#but so does hallie
questfriendspodcast · 7 months
After recently re-listening to the ending of Questionable Measures (Ep. 31-33), I realized there was something that I hadn’t really thought about before. This lead me to a question, and I’m very curious to know: Was Lorraine supposed to appear again? Because I kinda got that impression.
The opposite, actually!
When I introduced Lorraine, the idea was that she'd be a one arc villain, but I was open to that changing, which is the case for a lot of story elements that aren't tied into the overall plot - I'll throw them out there with a basic structure and see what happens.
This all changed when I made the (improvised) choice to have Lorraine dump Hopper. Because for all of the terrible things Lorraine has done to Hopper, leaving him is (in the moment) the most devastating. So while she tells MISHA she'll see them again, the significance is less "Lorraine's coming back" and more "Lorraine won't be coming back for Hopper."
For Hopper, Crime and Courtship is all about exploring the absence of Lorraine, who he had unwittingly associated with the most important parts of his identity. I had a plot idea where the Jagged Dream messed with Hop by tricking him into thinking Lorraine was on the ship, resulting in him getting kidnapped instead of Ness, but in the end I decided to streamline it and just let Hop wallow in this newfound emptiness.
There definitely was opportunity and value in Lorraine returning after Hop reclaimed his identity, especially as a way for him to show his growth, but in the end I decided that having Hop reject Apocrita Lorraine was the most straightforward way to hit that narrative beat. I'm not quite sure how a Lorraine return would have worked, because to me, the way to beat Lorraine and really get under her skin is simply to ignore her (as shown by Cartesian, where the town was devastated specifically because Hop tried to stop Lorraine).
It's really interesting to me because there's a lot to Lorraine - despite her simple motivation, the world surrounding Lorraine is vibrant and complex, and I wouldn't be surprised if I don't ever make a villain who quite gets up to her level again. That being said, story-wise, Lorraine's real significance begins at the exact moment she leaves.
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The Parent Trap | The Tonight Show
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
Thinking about how I've made almost all of my Then He Got Rough characters greyromantic!! Yay.
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feelingtheaster99 · 9 months
You’d think a man who had a whirlwind romance and marriage, followed by a subsequent divorce and decision to SEPARATE YOUR IDENTICAL TWIN DAUGHTERS AT BIRTH so you never have to see your ex again would be more hesitant about getting remarried so soon into a new relationship
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shigironkii · 1 year
Its so funny to me that i hc riddler hating weed so much, but by god if i dont give hallie a hello kitty bong-
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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SHAWN: Well, that was...different!
HALLIE: Yeah, fun though!
SHAWN: You’re gonna burn the photos, right?
HALLIE: I dunno, that one with your bum in the air is kind of cute!
SHAWN: *chuckles* You wouldn’t! Hals? You wouldn’t, right? Hallie!
HALLIE: *giggles* More blackmail muahahaha!
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maraczeks · 1 year
newsroom rw thread pt 13
#jan 10 2023#charlie is literally the funniest character ever pls#will with button up and sleeves rolled up i'm gonna jill myself#mac :( i love her idk i could just watch emily for hours she's soooo#mac CALLINF NINA OH NO NAURRRRR I HATE THIS LITERALLY WHAT IS SHE DOJNGGG AT WILLS PLACE THAT SHOULD BE MAC#WAIT SO. what's macs disc necklace origin story#jan 11 2023#full offense but maggie is so annoying and the uganda storyline is tragic and hurts but i'm just bored by her#mac is literally like so mother u don't understand she's literally everyone's english teacher ???#i don't remember anything in 2.04 except sloan sidekickism is literally my favorite ever and you got a girlfriend#WIAT THATS CHARLITTE FROM LIZZIE BENNETT DIARIES OMG#omg the staff pranking mac is sooooo and charlie against the glass wall 😭😭😭 stop doing that means he does it a lot PLESSE#sorkin making don and mac say the n word disgusting and them for saying it#i'll never let go kodak i'll never let you 😭😭 MAC I NEED YOU SLOAN#sloan neal siblings is!!!!!! soo!!!!!!!!#sloan and mac same wavelength of humor plssss#stilllll cannot believe jim gave the one on one to hallie i cant stand sorkin men#mac calling him omg omggggg she's so unhinged i love her I DINT KNOW HOW TO PREDICT HIS BEHAVIOR ANYMORE XBXXNC I LOVE MAC SO MUCH I COULD W#i'm having a crisis of confidence#GIRLFRIEND WELL... NO WHAT WAS RHE WELL HMM? NDNDJSNJD#seriously don deserves jail for that#this ep is so long :/#lmao i was on my phone for so much of that ep but yay 2.05 married macwill <333#omggggg i forgot or didn't notice she calls him billy like in the first ten seconds of the ep shock to my stomach#WHY IS SLOAN IN TROUBKE AGAIN IM GONNA KILL AARON SORKIN WHY DOES HE KEEP PUTTING HR THROUGH SH!T#oh but the sloan don decelopments are sooo and sloan is literally my favorite in the episode shes so baby oh my god she's so precious#mac so worried about will like her hand on the desk she wants to hold his hand so bad oh my god she loves him so much#oh 2.05 is so excellent#SLOAN HIDING JN DONS OFFICE IM DOWN HERE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY BABY HUG HER NEDD TO HUG HER#OLIVIA MUNNNNNNNNNNNN god she's such a stellar actress
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hockeyboysimagines · 6 months
Practice makes perfect
Warnings: Unprotected sex, please be responsible (that’s all this is really haha)
Ask and ye shall receive. A fun little Matt and Hallie piece for you guys, inspired by the last game. Expect chapter 3 of Fuck me like I’m famous to be out in. Day or so.
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“Does it hurt?” Hallie asked, leaning down to peer at his eyebrow and the bridge of his nose. There was little blood and the beginnings of a bruise but he seeemed fine otherwise.
“Nah. You’ve hit me harder than this before.” He said with a smile, eyes twinkling.
She rolled her eyes, embarrassed and crossed her arms watching as he got it cleaned and butterfly stitched.
Fighting in hockey never bothered Hallie, but watching him get jumped like that wasn’t exactly her favorite thing in the world either. She and Chantal had immediately grabbed hands when they saw him fall to the ice, and she hadn’t breathed until he was back up and yelling at Brady from center ice.
She hadn’t even planned on going to this game, but had been talked into it last minute, and was able to find care for the kids. She’d not expected the game to explode the way it did and she was a little surprised. She’d watched Matthew and Brady play one another before but this game was a little different. They both had the unique ability to agitate the other team but sometimes it just went too far.
Either way she was glad he was okay.
Especially after what happened during playoffs.
Watching him go down after the hit during the finals, and then stumble when he tried to get back up was probably the scariest thing that had ever happened to her. She was frozen in her seat, unable to move and when he didn’t return to the bench immediately she knew something was wrong. Though she argued with him, she couldn’t stop him from playing in the next game, and a huge blowout resulted when she found it was a broken sternum, and not a broken arm like he told her it was.
It was the first and only time since the first time that she considered leaving him and taking the kids. But then Hallie remembered what her life was like without him and she definitely didn’t want to go back to living that way, but he’d promised her that he would never do that again.
This thankfully was only two small cuts to the face and nothing more. He hopped off the table, gave everyone a small wave goodbye and they headed out of the medical room and down the hall.
“Who has the kids?” He asked after a second, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“Carly. She’s visiting for the week.”
“Oh so the kids are at home.”
“That’s what I said. Why?”
“No reason. Just wondering if you wanted to make another one is all.”
Hallie’s mouth fell open and she let out a breath “Matthew-“
“Great. Glad we’re on the same page. Your hotel room or mine?”
Hallie spent the short ride from the arena squirming in the backseat of a cab. She’d jumped and gasped a little when she felt Matthew’s hand slide between her legs, fingers moving over the paper thin fabric of her leggings.
“What are you-?” She hissed eyes moving towards the cab driver, but Matthew refused to look at her. He was smiling a little, eyes not moving from the window as they drove.
She was biting her lip so hard she was sure it was bleeding as they pulled up to the steps on the hotel she was in, and he waved pleasantly to the driver and they walked in together. Her heart was in her ears as he stared at her from across the elevator, almost unblinking.
