#but if im describing it with an image. maybe the music-only is better? this is definitely not an excuse.
anaalnathrakhs · 1 month
Hiii! Numbers 3, 6, 7 and 40 from the music ask 😁🫶🏻
ty for asking <33
3. who is your favorite artist or band? if you’re like me, just give your top 3 or 5.
I CANT ANSWER THAT. ask me any other day and the answer would be different. hmmmmm. lemme think.
in no particular order,
1- Powerwolf (stupid, funny, nothing if not consistent) 2- Gloryhammer (unfortunate but I CAN'T let go the funny space wizards band. maybe one day victorius will take the spot but not yet. also stupid and funny.) 3- Motley Crue (obvious. also unfortunate. also stupid. also funny. not sure that was on purpose this one) 4- Steel Panther (I can't listen to real serious music to save my life) 5- Magoyond (stupid. funny. about zombies. french. what's not to love.)
I'm not much of a band listener, more of an individual song listener, so.
6. what bands/artists do you want to see in concert?
POWERWOLF. i want the metal mass. i want to dress up as a weird creepy nun and act weird. i want to live the werewolf life for a few hours. it's all i need in life.
7. what bands/artists have you seen in concert?
i've only actually went to one show, bc i helped organize it, by a local band, like, the hobby for middle aged established people kind of band. they're not trying to make it big and i'm not trying to be tooooo obvious incase someone who knows me irl comes across this so im not sharing. it was pretty cool, they were really good, but obviously working the stands isn't the same as being in the crowd so.
im not really in the right headspace to make mid-term plans, especially for social events so. nothing planned currently. a bunch of cool shit is going on in my city lmao but ONE DAY.
40. shuffle your playlist and the fifth song—describe it in one image.
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(link. no title you get no preconceptions lets go.)
ty so much for the ask <33
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cannibal-nightmares · 2 months
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howdy, im cannibal-nighmares, i am/was/am a professional artist, amateur music critic, and literary hobbyist. I draw professor franken stein from soul eater quite a lot. I do not have a consistent-enough temperament to describe myself in words, but my principles remain the same: Do no harm, take no shit.
sometimes i post about the lived schizophrenic experience. i post entirely for the purpose of psychoanalytical observation, to share the perspective of what it's like, and to resonate with like-minded people. unless i explicitly state otherwise, i do not want any semblance of your pity. if you seek further understanding, i am open to questions, but know that my experience does not speak for or reflect everyone else's.
I never judge books by their cover and hold a grain of salt to everything before giving out ultimatums; in other words, I leave judgement to my own experience and not the opinions of others. I am known to be cautious, aloof, and skeptical. I am notorious for going radio-silent without any given notice. Nothing personal. Bad wiring. I believe in pure talent and pure spite equally, though my opinion shouldn't change what you do with your passions, so long as you are truly devoted. my only real goals in life are to rewrite the stigma around schizophrenia and to write fiction novels. ...and maybe make a bunch of fan art on the in-between.
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uuuuhhhh other stuff ive seen in ppl's pinned posts that I am even less formal about:
my tags are #my art, #cannibal-nightmares rambles, #cannibal's music, #actually schizophrenic, #actually schizospec, #actually psychotic, #my fanfic, #my gifs among a few others.
as for content warnings, i try my best to tag for flashing lights/images (a sensitivity of my own), unreality, depictions of hallucinations, indiscernible voices, scopophobia, and gore. i find comfort in creepy shit, what can i say?
i like a lot of things, but my primary obsessions are Soul Eater (anime and manga), Hannibal (the entire franchise), Maniac (2018), House MD, and "The Boys Next Door" (1996). other big favourites include Fargo (FX), Mr. Robot, Better Call Saul, "Re-Animator" (1985), Arcane, True Detective, "Donnie Darko" (2001), "Ghost World" (2001), "Trainspotting" (1996, 2016) and much more. and sooo much music. So much music.
my (anon) asks are always open. send me a song or a question or a headcanon, if you dare. my response time means genuinely absolutely nothing, by the way, I might be the worst and most inconsistent reply in the world.
i'll probably end up making a schizophrenic storytime-type masterlist somewhere, sometime.
wow you made it this far. have some songs:
[ loathe - tool - circuit circuit - tear dungeon ]
peace, love, and anarchy.
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sukunasun · 2 years
How do you write so well? I also want to write and find my own style but i always end up deleting my works because I can't bring myself to like them. They are too simple or too repetitive. It would be great if you could offer me some advice. (If you don't mind.)
hey anon! thanks for reaching out, hm...honestly, i struggle with liking my own work too, i guess we're all our own biggest critics :( and i can only speak from my own experience so my word isn't law haha but ive compiled some of my thoughts on this + some citations i think could help add perspective:
read as much as you can and study the writing you like: goes a very long way. if you like distinctive styles of writing like with prose and such then find writers who are known for that, off the top of my head—proust, joyce, brontë, tolstoy, cervantes, etc etc. but always explore, read non-fiction, read a script, read poetry. analyze themes, characters, dialogue ...or don’t? sometimes reading is an experience, not mental gymnastics, but take in how you feel about the stuff you read and digest them. 
“The first, of course, is to read. It’s surprising how many people think they want to be writers but they don’t really like to read books… — From 'This is Octavia Butler’s best writing advice.' by Vanessa Willoughby. Read on LitHub / 'An Interview with Octavia E. Butler' by Randall Kenan. Read on JSTOR "You need to study what writing requires. Writing has rules, conventions, requirements. There is form. Writing is more than your thoughts about characters. Drama has structure. You can learn." — Excerpted from Miss Chloe: A Memoir of a Literary Friendship with Toni Morrison by A. J. Verdelle. Read on LitHub
observe: listen to conversations around you, the way people talk and react to things, the way they interact with one another. expressing and repressing. or watch films, what do images and scenes look like in your mind. i learned a lot about transitions and flow from movies. take things from the world around you. find what inspires you to write? i usually listen to music!
characters: if writing fanfic is your thing then take the time to think about the characters, their motives, desires, weaknesses, etc etc. read the source material or read hcs and form your own opinion.
"Events, in and of themselves, have no meaning. Lightning striking a vacant lot is pointless; lightning striking a vagrant matters. When an event adds a character, suddenly nature’s indifference fills with life." — Excerpted from CHARACTER: The Art of Role and Cast Design for Page, Stage, and Screen by Robert McKee. Read on LitHub (read this once for a creative writing class and thought it was really helpful)
it’s all in the little things: have fun with the details, think about the way a room is lit in the afternoon, or the way a ripe mandarin orange tastes, smells, you could also describe it in action—citrus and pulp and a zesty rind that spits from beneath your fingernails—fill in the blanks with texture and colour and give them a life of their own.
"If you are going to describe a spoon or a chair or a tv set, you don’t want to simply set these things into the scene and let them go. You want to give them some weight, connecting these things to the lives around them." — From 'An Interview with Raymond Carver' by  Larry McCaffery and Sinda Gregory, 1985. Read on JSTOR. (finding the balance between vomiting out descriptions and knowing when to leave things as they are is a struggle for me haha, i get caught up way too much on crafting atmosphere when all the scene calls for is like a sentence or two... i guess its about knowing which is more important, keeping in mind pacing and such too. but im a big believer in instinct, you’ll know whats better for a scene when you read it like fifty times and think... 'maybe geto’s internal monologue and a valid ‘heart beating wildly in his chest’ is enough..’) <3
re: writing styles: ultimately has to do with your personality and how you see the world/the scene you're conveying to an audience. i suppose style stems from the way you weave and thread words together, how you place one word after the other. i think it’ll come to you the more you write, rather than aiming for style, start with the story and the way you look at things.
A unique and exact way of looking at things, and finding the right context for expressing that way of looking, that’s something else. . . . Every great, or even every very good writer, makes the world over according to his own specifications. It’s akin to style,... but it isn’t style alone. It is the writer’s particular and unmistakable signature on everything he writes. It is his world and no other. This is one of the things that distinguishes one writer from another. — From “A Storyteller’s Shoptalk,” by Raymond Carver published in The New York Times in 1981.
let your writing be something else, just not yours (in the best sense): sometimes the hardest thing is knowing that your writing will forever be tied to you, there’s a sense of ownership there, like a mother who’s birthed a child after a whole nine months, you’ll work on something for the longest time and not want to give it to anyone, but it has to sort of...get out there. and not every piece of writing will be a precious baby, sometimes it’s just an onion in your garden you found and thought to use in a stew, but the point is that eventually, it’ll belong to the world should you choose to post it. letting it go is catharsis. when i don’t have to look back on it, i can just write the next thing. even if you don’t intend on posting it, i find that i could always just leave things in the drafts, in a document folder, in scraps of paper, and move on to the next thing. i know i can always come back to it. 
i guess...you just have to write? one word after the next until you’ve filled up a page or more. the difference between crafting a beautiful sentence you’re satisfied with and a repetitive, simple one is a whole lot of trial and error + practice (and suffering).
“The only sentence that matters is the one you’re writing.” Do not look ahead two or three sentences, thinking, Oh, but wait, I have to get through two or three more of these sentences before I can get to the really good stuff. Make the sentence you are at the place you are at, and make it a place of stone and steel, not a place of sand and clay. Fashion this sentence out of what has gone before on your page, always moving forward by looking back. Turn, swerve, torque and twist upon what you have written, finding new ways to render your object, and through these maneuvers, finding the way to write your heart out. — From 'The Gordon Lish Notes' by Tetman Callis. Read here.
eventually, you’ll look at the stuff you hate and find ways to make it better, and even then maybe you won’t be completely happy with it but i think it’s important to note that it’s a rather harrowing thing because you’re staring at it wondering if it’s something to be shared...that’s a lot. ultimately i feel it’s perfectly fine to write because you enjoy it, of course, some might say it doesn’t have to be perfect, but because you want it to be good, there needs to be a sense of care and responsibility to make it so. 
You write as well as you can and hope for good readers. But I think you’re also writing for other writers to an extent—the dead writers whose work you admire, as well as the living writers you like to read. If they like it, the other writers, there’s a good chance other “intelligent, adult men and women” may like it, too. — From 'Raymond Carver, The Art of Fiction No. 76' by Mona Simpson & Lewis Buzbee for The Paris Review
sending you love and cheering you on! i hope you find this helpful in some way!
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hi can you elaborate on divorced au mp100. i saw your video and i just went fucking nuts sitting in bed. in my brain. i need to know is it /j or /srs i need to know. im really obsessed. i think it would be really good
[the post. for context]
8:44 AM
thanks for the question! i woke up the morning of January 1st, this lovely, beautiful morning, with some animal crossing song stuck in my head. i know it's from new leaf because it has the theme for that game in it, but i cannot for the life of me remember what track it was. it can't be any of the new year's ones, i know how the new year's ones sound. i have an excellent memory for music and not much else, you see. the song is in very vivid detail in my mind, but i just cannot put the face to the name. or whatever. i'm listening to the whole ost right now to see which one it is. but after my eyes were open and whatever, i opened my phone to see what time it was, about 8 am, which is fine. i didn't stay up until midnight last night anyway. i fell asleep much earlier, passed out sideways on my bed, until the fireworks they do nearby every year kicked up right at midnight and woke me up. but i did get back to sleep. had weird dreams.
back to this morning, then. after checking my messages and all, i opted to look at my tumblr, because why not, sure, i have been known to do that sometimes. i scroll through any new posts, then i see something in my inbox, i open this message, read it quickly, still only half awake, immediately started cackling. there is no better way to describe the sound i made.
the animal crossing ost is on the hourly music now. i know it's not any of that either. but i like the hourly music. i'll let some of em play out. whatever.
but this message intrigues me. i thought about it while i got out of bed and took a shower. the animal crossing song was still trucking along at this point. i cleared out my shower drain the other day, so it was nice and in full functioning order to start off the year. lovely. but i also washed my shower curtains and completely forgot to put them back, but it was too late by the time i realized that i needed to do that. i was already determined to go through with the shower. maybe this is some kind of metaphor. for the new year i mean. mayhaps i will have the strength to take on whatever sort of stress that the year will throw at me, as the shower drain did, but it will be done with a sort of messy transparency, as the shower curtain-less experience offered. maybe this is the only way we can properly take on our greatest challenges. insert reigen quote. whatever. the floor is dry now, it's fine.
anyway. i think i can offer you the initial discussion that led to me making that video. much like a weed-adjacent post i made a while back, this is a discussion between me and The wife. i will offer brief commentary and context as needed below each image. or as not needed. none of this commentary has been needed. i will keep up the trend.
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i take a lot of screenshots when i'm going out and about on the internet. just of little things that i find entertaining. or intriguing. i find it to be a much more reliable method than just liking the post or putting it in twitter bookmarks or whatever. much less likely to get deleted, or buried, or whatever. said reigen folder does not really exist. i do have a collection of snippets of posts like that, but there is no dedicated folder. it's with all the other mob psycho ones. there are currently 150 screenshots in that folder. do with that information what you will. i may be interested in posting those reigen ones, though. i'll think about it.
oh. it's on the rainy versions now. i think i'll just skip over those ones. about the same, just less instruments. same for the snow ones. this playlist is thorough.
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this is one of the major issues with the divorced au: is it a mischaracterization of reigen? there are concerns that no woman would ever want to be within twenty feet of him. gf has expressed such sentiments previously, and i am partially inclined to agree. but i cannot say much, as anyone can see my post history on here. and you can see my reigen profile picture in these messages. while my picture was not that exact reigen image in november of 2022, it was still a reigen image. i will provide below for full immersive experience.
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i am not taking questions at this time. anyway. back to the important discussion.
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this is the one part of the au that i provided myself at that time that is not included in the actual post, and the main catalyst of the divorce, perhaps. i have seen other proposals in the tags, yes, but i am refraining from bringing those up. this is the initial discussion, yes? i'm keeping it disconnected from anything outside of this initial conversation.
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all of the creation of the picture in the video was done in paint, with it only being moved to photoshop later so i could better flip the image. this is relevant later. i feel the need to specify, i ultimately did not end up tracing a photo. much too difficult to do in paint, and it wouldn't provide a very good look for what i was going for anyway. i did, however, heavily reference another better stock photo i found. surely said photo is not very difficult to find, which is good, because i do not have it on hand either. sad!
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and here is the reason why the drawing was turned into a video. for whatever reason, i was possessed to flip the small drawing of mob (psycho 100), and i discovered that it was, perhaps, the greatest activity i could have possibly chosen to partake in. it was mesmerizing. this message was sent after the video was made, but i feel as though it is much more clear than the message i sent before making the video, which was simply a crazed declaration of it "flip[ping] so good," followed by a complaint about the lack of a flip shortcut in paint. if anyone knows of a "flip selection" shortcut in paint, please let me know. i could not find one, even though i searched very carefully for one.
the animal crossing song was not the new year's one. it was the fireworks festival music. from new leaf.
listen to it. it's one of my favorites. i can't believe i forgot when it plays. very sorry! and to all of my one-earbud user friends out there, use both for this one. as you should for all animal crossing music. or turn your sound onto mono i don't know.
anyway. i suppose i should offer a brief summary of where we've gotten: reigen arataka, greatest psychic of the 21st century, had a wife at some point, and he no longer has a wife, due to a divorce, presumed at least a bit messy. questionably canon. it could certainly be inserted into canon fine enough. he is gay.
let's take some questions from the audience, then!
