#cafe hostess
touteytout · 10 months
going through every possible emotion watching the gaiden trailer....
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needylittlegirl · 4 months
thinking about halloween costume ideas already and im getting so excited
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capricioussun · 2 years
More for the blorbo!
Does he have a favorite genre of music or a favorite band? Is he right handed, left handed, ambidextrous, or cross-dominant? Does he play any musical instruments, either underground or topside? Do you HC him with claws or just like really sharp "nails" that can be filed down? How does he deal with those?
And of course, you can always save these for when you have time!
Taking a break from attack work so I will answer these!!
His music taste is…eclectic. The thing is, he’s kind of…weird? About music? It’s super hard to gauge what he will or won’t like because he will determine his opinion on a song with completely unknowable metrics. He might like a song sheerly because of the impressive number of brass instruments. He might hate a song because of the number of times they use a specific chord progression. This song is about lunar cycles? Ugh, tacky. This song accurately references a Greek parable others usually get wrong? 12/10 great song (please note the song could actually sound like virtually almost anything). Though he’s also not really a hater, so he’s pretty relaxed about most music, as long as it isn’t too…uh, extreme? (He’d probably hate stuff like msi) Though he does admittedly have a slight soft spot for classic rock, folk, and proper classic music because of the few cassettes and Walkman he had to fix he found at the dump a long time ago… He would like My Chem if for no other reason than the Aesthetic (he can respect commitment to the bit. He might also even genuinely like a few of their songs)
He is ambidextrous! This is a hc I share with all Papyri! It was simply a matter of needing to be able to use both hands with the same level of efficiency, which actually ties in well with the next question!
It’s also part of why he learned piano! To help with hand eye coordination and dexterity! So Edge can play the piano, but…he doesn’t anymore, or at least very very rarely…
He actually has claws!! And he hates them! /hj but to explain, Edge’s claws are very real and very annoying. Due to the genetic experimentation, they are incredibly sharp, and he actually has very mild regenerative abilities. What this essentially means is that his claws are virtually untrimmable. They grow back almost instantly, he’d have to pretty much declaw himself like a cat (surgically removing the entire last phalanx of each finger) to get rid of them, and that’s way more of an inconvenience than the claws themselves are. However when they first started getting that sharp (around the age of 11), they were a big problem, and it wasn’t long before Sans had to call in a favor with Alphys to help him make Special gloves for Edge that were pretty close to untearable, since they were catching on everything. Edge couldn’t even change his clothes or bathe himself properly without winding up covered in hairline scratches and ruining the fabric.
They’ve thankfully rugged-ed out a little with age, so they’re not still that crazy sharp, but they are still sharp enough he continues wearing the gloves all the time lest he risk nicking himself or destroying clothes. He could alternatively use claw caps to prevent unwanted cutting and tearing, but he also has sensory issues, and his hands especially can be super sensitive, so the gloves are very good for that, too (a headcanon I share for UT Papyrus as well!)
At least they come in handy with looking intimidating! (Pun intended)
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hostessmisaki · 2 years
I made a new Tumblr just in case Twitter goes sideways... But what do I post here? 🤔
Logo design: CelestiaDwarf
Animation: @befishproductions
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
ok picture it.
steve and eddie both work at a small cafe in the city that specializes in light sandwiches and pasta dishes. steve is the opening manager, off before eddie, a line cook, makes it in for the closing shift and the evening rush.
every day, steve leaves a “friendly reminder” note on the break room whiteboard for the closing shift and every day, eddie’s blood boils when he reads it. it’s not like the closing shift leaves the place looking like a dump; it’s difficult to juggle the dinner rush and pick up the morning shifts slack when they’d left all their dirty dishes in the sink from breakfast and done absolutely no prep for the closers.
in august, one of the cafes busiest months, when tables are full of rude tourists and college students, the closing manager goes on maternity leave and steve’s forced to cover for her. eddie and steve meet for the first time ever and eddie’s even more annoyed by the fact that steve is gorgeous and fuckin cheerful, even after long days where he’s constantly stepping in to defuse conflicts between horrible costumers and the waitstaff.
about two weeks into steve covering the closing shift, he rounds up all the line cooks, hostesses, and waiters and personally apologizes to them for thinking the closing shift was easy. this shit is hard! infinitely harder than opening the store in the morning. he promises them that when he returns to his morning shift duties, he’ll be much more conscious of the way the staff leaves the kitchen for the closers.
after the staff meeting, eddie’s cold feelings start to thaw. it’s clear that steve means what he said. eddie’s never seen a restaurant manager working with the dishwashers at the sink after close. and steve even agrees to let eddie stay after hours to try out some of his own recipes, in hopes they might make it to the menu someday.
after the closing manager returns from her maternity leave, there’s a remarkable shift in the atmosphere of the restaurant. prep work is done before the closers come in, no dishes pile up in the sink, and if there is ever left over work from a particularly busy morning, steve always stays after his shift is over to help take care of it. eddie can’t help but feel a growing fondness for the guy.
one night in december, when eddie’s stayed late to try a new recipe for christmas cookies, the little bell above the front door starts to jingle as it swings open and then closes. it’s not that unusual. sometimes a manager or one of the shift leads has forgotten something or a late delivery is set to arrive and someone has to be there to sign for it.
just as eddie is setting the cookies on a cooling rack, steve walks in to the kitchen, looking… really good. like, date night good. eddie briefly mourns the loss before he calls out a greeting from across the kitchen. steve looks up at him then, smiling wide.
“oh hey, man. forgot my phone in the office,” steve tells him in explanation, moving through the open door next to the walk in freezer. when he reappears in the kitchen, he holds up his phone triumphantly for eddie to see, grinning. he walks around the counter to stand next to eddie. “so what’s on the menu tonight?”
sometimes, when steve was still working the closing shift and had stayed late after mostly everyone had gone home, he’d ask eddie what he was cooking. and eddie, after the pivotal staff meeting, would tell him and sometimes, if he was super confident, he’d even offer steve a taste. steve would compliment him and tell him how awesome it was and, for a few shining moments, eddie would pretend that he could feel something between them.
“just some christmas cookies. trying to work out the mint-to-chocolate ration. wanna taste?” eddie looks up at steve then and thinks he must imagine the way the other man’s eyes dart to his mouth.
“yeah, sure,” steve murmurs softly in the quiet kitchen. eddie clears his throat and takes a small step back, out of steve’s space, and picks up one of the freshly baked cookies, holding it out to steve. steve takes it and takes a bite so big, he’s practically eaten the entire thing in one go. he chews, a contemplative look on his face, before his eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. “fuck, dude,” steve practically moans, mouth full. “i think you nailed it.” it’s a testament to how hot steve truly is that eddie can watch him speak with his mouth full and not be disgusted by him. not even a little bit.
“yeah?” eddie can feel the grin on his own face, practically splitting his cheeks in two.
steve steps a little closer, eating up the space eddie had tried to put between them. “you tried one yet?” steve asks, voice low. eddie swallows and shakes his head. steve’s eyes dart back down to eddie’s lips again, slower and more purposeful this time. “well, you gotta have a taste, eddie.” steve’s voice is practically a purr and eddie can feel the other man’s breath on his lips. neither of them moves to reach for another cookie. instead, steve lifts the remaining bite he has in his hands and lifts it to eddie’s mouth. eddie drops his jaw, obedient, even without being told, and feels steve place the cookie on his tongue. he chews, swallows, all while maintaining eye contact with steve. “good, right?” steve whispers. all eddie can do it nod.
and then, suddenly, the space between them is non-existent. eddie feels steve’s lips against his own, firm and so much softer than he could’ve imagined. steve has him pressed against the counter, his body firm against him and his hand plunged into eddie’s hair, loosening his tight bun. steve’s other hand is on his hip, inching up under the hem of his jacket. eddie let’s out an embarrassing little squeak before his own hands curl into the front of steve’s shirt.
as quickly as it starts, steve’s pulling away, placing a much more chaste kiss to the corner of eddie’s panting mouth.
“been dying to do that,” steve confesses, eyes meeting eddie’s searching. “i forget my phone here at least once a week. keep trying to run into you.” steve huffs out a little laugh. it’s eddie’s turn to look surprised, but he recovers quickly and pulls steve in for another kiss.
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bimboamyrose · 8 months
Unfamiliar - Ch. 16: The Fool
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Art: @mmm-asbestos​ ☆ First 2 chapters ☆ Prev. (Ch. 15)  ☆ AO3
Ch. 16 - The Fool
“Did you have an errand in town or something?” Amy sensed his anxiety.
In minutes, the pair were miles away. They quickly found themselves in town, in the center of a populated shopping area. Some passerby who recognized Sonic began rubbernecking as they milled about. 
He shifted his vision around apprehensively as he allowed Amy to step down from his arms. 
“Do you think he’s tailing us? Don’t think it’s the best idea to bring him right back to your place, considering…”
“I don’t think Eggman has anything fast enough to keep up with you” she started. “Oh- well, not anymore. Besides, you’re hungry, remember?” Amy joked. They stood near a selection of restaurants and cafes.
“Oh- yeah!” Sonic exhaled. “We should give Tails a call, though-”
“Let’s not,” Amy blurted out. It wasn’t exactly how she’d planned it, but this was just the opportunity she needed to be alone with Sonic.
“Huh? Why?” 
“I didn’t bring my communicator,” she tried to sound nonchalant.
“I’ll just run over there-”
Amy dashed past him to a glass storefront, gasping theatrically. “I’ve been wanting to check out this new cafe!”
“Well I was thinking to grab Tails and-”
“Let’s sit down inside!” Amy insisted, pushing her way through the front doors.
Not in an arguing mood, Sonic followed inside begrudgingly. 
A hostess escorted them to a small table by a window. It overlooked a fountain in the square. It was past lunchtime, but a few other pairs lingered in neighboring tables; couples gazing dreamily at each other or sharing desserts. Sonic shifted his own eyes to the window. He fidgeted in his chair.
“So,” Amy sighed, “that was… interesting.”
“No kidding.” He didn’t turn to her.
“He… knows about Metal,” she continued.
Sonic spun back to face her gravely.
“Oh, come on, there’s no way he’s listening to us here. Relax!”
“Guess you’re right.” He turned bleakly back to the window. “What do we do?”
Amy was unsure herself. “Maybe… Going to this grand opening thing won’t be so bad?”
“Come on, Ames, that’s an obvious trap.” Sonic leaned an elbow onto the table and turned to her. “And what about your roommate? Eggman kinda owns him.”
“Metal will make the right choice,” she waved off his question.
He looked skeptical. “Why are you so confident about that?”
“‘Cause,” she trailed off, unclear of her own reasoning. “Well, he barely even remembers right now. I’m not worried about him.”
“Eggman wants him back.” Sonic returned with a concerned frown. “He can’t live with you forever.”
“I know,” Amy replied sheepishly. There hadn’t been much thought put into what exactly was going to happen to Metal, or when. Though she understood Metal couldn’t hang around much longer if she got involved with Sonic. 
“What do you think he wants him for?”
“To… build?” Amy shrugged. “It seems like Eggman’s only priority right now.”
The pair each looked somberly to the window until they caught each other’s eyes in the reflections. Amy  pouted, uncertain of what else to say about the situation. Sonic grinned at his friend gingerly and met her face to face.
“We always figure it out,” he said as confidently as he could manage. “We’re a great team, after all.”
The misgiving situation weighed on Sonic, his usual direct approach to problems ineffective in all the uncertainty. But he was nothing if not a pacesetter for his team. It didn’t do them any good for him to be gloomy.
“Yeah,” Amy smiled with a similar hesitance.
A waiter interrupted them with his introduction. The short minutes they spent ordering lavish sounding drinks and pastries calming Amy and Sonic. By the time the waiter retracted the menus, the two had relaxed in their chairs. They smiled more comfortably now, no less uncertain but confident they could tackle the situation as a team. 
“If Metal’s really on our side, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to send the guy back his bot,” Sonic commented between bites of a croissant.
“If he wants to go back.” Amy took a sip from her tea, lifting her eyes to him over the rim, hesitant about what he’d think of the remark.
“Well if you want him on the team,” Sonic shrugged.
“I mean, it’s not about what I want…” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Sonic smiled at her knowingly. “Metal can do what he wants. I won’t give him a hard time- if he really isn’t up to something with Eggman.”
“Uh-huh. I’ll talk to him.” Amy was eager to get off the subject. 
“So… what’d you think of the food?”
“Pretty good, I guess.” Sonic took a sip from a tall glass of some kind of local handcrafted soda the waiter had offered as an alternative to tea and coffee. It was the only drink that sounded mildly good to him. “Little fancy, though.”
She reached into her pocket for the all-important card she’d pulled that morning and told herself it was time to broach the subject. Her cheeks felt warm.
“I like it,” she continued, “It’s kinda- I don’t know- romantic, isn’t it?”
“Yeah… I guess you could say that.” He took an uncomfortable look around the room, sucking up his drink impetuously. 
Amy brought her cup back to her lips apprehensively. “It’s a cute place for a date. Maybe- maybe we can come back for one sometime?”
A fizzy gulp caused Sonic to cough and clear his throat. Amy blinked at him from behind her teacup, hiding her flushed face, panicking internally.
“I-” he started, pausing to clear his throat a second time. He looked away from her in embarrassment. “I mean, we’re not, uh, dating, though.” A flight response kicked in and he glanced toward the front door.
“But… We could be.” Her words were a demure squeak. “Don’t you think?”
“I’m gonna be heading back to Tails’, I think-”
“Sonic.” Amy set down the cup. She swallowed. “Can we try?”
Sonic steadied himself with a deep breath. It felt wrong to continue dodging the matter. He met her pleading face with a poignant seriousness he didn’t often display.
“Amy, I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” he said plainly.
Expecting some hesitancy on his part, she pushed on. “Aw, but we’d be so good together! You even said we make such a great team!”
“We do, but-”
“And we’ve known each other for so long! Think of all that history! We’ve always been there for each other and stayed friends even when I was, well, a little obsessed- But you stuck around and that meant so much to me! And-”
“Stop.” Sonic clanked his glass on the table between them. “All this romantic stuff putting everything at stake- I can’t do it, Amy. Much less with you.”
The response left her taken aback, even more than she could have predicted. “So… it’s a problem because it’s me?”
“Sort-of- I-”
She sat upright, loudly clanking her teacup on the table. “And it’s not just because you don’t like me?” Amy’s eyes began to sting as tears threatened to well up. 
Sensing an outburst, Sonic leaned away nervously. Being on the receiving end of Amy’s anger was never an enviable position to be in. “Uh…”
“Well? What’s so wrong with dating me? Are you still mad about how immature I was back when we met or something?”
“No! Listen, Amy, I don’t like you that way,” he searched for the right words, frantically and unsuccessfully. “And even if I did, I just don’t think I could ever be in that kind of relationship with you. You’re-”
“I’m what?” Angry tears escaped the moment she stood up abruptly. Her chair screeched against the floor loudly, attracting the attention of the diners around them. “I’m not good enough for you somehow?” 
“Amy, that’s not fair,” he scolded. “You know that’s not what I was about to say!”
“What’s not fair is that you always reject me and never tell me why.” She threw her napkin against the table to free her hands, digging through her pocket aggressively. “But I get it now.”
“Amy, come on, please-” Sonic lowered his head in embarrassment as whispers circulated around them. He lowered his voice.
“Please what? Please stop being so loud and obnoxious? Stop being a pest? Stop,” a sob gave her pause, anger melting into heartbreak. “Stop being an annoying little rascal around you?”
