#but they're just besties in my brain. but my brain also has no problem being like 'sometimes payu and Prapai are away on business though'
Any of y'all's brains ever just write 3 different versions of a scene for a ship you don't even ship?
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study tips i made instead of studying
first and foremost, do as i say not as i do (as in don't post study tips on tumblr when you have seven tests to study for)
make it aesthetic, that's always super motivating. put a playlist in the background like the "you're a princess researching about your mother while trying to overthrow your father" or "solving a mystery in your elite boarding school" or "studying in a library with the ghosts" (look them up they're good god knows i'm too lazy to link them) also mcu soundtracks help me so much!!
pretty notes!!
DRINK WATER (go now fr or i'm going to find you)
something i like to do is keep a big cup of water next to me and force myself to sit and study until it's empty
open windows!!! wind helps me focus personally
pretend you're studying in hogwarts or in the dead poets society or something. imagination is very powerful
more snacks!!!!!!!!!!
get interested in what you're studying. like fr. stuff we learn in school is amazing af like what do you mean we found out the universe is expanding through red-shift??? ok i know this is very nerdy of me but it's cool af. BE NERDY.
take breaks <3 always
pretend you have a rival you need to destroy (if you have one that's even better, personally me and my rival sometimes study in the same room to motivate each other just by glaring at each other from across the room)(side note: this could also be his method of flirting i will never know)
stand up and walk around every once in a while. for all my figure skating besties -- try to do an off-ice axel in your kitchen. it tends to wake me up because i tend to fall when i try to do a double but whatever that's a me problem.
find somewhere comfortable and wear something comfortable
make a to-do list
first of all you're going to brain dump everything you have to do. every little thing. including walking your dog. everything that has to be done in the next 24 hours.
let's take a sample to do list:
- math quiz
-math homework
-physics presentation
-chemistry test
-french oral
next, you're going to give each of them a score. how do we put scores? well
give it an easiness score from 1 -> 10 (10 being you can do it upside down with your eyes closed)
give it a stress score from -1 -> -10 (-10 being it causes crippling anxiety)
give it a priority score from 1 -> 10 (10 being your teacher will hunt you down if it isn't done in the next hour)
finally, give it in a convenience score from -1 -> -4 (-4 being i don't know where my notebook is my pen is in antartica i have no material to do this atm)
for me it would be something like
- math quiz (5E, -1S, 10P, -2C) 12
-math homework (7E, 0S, 8P, -1C) 14
-physics presentation (6E, -2S, 5P, -2C) 7
-chemistry test (2E, -2S, 10P, 0C) 10
-french oral (10E, -3S, 8P, -1C) 14
then sort everything. do the highest scores first and the lowest scores last (so you get the easy stuff done and get motivated to continue) and there! your to-do list is done in the least painful way possible <3
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tending-the-hearth · 11 months
i will kick this off by saying that Mutant Mayhem is quite honestly one of my favorite iterations of the turtles EVER, second only to the 2012 versions.
the theme of having a family and a place to belong was established from the VERY beginning of the movie, so yeah, heartbreaking start lmao
Baxter's devotion to his children was just 😭😭
literally the best version of Splinter EVER i will not hear any arguments
I'd lay down my life for these boys in a heartbeat
the way Leo gets teased is SO perfectly how siblings tease each other, the little mocking tones and gestures is literally how my siblings and i act with each other
no bc Splinter having a history of being rejected by those around him and the boys being all he has and the one time he tries to go into a new environment it goes terribly and that's what leads him to never wanting the boys to leave 😭
but of course it's also SUCH a valid explanation for how he behaves like ofc he's going to try to keep his sons safe!!
the boys are so silly goofy kiddos i love them
"i dream of violence every night" "i think you have a problem" RAPH I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART
their excitement over the fight in the bike shop was so!!!! they're finally being heroes
Leo's little crush on April is literally the cutest thing wtf
the "bacon egg and cheese" moment was 100% some inside joke between the turtles' VAs, it was so random that it couldn't be anything else lmao
BUT i'm not complaining because that added so much to the boys!!
i love April, she's so realistically hesitant about the turtles, but also realizes that they can help with Superfly
also she has a list of questions she wants to ask the turtles, and one of the questions was "how many people has the red-banded turtle killed? does he need therapy?" and i cackled
the montage of them finding the different bosses!!!! and each turtle getting his own moment!!!
"why did you punch him, he told us everything!!!" Raph was in a silly goofy mood <3
Mondo has no thoughts. No brain.
The way the other mutants immediately started treating the boys like little brothers?????? my heart????
Bebop and Rocksteady being twins is my favorite thing
Mondo being truly heartbroken by the boys kicking him out of the van, he was so sad
Wingnut just trying to look out for her little brothers!!
Splinter literally not caring about anything else he just wants his boys safe!!
The other mutants turning against Superfly because they don't want to hurt the humans, they just want to be family!
Splinter realizing his mistake in sheltering his boys so much, and helping them destroy the device!!! growth!!!
His speech to the boys about how even if he doesn't like humans, the boys do, and he wants them to be able to be happy, so if helping the humans makes them happy, then he'll do everything he can to make sure that happens 😭😭😭
okay but the moment where all the news channels are reporting about the boys and their team being monsters, and it's just spinning around the boys as they realize they might never be accepted broke my heart
Leo stepping up as leader and recognizing his brothers' skills my beloved
Splinter flashing between when he brought the boys to the surface for the first time and the humans chasing them away vs. the humans approaching him with concern and helping him to his feet 😭😭
The mutants living together, they're a family your honor 😌
They got to go to school!!!!
and each of them finding their own group outside of their brothers!!
Donnie with his computer friends!
Mikey joining improve!!
Raph joining wrestling!!
April and Leo looking into TCRI!! Leopril truthers rise up!!
And the final mid-credits scene leading into the TV show with the hint towards TCRI still kicking AND AND AND
There were also so many little background things that made me emotional, like the LGBTQIA+ flyers on the school poster board, the trans flag pinned next to the flyers, the little scribbles on the lockers and April's helmet, the details were just so so perfect. there honestly wasn't a single thing i didn't love about the movie!!!
