#but when its things that just affect me? ill just stuff all the badness inside of me and keep going
soldier-poet-king · 10 months
Actually let's be honest in addition to all my usual bullshit this is just astarion making me reckon with the fact that I don't know how to be A Real Person, how to relate and be close to people except to be helpful and accomodating, how to say no and not be a compulsive people pleaser out of fear of the repercussions and uncertainty if one is not placating at all times
Like yeah it's for different underlying reasons and I obvs make no claim to the specifics or the severity of that kind of situation & trauma but also. Like. I Get It, I'm not a Real Person either
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hi! so i don’t rlly know how to even phrase this but lately i’ve had a lot of stuff getting worse, none of the “basic” diagnoses i have (like depression and anxiety and stuff) describes it at all. so i’ve started questioning if i maybe have a personality disorder bc it’d all make sense, both the behaviors and how i see the world and why its only getting worse and more noticeable now etc.
i keep finding myself in cluster B PD traits and lately ive been reading more on NPD and i genuinely completely see myself in the description of the covert subtype. i always blame others for everything and am completely unable of accepting or feeling guilt. nothing is ever my fault, its always someone else doing something or provoking me or it’s the way i was raised or it’s because of the system etc. i’m deeply insecure but hate showing any kind of vulnerability. when i’m in a vulnerable position i get ashamed and angry bc i cant stand feeling weak. i often get so angry i do shit that could easily destroy all the relationships i have. i never apologize (unless it’s a situation where i have to in order to save the relationship but still never actually feel sorry) bc that’s showing vulnerability and admitting i’m wrong. i always compare myself with others, i used to think this doesnt apply to me bc i generally don’t care about typical things such as popularity and status as i’ve always been an outcast - and it’s kind of a major part of my identity that i feel different than everyone else (even though its most likely just how i was forced to learn to cope with being excluded), but i’ve come to realize i absolutely do always see myself as “the worst one” in terms of mental health. i can’t stand others talking about their issues bc no you don’t even have it that bad at all, i’m worse. i feel like no one will ever be able to truly understand me bc the majority of people are npcs anyway. no one thinks for themselves, they dont have any self awareness and just do what they’re told. i treat others like shit but still expect them to be nice to me because i deserve it because i’m sick. i deserve more attention from doctors because of how unwell i feel. i should be the one that gets treated first. i obviously never voice these feelings but it makes me so pissed off when i have to wait like i’m never important enough for anyone. like there was this one case when i had to wait longer for my appointment bc some girl came in due to an emergency and all i felt was angry and annoyed and like when is it my turn to get taken seriously?? i completely lack affective empathy and very rarely genuinely care about others. others being sad annoys me and others being happy makes me angry, sometimes even to the point of having homicidal thoughts. i’m envious of pretty much everyone who i consider better off than me. and again i dont mean shit like money or clothes but more like just the ability to be normal, having close friends, being in a relationship, all that stuff i know i’ll never be able to have bc of my mental illnesses. i’ve never been able to form genuine relationships, i do have a few friends but they all mean nothing to me and are just there so i’m not lonely. i’ve never been able to feel love or affection for anyone. and when i think abt it i dont even really want to be like them, i just want to make them suffer. i lie to everyone and only reveal my “true” self when im having a breakdown and basically cant control myself anymore as i have so much suppressed anger inside i sometimes feel like i have to genuinely put effort into stopping myself from physically attacking others; who cares abt words when im that far gone. and even then i later turn it around and make it seem like im just depressed and stuff (which is true, but theres also so much more no one knows about). everyone around me considers me a shy meek polite nice caring person and it just feels so ironic.
idk what to do at this point, genuinely. writing it all down like this makes me sound so fucked up even though i act relatively normal when i’m stable enough. but in reality i feel like on the inside i’m just breaking, i’ve had to turn to drug abuse as its literally the only thing that helps me cope with everything & prevent me from being even more destructive (towards both others and myself) and its making me even more short tempered when im sober and even more paranoid someone’s going to find out and get me in trouble. my therapist knows about it but doesnt do shit. ive been on so many psych meds before but its as if literally nothing ever works on me. like i would never normally seek advice on tumblr out of all places but i thought just maybe i would get understood here as i keep getting just either ignored or insulted on places like reddit (sure jan calling me a psycho is definitely going to help my issues when all i did was fucking ask how to cope with my issues).
sorry abt the wall of text. do you have any advice? ive been going to therapy for years but its all useless. i cant be honest with anyone for pretty obvious reasons. i just really dont feel like living for much longer. but even just acknowledging this ask and not judging me would mean a lot.
I obviously can’t diagnose you, but I will say a LOT of what you said is behaviors that and I other NPDs do, which makes me think that even if you don’t have it, advice and such that is geared towards pwNPD could help you. Unfortunately there isn’t much self-help geared towards pwNPD (I say self-help bc clearly your therapist is not a good therapist for you and I know it would probably be difficult to get a new one), but DBT workbooks are a good place to start. I think they’re technically geared more towards BPD, but they can definitely still help narcissists. Stuff like this is why I hate how much NPD is stigmatized, because we all DO deserve help and we all DON’T deserve to feel like this.
It sounds pretty basic, but are you a part of anything like online NPD/cluster B support groups, ie discord servers? Obviously they’re not a cure-all, but even just being around people who have the same thing and who you don’t have to mask around can help. If you don’t have any I could happily provide some if I can find a public one. Of course, communities like that can be a hit or miss, but it’s definitely at least worth a shot to try to find a group of people who are struggling with the same thing.
Another piece of advice, which might sound completely neurotypical on the surface, is to start journaling or writing down feelings. It might seem like just a small thing but having a place that only you can access where you can talk about things like vulnerability could be a good starting point, because at least you’re admitting it to yourself and getting it out there in some way. Lying to everyone and not being able to show your true self is really exhausting, so having one space that’s yours and yours only where you can learn to be comfortable with being vulnerable — even if it’s just to yourself — is a tiny thing that can work wonders. It doesn’t have to be some super dramatic “dear diary, woe is me” type thing, it can be something as simple as “Today I fucked up, and I know I fucked up, but I still blame xyz, I hate xyz.” That way you’re getting the vulnerable thoughts AND the angry thoughts out there without 1.) hurting others with the angry thoughts or 2.) having to show vulnerabity which would hurt you.
Of course the end goal might be to “unlearn” the behaviors, so to speak, but that can’t be done overnight, and until it is done, it’s better to have a few places to be open, even if it’s just amongst yourself or other pwNPD.
I hope this helped, lmk if you need more advice — and definitely know that you’re not alone, as cheesy as it sounds.
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diffuserlover · 2 years
hi! could you ship me with enhypen, txt, and ateez? also theres no rush, i know its a lot so take your time!!
hobbies ~ i dont really have any. i read, draw, make bracelets, and watch videos or talk to my friends. i like food, also spiders and snakes. im a pretty lame person.
habits ~ idk if this is a habit but i have a really bad sleep schedule so while others are awake, im asleep.
my personality ~ well im 21(so no minors please) and i think that im overall pretty chill. i dont get upset easily when it comes to myself, but im protective over my friends and will defend them. im very straightforward when something needs to be said and will take the initiative to do so, rather than letting someone else handle it. im pretty introverted out of lack of interest mainly. i think that my friends see me as an extrovert but im only like that with them. i think that im the designated mood maker according to them, but i prefer to speak to people im comfortable with and only them. im not big on drama or making a friends with a bunch of people. i like to joke around a lot rather than be serious but i can be serious if need be. i just enjoy seeing/talking to my friends and thats it tbh. ill go out if its with my friends, if not, im staying home. so in all, im mostly goofy but i have the ability to be serious and im perfectly fine with chillin in silence. my humor is a bit on the weird side because i tend to just say random things that come to mind but it makes my friends laugh. i am a bit loud when with my friends. im also very open minded and my main philosophy is "mind your business" , so i dont concern myself with things that dont concern me. like peoples differences, i dont focus on things like that.
love language ~ my love language is physical affection i think. im not huge on physical affection in general but if its from a loved one, i soak it all up like a sponge. even just holding hands makes me happy. quality time is also one a suppose. this being said, i do enjoy a bit of free time as well. i wholeheartedly dont care about material acts of love like gift giving. of course ill appreciate it but i dont require it at all.
my type ~ honestly i dont have one. if i like you, then i like you. i dont look at appearance or anything like that and it takes a lot for me to dislike someone. i think im very open in that sense.
Hii!! Thank you so much for requesting!! I am so so sorry for the wait and thank you for your patience!! I hope you like them!
I ship you with…
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I feel like you and Heeseung could just sit in silence together and be perfectly content
Heeseung gives me the vibes that his love language is quality time just like you
Like imagine the two of you guys sitting on the couch cuddled up together as you read a book and he writes song lyrics
You can always make him feel better, if he had a bad day at work you somehow always know how to cheer him up
He is always a little thrown off by your straightforwardness but appreciates it and likes it
Your extroverted side brings out his extroverted side, you guys feel comfortable around each other
He likes how funny you are, he feels like he doesn’t have to be so serious all the time and can be a kid again
Overall, you and Heeseung are literally made for each other<3
I ship you with…
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You and Taehyun are very similar
Taehyun often tries to cook for you knowing you love food and wants to treat you
Whenever he sees you sleeping in late he will wake you up in the most obnoxious ways and he finds it so fun
You definitely find a way to get back at him
You guys 100% own a snake(and no he did not sell the couch for it)
You both are very protective of each other and want the best for each other
Taehyun will say he doesn’t love the physical affection you give him but he is dying inside he loves it so much
Taehyun drags you out of the house a lot
He loves to make bracelets with you and will secretly take your stuff and make bracelets with his name for you
Overall, you and Taehyun are very very sweet together:)
I ship you with…
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He likes how chill you are
He doesn’t really show how playful he is around lots of people but you make him feel comfortable and like he can act silly around you
You guys are low key weird ahahah like you have the weirdest humor and weirdest conversations
He loves how protective you and I see him as a protective person as well
He finds your protective matter endearing, even if he just sees you protecting your friends it makes his heart melt
He pretends to hate your physical affection but that’s because it makes him shy
He finds it hilarious when you sleep all day, and if he’s home he will try to prank you, draw on your face, pour water on you, that kinda fun stuff
He will gladly make bracelets with you
Overall, you guys are really adorable<33
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mayonaise-lips · 8 months
a psa to all the p.e teachers in the world and to anyone else who has this problem: don't fucking discount my chronic illness
you think it's fun? you think I use this as an excuse to get out of doing stuff? you don't take this even remotely seriously?
well, go fuck yourself.
I'm lying in bed right now, crying, missing my friends birthday party and also a fun shopping trip I had planned for the day cause I can't fucking move without being in pain pain pain. I cannot hold up my head on my own. without being in pain.
every single fucking thing I do I have to think about whether this would affect my back/shoulders/hips/neck. sitting in a car with a window down, throwing a volleyball above my head, doing homework, painting, piano, literal standing, sitting and laying.
I'm lucky. it's not constant for me. like yes maybe I am in a bit of pain as a part of regular life but I can still do stuff. but compared to people without any health issues I can't. I'm 18 years old and have to go to pilates and yoga despite hating it. the women 40 years older than me are pulling this shit off without difficulty while I'm failing at the simplest task.
I'm not avoiding push-ups because I'm tired or lazy, my shoulders crack and it hurts. no I can't just do 40 laps of sidestroke. and no I can't do a fucking handstand cause it hurts.
fuck you to the teacher who said "a handstand is with a straight back. it shouldn't affect your back. you're telling me you suddenly have problems with your shoulders too???" fuck you to the teacher who never believed me when I couldn't participate in p.e. because my back was acting up. fuck you to the teacher who had me pull back my scarf concealing my supportive neck brace that I wore on a really bad day. i didn't want other kids to know I couldn't support my head and found the idea of having a cold less bad than that. I was 12, back off!
and fuck you to every single kid not believing me, thinking I'm skipping class. when it gets so bad that I can sit for longer than it takes me to eat my meals I'm not going to school. when getting in and out of a bathtub or even just getting out of bed proves a challenge I'm staying home. when I can't even move my head 90 degrees I'm not leaving my bed. when it's acute it just is. there's nothing I can do about it.
I don't think people without chronic pain can understand what it feels like. I barely have the gall to call myself chronically ill because mostly, I'm fine!!! it's okay! I can do sports. sure, sometimes I need some physiotherapy, but its okay. but when it's bad, it's just so THERE. like a dumbell I have to carry 24/7. and it's always kind of there in spirit. but when it's there physically, shit sucks so fucking much.
because its not supposed to feel like this for people your age. people your age should not have such an issue sleeping in the bad beds on your class trip, so much so that they spend the boat ride to the nearby island on day three just laying down on a bench in the boat cause they can't be vertical anymore. people your age should be able to touch their hands to their toes standing up. people your age should be able to rotate their arms without hearing it crack.
it's hard not to hate yourself when it gets bad. it always comes at the most inopportune of moments and you can't work around it. it's this force in your life you can't control. not properly, not fully. you always have to try and work on it, try to be good for it. but it will always come crashing down. it'll be there for the rest of your life like a toxic spouse, always knocking you down a peg.
and you can try to accept it as much as you want, but somewhere deep inside, you will always hate that its there and hate that you are inhibited in ta
hat way. and then you'll hate yourself for victimising yourself so much because there's people who have it so much worse than you but you still feel like crap and at this point you've cried so much you're dehydrated but you can't be dehydrated because that's not good for your system when you're like this but you also can't move, can't do anything because you're stuck, laying on your back, confined in warm blankets, tears streaking down from your eyes to your ears, drying and running over the dried marks over and over again.
I can't help but feel sorry. apologise for when it's bad and when others have to take care of me. when I burden someone with my venting or when my mum strokes my hair or my sister brings me tea or my dad has to drive me to my appointments cause I do deeply feel that, somehow its all my fault.
because I could've behaved more responsibly when it was good. not pushed it, been more careful. I coulve done more sports or swam more or done more yoga and exercises or worn warmer clothes or drank more tea or sat and stood and laid straighter, better, healthier.
maybe I could've prolonged the wait between the bad times. because i know for a fact that it's just a wait. the good times don't last forever. no matter how well I do. and when it does come crashing down, when I come crashing down I blame myself. and I hate myself. and I hate it. the fact that I have to deal with this. that this si what my life looks like.
and so I'm laid in my bed, calming down from a cry and trying not to look at the floor to the birthday presents I packed or the clock telling me how late it is and how much of the party I've missed.
I dare anyone to tell me I'm choosing this. that I want this. that this is a convenient excuse.
in some crude, perverse way I want them to feel what I feel. not that I want them to be in pain. just for them to know, for once. just a regular day in my skin, or rather my bone and muscle structure. or better yet, a day like this. a day that's fucked from start to finish. experience that and try "calling my bluff" then, you utter arsehead
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violetlunette · 2 years
Why I like Kota better than Eri
The title says it all really. Now, this is NOT an anti-Eri post. All this is me explaining why I connected to Kota than Eri and why he’s a better character.
Obviously, this is all opinion-based, so take it all with a grain of salt and remember this is all preference.
Right! So let’s just dive in, shall we?
Eri and Kota are both 5-6 years old when introduced in the story.
Kota is introduced in the Camp Arc where Izuku tries to “win his heart” (not romantically, sickos) when he discovers that Kota has a deep hatred for heroes. After seeing Izuku nearly die defending him, Kota’s love for heroes is not only returned, but he also becomes Izuku’s first and arguably biggest fan (right after All Might, of course).
Eri comes into the fray in the Intern arc where an evil villain keeps her captive and tortures her to use her quirk for his plans. After Izuku and Mirio save her, she comes to live at UA to get the hang of her powers.
So, why do I think Kota is a better character than Eri? First of all, Kota’s backstory is more relatable than Eri’s.
Don’t get me wrong Eri’s backstory is a whole lot sadder than Kota’s and makes sense in the world that the manga crafted.
Eri was the granddaughter of a mafia leader and when her quirk manifested she accidentally erased her father out of existence. Because of this, her mother abandoned Eri and she was left to be raised by her grandfather. Then when he fell ill, his second in command took Eri and experimented on her to create a quirk drug. These events traumatized her until the festival when she got to have fun with Izuku and Mirio.