The other patrons were staring daggers at them. Sonic melted further into his seat. “This is why I didn’t want to go out,” he muttered. “I was trying to avoid this-”
“Seriously? Ugh!” Amy scoffed, indignant and deeply frustrated. In that moment, that embarrassingly public moment, the only sensible explanation for his rejection were the parts she hated about herself. Her angry outbursts, the insufferable clinginess. Tears continued their path down her cheeks as she dug through her pockets again. Finding the bills she was after, Amy tossed a fistfull onto the table. 
The back of her gloves became smudged with makeup as Amy fiercely wiped at her eyes and cheeks. At least she could manage not to sob her way out. At least she wouldn’t add pathetic to the list of her flaws. “I’m leaving!”
“Amy, wait!” Sonic shot up from his seat. “I didn’t mean that-”
“Don’t follow me!”she cried, asserting herself past the hostess and front door. She felt everyone’s eyes on her back, right until the door shut loudly behind her.
Once she was out of sight, all those eyes briefly turned back to Sonic. The other guests began muttering to each other or turning away with secondhand embarrassment. 
More than the outburst itself, Sonic immediately felt self-conscious about his response to Amy’s distress, letting all those nosy strangers get in the way.
He sighed at the crumpled notes on the table, letting the public shame wash over him. Amid the wadded bills, he spotted a familiar symbol adorning the back of a creased card. Recognizing it as part of Amy’s deck, Sonic picked it from clutter. 
Flipping it on its face, he grimaced at the irony. 
“The fool, huh? Man…”
In the square, Amy stomped through walkways and around pedestrians. Her cloudy sights were set on the nearby bus stop. The last thing she wanted to do was sob on public transportation, but what choice did she have?
She planted her hunched form on the bus stop’s only bench. A man in a pressed suit stood nearby and ogled for a few moments, turning and stepping away only after being met by a snapping, fiery glare from the sad-looking girl. 
“That’s what I thought,” she grumbled, bowing her head back down onto her palms.
For however much she tried, there was no holding back the floodgates. She sat breathing deeply, trying to calm herself. But her eyes spilled over with tears, leaking between her fingers and onto her lap. Her face was red hot. She didn’t even want to think about how she looked. 
Just as she’d resolved to breathe through her woes until she got home, Amy caught a familiar whirring growing closer overhead.
Amy sat up, quickly wiping at her face with the back of her hand. Sitting on her hands to hide her dirty gloves, she spotted him. 
“Metal,” she sniffled, “what are you doing in town?”
Metal floated toward the bench, touching down just next to her. 
She spun away from him, trying desperately to tidy herself up. She was hardly excited to explain her current state.
Sensing something was off, Metal leaned in for a closer look at her.
“Um… a- a-choo!” Amy forced a sneeze. “Sorry, I have some allergies,” she lied. “All the pollen this time of year…”
That was strange to Metal, being that Amy always seemed to have her nose in some kind of spring bouquet. He was about to press further when she sneezed again.
“I don’t have any tissues with me,” Amy blubbered. “It’s sorta embarrassing…” That much was true.
Rather than question it, Metal scanned their surroundings for a solution. He spotted the man who’d been staring at Amy moments earlier once again gawking, this time at both of them. Metal hardly noticed the man’s gaze, however, more preoccupied with the neatly folded pocket square adorning the front of his jacket. He started toward the man.
Realizing the danger, the guy backed away, holding up his palms in surrender. He grinned awkwardly at the menacing robot approaching him to cut the tension.
It didn’t stop Metal. He pointed at the man’s chest, indicating the blazer’s front pocket. He then held up his palm in command.
The man looked around frantically for the possibility that he could be approaching someone else, but there wasn’t a soul in sight. Not understanding Metal’s intentions, the man rustled through his pockets in a panic. 
As Metal closed in on him, the man whipped out his wallet, shakily holding it out and turning his face away from the frightening sight.
Believing himself to be in the middle of a mugging, the man finally pleaded meekly, something about taking the wallet. Metal ignored him and his outstretched hand and instead reached forward towards the cowering man’s chest. The man shut his eyes.
Metal snatched the pocket square out of the man’s jacket pocket and promptly forgot about his existence as he rotated back around to Amy. 
He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, holding the crisply folded handkerchief in front of her. She raised a brow, confused at the gesture.
 She turned to him. “Where did you get that?”
As Amy took hold of the pocket square, she caught sight of the man cowering nearby. She gasped in realization.
“Is this his?!”
The man’s eyes snapped open, only just understanding what had occurred. He patted at his chest, realizing he’d been robbed of a mere square of fabric. 
Amy shot up, intending to return the stolen accessory, but the man quickly turned and ran off with a squeal as he noticed he was being approached once again.
“Sir! Oh, come on…”
Amy turned her attention back to her friend, shocked at what had just occurred.
“Metal! You can’t just take some random creep’s handkerchief!”
Metal stared at her blankly. He analyzed her flushed cheeks and watery eyes, ignoring her protests. Her gloves were stained front and back with makeup. Was she just crying?
Perturbed, Amy turned away, one again feigning a sneeze. She brought the handkerchief up to her face out of habit. “Well, I guess he’s not gonna be coming back, so…”
Unhappy with the circumstances, Amy wiped away her tears in resignation. The whole scene at least distracted her from her woes- and it was better than blubbering into her damp gloves. She folded the square away into her pocket and looked to Metal.
“Thanks for the tissue, but please promise you won’t go around snatching people’s things,” she managed calmly, 
Metal continued to study her expression. He concluded that she was decidedly composed and he could’ve been mistaken about her emotional state. But now there were these supposed allergies to worry about-
“Metal? Hello?” Amy waved a hand in front of him, vexed by the lack of response. “Are you listening?”
He nodded instinctively. It wasn’t what he was focused on.
“Anyway,” Amy sighed. “Did you have an errand or something?”
Metal shook his head and gestured to her with an open palm, clad in his new gloves.
The gesture confused her for a moment, but quickly understood what he had to say. “Oh… did you come just to get me?” 
He nodded.
Amy tilted her head with some uncertainty. “How did you know I was here…?”
There was no simple way to explain it to her. He didn’t understand it himself, in fact. Just a few minutes prior, he felt an urgent need to come to this precise spot to find her. It was as if he’d received a signal with a command. So, he rushed over, flying faster than he had for as long as he could recall. It felt almost out of his control, his body propelling him to meet her here. An unexplainable urge. A hunch, he’d heard such a feeling called.
Not knowing any other way to answer, he performed his characteristic shrug and reached closer toward her with his still outstretched hand. 
Amy couldn’t help but giggle. His cryptic and limited responses were charming, in a way. 
“Well, thanks for picking me up.” She took his hand. It beated taking the bus.
They took off in what was becoming a typical way for Amy and Metal to travel together. It was even more comfortable now that his pointy claws were under wraps. It felt like floating to Amy, who didn’t even have time to recall her sorrow; they arrived at her front door in no time.
“By the way, Metal, I wanna talk to you about today,” she said as he allowed her down. She reached for her front door, continuing. “I gotta call Tails, too. We should all chat about-”
The door eased open. Amy couldn’t believe her eyes. 
There must not have been a mug, tumbler, or bowl that wasn’t filled with spring blooms. Lilies sprouted out of drinking glasses and a bushel of peonies practically spilled out of her biggest sauce pot. The bushiest of hyacinth stems poked out of the top of an empty wine bottle. Mason jars sat on every inch of her counter filled with daisies, daffodils, and primroses. Every counter, every chair- every conceivable surface of her home was littered with flowers. Unprecedented and breathtaking.
She stood at the door, speechless. Amy forgot all about the conversation she was about to propose, along with her rejection, the stressful mission, and her “allergies.” 
Metal stood back, observing; apprehensive. She’d just had a reaction, and here was every type of flower he could find within a 100-mile radius diffusing pollen into her home. He reached out, intending to hold her back.
But it didn’t stop her. Amy practically sprinted toward the living space, rustling through every vessel, burying her face in as many bunches as she could get her hands on. She gasped and sputtered as she went. 
Radiating joy, she looked back to Metal. “You got all these? For me?” 
Metal nodded at her tensely from the doorway.
Amy erupted with laughter. “It’s amazing!”
Though muddled by it, her positive response put Metal at ease as he followed her inside.
“Thank you!” She twirled around, taking stock of all the bouquets. “Where did you find so many? Look at these peonies, and those hyacinths, and the daffodils, and- and-” 
Her eyes landed on the small bunch of assorted wildflowers she’d received from Sonic that morning. 
She trailed off, stroking a little blue cornflower from the motley assortment. They sat next to her one other proper vase, stuffed neatly with pink tulips.
Bittersweet tears flooded her eyes. A conflicted sob escaped her as they flowed down into her smile.
Amy’s emotions had overwhelmed her by the time Metal reached her across the room. He took a cautious step back when he realized her cheeks were already soaked.
For however conflicted she felt about the day’s events, Amy was overjoyed at the thoughtful gesture. There was nothing to do but throw her arms around Metal with all the affection she possessed. 
Not anticipating tears, Metal hesitated for a moment. But she clutched and squeezed him with an intensity which he thought could practically crush him. He was as impressed with her strength as he was concerned for her.
Metal wrapped an arm around her slowly. Carefully, he reached a finger to her cheek, catching a tear as it spilled from her eye. 
She sniffled, breathing deeply. “Oh, me? Don’t worry,” Amy turned her damp eyes up to him, still beaming. She laughed. “It’s just allergies!”
Me in may: hehe I will have so much time to myself this summer i will be able to write sooo much
Me in june: (takes the hardest class I've ever done in my entire life)
Me in july: (builds an entire kitchen)
Me in aug: (gets married)
Me in sep: (picks up twice as many responsibilities at work because the assistant quit)
but hey I got married and we later went to LA to see Sonic Symphony! So it's been a good summer/autumn so far. Other than you know. working 6 days a week. eugh
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sailor-aviator · 4 months
Today and Every Day
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: A glimpse into your life with the one and only Jake "Hangman" Seresin starting from your first date and ending with a twist. A fic inspired by the song "Marry Me" by train.
Content Warning: First dates, Proposal, Marriage, Pregnancy, Allusions to smut, Making out, Old Age, Nerves, Tooth rotting fluff, Romance. I think that's everything.
Word Count: 4k
A/N: This fic was written as a part of @ohtobeleah's Galentine's Day Special! I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you all have just as much fun reading it!! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! Until next time!
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Jake was nervous. No. He was terrified, actually. He had never been this scared to go on a date before, but here he was, leg bouncing up and down in the driver’s seat as he waited outside of the restaurant he agreed to meet you at. He had met you at the cafe just last week, and already he was smitten. You had been sitting there, typing away on your laptop when he had spotted you as he walked in with Javy and Phoenix. It had taken an incredible amount of self will and determination to finally get up and go talk to you, but he was glad he had because now he was getting ready to go on your first date.
He really, really hoped he didn’t screw it up.
Taking a deep breath, he shoved the door of his truck open, stepping out and into the parking lot. He was a little early, but better that than being late, he supposed. He crossed the street, heart stopping and breath catching in his throat when he spotted you through the window. You were standing in a pretty, blue dress looking around the lobby nervously as you glanced down at your phone, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
Shaking himself from his stupor, he pulled the door open and stepped inside. You glanced up from your phone at the noise, giving him a soft smile that left him breathless all over again.
“Hey,” you greeted quietly, sliding your phone into your purse as you turned to face him. A shy smile curled on his lips as he took you in, a characteristic that felt so foreign to him. Jake was usually a man of confidence, but there was something about you that seemed send him into a tizzy with one look.
“Hey,” he responded. “Were you waiting long?”
“Not at all,” you assured him, smoothing down the skirt of your dress, an action that Jake found absolutely endearing. He tore his eyes away from you as the hostess came back to the stand, flashing a polite smile at the two of you.
“Are you ready?” He asked, gesturing towards the other woman. You turned around, eyes widening in surprise before flashing him a quick smile and a nod.
The hostess seated the two of you quickly, and your waiter had stopped by shortly after to take your drink order. The two of you sat in a moment of silence, and Jake noted that it wasn’t altogether an uncomfortable one, but rather tense and nervous.
“You know,” he spoke after another moment, causing your eyes to flicker up to meet his, “I was actually really nervous for today.”
That seemed to shock you, and you let out a startled giggle before smiling up at him.
He nodded.
“I was too, actually,” you admitted, glancing up at him shyly through your lashes. Jake tried not to think too much about how he wanted to reach out and lay kisses on the spots where your lashes brushed against your cheeks. Instead, he cleared his throat, and leaned forward to flash you a charming smile.
“So, let’s get to know each other,” he suggested, a wicked twinkle in his eyes. “If you could attend any concert from any time period, who would it be?”
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Jake hadn’t been this nervous in two years. Of course, the last time he had felt like this was on your first date, and now here he was, about to get down on one knee and ask you to be his wife. Truthfully, he had gone ring shopping the day after your first date. He had known from the moment he first laid eyes on you that you were it for him, and the date had just confirmed it.
The two of you had eaten and passed the time in giggles and more ridiculous questions, a conversation that soon became more in depth and personal, and Jake found that the longer he spent with you, the more he didn’t want the night to end.
So, at the end of the meal, he had asked you if you wanted to go for a walk along the beach, and you had happily agreed.
That was two years ago, and now the two of you walked along the same beach, hand in hand as Jake ran his other one nervously through his hair. You peered at him from the corner of your eye, brow furrowing and causing that cute little crease that Jake loved to kiss away.
“Are you feeling okay?” You asked him finally, stopping and turning to face him with a worried expression. You reached up to feel his forehead, humming as you dropped your hand.
“You don’t feel warm,” you muttered, tilting your head in confusion, the little crease deepening as you try to determine what on earth could possibly be wrong with your boyfriend. Jake let out a nervous chuckle, squeezing your hand in reassurance as he takes a steadying breath.
“I’m fine, darlin’,” he told you, but you didn’t seem convinced, eyes still sweeping over him to try and find something wrong with him. “‘m just nervous is all.”
“Nervous?” You questioned, shaking your head slightly. “What on earth for?”
Jake took another deep breath before dropping down onto one knee, smiling at the way your face morphs from confused concern into tearful surprise.
“Darlin’,” he began, pulling the tiny, black box out of his pocket and popping it open to reveal a stunning diamond ring, “the day we met in that little cafe was the beginning of something extraordinary. The past two years have been filled with laughter, tears, the occasional fight, and so much love. I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything in the world, do you hear me? The best day of my life was when you agreed to make it official and be my girlfriend, but I’m hoping you’ll top it here by agreeing to be my wife. Will you marry me?”
Tears streamed down your face as you covered your mouth to keep the sobs from spilling out. You began to nod frantically, wiping the tears away as you sobbed out a laugh, the pretty smile he loved oh so much coming into view.
“Jacob Seresin, of course I’ll marry you,” you laughed, reaching out for him to pull him into a soul-crushing kiss. Jake smiled against your lips as he moved to stand, hauling you into his arms as he rocked the two of you from side to side. Pulling away only when the two of you needed air, he slipped the ring onto your finger, stroking the soft skin as he continued to grin.
“I love you,” he said, looking up at you finally. You squeezed his hand, smiling up at him gently as you placed another kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.”
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“Jake, you could power a whole city with how much you’re moving,” Javy griped, placing a reassuring hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Calm down, man.”
“Sorry,” Jake grimaced, glancing down the aisle towards the doors leading into the sanctuary of the church. The pews were filled with friends and family from both sides, eagerly awaiting the start of the ceremony.
“I’m just nervous,” he grumbled, eyes still trained on the doors where you would appear any moment.
“But why?” Javy frowned, following his best friend’s line of sight. Jake didn’t answer for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip as his foot tapped against the marble floor and his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides.
“What if she changes her mind?” Jake blurted out, eyes finally looking at Javy with panic lacing through the green. “What if she realizes that I’m not good enough for her? That I’m the worst choice she could possibly make?”
