#cabeswater boyfriends
kelliealtogether · 15 days
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Thank you, @tinyarmedtrex for the tag!
I'm working on a follow up to Electric Feel, so here's kind of a long snippet:
Ronan had learned from what happened with Cabeswater, and Adam doubted anyone unwanted would make it as far as he had.
Or if they'd be able to walk into Lindenmere at all.
A few yards past the reflectionless pond, just past yet another treeline, the slight sinisterness prickling the hairs on Adam's arms sloughed away. Sunlight still didn't reach through the leafy canopy above, but the temperature rose incrementally with every step Adam took, and his scalp warmed through his hair as if sunlight was reaching him. A late spring day cooled by shade and elevation turned into something resembling early summer by the time Adam finally found Ronan---warm but not hot, no hint of humidity, the smell of pollen and leaf mulch hanging in the air. With the way Ronan sat between roots, his back resting against a tree trunk, anyone else would have taken his closed eyes and relaxed shoulders as slumber, but Adam knew better. He'd seen Ronan faking sleep---and really sleeping---enough.
"How long?" Adam asked as he approached Ronan's extended legs and knocked his sneaker against Ronan's boot.
Ronan's thick, dark eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks before he opened his ice blue eyes and looked up at Adam, his movements mirroring the way he'd lazily skewed himself between tree roots as he lifted his arm to look at the watch strapped around his wrist between leather bands.
"An hour," he said as he dropped his arm back to his thigh, a challenge in his eyes as he looked up at Adam once more.
"No, it wasn't," Adam replied, kicking Ronan's boot again. "How long really, Lynch?" He could have very well checked on his own, but Ronan had designated himself as official timekeeper while they'd been planning their excursion, and Adam didn't want to take away his purpose, even if his timekeeping skills seemed to be lacking.
"An hour," Ronan repeated, stretching his leg out to kick Adam's sneaker in return before springing smoothly to his feet. Adam fixed an unimpressed stare on his boyfriend until---finally---Ronan's thin lips curled into a benign smirk and he said, "Forty-seven minutes."
"That's not an hour."
"Close enough."
"It's not," Adam replied. "There's a lot you can do in thirteen minutes."
"Oh," Ronan sidled closer to Adam, stepping over a particularly gnarled root, "I know."
Tagging @cheeeryos, @caterpills, and @audikatia if any of you are interested.
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nibblette · 3 months
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My Favorite Pynch fics
Inspired by @kelliealtogether, 10 of my favorite TRC/Pynch fics (and some honorable mentions) for TRC making it to 10,000 fics posted on Ao3. I didn’t realize until I made the list how many BDSM Pynch fics I really knew and loved. So be warned, lol.
1. Like @kelliealtogether my favorite pynch fic of all time is “we all fill up with time”
by Interropunct. Such great writing and emotions! The BDSM scenes are so creative and well written, just amazingly constructed! And hotttttt!!!Consent is emphasized! Ronan lives in a named building (the Brownstone) with Chainsaw the chicken in NYC! Adam has made it as a big shot lawyer with the dustless modern apartment, with its secret bedroom full of plants! Gansey, Ronan and Noah have a super strong friendship bond! Highly recommend this fic!
2. Another Interropunct fic, the SW AU, “The kids aren’t alright.
Part 1 is “blessed be the boys” is young SW Adam’s POV where Ronan becomes his main client. Part 2 is “put your curse in reverse” from client Ronan’s POV. The writing is just so great and I marvel that Interropunct published these fics in 2015 before The Raven King even came out. The morphing of Adam’s and Ronan’s relationship from anonymous transaction to boyfriends is so delicious! Ronan’s angst over his dreaming is what draws him to visit a SW and continue. (CW though since later in the fic it’s revealed by Adam that he was only 17 yo when he started SW on his own)
3. Man of Masks by EtoileGarden
(CW for SA) A very inventive take on the slow burn where the kink/sex comes before the romantic relationship. The feels! The scenes! The longing! (All the characters are aged up) Ronan comes to Adam after being assaulted by Kavinsky during their meeting for drugs/sex/Ronan’s punishment. Adam convinces Ronan to come to him for submisssion/pain/“punishment” instead. Adam surprises Ronan by setting boundaries and emphasizing consent. Ronan is already in love with Adam but it takes a while for Adam to realize his feelings for Ronan, despite the increasingly sexual and emotional nature their kink relationship takes.
4. And the Forest Began to Sing by rootingformistopheles.
A short and sweet and hot smut fic. Cabeswater merges with Adam to physically please their Greywaren. Includes vine tentacles and bondage!
5. “In a hurry” by PennyByTheBlock
Adam and Ronan have a Sunday morning quickie at the Barns before work and church, respectively. It’s so hot, I’ve read it like 20 times already. It really captures the Adam/Ronan dynamic.
6. There’s No Place Like My Room by Lil_Redhead
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adamprrishcycle · 11 months
Wip of a pynch fic set post-greywaren where ronan is just obsessing over adam and trees… which, I mean, same. Standard stuff tbh (greywaren spoilers)
Tagging @heybubb bc you said you were interested in the trees
The night that Ronan dreamt of Cabeswater, it was raining. It was cold and dark, the clouds like a rolling sea and Cabeswater felt pliant and whole as Ronan folded it around something restless and hungry.
It was the perfect dream thing, and he felt so enraptured by it that he would spend hours, awake or asleep under its boughs of oak and elm and silver birch.
The night that Ronan dreamt of Lindenmere, the evening felt close like the hot summer day that had been left behind. All he could taste and smell was black nigntwash that threatened to drown him from the inside out.
This forest wasn’t Cabeswater. The trees huddled closer, blocking sunlight from the woodland floor causing thick, damp moss to form on rocks and trunks and branches. Brambles netted the foliage and grew high in some places and a stream quickly turned into rushing rapids. To Ronan, Lindenmere was a friend, but to anyone else it was hostile. And though he hadn’t intended it, it was perfect.
It was perfect in its harsh beauty and the deep green of the leaves and the moss dyed the shadow over Adam Parrish’s face green.
Lindenmere suited Adam in a strange way that Ronan couldn’t quite describe. Though he had been tied to Cabeswater, lending his hands and eyes, Lindenmere was more like Adam’s heart. It beat, fierce and wild and beautiful.
“So,” Adam started, “you could’ve been a forest.”
His lips were green too until he stepped into a finger of sunlight reaching through the canopy above and he squinted. His face appeared golden in the sun, his hair messy just the way Ronan liked it.
Ronan looked at him but didn’t speak, letting Adam take whatever he wanted from his expression. He watched Adam look over at him, faded t-shirt, blue jeans and bare feet. The brambles had a way of moving out of Adam’s path, especially when he wore no shoes.
“Sorry,” Adam said eventually, with a grin, “I’m still trying to wrap my head around this.”
Adam always needed a logical explanation to most things, despite the fact that he was psychic. Ronan figured that learning your boyfriend was a powerful entity dreamt into existence and given a human body was pretty hard to wrap one’s head around. He had all the patience in the world for Adam in this. After all, he had yet to come to terms with it himself.
