#but i also don't want people to get the wrong idea
So with some of the takes I've been seeing in the Wandee Goodday tag, I wanted to share my perspective.
Just to note - I firmly believe art is subjective and what we see can vary a great deal based on our own perspectives and lived experiences. I'm not calling anyone wrong, I'm just saying this is my personal take on things. (I feel like this should be obvious, but nuance is so often lost online).
And my main goal with watching QL is fun and escapism. I'm here to have a good time. I tend to go with the flow, I like imperfect characters (I even like the fucked-up ones), and I trust the characterization and plot elements to be doing what they need to do until a problem shows within the narrative itself.
Ok, disclaimers done - here's my take on Dee & Yak's interactions around the fake dating idea.
I think all of their interactions are deeply affected by the degree to which they have already developed genuine feelings for each other, but are not yet in a place to admit it, even to themselves.
Do I think Yak has real concerns about being out as a boxer trying to hit a career high? Absolutely. But I think his quick jump to a "let's end this" reaction was mostly a kneejerk attempt to protect himself for what he felt when Dee, the man he is already emotionally connected to, and desperately wants to be able to kiss, dropped a request for fake dating over a real deepening of their relationship.
We don't yet know the level of societal homophobia this show is aiming for, BL land can go many different ways with this, but considering his brother's openness in the gym that he owns, training boxers, there is a tone being set. Yak literally holds hands with Dee in the middle of the street. He doesn't panic when people recognize him at the hospital. This may change, but I'm going to trust the signposts that his career concerns are valid, yes, but are not the dominant issue between them.
Similarly, is Dee competitive and overly focused on winning? Clearly. It's set up in his earlier conversation with Yak for a reason. But at the same time, his insistence that it has to be Yak is not just about his need to win - again, this is about genuine feeling. He wants Yak. This is a way to get Yak, and to frame it to himself in a way that feels less scary and vulnerable, especially after being hurt by Ter.
I know a lot of people saw Dee as being pushy. I do agree with that, and yes it is going to cause more issues for them in the future. But I wish more people also saw Yak holding firm to his boundaries and refusing to give in to the immature behavior from Dee, showing why he's such a good partner for Dee.
And sure, we haven't seen Dee support Yak as much so far, but the scene with the mother and child wasn't there just for kicks. Dee is empathetic and caring, and that will be important in his relationship with Yak as well. He is there for people when things are at their worst.
Some people see Dee on the bridge as being manipulative.
I saw Dee as finally cutting out the toddler shit and being emotionally real about why he's taking the scholarship too seriously, how sensitive he is to what people think of him, why Yak is someone he trusts implicitly, and how he knows it's not Yak's problem and it isn't fair to expect him to fix it.
Some people see Yak as finally agreeing to fake date as showing he is weak to emotional manipulation.
I see a man who has more agency than that. I see a man who is affected by seeing genuine vulnerability both because of how caring he is as an individual, and because of how much he wants a real emotional connection to Dee. And eyes-open, he makes a choice.
These are two characters who have never just been friends with benefits from the beginning. And the narrative has never been about what they are saying. It's about what they are feeling.
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infinizero · 1 day
Danny as The Ghostly Informant TM except nobody realizes it's the same person
Danny after retiring, maybe because the portals are closed or maybe because he became Ghost Royalty or Important Ghost TM who told everyone not to come to Earth, decides to go travelling like or with Dani/Elle
Its really up to anyone whether it was reveal gone right after graduation and dude wants to find himself before doing the whole college thing or reveal gone wrong and is running away maybe in another dimension maybe in the same and Amity Park is a blind zone in any case he goes travelling
The first one he encounters is a more easygoing JL member maybe Flash maybe Wonder Woman trying to figure out how to defeat a Realms ghost so Danny, seeing them struggling, decides to help and either talks the ghost down or soups them
In both cases he opens a portal to the realms and lets them go back through.
They talk a little, Danny as Danny introduces Infinite Realms ghosts as they are trying his best to figure out if they also want to hunt down ecto-entities. The JL member would want to learn more so they exchange information details just in case something like this happens again
Around this time, a JLD member gets wind of the new Important Ghost around the area and needs to find out more about them. After scouting around a little, he finds a way to summon what seems to be a young protective spirit who seems close to the Important Ghost.
Spoiler alert: the protective spirit and Important Ghost are both Danny. All the time travel stuff are attributed to Important Ghost and the beating up other ghosts who come near a specific place to protective spirit. Bonus points if there is a misunderstanding that Important Ghost is protective spirit's parent that's why they beat up Pariah Dark
So they summon Danny as Phantom to ask questions and eventually get the ok to summon him again just in case they need to know things, with the understanding that neither will hurt each other (the JLD member also has the vague idea of asking Phantom to bring Important Ghost over to their side if another worldending thing happenes again)
Soon enough, Danny as Danny meets one of the younger JL adjacent teams (Teen Titans or Young Justice when they're babies? Maybe even Damian's team that I don't know the name of? Maybe the Outlaws?) and helps them out against one of his rogues.
If it's the same dimension, Danny sees that they are younger superheroes and/or not as connected to the government as the older ones, so he warns them about the anti ecto acts and being careful since being so close to death is very slowly making them more liminal/if they're liminal then tells them to stay away from GIW
If not the same dimension then he just gets talking to them about ecto-entities and does basically the same thing as the first JL member he met, eventually exchanging contact information
This pattern continues for a while as Batman receives reports from whichever Robin about ecto-entities being a thing and either holding a meeting because of the anti ecto acts or because there is an entire species that could destroy all of us by possessing Superman and none of you JLD thought to inform me???
At this point of time, most of the JL has met and some even asked for his help and they talk about the various things they've learned from their Informant(Danny) and because it's Danny they slowly get a full picture of everything because he talked about obsessions with one person and cores to another and so on so forth
They all eventually come to the conclusion that they should ask for more details from their Informant
Cue Danny being bombarded by text messages of all the people he's helped asking him about the Realms while being summoned as Phantom.
