#but like Especially my first relationship when i first started hs i think has affected me much more than i really want to admit
typerofwords · 3 years
#emmett is yelling#content warning for the tags: mentions of s*icide and s*lf h*rm#dont purposefully trigger yourself pls! also im fine just having some thoughts!#i was thinking last night about how traumatic middle and highschool actually were for me like? i dont think ive really let myself call it#that i never thought my experiences were idk? big enough and that people have been through much worse so i didnt deserve to call it that ig#but like Especially my first relationship when i first started hs i think has affected me much more than i really want to admit#because i was 14 and had been severely depressed and suicidal the past yearish as well as starting to sh#and Just realized i was trans too and i started dating my friend who guess what? was all of those things too#and it was lovely most of the time honestly like i loved him and we had great moments but i feel it got very codependent nearer the end#i specifically remember a day he called me scared and crying because his parents had threatened to put him in the hospital for an#observational like 48? 72 hour? stay and he was terrified and turned to me a suicidal 14 year old to help#and me and my mom drove to get him that evening and i remember just laying on the couch and holding him while he just cried and cried and#like thats not normal and not okay for anyone to have the burden of dealing with if they cant especially not someone#whos just as young and just as incredibly vulnerable like during those months i was so scared everytime the phone rang#that it would be his mom or the hospital telling me he was dead and it just felt like the whole responsibility of keeping him#alive and happy was all on my shoulders and if i made one wrong step hed kill himself because i didnt do enough#like the entirety of highschool for me was desperately trying not to end it everyday and having constant like multiple times a week#if not everyday having panic attacks shutdowns and or meltdowns because of the contant abrasive stimuli mixed with#suicidality and depression and undiagnosed learning disabilities mixed with school work that i both couldnt understand or keep up with#like no WONDER i developed a personality disorder with a major characteristic being real or imagined fear of abandonment#no wonder i dissociated for the duration of the 7? 8? months i before i left hs and only have a few scattered memories from that whole year#like highschool really messed with me in way i havent let myself think about and seeing the sheer amount of other folks from that school#feeling and thinking really similar things is so understandable and so sad like we were really suffering and no one actually did a#goddamn thing that was remotely beneficial to us it makes me mad honestly that i was robbed of those years and so many of my peers were too
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natsukitakama · 3 years
What kind of Yandere Floch is ?
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Could I please get Yandere Floch since I’m really curious what type of yandere would he be but with a fem s/o who isn’t member of yeagarits and she’s with Hange and others instead, wanted to stop Eren. She’s also afraid of Floch since she can sense something odd about him
Hey I’m that anon who request yandere Floch with a reader who isn’t a yeagarist, well just so you know they’re not dating but perhaps they are friends and the reader is type of person who’s not ready to be in relationship even if she has a crush and Floch is aware of that. you could reply this ask at the same day when you post this request
Hey it’s me again, the same anon who request yandere Floch, there’s something I want to add more is that the reader figure it out that eren was using and manipulate Floch and the reader was telling Floch that he’s being used so really curious what would he tell her. Once again reply this ask until this request is posted which I know you’ll take long but I’m fine with it since I’m patience
Author note : Hi there, first of all thank you for being so patient with me ! I hope you’ll enjoy your request. It’s like a HS of my what kind of Yandere are they with two part : part 1 and part 2, the only difference is this headcanon got context
Before we started, let me reminds you those relationships are TOXIC please be careful. No one should treat you the way they did in this headcanon, you’re precious and deserve someone who’ll be able to take care of you properly.
Warning : violence / Mention of stress / Toxic relationship and behavior / slight nsfw / mention of violence / Spoiler from season 4/manga if you didn't catch up with the manga you might be spoil so be careful
-->if you don’t feel confortable wit those kinds of things don’t read, I want you to feel good on my blog this is a happy place.
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We’re going to start with the basic, during a long time you guys got a hate/love relationship
None of you knew if you hate each other or if you were too into each other, like you were always teasing each other, always trying to get on the other’s nerve.
It was kinda cute until it became an obsession for Floch.
He didn’t notice it though. Not at first, he thought that he was genuinely crushing on you. I mean you were pretty hot, you got a big mouth not afraid to tell whatever you had in mind, you were even bold enough to argue with Floch with that damn smirk of yours.
Before he could acknowledge it he was already in his kneel for you (not literally not now though).
But to you, you were just friends. With your life and what was going own outside of the wall you knew it wasn’t the right time to get in a relationship, so even though you were in love with Floch you decided that it wasn’t appropriate to start dating.
But Floch disagreed with you. It was already too late, he was into you. He wanted to be by your side, he was craving for your attention whether it would be by arguing with him, fighting (not in a bad way you know just teasing each other) or even romantic attention.
He wanted to get everything that you might give him.
And he was ready to do everything in order to get what he was craving for.
At first you didn’t mind it, you didn’t even notice how bad the situation was. I mean, you were in love with him and as you got to know him you realized that he went through a lot of things. You were aware that the Shinganshima’s event left a huge mark on his soul and now he was dealing with a trauma that might stay forever.
It pained you to see him sometimes struggling with his dream because he was always dreaming about the death of his friends, the way he almost dies and for nothing. Yeah they got Shinganshima back but now they needed to be strong in order to fight the whole word outside the wall.
He needed to be strong so he wouldn’t live this again, he needed to be strong so no one would be able to touch you. He knew at this point he became addict to you and you were the only who can maintain a sort of serenity around him.
So yeah when it came to Floch you weren’t exactly unbiased, you cared a lot about him, so you couldn’t manage to just straight up and tell him to let go.
And he knows it oh boy he knows and he is not afraid to use it against you.
Especially when it was time to choose your side, would you be a yeagerist or would you stay with Hange ?
He expects you to make the right choice ( aka follows him in case you were wonderin)
But it was more complicated than that, of course you were afraid. Since you’ve realized that your nightmare started because some people outside of the wall (who used to be your boundaries) decided that you were monster who needed to be killed because some of your ancestor made war against them. You weren’t a fool, you were aware that talking won’t be enough, it’s been decades since the outside hated you, but you weren’t ready to use such a powerful and dangerous power (aka the rumbling) against people without being a hundred percent sure there weren’t a way out.
So for now you decided to follow Hange much to Floch’s dismay
Not gonna lie he was ready, I mean he knew everything about you so of course he kinda expected you to not follow him easily (where’s the fun then ?)
Even if he expected you to confront him and not follow him already, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed. I mean why you wouldn’t follow him while all he was doing was fighting for a better word for both of you ? Why wouldn’t you agree with him when he was protecting his people ? Why would you disagree when he was obviously right
So yeah he felt bitterness against you, especially because since you’ve decided to join Hange’s side all you were doing was to confront him about his relationship with Eren. « He is obviously manipulating you ? » « Why are you following him ? I thought he was an ass ? » « We didn’t even try to talk to them how could you be so sure there is no other way ? »
Quickly you came to realize that you couldn’t change his mind which pains you, even though you weren’t ready to be in a relationship for now, you couldn’t help the feeling of emptiness each time you were thinking about him.
Yeah you were missing him, you missed the way you two used to tease each other, you missed his cocky smile each time he was showing off to own some of your precious praise.
But sometimes you swore this man was scaring you, the way his eyes was always on you no matter what (he could have been talking to some of his companion his eyes would remain on you)
Sometimes, you swore that he was following you even though you didn’t have any proof that he was doing it, you just felt it. He was here no matter where you were he was here looking at you from your usual spot to your training spot, you were even starting to think that he was here when you were showering or when you were sleeping.
This sensation was driving you crazy, everyone started to believe that you were a little bit paranoid (yes the man was always looking at you but he told you he was in love so it’s normal right ?)
The feeling became stronger after one of your last confrontation because his behavior (and himself) change brutally :
When you decided to follow Henge-San no matter what, you knew that it would affect your relationship with everyone especially the one you got with Floch. After all he decided to become a yeagarist and to betray everyone in order insure paradis’ safety. In his mind everything made sense, his trauma, all the things he had to go through was because of them, because some people behind the wall decided that paradis was the real danger and needed to be annihilated. What he couldn’t understand was why you hadn’t join him yet ? His goal was noble, he was doing everything to provide you safety. Why were you against him ? Why would you meddle into his plan ? At first, he thought you were playing hard just to amuse him, because you used to love teasing him and while he was enjoying a little opposition coming from you, now that he was about to betray everyone including his superior by changing them into titans he needed to have you by his side. He couldn’t wait anymore, the plan already begun so he needed to convince you to follow him.
That’s why you were here now, in jail behind the bar while Floch was looking at you a frown on his face. No, it was more than that, it was the face you made when you were about to scold your child from acting like a brat. He looked disappointed and quite angry, though you got some ideas why he might be angry you couldn’t however understand why he was so disappointed. After all, you told him that his plan was insane so why was he acting like this ? To be honest you should be the one being angry, he got the nerve to send some rookie from the survey corps find you to arrest you so they could bring you to your jail. You’ve been here since your last argument with Floch and it was like a week ago.
« You know I always knew you were a bad looser but I didn’t expect you to bring me into jail for not being cooperative. Don’t you think it’s a little bit excessive ? Like a LOT »
« Always sassy right Y/N »
« It’s not sassiness at this point it’s just being rational »
« Rational ? You are talking about being rational while being the one who claimed that my plan was full of shit ? »
« I didn’t really say that I just underlined the fact that we still got some cards to play before sending whatever Eren want to send »
« The rambling »
« Yeah whatever that’s not the point »
« It’s definitely the point »
« Absolutely not there is plenty of things to do before even consider sending them titans to kill a whole population »
« A WHOLE POPULATION ? Did you hear yourself y/n ? THEY kill us, THEY were the reason we don’t have a home anymore THEY are the reason so many people died and for what uh ? »
« Not because their government want us dead does it mean the people want our death most of them are probably innocent. There are other way Floch »
« There is no other way y/n the world has to be fix »
« Fix ? Now you are scarring me Floch »
« It doesn’t matter what you think y/n »
« May I ask you why ? »
« Because you’re not leaving this jail »
« I beg your pardon ? »
« Look, here you’re safe from both them and the yeagarist »
« I’m not afraid I’ll kick their ass »
« I won’t take the risk of losing you, so you’re going to stay here all you cute for me yeah ? I Wont be too long I need to work on a little problem then I would be back and you could yell at me as much as you want ok ? I’ll be back »
« No no no Floch look come back OI come back ! I’m not going to stay here you now I’ll find a way out »
« No you won’t nobodies know you’re here I told the yeagarist that you were dead. They won’t look for you, your friends believe you’re dead too. I’m the only person who knows where you are. But it’s okay, it was always about us right ? »
With that he just left your jail, without even a look, all he could was your scream but he didn’t care. The jail was hiding under the military court no one would even think about looking for you here. Besides the wall was thick enough so no one would hear you screaming, for now he decided that you will remain here until he was done saving paradis. But of course, he promised himself to take great care of you so don’t worry.
After this « incident » (aka his way to save you from the trouble outside according to him), his behavior change toward you. You noticed it, he became possessive and rather paranoid when it came to you.
So you might ask what kind of Yandere he is ?
Possessive : I mean he was already possessive before he became the Yandere that he now is, he just lost so many people that now he was afraid that you would be next. So yeah he always makes sure to have his hand on some part to your body mostly your hips or even better holding your hand, since you were attracted to him you let him do his things. But as he falls gradually into darkness, his touch which used to be light touch became more rough. Floch wasn’t holding you anymore he was grabbing you, as if to demonstrate to everyone that he owns you. It wasn’t a mark of affection, but a way for him to illustrate your affiliation to him (as if you were wearing a leash). Speaking of leash, he started to think about it when he notices way too many people was looking at you as if they didn’t understand that you belong to him. And when you two started to be intimate, he was more than ready to mark each inch of your body whether from his teeth, mouth or even from the way he is grabbing at your thigh. It quickly became a habit of him to ask who you belong to especially each time he was giving a rather hard slap from his hips or his hands (because if you think he wouldn’t spank you for being naughty or a brat you’re wrong he loves that) and even though at first you didn’t like the idea of moaning your belonging you quickly discover that it was better for you to just do as he said.
Paranoid : It might because of his trauma from the mission in Shinganshima or because he was more aware about the fact that everyone outside the wall want to erase paradis from the world but he was afraid to loose you. I mean since he joined the survey corps all he has do was losing someone, he lost Erwin, he lost his friends, he lost a part of his mind, he almost lost his life. There is no way he was about to lose you. So yeah as you may notice before, he started by locking you from the world in a jail under the military court after claiming to everyone who wanted to hear it that you were dead. One night he woke up after dreaming that one of the yeagarist would discover you in jail after bringing another prisoner, what if they unlock you ? So after multiple days in jail, without any light, he decided that he couldn’t let you here it was too dangerous, although he claimed to you that he did because he noticed your unhealthy body cause of the lack of light. But since he wasn’t sure if he could trust you enough, he took some handcuff with him so he could link you and him, which made him laugh cause it was as if he put a ring on you. That day he locked you into a house secluded from the world, meaning that you couldn’t reach any city without a horse, it was safe for him and for you and here he was sure no one would ever notice you.
Threatening : Of course, you wouldn’t let him do as he pleased, so some times you tried to kick his ass to steal his horse, or to climb into a tree to help you finding the closest city. You even tried to make him believe you kill yourself so he went completely crazy, screaming, crying so you could knock him you. Unfortunately it never works, and after your failed attempt to leave him he started to threaten you. At first he uses light poison, like he gave you a poison that he mixed on your meal or your drink without you noticing so you were ill during the whole day and you needed to wait like a good s/o that your lovely husband as he calls himself, so he could give you the medicine. Sometimes he even let you believe that he might give you something that will change you into titan like : Do you remember all your officer ? Yeah ? They all drink that famous spinal liquid that change everyone into titan, what if you drank it by accident mh ? Maybe when he gave you food he already mixes your drink with that poison ? Whether it was true or not no one will know, but it works you never attempt to leave him after that.
Violent : I hate to say it, but at some point when dark would entirely cover his mind, he would start being violent against you. Though he would never be something that could kill you, he wanted you to remember that you were living a peaceful live because of him, you were safe because of him. To him you got no reason of being such a brat to him, not when he was giving you everything you wanted. He took care of you, you had no right to be mad at him. So yeah sometimes he had to break your ankle, or maybe your leg so you won’t escape. Sometimes he would strangle you slightly just enough to knock you out. It barely happens because to act like this he needed to be really really angry, like loosing every common sense you know ? So it barely happens but it happens. Your body still have so marks as proof that you shouldn’t get on Floch’s nerve. Despite his physical violence, he tends to be quite violent with his word too so it wouldn’t be a surprise that you’ll break. The emotional amusement in addition with the physical violence would be enough to break anyone so you shouldn’t be ashamed. After all maybe he has been looking for this since the beginning ? Who knows ?
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Here are some brief thoughts on kdrama that started airing in 2020 that I've watched. I said brief, but those who have been following me would appreciate that this is indeed, brief.
The list is in alphabetical order.
1. 365: Repeat the Year (MBC)
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Disclosure: I am a HUGE Lee Joon Hyuk stan. He is second only to Hyun Bin on my list. The fact that this drama is on the top of this list is a happy coincidence 🥰🥰
I was soooooooo excited when I knew Lee Joon Hyuk was to star in a new drama. MBC made the announcement of the drama late last year, and I was literally walking to the office when I saw the announcement on ig.
The premise of the drama was pretty straightforward. 10 people were given the chance to travel back in time exactly one year prior. Mysterious things kept happening to the people who took the trip, so our Detective Ji “Fluffy-Hair” Hyung Joo and webtoon writer Shin “Self-Hater” Ga Hyun joined hands to figure out what exactly happened.
Once they finally figured out what caused the mysterious cases, they faced a great dilemma on what to do, with our Fluffy Hair detective running as a fugitive.
The ending was really sad, and I really wished it ended differently, but the main character of the story was our Fluffy Hair detective, and him having to live on and reset the whole thing from the new past was a nice touch to the ending.
This drama was full of surprises, twist and turn, and it is certainly a drama I would consider rewatching in the future.
2. Do You Like Brahms? (SBS)
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Many people criticised the second half of this drama. Apparently the year 2020 is the year when kdramaland keeps being a disappointment, and many people are quick to include this drama in the list of disappointing drama, despite having a good beginning.
I beg to differ though. To me this drama feels more of a healing drama, wherein the characters are forced to deal with their issues. And anyone who has had to go through any form of therapy knows how hard healing process is.
TL;DR: The main leads are both people who have been mentally abused by the people around them, except for Cha Young In, because she was the only reason I did not throw my remote control at my 50-inch TV.
Park Joon Young is your classic example of a ‘gifted kid’ struggle. He was seen as a young, talented pianist who had a bright future ahead of him. But people started to treat him more like a trophy than a human being, so he decided to take a sabbatical, much to the criticism of people in the music industry. Park Joon Young realised that his passion in playing the piano has faded away, no thanks to his abusive piano professor who belittled him again and again, and practically brainwashed him into being a people pleaser. You could see how Park Joon Young was not himself in the beginning of the drama once you finish the drama.
Chae Song Ah took interest in violin at a later age (much later than professional musicians) and decided to pursue her dream by enrolling into a music programme. Her classmates were all younger than her, and it didn’t help that they all learnt music since much younger. I love how Song Ah did not give up on her dream easily and gave it her all, before she finally decided to let go of her dream to become a musician. The metaphor of her love for violin and Joon Young hurting her again and again and she just endured it though.. I cried like a mess well I am a mess but that’s a separate issue
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Special shout out to Cha Young In who was there for both of them.
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3. Flower of Evil (tvN)
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If thriller is your thing, consider this drama. If you are one of those people who like to see your characters being tortured (physically and mentally), this drama is a MUST WATCH. And if you enjoy watching Lee Joon Ki playing a character who is put at a great distress because he is trying to run from his past, go watch this drama.
More importantly, if you enjoy a drama where your ML is sexy, attends to house chores and takes care of his bright young daughter while his wife goes crazy for solving violent crimes, a devoted husband who is attentive and a tender person but also a freak in the sheets, you are wasting every single of your breath not watching this drama.
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I mean look at this man teasing his wife about his stamina.
Flower of Evil did not feel draggy at all. Everything that happened within the first 6 episodes could have been an entire drama if this was written by someone else. Seriously, this drama kept me at the edge of my couch!
The dynamic of HS and JW screams POWER COUPLE but at the same time it broke my heart how they were pushed into corners too many times by the people around them I do hope they had some sexy times while they were in the corners though
The focus on their wedding rings throughout the drama symbolised their unbreakable bond. The wedding rings were literally the very last thing that kept them together when JW stumbled upon evidences that pointed against HS.
