#but he also just draws heavily from this type of design
chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 months
griffith has three mothers and it’s them
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sant-riley · 1 year
is it ok to request some headcannons with the team? if so, could you do a reader that’s covered in tattoos? like heavily tattooed. even their fingers. right? anyways, the reader is always covered during missions (like ghost level covered) and the team have subconsciously created this image of them under it all but haven’t really seen them until one day reader is wearing normal clothes and they’re like 🧍‍♀️ what? you have tattoos and like barely any skin 🧍‍♀️ IDK I JUST THOUGHT IT WOULD BE CUTE NVM THOUGH IF U DONT WANNA WRITE ❤️ NO ISSUE IF YOU DONT!
[Task force 141 and Laswell with reader who has a lot of tattoos)
A/N: I am not heavily tattooed yet but I did love this request sm soooo here this is :) Ty for the suggestion and I hope you enjoy!
They can’t really be blamed for not knowing about the tattoos, y’all are all covered typically in heavy gear and clothing and weapons most of the time. And they don’t question it when you’re covered up even more than usual bc yk, Ghost exists walking around in a Halloween costume 365 days a year. They’re used to it so they won’t prod.
Most task force members have tattoos of their own, it’s not a strange concept but they just assume you have none, they see you covered up and that’s that.
But then one day, let’s say there’s a mission and you guys get fucking d r e n c h e d in water, and you’re in a cold climate so leaving your clothes on is not an option. They need to dry by the fire and you cannot catch hypothermia.
Whatever reason you cover up, you know it’s only logical so you shyly take off your gear, quickly going by the fire while the guys quietly stare at your figure, staring at the ink decorating your body. Yes you’re beautiful and yes it’s their first time seeing so much of your skin but is that a fucking narwhal on your arm-
You have to snap at them to quit their staring bc you think they’re only staring at your chest or at your underwear but soap just blurts out “YOU ‘AVE TATTOOS?” And everyone else nods.
Individual reactions:
Ghost fucking loves it so much, he could stare at your tattoos for hours on end. He rolls up his sleeves to show you the ones decorating his forearms, letting you trace your fingers over the skull and withholding a shudder.
He immediately brings his hand up and traces yours back, asking questions about them and how long they took with you sitting in the chair, grunting in response as he zones out.
Asks why you cover them up as often as you do but when you send him that look he quickly says never mind.
He immediately asks you about the meaning (if you have any for them). He admires them and thinks they make you look beautiful and badass.
He also will take a marker and draw ones on your empty bits of skin and color any grayscale tattoos you have.
If you were to ever get one of his doodles or drawings tattooed he would probably tear up on the spot. Also maybe kiss you stupid bc wow you have something from him on your skin forever and he loves you sm.
Would design y’all matching pieces, in your line of work tomorrow isn’t guaranteed so if you’re down, he’ll make the appointment for you both.
I personally don’t think Price has tattoos or would ever get any bc he doesn't care for them but he has an appreciation for yours.
Everyone would think he would be the type to talk down on them but all he said to you was “do you like ‘em? You do? Then why the fuck would I care?”
In between breaks, he’ll casually ask if you got any new ones and that he’d like to see them.
Gaz doesn’t have any but that’s just because he can’t fully decide on what he’d get, he’s young like you and cannot handle the commitment.
Therefore he lives by you and eagerly encourages all your ink and will always go with you to your tattoo session if he’s free.
He’s the best kind of person to have come along esp for long sessions bc he’ll go get you food, drinks, etc while he sits with you.
He always says he’s gonna get one when he goes with but always said never mind lmao.
Bonus <3 Laswell:
Now she's no stranger to ink, she's not covered up but she does have a matching tattoos with her wife and a few small patches of her wedding flowers on her.
She absolutely adores your ink and will not hesitate to defend you and it if someone were to disrespect you bc of what you've done with YOUR body.
She's a mom what can I say, she knows her authority and won't be shy to use it.
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel
@perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom @solarslushee @areislol
@cluelessyasmin @sesshomaruwaifu @chaos-unchecked @kalamataolivesssss @arunasmisfortune @tbrfic
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kingscourthouse · 4 months
hold up i NEED to know more about your Xisuma Views thing.... I just saw the art with Joel and i'm obsessed
Well it's just how it sounds, it's Xisuma's view of the world. Unlike other players, he can't see the layers they have to hide.
Lemme put it like this. You're making a minecraft skin and have your second layer, yeah? That's their base layer. And then there's a second layer that's more heavily concealing.
Xisuma isn't from minecraft and his code is glitched, so not only do layers not work for him, but he can't see the layers either. Some people use only base layers to hide "actual forms" if they have one, and others use a second layer to hide scars or parts of their body that don't need a heavy cover.
So Xisuma sees people in a bit of a weird way. He thinks how he sees people is how everyone sees eachother. He sees their true character.
Skizz is a really nice guy. He's always looking out for people, tries to be there for someone, some people say he acts like an angel.
And so Xisuma never questions it. He sees Skizz as an angel, other people supposedly see him as an angel. Skizz is just an angel, why would anyone see anything else? It's just Skizz.
Though the Skizz people actually see is his layers with the torn suit and brown hair. The layers also affect his interactions with people too. If he's around Skizz, he tends to squint alot or avoid looking in his direction if he's not in his armour. Skizz is blinding to Xisuma, so he has trouble looking at him. Though Skizz does have features, but he's too bright to see any of them.
Xisuma also has a type of layer as well, but it's not on him. He's too broken in the games code (that's a whole 'nother can of worms) for him to use layers. So what does he do? He adds a layer to everyone else.
Xisuma doesn't leave hermitcraft too often, so everyone outside it will see what he really looks like. In the server though? Everyone has a layer that covers Xisuma from their eyes. He's lucky his admin panel isn't from minecraft or else he'd be screwed.
What's fun with Xisuma seeing people's real forms is that (in my au at least) he's kind of a grey character. If there's ever a fight or spat between hermits, he can have trouble taking sides. Not all Hermits are angelic or aliens like Skizz and Joel. There's hermits who are monsters and beings who do or did bad things in the past. Not all Hermits talk about those things.
He can get better insights to people's decisions or just things about them. Joel has a habit to make things around bright areas or access to a lot of light. Maybe because he's made of it. Skizz only ever keeps one pair of elytra. Maybe because he's missing his second pair of wings that can't glow anymore.
He can see people for who they were. Keralis is an eyesore (literally) and can hurt to look at. Grian has too many evenly split scars across his body and Xisuma knows what's behind them. Doc isn't a creeper.
There's a lot to Xisuma's View thing and I do wanna eventually start drawing how everyone looks to him, but I'm indecisive and don't know where to start. So idk maybe I'll open ask box for hermit requests. Can be interactions between Xisuma and specific hermits (both ones seen and not) or it can just be their design.
