#can't believe Victoria did him like that
my-thoughts-and-junk · 8 months
No actually the band assuming chive and glam are fucking and never outright stating it (beyond the drummer's fucking bizarre convo with glam about condoms) is hilarious because it implies the band lives on with this misconception. To this day the rest of the band believes they lost their lead guitarist because he refused to move on after they fired his boyfriend & lead singer
#random thoughts#metal family#radio host interviewing who are those freaks on stage: keeping in mind mercury's status as a queer icon#have you ever performed with any lgbtq artists?#lordy: oh have i got a story for you#glam in the midst of cooking another wonderful family dinner suddenly feels a chill running up his back#and this leads to this controversy where some people are like 'he outed chive and glam without their permission'#and some are like 'lordy's gay it's fine' (he's not)#and there's a divide between watfos hardcore fans who prefer the classic music with chive on vocals and glam on guitar#and new-age fans who like leo on vocals#some are like 'can't believe my favorite band is based in faggotry can nothing be politically free nowadays'#and some are like 'were chive and glam fired because they were gay???' and some are like 'obviously not look at leo' (also not gay)#meanwhile glam is blissfully oblivious for awhile until chive busts into their house like '???? DID YOU KNOW WE WERE FUCKING???'#and glam's like ' . . . excuse me? 😃'#and then when fans become aware of victoria opinion is split between 'glam and chive broke up' and 'victoria is glam's beard'#which like glam didn't really care about any of this until they started implying he was using victoria as a cover for his gayness#which like. gets him REAL pissed#he ends up having an interview with a radio host about it and they ask such fucking infuriating questions he leaves a glitter bomb#idk i just think people assuming two dudes are gay is funny but only if they're unaware of the assumption#and chive and glam have matured as people. they can probably handle the idea of people thinking they fucked with grace#they would NOT handle this well when they were first starting out. probably divorce over it just a little#glam's unconscious bias against being seen as gay stemming from his desire to conform instilled by his father (he is very autistic btw)#chive calls people faggot and says things are gay i know it in my heart#they make this vacuum of assumed homophobia#i also think glam just does not like being touched like at all. it freaks him out#he does it casually unless pointed out and then he just goes STIFF.
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cherriesformatt · 1 month
game day || matt sturniolo
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: it's a game day and matt bought matching outfits for you to wear
warnings: fluff, a little bit of a dirty talk,
word count: 1,061
a/n: hi! I'm alive. I hope you will like this one. Matt in green is just jiqwehuherfuer. REQUESTS ARE OPEN didn't proof read yet
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"Literally its just me, you and Chris here, it does not need to look good baby" Matt said after I was changing placement of the strawberries on my board.
"That's why I hope Nick is going to actually join us because he is the only one who appreciate my snack boards" I looked at him while opening cupcakes.
"Hey... I love them do not listen to anything he says y/n!" Chris came from downstairs and intimately took one of the cupcakes.
I hit his hand gently and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Are you being for real now? Can I finish this at peace? Go put the tv on or do whatever or I am going to eat it alone" I looked at both of them.
'Yes, ma'am" Chris put his hands up for defense and took one last cupcake.
"I love love love you" He laughed and run to the couch before I could yelled at him.
"I feel like a mother of three in this house, I swear" I said and Matt just laughed.
"That would do it....considering how you like to call me daddy" He winked at me and I rolled my eyes but my cheeks went red.
"Go away Matthew" I said going back to working on my snacks.
"Just give me one raspberry and a kiss and I am gone" He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.
" I hate you" I said and picked up one of the berries and raised it to his lips.
"You love me..." He smiled, ate the berry and kissed my cheek before he went to his room.
"I am actually going to throw up because of you two" Chris said from the couch with grimace on his face.
"You should actually find a girlfriend so I can have a best friend to talk shit about you and Matt" I said finishing up.
"Thats why it is not going to happen...One of you here is enough and it’s not like you’re already talk shit about us with Nick" He joked.
I took my phone out to take pictures of the board. I tried different angles so it would look good.
"See how this is not fair because is three of you here and I need to handle that all by myself" I laughed and brought the board to the coffee table when I was done with pictures.
" Aw it looks so cute y/n! I would say I do not even care if Celtics will win anymore but that would be a lie" He said.
"Thanks Chris. Grab some drinks? I am going to change, Matt is making me wear green." I laughed and went to Matt's room.
Matt was on his bed doing something on his phone.
"Okay... I am done and I can wear whatever you said you have for me" I said closing the doors behind me.
"Yey... so I bought you shorts so you could match my jersey" He said and took out the nike shorts from the bag that was sitting on his desk. He was so exited about it that it put smile on my face.
That made me want to scream and shout. I can't believe that boy is mine. He was the cutest. He was already wearing the jersey with number 9. He looked so good in green and his hair was super fluffy today. I could eat him here and there.
"Matt you are unreal, I love you, did you know that? Thank you" I took the shorts from him.
"I love you too, sweet girl" He smiled at me.
I smiled back and took my black sweatpants and matching hoodie off. I had white top and black lacy panties on.
"I might want you to actually stay in this...." Matt said and sat back down on his bed looking at me.
"Yes... I don't know, you always rip them of me and then I am waiting for my favorite time of the year when Victoria does 10 pairs for 35 bucks" I winked at him and slid the shorts on.
They were a little too big for me but that was good. I loved the cute little clover on the front.
"I love this team only for the colors and the clover" I said and walked to my boyfriend.
"Mhm... I think I start to love them for that too" He smiled up at me and pulled me even closer between his legs.
He kissed my skin just over the waistband and I smiled how my body right away reacted with a goosebump. I ran my hand through his hair.
"Come here..." He pulled me down a little so I straddle him.
"Matt the game is starting soon and I am pretty sure that Chris already ate half of the snacks..." I started but he kissed my neck gently.
"Shh...." He said and I bite my bottom lip slightly tilting my neck.
"You just smell and look so good baby" He said and gave my neck one more kiss before connecting our lips together. I scratched back of his neck before I put one of my hands on his cheek while the other wondered up to his hair while we make out for what it seemed like forever. I was lost in his touch when Chris yelled at us that hame is about to start.
"Ugh...fine" Matt laughed and moved away a little.
"You look hotter than me in this jersey Matt..." I said fixing his hair a little.
" See we are just made for each other" He patted my bum so I stood up from him and fixed my own hair as well.
Chris yelled one more time adding that he is going to eat all of the snacks.
"Honestly I would rather eat something else right now"m…” Matt smiled at me when I opened the doors.
"Same man... but well… we promised Chris a dudes weekend" I laughed and walked out of the room.
"See thats why I hate living with them sometimes...." He said walking behind me.
We joined Chris in the living room to watch the game. I posted some phots of my board and the fit on my account as we enjoyed the winning of the team.
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magichcuse · 2 years
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It kinda just hit me that Dedrick's mentality is technically more optimistic than Victoria's?
Like...at least in Dedrick's dichotomy, there are the "idiots" who ARE genuinely nice. To Victoria, there are the men who pretend to be nice but are actually assholes (which she assumed Ozzie was) and the men who are at least upfront about the fact they're assholes (part of why Victoria wanted to marry Damion, outside of punishing herself).
Once Victoria learned that there are genuinely good people out there, it really opened her eyes to how better her life could truly be. Damion isn't a better person for being "honest" about being an asshole; he's still an asshole and Victoria needed to have better standards.
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Small Surprises Pt. 2
Moon Knight System (Marc, Steven, Jake) x Single Mother!Reader
TW/CW: None! Well, maybe Marc and Jake being shameless flirts and a little innuendo/implied sexy times but nothing is detailed!
A/N: The amount of love I've gotten for the first part just blew my mind. I'm so happy you guys loved it so much! Have this gift for the holidays!
Taglist: @katitakenway @winniethewife @thisismiku @justafandomgvrl @chrishy973 @stardream14 @moonkxit @kult6 @blackqueengold @bellaramseysbitch @kimmib13 @skarrkiie @thespookywookies @becca-rebel38 @capsiclesworldsblog @phantom-wizard @idkimherebutidk @call-me-cherrry @bluesophia @ilovepurple31 @queerponcho @dahehow @peachyrue-777 @thevintagevictorian @lemongirl5910 @howellatme @giulscomix @kinglokisqueen4ever @katitakenway
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That night, to say you were freaked out to see a nine foot tall bird guy standing in your baby girl's bedroom at almost 9pm was an understatement.
You had immediately grabbed your trusty straw broom and promptly went to beat the shit out of whatever-he-was.
Yeah, you did it mostly because he was a literal god stranger in your daughter's bedroom; but you also were partly venting the frustrations you felt at the things the boys told you Khonshu forced them to do, at times.
And damn, did it feel good. You hadn't snapped like that since you left your ex.
Once Marc recovered enough from dying of laughter at the sight of such a diminutive human wailing on a god with a fucking broom, he grabbed you and convinced you to stop before you had a stroke.
Victoria didn't seem to understand, so the two of you had to explain that Khonshu was a "friend" (In very very loose terms). That's when Marc explained what exactly Khonshu was, and...
To his credit--and despite his reputation--Khonshu was... good with Victoria. Sometimes he would loiter in your flat, and Victoria would practically glue herself to him when the boys weren't around (namely when Steven was working or Jake was busy driving others around in his car) and pester him endlessly about what Egypt was like way back when.
And he literally was a living witness to that history, so she would stare enraptured at him as he would inform her and tell her everything the experts got wrong (you figured he probably got an ego boost to have someone so enthralled in what he had to say, and hanging on his every word).
Despite the things Khonshu had forced the boys to do, despite the things he was capable of, you came to trust him with your precious baby. When you were busy working at your computer or on the phone for your work, Khonshu would keep Victoria occupied, either listening to her chatter like an excitable little squirrel over her toys and games, or she would listen to him tell her stories. You even peeked into her room and saw Khonshu (albeit half-assedly) playing with her toys with her.
You did some research into what the ancient Egyptians believed Khonshu to be, and the whole justice and protection thing checked out, but what surprised you was his association with fertility. On crescent moons it was said that Khonshu blessed, and women could conceive. So maybe him being able to connect with Victoria was in relation to that aspect of his divinity. After all, you can't make a baby without conceiving one first, right?
You had half a mind to ask if, maybe somehow Khonshu had a hand in your pregnancy (or any other god, really) but you decided to let it lie. After all, what's done is done and you had your wonderful daughter to hold and love, what did it matter if a god blessed you to get pregnant in the first place?
The boys didn't like Khonshu being so close to Victoria, fearing that maybe Khonshu was grooming her in some way, perhaps to be a follower, or even a future Moon Knight.
You however, didn't get that feeling from him. Perhaps Victoria's innocence was refreshing to him? Perhaps he merely enjoyed the absolute wonder and curiosity of a child? As long as Khonshu didn't hurt her, you felt at least comfortable with him being around her so much.
If anything, it gave a teeny bit more security to know that in addition to the boys, she had a literal god watching over her.
But the boys on the other hand were incredibly protective (and jealous) of Victoria. Khonshu as well, thankfully knew when to step back and allow the boys their time with her, without his presence. After all, he was sick of arguing with them over simple jobs and targets, and perhaps granting them this sense of normalcy would make them more compliant in the future.
Once Victoria started to call Marc daddy, Jake and Steven were then adamant about getting her to call them a similar title, but unique to themselves.
So, Jake was afterwords known as Apá, and Steven was simply Papa, or rarely "Stevie" (thanks to overhearing Donna call him that.) However, Steven began to like the nickname only when the two of you called him that, because where the two of you used it as a term of endearment, Donna often only used it to irk and annoy him.
Yeah, your newfound family was strange... But you wouldn't trade them for anything. Old bird man included (though you made it pointedly clear he was on very thin ice).
Yeah... Life was strange.
It had been one whole year since you guys were official. And in February it would be one whole year since Victoria had appointed Marc (and of course Steven and Jake) as daddy.
At some point, you had given the boys your full consent to move in. Or at least mostly. You and Victoria had your own stuff, but when you saw just how much stuff the boys had, Marc sheepishly chuckled and told you they can still help with your bills and afford their flat just fine.
After all, with Steven's income and Jake's, it was relatively easy. Not to mention the money Marc had hidden away in case of emergencies.
But the consecutive days Victoria awoke to find your boys there? Oh, it was like Christmas morning every single time.
Speaking of holidays, learning about the ones that Marc, Steven, and Jake acknowledged was... interesting. (As was Steven's veganism, but that was a whole other tale)
One night, you had just finished sending some spreadsheets to your boss when you decided to call it quits for the night, your eyes exhausted and dry from staring at the screen for too long.
You'd closed your laptop and stood, rubbing your dried eyes while you pushed your chair from the desk. Your fingers ached and your tendons were sore from using them for so long, and you were internally groaning at the time and how dark it had become outside.
But honestly, it all melted away when you walked out of your room to see Marc holding Victoria in his arms, telling her about Hanukkah, and why they were lighting the first candle on the menorah.
He had her small tiny hand wrapped in his as they held the longest candle over the first wick, and Victoria blinked, wide-eyed as the candle flickered to life, the light shining out of your window for all who looked up to see.
You were stealthy enough to snap a few photos and snag a video of Marc having this sweet moment with your daughter, his smile illuminated by the light of the menorah; the corners of his eyes crinkled and his eyes glowing as Victoria asked him this and that, why the candle was shaped funny, why they needed to light eight other candles with the biggest one, why it was celebrated to begin with...
All three men had adapted to her curiosity remarkably quickly. Marc enjoyed teaching her things, doing things with her that he wished his parents did with him after the death of his brother.
Even his father stopped including him in special moments like these after a while. Whenever the menorah was lit, Marc remembered sitting in the pitch blackness of his room, looking out onto the streets below, seeing couples and happy families go about their holiday plans, play, and simply enjoy being around one another.
All the things Marc could no longer enjoy without his mother tainting them with her alcoholism and abuse. His father kept promising to get her help, to make her "better" but he never did.
Marc would always come home from school (or running away for a few hours or days) to the sound of a cracking belt, feeling the welts, the bruises, and even the occasional burns from cigarettes his mother never smoked. No, she wouldn't smoke them recreationally, they were merely another tool to vent her anger and abuse on poor little Marc (and of course Steven and Jake).
And his father still sat by, pretending he didn't hear the snaps, the sound of leather on skin or the crying of his now-only son, and the cruel, hateful words of his wife.
If you buried your head in the sand, you could pretend it wasn't happening at all.
Which is how his poor young mind fractured in the first place...
But no. Marc wouldn't focus on those times, not around Victoria, not with her. Marc vowed that he would be everything he never had as a child, that he would give her his all. Steven and Jake made the same oath; one they took more seriously even than their servitude to Khonshu.
Love could be stronger than fear, if you let it. And your boys were letting it be stronger, for the first time in their lives.
Love and safety.
"So... You celebrate Christmas but don't celebrate it?" Jake had asked you curiously as he watched you fight to untangle the multi-colored lights you pulled down from the hall closet.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." You say awkwardly, looking at him with a smile on your lips. "I've never attached religious significance to most holidays, honestly. They're just... special days to celebrate for me. And it's a bit more fair to Victoria, because it's hard for her to understand that other people celebrate Christmas or--until recently anyways--Hanukkah."
Jake leaned over, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked down, "Hmmh. So you just celebrate it for the sake of it?"
"Yeah, plus Victoria loves decorating the tree every year." You sigh, reaching up to comb your fingers through his hair, earning a content hum from him.
He'd decided not to grow out a mustache this time, staying clean-shaven for the time being.
He slipped his arms around your waist, his thumbs brushing your stomach idly as he watched you battle with the stubborn cables.
"...I say we toss those damn things and get new ones." He snorted. "Saves the trouble."
"I know, but Victoria loves this colour, and I can't find them anywhere else in stores this late in the season." You sigh.
"C'mon, amor, sit on the couch and I'll help undo them."
"God, what would I do without you guys?" You groan while you turn your head to kiss his cheek.
He'd pulled you around and tipped your head back to capture your lips with his, of course. Jake was a very adamant kisser; he put his lips and tongue into each second of every kiss.
Marc was gentle, content to give a long kiss comprised of the dancing of lips; Steven was a bit more chaste, he was happy to litter your entire face in sweet, soft kisses.
Your lips broke apart and you leaned in to bite his bottom lip for a moment, tugging as you pulled away in reprimand.
"C'mon, you horny devil. I want these undone before she wakes up from her nap."
Jake grinned widely as you twisted free of his hands, sauntering over to the couch with exaggerated sways of your hips.
Jake would have to ensure that Victoria was deep in sleep, tonight, for sure.
Thankfully you got the lights untangled in time for her to jump to her little feet and rush into Jake's lap--even going so far as to dart between your legs just to get to him faster!
You snickered and feigned a broken heart, sequestering yourself to the kitchen to prep lunch in mock-sadness.
You were busy wrapping the hot dogs in the doughy wrap for Victoria's lunch, and you paused your hands as you lined the tray when you heard Jake talk to Victoria; holding her up in his strong hands as he walked her around the tree, letting her wrap it in the pretty yellow lights.
That's when you heard it: he was singing to her.
It was a song you knew intimately by now: La Vida Es Luna. After she'd watched that Puss in Boots movie, she would play it on her tablet on repeat. Thanks to Jake's knowledge, he was slowly teaching her to flawlessly sing it in Spanish, like he was right now.
Their voices conjoined were sweet, even if Victoria was a little tone-deaf at some parts, and your heart throbbed as Jake would laugh with her and gently correct her pronunciations.
Love and joy.
Steven had to work hard to earn a favor from Donna, and one of the other managers, but he'd managed to snag permission to bring Victoria to work with him as an early Christmas/Hanukkah present for her.
She was thrilled. Steven thought she was going to vibrate out of her seat on the bus with excitement.
