#but this fits under various queer things
variousqueerthings · 1 month
aphobia in fandom can look like (all of the below are things ive seen):
villainising characters who reject romantic advances
reading aro characters as "psychopaths/evil" because of their aroness
reading ace characters as "childlike/immature" because of their aceness
generally the pathologisation of characters because of their aspec-ness, as well as demonisation of certain mental illnesses and nd-ness, which tbh could be a whole other post on its own
statements like "it would be sad if x character wasn't in a romantic relationship though" as a way of shutting down reading a character as aro (also seen said about canon aro rep)
aroness and aceness -- especially repulsed aroness and aceness -- is more "boring" than alloness
generally romance and sex (most often read together) as a way of "humanising" a character
generally seeing romantic relationships as the main happy ending for character dynamics, and any individual characters who aren't in a romantic relationship are worse off (pair the spares, but this time let's make it progressive)
(Only Monogamy freespace/overlap with bi/pan-erasure and polyamory erasure)
ignoring opposite gender dynamics that are well-fleshed-out in favour of same-gender dynamics that aren't, because that's "more queer" (read: hotter, but only for guys) (overlapping heavily with erasing women in narratives in favour of two guys that exchange 3 words with one another, and also bi/pan-erasure)
going real hard on "aromantic people can still date"/"asexual people can still have sex" especially around characters who have not been shown to do one or the other or either
in addition to previous point, these statements coupled with a clear lack of research in aspec terminology/theory/politics -- bonus points for using these talking points at irl aspec people who do know what they're talking about
getting angry at aspec people for "ruining the fun" when they point out that it's hard to be aspec in fandom/engage with aspec character reads in fandom/feeling alienated by fandom
good old classic regurgitated "this aspec person said it was okay for me to do this, so..."
good old classic regurgitated "these aspec people are normal, and these ones aren't, im only going to respect the opinions of the aspec people who "let" me do exactly what ive been doing the whole time, and im going to discount/mock/bully out of fandom the ones who don't"
convenient "it's not that deep" arguments only counting when it's aspec rep, ignoring many years of "representation matters" for other marginalised identities
comparing aspec identities to straightness, often in the framework of "headcanoning straight (aspec) characters as queer (not aspec -- and usually not bi or pan either)"
pushing smut at irl asexual repulsed people as "revenge" for them expressing discomfort (especially about characters who are popularly seen as asexual or are even canonically asexual) + "joking" about shipping even harder and creating more hardcore smut specifically in reaction to aspec people who don't want to see it
accusations of queerbaiting when characters are written to be aspec and/or ambiguously aspec
conflating bullshit "anti" purity culture with all of the above, either co-opting aspec people into wank (similarly to ace people being co-opted to "argue" for no kink at pride), or accusing irl aspec people who feel alienated of being prudes/antis/sex-shaming <- this also conveniently trotted out right after a "it's not that deep" argument. it's only not-that-deep when it's about getting to have fun without thinking about others, and it gets deep when that fun cannot be enjoyed thoughtlessly
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endcant · 26 days
save a bastion for queer culture in a famously hateful city
i’ll try to write a shorter and sweeter post about this later, but for now i will just beg at length.
there is a town near me called Murfreesboro where at various points they have banned or attempted to ban public homosexuality, drag, and pride flags. for a time their county’s youth incarceration rate was 48% (contrasted with the rest of the state at 5%) due to corruption in their local courts system. every juvenile case that made it to the wrong judge resulted in the child being sent to jail, because the county commissioner thought it’d be “cool” if the jail was a “profit center” (yes these are his actual words). these are just a few examples but suffice it to say, this is a very difficult place to grow up, especially for LGBT kids.
despite all of this difficulty, the area has a remarkable alternative music scene with a few small venues where queer people and young people who don’t fit in elsewhere can genuinely have fun and feel safe for the night. despite the city’s reputation, queer people in the broader area flock to the town for raves and DIY shows. in this area, music culture is intertwined with queer culture and leftist efforts to a much greater degree than i’m used to as somebody from the middle of california.
i really admire the venues and event organizers that cultivate a safe spaces like this in a place where it is decidedly unsafe for queer people, and where the youth are constantly in danger of having their lives ruined for totally arbitrary reasons.
this is why it breaks my heart that murfreesboro is trying to shut down a venue called The Graveyard Gallery. the graveyard gallery is a place where a ton of events are constantly held for lgbt, furry, and alternative communities. it is one of very few alternative places in the broader nashville area where i have felt really, truly safe and welcome as a person of color.
most recently, The Graveyard Gallery has come under attack for attempting to hold a Trans Day of Visibility punk show, with the apt title “Trans Day of Vengeance”. Conservative media, both local and national, directed the attention of their audiences towards this event, calling it “tone deaf” to have it on easter, and to have it sort-of-kind-of-close-to-but-not-quite-on the anniversary of the shooting in nashville. All of this, of course, ignoring that the date for TDoV was set in 2009, and that this was a small DIY punk show that really bore no threat to anybody. the show had to be canceled because of credible death threats, so it didn’t even happen, but that hasn’t appeased anybody.
in the wake of this, murfreesboro’s fire marshal has suddenly decided that the building is not acceptable for occupancy and it has to close immediately and for the forseeable future. people can claim it’s unrelated, but i’ve known people to have their businesses suddenly declined by fire marshals due to sheer bigotry before, and shitty towns will just use their fire marshal to bankrupt small business owners that they don’t like. i do not speak for the owners of the gallery on this front, but i personally believe that these things are related.
all this is to say, the graveyard gallery needs to raise money for their legal fees over this matter. this venue is very important to a lot of people, and may be even more important now that the city’s music scene is in the crosshairs of massive conservative media companies.
if you can donate please do, and if you can share this, please do that as well.
thank you for taking the time to read my post. i know there’s a lot going on in the world, but music venues are where people here gather, and music venues are often also a place where people organize to make meaningful change and promote causes that i know most of you would approve of. music is at the heart of this community, and the venues are where the music lives.
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
Random worldbuilding from The Unfinished Book:
While there is no unified, clearly defined LGBT community, the people who would by our definition fall under that umbrella are heavily associated with religion. While the general cultural assumption is that everyone is at least a little bit bisexual - the idea that almost everyone hypothetically could encounter a woman so handsome or a man so beautiful that they'd go gay for them is aknowledged well enough to be a common theme in poetry and literature - being queer is more or less considered a way in which various gods "earmark" their own.