Idk but feel free to ask about them, I have designs for every hermit, empires member and even everyone in the life series. So he's got plenty of people to show you.
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nayziiz · 3 months
No Way | LN4
Summary: Lando Norris, an F1 driver for McLaren Racing, faces persistent attention on his single status. In an attempt to appease fans and quell rumours, his management suggests a fake relationship with a popular Portuguese model. However, Lando's PR manager, Natalie, disagrees, believing fans would see through the ploy. As an alternative, Lando's management notices the genuine bond between him and Natalie and proposes they feign a relationship for authenticity. Initially hesitant, they agree, given their existing friendship and professional connection. The fake relationship takes an unexpected turn as Lando and Natalie grapple with burgeoning real feelings, attempting unsuccessfully to conceal their growing emotions.
Pairing: Lando Norris x Original Character (Natalie)
Warnings: Mentions of physical and emotional abuse; SA; fluff
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CHAPTER 5 (long chapter)
As Lando places his helmet on the table in front of Natalie and Max, the atmosphere around the breakfast table takes a shift. The intricate design and details of the helmet become the focal point, drawing the attention of both Natalie and Max.
They lean in, studying the helmet with a shared appreciation for the craftsmanship and personal touches that adorn it. The design, a reflection of Lando's personality and style, serves as a visual representation of his journey in the racing world.
Natalie, with her background in the racing industry, and Max, as a fellow driver, find a common ground in dissecting the nuances of the helmet's design. The breakfast table, once a casual meeting place, becomes a forum for their shared passion and understanding of the racing world.
“It’s the year of the rabbit, and it was also the year of the rabbit when I was born, so it just kind of made sense to do the lucky rabbit type design.” Lando explains. “What’d you think?”
“It’s sick.” Max agrees as he turns the helmet to get a better look.
“Nattie?” Lando asks when he sees her stay quiet.
“It’s cool, I like it.” She finally answers when she gets a turn to hold the helmet.
Natalie's internal struggle weighs heavily on her as she navigates her interactions with Lando. Since Suzuka, her demeanour has shifted, evident in the blunt text responses and the subtle avoidance when they arrived in Shanghai. This breakfast moment marks the first time Lando has seen her for an extended period without her disappearing.
Max's words linger in her mind, casting a shadow over her interactions with Lando. The reminder of their cuddles on the night of his first victory adds a layer of complexity to the dynamic. Natalie, consciously trying not to attach real feelings to their "fake romance," recognizes the potential for complications if she were to develop genuine emotions for Lando.
With Max excusing himself from the room due to a phone call, Lando and Natalie find themselves alone for the first time in two weeks. The lingering tension and unspoken emotions from Suzuka now simmer beneath the surface, and the air becomes charged with the weight of their unexplored dynamic.
The absence of Max, the temporary break from external influences, creates a space for a more genuine interaction between Lando and Natalie. Lando, sensing the shift in dynamics, looks at Natalie, his gaze holding a mix of curiosity and a desire for connection beyond the confines of their professional roles. Natalie, grappling with her internal conflict, meets his eyes, acknowledging the unspoken complexities that have been building between them.
“You don’t seem to be very impressed.” Lando comments as he takes the helmet from her and places it back in its bag.
“I said I like it, didn’t I?” Natalie abruptly responds, surprising both herself and Lando with her brash retort. The unexpected edge in her tone hangs in the air, leaving a moment of awkward silence between them. “I’m sorry, I’m just a bit tired.”
The fatigue, both physical and emotional, seeping through her words suggests that there might be more to her abrupt response than meets the eye.
“Maybe you shouldn’t go out tonight.” Lando suggests, expressing concern about the girls' night Natalie had planned with some of the drivers' girlfriends.
“I promised Lily I’d go otherwise she’ll never get used to the other girls.” Natalie responds, citing her commitment to attend the gathering. The sense of responsibility and loyalty to Lily adds a layer of complexity to Natalie's decision.
As Natalie reaffirms her commitment to attend the girls' night for Lily's sake, Lando studies her movements with a growing frown. The weariness in Natalie's demeanour, a departure from her usual preppy self, does not go unnoticed by Lando. The concern in his expression deepens, and he realises that her tiredness and the recent change in her behaviour might be taking a toll.
“We won’t stay out late, though.” Natalie assures Lando, recognizing his concern as she sees him watching her.
“I can always come pick you girls up.” Lando suggests, offering a solution to ensure their safety and well-being.
“Don’t be silly.” Natalie brushes off his suggestion, perhaps trying to maintain a sense of independence or not wanting to inconvenience him.
The exchange reflects the nuances of their dynamic—the genuine care and concern that Lando has for Natalie versus her desire to handle things on her own terms.
Natalie's surroundings in the loud and pulsating club become overwhelming, the music pounding in her head, and the flashing lights causing her discomfort. Feeling disoriented, she stumbles into a bathroom stall and locks the door behind her, seeking solace and escape from the overwhelming atmosphere.
The sensory overload triggers unsettling memories, and she recalls the sensation of someone dancing against her, hands roaming. The thought makes her nauseous, and she kneels over the toilet, vomiting at the memory. The cold, sticky bathroom floor adds to the unpleasant experience.
After wiping her mouth with a piece of toilet paper, she groans and tries to gather herself. In an attempt to find a semblance of comfort, she digs around in her purse and retrieves her phone. She dials Lando's number, pressing the phone to her ear, seeking a lifeline in the midst of the chaotic environment.
The ringing on the other end echoes in the bathroom stall, and as Natalie waits for Lando to answer, the gravity of the moment hangs in the air—an urgent plea for connection and support in a situation that has left her feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable.
“Nattie?” Lando almost instantly answers, offering a welcome relief to her distress.
“Lando, I need your help.” She mumbles, her voice breaking as the tears from vomiting run down her cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, the urgency evident in his tone, leaping off his bed and pulling on his sneakers.
“I don’t know where Lily is. I’ve looked everywhere.” She tells him, the worry apparent in her voice.tells him.
“Where are you now?” He asks, trying to assess the situation.
“I’m in a bathroom stall. I don’t feel very well, Lando.” She admits, her voice choked as she refrains from vomiting again.
“I’m on my way. Just stay in the bathroom, okay?” He assures her, his concern translating into a sense of urgency. The gravity of the situation becomes palpable as Lando rushes to her aid, promising the support she desperately needs in that vulnerable moment.
As Natalie sits on the closed toilet seat, her head resting against the wall, fifteen minutes later, she hears someone enter the bathroom. The ambient noise of the club and the muffled conversations from outside the stall make it difficult to identify the person.
