#but we're also what is holding the other down from reaching their full potential
caus34concern · 4 months
boyfs are so codependent in a yuri way
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theomnicode · 7 months
One punch man and flirting with romance
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Romance, in my opm? More likely than you think.
There are many instances in one punch man where the author and the mangaka specifically tip their toes into showcases of implicit romance than explicit, but it is there and I'd like to jump into the romantic cruise ship and put down some of the cases where romance has been implied.
Starting with number one, Fubuki and Psykos implied to be kissing under a tree as teenagers where Fubuki seals off Psykos' powers with an implied kiss, where Psykos is also seen blushing right after. Rest of their interactions also ooze romantic overtones.
Number two is cd audio drama, Saitama and the mysterious heroine, where Saitama and Genos go see a movie and Saitama starts talking about relationships after seeing Suiryu flirt with a woman, then goes on tangent about girlfriends and such.
Saitama: That’s not the point... I have the feeling that things like a heart to heart interaction, sharing an umbrella, warmth, are all things broken away in my life. Other people can have things like big events and circumstances happening, romances and such bringing happiness in their daily lives. I have the feeling something broke and that sweet-like fluffy, nice stuff just fell right off from me. That's what I meant.
Saitama: Genos, look, have you ever seen a hero anime without a love interest in it? Genos: I don't remember watching a lot of anime in the past.. Why do you ask? Saitama: Well, we're heroes, right? We're working and living as such. And yet, why are we indifferent towards things like love interests or girlfriends? In some way it seems obvious and logical, but is it really ok? Are you ok with reality being so much harder than fiction?
It is obvious that Saitama would still be interested in romance, as he seems to be a romantic at heart, yet after becoming so strong he struggles with his emotions, his apathy.
Saitama also reads romantic shoujo manga on his spare time, as seen on season 2 OVA.
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Number three is fairly recent addition where it is implied that Genos interest in Saitama as a disciple may or may not be entirely platonic. 3 different people (Zombieman, Flashy flash and Amai-mask) take note of Genos growing interest in Saitama. Genos has also been noted very much be interested in his master's physical appeal in audio cd dramas and below excerpt.
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Genos for a long time, has been a prime example of a potential fool in love, but it is still handled in implicit rather than explicit manner. Shoujo sparkles and all that included.
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Number four is a most recent addition of Blast and his partner, possibly holding hands under the panel. Blast's partner is specifically referred to as "partner" and not a collaborator by Sitch, giving his partner some more importance in the scene than rest of Blast's teammates. This one may be reaching, but we'll be seeing in future arcs how correct that assumption is.
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Number five, Saitama and makeover audio drama where Genos has given Saitama's attack a long name.
Saitama: (Serious voice) Super shining and lightning, that’s right, this next punch will overwhelm you like a gust of northern urban wind deep in December, this illusionary, fantastical, understanding punch from the heart, starting from hyper dreaming attack the final, a never-ending eternal forever endless sentimental with a high sense aggregation of full throttle, godless, loneliness, can’t stop falling in love and as soon as fighting…
Number six, monsters named Maiko plasma and Electric catfish man appear to be a married couple. Maiko plasma refers to Catfish man as "darling" in multiple occasions, so they appear to be involved.
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Number 7, where Tatsumaki thinks that Saitama is attracted to her because he's gripping her hand.
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Last but not least, number 8, romantic alternate universe comedy part between Fubuki and Saitama in high school audio drama, where Fubuki thinks Saitama wanted to confess to her.
OPM may not yet have any really explicit romance, but implicit...there is a boatload. ONE does not leave fans cold when it comes to romantic undertones. :D
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damascus-crowned-king · 8 months
proofread by the lovely @caelum-et-ocean
Also once again
Also kinda angsty
He needed to relax.
He needed to step away from being an alpha.
He needed his body to stop aching.
But most of all, He needed the love of his life.
After a 15 minute drive which felt like an hour due to exhaustion he finally made it home. His feet dragged out of the car and all the way to the stairs and front door. He was even exhausted getting his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the door.
With a creaky sound emitting from the door, he spoke softly as that was the only thing his tired voice could muster. "Angel, I'm home."
He was greeted with a soft, kind smile from his other half sitting on the couch. "Welcome back, handsome." He smiled back, but then his smile faded as he realized something unpleasant. "Did you sleep on the couch?" A sheepish smile arose from his question. "Would you be mad if I said yes?" He sighs. Not mad or disappointed. Simply worried. "Angel, you're sick. You shouldn't be sleeping on a stiff, uncomfortable couch while you're sick."
He sits down on the couch and holds his Angel close but not tight as that is the only way to calm himself down.
"Baby, sleeping on the couch for one night isn't gonna kill me! I'm not that fragile." 
"I know you're not that fragile… you're strong. But your body needs time and care for it to get better…  And sleeping on a shit couch is not taking care of your body. As hard as that might be to believe." A small chuckle erupted from the both of them. "Fineeee… You may have a point." "'May?'" "Ugghhh! You definitely have a point! Better?" He chuckles softly and pulls his angel into his chest, and gives a kiss on the cheek. "Better." "Oh, wipe that smug smirk off your fac-" a sentence was interrupted by a cough. And then another. And then a series of coughs…
Until blood is coughed out.
"Angel!" A voice filled with emergency and worry as he puts his hands on his Angel's  back as gently as possible. "Gabe, I'm fine, I promise. "No, you're not. Coughing up blood is far from fine!" His wife quickly rebutted, trying her best to calm her husband down. "And so is stressing about it, Gabriel…" she gently held his face in her hands, although the gentleness was partially because of her weakness.
She caressed his cheek in an attempt to soothe him. "I know it might be a hard task, but please don't stress. The most you can do is be here. And that's enough. 'Cause you've been here since we first started dating." She gave him a smile that was bright yet weak in order to ease his mind, and all He could do was silently let his tears fall while his wife held his face. "Gabriel…" She brought him to his chest and softly stroked his head. After a few minutes, Gabe finally spoke. Although it was barely over a whisper. "Thank God I got Frank to babysit so David isn't here to see this… He doesn't need to see his father like this…" she smiled solemnly. "I'll miss our boy… And I'll miss you too… I barely got to see him grow up and reach his full potential." her voice cracked, too full of emotion to speak properly. Gabe croaked out. "Don't say things that… Please don't." She laughed sadly. "You're right. What am I saying? We're gonna grow old. And we're gonna see our son at his wedding all fancied up. And then we're gonna be the amazing grandparents who spoil our grandchildren and child-in-law…" Gabe's wife's positivity made him smile and laugh. "You're right. That's exactly what's gonna happen. " He wiped his tears and kissed her, and she gladly accepted his lips. She whispered softly with her arms around his neck. "Let's go to bed, big guy." He picked her up with ease and carried her to their bed, and he gently laid her down and crawled in next to her. "Can I lay on your chest?" "Of course, Angel. You don't ever have to ask…" The sound of his heartbeat soothed her, and the feeling of her on his chest soothed him.
Until she spoke up. "You wanna know what's one of the worst things about me being sick?" "What, Angel." "You're not nearly as rough with me in bed as you used to. I mean, it's a real letdown!" He let out a surprised laugh. "Christ, Angel! You are a menace!" She giggled maniacally in his chest and held him close. "Well, since you love me because I'm a menace, I'll just take that as a compliment!" And she was right. Gabe did love her because she was a menace. But he also loved her for so much more than just that.
@why-me-marti @6-atlas-6 @theratisbackanditsinyourkitchen @justaclownwholikesducks @your-local-mom-whore @annahhopee @capitalisticveins @boeeswrld @zozosrandomthings @wippisboo @frog-0n-a-l0g @lemonnoodles @tanker-redactedaudio
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
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Congratulation... Captain?
Andy x Fem!Reader
AN: next chapter will contain smut
Chapter 3
"19!Line up in the barn!" A strict voice calls. The team lines up, all in a row, so that everyone is facing each other and Andy walks imposingly through the centre of the row. "We currently hold the record for speed and thoroughness! We want to keep it that way." She walks slowly past each individual, checking their equipment, state of health and attitude. Jack watches the scene from above without anyone noticing and smiles. He is almost healthy again for work after falling on the ground.
Andy walks past you, stops for a moment and looks you in the eye.
"Excelente como siempre". (Excellent as always) You immediately look down at the floor and Andy moves on. "90 minute workout, now! 19!" Andy shouts.
"19!!!" Everyone joins in and gets to work.
Andy also trains, going through the ranks to make sure everyone reaches their full potential.
"Looks good" She comes over to you and smiles. Fancy a round of training together?"
"sure" Andy lies down and you support her knees "if you can do 30 without hesitation I'll buy you a drink in Joe's bar" You grin confidently, but you don't miss Andy's raised eyebrows. She starts right away, looking deep into your eyes, which makes your cheeks unconsciously glisten red.
After 25, she continues, but has to pant a lot more.
"I hope you can handle a lot," Andy stands up with a broad grin, discreetly out of breath and drinks some of her water.
"30…not bad" you smile as you unconsciously look at her for a long time then go into the changing room to change and take a shower. As you stand in the shower, Andy stops in front of the closed door, already showered and with her back to the door, looking up thoughtfully as she is distracted by Vic. "Is Y/N doing well? Is she fit?"
Andy goes to her locker and changes. "Yes, She's fine." As soon as everyone had finished, the first call came. You go into Car L19 together with Andy.
"so what exactly did the woman mean? A cat rummaging through her garbage in her garden?" You look outside in amusement and stifle a laugh.
"Well, maybe it's a wolf in sheep's clothing." You both have to laugh and when you arrive, the woman is already standing in front of the house.
"Dios mío, está en el jardín e incluso tiene bebés. Hay que llevarlos al refugio de animales". ("Oh my goodness, she's in the garden and even has babies. They need to be taken to the shelter!)
"ok ok, nos ocuparemos de ello" (ok ok, we'll take care of it)," Andy tries to reassure her and looks into the garden. "Fetch the cage, she says she even has kittens." You try not to let on and nod, get the cage and you both go into the garden.
"dónde se supone que está exactamente?" (where exactly is she supposed to be?) Andy asks and the woman points to some undergrowth behind the composter. As Andy approaches it, she makes a huge leap backwards, when suddenly the supposed "cat" hisses at Andy. She scrambles backwards on her butt to get some distance. You look at her in complete irritation and try to understand what is happening.
"that's…a…a…raccoon! Un condenado mapache! (damn racoon)… A fucking full-grown raccoon!" Andy freaks out completely and tries to get her breathing under control. You approach him and put the cage down. "Well, you're a sweet mama." You grab the raccoon and her kids and put them in the cage.
The two of you on the way back, absolute dead silence interrupted by your sudden laughter. "A raccoon?" Andy can't help but grin and join in with your laughter. "yup…raccoons…" Andy looks at you and can't take her eyes off you, but she notices and stops, her expression more serious, and looks out the window as she whispers. "Tu risa suena tan dulce" (your laugh sounds so sweet)
Your laughter becomes softer and you swallow, finnaly ariving at the barn.
"I'll finish the protocol then…" Andy was just about to leave when you stopped her. "Friday…we're both free. Don't you want to go for a drink?" You look at her expectantly, Andy smiles and turns around "sure" She wanted to leave when Jack suddenly comes over. “What nice ladys do we have here?” He looks at you charmingly but you just look surprised.