Javy stared at him for a moment before ducking his head down. For a moment, Jake was horrified that his best friend realized that he was right and didn’t know how to tell him, but then he realized that Javy’s shoulders were shaking, and the fear was replaced with indignant confusion as Javy reached out a hand to Jake’s shoulders in order to steady himself. Javy stood back up, wiping a stray tear as he almost broke out into another round of laughter.
“You really are an idiot sometimes, man. You know that?” Javy wheezed, patting Jake on the back. “That girl is so in love with you, it’s not funny. Besides, she could definitely do worse than you.”
“Like who?” Jake mumbled, glaring at the other man. Javy’s grin was wide as he answered.
“Like Bradshaw.”
Jake laughed at that, the nerves easing out of him slowly as he nodded.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he conceded, head snapping back to the doors as the music picked up. One by one, your bridesmaids came walking down the aisle, and Jake’s heart sped up as the last girl made her way down the aisle. The quintessential theme began to play as everyone stood up, and Jake felt the tears spring to his eyes as you finally came into view.
You were beautiful, dressed in your white gown. Jake always thought you looked beautiful, of course, but knowing that you were currently walking down the aisle to become his wife?
He wiped at his eyes, and he heard Javy let out a low chuckle behind him.
“You got this,” he whispered, and Jake let out a low laugh. Yeah, he did have this, and he never wanted to let this go. Your eyes were trained on him the entire walk down the aisle, a smile plastered on your face and Jake swore he could die happy right then and there.
You stopped in front of him, and Jake was only vaguely aware of the ceremony going on around him. Of course he spoke when he was supposed to, but other than that, his focus was locked on you, and it seemed you were in the same boat.
The second Jake heard the priest say “you may kiss the bride,” he was on you, hands cradling your jaw as he kissed you breathless, dipping you slightly as one hand came down to rest on your waist. You kissed him back, excited giggles escaping past your lips as the two of you got lost in the moment. Finally, Jake pulled away, green eyes sparkling as his thumb caressed the apple of your cheek.
“Mr. Seresin,” you purred, looking up at him through your lashes, not unlike the way you did on your first date.
“Mrs. Seresin,” he beamed, leaning in for another kiss.
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“Honey, you’re making me nervous,” Jake chuckled, watching you bounce around the house, your nervous energy positively infectious. You glanced at him before quickly looking away, fighting back a smile as you scurried about with the laundry on your hip. You had never been good at keeping secrets from him, but he always thought it was cute how you tried.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” you assured him, placing the basket on the coffee table and picking up one of the many articles of clothing bunched together.
“I’m sure there isn’t, sugar,” Jake continued, picking up a t-shirt to help you fold. “But when you’ve been scurrying about the house for two days with that secretive little smirk of yours, it gets a man’s heart pumpin’ and mind racin’.”
You paused in your folding, watching him for a moment before snorting and continuing your task.
“I think you’re being a tad paranoid, babe,” you teased, setting down the t-shirt you had just finished folding. Jake moved to grab another t-shirt, opening his mouth to say something when he stopped. His brow furrowed in confusion as he lifted up a plain, white onesie.
“Is this Michelle’s?” He asked, giving you a questioning look. It wasn’t unusual for you to wash the clothes of your friends’ kids, but last he checked none of them had babies this small. Michelle had had a baby about half a year ago, but the bright, new bundle was already well past the size of the onesie he currently held in his hands. You smirked at him, continuing to fold the laundry.
“You know Michael is too big for that.”
“Then which of your friends has a baby that I don’t know about?”
“You know about all of my friends’ babies, Jake.”
“Is one of your friends expecting again?”
“Not one of my friends, no,” you grinned, waiting for him to catch on. He stared at you for a second, studying you like you would give him the answer. It wasn’t until you gently cupped your own stomach that his eyes went wide and tears kissed his lash line.
“Honey, are you serious?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. You bit at your bottom lip in excitement, a grin breaking out across your face.
“Sweetheart, please tell me you’re serious,” he begged, a smile tugging at the corner of his own lips, a shout escaping from him as you nodded in excitement. He tossed the onesie to the side, crossing the distance between you two to scoop you into his arms. He peppered kisses across your face, giggles breaking out between the two of you.
“You have no idea how happy I am right now, darlin’,” he beamed, cradling your face in his hands. “I’m gonna take such good care of the both of you, I promise.”
He placed another kiss to your lips before dropping to his knees in front of you, gently splaying his hands across your belly.
“And you, little one?” He whispered almost reverently. “I’m gonna be the best daddy to you. Make no mistake about it. You’re not even here yet and you’ve already got me wrapped around your little finger. I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you ever, you hear me?”
He placed a kiss to your stomach, peering up at you as he rested his cheek against you, thumb stroking over your shirt.
“You’ve given me the best gift I could have ever asked for,” he murmured, heart so full as he stared up at you.
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“It’s too quiet in here,” Jake muttered, leaning back in his recliner. You walked into the living room, handing him a beer with a knowing smile on your face. Jake frowned as you moved to sit on the couch, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto his lap with a grunt as you giggled.
“That’ll happen when your kids move out,” you reminded him with a smile. Your youngest had officially moved off to college a few days prior, and it came as no surprise to you that Jake was not handling the change very well.
Your home had been filled with the constant laughter and chatter of three, beautiful kids for twenty-three years now, and while you were sad to see your kids leave, you were happy to see them grow into the adults they had become. Jake, on the other hand, missed his children terribly.
“They should visit more,” he griped, resting his hand on your thigh, stroking his thumb up and down as you settled into him.
“Jake, they visit almost every week,” you snorted, resting a hand on his chest with a shake of your head. He gave you a look before taking a sip of his beer.
“And it’s not enough,” he retorted with a scowl. You rolled your eyes with a scoff before a smirk overtook your features. You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you began to place lingering kisses across his jaw.
“You’re telling me,” you hummed, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear, smirk deepening as he shivered, “that you can’t think of any reason as to why having our kids out of the house might be beneficial to the two of us.”
Jake arched a brow at you, turning to look you over as a matching smirk pulled on his lips.
“Dunno, darlin’,” he murmured, maneuvering you so that you straddled him, “might need some convincin’ that it’s a good thing.”
“Well, I can be very persuasive,” you purred, lips moving down to place hot, open-mouthed kisses along the length of his neck. Jake let out a low groan as you found the spot you knew drove him wild, nipping at the skin before laving your tongue over the same spot.
“Oh, I’m well aware, sugar,” he grunted, hands encouraging your hips to roll against his as he threw his head back in a moan. “You managed to get three kids out of me. Despite my protests, might I add. Practically cornered me until I gave you what you wanted.”
You pulled away with a mock glare, Jake whining at the loss of attention.
“I most certainly did not,” you scowled with a raise of an eyebrow. Jake tried to move your hips once more, but you remained unmoved as you glared at him. “In fact, I distinctly remember you begging me for each one of them.”
“Agree to disagree,” he muttered, leaning up to press his lips against yours. You moved to pull back and argue, but Jake held you firmly against him as you giggled into his mouth. His tongue stroked against your own, and your fingers found purchase in his graying locks. You ground down against him, Jake rewarding you with a delicious moan.
“What was that about convincing me that an empty nest is a good thing?” Jake panted, pulling back to look at you. Another grin spread across your face as you moved to stand. Jake stopped you and you looked at him in confusion as he smirked.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” He asked, running his hands up and down the backs of your thighs before gripping your ass with a hearty squeeze.
“The bedroom?” You supplied, amusement clear on your face.
“Thought part of the fun of being an empty nester was that we could do it wherever we wanted?”
You snorted. “The kids still have keys, Jake, and I’d rather not have our kids walk in unexpectedly on us ‘doing it’ as you so eloquently put it.”
Jake’s eyes widened in shock before nodding firmly. Giving your ass a quick swat, he helped you up off his lap before standing, tugging you quickly towards the bedroom.
“I’m confiscating those damn keys the next time they’re over, sugar,” he warned, grinning as you burst into a fit of giggles.
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Jake watched from the porch as his grandkids ran around the expansive yard, screaming and giggling in delight as they chased each other. He still remembered the days when his own kids, their parents, would run around and cause mayhem around the house. He chuckled as the youngest, Ryan, toddled after his older cousins, a toothy grin on the toddler’s face.
His children and their spouses all sat by the fire pit, talking and laughing about something or other, just content to be all together once more, and Jake felt a surge of love at seeing his family together again after so long.
“What are you smiling about over here, honey?”
He turned to see you walking over towards him, a cup of tea in hand as you offered him a loving smile. Your hair had long since grayed, now a stunning silver that reminded him of starlight. The wrinkles around your eyes creased as you looked at him, and though he knew you were self conscious about them, prodding at them with your fingers and a scowl every morning, he made no secret of how much he loved them.
“Evidence of the years spent together,” he’d tell you before kissing each one.
Now he held his arm out for you to sidle up against him, aged hands resting on his back as he let out a contented sigh.
“You remember when our kids would run around out here?” He asked you, his own hand smoothing up and down the length of your back as he peered down at you. You turned your gaze to the yard, your eyes holding ardent adoration as you looked at your many grandchildren.
“Oh I remember,” you chuckled, resting your head against his shoulder as you took a sip of your tea. “You’d come in with mud on your shoes and I’d just about kill the lot of you.”
“You loved it,” he snickered, kissing the top of your head as you sighed, looking back up at him.
“I did,” you admitted. “I do miss it sometimes. And, while I love these critters we call grandkids, I’m always happy to ship them back home to their parents.”
Jake laughed at that, his own wrinkles creasing at the sides of his eyes as he squeezed you tighter. The two of you stood in contented silence as you watched the kids wear themselves out. Sarah, your middle child’s youngest, came running up to you with an excited gleam in her green eyes, words coming out in pants as she fought to catch her breath.
“Gramma, can we go look at the photos again?” She asked, clutching at your sweater and bouncing on the tips of her toes. You chuckled, smoothing a weathered hand over her blonde hair.
“Of course we can, my darling,” you cooed, motioning for her to lead the way. You turned back to give Jake a kiss, patting his cheek lovingly before following after the little girl. Jake watched you go, hoping the two of you had many more days like this to come.
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“Are you going to go talk to her, or are you just going to keep staring like a creep?”
Jake startled from his daydream, green eyes wide as Phoenix gave him a knowing look. Javy slid into the seat next to him, nudging his shoulder as he took a sip from his to go cup.
“She’s right,” he said, gesturing over to where you sat two tables down, typing away contently at your laptop. “You look like a creep just staring at her like that. What are you doing? Thinking about your whole future together?”
Jake scowled at his best friend, shooting another glare at Phoenix for good measure.
“Don’t you two have something better to talk about?” He groused. Phoenix tapped her chin, pretending to think.
“Nope,” she said finally, popping her lips together as she gave him a grin. “Why don’t you go and introduce yourself?”
“I dunno,” Jake muttered, giving you another glance, his heart stuttering nervously as he took you in once more.
“Since when have you ever been the type to be nervous about talking to a girl?” Phoenix snorted, raising an eyebrow at Javy who just shrugged in return.
“‘m not nervous,” he muttered, fidgeting with his fingers as he glanced back at you once more. “Just don’t want to bother her is all.”
“Oh well,” Javy began, pushing his seat back and moving to stand, “if you’re not interested, then I guess I’ll-”
“Don’t you dare,” Jake snapped, grabbing his best friend’s wrist and standing. Javy gave him a triumphant smirk as Jake sighed, clearly bested. He pursed his lips, sparing his friends another glare before gathering up all of his courage and walking over to where you sat.
“Excuse me,” he said, causing you to jump, eyes wide as you gazed up at him. Jake swore his heart stopped then and there. He flashed you a charming smile, one you happily returned as he gestured to the seat next to you. “Is this seat taken?”
“Not at all,” you smiled, gesturing for him to sit. He did so, leaning forward on the table as he looked at you, nerves still fluttering in his stomach as he got a better look at you. You looked at him curiously as he continued to stare, raising an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat with a sheepish smile, stretching out his hand for you to shake.
“Hi,” he said, noting how soft your hand felt in his as he gave it a squeeze. “I’m Jake.”
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A/N: Aaaahh!! So what did you guys think?? Don't forget to follow my sideblog - @sailoraviator-library and turn on post notifications if you'd like to be notified of when I post! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! You can also find me on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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mymoodwriting · 4 months
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10.1k, yandere, hybrid au, hybrid cafe, social awkwardness, biting, clawing, abuse, physical abuse, smut, non-con, dub-con, oral sex, penetration, overstimulation, groping, tit-play, minor somnophilia, after care, minor stockholm syndrome, manipulation, possessiveness (@starillusion13)
“Have you ever been to a hybrid cafe?”
“A what now?”
“You know, like a cat cafe, where you can enjoy some drinks and snacks and play with cats, but instead of cats, they have hybrids!”
“I… no I’ve never heard of one…”
“We should go, I bet you’d love it.”
You weren’t much of a social person, but the friends you kept close always made you sure you felt included. This outing to a hybrid cafe was the recent adventure you had been invited to join in. It sounded interesting, so you agreed. You went into the city, meeting up at the cafe. Your friends greeted you warmly, glad you found your way without getting lost. You had never been to this area before, so it was a reasonable concern. The place was decorated in such a manner you felt like you were in a bakery.
The hostess asked how many people were in your party, four, and brought you over to a table to seat double. Your friends explained to you how everything would work. You could each request the company of one hybrid, and it would be for one hour at a time. You were given a table and told there were two menus, one for the guests and the other for the hybrids. You could order anything you liked, and could get them something too. As for the hybrids themselves, you were shown the tab where all the hybrids were listed. The list went by ranking, as you were encouraged to rate the hybrids after your time together.
There was a picture, followed by their name and type. You could click on the picture to get more information about the hybrid, as well as more images of them, and you could read some previous reviews. Those that were grayed out were already with someone, but you could still look at their profile if you wanted to. This place had a variety of hybrids and they all seemed very cute and friendly. You kept scrolling down the list until you came to the end. No one had really caught your eye, and then you noticed the hybrid at the bottom of the list. The rating wasn’t low, two out of five stars, and you curiously clicked on their profile.
Seonghwa, a pink haired cat hybrid. You had to admit they were very cute, and you wondered why they didn’t have a higher ranking. As you looked at the reviews you could see why. They were very quiet and didn’t really engage with others. It sounded very similar to you, and so you picked Seonghwa. Most people probably didn’t even see him as he was at the bottom of the list. Once you picked a hybrid you got yourself a little cake and drink, catching up with your friends while you waited. After a moment four hybrids came over. Your friends immediately welcomed them, but you noticed Seonghwa hanging back, a little awkward.
“Over here.” You smiled, pulling out a chair. “It’s nice to meet you, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa gave you a nervous smile and then sat down next to you. He whispered a small hello to you as well. Since he seemed uneasy you didn’t push him to talk. Instead you slid over the hybrid menu and told him he could get whatever he wanted. After a moment you felt a slight tug on your shirt, looking over to see Seonghwa pointing at something on the hybrid menu. You smiled and nodded, letting him place his order. The other hybrids at the table were very chatty, talking about what they could do, and your friends were eagerly asking questions and petting their heads. You just silently listened and watched, just happy to be included.
After a while you looked over at Seonghwa, seeing him enjoy his little cake. You found him very cute, and then noticed he had some cream on his face. You grabbed a napkin and tapped his shoulder. He turned to you shyly and you offered him a smile, reaching over to clean his face. He stared at you with wide eyes, a little smile creeping on his face. When he finished his treat you told him he could order another one if he wanted. While browsing the menu the waitress for the table came by to inform you the hour was up. You and your friends would be staying for another while so you could switch out the hybrids.