JW, whose compass was only trusting what she saw, and not what she heard, tried to break the stigma of women being at a disadvantage in the police force. Heck, she was better than her entire team when it came to solving cases, her being the only woman in the team. Who said women cannot make good cops?
The plot twist though.. And the climax.. To this day, I still listen to this soundtrack from the drama and cry just thinking of the climax.
4. Into the Ring (also known as Memorials) (KBS2)
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I didn’t even plan on watching this drama. I was channel surfing and saw Park Sung Hoon looking all depressed in the first episode and ran into Koo Se Ra. Girl was UNHINGED and determined to fight for her way.
Her motivation was initially on getting a stable pay check from being a district representative (it was only 60 million won which is like USD55k so it’s not that much) but she eventually became the district representative who fought for the benefit of the people and did not care for the political warfare that took place.
Came along Seo Gong Myung, a government officer in the local government office who was demoted from planning unit of the accounting department or something to be a secretariat to the district assembly. Seo Gong Myung sticks to his principle no matter what, which surprise surprise, is HATED by everyone in the district government.
Turns out our main leads were friends when they were kids so Se Ra kept teasing him and dragging him into her scheme of fighting for the people, which Gong Myung agreed to, not so much because he was a community-loving person, but because he was afraid Se Ra would get into trouble since she was as straight as a ruler.
Long story short, our leads fell for each other, and their relationship was HILAIROUS to watch. I think I speak for everyone who watched the drama that we had no reason to believe Se Ra did not peg Gong Myung for fun 😝😝
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They were so cute together awwww
5. Kairos (MBC)
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This is another drama that I stumbled into. Only this time, I saw Nam Gyu Ri and I remember seeing her ig post on a new drama so I decided to give it a go. She wrecked my heart in 49 Days so I decided to check this out for funsies. Hooo boy was I in for a major surprise.
The first two episodes got me hooketh!! I still cannot believe how the drama managed to keep me on my edge especially during the last 5 minutes of every episode. The pacing is even faster than Flower of Evil, and since this drama went back and forth between past and future, it keeps me guessing whether their efforts would bear fruit.
Will Kim “Sexy Brain” Seo Jin  and Han “I-Know-No-Fear” Ae Ri succeed in fighting the evil, who at this point in time remains unknown? I know Chairman Yoo Seo Il is currently being hinted as the culprit behind everything but I know better that he is just a puppet who sold his soul to the real devil who most likely is in the higher ranks in politics. I mean he even hinted at his remorse for what happened with Taejung Town 19 years prior. My suspicion is he is trying to cover up whatever happened because otherwise his own family would be at risk, so his only option is to redeem himself by doing something about the Taejung Town. I could be wrong, but regardless of who turns out to be the real villain in the story, I can say I am so satisfied by how the story has progressed so far.
The time paradox still hurts my brain, but I am choosing that this drama does not assume that time is linear.
There is still not enough people watching this drama and I’m begging you all to go and catch up before it ends in two weeks time.
6. More than Friends (JTBC)
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A little trivia: I reblog most of the posts from @kdramastuff even if I am not watching the show at the point of reblogging the posts. I had been following her posts on this drama for 3 weeks, and I finally decided to marathon all 6 episodes and joined the watching party.
More than Friends was another drama that many people called a disappointment but I had a different opinion on it. Yes, I used to be the nerd who had different opinions on many things in high school sue me
The drama is premised on Kyung Woo Yeon who is said to have a crush on her high school friend, Lee Soo for 10 years. Lee Soo is nowhere near to be the perfect boyfriend material. He is selfish, does not care about other people’s feelings, and was always a lone ranger.
BUUUUUUT, Lee Soo seemed to show signs of care and affection (even though it was not at all for a normal person’s standard) for Woo Yeon. Surprisingly, he seemed to only do it for Woo Yeon and gave attention to Woo Yeon alone, even though he could practically pick and choose anyone he liked from the swarm of girls who were chasing him.
One day, he told Woo Yeon that he had to leave to the US to study, which made our girl sad. She decided to confess at the airport, but he outright turned her down, saying he only wanted to be friends with her. Over the time, they kept running into each other by coincidence (note: her name Woo Yeon is a wordplay on coincidence in Korean). Later, it was revealed that he wanted her to always be by his side, but he has built a wall as tall as the Great Wall of China before the idea of love so he didn’t realise what his true feeling for Woo Yeon was all along.
Woo Yeon, who felt sick of the ten-year crush, decided to end the “curse” and kissed him by the beach, thinking of getting a closure on her crush.
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Long story short, Lee Soo finally realised his feeling for her and decided to confess, but by that time, a young, handsome, rich CEO of a conglomerate has entered into the picture. Cue the game of cat and mouse between Lee Soo and Woo Yeon about resentment, regret and relationship.
This drama was promoted as a romcom, but it feels more like a slice-of-life drama with a mix of melo and romcom in there. Seriously, I cried buckets watching this drama, not something you’d expect from a romcom. The dialogues were well-written, with each episode revolving around a specific theme. This was such a good drama coming from a rookie writer.
This drama did not have that many viewers to begin with, and many of those few people dropped it along the way, including the one who was responsible in getting me hooked into this drama :p  By the end of it, there were so few people talking about this drama in the tag (shout out to @dohyunsoo @have-yet-to-decide @starfire-s @thbn-anything​ for keeping me company to the very end of this drama)
This drama broke my record of screenshots per episode and total screenshots for any show. Until now, I have yet to finish posting them. I should probably upload more screenshots later tonight.
This drama had some AMAZING shots in the first half, with beautiful sceneries mostly in Seoul. It’s like what they said, “a daily occurrence for you, a trip for me”.
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7. Oh My Baby (tvN)
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I did not even remember watching this drama!! It was only after scrolling through my gallery that I saw I had shared some posts on my ig story about the drama.
It was in the middle of a lockdown when this drama aired and many of my memories from back then feel so distant to me.
The plot was not THAT good, but this drama is something you may consider if you like torturing yourself about the struggle of wanting to have a baby.
8. Once Again (KBS2)
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Arguably one of the weekend family drama KBS2 in a while that kept me waiting for new episodes in front of my TV. Some people are turned off by weekend family drama because they tend to have slow pacing which makes viewers feel like they are being dragged to one of those boring corporate events that you would rather miss and wish you could be literally anywhere else.
Because this drama had more pairing than the typical weekend family drama, the story did take some time before it was on full momentum. It did feel like the drama could have been better with even one less sibling to worry about, but it was a fun watch in the middle of lockdown.
Will I watch it again? I’d rather rewatch House of Bluebird (starring Lee Joon Hyuk and Lee Sang Yeob as friends to enemies to friends again) because that drama spoke to me in a way that was more relatable. No hate to Once Again though. I just prefer House of Bluebird better.
Note: Justice for Song Ga Hee and her lovely son, Kim Ji Hoon. He had to grow up so much because of what happened to his mother, that it broke Ga Hee’s heart. And mine of course
9. Secret Forest 2 (tvN)
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I watched Secret Forest once it has finished and I fell in love with the drama! Imagine my excitement when they announced Secret Forest 2 with my three main characters reprising their roles. No hate to Yoon Se Ah, I love her, but her screen time in Secret Forest was not enough to make me excited about her return. But I was pleased with her role in Secret Forest 2 and I hope if there is a third season, her character gets the redemption arc that she yearns for.
Secret Forest 2 was not as intense as the brilliant original, but I understood that it had to do with the overall theme of the season, and the theme required the script to be as such. Some people may argue me on this, but I still think what they pulled off was brilliant.
Too bad there was a severe lack of Lee Joon Hyuk on my screen though.
10. Tale of the Nine-Tailed (tvN)
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Well. This drama went far beyond my expectation. The OTP was to die for. No such thing as miscommunication trope. This drama did not waste time on unnecessary drama. The pacing was incredibly fast, even faster than Kairos. Although to be fair, Kairos had to play with two different timelines and required time to establish the setting.
I’m sad about what happened to Lee Rang, but he did what he did, and he would never be able to erase that much pain from his memory even if the deities decided to be lenient on him because of his roles in killing off Imoogi. A fresh start as a human seemed like a fair reset to his life, and I hope he lives well, surrounded by people who love him.
I was never a fan of Jo Bo Ah (no hate on her, I was just indifferent) but this drama opened my eyes to what an incredible actress she is. I wish her a successful career ahead.
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ardenttheories · 4 years
thank you so much for your davekat post 😭 I honestly have a lot of the same feelings about rosemary (pre-hs^2 bullshit). it feels like they just threw in the lgbt relationships and were like "!! everyone's okay and happy now! :D don't think too hard about it though ;)"
Honestly? I think that’s exactly it. You see it a lot in how Dave and Karkat are in the Epilogues, but they’re almost there, together, just for the benefit of other people? As if they no longer exist as individuals but as a unit - which isn’t inherently bad, of course, but you could swap Dave and Karkat around in dialogue and you’d have basically the same conversations.
They’re not their own people with their own thoughts and opinions. Even when you love someone, you often have something different to them. My boyfriend and I both love Buzzfeed Unsolved, but for different reasons (he loves learning how they did it and freaking himself out over the murder aspect, and I love trying to figure out how they got to the theories and what tools they used to try and catch the killer, if any). With Dave and Karkat, their writing comes down a lot to “well they like the same thing because they’re dating :)” with... no actual development on that. 
A lot of them being together also ruins their prior relationship in the dumbest way. Like, with the retcon? We lost so much of their personalities. Instead of Dave and Karkat being dicks to each other, Dave supplexing Karkat and them fighting over drawing dicks on a book, all we do is see them... sitting on a sofa. A lot. 
Which, again, isn’t inherently bad, but the first set of actions has more of their personality in them! You can still do that stuff when you’re in a relationship!! 
My boyfriend once accidentally made me cry because I freaked myself out over a video and it was so late at night that when he played the audio I Lost it. And you know what he did? He laughed! He couldn’t stop laughing even as he said, “oh, baby, I’m so sorry!” 
My boyfriend used to accidentally call me mom sometimes. You know what I did? I started yelling “excuse me??? Excuse me??? Do I LOOK that old to you???” through my laughter as he tried to embarrasedly shut me up. 
He calls my dad “daddy” because he thinks it’s funny. I tell his grandma that I love her more than him whenever she’s on the phone. We laugh at each other’s antics and we joke around a lot more because of it. Like, I can’t tell you the amount of times “oh, your dad’s on the phone? HEY DADDY! HEY!!! HEY DADDY I LOVE YOU!” has lead to the wildest conversations with my family, or how often “MEEMA!!! MEEMA I LOVE YOU MOST!!!!” has led to me and her poking fun at my boyfriend as he bemoans that everyone hates him. 
Like, you can love someone and still be dicks together. You can still love someone and muck about, have fun, make each other laugh. That’s actually an incredibly important part of being in love, I think - you have to enjoy their company and enjoy being yourself and having fun around them. You don’t just lose that when you’re in love. You don’t suddenly settle down, become demure, lose all of your individual personalities to be a unit that does... almost nothing together. 
And that’s what I see a lot in canon DaveKat. All of the scenes that made them unique, that made them feel like a real-life, three dimensional couple, is erased during their canonisation. They stand next to each other, yeah, and they talk, sure, but they don’t have a lot of the same antics as they used to - the things that make them who they were, especially together. 
We don’t always see them talk about the things that really matter, either, which you do with your partner. We don’t see them talk about anything that’s really bothering them at all - to the point that they break up in Candy, and just end up so fucking bland in Meat. Like. Yes, they kiss - that’s great! But aside from the “man they really want to kiss, huh?” tension that they have going on, they don’t actually feel like a couple. They don’t feel like people who have been in love for several years.
It’s, again, just really bad writing of a MLM couple. It’s like they didn’t know how to write them, so they just went the most bland and basic way they possibly could with it. Which is frustrating, because they wrote John and Terezi’s interactions perfectly fine in both Candy and Meat, with both of them still dicking around with each other and having fun, and having actual conversations together, so... why couldn’t they have done the same to Dave and Karkat?
You’re right, too. They did the same thing to RoseMary. How much of their initial interactions were based solely on them having fun together? Poking and prodding and showing care and affection as they slowly fell in love? It was beautiful to watch them over the duration of their conversations, as antagonisation became fun, as fun became care, as care became love. 
But then a lot of that silliness goes. They’re hit by the same demure flaw that Dave and Karkat are, but it’s objectively worse because Rose and Kanaya are canonically confirmed to be together for a significant amount of time prior to them actually seeing each other on the Meteor. So when they’re together and it sort of... fizzles on the romantic side? It’s so strange. 
I can honestly remember more of Rose’s exposition on random bullshit than I can on her feelings towards and conversations with or about Kanaya. Likewise with Kanaya about Rose. Which might just be a straight man underestimating how much gay people will talk about their partners, but I also think it’s the Heterosexual Writing that’s coming to the fore in a lot of places. Maybe Hussie did his best, but Hussie isn’t MLM or WLW, and it really shows. 
I personally prefer RoseMary a lot over DaveKat, because there’s genuinely more there to enjoy and to see your representation in, and it’s also one of the best early ‘10s LGBT+ relationships ever written - especially to be popularised on the scale it was. There’s a lot more that could have been done - in both ships - and I think seeing canonical representation done even better more recently (such as Rupphire) makes the hindsight on RoseMary a little bittersweet. 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hey! I just wanted to say i enjoy your blog alot. You even inspired me to finally start writing on my own. Your writing is very immersive and you capture the characters well. I was wondering if you could give some advice on how you do that. Especially Overhaul is way harder than i thought. Can't seem to create sentences that capture how he would speak, think or act at all.
Oh my god thank you!
To be honest I am the worst to give tips but I will try my best.
When watching bnha and you write for a character you have to concentrate on how he acts towards basically EVERYthing to have an idea.
Like this. Chisaki is cold and direct towards anyone, he isn't afraid to show how he really is feeling towards his enemies unless he really needs to hide something for his own good, take his first meeting wwith Togata and Izuku as a example. Though, even as a threat, Chisaki wasn't afraid to kill both of them if it meant to Eri to come back.
Although we saw how much kai is devoted to the yakusa and Pops, if the old man hadn't disagreed with his ideas, Chisaki wouldn't put him on coma. Kai with someone he trusts and values is a total opposite of Overhaul.
Although based on my own personal analysis on Chisaki, this man has a huge trauma of his early childhood and very bad trust issues. He was found on the streets and took in on a place by a man who didn't even knew him, in Kai's vision, Pops saved him, and he needs to pay back because to him, nothing in the world is gave free.
Getting into a relationship with kai would be real though at the start since this man's simble of affection is: gifts. This way people can trust eachother. Although he will act cold, distant and the same man all people are used to.
If you manage to cave deep down, you will see his trusts issues and how much he doesn't even value himself as a human being, because his only mission is to make Pops dream come true, get the yakusa back to their glory days and cure the "hero sickness".
Chisaki is indeed a complex character to deal with. I have to admit I struggled a lot on the start to get on his thick skull to understand how this bastard works. But analysis tell how much he is scared of being VULNERABLE and WORTHLESS
Take this moment as a example that we all cried
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He was fucking terrified at noticing he LOST. He cant complete his plan neither bring the only person that cared for him back anymore and is all HIS FAULT.
Anyway I guess I got out of the topic again sorry.
I suggest that you pay more than necessary close attention to Kai's behaviour. He is an kinda of different sociopath if you know what I mean... he CAN show his emotions, he just is either afraid or doesn't see the importance of showing it.
To his partner he would be a tsundere like the real rude and bold type, but he can be a romantic as well. Hs can change behaviours easily but Kai hates to not be on control, and one thing he certainly does not like to lose.control is over his own emotions like he did as a child (my theory that he did the same thing as Eri, accidentaly killing one of his biological parents, whose were shit)
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Nin’s Matchup!
Matchup Profile: Sfw+nsfw matchup pretty pls! (1/5) Name: Nin>Female>5’4>Film & sfx/theatrical makeup freelancer>V athletic in MS-HS: ballet, was in volley ball, soccer &Basketball teams>Miss my prime days>Scared to start workout again b/c I’ll get lightheaded>If sum1 helps push me through initial fear, I’ll keep growing from there> Likes chilling in ballet stretch poses>paints, photographs&draws as hobby>draws a pic a day (mostly portraits)>writing a comic atm >Always plan contingencies.🦄
(2/5) >embarrassed of my loud laugh(it’s like Kuroo’s)>introvert>not afraid to lead a team tho> V shy & quiet most times>8/10 times, feels awk in public,like idk what i’m saying, but others told me I seem social>Once I’m comfy w/ u, i joke a lot(occasional mum jokes 2 annoy+Sassy dirty ones w/ S/O)>hides behind ppl who likes 2 talk, but not when they’re 2 loud>laughs @ mistakes/when embarrassed>Will stop mistreatment, even if I get in trouble>values communication&genuine discussions🦄
(3/5) Sings when home alone>competes @ Street Fighter tournaments, trains everyday 4 it>Sings “Hit Me W/ Your Best Shot” when fighting bosses in game&swears melodically when i lose>eats chips w/ chopsticks >make hats out of my cat fur when bored>Workahokic night🦉>likes 2 teach >full convos w/ my 🐱>LIVES in oversized hoodies & flip flops, regardless of weather>no pants@home!>Feels incompetent sometimes, but keep practicing 2 improve>Analytical fast learner>idk why ppl think i look innocent🦄
(4/5)>Forgets 2 speak eng when tired (Thai 1st lang.)>Headrubs 4 s/o every night b4 bed>will miss u but is bad@texting>yelps like puppy when I’m surprised>Unconventionally resourceful: Wire hangers’s fixes everything! >stress bakes & will gets pouty if it didn’t turn out well.>overwhelmed to water my 50+ 🌱 >Doodles on smt (always have a pen on me)when i feel socially anxious> 2 dance sober @ clubs> Wants a stable relationship where we work tgt like a team to bring out the best in one another🦄
(5/5) I like a s/o who is lovable, kind, genuine, mature, independent and caring, but can also joke & be silly with like best friends. NSFW: open 2 try new things>❤️restraints, blindfolds & sensual tickle sex (as lee+ler) but had always been too shy to share it with any1>occasionally self conscious of food baby+stretchmarks>🥰edging/teasing >has a thing 4 height differences (likes to feel smol lol!) & primal play.>Is a switch. I’m so sorry if it’s too much info! Thank you for doing this!🦄
A/N: HI LOVE @crushzone !!!! I SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS GIRL I WORKED HARD ON YOURS OF COURSE💖 But no matter whaaaat I’m going to be very authentic in my matchups bc they’re based on compatibility and therefore, without further ado, lemme introduce you to your NEW BAE:
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so you’re a theatrical makeup artist.
