#but really it just seemed like a genuine upset
inkykeiji · 21 hours
For Adam, Lucifer, Vox, Alastor and Husk
Which one would they have? A daddy, sir or master kink?🤭
adam: all three work, and i think it would really depend on his mood!! Daddy when he’s feeling softer and especially condescending, Sir when he’s especially upset with you, and Master at any and all times, because he just loves the connotation of sheer power that comes packaged with the term. like fuck yeah, he’s your Master, you’re goddamn right, baby!
lucifer: hmm Daddy, i think!!! he gives off such caregiver vibes, despite his seeming incompetence and his difficulty caring for himself + his daughter, which are more due to depression than anything else. i think Master and Sir would sound a little too formal for him, at least for everyday use + coming from you (a lil different when it’s coming from ordinary citizens and the like), though he might demand you use them when he’s delivering an especially harsh or brutal punishment (which is rare but not impossible).
vox: DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY and Sir as well. he’s just so 1950s, so condescending, and such a control freak. he’d love to take on a caregiver role with you, because that affords him the ultimate control. the power imbalance there is so skewed; he has a long list of rules for you to abide by and makes most if not all of your decisions for you, including what you eat, what you wear, and what you do. but on top of that, vox genuinely does just enjoy taking care of things. he enjoys nurturing his company and its respective sectors, he enjoys continually refining it to be as perfect as is possibly can be, he enjoys overseeing and approving all decisions made to shape it into exactly what he wants it to be. and he’d do the same with you.
alastor: Master, 100%. he owns you—it’s the only way a ‘genuine’ relationship with him works. you belong to him in every sense of the word; you’re nothing more than his little pet, expected to jump, sit, roll, stay the very moment he orders you to.
husk: husk is hard!!! maybe Daddy? i’m kind of torn between Daddy and Sir, though there’s a part of me that thinks Sir might be a little too formal or harsh for husk. he really strikes me as the type that would be so so so sweet on his partner/significant other, and would genuinely enjoy taking care of them, so Daddy just feels like it fits the best!
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fatuismooches · 13 hours
I feel like fragile!reader would be genuinely upset with how literally none of the segments spend time with them. Or even try to make time with them. Especially Prime. Like, there's like 20+ of them, not even 1 can spend at least 15 minutes with them? Me, personally, I wouldn't leave my lover to fend off with themselves after 400+ years of silence. Maybe that's just me though...
Oh fragile reader would absolutely be crushed. In the beginning, you would be delighted by all the attention you got, considering you just woke up. But as time goes by, it slowly changes. Obviously, you know that the segments have a lot of work to do, and you don't expect them to spend hours with you, but there are days you struggle to even get ten minutes of attention. Yes, you know they're busy, their research is incredibly engrossing, they have a lot on their plate, but you were their lover. The one who loved them above anything else, and the one they loved more than anything too, well, supposedly.
Their actions just don't show it sometimes, and it hurts you. You're confined to your body, to the lab, you're not like them. Sure, you have some things to keep you occupied, but you aren't free to do what you want, because you literally can't. That's why their company is so desperately important to you, but it seems like you're cursed enough to not even receive that. Prime has no place to talk because he does the same thing as them at times. You love them so, so much, and you do acknowledge how much work they have but... it sincerely gets to you and yet they seem not to understand. Yeah, you love burying yourself into one of your interests, but you need interaction from time to time, something that's sorely different from Dottore.
The only segment that always has time for you is Zandy of course, and while you love him dearly, you just wish you could spend some more time with one of your lovers. I imagine you start finding a lot of solace in your Harbinger friends, like Bina, Pantalone, and Childe, because for some reason despite how busy they are too, whenever they come over, they always make an effort to speak with you. Columbina often visits solely for you. You tell her all about your feelings and she comforts you, without interrupting or brushing you off. The segments would start getting annoyed by how happy you are around them, until you snap that they actually make time for you unlike them (argument time.)
You don't expect Dottore or the segments to be perfect lovers. You just expect them to try, because Tsaritsa knows how much you've tried for them.
(This would make for a really good angst fic, but I don't think I have the heart to write it.)