“Yeah,” Ronan said finally, “basically.” He stood with hands pocketed, watching Adam, eyes going from his face to his bare feet slowly but repeatedly. Though he was technically not of this world, he was still hungover and he remained in the cool, green shadows, silently wishing he was still in bed.
“You are what Cabeswater was,” Adam stated, but his voice was searching.
“I’m something like it, yeah,” Ronan confirmed. “As far as I know.” He looked away from Adam, around at the swaying trees and thought, but didn’t say out loud, but I don’t know fucking much.
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piningeddiediaz · 1 year
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
Keeping the Faith part 6
title from billy joel's 'keeping the faith'
also posted on ao3
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
“Has anyone seen Remus today?” Sirius asked, looking around the table in their English class. 
When his boyfriend hadn’t been at his locker that morning, Sirius had just assumed Remus had already gone to class, but when he hadn’t come into third hour, Sirius had gotten worried. His only solace had been a simple i miss you too text he’d woken up to that had been timemarked at 4:30 in the morning. It hadn’t done much to ease his worries. 
His concerns were reflected in James’ face. “I haven’t, but I don’t have first or second hour with him.” He turned to Marlene. “Was he in gym?”
She shook her head. “Haven’t seen him.”
“Maybe he’s sick?” Lily offered. 
Sirius shook his head. “Remus doesn’t miss when he’s sick.” No matter how much he should. 
Lily and Marlene shrugged, but Sirius caught James’ worried eyes. They nodded at each other. There would be a trip to Remus’ house after school today. 
“Good morning, class,” McGonagall began. “As you all know, tomorrow and Wednesday will be presentation days, so today, we will have a work day. If you have any last minute questions, be sure to ask me.” She clapped her hands together. “Now, you may get together with your partners for your finishing touches.” 
Marlene was already halfway to Dorcas before McGonagall even finished her sentence, but Sirius was surprised to see Dorcas coming their way, and she didn’t look happy. 
"I need to talk to you,” she said to him.
Immediately, Sirius felt nerves tingle up his spine. There was only one thing the two of them had in common, and that thing was Regulus. "What happened? Is Regulus okay?" He couldn't stop the quaver at his brother's name.
Fortunately, Dorcas knew to keep her voice down. "He's fine," she said, but the frown remained on her face.
"What is it?" Apparently, it was possible to be even more worried than he already was.
"He said to tell you that he changed his mind," she said carefully. Clearly, Dorcas didn't approve of this decision.
Sirius' face dropped into a deep frown. "Tell him that's not acceptable." He stopped for a second. "Actually, don't tell him anything. I'll talk to him in his last class." Since Sirius had office aid as his last hour, he had the power to call Regulus out of class. (He didn't, actually, but he did have access to the intercom, and it was only not allowed if he got caught, right?)
Dorcas put her hands up, but a short look of relief crossed her face. "I don't care what you do, as long as his mind changes back." With that, she returned to her table. Next to James, Sirius saw a look of confusion scrunching in Lily’s eyebrows, but she thankfully kept her eyes on her laptop, evidently working on their presentation. 
He turned to James, a question in his eyes. James just nodded. “I’ll check on Remus and come back to get you.”
“Thank you,” Sirius breathed, though it didn’t make him any less worried. 
As James pulled the Pig up to Remus' double-wide, he carefully took in the trailer park where his friend had grown up. Really, it wasn't even a park, just a small gravel road that snaked around the far end of Cabeswater. There were about 20 trailers in all, and James knew that Snape lived in one of them, though he wasn't sure which. The sixth from the main road was rather dark, even compared to the other trailers, painted drab gray with heavy curtains shielding the inside from view. Beer cans and cigarette butts dotted the tiny front porch and driveway.
That one, James recalled, housed Fenrir Greyback, one of his least favorite people in the universe no matter how much Remus insisted the man had "helped" him. James knew exactly what a man like Greyback's help was worth.
The house next to Greyback's was only slightly less depressing. This one was painted faded white, and the green curtains in the windows matched the front door, both of which Remus' mother had picked out before she died.
He parked in front of the white one and quickly ran up the steps.
Before he could even knock, there came a yell from inside. "Go away, James!"
He scoffed. Like that was gonna happen. "I'm not leaving til you tell me why you weren't at school." He rapped the door for good measure.
"I'm sick," was Remus' response.
James rolled his eyes. "We both know that's not true."
"How do you know? You haven't seen me all day."
James groaned in frustration. "Open the damn door, Remus!"
"Fine, Jesus." There was movement from inside. "I'm only doing this because I know you'll stay there all night if I don’t."
Finally, the door swung open, and James failed to hold in his gasp.
There were two large bruises covering Remus' eyes giving him a distinct raccoon look, and his nose was red and swollen.
"Who the hell did this to you?" James exclaimed.
"Shhh!" Remus' darted around, as if checking to make sure no one was listening in. He lowered his voice. "You've seen me. Now you can go."
"What? No, I-"
"James, there's nothing you can do. You should know that by now." He went to close the door, but James put a hand out.
"What are you gonna do tomorrow? That won't heal for at least a week," he said, knowing the only way to get through to Remus would be through school.
He shrugged. "I'll figure something out."
James blew out a breathe threw his nose. "Why don't you just turn him in?" he asked, even though he knew it was useless.
Remus gave him a look, but James was loath to give up now. "You're still a minor! If you cut a deal, you probably won't even-"
Remus slammed the door in his face. "Kay," he said awkwardly. "Good talk." He knocked on the door. "Are you gonna open the door?"
When there was no answer, he knocked again. "Remus!"
This time, James saw the lights go out inside the trailer, and he decided that was all he was gonna get out of his friend. He also noticed some of Remus' neighbors peeking out of their windows at the Pig which would not be good for anyone involved.
Sighing, he hopped back in the orange Camaro and pulled away, all the while cursing Remus' stubbornness. 
At the very least, he could tell Sirius that Remus hadn’t died yet. 
"Regulus Black, please report to the front office. Regulus Black, you are needed at the front office."
The teenager in question stilled as the intercom crackled itself back to silence.
If there was one thing Regulus did not want to do, it was go to the front office.
Unfortunately, Mr. Slughorn had other ideas. "Mr. Black, I believe that call was for you."
There were a few snickers from his classmates, but at least Evan gave him a worried look as he made his way to the door.
Regulus and Evan both knew exactly what that call was about.
"Try to be fast, we have important things to do today," Slughorn called, despite it being only ten minutes from the final bell.
Nevertheless, Regulus nodded. He would be back as soon as humanly possible. Maybe even before that.
It only took him a couple minutes to reach the front office, even with taking the long way, and in what felt like no time at all, he was forcing himself to take a deep breath before stepping inside.
From where he was standing, he could see the big blue desk dividing the room in two. There were also a couple of kids sitting in those stupid office chairs, waiting their turn to be called back, presumably to talk to Dumbledore. There also seemed to be a parent arguing with the desk worker.