Even if she knew that he would be working most of the time, and they were both stuck in the gift shop, Victoria was just happy to spend time with Steven and talk about their mutual obsession with ancient Egypt.
Donna at first didn't believe Steven when he told her that he was dating a single mother, she even laughed at him and said she'd get off his back if he produced said child.
And boy, seeing the look of horror and recognition on her face as he came in with a little girl dangling off his arm?
"Papa." Victoria asked Steven as he was stocking the front counter.
"What is it, poppet?" Steven smiled at her.
"Why does 'Shu only got the birdy skull?"
Steven always had to suppress the urge to laugh when she called him that. Khonshu wasn't one for nicknames and oh, did it bring him joy to hear him merely be demoted to "'Shu" in the eyes of a child.
"Cause in my books he's got feathers n stuffs, or sometimes he's got blue skin or somefin'."
"I don't rightly know, m'love." Steven said sweetly, booping her nose. "Maybe he thinks it makes him look cooler? Spooky, certainly."
"Mebbe." She sighed, pouting in thought. "But I 'fink it's just cause he's so old." She replied. "Cause he's older than my mommy and you."
Steven finally couldn't hold it in, and busted out into laughter, having to sit on his haunches and hold his gut as his muscles ached from his fit. Victoria tilted her head at him curiously as his laughter died down into choked gasps and he wiped away a small tear from his cheek.
"Oh, oh I just have to tell your mother that." He sighed, looking at her with a grin.
Victoria tilted her head to the other side, her lips pursing. "But papa, I'm serious."
"I know, love." He chuckled, pulling her close to kiss her forehead. "It's just so funny to hear you compare us to that bloody ol' pigeon."
"But he's not a pigeon!"
Steven snickered again as he went back to work.
It was about thirty minutes later when a group of secondary school students came pouring in from their field trip to the museum.
The girls chattering obnoxiously about some topic or another online, the boys being rambunctious. All the sudden loud noises had Steven wanting to chew his nails off, but he resisted the urge hardcore not to do it. He was succeeding, but didn't need much more effort when he looked over and saw Victoria start to squirm from her little box fort behind the counter, frowning and lip wobbling as the students so callously destroyed the organized shop Steven had painstakingly arranged (with her help, in some parts!) and made such a ruckus.
Steven could see she was close to melting down, by how her little hands reached up, one gripping at her hair and the other smacking her leg as she made little noises.
Steven immediately forgot his own discomfort and knelt down in front of her, pulling her hand gently from where it was fisted in her hair and holding it in his larger one, bringing her in to brush his nose against hers a couple of times as she whimpered.
He smiled gingerly and placed her little headphones on her head (the new ones that had stickers of toys called Squishmallows that Victoria had introduced him to. He had even started his own tiny collection of them because of how soft and adorable they were).
He grabbed her tablet and played her usual list of music. It soothed her somewhat as all sound from outside the muffs were bled out thanks to the tunes, but she was still upset at all the people suddenly being around her like buzzing insects.
As ironic as it was, Steven despised large influxes of people. Before, he was too tired to pay them any mind. After he found out about Marc and Jake and they all arranged a better fronting schedule, Steven was given more time to rest as a result and only became far more aware of how large gatherings made him uncomfortable and twitchy.
But right now Victoria was more important than himself, so he scooped her up and held her against him. He knew he could do his job of ringing up customers with one hand while the other held Victoria to comfort her. After all, his body was fit and strong and she was a tiny little thing.
He wagered he's held boxes of stuffed animals heavier than her, before.
Of course, being an attractive man with such a sweet disposition and adorable little girl on his hip... he had become a blip on the radar of the women and teen girls flitting about the shop.
Apparently having good looks and the outward appearance of a man who loved children was attractive to many.
He was mostly clueless to under-the-radar flirting, but right now two of the girls were being positively shameless in how they hung on his every word.
Their voices started to blur together as they took turns speaking, their teacher (whom talked loudly about her divorce to emphasize the fact she was indeed, single) would cut in, tapping her nails on the counter as she leaned in, smiling with her obnoxiously bright scarlet lipstick and batting her heavy mascara'd eyelashes at him.
However, these girls and women seemed to entirely disregard how uncomfortable Victoria was, or how upset she was as she sniffled and rubbed her face on his soft shirt. All that did was earn sweet coos from them as they noted how "affectionate" she was.
He gritted his teeth, wanting so badly to run away from this awkward conversation with Victoria in tow, but his need for this job kept his feet rooted to the ground. That, and his own bubbling upset that was beginning to simmer within him. He could even feel Jake's consciousness begin to float to the surface to see what was happening.
"So, you must be divorced, right?" The teacher laughed as she shoo'd away the younger girls, wanting to circle this kill for herself.
His brow twitched as he reached up to pat Victoria on her back to soothe her with his free hand. "Well, actually--"
"It must be so hard to handle her on your own!" She sighed, finally taking note of the child's discomfort.
"Did her mom leave her? Because she's special?"
Steven felt his eye twinge a bit, and his jaw clenched. "Well, no. Her mom is--"
"Oh, did she cheat or something? I can't help but notice that little thing on your hip doesn't bear any resemblance to you." She interrupted once more.
"No, Victoria isn't mine. Her mother--"
"So she did cheat?! How horrible!" The woman gasped, drawing her own conclusions as she clutched her imaginary pearls.
"I would never do that to a child! If I was her mother--"
No. Nope. That was it. Her first comment about Victoria was enough to bring his rarely seen anger to the surface, but now she was insulting the both of you. That was enough to make the tips of his ears burn.
All because she wanted to flirt with him? No, his family was off limits in any regard.
"Victoria isn't "special" as you mean her to be. She's autistic, like me." Steven huffed, frowning deeply.
The woman clapped her obnoxiously made-up lips shut as Steven continued.
"And Victoria doesn't look like me because she isn't mine. Biologically." He informed, adjusting his hold on her as she continued to rub her face on him.
"Victoria's father abandoned her and her mother before she was born. I am currently dating her mother."
The way this woman deflated filled him with such an ego boost, he finally knew how Jake felt when he'd won an argument over Khonshu. The rush was just that good.
It seemed she wasn't expecting that.
"Oh, so her mother is..."
"Dating me and happily committed." He said with a jerk of his head downwards. "Now, ma'am, do you intend to make a purchase, or do you intend to hold up the line building behind you for this till and cost me my job?"
Her face flushed scarlet and she began to sputter, scowling at Steven as he politely told her to buzz off.
"Have a nice day!" Steven called out as she walked away, her horrible perfume following alongside her.
Steven felt victorious as he gave the little girl in his arms a kiss to her forehead.
Love and loyalty.
Victoria was happily tucked into her bed, fast asleep thanks to Khonshu regaling her with a story of one of his previous Fists fighting evil doers in the sands of the desert.
He omitted the violence, thankfully, and merely settled for a cliché "the hero scared the villain into being good" trope for the ending, as per your wishes.
He did not want that broom lodged in his eye socket again.
"So... Did Steven tell you some woman tried to hit on him?" Marc asked you as you brushed your teeth, your wonderful skin still dewy from the shower, your body clad only in a fluffy pink and blue striped towel. Christmas day was in the morning and you wanted to look somewhat presentable when you recorded the gift opening when the sun came up.
You almost choked on your toothpaste as you yanked the brush free.
"Yeah, some teacher." Marc grinned at you as he ruffled his own damp hair from the towel. He knew your legs were still shaky from your previous romp in the steamy bathroom, but you stood strong until that subject came up.
"What did she say."
"Honestly? From what he said she was being rude. About you, about Victoria, not letting him get a word in..." Marc scoffed as he dropped his towel into his lap.
You spit out the toothpaste and aggressively rinse your mouth out, a pang of jealousy sweeping into you.
"Steven actually told this lady off."
"He did? I have a hard time believing Steven can do that..." You murmured, looking at your reflection in the foggy mirror.
"Yeah, but he was insanely passive aggressive with it." Marc laughed, stretching his arms above his head. "Her face got soooo damn red."
You grin as he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, fingers toying with the knot in your towel.
"Hah! Serves her right for talking about my baby." You say triumphantly.
"Serves that woman right for automatically assuming we were into toxic, divorced, Holiday Barbie-looking bimbos." Marc scoffed.
You giggle as he placed kisses to your shoulder, his teeth grazing your damp skin.
"Marc Spector, you are insatiable." You sigh, raking your nails through his damp curls.
"Hey, it's Christmas Eve, don't I get to open a present early?" He murmured into your pulse.
"You're Jewish."
"And I do the work of an Egyptian god and you celebrate Christmas without the religious part." He grinned, tugging on the fluffy towel around you.
"So... do I get to unwrap my present or not?"
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gadriezmannsgirl · 10 months
Hi beautiful, are you ok? You could write where Gavi or Pedri (your preference) has a "best friend" who is really in love with him and purposely creates a situation where he is confused who to believe, leaving the hurt reader not wanting to see him for a while. It can be a anguish with a happy ending, please :) thank you.
Part 2 (Angsty Version)
Part 2 (Happy Version)
Warnings: Pretty long, some swear words, burns with coffee, angst, kinda asshole! Pepi. Don't really know about that😭💀 no proofread💀 I need to get better on the publishing time😭💀
Believe What You Want -P.G8
Summary: He doesn't know who to believe and you just can't take it.
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Pedri knew about your non-liking towards his best friend, Victoria and often both of you had some exchange of words for it. But it wasn't your fault.
You were always nice and open to meet your boyfriend's family and close friends. She, being one of them. Nervous as fuck but you were positive to like all people around him, since you planned to stay by his side for a very very long time, only to be met with a eye rolling and a push on the shoulder from her part.
Since that very first moment you knew that a friendship with her would never work. In fact, it would never happen. And that little thought was proven correct when a few hours later you were both alone as the guys went to buy some food, she went ahead and told you how you and Pedri were never going to work, how he was only using you like a little toy and soon will be left forgotten, etc...
However, once the guys returned back, Pedri could read that something had happened while they were gone, you were serious, you weren't smiling as big as you were before and remained quiet most of the evening
Not only did he noticed that but the guys also did.
"Are you okay?" Adrián, his cousin asked you, you lifted your head to look at him and nodded softly
"Just a bit tired and with a headache" You murmured as they nodded understanding, they left you be for the rest of the evening but Pedri did knew you well.
"What's wrong?" He asked as soon as you both got into his car
"¿Qué?" (What?)
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong. Why would there be something wrong?"
"You're not tired and you don't have a headache either" He said as you sighed looking down at your lap, you could lie to everyone... To everyone but him. "Mírame, por favor, bonita" (Look at me, sweetheart, please) You didn't so he sighed and with his hand pulled your chin up to meet his eyes "What's wrong?"
You stayed quiet for a few seconds before you took a deep breath "Victoria... She- I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me" You tight-lipped smiled
"She's difficult at the beggining but once she gets confidence and spends more time with you, she changes" You shook your head
"I don't think so, Pedro..." You sighed "She said some things about our relationship" He furrowed his eyebrows
"Like... You were only playing with me like a little girl with a doll and that once you get tired of me you'll throw me away, that things between us will not last... You want me to keep going?" Pedri stood still for a few seconds before laughing softly and shaking his head
"She probably was testing you. She also adores making jokes"
"That seemed pretty real to me, Pedro"
"She was just joking. She often does that when one of us brings a girl around, to see if she's good or worth... If you didn't screamed back at her then you passed her test"
"Yes but she wasn't joking"
"Relax, bonita. You'll soon see she opens up to you"
You pushed his hand out of your chin and rested your head into the window, both of your hands crossing around your chest. You shook your head
"Can you take me home, please?"
"I thought you were staying with me tonight?"
"Wanna go home, be with my dog and alone for a little while" You said softly not looking at him but rather looking at the houses that were in his friend's villa
"Are you mad?"
"I am tired and want to be with my dog"
"We can go pick her up and-"
"In my house" Pedri sighed nodding and put his hand on your tight but you crossed your legs before he could touch you. He got the hint and pushed his hand into his lap
"Entiendo" (Got it)
The rest of the drive was silent with only the radio playing up. Your chest was tight and all you wanted was your boyfriend to be at your side and not simply brushing it off
"¿Cómo puedo arreglarlo?" (How can I fix it?) He said right after he parked at the front of your house; you shrugged your shoulders
"Don't know" You sighed "As much as Victoria might love each and every single one of you, guys... I can assure you that what she said to me today and the way she said it, it wasn't a joke" You said "I'm a girl and I have a male best friend too. But I wouldn't say those kind of stuffs just as a friend or to see if she's worth and good for him" You shook your head "Es más, ni siquiera le diría algo de ese estilo a ella" (I wouldn't even tell her something like that)
"She likes you" You said after a few more seconds "And that's it"
"Mi vida, please-"
"I'm not making anything up" For the first time you looked at him "I'm a girl, I know things only a girl can. She likes you, Pedro"
"But I don't like her"
"Then let her know that" You said taking off the seatbelt, you grabbed his face and kissed his cheek, feeling his low stubble on your lips "Te quiero, guapo" You said softly and without the happy emotion you always carry when around your guy.
"Y yo a ti, bonita" He kissed the palm of your hand "I'm sorry for her, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable because of it. I'll talk to her" You nod before getting out of the car "See you tomorrow?" You nod your head
"See you"
Your second meeting with Victoria was pretty normal but you could guess that she didn't wanted to make a bad impression with Pedri around and the fact he was eyeing both of you up and down, all of your expressions and acts, could've pulled her back a little bit.
"I was just joking!" She exclaimed a little too loud on your ear as you grimaced lightly "Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, it's just a little something I like to do!"
"Yes, well... It's not nice, please don't do it" Her response was an eye roll
"You're boring, girly" She said laughing as you tight smiled "Pepi, come on! We gotta show who the masters are!" And with that she took Pedri's hand and dragged him with her to play some ping pong against Adrián and Jesús (one of Pedri's friends)
The third one was your least favorite, you were on your way to the Ciutat Esportiva to pick Pedri up but first you went ahead and grabbed some coffe and pastries for the two of you to eat on your way home.
You were done with your order and were actually waiting for your two cups of coffee
"Be careful, miss" The girl said smiling softly "It's really hot"
"Thank you, I got it" You smiled and gave her a tip "Have a nice day"
She smiled back at you and once you were in the middle of walking out of the shop, you saw a woman come up to you and once you realized who it was, you felt your coffee being poured all over your front
"¡Puta madre, joder!" You screamed out in pain as people gasped and the same girl who attended you came rushing to you
"Miss what happend?" You couldn't speak at the tremendous pain you felt
"Some girl pushed her coffee up to her" A little boy said as you tried not to cry
"¡Cambiadle la ropa, ya!" (Change her clothes, now!) A woman said worried
"I got a spare shirt" A guy said going out running
"Échale un poco de agua fría" (Put her some cold water) An old man said
"Do you know who she was? Why would that girl do that?" The same girl asked worried taking you inside
"My boyfriend best friend's" You replied hissing feeling the cold water she was putting on you run down your body, it was both relaxing and painful "She hates me"
"Did you do something to her?"
"Date the guy she's in love with"
"Amor, if you couldn't pick me up, you could've told me" Pedri said once you got inside your house "I had to grab a cab since everyone left earli-¿Qué mierdas te pasó?" (What the hell happened?)
"Victoria, happened" You replied angrily "I was on my way to pick you up and I stopped at that little coffee shop we always go. She was there too and she poured on me my two cups of hot coffee, I had to go to the hospital to give me something for the burns"
"Oh my god"
"What?" You asked
"I can't believe you"
"Victoria was all day long with the guys... I just ended a facetime with them"
"No, she wasn't. I'm not blind, Pedro. I know how her face is, I know how she looks like and I know what happened" You replied angry, you were angry at the fact he wasn't believing you "I don't have any reasons to hate her. She, on the other hand, does"
"She doesn't like me. I talked to her. It's crazy"
"No it isn't, Pedro. Otherwise, why the hell she would have dropped boiling coffee on me? Because she was testing me to see if I'm good or worthy for you?"
"I'm not up for this"
"You're not up for anything related to her lately"
"It's just something nonsense, Y/N! ¡Ella es única y solamente mi mejor amiga! ¡No tenemos sentimientos románticos, ni por su parte ni por la mía!" (We have no romantic feelings, neither on her part nor on mine!)
"You're not up for this and you think I'm speaking nonsense, you can leave"
"She's not like that"
"And I'm not a liar, Pedro. I don't go around to get in trouble with people and you should know it. We've been together for a whole year and I have never lied to you. Not even once. I don't have anything against her but she does have something against me and if you can't see it then leave, but don't make me look as if I'm crazy because I'm not"
"Who's hoodie is this?"
"This isn't mine and surely isn't yours. Who's this?"
"A guy offered me his hoodie, my shirt was drenched in coffee and if I stayed in it the only thing it would do was burn me more and I can't walk around the streets of Barcelona in bra, so I took it"
"Sure" He said nodding but you knew he didn't believed it
"I'm not lying, Pedro!"
"You're not lying, got it. But you want me to believe the person I have met since I was 10, the person who has supported me through everything is hurting the one I love the most?"
"Yes, because that's exactly what's happening!"
"You're unbelievable" Pedri shook his head "She's not like that, she wouldn't hurt the one I love the most! She's my friend, friends who are happy with each others happiness and she knows you're mine"
"But she doesn't want me to be your happiness, she wants to be your happiness. You're too oblivious to notice it!"
"I'll take up on your advice, we'll talk once you're calm"
"I can't be calm!"
"Nos vemos" (See you later)
You laughed in disbelief and shook your head. Your turned around to see Felicity, your black cream dachshund of two years laid on the couch who once heard the door closing started barking and surprisingly started to pull the space next to her. You smiled forgetting for a few seconds of your anger.
