#but i can give u furries and gremlins
thrumugnyr · 1 year
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I am here to fairy-fy your fairies!
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vigilbutts · 6 months
MORE FOR U I ask for: Caithe, Anise, Crecia, Zojja!
And for ocs: how would the ladies react to my various commanders? Laighe, Kai, Joel, Matthias, Ruan, Roiel, Roibird, Trella, Hastigi, Taomesin, Cora, Vuisce, Cara, Call, and Mai Trin
(You don't have to do all of them u can ignore any u want to, I just wanted to give u lots in your askbox 💖)
Caithe- MISTLETOE!!!! I will give her the kissies. I love herrrrrrrrrrr...
Anise- ok she would kick my ass but mistlefoe honestly. I may support women's wrongs but I don't support monarchists also she is mean to Logan and only I am allowed to be mean to Logan LOL
Crecia- mistletoe!!!!!! hello yes my furry ass would like to smooch RIGHT NOW.
Zojja- mistletoe, but like. respectfully.
The Ladies would... mistletoe for Laighe (but make it slightly weird. cheek kissy with a clone). Mistlefoe for Kai because chaos mode activate (she doesn't have a good reason beyond maybe it would be fun to fight Kai).
Mistletoe for Joel, but The Ladies would be unsure which body to bestow a cheek smooch to.
Mistletoe for Matthias, but she would be annoying and blow him a kiss with the loudest kissy noise and little mesmer sparklies, probably.
Mistletoe for Roiel, she could probably sense there's enough chaos going on already, what with Roi's strong connection with the mists.
Mistletoe for Roibird, because she can't be mean to Roibird. He's just too friendly and sweet. She would feel bad if she made it Weird, so it would be the most normal mistletoe situation ever (and thus very WEIRD for The Ladies).
Mistletoe for Call. This is the most simple, she just wants a kiss with a hot girl. And Call is very hot.
Mistlefoe for Cara because The Vibes. The vibes are so off. Obligated to fight. Violence time. No chaos we die like weird sentient plants.
Mistlefoe Mai Trin because it would be fun and also she maybe wants to be a little mean gremlin to Scarlet. Hehe.
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omega-red · 6 months
! about me !
white poor southerner (usa) bisexual neurodivergent i consider myself to be a socialist and conditional pacifist, with compassion and logic guiding my morals. -------------------------------------------------------------------
american psycho and sling blade are my favorite movies INTERESTS AND/OR HOBBIES: art and drawing, fish, animals, TV, video editing, comics, freediving, music, singing, cooking, fishing, fashion, figure collecting, roleplaying, furry, philosophy, russian culture AESTHETICS: punk, goth, cowboy, feral, gremlin, gothic southern -------------------------------------------------------------------- on my blog i post about whatever i feel like posting, it isn't catered to any specific thing. you can call me johnny or gremlin or even omega red/arkady and if u have any questions feel free to ask! proshippers (minor+adult, inc3st, etc) and bigots (transphobes, racists, fascists, etc) DNI.
reposts fine (as if there's anything here worth reposting) just @ me or give proper credit my yt: https://www.youtube.com/@GremlinJohnny/videos
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Help my furry gremlins!
TL; DR - plz help a trans nb latin neurodiverse mushroom pay for their pets vet treatments, PayPal and Cafecitos link at the end of the post.
SO, those who know me know I usually have a really hard time asking for help, but my economic situation has worsened to the point in which I can barely pay for my groceries, and I have two furry babies who need medical atention ASAP.
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Meet Khoshekh - he´s supposed to be a cat but he doesn´t know - a demonic otherwordly gremlin who just really loves cuddling and kissing and being on top of your shoulders at all times like a pirate´s parrot. When I was hospitalized last year he developed OCD due to the separation anxiety and my ex´s bad handling, and is now dealing with many injuries - so he´s currently wearing the cone of shame, taking antibiotics, visiting an ethologist and taking anxiety medication. As you can imagine, that really takes a toll on my expenses.
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Then there´s Boudica - I have no idea how she survived the stress of losing my dog (her first companion) and moving multiple times in the last years, BUT she is still a judgamental tsundere cuddlebug who purrs like a train engine and needs lots of love. Also lots of vaccines, and her annual checkup. And anti-parasite pills! Which I need to give to both my cats at once.
SO, if you´ve read this far (thank u!) you will understand that I have many needs and very little money. I´m working my ass (and my neurodiversity) off as a language teacher but the quarantine hit hard, and ANY help whatsoever is deeply appreciated. For as little as 10 dollars is enough for me to afford one visit to the vet, so if 10 ppl donate 1 dollar its already a big help (argentinian pesos aren´t worth shit so a dollar is a lot of money here)
My PayPal, if you can spare a dollar or five: https://paypal.me/asternyx?locale.x=en_US
Mi Cafecito, si sos de Argentina y querés ayudar a mis michis gorditos y traumaditos: https://cafecito.app/asternyx
Thank you very much, if you can´t donate please reblog!
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be-ace-write-crime · 4 years
Too Many Kitties!
“I had six cats… Now I have six nearly naked men in my house…” you summarized out loud, rubbing your temples.
The cats you adopted turn out to be magic hybrids and they are so glad to be adopted by such a sweet mistress! You're not sending them away are you?!
Reader x Cat hybrid Bucci gang!
Wish fulfillment, fluff, cat hybrids, poly ships, surprise adoption, reader insert.
You were driving home after a long day at work. Nothing was going right at all. You had received a promotion at work a while ago, which you were initially excited about, but it really just meant you were handed off a complete dumpster fire for a small pay raise and your cat was your only salvation in these dark times.
You were actually thinking of getting a second one to keep Leone company. You’d get one from the pound when you had a little more free time. You weren’t really picky about breeds or things like that, but you wanted something cuddly.