This is considered a matter beyond obvious - there are whole creation myths of how the gods who created the world grew annoyed about how all the humans they made were too busy having and raising their own children to properly focus on worshipping their gods or caring for society at large, so the gods saw fit to create people who would rather love their own sex, or not desire marriage or children at all, to ensure there are some whose hands and minds are free to focus more on the gods.
The Empire tolerates any and every religious practice that doesn't threaten the state, break other laws or cause public disturbance, so while there are some major gods whose temples are in almost every city, the pantheon of gods whose existence is aknowledged is essentially infinite. The churches, temple organisations and schools of various major gods, goddesses and ambiguous divine entities and their devoted priests and servants aren't simply there, but play a part in society and politics, as bankers, historians, librarians, curators, doctors and educators. Some run orphanages.
One big, major player in the field is the order of the Moon Goddess. They don't literally worship the moon, the moon is simply the symbol of the Goddess, whose realm is the perfect logic and structure of the universe, which cannot be touched or even properly comprehended by the fallible and imperfect human mind. Their philosophy is that there is no such thing as a question without an answer or a thing without purpose, and anything that appears so is simply beyond human grasp. While there are Moon Priestesses who aren't trans women, they are few and far between, and still less rare than trans women who aren't priestesses.
This is considered an example of how clear and logical the Moon Goddess is - the dysphoria of AMAB people is culturally regarded as them feeling a calling, a call that cannot be mistaken for anything else, a puzzle with one logical answer that they must personally find and embrace, which cannot be disputed by any mortal force, and can only be denied and repressed for so long by the Chosen Subject before they accept it. Becoming a Moon Priestess isn't an "I don't know what to do with my life so I might as well do this" choice in life, it was a choice that was made for you before you were born.
In the book, the protagonist encounters a trans man on his journey and they travel together for a while. After discovering the nature of how Terrel is, the protagonist isn't baffled by the idea that trans men exist at all - mainly he is unfathomably relieved that this small and boyish youth who drinks, gambles, fights, fucks and commits murder like a grown man is actually older than himself and not, like, thirteen - but astonished that Terrel isn't religious, and doesn't consider himself "chosen" by any god. He just is, and as far as he's concerned, the gods have nothing to do with it.
Also it suddenly makes a lot more sense that his name translates to "son of a hyena bitch", something that no woman would name her own child. He named himself, and his mother is a huge bitch.
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mogai-sunflowers · 11 months
I hate it when I can't use a term that fits me very well because my brain (which processes everything with images) has an image of that term that doesn't look like me.
Like when I think of "transmasc" and all that pops into my head are skinny, white, American boys with very basic styles (which isn't a bad thing, it's just "too basic" for me personally), and of course, who look like cis boys and hate their bodies or prefer other body.
Meanwhile, I'm a POC, fat, Latine person, with questionable style (/joke), who CERTAINLY doesn't look like a cis boy and who really loves their body.
How could I use a term when my brain tells me that term doesn't fit people like me? I hate that. It's just me?
hey anon. i so wish I could reach through this screen and tell you that who you are is perfect and that you have every right to terminology that feels right, but as a fat trans person myself I know it takes more than kind words to deal with a pain like this, and one that’s even more intersectional than mine with your race and culture in the picture.
but that image you have in your head of what transmasc means, that is not the reality. that is what a small part of the community, of the world, WANTS you to think because they would rather throw other members of their community under the bus to gain faux acceptance for themselves, which is NOT your fault, but it’s also not everyone, there are so many people in this community who look like you or who truly stand with you. Transmasculine history is and never has been white or thin or any of that.
I’m going to link a few things you may want to look into if you’re wanting to start accepting your identity a little more, or just to see that you really ARENT alone. trans men/transmascs of color have been part of our history since the beginning. some of these things im sharing may be somewhat nsfw and have the word 'tranny' in them, just as a warning if that stuff bothers you.
newspaper clipping showing three trans men of color at a festival for a film they were part of, the first ever sexual/porn film by and for trans men of color
some pictures showing some fat trans men and trans men of color at marches are here
Bobby Cheung, the Asian and Pacific Islander trans man who won the Mr. Transgender San Francisco Pageant in 2004
trans men of color discuss intersectionality in a film they directed called "Trappings Of Transhood"
a photo showing the attendees of an FTM conference- you can see many non-white people in attendance
a photo of a group of Latino trans men who attended Tranny Fest in 1999
basic info on victor j mukasa, a Black transmasc lesbian active in East African LGBTQ rights scene
an older fat trans gentleman's photo and experience
a post on pauli murray (please look them up. his experience is much more nuanced than this post gives them credit for, and she was a wonderful intersectional activist)
various trans men (many fat and of color) who have contributed to our history
a conference of Indian trans men
the story of a trans man named Ben
one of my personal favorite transmasc historical figures, Amelio Robles Ávila
Zander Keig, the fat Latino trans man who won social worker of the year in 2020
a wonderful read on the intersectionality of transmasculinity and race
a digital archive of trans and queer Latino history
the Instagram page of a popular Black drag king
an article with interviews with various drag kings, including several of color
Florence Hines, the Black drag king once called the most excellent male impersonator in America
more drag kings many of color!
Drag Kings: An Archaeology of Spectacular Masculinities in Latino America
anon, it is so easy to feel like you are alone when your own history has been unfairly erased from you. but when I say “you are not alone”, I am not offering empty words of comfort- YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Transmasc and similar identity has truly NEVER actually been just for white people or thin people. You are WONDERFUL, and you are ABSOLUTELY a part of trans masculinity and transmasculine history is YOUR history and community as much as it is mine and others. You belong.
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bonefall · 4 months
hi! just discovered this blog from your hearing loss post, which i ADORE. throughout it you mentioned pawspeak, and i was wondering if you had any sources/posts about it, or could describe its fundamentals very simply? sorry if youve already answered this!!! youre very cool
There's not too many fundamentals to share, really! Pawspeak is just the fandom term for a Clan cat sign language. Most people have their own takes on it.
Some people like to make it use two paws, other like to do a single paw in tandem with ear flicks and tail movements, some have omitted paw movements entirely and just use ear and tail signs. Most people aren't my queer ass who worked with a friend to ACTUALLY create a full Clan cat language with its own grammatical structure; so likewise, they're just making a cat approximation of a sign language.
So there's no rules! Do as you please! You can just adapt ASL or BSL for cat paws if you want, the same way no one bats an eye when people animate the cats lipsynching to English.
I would just try to remind you, and recommend, that your sign languages evolve from deaf people.
