#but i can't speak or read or do anything to a useful/practical level
culmaer · 1 year
holy shit sina ken toki e so many fucking languages
i applaud you
ah, well, so about that. most of the languages in that list are supposed to be crossed out ! back when I made my blog you could do a few html things in the blog description, but it doesn't show up anymore, especially not on the app/mobile. so now it just looks like a long list of languages which is a bit misleading
I am definitely interested in all those languages, and have taken a few classes or self-studied most of them over the years, but I definitely don't speak all of them
should probably be edited/updated, but I'm not even sure I'd still remember how to do that...
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rizsu · 1 year
cherry balms gojo, nanami, geto.
sum. ex bf gojo, ceo nanami + one night stand geto. zzz not proofread sry !!
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gojo satoru.
“literally why are you sneaking around?” gojo questions. although he's basically crashing in your house, he still finds it odd that you're acting as if he hasn't seen above and beyond from you. his eyes trace your figure, he engraves every detail in his mind—almost as if he's slowly forgetting and doesn't want to.
gojo leans back onto the bed's frame, hands folded behind his head with one leg up. if you were to be honest, he looks devourable—if it's even a proper word. he's sporting a fitted black t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and a silver chain. a fit that'll make anyone drop; simple yet defines.
you waddle to your closet, careful to not slip on the water dripping from your body. yeah, you just finished your bath and would've changed your clothes right in your room, but someone decided to welcome himself. piling your outfit on your arm, you grab your phone from the bed and waddle back to the bathroom.
well, that was the plan but yet again gojo had other plans. one swift movement of his hand (lightly) gripping on your robe and you're pulled right back down to his level.
“do you need something!?!?” “you maybe. i dunno.”
oh okay! you think, not sure if you should act surprised or if you should bite his arm to set you free. either way, it's not like he'd react. after all, he's been your (ex) boyfriend for more than two-three years. he knows you.
gojo doesn't let you go—in fact, he uses the same hand to wrap it around your waist and keeps it there. surely enough simple touches between exes are fine right..? maybe it isn't. who knows and who cares? not him!
even though your break-up was mutual, it didn't fail to leave a salty taste in gojo. he's good at masking his negative feelings but sometimes, that barrier is broken and he has no proper/healthy way to deal with it. approximately two weeks after the break-up, gojo tried flings, one night stands, hook ups, and even dates but they all failed after he reveal his longest relationship being two-three years. absolutely no one wants to compete with someone who was practically his soulmate.
“SA-TO-RU!” a call of his name along with slap on the arm shakes gojo from his thoughts. apparently, he's been zoning out while staring directly at you without blinking which creeped you out. you know better than anyone that when gojo zones out, he zones out. it's like having the eyes of god spawn in front of you without warning.
gojo ruffles his hair, redirecting any out of place hair strand back to its position. sighing, he looks at you before speaking his mind, “let me kiss you.”
now it's your turn to sigh. eons of knowing gojo and you still manage to react to his shameless requests.
nanami kento.
“okay, can i change first at least??”
“no, thanks.”
“what do you mean “thanks”!?”
busy and boring. that's it. those are the only words that can describe office worker life. you agree, it's nice to work for a large corporation as their advisor but it's so boring. you can't stress enough how many times you forced your eyes to stay open. the time can be two hours into work and here you are, opening your eyes with your fingers to not succumb to the creeping slumber.
stretching your body, you let out a yawn before fixing all documents to deliver for your boss. every day you thank god that your boss isn't some old man that's impatient. your boss, nanami kento, likes punctuality but he gives a grace period of one day. anything later than a day results in extra work and payment cut.
throughout the long hallway, the clacks of your heels can be heard but you don't mind; it's actually a nice sound. makes you feel like a true professional. standing in front the door that reads ‘Nanami Kento: Official C.E.O’ in a gold plated sign, you knock twice while speaking your name, “y/n l/n here, boss.”
no more than thirty seconds later, nanami orders you to enter as he says his goodbyes to some random that you assume to be a business partner. gesturing you to come closer, nanami folds his glasses into his shirt as he spins a pen on his hand.
“i take it you're finished with the documents?” he assumes, glancing at you before his gaze returns to the stacks of paper on his desk.
marking every fifth booklet with your fingers, you neatly place them on the less crowded side of his desk, “yes. they're all signed too, boss.”
clicking his pen, nanami praises your work with a little “good job.” and signs off his last signature needed for the day. placing his pen in its holder, he reclines back into his chair with a moan of relief. the feeling of his back getting some support will never not be good.
you awkwardly stand in your position, hands clasped together behind your back as you await his next instructions. luckily for you, he never delays anything.
“sit here,” nanami taps his lap twice. he watches you hesitate before you make any movement towards him. closing his eyes, he leans his head back into his chair, stretching it to the left and right. nanami feels your weight shifted to the edge of his knee—yeah, he doesn't like that. why are you closer to his desk than you are to him?!
“i said here, y/n” “my bad..”
shifting closer to him, you get close enough to sink your head in the junction of his shoulder to neck. just close enough so that you don't need to rest your entire upper body on him.
“if i'm going to be honest, this feels so wrong.”
nanami hums at your sentence. with his head is still resting on his chair, he questions you, “how so?”
you fiddle with your fingers—you can't quite put it into words. there's something about it that feels taboo but it's not. this overthinking can possibly be the side effects of indulging in too many drama t.v. shows.
“i dunno.. it just does? not really but yeah.” “quit overthinking.”
although he's holding a neutral expression, nanami's smiling at your worry. he thinks it's actually the dumbest thing to worry about but he'll keep it to himself.
“you're here because i want you here. also, you're a talented woman.” he reassures you, squeezing your thigh with one hand in an automatic rhythm.
geto suguru.
geto enjoys the sweet dream he's having. after a long night, all he needed was a nice shower, one or two cigarettes, and sleep. twisting and turning, he relishes in the soft sheets until his hand accidently slaps something—most likely your face. his hand halts in its position as he sits up sharply at a perfect ninety degree angle. who the fuck, he wonders, looking at you who's also enjoying a good sleep even after that slap.
it takes geto about ten minutes to function his brain's thinking ability and remember what took place before he knocked out cold. oh right, he thinks. he remembers meeting you at some club, offering to take you to his and the rest is history. surprisingly, that was out of character for him. as much as he flirts and makes out like his fellow friends, he's never gone more than a make out session.
taking a big yawn, geto runs his hand up and down his torso before concluding that he should go back to sleep. slamming his head down, he reaches for your waist and pulls (drags) you close enough so that your back's directly on his torso. if he can't hug his pillow because you stole it, he'll simply hug you.
with a leg thrown over you, one hand comfortably resting on your upper body as the other's under his head, geto sinks back into slumberland with you. he's going to keep you there until he wakes up again—whatever happens before that is not his business.
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hualianisms · 6 months
Not father & son, not master & disciple, but a secret third thing
First of all, let me preface this by being clear that everyone is free to headcanon anything they want and like/dislike anything they like/dislike! That being said, sometimes I see international fans interpret FDB as LLH's son, or their dynamic as parent-child or otherwise familial, and as a native chinese speaker, I just wanted to share some reasons why I personally did not interpret them as familial.