The desk worker that happened to be his estranged older brother.
The second he stepped inside, Sirius' eyes snapped to Regulus' matching gray ones, and his face lit up. He quickly covered it up with a disinterested, "I'll be with you in a minute," and if Regulus hadn't received the same lessons in emotion control, he might have been fooled.
He settled down in a chair, thinking he should have brought a book. It was really a pain in the ass sometimes to not have a phone to take places.
Instead, he listened in on the conversation between Sirius and the woman arguing with him.
"There has to be something you can do," she was saying, the sunglasses sitting on her dyed blonde head throwing a glare around the office.
Sirius didn't miss a beat. "As I said before, there's nothing I can do. The best option is to tell your son to turn in his-" Sirius glanced at what Regulus assumed was a computer monitor behind the desk "-wow, 37 missing assignments. That's gotta be a record." Regulus felt his eyes widen. He’d never even had one missing assignment, let alone thirty-seven. They had to be talking about a freshman. 
The woman's face grew red with fury. "Excuse me?"
Sirius cracked a grin. "I'm just saying, maybe instead of yelling at me, you should be supporting him on his journey to secondary education." The last bit was said with a deadpan deliverance, as if he was reciting a line. If he had only repeated their mother like that, both their lives would have been much easier. "Or, if that's too much for you, we offer a wide variety of tutoring services, free, paid, in person, and online." He placed a pamphlet on the desk, but the woman didn't take it.
"My son doesn't need tutoring,” she said as if personally offended.
"Well, he needs something, and clearly, we don't offer it," Sirius responded. He turned his attention to the two kids in the chairs next to Regulus. "I'm guessing you two are here for fighting?"
Regulus realized with a start that when he passed, he had failed to notice that one of the kids had a black eye and the other a split lip. 
He chided himself. He shouldn’t have gotten so distracted thinking about talking to Sirius again. It had only been a year and a half; he shouldn’t be so anxious. It wasn’t like a year and a half was 9 percent of his entire life or anything, or that the last time they had spoken was right before their parents had nearly killed the older of the two, and Regulus had been forced to listen.
He was fine.
"Okay, tell me your names and what happened," Sirius said as he searched for something in the desk. The angry woman skulked out the door.
Distantly, Regulus wondered where the person who was actually paid to work in the front office was. There was no way having a 17 year old kid working the desk by himself was allowed.
The two kids gave their names and started talking over each other in an effort to explain themselves out of punishment.
"She came at me out nowhere-"
"He broke up with me because I told him he's clingy-"
"She cheated on me with Mark-"
"-thought what we had was special-
"-so I told her off and she punched me-"
Sirius clapped loudly, and they shut up. Thank god. "One at a time." He pointed. "Her first." He then did something with the computer.
The girl sat up straighter, dyed red hair tumbling over her shoulders. She couldn't have been older than 14. "He broke up with me yesterday over Snapchat because I told him he was too clingy, and then he just started yelling at me in eighth hour as if it was my fault. Then he attacked me!" She huffed, and Regulus couldn't help but chuckle.
She glared at him. "What's your problem?"
Sirius snickered. "Yeah, Regulus, what's your problem?"
Regulus flushed red with embarrassment, but before he could say anything, the boy with the black eye broke in, eyebrows raised. "Your name is Regulus?”
Regulus’ face flushed, and he pointed at his brother. "His name is Sirius!"
Both the kids drew back. "No offense, but your parents suck." Regulus was too busy being offended to notice which one said that.
"You have no idea," Sirius said. There was a noise behind the desk that sounded like a printer, and Sirius placed two pieces of paper down onto the desk. "Sign these."
"But I didn't get to tell you my side!" the boy said indignantly.
"Yeah, about that," Sirius started. "It doesn't actually matter what happened. As long as both of you hit each other, you'll each be suspended for a week with a month of detention."
"But he started it!" the girl said at the same time the boy said, "But she started it!"
But Sirius had already turned his attention back to the computer. "Doesn't matter, sign it." The two glanced at each other but got up to sign the papers. Sirius nodded. "Good. Both of your parents have been called. They'll be here to get you in a few minutes."
"But I ride with-"
"Don't care." Sirius pulled out another piece of paper and moved to the other side of the desk. "All of you be quiet, I have to do announcements."
There was a beep and a crackle, and then Sirius was saying into what Regulus assumed was the intercom, "Good afternoon, Henrietta. Please be aware of the giant pothole outside the parking lot. Also, varsity football has an away game at Durmstrang this Friday. Finally, if you're James Potter, I'm gonna be late leaving today, so plan accordingly. And just like that, we're one day closer to Christmas break." He lifted his finger from the intercom button, and it crackled again. He looked up.
"Regulus, your turn. Why haven't you been answering my texts?"
Regulus' mind went blank trying to process the whiplash it had just gone through. "Huh?" was all he managed.
"Why haven't you been answering my texts?" Sirius repeated, slower this time.
The boy sent him a look of sympathy. "Good luck, dude."
Regulus shook his head, trying to clear the fog. "I haven't been ignoring them, just-" he gestured vaguely.
"Avoiding them?" Sirius offered.
Regulus nodded.
Sirius tucked a stray hair behind his ear. "You need to make a decision. Either you stay, or you go."
Regulus looked down. "It's not that simple, Sirius."
"Why not?"
"Wait, wait, time out," the girl said, making a T with her hands. "What's going on?"
Before Regulus could tell her to fuck off, Sirius said, “That’s not your business.”
The girl’s face scrunched up. “We told you our business, but whatever.” 
Regulus and Sirius looked at each other, and after a moment of silent conversation, Sirius said, "I want him to move in with me, but he's afraid to leave our parents' house."
The girl made a confused noise. "Aren't you teenagers?"
They all jumped as the bell rang suddenly, and the sound of students rushing for the exit soon filled the building.
"I have to go," Regulus said, moving to stand up.
"Please, I know you sit in the library til 4 everyday with Evan and Dorcas," Sirius said.
Regulus made a face.
"To answer your question, Sara, yes we are teenagers, but our parents suck," Sirius explained. "Which is why I left and why I want him to move in with me."
Sara made a noise of understanding. "But he's afraid of leaving the only home he's ever known."
Regulus shifted in his seat, distinctly uncomfortable at having his feelings bared to people he didn't even know.
The boy said, "I get that. I mean, we're horrible for each other, but we keep getting back together." He grinned at Sara.
Sirius nodded. "Yes, Chris, exactly."
It occurred to Regulus just then that he had left his stuff in Slughorn's classroom. He hoped Evan grabbed it for him.
"So, what you need to do is show him that living with you can still be like living at home," Sara said.
And that was actually perfectly reasonable, except - "Living with me will never be like living at home," Sirius said, face stony.
Sara's eyes grew wide, and she and Chris exchanged a glance. "Oookay." She thought for a moment. "What if he does it in stages? Maybe start moving things over gradually, then spend some time with him and some time at home?" She was looking at Regulus now, as were Sirius and the boy.