Now let me make this clear; on an emotional level, I do feel bad. Eri is a little girl who didn’t deserve any of the bad things that happened to her. And no one—or at least I don’t--likes seeing kids in pain, especially ones who are practically babies.
However, as a reader and someone who loves to study and dissect stories, Eri’s backstory is annoying. Why? Because she is given an overblown tragic backstory specially crafted to make readers feel bad for her. She is crafted for one purpose here; to be the sad woobie child that Deku saves.
See, Eri’s backstory is what’s called a “Fantasy tragedy story.” Fantasy tragedies are uncommon tragedies that don’t happen to the common person and so can be “fun.” Such as having to be raised to be an assassin under hellish training, being cursed with a demon inside you, etc. A lot of Fanfic Ocs have these traits. If anyone’s interested I’ll go into detail in another post, but here, I’m digressing.
Her backstory is one of the things that make Eri so appealing to readers (especially to fanfic writers as they love angst). Despite how sad her past is, it’s entertaining.
However, it doesn’t make Eri relatable. Most people don’t have mafia families or dangerous powers, experimented on by a germaphobe villain, etc.
On the other hand, Kota does have a relatable backstory;
Kota’s parents were both heroes killed by an insane villain in the line of duty. As a result, he had to go live with his aunt who was also a hero. However, by this time Kota had become angry in his grief and blamed powers in general. In a way, he believed his parents died for nothing more than a popularity game.
It’s not as sad as Eri’s backstory, but it doesn’t need to be. Sometimes less is more. And it does have its own sense of tragedy; Kota’s parents just went to their job one day and didn’t come home. And Kota—being 5 years old—doesn’t understand why. All he knows is that two people who were always there, aren’t anymore. More than that, the world doesn’t care. His parents were probably mentioned in the news once and then completely forgotten. They spent their whole lives defending others and died doing that, and yet no one seems to care. The world found other heroes to cheer for. And how was Kota comforted by those who did care? “It was an honorable way to die.”
This affects me more, as this is all stuff that could actually happen. In reality, a lot of people lose a parent in the line of duty whether they are in the army, are firefighters, police, etc. Even without that, people can understand the idea of losing something and for something “mindless.” Anyone in his shoes would feel the way he does.
The next reason I prefer Kota is that Kota actually has a personality. Eri doesn’t.
Okay, for the sake of fairness I will that an argument can be that Eri is shy, quiet, and naive. She also suffers from self-worth issues due to Overhaul’s manipulations. After she’s rescued, she becomes the stereotypical cheerful child. And she likes apples and dislikes peaches. That’s pretty much it. There’s nothing wrong with that; her purpose is to be a sad puppy everyone wants to cradle and protect. She’s not made to be a person, but a step in Izuku and Mirio’s development.
Kota in a way is made to help Izuku grow as well, but he’s also his own character (and has an arc). Kota is a brash child with a chip on his shoulder after the death of his parents. He hates heroes and quirks in general because he sees it all as a popularity contest. After seeing Izuku fight near-death for him, however, he changes his mind and starts to love heroes again, particularly Izuku. From then on, he becomes a tsundere towards the older boy. Plus, we see that despite his bratty attitude he has a good heart as he protected the girls from Mineta and didn’t hesitate to try to help Izuku when a villain was about to kill him.
Speaking of quirks, let’s get to a fact that A LOT of people—myself included—complain about;
Eri’s quirk is a story breaker.
There’s not much to say about Kota’s power as, from what we see, it’s basically a water gun, but that’s okay as it’s not his quirk that makes Kota Kota.
Even if Kota was quirkless, his personality and character would still be mostly the same. His parents would still be heroes who died, and he would still be told it was an honorable way to die. Because of this, he would still be bitter towards heroes and quirks, etc.
Everything Eri about and who SHE is, however is reliant on her quirk.
Why is she an orphan? Because her quirk killed her dad and scared her mother away. Why did Overhaul abuse her? For her quirk. Why is she shy and naive? Overhaul hid her away so he could use her quirk for his messed-up plans. Why does Eri feel like everything’s her fault? Because Overhaul told Eri that her that her quirk was evil.
Get my point? Every single thing she is—minus her love for apples—is 100% dependent on her quirk. Without it, Eri wouldn’t be Eri.
And as cool as her quirk is, it’s too strong and can be used as an ass-pull in the story. Such as with Mirio; remember the heartbreak and angst we got when the boy lost his quirk? Well, thanks to Eri it’s brought back, and everything’s okay!
Now I will be fair and say that they did show like—three or five scenes to hint that Eri could and would bring Mirio’s quirk back and that she was practicing, but we didn’t see enough of Eri struggling and practicing to make the payoff worth it story or emotional wise. (Especially since there was no point to Mirio being at the hospital raid, but I digress.)
Now, this could have been fixed if, as I stated, we saw Eri training more with her powers in the story. Or if Eri lost her quirk after Overhaul is defeated like she was hit by one of the anti-quirk bullets or something. But then, if they did that they wouldn’t have been able to hoist her onto Aizawa. This brings me to my next point;
Kota isn’t forced into the story any more than he needs to be. This is my biggest personal annoyance;
After the Overhaul arc, there is no reason for Eri to be around anymore, except to bring Mirio’s quirk back. She is just there once in a while to be sad or cute. That’s it. And none of the scenes we see justify her being with Aizawa. They’re not bad, but the scenes are nothing special either. And none of them feel earned.
Eri is only under Aizawa’s care out of necessity, not because he had an emotional connection to her. Don’t get me wrong, I know Aizawa felt bad for her and probably figured that he was the rational choice, thanks to his Erasure quirk, but again, there’s no emotional build-up to the choice.
Now, if she was being adopted by Mirio’s family, that would be different. Why? Because we see their relationship build. We see them meet and throughout the Overhaul arc we Mirio doing everything he can to help her and fighting with everything he has to save Eri, even after he loses his quirk. Giving Eri his cape and telling her that he wears it, especially for little girls like her is one of the sweetest and most touching scenes in the whole series. Following this, it’s Mirio who gives Eri the strength to help Deku defeat overhaul for good. Those scenes make every scene they’re together actually mean something and feel earned. Seeing Eri happy with him at the festival, riding around on his shoulders, is so sweet because we know what they went through to get to that point. (#bigbrotherMirio4ever)
Aizawa doesn’t have a scene like with Eri. Even after he becomes Eri’s guardian, the two never have an impactful, emotional moment. We just see scenes where they’re together. Aizawa’s nice to her, but there’s not enough in canon to feel for them as a “family.”
People love the concept of Aizawa being a protective father to Eri, which is why fanon loves it, but in canon, there are barely even crumbs. All of their moments together can be counted on one hand and all those moments can easily be removed from the story.
Going back to Kota, his part in the story is to have his heart won over by Izuku ( again, in a non-romantic way). This is a big part of being a hero, as a hero needs to be able to inspire others and win them over. This is why Bakugou and Todoroki are given a test to win over the hearts of school kids later in the series.
We see Izuku working hard to do this and create an emotional bond with Kota by reaching out and trying to connect with him. Not to mention risking his life to save the boy. That’s why it’s so sweet that Deku becomes Kota’s favorite hero. But then when Kota has filled his purpose, he’s taken out and only brought back when he’s needed, or when it makes sense. It doesn’t feel insulting as there’s no reason for him to be there. His absence fits the story and makes sense. Eri’s presence feels forced at best.
(Side note, but why didn’t the Hero’s commission take her? They took Hawks, and his quirk is less powerful. And I find it hard to believe it’s just because only Aizawa’s quirk could handle Eri. It’s been shown they have power limiters in the series. Don’t misunderstand, I didn’t want that, it’s just a question I have.)
In conclusion;
Kota is the best for a story format. He has a personality with a backstory that makes him relatable and even his own arc, small as it is. And he’s in the story when he needs to be, no more, no less.
Eri however is the best for fanfiction. She has a "fantasy tragic" backstory that can be seen as fun for angst writers, she’s placed in the care of one of BNHA’s favorite dad characters, and her personality is blank enough to be an OC without being an oc. In the story, however, Eri’s a plot device to drive the story, develop others, and story-wise her lack of personality or character is a severe flaw, especially since everything about her is dependent on her quirk.
So, it all comes down to preferences. For me, I prefer Kota, who is his own person and character.
Thank you for your time, and have a pleasant day!
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Cuddles for a Cure
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom notices how off Y/N’s been lately. Lucky for him he’s got the cure.
A/N: Its been awhile! Enjoy all the fluffiness! Christmas Admirers is still in the works, but its coming I promise!!!
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“Mate, is everything okay with Y/N?” Harry whispered to his older brother, who was also watching the poor girl, pack her work away without a word. “She looks cross.”
“I dont blame her. She worked 14 hours straight today and worked late last night. The exhaustion must be getting to her.” Tom’s eyes didnt move from Y/N as she slowly came to meet then in the kitchen where they waited to have dinner with her.
“Oh.” She said softly with a slight frown on her face. “You guys didnt have to wait for me to eat.”
“And let you eat alone? No way!” Tom said to which Harry nodded in agreement. “You’ve been sitting in solitude all day. You need the company.”
Y/N simply smiled as she took her seat and the three ate engaging in small conversation. A few laughs were shared here and there, but Y/N was being a tough nut to crack. Her mind, staring blankly into space as she thought about all the things that were bothering her. Work was exhausting, her stomach cramps were being a complete pain in the ass, and she just felt annoyed with everything.
“Hey.” Tom called out sweetly as he gently caressed the side of her face. He looked deep into her eyes, saddened by her expression. “Are you okay, darling? Is something bothering you?”
“No, just tired I think.” She murmured. “Its been a long day.”
“I know baby. Go upstairs and rest after you’re done eating. Harry and I will take care of the dishes and wash up.” He smiles, leaving as kiss on her forehead. “Ill be up there soon.”
As Y/N left, Harry, who was silently watching the interaction, took a bite of his food smirking at his older brother.
“What?” Tom questioned with unamusement.
“Im a bit tired too, Tommy.” Harry replied in his baby voice. “Will you take care of my dishes while I go up and rest?”
“Piss off Harry.” Tom chuckles as he grabs the dishes. “Seriously I wonder what’s bothering her? She usually isnt like this even on bad days.”
“I dont know mate. Maybe its her time of month or something.”
Harry had a point to make it a logical explanation for her sour mood. Tom quickly went to grab some chocolate, a heating bag, and some medication just in case. If it was Y/N’s period, he wanted to be prepared. It’s a good think his mum always nagged him about these things since he started dating Y/N.
“You might be right. Im gonna check on her. Thanks mate.” Tom said rather quickly as he rushed up the stairs.
“Oi wait what about the bloody dish— Whipped.” Harry shook his head as he went to help clean up the dinner mess.
Tom made his way to Y/N, opening the door to see her frowning as she stared at her phone. “Stupid. Stupid.” She grumbles, completely focused on her screen.
“Thought you wanted to sleep.” He chuckles lightly.
Y/N turned around to face him with a slight smile. “Forgot I cant sleep without you.”
Even when she was on her bad days, Y/N never failed to make Tom feel fuzzy inside. “You’re adorable. How...How are you feeling?”
“Still meh. I think I might be on my period, but it’s weird because the symptoms never really affect me. Now, it’s just so bad.”
Tom frowns at her discomfort for a moment, but smiles as he shows Y/N all the stuff that he got. “I had a feeling you were...well Harry did but I brought all the stuff.” He laughed.
“I see that.” She laughs with him, as he sets up everything. Tom takes off his shirt, and gets into bed with Y/N, who cuddles herself into his chest. She takes a deep breath, intaking his scent and nuzzles her head into his neck “Feeling better already.” She whispers. It was true. All the pain, exhaustion, and anxiety Y/N felt just seemed to stop for a moment. There truly was nothing better than being in his arms. He was like a barrier that prevented all the bad things from coming between them.
“Im glad, darling. Just rest. I love you.” He whispers back.
The next morning, Harry and Tom had set up breakfast in time as Y/N headed downstairs.
“Looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake.” Harry comments as he places Y/N’s favorite stack of pancakes on the table. “Feeling better?”
Y/N nodded, as she took a bite. “Thank you guys. You’re all amazing you know that? Im so lucky to have you guys in my life.” She blurted out, almost feeling tears well up from how grateful she was feeling.
“Oh darling don’t cry.” Tom cooed as he rubbed her back.
“No. No. Im okay. Im cool.” Y/N laughs as she takes a moment to calm down. “But I am starving. Damn, these pancakes are so good.” She shoved another one in her mouth as she continued to eat and eat.
“Wow, you werent kidding.” Harry chuckles. “Mood swings and being famished...are you sure youre not pregnant.”
“Ha..Ha. Very funny Harry. Clearly im not because aunty flow came.” Y/N rolls her eyes as she continues eating . “Think the symptoms are just bad this month.”
“Damn, I was really hoping you would be.” Tom said half-jokingly. While he knows both of them arent ready to raise a child yet in this hectic situation, the idea of having one with Y/N just made it all worth it.
“Put a ring on it first and then maybe we can talk.” Y/N laughs.
“Oh believe me. I plan too.”
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 years
Random thoughts on Moon signs and why Aries Moon is annoying to have
I saw this tweet a while ago that had a list of planetary placements to die for. The first one was Aries Sun/Moon. As an Aries Moon myself, my response was "Nah-ahhh you DON'T want that. This is dangerous territory, trust me". And then I started thinking about Moon signs, why does Aries Moon suck, which Moon placements are nice and which not so much.
You know why Moon in Aries is bad? Sometimes you see these kids at grocery shops that start crying and yelling and tumbling on the floor because their parent doesn't want to buy them candy (actually, big chances are, they are Aries Moons, but that's not what I'm trying to convey here). As kids they are going to externalise their angry feelings, I mean, everyone's okay with that, they're kids, it's just candy. Worst case scenario, you're just going to roll your eyes at them. But think of an adult who has this screaming, hurt and angry kid inside. It's still there. It won't magically change signs once you're old enough. And yeah, it's going to yell sometimes. And be a cry-baby. And passionately experience every feeling with their whole self, good AND bad. Sometimes it's going to want to scream into a pillow because it's so impatient and frustrated and it just wants everything NOW. Someone on lindaland once said, “you don't have Moon with Moon in Aries, you just have two Marses”. Touché.
Okay but if you want to know something about Aries Moon, know that it feels the urge to be independent. Hates restrictions with their whole heart. Impulsive. Veryyyy impatient, as we have already established. Hates being told what to do. Having constant battle with their emotions. Open and naive (remember it's the child of the zodiac). Very cheery and child-like on one hand but on the other, emotions are expressed and felt in a very raw way, let's say, with a burning passion. Will chase everything. And you can only imagine how an Aries Moon feels when it catches the thing it wants. Likes being the first one in everything. Physical activity is good for their mental health. Kind of obsessed with sex.
Taurus Moon. It's Venusian. It's exalted. It's nice and cosy. It probably has a nice, soothing voice. Think of Elton John, he has Taurus Moon. Beautiful voice but also an eye for beauty and luxury. Can be stubborn in its emotions but hey, at least it's stable, right? It's sensual, just like everything Taurus, and probably loves food way too much. It's in touch with its own body and the only downfall to that is when a Taurus Moon person experiences negative emotions, it affects their whole body. Like, negative emotions can make them physically ill.
Gemini Moon. Ohh Geminis... You know that Mean Girls quote about Regina George "That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets". I think of that when I think of Gemini Moons. Like, they just know things. They collect secrets like some friggin Finnick Odair. And they analyze them, probably to the point of brain overheat. So, if you don't want a fried mind, I don't advise having a Gemini Moon. Not that you have a choice, but. They also like to talk. A lot. Love to gossip, just sayin. And seem very friendly when you talk to them. I say "seem" for a reason *whispers* don't trust them.
Cancer Moon. Mushy feelings. The homebodies. The family types. The comfy ones, but not in the way Taureans are. Gentle and creative. Likes to take care of others. Kinda reminds me of sitting with a hot cup of tea and typing poetry into your laptop on a rainy day. Idk. All water Moons are overly emotional but Cancer Moon can be moody and changeable and very sensitive to, you guessed it, Moon phases. CLINGY. You guys are clingy, just admit it.
