a person. Remember that you are never required to worship a deity if they make you uncomfortable. I feel that's just important to say in general. Gods will be respectful of the fact that you're not, or no longer, interested. They're thousands upon thousands of years old; they have the maturity to accept your rejection respectfully.
No matter what happens, Nonny, you will be ok. Please take care, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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gentrychild · 1 year
Tbh the idea that Miguel is projecting on Miles when it comes to the while canon thing seems like. So accurate? Because their situations are almost nothing alike?
The only true commonality between them is: they're both the second spidey of their reality, and some multidimensional shenanigans happened.
But on Miles' end, everything that happened was sort of an act of universal entropy/wrong place right time shenaniganry. He didn't actively seek out to become spiderman it only happened because Kingpin was trying to get his family back.
Meanwhile Miguel actively went out and *replaced* his dead self. (Which depending on how he got rid of his own body, meant there physically were two of him in one reality.)
And. It's entirely possible this is a situation of correlation does not equal causation.
He pointed to the massive hole in Pav's universe as evidence that breaking canon causes reality to destabilize. But what happened before that black hole thing appeared? The Alchemex building that was cut apart by dark matter(?) and was *actively being consumed by it as it fell* landed there. And while the could be the theoretical argument that "Miles broke canon and made Spot, so it was still a canon break that caused the hole", but no, it's explicitly said that the captain surviving caused it. (Anyway sorry this got long as hell, I have so many astv thoughts)
Their situations are absolutely nothing alike and it's so funny because technically, Miguel pulled a reverse Kingpin. Instead of trying to drag alternate version of his family to his own universe, he was the one to go there and to replace his alternate self. He made that decision.
While, as you said, Miles was just at the wrong place, wrong time. That boy was bitten by a weird bug and immediately had to step up afterwards.
While I do not believe in the whole "canon theory" thingie, I also... I have my doubts about Miguel's little trip in another dimension causing the collapse of said dimension. I truly believe that there is something we're not being told here. But I digress.
I completely agree with you saying that this is a situation where correlation does not equal causation. Yes, the singularity happens after Miles has helped Pavitr save his girlfriend (ahem, i mean that young lady he doesn't know) and the captain. It also happens right after the Spot has tinkered with the collider that is known for pulling random objects into other realities.
The very first anomaly in the multiverse was Alchemax creating the technology to access other realities. From this moment, it weakened the fabric of the universe.
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toskarin · 10 months
what's the connection between hirudo score and one's potential ability/compatibility as a vessel?
this is one of those questions I've gotta be careful answering because it's really easy to get the wrong impression here. the short answer is "it's intimately correlated, but correlation does not equal causation"
having a high hirudo score is actually a bad thing, but also an inevitable thing. it means your life gets worse in material ways, even though the score itself technically only exists to measure a benign physiological anomaly of vessels
you can think of it kind of like leukocytosis: there's nothing actually bad about the elevated white blood cell count itself, but it shows that the body is under great stress and is doing its best to adapt to its condition
[see below break for rambly elaboration]
a hirudo score measures a symptom of attunement (name subject to change), which is a vessel's nature shifting away from humanity as they spend time bound to a pygmalion. there is no way to measure attunement because it's not actually quantifiable, but hirudo score measures one manifestation of attunement because it provides relevant parties with a good idea of how quickly/intensely a vessel is changing
old vessels always have high hirudo scores, so it's easy to notice this and assume it's a measure of power. more accurately, anyone who can survive a hirudo score above six for longer than a few days must have already been exceptionally suited to surviving the conditions of attunement
all hirudo score measures is a vessel's ability to take in foreign ferrous humor, but because this is a symptom of progressing attunement, it can also be used to get a good idea of a lot of other things.
it's not a hard rule, but about half of vessels that exhibit stigmata first begin to manifest them after passing hirudo score three. only five percent of vessels manifest stigmata before passing hirudo score three, and in those cases, it's a known property of their pygmalion rather than one of the vessel in question
additionally, if someone passes hirudo score eight without dying, it's very likely that they're going to reach ten one day. the reason for this is that the worst of vital system atrophy tends to occur at hirudo score seven
a high potential vessel can have a low hirudo score, but all that means is that they're wet behind the ears, so to speak. as long as they keep pushing their limits, they'll elevate it one day
someone with a hirudo score of nine is never going to be a pushover, but that doesn't mean that they're necessarily better than someone with a hirudo score of five. all it means is that their mettle was tested and they survived
the best a vessel can hope for is that the elevation takes place over years, because a surge in hirudo score shows that something has gone horribly wrong with your body and you're probably going to die from it. the hirudo score doesn't cause this, nor the violent eruption of stigmata and failure of vital systems that comes with this, but it's connected
so the slightly less short answer: a hirudo score is a bad measurement for anything beyond a vessel's physical health, but it can give you an idea of what exactly you're going against.
just as a final note, everyone is born with a hirudo score of zero. there have been no recorded births where a human was capable of subsuming ferrous humor naturally, as that would require being bound to a pygmalion before birth
a parent being bound to a pygmalion doesn't cause this, and even if it did, most vessels are rendered infertile in the first place
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ducktracy · 1 year
anyone on twitter who labels themselves "cartoonist" is a red flag. nothing wrong with liking old cartoons. i love old cartoons. but every person who draws their art like them has aligned themselves with right wing views or associates with right wing people these past four years and excuses it with "they make valid points" or "they draw good" and im sick of it. do better.