“Stop.” She said finally, eyeing him as the elevator moved agonizingly slow.
“Stop what?”
“Having eye sex with me from across the elevator. That’s what.”
He chuckled “Don’t worry. There will regular sex to be had soon, and if it wasn’t for that.” He nodded above her head at the camera “We’d be having it now.”
Hallie felt redness come to her face and coughed “In an elevator? What do you take me for.”
“What I take you for.” He said pushing off the wall and taking a slow step forward “Is the same girl who once let me fuck her in a bar bathroom, and then went back out like nothing ever happened. And that same girl also stuck my hand under her dress at the winter gala surrounded by important executives.” He same to stopping in front of her “Should I keep going?” He leaned down so he was eye level with her. He was giving her one of those nasty smirks he always did right before he ruined her.
She opened her mouth to respond and then closed it, shaking her head.
“That’s what I thought. After you.” He waved a hand forward towards the elevator door, which had now opened, and followed her out, down the hall and towards her hotel room door. She stopped and turned to pull out her key card, when she felt a hand slide across her abdomen, and warm breath under her ear. Hallie nearly dropped the key twice as his lips ghosted over the skin of her neck.
“The key won’t work.” Hallie said smacking it against the sensor on the door, sucking in a breath as his hand sank below the waistband of her leggings “I can’t get it to unlock-“
“I’ve got a key for your lock right here.” He whispered in her ear, body pushing her up against the door, sensor beeping as they almost fell in when the door unlocked suddenly. He had one hand on either side of her waist, spinning her to face him as he kicked the door shut and pulled her forward, lips finding hers in the dark.
Kissing her never got old, like each time was the first. He yanked her jacket off, tossing it away as she pulled off his tie and suit jacket.
“Take this off.” He breathed out against her mouth, pulling at the jersey she was wearing. As much as he loved seeing her in that Tkachuk jersey, he needed to see her in nothing. He couldn’t get her out of her clothing fast enough, ripping the jersey over her head and then tossing her down on the mattress. He grabbed the waistband of her leggings and pulled, yanking them down before he pulled his own dress shirt off, surprised when he felt her hands on his arms and she quickly spun him, seating him down on the bed.
“Shhhhhhh.” She said holding a finger up to quiet him “Let me take care of you.”
She reached forward, eyes still on his and slowly unbuttoned his suit pants, before removing them, his shoes and socks, and then leaned him backwards. He felt his heart rate pick up a little. Usually after a particularly rough game, Hallie let him get a little wild. It wasn’t often she took control but when she did.
It was always fun.
She was half in shadow as she stood, adjusting the band on her underwear and nodding for him to move up the bed. When he did, she reached forward, eyes flicking up to meet his as she leaned down and pressed a wet open mouth kiss on his lower abdomen. She gave him a better head rush than any fight or elbow ever could.
“Hallie I-“
But he was silenced when she stretched the length of his body and moved her mouth across his jaw and down his neck. She had one hand splayed across his chest and used the other one to tilt his chin back.
“So about that baby…” she whispered in his ear.
He had her flipped over on her own back before she could even finish her sentence. He was smiling, pinning each of her arms by her head and leaned into her face.
“Oh is that what you want.” He ran his hand down her arm, and across her stomach, and down into her underwear.
She jumped, back arching up and smiled a little with a shrug “I mean if you wanna give me one.”
“Another one?”
“How about we just maybe get some practice is?” She said tugging her hand free and running them down his back to the lower part, nails digging into his skin.
“Good plan. You can never have too much practice.” He whispered leaning down to kiss her.
She opened her mouth allowing him to push his tongue inside and she felt a heat erupt in her stomach that started to creep through her as he pushed her underwear down her legs and settled in between them. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as he pushed inside of her, for probably the 200th time, but the feeling it gave her never got old. His tongue slid across her neck, teeth biting down on her skin as his hand moved up her waist, fingers splaying across her ribcage. He pulled out and pushed back in, his own head falling forward into the crook of her neck.
He ran his hand under her knee and pulled her leg up, hitching it around his hip, pushing deeper as he did. She gasped and let out a moan. Her nails drug across the skin of his forearms, as she watched the muscles begin working in his abdomen. There was nothing in the world quite like him. “That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He whispered.
He pulled her up by the back of the neck to kiss him, crushing her mouth with his own. He threaded his hand through her hair, the thick silky strands wrapping around his fingers. Her body felt hot and tight and she was a little bit dazed when he pulled away to look at her.
“God you’re beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. He’d been saying that to her since day 1 and it never failed to make her melt into a puddle of goo, and today was no different.
She watched as he leaned forward resting his forehead on her chest and pushed inside her again this time deeper and faster than before. Her head fell back as she pushed her hips up to meet his, legs spreading wider. He had a firm grip on her left hip as he started thrusting harder, and faster. She felt white heat building between her legs and her body was tired and felt heavy. It she never wanted him to stop. He braced an elbow on the mattress next to her head and started to push faster.
“Matty oh my g-“ but her words became jumbled and she felt herself fall apart as she got hit with an orgasm that made her toes curl.
“Shhh kiss me.” He pulled her forward hurriedly, kissing her right through both of their orgasms until their breath had slowed, and she had no more air to give to him. He finally pulled away and let his head fall into the crook of her neck, trying to slow his breathing down. He gave a little shiver as he pulled out of her and laid next to her in silence.
“Well you’re welcome for the baby.” He said after a few minutes of the sounds of breathing filling the room.
Hallie started laughing and he smiled at the sound. He could only see her profile silhouetted against the lights coming from behind the curtain, but he had seen her smile at him enough to know what she looked like.
“You’re awfully sure of yourself on the first try.”
“I’m 2 for 2 babe. It’s not confidence, it’s just skill.”
“Well since you’re so skilled, I guess we don’t need anymore practice.” Hallie pulled the blanket up and turned from him.
“Woah whoa whoa, now hold on.” He reached across her to turn on the lamp “I’m confident in my abilities but that doesn’t mean mistakes can’t be made. We could always do it again, to be on the safe side.”
She smiled and looked at the ceiling in thought “Well. If you really think so then I guess we should. You know…for the safe side. You’re the expert after all.”
He reached forward and ran a hand over her collarbone, thumb stroking the base of her neck “What’s that saying? Practice makes perfect?”
“Well since we’re already perfect…” he said with a large cheesey smile.
She rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the chain “Shut up and kiss me you idiot.”
He reached past her and grabbed the pull chain on the lamp, intending to spend the rest of the night doing just that.
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pitchblackveins · 3 months
help my friend with a rare cancer have a fighting chance at a long life?
i know i have a pretty teeny following on here, but i figured it cant hurt to post this to tumblr as well as the rest of my social media. their stated goal is 100k, but her treatment will probably cost close to 250k in the end, and insurance will cover none of it. if you have anything to spare and can help, or if you can reblog this so it maybe reaches someone who does, that would be beyond incredible.
im not adding spammy tags or anything i'm just offering this up and hoping for the best <3 if you have tips on how to promote a d*nation post let me know!
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
Hey, I saw that you’re accepting one shots for Chessy from the parent trap, and I don’t know if you write smut for Chessy. But, I would love if you did one with an inexperienced!virgin!reader losing their v-card to an experienced!chessy since she’s older and more mature.
Hey! I really liked this prompt and I’m honestly surprised of how much I’m able to write for a character with like 15 minutes of screen time. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m still accepting prompts for Melissa and Chessy. But keep in mind that I do have like 8 prompts to do so if you send one then it might take a week before I get to it, but I will get to it!
Making You Hers
Warnings: SMUT… that’s pretty much it 😉
Words: 3.1k
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You first met Chessy when you came over to the house to introduce yourself as their new neighbour.
“Hi, I’m your new neighbour across the street, y/n y/l/n.” You said and held out your hand to shake.
“Oh hi, I’m Chessy. I’m the live in nanny here.” She introduces herself and then 2 girls come running down the stairs. “Careful you two.” She tells them.
“Sorry Chessy.” They said in unison. Then they see you at the door and they come over.