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I Swear I Thought of This Months Ago: Different Doctors in Midnight
The thing with Midnight is that shit goes wrong because it's a companion-lite episode. The two people the Midnight Entity singled out to possess where the two people traveling alone. They were easy to isolate from the group. If the Doctor's not traveling alone here, and there's this human who came in with him just going along with whatever he's doing, it's going to seem less suspicious. So, what would happen to any Doctor in Midnight is based more on their companions than the Doctor. Donna took the day off of adventuring to enjoy the spa. Not all companions would do that. First Doctor: He may get on everyone's nerves, but he's going to have a granddaughter with him and people will judge him less harshly because he has a family. You've got a couple with their teenage son there. They see an old grandpa with a granddaughter the same age as their son, they're going to see him as someone like them. As for the granddaughters, Susan wouldn't want to leave her grandfather and Vicki canonically is more interested in adventures than relaxation. I'm less sure about Dodo, because nobody is sure about Dodo. She's a wild card.
Second Doctor: A group of people in a small space menaced by a monster? Might as well be a base under siege. He's in his element here. He also tends to be better at understanding human nature than most Doctors, so even if he was alone, he might not end up quite so isolated. And he wouldn't be alone. Out of a combination of loyalty and discomfort with spa environments, Jamie would definitely be with him.
Third Doctor: Following the Doctor around on his adventures is literally what Jo was hired to do. She'll be the one telling everyone that the Doctor is an expert on basically everything and she trusts him so they should too. If they try to throw him out she'll try to either take his place or go with him and nobody will want to hurt her. Nobody wants to hurt Jo. Even the Master didn't want to hurt Jo.
Fourth Doctor: When Four shows up somewhere, being weird, acting like he owns the place, and having way too much fun in a crisis, people tend to sort of roll with it. It's a superpower he has. But, if we want to turn the superpower off, we've sort of got three eras to consider. Sarah Jane would probably follow the Doctor, since she's still a holdover from Three's "companions are literally the Doctor's assistants" era. Leela would not understand the appeal of a spa and would threaten people into listening to the Doctor. As for Romana...Okay, we've got another Time Lord. I actually don't know. She'll probably go with him and might have slightly more luck with the locals.
Fifth Doctor: Really depends on the TARDIS team. Tegan's going to take the goddamn spa day and will talk Nyssa into going with her if she's around. If it's just Nyssa, she'll go with the Doctor and everyone loves Nyssa, so everything will be fine. Turlough is going to enjoy a pleasant day off. He can relax, do a bit of sketching, and not have to deal with yet another traumatic incident. Adric would not understand the idea of a spa, call it stupid, get into a fight with Tegan, and if he wasn't going with the Doctor before this, the Doctor would insist purely to separate the two and restore order. Adric has no social skills, so he wouldn't exactly make the Doctor look better, but like with One and his various granddaughter companions, the family on the train would be more comfortable with a family man.
Sixth Doctor: The classic Doctors have done well so far but Six is probably fucked. Peri would probably like a day off from him and the violent shit that happens around him. Mel might try to get him to stay at the spa for health purposes. I don't know the EU well, but Evelyn might have a chance of coming along and getting him to behave, but no promises for anyone else.
Seventh Doctor: Of course Ace is there. Yet another Doctor passes as a family man and it's easy.
Eighth Doctor: I don't know the EU well and Eight is the Whoops All EU Doctor, but he seems to pick up companions that would follow him around here, being all human and convincing the humans not to bully him. But, considering Eight's luck, they'd probably try to throw him out of the train anyway and he'd end up traumatized again.
Ninth Doctor: Might actually consider just spending the day at the spa, but if he gets bored and goes on an adventure, Rose probably gonna follow him. The day is saved with the Power of Love or something.
Eleventh Doctor: Amy wants to go with the Doctor despite Rory's protests. There's a lot of bickering but they get out fine.
Twelfth Doctor: Clara is his carer who cares so he doesn't have to, so preventing Midnight incidents is sort of what she's there for. For Bill, this would be an educational experience. Twelve gets on everybody's nerves a bit, and he gives a speech about how stupid everyone's being, which doesn't actually help, and he'll probably end up getting punched in the face, but not thrown out of the train.
Thirteenth Doctor: She tells her companions to just enjoy themselves and wanders off alone. If they insist on following her, and Yaz probably would, we're fine. If she successfully ditches her companions, she's in trouble. She'll openly admit to being socially awkward, but I'm not sure if that would actually help in this situation.
Fourteenth Doctor: He's retired. He's probably staying with Donna. If not, everything mainly goes the same as it does with Ten, but it feels more cruel.
Fifteenth Doctor: Ruby would go with him and he's actually pretty good with people anyway. I'm guessing the Fourteen remembered being Ten and regenerated into someone unlikely to be thrown out of a train on a death planet just in case.
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canonfeminine · 3 days
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💍 ₊˚⊹♫ … Husband! Leo Valdez x Wife! reader
in which: Leo has always found a way to break the norms. And finally, at the right time.
authors note: this is based of this!! I said I would do it, so I am. Credits to my sister @sunnitheapollokid because it was her idea. I don't have much to say, so I hope you enjoy this <33.
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You were nervous.
Today was the day you were getting married to your fiancé ,lover and literally soulmate, Leo Valdez. You'd been planning the day since you two first started dating, the dress you wanted, the cake, the venue—everything you could think of was ready. Everything was going well, perfect, almost. There's nothing that could go wrong.
Expect for you randomly got cold feet and freaked out. You didn't know why you were so anxious, you'd been waiting for this day from the start, and yet you couldn't leave the room you were in. The ceremony was in a few minutes.
"Calm down, calm down, just calm down-" You paced around the room, your heels clicking onto the ground. You could barely walk in them, so you didn't know how all the sudden your legs could.
"You can totally do this. It's not going to be the end of the world. You've been planning for this. Just chill out, (name)!" Clearly, telling yourself to calm down wasn't helping.
You wished that your bridesmaids hadn't left out. You knew they had to, something about the order of when people were supposed to come out before the bride—but you couldn't call them back in. It was too late to do so. The time you had was starting to slowly and slowly get more and more small.
You finally sat down in a nearby chair,already ready to give up. What were you going to do?-
"Mi vida?" Leo's voice came from outside of the door. "you doing okay in there?"