"Don't fall in love with any boy, yes?" You said to her petting her as she crawled on top of your lap "You do know how to make me feel better, Feli" She licked your clothed chest and smell it repeatedly "Mommy got burn" You took off the hoodie, your bare chest in the air.
Your bra was also drenched, the doctor who took care of you told you it was better if you took it off, she recommended you some creams and gave you a recipe to follow so the burning marks could fade away quickly.
You sighed and sad smiled when your little girl licked at your stomach "Mommy will go and take a shower. Will you help me with the creams? Or will you make some dinner?" She looked at you "Or how about I do both?" She barked and you smiled "Girls night"
"Fer, I'm not going" You said shaking your head over the phone, even though he couldn't see you
"Come on, it's my birthday"
"I'm going to sound like a proper bitch but I'm glad"
"You did sound like a bitch"
"Pedri will be there and you two share the same group of friends, so it's more than obvious she'll be there. I'm not going"
"Come on, Y/N/N" Fer said "I will not leave you alone for a single minute but you need to come. I need my sis"
"I'm not sure if I'm still being your sister-in-law after everything"
"You'll be my sis one way or another. Although I'd love both" You laughed lightly "I'm not saying he's right and I'm not saying you're completely right. But eventually you two need to talk about this, you guys love each other more than anything. You can do this, you can fix this"
"I don't think we can fix it, not this time"
"You always can" Fer said as you sighed "He's been a mess without you, he's not himself"
"He has his best friend to help him with that"
"He doesn't need a best friend, he needs to open his eyes and see the right thing before it's too late" Silence went over the line before he spoke up again "You may have fight, ugly ones... But you always make it out. Love and communication it's your guys thing"
"Things change, Fer. You know?"
"Not you guys" You shook your head
"Everything can" You both fell silent before Fer sighed
"Please come. If you don't want to talk to him, don't. Just be there for me. I won't lose my friendship with you"
"If you ever leave my side even if it's just for one second, I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine, González"
"Deal" You heard the smile on his face "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5"
What were you getting yourself into?
"Long time not to see you, missy" Adrián said as you stepped outside their backyard. You smiled softly opening your arms to hug him, you hissed softly when he hugged you tighter, the fabric of your shirt started to hurt on your aching chest "Sorry, Fer told us you got burnt" You smile softly shaking your head
"It's fine. I'm good now" Adrián tight smiled before rubbing your shoulders a few times making you laugh
His girlfriend, Anabella came and hugged you as well and soon the guys were greeting you with smiles, hugs and jokes. Until you got to Pedri.
"Hola" He said softly
"Hola" You said
"Didn't know you were going to be here today"
"Neither did I" You admitted "I was planning to make up some excuse but Fer didn't have it" Pedro smiled softly
"Glad he didn't" You hummed softly crossing your arms over your chest "How are you?" You sighed
"Been better" You said "You?"
"Awful" You looked at him softly "I missed you... A lot"
"I missed you too, Pepi" You said "A lot as well"
Four days you had not speaking to each other, no calls, a few texts but in the end a few texts meant nothing with everything it had to be said...
"I'm sorry" He said after a few seconds. You sighed and hugged him tightly not really caring about the ache this time
"We need to talk" You said and it was his turn to sigh before hugging your waist tightly "We need to fix us because we can't keep going this way, I love you too much to let you go"
"Glad to know we are on the same page though..." You smiled inhaling his scent "We do need to fix us. I don't want us like this" That's all he said and after a few seconds of hugging, you separated enough from him to join your foreheads
"Shall we go home after this party? We can talk in peace and be just you and me" He nodded
"That's nice" He smiled softly "Can we go now?" His comment made you laugh "I really really want to fix things between us"
"As much as I want to, we can't. We can't just leave your brother"
"Bueno, pero que él es bastante mayorcito para cuidarse solo" (Well, but he is old enough to take care of himself)
"It doesn't matter. I'm here because of him. I wasn't going to come here, Pedro"
He sighed before nodding "Can we leave a bit early tho?" You smiled nodding.
"That we can"
"After singing Happy Birthday?" You nod
"Most likely"
"Fer! I'm kinda hungry for that pineapple cake, don't you want to sing happy birthday now?" You hit his bicep lightly as you both laugh
"Don't pay any attention to this guy, Fer. Enjoy your evening" You smiled softly "And you stop. I'm also nervous and excited at the same time but stop and let's enjoy this evening before we talk, it's something pretty serious" Pedri nods
"How are you?"
"I told you I've been better"
"I don't mean emotionally this time. I meant physically. How are the burns?"
"Hopefully if I follow each and every single thing doctor days, there will be no visible scars"
"Are they pretty bad?"
"Let's say half and half" You shrugged
"I'm sorry about how I reacted with the hoodie thing" Pedro looked down "I should be grateful someone who didn't know you took care of you. And mostly with something as dangerous as boiling coffee is"
And it was all thanks to your amiga. You wanted to say bit bite your tongue back
"Yes, well... We can forget about that for now" You hummed "What are you drinking?"
"Apple juice" You nod
"I'll be needing some alcohol for this day; I'll better go and look for some"
"You'll need it?" You shrugged
"I don't know why I have this weird feeling and I just-" You said brushing it off going to the kitchen where Adrián's girlfriend, Anabella, was there serving herself something "Can you give me a glass of whatever you're drinking?"
"Something's up? You never drin- well... You don't drink hard things"
"I think I'll need it today"
Two hours into the party and not Fer nor Pedri have left your side. It seemed like both brothers were synchronized. You were having a good time and kinda were glad you had come.
Until it happened.
Your third vase of the night was empty and you stood up to make yourself a refill, you thought you were alone in the kitchen and once you pulled the glass container out of the fridge, you yelped seeing Victoria in front of you.
"Why are you here?" She said but you ignored her "I'm asking you something"
"And I'm deciding not to answer it" You simply said making your drink
"I don't want you here" ... "You better leave Pedri alone"
"He didn't asked me to come" You said looking at her "I'm here for Fer" You grabbed your drink and took a sip of it
"You're still distracting him"
"So...?" You asked "Look, I don't like you and you don't like me. We know that. Let's stay in our own sides..."
"I'll stay quier after you break up with him"
"Amor" You heard Pedri speak, you turned around towards the sound of his voice but soon felt your hand being yanked
"Why did you do that?!" Victoria yelled as you looked in shock at your drink on her
"Why did you do that?!" You replied
"Wha the hell?" Both of your heads turned towards the voice... Pedri. "What just happened?"
"Y/N throw her drink at me!"
"I did not! You did it by yourself!"
"Why would I do that? On myself? And if I did, why you have the vase?" She almost fake cried
"Because I was making my own drink!"
"Y/N" You heard Pedri and you looked at him shaking your head
"No. You gotta believe me, Pedro. I didn't do it, she did it by herself. She grabbed my arm when she heard your voice and pulled on it"
You saw him looking in between the two of you, the doubt clear on his eyes
"Victoria" He said
"I wouldn't throw on myself some drink just to get your attention. It was clearly her own doing, you have been telling me she's been making up some stuffs about me! She's clearly wanting you to hate me since we met each other"
"You know that's not true, mi vida. I have never lied to you, not once. Please, Pedro, you've got to believe me..."
"How will he believe you when you made up an absurd story about me throwing coffe on you"
"It's not an absurd story, it's true, you- why am I talking to you? Pedro, please" You looked back at him "You and I both know I don't have the best creativity to create something like this" You shook your head "Please" Your voice cracked
Pedro shook his head after a few seconds, a tear fell from his eye. "You have the vase on your hand and you've been saying all these things..." He started and your heart fell
"No. Yo no soy así, tú lo sabes." (I'm not like that, you know it)
"¿Lo sé?" (Do I?) He shook his head "La tú de estos útlimos días no son la tú de la cual me enamoré" (The you from these past few days aren't the you I fell in love with)
His words slapped you. Hard.
"Pedro, por favor... No tengo ningún motivo para odiarla, para lastimarla o perjudicarle de algún modo. Es ella quien a iniciado todo esto" (Pedro, please. I have no reason to hate her, to hurt her, or harm her in any way. It is she who started all this)
"Because I love him?" She said "He's only my best friend. You made up the in love things" She shook her head "You, on the other hand, had to make up some lame excuse for using another guy's hoodie"
"Hey" You said stepping forward "Mírame" (Look at me) He looked into your eyes "Please, tell me you believe me" His gaze fell "Pedro..."
"It's Pedri" He said "Only my friends and family can call me that"
You stumbled backwards
"Are you really going to do this?"
"You did it first"
You looked at him, at the love of your life, your stomach fell to the ground and you were holding back the tears. Your head was spinning and you couldn't believe it. Not coming from him.
You looked at her, who had a little smile on her face. She got what she wanted. "You won" You said and you saw how her head lifted up a bit while yours went down, hurt. You returned your look to, your now, exboyfriend.
"I really hope you never know the truth" You said sniffing "Take care, Pedri"
And with that you left the vase on the counter and walked out of the González's brothers house.
As soon as your body met the Barcelona air, your tears flew down your cheeks and you pushed your hand out for the first cab that passed on the streets.
Your forever looked like it was just words now. That night you cried yourself to sleep feeling hurt, betrayed and lonely.
... 7 days later ...
"Hey bro" Fer called out Pedri who was laid in his bedroom more than always "Everything good?"
"Not completely"
Fer sat next to Pedri and patted his thigh "Venga, vamos. Habla" (Speak)
Pedri didn't said anything. Words couldn't come out of his mouth and describe his feelings.
"A ver... What's wrong, Pedro? I won't ask again..." Pedro shook his head shrugging his shoulders
"We all know you guys broke up, the why it's still a mystery" Adrián said "In fact, the breakup itself it's a shock for all of us but it was your relationship"
Pedro sighed and closed his eyes... Images of you ran in his mind, he opened his eyes and ran his hands through his hair
"I haven't seen Victoria either which is pretty weird considering how in love is she with you and doesn't let you be" Jesús said
"¿Qué de qué?" (What? What?)
"Victoria isn't in love with me"
"Oh no, she is. Please, don't tell me you didn't knew" Jesús laughed "It was painfully obvious. And the fact you are head over heels with Y/N, doesn't make Victoria happiest at all"
Pedri stood up
"What do you mean?" He asked with fear in his voice
"She was really mad about it, she conforted Y/N, poor girl was just trying to ignore her"
"Were you there?" Pedro asked
"I overheard them speaking that night at Fer's birthday. Victoria was going on about you and her, that your things with Y/N would end up soon... Those kind"
Pedri's mind was racing in fear and agony.
"No" He whispered
I had it in front of me all this time along.
"Is there any possibility for Victoria to have made those burns in Y/N's skin?"
"Well, it can be... She got out of the house around noon so..." Pedri's eyes clicked up like lightning all the dots were connecting by your side.
You were right. All this time you were.
He had been too stupid to realize that "No" He whispered once more
"What's up, dude?"
"I fucked up bro. Big one"
The only thing Pedri could do now, was pray, pray and hope for him not to be so late.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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pablitogavii · 10 months
I like this prank
Summary: One in which you wear a push up bra to see Pablo's reaction ;)
Warnings: slightly smutty ;))
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You saw this challenge on tiktok and really wanted to try it on Pablo today. You're not really a girl with big breasts (they were normal size) but with this new push up bra from Victoria, they were clearly bigger.
"Pablo!" you called from the kitchen purposefully putting one of the bowls on the high shelf telling him you can't reach it due to your height.
"No problem preciosa, that's why I'm here" he smirked reaching it for you and the moment he looked at your body his eyes opened wide.
You internally smirked but pretended not to notice while turning around continuing with your business.
"Hm..amor?" Pablo said while walking behind you and snaking his strong arms around your waist and his chin rested on you shoulder so he could have perfect view of your cleavage.
"Mhm?" you answered while peeling an apple for your snack knowing that he was taking him time looking at your cleavage shamelessly.
"M..maybe we shouldn't go out today?" his voice was mumbling and you knew exactly the reason why he was so distracted but it was satisfying seeing his reaction.
"Why? I was excited to have some fun together today!" you whine feeling his hand move underneath your shirt touching your exposed hips.
"Oh we're gonna have fun together princesa.." he was smirking cockily and you turned in his arms making him back up a little while you looked up at him suspiciously.
"You're acting so strange Pablito..you feeling alright??" you fake touching his forehead and he rolls his eyes telling you that he is perfectly fine.
"You just look so good right now..and I'm in the mood. Come on, amor..let's go to the bedroom!" he pulled you closer and you giggled at how quickly he was turned on and was definitely acting on his primal instincts right now.
"You can wait Pablito..until tonight" you tease on purpose seeing that he was still staring at your boobs clearly not listening to the word leaving your mouth. You smirked raising his head by his chin and he blushed slightly.
"My eyes are up here Golden Boy" you smile and he sighs leaning in to kiss your lips and when you kissed him back he immediately deepened the kiss until you pulled away.
"Amor please!!! I want you so badly! Right now!" he was a whining mess and you couldn't believe one push up bra did all of this. It was quite amusing to see him like this all of the sudden.
"What's gotten you so riled up huh?" you ask and his eyes fell back onto your cleavage as his hands moved from your hips to squeeze your boob leaving you shocked.
"They are so big today...and they feel amazing in my hands" his mouth was clearly watering and you chuckled taking his hands away and he groaned begging you to let him have you.
"Are mis tetas distracting you today? Hm Pablito??" you smirk and he just nods while looking at them leaning in and starting to kiss your neck moving lower but you pulled away again walking away from him and he followed after you like a lost puppy.
"Amor!! Just give them to me! I wanna hold them..and suck them..f..fuck I'm so hard right now!!" he groaned sitting besides you on the couch and grabbing your body immediately attaching his lips to your neck again.
"M..mm..P..Pablo..w..wait" you were a moaning mess now as well knowing you needed to end this prank before it's too late and you're unable to speak.
"Stop teasing me princesa! They are mine and I want them now!!" Pablo was frustrated now but you shut him up with a kiss before pulling away.
"It's a prank Pablito! I'm wearing a push up bra! See?" you show him and he smirks nodding his head but not removing his gaze for a few moments.
"I like this prank princesa.." he smirked pulling you close and making you straddle his lap as you finally let him satisfy his little craving ;)
You might start wearing this push up bra more often..;))
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
Hey pookums. Could you do a breeding kink tom smut with a sub!reader? If your not comfortable I totally understand 💕
Yesss! ty for the req!
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2008 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + SMUT SYPNOSIS: Tom and you have been togther for 2 years and he's been getting more possesive by the minute. One day he finds you talking with one of your old friends while you were shopping for some clothes and he gets enraged, taking you back home and claiming you as his. A/N: had to do RESEARCHHH for this but tysm for the req lovely <3 WARNINGS: degrading, tom!dom, reader!sub, fingering, p in v (missionary, doggy style), smacking ass, rough kissing
I was walking around Victoria Secret, finding some cute bras to wear for Tom when I spotted a familiar face, my old friend Kienan.
I quickly went over and tapped his shoulder, he turned around and his face lit up, "heyy! oh my god I haven't seen you in ages! how are you?" he smiled brightly and pulled me in for a hug.
I hugged him tightly and chuckled "i'm great! it's been like 5 years since i've seen you, how's life doing you?" i said, pulling away.
"Oh you know, a bit stressful and all but I have my girlfriend and my 3 dogs to keep me company" he chuckled, I smiled "yeah, same with my boyfriend, I have loads of work but at the end of the day I get to see him so I'm happy."
After 5 minutes of chatting I heard footsteps behind me and a strong arm wrap around my waist, pulling me in closely. I knew it was Tom, and I knew I was in trouble. Fuck.
"Y/N who's this?" he looked at me, faking a smile. "Oh this is Keinan, just an old friend from high school" I smiled, trying to seem as normal as possible to piss Tom off.
"Mm, say goodbye to your friend cause we're leaving." he said coldly, pulling me away slightly, I sighed and waved to my friend, a concerned look plastered on Keinan's face.
"Tom! Why did you have to embarrass me like that! He's just an old friend why are you being so fucking possessive?" I whisper yelled at him as he dragged me out of the store and into the car. As we got into the car I was still yelling, his fists were clenched, his knuckles turning white. "I can't believe you did that Tom, for fuck sakes, I didn't even get to buy anything because of you!" I grunted and sat back in my seat.
"If you behaved you would've gotten something, you know what I'm like when you're around other men" he said, rage washed over his eyes. He started the car and sped off, I held onto my seat a bit with the speed he was going at, I could tell he was pissed, and tomorrow I wouldn't be able to walk.
As we got home, panic and lust surged through my whole body, feeling a burning in between my thighs. He dragged me into our bedroom and threw me onto the bed. "Take your fucking clothes off and get on the bed" he ordered, I instantly obliged and took my clothes off in a flash.
He stared at my naked body, groaning lowly and walking over to me, he sat next to me on the bed. "Spread your legs." his eyes were dark and full of lust. "O-okay..." I said, my voice wobbly with excitement, I spread my legs and Toms hands flew to my pussy, his fingers rubbing in between my folds and skimming over my clit, I moaned softly and bucked my hips up to gain more pleasure from his fingers. As soon as I did that he retracted his fingers "don't fucking misbehave, just sit and be a good girl."
He then put one finger in, and then another. Slowly pushing them in and out, at such a slow and painful pace. "Tom..please.." I whimpered, begging for him to go faster and put me out of my misery. "Fine, you want it faster? I'll give it to you fast" he growled, pushing his fingers in and out of my pussy really fast. I moaned as he curled his fingers, hitting my sweet spot multiple times.
"You like that, hm?" he stared directly at me, I tried to keep my eyes open but the pleasure overtook my body, I let out a string of moans before cumming onto his fingers. As I came I heard him chuckle darkly, "cumming so quick huh? such a needy slut.." he pushed me further onto the bed and climbed on top of me, taking his jeans off to expose his rock solid cock, standing perfectly, leaking precum and throbbing, desperate for some pleasure.