“Hi, I’m y/n,your new neighbour from across the street.” You tell them.
“I’m Annie.” One of them tells you.
“I’m Hallie.” The other says.
“Well it’s nice to meet both of you.” You tell them with a smile and Chessy just stares at you.
“Who’s at the door Chessy?” A female voice from behind her says.
“A new neighbour.” She tells the voice.
“Oh how lovely. Hi I’m Elizabeth.” She tells you and holds out a hand to shake.
“Hi, I’m y/n, I live across the street.” You say as you shake your hand.
“Well y/n, why don’t you come in and we can get to know each other.” She offers and you accept with a smile. You, Elizabeth, Chessy and Nick all sit on the couches getting to know one another.
The longer you stay, the more attracted you get to Chessy. You keep stealing glances at her when she wasn’t looking and she does the same to you. And of course the twins see that and look at each other with a grin. They managed to set you two up on a picnic date a week later without either of you knowing.
That was 2 months ago. Now you two are at your house, you cuddling into Chessy on the couch. You look up at her at some point, only to find she’s already looking at you with a smile.
“What?” You ask her.
“Nothing, just, I’m so happy to be with you. You’re special to me.” She tells you and you lean up to kiss her with a smile. The two of you end up making out and during the make out session, you feel wetness form between your legs.
Chessy hasn’t attempted any moves on you at all or pressured you, you told her you were a virgin on your first date and she said that’s alright and to tell her when you’re ready.
Now you feel like you’re ready. You sit up more and straddle her lap. Chessy has no idea that you’re ready right now, you both like it when you straddle her lap to kiss. So to make her know you’re ready without saying it, you place her hands on your breasts over your shirt and she pulls back her hands and lips immediately and looks at you confused.
“Hun, what are you doing?” She asks you.
“It’s ok, I want you Chessy.” You tell her and she widens her eyes at you. “I’m ready.” You confirm.
“Are you sure?” She asks. “Cause we won’t unless you’re absolutely certain.” She says and you smile at her. You go to kiss her neck and she leans to give you more access automatically and she gasps when you start sucking.
“I’m certain.” You tell her when you pull back. She smiles at you then grabs your ass.
“Then hold on to me. I don’t want to do it on your couch. The bed is better.” She tells you. She gets up with you hanging on to her with your legs wrapped around her waist and hands around her neck and brings you to your room. At some point you continue kissing her neck.
“Hun, if you don’t stop then I’ll take you against a wall.” She told you and you smile and don’t stop. “I see that’s how you want to go then.” She tells you and places you on a wall with her body pressed into yours. She was right next to your bedroom door but she warned you and she’s a woman of her word. You were a bit scared to have sex with her the first time since she told you that she’s had sex with women more than a few times.
Up against the wall, she took the opportunity, since you got surprised that you’re pressed up against the wall, and began kissing and sucking your neck and you gasp. “Oh god! Chessy.” You say and she pulls back and looks at you.
“Fuck, I would really like to take you up against this wall, but since it’s your first time, then I want to take my time with you.” She says and carries you to your bed, then she gently places you down at the foot of the bed and kisses your lips. You take her light denim sweater off of her without breaking away from the kiss then reach for her shirt and untuck it from her pants.
She helps you take off her shirt and you unclip her bra, and OMG! You knew she had a big chest but seeing them, all thoughts and brain power flew out of your head right then and there. Her breasts were magnificent and you can’t help but stare at them.
She seemed to sense what was going on and smiled at you. “Do you want to touch them?” She asked you and you nod. “Go on then, touch them however you like. Either with your hands or your mouth.” She tells you and you immediately bring both of your hands to touch them and squeeze them. She hums then kisses your lips again. She reaches for your shirt and stops and looks at you. “May I?” She asks and you nod. She immediately pulls your shirt up and looks at your upper body in just a bra and smiles. “You look beautiful.” She tells you and you smile at her.
You then sit up a bit and put one of the nipples in your mouth and suck on them. She moans and you think her moaning is beautiful and you want to hear her again. So you switch to the other one and she moans again and you smirk. She feels you smirk and unclips your bra and you take it off. She then pulls you back from her and pins you on the bed.
“So you’re being cheeky I see.” She tells you and you look into her eyes and just see black lustful eyes and you squirm under her.
“I can’t help it, I love your moan and your breasts are perfect.” You tell her and she grins.
“Well I love that you think that but tonight isn’t about me, it’s about you. And if you keep going how you are with your amazing mouth then I’m going to want more.”
“But I want to make you feel good too, please.” You tell her and she smiles warmly at you.
“Alright, now do you want to be first or second?” She asks you and you think.
“Second or else I might not be able to fully pay attention.” You tell her and she smiles and nods.
“Alright then. Do you want me to take my pants off?” She asks and you nod eagerly. She giggles and then takes her pants off and you look at her amazing legs. She then pulls you up the bed so you’re fully on it then climbs on top of you. “What do you want to do to me?” She asks and you look at her confused, there’s more than one way? You’ve masturbated before and have only used your fingers. “Oh hun there’s so many ways.” She tells you. “There’s fingers, tongue, strap, vibrators, the other person's knee.” She says and you look at her with wide eyes and then grin. There is something you’ve always wanted to do.
You hook a leg around her waist then flip you both so you’re on top. She looks surprised for a second then sees how happy you are. You look at her underwear, grab the hem of them then look at her and she nods. You immediately take them off then look at her completely bare before you. You rub up and down her legs and they’re so smooth, you hum at that and she looks at you with a warm expression. She’s enjoying watching you experience this with her and you enjoying all of her body. Not just her breasts and pussy which most men and women are interested in, especially her breasts since they’re so big, but her whole body.
You then bend down a bit and spread her legs, hook your arms under her legs then bring your mouth right to her pussy. You start with the clit and take a lick and she tastes amazing, better than you ever imagined, and yes you have imagined before. You circle her clit with your tongue and she’s making the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard, and the fact you’re the reason she’s making them, makes you happy. She grabs your hair gently and starts grinding your mouth, and you have to pin her down. You then bring 2 fingers to her entrance and slide them in and they go in very easily.
She gasps and you start taking them out then slam them back in slowly. After doing that a few times she starts to whine and asks you to go faster. You pull away from her clit and say “nuh uh.” To her and she looks up and you then puts her head back down with a loud whine and you smirk. She’s going to let you do what you want but it doesn’t mean she won’t complain when you won’t bring her closer to an orgasm. You keep up the slow pace and trail up her body with your lips until you reach her lips then kiss her. She tastes herself on you and she feels possessive of you now, you’re hers and no one else’s, then she remembers that she’s about to take your virginity and that makes her feel more possessive.
“You know what you do to me will reflect what I do to you.” She tells you between gasps.
“I know. But I also know you’re already going to take your time.” You tell her.
“You don’t act like it’s your first time.” She says and she’s breathing heavily right now. “You don’t seem nervous, just confident.”
“Oh I am very nervous right now. But I found that this slow pace drives you wild.” You tell her and she laughs.
“Oh it really does my love.” She tells you and you smile at the nickname, she makes you feel so happy and loved. You do something that you think will drive her wild. You put your mouth on a nipple, you bring your other hand that isn’t fingering her to her clit and apply pressure, then you speed up inside her. Her eyes shot open and she does a huge gasp and arches her back. “OMG Y/N!!” She says and her breathing speeds up.
“Is it too much, do you want me to stop?” You ask as you pull back from her nipple, you’re actually concerned you did too much at once.
“No, don’t you dare stop! It feels so good!!” She tells you and you smile then go to her other nipple. 10 seconds later and she’s really close. “Omg I’m so close, I’m gonna cum!” She says and you speed up on her clit and pull your head back so you can watch as she comes. 5 seconds later she comes with a gasp and you slow down her fingers inside of her and then gently pull them out and then lick your fingers. Chessy catches her breath and stares at you. “I would never have thought it was your first time if you didn’t tell me. You made me breathless.” She says and you grin. She catches her breath and then flips you over so she’s back on top. “Now time to make you feel so good and experience what it’s like. Are you ready?” She asks and you nod.