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Could you please do "Jealousy isn't a good look on you" and "You're right it looks much better on you" for our silly little teenage wizards?
from this prompt list
She hears his heavy, unbalanced footsteps before she hears his voice. “There you are.” He comes to a stumbling stop on the step below her, the toes of his trainers coming into her view.
“Here I am,” she says, then forces herself to look up at him.
“Why’d you leave?” James asks, sounding even more earnest than usual, thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol she knows he’s had tonight.
“Just wanted some fresh air,” she says, offering a shrug.
He crouches down and sits on the step next to her, his arm brushing against hers. She shifts away slightly, trying to be discreet. “Not very…fresh,” he says, glancing around the small stairwell she’s chosen as her refuge.
How did he even find her here at all?
“I don’t mean to be rude,” she says slowly, “but I’d really rather be alone right now.”
He frowns, turning to face her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just…” She shakes her head. “You’re really pissed, Potter.”
He shrugs, like this is a complete non-issue. “I can still tell you’re upset.”
“I’m fine. I just don’t feel like talking right now, okay?”
His eyebrows knit together. “Did I…do something?”
It’s a frustrating question, made more frustrating by the fact that he seems genuinely concerned about her. She’s not angry at him, per se; she’s aware that she doesn’t have the courage to turn the tables and find clarity. It takes a bravery Lily hasn’t felt entitled to lately. And every time she considers being honest with him, something like tonight happens.
Sometimes, it feels like James Potter is the exact right person, at exactly the wrong time. 
“Why are you out here?” she asks, sidestepping his question.
His frown deepens. “Because you…Sirius said you—”
“Let me ask a different way,” Lily cuts in sharply. “Why are you out here with me, instead of back at your victory party, snogging Hestia Jones?”
His eyebrows shoot up, and he recoils almost comically, like one of the cartoons she used to watch with Petunia on Saturday mornings. “What?”
Lily turns away, folding her arms around her knees, hands disappearing into the sleeves of her jumper. “Never mind.”
“No, you—” He makes a sound of irritation, somewhere deep in his throat. “Don’t do that, Evans.”
“Forget I said anything.”
“I can’t just—Lily, look at me.”
She stubbornly keeps her gaze fixed on the wall of the stairwell. She knows she’s being childish, but she doesn’t care because he just—does things to her. Makes her hate herself a bit and the person she becomes in moments like this.
“Go away, Potter,” she snaps. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”
There’s a moment of heavy silence before he speaks, voice low, “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you.”
“You’re right,” she hisses, her head whipping back around to meet his gaze, “it does suit you much more than me.”
His mouth drops open. “What? I—”
“Oh, please, Potter. I know you talked to Benjy. I know you’re the reason—”
“What? That he dumped you? You don’t think maybe it’s just because you’re sort of a bitch?”
The accusation hangs between them, heavy and spilling over like an inkwell knocked across a parchment. Too late to cap and make upright, too late to save the contents of the parchment.
“I’m sorry,” he says miserably, his head dropping into his hands. “I didn't mean—”
“Go back to your party, James."
“Lily, I—”
She stands up, abruptly. “Fine. I’ll go, then.”
James moves to stand, awkward and unsteady. “Hang on. Evans, just—”
She pauses in her retreat, but doesn’t turn to give him the satisfaction of seeing exactly how much he’s hurt her. “Don’t follow me,” she bites off, then disappears.
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I just rewatched Full Moon and seeing that last scene Blitzø and Stolas ripped my heart out AGAIN and these are my thoughts after watching it a couple times, please don't throw rocks at me
First, I think this is a pretty realistic progression of miscommunication and I've seen a lot of people be on either of their sides, but I don't think there's even a side to be on. Both of them went into this with their own thoughts and pre-formed ideas of what the other wants and how they'd react, and that colored their responses and clouded their ability to process what the other was saying.
Stolas opened the whole thing with "Blitzø, I need my book back permanently" which was absolutely the wrong tone to set here. It reinforced Blitzø's belief that Stolas was getting tired of him, and as far as Blitzø (who is NOT known for his ability to accurately and objectively read people or situations) is concerned, Stolas has just confirmed that he doesn't want him. Stolas immediately clarifies and pours out his feelings, but honestly, that's a lot for Blitzø to hear immediately after feeling like his literal worst fear has been confirmed, that his business—the ONE thing he's worked so fucking hard to build from scratch—is in jeopardy. So along with wondering whether Stolas even wants him anymore, he's now contending with the panic of losing two things, so he likely barely heard and couldn't comprehend Stolas's feelings.