Leone you had found on a rainy day under a dumpster. You had carefully kneeled in the filthy puddle around it and reached out to him. The look in his eyes broke your heart and you ran home with the big, soaking fur ball. He’d not even struggled when you bathed him, although he certainly howled like he was being murdered. It took him a long time to want to be touched after that first night, but now he greeted you when you came home with a rub against your legs, headbutts when you fed him, and he slept on the foot of your bed.
Thinking about it, it was raining just like that day now. Only by now you had a car. You looked into the grim alley you had found Leone in nearly steering off the road when you saw what you thought was a crate full of cats there. You blinked at yourself, thinking that had to be some kind of mistake. Who would leave a crate full of cats in this weather? You needed to check.
That U-turn you made could have landed you in prison if anyone was around, but you drove back up to the alleyway and heard the unmistakable yowling of cats. The bottom of their crate had filled up and the wet, mangy looking little gremlins were pawing at the bars, begging to be let out of the small basin they were sitting in. You slapped a hand over your mouth, shaking your head.
“Oh, no, babies. I’m not letting you out into the street, but I’m not leaving you here,” you said, grabbing the crate and tipping it over until the water was mostly if not completely out. It was hard to tell with the wet, furry sponges inside and the pouring rain that had soaked your hair and clothes as well now. It wasn’t just a drizzle, it was bad. You moved your car closer and hauled the crate the rest of the way and by some miracle got it into the trunk.
You turned the heat up for all of you and drove home, cooing soothingly at the soft meowing in the back.
When you opened the door Leone was there, joining the chorus of meows all around. You were all kinds of tired though, kicking the door shut and opening the big crate. You tore off your wet clothes down to your underwear, because it was freezing and examined the cats more closely for the first time.
They were a mixed bunch. One was white with black spots all over and bright blue eyes, almost snow leopard like, but it was most certainly a kitty. It was the first to tentatively step into your apartment and let out a less offended or scared sounding meow.
There was another white one, this one looking like one of those fancy, purebred, long haired ones, and it had bright red eyes. That one in particular was pressed as far back as possible, hissing even. You couldn’t really blame it. Your transport here had been less than gentle.
Then there was the small back one with little patches of orange. It was small and scrawny, you could tell it would be even when it was dry, but it had the brightest, most adoring purple eyes you had ever seen. It stayed cuddled close to the spotted white one, getting it all wet again trying to shake off.
Then there was a very exotic looking one. It was long and slender, with bronze fur and elegant spots and tiger like stripes. It had cheerful brown eyes and was the first to start looking around, under loud, meowing protest from Leone.
The last one was a small, fluffy one with gold fur and a slightly lighter patch in the shape of a heart on his chest. It’s green eyes studied you inquisitively, before getting out of the cage and bolting deeper into the apartment, getting a loud yowl of protest from Leone, who gave you an accusatory glare.
“Sorry for the surprise, Leone floof… I couldn’t leave them out in the rain, could I? And I do feel bad leaving you home alone all day now, so maybe you can get along? I’ll put up lost cat posters and call in with the local shelter, but I don’t think they were left out by accident…” you explained sadly, scooping the big, silver grump into your arms. He was so warm against your rain chilled skin and he didn’t even protest, just kept staring down at the other cats imperially from his place in your arms.
First order of business was getting the cats and yourself dry and warm. You toweled off the spotted white one, the exotic one, and managed to give the black one a cursory ruffle with a towel before it bolted. The blonde one had hidden under your couch, looking at you quietly with its tail twitching restlessly. You decided to leave it. You also didn’t dare get near the long haired white one.
Next was food and you wanted to be sure they all ate so you split them into different rooms, as much as possible, with a bowl of wet food each. White one in the crate, Leone in the kitchen as usual, gold in the living room, spotted white in your bedroom, exotic in your spare room, and black in the bathroom. In the minute or two they were all eating you quickly changed into something warm and dry and comfy. Dry and comfy being the dumbass giant onesie in your favorite color that you only ever wore around Leone.
You ran around to let the cats out of the rooms and checked to make sure they had eaten. They had. You collapsed on your favourite spot on the couch. You threw your electric blanket over your lap and turned it on and laid out the other over the free space on the couch where Leone liked to nap. As expected, your oldest cat curled up on it, purring happily, and the other cats caught on quickly, flopping down on either Leone’s blanket or you while you browsed your phone and decided tonight was a takeout kind of night.
The long haired white one came trotting over eventually and you slowly held out your hand to it until it dared come close enough to be lifted onto your lap. It was still kinda wet, but you could ignore that for now. The gold one peeked out from under the couch, still damp and sad looking as well, and you tried to reach, but it already hopped onto the couch and laid down on the backrest, watching you with its big, bottomless emeralds for eyes.
“I’ll probably have to name you all something, huh? Hmm…” You mused, holding the hissy baby still in your lap. It needed to dry up a little and you knew you’d never be able to pin him down with a hairdryer, so this was the best place for it. “You can be Pannacotta. Like the desert~” she told him.
The exotic looking one meowed as if to say they wanted to be named next. “Alright, you… Guido? Do you like that?” The cat meowed affirmatively and looked at the gold one.
“How about Giorno?” you asked the blonde kitten. It showed no outward response, but it didn’t seem to object. About what you could expect from a cat.
“You can be Arancia, with those bright orange spots~” you told the black cutie. Right away it seemed to meow something like the name and you laughed. “Narancia? Would you prefer that? Okay, it actually sounds cuter that way. Good call!” you laughed.
Last was the spotted one. You struggled with a name for a bit, thinking of a few and dismissing them. “I really like the name Bruno, but you’re a white kitty,” you eventually said. You’d already gotten kind of fixated on the name for him, assuming he was even a boy. You hadn’t checked. The spotted cat purred and came to cuddle up to you, which had to be the clearest consent you could get from any feline. “Alright, Bruno it is!” you agreed, snuggling with your new cats until the food arrived.