It's both a misconception, and insultingly common for media to show hearing people inventing sign language for the benefit of their deaf friends and family, when that's not how that happens. Deaf people have agency, theyre not just waiting for an abled person to bestow language on them. Deaf communities, and communities with high rates of hearing impaired people, come up with unique sign languages if they don't already have one!
These languages are often studied by linguists as examples of "isolate" language families, which mean they evolved without ANY genetic 'relation' to another language. Nicaraguan Sign Language is a neat example of that!
(The "hearing people invent sign" thing is perpetuated by the myth that Francosign, the language family containing ASL, was invented by one really nice philanthropist. It wasn't. The man took a bunch of words from an existing deaf community in Paris, which was likely a language under the BANZSL family, didn't care to record or learn what they were ALREADY speaking, and made up his own clunky system called "methodical signs" to make a "signed version" of French. This was practically useless for casual use. Actual deaf people mixed this with the languages they were ALREADY using to talk to each other to make new ones; one famous example of this is actually ASL.)
For BB I actually plan to show Pawspeak evolving as an isolate language after the Clan's move to the Lake. It's going to be born out of Gatherings and Aftergatherings-- while Clan cooperation has actually lead to a period so peaceful that it's allowed a proper community to form. Now with a stable population of hearing-impaired cats of all Clans, each of them bringing new signs and phrases home, it can standardize into a true language around the lake.
So then I can show how most of the signs come from RiverClan, mix with the signals WindClan uses to communicate across the moor, show how violent signs tend to be tail-based because they come from battle commands, etc.
It fits the themes of BB, and gives me a chance to show how fascinating sign languages really are. Even though it'd make sense for them to already have one, tbh, I think it's worth it. (Or maybe have Lake Pawspeak basically be a language that combined the several 'pawspeaks' of the various clans.)
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rathayibacter · 1 month
might as well do a little TDOV promo, esp since ive got some new folks following me. hi, im rath! im a queer nonbinary game designer, and ive written a bunch of ttrpgs!
some quick blurbs under the readmore
BIG PROJECTS: - Disparateum, a game of exploring a city at the crossroads of many worlds. dance through dreams, swordfight your reflection, explore a fractal museum, scale the surface of your own soul, and more! - KATABASIS, fight your way out of a concrete afterlife as you try and return to life. your armor, weapons, and tools are crafted from your emotional baggage, and the monsters and environments youll face are all splintered and confused reflections of the world you're struggling to return to. - [BXLLET>, a post-apocalyptic cowboy game where bullets are your XP, and every shot fired kills your target. has a ton of supplements and reimaginings.
SMALL PROJECTS: - Charcuterie, three zine collections. the first two are compilations of small games ive written and released in various forms, the third is short stories and poetry. messy, weird, barely edited, stuffed with doodles, a lot of fun. - Stationkeeping, a small Animal Crossing-inspired game about renovating a dinky space station, slowly expanding it out and occasionally meeting aliens or other players on their own journeys. played on index cards you carry with you and fill out as you do various things in your life. - Maybe One Day, It'll Be Enough - a game about war gods sentenced to infinite community service for their crimes. played by throwing a ball against a brick wall. for hours. originally released as a tumblr post here. - NOT WEAVERDICE, half a core mechanic for a superhero game, half a ramble about superhero ttrpgs and how to have fun with them. im currently working on a game that expands out this idea, called Unskilled Labor. - MORTAL POP!BAT, a 616-page Funko Pop wargame. yeah, im including it in the small projects category. fuck you. - Wintergreen, an OSR game that fits inside a mint tin. one of my earliest released games, still has some pretty cute ideas.
thanks for checking this all out, it means the world! the last few months have been pretty tight, and every little bit of support really does make a difference. happy trans day of visibility everyone, love yall!
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birdclowns · 5 months
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jan - the start of the end of my criminal minds hyperfixation. spencer reid my beloved. he's so mentally ill
feb - unsub!spencer reid is something that can be so special.... he can kill people for "science." as a treat.
march - I STARTED WATCHING 911. I watched all of it so fucking quickly. I hate buddie. I love them
april - brainrot for lone star has STARTED. making good on my vague 2023 goal of doing backgrounds more often🥰
may - fuck you, couch theory. they need to fuck nasty on it
june - one of my FAVORITE projects for the year. I love all of the canon queer characters thatre lone star, and paul means so much to me. paul's is Definitely my fav icon out of them all
july - my self proclaimed "it's my birthday month I can fuck up my blorbos if I want to" if you havent read the fic that @inflarescent was inspired to write. who are you and what the fuck are you doing with your life
aug - lap tk my beloved<333333 if he FITS he SITS!!!!!
sept - continuation of my lap tk love. I had so much fun with the colors and with figuring out how to make movement happen with a little comic. I just think they're neat
oct - we get to the gifts at the end of the year<333 a collab with @paperstorm for @thebumblecee's birthday 🥰🥰🥰🥰 again, read the fic. or I Will find you 👀
nov - GHOSTFACE TARLOS YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME. birthday gift for the lovely amazing talented @mooshkat<333333 read their ghostface!tarlos series!!!!! its so good their writing makes me insane
dec - one of my favorite things for one of my favorite people. matching icons for discord of @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut and I's ocs<3333 we weren't dating when I posted this (which. wild. this should've been a sign tbh) but we started very soon after and honestly. what a great way to end the year 🥰🥰🥰🥰
(denton is from my fic read it or don't I won't threaten you but he might)
there's more december art coming <33 gifts and secret santa and I'm so fucking excited to continue to grow with my art!!! next year will be so full of projects for both art and writing
tags under cut!
thanks for tagging me @thisbuildinghasfeelings & @reyesstrand 💕💕
tagging for various round ups; @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @mooshkat @thebumblecee @inflarescent @paperstorm @orchidscript @heartstringsduet @lemonlyman-dotcom @reasonandfaithinharmony @louis-ii-reyes-strand @welcometololaland @inkweedandlizards @bonheur-cafe @sanjuwrites
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term-repost · 4 months
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[ID: A pride flag with five horizontal stripes of: dark purple, dark pink, orange, pale yellow, and green. End ID.]
Challenging notions of what it means to be in a relationship, defining love, and how important each form of it is to society. Amatopunk as an idea challenges amatonormantivity, and how society views aspec people, polyamorous people, and others who do not fit into the “right” mold. Anyone can identify with amatopunk and be a part of it if it fits them.