Mind if I offer you a word of advice? :
Startled by someone’s loud booming voice, you smudged the eyeliner you were applying to your actor’s face all over their forehead. Whipping around to see who had disrupted your work you were faced with a beautiful black and grey haired owl. A rather tall... and very attractive ‘beautiful black and grey haired owl.’
He started walking around the dressing room like he owned the place, touching everything.
“Excuse me, you don’t have a badge. You can’t be backstage—!”
“Pretty obvious don’t you think, Miss ________?”
You didn’t take his bait, refusing to give this stranger your name. Bokuto shrugged.
“Well since I don’t know your name I shall label thee—Miss HOT GIRL of the 9 Kingdoms!” He nudged the knight actor who was sitting in your makeup chair with his elbow. “Did I sound 15th century ish or what??” The owl turned to you expecting to be praised. “I had to meet the person who made the medieval vampire look so scary in the last act. But that guy with the lights didn’t tell me anything about you being so hot.”
You were speechless because he was hot too
But he shouldn’t be back here so you tried to shoo him out anyway
He allowed you to try to shove him out but he was way bigger than you so nice try sis
When he yawned while you panted because you weren’t able to budge him an inch....
Bokuto wagered that he would leave if you agreed to make him look like the Hulk with your makeup skills for a Halloween party he had to go to
You didn’t really want to because you were a professional and you had no idea who this owl was but because you had 15 minutes until the second act and you needed peace and quiet if you were going to finish your job!!! ....
( This boy was not peace NOR quiet )
You agreed.... but because you answered so fast Bokuto kicked it up one notch
Prince of pushing his luck (king is reserved for Shōyo‘s extra ass)
He pretended to allow you to push him out of the makeup room a few steps but before you closed the door he stuck his foot between the door so it couldn’t close.
Smiling, he peered back in, looking down at you:
“AND...... you have to agree to go on a date with me. Tomorrow night?”
“Ugh FINE!”
Bo removed his foot and let himself out with a bounce in his step.
Needless to say, after a few dates, mans won you over like he wins EVERYONE over
It surprised you how comfortable you became with him but he just has that affect on people
In terms of your athletic relationship Bokuto does many things:
He pushes you to go to the gym with him for one
He signs the two of you up for impromptu Beginner 30-day challenges that you both must stick to
So every morning for 30-days straight he jumps on you in bed to wake you up:
“Kōtarō, please shut up.”
he doesn’t
He drags you there and eventually you get back into the swing of things.. killing it in the weight room with your supportive man cheering on your every rep!
You don’t even need him to wake you up during the second challenge!
Your volleyball player boyfriend also signs you up (without permission) for the neighborhood soccer team that Akaashi’s girlfriend is already on
You hated it at first because it was uncomfortable going back after not playing for so long but you soon realized that all the girls there were ex-athletes too and not stars
You formed amazing new girl friendships (especially with Akaashi’s gf) and double dates with them were one of your favourite nights of the week!
You owed that happiness in your life all to your Owl 🦉🥰
He and Akaashi came to every soccer game y’all had and you and the three of you went to all of Bokuto’s games, obviously
Btw you all were FITTTTTT OML
In addition...
You already know that your man finds your artistic talents insanely fascinating
On your first anniversary together Bokuto gifted you with a new paint set and new French stand:
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Because he admires you Bokuto also tries to draw and paint seriously just like you
You stand over his shoulder and give him corrections and baby owl learns so fast it’s amazing
You two make ‘paint night’ a thing when you move in together and it’s always the most fun event!!!!
Bokuto CONSTANTLY and I mean CONSTANTLY asks for you to add him to the comic you’re writing but you say no because he wouldn’t fit in
He sulks but one day you surprise him by showing him that you drew a cute soaring black and gray owl in the background of almost every outdoor scene in your comic,
you pointed out that it was him
He called Akaashi right away and almost cried tears of joy hahahahaha
Your contingent based lifestyle has saved your reckless boyfriend’s life and career many-a-times
It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
Also, it is important to mention that he is in LOVE with your laugh
Bby owl does anything to hear it and showers your face with kisses when you laugh to draw it out
He loves you so freaking much
When you don’t make sense and speak gibberish in public because your awkward side randomly comes out......your boyfriend loves to make fun of you:
“Huh? Nin, that wasn’t Japanese, that wasn’t Thai and that definitely wasn’t English. What planet is my adorable baby girl from, again? And how do I return her in exchange for a floating space car instead?!”
suh cute
All of Bokuto’s teammates really like you because you work in conjunction with Akaashi which means you actually have the magic ability to get Bokuto out of emo mode even faster than his best friend 🤯🤯🤯
When he’s at an away game in emo mode his teammates will literally FaceTime you and point their phone in his general direction
“Hey, Kōtarō!!!! Look, Nin’s on the phoneeee!”
Bby owl turns around slowly when he was sulking in the corner and when he sees you on the screen he’s running and jumping on whoever is holding your phone.”
“Kōtarō baby. You’re going to stop this emo mode right now. If not I won’t let you paint me nude like we discussed.”
mans was like: 😨😨😨😨🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
YEP the next second you see him hitting his best practice spikes and his teammate thanks you profusely
You do this several times until Kōtarō just knows to not go into emo mode anymore because you won’t be happy
A year into his professional volleyball career The Black Jackal’s coach sent a surprise fruit bouquet to your work one time:
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With a note that read:
To Nin,
Thanks a lot.
The Team
I know you don’t really like people who are considered “too loud” and Bokuto is like...... “MEGA LOUD 🎙 “ but you and Akaashi work together to quiet your boy down as he gets older
He’s perfect
And you love him
You know how you like standing up for people (even strangers) and stuff?
Well one day, you and Bokuto get caught on a show called WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
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Where the two of you cussed out this cat-abusing actor on the show in a convincing scenario!
Bokuto literally tells everyone that y’all are movie stars because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More in the relationship:
Bo is always singing with you 💞 when y’all make breakfast it becomes a national sport to sing at the top of your lungs!!
And when he sees you eat chips with chopsticks he’s pulling a Hinata “🤩🤩🤩” face .
He begs you to teach him how
So you try
......and try
..................and try
He can’t do it bruv 😞
You see bby Owl’s emo mode return for the first time in like a year when the chip shatters between his sticks again
This time, you have to enlist Akaashi as the FaceTime saviour and Keiji just tells him:
“Bokuto. You should prefer eating chips with your hands anyway. It gets to your mouth faster.”
cue Bo’s 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 face
........And all is well again
There’s more:
So you’re a workaholic?
Bokuto is fine with that. He just makes you promise that he gets to take you out on your lunch breaks a few times a week or whenever he can
He’s so sweet and your coworkers are BIG jealous of your relationship
Your man BEGSSSSS you to teach him Thai but you find it too hard so when he’s travelling on a long flight he spends the time learning the language on YouTube (and actually get decent at it) so that he can understand you when you’re sleepy😴🥺💕
When Bokuto surprises you by wishing you goodnight in Thai before he falls asleep (while you’re giving him head rubs), your heart explodes BECAUSE why is he the cutest thing in the world ?!?!?!
You don’t text/you’re bad at texting? That’s fine, mainly because bby owl is so busy with volleyball anyway, but if you don’t text him back when he is feeling needy the boy will call you 20 times in a row
When you finally pick up, your heart is beating like thinking it’s an emergency
But he will answer saying:
“Oh, no emergency. I just want booty pics. Please, Nin babyyyyy?”
you’re like: 😑
It’s cringey but.......
When you’re at work all day doing makeup and he’s home he will send you pics throughout the day of him taking care of your plants like they are y’alls newborn children:
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His text:
Baby look!!! Ollie the Orchid grew to 7 inches today!!! Yesterday he was 6.8 inches!!!!! They grow up so fast 😭😭😭”
Your reply:
Not quite as long as your dick, Bo
His reply:
I hate when you get me horny when I’m trying to take care of the kiiiids 😭😭😭😭
Of all the factors you look for in a man, Bokuto has all of them
Like I said he becomes much more mature when you and Akaashi are his closest compadres
What people don’t know is that Kōtarō is actually very mature he is just a hardcore optomist (besides emo mode lmao) so people often mistake him as immature or dumb
But He’s far from it and you see that everyday
It’s why you fell for him
When dealing with serious issues that life has to handle, you see a different side of Bokuto, a real side, the side he shows in every tough volleyball game when he makes you metaphorically step behind him so he can deal with any problem that comes your way
He would literally withstand all your battles if that meant you’d remain happy forever
We stan a relationship like yours💞
okay so you know how you chill in ballet 🩰 stretches sometimes?
It turns him on so much and he is constantly testing how flexible you are in the bedroom
When you keep meeting his expectations he is POUNDING you cause he is so turned on
He fucking loves it
It also turns him on when you’ll be acting shy and stuff but then randomly you’ll lead your neighbourhood soccer team like a BAD BITCH
When he sees that he’s already asking Akaashi how long until the game ends because he’s horny:
Akaashi deadpans. “Too much information. And the game just started 3 minutes ago. Get a water and calm yourself.”
Bo is sad but it makes for one hell of a I’m-proud-of-you sexscape when you get home from your game!!
Your dirty jokes also turn Bokuto on.
A lot.
A lot a lot:
“Bo.....I was joking.”
“I know but if I hear the word ‘dick’ coming out of your mouth I automatically think of you blowing me so now I want us to go home.” He whines.
You sigh. He’s lucky he’s so fucking hot.
When you’re playing street fighter every night this boy will not leave you alone until you cockwarm him
“Nin can you pleaseeeeee warm my cock while you train? I miss you.”
Your concentration turns him on so he has to ask nicely 😊
You love his dick so of course you oblige
Bby owl is so happy just sitting there being in your company and in your warmth but sometimes or every time he ends up thrusting into you
Sometimes while he’s giving you deep slow thrusts he orders you to keep playing or he won’t get you off
Damn 🤤
Let’s not forget also that you drive your man wild by walking around the house in hoodies all the time and nothing else
Every day, another hoodie will be found in various RANDOM places in the house because Bo flings it off you before he makes love to you wherever, and they go missing
Finally, when you get all sad and pouty because one of your baker trials goes to shit (ruined chocolate brownies this time, boo 💔), your boyfriend is taking your hand gently in an instant, leading you to the bedroom:
“Don’t be sad my beautiful girl, you know how much I hate seeing you sad. It makes me sad.! Here, come in the room and sit on my face—I promise I’ll make you feel better.”
Maybe you should screw up brownie recipes more often.
A/N: do you know the show what would you do??? Watch it on YouTube if you haven’t haha I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Bokuto being on it after reading your matchup profile!!!! I hope you liked it bb! Give me all your reactions, I want all the smoke 💞💞💞
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huangsren · 5 years
hs!chenle ; can i call you my everything?
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ; zhong chenle just wanted to find the perfect nickname for you.
part of @hwangdol and i’s hs!dream au >:))
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 ; highschool!chenle au / childhood-friend!chenle / ft. hs!yukhei / fluffy / lw angsty
warning ; small mention of depression / cutting , (some) swearing / explicit langauge
zhong chenle x (fem)reader
you and chenle have been friends ever since you were both 12 and miraculously transferred to the same school at the same time
at that time, small chenle and you understood it’d be easier to befriend each other rather than trying to squeeze into the already made class cliques
since then, you and chenle happened to experience everything together-
the first crushes, failures, broken bones, embarrassing class reports, school field trips (which surprised you b/c,, what kind of kids go on their first field trip in the eighth grade)
and as you got older, first mental breakdowns, bad relationships/friendships, and bad fights; whether they were with each other, or against other people 
chenle never took you as the soft girl, you wouldn’t hesitate to kick the balls of those big-headed bullies, chenle was more scared for them than himself
you see and meet some upperclassmen that he somehow had the ability to befriend
some characters like the stoner-boy!haechan , playboy!jaemin (both by my bby @hwangdol ), and art-hoe!renjun
it’s inevitable that you two change somewhat over the years, but the one thing that never changed since the very first day you met was how chenle wanted to find you the perfect nickname
like this boy is just so set on finding something great to call you instead of your actual mf name????
the first week alone of knowing him gave you about 20 nicknames that we’re all passed up and forgotten b/c he says they just don’t capture what he’s trying to say about you
so every year, every month, every week, every day is spent with him casually tossing all kinds of names at you
from being names like “maybe i’ll call you chun-li, how about it chun-li?” 
to the most random things like, “so how’s it going, flipstick?” , “my mom said you should come over for dinner tomorrow if you’re free, cheeseball” or “yes! i got a better score than you, small-hands”
and for some reason chenle had this kind of infatuation with your hands b/c god knows why? they weren’t even especially small or pretty either but he would always mention or inspect your hand at least once a day
when he first held and looked at your hands, your twelve year old little heart may have thumped and pulled away
but by the time you two are 14, it didn’t phase you in the slightest, it’s just hands
in the days past he would hold your hand out in front of him, and you’d continue to do whatever you were doing b/c it was no longer unusual
it wasn’t ever odd to feel chenle holding your palm, with his eyes just looking so lovingly at the way your fingers would fold whenever you lost that game you were playing on your phone
he would casually play with your fingers and maybe rub your hand with his thumb b/c he was a naturally touchy person
at times it served a good purpose as it helped you know which girls were genuinely talking to you for you and not for chenle, and it drove away strange men when you two would go out 
and he happened to want to see your hand again
but sometimes it would take a turn for the worse and he’d find that you reached that low you hadn’t in two years, that low where you found it fitting to hurt yourself
on gOd, how much seeing chenle’s expression when he found out you hurt part of yourself gave you much more emotion and pain than that slit on your wrist
so you held it in most times, sometimes for chenle’s sake and sometimes b/c chenle gave you reasons not to
other times, you’re thankful he treats you like he would any other day b/c getting into it would definitely hurt more than the movie he planned to take you to 
since he knows the two of you have been waiting for the release date for the longest time
however, that indifferent, friendly feeling you had with him began to wear down once the third year of high school came by
it wasn’t a special day, no
but chenle came in with new hair, a slightly messed up uniform, a basketball held between his side and his arm, and this more mature look to him that you never payed too much attention to
and you have to admit, the thoughts of chenle and you being more than you are now were growing each time you saw him again
obviously you keep that on the down-low though, there’s only so many friendships to result in a happy relationship versus the amount that are just kept one-sided and unnatural after confessing
and today, you are once again thinking about chenle as more than just your friend
thinking about how it would feel to be together
how being in his arms would feel, how holding his hand in that way would be
the warmth of him all around you, knowing you’re a big part of the reason he’s smiling, running your hands through his hair,
doing silly things like trying to bake a cake? or trying to toss those tiny marshmallows into his mouth?
having the ability to tell him that he’s your sunshine over and over again?
you, without a doubt, know that being with chenle in that way would be one of the best parts of your youth
but you can’t bring yourself to do anything because, what if that feeling goes only one way?
what if the only reason chenle keeps you by his side is because he knows you won’t be phased by his constant clinginess, because he knows you won’t fall for him and stay as his friend without wanting more?
there are countless girls who are obsessed with him and his other group of friends, that’s why that group of boys he’s a part of are known as the “dreamies”
and you aren’t the only girl chenle finds time with either,
sometimes you have to keep yourself from wanting to make plans b/c you hear he’s already made some to go do pranks with his other friend-that-is-a-girl (aka y/n in jisung’s au!)
but when you hear chenle constantly coming up with nicknames for you, you can’t stop yourself from feeling that something
the something in your heart that won’t stop and you admit to yourself that you like chenle
you like the zhong chenle that you knew when you were 12 and you like the zhong chenle that you know now
which hurts so much because after coming to this conclusion, you see how significant the power he has on you is
he has the power to make you sad one second after you were happy, make you happy when you were frustrated just a second before, to make the butterflies in your stomach wild, and even the power to make your breath hitch in his presence
it really doesn’t help your situation when his recent nicknames have become a little more cute and loving than before
just yesterday it had been, “what’s up, buttercup” and he continued with that one until after dinner when you face-timed him for homework help and he says, “you’ve come to the right person, honey bun”
all of it made you cringe just as much as it made you all giddy inside and you internally swear by how much it affects you
“something wrong, ms. casanova?” and his eyes show real concern for the friend that you are and when you look into them through the screen, you know you don’t want to fall any longer into the angelic boy
you are fully aware of how off and silent you’re being, but you can’t stop feeling like it’s wrong for you to like him this way
so you take it into your own hands to stop before you’re in too deep
starting with asking him to put the pet names to rest
“chenle, can you stop?” you pause, “please?”
and he goes silent
his heart aches but he doesn’t let you see, all he does is say, “stop what? we can study more at lunch if that’s what you want, care-bear” and he smiles, trying to comfort you because he senses the way your tone got lower and softer
“no chenle, that’s not what i’m talking about!” you sigh, knowing that he’s intentionally dodging what you mean, “i just- i don’t want the nicknames anymore lele, i’m sorry”
as you explain, you look at your hands and twirl your fingers, not being able to look him in the face- and you’re right to want to avoid his look
because once you peer back up to that face on the screen, he has tears in his eyes and he’s trying hard to find some sort of regret in yours
but he can’t see any because you know what you want for the two of you and you are certain that doing this sooner will stop you from wanting more
“chenle, listen-
and the video call is over and a heartbeat later you get a text from him
“sorry, y/n. good night.”
you burst into tears yourself- full on sobbing
you didn’t realize how dark you’d feel hearing chenle call you by your real name even through a text
you knew it would make chenle sad if you told him to stop but you never imagined to see that pain in his eyes 
you cry for him for the longest time ; your chest taking in big gulps of air before letting it out in a shaky breath and it takes longer than you’d like to stop your upper body from trembling
and you fall asleep with a heavy heart, pillow soaked with the feelings you had pent up in you
but the next morning comes and you’re not ready to face chenle any time soon and thank the lord that instead of p.e. with chenle, you have study hall
so you keep yourself in the library, in the math/science section b/c, let’s be honest, it’s the least popular and the least crowded
while trying to distract yourself from all of chenle, you take out your phone and earbuds to watch your favorite anime
but that shady website just has to give you some kind of hentai pop-up before you even plug the headphones in 
which leaves you wide-eyed and panicked, doing your best to muffle the sound and plug the wire in as fast as you can
then you hear a chuckle from behind you and you turn around to meet wong yukhei, or lucas, the kid who only shows up to his homeroom and p.e. class- skipping all the other periods
and you freak out because this kid’s known for never holding his words back and so you get up out of your seat and walk over to sit next to him
“i’m not doing what you think i am” you say, not looking his way
“i never said you were doing anything” he replies, focus still on his phone
“oh come on, you laughed right after that um, noise went off and i was having a heart attack”
and then you turn his direction and can’t believe that you actually have to shift your gaze upwards because of how tall this kid is
“oh? i was laughing at this meme”
and he motions for you to look at his phone, so you do. and you lean over the arms of the chair to see his phone and chuckle at the fact it’s literally just some shrek shitpost
he looks down at you at smiles, oh what- what was that
perhaps this is what you needed to get over your feelings for chenle
you needed another person that had no relation to him, needed to be around someone who didn’t know you
someone you could rebuild yourself as the real you with, not worrying about how you’d fit with chenle
“stop staring at my eyes you weirdo, it’s just a meme” he says and shoves you back onto your own chair
so you’ve decided. 