this is such an egregiously ballsy attempt at bait that it isn’t even funny.. BUT IT IN FACT IS! because it’s the only reason i’m bothering to respond to this.
i’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt because i do think there are some good intentions somewhere. it’s certainly good to be aware of those spreading harmful ideas and thoughts, and that does need to be shut down. i appreciate you being cautious, and i get what you mean in that there is sometimes an overlap with how someone draws and what they associate with. it doesn’t sound like you’re very familiar with me or what i do and say. so, if i’m a complete stranger to you, then i can see where there would be wariness.
at the same time, there is this wonderful little idea in life about correlation not being causation. i would really appreciate it if you didn’t make incredibly baseless and harmful assumptions about me based on… how i draw and what i’m passionate about? there’s some awful strong verbiage in here. “every person” who is this every person? how does the label “cartoonist” exclusively tie to old cartoons? can you point in the direction where you find me liking, endorsing, or spreading right wing ideology? i get that i’m not exactly known for my role as a political blog, but i have to say that i don’t exactly appreciate the comparison to the same people who’ve called me a dyke all my life.
i am very passionate about the label of a “cartoonist”, which is why i’m choosing to take the bait and respond. i am a cartoonist. call me whatever you want. an artist. an illustrator. painter? animator? storyboard revisionist? a drawer, even! whatever. but i resonate especially with the connotations of a cartoonist—ones not created out of baseless accusations in an attempt to get attention.
there are people who try to steer others away from using the label cartoonist—this is the first argument for… this… that i’ve heard against it, but there’s a feeling that it’s “unprofessional” or “immature”. but that’s what i am! i love cartoons! i study cartoons! i draw cartoons! i make cartoons! cartoon is such a fun word. it’s innocent, it’s mischievous, it’s earnest. the push not to call oneself a cartoonist because it’s immature or unprofessional makes me all the more attached to it. because it’s what i do. it’s what i AM. cartoons dominate most aspects of my life, to an extent that most people would be like “…that doesn’t seem healthy.” and i do have enough support and other opportunities to keep me busy that keep me in the range of grass touching, thankfully! but cartoons have a deeply profound impact on my life and have since i was a young child. i embrace it especially now seeing as i am living a dream i never thought possible: working on one of the most beloved cartoons and pop culture iconoclasts period and hoping to inspire the kids watching today the same way i was inspired watching it years and years ago as an impressionable little child.
anyhoo. if you are actually sending this out of genuine intent and not just to stir the pot, then i’m at least hoping you’re just young and misinformed or your intentions are just misplaced. i don’t disagree that there are shitty people out there who probably do call themselves cartoonists, but a cartoonist is someone who draws cartoons. it’s not some sort of elusive dog whistle—not that i’m aware of, anyway. if you are indeed sending this in earnest, i appreciate you trying to be wary, but this is a very, very shallow mindset and baseless assumptions like these do more harm than good. i promise i’m more on your side than you think.
if you have a genuine issue with me or anything i say/do, then please send me a DM or ask off anon, because i’m always looking for ways to improve and reflect and be more aware as a person. i’m certainly not immune from criticism, and am always open for discussion. sending such a baseless ask on anon says to me that this isn’t necessarily the case here.
i hate getting sanctimonious and too serious, so i’ll end on a lighthearted note. this is the kind of stuff i draw. i’ve been listening obsessively to Mel Blanc as Porky Pig sing a song called “Giddyap Lazy Willie” for two days straight now. i promise i am not the threat that you think i am. look at how silly this is. it’s gonna be okay.
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So I was reading the chapter where Heinly declares the western kingdom as empire and I just shook my head. I don't know whether to laugh at the stupidity or roll my eyes. So I did both.
Hah what's even funnier is that some readers thinking it's such a romantic move that he declared the kingdom as an empire for Navier as if that's how it works. 😵‍💫
I'm guessing those readers aren't older beyond 13/14. No wonder they think such way, birdface is 19 too. I know their main audience are them and thus these stories are written like this, which is a huge insult to teen readers, cause authors believe that teens don't have the capacity to grasp beyond the surface level. Which is true to some extent (judging by comments from the fandom) but there are also teen readers who criticise the story because of its plotholes.
Look I'm not making fun of the readers who enjoy it, look at my blog for goodness sake! But it annoys me when the plot just bends over backwards for the MC.
A kingdom is a one independent state. An empire is composed of multiple conquered countries that has a centralised sovereign ruler. Look at UK, it was British empire before cause it had multiple Asian and African countries under its belt. Now it's just United Kingdom, not an empire. Also the title of the ruler didn't change, they were still called queen or king of British empire cause a queen and king can rule an empire without changing their titles, if the states fulfil the criteria of an empire which western kingdom does not have.
Many will say "but western kingdom has lots of wealth." So? Many countries now a days have more wealth than UK, but they don't declare themselves as kingdom either cause that's not how it works.
Declaring themselves an empire/kingdom because they have enormous wealth does not make an empire/kingdom. Sure, empires have wealth but that’s a correlation, not causation.
