#but it would actually drive me insane if
iso220 · 9 months
something i can't help but think about when it comes to the new movie... who is going to be the antagonist? yes, as the perpetrator of the magical girl system, kyuubey is the root evil of all these problems,
but from a narrative perspective i think we want something new for this movie
i don't think it will be homura..
my guess is that the movie, and homura's association with walpurgisnacht, stems from homura's belief that she is a monster -- and therefore she plays the part of the worst monster she knows...
with that in the picture, the "madoka way" wouldn't be for homura to actually be the monster, the one our characters take out in the end...
so i think -- and this is a wildcard! -- but i wonder if it will be the other half of madoka...
the voice during the telephone call does resemble a voice that (i think) i've heard Aoi Yuki do before... and if thats the case, it brings new light to "Bring hope, bring hope."
...but, it also might recontextualize "Love. What nonsense."
what if, by removing "madoka" from the law of cycles, homura broke it? what if she reduced it to something emotionless, something mechanic and overly logical, like kyubey?
i think that would be a fascinating place to take the movie... let us see the repercussions of homura splitting madoka into two! it's hard for us to see why she's convinced she's a monster when there's no drawbacks to doing so! and if it is a mistake, let her confront that mistake, hopefully alongside madoka
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astraystayyh · 1 month
if you had read the story of hind raghab, if you had seen the picture of the child hanging from a pole, its lower body shredded, if you had seen the boy carrying pieces of his brother in a body bag, if you had known the soul of my soul, the story of refaat, and the countless war crimes israel has committed just in 7 months then you wouldn’t stream the song skz is putting out with charlie puth, a zionist and overall bad human, and that israeli producer. you would send a clear message that zionism isnt welcome in any capacity in any medium and you wouldn’t want to fund people who support its hateful ideology. this isnt a matter of being a skz anti and im so fucking tired of people painting it as such. where do you draw the line for your morals?
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ccbatman · 23 days
actually so sick how they made steph into a martyr for everything wrong with gotham when she lived her whole life trying to prove that she was everything right
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labyrynth · 10 months
why is the fact that pre-death wwx Didn’t Particularly Care about helping ghosts so controversial. like can we please just acknowledge that wei wuxian did not in fact set out to help all the poor widdle ghosties ease their grudges so they could pass on
rather, he set out specifically to weaponize as much hatred and resentment as he could, including using that hatred and resentment in ways that the original people had no control over, including turning their own bodies against their kin. he literally dug up graveyards. the spirits he used to gruesomely torture all the residents of the wen bases were never ever stated to be the “uwu helpless victims of the big meanie wens”
the point is that resentment does not care if it’s justified, it just wants to lash out and make others feel the same, but let’s be real: none of these spirits or corpses would be doing anything if not for wwx nurturing that resentment and letting it fester. the resentment wwx is using is his own. HE is the one channeling and directing all of this resentment.
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
One thing I keep thinking about is how the pm's front company is literally called “Mori Corporation”. Like yeah sure, let's put the actual name of our evil boss, most likely the most wanted person in the entire Yokohama, as the title of our not-shady-at-all perfectly-subtle black-themed industry. What could ever go wrong
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trickstersaint · 4 months
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vacation bible school activity: where did you find god in your life today? // february 18 2024
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nightgoodomens · 5 months
There’s something about duality of fandoms, on one hand there’s so many cool metas and gorgeous arts and you meet your friends… and at the same time so many shitty opinions and the fandom literally giving you creeps at certain points - to the point that you’re starting hating some ideas and they’re ruining your mood and you realise you need to step away because soon you won’t even be able to look at that tv show anymore.
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kdramamilfs · 1 month
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oh in-joo & jin hwa-young LITTLE WOMEN (2022)
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helljunker · 8 months
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this sucks actually. really bad. not good
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irregularbillcipher · 11 months
The best example of how Flatland is a piece of fiction where A Square, the author, literally does not know what the hell he's talking about half the time is all the stuff about the Universal Color Bill, because as it is presented the segment on the Color Bill is one of the most biased and propaganda filled things I've ever seen spouted from a narrator who claims he Knows What's Up with the world he lives in.
Like ooooh, gee, so the only reason the Universal Color Bill got so widespread was because a Mean Traitorous Circle with an Irregularity that he should have been killed for but wasn't due to Circumstances that nobody actually knows or remembers (but in A's opinion was definitely pity because we all know how CHARITABLE the Circles are) came up with it, and used his tricky cunning Irregularity mind powers to make the Bill so foolproof and amazing that if it had gone through it would have toppled all of society and allowed all the icky women and disableds and lower classes to have something close to equal rights.