"Huh? Uhm! yeah, sorta?" You question if you should open the door. "did the ceremony already start?"
"No,no. You still have like.. five, maybe six minutes?" Even he sounded unsure. "Can you open the door?"
"For what?" You let out a slight laugh.
"... Do you really need an answer to that question?" You rolled your eyes.
"Your not supposed to see me, though. It ruins the surprise and all that."
"Y'know, I could just take the screws out of the door. Then you wouldn't have to-" "Okay! nope, please don't do that." You got up and opened the door just enough that Leo could see you.
Seeing him made that nervous feeling go away. He looked a little silly with a suit on (and a rose behind his ear,) but even you could admit he looked fly. A goofy, Leo type of fly.
He looked you up and down multiple times. "You were going to make me wait to see all that? Mi amor, I think the fact you even thought-" he paused, looking up at your face. "Are you sure you're okay? you look like you're about to cry." The smirk on his face fell into a concerned look.
You blinked and slightly wiped your eyes. "Yeah, i'm fine. Just,uhm, a little nervous." You let out an uncomfortable laugh.
Leo slipped his hand into yours. "About what? you know you can tell me."
"I-I mean, t's nothing specifically. I'm just.. I don't know, Leo."
"Okay, well that's okay. You don't need to exactly tell me, then." He let out a laugh under his breath. "You're going to do great. We're going to do great. Nothing had blown up yet, and we finally got here. My love, I promise you have nothing to worry about. It's our day, and if something goes wrong, we can deal with it together."
You smiled. "You promise?"
He let go of your hand and held out his little finger. "Pinkie promise." Leo held that everlasting Mischievous, but adorable smirk on his face. You interlocked your pinkie with his.
"You think your ready?"
You nodded. "Yeah, I think so." You leaned down and gave him a kiss.
"Also, why are you wearing heels? I feel short."
"Which, you are?" You laughed.
"Girl, not too much. " He rolled his eyes sassly than laughed. "Alright. Now I gotta go. I have a very pretty girl to marry."
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toriangeli · 2 days
Re: Daniel's flashback of Armand
I know our minds jumped to the "Armand is Alice" theory. At least, mine did. But that explains nothing about why Daniel thinks of that specific memory. It seems like such a non-sequitur, him remembering a story about selling his dad's dirty magazines in middle school. What's also weird is Armand telling him about it.
We know the original interview was traumatic for Daniel, so I have two theories:
Armand is trying to calm Daniel down from some kind of panic by using grounding techniques. This would be weird because grounding techniques are usually a lot more physical, involving the senses to bring one back to the present reality. Why this would be relevant to his proposal memories, I'm not sure.
Armand has Daniel in a state of hypnosis and is implanting a memory. Why is he implanting a memory about selling dirty magazines? No clue. It doesn't seem like it serves a purpose--unless it's part of a larger narrative.
My usual problem with the "Armand is lying about everything" assumption is that Armand and vampires in general in the books don't do that much lying. Like, they'll do these short-term deceptions (see the second half of Blood Communion), but big ongoing lies are kind of a shit idea when you're immortal because you have to keep up with the lie forever. Armand does lie to Louis about Lestat being dead, and to Lestat about Louis being dead, but other than that, he doesn't do a lot of deliberate misrepresentation of the facts. Self-delusions, denial, hiding shit, but not straight-up lies. This same issue applies to the idea that Armand has been creating false memories for people willy-nilly. Which, I don't think I've seen anyone claim he is doing it willy-nilly, but one can get the impression scrolling through Tumblr seeing various people point to various scenes as being made up by Armand that everyone all the time thinks everything that doesn't make sense to them is Armand dicking with memories again.
However, in this case, Louis and Armand were never supposed to see Daniel again. They can't just rewrite his entire life, obviously, because too many people have met/know Daniel and would be like, "Dude, that so did not happen, what is wrong with you?" but if for some reason they made some big mistake during the interview and needed to fix it, they could impart some kind of narrative that couldn't be disputed or verified by anyone who knows him.
Armand also delivers the "she wanted to say yes" speech with a similar tone, but there's a warmth to it. He doesn't seem particularly emotional, although he's also not the most naturally emotive person. But with how good Assad is at subtle acting, I feel like if Armand was actually talking about himself, there would be some kind of hint to it. Instead, it just seems like Armand feels badly for Daniel (who, let's be fair, was being pretty horrible to Louis) and is trying to comfort him. Still a Devil's Minion hint either way. Armand, at least in the books, doesn't give a shit about randos he has no attachment to getting their feelings hurt. If he wants to comfort Daniel, it's because he's gotten attached.
It's in the flashback that Armand looks emotional. And I want to know why.
But yeah, I think that could be why Daniel flashed back to that weird moment. This prodding about Alice is making him remember some fuckery.
That being said, we still don't have much evidence that this is even a power that exists for these vampires. Maybe Fiction Hypnosis could do it, but idk. We'll see.
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brightlypainted · 16 hours
I went completely bananas and wrote a full analysis of Joker Out and JO fandom stuff and situation... idk
Hi baby boos!
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I’ve seen some confusion regarding JO’s latest announcements and social media activity (or lack thereof) so I've tried to analyze the current situation with a critical eye 🤓
I don't use Tumblr much so you're probably more familiar with my Twitter but I got suggested to post this here for easier reading (and... better audience in general 👀)
Long rant under the cut:
Before I begin I must point out that these are my opinions and theories. I have no idea how JO’s communication and management is being organized right now, I’m just making assumptions based on my perception as a fan 🤷‍♀️
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(also I’m a communication graduate but my studies and current job cover this sector only tangentially so I may not know how some/most of this works…)
Let’s start with comparing last year’s situation to the current one: one year ago the boys were riding high on the wave of enthusiasm, having had a successful ESC (despite the ending placement) and having gained a lot of attention as fan favorite competitors ✨
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A very high % of the growing fanbase, esp the international one, was coming directly or tangentially through ESC and how do you maintain that attention once the contest is over? you increase your social media presence and you start planning international concerts. which they did!
