#cal kestis Angst
blue-sadie · 6 months
Kiss Of Darkness
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Being a senator and cal one of your most trusted protectors turned to the dark side but his love for you was the only holding him back so he came to you begging you to go with him but he also wasn't taking a no for an answer.
"We can rule the galaxy together, we can let the past go and make a new future for us, for a family we can create, join me"
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See It Through
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pairing: cal kestis x gn!reader
summary: with thoughts of past rules plaguing his mind, cal starts to question whether he’s doing the right thing.
warnings: cal questioning his relationship with reader, established relationship, a little angst?, mostly just fluff, reader reassuring cal, talk of order 66, mentions of the jedi code
word count: 631
friendly reminder that comments and reblogs are just as (if not more than) important as likes!
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“Do you ever think this is wrong?”
You rolled over, cheek resting against his shoulder as you questioned, “This?”
His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, his head just barely moving into a nod before his eyes finally landed on you.
“Us,” he clarified, his eyes straying once again as he couldn’t bare to look you in the eye as he questioned everything you had.
It was silent for a moment as you allowed him to collect his thoughts. Then, he spoke again, “I mean- We’re both Jedi and the code… the code says this is wrong. ‘There is no emotion. There is peace. There is no passion, there is serenity.’”
With a sigh, you sat up. This was far too heavy a conversation for pillow talk. “The code said a lot of things, it doesn’t mean it was always right.”
“But what if we’re just playing into the hands of the dark side?”
You looked at Cal as he too sat up beside you, his brows tense as his thoughts ran rampant.
“What if the code was wrong? Nothing good can ever come from suppressing your feelings, trust me. What if it’s part of the reason the order fell? An absence of emotion only gives rise to the darkness, Cal.”
Your explanation was sound but he still wasn’t convinced. More than anything, he was still afraid of the darkness consuming him.
“I’m still having those dreams… The nightmares…”
You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and admitted, “I know. You talk in your sleep sometimes but that’s not you, Cal. You’re stronger than that, you won’t become an inquisitor.”
He nodded as he let your words sink in but the code still rang through his mind, echoing through every corner.
“Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force.”
He hummed in question, brows furrowing once again as his eyes landed on you. Those were the words of the code but they were different, not as he’d ever heard them before.
“After the fall, I fled. I was in hiding for years but I never gave up on the Jedi, on everything I had been taught. I travelled in search of knowledge. That is how the code used to be, years ago. We were never supposed to ignore or suppress our feelings. To find true balance with the force you have to feel your emotions and learn how to navigate through them, both the good and the bad.”
He hummed again, finally allowing your words to break through. “Control. Balance is about finding control.”
“Yes. Us… We’re not wrong, Cal. As long as we are in control of our emotions, we won’t fall into darkness. Besides, how can this be bad? What we have is good. Love is always a good thing.”
With a smile, his head hit the pillow again and he welcomed you into his arms as you lay back down beside him. “I love you too, you know?”
You closed your eyes, thanking yourself for the moment of quiet before Cal would inevitably drag you back into trouble again. “I know.”
The order had fallen but, by learning from the past, the two of you would build it up again. You’d make it better, reembrace the old teachings but move forward. There was a long road ahead and an empire to topple, but together you’d see it through.
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feel free to let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my taglist!
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zetmns · 1 year
Nightmare boy
”I won’t let that happen ever my Jedi boy”
Pairing: cal kestis x Gn!reader
warnings: mention of death, panic attack?, crying cal, good ending
A/N: I have so many cal drafts I just don’t have motivation pls this so rushed I took like 10 minutes on this Fr loosely based on this audio
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3rd person pov-
Cal watched as he couldn’t control what he was doing igniting his red lightsaber to your direction walking closer to you
This couldn’t be happening could it? Not only was he an Inquisitor but also
he was hurting you
he seemed to be in a old temple he didn’t quite know which one tho
“No..please cal listen to me come back to me love you can’t leave everything we have behind” you said coughing blood from the wound on your low abdomen a burn from his lightsaber holding it with preasure making you hiss in pain
“you can’t get the old cal back maybe if you were a bit better things could be different love” he chuckled with a smirk walking closer to you getting an one knee at your side
“goodbye love I hope to see you again” he stated with a sad but playful smile igniting his lightsaber
right over your heart
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Cal jolted awake hyperventilating with his knees at his chest
“no..no..no please” he whispered into his chest letting the tears fall
he didn’t want to lose you not yet not ever you were everything to cal you were what kept him going what kept him fighting
he thought and thought and thought about what he would do without you he didn’t even realize his surroundings.
“Cal..?” You slurred sitting up on the bed bringing your hand to his cheek
“what’s wrong my love?” You questioned bringing his head to your chest letting him cry into your chest
“ I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you I’m so sorry!” He sobbed into your chest
“it’s okay..” you didn’t know the full story you just knew that wasn’t what’s important right now you hated seeing cal like this. You didnt even notice the tears falling from your eyes
you brought his head up to cup his cheeks repeating “ it’s okay..”with a sad smile kissing his forehead and moving his head back to her chest stroking his hair
“ I’m sorry I’m so sorry I love you” he repeated still sobbing into your chest he wrapped his arms around you nuzzling his head in your stomach “ please don’t leave stay with me..” he sniffed
“ I won’t ever leave you my Jedi boy” you said with a smile kissing the top of his head
Cal lifted his head “ really?..” he sniffed looking up
Moving your thumb over his cheek to wipe his tears you dipped down and kissed him cupping his cheeks
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buubsii · 11 months
Lost and Found, C. Kestis.
Based on a ask i received yesterday!!
Cal swung his lightsaber recklessly, carnage following wherever he went; his comm-link beeped as Cere’s voice filled his ears. “Cal, Focus on the mission, we need to find General Tarfful, as soon as possible… Look kid, i know you want to find (Y/N), but the mission at hand is more important” Cere said to him, Cal dashed across a wall, Memories from a few weeks prior lingering in his mind.
[A few weeks prior to current events]
“(Y/N)!!” Cal screamed out as his lover was dragged onto the ship like a ragdoll, short cuts and scratches scattered along their face, Cal broke free from the stormtroopers holding him and found his lightsaber, he sprinted towards the ship taking them away, before he could reach it however, the ship ascended into the air, far from his; or anyones reach, Cal tore the storm troopers apart, they had killed Prauf, He wouldn’t let them hurt his beloved partner, a fellow Jedi who had fled with him to Bracca. 
[Current time] 
Cal cut through the thick jungle vines, his arms growing sore as BD1 chirped innocently “I wish you could have met her BD, she was the most gorgeous woman you would have ever seen….” Cal spoke softly.
As Cal got closer to the imperial base ahead of him, his mind started to wander, thinking of how ecstatic his lover would have been to discover the tomb’s with him, knowing how much they loved exploration, often dragging Cal with with her to explore the shipwrecks and the area they had to live in. It was little moments like that that kept Cal going, that even now continued to live in hope that there was some type of peace in the galaxy.
