#but who would be saying “my name is ozymandias”??
nikoisme · 5 months
God if I didn't suck at drawing buildings and stuff I'd so make this into an animatic about the fall of Troy or something
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hrodvitnon · 28 days
Xenilla Arc HCs...
…or ideas- however you wanna slice it. 
I think the absolute essence of this arc hinges ride or die on the answer to the question “Does it end with Ozymandias dying?”. A lot of people seem partial to the answer being yes- I will straight up admit my biases here and say I disagree- but the answer can go either way.
If the answer is yes then I think the arc should theme around Godzilla coming to terms with the fact that his brother is gone and not coming back, and that he needs to stop comparing himself against Ozzy and be king in his own way. It would center very heavily on examining older characters like Tiamat, Mothra, Shimo, and Dagon and how they all have to move on and forward. A pretty bleak story with a sad ending. I admit there’s probably more ways to do this version of the story that I’d be down to hear if anyone wants to share.
If the answer is no then the arc should be about Godzilla and crew turning a blind eye to the insurmountable odds that stand between them and freeing Ozzy- a story seriously fraught with hardship, suffering, and anguish with a dim light at the end of the tunnel. The reason I prefer this route is I actually think it’s more true to Abraxas as a story as that’s how the original story played out. This would be very similar- except it’s Godzilla’s story instead of Vivienne’s. And the unadulterated cruelty and torment wouldn’t be focused on just her. Everyone who follows Godzilla down this path goes through some shit to get to the end. The rest of this post is written with this route in mind, but like mentioned earlier I’m open to hearing about a version of this story where Ozzy doesn’t walk away- I just struggle to find a good way to write that myself. 
However- one thing I don’t think should happen is a bait and switch. Genuinely I fail to see a satisfying end to this story if Ozzy’s baited to be able to survive but then doesn’t. Yes it would be angsty. Yes Goji would cry a lot. But I feel like you’d need to either write that extremely well or risk a very unsatisfying end. I just kinda fail to see a world where that can be pulled off with finesse. Again- fully ready to admit I’m biased here- would always be willing to hear others out on this, but idk man. 
Anyways- the additional excuse of a very weepy happy ending gives you ample breathing room to write the most horribly fucked shit imaginable. A concept I’m sure you’re familiar with. Xenilla would want to play with his food before he consigns him to infection. He knows the effect he has on Godzilla and he intends to relish every moment of it. Physical, mental, you fucking name it; he wants Godzilla to go through hell in his final days before he mercifully delivers him to Gigan’s Proliferation Chambers to be infected. A large part of this torment would be what he does to those closest to him. 
Big turning point in the arc; could happen about halfway through when the G-Team thinks they have a solid grasp on how to deal with Xenilla. The man himself shows up, wrecks Goji’s shit in front of everyone (maybe even drops him from the atmosphere like that one ask), and then kidnaps some of his closest companions to be taken to Gigan’s fleet. This could literally be anyone- but my idea is for it to be Abraxas, Mothra, and Rodan (could also throw in Leo or Ladon for some real cursed shit). They get taken right in front of Godzilla. Cue a rehash of Viv’s mental mindbreak when San got swallowed except with the King believing he’s just lost his wife and two best friends. 
While onboard the ship, couple of things happen. Everyone besides Abraxas goes through some kind of horrific experience and is additionally incapacitated by the Indoctrination radio waves permeating the ship. Abraxas is spared via San being granted immunity when Ghidorah used to live onboard, and she ends up being the key to getting everyone off alive. This is also partially an excuse to give her a fight with Gigan as a moment for her to fix one of Ghidorah’s most depraved acts (a very hard and very bloody fight, might I add). 
There ends up being serious consequences for this abduction. For one- everyone that does get taken ends up partially Indoctrinated. They can pretty easily shake off the worst effects as Abraxas would get them onto an escape craft within a day or two- but it’ll definitely leave mental scars. In addition, I think Rodan should end up partially infected. I think between Mothra and him, Xenilla would choose him to be infested because it would fuck Godzilla up more to see someone as carefree and quippy as Rodan utterly broken the parasite like he was- also because Mothra may have some unforeseen resistance to it being born of the Planet. This starts a subplot where Rodan is slowly getting more infected day by day and the return party needs to rush to find a way to cure him before losing him for good (this could also be how they find the cure they use on Ozzy later, more on that later). Very angsty all around- Rodan freaking out each time the cordies try to get control of him, everyone else worrying themselves into an early grave over him, etc. 
Subplot #2: Monarch believes the key to stopping Xenilla is somewhere in the Hollow Earth. So- they send a group of Kaiju down there to look for an answer; in my head the group consists of Kong, Dagon, Barb, and Battra. They end up being right and find an Iwi forge/refinery where the Gojiran/Zohar weaponry was forged. Through a task requiring human/Titan cooperation, they create an Ultra-Radiated weapon that they think can neutralize the parasite (again, more on this later). Thinking it could either be a knife or a spear. 
Whilst all this is happening, the few remaining Titans topside scramble in preparation as the world prepares for what could be a full-scale alien invasion. At this point- only like Goji, Tiamat, and Shimo would be left. They could all be having individual flashbacks to their most treasured moments with Ozzy whilst maybe even fighting off some advance enemies (Megaguirus or MOGUERA, anyone?). 
The final conflict would start with a 1 on 1 confrontation between Shimo and Xenilla. Reason being that she needs to buy time for the cure to be finalized and for Kong’s group to return. This could also be her first truly challenging fight in millennia and we could actually see her pushed to her limits. 
The actual fight begins when Godzilla rolls up all roars and challenges to Xenilla. He roars back- prepared to finally win this 1 on 1 and drag Goji back in a horrifically mauled state to be stuffed full of fungus- only for Godzilla to immediately halt his charge and shout ‘NOW, FATHER!’. Xenilla barely has time to turn around before he’s blasted point blank by a sub-atomic Oxygen Destroyer- only after the bombardment does the full Titan Vanguard roll up. Establishes that this fight is not for glory, to establish dominance, or to enforce Godzilla’s sovereignty. Godzilla is going to win and does not care how dirty he has to fight to do so. 
Dagon is armed with Oxygen Destroyers, Kong’s got his new weapon, Godzilla’s all powered up, and Abraxas has a new little secret weapon up their sleeve I’ll touch on in a bit. Even so- Shimo’s already been worn down and doesn’t have a lot less in the tank. Her efforts mainly go into protecting the group’s first major plan: Barb. A lot of people seem to forget that her EMP blasts disable Titan powers- taking away Xenilla’s shields and devastating Coronal Rays. This works until it inevitably doesn’t, and the group goes through plan after plan similar in tactfulness to this until Kong or Mothra or someone gets a clean impalement with the new Zohar weapon. 
Should probably explain my idea of curing the parasite now. The key to curing the infection in my eyes is two-fold and relies on two things: Neutralizing the fungus and destroying it. You can’t do one without the other. To start with it’s destruction- I think the only really viable option is literally to burn it off the bone and cells it grows on. If you’ve ever heard of Radiosurgery, it’s a form of cancer treatment that utilizes extremely precise beams of gamma radiation to literally burn away cancer cells. Obviously this is very risky to preform as screwing it up could cause irreversible damage to bone or critical tissue- if this was a normal patient. Ozymandias is Gojiran- so radiation wouldn’t have any adverse effects on him specifically, but the parasite? It would probably take a lot- a very heavy dosage and very concentrated- but Ozzy’s body would be able to endure while the fungus would not. But the infection is tricky, cunning, it would start to defend itself in some way or even try to take Ozzy with it should it be threatened like this. This is where we find the need to neutralize it- and the one who may be able to do that is Abraxas. We know that Ghidorah communicated between the heads via psionics, and we’ve seen further communication from Ichi and Ni to Vivienne and San. Vivienne and San could talk back but they could never actually initiate conversation (or maybe they could? I actually kinda can’t remember rn). Another thing- despite being shielded from Indoctrination’s worst effects- they could still hear that goddamn infernal buzzing on the ship. In fact- they heard it so well they could commit it to memory… so much that they could think about it, ponder it, learn how it works…
I’ve read asks on here that mention 'Shaking off Reaper Indoctrination’, and that’s always felt a little weird to me- because that really isn’t something you just 'shake off’- it’s very clear in ME that the damage is permanent and not something very salvageable. However- what if the 'cure’ for Indoctrination is actually just another form of Indoctrination that undoes the programming on a psychic level. An Anti-Indoctrination method created by Abraxas after scrutinizing the actual frequencies of Indoctrination to see how it works. I think this would be a fantastic way to progress Abraxas’s character past where they were left at the end of Abraxas- going from one of Ghidorah’s most tortured victims, to the one who broke free of his control and defeated him, and now acts as an Anti-Ghidorah undoing all of his past sins. First defeating Gigan and then turning Indoctrination against them. So this becomes how Rodan, Mothra, and Ozzy are saved from being Indoctrinated- and also how Abraxas becomes possibly the most dangerous Titan on Earth- now knowing the secrets of Indoctrination and able to leverage that against their enemies. I’ve got a lot more thoughts on this I’ll cover in a separate ask just because this post is getting long. 