Birdface declaring himself as an emperor is like some random baron/duke/count etc declaring himself king, because he has gathered a large amount of wealth. It doesn’t work that way. It’s also a good way to make a lot of enemies with severe consequences. And the fact that nobody including Sovieshu didn't do anything about it, shows how strong the plotforce is. Some will say, he didn't attack western kingdom cause of Navier. Umm so what Navier is there? According to the author, Sovieshu never abandoned his duty as an emperor. The dude literally collapsed because of overwork. This guy is a workaholic. It was obvious his empire comes before everything but all of a sudden he forgets about his duty because of a former empress? (Just like his character assassination after bringing Rashta in the palace). And conquering western kingdom would have given him Navier too. Yes it'd be forceful and ooc for Sovieshu to force himself on her but since when the author cares about character consistency when it comes to Sovieshu?
And other kingdoms just put fingers in their mouths like suckers and did nothing in response except for one and birdface had to run to Sovieshu for help. He didn't have the capacity to beat a smaller Kingdom without the help of Sovieshu yet he had the audacity to call himself emperor. How pathetic and shameless. Lol
An empire is a sovereign state made up of multiple countries : that’s the definition of an empire, so declaring oneself an emperor or declaring the desire to become an emperor is basically a declaration of war, unless you're a bland ml of a webnovel that's backed up by plot force stronger than thanos' snap. 🗿
The plotholes are so massive in this story that you could pass multiple eastern empires through it. 🫨
Reason why I still don't acknowledge western kingdom as an empire. Cause it's not an empire. 😂
At the end of the day TRE is a cheesy manhwa that helps us in our escapism. It's not meant to be taken so seriously but that doesn't mean we've have to close our eyes and accept the blatant hypocrisy and massive inconsistency for the sake of making the MCs look better. It just makes the MCs and author look foolish.
In the end, all we can do is shake our head and laugh at this stupidity and enjoy the clownery.
Or you can ignore the canon and make up your own fanon like me.
If the author is going to be beyond reasonable about the plot why should we not be beyond reasonable with our fanon? Go crazy.
In my canon Sovieshu actually had character consistency and helped Rashta but didn't make her concubine and lived happily ever after with Navier. Birdface who?
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drbased · 3 months
Time for another major take-down
This is a Big One. I'm going to analyse I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out.
Part 1
Let's get into it. Firstly, the note at the start: I hate how it's become commonplace to write something online - a literal public space, accessible to anyone - and then when criticised immediately back-track and call it 'private' and 'a diary entry'. This applies to radfems on tumblr, or anyone tbh. If you want something to remain private, write it privately.
Correlation, meet causation.
Yeah, there's a reason the phrase 'correlation does not equal cause causation' exists. But this is the primary tool of human narrative-making and exactly why it is so easy for trans-identified people to discover past 'evidence' of their gender. Occam's razor is thrown out because the dull reality feels much less significant than the constructed narrative.
Ever the magical thinker, I tell myself that if I wish out loud one thousand times, I will wake up with long hair in cute pajamas with a different name — and maybe freckles.
One might consider it a minor nitpick, but here lies the primary issue: the gender essentialism that people internalise as children is not discarded as sexist nonsense, but instead the sunk-cost fallacy works its magic. Of course, the author might be using some flowery language to merely evoke the image of 'girl' in the reader's mind - but the mere fact that someone in this culture is able to communicate the exact concept of biological sex by referencing sexed roles/expectations shows just how ingrained these beliefs are in our society.
The next part, at eight years old, is especially sad. Causation and correlation definitely have a rocky relationship here. He describes getting on with mostly women. Something as basic as being friends with and admiring the females in his life is seen as 'proof' of his female identity. But of course, you're a transwoman in the closet. How many of these 'women' you like and admire, are actually women? You say you think divorced, tattooed, Catie's mum is cool - what if that person is actually a man? Or if that feels like a cheap argument, do you think that all these women especially like you, above all other 'boys' your age? Do you think they can tell?
When I ask to sleep over at my friends’ houses, I am told I am not allowed. Boys are not allowed. My friend Caitie’s mother argues about this on the phone with my mother. I realize my mother is not on my side.
No sarcasm here - I don't really get this bit. Did you mean to write that girls are not allowed? Because historically, parents are fine with boys having sleepovers together - it's typically cross-sex sleepovers that parents find an issue with, for all sorts of reasons. Not allowing sleepvers with other boys would be a concern of your mum specifically; nothing to do with gender. And speaking of your mum, your takeaway is that she's not on your side? What a strangely powerful conclusion to come to from one minor thing. Parents give their kids all sorts of weird and stupid rules. She might have her own reasons to not let you go to sleepovers - have you, say, asked her?
I love everything my sister loves, but I will not admit it. I know she and her friends will make fun of me. I know my parents will chastise me and correct me. I am learning the rules, and I am learning that boys liking girl things is a very high stakes issue. I am learning that adults react the same way to my interest in makeup as they do to my interest in matches and lighters.