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there are a couple of tags along these lines, i believe, but this provides a degree of severity to any sorts of divorce theorizing. it's a bit of a spectrum in my mind. i like the percentages. really meshes well with the rest of the series. 100% divorced. y'know?
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not me creating lore for this. i think this one offers an interesting perspective on all of it. i suppose that my depiction does offer a sort of swapping of their usual dynamic. when i first saw these tags, it brought to mind an alternate approach to the usual depictions of the standard "age swap" au, in which i feel, in my heart, pushing 30 mob is at least 16% divorced. the dynamic in the video, when taken at face value i think, would be more descriptive of overly enthusiastic younger reigen and some degree of "divorced in vibes" mob. surely most are familiar with such au shenanigans, and surely you are too, dearest anonymous person, if you have read this far. you seem to have some interest in alternatives to canon. if not, it is certainly not hard to come across. i have no other constructive comments on age swapping. someone else go and do that. i don't know.
but i suppose i should be speaking with slightly more relevance. i do have some purpose in drawing them in this manner. i see the show as a bit more lighthearted, generally. this is absolutely not to downplay the themes it tackles. but the average episode is generally more playful. and with reigen often being the cause of that. uh. m. i feel like i was going somewhere with this. but uhh. such shenanigans in the drawing are for the purpose of exaggerating the uh. the abnormality. yeah. sure. definitely did it with Grand Purpose and not just because i thought the mob looked funny.
and now we come to some constructive criticism! i love receiving constructive criticism.
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uh. yes. but this is divorced au. anything is possible. the fabric of reality is tearing apart as we speak.
and now, the question we've all been waiting for: who was he married to? there are certainly some possibilities. as i currently have none, i am turning to my notes again.
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i believe this tag presents an interesting possibility. this is not a marriage of romance. i was not actually familiar with the term "lavender wedding," but i am certainly familiar with the concept. two people going into a heterosexual marriage to conceal their true attractions, yes? this does go against my suggestion that the divorce is caused because reigen is gay, but it does resolve the constructive criticism presented above. i find this concept incredibly entertaining the more i think about it, however. imagine being so desperate to try to conform to societal norms that you marry Reigen Arataka. imagine coming to find the concept of having to pretend to be in love with reigen so aggressively unappealing that you are willing to forgo the social acceptance you've gained for yourself and divorce him, which depending on what kinda situation you're in, that's no good either. and after all the work you've had to put in to pull this off. imagine. incredible. does he fight for it? does he go deeper into the act?? do you start getting convinced that he was straight and in love with you the entire time?? actually maybe not that far. whatever. entertaining concept. love that.
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and now we get into something a little bit funky. !!!!!!!!!!! and this section is a tad bit spoilery if you haven't read the reigen manga yet this is your first and final warning !!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!! and also go read it it's not that long and. i think you should !!!!!!!
i'm not sure how that timeline would work. they knew each other before the manga? imagine the drama though. a whole new way to read the spinoff. reigen's ex-husband (wife???????) comes across his goofy little psychic business, and reigen immediately starts trying to one-up him with spiritual level bs. and both fake psychics, they're soulmates <3 until they got divorced. whatever.
and finally, i uh
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uhh. um. well. i sure hope not.
but i suppose as the arbiter of mp100 divorced au, i should offer my own thoughts on who his ex-wife is. uh. i don't particularly have any. it could be literally anyone. maybe they don't even need to be named. but i suppose if someone really needs to be his ex-wife, it's whoever you think is funniest, dearest anonymous asker person. whoever you feel is his ex-wife in your heart. i am only here to present a handful of possibilities. the truth that you seek lies within you. as long as his ex-wife isn't me. god i hope it's not me.
i guess i could consult gf about this hold on
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HHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can't do this
you don't have to listen to them. ok. you don't. it's not true.
anyway. just a few things to tie this up nicely at the end.
much appreciation to everyone who put keysmashes in the tags. i am honored. and everyone else too! i like reading my notes. fun times. you're all cool. i tried to keep the tags i put here focused on the task at hand, but every tag has been thoroughly appreciated, do not worry.
i am also honored to present the award for Tag That Made Me Absolutely Lose It When I Read It to this one:
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thank you for being significantly funnier than i could ever dream of being.
and finally, to send all of you off, one last thing tossed together and heavily inspired by a couple of the tags, which i am upset that i did not think of myself:
is this all /j? is this /srs? i want to say it's /j, but i've put too much time into this now. very sorry dearest anonymous person. you have sent me into a sort of crisis. i suppose i put too much effort into everything that should remain as 5 minutes max /j Content. well.
hope that answers your question!
4:20 PM
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tolorelai · 6 months
If I lost my memory, what's the first thing you'd tell me about us?
Leo: Débiter? No, I'd rather plug "timeless" volume 100, place a pair of headphones over your mane and wait because I know music will always bring you back to me
Lore: I'll probably read you a bookI would have written about our love and our story just like in the notebook; reading it until memories come back
What part of your life has changed the most since we met?
Leo: So as not to deviate from the obligatory corniness we have going on in this relationship, I'll say that this is the first time my faith in love is genuine; you're what I want, you're the person who fills the void and I now understand others when they say they can't live without their person.
Lore: ive got to be cheesy on this and confess: everything? but mostly, maybe the peacefulness behind the thought that I'll never feel alone (i’ve regained faith in love and true compatibility (destiny??))
What's your favorite weird habit of mine?
Leo: i don't think it's a weird habit but i would say that you are so meticulous that i find the whole process quite adorable. i know you don't do things randomly and it's really endearing to witness.
Lore: oh gosh I have no idea?? Hahahah okay i might get one, but it's not weird just truly cute. It's the way you always«??? » in ANY situations. Like I say something stupid =???. I say something surprising = ???. WHATEVER happens = ???. (and I kind of stole this habit so I love it more)
Why do you think I fell in love with you?
Leo: That's quite a question... Well, I guess it's because I'm the only perfect man alive (or because I was born to be yours); comme on dit: lorie has a great day every day, but leo only has a great day if lorie looks at him
Lore: cause im obviously the best you could get around there and maybe cause we love the same things (partly) and when we don't, we like to share, to listen, to learn, we are suckers for knowledge meant to be also, of course and cause we are a sort of balance? I don't know, it must be cause you felt safe and at your place with me (which is mutual)
What do you get from me that you don't get from others?
Leo: I rest easy knowing that my feminine ideal is my girlfriend; totally dream walking this life with you by my side.
Lore: as simply as it is: something real. I know you love me for who I am, and you're not building an image of me to satisfy fantasies, i know you're fully awards of my bad sides and you love me anyway
What changed in you after we met?
Lore: i don't think I've changed?? Or maybe cause I'm still on the process of not overthinking. Yes that's it actually, you're teaching me how to feel safe and how to accept to be heard, like completely, without any doubts (so leading to calm anxiety, insecurities etc)
Leo: alors the thing that's altered is my self-identity (for sure); I can no longer imagine a world without your touch, and without you I feel lost; in a way, you're my compass
What was the first thing you told your friends about me?
Lore: if I remember correctly, it was « i like him a lot, he is sweet and makes me laugh ». later I was screaming cause of all the things I was feeling for u (brouahah de sentiments I never felt before, I was like « I think he's the one »?!)
Leo: I think I might have mentioned that I thought you were gorgeous and intriguing + I also might have said something about you and I having a lot in common.
If you had to describe me in three words what would they be?
Lore: loyal - the smartest - multitalented (disclaimer: humor comes with intelligence to me)
Leo: refined, delicate, demure but also (mouthwatering, divine, femme exquise, flawless, tender, discreet, charming, sweet)
What's the first thing about us that others probably notice?
Lore: our chemistry
Leo: I like to think that they see how much you and I fit each other like a glove. After all, I'm sure they can tell you make me look even better cause you're my lucky charm
What makes you so sure that you love me?
Lore: I'd rather die than be apart from you another day, i feel myself with you, i can be myself with you, you are so extraordinary, I admire you so much, I always learn something from you, and I've got infinite tenderness for you. + our relationship is a monument to me, i can sabotage myself but I'll never sabotage this again (afterglow gf is over)
Leo: It feels as though I've been waiting for you all this time - as though I'm inebriated, on some type of high, at (seemingly) every interaction I have with you, and I genuinely don't think I've ever felt such pure devotion to anyone - like they'd say "I would do anything for you; you just got to love me"; that's the only thing my heart wants from you (but id still do anything for you even if your love dries out)
When did you first know I loved you?
Lore: i got hint, but more about you demonstrating you cared about me (I've got an example of this I thought truly sweet; it was during a ngl time and you anonymously asked me if I was happy at the time or something like this)
Leo: *totally clueless, misunderstood the question and he thought qu’on lui demandait when did HE know that he fell in love* Alright, I won't deny that it's a difficult question, because i gradually became aware of it. déjà, I was drenched in an immeasurable happiness whenever it came to you and i had no desire for it to stop, the thought of you consumed me. it was always a struggle for me to be in tune with my emotions but over the course of time, as i started talking to you more and more, it felt like hell when you were missing cause you were clearly imprinted on my brain. the more you opened up about yourself, the more i realized that i was starstruck by you. you made me feel at ease with my emotions (très safe space vibes)
What was the first thing you noticed about me?
Lore: but I must confess: i can't lie about it, it was your sense of humor!!!!! I used to picture you as untouchable. im impressed by you since day one
Leo: hantise tu jouais selena gomez... thank god we didn't start talking when you looked like her. but on a more personal note parce que jai que des anecdotes superficielles: i was like - damn shes rly listening to me ramble alors que je fais le clown-très vaillante vibes
What's something we did that you never thought you'd do?
Lore: when we get back together? let me explain this one i always had the thought « if the relationships comes to a breakup, just move on, you'll be okay » and it was true cause each time I tried to fix things with my exs was more nostalgia speaking than love. so I was decisive about this way of thinking, and that's also why I took that much time to come back... but you and I, we are inevitable.
Leo: pareil, get back together.... i truly thought we were doomed because you didn't rly like me (?) but i guess i've been proven wrong…
What's your favorite thing about me?
Lore: how much you care for your relatives; this unquestioned and unconditional love you've got for them, it mesmerises me.
Leo: how sweet of a woman you are like if i put you in my coffee every day i'd end up with diabetes. my fav thing about you is your identity, your entirety t'as tellement de facettes (que i cherish) i couldn't pick you're such a woman to me, like think ideal? that's what you are.
When did you see a new side of me that surprised you?
Lore: Hahahahaha at the very, very first beginning, when I did not imagine you could have any interest in me & then suddenly you said something (can't remember what) and I thought « is he... flirting with me? ») THERE you surprised me.
Leo: O_o when you liked me back
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moon girl
a/n tumblr keeps deleting this bc idk how to make social media images 
summary: reader kinda blew up over night for being a writer (some journalism, but i picture her getting her start on booktok if you know what that is lmao, but dont worry if you dont i dont get that specific) and is starting to get into acting, but she’s mainly known for writing so when ppl see her with harry theyre like NEW MUSIC but then they interact on social media (which is so rare for harry) everyone is ohh thats sus, and then there’s a tiny, sorta really basic twist so maybe part 2??? idk this was fun to make and i just wanted to try it out lol
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Liked by bestfriend, taylorswift, and 2113 others
yourinstagram: the idea you had of me...
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yniloveyou: so pretty!!
bestfriend: wish u were here so we could take basic christian girl autumn pictures together :((
yourinstagram: coming home soon!! we’ll have a pumpkin spice day:) 
yourinstagram: FREAKING OUT RN!!
haylor_hit_and_run: OMG HI! ITS U 
13th.taylor.stan: RIGHT! 
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Liked by harries.for.pleasing, bakerry,supremacy, my_one.d_era, and 22,349 others
Harry,updatings: harry spotted in LA today!
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harries_finsta: HS3 DO BE COMING SOON HUH
nouis_is_mine: HE LOOKS SO TALL HERE 
youristagram story: 
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pls tell me how i wrote more waiting at luggage claim than on the plane lol
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liked by kiwisupremacy, imnotovermedicine, and 9,122 others
updating.harries: harry leaving  Perch tonight in LA!! 
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harrys.favorite.tattoo: HOW DOES HE LOOK GOOD SO CASUALLY THO 
isitafamilyshow: my friend works at this restaurant!! she said he came in with a group of like three other people, the only one who was completely unfamiliar was this one girl 
erosera: WAIT WHAT-
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liked by bookshelfaddict, harrystyles, and 9,042 others
yourinstagram: not a lot going on at the moment except my coffee order
view 589 comments
HSLOT_outfits: not harry liking this...
jakegroomerhallhateclub: okay but “not a lot going on at the moment” and the taylor like on her last post?? she’s sick for this
cameforharrystayedformitch: HARRY LIKING?! ON INSTAGRAM 
yn_verse: not me zooming in to try to read her notebook....
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liked by taylornation, harrystyles, and 322,467 others
yourinstagram: All Too Well the short film premieres tomorrow at 7PM eastern!! I can’t describe how getting to work on this project and getting to add something to a song that’s made me want to cry and call out a non-existent since I was like 12. Taylor, I couldn’t have asked for a better director, thank you so much taking a chance on me and trusting me with this project. Love you!! 
view 3,103 comments 
harrystyles: does this mean you have time to text me back now 
harrynotstyles: EXCUSE ME
belovedhxrry: HES SO PETTY LMAO 
yourinstagram: youve been on delivered for not even ten minutes 😭  pls put the narcissist away 
harrystyles: rude
harrystyles: text me
yourinstagram: this is so sweet :))) your support means the world to me 
starryeyed.yn: AH YOU REPLIED, LOVE YOU
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liked by starryharry, blessed.tpwk, and 8,217 others
updating,harries: harry seen leaving the blues cafe in NY today
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boa.harry: i guess she finally texted him back 😭
sunflower.vol: i love how we all collectively decided that yn was there LMAO
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liked by kiwi.my.onlyangel, bookedup_13, and 711 others 
yn.updates; yn via her best friend’s snapchat story
view 87 comments 
yn.mylove: recording studio, recording studio, recording studio, record-- 
harrythreads: ohh im already crying over the lyrics 
_harrysogolden: her best friend’s story?? so what im hearing is he’s hanging out with them-
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liked by harryfever, chxrry_tpwk, and 7,790 others 
updating,harries: harry seen by a fan at a night club in New York City!
view 697 comments 
tpwkcoucou: this looks like the same place where yn’s birthday party is being had...
yn.she.writes: the red lighting and stuff,, i really think he’s at her party 
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liked by taylornation, harrystyles, and 42,298 others
yourinstagram: how can a person know everything at 18 and nothing at 22? 
i had to use that lyric bc im obsessed with it, but all of the amazing love and support ive been receiving is making me feel like i must know something. Thank you for all the birthday love, here’s to feeling 22<3
view 2,113 comments
taylornation: yn’s birthday (taylor’s version)
yourinstagram: 🧣🧣🧣
zendaya: the birthday girl is glowing!! youre radiant inside and out 
yourinstagram: says one of the kindest people ive ever met:)) love u, Z!
harrystyles: 🥂 🌗 
bakingwithharry: the moon emoji!! i need answers
yourinstagram: 🍾 🌗 
yourinstagram: love you to the moon and back but im never letting you throw another party again 😭 
outterspace.yn: does this mean she’s hungover 😂
tchalamet: u have no idea
yourinstagram: dont expose me 
yn.mydarling: HUH- TIMMY’S HERE
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liked by hs.daily, rockandrollnarry, and 13,989 others
updating,harries: this was posted to harry’s instagram story with the caption ‘even though she’s a bully, i’m wishing the happiest birthday to moon girl herself. Wouldn’t spend hours writing at an airport baggage claim with anyone else’. It was deleted after two minutes. 
view 1.456 comments
harry.my.soul: ‘moon girl herself’ im crying shaking and throwing up rn
starsforyn: so harry has a friends only instagram story, where he posts about yn, I CANT DO THIS TODAY 
sapphic.harries: OH I THINK 
supremacyforhaylor: THE MOON EMOJIS MAKE SENSE NOW 
harrysboafeathers: this doesnt mean theyre dating they could just be friends/working together bc yn’s a writer first
jxsticeformedxcne: who said they were dating 
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liked by timmy.statistics, whathappensinvegasmovie, and 18,987 others 
teenvogue: #whathappensinvegas may stay in vegas, but what happens in NYC definitely doesn’t. Timothee Chalamet was seen with his newest costar, yn ln, and from the looks of these pics, we’re wondering if more than an onscreen romance is in their future 
view 213 comments 
mylove,yn: she’s swifting us rn istg 
pleasing_harry222: i just know harry is listening to ATW ten minute version rn 
gucciforharry: PLEASE
moongirlherself: guys!! just bc yn is seen with a guy doesnt mean she’s dating them! we dont know anything about her relationship with harry or timothee 
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sicjimin · 3 years
Oh and if you’re up to something about that one time Jungkook drank all the water out of the trophy and felt full and nauseous after it at an award show? Thank you!