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hikennosabo · 5 months
#tristampparty day 7, episode 7: wolfwood
this is another episode i've watched multiple times, but mostly just the first half for Livio Reasons. once again... LET'S GOOOOO
i've seen ppl say this is razlo at the start of the episode... i wonder... he is more razlo-like in his movements, and he starts yelling a lot... but his expressions are still livio-like, i think... i mean he is more expressive BUT he's not grinning like razlo usually does? sigh... see the problem is that we ALSO have a level of EoM brainwashing (and whatever the fuck else is going on) on top of everything which throws a wrench in trying to figure things out. I Just Wanna See My Boy.
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i love vash holding his gun backwards and using it as a bludgeon and i love going frame by frame to get cool screencaps like this 💖
wolfwood vial count: 4
at the very least, by the time of this next scene, it's definitely livio and not razlo because he's mumbling about "catching up" again which is a livio thing
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when i saw the corresponding manga panel for this my brain neurons activated so hard LOL i wonder even more how orange will adapt razlo... since originally livio was trying to catch up with razlo. which i love and think is super interesting. so what is orange planning? ...is livio even aware razlo exists at this point...?
oh also livio looks a bit older here. which once again has me wondering about the timeline. the way the experiments were presented with rollo and nicholas, it looked like they were just on that table forever. as in there were no breaks in between. so... when is this? how long is it between livio volunteering himself for EoM and the experiments on him taking place?
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i think it's cute that nico bumps into him :(
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let's take ibuprofen together
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i wonder who these people are... i thought they might be the EoM soldiers that razlo killed, but those aren't EoM uniforms... it looks like the prison uniform wolfwood was wearing... wolfwood tried to run away, so it makes sense that he wouldn't be the only one, although the phrasing "stand in our way" more implies they tried to stop the operation altogether. but... hmm... they just had regular goons as guards at the time of wolfwood's escape attempt. livio is special... would they really give him a job like guard duty?
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razlo sweetiepie there you are!!! mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah
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since zazie is the one talking, our attention is drawn to them, so i'm glad i paused on this because the fact that legato is also looking up at wolfwood and smirking is so funny to me. EYES ON THE ROAD BESTIE!!!!
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this line is always so funny to me. shonen protagonist ass
i love the scene of vash at the spaceship controls, the animation when he's working the keyboard is so smooth. hmmm, it also reminds me of wolfwood's introduction episode in 98... serves the same narrative purpose of Vash Knowing Things He Shouldn't about spaceships
i love that wolfwood thinks shooting the base of the cannon will do anything. like that's the first thing he tries. shoot first ask questions later i guess
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going frame by frame on scenes of legato because i'm unwell... his eyebrows are surprisingly thick! and his eye color is grey... it was gold in 98... oh, i just noticed his eyelashes are light blue!! cute!!
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i just think this is a handsome angle for him. his facial features are so pretty and delicate
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this is why he buckled his seatbelt :)
... i need to stop posting legato pictures
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no because what the hell is this
wolfwood vial count: 5
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episode 5 had me asking about the wind... legato asks zazie if they were the one who caused the sandstorm (which they deny)... could it be... is it possible...?
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my dumb ass watching this for the first time: damn it's so sad that livio is dead and now they're even gonna use his corpse for nefarious purposes :(
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vash's plant markings are so pretty fr <3 orange was big brained for this too
everyone always points out the episode title card being a gut punch but THIS was an unexpected one:
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this is how wolfwood is credited this episode and because i'm insane i immediately had to go back and check - this is also how he's credited in episodes 5 and 6: as "nicholas d. wolfwood/nicholas the punisher". in episode 4, he's only listed as "nicholas d. wolfwood". haha ouch!
this post ended up being a little less substantial than expected LOL but we'll soon be getting into the episodes that really give me psychic damage so :^) looking forward to it!!
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Hello, I'm Agent Phoenix, formerly known as Agent 043.
Roxy told me I should make a blog, so here I am. I guess I should put some stuff about me here? I don't know how this site works
Well, I'm 38, I'll be 39 in November, and I like cats. And Roxana, of course. She's like, the coolest ever, and also my girlfriend :)
I think I'm kinda sorta like a step...parent??? To Right and Robutler??? Idk I'll ask Roxy about that tho
I use any pronouns, so get creative
My first handler was a piece of shit, so feel free to talk shit with me haha
Same with Agent Slimeball Sliver. He's a ball of eugh.
Roxy says I should put some boundaries, like stuff I don't like to talk about, so, um. Here you go, I guess.
I don't like talking about my past with Zoraxis in detail, so try to refrain from asking about that. Same with how Handler 043 treated me. Don't be a dick about my scars. The basics, don't be a homophobe, or a racist, or a creep here. I am a liberal user of the block button, and if necessary, I'll report you. Don't be a shithead in general.
Idk what else to put here so bye
______________END TRANSMISSION______________
Hello! Leo here, this blog's moderator and the power behind the throne, so to speak. This is a side blog for my main, @eight-cats-in-a-box, purely for IEYTD and 043! Phoenix!
043 is besties with Reggie!! Their handler is one of the ones closest to their cold, dead heart. :) He's also just recently started dating John Juniper!
043 is dating Roxana! 043 loves the scientist very dearly, and they're quite attached to her. They have a very healthy relationship, and they're planning to propose soon, aided by none other than...
Their murder bestie, John Juniper! He owes being alive today to Phoenix, who dragged him out of the wreckage after Operation: Rising Phoenix. These two are very protective of each other, despite constantly fighting. They've also hooked up before Codename: Agent Clover. Recently, his romantic feelings for Reginald came to light, and they've been in a relationship ever since!
Other notable figures are:
Agent Knockout and his husband, Breakdown! Also known as Damien and Jack Woodworth, this dynamic duo are infamous for their brains-and-brawn mindset. Quite literally, since Breakdown doesn't have a TK implant due to the complications it would cause.