Oh, you're learning the rules, are you? Did you ever want to un-learn them, maybe question them a bit, at least wonder for a second why the rules are that way? I once asked a trans person in DMs if they'd wondered why certain gendered expectations exist, and they responded 'to be honest, I hadn't really thought about it'. Remember, trans people are supposed to know more about gender than cis people. I've known trans people IRL to obsess over the details of their passing with zero questioning of the status quo. The fact that we're supposed to consider this rhetoric to be truly radical is telling.
As if maybe, by being what I am, I might burn down something very important to them. Something that makes their life more comfortable and easy.
The reason that following gender expectations makes life comfortable and easy for 'cis women' is exactly the same as it is for you: because it means that they don't have to feel angry at the world, that they can accept that everything they learned during childhood is natural and healthy and they don't have to hate their parents, peers and other adults for demanding certain things of them, and now as adults they retain certain 'perks' for conforming. You're only fractionally better because you're rejecting one set of expectations in favour of another - but in another way you're a whole lot worse because you're literally a member of the oppressor class wearing the costume of the oppressed class and thinking that makes you privy to their experiences. You're the one with a privilege so important to you that women's freedom and liberation would burn it down.
I am jealous of my sister’s clothing. One day, home alone after school, I sneak into her room and pull on her Tinkerbell Halloween costume. I slip the elastic straps over my shoulders, then the tights along my legs. It fits.
Ah, the classic. The charitable version of me acknowledges that many trans people have been perfectly willing to admit (especially pre 2016) that they're dysphoric over sex and will accept these surface-level associations purely to help them relieve dysphoria. And I understand that. But this man claimed at the start that correlation = causation, here. And you cannot tell me that everyone who has read this will be thinking as deeply as I am - many people are fully happy to admit that this has nothing to do with sex and entirely to do with gender i.e. gendered roles and expectations. To many people, that Tinkerbell costume is synonymous with 'female'. It makes you wonder why we decided to say that vaginas are female sex organs at all, if gender can be summed up with long hair and cute pyjamas.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Hey Nox, I read your other ask about Bella aspects where you mentioned your Aphrodite-Chiron square and it made me wonder your thoughts on Bella opposite ASC and Aphrodite conjunct Chiron?
Similar to the other person, I don't exactly feel beautiful when I see that I have those placements. I should not feel like that at all but you're right that the astro community places such high value on conjunctions to typical "beauty" placements that it can make anything else seem like drawing the short end of the stick.
Here's my chart if it helps:
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hello. my last post on bella-asc negative aspects encompasses all negative aspects including the opposition that would be in your chart. i have also covered all aphrodite aspects in my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post.
not feeling beautiful when you see those aspects is psychology at play. i am very sorry to hear that those placements make you feel unattractive. there really is no unattractive placements though - which i talked about in the intro to my indicators of beauty post. when i entitled the post "indicators of beauty" i meant popularized, societal beauty. often who finds you attractive has more to do with synastry than what all you have in your natal chart.
my best advice is to practice some shadow work: ask yourself why do you seek external confirmation? how can you better treat yourself so you feel attractive? what is it that is true about the stereotypes laid out in the astrological observations of beauty indicators and what is false?
let's chat about a word i just typed - stereotypes.
that's what all this is - stereotypes and pattern work. almost none of us know each other personally outside of the blog-sphere. we don't know what is true and what is not, we are comfortable making observations based on patterns we study off of charts we pick out because of BIAS. this is statistics at its ✨finest✨ - there are good studies and there are bad studies. in statistics the term for looking at what is closest at hand or selected just because you have it is CONVENIENCE SAMPLING. we look at the charts we believe are convenient to what we are studying. of course if you want to look at beauty indicators you look at the charts of people you find beautiful. that you find beautiful - that's an opinion, it's a bias.
here's another thing commonly said in statistics: "correlation does not imply causation". this means there is an inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them. none of us have EVERY chart on earth to find a common thread of what beauty is or is not. aesthetics and beauty are all personal opinions that we define based on our experiences anyway.
never take it personally when you don't see your aspects up there there is plenty of beauty to be found in you, externally and internally.
for example: i find your pisces rising to be a beauty indicator (its even in my post about attractive placements), your 1h moon literally indicates that you are a feminine beauty archetype in my opinion, i believe your go get 'em attitude is gorgeous (sun and jupiter in 10h), plus look at all those 11h placements - you are a star in that regard. despite the turbulence of mars and uranus, all those other planets mean that you are a wonderful friend (to have the capricorn mercury shows me you care and the aqua venus just screams fun friend).
i hope this helps those reading this post to not take everything they read in observations posts all that serious because astrology guarantees us nothing - it simply gives us opportunities and information we can use to aid us towards a possible outcome. knowledge is power but even stronger is the skeptical mind - question what you learn, learn about what you question.