A.N : i apologize for this also being the request that has been long overdue TT i'm so sorry it takes me a long time to work on this one ... i hope you like this, and this meets your expectations ! enjoy ~ and ah, thank u for requesting, as well thank u for being patient with me TT im sorry again ..
TW : emeto
"What should we do if we got the first place later?", Hoseok breaking the buzzing noises in that small dressing room for them.
6 of them lifting his head from whatever they are doing.
" You sure we're gonna get first place though?", Yoongi asks, a little bit skeptical, remembering other groups that surely, have a lot of sales as well. For non big-3 groups like them, it's quite a miracle to be able to get first place on music shows like this.
Seokjin nudge his arms as the latter could see frown start forming on Yoongi's forehead, "Stop being so negative, we could still make some ments if we really win"
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I agree with whatever you guys gonna do, just choose"
Jimin plops himself next to Seokjin, who just finished his makeup touch up, "Hyung!", he cheerily calls, " You know, i always have this wild hope to be able to drink water from the trophy"
"You .. what?", Namjoon almost choked on his spit when Jimin said that. The boy giggled at the other boy's reaction, then continued, "Come on, don't you dare guys to say that you never have /that/ image in your head", he laid back on the couch, " It will be fun! and easy to do!"
"I mean, yeah, that's quite interesting. I would like to try too", Hoseok starts to entertain the idea, ignoring the glare that he got from Namjoon and Yoongi, " There are 7 of us, we could take a turn!"
Namjoon scoffs, "You don't even know if the trophy is clean or not"
"So..", Jungkook trailed off, " We only have to fill the trophy and drank from it?", he asks, swatted Taehyung's hands away as the latter try to sneak his chips. Grinning after when he sees the older scowls and flicks his forehead.
"We have pepto-bismol at the dorm, don't worry", Seokjin chuckles as he stands up when the make-up noona called him, ", Let's do that!"
They are buzzing with happiness. Serotonin practically flooding their blood as the MC's voice cheering their name as the first place on tonight's music show and a burst of confetti still ringing on their ears.
They feel giddy.
Jimin, Seokjin, and Hoseok busy rumbling at the back, filling the trophy they just got from the MC, with some bottle of water that staff have provided them, while bowing politely to every idol that walk past them, eyeing them in amusement.
Namjoon and Yoongi, being the professional ones, delivering their little ments of thank you and gratefulness to the fans that cheering their name as MCs start to close the show.
"See you next week, Show ! Champion !"
And Run start blearing through the show. Jungkook put on his mic, start to sing as he watched his hyung in full of amusement. Seokjin being the first one that gulped down the water. He practically could hear ARMY screaming, encouraging their antics. Hoseok being the next one, Yoongi—that got a lot of scowls and scolded from the other 6 as he gulps down a little. The water not even leveling down far!— Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin—he got a lot of cheers as he gulp down, a lot— and then Jungkook.
He scoffs when he sees there's still almost half of water that left, "You hyungs! There is still a lot!", he whines. Rolling his eyes as Seokjin and Jimin just nudge him, "I know you can do it, Kook-ah"
He began to lifts the trophy. Taking a deep breath as being the last, that means he must finish it. His competitive sides didn't want to disappoint anyone.
First gulp.
Everyone is cheering.
He closes his eyes as his throat didn't keep moving, pushing big stream of water down to his stomach, until it's empty.
He pants when he finishes, turning the trophy upside down to prove that he did it. They did their promise.
They smile ear to ear, ruffling his hair, as they start to bow to the fans , saying goodbye before heading backstage and go home.
Jungkook grimaces when he feels water sloshing loudly on his stomach, even more, when he bows, he practically could feel some of it shooting up to his throat.
Shit. He feels bloated.
He keeps bowing until they are completely backstage. Walking slowly behind his hyung that starts talking animatedly, still buzzing with happiness and in disbelief of their win.
Gosh, he feels full. Borderline nauseous now. Like, if he needs to describe it, basically he could point out how the water moving in his stomach.
He quietly slides his hand under his shirt. He could feel his stomach slightly swell. With liquid. He stifles a groan as Jimin suddenly pulls him into his arms, "Kook! You're cool up there"
Jungkook grunts, "Hyungie .. you guys don't even drink that much!", gaining giggles from the older, " Blame them! I drink as much as you", he argues.
"I swear something is moving in that water", Jungkook continues to whine as they stepped in into the lift.
He huffs, resting his head to the wall, dissociating himself from all the chatters from his hyung.
If he feels 50% bloated earlier, now with the moving of his lift that going up and down, up and down, he's surely become 95% bloated, and water has creep up to his chest.
He shuddered when burp escapes from his lips, making him more nauseous than he already is. He glances at the number.
3rd floor.
There are still 2 floors left. He huffs. This lift starts to feel suffocating. He could feel water in his stomach going up and down along with the lift movement.
He tries to calm himself down. Maybe it'll stop.
It won't.
The water moves up and down. It goes up to where he knows his ribcage is, it seems to crawl up to his lungs, he gasps, coughing as he felt water rush back in his throat.
He's going to throw up.
His eyes sting as he coughs again. He clamped his mouth, feeling his palms dampen with water that has filling up his mouth and spurting from his lips.
4th floor.
Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut. He needs to get out of here quickly. If he pukes, he doesn't need to know what it'd look like. He gasps quietly when the lift halts. Along with his stomach hitched.
5th floor.
Jungkook takes a shaky deep breath and rushing from his position behind, desperate to get out and make a run to the nearest trashcan he could find in that hallway. He could hear his hyung calling him in confusion, but his ears ringing with adrenaline. All he wants is just to puke.
He hunched himself when he found a trashcan, not quite far from the lift, letting his palms fall from his mouth, along with water and vomit that has been dampening it, as he coughs. His hands gripping tightly on his knees.
He gagged.
Triggering floodgates of water, spraying in one big stream from his mouth, filling the trashcan with loud noises as it clatters again the plastic. He gasps after the fit passed, sucking in a deep breath before his stomach clenched again, pushing up more water down filling the trashcan.
His legs tremble.
He barely could register anything else, and barely could register someone's wrapping his arms around his waist, keeping him from diving straight into the trashcan, and other hands patting his back as he chokes and sputters. " Aigooo Jungkookie, let it out"
It's Jimin.
Jungkook shut his teary eyes as he catch his breath. "Hyu-uuurrrkkk", he croaked out but interrupted with a newfound of the wave. More water spurting from his lips as he heaves.
He wanted to hold his stomach as it churned, twisting itself in pain, but he doesn't. Instead, he kept holding onto his hyung, as he tried to control himself. Squeezing it tight every time his stomach clenched and bring more vomit up.
He throws up a lot. It becomes thicker now as his breakfast and lunch also morph into chunky liquid. His stomach is really eager to expel everything. He couldn't help, but let out another painful whimper as a hand rubs his back.
" Hyungie ... hurts..", he moans out, as the tears blurring his vision.
His throat burn.
" Shhh, It's okay, Kook-ah", Seokjin cooed out, as Jimin still held Jungkook tightly and rubbed his back.
"Breathe baby. You will feel better soon", he murmurs, massaging Jungkook's tense nape. Jungkook gave few more gags before his stomach stop wracking havoc.
His legs immediately gave out. He feels weak. His energy being sucked out after all the vomiting he did.
" Hyung ...", he slurred, slightly panting, " 'm tired"
His whole body felt heavy. So he just gave up, and rested his head on the warm chest beneath him.
Jimin hummed, "I know baby, you threw up a lot", he mutters, brushing off his fringe from his sweaty forehead.
" Are you done?", Jungkook nods weakly, "Empty"
Seokjin slides his arms on his waist too, pulling him away from the trashcan, "Then let's go home, Kook-ah. So you can rest properly" , he ​said softly.
He nods again, letting Seokjin lead him towards their dressing room to fetch their belonging. As he walked he kept an arm wrapped around his shoulders, rubbing soothing circles into the skin. Jungkook didn't mind.
Just leaned heavily on his hyung.
He just wants to rest.
"Kook, drink? Your throat must be hurt .. How are you feeling?", Hoseok greets him as he got in their van. Their eyes latched with worry. But he takes none of that as his body feels horrible.
He looks tiredly at the older as he settles himself comfortably, leaning into Jimin's shoulder. He swatted the bottle away with grimaces, "No water .. i don't drink water anymore"
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cyclesprefectpress · 3 years
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[image description: a proof of a font of handset type for letterpress printing, displaying every letter, symbol, and special character in the font. it's called "Sixteenth Century Roman," 24 pt., and is a rough-edged serif font with a deliberately worn look. end description.]
hello hello i am return from a deep dive into several reference materials that assumed a little bit more knowledge about how Medieval Latin works than i actually have, but, it was all exTREMEly inch resting to me. i am absolutely not a historian but here we are, a speedrun of my pinballing around trying to ensure that I know what the fuck im storing in my type corridor:
so 16th Cent. Roman, i already knew, was a font Paul Duensing designed based on this incomplete set of old Italian punches he acquired (punches, the first step of old school typecasting, where you carve the relief letter shape into the end of a stick of steel, and you uuuh punch that into the copper matrix, which is then the negative mould-shape you use to cast multiple copies of the lead sorts with hot metal; surviving punches are precious artifacts not the least because they are. they’re hand-carved!! often by the type designer themselves. historical and also wildly cool craftsmanship). these punches were all beat up and probably water damaged, fucky and rough-edged, so he re-did and filled in the gaps in the alphabet with similarly styled letters of his own. very cool. an extremely nerdy lil passion project of a typecaster in the 1960s, very typical of type people. we all find a Thing to obsess over, and sometimes it's reviving an incomplete set of punches from the 1500s that you found in, idk, it's usually a bucket in somebody's basement.
anyway it's got a bunch of ligatures and the long s, sure sure sure, but WHAT are all these gibberish characters with tildas and lines thru the stems of ps and qs and such—
Duensing's full font is in Mac McGrew's specimen book, great, i have that, except McGrew's book has complete proofs and a little bit of history for each font but doesn't always cover what each symbol in a unique alphabet is for, and i knew just enough about Latin to guess that they were abbreviations but not what each of them stood for. a little bit of searching got me this far, which is to say, "Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography," a translation of an Italian essay on the subject from 1929. It is prefaced by the translators with gems like: "Take a foreign language, write it in an unfamiliar script, abbreviating every third word, and you have the compound puzzle that is the medieval Latin manuscript." Scribes writing in medieval Latin just tossed out letters they didn't care to deal with, constantly, and had stand-in special characters and abbreviations for syllables/words/particles and there were intuitive rules but way too many variations in time and place and person to make a reasonably-sized, static lexicon. amazing. hope all u paleographers are having fun over there.
the essay has a great big glossary of truncations and abbreviations and so on which clearly cover most of the figures in Duensing's font:
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[image description: screenshots of the essay, with various symbols and the Latin syllables they abbreviated. an m with a bar over it, ex., stood in for men or mun. end description.]
ok! BUT this q with a little swoop off the end kept bugging me!! for all these dead-use symbols this essay is using handwritten samples, obviously, and there's clearly variation in execution and also typographers take liberties, and i just thought, sure my piece of type looks a lot like the quod here but it does link the staff to the swoop where the handwritten sample doesn't, and it could just as well be a fanciful ligature for qn which apparently can stand in for quando, and i have no idea which is a more common-use syllable likely to be cast in the font if you're only going to pick your top 14, and i just like to be sure about things.
SO. i went to double-check with Johnson’s Typographia. Johnson made like a thousand pages of printing manuals set in tiny tiny type in the 1820s which are rad as hell and tell you all sorts of things about how to run a shop and build your own press and cast type and going rates for work and employment and also, the alphabets/type case layout for whatever language or symbol set you might have to set type in, when handsetting type was mostly the only way to get stuff printed—English, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, musical notation, astronomical signs, aaaand it’s got a section for "Marks & characters used in the Domesday Book & other ancient records.”
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[image description: a photo of a page of the manual, with similar but not always identical symbols for abbreviated use. many of these abbreviations are described as "a Domesday contraction." end description.]
and WHAT is a Domesday contraction, WELL, it's a contraction specifically from/prevalent in the Domesday book, a deeply boring and historically important tome about property distribution in England. It’s literally a survey. who owned what, in 1086. presumably mind-numbing. enormous, handwritten in Medieval Latin, EXTREMELY cool, go look at some images of it at least, very important to historians, economists, linguists, and a complete pain in the ass to set in type when that technology became available, having to cast any significant proportion of these variant characters in an alphabet. Johnson says, (in 1824) “It is an improvement of latter years only*, to have type cast to resemble the abbreviations used in the more ancient manuscripts; they being formerly rudely imitated, either from a common fount, or else were cut in wood for the purposes of any particular work.” wow that sucks. but in 1773 the government really wanted to be able to reproduce the Domesday Book in type, so a couple people tried to cut a set of punches for Domesday abbreviations and Joseph Jackson got it done and it only took 10 years to print an edited version of the manuscript. and then apparently all the type was destroyed in a fire in 1808. WOW that sucks.
but the point is, Johnson has a great big glossary of characters as they were translated into type in the making of the printed Domesday Book, and the Domesday punches were used or refrenced in the printing of other medieval latin works, which consequences a degree of standardization in the abbreviations used in those versions of the text that handwritten manuscripts never had or needed.
notably the Domesday quod looks even more different from my piece of type here which was pretty annoying, so what are the chances this thing is a quando, and anyway that's when my sister texted me back with better computer skills and a different search engine and found me a perfect match on the first try. it’s a quod. this National Diet Library digital exhibition has several different sample fonts, both black letter and roman, with quite consistent letter forms, if not choices about which abbreviations to bother casting.