Chief Medical Officer/Lead Field Medic, Doctor Robert "Ratchet" Greaves. Also known as the Hatchet, Greaves is sick of it. 043's nonsense, but also the bullshit the rest of the Agency puts him through. Grouch with a heart of gold. Married to Drift.
043 is also the parental/fraternal figure to several agents, including ones in alternate dimensions, as well as Prism's kids! Right Robot and Robutler both think they're pretty neat, and their rookies have never been safer :)
Field Medic Support Agent Drift! A very long title indeed, one created to keep him by Robert's side. No one knows his real name- not even Drift himself. Married to Robert.
R&D Lead Scientist Percy James Janssen! He has to deal with all of 043's nonsense, not to mention all the bullshit he gets put through just trying to make stuff. He's married to Brian Gunnings, R&D's resident problem.
Reality Breaker and General Shenanigan-Causer Brian "Storm" Gunnings! This maniac makes too many guns, too many time-travelling briefcases, and...probably too many explosions. Has a habit of flirting with Percy when he's holding chemicals. This is not malicious (somehow) he just really likes his hubby. :)
#043 rambles
Talk tag! Inchar posts, chats, etc
#043 reblogs
#043 lore
Phoenix lore!!!
#043 family unit
Specific to those Phoenix has "adopted"
#043 answers
#043 flashbacks
RP tag!
#agent duo knockdown
Anything pertaining to Agents Knockout and/or Breakdown!
#cmo dr. robert greaves
Anything about 043's favourite grouch :)
#support agent drift
Anything about the infamous ex-Zoraxis Operative Drift. Most know him better as Greaves's husband :)
#lead scientist percy janssen
All the things about one of Drift's dearest friends, and the Agency's deadliest sniper/scientist!
#reality breaker brian gunnings
Anything about Percy's issue annoyance lab partner husband! He does not care about laws. Any laws. This includes the laws of physics/spacetime/reality/etc. This drives Percy up the wall. Has successfully time-traveled. Don't ask.
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stars-in-a-jam-jar · 5 months
So in light of the whole 'MatPat is no longer Theory Channel Host as of March 9th' thing, I just wanna ask...
What the fuck is y'all's problem with this man?
Like, there's such a tone of 'Yea! Finally!! The scourge is lifted!' to a lot of the posts/reblogs I've seen and it's only been like two hours since the video went up and like. The worst crimes this man ever committed as far as I can suss out in the over a decade I have known of his existence is that he misgendered Kris Deltarune a few times (which is not good, yes, but judging by how the man conducts himself, I'm gonna chalk that one up to being inattentive and suffering from the cisnormativity disease. still bad but not unforgivable) and he's like... cringe. Crime above all crimes, you dared to inconvenience me by making me cringe with your Sans is Ness theory. Also that one time Game Theory covered an ARG, concentrating popular attention to the channel instead of the collective problem solving of the people who've Been on the case. Those two videos tend to be the things people cite disliking him for.
And like, it's one thing if people just blandly said 'Nah, I can't get into Game Theory, it makes me cringe too much' or 'I just don't like that thing that happened with the ARG' and if MatPat said something particularly meme-able people clowned on him for a week or two before moving on. But like..... That tone I was talking about now that he's said 'I'm stepping down from hosting and doing other things with my life' is just So Pervasive and has been for years at this point.
This feels like the shit with Guy Fieri all over again, except Fieri is a network television dude, so people don't have quite the same flavor of Internet Brain Infection about him than they do about primarily online personalities. This feels like a longer brewing version of the Lin Manuel Miranda backlash whatever. Why the FUCK does everyone clown on Lin Manuel Miranda so much? Why do they use recognizing his lyrical style/impact on musical theater like an insult? This whole phenomenon is bigger than MatPat, I didn't give you the full picture at the top of the post. This is about me hating how people on the internet talk like they're in their bestie's living room fucking around and not like they're in a public space where there should be like. Basic fucking etiquette and boundaries.
If you're one of those people who decides to be unreasonable to strangers on the internet, you'll likely dismiss me as a self centered anxious waif who's just trying to defend the old white YouTuber I'm attached to (he's not old btw, some of y'all have just developed horrible cognitive distortions about aging and think 37 is ancient) but I frankly believe that maybe we shouldn't be openly publicly mean to strangers as a meme. Just fuckin' saying.
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dragonofeternal · 9 months
Zooming in on those tags. Tell Me
I want you to know I literally cackled aloud in delight when I saw this message.
Okay. So.
~*~Legato Quadrant Shipping~*~
Legato ♥ Knives Not so much in an ooooh I think their love is so totally canon uguu~ way (I think your post about the insurmountable wall of mutually insane bullshit between them is a really great breakdown of all the stuff they have both for and against them) but in a way where like...
Legato is devoted to Knives utterly and completely. This devotion is of a sort that it consumes his bodily autonomy and turns him into someone who makes himself a weapon purely to advance Knives's goals. He is pitiably obsessed. This obsession doesn't need to be reciprocated either; he is content to be of use, to be acknowledged for that alone.
He ALSO (although he would never, ever admit it to an outside party) can see the edges where Knives is weak. He held him with his threads when they first met; he senses the shift in the air when Vash and Knives clash on the arc the first time and knows that if he doesn't intervene, Vash will absorb Knives. Knives lets him live despite knowing and seeing these parts of him, and Knives relies on him, even if he won't articulate that's what he's doing.
Legato ♦ / ♠ Elendira Much ado has been made over the years about ships with red/black flips, but I'm here to tell it to you straight and say that the REAL shit is a good pale/black flip. The way that mutual respect and mutual annoyance are inexorably linked!!! They way that only someone who hates you soooooo bad can know your weak points in a way that would allow them to cover for them!!!!!
It's pretty clear that Elendira doesn't like Legato- she takes clear annoyance that Legato is the only Gung Ho Gun without a number, she """jokes""" about killing him for being useless in front of Zazie, she drags him back from the Dragon's Nest riddled with her nails. While Legato's own feelings on her seem to not be quite as aggressively negative, he does still act petulant and dismissive around her when she tries to antagonize him.
