#by nano staff
nanowrimo · 1 year
🚨 Project for Awesome Submissions Now Open! 🚨
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Do you like NaNoWriMo? Here’s an easy way you can help support our non-profit!
Project for Awesome is an annual fundraiser where people make videos supporting organizations they love and vote on their favorite videos. The organizations with the most votes get a significant grant to help them continue their programs!
Video submissions are open from now until 11:59 am EST on Wednesday, February 15th. To submit, all you have to do is film a short (~2 minute) video about why you love NaNoWriMo, upload it as a public video to your YouTube channel, and submit the URL here: https://www.projectforawesome.com/submit
Videos don’t have to be fancy; You can just grab your phone, computer, or whatever you have at hand to record. Have questions? Check out the P4A about page and FAQ!
If you want to take a look at past NaNoWriMo P4A videos, you can see them all here.
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motorcop · 21 days
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A warning had gone out to all officers in the last 12 hours. It appears that again we have some rogue nanobots. As mentioned previously, we are always cautious for them "running a muk" from time to time, and its usually caught and corrected before anyone even knows. But here, our handsome officer is clearly concerned as he also noticed the unauthorized actions of the nanobots taking charge of his dick and balls. The nanobots have told him its for his good and health, but as years of testing and studies have proven, sexual distraction while working is counter productive - and in the case of our officers, downright dangerous! Thankfully our officer put in a 11-99 call for Officer Needs Assistance, was rushed in for service and as you can see, he is watching his package grow by the minute.. The medical staff is preparing anti nano shot for him and he should be back to normal soon!
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
i love the prompt you did the other day of Gregory protecting other kids and I was wondering if you planned on expanding on it ?
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I wasn’t planning on expanding it, but I need more words for NaNo, so here we are! And just to be clear, this isn’t one of my tumblr generated prompts. Reminder that Gregory’s thirteen in this AU! This picks up pretty much right where The Most Dangerous Game left off.
The Most Dangerous Prey
Gregory ran through the daycare lobby. He pushed through the doors with only as much care as he did because the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to this part of the pizzaplex. Sprinting in the direction he thought the scream had come from, he dodged STAFF bots left and right without pause. Tonight, every second counted, and he’d already been delayed. 
He nearly kept going down the main hall, but he got lucky. He saw the blood splashed on the shiny floor tiles and skidded to a stop. There was a smear that trailed off in the direction of an employees only door. 
Trying to balance caution and haste sucked, but the element of surprise was one of Gregory’s greatest advantages, one he couldn’t afford to just throw away. He slipped silently through the door and hurried along as fast as he dared. 
His restraint was rewarded. He came upon the child and their attacker, one of the animatronics. The poor kid was practically being dragged along, breathing raggedly as he scrabbled uselessly at Freddy’s iron grip. His shaggy blond hair was half red with blood. Freddy didn’t notice Gregory sneaking closer. 
He unholstered his crowbar and eyed the back of the animatronic to choose the best place to hit. They weren’t as fragile as the bare endoskeletons, so their weaknesses weren’t as obvious. 
But make no mistake: they had weaknesses. 
Freddy was tall, but Gregory was a gangly teenager. When he raised his crowbar behind his head, both hands wrapped around the end, he was more than capable of heaving it up and over and down into the very base of Freddy’s neck. 
The awful crack of plastic was so loud in that empty hallway, and Freddy’s body gave a great spasm. He dropped the kid, who gasped and curled into a ball on the floor. Gregory wrenched the crowbar free, pulling down as much as he could without getting it stuck. Twitching violently as more than one severed wire was suddenly jutting out from the hole in the back of his neck, Freddy stumbled forward. 
His head turned as far as it could, which was farther than Gregory thought was reasonable and therefore was really, really creepy. Nearly looking straight behind himself, Freddy’s blank, glowing eyes settled on Gregory. His body turned itself around without his head even bobbing in place, which was so inhuman that Gregory’s arms got goosebumps.
He flipped the crowbar around in his hands and blew out a thin breath. He settled on his next target: the connections between legs and pelvis. They were the largest joint openings on Freddy’s front. 
Just as dumb as the endoskeleton, Freddy lumbered toward him with one hand outstretched. He was decently fast for something his size and weight, and if Freddy managed to catch someone off guard, Gregory could see how easily they would fall prey to his bloody claws. 
Gregory, though, was prepared. He smashed the flat of the crowbar into Freddy’s wrist, pushing it away, something audibly breaking under the orange plating. It also served to give Gregory some space, and he used it well. When Freddy overcorrected with his other hand, Gregory dodged forward, metal fingers just barely skimming his shoulder. He drove the less angled end up into the gap and then threw his weight to the side. 
The crowbar did as the crowbar was designed to do: it pried those two pieces apart like they were held together with twine. A sharp pop inside Freddy’s hip sure sounded exactly like he imagined a robotic joint dislocating would. 
His leg went limp, and Freddy tipped over like a tree being felled. 
Taking that as the advantage it was, Gregory hissed an apology as he scooped up the younger boy and dragged him down the hall, out of reach of the animatronic watching them in intense, eerie silence. The kid cried out but didn’t protest, even trying to help by holding on to Gregory. 