While it was made with aspecs and polyamorous people primarily in mind, this is because those are groups I am in. So long as you identify with the ideas of amatopunk, you are welcome to use it however you want. Disabled people, trans people, GNC people, POC, and so many more can be under this label; anyone who wants to be amatopunk is.
Amatopunk will mean different things for different people, and that’s okay. It’s a broad, inclusive label for different types of people, and how amatonormantivity affects them and/or their community.
Amatopunk is focused on both relationships and love itself. Some people have gone around saying it’s strictly, or more specifically, about relationships, and this is not true. Amatopunk is about both love and relationships!
Amatopunk does not include or endorse dangerous relationship styles, or things that harm other people. Notable examples include pedophilia, zoophilia, and incest. Please do not everuse this flag to create incestuous, pedophilic, or abusive content.
Amatopunk ideas and notions!
Fighting the idea that certain kinds of relationships are necessary
Fighting the idea that love must be followed a certain way, or that you must experience certain kinds of it
Fighting the idea that sex is required in any kind of relationship
Inclusion of aspecs, polyamorous people, and others within the community, and fighting against the stigma they deal with. Amatopunk is no place for bigots or exclusionary ideas.
Erasing the idea that you need any kind of relationship to be whole, or happy. Relationships are a choice, not a must.
For many, amatopunk may include relationship anarchy; it’s a big topic, so I definitely suggest looking this up!
Breaking down what it means to be in a QPR versus a romantic relationship versus a friendship; the “lines” between the two are important to many, but they are not a must. Friends can kiss and have intimate relationships, romantic partners can choose to never kiss, etc.- it’s about comfort and boundaries, not the type of relationship you’re in.
Challenging the idea that people like aspecs, polyamorous people, etc. are broken or cannot have a regular family. Furthermore, you do not need a family at all, if you don’t want one.
A family can be a man, woman, and two kids, a family can be three moms and one kid, and a family can be one man and 6 dogs; family is family.
A heavy emphasis on comfort, boundaries, communication, and consent in all forms of relationships
A removal from the ideas of what makes a family. Full inclusion of found families, queer families, polyam families, etc.
A rejection of forced gender roles on all genders, and of course, inclusion and representation of MLM, WLW, diamoric, and all kinds of other queer people in all kinds of relationships.
Marriage equality for those who do not have it, such as disabled people and polyamorous people.
Full inclusion of alloaros, loveless aros, aplatonic people, and others who may feel like outsiders in their own communities (so long as they want to be included!).
A rejection of amatonormantivity and societies perceptions of romance and sex in general.
(This is not all it can be! This is just some examples of what amatopunk may look like. As previously stated, amatopunk is a very broad, inclusive, and personalized thing, with experiences that even I likely do not experience being included within it.)
The flag!
The flag was made by me, and is a blend of various flags and other colors. Other people can absolutely make their own amatopunk flag if they would rather use a different kind! Furthermore, you can use mine for whatever you’d like so long as you credit me in some way.
The stripes do not have specific meanings due to how broad the experiences within this idea may be, and everyone is welcome into amatopunk, but purple and green were put there with aspecs in mind.
originally posted and coined by user Kenochoric /Kenochoric-moved
archive of the amatopunk carrd | archive post
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kellodrawsalot · 9 months
In most stories, a company, kingdom or any form of system is fixed by placing a ''good' person in charge of said system. While various queer media, not only questions this but POINTS out it's not the one in a charge that is the problem but the system itself
Not saying heteronormative stories don't do this as well, i'm sure they do but most of them have the black/white mentally and the system can be fixed by removing said ''evil king with a good king'' instead of asking wherever or not monarchy is a good thing in the first place. I feel queer stories tend to go differently because queer themes characters and relationships are already ''different' from the order, they don't fit the system. Which is why they can point out these problems more clearry.
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Revolutionary Girl Utena deals with the issue of Princes saving Princesses, and how princesses (girls, women) suffer under it. Especially under an abusive prince like (Akio)
But you don't fix that system by making girls the prince and being put into that role. The traditional system of patriarchy is the one's that broken, not just the prince. That is what needs to be abolished. Utena saves Anthy but not playing the prince and defeating the bad guy but opening Anthy's door. Giving Anthy the strength to save herself and walk away from the system that has tortured her so.
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NIMONA has the Institute guarding the Citadel city is citing fear of the unknown into its public, resisting change for this is what they have done for centuries, the knights are symbolic for ''cops' where even Good cops like Balister are willing to keep playing by the system rules even if it harmed them for the sake of upholding said system (which is fundamentally broken in the first place). He believes this can all be fixed by removing the bad person in charge, but Nimona points out that won't fix it.
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In Good Omens season 2, the finale plays with this as well as Aziraphale believes Heaven was never that bad it's just got the wrong people in charge (Gabriel and the other angels) and that with him and Crowley in charge they can be the ''real' ''better'' good guys. Crowley being a demon and being a former angel and who has saw what heaven was willing to do, to punish Aziraphale in the first season, knows this won't work. He knows Heaven is just as flawed as Hell. Heaven cast him out for just asking questions, heaven is willing to destroy the earth just as much as Hell does. He refuses to play by the system of being an angel for heaven or for being a demon for hell, he doesn't want to be a part of the system that has abused Aziraphale and him so much.
That's why i believe in Good Omens season 3, there is strong indication that both Crowley and Aziraphale will reject the system together to choose one another or (since Neil Gaiman mentioned season 3 will be a way much bigger story) Crowley and Aziraphale will find a way to abolish the system of both heaven and hell.
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raevenlywrites · 4 months
Raev's Fic Masterlist
Since tumblr can be a little allergic to links, I thought I'd take a second to ramble about all the various little (and not so little) fics I have up on Ao3
Den of Shadows
Jaguar's Midnight: Currently a single chapter of me exploring ideas of a Midnight that is more blatantly BDSM and less human trafficking. Maybe more to come? Who knows
Unpublished Turquoise thing about her time with Daryl (pester me about if it you're interested)
Ties that Bind (ongoing, 30 chps) A queer, polyamorous, Romeo and Juliet with shapeshifters set on a backdrop of the first tentative peace in a thousand year war. Canon's hotter cousin. Not currently explicit but plans to potentially get there
Frayed Knots (ongoing, 20 chps) The place where all the scenes I thought would go in TTB but didn't wind up. Some one offs, some deleted scenes. A mixed bag of spicy adult stuff and just fun character exploration. Iirc spicy chapters are marked as such
Dasi High (abandoned, 4 chps) Highschool AU of Maeve and Kiesha and Co, if their story was on the CW
Forbidden Skies (hiatus, 2 chps) Crossover with Forbidden Game. Julian is a falcon and Jenny and co are avians and serpiente. Basically FB's chars and plot cosplaying as K'r
Forbidden Game
Forbidden Skies, see above
Holy Fire (one off) A sort of song fic where Zach thinks way too hard about Jenny and tries to become a magician
Hearts Desires (ongoing, 2 chps) Still playing with Zach the magician, this one is meant to be a fairly short exploration of magic/runes, Zach's obsession with Jenny, his inability to readjust after the game, and coming out to himself. And tree sex. It's a weird one.