In her vulnerable state, uncertainty lingers. The anticipation of who might be entering the bathroom adds a layer of tension to the already overwhelming situation. Natalie, still reeling from the effects of the club environment, awaits a moment of clarity, hoping for the arrival of the person she's been desperately waiting for – Lando.
“Nattie?” Lando’s voice echoes.
“Lando.” She answers, her voice a mix of relief and vulnerability, as she stands up and unlocks the stall door. The door swings open, revealing Lando on the other side. Without hesitation, she instantly falls into his arms.
In the comforting embrace of Lando, Natalie finds a refuge from the chaotic atmosphere of the club. The overwhelming environment fades away as she leans into his support, finding solace in the presence of someone she trusts. The moment becomes a sanctuary, a haven within the confines of the bathroom, as Lando provides the reassurance and care she desperately needs and seeks.
“It’s OK, you’re fine. You’re fine. I’ve got you.” Lando assures her, his words a soothing balm in the midst of her distress.
“Lily.” Natalie breathes, a momentary worry for her friend surfacing.
“She’s fine. Oscar’s with her.” Lando explains, offering reassurance about Lily's well-being. The information helps alleviate a layer of concern from Natalie's shoulders. “Were you drinking anything?”
“I literally had a soda.” She responds, clarifying that her condition isn't a result of alcohol consumption.
“Come, let’s get out of here.” Lando tells her, offering his assistance.
Lando helps her out of the bathroom, guiding her through the club towards the exit. The chaotic environment of the club begins to fade as they step outside, the cool night air providing a stark contrast to the disorienting atmosphere they leave behind.
Lando lays Natalie down on his bed, the dim light of the room casting a subdued glow. Her skirt rides up her thighs, a subtle detail that goes unnoticed in the urgency of the moment. The priority is her well-being, and he positions her comfortably on the bed.
“Someone was touching me.” Natalie mumbles, her voice carrying the weight of the distressing memory, the unwanted contact leaving an unsettling mark on the night.
“Do you remember who?” Lando asks, his concern evident in his voice, as he pours her a glass of water. Natalie shakes her head in response, the memory too blurred or perhaps too traumatic to recall with clarity.
Lando takes the glass from Natalie, placing it gently on the bedside table. The soft glow of the room accentuates the concern etched on his face as he turns his attention back to her. With a gentle touch, he starts undoing her shoes, his movements deliberate and careful. Natalie watches him closely, her eyes hardly blinking, the vulnerability of the situation reflected in her gaze.
As he finishes with her shoes, Lando places them on the floor, a silent acknowledgment of the need for comfort in that moment. Natalie, feeling a mix of emotions, sits up on the bed. The room holds a quiet intimacy, a space where unspoken connections unfold beyond the scripted dynamics of their "fake dating" arrangement.
In a gesture of trust, she reaches for Lando's hands, her fingers intertwining with his. Without uttering a word, she guides his hands to her thighs, a silent plea for reassurance and understanding. Lando, sensing the unspoken vulnerability, meets her gaze, his touch becoming a source of comfort and support.
“He kept touching me here.” She explains, guiding Lando's hands to the area on her thighs where the unwanted contact occurred. “And, when I asked him to stop, he just kept his hands there.”
Lando's expression shifts from concern to shock, the weight of the revelation hitting him. The room becomes charged with a mix of emotions, and he feels a surge of protective anger for Natalie. Yet, he remains composed, recognizing the importance of being a source of support for her in this vulnerable moment.
Natalie, her eyes peering up at Lando, holds his hands firmly on her thighs as if seeking solace and reassurance. Her hands then travel up his arms, a silent acknowledgment of the comfort she finds in his touch. Natalie wraps her arms tightly around Lando, seeking solace and strength in the warmth of the embrace.
“You came for me.” She breathes, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.
“I’ll always come when you call.” Lando assures her, his commitment evident in his words. He quickly removes his hands from her thighs, respecting her boundaries, and wraps them around her in a comforting embrace. “I’ll do whatever I can to protect you.”
Natalie pulls away from Lando, her hands cupping his face as she frowns deeply, her gaze fixed on his eyes. The room seems to hold its breath, the intensity of the moment palpable as unspoken emotions pass between them.
“I want to kiss you.” Natalie whispers, her admission hanging in the air.
“Then kiss me.” Lando whispers back, his response laced with a quiet intensity.
“I vomited, Lando, I don’t think that’s very hot.” She states, suddenly sober enough to be more aware of herself and her body.
“You’re hot no matter what.” He continues to whisper, his words carrying a genuine warmth and reassurance.
As Natalie feels her heart pounding, a mixture of uncertainty and desire, she grapples with the need to kiss Lando. Seeking reassurance or perhaps a shield against the unexpected sparks, she contemplates the excuse of being drugged. With a flutter of anticipation, her eyes shift between his ocean blue eyes, searching for answers.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull any longer, she presses her lips to his in a moment that transcends the boundaries of their scripted relationship. Pulling him closer by his shirt, he lays on top of her. However, the sparks she hoped to avoid are unmistakably present, and the flutters in both of their stomachs reveal a connection that defies the logic of their staged dynamic.
Lando, feeling a mixture of flustered emotions and shyness, breaks the kiss and gets up. The charged atmosphere between them lingers in the room, their connection palpable even in the aftermath of the intimate moment. The unspoken tension and the sudden shift in dynamics leave a subtle air of vulnerability in the space they once shared. Lando, still flustered and recognizing the complex nature of the moment, gently communicates his reservations.
“I can't do this when you're not fully sound of mind.” Lando explains gently, a note of concern in his voice, as he covers her with a blanket.
“I'm sorry.”Natalie apologises, feeling a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability, her deepest desires laid bare in that moment.
“You have nothing to apologise for.” Lando quickly assures her. “It's not that I don't want to, I just respect you too much to do anything you might regret or not even remember in the morning.”
Lando scoots in beside her under the blanket, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace.
“I need to change.” Natalie grunts, attempting to change the subject. “I can still smell the club on me.”
“I've got some spare clothes for you.” Lando informs her, a considerate gesture that reflects his caring nature.
He hastily gets up and retrieves a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt from his suitcase, laying them down on the bed next to her as she sits up to meet his gaze.
“You can shower in the morning.” He adds, offering practical advice in the midst of the unfolding situation.
He looks around the room trying to figure out where to turn so she can change out of her clothes. He moves towards the window, but her reflection still persists. As Natalie struggles with the knots on her top, she calls for his help.
“Lando.” She calls out. “I need help getting out of this top. Heaven knows why I wore something with so many knots. Please, Lan.”