*I don’t……exactly know what he means by this, since Gutenberg and contemporaries absolutely did cast many Medieval Latin abbreviations for their fonts nearly 400 years before this. His dismissal of “from a common fount” might be fair, since i think what he means by it is that you’d have a generic set of abbreviation characters which you would have to use in conjunction with whatever font was the main body of your text, and it’s messy to mix things that weren’t designed specifically to match. he may just mean that it’s new for his contemporary foundries to be casting all these expanded alphabets of abbreviations; Gutenberg didn’t have foundries to buy from and made his own type. he could include as many characters as he had the patience for. maybe Johnson is just a guy from the 1800s that didn’t have the internet and i shouldn’t jump down his throat for not knowing something. idk!! i have homework.
anyway that was my Friday!! feel free to correct me and/or suggest further reading if early typecasting is your Thing or. again. you just have better googling than me.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
I got a lot for you, you don't have to answer all of these 💀. 2, 4, 8, 21, 35, and 50 for Jilly. 3, 7, 10, 41, and 64 for Valkya. And 6, 7, 14, 25, and 52 for Mike. And a large fry 😁
I FINALLY DID ITTTTTT IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! all under the cut bcs ofc its LONG
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)
-She has 2 stuffed ferrets shes had since she was little :) she calls them stinker and slinker and she loves them so much. Also a collection of friendship bracelets she pretty much makes matching ones for everyone she likes and wears them in rotation.
4. Are they a good gift-giver? What do they tend to give as gifts? -Jilly LOVES gift giving bcs she naturally hoards and steals shit and then ends up with too much shit, so what better to do with it than give to friends?? You're likely to get anything she can swipe that reminds her of u. Tries to vary it to suit whoever shes giving a gift to but her go to is something like stuffed animals and jewelry bcs thats what she likes best
8. What does their dream house look like?
-She would like an at home gym with giant climbable pillars and hoops and obstacles, or just a house with a lot of land and forest she can run around in. She's also way a fan of hidden passages and secret hiding places, anything she can snoop and weasel around in. No scary basement tho
21. What’s their ideal date like?
-Carnival or theme park! Anything with lots of action and noise and prizes. Shed want to play all the games for hours straight and go on all the biggest rides.
36. Do they trust easily? What would you have to do to earn their trust?
-Yes she trusts easily :/ mayhaps too easily. Her way of thinking is innocent until proven guilty and even then, it takes a looooot to make her start to doubt someone because she wants to believe everyone has good intentions. To earn her trust, being nice to her and other ppl is the easiest way, but she's also prone to trust you if you seem secure somehow or just in charge like a position of authority.
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
-Snacks. On demand. She packs every snack and drink you could ever hope for and stashes up on blankets and pillows too. The type to wanna play my spy and car games and to sing along really loudly to music. WILL stick her head out the window sometimes. Will want to stop at every roadside attraction. Just for fun the reason she might be a bad roadtrip partner is that she talks a lot. And will be loudly singing and sticking her head out the window. And after a while the car will start to smell vaguely of ferret and she might shed.
3. Do they get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
-Shes really not a jealous person at all, especially not romantically. Shes pretty chill in general. Even so, some times she gets jealous of all the time other people get to spend with Naryu. If Valkya feels like someone else is being prioritized over her shes more likely to act out like a baby ggdghdf
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
-Women who could kill her and men who are pathetic, but shes open to anything. Has a thing for nerds, goths, vampires, werewolves, short people, assassins, and most importantly people who are easy to fluster. She will bone anything that moves
10. What’s a simple thing that brings them joy?
-Finishing a good book, especially a series. When shes not in life threatening danger or fucked up out of her mind shes a pretty avid reader. She likes having the free time to sit around a fireplace and snuggle up with a book, though she'll deny it if caught and say she doesnt know how to read hgfdgsd.
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
-Demetria 💀 shed just steal her clothes and stretch TF out of em gsdgdfhsd. Or dress up as herself bcs who needs originality when your famous?
64. Describe what their social media would be like.
- Random memes from the last century all mixed up, millions of selfies and nudes out of nowhere. Drunk posting at 4 am and getting into fights w Dem over dumb shit, subtweeting everyone to start drama. Has thousands of followers and does giveaways of shit she finds lying around her house for no reason but shes bored
6. Do they prefer to have a big social circle, or a few close friends?
-Shed prefer to have a few close friends as long as they ride or die. Most likely die tho. Shes desperate for frienship shell stalk someone to get to know them really well and then delude herself into thinking theyr besties. Sometimes it doesnt go well but she still gets a meal out of it even if shes sad
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
-Someone who looks like they're up for fun! Really into alt fashion and people who seem like they dont give a shit. Confidence, fighters, rebels, anyone she can party hard with. Likes people who are interesting and is especially interested in befriending other killers, they have so much to bond about!
14. Who do they go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why they choose that person?
-Probably Zeke tbh. Since she turned him hes like the only other vamp besides prim she knows and hes always pretty level headed. Probably goes to him for advice on how to make friends and hes like “maybe dont break into ppls houses and drain their victims out of nowhere :/” and shes like “that was ONE TIME and it worked!!”
25. What are their dreams like?
-All chaotic! Theres seldom ever a storyline or anything, just bright colors and random things happening and an overlying sense of panic or dread. Like those images you look at to understand what having a stroke is like, everything is off color and melting and shes usually running away from something. Typically nightmares but about nothing in particular, just disconnected sounds shapes and figures.
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
-ANYTHING to do with twilight. She knows everything about it. Has seen and read is 12 times over and can quote it directly at any time, do not attempt to argue twilight with her. Diehard team Edward forever. If your tied up and somehow the topic of it comes up just pray she kills you soon bcs she will go on for hours and bring out her annotated copies and force you to go through them with her.
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barryjeanblues · 4 years
taako meets death (again)
(also posted to my ao3)
taako has met two raven queens in his life before now.
well, close enough, at least. most - though not all - of the worlds the starblaster had traveled to had gods, and surprisingly enough, those gods were usually - though not always - strikingly similar to their homeworlds gods. (this was useful, because one of the crews number relied very heavily on a certain nature god for his magic. luckily, the nature or life god of each world always seemed to have a soft spot for little old merle, even if they werent merles traditional cloven-hoofed pan.)
twice, taako had met the death god - someone equivalent to faeruns raven queen. 
this had led to taakos understandable trepidation upon kravitz finally putting his foot down and insisting taako meet his mother boss. 
the first time taako had met a raven queen, she had been… overwhelming. the light of creation had fallen into a forest dedicated to her and her followers, and the head acolyte refused to give the wandering crew the light unless they first received permission from the queen.
the crew had agreed, with no other option, bracing themselves to firmly explain the direness of the situation. surely a goddess would be intelligent enough to understand. 
that raven queen had burst into a forest cleaning in an explosion of black feathers, half illusion, half steel, so that when lup brushed the smoky feathers from her eyes they blurred and dissipated, but when magnus tried the same thing he yelped and brought his hand back bleeding. 
that raven queens laughter had been eerie and echoing, almost but not quite mocking, almost but not quite infectious, almost but not quite joyous. the crew had stood firm and offered their argument, and the queen had given them tests and tokens and bargains and tricky promises with too many clauses and loopholes and at the end of it all the ipres numbers had been halved and the rest were weary and worn as they caught the light of creation and fled with only minutes to spare, the faelike laughter of death following them terribly even through the overwhelming cacophony of the hungers assault. 
that laughter had trailed after them longer, if only in their heads. taako would be making stir fry, planning outfits, swapping merles shampoo for hair-loss potions, when hed have to sit down suddenly and breathe through the musical trills of the raven queens cruel pleasure. it had seemed to bounce in his head the way a rubber ball might, ricocheting off thoughts and feelings until it rolled under a couch to be forgotten about, till some slight movement sent it rolling and bouncing about once more. 
davenport had died in an illusion, thinking he was saving his crew. poor merle had been choked by his own plants, betrayal writ across hos face. barrys skin had grown sickly purple with poison - ten to one odds arent very good odds. taako doesnt forget easily. he decides the goddess of death can go fuck herself. 
the second raven queen taako had met much later in their journey, and taako had met her alone. 
lup and barry had become liches a few cycles back. it was something taako had still been coming to terms with. 
taako loves lup. this is an immutable fact of any and every universe. taako loves lup and lup loves taako and not death or memory or space can separate them, not for long. but seeing your sister die, and then… go beyond death, to twist herself and latch on to a chance that she may never return except in madness and spite - thats a hard thing to grasp, even when she succeeds. taako had still found himself shivering when his sister forgot she had a body again and grabbed a hot pan off the stove, crying out in pain. taako still woke sweating from nightmares in which his sister and his friend flew apart and reformed as cackling red robed horrors of insanity and cruelty, too far for him to reach. 
until that cycle, though, barry and lups choice had only been an asset. 
but some raven queens do not take kindly to anything they see as a perversion of their domain. 
barely a week into that cycle, taako had awoken from the guilty non-elven pleasure of a nap only to find himself in some cold, hard court, fashioned seemingly of steel and silver and concrete, onyx lining the floor and the only color coming from sparse sapphires sparkled throughout the long echoing hall. 
at the end of it - and taako had known his eyes must have played tricks on him, because at first the being at the end of the hall seemed, while large, not much larger than a giant, but when hed called a nervous greeting his voice had echoed so awfully he knew the hall stretched much farther than hed thought and the goddess at the end of it must have been unimaginably huge. 
her eyes had glinted a flinty sapphire in her carven steel face when she ordered him to defend the existence of his sister and his sisters lover. 
taako had tried. he truly, truly had. but while taako is a being of preservation and caution, full of intelligence and cleverness, he is not one of cold hard logic. perhaps lucretia could have convinced this raven queen, the only of their number who had ever been able to grasp true hard reason… but taako doubts it. he had doubted it then and he doubts it even more these days. 
the point is, taako, for all his love for his family and his brilliant wit and devotion (probably, in fact, because of it) taakos arguments couldnt convince that raven queen. she saw past his genuine belief that lup and barry had made a good decision, and into his fears for her, and the goddess of death had based her own argument on those. she won. taako never had a chance. 
he, lup, and barry had woken up in the next cycle, newly resurrected. taako never stops feeling guilty about it. 
so. yes. 
taako is more than a little nervous about meeting the goddess his boyfriend serves so devotedly. but, and youd be hard pressed to convince him to admit it, taako would do anything for kravitz. and despite it all he does actually want to see what the deal is with his sister and his best friends boss, and his patron gods… friend? lover? girlfriend? taako isnt quite sure what fate and death are to each other, but its definitely something.
kravitz lays a warm hand on taakos shoulder, but taako squares them up. he can do this, for fucks sake - hes died a shitton of times, he can meet death. 
the doors open and taakos breath - the only breath in this realm of the dead - catches in his throat.
taako is a die hard istus fan, and shell always be his goddess. but if taako wasnt a taken elf, hed follow the raven queen, he realizes with a startle.
shes beautiful, yes. shes gorgeous, and taakos always been weak for beauty, but hers isnt the cold hard beauty of gemstones and gold, thinks his nimble fingers snatch up and hoard in his endless pockets. the raven queen is beautiful in a way that taako cant describe as anything other than simple.
he cant pin down any features. she has a kind face, gentle hands, bright eyes, but taako can tell she is a goddess because despite staying still the image of her flicks and shifts in his head. at once she seems to have every kind face hes ever seen, even if he doesnt recognize anyone. her hands reach out to comfort him - no more than comfort - but she stands without moving in front of taako and kravitz. her eyes glitter and sparkle and crinkle up with cheerful laughter, except taako isnt entirely sure she has eyes at all, or maybe she has too many. 
he thinks… he thinks maybe she has wings, or maybe theyre arms, or maybe theyre black fabric, draped around and behind and below and above her, shifting with the last breaths of every mortal in the universe. its darkness but its not scary, taako realizes, its solacing, healing, the way that he feels when dusk passes to night and the sky is huge and warm and the brush of lups hand against his as she says goodbye for the night is a relief and a love. 
hello, taako, death says. its lovely to meet you. 
she means it, taako knows. he can tell, somehow. shes just happy to meet him. nothing more, nothing less. 
'oh,' taako says aloud, and kravitz laughs his quiet sweet dorky laugh, and the raven queen laughs too, and its just that. its just a laugh, and its a nice one.
'oh indeed,' kravitz says. 'taako, did you really think id serve a monster or a cruel master?'
'well,' taako replies hesitantly, 'honestly, homie, i kind of thought you were, and id, like, have to start some quest to slay death itself and rescue you.'
the anthropomorphic personification of death laughs again, a note of delight in her tender voice. i like him, my kravitz, she says, good job.
kravitz does the dead-reaper equivalent of blushing. taako grins a little because its very cute. 
'death is different here,' taako hums. 'its… it wasnt like this anywhere else i went. it was cold, or cruel, or empty. i dunno why its different in your world.'
'then i guess we're the lucky ones, huh?' kravitz asks. taako leans up against him and murmurs an agreement. 'its why i love my job so much, why it means so much to me. its not that im some hardass, i just…'
'yea, cha'boy gets it now,' assures taako. 'still.' he looks at the ever-shifting, ever-stable face of death again. 'you better treat my boy kravitz and my lady istus well, capiche? or we will have issues.'
its a deal, taako, the raven queen says, smiling. 
when taako opens his eyes, hes in his home in the material plane, and kravitz is next to him, and theyre both smiling. 