“Wait, wait,” he whimpered, and Gregory obligingly paused. “There’s—inside him.” He shakily pointed at Freddy, who was attempting to stand without seeming to understand that his leg was useless. 
“Inside him,” the kid pleaded. “He’s inside him. In his stomach.” 
Gregory looked at Freddy in horror, because now that his heartbeat wasn’t pounding in his ears, he could hear it: very faint crying. And it was coming from inside Freddy. 
Gregory bounced up on his toes a few times, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do. “Stay here,” he warned the kid, handing him his crowbar. And then Gregory charged a robot that was easily twice his size and way heavier. 
It never would have worked if Freddy’d had both legs working, or if he’d been any smarter than he was. Gregory plowed full force into Freddy just as he got himself upright with the help of the wall, and relief flooded his chest when it proved to be enough. They toppled over together, Gregory on top of him. 
He pushed himself up as fast as he could and swung his legs around. Freddy’s undamaged hand shot toward his face, and sharp pain exploded across his cheek as Gregory kicked forward with both feet, slamming his sneakers into the underside of Freddy’s jaw. 
He got a satisfying snapping noise for his efforts, and the damage was, thank goodness, enough to shut the animatronic down. Freddy’s eyes flickered off, and his hand fell limply away from Gregory’s face. He hissed as he brushed tentative fingers over his cheek. They came back dripping with blood.
Climbing off Freddy, he gestured at the boy watching with wide eyes, and he obligingly slid the crowbar over. Gregory snatched it up, then tapped gently on the metal of Freddy’s chest. “Hey,” he said. The crying paused with a little sniffle. “I’m gonna get you out, okay? Just, stay back.” 
He waited a moment for the trapped kid to get clear, then shoved the flatter end of the crowbar into the thin space between chest plates. It took a few tries to get it deep enough that it didn’t just slip out, but finally, he was able to leverage his whole weight down on the crowbar. With a strained hiss, the panels popped open. Gregory stood up and pulled them outward. 
Inside a hollow cavity that made up Freddy’s torso was a kid maybe even younger than Jenna. He looked up with watery eyes, tear tracks shining on his cheeks. He looked a lot like the first boy.
Gregory holstered his crowbar. “Hi,” he said gently. “I’m Gregory. Can I help you out?” 
The little boy nodded, and Gregory mostly lifted him out of the robot. He was shaking, his legs barely able to hold him up. When he spotted the other boy, he gasped and stumbled forward. 
“Connor,” the older of the two wheezed, pushing himself up even though it looked to hurt him a lot. There was… way more blood on him than Gregory had initially noticed. 
Gregory helped Connor to his presumed older brother, and he gave them a few minutes to reassure themselves that the other was okay. He kept a wary eye on Freddy, but the animatronic gave no sign of powering up. 
However, he was worried Freddy might have sent a message, either to another member of the band or the crazy killer herself. 
“We’ve gotta go,” Gregory finally said. Connor didn’t look injured, just shaken and honestly terrified. His brother, though… “What’s your name?” 
“Cooper,” he said. He was probably only a year or so younger than Gregory. “Thank you. Thank you for…” His eyes drifted past Gregory to Freddy.
“No problem,” Gregory said. “Look, I’ve got a—a place that’s kinda safe. There are others there already. Can I bring you guys?” 
Cooper nodded. “Anything’s gotta be better than just running around and hoping for the best.” 
“Yeah,” Gregory agreed tiredly. “C’mon, I’ll carry you piggyback.” 
With some maneuvering, they managed to get Cooper onto Gregory’s back. Gregory had to admire the kid—he barely made a sound even though he had to have been in a lot of pain. 
“You ready?” he asked them. 
Connor took hold of Gregory’s shirt, looking up at him with trusting eyes. 
“Ready,” Cooper said, strained. “Does your safe place have first aid kits by any chance?” 
“Oh,” Gregory said, not without humor, as he imagined the sort of first aid kits the overprotective daycare attendants surely had lying around in spades, “I think we’ll be able to find you something.” 
They set off, another pair of kids for Gregory to protect. Another robot he’d taken down. Another blood stain ruining his shirt. 
And he doubted it’d be the last. 
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cog5 · 4 months
Last Call at the South Keep
The South Keep was originally completed in May 2023, as part of #dungeon23. The combined area has now been added to the PDF, along with an accompanying set of 20 random happenings. 
This is also the first time in months that I’ve revisited editing of the mega-dungeon as a whole, rather than focusing on daily room keys. As part of that, I’m adding overlapping prompts and encounters to hook players from one major area to the next. This is a lot easier now that each room is complete and I know the bounds of the entire mega-dungeon. 
I’ve also played with the formatting a bit, added a few quality of life changes to the layout. Fixed lots of embarrassing typos, and undoubtedly added new ones that will be even more embarrassing! I have a bad habit of adding and removing nouns and adjectives that result in an “an” somewhere that should be an “a”, or vice-versa. All that to say: Edits continue. 
For areas that do not yet exist in the PDF, or pages that may shift, I’ve left placeholders, referenced as “##”. These will be filled in as new areas are added. I’m not sure if it’s more preferable to get updates monthly, or if people would rather get areas in larger batches, two or three at a time? Either way, I’m working towards having all 12 areas compiled, edited and added to the PDF by the end of the summer in 2024.