“lucas, you wanna be friends?”
“please don’t tell me you’re trying to get dicked down or something” he rolls his eyes
“what? bOy- no i’m not trying that. i just think you’re the perfect person for me to be around until i get over myself” you say, making sure to emphasize that you’re even grossed out he thinks you want him
“okay, go ahead. i cant stop you”
“before you answer, i know how weird this is but- wait, for real? that easy?”
“dude, i couldn’t care less. you wanna skip last period? get some food?” he asks
now he’s standing up and dusting his pants off from snack crumbs and then holds his hand out in front of you
you nod and take his hand before he yanks his out of your hold
“um, i was asking for you to get my charger for me..”
“bitchass you should have said so, i thought you were being soft lucas”
even if you’re embarrassed, you reach and unplug his charger then hand it to him, rolling your eyes in the process (but really there’s a faint blush on your face)
“you’re kinda dumb for that, and my name’s yukhei”
“i thought you went by lucas?” you say, curious as to why he’d want for you to call him his given name
“nah. i’ll let you call me yukhei. consider it the highest blessing you’ve ever been given”
a month and some has passed since the night of your last call with chenle
but naturally, the pain of losing the friendship you had with chenle was still evident
just weeks before, it’d be heart-wrenching to just know you had to see him, 
but now you can make eye contact and smile a little his way
it wasn’t your willpower alone though, 
you admit that having yukhei by your side and him just giving you an outside perspective on the whole situation opened your eyes
of course he would call you dumb and stupid sometimes when you tell him about why you fell for chenle in the first place
but that one response he had in the macaron place stuck with you and he held a good point
“honestly, y/n, i may be dumb but you shouldn’t have beaten yourself up fro just having feelings. i mean, if you really, truly, like chenle, why did that happen so suddenly? what if you’re just in love with the things he did and not really him and you let yourself fall. i’m sorry if i go over the line, but you were going through, a time. maybe you just wanted to feel something”
that day it didn’t settle so right with you to agree with all that he said
you didn’t want to let the feelings you had for chenle seem so superficial and due to the fact you knew each other for the longest time, but he was right
you thought about how if it were yukhei in chenle’s place, you’d probably let yourself fall for him too.
it wasn’t chenle that your heart leaped for, it was just the things he did?
specifically just the two things he did : the nicknames and the hand-holding
and to prove your theory, you and yukhei made an agreement where he would also hold your hands and call you nicknames, which started two weeks ago
“yup, that’s it. we’ve got ‘em boys. i can’t believe how much i just like hand-holding and nicknames. wong yukhei, i like you” you tease him
truthfully this particular parlor was a spot you and chenle would frequent
but yukhei said he would create memories of it that didn’t have chenle, so here you two are
“oh please, y/n. you know how i actually feel about you. you can’t just say that, i know you like those two things, not me” he says and goes back to shoving ice cream down his throat
yes- lucas had confessed to you 
three days after you started the whole ‘experiment’, in fact
something about how his conscience wouldn’t let him treat you that way without you knowing how he really felt
but he didn’t let you give him an answer, he just told you how he felt and went on with it
you kind of felt bad for him, he was into you and didn’t know where you stood in all of this 
but he kept on helping you in hopes of your feelings to lean themselves in his favor
yet you couldn’t quite place where you felt for yukhei
for sure there were times where you might have wanted to even kiss him, but there were also times where you couldn’t imagine being his girlfriend because, man you two we’re just too close of friends for it to change
and maybe this is the way chenle would feel if you had told him the way you really felt
so after some deep contemplating, you decide that the next time you have the opportunity to talk to chenle alone presents itself, you’ll tell him why you allowed things to be the way they are now
you just didn’t know it’d happen so fast and that it would be in the ice cream parlor you and yukhei were in
“y/n? lucas?” chenle looks at you and yukhei who are alone and sitting across from one another
“oh, chenle. hey”
“sooo are you guys a thing now or..? because if you are i can’t believe you never told me” chenle asks you, pretending he doesn’t have a problem with it
‘i can’t believe you never told me’? he’s the one who never tried to spark a conversation after the whole incident anyways
“no chenle, we’re not dating” you say sharply, only those few words in response
“ahem. i think i remember y/n wanting to say something to you, chenle. maybe i’ll go and order some crepes for a really long time” yukhei says and slips out of the booth towards chenle, giving the boy’s shoulder a pat before proceeding to flirt with the cashier for snacks
“so, how are you darli-” he stops himself, “y/n”
and the same smile that you loved is on his face, but you can hear the sadness behind his voice and you crumble once again
“i’m... i’m doing the same as always. 
and listen chenle, 
i’m sorry for falling off with you after the whole nickname thing. the truth is that i, um, i had feelings for you. i wanted us to be more than what we were but i was afraid of rejection. well, look at us now, you didn’t have to reject me and i’ve already made us like this. i don’t know why i would give up all that we have, and yukhei, i mean lucas- he’s been nothing but kind when i tried to get over you and-”
“y/n. i miss you” chenle interrupts
“i- i miss you too lele”
then chenle takes your hand in his, a gesture you ever thought you’d miss
seeing him like this again, him saying he misses you; were you really only in love with the two things or did you love chenle?
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited for you to say you have feelings for me. you thought i’d reject you? baby come on, you’re the only girl i’ve had my eyes on for the longest time.
even the first day i held your hand when we were 12. i couldn’t believe you thought that was just a friendly gesture” he laughs, “i mean of course we were young, but really? i knew you were naive and i knew how you were hiding your feelings but i never gave up, peanut. especially when other boys would try to get at you, i didn’t suddenly want to see your hands, i was telling them that you’re mine. i even told my friends how much i missed you.
there was this one point where i thought, maybe we are better off as friends, it doesn’t hurt, yknow? but then my older friend mark? you remember mark, right? he set me straight and told me that i did, actually, have feelings for you after all these years. you know the nicknames? i think i have the perfect one. so y/n, can i,,, can i call you my everything now?”
“chenle,” you start, “i said i had feelings for you.”
and it’s true. 
you see the smile he has turn both confused and gloomy
maybe the you a month ago would have swooned into his arms and fell even more in love with his confession,
but time played with the both of you and you realize that you don’t feel the same way despite him pouring his feelings in front of you
you’ve come to terms that, yes, you were in love with zhong chenle, not just what he did
but that’s all in the past ; you had loved chenle, you just don’t the same way now
“is it because of lucas? y/n you’re gonna break what we have for him?”
chenle raises his voice at you and his eyes become a mix of anger and dejection
taken aback by his tone and the fact he thinks you would ever break the relationship you two have built over a boy begins to make your blood boil
“lucas? no chenle, this isn’t about lucas! and for your information, he’s not even a bad kid? i don’t even talk about how your best friends with upperclassmen who are either : 1, high or 2, breaking hearts! chenle, the reason why i didn’t say anything is because i valued what we shared more than what i wanted alone! and if you already knew i was trying to avoid the way i felt then why did you wait so long to do something? i can’t believe the nerve you have to blame this on someone other than yourself? sure it may not be entirely on you, but you’re literally acting like you’ve done nothing wrong! chenle, you were basically toying with my emotions.
you knew how much i loved you and how much it was hurting me. you know so much about me, hell, you have a better perspective of myself than i do! you don’t know how much my heart ached when you would drop our plans for your other friends, have no idea how heartbroken i became when i finally admitted to myself that i liked you. all you did was watch me go through it, not saying a word, not even trying to talk to me about it in person either! let’s be honest, you never thought of me that way until you realized i was gone.”
you take a second to breathe.
“i can’t do this chenle, i can’t. if you have anything more to say then shoot me a text because otherwise? i’m not taking any of your ‘but i love you’ shit.” you vent
and then you take your stuff and move out of the booth towards yukhei
“can we please go, yukhei?”
he sees the tears forming in your eyes and he takes your hands
“you don’t even have to ask. i got you y/n”
then he pulls you through the now crowded ice cream parlor and your head is down, looking at the hold yukhei has on your hands
you and yukhei reach the park near his house after how long of walking hand in hand and sit in silence on the swings
and once you feel stable again you perk up and say
“i guess i really did make new memories in that parlor”
and yukhei looks at you, stopping his motions
“i’m sorry it still had chenle in it”
and his voice sounds defeated, like he failed you
“hey, yukhei, don’t be so sulky” you smile at him, “i don’t want to feel like i have nothing anymore just because i dont have chenle, ya know? at least i have some calming memories in this park now, even if it’s with you.”
“yeah, at least there’s that.” 
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 4 years
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this is a very … unexpected fc change notice !!
i’ve been struggling for about … a year ? trying to revitalize this muse ? not that i’ve lost any love for yccjungrk – actually, that’s why i’m trying this out to see if it makes much of a difference. she’s a muse that i hold very close to my heart, and that i couldn’t fathom abandoning … so here we are, trying something different ! if you know me well or follow me on twitter, you probably know i was considering this fc change about ? i think a year ago ? and i think it’s finally time to give it a try. new year, new muse, i guess ? so, two years after her acceptance we’ve finally moved from weki meki’s choi yoojung to dreamcatcher’s lee gahyeon !! nothing more than her face ( obviously ), birthdate ( now february 3, she’s an aquarius now ! ), and her hometown ( busan ! ) has changed !! it shouldn’t affect her muse much, slight personality tweaks, although not so much due to the fc change versus a small revamp of her – but that will be explained below. it’s not even really a revamp.
but anyway – gahyeon’s among very few fcs i could see representing this muse, and i knew that if i ever did change yccjungrk’s fc, it would be to gahyeon. so here we are !! we’re starting this muse’s third year here at rookies, as well as 2020, with a path to what’s hopefully a happier, healthier, and more active muse. so, below are some ramblings trying to figure things out, as well as plots ( !! ) and some new information about royal’s lovely lupine, lee gahyeon !! please welcome her with open arms.
here’s to new beginnings ♥
things have been a little ? tough for this muse recently. so here’s going back to the beginnings – because honestly, her muse wasn’t very established when i started out here at rookies. instead, i started with a generic muse who felt a little lost, a little betrayed, and didn’t know what she wanted to do upon coming to rookies. as i established her as a muse here, the following developed ::
her mother died when she was young, and is the reason she started dancing
her father shut down after her mother’s death, blaming himself for what happened
she tried to reconcile and cope with what happened, but she was young and her father, who was her only real support system at the time, wasn’t responding well either … so, she had to grow up very quickly and take care of herself
she worked at a dance studio throughout high school that she’d attended as a student in middle school
she participated in a dance crew while in high school
she excelled in school because she wanted her father to notice her – but he never did because he paid little attention to anything
she managed to get into snu on a full-ride scholarship bc of her grades, and moved to seoul to attend as a linguistics major to go into a ‘ practical ’ career where she could make money, but she … really hated it
the only thing that got her through it was that she worked as a choreographer at a dance studio, image, in seoul; that dance studio was basically her life, if she wasn’t at the snu library, she was there
finally alone, she thought about actually pursuing her dreams and doing what she wanted for once in her life
with the help of kim doyeon, she applied for the mgas
she’s still confused as to how she managed to get a contract, and that royal entertainment of all companies wanted her
she was excited, but stressed, in the beginning – now she’s mostly just stressed
her life doesn’t have much direction now
of course the direction she’s currently pointed is toward debut – and don’t get me wrong, she wants to debut !! but with the boy’s recent debuts gahyeon can’t help but look at them and feel a little helpless. because of course it’s a good sign – it means it’s possible to debut !! but it also means that she likely won’t debut anytime soon. she does love being a trainee and realizes how lucky she is to even have gotten this chance, much more with royal – but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t gotten a little … well, lost ( *cue lost in the woods from frozen 2* ). she doesn’t know what to do because sure, she has what she wanted – she’s a trainee now !! she’s so grateful !! but she’s also, well … a trainee now. her path is uncertain from here on out. she’s aware that royal wouldn’t debut a girl group for a while.
so … what to do now ?
the simple thing is to throw her to the wringer. get her sick, have her father come back to haunt her, injure her, something simple. easy stuff. but not really likely ? gahyeon’s careful and knows her limits ( even if she tends to overwork herself anyway, but at least she usually realizes when too much is too much ), so she wouldn’t allow herself to get injured nor is she likely to get sick, and the ol’ mun in the back has plans for gahyeon’s father … so that doesn’t leave a whole lot. the lovely mod carly mentioned writing out goals, so … what are those atm ?
debut, with the royal girls preferably
get lee dongmin to kiss her ( yes jess, she won’t shut up about it )
keep in better contact with her idol & non-trainee friends
create new choreography
go back to university
create a life outside of royal
admittedly, it’s not much. it’s hard to … muddle through the fog that’s surrounded her muse, because she feels stuck. she feels as though she’s not making any real progress, and like everything involving trainee-dom is monotonous. she doesn’t like doing the same thing week after work, and january’s evaluation is the first one she’s actually been pretty excited about. she doesn’t know how to fix that issue … doesn’t know where to go, who to talk to – but … she has friends.
life outside of royal hasn’t really … existed much for gahyeon since signing. she talks with friends outside of royal primarily through text, and she meets with her friends at events around the city when she has time, but ? that can’t be her life. that’s really why everything’s so boring. her life is work, eat, sleep, repeat. she doesn’t do much outside of her trainee schedule ( not that royal gives her much time ), but all work and no play makes johnny a dull boy, and all that.
with the fc change, gahyeon isn’t much different. actually, most of her personality changes have already been put in place via her becoming a trainee, and being more confident in herself and her skills. she still has severe insecurities about herself and her talent that she masks with a convincing enough façade – but maybe we can break that ? her birthdate change makes her an aquarius now ( which, i’m sorry aquarius friends, made me literally groan irl bc i’ve met very few aquarius’ i like rip ). so, it’s almost as if the personality she was gaining fits her a little bit more now – just … more insecure than maybe she should be. with her time as a trainee, gahyeon has become more independent, and is more likely to speak up for herself. it doesn’t help the fact that she’s a little, well, over-emotional. not that she wasn’t before – it’s only amplified by the fact she’s a little more forward than perhaps she was before becoming a trainee. she tends to take on a mentor/motherly role to anyone younger than her, or anyone who has any struggles and asks her for help. she puts other people before herself and is almost altruistic to a fault. she prioritizes other people and their progress over her own, but she usually makes up for it by working herself ragged. but that’s always how her life has been – she took care of her father, so she takes care of everyone around her. it’s always been about them – never her.
i’ve also noticed something: gahyeon needs connections.
i have this problem where she has relationships/friendships with people, but she never really ? interacts with them ? i don’t know why, probably because i’m quite terrible at plotting and have run dry on ideas – but you know ! we need to change that. she only has maybe ? 2-3 solid, deep connections ? but we always need more.
anyone who may have met gahyeon back in her dance crew days !! this would’ve been around 2015-17 ? she also would’ve travelled a bit for it, so if you were perhaps part of one, y’all would probably have met at competitions !
she’s now from busan instead of changwon – so maybe i could get more past connections for her ? maybe people she knew in hs or who went to the dance studio she was a junior choreographer at ?
people who used to take glasses from gahyeon and want to reconnect
people who went to snu with gahyeon and either knew she auditioned for mgas/were confused when she dropped bc they never knew and want to know what happened
you’ve seen her videos online/saw her on the mgas, so you approach her !! maybe you’re also a youtuber, and you want to collab on something !! she’s super open, and youtube challenges seem dumb and fun she’ll do it
you need a roommate, and gahyeon’s apartment is big enough for two people – after some talks with the super, they’re letting her get a roommate, and honestly gahyeon’s super thankful, she’s very lonely and hates living alone
you live in gahyeon’s building and her dog always at some point in the night ends up yipping – you realize that it’s when gahyeon comes home and decide to confront her about it. she’s a child and scared when you confront her, maybe she cries – but she’s exhausted and you notice and well now you’re friends
maybe we need a burnt out trainee support group bc gahyeon wants to lay on the floor and sleep all the time and that’s just not healthy
speaking of which, you find her on the practice room floor one night because she fell asleep before she could manage to leave … and maybe you reprimand her because she really shouldn’t be doing that
someone she opens up to about her struggles – especially about her feeling inadequate. a connection where gahyeon hadn’t realized there would be one.
you two were close before gahyeon became a trainee and she apologizes profusely for dropping off the face of the planet when she got signed but you’re here now so let’s go get some korean bbq and i’ll pay for the drinks, okay !!!
literally anyone who will do bts cyphers with gahyeon ( preferably trainees, but if non-trainees would want this plot uh !! she has a youtube channel !! what’s stopping her ?? catch gahyeon snatching j-hope’s lines thank you very much
gahyeon likes to cook let’s have a party or smthing sometime soon and like. she can just cook for everyone. idk. let gahyeon cook more 2k20
not to mention, she’s open for ... literally anything. please, if you’re interested in anything, hit me up, either here or on twitter ( @/arkendrai ). i want and need more plots, and i want gahyeon to last a long time here. if we’ve already plotted and you want to snatch something up ! let me know ! if we haven’t ! let me know !! we can get ... literally anything started, please
i love you all, and i hope this is a better year for us all
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I just thought of rly hot take on Gilbert’s character. Idk if you’ll agree but hear me out. Gil internalizes all the negative things he’s called (arrogant, narcissistic, etc) and believes himself to be an awful, irredeemable person. This is how he justifies his bad behavior when he acts out, but this also leads him to ignore his good qualities and doesn’t believe people when they say he has good traits. So he just has terrible self esteem issues bc he believes there’s nothing good abt him.
That’s a pretty cool character take, gotta admit, it’s interesting :D Thank’s for sharing! My take on his self-esteem is pretty different, but there def. are things I would agree with, like that he believes a lot of bad stuff people say about him (narcissistic, aggressive, arrogant) and then it creates this self-fulfilling prophecy, i.e. because he believes them he is more prone to act that away. 