He took a second to form an answer. "That wouldn't work. If I move, it needs to be between today and Saturday." A detail he had been ignoring.
Sirius cocked his head. "Why?"
Regulus glanced at Sara and Chris, debating what he wanted to share with them. He looked back at his brother. "You remember the thing they wanted you to do right before you left?"
Sirius' face grew pale. "They want you to do that on Saturday?" he asked, far too calmly.
Regulus nodded.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Sirius asked, straightening. "Reg, that's not good."
"You don't think I know that?" He sighed. "I don't know what to do, Siri."
His brother's mouth ticked upward at the old nickname, but he quickly turned serious. "Okay, how about this?"
30 minutes later, they had come up with a pretty decent plan with the help of Sara and Chris who had both been picked up by their parents at some point.
Regulus would leave his school stuff in his locker that night and go home and shove as much stuff as he could in his backpack. Then, tomorrow, he would just go home with Sirius, who assured him that the Potters were working on the legal aspects of his escape and had been since he texted Sirius all those nights ago.
By the time they were done, it was past 3, and Sirius looked up abruptly.
"Hey, James," he greeted.
Hey, James, indeed. The youngest Potter had just walked in, presumably to pick up his brother.
When he saw Regulus, he waved. "Hi, Baby Black."
Regulus made a face. "Don't call me that."
James gave him a thumbs up.
Regulus frowned. From day one, he had harbored a deep jealousy toward the Potter boy. The day Sirius started preschool, it was all James this and James that and James is so cool, can I go to James’ house? Unfortunately, 4 year old Sirius had been right. James was so cool. With his perfect grades, perfect family, perfect dimples, it was no wonder his brother had been caught so quickly in James' orbit.
But not Regulus, no way. Regulus decided right off the bat to hate the Potter boy, ever since he had stolen his brother's attention, and since then, his feelings had only sharpened.
So whenever he told James not to call him "Baby Black," what he was really saying was, "Fuck you."
He caught Sirius giving him a look he couldn't quite figure out, and he realized he was making a face at James' back. He quickly looked down.
“You ready to go?” James asked. 
Regulus looked at him, confused, until he realized the taller boy was addressing Sirius, not him. 
“Yeah, we can go,” Sirius responded. He glanced at Regulus. “You good, or do you need me to stay longer?”
Regulus shook his head. “Go, I need to get to the library.”
“Kay.” He walked around the desk, backpack in hand, and left with James, but not before waving. “See you.”
Remus stared into the bathroom mirror and gently prodded the black skin around his eyes, wincing when it stung.
The deep bruises from his fight with Crabbe on Sunday weren't showing any signs of fading. On the contrary, they seemed to be getting darker.
Maybe James had been right, and there was no way he'd be able to go to school today.
No. That wasn't an option. He'd just have to figure something out.
Remus drummed his fingers on the edge of the sink, thinking. He just needed to cover up the bruising.
That was immediately a problem. There was nothing in his house he could think of that wouldn't be noticeable on his face. It wasn't like he or his dad had any make up lying around.
It was quickly becoming apparent that if he wanted to go to school today, he would have to show his face to at least one of his friends.
Unfortunately, the only person he was okay with seeing him like this was James, but Remus didn't think he had any make up, and he certainly didn't have the skills Remus needed.
The girls were out. Lily would absolutely lose it if she saw him like this, and Marlene might not even be at home. Since she and Dorcas had revealed their relationship, they had been sleeping over at each other's houses most nights.
Peter wasn't even an option. Remus doubted he even knew what foundation was.
That left Sirius, which wasn't actually a terrible idea. Remus knew he often used make up and as an artist was very skilled with it. They'd also been very clear with each other from the beginning of their relationship that they were both entitled to their secrets, and the other wouldn't ask.
Reluctantly, he pulled out his phone.
Remus: can i stop at monmouth before school
It was barely a minute before Remus received a text back.
Sirius: obviously
Remus: omw
He grabbed his bookbag and keys and set out on the 20 minute walk to Monmouth. If anyone asked, he took the fastest path without stalling at all.
When he got there, the front door was unlocked, and he hoped that was because they'd just opened it for him and not because they forgot to lock it, though honestly either option was likely.
He quickly bounded up the stairs to Sirius' room above, barely slowing to return James' knowing frown and cheerful, "Good morning!"
"Sirius?" he called once he reached his boyfriend’s room. 
"In here!" Sirius said.
Remus crossed the room to the bathroom. "Hey, love." He held his breath and waited for Sirius to look at him.
"Hey, Re. I'm almost done." From what Remus could tell, he was doing something with his hair, though what, Remus had no idea. “Oh! I have something to tell you about Regulus.”
“What’s that?”
Sirius smiled widely into the mirror. “He’s coming home with us today!”
“That’s great!” Finally, some good fucking news. Sirius had been trying to get Regulus to leave Grimmauld Place for years, though Remus thought the reasoning for his sudden change of mind couldn’t be good. 
“Yeah, our parents decided they were going to force him to take the Dark Mark on Saturday, so he’s leaving.” Well, bad incident with a good outcome. Those were always good.
“Do you want me to come over?” Remus asked. He hoped not; he had work, and he was not in the mood for socializing. 
Thankfully, Sirius shook his head. “No, I don’t want to overwhelm him. Thank you for offering, though.”
“Of course.” 
They stood there in silence for another few minutes until Sirius finally turned away from the mirror. When he caught sight of his boyfriend, he gasped, and his eyes widened. "What the fuck, Re?"
Remus waved him away. "Can you cover it up?"
Sirius blinked. "I-um," he started. "Yeah, I can. What happened?"
"Doesn't matter," Remus said. "Cover it? Please?"
Sirius shook his head. "Yeah, of course. Let me just-" He went and grabbed a bag of what Remus hoped was make-up out of his nightstand. Once back in the bathroom, he pulled out a little tube labeled "concealer."
"Hold still." He clutched Remus' chin in his hand, and he tried not to feel guilty. “I can’t believe you had this-” he pointed at Remus’ face “-going on, and you let me stand there and talk about Regulus.”
Remus frowned lightly. “You were doing something, and the Regulus thing was important.”
“So is you looking like a raccoon!” he said, as if the punch was the worst thing that happened to him on Sunday. 
Sirius shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize for that.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
Remus clamped his mouth shut, biting down on another apology. "Should I close my eyes?" he asked.
"Not yet," Sirius bit out. Then, he uncapped the tube and touched it to Remus' face. It was cold. 
After a bit of what felt like him drawing on Remus' face, he took out a sponge looking thing and started blending in the concealer.
Eventually, Sirius broke the silence. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"
That was a tough question. He really, really didn't want to, but he supposed he owed Sirius at least some explanation. "I got punched."
Sirius looked up, alarmed. "By who? Is that why you weren't at school yesterday?"
"Yes. Believe it or not, it was even worse yesterday," he said. "And it doesn't matter who did it."
