#tbh it would be heartbreaking if that shot of madoka about to take a shot walpurgisnacht-extincting style was her shooting homura
iso220 · 9 months
something i can't help but think about when it comes to the new movie... who is going to be the antagonist? yes, as the perpetrator of the magical girl system, kyuubey is the root evil of all these problems,
but from a narrative perspective i think we want something new for this movie
i don't think it will be homura..
my guess is that the movie, and homura's association with walpurgisnacht, stems from homura's belief that she is a monster -- and therefore she plays the part of the worst monster she knows...
with that in the picture, the "madoka way" wouldn't be for homura to actually be the monster, the one our characters take out in the end...
so i think -- and this is a wildcard! -- but i wonder if it will be the other half of madoka...
the voice during the telephone call does resemble a voice that (i think) i've heard Aoi Yuki do before... and if thats the case, it brings new light to "Bring hope, bring hope."
...but, it also might recontextualize "Love. What nonsense."
what if, by removing "madoka" from the law of cycles, homura broke it? what if she reduced it to something emotionless, something mechanic and overly logical, like kyubey?
i think that would be a fascinating place to take the movie... let us see the repercussions of homura splitting madoka into two! it's hard for us to see why she's convinced she's a monster when there's no drawbacks to doing so! and if it is a mistake, let her confront that mistake, hopefully alongside madoka
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