Granted, at the start of the show, FDB is kept in the dark and also not up to LLH's level of skill in solving cases. However, FDB quickly catches up in crime-solving skills, intellect and maturity by the 2nd half of the show, after a well-written growth arc. I think the beauty of the characters and relationships in this show is that they grow & evolve, and are meant to do so. The dynamic that LLH & FDB had in episode 1 is quite different from their dynamic at the end of the show. By the later episodes, they are 2 adults who are very much equals.
Why I don't read them as father & son:
LLH & FDB act and speak in a manner that is far too informal & familiar with one another, which would be extremely inappropriate for any kind of parent & child, even a surrogate one. Several times, FDB calls LLH by just his first name "Lianhua", and sometimes even calls him "Damn Lianhua" when he is angry/upset at LLH. This would be extremely rude for a disciple to call a master, or a son to call a father. No son talks to his father the way FDB talks to LLH, and no disciple talks to their master like that. Unless the son/disciple hates the father/master, and is outright rejecting his father/master altogether. As we see in the show, not only does FDB not hate LLH at all, he instead cares deeply for LLH and would do anything to save him. Why, then would someone scold/curse someone they care about? Does the trope of the upset spouse/partner sound familiar?
For comparison, see FDB's interactions with He Xiaohui, who he is close to - he is informal & affectionate with her, but never calls her anything other than "娘 niang" ("mother"). I can't emphasize enough how taboo it is in Chinese culture to ever call your parent or parental figure by their name under any circumstance.
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2. In ep 31, FDB himself explicitly rejects the idea of LLH as his shifu and himself as LLH's disciple, responding that he is too old to be LLH's disciple and it was merely a joke. He clearly sees LLH as an equal, and rejects the notion of their relationship being anything other than that of 2 adult equals. LLH also tells his shiniang that FDB is not his disciple, and a few episodes ago LLH told FDB that he has never understimated FDB.
Coding/hints as something other than platonic:
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Zhiji/zhijiao - FDB calls LLH his 知交 zhijiao in ep 19, and 知己 zhiji in ep 34. "In this life, I, Fang Duobing, recognize you as my only zhiji." is practically a love declaration. And this bond is reciprocated by LLH, bc in a deleted line in ep 19, translated by forayuarchive on twitter, LLH is the one who first calls FDB his zhijiao.
To clarify, Zhiji is not specifically a romantic term, but it's what was used in both The Untamed and Word of Honor - both dramas based on danmei novels with canon gay main pairings - to bypass censorship, to code the bond between the main duo as deeper than your typical platonic male friendship. (See this post for a detailed explanation of the significance/history behind the term zhiji, and see this twitter thread for an explanation of the meaning of zhijiao in MLC - especially how zhijiao is specifically mutual, reciprocated).
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2. Married bickering - forayuarchive on twitter has discussed in these twitter threads how the tone of many of LLH & FDB's interactions (especially FDB) is similar to how married couples or romantic partners speak to one another bc of the level of familiarity, tone and language. For my fav example, see this note (translation by forayuarchive) that FDB left LLH in ep 35, which reads pretty much like a note that a spouse/partner might write when leaving their shared house in a hurry.
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3. "Xiaobao" - Personally as a native Chinese speaker, LLH calling FDB "xiaobao" in front of everyone is a level of intimacy that genuinely would make me feel embarrassed to hear as a third party. 小宝 xiao bao (literal meaning = "little treasure") is usually something you call actual babies/children AND is FDB's family nickname for him, so if you're calling a grown man that in front of everyone including his colleagues, family and even strangers, then one might assume he is likely either your biological family or your romantic partner. (For comparison, just imagine calling your s/o their parent's special childhood nickname for them at work.)
4. Deleted lines where FDB calls LLH "xiaohua'er". 小花儿 Xiaohua'er ("little flower") is very intimate and feels like something someone might call a lover. Or, at least, definitely not a platonic shifu, even less so a parental figure. (For meta on the names that LLH & FDB use for one another, see forayuarchive's twitter thread.)
5. More deleted scenes (translated by forayuarchive on twitter), perhaps cut due to censorship, which make apparent LLH's high regard and deep care for FDB. For e.g., a line of internal monologue by LLH in ep 40, translated here by forhenjun, shows that LLH thinks of FDB as the only person in his two lifetimes who has always treated him as a human being rather than putting him on an unfair pedestal.
6. Official MLC accounts act like as if they ship them.
As murderedbyhomework mentioned, there is a song in the official soundtrack of MLC called "Fanghua's Day-to-Day Life" (yes, the exact same words as their ship name). Sounds like a couple's daily domestic life, doesn't it?
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The official iQiYi Romance youtube channel lists clips of LLH & FDB under the romance category.
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The official MLC douyin account posts MVs with emotional captions (e.g. this one translated here by forayuarchive) that emphasize how much both LLH and FDB mean to one another. Another official MLC douyin calls LLH & FDB the person each other trusts the most.
The MLC clips posted by the official Guangdong TV weibo account also has captions such as these (translated by rice_jpg) that straight up describe FDB's feelings towards LLH as "when you like someone" (very similar CN phrasing as the phrasing used to describe romantic crushes).
7. They are subtly paralleled with a canon straight romantic couple (see fanqxiaobao's twitter thread on the parallels btwn LXY/QWM scenes and certain LLH/FDB scenes). MLC also made a distinct change from the novel by not having FDB get married to Princess Zhaoling, even though the drama could have easily given FDB a romance with her.
8. If you're familiar with chinese romantic tropes or the danmei genre, LLH & FDB fit many common romantic tropes e.g. sharing a drink on the rooftop under the moonlight, forgotten first meeting in childhood (and then meeting again properly as adults), power couple fighting side by side (they even held hands!), nianxia, protective younger ml, sickly older mc - just to name a few. Danmei even has many stories of shizun/shifu & disciple pairings who fall in love as adult equals.
There's honestly lots more but these are just some off the top of my head. Again everyone is free to interpret anything! This is just me explaining why as a native chinese speaker I personally did not read their dynamic as that of a father and son.
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banjomelodies · 9 months
I see a lot of people on Tiktok get mad at Lyney and Lynette for supposedly not having a super close relationship to Freminet, but like..
I feel like they do have a close relationship to him. I've never seen them actively try to ignore or shut out Freminet like some Tiktok Freminet fans would make you believe.
People forget that Lyney and Lynette are TWINS. Blood-related twins. And they're also bonded by trauma on top of that. Them being closer to each other than with Freminet would be a given. They've experienced the horrors and joys of the world together, and met Freminet during that journey. Their relationship with eachother would always be different than what their relationship with Freminet would be like. But that doesn't mean they don't care about Freminet, either:
Just by looking at their voiceovers, implications in character stories, and how they interact in official videos.. they do care A LOT about Freminet. Is it the same level of constant and consistent checking-in that two traumatized twins do? No! But that doesn't mean Freminet is unloved! And a good way to see that is just by looking at Freminets opinions on them.
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These are his opinions about Lyney.
Lyney shows Freminet every single new card trick he comes up with, the second Freminet cracks the smallest smile, Lyney knows his tricks are going to be great. Lyney is happy that he could make Freminet actually feel joy! Lyney also goes out of his way to go to Freminet, and show him new material he's working on. If he didn't care about Freminet, why would he even bother trying to get his opinions, or trying to make him smile?