Lando's knees buckle slightly at her pleas. He whips around and moves to sit behind her on the bed, gently undoing the many knots that keep her shirt on her body. In a fleeting moment, Lando presses a tender kiss on her shoulder.
“I'm sorry you had to go through that tonight.” He whispers as the shirt cascades down her upper body.
Her hand reaches back, pulling Lando against her leaving his face nestled in her neck. It's not long before he presses more tender kisses against the skin of her neck, each touch eliciting a response from her as her body relaxes under his tender caresses.
“You're making it difficult to stop kissing you.” He tells her as his lips leave her skin, his saliva leaving a string connected to his lips and her neck.
“We don't have to do anything. Just kiss me, Lan.” She pleads, her desire for intimacy and connection evident in her words.
Once again, Lando's body responds to her pleas. He grabs his shirt, covering her exposed chest, and deftly pulls her into his lap, his movements both gentle and purposeful. As he unzips her skirt, she lifts herself slightly, allowing him to pull it down. His attention is momentarily diverted to the lacy black panties covering her, a detail that doesn't escape his notice. His breathing quickens as he redirects his focus to pulling the sweatpants onto her hips. His warm and reassuring touch grazes over her skin, creating a connection that transcends the physicality of the moment.
Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and desires, Natalie finds herself grappling with the paradox of desperately needing Lando's touch after the distressing events at the club. Once she's fully clothed again, Lando's hands rest on her hips, and his lips quickly find their way back to her neck. She grabs his hands, intertwining her fingers with his in a silent gesture of connection.
“You make me feel safe.” She admits, her vulnerability laid bare as she rests her back against his chest. “I don't think I've ever felt this safe before.”
The confession sends a rush through Lando's heart, his feelings for her becoming more evident.
“I'll make sure no one ever touches you like that again.” Lando promises with a determination in his voice that reflects a newfound sense of protectiveness.
“You can't promise that.” She warns him, a note of realism in her words.
“I know, but I can't let that happen ever again. Not to you. Not while I'm alive.” He asserts, his commitment to her safety unwavering. Again, Natalie reaches back, gently grasping his curly hair.
“I don't deserve you. Or your protection. Never mind your affection.” She quickly tells him, guilt settling in the pit of her stomach.
“Nattie, you need to get some sleep.” Lando gently changes the subject, his concern for her well-being taking precedence. The room, filled with unspoken emotions and shared vulnerability, becomes a haven for their evolving connection, navigating the intricate balance between protection, affection, and the complexities of genuine intimacy.
Natalie wakes to the disconcerting emptiness of the bed, the lingering warmth replaced by a noticeable chill. The room, once a cocoon of shared emotions and intimacy, now feels oddly vacant. She takes a moment to collect her thoughts, realizing that Lando is no longer beside her. The echoes of the previous night's events resurface, and a sense of solitude settles in.
With a sigh, Natalie rises from the bed and glances around the room, as if hoping to find some sign of Lando's presence. However, the reality of the empty and cold bed becomes undeniable. Determined to move forward, she gathers her belongings and makes her way back to her own hotel room.
The familiar routine of showering and changing into her uniform serves as a grounding process, a way to wash away the remnants of the night and prepare for the day ahead. Despite the emotional undercurrents, Natalie remains focused on her responsibilities and professional duties.
“She was drugged and assaulted, Dad, I have to find out who did that.” Lando explains earnestly to his father over the phone. The gravity of the situation weighs heavily in his voice, a determined resolve to seek justice evident in his words. “Even if she can’t remember anything, I won’t forget hearing the panic in her voice or seeing it in her eyes when I found her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that scared.”
“I’ll see what I can find out, but it’s not going to be cheap, son.” His dad offers a pragmatic response, acknowledging the challenging path ahead.
“I’ll pay whatever I need to. I just want to make sure this never happens to her again.” Lando asserts, his commitment to Natalie's well-being unwavering. The sincerity in his voice echoes his determination to protect her and bring those responsible to justice.
As he concludes the conversation with his father, the elevator doors open to reveal Natalie walking out, dressed in her McLaren uniform. The juxtaposition of her professional attire against the backdrop of the distressing events from the night before adds a layer of complexity to the moment. Lando, his gaze fixed on her, stands as a silent sentinel, ready to support her through the challenges that lie ahead.
“Hey, sleepy head.” Lando greets her with genuine warmth as he pulls her into a hug, the cares of the world momentarily forgotten. The embrace, a testament to their connection, carries a sense of reassurance that transcends the public setting of the hotel lobby.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” She asks as she peers up at him.
“You looked like you needed all the rest you could get.” He tells her. “How are you feeling?”
“Still not very good.” She informs him, her arms wrapping around his waist as she peers up at him. “I’m sorry I overstepped some boundaries last night.”
“Stop apologising. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Lando quickly assures her, pulling her closer to him. “Come, let’s go before we’re late.”
Lando takes the lead, guiding Natalie out of the hotel lobby and towards the waiting car. Gallantly, he opens the car door for her, a small gesture that speaks volumes about his consideration and attentiveness. With a helping hand, he ensures she's comfortably settled into the car before jogging around to the driver's side.
As he slips into the driver's seat, the subtle tension in the air doesn't escape him. Natalie shifts in her seat, unintentionally exposing more of her skin beneath the black skirt. The effect is not lost on Lando, and he can't help but feel a surge of desire tempered by the reminder that their connection, despite its genuine nature, is confined to the boundaries of a "fake relationship."
He glances at her, the internal conflict reflected in his eyes. The developing feelings he harbours for Natalie are undeniable, yet the constraints of their fabricated dynamic weigh heavily on him. The paradox of their situation—where emotions feel authentically real despite the artificial framework—creates a complex interplay between desire and restraint.
Lando clenches the steering wheel, grounding himself in the reality of the moment. Despite the unspoken connection and shared sentiments, he acknowledges the need for caution. The reminder that they're still navigating the intricacies of their "fake relationship" underscores the complexity of their evolving feelings and the delicate balance they must maintain, even as the car pulls away from the hotel, carrying them towards the day's responsibilities.
In the quiet confines of the car, Natalie wrestles with a heavy burden of guilt and shame, the weight of her actions from the night before pressing down on her conscience. The self-awareness of having overstepped boundaries looms over her, casting a shadow on the carefully crafted arrangement she shares with Lando. This internal struggle exacerbates the emotional turmoil that had unfolded in the wake of the distressing events.
She grapples with the realisation that her intentional actions, fueled by a surge of emotions and desire, stand in stark contrast to the carefully delineated boundaries of their "fake relationship." The self-imposed rules that were meant to prevent precisely this kind of emotional entanglement now feel flimsy and inadequate. Natalie understands that her actions were not influenced by the trauma of being drugged and assaulted; instead, they were deliberate choices made in the heat of the moment, even when they felt extreme.