You didn’t feel like staying up late or doing much the rest of the evening. You checked a few missing pet sites and set a reminder in your phone to call the pound during your lunch break tomorrow. You were starting to hope no one was looking for them, because these kitties made you happy beyond belief in just one night, even if you felt a little bad for Leone now. However, strays don’t end up in a giant travel crate together and most of these cats looked like very expensive breeds.
You left the heated blankets on the couch on a low setting and quietly went to bed while the cats slept. Only Leone got up to follow you, as he normally did. You got in bed and he made a soft mewl that drew your attention.
“What’s wrong, Leone?” you asked softly, smiling as he rolled onto his back and exposed his soft little cat belly submissively. He’d never done this before and you giggled and rubbed his belly in slow reassuring strokes. “Don’t worry, baby. Someone’s probably busy looking for them right now. I don’t think I can take care of that many cats anyway. I’m too young to be an old lady with six cats, right? You’ll always be my favorite, Leone. Just don’t tell them, yeah? Kitty promise?” you whispered softly, smiling wider when he purred and cuddled up against your side.
The next morning you tried to feed all your new cats their wet food the same way you had the day before, but Giorno had somehow made it to the top of your bookcase and was not coming down. Panna had taken his spot under the couch and was similarly unmovable, and Narancia and Guido were both hovering by your door, ready to make a break for it.
You had a kibble feeder set up, so you fed Leone so he wouldn’t get grumpy and set out a bowl of special cat milk your first cat didn’t care for. It did catch the attention of your other cats, who were more interested in it and satisfied you hadn’t left out the new kitties food wise you got showered and dressed for work.
“Be good babies! I love you!” you called out, already excited to come home to your sweet cats tonight. You forced yourself not to get too excited. You also forbade yourself from shopping for an extra big litter box and collars and cat beds, because you already knew that the second you got a call about the owner being found you’d be heartbroken.
During your break you called a few of the shelters near you, reporting what had happened. They all recommended you take them to the vet to check for a chip, which you agreed to do. You booked an appointment at the vet and with gritted teeth you begged for the time off from your boss. He was not happy, since you were still in charge of a shitshow from hell and your predecessor had left a mountain of work to be sorted out for you. You were entitled to that time off though, so you got your vet visit, under the condition you worked some overtime again, which you already expected.
It was getting dark by the time you were on your way home and while you were happy there was the slight underlying anxiety your new babies might have demolished your home in your absence. You had no way of knowing if any of them had spraying issues or if they might need a special diet. Leone was a very clean and neat cat, who’s only messes were his litter box and some shed fur that couldn’t be helped.
There was also the chance they might have fought for whatever reason and you quickly forced that thought out of your mind.
You would come home and there would be six lovely kitties meowing hello and wanting food and you’d all cuddle on the couch together and you’d be alright.
You opened your door and were shocked by the smell before anything else. It wasn’t the smell of cat pee or blood, which you were happy about, but it smelled like food. Like pasta with red sauce, to be precise.
Okay… maybe your mom had come over and let herself in and made you dinner? It was unlike her to do that, especially unannounced, but it was the only semi-reasonable explanation you could come up with until a stranger came walking out of your kitchen.
“Mistress, you’re home! Bellissimo! Leone said you’re usually home sooner, so we were getting worried-”
“Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?!” you yelled. You didn’t want to be rude, you really didn’t, but you did not know this man and he was standing in your hallway, wearing nothing except your girly white apron that you rarely ever used. The man was of medium build, tan skin and a black bob cut, with two black cat ears perched almost cutely on the sides. You weren’t sure if the not knowing or the almost naked part disturbed you more.
A few seconds later you would discover it was in fact neither of those things that bothered you most, it was that apron man wasn’t the only under dressed intruder in your house! “You don’t have to yell. You invited us in,” a tall, lean, brown haired male with leopard spotted cat ears said, coming out of your living room wearing a pair of your hipster panties with a leopard print that matched his ears and at this point you were groping behind you for the door handle.
“Vecellio is next door...” you said, thinking these guys were probably friends of your neighbors who let themselves in. Did you not lock the door? Did they find your spare key? Did they not realize they were in the wrong house?
“That’s… nice? But I don’t think that’s got anything to do with us,” apron man said.
“You’re home~!!!” a small, black haired boy yelled, coming down the stairs in a bright orange mini skirt that you had only worn for Halloween once. He looked like he wanted to come up and hug you, but your indignant yelp stopped him.
“Why are you wearing my clothes?!” you demanded, tucking yourself way back into the corner.
“Chill, you didn’t have any guy clothes. Just thought it’d be more polite to put something on than to greet you with our dicks out. We’ll take ‘em off if you want,” leopard print said, already hooking his thumb into the panties he was wearing.
“N-No, keep that on! That is not what I meant!” you said quickly.
“If she’s home, does that mean we can have dinner now?” the black haired boy in the skirt asked.
“Not yet, Narancia. I think our new mistress needs a little more explaining,” the first said, beckoning you further into your apartment. By now two more guys had appeared. One was wearing the bottoms of your strawberry print pajamas and more egregiously, holding your laptop! The other only had a white sheet around his waist like he belonged in a renaissance painting, which quite frankly, would not be wrong.
“You're damn right I need a fucking explanation!” you snapped, already at a point where you were willing to overlook the mistress part of that statement when you realized something that had you ready to escalate this situation from potential battery to potential murder. “Where are my cats?!”
Around the corner at that very moment came your big, silver fur ball and you exhaled a sigh of relief, getting down on one knee to pick him up quickly.
“Hey, Leone,” you said, considerably more calm, only for the sweet but distant tomcat you’d had for over a year to transform before your very eyes into a tall, naked, silver haired man with an impatient scowl, with you still kneeling at eye level with exposed groin as he cocked his hip and crossed his arms.
“Now will you make them leave?!” he asked.