Cal reached the base and started tearing through the dozens of Stormtroopers and an occasional Purgetrooper here and there, when he felt it, a force signature.. Your force signature, so familiar, yet it feels… weak, unnatural compared to the usually strong and powerful force signature Cal would feel during your irreplaceable nights spent together on Bracca. 
As Cal wandered through the halls of the Imperial Base your force signature grew stronger, as if you had felt Cal’s signature as well, Cal started running through the halls, blocking rogue blaster strikes and killing whoever, or whatever stood in his way of you… he ran through the halls and reached what appeared to be a cell, in it, you lay limp on a cot, the only sign of life being soft blinks every few seconds and the soft rise and fall of your chest as you breathe shallowly, your mouth opens, a soft gasp escaping your lips as Cal rushes into your cell, picking you up off of the table, and using his comm link to call Cere. “Cere!!” Cal spoke as he tried to find somewhere the mantis could land without being attacked. “Yes Cal! What is it???” Cere responded quickly to Cal’s sudden words. “I found her Cere! I’m gonna need you to bring the Mantis to my location, I'm sending it to you now, they're hurt, you need to be quick…” Cal spoke as he approached a suitable place for the Mantis to land and take off quickly.
The Mantis landed on the platform and the ramp slowly descended, Cal moved as fast as he could carrying you, he laid you on his bed as the Mantis took off, sitting just above Kashyyyk’s Atmosphere, Cal sat next to your resting body as he used Bacta spray on larger wounds and cleaned them with a clean rag that sat inside the med kit underneath his bed.
[A Few Hours Later]
Light footsteps were heard as you walked into the ‘Kitchen’ of the Mantis, Cal’s head whipped around to face you as he rushed out of his seat and hugged you, You winced and hugged him back. Cal nuzzled his head into your neck as you embraced him, the two of you walked backwards, towards the back of the Mantis.
They pulled apart as they sat on Cal’s bed, looking into eachothers eyes, “I missed you so much..” Cal spoke softly, leaning his forehead against yours. You connect your lips with Cal’s, choosing to express how you feel with actions not words. “I missed you too, my love.” you said, intertwining your fingers, with his, you yawned and let out a stretch, several joints making a popping sound as Cal stared at you, eyes full of admiration for his lover. “How about you rest (Y/N). These past few weeks have been… eventful to say the least, i’ll stay right here, i promise you..” Cal suggested, as you laid down he joined you, and he stayed there, remaining by your side even as you awoke. 
Thanks for reading!! <3 Have an amazing day, my little shooting stars!!
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sincerelylea · 1 year
y'all got cal kestis requests? i miss him so much. reader included if you don't mind.
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animatedjen · 8 days
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You're a Jedi. I know what you're capable of— and what you're not.
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Fluffy 🌸 with Clone Wars Anakin please? 🥺🥺 with maybe Ahsoka and Obi-Wan shipping them?
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The Long Game
Pairing: Clone Wars Era!Anakin x Jedi!Knight Reader 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: Nothing too bad, but due to the nature of the Clone Wars obviously there is potential mentions of death/loss/wounds etc. I am Australian and therefore swear words aren’t worth a warning for me, but I shall place a warning here regardless. As always, let me know if you think there should be something listed here. 
Words: 1.5k - sorry its very short, I'm hoping a part 2 will be requested <3
Author’s Notes: ahhhhh! Thank you for the request @darthgloris I hope this is okay I had a brief idea and I ran with it, hope its still fluffy enough for you! 🥰 This was requested via my Emoji Request Prompts
Anakin was nothing if not arrogant, egotistical and, surprisingly talented to boot. As a youngling he excelled, as a Padawan learner he saved Senator and friend Padmé Amidala’s life more than once. Now, as General Skywalker, Anakin felt like he had grown into himself, grown into his power. It felt limitless, he was limitless. Anakin often had dreams of spreading himself thin, extending his power across the galaxy like a blanket, keeping everyone and everything safe.
He thought highly of himself, it wasn’t a secret. And, he didn’t think it was particularly a problem. He was the Chosen One, was he not? If anyone in the Jedi Temple was allowed to peacock a bit, it was him. 
Well, that’s how Anakin rationalised it to himself anyway. Besides, Anakin did not like playing the long game. What was the point when he could sieze everything he wanted now? 
Regardless, he had a sharp learning curve when it came to his own Padawan learner, Ashoka Tano. The snippy young girl challenged him more than most. He saw so much of himself in her, the power, the strength, the raw talent. Frustratingly, Anakin saw his faults in her too. Occasionally, the arrogance being something that Anakin couldn’t ignore. Like right now for example. 
“Please Kestis the only reason you were moved from youngling to Padawan,” Ashoka paused, pointing her spoon at her young red-headed friend. “Is because the council wanted to try and mellow out your Master with the responsibility of a child.” 
Anakin cringed as the young boy - Cal Kestis - pouted at the breakfast table. Anakin could sense Obi-wan’s displeasure from beside him, he saw his old master holding his tongue, allowing Anakin to take the floor in order to berate his Padawan. 
Unfortunately, she had a point. And, embarrassingly enough, Ashoka’s argument came straight from the kitchen, so they say. Well, his mother, Shmi, used to say. Anakin remembered expressing the same frustration only a few weeks prior. Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Council member and friend, Y/N L/N, was unable to join Anakin and Ashoka on a crucial mission in the outer rim, due to the passover of her new, young apprentice: Cal Kestis. It perhaps wasn’t the most fair or patient thing for Anakin to do, but he blamed the boy and focused all of his frustration on the twelve-year-old. 
Fuck it, Anakin thought. He had to admit to himself, he was a little jealous of the boy. He could not help but want to be the center of your attention, at all times. Which isn’t a very Jedi thing to want. But Anakin wanted more. He always did. He always felt distracted, like he was slipping away from his mental fortitude the more he thought of you. You were playing some kind of long game with him, and he didn’t like it, the guessing, the pining - it all kept him up at night more than the war had. 
Anakin supposed he was ought to be worried about it, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He pined after you, and all he wanted was for you to maybe, even consider him more than a work colleague. 
“Ahsoka.” Anakin said sternly, as he pushed his Jedi mandated food around his Jedi mandated plate with his Jedi mandated fork, not bothering to look up at his young charge. “Watch your snippy mouth.” 
“She’s not wrong, Master.” Meekly, Cal Kestis mirrored General Skywalker across the table. Anakin felt for the young boy then. Anakin looked up, finally taking in the boy. With his fiery hair and splattering of freckles across his face, he seemed inherently sad, with his lips held tight in a line. Anakin couldn’t help but remember the same expression on his own face as he made his way around Watto’s junkyard. 
“Do you not like your Master, young Kestis?” Obi-wan sensed Anakin’s mind was far, far away, the anxiety rolling off him in thick waves. 