Back to the South Keep. This post will include some behind-the-scenes thoughts that will make more sense if you’ve read through the area at least once, but I’ll try to include some context regardless.
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The layout of the South Keep is probably the least interesting to me, it ended up pretty boxy, the “pages” really stick out here. But the encounters ended up being some of the most bizarre and entertaining keys I’ve written, so that redeems it for me. Some of the mega-dungeon’s narrative gets fleshed out here, too. There’s a lot going on. 
This segment of the adventure is a bit of a refuge for adventurers, a place to take a breather. Not to say the South Keep is a cakewalk, but my focus was to lean into weird encounters, rather than fatal combat scenarios. As a matter of pacing, the Gatehouse and Factory that surround the South Keep are much more dangerous, and it’s likely players have just passed through one of those areas to get here. 
From the south entrance, the narrative builds on how The King has been dethroned. In the entry hall, there is a statue of the monarch with their head missing. This continues the theme presented earlier in the Gatehouse garden, where it’s shown that members of the royal court had turned on The King.
From the west entrance, things are a little more random. There’s a “disturbed” spot on the floor. At the very least, it shows how the keep is decaying, where a sinkhole might appear. This place is old. Another more interesting option establishes the presence of a Clerical Beast who roams the South Keep. This creature was inspired by the administrative offices, found further in, and may show up as a random happening. This area may also be the first sighting of Nanomachines, which play a larger role later in the mega-dungeon. 
The concept of the players spending a lifetime as a nano-proxy was a riff on the old Star Trek TNG episode “The Inner Light”, where Picard is rendered unconscious for a few minutes, but experiences an entire lifetime on an alien world. Or maybe that “Hard Time” episode of Deep Space Nine, where O’Brian is falsely convicted for a crime, and as punishment he is implanted with memories of being imprisoned for several years. Some kind of mash-up along those lines. I resisted adding a flute or a sympathetic doctor.
The major factions in this area are the Office Automatons and the staff and patrons of Dillo’s Bar. There’s a chance that neither of these groups ever interact, but I’ve set up a lot of dominoes here. Add the players to the mix and something is going to topple. 
The Office Automatons as non-player characters don’t garner a lot of sympathy, but do flesh out the administrative nature of mega-dungeon. I think it’s more likely that players will gravitate to Dillo’s side of the keep where they can take on quests to delve deeper into the dungeon.
The ultimate showdown between the Office Automatons and Dillo’s Bar is if the second “Order of Business” event is triggered. This is where The Spire’s Administration has decided to send in guards to shut down Dillo’s by force, creating a standoff for the players to get wrapped up in.
An aside: Speaking of random things, I don’t know why nested random tables appeal to me so much, but I love writing them. Burying elaborate events behind improbable chance just feels good. A 1-in-100 chance of a good time makes it a great time. It’s probably near the same part of the brain where rolling a crit lives.
And then there’s the theater. The main stage area sets up more of the narrative for the dungeon itself. Establishing the undead Queen who will show up later in the Monastery, establishing how the Tetric Necromancer thinks highly of himself, as the rightful ruler of The Spire. More King bashing. Elements of propaganda through technology, etc. That all fits fine. 
What didn’t fit in the theater was the addition of Guilfoyle’s Ghost. But I ain’t mad. I sort of fell in love with the concept as I was writing it, a thespian ghost whose play is slowly eating the real world. Then I ran out of space to really do it justice (trying to keep each area contained on one page). I hope it’s a concept that a game group can take and expand on. It’s a bad situation that’s easy to stumble on, and could easily end a run if players are unable to resolve things. I especially liked it because it’s high-stakes but doesn’t inherently involve fighting. It’s more like a trap you can reason with. And that’s pretty cool. A concept worth exploring further in the future.
Before I wrote the theater, I wrote the gallery. I basically wanted a “weird event” generator. The paintings on the walls come alive and create a situation for the players to navigate. Resolving the situation grants them some kind of item as a reward. A bit of a slot machine, I suppose. A lot of the painting descriptions are based off of dreams I’ve had, visuals that have stuck with me over the years. Have fun with them.
I don’t have a lot to say about the Recess of Finance. Depressed bank machines just seemed amusing to me. 
And lastly, the Morning room, a chill place to rest. I think it would be nice to end a session there, have the party sleep, and when they wake up their wounds are mended. With the side effect of being covered in geometric tattoos, caused by the magical healing properties of the stained glass windows.
I’m going to sleep now, too. See you in the next area!
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moreyachtsforgrant · 7 months
In case anyone was wondering regarding the state of the NaNoWriMo organization, well, it's still entirely fucked.
To address some of the misinformation floating around out there, in a format that will essentially reach twelve people, if I'm lucky, I would like to clarify that Mod X (the alleged groomer) is not, and has not been involved with the situation and toxic culture that has developed on the YWP forums.
Why do I call it toxic? Simply put, it is. It is a toxic environment that has forced teenagers to bear the burden of mental health support for other teenagers. The sheer amount of trauma bonding I've witnessed as these teens have come forward with their stories is alarming. This is not the fault of the teens. It is the fault of the staff members assigned to moderate them, the same staffers who absolutely failed on every possible count to protect their charges.