He spread my legs open roughly and pulled me by my legs, bringing me closer to him, his tip resting against my entrance.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear "I'm gonna cum in you so many times you won't be able to think, you will take my cum like the good slut you are" my eyes widened "but tom.." I looked up at him, wondering where this sudden idea has come from. Me and Tom would usually use condoms or he would pull out, but this was super new.
"No buts, keep still or your punishment will get worse" he glared at me and pushed his cock into me slowly, I winced at the pain and my hands flew to his arms, trying to hold onto him.
"Fuck you're so tight.." he groaned, pushing himself in before finally bottoming himself out. He slowly pulled out and then slammed himself in again, started off at quite a rough pace. I rolled my eyes back as he drilled into my sweet spot constantly, this angle making it able for me to feel every. single. inch. and possibly even more.
One of his hands went to my clit, rubbing it softly, causing me to be less tense, Tom let out a sigh. My pussy had clenched around him so tightly because of how big his cock was.
He continued to whisper dirty and degrading things into my ears, making the pleasure of his cock ramming into my pussy more intensified.
"Fuck! Tom!" I cried out in pleasure, "mm, you like that don't you? fucking slut" he snapped at me, causing me to throw my head back and wrap my legs around his waist tightly, pulling him closer.
It's like he was drunk on my pussy whenever we fucked, he could never get enough of it, one round was never enough for him, always leaving me exhausted after.
I felt my stomach twist into a knot, signalling my orgasm was near, I knew Tom could tell as well as he started to go even harder, pounding into me mercilessly, gripping onto my hips and digging his nails into me. I grabbed onto his dreads and arched my back, tugging harshly as I came, my orgasm crashed down, my legs twitching. Tom moaned loudly as he came, filling me up with his cum to the brim. He slowly fucked his cum into me "you loved being filled up like this, don't you?" he smirked, I nodded frantically and whined "more please..more.." he nodded and flipped me over so I was on all fours on the bed.
His cum was slightly dripping out of my pussy, then he slammed back into me, not giving me enough time to rest. I was getting a little bit overstimulated but it just felt so good. Tom always knew how to please me, his rough touch was addicting.
He continued his brutal pace, our skin slapping together and the sounds filling the room. I swear we were so loud, the whole neighbourhood could probably hear us, but I didn't care, all I needed in that moment was his cum in me.
I grabbed onto the sheets tightly, my knuckles turning white. It felt so good, so so good. I was drunk on his dick, it was so good, the way he pounded into me made me so wet.
"Holy shit, gonna cum!" I moaned loudly, gripping even tighter on the sheets as my orgasm washed over me, "me too liebe! fuck!" he again dumped his load into me, filling me up and making sure to fuck his cum deep into me.
I fell forward and he collapsed on top of me, we were both trying to regain our breath, he flipped me over, kissing me softly.
"Did you enjoy being filled up liebe? Told you it would be good" he winked, I giggled "yeah yeah, whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully. He then cleaned me up and we cuddled, settling for the night.
E/N: this is my first time doing something solely based off breeding, SORRY IF IT WAS BAD ILY ALL <333
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hatsue-exe · 1 year
Can I get a request for Kidd and Law (separate) after a bad argument (hurtful words thrown both way) with their s/o? Who apologises first and how? How quick are they to forgive? What was said that hurt each other? Sorry if it's too long and detailed 😅
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How they act after a fight:
warnings: some angst, fem!reader for kid (dunno why, just felt like it), gn!reader for law, reader is part of their crews.
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Eustass is the king of bickering with everyone in the ship, so it's not uncommon that you have disagreements. Fights, however, are a whole other situation.
When you actually fight, it escalates to the point where no one in the crew is able to ignore it. And Kid never masures his words, shouting whatever comes to his mind, so it gets hurtful pretty quickly.
Because of that, he's usually the one to apologise first, even if he's terrible at it.
"Why do you always get in the way? I can handle my own fucking fights!" you screamed as you boarded the Victoria Punk, your captain right behind you.
"Sure you could, just like last time, when you got yourself hurt and Killer almost got shot!"
"I was fine…" Killer mumbled, loud enough for you two to hear.
"See? He was fine! I was fine!"
"Of course he was fine, he's my fucking first mate! He's the one that got you out of that fucking mess! If he hadn't been fine, you'd be dead now!"
"As if you gave a shit about my well being!"
Heat passed the both of you, half the crew following him into the kitchen to try and ignore the fight. Killer, however, stuck around. He knew what was coming and that he'd have to interfere if it went any further.
"No, I don't give a shit about you at all, that's why I waste my fucking time protecting your useless ass from every enemy we cross!"
There it was.
You stopped in your tracks, eyes getting tearful at his words, but you held it, walking past Kid and out of the ship again. "Fine. Since I'm such a nuance, I'll get out of your sight. I'm no longer a Kid's Pirate."
That Killer was not expecting.
"Good fucking ridance."
Oh, no.
The entire crew got to the deck just in time to see you disappear back into the town you ported in. Killer went to his captain, pulling Eustass to the side. "Go after her.", he said, voice muffled by the mask.
"No. She left all her shit on the ship. She'll be back by dinner, when she's done trowing this fucking tantrum."
Problem was, you did not come back by dinner that day, nor the next, nor the following week. And Kid grew concerned. What if you crossed some marine's path? Or a stronger set of pirates?
What if you just didn't want to come back?
Those thoughts plagued his mind until he'd had enough. "Everyone! Get out there and find our fucking crewmate!"
Obviously, Killer was the one to find you. You were at a bar a bit far from the city, the owner being kind enough to land you a room in exchange for some help. "Captain wants you back."
"Your captain, Killer. I'll wait for some other crew to take me in."
"We're your crew." He sounded almost hurt, and you signed, putting away the broom and looking at him. "Come back to us, if not for him."
"So I can stand in your way? Killer, I have the lowest bounty of all of you. You have so much to conquer. I don't wanna bother."
"And I don't wanna conquer shit without you." Both of you turned to see Kid at the bar's door. "Can we talk in private?"
You took Kid to the back, while Killer went to find the rest of the crew. "We'll wait for you on the ship", he said, and you had no idea who he meant.
"Talk, Eustass."
"Look, I'm an idiot, a'right? I shouldn't have said that shit to you. When you got hurt and I didn't manage to stop it, when Killer was the one to go save you, I got mad at myself. I'm supposed to be your fucking partner, what use is that if I can't keep you safe? I was just trying to… Ugh, I don't even fucking know anymore."
"I get what you mean, Kid." You took a step towards him, barely believing your punk-ass captain was being so communicative. "But you can't spend your time babying me. I may not be the strongest, but…"
"You're strong. I wouldn't allow some weak thing on my ship. I wouldn't be in love with anyone weak. I'm sorry. Please come back to us. To me."
That last part was mumbled, but you knew it was sincere. Closing the space between you, you hugged Kid by the waist. "Second and last chance, Eustass. Pull this shit again and I'll rip your other arm."
"HA! Now there's my girl."
Fights with Law are much different. They almost never happen, simply because he'll room himself out of the situation, which makes it worse sometimes if you actually need to discuss something with him.
Both of you usually end up apologising, and pretty quickly. Holding grudges is a bit though in a submarine.
"I just want to talk, Law. Can you please hear me out this time?"
"We don't need to talk. The problem was solved. End of it."
You grew more and more frustrated. All you wanted was for Law to include you a bit more in his plan-making. You were a great strategist and he knew it. But his plans worked, and that's all that mattered to him apparently. "I just want to help. Aren't we supposed to be partners in this whole thing?!"
Trafalgar got away from the desk and turned his chair to you. "We're partners, but ultimately this is my ship and we will do things my way."
"Ugh, why do you have to be so stubborn? At least give me a chance to…"
"No. If something goes wrong, I'm responsible for it, so we do as I say and that's final. We've had this discussion before. Don't make me have it again." He went to turn to his work, but you got in the way, covering his books with your hand.
"Law I've had enough of this! Let me help! You don't have to do everything by yourself, we're a team! Just goddamn it, let me in."
Seeing your eyes water made Law sign, his hands reaching out to you and pulling you to his lap. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just hard for me to listen, but I'll try next time, ok?"
"Thank you. I'm sorry for being pushy as well, but I just get frustrated, you know?"
He took your hand in his tattooed one and kissed your knuckles. "I do, dear. Please, say your piece. I'm all ears."
You knew that it wasn't much yet, and you'd definitely have to go over this same topic again after a while, but it was a good start.
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a/n: your request was great, don't worry! also sorry for law's being shorter, i just don't know how to write his personality properly :") and i also love kid's little punk, bitch-ass so
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xetswan · 3 months
Unknowing- Intruder
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[two] [three] [four]
"Hey [Name], Sam's been calling the line." Charlie tells me as I scarf down a buttered toast.
Ever since I found out that I can eat food again it's been my favorite thing to pass time.
Even if I don't need it. I've missed the taste of everything. "Mm," I finished the food in my mouth.
"What'd he say?" I ask before taking another bite of food.
Every single time I eat too I know I look like I haven't eaten in days. Like a starved child.
"Just that he needs to talk to you about something important." My dad simply shrugs his shoulders, taking a berry off my plate and popping it in his mouth.
"Think he's pregnant?" I jokingly ask only to get hit in my shoulder. "You're stupid." He shakes his head.
"What? I can't be a teen mom, dad. I'm telling you. He'd be on his own." I say with a mouthful of food.
"Yeah because we need another [Name] in the universe." Charlie sarcastically speaks aloud. I let out a gasp. "Rude." I finish off my plate, standing up to put it in the sink. "You should seriously speak with him soon, he's blowing up the line. I'm about ready to throw it away." He half-heartedly jokes, even though he was a little serious.
"I'll get to it soon." I sigh, I stretch out my limbs, twisting my sides.
"You've been gaining some muscle." Charlie suddenly says out loud. "You think?" I lift both my arms, flexing off the muscles I obviously knew were there. Just feeling a little cocky lately.
"Okay, show off." He nudges me.
I smile, grabbing my leather jacket from the hook, throwing it on. Bella comes downstairs and then I hear a car pull up.
"You wanna eat something, Bella?" Charlie asks, she only shakes her head, putting her sweater on as well. "Alright, you two have a good day." He tells us, we both wave on our way out the door.
At the school, I sit on my bike, waiting for Jasper and Alice. In my jacket I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. It's tight against my arms, almost close to not zipping up anymore.
"Hey lovebug." I feel a hand land on my thigh, squeezing it tightly. "Hey." I smile back. I go to say something to Jasper as well but a roar of another motorcycle erupts into the parking lot.
Bella and Edward get out of the Volvo. Jacob climbed off his own bike, striding towards them. "Jake!" I furrow my eyebrows, watching my sister get excited to see her once best friend. I grip onto Alice's hand that was still on my thigh.
"Hey, Charlie said you left town." He states. "Yeah. To visit my mom, why?" Bella questions him back. "Just checking to see if you're still human." I lean back listening to their conversation. My arms crossed. "I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..."
"Wait, what?" Bella cuts him off, confused. I glance at my partners. They already told me what happened.
"You didn't tell her?" Jacob glares at Edward, this is where I stand up and join them. Alice and Jasper stay in proximity just in case.
"Just leave it alone, Jacob." I tell the wolf who seems shocked by my words. "Tell me what?" Bella asks.
"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about." Edward shortly explains.
'Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town too? I can't believe you got [Name] in on it too." Jacob scoffs in disbelief, I roll my eyes. "You should leave. Now." Edward warns him. I stand straighter, hands on my hips as I stand beside Edward.
"She has a right to know. She is the one the red-head wants." Jacob spits it out knowing that's exactly what we want hidden. "Victoria? Alice's vision." My sister realizes.
"We were trying to protect you." Edward tells her sincerely. "By lying to me. [Name] you too? You two are like- we're gonna talk about this." She points between Edward and I. "But, you. Why haven't you called me back?" Bella questions Jacob. "I had nothing to say." He answers.
"Well, I have tons." Bella walks closer to Jacob. "Hold on. Hey. Bella." Her boyfriend attempts to stop her.
"Edward, you have to trust me." She pleads with him. "I do trust you, it's him I don't trust." Edward exclaims. He lets her go and she jogs to Jacob, climbing on his bike.
"Hey, [Name]. Before I leave. You should really talk with Sam." He then smirks to himself as Bella wraps her arms around his waist. "Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." I hear my sister tell the boy.
"Hold on tight." He kick starts the bike, driving off.
As they drive past, Edward just watches. "Want me to go?" I look at him. He glances over at me, bowing his head slightly down.
"Your sister is stubborn." He then nods his head, motioning for me to go.
I headed over to my bike, Alice and Jasper were still standing there. "You can't go, [Name]." Is the first thing to leave Alice's mouth.
"Babe, it's alright. Would you rather Bella be on the rez alone? I'm the only one that can go and not get threatened." I remind her to which she glances up at Jasper but knows I'm right. Her eyes flickering back down to the ground.
"She's right," Jasper starts off at Alice then at me. "Just be careful please, darling." He brings me into a small kiss.
"Of course, I'm a fucking hybrid. Who's going to threaten me beside the Volturi?" I whisper, knowing only they could hear. Alice slaps my arm, even though she knows it's a joke she doesn't find it funny. Jasper does though which helps my ego a little bit.
"Alright, don't worry, my love. I'll call you right away when we leave the reservation." I promise her, kissing her cheek but before I can let go she pulls me in for another kiss. "Good." She mumbles under her breath, letting me go.
I get on my bike, kicking up the stand as I start it. "I love you both." I mouth, both of them smiling in return as I drive off.
Pulling into the rez, the energy was different than it had been before. People aren't glaring me down as I drive past. Instead I got smiles. Even if they were small. Billy was also already on his porch as if he had been expecting me even though Sam was the one who requested to speak with me through Jacob.
Speaking of, the large man is right behind the older one. To which I rolled my eyes at. "Hi, Billy." I smile, not acknowledging Sam.
"Well, you've gotten some muscle on you." Billy grins in return. I park my bike then flex my arms through the jacket I was wearing, just like I did with my dad.
"How's being a hybrid?" He rolls his wheelchair down to get closer to me as I was walking toward him.
"It's alright. Love being able to eat food again without it tasting like sand." I half-joked. There was definitely some truth to that sentence.
"I bet. I'm gonna have to set up a feast for you someday." He looks up at me.
"I would love that." I grinned. Then as quick as he was cheerful, it went quiet. Billy became solemn.
"You're always welcome here, [Name]. The pack agreed to stay neutral. More than that, they are very welcoming. You should learn both sides of yourself." He tells me, grabbing onto my hand I could tell he wanted to feel my warmth.
So I let him. I think back to the agreement I had made with my partners. Swearing that I would never turn into a wolf unless absolutely necessary.
"Thank you." I bow my head momentarily. "You don't plan to do that though, do you?" Billy quietly asks me, not in an angry or upset way. But knowingly. My silence of course answers for me.
Sam scoffs, "of course you don't." He shakes his head, finally putting himself into the conversation. "Excuse me?" I cross my arms, glaring right at him.
"Those bloodsuckers, they told you not to and since you're their little bitch you do exactly as they say." He gets in my face, I step back so Billy doesn't get hurt.
Knowing that I can barely control myself after my emotions I close my eyes for a split second. Taking in deep breaths. Slowly, in and out... 
"Sam, she's stronger, back off before something stupid happens." Billy warns him, placing a hand on his arm to stop him but Sam shoves it off.
"I want an answer. They convinced you to not use it, didn't they?" His shoulder presses against mine and that's when I shove him away from me. His body flailing backwards to the dirt.
"I didn't come for this, I barely even came here to talk to you. I'm here to make sure Jacob isn't reckless with my sister. I angrily spat at the man who's getting up off the ground.
"Why I don't turn into a wolf is my business. Not yours. Never will it be yours." I got in his face this time. "I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but I do not want you near me. So stop trying." I push off of him, this time a lot softer but it does cause him to lose his balance just a little bit.
"I'm sorry for the show, Billy. I'll see you some other time." I looked him in the eye, ignoring Sam who was just standing there now. "It's alright, your sisters in the garage." He points, I thank him as I walk away from them.
Before I enter the garage I hear Jacob getting upset. "You knew this was gonna happen." I hear Bella say. "Not in a month." He argues, he;s pacing. I stand outside quietly knowing that they can't sense me. Something that is a part of being a hybrid. No one can catch my scent or presence.
"I mean, not before you've even lived! Or before I could... for a second." He pauses to think about his next choice of words.
"For a second I thought... But he's got his hooks in you so deep." He growls out "I decided this, not him." Bella argues with the werewolf.
"Bella, they're not even alive. It makes me sick. Better you really be dead than one of them." He says out of anger and as much as I want to go in there and back my sister up I know she wouldn't want that right now.
"I can't believe you said that Edward was right. I shouldn't have come. She mutters and I frown from hearing the pain in her voice. I hear Bella step forward to leave. "Bella, come on. Please, I'm sorry." He says but I'm starting to question if he's even sincere anymore.
I hear her step further into the garage and uncover something. "We should stick to safer subjects like motorcycles." She speaks up to cut the tension in the air.
"Only thing safe about you on a motorcycle is when you turn it off." Jacob teases and I use this as a cue to join in. "Ain't that the truth." I walk in with a smirk. "Hey, no need to gang up on me." My older sister frowns as Jake and I laugh.
Bella and I get home late and when we walked in our father was right there in the kitchen. "You know the Cullens could at least respect meal times." Charlie tells us. "We were with Jake." Bella says and I hum too.
"Oh... Good, did you speak with Sam while you were over there?" he asks as I was smelling something unfamiliar in the house, it was mainly in Bella and my room.