Cal looked up, quickly, at the two Jedi knights in front of him. He felt like he was in shock, as if the air had been torn from his lungs. Of all the questions he expected to be asked, that was not one of them. 
“No!” Cal defended, adamantly. “No! Well yes!” The young Padawan could feel the heat rise to his pale face, heating the back of his neck. General Kenobi quirked an eyebrow at the boy, urging him to continue. Kestis sighed, gathering his thoughts once more. He was embarrassed. “I am afraid I am too attached to Master L/N.” He started. Anakin felt his lip twitch, fighting a smile at the honesty from the young learner. Cal continued, “I don’t want to let her down, but my lightsaber skills are not where she wants them to be, I need more training but I am afraid to ask.” 
From the corner of his eye Anakin watched as Obi-wan opened his mouth. He knew what his old master would say: Just ask, Padawan. That is what the master is there for, to teach. But Anakin knew what it felt like to want more. 
“I would be happy to provide you with additional combat training, Padawan Cal Kestis.” Anakin leant back in his chair, both hands happily resting behind his head, left ankle at home on his right knee, lips comfortably in a smirk. 
Long game it was. 
Your eyes scanned the meals room in the Temple for your Padawan learner. You knew that you could use the force to locate him, if you wanted. But, your relationship with Cal was still so new, and somehow that felt like encroaching on the young boy’s privacy. 
Besides, there was another presence in the large dining hall that almost overwhelmed you. Anakin Skywalker. 
Arrogant, talented, intelligent, calculated, The Chosen One, handsome, flirtatious. You weren’t sure where you stood with Anakin. You longed to call him friend, but you were ultimately convinced he saw you little more as a colleague. 
Despite all that though, he was a hard man to escape at the best of times. And now, since Cal and Anakin’s Padwan, Ahsoka Tano, were friends, you knew that Anakin would always be around. 
You couldn’t help the schoolgirl flutter that it striked into you. It was exciting, you supposed, to finally have something a bit easy on the eye about constantly. It certainly made the war a little easier, to do missions with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. 
Eventually, Cal’s beautiful bright hair shone like a beacon for you. You began to weave your way across the room. You couldn’t help to admit that you’ve become attached to him, you deeply cared for him, his wellbeing. As much as you loved the Jedi, you often thought of Cal playing, running free with kids his own age. Not becoming a soldier on the front lines of an intergalactic war. Perhaps that was why you slacked on Cal’s training. You simply wanted him to be loved, to be happy, to be a child. 
All of the fondness you held so tightly quickly got packed away once you realised who Cal was sat with. Approaching the breakfast table you clocked Anakin’s relaxed figure. The effortlessly beautiful set of his lips, the way that his eyelashes curled upwards, you were convinced his demeanour was larger than life. And, maybe, perhaps, you let your eyes wander for a beat longer than what was socially acceptable. 
Gently you placed your hand on Cal’s shoulder, perhaps it was because you were his Master, or maybe it was something deeper, something maternal, but you always felt more at ease when you had him close. With a slight bow of your head, you opened:
“Morning to you Master Kenobi, Ahsoka.” You took a moment to lick your lips, your whole mouth had gone dry, but you tried desperately to save yourself from Anakin’s piercing gaze. “General Skywalker.” The rest greeted you verbally, but Anakin said nothing, just a simple tilt of his head. You held Anakin’s gaze, his blue eyes held something else in them, you felt like he was playing some kind of game. You didn’t mind game, but only if you knew the rules, and Anakin was one to make up the play as he went along. You felt Cal clear his throat, his body lurching under your hand.
Finally, you broke the contact with Anakin, ruffiling Cal’s hair, and placing his braid behind his ear. “If you’d excusae us, my Padawan and I have much to do.” 
Anakin waited for at least 30 seconds for you and your Padawan to start walking away before he turned in his chair to follow you out with his eyes. 
Ahsoka watched as her usually oh-so-clever and suave and calculating Master watch Cal Kestis and his Master leave the dining hall like a Lothal Cat waiting for its owner to return. She couldn’t help but smile, Anakin’s pining was hilarious, and Master L/N was a good choice. She turned to share a look with Master Kenobi, and to Ahsoka’s delight he was chuckling softly to himself, coving his smile with his hand, playing it off as if he was simply stroking his beard. 
Ahsoka knew Anakin thought he was playing some kind of long game, but it was going to be a painfully long pining. Not if she was going to have anything to do with it.
P.S This is a side account, my main is @mayhemories, so I will be answering any comments with that account but rest assured it is still me :) <3
Much love, El. 
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psychosith · 7 months
cal kestis x reader
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summary: despite being close for years, you and cal go your separate ways after a particularly harsh argument. cal doesn’t see or hear of you for a long time, but stumbles across an old jacket of yours that reveals something to him
warnings: angsttttt, yelling/arguing, injuries, death, perhaps ooc!mean cal
a/n: i’m so sorry to the reqs sitting in my drafts ive had no motivation😭 specifically to the person who requested modern!anakin @ a halloween party it’s a little late for that now i feel like…. but anyways y’all might not know this but i’m obsessed w our boy cal and UGH. this prompt from @fallen-vic just struck me right and i had to get writing right away
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the last four months had been a blur.
one second you were stripping an old star destroyer on bracca with cal, and the next he was fighting an imperial inquisitor while you cowered away in the corner. then you had boarded a ship with a lanky woman and abrasive latero. they had taken you to a planet hidden from the empire, a place where you thought you and cal could live safely. you couldn’t have been more wrong.
cal returned from the temple on bogano that first day talking about restoring the jedi order and a holocron? from there, it was all downhill. back and forth between kashyyyk, zeffo, and dathomir, all the while cal was forced to face strong enemies that left him on the brink of death every day. and you were tasked with patching him up at the end of every mission.
too many times have you entered his rooms while he was preparing to leave again and begged him to stay. it was always the same answer- i’ll be back before you know it. he couldn’t know, though, the feelings you harbored for him. he couldn’t understand how it pained you physically to watch him leave and come back beaten and bruised. but you stayed, because you loved him, and because you believed he wanted you with him.
it was all too much for you today. it seemed insane; they were planning to infiltrate the fortress inquisitorius and retrieve the holocron. you had stopped on a small planet to stock up on supplies before the big mission, and you were in your usual position: pleading with cal.
“cal, please,” you begged, tears welling up in your eyes. “this is just- it’s too dangerous cal! i mean, an imperial fort, for fucks sake! cal, if you didn’t come back from this… i don’t know-“
he cut you off with a reassuring hand on your arm. “y/n, i’ll be alright. i’ll have cere with me, and i’m stronger than ever. trust me.”
“you say that every time, you know. and every time, without fail, you come back closer to death than i’ve ever seen you. cal, we’ve found you passed out in the mud on kashyyyk. we’ve found you slumped against a generator on zeffo with a blaster wound in your stomach. no one will be there to find you if things go wrong this time, cal.” you say numbly, vaguely aware that there’s nothing you can say to make him stay.