This constant exposure to content made the fandom flourish: we were all witnessing how easily people from everywhere could join and already feel at the very center of attention, both because JO’s communication was being very active and successful and also thanks to fanmade organizations like JokerOutSubs, group chats, old time Slovenian fans sharing juicy pre-ESC content, etc. I'll be grateful forever
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We had a past year that could be divided into 2 halves in terms of communication: it all went extremely well until more or less the end of 2023 (last tour dates in Spain) and then started gradually becoming very odd and chaotic all through 2024 until last month’s complete draught
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We know that they mostly tend to manage their online presence on their own, so ofc during breaks and during very busy times is harder for them to find good content to share. They had also been very clear about needing time off their phones all through the London era and the album recording in Hamburg, so that didn’t come as a surprise for fans 🤷‍♀️
But having very sensible, personal reasons to quit/decrease social media presence has unfortunately no meaning in communication, where the laws are very simple: once you stop sharing, you stop existing
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I don’t want to criticize their choices, because they are entitled to their privacy and offline time. I’m just pointing out that this very long, hiccup-y period probably could have been avoided with better management and with the presence of a smm/pre-planned sm communication 🙃
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It also unfortunately happened concurrently to the new ESC season, which was bound to “organically” erode part of the fandom anyway, and to an EU tour that, although successful, has still highlighted a lazy/bad management and yet again a communication that made little to no sense at times (es. the whole campaign that subtly asked people to go to more than one concert, which clearly made fans with less financial and logistical possibilities feel ‘lacking’ and ‘inferior’) 🙄
In their defense, the tour was to establish a fanbase more than gaining more fans and exposure, so pushing for getting more of a loyal than an occasional fanbase wasn’t completely wrong an idea… it just backfired
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And it did because the greatest part of their international fanbase is made of very young people who aren’t financially independent and whose interests are bound to be fleeting and shifting ESPECIALLY when they aren’t constantly met with content production/consumption
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Let’s also not forget that having completely shifted their attention to international waters at the expense of the Slovenian/regional fanbase has been very risky. We still can’t tell if the gamble was successful or not
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It’s never a good idea to ignore/neglect your hardcore supporters, the very people that helped you raise to your current standards. it’s true they are the most loyal, but they are also very easily the ones that could feel more betrayed
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I also think it’s very risky trying to shift the fans’ content consumption out of social media and into a (controlled, easier to manage, ofc) site like Openstage for two main reasons: as said before, complete disappearance from socials means communicational suicide and until now, the “dedicated content” directed toward fans on the site has been… too bland and generic (sorry)(they can learn how to improve that)
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Openstage has other very interesting uses tho, firstly the early access to ticket sales and secondly the tracking of international fan presence, which was pretty clearly the main goal and reason why they opened the site in the first place... so it’s not ex ante a bad communication choice, just (until now) one that has yet to show its potential and usefulness
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So what now? I think it’s time they make a few considerations and sensible choices to maintain what’s currently the status quo and in order to tackle festival season in the best way
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They need to keep their international presence by opening their fanbase to a new kind of fans: festivals bring exposure to bands from a very specific type of fanbase, more interested in music than in contents. If they manage to capture the interest of Sziget people, for example, they could gather a new type of international fanbase less interested in the “social media” content consumption and more in the “I wanna see these guys play again, somewhere else, maybe a show of their own” way
(which, to be completely fair, could be the best choice to cure their current crazy/shifting/confusing fanbase state, giving them more peace of mind, more privacy and a more “normal” rock band experience than the one they had in the past year… that we can all agree has been pretty bad at times)
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I personally think this summer season must go in the quantity direction (gaining more new fans) and at the same time in the quality direction (less shows, bigger stages) and this is why some of you are disappointed in seeing so little shows compared to last year or to the SYS tour... I get it
Many of us, me included, won’t be seeing JO live for the whole summer season, and I’m aware that is disappointing, but I hope this analysis has helped you put things into perspective and consider maybe one of the possible reasons why this next phase for Joker Out is being organized this way
I’m still hoping they’ll find a good compromise with their social media communication, because right now I really feel that being the main issue with the gradual but constant drop in traction (please boys hire a smm. i adore jan’s sad edits and the unhinged video and stories like the next person but serious work has to be done too)
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Ending the rant on a note of hope: I wish to see you all enjoy the summer and the content to come and I hope for the boys to have a successful, fun season full of new experiences, new music, new people, fresh ideas for the future. I’m honestly very excited for what’s to come! 🌻
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mrmorganswoman · 1 day
Hey, I've always thought about a girl who made Arthur that way... cold but soft at the same time, serious but funny.
Maybe she was in the gang when Dutch and Hosea found Arthur. She tried to help him. She saw both him and John as her little brothers.
Maybe she was the old Arthur of the gang, hunting and dealing with folks, making money for the gang. Maybe that's why Arthur is like that.
She died miserably, that's for sure. That's why Arthur chose to copy her persona…can you write something like that?
omg that is just a heartbreaking amazing idea omg!! the exact type of thing i like to write lol. also congrats to you on being my first request!! Xx
Dear Sister
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How many years had it been?
‘Too fuckin’ many…’ Arthur thought with an angry sigh. He had the date written down in his journal, along with a sketch of her. And pages upon pages written about her, of every memory of her he could recall. He could go and look, if he had a mind too. But he never could bring himself too. It was too painful. He looked at the small whiskey bottle in his hand, and downed the last couple of gulps. It burned, but that was good. Better than whatever it was he was feeling before.
“Arthur, honey come 'ere. Sit down with me…”
The teen grumbled, before sitting down next to his older sister. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder, and it was like the anger within him melted away. He leaned his head on his sisters shoulder and sighed.
"What's wrong with you, kiddo? Talk t'me."
Arthur sighed into his sisters shoulder, and felt stupid tears prickling in his stupid eyes.
"I feel like a fuckin' fool. I wasn't shootin' right- And then I got mad at Hosea by mistake and now here I am- Dammit why can't I just be like you!"
She started stroking Arthur's honey blonde hair, giving his scalp a gentle massage.
"You listen to me Arthur." She began, her tone comforting and warm. "Even I have my bad days, where I can't seem to make my shot on the first try or when I make a dumb mistake on a simple job. It's fuckin' hard, aint it sweetheart?"