Unpublished pre-canon Jenny thing where she's kind of aware of something (Julian) watching her at night (spicy, pester me about it if you're interested)
Longer descriptions under the cut
Ties that Bind: A queer, polyamorous, Romeo and Juliet with shapeshifters set on a backdrop of the first tentative peace in a thousand year war. Anticipated f/f, m/m, and many other shapes of m/f/m and/or f/m/f, potentially kinky if I ever get it there. Also potentially ace/qpr stuff if I can ever figure out my MC and what is true in this fic vs what belongs in side projects. Canon's hotter cousin with more magic, more setting development, A LOT more romance, and a distant relation to the original in the way that Vaporeon resembles Eevee. It wants to still fit in canon's clothes but really needs to admit its grown too big for that.
This is the big one. I realized revisiting my favorite childhood series that the big epic romance I always remembered was mostly in my head. So I decided to get it out of my head and onto paper. That is... not what happened XD It follows the basic Romeo/Julietness of Hawksong, but I decided to really explore the world and characters and so made a lot of executive decisions bc there actually isn't that much about the world/characters in the original. It's diverged wildly, spiraled out of control into a 30+ chapters novel (lets be honest) and isn't ending any time soon. It's the one I most want to work on so send me asks and encouragement about it so I can get working on it again :P
Basically, Zane and Danica are still deeply dedicated to peace. They think the idea of getting married to achieve it is ridiculous, but they're desperate enough to keep it on the back burner. Dani gets to know Zane (and Adelina) as friends. She explores her relationship with Rei. She struggles with bureaucracy and a well-meaning mother that doesn't always support her in the way she needs. Also there's a bit more magic, a lot more setting, and a bunch of characters I kinda made up to help flesh things out (hello Vasili's made up cousin). Current plans include finishing it with some sort of marriage, but I haven't decided if Zanica is endgame or not (the dynamic currently in the lead in my head is Dani takes Adelina as her Alistair, Zane takes Rei as his Nag, and the four of them all kinda co-rule. We'll see. Everyone is going to kiss everyone else before its done that's for sure)
Frayed Knots (ongoing, 20 chps) The place where all the scenes I thought would go in TTB but didn't wind up. Some one offs, some deleted scenes. A mixed bag of spicy adult stuff and just fun character exploration. Iirc spicy chapters are marked as such Current offerings include: abandoned TTB starts, some BDSM scenes with Z/D/R/A, Dani getting herself off and thinking too hard, an alternative Snakecharm opening from Kel's POV, some Oliza stuff, some Marus/Urban stuff, and some Dasi High stuff. Really, Frayed Knots is a great place to start if you wanna read TTB but are kind of intimidated by its scope. Most FK entries are 1-3 chapters. A sampler platter of my nonsense basically :P
Dasi High (abandoned, 4 chps) Kiesha and Co Highschool AU, basically what if the Dasi was a show on the CW. A fun idea, but not actually my cup of tea. Would probably be more fun to ramble about in discord than actually write
Forbidden Skies (hiatus, 2 chps) Crossover with Forbidden Game. Julian is a falcon and Jenny and co are avians and serpiente. Basically FB's chars and plot cosplaying as K'r. I really loved the idea, but I don't know if it grabbed me enough to make want to wrestle it into submission like I do TTB. With TTB, I don't know the story yet, so I can trick myself into working on it bc I wanna know what happens. With FS, I know what my intended plot will be, so this one would need a lot of outside hype to get me working on it again. But I think it could be really really cool if I did. If this crossover sounds like your cup of tea, pester me for more
Forbidden Game
Forbidden Skies, see above
Holy Fire (one off, post canon what if) A sort of song fic where Zach thinks way too hard about Jenny and tries to become a magician. I have these ideas about Jenny half light faerie, hence Julians obsession with her. In this fic, Zach is trying to learn magic to protect Julian so FB doesn't happen again. He winds up getting the attention of a light faerie, who tasks him with being Jenny's knight until they're ready to come bring her home. Basically, the song Holy Fire by Seeming wouldn't leave me alone one day and this fell out.
Hearts Desires (ongoing, 2 chps, post canon what if) Still playing with Zach the magician, this one is meant to be a fairly short exploration of magic/runes, Zach's obsession with Jenny, his inability to readjust after the game, and coming out to himself. And tree sex. It's a weird one. Basically, I woke up one morning with the ending of it circling around in my head, wrote that, and am now trying to build up the beginning so the ending has anything to jump off of for impact.
Unpublished pre-canon Jenny thing where she's kind of aware of something (Julian) watching her at night (spicy, pester me about it if you're interested) This one I do have plans to publish, I just need to get it (and myself) ready to show to the world. It asks the question "What if Jenny kinda like the idea of feeling watched all the time and deliberately got off for her imagined (or so she thinks) Shadowman?"
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kdinjenzen · 1 year
on the same topic of "why no werewolf art"- as an artist who'd love to draw more werewolves and the FUN FUN THINGS, the teens breathing down necks to cancel any artist for drawing more than two people snuggling or kissing definetly don't help either, especially when one is a 'beast'
Here’s where I drop the fun-silliness entirely and start talking very seriously.
The idea that there is some sort of need or desire for a puritanical sanitation of art, of queer people, and of society as a whole propelled forward by certain people will ALWAYS be a fact of life.
This, unfortunately, is how so many marginalized groups have become policed in their own spaces.
You can easily see this, almost constantly, with people trying to force arbitrary rules upon queer labels. Labels that we, as queer people, have made for ourselves. And when these things “don’t fit perfectly in a societal box” they are torn apart and people get hurt.
There is no progress gained in these moments of infighting and they only serve to suffocate diversity and marginalized people as a whole.
It’s very much why the idea of “kink at pride” being a bad thing was tossed around and is now propelled forward by some people within the queer community because “if this is here, the cishet people won’t accept us”…
NEWS FLASH MY LOVELY DEARS, DARLINGS, AND DEGENERATES! The people who want to sanitize who you are as a person, and show no sign of learning to be a better human being, will NEVER accept you even IF you decide to bend the knee and give into their suspicious and ugly demands.