Leo Moon. There's something about them... It's like the star quality of a Leo but it beams from within, you know? It's like something inside was pushing them towards greatness. They just have to believe in themselves and they will shine. Loves creative pursuits, arts, theatre, music, just anyhing fun. Expressive. Charming. Inspiring. Hopeless romantic. Can be flashy too, it's Leo after all. Wanna make them feel good? Compliment them, they LOVE it and need it.
Virgo Moon. Okay... for some reason I know a lot of Virgo Moons and let me tell you... there's something gentle about them. They're quiet and polite and - this is not a commonly talked about Virgo trait, but - they're softies, you know? But they need work, probably to distract themselves from all the thoughts. It's a lot more focused mercurial energy that Geminis, grounded and analytical. But that also makes them prone to overthinking and anxieties. Can be hard on themselves... so they work even more. And unlike Gemini Moons, they're SHYYYYY.
Libra Moon. Everyone loves them. Ugh the irresistible charm. They're the people's people. Again, it's that Venus. The difference is, Taurus loves to be loved and spoiled. Libra will love and spoil others, they just want to be nice and stuff. And they have an eye for beauty and arts. Chances are a Libra Moon person is beauty and art themselves. Has an internal need for relationships. But it's air so has a tendency to intellectualize these relationships... and everything else tbh. Great communication. Social.
Scorpio Moon. They straight up give me the creeps. My sister is a 0° Scorpio Moon so I KNOW. Don't get me wrong, I love Scorpio Suns... but Moons... It's like the water of the water, the over-emotional ones. Kiiiiiind of simmilar to Aries in the sense, that they feel emotions A LOT but it's not straight-forward like with Aries. Instead, it's pushy and passive-aggressive and manipulative, not very trustful and secretive. OH MY GOD, so secretive. It's just intense.
Sagittarius Moon. Ahhhhhh my favourite. And I don't think I say it because I'm Sag dominant... Sag Moons are just FUN. They exude FUN. Their playfulness and cheerfulness comes from their heart, that's why it's so special. Thinks and feels big. Big hopes and visions, maybe too big sometimes. Aries and Leo are focused more on the self, Sag on the other hand, is focused on the world - the actual world or a fictional one. Loves movies and is probably a bookworm. Philosophical. Optimistic and lighthearted. Kind of a dork - whether an adorable or annoying one lol.
Capricorn Moon. I'm sorry but ya'll are just depressing. I have Moon square Saturn so I kind of get the vibe. I feel like having a Cap Moon is like having something squashing you from the inside; very withdrawn. It's cool if you get to work, and Cap Moons can be workaholics and hard workers... But if you give into that hermitism (yea I just made that word up) and get lazy due to... things... or being too overwhelmed by that Saturn energy, you get squashed, basically. Also, fears and lots of reservations. I feel like these guys have issues with that. 
Aquarius Moon. My Aqua friends... let me tell you. They're not necessary weirdos, as people say. But they are humanitarians at their core. Like, THEY JUST CARE. So that makes them sensitive. But not in a watery way. Can be veryyyy aloof and hard to get to. Will probably intellectualize their emotions and try to detach from them. All about people but not like a Libra. Difference is, Aqua wants to be independent. Expressive and intelligent. 
Pisces Moon. My favourite water Moon. It's dreamy and soft. Yeah, a bit flakey, but let’s NOT talk about it. I feel like Pisces Moons just get emotions. They understand them because they're all about the collective. That makes them empathetic. Intuitive. Romantic. The artistic types. DAYDREAMERS TO THE MAX, they’re in another dimension. It’s like sometimes you talk to them but they’re somewhere else. Prolly loves being near the water, it's like the sea is calling them. May have escapist tendencies.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Loved chapter 4
Written for Dannymay 2021 Day 3: Portal, even though the connection is sort of tenuous.
Bad things happened when Vlad came to Amity Park. For that matter, bad things happened wherever Vlad was. It was part of what made Vlad Vlad. Some part of his otherness, some twist of the shadow-fabric he was made of that left rot and ruin wherever his hem brushed. Of course, Vlad was never affected by this misfortune. In fact, he seemed to suck the luck out of everyone around him. Like a vampire.
Along with sanity. But that was a given for the others, even partial others, like Vlad. Or Danny.
But Vlad didn’t even try to hide or ameliorate the effects he had on people, didn’t try to keep them safe, to make their lives shine like the precious lights they were.
(Danny drummed his fingers on his chest and wondered, if, perhaps, it would feel less empty if Clockwork let him become a jewel box.)
But that was the way Vlad was, and Danny felt him enter Amity Park like nails on a chalkboard. His skin started to itch. His teeth hurt. Pressure pulsed in his head like waves of heat coming off asphalt. Being human, being real, was too tight, too heavy. It would be so easy to slip into the cool waters of the Dream and cut through them to wherever Vlad was.
No. He couldn’t. As shown time and time again, that would just exacerbate things. No matter what Vlad did, it would be worse if they fought, especially if there was anyone there to see it. Like what had happened with Jazz…
Danny was beyond lucky he’d been able to snap her out of whatever Vlad had done to her, but she still was quite right. The Vultures had actually apologized on Vlad’s behalf, after that.
(And wasn’t that strange, standing in the Dream on ground covered by bones and feathers, the Vultures on a dead tree, speaking as one. A thing of terror, apologizing for their ward. For pain suffered through Love. For lines crossed.)
Still. He had better… supervise Vlad, for a lack of a better word. Make sure he wasn’t getting up to anything. He’d go as a human – as himself.
He sighed and splayed his hands out on the table.
“Something wrong?” asked Sam, who had been making a complex sigil out of her fries and ketchup.
“Vlad’s in town,” said Danny. “I—”
The doors to the Nasty Burger were thrown open with a bang as Jazz came running in. She ran halfway through the store, to weak protests from the employee behind the counter, and skidded to a stop in front of their table.
“Vlad’s here,” he said.
“You saw him?” asked Danny, concerned. “Did he try—”
“No,” said Jazz. “I can just—It’s like he’s under my skin, and I—” She made a sound of frustration and gripped both sides of her head with clawed hands.
“Hey,” said Danny, gently, grasping her wrists. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of it.”
“Okay,” said Jazz, breathing deeply. “Alright. I shouldn’t have freaked out like that.”
“It’s okay,” said Danny. He looked back to his friends. “Anyway, I’m going to go see what he wants, okay?”
“I’m coming with you,” said Sam, standing.
“Me too,” said Tucker. “Sort of. Halfway.”
“You really shouldn’t,” said Danny. “You know what happens when we get together.”
“Which is why we want to back you up,” said Sam. “As long as he stays physical, there’s stuff we can do.”
Unless Danny was prepared to do something incredibly inadvisable, there wasn’t much he could do to stop her. “Okay,” he said. “Just… be careful. If it looks like it’s going to turn into a fight, you need to leave.” He didn’t want them to get anymore spiritually messed up than they already were.
“We know, we know, you give us the spiel every time,” said Sam.
Yes, and Sam ignored it every other time. Danny shook his head. “Alright, let’s—”
Danny was promptly interrupted yet again, this time by his parents rushing in wearing… He could loosely call them clothes.
“It’s retro night, baby!” shouted Jack.
It was not retro night. There was no such thing as retro night at the Nasty Burger.
“I’ll take care of them,” said Jazz.
“Thanks,” muttered Danny, sliding out of the booth. “Come on, let’s go out the back.”
The alley behind the Nasty Burger was fetid in a way that made Danny’s shadow lift from the pavement and float on the air. Something that inhabited rats skittered in the corners at Danny’s presence and ran for a storm drain. He breathed shallowly.
“Which way?” prompted Tucker.
“He’s actually coming this way,” said Danny, frowning, debating facing him in this alley, just to see the disgust that would surely paint itself on Vlad’s face, paper-thin mask that it was.
Reality rippled, the surface tension that kept the Dream from bleeding in snapping. A miasma rose from the ground. Vlad stumbled into the alley, clutching at his face, which was melting. No, transforming. No, stretching. No, layering over itself a in dozen sickening ways, all the masks Vlad wore flickering over whatever truth he had all at once.
“Help me,” he grated. His words felt sick, diseased.
“Guys,” said Danny, fighting back the urge to vomit, “run.”
“No!” shrieked Vlad. “Help me!”
And sanity fractured like glass.
Whatever Danny’s parents had done to stabilize Vlad had worked, to a degree. It hadn’t fixed the underlying problem, which Danny could still feel slinking through the Dream. It also didn’t fix whatever he’d done to Sam and Tucker, although it had kept it from progressing further.
Danny took a slow, angry breath and ran a mental count of the lives stored inside his chest. They were there, all of them. Whatever happened to Sam and Tucker, they wouldn’t die.
But Danny knew there were fates worse than death.
His fingernails left half moon impressions on his palms as he clenched his fists. The Dream roiled with his fury, the force of it enough to keep Vlad’s diseased thoughts away.
“Daniel,” croaked Vlad. “Cure me.”
“That’s what Mom and Dad are trying to do.”
“Find a cure for me,” said Vlad, as if he hadn’t heard Danny at all, “and you’ll find a cure for your precious little friends.”
Danny stilled. “You did this on purpose.”
Vlad laughed. “Of course, I did, my dear boy. What value is a simple human mind compared to those such as we?”
Any rage Danny had felt up to this moment paled in comparison. The mirror over the sink cracked down the middle, never to show a true physical reflection again. He hated—
A concerned tug at Danny’s throat jolted him from his thoughts. Clockwork. Clockwork would know what to do. He turned, and without a second glance at Vlad, strode bodily into the Dream.
It took Danny even less time than usual to find Clockwork, and, when he did, he immediately found himself at Clockwork’s center, deep within the castle that was his metaphor. Dozens of Chains were fixed to Danny’s collar, each of them completely taut, holding him perfectly immobile, the embrace of a relieved but panicking parent. Clockwork’s emotions, too vast for Danny to fully comprehend, were transmitted directly through those chains, microscopic vibrations raising gooseflesh on Danny’s skin. A wordless noise both distressed and pleased wound its way from Danny’s throat, continuing to echo long after he’d run out of the breath to maintain it.
Clockwork’s avatar cupped Danny’s face in its hands, long fingers almost completely encircling his head. There was more of Clockwork in it that there usually was.
“Clockwork…?” asked Danny, weakly, confused and overwhelmed by the sudden flood of affection.
Poor little one, whispered the avatar, this is what happens when matters are not properly attended to. The Vultures should know better, should take care of him properly… It pressed its forehead to Danny’s, startling a squeak from him.
Danny, reflexively, brought his hands up to clutch at the avatar’s robes.
My poor child. What are they thinking, letting him run around so ill, so that he might infect other children?
Clockwork saw Vlad as a child, too. Not surprising, considering how ancient Clockwork must be, but good to know.
That emotion! It was only a shadow, and even so-!
Hatred, hissed Clockwork’s avatar.
The collar around Danny’s neck constricted, a tighter, more Loving, more comforting, hug. Danny gasped, although breathing here was psychological rather than physiological. The cloth of the avatar’s robes began to wind up Danny’s arms.
Even the pale, human shadow of it is not something you should experience, my child.
Danny didn’t like being that angry, but—
Even the concept of it is too much, too heavy. You should not have to bear it. I should not have overlooked it. The avatar’s hands moved to the back of Danny’s head, pressing his face against its shoulder. It must hurt you so,murmured the avatar, carding fingers through Danny’s hair. Fear not. I will excise it. All of it, even the idea of it shall not touch you, shall not sully your thoughts.
The avatar stepped away.
“Wait!” shouted Danny, panicking.
Not being able to hate? Danny had mixed feelings about that, but he doubted he’d be able to talk Clockwork out of it, not with how damaging Hate could be. In the end, it wouldn’t be that much of a loss. Not being able to understand that it existed? Not being aware of hate at all? Being unable to understand that, sometimes, people would go out of their way to hurt one another?
That was dangerous. That would render him unable to even begin to comprehend vast swathes of human history and humanity.
“If I don’t know what it is,” said Danny, “if I don’t know that it exists, how can I protect myself against it?”
A gust of wind blew through Clockwork’s sepulchral hall like the sigh of a giant. It is my duty to protect you, my child.
The sheer possessiveness of the words lingered on Danny’s skin. He wanted to lean into them but held his imaginary breath.
But very well.
Danny let himself relax, slightly, even as the avatar walked to somewhere he couldn’t see, its silent footsteps giving him no clue as to where it was. With only the constant, regular hum and tick of Clockwork’s gears to stimulate him, it was hard for Danny to stay vigilant. He found himself drifting, his thoughts wandering.
Did his hatred of Vlad cause him pain, as Clockwork said? What was it going to be like, to not be able to hate at all, rather than just not being able to Hate? Would he still be angry at Vlad? He hoped so. The man deserved it.
Two points of frigid cold touched the back of his head, contracted into a single point, and pulled. Danny felt something within him come free, and he sagged as much as the chains would allow him.
The avatar walked back into view, and Danny recoiled from the thing he was carrying, clasped in a long, silver pair of tweezers. “Is that,” started Danny, before he swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. “Was that in me?”
Yes, said Clockwork’s avatar, lowering it into a small, jeweled box. Danny felt relieved as soon as the lid closed on it and he was no longer forced to look at it. At the same time… Fear not, said the avatar. I could never destroy something of you. It will be remade into something more useful.
Danny nodded as much as he could and shuddered. He felt… dirty. Unclean. Just remembering what he’d felt, what he’d thought… It left a deep sense of wrongness.
Come, said Clockwork. I have just the thing for that. You are due for a bath. A cleansing, inside and out.
The metaphor of the chains fell away, leaving just the one, usual, slack one. Danny knew Clockwork could call them back at any time, that, in truth, they had not gone anywhere at all.
“What about Vlad?” he asked, twisting his hands around the hem of his shirt. “And my friends? Can you help them? Please.”
He felt Clockwork examine him appraisingly.
Perhaps the bath can wait for another day.
The mirror was a portal, tall and wide as a door, glassy surface gleaming with otherworldly light. The edges were crimped, filigreed, flared. Beyond the reflection, Danny could just make out the suggestion of movement.
It is not real, said the avatar, putting a hand on Danny’s shoulder, but a might-have-been.
“But I can find a way to fix things in there?”
The avatar did not answer. A prickling feeling rose up inside Danny, settling in his stomach. Somehow, this felt similar to when he’d eaten the mirror with the bad future.
It is,confirmed the avatar, briefly nuzzling Danny.
“Why?” asked Danny, just a little horrified.
Is it not satisfying to complete two tasks at once? I told you, back then, that our next task would be to remove those presents that seek to exclude you.
Danny didn’t understand.
You will. Clockwork’s avatar paused, as if thinking. This is what the Vultures should have done for young Vladimir, although they would have accomplished it differently.
“Oh,” said Danny, trying to wrap his head around that.
Clockwork’s avatar nudged him forward. Follow the chain when you are ready to come home.
Danny wasn’t connected to anyone in this might-have-been world. It was odd, watching every eye slide off him as if he wasn’t even there. If he wanted to interact with someone directly, he’d have to put a lot of force of will into it.
It was strange. Other than that, everything here seemed perfectly real. Not imaginary at all. The sun shone. People spoke to one another. The grass crunched under his feet.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison lay before him in all its questionable glory.
He’d have to find Vlad and his parents. They had rented a small lab space for their experiments with the Dream and research into the others.
Normally, he’d follow his connection to them to find them, or the disturbance Vlad made in the dream, but neither of those things existed, now. Not yet. Danny didn’t exist yet.
He could just wander, try to seek out questionable lab space, but the university’s campus was large. Normally, he’d ask for directions, but…
Yeah, the no one being able to see or hear him thing really didn’t allow for that.
But there was one other thing he could try to do, one other thing he could try to sense. Their experiments. They should send waves across and through the Dream.
He let his eyes drift closed and walked blind across campus. When he opened them, he was in a lab, watching his parents and Vlad working on a kind of magic circle, inscribed with runes.