Arthur nodded, absorbing every word she said. Taking every breath to heart. He loved his sister so so much, he really did wanna be like her when he grew up. She was the best gunslinger he knew. She was Dutch's most trusted associate. She was orphaned, just like him, and taken in by Dutch. And now here she is, the finest outlaw Arthur knew! She did good for the gang, making them money, pulling off the most complicated heists with ease. She could hunt, moving through the forest like one of them lynx's, silent and deadly. And, according to Dutch, she was the best enforcer they could ever hope for. Never once failing to collect a debt, or scare people off their trails.
"Honey you listen to what I'm telling ya' now. I want you to never forget your worth. You are a skilled, gifted, good young man and ya' always will be. Don't you never let anyone tell you otherwise. And when times are tough, you are tougher. I want you to be strong for me Arthur, always. You promise?"
Arthur pulled away from his sister, looking at her in her pretty blue eyes. Though he would never tell her that.
"I promise. sis. I'll be strong for that stupid little John too." Arthur said, his tone is light but he meant every word with a deadly seriousness.
"Atta boy!"
Arthur looked at the bottle in hid hand, and with an enraged yell smashed it against the nearest tree. It shattered, a few sharp shards flinging back and cutting him in the face.
"Arthur! What the hell is the matter with you!?"
Ugh. Of course it had to be John.
"Get lost!" Arthur snapped, quickly standing up off the ground. Arthur stormed off, but stubborn John followed him anyways. "Marston god dammit leave me ALONE!"
“ARTHUR!” John yelled. Arthur snapped his head around, enough anger in his eyes that John was surprised he wasn’t dead. "Arthur you’ve gotta know by now that I know when she is on your mind! I know how you feel! She was as much as sister to me as she was to you! And-”
“YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH MARTSON CAUSE I AIN’T FINISHED!” Arthur inhaled a deep and shaky breath before he continued. “You know what it sounds like, or how it fuckin’ feels to have to pull an axe outta someone’s skull? The way it sticks, how hard you gotta pull on it? The sound when it is finally unstuck?”
John sat there, motionless. The words Arthur spoke made him ill, but it was the truth. Their sister died a horrible death, one she didn’t deserve in the slightest.
“I couldn’t even bury her body. I had to run. They shot my horse dead, and when I came back she was gone.”
John opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. When John didn’t speak, Arthur continued.
“So Brother.” Arthur spat, the venom in his tone enough to make flinch away from them. “Don’ tell me you know how I feel, cause I can assure you, ya’ haven’t got the slightest fuckin’ idea.”
With that, Arthur stormed off. He headed deeper into the woods, not giving a damn about the time of night or predators or anything. He needed to be far away from everyone and everything, to clear his head.
He knew he couldn’t save his sister. Then or now. She was gone, nothing left of her but the gamblers hat on his head. It had fallen off, before….
‘I’m gon’ kill that son of a bitch…..’ Arthur thought, knowing with a deadly certainty that this was the only thing he could do. He had attempted to find them before, but this time he wouldn’t fail.
He couldn’t save his sister, but he damn sure would give her the redemption she deserved.
a/n: thanks for such an amazing request anon! i might have to include this sister in the fic im working on rn! Xx
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In a Miraculous X Rescue-Bots Crossover, what kind of Akumatized Villian would the Burns become? And what's a possible reason they be Akumatized?
Sorry for the long wait but I really just stopped enjoying MLB for reasons I can't list. But I did made an MLB x TFRB idea crossover with another mutual but just with who would be the holders.
For the Akumas, to be fair I don't want to say because I know that HawkMoth would give them the most horrible villain costumes... but well. Some are simple to say while others could be more of an accident.
-I like to imagine Charlie getting akumatized because of some accident that involved one of his kids (like Cody) and him falling to protect them making him feel down enough for Gabriel to take control of him. His Akuma form would probably be someone able to ¨protect¨ everyone by imprisoning them in little cages that can only be opened by the hands of Charlie, so he would be a pretty tough opponent to fight.
-Kade is kinda easy but hard as well because as much of an ego as he has, he is still on the good path. Is mostly his ego and superior views of himself that made him flawed and an annoyance to others. That being said, when everyone backs an eye on him and just decides to ignore him is what makes him angry. It was something planned by Dani and Graham just to mess with their older brother (it could also be caused by his siblings bringing the Gremlin stuff back but you can decide). If Hawkmoth sends an Akuma to Kade then he would feed the image of Kade of being an invincible superior person Kade desperately desires. His only weakness would be recognizing that he did wrong...
-For Dani is kind of a trick because just like Kade she uses ego and arrogance to hide when she is faced with something she can't handle but unlike Kade she can break much easier than the rest of his brothers and father. It is probably the feeling of being the only girl in the family and being seen as nothing but air support that would make her want others to feel the same and reveal their true colors so they stop judging her. She would still fly above and be free from the sight of others, but everyone who saw hers flying would ¨reveal¨ who they are on the inside, all the grossness and horrible thoughts that they keep in secret would surface making Dani much better off an ¨example¨ than her brothers and father.
-OOF Graham is a tricky one as well but I feel that the ep ¨Feed the Monster¨ gave us a good example of what Graham could be as an Akuma or just a villain/monster in any universe. What could trigger this is really hard to decide as he is a very chill guy, but maybe it could be just like with his father that Graham failed to protect someone and got mad at himself believing himself to be a monster more than a hero. Hawkmoth would use the weak image Graham has over him to twist it into a monster unable to control his strength.
-Now for Cody... this one gonna be easy actually as we have plenty of reasons as to why Cody would be akumatized but at the same time reasons why he would be immune to becoming an Akuma, our boy shines so much that an Akuma would disintegrate if it touches him. But, as I said we got reasons, and since the past Akumas I mentioned are related to anger and deceptions, what about we talk about kindness??? Cody just like the rest of his family sacrifices stuff, time, life, and emotions to be a hero even when he is still on the sidelines. As he keeps seeing his family being put into dangerous situations, making them sacrifice their own lives and wishes over the safety of others makes him feel something behind his brain that just... wants to be out. Something like a selfish desire could not be granted by normal means, but thanks to Gabriel Akuma's, that one thing Cody always desired could be accomplished. In Griffin Rock there would be no danger anymore, no more crazy robots or people putting themselves in danger, just tranquility and normality with the Burns family being an example of an everyday family. Thought, such an elusion could be broken easily by people who know Cody the best, the kid won't fall that easily as he knows every little dirty detail of the people on the island, and if anyone tries to break the perfect world he made for himself and his family... they will have to deal with true despair.