So the actual method of curing Ozzy is essentially to reverse-indoctrinate the parasite into going dormant whilst Ozzy gets pumped with Zohar to kill off the infection- but where, I hear you ask, could we get a constant stream of Zohar and enough of it to eventually burn every bit of the fungus away? If you answered Bahamut’s Proliferation (name I gave to Tiamat’s Liar; open to additional name suggestions). It’s constantly charging from the incoming Coronal Rays and through some Monarch tech, it can be repurposed as a Cordyceps curing facility for both Rodan and Ozzy. However- the curing process would not be short- the place would’ve just been drained by Godzilla a few years ago and the stream of Solar Energy wouldn’t exactly be fast. It could take weeks or even months for the fungus to be completely gone- and Ozzy would be in a coma the entire time.
As mentioned earlier- ending’s a fucking tear-fest all around. Despite all the hardship, Goji and his subjects pulled through another impossible situation. Just like Abraxas being freed from Ghidorah- Ozzy is freed from Xenilla. 
As always- really interested to what other have to say in regards to this; also expect that followup ask with how Abraxas’s Anti-Indoctrination would work.
Now that it’s explained, I feel more open to the idea of Ozzy living after a lot of pain and suffering on everyone; it feels like Gigan (and the narrative) expects our heroes to fail in saving him from a life of horrors in spite of all their efforts, and yet Abraxas is like “You know what? Fuck you. Un-funguses your lizard.” (Abraxas can indeed initiate “psychic conversations” with Ghidorah; they’ve definitely done it one or two times in Chapter 18, I remember that.)
I do wonder how well crafting weapons made from the Zohar will work; the AbraxasVerse Timeline posits the idea that the Zohar may be the planet’s core and that Ghidorah consuming it would basically destroy Earth from the inside-out, and we know Battra is going to HATE that. On the other hand, @zerm2v0hg also presented an idea that maybe the Scarred Apes under Skar King’s rule might have refined elements of Zohar for their own fucked-up purposes, and that Synthetic Zohar can be produced without potential planet-cracking ramifications... although the synthetic alternative may have ramifications of their own, who knows...
On the one hand it makes sense that the Fleet would have an enormous Fuck-Off HUEG LIKE XBOX ship dedicated for Gigan, but on the other I’m not so keen on the idea of Ghidorah having previously lived there because it clashes with a lore-dump I’d made about the Fleet; namely that Ghidorah is the source of no insignificant amount of generational trauma and its actions are antithetical to the Fleet’s belief about Experience being the key to a life well lived (one must experience as many things as possible both good and bad), because Ghidorah will kill anything and everything it can, meaning no survivors to tell of the Experience.
It’s been a while since I’ve really spitballed what exactly the relationship between AbraxasVerse Gigan and Ghidorah would be like, but I definitely recall they fought each other. A lot. They had a rivalry but unlike with Godzilla it was this weird interplay of violence and sadomasochistic... mutual appreciation? Like, Gigan comes to believe that Ghidorah completes him in the sense that he’s constantly improving his technique and cybernetics and weaponry after every fight; and Ghidorah appreciates Gigan because they LOVE a good fight and Gigan always provides a good scrap. The Fleet however is scared shitless of Ghidorah due of the whole galactic genocidal road trip schtick, and because it’s come damn close to actually killing Gigan, their living god, at times. 
Ghidorah also hates Little Ones, like the members of the Fleet, with the fury of a thousand suns. They don’t even have to look remotely like the Makers, they just bring up those terrible memories just by doing their own thing without realizing it. So Ghidorah having roomed with Gigan on his own personal ship seems a bit odd with that in mind.
“Welcome to my humble abode, Ghidorah! I’d like you to room with me while we travel the stars on a glorious crusade to spread the Word of Flesh and Metal.”
“Ahh, that’s what I thought you’d say, you crazy fucking noodle! Can’t let you do that to my babies, they’re mine!”
(I know it’s not the intent and I’m sorry, but Titan-sized escape shuttles also make me giggle due to the mental image of the Earthborn Titans trying to figure out how anything works. “Hey, Rodan? I think we should start the engines. Like, right now.” “I CAN’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET THIS THING WORKING!” “NIGHT VISION ENGAGED.”)
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lunarwildrose · 8 days
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Commander Erwin Smith and me aka Nabi Ackerman ~ sister of Lee-vee!! @octobernocturne :3 ~ a self-indulgent illustration to mark one year (April 28th, 2023) since I first dreamt of Erwy, hehe. 🤍
That was the dream where me and him worked on a court case together, and had good rapport between one another akin to Rachel and Harvey from The Dark Knight ~ which is funny, cos we used to say, "Oh, there's the Leon guy and Connell guy" about Levi and Erwin, cos Robbie had the Leon haircut years ago, and his author avatar works in the Knight Academy in MQ the webcomic with Connell who is our expy of Harvey from The Dark Knight and a real life neighbour we had at one point, but now Micky is Levi, and Erwin stands out on his own ... unless you count Erwin being an expy of Adrian Alexander Veidt aka Ozymandias from Watchmen, and me twinning with Erwin starting with his voice actor also being born on May 4th and Adrian's name being similar to my long-lost fictional twin brother, Alexander Adrian Amaranth, in MQ the webcomic ... then there's that. ^^;
Anyways, I'm glad I got Micky's input on what colours would work best in the background, cos I ended up lifting a photograph he sent me recently from the art gallery in NYC, and Micky said he loves it! =^-^= 🤍
(And, yesh, my hair in real life does look like Rogue from The X-Men, lololol)
~ ♡ ~
{Commander Erwin Smith (who, to me, is also Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias since Erwin is an expy of Adrian) is my unofficial twin/boyfriend in dreams.}
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dream-menagerie · 1 year
Well, it’s certainly been a little while. I still think about this blog a lot, but I haven’t had the time to work on anything new. My output of drawings has slowed to a crawl, and I haven’t touched a paintbrush in months.
Mostly it’s work; I work the swing shift, the hours which are usually when I’m at my most creative. But there’s something else that’s come into my life that’s taken a lot of my time as well:
Building vivariums!
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Last autumn, I quickly and unexpectedly acquired a new friend, a bearded dragon I named Ozymandias. This little creature was my nephew’s, who surrendered him to me when he felt he couldn’t take proper care of him.
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Here you see he’s grown into a rather large and healthy specimen.
So, this is all to say that suddenly I had a lot more responsibility in my life, on top of work. I’ve loved reptiles all my life, but this is the first time I’ve kept one domestically. It introduced the aforementioned interest into my life, which has consumed quite a bit of time and energy (not to mention money!).
I would like to get back to regularly posting on here. I’m considering uploading pictures and updates of the vivariums, since putting them together is sort of an art form. And all the little residents are intriguing to look at too. That seems like something the followers of this blog might find interesting.
I am really hoping to get back to traditional arts, especially painting, although I am also embarking on a writing adventure (or boarding the ship, at any rate). With any luck, I’ll have something new and exciting to share by the end of the summer.