"Uhm, yeah yeah." I was a little distracted but the conversation was quickly cut off by a knock on the door.
"I'll give you guys some privacy then." Charlie walks out into the living room. Edward walks in after Bella lets him in but I'm trying to smell the scent more, not being able to put my finger on where it's from.
I quickly went up the stairs to my sister's room first.
"What's going on?" Bella asks. "[Name] smells something. It's strong, I smell it as well. Something's wrong." He follows behind me. They watch as I'm checking things out. Touching the things this person touched.
"Edward, [Name], what's wrong?" My sister worriedly questions us. "Someone's been in here." Edward says for me.
Alice comes to my side as we all gather in the Cullen's living room. "Who was it? Someone we know?" She quizzes us.
"Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent, neither did [Name]." Edward tells everyone. "A nomad passing through?" Esme asks.
"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella and [Name]s father alive." Rosalie argues. I suck on the inside of my cheeks at the thought of Charlie getting hurt. Alice hugs my arm tighter for support. Jasper then bursts through the door.
"His scent disappeared about five miles south of their house." He tells everyone before waking up to me. Taking my hand into his, planting a kiss on Alice's head as well.
"Someone's orchestrating this." Edward states the obvious. "Victoria?" Carlisle says. "I would've seen her deciding." Alice shakes her head ruling the redhead out.
"It has to be the Volturi." Edward butts in. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too." Alice again disagrees. "So we keep looking." Emmett speaks.
"We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house. I think [Name] can handle herself along with helping us." Carlisle gives me a small smile.
"Another protection call?" Rosalie interjects. "Rosalie." Esme warns.
"No, she's right. You can't protect me, watch our dad and search for the intruder and for Victoria and keep yourselves fed." Bella agrees with the beaut.
"I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward explains.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. And I wouldn't be unprotected. I have [Name], and I have..." She stops herself then glances up.
"What?" Edward questions but I already know what it is.
I apologize for how long this took lol. I was very busy with a bunch of stuff I had to deal with moving lol. I also have a new cat and he has so much energy lol
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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warmaidensrevenge · 4 months
It's not a never.
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Pairing: Eddie x best friend!Fem reader
A/N: Hey loves. Hope you all had a great week. Tonight's fic is part one of two. I hope all you like it. As always thanks for reading. Kay love ya byyyye.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,045
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, angst, sexual implications and not proof read.
Summary: New feelings? Yeah Eddie's got it bad.
Part 1
Eddie looked around the cafeteria table at his friends. “ Uhhhh you're joking…you gotta be joking…pfff that's hilarious.”
Everyone sat there in silence.
“ Guys? Seriously?! No way! No fuckin way!” He said, putting his hands up. “ Nope!”
He locked eyes with you and raised his brows. “ Common, you agree with me right?”
You averted your gaze to your lunch and shrugged. 
He looked at the imbecile that brought up the subject in the first place. “ You turned her against me!”
Gareth scoffed. “ Dude no. All I'm trying to say is that prom is like a highschool right of passage. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out.”
Eddie tuts and narrowed his eyes at him. “ Miss out on what exactly? Penguin suits?”
You answered his question. “ You guys don't have to wear tuxedos. You can wear all black. Like always.”
He shot you a look and you smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes. “ Okay how about shitty music?”
You answered again. “ They're bound to play something good.”
He gave snake eyes now to you and you stuck your tongue at him. 
“ Okay how about all of us are broke and we can't afford a limo?”
You opened your mouth to respond but he pressed his lips and widened his eyes at you.
Grant cleared his throat. “ Ehem. Well, you do have a van.”
Eddie licked his lips and looked at his lunch box. “ You guys are nuts. I'm admitting you all to Arkham…I-I can't believe you're trying to convince me to go to prom…Where the hell am I gonna find a date?”
“ Eddie, we're going together as a group. No dates.”
He looked up at you and you gave him a pout. God he hated when you did that. He could never say no when you put your lip out like that.
“Do you even own any dresses?” He asked sarcastically. 
When you beamed at him, he gave you a defeated look. You'd convinced him.
You smirked.“ Oh you'd be surprised what I have in my closet.” 
Eddie sat there and kept shaking his head while his friend talked about the plan for prom. 
He couldn't believe it. Eddie absolutely could not believe he was doing this. He was driving to a damn dance. It was the last thing in the world he thought he would be doing. Yet here he was. Pulling up to the last stop before prom. 
He lowered the music and parked in front of your house. He honked the horn and waited. 
A minute passes and he sees your mom open the door. She then motioned for them to come in.
Eddie sighed when he saw her waving a camera. This was not a night he wanted to remember. Or there to be any evidence of it ever happening. 
Everyone hopped out and walked to the house.
“ Oh my! You guys look sharp.” Victoria said, giving them each a hug.
Eddie grinned and gave her a warm embrace. “ Look who's talking. You look ravishing.”
Victoria playful slapped his chest. “ Oh you.”
“ Seriously Eddie? Dude, stop hitting on my mom.”
He turned his head to give you a smirk but instead his jaw nearly hit the floor. 
There was only one word to describe how you looked coming into the foyer in your off the shoulders black satin dress. 
That word along with your name in the same sentence was not normal. Well other than him saying (That nat 20 was beautiful y/n.)
But now you are beautiful. Not that he thought you were ugly or something. It's just he never thought about that at all. 
You were just one of the guys. A kid that liked to ride bikes and wrestle with boys. A kid that didn't care if you got dirty or cried when you scraped your knee. 
You were one of his best friends and up until now, he never saw you as anything more. 
“ Stop gawking dude.”
Your comment woke him up from his initial shock.
“ Ermmm. Y-you clean up alright kid.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “ Gee thanks. I appreciate that. You don't look awful yourself. I see you pulled out your funeral attire.”
He looked down at his black short sleeve button up and his uncle's black slacks. Along with his white Reeboks. 
“ Well you did say-” he looked up and you turned around and went to say hi to everyone else. 
You always did that. Whenever he was gearing up to argue, you would walk away. It always irritated the living fuck out of him. However, right now all he could do was smile to himself. 
Before the group pictures you had gotten each of them a white rose to pin on their shirt. Eddie watched you smile happily as you and your mom put them on.
When it was his turn, his heart started to race. You were so close to him, he could smell your perfume. It was sweet and floral. Playful yet sexy. Something he could smell forever. He could just bury his nose in your neck and die happily. 
He shook off the intruding thoughts and focused on your hands. 
“ OUCH!” He hissed.
You pulled your hands away and looked up at him worriedly. He grinned and thought your forehead looked so cute when you pinched your brows together like that. 
He grinned. “ Just kidding.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and mumbled under your breath. “ You dick.”
He chuckled and apologized.
You guys were sitting at a table near the exit in the gym. Talking amongst yourself. Eddie would have complained how they have been there for half an hour and the DJ has yet to play a passable song. Instead, he sat there wondering if he should ask you to dance. Would it be weird? No one else asked you yet. And he didn't think Gareth or Jeff would. Grant maybe. Because he liked all kinds of music and loved to dance. And he had a secret crush on you.
But Eddie had to beat him to the punch. He needed to know what it felt like to hold you close. 
Just as his mind went haywire, he felt you tap his thigh and began spelling something out.
‘U- ok?’
He glanced at you and nodded. He always did like how you guys secretly communicated. He put his arm on the back of your chair and started writing on your back with his thumb.
‘Yeah- u?’
He kept his thumb pressed against your skin. Loving the warmth radiating from it and how smooth it was.
You wrote back. ‘Hungry.’
He looked down at your salad plate and it was empty. While cursing at himself for declining his salad that he should have given you, he searched around for more food. 
He leaned in towards you when he found some. “I'll be right back.”
He got up and went for a plate when someone sat down in front of the one he was eyeing. He sighed and went on the hunt for another. It took a few minutes but eventually he was able to sneak one.  When he came back he saw that you and everyone else at the table had a dinner plate already.
You grinned at him. “ I spoke too soon. But I'll totally eat that one too.”
He shook his head. “ I think all of us are gonna need 3 servings of this. With how much the tickets cost, they could at least give us more than an ice cream scoop of potatoes and a chicken wing.”
You agreed with him and offered to take them out for burgers after.
You guys were in the middle of eating when yours and his song came on. You immediately put down your fork and wiped the corners of your mouth.
“ Mhmmm. Okay! Let's go.” You said standing up. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone looked at each other and got up too. Except him. 
“ Muuunnnnsooonn.” You sang out, walking backwards towards the dance floor. “ Common. This is our song dude. We have to.”
He chuckled while you pretended to cast out a line and start to reel him in. 
He had no choice. He had to join and belt out the song with you. 
What's goin on!”
While grabbing his hand, you started swaying with him and the others. 
“ And so I wake in the morning and I step outside. And I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream at the top of my lungs.
Eddie re-lived all the memories you and him had.
All the times he was bummed or sick. You would show up with food and sing that song. When you had a bad day at school or got anything less than a ‘A’ on an assignment, he would wrap his arms around you and rock you back and forth. Singing at the top of his lungs. Making you laugh like crazy. 
He liked hearing you laugh. Especially when you laughed so hard that you would let out a small snort. He also liked how your fingers felt, scratching his head when he had a headache. The way you hummed What's Up? always made him feel better. 
Even now, seeing you rock back and forth, singing your heart out. It made an alright night to one he'll never forget. 
A couple weeks went by and Eddie couldn't get you out of his head. After prom, everything went back to normal. Except his feelings. You weren't that kid anymore. You weren't just one of his best friends. 
In addition to being that, you were a girl who he wanted to hold. Maybe kiss and have sleepovers. Well, a different kind of sleepover than he was used to. 
He tried so hard to avoid you as much as possible during those weeks. But he eventually missed you, so he gave into whatever was taken over his heart.
All the times he hugged you hello and goodbye would last a little longer. He became more affectionate than he'd ever been. Random tickling you when it wasn't weird. Just so he could touch you. Or he constantly had his arm around your shoulders whenever you were together. 
He thought no one would notice since it was so close to graduation. But he was wrong. Apparently he was doing it so much that Gareth had to pull him aside and talk to him.
“ What the hell's going on man?”
Eddie's eyes went wide. The jig was up. “ Ermmm hmmm? What's up?”
Gareth crossed his arms and stood quiet. That's all he needed to do to get Eddie to talk. That and a stare down.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “ I…I don't know what happened…one minute she's who she's always been and the next, she's not.”
Gareth tilted his head to the side and remained silent.
Eddie clicked his tongue and shook his head. “ Look man, I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that I feel different.”
Gareth straightened his head and raised his brows.
Eddie let out a long sigh. “ Fine! I like her. I like her, like her.”
Gareth smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. “ Welcome to the club.”
Eddie jerked his head back. “ What the hell does that mean?”
Gareth laughed. “ Dude! We all had a crush on her at some point. Remember when Jeff needed help with the spelling bee in the 6th grade?”
Eddie nodded.
“ Well she helped him for a whole 2 weeks. Jeff swore he loved her after that. And Grant…well you know he always liked her. But it really hit him when she decked Jenny for calling him fatso.”
Eddie was quiet for a second. “ W-what about you?”
Gareth put his hands in his pocket and gave him a thin lip smile. “Uhhhh…so I broke my arm once. Before you moved here…She helped me out a lot during that summer. She did my chores and helped cut up my food sometimes… You know, she was the only one who signed my cast.” He smiled. “ She's a great friend. She always has been. Honestly, I'm surprised it did happen to you sooner.”
Eddie licked his lips and put his hands in his back pockets. They had all liked you because you helped them out or defended their honor. But you hadn't done anything different with him. Besides you looking incredible at the dance, there was nothing that he could think of that made him like you like that.
“ S-so all of you guys still like her like that?”
Gareth shook his head. “ Nah man. I knew that it was just a crush. And Jeff, well Jeff's dating Connie. Grant…Grant still likes her. He even tried to kiss her.”
Eddie flexed his jaw. “ What?! When?!”
“ Prom.”
“ PROM?!”
“ DUDE!” Gareth hushed him up. “ Calm down. You left to get food and he tried. But she let him down gently. She said that she sees him as a brother. In fact, she sees all of us as family. And it would be weird if she dated any of us.”
Eddie's heart sank. Did you really think that about all of them or just the 3 stooges?
“ Look Munson, don't worry about it. It will go away.”
“ What-what if it doesn't?”
Gareth shrugged. “ Then talk to her. Maybe she can say something that will make you feel better about it.”
All of sudden Eddie felt hands on his hips.
“ Hey ladies! What are we gossiping about?”
He turned slightly to find you staring up at him. His heart fluttered seeing your amazing smile.
Gareth spoke up when Eddie couldn't answer.“ uhhhh nothing. Just talking about Mrs O'Donnells final.”
You huffed and grabbed his hand. Pulling it over your shoulders. Lacing your fingers with his. 
What did that mean? It was weird right? You and him were close. But now that he had feelings for you, everything you did seemed intimate.
“ Don't you guys worry, okay. I've helped both of you and you'll do fine. Then all of us are gonna walk the line and finally get the hell out of here.”
You looked up at him and beamed. Making him grin right back. 
There was a moment there where he thought that you felt the same for him. But that was squashed when you let go of his hand and hook your arm around Gareth’s. 
“ Now common. They're serving pizza and you know how I love pizza Fridays.”
He and Gareth chuckled and responded at the same time. “ More than us.”
You started for the cafeteria. “ You betcha!” 
A week later and Eddie still couldn't shake you. He just couldn't get past the thought of being with you. Or even if what he felt was just a hard core infatuation. But nothing could prepare him for the events of senior outing.
It wasn't camping or a field trip to Washington. It was a movie in the park. 
Sure, you guys could have rented a decent horror flick and binge out on snacks in your basement. But you argued that it was one of the last chances to hang out. So of course everyone went. 
Eddie was walking back with Jeff. Hauling bags of popcorn and drinks for everyone. As soon as he was close enough he caught your eye. You bit your lip and waved him over. 
He immediately felt butterflies in his stomach. 
When he sat down you scooted closer to him and covered his legs with a blanket you brought. 
You then grabbed your purse and pulled out his favorite candy.
He smiled and patted himself down. Pulling out a box of milk duds from his jacket pocket.
“ Awwww you remembered. Thanks.”
His eyes went wide when you gave him a peck on the cheek. 
He had only a second of shock before he tried to brush it off. “ Of-of course. I could never forget.”
You happily rocked side to side as you combined the candy and popcorn. Then you held out a bite for him. 
His heart started to race the closer your hand got to his mouth. 
He closed his eyes and let you feed him.
Under any other circumstances, this was totally normal. You were very affectionate. It actually annoyed him most of the time. However this time, it only served to make him think you actually did like him too.
As the movie he couldn't pay attention to kept playing, he tried not to think about his “crush”. But it was a battle he was losing. Every time you would laugh, it would warm his heart. Every time you guys reached for popcorn at the same time, your fingers would touch. All he wanted to do was hold your hand or pull you closer by your waist.
Then like a sign from above, the wind picked up. You moved closer to keep warm. Out of nowhere you rested your head on his shoulder and put your hand on his upper thigh. That's when his breath caught in his throat. He tried to clear it and ended up coughing. 
Without hesitation your reached over and lifted up your lemonade for him to take a sip.
He licked his lips and took a drink. After you put the cup down, you started tracing across his thigh. 
He gulped and nodded. “I uhh I'm gonna get us refills.”
He felt your eyes on him as he got up and grabbed your cup and his. 
While he walked to the snack bar he tried to talk down a chubby. This wasn't okay. The way you made him feel was agonizing. But in such a good fucking way.
When he hit the stand there was a huge line. 
Shit! He thought. 
By the time he got back to the spot, you had moved to sit between Gareth and Grant. That's when he noticed you wearing Grant's leather coat. He instantly got jealous. 
You looked up and gave him a small smile. “ Sorry Eddie. I got really cold while you were gone.”
He shook his head. “ It's cool. The line was long.”
Once he handed you your drink he plopped down and sulked.
Obviously his feelings weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
What the hell was he gonna do?
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daintcas · 2 months
can you write something where you go into mean!rafes tent when you’re camping with friends late at night, claiming you heard a noise but he doesn’t believe you and he discovers you’re true intentions was just to get in his pants🙏
oh my god this is so creative 😭 switched it up just a lil but i think it still fits ur idea !! apologies it took me so long to finally get around to it!
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the leaves crunch under your feet as you approach the insanely massive and luxurious tent just a few feet from your own.
you knew it was risky since everyone else was already asleep in their equally as expensive sleeping arrangements. it must have been the long night of partying around a bonfire because the only sound filling your ears were the crickets lingering at the nearby creek.
with nobody to interrupt your poorly thought out and drunken plan - after a few too many hard seltzers - you slowly unzipped what you were pretty sure was the zipper of rafe's tent. in all honesty, you didn't know him. he was just one among many guys a mutual friend invited, but you were coherent enough to recognize the suggestive glances he spared you.
you bit your lip while carefully stepping inside, attempting to minimize the ruffle of the uncomfortable material. it's pitch black in the tent - which is tall enough for you to stand at your full height. that is until the light of a phone screen exposes you standing in the unwelcome space.
"the fuck are you doing?" the voice is low and mean, clearly irritated at the invasion.
blinking your eyes open and looking straight into the only source of light, you pause for a moment before remembering the excuse you prepared earlier. "i, um— there was a noise. i thought it was coming from here?"
a scoff is what you get in return and the click of a lantern replaces the accusing spotlight from the device. that's when you get a good look at him, clad in grey sweats and a dark hoodie, socks bunched at his ankles. "a noise?"
blinking your heavy eyelids and looking up at him through your lashes, you can't help but feel adrenaline at the sarcasm in his tone. the drinks weren't working in your favor, that's for sure.
"mhm," you all but bob your head "in— in here. a noise." the amusement spreading across his face in the form of a smirk seals the deal, suddenly making you feel so small under his tall stature steadily approaching.
