#but those billionaires?
panakina · 4 months
A lot of discussion lately about whether or not jason fans hallucinated a character who cares about his community (the ‘protects women and kids’ thing), but i think that’s doing us a disservice and frankly letting DC off the hook.
Its not unreasonable to dislike that DC consistently makes the kid with the poorest background the most violent and selfish. (And the second poorest, Steph, the most incompetent).
Its not wild to extrapolate that someone who was first characterised as being Too Upset About Rape Victims and later characterised as prepared to take action where others won’t, could be getting involved in that kind of work.
It’s not crazy fans being blind to canon when we don’t want the sole voice of reason on the subject of community support to be the benevolent billionaire.
It’s not delusional behaviour to make fanworks where the guy heavily implied to be a child victim of sexual assault takes on responsibility for other victims.
Is that what DC gave us? No, they didn’t bother to address it.
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it is. so weird to me that I'm having to say this again after a real-life cartoon supervillian already once ran for president on a platform of hatred & fascism and won, but.
it's November, please fucking vote
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Me when the villagers start throwing their axes at me and I’m at low health: Please stop I’m just a woman. Playing this nightmare of a game
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
deeply refreshing to see someone critical of Swift who also like, genuinely likes her. Like i'm neutral to positive on her, but the online discourse has been absolutely rancid. flipping between "Taylor Swift has never done anything wrong ever and she's a fucking genius" and "Taylor Swift is the worst lyricist of all time and also a bad person" is exhausting, so thank you for like. nuance or something lmao
not to make it serious for a sec but i genuinely think that being able to like things that are bad is really important. like I think that it's an important skill to be able to look at something and see what you personally enjoy about it and then take a step back and acknowledge that objectively it's flawed. and to also be able to acknowledge that liking something isn't necessarily an identity or a moral stance. and i think that fandom space in general could really benefit from more people taking the time to learn how to do that. it's okay to like things that are bad
#people ask me sometimes why ill occasionally talk about something i like and then go 'but it's bad' and the answer is usually because it is#i love teen wolf. i love genshin impact. i love detective conan. and i fucking LOVE taylor swift. that doesnt mean theyre good#it just means i like them. and recognizing their flaws actually helps me better identify what i like about them!#it's like. in my mind bad > good is the x axis and i like it > i dont like it is the y axis yk. they're not mutually exclusive#tldr it's not that serious. we can all relax a little#irt taylor swift i do also think she has done some real harm to her fans in enabling them to deflect all criticism of her as misogyny#and i don't think it's fully the fault of these people who are parroting that response bc so much of her marketing has deliberately#reinforced this idea that to be a swiftie is to be a part of a sisterhood and that any attack on taylor is an attack on all of those women#who are in that in-group. when that's obviously not the case. but she's marketed herself as. for lack of a better term. 'girl music'#to the point where it makes her fans feel as though any criticism of the music or the woman responsible for it is an attack on their#personal experience of womanhood/girlhood/sisterhood/etc. and that's how you get all of thess bad-faith accusations of misogyny#i don't necessarily think this was her deliberate goal with her marketing tho because like. on first glance such a strong sense of communit#among fans sounds like a great thing. the friendship bracelets i got at the eras tour movie are really genuinely special to me.#but it does present a problem when your fans are unable to separate how they feel about the community and experience your music has fostere#from how they feel about you as a person. especially when you are a billionaire who absolutely CANNOT be above criticism in this economy#anyway. tldr i love taylor's music and i don't think swiftie hivemind is as deliberately malicious as it may seem#but it's obviously necessary to be able to take a step back and look objectively at what you're participating in.#anyway stream ttpd or don't idc <3#taylor swift
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Fuck decent acting, MY favorite genre of nepo baby is “child of Some Rich Guy who funnels their daddy’s money into innovative creative projects that otherwise wouldn’t get made,” especially if those projects are animated
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skwc · 1 year
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some faces + hypothetical y0 kzmj encounter + purikura concepts
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lanceneedstherapy · 1 month
I think Dick Grayson is a Swiftie. No, I don't take criticism. He knows every single song from 1989 by heart. It's annoying.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Okay, sort of on that note: I know we are all thoroughly enjoying the Bird App's destruction and drama and firing shots in the air to keep our property values low and complaining about Twitter users moving here and all the rest. But I'm gonna be real with you for a second and offer a Hot Take that might well get my Tumblr elder credentials revoked:
As long as they are willing to play ball with us and understand the rules of the road and etc (and lbr, we have plenty of absolutely idiotic Disk Horse of our own, that will never go away), we should a) actually be glad that they're coming here and b) recognize the far more sinister aspect of Twitter's slow motion Jenga collapse. Because it's all fun and games until the massive human rights violations and democracy destruction starts (or rather, continues). Why is that? Well:
As noted a few weeks ago when this insanity started, the second-biggest investor in the Twitter takeover, apart from Musk himself, was the Saudi government. Now, I have a friend whose PhD dissertation in sociology I have been copy-editing/proofreading for the last few years (he is originally from Saudi Arabia but doing his PhD in the UK). A huge part of his research is about how ordinary Saudis use Twitter HEAVILY, and as a replacement for the freedom of speech they aren't allowed in any other formal aspect of their country, despite many cosmetic reforms and plans for greater international investment and openness. The Saudi government, while tolerating this newfound criticism on the surface, has also routinely jailed these citizens for one critical tweet about them, including those made while the person in question was not in the country. In other words, they're not nearly as happy about this as they like to pretend, even if they're putting a good face on it, and especially during the Arab Spring and other attempted uprisings/calls for reform in the region, Twitter was a hugely effective way to circumvent government narratives and get out community information. After all, it is the biggest communication platform in the world, and anyone can instantly use it.
So, enter Musk: a petty alt-right billionaire who pals with dictators and can do anything he wants by burning ungodly amounts of money. He partners with the Saudis. Two weeks later, Twitter is going down in flames, its entire top legal team has quit, Musk is braying about bankruptcy, advertisers have fled, it's 50-50 whether it survives the year. And yes, this could be because Musk is a sociopathic idiot, since he is. But if you consider that this one evil prick can literally destroy half of the world's only medium of quasi-free speech and community organising just by throwing $44 billion at it... well... that's a lot more sinister than just him wanting to make "free speech" for all the absolute dregs of the Internet who adore him. In other words, it starts to look awfully deliberate, and Musk is anything but a fan of democracy, community organising, and all the rest.
Anyway: Tumblr doesn't function the same as Twitter, we don't want it to, and we are able to laugh at its burning corpse because many of us don't rely on it as our one and only place of meaningful speech and ability to criticize the government. But if Twitter DOES go down in flames, it will be a huge and irreparable loss in a real sense, and in that case, if you see a Twitter user poking their head in here, give them some rules of the road, advise them to change their icon, and otherwise let 'em stay.
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lanadel-heyyy · 4 months
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this movie was legitimately terrible for multiple real reasons, but i will suffer anything for this man
letterboxd reviews of 57 seconds
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booasaur · 8 months
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The Burial (2023)
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skinnypaleangryperson · 2 months
So, so, so ridiculously relieved I deleted my BoJack fanfiction off of AO3. Doesn't happen very often but every now and then a new consumer will post about looking for fanfiction and we'll say that 'disappointed" at the lack of fanfiction or even at the fanfiction itself. I'm relieved that finally my work is made the exception to that after years of breakdowns of being called worthless and other various vague posts. It's literally all that I have in many ways, genuinely, and you don't even know about what my life is like in the living hell it is in this celebrity, slave wage culture outside of that niche interest and passion I have
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dorotheaism · 7 days
so the longer version of the "kim, there's people that are dying" meme is that kim has lost her diamond earring in the ocean. they're on a private island i think, or at least a private resort. she's shrieking and literally crying, talking about how important the earrings are to her. then her sister calls out the memed quote.
i bring this up because taylor is absolutely kim in this situation. whatever her reason for not talking about gaza, whether she thinks she's protecting her physical, mental, or financial peace, it is a lost earring. and like, diamond earrings are expensive! they're usually given as gifts! it's not bad to be sad it's gone, but now is just not the fucking time to prioritize the earrings, taylor. there's people that are dying.
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hezuart · 8 months
What do you think of The Mammon's Design in Helluva Boss?
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this man is a Christmas tree
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runawaymarbles · 7 months
at this point i am simply uninterested in any opinion on a hot-button political topic that treats human beings as a mass of meaningless hypotheticals
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emptyjunior · 9 months
Anyone who hasn't seen this movie I beg you to guess who the canon gay couple who fall in love and end up happily married by the end of it are
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stucky-headcanon-bot · 10 months
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