"well settled?" he asks you
"um…yeah, Jack right?" Andy watches slightly annoyed. "I heard you like to drink, would you like to go out with me?" He grins and before you can say anything, Andy steps in. "Ok Jack, that's enough for now, you're still on sick leave, go home!" You don't even get to say anything. "That's good Captain, it suits you Andy." He winks at her, Andy goes into her office and Jack cheekily follows her. "um…ok?" your look completely confused.
When he gets to the office, Andy is frustrated and starts to write the protocol when Jack just walks in. "Andy you've been through this before, you know the rules!" Jack tries to talk to her. "I don't know what you're talking about." Andy doesn't look at him and writes on the paper.
"If you start a relationship with her it will not only affect you but especially Y/N." Jack continues.
“Do you think I don’t know that!?” Andy throws her pen down on the page and places her hands on her forehead. "god, I don't know what's going on either….I'm done…I didn't want a relationship for…the rest of my life" a hint of seriousness can be heard. "I…I don't want this, I won't allow it. We'll just go drinking and I'll lock my feelings in the basement…" she says ironically and sits down again after walking back and forth in the room several times.
"This won't work in the long run and you know that…your feelings will eat you up…until you…have the feeling…" he comes too close and whispers in Andy's ear "that you won't be without her, for a second longer…You will touch her or feel her lips…" However, he provokes her and Andy pushes him away. "Get out Jack…go rest until you can get back to work!"
Jack leaves the office all confident while Andy kicks her desk. "Damn…"
In the evening when everyone is at the Beanery to eat, you stand at the fridge to get some orange juice. Andy looks at you but tries to avoid your gaze.
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"Is everything ok Captain?" you look at her worriedly and Andy tries to act calm. “You can talk if you want,” you whisper.
"Oh, preferiría besarte de nuevo…" (Oh I'd much rather kiss you again) Robert looks at Andy in surprise.
“Qué estás esperando, hazlo?” (What are you waiting for? Go ahead) suddenly all eyes are on you including Andy's. "woow Y/N you speak Spanish? Nice to know that too" Vic jokes. “Then let’s share, what’s it about?” Travis leans with a big goofy smile forward on the kitchen island, as Andy stares at you in disbelief, with the conscience that you must have understood everything else she said too.
You were about to continue in Spanish but Andy stops you because you don't know that Robert also understands Spanish. "well…..ok I'll go to the office and take care of some documents." She goes into the office completely distraught and you call after her.
“Still writing at this time?” Warren looks irritated and Travis shrugs his shoulders. "That's what it's like when you're captain," said Vic, sipping her tea.
“You should go after her and sort this out,” Robert said quietly as he walks past you. You look strained and finally go to her, without knocking you go into the office. "Andy we need to talk…"
"Why does everyone want to talk to me today?" Andy doesn't look at you.
"Because maybe you're the captain?" you smile and approach the table. "Andy, I don't know what that is between us but you can't tell me that you don't feel anything for me…"
"I'm a captain and you're a recruit, weren't you paying attention in the academy?" she says sarcastically. "You remember the kiss…" you are silent for a moment. "There was something before, I-" Andy suddenly stands up and slams her hands on the table to support herself. "It will never be anything…the rules forbid it and I will not jeopardize my or your rank!" Andy's words sound sad and frustrated. "I'm not interested in a higher rank… I just want to try out what's behind it. Nobody has to know…" you explain.
"tch……" Andy snorts.
"So you're telling me you don't feel anything for me?" You come closer to her, grab her hand and place it on your chest, directly on your heart. "I..I…" Andy's breathing quickens, lost in the feelings she takes a big step back, against the wall and looks at the floor, the blush on her face. "You have no idea how frustrating it is, it repeats again and it wasn't planned at all!" she looks at you desperately. "Then don't resist it…I want it too…" you get closer and closer to her and are directly in front of her.
"Andy….." you whisper to her and feel Andy's way too fast breathing on your lips as she suddenly turns you around and pins you against the wall. The tension is almost unbearable and makes it difficult not to give in to all the sweet and tense feelings. "That…that's not gonna happen…" She lets both arms fall to the side of you and looks at the floor. "go…"
You hang your head in sadness and disappointment, but then look at her seriously. "I don't believe you…" with these words you walk out of the office.
It's Friday and you haven't forgotten the date with Andy, although you haven't talked about it anymore. Hoping that she'll show up, you order a beer. The doorbell rings and Andy shows up with Vic and Travis. They walk forward to you and Travis and Vic greet you.
“heeeey Y/N heard you’re spending us some beer today?” Vic pats you on the back and laughs happily. They order beer and you look at Andy who only gives you a quick glance.
"well then! cheers!" Travis holds up his beer and you all toast. The evening is quiet and fun when suddenly Vic and Travis get a call to move out. "Well then guys…I don't even have 2 beers…it's a shame"Travis said. They break away and only you and Andy stay behind. She takes a sip from the bottle, now the 4th, and then looks at you without saying anything. Your gaze doesn't leave hers and your heart literally jumps out of your chest. "say…….in your head I'm already lying naked in your bed and we're doing it all night." Andy smiles and takes a last sip from her bottle, puts money on the counter, grabs your hand and pulls you out of Joe's Bar.
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i see you are a fan of megumi angst. as you should. i love my son ofc. i was there when gojo pushed that sea urchin out of his womb. i tried (& failed) to hold gojo back from blasting a hollow purple at everyone when they wanted to hold megumi. bro would not let him go. BUT. i love seeing my favs suffer.
SO — the zenin having more of an involvement with megumi? the higher ups fucking up megumi life without even lifting a finger or like talking to megs? GOJO putting his trust in yaga only to get fucked sideways by the fates themselves & starting a whole rebellion? YUUTA & MEGUMI MEETING RIGHT AFTER SATOSUGU divorce causing problems for the students? yeah. this is my jujutsu kaisen. gege could never compare to you.
i do have a few questions though like who tf was tsumiki texting & calling? how is kamo so down bad for megumi that even gojo cringes a little when he brings him up? is yuuta whole obsession thing be linked to rika coming back? MAKI. will we get to see maki & megumi bitching about naoya ?
but a more serious question is: why would the zenin fuck around & traumatize the adopted kid of the strongest, the ten shadows user, when they know it will come with consequences? do they think that there higher ups will put a leash on gojo or some shit like when they was younger? or did they do this out of some sick way of showing their care for megumi bc like they’re trying to show him that gojo is making him weak (which is so not true idc) & they decided to push his limits to showcase his weakness? like as a big fuck you to gojo & an eye opener to megumi?
Tsumiki Calling & Texting:
You'll see.
it's basically canon to me that he is. Kamo was straight up trying to have this big climactic confession with Megumi where he bared his heart and soul and told them they were the same and should find allies in the other and megumi was like "the hell we are" and had to say it twice so he would have no doubt. meanwhile his internal monologue was "why the hell is this guy acting like we're friends or something" megumi you have canonically known him for three years now. he's baring his soul to you. oh my god he wants to be your friend.
in actuality, Kamo is very lonely and isolated in his clan and sees Megumi as, canonically, the same as him. They were both born outside of their clan. Both clans brought them in (or tried to in the Zenin's case) because of their inherited techniques. they both have family that doesn't fit in with the rest of their clan. Kamo is constantly pressured to perform as the perfect heir and sees megumi as the only person in the world who has a chance of understanding him.
No it's something else.
Maki & Megumi:
You'll see.
The Zenin:
Honestly it was a huge amount of entitlement and the fact that they just were not at all smart and never actually thought they'd face consequences for their actions.
First off, they never thought of Gojo as Megumi's adoptive father who loved him. They were the ones who loved Megumi. Gojo did this as a power play, and to keep the Ten Shadows from reaching his full potential. In their mind, he never loved Megumi as his son and didn't warrant the same levels of concern. They weren't going to exactly erect a billboard about his mistreatment, but they weren't all that worried either. They didn't think Gojo would do what he did and cut them off completely--they were more worried with Gojo trying to use it to make them lose leverage when they were getting a better custody deal. It was absolutely obvious to them that gojo was not doing this out of love and didn't actually care what happened to megumi.
They also didn't personally view what they were doing to megumi as abuse.
Most of the time that they beat him, it was during "training," which he did for a ludicrous amount of time during the day. He needed to be trained in combat. In zenin training, that includes feeling the pain of the blow according to Maki. He needed to learn how to handle pain. that meant hitting him for real.
Except his training was run by an insecure psychopath obsessed with his dead dad and a revolving cast of lunatics obsessed with megumi's progress because that was meant to herald the return of the zenin clan to its former glory. they went way too far way too many times.
The rest was just what Naoya called Zenin-typical discipline, but dialed up because he's fucking crazy. Like. The Zenin weren't strangers to corporal punishment, but naoya always liked hitting megumi. he looked for excuses to do it.
It's the Zenin way, at the end of the day. They all went through the same and turned out just fine. And they wanted Megumi to be raised Zenin.
They also just didn't think of him as, you know. a person.
He was their hopes and dreams personified. They'd waited centuries for him to return to them. Only for him to be tainted by their greatest enemy and taken from them.
So much of Megumi wasn't real to them. It was all just--Gojo's corruption and mockery. Wanting to wear his own clothes? spiting their traditional dress with the ways of the non-jujutsu world. Obviously Gojo's doing. Wanting to be called his own name? It's an honor to be the ten shadows. They waited five hundred years for him. Gojo would not be allowed to diminish that.
The entire clan was not aware that Megumi was being beaten. Only a very, very select few were given time with him, and they usually hit him behind closed doors. Which is what Maki remembers--she can't remember why, but she felt bad for him, and it was hard to figure out why, because he was the ten shadows and was supposed to be beloved. And then she realized that it was because he never had any time to play. And she always saw him being lugged unconscious from the training room.
She didn't see the bits leading up to it. how bad it got. she only got a glimpse, that most of the clan was more than happy to explain away. the ten shadows was training to grow strong for them, after all.
The people abusing him were entitled assholes who just thought they were above consequences. There's an old world mindset around kids in the jujutsu world--they're basically the property of their clan. There's no CPS. No one's doing a wellness check here. They normally would have been allowed to do whatever the fuck they wanted to megumi with impunity--the fact that Gojo's breathing down their neck is a slap in the face and a continued humiliation. They weren't going to add insult to injury and just. tiptoe around how they trained their ten shadows in the privacy of their own compound based on what gojo satoru might think. Megumi would be raised as Zenin are raised when they had him, and Gojo satoru wouldn't have a say in it.
Of course, this was a classic case of fuck around and find out. They didn't think gojo would care; they were wrong and he cut them off from megumi entirely. They never once thought about megumi's autonomous desires and boundaries; now they are cut off permanently from him. They were stupid and felt entitled to do with Megumi as they pleased, and they lost him as a result.
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high-fantasy-sw · 13 days
Worldbuilding... Thursday? Sorry guys, it's the week before Finals and I am FRAZZLED. Anyway. Today we're talking about Togrutas :D
First of all, all cultural aspects of the Togruta that exist in the canonical Star Wars universe (both Disney canon and Legends) remain intact. I try to do this with all the races, and simply build upon what is already there, adapting it to fit the specifics of the AU.
Okie Dokie let's divide this into sections :D
Togrutas, on average, have dark skin, though the exact shade can vary between individuals (for example, Shaak Ti has much darker skin than Ahsoka), and tones can range from very light brown to almost black.
They also tend to have dark hair, though texture and exact color are fairly diverse. Some individual togrutas also naturally have colorful undertones in their hair, which make their hair look bluish or purplish or greenish or what have you in certain lighting. Not that that’s seen much, however, because of their Montral Headdresses.