(And it had to have been an Irregular Circle because yes the Irregular Circle is also icky and cunning but at least he's a Circle and any Isosceles would have simply been too brain dead to have come up with such an evil cunning Bill and THIS is why eugenics are good, so those mean old disabled people that we allow to live don't stab us in the back for our charity.)
And wow, you're really telling me that right when the more upper-class women of Flatland, those who care about their standing and who are most supportive of eugenics because of the privilege they're afforded by their marriages and lineages, started to agree that this society-destroying Color Bill was a good idea, (because it would actually give them a bit of respect, authority and safety if they were regarded as being as precious as their husbands,) the Circles just happened to hear about this poor orphaned daughter of a Polygon who was accosted by a very very real and scary and uncouth lower class Shape and tricked so thoroughly into believing he was a higher class Shape by employing the very evil colors that these poor Lines were starting to come around to?
(Not to mention that even in the story itself the Isosceles is framed as both a vile, duplicitous mastermind tricking a poor innocent upper-class girl into marrying him, but also an idiot who "accidentally" dabbled in paints from a Tradesman he'd definitely just robbed, and either painted himself or coincidentally "caused himself to be painted" with the exact same color pattern as a Dodecagon. Because for this story to work, he has to be an absolute monstrous brute, an Isosceles of the "low sort" with hardly any brains, while also being cunning, clever and cruel enough to pull off a marriage ruse and take advantage of a poor orphaned maiden. Stupid enough to be looked down upon but smart enough to come up with this plan like the perfect boogeyman.)
And man, it sure is unfortunate that this marriage, which A Square admits only happened because of a wild amount of near impossible accidents and an "almost inconceivable" lack of research on the part of the bride's remaining family, in a society where lineage is checked thoroughly before marriage, just happened to be consummated despite all the odds being stacked against it. Did he pretend to be a member of a high ranking family? Did he make up a name and family history? If nobody can decide if he even painted himself on purpose, I doubt him creating a whole persona convincing enough to fool the daughter of a Polygon and any family members would be part of the story... that would frame him as far too intelligent for an Isosceles with a brain of four degrees, and we can't have anyone thinking that sort is intelligent.
So then are we to believe that the daughter and her remaining family were stupid enough to just accept a supposed Dodecagon with no family ties or history? That seems unlikely. With no family history, his sides may not even matter-- maybe he has an Irregularity in his line. Maybe he was disowned for failing his Sight Recognition exam. No respectable girl in her right mind would marry a Dodecagon with no family history! And it's so, so convenient that this woman, who already knew this Isosceles, because he had already tried to court her in the past, never recognized him once throughout their new courtship, until the marriage was consummated.
And it's so convenient for the Circles that her reaction upon discovering what was very clearly a near astronomical feat of deception was to kill herself, in a society where we already know the Circles are really cool with killing its citizens if it helps to maintain the status quo. But there really isn't anything suspicious about that, of course, because the only way that a daughter of a Polygon would ever wed a lowly Isosceles is if she were tricked into it, even if the process of being tricked was so lengthy and complex that it would be near impossible for anyone to pull off without either the bride or the bride's family being in on the deception, and the only reaction any decent girl would have upon realizing she'd been tricked would be suicide.
And the fact that she was orphaned and this man apparently tried to court her in "former days." So how former? And who was the one rejecting the marriages? How did she feel about this attempted courtship in "former days?" As a daughter of a Polygon, she surely had no say in who she married, so her opinions on this man are completely up in the air, and the idea that she would at no point during this new proposal, recognize this man who had tried to seek her affections before is... implausible, I would say. What the Circles would want you to think, of course, is that the Isosceles tried again once she was orphaned because she was vulnerable then. That's possible, of course, but got necessarily the given that it would seem like.
But the idea that a Line and an Isosceles may have come up with a plot using color to be allowed to be married despite their class differences is Absurd, of course! They're too stupid for that! And that the Circles may have picked up on what had happened and taken the woman out of the picture and then twisted the story to suit their needs is preposterous, of course, just ignore how often they twist history and kill citizens to keep the status quo. The fact that this specific version of the story is the exact type of thing that would tug at the heartstrings of upper-class women who love eugenics and classism and their own nebulous purity more than they actually love themselves, enough to literally militarize a great number of the more reactionary ladies? A coincidence, I'm sure, but one that was oh so good for crushing the Color Bill and using those scared, privileged women to help murder Chromatistes and the rest of the rebels in a political set up.