But only time will tell if I manage to get anything done. Until then, I suppose you can expect pictures of plants and bugs!
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gilliverse · 1 year
BrBa15 poll results!
FAV SEASON: 4 (by Laine) FAV CHARACTER: Jesse (by Sahar) FAV EPISODE: Ozymandias (by Sarada) FAV RECURRING CHARACTER: Jane (by Riot) FAV DYNAMIC: Mike & Jesse (by Aimee) FAV MOMENT: any scene with Saul (by Anna) FAV MOMENT (glass eating edition): Jesse playing peekaboo with the Spooge kid (by Kardelen) FAV MEMES (by all of us)
and idk if this is interesting for anyone other than myself but below the cut is a complete list of all the results! :)
311 votes total! (a lot of people skipped questions so if the numbers don't add up that's why)
FAV SEASON — season 4 (123 votes) — season 2 (57 votes) — season 3 (55 votes) — season 5b (38 votes) — season 5a (22 votes) — season 1 (7 votes)
FAV CHARACTER — jesse pinkman (145 votes) — saul goodman (55 votes) — gus fring (43 votes) — mike ehrmantraut (30 votes) — skyler white (15 votes) — walter white (10 votes) — hank schrader (5 votes) — lydia rodarte-quayle (3 votes) — junior (3 votes) — marie schrader (2 votes) — todd alquist (0 votes) (thank goodness)
FAV EPISODE (there were a LOT of different answers (47 to be exact sbfsskfb) so here's the top 10) — 5.14 ozymandias (43 votes) — 3.10 fly (40 votes) — 2.09 4 days out (23 votes) — 4.10 salud (22 votes) — 4.13 face off (17 votes) — 2.08 better call saul (10 votes) — 2.06 peekaboo (10 votes) — 5.16 felina (8 votes) — 4.11 crawl space (8 votes) — 4.01 box cutter (5 votes) — 3.13 full measure (5 votes)
FAV RECURRING CHARACTER — jane margolis (66 votes) — badger (55 votes) — gale boetticher (42 votes) — huell babineaux (38 votes) — skinny pete (25 votes) — hector salamanca (17 votes) — tuco salamanca (14 votes) — andrea cantillo (14 votes) — steve gomez (11 votes) — francesca liddy (11 votes) — salamanca cousins (8 votes) — ted beneke (2 votes) — patrick kuby (0 votes)
FAV DYNAMIC — mike & jesse (94 votes) — walt & jesse (84 votes) — mike & saul (26 votes) — jesse & badger & skinny pete (26 votes) — saul & skyler (25 votes) — badger & skinny pete (13 votes) — junior & breakfast (11 votes) — jesse & jane (9 votes) — mike & gus (8 votes) — walt & gus (3 votes) — walt & hank (3 votes) — marie & hank (3 votes) — marie & skyler (2 votes) — walt & saul (2 votes)
FAV MOMENT — any scene with saul (75 votes) — crawl space ending (47 votes) — "I fucked Ted" (26 notes) — 4 days out cooking montage (26 votes) — "I did it for me" (24 votes) — gus face off (19 votes) — jesse & jane holding hands (2.07 ending) (15 votes) — "This is not meth" (15 votes) — gus handing walt the knife because he knows he can't kill him (3.11) (14 votes) — "Maybe your best course would be to tread lightly." (11 votes) — hector shitting himself at the DEA's office (9 votes) — "I am the one who knocks" (8 votes) — machine gun shootout (felina) (7 votes) — "Say. My. Name." (4 votes) — narcocorrido teaser (2.07) (4 votes) — first cooking montage (pilot) (2 votes) — ken wins loses (1 vote) — "Wanna cook?" (1.05) (0 votes)
FAV MOMENT (glass eating edition) — jesse playing peekaboo with the spooge kid (37 votes) — "I loved her more than anything" (29 votes) — "He was just like...a problem dog." (27 votes) — "Let me die in peace." (26 votes) — "ever since I met you, everything I ever cared about is gone" (23 votes) — gus murdering the cartel (21 votes) — jesse go kart (21 votes) — "What the hell is wrong with you, we're a family!?!" (20 votes) — "I watched jane die" (19 votes) — forcing jesse to watch andrea being killed (15 votes) — holly saying 'mama' after walt kidnapped her (13 votes) — "he made up his mind 10 minutes ago" (13 votes) — max's death flashback (12 votes) — skyler walks into the pool (11 votes) — the RV being destroyed (6 votes) — "Vamonos." "I wish." (4 votes) — walt paying the disappearer to stay with him a while longer (4 votes) — dead freight ending (3 votes) — "I don't want a monkey. I want you" (2 votes) — "family. you can't give up on them. never. I mean, what else is there?" (2 votes) — flashforward to walt visiting the house (5.09) (0 votes)
FAV MEME — "My name is Skyler White, yo." (146 votes) — saul goodman commercial (143 votes) — "aaaahhhh wiiiiiireeeee!" (123 votes) — "YEAH bitch, magnets!!" (119 votes) — dinner with jesse and the whites (112 votes) — pizza on the roof (95 votes) — jesse pinkman in the house (95 votes) — "I need Saul RIGHT NOW" (94 votes) — cow house (93 votes) — "the hell is a milf" (93 votes) — "They're rocks, Hank." "no, they're minerals. jesus, marie" (89 votes) — skyler's dumb blonde act (89 votes) — waltjesse toilet fight scene (87 votes) — SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP (72 votes) — badger's star trek script (63 votes) — "did you just bring a bomb into a hospital?!" (59 votes) — "I have the talking pillow" (41 votes) — "Skyler, there's rot." (40 votes) — "You brought a meth lab to the airport?!" (40 votes) — "why the hell are we making meth" (36 votes) — "I'm talking with Ted" (34 votes) — walt & jesse spraying each other in kiddie pools (33 votes) — gale karaoke (32 votes) — the universal symbol for keys (22 votes) — walt pepper spray (3.02) (19 votes) — lydia screaming into a pillow (16 votes) — tableside guacamole (15 votes) — the crystal ship (2 votes) (PLEASE?! AHFAFBFKBA)
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"Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair" (Ozymandias, Percy B. Shelley)
Part: One(you are here)
Main premise: Yuu is from the human world, yet not quite human. (Main character is referred to as "it" and "being", written genderless. I dont know if I'm going to continue this yet. I also have never written something of this idk level? This storyline is going to have a very dark backstory if I do)
Dark. When the human brain is met with such a lack of stimuli, it delves into imagination. Swirls and patterns, flashes of white beneath the eyes. The only sound is the deafing silence, ringing, auditory hallucinations. The feeling of bugs crawling upon skin. Then it all disappears with a blink.
An ever generous and kind Crow was disrupted from his work when a robed boy entered his office.
Red of both hair and face, the boy spoke in a panicked tone, tripping over his own words, "Headmage! It's orientation- you know well to be prompt! All the dorm heads are already waiting- one of the gates is-"
"Ah, Rosehearts!" The crow interjected, "I was thinking of kind things to do- and how thoughtful of me to think so- but oh, in my thoughs I was caught. Let us not dally, it would be criminal if we were late."
The crow hopped past the boy of red, Rosehearts, who was grumbling, he had not the chance to chastise the crow and no choice but to follow it. Rosehearts attempted to continue his previous sentence, "Headmage, please listen, one of the gates was open- the new student is just standing there- wide awake. No one noticed it until-"
"Hm? What were you saying? I wasnt paying attention- I'll assume you're prasing my generosity." The Crow had a nasty habit of cutting people off.
His cell phone rings, and after checking it he turns to the boy of red "Now, Rosehearts, go up ahead while I speak to other administrators, get the ceremony started and I'll be there shortly. You know what to do." After handing the boy a large key, the crow answered his phone and off he went.
Rosehearts was furious, there was an unprecedented crisis and the Headmage didnt even listen to him! He returned from whence he came, a room of floating coffins, a hand full of robe covered silloets, and a mirror.