She goes straight to kissing your lips and tastes herself on you still and she smiles and kisses you hard, full of love and possession. She wants to claim you as hers and make sure everyone knows that you’re taken. She then goes to lick and suck the outside of your ear and you find that feels pretty good. You hum and she goes to the other one. She then goes down to your neck and places kisses all over and you giggle. She then starts to suck on a spot and gives a hickey next to the one from earlier. She then switches sides and you gasp. She places a knee between your legs and then goes to your nipples. And wow does it ever feel good, her hot tongue is swirling around your nipple and you lose control of your body in that moment and you unconsciously buck your hips and end up grinding her leg and you gasp again.
You grab onto her hair and she switches nipples and does the same thing, you moan and you can feel her smiling, she’s proud of herself for making you feel good so far. She the trails kisses from your chest all the way to just before your pussy, where you’re soaking wet right now and she smirks. She pulls your legs apart and kisses your thighs and you start whining and she looks at you. “Something you need baby?” She asks you and you look at her. You know what she wants you to say and at this moment you don’t care that you have to beg, if she wants it, she gets it, and you say a bit extra as well.
“Please Chessy, take me, take my virginity, please. I want you to take it.” You tell her and she beams. She settles herself between her legs and puts her mouth right on your entrance and takes a big lick and you buck your hips and moan. She starts licking your entrance and you can’t keep still so she has to pin you down. She then enters her tongue into your entrance and you gasp, who knew a tongue can make you feel so good. She moves her tongue in and out of you and she has to use more strength to keep you from moving. She doesn’t want to tell you to stop moving or else you’ll be more focused on that instead of enjoying yourself.
She then goes to suck on your clit and you see stars. You have never felt so good before, you grab a hold of her hair and you squeeze it. She sucks on your clit a little harder and you squeeze her hair more and yank it by accident. “I’m so sorry.” You tell her.
“It’s ok baby, it didn’t hurt at all. Don’t forget that I’m a nanny to twins and the one that I helped raise was very curious and loved to pull my hair.” She tells you then goes right back to your clit before you can reply and you moan. She can tell you’re getting close and wants to feel inside you with her fingers first and doesn’t know how much you can take so she doesn’t want to overstimulate you. She pulls away, much to your reluctance and slides her fingers in your entrance before you whine and you gasp loudly. She starts going slowly and you spread your legs open more, hoping she’ll go faster. You can’t really speak right now, all knowledge of words have left your brain about 10 minutes ago when she started tongue fucking you.
She starts going a bit faster and you buck your hips a bit and start grinding on her hand so she slides her body up yours to trap your hips so you stop moving. You wrap an arm around her neck and pull her closer to your body and she smiles at knowing you want her close to you. She also loves knowing that you trust her enough with something so special, she loves you and would do just about anything for you and she would even die if it meant keeping you safe. Chessy is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and she cares and loves the people close to her deeply. She was so thrilled when she told you she loves you 2 weeks ago and you said it back to her without hesitation.
You gasp and moan and that pulls her right out of trance of how much she loves you. “I got you baby.” She tells you and she curls her fingers inside of you and you grab her hair again with your hands and gasp. She puts her thumb on your clit and goes to your neck and sucks on it and then puts her other hand on your boob and starts playing with the nipple. All of that mixed together is too much and brings you right to the edge very quickly.
“Omg Chessy, it’s so much pleasure, oh I’m gonna come.” You tell her.
“Go on baby, I got you, I promise.” She tells you and you immediately come. She immediately slows down little by little, to not send your body into shock, and stops playing with your nipple and your clit. She gently removes her fingers from you and lifts herself up a bit to give you room to catch your breath. She gives you kisses on your forehead and cheek and you laugh a bit and then you capture her lips with yours and slowly kiss her until you feel your body calming down.
She can sense you coming back down from your high enough that you stop shaking and gets off the bed and you whine. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back, just give me 10 seconds.” She tells you and surely enough she comes right back in, with a cloth and cleans you up and avoids your clit and then she cleans herself up.
She then throws the cloth on the ground and then goes back into the bed and brings you closer to her to cuddle. You then fall asleep in her arms, with a smile on your face.
The next morning, you tease her a bit and she does end up pressing you up against the wall, hands pinned above your head. “Now I’m gonna show you other ways I can make you come.” She tells you with a smile and you smile back at her. “I love you y/n.”
“I love you too Chessy.” You tell her and then she gives you an orgasm that you won’t forget.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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lotstradamus · 6 months
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I'm officially calling it! I'm in Ireland of the rest of the year at a family wedding which will NOT be a peaceful reading environment, so:
Things This Infographic Does Not Include: pretty much all of the ‘info’ in ‘infographic’ because it’s ugly as hell this year (again)  
my TOP 15* IN 2023 are:
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall
The Night of Baba Yaga by Okira Otani
Dark Heir by C S Pacat
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold
The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo
All the World Beside by Garrard Conley
When Among Crows by Veronica Roth
I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman
Penance by Eliza Clark
The Intoxicating Mr Lavelle by Neil Blackmore
The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
Girls That Invest by Simran Kaur
No One is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood
*in the order I read them in from most to least recent because cba
there were a lot of rereads this year. I'm not listing them because mortifyingly there are MANY that I would have to list TWICE.
follow me on Goodreads + get yours here!
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dayslynthesix · 3 months
break point | charles leclerc x tenis player!oc
just a small observation, i don't like to write social media au with y/n or user1/user2 thing, so i just named every character of this one, jeremy made a small appearance on deuce and slice (danny ric x tennis player), for context, he's also a tennis player lol and all the other ones are supposed to be cath's friends
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liked by benshelton, scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, usaopen, ao, f1 ans 328.233 others
hallieriley splitting my time between an actual sport and fast cars going vroom vroom, scuderiaferrari thank you for the invitation, i love miami and i love the red car 🏎 | 📌 miami
scuderiaferrari alway a pleasure to have you with us!
hallieriley it would be very funny if you let me do a hot lap with a certain driver 🤨
benshelton so that's why you didn't came to see me play?
hallieriley you're not even playing bro, you came to miami with me just so we could see fast cars going vroom vroom
charles_leclerc cmonnnn going vroom vroom is lovely
hallieriley lovely, simply lovely
volleyserve wait... hallie is watching 20 playboys racing in circles?
rileyxverstappen actually is 19 playboys racing behind max verstappen
hallieriley nice to see there's people around the world who supports me (most amazing players ever) and max (i don't actually know him)
queenofrg hallie sweetie??
maxverstappen1 what ferrari promised you? i assure you redbull can offer twice
hallieriley im a redbull athlete they should have invited me first, maxie 😇
redbullracing our bad 😔 next one is on us!
f1tennisgirl the fact that max doesn't follow her but went to her profile just to tease ferrari is so max coded
maxverstappen1 i do follow her, we're redbull athletes besties
hallieriley yeah, best friends (i didn't knew him until 2 days ago but sure whatever he says)
carlossainz55 thank you for the support, hallie, having you here was amazing!
liked by hallieriley
norrisprivateacc carlos bro be more subtle
rileygirl i love how she answered charles coment with a max radio and she just liked carlos comment
ccaspari wow you were there and didn't stand to say hello to your BEST FRIEND?
hallieriley omg where you here? hold on let me find the mercedes garage i need to see you 😭😭
mercedesamgf1 third one right to left 🫡
jeremyrossi oh us tennis players that somehow are related to f1 🫠
jensonbutton i don't think you'll ever accept the fact that I married your sister and it's been 6 years
yrossibuton 8 years*
may 5th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, rolandgarros, scuderiaferrari, redbull, benshelton and 210.087 others
hallieriley oh is that time of the day where im calling ben so we can practice together and he's not answering me 🤪
benshelton omw
hallieriley you're not supposed to be on your way benjamin, you were supposed to be here 15min ago!
benshelton omw!!!
coachjames i see...
breakpoints how does ben and hal know each other? just recently got into tennis and i love they're friendship and they're awesome playing doubles
hallieriley thank youu!! our parents played together at the same tour back in the '90 and we sorta grew up together, we're close in age (im 1 year older than him) once ben started to play tennis we started to play doubles together, we're friends since childhood
charles_leclerc i won a padel match a few month ago does that count as tennis? actually im a padel king 👑
hallieriley charles... do you read what you type before you send it?