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daesungfmd · 4 years
hello! i’m peyton, but you can call me pey for short if you’d like; either is fine by me. i’ve only recently returned to tumblr rp, so i’m still getting back into the swing of things! please....... be patient with me in the meantime. anyway, i’m going to be writing for impulse’s lead vocal  &  rapper, hwang daesung! go ahead and leave a  ♡  if you’re interested in plotting with us and i’ll send you an im asap!
private profile  /  idol profile  /  plots  /  pinterest
daesung is originally from the neighborhood of samcheong in seoul. his mom owns a small salon there, which is where he spent the majority of his time while he was growing up (and where he still spends a lot of his free time nowadays, tbh). 
he doesn’t have any siblings  &  his dad passed away when he was twelve, so it was just him, his mom and the stray cats that they fed. they struggled quite a bit in these times and daesung’s mom often considered selling the salon, but daesung refused to let that happen. he didn’t ask for a whole lot because he didn’t want to make her feel bad.
but! he’s always been very deeply interested in music  —  stems a little from memories of just sitting in the family car with his dad and sharing music as well as listening to a busker who frequently performed near his school.
wanted to be a rockstar, which definitely irritated his mom. she wanted to be supportive, but she also wanted him to succeed in life  &  knew how hard it would be for him to make something like that come true.
regardless, she kept buying him the cds, record players, records, guitars, etc that he asked for around his birthday and the holidays because he never wanted anything else.
a series of strong-willed fights resulted in daesung’s mom finally allowing him to audition for companies. after many rejections, he found his home at gold star entertainment.
he became a trainee in early 2012—so when he was 15—and two years later, he debuted with impulse. during this time, he became estranged from his mother, but after debuting, he began to get closer to her again.
he stayed outwardly optimistic during his time as a trainee, but he didn’t exactly love it and his health was on a steady decline, both physically and mentally. there were times when he wanted to back out because he didn’t want to be an idol, he wanted to be a rock musician, but... he had too much pride to go back home. so he stayed.
during next: origin story, daesung’s poor dancing skills  &  unfaltering confidence had him framed as an arrogant boy with no shame; furthermore, he was said to be dumb because of how many times certain things had to be explained to him. towards the end of the show, he was able to redeem himself a bit, though.
to be fair............... he is kind of dumb. promoted as the ~4d type~, but it’s not like that image was pulled out of thin air --- he’s more or less the same on and off camera, can’t really differentiate between his work persona and his actual self. the best way i can describe it is that it’s really obvious that he isn’t book/traditionally smart, but he’s intelligent in other ways: emotionally, first and foremost. 
anyway! in impulse, the shameless and dense aspects of his personality that the public had already met were molded into a new, more likeable persona... although more likeable is still up for debate. during the debut era, he was very loud, a little too honest, always trying to crack a joke  &  steal the show.
in his most ridiculous shenanigan so far... he has a nervous habit of scratching his head (also does this when he’s embarrassed  —  i.e, when someone’s making fun of him) and fans made a compilation of the clips. he took it much further than he should have and made a statement without running it past management about how he’d been scratching because he had lice. never actually had lice, but fans began gifting him with copious amounts of lice shampoo, hair trimmers, plastic gloves, hairnets, etc. management was definitely fed up with him over this... but he found it hilarious.
impulse debuted nearly  7  years ago, so he has toned down his behavior a bit... or maybe the public’s just gotten more used to it? it’s hard to be shocked by him now ‘cause the public’s already seen it all. seen as the kind of idol who has no shame whatsoever.
i intend to push him towards variety whether he likes it or not. he really, really wants to act, but the company’s quite adamant about not letting him do that (for one good reason: he sucks at acting)... so maybe variety’s the next best thing? he certainly doesn’t want to be reduced to the few osts he’s done, anyway. </3
he doesn’t hate being an idol. it isn’t what he wanted, but all things considered, he doesn’t think it’s that bad, either. impulse’s music is a lot better now than it was when they debuted, he’s made a lot of friends who he never would’ve otherwise met  &  he likes to be known/liked. kinda indifferent about the idol status ig.
for more general facts about daesung... he’s quite the social butterfly. he has many friends, but i imagine that he doesn’t have very many close ones. partially because he doesn’t tend to spend too much time with individuals  &  partially because it’s hard to break past the superficial layer with him. his fans will claim that he’s the most genuine guy around, but when you actually know him, the constant grin and jokes become a bit unnerving. especially when it’s obvious that he’s not doing well, but refuses to speak about his feelings.
but once he deems someone trustworthy, he’s the king of oversharing. he’s a very open book, will tell you anything you wanna know if he knows that you actually care.
he’s a very affectionate guy, whether he’s close to someone or not. he thinks the world could definitely use some more love (and he’s seen first-hand that idols tend to be the angstiest mfs around), so he’s always looking for a way to brighten someone’s day or at least get the tiniest smile out of ‘em. with people he is close to, he’s usually pretty touchy; likes to hug his friends, rub their backs, ruffle their hair, etc, but his affection is also shown through words of affirmation! if you need an ego boost, he’s here to provide it. thinks his friends are the absolute coolest. with people he’s not close to, he tends to crack jokes to break the ice, try to talk about their interests, pay attention to whatever they have to say. gives spontaneous gifts to friends and acquaintances. likes to spend time with people, too, whether he knows them well or he’s just starting to.
he says “i love you” like it’s his life’s motto. calls up his friends when he’s drunk like, “you know that i love you, right? i really love you. so much... damn. i miss you!!! i love you and i miss you! please come back to me!!!” aka it starts out innocent enough but then he starts sounding like a crazy ex. no worries, though, it’s just your good ol’ friend daesung acting like a fool because it’s been a week since he last saw you. <3
makes spontaneous phonecalls. if he has your number in his phone, he’s definitely called you a handful of times — even if you’re a virtual stranger. i imagine there are plenty of people who’ve probably blocked his number at this point.
he’s interested in fashion, but if he said this aloud, it would be treated as a shocking statement. nothing that he wears is ever in trend. most of his outfits are inspired by ‘90′s fashion, but even taking that into consideration, hardly anyone ever thinks he looks good other than himself. his neon-toned bucket hats, excessively tie-dyed clothes  &  gaudy accessories result in him getting clowned a lot. it’s very obvious when he dresses himself....... probably not even allowed to pick his own airport clothes.
mcs have joked that he even manages to make expensive brands look cheap with how he styles them. kind of hurts his feelings but it’s okay. <3
he’s super into skateboarding. he didn’t start until after impulse debuted, but he’s gotten pretty good at it with how much he practices in his spare time. has a collection of unique boards  &  even has his apartment decorated with some furniture made from decks. some fans have definitely met him at skateparks before.
believes in the most outrageous conspiracies  —  say what you want, but you can’t change his mind about anything. he thinks that aliens are indeed real (and already walking the earth), he thinks that the government consists of people who are not entirely human, he thinks that there’s a huge chance that this world is only a simulation, he thinks that all cryptids are Definitely real (mothman, bigfoot, nightcrawlers, etc) and so on. i suggest not letting him get going about this because he can def sound a little crazy.
specialties: reciting quotes but always getting one word Terribly wrong, misusing and mispronouncing words, getting under everyone’s skin without even really having to try, slapstick humor and making 30 second stories feel 3 hours long.
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shoshie · 3 years
hi poosie 💞🌺💘 im going w 3 nights by dominic fike; emotional by okaywil; honest by the neighborhood; devil i know by allie x; sweet disposition by the temper trap; very nice by seventeen; moonlight by dhruv; rain by ben platt; home by phillip phillips; just friends by jordy; timebomb by walk the moon; cross my heart by marianas trench; shatter me by lindsey striling; paris is burning by st vincent; arrival of the birds by the cinematic orchestra; nyc girl by the orion experience; relay by fiona apple; dnd by glaive; sympathy by vampire weekend; december 1963 by frankie valli & the four seasons; and step with me by mika.
if ur thinking ‘h what the fuck’ you & i would b thinking the same thing. i kept adding songs bc im like ‘ah shit what if they hate the one i suggested?’ so i added 2 more. and then yk . i kept adding until my spotify app weirdly refreshed and i took it as a sign from god to stfu and finish the list so !!! that’s what i have !!! i hope ur having a lovely lovely day & that u like at Least one on this list 💓❣️💘🌺💞‼️
i’m gonna tell u what i think of each song BUT i’m putting it under a read more lkdhfbf
1. 3 nights: i realized i’ve actually heard this one BUT not the whole song so it’s ok! i like it it’s v chill v vibey it sounds like streetlights reflecting off a wet road <3 (i am incapable of describing songs with adjectives)
2. emotional: the instrument in the background of this is rly cool idk it’s like. it kinda sounds like hitting spoons on a glass but more musical & almost piano like? i rly like it tho, this song sounds like bright colors & peaches :D
3. honest: this one kinda sounds like one of those ones that makes ur brain go brrrr ‼️ its like. laced w something kfjbjsbfksnv musically it’s not rly my thing but i can appreciate it as a song <3
4. devil i know: i only know one allie x song (can’t stop now) so i wasn’t sure what this would sound like but it’s kinda insane??? the background vocals r so cool i love the humming :0 v sexie nd her voice is so beautiful omg
5. sweet disposition: this feels oddly familiar. i don’t think i’ve heard it tho. it kinda reminds me of say geronimo if u know that one? it sounds like adventure kind of, like it could be used in a travel vlog (complimentary)
6. very nice: aju NICE babababdadadabbabda!!!! i’ve heard this one but i don’t mind listening to it again <3 bop banger etc. good vocals amazing horns in the chorus also if u haven’t seen the choreo i would definitely recommend it it’s so fun
7. moonlight: this is so pretty omg 🥺 i got a mental image of like. sitting on top of a car w someone u love & watching a meteor shower on a clear night. very chill his voice is so lovely
8. rain: ben platt’s voice is gorgeous. this is not the type of music i would have expected from him though??? idk he doesn’t seem like the pop music type of person. i think i prefer some of his other music (cough grow as we go cough) but this is a solid song
9.. home: ive heard this but not since i was like 10 so the nostalgia i got from it,,,, :’) home also sounds like a travel vlog song a bit! i think its the oooohhhhhohohohs in the post chorus (?). this song just reminds me of my childhood i used to hear it all the time on the radio sitting in the backseat <3
10. just friends: I HAVE ALSO HEARD THIS BUT IDK WHERE the beginning played nd i was like wait a minute. OH!! its so nice i love how simple the instrumentals are & jordy has a rly pretty voice as well!! the melody is so addictive as well
halfway done! this is fun<3
11. timebomb: bop?? this could be used in the soundtrack to a romcom tv show directed at teenagers (once again. what are adjectives) it reminds me of when shut up and dance came out nd everyone was obsessed with it.. that was a better time i think
12. cross my heart: headbanging songs > the lyrics to this one r a little basic but thats ok not every song has to have deep profound lyrics that make u feel existential. this is certainly a banger yessir. the ending is cool too i love harmonies
13. shatter me: scawy... the imagery in this is insane "i pirouette in the dark" UM?? this sounds like a movie hello. imagine WAI HISNFVNKDNV THE DROP???? THE VIOLIN?????? i litrally just had to interrupt myself that was not an exaggerated reaction. ANYWAYS i was going to say: the movie scene im imagining is like. it keeps cutting between a girl doing ballet in dark, foggy lighting & a fight scene
14. paris is burning: dark alleyways & vintage movies!!! i enjoyed this more than i expected to? im picturing a girlboss character, maybe a spy? in all black & carrying a purse walking down the street. but she has to be wearing one of those black hats w a veil in the front & a flower on the brim, an ankle-length velvety black coat, & heels that go plonk on the cobblestone
15. arrival of the birds: THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! OMG! blue skies & green grass at a state park!!! i love it so much actually this went in my healing playlist <333 the way it built up in the best way.. tears
16. nyc girl: ok the guitar in the intro??? this is fuckign music truly one of the most songs ive ever heard. the bass fucks as well i rly like this one :D its so catchy im already bopping nd ik later im gonna b going "im gonna make u ma ha hine"
17. relay: the lyrics are so good???? its not a song that id probably listen to very often just bc its musically not my type of thing BUT i respect it a lot. shes obviously a super talented artist like i looked up the lyrics nd apparently she wrote the repeated line when she was 15??? i love what the song is about!
18. dnd: the production on the vocals is a lil bit strange but i like the song itself if that makes sense. its like mitam where the songs r mixed weirdly but i enjoy the songs anyway? i did think for abt a minute that the title referred to dungeons & dragons tho,, also i just looked up the artist and he is ALSO 15 what the FUCK
19. sympathy: the GUITARRRRR omg omgogmomg!! i rly love the whole intro like the first 30 seconds r just *chefs kiss*. OOH bass solo sexyyyyy i love prominent bass :D the instrumentals r really nice too & it reminds me of like. a heist? like a found family of thieves. this song would play as they were breaking into a museum or smth
20. december 1963: GROOVY! simply a fkin tune idk dude like this IS fun nd makes me think of roadtrips during the summer & also of walking along a dock in a harbor under the moonlight. very much floaty yellow dress vibes this song is just a mood booster
21. step with me: domestic. domesticity. thats it. no but the chorus is rly nice omg i like the melody!!! its so cute too the lyrics r so wholesome.. this sounds like an old couple thats been married for 50 years dancing to the radio in their kitchen <333 life goals
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unforth · 4 years
A Non-Exhaustive and (In)Frequently Updated List of Resources I’ve Used while Writing MDZS/CQL/Untamed Fic
I did so much research for The Vermillion Ribbon that I decided to make a doc out of it. If I’m bored sometime (ha) I might go farther back through my google search history but for now this is MDZS specific and just what I used for TVR. I’ll try to update it periodically as I write other things, though, so it’ll get more complete.
In most cases, I go to Google and type in what I’m trying to find out. This might be a question - “were there barrels in ancient china” - or it might be an idiom - “origin ‘barrels of fun’” - or it might definition - “define pusillanimity”  or it might be that I’m trying to find out if a reference is appropriate - “china mosquitoes” was a search to make sure there were, in fact, mosquitoes in China. Each of these searches only take a few minutes at most but doing them can really enhance a narrative. 
Here are some other examples of searches I used to get utterly random pieces of information I needed - all of these produced the results I was looking for:
domesticated geese in china
traditional shanghai food
history of sandpaper
traditional peaked hat china
how to help someone who is having a flashback
parts of a day bed
wang yibo height
shades of green
is dumbfoundment a word
bland chinese food
flowers native to eastern china
how were ancient chinese homes heated
does chinese hair tangle
when do gentians bloom
popular alcohol in hebei
how does baijiu taste
history of use sinkers for fishing
does rain damage silk
what are the dots in go called in chinese
perception of snakes in china
do people kneel or sit cross legged at chinese tables
history of our understanding of cancer
common bushes near tianjin
necrotization vs gangrene
chinese formal letter opener
I’m including these so you see...basically if an issue comes up while you’re writing, and you’re not sure...just check. The information is out there. Looking at it gives the FBI agent spying on all your internet usage something interesting to read!
General Writing Resources:
Behind the Name and Behind the Surname (https://www.behindthename.com/, https://surnames.behindthename.com/) - definitely more a resource for Western names but if you care about name origin and meaning, extremely handy.
Encyclopedia Britannica (https://www.britannica.com/) - I use it much less often than Wiki but it’s still helpful sometimes.
Google Image Search (https://www.google.com/imghp) - not sure what something looks like? GIS is your best friend. There’s no better way to make sure you write a compel a description than to actually look at the thing you’re trying to describe.
Google Maps (https://maps.google.com/) - if you’re writing about a real place, it’s always helpful to be able to look at it, especially on satellite or street view.
Google Translate (https://translate.google.com/) - should you rely on it? God, no. But if you just need something basic and you remember you might get garbage back, it can still be helpful.
Online Etymology Dictionary (https://www.etymonline.com/) - an excellent source for word origins, especially slang (like if you’re trying to figure out if a word or phrase is time period appropriate).
Onomatopoeias (http://onomatopoeialist.com/) - need just the right sound? Here you go.
Scrivener (https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener/overview) - this is the only writing software I’ve ever used and while I honestly don’t use it for writing fanfiction (I just write in gdocs and wing it), I still support it and I use it to organize my research for original projects.