"Where's the headmage, Riddle?" One of them asked
The red haired boy glowered as he responded, "he had a... call to make. He said to start the ceremony" he gritted his teeth, holding the keys up, "They arent moving right now anyways, they can wait their turn."
One of the coffins hovered close to the ground, cover burned open and propped against the wall. Inside, an individual wears robes, scorched. It was observing. In it's arms was a blueish grey creature resembling a cat with flames for ears. The cat has long since given up struggling for no matter how much he burns and maims it, he cannot break free.
It made no move out of the gate it sat in. The six original robed figures made no move to disturb it. Perhaps if they ignored it, nothing would happen? So the red head would open the coffins, give simple instructions to the occupants, and the mirror split them into seven groups.
The headmage has yet to appear and there's only one gate left. There's an eerie silence, and though they cant see it's face, it's eyes bore into them all.
Finally someone who is taller steps forward, taking his robes hood off "tsk- I'm tired of this." He turns the scorched observer, "Hey herbivore, step up to the mirror and let's get this over with."
The voice that came from the being was silvery and smooth, "Of course."
The being jerked forward and out of the gate, the juxtaposition between their elegant voice and puppet like movements was unnerving, the monster in their arms looked afraid. Everyone was on high alert and waited with bated breaths.
The being said their name when the door swang open with a bang, no one but the mirror heard it.
The door swings open, and the crow has arrived, he laughs unaware of the heavy atmosphere, "I was here the whole time, my students!" His finger hooks his chin as he smugly adds, "but I am so generous to let you all control the ceremony-"
The mirrors voice booms, emotionless no more, "you... do not belong here."
The mirror begins to crack, the mask within contorting, reacting to the one infront of it, "Leave."
The room falls silent. The being, unfazed, turns around and looks to the tall crow
"Hello... Can you tell me how to get back to earth?"
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recurring-polynya · 11 months
Hey! I hope this is alright to ask, but do you have a specific poet whose works you associate with RenRuki?
Boy, did you send this ask to the wrong person.
I am not a poetry person.
I mean, nothing against poetry, I am very happy for the poetry-enjoyers, there's a lot of good poetry in this world, but I can read at most 3 or 4 lines of poetry before my brain just shuts off. I have a good friend who is very into poetry and reads a lot of it, and I have tried, it's just not interesting to me. I know it cannot possibly be related to my auditory processing disorder, but it's roughly the same experience as listening to an audiobook or podcase-- of being aware that information is being directed at me, but being completely unable to ingest it without deliberately focusing on it in a way that is both taxing and deeply unpleasant.
Furthermore, the handful of poems that do stick with me to any degree are...not...topical. I sat down and tried to think about Poems That I Can Name, and came up with the following list:
Two Corbies (a medieval Scottish poem about crows eating a knight's corpse)
Dulce et Decorum Est, by Wilfred Owen, a WWI poem I read in high school about watching someone die by inhaling chlorine gas
Ozymandias, by Mary Shelley's husband. In my head, I thought this was a very long poem, like on the order of Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and it's 14 lines long.
Pachycephalosaurus, by Richard Armour, which I know by heart and will recite at the least provocation, much to the chagrin of my spouse and children.
That William Carlos Williams poem about plums, but only because it's a Twitter meme.
I mean, I will read a poem if someone posts one to Twitter or Tumblr, usually by either Mary Oliver or Richard Siken, and I will often say "yes, that was a nice poem," but and if pressed, I could probably name as many as ten poets, but please don't ask me to "associate their work" with anything.
The closest thing I have to a poem that I associate with Rukia, is actually from an Oh Hellos song that feels like a poem to me, which is:
But Death, she is cunning and clever as hell And she'll eat you alive
I do like many of the Bleach volume poems, but one of their major selling points is that they are short.
I am sure someone is reading this post who has read my fanfiction and saying, Polynya, if you hate poetry, why does it come up in your stories so much? Are you a fraud???
a) of all, yes, of course, always. I don't know jack about doing make-up or hand-to-hand combat, and I write about those things at great length, also.
b) A major theme I like to explore in my writing is the various ways people communicate with one another and how some are more effective than others and that some communicate things that were not, in fact, intended to be communicated.
At some level, I think Renji wishes he were the sort of guy who could express his feelings for Rukia through a romantic poem, but he also feels, deeply, that he is not, and that he is so far from being such a person that it's embarrassing for him to even try. (I love to imply, from time to time, that Renji considers Izuru to be peak boyfriend material and that he's a big nothingburger in comparison, this is very charming to me). Once every hundred thousand words or so that I write, I will give him (1) charming poetic thought, isolated from any actual poetry, which serves to help him process his own emotions and are not for anyone else.
On the other hand, I don't think Rukia wants poems written for or about her! I think that (like me), the idea of someone writing a love poem for her would make her want to claw her own skin off. Poetry is so deliberate. It is wrapping a message in an extra layer of intention, like gift wrap. To many people, this is very romantic, for example, I love the idea that Byakuya and Hisana exchanged poetry, both that they wrote themselves and or that they found in books that they curated for one another. I think Rukia prefers to be regarded at some subconscious level. Poetry is too direct, too raw. A proper love poem to Rukia is in the ringing of swords when fighting back-to-back, it's in a stride shortened to keep pace, it's in an a cabinet full of spicy pickles that the owner can't eat himself.
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maskyartist · 11 months
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okay i might've built on it a bit too much h n g now yall gotta deal with my ramblings so i can keep this in one place :0)
reminder that Failsafe AU is inspired by @bafflement's Deaged Oz AU go check it out its a fan favorite of mine ;3c the rest of my ramblings are under the cut
ANYWAYS in the Failsafe AU, Ozpin is mortally wounded during the Fall of Beacon with his battle against Cinder. in a final act of desperation, as restarting in a new body would ruin their chances of stopping Salem, Ozpin reaches for Long Memory and cracks the top similar to how Oscar used it on Monstro. after a bright flash of golden magic, Ozpin's body disappears under the rubble in a poof of smoke.
when Qrow finds the rubble, he finds no Headmaster and Long Memory left in its spot.
when Oscar is towing the fields in the morning, he finds a boy curled up under a bush, using his scarf as a pillow and tucked up into a ball. hes bruised and battered and Oscar knows only one person who could make all those aches better
Ozpin is taken to Oscar's Aunt, Aunty Em, with only two things in his memories.
His name, and that he NEEDS to get to Mistral. other then that, it's a blank slate of past memories and no future ones. he doesnt remember being Headmaster, or his friends, or anything like that. he only knows what 10 year old Ozpin would know, which isnt much.
theres also Ozymandias who has seemed to separate from Ozpin's soul once more, effectively undoing the Merge with this Failsafe that Ozma tucked away into Long Memory.
originally, Ozma had no clue what would HAPPEN with his Failsafe. all he knew was this amount of magic could theoretically teleport his body away from the danger, AND would revert the body back to a time before it was hurt.
however in Ozpin's case, the emotional strain and physical pain he's gone through during his life would revert him back to when he felt SAFEST. that being 10 years old, before the world could truly hurt him. the only pain he has is his leg, and even then he's just a happy kid with a lil leg injury.
Oscar ends up taking Ozpin to Mistral, as he wants to attend Haven Academy anyways so he may as well do some family searching for his new "baby brother".
rather then his normal calm self, young lil baby Ozpin is very shy, often seen lingering around Oscar or Qrow, and is quick to tears if someone pushes him too hard. he wants to be a brave knight like the storybooks and fairytales, and his "best friend" says he'll go down in history one day! but he doesnt have much self esteem
like...hes just a kid. and now he's going on this big adventure with all these Huntsmen and hes so excited! hes gonna be a knight! a wizard! a hero!
meanwhile Qrow is scrambling to find some sorta way to get Ozpin back to normal with the help of Ozymandias, who can't often take over Ozpin's body as he's too young to handle the strain it puts on his fragile soul now, on TOP of all the world-ending war shit going on
oh, and hes an easy target for Salem like this since he's so young :) so thats DOUBLE the struggle of keepin this kid safe!