And yet... it's not all just hate. While Knives is the one who sends Elendira to rescue Legato from the Dragon's Nest, Elendira herself tries to intercede and stop Legato from interfering in the fight between Knives and Vash because she feels he'll be outclassed and smashed like a bug. She's clearly impressed and grateful when Legato saves them from Zazie's treachery, AND when the poison takes effect on her, one of her first thoughts is to wonder if Legato is already dead... enough so that she drags herself to where he should have been. When Elendira dies, Legato senses it and takes a moment of pause in his fight with Vash before promising he'll join her soon.
I'm always grrr about things that try to simplify moirallegience into just "TEE HEE BESTIES" -- I don't think a moirail/kismesis flip relationship between Elendira and Legato would be the sort where they're braiding each other's hair one day and stabbing each other the next, but I think there's a lot you could dig into with their relationship as one of mutually respect for each others' power, mutual annoyance that Knives gives the other the time of day, and an irrepressible need to make sure that the other gives their ALL in everything they do.
...And now.
Allow me to show you my final big brained quadrant thought:
Cuz like. For all that Legato is sometimes in spades for Elendira THERE AIN'T NO INTENTIONS MORE PITCH THAN THE ONES LEGATO HOLDS FOR VASH THE STAMPEDE. Vash nearly killed Knives. Vash's pacifism irritates every viewpoint on how Legato sees the world. Legato wants to fucking destroy Vash until not a single speck of him remains.
And that's a problem for Knives because like. Mmm, holds back a yawn, you know he's kiiiind of fond of Legato cuz he's useful, so he can't have anything happen to Legato. And as for Vash, well, no one's allowed to lay a finger on Vash but Knives (because he wants him in every quadrant like a desperate fool what) and if he lets Legato's dysfunctionally aggressive blackrom play out it's gonna end with one or both of them dead.
INSERT NICHOLAS D. WOLFWOOD, PROFESSIONAL KILLER BABYSITTER AUSPISTICE. The Punisher's good at doing stuff, right? So he can follow along and make sure things don't get too unbalanced between Vash and Legato! Problem solved.
Except that Wolfwood is painfully outclassed by these two freaks of nature, an issue made more complicated by the fact that Vash never saw a problem he couldn't try to pale/ash flirt his way through before vanishing into the night but wait maybe he wants more than just helping Wolfwood and vanishing into the sunset??? Also Vash isn't stupid and can tell somethings up??? And so whatever tangled mess is going on with vashwood is there mucking up this perfectly good auspisticeship while Legato makes CRAAAAAAZY faces in the bg.
(And then Wolfwood dies and Legato is free to pursue his blackrom with Vash to the beautiful conclusion of finding meaning and joy through testing his strength against Vash before finally fulfilling the dysfunctional end we all knew was coming the end.)
ANd uh yeah that's my Legato quadrant thoughts.
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
So, I know Joel is currently rotting your brain but tell me about this Javi fic you're going to do. I know it's still a few months away but I'm currently obsessing over him. I know you probably don't have the details worked out but can you give us something about it? If not that's totally ok. Lol
I'm only like halfway through season 2 but I'm determined to be completely finished before you start your fic so I won't be confused on anything like I am with some of the other fics I've been reading.
Alright, I think I'm done bombarding your ask box for today. 🤣
Hi Bestie!
UM FIRST THING'S FIRST?? Please bombard my ask box as much as you'd like, I love asks. Like they're my favorite thing, for real.
ANYWAY! I'll put the rest below the cut because, while not really spoiler-y, it might nudge into that territory and I don't want to accidentally ruin it for anyone :)
I'll preface this by saying GRAIN OF SALT. Actually, several grains of salt, I have done absolutely no story planning or mapping for this, I have some scenes I can see in my head and some vague ideas for overarching plot so all of this is so subject to change it's ridiculous.
Takes place outside of the show timeline, Javi is working probably in Florida to deal with trafficking into the US. He has a suspect he has to take to the hospital and, while said suspect is being treated, he's completely stonewalled by a very stubborn but sunshine and bubbly nurse who is like "mmmm nope, don't think you can talk to my patient at he moment, he needs to rest. Come back with a warrant! 😊" and he tries to charm her and it just... does not work. She's like "Nope, sorry! 😊" until she decides her patient is stable enough to handle questioning. This drives him NUTS.
But he's done with her once the suspect is discharged, right?
LOL nope!
He keeps bumping into her and she keeps being VERY hard core on the patients rights issue and he's absolutely losing his mind and eventually is like "what is your DEAL" and she gives him a kind of impassioned speech and he's charmed as HELL. Like still frustrated and annoyed - both at her stonewalling him and her stubbornly sunny and happy disposition - but also like "If anyone fucks with her they're going to have to deal with me." And he just kinda sticks around one night after his suspect is taken away and asks her to breakfast and much to his surprise, she's like "yes please!"
He falls hard. And fast.
And then she ends up on the wrong side of some drug runners. Angst and drama ensues!
Anyway, that's the VERY LOOSE idea of the fic at the moment! The core stuff is grumpy/sunshine with some kinda sorta forced proximity vibes.
Of course, it's me, we'll be delving into big feelings and stuff, too lol I have to build out her backstory more and all kinds of things and put it all together beat by beat yet. I'm so excited for this, for real!
I have so many fics I want to write and only so many hours in the day, it's becoming a problem. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this one when I finally sit down and write it! Love you!!!!
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"Yeah, but you can't quit!"
"I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him my money! You know who lives like that? Hookers."
"Yeah, but he's not that bad a guy! You gotta give him a chance. You don't know him like I do."
"...that's hooker talk."
Hey so remember when I said the winner of the GOAT Miguetri Moment poll would get a thing???
I realized I've never actually made these two a friendship moodboard and that!!! Will not stand, dammit!!!
Anyways their S1 dynamic was/is so important to me. Cute lil idealist Miguel truly believing Johnny Lawrence can solve all problems and cynical defeatist Demetri who has the only brain cell and is like "hey, this dude shat on my other best friend for something he can't help, embarrassed me for trying to defend him, AND I had to pay him??? At least I don't gotta cash out to Kyler." Dude's got a point, honestly. I'd get hazed out of Cobra Kai SO fast, and my parents would be like "thank god, those lessons were expensive" XD Demetri bby never let anyone shame you for making financially smart decisions that are also good for your mental health!!!