And sorry bc I wrote a small feaking BOOK about this ;/
But, the way I see him, all those things are true. They are a pretty accurate descriptions of his character. And he doesn’t suffer from self-esteem issues bc of that. Like, a person who really truly IS selfish won’t care that they are selfish … bc they are selfish. And a person who is a jerk may agree they are a jerk to others, but they won’t feel any guilt over it - otherwise they wouldn’t be, well, a jerk :D What I mean to say is: if you think you are awful bc you are selfish and a jerk, you are probably neither selfish nor a jerk.And because he really is arrogant he tends to view all those things as good stuff. So him being arrogant/selfish just translates in his head to: I watch out for Number One, which is obviously a good thing, bc the Number One is the most important! It’s connected to survival.Being jerk/aggressive/subjugating others is in his head always connected to power. Those who have power get to be massive douches/control others - and power is always good, bc it means survival. So for him it’s very rooted in how he was created, that he had no land. He had to really fight for even becoming a small duchy. During that time he learned all those bad behaviors and his personality crystallized. And he knows he’s selfish/a jerk, but he doesn’t recognize those as real flaws but as things that made him survive/in the end, are good. FOR HIM. And for others,? He doesn’t care about others. Bc he’s selfish and a jerk :D BUT, and here comes another part where I agree with Your hot take, he’s not dumb, and he knows those things make him unlikable to others, he thinks no one would like him or could really enjoy his company. He still is like that, because to him survival/showing off power is just more important than being liked. But he would react with surprise and total doubt if someone just starts to.. like him. Find him attractive? Sure, he buys that, bc power IS attractive to him, so it must be attractive to others, right? But actually liking such a douche… doubt. And that gets reinforced hard by that HC I have that he’s selfish in bed which means it’s easy to get partners, but not so easy to keep them.Anyway: things like being soft, deeply empathetic, emotional and, yes, wanting to be liked - those are things he would rather consider flaws. So to him being unlikable jerk is in some weird way empowering, like: I don’t need anyone and those who need someone are pathetic! And if you at nice bc you want to be liked you are also pathetic! But deep down he is lonely and yearns for human connection and closeness. But its just… looses with all the other stuff. With SURVIVAL and with POWER.I think after the WW2, when he got a really hard slap from reality, he became closer to what you describe, in that for the first time in his life he started to recognize that those things are negative. It wasn’t an instant thing but a long process that took years but in the end, he self-actualized when he really recognized that those were flaws and that him being that way - at least partly - created his situation, like the dissolution. So in the end being a selfish jerk made survival harder, not easier.I think the biggest symbol of this change is when he decides to let the Berlin Wall fall. It’s the first time EVER he pretty much does something that would hurt him, for the good of someone else - he decides to give his country away to Ludwig. It’s an incredible leap and something he would never do, like, 100 years before. He was all about take-take-take.In modern times, I headcanon him as a better person but I don’t want him to lose his narcissistic/jerkisch personality bc I noticed that when this happens in tv shows then those characters often become boring and I lose interest in them. So my HC for him today is that he is still arrogant and a douche, bu he now can be vulnerable and empathetic a LOT more, especially for the ‘us’ group (others… less so, he still doesn’t care tbh) and it’s now possible to form healthy relationships with him. He’s still gonna do some power-seeking stuff in those relationships and be manipulative/passive-agressive, bc it’s just the way he is, but it won’t DEFINE his relationships with others. And when it comes to him bein an ass, he’s just very honest about his nature and embraces it. Like that t-shirt “#EVIL GERMAN” is his fav. But he’s not ashamed of it nor is it a source of bad self-image for him.So, yeah, sorry it’s so long!! ;/ I neve know which part to cut x.xBut yeah, I guess tl;dr awesome hot take, very interesting profile for a character, tho it’s not how I see Gil :) Would agree about the internalized ‘badness’ and that it makes him act even worse in the Great Circle of Assholnes & he doesn’t really believe other could really like him and is lonely bc of this. But due to complicated reasons mentioned above, it’s not a source of low self-esteem for him. I also wrote some stuff about how him being the way he is affects hs relationship owth others here and also here. 
So I guess he has a LOT of problems.. just low self esteem is not one of them. And he very much believes himself to have like tons of positive qualities :D Because he’s arrogant. You can’t reall be arrogant and think you don’t have great qulities, I think? I mean I may be wrong here but that would go against the idea of arrogance I think.
He truly believes he’s better than others, bc selfishenss and arrogance, with the exception of Choosen Few (those he’s very close to and sometimes he even recognizes they are better at some stuff than him, like Ru being more creative/thinking out of the box… wow! :D character development! :D) ‘n because of this he often feels superior to other nations. But he also became less ostentatious with his ‘I’m better than you’ stuff since he lost his nation status, but oh it’s still there. 
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askanaroace · 5 years
So I was reading this awesome aromantic roundtable led by one of the editors, writers and creators - Claudie Arseneault - of the upcoming Common Bonds Anthology (which did get fully funded, if you remember its kickstarter!), and early on, there was a question proposed about everyone’s favorite platonic relationships in media, and it got me thinking. At first, I couldn’t even think of any platonic relationships. Too much pressure! And I wasn’t a part of the roundtable, LOL. But I’ve been stewing on it for the day now, and I want to share some of my favorite platonic relationships in media to help celebrate them!
Christina Yang and Meredith Grey (Grey’s Anatomy)
The friendship that, from what I knew, spawned the “my person” trend. The unlikely friendship that grew from similar ambition and mutual respect of knowledge and skill. Christina and Meredith were always there for each other through everything. At the end of the day, they were there for each other. Sandra Oh leaving Grey’s Anatomy was a huge blow to me because this duo is an extremely important female friendship. These women compete with each other, but they use that ambition to better themselves. They don’t cut each other down to get ahead. They don’t mistreat each other for the attention of men. They’re not just misogynistic tropes that men write a lot. They’re real, complex, beautiful, wonderful women. And they’re not very touchy-feely, but you can still see and feel the depths of how much they care for each other. They’re extremely important for me as a person who’s fairly touch averse and slogged through friendships with people who literally used the word “train” to describe their invasion of my boundaries, as in training me to stand their touch.
Carla Espinosa and Elliot Reid (Scrubs)
A slow-burn friendship that grew out of the embers of conflict and annoyance for each other. This relationship is important to me because it’s a very similar relationship that I had with one of the very best friends I’ve ever had. Like Elliot, she was well-meaning and wanted to be friends. Like Carla, I had a hard time putting my defenses down and it didn’t help that I found her eagerness annoying. But through a ridiculous - and looking back on it, hilarious - situation, we did become friends, just like Carla and Elliot. This friendship shows growth. I love how Carla and Elliot didn’t just become friends at first sight. We see them work on fostering their relationship and working to re-connect later in the series when they’ve become distracted by other things going on in their life.
John Dorian aka JD and Chris Turk (Scrubs)
It’s so refreshing and wonderful to see such a close male friendship on TV between two men who, even if one sometimes struggles with it or just struggles to admit it, are vulnerable with each other. Turk and JD are so close, and their relationship is often lovingly teased for seeming so romantic. This friendship breaks barriers of what platonic relationships really can be. It’s a great example of how much two friends can love each other and how important friendships can be. It’s a celebration of platonic love in a world where platonic love is often downplayed and dismissed in favor of romantic relationships.
John Dorian aka JD and Carla Espinosa (Scrubs)
Honestly, Scrubs is just a goldmine of different types of relationships, of celebrating them and understanding them and exploring them. I miss this show so much; it was a gift in so many ways. JD and Carla are so sweet with each other. I especially love how good of friends they are, and it never becomes romantic with them. There’s never a will-they, won’t-they between them. They drunkenly kiss once and both of them find it awkward and weird. They’re friends, and there is no “more” than that for them. Their friendship is something to be celebrated and nurtured. It’s meaningful, and I love it.
Liz Ortecho and Maria DeLuca (Roswell, New Mexico)
I’m not even fully through this show yet, and Liz and Maria are just so wonderful and heartwarming to watch. Their friendship is not the focus of the show, but what we see of it is strong and supportive and just makes me plain happy to see. (((SPOILERS))) [When they’re starting to think Maria may be the murderer, Liz vehemently defends her and knows she can’t be the killer. In this day and age of grim and gritty shows, it would have been easy to let Liz doubt Maria and grow suspicious of her. Instead, she stayed true to their friendship.] (((END SPOILERS))) Just the small ways in which they support each other are really great, too, like when Liz lays her head on Maria’s shoulder for comfort.
Okoye and T’Challa (Black Panther)
Everything in Black Panther was so well done. It’s absolutely a movie that showcased and celebrated so many different kinds of healthy relationships: platonic, familial, romantic... It was part of the draw of all the protagonists. I especially love Okoye and T’Challa, though. That moment when T’Challa’s story really begins and we see Okoye playfully teasing T’Challa about the mission stole my heart. Okoye isn’t just a bodyguard, and T’Challa isn’t just a leader. They are truly friends. They know each other extremely well. They’re friendly and familiar with each other, again, in a way that’s never meant to be leading up to romance. They just have such familiarity and comfort with each other that even without any backstory, it’s clear to us all how important they are to each other.
Leslie Knope and Ann Perkins, Leslie Knope and Donna Meagle, Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford, Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson, Ron Swanson and April Ludgate (Parks and Rec)
Honestly, I never planned on even watching Parks and Rec. Then one day I was out of shows to catch up on and nothing sounded interesting and Parks and Rec had a lot of seasons that could keep me busy, and I fell in love despite thinking I’d hate the show. Leslie and Ann were the first friends to pop into my head, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how many amazing friendships were in this show, and I couldn’t pick. But considering how many it is, I didn’t want to separate them all out. Anyway, we all need a good humor once in a while, and Parks is Rec is one of those I’ll keep coming back to when I need something to cheer me up. A lot of these friendships are established at the beginning of the show, but we also get to watch a lot of them grow and evolve. I love all the different ways they support each other, from Leslie’s blatant showering of love and affection with words and physical touch and gifts to Donna and Tom encouraging each other to just do something for themselves to Ron and April’s stoic but deeply caring relationship and walkaround communication. They’re all such strong and different personalities, yet they come together in this beautiful melding of hope and optimism. Throughout it all, they never lose their individuality or sense of self, and that’s what makes them love each other even more.
Phoebe Buffay and Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
There’s a lot to be said about Friends and a lot of it is bad, but I’ve always loved Phoebe and Joey. I love their casual flirtation with each other. These two can say pretty much anything to each other, even the weirdest stuff, with basically no judgement. They have the sweetest, funniest moments when it’s just the two of them, when they can be unabashedly themselves in front of each other.
Rowan Northwood and Rán (Dragonoak trilogy)
I love Rowan and Rán separately and I love them together. Rán is just so friendly and open, you can’t help but immediately fall in love with her. She becomes someone Rowan can really lean on, and she’s Rowan’s teacher in many ways about the wider world than the one she grew up in. By the end of the trilogy, their friendship has grown into something that seemed really reminiscent to me of a queerplatonic relationship. We get to follow the journey of them meeting and becoming friends and growing to really love and support each other more and more throughout the series. Honestly, they’re like a warm hug or freshly baked plate of cookies.
Zélie Adebola and Roën (Children of Blood and Bone)
Two people with very different experiences and backgrounds who have both experienced deep pain and loss and have a pretty tragic backstory. They’ve ended up coping with these experiences in pretty different ways. Zélie has become extremely passionate and serious, and in the beginning, she’s always ready for a fight. Roën is a charmer who is more likely to use humor and quick wit to cope. Yet they can share really intimate moments of understanding between each other as they get to know and really understand who the other person is. There’s definite chemistry between them. They’re both extremely magnetic personalities who dominate the pages they share together. 
Jamie and Hazel (Girls with Slingshots)
I think I originally checked out this webcomic after hearing it had an asexual character. Though the comic has a lot of sex and sex jokes, I immediately fell in love with it, and that was absolutely a result of the friendship between the upbeat, cutie Jamie and cynical, pessimist Hazel. So many different aspects of their personalities and relationship reminded me of me and my friend, though it was different aspects of both of them that represented both of us. Jamie and Hazel were really the first friends I read about who could be so open with each other no matter the subject. My friends and I in HS all gravitated towards each other because we were closeted/unknowing queer kids. As a result, we went through our teenage years pretty repressed. Sex jokes were made, but none of us were seriously talking about or even considering sex. My friend was totally embarrassed and ashamed to admit that she masturbated, and it wasn’t because she felt awkward that I was asexual. Seeing the totally open and unashamed relationship between Jamie and Hazel taught me a lot and broke down a lot of social barriers I hadn’t realized existed. I love how well these two totally different people could work with each other.
Troy Barnes and Abed Nadir (Community)
I was super late to the Community bandwagon, but glad I decided to give it a watch, anyway! Who couldn’t love the totally weird duo of Troy and Abed who loved just getting weird, doing shenanigans, and performing bits with each other? Another great example of two people very different from each other just finding this innate bond with each other and truly taking joy in each other’s company. Watching them have fun together is a treat; it’s just plain fun to see how much fun they can have doing the silliest, even rather meaningless, things.
Anyway, I’ve been working on this post for a while now, it’s already very long, and I need to go to bed, so I’m going to stop here!
Please feel free to add your own favorite platonic relationships to this post! From any medium! You don’t have to write as much as I did! Just naming them is fine! Let’s celebrate platonic relationships in all their glory. o3o
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi: Meat p14 reaction
So. I'm just going to put my thoughts under the cut due to the important events last time.
Vriska: perma-death or not? I wouldn't count on it, but I wouldn't be surprised either if her getting sucked into the Black Hole would be retconned. It could be said that John's retcons create seperate timelines, so that'd mean at least one version of Vriska is cursed to that ill fate.
It would seem not even Light can escape a black hole. Science: 1, magical fairy dust: 0
Guess it remains to be seen whether LE will even get sucked in as well. If not, Alternate Calliope's swansong had only the effect of ending the Green Sun, removing one of the ways LE was invincible but nothing more.
Though I guess she did manage to pocket that other character associated with 8-balls, huh? :mspa: Maybe in that sense the black hole can count as a red herring, even! It didn't kill LE, just like how Dave didn't kill him with his eggsword in the victory timeline, but an expy, Lord Noir. Perhaps it's part of why LE's eyes have stopped on the 8-balls, they're the only remaining balls to pocket, or some such.
Anyway, I presume it's back to Earth C now. I'd like to see Jane go see Roxy & Calliope, but I wouldn't mind picking up any of the other plot threads either.
"Jake yawns" Pfff, that continues from the previous page - John felt the moment approaching where reality yawns too hard and snaps in half. That could be taken literally, but I also think it could be that his dream may have ended right about here each time as well, meaning 'reality' ended and was replaced by the actual real world.
"and knocks on the window to Jane’s office again." So... Guess fake date night has already arrived. :P I'm guessing Jake flew over, though it could have been on his own power, he may have taken a plane.
"he’s been hovering here for way too long" Pfff, okay I took that to be in a descriptive way, but it's probably literal, Blaperile points out. I thought the window he knocked on was for her office door.
"The sunset has turned the head offices of Crockercorp into a shimmering glass monolith—a beacon, if you will, of the future, visible for miles in every direction.
Jane probably likes to think about it that way at least." Oooh, does Jake have any ideas to the contrary? That would be interesting, that he thinks it's more ominously looking.
"venetian blind" Right, her office still has that private-eye vibe going on, with the sun falling in between the shades.
"he responds with his specialty: incomprehension." ... Never mind, the narration is providing us with more detail than Jake can personally pick up on.
"The exasperated hand motions Jane tries next work better.
JAKE: Oh! The front door, of course!" Guess she can't open the window from the inside. Seems like a health or safety hazard, if you ask me.
"He whistles a quaint little ditty to himself while he waits for the elevator to go up to the top floor." Making his own elevator music then? Elevatorstuck, or the Girl from Whatsit?
"The whole place is candlelit, and Jane is reclining on her desk, sprawled out like a lounge singer on a grand piano." ... Laying it on a big thick, I see. Well, so much for making it a very public date. Guess Jane is going to try and charm him first, to presumably hilarious effect.
"Specifically: a blue lounge singer, on a blue piano" I'd say this might have worked better on Grandpa, given who he married (re: Hiveswap).
"New Prospit" So, those are both places in the Carapacian Kingdom, eh? Maybe New Derse-y's the dingy suburb to New Prospit's sprawling metropolis.
"Like all of his impulsive purchases, the tacky thing is gathering dust in a pile somewhere in one of the hundreds of spare rooms in his mansion, which now primarily functions as a very expensive warehouse for his atrocious hoarding habits." ... Well then! Guess he's really starting to fall into the same habits as Grandpa then! Could we take this to mean that some of his purchases which we derived his interests from were just things he picked up in a spur of the moment purchase?
"JANE: Come have a glass of scotch with me Jake. We have so much to discuss." So Jane is really giving off mixed signals here - on purpose? His favorite attire on a girl, but his least favorite drink. Or she wants his attention, but none of the affection he might be more inclined to give out when tipsy.
"She’s really bad at this, she thinks. “This” being seduction. She’s so bad at it, in fact, that Jake immediately recognizes her ruse for what it is. ... Jane is lashed both by the scotch in her face and how quickly her plan has fallen apart." I'm actually less convinced Jake has read her intentions than I am convinced Jane might be misreading him just as much as he is misreading her. Jake could've gulped the drink down to posture, not knowing how to handle her comment. But hey, we'll see.
"She is staring at the ceiling like she hopes it will split open and suck her into a supermassive black hole so she doesn’t have to deal with anything that is going on right now." Sorry, Jane, you're the wrong blue lady.
"JANE: Oh, no, of course not. I just wanted to...
JANE: To... talk about the economy." Next up Jake is like: "May I refer you to our mutual friend, then? He'd be better at this." :p
"JAKE: By jove the economy! Jane my dear friend please tell me all about the economy!
Jake doesn’t care about the economy. But he’s an ardent supporter of changing the subject." Jake may have a taste for adventure, but he'll flee from any battlefield of emotions gladly.
"JANE: Ah, it’s doing quite well right now actually.
JAKE: I should hope so!" Pwa-pwa-pwaaaaaah. :P So much for changing the subject.
"JANE: But it might not continue to do so in the future, which you can guess is of great concern to me, being that I am a pioneering entrepreneur." Ah yes, she'll try to prevent the economy from crashing, but in doing so, she just might make it crash, if Dave's to believed.
"adequately explain to me this conundrum which i admit i am not up to dick on.