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baejax-the-great · 2 days
Archive-locking the fics that YOU WROTE and are thus 100% yours to decide what to do with 'hurting people' is so silly tbh. Skill issue on their part. Wish those people could be normal about the amazing fics that writers like you put out & be understanding or at the very least respectful of the choices that writers make about how and where they make their fics available. Especially in light of recent ai training theft and nonsense & all that.
I hope this doesn't sour the fic writing & sharing experience for you too much. I love your writing & think you're very talented & skilled!
There seem to be dual attitudes I'm coming up against recently (and obviously these are not held by everyone, I don't even know that they are held by a majority, but they are certainly held by a plurality).
The first is that authors should be grateful that readers deign to read what they put out there. I think this stems from the "content creation" mentality and the idea that everyone who posts things wants as massive as an audience as possible (for monetization purposes which... isn't a thing in fanfic). I think this mindset also leads to readers demanding that people write specific tropes/pairings/whatever, or threatening basically to take their business elsewhere. "Nobody will read unless you do [X]." 1. Not true and 2. Okay, you weren't my audience.
(I also think authors circulating those posts about how badly they want comments/kudos feeds this mentality of readers doing authors a favor by even clicking on the fic. "Wow, if people are so desperate for attention, then mine must be worth an awful lot!")
Fanfic ain't a business, and I write for myself. Readers choosing to read my work isn't a privilege or an honor they are bestowing upon me (nor are comments for that matter), just as me posting my writing where they can see it isn't a privilege or an honor for them. We are both engaging in hobbies and a love of some media, and sometimes we will overlap and connect and sometimes we won't. Readers aren't reading out of altruism for attention-starved authors, and authors aren't writing out of altruism for content-hungry readers.
And there are those who will read these paragraphs above and think to themselves "wow, what an ungrateful author," and that's exactly the attitude I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong, it's delightful and rewarding to receive comments on fics and chat with people about Blorbo and the Situations. But it should be delightful from both sides of the exchange, or why the hell are we doing this? If I'm meant to be grateful for every commenter who jumps into my inbox, then every commenter in my inbox better be grateful for me, and I can tell you right now there is a population who is not. There is a population who sees me as a service provider for their entertainment, and whatever form I take in their brain, it is not shaped like a full person.
This attitude also leads to people thinking that things like lorefm are no big deal. Don't I want to get my work in front of more eyeballs (or ears)? Don't I want to broaden my audience? And once I put my work out there for readers to see, should I be shocked (or express any negative emotions at all) when someone plagiarizes/scrapes it for AI/demands updates rudely/reads it on a monetized youtube channel/binds it and sells it for profit?
The other idea I've been coming up against is almost the opposite of this--that because some readers form attachments to fic, deleting that fic (or even archive-locking it!) is actively harming those readers. Sure, they can't be bothered to hit the download button or get an AO3 account, but that's no reason not to think of these strangers first before doing what I want with my creative output.
Yall, life is ephemeral. There are things we will see and enjoy and never find again for one reason or another, and it's not harm being done to us, it's just the nature of existence. Having an emotional reaction to something does not give you any sort of ownership over that thing. Artists are allowed to change their minds about whether they want that art in the wild, particularly given that it's free. Maybe it's because I utilize the library a lot, but reading a book and then losing access to that book is not a crime against you, it's just a normal thing that happens. If you read something and it means that much to you, there are ways to avoid losing it (download it).
Seeing this particular attitude extend out to "not making your fic available for as many people to read as possible is harming them" is beyond bizarre. If I woke up tomorrow and deleted everything I have ever written, there would still be thousands upon thousands upon thousands of beautiful, emotional, meaningful fics out there for people to read. They would lack for nothing. Would some people be upset? Probably. Would I be hurting them? No, not really.
Sometimes people have negative emotions because of our actions, but that doesn't mean we did anything to them. This is one of those times.
Lastly, this AI and everything else bullshit really has taken a toll on my enthusiasm for posting my work. It's one thing for companies to try to pillage every thought, every word, every stroke of a pen or paintbrush to enrich themselves while actively making the planet an unbearable and inhospitable place to live, it's another when fellow fans are telling you that "Whelp that's just life, what did you expect, give us your content anyway or you're a bad person and if you complain, then I'll be taking my business elsewhere, you sensitive, entitled creative, lol."
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wulflynn · 2 days
Comparing Rhysand to Tamlin?