And the second one, about Lyneys mask. Freminet is a character that hardly speaks his own mind because he doesn't like the awkwardness that comes from it (teapot conversations prove that), but he's clearly comfortable enough around Lyney that he was able to walk up and try having this conversation with him, despite knowing it likely wouldn't end well. If him and Lyney had a dirt poor relationship, Freminet likely would've never tried to initiate the conversation in the first place.
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This is his opinion about Lynette.
He does say something about how Lyney and Lynette always work better and smoother with eachother, and that he can't do the same. But Lynette tries to cheer him up when he's down on himself. She tries to tell him that everyone has their own strengths, and that this doesn't mean anything regarding his usefulness, especially with his skills in machinery that nobody else in the orphanage has. Lynette does care about him!
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(the part that cut off would be this: "Here, have mine too." Said Lynette as she filled his cup with tea, "We're family.")
And this is from Freminets character stories.
Freminet expresses obvious doubt of his place there. Lyney and Lynette are two siblings who practically can read each other's minds, they always know how to speak and interact with eachother, and it'd obviously bother Freminet, who's self-worth is already incredibly low, on how he thinks he'd just be an extra part left to waste in comparison to the two.
But Lyney and Lynette both go right in with including him. Lyney gives him and Pers a crucial role in their plans, and Lynette offers him her food and more tea, while straight up telling him that they're family now. If they didn't have any interest in trying to treat Freminet like family, they both could've easily let him fall into the role of just an extra piece in the corner to call upon when needed, but they didn't.
And. To add on!
Lyneys video:
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Lynettes video:
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Freminets Video:
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The three of them all cameo in eachothers videos, Lyney and Lynette both do rehearsals in front of Freminet and regularly ask him for opinions, and Freminet wants Pers to be part of their show!!
Stop saying Lyney and Lynette don't like Freminet, Tiktok!!
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Hello this is a question that came about from watching the new Fallout TV show and a character named Maximus. He’s a relatively neutral character and his arc is very wonderful coming from a writer and big book reader but I noticed that the average viewer doesn’t understand his character and actually hates him… my question is as an author is it okay to make your story more digestible to people who lack perception since it’s the general audience for mainstream media and how do you do that without losing your story? Idk this was probably too complex and a stupid question 💔
Not a stupid question! There are no stupid questions.
Going to unpack this a bit though. (I haven't seen the show.) First some general points, but then some advice on balancing complexity in a story.
So. Some things to get out of the way:
You don't know what the average viewer is thinking. Just because their opinion on a character is different to yours, doesn't mean they lack perception. Do we sometimes have an issue with critical thinking in the modern age? Yes. But we also live in an age where people bring a vast array of different insights and experiences into the stories they read/watch. 99% of the time a story doesn't have just one right interpretation, especially if it is a more complex narrative.
You CAN try to write a story that is more digestible to a general audience, but if you do have concerns about the media literacy of the general population, focusing on providing unchallenging stories is not the fix to that. People learn through engaging with interesting work and having discussions about them - e.g. when they are given the opportunity to. Perception, like anything, is a skill trained with practice. No one's born with it. There's no inherent us/them that can't be changed.
Will you be happy and fulfilled as a writer writing stories that you feel are dumbed or watered down? I know I wouldn't end up writing the versions of stories that I want. Similarly, you probably won't then attract the readers/audience that most resonate with your ideas, because you don't give them the chance.
Generally speaking, people hate being talked down to. As a reader/lover of stories, if I thought a writer was talking down to me and thought I was an idiot who couldn't understand the themes/plot, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with their stuff. It's a horrible feeling, isn't it? It's like being written off before you even leave the gate.
Okay, now some advice: Amazing children's books are a great example of stories that are simplified to appeal and meet the audience where they are at, without losing the richness that makes them resonate and engage readers/audience. However, there are adult examples too. They share some qualities.
These often have:
Clear structure (there are a myriad story structures that you can use to make a story hit beats the reader expects and create a sense of satisfaction, while still giving you room to play.)
High concept story idea/plot (so, stories that can be explained/pitched in a line. E.g. children are forced to fight in televised death matches (Hunger Games), a famous author is imprisoned by a dangerous fan who doesn't approve of his new work (Misery), 'it's jaws in outer space!'). These stories have simple premises that often have wide-appeal, but the stories themselves can be complex.
Engaging main character(s) with a clear goal/agenda. They don't have to all be morally pure, but for an easy win, your character should be likeable/easy to root for. In a children's book, e.g. at the simplest level, these are often also high concept. (E.g. a mouse wants to be heard so is convinced it needs a lion's roar to be loved - The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright)
There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Game of Thrones was phenomenally popular, for example, but I don't think it's an easy to sink into world/simple set of characters.
Watering down an existing story to fit a different target audience is often not going to lead you to write the best story. This is because it's like trying to fit a triangle into a circle, or make a banana bread into a savoury scone. However, there are plenty of stories with mass-appeal that offer readers a variety of different levels to engage with them, so it is very possible to write a brilliant story with mass appeal. But you work from the foundations up, not from the finished product down.
I hope this helps!
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rongzhi · 1 year
Hi! I have been learning Chinese for 8 months now, and even though I'm doing okay on HSK3 level, i feel like I'm in need of more content for this level that i can consume and practice. A lot of the shows and tv programs are still too difficult for me and i only understand around 40% of words (at most 😆).
I already watched everything on YouTube channels like Mandarin Click or Mandarin Corner etc, but in general i cant find that much for low levels. Do you happen to know where I could find some more? It could be texts, stories or videos, just below HSK4.
Sorry to take your time. Have a good day!
First of all, great progress!
I would continue just watching some programs for the exposure, even if you can't quite keep up yet.
Aside from apps and standard learning material (which I assume you already have resources for), I think for HSK 3 which I assume is beginner/intermediate, you might just have to bite the bullet and follow along with elementary school content, even if it's boring.
You can probably also find children's programming on Bilibili. I gave a rec in this ask of some Chinese cartoons to check out. Make sure to check out any recs in the notes as well!
This playlist with videos aimed toward Chinese 1st graders. It is a little dry, but the teacher speaks clearly and fairly slowly and from the first few minutes, I think it should at least be good listening practice as well as reading practice with anything visual. A lot of the first videos go over things you should already know since the videos are aimed at teaching Chinese children to read, so you may just want to skip to part 43, 课文1, where the videos will begin class readings of elementary texts.
Check out this site for scans of pages from the Ministry of Education's textbooks. The link should go straight to the page for first grade, but if you find that too easy, the menu across the top of the page goes up to 6th grade. There are just one or two years' books for each grade, I think (you'll have to click around a look). The textbooks contain short stories with pinyin guides.
This youtube channel has Chinese nursery rhymes if you don't mind the ugly ass art
Generally speaking, I think after HSK3/HSK4 is where your language skills will really see improvement so when you're still starting out there's not as much material because that's when it's expected that you just have your head stuck in a textbook.
You might find it useful to give yourself some longer term projects or challenges; translation is a good way to really spend some time thinking about the language, so it might help to find a song you really like and try translating it line by line with a dictionary. Pick a pop ballad or something that sounds cute and simple because other genres like gufeng will probably be too difficult. Later, when your language skills have improved some more, you can try translating the same song again and see if you decide to make any different translation choices based on new insights.
If anyone wants to leave more links for beginners, please feel free to do so in the replies of this post!
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sherylhooper · 8 months
Okay, okay, I've seen way too many tiktok about how every Soukoku shipper also ships SatoSugu and I just have to say it.