You noticed Seonghwa slowly putting down the tablet and intending to get up but you grabbed his arm and asked the waitress if it was possible for Seonghwa to stay with you for another hour. She said it wouldn’t be an issue as long as no one else had requested him. Thankfully that was the case and you had Seonghwa sit back down, handing him back the tablet. The rest of your friends picked out some other hybrids, and while waiting they tried to talk with Seonghwa but he was very shy, only answering with a few words. Once the other hybrids came to the table he was left alone and you continued with your evening. 
At the end of the hour you guys were heading out, and you thanked Seonghwa for his company. He gave you a genuine bright smile and waved goodbye. You and your friends split the bill and also made your ratings. You quite enjoyed having Seonghwa around and gave him five stars, although that didn’t do much for his overall rating. Still, you hoped he had a good time and enjoyed himself, even if only for a little bit. You were glad you had come along with your friends, and they talked about coming again some time in the future. You liked the idea, although you were thinking that maybe you’d return on your own someday too.
You mainly preferred to stay home, especially since you worked there, but on some occasions you’d go out with friends. It was very rare for you to go anywhere by yourself, so it was a surprise to you too that you were making the trip. Still, you wanted to give this a shot. You returned to the hybrid cafe from before, grateful the hostess didn’t recognize you or comment on you being by yourself.  The hostess placed you at a booth and once you were seated you looked at the hybrid menu, scrolling down to find Seonghwa and glad to see he was available. You made your choice and ordered some treats for both of you, getting out your things while you waited. A moment later someone was scooching in next to you.
“Hello again…”
“Hi, Seonghwa. It’s nice to see you.”
“Where are your friends?”
“It’s just me today. Is that okay?” Seonghwa nodded. “Good. I ordered you a little cake, but if you want something else feel free to get it.”
“Thank you.”
Even if it was just the two of you it was clear Seonghwa wasn’t much of a talker in general. You wanted his company above all, so you didn’t mind. You focused on your work, typing away on your laptop. It was kind of nice to be working outside of the house, getting some fresh air and enjoying something tasty. Seonghwa didn’t try to make conversation but he was slowly moving closer to you, wanting to peek at your screen. He thought he was being sly, but you were well aware of his gaze. An author could always tell when someone was peeking at their work. You didn’t mind though, seeing that he was quite engaged. Although you were curious.
“Do you like it?”
“The story.”
“I… I’ve never read anything like it before.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yeah, I don’t get to read much…”
“You don’t? What do you do when you’re not out here?”
“Uh… there’s not much to do in the back. Well, if you’re not busy that is. Usually the others get cleaned up in between guests and change clothes too. They talk about the people they entertain and stuff.”
“What about you?”
“I’m… I’m usually in my room sleeping. I don’t do much around here.”
“Oh, I must have interrupted your sleep, sorry about that.”
“No, no, it’s okay. It’s nice to be out here. Thank you.”
“It’s nothing really. So then, you don’t like this much, do you?”
“It’s that obvious, huh?”
“All the other hybrids seem social, but you’re very quiet. Which I don’t mind at all by the way.”
“Is that why you picked me? Cause I’m quiet?”
“No… it’s just… I’m not very… social myself… I don’t really go out alone, but I also don’t like… being alone… you’re good company… your presence alone is comfortable for me. I hope that’s okay…”
“Yeah, you’re good company too… it’s a nice change…”
“Can I ask… how come you’re here?”
“Well… the owners of the cafe adopted me… they liked my pink hair… and said I was pretty… I did try to be… better… but other people get so loud and touchy… this really isn’t my type of thing…”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not so bad anymore. I don’t get picked as much.”
“Well you’re lovely to me.”
“Thank you.”
Seonghwa made some light conversation with you, asking about your story. He was very curious but didn’t pry too much. You didn’t want to spoil it all for him. You stuck around for a few hours, keeping Seonghwa with you. After all those treats he was quiet sleepy, leaning against your shoulder and closing his eyes. He asked you to read to him for a bit, saying he wouldn’t fall asleep. Eventually he did, and you let him rest for a bit. You couldn’t stay all day, so eventually you had to say goodbye. You promised Seonghwa you’d come by again, and you both looked forward to that.
You couldn’t come everyday as you had meetings and deadlines, and as much as you loved having Seonghwa with you, he’d most likely wind up being a distraction for you every now and then. Still, you were both very happy when you did see each other. Seonghwa got to try every item on the menu, discovering what was his favorite, and stealing a few bites and sips of your things too even though you told him not to. You grew close, and because of that you were both more comfortable opening up. There wasn’t much silence between you anymore. Although the fact you met at a cafe and pretty much paid to see him would cause some issues every now and then.
On one occasion you had come in to discover Seonghwa had actually been taken. You didn’t notice he had been at another table since he usually wasn’t. You asked the waitress how long until he would be available, and fortunately she told you he’d be free in a few minutes. You didn’t mind waiting for him. So you focused on your work until you felt someone sliding into the booth with you and getting close. Seonghwa rested his head on your shoulder, whining and nuzzling into the crook of your neck. It tickled and you playfully told him to stop. He did after a moment, moving a bit so he could wrap his arms around you, sighing happily.
“You good?”
“I’m so happy you’re here.”
“What, you didn’t have fun at your other table?”
“Not at all.” Seonghwa pouted. “They were so loud, and one girl kept touching my ears. Stupid pink ears.”
“They’re cute.”
“But I don’t like people touching them, only you can.”
“Ah, well I am honored.”
“Can you pet me? I wanna get the feeling of those rough hands off me.”
“Alright, alright.”
You pet Seonghwa softly, getting some purrs out of him. You noticed something moving under his shirt, for the first time realizing Seonghwa had a tail.
“I didn’t know you had a tail.”
“Oh… that… I hide it to avoid people touching it.”
“Do you want to touch my tail?”
“It’s okay. Even on normal cats that’s not exactly a place they like to be touched. Maybe one day you can show me, but it doesn’t have to be today.”
“Alright, thanks. Now where’s my cake?”
“On the way, be patient.”
Seonghwa was very happy you had come to save him that day, needing you to make everything better. There were a few times you had to wait for him, which you never minded, and the staff also let you hang out for a bit without a hybrid. By now they knew you were a regular and would spend a lot of time, and money, with Seonghwa. You always looked forward to his company and could wait for him, but there would come a time where that wasn’t an option. You came to the cafe and got your table, browsing the menu when Seonghwa suddenly sat down.
“Oh, hi, Seonghwa. You beat me to it today, I haven’t even picked you yet.”
“Wait, you haven’t?”
“No, I was just-”
“Excuse me, I’m sorry.” The waitress came over. “This isn’t your table, Seonghwa. You’ve been requested elsewhere.”
“What? But-”
The waitress grabbed Seonghwa’s arm, pulling him up and apologizing to you. Seonghwa gave you a sad look, but there wasn’t really much you could do. A moment later the waitress returned, apologizing once again.
“It’s alright. I can wait.”
“The thing is… Seonghwa was picked by a party, so they will be keeping him until they leave.”
“Oh… I see… I didn’t know that was a thing… so you don’t know when he’d be available.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t. It could be two hours or more.”
“Alright, I guess I’ll have to come some other time.”
“We’re really sorry about that.”
“It’s not your fault. Thank you.”
You grabbed your things and got up, making your way out. Seonghwa had not been happy to be taken away from you. His rating hadn’t gotten higher as he asked you not to raise it, but that still wouldn’t stop others from picking him. He asked the waitress what was going on when he was taken to a much bigger table. To his surprise he was told he had been picked for a party, but he also knew what that meant. He was stuck here until the party was over. By now you had probably been told this as well, and he looked over at the table you had been, not seeing you there. He immediately got up, searching for you.
“Where are you going kitty?” A girl grabbed his arm. “You have to say hi to the birthday girl.”
Seonghwa didn’t want you to go, and he tried to free himself from the girl but she wouldn’t let go. Without thinking he bit the girl’s hand and ran after you, catching up to you before you left.
“Y/n, are you leaving?”
“Seonghwa… you’re gonna be busy for who knows how long. I’ll come back tomorrow, okay?”
“No, I don’t want you to go.”
“That’s not how-”
“Ya! Get over here you bastard!”
Another girl suddenly stormed over and you immediately pulled Seonghwa behind you. Now there were all eyes on you, and some of the staff came over to deescalate the situation.
“What seems to be the problem?”
“Your hybrid bit me!” The girl yelled.
You immediately looked back at Seonghwa, giving him a questioning look. He merely avoided your gaze and lowered his head. His grip on your arm got tighter.
“What? Seonghwa.” The staff asked. “Is that true?”
“Look! His bite mark is on my hand.”
“Seonghwa! Miss, we are so sorry, our hybrids are usually so well behaved, we don’t know why-”
“What are you going to do about this? I’ve heard great things about this place but clearly you don’t train your hybrids well. He wasn’t even paying attention to the party.”
“We’re very sorry about this. We can provide-”
“What about the hybrid?”
“He’ll be removed from the party and you can-”
“What else? You shouldn’t have such an animal at your establishment.”
You couldn’t help but worry about Seonghwa. His actions weren’t appropriate, but the consequences he might face could be very harsh. Without much thinking yourself, you spoke.
“I’ll adopt him.”
“I’ll adopt Seonghwa.” You looked back at him. “Is… is that okay? I didn’t ask-”
“Yes. Please take me with you.”
“Okay.” You looked back at the staff. “I’ll take Seonghwa off your hands and adopt him. I’ll pay however much you got him for plus fifty percent. Is that good enough?”
“Uh… we can discuss this in private.”
“That’s fine.”
Seonghwa kept a hold of you as you followed a staff member to a back office, speaking to the owner and working out the payment and paperwork. He kept quiet throughout the whole thing, not wanting to mess anything up. Once everything was done he was allowed to go back and get his belongings, but there wasn’t really anything that was his so he opted to just leave with you. It was strange to step out of the cafe, but it felt right since he wasn’t alone.
“For what?”
“Causing trouble…”
“You shouldn’t pull a stunt like that, you could have gotten seriously hurt.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know you’re a good hybrid, don’t do things to make people think otherwise.”
“I won’t do it again.”
“Alright, well, since you don’t have much I guess the first thing we should do is get you some clothes.”
“You’re gonna take me shopping?”
“Of course. Come on.”
You took Seonghwa’s hand and your adventure began. You rarely went out to shop for yourself, so you really had no idea where to go for Soenghwa. You did a bit of online research and found some places to go. At first Seonghwa was quite shy, but you encouraged him to pick out things he wanted. You got him some regular clothes as well as pajamas, getting another few things he seemed to like. Once you were done with the shopping you took Seonghwa back to your place. This time around he was in disbelief, stepping into your house and being told it was his home now too.
You had a decent sized house, two floors with a basement. Seonghwa looked around curiously putting down all the bags he had with him. It was so quiet compared to his previous living arrangement, but it was also way nicer. You watched as he took everything in, glad to see he liked it. Or at least you hoped he did. Before you could say anything your phone rang and you quickly pulled it out to see who was calling you. Of course you had things you needed to do and the sudden adoption sidetracked you.
“It’s my editor. I need to take this. Feel free to look around and make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.”
“Wait.” Seonghwa grabbed your arm. “Is this… is this really my home?”
You smiled. “Yes. You live here now with me. I… I hope that’s okay…”
“It’s great.”
“I’m glad to hear. I’ll only be a moment.”
Seonghwa watched you head upstairs, hearing a door close a moment later. Now that it was just him he looked around the place properly. He found the kitchen and dining room, as well as the bathroom and back door. The yard looked quiet lovely, you even had a few flowers growing. There was a closet in the hallway as well, and the next door led to the basement, but he didn’t want to go down there. Eventually he came into the living room, seeing all these pictures of you with friends and family. He grabbed one of the frames you had on the cabinet when he heard you calling for him.
“I’m right here.” 
You walked down the steps just as Seonghwa was stepping out into the hall, giving you a smile when your eyes met.
“Are you finding everything okay?”
“Yeah.” Seonghwa held out the picture frame. “I want one.”
You made your way down and grabbed what Seonghwa was holding out to you. It was a picture of you and your friends, although you weren’t quite sure what he meant with this.
“What about the picture frame?”
“I want a picture of us in a frame.”
“Ah, I should have a camera upstairs and a cool printer. Let’s go, oh and let’s bring your things so we can take them up to your room.”
“My room?”
“I get my own room?”
“Of course. Come on, I’m sure you’ll love it.”
You grabbed some of the bags and went back up, Seonghwa grabbing the rest and following you. The second floor wasn’t as big as the first, but it was just as nice. You showed him to what used to be your guest room, but now would be his.
“It’s a little plain, so I guess tomorrow we can go shopping for your things.”
“My things?”
“Yeah, so this room can feel more like yours. I probably also need to get other things too. I’ve  never had a hybrid before. I’ll do some research before tomorrow.”
“That’s okay, I’ve never had a home before… so I guess we’ll figure this out together.”
“I like that.” You smiled. “Ah, your picture.”
You brought Seonghwa over to your office, rummaging around your desk for your camera. You were lucky it still had some charge, so you grabbed Seonghwa and found a good spot to take a picture together. You took a couple and picked out the best ones, printing them all out. Seonghwa happily looked over the picture, remembering the last time he took a photo was for his profile at the cafe. He opened up the picture frame he had and put the picture of you and him inside, staring at it for a moment before hugging it to his chest.
“I love it.”
“I’m glad you do. Now let’s get some food, cause I am starving.”
Seonghwa was happy to try new things, and you both ate in the kitchen, talking like old times. You showed him the shower and how it worked. You weren’t surprised when he took a long shower, probably enjoying himself in a way he couldn’t before. You checked in on him afterwards, making sure he had everything and would sleep well. He thanked you again for everything you had done for him, wishing you a good night. It was pretty late so you took a quick shower and got into bed. You moved around as you got comfy, slowly starting to doze off when you felt the bed dip. You peeked an eye open to see Seonghwa.
“Hm… what are you doing?”
“I… I can’t sleep alone…”
“Are you okay?”
“It’s just… I’m used to sleeping with others around… and the silence here… it’s kinda scary… is… is it okay to sleep here with you… I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually…”
“That’s okay… you can stay here.”
You were used to sleeping alone, but there was something about having a warm body next to you. It was new, but eventually you drifted off to sleep. Come morning you realized you slept really well, better than you had before. You found yourself wrapped up in Seonghwa’s arms, finding him very cute while he slept. You didn’t want to wake him, but you had to get up. You reached over to gently pet him, slowly getting him to wake up.
“Seonghwa, I gotta get up.”
“Five more minutes…”
“You can absolutely stay in bed, but you gotta let me go.”
“Seonghwa, please.”
You giggled and leaned forward to press a kiss to his head, surprising him. His eyes shot open and he looked at you. This was your chance as his grip had loosened, so you smiled and got out of bed. 
“You can stay and sleep some more, I got things to do.”
“I’m gonna make breakfast real quick, you want some?”
“Yes, please. I’ll help.”
“Come on then.”
Seonghwa sat up, stretching and then following you out. He freshened up and met you down in the kitchen, coming over to your side.
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, you?”
“It was nice. I usually had my own bed, but sleeping with someone else is very comfy.”
“I agree. I’m not used to sharing a bed with anyone, but I actually slept really well, so thanks for that.”
“I’m available every night.”
“I’m sure you are.”
Even though Seonghwa had his own room, he liked sharing a bed with you. He was never cold, and even while sleeping he knew he wasn’t alone. You liked it as well, feeling a comfort and joy you couldn’t describe by having someone with you at night. It was a welcomed change.
Seonghwa was very curious about certain parts of the house, like the kitchen. He had never really been in one before, and he certainly wasn’t used to having unrestricted access to food. Back at the cafe he ate designated meals, and whatever treats he could get with guests. You assured him he was free to grab snacks and drinks whenever he wanted. There was so much he had to learn and experience, but he was excited to get to know it all with you.