The most distinguishing feature of Togruta clothing are their Montral headdresses. These consist of three parts: what I will call the Wimple, the Lekku Braid, and the Montral Horns.
The Wimple: Unlike Twi’leks’ lekku, this is not a wrapped headscarf as my old art used to show. Instead, they are more like a wimple? But also not? If that makes sense? (I’ll put a picture of a real-life wimple here.) For convenience, I just call it the Wimple. Basically, they’re sewn as almost a fitted garment for the head, and they fasten in the front under the chin. They can be in any color, however, they are *usually* unpatterned. You can see how they work (sort of) by looking at Ahsoka’s official reference.
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A real-life wimple. Not exactly how they look in the AU, but this is the closest image I could find online.
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Ahsoka's concept art (lineart version because it's easier to see); the wimple is colored in dark blue.
The Lekku Braid: The lekku braid is a length of braided rope, in white and at least one other color, that is pinned to the wimple in such a way that it frames the face and hangs down the sides of the head. It is braided very thick at the ends, but relatively thin in the middle so that it can sit comfortably as part of the headdress. Additionally, once a Togruta reaches maturity, he or she will braid additional braids to wrap around the horns of his or her montrals. 
Montral horns: When a Togruta adolescent comes of age (I haven’t decided what age this will be yet), he or she sets forth on a ritual hunt to obtain the horns for his or her montrals. The horns can be taken from any horned creature, and once it has been killed and the horns removed, they are mounted on a thin metal plate shaped to fit the head snugly, so as to hold the mount in place. On that note, as the horn mount goes under the wimple, there are several devices keeping it steady (because they have the potential to be at least moderately heavy and therefore run the risk of slipping off of the head): there are combs involved to keep it secured to the hair; the plate has ties at ear-level, which tie under the chin and then thread through the pins that keep the Lekku Braid framing the face. Thinner braids are then wrapped around the horns (this is for aesthetic reason, mostly- they hide the seams of the holes that must be cut out of the wimple for the horns to show through, and give the horns a prettier look overall). For convenience, some Togrutas glue them in place, but more traditional individuals prefer to wrap and unwrap them every morning.
Togruta clothing tends to be loose, made of natural fabrics like linen, cotton, and wool, and in rich, warm earth tones such as ochre and chocolate brown. It usually incorporates construction such as full skirts, puffy gathered sleeves, and lots of layers. Decoration tends to be simple on the main clothing pieces, however, Togruta sashes are highly ornate, and may include embroidery, beading, applique, and colorful dyed patterns. 
Facial markings are incredibly important to Togrutas, because- as a fiercely tribal people- they signify one’s ties to one’s family. While each individual has unique element combinations, most marking patterns are taken from at least one aspect of a relative’s markings (this can be a parent, a grandparent, an older sibling, et cetera). From the Marking Ceremony at age three (in which the child will first choose and be painted in their markings) to coming-of-age, the markings are painted; at one’s Coming-of-Age Ceremony, they become permanently tattooed on the face. Orphaned Togrutas, and/or Togrutas taken to be Jedi, usually base their markings on stylized or symbolic interpretations of features of the people who have become their family. Because I am a sucker for the found family trope. For example, Ahsoka’s cheek markings are stylistic interpretations of the horns on Plo Koon’s tribal helmet. (This will make more sense once I actually get around to talking about Kel Dor.)
In natural spaces, Togrutas often opt to go shoeless, especially on their native island of Shili. They have a great respect for the natural world and consider it sacred. (This is canon information but I’m putting it on here because I went on a Wookieepedia rabbit hole to learn these straight togruta FAX and i loved it so much. Spread awareness, y’all.)
Togrutas are also known for their distinctive blades, which they use in hunting and in self-defense. These are colloquially known as “The Fangs of the Togruta”. These knives, usually in the form of daggers- but, occasionally, as swords- are easily identified by their wavy blades. Many Togruta Jedi forge their lightsabers in the pattern of the Fangs.
This was FUN to write, I hope you enjoyed! I'd be glad to answer any questions :D
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purplekoop · 9 months
Keeping it going, the first requeue to walk the path of Damage:
New Role: Damage Health: 200 (all normal health)
An Omnic wanderer who found himself among the Shambali Monastery, Zenyatta lived a peaceful existence hopeful for the rest of his troubled kind to find peace as well. However, the peace inside himself was disturbed when his former master, Mondatta, was one of the many casualties during an attack by the terrorist organization Talon, during what was meant to be a speech of his to ease tension between humans and omnics. Seeing that sitting idly by would do no good to the world, Zenyatta took to travelling it, using his monk training to defend the defenseless he encountered on the way, taking destiny into his own hands.
This reiteration of Zenyatta takes his role as a monk into a direction I think more familiar to TTRPG players, where he has a more hands-on approach to combat... well, and feet-on, as in feet on the ground. In perhaps the most controversial part of this whole AU, Zenyatta now walks along the ground, in fact having an above-average walking speed similar to Tracer and Genji in the normal game. He takes a battle-ready martial arts stance, ready to take on foes with an almost entirely new kit.
His primary fire should look familiar to that of another Shambali student: Force Strikes. Using both arms in a successive series of punches and palm thrusts, Zenyatta deals high damage in close range, but also fires faint bursts of energy that do reduced damage at a slightly further range before dissipating completely past that point.
His secondary fire is more similar to what he has normally, a chargeable attack called Focus Pulse. (I'd call it "Focus Blast" but that's a pokemon move already) Hold to charge a blast of energy, and unleash it with both hands. This projectile has infinite range, but its speed and power increases with charge. However, its cooldown also increases, scaling from 3 to 6 seconds depending on how long it was charged.
Zenyatta retains his Snap Kick passive, acting as a way to launch enemies with above-average melee damage that can be combo'd as a quick followup to his normal attack, or put an enemy in ideal range to take a Focus Pulse. However, his first ability is also Snap Kick. It has passive and active versions, like Junker Queen's Jagged Blade. As an ability, Zenyatta launches forward with his foot outstretched. When he collides with an enemy, he bounces the other way, while the enemy is launched in the direction he was travelling. Snap Kick can be aimed to fly in any direction, and covers a decent distance. It can still hit and bounce off an enemy as long as Zenyatta hasn't yet landed.
As a potential bonus passive that I don't think is necessarily essential to his kit, he also has Wall Step. Jump while near a wall to latch onto it, slowly sliding down after a second, then jump again to launch into the direction you're facing. No more than one wall-latch before landing though, so no total Super Mario shenanigans.
For his second ability, he once again takes a page out of his fellow Shambali student's playbook, with Counter Step. Channeling glowing energy into his arms, Zenyatta holds them up and braces for any attack. If he gets hit from the front while in this stance, the attack will be nullified, and Zenyatta can quickly dash a short distance out of the way, completely immune to harm for the duration of the dash.
For his Ultimate, Zenyatta takes a technique we're familiar with, and takes it in a new direction: Transcendent Flurry. Sprouting ethereal extra arms on his back, Zenyatta unleashes a rapid flurry of his normal blows. For the duration of the ultimate, Zenyatta's Force Strikes fire faster, and will increase in speed for every hit that connects. In addition, the strikes deal full damage even with the weaker energy bursts, and Focus Pulse reaches full charge instantly while keeping its shortest possible cooldown. While not a free kill button, it could have potentially devastating effects in the hands of a skilled player. Just keep in mind that Zenyatta is far from invincible while in this form, and in fact gains no defensive buffs.
Oh yeah, visual design. While Zen himself wouldn't physically change at all, his outfit would change slightly, just to reflect his more combat-focused nature. More notably, his orbs wouldn't orbit his neck anymore, instead being worn over his shoulder, only glowing when charging a Focus Pulse. Aside from that, I wouldn't see much need to change him further. Going from floating to walking is enough of a change to visually convey what this version of him is all about.
So yeah, that's Zenyatta! I think this is a fun one, and I'm happy that I was able to sneak in some homages to the playstyles of both his pupil and his spiritual brother, as well as just going ham on the whole martial arts monk theme. Maybe it's a biiiit far off from his existing kit, considering the conspicuous lack of orbs here, but if I could sign off on Widowmaker's even more drastic requeue in confidence, then I think it's fine.
Not sure who's next, but I've got a couple really drastic reworks in mind that could be. Arguably the most drastic ones, considering that they may not even be the same characters.
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nonbigalmari · 7 months
[This is a therapy ordered video transcript of my time at my mom and her boyfriend's Thanksgiving party, written in third person because that's easier.]
[The camera is facing a room full of people, Mari the one holding the camera drops to the floor. Making only the peoples legs visible.]
M: [Whispered.] Jesus christ why are there so many fucking people.
[The camera jolts as Mari looks around, moving their hand as they do. After a while they stop, loud music is heard in the background as people start dancing.]
M: Fucking hell, I wish I could just leave. [Whispered.] I swear if Sarah or Ness are here.
[Mari looks around again, the camera again following their movement. After a while they spot someone wearing a light purple shirt sitting in a corner, they begin slowly moving towards the figure. Noticeably having short brown hair and blue eyes.]
M: Hi… Uh… I'm Mari?
[The man jumps, before hiding his face in embarrassment.]
?: Jesus Christ, you scared me… Sorry about that. Hi.
M: Uh… What's your name? I uh, told you mine. I think.
Jer: Uh. Jeremy. Hi.
[He reaches out for a handshake, then puts his hand back down.]
Jer: Nevermind, too formal. Uh… hi.
M: Hi, can I sit against the wall with you?
Jer: Sure… I mean, I don’t know anyone here, so it’s not like the spot’s taken.
M: Cool, and uh… Ignore the phone? Therapist asked me to record potentially stressful moments so.
[Jeremy nods.]
Jer: Ah, makes sense. My therapist used to try to get me to do that, but I kept forgetting.
M: Yeah uh… Yeah.
[Mari moves over to the wall, the camera now again facing the rest of the party.]
M: Funny story, only reason I'm here is because my mom's boyfriend bribed me.
[Jeremy laughs.]
Jer: I’m here for the food, honestly. I didn’t really have any plans, so… here I am.
[He thinks for a second.]
Jer: Oh, also, did you want a drink? I meant to bring one out to my friend, but she didn’t want it, so…
M: Sure. Uh wait, is it alcoholic? I only drink alcohol on some occasions.
[Jeremy raises an eyebrow.]
Jer: You look awfully young to be drinking. But no, it’s not, it’s a can of Dr Pepper.
[He offers it to them.]
Jer: Careful, also, I dropped it a bit ago.
M: Oh cool.
[The camera shakes as Mari grabs the can of soda.]
M: Also uh yeah. I'm only 21.
Jer: Oh, my bad. I thought you were under the age for stuff like that.
[He pauses for a second.]
Jer: … So…
[He doesn’t know what to say.]
M: You like video games?
[Jeremy’s eyes light up.]
Jer: Shit, man, do I! What kind do you like?
M: I mean, Role playing games are fun, and I also play some wrestling games too… Besides that I don't really own a lot of games. Hard to afford them.
Jer: That’s fair, I only have some because my parents got them for me a while back. They’re pretty messed up now because of how old they are. But personally, I’m a fan of uh… I like horror a lot actually. And uh… apart from that, I don’t play much. Other than, like, Minecraft.
M: You hear about that beta testing gig? Opening up next month? I hate to sound like every person in town but like… We're talking about games so.