So while I said ALL THIS I’m going to also point out my post about “Why Is Bridget (Guilty Gear) SO Popular While Catalyst (Apex Legends) Is NOT” and here’s some VERY SIMILAR reasons as to why that happened:
While Guilty Gear, as a whole, is one of the most average to low selling fighting game franchises of all time. Strive was the first game in the entire series to break 1 million sales across all platforms. Which, if you know anything about game sales, is ABYSMALLY small in sales.
On the other hand Apex Legends has an active “average monthly player” count nearing 65 million, meaning people (by overall numbers) are FAR MORE ENGAGED in the Apex Legends fan base, game, and community.
Which means that Apex is far more popular than Guilty Gear, by sales, by players, and by active users.
Now I have always loved Guilty Gear AND have very much enjoyed my time with Apex Legends. But, again, numbers show Apex is more popular.
So with that said… don’t you think that it FAR more likely that Bridget is more popular than Catalyst because she’s “tiny and cute” and has decades of hyper fetishistic art and culture built around the fact that she was originally billed as “a little boy who cross dresses” until JUST recently and showcases just how much people infantilize trans people as a whole?
Meanwhile Catalyst, at launch compared to Bridget, is an actual adult woman who doesn’t lean into a “cutesy” stereotype or caricature of trans people and is actually portrayed AS TRANS and BY A TRANS PERSON… but is far less talked about or cared about?
Now add in the additional fact that so many white people also love to hyper fetishize AAPI culture and people, especially when it comes to Japanese culture and people? Of which Bridget also falls under because of where and by whom the game and character were originally designed and created by?
What is stopping people from actively doing things that support queer culture and queer people? What is stopping people from actually supporting the various cultures of BIPOC folks without whitewashing or bastardizing it?
Nothing but self or societal imposed bullshit because “not adhering to the white cishet guidelines” set out in front of the world makes people afraid they will not be accepted.
And thus, marginalized people suffer and feel they cannot BE THEMSELVES while White CisHet folks profit off of the stories and suffering of diverse peoples.
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utilitycaster · 1 month
I believe you mentioned seeing Love Lies Bleeding - would love to hear your thoughts on it if you have any (and good luck with the car troubles).
It's GREAT. Everyone who is not averse to grievous bodily harm shown on screen go see it. I am not like...terribly up on film just generally; I grew up in a house that limited TV screentime with parents who hate movie theaters so there is a weird cross section of movies I know that is immensely idiosyncratic since I just don't really have a movie-going habit. Also since getting into CR in 2018 it's like. well I don't really have two hours to kill watching movies; I watch 4+ hours of stuff a week and that's plenty. So I cannot speak to things like cinematography, though it did feel well-put together and attractive to look at and all that.
I think the story is solid - nothing groundbreaking except for the fact that usually this is not a story told about queer women that (spoilers) ends with them free and together (more on this later) but it's well done as a neo-noir, the acting is fantastic, and it feels so wonderfully...big and small at the same time? Like, do not get me wrong, I enjoy a blockbuster, but when I think back to the movies I've liked as of late*, Honor Among Thieves is the only one that takes place over a sprawling journey. I guess Barbie, debatably. Like, Love Lies Bleeding is almost entirely in a small town in New Mexico with a brief portion in Vegas or in the immediate surroundings. We are not jetsetting or using green screens. The majority of the film is in a handful of places, the core cast is like 6 people with two significant supporting players. I love this. As someone who leans more towards longer form fiction in general it's just really nice to have something that says "we have under two hours and we are going to embrace having under two hours and tell a story that fucking FITS in under two hours instead of just giving you some weird shard of a Cinematic Universe."
Re the queer women: thank GOD for casting queer women as queer women and probably more importantly having queer women doing things like writing and directing. The sex scenes are great and the relationship feels...I can't say I have the experience of being one of the only queer women in a small town in the late 80s and low-key detesting the one other woman but this all feels so much like. Of course Lou responds like this! This is the first new and fortuitous thing that has happened in her life! U-Haul jokes aside like yeah this is her big chance! It's both their big chances! And honestly until pretty late in the film, because I went in with little info other than "Kristen Stewart and Katy O'Brien bodybuilder lesbian romance crime drama" I expected it to end with one of them dead and the thing is the story works either way, and that feels really great to me, a tragedy enjoyer but also a comedy enjoyer.
Also I love pitch-black humor and this absolutely has that, and I enjoy magical realism when done very sparingly and this is precisely the right amount (if you assume it's magical realism, which I do; I also enjoy ambiguity). Anyway go see a fucked up lesbian and her fucked up bi girlfriend get entangled by ambition, righteous anger, vengeance, limited opportunity, and Ed Harris's skullet and bug obsession.
Finally, a personal anecdote: I saw this at the Alamo Drafthouse and as you may know they do various event screenings. They are showing Twilight: Eclipse for the total solar eclipse. It is HILARIOUS to see a trailer for Twilight: Eclipse (ft. young Kristen Stewart as personality-less girl in love triangle with two guys) before Love Lies Bleeding. talk about a glow-up. Absolutely wild to me that Stewart and Pattinson both ended up as genuinely talented actors with a taste for the unhinged given their breakthrough was Twilight.
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firespirited · 5 months
I think it's a slightly amusing coincidence that the guy with a Nazi fetish was collaborating with a man named Herr Gott.
At this point I'm not ruling out Herrgott being a pseudonym or him writing all the 'vibes-based' junk since James was the one doing 'research' (to his credit he was somewhat good at collecting smart people's work).
But I'm hijacking your ask to clear up two misconceptions that have been bothering me:
(big mess of sources and further reading under the readmore)
1- The nazis and fitness essay (one I actually watched and disagreed with) cites multiple sources and is an attempt to retrofit current "masc for masc" grindr culture onto AIDS era fitness "healthy" gay culture (see Gaston as a stereotype) onto multiple a-historical "gay nazis" revisionisms including The Pink Swastika book and a columnist
I think they got the nazi and fitness nonsense from a scholarly sounding source who's just an oxbridge columnist who's into reclaiming nazis. They're famously good at making nonsense sound like a thesis - see Boris Johnson's upcoming book about Shakespeare and his time as a columnist, see the entire Telegraph and various Terf Observer columns: fully trash but written in academic lingo, even queer academic lingo!
and... here's the source: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20150324-hitlers-idea-of-the-perfect-body it's the BBC oh look, what's this "Alastair Sooke is art critic of The Daily Telegraph". 🤔🤔🤔
There's a case that the "no fat no fems no chocolate no rice" gay dating culture could possibly be tied to the healthy vs unhealthy infighting during the beginning of the AIDS era but that's a nuanced take that gets smashed to smithereens by lumping it in with gay nazi myths. It also needs to be examined with the attitude to dating apps in general and dating by physical preferences instead of letting chemistry happen by finding people whose goals and outlook match your own.