charles_leclerc so it is not tennis?
maxieboy he's trying to impress her but he's just embarrassing himself
maxverstappen1 im pretty confident that i can beat you in a 2h2
hallieriley redbullracing can you organize a tennis match between me and max?
max1rileychamp he's allergic to failing and 2nd places but im so ready to see him and his delulu thoughts having his ass kicked by catherine
merliagrace i would never do this to you
hallieriley i know!!! missing you btw, when are you going to italy so i can see you play?
merliagrace we're playing rome in 3 weeks, hope you can make it
hallieriley YESSSS !!!! finally, yep ill be home in 3 weeks
gialis pick up the phone, ps: looking good
rileyxverstappen i love how gia and carlos communicate with the world almost the same way, i think they should be friends
maxverstappen1 🤨🤨🤨
gialis i think carlos and i should be friends as well, hallie can you introduce us?
scuderiaferrari we should send you some official merch 🤔
nike get out, we got here first!
redbull how i love being a redbull athlete 😊
hallieriley don't lie adm, you guys don't even remember me at this days 😭😭😭
hallieriley but if you want to reward me there's this skydiving thing im dying to do...
redbull on the way!
redbullracing we'll send you monaco tickets and after the race we will have a court ready!
besttennisgirl i think we lost hallie to fast cars going vroom vroom
alinariley why there's so many f1 drivers in my daughter's comment section?
charles_leclerc my bad, im sorry 😭
alinariley not you sweetie!
maxverstappen1 mama riley we're sorry for being so chaotic
alinariley are you? 🤨
queenofclay i wish i could call ben shelton my bff
sheltonriley and double partner
queenofclay i completely forgot that ben and her are a pair in doubles
janniksin i didn't
carlitosalcarazz me neither
hallieriley both of you don't even play doubles 👁👄👁
alcarazwimbledon oh to be hallie riley and have both alcaraz and sinner fighting to be her double 🤭
may 15th, 2024
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liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, benshelton, usaopen, maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 344.562 others
hallieriley multitasking at rolandgarros, see you in a couple of days 🎾
gialis hallie's life is so easy, she goes there, play a tennis match, win, go back to hotel, see her team mess around... us ferrari girls at this point we're just happy with not being knocked out of q3
charles_leclerc have faith on the team
gialis heyyy charlie hello!! faith and ferrari on the same sentence... lol not happening, but i have faith on you
rolandgarros looking forward to have you back on court!
nike there's a lot of ferrari and charles leclerc on this post 🤔
hallieriley nike x ferrari when?
queenofrg hallie is... soft launching?
jeremyrossi 👏🏻👏🏻
maxverstappen1 charles is trying to get out of imola to go see you play can you get us some vip passes?
hallieriley call my agent and ask her, nicely
maxverstappen1 what do you think im rude for free with people?
charles_leclerc you took me out of the race for free last week
hallieriley not everything is about winning but charlie got the ability to lose all the times, maxie you've been a bad team player so no vip passes for you 🤪
f1 i think the tifosi army got another member
redbullracing well, they didn't, she was our girl first
hallieriley yeah, since seb (jenson button walked so seb could run) (please everyone knows im a ferrari girl trough and throughout)
charles_leclerc got pole for you 🫶🏻
hallieriley i saw it hihi amazing lap charlie
benshelton you're not coming to see me play?
hallieriley omw!! i forgot my credentials 🫠
gialis and me! your forgot me!!!
coachjames so that's why you were late?
hallieriley lies! im never late and you know that 🥺
sheltonriley ben and hallie are not playing doubles at roland garros?
hallieriley we are!!
may 18th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, rolandgarros, usaopen, benshelton, carlitosalcarazz, redbullracing and 432.122 others
hallieriley first match ✅️ love to play here, love the french crowd and the croissants 🫶🏻 waiting for wilsontennis to send me a pink racket
wilsontennis pink? it shouldn't be red?
jeremyrossi congratulations hallie, you played an amazing tennis this match and it was worthy the sleepless night
hallieriley thank you jer!!! and im pretty positive that im wasn't the one who got you up all night, hope little mia was watching me play as well! 🥺🫶🏻
charles_leclerc great match!
hallieriley thank you charlie 🫶🏻 did you see the point i made for you?
charles_leclerc obviously
sedicislice hello?
queenofrg the queen is back at her castle
merliagrace WOW WOW WOW that was a high level tennis
sheltonriley waiting for the doubles even though i think ben and hals are insane for playing single and double at the same tournament
maxverstappen1 we got the tickets haha see you during the next match haha
verstappenxriley not max getting into tennis just to annoy charles
f1tennis5 i think max is living in a parasocial relationship with hallie
charles_leclerc he's living in a parasocial relationship to annoy me, where i go he goes, if i go to a volleyball match, he's there, if i go to a tennis match, he's waiting in front of my car, if i go to a baseball game IN THE USA HE'S THEREEEEEEE
hallieriley me and my agent we're about to have a nice little chat 🤨
maranellosun ok so i just got into tennis why are people saying charles and hallie are a thing? or is cath and max?
sedicislice she was invited by ferrari to the miami gp and they were caught outside the circuit having dinner, they're always interacting on social media and they went to a very famous gym in monaco after the miami gp, and no, she and max are just friends since she became a redbull athlete
scuderiaferrari well done, hallie!
rolandgarros the people princess!
georgerussell63 hey charles_leclerc is it possible for you to ask your girl if she can come and take a picture with carmen?
hallieriley rude, I'll find you and carmen after this match and we can go for a coffee 🥰
hallierileyupdates she is indeed the people princess
may 22nd, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlitosalcarazz, wimbledon, benshelton and 321.944 others
hallieriley time to see my #2 boy, vamos carlossss! anxiously waiting my turn to play
benshelton 🤨🤨
hallieriley I SAID #2 YOU KNOW YOU'RE MY #1
charles_leclerc 🤔🤔
sedicislice hallie is everywhere, volleyball match, tennis match, f1 races, you blink and she's there
hallieriley im here to support my girl's!
merliagrace at this point she'd just watching random matches from the turkish league and the italian one
sedicileclerc charles be like: what about me?
jeremyrossi wow i thought i was you number #2
hallieriley you're yolanda number #2
jeremyrossi yes, she's my sister
hallieriley out of the old ones you're my number #2
jeremyrossi old? im 32! who's your number #1?
hallieriley federer 🥺
benshelton i see...
hallieriley no fighting over who's my favorite! everyone knows that if federer haven't retired he would be my number 1!
rogerfederer thank you! 🥰
maxverstappen1 about that match we played... can we rematch it?
hallieriley why would i? everyone know i kicked your ass once and i would do it again
redbull our athletes are on fire!
nike ready to the next round 🫡
queenofclay oh to be hallie riley #01 taylor swift fan and #00 carlos alcaraz support friend and ben shelton bff
july 3rd, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, rolandgarros, carlitosalcarazz, janniksin, nike, wilson and 644.173 others
hallieriley played my first final here 3 years ago and now i can finally say IM A WIMBLEDON CHAMP! as i said in my acceptance speech, thank you wilsontennis and nike for having my back. thank you to my coach, my team and my boys, thank you for the british crowd and thank you james mcavoy, this one is for you! also i would like to quote a good friend of my, jannik boy: i wish everyone in the world could have my parents as their parents, thank you mom and thank you dad, for making this dream possible and for walking along the way with me, i love you 🥰🫶🏻
carlitosalcarazz vamossss hally!
carlitosalcarazz 👏🏻👉🏻🏆🥇🎾🔥
coachjames well done kid! super proud of you!
alinariley our daughter is a wimbledon champ we cant believe this 😭😭😭 (your dad cant put coherent sentences)
benshelton well done halliecat, congratulations
jeremyrossi amazing!! congratulations!!
gialis my girl!
janniksin well done, hallie!! mega job
merliagrace congrats hally
charles_leclerc wow wow wow that was amazing! super proud of you! 🥰❤️
gabiguimaraes10 congratulations!!