The Board is continuing to "investigate", which I have to actively choose to believe means they're sifting through the data they've been sent and are hoping to supplement it with their own findings. The forums (both the main site and the YWP) are still shut down, outside of the one thread in the board section. It's pretty much perpetually off-topic, anyway.
It is hard to see any future where the forums are allowed to continue. That is not entirely the fault of us, the community. The blame rests on HQ and staff refusing to acknowledge there were problems and on the moderators for being reactive instead of proactive.
The drama has reached some less than savory parts of the internet, as well, and concerns raised to the Board via email regarding a possible influx of hateful and dangerous people have thus far gone ignored.
To anyone who sees this post and uses the NaNo websites, I urge you to remove any personal information your profiles may have. Switch your attached emails to burners, if possible. I have been assured by former moderators in regards to the supposed "data breach" that Mod X did not have access to any passwords or email addresses, and only maybe could have seen username changes, but I will reiterate:
NaNoWriMo is not safe. They have not protected you. They aren't protecting you. You will have to protect yourself.
May your whisper networks be free of hateful rhetoric, and may your off-site discussions not turn to negativity.
I wish you all well.
-Definitely Not Grant
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What happened in April.
Kim never got back to the MLs who wanted to return. As far as I know nobody was reinstated, and Nano tried to run camp centrally.
There has also been reports, seemingly confirmed by the LinkedIn pages of multiple members, that most of Nano’s staff has quit, the only people remaining being a part-time IT person and an intern. And Kim herself, who seems to be determined to sink this fucking ship.
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howlingday · 1 year
The Forgotten Schnee
Jacques: My chikdren are champions! Except for Jaune.
Willow: Which one is Jaune again?
Jaune: (Sneezed on by a deer, Sighs)
Klein: Master Jaune, your parents called. They have decided to extend their trip to Vale by one week.
Jaune: But... But my birthday is tomorrow.
Klein: Indeed. (Sets birthday cake down, Cake falls over)
Jaune: Are... Are my sisters coming?
Klein: They send their regards from military and reform school respectively.
Jacques: Gather 'round, Schnee family. You've been gathered to Schnee Manor to uphold our most grand of traditions; the annual rankings of the Schnee children. Klein, remove the names from the board.
Klein: (Scrubs names with push broom)
Jacques: You each have one minute to defend your worth. Whitley?
Whitley: I have just made partner at my firm. I have also seen to it that the case is resolved to our benefit. After all, is it not every Faunus' right to work themselves to death for the SDC without any benefits to his surviving kin?
Willow: Weiss?
Weiss: I have just ended my six-figure singing contract to pursue my one, true passion. Freelance huntress service!
Jacques: Our cup zero is becoming a hero! (Snorts) Jaune.
Jaune: O-Oh, uh, my job is super important, too! I just, uh, can't talk about it, or the tiny nano-bots will explode my brain.
Jacques: Yes, your "classified" job. (Sighs) I can't help blaming myself... for not blaming the staff hard enough for raising you weak! You've always been an embarrassment! Unlike Winter, here, who will surely carry the family name!
Winter: My campaign for Mantle Chairman airs it's first commercial tonight. Truly, this campaign could not have happened without all of you.
Jaune: (Watches everyone self-praise) W-Wait. Are ALL of you working on Winter's campaign? Why didn't anyone ask me for help?
Jacques: With what?! Slowly draining your trust fund?! Klein, up top! (High fives Klein)
Klein: Savage burn, sir.
Winter: No offense, Jaune, but you have always been a sort of... spineless yes-man.
Jaune: I'm not spineless! The doctors just say my spine is huggably soft...
Willow: Well, Stardust II just had her first foal, so it's a tie for fourth.
Jacques: All those in favor of Stardust II in fourth!
Schnees: AYE!
Jaune: ...Aye.
Jacques: Bring out the will, because that horse is getting a beach house in Menagerie!
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tamapalace · 7 days
Inside the Bandai Namco Store American Dream Mall Grand Opening
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On Friday, May 31st, 2024 we attended the grand opening of the very first Bandai Namco store in the United States! This store is located at the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, New Jersey. A select few, including ourselves, were invited before the store opened to be the very first ones to experience the store, take pictures, record video, and even speak with Bandai staff!
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After checking-in we were immediately given press badges along with Bandai Namco swag bags! The swag bags include various products including Nano Blocks, Tamagotchi, keychains and more.
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After entering the store we immediately gravitated to the Tamagotchi section which is on the back wall, an ideal location to see as you’re walking by the store. On display is an impressive amount of Tamagotchi’s in their packaging ready for purchase, but also in store displays where you can take a deeper look at the product behind clear plexiglass boxes.
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There is an impressive amount of Tamagotchi Original shells on display, and even older shells we have seen on retail shelves in a long time! We noticed that they even had the purple and pink shell which is one of our favorites. You’ll also see the convention exclusive Tamagotchi Originals here, which is incredible since you’re only able to purchase them at select events including Comic-Con.