Things changed around the house, but in a good way. You were used to playing your music as you worked, although it did take a bit of getting used to the noise of someone else. Seonghwa stuck to your side for the first few days, which wasn’t an issue. He was more than happy to take the books off your shelves and read them, getting very immersed. Especially when he found the ones you wrote. He would ask you questions, and you answered what you could without giving him spoilers.
As he got more comfortable in the house he would spend more time in different places, and he also wouldn’t hide his tail. You taught him how to use the TV and anything else he was curious about. The stove was off limits, but you did promise to teach him to cook since he wanted to be able to do things for you. That wasn’t necessary but you appreciated his intentions. He still figured out some things himself, like peeling fruit and bringing you some to your office. Besides going out for the necessities, you both mainly stayed home. Seonghwa didn’t mind it all, having all he could need right here with you.
If he wanted to get some fresh out he could go out into the yard, which he did daily to water the plants and get some sunlight. He found all kinds of cool shows to watch, and looked for cooking videos so he could make you something. You did scold him when he made instant ramen since that involved using the stove, but you had to take it easy as he hadn’t hurt himself or burned anything. The ramen was actually quite good too. Although as much as you both loved to stay home together you still had some reasons to go out.
“My friend invited me out to lunch tomorrow. Will you-”
“Can I come?”
“Uh… I don’t know if the place is hybrid friendly.”
You couldn’t help but feel sad when you saw his ears drop. For the last couple days you two had been inseparable, and this would be the first time you leave him alone in the house. Thinking back on it you didn’t like that idea.
“Hold on, let me check.”
You looked up the place, and unfortunately they didn’t allow hybrids. That wasn’t good, so you figured maybe you could try something. You took Seonghwa’s hand and led him up to your room. You rummaged through your closet and pulled out a cute little beret, placing it on his head, giving him a smile.
“A hat?”
“The beret hides your ears, and you know how to hide your tail. You’d pass for a normal human dressed like this.”
“You mean I get to go with you?”
“I mean, if you want to. I don’t think hiding your identity is all that great-”
“I can do it as long as I get to be with you.”
“Alright, then let’s figure out your look.”
“I want us to match. Like a couples outfit.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
The next day you and Seonghwa went out together, meeting up with your friends at this brunch spot. They were excited to see you, although the looks on their faces turned to curiosity when they noticed Seonghwa at your side.
“Is that…?” Lyla questioned. “A hybrid? You-”
“Oh my gosh…” Misu gasped. “It was you!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Come here.”
You sat down with Seonghwa, all the girls now brimming with excitement.
“What is it?”
“So, a friend of mine told me they were at this hybrid cafe.” Misu began. “And while there they said there was this huge commotion about a hybrid attacking a guest, but then this other person opted to adopt them right then and there. The owner agreed and all, but now others have been asking to adopt some of the hybrids there, but that’s not something they do. I was wondering what cafe it was, and it turns out it was the one we went to. I asked what hybrid was adopted, and they said it was this pink cat. So I had to know if it was Seonghwa, so I went the other day and saw he was gone. I was gonna tell you all this but I see he went to a good home.”
“Why didn’t you tell us you adopted a hybrid?” Ava asked. “How long have you had him now.”
“It all kinda happened so fast, and it slipped my mind.”
“Well, now you gotta tell us all the juicy details.”
You ordered, getting Seonghwa something as well and hoping it was safe for him. Once you got your drinks you began to tell your friends about how you got Seonghwa. You didn’t have all the details, but you at least knew how it went down without exaggerating things. It was quite a fun brunch, but Seonghwa remained quiet. He didn’t really know these people, and he just wanted to be with you. This wouldn’t be the last time he went out in disguise with you. It wasn’t really something he minded, but what he didn’t like was that most of the time when you hung out with your friends it was like the cafe all over again. You were just there with them, sitting in silence and occasionally chiming in.
Of course it wasn’t always restaurants. Sometimes it would be shopping, ro some sort of event, but even then things seemed to be the same. You and him were just there, and because Seonghwa was always in disguise it would lead to some awkward moments. Sometimes girls would come up to Seonghwa, flirting with him and asking for his number. He didn’t have a phone, and honestly wasn’t sure how to deal with the situation most times. He’d always move over to you, and that seemed to imply you were his girlfriend and taken, so they’d leave him alone. Although many times that led to others bad mouthing you. That was the only time he really hated having sensitive hearing.
Other times people would already assume you were a couple, and that would lead to both of you trying to explain you were just friends. It really flustered you both, and it made your other friends giggle under their breath as they knew the real situation. He could get past all of that with no problem, but his real issue was how your supposed friends treated you. He understood you had known them for many years, but he wasn’t sure this was the way things were supposed to go. Of course he knew you were a quiet and shy person, but you had opened up with him. Seonghwa knew what you were really like, and that person didn’t seem to exist outside of him. At least it seemed that way. He didn’t like this, and so he took it upon himself to help. Since he always went out with you he’d be the one to ask if it was time to go home. He was a good excuse after all. If you were out too long with him, the risk of being discovered was greater.
“Y/n…” Seonghwa tugged on your shirt. “I wanna go home…”
“Yeah? Alright, we can go.”
You excused yourself from your friends, heading out with Seonghwa. When you made it back home Seonghwa wrapped his arms around you, giving you a hug from behind. He rested his chin on your shoulder for a bit before nuzzling your neck and tickling you.
“Cut it out, Seonghwa.” You laughed.
“But you’re so cute.”
“Ya, I have some work I need to do.”
“What?” Seonghwa whined. “We’ve been out all day. I want to spend time with you.”
“It’s not fair.” Seonghwa pouted. “It’s my turn to be with you.”
“You’re with me all day.”
“That’s not enough.”
“Alright, alright. How about this, you let me do some work for like an hour, then we’ll order some food and watch a movie. Is that good?”
“Hm… fine.”
“Good. Here.” You handed Seonghwa your phone. “Why don’t you find a place to order from, but remember, I get an hour to do work.”
“I know, I know.”
Seonghwa let you go and took your phone, letting you go off to your office to get some work done. He went over to the living room and plopped down on the couch, looking at the food options. While browsing he noticed you got a message from the group chat. He shouldn’t be nosy but he was curious when he noticed his name in the preview. He really shouldn’t have clicked on it, but he was also glad that he did. When he looked at the message he saw one of your friends commenting that you left too early,and that you shouldn’t bring him along if he was just gonna take you back home.
Seonghwa had so much to say back, but obviously he couldn’t. Instead he deleted the group chat and blocked them all from your contacts. They weren’t even real friends the way he was, so what they said didn’t matter and you shouldn’t spend any time with them. He was still upset but put it out of his head, setting an alarm for an hour and channel surfing once he figured out what he wanted to order. Time flew by pretty fast since before he knew it an hour had passed. He placed the order and then went up to your office to get you.
“Y/n.” He knocked before letting him in. “It’s been an hour.”
“Already, well, time does fly. Did you pick a place?”
“Yeah, and I already placed an order. So, what movie do you want to watch?”
“Hm, is there any type of genre you’re in the mood for?”
“I’m thinking romance.”
“Alright, I can work with that.”
Whenever you watched movies you’d always end up picking, as you knew more about them than him. Of course you still wanted his input and asked what type of movie he wanted to watch. You both always had fun with movie night. When the food arrived you went to get it while Seonghwa grabbed some plates and utensils. As you set things down on the coffee table you realized he had ordered drinks too.
“Seonghwa, did you order soju?”
“Yeah. I always wanted to try some and I figured we could have some tonight. Why? Can I not have some?”
“I… well it doesn’t hurt to try it. I’m just not a drinker.”
“Oh, sorry. I just-”
“It’s okay. A little drink won’t hurt me either.”
You ate and watched the film, letting Seonghwa have his first taste of alcohol. You weren’t surprised when he grimaced from the taste, and you did the same as well. You poured the drinks, but only really let Seonghwa have two, you didn’t want him getting sick after all. Of course since you didn’t drink much, and had most of the bottle, by the end of the night you were a bit drunk, and Seonghwa was tipsy.
“That was a good movie… so cute…”
“Have you ever had a romance like that?” Seonghwa asked.
“Me? No, no, I only write romance, I don’t experience it.”
“Hm? But you’re so pretty.”
“No, you’re the pretty one, everyone wants your number, mister secret hybrid.”
“It’s not a secret, but it makes it easier to go out with you. Besides, I don’t have a phone, even if I did, I wouldn’t be handing out my number.”
“That’s what you say now, but some of those girls were very pretty.”
“Not as pretty as you.”
“I’m pretty?”
“The prettiest.”
“It’s true. I couldn’t have a prettier owner.”
“Stop, you’re just saying that cause you’re drunk.”
“Never. I’ll say it when I’m sober too.”
“You’ll just forget.”
“I won’t, I swear.”
“I guess we’ll see.”
Neither of you was really in a condition to clean up, so you both decided to head to bed. You got under the blankets and a while later Seonghwa joined you. He snuggled up against you, nuzzling your neck.
“You smell pretty, y/n.”
“Do I…”
“Like a dream, and I never wanna wake up.”
“Hm… that sounds good…”
“Do you like me?”
“Of course… you’re the best…”
“What else?”
“Everything… everything about you… is great…”
“But you haven’t seen everything.”
“Like what?”
“Me… me showing you…”
“Showing me what…”
“How much I really like you.”
“Hm… I like you too.”
“Then… can I…”
Seonghwa gently moved over to get on top of you. Your eyes were half open as you were already drifting off to sleep. He stared at you for a while. This wasn’t the first time he had seen you sleepy, many nights before he’d watch you sleep, finding you so cute, but tonight he wanted something more. He slowly leaned down to press his lips to yours. It was soft and gentle, a hint of alcohol in the mix. It took a moment to realize what was happening, and then your eyes were wide and you placed your hand on Seonghwa’s chest, pushing him back a bit.
“What are you doing…”
“I wanna show you how much I care about you.”
“Seonghwa… this… this isn’t right…”
“Why? I-”
“You’re a hybrid and-”
“That doesn’t matter. Everyone already thinks we’re together, so why can’t I-”
“Seonghwa, this… I…”
“I won’t hurt you.”
Before you could say anything more Seonghwa grabbed your arms and pinned them above your head, kissing you once again. You were still shocked by his actions, but you couldn’t do much to fight back. His grip was strong, and the alcohol in your system was making everything fuzzy for you. The kiss was deep, and good, and without meaning too you started kissing back. When Seonghwa pulled away from your lips he began to press kisses against your neck, breathing in your scent deeply. He kept you pinned, pressing his body against yours. For the first time you began to notice the thing between his legs. 
You both had been sharing a bed for weeks now, but you were never really bothered by his crotch area, that is until today. You could feel it poking at you, starting to see Seonghwa as more than just your hybrid pet. You never imagined something like this would happen. You may have written things alluding to this, but never between two individuals so different. Your heart was racing and you could feel your face burning from the shyness and alcohol. The more you tried to free your arms the stronger Seonghwa held onto you. It was still difficult to think straight but you had to try something.
“Seonghwa… Seonghwa, wait… wait, wait… I’ve never…”
“Me neither.” Seonghwa whispered into your ear. “And I want my first to be you.”
“You’re drunk… we’re both and-”
“I’ve heard that alcohol gives someone courage… and I’ve wanted to do something like this for a long time.”
“Please, just let me take care of you.”
His lips were back on your neck, pressing more kisses and starting to suck on the skin. You were trying not to get lost in the feeling of him. It was difficult, but you began to whimper when you felt pin-pricks on your arm. All you got was a mumbled apology from Seonghwa, realizing his claws were drawn and slightly digging into your skin. That made you go still, starting to remember his other abilities as a hybrid. Just as you were thinking it, you felt it, this sharpest that came with every kiss.
“I won’t hurt you.”
“You can’t-”
You let out a yelp when you felt a bite on your shoulder, desperately fighting against Seonghwa, but all you heard was a low growl of the word mine. Seonghwa looked over at you, and his eyes told you he was beyond reason. He wanted you so bad, and no one could stop him, not even you. He pulled you into a kiss, using the distraction to release your arms and begin to undress you. He started by pulling down your pants and panties, leaving you exposed. You thought he might pull off your shirt, but instead he placed kisses on your jaw before diving down under the covers. You only had a moment of peace before you felt him bury his face between your legs.
Your hands shot down to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge. His hands were at your thighs, kneading the flesh and pulling your legs apart, trying to go in deeper. The cold and wetness of his tongue felt so strange, and yet so nice. You couldn’t help the content moan that escaped your lips. Seonghwa purred when he heard you, the vibrations creating a whole new feeling. At first you had been trying to get him off you, but now your hands were merely petting his head, pulling him closer. He kept licking at your folds, sucking on the little bud down there like it was a lollipop. Your mind was spinning as you forgot how you wound up in this situation.
Seonghwa’s hands eventually trailed up, gropping your breasts and massaging them gently, taking you to a whole other world. You kept squirming from his touch, not knowing if you wanted more or for this to stop. This heat was building inside you, making you excited and fearful of what it meant. Eventually Seonghwa gripped your shirt and ripped it apart, his glistening lips leaving a trail of kiss marks as he made his way up your body. You had no idea when he had undressed, but you felt his naked body against yours, and soon enough you felt his length poking at your entrance. 
The feeling startled you and you closed your legs a bit. Seonghwa chuckled and pressed a kiss to your lips, one of his knees dipping between your legs and pushing them open. You were out of breath from the kiss, Seonghwa as well. He pressed his head against yours, eyes closed. He knew you better than anyone else. You saved him in ways you couldn’t comprehend, and he just wanted to give you everything he was. This was his moment, and he wouldn’t waste it. Seonghwa’s hands trailed down to your hips, pulling you closer to him, pushing himself into you, inch by inch. Your mouth hung open in silent ecstasy as you felt the stretch, consumed by something you couldn’t describe.
“… fuck…”
“Are you okay?”
“… yeah, yeah… just feels… weird…”
“But you’re alright?”
“I… I think so…”
“Good… good… you feel so good…”
“I’m gonna start moving… that should make it better.”
Seonghwa started off moving slowly, gently pulling out and going back in, going at a steady rhythm. It felt strange, it sounded weird, but the feelings it created were all new. In a way it was also soothing, letting you relax into the sensation and let it consume you. Of course as he kept at it his thrusts became faster and harder, you felt him wanting to go in deeper, but there was only so much of you he could feel. You were begging to lose yourself in him, in this heat that was consuming every bit of you. Wherever his fingers touched it sparked something inside you. It was hard to think of anything besides the pleasure you were feeling.
“Seonghwa… fuck… feels… feels good…”
“I got you.”
“… please… please… I wanna…”
You never imagined your first would be like this, but there was no going back now. As Seonghwa’s thrusts got sloppy he pulled you up into his arms, moving up into you and making you bounce. He leaned down to kiss at your chest, sucking on your nipples. You could feel him pushing you over the edge, and you were desperate to hold on. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. One moment you were riding this high and then you exploded with a new wave of pleasure. You were overwhelmed, your whole body shaking in Seonghwa’s embrace, pushing him to climax as well. You felt something warm between your legs, but were more focused on the tiny ripples coursing through you.
Seonghwa laid you back down, his hips twitching and pushing into you, riding out his own high and trying to get this feeling to last as long as possible. His hot breath was against your ear, sending a different type of tingle down your body. He didn’t loosen his hold on you as you both came down from your high, just softly nuzzling your cheek. Your head was still spinning, and you were quite exhausted, but Seonghwa wasn’t done with you. He whispered something in your ear that you couldn’t make out, but next thing you knew he was moving his hips again. You whimpered, your body too exhausted to do anything but take it.