Jer: I did! I’m actually considering trying that out, since like… it’s Freddy’s related, I think. That place always seemed weird, so I was curious.
M: Wasn't there a location that burnt down here in town a while ago?
Jer: Yeah, and if I’m right, there was even one before that that burnt down. Weird shit, I’m telling you. Some people are saying it’s haunted and stuff too.
M: I don't believe in a lot of that stuff, honestly seems like connecting threads that aren't there. But it is what it is, I'm gonna try out just for the money.
Jer: Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if that place was haunted, but I get where you’re coming from. I’m also doing it for the money, ha!
M: Yeah, my uh… My mom is actually paying so I don't get kicked out of my apartment currently so…
Jer: That’s fair, my friend and I are both working to try to deal with the apartment situation, but we’re behind a couple payments… But shh, don’t tell anyone.
[Jeremy makes a shushing noise, bringing his finger over his lips, trying to hide a playful grin.]
M: Don't worry bro, I won't tell.
Jer: Thanks, you’re a real one. So… do you know like… any of the people in this room?
M: I mean, my mom and her boyfriend. I think some of my old high-school friends are here. Hence why I'm in a disguise. Blue hair instead of red, uh… Actually wearing makeup outside my house.
Jer: That makes sense. Bad memories and stuff, or…?
M: Yeah uh… Less anything they did just, very traumatic things tied to them y'know?
Jer: Ah, I get that. Oh–
M: Wha-
[Mari turns around, the camera following suit.]
[Jeremy is looking to his side, and downwards.]
M: [Whispered.] IS THAT A FUCKIN’ KID?
Jer: Yes, and they’re looking at me.
[The child seen tugging on Jeremy's shirt, has medium length brown hair that looks as if it hasn't been brushed in days, they are wearing a dirty red hoodie, with multiple scrapes on their face and hands.]
?: Pizza?
M: Wha-
[Jeremy glances over at the pizza table, then back at the kid.]
Jer: Uh… Over there?
[The child looks towards the pizza table, then looks back at Jeremy. Their green eyes start to water. When they speak again their tone is finally picked up, they seem sad. As if in pain.]
?: I do not like the adults, they scare me.
Jer: Oh, uh…
[Jeremy seems to be thinking about something really difficult, based on tone.]
M: Do you need a distraction?
[Mari sounds severely annoyed.]
Jer: I can help. I know exactly what I must do.
M: Do you. Want a. Fuckin’ distraction.
Jer: Watch your language, that’s a kid. But yes.
M: Ugh, this is going to suck more than if I had to fight seven evil exes.
Jer: For a good cause. I’ll owe you.
M: Ok, Ready. I'm going to run on that stage and go ham on the drums. This has to be timed perfectly.
Jer: I’ve got this, give me a second.
[Mari throws the phone in the kids direction, when the camera readjusts Jeremy's back is now visible.]
[Jeremy pulls out his phone, sends a quick message, then nods at Mari.]
Jer: Ready.
M: Ok. When I start counting you run to the table got it?
Jer: I’ve got it.
M: Cool. Kid film this.
?: Sure.
[Mari ducks down and begins sprinting out of frame. After a few seconds microphone static is heard.]
M: [Over a microphone.] Um ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!
[Jeremy scoops up the kid and runs to the pizza table, grabbing a box and, as quickly as possible, sprinting out through the front door of the house.]
?: Should we wait on the person who owns this phone-
[Behind them, the sound of a door being kicked open and someone being chased.]
[Jeremy runs in the direction of a white car. It looks a bit old, but he swings the door open anyway.]
[The kid crawls over and opens the door out of frame, passing the phone back to Mari as multiple people shout.]
[The car speeds off, leaving the crowd behind.]
M: Hi, I'm Mari… Who are you?
Jen: I’m Jenny. A very pissed off Jenny.
Jer: Listen, I–
Jen: Shut.
M: In his defense, he stole the pizza for a homeless… I think homeless at least kid.
?: Yes.
[The woman driving, apparently named Jenny, looks at the kid through the rear view mirror.]
Jen: … Oh, that’s… Okay, that makes more sense.
Jer: See? I’m not a delinquent.
[Jenny raises her eyebrows.]
Jer: … Not a delinquent for no reason.
Jen: That works.
M: I mean… I burnt a mall down on accident once so.
Jen: I’m sorry??
[Jenny almost looks back at Mari, but tries to keep her eyes on the road.]
Jen: I’ll need that story in a bit.
M: Do you use tumblr? I can like… Send it to you.
Jen: Yeah, how could you tell? Just the energy, or the nerdy soundtracks playing right now?
M: Lucky guess.
Jer: The soundtracks.
Jen: Shut up, you.
[There’s a moment of silence.]
Jen: So, based on… everything in this situation, it’s probably obvious I’m not entirely used to being a getaway driver, Jeremy.
Jer: Listen.
M: Yo kid want a free wig.
?: Wha-
M: Cool, catch.
[The sound of something shuffling, and then being thrown into the kids lap.]
Jen: Speaking of the kid, do you have a name, sweetheart?
[Jenny looks at the kid again through the rear view mirror.]
Sp: S- Sparrow… I think? Yeah, Sparrow… Or… Hm, nevermind.
[Jenny pauses for a second.]
Jen: That’s a lovely name… Um. So… Sparrow, do you have anywhere you’re staying, or…?
Sp: The um… The back of the pizza hut.
[Jenny thinks again for a moment.]
Jen: … Do you need anything?
Sp: A roof would be nice.
Jer: Well, that’s… I mean, you may be able to stay with us for a couple nights?
Jen: I think that’s possible… And you too, Mari. If you need.
M: Meh I have my house, I just can't let anyone in for a few days.
Sp: My mom's boyfriend won't let me back in the house, I don't know why. He also kept calling me um… Hm, a name that… Seems familiar. Dunno why though.
Jen: Ah, that’s… You can stay with us for a while, Sparrow. We don’t have a lot, but it’s hopefully better than behind a Pizza Hut.
Sp: They give me free leftovers sometimes.
M: Hey uh… Do you need some new clothes? If uh… Jenny doesn't mind stopping, uh… I'll buy you some.
Sp: Um… Ms Jenny?
Jen: Oh, no need! I do stuff like that all the time for cosplays and stuff, I’m sure I could make something for you, if you want, Sparrow…
Sp: COSPLAYS! WOW! I uh… Sorry, I've seen those before… Never met someone who did that stuff though.
Jen: I have for the past few years, in my spare time…
Jer: Yeah, for Homest-
Jen: SHUT.
Jer: Yes ma’am.
M: What.
[Mari can be heard looking for something.]
Jen: I’m sorry, you meant to just… bring them on your escape?
M: My mom's boyfriend bribed me to come to his dumb party with 300 bucks and a bag of chicken strips.
Jer: Well, we can bribe you not to tell the cops about anything that has happened here with McDonald’s.
M: You realize if I told the cops, I'd get in trouble too right?
Jer: Just give me an excuse here.
Jen: Fine, we can stop at McDonald’s.
Jer: Hell yeah.
Sp: Hell yeah?
[Jeremy reaches back to fistbump Sparrow.]
Jer: Hell. Yeah.
M: How old are you anyway?
Sp: Thirteen.
Jer: Oh, so you can curse. My bad. Damn, what is with me and thinking everyone’s younger than they are today?
Jen: How old am I?
Jer: Well-
Jen: Answer carefully.
M: Wuh oh-
[Jeremy looks like he’s actually nervous, while Jenny is trying not to laugh.]
Jer: … 23?
Jen: … You pass for now. I’m 24, loser.
Jer: I’m the loser?
Jen: Yeah. Loser.
M: Hey, you're only 3 years older than me.
Jen: Hey, you’re only 3 years younger than me.
Jer: Hey, we’re only 3 turns away from the apartment.
Jen: Shut.
Sp: I am confused.
M: I should probably turn off the video huh? I'm alright to transcribe this and post it right? Tumblr people are cool.
Jen: I mean, as long as none of our, like… super personal information is in there, which it shouldn’t be, so sure!
M: Cool. Uh I'm going to end this now.
[End transcript.]
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onlinepsychology · 8 months
From Stress to Success: What Psychology Can Help You Achieve
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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress has become a constant companion for many Australians. Balancing work, family, and personal goals can be overwhelming. But what if we told you that psychology holds the key to not just managing stress but also achieving success in various aspects of your life? At Living Free Psychology, a leading provider of telehealth services in Australia, we're here to explore how psychology can help you transform stress into success.
Understanding the Stress-Success Connection
Stress is a natural response to life's challenges. It's your body's way of preparing to face a threat or obstacle. However, when stress becomes chronic or overwhelming, it can hinder your ability to succeed and thrive in different areas of your life.
Psychologists play a pivotal role in helping individuals navigate stress and unlock their full potential. Here's how psychology can help you transform stress into success:
1. Stress Management Strategies
One of the primary ways psychology can benefit you is by providing stress management strategies. Psychologists can help you identify the sources of your stress and develop effective coping mechanisms. These strategies might include mindfulness techniques, relaxation exercises, and time management skills.
2. Goal Setting and Achievement
Success often begins with setting clear, achievable goals. Psychologists can assist you in defining your goals and creating a road map to reach them. They'll help you break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps, making success more attainable.
3. Self-Confidence Building
Self-confidence is a cornerstone of success. Psychologists work with individuals to boost their self-esteem and self-belief. They help you recognise your strengths and talents, enabling you to approach challenges with confidence.
4. Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination is a common barrier to success. Psychologists can help you understand the underlying causes of procrastination and provide strategies to overcome it. This includes techniques to improve time management and increase motivation.
5. Effective Communication Skills
Effective communication is crucial in personal and professional relationships. Psychologists can teach you how to enhance your communication skills, fostering better collaboration and understanding with others.
6. Stress and Performance
Stress can have both positive and negative effects on performance. Psychologists help individuals harness stress as a motivator rather than a hindrance. They assist in managing performance anxiety and stress management, allowing you to perform at your best.
7. Resilience Building
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. Psychologists teach resilience-building skills that enable you to adapt to challenges, recover from failures, and continue on the path to success.
8. Emotional Intelligence
Understanding and managing emotions is a vital aspect of success. Psychologists can help you develop emotional intelligence, which includes recognising, expressing, and regulating your emotions effectively.
9. Career and Personal Growth
Psychologists support personal and career development. They can assist you in making informed career decisions, enhancing your leadership skills, and navigating professional challenges.
10. Work-Life Balance
Achieving success isn't just about career accomplishments. It's also about maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Psychologists help you prioritise self-care and well-being alongside your goals.
Telehealth: Accessible Support for Success
Living Free Psychology understands that seeking psychological support should be accessible and convenient. That's why we offer telehealth services, allowing you to access professional guidance from the comfort of your own space.
Our telehealth services are tailored to the unique needs of the Australian audience. Whether you're dealing with work-related stress, personal challenges, or a combination of both, our experienced psychologists are here to help you on your journey from stress to success.
Unlock Your Full Potential
In conclusion, psychology has the power to transform stress into success. Psychologists provide the tools and strategies you need to manage stress, boost your self-confidence, and achieve your goals. With the support of professionals who understand the unique challenges faced by Australians, you can unlock your full potential and lead a more successful and fulfilling life.
At Living Free Psychology, we're committed to helping you on your path to success. Whether you're striving for career achievements, personal growth, or a healthier work-life balance, our telehealth services are here to support you every step of the way. Don't let stress hold you back—embrace the power of psychology and start your journey towards success today.