In ordinary circumstances, less high stakes ones for Blitzø, I think Stolas actually did a pretty decent job of communicating himself and his feelings. But I get why Blitzø didn't take it seriously—he's been in an arrangement with Stolas for so long, thinks Stolas is getting bored, so of course he'd think, "Ah, yes, a new role play, a chance for me to do better and keep him from getting bored." Stolas is understandably upset by this, but man, he really did not give Blitzø a fucking second to process at all.
And this is why I think Blitzø's reaction is understandable (not necessarily reasonable or healthy or even appropriate, but I GET IT). Of course he feels like he's being thrown away. Stolas still has power because he's rich and he's royalty and Blitzø is used to being used and discarded and not good enough. Of course he's angry—he doesn't even feel like he's being given a choice because Stolas has already scripted this in his mind, went in prepared, and imagined how it will go. He mistakes Blitzø's misunderstanding and shock for rejection—also understandably because that's what Stolas is used to, and he doesn't seem to have any friends or support, which we've seen is a pattern since childhood.
What we're seeing is two lifetimes of trauma surfacing in the face of genuine connection and love, and neither Blitzø nor Stolas knows how to deal with that. Neither of them has ever seen what it's like to receive that before. Blitzø was in the circus with a dad who sold him to a prince for "a wadded up $5 and a slim fit condom" and was always placed in the shadow of his best friend, who then hated him for 15 years because he thought Blitzø purposely blew him up. Stolas was essentially raised by a butler with a dad who had zero emotional literacy and was then forced into an arranged marriage with someone who treated him like absolute shit.
They've both lived a life where love and relationships are transactional, and they don't know how to function when someone loves them for who they are. Of course they're going to struggle to communicate, and I don't blame either of them for their reactions, but I really, really want to see them have a calmer conversation where they can process this and understand each other and accept love.
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guysonroblox · 3 days
i hate tycoons so much now nobody does it for the love of the game anymore its all "buy my super insane mega billion upgrader (permanent!!!!) for 400 robux that we spawn under you after like every purchase" like they think im ever playing their game again in order to use the permanent part. i hate all the shit they put on the sides of your screen too like the uncloseable robux shops that are only there so that kids playing on mobile accidentally buy them when they try to move or jump. it just makes me sad
state of the game is basically the worst its ever been, genuinely think gamepasses were a mistake. it's just depressing how it seems like every game's either pushing really hard to squeeze as much money as they can from you, whether that's in the form of the super aggressive pushing like you described, or by adding microtransactions to games that, genuinely do not need them.
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you can buy a quarter million jailbreak dollars for like, all your obc robux for a month. (or about 24 dollars). worst trade ive ever seen. it's not like jailbreak money's hard to come by. of course, most people wouldn't buy it, but you don't really need 'most people' to, in a system like this. just get one guy whaling for jailbreak and you're getting mad money for like 0 effort. it's really kind of upsetting.
i don't think a game should ask you for money inside the game, in general. let me unlock the stuff you're hiding behind [200 robux] by just grinding out for like hours, if you're gonna have stuff locked. do some more mewtwo shit to me, save me the money.
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geotjwrs · 1 day
fly bite or love bite??
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; hickeys
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It was a typical busy day on the set of Wednesday. The cast and crew were winding down after a long day of filming, and there was a buzz of chatter and laughter as everyone prepared to head home.
In a quiet corner of the set, Jenna and Y/N were sharing a rare moment of privacy. Jenna's playful kisses had left a few unmistakable marks on Y/N's neck, and they both knew it would be tricky to hide them.
Jenna grinned up at Y/N, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You look cute with those," she teased, tracing her fingers gently over one of the marks.
Y/N sighed, though he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, well, let's just hope no one notices," he said, pulling up his collar in a futile attempt to cover the hickeys.
As they walked back to the set, trying to act nonchalant, Y/N could feel the eyes of their friends on him. The set was still bustling with filming, and it seemed everyone was winding down from the day's work.