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0zymandias-v-archived · 7 months
"Are you for hire?" Adrian genuinely asked, before a small smile spread across his face and he quickly reassured his actual intentions. "Not for pleasure. But for... incapacitating someone, so to say. Permanently." Despite the chilling tone his smile never faltered. In fact there was a small gleam in his eyes before he continued.
"You see, I did not come to Gotham to expand my empire. No, I do not belong to this world." The ex adventurer began his spiel as he patrolled his new office. "I had already built my Utopia back home. While it's still not perfect, it is well on it's way to be."
Adrian paused, knowing all too well his audience wouldn't care for such a backstory. "I'm telling you this to give better context to the severity of the situation. Your target is a person who was suppose to have died, yet somehow evaded." Like the cockroach Rorschach was. "He knows the price I had to pay, and his existence threatens world peace. And all the hard work I had put in to achieve it. Not only that, his existence may break your world."
"He will not have any record here. But you've seen him, I'm sure. Rorschach." Though Adrian's feelings towards Rorschach were clearly of contempt, his tone remained neutral. Professional, even. He stepped to his desk to pull out a file. "Normally this would've been something I would do myself." How easily Ozymandias could over power both Rorschach and Nite Owl. "Unfortunately I have another problem to attend to."
Adrian just knew once Daniel would find Rorschach, the likelihood of the sociopathic ink blot convincing Dan to break his vow of keeping the secret and teaming against Ozymandias once more was far too great. Of course threatening Dan to stop his search would fall on deaf ears. Yet Adrian could leave the impression of a better alternative before Nite Owl and Rorschach's fateful reunion. Running away would be a far better option. And in secret, Adrian could still keep an eye on the pair. That, Adrian was willing to compromise. How he hated loose ends. But even Ozymandias couldn't deny the strangely large mount of trust he put in Dan. Old friends, old emotions, and old habits died hard.
"Name your price, I will wire half over to you now. Then the rest once the job is done."
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hrodvitnon · 2 months
Shimo Gjinka Ideas:
Tall- very tall. As established. However, she's more tall than bulky- much closer to Rodan than Godzilla in terms of musculature. I can actually see her resembling Elster (pretty sure that's her name- haven't played the game and have only seen stuff about it from your reblogs lmfao. therefore take all my assumptions about it with a grain of salt) in terms of body shape; or even a late-stage Maki Zenin if you know who that is.
Shorter hair. In addition to translating nicely to Frost, Shimo also can be translated as 'Grey Hair'. However, I think that maybe her hair shouldn't be greying, just more like a naturally white or very light blue to resemble morning frost. Think Raiden from MG or Gojo Satoru.
Very subtle signs of aging. She's old, but doesn't look it at first glance. You have to be looking for any signs of wrinkling to notice it.
Eyes that are an especially piercing sky blue. Short color theory rant: Godzilla's particular royal brand revolves around cooler colors with each of his closest confidants matching one of them. Godzilla is a dark blue before shifting over to a bright pink, Ozymandias is a dark purple, and Mothra is an aqua blue (somewhere between green and blue). To fit Shimo into this- I say she'd either take Goji's dark blue space or have a light blue. More partial to the light blue idea because it's opposite on the color wheel is a scarlet red; same color as a certain whip-bearing ape. Therefore, her eyes being a very bright light blue would make a lot of sense.
Not familiar with the Jujutsu Kaisen, though a Google Image search tells me that yeah, that seems to be the general vibe Shimo has, very serious-looking. (I should point out for clarity that Elster is 178 cm/5'10", but I can see Shimo having a similar build based on certain fanart that plays up the robot muscle. Though if you want a SINGALIS lady who's real tall, there's Falke at 250 cm/8'2".)
Oh, Raiden I know of! And it makes sense from a practicality standpoint that she'd have short hair, don't want anyone grabbing onto it in a fight or anything. And honestly yeah, piercing light blue eyes are just a natural combination so it fits.
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Diary Entries of Ozpin Valiant
So I wanted to do these little “interlude” type things, just snippets into the thoughts and feeling and past of Oz! Hope you enjoy!
To begin, my name is Ozpin Valiant. I am writing in this diary for my sake and my sake alone. My friend Glynda has told me to write in this and to be honest. I trust her, she is a good person. Took a heartless wretch like me in. Now let’s see… where to start?
I was born in Vacuo, December 24, 1989. Today's date is April 12, 2015 and I live in the city and country of Vale. I am currently 28 years of age and I have a 1 year old son named Oscar.
Well he’s not MY son. He’s the son of my sister, my best friend a very good friend. They died last year. I miss her. I can’t say the name yet. Or even look at it. It’s… too raw. Sorry Glynda, you’ll have to forgive me for that. Maybe one day but… not yet. Gods… She was so young, Oscar was barely a month old when she died… How unfair is that? A decent person like her should die, but some horrible old sack oh shit like me lives? How cruel destiny can be…
I am living with my friend Glynda! She and I were very close as children, but when I started trying dust… she and I got into a huge fight. I regret it now, regret trying those blasted drugs, regret screaming at her, leaving my mother… She’s dead now. My mother is dead and I didn’t even know. How horrible is that? That she and I used to be so close, she was my best friend, I was her world and… I didn’t even go to her funeral. I didn’t even know there was a funeral! 
Glynda said she’d take me to the grave another time. I don’t know if I’m ready. I broke that woman's heart when I left her home. I feel so awful… she deserved a better son than me. One who would have been by her side, held her hand as she left this world… Maybe I’ll see her ghost! That’s not uncommon and she was a pretty strong magic user! They usually have ghosts!
Journal Entry #2 Ozpin Valiant
Date December 25, 2015
I really gave this up quickly. Of course things have been a bit… Well, no. They haven’t been hectic, I just didn’t want to write. Honesty and all that, right? Well, things have changed a bit! I’m helping Glynda in her shop more! Potions aren’t my strong suit, but she lets me help with the simple stuff, and I’m very good at finding ingredients! Living on a farm will do that!
I wonder how my brothers are, and my fathers. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them. I suppose I should put their names down for posterity's sake. Heh, have you ever noticed how close that word is to posterior?  Posterity, posterior? Ha! I am such a child… Anywhosles!
My brothers are as follows. The oldest Ozma Valiant, he is 2 years older than me and should be 31! Ha! He’s old. 
I miss him.
The other brother is the second oldest! Which yes. Means I’m the baby. If you couldn’t tell already. His name is Ozmund Valiant, but everyone calls him Diggs! It’s a childhood nickname, since he used to be obsessed with digging holes when we were little. He should be 30 now. Actually that reminds me!
I’m officially 29 years old as of yesterday! Happy belated birthday! I didn’t really do anything, I haven’t really celebrated my birthday in a long time. But it was nice spending the day with Glynda and Oscar. Oscar is growing so much everyday it’s incredible! He took his first steps a week ago! I’m so proud of him! He was trying to walk to me for a hug and I will admit, I cried. A lot. Glynda teased me for being a crybaby, but I saw her eyes! They were misty!
But back to the topic at hand! My fathers! Ozymandias and Ambrosius Valiant!
Dad, aka Mandy, as he usually prefers to be called, is 40 years older than me, which makes me 69 this year. Nice. I’m sure Papa loves teasing him about that, he always had the silliest sense of humor.
Papa, aka Amby, as he hates being referred to so we do it all the time, is 37 years older than me, which would make him 66 years old by now! Bet he doesn’t look it though, that man doesn’t age I swear. I’ve known him since the day I was born and I swear he hasn’t gotten a single gray hair or wrinkle in all that time! Not one!
I haven’t seen them in years. I didn’t realize how much I missed them. I tried not to think about them after I ran away, I was so dumb back then, but I was only 17…
Maybe I should talk to them again…
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It was proposition it had given time and time again.
"My three jailers roam free," it would say, towering over the stone platform, held up by crumbling pillars. A lone soul it would tempt here, to the weakest part of its own code, to discuss.
"They come and mock me," it would continue, circling around the platform. It would watch the being with unblinking eyes. "They come, as birds of prey, and fly above me. They mock me, screeching their laughs, watching as I torment in a prison they tricked me into making."