You tried to speak, but you didn’t have the strength to move your lips. Your vision was mostly black as exhaustion was pulling you under, and for a moment you did pass out. When you regained consciousness you felt another wave of pleasure washing over you, whimpering as your body was trembling. Seonghwa was on your neck, sucking on the skin as he kept thrusting into you, taking advantage of your sensitive state. It didn’t seem like he was gonna let up anytime soon, and you could feel minor aches all over your arms and back. Although that wasn’t what your mind was focused on. 
Your mouth was hanging open with a bit of drool spilling out. You felt weightless, like you were floating on a cloud, and you felt so warm and safe in Seonghwa’s embrace. It wasn’t long before you slipped under, into the darkness once more, only to emerge from it when the pleasure hit again. You felt a bit bloated down there, not able to see much besides Seonghwa’s blurry face. Despite wanting to grasp reality you didn’t stay awake for much longer, passing out once again. The next time you regained consciousness there was sunlight peeking in through the blinds, telling you it was morning. Seonghwa was hugging you from behind, and you could feel that his length was still buried inside you. Your slight movements stirred him from his slumber. He nuzzled your neck sleepily.
“Seonghwa… last night…”
“Was amazing… y/n… you’re the best thing that ever happened to me…”
“We should probably clean up… we made a mess last night.”
You were still half asleep, but you did want to get up. When you tried though Seonghwa moved as well, making you jump a bit. He chuckled and apologized, moving away from you first. His absence felt kind of strange, given he had been inside you all night. Seonghwa got out of bed and helped you sit up. He seemed to be in a much better condition than you. He helped you to your feet and took you over to the bathroom. It wasn’t until you sat down on the edge of the bathtub that you realized you were completely naked. You covered yourself, which made Seonghwa laugh. He was also naked.
“I’ve seen everything.”
Seonghwa placed a kiss on your cheek and turned on the shower head, waiting for the water to warm up before helping you into the tub. You couldn’t really stand so he had you sit, taking care of washing you up. Once you had been completely soaked he stepped in, getting himself wet before plugging the drain and filling up the tub, he sat behind you, pulling you close. He placed lazy kisses on your cheek, seeing that you were dozing off a bit. He didn’t mind, having no problem washing you up, he was just careful not to get any soap in your eyes. After the bath he helped you get out and dried you off.
He set you down on a chair in your room while he changed the bedsheets. Things had gotten messy last night, but it wasn’t so bad. He put the sheets to wash and grabbed some fresh ones. Once that was done he laid you down to sleep, giving you a soft kiss. He made you breakfast and brought it up for you, making sure you ate a bit before going back to sleep. It wasn’t the same though, to be in bed without him. So when he came over to check in you grabbed his arm and asked him to stay. You didn’t need to tell him twice as he happily got into  bed with you, pulling you into his arms and spooning you.
That day you practically slept it away, needing the time to recover after such a night. It wasn’t until the next morning that you could actually get up. You left Seonghwa in bed, getting up to prepare for the day ahead. As you were washing up you noticed your arms, seeing all the claw marks Seonghwa had left. They didn’t hurt so bad, but they definitely stung. You had those same feelings along your back and managed to check in the mirror, seeing similar claw marks. It really had been a wild night, and that’s not counting the minor bite marks you had along your shoulders and neck. The door suddenly opened and a sleepy Seonghwa came in, wrapping his arms around you.
“Good morning.”
“Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah, and you?”
“Never better.”
“Seonghwa… about us…”
“Hm? We’re perfect, aren’t we?”
“I… what happened…”
“You liked it, right? I looked up some videos and practiced on myself to make sure I did it right.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “You looked up porn? And you practiced on yourself?”
“Yeah, it was very helpful.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“But cute, right?”
You looked at Seonghwa through the mirror, seeing that his eyes were on you. He looked so happy and sweet. As you thought back on that night you could only think about how much he cared for you the last couple of weeks, and recently. There seems to be nothing but good intentions behind his actions, and you couldn’t fault him for that. You smiled and met Seonghwa’s eyes.
“You’re very cute.”
He pressed his lips against yours, letting you finish up before he got ready for the day. He helped you rub some lotion over your wounds, still apologizing for them. You spent the day catching up in your office, getting back to the way things were. At least how they are with Seonghwa now in your life. He’d steal kisses from you whenever he could, doing his best to be a good support for you.
“Have you seen my phone? I haven’t been able to find it for-”
“I have it.”
“Huh? Why do you have it?”
“Cause you’re always misplacing it.” Seonghwa pulled out your phone. “And speaking of, your editor is calling.”
“Oh shoot, thanks.”
Seonghwa held out the phone to you which you hurriedly took. You stepped away to take the call, Seonghwa watching you go, happy he could help. You returned after the call wondering what he was working on. While he explained what he was making he snuck your phone away from you and put it in his pocket. You didn’t need to have it on you, and of course he’d hand it to you when it was important. Before he didn’t like being stuck in one place, but he much rather stay home with you all day everyday than go out with other people. You were all he needed.
“The door…”
“They’ll go away.” Seonghwa mumbled. “Just ignore it.”
“Did you order something…”
“No, but I’ll go check.” Seonghwa kissed your cheek. “You stay here.”
Seonghwa groggily got up, making his way downstairs as the doorbell kept ringing. He opened the door slightly, hissing when he noticed it was one of your friends.
“Oh, hi Seonghwa, how are-”
“What do you want?”
“I’m here to see y/n. I sent a message in the group chat about brunch but she didn’t respond so I thought I’d come to see her.”
“We’re good.”
“Uh… can I at least talk to her.”
“Seonghwa, I’m not-”
“Seonghwa.” You yawned. “Who’s at the door?”
Seonghwa tried to shut the door, but your friend pushed her way in. She went over to you, meeting you at the bottom of the stairs and pulling you into a hug. You were still in your pajamas, and it was hard for her not to notice the faded marks on your body.
“Uh… what happened to you?”
“Nothing, what are you doing here so early, Misu?”
“I sent you a message in the group chat. We were gonna meet up for brunch today, but we never heard back.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t really had my phone on me anymore.”
“Really? No wonder you haven’t responded.” Misu commented. “Anyway, I came to get you, so, let’s go.”
“I don’t wanna go out for brunch.” Seonghwa whined. “I wanna go back to bed.”
“Actually, I was hoping today would be like a girls brunch.”
Seonghwa pouted and came over to you, taking your hands and turning you away from your friend. He was whining and acting childish.
“You can’t leave me by myself.” Seonghwa cried. “I don’t wanna be alone.”
“Awe… Misu, are you sure he can’t come?”
“Fine. I guess he can.”
“Awesome, we’ll be ready in a few minutes.”
You gave Seonghwa a smile and led him upstairs. He dragged a bit, not wanting to go, but he knew he wasn’t going to let you go alone.
“You know we don’t have to go.” Seonghwa mentioned. “The bed’s still warm.”
“It’s brunch, and I bet the girls picked a nice place.”
Seonghwa made sure that your outfits were matching, and then you went over to the brunch spot. The other girls were happy to see you and Seonghwa. It had been a while since you last saw each other, so this was a great time to catch up. A while after ordering Seonghwa excused himself to the restroom, leaving you alone with the girls.
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I see the marks on you, did Seonghwa do that?”
“What marks!?” Ava questioned. “Let me see!”
“It’s nothing.” You countered. “You know cats have claws and stuff.”
“Yeah, but you have all kinds of marks.” Misu stated. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the bites on your shoulder.”
“I… it’s nothing…”
“Has he been hurting you?”
“I’ve heard stories about hybrids hurting their owners, it’s not crazy.”
“Has that cat been abusing you?” Lyla asked. “I swear it’s always the quiet ones you have to be weary of.”
“No, no, nothing like that. He’s not hurting me or anything.”
“Then how do you explain all the marks? Plus the bites?”
“Wait…” Misu pondered. “Did he… sleep-”
“Holy shit.” Ava realized. “You fucken slept with-”
“Lower your voice!” You hissed. “We’re in public.”
“I cannot believe you would-”
“Hold on.” Lyla cut in. “Did you agree to it? Cause a hybrid might-”
“Oh my gosh! Y/n, did that hybrid force-”
“No, no, I swear it’s not like that… we just had some drinks and then… one thing led-”
“So you were drunk?”
“Not really…”
“Y/n, did you like, consent to this?”
“I mean… yeah… it was a whole thing and… yeah…”
“I’m not so sure I believe you.”
“He didn’t do anything I didn’t like.”
“Pretty sure that’s not exactly how those things work.”
“I’m fine.”
When Seonghwa got to the restroom he splashed some water in his face. He wanted to go back home more than anything, and he needed to figure out a good excuse. He felt the water running through his fingers, noticing he could choose the temperature. He changed the water to hot and grabbed a towel to soak in it. He began to dab himself with the towel, starting to feel hot himself. Before stepping out of the bathroom he made sure he was dry, and that his face was burning. His plan was to head straight back for the table, but he was interrupted.
“Do I know you? It’d be hard to forget a face like yours.”
“Get out of my way.”
“You don’t have to be so rude. I’m just saying you-”
“I have a girlfriend.”
Seonghwa shoved the other aside and returned to the table, making sure to change his demeanor. He paid no mind to the look your friends gave him and merely took his seat. He whimpered and leaned against you, acting sick.
“Is everything okay, Seonghwa?”
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” You reached to touch Seonghwa’s forehead. “Seonghwa, you’re burning up! Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick?”
“I’m okay…”
“That’s hardly true.” You got up, pulling Seonghwa to his feet. “I’m sorry girls, rain check on brunch, I need to take him home.”
“I’ll make it up to you girls, I promise.”
You made your way out while holding onto Seonghwa, being careful as you got him in the car. He seemed half asleep, and you were mentally cursing yourself out for not noticing sooner. When you got to the house you took him upstairs to the bedroom, laying him down. You started to help him undress, needing to tuck him in and make him some porridge. Next thing you knew Seonghwa yanked you forward and wound up on top of you.
“Seonghwa- I thought you were sick?”
“How else was I gonna convince you to come home.”
“Are you serious? I haven’t seen the girls and-”
“I don’t like them.”
“The girls.”
“Seonghwa, they’re nice and-”
“Not to you.”
“They invite you out and claim to be your friends, but they don’t really talk to you. It’s the same now as it was then.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Back at the cafe. They brought you along , but you didn’t really talk to them. And every other time you’ve gone out with them, you’re kinda just there.”
“Seonghwa, they know I don’t socialize much and-”
“But you do with me.”
“That’s different.”
“Because I’m a hybrid?”
“No, no, that’s not it. I’m just-��
“You actually like me. You’re comfortable around me, you have been from the very beginning.”
“No one else knows you like I do. You’re not really you when you’re with anyone else. If those people were really different, if they really cared about you, they’d bring out the best in you, like me.”
“You don’t need anybody else but me.”
Seonghwa kissed you deeply, pulling you into his arms. He was purring into your ear as he nuzzled your neck.
“Let’s just stay home, just you and me.”
“I love you, and I don’t want anyone to hurt you. Please, trust me.”
Seonghwa’s words rang in your head, and it was hard to deny it. You liked your friends, you had known each other for so long, but many times you felt like you didn’t belong. It was only really when you were with Seonghwa that you felt like your true self. 
“Do you trust me?”
“I do…”
“Do you love me?”
“I do.”
“I do too.” Seonghwa grabbed your chin, kissing you. “We only need each other.”
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xianyoon · 4 months
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summer blossom cafe, hear the echoes of sunlight!
𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 ◜◡◝ ───── she/her. 8teen going on to 9teen. seasian.
⟢ welcome to the summer blossom cafe ; spring has said goodbye and the warm whistle of summer has greeted us once again. can i get your order?
noticeboard ! the cafe is in restock&recharge and won't be having new items until further notice ! ꒰ writing hiatus ! ꒱
this summer blossom cafe is affiliated with @astronetwrk, @nereidsrealm, & @houseofsolisoccasum!
table for two ᡣ𐭩 ? right this way ! scan the qr code for our summer deals !
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we do deliveries ! we'll make your drink extra-cold ! ~ ☆
about your hostess. ( about me ! ) the cafe's regulations. ( the cafe rules ! )
the stocktaking index. ( tag index ! ) the cafe's specialest. ( one two three ! )
the cafe's membership. ( taglist / anons ! ) cafe tunes. ( theme playlist ! )
the cafe's menu. ( masterlist ! ) the cafe's next season. ( works in progress ! )
the summer blossom cafe currently enjoys the following :
genshin* ✧ haikyuu! ✧ kurisuya ✧ yubiren
* the cafe currently only serves treats from this establishment.
miss ying says : this cafe is mainly sfw but will reblog nsfw. minors are to block the tag " ― ying's dreams. ".
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❝ you need more 𝒾𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 before ordering ? that's totally fine ! ❞
noticeboard ! writing hiatus. slow ask replier. wrio's sweet girl. haithie’s student. iso's 珍珠奶茶 delivery girl. requests closed. inbox open. gif banner. ( kotsune )
❝ oh, them ? hehe, you don't have to worry ! they're just there to . . . ah . . keep watch. . . hey ! you're scaring away my customers ! ❞
noticeboard ! this is a selfship-safe space ; you're welcome to talk about your selfships here, keep in mind that others may share the same !
previously : i23kazu ✧ yinyinggie 2O24 xianyoon. no copying translating feeding to ai reposting on another webs.
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174 notes · View notes
bluemari23 · 5 months
lemon tart | choi seungcheol
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summary: a new cafe for a much needed date brings out tons of giggles and plenty of kisses
pairing: choi seungcheol x reader
genre: soulmate, soulmate au, fluff, established relationship
warnings: none really, mentions of an awful supervisor,
word count: .8k
“Right this way please.” The hostess began walking to the right, leading you and your soulmate to the table reserved for you both. 
It was a long day coming, having had trouble trying to find the time between both of your jobs to have a much needed date. You worked at his company, but that still didn’t mean you always got to be with him. 
Seungcheol had been having a lot of practices and rehearsals recently at the stadium, making sure everything was perfect for the first concert of their world tour coming up. It would be the first tour since covid, and him and his entire group were beyond excited and ready to perform and see their fans again. 
When you get to the table, Seungcheol moves to your seat, pulling it out for you to sit in. 
“Why thank you, kind sir.” You grin up at him as he pushes your chair in, slightly tugging on your hair teasingly as he does so. 
“You are most welcome, my dear.” He goes along with your playful attitude, his own grin prominent against his cheeks as he does a posh sort of accent. He sat down and you both ordered your drinks, ignoring the weird look from the hostess at your playful attitudes. 
“Shua says they have really good lemonade here.” Cheol says offhandedly as you both read over the menu. Joshua had been to the small cafe before with his soulmate and recommended it to you because of your love of lemon. The cafe seemed to be known for their lemon treats and lemonade.
“We’ll have to try some then!” You exclaim, looking over all of the different lemon flavored treats. 
In the end, you ordered a plate of little lemon cakes and tarts to share and he ordered a sandwich plate to share.
While you waited for your food, you both sipped a little on your drinks. The lemonade was sweet and a little tart, the perfect drink for the little date you had together. 
“I think you should come on tour with us.” Cheol breaks the fun atmosphere with a serious suggestion. It had been on both of your minds lately that you should go on the world tour with them. 
Neither of you wanted to be away from each other for long, but all the company policy on soulmates states is that you need at least a couple days every couple weeks to bond and keep the soulbond healthy. It didn’t specify anything about being allowed on tour with them. 
“I don’t think I’ll be allowed to, Cheol.” You repeat the same thing every time this conversation comes up. You had pretty much given up on going with the boys. Your supervisor seemed to laugh every time you brought up the suggestion and refused to bring it up to any of his bosses. 
“Well, what if I said I talked to your division head personally? I know that jerk of a supervisor won’t do anything.” He was right, your supervisor thought it was hilarious that you had a soulmate, finding you incapable of anything and thought your soulbond was a huge joke. 