... And of course, all those holes in the story, all that propaganda even assumes it was a real story to begin with. Because it very well may be completely fabricated.
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Before telling the story, A Square straight up admits that this is the perfect type of story for someone in power to make up to scare a portion of the populace, but he absolutely refuses to actually, legitimately entertain the prospect. Instead, he just barrels ahead and tells the story of the Evil, Cunning Irregular Circle, and the Poor Orphaned Polygonal Maiden and the Brutish, Tricky Isosceles and how that Completely True and Real Tragic occurrence definitely, positively happened, and also definitely happened exactly the way all the Circles said it did. The fact that this is all completely absurd and reads like literal propaganda and was literally used as propaganda to scare upper-class women into falling back in line does not matter to A, because this was the story he was told and he Understands The World He Lives In, and the Circles are always right except for the whole Third Dimension thing.
TL;DR: A Square is a stoodge who will fall for anything the Circles tell him, no matter how absurd, and every single thing he says that is not him literally laying out laws should be taken with ten bowls of salt, because he has no critical thinking skills.
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d1sheclectic · 3 months
i’m actually fuming over this comment under a tiktok where i said “rip dallas winston you would’ve lover McCafferty” like what if i killed myself omfg
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archiveofrasa · 5 months
thinking about how griffin and robin are connected through their whiteness, but what actually brings them together is their shared chinese heritage
that even though they were born from of two different women, they have this mutual understanding of what that means and they have a shared resentment for it (the older's resentment is always, always stronger, but the younger's resentment actually has an impact)
and how robin craved the cultural significance of family and just nearly got it until the empire took that away from him too
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panthermouthh · 11 months
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ive been in a shitty patch of mental health but im slowly crawling out of it. one thing thats bringing me joy rn is decorating my space, so i decided to draw it:)
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thelivingautomaton · 7 months
alright, since the Remedy brainworms got me I've been replaying Control, got to the AWE expansion last night and picking up on all the echoes/foreshadowing for Alan Wake 2 is making me go utterly bonkers, but like. has anyone picked up on or talked about how in all of Alan's Hotline messages to Jesse, when he's writing about her POV, he exclusively calls her 'Faden'
like, maybe it didn't poke my brain the first time I played it since he does the same thing when talking about Hartman, but coming from AW2 it's pretty jarring as a stylistic oddity...almost like there's a reason (in-universe and/or out-of-universe) that he doesn't call her 'Jesse'...almost like there's only one Faden in his story...
and given how in AW2 we also get some (quasi-) clarification regarding the limits of Alan's ability to "make stuff up" vs alter and rewrite "real-world" events that he sees in clairvoyant flashes...given the Night Springs screenplay pages you can find in AWE that parallels the FBC and the events of Control (i.e. a Director and a Scientist opening a portal to another dimension, finding an eldritch Entity, the Director trying to take its power for himself and then getting taken over before shooting himself)...given how literally all of the "dreams" Dylan tells Jesse about are descriptions/viewings of stuff that takes place on one level of reality or another ("I was the director and you were an intern"; "we were in a game, and it was a fucking boring game but you couldn't stop playing it"; Mister Door, and "a world with a writer writing about a cop, and another world where the writer was real"; a "musical" about Jesse), except, seemingly, the dream about "Jesse Dylan Faden"...
guys. are you picking up what I'm putting down here. guys. GUYS
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just-someone-online · 3 months
Okay, apparently I'm in an Edolas mood tonight.
If I could add one thing, just one thing to the Edolas arc, I would absolutely have more Mystogan and Wendy interactions.
Like, I'm sorry, but you mean to tell me that after finally reuniting with her Jellal, the one she was so shaken up over during Nirvana, their only interaction basically amounts to him saying "Hey Wendy, sorry I ghosted you for seven years, but literally everybody is about to die and I can't stop it, so you should probably skip town."
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dafry-shenanigans · 6 months
Every night where i think about the Qsmp, is a night where i fantasize in an alternate universe, SAD-ist, makes a suprise animatic based on it and then everyone in the world will literally flip out and explode from sheer excitement-
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