#carla chase
diver5ion · 1 year
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littlesolo · 1 year
NCIS Hawaii 2x18 - Breadcrumbs HQ Photos
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jax019 · 1 year
The women of NCIS: Hawaii!
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Some kind of party/event in the horizon?! Brain is scenario-ing, but it's really just random words here and there.
And how good do they all look? 😍
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shoes--off · 1 year
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isagrimorie · 1 year
Watched NCIS Hawai’i 2x09 and really enjoyed it!
One of the consequences I discovered without Lucy in the office the main NCIS team becomes a boys club.
Lucy brings in Whistler’s presence, otherwise we only see Whistler in an official FBI capacity, and Commander Chase is only around when there’s a body.
Also, Jane has to be on the field more, she’s my favorite character in NCIS Hawai’i but it also always bring in the problem that the Captain of the ship shouldn’t leave the ship on missions. Jane Tennant is the Special Agent in Charge of Hawai’i and the entire Pacific Rim.
She is the Leon Vance of her area!
She is kinda like Sisko of Deep Space Nine.
(In fact, I would love, LOVE a day in the life of Tennant’s life as SAC, kind of a mix of West Wing with some procedural stuff. Seeing Tennant do stuff other than the criminal investigation stuff. I know this would be a story specific only to me, and might never happen.
Although, from what I’ve seen Pride in NOLA got investigated a lot and butted heads with Deputy Directors. Not that I want Tennant to be investigated, I would just love to see what Tennant does aside from the criminal investigation stuff).
Anyway, back to episode 2x09, I really enjoyed this episode. I loved the focus on Commander Chase and how competent she is, and very kind.
The way she was a doctor in the front lines and became a medical examiner instead.
It’s honestly such a kind thing to watch them treat an addict with care after they realized he was being set up.
It’s a change from other procedurals (and tbh IRL).
But also I love Ernie and Chase’s friendship. It’s so genuine and warm, and he really was concerned for her. Probably because the actors are married in real life.
I love how warm the Hawai’i team is.
I love seeing different iterations of the team dynamic.
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spiderliliez · 1 month
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Journalists vs. Influencers THE GIRLS ON THE BUS (2024) [+] CARLA GUGINO [GIF Collection] 🌹 [+] MELISSA BENOIST [GIF Collection] 🌼 [+] ..more “The Girls on the Bus” 🎬
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fairydares · 3 months
Fairy Tail Incorrect Quotes - Spicy-ish Future Nalu Edition!
Lucy: *dancing cutely in Natsu's shirt and boxers while she makes breakfast* Natsu, finished with breakfast: *staring shamelessly* Lucy: *humming* Alright, all done! unless you want anything else? Natsu: yeah, i want seconds...i'll take em on the counter 👀 Lucy: *turns bright red* NATSU!!! Don't make a pass at me right now, you pervert! Natsu: Awwww c'mon Luuuce...why not?? Nashi: GEE, I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE BECAUSE WE'RE SITTING RIGHT HERE!?! Natsu: *grimaces slightly, having forgotten their kids were still even there* Luke: And trying to eat...do you have to be gross at breakfast??? Lucy: E-exactly! At least save it for when the kids aren't around! Natsu: Ughhh, fine... Natsu: *turns to kids* Natsu: You two. Get out. Lucy: NATSU!!! Nashi and Luke: *already scrambling over each other to try to escape first*
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Connie Gianini (Carla Borelli) et Chase (Robert Foxworth).
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diver5ion · 2 years
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littlesolo · 1 year
Kacy Drabble - Team/Siblings
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Jane knows that Kate's gotten closer to the team. She's heard about various antics that have mercifully been kept off her and ASAC Curtis's desk. Still, when Kai and Jesse poke fun at the blonde FBI liaison for not being able to keep a secret from Lucy, she grins.
"You didn't see how sad she was! She thought you didn't miss her!"
That has the focus shifting to Lucy, who is hovering by Kate's side. Lucy's back with all her fire, trying to defend her girlfriend when the first glop of icing is flung.
That has Jane covering her glass of wine and scooting away from the chaos. Carla follows her a second later. It's all out mess in a matter of seconds. The restaurant may never have them back, but it's worth it. It's a family gathering with the kind of fun that only their junior agent brings with her. There's no way Kate doesn't know she's family now. They've claimed her and aren't letting her go.
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The icing food fight ends almost as quickly as it started. Lucy is sitting in Kate's lap, Jesse is looking down at his shirt, and Ernie has ducked behind Kai, but they're all laughing. Jane's missed that sound. The sound of her family all together again.