a.d. :)
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sunscreenstudies · 2 years
Iconic Things My Coding Professors Have Said (Part 7)
"we'll be using a very heurisitc method today called ‘lets just try our best’”
“by using this model, you might come up with a solution that is sub-par but... hey, thats life"
"some people are cruel and use a blind man in their drawings to explain this graph, but i'm nice so i'll use a blindfolded man instead"
“there was actually a very interesting study done not so long ago where scientists claimed that on days when more ice cream was purchased, more murders occured as well. now, i know what you’re thinking, i’d kill someone for limencello and ferrero rocher ice cream as well BUT in this case, that correlation was wrong and it was just scientists being dumb”
"now so, we’re all off next thursday, but i also have an extra days holiday on friday, so if you're trying to email me then... yeah. good luck”
"this example illustrates why we cannot repeat this exercise on more complex DOM trees because their visual representation gets too big and inaccessible too quickly. In other words: we will not be using a more complex example in a potential exam exercise because the tree would quite simply, not fit on the exam paper”
"you know, there's a little secret that we haven't told you about before... please don't hate us, but we are about to tell you about one of the best kept secrets in the Python universe and it would have made your homework SO much easier"
Prof: “does anyone know what mistake the dumb scientists made? i’ll give you a hint; correlation is not the same as causation, so what else do you think would increase the amount of ice cream bought and also increase the amount of murders committed?”   student: “being human”   prof: “... the correct answer is hot temperatures, but technically, you’re not wrong”
"then we'll be looking a linear model, which is the most important part of this course. you can look at it as... the swiss army knife, if you will, of data models"
"we use the pearson correlation method which is the, uh... vanilla method"
“first of all, you can immediately see that the p-value for gender has changed. why? because i made it like that. why did i make it like that?  god only knows"
"we'll be looking at the titanic dataset which is a really funny data- no, wait, i shouldn't say that, it's not a funny dataset, it's a... nice dataset to- nope, it’s not nice either. entertaining? wait, no, people died. i’m not a pyschopath, i swear"
prof: "so here’s your blindfolded man on top of the curve of the graph"    student: "that’s quite a dangerous place for him to be"   prof: "very dangerous for him, yes, but machine learning is very dangerous... for you especially"
"so it was actually doctors who first created the earliest version of this algorithm by using a nearest neighbors set up. so instead of looking at a new patient and trying to come up with what's wrong with them, they based their diagnosis on similar past cases. for example, if someone came in with blue hair and purple eyes and yellow skin and- wow. this is starting to sound more like a carneval than a hospital. i mean, both places are a joke, but still..."
"this is the way we solved this issue for a lot of people. it seems a bit hacky, but hey, as along as it works"
prof1: "that wasn't too difficult"    prof2: "speak for yourself"    prof1: "i am. i don't know what’s going on with you, but i want nothing to do with this"
"you need two predictors, or more. three way interactions can be... messy, but still possible, much like other three way activites that i could mention, but i won't, because you're still children"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Part 9  | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
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foundfamilynonsense · 2 years
Of every Star Wars head canon I have, the one hill I will forever die on is that Qui-Gon is like… the only Jedi in the entire order who believes Midi-chlorians are the reason jedi can use the force.
Like he says “ah yes the tiny organisms that live in our blood. Through them we manipulate the force. A beautiful symbiotic relationship” meanwhile every other jedi is giving him huge amounts of side eye.
“So…. The midi-chlorian’s can use the force…. And give that power to us? How does that work?”
“No no we use the force through them”
“But that doesn’t make any—“
“Let it go dude, Master Nu wasted five hours on this fight last week”
Like Qui-Gon goes “why else would Midi-chlorians show up in our blood scans??” And Jocasta Nu is biting through her space pencil like did this bitch just skip every jedi statistics class during padawanship? Do I live in the same building as a man who thinks correlation equals causation? How is he citing these sources?
Meanwhile you ask literally any other Jedi and they’re just like *shrug*
There are many theories. Most likely they just hang out in our blood because they prefer force sensitives. They may help us in some ways but there is no scientific proof they do anything at all.
I think Jedi like Mace Windu and Jocasta Nu are completely and utterly against the idea. Like viscously against the idea.
And Qui-Gon just sips his tea like “no, no, the Tiny Life Forms decide who is worthy. The Tiny Life Forms are to smart to be tricked by blood transfusion. Your Tiny Life Forms have a special bond with you.” And they just start crying.
At least, Qui-Gon was the only person to believe this. Until he told Anakin. And no matter how many times Obi-Wan begs Anakin to go to a class about it Anakin’s like nope. The Tiny Life Forms. They make us strong with the force. And I have a lot of them which means I have a lot of force strongness. This is fact.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
thinking to myself while going over my art analysis homework.
our human brains love seeing patterns even when there aren't any patterns. we just love seeing patterns in random noise. our brains are hardwired to see it, because it's a useful survival tactic. but most of the time, we just make arbitrary connections when there really aren't any connections to be made
so how wonderful is it that us humans, who love to see patterns in random noise, live in a universe filled with random noise that we see as patterns.
early humans see people and animals and objects in the stars, even though those stars are billions of light years apart from each other and the gravity they have on each other is insignificant compared to the gravity of all the other stars in the universe.
we see faces on the fronts of cars or in our toast or in rocks or in cracks on walls, because being able to recognize faces is very helpful for surviving. but in today's world, it has a new use: finding humor and joy in your mom sharing a picture of a cheeto that looks like a celebrity.
we can see, but also hear and smell patterns. maybe a certian song or a certain purfume brings up an old childhood memory. because those patterns are built on assocition. and sometimes our dumb brains think that correlation equals causation, and we have to stop and tell ourselves that no, the price of ice cream has nothing to do with the rate of murder. but that also means that we associate many arbitrary things, like songs or locations or food or sensations, to our most positive and lifelong memories.
the universe is filled with random noise. at first glance, it's just meaningless trillions upon trillions upon trillions of atoms. yet, how lucky it is that aproximently 6,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (6.5 octillion) of those atoms came together to form you. how lucky you must be that you are alive right now experiencing in universe and everything it has to offer. how lucky you are that you are of a species of life than has evolved to see patterns where there is just randomness. and how lucky we art that we live in a universe that is full of randomness that we may see it as patterns.