“you’re being dramatic.” he says plainly. “you have no reason to be worried. i always come back, y/n. this time will be no different. you need to calm down.”
you groan in frustration, at his naïveté. “no, cal! you don’t understand… how much it hurts to watch you go. and who knows where you would be without me to put your pieces back together.”
you hear him scoff and look down at your hands as tears finally fall down your cheeks. you can tell he’s stressed by the tension in his shoulders.
“without you? y/n, i don’t need you to do this.” his words hurt, but you try to tell yourself the mission is getting to his head, that he doesn’t mean what he’s saying.
“y/n,” he says, waving a hand in front of your face, “did you hear me? i. don’t. need. you. if you’re so worried about me, maybe you should just leave. then i wouldn’t be bothering you so much.” he stood up angrily and marched off.
was he being honest? did he really want you to leave? all these years you had told yourself that he needed you with him, but maybe you had been mistaken.
you didn’t give yourself time to think. cere and greez had both made it clear that your presence on the mantis was unnecessary, and now that cal had said the same you had to go. you only packed the bare essentials: a canister of water, a couple weeks of rations, and a thick jacket for cold nights. you left through the front entrance without a word to anyone. cal simply watched you go.
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a year later - cal's pov
there was no use in trying to hide it, it had been a hard year for cal. a year made much harder by your absence. he had tried to tell himself that you leaving was your decision, that it wasn't his fault. but as he played the argument over in his mind he found himself regretting everything he'd said. cal had been nervous, scared even, of the upcoming mission in the fortress. he'd let trilla and the empire get in his head, and it had cost him everything.
even after he'd retrieved the holocron - and ultimately destroyed it - he never searched for you. he didn't know why. the urge had struck him many times, but he never knew where to begin looking or what he would say to get you back.
it hurt even now, as cal lay in his bunk on the mantis weeping silently to himself. the mantis was empty, the engine humming softly as it flew through hyperspace. all the lights were out and cal's pillow was damp with tears. he hesitantly rose from his bed, staggering to the navigation panel in a sleep-deprived stupor. his cheeks are stained and his hair is tousled as he falls back into the pilot's chair, and he plugs the coordinates to a forgotten outer rim planet into the navigation system.
cal was exhausted, hungry, and mentally drained, but he managed to make it back to his bunk before he passed out.
. . .
something in the cockpit beeped quite loudly, waking cal from his sleep and alerting him that they were nearing their destination. the royal blue color of nez peron was pleasing to the eye, but brought back painful memories for cal. this was where they had made their last supply run before heading toward the fortress. this was the last place he saw the love of his life.
landing the mantis was the easy part; finding you, not so much. cal started in the sparse cities, scanning cantinas and shops, asking about a y/n l/n at every apartment complex and inn. he began to lose hope as he neared the edge of the latest city. just then he remembered you talking absentmindedly as he worked on his lightsaber, saying how it was your dream to live in the forest and live off the lands. it sounded crazy at the time, but now it made sense.
with a newfound passion, cal began searching the forests and plains for you. each dead end made him want to find you more and more, but there were no signs of life anywhere he looked.
one day, he was scanning the ground for any human tracks when a piece of fabric caught his eye. it was dusty, black, and oddly familiar. there were pieces of the same fabric just a little further up the trail he was following. up ahead, cal could just make out the shape of your thick winter coat on the ground.
his steps picked up into a light jog as he neared the jacket. as he examined it closer, he saw a dark stain had dried down on the stomach, and when he bent over to pick it up he was flooded with a powerful force echo.
you had misjudged how hard life in the wild would be. the coat you wore did almost nothing to keep you warm, the water you brought only lasted for a few days, and the rations you thought would last had gone bad within the month. you were cold and hungry, and had only a pairing knife to ward off any threats in the forest. this would be a crucial mistake.
it was a particularly cold day and you were resting against a tree when you heard the crunch of leaves and the distinct mechanical whirring of an electrostaff. raiders. well, just one this time. it was a difficult feat, but you managed to ward off the raider not without sustaining many injuries. you had garnered a deep wound in your thigh and a large gash in your shoulder, luckily most of your vital organs were intact.
you hardly had time to catch your breath before a large mammal had sprung up from a ditch and pinned you to the ground. you screamed and struggled for your knife. your wounds had impaired your fighting skills, and you didn’t last long before the predator had beaten you into the floor. it was so, so cold. you must have lost your jacket at some point. you supposed the animal had lost interest, as it wandered off back into the trees, leaving you in a pool of your own blood.
the sun set behind the trees and you were still laying there, unable to move, slowly succumbing to the cold embrace of death. you could form only one coherent thought in your adrenaline crazed mind, and thus it became your last word.
the memory was like a knife to the heart for cal. he was helpless as he watched you draw your last breath, only to utter his name before closing your eyes for the final time. it finally dawned on him.
you were dead.
cal fell to his knees beside your tattered coat, a broken cry escaping his lips. it was all his fault. if’s and should’ves ran circles around his mind, but he understood the depth of this. you were gone, stolen from this world far to soon. cal mourned. he sobbed into his hands for hours on end, cursing you for leaving, cursing cere and greez for letting you leave, and cursing himself for letting his love for you blind him. of course he needed you. he always would. but he couldn’t have you any more.
his mind was blurry as he frantically followed the path he was on, searching for your body. he tripped and stumbled down a leaf covered hill, where he saw you. you were exactly as you were in the force echo, but your cheeks were hollow and your skin was sickly green. you had been dead for a long time. cal ran to your body, crying your name. he hoisted you into his arms and wept into your dirty hair.
“i love you” he muttered softly, hoping that perhaps you could hear the words he was to cowardly to speak when you were alive.
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a/n 2: BYE the ending is so rushed. sorry.
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breakfastteatime · 11 days
Today's Survivor request is for @noire610 - Don't go.
Cere is the first to leave. Cal can barely look at her, his anger, his disappointment, choking him into silence. He finds her in her cabin, packing up her belongings. Well, she’s missing one, and he holds it out to her; her lightsaber hilt, his crystal removed from it.
She takes it, as mute as he is. He’s not sure what the gesture truly means.
It’s yours, it belongs with you, take it back. It feels right.
I can make my own lightsaber. I’ll find my own way without you.
Thank you, Cere, for everything.
Cere shoulders her pack and heads for the exit. Her final words?
“Be safe, all of you.”
Greez sobs.
Merrin returns her well wishes.
BD accepts a final pat on the head.
Cal says nothing.
Don’t go.
He can’t say it. He’s not sure he means it.
(He does. He does mean it. Don’t go, Cere. Don’t leave – )
Merrin is the next to leave. Like Cere, she takes everything she has, packing it all into a backpack she shoulders without complaint. She gives Greez a hug, accepts one from BD, and takes one of Cal’s hands in her own.
“I will see you again,” she tells him.
Don’t go.