Terrible essay, terrible premise, some pull quotes from interesting places. Here's an essay about desirability in men, googling "masc 4 masc culture" will get you plenty of articles, you definitely want to look for asian and black writers here because woof they face a lot of racist nastiness under the guise of 'just preferences'.
and here's
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_of_Finland (he's a very important gay artist, he also did some gay erotica with nazi uniforms whether you think that's an act of defiance, reclamation, tasteless or evil is up to you. art is not always as straightforward as it might look, we'd have to ask him what his intent was.)
2- The second is "the exciting gays died of aids" concept, good vs naughty gays concept. Again, we're dealing with a mishmash of both modern rewritings, quotes by survivors taken out of context, and gay infighting at the time, which included some spicy takes about dangerous sex by gay men fighting to save gay men.
The lack of research and public education led to chaos, the grief led to anger. Beautiful people said some vicious things. There are several older gay men alive right now who don't have sex not because they're asexual but because there's trauma. It's worth unpacking quote by quote because expanding on it without original context was terrible reading comprehension and reckless rewriting of history, and to be honest, a little defamatory. I can't find a bibliography of the video(s) yet so not sure what to debunk).
There are plenty of tumblr posts railing against out of context quotes which is taking James + Nick's bad reading at face value instead of seeking out the source. Outrage at a thing James and Nick made up which was never a real take.
to paraphrase "My well-known exciting boundary-breaking gay friends are dead and the art world hasn't bothered to seek out more undiscovered talent to replace them, choosing the safe classic establishment folks who may also be gay given the field. I'm pissed you didn't care about saving them, I'm pissed you didn't care about finding a new crop of people who push the envelope." that was the sentiment behind this sort of quote even if folks became more conservative (or got into legal messes later)
I'm going to track down the various quotes and give you the full context because this matters. Again: beautiful minds saying horrible things, fighting between gay activists on how to survive or how to live under the gun. This is something that cannot be flattened to "boring gays survived" and it's an insult to the people who said things in grief and fear. I have not watched this essay (or maybe it's two that use this boring vs danger gays concept) but I have a good idea of what out of context quotes might have led to it, this is my wheelhouse. but TL;DR would be my faves are problematic because activists are passionate messy people. They outed people, they said outrageous things for the press, they screamed murderer and got restraining orders against them, they made taboo art, they mingled with nasty people.
OKAY, incoming link dump:
here's a 6 minute short on act up
here's a full doc: United in Anger:
Larry Kramer, Shulman, Fran Leibowitz and many others deserve to have their views examined with full context, not turned into crappy tweet sized quotes.
basic sources from wikipedia:
Thankyou to
DHLawrence_sGhost's thread https://www.reddit.com/r/hbomberguy/comments/18biiof/comment/kc9qa6p/
and TerraJRiley's transcript archive https://github.com/TerraJRiley/James_Somerton_Transcripts
I'm going to allow reblogs on this again with the disclaimer that I don't have the full works stolen for these particular essays but the perfect body in gay culture and the good vs bad gays concepts have precedent that got flattened in those video essays and deserve quite a bit more exploration and that includes controversial sources. You will have to do some dialectical reading (agreeing and disagreeing with an author and figuring out how to weigh up the pros and cons of their individual arguments even though they get some things horribly wrong, deciding what was 'of a time' or reading the work of people who became reactionaries later in life).
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swissmissing · 10 months
When I was looking for a book to give my husband last Christmas, my local bookseller recommended "She Who Became the Sun" by Shelley Parker-Chan, based on other books he has enjoyed (historical fiction with strong female protagonists, Asian travel and politics). It looked like a good fit:
In 1345, China lies restless under harsh Mongol rule. When a bandit raid wipes out their home, two siblings must somehow survive. The boy despairs and gives in. But the girl resolves to overcome her destiny. So she takes her dead brother's identity and begins her journey. Can Zhu escape what's written in the stars, as rebellion sweeps the land? Or can she claim her brother's greatness - and rise as high as she can dream?
However, he didn't seem that interested at first and the book languished on the side table for months. A couple of weeks ago though, he took it with him on a trip to Egypt and came back raving about how good it is, saying he couldn't put it down and wanting to know if there is a sequel. (Side note: He of course couldn't bother to google for a sequel himself.)
Anyway, in my search for a sequel (yes there is one) I discovered several things about the book which a) make me rather surprised that my husband loved it so much and b) make it appropriate for a tumblr rec so here you go (info from various internet sources, I haven't read it myself):
It's queer. Like, that's basically the entire premise of the novel. The protagonist is AFAB, genderqueer, and marries a woman, and the story is about her navigating both her society and her internal landscape through the lens of gender.
There is a gay subplot between a eunuch and another man. (AO3 authors are already on it.)
The author Shelley Parker-Chan uses they/them pronouns.
Turns out it is also in the fantasy genre, with some magical elements.
Now, it is not being marketed that way at all. Look at the summary above from the cover. There is no indication whatsoever that any part of the story is LGBTQ+, or any mention of fantasy. It looks like a straight historical fiction. It's received awards and gotten lots of great reviews though, so if you're looking for a highly acclaimed queer read this summer, maybe check this out. And I'm going right now to order the sequel!
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digital-chance · 10 months
writeblr intro
hey i'm chance! i used to be on writeblr under a old username ages ago and i'm excited to be back. i don't know if they do these intros anymore (its been a while lol) but here's mine.
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✨ [ about ]
i'm queer and don't usually identify with any gender, though i use they/he pronouns. i also don't identify with any sexuality label most of the time. i like people and i like being whomever the fuck i want.
i'm an adult (born in 03) and to tend to delve into adult-oriented topics and tend to pepper my posts with so much fucking swearing. i also am pretty sure i'm neurodivergent (no diagnose or anything yet though) and tend to delve into hyper-fixations for weeks at a time. if i haven't posted for a while, it's probably because of one of my other hyper-fixations or school.
