#but like this is an ongoing thought i have had
ibtisams · 15 hours
Have you ever experienced seeing your dream broken in front of your eyes and not being able to do anything about it? Have you ever thought about living in a tent in a cold and unclean ocean, sleeping on the sand, without a bathroom or water? Have you thought about living in a place where you can’t meet your family’s basic needs and feel helpless about it?
I am Shahd from the southern Gaza Strip. All my life, I have been building a life for me and my family. It persisted in a good future, when the war in Gaza began on October 7, 2023. We were in extreme fear during the displacement, and found ourselves in an insufficient small tent. Despite the lack of safety, food, clean water and the spread of diseases, we had to live this difficult life under bombardment, knowing that at any moment, my family and I could lose our lives
My whole life has been scattered, and I am extremely frustrated and sad by the ongoing genocide I witness every day
Do you understand what it means to be in a situation where you have been displaced over and over again, just to reach the only supposed safe area that I ordered you to go to by a much stronger force than you as an unarmed civilian, just to be told that you can’t be there anymore? After you lose everything, like your home, your memories, your friends, your family and loved ones, your job, and everything you have worked hard to achieve...
Amid these hardships, I see a glimmer of hope, because I haven’t given up yet.
If you know of any organizations, associations or entrepreneurs who support and fund projects, please do not hesitate to share my association with them.
They can also contact me directly.
I know that the path to success after destruction can be difficult, but with your help and support for me and my family
Shahed’s gofundme is legitimate, please consider helping this family
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An overly complicated analysis of everything we know about Neve Gallus in canon, as well as some additional thoughts of mine on the themes surrounding her (because I am so gay for her already)
1. Canon information
- Her age is, as of yet, unknown. In the Tevinter Nights story The Streets of Minrathous, narrated in the first-person perspective by Neve, we read “He greeted me with a dismissive ‘young lady’ that made me think he’d forgotten my name” (216). However, this is a description by an older man, whose nephew is alive long enough that his “parents had disowned him years ago” (213). In another passage of the story, the following can be read: “The man was a con artist I’d turned in the year before. To be fair, he’d nearly gotten me killed the year before that, so we were even” (221). We can therefore be certain that she has engaged successfully in detective work for at least two years, and has likely been doing so for a while. We do not know when the story is set, neither do we know anything about the parallel stories of “The Wigmaker Job” and “Luck in the Gardens”. We get the information that a Venatori cultist was wearing clothes that are fading (220), and that the cult had long since lost much standing in society; it has likely been quite a number of years since 9:42. At the same time, we know of a Qunari invasion in the eastern part of the Tevinter Empire from 9:44/45 onward, with several major cities falling to the invaders. Neve describes the catacombs as “a place to hold a year’s worth of food and supplies, securing the city’s survival in case of blight or Qunari invasion” (232). A woman as observant and politically savvy as her would likely not frame an invasion as that much of a hypothetical in case of an ongoing war. It is reasonable to assume that the story takes place sometime around the middle of the forties. Which means that by the events of Veilguard, in the middle of the fifties, we should expect Neve to have had at least twelve years of experience as a private investigator, which places her likely age at minimum in the early thirties. (Not that I am hoping for anything 40 or upward, no, there is no MILF agenda here)
- She describes the manor of a rich man as “a residence nowhere near the third-rate bookseller where I rent a room” (216), locating her residence both outside of the rich parts of town, and informing us that she does not have the greatest of means.
- Likewise, we learn that her “family has more templars than mages. I’m sure that says a lot about me. The point is, I’m not from an old family and I felt as at home in Lady Varantus’s house as Jahvis looked” (218). Within the rigid social hierarchies of Tevinter, she is privileged by magehood, but not by blood. To the degree that Tevene social classes can be broken down so neatly into stratified categories, she seems to be somewhere in the lower ranks of the middle class.
- She is canonically disabled; an amputee wearing a prosthetic leg made of dwarven metal (215). In the comic The Missing #4, we see her prosthetic, it is designed as a cobra standing up in intimidation of an attacker, and the metal seems to be predominantly a bronze or gold with blue or silver accents (6). On her foot on the other leg, she is wearing a boot which has a bronze or gold tip symmetrical to the tail of the cobra, and a high plattformed heel (ibid). Combining that with the fact that she fights and runs with a prosthetic and a heeled boot (TSoM 215, TM4 16), we learn that she expresses immense control over her body.
- Likewise, she approaches all her actions, her appearance, and her communication verbal and physical with a high degree of precision and deliberation. Her outfit is perfectly composed, with white and dark leather as primary colours, the same blue-gold metal that her prosthetic is made out of for accents as well as her belt (which is a coiling snake, TM4 6), a dark turquiose for some of the cloth (such as pants and cravat), a light turquiose for such accents as her fingernails and her meticulously applied eyeliner, and some manner of cap akin to a graduation cap at the right side of her head, in an almost black brown, with gold details. The shape of the cap has the exact same angles as a rhombus as her earrings (TM4 9). The detail on the cap forms a snake. It has been posited by tumblr user @cleric4vampire that even her movement in the trailer reinforces the cobra/snake motive (https://www.tumblr.com/cleric4vampire/752850000700194816). Despite sometimes excrutiatingly long workdays (223), Neve puts an extreme amount of emphasis on her appearance. Even in the comic, while the style does feature very dynamic character movements while talking, her gestures stick out as particularly deliberate; she talks with her hands a lot, and with deliberation (see the appendix of this post for more). This speaks to a plethora of willpower, control, and a desire to maintain a controlled barrier between the self and the larger world.
- While writing this, I have come up with the theory that the blue accents of her apparell might partially be lyrium. If she is literally wearing lyrium makeup, I will marry her.
- The only two offensive types of magic that we see her use are ice magic (e.g. TSoM 226, 227, 235, TM4 16, 17), and a manner of magic that lets her freeze the moisture in the air around a person to stagger them (e.g. TSoM 214, TM4 17). Through cooling the air around herself a bit less, she manages to hide herself in mist (e.g. TSoM 214). She is capable of some healing magic (227).
- She has a network of contacts, acquaintances, and informants all over Minrathous, particularly in its underground.
- She loves salty fried fish (221). This is not only in line with Minrathous being a coastal capital, which has a distinct influence on the caloric inflow into the city and cuisine at large, but also, once again, stresses that she does not have much money at her disposal, by emphasizing that she eats fried fish from a cheap street food stall very regularly (221), which she calls her “fish dinners” (228).
- She canonically has straight dark brown hair, meticulously kept at the left side of her face to keep space for the cap on the right, brown eyes, and brown skin. It is furthermore canon that anyone who has a problem with that or wishes to change that with mods will be exploded via elemental magic. It is furthermore canon that I will not buy Veilguard if the game whitewashes her.
- She is involved with the Shadow Dragons in helping fugitive slaves (TM4 9, 20). She expressly approves of the use of armed violence against the institution of slavery. At one point, she comments: “The cult’s dead god wanted to bring Tevinter back to what it was—to its “glory.” It was nonsense, of course. It always was. The old empire was even more corrupt and heartless than what it is now, no matter how pretty the picture Corypheus painted” (TSoM 221). In her vocal resistance to the empire, she sees it as a good usage of her time to track down Venatori (214). In spite of her resistance against the empire, she considers the city her home and would like it to be better than it is (214, 221).
2. Themes: The noir detective and the empire
It goes without saying that the formational archetype behind the character of Neve Gallus is that of the noir detective. A solipsistic cynic with little means, a private investigator, called to investigate a crime scene in dance with and against the police, depending on the point of the story. The noir detective of the movies of the first half of the 20th century, the formational corpus from which stems the archetype, is distinctly tied to the metropolis; a story that needs the urban context, the urban scenery. While of course featuring a plentitude of settings and configurations, at the root of the archetype rest particularly a white, male, US-American figure. To bring Minrathous in parallel with New York particularly is in so far a welcome change as it means a partial departure from the orientalism underlying a lot of early descriptions of Tevinter in Dragon Age canon. But, to me at least, it raises the question of how well Dragon Age is equipped to tackle the arising thematic implications. Just like the Tevinter Empire, the United States of America is a slave society fueled by the deprivation of Indigenous communities and the physical exploitation of a racialized, disenfanchised class. The metropolis is the core of the imperial core; and Minrathous is, as the largest city of Thedas and the capital of Tevinter, certainly that. The Streets of Minrathous manages but a partial critique of the society of the imperial-colonial metropolis. While Neve remains critical of the templars, the undeniable cop stand-in, the critique remains bound to corruption the higher one goes in the chain of command, as well as the bureaucracy (231). The story, in particular, follows the very dangerous trope commonly found in copaganda that the base-level officers should be allowed to disobey the chain of command and act on their own, particularly when it comes to the deployment of heavy weaponry (234). That the base-level officer is as much an agent of imperial violence as the top of the hierarchy, turning the systemic and depersonal violence of the system into concrete interpersonal violence, cannot be formulated by the text.