And the subtext of Demetri kinda trying to look out for Miguel and steer him away from idolizing this disaster man who peaked in high school??? Like I think I mentioned this on a previous post, but the way he tries to give Miguel the wake-up call Demetri thinks he needs and encourages him not to bend over backwards for people who (at least from what Demetri's seen!) don't treat him or people in general very well is kind of adorable. Like of course Demetri's being cheeky and smug and sarcastic about it, but he's basically saying that Miguel deserves better than Johnny and should respect/value himself a little more!
And Miguel, my beautiful hopeful babygirl Miguel Diaz <3 <3 <3 Like he believes in Demetri's potential long after Demetri's clearly given up on himself??? And tbh I've never read this scene as Miguel being annoyed Demetri trusts Miguel to protect him from bullies (like that's what you do for your friends lmao. And Miguel would in a heartbeat if he needed to because he's a loyal mf!!!). If anything, he seems worried about what Demetri's gonna do when he's not around and can't scare Kyler off and frustrated that Demetri's just dismissing his own potential that fast. Miguel clearly has 0 issue looking out for Demetri when the cards are down, considering how he talked to Johnny about Kreese punching him and readily sided with him after the Arm Break Incident.
Also something I've already mentioned in other posts, I'm sure, but the fact that a) Demetri completely trusts Miguel to protect him from bullies and implies he would do so with no hesitation and b) they're close enough friends after a few months max that they can comfortably walk with their arms brushing and casually give each other little affectionate platonic touches (most notably this little shoulder slap thing they do) is the cutest fucking thing on earth. This friendship is so slept on. Like every time I think about them I wanna cry because they're so fucking ride or die and they've easily had the most wholesome, loyal, and unproblematic friendship in the entire show and WHY aren't more people talking about them??? Any disagreements they have really ARE in the vein of "ugh you're so wrong never talk to me again for 10 minutes but then I have karate gossip I wanna tell you." I love them so much.
An argument could also be made that these two have a closer and healthier friendship than Miguel & Eli ever did and I ain't kicking that hornet's nest today but perhaps I will someday :3
"Wanna be my best friend and then judge me" also just. PERFECTLY captures their friendship XD SO much mutual judgment going on in this scene and I am LIVING for it.
Went for a red, blue, green, and white-ish color scheme for this to match their clothes and the bg! Hopefully it came out okay.
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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zanyana626 · 9 months
Thoughts on Helluva Boss Oops episode! 😈🤡
Everything’s tagged as #hb spoilers until tomorrow for those who haven't seen it yet!
Not a cuckoo c**k for a clock!
Wakey-wakey Ozzie (not a morning person apparently)! *airhorns*
"Burger time! Burger time! Burger Time!" Ok, Fizz is starting to become my new favorite character! Also, why he pronouncing vibrators like that???
Greed Ring having a city named Ransom? Yep, that sounds about right for the ring.
I FUCKING KNEW HE CALLS HIM BIG DADDY!!! AND "Fizzie-frog"?!?!?! Too cute, <3.
And look at them big ol' eyes, I definitely couldn't say no to that face:
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"We're so NOT in love!" "Yeah! Love. Is. STUPID!!!" Denial's not just a river in Egypt, you two!!!
"I'll be SUPER low-key!" ... Riiiiight.
The Queives (plural for Queefs, according to the subtitles). And the little disabled one??? VIV, WE WANT NAMES FOR THE LIL GUYS ASAP!!!
Enter Blitzø, who's complaining about some shitty coffee place!
"Well, at least I'm still actually working for my shit & not getting everything handed to me like some pampered attention wh**e!" VS "Plus, my horns were always bigger than yours... weren't they?"
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Crimson & Striker teamup! Guess Blitzø & Fizz are gonna have to put their beef aside and work together to get away from them!
Ozzie & the Dildo Factory
So asking for an asmodean crystal was real! Poor Stolas being conflicted about how he feels towards Blitzy.
And Ozzie respecting people's hookup intentions and having the idea of lust as a consensual thing? Glad to know he's not like Valentino, who as far as we know, monetizes sex & treats his workers like shit/his property.
"My partner-um BUSINESS partner" Yep, keep telling yourself that Ozzie, at least you and Stolas are in the same boat for that!
Jeez Crim, what's your problem with Ozzie???
More Blitzø VS Fizz drama
Also Blitzø, Stolas does seem to care, he just has a tough time trying to say it to your face and plus, you're no better by bottling up your true feelings for him & then push him away like whatever!
Fizz, I love you now, but also envy you for having Striker grab you by the neck like that!
"I SAID WATCH 'EM, NOT F**K 'EM!!!" Typical Crimson
Damn, Ozzie could've signed over Fizz's head to be one of Crimson's wall trophies if Stolas wasn't there to help him out!
Nope nevermind, that wasn't the real contract! Also, why does Crimson want more dildos after failing to convice Moxxie that they're around the house for "his liking"??? I'm guessing he's trying to recuperate the funds he lost after Millie murdered all his goons & trashed his place!
Happy owl noises:  "I love words!" He's such a dork, I'm living for it! <3
Blitzø always having something up his sleeves when it comes to escape plans!
FINALLY, FLASHBACK/ANSWERS ON THEIR FALLING OUT!!! No wonder why Fizz & Barbie hate Blitzø's guts & Blitzø acts the way he does.
He's very much aware that he screwed up big time even if it was an accident and never meant to almost kill his bestie, traumatize his sister, & HIS MOM!!!
I'm guessing Cash was the one who tried splitting them up. He went as far as to give Fizz a birthday card that literally says "I wish you were my son"!!!
Using Blitzø as a human/imp? shield does kinda serve him right in a way
"Kaiju C**k". Yep Fizz, we're very much aware that Ozzie's a big boy
"Look At This" has been stuck in my head since listening it for the first time. Perfect distraction musical that makes no sense other than just being a distraction musical!