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🌐 [ interests ]
i'm interested in a bunch of genres, but i most often enjoy ::
otherwise i enjoy ::
anime (esp 00s)
history and historical designs
fanfiction (i love you ao3 authors <3)
y2k / retro futurism / cyberpunk / frutiger aero / weirdcore / 90s-00s tech
graphic design
kpop (esp shinee)
legend of zelda series
heist movies
i'm pretty obsessed with researching topics and learning the intricacies of various things, such as cyberpunk's history, movements within art, y2k designing, etc. i would self-describe as a extremely artistic or creative person, often switching between artistic mediums as i feel fit.
my favorite/comfort tropes (yes i pulled up my ao3 for this lol) ::
friends to lovers , enemies to lovers , fake/pretend relationship , college au , coffee shop au , domestic , fluff , angst
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[ WIPs ] 📝 
nova futurum [x] | #novafut #originalstory
i'm working on this queer mafia cyberpunk type story i've hesitantly decided to call 'Nova Futurum,' at least for now. i've got the general information down and i'm currently working on fleshing out my main characters. for now it's in the very basic stages, but feel free to ask me about it or give any tips! i'm pretty new to cyberpunk and i'm VERY new to writing, so all advice/tips is appreciated.
you still would've been mine [x] | #yswbm #fanfic
Steven "Steve" Rogers wakes up in the 21st century after crashing into the ice in 1942, leaving behind his life as the mascot of the USA along with his childhood in Brooklyn NYC. The Winter Soldier, a man left behind in the war recovers his memories as the man known as James "Bucky" Buchanen Barnes after meeting Steve in the modern time. Steve and Bucky recall their childhood and their experience in the war as they recover.
probably more in the future
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tdlr i'm chance (they/he), a queer adult, i like a lotta shit, and i write cyberpunk, gay characters, & cheesy romcom stuff.
nice to meet everyone! ❤️
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best-underrated-anime · 2 months
Best Underrated Anime Group L Round 3: #L4 vs #L7
#L4: Comedians make comedy
#L7: Queer, bishounen-filled, dark retelling of some Shakespeare plays
Details and poll under the cut!
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#L4: Joshiraku
Follows the conversations of five rakugo storyteller girls relating the odd things that happen to them each day. Their comedic and satirical chatting covers all kinds of topics, from pointless observations of everyday life, to politics, manga, and more. Each girl has something new to add to the discussion, and the discourse never ends in the same place it began.
Each of the rakugo girls has their own unique personality, with the energetic but immature Marii Buratei; the seemingly cute Kigurumi Haroukitei; the inherently lucky and carefree Tetora Bouhatei; the calm and violent Gankyou Kuurubiyuutei; and the pessimistic and unstable Kukuru Anrakutei. These girls—and their mysterious friend in a wrestling mask—give their observations to the audience, either backstage at the rakugo theater or in various famous locations around Tokyo.
Propaganda 1:
All the girls have fun personalities, and it puts some light on a form of Japanese traditional storytelling. It’s also the origin of the April 40th meme image.
Propaganda 2:
It’s hilarious! Genuinely one of the funniest comedy anime I’ve seen. The characters are all ridiculous and the bits almost all land perfectly. Mostly. Some of the bits require too much knowledge of Japanese language or culture to make any sense translated, but that’s not too many. My favorite character is Gan. I love the joke where she’s the “glasses girl” and so everyone assumes she’s meek and nerdy, but she’s actually super-violent.
The animation is also really good and gets absolutely ridiculous at points. There’s even a recurring meta joke where one character will complain about how hard the animators are working while being ABSURDLY over-animated. The standard structure of the skits is that the characters will start by having a conversation littered with puns, and then things escalated to a jungle shoot-out or crazy slapstick or a ninja battle or the characters talking politics. You never know, and it’s great.
Trigger Warnings: None.
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#L7: Requiem of the Rose King (Baraou no Souretsu)
Richard Plantagenet has dedicated his whole life to becoming strong enough to fight alongside his father, the Duke of York. Together they have waged war to reclaim the right to the throne of England from King Henry VI and the House of Lancaster. However, the young Richard hides a secret—one that his mother scorns him for, which the cruel voices in his head never fail to remind him of. Even amid his personal turmoil, he is fortunate to find solace in the light of his father's love. But when the War of the Roses takes a turn for the bloodier, the fervent ambitions of Richard grow while his old loyalties splinter, threatening to taint his family's path to glory.
Propaganda 1:
Set during the late Middle Ages in England, this series is built over a constant backdrop of political manipulation, betrayal, and tragedy.
The story follows the tortured and lonely protagonist, plagued by visions and nightmares of ghosts and monsters, born intersex into an oppressively religious society, and as the powerless youngest son in a family that leads a civil war to take the Crown. It shows him from early childhood and his fight for recognition and acceptance, well into his adulthood and attempts to carry on his father’s name and legacy.
Throughout, Richard is made to question what he truly wants, whether chasing his father’s shadow and clawing his way to power no matter the sacrifice is his path to happiness or prohibitive to it, whether he’s able to love and be loved, and what it means to decide who he is when the society around him tries to constrict and contradict his existence at every turn.
It’s a story set up to dismantle the way that oppressive gender and class roles destroy both those who can’t fit into them and innocent bystanders at the same time. It’s the story of a man chasing happiness and love but hurting himself and others endlessly in his pursuit. It’s a story about cycles of abuse, an exploration of how far people will go to find their purpose, and how violence and hatred in God’s name sets us up for failure.
The anime has an incredible soundtrack, extremely talented and fitting voice actors in Japanese, and a fast-paced dramatic story that the limited animation style lends a storybook or stage play feel to. There are bi and gay characters, witches, ghosts, and a slew of complicated motives. The anime has the added bonus of not showing the most triggering scenes as graphically as the manga does, for those who need to approach carefully.
It’s every bit as thrilling and cathartic to get through as it is devastating, and has enough bittersweetness and light humor to keep the tragedy from getting fatigued.
Propaganda 2:
Very much feels like a CLAMP anime that hits all of their high points: fancy outfits, pretty boys, messy relationships, and a fun animal sidekick.
Some darker and fairly nuanced queer representation
Shorter series so it’s easy to get through
Trigger Warnings: Consistent themes of physical and mental abuse and several instances of sexual harassment or assault, mostly aimed at the main character either for being intersex or while being mistaken for a woman. Not depicted explicitly in the show. Non-explicit or background references to suicide, self-harm, and racism. Incest depicted with varying degrees of time-period based normalcy or disgust. One large age-gap romance. Almost no blood or gore depicted despite all the sword fighting and murder.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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