#cabbage was tagged
Rules: make a new post and share 1-2 sentences** from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
thanks for the (unintended) tag @darkurgetrash 🤣
**whoops it’s 1-2 paragraphs now ;)
Rolan’s tongue hisses against his teeth, as his eyes fall on the bottle. There’s a note pasted to it.
A toast for when you’ve found the Nightsong. Your da would be proud.
tagging @ra-scheln @commander-krios and @cactusmisslittle!!
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we are not getting out of the plant blog allegations with this one
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hesbianyaoi · 6 months
these guys are so cool to me. gummy bear style. take your vitamins 👇
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dont even worry about dazai he's a survivor he could get spitroasted by 2 trucks on a busy highway and somehow manage to frolic away with maybe slight injuries
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aboutiroh · 5 months
Let’s decide what the hell was going on with the cabbage man.
For more context about these options: see the notes on this post.
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god-of-dust · 2 months
Tag game
Thanks for tagging me, @my-cabbages-gorl!!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence (unless you’re like me and write enough run on sentences to where you can’t possibly tag that many people for words).
from the still untitled fic i'm writing for the zukaang bingo, you get this fantastically ominous three-word sentence:
This is war.
No pressure tagging: @okamirayne, @richardcampbellganseytheiiird, @likealittleheartbeat and anyone else who wants to join the fun ✨
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amethystsoda · 3 months
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I was surprised this turned out so tasty tbh! I wasn’t sure what to expect with the barley and topping combo, but it tastes like a breakfast skillet! 🤗🍳
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
Have you ever seen (symplocarpus foetidus) skunk’s cabbage? I know it’s not your usual deal but it’s a real funky flower that’s blooming this time of year that I thought you might like (: it can bring it’s temperature to 15–35 °C (59–95 °F) above air temperature to melt ice and snow so it can get to doing it’s thing. Also it stinks when it gets bruised or broken! (Hence the name.)
this was actually my gateway drug to botany! i got interested in them in high school, then wanted to find out what exactly made them heat up and why because the popsci articles i read didn't actually give an answer, and that led me into a bunch of scientific papers i didnt have the education to understand and needed to learn a lot to slowly go through, etc. they were my first academic spiral into madness lmao. VERY cool little guys doing VERY clever things in the disgusting cold mud, let me tell you.
(side note: i think what i find shocking about these dudes now, years later, isn't the fact that they do thermogenesis, but how WELL they do thermogenesis. like i need to go do another research deep dive now that i have like... a bio degree instead of being in high school tbh, but basically they're able to detect the outside temperature to a very specific amount and adjust their heat production to match, and they do this for like, WEEKS at a time. it's shocking, legitimately, like to my knowledge it's the only plant that does this to this degree. most other thermogenic plants seem to use the strategy of just heating up as hot as possible for a really short amount of time just to Have Sex and then bail-- there's no real effort in maintaining it for more than a few hours or days and it's a VERY expensive process in terms of energy, so why bother doing tons of really specific constant tiny checks and adjustments for weeks on end? there must be a huge benefit to the time these plants put into it, conserving that energy and carefully partitioning heating out in spurts instead of dumping it all at once... man, its really interesting. but anyway i love them so much like, truly i do, there is a skunk cabbage shaped place in my heart for them lmao)
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yourlocal-edgelord · 13 days
guys pls help me out
very serious debate
my friend are say there are better animes that Avatar but thats obvi cap, so they told me to set up a poll, help me winnnn
and yes im exploiting whatever tiny following i have for this forgive me 😭
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Friday Kiss Tag!
thank you so much for the tag, @commander-krios!! <3
Rules: post a smooch from your writing for Friday. It can be as light as a peck or as intense as a makeout. It can be romantic or platonic or familial. As long as a smooch takes place it’s free rein!
I tag… @graysparrowao3 (whenever you’re out of tumblr jail…) and @cactusmisslittle! No pressure as always :)
I’m going with an excerpt from Chapter 10 of Planar Tears. I LOVE a frantic, feelings-wracked first kiss. So here it is. <3 (Oops, I realised it doesn’t say anywhere that this is Rolan!)