Then there is a nice display of Tamagotchi Uni, which is where you’ll see the current lineup, and pretty soon even more! It is important to note that they did have the midnight bands in stock too. Lastly there is a comprehensive section of collaboration Tamagotchi Nanos. You name it, they have Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, TinyTAN, Star Wars, Grogu, and many more. Oh yea, they even have the Hug My Tamagotchi sets! How awesome? We we’re in LOVE!
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We even got to speak with Asaki Murakami, who works on the Tamagotchi Product Development team at Bandai Namco US. She answered all of our Tamagotchi questions, and we learned so much from her! Asaki is extremely knowledgeable, and she was incredibly friendly. In fact at the event before checking-in, Asaki saw us and immediately asked if we were Tama-Palace before introducing herself. Now that is VIP service!
We also attended the ribbon cutting ceremony where representatives from Bandai Namco cut the ribbon to open the store with the American Dream mall representatives. The American Dream mall team is super excited about this new store! PAC-MAN was also in front of the store dancing around and selecting their 50th anniversary. We must say the line was rather large, and it was consistent all afternoon! Bandai Namco store staff members were giving our free merchandise to those who were waiting in line for general entry.
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Lastly, we were able to formerly meet both David Edmundson, Marketing Director at Bandai Namco US, and Justin Lavender, Senior Marketing Manager at Bandai Namco US. You may know them from various events and the Bandai Hangout streams on YouTube. They were really excited to see the Tamagotchi presence at the event and have some awesome ideas for future collaboration, more to come!
Overall the new Bandai Namco store at the American Dream Mall is a huge milestone for Bandai Namco US, and the store is gorgeous! It’s incredible to see such a Tamagotchi selection readily available for purchase on shells here in the United States. We highly suggest checking the store out!
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I reached 50k for NaNo with my Magical Boys WIP.
There is no better way to celebrate than looking back on the chaos I have unleashed in this writing project in November:
Introduced Beau's mum who is way cooler than him
Yeeted Billy into the Pit of Despair (it was fun, but not for him)
First kiss scene with Younes (he deserves only nice things)
"HE'S DATING HIS COUSIN?!" Unleashed the chaos of the high school rumour mill
Improvised fight scenes (throw shield like frisbee, use magical staff as a sauté stick)
Arno POV!! Revealed that he is 1. a mess, 2. a sassy bitch, 3. "very very gay"
Turned the main villain into a sad, pathetic loser who really needs a hug and therapy.
And lastly:
Wrote 5k of side-characters getting it on in the good ol' days of the 11th century, because everyone deserves to have a good time while their buddy who they're madly in love with is watching. That's completely normal and fine. No one is coping unhealthily with an unrequited love., nuh-uh~
magical boys taglist: @dustylovelyrun, @wildswrites, @sarandipitywrites, @skyderman, @zeenimf
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slate-skylar · 28 days
Slate had to go to Twelve for the Reaping, whereas Cress had of course gone to One. The decision of who would take Kya was easy; of course, Cress would bring her, as One was far safer than Twelve even on a good day, and this was not a good day. But separating from them had been difficult, and Slate had shaken with anxiety the whole journey to Twelve. He'd been calmed only a bit by arriving at Hestia's, where he was to stay overnight, and seeing his siblings. But the missing face was glaring, reflected in everyone's expressions, and the pain of the District could be felt all too clearly. He had tried to call Cress, but the cell phone signal was awful, and they were disconnected several times before giving up.
Hestia had made him tea and a good meal, and he'd slept fitfully, certain that he would be Reaped, certain that the nightmare would begin all over again. The only comfort was that if Cress were Reaped, someone would surely volunteer in her place. She was safe.
Now the Reapings were over, the sentences read, and he'd returned to the Capitol to his and Cress's apartment, intent on packing up some things to bring with them for Kya. They hadn't planned on staying in the Tower, but during the train ride it had been announced that the Tower would be on lockdown, and all team members and Games staff were to stay there for the duration of the Games. That meant bringing the portable crib to the Tower, and a ton of other stuff that Kya would need. When he arrived, Cress was of course already there, her journey being much shorter. He smiled with genuine relief when he walked through the door and saw her, and immediately moved to hug her, wanting to hold her and be sure that she was safe, that they were both safe, even if others hadn't been so lucky. Nano came to mind instantly, and he felt guilty right away for his relief when his friend was in danger.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
NaNoWriMo is Here!
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Happy November 1, everyone!!! 🙌
We're so excited to write with you and are freshly fueled by leftover/stolen Halloween candy. Our challenge for you today: don't let the day pass without a few words. The first few days are critical for your creative momentum. (If you're really feeling daunted, cut yourself a break and give yourself permission to just write one sentence.) You've got this, Wrimo. We've got you.
Ways to Find Community During NaNoWriMo This Year
⏱️ Check out @NaNoWordSprints for word sprints all day long! (Don’t forget to create your 2022 NaNoWriMo goal first so you can update your word count!)
🗺️ Join a Region (or several!) — Find and join your local region on the NaNoWriMo website to connect with other writers in your area. If you travel between different places (i.e., if you've gone away for school but still visit your hometown, or you live and work in different cities), you can join multiple regions and choose which one to set as your home region.
👋 Create or Join a Writing Group — You can also create a private writing group of up to 20 people on the NaNoWriMo website to share encouragement, feedback, and accountability—or just to hang out with other writers. We've shared some tips on what makes a good writing group!