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(Headcanons) a few servants react to you having a bad day
because we’re all having a super prolonged Bad Day rn amiright Artoria: -no matter how you choose to express yourself, she’s sharp -she senses your Aura of Upset as soon as you walk into the room -has enough tact not to address it outright, but if you don’t bring it up yourself, is likely to find a ‘’good’’ moment and then quietly ask you if everything is ok -listens steadily to everything you have to say -gets mildly-to-extremely upset -especially if someone else is the source of your sadness -like…aside from the fact that she loves and cherishes you, her sense of justice in general will *not* let any kind of unkind behavior slide -(depending on how bad it was, you might have to stop her from fetching Excalibur and going out to duel someone for your honor) -“-and then he called me an idiot!” -“And then he called you an idiot?!” -however, is quick to swallow her pride for your sake if you make it clear that you’d prefer comfort -she’s more of a woman of action than of words; she’ll bring you your favorite for dinner, put on a movie you like, wrap a blanket around your shoulders -waits for you to start talking first -again, might not verbally respond much, but she is a good listener -and she’s serious. She takes things seriously. Your troubles and concerns are no different. -in short, Validation Hours -“No matter what happened or what you did…one bad day doesn’t define you.” Merlin: -for a flowery gremlin, he’s (un)surprisingly good at this -is also very quick to read the mood and figure out that you’re not at your best, emotionally -unlike Artoria, will not immediately respond accordingly -or at least, not in a blatantly obvious fashion -he’ll just bounce around, be smiley, welcome you home -is chill until you bring it up yourself -reacts to whatever you say with general cheer and optimism, which can be annoying, depending on your emotional state and/or personality -will likely convince you that he’s not taking you seriously and then scramble once you’re like “ok if you have nothing meaningful to contribute I’m leaving” -apologizes profusely and mildly overdramatically, offers copious Affection to make up for it -best method of comfort is putting your head in his lap and…petting you lmao -produces tiny little flowers and threads them through your hair -while saying soothing bs in a sweet, sing-song tone -tries to offer butterfly kisses on your forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose -gets pushed away and fake-cries -if you were *really* upset he might sing a lullaby. Or tell you a fairy story -Basically, has you sleep off the bad vibes -(tucks you in after you fall asleep) -(goes out to have a friendly chat with any person who might have contributed to your Bad Day) -(he’ll be there when you wake up, though!) -“Once upon a time, a mage made up his mind to woo a coldhearted, sorrowful beauty…wait, don’t scoff at me! Listen to the story! Please?” Gawain: -sunny boi, good boi -begins with a gentle inquiry about what’s wrong -if you don’t wanna talk, that’s fine; if you want space at the moment, that’s also fine -but he is definitely not the type to actually leave you -he’ll give you your privacy, but stay alert for if/when you call him -knows when you really do want him around -will listen whenever you start talking. Like Arturia, probably gets angry on your behalf if you’ve been legitimately mistreated and not just unlucky -goes on a very earnest rant about how this is unacceptable! -how could anybody behave in such a dishonorable fashion? And to you, of all people! -(you’ll probably have no choice but to start smiling at some point) -(he’s just…so sincere, the sweetheart) -always asks for your permission before doing anything, no matter how close you are, but if you want? He’ll give you a hug -lots of hugs -gives the best hugs tbh -he’s Huge so there’s a lot of arm to go around and a lot of Gawain to get pressed up against -plus he’s very gentle -and he’s warm -which just makes everything a lot cuddlier -his hugs are the type that feel Safe, like getting (softly) crushed by a very large golden retriever -p l u s  he has that gorgeous furry cloak which he will definitely let you use as a blanket -swaddles you in said cloak, holds you close, and talks to you about everything he’s willing to do to restore your smile -why, he’d face down a dragon, fight a whole battalion, or yes, leave the blanket nest to go to the fridge and bring you a tub of ice cream! -tries to make you mashed potatoes to ‘‘‘cheer you up’‘‘;;; -”Dearest, there’s no shame in sadness. I promise I’ll make the rest of today a happier time for you.” Ereshkigal: -u m   oh n   o -how do -how do respond -Siri tell me how I be sensitive and nice and kind and loving and -senses that *something* is a little Off with you, that you’re not happy -but like -how to properly comfort you??? Hhh she doesn’t wanna do it wrong and make you sadder!! -but she can’t stand to just…not do anything either. That’d be just plain cruel. Plus, how can she ignore how upset you look? -is awkwardly, extremely nice to you -idk I feel like she’d somehow end up attempting an at-home spa day because apparently it’s supposed to be relaxing and good -you walk in on rose petal, scented candle, glittery bath bomb chaos -and a mildly distraught Ereshkigal -who explains, very red-faced, that she…just wanted you to feel a little better ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; -and…well, you know what? -the bathroom *does* look like it’s been hit by a bomb, but it’s not like the bath is unusable -turns out, Ereshkigal does have good taste in bathbombs -she brightens up considerably once you exit the bath in better spirits than when you went in -sits with you on the bed and brings sweets to eat -you can tell her what happened over the sweets  -she’ll look shocked and dismayed, flush in indignation, frown, and end up trying her best to verbally comfort you (even if you’re already feeling a lot better) -”I’m sorry! I’m sorry I was so awkward before...I really want you to not be sad anymore. Is- is there anything I can do? Anything at all?”
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arentwelost · 4 years
reactions to the bnha: heroes rising film
spoilers alert !