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mdalimranhossain · 1 year
Unlocking the Potential of Social Media Marketing
Hey there, Tumblr fam! 👋🏼 Today, I want to dive into the exciting world of social media marketing and explore how it holds immense potential for businesses and individuals alike. 🌟 So grab your favorite beverage and let's unravel the secrets to unlock this incredible opportunity together!
Tumblr media
In this fast-paced digital era, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Whether we're scrolling through our feeds, sharing our favorite moments, or connecting with friends, social media platforms have revolutionized the way we interact with the world. But did you know that they can also serve as powerful marketing tools?
Social media marketing is a strategic approach that harnesses the reach and influence of various platforms to promote brands, products, or services. It allows businesses to connect with their target audience on a personal level, fostering engagement, brand loyalty, and ultimately driving growth.
One platform that has been a hub for creativity, self-expression, and community-building is Tumblr. With its unique blend of multimedia content, microblogging features, and a diverse user base, Tumblr presents a fantastic opportunity for businesses and individuals to tap into a vast audience and leave a lasting impression.
So, how can you unlock the potential of social media marketing on Tumblr? Let's break it down:
1️⃣ Define Your Goals: Start by identifying your objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost sales? Having clear goals will shape your marketing strategy and help you measure success along the way.
2️⃣ Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial. Explore Tumblr's vibrant communities and engage with users who align with your brand values. Building genuine connections will enhance your credibility and attract loyal followers.
3️⃣ Create Compelling Content: Tumblr thrives on creativity, so make sure your content stands out! Experiment with captivating visuals, thought-provoking text posts, and shareable multimedia content. Be authentic, share your story, and spark conversations.
4️⃣ Engage and Interact: Social media is all about building relationships. Respond to comments, reblog content from your followers, and participate in relevant discussions. Show that you value your audience's opinions and foster a sense of community.
5️⃣ Utilize Tags: Tumblr's tagging system is a powerful tool for discovery. Research popular tags related to your industry and incorporate them into your posts. This way, users who are interested in those topics can easily find and engage with your content.
6️⃣ Collaborate and Cross-Promote: Partner with other Tumblr users, bloggers, or influencers to expand your reach. Collaborative projects, guest posts, or shoutouts can help you tap into new audiences and strengthen your online presence.
7️⃣ Track and Optimize: Monitor your Tumblr analytics to gain insights into what's working and what can be improved. Adjust your strategy accordingly, experimenting with different content formats, posting schedules, and campaigns to maximize results.
Remember, social media marketing is an ongoing process, and success doesn't happen overnight. It requires dedication, creativity, and a genuine passion for connecting with your audience. So, go ahead and unlock the full potential of social media marketing on Tumblr. Your brand's journey to success starts now! 🚀💫
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ctbit · 2 years
The cryptocurrency market is expanding at an incredible rate. Since January 1st of this year, there have been over $1 trillion in trading volume and more than 112 billion dollars transferred across all digital currency exchanges daily!
With today’s advancements in technology it's possible for anyone with internet access to enter the worldwide crypto ecosystem from their home computer or mobile device--no matter how beginners-friendly they think themselves might be when entering into unfamiliar terrain full force like never before seen by any other human being who had not already established themselves beforehand within these communities prerequisites which many people
Here are seven tips to help you tame the market and start like a pro. Despite all of blockchain's complexities, cryptocurrency trading isn't as difficult or sophisticated when it comes down to simple key concepts like supply/demand dynamics in financial markets-which is why these strategies will work for anyone who wants their investments to pay off big time!
Tips to Tame The Cryptocurrency Trading Market
What do you think, is it very hard to tame the cryptocurrency trading market, or is it very easy to do so? Tell your thoughts in the comment, however, here we are supposed to answer this question right now.
See, it's neither easy nor hard, it changes according to mindset person-to-person, for some people it could be very handy, and for some, it's harder than climbing a mountain without equipment.
It depends upon how much knowledge you hold about the same, we don't know what person you are among these, but it's our responsibility to make you aware of all aspects, so let's go through the secret tips to tame the market of cryptocurrency trading.
Tip #1: Research The Market in Depth
The crypto landscape is always changing, and it takes a lot of work to keep up with the latest news.
You need dedication if you want your knowledge of blockchain technology or digital currency management will be worthwhile!
Technical and fundamental analysis are two of the most popular methods for predicting markets.
Forecasting is difficult due to how volatile it can be, but historical data from the All Things Investing websites such as charts on stocks or bonds show support levels (known also as an uptrend) if they're reached again then prices will likely continue upwards towards more gains.
Trading signals when profits come easy because traders know what's coming next based on past performance plus market sentiment indicator something saying whether people want short.
You can find a crypto-related service provider or broker by going on platforms like bitalphaai.pro, but always make sure they are regulated in your country before using them!
Research is the first step that you must take while jumping into any segment, it is not limited to only starting any business, if you are going to start trading crypto, it is as much important as other segments.
Tip #2: Explore Your Emotions
You can’t control the market, but you sure as heck better be able to keep cool when it's going haywire.
It may sound simple enough - after all, this is just money we're talking about-but controlling one`s emotions during times like these takes skill and practice!
In order for traders' nerves (both theirs AND those of other people) not to get too excited or scared leads us to our next point: always remain calm; don't let anyone's emotionality affect trading decisions because they will only lead traders astray from making smart buys/sells which could potentially cost them big time if executed incorrectly due lack belief in oneself.
The human factor is often overlooked in the world of finance. But even big fish like Bitcoin agree that having positive trading habits will help you stay afloat!
The importance of trading psychology cannot be overstated. If you are driven by greed, fear, or euphoria your decisions will suffer and so do not allow them to take control!
There is no doubt that crypto trading robots can be beneficial in eliminating human emotions and errors.
They do this by following algorithms to make decisions on when it's appropriate for them to sell or buy coins, which means you don't have to worry about getting lucky with your bets anymore!
Trading is difficult and requires a high level of skill. For those who want an easier way into the markets, there are programs that execute trades based on given parameters - these tools might not be suitable for beginners though!
Tip #3: Set Adequate Financial Goals
There are a lot of excellent traders out there, but they all have one thing in common - financial planning. Without it, you're just wasting your time and money on profitable trades when someone else could do better without any work at all!
You should assess your financial situation, retirement plans, and vulnerability to trading before deciding on a strategy.
With healthcare prices on an upward trend, it is more important than ever to assess your goals in light of current events.
You may have initially set out with the goal to become healthier or ejaculate less often but now those things seem like luxuries rather than necessities - make sure you reassess what's most pressing before moving forward!
You need to be flexible with your annual planning. Financial management is an ongoing process that involves all aspects of life, so it's best not to get too bogged down on one specific task at once!
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect or just don't know where else to start then consult a licensed professional for help getting started.
Tip #4: Diversify Your Portfolio
Crypto is a great place to invest your money because you can diversify into many different coins and tokens. The sector has seen a rise recently, meaning that there are more opportunities now than ever before!
With Ethereum, Cardano, and Uniswap all available for investment; it's time to invest wisely.
Remember that any money invested should be able to be lost because the market is volatile!
The 5% rule is a great way to diversify your investments.
If you only invest in cryptocurrency, then it's important that the amount be spread out among other things like forex trading and stocks as well so that any losses from one type won't wipe out all chances for success with another two or three types!
As a says goes.
Never put all your eggs in one basket.
Tip #5: Don’t Reject The Losses
The market is tough, but that's why we're here. You can either give up or keep fighting! If you've learned to control your emotions then dealing with losses won't be much of an issue for ya-as long as those bad trades don’t happen too often.
11% of traders make a killing, while 89 percent lose money.
This doesn't mean that you should give up on your trading career - as there are many different strategies to suit every investor's needs!
The market is full of traders who have different strategies. For example, long-term investors may be more concerned with the return on their investment and therefore opt for lower risks while scalpers look only at small price movements because they know that quick losses can quickly add up if you're not careful in this game called Wall Street.
Long-term investing often means waiting years before seeing any significant gains whereas shorting stocks offers an opportunity to make money much quicker but there's also greater risk involved - after all it could take just 2 months (or even days!).
Tip #6: Make Yourself Ready For Long Term
Trading in cryptocurrency, the forex market, or the stock market, is a passive income source, where you don't need any marketing strategy, you have to make up your mind for sustaining for a long time and make the strategy accordingly.
Because the crypto market is very volatile, situations can come either in your favor or can go against your expectation, but if you have patience and your strategy is made for the long-term, you can easily deal with each situation and prevent yourself from the lose.
There are many traders who get impatience with fluctuation in the crypto market and get existed instantly with the current situation, maybe with profit or loss, that is not a sign of a good and wise crypto trader, because they don't have a long-term strategy.
Tip #7: Use The Automated Trading System
Only doing trading with the normal flow will not make you a legend trader and don't take you to the path of success, you have to implement the advanced ideation in your crypto trading strategies.
The use of the automated trading app or automated trading bots enables you to do accurate trading in crypto with multiple executions and makes trading in cryptocurrency very easy.
Even if, copy trading is also a good choice to enhance your trading learning and knowledge, the mixture of copy trading with automated trading will grow your knowledge and experience exponentially.
Final Thoughts
Conclusion paragraph: If you're feeling overwhelmed by the cryptocurrency market, don't worry.
Start with a plan and use one or more of the tips we've outlined here to get started.
With discipline and perseverance, you can tame the cryptocurrency market and make healthy profits in the process.
Remember to always do your own research before investing in any new technology or trend!
Have you tried any of these methods for trading cryptocurrencies?
Let us know how they worked for you in the comments below.
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oli280 · 2 years
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"you, yea come here nerd!" The two football players shouted at Michael who was coming back from his maths class. The two meatheads were Alan and Greg, they were your average stereotypical Jocks, dumb, buffed up, loved going to the gym, watching and playing sports and most importantly either fucking a bimbo or wanking each other off in the locker rooms, they were horny as fuck, especially the Jocks that went to Michael's school, not a day went by without a rumour of yet another bimbo being impregnated by some jock cause most of the Jocks never wore condoms... including Alan and Greg.
Michael approached the two "what is it this time... will you bully me again or do you want to copy my history homework down?". The duo exchanged a mischievous look before jumping onto Michael, with a piece of cloth they managed to gag Michael and they were now carrying him to the men's bathroom within the school gym while Michael was resisting and trying to call for help even though he was gagged.
They arrived at the toilets and ungagged Micheal "what the fuck are you two doing, Help!" shouted Michael". "don't worry little bro no one will hear you so be quiet and enjoy our company hmm?" Greg chuckled. "We got you down here cause we wanted to reward you for the years of giving us homework and saving our assess... we want you to join our football bro pack!" Said Alan. "But I'm a nerd, I wouldn't fit in!" Said Michael. "Oh don't worry little bro... that's where we both come in, just lay back and relax while Alan will hold your arms".
The two approached Michael, Alan grabbed Michael's arms, Michael tried to brake free but couldn't so he resulted to shout again. Then Greg took Michael's Jeans and underwear off and started jacking off Michael's cock.
"What the fuck are you doing stop!" Shouted Michael. "Shut up, don't tell me you're not enjoying this we now how you've been looking at us thirstily the whole semester... oh and would you look at that you are getting turned on" said Greg while Michael's average cock got fully erect". "Gobble up Greg!" Said Alan and Without a seconds thought he began sucking Michael off.