"riiight.." he draws out, raking in your form just like he had been before, but this time really taking it slow. from your fluffy socks up to the tiny victoria secret boxers, up to the lace bra peeking out from under your baggy sweatshirt.
if a cold night in the woods didn't give you goosebumps, his gaze certainly did. you let him encroach on your space, eyes glued to his face and tilting your head back to keep contact.
"you lyin'?" he finally questions, though his expression shows he already knows the answer - and already knows how you intend on responding.
"no.." you reply in a weak effort to keep up your story and use your hands to symbolize a crash as you add, "it was like a.. like a bang!"
his smile is a bit softer before returning to the menacing way it was before and he nods along with a taunting hum. nodding his head to end the discussion you both knew ended before it started, he acknowledges you directly. "why don't you tell me why you're really in here? not very safe sneaking around at night, is it?"
with a defeated sigh, you shake your head, tucking some hair behind your ear and standing calmly in a way you normally wouldn't if sober and well-rested.
a million thoughts run through his mind of exactly how this situation could play out as he tongues at his cheek and watches you closely. eventually deciding to think with the tent in his pants rather than the one sheltering the two of you, he leans right in your face and nudges your chin up to face him with the knuckle of his pointer finger.
"i'm sure your lil tent is cold, huh? why don't you uh— let me keep you warm, hm?" he offers while letting the scenarios run wild in his head. a pretty girl willingly bringing herself to him in the middle of the night, secluded, with nobody else in earshot.
it's like that's all you were waiting for because an eager yet still sweet and innocent smile finds your face. only able to squeak out a "'kay" before he's leading you gently by your upper arm to an air mattress - as of now still completely inflated.
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heavyhitterheaux · 9 months
how about readers friends judging her for liking baby jack and wanting to date the “wannabe rapper”
"Y/N, out of all the boys in this school you like Jackman?" Victoria asked while looking over at you. She didn't exactly turn up her nose about it, but you could tell that she didn't approve 100%.
You were currently staring off into space thinking about how the two of you were going to study later and then go get ice cream. It was Friday and the two of you would usually stay up talking all night in your backyard as you taught him all about space. You didn't know if he was into it like you were, but he always took his time to listen to you and make it known that your interests were important to him.
"Yes. What about it?" You asked as her, Blanca, and Jess shared a look.
"But why do you like him? I just…" Jess started to say, but you cut her off.
"I just love being around him. He was the first person I met when I came here and now he's truly one of my best friends. The blue eyes and curly hair are a plus. What's the big deal?"
"Not you crushing on the wannabe rapper." Blanca said and all you did was roll your eyes.
"He's really good. I actually think he'll get signed one day."
"A white boy from Kentucky? You can't be serious."
"People already believe that people in Kentucky can't read so what makes you think that they are going to take a rapper and a WHITE boy at that seriously in the industry?"
"We are only fifteen and he's only going to get better. And I help him write songs too. I know he’s going to catch the eye of someone in the industry and get signed."
"Y/N, as amazing as that sounds, I just don't think so."
"You three are supposed to be my friends and be encouraging and positive towards me."
"We are your friends! We might not know him as well as you do but…"
"Exactly. You don't know him as well as I do. I wish you three would take some time to get to know him and be able to see what I see. I really do like him and I like him a lot. He's the person that I spend most of my time with."
"We're just trying to get you to be realistic. And the friends he hangs around? They're a little questionable too."
"They treat me like I'm one of them."
"Exactly. So since Jack only probably sees you as one of the boys, do you think he likes you like you like him?"
"I think so. At least Urban told me he does and he tells him everything."
"We just… don't want you to get hurt."
"We want to look out for you."
"I'll be just fine." You answered while looking away from them so they wouldn't see you upset.
Just then Jack came up behind you and covered your eyes and all you did was laugh.
"Guess who?"
"Hmm, my husband Justin Bieber?" You answered and all you heard was Jack suck his teeth.
"Are you going to sing my favorite song for me?"
"Now what makes you think I know any of his songs? Even though your favorite is One Less Lonely Girl… or so I've heard." Jack asked as he finally uncovered your eyes to sit next to you.
"Ladies." He said while greeting Jess, Blanca, and Victoria who told him hello in response.
"Because when I was sick, you kept me company as I kept playing it over and over again. When you get signed you better meet him and put in a good word for me so we can get married."
"Not if I marry you first." Jack quietly said and the only person who caught what he said was Jessica who got a small smile on her face.
"I didn't hear you, what did you say?" You asked him and all he did was smile and shake his head.
"Oh, nothing. Now, where did you want to go to get ice cream later?"
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 days
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P7
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Medical stuff, family issues and Violence.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part ..... Next part >
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You relax a little but keep your eyes on the two just in case, despite them keeping their distance and trying to make you feel safe you still don't trust them. "First I'd like to know exactly what you were told and who told you" Kid speaks up seeming angry about it, you somehow knew his anger isn't directed at you but it still makes you tense up a bit "Kid" Killer sighs shaking his head at his friend who jumps a little noticing he's made you go back to being tense. "It's ok… My parents told me when i woke up. They said i was kidnapped and held for ransom by Pirates when i was 19. They paid the money but I wasn't handed over and i was forced to work for them. I know i have bounty poster for being a part of the crew even if it was against my will. Urm… i think it was a few days ago, they said the pirates got into fight with the marines and there was an explosion, I was arrested but my parents manged to pull some strings so i was free to go and come here… I don't remember any of that though, i just woke up here… I don't even know where here is" You sigh looking over at the window, the world outside was nothing like your home but it wasn't scary, it actually felt better than being home. "Most of that is a lie" Kid scoffs getting angry that your parents would make up something like that but then again you did say they were awful people, Killer nods before shifting a little on the bed to fully face you "Your on Kyuka, an island on the grand line, we had to back track a bit to get some of our crew back and to come see you." Killer states watching as you nod before looking out the window.
You can't believe your on the grand line and you can't believe your parents came out here to get you, it makes you happy that they care enough to come for you. "We did take on a quite a few marine ships and there was an explosion while you were on one of their ships. It had explosives on it and you were steering it away from the Victoria Punk … Our ship, You got knocked into the water along with a few other crew member's and picked up by marines later on." The masked man continues watching as you nod along, that part matches what your parents and doctors told you, although these two seem to care a lot for you, the masked man even sounds worried when talking about the explosion, this brings one question to your head and a strange deep need to know the answer. "What's my relationship with you two?" You ask while looking down at your hand thats griped into a fist on your lap, you know there's more to all this, why would they come this far to get you if you were just a cash grab or a single member of their crew? Why do you feel so comfortable around them? Even though you know their pirates for some reason your convinced they won't hurt you or drag you away. Kid moves to sit on the bed getting you to look up at him, he goes to speak but Killer places his hand on the red head's leg "I don't know if you'll believe us" The masked man sighs as his head drops a bit seeming very unsure, Kid sighs and shakes his head putting his hand on top of the masked man's to comfort him "i want you to know, just don't freak out, please" The masked man continues, anticipation grows in you as your heart beets faster wanting to know now more than before.
Nodding at the two Kid looks back at you deciding he'll be the one to tell you since Killer seems too nervous about your reaction, "Us three are in a relationship together" He state hoping you will understand but you look between the two confused by his words, you kinda know what he means but you want him to be more clear. With a sigh the red haired man slowly moves his mental hand over to you and places it on your still clenched fist, a sense of relief washes over him when you don't pull away or flinch. You couldn't flinch away, you know he wouldn't hurt you on peruses but his hand was heavy making your fist press down onto your burned leg. Your hand shifts making him pull away in shock but you place your hand on the bed before looking up at him. "Elaborate" you state making Kid smile placing his metal hand back on yours as Killer let out a small huff of a laugh "You and your big words" Killer shakes his head, but he sounds happy which makes your heart flutter a little. "You've been a part of my crew for 7 years, Me and Killer have been together for 6 years. We didn't intend for anyone to join but" Kid gulps as his cheeks go red starting to get flustered over having to explain their relationship with you, noticing he's starting to struggle due to embarrassment Killer looks up at you and reaches over placing his hand on top of Kids mettle hand adding to the pile. Your heart pounds harder in your chest but its not out of fear, it makes you happy since you were right about the connection you feel with the two. You didn't think it would be this but you want nothing more than to hear them say how they feel.
Killer waits for your eyes to shift to him before speaking "We both fell in love with you and it took us a while to figure out what we wanted and to tell you… You felt the same, so us three have been together for 4 years now. It's a Poly relationship, we all love and care about each other" Killer finishes off for Kid the two staying quiet after to give you time to process, you may not remember being with them but it sounds so right, you know what a Poly relationship is but you never thought two people would love you and each other at the same time but your happy that it seems that way. Despite these feeling though, you still don't know them well enough to act on any of these feelings, when you know them more or remember more you can then rethink but for now its best to shove these feelings away. Just as you finish deciding what to do and how to answer your parents walk in along with the nurse from before whose apologizes over and over again to them "Get away from her" Your mother yells storming over to you as your farther glares at the two men "Get security" Your father order the nurse who jumps at his stern and angry tone. The two pirates don't move or take their hands off you not threatened by the two people who just walked in. "No, no, it's ok. I said they could stay" You pull your hand away from the two to quickly grab your mothers arm that was reaching for the empty glass vase on your side table. The nurse freezes in place not sure what to do and who to take orders off, your farther raises an eyebrow at you his anger being turned to you now as your mother looks at you in shock not only form your words but from realizing all the roses in the room are gone. Letting out a breath you try and calm yourself knowing what is going to come from the both of them, its best to keep calm in this situation.
Your Farther's abrasive voice cuts through the short silence, if you weren't so used to it then you would have jumped in shock "Y/N, these two are pirates, their the ones that-" Your farther glares at you but your blank eyes meets his stopping him from continuing "I know who they are. I know what you told me but i don't know what to believe. You're telling me one thing and their telling me another, I'd like to hear both sides before i make any kind of decision" You stay calm as you speak knowing getting angry with your farther or mother will make it less likely for them to hear you through their own anger. Your Farther takes a step towards you his eyes filled with rage that you would answer back, he looks like he's going to hit you but you know he won't, mainly because he didn't want to injure his hands. Kid growls low seeing that look on your farther's face and suddenly stand up his fists gripped ready to punch the man "I will kill you if you hurt her" In shock your quickly turn to look up at the red head whose eyes are glaring at your farther, no one has ever defended you against your parents before, everyone always takes their side. He didn't have to do anything, but he did, it sends a strange warm light feeling through your chest but in turn your head starts to hurt, it doesn't feel like a normal headache, the back of your eyes hurt as your head goes fuzzy, there's an image in your mind but it too blurry to make anything out. "Sweetie, they are dangerous, they took you from us, what ever they told you is a lie" Your mother whispers to you but you can't stop looking at Kid who's glaring back at your father, both refusing to back down from what ever mental battle is going on.
The more you look the clearer the image in your mind gets but your head hurts more and more, your ears start to slightly ring as tears well up in your eyes, not because your sad but because of the pressure building behind them. Killer manages to snap you out of your strange gaze by placing a gentle hand on your cheek, your head throbs but you look to meet his masked covered face "You ok?" Killer asks scooting closer his thumb rubbing under your eye wiping away a stray tear, even though he's wearing a mask you can tell he's concerned by his tone. Your mothers eyes widen at seeing you uncontinuously lean into his touch so quickly grabs your slung up arm "Get your hand off my daughter" She scowls while puling you away making you wince in pain grabbing onto your bandaged shoulder as pain shoots through your hole arm. "Don't pull, you'll hurt her.. Y/n you ok?" Killer growls at your mother before turning to you going back to that clam and kind voice, pulling away from your mother you rub your shoulder managing to calm the pain down a little, Killer reaches out to touch your cheek again hoping to comfort you but you push his hand away nit wanting touching you right now. "I'm fine" you finally state despite your head and shoulder throbbing, Your mother gives you a sad look before bending down to you "I'm sorry sweetie, i didn't mean to hurt you" She whispers seeming genuine in her apology so you look up at her and nod giving her a small smile letting her know it's ok. Your farther growl under his breath having enough of the situation "I want these two out of here now" Your farther orders to the nurse behind him but his eyes are glued to the red head who is still glaring back "We're not leaving unless Y/N wants us too" Kid replays as the nurse looks around the room unsure of what to do with all the different people saying different things.
Making his way around the bed towards the red-headed pirate your farther growls under his breath "My daughter has memory loss, she doesn't know what she wants" Your Farther yells only to be met head on by Kid who quickly storms over to the end of the bed getting in your farther face and towering over him, despite the clear intimidation your farther refuses to back down or break eye contact with the red head. "She may have memory loss, but she can still think for herself, she's a grown ass woman" Kid yells into your farther's face starting a yelling match between the two, your head throbs more making your vision go fuzzy, everyone voices fading in and out hardly able to make out the words being yelled. Seeing a glazed over look forming in your eyes Killer's quick to place his hand on your cheek but you slap it away much harder this time "SHUT UP" You yell making almost everyone in the room jump in shock turning their attention to you. "Please just go" You whisper while rubbing your head it starting to hurt less now that the noise has stopped, your mother gives you a happy smile, glad that you've finally agreed with them that the pirates should leave. Kid bites his tongue struggling not to continue yelling at your farther as Killer sighs standing up off the bed. "Well, hurry up and get out" Your farther steps aside gesturing towards the door for the two to leave, looking up at your farther you sigh knowing he didn't get what you were intending "You too" Your mother looks at you with wide eyes before bending down to your level "Sweetie-" she tried to say but you hold your hand up not wanting to hear it.
The nurse sighs knowing what she has to do for her patients sake, you are her patient and their for your comfort is more important "I'm sorry but visiting hours have long been over so please leave, you can come back tomorrow if she wants but if you kick up a fuss again I'll have no chose but to kick you out " She states stepping over to the bed giving you a slight nod, letting you know she's on your side. "That includes you too Mr and Miss Winslow" Your Mother goes to protest at this but your farther gabs her arm pulling her away from the bed "We will be coming back tomorrow and i hope by then you have your attitude fixed" You have to bite your tongue at your fathers comment, you wanted to berate him but it'll only make your head hurt again. "As for them, i don't want them near my daughter" Your mother pipes up looking over at Kid and Killer who haven't moving yet, although Kids fits are clenched at his side his flesh hand starting to turn white while his eyes burn into your farther, if looks could kill your father would be long dead. "Y/n? Is that what you want?" Killer calmly asks turning to you, You need to know more before you make a destitution on who to believe and the only way you'll get that is if you talk to all people involved. "I want you to come back, I-" You want to say more but your farther interrupts you making your head hurt with his sudden yell "Absolutely not" Kid storms over to your farther grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer almost lifting him off the group. "Will you let her speak for once, Gods no wonder she ran away, you over controlling narcissistic bastard" Kid yells only to be stopped by Killer who runs over and grabs the captains shoulder "That's enough, we should go, let Y/N rest. We can talk tomorrow and figure things out"
It surprises you how calm the masked man is and how easily he seems to control the situation, Kid lets go of your farther dropping him to the floor where he stumbles back while fixing his suit collar and tie. "I'm sorry Y/n, we'll let you rest" The masked man turns to you giving you a nod before grabbing Kids arm and tugging on it, The red head sighs before turning to you and rubbing the back of his head "Sorry for my out burst…. we'll see you tomorrow" You nod at his words although you did notice the slight redness in his cheeks, the nurse gives everyone a smile before gesturing towards the door getting everyone to leave. Once everyone's out the room the nurse closes the door and turns to you, making her way over she sits on the edge of the bed before pulling your shirt away from your shoulder to have a look at the bandage "I'm so sorry, i should have stepped in sooner" She whispers while checking for any sign that your wound has reopened but luckily it seemed fine, there's no blood and the bandage hasn't moved. Placing your hand on hers you look up to meet her eyes "It's ok… It's a strange situation and my parents are hard to deal with" You try and comfort her, you know there's also a big likely hood that your farther owns a percentage of this hospital so talking to him in any way other than with respect might get you fired. "Thank you for being on my side, its… rare" You admit pulling your hand away from hers letting her pull your shirt back over your shoulder.
The nurse takes your hand her small smile dropping as she thinks for a second, your about to ask her what's wrong when she starts talking. "I know it's not my place to say but your parents are right about them being dangerous. Eustass Captain Kid and Massacre Soldier Killer both have bounties over two hundred million, their part of the worst generation and ruthless… but on the other hand they do seem to care, they seemed genuinely worried and ready fight for you, it didn't seem like an act." She sighs not sure if she should be telling you all this but you squeeze her hand leaning forwards a bit while giving her a reassuring smile. "Thank you, I'll take any information is can get at this point, like i said before i don't know what to believe, the only thing i can go off is facts and some fuzzy images i can't make out" You state while rubbing your head trying to see that image again but it won't come back, the nurse nods and stands up letting go of your hand "I'll do what ever i can to help but for now I'll get you your meds and then you can rest" She turns leaving you alone in the room again, hopefully you can get more answers tomorrow and hopefully your parents will find your glasses so you can read something. Its so boring just sitting around or watching the dock where ships barely move. With a sigh you lean back against the bed while's placing a hand on your cheek, it still feels warm from Killer's touch it feels nice and you can still faintly smell Kid's cologne giving you a sense of comfort.