As the car moves through the city, Natalie's gaze is fixed on the passing scenery, but her mind is entangled in a web of conflicting emotions. She grapples with the fear of jeopardising what they have, knowing that her intentional breach of boundaries threatens the fragile balance they've maintained.
Lando glances over at Natalie, who appears lost in her thoughts, a visible tension etched on her face. Sensing her inner turmoil, he offers a soft reassurance, the hum of his voice a comforting melody in the quiet confines of the car.
“You can relax, Nattie.” Lando suggests gently, his words carrying an undertone of understanding and empathy.
“It feels so silly being this embarrassed by everything I said. And, everything I did.” Natalie whispers as she turns to look at him.
“It's not silly at all.” He says, his voice carrying a warmth that seeks to alleviate her embarrassment. “We all have moments where emotions take over, especially in situations like last night. You don't need to feel ashamed. And, for what it’s worth, I wasn’t uncomfortable with anything you said or did. I was a willing participant.”
Sensing Natalie's blush and the lingering unease, Lando responds with a comforting touch. He places a hand on her exposed knee, the soft squeeze conveying a sense of reassurance and understanding. The tactile gesture seeks to bridge any emotional distance that might still exist, offering a silent affirmation of his earlier words.
The air in the car takes on a charged energy as Natalie feels Lando's hand gradually travelling further up her thigh, coming to rest just in front of her skirt's hem. Her gaze drops to his hand, studying the subtle movements, and a sense of tension intertwines with the palpable smugness emanating from him.
She bites the inside of her cheek, a conscious effort to stifle the conflicting emotions stirring within her. The rational part of her mind insists that this is all part of the show, a performance for the public eye. Yet, beneath the surface, a more visceral desire simmers, whispering a longing that transcends their scripted roles.
Deep down, Natalie finds herself yearning for a connection that surpasses the confines of their "fake relationship." The forbidden fantasy of straddling him in the McLaren and feeling his hands exploring every contour of her body ignites a subtle heat within her.
It's almost as if Lando senses the undercurrents of her thoughts, his hand daringly creeping slightly higher, fingers slipping just beneath the edge of her skirt. The atmosphere in the car becomes charged with a subtle electricity as Natalie and Lando tiptoe on the edge of desire and restraint.
“Don’t crash the car, Norris.” Natalie whispers, a teasing edge in her voice, as Lando's pinky grazes a sweet spot on her inner thigh.
“Tell me to stop.” Matching her tone, Lando responds in a low whisper.
“Lando.” She moans softly as if the whole world could hear her at that moment. “You have to stop.”
As they navigate through the track's parking lot, Lando withdraws his hand, subtly acknowledging Natalie's unspoken request for a pause in their earlier interaction. The transition is seamless as he assists her out of the car, their movements synchronised in the midst of the flashing cameras capturing their every step.
Entering the building together, Lando takes her hand once more, a silent reassurance that transcends the performative nature of their public appearances. The connection between them persists as they move through the passages, reaching an elevator where they wait side by side.
A mischievous smirk graces Natalie's face as she presses her crotch against Lando's knuckles in the crowded elevator. The subtle exchange of desire unfolds amid the bustling surroundings. Lando, glancing down at her, licks his lips, fully aware of the charged atmosphere between them.
The atmosphere in Lando's driver's room is filled with the echoes of the commentary from the garage as Natalie diligently works on her tablet. The room exudes a sense of focused anticipation, resonating with the energy of the Formula 1 world. Lando, returning after a session that showcased his skill on the track, enters the room, his body radiating heat and sweat from the demanding laps.
Spotting Natalie sitting on the massage table, engrossed in her work, he can't help but appreciate the contrast between her focused professionalism and the intensity of the racing environment. Closing the door behind him, Lando begins to strip off his race suit, the sound of the zipper punctuating the room.
The juxtaposition between Lando's physical exertion on the track and Natalie's composed demeanour creates a dynamic scene, embodying the different facets of the Formula 1 world—from the adrenaline-fueled races to the behind-the-scenes moments of preparation. As Lando sheds the remnants of the intense session, the room becomes a canvas where the lines between performance and reality blur, setting the stage for the intricate dance they navigate within the fast-paced world of Grand Prix racing.
“Excuse me, you could ask me to leave while you change.” Natalie mumbles as she avoids making eye contact, or any contact with his tanned body,  as he takes off his race suit and puts on a new, fresher one.
“But, you’re my girlfriend.” He complains and makes his way between her legs. He removes the tablet from her hands and rests her hands on his shoulders. “Seriously, are you OK?”
“I’m feeling better.” She assures him, hesitantly looking into his eyes. “And, before I dare forget. Thank you again for coming to my aid last night.”
Taglist: @noneofyourfbusinessworld @scopeiguess @tbsloneely
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starrysharks · 2 months
this is gonna go over all the questions people ask me about my art, OCs, etc etc ^^ starting with -
A: ibispaint x on shitty samsung. no stylus just my fingers. very occasionally (and not in several months now) i will use MS paint with a wacom tablet and pen!
A: main lineart pens are love pen and dip pen (hard) on a 60-80% opacity. when i do my pencil style i use hard mapping pen (bleed).
A: this PNG.
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you're gonna place the png over where you want to add a halftone, and then lasso that area. then, click "invert selection area", and erase over the halftone layer. it should only be left on the area you wanted it to be on. you can change the color with alpha lock.
A: it's kinda complicated because i myself believe that i have poor body diversity when it comes to my original characters, but i'll try to explain myself. by a general rule, contrast is most important. top-heavy, bottom-heavy, larger lower limbs, smaller lower limbs, etc etc etc it's all in the contrast baybe. let's use nova (a skinny character), pins (a top-heavy character), and novocaine (a fat character) as examples. please ask me directly if you want any advice on other body types.
firstly, nova. she is very thin with a more scrawny build rather than athletic. to draw her, there are three parts (excluding arms) -
head, body and legs.
these are parts that almost every character has and the most important thing about them is their size. different characters will have different sized heads and bodies and legs as we'll see later, based on age, body type, etc... nova is only a teen, so she'll have a big head with big eyes to up the childish moe-factor of her design! other than that, she's pretty proportionate by anime standards with a regular sized body and long legs.
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however for a character like pins a lot changes. pins is extremely top heavy, and larger than nova. he has a muscular build that's heavily unrealistic - while there's probably someone out there with a similar build to nova absolutely nobody can achieve the elusive pins build. because his body is so exaggerated, it must be the forefront, and he has small legs and a small head to compensate.