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donut-cloud · 2 years
Lifesteal incorret quotes
Pangi: Can I copy the homework?' Branzy : I can help you with it! Clown : Yeah, sure. Ashswag : Bold of you to assume I did the homework. Rekrap: lol nope. Zam : Wait, we had homework?!?!?! Subz: *Read 5:55pm*
Spoke : Rules are made to be broken. Parrot : They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Ashswag : Uh, piñatas. Rekrap: Glow sticks. Zam : Karate boards. Subz: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Spoke : Rules. Parrot : ...
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Branzy : So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Clown : ...I did. I broke it. Branzy : No. No you didn't. Ashswag ? Ashswag : Don't look at me. Look at Rekrap. Rekrap: What?! I didn't break it. Ashswag : Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Rekrap: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Ashswag : Suspicious. Rekrap: No, it's not! Zam : If it matters, probably not, but Subz was the last one to use it. Subz: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Zam : Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? Subz: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Zam ! Clown : Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Branzy . Branzy : No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Zam : Branzy ... Ashswag 's been awfully quiet. Ashswag : rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Branzy , being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Branzy : I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Branzy : Branzy : Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Branzy : We need to distract these guys Clown : Leave it to me Clown : Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Ashswag , Rekrap, and Zam : *Immediately begin arguing* Subz, watching in horror: Oh this. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.
Branzy : If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. Clown : What if it bites me and it dies!? Ashswag : Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, Clown , learn to listen. Rekrap: What if it bites itself and I die? Redoons : That's voodoo. Subz: What if it bites me and someone else dies? Clown : That's correlation, not causation. Rekrap: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? Redoons : That's kinky. Branzy : Oh my God.
Branzy : Time for plan G. Clown : Don't you mean plan B? Branzy : No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Ashswag : What about plan D? Branzy : Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Rekrap: What about plan E? Branzy : I'm hoping not to use it. Redoons dies in plan E. Ashswag : I like plan E.
Branzy : Hewwo. Zam : Hihiiiiii! Ashswag : Greetings, Humans. Redoons : Three kinds of people. Rekrap: I want pudding. Branzy : Four kinds of people. Clown: WHAT'S UP FUCKERS? Redoons : Five kinds of people.
Ashswag: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Reddoons: >:O language Subz: Yeah watch your fucking language Branzy: OKAY WHO TAUGHT SUBZ THE FUCK WORD? Clown: 'The fuck word'. Rekrap: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Subz: Oh my god they censored it Clown: Say fuck, Rekrap. Subz: Do it, Rekrap. Say fuck.
Ashswag: I actually have a black belt. Reddoons: In what, karate? Ashswag: No, from Gucci.
Ashswag: Do you take constructive criticism? Reddoons: I only take cash or credit.
Zam: I'm a reverse necromancer. Pangi: Isn't that just killing people? Zam: Ah, technicality.
Zam: Dammit, Pangi! Pangi: What?! It wasn't me! Zam: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Spoke! Spoke: Not me either. Zam: Oh...Then who set the house on fire? Woogie: *whistles*
Cube: Everyone, synchronize your watches. Pangi: I don't know how to do that. Spoke: I don't wear a watch. Branzy: Time is a construct.
Branzy: I was put on this earth to do one thing. Branzy: Luckily I forgot what it was so I can do whatever I want.
Branzy: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Branzy, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Branzy: Whether or not I pay income taxes is none of the government's business. Rekrap: No, well, actually, it is. Branzy: You don't know my name or what I look like, good luck finding me.
Clown: There's something I have to ask about you-know-who. Branzy: Voldemort? Clown: No. Branzy: Is it Voldemort? Clown: It's not Voldemort. Branzy: You haven't mentioned wizards once this conversation, so I'm gonna have to assume it's Voldemort.
Clown: *angrily presses Branzy against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Branzy: ... Branzy: Are we about to kiss-
Clown: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Rekrap & Branzy: Okay. Clown: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Rekrap: Bold of you to assume I have money. Branzy: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Zam: Ashswag... Ashswag: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Reddoons: I'm never having a debate with Ashswag again, they literally started their argument with "Riddle me this."
Clown: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Branzy: Aren't you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Clown: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Branzy: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Clown: Next time you're working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex's house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Rekrap: There were so many mixed messages in that I can't-
Branzy: So are we flirting right now? Clown: I AM LITERALLY STABBING YOU Branzy: That doesn't answer my question
Zam, addressing Chat: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box. Chat: But – that's just a trash can. Zam: It sure is!
Zam: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
Vitalasy, going over Subz's resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you're creative. Subz: Yes Vitalasy: Okay... may I know what you create? Subz: Problems.