Okay, so. I have seen SO many people hopping on the "Rhysand is evil" and "Rhysand is the same as Tamlin" bandwagons, and I feel like I must seriously disagree. Of course they were both protective, but there are key differences that make them different. Tamlin, I don't doubt for a moment that he loved/loves Feyre. He and Rhys are just two very different people in the fact that Tamlin seems much more 'traditional', where Rhys is more progressive and supportive of Feyre's needs. Formal attire at meals, expects respect, thinks Feyre should have stayed at home and away from danger (I get that he felt she'd done enough and EARNED her time to rest). But he literally locked her in the manor and wouldn't let her accompany him for meaningful tasks. (ETA Tamlin also had some major rage issues and def needs some anger management. While he didn't outright hit her or anything--which I know sounds like that is setting the bar preeeetty low--but he did have his magical outbursts and regularly destroyed furniture and rooms, making it dangerous for anyone nearby). I'm sure he valued her more than some trophy wife but treated her as such anyway, maybe even possibly because of Rhysand's mother and sister who were killed while traveling. Who knows? He felt undermined rather than proud when Feyre helped the water wraith. Whatever his reasons, he went about it all wrong and pretty much lost everything because of it. While I was all "Yeah Feyre, F*** up Tam's life for taking you from Rhys", part of me felt bad for Tam too because the THOUGHT he was doing what was right vs just acting like an arse to be an arse. They just weren't compatible as a couple and I feel would be better as friends. Rhysand? Always gives Feyre the choice. He will give advice but ultimately does his damndest to build her up when she is feeling down. Not with gifts like painting kits and jewelry, but with space when she needs it and friendship when she needs it in whatever form that may be at the time. Instead of reading her poetry he TAUGHT HER HOW TO READ herself. And was fully on-board with her learning how to embrace and use her gifted powers. Even knowing she was his mate he was willing to let her live a life with Tam after all she'd done to prove her love for Tam, because he prioritized her happiness over his own. Feyre and Rhys can call each other on their shit and not get super offended. He wants her to stay safe but understands that she is strong and capable, far too much so to stay locked up in the house and while he was partially upset that she didn't stay inside the town house during the attack on Velaris, he was SO proud and grateful that she fought for his people in a city she'd only known for such a short time. He is prideful when she shows some backbone instead of staying meek. He sees her as his equal and made her his High Lady, while Tamlin basically scoffed at the idea of a High Lady and said they don't exist. Yeah, Rhys kept from Feyre the extent of the risk of her pregnancy with Nyx. It wasn't that he wanted her to be ignorant of the issue and go through with it, but he wanted to remain hopeful that he could find a way to solve the issue. Not get her hopes up, but not make her dread and stress, either, when there could have possibly been a way to save her. Was it a bad call? Sure. Does it throw out some red flag craziness that makes him evil? No. He is a person who didn't know what to do with such a dire situation.
Honestly I could probably go on and on about this, and feel free to discuss! I keep listening to the Dramatized version of the audiobooks and can't get enough. Just finished the first Crescent City book and can't wait to listen to the rest of those as well.
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pianocat939 · 2 days
Okay, I'll just type out some background information for my planet idea before the actual indugence.
So as a I explained before, the people of the planets + Sun control their respective planet and keep the solar system in balance as much as possible.
Now, there is an unofficial rivalry between the rock planets and gaseous planets. The rock planets want to introduce civilization into other planets to construct more events for their history. (It's literally Earth and Mars being like yes and then poor Mercury and Venus are dragged along).
The gaseous planets don't want this at all. They want to keep the calm, stable world they have already.
Meanwhile, the Sun doesn't care as long as they're the center of the universe.
Okay, now onto more individual background information:
She hates everyone except Venus kind of type. Mostly because the other planets make fun of her size a lot. Venus is the only one she looks up to, and views kind of like an older sibling.
Thoughts on MC (Saturn): She thinks they're more tolerable than the others. But admits their prominent rings are really eye-catching. Finds it annoying when Venus is all pick me girl to them though.
Her thoughts and votes aren't noticed as much as the other planets when they make interplanet decisions. She's sad that they don't notice her individuality.
True beauty queen and is very nice. But I won't lie, she likes to flirt with other planets a lot, even intergalactic ones. But if you ever need emotional support, she's there.
Thoughts on MC: Head over heels for them. Constantly flirting, and always trying to look her best in hopes they'll bat an eye for her. Will be a pick me sometimes because of them.
She doesn't agree with the whole civilization campaign that Earth and Mars have going on but prefers to avoid conflict. But also doesn't want to be targeted by humans...
Kind of the cause of all problems for the solar system except maybe the Sun. They can be a narcissist at times but not as bad as the Sun. Earth is constantly sending out exploration journeys which the planets don't like.
Thoughts on MC: Thinks they're a fascinating planet that needs to be learned more about. They will constantly ask questions about MC, eating up any detail about their planet.
They've been conducting secret plans with Mars...
Pretty smug and confident. Thinks he's the most attractive colour out of all the planets, but unlike Venus, doesn't flirt. Instead, he's more power-hungry. Which is why he's joined in Earth's campaign in hopes he can conquer Saturn especially.
Thoughts on MC: Although Saturn may be much bigger than him, Mars thinks they would be perfect partners. He may be small, but he can pick them up easily for sure. (Size isn't extremely important, but between the two groups there is a difference). Wouldn't you want a warmer planet snuggled into your side?
Althought genuinely thinks Earth as a friend, he hopes to leave them as soon as he gets to have Saturn by his side.
He's literally not that different in age from the other gaseous planets but puts himself in the role as the protector. He is the biggest one and is the most powerful of the planets other than maybe Earth's sneaky little humans.
Thoughts on MC: Finds himself liking the fact they're not that much smaller than him, but still finds them cute. If you thought he's all wholesome, you're wrong. He gets extremely possessive of them and will try to protect them from the rock planets.
Finds Neptune and Uranus annoying sometimes but kinda likes the weird family role they have built as gaseous planets.
Saturn (MC):
(Now I'm just putting this down so MC can have some defined traits. So sorry if this isn't how you act! [and to be fair, I don't act like this either]).
The mom/big sibling of the gaseous planets. They try to be positive for the other 3 considering the rivalry going on. But they don't agree with the campaign at all. They enjoy the peaceful environment they have.
Despite everybody loving their rings, can get a little self-conscious from how much they stand out.
Neptune's twin brother. Think of him as like an annoying middle schooler or that one cousin you absolutely want to murder. He loves annoying every planet, but especially Jupiter. Is self-conscious on his weirdness occasionally.
Thoughts on MC: Absolutely indulges in the fact MC is willing to dote on him. He will puposely mismanage his planet or get hurt in hopes they'll coddle him. Especially in front of his sister.
He works very hard trying to figure out Earth's and Mars' plans.
The calm one of the twins. She's quiet most of the time but will passionately throw up an argument if she thinks Earth is doing some shady shit. But mostly keeps her points to the gaseous planets. She loves talking to her fellow gaseous members.
Thoughts on MC: Thinks of them as a perfect rolemodel. She has rings too (all gaseous planets do) and wants them to be as prominent as Saturn's. She likes to talk about what they did that day or what they love to do.
Has a one-sided rivalry with Venus. Wants to become the most beautiful planet so that Saturn will see her as someone to look at.
He is the irresponsible father who will go on vacations randomly. He will only talk with the planets if he has to prove he's better than them or wants to flirt with Saturn.
Thoughts on MC: Finds them small and cute. Thinks their rings match with his burning flames. Wishes they would stop being so fixiated on keeping peace though. What better peace is there than to chill with him?