Furthermore, the Venatori, in their supremacist-fascistic death cult, remain cast in ableistic terms that deprive their ideology of systemic connectedness: “that didn’t stop remaining loyalists from acting delusional and stirring up trouble when the mood struck. That’s fanatics for you” (213). That fascism is but the logical conclusion of empire, particularly a weakened and collapsing empire, remains just as unacknowledged. And yet, what haunts the story is a profound sense of loneliness and alienation. A rich man estranged and alienated from his nephew because of his fear of social repercussions for the nephews behavior, said nephew dying while grasping to any semblance of connection he can (“He knew what came next. He was searching for whatever company he had left” 215), Neve facing the cultists in their hideout alone because the templar Rana does not want to breach protocoll, hell, even the Venatori preacher making a ridiculous figure, alone and ignored on his soapbox while the masses rush by him and shut him out of their attention; everyone is lonely, seperated by the dividing and isolating forces of the empire. The imperial metropolis condenses people, yet they are emotionally distanced from one another. Neve’s final action in the story is to return to the rich old man, explaining to him that his nephew was trying to be good after all; a post-mortem attempt to mend but one severed connection between humans. Her entire character is defined by the trajectory that comes from wandering almost aimlessly in a desperate attempt to escape the solipsistic nature of the empire. Her defining emotional conflict is with the reality of empire, as much as her status as a brown, disabled, bisexual woman clashes with the roots of the figure of the noir detective. We see by the time of The Missing #4 that she finds a sense of fulfillment in working with the Shadow Dragons for the slaves and against the slavers, which hints at a character arc from TSoM to TM4. As Varric correctly observes, she has a heart of gold (TM4 20), one which she hides behind a particularly controlled facade, as stern as beautiful. How well her character plays out in Veilguard hinges entirely on the stories limited ability to discuss empire in meaningful terms, and the story’s willingness to further explore her emotional arc suggested between TSoM and TM4. I am furthermore worried about how well a series known for its overt centrism can handle the nuances that make her character so great, as well as fearing the reaction by gamers[TM] to having a brown, female, disabled, bisexual detective.
3. Appendix: I am gay for the way she talks with her hands and body
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TM4 19
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youremyheaven · 1 day
Krittika: The Tarzan Complex & Survival Strategies
TW: murder, rape, genocide, euthanasia, death, violence, misogyny
This is part 2 of my ongoing Krittika series. This research was commissioned by the wonderful, angelic and patient, @rscelestia-blog . Being commissioned to do nakshatra research by you guys makes me feel like I'm a renaissance artist and you guys are my Medici family ✨🥺🫶💛 I'm so grateful for it.
For this post, I wanted to look into how this nakshatra often manifests in men. Whenever I talk about how naks manifest irl, I am talking about a tendency not a rule. Astrology is not a perfect science and it is very much possible that someone could have these placements and not behave this way. Also there are hundreds of different tendencies for each nak, since every astrologer is a mere human being with limited knowledge, what they derive from their studies is perhaps only a handful of such possibilities. Therefore every nakshatra has vast room for interpretation.
All that said, I have often thought that Krittika men were a bit unrefined and mannerless for a long time. I think this broadly applies to Solar men in general because they're a "guy's guy". However, this observation was further cemented by an ask that I received a long time ago where an anon pointed out how many actors who have played Tarzan or Tarzan like characters have Krittika nakshatra.
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I will be making a separate post about the 'feral child' trope and how its most acutely manifest in a different planetary type but for this post I want to focus on the 'uncivilized' nature of Krittika/Solar men.
I had mentioned in my previous Krittika post about how since Krittika nak follows Bharani where creation takes place, Krittika is about survival.
In fact, the theory of 'survival of the fittest' was put forward by another Solar man aka Charles Darwin, Uttarashadha Moon
The term was originally coined by Herbert Spencer, Ketu in Uttaraphalguni after reading Origin of the Species
 Alfred Russel Wallace, whose own theory about the mechanics of evolution was almost identical to Darwin's, had a Solar stellium (Mercury & Venus in Uttarashadha and Jupiter in Krittika)
In Nazi Germany, they appropriated Darwin's "survival of the fittest" to eradicate anybody who wasn't Aryan or 'fit'. One of the key proponents of the same was an officer named Alfred Rosenberg, Uttarashadha Sun who was hanged to death after the war. He helped advance involuntary euthanasia to eliminate mentally ill and disabled individuals.
Now, lets go into Tarzan.
Tarzan is from an aristocratic British family and after losing his parents, he is adopted by the leader of the ape tribe, among whom he is raised. He later experiences civilization, rejects it and returns to the wild.
Many actors who have played Tarzan have either Solar influence or Venusian influence. In the 2 dozen actors who have played this character, the majority are Venusian tbh but I'll explore that more on a separate post about Venusian men. I think its interesting how different aspects of this character fit these two planetary types.
Here are some men who have played Tarzan
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Johnny Weissmuller, Mercury and Venus in Krittika
He played Tarzan in 12 films and Jungle Jim in another dozen films and its TV adaptations as well.
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Bruce Bennett, Krittika Sun (unrelated but i find this pic so funny lmao)
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Tony Goldwyn- Krittika Sun and Venus (atmakaraka)
He voiced Tarzan in the 90s film
Tarzan has always been played by other Solar natives like:
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Wolf Larson- Uttaraphalguni Moon
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Alexander Skarsgaard- Uttaraphalguni Stellium
Now when we think of Tarzan, what do we most associate with him? He is a man who was raised in the jungle by apes since he was a baby, so he is "uncivilized" and by most standards "lacking manners", he is wild, messy, uncouth, improper and defies all kinds of social norms. We usually associate "mannerlessness" with belonging to perhaps a lower class in society but here is where Krittika and Solar men surprise us. They behave this way despite all that they have. They could be from immensely privileged backgrounds and still act like jungle freaks.
They lack social charisma, grace or "politeness". Tarzan is very independent because he was raised in the jungle where he had to learn how to fend for himself. Similarly, Solar individuals also tend to be very socially independent which means they're often not the best at interacting on a group level. In order to be sociable, you have to emotionally connect with others, Tarzan's early life is not something anybody else can connect to, even if he adopts a more "civilized" behaviour, he's still going to stand out because of how he's lived his life. Even if they're welcomed into and accepted by society, Solar individuals struggle to relate to and emotionally connect to them.
Sun naks are generally known for being a bit emotion-less but in Krittika this manifests in a very "each for himself/herself" mentality that ISNT self-serving. I would say Krittika natives are the least selfish and most service oriented of all the 3 Sun nakshatras. They know that its a dog eat dog world, so they almost have a tendency to be the one who does all the brunt work so that their loved ones can be spared of it?
I'll mention some examples of "mannerless" Krittika men now:
Howard Stern, Uttarashada Sun Krittika Rising
This guy straight up is so RUDE and crass and vulgar with ALL of his guests????
Here is him talking to Matthew McConaughey about his father dying and Matt is no better in this clip either but like wtf?? who talks like that???
Lowkey Solar individuals LOVE to gossip and start shit between people.
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Here is a compilation of him being creepy and disgusting to women on his show.
Dana Plato, the actress, committed suicide a day after appearing on his show in 1999. The humiliation she endured is said to have been her breaking point. Her son committed suicide on the 11th anniversary of her death.
When I tell you Solar men are emotionally abusive, either by being avoidant and ignoring you or by being condescending, patronising, openly mocking you and treating you like shit, BELIEVE ME.
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Jordan Peterson- Krittika Rising
I dont know if I need to explain why Jordan is a mannerless misogynistic asshole.
Here are some remarks made by Kate Manne, a feminist expert, who critiqued Jordan's work:
"There’s an interesting moment in the book where Peterson talks about resentment as a “revelatory” emotion that can mean one of two things. One, you feel it because you’re immature, in which case you just need to buck up. Two, you feel resentment because you really are being oppressed or taken advantage of somehow. Your resentment shows you that something needs to change or that you need to assert yourself in relation to other people.