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because i have few muscles in my oc roster, i tend to exaggerate the buffest characters. i would give another example but his existence is spoilers for the project he belongs to. ;;
when it comes to fat characters, i have little to say for dudes because i don't draw them often (sorry fat guy enthusiasts 💔). but novocaine is an example of how i go about drawing fat girls. namely it all comes back to contrast - rather than drawing her ankles and lower arms larger, i draw them smaller to emphasise the size of her thighs, hips and upper arms as when it comes to irl fat people, those parts are usually larger. i also added more examples from my dangan art.
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otherwise the proportions are similar to the skinny teen model, just with shorter legs.
more on body types here:
A: western cartoons, like invader zim and mlaatr. 2000s moe anime like lucky star. my mutuals <3. robert valley. jamie hewlett. alex ahad. splatoon. stuff i find on pinterest. and you guys who say that my art inspires you!
A: as follows:
(AKA these are the ones i'm dead-set on making, and will probably actually become fully realised one day.)
ULTIMATE X-CALIBUR - sci-fi adventure comic about a girl called nova who travels across the galaxy with her friends to find the shards of a broken star called the ultimate x-calibur. like one piece but with cute kemonomimis in space.
REASSASSINATION - horror comedy comic about a dead girl who loses her memories after being resurrected by a manic scientist. she becomes his personal assassin in order to get shots of medicine that will bring back her memories, and has to deal with school life and a mysterious group of catholics coming to kill her on top of that. it's currently being written and will come out eventually.
STARSAINTS CARNIVAL - psychorror (kinda) fantasy RPG game about a group of children who are transported to an wonderland-esque paracosm where they have to make their own wishes come true before their 13th birthdays with the help of ghosts named starsaints, or risk having their heads chopped off. it's one of my largest-scale pet projects so will probably take a while to wrangle.
(AKA the ones that are either too early in development to confirm anything, or will probably not be fully realised any time soon, but it's still fun to rotate the characters around in my mind.)
MAGICAL GIRL WARD - another psychorror magical girl comic about a group of girls who who plan a group suicide online, but are turned into magical girls on accident and have to fight "viruses" to help other girls. very messy in terms of development right now and will take a while.
METALLIC MIRACLE - sci-fi about a child solider cyborg who is sent back to earth after being in a deep sleep for some 50 years after a war she was forced to fight in. i actually really wanna do this one.
SINSTRING MANOR - survival horror RPG game about a doll who finds out she's a doll attempts to escape her family home and gain autonomy with the help of a fly and a servant boy.
PLANET☆PIGTAIL - magical girl comic about girls who channel magic through their pigtails to defeat evil monsters while dealing with middle school problems.
+ a billion more that i can't even remember lololol
A: when my exams are over i'll start posting personal finished illustrations again. so, like, mid-june!
A: i came out of the womb with an anime girl drawing in my hand
A: nooooooooooooo
ok i'm tired please frequently ask me a question if you want me to answer it
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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HAWAI’I ⁉️ This design was made by my girlfriend and I’ve wanted to draw her for quite some time and it goes so hard I think about it often, god bless her design skills 🙏 I hope y’all love this hawai’i design too cuz I dig it so much and and and uuh. Listen. She’s just so pretty
(history rant below btw)
alright alright I KNOW I talk about Alaska to death but I’m just real passionate sometimes, and I think alaska’s history is heavily disregarded, so this time I’m gonna talk about the Aleutian islands
to start off the natives of the Aleutian Islands are the Unangan and Sugpiaq so keep that in mind
To show y’all how devastating Russian contact was by itself for them, in over the course of just 50 years, the native population of the Aleutians dropped by 80 percent. EIGHTY PERCENT. By both violence and European disease
one of the biggest events that broke the Aleutian natives back of resistance was the Awa’Uq, or Refuge Rock Massacre. Literally devastating shit, there’s not even a definitive number to how many natives were killed, from the range of 300 - 3,000. Those people were all men women and children, man. What triggered this? No idea, I couldn’t find anything, it was just something they chose to do i guess. Some jumped to their deaths trying to escape, men were forced into slavery, and women and children are taken as hostages to ensure the men’s cooperation, terrible terrible stuff. This process was continued all throughout everywhere the Russians went in Alaska as well. Also, the bodies were never buried, they were just abandoned and disrespected and no one could even come back there from all the decay and smell.
Awa’Uq means “to become numb” or “where one becomes numb”
And in this event, it was caused by only 130 Russians. They suffered no casualties.
that massacre happened in 1784, btw, so to put perspective on that, this is the same year The Continental Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris, establishing the United States as an independent and sovereign nation, so Alaska’s been around for quite some time
There were obviously more stuff but I think I should space these tidbits around in future posts and also cuz I’m too tired to type anymore currently 😌 uhhh. I apologize for being a lil more serious with this rant, again, I think Alaska’s history is too forgotten and overlooked as just a “oh Alaska was a part of Russia” and that’s all, and that makes me a little upset that that’s all we’re shrugged off as
Overall, I’d say, Alaska stopped having huge devastating events by the 1990s or early 2000s, but I think a huge fear of Alaska’s is that he is afraid of history like that jumping all out again, feeling all terrible like that, being dreadful of things going bad all over again. Especially because no one’s gonna help (perhaps that’s just what he thinks), unlike the Lower 48 who have each other, surrounded by people that could help, yknow? I like deep conversation sometimes guys
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shrewstew · 2 months
MCCORMICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Karen is a scene gorl now because I said so. She’s like 13-14 or something here.
She no longer hangs out with the goth kids cuz they couldn’t be seen with a scene girl on a budget, sadly. They’re still friendly tho
She’s dating Tricia, she keeps her from getting bullied.
She’s a big fan of sewing and embroidery, also art. She got one of those “how to draw manga” books
She knows how to fight thanks to her guardian angel, however she’s probably crying while she kicks your ass, she’s still sensitive 💔
She’s older and wiser. She can see her brothers are struggling and is pissed that they still treat her like a baby that can’t handle these types of subjects. They don’t seem to realize they’re not making her feel any better when they leave her in the dark.
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Heavily inspired by his design in Post Covid, using his old shirt as a vest. He’s in his early twenties here
He still lives with his parents, but he provides for everyone. I don’t fw people who thinks he’d just run away and ditch the others‼️‼️ He works as a car mechanic. Because of course.
He looks mean, and he is kinda mean, but he’s not mad, he’s just thinkin’ real hard
He paints for fun. His PC design has all sorts of multi-colored stains on him, so that’s my reasoning right there
No more braces! I feel like his braces were probably home-made (ouch) due to obvious reasons. I can’t imagine those work very well, so his teeth are still a little jacked
Older sibling guilt, he was jaded and angry as a child and was never really there as a shoulder to cry on, and he wants to make up for it but he’s so bad with his emotions.