No, lmao.
You have to be reading the BSD manga and novels with your eyes closed to even compare the level of relationship between Dazai and Chuuya to Satoru and Suguru.
They aren't on the same level and SatoSugu is even lower than Shin Soukoku.
I'm very sorry that SatoSugu black and white stuff can't even compare to Akutagawa and Atsushi's black and white (Atsuhi literally has white hair with black strip and Akutagawa has black hair with white strips).
Sorry but Geto isn't Chuuya and Satoru isn't Dazai. Suguru didn't have the same impact that Chuuya's existence had on Dazai (or anything close).
"My one and only" isn't the same as Chuuya making Dazai's suic!dal ass give life a chance. And this was way before Dazai and Oda even met.
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"I believed a man like you wouldn't kill bunch of my students" (when in JJK 0 Geto mutilated Maki, Panda and Toge, lucky them that Yuta knew Reverse Cursed Technique) isn't the same as everybody and their mother telling Chuuya about Dazai being dead but him still using Corruption that could very well kill Chuuya himself and everything around him if Dazai trully was dead). He believed Dazai was alive WITHOUT DAZAI EVEN CONSULTING HIM, They need no words to know (and trust) each other.
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SatoSugu isn't the same as Soukoku when Dazai spent every second and every minute of last 7 years thinking and dreaming of how to kill Chuuya (as he tells Sigma).
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Atsushi's "just the two of us" and Akutagawa's "is there a need for more" is more impacful than SatoSugu's tragedy. Sorry, not sorry, but in canon some people don't even care about Geto.
He is just some guy who just was... there...
And I like a lot of genoc!dal mass murderer bastards: Sukuna, Toji, Obito, Madara. Hell I like Naoya's misogynist ass more than Geto.
Speaking of Obito, my respect is always there with Kakashi who just found out that the idol he practically worshipped was in fact very much alive and had started the Shinobi World War 4 and he still didn't hesistate and went for a kill!!
What have Satoru been doing all these 10 or whatever years while Geto still had "excution" on his head? Who knows how many civillians he killed in those years.
Yeah, I know, I was ranting but even filtering satosugu stuff on tiktok don't stop the videos from popping up 😒
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jemariel · 9 months
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Falling With Style
By Jemariel
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Words: 15,831
Tags: Wingfic, Dean has angel wings, Human Castiel in the Bunker, domestic fluff, wing grooming, flying lessons, love confessions, Cas has self-worth issues, first kiss/first time together, Profound Bond Gift Exchange: Hot Entity Summer
Written for the Profound Bond gift exchange for @eyesandwingsonlyafterdark !! I hope you enjoy 💙💚💖
Summary: Dean's facing a long summer cooped up in the bunker with nothing but his own brand new eight-foot angel wings for company. And Cas, of course. But the former angel is acting super weird about this whole thing, and Dean can't figure out why. He could sure use some help from the expert, though.
(In which Dean learns to fly, and Cas remembers what it's like.)
Read on ao3!
Excerpt and tag list below the cut, let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my tag list!
On this particular Thursday, Dean finds Cas in the library. Deep in the stacks, in a section that mostly contains books on angel lore, as far as Dean knows. He’s got an armload already and is peering with great concentration at the cobwebby shelves.
Dean sidles closer, winching his wings in tight as they’ll go so they don’t knock anything off the shelves (again). Be a shame to give away the game.
Closer… closer… years of practice keep his feet and breathing quiet until he can count the hairs on the back of Cas’s neck. And then, just as Cas is juggling his books from one arm to the other—
“Whatcha lookin’ for?”
Cas jumps about a half a mile, and a dozen moth-eaten volumes go tumbling to the floor. Sam’s gonna kill him.
Worth it.
“Dean—” Cas exhales, a hand on his chest and murder in the set of his jaw. “What the hell are you doing?”
Dean grins and relaxes his wings a touch. “Just having a little fun,” he says, tongue between his teeth. For some reason, getting a rise out of Cas always gets him giddy. It’s like champagne bubbles under his skin, and ever since he sprouted these feathery intruders, that’s where he feels it the strongest. It’s like all the feathers are standing on end. It’s happened before. Like the time he pretended not to know or care about the Library of Alexandria for an entire hour, and Cas had gone on a righteously livid rant that left him flushed and sweaty. There’d been a chalkboard involved. Or the time Cas had wandered into the kitchen all pre-coffee grumpy in nothing but sweatpants while Dean was making eggs. That hadn’t exactly been Dean getting a rise out of him, but it gave him the goosebumps all the same.
Dean had chosen not to analyze it too closely.
With a glare in Dean’s direction, Cas crouches down to pick up the books, ruddy around the ears. It’s then—looking down at Cas’s head just below waist level—that Dean realizes just how close he’d positioned himself. His wings tingle harder, and his stomach does this funny little twist as he shuffles back to a more respectable distance. Suddenly, he has to swallow a whole mouthful of saliva and clear his throat before he can speak.
“Seriously, what are you doing back here?” he asks. Totally neutral. Completely normal.
Rising to his feet, Cas hands over one of the books. The spine looks like it’s decided to make a break for it, hanging on by a few bare horsehair threads. Dean actually feels bad for a minute before he reads the title.
“Alchemical Properties of Angelic Minutia? Sounds grim.”
Cas nods, still averting his gaze, fingering the dusty pages of a slim, gilt-edged volume. “I was hoping to uncover a solution to your… predicament.”
“Gabe said it would wear off on its own, right?”
One of Cas’s eyebrows climbs toward his hairline. “And you trust him?”
Dean snorts, handing the book back. “Not even half as far as I can throw him, but why would he lie about that?”
“I can think of a dozen reasons. But even assuming there is truth in that, why shouldn’t we try to”—he gestures vaguely with his laden arms—“encourage the process?”
Dean considers, crossing his arms as he leans against a bookshelf. The edge of the shelf digs into his bare bicep, and he shudders to think what kind of dust his feathers are picking up. “It’s not so bad,” he says. “Kinda grateful for the vacation.”
Cas squints at him in flat disbelief. “Dean, you have put up a protest every time Sam has left on a hunt for the last two months.”
“Yeah, well.” How does he explain this? “Netflix ain’t gonna binge itself, right? C’mon. I’ll make some popcorn.”
Cas nods vaguely as Dean slaps him on the shoulder and turns to escape the library. “Give me a moment to… reshelve these, I suppose.”
“That’s the spirit.”
Read more on ao3!
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k-dokja · 11 months
Summary: The needed communication with you after everything he had gone through in recent days.
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Jake won't think about it.
Because if he does, he'll somehow manage to call upon your wrathful spirit and get an earful for getting into trouble again. He promised he wouldn't, he's breaking his promise again. If you don't want to put up with him anymore, he'd have zero grievance about it except the guilt he will harbour for the remainder of his life, however fleeting it will be.
It's one thing that he got involved with the gang business, he made his choice long ago and you respected that. You chose to stay with him in spite of his foolhardy crusade to save Sinu. He couldn't ask for more from you. But now, he's on the run again, Big Deal is scattered and arrested, and you haven't heard from him for days.
Jake won't think about it. If he dwelled on how you must be feeling any longer, he might do something stupid and run back like he's not a wanted man. Truthfully, he'd have followed that impulse had it not for the real potential that you'd be affected by his actions, too.