But there is clearly a third possibility. People often feel resentful because they appear, based on historically entrenched social norms, to be getting a bad bargain, when what’s actually happening is that others are getting a somewhat fairer deal. When you’re accustomed to unjust privilege, equality feels like oppression, as the saying goes." (link to the whole article)
This is such a classic example of the way Solar individuals think. They don't really think in terms of privilege, justice, fairness etc??? They just think you can work hard enough to erase all the other socio-economic-political barriers that make things harder for others?? This is of course until they've had first hand experience of difficulties of this sort lmao but they are naturally not wired to think too much, they're very simple minded, like Tarzan, that's why Sun is the most Yang of energies. Its a very action-goal oriented line of thought. They are almost incapable of thinking in abstract or trying to see things within the context and subtext in which it has occurred.
This is also why they are often very academically gifted. Naturally intelligent people struggle the most in school because their brains are not wired to endure the structure and mechanical system of learning that our education system enforces. Intelligence by definition necessitates that the person possessing it is capable of thinking unconventionally and that means finding the school environment really limiting or restrictive bc schools fr be killing the joy of learning.
Solar individuals thrive within these systems because they seldom, if ever, question the system itself, they just learn their material and write the exam. They do not think "unconventionally" or beyond the binary in any way. They accept what they learn to be true and they are more focused on working within the system to climb its ranks. If this is the system we're in, they want to be THE BEST in it and they will master all of its rules to work with it to beat it??
This is why all Solar naks are at the very top of the caste hierarchy, Krittika is a Brahmin nak whereas Uttaraphalguni & Uttarashadha are both Kshatriya naks
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Solar individuals are lowkey one of the least empathetic types. I dont mean this to be harsh but they're not very emotionally intelligent and its really hard for them to read a room or intuitively pick up on how someone's feeling/what's on their mind. You reallyyyy need to spell things out for them. It does not come to them naturally to understand how others think or to put themselves in the shoes of others because for Solar individuals everything is kind of a competition and when its a battle of survival, you dont stop to think how your opponents are feeling? this is not to say that they're in "survival mode",, Solars are too unbothered to be in fight or flight 24/7, its just the Tarzan mindset tbh. If you're an animal in the jungle, the jungle is your home, you understand how it operates, how you must hunt or starve, you know what your odds are, you cant be here feeling too empathetic towards other creatures knowing full well that you have to hunt them down and eat them or otherwise starve yourself to death. Animals are comfortable, secure and chill in their habitat but they also understand the stakes so they're always survival minded? Because it truly is each for his/her own out there.
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Mark Wahlberg- Krittika Stellium (Mercury, Venus AK and Saturn)
Wahlberg is an A class asshole. In the 80s he assaulted two elderly Vietnamese men and a group of black children all the while hurling racist abuses at them.
Here is a clip from one of his movies:
I know its a film but this is for real how Solar men view the world. They see everything as a "conquest". (Tarzan mentality)
The simple minded Tarzan mentality is also why in the books and movies, Tarzan is unable to cope with civilization and returns to the jungle. The author said it's because Tarzan saw the world as too corrupt which is perhaps true but it's also because having lived in a jungle where the ruled are pretty simple and standard, being a member of society means adhering to many unspoken ruled and conventions. Solar individuals find it THE hardest to do so and when they're actual being true to themselves, they act like apes of the Howard Stern school.
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Salvador Dali, Krittika Stellium (Sun, Mercury & Mars)
To make matters worse, he was UBP Moon (the influence of multiple malefic planets makes one more prone to being an asshole) and I have extensively covered his wrongdoings in my post about Saturnian men
However, for now I want to focus on how Dali was a Nazi sympathizer,
He was also obsessed with Hitler in a perverse way and apparently had homoerotic fantasies of him lmao??
He was once quoted as saying:
"I often dreamed of Hitler as a woman. His flesh, which I had imagined whiter than white, ravished me… There was no reason for me to stop telling one and all that to me Hitler embodied the perfect image of the great masochist who would unleash a world war solely for the pleasure of losing and burying himself beneath the rubble of an empire; the gratuitous action par excellence that should indeed have warranted the admiration of the Surrealists."
He was a big old fascist who also supported the Spanish dictator Franco which made Picasso stop talking to him for the rest of his life.
In 1975, when General Franco executed many people, hundreds and thousands of fascists gathered in support of Franco, chanting his name and making fascists salutes. When the world condemned this appalling act, Dali praised Franco and called him the “greatest hero of Spain.”
George Orwell, a strong critic of the fascist rule in Spain, despised Dali and wrote —
“During the Spanish Civil War, he astutely avoids taking sides and makes a trip to Italy. He feels himself more and more drawn towards the aristocracy, frequents smart salons, finds himself wealthy patrons, and is photographed with the plump Vicomte de Noailles, whom he describes as his ‘Maecenas.’”
Salvador Dali was nicknamed ávida dollars (“eager for dollars”) by his former surrealist friends for selling his consciousness and idealism for money and fame.
Average Solar behaviour
When I talk about Tarzan mentality, I'm referring to how lions dont feel remorse at the thought of killing deers. Its not in their nature to feel remorse. The hierarchy of the eco system is such that lions are predators and its their job to hunt. They are by biological design, carnivores. Its a bit sickening to think of how like animals, who have no choice but to be brutal to survive, Solar individuals often have this ruthless ambition to do absolutely anything to get ahead in life. The world we live in, is a capitalist, patriarchal world and the people who thrive in it are ones who are willing to overlook or dont see the faults in the system at all.
The ones who sit at the very top of the pyramid did not get there by being compassionate angels. 3/4 Brahmin caste naks are "ugra" or violent nakshatras, Krittika is the exception, as it is a "mishra" nakshatra (mishra means "mixed"). The ones at the very top are the most brutal and fierce. There is no other way to get to the top in this world.
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Carrie Fisher, Krittika Moon
The singer James Blunt (Shatabhisha stellium) who was besties with Carrie, wrote in his memoir:
“I was closer to Carrie than almost anyone else in the world, except my wife. She told me which girlfriends weren’t suitable, was the first person I told when I met my wife, and we chose engagement rings for her together.
She also knew where every unmarked grave of mine lay and where every guilt stemmed from. She was complicit too. When I arrived home one morning with a love bite on my neck, and my girlfriend of the moment about to arrive, Carrie grabbed her 16-year-old daughter and gave her a love bite as well.
Then Carrie summoned me over, offering her own neck, and told me to give her a love bite. When the girlfriend arrived, we all had love bites.
There was also an issue with drugs. Carrie had long been open about her addiction, but at some point it was obvious enough to be of concern.
I stood many times at the foot of her bed at 3am listening to the laboured breathing of someone sounding close to death on heavy medication. Not long before she died, I asked her to be godmother to my son, telling her that I wanted her to take care of herself so that he might know her when he grew up.
Charlie, her best friend, confronted her more directly and told her she needed to quit drugs, but was ostracised by her as a result. I took a different approach and did them with her, pretending to myself that I would guide her to redemption one day – just not today.
The lies we tell ourselves are the ­hardest to forgive. As a result, her ­daughter Billie blames me in part for her death, and no longer speaks to me. They buried Carrie’s ashes in a giant ceramic Prozac pill. You can see a picture of it on the CD disc of my first album. There are only two of them in the world, and the other one is my most treasured possession.”
Krittika being a "mishra" or mixed nak means that its just as capable of being tender as it is of being destructive. There are only 2 mishra naks. The other one is Vishaka.
Carrie took James in before he had even made his debut and he lived with her and recorded the songs of his first album in her house. They had a long lasting friendship, all of this points to the kind, nurturing, almost maternal nature of Krittika but the other behaviour he mentioned, including the love bite giving lmao?? Krittika is a Solar nak and they wouldnt be who they are if they weren't competitive for no reason lol and ostracizing people who mean well??? Solarcore AF
I assure you trying to give advice to a Solar is pointless because like the Sun, they too are blinded by their own light, they see nothing, they comprehend nothing except their own projections. Plato's allegory of the cave was about Solars, I swear lmao. The truth can be very very obvious to absolutely everybody else but a Solar WILL NOT SEE IT
They embody this meme:
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They're very low on emotional intelligence tbh. You could tell a Solar that someone almost murdered you and they'd be like "oh he's not very nice, is he?" 😭😭😭 I think it's also part of their simple minded Tarzan thinking. They take everything at face value and are straightforward to a fault. They just don't know or understand how crooked people can be.