"So, f**king, BYE BYE!!!" 🎶
Damn, cowboy daddy's starting to go insane in the brain! He's most likely gonna have burned scars now the next time (yep, he got away again) we see him!
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You can take Blitzø out of the circus, but you can't take the circus out of Blitzø!
THE BOIS HUGGED IT OUT!!!! Hope this means they're on more neutral terms now! I get that it might take Fizz a while to fully forgive & start over with Blitzø now that they're aware of the whole misunderstanding on both their ends, but still, it's a start!!!
"Woooould it f**k up the moment if we made out now?" Blitzø please, we're aware you had a (love) note for Fizz before the incident, but he's clearly happily taken by one of the 7 sins!
Fizzmodeus/Fizzarozzie reunited & it feels so good! <3
At least they're trying to be more open about their relationship, even if it's limited to their coworkers/entourage at the moment!
Welp, looks like Stolas is getting that crystal after all!
I'd say this is the best episode so far out of Season 2, Fizz & Ozzie were totally worth the wait and have now become part of my top 5 characters of the show!!!
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
Katherine for the ask game??
How I feel about this character:
SHE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL UGH i still love her an ungodly amount but yeah i think she should have had more characterization. this is entirely a problem with writing and not a dig at her character!!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
im gonna be real before i realized how much i liked javid, i was 100% a jatherine stan- and i still am! i love jatherine so much. there is just something about jatherine that is just.... ugh its so good to me, ESPECIALLY with the added dynamic of jack being a person of color. idk the brain has absolutely latched onto them.
i also do enjoy newsbians! sometimes it just feels like people stick them in randomly, but i really think it works most of the time. my gals <3
My favorite non-romantic ship for this character:
oddly enough, jatherine again. i love jack and kath being close no matter what the relationship is; i think in platonic relationships, they work best as exes who care so SO deeply about each other, but the romance just isn't there. in any other life, they'd be perfect, but they're definitely close.
speaking of davey: davey and kath are SO besties ugh i love them. they take no shit from anyone, they're so bitchy, and i want to have a brunch with them purely for the gossip. every annoying twink needs their equally annoying bi bestie and that is so them in my heart. let them be a little stereotypical together its ok
My unpopular opinion about this character:
the girlbossification of katherine pulitzer needs to stop. i feel like both canon and fanon kath is treated as the savior of the newsboys, but its a very classist thought to say that they would have failed without a rich heiress there leading the way. she ABSOLUTELY helped, she's instrumental to the story and this is not diminishing her impact- but there is a difference between "katherine is important to the success of the strike" and "katherine saved the strike"
also i know the fandom sees her as a lesbian but this babe is bi. shes so bi. kath and jack are bi4bi they told me themselves
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
all in all she leaves me wanting more. more backstory, more characterization, more interactions with the boys. i want to see her be integrated into the group instead of on the sidelines- and we get that a little in KONY, but i feel like there's not enough leadup. lets be real, we all know she's chasing a story, and i want to SEE her start caring about the boys in more than after falling for jack. i want to see more of her progression as a character and not a love interest!! which is again not her fault it's the writing!! but god !!!!!! i want more of her
My crossover ship:
can i say newsbians for this .. crossover between 92sies and livesies lmao
tysm cam i love kath sm
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prozac-shaped-urn · 2 months
so *clap*
i just watched passion...... again....... don't look at me that way all three of you who are also so far down the d. murphy rabbit hole you cannot see daylight......... and i am fighting off the microdose of weed that makes me sleepy. OTHERWISE i wouldn't likely be so nonchalant about what i'm about to admit. and yeah you can bully me for it. but not in a mean way, just a knowing nod and chuckle kinda way. call me a hypocrite and whatnot.
soooooo i've never been ~in love~ and i'm not sure i understand the mindset of someone who's actively ~in love~ since i've never been there, but i do understand the mindset of someone who lives with a chronic illness. i relate to fosca a little too hard when she's shaking from happiness as that's a trigger for me also. i'm the child of a narcissist and was love-bombed my whole life, so receiving too much of an uptick in dopamine and oxytocin makes my brain go "waaaaait a second what's going on????? do i need to be Concerned? do i need to Prepare?" so i get that fosca is simultaneously scared and excited at the prospect of Being Happy and Feeling Loved. i will have a panic attack if i fall in love one day. i know i will and i'll have to talk myself down from it. i'm prepared for that. what i'm decidedly NOT prepared for is not preparing for the worst. i'm so accustomed to being productively paranoid (as a friend put it recently) that if i'm not over-preparing for things that could possibly happen, i'm anxious. relaxing is STRESSFUL for me. like what do you mean i can't brace for impact? i can't protect myself? i can't defend myself? i have to just ~let someone else~ do that???? REALLY?????? not fun.
so when fosca realizes giorgio loves her n shit and has that moment of anxiety/panic/adrenaline rush/overdose of cortisol/whatever the fuck, and giorgio asks her if she's cold and she's like nah i'm happy but there's so little time, my heart went OUCH FUCK THAT'S TOO CLOSE TO HOME. because lemme tell y'all something and this is where you can bully me and bully me hard.
i've spent my whole life trying to push the time limit so far into the next century that i won't have any time left to make a mistake.
i can't start over from 20 and fall madly in love and get married and buy a house. my bestie did that and she was miserable.
i can't start over from 30 and fall madly in love and live with my partner and raise a brood of dogs.
i can't start over from 40 and fall madly in love and settle into a life with someone and grow to know them more with each passing day. my dad and stepmom did that and they've been together 20 years
i can't do any of those. and if i do live past 60, i can't start over then either. i'm stuck in my present. i have to start here. i have to start where i am now. but my problem is that the person i'm meant to be with isn't in my generation. they're significantly older than me and with such little time as we'll have, i'm scared that i'll fuck it up. i don't want a tryst, i don't want an affair, i don't want a half-assed commitment. i want a full and completely equal partnership that will make me regret not being open to it for so long.
i want to commiserate with betty white when she talked about allen ludden begging her to marry him for a year and she refused, and that was the only regret of her life. THAT'S what i want. THAT'S the level of connection i want to have with a partner. and that's why i've been pushing the time limit. i know i won't find it in people my age, and the only way to have a greater chance of finding it at all is to wait until age catches up to people and maturity (hopefully) follows.
how do i know the part about the generational divide? oh... i've only had three precognitions about my future partner. and they're currently 75 years old. what a pair we'll make.
the youngest old person and the oldest young person on the planet walk into a bar...