Sirius looked like he wanted to argue, but all he said was, "We'll agree to disagree. Did you at least hit the other guy back?"
"Doesn't matter," Remus said again.
Sirius huffed. "What does matter?"
"I made rent this month," Remus said. That had been a nice surprise; once he'd realized he'd forgotten to get his money from Greyback, he had stepped outside to decide if he wanted to return or risk eviction, and had instead found a duffel bag of cash on the doorstep. He tried not to think about where it came from. 
A pained look crossed Sirius' face, but it was quickly replaced with concern. "At least there's that."
Remus ran a hand down Sirius' side. "At least there's that."
"Alright, class. Today is presentation day. I trust you all know your order?" McGonagall said after the bell rang.
Yes. Because McGonagall wasn't like other teachers. There would be no volunteering or waiting it out until the very end. She assigned everyone a time slot, and god forbid a group miss their time.
First up was a couple of cheerleaders whose names James didn't know, and he zoned out for the entire presentation, too busy worrying about the mission currently underway to rescue Regulus from Number 12 Grimmauld Place. He was happy for him, of course, but James couldn't help but feel that after years of trying for this exact thing, it was too easy.  
All too soon, James and Lily were being called to the front, their Shrek slides being projected up onto the board.
They did very well, though it was really just the same presentation he had been giving for years. The "love yourself" theme was something James had been trying to get his friends to internalize since the day he met each of them.
Then it was Remus and Sirius' turn, and James couldn't help but grin at hearing Sirius recite verbatim Remus' little hallway speech from two weeks ago. The boy was whipped. 
Unfortunately for them, Marlene and Dorcas weren't scheduled until the next day, but the last group scheduled for Tuesday was Snape and some kid called Mulciber.
They were doing their project on a book simply called Narc.
"Narc is about a teenager named Philip who is part of a New York gang," Snape began in his distinct bored drawl. "Philip is recruited by another gang to play spy with the promise of wealth and eventually escaping to a better life. For a while, all is well, but just before the climax, Philip is caught by the first gang and tortured for information and ultimately killed without managing to change a single thing in his life for the better." Snape looked at Remus then, and James' blood ran cold. He knew. "The theme of this story is that no matter how hard one tries, one may never change their station, and criminality follows a person wherever they go."
James tried to get Remus' attention, to do what, he didn't know. Maybe attempt to reassure him that Snape was wrong, but it was too late. Remus refused to look up from the table.
Sirius took his phone out of his pocket again, checking the time. If Regulus didn't show up in the next five minutes, Sirius would have to call him.
He let his head drop against the door frame. He really did not need this today, not after his disastrous English class. Once they had left third hour, Remus had rushed off, refusing to talk to anyone. Sirius hadn't heard from him since, but he assumed it had something to do with Snape’s shitty presentation and the bruises he’d had him cover up that morning. Sirius hadn’t asked any questions, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried about his boyfriend. 
Finally, he saw someone walking toward the office.
"I've been waiting-" The rest of the sentence died on his lips when he realized the person walking toward him was not in fact Regulus but Evan Rosier, and he looked terrified.
"I'll fucking kill them, I swear to God, I'll do it!" he said as soon as he was upon Sirius.
He held a hand up. "Woah, what? Where the hell is my brother?"
The scared look in Evan's eyes multiplied. "They took him, Sirius. Your parents took him home."
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Currently Reading...
Call Down the Hawk - Maggie Stiefvater
I did really, really badly with my reading goal this month. I had a week off work, and re-read The Raven Cycle super slowly, and then this book took me aaages to read. So I only got two new books read this month. And now I've got another week off, so I'm probably going to be really slow finishing the series.
Honestly, I'm not really as into this as I was the Raven Cycle. I think it's my fault, rather than the story's. I was so happy with the way Adam and Ronan's story concluded, that I almost don't actually want to read any more. It can only go downhill from here. I know, logically, that they're still going to get their happy ending - I just don't want them to go through three books of drama to get there.
There's also all kinds of new limitations put on Ronan in this series - the "Nightwash", the fact that he has to dream, the fact that he has to be near a ley line all the time. He's got his new forest, and doesn't seem to miss Cabeswater at all, not much of a "sacrifice" in the end. Opal is happily back in the forest, not living with him anymore. He misses Adam, but can't be near him.
I loved the casual "My boyfriend's a psychic" dropped into conversation, I love seeing Ronan's absolute devotion to Adam in every gesture. I love that he thinks Adam looks hot on a bike. I hate that he showed up at uni to see Adam, and he's changed so much that they have nothing in common while he's there. I hate that Adam's lost his accent and is pretending to be someone he's not. I hate that Adam's friends look at Ronan and see a drop-out screw-up loser instead of an insanely rich guy who decided to walk away from the family business to look after cattle instead.
I.... weirdly love Declan? I mean, he's a dick, obviously, but in this book you really see why he's a dick - that it's mostly intentional because he was a scared kid with no magic powers who was in over his head and got landed with custody of his two little brothers before he was even an adult himself. He needed to protect himself and his family, and throw up armour, and being Declan was the only way he knew how to do it. Also, the fact that he's living off coffee and antacids, and not eating burritos because they'll give him indigestion is very sexy of him. He's a literal child, and he's got the stress of a dad in his early forties.
Matthew found out he's a dream, and he's... not handling it well. I'm sort of interested in why he keeps wondering off in a trance. I'm hoping that ends up actually being plot relevant.
I'm really not that invested in Hennessey and Jordan yet, and I think maybe it's because they didn't have their own defined personalities? I'm hoping that gets better in the rest of the series, now there's only the two of them, and it's not just a whole bunch of the same person running around.
I really don't care about Bryde. I'm just not interested at all. I know it's the main plot of the whole series or whatever, I just don't care, it's not gripping me.
There's no sign of all the time-travel, ley line stuff that was left unresolved in TRC getting picked up here, I genuinely think she just didn't bother resolving those plot points.
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tamquamm · 4 years
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[Ronan Lynch / Adam Parrish] Rated T | 3.3k ↳ Day 1: Coffee Shop AU for @pynchpromptweek
“We have a lot of cows.”
Adam pauses mid-pour. “Cows? Like with the ‘s’ at the end? Multiple?”
“Yeah, multiple. Like a lot actually. Just a shit ton of cows.”
Adam practices pouring a latte heart into Ronan’s cup, he admires his handiwork before capping it. “I guess that makes you a cowboy, then.”
Despite his protests, Ronan’s cup boasts cow boy in Adam’s messy scrawl, accompanied by a shitty doodle of a cow smiling back at him.
>> continue reading on AO3
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ardenetoile · 6 years
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“Frog Hunting” in Cabeswater
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Pynch headcanons I'm currently thinking about-
Adam writes LoVe LeTtErS to Ronan via email when he's very busy and can't talk or video chat, much to Ronan's dismay. They're just random things he thought about throughout the day that he writes and sends them when he comes back from classes.