A portal, intended to let humans directly access the Dream. A portal that had created Vlad, all because he leaned too close, watched too closely, seen too much, became something else, changed.
Something like anger stirred under his skin. After this, his parents had continued to experiment, continued to try to reach the Dream, to create a weapon against the others, and in doing so both doomed Danny himself and Amity Park by making what amounted to a highway for the others to come to the real world.
But they hadn’t intended to do that, he knew. They’d been trying as best as they could to fix things. Had been trying to defend the world the best they knew, portal or no portal. And speaking of the portal… If others could damage human sanity, if Danny, small and weak and almost-human as he was, could damage human sanity, then how much more could a direct link to the Dream do? Discounting, of course, that normal dreams could lead to the Dream… That connection was more tenuous. Filtered.
His anger was a distraction from what was really bothering him.
These people, they looked like his parents. They were his parents. But… they weren’t. There was no attachment there. Nothing. It was like looking at empty shells. No Love.
It was distressing.
He watched, waiting, making note of the symbols and the placement of the ritual objects and the technological enhancements. There had to be something here that would help explain why Vlad was having such a hard time, while Danny had transitioned to his present existence without much problem.
He leaned over his not-mother’s calculations, then his not-father’s, made note of the differences. Looked at the fire, the knife, and the carved cylinders. Some of them didn’t feel quite right. One of them had been nudged out of alignment by a soda can put down by not-Jack, shifting the circle, making it bigger. Could that be something?
Vlad leaned over to examine the circle, and, at the same time, not-Jack pushed a button on the tape player, which started chanting. Danny could feel the hole boring into reality before the first syllable was finished. They’d made the portal both too well and too poorly.
Danny reached for Vlad and pulled him back, out of the way of the opening portal.
Danny may have made a mistake.
He’d saved Vlad from becoming other. In doing so, he’d changed things, altered this entire make-believe world. The way the story was progressing was no longer the same as his own. Which meant that it might be useless for collecting clues for fixing Vlad, Sam, and Tucker. Mostly Sam and Tucker.
(He’d help Vlad if it wouldn’t hurt his friends, he didn’t hate the man, not anymore, didn’t desire his suffering. But his friends were, of course, his main concern.)
But he couldn’t just leave. He’d made note of all the flaws in the portal, but that wasn’t in any way conclusive, wasn’t a guarantee.
And, in the meantime, his not-parents and not-Vlad had continued working on the portal, which they hadn’t shut down, unlike in the proper timeline. Or had it been disrupted by Vlad? He didn’t remember the exact sequence of events. His parents had never been clear.
But the portal was on, it was working, and it was wrong. Everything was wrong. The portal was in a class of things that should-not-be.
Just like Danny, in this world. He… With the portal, and the way things were going, he shouldn’t exist here, the butterfly effect would keep him from being born, and he was becoming painfully aware of that fact. Literally painfully. It was starting to hurt, being here, a throb in the back of his head.
Or was that the portal?
Either way…
(He couldn’t shake the suspicion that he was breaking things just by being here. Everything was going wrong. So many little accidents.)
(Or was that the portal?)
He kept watching.
It had been… a while, now. It was easy to lose track of time like this, with no one to talk to. Days? Maybe? He’d been drifting, which should have been troubling.
Maybe he should go back. Cut losses.
(Besides, it was disturbing watching his parents flirting with each other. And Vlad. Even if they weren’t really themselves.)
Then his parents wheeled in a… What was that? He walked closer. This was about the same size around as the pillars that had done this to him.
Danny would never forget those, after all.
Something hummed inside him, picking up a kind of resonance between the active portal and the pillar.
The ground fragmented beneath his feet.
Reality followed soon after.
He found himself nowhere with nothing. Only nowhere and nothing.
Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
What had he done? He’d, he’d destroyed a world, he’d—
There was a gentle, but insistent tug on his chain. He followed it home.
He clung to Clockwork’s avatar, gasping, as if he was the only real thing in the world. His emotions were too much, too great, uncontained and roiling. They battered him like a stormy sea.
It’s alright, it’s alright, comforted the avatar. It wasn’t real, and now it never will be. All those worlds where you would not be. All gone.
No. No. No. Horror buzzed in his brain. He couldn’t have destroyed so much.
Never were,continued the avatar, Clockwork apparently oblivious. All disproven. Paradox. You could not be and yet you were. You were in the places you were not. So, now you exist, in all these places, in everywhere that could be, and always will. It stroked Danny, brushing away tears. Only one more to go, until you never were not, my beloved child, until you always were mine, as you were meant to be.
Danny keened into the robes of Clockwork’s avatar, distraught. Wind ruffled his hair.
Considering the point in time in which you were placed, said the avatar, Vladimir will be well again.
Danny looked up, hopeful for the first time in hours.
Mostly. The underlying cause has been removed. You should bring the rest to your… progenitors. They are at least competent in this area.
Danny nodded vigorously and attempted to extract himself from the avatar’s grasp. He was unsuccessful, although the avatar did adjust its grip on him.
You have had a difficult day, it observed. It then presented Danny with a cookie.
Confused, Danny took it.
A gift, said the avatar, Clockwork having evidently returned to his normal laconic mode.
“What’s it made of?” asked Danny, suspicious.
Love. What else?
“How do you feel?” asked Danny.
“Weird,” said Sam. “But okay.”
“What was it like?”
Sam shrugged. “It was like…” She waved her hand. “Watching a thousand different movies of my life, but they were all wrong. Like if they were crappy biopics done fifty years after I died or something.”
“Speak for yourself,” grunted Tucker. “I just got a lot of sand. So, so much sand. And sun. Do I have a sunburn?”
“No?” said Danny. “You look fine.”
“Ugh, I forgot you were white. You don’t know what sunburns look like.”
“I’d argue,” said Sam, “but you’re not wrong.” She fell back against her pillows. “I just want to sleep.”
“Same,” said Tucker. “I never want to see the sun again.”
“We’ll make a goth of you yet,” joked Sam, tossing a pillow at him.
“Okay,” said Danny, backing away. “Should I get the lights?”
“You don’t mind?”
“Sleep well,” he said. He hoped they would.
(Because he would not.)
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softboywriting · 3 years
Hard To Love | Nathan Bateman | Ex Machina
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Summary: You’re Nathan’s personal assistant. He’s an insufferable bastard. Both of you have unchecked tension and feelings for each other. What could possibly go wrong? [swearing] [sexual themes/situations] [arguments] [exhibitonism - implied] [pining] [Dominant!Nathan] [Nickname use - pet name/non derogatory] [Nathan being Nathan] [nsfw - kissing, lap sitting/grinding, heavily implied masturbation!f reader] [F!reader/Nathan]
Word Count: 7k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Nathan is...well... Nathan. Insufferable, workaholic, egotistical. He is a lot to handle and doing so isn't always easy. You had a lot of breakdowns, screaming matches, some nearly coming to blows. But you didn't give up and you learned to work around him, and coax him out of moods, serve him back the same dry humor and disinterest. After finding out he had gone through four assistants, two that never made it past their first week, you knew you couldn't give up on him. There was a diamond in the rough and you were going to find it because despite all of the hard times, you care for him. He's a fucking bastard, but he's your fucking bastard.
"It's been six months." Nathan says over breakfast one morning.
You look back from where you're cleaning up the pans you used to make his vegetable omelet with soy egg substitute. His favorite. You had taken over cooking from Kyoko three months ago when she began to malfunction. You're not sure what happened, or if maybe Nathan staged the malfunction to give you more to do. You suspect the latter.
"Six months? Really?"
"Don't act like you don't count the days."
"I don't actually." You set your plate of food on the table and he reaches for one of your toasts. He has his own, well, had. He ate it already but he has egg left so he wants more toast. "I stopped months ago."
He chuckles softly. "I still don't know why you won't quit."
"Why do you want me to?"
"I don't."
"Then why do you bring it up?" You raise your eyebrows and he shoots you a look over his vitamin water. "Cat got your tongue?"
Nathan folds his hands, elbows on the table as he shakes his head. "Most people in your position, having dealt with what you have dealt with, would be itching to get as far away as possible. Surely you must be mentally unstable to stay with me, gaining some sick pleasure from our fights and shit. I almost feel bad."
He almost feels bad, as if he were to blame for nothing. Typical. "And if I am fucked up? Gonna fire me?"
"Fuck no."
You smile over your coffee. Decaf. He won't have regular in the house after he nearly went into cardiac arrest from an over abundance of caffeine. He did it to himself. Slugging back redbulls with his vodka after drinking his pre-work out mix that had far more than he needed in it. He may be a technical genius but he can be such a fucking moron.
"You like me." You tease, rubbing your barefoot on his leg under the table. "You would miss me if I left."
He snorts indignantly but does not deny your observations.
"How was the food?"
"Perfect." He sits back, foot bumping yours now, running up the side. "Don't know how you do it."
"Perfect? Wow. High praise from you." You swat his foot away with yours and he starts trying to pin it down by stepping on it. "Better than Kyoko's?"
Nathan hums. "I programmed her with cooking skills from top chefs across the internet. Technically she should be the greatest chef on the planet. So the fact that you can make me food that is better floors me."
You hook your ankle around his and he lets out a little grunt. "Cooking is an act of love. Yes you can program an AI to make things perfectly but technical skill doesn't equate to preferred taste. Come on, Nathan, you're smarter than this."
"Questioning my intelligence now?"
"Every day." You jerk your leg back as he lifts his other foot to trap it. "Cheat! You cheater! One foot only!"
Nathan lets out a boisterous laugh, head falling back, hand over his chest. "You get so worked up over that!"
You roll your eyes and stab your eggs viciously. "Fuck off Nathan."
"No need to get so mouthy."
"Mouthy." You scoff. "Rich coming from you."
He stands, catching your chin in his grasp. "I got you to break."
"You- oh God damn it." You jerk away, arm extending to shove him.
He chuckles proudly to himself. "I'll be in my lab. Find me if you need me."
"Gonna let me in today?"
"I might."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you later."
Nathan could have the AI clean the house, but then you would run out of things to do. Honestly your job could be done by any one of his creations, humanoid or not. You don't actually need to be there at all, and yet Nathan keeps you around. For a man who is hell bent on privacy and secrecy surrounding his work, you have no idea how he has let others in. He laughs when he says that he had the men who built the complex killed after the fact. Surely it's a joke. You think. Though you've never asked, never dared to investigate the truth in his words. It's best you don't know.
The house doesn't need cleaning that often. Just laundry, dishes, some sweeping and mopping should you or Nathan track in mud after a hike. Most chores take a few hours out of one day a week. Your title is assistant and yet you don't actually assist him. Not in his work anyway. You feel like your title should be maid or housekeeper. It's fine, you really don't care because he pays you so generously that you would do whatever he needs you to.
"Kitten!" Nathan's voice comes from the intercom system built in the house. "Come to the lab, kitten."
You scowl at the nickname. He dubbed you Kitten your second day at the complex because he thought your wandering around perplexed by the maze like design of the house was akin to a new kitten trying to find its way in the world. You suppose there could be worse names he could call you, and there are ones that have come out in screaming matches, but kitten has stuck.
"Lab. Now. Come on."
"Fuck." You groan, tossing aside your book you were getting very into.
"I heard that."
"Of course you did." You lift your badge and scan the door to your room to head out into the hall. One of the AI walks by and you think her name is Lily. She's beautiful. Unfortunately her programming has failed and she cannot speak. "Hi Lily."
Lily raises her hand in greeting.
If she is out then that must mean Nathan has been working on her. You turn away from the AI and walk down the hall to the junction that splits left to Nathan's room and right to another hall that goes to the lab and test rooms. The lab door is open, the light blue on the access pad.
Nathan spins around in his chair. "Kitten, you've made it."
"As if I could get lost."
"I have something to show you."
"Do you? I thought you didn't want me involved in your work."
Nathan gives you a hard look. "Do you want to fucking see it or not?"
"I don't even know what it is."
He grabs a small item off his desk and brings it to you. "This is it. My newest AI."
You take the small flash drive from him and turn it over in your hands. "This is a new program?"
"Yes. My best work yet. I'm going to build her this week."
"Please show some enthusiasm for fucks sake." He snatches the device from your hand. "I'm kind enough to share this with you, you could at least say thank you."
"I never asked."
Nathan slaps the flash drive down on the desk and stares at you. He is not used to being served his own cold attitude and he never will be. Since you started going toe to toe with him, he has been on top of his game. It's like you engage his mind beyond his massive ego. "You're insufferable."
"Likewise." You smile and he smiles back. The pissing match has ended. "I need to get groceries soon."
"You know what I like."
"Of course I do." You fold your arms over your chest and he averts his eyes for a moment. You know he's staring at your breasts, pushed up in the tank top you had chosen to wear while deep cleaning your bathroom earlier. "But what do you want?"
"Loaded question, kitten."
"Going that route today?"
"Maybe." He saunters towards you and catches your hair between his fingers. "I want... something sweet."
You raise your eyebrows. "You're craving sugar? Are you ill?"
He chuckles. "A little. Just in the head."
"Yes I want something sweet. Get me some donuts." He puts his hands on his hips. "Get yourself something too."
"I always get myself stuff. Do you think I only buy your groceries?"
"It's my house, of course I think you buy my shit."
You reach out and touch his beard, fingertips gliding along his cheek. You don't miss the way his eyes flutter at your touch. "Do you need your beard oil? The conditioner stuff? Looks dry."
He grabs your hand and curls his fingers around yours. "Yes, I do. But don't touch it."
"Possessive today huh?" You smirk and he groans irritably deep in his throat. "You live for my touch."
"I live for you to leave me the fuck alone."
"Then fire me."
"Then suffer." You bring your other hand up and pat his opposite cheek. "Does physical affection bother you Nathan? Does touching another human bother you so mu-"
He backs you against the wall and pins your wrists. His face is only inches from yours, body pouring heat onto you. It sparks something deep inside and you feel heat pooling in between your legs. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" He murmurs, grip tight on your skin.
"Don't you have some issues to work out?"
"Fuck you."
"You'd like to."
Nathan drops your wrists at that and retreats into the lab, the door closing and locking behind him. It drives him mad that you're not one of his AI that he can order around and do what he pleases with. You like to think that's why he keeps you around, to remind him that he's human and he needs someone that isn't an algorithm to keep him sane. Maybe he also let a little piece of you crave out a chunk of his icy cold heart.
You rub your wrists and look at the reddened skin. They might bruise. You straighten your clothes and head back to your room. You'll need to wear something more appropriate to the store. It's cold out these days.
"Do you get lonely?" Nathan asks one evening over drinks in the lounge.
You put down your laptop and give him your attention. It's the first time he's spoken to you in two days since the wrist grabbing incident. "Lonely?"
"Yeah. Do you miss relationships? Hook ups?"
"Not really. I was never super social to begin with."
"Just curious." He takes a long drink, emptying his tumbler. "Why do you think I want to fuck you?"
You feel your cheeks redden. The way he is staring at you makes your arousal rear its ugly head. Staring shouldn't turn you on. He hasn't done anything. "I think you're desperate."
"Yeah. You decommissioned Kyoko months ago, Lily doesn't have a vagina and yes I know this because you told me in a drunken stupor ages ago. So you haven't fucked anything or anyone in months."
"You think I need to fuck?"
You stand and walk over to him, knocking his knees open to stand between his legs. "Nathan, just fucking admit that you want me. That you keep me around because one day you'll grow a pair of balls and ask me to sleep with you."
His hands come up and grab your hips. He pulls you down and you straddle his lap, thin pajama pants hardly acting as a barrier between you and his cock in his gray sweats. "I keep you around because you piss me off." He grips your ass and you roll your hips against him. "You piss me off and make my blood boil like no one else."
"So you hate me?"
Nathan brings your head down to meet his. "I couldn't hate you if I tried."
"Then what are we doing?"
"We're having a moment." He grabs your hair and you snap at his nose with your teeth in response. "Behave."
You let out a moan as he begins kissing up your throat. "This was your plan all along."
"Do you ever shut up?"