Thesaurus.com (https://www.thesaurus.com/) - my preferred thesaurus. I use a thesaurus constantly - both for synonyms and antonyms - while writing and find it infinitely more useful than, say, the lists of words I sometimes see circulating as rebloggable Tumblr posts. If you find a word you’re not sure of listed, always check the definition before using it.
Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) - maybe I should be embarrassed by how often I rely on Wiki but fuck that, because Wiki is an invaluable source for random obscure information. On major topics it’s sometimes unreliable but on most historical matters aside from those that are most fraught (ie, the causes of the US Civil War) you can generally trust that the information is reliable, and if you need more information the included references can help a lot. 
Sources for Information on English Idioms (asterisk denotes ones I like best/use most):
The Free Dictionary: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/
*The Grammarist: https://grammarist.com/
Know Your Phrase: https://knowyourphrase.com/
Merriam-Webster “Words at Play” Blog: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play
*The Phrase Finder: https://www.phrases.org.uk/index.html
Word Histories: https://wordhistories.net/
MDZS/CQL-Specific Resources:
LIST OF OTHER REFERENCE SOURCES: https://wangxianfics.tumblr.com/post/617467597810778112/mdzs-resources-references
Characters Ages: 
Novel-specific: https://mihanada.tumblr.com/post/176537120295/are-there-any-actual-or-speculated-ages-for-the
Character Ages When Specific Events Happen: https://wang-xians.tumblr.com/post/190805604377/ages-of-wei-wuxian-and-peers-during-key-events
Character Birthdays: https://klashta-neali.tumblr.com/post/183922824954/tdp-and-mdzs-character-birthdays-masterlist-im
Character Heights: https://bigbadredpanda.tumblr.com/post/181326045966/mdzs-character-height-chart
Character List and Ship List (the only one of these resources I made…): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/3/d/1qtE4KXAcLfdEEBv-JHznf81Uoo8gZzrI_ID-kn9B6BU/edit?usp=sharing
Character Names and Titles: 
A list of names and titles: https://bonibaru.tumblr.com/post/187163138846/mdzs-character-names-and-titles
Some info on who calls others what, and why: https://bigbadredpanda.tumblr.com/post/182713668731/hello-can-you-pls-explain-it-to-me-why-mdzs
Some breakdown on relationships relating to what people call each other: https://bigbadredpanda.tumblr.com/post/182811566041/hi-theres-something-i-was-a-bit-curious-about
Event Timeline: 
Honorifics Guide: https://nomadicism.tumblr.com/post/185554769582/cleyra-i-made-a-mdzs-honorifics-guide-for-one-of?is_related_post=1
Lan Clan Rules: 
Locations/Map: https://childe-wei.tumblr.com/post/190288325910/mercyandmagic-mdzs-locations-sects-are
Modao Zushi Fandom Wiki (https://modao-zushi.fandom.com/wiki/Grandmaster_of_Demonic_Cultivation_Wiki) - MDZS has one of the most exhaustive and well-done fandom wikis I’ve used to date.
Swords (these are images, with the name, of each weapon in Untamed): 
What Each Character Calls Each Other Character: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NEL1WU6NU3rzuLgTjJYDDGNu2XW0DZLQYlJGJhcz9IU/edit?usp=drivesdk
What the Heck does Er-Gege Actually Mean: https://boat-full-of-lotus-pods.tumblr.com/post/182490910183/this-is-a-really-stupid-question-but-what-is-the
General History:
The Tiffany Problem: https://medium.com/swlh/the-tiffany-problem-when-history-makes-no-sense-703b86522627
Chinese Culture, History and Language:
Alcoholic Drinks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholic_drinks_in_China
Architecture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_architecture
Breakfast Foods: https://www.thespruceeats.com/traditional-chinese-breakfast-694158
Common Cooking Ingredients: 
Pantry Essentials: https://thewoksoflife.com/chinese-pantry-essential-ingredients/
Spices: https://spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/12-common-chinese-spices
Confucius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confucius
Creation Myths: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_creation_myths
Clothing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Chinese_clothing
Desserts: https://www.echinacities.com/expat-life/6-Traditional-Chinese-Desserts-You-Have-to-Try
Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms: http://mahajana.net/texts/soothill-hodous.html
Diyu (Hell): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diyu
Etiquette Guides: 
The Five Punishments: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Punishments
The Five Virtues: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Virtues
The Five Virtues: http://www.goolevalve.com/news/news-detail-195.html
Furniture: https://www.chinese-furniture.com/c_furniture/history.html
Go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(game)
History of Chinese Gardens: https://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/architecture/features-garden.htm
How Names Work: 
Jade: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_jade
Literary Conventions: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20426162/chapters/48456785
Music: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_China
Musical Instruments: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_musical_instruments
Musical Instruments: https://www.cchatty.com/Traditional-Chinese-Musical-Instruments-g-100163
Mythology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_mythology
Numbers: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Chinese_(Mandarin)/Numbers
Pet Names:
6 Terms of Endearment: http://blog.tutorming.com/mandarin-chinese-learning-tips/chinese-terms-of-endearment
200+ Chinese Nicknames for Guys and Girls (With Meanings): https://www.findnicknames.com/chinese-nicknames/
Random Chinese Name Generator: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/chinese_names.php
Symbolism in Chinese Embroidery: 
Symbolism in Chinese Porcelain: https://china360online.org/?property=228-park-ave-s
Swear Words: https://ltl-school.com/chinese-swear-words/
Taoist Alchemy: https://www.goldenelixir.com/files/The_Way_of_the_Golden_Elixir.pdf
Time (and how to tell time): https://www.reddit.com/r/noveltranslations/comments/4az3tg/ancient_chinese_measurements_of_time/
Titles for Family Members: https://www.italki.com/article/183/complete-list-of-titles-for-family-members-in-chinese
Titles and Honorifics: 
Units of Measurement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_units_of_measurement (includes multiple historical systems, sorted by era and with their metric equivalent)
Siege Weapons: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons
Basics: https://pearlriver.com/blogs/blog/your-guide-to-chinese-weddings
Overview: https://www.topchinatravel.com/china-guide/chinese-wedding-customs.htm
Overview: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_marriage
Order of Events: https://www.char4u.com/content/chinese-wedding-day-order-events/
Tea Ceremony: https://www.teasenz.com/chinese-tea/chinese-wedding-tea-ceremony.html
Wuxia World: https://www.wuxiaworld.com/
Wuxia World: “Cores” in Chinese Cultivation Novels: https://www.wuxiaworld.com/page/cores-in-chinese-cultivation-novels
Wuxia World: What is Dao? https://www.wuxiaworld.com/page/what-dao-heck
Wuxia World Glossary: https://www.wuxiaworld.com/page/general-glossary-of-terms
Sex Stuff:
The History of Lube: https://getmaude.com/blogs/themaudern/the-history-of-lube
It’s Literally a Picture of a Dick: https://slideplayer.com/slide/3858701/13/images/15/Reproductive+System+Visual+1%3A+External+male+views.jpg
Prevalence of Circumcision: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_circumcision
Sex with Uncircumcised Assigned Male at Birth People: https://www.asstr.org/~Kristen/learning/uncut.htm
What Does Semen Taste Like: https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/what-does-sperm-taste-like
Pain and Trauma:
Helping Someone with PTSD: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/ptsd-trauma/helping-someone-with-ptsd.htm
List of Methods of Torture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_methods_of_torture
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javierfms · 4 years
hello   !   so   i'm   pixie   (   she/her   )   and   this   is   my   demonic   creation   ,   javi   .   this   intro   honestly   said   no   rights   for   javier   nieves   and   honestly   ?   that's   the   vibe   for   the   entire   rp   now   🖤   if   u   lms   i'll   shoot   u   and   im   ,   or   if   u   would   rather   talk   on   discord   my   username   is   pixiedreamz#3319
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don’t    look    now    ,    but    it’s    totally    javier    nieves    leaving    the    party    .    i    can’t    believe    the    twenty    -    three    year    old    musician    is    out    this    late    .    ez    celeb    news    often    describes    them    as     fervent    &    forthright    but    also    sardonic    &     tactless    .    no    wonder    they’re    hollywoods    resident    hedonist    .    they’ve    got    10    million    followers    watching    their    every    move    ,    but    they’ve    yet    to    discover    secret    .    weird    right    ?    it’s    also    weird    how    much    they    look    like    aron    piper    +    cismale    .    but    don’t    let    him    hear    you    say    that    .    a    chain    necklace    dusting    sharp    collarbones    ,    a    trademark    black    beanie    tugged    over    a    freshly    shaven    head    ,    promising    you’ll    do    better    but    never    keeping    your    word    ,    &    an    antagonistic    smirk    .
full  name  :  javier  ( hav-ee-air ) samuel  nieves   nicknames  :  jav  ,  javi   pronouns  &  gender  :  he/him  ,  cismale age  :  twenty  -  three   date  of  birth  :  march  22nd   astrological  sign  :  aries   occupation  :  musician   claim  :  matt  champion  /  brockhampton   orientation  :  no  labels  attached
f  a  m  i  l  y   ;  
javier  was  conceived  following  a  teenage  summer  fling  .  the  game  of  playing  happy  families  soon  turned  sour  ,  however  ,  when  his  mother  disappeared  when  he  was  just  a  few  weeks  old  .  some  blamed  it  on  post-natal  depression  ,  but  luis  nieves  had  always  blamed  it  on  his  son  .  he  resented  him  ,  &  javier  had  always  known  it  .  his  relationship  with  his  father  was  close  to  nonexistent  -  they  ate  meals  together  occasionally  but  that  was  as  far  as  the  niceties  stretched  .  as  for  his  mother  ,  any  conversations  about  her  were  strictly  off  the  table  .  without  even  knowing  her  name  ,  javier  spent  most  of  his  childhood  dreaming  about  the  woman  she  might  be  -  before  his  own  resentment  began  to  leak  through  and  tarnish  the  vision  .  being  a  single  father  meant  that  they  struggled  financially  ;  with  javier  spending  most  of  his  time  with  his  cousins  while  his  father  worked  .  he'd  get  into  trouble  -  fights  ,  shop  lifting  ,  etc  etc  etc  .  partly  to  create  an  image  for  himself  ,  but  mostly  out  of  boredom  . 
c  a  r  e  e  r  ;  
the  plan  had  always  been  for  javier  to  follow  in  his  father's  footsteps  &  join  him  at  work  once  he  finished  school  .  of  course  ,  javier  had  other  plans  &  packed  his  bags  .  he  couch  surfed  ,  saved  money  by  working  as  a  tattoo  artist  ,  made  connections  -  and  eventually  found  his  way  into  music  .  the  band  began  through  youtube  ,  their  unconventional  version  of  a  boy  band  quickly  gaining  them  a  following  .
c  h  a  r  a  c  t  e  r    s  t  u  d  y  ;
if  not  already  clear  ,  his  past  is  a  big  no-no  .  even  his  closest  friends  know  that  it's  a  touchy  subject  .  his  biggest  scandal  is  probably  his  highly  public  blow  up  with  the  paparazzi  when  they  quizzed  him  about  why  he  had  chosen  to  spend  christmas  alone  .
that  said  ,  he's  not  usually  a  hot  head  .  it  takes  pulling  the  right  trigger  to  really  set  him  off  .  mostly  he's  just  arrogant  &  likes  to  push  the  wrong  buttons  to  get  a  reaction  out  of  people  ,  then  sit  back  and  watch  the  chaos  unfold  .
his  loyalties  are  ...  skewed  .  he  has  a  me-me-me  kinda  mentality  ,  aka  he  isn't  always  ever  very  conscious  of  how  his  actions  &  words  may  make  others  feel  .
his  love  life  is  a  huge  mess  to  be  honest  .  he  doesn't  trust  ,  he  doesn't  communicate  ,  he  doesn't  commit  -  it  goes  on  .  every  relationship  he's  had  has  failed  ,  i'd  say  .  it's  not  just  that  he  doesn't  believe  in  love  ,  he  doesn't  believe  he  deserves  it  .  
self  destruction  is  all  fun  &  games  in  this  household  !  it's  probably  slightly  concerning  how  little  of  a  care  javier  gives  for  his  own  well-being  😳  i  mean  ...  he  doesn't  rly  envision  living  past  40  so  like  ...
kinda  really  thrives  off  the  attention  of  others  ,  even  though  he  gives  off  the  impression  he  doesn't  care  at  all  .  he'd  be  absolutely  nothing  without  the  fame  &  the  money  ,  honestly  .  would  probably  curl  up  n  die  .  okay  maybe  NOT  that  far  but  this  lifestyle  ?  there's  no  way  he  could  go  back  to  how  he  used  to  live  .
onto  some  more  ~  fun  n  easy  going  ~  headcannons  hehe
has  a  lot  of  tattoos  ,  many  of  them  done  by  yOuRs  TrUlY  -  he's  definitely  the  guy  to  very  pretentiously  harass  u  to  let  him  give  u  a  stick-n-poke  tattoo  at  a  party  
his  anthem  is  i  wanna  be  adored  by  the  stone  roses  because  <3  inspo
only  EVER  soft  for  his  cousins  .  since  he  reached  fame  he  has  done  everything  he  only  ever  dreamed  of  doing  when  they  were  kids  and  it's  all  just  very  wholesome  might  shed  a  tear
has  a  shaved  head  because  .  that's  just  him  .
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Bang a Gong//Get It On (SMUT)
anonymous said: Hello! I LOVE your writing!! I was wondering if you could write something about Roger and reader where they're like roommates/friends and one day she accidentally walks in on Roger while he's playing with himself and some sexual tension starts to develop cause like holy fuck that was hot and Rog is like big or something idduno ❤️
(a/n: almost 6000 words so its a big boi i’m such a crackhead i added a little bit more to the request than asked bc I wanted to make it kinda funny hehe okay but it still follows the request don’t worry  ANYWAYS yall im a mess this week hbu? Listen to T-Rex’s Electric Warrior album thx)
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It was late afternoon when you decided to head over to yours to continue your study session with Brian. He’d already graduated, but he had taken some of the same science courses as you, so he promised he’d help you in exchange for a warm, home-cooked meal that Roger had zero part in. Whether it was because he distrusted Roger’s cooking skills or fearing being poisoned since they’d been bickering more lately, you had no idea, but you did know one thing – Roger would most definitely be home at this time. He usually got home an hour or two before you, so he wouldn’t be expecting you and you were just hoping he wasn’t eating any of the food you were planning on making.
The sound of T-Rex’s newest album, Electric Warrior, greeted you when you opened the door to your shared flat, Brian directly behind you. Immediately, you zeroed in on the source, knowing that Roger was most likely listening to it in his room, and you wondering where he’d scrounged up the money for that as you sat your book bag down on the hallway floor, pulling your shoes off individually before sitting them next to the bag. Brian followed suit, grimacing at the loud volume of the gritty-sounding blues song that was playing out of Roger’s speakers.
“Rog?” you called out, making a futile attempt to get a response from him as the music overpowered your voice. When you heard nothing, you sighed and rolled your eyes. “He’s going to go fucking deaf before he even goes blind, I swear it.” Pulling your hair out of the bun you’d had it in for most of the day, you locked the door behind Brian before grabbing your book bag again, heading for the couch.