He’s also struggling with alcohol and inherited his dads argumentative traits and anger issues. He knows he’s just like his dad, and he feels like a failure because of it.
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breadnabreadd · 9 months
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✦ Oh boy! Here we go.
I created a LMK Au just for funsies. A furutistic, high technologic world with cyberpunk vibes! (Because I absolutely love this type of aesthetic)
✦ the picture above is just a quick drawing I did of Macaque in this AU. I will get into details about the AU while showing a few infos of a few LMKs characters alongside with their designs. (Just a reminder I'm still creating the AU and it's my first time making one. It might be a little messy, so I apologize if it gets too messy--)
Oh! And by the way, the characters on this AU follow the same basic formula as the original characters. So it doesnt have much changes, other than the world they live in, their clothes and a few events.
✦ MK, The Monkie Kid
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• Its the same thing as our little MK from the animated series, he works at Pigsy's Noodles as a delivery boy, is the Monkey king's biggest fan and is his successor and pretty much the basic stuff.
• He learned about the Monkey king with Mister Tang. He is a huge fan.
• Tho he isn't a great expert, he knows how to how to fix computer cases, machines and vehicles and build stuff by using old pieces (he learned with Pigsy and Sandy, just in case his delivery vehicle breaks in the middle of the road or a something start malfunctioning in the noodle store). As we can see, he works more in the hardware part.
• He likes to collect the old pieces of old devices that people throw away in the city's old graveyard. It's like a type of recycling. (That's also how he find the Monkey king's staff but that is a thing I will tell in details in another day--)
• He loves to draw!!! Hooray!!! He also likes to play games. Is always playing video games with his best friend, Mei, on the arcade or online.
✦ Mei, The White Horse Dragon Girl
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• She's a programmer/developer of softwares (Yes I know that in I drawing I said she's a "hacker but a bit clumsy" but actually i wanted to say shes a programmer. I was sleepy, it was 2 am, and my brain wasn't braining 😰😰😰---) with a few knowledge about hardwares. She created her technological helmet system with MK's help. (Her helmet it's similiar to Iron man's helmet from inside.)
• She built her own motorcycle, again with MK's help. She participates a lot motorcycles race just for funsies.
• Loves to play games. I guess I could say she is quite of a professional gamer? She play to win. But when she is playing with MK or with other friends, she doesnt care losing or winning, she only cares about enjoying some quality time with them.
✦ Liu'er Mihou, The Six Eared Macaque.
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• Pretty much same as the original Macaque. (Lost his eye in the past with a fight against Sun Wukong. Omg betrayal. Yknow the deal-)
• Here he is a Hacker/Cracker.
"But what is a cracker?" You may ask. Now it's time for my nerd/TI studant side take over. A cracker it's a mean hacker. The cracker breaks/attacks the systems and webs for their own benefit, which it's for illegal purposes. Now a Hacker it's actually a job, which their purpose its to find the security breaches and ways to how break it, so then they can make the security stronger and prevent invasions/attacks at the system.
With that being said, Macaque is a hacker/cracker. So he makes defense systems to himself and breaks into other systems for illegal purposes.
• He got these gloves that helps him hack things better, he created it himself. He create floating holograms like it's a tablet screen and can hold on these holograms using these gloves. With a simple touch he can steal database from a device and hack it's system. (He can hack machines, computers, tech weapons and even the light system.)
• He got his shadow magic too, same as the original one. Shadow clones, shadow portals... but he kinda makes a fusion between his magic and the technology he invented to himself. (Before anyone say it. YES! I got heavily inspired by Sombra from Overwatch. 😔)
✦ The Monkey King, Sun Wukong
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• Yeah, the Monkey king. The great sage equal to heaven. The silly who made a havoc on heaven---
But he doesnt use the mecha much. It has been CENTURIES since he last use it. Now MK is the one who uses it because he is Sun Wukong's successor.
• That's not his "Monkey King" royal clothes. It just some casual/comfy clothes to use in everyday life.
• He already knew who MK was. MK is a stone Monkey just like himself. Wukong have been watching the kid grow up from far. He grow a bit attached to the boy.
Sun Wukong surely wasn't expecting to MK being able to lift his golden staff, so he think in the opportunity to make him his sucessor and teach him how to use his new powers. (Yes, I was lisiting to "the horse and the infant" song. How did you kn--)
Oh God. That explanation was long.
✦ Welp, that's all for today!
I will post more stuff about the AU in the future. And I still need to think a name for it...
It is clear I got heavily inspired by Cyberpunk, techwear, overwatch, New Gods: Nezha reborn, Arcane and other stuff. I'm sorry, BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT AESTHETIC AND VIBES!! HHHHHHH-
✦ I'm a huge nerd. 🤓
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kinocharlley · 9 months
I was thinking about mech robots and hermitcraft and since I don't have brain power to learn how to draw them you gotta bear with my headcanons/ descriptions
Doc, his robot is heavily modified, arm and part of head comes from completely different robot. Some panels are mismatched but they are there to have easy access for modifications. Some parts have wires exposed.
Mumbo, the robot was designed for redstone engineering, the design is slim and round but the problem is that's it's cringefall of a robot. But the boots are hands have jets for flying :)
Bdubs, his robot is one of the earliest models thus it's smaller comparing to newer models. As society grew on metal reliance, plants evolved to be able live of metals therefore his robot is over grown with moss and other plants. He refuses to do anything about it. Despite clearly having holes.
Grian, the most noticeable element about his design are the wings, big and colourful. Robot design is unusual, the head is not human like nor animal like.
Scar, the robot had been through some shit. Paint is coming off, there is rust here and there (who designed it? They shouldn't have use such materials!) But it has little custom modifications, cat ears and there is jellie painted on the chest! While the robot has small jets it works great for roller blade type of boots. Just don't be in his way, then you will be fine. Probably.
Impulse, in order to achieve sturdy and firm robot, the design is shorter and ticker but it can carry more than typical robot (also has extra storage in the back). Works great for industrial needs.
If y'all have any additions or own headcanons feel free to add! Especially for other hermits
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aesterblaster · 6 months
Just saw a really clickbait-y youtube video that called Blue Lock fascist in its thumbnail and I will admit first and foremost that I didn't watch it and yes I've been informed that it isn't implying that Blue Lock is some fascistic propaganda but it still got me thinking so-
here's my rant/breakdown about the ways that Blue Lock is specifically anti-fascist
So first of all, popular animes and mangas having possibly fascist undertones is nothing new. I won't deny that there's a long history of Japan being a colonizer and commiting atrocities that are still brushed off or forgotten about to this day. And this does seep into some works that I personally choose to not engage with for exactly that reason. Miss me with trying to be an apologist for or glorifying real world war crimes- But Blue Lock specifically? I'd be extremely hard pressed to call it fascist.