(i risked coronavirus to go to the cinema for this but no regrets because we all want to die anyway oof-)
the film was very 1a centred & that’s gr8 and all especially since we got to witness the bond they had between them & just. how incredibly amazing their teamwork is
but i really ,,, miss,,, aizawa (my fave, my tru love)
he had a total of 3 (?) scenes, each of them lasting like less than 10 secs - even toshinori had more scenes than that : (
but you know who even had less screen time (aka none),,, our boy,,, the valid purple son,,,, shinsou hitoshi : (
the person who had the most screen time was this new villain called nine and i really wanna yell begone thot at him because he was like “i want to create a utopia where the powerful rules” and i was like thinking,, yo that shit sounds like capitalism & neoliberalism
his character design was really pretty, but it didn’t make up for his ideology that came outta nowhere with no backstory - so it was really hard to empathise/sympathise
what makes a villain good is 1) sufficient backstory 2) being so damn predictable and familiar that you actually prefer them over every other new villain because better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know
anyway, what really slaps is kacchan’s fuckin character development !!
lil gremlin is still gremlin but ,, he’s working with other kids,, he’s minimising damage done to the area while fighting villains,, there was a scene of him all calm and shit while eavesdropping on izuku and katsuma (which once again proves that most of his anger is just a front he puts up in front of other people rather than a perpetual state, and ya know what, i love that introvertedness that he has),,, him being protective over the bakusquad and not blasting kaminari for teasing him,,, he and izuku fighting together like a hero duo ,,,, eye-
this movie really said bakugo character development hUH
anyway in the beginning when endeavour showed up and dabi and endeavour had this whole showdown with their fire quirks and we got this close up of endeavour’s thicc thighs and i was like :           ) we don’t stan for this here but at the same time i was like @ hawks damn ur daddy really be like that, huH
which reminds me of my whole spiel about dabi/hawks and endeavour/hawks : ‘ ) 
but yea. dabi was unfairly attractive and i just want death to consume me
okay so the plot was like,, the hero commission (aka the dodgy ass institution): how about sending the 1a kids to an island where there are no active heroes ??
so the 1a kids get yeeted off to an island,, and they are having fun helping the locals out !! (this is the wholesome content we all deserve)
jirou and yaomomo asdgjhskgjahkj
kacchan who stays at home the entire day because he’s on ~villain duty~ and there weren’t any villains so he just sits at home and read manga asdfghjkl that’s a hard Mood
kirishima looking like the cutie he is eye-
the bakusquad teasing kacchan by calling him “kacchan of bakugo”
how is maharo & katsuma so damn cute *angery fists*
but izuku really be adopting children left and right hUh
dadmight and dadzawa whomst i only know dadku
ochako & tsuyu are so cute wtf eye-
these villains are overpowered af wtf
wow i love 1a having each other’s backs their teamwork,, was ,,, so good,,, so smooth ,,, (*whispers* poly 1-a anyone ??)
everyone be losing until kacchan comes blasTing in, saving kirishima & kaminari with sheer determination and stubbornness and manages to defeat one (1) villain
not going to lie though i feel like mummy got done dirty like that
but i like the little nod to the provisional exam arc
the inflated izuku mahoro projected was the Cutest
anyway what really clapped was you know,, both izuku and kacchan being the smort cookies they are: “DIDN’T I TELL YOU THAT ONCE I’VE SEEN YOU USE IT, I HAVE A WAY OF COUNTERING IT?!" 
like oof
also i love how izuku is established as the image of hope (the saviour) and kacchan is established as the image of victory (the victor) - this whole “win to save” and “save to win” really got laid down really heavily
but we’re all hoes for that i guess
touga in her winter gear !!! eye-
yaomomo delivering the Goods (i.e. the cannons) 
a o y a m a : (
the moment i realised that tokoyami was in the cave, i knew the villain there was Done For 
i haven’t forgotten our resident eldritch abomination, dark shadow, y’all
i just ?? love ?? mina ???? so much ??????
ngl i didn’t know chimera was literally a chimera until this part i just thought he one big furry
that flashback to endeavour’s advice when shouto was fighting chimera ?? the symBoLisM wow
shouto being able to rationally separate endeavour the hero and endeavour the shitty dad & using the advice endeavour gave him to empower himself -
- wipes tears
sero and ochako getting blasted away really badly by nine,,, and izuocha happens but we’ve all seen that before
it is kacchan,, ,, being protective of sero when he got yeeted,,,,, that is the Point 
s h o u j i : ( protecting mahoro and katsuma with his body : ( big cuddle boy doesn’t deserve this pain !!!
don’t think i didn’t notice the film using the same bgm as the kamino rescue
it draws such a powerful parallel ??  back then it was kacchan who needed to be ‘saved'  but now it’s kacchan doing the saving & the winning - once again, such character development asdfghjkl
this film,, making me appreciate kaminari 10x more
also fellas is it gay to stare at your rival and being able to communicate non-verbally
bkdk detroit smashing the storm together & making a damn fucking hole in the stratosphere like all might,, dispelling the damn storm and letting sunlight filter in ?? that was some really obvious symbolism but regardless,,,, wow
this is the part where the whole twin stars motif really came right in kicking our houses down
kacchan breaking both of his arms because of one for all & all i can think of is ,, izuku,, stop sharing your bone breaking juice with people
i’m just thinking about how people @ izuku: wtf how do you deal with this bone breaking bs all the time
and izuku, pure bean: oh yea haha i thought it was normal ?? like everyone has to get used to their quirks like this ??
a concept: quirkless izuku not understanding how quirks are supposed to feel
anyway, dadmight cradling izuku in his arms only to leave kacchan a metre away ?? favouritism that we’re all here for
izuku : ( apologising : ( for : ( being : ( a : ( bad : ( successor : (
i just want to shake izuku’s shoulders & tell him that he did super well and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of himself and that he deserves everything good in this world
also imagine being so gremlin that all the one for all predecessors were like "nope we’re not dealing with this gremlin child, we prefer the pure broccoli” 
disappointed that hawks didn’t get enough screentime
but we got some hawks & tokoyami and ryuukyuu & ochako time
kacchan ~conveniently~ forgetting what happened ?? i smell something fishy
our local crusty boy shows up & ahh yes, there it is - the close up shot that like to remind us that he needs to Moisturise
everytime i see red shoes on shigs i just think about the parallels between shigs and izuku and my heart breaks all over again
the scene where shouto got hugged super uncomfortably by endeavour ?? oof. the entire cinema just simultaneously laughed and heard the shouuuuutooooo
katsuma being like like “i’m going to become a hero like deku & bakugo !” and kacchan’s acting all cool and shit, telling him “you better” while izuku is like “katsuma, you can become a hero !! we’ll wait for you at ua !!” because he saw himself in katsuma and wanted to be the person he wanted someone to be for him when he was young
breaking my own heart like this
imagine the first years in ten years though
they’re just going to be a bunch of teenagers izuku or 1-a saved or adopted
and they’re going to give aizawa so many more grey hairs than the current 1-a
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Yay!! Im happy to hear that! Hopefully you can rest up well from your semester!