“Yeah,” he says, his voice so harsh he’ll be lucky if Merrin ever looks his way again, let alone speaks to him. “Be safe.”
He can sense her need to say more, a need maybe to explain herself, but even if she screamed it directly into his ears, he wouldn’t be able to understand it.
Don’t go.
They drop her off on Ord Mantell. She doesn’t look back, and Cal doesn’t watch her go.
It’s no surprise when Greez says he’s going too, it’s too much for him, he’s lost his touch, literally, and all this flying from one warzone to the next isn’t doing him any good. He tells Cal to leave him on Nar Shaddaa, he’ll figure it out from there, and yeah, kid, the Mantis is yours, take care of her until I ask for her back, because she’s still mine, don’t you forget it, and by the way –
Don’t go.
But Greez goes too. He goes, and then it’s just Cal, BD, and the Mantis. It’s too big for the two of them. It doesn’t matter than Cal can walk around barefoot or leave dirty plates, cups and spoons all over the galley without reprimand. It doesn’t matter that he can leave laundry wherever he wants. It doesn’t matter if he fails to wipe down the decks. Who cares if he takes caf into the cockpit? No one’s there to yell at him.
Don’t go.
Don’t leave me.
Don’t leave me with all your echoes.
Greez in the cockpit, checking landing coordinates.
Cere, reading in the lounge.
Merrin, making potions in the galley.
All three of them, living ghosts all over the ship.
He sits in the pilot’s seat, adjusted for his height and number of arms, staring out at space, BD beside him on the dash. He swallows, throat dry, belly empty because he’s forgotten to eat. He’s forgotten a lot of things, including how long he’s been staring out at the stars.
Alone, again.
Adrift, again.
BD looks over.
“If you’re waiting for the time to tell me you’re going to, this would be it.”
Outraged, BD squawks and launches himself into Cal’s arms. He’s not going anywhere. Where Cal goes, BD goes.
“You’re sure?” Cal hears a crack in his voice.
Sure? Is he sure? BD thumps his head against Cal’s chest.
“Thanks, buddy. For everything.”
BD suggests they get back to the mission, after Cal’s had some dinner.
“You up for it?”
Of course BD’s up for it! “Great, because I know where Saw Gerrera’s at, and he’ll have a mission for us.”
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dreaming-of-hope · 1 year
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They are parents now. They adopted that child even before bode was out of the picture.
I know many people are hoping they have a bio child in the next game, but I honestly think they just keep adopting children as they go.
So much of the spirit of the Jedi series is breaking free from the idea of bloodlines (against the main continuity of the movies) and I feel they should keep it that way.
The found family trope is strong with this one.
That said, I do fear the worse for Cal in the next game, his connection to the darkside could potentially make him the perfect grey jedi, but if he keeps getting worse those visions he saw on Fallen Order could become a reality or worse he could have an heroic death, if he stays in the light OR a redemption death, if he keeps using the darkside, to save his family and his legacy, in a way that mirrors his own masters sacrifices (but this is probably just me after being exposed to too many "doomed by the narrative" types of media).
Also... in a less dark thought, I just realized I subconsciously made Merrin and Cal match clothes! I love them so much <3
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weevil-wallflower · 26 days
Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: While away on a mission, Cal couldn't help but yearn for your touch.
Warnings/Tags: No warnings, SFW, no use of Y/N, no pronouns used, can be interpreted as gender-neutral, established relationships, during/post-Jedi: Survivor, no spoilers for Jedi: Survivor.
A.N.: My first entry for Cal Kestis Week 2024! It follows the Day 1 prompt 'Touch'. I'm hoping to do one for all seven days but with work and studies, I shall see ;3 Gif by me!
Also on AO3!
Word Count: ~600
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Separated by the vast expanse of the galaxy, Cal Kestis found himself on a mission in the heart of Coruscant while his thoughts lingered on You, his beloved. Among the hustle-bustle of the city planet, his heart ached for the warmth of your touch.
While the redhead walked through the labyrinth-like streets, his mind constantly drifted to the memories of the tender moments you both had together. He missed the feeling of your hand in his, the soft stroke of your fingers against his cheek—which would be often followed up by your sweet words of admiration for his beard. He longed for your comforting embrace that grounded him in times of uncertainty.
Despite the skepticism of his companions—rebels who accompanied him to the mission, and ones who assumed that thoughts of his beloved would distract him from their mission, Cal discovered that the opposite was true; The memory of your touch only strengthened his motivation and propelling him to succeed in his mission, knowing that with each victory, he got closer to the moment when he could hold You once again.
With each passing moment, Cal’s yearning grew stronger, his desire to hold You in his arms overwhelming. He closed his eyes, willing himself to feel your presence, to imagine the sensation of your touch even from across the galaxy.
In the quiet moments between missions, Cal stole fleeting glances at his holocommunicator, wanting to send You a message but unable to find the time to do so during the stressful missions. The distance between you both often felt overwhelming, but he found comfort in the knowledge that the bond he shared with You transcended physical distance.
During a rare moment of respite, Cal sat alone in the cheap, dingy motel room—his temporary quarters while he stayed in Coruscant. He paid his gloomy environment no mind as his thoughts were occupied with You. With a deep breath, the Jedi activated his holocommunicator, your holographic image appearing before him after a few seconds.
“Cal!” You immediately greeted him with a bright smile. “I wasn’t sure when would be the right time to call you cause I didn’t want to distract you from your mission… So, I’ve been waiting for your call instead…” There was an apologetic look in your eyes. “I’m so happy to hear from you. How are you holding up?”
Hearing your sweet voice provided some relief from his stressful mission, like a soothing melody among the chaos, bringing a sense of peace to his tired soul. “My love…” he began, his voice full of longing. “I miss you. I miss your touch.”
In response, your expression softened and your eyes filled with understanding. “I miss you too, Cal,” You replied, your voice gentle and reassuring. “But remember, no matter where you are, my love for you remains unchanged. We’ll be together again very soon. I can’t wait to have you back in my arms, and I’ll make sure to cook all your favourite meals when you’re back. I know you barely feed yourself while you’re out on missions.”
Cal chuckled softly at your playful jab about his poor eating habits. “You know me too well, my love,” he said fondly. “I’m already counting down the days until I can enjoy your cooking again— among other things, of course.”
As you both spoke through the night, your words provided him with the warmth he desperately needed, soothing his restless heart. And in that moment, despite the distance between them, Cal found solace in the knowledge that the love you both shared was unwavering and your bond unbreakable, even in the absence of physical touch.
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blue-sadie · 6 months
Blinded By Feelings
Armitage Hux, Cal Kestis, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker
They have feelings for you their enemy
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Armitage Hux
He hated you even through he's never met you, he loathed your very being and it only increased when he met you, you were another general that to fought to be the best.
And when you two were together in a meeting or just in passing in the corridors you two would bicker like children over plans or random things that was annoying one of you that day.