Ronan claims to hate them, because he would rather see Adam's face but he has all of them saved in a folder called Love letters from Adam <3
Ronan dreams up a lot of stuff, a majority of them being rings of god knows what materials. But he's never satisfied because Adam Parrish and his fucking beautiful hands.
He has a secret drawer full of rings, nobody knows, even Opal because she will obviously spew it in front of Adam.
On weekends when Ronan won't sleep, he will drive to Harvard and stay in a hotel and wait to surprise Adam.
Adam's friends are very alarmed by this scary and pissed boy until Adam introduces Ronan and they just completely lose it.
"oh so this is your farmer boyfriend?" "Yes, this is the famer boyfriend" "are you sure Adam?" "Pretty much"
Ronan is not amused much to Adam's joy.
They got out to dinner when Ronan Is in town and Ronan will forcefully take him to the fanciest restaurant
"Ronan this is expe-" "fuck the canteen food Parrish" "Lynch" "shut the fuck up Parrish"
Chainsaw agrees with Ronan. She wil nibble at Adam's ear until he gives up and they eat dinner at some fancy restaurant and complain about the prices anyway.
Adam will complete homework a little too quickly because god he can't wait to kiss him senseless, Ronan quietly pets Chainsaw, waiting for Adam except for the occassional cursing.
"this is just like St. Agnes Parrish" "it is Lynch, but you couldn't kiss me then" "Fuck you" "I was hoping to"
Ronan flips him off and buries his face in the pillow while Adam chuckles and Chainsaw flaps her wings in agreement.
They kiss and sleep, both of them being tired to do anything further and Adam sleeps with his head on Ronan's lap and all Ronan prays for is to get to keep this boy forever, no matter what.
They wake up with the floor blooming, full of orange chrysanthemums. They're both equally amused and aghast.
Chrysanthemums are Adam's favourite flower.
Ronan wants to die of embarassment while Adam just cooes at him because only his dreamer boyfriend could turn his room into a garden overnight.
They go out for breakfast at Adam's favourite 60's diner.
"you're an old man Parrish" "they have amazing waffles"
Ronan huffs but gets the waffles anyway. He also gets a donut and a raised eyebrow from Adam.
"live a little Lynch" "fine Parrish, I'll get rainbow sprinkles okay?"
Adam's smile could power Harvard for a month.
Adam will take pictures of random things that remind him of Ronan when he goes out.
Combat boots, fancy denim jackets, a journal with a cover similar to his tattoo, an old antique shop which looks like it came from Ronan's dreams.
He saves money to buy a snow globe, but it has a little forest inside, very similar to Cabeswater for Ronan's birthday.
Adam's friends won't believe that his farmer boy boyfriend wear combat boots and tank tops and ripped jeans.
"do they fucking expect me to wear flannel shirts and straw hats?""maybe" "fuck off"
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in-a-pynch · 3 years
Pynch! Plant! Dads! Headcanon!
adam never having house plants growing up because *obviously*
but then gansey bashfully gives adam a pothos plant as a housewarming/peacemaking gift once he moves into st. agnes
adam, who never does anything halfway, immediately checks out books from the school library on how to care for houseplants
adam realizing that he is capable of being gentle and caring through his small (but quickly growing) houseplant collection, and using this to counter his insecurities regarding becoming like his father
adam returning home late from work absolutely exhausted but still hellbent on watering and talking to every single plant before bedtime
adam eventually acquiring so many plants that he has to develop a schedule of which plants he gives attention to on different days to make sure he is being fair
ronan finding out adam talks to his plants one night when he follows adam back to the church after a fight and overhears adam muttering to his pilea about his dumbass, stubborn boyfriend who he loves but often wants to strangle
ronan absolutely melting at this, but not letting on that he knows because he doesn’t want adam to be self-conscious about it and stop
from then on, when ronan spends the night at st agnes, he often wakes up the next morning with funny little plants cupped in his hands that couldn’t be found in any of adam’s many many botany books
they put all of the unidentified plants on one table in the middle of the apartment, they call that section mini-cabeswater
ronan buying a bunch of plants for himself, figuring that if he can farm he can certainly take care of a house plant
ronan being undeniably, irrefutably wrong about this fact
adam having to rescue all of ronan’s houseplants from the Barns and Monmouth because they’re dying ro
adam bringing *all of* the plants to college (because he can’t just pick favorites, ronan) and them basically taking over his half of the dorm
the plants reminding adam of cabeswater in a way that aches a little inside his chest and behind his deaf ear
one of adam’s new friends seeing his ridiculous plant collection and forcing him to join the botany club with them
adam secretly adoring it even though he pretends he doesn’t
ronan sometimes mailing adam new little plant samples he dreamed up with ridiculous notes in latin
adam’s friends being infinitely curious about The Boyfriend: Mysterious Giver of Plants but only being able to get out of adam that he’s A Farmer™️ and they went to high school together
adam’s botanist friends asking too many questions about where adam’s boyfriend gets all these weird plants that no one can identify and adam blurting out that ronan is a “rare plant collector”
adam telling ronan this over winter break and his ears turning pink as ronan laughs until his stomach hurts
adam being thankful for all the latin he learned in high school bc it means he can make up authentic sounding scientific names for the “rare” plants on the spot
ronan coming up to visit adam at school for the first time and all of adam’s friends expecting A Farmer™️ and instead getting a goth boy with daddy issues and a bunch of religious guilt
ronan softening the blow by bringing a bunch of weird plants he had gotten from sources so secret that if i told you i would have to kill you ((lynch stop threatening my friends)) and also a raven named chainsaw??
in adam’s junior year, ronan and his obsession with weird, dead, romantic languages decides to send adam messages in victorian flower language
this is fine and sweet up until the point that adam’s friends figure it out and ronan decides to send increasingly obscene messages in larger and larger bouquets
eventually adam starts blocking ronan’s mail and he (begrudgingly) promises to stop
one summer when adam is back at the Barns he attempts to grow a small vegetable garden and fails miserably for no reason that is apparent to either him or ronan
ronan being smug about this for three (3) weeks
adam permanently moving to the Barns after graduation and ronan and him agreeing that adam will handle the inside plants and ronan will handle the outside plants
at some point ronan loses a bet to gansey and has to go to a local garden club meeting as punishment
the little old ladies in the gardening club being absolutely obsessed with ronan and not being fooled *at all* by his scowl and prickly facade
by the end of the night they had guilted ronan into coming to next week’s meeting and bringing the boyfriend with him
adam and ronan getting so into gardening club that they start hosting the weekly meetings at the Barns
the Barns just bring so full of plants inside and out that everyone wonders how they still find room
Opal being good at both indoor and outdoor gardening to both her dads’ chagrin
Opal taking a particular interest in carnivorous plants, just to be difficult
ronan and adam’s wedding having an obscene amount of floral arrangements and greenery, all home grown
the wedding also being attended by a bunch of little old ladies from the gardening club
just ronan and adam being in love with each other and opal and their many many plants
pLaNt dAdS
damn that got a bit out of hand... anyway
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insistweseeghosts · 3 years
I promised a long time ago that I would post by Raven Cycle playlist with a description of where all the songs fit (to me) in the story!  Hope you all enjoy this playlist as much as I do <3
Life Itself by Glass Animals- possible theme song for the show
Castle by Halsey- just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Drive by Halsey- Cabsewater/dreaming noise, street racing and driving away from Kavinsky when he blows up the car
Control by Halsey-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Young God by Halsey- Kavinsky teaching Ronan how to dream
Ghost by Halsey- finding Noah’s car/ “REMEMBERED”
Gasoline by Halsey- Cabeswater and Dream noise/ nightmare/ street racing/ anything with Kavinsky
Eyes Closed by Halsey-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Wild by Troye Sivan-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Bite by Troye Sivan-  Ronan dreaming of Adam
Fools by Troye Sivan- When Adam tells Gansey that Ronan kissed him
Blue by Troye Sivan- Gansey insinuation that he loves Blue, “’I wish you could be kissed, Jane,' he said. 'Because I would beg just one off you. Under all this.' He flailed an arm toward the stars.”