He saw your messages. All fifty-something of them. He read them all and thought about replying for days now, but every time he typed something, his fingers faltered and once again, he was at a loss for words. No excuse would suffice at this point and the longer he lets it go on, the harder it becomes to answer you.
Like it or not, he's on the fast track to win the title of 'Worst Boyfriend of the Year'. One would need an insurmountable level of stupidity to overtake him in this race at this point.
Even when he has the chance to contact you, with a new SIM card and a new phone, he can't do anything except stare stupidly at your phone number on his screen. Typed out, but he was doing nothing to initiate the call. You'd probably yell at him if you even thought to pick up a strange number.
He'd deserve all of it and you'd deserve better.
Jake sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. Better get this out of the way sooner than later, lest the wound fester and turn into blisters that will scar. He presses the call button, and dread pools at the bottom of his stomach.
A few rings pass by before a familiar voice speaks up from the other side. "Hello?"
He swallows. Not until he hears you that he realizes how much he missed you. You sound a bit more nasal than normal, he wonders if you're well. It's silly to even consider that your life is going on fine while he's in hiding, but it'd be arrogant to assume you're suffering because of him.
He won't know until he asks and it's a challenge to get there when his throat is this dry. Slowly, Jake says your name. It's more of a tentative plea than a greeting.
You go quiet. He doesn't need to see your face to know you must be upset at him. With a deep breath in, he braces for all of the scolding you will unleash upon him.
"...Are you safe?"
But it never comes. What he gets instead is your quiet concern, he doesn't know how to deal with that. It's far easier to pacify you when you're mad at him because he's used to it. Used to all of your irritation and your sigh and your eyes rolling. Not this, however. Not the fear of disappointing you even further.
He never quite knows what to do with it. "Yeah," he says, "I'm with an old friend of my dad... Lineman is also here. We're fine for the moment."
"Okay." You say. There is a silence after that makes him think you're trying to pick your next words. What he gets is a question. "Do you know how to get out of this?"
It's pragmatic and practical, he feels silly to think otherwise of your reaction. He almost wants to laugh, but he has to settle with a smile on his face, "We have a plan, a vague one, but it's a start. I don't know how long this will take but..."
Jake heaves out a long sigh. The truth isn't easy to admit even when you're this calm. "I can't guarantee anything, I'm sorry."
"When have your words ever meant anything?" You're the one who laughs and he can't help but wince. "Just try to stay alive, and if you do, let's talk when you're back."
He hates the sound of that. He hates how his entire body seizes when you say those words, but he has no choice but to agree with you. He has done enough damage as it is. "...All right." He adds, perhaps needlessly. "I'm sorry."
"I know you are," you say, "I'll have to go back to practice now, will you stay in touch?"
Jake won't deny that he's disappointed by how short-lived is your conversation, but he mentions nothing of it. "Yeah, same number," he says, "I'll let you know if something changed."
"Thanks," you reply, "please stay safe."
"I will," he swallows again, not knowing if he has the right to say these next few words, but he says them anyway, "...I love you."
It takes you a few seconds to answer. A few seconds too long. "Goodbye Jake," you say, "I hope I'll see you soon."
The call ends before he can say anything else.
Suddenly, his mouth feels bitter with regret.
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
Regarding your post about censorship: I'm like 90% sure most of this is not censorship (they left the entirety of buddy funny as it was. I refuse to believe "partner" is where they draw the line). I've played tons of Japanese video games in official English; the usual standard for translation is, in practice, that it shouldn't be obvious it wasn't originally written in English. Imo, this is the actual difference between "the miles i fell in love with is so cool!" (Not grammatically incorrect but not how actual people speak) and the official. As for it having romantic connotation to begin with, lol you said you got that from looking it up but Google the same thing in English and you will still get only romantic advice because it just assumes you're asking when the appropriate time to say I love you in a relationship is.... It could've been a joke, or a gay allegation, an anime way of speaking, or even nothing. How would you know which? I absolutely do not mean this in a rude way and I'm really sorry if it comes off like that but. I don't think you can comment on the connotations of words or level of casualness without speaking the language yourself.
Same with minoharu; it's (unfortunately) not canon. If she actually said "I love you!!" Regardless of dictionary definitions, it will be read as a romantic confession by most players, and you often say the game likes ambiguity so I take it that's a no. "I like you!" Is rather an awkward thing to yell in english, though. So "you're the best" is what they substitute.
(Please don't blame the translators for stuff this insignificant tbh. Some things in early game may sound clunky, but they've really smoothed out over time in terms of word choice sounding natural (...event names notwithstanding). I've done translations between my first language and English for fun; if you linger on every last word and it's connotations, you will go /insane/ reallyyy quickly. Imo no two words in different languages have the exact same meaning, connotation, use case etc. Ever. Differences of this level are utterly inevitable when games have so much text.)
Anyway. Thanks for all the effort you put into this blog, it's a fantastic one and it's not my intention to be harsh, if it comes off like that please just delete this ask. Don't feel bad about something some stranger on the internet said.
to be honest I don't think it's all censorship either, i just kinda went off on a tangent about things getting removed in translation and i did put in the post reasons why these translations actually are valid (aside from Toya woao because they did leave that one in the card name so it was a deliberate choice to remove it from the story, thereby also removing the reference in the card name). That Asahi post is old and I have done more research into it since, because my JP isn't good so I've gotta make up for it somehow, and literally every dictionary definition and anything I can find for that word frames it as romantic. For the extra mile I checked Japanese dictionaries for languages other than English. It is romantic. Even if he's just talking about the character and not Tsukasa, it is romantic and removing it was a deliberate choice. "The miles i fell in love with is so cool" might sound a bit rough, but it could have still been translated to keep the original context no problem. You could've just done something like "well of course it was cool. i fell in love with miles for a reason" or "it was so cool! as expected of the miles i love". the thing is with writing for a game like this is sometimes people need to say things that in real life you would probably just say in your head. the POV character for this event is Rui so we can't just take a look at the thoughts of the characters, which is why what they're feeling needs to be conveyed through text even if it sacrifices a bit of the realism. especially in a visual novel styled game like this because the characters are limited to a 2D model with limited movement and expression. if this was an anime you could probably get more leeway with what they say because you can convey the character's feelings through various other means (eg: the animated MVs that don't have any dialogue but could convey a story and emotion much better than looking at the in-game version of the scene with no dialogue). Don't worry I don't think you came off as rude and I know I shouldn't really talk about a language I don't speak but I hope the research can at least kind of make up for it.
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Minoharu isn't canon I know but it's very obvious that what Minori feels for Haruka goes into romantic territory, whether you like the ship or not. And sure, if you put "I love you" most people would probably read it as romantic by default, but that hasn't stopped the translators before. "You're the best" honestly is a valid localisation that still conveys pretty much the same meaning I just find it odd that "I love you" is removed here, a flashback scene from a point in time where minori and haruka didn't know each other, but is translated with accuracy in multiple interactions between An and Kohane in present day. If Minori and Haruka don't know each other it's slightly less likely that people will interpret it as romantic and slightly more likely that people will interpret it as a simple idolisation but with An an Kohane actually knowing each other and having a close and affectionate relationship the go-to is probably gonna be romantic (which isn't necessarily wrong considering the events of BFST and Wishing for Your Happiness, but still sticks out that they left this in here but change it for another couple with heavy romantic subtext).