He would only realize his feelings when a storm trooper would ask him but he would tell them to shut up and threaten them saying he would throw him into space if he ever spoke something so ridiculous again, but it would cloud his mind days after that.
He would feel disgusted by himself and avoid you by all cost but his efforts went to waste when you come back injured from a mission and he would make it his personal mission to take you to the med bay and scold you at the same time.
"You are stupid as the rebellion if you think you would not get scolded for your actions you could've gotten yourself killed next time at least tell me first so I can get you better storm troopers"
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Cal Kestis
You joined the crew way before he did and had a stronger bond with greez and cere he was kinda jealous it wasn't much of a hatred thing he just found you kinda annoying to be around and would avoid being with you.
Every time you tried talking to him he would ignore you or when you saved him countless times he would just give you a forced thank you but nothing more.
The thing that made him notice is that you would start showing up in his dreams more or when he meditates, he'd find it annoying at first but he'd start thinking about you more and more.
He'd start listening and paying more attention to you which not only freaked you out but the other crew members to, during one of the missions he'd actually listen to your ideas instead of shutting you up.
"You have some really good ideas I should've started listening to you sooner, I'm sorry about that by the way I guess I was just jealous of you"
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Poe Dameron
You were the rebellions best mechanic and the person that would work on his x-wing without his consent he'd hate it even though it needed to be done, he hates it more when you'd leave sticky notes telling him about the up grades you've done to his ship.
He would complain to Leia about you but she'd just laugh and tell him off because your just doing your job so then he'd come complain directly to you but you'd just ignore him continuing on his next up grade.
He'd have a few people tell him that he probably has a crush on you because of him talking about you so much but what really makes him realize is when he sees you talking to others guys and the jealousy he feels.
When returning from one of his missions his x-wing battered and needing repairs he'd actually come straight to you to ask you to repair it for him.
"I know I found it annoying but I've come to realize your up grades are kinda.... helpful after saving me a few times so what I'm trying to say is I'd like you to continue working on my ship"
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Din Djarin
Your were an assassin, killing off the high end people most bounty hunters were afraid to kill, you've also killed a few of his bountys making him pissed.
He's only ever layed eyes on you a few times in crowed bars or a desolate street he doesn't really care about knowing you because why would he get to know his enemy a thief.
He'd only start looking out for you more when you saved him from an ambush you shot his captures in the head and threw him a gun before disappearing again.
He'd be against the idea of ever actually falling for you because of his past experiences but after some more encounters with you he'd would stop you before you vanish again.
"You can reject this offer but I'm still putting it out there, I want you to join me us, it would be alot easier we work together then you stealing my bountys so what do you say"
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Anakin Skywalker
You are master windus padowan and the person he's always compared to why can't you be like yn why can't you take after her, it was something he heard almost everyday which makes him hate you.
He hates how kind you are even through his hateful words he spits your way or when you'd sometimes take the fall for one of his stupid plans he never even thanks you.
He like hux only got the realization when you got hurt, you'd taken a hit that was ment for him, the panic he felt as he watched you fall made him snap and kill whoever did it.
He'd spend day and night by your bedside in the medbay pacing back and forth as he tried thinking about his feelings, they'd only calm down when he sees you awake.
"Don't do that ever again do you hear me, you don't deserve to be here especially because of me I should be in this bed instead of you, do you know what you put me through I thought I lost you"
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weadapt · 1 year
Dear Fanfic Writers, I request fics based on what I wrote below:
How is Cal even functioning with psychometry…? How was he when he was really, really young? Could his family have thought he was severely sick or going crazy? And when the Jedi found him, it was a relief that someone knew he was Force-sensitive and knew how to help and train him? I wonder when he was little if Jaro Tapal had him wear gloves for a long while until Cal started really learning how to control his ability… it must have been really, really scary and terrifying as a little kid, or even as a baby, experiencing visions that took over his mind when he touched certain things. I can imagine he was constantly crying and screaming as a baby and as a little kid and his family couldn’t for the life of them figure out why…
I need fics of baby/toddler Cal before the Jedi find him because of the dialog in the game where he says “I barely knew my parents”. I need his parents trying to figure out what’s wrong with him and perhaps realizing Cal cries and screams when he interacts with certain items when he’s at home or out and about but they can’t figure out why he’s so sick and has such bad reactions. It’s hard too letting anyone they know hold him because he seems to react to the jewelry or other clothing accessories they may be wearing when he touches the accessories. I need the panic when some reactions is just him spacing out and they don’t know how to bring him back. I need the moment when the Jedi find him and telling his parent he’s force sensitive and telling them they can help him but his parents can’t find it in themselves to say goodbye to him. I need them realizing after Cal has an especially bad reaction that they can’t help him and only the Jedi can and deciding, for his wellbeing, to give him up.
I need Jaro Tapal trying to soothe Cal
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layla4567 · 8 months
Hello there! I love your May The Force Be With You so much that I am requesting one! Here’s mine: The reader calms Cal down when he is using the Dark Side (During Jedi Survivor near the end when he’s chocking Lan Denvick) but you choose the reader calms him down.
oki doki!
I'm right here
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Pairing: Cal Kestis x Fem reader Summary: Cal seeks revenge by using the dark side of the force against the hidden base of the Imperial Security Office. You arrive just in time before he does something crazy Warnings: Blood, violence, fight, chocking, spoilers of jedi survivor, angst but fluff ending kinda (If I forget something let me know) A/N: This is my first request, sorry for the delay, btw I had to research the game to write this lol
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Cal walked with sure and furious steps towards the base, wielding his saber that now shone bright red ready to attack anyone who crossed his path. The red light contrasted with his green eyes and gave him a menacing look, Cal wanted revenge, to avenge the death of his friends and his seething anger toward embracing his dark side. You stayed on the ship praying that nothing bad happens to him or that he doesn't cause a lot of blood to flow. You understood Cal more than anyone and how painful it is to lose a loved one, especially when they had already lost someone before.
Finding Lank Denvik sitting behind a command desk, Cal approached him with BD1 slung over his shoulder. The redhead's gaze showed no compassion or patience.
"Cak Kestis"-Lank said
"Listen carefully, deactivate the alarm system now"
"Or what? You're a Jedi, I know what you're capable of and what you're not capable of."
Denvik took out a blaster that he had hidden but Cal was faster and took it out of his hands thanks to the force. The freckled man took out his own gun without stopping pointing it at him.
"On the comms. Now"-The redhead said impatiently and intimidatingly, knowing that one mistake and he would just have to pull the trigger.
After deactivating the alarm Cal explained that he was there because of Bode, and saying that he found him thanks to a tracker. Unsurprised, Lank, as if accustomed to her pathetic carelessness, simply casually commented that Bode's reports indicated that the two of them had become quite close since Coruscant. Cal's gruff expression softened slightly as he lowered his gun slowly, something in his brain clicking, as if his gears had been set into motion.