It didn't take long for someone to notice. Emma, their close friend and co-star, approached them with a knowing smirk. "Hey, Y/N, what happened to your neck?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Y/N felt his face heat up and quickly blurted out, "Oh, uh, a fly bit me."
Emma's smirk widened, and she crossed her arms. "A fly? Must have been one determined fly."
Before Y/N could respond, Percy, another co-star, joined them, his eyes widening as he noticed the marks. "Whoa, Y/N, what happened to your neck? Looks like you got into a fight with something."
Jenna, trying to suppress her laughter, stepped in. "Yeah, it was a really big fly," she said, biting her lip to keep from laughing out loud.
The group around them began to chuckle, and Y/N could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. "Really, it was just a fly," he insisted, though his tone was more pleading than convincing.
Emma leaned in closer, examining the marks with a critical eye. "You know, I've seen a lot of fly bites in my time, but these... these are something special."
Jenna couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter, drawing even more attention from the cast and crew. "Alright, alright," she said between giggles. "It wasn't a fly. I gave him those."
The surrounding group erupted in laughter, and Y/N buried his face in his hands. "Thanks for that, Jenna," he muttered, though he couldn't help but chuckle along with everyone else.
Emma patted Y/N on the back, still laughing. "Don't worry, Y/N. We've all known you two are dating for a while now."
Y/N looked up, shocked. "Wait, you all knew?"
Percy nodded, a grin on his face. "Yeah, you two aren't as subtle as you think. The way you look at each other, the little touches, it's pretty obvious."
Jenna blushed slightly but smiled. "I guess we weren't fooling anyone, huh?"
Emma shook her head, still smiling. "Nope. But we're all happy for you."
Y/N relaxed, a relieved smile spreading across his face. "Really? No one's upset or anything?"
Emma shook her head. "Nope. We're just happy to see you both happy."
As the laughter died down, the director called for everyone to get back to their places. Jenna gave Y/N a quick kiss on the cheek, her eyes still sparkling with amusement. "Sorry, but it was too funny not to admit."
Y/N sighed, but his smile was genuine. "It's okay. Just try to keep the fly bites to a minimum next time, alright?"
"Deal," Jenna said with a wink.
As they resumed filming, the atmosphere on set was lighter, filled with laughter and relief. Jenna and Y/N no longer had to hide their feelings, and the acceptance from their friends made their bond even stronger.
The next few days on set were a whirlwind of acting, but the ease with which Jenna and Y/N could now interact made everything feel smoother. They no longer had to worry about sneaking glances or hiding smiles. During lunch breaks, they sat together openly, laughing and chatting with their friends.
One afternoon, while waiting for a scene to be set up, Emma and Percy sat down next to Jenna and Y/N. Emma looked at Y/N with a mischievous grin. "So, any more fly bites lately?"
Y/N rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "No, Jenna's been very well-behaved," he said, receiving a playful nudge from Jenna.
Jenna laughed. "Hey, I can't help it if you're so irresistible."
Percy shook his head, chuckling. "You two are something else. Seriously though, it's good to see you both so happy."
Jenna and Y/N shared a look of pure joy and contentment. "Thanks, Percy," Jenna said softly. "It means a lot to us."
As the days or weeks went by, the cast and crew of Wednesday continued to work hard, but there was a newfound lightness to their interactions. Jenna and Y/N's relationship became a source of good-natured teasing and affectionate support. It was clear to everyone that their bond only made the work environment better.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of filming, the cast decided to go out for dinner together. They laughed and shared stories, the camaraderie among them evident. Jenna and Y/N sat close together, their hands intertwined under the table.
Emma raised her glass, a playful glint in her eye. "To Jenna and Y/N, and their legendary fly bites," she toasted, making everyone laugh.
Jenna and Y/N clinked their glasses with their friends, their smiles wide and genuine.
As the night came to an end and they headed home, Jenna and Y/N walked hand in hand, the cool night air wrapping around them. "You know," Jenna said softly, "I'm really glad everyone knows now. It feels so much better this way."
Y/N nodded, squeezing her hand gently. "Me too. I love you, Jenna."
Jenna smiled, her heart swelling with happiness. "I love you too, Y/N."