Ahh by that I meant like you know how kpop albums have concept pictures included? Thats how I view what the TTT magazines are just minus a physical disc cx sorry for the confusion!! Honestly this is all so new and interesting, seventeen never really done something like this. Yes we had mixtape songs but not in this way so promotion will be different. I saw wonwoo and mingyu are doing a song but that isn't related to spider so that means its like jun's and minghao's songs. Which makes things a bit confusing lol, not complaining since hey more content for us ^_^ but yeah guess we have yo see when the next solo actually is. Oh and seventeen coming back!! This is the kind of news I needed, I'm shocked they actually have their own usa site to buy stuff (sort of like nct has) because I know bts nor txt don't. Well bts USED to but that was before bighit decided to shut it down in favor for weverse which sadly I don't see the need for (plus call me old and weird but I don't trust buying stuff from apps? Like I feel a bit more comfy on a computer which Ik doesn't mean its not safer but meh, apps make me fishy lol) also Walmart is selling the albums, bless my family uses Walmart alot (like we used it last night xD) so maybe I can squeeze it in next time? Granted I want to wait for the concept photos first because while I do like a surprise, its also just nice knowing what the vibe is. Or be the complete opposite of what the mv will be about lol.
Ahh as much i was being hopeful and had her eat, sadly my bunny didn't make it =c she passed away on the weekend. She was a strong bunbun, she tried her best to make it out but alas she didn't win. I'm a bit happy my gut instinct told me to spend time with her because at least I got to be with her for her last hour. It kinda sucks because I feel slightly guilty because I couldn't get her the proper help so I feel like I let her down (especially after I found out from reviews the food I bought for her is actually not good for bunnies and can cause problems so I feel dumb) I shouldn't since I gave my bunny the best love I could give while caring for her so she wasn't in a bad place with me. Still can't shake that off, feels weird not waking up and seeing her around or like when I play games she isn't near me chilling. Healing takes time of course so I'm making myself busy with enjoying content from my favorite artists. I made a lil promise that I would finish a game that I played alot while she joined me (it sounds silly but I viewed it as like "our game" ya know?) For her in memory. Sorry for babbling about this bsksbsjd. Losing a pet isn't fun at all. I am so sorry about your cat *hugs you* im sure that furry buddy was well loved!! If I may ask of course, do you have a favorite memory of your cat? Like any funny moment or cute ones?
ahhh ok i get what you mean! it will definitely be interesting to see how it all plays out since SVT haven't done a project like this before. I'm really curious how spread out all the solos are going to be. esp with a cb coming up it seems unlikely we'll get a TTT solo any time soon? but then again SVT are always surprising us these days. but i wonder if they'll come out just whenever a member happens to prepare it or if it's all scheduled out at semi regular intervals 🤔
but yeah it looks like bittersweet is part of the power of love project as opposed to TTT... it's getting complicated real fast! and yeah SVT is definitely expanding into/focusing more on US promotions now... it will be interesting to see how it all plays out! but i totally get what u mean about preferring to buy things on the computer it's funny how that is sometimes djfkgj i had been thinking about preordering the other day since it seemed like we wouldn't be able to pick the version we want anyway, but now that there are some shops that let you i definitely want to wait and see the teaser photos. every day i keep expecting them to start releasing but we get a different surprise instead OTL
I'm sorry to hear about your bunny :( but it's good that you were able to spend time with her at the end, I'm sure it made her feel safe to have someone who cared for her by her side rather than being alone <3 try not to feel too guilty about it, since what's done is done and there's no way to know for sure if it was the sole reason for her failing health. it's good that you're able to recognize and work through your grief, and i think finishing that game is a great way to do that and to honor her memory :')
and thanks, we lost her a little while ago now so luckily thinking about her is more nostalgic than sad. but as for a funny story Riley was a gremlin. she got up on the counters and kitchen table a lot when we weren't looking. she also liked eating paper and we had to be careful where we left things bc once she ate my sister's homework. which, ok, she didn't eat the entire paper but she did eat a corner of it and sort of ripped and crinkled the rest. i can't remember if my sister turned it in like that or if she had to redo it djgkgj
here's a picture of the frame/shadowbox thing my mom made for her after she died with photos, her collar (which she hated and hardly ever wore dhfk), and her favorite toy ;-;
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also u didn't ask but here's my other cat liberty from a few days ago :P (she's getting older and has arthritis and kidney issues but she's still alive and kicking!)
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smile4imagines · 5 years
Could u please write some hcs abt Trevor, Millie, Putunia and Tim Tam (separately please!) hanging out with an older sibling figure?
AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
we stan kids having loving older siblings 😤😤
Trevor Garbo, Millie, Putunia, and Tim Tam with an older sibling figure!