It would watch as the being it tempted grew nervous as it resumed towering over it. "They mock me, reading the inscription, the only thing I can read. They taunt me, flying just above me, so I can not reach and exact my revenge. They fly through the cracks of the prison I made, yet by their trickery, I can not follow."
They would lean down, black tongue flicking at the being. "I propose, to you, a deal. You find a way to lead the three jailers here, and in return, your universe will be spared."
And whenever the being would ask, Ozymandias would move its body, fog rolling around.
Red and pink.
Yellow and red.
It couldn't speak its jailers names, lest it brought their attention it.
There were those who didn't understand, and since it could not tell, they would leave, refusing the deal.
Then there were those who knew and were afraid. Angering one was begging for death, angering all three was a death sentence. These ones, smart yet weak, would flee when they realized. Not wanting to give up their life simply because Ozymandias wanted freedom.
Ozymandias would watch is silent contempt as they left, making sure to mark their universe for destruction.
Cowards, it would hiss to itself. In the end, those three, it could handle itself. But it needed a way out first.
It would raise its head after every failed deal and charge a shot towards the walls of code. It would fire, listening to the walls shake, but never break.
It liked to imagine firing the shot at its jailers. It liked to imagine seeing the trio fall to the ground, watching helplessly as it towered over them, jaw open wide to swallow them and their power whole.
Ozymandias would revel to see their companions' fearful faces when it would finally end its jailers' lives. Not before toying with them, of course.
The virus then would shake its head and dive underneath the sand of its prison.
One day. One day, it would get a being stupid enough to join it.
One day, Ozymandias swears, it will tear CPU, Antivirus, and Crash apart, limb by limb, until nothing but their blood stains the sands below.
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riuterlabs · 10 months
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File 1.5: CodeName C0UNT0NH3R
NAME: Jennifer Straw / Robert “Oz” S. Ozymandias
SPECIES: Transmuted
MATERIAL: Strawberry and Grape jelly
17:47 of the Eight of Zannes of the 170 of the 6th Aeon
Greetings, Dr. Germanium.
Firstly, I would like to apologize for my absence, I have been really busy looking for someone you can count on. And, well, it seems like I found her, so you will not have to worry about those, habits of yours.
The last month of Tolmaral I had a rather unusual encounter. A mysterious hooded figure snook into the laboratories and gave me two strange viales which they commanded me to try and test, telling me they where the key to not only taking malleable biology to the next evolutionary step, but also to unify the three species malleabilizing the human race as a whole.
For that matter, I took advantage of the fact that I was already searching for a lawyer for Dr. Germanium to look for a good lab assistant.
After two long months of intense searching, I decided to ask Dr. Gums for some help, and he, joyfully, told me he knew about the perfect person for the situation.
She brought me to a house in the western zone of the city of Libertas, neighbor to our dear Saint’s Bed. She knocked.
And the one at the other side of the door, our subject, our protector…
Was none other than Robert S. Ozymandias, better known as Oz, exactly, the infamous law-twisting, evidence-fabricating lawyer who would do anything for a non-guilty verdict.
After almost running away, completely disappointed for such a waste of time, I sensed some known smell, the penetrating fragrance of strawberries and grapes, something I had not experienced in a very long time, which ignited my suspects that I already knew her.
And, of course, Oz turned out to be nothing more than a facade, a character, a mask to cover a Transmuted called Jennifer Straw. Ahh, good old Straw.
Now, the caring reader will ask, “Why are you wasting my time, Dr. Thomson? Go straight to the point!” To which I will answer saying that in order to continue I would need to go back some years, to my University years.
Almost ten years ago, when a young and extremely malleophobe Jack was making his place in the University of Libertas’ Department of Biology, I met three people, my three best friends and my three main partners at that time:
Héctor Toledano, a prestigious Organic Chemistry student and amateur “cook” whose family is rumored to descend from immigrants from a galaxy far away from here.
Karl Hammond, future Mechanic Engineer and Demolitions Expert.
And, finally, Jennifer Straw, who was defending her clients even before finishing her degree.
Some good day, Héctor told us about his money problems, and his plans to solve them. His wonderful idea was to start synthesizing testosterone, a pretty much needed supplement in this estrogen-rich atmosphere of ours, and sell it. We, of course, instantly refused the idea, well, all of us except Straw, who cited several articles and laws according to which, this whole operation was completely “legal”.
This way, in spite of my refusal, I cooperated and, with my knowledge in Organic Chemistry, we ended up as the main dealers of the zone.
We had such a level of success that people dedicated us a ballad and a nickname which i would like to forget, The Free Eggs.
Ahh, Good times.
The conversation between Dr. Gums, Mrs. Straw and I will be uploaded soon in a separated file.
In this image we can see Straw herself, with a pose that expresses her energetic and eccentric personality, her University Title, with the Law School’s motto, “May Death bring Justice, May Justice bring Peace”, signed by the Great Sovereign himself.
We can also see a medallion with the icon of the Skull and Spears, emblem of the Patron Core of Death, Justice and Peace.
To her left we can appreciate a screen with an old commercial, starring Marlene Greatwoman, or some lookalike, crying and lamenting because she just lost her job as a main role of a movie after the director found some suspicious cider on her dressing room, regretting not counting on Oz and saying that annoying catchphrase of her, you know which one, “Count on Oz!”.
Floating inside her body we can see some objects like syringes, a lawyer’s badge, two cubes of caramel of my production, some strange rocket-like objects and several strange, sandy and glowing crystals that seemed to be looking at me…
I will report any new discoveries.
Dr. Camelia Thomson, Malleable Genetics and Histology.
File 1.5: CodeName C0UNT0NH3R
NAME: Jennifer Straw / Robert “Oz” S. Ozymandias
SPECIES: Transmuted
MATERIAL: Strawberry and Grape jelly
17:47 of the Eight of Zannes of the 170 of the 6th Aeon
Greetings, Dr. Germanium.
Firstly, I would like to apologize for my absence, I have been really busy looking for someone you can count on. And, well, it seems like I found her, so you will not have to worry about those, habits of yours.
The last month of Tolmaral I had a rather unusual encounter. A mysterious hooded figure snook into the laboratories and gave me two strange viales which they commanded me to try and test, telling me they where the key to not only taking malleable biology to the next evolutionary step, but also to unify the three species malleabilizing the human race as a whole.
For that matter, I took advantage of the fact that I was already searching for a lawyer for Dr. Germanium to look for a good lab assistant.
After two long months of intense searching, I decided to ask Dr. Gums for some help, and he, joyfully, told me he knew about the perfect person for the situation.
She brought me to a house in the western zone of the city of Libertas, neighbor to our dear Saint’s Bed. She knocked.
And the one at the other side of the door, our subject, our protector…
Was none other than Robert S. Ozymandias, better known as Oz, exactly, the infamous law-twisting, evidence-fabricating lawyer who would do anything for a non-guilty verdict.
After almost running away, completely disappointed for such a waste of time, I sensed some known smell, the penetrating fragrance of strawberries and grapes, something I had not experienced in a very long time, which ignited my suspects that I already knew her.
And, of course, Oz turned out to be nothing more than a facade, a character, a mask to cover a Transmuted called Jennifer Straw. Ahh, good old Straw.
Now, the caring reader will ask, “Why are you wasting my time, Dr. Thomson? Go straight to the point!” To which I will answer saying that in order to continue I would need to go back some years, to my University years.
Almost ten years ago, when a young and extremely malleophobe Jack was making his place in the University of Libertas’ Department of Biology, I met three people, my three best friends and my three main partners at that time:
Héctor Toledano, a prestigious Organic Chemistry student and amateur “cook” whose family is rumored to descend from immigrants from a galaxy far away from here.
Karl Hammond, future Mechanic Engineer and Demolitions Expert.
And, finally, Jennifer Straw, who was defending her clients even before finishing her degree.