JANE: You..." Dave and Jake are masters of ironic and innocuous innuendo, respectively.
"Jane laughs quite sincerely as he ruffles his jacket through her hair.
JANE: Oh, Jake, you really have no idea what’s going on, do you?
JAKE: Wait is this...
JAKE: Is this about the election muckup? Because i—
Jane puts a finger to Jake’s lip and shushes him. It’s a very smooth move." This is what Dirk must've gone through, actually, trying to get it through that thick skull that flirting was what was going on here.
"an awful lot of thinking as of late.
... this new universe.
JANE: You must admit that it’s a lot to grasp, and I’m not certain we’ve all taken the time to truly contemplate our place in it." Well, true, but here's the part where you lead all that thinking to a wrong conclusion, I presume.
"Who are they now? The same Jake and Jane who passed like particularly dysfunctional ships in the night a decade ago? Or is Jane wiser, and Jake kinder? Are they better versions of themselves?" Oooh, Jane has actually been thinking about some valid issues there. Well, especially valid to us, as long-time readers who now visit these same characters again after all these years have passed for us and them. Still, it's something I could see John struggling with as well.
"JANE: Haven’t we really just been... drifting these last seven years?
JANE: Drifting, both in the sense of failing to fulfill our personal potentials,
JANE: And in the sense of... well, drifting apart?" Well, the only one who completed his planet's prophecy, that we know for sure, is John, and the guy has been falling into a depression. So... yeah, everything hasn't been hunky dory for a long time. But some of them take better to drifting than others, Dave is a fine example of the former, in the sense that's his more like his natural state, though it isn't a real good one admittedly.
"The years go by so fast. And...
JANE: I miss you." Aww. But I fear she might be missing the memories more than the man in the flesh. We'll see.
"The moment goes from calculated to genuine in an instant." Oh Jane, really? I thought a little better of you. At least the moment's changing.
"Jake can’t stop himself from ..." ... Wow, Jake is really putting the moves on her, go figure! Guess the boy had practice.
"So he kisses her." Well! Guess they finally got this past them! *reads further* Ah-hoh-hum! Well, Jane's probably surprised by a) his kissing, good or not, and b) that she might actually be feeling something again for him.
"The inevitable consummation of a whirlwind romance fit for the big screen." ... Jake. Jake this is a real thing happening to you, not some movie script. Boy.
"Jane’s baby-soft palm, unmarred by the calluses of deft swordsmanship" Hah, that's the second reference to Dirk and Jake's (former???) relationship, first the kissing Dirk criticized him on, now this. :P Also, heh, guess it's a long while since Jane did extensive baking herself, then, if her skin's that smooth.
"Those rare, intimate moments that Jake was allowed to slip off Dirk’s shades and look upon his face, unobstructed, stand out more clearly in his mind than almost any other in his life." A Strider without his shades is a very rare moment indeed. It's their facade, their mask.
*reading on* Jake, being with one lover while comparing them mentally to your former one? That's not going to end well for any party involved. And here Jane might have hoped to leave that love triangle behind.
"But his hair is so much softer than it looks. His heart too. When a heart like that opens up to you, it opens up the whole world as well. A world of increased appreciation for combat, philosophy, life, love...
JAKE: Yelp!!!" *mental facepalm* Oh Jakey boy, you sure thought yourself into shooting your own foot there.
JAKE: Ihavetogorightnowsorry." Pffff, he's going to fly straight back to throw himself into Dirk's arms now, right? The poor man won't know what hit him. Or maybe he will. ... In any case, this could screw up Dirk's plan to back Jane for presidency, if she realizes what this was all about and takes it personal. She didn't before, but that's not to say she'll only blame Jake this time around.
"grabs the bottle of near-untouched scotch" Oh boy, maybe Jake actually wants to get hungover before assessing what he just felt. :p
"before kicking open the latch to one of Jane’s giant windows and letting himself out." Hey what do you know, she COULD have let him in!
"she closes the window, sits in her CEO chair and speed-dials the number for her one-man Kitchen Cabinet." ... Depending on how I interpret this, she's either calling her Dad (unlikely given her current state)... or ... her personal hitman/bodyguard? ... Wait, is the fact she employed/enslaved Jack Noir canon for the epilogues?
DIRK: Yo, what up?
JANE: Not Jake, apparently." ... Ah. Well, the only way I associate Dirk with the kitchen is with a refrigerator stuffed with swords, so you can forgive me. The fact that Kitchen Cabinet's acronym is KC (Green) is probably not important. Oh, right, the cabinet of a politician, maybe?
DIRK: Wow. Going straight for the double entendre, huh?
DIRK: How much of that scotch did you have?" Dirk... was in on this. Dirk... knew. Dirk... cold. Cold hearted. But well, glad to see his gears within gears still don't run as smoothly as he'd wish.
"DIRK: Were you nice to him?
JANE: Well, I...
DIRK: I told you, you can’t be nice to Jake.
JANE: ..." So he says that, and yet what turned the situation around was Jake thinking about all the times Dirk WAS being nice to him.
"Jane squeezes her eyes shut and, very softly and quietly, bumps her head against the edge of her desk.
JANE: Why do I feel as if we’ve had this exact conversation, almost word for word, before?
DIRK: Because we have. Many times." So, it's of course similar to when Jane and Dirk talked about their misgivens about Jake in the session, it must also remind her of when Jake talked to her about his feelings for Dirk... And yet I think Dirk might be saying the truth, in that there might be a multitude of alternate Janes, even some post-victory, and alternate Dirks, who have memories of an identical conversation between the two of them, which he's slowly accumulating.
"Dirk doesn't wait. There’s a shadow cast in his doorway that is much more important than the election. Rose is braced against the doorframe" Cool. At least his biological daughter is more important to him than scheming. Though scheming might be involved in his dealing with his daughter's illness. Scheming's never not on the table with Dirk.
"She has her head tipped just so, her pale hair falling across in her face at an angle that bisects her perfectly neutral expression. Dirk sets down his phone and acknowledges her with a nod.
ROSE: Well,
ROSE: Go on." Hah, I had a feeling he might have been wrapping the conversation up quickly as he sensed her approaching. But Rose must've heard pieces, and picked up on something, migraine or not. It's going to be a pleasure to see them talk in person.
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tgwltw · 6 years
Honestly, this would not leave my brain so I had no choice but to write it! Although I do have to admit, this is the second draft and the original was actually something different but it is what it is, I suppose so here it is! I missed writing about Damian and batmom so here we go! 
Honestly you probably should not even be surprised anymore given the fact that you have been married into the family for over three years now (and before that, you had been in a relationship for over ten years already!), nothing should ever really surprise you. But alas, the moment you had opened the door after receiving a vague message from your youngest son, you are more than surprised to see said son standing in front of the door very much looking like someone had just taken Titus, Alfred and Batcow away from him!
“Dami, honey! What are you doing here?” You step outside of your classroom but it was a tad bit too late seeing as your voice had probably been loud enough for your students to hear. You are even more aware of how they are starting to whisper among each other as you closed the door behind you. Glancing at your watch, a frown appears on your face - Damian often drops by during lunch or hi-tea just so he can spend some time with you - and you reckon your worry is warranted. 
“Mother - “ Damian starts but shakes his head. As much as he really wants to have an intelligent conversation with his mother - Damian is not above calling a heart-to-heart talk as intelligent conversation - it is too public and there are a lot of ways for people to twist his words and use it against him especially if they hear what he is about to say and Damian is not about to bring that unwanted attention upon himself as well as his Mother. “I wish to speak to you somewhere that is private. There is a matter I need to address.” Damian studies you, studies you so deeply, you almost flinch under the intensity of his gaze. 
You nod your head and take note of how Damian visibly relaxes the tiniest bit. “Just give me a minute or two to dismiss my students and then we can talk in my office, alright?” You risk the chance of running your fingers through Damian’s hair - something you have always done to appease Damian whenever he feels upset and he is certainly feeling extremely upset right now - and swallow the sigh of relief when Damian did nothing to push you away, instead he leans in towards your touch. “I’ll be right back, Damian.” You fix his hair back to how it had been before and with one last look at Damian, you headed back in your class.
The moment you stepped inside, your students quieted and you almost rolled your eyes at how obvious your students were acting but instead, nodded your head at them. “I am going to be dismissing class early. Please just read up on the topic and if there are any further questions, do not hesitate to email me your questions or you can also set up an appointment if you prefer a face-to-face discussion. Depending on the average grades of your assignments that I am going to be receiving at the end of this week, if more than half of the class scores, there will be no need for a final exam.” The cheer you received from your students really made you roll your eyes but you chuckle at their antics before clearing your throat. 
“But remember, that is only going to happen if more than half of you score so please make sure whatever you have sent to me are not bullshit. I do not tolerate bullshit.” You reminded your students who all nod their heads - very aware of how you are as a lecturer prior to taking your modules; after all, the percentage of people enjoying your modules as well as passing rates are always so high too. “Alright, class is dismissed then. Hope to receive your assignments on my desk at the end of the week!” You threw another reminder as you grab your sling bag, grateful that this class of yours mostly required you to talk and to ask your students their opinions and to engage them into talking with each other.
You did not even wait for your students to empty out of the classroom as you hightailed out of the room, throwing an arm around your son’s shoulders and Damian, despite his appearance of being rather cold and mysterious, leans slightly into your side. “Let’s go to my office.”
Damian is rarely ever at a loss of words but he is now and it bothers him a lot because he has never had any problems with talking and he definitely has no problems with talking to you before but somehow, today, that is different. Hs lips and mouth feels dry and his heart starts to race, the longer you stare at him. There is just something with how you stare at him that has Damian almost crumbling, almost. 
“Mother,” Damian turns to face you, finally. He has been blatantly ignoring your burning look in favour of staring at your extensive collection of books. Damian often wonders how you managed to get some of the books on your shelves; to his understanding, some are quite costly. “I am at an impasse.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Elaborate, please.”
Damian rakes his brain as he tries to find words to put in his mouth. He is normally rather eloquent with his words but ever since that incident two days ago, Damian has been at an impasse and he really does not know what to do or who else to turn to. His brothers had tried speaking to him but most of what came out of their mouths were not what Damian was looking for and instead made him very irritated, so much so Damian had opted to stay with Superboy instead.
“There is really no other way to say this but it has come to light that I am not of Father’s blood.” 
You blink a couple of times as your mind processed the words that have just left your son’s mouth and your jaw drops a bit. “Excuse me?” There is no way Damian is not Bruce’s son - the resemblance is just too uncanny and Damian has quite a lot of attributes from Bruce, with the exception of the ones he had received from Talia. 
“Tt.” Damian crosses his arms, a frown appearing on his face. “DNA has said that Father is not my real father and I…” Damian trails off. He was brought up to be a Wayne and Damian doesn’t really know who else to be other than a Wayne and to think that he probably is not actually a Wayne makes him feel confused and lost. “Mother,” Damian starts but the rest of his words get muffled when you pull him in a very tight embrace, almost crushing Damian to your chest. He gingerly wraps his own arms around you, not knowing just how much he needed this comfort that only you can offer.
“I am not entirely sure what brought this about, Darling but our family is not the typical conventional family.” You murmur as you rub your hand over his back soothingly. It pains you so much to see and hear just how lost Damian is. “I love you, Damian. You are my son and nothing will ever change that fact - as much as you are my son, you are Bruce’s son too and nothing will change that fact too! Not even a DNA test.” There is this eerie feeling that someone might have tampered with evidence and even planted evidence to try and tear your family apart and one thing you hated the most is seeing your family being targeted with these sort of things! 
Damian merely tightens his hold on you. 
You pull away from him, grabbing his face so that he is looking straight at you. “Listen to me and listen to my words very carefully, Damian Wayne.” You caress the apple of his cheeks with your thumbs. “Parents are not about blood - it is about who raised you, nurtured you, guided you, protected you and love you. Even though Bruce has a way with words, his actions speak loud and clear and I love you just as much Damian and nothing will ever change that.” You tell him earnestly, causing Damian to stare at you for the longest time. “My heart has a lot of love to give an it also has a lot of room for love; you have cemented yourself in my heart, Damian - just as your brothers and your father did. So if you need some time away to think about who you are, take it. But just know that Bruce and I will always be waiting for you.”
Damian nods his head, finally satisfied with what he hears. It wasn’t that his brothers were bad advice givers. It was the fact that they were trying to console themselves first before they consoled him and they weren’t even the ones who were deeply affected - Damian reckons they simply did not understand the gravity of his situation. “Tt.”
You give Damian a small smile. “Now how about we head over to that bakery you absolutely love, buy your favourites and let’s have a sit-down with the rest of the family.” Damian almost bared his teeth at the thought of having to actually sit down with the rest of his family again but when you continued to caress his cheeks, Damian relaxes. If you are there, it probably would not be too bad. He gives you a curt nod and you smile. “Alright, let’s go then.” 
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larissaloki · 6 years
Abusive relationships,
Yes another one of these, ths my own personal experiences with a relationship that ended nearly two years ago. I’ve only just gotten the confidence too share as to this day, my son is still negatively affected by the aftermath.
Thankfully my relationship only lasted 2 months before i wised up and kicked his ass to the curb. These kinds of relationships can happen to anyone, not just women, so this post will hopefully serve as a warning for everyone on what to look out for.
Before i continue i will warn that content can be sensitive for some (obviously) but also mentions of a bdsm esk lifestyle. Not overly explitic but it’s still there. Also I am just writng out as it pops into my head so bare with my ramblings as this hard to get out.
To start off with, I am a single mum living in a flat and at the time i was working part time (18 hours a week a the time) with a 2 year old toddler and 22 years old. Despite having a son I was lonely a lot as a lot of friends stopped contacting me and my weekly dnd group was disbanded so my human interactions where limited and lets just say retail doesn’t equate to good human contact.
Fast forward because you don’t want to hear about my struggles wth dating as humourous it is. I met (lets call him D) D and as always, things see well- D was sweet and charmng and was seemingly ok with me having a toddler. Brillant! i thought i had hit gold with this guy.
This how abusers are, they make themselves seem to sweet and amazing that you become blind any faults. You know that saying “I’m not like those guys, not all guys are like that” D used these words when describng himself and in conversations. in my experience with him and a few other people, people that have used these sentences are often exactly like the ones they say they aren’t.
So far everything he’s done is present a pleasent package that sound and looks trustworthy and a nice guy. Making the bad traits come across as just mere off days. I was so blinded by the fact that he seemed to sweet and nice that i didn’t realise exactly what he was doin for a mere two months. thankfully talks at schools and thing’s I’ve read online and family members helped me clock onto his games.
ALWAYS LISTEN TO FAMILY! i say this because they noticed within weeks what he was doing and were trying to find ways to warn me. He seemed hesitant to meet my family after a month of dating which for my family is odd, as we are a pretty tight family more or less at the times. My mum met everyones partners quickly as we all visited each other a lot at the time.
when she did meet him a month into dating and was talking to him, D admitted that he would read my phone over my shoulder ALL.THE.TIME. This is not good, nothing i thought was private actually was. But his own phone was protected like it was the holy grail of all holy grails. I never actually asked to see his phone but it’s somethin i noticed after we broke up that he would always hide the screen from anyone in the room. He would try and create arguments over anything with my mu and sister when they were at my home while i was working, watching over my son. At this pont i wasn’t still comfortable enough for D to be along with my son.
When i then got home, my mum and sister would leave quickly unable to stand being in D’s presence. this made me think they simply just didn’t like him, so when it annoyed me, D would jump onto my rants and feed them. Make my anger at my mum and sister worse by telling white lies, basically fanning the flames. People, if your partner does this- take a step back and wonder why.
D was purposefully driving wedges between me and my family and later my best friend by complaining about each and trying to get me to join his point of view. Tryng to get me to view them as hinderences rather than support. Driving me to focus on him completely and not them. Do not let anyone destroy your family ties, especially ones with your closest family.
then theres the other little things, like comlaining how i wash my hair and which products i use saying i was damaging myself. everything i used was of good value and methods professional hairdressers adviced me to use. But apparently a guy who doesn’t even condition and had short balding hair had better knowledge then me. this is another form of control, trying to tell me how to do things. same with cooking, I’m not a bad cook i can make somegood meals but he insisted on cooking saying he’s amazing at cooking. He would often put in way to much garlic and onion making the meals he made full of to much flavour and would get upset when my poor 2 year old wouldn’t eat or I wouldnt. Even when i told him not to put so much he would snap saying he knew what he was doing.
Then theres the guilt tripping and telling me how to raise my child. A person who has no children was apparently more knowledgable than me who read articles and books and have a mother who’s had 4 kids herself. When out and about he would get annoyed when my 2 year old had a tantrum and play up.
saying that my son was being a disrespectful shit to me and would publically shame me for ignoring or trying to appease my son depending on what the tantrum was over. RED FLAG! A 2 year old cannot be disrespectful, my son struggles with speech to this day due to D demanding my son uses his words and not cries to display hs wants. D’s view was that kids should be perfectly articulate at 2 year old and understand all these adult social cue’s.
Then at bed times, D hated that i cuddled my son till he slept and that my son came intomy bed halfwa through the night for comfort reasons. So he demanded i changed the night routine to involve maths for my 2 year old and a story while my son was in bed then just walkout of the bedroom. leave my son alone regardle if he was upset, my heart broke at my sons cries as D scared my son back into bed and kept leaving him. Ignoring my concerns with this method saying it wht he read online and eventually my son will sleep. worst two weeks of my life until i broke the cycle as I just couldn’t allow it to continue.
i was fas growing afraid of D at this point. One night he flipped his shit as i turned over in bed declaring it was to hot to share the bed due to my memory foam topper and that he runs hot anyway. he threw his phone at the wall over it. Another time he yelled at me for not trying a certain stores jellybabies when i said. didn’t like jellybabies, saying that i was being stubborn as this stores jelly babies were delicious. i promised to try them later- when he was out i threw them away and just told him that yes they were ok.
He mocked the games i played and liked, i love final fantasy and rpg games a lot. i find them entertaining but he mocked them saying i should play more fighter interactve games. he made me play one that i just found dull and did not like at all.
After this he was also scaring me with his bsm ettiquette, anyone in bdsm know that you respected your partners limits and repected their safe word and what they tell you the are ok with and what they aren’t ok with. A few times he violated this. He liked to give pain and i liked mostly pleasure and rope play. A hard limit for me was belts- i was not ok with them at all, he used one one session and i had to safe word out quickly which he found fuckng funny. This is not ok. Another time we wanted to try a new pose with ropes and the position i was in was making me feel ill half way through beng tied, so i safe worded and asked me to get me out as i felt sick.