Outside by Tender- Pynch kiss on porch
Echo by Foreign Air- after laying Noah to rest at the end of TRB
Dreams by Beck- introduction of Aglionby and the boys
Legendary by Welshly Arms- possible theme song/ Helicopter ride
Young by The Chainsmokers- Adam inviting his parents to graduation.  “Your boyfriends car.”
I Found by Amber Run- Blue and Gansey’s not kiss in the Pig
You by Keaton Henson- Gansey dying on the side of the road, Ronan being unmade, Noah Disappearing, etc.
In Your Dreams by Dark Dark Dark- Intro to 300 Fox Way and the Witches
Fun by Troye Sivan- Shopping cart scene
Touch by Troye Sivan-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
The One That Got Away by The Civil Wars- Kavinsky’s death and saving Matthew
Arsonists Lullaby by Hozier-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
In The Air Tonight by Kelly Sweet- Gansey driving to his death and everyone following him out of Fox Way
Way Down We Go by Kaleo- trailer song for the TV show
Get Lonely With Me by George Ezra-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Bloodstream by Ed Sheeran-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Blood//Water by Grandson- Ronan saving Opal/ Cabeswater poisoned
Friends by Chase Atlantic-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
I Feel Like I’m Drowning by Two Feet- Ronan waking up with sleep paralysis
Forgive Me Friend by Smith and Thell- end of The Raven King, finding the new dreamed Pig without an engine, onto their next adventure
Fire by Sara Bareilles- finding out Maura is gone at the end of The Dream Thieves/ Maura scrying (maybe the TV series will show her disappearing) 
Empty Gold by Halsey-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Hush by Trills- Aurora’s death
Warfare by Katie Garfield- driving to save Matthew from Kavinsky/ fighting through the dreamstate
Youth by Daughter- Blue missing Maura
The Loved Ones by Sanders Bohlke-  just vibes currently, doesn’t have a specific scene
Sweet Dreams by BORNS- Kavinsky teaching Ronan to dream using the pills--Kavinsky assaulting Ronan
In a Blackout by Hamilton Leithouser and Rostam- moving Adam into St. Agnes
You Better Run by Unions- going into to cave at Jesse Diddly’s
The Wolf by Phildel- Piper and Neeve telling the sleeping to “Wake up.”  End of BLLB, roll credits.
If anyone has other song suggestions for the playlist please let me know and I’ll add them!  Same for if you have ideas for any of the songs that don’t have specific scenes yet, I’d love to hear your ideas!
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rotzaprachim · 3 years
I don’t think Adam Parrish and Nina Zenik have much in common but they are both the human personifications of cats. Just different sorts of cats. Also their boyfriends are the personification of dogs just different sorts of dogs Who are worried about going to hell for agnostic tendencies. mainly what I think is their magical powers are some of the most fascinating aspects of either series and genuinely have so much potential to be horrifying. Also just the thing that made me make this post was thinking of how I will be your eyes I will be your ears cabeswater scene for adam is the parallel and also equal and opposite reaction to nina’s jurda parem Scene.
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betterdcyz-a · 4 years
It was all over. Gansey died ( cause of death: a true love’s kiss. ) and eventually came back to life. Cabeswater sacrificed itself, gave all power to the raven king to resurrect him. Cabeswater’s death also meant the death of Adam’s bargain; freed from his decision back when he sacrificed himself for the forest, to stop Barrington Whelk, and to wake the main ley line. Now it was all over. 
Adam leaned against the hood of the BMW. The high of the shock was slowly crumbling, gradually wavering away. His wrists were red raw, same with his fingers, and the blindfold was still dangling around his neck. Adam turned his head, side-glancing at Ronan who appeared to be leaning next to him. 
The magician, or if he was worthy to be called that now, examined the dreamer, studying his sharp profile that was caked with whatever that was unmaking him. Adam hated that moment, rendered powerless, useless, in the back of the car as Ronan was withering, the demon ruining him. He feared that Ronan would die, and Adam would be left alone with their moments, and just their moments, nothing else.
And these thoughts invoked a question. “...Is it a bad time to ask if you want to be my boyfriend?” His accent slips, uncertainty wedged between his words. 
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piningeddiediaz · 3 years
who in pynch would propose and how? in my head it is ronan the cinnamon roll but hey...
ok im gonna be honest with you I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and I havent been able to decide who I think would propose so I have headcanons for both.
I think its ronan who starts thinking about marriage first. it's inevitable, really. he grew up seeing his parents' perfect marriage. he is a good little catholic boy. he grew up surrounded by this loving family and he wants that. he's always wanted that. I love the idea of ronan accidentally dreaming rings reguarly. he has several boxes full of rings he hides in his dream barn because he knows adam never goes in there. his dream proposals happen in lots of different ways. sometimes he dreams about proposing to adam in cabeswater, even though it doesn't exist anymore. sometimes it's lindenmere. sometimes its on a drive under the stars, he slips the ring onto adam's finger and neither of them have to say anything, but adam's smile is answer enough. sometimes it's at the barns, right in the exact place they kissed in the moonlight when he finally realised adam parrish loves him too. he's thought about it extensively and it goes from sappy to romantic to downright cheesy but he will never ever actually say it. he knows adam loves him and they're it for each other, but he also knows adam thinks marriage is an outdated institution. and its fine if adam doesnt want to get married - he doesnt need a piece of paper to tell him if he's allowed to be with the love of his life forever - but damn if he wants to see a ring on adam's finger. he's wanted to marry adam from the second they kissed for the first time.