I have Krittika Moon friend who is dating a Hasta Moon man (Solar x Lunar couples 🤧) and he was disgusting to me IN FRONT OF HER and he's been nasty af to many other women we all know and she wasn't his girlfriend at the time. But even after she knew all of this, she went on to date him and now they've been together for over a year lmao 🤮🤢🤮
They do not see the faults with themselves or with people they love. They live in a bubble of delulu and completely believe that all that glitters IS GOLD. They can be soooo naive, its insane. Theyre naive girls in bad bitch packaging.
Solar individuals struggle more than any other type to understand that things are not always black and white and that real life is veryyy complicated because people are complicated. In the jungle, such abstractions do not exist, things are very black and white, you can easily arrive at solutions by thinking in a very binary way. Sun nakshatras are focused on survival and this mentality warps their mindset from perceiving things in a more complex and nuanced way.
I want to emphasize once more that survival mentality is NOT being in flight/fight mode,, its more so about operating from a place of maximum efficiency and cutting out all the unnecessary bullshit. But being in survival mode is not living. We are not animals and there is more to life than just...surviving.. and thriving..
Solar individuals are the type for whom every kind of experience is a status symbol of some sort. Be it being desired, succeeding at school/work, making x amount of money, they dgaf about "enjoying" things, they are absolutely not the "stop to smell the roses" type, they want to be like the people who they envy or look up to, they want all those markers of success. Ask them about their motivations and you'll seldom hear of an emotional one.
They're mostly driven by a need to do well in life just because. We live in a world where money is king, and where certain things are conventional indicators of success and even if they have absolutely no desire for a certain kind of house, or car or brand or relationship, they do not want to be perceived as someone who is incapable of having it???? so they work hard to get it?? They get it for show, basically.
There is a reason why the ONLY nak without a yoni consort is a Solar nakshatra (Uttarashada). The height of Solar energy is such that its truly each for his/her own, no partners whatsoever.
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Jack London, Uttarashadha Sun
He wrote books like a The Call of the Wild and numerous other adventure stories which are all about surviving in the wild by yourself lol
Its funny how literally the themes of certain naks and planetary influences are made manifest
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 Richard Gadd- Krittika Sun and Venus
He is the star and maker of Baby Reindeer, which, if you really think about it, is a survival story. You have got to ask yourself is someone subject you to brutal stalking of the kind Gadd was subject to, would you spend YEARS of your career performing and reliving it? There could be many reasons why he chose to do so and many have found it highly problematic how a man whose privacy was so brutally invaded for so long would do so little to properly hide the identities of the real people he's talking about (his stalker was found out by netizens and she's been receiving death threats etc).
I feel like it points to the nature of the Sun. They will have the last word always and even when they're losing, they'll drag you down with them. But beyond that, I feel like it points to the ambition and tenacity of Krittika and their sheer will power.
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Pitbull, Uttarashadha Sun, Krittika Moon & Rising
His life story is extremely Solar
The "American dream" tbh is a very Yang one and a very Solar one
He was born in USA to immigrant parents.His family has a history of fighting against the Castro regime in Cuba. When he was three, he could recite the works of Cuban national hero and poet José Martí in Spanish. He learned English by watching Sesame Street as a child. His father was largely absent from his childhood; his parents separated when he was young, and he was raised mostly by his mother, later stating: "my mom is my father and my mother." He briefly stayed with a foster family in Roswell, Georgia. His parents struggled with substance abuse; as a teenager, he was also involved with drug use and dealing, which eventually led to him getting kicked out of the family house.
Divorce, war, natural calamities, destruction of any kind is veryyy common for people born under Krittika, Ardra, Uttarashadha, Jyeshta, Ashlesha nakshatras.
Pitbull's parents were separated, they fled Cuba, he was kicked out and was literally left to fend for himself.
He said he chose his stage name of Pitbull because the dogs "bite to lock. The dog is too stupid to lose. And they're outlawed in Dade County. They're basically everything that I am. It's been a constant fight". Literally so Solarcoded??
I'll end this post here, I have more posts to come about Krittika and Solar naks so stay tuned. I hope this was insightful
I am sooooo sorry that I have been soooo slow with my uploads lately,, I just have a lot on my plate atm 😭😭😭I am going to try my best to be more consistent cause I want to finish this series asap as I have several other pending posts to make UGHH
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leveloneandup · 12 hours
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Press returns to Angel City training
The star forward joined team training for the first time in two years.
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. — The rehabilitation process has not been easy for Angel City forward Christen Press. She tore her right anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) against Racing Louisville on June 11, 2022, and underwent four surgeries.
Now, two years later, on the same day, Press returned to Angel City team training.
Press participated in warm-ups and a passing drill. Although she had trained individually and been around the team for months, she had not gone through drills with the rest of the group until Tuesday.
“I always thought I would be on the quickest timeline possible,” Press told reporters. “I always had some big milestone in my head that I just was sure I was going to make. That’s part of who I am. I’m just relentlessly optimistic. I’m naively positive, thinking that everything’s gonna work out for me. I never want that to change.
I kind of got off course of all of those timelines so many times that I finally had to relinquish that expectation of myself. To be back in my team training, which is a small milestone, but one that you [the media] are all here for, it feels like a full circle kind of moment. It feels a little poetic to hit it on the day precisely.”
Tuesday’s return was a significant step forward for the two-time World Cup winner. However, her return to matches may not be soon.
“It’s going to be a little while before you see me in a game, so be patient,” Press said.
In the meantime, Press will continue the rehabilitation process. Her plan involves individual drills and work in team training.
“[Press] has a detailed plan that she is fully bought into moving forward with, which is exciting,” Tweed said. “There will be different days in terms of loading and what she is doing. But she is doing things daily in an individual space, so when she comes back into the team training, she is prepared for everything that’s coming her way.”
To be able to get her in pieces with the team is huge, but to continue moving forward with her individual trading is also huge.”
Despite the lengthy (and ongoing) comeback, Press feels she has healed herself while being a part of Angel City. She built a community in Los Angeles and feels settled for the first time in her life.
“I bought a house,” Press said. “I have a home here, and it feels permanent. That is very different. In that, I have been able to build a community that I feel very cared for in and that has helped me heal.”
Press is excited about her eventual return to matches but also understands the importance of patience.
“No matter how zen I seem when I talk about it, you can’t help having your mind race towards the excitement of, if I check all these boxes and I make it on the fastest timeline, then I could make this game,” Press said. “You can’t help but do that.
“I try to embrace that excitement and not squander it, but then also temper it with the balance and the reality that this is not in my control and patience has been my best friend for the last 730 days and more.”
Press will stay the course. Tuesday’s participation in team training was a step closer to her comeback.
Source: The Sporting Tribune
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akajustmerry · 1 day
Have you ever experienced seeing your dream broken in front of your eyes and not being able to do anything about it? Have you ever thought about living in a tent in a cold and unclean ocean, sleeping on the sand, without a bathroom or water? Have you thought about living in a place where you can’t meet your family’s basic needs and feel helpless about it?
I am Shahd from the southern Gaza Strip. All my life, I have been building a life for me and my family. It persisted in a good future, when the war in Gaza began on October 7, 2023. We were in extreme fear during the displacement, and found ourselves in an insufficient small tent. Despite the lack of safety, food, clean water and the spread of diseases, we had to live this difficult life under bombardment, knowing that at any moment, my family and I could lose our lives
My whole life has been scattered, and I am extremely frustrated and sad by the ongoing genocide I witness every day
Do you understand what it means to be in a situation where you have been displaced over and over again, just to reach the only supposed safe area that I ordered you to go to by a much stronger force than you as an unarmed civilian, just to be told that you can’t be there anymore? After you lose everything, like your home, your memories, your friends, your family and loved ones, your job, and everything you have worked hard to achieve...
Amid these hardships, I see a glimmer of hope, because I haven’t given up yet.
If you know of any organizations, associations or entrepreneurs who support and fund projects, please do not hesitate to share my association with them.
They can also contact me directly.
I know that the path to success after destruction can be difficult, but with your help and support for me and my family
hello, my friend. i am so sorry i wish i could do more!
to my followers, please, share or donate to shahd's gofundme! either via the link in this post or the post pinned to their page @shahesblog. only 4000USD out of 50,000USD has been raised to shahd's family to safety.