If your partner is in rope and feels unwell or safe words out- get them out fast! Cut the ropes if you need to you can always buy more ffs. But D didn’t, he sighed and slowly untied me. No matter how much i begged him to hurry up he went at his own slow ass pace. Do not do this as something someone once found enjoyable suddenly no longer is.
And lastly, do not snap at your sub if your rope plans dont go to plan. Do not make them feel bad if something doent work. I was snapped at when ties he was tryng for the first time weren’t working, nothing i could help.
towards the end he told my mum when they again where at mine alone that he would be moving in in 6 months time so she had best get usedto him being here. we had only been dating at this point for less than 2 months. I have a rule that i don’t move in with someone unles i’ve been with them for more than 2-3 years at the minimum.
the event that pretty much spelled the end for this? was my sons bday and D turned up after eveyone had gone which fair enough, lots of kids wasn’t his thing. I had some alcohol and energy drinks as well, he offere weed which i had had before unaware of him slipping me ectasy as well.
All of these things did not respond well to me, hours later in the next morning as i had this 9 pm the night before, by 10 am D left to go home and i was dealing with what i think was the come down. Badly. Ikept having panic attack and was not right for two days after. My heart kept going dangerous speeds that i had to call my mum and sister for help as D said he woudlnt come over as i wa just beng silly and that it would pass. I was worried for my son if something was to happen to me over it.
After this i talked to my mum and the truth was coming out in small bits. I stupidly was on the fence about what my mum was telling me as i was reliant on D’s affection and we i went to get a coil (birth control device) and D hated that i was going with my mum and that i had been talking to her.
He got defensive and was telling me i didnt need my mum in my life. His mum wa dead and he was doing well, so i didn’t need mine in hs eyes. This is maniplative as fuck and he was an asshole trying to use this. By thi point. Was wising up to his tactics and games with teh help of my mum exposing what he hadsaid to her and i dumped him.
He tried to then play around with getting his things back and tried to arrange it when i would be alone. Never meet an ex like this alone people i beg you, i got my mums bf to wait for him instead,and i prepacked his stuff so he couldnt possibly steal anything. When he saw my mums bf his aggressive pose he had at the door dropped away. He was suddenly polite and cordial and left with little fuss once received his things. Never meet an abusive ex alone.
After he left my life i found out he had gotten onto my computer that was a christmas gift and had wrecked it beyond usable it quickly broke and i lost everything on it. All my musc and pictures and works. My computer wa my escap and coping mechanism for depression and anxiety. Same as my music. Im still struggling in life around men due to this and my son is strugling to learn to speak still.
Please be careful and never cut out people from your life because a partner says so. Friends and family mean more than someone you just met.
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Life #13 - Adventure Time
Character Sheet
Face Claim:
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Name: Carmencita
Pronunciation: Car-Men-SEE-Tuh
Meaning: Little Song
Nicknames: Carmen, Angel
Name Origins:
Carmen: Shortened from Carmencita
Angel: A little nickname Finn gave me in reference to my position and the fact that I tend to wear mostly white
Aliases: Meadow Princess
Alias Origin: I wear a lot of flowers and at the time I didn't want anyone to know who I really was so…
Titles: Emissary of Life, Princess of Life
Orientation: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: Pre-Mushroom War
Star Sign: ??? (What is a star sign? Is it something humans used to do? I didn’t pay much attention to them before the Mushroom War...)
Birth Flower: Lotus or Daffodil (I happen to think they relate to my life)
Meaning: They Both Mean Life and Rebirth
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Meaning: Good Health (Especial during long travels or on the sea)
Species: Our species doesn’t have a name as there are only three of us in existence (some would call us angels and others reapers)
Affiliation: The Kingdom of Samsara
Social Status: Crown Princess (I may be younger, technically speaking, but I suppose I’m more level headed)
Representation: Life, Birth, and Rebirth
Dead?: I suppose we all die someday...
How?: Hmm… I wouldn’t know our names aren’t in our books (though they might be in fathers)
Death Date: ???
Last Words: ”Dying is the one thing I’ve never done… How exciting!”
How Old They Appear: 16 (though I could choose to appear any age)
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Glasses/Contacts: N/A
Skin Tone: Pale (which is odd as I’m in the sun quite a bit)
Hair Color: White
Hair Length: Hip Length
Hair Type: Straight
Hairstyle: Loose Messy Ponytail (Good for Adventuring) or Pinned to One Side and Curled
Height: 5’1 (As Marcy likes to point out I’m an ”itty bitty thing”)
Piercings: N/A (I’m a bit of klutz and I’m afraid they'd get caught)
Tattoos: N/A
Scars: N/A
Birthmarks: Lotus Symbol on Left Side of Ribs
Other: I tend to bruise pretty easy so there's probably a couple of those on my legs and arms
Style: Girly, Floral, Mostly White with Splashes of Color
Favorite Outfit: White Overall Dress, White Loose Long Sleeved Shirt, White Thigh High Stocking with White Bows on The Front, White High Top Sneakers with Pink Flowers on The Sides, White Flower Crown
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Casual Outfit: White Knit Sweater, Pink Lotus Print Skirt, Plain White Thigh High Stockings, White and Pale Pink Flower Crown
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Sleepwear: Short Sleeve Mid Thigh Length White Nightgown
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Winter Outfit: White Hooded Dress Coat with Light Brown Fur Trim and Bear Ears, Knit Thigh High Stockings, White Knee High Boots with White Fur Trim and White Pom Poms, White Knit Fingerless Gloves with Knitted Flower, White Flower Crown
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Formal Outfit: White Asymmetrical Long Spaghetti Strap Dress, White Rhinestone Floral Flats, White Elbow Length Floral Gloves, White and Light Pink Flower Crown, Silver and Diamond Floral Tiara
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Accessories: Flower Crowns
Scent: Sugar and Lotus Flowers
Mother/Mother Figure: N/A
Relationships: My sister and I were created purely by our father
Father/Father Figure: King Thanatos
My father is a very strict man and doesn't tend to show his affection often. It is for a very good reason as he is not only king but in charge of the entire cycle of life, death, and rebirth and must follow strict rules or very bad things could happen. One slight misstep could throw the whole world off balance. As such he is very strict with us to make us follow those rules. He does love us, he just shows it through much smaller actions then he does with larger affections or words. He will frequently leave us little gifts in our rooms when we’ve been away a particularly long time or give us breaks away from what we do if we experience a particularly “rough patch” (in my case either preventing ‘wrong’ births or a lack of births and in Olivia’s incredibly frequent deaths). Our father is not an emotional man but we’ve been with him so long we can tell how he feels through the slightest of changes. Most particularly when his frown is a little deeper and he looks a little older it means that he is sad or disappointed that he must punish us for breaking a rule whether it was knowingly or unknowingly. Usually, after this, we also get a small break to recuperate as punishments are quite severe fitting the severity of breaking the rules. I love my father more than anything despite his lack of affection because I don't need him to show how much he loves hs to know he does.
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Brothers/Brother Figures: Jake the Dog
Jake is quite the funny dog and very helpful too. I usually go to him for advice instead of Olivia because she is quite bleak about everything. He is much more balanced, not too pessimistic and not too optimistic and it helps me think things through more to hear it put in such a way (even if it doesn't always make sense). I particularly like to cook or garden with him as I always end up laughing too hard by the end of it. He gets really concerned whenever I tag along on adventures because I don’t tend to want to fight the creatures and can very easily get hurt because I won’t defend myself. He is frequently the one arguing against my going with him and Finn and is usually the one who ends up having to patch me up. I shouldn’t but I find it very funny when he freaks out the way he does as he usually over exaggerates and overreacts. He is also usually the first or second to freak when I get kidnapped by Ice King and won’t hesitate to rush to my rescue like the loyal friend he is. I do consider him one of the closest friends I’ve ever had. I suppose that's why I’ve befriended a few of his past lives as well.
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Sisters/Sister Figures: Princess Olivia, Marceline the Vampire Queen
Olivia tends to look down on my befriending of people through their lifetimes. She thinks it hurts me to have to start our relationships all over again even if insist otherwise. I know it’s just because she’s looking out for me and she wants me to be happy but she needs to start worrying about her own problems instead of pushing them away to deal with me. Outside of that the only other thing we fight about are near death experiences. She hates them because they’re a complete toss-up as to which one of us is needed but I think it’s exciting so I usually have to stop her from just ending it for them. She thinks its a waste of time waiting to find out if they’ll die and go to her or be reborn, in a sense, and go to me. Outside of these arguments, we get along quite well. It isn’t as if we talk to each other about everything or know everything about each other it’s more that we trust each other enough that we would feel comfortable telling each other anything even if we don’t. We know just what to say to each other and we can read each other with just a few looks. Olivia usually knows the difference between when I’m really happy or when I’m forcing myself to be but even she makes mistakes, after all, I’ve had centuries of practice. I know one thing that aggravates her about me (as it does everyone else) is my refusal to fight to the point of not fighting back when being attacked unless I deem it absolutely necessary. We are definitely more affectionate toward one another than our father is toward us and I am definitely the most affectionate out of the three of us by a long shot.
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Marcy is an odd case, to say the least. She is both alive and dead yet neither! It’s very confusing but also quite exciting! I suppose that’s why Liv is dating her. Though another reason might be that she is immortal and she won’t ever have to worry about losing her to old age. Marcy is really laid back and is very fun to hang out with. Her pranks are very amusing and her music very entertaining. She has been trying to teach me to play guitar and so far I’ve managed to learn a few chords but I have a wandering mind sometimes and it can be hard to teach. I like to join in on her pranks (especially those against Bubblegum) and, according to Marceline, I have a very creative mind to “put our pranks over the edge of hilarity”. I don’t spend as much time with her as Olivia (they are dating) but I would say we are pretty close.
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Current Guardian: King Thanatos
Father actually doesn’t watch over us much as we all have our own duties to attend to but I do love him very much.
Current Significant Other: Finn the Human
Finn is very awkward and very sweet. He gets very flustered around girls and just doesn’t understand how to talk to them. He doesn’t understand how his actions can affect others at first. He is very kind and very loyal to those he cares about and would do absolutely anything to put a smile on their face. Finn apparently (according to Jake) had a crush on me for a while before he plucked up the courage to confess his feelings to me and had planned out this whole adventure that went awry to do it. Even though the whole thing went topsy-turvy Finn still managed to confess, though it was completely out of frustration and by accident. Finn has always been quite protective of me and it increased quite a bit when we started dating. He always looks out for me and “scopes the area for bad guys” and he has a habit of trying to show off to impress me even though he already does that by just being him. Olivia claims that we are so cute it’s disgusting but I tend to ignore her as I’m very happy with our relationship. Finn, like Jake, tends to overreact and over exaggerate when I get hurt or kidnapped or something of that nature, which I find a bit odd considering he’s usually all for me joining in on adventures which directly cause those things to happen to me most of the time. Of course, as with Jake, I have met Finn’s past lives and have befriended them in the past and fallen for a few as well. He always seems to draw me no matter who he is. It’s sad to watch them die, as I know everyone is meant to someday, but I find solace when I get to meet them again in their next life even if they do not know me anymore. I have loved Finn for a very long time and I suppose I always will.
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Mentors: King Thanatos, Marceline
Advisor: Jake the Dog
Confidant: Jake the Dog
Teammates: King Thanatos, Princess Olivia
Friends: Olivia, Marceline, Jake, Lady Rainicorn, Ice King
Best Friend: Olivia
Love Interest: Finn the Human
Rivals: Olivia
Enemies: The Lich, Princess Bubblegum
Person Hated Most: Princess Bubblegum
Most Important Person: Olivia
Awkward Around: Princess Bubblegum
Admires: King Thanatos
Hometown: The Land of OOO
Childhood: I didn’t really have one considering I was never really a child.
Childhood Hero: King Thanatos
Most Important Memory: Helping someone be born for the first time
Worst Memory: Stopping someone's birth for the first time
Current Location: The Land of OOO
Living With: King Thanatos and Princess Olivia
Occupation: Princess of Life
Pets: Elephant named Lotus
General Health: I don’t get sick unless someone curses me or if someone messes with the balance to stop births
Reason: Magic
Mental Health: Okay
Reason: My entire life
Sleep Habits: Very Light Sleeper
Diet: Vegetarian
Exercise: I run/walk around every day
Allergies: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Disorders: N/A
Deformity: N/A
Disabilities: N/A
Mutations: N/A
Handicaps: N/A
Medication: N/A
List of Powers/Abilities: Bring people into the world, Help people who are reborn adjust to life, Prevent Births, Invisibility, Teleportation, Flying
Origin: Creation
Elements: Life
Alternate Forms: N/A
Strengths: Invisibility, Evasion, Hiding, Teleportation, Manipulation
Weaknesses: Fighting, Stopping Births, Watching Deaths
Restrictions: Stamina
Immunities: N/A
Good Traits: Sweet, Optimistic, Kind, Cheery, Generous, Observant, Very Good Memory, Smart, Clever, Pacifist, Loyal
Bad Traits: Stubborn, Childish, Hides Negative Emotions, Forces Self to be Happy to Optimistic Even When I’m Not, Holds Grudges, Can Be Manipulative (only if I have to be… I don’t like it), Won’t Defend Self
Neutral Traits: Soft Spoken, Curious, Dreamy
Likes: Dresses, Skirts, Flowers, Elephants, White, Friends, Pancakes, Cooking, Gardening, Sleeping, Crystals, Painting, Baking, Music, Ice Skating
Dislikes: Dark Colors, Bugs, Fire, Princess Bubblegum, Playing with The Balance, Waking Up
Pet Peeves: Leaving things in the sink when you can clean them, Stepping on flowers, Princess Bubblegum
Superstitions: Believes in the Properties of Plants and Crystals
Ambitions: To be a good leader when I take over for my father, To help people adjust to their new lives, To learn to play guitar
Talents: Cooking, Painting
Sense of Humor: Laughs at everything
Darkest Secret: I feel guilty for helping people come into this world who will end up hurting it
Does Anyone Know? Who?: No (everyone thinks I’m just happy to be bringing life into the world or helping them adjust to their new life)
Greatest Fear: Messing up and breaking one of the big rules
Why?: Well outside of punishment, one of my big rules involves not helping bring new life into the world (the same as letting them die before they were meant to) and it just makes me feel guilty especially if they were going to do something great.
Other Fears: The Balance being destroyed
Why?: The world would end...
Most at Ease When: Baking or Gardening
Most Uncomfortable When: Arguing/Fighting
Enraged When?: People I care about are attacked and hurt
Depressed When?: I have to stop the birth of a new life
Frightened When?: Being punished or attacked
If Granted One Wish What Would It Be?: To live a normal life and die old
Bad Habits: Lip Chewing, Trying to Hide Face When Embarrassed, Daydreaming Often, Quiet When Upset
Good Habits: Gets Work Done as Quickly as Possible, Likes to help People
Hobbies: Gardening, Ice Skating, Baking, Cooking, Gardening
Instrument?: Hopefully, guitar
Sport?: N/A
Spending Habits: I Don’t Spend
Drinks?: Water
Smokes?: N/A
Drugs?: N/A
Nervous Tics: Biting Lip
Prized Possession: FLOWER CROWNS
Color: White
Quote: “I’m a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile”
Genre: Fantasy
Season: Spring
Flower: Lotus
Flavor: Lemon
Food: Blueberry Lemon Tart
Dessert: Carrot Cake Parfait
Theme: Upside Down by Set It Off
Reason: I try to be very cheery and optimistic person in my life. I’ve always tried to be since I started my life. I know bad things happen and they suck but I try to look on the bright side even if it's really hard for me to do sometimes.
Past Theme: Circle of Life
Reason: My sister and I are the circle of life. We connect everything. We represent the one thing everything has in common life and death.
Couple Theme: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Reason: I feel like this is very accurate to my relationship with Finn. I have fallen for his past lives and his current life over my very long life and I have no doubt that I will fall for his future lives as well. It was a scary thought at first but now I embrace it and will happily stand by him in any life.
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 6 years
It’s a News Kind of Day
This is another one-shot for our blog canon. As usual, it was co-written with the wonderful @otabekvoiceblog though I did finish off the last of this myself. It’s just under 3K, with lots of fluff - both between Otayuri and Yuri and his father, Artur. I would say it’s rated T - as Yuri’s collar is mentioned, and the f-word is present several times. Below the cut!
Summary: Yuri needs to talk to Otabek about something important that will affect their future. Otabek’s reaction surprises him. In the middle of this, Artur calls Yuri with his own news.
Yuri pushed his laptop off his lap. He was laying on his bed, resting - pretty much the only thing he had been doing since he was still recovering from his injury. He looked hard at the space where the laptop had been in front of him, thoughts swirling around inside his head, thoughts he’d had for some time now. “Hey, Beka!” he called out, knowing that his boyfriend was nearby. “Can you come here for a second? I just... I've been thinking about something…”
Otabek came out of the bathroom, wearing a pair of boxer briefs and a towel around his neck. He went over to Yuri as he toweled off his hair. Slipping on a tank top, he lounged next to him on the bed and pulled him close, kissing Yuri's forehead. “Yes, Kotenka? What have you been thinking about?” he asked, a seductive tone to his voice. “Do we need to get your collar?”
Yuri moaned. Just the thought of Beka putting his collar on him sent his mind going in a direction he did not need right now. ”Mmm, yes, but later,” he said. “There's something else first. I've been thinking…” He looked at Otabek, in just a tank top and boxer briefs, combined with his thoughts, it was all enough to drive Yuri crazy. “Fuck, you are distracting like that…” He shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts of how gorgeous Beka was from his mind - at least long enough for him to have this conversation. “I think... I want Viktor to coach me.”
Otabek gave a long pause, blinking as he pulled back from Yuri's neck, where he'd been planting light kisses. “You… have you two talked about this?” he asked. He was blushing intensely, eyes darting around like Yuri had caught him at something.
Yuri's moans at the kisses on his neck stopped when the kisses did. “No, not yet.  I wanted to talk to you first,” he said. He saw the blush crossing his boyfriend’s cheeks, and thought that was strange. He looked like he had been caught doing something. What was going on? He felt very out of the loop for some reason.
“Right... I…” Otabek sighed, putting his head in his hands. “I was going to tell you tonight, I promise. Yuuri approached me today.”
Yuri blinked in confusion. “He did? Really? What about?”
“Well, it…” Otabek bit his lower lip. “I'm bringing it up because it's relevant to what you're saying, Yura.” He was blushing like crazy and paused for a moment before speaking again. “I know you want Viktor to coach you. I've known for a while.”