“Wonder if he can hear the record, maybe he needs to turn it up a bit,” Brian joked lamely, making you snort and shake your head at the attempt at a jab. Not his best work, but the message was clear. You decided it was probably a good idea for you to go ask him to turn it down – if Brian did the same, you imagined it would end about as well as any of their other interactions had recently – in flames.
Dropping your bag at the end of the couch, you heard Brian go into the kitchen for a glass of water while you headed down the hallway, the music becoming almost unbearably loud as you approached his slightly cracked door. You could just see into his room, his disheveled honey blonde hair visible as he had his back to you – the headboard of the bed was directly next to the door, since he was a big fan of the whole ‘run into the room and immediately flop on the bed’ movement. Not appearing to be doing much except for laying there, you rolled your eyes at the fact that he was asleep right now.
“Got your music loud enough?” you yelled teasingly, throwing open the door and almost screaming at what you walked in on. Roger had his trousers and briefs pushed down just a bit, and he’d unbuttoned them as much as he could, fully freeing his cock from any restraints. He was laying down on top of his duvet, at least before he realized you’d barged in, after which he’d scrambled to tuck himself back into his briefs before rolling over away from you and pulling his duvet with him. The frantic action caused him to fall off the bed, and he landed with a thud and a loud groan as he disappeared from your view for a moment.
Your jaw was practically to the floor as you stood there, in absolute shock at what had just happened. The music was still playing loudly, and you felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment as you tried to grapple with what you’d seen. After a moment, Roger’s head popped back up over the side of his bed, and he looked both pleasantly annoyed and humiliated as he stared at you, seeming twice as embarrassed as you were. “You said what about my music?”
The attempt to change the subject was a valiant effort in itself, but was lost on you as you pressed your hands to your cheeks, laughing in horror for a moment. “Shit, Roger, I’m- I meant to knock, but the door was open, so I-“
“You can turn down the music,” he interrupted, giving you a pointed look before glancing at the record player to your right. Still in a mild daze, you nodded and turned slowly, turning the music down as the lead singer’s voice barely whispered out ‘You’ve got the teeth of a hydra upon you, you’re dirty sweet and you’re my girl.’ That only made things far more awkward than they already were, Roger’s piercing blue stare upon you the entire time you moved. It felt so uncomfortable as the singer yelled out ‘Get it on, bang the gong, get it on!’ that you had to shut your eyes for a moment, then open them again and give Roger a strained smile.
“I’m making pasta and garlic bread. Bri is here.” With that, you nodded curtly and scurried out of the room, trying to mask the conflicting emotions on your face as you reemerged into the living room.
“Thank god he listens to you,” Brian remarked as you passed, going directly to the kitchen. “I think I would have gone mad if he hadn’t turned it down. The man’s an animal.”
You almost choked at the last part of his sentence, coughing to cover it up as you pulled out a pot to boil some noodles in. Your cheeks were still bright red as you moved along, boiling the water and grabbing ingredients to make alfredo while you tried to erase the image of Roger splayed out on his bed, in the middle of getting himself off.
For the moment you’d seen him in what he thought was alone time, his face was pleasantly void of emotion, in a state of bliss as he rested back against his pillows. He looked utterly relaxed, careless – and dare you say, enticing – as he played with himself, probably assuming you wouldn’t be home for several hours yet. So when that bliss had erased itself because of you, you felt a twinge of guilt. After all, who were you to deny him that pleasure?
And something else twinged inside of you too – envy? Desire? Something darker, deeper than you’d expected had blossomed in your stomach, which wasn’t new – Roger was by far the most attractive roommate you’d had, well, ever. But this time, it was overwhelming, and you had to shove it down until it was buried when you’d almost finished making the pasta and Roger sauntered into the living room, his eyes immediately on you through the doorway. There was a look on his face, a warning one, and he glanced at Brian before raising an eyebrow at you. You realized he was wondering whether Brian knew, so you shook your head and offered a small reassuring smile, returning to the pasta and letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Oi, Roger, done destroying your eardrums?” Brian teased, Roger rolling his eyes as he started towards the kitchen, still lazily sauntering as if nothing had happened.
“Hello, Brian. Did you know I saw Chrissy today?” Roger remarked to Brian, seemingly offhanded, but you knew he was trying to push Brian’s buttons as he came to the refrigerator, opening it and pulling out a beer. “Talked to her about you, in fact. We had a nice conversation, sweet girl. A bit tame for my taste, but sweet.”
“Really?” Brian asked, trying to mask the anxious tone of voice he suddenly took on but failing miserably. You could hear him hop over the couch and make his way into the kitchen, Roger moving over to get plates down for the three of you as Brian attempted to nonchalantly lean against the doorway and cross his arms. “What did you tell her about me? Fred said he’s been talking me up, but who knows whether that means he’s telling her I’m smart or that I have a big cock.”
You stiffened a bit at that, almost imperceptibly, but Roger noticed. His blue eyes were picking you apart at the moment, noticing every movement, every subtle shift in your body language. He was nervous, afraid that you were going to slip up and say something about it, but you bit down on your lower lip before continuing to stir the pasta. God, speaking of big cocks, who knew Roger Taylor had one? Of all people, my fucking roommate. This is terrible, why am I thinking about this?
“I described you in terms that were positively glowing,” Roger schmoozed, and you turned down the heat to the pasta as you went to go throw in the garlic bread. “Which coincidentally is also how I’d like to see you in hell.”
“Oh, piss off,” Brian grumbled, giving him the middle finger before he went to get himself a beer from the fridge. Peering over your shoulder at the pasta, Brian gave you an appreciative pat on the head before he grabbed the bottle opener from the cupboard, tossing it to Roger once he’d opened his beer. “That looks fantastic, Y/N, you’ve outdone yourself.”
With that, he exited the kitchen, heading to the bathroom to wash up since your sink was full of dishes – Roger was on your case as soon as the door had closed. “Did you tell him? You better not have told him.”
“I- Fuck, I didn’t tell him, Rog, relax,” you stuttered, alarmed by how aggressive he was being all of a sudden. On top of being slightly turned on from how hung your roommate was, now you were trying to fend off even more excitement as he basically trapped you in the corner, his tightly-closed fist resting on the counter near you and making all of the veins in his slim forearm protrude. You finally moved your gaze up from his hand to his face, and he had a stormy look in his eyes, something impenetrable about the emotions flitting across his face. “I know he’d never let it rest if I told him.”
“Good.” With that, he pushed off the counter, giving you a once-over before he grabbed his beer off the counter and popped the top off, taking a drink. “We don’t speak of this, alright?”
“Obviously.” You nodded as you spoke, and he got himself a plate before helping himself to some of the pasta as you pulled the garlic bread out of the oven, your hands shaky. It didn’t go unnoticed by Roger, but he chose not to speak on it, instead just taking a piece of the bread carefully so he wouldn’t burn himself. He then tossed it on his plate, looked up at you, and raised his beer, tapping it to his temple before tipping it at you.
“Cheers.” With a smirk and a final nod, he exited the kitchen, leaving you to wonder what in the hell was going through his mind. He sauntered off the way he came, heading for his room with a sway to his step that hinted he wasn’t nearly as ashamed about what had happened as you’d thought.
And obviously, he wasn’t, because two days later, you walked in on almost the same exact thing.
This time, you were alone, and thank God you were, because Brian would have caught Roger first for sure. You walked into your apartment to find it pleasantly quiet – Roger was playing that same album, but at a reasonable level this time. So, you figured he’d probably be in his room again, and you were right. What you didn’t count on was for the door to be wide open this time, giving you a full display of almost the exact same thing all over again as you approached the doorway.
Roger was pretty much spread eagle again, propped up against his headboard this time – his eyes were closed, his head having fallen back in ecstasy as he stroked his cock at a lazy pace, his grip loose on himself. Long tendrils of blonde hair were splayed out haphazardly across the pillow, and he was just in his boxers and a button up this time, but the button up might as well have been off – it was completely open, displaying the way his chest rose and feel with each shaky breath he was taking.
You debated whether to say anything or not, but you figured you had to talk this out with him one way or another, so you cleared your throat and watched as Roger’s eye peeked open, looking directly at you in the doorway. A sigh left his lips as he grabbed a pillow, covering himself up while he climbed off of the other side of the bed, tucking himself in before turning back to you with a hand on his hip. He kept the pillow placed strategically in front of him, nodding. “Lovely afternoon, isn’t it?”
“Roger,” you replied in a knowing tone, raising an eyebrow as you stepped into his room. “We’ve got to talk about this. What in the hell is going on?”
“You’ve been coming home early,” he shrugged, still standing in that nonchalant pose that was completely disrupted by the pillow. Honestly, you were surprised he hadn’t kicked you out of his room yet. He was still clearly excited, his eyes completely fucked out from how close he’d gotten to his high, so it was a wonder that he was entertaining your conversation right now.
“Not that early!” you retorted, crossing your arms as you crawled onto his bed with a hesitant glance at where he’d just been sitting. Placing yourself near the end, you sat cross-legged facing him and patted the bed in front of you. “Come on, what’s really going on?”
He gave you an eye roll before he carefully crawled onto the bed, imitating your sitting position and keeping the pillow in the same place as he crossed his arms, almost avoiding your gaze. “I dunno,” he offered in a mumble, shrugging again and looking down at his bed as he pursed his lips.
“Roger, I’ve literally been your roommate for a year now. I figured I’d walk in on this sooner or later, but twice in a few days? Your sex drive is…”
“What?” he pried, his head snapping up so he was staring directly at you. “Horrifying? Excessive? Yeah, imagine being the one that wants to fuck like a rabbit. Isn’t fun, thank you very much.”
“No!” you laughed, sitting back and stretching your legs out as you propped yourself up on your hands, resting your head on your shoulder. “Lord knows I can’t speak much on excessive sex drives. You know how many times you’ve almost walked in on me?”
“No fucking way,” he countered, looking at you in disbelief as he uncrossed his arms. “You’re the biggest prude I know.”
“Was Brian not here two days ago, or?” you asked, giving him a questioning look. “Besides, I hide my escapades very well. You’re just unpracticed, is what it is. I’ve had loads of people over that you haven’t even seen – takes skill to hide them as well as I do.”
“You’re lying!” he laughed, looking you up and down for a moment. When you raised an eyebrow and remained as serious as could be, his face was quickly taken over by a look of amazement. “Y/N, a bigger whore than Roger Taylor? Now, that’s news.”
“God, why do you always talk about yourself in the third person? You’re so weird.” You shook your head and laughed as he shrugged, his eyes wandering over your legs for a moment before looking back up to you with an odd, queer look. “What?” you asked, cocking your head as he stared at you as if he’d just thought of the most genius idea in the world.
“Let’s fuck.”
You literally jolted at the statement, not expecting the suggestion at all. Sure, you found Roger hot, and there had been loads of sexual tension between the two of you before, but you chalked that up to just being on your end because you wanted to jump a lot of people’s bones. But with Roger, you guessed it had been sort of different. Never had you held back so much on your own desires – you’d screwed around with plenty of roommates before, but you didn’t want to this time. You wanted Roger around, as much as you hated to admit it. Having him as constant, tantalizing, out of reach eye candy was better than shagging him once and having to move out after things got awkward.
When you didn’t reply, he took the opportunity to continue. “No, I’m serious! Let’s do it. Why not?”
“Why not?” You almost had to laugh, and you closed your eyes as you tried to think rationally. Don’t fuck your roommate. That’s, like, roommate code number 1. “Roger, we’re roommates. I don’t think that’s very smart.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” he replied simply, his slim pink lips parted slightly as he stared at you, a mischievous look on his face. “You’re hot, I’m hot, we’re both horny. It’s a winning situation, really.”
“But what if it makes things awkward?” Roger looked introspective for a moment, mulling over the possible outcomes of what he was suggesting, then returned to his mischievous look.
“Never know if we don’t try.”
He had a point. You tilted your head to the side for a second, wondering to yourself if you were really doing to go through with this, but your body spoke for your mind anyways. “Fuck it,” you murmured, moving to your knees and crawling over to straddle him as he tossed the pillow to the side, meeting you with open arms. His arms snaked around your waist as you smashed your lips against his, taking his face in your hands before threading your hands into his hair. Kissing back eagerly, he pulled you flush against him, pressing your chest against his and digging his fingers into your back a bit.
When you took his lower lip between your teeth and tugged a bit, the sound of his groan set off alarms in your head. On one hand, you panicked because this was Roger, your roommate – this sound should never be coming out of his mouth because of you. But on the other hand, the sound of it was so delicious that you smiled widely as you held on to his lip, lingering for just a moment before you let go.
You were about to say some smartass remark when Roger gave you a wild look, cutting you off by diving straight back in for a open-mouthed kiss, his tongue expertly sliding into your mouth and tangling with yours for a moment before swirling around it. A small noise of pleased surprise emitted from the back of your throat, and Roger’s grip only got tighter on you in response.
After a minute or two of a hot and heavy makeout session to the background noise of T-Rex’s gritty glam rock sound, you felt Roger’s hands sneak under the back of your shirt, pushing it up as he went to unclasp a bra that he soon came to find out wasn’t there. “Ah, no bra? Very naughty,” he remarked, his voice breathy, but amused as he pulled away from the kiss for a moment, looking up at you with an undying smirk on his lips.
“You’re going to be one of those that narrates the entire thing, aren’t you?” you teased, pulling your shirt off over your head and tossing it to the side as Roger’s hands came up to rest on either side of your ribcage, his eyes darting between your breasts and your eyes as he shamelessly ogled at you.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” was his equally teasing reply, and you rolled your eyes playfully before starting to push his button up off, which he shrugged off and tossed in the same direction of your shirt. “Now,” he continued, wrapping your legs around his waist before skillfully flipping the two of you over – his hips pinned you to the bed immediately, and you almost gasped as you felt his clothed erection pressing against your thigh. “What d’you say we see if you’re consistent?” His large hands started to tug down your shorts, and he kneeled between your legs as he pulled them off, revealing – to no shock for either of you – that you were sans panties too. “Oh, Y/N,” he almost growled, watching fixedly as you spread your legs, now on full display for him.
“Spoiler: I am consistent.” He chuckled at your comment, only briefly, before he laid himself on his stomach, laying his cheek against the inside of your thigh before pressing a kiss there. This was followed by a series of kisses, each making you tingle with anticipation more and more, and by the time he’d worked his way up to your core, you were practically squirming.
Running your hand back into his hair, you gave it a gentle tug of encouragement as you watched him hook your legs up over his shoulders, giving you an impish grin. “Now don’t be too loud. Don’t want the neighbors to be calling in a noise complaint,” he murmured, and before you could quip something back his tongue was between your folds, licking a flat stripe up to your clit and making you gasp slightly at the sensation. Placing an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, he sucked just enough to make you shiver softly, your fingers curling up in his hair.
When you felt his left hand ghosting up the inside of your thigh, you giggled softly at the ticklish feeling it left behind, and he chuckled against your core, the vibration making you moan out his name in bliss. In moments, his fingers were in his mouth, briefly getting wetted down before he slid his index and middle finger into you, just testing the waters. But the feeling wasn’t enough, and you whined impatiently as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, his mouth leaving a small love bite on your thigh.