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shakingparadigm · 2 days
I always kind of wondered why Hyuna went out of her way to save Mizi in round five out of like anyone else. I originally thought it was just because she was up against Luka but that didn't really make sense because of round 4. You saying that she did it because she personally say herself in Mizi makes everything much more clear!! I was to busy look at the rescue from a more political standpoint against the aliens (which it still is) that from a more emotional one
I felt that too, honestly. When I first saw Mizi's rescue in ROUND 5 I found it confusing that Mizi was singled out as someone worthy of saving. Could Sua have been saved by the rebellion too? Why her and not anyone else? It's not just because she was up against Luka, the green-haired Durian girl went against him in ROUND 4 and there had been no effort to save her. It can't be just be her violent outburst, either, because Till acted out in ROUND 2 (and many instances before that) yet the rebellion remained unmoving.
So out of all people, why was Mizi saved? Since ROUND 5, I've settled on my own interpretation of things.
(The first one is more of my own speculation, while the second is more in line with canon, backed by Hyuna's info from Patreon)
1.) Why doesn't the Human Resistance Force save any other human from ALIEN STAGE? How do they increase their numbers in the first place?
I don't think it's common at all for the Human Resistance to interfere while ALIEN STAGE is ongoing. They must be well aware that it's one of the most dangerous moves they could ever pull. They can't afford to save every single contestant, and even if they could I still don't think they would've. Many human pets are raised to revere death as some kind of honor. Some of them are just happy enough to die, unfortunately. It's risky to try and convince someone who's loyal to the system to come to your side, as they might resist or rat out the whole rebel operation when pushed. You never know which humans actually want to be saved and which ones wish to live and die in the system.
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Written on the walls beside Hyuna's wanted poster are messages by the rebels themselves. (Roughly translated) the one on the left reads:
Recruitment of Human Rebellion
Qualification: All human beings who hate segyein
Provides accomodation / residence / basic food, clothing, shelter
If we continue to live like this, we will die
We are better than your master
The Rebellion relies on humans to come to them, encouraging others to make the conscious decision to save themselves and switch sides. The rebellion can't save just anyone, a human has to prove that they don't want to be a part of the system, they need to show signs.
It makes sense that they didn't save Sua. In front of the cameras, she played her part of "the perfect pet" too well. She showed no signs of resistance and even smiled as she was shot dead.
Though still rebellious, Till had purpose in ROUND 2. Even if they came to save him, he wouldn't budge if it meant leaving Mizi behind. Plus, Till's performances usually call for an increased amount of security and guards to pin him down in case he loses control like they expect him to. Increased risk for a rescue mission that might amount to nothing.
Ivan in ROUND 3 played his part just as perfectly as Sua (it was only during ROUND 6 where Hyuna, most likely spurred on by Mizi's attachment to them and the successful rescue in ROUND 5, decided to push forward with saving both Ivan and Till).
After ROUND 1, Mizi lost everything. She lost her joy, her willingness to participate any further in the competition. Anyone watching ALIEN STAGE can tell just how despaired Mizi is, how she no longer wants to go on because of Sua's death. Furthermore, ROUND 5 was delayed because Mizi refused to participate. Maybe it was within this period of delay that the Rebellion began their plan of action.
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Mizi openly showed her despair and refusal to participate in the competition any further, she provided the rebellion with a timeframe to execute the rescue mission, and her violent outburst at the end of ROUND 5 not only further proved her anger and disgust, but also nearly killed her. She needed to be saved at that point.
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That's the best way I can try to explain the Resistance's decision for Mizi's rescue from a logical standpoint, but as we know, the true reason for Mizi's rescue is far more personally motivated.
2.) What does Hyuna see in Mizi that reminds her of herself? What drove Hyuna to save her?
Hyuna may have an older, tougher edge, but overall she and Mizi are the most genuinely extroverted and outgoing of the cast (or they were, at least). As children, they both shared a bright and sunny personality that positively affected all the people around them. Even their long hair and the way they styled themselves as children is strikingly similar.
Before Hyunwoo's death and whatever went down in the 49th season of ALIEN STAGE, Hyuna was most likely just as excited to compete as Mizi was. Although their motivations differed, they both shared a love for performing. Cheerful, optimistic, and painfully naive.
Hyuna seemed much more innocent and "pure" back then as well, taking a lonely Luka under her wing and caring for him together with Hyunwoo just as she treated every other child in the Anakt Garden as her little sibling. Hyuna seems to retain this sisterly instinct, shown by taking in more humans into the Human Resistance and looking after them, providing shelter and other basic needs for those who wish for a safe refuge. However, she's much more cautious with who she allows to come close. Hyuna in present is incredibly jaded behind her cheery facade, and has lost all her naiveté. She adopted her righteousness from Hyunwoo, who seemed to hold strong positive beliefs from the beginning while she herself held a more realistic and somewhat pessimistic outlook. Hyuna believes that all humans are inherently selfish, and even the most altruistic of people possess this selfishness in their nature.
Plagued by all the past events and the trauma that heavily affected her way of living, Hyuna allows herself to fall into vices such as smoking and drinking, which she indulges in so often that it's stated as her "likes" on her official profile. These not only serve as a coping mechanism for her past hurt, but also as a way to further distance herself from segyein culture, which prefers their pets to remain prim and proper. Although years have passed, it's apparent that Hyuna still hasn't moved on from the death of her brother. While her intentions for an uprising are for the benefit of all human pets, seemingly altruistic, Hyuna herself states that people are selfish, and she is no exception.
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It seems that Hyuna is in pursuit of vengeance or justice. Her motivation for rebelling is fueled not only by her wish for freedom, but also by the urge to make up for Hyunwoo's death. She wants to be freed from the shackles of past, and it is through Mizi that Hyuna hopes to accomplish this.
Mizi, much like Hyuna, has experienced the devastating loss of someone who has been with her for almost her whole life. Someone who meant the world to her is now splayed out on the ground, blood spilling out of their lifeless body. The horror in that wide-eyed stare, paralyzed in shock... It's all too familiar.
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To add fuel to the flame, the person who further perpetuates Mizi's misery is Luka, tormenting her with memories of Sua and stepping uncomfortably into her space, leading her like a puppet. It's established that whatever connection Hyuna had with Luka is now cut. She no longer holds a fond protectiveness over him, now viewing him as a threat that must be eliminated or brought to justice, hence the dagger held over his head. Whether or not she can find it within herself to actually bring the dagger down... we'll have to wait and see.
Hyuna sees much of herself in Mizi, and she hoped to console her own pain by saving and helping her, almost as if she were helping another version of herself.
Near the end of All-In, it's Hyuna's turn to become paralyzed at the sight of someone that might as well have been dead to her. Re-entering ALIEN STAGE grounds inevitably presents one with Luka's image, and when Hyuna recalls her memories with him, she freezes up. She and Mizi have now switched places, with Hyuna as the one in need of saving and Mizi as the only one up to the task. When Mizi fired the gun and saved her, Hyuna felt more "healed" than before. She felt a sense of satisfaction and peace due to Mizi's growth and slow but steady recovery.
Hyuna's rescue of Mizi ended up serving the both of them. Mizi learned to stand on her own two feet again and gained strength, while Hyuna was able to put herself at ease.
At present, Hyuna is the person Mizi confides most in. Mizi finds herself similar to Hyuna in many ways, especially after hearing about her past.
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n4nase · 8 hours
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somethin' stupid
| you and toji, the love in your relationship severed many years ago-- but kept together solely by your children and the agreement to keep a complete household for your children. toji understands that you may not love him as much anymore; but the admiration for you is ongoing, eternal.
based on the song somethin' stupid - frank sinatra, nancy sinatra!
! toji fushiguro x female reader, sorta angst, comfort, established relationship,.... idk
' i know, i stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me'
"y/n, do you wanna go out for a drink tonight..?" toji asked shyly. a small amount of blush creeped into his cheeks, dark black strands of hair just slightly covering his eyes. "--i mean, we've been on edge lately.. i thought i could treat you..." he continued after a small silence. fiddling with the bottom of his shirt as he awaited your response.
you agreed.
*'and if we go someplace to dance, i know that there's a chance you wont be leaving with me.'
you guys walked beside each other that night, a little closer than you guys usually do. toji felt the warmth of your body radiate onto his. he was happy settling at that closeness. you could hear the aura of party downtown-- the same aura felt the day you guys first met.
toji wanted to take you somewhere meaningful that night. he feared losing you more than he already has.
*'then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two..'
you and toji stopped in front of a small jazz bar. you used to always want to adventure to jazz bars with toji, daydream about you and him in themed attire to enjoy a peaceful night at the bar.
"you've always wanted to come here right?.." toji sort of mumbled. it was hard for him to talk to you when it wasn't about the kids.
you hummed in satisfaction, taking a sip of the drink that toji ordered for you-- the classic, its been years and he still knows you well.