Michael tried to resist but to no avail. The more Greg sucked him off the more he felt he was changing, be it his abs and pecs inflating to form a six-pack and a chilled out v-line to his also growing not so average anymore shlong. His arms and legs also inflated and his face became beautiful and new.
"ah would you look at you, you look like a Jock physically now your cock will reach its full potential once we're finished" laughed Alan before Michael shouted in his new deep booming voice "I don't want this please stop I don't want to be a dumb meathead!". "Well too late bro... what is it you nerds jockingly say: the bigger the cock the dumber the Jock" Alan laughed again while Greg released a gagged chuckle as he was till sucking Micheal off.
The metal transformation began. Michael felt like all his brain power was being sucked all the way to his new golf ball sized balls... Greg was literally sucking Michael out of his body through his growing cock. Memories of his love for maths and being the best student in his class and hanging out with his nerd friends during lunch were fading away, and soon they were being replaced by memories of him being called Mike not Michael... Mike always loved playing football ever since he was a child, he had bellow the average grades, he hit the gym to keep his physique and most importantly Mike loved to fuck and wank, he loved seeding hot bimbos and what turned him on is seeing how those bimbos bellies would later swole up with his seed which resulted in Mike also sleeping with the already impregnated bimbos.
As fear of being sucked out got replaced by moans of pleasure Mike couldn't hold it anymore "fuck yea braaaaaah!!!" Mike shouted as he repulsed his old self into Greg's mouth who after Mike stopped cumming spat the old Mike out of his mouth. "So bro, how do you feel?" asked Alan. "Fuck feel good bro, I still feel super fucking horny though I think I need a pussy to impregnate huhuhu" said Mike covered in sweat. "Come on bro, let's get you signed up to the team and acquainted with everyone". They gave Mike new clothes and the three of them walked out heading for coaches office.
After that day Mike's world wasn't the same. He began getting a lot of attention, Michael was a shy virgin but Mike was a cocky fuck machine that was ready to fuck at any time. After that day Mike was a conquer, he conquered many pussy's, came in many of them and impregnated them with his potent jock cum creating more alpha male eventual Jocks. The girls he didn't conquer were so in awe by Mike that they were wet in their panties simply looking at him waiting for him to conquer them... And those that resisted would give in after they'd experienced the pleasure Mike offered.
First Pic of the new Mike on his new Instagram:
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
I’m very passionate about class issues in the UK so excuse me lol but. H and Louis did come from different economic classes growing up, I grew up in Harry’s area but on Louis’ family income and let me tell you the Styles can be described as “posh” (not rich mind you, just very comfortable). I find it so interesting/important that that’s why Louis and Zayn’s friendship was so vital in the band because they both came from a working class Yorkshire background and only the two of them could fully understand that.
Having said that, it’s stupid and classist to assume that because Louis was poorer that means that his interests would be inherently different to Harry’s. The reason why wealthier people are more likely to get into art and politics and culture is literally just because they’re less exhausted from not working 40+ hour weeks for minimum wage. There’s nothing in working class peoples DNA that makes them stupid despite what the Tories would like you to think. So yeah Louis has the humility of a working class background and the resources now to reach his full potential which we have seen include: in depth music and queer history, sign language, interior design, art, film, literature, sports, literally all sorts that prove he’s incredibly intelligent and has everything in common with Harry. Self identifying as a “chav” is probably grounding for him, it’s also very queer but I don’t have time to get into that, but those people who call him a chav as an insult couldn’t even hold a conversation with him if they knew how clever he is.
Yes! Great addition to this discussion, I really love to learn the cultural side of it. Thank you for that, anon!
Plus IIRC (sorry I have a really selective memory sometimes), I do remember something about Harry's family struggling a bit when Anne first got divorced and stuff... so I think people just like the idea of making a big deal out of it and painting them as these completely opposite people. Empashasing Harry is "too posh" for Louis is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. And even if they were the opposite of each other, like you said, it's no reason for two people not to be together. It's such an immature and classist thought. This doesn't really seem to be a problem when we're talking about heterosexual couples most of the time. People are out there completely fine with Harry dating someone 10 years older than him, coming from a different country/culture, with kids and an ex-husband... and Louis and Harry are hard to be pictured together because they're "too different"? Is that really the problem here? C'mon. Of course, their roots are an extremely important part of them, especially for Louis, reclaiming the whole chav persona thing and being so proud of where he is from. But listen, they literally went through the same experience 12 years ago, only the five of them know how it is to have their lives turned upside down like that, to be the most famous boyband, they were together through the most important and crazy experience of their lives. That alone gives them more things in common than what most of us mere mortals have with our significant others.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 3 years
Chapter 316: BBQ is capable of critiquing BNHA and… Oh boy.
Let's start this off properly, Horikoshi's typical quality of writing has been diminishing in recent chapters, but this week it was so different that it didn't even feel like Horikoshi was the one who wrote it.
To be clear, I'm not blaming Horikoshi for the issues I'm about to bring up. The man is criminally overworked, usually doesn't even get the final say in what makes it in the final drafts, and even in his other rough patches he's still produced decent chapters that hold up amongst the grand scheme of things. This feels like something else is going on behind the scenes, and while I have my suspicions on who/what might be the culprit behind it, I choose not to share it at this time because if I name names some people might go off on a crusade, and that's not what I want.
I just want to be clear that I'm not blindly firing off shots in the dark, but despite my frustrations I want to wait to see if this gets resolved down the line, and while I do I can complain about the specific reasons this chapter left such a bitter taste in my mouth.
Buckle up, buttercups, because we got a lot of points to cover.
Where's the Gun?
Not a literal gun, but I mean Chekhov's Gun. It has always been a staple of Horikoshi's writing and the reason so many of his long-standing plot lines have paid off so well.
Chekhov's Gun is a writing principal that if you see a gun on the table in the first act of a play, it will be used in the murder that happens in act 2. Basically, the author should include details that are relevant to the story and not betray the audience by leading them in one direction and at the last minute pull the rug out from underneath them to go in another direction.
Horikoshi has done this to phenomenal success in the past. Just as one example, he dropped hints about Nomu being human experiments early in the series but held off explicitly stating it for a while. He hinted at the loss of Shirakumo in the main narrative and that he was important to Aizawa and Mic as well as approved it for Vigilantes so when it was revealed that Kurogiri was Shirakumo's body, not only did it narratively make sense but it also pulled in Eraserhead and Present Mic's emotional stakes into the battle with the Doctor, and then when Ujiko reveals he was after Aizawa's quirk the whole time it made the payoff for Mic punching him in the face all that much better and brings the weight of his crimes and the impact they have on the victims full circle.
That's 3 different guns paying off in the long run: the Nomu, Shirakumo, and both Mic and Eraserheads' personal arcs past the loss of their childhood friend and that they could finally finish processing their grief and avenge him in full righteous fury instead of chalking it all up to cruel chance.
He has left details, some particularly innocuously, in plot lines like the Touya Todoroki reveal, Hawks' backstory, Shigaraki's blood connection to Nana Shimura, even with Mr. Compress's backstory, and more. When re-read, these details become more obvious and usually leaves us with a greater sense of satisfaction in the plot knowing that twists and turns were not only planned, but built up to and hinted at for us to find so the payoff is that much better and it feels purposeful instead of just shock factor.
None of that happened this chapter.
Lady Nagant has zero business being in this plotline. She was never hinted about before this arc, and her existence does nothing to tell us about the plot moving forward or the world that they're trying to change. Nothing her existence provides actually has any bearing on the universe or tells us anything we don't already know. But that's not how she was presented.
In the beginning we're given a glimpse of her helping Overhaul escape from Tartarus. The focus on her was odd enough to begin with as a new character, and the fact that she didn't look like she fit the profile of someone who belonged in Tartarus was like a flashing neon sign saying, "Pay attention! This new character is important!!!" She then shows up later with Overhaul in hand to attack Deku out of the blue. We get her talking about how she thought Overhaul might be useful and her disillusions with Hero Society. We catch her mannerisms with eery similarity to Hawks only to find out immediately after she was a senior colleague in the HPSC. Never once to my knowledge has Hawks referred to any of his senior colleagues as a "senpai" - not even his fellow heroes - and when he catches her in midair, he uses the words, "Don't die on me, senpai!" as if she's near and dear to his heart.
The entire character arc is set up for her to have known about Hawks and grapple with her desire to help people and her fear of re-creating what she hated, and this also set up Hawks to be the successor who succeeded where she failed and helped bring her to a place where she could be a hero without guilt again. What actually happened?
They're strangers.
They have never actually met before, and while he seems to know a lot about her, she doesn't even seem to have any idea of who he was - at least as far as being another hero under the thumb of the HPSC. So ALLLL that setup, all that gesturing, and all of the potential themes that would be right at home in an arc like this goes completely out the window.
Her story doesn't tell us anything new. The HPSC bad. We knew that. They're not above throwing innocents under the bus to achieve that goal. We knew that. They preyed upon young hopefuls with powerful quirks with the intent to maintain the status quo. We knew that even if the fact that Hawks isn't the only one now makes more questions than answers. We know that these young heroes can never say no under threat of steep, life-shattering consequences. We knew that already.
So what does Lady Nagant even bring to the table?! The entire "you're just a puppet doing what you've been told" angle is a little tired and out of place in this point and time with actual anarchy in the streets (not to mention hypocritical considering she was a blind puppet following orders and offers zero actual solutions that supposedly fall in line with her heroic nature), and it could have been left to any number of other villain characters who could have executed on the theme better - you know, like Shigaraki who's justification this entire time has been, "hero society doesn't make people safe, it just makes them feel safe" from the moment of his inception.
So from that angle she's unnecessary.
Her presence messes with the continuity of the series as well. If Hawks is supposed to explicitly replace her, that would mean that he wasn't just a fluke find on the commission's part and grabbed to mold into their own special superweapon; and that also would mean that her killing of the former president was before he was discovered which should put her at least in her forties. If this isn't the case, and he was meant to simply replace her in a "special agent" case, that still begs the question of how many more gifted children the commission preyed upon and are still out there.
And maybe the worst kicker for me is that something stinks. The way the art in this chapter is presented, if you completely blanked out the speech bubbles, is the same setup I had before - Hawks reaches out to his former mentor and pulls her from the brink of despair with a moving message about why he never gave up hope in being a hero who could actually make a difference.
Again, this is not what we got. He claims he knows her, and it's implied to have been a deep, personal character witness; but at best he only knows about her from secondhand sources. Even his reasoning as to how he never lost hope doesn't vibe with his character.
We have gotten so many cool one-liners for Hawks, but there has always been a consistent tone and imagery with them.
"Those who can fly, should."
"I don't belong in a cage."
"I'm free of my shackles."
"Can I be a shining light, just like him?"
What we got was, "I'm an optimist to a fault" which was the wording the official release went with and was by far the best iteration I have seen, but even this falls short of being truly in character for him and answering her question properly.
@mikeana made an edit of the titular panels for us Hawks stans this week with dialogue we and a few other friends felt was more fitting not only with the imagery of the chapter itself but internally consistent with the specific expressions Hawks uses in his heartfelt, personal dialogue. I just tweaked it a little bit more to fit what I was going for in our original conversation.
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Which brings me to another concern.
2. What's the point?
There was no use for Nagant in the series as she's been presented so far. But more than that, Hawks has no business in this fight to begin with. He literally did nothing to earn this emotional moment, and this should have been Deku's moment.