I'm not blaming this on the translators, they're just doing their job and obviously with localisation you've gotta lose stuff, it's just that some of these are very specific things to cut (eg: any indication of Asahi feeling romantically towards Tsukasa's character and ambiguously Tsukasa himself is completely absent in the official translation). I'm blaming this on the higher ups at sega who get the final say on what is and isn't included in the translation. You can't translate everything directly because languages don't all work exactly the same, especially english and japanese. obviously due to these differences, you're not going to be able to translate everything directly and localisation is necessary (regardless of language) to make it accessible and easy to read for an audience outside the country of origin. but there are gonna be questions raised when a scene is localised to keep the same nuance as the original text aside from one line that removes notable queer subtext. because if they can keep the rest of toya's speech in line with the original but they specifically remove the part about him wanting to stay side-by-side with akito forever and change it to wanting to perform side-by-side, despite the fact they left in the "now on and always" part in his card name, that was removed from the story intentionally. they kept what asahi says to tsukasa with the same meaning as well, but any indication of asahi feeling romantically towards the other is completely gone. the issue is that sega seems to be intentionally removing queer subtext from the game.
don't worry anon this wasn't harsh, and localisation is something that actually interests me and i've read into quite a bit, so i enjoy the opportunity to talk about it. and thank you as well!
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
hiii ❣ it's a bit random but do you have any advice for a beginner writer?
i want to write web series and while i'm going to write for my pleasure, i still would love my work to be good enough to have readers.
but while i read stuff and write fics, i don't think it's enough to help me write an original several episode work. + i want to write in english but i'm not a native english speaker.
do you have a textbook or any resource in mind that you'd reccomend to a beginner writer?
Unfortunately, I don't have one single one-size-fits-all resource or silver-bullet magical writing improvement tool that I can recommend, as everyone learns/practices in different ways and some people swear by things that don't work for other people. I can't speak to the value of Grammarly or any other online tool that promises to make you a better writer, as they can often be used to feed your work into AI, make bizarre and/or flatly incorrect suggestions, or otherwise be confusing and unhelpful for a newbie writer, especially someone whose first language isn't English. If you work better within an interactive framework or just want to see if it does seem useful, then by all means do check it out, but don't feel like you HAVE to use it (or anything else) if it doesn't offer much to your process.
As ever, and unhelpfully, my advice for becoming a better writer is to write a lot and read a lot, in all kinds of genres. There's really no get-good-at-writing-quick hack to suddenly get you where you want to be overnight, but you CAN get there by dint of steady and sustained progress. You say that you already read things and write fics -- which is great! You clearly already have some practice with the overall concept, and you are not starting from total scratch. While a lot of writers have a goal of something they really want to do (i.e. in your case, write a web series) and feel like the first one they write has to be The Real and Good One that they only launch into after appropriate years of practice, that's not the case. You can start writing the series now, if you want to. You'll have to also share it with people who you trust to give you helpful and honest feedback (the mortifying ordeal of being known, etc) while also respecting the skill level that you're currently at and not tearing it down for being up to professional standards or something else that doesn't accurately reflect where you are and what you need feedback on. But yes, you will have to write steadily, share your writing with others, and challenge yourself to read and write in different kinds of texts -- i.e. not just fic or amateur fan content, but literature, nonfiction, genre fiction, academia, special interest subjects, and so forth. Writing by professionally published authors is not necessarily always better, but it does give you a sense as to what is deemed marketable, what the general skill level and standard is, and what you might like to emulate or try to do with your own projects.
Also, as a side note, I think that plenty of amateur or fan-written content on the internet is not necessarily outstandingly good, technically speaking. This doesn't mean it's bad -- plenty of people read and enjoy it anyway, and aren't coming in expecting it to be an award-winning piece of fine literature. Standards for what is good, enjoyable, or well-written vary dramatically by genre, medium, what your audience is expecting and/or paying for, and so forth. Some people also have high and/or picky standards for what they will read or what they find enjoyable to read, while others will just go along with the story and don't care as much about the format or technical prowess or so forth. So it is very much a subjective measurement, and if you get to a place where you enjoy reading your own stuff and find it engaging -- regardless of what arbitrary skill level you feel yourself to be on -- chances are that other people will too.
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clownrecess · 1 year
if this is offensive please let me know
When I read you were non speaking, I was wondering, could you, in a scenario where you were able to control things to make the environment how you wanted, speak? Is it a selective mutism thing etc? Ive never had the chance to communicate with a fully non speaking individual so please excuse my questions
The level of oral speech I can use varies a lot. Currently I use AAC full time at school and part time at home, but I might have to use it full time at both soon, or perhaps not at all!
When I use AAC full time, like fully full time, and I have acsess to no mouth words, I usually cannot use oral speech no matter the scenario, however an exception of this is sometimes I can say unclear sounding mouth words to my gecko, or to myself, when completely away from other humans. This is because my gecko feels completely like a safe creature to me.
Here are some examples of things I have unclearly orally said to my gecko when having absolutely zero mouth words in every other situation:
"Guds boo" which would me telling him "Good boy".
"Geckkya" which is just, "gecko".
"I yuv o-o-oh" which would be "I love you".
When I have no mouth words, I feel extremely anxious at the thought of speaking orally, so much so that I can't. Which sounds like selective/situational mutism, only it's different because along with that I also experience these things when having no mouth words:
Extremely difficult (usually impossible) time making the proper mouth or tounge movements that produce clear oral speech.
Brain skipping over words when reading, thinking, or doing anything involving language, so my thoughts or anything I read will go from "I have a green backpack! Its forest green, forest green is my second favorite shade of green, my first being sage green.", to something a bit more like "I backpack green, is forest. Forest second favorite green, I best sage.". Sometimes this also affects how I type, but it usually doesn't.
The part of my brain that has oral speech in it feels like it has a big block or a wall preventing me from getting to it, so it's just like, I know its over there, but I couldn't get it or even see it no matter how hard I tried.
And very occasionally, my processing of words or text will become so little that I think in solely basic symbols, and typing becomes practically impossible because well, it involves letters.
All of these things are the reasons I cannot use oral speech, and when everything is exactly perfect I still can't do much besides the example I gave with my gecko.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 7 months
Here is the nutrient-dense rooibus tea that many may not be able to swallow. If you are feeling tender, please do not read any further and take good care of your body/energy.
Anything that happens in this reality is God's will, even when our minds can't intellectually understand or make sense of it. That means there are no accidents. And there will always be heartbreak and horrific suffering in this reality just like there will always be sweetness and care.
Each of us come into the world with our own roles to play. I don't know why women in Sudan live in the horrific conditions, but what I do know if that if I take advantage of the privileges I have in the West, I'm being of service to them in some way.
Through conscious actions such as choosing to go for a walk in the misty cold rain, mindful that I have no threat of being raped, over slouching down in a chair and mindlessly scrolling on the internet.
Through movement --relaxing my body with deep breaths because there is no reason for me to look over my shoulders from fear and anxiety that someone will attack me.
Through a gratitude practice--just being thankful to eat a comforting warm meal around the kitchen table with loved ones, even if it is not the most nutritious.
Through thoughtfulness: how thoughtful I am in allowing my body to receive rest when tired or kindly making enough nutritious food to share with the single mother busy with toddlers on her hand.