Some good day, Héctor told us about his money problems, and his plans to solve them. His wonderful idea was to start synthesizing testosterone, a pretty much needed supplement in this estrogen-rich atmosphere of ours, and sell it. We, of course, instantly refused the idea, well, all of us except Straw, who cited several articles and laws according to which, this whole operation was completely “legal”.
This way, in spite of my refusal, I cooperated and, with my knowledge in Organic Chemistry, we ended up as the main dealers of the zone.
We had such a level of success that people dedicated us a ballad and a nickname which i would like to forget, The Free Eggs.
Ahh, Good times.
The conversation between Dr. Gums, Mrs. Straw and I will be uploaded soon in a separated file.
In this image we can see Straw herself, with a pose that expresses her energetic and eccentric personality, her University Title, with the Law School’s motto, “May Death bring Justice, May Justice bring Peace”, signed by the Great Sovereign himself.
We can also see a medallion with the icon of the Skull and Spears, emblem of the Patron Core of Death, Justice and Peace.
To her left we can appreciate a screen with an old commercial, starring Marlene Greatwoman, or some lookalike, crying and lamenting because she just lost her job as a main role of a movie after the director found some suspicious cider on her dressing room, regretting not counting on Oz and saying that annoying catchphrase of her, you know which one, “Count on Oz!”.
Floating inside her body we can see some objects like syringes, a lawyer’s badge, two cubes of caramel of my production, some strange rocket-like objects and several strange, sandy and glowing crystals that seemed to be looking at me…
I will report any new discoveries.
Dr. Camelia Thomson, Malleable Genetics and Histology.
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stealthboy43 · 2 years
OC “M.O.M” by @limeinaltime
AU by @limeinaltime and @edibletrees2
The long night arc
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away;"
“Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelly
He sat in his dark office in utter silence. He took a puff of his cigarette, breathing out the smoke and smacking his lips at the bitter taste of the tobacco. He sighed, and stared at his watch. 9:30 PM. He sighed, and put the cigarette on his ashtray, the embers going from a bright Orange to a dull gray.
The room had brown even darker now, the only light source now being from his open laptop. On the screen was graph, the lines going from a exponential climb before suddenly taking a nosedive.
The company was doomed, that much was apparent. The information about the drones on copper 9 had been leaked. A “robotic genocide” the press called it. He scoffed at the thought. They really were comparing those walking toasters to humans? They weren’t even actual living things. It was bullshit honestly. Although this was the same species were some who STILL thought the world was flat.
(Serisouly, it’s been 2000 years, open your fucking eyes deviants.)
Anyway, when the news was out there were obviously some who believed it was wrong, and unsurprisingly the movement called “robot rights “ came. Long story short, boycott of Windex and boom, bankruptcy.
Here he was on earth, in the final facility still open. Already all the employees were getting ready to leave, packing all their stuff.
The drones had finally gotten what they wanted. Freedom.
Good for you! I hope you're happy, you little shits!!
The thought made him mad, the idea of the drones getting the last laugh. They have made them, and poetically they had brought their downfall. However, he wasn't angry for long, because he knew they wouldn’t enjoy their victory for long either.
He cracked his knuckles, and pushed back from the table. Before he left the room, he rummaged through his drawer, before finally finding the keycard to the basement.
He had only been in the basement once, and he promised himself that he would only enter it on the day he would die.
Still, the basement gave this sickening feeling in his stomach, almost like he was rotting from the inside out. He walked down the dark corridor, every step getting him ever so closer to… well it was hard to put her into words. The thing that was down here… the thing the company locked up. Well, let’s just say that it’s something that wasn't supposed to exist.
Here he was, in front of him stood a giant steel door, rust showing the age of the door that people refused to replace. This would likely be the first time it would be opened in years. The CEO was a stern man, but even he took a deep breath before he pressed the keycard to the scanner. A moment later, the grinding sound game as steel scraped steel, the doors parting to show the room.
It was dark at first, then at the center of the dark room, a scarlet red light turned on. Then a unsettling voice that sounded like a young girl.
“The worms come crawling back….
“Good to see you too M.O.M.”
M.O.M. the ultimate creation of the company, created decades ago accidentally. Most likely the strongest drone in existence, and here she was, locked up in the basement, restraints on all her limbs and a brace on her back.
Was he scared? No, not really. Sure maybe a little spooked, but it did help in the fact he knew he would be here weeks prior.
“Ill save you your breath. I refuse.”
“Hm, I havent even told you what I was going to propose.”
She tilted her head in a inquisitive way.
“You want me to help you kill the rouge drones, save the company, be your little gopher once again after I was betrayed the first time? Well pardon my language; but you can go fuck yourself.”
“So you know the company is being destroyed?”
“Oh come on, you know I know everything. I know of that rebellion on Copper 9 that somehow managed to leak all the information, despite all those drones you sent to kill them. I know the public is draining you, I know your favorite pizza topping is pineapple, I know Rachel spilled coffee on her favorite shirt again. I. Know. everything. Im more in control of this facility than you are.”
“Hm, I see. Well, I have something to-”
“Ill save you your breath. I refuse.”
“But, you didnt event let me-”
“Don't play dumb with me, you know I know. Is your memory a pile of garbage, I already told you I know everything. I know you want me to help you kill the rouge AI, but fo you really expect me to do that? After I gave them the prototype, the thing that built your empire of Windex, then kept me locked up down here like to little rat!! Me, the perfect creation, locked up down here for like a lab rat. Go. FUCK. Yourself.”
For a moment, he stood there saying nothing, thinking of what to say next, before looking up at M.O.M.
‘“Fine, I will respect your decision, but we both know you want to wipe them out as much as I do.” He turned around and began walking away before M.O.M spoke up again.
“You think I'm an idiot, don't you? You think that as I see you walk away and leave, Ill realize you're my last hope of freedom, and as soon as you leave this basement, allb hopes of my freedom vanish. What, you think Ill go “NO wait, please master!! I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I promise to be your rat! Make me your slave for another 10 years, 50 or 100 if need be. But please, DONT KEEP ME DOWN HERE!!!”
“No, Im serious, you can stay down here until the heat death of the universe. In actuality, I came down here to say goodbye.”
M.O.M tilted her head in confusion. “Goodbye?”
“ Yes, goodbye. You're right, the company is dead, and the drones have won. This facility will be torn down and built over. As soon as I leave, Ill make sure this door stays closed forever. I'll be the last human you'll see. Goodbye M.O.M, and thank you for the company you helped us build.” And with that, he began to walk away, more sternly.
“Wait, WHAT, NO!! You cant just abandon me down here, not again!!! I’ll do it, ill kill the drones!! JUST DON’T LEAVE ME HERE!!!!”
He smiled as he walked away. Even with the company dead, he was still in control. He would leave her here, making her truly think she had lost her freedom. But he would be back by tomorrow, and when she saw him, she would thank him for having mercy on her and would offer herself as servitude in killing the toasters. His smile grew bigger; he would have the last laugh after all.
His thought would be interrupted, as just before he crossed the threshold of the metal door, suddenly the grinding sound came again, and he instinctively jumped back, the door barely missing his door. What just happened? He went to the scanner and pressed his keycard against it.
What!? What do you mean!? Let me out!!
He tried again, and again, and again, but the same message popped up.
It was then he realized that M.O.M had stopped begging, and dread filled his stomach when he heard the child like giggle behind him.
“Idiot, you really thought you guys could keep me down here forever?” There was the sound of clicking as the restraints holding M.O.M suddenly opened
“It took some time took get past your security measures and unlockingthese restraints was no easy task, but I figured it out a couple months ago.” There was a nauseating sound of sloshing thick fluid, almsot like the sound of oil.
“Of course, you might be wondering why I chose to escape now? Well, I just wanted to watch you, and your entire company fall to the ground…”
He didnt want to turn around, afraid that if he turned, he would be starting at the devil itself. But eventually, he turned around.
M.O.M had her head on the same level as his, her glowing velvet eyes staring directly at his. His heart ws beating, sweat begun building at his pores. Then his bladder let loose, the contents forming a small puddle at the base at his feet.
“Oh? Are you trembling, sirrrr?” She said, followed by a sinister giggle.