“I would ask you what he said?” Your voices pitches at the end of your sentence, confusion lingering in your tone as you raise an eyebrow at your soulmate.
You wait somewhat impatiently as your soulmate takes a sip of his lemonade, slowly breaking out into laughter as he catches the look of disbelief on your face at his teasing.
“Then, my lovely soulmate, I would tell you that we need to start packing suitcases for you.” Your eyes widen in shock, wondering how long your soulmate had kept this little surprise from you. 
Ignoring everything around you, you surge forward and capture Cheol’s lips with your own, catching your older soulmate off guard. He was swift in his reflexes though, catching you and holding cupping your cheek with one hand as the other goes to steady you against him. 
In your excitement you almost knock the lemonade out of his hand before he quickly placed it back on the table. 
“Wow baby. If this is how you react to going on tour, I wonder how many kisses I get when I tell you we get to go to your home city.” Cheol’s guess would have been wrong either way, because you both lost count to how many excited kisses you placed on his lips, his chin, his cheeks, and his nose. 
You hadn’t been to your home city in a couple of years, and it would be the first time for Seungcheol to go as your soulmate. You were beyond excited with your soulmate.
After pulling back and sitting back in your chair, your face was flushed and your lips were swollen. Not even the tartness of the lemon in your cake could make you lose the smile on your lips. 
254 notes · View notes
shiny-jr · 2 years
Pleasing and begging please...something with soft yan Vil....maybe specifically something about him protecting his darling from some particularly jealous and vindictive fans?
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Vil Schoenheit.
Summary: When news finally got out that you, a common person, was dating the Vil Schoenheit, all hell seemed to break loose.
Note: Man, y'all really like soft yan Vil stuff, huh? Come get y'all food. This came out way longer than I thought it would. Oh, and it’s 1AM when I checked for mistakes, so sorry if there’s some I missed.
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Vil hadn't meant for this to happen. All he had wanted was to have a nice serene dinner with you. It was at an exclusive restaurant on the highest floor, a space he rented so he could be entirely alone with you and there would be no one else to disturb you. While you were in awe at the sight of the city lights from clear glass windows from on high, he was distracted too. Not by the sight, oh no. There was something else, or rather someone else, far more beautiful right in front of him. Perhaps that was his mistake, distracted by admiring you with eyes filled with love, so entranced that he failed to notice the waiter by the door quietly snapping a photo of the two.
Everything was normal the next day. The quiet before the storm. Vil was busy with some filming, apparently landing a role in a highly anticipated movie. You were in a cafe, quietly relaxing with a magazine and on the cover was your very partner. As you sipped on your drink of choice, you listened in to the noises around you. People ordering coffees and overpriced macaroons, the ding! of the cash register, the chime of the bell above the entrance. When a lively little intro song came on, your eyes drifted to the source: the television.
The screen displayed a youthful looking woman, one that hosted those types of talk shows where they spoke about the hottest trends, conversed about the most dramatic of events, and discussed the most baseless of celebrity rumors. It's bright colors and loud volume immediately caught your eye. You decided to watch, taking another long sip of your beverage as the pretty hostess appeared in her chair.
"And the hottest story today, Vil Schoenheit was pictured last night, reportedly on a date!"
The hostess laughed, sounding a little fake as she continued with a pearly white smile, "The leaker of the photo says that Vil seemed extremely close with this person he was with. Now who exactly is this mysterious stranger? Their identity was uncovered, revealed to be a person by the name of (Y/n) (L/n)!"
When an image of your face came on screen, you nearly spat out your drink as you choked, "What the fu–"
The sudden noise from you had caught the attention of others around you. Almost immediately their eyes widened, some looking at the image beside the talking host and back at your face. Others bold enough to take out their cameras and start recording or snapping photos.
It appeared that one of Vil's super fans was even there, judging by the pin with his face on their bag and the smell of the perfume he last did an advertisement for. This particular fan got close, too close as she clutched her phone, obviously recording. "Oh my god, it's you! Are you really dating Vil? Seriously?"
By now all eyes and lenses in the cafe were on you as you awkwardly stood and gathered your things. "I, uh... I-I have to go." Without looking back, you sped out the door, nearly certain that some were still curiously following you.
When you looked at the huge screens over the Main Street of downtown, you saw your face and Vil's. As you walked, you swore people were looking, a crowd must've been forming behind you like a horde of zombies. No matter where you went, you could hear the talking hostess on phones in people's hands and small televisions in display windows.
As you heard those strangers behind you call your name, you refused to look back. When you felt their touch on your shoulder or feel them tug on your shirt, you felt your anxiety spike. Ripping yourself out of their grip, you increased your speed to a jog and ran into the closest store you saw.
As you looked around for a way out, someplace to hide, you spotted some changing rooms in the corner. Before those pursuers could find you, you made a beeline for the changing rooms and swiftly closed the curtains behind you. Lifting your feet off the ground to avoid being seen at all, you curled up on the small chair and went completely silent upon hearing more people enter the store. Thankfully, the changing rooms were very well hidden, so you should be safe for now.
Not even a second later, your phone began ringing. At first you were tempted to decline the call, already fearing that somehow those crazy host shows had gotten a hold of your number. But when you saw the smiling photo of a certain blonde man you set as his contact image, you immediately swiped up to answer the FaceTime call.
Vil's frazzled and alarmed face appeared on the screen. Before you could even say a word, he spoke in a slightly panicked tone, "My dear, are you alright?! Where are you at this very moment? The chauffeur has picked me up and we're on our way right now." So he just found out too.
When you informed him of your location and what had happened upon finding out, he appeared horrified that you had to hide in a changing room. Distantly you could hear him frustratingly tell the chauffeur, "I don't want to be there soon, I need to be there now!"
Vil could see you were obviously scared, and who wouldn't be after literally being chased by his fans? So he remained on the line, whispering sweet words of comfort as he attempted to remain calm for you. After a moment, he spoke again, "I'm going through a tunnel soon. I'm going to hang up, but once we're through, I'll call right back, do you understand? Whatever you do, do not check your social media accounts."
He hung up. You checked your social media accounts. You could only hope it was a bad dream, but your name being number one trending and your face on the day's top article, was enough to inform you that it was not some dream. Just a quick scroll and you could see users critiquing your appearance, many haters but also supporters in the midst. Your direct messages had +99 over them, meaning some of these strangers had even tried to directly contact you. You didn't have to be a genius to know that many of them were going to be harsh and unnecessary insults.
By the time the limousine arrived, many people had already left, but there were still the stragglers left behind. Stragglers which immediately took notice of the limousine pulling up and the familiar star emerging. Vil ignored them all, no matter if they approached or not, and went straight to the changing rooms where he fetched you. Instantly he embraced you, glad to see you safe. But the embrace did not last long. After all, you were still in the public eye, being followed and all. As of now, his priority was escorting you home and then he would deal with this.
Placing an arm around you, he guided you towards the car. He kept his head held high, appearing indifferent past his round sunglasses. But you knew better. You were hidden by the jacket he had wrapped around you, which you used to hide your face. Judging by the bright flashes, paparazzi had arrived on the scene, likely given a tip by one of your pursuers from earlier. These paparazzi would no doubt follow you and Vil all the way home. 
Your name on their tongues with their unfamiliar voices, the bright flashing lights, the bodies all around you trying to get closer, it all felt like too much. That was why you were grateful that Vil rushed to get you back to the limousine safe and sound, and immediately had the chauffeur drive off once you both were secure inside. 
Once the car took off, Vil embraced you again, tighter and for much longer. For now, you felt safe. Vil clutched you firmly as he murmured, “I apologize... I truly am so sorry for what you’ve gone through because of me.” Then, his voice became angry as he pulled away, but still held you by the shoulders as he assured, “This is unacceptable! They ruined everything...! They frightened you, they meddled into our private affairs, all of it is unforgivable! Judging by the view of the leaked image, it had to have been a staff member at the restaurant we dined at last night. I’ll see to it that whoever did it is ruined, and the company shall recompense us in some way. For now... please, depend on me. I apologize again, but I’ll do my very best to make things right.”
The night he gets you your very favorite drink and food, in order to comfort you. Anything you ask for at that time, is basically yours. He’s just so frightened, not because of the breach in privacy but he’s terrified that this’ll make you want to leave. It’s why he dedicates almost all his time and effort into silencing nasty rumors and gossips, or at least trying to. It’s impossible to really silence it. 
For the next few days, Vil sticks by your side like glue. If you don’t want to go anywhere, he stays beside you. If you allow it, he’ll take you to work with him. If and when you do go to work, he’ll demand a small staff and is very meticulous about how cameras are used. He’s sort of developed a small list of rules. No photographs of you without your permission, no speaking about the incident or news of the incident unless you bring it up, and be very very careful about what you say about his beloved. 
Now everyone and their mom seems to know about you. Its a huge deal, and everyone is talking about it. Some discussed your looks, others like fans were enraged and jealous that you were dating Vil, and there were those that supported you and were sympathetic. Everyone had an opinion. Although you didn’t read them, you were avoiding social media for your own sanity.
When you were leaving an airport with Vil from a recent flight, that was thankfully private, the welcome was not so private. The news was still relatively fresh, with many still attempting to squeeze out any piece of information. You were welcomed by crowds of Vil fans and curious onlookers, with paparazzi and camera men in the mix. The clicks of cameras and the people’s shouts were deafening. 
Vil had some guards that kept everyone else within an arm’s length away, but still, there were so many people... You clutched Vil’s arm tighter as he patted your knuckles with his other hand, noticing your distress and quickening his pace to get you to someplace you can relax. 
Abruptly, you heard running footsteps. When you turned around, you were stunned to see a girl had somehow wormed her way past some of the guards and nearly lunged at you or Vil. You weren’t sure who she was aiming for, if she wanted to attack you or cling to Vil. Just before she could grab either you or him, she was yanked back by guards. 
The blonde beside you appeared appalled and disgusted, but he never stopped moving. No, he only kept moving faster, letting airport security handle that one rabid fan as he continued to escort you to safety. But when he was finally behind closed doors, oh boy... 
Vil was absolutely livid. His fingers ran over your hair, checking you over for injuries, and smoothing down the wrinkles in your outfit. All of his actions were gentle in contrast to his harsh tone and enraged expression. “How dare they try to touch you...?! Those disgusting no-good--– They have no right! Someone as lowly as them, would only sully you! Right now we need more guards! I cannot risk you getting hurt! Who knows what she would’ve done? From now on, you will be accompanied by an entourage of a dozen bodyguards. I will continue to stick by you and protect you. I’m sorry, my dear, you do not deserve to go through this. You only deserve the best.” 
He gazed down at you through his lashes, his anger melting into regret. Damn it all, if only he had been more vigilant that night when the photograph was taken. If he had noticed, then none of this would be happening! “This will not break us apart, I will not allow it. You know I love you, despite all that’s happening and everything that is being said, right? I love you so much, so please be patient with me as I organize everything for your own wellbeing.”
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sokonoi · 15 days
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summary. after kuroo’s grand idea for bokuto to fake date you. he ends up falling for you all over again in more ways than one…
WC. 1,351
CONTENTS. fake dating + fitnessinfluencer!bo + college setting + language
note/ there will be 2 more parts to this!
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THE CAFE was once your space of tranquility. Now, it was just home to a giant hotting owl. You never comprehended how anyone could like a man like him. Bokuto Kotaro was imposing & considerable. He took up space the way a balloon did. He’d inflate, and then all eyes would be on him. You tried to duck from his gaze and failed miserably.
Those eyes the shade of a hundred Tuscan suns locked in on you. 
You wanted to melt on the spot, but your dignity held out. His feet seemed to move before his mind did because now he was walking towards you angrily; those thick, owlish eyebrows furrowed as he held his gym bag. 
You couldn’t help but gaze back. Bokuto must have just come from practice or the gym. His clothes clung to his damp skin. Even though you hated him with a passion, you still couldn’t deny the truth. He was attractive. Very attractive. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” Bokuto huffed childlike in his tone. You narrow your eyes, not saying anything. You wouldn’t let this meathead break you. He’d have to break first. That was the only way this conversation would run smoothly, especially without you popping a blood vessel.
You bring your tea to your lips, sipping it softly and taking in your once peaceful place. You discovered the cafe during your freshman year.
The cafe was a cross between modern and natural architecture, which was alluring in some way. The outdoor sitting area had a clear doom to cover it when it rained. Arches in the wall allowed a table and two chairs to sit intimately. Along with the delicate lights that wrapped it up into what made it tranquil. 
Bokuto stood hovering over you, briefly glancing at your papers and laptop. You presumed that his staring carried on for a minute before he says something again.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that.” 
Bokuto sighed, slipping into the chair facing you. Not realizing how insanely close it was. He could almost see your eyes watching him. You nod in agreement at his cynical statement towards you. He shakes his head. 
A hostess passes by noticing you and then Bokuto. Her eyes widen before saying, “I’m a really big fan.” 
You roll your eyes, ignoring that Bokuto was a social gymnast with a summary of 675K followers on Instagram. It's not that you’ve looked at his Instagram page at all. You fiddle with your hands. She probably wasn’t even a fan, just in love with his biceps and deliciously-looking pecs.
Bokuto faces the woman with a kind smile. “Thank you!”
The woman quickly pulls out a mini-calendar of Bokuto, which consists of him being semi-naked on the front with nothing but a cowboy hate covering his private area. 
Curiosity got the best of you. 
”Can I see?” you blurt seeing the bewildered glances before rephrasing the question 
”May I,” you say cheekily.
She does hand it to you like it’s her life possession. You flip thru it quickly, pictures of him semi-naked, speedo, and even a silhouette of god knows what. 
You grin back at her, “How naughty.” 
She blushes, “I know, but I wanted it so bad. Could you please sign it?” 
“Sure,” Bokuto says nudging your foot. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m meeting a dear friend this evening,” he explains motioning to you. You keep your face neutral even though your insides are flopping. 
The girl compiles grinning from ear to ear. She takes her signed calendar practically skipping and oozing with the need to tell someone who she just meet. 
“Dear friend?” 
“I mean you are in a sense,” he says offhandedly. Bokuto places his gym bag between his legs and puts his elbows on the table. 
“Why are you here?” you grumbled, deciding that working on your essay wouldn’t happen. Bokuto blinked, fidgeting with whatever was close. He hadn’t thought this conversation would get to the point so quickly. “Well, uh. I want you to be my girlfriend.” 
You blink once, then twice, “No.” 
Bokuto nibbles on his lip, “Why not?” 
You roll your eyeballs around making an overwrought hand motion, “I don’t even know you like that? And you could be crazy.” 
“Look, I’ll pay you.” 
Your eyes shot up like a tiny gremlin. The sides of your mouth curl up. Despite yourself, you entertained it. Slowly, the realization of this kinda of opportunity seeps in. You needed money badly, and Thanksgiving at your parents' house would not be fun if you came home with no boyfriend. 
“How much?” 
“I’ll see by how good of a girlfriend you can be.” Bokuto teased. 
“So what?” 
“Is it a yes?” 
“Yes!”you grunted.
A certain silence settles around you both, realizing the magnitude of what you’ve both agreed to. 
“I don’t have your number by the way?” Bokuto notices you holding out his phone to you. 
You take it, typing in your number in his contacts. You lift up his phone, posing for a cute selfie. You set it as the contact picture. You make sure to text yourself so the number isn’t blocked or placed as spam. 
Bokuto takes it back, “So?” 
“I’ll text you my terms and conditions.” 
“Really!” Bokuto squeaks. 
“We can’t fake a relationship without some kinda game plan.” 
Bokuto considers this before saying, “Fine.” 
“Now will you please leave me. My work waits for me.” 
“Bokuto remind me why the hell do you drive this trash?” Kuroo asks. 
Akashi co-signs, “When you can obviously afford a new car.”