Through decolonial sexual intimacy --being explorative and open, having the kind of sex I enjoy, and allowing myself to be have lots of fun and live more sexually liberated.
Or through creating authentically without complaint of being tired, blocked, or hungry-- are ways that I/we favorably impact the spirit of the women in Sudan who do not have the same freedom and access that I/we have, may never meet me/us, but can feel a greater sense strength through our meaningful actions that have long legs.
Remember that we are deeply enmeshed and connected in the greater ecology of life. What I do with day has some impact upon the collective. There is a karmic gift in living in places where we have more opportunities to speak, express, and be through everything we do.
In the West, the laws of karma have been always configured into our experiences. When we just squander our energy, we create a disconnect that causes of lose even more energy/power.
Two major influences impacting karma in an undesired way are our programming and conditioning from our family line and dopamine addiction.
I like to get to the core quintessential element of transformation. If you want to transform, you need energy. And to grow your energy is to expand your consciousness.
As we open up our consciousness, we can help to favorably influence or undo our karma through our heart-based thoughts, actions, and deeds, quieting/softening the mind, expanding the nervous system, and growing our prana (life force) through evolving our energy beyond a very basic, root chakra, sexual extinct. In other words, sex must include the whole body, especially the heart. Otherwise we stay stuck in these small singular stories of ourselves.
This is a temporary school we are living in so live it to the fullest. The body is also temporary so be good to it. Get all the lessons and blessings out of this reality. When you graduate from this reality I.e. die, you wills realize, once again, how much time you wasted taking this "game of life" too seriously than what was necessary. And all of this requires some level of devotion and courage, the essences of us where we can easily become too distracted to embody.--India Ame'ye, Author
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ambitious-zombie · 2 months
2024 Language Check-in
Today I was staring at my language bookshelf and realized I haven't intentionally studied anything in a long time! I mean, I study languages by myself for my own enrichment, not because I'm any good at them so... it happens. I want to organize this aimless meandering, but first a little recap of what I've studied and what I'd like to improve on.
Let's go 🥁
From highschool to now I still can't speak it 😔 I think that's because I struggle to connect with it tbh. I mean it's a practical choice for me and all, but I haven't found something that I'm addicted to that's in Spanish. I have found some books that might be interesting, so... there's that? So just reading books 📚
If you're reading this and know of some cool things in Spanish, then please let me know! Honestly, I'd love to study and immerse in Spanish more. I'll try anything once as long as it isn't too expensive
My beloved 😍 One day I will speak it with some sort of coherence! Until then I will babble at my favs online lol. Korean is simply a beautiful language and figuring out how it works is fascinating to me.
Goal-wise I'd like to work through the Ewha textbooks that I have and maybe review that one grammar book? I also have a good selection of novels, and other books to immerse in. I do have that bad habit of doing things above my level until I'm too overwhelmed and then not doing anything else for awhile, so... I want to work on that. Have a back up plan of webtoons or something. Definitely the language I am currently enjoying the most
I used to study German alongside Korean, but I ended up losing touch with it. I bought a Deutsch als Fremdsprache book awhile ago for review and gap filling, so I'd like to work through that and maybe read one of the children's books I have.
Czech, French, Portuguese, and Swedish are languages that I have dabbled in, but never got too far with. For sure I'd love to learn Czech someday. As well as Japanese, Thai, and so many more. In fact I just ordered some beginner textbooks for Japanese, which started this whole thing. Now that I'm thinking of it, I have textbooks for French, Thai, and Vietnamese as well as the others I previously mentioned. So many languages, so little time!
If you know or are interested in the languages I mentioned here then please reach out. I'd love to talk about languages and language learning with others! I might start making weekly updates or something, idk. I guess we'll all see what I end up doing
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
heyo! on your tags for the sports post i was curious if you could expand a little on getting rid of gender divided sports leagues?
i’ve never really considered the issue and my only frame of reference would be from my women friends who were undergrad athletes (mostly swimmers/ xc runners) that funded their education through sports and would not be performing at a collegiate level if there was no league for women.
i always love to learn more and while i’ve always been 100% in support of trans women competing in women’s sports, i have never thought about doing away with gendered sports completely so i was curious if there was any reading that shaped ur opinion on the topic!
i mean i think that post itself kinda sums up my own feelings on dividing sports leagues by gender--if the goal in such divisions is to 'even the playing field' by grouping competitors by equal skill or physical ability, then it makes more sense to just....do that. divide sports by weight class where weight would make a significant difference, or height class where height would make a significant difference, etc. or just....let everyone play together, because sports are never going to be perfectly 'fair' in the first place, bc everyone will have physical differences that lend themselves to different sports. again, based on my own personal experience playing in coed soccer leagues as a teen, it really just felt arbitrary to then go play in teams divided by gender; sure, sometimes the boys were better than the girls, but sometimes the girls were better than the boys. the park league i played in just randomized the teams so that there was a mix of skill level on every one, and you worked with what you had. granted, it was just something all of us were doing for fun or extra practice to complement more 'serious' teams we were also on, but still.
i think there's this conception that gendered sports leagues are like...the only thing that allows women to have careers in sports, but i honestly just think that's bullshit. if anything, gendered leagues relegate women to what is almost unilaterally considered a secondary or less important class of athletics--generally speaking women's teams receive less funding, less attention, less institutional support. maybe some sports would have a greater proportion of men playing at a professional level than women if we eradicated gendered divisions between teams, but others would likely have a higher proportion of women (there are already sports where women tend to make up a higher proportion of competitors, like gymnastics or cheer, but those sports are just undervalued because of our existing gendered dynamics in sports where boy sport = serious and girl sport = frivolous), and i also genuinely think there would be plenty of women who could compete on the same playing field as men in popular sports like soccer or baseball or basketball, etc. like. there a lot of professional women athletes who are really fucking good.
and the thing is, when i (and others) say "hey we should get rid of gendered sports leagues," none of us are envisioning this happening in a vaccuum; we're envisioning it happening as part of a wider project of fomenting gender equality (or, eventually, gender abolition)--working to change material conditions so that girls have equal resources to train and play sports if they want to, to make sure everyone has access to the sort of healthcare necessary to play sports, to food and clean water, etc. working to change sexist attitudes about what girls can or can't do or should or shouldn't do that lead people to devalue girls' athletics in the first place. i think part of the reason so many people balk at the idea of eradicating gendered sports leagues is that they imagine snapping their fingers and erasing women's leagues within the already-existing sexist system of current sports leagues, without contextualizing it as a wider project aimed at eradicating sexism throughout athletic culture, etc.
and like, with regard to your example of your friends who wouldn't be competing at the collegiate level without women's leagues. i guess my question there is like...why not? is it because they can't compete with the boys in those leagues? or is it simply because that's the existing structure, so their only option for competing is to compete in a women's league? obviously for people who depend on things like athletic scholarships this is a touchy subject, but again, for me it comes down to the fact that this whole issue doesn't exist in a vaccuum; in the first place, i think a college education should be free to anyone who wants it, and so the project of eradicating gendered sports leagues would ideally be happening in the context of a wider project of making education accessible, removing barriers to educational access, etc. like...these are all things we should be fighting for together.
at the end of the day, i see gendered sports leagues as a 'solution' to the issue of sexism in athletics that treat the symptom rather than the cause, and in doing so only reifies gender essentialism and this idea that women are 'biologically' inferior athletes (and also reifies 'women' and 'men' as two discrete prediscursive categories of being). eradicating gendered sports leagues while simultaneously working in other ways to eradicate sexism actually begins to address the underlying cause: gender essentialism. yes, any change would be slow, and there would certainly still be struggles w sexism in ungendered sports leagues. but just because change would be difficult doesn't mean it's a good reason to accept things the way they are, imo.