🗓️ Join an Event with NaNo HQ — Take a look at our calendar to find official events led by the NaNoWriMo staff, including Zoom Hangouts, Virtual Write-Ins, webcasts, and more.
💬 Chat on the Forums — On the NaNoWriMo forums, you can chat with other writers from around the world about everything from what to do when you have writer's block to your favorite kind of bookmark.
✏️ Back to School with YWP — Our Young Writers Program is for kids (18 and under) who want to write, educators teaching creative writing, and families looking for learning resources.
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rewritingrosie · 5 months
writers discord invitation 💌
we’re nearly 90 members now, and you're invited :)
⚠︎ click to accept! 17+ only!
discord server link
hello! I don't know if any of my writer friends on here might be interested, but I run a creatives ( reading, writing, gaming, cover makers, artists, etc ) server and starting January, we’re hosting a jano wrimo event! — for all of those who also missed nano!
we hold writing sprints, weekly vc’s, and a fairly active chat, with lots of aesthetic roles and emojis to choose from!
our staff is genuine, and involved, from marketing all the way up to event planning.
we have professional and debuting authors, and aspiring writers who are just now starting out – so experience is never an issue!
for 18+ crew, we do have a private channel where you can discuss more mature topics - so don't let that be a concern!
we’re so excited to have you here! :)
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please reblog, heart, and send to your friends who may be interested < 3
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I don't know how AF staff think they can do forums on site well when larger organizations with better structure and organization (like nanowrimo) have had to lock down theirs from things that happened. AF has so many users, so few mods in comparison (+ mods like airr were allowed in no problem), and already the discord server can be a drama-filled mess if you're on at the wrong time of day or year. I don't super think forums is what art fight needs to better itself with.
I'm not going to 100% say I'm not concerned about younger users ending up in bad situations in there, in light of how things went with nano too. People in the AF discord, bless their hearts, can be so fast to run into DMs before knowing much about a person at all, just after talking to them in the AF server for a couple of minutes. I don't know if forums would make that better or worse, but art fight doesn't seem super organized (maybe it's because of all the admin inside jokes in the discord, or the worm how do you do fellow kids stuff, or the complete turnaround of certain things like the winter surprise not happening so merch launches to tape that all over, or the self-infantilization present in some of their social media memes that gives me that impression). I don't believe they're any better equipped to handle really large serious forum issues than nanowrimo was (and AF doesn't even have a board of directors to step in and take over) if one were to happen.
Obviously I'm not saying something *is* going to happen super serious if AF gets forums, but if it does, I don't think they have the organization or maturity to handle it real well.
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
By Any Other Name
Because I’m basically obligated to do a rock star AU at some point, right?
Send me a prompt for Nano!
By Any Other Name
Jyn liked this time of day in the Kyber, the grubby little bar she co-owned with her best friend. Early afternoon was a dip where the hardcore drinkers and the lunch crowd had all cleared out or been cut off, and the after-work crowd wasn't in yet. She used the time to catch up on paperwork and put on her favorite music. 
"You like this song?"
The voice came from the end of the bar, where their one customer of the moment was drinking a draft beer and scribbling on what looked like staff paper. A starving songwriter, she concluded, a dime a dozen in LA. 
"It's all right," she said, because it had only taken her the first shift as a bartender to realize that some guys would take a statement as innocuous as "this is my favorite song right now" and translate it to "please, take my body at your earliest convenience."
"It's just, you're singing along."
Had she been? Damn. Bodhi referred to her singing voice as the unholy love child of a rusty gate and a cat in heat. "Sorry."
He laughed. "No, it's fine." He had a nice smile, wide and bright, with dimples. Cute.
Also a dime a dozen in LA.
She shrugged and hit the buttons on her laptop to save her most current schedule. "It's catchy," she said. "I guess I do sing along when it comes on the radio."
The song ended and another began, with no deejays jabbering in between. And it was the next song on the artist's newest album. 
He raised a brow.
"Fine! The whole album's on my favorite playlist at the moment. It's good. All right? That what you wanted to know?"
He lifted both hands in a peaceable gesture, laughing again. "I’m not trying to interrogate you. That's just my favorite song from the album. The one you were singing along to."
“Yeah? Even though it's not the one that's the big hit or whatever?”
"That one's good too," he acknowledged. "But 'Built on Hope' is just - I like it better."
He held out a hand. "Joreth."
She shook it briefly. "Liana," she said, giving him the name she went by behind the bar, to deter creepers and scammers. 
"Liana, that's pretty. What is that, a flower?"
"It's a sort of vine," she said - also her usual answer. "A strangling vine. It kills trees."
He laughed. "Killed any trees today?"
"Sadly, no, but the day is young."
At the other end of the bar, Bodhi cleared his throat, loudly. She glanced at him, saw he was doing the bottle count, and figured he'd just had a frog in his throat. 
"He's playing tonight, you know," Joreth said, pointing upward at the speaker. "Cassian Andor."
"Yeah, I heard. I've got to work. Plus tickets are an arm and a leg."
"Surely no more than a hand."