----- The Victoria Punk -----
The normally loud dinning room is silent something thats is very rare especially when almost the whole crew is gathered in there, Killer had just finished explaining why you weren't back with them which left the crew feeling deflated. None one spoke for a long while, most of them looking to their Captain hoping he has a plan or an idea but the red head just sat in his chair, his feet propped up on the table while his arms are crossed over his chest tightly. No one could tell what Kid was thinking or feeling, his eyes are angry but his face is blank as the captain stares off into space, with his mind clearly somewhere else Killer sighs crossing one leg over the other as he sits next to the red head. The masked man didn't know what to do, a part of him hopes that Kid will snap and just tell everyone we're grabbing you and leaving despite what they told you but he doesn't want to break any kind of trust or relationship that they have just formed. It's a miracle that you want them to come back, with a sigh Wire leans on the table looking over at his two friends, the room as been quiet for far too long and someone needs to take charge of the situation "So what do we do? Take her in the middle of the night?" The tall man asks knowing exactly what reaction he's going to get, the two men suddenly turn to look at him as they yell the same answer in anger "No" They both glare but soon release the small smirk at the corers of Wire's lips, its clear the tall man only asked that because it would snap them out of their own heads. "She stays until she agrees to come back and i ain't leaving her with those assholes so where staying… House, how long does it take for memories to come back?" Kid sates suddenly turning to the doctor who's messing with her fingers.
House gulps before slowly looking up at her captain knowing he isn't going to like the answer "I-i don't know, it could take a few days or months or years and in some cases… they might not come back at all" Her shoulders tense up as she says her last part, Kid growls while gritting his teeth but before he can start his out burst Killer steps in placing a hand on the captains shoulder giving it a hard squeeze "While were dealing with the situation i want everyone to be on high alert for marines, if her farther does have connection he might have called some in to get rid of us" The masked man states knowing that the crew is at risk, Kid sighs and nods in agreement "There should be several people on watch at all times and no one should leave the ship without permission, understand?" Kid calls out earning loud "yes Captain" from his crew which makes the red head smirk again, House raises her hand getting the two's attention before speaking "I was thinking that maybe i could join you two at some point. i want to look Y/n over, make sure she's healing well and maybe do some snooping around the hospital." She hopes they'll agree but by their thinking faces she feels like it's going to be less and less likely, luckily though they turn to each other and nod, silently agreeing on something "We'll bring it up to her and see if she agrees" Kid states hoping you'll say yes to having someone else look you over, the two don't want to overwhelm you with new people, and they also don't want another reason for your parents to bitch and moan causing you more pain and increasing the chance of a marine presence.
Through the conversation between the three a rhythmic tapping of fingers started to develop getting louder and louder, Heat has his teeth clenched as his fingers tap the table, lost in thought it was Wire who snaps hims out of it by bumping the stitched man's shoulder with his own "What's up?" The tall man whispers not wanting to interrupt Kid and Killer talking to the crew, Heat sighs and rubs his head while stopping the tapping he was uncontinuously doing "I know i've heard the last name before, Winslow, Winslow. uhhh, i-i just can't put my finger on it" The stitched man groans in frustration, its on the tip of his tongue but it just won't force itself any closer, Wire pats his friend on the back giving him some kind of reassurance, it would be nice to know who your parents are, but he doesn't want to put any more weight on Heat's shoulders. A few seconds later it finally hits the stitched man making his eyes widen in slight shock, cursing under his breath the room suddenly goes quiet all eyes turning to Heat since they know something has well and truly caught him off guard. "The Winslow family own a Drug distribution company that mainly castors to the marines and world government, a few years back they were also given a licence to make new drugs although that licence has since been revoked but i can't remember why. They also own several other big company's in weapons, fuel and have shares in others that have been handed down for generations… Their rich.. Like royalty rich"
The room goes completely silent at this no one knowing what to say about the situation, it normally wouldn't bother them if you came from a rich family but this is different, your family sells a lot of stuff to the marines and seems very buddy, buddy with them. It's true your farther can't fire a marine, but he can pull resources which will be disastrous for them so it's no wonder the commodore was so hell-bent on keeping quiet. "So what if her daddy's rich, the prick has no right" Kid growls flicking his hand in protests while leaning back in his chair but it seems some of the crew don't feel the same, they still want you back but being this rich and from a very well known family will bring its issues like it has now "I don't get it, she left and now years later they want her back, Why?" Mohawk asks a man how has been with the crew since the beginning and of course gets his name from the tall and thin orange Mohawk on his head "Something fishy is going on, i think it's a good idea to gave a few of us look into things" Narbe a man with two large scars down his face and over his eyes speaks up making the captain hum in thought, it would be good to get some info in order to have the upper hand, it also might help them in the future "Alright, you two and Heat your in charge of that but don't leave the island" The three smile giving their captain a nod happy to help out and also maybe rough up some people to get information.
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Hello! Been reading your twilight posts recentlt and was wondering what you think might have happened if James had killed Emmett in the ballet studio, particularly how it would have affected Rosalie/her dynamic with the Cullens?
Bella feels horribly guilty to learn that her stupid plan to save her mother (who had not been kidnapped) as well as the fact that she drew James's attention in the first place (which would not have happened had she not intruded in the Cullen's world where she feels she doesn't belong) got someone killed. Not just someone, either, but one of the Cullens, Edward's beloved brother, and Emmett who seemed so nice for all she didn't know him that well.
Bella is devastated and feels increadibly guilty and horrible.
This is made worse by Rosalie's (understandable if not ideal) reaction where I imagine she blames Bella to her face. This never would have happened if Bella had not been involved in their lives, not come to that baseball game, or if they hadn't saved her from that stupid van/killed her the night after like Rosalie wanted to. Rosalie feels as if she's traded Emmett for Bella and she hates that.
Edward of course blames Rosalie for having the worst reaction possible and actively driving Bella into a depression.
I imagine Rosalie leaves, Edward clearly isn't leaving Bella (as I imagine he'd want to hold on a little longer/this wouldn't be the New Moon wakeup call for him) and she wants time on her own to grieve/not get into fights with Edward over whose fault it is that Emmett died. No doubt Rosalie also blames the family somewhat as if they had sided with her and chosen not to protect Bella, Emmett would be alive. It's understandable why they wanted to protect Bella but it also was dangerous and risked someone dying for what. Rosalie needs some time to process alone.
Bella now feels she's driven Rosalie out of the family, this makes her guilt even worse.
I imagine Bella actively tries to avoid the Cullen household that summer (unlike canon) as being there reminds Bella of what happened/she believes it reminds the Cullens of what happened...
Honestly, I think Bella dumps Edward. She tries to hang on to him but as the weeks go by and his family is clearly falling apart, and it's all her fault, and he's sitting there being so sweet when she just effectively murdered his brother...
I don't think Bella could do it, it'd be too much and she'd double down on "Edward deserves better than me". Especially when she can justify that Edward can't read her thoughts, he's clearly too good to ever blame her when she deserves it, and she can say to herself "Edward doesn't realize how awful of a person I am."
So, Bella breaks up with him so that he can have someone better, his family can move, and they can heal. Edward is shocked and horrified but in the midst of his despair and depression remembers that this was what he wanted, he wanted to leave Bella eventually and her doing it versus him might be better. So, Edward leaves immediately and steals all her pictures/every gift he ever gave her.
Bella sinks into her New Moon depression immediately (made worse by Emmett's death and the fact that Bella did this herself and now is weak for wanting to take back her decision and oh god she's the worst person on the planet).
The Hallucination Edward times are even more fraught as Bella feels doubly guilty in that she shouldn't want to summon Edward and yet she can't live without him. I imagine this results in even riskier behavior as Bella genuinely thinks she should die and gets closer and closer to actively wanting it.
Bella probably succeeds in killing herself.
(The Jacob thing here... I don't know if he could help because the thing is Bella despises herself so much/feels so guilty and Jacob has no context for understanding this even if he becomes a wolf (added that Bella now is responsible for people dying because Victoria is actively hunting her) that I don't think Bella can use her friendship with him to claw her way out of depression.
He'd probably just make her feel worse given he shifted because of Victoria which is because of her and have we mentioned Emmett is dead?)
I imagine Alice does not tell Rosalie in part because Rosalie's not near her when it happens also because... well... bad history and Alice blames Rosalie for this mess.
This means no one tells Edward.
Edward's suicide is thus put off for as long as he feels he can live without Bella. When he breaks and goes to check on her, he discovers she's died and goes to Volterra to kill himself where no one is able to stop him from breaking the law.
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pocket-jack · 6 months
"Supernova trio stranded on the wild island"
Law: Alright. We need to find water source first. Then build a camp nearby, but not too close to avoid the mosquito attack. Then we should check surroundings for food. Our best course of actions is to look for bird nests and eat the eggs in them. Do not eat any berry, they might be poisonous, and under any circumstances DO NOT eat the meat without thermic processing first. Am I being clea-...
Kid and Luffy who's sit on top of freshly killed bear and eating its meat while fully covered in blood: Huh? Why can't we eat raw meat??
I hc that Kid and Luffy have pretty similar childhood.
Kid was a feral child, but instead of having home to sleep or people to care about him, he had nothing, but himself. He also considers Killer his brother or just something like a brother. Perhaps he didn't even knew what the brother/sister/father/mother was, so he just figured that Killer is something that Kid don't want kill.
Killer wasn't a feral child from his birth like Kid was, but instead was left alone on the island by his parents. He knew a lot and was hanging out with Kid to not feel lonely and in danger all the time. Of course, wild life got him twisted too, but he's still pretty intelligent.
They grow protective of each other, hanging out, playing and fighting with the others.
I headcanon that their home was more of the trash island than the solid ground. There was enough of garbage to freely stand on it, but you could sometimes sink deep inside the trashy deep seas.
Killer just noticed that Kid loved doing stuff with the garbage, so he scavenged some engineering book and gifted to Kid. He went "The fuck's a book?", "It's a tones of paper glued together with words, that contains information. This one contains information about engineering", " The fuck's words???". They had to go... Through a lot of explanations Killer's childish brain could come up with. But Kid liked the gift when he understood what he was reading. He actually build a toy robot and was so happy about it. He decided to give it to Killer as a thank you present.
Then they met Victoria who became "a girl they don't want to kill so she can hang with them", and yes, Killer thought of them like siblings.
They kicked some asses, made friendships and alliances, had adventures and made promises to become pirates together.
And then Victoria dies. But unlike Sabo she dies for real. And Kid is devastated. Firstly, because he never thought that someone's death could make him feel so bad (and there were a lot of people and animals dying in here), and secondly, because he loved her dearly. And Killer as the most level-headed person in here (also really devastated, but had to remain calm, because Kid needed him) just stayed there trying to snap him out of it, but the only thing that Kid heard was a fainted "Kid!.. Kid?.. Kid. Don't look at her. Look at me. Look. At. Me. Calm down. I'm here. Please, just calm down. Please". When Kid finally looked at him he just saw how fucking scared and panicked and dirty and wet and bloody his friend was, and it just snapped him out of it.
Kid just brought together the other gang's and defeated the biggest and most dangerous gang in the whole island. I like to believe that after that he couldn't even look at Killer's face again, because the only thing he saw was his face that night. Killer was devastated and hurting much more. He was much intelligent and smart and clearly understood some things better than Kid did, and that's why Kid thought that something that Killer was going through was much worse than he had it. And Kid swore to become much stronger to never see that expression on Killer's face again. And Killer just understood that Kid would never look at his face as usual again, so he just covered it with mask, to make it easier for Kid to look him in the eyes, even if it was just holes.
I like to think that Kid, just like Law, sees Victoria in Luffy: the energetic, stubborn and freedom loving. At first he showed some interest in him, but then just made some parallels, and only then grew much more angry at Luffy for the things none of them couldn't control.
Ouch, that went too far into the angst from the funny silly feral boys doing funny silly feral stuff when their unferal and depressed boyfriend just being angry at them for breaking a lot of sanitary norms.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 8 months
Believe what you want is amazing! We need part 2 if you can, love it 💕
After a long while, here's happy ending, you can read part 1 here "Believe What You Want" and the angsty second part here "Angsty Version" . Tbh, I don't know what I did here, I was falling asleep in front of my laptop💀 so yeah sorry if it isn't good😭
I took ages to do this one, I know but I've been extremely busy and sometimes I can't with myself
Believe What You Want (2) - P.G8
(Happy ending)
Summary: After realizing he fucked up, he tries his best to get you back
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"I overheard them speaking that night at Fer's birthday. Victoria was going on about you and her, that your things with Y/N would end up soon... Those kind"
Pedri's mind was racing in fear and agony. "No" He whispered "Is there any possibility for Victoria to have made those burns in Y/N's skin?" "
"Well, it can be... She got out of the house around noon so..." Pedri's eyes clicked up like lightning all the dots were connecting by your side.
You were right. All this time you were.
He had been too stupid to realize that
"No" He whispered once more
"What's up, dude?"
"I fucked up bro. Big one"
"She doesn't answer me" Pedri said for the fifteen time in a row pacing around in his room
"And she won't answer to you" Fer said "I mean... I wouldn't answer you either"
Pedri had explained everything to the three guys in the room, Fer knowing a bit more thanks to you. And he knew that his younger brother loves you to death but he also knows that what he did, wasn't right.
"¡Joder! ¡Soy un puto idiota!" (Fuck! I'm an asshole!) Pedro yelled kicking a ball in his room crashing into one of your pictures together "No, joder... No" (No, shit... No) He hurried to pick up the picture and inspect it. It had one little scratch made from the glass, the scratch made in between the two of you.
He shook all the negative thoughts that were running in his head and changed the photo frame.
"Well, you've got to understand her" Adrián began speaking "All of this could be true and her boyfriend just choosed to not believe her"
"I did not just choose not to believe her"
"You basically did, bro" Fer hissed "I mean... If my girl tells me that I would do more than just talking with each girl separatedly"
"And not only that but you also told her your personal fights as a couple" Jesús said
"Because she's my best friend!"
"Hermano..." Fer started "That's meant to be something only for the two of you, not something for you, Victoria and Y/N" Fer shook his head "I mean... It's okay you ask someone else for an advice, like what to do or stuffs but not to rant because for that, you've your girl. The one who's in the relationship with you. The one who's with you in the goods and the bads" silence flowed into the room, Pedri's heart was beating incredibly fast "If you want her back, you need to fully work for it, Pedro. Words won't do half of the work you gotta do"
And that was it.
Pedri broke down, feeling already the loss of the love of his life not being next to him, this time a bit heavier than the past 7 days. He left you when you didn't do anything at all. He threw you and your relationship away without a good reason. Tears escaped his eyes and his breathing was erratic.
All of his thoughts were about you and imaginating a life without you in it, thanks to himself.
"I'll be back before midnight" Pedro said grabbing his phone, wallet and car keys
"Where are you going? Won't you even take a shower? You smell" Adrián said shaking his head
"He cometido un grave error con la chica que amo, en estos momentos oler bien o estar guapo es lo que menos me vale" (I've made a big mistake with the girl I love, right now I don't care if I smell or look good)
"Pedro" Fer called him before he got out of the room "Buena suerte, hermano" (Good luck, bro) Pedri for the first time ever, smiled a bit.
"Thank you"
He was going to work for your forgiveness. He will make you fall in love with him again. He will win your trust again. You'll be happy with him. You'll be with him. He was going to make sure that happen.
And for that, he needed answers.
"Yes, there was a (Hair color) girl, with (Type of Eyes), a bit short, she was pretty nice. Sad thing she got hurt" A boy behind the counter said hissing remembering the moment "Elianna went with her, she said it was pretty bad but nothing that some cream and care couldn't do"
"Is that girl here? Elianna?" Pedri asked hopeful
"She's on her lunch break right now" The guy answered "She has the whole shift... Is it important?"
"Yes, really important" Pedri said without a doubt
"I'll let her know. You can sit anywhere and if you want to have a drink you can tell me" Pedri nodded slowly walking away.
He didn't know how much time he was there until a redhaired girl walked up to him, he without thinking straight stood up
"My workmate said you were looking for me?"
"Are you Elianna?" She nods "I'm Pedro. I'm the boyfriend of the girl that was poured coffee all over her"
"How's she?" She asked after gasping a bit at the mention of you. "I hope she's better"
"Ah-yes, she is a bit better. Thank you for asking" Pedri nodded nervous "Can I ask you something?" The girl nodded "Who poured the coffee on her?"
"Some random girl, Y/N said the girl didn't liked her..."
"Could you maybe describe her?"
"Oh, sure!" Elianna nodded "She had long hair, brunette with blonde highlights, she used tight clothes and she wasn't as short as Y/N, she was a bit more taller, maybe just like you?"
That was exactly Victoria's description.
"She entered a few minutes before Y/N, after I gave her a box of cupcakes she just kind of ran away and then next thing I knew was that the same girl poured hot coffee on Y/N"
Pedri stood there taking in all the information
"She hasn't been here since that day" Pedri nods humming "However, Y/N has and I know for a fact that her boyfriend broke up with her thanks to his best friend" Pedri looked up at her, guilt filled over his body "Why are you behind her? She's been awful these past few days, she's recovering from your treatment, why the need of asking all of this, if you don't believe her?"
"Because I fucked up. I fucked up big time and I want to mend it"
"Wish you luck... You'll deserve it because if I was her, I wouldn't even give you the time of the day or spare you a single look" Pedri looked down in shame and regret "I need to go... You want to order something?" He shook his head
"Not feeling hungry at all" He murmured grabbing his wallet and pushing some money into the girl's hand
"You aren't ordering anything"
"For you... For the help, for the info. Thank you"
And with that Pedri stood up and left the cafeteria. As soon as his body met the Catalan air, he fought the need of crying his everything out. You were right, just like you always were.
"I shouldn't have just let it pass" He said crying to himself now in the calm of his car. "I should have done something" He lamented.
His phone lighted up with a notification he didn't care about, his focus remained on a photo from the two of you at one of his spots in Barcelona to calm down and relax.
"Please, mi niña. Tell me how to make things right, tell me it's not too late, just please..." he begged at nothing because you weren't there and you haven't been since 7 days ago.
And as reality was hitting him, he knew there could be a possibility of you not going into his life ever again. Leaving him for your own good while he was suffering.