Yuri thought about what he was saying and realized the only thing that possibly made sense. “Wait, he... asked to coach you?” he asked. “And I figured that you might have known.” Yuri wasn’t a very secretive person, and it was impossible to hide things from Otabek. He always seemed to know what he was feeling and thinking. It was quite incredible, actually.
“Yeah… he said that he understood. That you take whatever path you have to take that suits you to skate your best. That's how you show the world your heart. That's how you bring an audience to its knees. And that's how you win gold. And we knew you wanted Viktor to coach you, and he's already been talking about it and he apparently really wants you two to have matching sweatsuits - I would watch out, he may have ordered them already,” Otabek explained. “Yuuri was frank with me; they want to live in Hasetsu, and they want to ask you and I to come live with them. To train with them. Of course, I'm sure we'll all help one another, but I think I'll probably work better with Yuuri than Viktor for the most part. And I said I would ask you, and… well… that's exactly what you want to do, isn't it? You want to move to Japan."
Yuri nodded. “Yes, it is. I mean, I love Russia; it's my home, and Yakov has done so much for me, but... This feels right for me, you know? I just... I had to think about it,” he said. Especially considering everything that happened this season, he didn’t want to make a rash decision. “I didn't want to bring it up unless I was absolutely sure, you know?  And it's a big decision, so I didn't want to talk about it with Viktor and Yuuri until I had talked about it with you first, but... It feels like what I need to do.” After all, he would never have discussed moving to Japan with Viktor before talking about with his boyfriend first.
Otabek nodded, before his face grows stony, afraid he's about to cause Yuri to cry. “Yura....what about Artur?” he asked.
Yuri sighed heavily. His new relationship with his father was very important to him. He had never had a parent who loved him the way the Artur did. Natasha never had. “I know! I'm just starting to get to know him; I don't want to lose that; and what about Dedushka?” he asked. “I'm all he has. I can't move to another country and leave him here by himself!” He put his head in his hands.
Otabek hugged him, petting his hair. “I'm sure they'll understand, and it's not as if you can't keep in touch. Remember, I'm always close to my family no matter where I am because I make time for them,” he said. “Talk to them both, tell them it's where you need to be; they'll support you. They love you; they're your family. And… if something happens to your grandfather, it… you have to make the choices you can live with, Yura."
Yuri wrapped his arms around him. “I know,  I know, it's just…” He gave another sigh. “I know that Artur and I will be okay, even though I feel bad about leaving, but I just... I wish that my grandfather wouldn't be so far away…” He would never forgive himself is something happened to him, and he wasn’t around to be there for him when he needed.
Otabek paused for a moment. “Should we see about an apartment for three? I know that's not ideal, but…”
Yuri looked up at him. “I mean... I'm sure we both want our own space,  but... that might work.... either that or find a cheap studio apartment for him nearby,” he said. “That could work, though. I think it'd be better being closer to us,  especially since I'm all he had left. And he's not getting any younger…” It was far from ideal for them, at their age and at this stage in their relationship to be living with his grandfather, but what other choice did he have?
Otabek nodded. “Yura, I don't want to… I'm not saying that Nikolai is going anywhere right now, but he does have numerous health issues, and it's getting harder for him to get around, and since you're… already thinking about that, it's just...moving across countries is a big choice, so I have an um... rather big thing, to tell you.” He paused, trying to think about how he can impart hs lesson. “I've mentioned to you that when my Aeje was diagnosed with cancer at stage four that she moved in with us. I don't think… I don't think I told you how close I was to her. We all took our turns taking care of her, but she and I had had this sort of...oddly strong kinship for my whole life. She lived across the street, and she was a bold, brash woman who had raised my mother and her brothers by herself. She called me her boy, and it just…”
Otabek’s voice tightened, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he recalled his grandmother. Clearly, this had really, really affected him. “Sometimes it got hard to… to watch her die, essentially. But still… I didn't leave her bedside, because I knew I wouldn't be able to live with having abandoned her when she needed me the most,” he said. “I was with her whenever I was home for those six months. And now, I find I'm happy I didn't leave her, no matter how hard things got because I can live with the choices I made. I feel that I really did everything that I was capable of doing for her, even when she started to lose herself at the end. I just… you have to make the choices you can live with.”
Yuri held him tighter, pressing kisses to his face when he had finished. “You're right. I do need to think about that. As long as you're okay with it, maybe it's best if he moves in with us,” he said. “I want to do what's best for him, but what's best for us, too. I'm all he has left, and you're right that he's not going to be getting any better, and maybe it's best that he's not by himself anymore.”
Otabek nodded, carding his hands through Yuri's hair. “It's going to be okay. We-” Yuri's phone, sitting on the bedside table started ringing.
Yuri grabbed his phone when it rang, and answered it. It was Artur. “Hey, Artur, what's up?”
“Yuri! I… that is, I um, have… news,” he said. He sounded a bit conflicted about something, and he wasn’t sure if it was good news or bad news by the tone of his voice.
Yuri looked up at Otabek, before taking the phone and putting it on speaker. “Really? What kind of news? What's going on?” It was an odd coincidence that he needed to talk to him, and now, Artur was calling with his own news.
“It's… my editing company, they want me to come into the office more, and they're moving locations,” he said. “It… it's out of the country, Yuri, but it's not like you'd never see me. Of course, I'll call you all the time, and in fact, I'm being sent to Kyushu.”
Yuri paused for a second, because how much of a fucking coincidence was this. “You... are you serious? Because if so, that is the biggest fucking coincidence ever…” There was no way that this was really happening because stuff like this didn’t happen. And not to him, either.
There was a long pause on the other end of the line before Artur spoke again. “Are you fucking moving to fucking Japan? What the fuck?” He started laughing.
Yuri started laughing, too, because he wasn’t sure what else to do in a situation like this! “Otabek's here, you're on speaker, and he and I were just talking about you,” he said. “You see, we want Viktor and Yuuri to coach us, and they're moving to Hasetsu, so... I guess we are now, too, and we were talking about moving Dedushka in with us.”
Artur paused again. “No. You aren't doing that. Yuratchka, you two should get to enjoy being a young couple in love. And, wouldn't it be better for Nikolai to live in a house? A place that has at least one person at home all the time? I think he would feel like he's inconveniencing you, and I honestly think you may end up inconvenienced,” he explained. “Don't get mad, just… you know, you and Otabek like having a certain amount of freedom that comes with living alone, and that's a perfectly healthy freedom I don't think Nikolai wants to interrupt. Besides, this way Sasha and I have another edge over Amina - we're stuck between two houses and we want the bigger place. He's family now, isn't he? And it's not like Amina, and I have our… freedoms, anymore, with Sasha around, so… why not? It would be good for him, to have a young child around.”
Yuri thought about that for a moment. It wasn’t something he had considered. He was used to having to worry about Dedushka on his own. It never occurred to him that Artur would want to help, and would consider his grandfather family because of him. “I think that might work. I mean, obviously we'll have to talk to him, but I think that sounds like a good compromise... if you don't mind, of course.” He looked up at Otabek. “And he’d only be a couple of hours away, too…”
Otabek nodded head. “I agree that having a child in the house will be good for him.”
“Of course I don't mind, and well… see, we won’t be necessarily a couple of hours away,” Artur said. “We wanted to be close to Hasetsu. If we go with the bigger house, we'll only be about a half hour away. I'll have an hour commute both ways, but I knew you'd be in Hasetsu whenever you were in Japan, so it seemed like the natural move to make. And I'm young; I can handle a big commute.”
“That's even better then. I think it'll work out,” Yuri said, still a bit amazed that a perfect solution seemed to have fallen in his lap. “I just... thank you. I was so worried about all of this and just... thank you.” He was a bit overwhelmed right now, that Artur loved him so much to help him out like this. He knew, of course, but he kept getting constantly reminded of how much really did love him. Dedushka was really not Artur’s problem, but he supposed he was right. Nikolai was his family now, too.
“Yuratchka, I always have your back, and I am always gonna make sure you have what you need,” he said. “I promised, didn't I?”
Otabek put a hand on Yuri's shoulder, just in case Yuri got emotional because he thought he himself probably would. Yuri nodded leaning into Otabek, tears coming to his eyes. “Yeah,  you did,” Yuri said. “Thank you still.” Otabek kissed the side of Yuri's head.
“Of course, solnyshko… please forgive me for saying this, but I know Otabek isn't someone I can embarrass you in front of,” he said. “You're my son. I promised you the day you were born I'd never let anyone hurt you, and look how you've been hurt since I've been away. Not anymore. I don't want anything but love for my boy. And you'll always be my boy, solnyshko.”
Tears started flowing down Yuri’s cheeks at his words, and he nodded even though Artur couldn’t hear it, and snuggled into Otabek. “Yeah, I know, and I'm... glad you're around. I really am.”
“I'm glad to be around, Yuratchka. I'm so glad,” he said, sounding a bit tearful himself. “I'm glad I'll continue to, as well. I guess we'll figure everything out when we make the move, but I won't be far from Hasetsu. I'll never be far from my boy.”
“Yeah, I know. I'm glad, too,” Yuri said. “I was worried about losing what we've been working on if I moved, and now... I don't have to worry about that.”
Artur laughed. “I was worried about the same thing,” he admitted. “I'm glad neither of us had anything to worry about.”
“Heh, so am I. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders,” Yuri told him. “I guess now I need to talk to Viktor. And hope he didn't actually order the matching sweatsuits.”
“Matching… sweatsuits?” Artur asked, sounding as if didn’t quite believe what he had just heard. “Really?” He gave a light laugh. “I admit I don’t know Viktor that well yet, but that does sound like something he would do.”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “God, I fucking swear if he does, I’ll…”
Otabek pressed a light kiss to the side of Yuri’s face. “He’s just excited, that’s all.”
Yuri groaned because there as no way in fucking hell he was going to wear matching sweatsuits with Viktor. No matter what the old man said. “I know, but still…” He was glad that Viktor was excited about the whole prospect of coaching him, but sometimes Viktor’s excitement made him want to pull his hair out.
Artur just chuckled on the other end of the line. “Hey, listen, I have to go, but I’ll talk to you soon, okay, Yuratchka?”
Yuri smiled and nodded. “Yeah, okay, talk to you later then,” he said before they ended the call. He looked up at Otabek, the smile still on his face. “It looks like I was worried about nothing. I mean, not that we wouldn’t have been able to remain in touch if he wasn’t moving, but… it helps, and it’ll be good being able to have Dedushka nearby.” He would be closer than he was now, in fact. All of this made Yuri feel better. Artur would be close because while he knew Otabek was right and that they could stay close if they were separated, it would be easier with him closer. He would feel better knowing Nikolai was close, too.
Otabek smiled at him, pressing another soft kiss to the side of his face. “I’m glad you feel good about this, Kotenka,” he said. “Now, did you still want your collar?”
“Mmm, yes, please,” he said. Yuri hated not wearing it sometimes. It always made him feel so safe and loved. A reminder that Otabek was always there for him, always loved him no matter what.
Beka gave him a soft kiss on the lips. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” Yuri smiled at his boyfriend’s retreating back as he went over and got the collar. Yuri held his hair up as his boyfriend attached put it around his neck. Moving was going to be a bit scary  - he had never lived in a foreign country before, unlike Otabek - but he knew he would be okay. Together, they could accomplish anything.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hello I am back!! I'm sorry it's been long, these past couple of weeks have had me swamped with homework :( and yet I still didn't do it all 🤡 also get ready for a bunch of messages because 1.) responses and 2.) my thoughts on Lockscreens. Spoiler: I am Emotional haha. Aww, thank you :') I used to think it was weird to give yourselves nicknames but I'm past that now haha. Another one I go by sometimes is "Lizard" because I stick my tongue out a lot when I'm talking??
(2) and people think I'm cold blooded because I get really cold easily and like to bask in the sun. I mostly just did traditonal sketches and a lot of screencap redraws. I want to get into art again, but I'm taking it slow for now and focusing more on my writing. And I feel that too LOL. I'm going to start a blog dedicated to reblogging x reader fics that I like because I'm too embarrassed to do so on my main blog (I tell all of your followers 🤡)
hey Honeymoon! as long as you’re taking care of yourself, that’s all I care about 💞 i’m gonna post my responses into two parts. a Lockscreens segment after you send in the rest of your thoughts and a get-to-know-you part for now!
ngl, i feel like the best person to give you a nickname is yourself! i jokingly gave myself the nickname ‘Daddy’ and that’s literally become my “rave” personality LMAO. but i can understand why some people think it’s weird 🤷 honestly lizard is a bad-ass nickname !! i’m the same way - being in the cold makes me sooo sleepy and i’d rather bask in the sun 😂
i’d love to see your artwork or writing sometime! please feel free to send it over 🥰
(3) Honestly even with all my issues it's kind of nice being a hopeless romantic! Like you said it gives me the chance to day dream haha. Maybe I have my head in the clouds a lot but sometimes it's nice to be there. There's so many, but I think it's a tie between enemies to lovers and friends to lovers. I love the drama and comedy from the former but I'm so Soft for the latter, and that's highkey how I want my relationship to start.
(4) I think building that bond with someone before you even start dating them is really sweet, and having that connection by the time you commit to each other is 💓 I'm sorry you've been having writers block, that's the worst :( if it helps, the past two chapters have turned out amazing, I love them so much!! I think the closest I got to hardcore shipping something that wasn't canon was RinHaru? But there was also a lot of tension and affection in their relationship so I could see it being canon
there’s nothing wrong with having dreams! just so long as you can ground yourself at the end of the day. 
enemies to lovers is always the funniest for me to read TBH. because it’s such an inevitable cliche haha. friends to lovers though -- oooo my heart. 
the best relationships start with friendship. it’s the most authentic imo. like for me, it’s exhausting bearing my heart open to new people each time i want to get involved with someone romantically. but having someone who already knows you inside out??? swoon. what about a trope you dislike?
ah tyty, i’m glad you enjoyed them! the writers’ block wasn’t too bad for these chapters. i’ve had them typed up for a few weeks now :’) 
rinharu is so cute though! but Harukoto (or whatever the ship name is tbh) is super cute too. but maybe i just really like the best friend to lovers trope LMAO
(5) I just looked at their insta and !!!!!!!!!! that's so cute! I like bokuaka but I've never looked into it as much as others, but their art made me have Feelings lol. I think that is a good view to have on family tbh. I've developed a relationship with my blood family and we're close, but there's something special about the relationships and love you have for people you choose to stay with. I love Tiana!! I think she's a really underrated Disney character :(
(6) She really encompasses Disney's message of working hard to achieve your dreams, and she's a strong, independent woman without being closed off and rejecting her feelings. I think it's so cute and cool that she had that much of an impact on you :D Oof, I get that 💀. Men are gross 🤢 I don't get it very often because I live in SoCal and tbh to a lot of other people brown just equals mexican lol. They're right but I really don't look full mexican. Portuguese and Islander people can tell though
bokuaka art makes me have ~ feelings ~ i also really like @/liann1009 and @/maddox_rider on IG! (tbh idk if they have a tumblr whoops) liann1009 does a lot of OiHina whereas maddox_rider does bokuaka which is ridiculously cute too 🥰 
DUDE OMG YES!!! Tiana and Kita (from Atlantis) are under-rated QUEENS who deserved better!! we need representation out here in this b*tch!!! 
idek why, but some people think i look hispanic 🙃 but yes bby, men are gross and should be better!! i have yet to meet a man who deserves to stand on equal ground to me, imma be real. (2d men don’t count but y’know). does it bother you when people mistake your ethnicity? 
(7) Thank you!! Ngl it's kind of scary wondering about what the industry is going to be like because I'm sure I will run into a lot of biased people and sources, but learning to navigate that is just part of the job. Of course there's people who will read biased sources and attack you too, but you can't always escape those people :/ and thank you love, you're so sweet 💕 That's really admirable! It takes a lot of work and creativity to start a business, I'm sure you'll be successful 😊
(8) what kind were you thinking of? and psych is super cool too! Having that understanding of people and the world can be really eye opening and fun :D It's okay, he was one of my favorite teachers but looking back he was an asshole. He had his good/funny moments and did a lot for me, but he also abused some of editors in my journalism class, and some friends of mine :/ He wouldn't appreciate their work, sometimes insult them, and even encouraged my friend to not sleep for the sake of the paper
i’m positive that you’ll do just fine once you get out there! it seems like you have a pretty thick skin :) 
i really wanted to open a business to help support under-represented groups receive an education - with major focus on minority groups such as orphans/foster children, veterans, and the homeless. there’s so much logistics that tbh i’m too ~stressed~ to think about so i’m tabling that for awhile :’) 
bruhhh fuck that teacher. drop his addy, i just wanna talk real q 💞   if you can’t support all of your students, then there is no point in being a professor!! there is literally 0 reason to be rude when you’re in a position of power, especially when it involves someone’s passion, career, and/or education.
(9) I just remembered that there's a limit to how many asks you can send in a certain amount of time so if these suddenly stop I'm sorry! I'll come back when I can haha. I wouldn't say I'm all that great tbh, but I'm proud of a lot of my works LOL. My favorite part about it is using makeup and tools to just turn into something else. Wounds are always fun, but making yourself a gargoyle or some other creature is what makes it so interesting to me.
(11) I'm OBSESSED with the makeup and costumes from LOTR. It's my biggest inspiration. I can go on about it haha. That's so cool!! Being a part of the whole production, especially all sides to it, sounds so fun. Do you have any favorite memories from your time in high school? I'd love to hear them if you have any :O Confession: I have never seen any of those asdfkljvk. I know I really should though and it's on my to do list ! I've heard really great things about all of them !
imma be real, i didnt know there was a limits on asks LMAO. i did hear that they sometimes get eaten though, so i really hope that doesn’t happen 😅 
we all start somewhere. your first step will never look like someone else’s, nor should it. as long as it’s something that you can look back upon and be proud of and know that you’ve grown from, that’s all that matters! 
just imagining someone using makeup to turn themselves into a gargoyle has my head spinning  🤣 like ya girl can barely do her eye-makeup, let alone anything as intense as that! what’s been the most difficult project? 
DUDE, I LOVE MEDIEVAL-HISTORICAL WORKS! like the dresses from that Mary from Reign wears has my heart so softtttt. dfsnosdf. please!! tell me some of your fav things about LOTR  💖
omg high-school was so long ago, i don’t think i have any favorite memories from it 🙃 i think the opening night of a production would be the best. listening to the audiences reactions as the performers left their hearts on-stage, seeing all the pieces fall together, that was always absolutely incredible. wbu, what did you enjoy about hs? 
i have very strong opinions on those musicals LMAO. i can talk about them forever  🤩
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