"Then I'll make you." His hand closes around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make you stop talking. "Why do you have to be so in my head? Why..." He kisses your shoulder, biting the junction between it and your neck. "Why did you have to show up?"
"You hired me." You whisper and he drops his hand from your throat in favor of sliding it up your shirt. "You selected me."
He rolls his hips up against you, biting down on your skin to elicit a yelp from you. "You're damn right I did."
You grind down against his cock and he grabs your hips to still them. You let out a soft whine from the lack of pleasure and he grips harder.
"Get up."
Your heart sinks, and you stare at him in confusion. "What?"
"Get up. We're not doing this." Nathan pushes you off of his lap and you stumble to your feet.
You straighten your clothes and walk around the coffee table to grab your laptop. You can't say you didn't expect this. It was a long shot to begin with and you initiated it so you knew he would shut it down. Still, it hurts. His rejection isn't disinterest, it's personal protection. He won't let anyone that close to his heart.
"Good night, Nathan." You mutter as you head for the doors to the inner workings of the complex.
"Night, Kitten."
It is three days before you see Nathan again. Locking himself away isn't uncommon practice. It's a Thursday when you see him out on the deck with the punching bag. You happened to catch a glance when you were preparing breakfast as you had every day. He didn't eat with you, but you still made it for him and left it under the warmer. The plate was always gone when you came back, so at least you know he is eating.
You grab a few grapefruits from the basket on the counter and start juicing them. It'll be a nice surprise for him. You grab a cup from the cupboard and tilt the juicer to dump its contents for you. It looks good, smells tart but it is not your type of juice. Fitting for a man like Nathan. Bitter, tart and sort of hard to swallow. You rub a bit of the squeezed rinde around the top of the glass and grab the sugar dish to sprinkle some around the rim. A little sweet to lessen the bite, a representation of you in this metaphor.
"Kitten, good morning." Nathan says as you approach with his juice and a towel. "What's this?"
He raises his eyebrows. "Fresh?"
"Yep." You hand him the glass and he inspects it suspiciously. "No poison. Promise."
A smile creeps it's way across his face as he gulps it down. He takes a moment at the end to lick the sugar clean from the rim, keeping his eyes on yours the whole time. It's far more sexual than you think it should be, and it was never your intent to get this response.
"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." You pass him the towel and take the glass.
Nathan scrubs the towel over his face and rests it around his neck. "I'm going for a hike later."
"You're going with me." He turns back to the punching bag and starts his routine back up. "Be ready at nine."
You sigh. "Alright."
Nathan's idea of a hike and your idea of a hike vary greatly. You view a hike as wandering around the forest along trails and seeing the beauty of nature before you. Leisurely pace, breaks, maybe a snack or two and some photos for the memories. Nathan however thinks hikes are treacherous climbs up cliffs and rock jumping across rivers and streams. He goes as quick as possible as if he's trying to get somewhere and he's going to be late. It's hardly relaxing.
"Come on, why are you so slow?" Nathan barks from atop a rock some several yards ahead of you.
You're panting, legs pushed to their limit from the half an hour long uphill climb you've just endured. You have no idea how he isn't even winded.
"Fuck off Nathan!" You huff, grabbing a scrubby looking tree for support as you haul yourself up over a broken chunk of the path. A game trail, not even a proper walking path.
He laughs, his voice echoing off the cliffs surrounding you. "You can do it, Kitten! Get that little ass up here!"
You finally reach him, your lungs threatening to explode. "First of all, this isn't a hike it's a rock climbing marathon." You hold a finger up to his face threateningly. "And second, my ass isn't little."
"Oh I know." He folds his arms over his chest.
"So you stare at my ass a lot then?"
"I'm a heterosexual man. Of course I'm going to look at your ass."
You roll your eyes. "Thanks for the objectification."
"You're welcome."
"Can we take a break here? My legs are killing me."
Nathan stretches his arms up and back. "This is why I brought you with me."
"So you can get some exercise. Your stamina is shit."
You glance to the drop off below then back at him. "You wanna keep insulting me?"
"Facts are not insults."
"I will push you off this cliff, Nathan."
He steps away from the edge and closer to you. He doesn't say anything about it. Doesn't apologize for the comments about your stamina and needing to work out more. He reaches for your face, plucking something off of your cheek. "Eyelash."
"Make a wish."
"Wishes are for children." He flicks his finger off to the side.
"I wish my boss would get his head out of his ass." You smirk triumphantly. "Is that a child's wish?"
Nathan flicks his eyes up and down your face, eyes settling on the bite bruise peaking out from under your sweatshirt collar. You had forgotten about it until this very moment, when you realize he hadn't seen it yet. "Is that mine?"
"Of course. Who else has been biting me out here in the middle of nowhere?" You reach up to touch it and he shoves your hand away to pull the fabric aside for himself.
"No one else can touch you."
Heat blossoms in your stomach at his jealousy tinged words. Possessive Nathan really does it for you. But he isn't your boyfriend. He is your boss. "I'm not yours Nathan."
His fingertips ghost over the nearly healed bruise. "Yes you are."
"I'm not."
"Then why don't you leave?"
You shove his hand off your shoulder and he gives you one of his famed deadly glares for doing something he doesn't like. "You don't want me. So I can't be yours."
"It's not that I don't want you, I can't have you." He turns and starts walking away, resuming the hike. How very like him. He says something stupidly cryptic that only makes sense to him. Whatever. You're not here for his affection and approval. You're here to be his assistant.
"I'm out of alcohol." Nathan states plainly, looking into the cupboard that usually has a few bottles of his favorite liquors. "Where is my shit?"
You look over from the fridge and smirk to yourself. "I thought you were on a detox again."
"I'm done with it. Where..." He turns and looks at you. "You didn't buy anything."
"Nope. I was told not to."
"By who?"
He purses his lips and looks around as if thinking about when he would have ever said that to you. He looks perplexed and you feel so smug. "Since when do you ever listen to me?"
You laugh softly. This is your fault now? Following his orders and not buying alcohol? Really.
"You're my boss. I usually follow your orders."
Nathan kicks the cupboard closed lightly. "Stop that."
"Stop what? Following your instructions?"
"Stop fucking with my head." He leans on the counter and takes his glasses off to dig his palms into his eyes. "You're so fucking irritating."
"Sure am." You gather some utensils from the counter that you left to dry and begin to put them away. "I live to make you suffer."
Nathan pulls his hands from his eyes and stares at you, eyebrows furrowed. It's like you're a puzzle and he's trying to see the solution. "Sometimes I wonder."
"You're being a baby."
"Excuse me?"
You walk over and stand in front of him, hands on your hips, mimicking his pose when he explains things to you. He doesn't fail to notice this as his eyes sweep over you in assessment and he raises his head as if challenging you. "You're only saying I'm irritating and making you suffer because you can't drink. It's been what? A week?"
"Eight days."
"A week. I'm sure you can make it another two weeks."
"You're fucking joking."
"Nope. I'm not going into town for groceries again until absolutely necessary. It's a three hour flight there and then back, remember?"
Nathan clenches the edge of the counter top with white knuckles.
"Get as pissed as you want." You lean in close and he nearly moves back. You know he won't back down from a challenge. "Maybe you'll have to face your demons sober. Maybe you'll figure your shit out."
"I didn't hire you to be my fucking therapist."
"Yet here I am."
Nathan pushes off the counter and grabs the bottle of water you set out for him before he goes off to lock himself in his lab for God knows how long. Ever since you came on to him he seems to be jumpy around you. You don't know why he won't just admit that he likes you, that he wants you. He is going to get blue balls sooner or later. Well, maybe not because he can jack off but actual sex isn't the same and you know he has a sex drive through the roof. You used to hear it at all hours of the morning before he deactivated Kyoko. You'd be lying if you said you didn't get off on it a few times.
Days and days pass without a word from Nathan. Ten is now the most you've ever gone and after five you start to wonder if he is even in the house. Maybe he went for a walk and fell in the river. Maybe he pissed off his AI again and it finally strangled him. You would have no idea because the place is so huge and quiet for the most part. Aside from living quarters the complex is soundproofed. One would think Nathan's room beside yours would be for privacy but it's not. The freak. He wants people to hear him.
At the twelfth day mark you actually begin to worry. A twenty day sober Nathan may be a new kind of animal and you're not sure if you truly want to interact. Distance makes the heart grow fond though and while he is insufferable you do care for him and wish to see his stupid smug face. It's a risk but one you need to take.
The light on the lab door is red. Locked. You raise your key card and it buzzes, remaining red. He's denied your access to the lab. Shocker. You press the com button on the wall but it doesn't connect. He's shut that off too.
You lean your head on the cool cement wall and sigh. One more day. You'll give it one more day. If he doesn't show his face you'll get the override key card that resides in the hidden box in the bathroom. You found it ages ago, by pure accident. You've never used it and he has no idea that you even know about it. But you'll do what you have to do.
Morning of the next day you find yourself in bed, looking around the soft cream colored walls. An idea comes to mind. A dirty, dirty idea. You know Nathan has cameras in every room. He's too anal about protectng his work not to. Plus he has major trust issues.
You lean over the side of the bed and pull open the nightstand drawer. Inside is a small vibrator that you brought with you when you moved in. There's another box in there too. One that was there when you opened the drawer the first night. On the top it says "For your needs, because you're only human."
Of course you opened the box out of curiosity, Nathan had said everything in the room was for you so it wasn't snooping. In the box was a dildo, some lube and a little bullet vibrator. You had never used them, finding the gift too personal and odd. Complimentary soap? Normal. Complimentary extra blankets and pillows? Thoughtful. Complimentary sex toys? Insane. Until you got to know Nathan, you thought it was the weirdest thing ever. In fact, you forgot about the box after a while as you hadn't had the urge to get off until recently. Today however, you're going to make a show of it in hopes of getting his attention.
You dump the contents of the box on the bed and pick up the dildo, wrapping your fingers around it. It's life like, fleshy and soft but firm enough for it's intended use. It's bigger than you might usually prefer but nothing you can't handle with some extra time. And you've got nothing but time. You take a glance around the room, not seeing any obvious surveillance cameras. This may be for nothing.
You make quick work of your pajamas, toss aside the blankets and prop yourself against the headboard. You decide to keep your gaze fixed on the television, imagining it's where he is watching from. You close your eyes and let your hands start to wander, doing thier thing while your mind runs wild.
Time passes slowly as you work yourself over, adjusting to the dildo and working yourself into a heated frenzy. It would be easier if you had something to watch, some porn or something. You're not intent on making yourself come, but you will if it comes to that. You just want to put on a show to draw him out. That's what you're telling yourself anyway.
The power goes out, darkening the room and thrusting you into silence. The back up system announces its engagement and the emergency lights come up red. You sit up and lean your head back against the headboard. Great. You toss the toys aside and get up, pulling on your pajamas. You go to the door, punch in the code for manual override during power failure. Nathan is such a nerd. It's not a specific number but rather the theme to Star Wars.
The door clicks open and you go out into the hall. No one in sight, not that you really expected anyone. "Nathan!" You call out, heading for the lab door. Everything is eerie red and you don't like it. "Power is out!"
No response.
"Nathan James Bateman!" You sing song as you slide your card on the lab door. It buzzes. "I know you hear me you fuck!"
"Power restored. All systems active."
The hall turns white, back to the bright daylight simulated lighting. You lift your key card up in hopes that the system turned off his lock out coding for your card. Sure enough it turns blue and the door clicks open. Relief washes over you as you step into the darkened office where his computer is set up, notes on the wall, security feeds pulled up on two of the monitors. The door to the actual lab is open and you walk through into the bright area.
"Nate?" You call out, the nickname slipping out as your voice wavers a bit when you don't see him anywhere.
You spin around and see the man you seek emerge from a doorway. It's the server closet where the breaker box is. "Hey."
"How'd you get in here?"
"The power failure reset the lock codes."
"You can leave."
"Nathan, you haven't been out in almost two weeks. I'm starting to get worried. What are you eating? Are you sleeping?"
"I'm fine."
You give him a once over. Wrinkled clothes. Disheveled beard. Hair grown out longer than you remember, still buzzed but not so close. His skin is dull and lifeless. "You look like shit."
"What's new?"
"Oh come on. You're more vain than that. What are you doing in here anyway? Why the power failure?"
"Fuck off."
"What an original come back. I've been trying to get your attention for days. The fact that it took a power outage for me to get to you is sad." You walk up to him and touch his chest, there is a little bit of dried blood smeared on his shirt. A cut on his hand most likely. "Nathan, talk to me."
Nathan pushes away from you and goes to his design table where there are blueprints laid out for an AI.
"Leave." There is no venom in his tone. If anything he sounds pleading.
You decide to make a bold move and wrap your arms around his shoulders. He stiffens, hands stilling on the table, pen falling from his fingers. "Please talk to me."
"Just go. I don't want to talk to you."
"Fine. Dinner is at six." You pause at the doorway to the office area. "Did you hear me?"
Things fall back into a normal rhythm in the days following. You do your work and he does his. You eat together, go for walks, talk about his progress on the new AI. Everything seems to be back to it’s usual flow, how it always happened after big arguments or falling outs.
So while you’re sitting in the lab watching him work one day and he asks you about the dildo in the bedside table you're thrown for a loop. It’s far from his usual choice of topics and you had actually forgotten all about it. His mentioning of it brings back the memory of when you were laid out on your bed, literally masturbating to try and get his attention. Christ what a desperate move that was. Stupid.
"So have you opened it?"
"The dildo box? Yeah I've opened it." You try to remain casual as you discuss something so personal. You definitely aren’t thinking about how good it felt.
He smirks. "Used it?"
"No." A bold lie. He has no idea. He never saw you in your bedroom. At least you don't think he did. Why would he ask about it if he had? Why is he asking about it at all?
“You’re a shitty liar.” He turns around in his chair and faces you, pushing his glasses up off the end of his nose. “Did you like it?”
“I haven’t used it.”
“Do you want me to bring up the video? I will.” He stands and heads to the office. “Come on, come here.”
You slide off the table and walk behind him in your shame, cheeks hot. You knew you shouldn’t have lied. Of course he was testing you. It's Nathan for fucks sake. He gestures to his rolling chair and you take a seat while he leans over the desk and clicks around on files on the desktop. “Is this really necessary?”
“Yeah. It is.” He opens a play back window and you can see the view of your room. No surprise. You try to figure out where the hell this camera is based on the angle. It seems to be the top left corner above your closet but as far as you remember there is nothing there. “Oh, there you are.”
“No, no watch.” He points to the screen as you toss and turn on the bed. He speeds up the playback as you get into the drawer and get the box out. You deliberately clear the bed, undress, get back on the bed.
You roll your eyes, looking away from the screen and he places a hand on your head and turns it back to watch. “So? I’m masturbating. Whatever. You do it too. If I wasn’t supposed to use the damn thing why did you leave it for me?”
“Oh I don’t care that you used it.” He clicks a little audio icon beside the playback screen. “I just want to know why you lied about it.”
“I am embarrassed? I don't make a habit of talking about my-”
“Nathan.” Your voice plays back on the audio coming from the video playback and you wish you could sink into the floor and disappear. “Nathan, harder please!” Of course he has audio on the fucking cameras. Of fucking course he does because why not right? It’s his house, his research facility.
Nathan looks at you over his glasses. “You’re embarrassed about talking about masturbating or you’re embarrassed that you think of me when you do it and I found out? Actually don’t answer that because this looks deliberate.” He takes a seat on the desk, blocking the view of the monitors. “Now, are you going to lie to me again, or tell me what this is about?”
“I wanted to get your attention.”
“Well you got it honey.” He clicks a button on the keyboard and it stops the playback.
“I wanted your attention to get you out of the fucking lab. It had been almost two weeks since I had seen you and the only way I can reach you from outside is through the cameras. So I thought, maybe there is one in my room because you’re a fucking control freak. Low and behold I was right, but it didn’t work how I planned it to.” You fold your arms over your chest and he chuckles. “What’s so funny?”
“Me? How is any of this funny?”
“What kind of person thinks that masturbating on camera is going to get someone’s attention? No, seriously, why wouldn’t you try flash signalling the cameras in the halls? Set up a cue card with a message? Who says I’m gonna fuck myself for my bosses attention?”