Bokuto shrugs unconcerned, his broken-down Honda was none of their business. 
“I got laid in this car for the first time. Betsy is special to me.” 
“Oh God,” Kuroo howls trying to stop the laughter from coming. 
Akashi shakes his head turning away from the madness. 
“So. In short, you’re driving a cum bucket,” Kuroo says with all seriousness. 
“It was one time and I didn’t jizz on the seat asshole. That’s extreme.” 
“What’s extreme is you walking around with a car that doesn’t work,” Akashi inputs. 
Bokuto had a problem with letting things go obviously. 
“Did you call roadside?” Akashi asks. 
Bokuto probs himself up against the car scrolling through Instagram. He stumbles across your page. His heart thumps out of control. He liked you he was man enough to admit it to himself alone. Kuro leans over and looks a Bokuto squre in the face. “You should ask her out instead of stalking her.”
“It’s not stalking.”
Kuro gives him a look that say he can see right through the lies. Bokuto has been watching you since you both went highschool together. He’s seen you when you studied abroad, you trip to turks and caicos and even the yearly Christmas photo with your friends. He’s been watching all of it. It pained a part of him. that couldn’t be sastified all because he couldn’t ask you the question.
“Just ask her,” Kuroo presses.
“I’ve already though of that already,” Bokuto murmurs scrolling through your comments with his eyes glued to the screen.
“Why not?” Akashi asks a gentleness in his voice.
“She hates me,” Bokuto murmurs slumping against his car.
“How come?”
“It was a long time ago in highschool. A guy I knew of made her prom queen as a joke. And apparently she misstok me as being in on it.”
“Yea,” he rasped
The wind whips around softly, grabbing particles of dirt along with it. Kuroo suddenly had a farfetched idea.
“Ask her to be your girlfriend?” Kurro say
“Didn’t I just say—“
“No! Like fake dateing. Like a Pretty Woman type thing,” Kurro exclaims as if he’s come up with something ground breaking.
“No, that feels..”
“Think about it. Offer to pay her, every woman likes money!”
Bokuto shakes his head glancing at your pretty face.
“Man your visting your sister’s farm this weekend. They’re worried. It’ll settle their nerves.”
“But what if she say no?” Bokuto sighed.
“It beats staring at her and being a silent viewer of her life,” Kuroo say
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sokonoi—like or repost ;)
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k-germsworld · 9 months
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Eunha x M!Reader
1.8k words
This is the first story I write when I start. So maybe the story is rough and not good enough. However, I will keep release my fantasy. So, Enjoy 😃
Hongdae is a place where Gen Z likes to go. Hongdae is a place that never sleeps. There are a variety of shops to visit like cinema, cafe, food and many more. However, there is one shop that opened very far from a crowded place but the shop is still full of customers. Many people know what the shop is, including me.
Once I reached Hongdae, I went straight to the shop but the shop was so crowded. The waiter asked all the customers to form a line and wait patiently. The line has form but the queue is too long, I can't even see the end of the line. I reached the shop by 9 pm but I already thought today was not my day to visit this shop. Luckily, the timing for queueing is short. I wait for 30mins only and my chance is getting closer. I see many people go in happily but come out angrily or sadly. I smile slyly and know they will come out like this for sure. Since my first time is also like this and this is the third time I visit.
"Sir, your turn now, enjoy," the waiter says happily. I forgot about the other then I stepped into the shop. The other waiter brings me to the counter and starts to explain the pricelist, the hostess list, and all the rules & regulations. Their price is based on the hour you sing. The starting price is 10000 won per hour.
Rules & regulation
Maximum 3 hrs per session. After 3hrs had reached you must leave.
If you pay by song, you must leave after your song ends.
If you order a hostess, then you are invited to join our karaoke challenge. The challenge is easy. You can ask for the counter to get further information.
Our shop has its scoring system. If you hit a specific score, you will get a special reward.
Score 71-80, 50% discount Score 81-90, get a second blowjob Score 91-99, Can fuck the hostess within 3hrs. Score 100, 100% discount, and can take out the hostess
After a long and boring explanation, they let me choose the hostess. They are full of hostess names and their price.
Sxwxn 30000 won
Yexxn 30000 won
Exxha 30000 won
Yxjx 30000 won
Sxxb 30000 won
Umxx 30000won
Others 20000won
I already come here for the third time and spent a lot of money to try to win. I used to choose Eunha as my partner. Of course, I will also choose her as my partner this time even though she is expensive but who cares? As long as I can hit to score 100 then everything is worth it.
Once I booked the hostess and made the payment, the waiter brought me to the room. I sat calmly and waited for her. 'Knock knock ', a girl opened the door and walked in. Eunha is wearing a black lace short lingerie with a black coat. The lingerie makes her body is more tight and hotter. At the top u can see the lingerie pushed her boobs looks bigger; at the bottom, you can see the panties can't even hide her camel toe. Just by seeing her sexy body, my cock already rocks hard. Her body part for me is a fantastic view. Her face is cute while talking to me, but she makes a seductive expression when giving you a handjob.
Eunha says no more and asks me to order a song and start the challenge. I ordered a song called " Pull Up ". This song is short and I had already trained so much for this song. I had scored 100 more than once in another karaoke room. So I have the confidence that this time I can score 100 when she gives me a handjob.
Eunha pulls off my pants and starts giving me a handjob while the intro just starts. My cock is already hard just by seeing her. She smirks at seeing this situation because she doesn't need to make my cock harder.
Starting, I sing the song perfectly. Once Eunha starts to stroke my cock, I feel like I am gonna fail again this time. Her hands are so cold compared to my heated cock. Her handjob is the best in this shop so she confidently stroked my cock at the slow pace from the head to the balls, then move opposite.
Her cold hand gave me a different excitement. I got a handjob from her three times but I can feel that every time is so different. I can hear my voice shaking, but I still can sing to the beat. Eunha hears my shaky voice but still can sing well so she stands up and comes closer to my ear. She dirty talk to me unexpectedly, " Oppa, do you wanna taste my pussy? Or you wanna grab my tits and slap my ass? Do you have the confidence to score 100, and take me out or fuck me here the whole night? " Even though she is saying dirty words, her voice is so sexy and sweet.
Her dirty words made my voice more shaky. My singing went off, I couldn't even hit the chord now. My singing voice is mixing with my moaning. As the song ends soon, Eunha stroked my cock faster and keep saying " cum for me!! " I almost reached my limit, but I will hold it till the end.
"Pull up… Pull up "
Finally, the song ends. However, Eunha also successfully makes me cum. I cum a lot on her hand. Luckily, the song ended faster than me cumming. The jukebox is entered into the calculating page. My heartbeat is beating faster as the score is calculated. Eunha cleaned her hand aside and saw the result together.
"Congratulations, you hit an 85 score! "
The system shows this sentence. I felt down when I saw the score but I felt a little happy at the same time. My record last time is below 70 so the only thing I get from Eunha is a handjob. I can finally get a different award this time from her. Eunha also congrats me on hitting 70 or above.
Eunha pulled me to the seat and kneeled between my legs. Her eyes are lustfully seeing my cock. She gets closer to my cock and smell my cummed dick. "It's smelly…. but I like it. " She used her hand and stroked again my cock to make it harder. My cock is fully erected now. She blew to my cock making my cock twitch. Eunha happily sees how my cock is twitching. After that, she stuck out her tongue and played with my cockhead. She licks from my head to the bottom then licks backwards from the bottom to my head. She treats my cock is like her toy. After several times of foreplay, my cock now is full of her saliva. She contentedly put my cock inside her mouth. She slowly swallowed my cock from the top, then the middle, then the bottom. My cock is like disappeared in her mouth. She starts moving her head up and down, her hands are playing with my balls. Her blowjob skill brings me to heaven. I becoming a moan mess just because of her blowjob. Suddenly, Eunha stopped her move and I was curious why she stopped. Before I say that, I saw her eyes hinting to me she wanna a face fuck. So, I stood up and aimed my cock to her mouth. She still kneeling and waiting for my cock.
I slowly put it into her mouth, her mouth is like a black hole. The space in her mouth is unlimited. Even if I put my whole length to her mouth, I can see no suffering from her face. I move my hips back and forth at a slow pace. After a few thrusts, I pulled out my cock from her mouth. I see my cock is drooling with her saliva. Eunha is so horny for my cock now, she is sticking out her tongue and letting her saliva dripping to the floor. Her face is so slutty and horny. Her lustful face brought my horniness to the max. I quickly insert back my cock and deep down her mouth but this time at a faster pace. I can feel her throat quivering every time I deep thrust her mouth. The normal face fuck now cannot vent my horniness, so I decided to choke her. I push my cock deep into her mouth until I can feel her throat, then I stop there and let her almost out of breath. Her struggle makes me more aroused. Her face became more struggle and patted my leg asking me to let her breathe.
I quickly pulled out my cock, seeing her finding breath and I let her rest awhile. After finding back her breath, me using my fastest speed to fuck her face this time. I holding her head as support to fuck faster. I don't care about Eunha's feelings, I just fucking her mouth like her pussy. She can't keep up with my speed so her saliva keeps dripping from her mouth.
I feel my limit is soon. I should hold for more time but her mouth is so warm and wet now making my load almost burst out. I pressed her head tight and let me cum inside her mouth. I shoot every drop of my cum inside Eunha's mouth and make sure not even one drop left her mouth. However, my cum is a large amount this time until she can't fit in anymore so she spit out some.
After every drop is inside her mouth, I pull out my cock and see how messy she is. The semen she spits out just now drops to her tits and some stick to her lips and jaw but she still keeps many cum inside her mouth. I feel so tired by just cumming one time and find a place to sit down. Eunha crawled to my side and opened her mouth wider, letting me see how much I cum inside her mouth. I am thinking she will spit out my cum after showing me but she using her tongue to play with my cum. She made my thick cum full of bubbles then swallow it. "It's tasty!"
Then, she cleans the leftover cum on her tits and jaw with her hand and put it in her mouth like drinking sauce. When I saw her slutty move, she made my cummed twice cock harder again. She notices it and says " Sorry oppa…. You can't have it anymore. These are the rules ." She smirks.
After she was done, Eunha thanked me for the thick cum and left the room. She left me alone in the room. I am not very satisfied with my performance today. However, I already broke my last record since I didn't get any service the last two times. I believe that I will hold it for her handjob and score 100 in the future. So I can let Eunha become my sex slave and cum on her every hole that night.
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badasmuse · 7 months
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: language, lowercase intended, pretty cute tbh
Summary: after countless failed dates, bada finds herself with a good one. she’s never been so shocked-
Based off the song “Shipoopi” from The Music Man
“bada where are you going all dressed up?” lusher says after i ran down the stairs.
“on a date. i gotta go or else i’ll be late.” i said slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys. “don’t wait up love you lush!” i ran to my car and pull off without a thought.
my palms are sweaty and i have no clue why. this isn’t my first time. in fact, i’ve been on approximately seven dates in the past two months. they never last. most of them just want a quick fuck which is something i’m preparing myself for.
i pull up to the restaurant and get out paying for valet because i am in fact too lazy to park my own car. anyways, i turn my head at the sound of my name.
“bada right? i’m y/n.” she smiles at me. shes fucking gorgeous.
“h-hi.” i stutter then facepalm because no way i just stuttered in front of the beautiful woman.
she giggles and hooks her arm in mine. “let’s go.” she guides me into the restaurant and to the table after giving my name to the hostess.
we talked a lot to each other and i swear i’m in love. she hasn’t touched her phone once, she’s been staring me in the eyes the whole time i spoke. man i hope this doesn’t take a turn for the worst.
after it was over, i walked her to her car. “so what next? am i going back to your place or would you like to come to mine?”
y/n laughs, “bada, sweetheart, i don’t know what kind of girls you’ve fucked with before but i don’t put out on the first date. but let’s go on another date soon. i enjoyed this.”
i blinked a few times. surprise and relief filling me. “y-yeah of course.. i’ll text you.” here i go stuttering again.
she waves bye and pulls off. i like her.
the second date was just as good, if not better, than the first one. i’ve never been on more than one date with the same person. we went to an arcade and got ice cream. it was the sweetest date i’ve ever been on. no pun intended.
afterwards we go to her car and she smiles at me, “hope you don’t mind me asking for a third date.” she says, giggling. “i’m having a lot of fun with you.”
i nod, “i am too. i’d love a third date. i’ll call you. bye y/n.”
she waves and pulls off.
three, four, seven dates pass and we still haven’t done a thing besides hold hands and hug. i’m not complaining, it’s very refreshing.
“and like she hasn’t even kissed me yet. i haven’t kissed her either, not even on the cheek. it’s not like she’s hard to get but she is and i’m not complaining but i’ve never done this and i’m so glad i found her. it feels good.” i rant laying my head on lusher’s lap.
“oh shit, she’s your shipoopi!” she says.
i sit up fast, “bitch my what??”
“shipoopi! the girl that’s hard to get but you get her, and you basically have her. you’re glad you found her. she’s your shipoopi! you should ask her out. she’ll probably say yes!”
i sigh and look at my watch, “oh shit i’m meeting her in fifteen minutes. gotta go bye lush!” i grab my keys, slide on my shoes, and drive to the cafe down the road.
she’s your shipoopi! you should ask her out.
lusher’s words replay in my head. maybe i’ll ask her out…
she walks in, looking gorgeous as ever. “my bada!” she says sitting across from me.
my heart flutters when she calls me her bada. “hi y/n.”
“what’s wrong? your vibe is off.” she cocks her head to the side.
i open my mouth then close it. should i ask?
“bada, talk to-“
“will you be my girlfriend?” i blurt out, cutting her off, then covering my mouth.
“i am so sorry. oh my gosh i did not mean to cut you off. it’s the nerves. my hands are so sweaty right now. oh you did not need to know that.” i sigh and look down at my shoes.
i hear her giggle which causes me to look up. “yes bada i’ll be your girlfriend.” she says.
“yes really.” she stands up and leans over kissing me on my lips. “i hope that was okay.” she says after she pulls back.
my mind blanks. i just stare at her. my heart is beating fast and i’m frozen.
“uh oh i broke her.” y/n giggles yet again before she lays her hands in my face gently. “get out your mind sweetheart.”
“s-sorry.” i stutter. man can i not? “um… wanna go see a movie?”
she nods, “yes, but, let’s watch at your place.”
“we’ve been on enough dates. i trust you now. come on.” she walks with me to my car. “my brother dropped me off, you don’t mind me being your passenger princess do you?”
“absolutely not. i didn’t think you’d say yes to me..” i say honestly after opening the door for her and sliding in the drivers seat.
“i may seem hard to get but honestly bada you had me after the second date. you could’ve asked then and i would’ve said yes.”
“really? i guess i should’ve then huh?” i pause and think, “my best friend, and roommate, said you’re my… shipoopi. i’m not sure what that really means. i mean she explained it but i’m lost.”
she laughs and covers her mouth. “you mind if i see your phone?”
i hand it to her unlocked and she scrolls for a minute before typing and a song starts to play.
i listen to the lyrics carefully and laugh, “OH this is what she meant.”
“she’s 100% correct.” she giggles holding my hand that’s on the middle console.
i guess she’s my shipoopi… i hate that word bro what the fuck.
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hostessmisaki · 2 years
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Hello, Tumblr!
It's been many years since I've looked at this website .w. How's everyone doing?
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taffyjellie · 9 months
need jobs for you au? i got you
nail tech
pet cafe owner
content creator
bakery owner
makeup artist
personal trainer
skin care model
salon owner
tattoo artist/ piercer
office worker
twitch streamer/gamer au/ game tester
ballet/ diff dancing genres
nurse/doctor/ surgeon/ vet
street racing
bee keeper
flight attendant
nepo baby / old money / socialite
hotel owner
museum keeper
opera singer
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