Parrot: Here's some advice Rekrap: I didn't ask for any Parrot: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me
Parrot: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Rekrap: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should've taken away. Parrot: Death isn't real, and I'm basically God.
Spoke, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Ashswag, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you're staying home and having my kids Zam: what the fuck are you guys doing? Spoke: playing systemic oppression
Spoke: What do you think Ashswag will do for a distraction? Zam: They'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Zam: ... or they could do that
Cube, rushing into the room: It's terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!
Leowook: Cube, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Mid, would you get Cube some water?
Mid: What are they gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, "Thank God, the water's here!"?
*Chief and Branzy sitting in jail together* Branzy: So who should we call? Chief: I'd call Clown, but I feel safer in jail
Clown: Tell Branzy about the birds and the bees. Chief: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Clown: They stole from me first! Branzy: Mhm. Clown: Stole my heart... Chief: It is still illegal to commit murder.
Chief: Why are you on the floor? Branzy: I'm depressed. Branzy: Also I was stabbed, can you get Clown, please.
Zam, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Pangi: You did WHAT– Don: William Snakepeare
Clown: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
Jaron: Hey Ashswag can I get a sip of your water? Ashswag: It's not water. Jaron: Vodka, I like your style! Ashswag: It's vinegar. Jaron: Wh-Wha- Ashswag: It's vinegar, COWARD.
Jaron: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail Ashswag: No it's my fault, I shouldn't've used my one phone call to prank call the police
Jaron: Don't worry, I know exactly what I'm doing. Everything is going to be fine! Ashswag: How can you still say that? Jaron: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Jaron: In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity? Ashswag: *turning to Rekrap* How tall are you?
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blackthornass · 1 year
feel free to ignore this because this is kind of venty and will probably be deleted later but its about the nature of [gestures vaguely] all of this. okay so basically the gist of it is that once youre like oh shit i have an addiction this is not a healthy relationship with a habit forming drug youre supposed to be like. well im going to quit forever! right. but like. i don't really want to quit forever? idk i tried quitting for the sake of my friends and loved ones because i don't want people worrying over me and during the time in which i quit it was just a mess and my life fell apart and there was nothing i could do to make it not just suck ass. and im not saying my life fell apart because i was sober i think that would be like a grievous example of correlation not equaling causation but it sure as hell didn't help. and like i love my friends and my mutuals and i don't want them worrying about me but like. idk this is literally the only thing ive ever found that consistently works. when you have chronic depression you get desperate. and i dont want to get rid of that. i mean i know there's risks involved, i know i could overdose and Fucking Die and i know if i continue at the rate im going ill probably be dead as a middle aged person from my liver going girl i am going on strike until you cut it out, but i don't particularly want to live a long life anyways because i don't think that would be good. because im miserable so much of the time. im past the point where i want to kill myself because i have a little kitty cat that needs me to stay alive and i want to be there for him even if im not always there for him in the present due to being drunk all the goddamn time but like. idk i don't want to leave him behind because he loves me so deeply. but like. i don't like living and being alive if im honest so using a drug that makes me actually like living and being alive is like a miracle to me and i don't want to give that up. idk this is long and rambly and is probably gong to get me an anon or two telling me how concerned for me they are and im going to have to sadly say i can't really rely on them because it wouldn't be right to rely on a stranger from the internet and i dont know what they can do but like. idk. idk.
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detransdamnation · 1 year
I am not the same anon but i hope you dont feel any ounce of guilt even if you answer this days later, take good care of yourself as much as possible. Onto the question. Do you have some ideas on what could be the main reasons for dysphoria to develop in a young person and why? Do you think things like same sex attraction could be a big factor to sparkle up dysphoria? Even though i struggle to understand how some people stay okay being same sex attracted and in their bodies and some want nothing to do with their body. And in the more tragic case, CSA could have some impact on developing it as well? Or maybe you have some other takes on it, i would be very curious to hear (well. read)
Thank you for your kind words and patience in my getting back to you, Anon.
To zero in on the same sex attraction aspect since that is what you specifically inquired about, yes, I do think that it could be a factor in some cases. However, as the saying goes, correlation does not necessarily equal causation and I think we need to be careful in not inadvertently insinuating that when having these discussions for a couple different reasons. From a gender-critical perspective, I can look back on my childhood and conclude that my dysphoria developed partially because I grew up in a homophobic environment and (unconsciously) further perpetrated that homophobia onto myself. It was not my same sex attraction that was wrong, but “society,” if you will.
However, I was not always able to do this, simply because I have not always been gender-critical. Many transgender people—and especially youth—come from a place of (often severe) internalized homophobia as same sex-attracted people. So, when someone states that same sex attraction may be a factor in dysphoria and transgender identity without explaining (or even mentioning) the why behind that, I view that as flippant—because someone with internalized homophobia can interpret that to mean, “I am dysphoric because I am bi- and/or homosexual.” Our sexualities become the reason for our turmoil—and through that, they, once again, become something for us to hate.
It also just gives way too much room for people who don’t actually have anyone’s best interests at heart to be homophobic. When we say that most dysphoric and trans people are homo- or bisexual and just leave it at that, what do we think a trans-critical homophobe is going to think? I can tell you they’re not going to reflect on their own biases. They’re going to take that to mean that same sex attraction is some sort of mental illness and that dysphoria is a symptom of it. It shifts the blame from homophobic societal structures to the person who is the victim of them. These are different sides of the same coin: When we fail to be mindful in analyzing and discussing the links between dysphoria and sexuality, both groups receive confirmation that same sex attraction is a problem.