As they continued walking, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them and the knowledge that their love was strong, open, and supported by those who mattered most.
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sketchboi33 · 2 days
I am so unwell about the full moon ep. I need to word vomit about Stoliz for a second pls. I wrote so much
Blitzø is so self-destructive, he can't comprehend the idea that someone like Stolas could actually love him. So instead of accepting Stolas' confession, he gets upset. Assumes that he's not doing enough to keep Stolas' interest. And gets mad at him when he assumes Stolas is doing this as another way to string him along. To play his game. When this is all not true.
Stolas loves Blitzø. Truly and honestly. But he knows that a deal like the one they had was forcing obligation into their relationship, as well as being a very unfair power dynamic. That, let's be fair, Stolas did originally set up himself. He's not fully in the right. But the way that he decided to break off something that was genuinely making him happy, because he now knows it isn't fair to Blitzø, that shows real growth and character development.
And I think deep down Stolas was staying naive to Blitzø's true feelings. He wanted so badly for Blitzø to reciprocate his feelings, and when he didn't get the response he wanted, he shut down fully. He's spent so much time in his life not feeling worth love because of Stella and his father. So in order to guard himself and not let that happen again, he immediately cuts the tie. Doesn't even let Blitzø have a moment to fully comprehend what's happening.
And to make matters worse, Blitzø's lashing out, although yes aimed to hurt Stolas, was done in a way that makes Stolas seem cold and arrogant, IN ORDER FOR BLITZØ TO FEEL JUSTIFIED IN HIS SELF DEPRICATION. Which of course hurt Stolas a lot. And his line of "I think so highly of you. It hurts to hear just how little you think of me" just like.. you know.. ripped my heart out and tore it into little pieces.
Although it literally kills me. I think this break is good for them. Especially Blitzø. Stolas will get a chance to I think gain a small bit of confidence back. And just that fact that he did this at all shows immense amounts of growth. And for Blitzø I'm really hoping this allows him to realize his own feelings. And perhaps he will be able to realize his own self destructive tendencies and maybe take this as a sign to fight back against them for once. Not without some MAJOR depressive and anger induced episodes though. The mans is very very not well and this is certainly not going to help at first.
Anyways... I just needed to word vomit about this. I am obsessed with these two and I will be very very sad about this until the next episode comes out 🥲
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smaeemo · 3 days
Honestly? I really use tumblr for a couple reasons
1. Fandom spaces (mainly spn, and 911)
2. Indulging my interests
3. Sharing my hot takes/perspectives
4. Brain rot
5. The rest of social media is pretty toxic
And what I will say, is that the whenever I make a post regarding a criticism that I am making, it’s less of an attack (even though it may seem like it) and more of an analysis or retrospective discussion. Like truly, if there is someone that disagrees with me, I want to know why.
The honor and the privilege that I have is to educate myself/have conversations about different perspectives. Like if I make a post about how much I hate the color blue, I genuinely want to know why some people do.
It’s not baiting, moreas I want to share my opinions/perspectives to both my followers and to potential followers. Along with wanting to see what the response is, building an opportunity for constructive/informational conversations.
And im not gonna sit here and pretend im perfect. I suck at communicating sometimes and honestly? I’ve been a part of some pretty cringe fandoms (I was the cringe part) but I am actively trying to do what I wish other people will/would do regarding fandom conversations. Fandoms and fan community is such a unique thing that constantly is changing and has also stayed the same. For many it can be the literaly epicenter of their personality or life, therefore criticism or difference in opinions can be really upsetting. Like once I literally had an entire arguement about it with my friend, and it was super embarrassing but it was also something that made sense to me.
So yeah, anyways I kinda lost sight of what this rant was about, but like. If you see something I post that you don’t agree with, lets have a convo, you’re entitled to your opinion as much as I am. I just speak from my own experiences, and experiences change and so do people.
Anyways — As always, send q’s and fun things, reblog with your controversial takes, and send fic recs.