"thank you, toji." you looked into his eyes. they glistened a little, the light reflecting off of his alluring green eyes.
*'and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like,'
"you're welcome, i love you." he said softly. those three words being the loudest of the restaurant chatter happening throughout the bar. you tilted your head slightly. you blushed a little. but no reaction.. do you love him still?
toji thought you didn't. your lack of response had confirmed things for him.
'i can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before'
you swirled your drink softly. the nights he had come home exhausted, the days you felt neglected by him. you both failed to nurture each other. it was exhausting when you bombarded each other at the wrong times.
regrets, a marriage of love.. feelings of regret. are there some things that we should have gotten over..? it hurt.
'and though its just a line to you for me its true and never seemed so right before..'
but despite those feelings of hurt. toji still loved you after it all. unconditionally. but you didn't love him back.
even so. the air was thick between you two. the remembered feelings and memories attached to jazz bars had caused you two to reminisce.
'i practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true...'
toji tried. every morning, he would try to come knocking on your (separate..) bedroom door to ask for you to fix his tie perfectly as you did before. or bring you breakfast in the mornings as you woke up.
he ended up covering your plate in saran wrap. a small note attached with the rilakkuma sticky notes you had purchased.
he had to watch a youtube video on how to fix his tie.
'but then i think i'll wait until the evening gets late and i'm alone with you.'
he played with the straw in his cup. he looked at you for a while. you knew that, you let him.
'the time is right your perfume fills my head'
you walked back together. you had .. many drinks extra, clinging onto his arm as he guides the two of you back home. your familiar scent lingering onto him. he breathed in heavily--the fresh cold air purifying his thoughts.
'the stars get red, and oh, the nights so blue'
he daydreamed about moments like this with you. for years almost. to be this close with you again. he looked up at the sky. you stumbled a little, grasping his arm a little tighter.
he pulled out your spare pair of shoes. sitting you down to slip your heels off gently and hold them for you. he knew your feet were hurting.
a habit he built, because he loved you.
'and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like,'
your breath showed in the soft lighting of the night. blush tainting your cheeks and nose perfectly. you could not do anything but stare.
when you’re drunk, its your subconscious right?..
"i love you." you softly said.
a/n: i CLEARLY am a first time writer. saur many typos but im fixing them i swear plzzz i dont know how to work this
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sharuruwrites · 2 days
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I gave a second chance to Cupid
But now, I'm left here feeling stupid
Oh, the way he makes me feel
That love is not real
Cupid is so dumb
- Cupid by Fifty Fifty
Tags: Fem!Reader, Fluff, Gojo Satoru playing Wingman for Reader, curses and techniques doesn't exist, slice of life, yearning?, Gojo is a brat and asshole, Reader is hopeless romantic, reader is named You, Unedited
N/a: Just thought of this one shot while I was listening to this song, and went "Hmmm...let me add the reason why the Cupid is a dumb b-tch with Gojo's yearning in this shit."
The bright red text flashed brightly on the tv as the fighter posed victoriously.
Strange. The lack of competitive yet toxic spirit in You raised concerns from Gojo.
"Something the matter?" Gojo put down his controller beside him. "You're not normally this quiet."
"Satoru," You glanced at him. "Do you hate me?"
No, and if he did, he would rather be dead than live the rest of his life hating her.
"Perhaps, to tease you." Gojo smirked. "But, for your sanity sake, I will say no."
"Then why are you setting me up with shitty dates from the start?!"
You ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated.
"The latest is by far the worst I've gone through! How did you get the idea that I'll enjoy dating a man who's not only a pest, but also has views that are so outdated? He straight up told me that a woman should walk three steps behind him while we're just walking in the park!"
Honestly? It's a genuine mistake on Gojo's part. Desperation times called for desperate measures. However, the failure of You's past dates were part of his intricate plan. His best friends, Suguru and Shoko, called his plan dumb and manipulative, but haters gonna hate. Cringed as it sounded.
The plan that he was so proud of? That he had to play the inverse role of Cupid?
Simple. To make You fall for him.
At first, he mistaken those budding feelings of his similar to familial, given they were close since kindergarten. Yet, he knew it slowly bloomed when You's absence grew his heart fonder as they attended different universities, and found himself looking forward to her said visits. He missed everything about her down to the sound of his name from her voice.
 Growing up robbed the only constant in his life – You.
Throughout the years, his friend became a thorough hopeless romantic thanks to the fairy tales she read. She wasn't particularly this aggressive to find love until now. If he were to warrant a guess, perhaps due to peer pressure. Despite the horrendous dates he sent her through, she still held onto the hope of finding her one true love. As the supportive friend and future husband to be, he volunteered to be her matchmaker.
Once she's somewhat defeated by the woes of finding love, he would swoop in and have her fall for him instantly. That's what happened to his parents. Both gave up on dating before they met each other. It worked since they still maintained the blissful matrimony.
"Sorry about that one," Gojo scratched his head. "I just overheard him saying that he needs to go out more."
"I kicked his shin before leaving. So, we're good." You said nonchalantly. "At this rate, I'm going to just ask Suguru. He's a gentleman, don't you think?"
"What makes you think he'll go out with you?" Alarmed, Gojo asked too quickly for his taste.
"Shoko told me once while I was drinking with her." She answered. "Apparently, Suguru is interested in dating me, but he doesn't want to risk his friendship with you or something like that."
That damn alcoholic. He thought Shoko's tolerance to alcohol was higher than Nanami's. How much did You drink to out drink Shoko to the point of loosening her lips?
"No" Gojo crossed his arms. "And, he's busy with his thesis right now."
"How quick of you to shot me down, unless..."
You snapped her fingers.
"Do you like him? I'm not surprised given the ongoing bromance since high school between-"
"I love you, not him." Gojo blurted, interrupting his friend.
You's grip on Gojo's spare controller loosened until it dropped on her lap. Her eyes widened in surprise and mouth gaped open. Confused, Gojo stared at the sudden reaction of his friend. Realization struck him hard like a bullet train upon hearing her next words.
"You love me?" She slowly repeated his words.
There goes his plans. It went up to flames because of his dumb mistake. At this point, any fucks he had were thrown all out of the window. Gojo confessed everything about his plan to her while Guilt gnawing on his conscience. Because of the said emotion, Fear and Shame joined together and formed intrusive thoughts in his head.
What if she didn't want to be friends with him anymore? What if she started hating him?
"I...don't know what to make of this..." You released a deep breath. "I...don't even know where to start. What happens to us now then?"
He didn't know. Was that the answer he truly wanted to say to You? Doubt and distress didn’t suit a woman like her. So, he would dispel it with a question of his own, and it's up to her in the end. Whether they remained friends or not, he respected her decision. 
Gojo took her hand with great care. It was a relief to him that she didn't pull away or flinch from his touch. Gently, his thumb caressed the back of her hand to soothe his nerves. A gesture she always did whenever he needed it.
"I know it's selfish of me to ask this, and I'll accept whatever your answer is but," Gojo frowned, his blue eyes full of sincerity and certainty. "Will you please give this stupid cupid of yours a chance? To give you the love you deserved?
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Hello there it’s your new stalker !
Do you have any theories or imaginings about how Rios gramma would’ve reacted to finding out he and Beth conspired to put Nick behind bars? Especially since Nick basically took the fall for her? (I think that’s what happened…?) maybe she wouldn’t find out but I know this fandom speculated that she could’ve been running things with them.
I love reading your thoughts about the show!!
I’m stalking you right back, my friend. Thank you for talking to me about these guys! Get the shipper juices flowing. 🥰
I am not of the mind that Rosa was involved in the crime operation. I think she was an enabler. I think she knew Rio had ongoing trouble with the law, but because he was her special baby, I headcanon that she made excuses for him a lot and shielded him wherever she could. Like maybe socially or in the family. In fact, some of that may have been why Nick resented Rio and continually didn’t hesitate to sacrifice him for their “mutual” financial success. I also headcanon that Rosa was harder on Nick, and that his arrest, while a surprise to her, was a lot more shameful than any of Rio’s arrests. Idk why, I just picture her having a soft spot for baby Rio and coddling him a little because he was a more sensitive kid and could be really charming with all his good intentions.