We were teased in an interview with Horikoshi that Hawks was going to get a special moment as an important end-game character as a "shining light" of hope for others to follow as well as promises for Ochako to have another moment in the spotlight to make a difference.
If this was Hawks' shining light moment, it wasn't necessary, and it does nothing to move the plot forward or develop characters in any true or believable way. It just happened because plot. This should have been Deku's victory through and through, and even he is the reason BOTH Hawks and Nagant made it out alive instead of painting the street below them.
Deku's victory was stolen from him, too. It sours the other promises made to us about other characters moving forward, as well, if this really was Hawks' "Shining Light" moment.
By the way, did you forget about Overhaul? Me too!!! What was the point of getting our hopes up about reintroducing this beloved character with the implications this was a major arc setup to have him scream about pops and then get detained with no clues about what's going to happen to him besides, "Say you're sorry to Eri, and you get to see pops"?!
All this posturing and clumsy narrative flailing only actually succeeded in getting Deku in front of AFO again for plot when we already know Mr. Potato Head could summon, show himself to, or find Deku at any time he wanted. But instead we get this time skip with a bunch of heroes completely mended walking into a big, spooky mansion for AFO to evil monologue at Deku for… *counts*
Only to then give him the "I want YOU!" point over a pre-recorded message and the final nail in the coffin to me that something is off.
3. Ex-pu-LOOOO-SHUN!
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It's become almost a game among friends to count how many explosions have happened since the end of the war arc - and specifically fake-out explosions. In the end of 311 we get All Might's car attacked via explosion and Deku cornered by Nagant only for All Might to be fine in the next chapter. In 315 Lady Nagant herself explodes in a blaze of glory to once again not be dead.
Gee! I wOnDeR if aLl the heroes were AcTuAlLy cornered and KiLlEd in that explosion in the mansion!
None of us do. They're fine. We're going to see it first thing next week. The shock has worn off, and it's repetitive and annoying at this point. There is no cliffhanger despite how the framing might try to tell you otherwise.
The writing has been moving far too quickly and clumsily with no explanation in sight, and even character interactions are being cut short to the point of them being meaningless and empty.
This doesn't even feel like Horikoshi's bad writing. It feels like someone else is trying to call the shots and rushing him through these final bits of the series, and he's run out of things he's previously set up for months and months to reappear so someone is trying to get Dabi-reveal levels of attention with arcs and storylines that don't have the build-up to result in a satisfactory payoff.
4. At least it can get better... I hope.
Maybe those who share my suspicions or know what particular suspicions I have are with me in believing that this is a temporary disappointment and we haven't seen the last of the writing that's captivated me for years. I don't blame Horikoshi for these glaring faults that all came to a head in this chapter.
It CAN get better later, and I think it WILL- we just probably are going to have to wait for it. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the Hawks panels we got, maybe edit the last few chapters to be more in line with something more like the BNHA I know in a "fix it fic" fashion so I don't groan in anticipation of how long it might take us to get there.
See you all next week, hopefully on a much brighter note.
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” —1 John 5:4 (ESV)
“And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” —1 John 5:5 (NLT)
“He comes to set you free: Bible verses on the Lord's power to break every chain” By Alannah Francis
“Chains are an obvious symbol of imprisonment. In physical terms they restrict us, hold us down and back and signify our captive state. In spiritual terms they do more or less the same. While many of us won't experience physical chains, we're by no means immune to the impact of spiritual chains which harm our spiritual growth. These kinds of shackles are just as unmissable and detrimental to our freedom because they affect our behaviour, our outlook and our faith.
The Bible features numerous accounts of physical chain breaking but it also is full of stories about people who had their spiritual chains broken by the Lord. These types of chains manifested in various ways – demons, sickness, sin. But these biblical stories aren't just documented so that we know what Jesus was able to do for people that followed him in the past, they're also there to show us what he can do for us today. Jesus comes to set us free and destroy the chains that bind us.
The modern day chains that we may experience can come in a variety of forms. It might be an addiction, a lazy attitude or a failure to forgive. We can identify such spiritual shackles by assessing whether whatever it is weakens us, restricts our freedom and prevents us from reaching our potential to become closer to and more like Christ.
If you're aware that there are chains holding you down or you think there's something shackling you but you're yet to determine what it is, appeal to Jesus to set you free.
Here are some Bible verses that will also enable you to see that regardless of the power that chains have, the Lord's power to break them is far greater.
1. Mark 5:8 - “For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God's name don't torture me!" For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of this man, you impure spirit!"
2. Acts 12:6-7 - “The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.”
3. Acts 16:25-26 - “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone's chains came loose.”
4. Psalm 116:16 - “Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did; you have freed me from my chains.
5. Psalm 107:13-16 - “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.”
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lucky-catttt · 3 years
Maxwell Lord’s Aphrodite - Pt 2
Summary: When Maxwell Lord’s world comes crashing down, you, his personal assistant bring him back from the pits of despair.
Pairings: Maxwell Lord x Reader (female), Maxwell Lord x You
Word Count: 3,885
Warnings: Prepare to put a towel down or go touch some grass after, either or LOL Mention of genitals, oral sex, squirting, face fucking, choking, names, foreplay, degradation, aftercare, BDSM, sexism/sexual harrassment.
A/N: This is my first fan-fic, so the writing might not be fantastic, but if you have any pointers/advice please tell me! I’ve also added images and gifs to help readers imagine the scenarios and reactions!
“So what kind of proposal were we thinking of that would save Black Gold corporation?” Max quizzes, leaning back against his chair. You pause to think while finishing your pastry. “Well” you begin “This space is huge, around 4,300 square feet. The lease Black Gold is renting this office floor has no major restrictions on it, so you could potentially sub-let the space on the floor for a monthly or fixed term lease to people who work remotely or teams that don’t want to commit to a larger office space. It's becoming more common because of the GFC, people can't commit to large long term leases for whole office floors anymore. You could also rent out the boardroom by the hour & also lease the private manager offices to businesses that want their own private room. And we already have a reception near the lifts, just re-hire them and make them pretend they work for all the businesses on the floor, answering their calls, doing admin work like scanning and faxing etc. As far as the business’s clients that show up are concerned, each business looks like they own the whole floor.
If we do a cost analysis and then get a small investor to cover the startup costs, we could guarantee them a return if businesses pay contract deposits or pay their lease in advance up front. Plus the landlord we owe money to. And with the top floor with amazing views and location, we can charge top dollar” Max stares at you in disbelief. “Wow, are you sure you don’t wanna be CEO?” He laughs, still in shock. You laugh, blushing. “I started working on a business proposal for one of my university assessments, if we customise it for this project we could pitch it to some investors and banks and speak to the landlord about it as well” You reply. “I could kiss you right now.” Maxwell sighs, gripping his fist. “Please do” you giggle, leaning towards him. Max reaches out both hands to cup your face, before planting a passionate kiss on your lips. “Well, I guess we have a lot of work to do!” Max yells, before striding towards the bathroom to take a shower. Two weeks go by and the proposal is ready. Max calls you from the company car, on the way to your house to pick you up before the big investors meeting. “I’ll be right outside your place in a few minutes my sweet” He coos, beaming with excitement to see you. As his car pulls up, you collect your compendium, presentation cards and your pointer rod. Struggling with all you have to carry, Alfred rushes out of the car and up the steps to the front door, collecting all of your belongings. 
Maxwell peers over the top of his shades but the sun from behind your house blinds him. He shuffles across the seat and opens the car door, the sun now hiding from his view. As he removes his shades and looks up the stairs towards your front door, he sees you standing there, fixing your outfit. He’s stunned. 
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It might be 1984, but you’re wearing a stunning outfit pulled straight from the 50s. A black suit dress with a pleat in the front with a thin gold belt around your waist. You accented the look with strap Mary jane heels, a black and gold handbag and a neat beret fascinator. Your hair was curled, accentuated with bright red lipstick and a single set of pearl earrings.
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Max looks like he’s about to drop to his knees in awe, but his knees bend into a lengthy stride up the stairs, rushing to your side. “A heavenly vision of beauty'' Max gasps, giving you a kiss on the cheek in an attempt to preserve your makeup. He puts out his arm and you wrap your hands around it, as he leads you down your stairs to the car, staring at you the whole time, letting the universe guide his steps as this absolute goddess graces his presence. You both slide into the back seat of Max’s company car, his large hand immediately passing along your back and resting on your hip and ass, pulling you as close to him as possible. “I dont know how this presentation is going to go, but I can be absolutely certain that myself and every other person in that room will be enraptured by your presence”. he murmurs into your neck, squeezing your ass.
Max was wearing a pinstripe royal blue suit with black laced oxfords. His matching tie and pocket square peeking out. “I would kiss you right now but i don't want to get lipstick on your face just before our meeting” you blush, rubbing your nose against his. “I know. We have all the time in the world after” Max replies, running his nose down your neck, breathing gently against your skin.
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 “We should probably prepare for the meeting, Max” you chuckle, seeing the office building not far up the road. You pull out your compendium and flip to an architectural blueprint of the office floor. 
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“I had this drawn up by an architectural drafter last week. As you can see the large blank space is your office and private room, you already have the glass frosted for privacy. All the other office cubicles will be converted to private offices, as well as boardrooms, co-working areas and remote working hot spots.” Max’s eyes widen with surprise at the level of detail. “How did you get this done? I certainly don't remember commissioning this'' rubbing his chin. “I paid for it” you respond, nonchalantly. “You spent your money, for me?” Max inquires, now in disbelief. “Of course. I told you I would help you, Max. Consider it an investment”. You wink, flipping through more pages of the presentation. Just when Max thought he couldn't fall more in love with you than he already has, your hard work and giving nature makes his heart swell even larger to make room. After a few minutes the car pulls up to the investor’s office building. “Before we go in there, I want to ask you something.” Your eyes widen with intrigue. “While we're there, I’m not sure how these businessmen will react to a woman being anything more than my personal assistant. I’m not intimidated by you at all, but I suspect some of them might be” He continues, his eyes falling to your lap as he holds your hands. “Max, this project is my dream, but it’s your company, so i’m giving it to you to present. You’re the only person I trust with this”. 
As Maxwell begins to get himself together, you take a seat adjacent to where Max is standing. Although your knees are together with one ankle behind the other, you can feel some of the businessmen closest to you looking you up and down like a piece of meat. You quickly turn to face Max, giving him your undivided attention. “Well, I know you’re all very busy, so lets get started” Max smiles, wringing his palms together. The businessmen listen intently to Max’s pitch for the restructure of Black Gold corporation, before they begin to ask questions on financials. You begin to notice the men losing interest and Max starting to lose his confidence. He looks at you, his expression half pleading and half embarrassed. Without any hesitation, you stand up from your chair, striding over to Max’s side, picking up the pointing rod from the easel and pulling it to full length with one swift pull. 
The men all sit upright at attention from the sound of the rod. “If I may, Maxwell” you butt in, politely. “Gentleman” You steady the pointer rod against the chart on the easel “the profit figures on the project are as follows; 36 external view offices, charged at $3,000 per month each, generating $108,000 gross profit. The 25 internal offices with no view will be $500 per month, generating $12,500. We also have hot-desks with memberships starting at $20 per month. If companies want us to answer their phones, do their mail, bring them coffee, do their shopping, take their dry-cleaning, walk their dogs or bring them lunch, that's an additional fee. Essentially, we are looking at a monthly profit turnover of $150,000+. Our current lease fee is $50,000 a month with about $15,000 in body corporate and utilities, leaving $85,000 per month net profit, $225 thousand per quarter and over a million annually. We currently are looking for a combined setup cost of around $500,000. The more you invest, the bigger your return.” You swing the pointer road and rest it on your shoulder. 