hallieriley gabiiii, hiii!! thank you girl! looking forward to see you play at the olympics
nike hallie riley ladies and gentlemen is a wimbledon champ
wilsontennis always a pleasure to have your back! 🎾
oscarpiastri good job
maxverstappen1 it's starting to get boring, you win everything, also, congrats 🫡
hallieriley now you know how i feel every sunday watching you win 🤪
charles_leclerc karma is queen indeed
lewishamilton speak the truth hallie!!!
jamesmcavoyrealdeal 🤔🤔🤔
lewishamilton amazing!
lifeofriley did you see how adorable she was while holding that cup??
queenofrg queen of wimbledon as well
queenofclay WJJJAUAIAIJHAKAIIQUAJQI oh god she did it!!!
halliechamp our champ is back!
hallierileyupdates amazing!!
july 13st, 2024
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liked by paris2024, charles_leclerc, redbull, nike, wilson, benshelton, gabiguimaraes10 and 633.421 others
hallieriley already in paris for the olympics and while it is not time to play we took some time of to go around, he's awful at tennis, have no idea how he won that padel match, if i was max i would demand a rematch
charles_leclerc that was very rude, im very good at tennis, i was just warming up
hallieriley yeah, warming up
maxverstappen1 i told everyone he was cheating
charles_leclerc how could i cheat on a padel match? you're just saying this because you're bad at padel
georgerussell63 i would like to know so i can cheat as well
nike time to be olympic champ!
wilsontennis charles leclerc is the new face of wilson, stay tuned
leclercupdates charles was racing in hungary yesterday but his girl called and asked if he wanted to go having a tourist date and the next thing we know is that he is in france
benshelton he is indeed very bad at tennis, i was there, i saw it
diallinginshelton i would pay rivers of money to see them playing tennis 😭😭
carlitosalcarazz 👏🏻🫡🥰🤨🏎🎾
hallieriley translation of the emojis please
carlitosalcarazz no
usaopen time to shine in paris!
july 25th, 2024
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liked by usaopen, charles_leclerc, nike, wilson, ccaspari, laurencaspari and 433.193 others
hallieriley tooke a little time off to enjoy the post olympics, and let me tell you, being an olympc champion is AMAZING!!!! also i would like to thank you guys for the support, a little disappointed that ill have to wait another 4 years to play another olympics but really grateful for the results at this one. now IT'S USOPEN TIME!!!
usopen waiting for you at court number 3!
charles_leclerc credit for the pics when?
benshelton now you know!
maxverstappen1 wish we could get to see you play this one
hallieriley you can always quit f1 and be a fab (friends and boyfriends) 🤪
maxverstappen1 nice try
nike that kit suits you
wilsontennis 🏆🏆
lewishamilton good look at the USOpen, hallie! i know you will blast this one as well!
hallieriley lewis omg hello hiiiiii, thank you! if i win i will dedicate this one to you 🫶🏻
queenofrg i can't wait for her to win this one, we need that!!
laurencaspari you and i we need to catch up!
gialis doubles at beach volley when? 🏐☎️ plus can you get me a pic with ben shelton????
hallieriley oh to be a pro volleyball player and former olympian and not be able to fan girl her fav athlete
benshelton i though gia's favorite athlete was gabi?
gialis it is! your my number 2! can i please get a pic? 😭
maxverstappen1 what about me?
gialis don't try lol
august 23rd, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, f1, lewishamilton, nike, maxverstappen1 and 766.143 others
hallieriley last round of the 2024 fast cars going vroom vroom season, well done prince charlie, congrats on the p2 on the championship, we'll fight for the highest spot next season. and oh, congrats to max car as well, it was a tough season. AND alson congratulations to oscar on his first winnnnn!!
charles_leclerc thank you my love ❤️❤️❤️
oscarpiastri thank you cath!
maxverstappen1 if your boyfriend haven't tried to take me out of the races so many times my car would be just fine
sedici16 dude, he tooke you out once in barcelona and just because the tyres weren't warm enough
hallieriley not my burn account i sweat but thanks sedici16 you're 100% right!
puma hallie x charles x puma when?
nike 🤔🤔🤔
scuderiaferrari wish we got to you sooner, it was lovely to have you with us one more time!
redbullracing bahrein vip passes are on the way 🫡
hallieriley now you do remember me 😭😭😭
december 8th, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, boweandstowe, australianopen, benshelton, nike, wilson and 633.493 others
hallieriley happy birthday sir lewis hamilton! oh, and its australian open time againnnn, me, charlie, bowe and stowe we are ready to go! see you in 3 days 🔥🎾
charles_leclerc can wait to see your reaction to the t-shirts i have made to see you play
hallieriley im scared to death about which pants you're gonna wear
lewishamilton thank you, hallie! wishing you the best australian open you can get and rooting for you
australianopen rod laver arena is ready for you!
nike let's go!
wilsontennis i hope the pink racket is what you wanted
redbull 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
benshelton make it double!
gialis oh shit here we go again with 2 weeks of the bare minimum of sleep
merliagrace i put money on you, plese win this one
usaopen wake up, it's australian open time
january 7th, 2025
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
Subplot to the Parent Trap subplot where Valentino and Velvette both saw The Parent Trap when they were alive, but Val has only seen the original 1961 movie and Velvette has only seen the 1998 remake with Lindsay Lohan, so they keep getting into fights about the fine details of The Parent Trap because neither of them are aware of the other movie's existence.
As the Overlord of Television, Vox IS aware that there are two versions of The Parent Trap, but he's too busy trying to reenact the basic plot with Alastor to inform Velvette and Valentino that they're actually talking about two different movies
(reference to this ask)
this is making me lose my fucking shit because of how stupid it is. I've only seen the 1998 remake so I don't know what the differences are myself so I'm referring to this
they both keep wondering who the characters the other is referring to are. both think sharon and susan and hallie and annie are side characters they forgot about. it devolves into val saying he doesn't actually care about the movie because there wasn't enough sex in it and velvette screams at him "IT'S A MOVIE ABOUT A FAMILY OF COURSE THERE ISN'T FUCKING SEX IN IT" and then he says "it's about a divorced husband and wife who definitely fucked there should have been sex in it"
at the end of the day, vox comes home after trying and failing to parent trap with alastor (he ended up getting on lucifer's bad side for trying to adopt charlie too) only to see them arguing about fucking nothing. he tells them there's 2 versions of the movie. velvette ends up trying to win the argument against val by saying the 1998 one is probably newer and better than the 1961 version. val still doesn't care about the movie because it didn't have sex in it. vox says the 1998 version wouldn't exist without the 1961 version so the original should also be appreciated. velvette asks him if he thinks that way then why the fuck does he have beef with alastor (since radio is the "original" and precedes tv) then he loses his shit and says "THHAt'S DIFFeREnT" and val who knows everything that went down is giggling the background
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absolutebl · 1 year
Leaving GMMTV aside, what were youre favorite shows this year so far? I'll have more free time coming up and im way behind and out of the loop, so some recs would be appriacted, wise sage. Especially for those shows that didnt get the attention they deserved in your opinion! Thanks a lot!
Top 10 BLs of 2023 So Far
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Our Dating Sim
(Korea) 10/10 Viki
If you haven't watched this, it's a must. I actually handed out a 10/10. I NEVER do that. It's a perfect short form KBL, an office set reunion romance featuring geeks that really suits 8 eps with no fluff and no chaff. Just comforting and yummy. I adored every aspect from the casting to the pristinely simple premise to the quietly smooth execution. Sure it’s low stakes, but that makes it high domesticity and extremely warm and gentle. This is a fuzzy blanket of a story - a cozy BL. It lives in my rewatch pile and you know what’s best about it? Every single episode is in that pile. There’s no skipping with this one, it might be good natured and calmly sweet but it’s tight and the pacing is excellent. Full review here.
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My School President
(Thai) 9/10 YouTube
GMMTV gave us a classic high school set Thai BL with tropes like messy boys singing their feelings that made this one Love Sick for the modern age with all the gentle sweetness and pining ache, but none of the dated damaging tropes or issues. Yes, we’ve seen it all before, but I still ADORED this. And there is a lot to be said for the classics being re-executed perfectly. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? This show was fantastic, it’s only flaw was the singing (and that’s my baggage). My favourite GMMTV BL offering to date. And yes, I've watched them ALL.