"You were the one who sent him to infiltrate my team.."
"That's right, he was my weapon for a long time, he was very effective. Not like those armored idiots in the inquisitorious"
"So it's true, Cere died because of you"-Cal's gaze became hard as steel again as he gritted his teeth.
Lank leaned forward in his seat. "No, there are still months until Operation Jedha"
"You're lying!"-The redhead used force by clenching his fist to push Lank's back against his seat and immobilize him.
"The empire burned the archives led by Darth vader!!"
"Lord Vader? I have to stop this while I can"
The man approached the commandos again but Cal extended his hand firmly and pushed him back again in anger.
"Don't you understand? He lured you here to destroy me! They're coming! I'll be a dead man unless-"
The redhead clenched his jaw, tired of listening to him speak, without thinking twice he drew his fist towards his chest and Lank's head hit the table making a thud. Cal looked at him with a sullen expression, the only thing he felt was displeasure for that man. With his black inquisitor suit, to go unnoticed, he decided to head towards where Bode was always with his droid at his side. When she arrived she saw Bode's daughter Kata packing her bags, the little girl explained that that was what her father had told her to do because they were supposedly going on a trip. At that moment Bode entered the room, when he saw Cal his muscles tensed, the redhead took a step with a predatory look in his pupils but Bode extended his hand in a stop sign and explained his past. That he was a Jedi Knight assigned as an undercover agent during the Clone Wars. Bode also talked to him about how he met his wife and they had Kata and the deal with Denvik. Cal let his guard down a little at Bode's story but that was his only mistake. Using force, Bode pushes him making him fall on his back and escapes with Kata and the compass alerting the imperials.
Cal, flushed with anger and with dilated pupils, leaves the room without being able to stop Bode and his daughter, just at that moment dozens of imperials are preparing to shoot him. Cal wields his saber embracing the dark side and faces the soldiers, dodging and blocking each blow while with his red saber he cuts the armor and flesh of the Imperials. He is an unstoppable beast, like an enraged bull he cuts the skin and impales several imperials without much difficulty, the desire for revenge and anger moves him as if he were carried away by a wave or ocean currents. Memories of all the people he received love from and then lost came to his mind. He no longer knew how to differentiate between anger and sadness, a whirlwind of emotions debated inside him but an emotion stronger than the others surfaced and won everything. Hatred.
Meanwhile in the Mantis
You and Greez were waiting for Cal to finish his mission. Since you were used to fighting you already had your uniform and your blaster on your belt, you nervously felt it to know it was still there. Greez reassured you by telling you that Cal knew how to defend himself and that he would be fine, but Cal knowing how to defend himself is exactly what worried you. Many times you had seen him succumb to the dark side of the force and you had to hug him so that he would return to the light, you hoped that this time it would be different, that Cal would not make too big a massacre. But you couldn't blame him, if he were you you would have done the same, he was just hurt and he needed to somehow vent those feelings into something to make sure Cere's death wasn't in vain.
Suddenly a roar and screams shook the Mantis and made the ground vibrate. You two had to hold on to your seats to keep from falling to the ground. You looked at Greez with concern and fear, you had to get out of there as soon as possible. After the tremor passed you jumped up from your seat and headed towards the exit of the ship. Greez stopped you screaming
"Wait! where are you going!?"
"I need to find Cal, he's the one causing this."
You adjusted the blaster to your belt and were about to leave when he grabbed your arm firmly, you turned to look at him with a frown.
"No, no no wait! Don't do anything stupid. Trust him"
You removed his hand with a distressed gesture.
"You don't understand, he is in contact with the dark side, he has no self-control. I am the only one who can stop him!"
Before Greez could say anything you jumped off the ship, landing on one knee on the cold floor of the base and ran like hell. Greez yelled something at you but you didn't listen, all you thought about was finding him. You ran and ran with your hair flying in the wind wishing it wasn't too late. At your sides there were imperialist soldiers on the ground dead and bleeding, you looked away in horror.
"Please don't let it be late"-you prayed in a low voice without stopping running
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cal continued massacring soldiers, he was breathing heavily and his hair had stuck to his sweaty forehead from the effort. The lightsaber gave off red sparks like fire and hummed with every cut and movement, the freckled man did not notice the fatigue, the hatred and aberration he felt was like pure adrenaline injected into his veins and drove him to continue attacking no matter what. When there was no more imperial, Cal, breathing like a rearing horse, deactivated his saber. You were still running around the corpses when you finally saw him, you felt your heart beat out of your chest and with slight relief you trotted towards him. Cal saw you and a look of surprise wrinkled his forehead, he didn't expect to see you there.
You shouted his name as you quickly approached him with a small smile and great relief, at least he was still alive. You were not even a meter away when your smile faded and with horror you saw how Denvik was approaching Cal from behind with a blaster in his hand.
"Watch out behind you!!"
The redhead already saw it coming, so returning to his sullen and enraged gesture, he unsheathed his saber and blocked the shots with ease while he attracted Lank with the use of force, preventing him from moving. Cal raised his saber and held it tightly dangerously close to the man's neck, the red glow shining on Cal's face and giving him a menacing look. You closed the distance between you and Cal and came to stand close to him at his side, scared of what he might do.
"Come on Jedi, if you're going to kill me, do it now. Do it!!"
But Cal had other plans. He put his saber away and raised his clawed hand, levitating Lanken as he writhed and put his hands on his neck, coughing. Cal was choking him.
"Cordova, CERE! THEY ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!! And now you're going to pay for it..."
Lank was beginning to cough and gasp for air, his face was turning slightly purple while his eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets.
"Cal, enough is enough..!"
Your cries of fear and anguish were words inaudible to Cal as if they had been carried away by the wind. He couldn't listen or even reason, he only had eyes to see Lanken die, the man who made him suffer so much and took away his friends, his family. Cal's gaze fell on the man's face as it went from violet to pinkish red, and a slight grimace of satisfaction crossed the redhead's lips for a moment. Cal seemed to enjoy his suffering, using force was much more pleasant than if he had impaled him with his saber, a slow and painful death was what Lanken deserved. You, horrified, placed a hand on Cal's tense shoulder, hoping he would listen.
"Cal listen to me, I'm here, please don't do it. Don't become a murderer like him."
Cal didn't seem to listen, he just kept seeing his enemy, you tried to attack from the other side.
"Do you really think this is what Cere or Cordova would have wanted? Prove that you're better than him."
You grabbed the freckled man's cheek, forcing him to look at him. He looked back at you, blinded by fury, but you didn't care.
"Cal look at me, this won't make them come back, please come back to me, I'm begging you"- you cried.
The redhead's face softened and he released Lanken who fell abruptly to the ground while holding his chest and coughing and retching. For a moment Cal seemed to come back to himself, as if a blindfold had been removed from his eyes and his gaze softened, once again showing that sweet and gentle look that made his green eyes shine with heavenly intensity. He looked around as if seeing it for the first time, realizing the damage he did, feeling a little guilty under the sad sight, you approached him and rested your forehead against his, grabbing his cheeks gently.