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chibiko · 1 year
Damn you are just sending yourself anon hate now huh. Well, since you seem bored and asked... Get over your victim complex, nearly every issue in your life is caused by you being a fucking dumbass.
"oh I hate my job I'm going to LARP as Goro Akechi to cope and allow my rancid online personality to seep into that" "why am I fired" "oh my dad's side is toxic but I'll get back in touch with them" "why is my mental health is in the shitter" "I need therapy but I refuse to give my potential therapist any information so they roughly know what they're getting into" "why can't I get therapy" and that's just the most recent ones that wouldn't out me.
Get over yourself at this point. Pick a fucking struggle. Stop shoving them into your shopping cart and rushing the doors and wondering why you're getting arrested for shoplifting. You have less self-awareness than a plastic bag drifting aimlessly in a parting lot, and even less of a personality than one.
Speaking of your personality or lack thereof, seriously? You're a "monster"? I can name nothing more human than your self-centeredness, and it's fucking hilarious that you keep trying to cope by pretending to be hardcore online and roleplaying anime characters. While we're on the topic, if you were somehow Goro Akechi, which you aren't, because weirdly enough Persona 5 characters aren't real and you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality even with the disclaimer Persona 5 has in the beginning with how badly your brain has rotted in your skull, you wouldn't have nearly as many problems in your life because you'd have some amount of foresight beyond "hehe temporary dopamine hit" and some amount of personality and charm beyond "I am literally this character lol". Big mystery as to why no one wants to hire you.
Anywayssss sending peace and love your way bestie, genuinely hope you recover from whatever the hell is wrong with you someday but you should probs do that offline instead of posting it to get validation from strangers online and having them feed your delusions of grandeur 🫶 (but also keep doing that so I can keep sending screenshots of your private Vent accounts to my friends so we can keep making fun of you pls? 🥺 That's literally the only reason why I still talk to you, lol)
god this is so hot. you know how many times i reread this? dozens. youre so fuckin cute, anon.. you want my dick so bad, dont you? whore.
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killbaned · 4 months
okay final update:
fire rescue lieutenant that's been out here multiple times for this shit with her made her go to the hospital based on the fact that she couldn't answer "what year is it" and "who's the president" (it is, apparently 2003 and bush btw)
i had to sit around for about two hours which, in hospital time isn't actually that long. the rn and doctor both agree and believe that part of her current issue is because she's just not capable of caring for herself and thus, hasn't, despite my best efforts because like. they're fully aware i can't you know. force her to take her meds and drink water.
i explained to the nurse that i'd gotten mom a weekly pill organizer to help so all she has to do is morning/night and not worry about it and "instead if she remembers them at all she just takes them both at the same time" and the nurse was like 👁👄👁 "oh, oh noooo"
there's nothing coming up on blood work or brain/chest scans that show like "something reversible" as he said, IE "oh she's altered because she's got an infection and fever" or something. i explained that i think it's fallout from all the strokes, and that there's literally no telling how many she's had over the years because of reasons (too long not explaining here).
they're admitting her bc her bp and kidneys are god awful, i reminded them she's got stage four kidney disease on top of everything else.
the doctor has already mentioned she's most likely gonna need rehab once they figure out if her altered status is being caused by dementia or something and i asked if we can get her evaluated while she's admitted because once again, me, and the medical professionals see that she CLEARLY cannot make her own decisions any more and that her going AMA from the rehab shows this.
he said he genuinely doesn't know because that's not in his wheelhouse as an ER doc, which i understand BUT he also said he's going to chart it that an eval should be done.
i am going to leave a message w the PCP asking if there's anything she can do from her end about it.
bc this is. the thing that's causing all the problems, no one has officially in a medical capacity put to paper that she shouldn't be allowed to make her own decisions which means her just going AMA.
i feel like this is the same shit that's been happening the last four/five months but like. idk besties lets hope someone does this fucking eval. an in depth one.
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RAMBLE AWAY!!! I need a fix of my favorite pair
Gonna talk about them in the Medieval Fantasy Au because honestly they're great.
This is gonna get long.
Keegan's honestly a bit of a cunt the first time he meets Logan because Ajax his bestie and also Keeper just fucking died so he's incredibly upset and even more stressed.
Why is Ajax his Keeper? (And what the fuck is a Keeper?) Well see, Keegan's whole deal is that he's kinda cursed. He's immortal, which is very nice, but every 25 years his memory resets. Like total amnesia: He passes out and wakes up pretty much mute and totally clueless about everything. (I call it Fucked Up Magical Anterograde Amnesia.) So a few cycles ago (I forget the exact timeline I had set up but right after their universes version of Sand Viper.) Ajax got assigned to help Keegan keep track of his past lives and help him re-learn them once the current cycle resets. And a Keeper is pretty much anyone that looks after and protects someone else as like their literal sole goal in life.
So Keegan's greif starts right off in the Anger stage. But Logan's really stubborn and honestly Keegan isn't as mean as he pretends to be, so as soon as Logan asks what's really got Keegan's loincloth in a loop the guy folds and he spills the half-secret that is his whole curse.
And Logan's like "Woah, that sucks. So what you need a new Keeper? I can help." and Keegan is like "HA, you'll be dead in like two cycles." and Logan's like "Boy do I have a surprise for you." because he's half elf so he's guaranteed to live a really long time if everything goes right.
So Keegan, now out of excuses and also lacking a lot of fucks just goes "Aight." and boom, Logan is his Keeper. But also to keep the whole Keeper and Kept relationship fair Keegan kinda demands that he be Logan's sole bodyguard. Because he is of able body, it's just that his brain fucking implodes every 25 years.