You take in a deep breath and clench your jaw. He’s right, kind of. You hate it but he is. In any other situation you never would have done this. So why did you? Why did your brain go straight to exhibitionism? Because it’s Nathan and you’ve got it bad for him and you wanted him to see you. He’s got your brain just as fucked up as he has his own.
“It was wrong, I’m sorry. Is that what you want to hear?”
“Nope.” He kicks his legs hanging over the desk. “I wanna know if you liked that dildo.”
“It was fine I guess.”
“Not too much?”
“Nathan, why do you fucking care?”
He hops off the desk and shakes his head as he heads into the lab. “I’m curious is all!”
“You’re a freak!”
“And yet you still like me!”
“I’m starting to wonder why.” You push up out of the chair, close the playback on the computer and leave the office. You’re covering that stupid camera and throwing that dildo in the trash chute. You should have known he’d get some weird complex out of watching you say his fucking name while plowing yourself with a toy. In a weird way it turns you on, but it also pisses you off because he won’t actually admit that he liked it. He won’t ever admit anything.
“Can I ask you something?” You say to Nathan as he sits beside you on the couch. You’re in the lounge together, dinner long over, watching a movie as you wind down for the evening. He’s got his arm around the back of the cushions and your legs are pulled up under you, feet pressed against his thigh. You’re close, but not too close.
“I don’t know. Can you?”
“Don’t be a dick for ten minutes please.”
Nathan holds his hand up in defense. “Ten minutes. Shoot.”
“Promise you won’t be a dick? For real?”
“Yes. Ask me the damn question.”
You take a deep breath, knowing what you’re about to ask is going to be rough on him. “When we were on our hikes a few weeks ago, you said it wasn’t that you don’t want me, it’s that you can’t have me. What does that mean?”
Nathan stares ahead at the movie on the tv over the fireplace. A moment passes, a moment that is too long and makes the room fill with awkward tension. You expected this.
“Gonna stay quiet for the ten minutes you aren’t going to be a dick?”
“Shut up.” He says softly, no venom in the words.
You stare at him expectantly, awaiting a better answer than just shut up. “Seriously, would you just-”
Nathan’s arm comes up from the back on the couch and his hand catches the back of your head, dragging you closer to him as he presses a kiss to your lips. Your blood boils in the best way and you chase his lips as he pulls away. “That’s all it takes to shut you up?”
“Answer my question. Ten minutes aren’t up.”
“I can’t have you because you’re going to leave. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day you’re going to leave.”
“I’m not leaving Nathan.”
He scoffs. “So if I stopped paying you to be my assistant, you would stay?”
"You're fucked up." He shakes his head. "You're fucked up and it's my fault."
You stare at him at a loss for words. Did he just admit fault for something? Are you hearing this correctly? Is Nathan Bateman, tech genius and egotistical maniac admitting he has done something? Holy shit.
"I did this to you. I made you stay here and endure my mood swings and drinking and all my shit. I stockholm syndrome'd you and I didn't even realize it." He leans his head back and closes his eyes. "You don't deserve this."
"Nathan, you didn't make me stay here. I chose to stay."
"Where the fuck were you going to go? Run off into the woods for days and days until you hope to find someone? What option did you have? I trapped you here. I've kept you caged in this house like an animal."
You lay your hand over his and he grabs it, threading your fingers together. "You don't think someone could actually love you, do you?"
"You don't think someone could fall in love with you because you're insecure. You push people away, you push me away because you think it's easier than letting yourself feel something for someone."
Nathan looks pissed but he holds his tongue.
"I'm not trapped here, you aren't twisting my arm and making me stay here against my will. I know what I signed up for, I know what I signed in those contracts. I could have told you to fuck off and shove your head up your ass months ago and taken a helicopter back into the city. I could have just run away on any one of my dozen grocery runs in the last several months. But did I?"
"Why is that?"
"I don't fucking know."
You lay the hand not held in his, on to his cheek and turn his face to make him look at you. "Because I love you, Nathan."
"No you don't."
"Yes, I do. You're a real son of a bitch sometimes and I want to break your nose and choke you to death every once in a while but I care. I care about you, about your work, about your life. I want to be here, I want to be a part of your life Nathan. You don't have to be afraid. I'm not going anywhere."
Nathan gets up and you hold your joined hands tightly.
"Don't run away damn it!"
"I'm not! Would you let go!"
"I swear to fucking God if you lock yourself in that lab again I am going to get a battering ram."
He takes his glasses off and presses them into your palm. "Take these as collateral. I'll be right back."
You sit back on the couch and glare at his form as it disappears into the house. You clean his glasses carefully with the edge of your shirt and set them on the coffee table. He has to come back for them, he's as blind as a bat without them.
Nathan returns shortly with a small box. "I made these." He hands you the box and you open it as he puts his glasses back on. Inside are two black bands, rings.
"I don't understand."
"I made them because I know I can be difficult." He plucks one from the box. "They track the wearers vitals, change colors based on varying indicators, and they will work no matter how far apart they are."
"You made high tech mood rings."
He shoots you a glare. "I made them for you." He places the ring in his hand into your palm. "So you will know that I'm alright when I'm working long hours. I know I'm not the easiest to read and I don't have the easiest time expressing myself sometimes."
You put the ring on and it lights up a soft pink color. The moment Nathan slips his over his finger you can feel a soft steady pulse coming from the ring. "Is that your heartbeat?"
"Yeah." He holds his hand out and you can see his band is the same color pink. "I'll give you a breakdown on all the colors and functions later, but pink means the body is at ease."
"Do you love me? Just tell me, straight up no games."
"Yeah." He cups your cheek and brings you in for a kiss. "I love the shit out of you."
You break away from his kiss and press your foreheads together. "Can I ask just one more question?"
"Fire away."
"Is the dildo a mold of your dick?"
A smile spreads across his face and you already know the answer before he says it. "It is."
"You're a freak."
"And you absolutely love it."
You smile as he presses his lips to yours and pulls you over into his lap. "I guess I do."
The end
Please reblog if you read or like. Thank yo so much for reading! -A
Header by the lovey talented delicate-venus
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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demonslayedher · 3 years
I'm glad you reactivated the questions, here are some flowers for you: 💐 Seriously speaking I'm sorry that because of a question I asked you a few weeks ago you watched a series of videos of psychopaths 🥲It made me laugh at first but then I felt guilty 💔 it's all Muzan's fault for leaving us all with curiosity (imagine his parents' reaction once they realized there was something wrong with him even as a human)
Yay, flowers (which I shall kill with my black thumb)! And no, no, it’s fine, I had hoped it came off funny! I like listening to stuff like that while I draw anyway because I’m a nerd anyway and I found it very interesting.
Speaking of being a nerd, you have innocuously unlocked the following essay about Heian period nobility and wisteria flowers: There is nothing to state so in canon, but I find it highly reasonable to say Muzan might had been of the very powerful Fujiwara clan. Step inside my office, Anon.
Okay. So. The Heian period, simply put, was a time of cultural flourishing and beautiful pastimes, the origins of a lot of Japanese style aesthetics, and a romantic courtly like of romancing everybody else in the court. This is assuming, of course, that you were at the very, very, very, very top of society. Otherwise, the vast majority of people were poor and sick and starving and ew, in young Muzan’s world, we do not wish to associate with that. In the Heian court, Kyoto basically is the whole cultural world. Even though there were other cities that could rival Kyoto, the emperor was there, so it was essentially the cultural center of the country. The nobles who lived there got money from owning land in far-flung provinces, but actually having to live in those provinces? What a drag! Having to live away from Kyoto for work, even if it wasn’t an official banishment, often felt like a punishment to the nobles and their families who were used to the social scene at court. And, like affluent courts around the world throughout history, understanding all the intricacies of style and “Heian Rumors” was key to having social clout, and popularity was power. And yeah, nobles would be vicious to each other. While clan dynamics and history are complex and not something I’m getting into here (I don’t consider myself well-versed in it enough), the Fujiwara clan is a BIG DEAL.  Basically, in Heian times, children were typically raised in their mother’s home, thereby heavily influenced by their mother’s clan, so besides a young man’s parents, his in-laws also would had been hugely influential in his life, as they will have a long-felt influence on his progeny. The Emperors typically married Fujiwara daughters. This, in addition to other positions of influence of the Fujiwara clan members usually held with influence over the Emperor, means that politically, there was no messing with them. Now, just because I say Muzan might had been a Fujiwara clan member, I don’t necessarily mean a member of the main branch of the family. Often, due to inheritance management, different branches of various noble clans might be given different surnames. The Fujiwara clan does have different branches, some of which did go one to have close ties with the imperial family even after the fall of their power at the end of the Heian period and all the way through the Taisho, and some branches carry some impressive family legacies but otherwise live like normal or high-class common folk in modern-day. (I know one such Ojousama from a renamed Fujiwara branch; she’s a sweetheart and never brings it up herself but every time I hear other people say things about her family, I’m like, dang.) We can venture from Muzan’s likely expensive medical treatment, multiple marriages (meaning other clans sought to be connected with his family even by marrying their daughters to a sick man), and even preparation for cremation as a baby that he was of a very, very high status. 
Being the sick son of a prominent family may have warped his personality in multiple ways: first, he was probably already used to a culture of popularity equated political power. We see in Muzan’s dealings with humans in the Taisho period that he can be exceedingly charming to get what he wants (a psychopath trait, haha), so he was probably pretty aware of the complex ways of socialites in the court. But, even being aware of that, it probably frustrated him to no end that he was too sick to take part in the social pastimes where he’d gain clout. It’s also possible that he was a bit of a bargain husband for his wives’ families who were seeking to a make ties with his family, as they must not had been politically useful enough to be married off to other powerful matches. This may be some of why he was so ruthless to them, for he never saw them as useful to him in the first place. This probably got a bit worse once he became a demon. Now to be lewd, but he probably got more vigorous in his pursuit of more powerful lovers, and knew how to slay the women’s hearts as he liked (you know, popular Heian pastime, everybody had lots of lovers, it was the norm, though political marriages and legitimate children were still important). That new sense of power probably went to his head. But, ultimately, he must had been limited in clout since he couldn’t take part in any daytime activities, thereby limiting his access to more powerful spheres of influence. His reputation from having grown up sickly must had followed him too. It’s anyone’s guess how much affection his parents had for him and how happy they were about his health at first, and if and when they might had noticed his changes. He was a full-fledged adult by the time he turned into a demon, so who knows how closely they even associated with him. They likely had healthier children who they devoted more care and attention to, and invested more family resources in while assuming Muzan would probably die young.
Who knows what the final straw was in Muzan leaving court? Was it frustration at not being able to walk in daylight that made him flee to the Kanto area in pursuit of the blue spider lily (from near where the doctor lived) long before Kanto became politically affluent? Or was it the rumors at court about how he didn’t age, and that he was eating people?
Of note, a lot of the early legends of demons in Japanese culture take place in the Heian period.
In his book “Japanese History of Demon Slayers,” retired Shizuoka University professor Tetsuo Owada capitalized on the success of Kimetsu no Yaiba to dive into a lot of ties between the series and what it may pay homage to throughout Japanese history and culture. While this was published last September and a handful of his theories have been disproven by the second fanbook published last February, and while I think a lot of his theories are stretching a little too far to make strong connections, it’s still deeply, deeply interesting stuff. He goes into some specific comparisons of demons, like Minamoto-no-Raiko and his posse of four big bad warriors taking on the Tsuchigumo (giant spider demon) terrorizing the mountains north of Kyoto harkening to the case of Rui’s family (and, ding ding ding, this was the primary focus of the official Kabuki/Kimetsu crossover last November), as well as takes little questions left in canon and dives into them a bit deeper. One such question is, why were wisteria lethal to demons? According to Prof. Owada’s research, there is no historical basis for this. Some of the talk online is that: 1. Wisteria are in fact poisonous, and consuming too much of them would cause vomiting and diarrhea (though I’ve also seen people make jam out of them because of the fragrance, so, like???) 2. Beans are thrown around at Setsubun to ward off demons (like so, Feat. Muzan and Kimetsu Beans), and wisteria are of the bean family 3. Wisteria like sunlight, so perhaps like Nichirin, they soak up some of the sun’s properties that are lethal to demons 4. In the language of flowers (Hanakotoba), wisteria symbolize kindness, welcomeness, refusing to leave someone’s side, being drunk with love, being straightforward and truthful, not losing the humanity in one’s heart, thereby containing a lot of meaning contrary to the conduct of demons Interesting, but some of its kind of a stretch. While still finding it a stretch to apply it to wisteria being poisonous to demons, Prof. Owada goes on to say that since ancient times, while the wisteria has some negative connotations of how it was sometimes written with characters meaning “doesn’t heal” (不治) and growing downward with smaller and smaller flowers like symbolize the slow downfall of a family line, it conversely also carries positive connotations of longevity and flourishing family due to the fact that its vines grow upward.
Now, you might picked up at some point that the Japanese word for wisteria is “fuji.” Not to be confused with Mt. Fuji (that’s written differently), it IS the same fuji as in “Fujiwara”: 藤.
Prof. Owada goes on to explore the association with the use of Wisteria crests in Kimetsu no Yaiba, especially on the houses of supporters of the Demon Slayer Corp. His recurring thesis is that the pandemic is partly responsible for Kimetsu no Yaiba’s popularity since demon legends have long since had origins in epidemics, and he supposes the Wisteria crest has a protective effect on the houses, similar to a talisman used in a lot of real life rituals for warding off illness and then often displays in or on the entries of houses to protect the family every year (I have one such item gifted to me, it stays by my doorway, along with a couple sticks of charcoal (but the culture of charcoal is a post for some other day)). The talisman is in reference to a god of Hindu/Chinese origins being treated with hospitality by the So clan, so although other families perished in disaster/disease, he promised to always protect the So clan descendants, so the talisman says “Descendants of the So Clan” so that any household may try to claim that divine protection. The gratitude-exchange of hospitality and protection and sure sounds familiar! Prof. Owada isn’t done yet. While the crest design used in Kimetsu no Yaiba isn’t an actual family crest in in real life, there are lots and lots and lots of family crests that use a wisteria design and have the character for “wisteria” in the name. Any time you hear “—tou”, like Satou, Saitou, or even Gotou, you can typically assume it’s 藤. It’s very common nowadays, but the first family to be granted the use of this name was the Fujiwara clan, when one of the pre-Heian and very powerful emperors granted their clan head this surname, which was a major honor, and it marked the start of the Fujiwara clan’s political dominance (there was already influence leading up to this, but meh, we like clear-cut stuff to simply centuries of history, don’t we?). Furthermore, although we often think of the Fujiwara clan for their influence at court, and we might think of the Minamoto clan for warrior heroes who fought demons, Prof. Owada concludes his argument of wisteria’s protective influence by pointed out a long list of Heian period Fujiwara warriors who also were the heroes of demon slaying legends, stating that their name has also long been tied with demon slayer culture. SO!!! Let me go on with my theory here. Muzan is from the same family line as Ubuyashiki. At some point (I assume after Muzan is long gone from Kyoto), the family is told while their children keep dying, and they accept their mission to bring an end to Kibutsuji Muzan and clear this curse on their family line. My thought is that their ancestor was a full blood sibling of Muzan, one whom was more invested in than sickly Muzan. While perhaps already an off-shoot of the Fujiwara Clan and thereby not entitled to the same sorts of inheritance, they probably maintained close ties with them. But, as it was already not direct by that time, the other Fujiwara clan branches were not affected by this curse. To further spare the clan the effects of this curse, this was probably when that sickly branch took the name Ubuyashiki. (And yes, I have things to say about this name and its possible mythological origins which I find a highly, highly interesting connection. Prof. Owada supposes it is tied with Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine and that is why there are nine pillars, but as much as I love Izumo Taisha and its giant pillars I base my argument in separate Shinto (but also Izumo!) mythology and accept that there are not always supposed to be nine Pillars specifically and Gotouge simply chose that number based on the number of strokes in the kanji for ‘Hashira’ (柱) BUT I DIGRESS). So, the Ubuyashiki Clan is it’s own thing, but is sort of like a cousin to the other Fujiwara branches and thereby continues to enjoy Fujiwara support throughout the Heian period, like some of the Fujiwara warriors going out there and slaying some of Muzan’s early demon experiments, and using their influence to bring in other warriors to the demon slaying cause (pet
theory: Genpei War warrior Kumagai Naozane was a member of the proto-Corp and using Kasugai-garasu was in practice since at least late Heian period). While the Ubuyashiki Clan probably already their own inherited land (and funds that came from it), throughout their history, their cousin clans might also have provided financial support to the Ubuyashiki Clan. But, they probably distanced themselves from the clan due to the curse and not wanting to be tainted. When you bring back in the wisteria associations this puts the contrary associations with a flourishing and dying family line in a new light. Furthermore, the “not healing” way of writing “fuji” also means a lot more in the context of Muzan’s, and later the Ubuyashiki clan’s illness.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
April Teaser Collection!