(you said no GMMTV but I have to include it)
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The Eighth Sense
(Korea) 9/10 Viki
One of the longest BLs Korea has given us and (like Blueming) it feels more atmospheric gay coming of age romance than strictly BL. It’s got a bit of an age gap, country boy/city boy, stellar acting, complex characters, and leads with great chemistry and tension. It’s a bit chewy and sticky and less perfect than most KBLs (do I detect a touch of Taiwan?) This one deployed BL tropes (messy eater, shoulder sleep, protective seme, there’s even some hyung-slinging) but front loaded them with painful backstory and tons angst drives the 2nd half. This isn’t in the KBL bubble, there’s sharp edges and lots of triggers. For a BL the darkness of the content left me feeling unsettled (which is the only reason it didn't get a perfect score) but it does have a glorious ending and that counts for a lot.
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The New Employee
(Korea) 9/10 Viki
So good, SO QUEER, so soft, a near pitch perfect office BL with conflict derived from that setting. Also found family and a lesbian bestie. Sweet & innocent (and out) Seung Hyun scores the office internship of his dreams. On his first day at work he gets into it with his cool reserved (and also v gay) boss. As you do. Frankly? This is what I wanted from this new crop of office set KBLs ALL ALONG. Rainbow rice cakes forever! Directed by queer activist Kim Jho Gwang Soo (Just Friends?) partly set in the same neighbourhood as the To My Star house. Gotta love WATCHA (Semantic Error, Light on Me).
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Unintentional Love Story
(Korea) 9/10 iQIYI
A boy who just lost his job due to faked corruption charges accidentally discovers his ex-boss's favorite artist, now a recluse. Evil manager offers him his job back if he can convince the artist to rejoin society. Instead, they fall in love. I found the artist a bit stiff and reserved but Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) is a fucking GIFT - he carried this show (which I do not expect from the idol element). He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes, just drown in the emoting abyss. The external conflict, social tension and pressure is complex and beautifully executed, plus Korea gave us legit side dishes (NOT a love triangle, hally-fucking-luya). I’m not sure on rewatchability, and it didn’t whip me into a verbal frenzy the way some KBLs do, but it still gets a solid 9/10 for those damn eyes alone.
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Destiny Seeker
(Thai) 8/10 grey
A darn near perfect pulp featuring 3 likeable tsundere/sunshine pairings with uncomplicated iterations of enemies to lovers. At least one half of each does a decent amount of pining and there’s good chemistry, classic tropes, and communication rep. It’s fun and full of linguistic jokes. Sublimely cheesy but a good rainy day offering with tons of rewatch potential. Full review here.
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Make a Wish
(Thai) 8/10
PNR (from Sammon - Manner of Death & Triage) about a doctor who can see the dead and strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love. Stars Fluke Natouch opposite not-Ohm, but who cares bc Fluke has chemistry with everybody. Once again the Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but v. satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay af, fag hag bestie and everything. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings are too overblown and tonally off. It had sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency.
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All the Liquors
(Korea) 8/10 Viki & Gaga
A pretty classic foodie set KBL that managed to distinguish itself from others in this category by having a particularly satisfying final episode centered around found family. Sunshine sweetie soju rep gets involved with a shy introvert chef who doesn’t drink. This has a somewhat uneven plot and ridiculous central conceit (much in the way of Tasty Florida or Behind Cut), but if you are looking for a restaurant BL with Korea’s signature softness, then this is a great option. FYI I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented.
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Love Mate
(Korea) 8/10 Viki
Features a very much openly gay older uke with commitment issues and a romantic (if arrogant) younger seme with no respect for boundaries (hyung romance). Workplace harassment much? That’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) So yeah it’s questionable, but so is my taste. The ultimate premise that someone badly hurt shuts themself off to romance is very similar to Happy Merry Ending or 8th Sense but this version was more about fear than abuse or trauma. For me, this made Love Mate more relatable. However, because the denouement was driven by a late addition faen fatal, the conclusion felt rushed and forced. I can, however, see myself rewatching this one, so it falls into the general rank of 2023′s KBL aka solid high standard and eminently watchable.
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Bed Friend
(Thai YouTube, Gaga, iQIYI)
Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn a 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but was overworked. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down. Full review here. (Triggers include: child abuse, attempted rape, family abuse)
(3x! 3x Tumblr ate this post. They HAVE to de bug their new editor. This never happens with the old one. Biggest bug is with the "undo" function, DO something about it!)
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offseason-if · 9 months
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Formal character introduction post with more info on the romance options' personalities, ages, appearances, and what tropes you can expect from their routes.
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Noel Watanabe [RO, they/them, 20]: Since your first meeting when you were both 12, where the judges scored you one point higher than them, Noel has claimed themselves as your 'rival'. They certainly play the part— well sometimes. Between bringing you food after practice and completely ignoring you, their hot-and-cold personality practically gives you whiplash. When they heard you were quitting the sport, they were enraged. Will you dig deeper into your relationship with your so called rival?
Appearance: Ivory skin, long straight black hair just past their chest, green eyes, a mole under their right eye, septum piercing, left eyebrow piercing, multiple upper ear piercings, almost always wearing eyeliner, 6'0. Noel's fashion style is very much dark academia. Turtlenecks, blazers, ties, combat boots, trench coats. They tend to settle for more laid back clothes (long sleeves and leggings) if they're just practicing all day.
Personality: Noel is just what you expect someone who's been playing a sport for 13 years to act like. They're abrasive, competitive, and confident. Growing up with parents who only built tension through passive aggressive comments rather the communication certainly didn't help— but that's neither here nor there, at least in Noel's opinion. What? No, of course they've never been to therapy, why do you ask?
Romance Tropes: rivals to lovers, reluctant love, afraid to commit, slow burn
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Hallie/Harlow Mitchell [RO, gender selectable, 18]: After deciding to take a gap year against their parents wishes, H finds themselves spending their (would be) fall semester in Illinois. You first run into them, quite literally. A blur of bright orange knocking you flat on your back isn't he way you were looking to get your mind off of your problems but it worked. And if it hadn't the sound of H profusely apologizing certainly did. They seem to follow you everywhere you allow them to after that. Will their attempts to motivate you to skate again lead to something more?
Appearance: Tan skin, blue eyes, dyed bright orange hair, freckles, 5'8. Hallie has chin length length hair with bangs and small braids sprinkled in along with assorted hair clips, she doesn't wear makeup often but when she does it's in bright and bold tones. Harlow has his hair styled in a grunge perm that just reaches the end of his neck. H has a streetwear style; graphic tees, windbreakers, cargo shorts, crocs, (they have so many jibbitz) baggy jeans, sneakers.
Personality: What one imagines when they think of 'southern hospitality'. They're charming, outgoing, and kind. H would rather talk to someone in class than take the time to work on a project; though now in a bad way. School just never came quite easy to them, but they do make up for that in quite literally all other aspects of their life sports, cooking, art. You name it they've done it. Well, apart from ice skating.
Romance Tropes: meet cute, love at first sight, friends to lovers, obvious love
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Sadie/Spencer Williams [RO, gender selectable, 19]: Your best friend since your first year in high school. They've seen all the parts of you that you keep hidden from others, for better or for worse. While never picking up ice skating themselves S has never missed one of your games as long as they've known you. S has always been loyal and supportive of you, almost to a fault, but that all changes when you tell them you're giving up skating. Will you find out why your normally laid back best friend is passionate about getting you to skate again?
Appearance: Ebony skin, dark brown eyes, chocolate brown hair, unblemished skin, ear piercing, beauty mark above their lip, 5'5. Sadie has her hair styled in butterfly locks just reaching her mid-back, usually in a half down half up style, she usually wears makeup consisting of light earthy tones. Spencer has his hair styled in twists just going past his chin. S has a cozy type of fashion style; sweaters, corduroy pants, cardigans, turtle necks, sweater vests, knitted socks, platform shoes.