I think she would be accepting of Beth if Rio seemed happy to have Beth in his life. I think it kinda came through in their family dinner. She was sweet to Beth not just because she was a guest, but because she could tell that was her special baby’s special girl. She was even willing to overlook the husband and kids. Whatever Rio wants, Rio gets. Even if his girlfriend is an immoral cheating harlot. 😂😂😂
But okay, getting into Beth’s actual sins. I think Rosa could forgive her Nick’s imprisonment. Because Rio would have sold it to her in the right way. Nick didn’t really go down for Beth. He went down for him and Rio (and Beth.) So Rosa’s bias and favoritism (that I imagine she has) would allow her to spin it all in her mind that Nick should have known better and should have lived up to her clean-cut expectation of him.
Now, do you think she could forgive Beth if she ever found out that Beth shot Rio? Because THAT is the big elephant in the room. First of all, I don’t think Rio would ever let it slip. For many reasons, including his own pain and emasculation about it. But also, if Rio genuinely made the choice to continue on with Beth either romantically or professionally or both, Rosa would always support his choices. Idk how she could possibly find out, but if she did, she would defer to Rio and whatever lies or half-truths he told her.
Do you agree? What do you think?
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scaly-freaks · 2 days
Sorry to harass about the inmate au again, but my sister was just talking about R Kelly and how he had all these female supporters even after he was caught on camera degrading this 14 year old girl, and I remembered how you wrote that the media loves Aegon because he’s “young, handsome, and evil” and it made me wonder whether Aegon would have groupies, and what sort of effect that would have on Amara, this distortion of her story into this narrative.
Don't worry, this is absolutely not harassment! Honestly this AU is in the back of my mind at all times, but I can barely handle writing the one ongoing one so I might do some sketches for this instead at some point.
And as for the ask...there's this fact I hate facing as someone who will always defend women against men, and it's that no one hates on a woman the way another woman can. The viciousness of women towards women never fails to astound me. It's like society programs us to go at each other, whilst men are trained to stick together.
That being said, some - or all - of those groupies would either pretend Amara doesn't exist or straight up revile her because she got to be the centre of attention for their "dream man" and threw away her chance (there was this talk show in the 80s I think, where two Richard Ramirez fangirls got into a fistfight on air, so I mean, the psychology is there).
Aegon, being a Machiavellian wonder, would figure out quickly enough she's tracking him in the news, and since the guards often sell stories to journalists about high profile prisoners, he makes it obvious when he talks about the groupies he's writing back to (whilst not responding to Amara's letters at all). Amara actually mails one of the many hair ribbons he gifted her back to him in one of the envelopes under some deluded belief that he might keep it under his pillow. She regrets sending it later, but in the moment she missed him so much, she just wanted him to have her there. Aegon gifts the hair ribbon to the #1 groupie who he's gotten engaged to so he can justify conjugal visits, and she of course blabs about it to the media, loud and proud. Amara sees the ribbon around her neck and almost loses it.
Now, I'm not saying Amara's a killer or anything, but Aegon has trained her to shoot wild animals in the forest, so she can definitely aim and fire to kill without a second thought. She'd have a truly horrific period of mental health where she begins to stalk this groupie (let's call her Cassandra, no particular reason why) and tries to psyche herself up to do her harm. But in the end, she does realise it is exactly what Aegon would want her to do and runs to tell her therapist all of these urges instead.
(When Aegon realises his plan hasn't worked, he breaks off that engagement so fast *-*)
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ihopesocomic · 3 days
When exactly did this comic start and what led to it? It's just that I've seen people say all over the place that you started this comic just to sneer at My Pride or w/e and I thought the comic started around the same time as My Pride? Not that I really care but I'm just curious about the actual timeline of things.
For starters, this kind of thing about us making this comic just to dunk on My Pride always makes me laugh because of several reasons:
We literally have a video out there that is nearly three hours long that puts everything on the table. We don't need to be pursuing a comic for nearly four years just to deliver a hit piece. We've summed up things quite well years ago.
The idea that we can't reclaim a concept as marginalised creators from a bigot who misappropriated our oppression for entertainment value is a bad faith argument as to why folks just don't like us/the comic at best and reductive gatekeeping at worst. We're not the first or only people who have tried their hand at reclaiming a problematic entity and doing a rewrite/reshaping of it (i.e. Warrior Cats) so why this is a foreign concept to some people, I don't know. I'd rather people just say they don't like us or the comic like adults instead of harping on about how I can't have my own disabled lion story as a disabled creator because I think that's just such a weird hill to die on. lol
But to answer your question: we began the AU story that became I Hope So around the summer of 2020 when we decided to disassociate from My Pride due to controversy surrounding it and its creator.
We quickly changed it into our own thing because it did not take long for it to dawn on us that doing what we wanted to do would be very difficult and limiting without using our own characters and worldbuilding.
We had also pretty much nailed down a solid outline of what we wanted to do because we obviously did not want to be exactly the same as My Pride. Hope gets bad name, Hope drops bad name, Hope eventually leaves abusive family, we try for better disabled/LGBT+ rep, we meet other animals besides lions, Red Stone, Edge's family, among many other differences.
We then began serialisation in October 2020 while My Pride was still ongoing and before we even published our review of the show, which did not come about until the following March... because the show was barely half done and we had to wait for episodes before reviewing it. oof
Hope my rambling clears up this issue for you, anon. - RJ
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Daryl x Librarian Reader
Not long enough to be a one shot // Probably not short enough to be a Drabble
Hey! I just wanna say I do see your requests and I do plan on finishing ongoing fics and such but I have been grasping at straws for creativity. Writers block is kicking my butt on top of family events and adultly duties. Plz believe me when I say I check my inbox and drafts daily to see which one I can work with and I’m trying to get back on my game!
Summary: Recalling a short innocent fling Daryl had with a librarian when he was young. (Pre Apoc // Canon Universe)
Warnings:brief mention of sex, profanity
(fem!reader) (reader description: shy, reserved, bashful, long hair)
Later in his life, Daryl would be known for his stoic demeanor and heroic feats, but before all the destruction and societal collapse, Daryl was once young and exuberantly charming. Still, given his family ties, he had a reputation. His father was a well known drunken hothead and his brother was considered a local terrorist.
Daryl, though, was a fairly agreeable guy despite his habit of losing his temper. In the years before he started drifting around with Merle, he was had his share of innocent fun and sweet flings.
Perhaps one of his most memorable interests was a girl by the name of Y/N, who worked at the local library. Daryl had decided to get his GED that fall, in hopes of scoring a job at the local auto shop. The manager told him if he had a diploma or something like it, he had a job.
He spent a lot of time in the library trying to study, but of course he was distracted by the shy beauty spending hours on end organizing books. To most, there was nothing special about her. She dressed in browns and grays, her makeup was never anything to look twice at, and she was overall very reserved and bashful. Her eyes never lingered on anyone else’s for too long, her hair was always brushed out straight and tucked behind her ears.
So, it was of course a surprise to all when a small town bad boy took interest in her. It was subtle at first, but anyone who payed attention would have picked up on the flirtatious half smiles and the gentle brush of his fingers against hers when he passed her a book for checkout. He never missed an opportunity to ask her a simple question or make any kind of small talk.
She was a bit more subtle, though. Her language was quiet and soft, mostly speaking through avoidant eyes and chewed up lips. She squirmed under the pressures of his tactics and he ate that shit up.
He realized quickly that she’d never open up in her work environment. That would have been unprofessional, and she was a careful girl.
So, when he was ready to ask her out, he decided to approach her after work. He waited outside, chain smoking in his truck until the library closed. When she came out and locked up, he approached her casually and asked her out on a date to the bar. She wasn’t a drinker, which he figured, but it was a small town. It was either the bar or the lake, and the lake was a well known hookup spot. He thought asking her there might be disrespectful.
Despite her reservations, she said yes, and that might be picked her up at 8pm sharp. He had changed into his nicest jeans and his favorite button-up, and he even went out and got some cologne for the occasion. He was pleasantly surprised to see her step out of her front door in a cute dress. Her hair was done in waves, a contrast to her typical pin-straight mane, and even her makeup was a tad brighter.
He grinned warmly at her as she walked up, earning a cheeky blush in return.
“Ya look real cute.” He told her, stepping to the side and pulling the passenger door open wide. She chuckled awkwardly as she climbed in the seat, thanking him before he shut her in the truck.
The ride to the bar had gotten off to a quiet start. It was sort of an uncomfortable silence, but mostly because they were both unsure how to begin. Eventually, he passed her a kind smile as he turned a corner, and asked her how old she was.
“22. You?”
“24.” He answered.
“What made you want your GED?” She wondered.
“For a job.” He shrugged.
“Oh.” She nodded as they pulled up to the bar.