Trevor Garbo 
the cute little brother that makes AWFUL drawings of wolves and furry stuff but like. he put SO much effort into it so you can’t NOT hang it up on the fridge
 likes to stay in his siblings room and tell them all about his “super secret wolf powers” while the sibling just kinda sits there nodding along, a bit confused. he also likes to rant about all his crazy conspiracy theories, like the one where he thinks the guy down the street is a vampire? leave the dude alone kid, just because his name rhymes with Transylvania and he doesn’t like going out in the sun doesn’t mean he’s a vampire.  
his FAVORITE THING EVER is when they take him out to like, the woods or a field, and play wolves with him. he’s unfortunately kinda seen as a weirdo at school so his sibling is the only one that’ll actually play with him,,, it’s kinda sad but at least someones having fun with him
the wolf games include: hide and seek/chase (”YOU’RE a small, helpless deer, and I’M a big fast hungry wolf!! you gotta hide and when i find you run or else i’ll catch you!”), house (stacking up logs and leaves to build a “cave” or going into an actual cave while he pretends to be the “leader of the pack. you guys bring in stuffed animals and pretend they’re other members of the pack), and Howl (this is one he made up where you have a contest to see who can scream howl the loudest. he always wins by a long shot.)
all this fun stuff aside, there are definitely nights when he just needs someone to really talk to. he knows that he’s weird, he knows that the other kids make fun of him, and it hurts man. he’ll cry into their shoulder for a bit, then to cheer him up they watch his favorite werewolf movies all night trevor is the cutest furry sibling and yknow what? thats valid 
basard time
the WORST younger sister when it comes to trying to beat up the older sibling. unlike petunia, she uses weapons. all of the bats, metal objects, and things that can be held and used as a weapon have been hidden, but she always finds new tactics. don’t worry, she apologizes after! she doesn’t know any better after all, shes like 3
the sibling always has to check their seat before sitting down because there might be a thumbtack or slime. they always have to open the door and stand back because there might be a bucket of water set up at the top. there are pennies scattered around the house where no penny should be. living is paranoia with this feral child 
aside from all that, there’s a reason Millie acts this way. she had it pretty rough when she was ACTUALLY 3, so you kinda have to be there for her. sometimes she’ll go weeks without a prank, only to come into their room, crying into her hands because she just can’t handle all the bad memories she has, and she apologizes for being a nuisance and playing pranks and hitting all the time, but she just can’t help it sometimes!!!! she has so much pent up frustration that she doesn’t know how to deal with!!! they just have to be there to tell her that its ok, i understand, i don’t blame you, until she stops crying. she’ll sleep in their room that night, but in the morning she wakes them up by putting a slug on their face and saying “if you EVER tell ANYONE what happened i SWEAR i’ll like. literally actually put you in the oven and cook you alive, got it?”
she may be an awful gremlin baby sometimes but shes really trying here, just give her some love  
Putunia (sorry it’s a little short,, i couldn’t think of much umu)
the little sister that likes to wrestle with her older sibling, even though she’ll probably lose (her sibling lets her win a lot though don’t worry) 
LOVES to ride on her siblings shoulders with her cape flying in the wind. she feels like a real superhero now!!!! 
her favorite games are making her older sibling dress in a villain costume, then doing a whole routine of taking them down (sometimes even saving a “damsel in distress” thats just a barbie doll tied to a chair with a shoelace)
likes to bust down doors and make her presence known. her sibling hasn’t known peace since putunia learned how to walk and talk. 
speaking of talk, she does a lot of that! she’s always ranting about becoming the BEST fighter someday and saving the world from EVIL!
her favorite show is absolutely The Powerpuff Girls. she recites the intro every morning when she wakes up and likes to dress up like Blossom 
we love a superhero baby!! 
Tim Tam
you though Millie was a feral gremlin? heh. you are like a little baby. watch this.
tim tam has a HUGE stealing problem. they’ll steal anything they can get their little hands on
if their sibling manages to find their secret stash, they’ll find literally everything they’ve ever thought they misplaced, plus some things that were obviously taken from restaurants and neighbors houses
there are tons of people knocking at the door saying “i KNOW that kid was in my house last night and i KNOW they took my (insert item here)!!!” and since they don’t really talk, you have to do all the apologizing
they may be a handful, but they mean well!! they try to do nice little things for you, like that one time they almost burned down the house because they tried to make you breakfast, but got distracted and started setting things on fire
 real talk though, hanging out with tim tam can actually be pretty relaxing, if they’re in the right mood. they love it when you cuddle with them and read them books, since they don’t really know how to read. they love just,,, having someone thats still there for them despite their flaws
please just love the purple gremlin baby thats all they really want 
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cherry-kirsch · 7 years
“i face god and walk backwards into hell” — akira, probably
shukitaryu/shihoann/harumako || multi-chapter || sfw (probably)
Seven gays make a group chat and have no life what so ever.
chapter one: settle for bondage like the rest of us
[ AO3 ]
August 15th 2017 1:25pm
akirana grande: what's up you big gays
akirana grande: in recent news i fucking hate goro akechi
get boned: what part of that is recent???
akirana grande: as in; "recently i've realised that i want to punch him right in his face"
akirana grande: HE HAS A MULLET. who the fuck has that haircut in this good year of 2017??
lesbiann: i have to agree; he looks like a mop
akirana grande: he looks like a twat.
get boned: what did he do this time???
akirana grande: breathed.
get boned: that's a crime. he must be Arrest No Arguments.
lesbiann: i feel like every time you see akechi you just hear kill bill sirens
akirana grande: don't you????