Finds Earth to be the most annoying little brat and kind of wants to burn humanity alive.
I don't want to reveal any info of my thoughts on their yan personalities yet, but this is for some ideas on how their personalities are like.
Just so there's no confusion: MC is genderneutral for audience purposes, but Earth is in fact nonbinary. (I kind of thought that becuase they have humans living with them, they aren't contorted to one gender).
I haven't really figured out the lore yet for moons, but for now I'll say they're kind of the assistants of the planets.
If you have any thoughts or ideas, you can send way, but until then, I will keep planning my idea for yan planets. (I do gobble up ideas though I admit)
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gothsidecharacter · 2 years
i feel bad that it took me so long to get into stranger things even though i watched and enjoyed the first season right when it came out but am a hateful little creature at my core and didn’t want to engage anymore after it became such a commercial success and all it took for me to give it a second chance was growing up a little and being given a new silly little doomed side character to project onto and now that character is the one that people are being so not normal over that i simply cannot enjoy myself in peace without worrying that i am being a cringey little freak (derogatory) about it
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edgepunk · 2 years
where is that tweet about drawing feet but not making them too detailed so people don't get the wrong idea
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altocat · 2 months
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More cringe memes. Lucrecia Edition.
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specialized-rexan · 7 days
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SCREENSHOTS I GOT FROM THE JEREMY JORDAN LIVESTREAM YESTERDAY. especially love the comments on his duck drawings. he was very proud of some of them since he needed to practice before the stream. he admits he does not draw much lol
and here's Lucifer's signature that Jeremy came up with: a cursive capital L attached to a pentagram!
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the stream was SO FUN and literally only felt like 20 minutes even tho it was almost an hour
at one point he mentioned he's making pancakes with olive oil now since he has high cholesterol, and that he LOVES how the pancakes turned out. someone responded:
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(later someone joked he should make pancakes with bacon grease and he almost shouted (not angrily) "DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE? I JUST SAID I HAVE HIGH CHOLESTEROL. I just said. I had high cholesterol. Are you TRYING. To kill me."
anyway back to screenshots lol)
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"Take that, depression!" was a popular quote to write on prints, and he said he hoped we're not depressed and it was very sweet
some more quotes written during the stream and other notes:
"I'm gonna be signing these prints of my boy Lucifer, the short king of Hell"
he drank both a cold smoothie and hot tea during the stream. "Doesn't make any goddamn sense, but here we go."
"It's never too late to fuck up--too late to fuck shit up" (a legitimate accidental stammer. but still perfect in its own way)
"Every time I hear the name 'Shay' I think of my daughter's friend at school. My daughter's obsessed with a friend named Shay. 'S all she talks about. 'Shay Shay Shay Shay Shay Shay.' Shay and Madeline. It's like 'You can be your own person. Clara. You are your own HUMAN.' …HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATHERINE."
hopes to go to some conventions for Hazbin Hotel. more likely to go to cons in New York, New Jersey (where he lives), or Philly area
"He's just a li'l cutie. :3 Is he really da bosh? :3" (wondering if Lucifer really is the Big Boss of Hell Himself or if it's just more of a title)
"Hope you're not depressed"
" 'Write something Lucifer would say to cheer someone up.' And I think Lucifer would think that… 'SINGING MAKES EVERYTHING BETTER!' At least when it comes to rebuilding your relationship with your daughter."
"Guess what's in my smoothie. There are six ingredients. Go."
"…said draw a little duck, so I drew the smallest duck I could. (holds print up to camera then says in small high-pitched voice:) It's a little duck!"
about his smoothie again: "Obviously, I just went to the gym. So I gotta have some kinda supplement in there. ... WHAT'S THE BASE, Y'ALL? YOU GOTTA HAVE A BASE." (someone could use that audio and give a character a bass guitar lol)
(still about people guessing smoothie ingredients:) "WATER? Why would I put water in my smoothie. (mutters:) Water is for losers. ... Kale! -grins and points at camera- That's it! You win. That's my smoothie."
his smoothie was blueberries, bananas, strawberries, protein powder, almond milk, kale
"…with a hUUGE shmiley faysh! :3" (about a little " =) " smile he wrote with an autograph)
"We love, we stan Lilith"
Some fatherly advice from Lucifer: "Don't fuck up your lives like I did 😎"
he's only seen Hazbin Hotel once, and he had "~champagne fountains, caviar mountains, that's just to staaart~" going through his head for the two+ years between recording his lines and the show airing. he wasn't able to tell anyone it because of non-disclosure stuff, and eventually he even forgot what that song line was from. but it still went through his head
"[Person he was signing an autograph for] is a bi girl [bisexual], and that's pretty baller"
"Take that depression!! Quack"
"Hold please!" (i just liked imagining Lucifer saying almost any small thing)
Jeremy Jordan says Lucifer is short, and not just that all the other characters are tall (i cannot confirm that that is canon even tho that's what i want LOL) "What gives!? There are short people in this world, and they need some love"
someone asked what he thinks about OC x canon ships. he was confused about what OC means and then when the chat explained, he was confused about how "OC x canon" works. but he figured it out after thinking for a moment. "So basically everybody wants to fuck Lucifer. GOT IT."
"Am I going to Hell for this" (about all the pentagrams he's drawing)
"…so i just did a bunch of stars and hearts around Emery's name 💜"
someone asked about his favorite Hazbin Hotel song, and he answered that season 2 has a rock song he really likes 👀 👀
"(a requested phrase for an autograph:) 'Duck lord loves you no matter what.' ...Don't know what that particularly means but…"
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The frustrating thing about having good days with pain or bodily irritation or mobility or whatever else isn't that it's a "good day." It's the feeling that you are either greatly exaggerating your suffering or worse, that you're secretly wanting attention/admiration for your suffering. I think people sometimes are confused as to why good days in terms of disability can be distressing to some, but it is precisely that you almost... overthink the Implications of good days.
It isn't that you want to be suffering, it is that you are taught you will only be "worthy" of help if you are suffering in the Right way (and having any good days are often seen as a sign that you aren't "truly worthy").
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