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ruthiesrambles2 · 1 year
Had a dream where The Notary (Snowpiercer 2020) and Commander Chase (NCIS Hawai'i) were a couple and it was wonderful but now I've woken up thinking about how if Chase was on Snowpiercer they'd have caught LJ much quicker and without inciting a rebellion and then Melanie would still be Wilford and Ruth wouldn't have been heartbroken and
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Watch: Gentleman leads police on low-speed chase in stolen tractor A gentleman in North Carolina led police on a slo-mo chase on Tuesday — not by car, bike, or foot, but by stolen tractor. (See video posted by KWTX below). Ronnie Hicks, 43, not only tried to outcrawl Boone police at breakneck speeds of up to 30 mph, he also tried to plow down pedestrians but missed. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/01/19/watch-gentleman-leads-police-on-low-speed-chase-in-stolen-tractor.html
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oldmannapping · 8 months
HC: Everyone in Crime Alley knows who Red Hood is.
They don’t know he’s Jason Todd but
-Norma Marshall knows that the young man who sporadically stays in the apartment across the hall from her, who fixed the building’s heating for free, is the Red Hood. She’s heard him coming back at all hours. She leaves him care packages with homemade chutney and Bandaids because she doesn’t have much but she knows his work is dangerous. Some loud angry men were banging on his door one day and she hid behind her door throwing eggs at them until they left.
-Brent Taylor knows that the guy who installed the security system for the youth LGBTQIA+ safe space centre is the Red Hood. He just showed up one day after they’d had their fifth vandalised window in three weeks, and set it up for nothing. Called it a civic duty. That same night, known Red Hood crew members started loitering purposefully in the area, escorting kids to the centre if they were too shy or scared to come alone.
Brent saw the guy about a month later, leaving a grocery store and ducking into an apartment building nearby. He’s pretty sure he knows where the Red Hood lives, but he’s not saying a fucking word.
-Angela Walters knows that the man who donates to the homeless shelter twice a month is the Red Hood. She knows that the Hood has a connection to the streets and his donations are always thoughtful and practical - not the generic canned corn most people throw into a box. His donations started at the same time as the anti-homeless bus shelters were dismantled by the Red Hood gang and replaced with traditional long benches.
She’s had police sniffing around asking questions before. She sent them on a wild goose chase on the other side of the city and actually got a little bit of a thrill out of it.
-Carla Moreno (street name Liza) knows that Red Hood is a guy with a hard jaw and white streak in his hair. Hood had been running off a John who’d been rough with Miley and the guy had gotten a lucky shot at the helmet with a brick. The girls pulled a dazed Hood into a nearby alley while the John ran off, and he’d taken off the broken helmet.
It was dark and he was wearing a domino mask, but pair the hair with his build and it was a pretty distinctive look. Carla knows that if she tried, she could find him. She doesn’t; she just compliments him on his upgraded helmet when she sees him a few weeks later.
-Ernesto Reyes knows that he’s the Red Hood’s mechanic. The guy calls himself Jay, is chill, and chats to Ernesto in easy Spanish when he comes to pick up his bike, but come on. Everyone in Crime Alley knows that bike. Ernesto’s had to fix bullet holes. Jay’s bike helmet is fucking red. The guy’s either dumb as fuck, cocky as fuck, or a dramatic shithead but either way he pays well and Ernesto’s had worse customers. He’s not telling anybody anything.
Meanwhile Jason’s just like “DOOP DI DOO sure is good to be a super sneaky crime lord ha Ha I’m so much better than Batman”
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Meanwhile, I'm going to be over here shipping Luisa Alver with Carla from Bad Moms, and I'm going to pretend they were together when Lu was in college or interning and that she never really hallucinate Carla because honestly? It fits with Carla's vibe to tell her hospital lady to go into surgeries and fix people when Lu complains about the other doctors doing a shit job.
Also Carla and Lu doing shots in a bar somewhere and getting wasted.
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spiderliliez · 27 days
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Grace Gordon Greene, just protecting her friend. THE GIRLS ON THE BUS (2024)
[+] CARLA GUGINO [GIF Collection] 🌹 [+] MELISSA BENOIST [GIF Collection] 🌼 [+] ..more “The Girls on the Bus” 🎬
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imagineshere-forall · 2 months
- staying with mom ✰ e. diaz
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Summary: the first time Christoper calls you mom 
Genre: mostly fluff but smidge of angst/tension
warnings: none
Pairing: eddie diaz x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Notes: hi hi i tried to use american terms like mall and mom, but i am not american and i say mum, so if you notice any slip ups pls let me know and i will change it. I feel like it would be weird to picture chris saying mum in an american accent so i tried to only used mom   Also i have started watched the walking dead and am obsessed so pls feel free to request some fics for the walking dead (i’m halfway through s7)
When you and Eddie started dating, you waited quite a while before meeting Chris as you wanted to be sure in your relationship so as not to unsettle Chris. After about 8 months, you were pretty sure Eddie was it for you, and you eventually met Chris. Within 6 months of meeting Christopher you had pretty much moved in with the boys, and when the lease on your apartment was up for renewal Chris was the one who suggested you move in. That was over a year ago and since then the three of you had been living life as a happy little family. 