I want to both clarify and emphasize, Anon, that I am not making a direct criticism of your own words but rather providing a general commentary on what I have personally seen and how I think it may affect people in ways we may not immediately realize. I feel that consideration of how these statements may come off is sometimes lacking, and as someone who was affected by that when I first started questioning my own transition, I felt it appropriate to mention here. I wish that more emphasis was put on social attitudes, rather than personal attraction, when discussing dysphoria and how it may be linked to sexuality—because that puts the focus on society as a whole rather than singling out one single aspect of a person that they are, very likely, already deeply struggling with. Same sex attraction is the correlation in dysphoric people; hatred of that attraction is the cause of that dysphoria. There is a difference between the two. It is essential we do not overlook it.
To address your other inquiry, I can also speak from personal experience in that my history of abuse did play a significant role in my dysphoria in retrospect. At the age I started identifying as transgender, I was not yet emotionally mature enough to understand that I was being abused. I just knew that people who were supposed to love and protect me instead harmed and took advantage of me, and I did not like that. My upbringing caused me to become passively suicidal from a very young age, which I then understood as wanting to “start over”—and it just so happened that transness eventually gave me that chance. I guess you could say that dysphoria was an expression of that pain and transition was an attempt at escaping it. Myself, as a child, was an abuse victim, a pawn, a pet—but myself, as a trans adult, was who I was outside of that. I fought so viciously to protect my transness because to criticize it felt—and still feels—like killing who I could have been.
Of course, I can only speak for myself, and frankly, that is the only person I want to speak for when it comes to abuse—but this is not just a personal thing. Virtually every single person in the trans community that I was in was also an abuse victim and abuse victims consistently remain(ed) a shocking majority in the communities outside of my own. I do not believe that that is just a coincidence.
I think that the need for control is a significant factor that unites both of these scenarios. I did eventually learn what homophobia was and came to terms with the fact that I had been abused. What I didn’t want to accept was that these things contributed to my pain—because I could not change them. I could not rid the world of homophobia. I could not keep my abusers from being abusive. But if I was the cause of my pain and the solution to that pain was right there, that meant that I could fix it. If everything was “just” dysphoria, that meant that I could heal myself without waiting around for those who hurt me to change. To consider the influence of anything that existed outside of my own mind was to lose hope because it shown a light on everything that I had no power to change as an individual among billions. When so many of us are already disadvantaged in some way from the get-go and we have absolutely no say in any of it, it only makes sense that we would turn that pain inwards and develop dysphoria—and when transition feels like (and is marketed as) the obvious solution, of course we will go through with it. It is our way to have a say. It is no wonder so many of us view transition as empowering when you look at it like that.
So, to finally address your leading question, “Do you have some ideas on what could be the main reasons for dysphoria to develop in a young person and why?” I believe that a variety of factors could be at play and for different reasons for different people. This is not just my own personal opinion; it has been shown that dysphoria and transgender identity tend to be especially concentrated in specific demographics and it would be ignorant of me to discount that. However, beyond citing what is demonstrably obvious and sharing my own experiences in an effort to offer perspective, I do not feel I am in a position to theorize what may or may not have caused someone else’s dysphoria. I strongly believe that dysphoric people need to come to that understanding themselves.
I also do not personally believe that there is a “main reason” on as to why dysphoria may develop in a young person in all cases. I suppose my own “main reason” would be that I fell into the trans community because I never thought seriously about transitioning prior to that time—but the thing is, even if I hadn’t, I would still be dealing with everything else that influenced my getting to this point. I cannot completely divorce all of the things that feed into my dysphoria because they also feed into each other. If I were to take the trans community out of that equation, it would just be the influence of the trans community missing. It is impossible to say whether or not I would have still gone down this same path without that. I honestly think it is just as likely that what remains would simply replace what no longer applies. Dysphoria is like a web. Webs are sticky things.
And as to why some people develop dysphoria while others do not, who knows? Throughout my medical transition as a teenager, every second or third person I talked to either had a full-blown eating disorder, or was on their way to developing one. I was under constant unconscious influence to go down that same path. I struggle with all of the known psychological risk factors in eating disorder development and was also raised in ways that are known to encourage them to develop overtime. Meanwhile, dysphoria was essentially unknown to everyone outside of my bubble. Why, then, did I develop dysphoria when it would have made more sense for me to develop an eating disorder? I don’t know. I don’t think there is a way to know.
At the end of the day, I truly do think whether or not one goes on to develop dysphoria is just a matter of luck (or rather, lack thereof). That is the unfortunate nature of mental illness. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don’t, and there’s really no “reason” on as to why you have it while someone else with similar experiences might not. But even if there were a reason for it, even if I could pinpoint exactly what caused my dysphoria, I can honestly say that no comfort would come from my knowing—because knowing would not change the fact that I have it. I cannot go back, only forward, and in doing so, I have made peace with that ambiguity.
I sincerely hope this answer makes up for how long I made you wait for it.
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