                                  get boned changed the chat name to        Come@BigBangBurger@7pmToKickAkechi'sAss
lesbiann: i've never wanted to smack a man more
lesbiann: akechi is the reason i Do Not Trust Males
get boned: i say we all-out attack him in the middle of shibuya
akirana grande: he'll never see it coming???
lesbiann: Die.
akirana grande: so, getting off the topic of akechi
akirana grande: (bc frankly just thinking of him makes me want to Commit)
akirana grande: do you think if i dressed morgana up in a pinocchio costume and asked him if he wanted to be a real boy he would scratch my eyes out while i sleep
lesbiann: hmmmm
lesbiann: i don't know 
lesbiann: why don't you give it a try?
akirana grande: do you think i have a death wish ann
lesbiann: yes
akirana grande: fair
                                       kamenrider is online.
akirana grande: the second useless lesbian has arrived
akirana grande: hello makoto
lesbiann: Incorrect. makoto and i are the most useful people on the team
get boned: ...
get boned: considering the rest of our team is an anthropomorphic cat, a dorito gremlin, a criminal, a pirate, a furry and the mad hatter
get boned: i'd say you're pretty spot on
kamenrider: we're addressing this later, you should be paying attention in class
akirana grande: it's just kawakami, she, frankly can calm her tits
get boned: bro there's rumours going around that she wants to fuck you
akirana grande: i'd rather Die.
lesbiann: that's morbid
akirana grande: when aren't i morbid, join the club ann
akirana grande: anyway i thought she was married to ohya??
akirana grande: another useless lesbian
get boned: ohya is like… on another plane of existence 
lesbiann: she dresses like a teenager from the 1970's
akirana grande: some people would find that attractive
lesbiann: i Do Not.
akirana grande: anyway, i'm happy for our lesbian teacher and her 1970's girlfriend
get boned: anyway, i'm Gay
kamenrider: why are we even talking about this
akirana grande: you were the one who told me to pay attention to kawakami
kamenrider: pay attention, you're not failing any of these classes
get boned: you can't tell me what to do
kamenrider: if you don't pay attention i'm hitting you on the shins with my old razor scooter
akirana grande: lmao u got told
kamenrider: the same goes for you too, akira
akirana grande: i gotta go my uncle just died
                                        akirana grande is offline.
get boned: you don't have an uncle???
kamenrider: ryuji
get boned: yes makoto
kamenrider: get off your phone
get boned: yes ma'am
                                              get boned is offline.
lesbiann: hey makoto wanna be in lesbians together
                                             kamenrider is offline.
lesbiann: you didn't say no.
August 15th 2017 4:53pm
hackerman: y'all i just woke up what the fuck
akirana grande: thats unhealthy
hackerman: you're unhealthy
akirana grande: you're talking to the winner of the Big Bang Burger competition
akirana grande: of course i'm unhealthy — tell me something i don't know
get boned: i was there when he did that
get boned: he fucking unhinged his jaw like a cobra
get boned: it was neato
hackerman: 'neato'??? what the fuck ryuji
get boned: if you have a problem come fight me
hackerman: i will. name a time and place
get boned: 11pm behind the ramen shop
get boned: come prepared to lose
hackerman: it's on, i can't wait to see your face pushed into the dirt
akirana grande: kinky
hackerman: maybe for you akira
lesbiann: yeah, akira
lesbiann: settle on bondage like the rest of us
akirana grande pinned a message to the channel.
get boned: HGFIDJPSOK
get boned: what the fuck ann
lesbiann: akira did u pin that???
akirana grande: you just admitted to being into bondage
akirana grande: of course i pinned it
lesbiann: this is homophobic
lesbiann: why are we still talking about this???
get boned: because it’s hilarious
                                            kamenrider is online.
kamenrider: ann you’re into bondage?
kamenrider: it’s okay, ann, we all have our kinks
get boned: I’M SCREAMING
lesbiann: please PLEASE stop talking
akirana grande: and, makoto, yours is???
kamenrider: justice.
akirana grande: iconic. 
                                            yiffmaster is online.
 yiffmaster: Futuba, I do not understand this nickname.
akirana grande: great the whole gang’s here!
kamenrider: haru isn’t here yet
akirana grande: Irrelevant.
get boned: is no one going to address the fact that yusuke’s username is yiffmaster???
hackerman: no because we’ve all been aware that yusuke is a furry for a while now 
yiffmaster: What is a furry?
akirana grande: …
akirana grande: this world is beautiful and light
lesbiann: i can’t believe yusuke is a furry
hackerman: i mean if we’re going to call yusuke a furry, ann should be called a furry too
lesbiann: No.
         hackerman changed lesbiann’s nickname to ‘furry numero deux’.
 furry numero deux: this is homophobic
hackerman: this is art.
furry numero deux: Art is Dead.
yiffmaster: Incorrect. Art is very much alive.
kamenrider: you heard it from the art man. art is alive. 
hackerman: HGOFDIJPS
hackerman: art man.
akirana grande: there’s no need to feel down 
hackerman: i said art man. 
lesbiann: pick ur head off the ground.
yiffmaster: ?
get boned: this is iconic yusuke
yiffmaster: I do not understand.
akirana grande: me, except i don’t understand maths
get boned: who does understand maths tho???
kamenrider: me.
furry numero deux: me.
get boned: Die.
akirana grande: ABORT ABORT ABORT
get boned: what.
akirana grande: akechi just walked in
akirana grande: he’s always here does he even have a life???
               furry numero deux changed their nickname to lesbiann.
 lesbiann: judging by his weird obsession with you??? 
lesbiann: not likely.
get boned: he is in leblanc a lot
akirana grande: its creepy! He has me make him a coffee and then he watched the news for 2 solid hours
get boned: dude he totally has a boner for you
akirana grande: i’m not into dudes who can break me
akirana grande: wait
akirana grande: correction – i’m not into guys who hate my guts. 
yiffmaster: Akira, what are you trying to say?
hackerman: he wants men who can break him to step on him
akirana grande: please, step on me
lesbiann: a thrilling conclusion from akira kurusu
lesbiann: well done
akirana grande: thanks, I’m Gay
get boned: aren’t we all?
kamenrider: back to the matter at hand; Akechi
akirana grande: i wish he wasn’t
kamenrider: don’t we all
akirana grande: yes anyway. so akechi has just walked in and ordered a coffee and a cinnamon swirl
akirana grande: we don’t have any more cinnamon swirls
hackerman: dad’s gonna make you go out and get one
akirana grande: haha no he’s not.
get boned: 3 
lesbiann: 2
kamenrider: 1
akirana grande: …
                                              akirana grande is offline.
hackerman: lmao told u
get boned: #prayforakira
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