Today, you had a day off from work but Eddie did not, so you had decided to take Chris out for the day. For weeks, Chris had been saying his shoes were starting to get tight so you had decided you would take him to buy some new shoes and buy him a couple extra treats. It wasn’t often you and Eddie weren’t both at work at the same time, even if you didn’t have the same shift, you often overlapped so Chris would spend time with Carla.
Eddie was at work before you even woke up, so you and Chris had a slow morning before heading to the mall. The car journey was filled with music and laughs, you loved spending time with Chris and you guys always had an amazing time. 
Once you got to the mall you found yourself chasing Christoper, the shoe shop was all the way on the other side of the mall so you had decided to do fun shopping first. The first stop was at the ice cream parlor, and then the two of you made your way quickly over to the lego shop. You both bought a lego set, as you planned to watch a movie and build lego together in the afternoon. Once the pair of you had gone to all the shops you wanted to, you slowly walked back to the car, trying to agree on a movie to watch while you were building your legos. 
You were nearly at the car, when the ground started to rumble. Small tremors weren;t uncommon living in LA, but this was not that. The slight rumble turned to full blown shaking and the lights in the parking garage started to come loose and smash to the floor. You quickly dropped your bags and grabbed Christopher and headed for the car, it might not have been the smartest idea but in your panic it seemed like the safest option if the garage was to crumble. 
Somehow, you managed to get to the car in record time as you were opening the door, you noticed a piece of debris falling and you quickly pushed Chris into the car. Within seconds of you getting Chris safely into the car, the debris had come down, knocking you down in the process. You hit your head on the concrete and briefly lost consciousness, but you quickly came around to the sounds of Chris’s cries. 
“I’m here Chris, I’m okay,” you mumbled as you tried to wriggle free. Although, your right leg was trapped under the piece of the parking garage that had knocked you to the floor.
Not long after you regained consciousness, sirens were all you could hear and it became nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, and you were soon consumed by the darkness.
“Cap, get Eddie over here!” You heard being yelled from close by. Squinting at the bright light you started to blink your eyes back open and were met with Buck’s face looking down at you. 
“Chris, is Chris okay?” you forced out, your throat was hoarse and felt as though you had woken from a deep sleep. You could feel yourself being rolled onto a stretcher, presumably to move you to an ambulance, or at least a safer area. 
“Chris was with you?” Buck panicked. 
“I think I got him in the car,” you coughed, “Check him first.”
A couple minutes later you heard a car door be forced open, and then Buck’s shouts. 
“Chris!” Eddie’s shouts were so loud. He had arrived onto the scene and saw Buck carrying Chris over some rubble away from the car. You turned your head slowly and saw Eddie embrace his son tightly. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Eddie suddenly asked. The panic in his voice was palpable.
“Over here,” You heard Buck’s voice get louder as he led Eddie to you. Eddie placed Chris down next to your stretcher and cradled your face.
“Baby, are you okay?” he questioned, whilst scanning your body for any obvious injuries. 
“My leg got crushed but I’m fine. How is Chris? Is Chris okay?” you spoke so fast. 
“I’m fine,” you heard Chris speak. You could have cried with relief upon hearing his voice. You had seen Eddie carry him, but hearing him speak and confirming he was okay made you so happy.
“Now, let get you taken to hospital, Buck can you take Chris to Athena and get her to call Carla please,” Eddie said as he began to wheel you out of the area. You saw Buck begin to usher Chris towards Athena who you could see a while away directing people. 
You and Eddie both stopped and looked at Chris who was avoiding Buck and walking towards the two of you. 
“Chris, bud, y/n is okay. Your dad is just making sure she gets her leg checked out,” Buck tried to convince Chris.
“No,” Chris shook off Buck’s arms and carried on walking in your direction. Eddie sighed, letting go of your stretcher and turning to Chris before squatting down to his level while holding onto him. 
“Chris, I need to take y/n to get checked out. Can you please go with Buck?” Eddie begged.
“No.” Chris was being stubborn. 
“Chris please,” Eddie was starting to get desperate.
“I want to stay with mom.” Chris yelled. 
You, Buck and Eddie all went still. Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Chris had never called you mom before. The three of you all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say or do next.
“Come here Chris,” you beckoned the boy, before helping him to sit on one side of the stretcher after you had collapsed the arms, “You can stay with me.”
Eddie was still looking at you in shock, starting to feel love swell in his chest. The idea that Chris saw you as a mother figure made him so happy. 
“Chris, it looks like your dad is frozen,” you laughed whilst looping one of your arms around the boy. You had managed to get him in a place where he wasn’t near your leg which was causing excruciating pain. 
This brought Eddie out of his shock and he walked over to the two of you.
“I love you both so much,” he breathed as he leant to kiss both of your foreheads, “Let’s go get mom all checked out.” 
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