Silence fills the room and you panic. Your assertiveness may have turned them off, so you pretend to be ditzy and dip one of your feet inwards. The men who are all sitting up at attention, look between each other and nod. Your charm and business acumen seemed to have put them under some kind of spell. “Thanks for your time gentleman. If you have any questions please feel free to call” you finish, walking around to hand each of them Max’s business card. The men begin to chat amongst themselves, before one of them approaches Maxwell. They introduce themselves and begin chatting about the pitch “You should be very proud of your assistant Maxwell” they chuckle “she seems very switched on and driven”. Max shoots you a smiling glance, before turning back “Yeah, I’m actually going to make her the CFO” he responds. “Well, we’ll deliberate here and be back in touch with our offer”. The meeting finally wraps up and you both head back downstairs where Alfred is waiting with the car door already open. You both slide inside and Max wraps his arms around you before passionately kissing your lips as the car drives back to his office.
“You want to make me the.. CFO?” you pant, breaking from the kiss. “Yes” Max smiles, staring into your eyes. “You have worked so hard and today at the presentation..I know you’re the woman for the job. Do you want it?” You blush, holding his face “Well how can I say no?”. The company car finally pulls up back at the office and you both head through the lobby and into the lift. Max stands behind you with his arms wrapped around you and his head on your shoulder, talking about the enormous amount of work that will potentially need to be done if this deal goes through. As the lift doors open into the reception area, you both step out and Max hears the phone in his office start to ring. You give him an excited smile, encouraging him to go take the call in private. He begins striding through the empty office before making it to his office, pushing the doors open and heading over to his desk.
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You take your time walking back to his office, giving Max time to finish his phone call. As you approach his office doors, you hear the click of the receiver as he hangs up. You watch Max’s shadow behind the frosted glass walk up to the doors and swing them open, a neutral look on his face. You look puzzled, thinking it was bad news before he burst out laughing with a smile, swinging you over his shoulder and carrying you to his bedroom. “You did it baby!” He yells, slapping your backside before throwing you both down onto the bed. “We did!?” you scream, a wave of relief and excitement washing over you. “Yes! I’m so proud of you. You saved Black Gold corporation. You saved me.” Max smiles, brushing a lock of curls away from your face before cupping your cheek and passionately kissing you. 
You kick off your shoes, belt and take off your beret fascinator as Max removes his suit jacket, suspenders and belt, before kissing each other again. “I was so turned on by you today” Max moans, writhing his hands all over your body, before ripping the bust of your dress open, the two buttons pinging off onto the carpet. “Watching your voluptuous ass in that dress walking into that boardroom and how you commanded the room’s attention, took control and sealed the deal. I wanted to put you over that boardroom table and worship you like the goddess you are. But I guess I can do that now”. Something about wearing your favourite suit of his, the unwavering progressive support of women and eagerness to pleasure you unlocks your most ravenous sexual desires. You stop Max, sitting up at the foot of the bed. He gets up from laying down and looks at you, worried he said or did something wrong. “Whats wrong my love?” he asks, looking concerned. ****MAJOR SMUT WARNING AHEAD**** “Max… you’ve shown me the romantic love making version which was so beautiful, but I want to make you feel worshipped” Max gives you an interesting glance. “You’re such a giving person but I want to give back. You’ve suffered neglect and mistreatment most of your life. I want to give you a different kind of passionate sex. I have fantasies and wild ideas that I think will give you immense pleasure. I want you to….” You stop yourself, not sure how he will react. Max's eyes widened with intrigue. “Go on?” Max squeezes your hand. “Well” you begin. The passionate fire is burning hotter and hotter within you. “I want you…” you hitch up your skirt and sit across Max’s lap, with one leg over each side “to straddle my chest and fuck my throat while I rub my clit” you get closer to Max’s face, pulling on his tie “And I want to cum while you’re throat fucking and choking me with your cock” you begin to undo his tie “And then I want you to cum in the back of my throat and make me swallow it”. There’s dead silence, so you bat your eyelash extensions, throwing a sexy yet innocent gaze followed by “hmmm?”. Max’s mind goes completely blank, the blood rushing from every inch of his body straight to his cock, which you feel hardened against your crotch as you straddle him. “Uhh wow honey that sounds very dangerous.” Max chokes, embarrassed he's getting turned on at the idea of hurting you. 
“For you or me?” You giggle, biting your lip. “For you” Max says, wrapping his arms around you. “Are you sure that’s something you want me to do to you Hermosa?”. “Yes Maxwell. I love the way you worship and pleasure me, but I want you to feel the same way. I have a kink when it comes to being dominated. Seeing my man so turned on and using his strength and body to please himself using me, makes me feel incredible. I know you would never hurt me, it’s something I would love for you to experience” You answer before kissing his neck. “You really are too good to me, princessa” Max sighs, running his hands down your back to your ass, squeezing both cheeks. “Of course, we don’t have to if you don’t want to, Max” you give him a reassuring look, worried you might have overstepped. “No baby, I’d love to, if that’s what will bring you the most pleasure” He coos, kissing your neck.
You begin to take off your dress, revealing under a black and gold laced lingerie set. “Black and Gold” you chuckle, watching Max’s eyes widen at the level of detail. “How did I get so lucky?” Max pants, pulling off his shirt and pants, leaving his boxers to contain his rock hard cock. You go to reach for Max’s crotch when his hand stops you. “Before we do this” Max begins “I want you to stop me at any time if it hurts or you can’t breathe or you just don’t want to do it anymore. That is the most important thing to me”. You nod and smile at Max, leaning in to kiss him, before your hands start to remove his boxers.
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You reach down and begin to tease his cock, tracing your fingers tips against the tip. With your other hand you guide Max’s hand down, placing it at the top of your panties. As he starts to put his hands under your panties, he notices there’s a hole in them. Max stops to inspect. “Crotchless panties? Me vuelves loco” Max pants before he begin kissing and biting all over your body.
You’re in for it now. Like a virus, you’ve taken over Max’s brain, flooding it with animalistic desire and passion. A switch has been flipped and hell bent on blowing your mind, leaving all of his inhibitions and reservations about what he’s about to do to you at the door. Max climbs on top of you, wrapping his large hand around your throat, gently squeezing as you gasp for air. “Is this what you want?” He growls into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe before kissing down your neck. You manage to nod before moaning, indicating that you’re enjoying it. He’s never treated a woman like this before, but he manages to find the personality and words seemingly from thin air, like it was repressed all this time. “Start touching yourself for me now” Max commands. You slide your hand down into your panties and start rubbing your clit, sparks flying through your body and the slick now leaking out of your pussy. He groans at the sight of you touching yourself. Max moves up the bed before straddling over your chest. With your head propped up on some pillows, you look in Max’s eyes and ready your mouth and jaw for his throbbing cock. Max thumbs your bottom lip before grabbing just under your jaw to keep your face steady. “Open wide like the good little whore that you are” he hisses, smacking the tip of his precum soaked cock on your face.
The degrading name only makes you wetter, as you furiously rub your clitoris whilst pinned under Max’s legs. You moan as Max pushes his cock into your mouth and down your throat. “Oh my god my love your mouth feels incredible” Max moans, his character from before severely altered by the pleasurable sensation. He realises his mistake and compensates by pushing his cock as far as it will fit into your mouth and throat. “That’s it, take it all” he smirks, exhaling with a moan. You use two fingers to scoop up some of your slick and rub it into your clitoris, which is now super sensitive. Your stifled moans humming against Max’s veiny cock cause it to twitch. With your hips bucking from pleasuring yourself, Max takes both of his hands and puts them on your cheeks. “Fuck your mouth feels so good” Max moans, slowly thrusting back and forth out of your mouth, his cock touching your uvula and causing you to gag with each stroke. Your eyes begin to roll back in your skull as you continue to moan & choke, your swollen clitoris edging closer and closer to orgasm. “You like this huh? You like it when Daddy fills your throat up and fucks it?” Max hisses, wrapping your hair in between his fingers, gripping hard as his thrusts gain more momentum. Thick strings of spit is now spilling out of your mouth, down your chin and onto your breasts. “You look
The taste of Max’s precum coating the back of your tongue. You’re fighting to contain your orgasm but Max’s cock and brutal punishing words are sending you dangerously close to the edge. “Mmmmm, mmmmm!” You choke, tears welling in your eyes as you’re trying to nod and send Max a pleasured innocent gaze, driving him wild. You concentrate on breathing through your nose, each time Max’s cock leaves the back of your throat for a split second, giving you enough time to take in air. You decide to start moving your flattened tongue against the shaft, rubbing against the tip as it passes back and forth. Max let’s out a groan “You’re such a good little putá for papá”. There’s no holding back now, you increase your moans to signal that you’re on the precipice of an orgasm. “Cum for me” Max hisses, continuing the ecstasy inducing tempo of thrusts into your mouth and throat. You continue to rub your clit and gesture for Max to keep his cock still inside your mouth and throat for this moment, riding the crashing wave of your orgasm, squirting furiously onto your legs and sheets below. The writhing and shaking of your body underneath him, the sound of your squirting and muffled cries and moans from behind his cock is too much and brings him closer much faster than he ever anticipated. The eye-watering sensation causes the tears to flow down your cheeks, causing your mascara to run.
As your orgasm begins to subside you gesture for Max to continue thrusting, which he does as he moves his large hands to cup your face. “That felt fucking amazing” Max moans, continuing his fast and hard strokes. Your gaze, burning with passion and framed within smudged running eyeliner locks with Max’s, his domineering yet still showing affection. “I’m gonna cum” Max pants, keeping the pace as his grip on your face grows tighter. “Fuckkkk!!!” He shouts, holding your head still as he holds one final thrust as far in as it will go. Your eyes roll back into your head again as you feel the warm thick ropes of cum spurt onto the back of your throat. It was lucky you had taken a large enough breath before that moment, enough to sustain you for the few seconds Max held his cock still inside your mouth, throbbing and pulsing as he moans and shudders, cursing in Spanish. Coming back to reality, Max immediately pulls his softening cock from your mouth and wraps his large hands on the top and bottom of your face, closing your jaw shut. “Now Swallow” he commands, bending down so that his face inches from yours. With a cheeky gaze you oblige and swallow the remains of his cum tangled in your throat, before opening your jaw to allow him to inspect if there was any left. “My good little leche putá” he whispers, before spitting in your wide open mouth.
As if like breaking character on a movie set, Max immediately reverts back to his original self, climbing off to the side to lay next to you. “Was that good for you my love? How do you feel?” Max asks, worried he’s harmed your physical and mental state. “Incredible” you pant, smiling, lying in a pool of your own squirt. Breathing a sigh of relief, Max quickly brings up the blankets to cover you both, embracing you and peppering your spit, mascara and tear soaked face with kisses. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Max quizzes, checking your chest and throat over. “No” you reply, your throat somewhat hoarse. “Okay good. I love you so much” Max sighs, brushing your hair out of your face and kissing your forehead. “I love you too, Max”.
I got impatient and wanted to post it now so I guess this chapter is finished 💀
@anaaaispunk @mandoalorian @pintsizemama
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