Pedro picked up his phone and dialed his best friend Jesús's number.
"¿Aló?" (Hello?)
"You said you heard them speak that night at Fer's birthday, right? I need to know everything you heard and if you saw something too, I'm on my way to pick you up so we can talk"
"You're really working for Y/N?"
"I am" Pedri nodded "I fucked up and I'm trying to mend everything with her"
"I'm waiting for you, hermano and also..."
"¿Qué?" (What?)
"Good luck, you'll need it"
That phrase was starting to get on his nerves, he didn't liked how that sounded, because it seemed like even with all the effort he'll make, it'll not be enough to bring you back into his arms.
"Thanks bro"
...Two days later...
"Why?" Pedri said entering Victoria's house
"Hola Vic. ¿Cómo estas? ¿Qué tal va todo? Días sin verte" (Hi Vic. How are you? How's everything going? Long time not to see) She mockingly said with a smile but her smile was wipped off of her face when she saw Pedri's seriousness
"No estoy para juegos. Dime el por que has hecho eso" (I'm not in the mood for games. Tell me why you've done that)
"Done what?"
"¿Me estás tomando el pelo?" (Are you making fun of me?) Pedri hissed angry "Stop playing around and tell me... why you did all of that to Y/N?"
Victoria's face changed
"I didn't do anything"
"You did. Don't lie to me about anything because I know how things went now" Victoria's face changed
"What do you mean?"
"I know you poured hot coffee on her that day at the coffee, I know you've been telling her things behind my back about my relationship with her and stuffs, I know you poured her drink on yourself but made it look like it was her doing" Pedri shook his head not believing it "You faked things and like a fucking stupid I believed them, when the one I should've believed was my girlfriend! You damaged my relationship but I was the one breaking it for believing you, for believing my best friend"
"I let go the woman I'm in love with and it was all thanks to you because I never thought that my best friend, the one who has been besides me through my whole life could do such a thing and lie to me straight to my face!" Pedri's face was red and he never stopped to take a bit of air, he was fuming, he was angry and all he wanted to do was make Victoria disappear.
But most of all, all he wanted was to get you back.
"Those are lie-"
"If you even dare to say lie, I will pour the same drink Y/N was drinking that day at Fer's birthday, this time someone pouring it over you for real"
"She's making those things up!"
"She's making nothing up! I saw the video of the CCTV camera of the coffee shop, Jesús heard and saw the two of you at Fer's birthday and now that I connect dots, every single thing Y/N has told me, has sense now. And I hate the fact I couldn't see through it, I hate that I put my girlfriend's words in doubt all thanks to someone who didn't deserved a single look"
"Pedro, stop. You're hurting me"
"And don't you think you've hurted me before? You knew I was having troubles with her and all you wanted was to get her away from me. Why?" Nothing came out of Victoria's mouth
Your words came back to him and he blinked thrice, suddenly being brought back.
"Don't know" You sighed "As much as Victoria might love each and every single one of you, guys... I can assure you that what she said to me today and the way she said it, it wasn't a joke" You said "I'm a girl and I have a male best friend too. But I wouldn't say those kind of stuffs just as a friend or to see if she's worth and good for him" You shook your head "Es más, ni siquiera le diría algo de ese estilo a ella" (I wouldn't even tell her something like that)
"She likes you" You said after a few more seconds "And that's it"
"Can I ask you something and you answer me with the truth?" Pedri said with his heart on the edge, he waited and all he got was a simple and small nod from Victoria "Are you in love with me?"
A few seconds passed where Pedri's eyes never left Victoria's "Yes" She said softly "I am" Pedri felt the air being knocked out from his lungs "Pedrito"
"No" He shook his head looking away "No" Pedri's eyes grow watery, he couldn't believe it. Once again, you were right, his actions and words replaying in his head, the way he ignored your feelings, the way he treated you, everything was haunting him. "Don't call me Pedrito nor Pedro, Pedri, Pepi, nothing. Don't even call me, forget about me, you are not my best friend"
"Pedri, por favor, don't do this"
"No. I didn't do anything, you did it yourself. Best friends don't do what you did to me, if you truly loved me, you could've straight up tell me that not take it out on the girl I'm in love with"
"In love with? So in love you are, you did not believed a single thing from her"
"And that was my biggest mistake because I thought "Why on earth the girl that has been besides me since forever would do something to damage me or the ones I love?"" Pedri laughed ironically shaking his head "I was so wrong and I regret every single thing I did since I saw Y/N leave on Fer's birthday but guess what? I had the one I thought was my best friend besides me but I never did"
"You still have me"
"If I do, I don't care, the one I truly need isn't here" Pedri shook his head "But I did needed my best friend those seven days to tell me everything was going to be okay, that I could move on, that I was in the right and Y/N in the wrong, that I did good in breaking up with someone who could only do was lie but then I find everything out and I realized I was just a puppet in the side of your game and I fell for it"
"Don't say it like that"
"That's exactly what it was" Pedri shook his head "´Now, me disculpas pero me tengo que ir" (Excuse me but I've got to go)
"¿Y para dónde vas?" (Where are you going?)
"You shouldn't care about that, Victoria. Hope you have a good life" With that Pedri turned around and walked outside of her house when almost inside his car he heard her yell his name out
"Pedro!" He looked at her "I'm sorry"
Pedri joined his lips and nodded softly, lifting one of his hands giving her a wave before he got into the car and drove off to certain destination with a single intention.
"What do you mean she's not here?"
"She hasn't been here since like a week ago?" The older lady said with a smile "She said she'll come back tho"
"Do you know where she might be?"
"I don't, mijo. I'm so sorry" She looked at Pedro carefully "Is everything okay?"
"I need to know where she is so I can fix things between us" Pedro answered with a lump on his throat, his voice cracked a bit and he looked down at his shoes
The older lady sighed "I'm pretty sure you'll fix everything that may be happening with the two of you, son"
"I don't know, miss. I messed up really big this time"
"From what I've seen you love each other so much, I've never seen someone look at her in the way you do and vice versa, talking things out can be really helpfull instead of letting problems grow"
"The thing is I never let her talk and all I did was say things I shouldn't" Pedri shook his head
"You know? She's looking really pretty in those pictures, maybe you can start from there" A loud "Abuela" was heard as the older lady smiled looking over her shoulder
"What pictures?"
"Oh, you know... The ones you take, the ones you update, the ones people take, those pictures..." The woman was smiling softly "Don't let her go" And with that she left leaving Pedri sat in front of your doorstep
He was sat there analyzing the woman's words. Pictures? The ones you take? Update? People take? Pedri's mind ran 120km/h trying to guess what she meant of and after some minutes and what it felt a whole lifetime, he confused grabbed his phone and clicked on Instagram.
You liked it even more than Twitter or even Tiktok, Pedri remembered with a smile the moments where you would "fight", he; claiming Tiktok was better as you defended Instagram with your life
He typed your user with no reward, you blocked him. And it was no surprise at all but his heart still broke a little bit more when he couldn't find you.
He sighed closing his eyes and relying his head in your door, fighting the tears, it seemed like he only could do that in the past days, cry 'till he had no more tears inside of him, fight the urge to cry and feel his stomach fall to his feet. He hated feeling this way and he hated the way he must have put your through
He unlogged his session and went into his mother's, you couldn't have blocked her, could you? With shaky hands and blurry eyes he typed in your user and this time your profile was the first one to appear, the colorful circle around your picture meaning you had stories up.
While he was sad, you were in Venice with your friends and family, he recognized almost all of the faces in the pictures, all of them except one, a male's one.
That quickly catched his attention, that guy appeared in eight out of ten pictures and in all of them he was besides you. You even tagged him on one and Pedri's thumb directly went to his account.
One of the most recent post of the guy said: "I hate the fact that when I met my soulmate she had boiling coffee burns on her but I certainly don't hate the fact I got to meet you, baby!"
Pedri's stomach flipped, seeing your answers of "♥️🥰" made his head turn everywhere, in an instant he got up and headed towards the elevator in his mind only three things. His passport, Venice and you.
Due to some storms in Spain, he couldn't get out that same day and neither the next day, it was day three when he got into the plane and one day after he was in the same residence as you were.
He saw your brother and followed him, he felt like being on Matrix, he was making sure no one saw or heard him, that was until he stumbled on a vanity table and knocked half of the things that were in there
"What was that?" He heard and that's when he ran, the quitness and calm forgotten as he was desperate to find you. He took a right turn colliding with a female chest after a few seconds
"Joder, lo siento mucho" (Fuck, I'm so sorry) He said inmediately
"Pedro?" You said shocked as he also stood there impressed. You looked even more beautiful than always. Your tanned skin, your red cheeks and your Y/H color making you look perfect. "Pero, ¿Qué haces aqui? (but, what are you doing here)
"Por ti. I came here for you, I want to talk to you"
"We don't have anything to talk, in fact, you don't even have to come here, you don't have a reason to travel all the way from Barcelona to Venice"
"I did, I do. My reason is you and you'll always be. I fucked up, yeah? I get that" Pedri shakes his head "You were right" He opens his mouth but closes it "You were right all this time and I'm sorry I couldn't see it through, I'm sorry I did not take your words, I'm sorry I just kinda left and pushed your feelings aside, you deserve more, you deserve better but I can be better, I can be what you want, need and more if you want me to"
You started shaking your head, pushing him back from his chest when he tried to get closer to you.
"Pedri por favor, aquí no" (Pedri please, not here) "Pedri, stop. We don't have anything to say"
"Y/N, bonita, te lo suplico-" (I beg you-)
"Vamos al cuarto, ¿si? We can talk about whatever you want and then you leave" (Let's go to my room, yeah?)
"I don't want to leave without you"
You looked into his big brown eyes as he looked into your (Eye color) ones for a good while, you sighed before breaking eye contact
"But you have to" You said nodding slowly, Pedri shook his head
"Por favor" (Please) He whispered
"This way" You turned around walking away while Pedri watched your every move
You called the elevator and entered when it came, you turned to Pedri
"You wanna talk or not?"
Pedri nodded and walked towards it, he turned his head to look at you
"Do I have something on my face?" He hummed for a few seconds before answering
"You're beautiful" He ignored your words as you looked up at him
"Please, stop that"
"I-" He got cut off by the elevator doors opening
"This way" You said walking off as he only could follow you.
You stopped walking when you got to the door 408, with the key you opened it and then stepped inside letting the door open for him to come in as well.
You took a seat in the couch and patted the spot next to you, he took it and you both were silent.
"So... ¿Vamos a hacernos compañía o vas a decir lo que sea que quieres decir?" (Are we going to be each others company for now or you are going to speak whatever you want to say?)
"I'm sorry" He began "I fucked up. I should've listened to you and put Victoria a stop, I should've been more careful with you and your feelings, not passing through them and ignore them. I believe you, I always did and I always will do but it seemed so unreal that what I thought was my best friend, could do such a things, hurt the one I love and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, when her whole life she was protecting me and supporting me through everything"
"If my family wasn't there, she was. If my family didn't have an advice, she had. And for you to just say she did this and said this was a whole different thing from what I knew from her that I just couldn't believe it. But it was truth. And I'm sorry once more"
"Y/N, I'll do anything for us, I'm not giving up, we're so good together, I love you so much and if only I could turn back in time and do everything right I would but I can't, however, I'm here to mend things, I'm not expecting you to forgive me and that's it. I'll earn that forgiveness, I'll protect us and I'll be better for you if you let me, please. I love you, I want you and I need you"
"It's not easy as you made it sound, Pedri"
"Pedro" You shook your head
"That's something only family and close friends can call you, right?"
"Don't do this, please"
"But you did it first" You said pushing your lips together. Those were the exact same words he had told you the night you left "You really hurted me and you just can't change that. Please, I think it's best if we let this go" You looked into his brown eyes as he was shaking his head "For both of our own goods"
"Not having you in my life it's not good for me"
"Maybe not but it's the correct thing to do" You said "I just can't trust you anymore, no matter what you do. You told me I wasn't the same girl you fell in love with, that says enough"
"But it's not true, I said it in the heat of the moment! You are still the same girl I fell in love with and you're still the same girl I want to do my life with"
You stood in silence for a few moments before you stood up "That hurt me a lot. Hearing the guy I'm terribly in love with say that I'm not that girl he fell in love with"
"Y/N-" He stood up from the couch as well
"It's done" Your voice cracked "You don't get to come here after doing that stunt back at your brother's birthday and once you realized I was in the right came straight back here to apologize, hoping for me to run back into your arms" You shook your head "You don't"
"Does he treat you good?" He said out of nowhere
"¿Acaso te la fumaste? ¿De quién estás hablando?" (Did you smoke it? Who are you talking about?) You said confused
"About your new friend! The one that appears in every single story of yours and on your posts!"
"That same one" You laughed dryly
"He's gay" You blurted out "Believe me if he wasn't I would be already trying something with him since he does believe in me not like others"
"I said I was sorry"
"And I said that didn't make it. If you want me back you'll have to do a lot more than just apologizing, González"
"He seems to like you"
"He doesn't. He's here with his fiancée, they're celebrating their engagement" You remembered that night at your apartment, the night he showed you his new engagement ring and that same night he asked you to go to Venice with him and your family to get your mind out of your ex.
"I'm sorry"
"You like to apologize a lot and tend to not feel the sorry"
"I do am"
"Great, good for you. Can you please go now?" He shook his head
"No. I love you and I know I messed up but I can mend it, anything you want, think or say, I'll do it. I'll cross world wonders for you, oceans, vegetation, deserts, anything"
"I don't think you can do that, Pedri" You were at the verge of tears "I was hurt by every action and word you said, I reached the top and while I know you messed up, you could've prevented it and simply start acting like you should have but you didn't. And I can't handle that"
"Please" You said after a few minutes "I think it's time for you to go" You said walking away
He couldn't watch you walk away once more so he did what he had been wanting to do. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him, in a hug.
"Let me go"
"Let me go"
"No" His grip got tighter on you as you were fighting and at the same time, enjoying being in your exlover's arms again.
His arms were your safe space and laying your head on his chest brought you peace but now all it brought back was hurt and pain.
Hurt and pain from the situation you were going through
"Pedro, please, let me go"
"I don't want you to leave me"
"I didn't left because I wanted to" Silence flowed in between the two of you as Pedri was crying into your neck "I did because you asked me to, you made me leave, you pushed me away when all I wanted and needed was you, to stay by your side and defend our relationship" You took a breath "None of that happened and now that I'm recovering from everything, I want you to leave, I want you to go away because I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me and just throws everything out of the window without listening first" You said with closed eyes and tears running down, he chocked on a sob
"I'm sorry" He cried "For everything. I should have done a lot of things and one of them was trust you, fight for you and our love but I'm here trying to fix it, to fix us, you were giving me your everything while I wasn't and now it's my turn to pay it back until we're all good. Please, I beg you, give me just one more chance to make everything right"
You looked into his eyes as he looked into yours "Please" He whispered with tears falling down his cheeks
You were going to hate yourself so much for this but you can't lie to yourself and say you didn't want, need or love him because you did with all of your body. You were aching for him, for his kisses, for his cuddles, for his warmth, his laugh, his bad jokes, his company and love. You needed him. You wanted him. You loved him. He was the one for you.
"Please" You said shaking your head "Don't you ever do that again to me" You whispered "'Cus this is your last chance, González. I don't care if I'm dying for you, if you do it one more time, you can swear to all of your ancestors I will not take you back" Pedro's face changed to one of relief and he pulled you into his hold tightly this time tears of happiness coming out of his eyes.
"Te amo, I always will" He said crying, kissing your neck, ear, cheek, nose "Thank you so much for this opportunity, I'm very sorry, amor" He said resting his forehead against yours "You'll not regret this, I promise"
"I better not be" You smiled softly "But don't get too ahead of yourself, Pedrito. You need to work for everything back"
"I'll do. I don't care, I charmed you once, I can do it twice" You smiled softly "I missed you so much" He said hugging you once more, his face rested inside your neck as you finally felt at peace, breathing properly and safely in your lover's arms.
You were about to reply when two knocks came in and then someone entered
"Y/N, cariño. We are going to be late for the trip, weren't you so excited to see Venice's bea-Oh! Am I interrupting something?" You pulled away from Pedri shaking your head
"Para nada, Mason" (Not at all) You smiled softly drying your tears "We're good"
Mason, the guy, turned around to look at Pedri and then to you as you softly nod locking hands with Pedri
"Pedro, this is my friend, Mason. Mase, this is Pedri"
"The asshole?"
"¡Ostias!" (F*ck!)
"You were pretty much an asshole" You defended Mason with a soft smile "We can't lie" You shrug your shoulders "What's up?"
"Venice's beaches. Coming?" You nod softly
"We'll be there in a little while" You smiled
"Great!" Mason smiled "Also Pedro..." Pedri's big brown eyes went to Mason's "Hurt her again and I'll make sure you'll never be able to play football again for what's rest of your life"
"I won't"
"You better" Mason said "If I was straight I would've gone straight away after her to get her" You laughed softly
"He got your point, Mase. Give us a few minutes, we'll be downstairs quickly" You said and once the door was closed you smashed yourself against Pedri's lips "Te quiero" You said "A lot" You smiled "Please, don't let me go"
"Never again"
And with his heart full, he felt as if the stars had alligned just for him, you were his angel and he'll take good care of you now. He lefthe left the hotel. All the luck his friend wished for you and all the praying he did, were enough. His world is and will not be the same without your presence, your kindness, your laughter, your smile and your love in it, he hated himself for what he had done but thank God you give him another chance. This time, he was surely not going to lose you this time.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela @pedrileclerc @shineforeversf9 @shessthunderstoms @f4iryjjosh @judespoision @notsosurehritika @jajajhaahaha @urmotheris
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