She grinned. "Whatever body part I'd have to give up, it'd be too much. Anyway, those big stadium shows aren't for me. All lights and screaming and shit." She shuddered. "Gives me a migraine."
He tipped his beer toward her. "I'm with you there. He's got another one tomorrow. An acoustic set at a little club."
That was more her speed. But she eyed him suspiciously. "What are you, his manager?"
He laughed again. The way his eyes crinkled was not something you often saw in LA, where wrinkles were the horror of half the town and the bane of the other half. "Something like that," he said. 
Bodhi cleared his throat again, louder. 
"Spit or swallow, Bodes," she called out to him, and turned back to the guy at the bar. "Well, if I'd known, maybe I would have scrounged up whatever favors I needed to go. But it's probably too late now."
“You never know.”
The door opened and a tall skinny man in a suit that cost more than her car came in. 
"ID," Jyn said automatically.
He eyed her. "I assure you I am of age, and anyway, I'm not here to imbibe." He marched up to Joreth. "You," he said balefully.
"Hi, Kay," Joreth said.
"You are late."
"I told you I was going to work on songs today."
"I thought you meant in your hotel room like a reasonable human being, not in some grimy dive bar."
"Hey," Bodhi and Jyn said in concert.
"It's not grimy," Joreth said. "It's very nice. Good beer." He drank the last of it and set his pint glass down.
Bodhi, who was in charge of ordering, looked mollified. Jyn narrowed her eyes at Kay.
Kay ignored her. "Come along."
"Hang on." Joreth swiped a line across the middle of his sheet music, wrote a quick string of notes, and a phrase, and then folded the papers into a leather portfolio and got up. "See you around," he said to Jyn, and left with his - friend? Minder? Captor?
Bodhi sidled up. "Do you remember," he said, "how as your lifelong best friend, I'm contractually obligated to let you know when you're being a human disaster?"
"What was disastrous about that?" Jyn asked, opening up her schedule, then remembering she'd finished it. Although if Shara couldn't get babysitting again - "We were talking about music."
"You were talking about Cassian Andor."
"Is this a don't-talk-about-dudes-with-other-dudes thing? Because if bringing up a pop star is a violation, that's awfully damn fragile."
Bodhi threw his hands in the air. "You were talking about Cassian Andor with Cassian Andor!"
"And he was into you!"
"His name was Joreth,” she mumbled, still stuck on talking about Cassian Andor with Cassian Andor.
"Sure," Bodhi said. "And yours is Liana."
"But he - " She waved her hand in front of her face. "He had a beard. And a ball cap."
"Right, right, yeah, I forgot. Multi-platinum pop stars are physically incapable of growing facial hair, and putting on a ball cap when they might not want to be recognized."
She goggled into the near distance. "Oh my god, I'm a disaster."
"Well, I tried," Bodhi said.
She shoved him. "By coughing? What happened to sending me a text?"
"Your phone's dead. Again."
She picked it up and found it dark. "Oh, yeah."
He shook his head. "Seriously, there's no helping you."
The bar phone rang and Jyn reached for it. "The Kyber."
"May I speak to Liana?"
"I represent Cassian Andor. He'd like to invite you to be his special guest at Club Yavin tomorrow night."
Jyn hung up.
"Scammer?" Bodhi said.
The phone rang again. "I assume we got disconnected," the person on other end said disdainfully. Now she could identify the voice of the tall skinny guy. "As I was saying, Cassian Andor would like you to join - "
"Yes, I heard you the first time," she said. "Is this a joke?"
"No joke, I assure you," said the rather bored voice. "Cassian is presently sitting across from me in the limo, making faces and gesturing wildly - "
"Kay!" said a strangled voice. 
"It is very distracting. Are you coming or not? If you leave him in suspense, he might have an aneurysm, and he has to play a show in five hours."
A groan loud enough for the phone to pick it up.
"Let me talk to him," Jyn said. 
"I am capable of giving you all the information you need - "
"Cassian," she snapped. "Now."
A minor scuffle, and then the voice of Joreth - no, Cassian - came over the line. "Hi."
"This how you get your jollies?" she demanded. "By picking up strange women in bars who don't recognize you?"
"It helped," he said. "Liana, I - "
"Jyn," she said. "It's Jyn."
"Jyn," he said. "And I'm Cassian."
"Yeah. Yeah, I figured that out."
"Well, what do you think? I'll send a car so you don't have to fight traffic, and we can get dinner after. Or drinks - or - "
She pursed her lips. "I dunno. It's been a long time since I went and saw a guy play guitar in a club. I might have something else to do."
Bodhi grabbed the phone. "She's coming. You can pick her up here. What time? Great. She'll be ready." He hung up. 
She punched him. "Bodes!"
"That was no time to play it cool, Jyn. You have a date with Cassian Andor, and he's totally into you." He looked thoughtful. "Also, pop star or not, he might be as much of a human disaster as you are."
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thealphavoidofficial · 6 months
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So decided to share some Lore about my main Oc, Void:
So basic backstory:
They are one of the creations of the Creator before Sun and Moon, however unlike the past attempts the Creator used Void as more of an experiment, using a power Core composed of Anti-matter (what a WitherStorm is made of) and implanting it into the bots chest as a power source, and of course these had certain effects, such as making them partly organic, such as resulting in them having a fully organic rib cage, a tongue and saliva, and with some nano-machines, an artificial stomach able to process any and all Materials.