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akuma-tenshi · 23 days
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just so you guys know. joseph shot up from (around) ninth place to THIRD in two days. because there's a massive push from the cn server to go onto global and mass vote for him to put him in first. maybe the vote counts are "accurate" but they're not legitimate. even if this isn't bot voting, it's certainly not fair. nobody is happy with this.
even if joseph doesn't win this year, it sets a dangerous precedent for future years if netease doesn't actually do anything about these dummy accounts who are being mass-created and sent to vote for joseph. i know there's only so much they can do but it's not comforting that the best they have is this lukewarm twitter announcement and ten memory spheres.
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Someone jokingly throwing Phantom’s hat into the ring during the next election and now he’s seriously competing against Vlad Masters to be Amity’s mayor
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qcomicsy · 18 days
Lately I've only been wishing to grab a comic about my favorite character and just have a genuinely good time reading it.
#I can't remember the last time I took a Deadpool comic and genuinely had a good time about it#I hate the direction they took with his character and it's so disrespectful that I don't even talk about I don't even think *any* Deadpool#fan genuinely talk about it because were so tired of his kids characterization we all just collectively decided to ignore whatever hell#marvel through at him#but rant aside#it's just–#I am not sure if comic books are fun anymore I don't even know who I am making content for half of the people on my notes haven't touched#comic book and aren't pretending to do so#people who read the comics tend to be so mean or bitter about it that even if you follow most will be angry about something#comic or fan related and I don't know if I can blame them but following that is draining#and as much as I was trying to be a good sport about it you make a post about comic book characters and#and the overwhelming response is 'I don't read the comics but'– following up by a take about them that doesn't even recognize any core#aspect of their personality that you can't even grasp you can't even recognize them#you can't recognize them on tue cannon you can't recognize them on the fannon#and no matter how engaging you try to make content about the fandom people just–*refuse* to read it. And then– they *refuse* to tag fannon#content as fannon#and *refuse* to leave either#Yes we are all having fun but how can a character tag be so so filled with people who have no idea of who they are#how can a character can be properly loved and take care of and have content that respect them if no one makes any attempt to *know them*#and it's disheartening because *comics* are supposed to be fun *fannon are supposed to be fun*#but for aome reason it's really *really* hard to have fun here anymore#I created this page to share my love for the characters I care about and see more content of people who care about them too#but I can't even *find* people who care about them any more and when I do they're all so angry and upset– And I *cant even blame them*#I just... I don't know why I am doing this anymore or for who I am doing this anymore#sorry to vent but it's been a while since I haven't been had a genuinely good time™ enjoying comics#I don't think even people who write those comics enjoy those comics or care about those characters#Sometimes feels like everyone is projecting on those characters rather than *writing about them*. And I can't find them anymore#fanfics used to be about love petters to characters who you love#nowadays seems like a competition to see who makes more funny words with tropes pre-written since 2007#vent
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little-red-fool · 6 months
Brainworms but I was thinking about what if Raphael’s and Haarlep’s dynamic and relationship is something similar to an arranged marriage to fiends.
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blown-blooms · 7 months
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Learning Jay got kicked out moodboard
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vampryoteuthis · 9 months
You and that one particular friend stupid,dumb and clearly there is something very wrong with you just because I don’t kiss Akiras ass and I don’t meat ride the hell out everything he does does and writes does not MEAN i HATE enstars I get it you are in your twenties your starting to loose touch yo don’t understand things because you don’t have you don’t have youth no more but in this generation the younger generation the ones with youth still. we can say shit about a pie be if media and still like it mind boggling I know it’s almost you don’t have to be a sheep or a follower to enjoy something.too me enstars is a beautiful mess with stuff I appreciate about Akiras writing like the development of Eden as Individuals and and their group dynamic but you won’t ever see me defend the hell out of the bigoted man when he does bigoted shit I have no patience for will full ignorance and some of his mediocre and Shitty stories that abuses plot twists like theres no tomorrow again so interesting interesting that you basically said I shouldn’t interact with enstars just because I’m not singing praises for him and his stories at all times of the day nah that’s stuff that only brainwashed people do
sorry guys I think I’m going senile at the ripe old age of twenty one according to this guy
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rotisseries · 5 months
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😐 this is worse than I remember but definitely salvageable if we put our heads together
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hopefulsapphic · 2 months
controversial take but when i was watching young royals season 3 i was actually lowkey rooting for wille and simon to not end up getting back together
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