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justpostsyeet · 4 months
Tindómë ch2
F.A. Year 490
The story of Beren and Lúthien's daring escapade to steal the Silmaril and their encounter with Námo had spread far and wide across Arda. Erestor, however, found it hard to believe that someone like Lúthien could have the audacity to bend the will of Namó. He had never heard his uncle, speak highly of her. Perhaps, he speculated, Lúthien might have bargained Beren's life with the Silmaril, leading Námo to concede. But right now she wear the jewel as necklace as if its some cheap trinket not something that should be worshipped at the altar of Vana herself. That must be the reason behind it all, Erestor thought to himself as he walked towards the library.
Upon his arrival at the library, Erestor noticed his father and his uncle, Curufin along with his other family members having a heated discussion about something related to sneaking into the Girdle of Melian and attacking Doriath. Erestor wished he could be part of the conversation, but he was stopped by herald who politely told him that at the age of 130 he was too young to be in such meeting. He knew he wasn't welcome in such meetings yet. His father just glanced at him giving him a nod and a smile asking him what he wants and helps in finding him the desired book. He shushes him away while continuing their discussion.He bowed to him ans went away with his book. He felt anger that despite his extensive practice with the sword until his hands ached, his knowledge of about everything from medicines to war tactics, he's still made to feel like an outsider among his family.
As Erestor immersed himself in the books, his cousin interrupted him with a mocking remark. "Hey bookworm, don't you have anything else to do than to loiter around the garden?"
Ignoring his cousin, Erestor continued to read, which only seemed to fuel his cousin's taunts. "You know what happened today?" his cousin jeered. "We are getting married."
Erestor looked up, perplexed and disgusted by his cousin's words. "Not both of us to each other, we're marrying females," his cousin clarified, bursting into laughter.
Erestor was annoyed and confused by the conversation. "Can't you say that properly?" he retorted.
"Hah! Watch your tongue," his cousin warned before continuing, "Anyway, there's an alliance to take over Doriath and secure our borders, so we're probably getting married. Unfortunately, we have to marry some Avari princesses, those savage folks. But they do look pretty, don't you agree, Erestor?"
Erestor's confusion deepened, and he didn't want to hear any more of his cousin's nonsensical ramblings, so he walked away, leaving his cousin behind.
Later that night, Erestor was summoned into his father's chamber. He entered, bowing respectfully.
"Good evening, Father," Erestor greeted him.
"Good evening, son," Caranthir replied, looking outside and closing the doors to his chamber. "Listen, I need to talk to you."
Erestor became alert, sensing the gravity of the conversation ahead. "What is it, Father?" he asked.
"I need you to marry this princess," Caranthir said firmly. "I won't let Curufin's son marry her. It would ruin your position if you don't marry."
Erestor's eyes widened in confusion. "But Father, why can't my elder brother marry her?"
Caranthir raised his voice, "He'll marry someone on his level, not some Avarin princess. If I have two sons, I need to put them on two different fronts, don't you think?"
Erestor nodded hesitantly, understanding his father's reasoning.
Caranthir's expression softens "My son i feel the end is near but i refuse to perish . When I took the oath, i promised myself be alive no matter what happens because i love life and i shall have my victory and my life. I'll have what was taken away from and My family will return to peace in a place where always harmony resides and nothing seems out of order." Erestor could feel his father eyes tearing up. Caranthirturned his back to him rubbing his face. He turned again and said to him
"Listen my elen, we need to survive and learn to love and respect others but not trust them completely;these are treachous time you can't trust your shadows enough here." As night went along his father told him many ways of how he could win the heart of avarin royals to win hands of their daughter marriage along with some diplomatic strategies. When Erestor walked out of his father's chamber he realised that his father has never told him the princess name.
The next morning. In the grand hall of their elven stronghold, courtiers from various houses had gathered to discuss the impending political marriage between their people and the Avari. There was heated discussion on who should marry who.
As the discussion veered towards potential candidates for the marriage, Curufin slyly brought up the topic of Erestor. With a subtle smile, he addressed the assembled courtiers, "My lords and ladies, while it is undoubtedly true that we must forge alliances and secure our borders, we must also be cautious about the people we involve in such important matters."
All eyes turned to Curufin, curious to know whom he was referring to. He continued with a hint of malice in his voice, "I speak of my dear brother's son, Erestor. You see, he is not of noble lineage like the rest of us. His birth is... less than honorable, being the offspring of a union between our esteemed brother Caranthir and a mere human concubine."
Gasps and murmurs rippled through the gathering, and Erestor felt his heart sink. The familiar pang of shame and insecurity he had carried for so long resurfaced. He glanced at his father, Caranthir, who appeared visibly distressed at the turn of events.
Curufin pressed on, taking advantage of the moment, "Can we truly trust someone of such dubious background to be part of such a crucial political marriage? Surely, the Avari will not look upon him with respect or regard him as an equal."
As the courtiers nodded in agreement, Erestor felt a weight in his chest. He wanted to defend himself, to speak up and prove that he was more than just the circumstances of his birth. But the words got stuck in his throat, and he remained silent, struggling with a sense of helplessness.
Seeing the doubt in the courtiers' eyes, Caranthir tried to interject, "My brother, Erestor is a loyal and capable young elf. He has proven his worth in various matters and has a keen intellect. I believe he can-"
Curufin cut him off, "Brother, I mean no disrespect, but we must be pragmatic in our approach. It is not about Erestor's abilities; it is about perceptions and the delicate balance of power."
Caranthir's shoulders slumped, and Erestor could see the frustration in his father's eyes. He felt a deep sense of guilt, blaming himself for causing distress to his father and complicating matters.
As the discussion continued, Erestor excused himself from the gathering, feeling a mix of anger and sadness. Caranthir's stoic face soften when he saw exited himself, his father gave him a sympathetic look and a small nod then retirn to his stoic demeanour. He wandered to a secluded corner of the stronghold, feeling overwhelmed by emotions. He knew that his father's love and support were there, but the weight of being seen as an outcast was a burden he couldn't easily shake off.
S.A. 1040
He corrected the error of scribe who thought he can sneak in his opinions on a historical scroll. He had met a lot of them and suffered in hands of lot of them as they dragged his family name down with their imaginary stories written down as historical records. He closes his eyes his brain supplying a fond memories of his father.What is life if not Kaleidoscope of memories that comes to haunt you when you least expect it. Erestor signed, these lore masters don't his father as well as Erestor do. He was a good man under very bad circumstances. There are people who have committed far worse atrocities than him yet either their deeds are forgot or repressed into oblivion. They have made his family monsters on whom they blame all their miseries. He can't fight all of them, he had tried to fight them in the end decided that it's all futile. So, he focused his thoughts on the fond memory rather than painful one. In it his father was not some warrior or a maniac some people saw him but he was a tall protective figure holding his hands and jumping into rain puddle together.
@elvyshiarieko @bobitoo08 @asianbutnotjapanese
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