Here is the  latest peek at my stuff sitting on my pc that will hopefully be finished over the next few weeks. I hope you find something that tickles your pickle. below the cut are The Stand In, It’s A Match, Deliverance, Mans False God, Gloria Regali.
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But instead of being managing to be all sneaky and close the door hiding henry in your room like a naughty teen with her boyfriend Henry was up and awake.
"Aha! Gotcha! Who said you could sneak out of bed this morning baby? I was lonely with out you~" you screamed and just about jumped out of your skin as Henry wrapped himself around you from behind dragging you back into him, nuzzling into your neck pressing an open mouthed kiss to it. Your shout of surprize had silenced both of the women's chatter making them jump, even Kal came darting back in gruffing as he leapt up the stairs heckles and tail raised and growling on high alert. Fuck.
"now why cant i get a good morning like that?" Tee giggled crossing her arms at the both of you, your mother eyed you both with a knowing grin and hummed agreeing. Henry snapped his head up and gulped. Fuck. You and henry stood still for a few seconds far to shocked at being caught with your pants down so to speak. You shifted on your feet but henry held you still hands on your hips using you to shield his nude form from your guests he hadn't known were there.
"O-oh shit- err good morning ladies!" He said turning red his voice higher than usual as he shuffled backward taking you with him. As he tried saving his modesty, he didn't take the covers with him because- well he had thought it was only you on the bus!
"I err- shit i didn't see you there... Sorry about almost flashing you both like that..." he said with an uneven tone tip toeing back into the room, still holding you at his crotch hiding the once half hard- now softening cock.
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"Good girl, where's your mother? Hmm? Your not supposed to be out and about alone are you?" Henry spoke slowly digging his fingers into the dense soft fur managing to find and hold the collar below the thick fur, then he leant down scooping up the lead what was still attached to her. Kal grunted and sat on the floor leaning his weight on henry's leg. Henry looked down and patted Kal scratching his ears chuckling. Kal's eyes still wide taking in the larger dog in front of him, it was comical Kal was used to being the biggest bear... but he was a good four to five inches shorted then this magnificent grey floofer.
"Kal, you okay there bud?... year she really is big isn't she, you best behave don't want her telling you off do you?" He spoke slowly calming both pups... and gosh did Kal look like a pup compared to her. Slowly both dogs leaned towards one another sniffing the air then with a happy yip Amii began licking kal... like a pup. Henry burst out laughing it was too sweet watching Amii sniff around his bear, whilst Kal sent his human a look clearly pleading for help as this new huge female smothered him with affection. But henry wasn't falling for it, Kal was wagging his tail just as excited to make a new freind.
Honestly henry was glad, akitas were fickle. They either liked you or they didn't. He got the feeling Kal would like this gentle giant for now he was a little awe struck over being smaller then something.
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"Clark? Clark come and help me- I cant reach the milk! Its at the back again!" Martha said quietly you smiled. It took a lot of coaxing but you had indeed tried what Clark had explained as 'cow juice' and had developed a taste for it. So Martha had promised you milk every day if you liked. Which you did like. A lot. Clark pressed another kiss to you and walked off towards the milk refrigerators expecting you to follow.
You made to follow but a sweet scent hit you and you stopped mid step. It was wonderful and ripe, sweet and succulent. You pivoted and followed without much thought. Your feet found there way twisting around the display of 'leafy greens' to a bright colourful isle. You salivated at the smells. There were so many intoxicating scents you didn't know what to look at first.
You pressed a hand on a small net package full of strange green fuzzy balls. Kiwi's? You read and scrunched your face up at the peculiar name. Then plucked the bag up and held it to your nose sniffing. They smelled divine, like a type of food from home. Okriin a small soury sweet treat given to children on their birthing date. You sniffed again and almost cried. It was so similar but so different sweeter and fuller in the scent. You cautiously sniffed again and closed your eyes before tentativly prodding it with your tongue wanting to see if it tasted the same.
"y/n? Y/n?!- oh god there you are? What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack" Clark said racing towards you his mother behind him with the cart. He slid to a stop and blinked at you. As you scrunched up your nose.
"the texture of these are... Not very nice?" you said naively moving for the fruit again sticking your tongue out once more trying to discern if it was edible like this. Clark moved quickly gasping holding your hands that had the.. Kiwi's in it.
"no no.. No we- you don't eat them like that... You peel them and eat the inside, and we don't lick things in the shop okay?" he explained plucking the fruit from you and placed them in the cart, Martha chuckled into her chest she couldn't help it, you were extremely cute.
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Kal proped himself up on his side and smiled sadly nodding. He knew. He knew the state they found you in was their fault. Thats why he was so adamant to look after you now to... make amends in a way. You'd proved you could barely survive on your own. But Kal was also angry; angry that you'd been abandoned, he had thought Bruce would atleast put something in place to look after you but he hadn't. Bruce hadn't helped you, he to busy saving his own skin and trying to fight him and the new regime. But he was more angry at himself you had been alone, with no means to protect yourself or really survive. And he should have known! He should have realised you were scared, that you would stay away from the new citizen system he put in place. That you'd fear being caught and killed like many of the others.
"I know, but we have her now... its going to be better now, we are going to right the wrongs love... we can give her the best life  look after her and nothing will ever hurt our little one again" his voice was strained his face in firm lines, hard and stone like. He truly was a god, carved in marble. Perfect. Diana nodded laying back curling herself around you. Kal drew a deep breath and shuffled closer winding his arms around his family, holding both his girls.
He chuckled when you grunted pouting in your sleep when he sandwiched you between Diana and himself. Trying to wriggle fee from the group hug.  But once again you settled after a few moments relaxing as you were now being warmed from both sides a small smile graced your face. Kal grinned and nuzzled the back of your head pressing chaste kisses to your bed ridden hair, he felt at peace having you here with him. And he meant what he said no one will ever touch his little babygirl.
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"what wrong? Whats going on?" you spoke quietly trying not to stare at the clearly sick monarch. You didn't want to see it, you didn't want to think of the implications of the illness he was clearly suffering.
"nothing gets past you does it my girl?" your father spoke jovially trying to lighten the mood but failed miserably, his chuckles dying off fairly quickly and he heaved a sigh. Your uncle broke the silence and your fathers hand slid to yours under the table and squeezed your fingers tightly trying to reassure you.
"I have summoned you here to discuss something that... Is very serious and the outcome will change the lives of many people. This is something.. I wished I could hold off but I'm afraid I cannot firefly" you bit your lip and braced yourself. This was bad news you could tell. A part of you thought for a moment of marriage, your gut churned at the thought and you felt sick all of a sudden. Where you being married off as a pawn? It was likely, it still happened even in this day and age it was just covered up with fairytale romance... Story book meetings and courtships, when in reality you were told that your to marry and that was the end of it.
"Y/n you are royalty. You were born in to a royal blood line that has ruled over this kingdom for nearly four centuries... And now it is time for you to take your place within it and do your duty" your father stated in his 'work' voice for the time being he was not your father, he was a prince. Heir to the throne and head of your family. And you were to listen and obey.
"You want to give me duties as a working royal?" you said sitting straighter only quivering slightly. You dreaded this, the publicity the duty and responsibility that you'd managed to avoid so far. But you knew one day you would have to take your place.
"yes dear. We need you. Now" your father said urgently, but there was something off. Like he was holding back, fearfull in a sense and it was not like him.
"Of course i will. Father I'm no fool I understand what my position requires of me and i will serve my country. You need only ask and I will obey. I only ask that i be given time to sort things out with the university security and such would need to be increased if they are having a working royal on campus-"
"I'm afraid its not as simple as that we... Are asking you to put your studying off" your uncle interrupted you making you frown. What? You furrowed your brow and made to shake your head but paused. It made sense... If you were to come and take on duties then the media may go wild and cause an uproar... They could cause issues on campus
"How long for?" you asked trying your hardest not to frown at your father and uncle
"Indefinitely.." the king replied holding your gaze firmly. it was then you knew this was serious, more so then anything you’d experienced before.
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tomatograter · 4 years
do u have any random bits of dirk/jake/dirkjake meta u haven’t posted abt but would like to share.. I just love your thoughts on them lol
My honest answer to this question is that due to the nature of most stuff im working on i'm Never *Not* Thinking about them. Though most of these thoughts are disordered and a tad holistic, so calling it meta feels silly when im just pointing out text observations or something ill later fit into a story LOL
That being said, the latest detail I've been mulling over (and if you follow my rambletwitter this will not come as new information) is the manner in which jake will exaggerate aranea's hot-girl availability and interest in him entirely to spite dirk (Here, brain ghost dirk,) for ignoring him and his attempts at communicating for the first half of act 6. 
Jake knows being around aranea makes 'A' dirk jealous, jealous enough he won't shut up about it, and this kind of honest no-bullshit attention is the very same he's been fruitlessly looking for as the AR hogs all viable lines of communication and "real" dirk refuses to tip his hand. There's an ongoing theme there that i don't usually see explored, and its part of what makes their relationship blow up in the latter half of act 6: Dirk's emotional maze and steel mask of irony prevents him from being sincere and open with the people he loves (metaphorically and literally) even when they're standing right next to one another. You can talk at dirk without talking with dirk, the same way dirk can talk at you without focusing on you - bit of a bad habit, there- and this sort of mixed signal drives jake a little bit mad. He's not even sure dirk likes him half of the time, because it is not something that is stated between them. (And as i said before, the verbal affirmation part of the "believing" process is a big thing for jake - and generally fits right into his neurodivergent profile. 0 emotional permanence, if you don't say you like him he's going to doubt it with his pingpong brain.) So when he sees the opportunity to actually get dirk to react in a way that makes sense, he grabs it. Its a big "Oh? So now you can pay attention to little ol" me???? Now you care??"
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(The jump in tone between these because dirk wont let go of stewing in bitterness while also trying to make jake embarass himself & jake throwing it right back at him that at least alien girl is talking to me! And yes she is ""hot""! "And most importantly maybe if you werent so difficult this would be US!!! . jpeg" is A Lot)
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(I also posted these two, bc the way jake casually mentions his status with dirk and/or tries to get her to talk about Real Lore Shit instead of more winkwonk nonsense says more about his intentions than brain ghost dirk prompting him into thinking about porn by yapping about it)
In game dirk latches onto making them adventuring agendas and exercise programs and matching outfits and grinding for exp inside dungeons for 8 hours straight, nonstop, most of which probably spent rambling about the supposed intricacies of sburb's philosophical stances, but all of it is never *explicitly* about the nature of their romantic relationship, or affection, or any sort of emotional intimacy without a takebacksies of "i'm kidding, because I'm a stone cold cool dude." It's almost as though he's making their romance into subtext just for the sake of unproblematically acknowledging it as a Bromance instead, given he still thinks the AR forced jake's feelings, except… he's also desperately trying to engage with jake like this, expecting any attention to count as positive attention. Its a nonstop marathon to effectively monopolize being around jake without having to touch on the complicated / embarassing / necessary parts of dating someone. When jake finally loses interest in playing this extended brainpuzzle game of 0 honesty with dirk and his many extended dlc splinters, he goes to sit on the grass and huff and rant about it, but it's nothing we haven't actually seen before. Jake states many a time that he's not sure if dirk is really into him, with all the false positives. But he has no qualms about saying if he had to date someone, itd probably be dirk, or that he used to joke way back if dirk was a girl they'd be totally in love until he realized that didnt matter, all the while objectively classifying jane's hinted at feelings as "unrequited" or straight up saying "no, I'm not in love with aranea, what the fuck?" When brain ghost dirk gets it into his head that he really wants to get into her pants and does all the heavylifting to entirely shift the conversation about how much she is his perfect alien girl. Its just funny to see how jake picks up that this is just because dirk is jealous, and dirk being jealous means hes willing to truly engage in what looks like an irritated but honest way, and jake wants said attention so much hes going to milk it for what its worth. (But when given the chance, he couldn't give less of a shit for actually kissing aranea, and it is actually framed as something horrifically wrong, because it was never about her, it was about dirk.)
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emetkoto · 2 years
💖💞💙💔 to start off the OC stuff, i do wanna just send you the whole list but I start small :3
YEAHHH WOOHOO ill try and pretend i dont have exclusive k'oto brainrot and give you answers for both him and eme :)
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
K'oto is. weird? When he's just kinda casually flirting or messing around in public he's pretty loud and proud about it, no shame and all that but if it's like. actually showing real affection to someone he is in love with thats more than just like holding hands he gets a little bashful bc even though he acts cool he is still. Somft inside <3
Eme has absolutely no shame she loves to be super out there with her affection showing so it's a good thing Urianger is the same way so they can be disgusting and annoying in public together :)
💞 doesnt seem to be on the list maybe you misclicked it? D:
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
K'oto at the start of the story basically all the way through to the end of shb is pretty independent? His only partner upto 5.3 (unless you count emet selch) was Estinien who was Never Fucking Around anyway and he was chill with that, they saw each other when they saw each other and both of them were fine with that, he has plenty of friends and stuff to keep him occupied and company so it was nbd! But after all the stuff in 5.0 and adding G'raha to the mix he started to get a bit more attached and tends to get a bit fidgety now if he has to be away from his partners for too long..he can still do a few days but beyond that hes like grr I want to cuddle one or both of my boyfriends so bad..its kinda like. yknow. you never know when a tragic end will pull you apart :,) hes learned that firsthand! After endwalker settles down post-6.0 he gets back into the mindset he was in before where he's like. pretty chill about everything..he lives with G'raha in Sharlayan and Estinien is still off doing who knows but he visits him on weekends so its not quite like it used to be !
Eme is insufferable if you pull her away from Urianger for five minutes they need to stay attached at the hip for everyones sake bc if you separate them they will make it your problem
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
LOOKS AT THE CAMERA LIKE IM IN THE OFFICE BUT MY EYES ARE HUGE AND FULL OF TEARS AND IM TREMBLING. aside from the obvious answer of 'all of 5.0' id have to say. not trusting him? he tries to be very trustworthy and someone you can confide in so if someone was withholding things from him bc they felt like they couldnt discuss it with him he would be like :( and worry that he was doing smth wrong
Eme does not like when Urianger does his whole lying deceitful going behind her back thing...she kinda put up with it in shb and shrugged it off bc there wasnt much choice in the matter, she didnt exactly have time to think on it too much or be upset with him but it kinda came to a breaking point in ew on the moon she was a wreck bc in her mind it was like. you dont trust me enough to tell me what youre doing and maybe ask me for help with it? youd really rather keep secrets and go behind my back????? and thankfully she got through to him so he shouldnt be doing that anymore.....ishikawa.