Anywhere,’ Catrin rasps. ‘Anywhere. I don’t care. I’m here because - I’d rather be with you than alone -’
‘Oh great. That’s just bloody wonderful - ’
‘I’d rather be with you because I like you! Listen to me!’
‘You can’t like me! I broke your ribs and ruined your life and almost got you killed - there is nothing you can possibly like about me!’ The wretched, stupid tears are back, swarming his eyes as he looks at her - her face, so close to his, blurs.
‘You don’t understand.’
‘Then explain to me- ’
Red rims her eyes, her lips redder too, flushed with angry colour. Her brow knits and her chest heaves; and then she puts her hand on his cheek and presses a kiss to his mouth and he makes a noise that seems outside of himself, grasping desperately at her shoulders. His lips are opening and her tongue - so much warmer than her fingers - is thrusting inside, his body melting and burning in reply like a candle thrown into a fire, sinking back beneath her consuming kisses. He’s so close to giving in, to letting himself enjoy the very thing he’s wanted so badly, his hand curling in her hair as he takes a shallow, tear-thickened breath -
With one vast, aching wrench, he pulls away.
‘You don’t want this.’ He can feel the slick of their kiss on his bruised lips. They’re barely apart, her hand slipped from his face but only as far as his shoulder.
‘Yes, I do.’ She leans in again and he tilts his mouth up to meet her, the kiss sprinting away from them in a haze of heavy breaths and frantic tongue.
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tenshi-agerasia · 9 months
akatsuki dynamic in my head (yes kuro's ign is a krk pun)
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thanks to peer pressure (cough iris cough) i hope this blog will be a little more active with queued posts i dump here
and remember that if i see any ableist comments towards eichi i will not see them because i will have already blocked you
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plushie-lovey · 3 months
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Alright, here's everyone who got necklaces today! Individual pics:
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Also special shout-out to Cabbage, my small bulbasaur plush. His firm bulb was perfect to use for stretching out and shaping the string for each necklace to make them more elastic and more natural fitting
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Botanic Tournament : Honorary Mentions !
Explanations here
Round 1 Part 1 Poll 2
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Explanations underneath
In reply to the original submitter : I'd looked and no, the cabbage man didn't have a name when you submitted him. However, I had another look just in case recently... and it looks like he's going to be known as Cai in the children book focused on him that should go out this Summer. According to the wiki, "if he shares the same last name as his son Lau Gan-Lan, That would make his name "Cai Gan-Lan", a play on "gan-lan cai", the name of a vegetable dish."
Here was the original propaganda : "he is a cultural icon and you know him even if you haven't seen atla just through the power of internet osmosis (me im the example)"
Video here (sorry for the quality but there are 63 other characters in this bracket)
Speaking of other characters, I have to admit I'm quite fond of the person who submitted W.D. Gaster.
"Okay listen listen listen." -> you know it's going to be good when propaganda start like this. It never fails
"There is. Evidence that he's named after the two fonts Wingdings and Aster. Wingdin gAster. Aster is a flower. I rest my case."
"I don't expect this to be taken very seriously I just thought it was funny that he technically counts." : so do I, my dear Submitter. Here's his chance !
Wingdings font (left) and Aster font (middle) and Aster flowers (right)
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theplottdump · 9 months
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🌿 Family Photo!
Now Everyone Say 'The Watcher forgot to put all the roofs up!' Everyone: euuuruughhhhh
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Look how happy everyone gets to be in the ancillary save where nothing matters. 😭
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BACK ROW: (Left to Right) Leanne 5000, Sunny Plott, Chad Chinsley, Valerian Plott, Altus Goth, Antoinette Goth, Cabbage Goth, Norma Goth, Hinoki Plott, Fynn Plott, Senga Simcraft, Manservant Henry, Alejandro Garcia, Poppy Plott, Marlee Martino, Olive Plott FRONT ROW: (Left to Right) Dahlia Plott, Beau Plott, Willow Plott, Aster Plott, Helena Noble, Kale Plott
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ousama · 5 months
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and if i said we are yuri?
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
hi kiwi i dunno what’s going on with this multilingual smp but i do like making fun of that man keep it up
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no i think you meant it.
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carmsgarms · 4 months
The Emperor seducing you like
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