“More, Rog,” you urged, and you heard him make a pleasantly surprised noise before he inserted another finger, stretching you out more and making you hum in appreciation. “Fuck, yes, like that.”
He curled up his fingers as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking harder this time and sending all of your nerve endings into a frenzy as you moaned louder, not caring who heard. This man was a god to you right now, his fingers stimulating places you’d practically only heard about in legends. You thanked whatever gods there were that you’d let your common sense take a break on this one, because by the time Roger was crawling back up to hover over you, your face was flushed from pleasure. Splotches of red decorated your cheeks, contrasting with the blown-out pupils of your eyes, which watched him as he smirked down at you, maybe staring a bit too long.
“You going to fuck me or not?” you challenged, Roger laughing before crawling off the bed, easily pulling off his boxers and finally freeing his hard member once again. Openly staring, you realized you’d been correct in your observation that Roger was genuinely huge, and you could barely take your eyes off it as he grabbed a condom from his nightstand, crawling back on the bed as you sat up. He rolled the latex onto his cock slowly, eyeing you as you turned around and got on your hands and knees, peeking back over your shoulder at him and watching as he kneeled behind you, forcing his knee between your legs so he could spread them more. His broad hands came to a rest on your ass, giving the soft flesh a good squeeze before he looked up at you, thoroughly pleased with this whole situation.
“You sure you want to go through with this?” he asked, wrapping his hand around his cock and giving himself a few strokes as he ran the tip between your folds, eliciting something akin to a purr as he brushed up against your clit.
“Please, Roger,” you almost moaned, pressing your hips back eagerly and chewing on your lip. “Can’t just rile me up like this and then leave me hanging.”
“I mean, I could,” he taunted, pulling his hips back for a moment and sitting back on his heels as you whined in frustration, shooting him a nasty look over your shoulder. “I’m just joking, so impatient.” He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he gave you a toothy grin, rising again and lining himself up before pushing into you, just barely. “You just look so pretty when you beg.”
“You bastard, fuck me already!” You didn’t care if you were being impatient – and to be honest, the thought of you needing him was enough to make him a bit dizzy, but he ignored the hazy edges of his vision as he thrusted into you with a tameless grunt, sliding home quite easily and making you cry out in a mixture of surprise and lust.
Thoughts of how sore you were going to be later edged into your mind, but they were quickly overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure as Roger wasted no time in starting to move his hips. Barely giving you time to adjust, he filled you over and over, making your arms wobble a bit as you moved down to rest on your elbows, barely able to support your own weight. Roger’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling your ass flush back against him with each thrust, and he couldn’t help but groan your name as the sound of slapping skin filled the room and the smell of sex joined it.  
“Oh, Jesus,” you breathed out, gathering the sheets of his bed in your hands and clenching your fingers around them tightly as you let your eyes flutter shut, your eyelids feeling heavy from lust. Roger was the same, his eyelids threatening to close with every passing second as the view he currently had was phenomenal. Moving one hand to your shoulder to gain more purchase, he thrusted again and somehow buried himself at an even more satisfying angle as he leaned over your body, suddenly rolling his hips agonizingly slow. He then moved his other hand to your jaw, then letting it come to rest on your throat. He applied no pressure as he did so, just letting his hand rest on your skin, but the presence of it and the thought of what would happen if he were to just press in on the sides slightly enough to make you moan. “You’re so big, Rog.”
“Yeah?” he replied, his eyes lighting up as your praise swirled around in his mind, boosting his ego and reinvigorating his big mouth – he was never one for being quiet, anyways. “Taking my cock so well. You like that?” A nod from you confirmed his question, and he let out a satisfied grunt as he pulled out for a moment, flipping you over onto your back and running his fingertips down the bare skin of your stomach. He marveled at how this perspective was even better, getting so distracted by the view that he had to remind himself after a moment that you were waiting for him to continue. Pushing back into you with a quiet groan, his swollen lips parted slightly as erratic breaths came and went, a light layer of sweat making his bangs stick to his forehead in places. But he looked unbelievably attractive like this, the sight of him towering over you as he went back to work on you making you reach down to grab his hand, returning it to your throat.
He caught his lower lip between his teeth as he looked down at you, thrusting at an irregular pace as he struggled to stave off his orgasm, which was rapidly approaching. As desperately as he wanted to make you come undone first, everything about you was threatening to pull him over the edge. The way you closed your hand around his wrist, daring him to choke you, the fierce, almost feral look on your face as you gazed up at him. You weren’t afraid of getting what you wanted, and right now, you wanted him to fuck you until you were seeing stars.
His fingers started to press against the side of your neck as he relentlessly fucked into you, your eyes closing as you relished in the dizzy feeling that it brought to your approach to your orgasm. And Roger noticed this blissful look on your face, the sight of it too much to take as he mumbled, “God, sorry love, I might have to tap out early if you keep on looking like that.”
You were too wrapped up in your own ecstasy to care much that Roger was close, but you paid attention enough to tap on his wrist, after which he released the pressure he’d had on your arteries, and you opened your eyes to look up at him, smiling impishly. “Just let go, Rog. Don’t apologize.”
Those words reassured him and kept his hips moving as he reached up, sliding his fingers into your mouth. He groaned in approval as you wetted them down, and he reluctantly retracted them before reaching down to press them against your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts and making you moan out his name lowly. The sound of his name leaving your lips pulled him past the point of no return, and he came as he let out a loud groan, followed by a string of curses, his hips stuttering and pushing into you erratically as he rode out his high.
Panting as he came down from his orgasm, he kept his fingers pressed against your clit, applying more pressure and circling them faster as he still thrusted into you, albeit a lot slower. But it didn’t matter too much if he kept going, because you were soon calling out his name as you came too, your orgasm rocking your body to the core and causing waves of pleasure to consume you. 
Roger kept his fingers on your clit as you rode out your high, the already-sensitive nub in overdrive as he crooned softly to you throughout your orgasm, murmuring words of encouragement. When you were done, you finally collapsed back against the bed, exhausted from the mind-blowing, absolutely out of pocket sex you’d just had with your roommate. God, your roommate. Things were about to get real messy.
Roger pulled out of you slowly, making you feel incredibly empty as he left the bed and the room, disposing of the condom in the bathroom before coming back with a wet washcloth, cleaning you off as you watched him quietly, your chest rising and falling with each breath and heart racing as you attempted to catch said breath. When he was done, he tossed the washcloth God knows where before he pulled his boxers on and grabbed his shirt from the floor, handing it to you. You pulled it on gratefully, starting to button it from the bottom up as he finally came to rest next to you. He was about to speak when something in the doorway just past your head caught his eye, making his expression sour.
You turned your head to find Brian awkwardly filling the doorframe, his mouth slightly agape at the sight of you, pretty much fully naked except for the small expanse of skin on your tummy that the bottom two buttons on Roger’s shirt covered. “Oh shit,” was all you could say, and Roger quickly moved his duvet over your lower half as you tugged his shirt to at least cover up your breasts.
But Brian had already seen everything, so the attempt was futile. “Hey, Brian, mind telling me why the fuck you’re in my room right now?” Roger asked irritably, thoroughly annoyed that the tall, curly-headed man was just standing there, gawking.
Realizing that he was being a royal moron, Brian quickly composed himself, but his voice was lightly and apprehensive as he spoke. “Roger, may I have a brief word with you? Out here?”
“Brief?” Roger repeated incredulously, looking at you before sighing and crawling over you to get out of his bed. “I suppose you could, Bri, but I highly doubt it.” Brian turned after a terse nod in your direction, heading down the hallway, and Roger took the opportunity to turn in the doorway, watching as you crawled out of bed too, your ass peeking out from the bottom of his shirt when you turned for a moment to smooth out the duvet. Chewing on his lower lip, he grabbed your arm as you passed, stopping you in your tracks and making you face him.
“Bri’s waiting for you,” you warned, but he took no heed of your words, using the collar of his shirt on you to pull you in for a quick, searing kiss that left you reeling as he pulled away.
“Sorry, had to.” He quickly reached around you to pinch your ass, and you raised your eyebrow in response, trying not to smile as the devastatingly gorgeous roommate of yours sent you a cheeky smile to match his next words. “We’re not done here. Don’t get dressed quite yet.”
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giireyes · 4 years
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hello hello hello, i’m mini from the 6ix ! im a plant based, broke af media student that gets into one too many bus accidents when eating oranges and it’s been a hot minute since i’ve joined an rp this big, so - bare with me. also bare with my shitty gifs since i make them all from scratch. this ended up being a new muse for me so - bare with that too. i’m asking for a lot ! i’m sORRY DKFJGHDFKJGHD
emilia mernes. cis-female. she/her.  /  angel giselle reyes just pulled up blasting nada by tainy, lauren jauregui & c. tangana — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty three year old influencer/vocalist, i’ve heard they’re really -sarcastic, but that they make up for it by being so +humble. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say karaoke nights with friends, watching the sunrise, and dancing in the middle of the street. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! 
Full Name: angel giselle reyes
Nickname(s): gigi, angie, gi
Age: 23
Height: 5′2 ft
Place of Birth: cordoba, argentina
Date of Birth: january 15th 1997
Zodiac sign: capricorn
Ethnicity: hispanic
Nationality: argentinian
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic
Tattoos: a black outlined heart tattoo behind her ear
Language(s) Spoken: broken english, spanish
Accent: spanish is her first language, so speaking in english she has an accent.
Family: francisco camilo herrera de luna ( half brother ! )
Weather: summer
Colour: orange
Music: bad bunny, vincente fernandez, camilo sesto, celia cruz, jbalvin
Movies: the princess diaries
Sport: volleyball
Beverage: moscato, or rum
Food: alfajores
Animal: sloths
*** . FIRST . tw : abandonment, alcohol, drugs
angel was born in cordoba - no not in spain, but in argentina ! her parents were two teens that weren’t ready for a child, so what did they do ? they gave her away, and they decided to call her angel because she was born in a church. her relatives found this a good thing, maybe it would give her some kind of spiritual help - and in some way, maybe it did ?
through the years, she was passed between relatives, living in different parts of cordoba, until she got into her pre-teens, hitting different parts of south america. at some point she was living in mexico with her tio - and then returned back to argentina, but in buenos aires to live with her paternal abuelito. it’s funny because she knows her relatives, but she never actually ended up having a relationship with her mom and dad. they just sent money, some clothes, but never bothered to call and text. bouncing between places distracted her, but of course it always felt like something was missing. 
living in buenos aires, angel started going by gigi - it was a much less masculine name than her original name, and people have already been calling her angie. gigi just fit the cake ! 
hennyways, she started a youtube channel, posting dancing videos of herself, that eventually led to vine, that went to youtube ---- that eventually led to tiktok. that’s right, she’s a tiktok-er, and she got really famous for being so, not just in argentina, but all around latin america.  
at 21, she joined a latin american tiktok group, where they’d post videos of themselves doing dumb isht - not just that, she started posting cover videos onto YouTube as well, so while she was famous on TikTok, she was earning notice for her vocal ability that she got recognized by sony music latin and w.k. entertainment. she was signed and asked to move to miami, florida. this was a step into the american market !!
now, her lito was COMPLETELY against it. he didn’t want her to be americanized. it sounded ridiculous to him since she barely spoke english, and everything she had was in argentina. except gigi had money in the bank - so what did she do ? have this big fight with her lito, and family. she’s ambitious and she’s gonna go whether anyone said yes or no. 
because of this fight - her entire family ended up disowning her. literally, she left her home after the fight, and came back to all her stuff tossed on the street. whenever she tried to go to anyone in her family, they all shut the door on her. there was no turning back, and gigi really ... didn’t have a choice at that point. she knew she was never wanted, but it hurt to know it was a reality from those you made a home with.
from that point on, gigi doesn’t talk about her family. 
she did go to miami. the first flight out with whatever she could stuff in a couple bags. gigi lived in miami for about a year, staying in the united states on a work visa - so yeah, she’s not a citizen. during her time in miami, she learned a bit more english - though her accent is still very much present and a lot of things are very surprising to her in comparison to back home. 
so far she has released one song with ana mena and nio garcia called el chisme. gigi still works hard on all her social media accounts while working in the studio, and constantly networking with those in the same industry as herself - even outside of it !
she moved to LA just before she turned 22, deciding she wanted to know a different place. staying in a place for too long was never her thing, but her manager thinks it’s a good idea anyway. 
what you’ll notice when first meeting gigi is that she always smiles - she has this thing about her where even if her life really does suck - some parts of it - she tries her ABSOLUTE best to be positive, and just giving off positive vibes. i mean of course if you piss her off, different story. 
if you annoy her, she’s passive aggressive - not even that, she’ll just straight up tell you you’re being annoying or something. it’d take a lot for her not to like someone - actually i lied, if you give off a bad vibe, she’d give you a look, pretend to be nice and walk away DKFJHGJDKFGH
sarcastic brat. nuff said. 
gigi isn’t really aware of her “fame” which is so funny. she’ll be out, and if there are people taking photos of her, she’d be very confused, telling them something like “guys im not famous, stop.” even tho ?? sis u r thriving what do u mean ???? 
she gets brain farts a lot - mainly because she thinks in spanish, and has to speak in english. catch her speaking in spanish randomly forgetting the other doesn’t understand. it’s just in her personality to forget sometimes, especially if she gets super excited. 
clumsy ass bitch. NUFF SAID x 100. she is the type to be talking to someone, and then find herself crashing into a door, or almost walking into a busy street. 
she’s your go to if you want spontaneous fun - not just partying, but even just to hang out. you’re bored ? gigi will take you to a painting class. 
she’s clumsy, not stupid ! which a lot of ppl will confuse. especially in clubs, where people will try to take advantage of her, and gi will play dumb up until she’s the one playing the game on them. a devil in an angel’s costume to pit it plainly.
she has issues, like many people ! especially because of her family. it’s a sore spot, and the only way to really forget is when she’s out in the club at night - and well, you know, all the bad things come out to play during those times. she looks to alcohol and drugs to keep her sane sometimes, even when it shouldn’t. it’s not something she talks about either, and prefers it to stay as hidden as possible due to her image being the sweet girl kinda type. 
i really hate that she falls in love 14987348957439 times a day. its cos she tries to see the best in people, and then gets hurt and DKFGHJFDKJGHDF GIRL NO, UR BETTER THAN THIS. it gets her into a lot of drama, i want to push her into a door. 
her happy place is by the beach when it’s quiet with a bonfire and maybe strumming an acoustic guitar. that’s where she’d go to get away from everything. 
she’s never seen snow, and doesn’t know if she’d like it. so that’s something. 
gigi has a fear of seagulls. they’re demons with wings. prove her wrong. i dare you.
she doesn’t like being called by her real name - not even angie. only close friends call her angie since it’s more personal. her brand is gigi, therefore prefers to be called that.
if you call her anything besides that, she may actually just punch you - doesn’t matter if she’s small !! 
i’d add a connections part, but im a hoe for everything you got. let’s brainstorm together !
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