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e-luxion · 3 years
Can you please explain Johnny’s chart now that we know his rising? I never saw him as a Virgo rising but people say it makes sense and I’m like??? I’m not too into astrology to know
Yeah I agree with you, virgo was the last thing on my mind, even tho I think I first typed him as Leo Rising after thinking I was like 100% earth (more Taurus than anything) + 5th house placements so I wasn't wrong, but not right either 😂 I am actually excited to do this
𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙞𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙜𝙤 𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜:
It is not the Virgo Rising itself, it's actually where his planets fall that makes perfect sense imo:
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Sun and Mercury in the 5th house 
I say Johnny has 5th house energy a little too much but I never actually explain why
Sun in the 5th house people are m a g n e t i c. Whether they want to or not, they unconsciously end up being the centre of attention. More times than not people with this placement feel like they were born to do ‘more’ and to shine
5th house suns are warm, generous, creative and for the most part, can be very confident in who they are depending how well or bad aspected this placement is
Even if they are less confident deep inside, they try to be confident and to be that light for others
MERCURY IN THE 5TH -- holy shit, I share this placement and yes, some people find us a bit annoying but we don’t talk about that 
People with this placement tend to be very talkative, they don’t seem to run out of topics to talk about, you could put them in a room with anyone and they’ll find a common ground. 
Natives of this placement tend to also talk almost with hidden meanings, there is always a tone of innuendo, there is always a joke in there somehow
This placement is very much “primary school teacher energy”
Not great at concentration cos there is just so many things they want to do, they always want to do something new and fun. Mercury shows us how we communicate but also how we think, and in this house it becomes... a lot.
Moon in the 10th house
This placement is very interesting, imo the moon is the most important thing in our chart. It shows you not only what makes you feel comfortable and how you feel, but your relationship with your mother, how you were raised, it’s a one of the most decisive pillars of “you”
It’s cause and consequence, it shows you how you were raised and how that affected present day you
This is stereotypical but his career and status is truly very important to him, he needs it to feel safe and fulfilled. It makes sense how no matter how hard it got, how much they pushed his debut to later, he persevered and is such a hard worker.
A m b i t i o u s 
People with this placement are actually very sensitive and have a natural need to care for others, they are easily affected by the outside world which makes them want to almost protect others
It’s honestly such a dad placement
Things associated with this placement are definitely a parent sort of vibe, they are responsible and caring, they worry about others around them
Fun Fact, people with this specific placement tend to attract admiration from others, they inspire security and trust. Other musicians with this placement are John Lennon and Kurt Cobain, both people who inspired millions of people and to this day are remembered
Venus in the 4th house
This is another thing that just painfully makes sense 
You know how this man is always like blah kids, marriage, sentimental shit?? THIS is why! This right here, is a big reason why Johnny is the way he is half of the time I swear. The homey romantic vibes? Heavy 4th house venus shit
4th house Venus people are so nurturing, sensitive and calm? Venus most commonly tells you how you are in love, what kind of partners you want but it shows more than that, it tells you how you look after things, your possessions, your aesthetic... 
Johnny’s love for soft toys, oversized fluffy clothes, all of that is due to his 4th house Venus. He is also probably very sentimental with things from his childhood, or things that remind him of home 
When they fall in love, it is serious because their mentality is for the long term, they are very family oriented hence why they can be wary of who they date
People with this placement have the nicest houses and rooms cos they just know how to make a house a home, it’s always so cozy and dating them would probably feel like like an early morning, wrapped in multiple blanket with the fire place on, hot cocoa and the rain outside
On the downside, people with the placement can be TOO sentimental, to the point where is hard for them to let go of things 
Mars in the 12th
Actually this was the only one which was surprising to me, but tbh this is not a side we would often see of Johnny since we don’t know him like that. And 12th house “hides” whatever it falls on, it internalises it to an extent that the native might not actually be aware of this energy
His Mars in Leo makes him quick to anger, but mars in the 12th house makes him hide that anger, bottle it up until it comes out in a scary way because it was left undealt with for too long
Other things in his chart tell us that he has no problem going after things, like going after his career or pursuing hobbies and success. But this right here shows me that in some ways, he is scared to fully express himself due to an unconscious fear to be vulnerable
Sometimes they focus to helping people too much to hide this vulnerability and their own issues
Coming to terms with his own sensitivity and release toxic mentality is something he probably struggled with at some point 
On a positive note, people with this placement tend to be very welcoming and open-minded towards other, they show the kindness to others that they don't necessarily show themselves
a lot of bitches with 12th house placements in nct damn
Jupiter in the 3rd 
At its most basic, this literally tells you that his talent (Jupiter) is in communication (3rd). Very agile minds, who love learning and acquiring information about different topics, people, things, everything
People with this placement lead the conversation, very positive and enthusiastic in the way they talk with others. Sometimes can be a bit preachy but for the most part they’re open minded, curious, and say what’s on their mind, super expressive when sharing their ideas
@/astroismypassion mentioned that Jupiter in the 3rd native might have moved hometown more than once in their life which I find very interesting as this man moved across the globe to make his dreams come true
Philosophy, arts, cultures, stuff like that is very interesting to them and travelling is a form of mind expansion for them
Jupiter shows us where we have privilege and here it’s education, and a larger than life mentality that them well received by others; they are gifted at communication which means that people usually take them seriously as they can be very eloquent 
Saturn in the 6th
Another placement I share with Johnny which I think would be a flex if it wasn’t for the fact that Saturn in the 6th is actually a very difficult position to have. Saturn is not necessarily happy in this house
It shows an obsession with work, keeping a routine, organising but also struggling in all those areas. For example, you obsessively plan your life because you really struggle naturally to follow plans, timetables and stay organise
People with this placement have a tendency to overwork themselves until they’re ill, so health problems might be occur often due to this. You fear failure so it feels like you can never stop working hard, just in case you fall behind. Anxiety, self criticism is very common here
Honestly he has a couple of placements that just scream chronic workaholic 
Pisces Descendant:
I don't know if this is weird but I thought he had to have Pisces in a “favourable” house, because he seems to attract or get along with people who have Pisces placements specifically so this is not surprising at all.
I’m ngl this man probably daydreams about his s/o, if he is single he’ll just make up little scenarios in his head or has a very clear idea of the kind of interactions or person he wants
Very idealistic, gentle and compassionate in love but also wants partners that match this energy. Heart on his sleeve kind of vibe
He probably attracts slightly chaotic partners, the dreamy artists types 
This man clearly doesn’t want just any love story, he wants the sort of fairy tale romance he can tell his grandkids 
7th house is also like enemies and shit, but I’m not going to talk about 
Gemini Midheaven 
When you meet someone, there is 3 main things you see about them and that is Ascendant, Mercury and Midheaven. Especially when it comes to celebrities, we see their midheaven more than anything 
Gemini MC people always have something going on, they have like 5 careers at the same time, very multi-faceted people. They’re not quite happy at doing one thing but they’re also very adaptable 
In the work environment, he could adapt to others and very much go with the flow of things, jack of all trades. Whatever happens, he can do it and does it well
For now I am going to go on more explaining why everyone is like uhh it makes sense and later I'll actually make a post with more information, in my drafts I have this one post by xx saved from like a year ago of their personality analysis of Johnny, in which they asked if any astrology people could you know back this up. I had written a whole response to it but now that we know I will make a more detailed response and analysis of his birth chart 👁️👁️
𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊, 𝕷𝖚𝖑𝖚 𝖝𝖔𝖝
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Oop my bad I mean Ginrei haha. I was wondering what headcanons you had about him. The kuchiki clan overall is so mysterious
Ohhhhh, that makes more sense!
Sort of the same thing goes for Ginrei though-- just because I think he’s awful does not mean that I do not love him (I do.)
Look, the two wolves that live inside me are (1) I always end up loving rich characters and (2) I hate the rich. Although the contents of my blog may indicate otherwise, I am not actually a Byakuya simp. I am a Rukia and Renji simp, for sure. Byakuya loves them and is important to them, and by extension, I have grown affectionate for him, but the man is ridiculous and just barely escapes being awful, for reasons I will describe in a moment.
Soul Society is problematic. Like, this is not really a debatable topic, it is very much presented this way, and I think one of the most legitimate disappointments people have with the series is that we never see any major shift in this, even though a number of its institutions are literally destroyed, they just end up being being built up again. The main problem with Soul Society is that it is run by the rich and powerful, and the poor are neglected and left to live short, miserable afterlives. The nature of reincarnation and the fact that the strong cannot live among the weak without sapping their spiritual pressure really entrench this, along with the dominant narrative that it’s good for the outer districts to churn weak souls so that power can (rightfully) collect at the center.
Perhaps this is more of a logical extension than a headcanon, but everyone in Soul Society who controls any amount of power is likely to be awful: at worst, scheming and corrupt like that guy from CFYOW, and at best, crafty and artful a la Yoruichi. Take the Head Captain, for example, who is, on one hand, definitely presented to the audience as A Good Guy, and yet every single filler arc is about some shadowy thing he did 300 years ago coming back to bite him. Does he ever once show contrition about this? He does not.
Look, here is a headcanon I have hinted at, but I don’t usually say out loud: You know how Unohana was Soul Society’s worst criminal, and now she runs the medical station and teaches ikebana and smiles all the time? I also think that Kyouraku and Ukitake have done some nasty stuff in the past, and the fact that they now act like kind and genial goofuses is because they can. You get little hints of this all the time-- Kyouraku’s actions as Head Captain, Ukitake monitoring Ichigo through the substitute badge, etc. These dudes have done some shit, you will not convince me otherwise. (This does not affect my love for them, it may even enhance it)
I know this is very roundabout, but what I’m getting at is that to me, it’s a safe presumption that a Great Family Head is going to be slimy unless proven otherwise. Now, I don’t think Ginrei is a guy who gets up in the morning and says “how can I be evil?” I do however think he subscribes to the sort of circular thinking of “I am noble and therefore better than everyone else, it is right and good for me to make decisions that benefit myself and my family. Because we’re better than everyone else, it’s important that we remain in power as nobles.” On one hand, I think that Ginrei definitely does have ideals, like that he should lend his strength to the defense of Soul Society, that nobles should adhere to a certain standard of behavior, etc. On the other hand, when push comes to shove, he will absolutely prioritize covering his own ass (or his family’s). We see this directly in the Zanpakutou Spirits Arc, where he lectures Kouga on being a bad Kuchiki, and then immediately goes to pull some strings to get him off.
I think Ginrei and Byakuya are very, very alike in personality, which is the primary reason they don’t get along. The one big difference is, though, is that Byakuya does not talk out of both sides of his mouth the way Ginrei does. I think most nobles talk big talk about principles and standards in a way that is literally impossible to achieve, and yet Byakuya is constantly trying to hold himself to this, in a way that his relatives don’t really understand, and make a lot of people nervous. I also think that Ginrei is very, very pragmatic and makes decisions based on what needs to be done, and he doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for the people who get hurt along the way. Byakuya does this, too, to some degree, but through his association with his adopted baby scumbags, he realizes how much harm this did to his family, and he doesn’t want to be like that (although he’s also not really sure how to NOT be like that).
Here are some miscellaneous Ginrei headcanons:
- He had a good partnership with Byakuya’s grandmother, and they had affection for each other, but it wasn’t a love match.
- Good buds with Yamamoto, super problematic together
- Hair is incredibly silky, on par with B’s
- Was always unfailingly polite (bordering on patronizing) to Unohana and her bestie-at-the-time Iba Chikane. This however, was cover for a burning rivalry because Ginrei did not enjoy two women being better at things than him and Retsu and Chikane did not enjoy the patriarchy.
- Always had sky-high expectations for Byakuya, because he secretly thought Byakuya was great and wanted to see him be his best self. As a kid, Byakuya admired his grandfather, but as he grew up, and especially after the death of his father, Byakuya felt like his grandfather was just unpleasable for the sake of being an asshole.
- Ginrei had always been somewhat gentle with Soujun, because of his personality and illness, and partially blamed Soujun’s death on the this laxity, leading him to double-down on his expectations for Byakuya.
- Did not like Hisana because he was convinced she didn’t really love Byakuya and that Byakuya was throwing away a ton of political capitol for a woman who wasn’t even going to live very long. In other words, he legitimately thought he was looking out for B, but was a jerk about it. Finally let B marry her as an object lesson that... did not end the way he had hoped.
- Prior to the whole execution debacle, thinks Rukia is a disappointing nobody, not worthy of being a Kuchiki
- Is not dead, lives at the Kuchiki lake house in northern Rukongai.
- Has chilled waaaaaay out in retirement, loves tennis, tries to brew his own sake (it tastes like paint thinner but he keeps making B drink it)
I think this is the point where my Ginrei headcanons start to bleed into the Ginrei-comes-to-visit fanfic that I have been pretending to work on for, like a year now, so I’ll stop. Thank you for this discussion, which kinda makes me want to work on it again, even though I have a dozen other things to do.
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klaineownsmysoul · 4 years
Saw on insta that ppl saying that D said M is the K/urt to his B/laine... Well excuse me.. I am thoroughly insulted.. Only K/urt can be to B/laine what K/urt is to be B/laine and vice versa
Yes...much like his ode to special togetherness from a couple months back, it was an overblown effort to give credence and legitimacy to this extremely questionable relationship.  That kind of stuff is directly aimed at the group of fans who coo and swoon over every little m/iarren thing there is.  They - and even more so his team - so desperately need him to be straight that they think this is straight out of a fairy tale and the kind of love everyone should aspire to have in their lives.  It doesn’t make up for the times where he’s wandered away from her without a second thought or had to bring her to something where she sulked in the corner when she wasn’t the center of his attention or the times when he blatantly ignores her while sitting right next to her and she couldn’t care less until she notices a camera pointed at them and then we get the distinct displeasure of watching her grope at any part of him she can reach as she attempts to pull affection from a stone.
As a couple, as individuals - they couldn’t be more opposite from Klaine.  To borrow lyrics from their song: “my missing puzzle piece, I’m complete.”  Klaine fit together so beautifully, they know each other inside and out, and they compliment each other in all the right ways.  The affection between them never felt forced or awkward until the show deliberately fucked it all up, but I still to this day don’t hold any of season 6 as canon.  They are a true power couple in every definition of that term: they compliment each other’s personalities and they both hold their own professionally speaking.  The only thing she knows how to hold is a shot glass.  She’s supposed to be the Kurt in this scenario?  A man who had nothing handed to him and had to fight for every single thing he had?  Who achieved his dreams based on his own talent, determination, and sheer force of will?  Who was told over and over again that he wasn’t good enough but never let that stop him from going after what he wanted?  Nope, sorry, thanks for playing.  She had everything gifted to her but has achieved nothing on her own and has shown little to no interest in changing that.  Her entire life is feeding off of D’s fame.  That’s it.  That’s all she has.  He does all the promo for the toxic strip bar that is supposed to be her lifelong dream.  She only shows up there when she can make a spectacle of herself while he’s entertaining the masses.  She grifts appearances as a “musician” off of his projects and then all the comments inexplicably center around what a total bad ass she is.  Not to mention - Kurt would never ever ever be caught dead looking like she does in public.  An ill-fitting glittery trash bag at the Tonys?  Some sort of tablecloth or curtain added around her outfit for who knows what reason?  A dress that looked like it got caught in a paper shredder and no one bothered to fix it?  Eye makeup that was done at the Ross Geller Beautician Academy?  And of course - the ugliest effing skirt I’ve ever seen that was somehow allowed to be passed off as a designer wedding dress.  Good lord.  I think we can all agree that Kurt would always be dressed to kill and always complimenting Blaine’s outfit in someway, especially at a formal event where he knows pics will be taken and shared.  Speaking of pics at an event: I’d like to think I know Blaine pretty well by now and I’m 100% sure that he would never look like D does when he has to pose with the ball and chain while standing with Kurt.  There is nothing in D’s expression or posture that indicates to me he is with someone he loves and adores.  Standing ramrod straight with his body facing the camera and his hands folded in front of him with zero hint of happiness or joy on his face while she stands in her trademarked pose of claws around the neck, Joker smirk on her face, and the fake engagement ring prominently featured so all the world can see just how easily she can be bought.  Also by the by - there is absolutely no fucking way in hell that Kurt would ever go on a group honeymoon with their team. He would put the fear of death in everyone so no one would even consider calling either of them, let alone tagging along.
Its also the perfect excuse to remind us once again that he’s super super duper straight and to sure up the ever changing timeline of their relationship.  So we can all be reassured that Blaine was just a fictional character and while he was in love with another boy, D in real life is totes into girls and has this amazing chica that he’s been with since the Industrial Revolution and that’s important to remember.  
As much as I love D, this real life mess does not and will never compare to the glory and wonder that is Klaine.
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