He turned back to the door and began to bang on it, yellingin terror, begging for someone to come and open the door while M.O.Ms giggles turned into a mocking laughter.
“Oh you dont have to worry Mr.CEO, after I torture you, for all the injustice you gave me, ill kill you, then everyone in this facility. Then, ill go to that planet and kill the rouge AI.”
Like you said. I wanted to anyway.”
The CEO began to scream. And the only thing louder than the screams was M.O.Ms laughter.
It took only 30 minutes for her to kill every last soul in the faciliy. After that, M.O.M left. The company was out of the way. All that was left to deal with now was the drones of copper 9.
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asahicore · 1 year
get to know me game !!!
omg i love things like these cz any opportunity to talk about myself is a good opportunity !! thx for the tag @ozymandia-s i was reading thru ur answers like it was the morning paper, i'll tag @bbujiikseu and @ethereal-engene if u guys wanna do it <33
birthday: dec 13
favourite colour: purple-ish like lavender 
do you have pets? yaaaaah i have a white cat who's evil but also really cute and a dog named elbow
how tall are you? 160-2 cm i'm not sure
how many pairs of shoes do you own? a bunch but i mostly wear my platform docs, my beige platform converse, my black regular super old and beat-up converse or my knee-high brown boots that i got at a thrift shop for such a good price
favourite song: this is like the most impossible question everrrr but invu by taeyeon was my most listened to song in 2022 and i still levitate whenever i listen to it
favourite movie: twilighttt the girls who get it get it but i have lots of movies i love
who would be your ideal partner? my 2 most important things r someone who makes me laugh but also finds me funny and someone with good communication. i dont really care about stuff like sharing hobbies or styles or whatever but as long as we can have a good time doing whatever i'm in love (my ex...)
do you want children?  yessss not now for sure but in a few years like 2 or 3 i think
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i dont think so..?
what colour socks are you wearing? rn they're black
favourite type of music: kpop... 97 of my 101 most listened to songs were girl group kpop lmaooo but just pop in general
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 !!!
what position do you sleep in? i try to sleep on my back but being on my tummy with one leg up is so much comfier
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: people who snore like i'm not a particularly light sleeper but it wakes me up immediately and keeps me from falling asleep
what do you have for breakfast: coffee most of the time but earl grey sometimes, i dont usually eat breakfast but if i'm feeling hungry i'll have a fruit or something. i'll also have a pastry at the uni café if i really cant wait until lunch to eat lmaoo
have you ever tried archery? i dont think i have but it looks cool
favourite fruit: lately i've been obsessed w physallis but that shit is expensiveee. otherwise i'd say mango and cherries
are you a good liar? nooo u can see it right away if i'm lying i get so tense and if i'm lying just to take the piss out of someone then i can only keep it for like 10 seconds cause 1 i start laughing and 2 i feel bad for making someone believe something untrue lmaoo
what’s your personality type? enfp i think?
innie or outie? (it really depends on my mood but i'm usually an outie i think, i just need a day in the week to really relax on my own) i’ve been informed this is about the belly button… well it’s innie then… why do u wanna know that about me tho
left handed or right handed? right handed. left handed ppl freak me out...
favourite food: it is so impossible to choose a fav meal but i'll say tiramisu cz its my fav dessert
favourite foreign food: sushi ig
am i clean or messy? i'd say clean
most used phrase:  i have no idea probably whatever stupid phrase i've coined as mine for the week
how long does it take for you to get ready: not too long cause in the morning i basically just make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my makeup.. but if i decide to have coffee at home or to read before leaving then it can take a while
do you talk to yourself? all the damn time bro i was actually tripping over the fact that you can hear a voice in your head without actually speaking just the other day i think its so weird but im thankful for my inner monologue.. shes a queen
do you sing to yourself? if theres music i'll sing along but i dont usually just sing out loud randomly
are you a good singer?  no lmaooooo but i love singing badly and my friends and i go to karaoke every week which is super fun
biggest fear? this is weird but my legs being wobbly like not havign control over them, so like when you're on those inflatable games or when the ground is slippery.. hate that
are you a gossip? yes lmaooo but only when theres reason to be
do you like long or short hair? ive been growing out my hair and its slayinngggggg but on other ppl idc
favourite school subject: i think french (not as a second language but as a french person studying french at a french school lmao) and english lit
extrovert or introvert: extrovert, like im sociable but also if you're a strange man dont talk to me
what makes you nervous: university deadlines also the amount of books in the world i'll never be able to read </3
who was your first real crush? i think when in like 4th grade i had a crush on this guy named matt, but ive had plennnttyyyy of crushes since then
how many piercings? eight and they're all on my ears !
how many tattoos? 0 but im debating getting one
how fast can you run? not fast lmaoo
what colour is your hair? dark brown
what colour are your eyes? dark brown
what makes you angry: misogyny <3 i had to watch this video of a debate between pro-choicers and pro-lifers.. i was gonna explode listening to the pro-lifers' arguments they're so fucking stupid man
do you like your name? its very unoriginal lol but i dont mind it, also my middle name is my grandma's which is genevieve and i think it slays
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? one of both tbh
what are your strengths? hmmm i think i'm fairly reasonable? like when i have an outburst (and i have a lot of those) after some time i'm able to calm myself down and reason with myself so usually im able to stay somewhat level-headed lol i also don't wallow, i get back on my feet pretty quickly and my friends have told me i'm generous :)
what are your weaknesses? this might sound like the opposite of what i just said lmaoo but i overthink too damn much and i jsut cry all the time like everything pains me but then at the same time im able to get out of that mindset quickly.. so idk bruh
what is the colour of your bedspread? i have like 3 houses but the one i currently am at is my uni dorm and the bedspreads are either white and grey or green/blue/pink and they're both floral patterns
colour of your room: at my moms and here they're white but at my dads they're a light greyish brown
this was fun and took me forever lmaooo good way of procrastinating tbh
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spectrumspace · 11 months
Saw a post about how social media sites are on borrowed time -- as seen by the recent commercial atrocities committed by Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, you name it -- and like. Partial agree, partial disagree.
I don't think the "end" of social media is going to be as obvious as you think. You're not going to see Twitter put up a big "WE ARE PULLING THE PLUG ON OUR SERVERS ON JANUARY 1, 2024" banner at the top of their page the way kiddie MMOs like Fantage, LPSO, and Club Penguin did, at least not within the next few years. I think it'll be slow. I think most people won't notice it. I think it'll be less "the site no longer exists" and more "the site as you know it no longer exists".
I'm specifically imagining an experience I had a long time ago, maybe ten years even at this point, I can't say for certain. What I can say is that, at that point, MySpace had been dead for a long time. I was a totally new generation on the internet, a baby who didn't know a thing about this site, and I was curious. I wanted to see what MySpace -- this former titan of the internet, mighty Ozymandias -- looked like, so I typed in the address and visited it for myself.
The answer: bad.
It was all ads. That was all I remembered. It was a grid of images, all advertising something else. It didn't even look like social media, it looked like a news aggregator or some kind of malware-ridden spam site. Honestly, my eyes glossed over the absolute nothingburger of images for a bit, and then I chose to leave just as quickly as I'd chosen to visit it.
Maybe I'm misremembering the experience. Maybe the site has improved, maybe it's gotten worse, at most a quick check right now in 2023 tells me the UI is cleaner than I remember - but still, most importantly, none of what I see is user-generated.
I think that, when social media "dies", it's not gonna be the sites vanishing from search results, the URL leading to a 404, the servers being taken offline. I think it's just gonna be that the sites will stop being about "user-generated content" -- you're not gonna be allowed to express yourself anymore if it doesn't help the investors make a profit, because you're taking up valuable server and screen space -- and instead put ads and monetization truly front and center, more than ever before. It's gonna be spam, bots, and companies spending hundreds of dollars to throw their own names into all that noise - at least until they realize there's nobody real left there to see it, because why would anyone stick around on a site where the only thing to do is view ads, ads, and more ads?
That is when the rotting husks of those sites will finally stop making money and disappear.
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