When Void first activated they were put into the care of their handler, Cathryn, a young women who had only recently started working at the Pizzaplex. Void was assigned to the Daycare theatre and left to adapt.
Cathryn showed them all the ropes, and soon Void caught on to the routine and was soon doing their job like it was already programmed into their code. Soon they grew so fond of Cathryn they had registered them as ‘Mother’, which she did not mind in the slightest.
Although, once Void has properly assimilated into their Job at the Theatre entertaining the kids, the Creator put his real plan into action. While Void and Cathryn were preparing for the next rush if kids the Creator activated a dormant administration code inside of Void, cause them to become a brain dead robot, Cathryn walked over to see what was wrong, and with just a click of a button on the Creators end, Cathryn was dead by Voids hands. And once Void came to they were horrified to have seen what they had done, looking at their bloodied hands in shock and horror.
Security soon rushed in and shut them down, soon awakening again in parts and services where they were violently dismantled and used for parts while still active, after the many hours of agony they were dumped into an alleyway and left to die. Void unfortunately died on that stormy night, however a relatively large size changing Water Dragon animatronic, named Angler, had found them and taken them into a secret factory sized room hidden in the maintenance tunnels of the pizzaplex, where he had been taking in and hiding all the discarded and scrapped animatronics thrown out by the Pizzaplex, and Void was brought back to life from a strong infusion of Nano-machines.
Void soon settled in with their now adoptive father and siblings, however still lived in fear of being controlled again.
One day they went to far with their anxiety and snuck into parts and services while the Staff were on break, and used the computer to enter their own systems and forcefully delete any access codes the creator put in them along with their factory reset, this resulted in their code becoming highly unstable, resulting in their Ai becoming corrupted, all safety protocols off and gone.
When Void returned Angler immediately knew what they had done, and he also knew that damage like this could never be fixed, but he supported them and did his best to comfort them the best he could, but one thing he couldn’t stop was Voids newfound hatred and bloodlust towards humans.
Fun facts:
- before Voids system corruption their eyes actually used to be green.
- Void hates all humans but tolerates curtain humans that have gotten on their good side………and children.
- the purple eyes mean they are either hunting, or have completely lost it and you need to run.
- the oval shaped power core in their chest is not only able to store a copy of their memories and personality, but also acts as a 3rd eye.
- their power core is made of the same stuff that Witherstorms are made of.
- like Sun and Moon, Voids nanites can regenerate them, but at a more advanced and quicker pace
- they CAN and WILL Eat anything.
- they can sprout 4 or more barbed black tendrils from their back if they want to.
- at some point they found out they can digitise their physical form and control technology
- they have a secondary jaw that can move independently like an eel
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lonesurvivorao3 · 4 months
It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.
LoneSurvivor/My Gorram Ship on Ao3
37 year old AuDHD Microbiology undergrad (due to graduate this year), residing in England and attempting to raise three daughters single handledly.
I like to use my knowledge of science and random past hyper focuses to either twist Mass Effect canon or completely smash it, depending on my mood.
Current WIP: ME3 and beyond, in which my most monstrous headcanon plays a huge role. Oh, and Shenko have a baby.
Since the accidental discovery of Deinococcus radiodurans forming a symbiotic relationship with the eezo deep in the mines of Omega, Project Lazarus grew in scope. First, it negated the need for an implant or an amp, infusing each cell with biotic power.
But it could do so much more, and without imagination, intelligence was useless. Fortunately, Lawson’s father designed her with an abundance of both, so the swarming mass she called a nano-assembly inspired rather than intimidated.
She manufactured a considerable amount of stock to stimulate evolutionary change via parasitism and symbiosis, two cornerstones of evolutionary change. It incorporated more and more of the subject’s DNA with each generation, failing more than she succeeded. But no matter; that was to be expected, and each attempt provided more insight.
The Illusive Man’s primary objective for this project was to create something that could repair and regenerate itself both upon immediate, minor injury and some hours later in the event of catastrophic injury. Something that could, in theory, survive the vacuum of space if it should happen again.
After completing the retinal scan, the door opened. Her heels clacked as she crossed the room and removed the tray of cell cultures from the incubator, placing them under the microscope. This part she worked on alone, long after the multi-level lab fell quiet and no longer bustled with the staff of Project Lazarus. Because her boss was slowly losing the ability to listen to reason, this part must remain secret.
Intelligent enough to fear her creation, the most crucial aspect of this, for Lawson, involved the subject being immune to indoctrination, which meant including just enough fragments of Reaper code scattered along the DNA to ensure that any artefact, or any other horror they had not yet discovered, would recognise the subject as self.
Her hands trembled as she re-checked the data not once, not twice, but thrice, before asking EDI to check again, then became engrossed in reviewing the most recent data from the wake-up cycles of the subject, scrutinising for any indications of neurological deterioration. There were none, which led her to the next task - producing the thick, metallic fluid.
"I’m sorry, Shepard," she murmured, taken aback as she realised it was the first time she had addressed the subject by name. She then proceeded to load the substance into the nano syringes.
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