“Wait here.” He told her as he removed the keys from the ignition and rushed to open her for for her. A pleased smile crept over her features at his chivalry as he offered her a hand to step down. She accepted his help, and thanked him once more as he let her in the bar.
Music and chatter filled the air inside, and admittedly it was overwhelming at first. He glanced around for a good table and ushered her over when he found it.
“Get comfortable. I’ll go get us some drinks.” He said in her ear over the loud music. She set her bag down before she slid herself into the booth, and a few moments later Daryl returned with two mixed drinks. He handed her one as he sat across from her. “It’s a Long Island Iced Tea. They’re strong but they don’t taste bad.” He explained.
She took a small sip to evaluate the taste. She’d only ever really drank wine on occasion. He was right, though. The taste was okay.
He was also right about it being strong, because halfway through her glass and they were laughing at each other as they talked about whatever came up. She wasn’t typically so chatty, but she liked the buzz.
“Wow. I didn’t think I’d have this much fun at the bar.” She admitted at some point.
“Yeah, this stinky ass joint ain’t half bad.” he agreed. “Ya never been here?”
“No, I don’t drink much.” She shrugged.
“Y’ain’t missin’ that much. It’s good to habe fun without booze.”
“Hmm. I dunno.” She giggled. “I’m having a pretty good time.”
Silence fell between them as their eyes met. He smirked at the way her hands fidgeted with her glass. In the silence, their gazes spoke a thousand words. They had quite a few dates after that. Mostly to the bar, but occasionally a movie or a simple dinner at her place. They never slept together, but he didn’t mind it much. His experiences were usually drunken and blurry the next day. He also just enjoyed her company.
Things didn’t end on a bad note, either. She was only working through her final semester of college before she went and took a job in an elementary school library in another town. Daryl ended up getting his GED and a job at the auto shop.
Life went on, and she became a mere memory, but occasionally he thought of her and wondered if she was still around. She probably got married and had babies, he figured. Some kind of white-picket-fence lifestyle. Regardless, he was thankful for the good memories. He didn’t have many to look back on before the outbreak.
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix @superbowlisgay @liizzygrant @eddiemunsonsupremecy
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colorisbyshe · 6 months
I really do need to emphasize. I am trying my best to bring vital information/context to information to the dashboard, where I have the most influence, but I need to check in and make sure I am not anyone's sole lens into what is happening in Palestine.
I am not an expert. Tumblr is not a good place for CURRENT and timely news. And also... I'm not tuned in all the time, I'm not always fact checking as much as I should be, I'm not speaking up for every piece of information.
Please, please, PLEASE... know I am giving you good information but I/tumblr should be like... 10th place in terms of where you go for news. I am doing my best to post good information but I am not trained in this. Everyone is fallible but I am much, much more likely to be fallible than people on the ground, people with actual connections to Palestine, people whose entire job is reporting on this, contextualizing this.
It actually makes me quite uncomfortable when it becomes clear to me that some of y'all aren't really getting information anyone where else but my blog. Or you're just accepting anything you see on your dash.
A couple days ago I saw someone reblog a post that as like "The death count isn't going up as quickly because Israel has killed so many people, there's so few people left that they just can't die in large numbers anymore." FUCKING INSANE the lack of critical thinking going into saying that and spreading that. Like there are over 2 million people alive (and suffering) right now. Saying shit like that is not helpful, it is not true, it is not kind.
But that's the quality level we have on tumblr right now.
So, please, do not rely on me or anyone else on this website unless they are giving you VERY GOOD reason to true their perspective. Check out their sources if they provide them.
I'm not being humble right now. I am not being shy or "aw shucks" about my perspective. I am saying do better than me. I should be a fucking stepping stone to legitimate sources. Not the well you go to every day.
Please, I am begging you do better.
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halorvic · 7 days
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#sars cov 2#covid 19#i've interacted with 4 different friends/acquaintances in the past month alone who have all been hospitalised after having a stroke#(and in one case multiple strokes)#one who i visited in hospital over the weekend had a (unmasked) nurse coughing up a lung in her room 👍#and one of them who had to undergo surgery also had to be moved to a different hospital#bc the ward they were keeping him in was full of confirmed covid patients 👍👍#idk how many times it needs to be said before it gets through people's heads but VACCINES ARE NOT ENOUGH#and encouraging ppl to rely solely on them when there are already plans to jack up the prices so you have to KEEP PAYING for boosters#for an ONGOING mass-disabling event is so laughably unrealistic and absurd and flat-out demonic#you need to mitigate the actual spread of covid by WEARING A MASK + fighting for CLEAN AIR/proper ventilation in public spaces!!!!!!#ppl are so eager to forget the whole 'break the chain of transmission' thing and how effective masking is and so this is where we're at#'i got infected and infected other ppl who might die or become permanently disabled but it's no big deal bc no one else wears a mask#so if /i/ didn't infect them someone else would have anyway so it's not my fault and really its got nothing to do with me and my choices'#if everyone is responsible then no one is responsible - that's how it works right?#it's no wonder some ppl go rabid at even the sight of someone wearing a mask and minding their own business#ppl seeking treatment for unrelated conditions/illnesses and then dying from covid caught in hospitals#due to lack of npis/basic mitigation measures - no regulations no accountability#we truly live in a hell (''new normal'') of our own making#anyway none of this is new news at all i mostly thought it might be good to share the info graphic abt signs of stroke#covid has been given free reign and chances are increasing as to how likely you'll encounter it happening to someone you know at some point#also heart attacks and pots and alzheimer's etc etc etc
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prince-liest · 1 year
I’m reading Witch King by Martha Wells, and now that I have read more than one (1) series by this author, I have been suddenly brained with a two-by-four sharpied over with “realizing that I really enjoy novels by Martha Wells because they live in the specific niche created by the intersection of casually and thoroughly queer casts and non-romance storylines”
I am as ever a sucker for non-human main characters struggling with their very human feelings, which is why I jumped on Witch King the moment I saw “the author of Murderbot wrote another book with a main character that’s non-human,” but I live in this dichotomy where I can really enjoy reading queer romances but I don’t really identify with non-ace characters (which is not actually something I figured out how to differentiate until I was Last Week Years Old). so there are lots of books out there that I enjoy reading but it’s comparatively rare for me to read something that feels like it was written For Me and Martha Wells does that very well
anyway, give me more ace it-pronouns human-spliced robot main characters and people-eating demons who consider rank over gender when finding new bodies to inhabit
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More misc. daily life pictures and such
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1 & 2 - Very bright pretty looking sky !#2. HUGE icicle that looked like you could kill someone with it or something.. Pulled from near a gutter on the side of a building#3. & 4 & 5 - various images from a silly party I had where I pretended to be some elf king turning like 204 years old lol (also not like#a REAL party. Only my roommates were there really and we're all in the same household bubble.#just to clarify. I would never dare have a large party anyway given#my hermitous nature but on top of that.. didn't want there to be some implication that I'm having a Party while covid is still ongoing lol.#NEVER.. But I do love dressing up as some fantasy character so much.. The only thing that could ever bring a true hermit wizard#to engage with others socially is the prospect of connecting it somehow to fantasy worlds and costumes lol. One must simply dress up#as a silly 200 year old man from time to time and pretend you've never seen a balloon before in your life. etc.#6. bapy boye... feets#7. The main food that I made for the elderly elf man 'party'. which was a Deconstructed Beef Wellington (kind of as ajoke since I watch s#o many silly cooking competition shows and they always make stuff 'deconstructed' at the last minute when under time limits or whatever.)#I've wanted to make beef wellington a few times but Ithink to do it well I'd need like..an actual kitchen and a lot of time and#an oven that fully works to bake things and etc. etc. So I thought this would be an easier method. A thick steak cut round to kind of mimi#c the round tenderloin or whatever it is in a wellington. instead of the puff pastry being wrapped around - I just did star shaped cut outs#of pastry and baked them and put them on top (to go with the star theme). instead of mushroom duxelles being wrapped around in pastry#its in a little circle under the steak. and instead of mustard being brushed onto the meat I made a mustard gravy sauce type of thing#Then of course asparagus on the side.. my favorite... Though I know some wellington#also has a layer of prosciutto I think. or I saw one person use crepes. I didn't feel it was necessary to incorporate that too lol#8. bapy son helping me do a giant puzzle that took me hours and I had no idea it was actually that large of a puzzle#until I started putting it together and for some reason it made me stressed by the end instead of relaxed lol.. puzzle fatigue#photo diary
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