Personality: The perfect picture of an introvert. S is quiet, comforting, and laidback. S is very much a closed book, trusting their small trusted circle with knowing things about them and not keen on opening up to others. If you are close to S, you know that they're quite artistic. Whether that's drawing, painting, pottery, photography, or anything else they enjoy expressing their creativity that way.
Romance Tropes: friends to lovers, everyone can see it, requited unrequited love, slow burn
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Valerio 'Val' Diaz [RO, he/him, 20]: Coach Diaz had introduced the two of you after your third lesson, convinced you would become quick friends. He was right, of course, at least for a while. Valerio was obliviously quite a bright kid; helping you with homework during breaks at practice, studying with you before lunch, spending your sleepovers going over multiplication tables rather than telling secrets. It was something you'd always admired about him until— well, you'd rather not get into it. Your old friend seems to think otherwise, if the speed he comes back into your life after hearing about your plans to quit skating is anything to go by. Will you be able to forgive and let your old friend (or more) back into your life?
Appearance: Light brown skin, short curly dark brown hair just reaching his shoulders usually in a ponytail or bun, hazel eyes, small scar on his forehead partially covered by his hair, glasses, 5'4. Valerio has a casual style of clothes; crewnecks, hoodies, sweatpants, basketball shorts, t-shirts, socks with sandals, sneakers.
Personality: After one conversation with Valerio it's obvious they view their education above all. Smart, ambitious, and mature. Valerio is not one to prioritize play over work. From student council to volunteer work, Valerio was extremely busy during high school, even more so now that he's in college. Majoring in criminal law certainly takes up his already busy schedule. Though, the little boy everyone once knew is still there somewhere.
Romance Tropes: childhood friends, second chance, exes to lovers, childhood marriage pact, childhood friends to lovers
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tword-brainrot · 20 days
Just Another Malpractice Monday
House MD Tickle Fic
Lee: House 🏠
Ler: Wilson 🖊️
It was just another Monday at the hospital. Wilson was in the middle of finalizing a request for an MRI for a patient when House arrived 15 minutes late into his office.
“Ah, you’re earlier than usual..”
Wilson remarked, hand already reaching for a pen to write House’s script for the week.
“Yeah, had a drag race with the ambulance on the way here. Apparently, people don’t take too kindly to passing one at 97 miles per hour.”
House tapped his cane against Wilson’s desk as he waited for Wilson to finish his autographing.
“Ah, that does explain the loud honking earlier. You know, the speed limit isn’t a suggestion.”
Wilson began to hand House the script but, playfully pulled it away for a moment before actually handing it off.
As he let the paper go, his fingers trailed against House’s palm and he retracted his hand rather suddenly, shaking nothing off of itas he did.
“AcTu-hally, it’s the minimal required speed for driving. Anyone going slower is a wuss, wuss”
As he left the room, Wilson’s confused looked still covered his face. He could have been going absolutely mad about this…
But, he could swear for just a moment, House chuckled.
No, he couldn’t be…
Could he?
He stuck a pin in this note and went about his day, knowing that he would run into him before Lunch.
Just as expected, or not so expected, House comes into Wilson’s office in the middle of a consult.
He gives Wilson the “I need to bitch about this last patient” look and Wilson gives a knowing eyeroll back.
“I’ll go ahead and get you scheduled in for some more blood work. Let me know if you have any additional symptoms or concerns. Talk to Nurse B on your way out, ok?”
He ushered the patient out and closed the door, moving towards his desk to request the blood work.
House was on clinic duty today and, with it being Monday, it was about as interesting as watching grass grow. He pulls out a chair to sit down and begins to talk about a particularly demanding patient. Wilson looked up from his papers but, his eyes quickly trailed to House’s very talkative hands. That was the issue with testing his theory, House’s hands never stood still.
“Hey, Earth to Space Cadet? Still tuned in?” House interrupted Wilson’s train of thought, waving his hand in front of his face.
It’s showtime, now or never.
Wilson blindly took this opportunity to take the pen he was holding and swipe it across his palm, leaving a black trail in its wake.
This time, instead of just having a hunch, Wilson’s theory is all but confirmed by House moving his other hand to cover the twitching smile creeping across his face cough.
“Funny, you weren’t coughing this morning” Wilson noted
“Better he-head out, can’t have our second best getting sick.” House started to get up to leave, hoping the poor attempt at flattery would get him out of this.
“Ah ah ah, not so fast..”
Wilson pulled at House’s coat sleeve, bringing his hand back to the desk as House stumbles back into his chair. He’s initially caught off guard by the tug and further thrown off by the following sensation at where his pointer finger met his palm. Wilson had started to poke with the pen tip there, beginning to trail to the middle finger.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
House began to cough to cover his snickering as the wobbly smile continued to creep up his face.
“Just testing a medical theory..Tickle in your throat?” Wilson replied as his grin widened into shit eating status, eyebrows raising slightly.
House realized in that moment the kind of rock and hard place he lied in. Pulling away only confirms he’s ticklish and opens a pool of nonsense for later but; if Wilson kept on for much longer (which he definitely planned to), House would break and confirm his theory anyway. It certainly was a tricky situation, especially because Wilson’s theory was far from incorrect.
“This isn’t exactly medically necessAr-!” House is cut off by Wilson starting a swirl pattern at the bottom of his ring finger going toward the center of House’s palm clockwise.
“Could be, you never know!”
Wilson countered, as he swept the line into House’s thumb. House tries closing his hand in but, Wilson laces his fingers into House’s, gently pulling his fingers back to continue the line into his wrist.
“And if it is, I need you to hold still.”
House begins gripping at Wilson’s arm with his other hand in an attempt to free his coat sleeve, revealing a wide smile to Wilson’s delight. As the pen circled closer towards the center of his palm, House let out a wheezy, yet bright laugh.
“I hehe cahAhan’t, okAy?? Whahat tehehEst are you eHeheven running, you dihihihick!?” He reluctantly conceded as Wilson’s eyes lit up with mischief.
He slowed the pattern for a moment to contemplate his not so theory.
“Hmmmmmm…..fascinating. This neurological test isn’t supposed to be hard to stay still for. Unless it..” Wilson quickly scribbled the pen in the center of his palm, keeping a good grip in anticipation of his reaction.
House erupted into honest to god titters, unable to free his hand from Wilson’s grasp.
“You dihiHid noT aHahAnswer the question! WhahahAt are you tehehesting for??”
“Ah, you didn’t answer mine either. Is the all knowing Dr. House ticklish?” Wilson knew his answer but, simply couldn’t help himself. He trailed the pen back down to just above House’s wrist, lightly scribbling in circles laterally.
“How dahahAre you aNswer my question with a quEhehestion!”
He stubbornly retorted, now fully knowing this was a set up.
“You’re tehEhesting for nothing!”
“And I’ve got a whole lot of nothing to do for another 15 minutes.. are you sure you don’t want to answer?” Wilson asked, half not serious and half fully serious. “Test just needs a simple yes or no, Gregory…” Wilson scratched at the outside edges of House’s palm erratically.
House was laughing so much that he could no longer comprehend the consequences of what he was about to say.
“OKaHaHaY OkAhAhAY!! YEhEHEhES! WHAhaT dO you wahAhant me to sahahay?! Uncle?? STAhAhAP?!”
Wilson stopped in his tracks, a giddy yet, baffled look took his face over. He chuckled a bit and let go of his hand. House immediately began to rub at his palm, still giggling a bit as the ink smudged across his skin.
Before Wilson could even begin to make up an excuse for his buffoonery, House grabbed his tie with his ink smudged hand and pulled him unprofessionally close.
“If this metaphorically somehow makes its way across the metaphorical grapevine, I will, metaphorically..” House paused, placing his cane under Wilson’s chin.
“No, meticulously…ensure that this little “”medically necessary”” exam, will be graciously returned ten fold.”
He emphasized this by dragging his cane from under Wilson’s chin to his stomach, eliciting a squeaky yelp.
“W-well, it’ll be hard to come up with an excuse for this ink stain on m-my tie that matches the one on your hand..” He stuttered, nervously
“Good point.” He swings his cane around and begins to leave the room. “See you at lunch then.”
Wilson gulped and began searching for a new tie as House left the room.
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