(if ronan is the one who proposes I imagine to be all fake bravado. adam finds the rings and ronan tries to glower his way out of it but then adam grins and is like "well. are they for me?" and ronan says "no, they're for my other boyfriend I've been dating behind your back" but adam just laughs and slips the ring onto his finger and says something practical like "we'll have to wait until I've finished this year, though" or "dibs on not being the one to tell gansey." ronan never actually proposes. adam never technically says yes. but they don't need words to tell each other things. they've been able to communicate with a look for as long as they've known each other.)
but I do have a soft spot for adam being the one who proposes first. adam has no reason to trust the institution of marriage. he is practical, he knows he doesnt need a seal from the law or approval from god to know he is going to spend the rest of his life with ronan. but also - he hasn't ever had the kind of family ronan has had, but boy does he want it. he wants it all with ronan. and more than anything else, marriage is a choice and adam wants to choose ronan. so adam decides to propose, and as with everything he massively overthinks it. he plans it to the last possible second. I imagine he does it sometime when he's home from break. he takes ronan to a small clearing in lindenmere where they eat a picnic adam diligently tried to pack (adam is a not a good cook you can pry this out of my cold, dead hands). afterwards, they watch a bunch of dream deers or butterflies or whatever (which look a lot like the dream animals they saw during their second kiss) while adam has his head on ronan's lap, ronan playing with his hair. he was going to propose a bit later, when he casually suggests they go for a walk through the forest and takes them to a place that almost looks like cabeswater, except ronan blurts out "marry me, parrish" first and adam whips up and is like "what the fuck, ronan???" ronan, like any reasonable person, thinks this is a rejection and fucks off somewhere and starts deflecting (as he does) and adam has to go FUCK THE PLAN and just shove the ring onto ronan's finger and say "fucking marry me, lynch" while ronan is still ranting about god knows what. would it really be pynch if any of their best moments happened in a normal way? their first date was framing their latin teacher for murder, after all.
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aeirithgainsborough · 5 years
remember that adam approaches blue, asks her for her number, sends her flowers, and rings her up and asks her out. that he goes to collect her for their date, tells her she looks nice. remember how often he thinks about how he wants to hold her hand or touch her hair or entwine himself with her. remember how often he actually does do those things and how ridiculously pleased he is to be doing so. remember how, when he's sad, he lays his head in her lap. remember how he sticks up for her when she's cat-called, how he doesn't really understand why she's upset, but states that he cares about her so he wants to. remember how, when he confronts blue about hers and gansey's deception, he's explicitly upset because their happiness would always mean more to him than anything he felt for blue and he's hurt they didn't give him that chance. remember that he had severe self-esteem issues that caused him anxieties about what someone like gansey would think of him, how they would react to him or judge him, but that, despite those fears, he stopped when he found gansey broken down on the side of the road. remember that he spends much of his limited time helping gansey to fix his car, that he feels immense pride for gansey when he manages to fix something on his own. remember that he makes sure gansey gets his burger the way he likes it. remember how he distracts gansey with homework when gansey is anxious. remember how devastated he was to find out gansey's fate, that he became hellbent on finding glendower so he can save the friend he frequently expresses his love and admiration for. remember how he thinks gansey is wonderful, that he loves gansey so much. remember that he's happy blue and noah get on so well because noah is ignored so often, or laughed at, that he's happy there's someone in the group now who takes notice of him. remember his fierce defence of noah, that proclamation that no friend would ever have hurt him that way. remember that in the midst of everyone's unease, it is adam who lifts his hand, bumps knuckles with him.
remember that the consequences for him sneaking out are violent and dangerous, yet he goes out in the middle of the night to help look for ronan. remember when he projects into ronan's dream to help him save matthew. remember that even though he's so exhausted and barely keeping his head above water he helps ronan with greenmantle and his sleeping cows. remember that he gets cabeswater to play ronan's electronic music, that he revels in making ronan smile. remember how he gives opal his watch to help her feel better, that he hates the idea of her in cabeswater, that he brings her out. remember how he felt soft and fuzzy after his kiss with ronan, and describes himself as senselessly happy. remember that he's devastated for ronan after they find his mum, that he wishes he could do something to stop ronan turning around and seeing it, to keep him safe for a moment longer. remember how he climbs into ronan's car so he won't be alone in his grief, he doesn't force ronan out or to talk, because he knows that's not what ronan needs. remember how he can't bear to be blindfolded, hearing the sounds of ronan being unmade. remember how natural it was for him to put his fingers through ronan's when ronan was upset, to let ronan press his face against his neck. remember how he initiates kisses, and naps with ronan, and clings to him in their mud pit. remember that he was ready to not go to college for ronan, the thing he worked so exhaustingly hard for, that he got very upset about ronan not caring what happened to him. remember that he drives ronan's car, thinks about how it smells like him, listens to his thumping music.
remember that adam knows more than anyone what a privilege love is as he went without it for so, very long. remember that he thinks about love often, that he feels so lucky to have it and that he doesn't ever want to lose it. remember how he feels when he does lose his first love cabeswater. remember how he feels when he loses persephone, how he likens it to a scab that won't ever fully heal. adam parrish is so wonderfully compassionate, so full of the love he knows he's privileged to feel and have. he's affectionate and giving, always looking for and giving it, both physically and emotionally. the way he loves is so distinct in its thoughtfulness, like his very own language that spills out over him and onto his friends and boyfriend, similarly to the way cabeswater reaches out its branches and wraps adam up its love; fitting, given it was through cabeswater that adam realised ah, this has been what love was the entire time and im never letting it go.
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monstersanonymous · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Richard Gansey III/Blue Sargent Characters: Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Richard Gansey III, Blue Sargent, Noach Czerny, Henry Cheng, Declan Lynch, Joseph Kavinky, Orphan Girl | Opal, Chainsaw - Character, Matthew Lynch, Maura Sargent, Calla Lily Johnson, Persephone Poldma, Colin Greenmantle, Piper Greenmantle Additional Tags: superhero au, slowburn, Aged-Up Character(s), Author loves all of the characters I promise, But not all of the characters love each other, narration is biased, Joseph Kavinsky is His Own Warning, Doctor! Adam, Superhero! Ronan, Blue and Gansey are married bc they're like 30, Declan owns an art gallery, because fuck you, there will be lots of blood and injuries im not sorry, but they fall in love its okay, Tags will update with the story, Dad! Ronan Summary:
"Adam Parrish had the coldest brown eyes he'd every seen. He was beautiful.
*** For all of Ronan Lynch's terrifying demeanor, he had the warmest blue eyes Adam had every seen."
---- 35 years ago Niall Lynch created the Cabeswater Company, a company that employed those rare people with superpowers to help average citizens and fight those that used their powers for malice and harm.
Ronan Lynch is the Graywaren, Cabeswater's top and most infamous fighter. His identity is the best kept secret of the company. But he's bored. And his doctor just died on him and now his best friend had hired his wife's ex boyfriend to be the replacement. Yippee.
Adam Parrish is just trying to make it. He's been working as a doctor for average superhero for five years now, and when Richard Gansey III promotes him to be a private doctor, he simply can't turn it down. But the asshole who refuses to admit he broken a rib is pushing him to quit. He's got enough on his plate and his own secrets to deal with, he doesn't need to be babysitting a tantrum throwing adult with powers strong enough to wipe out America.
The two men find answers in each other. And maybe, just maybe, they'll find love too. And also a bird.
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