So boom, nice start to a great relationship: You both swear to look after and protect each other until a point where one of you literally cannot for whatever reason. Though they are reasonable and it's more of a verbal agreement (Trial period.) for now rather than an actual oath.
Through the whole story, which is just the entirety of Ghosts Medevilized, both of them do really well to look after each other. Logan hangs out up in Keegan's room a lot because he's trying to memorize all the notes/books he has on his previous cycle in the case that they might be destroyed for whatever reason, and Keegan does really well to make sure his prince is safe on all the adventures they go on.
It's great.
Then Elias dies.
Less great.
Logan's all kinds of fucked up by it and because of Hesh's ascent to the throne it make him the next heir, which is like even more dangerous than being second heir, especially knowing that Rorke really really wants them all dead.
So they decide to go ahead and make the whole Keeper and Kept thing official because it's a bit of a morale booster. (Seeing as the king literally just fucking died.) From an outside perspective they are just Prince and Knight, but at this point they are romantically involved and the whole thing is like one degree away from a wedding.
And Logan kinda accidentally literally makes a magic pact in the moment because he's very emotonal and a sorcerer, these things happen. So he and Keegan are literally magically bound together. Their specific deal is that Keegan will always be drawn to wherever Logan is.
Also they picked up a dragon between the verbal acceptance of the pact and the official sworn oath bit, and they raised it like it's their child. (Yes, I made Uriel a dragon. Because fuck yes, dragons, and also I love Uriel.)
Then the trainwreck that is their life continues to get worse as the final battle pops off. Everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong.
First problem is that Rorke gets the drop on Hesh and Logan, because of fucking course he does.
Second problem is that when Keegan tries to help, because he is there he just got busy killing Rorke's wyrm, the cycle resets. (The wyrm is like. A massive lizard/dragon WORM that can burrow under ground like it's water. Terrifying. Also Rorke rode it into battle which is kinda badass.)
Rorke realizes this and kinda just leaves the poor bastard, so this new cycle of Keegan's is him waking up in the middle of a battlefield, watching some guy laugh at him before walking away with some other guy slung over his shoulder. And he doesn't even realize the significance of it.
Whole bunch of bullshit happens including Keegan getting fucking BANISHED by Hesh. (Don't be mad at the himbo, he has his reasons.)
Literally a hundred years later, four cycles during which Keegan had no Keeper, some very plot spoilery things happen. In order to avoid spoiling the ever loving fuck out of this fic in the case that I do write it I won't go into detail but the magic part of Logan and Keegans pact comes in clutch.
Anyways. They're very gay and happy together. They figured out the reason for Keegan's cycle together, and while there's no cure for it (Short of DEATH, which is a no-go.) they work together to accommodate it. And everytime the cycle resets, Keegan falls in love with Logan again.
Then Keegan's ex-husband comes back, but that's a story for another day.
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essskel · 1 year
my brain is poopoo i forgot to add one thing sorry again 😭
i don't think the scoia'tael could ever change their mind about roche and ves simply because they're wiping out their race. no matter the cause the elves would never forgive them nor would they wanted to cooperate with them in any way unless it's convenient. they can't just say 'oh i was just protecting my country but now im different let me help you' and the elves would forgive them or let them near. they don't need their pity nor they help. the least they can do is leave them alone and help non-humans other ways.
this is the main reason why i can't bring myself to ship rorveth...yes they respect each others abilities in canon but that doesn't erase the fact that roche is still an oppressor (again no matter the motives) and iorveth would only force himself to work with him but never respect him as a person and be "besties". neither would roche tbh because iorveth is no saint and also killed his fair share of innocent people. they fucked up each others lives too much for their relationship to "work" and there's no place in their heart for forgiveness.
okay i won't bother you and your inbox anymore. this is pretty much everything i wanted to say so take care!
Under the cut cause my answer was rambly and I'm trying to save people's dashes lol
Yeah that's pretty much how I feel about the Scoiatael too! I do think Iorveth would eventually accept Roche's help maybe in a military venture if he really needed it and if Roche was genuinely offering, or that they could get past their issues with each other in order to work through a crisis. They do genuinly share a enemy in Nilfgaard, and Roche's inability to see that is his downfall. But then once the immedaute crisis is over... why would Iorveth stick around or even let Roche walk away cleanly?
I just think this is something that can only exist in fanfic, and can maybe be fun or interesting to think about/read about when expanding on the possibilities of their characters, but I personally wouldn't WANT it to be canon, because it would create inconsistencies in both their stories and established motives - which you did say in your last ask, I'm agreeing! (I mean I don't want true friendship/romance, not them being forced to work together. I want that. That would be fun. RIP Iorveth at the battle of Kaer Morhen :( you should have been there king!)
(about your other ask) Idk, I actually don't have any issue with people labeling Roche as a flat out monster. If you're coming at it as someone who's primarily sympathetic to the Elves, it's like you said, it really doesn't matter what his motives or situation was, he was participating in their violent oppression as a leader. He still has a lot of fans who won't acknowledge how evil his work pre-tw2 was, that's a greater problem to me (not talking about you ofc). And Iorveth...lmao other than him be willing to let those women die in the burning building, I can't help but cheer for his bloody methods of justice in ways the Blue Stripes will never get out of me. It's the witcher, everyone's burned a few churches, at least Iorveth was doing it for a good cause 😩
As for Roche, I personally I like him best as a metaphor for armed patriotism - perhaps more historical than modern, but I think both work. Men born into poverty who are coerced into the military by governments that don't value them at all (but like to give them medals as propaganda/empty motivation) while only using them as tool in their violence against other nations/people. Being devalued, abused, covered in blood, becoming a mass murderer all for some paltry veteran discounts and a lifetime of trauma. That's the character work I'd want to see with him, but for future witcher games, I'd be much happier to see Iorveth come back and regain his spotlight, so who really knows.
This is long as hell sorry, thanks for sharing your thoughts I appreciate the conversation!!
OH. right yes. Anais. What the hell we needed a followup on their relationship, that could have been so good and hopeful and constructive. Someday !!!!
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