"It's okay, it's over"
You rubbed your forehead against his like horses would and then hugged him tightly, burying your face in the crook of his neck, not wanting to let him go again. He sighed, holding you and he relaxed his body as if you had lifted a great weight off of him. As you slowly peeled yourself away from the hug, you noticed that his eyes were watering. You tenderly wiped away the tears that surrounded his cheek with your thumb. You understood Cal's pain more than anyone and you didn't want him to suffer alone because he wasn't alone, and he never was. You gave him a sweet kiss on the lips to reassure him and assure him that you would always be by his side supporting him and then feeling slightly better he gave you a shy smile, the one you missed seeing so much.
"Let's go back to the ship, Greez must be worried"
You told him as you placed a hand on his back and you both walked tiredly towards the Mantis.
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buubsii · 1 year
Just finished Jedi the fallen order, if people could send me some Cal Kestis asks that would be amazing! Can be angst, can be fluff, can be nsfw (can’t guarantee it will b good tho)
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wrencatte · 3 months
mini-fic 6(ish!) post-Fallen Order. Mantis Crew. Cal & Merrin. Omniscient POV (Mostly Merrin). 1.1k words Cal...has a beard??? ao3 mini fic link - chapter 6 (ponchos)
Cal plops down on the couch with a loud, drawn-out satisfied sound, relishing in the first comfortable seat in literal days. Merrin looks up from her holonovel, blinks once, twice, and bluntly asks, “What is wrong with your face?”
He slaps a hand to his chin. “There’s nothing wrong with my face.”
“No, there is,” she insists, abandoning her novel to grab hold of his wrist and wrench his hand away – or at least she tries to wrench it away, but Cal resists valiantly, muscles straining with the effort. He leans as far back from the Nightsister as possible until he yelps, and they both go tumbling off the couch to land in a groaning heap on the floor.
Cere watches them, eyebrows raised, and lifting not a single finger to assist either one of them. BD chirrups from his spot over the Master’s shoulder, something distinctly mocking in his tone even without knowing binary, and Cal groans again, louder and more obnoxiously.
“Thanks, buddy, knew I could count on you,” he snarks. The droid whistles something else that just makes him laugh.
“What did he say?” Merrin asks even as she resorts to prying Cal’s hand off his face, fingers digging under his palm. He tries to smack her hand away with his free one, but she just grabs it and pins it awkwardly to the side out of the way. She pauses, head tilted in contemplation, then drops her entire body weight on the Jedi. He lets out a wheezing oof! at the suddenness, eyes wide. BD laughs at him. “This would be easier if you just gave in.”
“Doubt it,” he grunts.
They grapple – no, actually, tussle is really a better word to describe it. Neither of them are actually trying at all. Cal’s stuck arching his face away from Merrin since he can use his hand, and Merrin could easily hurt him in this position, so her efforts are half-hearted at best. Both of them are laughing like children, little hushed, breathless giggles. Cere doesn’t hide her smile, thoroughly enjoying the sight of them acting so care-free, and secretly recording the whole thing. Even though they have BD for that, there’s something about having a version all to herself that she can’t resist.
Cal finally gives up and removes his hand. Merrin makes a noise of triumphant – that gets cut off when he (gently) smacks his hand against Merrin’s face instead, effectively blinding her. He uses the surprise attack as leverage to shove her back against the base of the couch and he scrambles to his feet, putting distance between the two of them quickly, and…goes back to covering his chin.
“It is not that embarrassing,” Merrin tells him.
Cal scowls. “You said there was something wrong with my face!”
She makes a conceding expression. “Fair, but I did not mean it in that way. It merely…caught me by surprise.”
Cal had been gone for the last few days, exploring a nearby mountain pass in hopes it was what they were looking for (it wasn’t), so forgive her shock when he came back looking like that. He changed out of his regular poncho and new vest combo in favor of a pair of loose pants with far too many belts and his ratty training top that Greez has tried to throw out several times – though not as many times he’s tried to throw out some of his older, more…pungent ponchos. His hair longer than when she first met him, long enough to tuck behind his ears, and when you add that to what’s going on with his face…
He eyes her warily then semi-reluctantly drops his hand, putting it on his hip instead in a sort of are you happy now? pose. Merrin stares at him. He stares back, weight shifting as if he’s about to bolt.
“It looks good,” she declares finally.
Cal rolls his eyes. “You literally said – .”
“I did not get a proper look! You surprised me!” Merrin snaps. Cal throws his hands up in a huff.
He has a beard.
Or…almost a beard. Barely a beard, it’s still growing in and all. But it’s there and it, and it adds a maturity to his face she wasn’t expecting. Before, his old, world-weary soul could only be felt in the Force when he dropped his shields and let them help him. Now, though, Merrin looks at him and she can see the weight he carries far too easily. The beard looks good, yes, but it makes her heart ache just a little.
Cal scrubs a hand over the short, scratchy-looking beard. It makes his freckles stand out, somehow, or maybe that’s because they’ve been hopping from sunny planet to sunny planet these last few months and he’s no longer stuck under the perpetually gloomy clouds of Bracca. He burns instead of tans, but he seems to get new freckles every day.
“I didn’t mean to grow one in,” he admits. “But I’m kinda attached now.”
“Literally,” Cere adds.
He sticks his tongue out at her then jumps with a strangled yelp when she thrums their bond in admonishment like he’s a twelve-year-old apprentice all over again. “Hey! That’s a cheap shot!”
“What’s a cheap shot?” Greez asks, walking onto the Mantis. He looks up from the holopad he was consulting. “Oh. Hey, Cal, welcome back…What’s wrong with your face?”
Cal swears at him in Huttese as Merrin laughs. “All of you! All of you are against me! It’s not that bad!”
“It truly isn’t,” Merrin assures him, sounding only half-sincere to his ears.
Cere shrugs. “It’s not too bad,” she agrees. “I think it needs another day or two before it really works for you, though. Right now it’s…” She wiggles her hand with a wince.
“Ehhh,” is Greez’s contribution.
Cal hides his face with both hands this time, sighing very, very loudly. “You are all so mean to me. Fine, I’ll kriffin’ shave it off. Greez, got anything I can use? My kit got lost somewhere.” He glares BD-1 from between his fingers and the droid chitters in response, sounding offended. “I am not! You’re the one who went over the ledge! I told you not to scan it!” BD-1 beeps something decidedly rude.
“Nothin’ for your human sensitivity. You’re gonna have to wait until our next supply stop, kid.”
He groans. “Unbelievable. That’s a week from now.”
Merrin pats his shoulder consolingly. “You will survive,” she says seriously. “And if you do not, I know several rituals that will bring you back with minimal…side-effects.”
“Thanks, Merrin, you really know how to make a guy feel better.”
She smiles. “You are welcome!”
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