Fascism is defined as an alt-right, ultra nationalistic political ideology usually characterized by a centralized autocracy, forced suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy and subordination of individual interests for the believed good of the nation or race according to Wikipedia. First let's go through the ways Blue Lock does match up with that.
Ego can be easily viewed as a dictator near the beginning of the manga
Most characters thrive on putting others down for their faults and strictly believe that there is some sort of natural order where people who lack "ego" are at the bottom
There is a sort of central autocracy with the top 6
Near the beginning especially, there is a violent snuffing out of any ideology that dares oppose egocentrism or the idea that you need to be a solid team to win a game
Now let's go through the ways Blue Lock denies and even goes against Fascism.
BLLK's main goal is to make a Japanese soccer team that can win a World Cup. In a more fascist manga, we would see racism ga-fucking-lore. We can see this in animes that have more right wing leaning undertones like Attack on Titan where when race is brought in it's for conflict. There's no possibility of harmony, only winners and losers. Those protected and those put down and punished.
And Blue Lock does have an extreme focus on who wins and who loses. It is not afraid to include racism against Japanese people like with Adam or portray black people in unsettling and kind of racist ways like Dada's original design. But these elements don't automatically spell fascism. Blue Lock is careful to portray characters of color as just that, characters. They don't exist to tell you about their lives of hardship and struggle and they don't exist to justify Ego's obessesion with creating a good Japanese team. As you read BLLK, you'll notice that the artist has taken care to get better at drawing different body types and facial structures. The character design isn't trying to sell some perfect ideal like fascism so famously does, it tells you a peak athlete doesn't have one distinct look. It tells you characters from other countries are just as if not more capable than the Blue Lock boys. Hell, even Sae's hatred of Japanese football is portrayed as less of a betrayal of country and pride and more of a cultural clash. The issue to be solved in Sae's character is the way he looks down on his brother, not how much he despises Japanese football teams' tactics. We know this because Ego himself rails against them too.
A fascist manga would paint Sae as a villain for even learning from and joining teams from other countries, lending them his talent instead of keeping it in his home country. But Blue Lock encourages diversification and collaberation with other nation's teams so heavily that it is literally an entire like 5 part arc right now. Ego isn't ultra nationalistic, he just wants to make a better soccer team for his country and he isn't afraid of praising and adopting from other countries in the process. The biggest win to come out of a Blue Lock team wouldn't be that they're all Japanese but that they all follow his ideology.
Speaking of his ideology, Ego is extremely harsh and controlling, yes, but he also believes in the boys. He lets them do what they believe is best. He pushes them to their limits, not because they disobey him, but because they dissapoint him. A true fascist dictator would rule with fear with no introductions of other ideologies, he would strike at any sign of weakness or opposition. At the beginning, he does do this. But as the manga goes on we see how much wiggle room he's willing to allow. He lets Isagi curse at him and question his leadership, he lets Shidou play even though he's clearly queer and extremely volatile, he doesn't punish any of the boys for injuring each other. In a fascist society, you are expected to fit an ideal or be othered, be perfect and work together with a sense of comradere because that's the only way to prove your claims that you are the best race/nation. There can be no imperfections or cracks in the facade...But Ego lets the boys be messy. He never forces them to change who they are, only forces them to believe that they can do great things all on their own. Even with Kunigami, Wild Card wasn't a correction of his disbelief in some nation or race, but instead a correction of how limited his mindset was. In fact, in a more fascist society, Kunigami's love of playing hero and protecting his teammates would be praised and celebrated. Ego putting individuality and aspiration over the good of the team as a whole is literally a middle finger to fascism.
The villain of the series is literally a greedy Japanese man that wants to commercialize the team and make them less individualized. I don't know how much more anti-fascist you could get-
Also, Blue Lock handles disability very carefully and very well. In more alt-right ideologies than not, something you'll see again and again is this idea that disabled people don't deserve the same rights because they can't contribute to society. Disabled people are a stain to be pushed away and hidden because they contradict the central idea of a "perfect" nation. In a fascist retelling of BLLK, Chigiri would be kicked from the program, not given power and influence. In a fascist retelling of BLLK, Kenyu would be attacked and beaten as soon as it was discovered that he made it into the top-six with failing eyesight. Any physical disadvantage could easily put an athlete at the bottom of the social hierarchy as well, Blue Lock could have very very easily made fun of its disabled characters for even trying. It could get away with mistreating these players and be defended for it so fucking quickly. But instead, it lets you root for them and gives them just as much care and weight as the others. It's trying to tell you that being a good player sometimes means knowing your limits and getting help, not punishing yourself because you have some biological disadvantage. It also takes care to demonstrate that no race is inherently worse at soccer than the other.
And, of course, the elephant in the room, Noa and Kaiser. Okay...if you see German characters and immediately think OMG NAZIS??OMG FASCISM?????OMGGGG HE HAS BLONDE HAIR???AND BLUE EYES?? That's a fucking you problem and you clearly aren't reading the manga. Even Noa Noel being an older man and still being allowed to play and looked up to as the best is an example of how Blue Lock goes against steriotypes about athletes. Kaiser does have blonde hair and blue eyes yes, but he also wears eyeliner and eyeshadow and has a tattoo and dyed hair... None of that would be allowed in an actually fascist Japanese manga unless it was as caricature to make fun of and dominate. But instead, Kaiser is an actual threat who has complex arcs and behaviors. Also, Kaiser isn't fascist himself, he clearly views Isagi as an equal even though they're different nationalities and he doesn't believe in any one authority or greater cause except for himself. Noa is very strict yes, and he does rank and rate the boys, but he specifically doesn't factor race into it. He also, just like Ego, allows other ideas and patterns to emerge even if they mess up his own plans for matches. He doesn't suppress anyone and is actually extremely lax. If you think he or BLLK is "fascist", look at actual real world sports teams and their strict practices or past statements about other nationalities.
Isagi as a protaganist is anti-fascist too!!!! He's a Japanese everyman who has good Japanese parents, no disabilities, an honest personality and believes in a future where Japan wins the World Cup. In a fascist story, he'd be fucking untouchable (ESPECIALLY against characters from other countries) and all of this would be paraded as proof that a Japanese soccer team is clearly superior and all-dominating. But no! He gets beat down, questioned, disrespected and constantly shown up by others. He's not special and he's extremely self-centered. He doesn't water his own beliefs down for the "good of the nation" or whatever the fuck and he grew up idolizing foreign players. Isagi never supresses other people's ideologies, he just makes fun of them if they fuck up. He's never xenophobic, even when other characters have moments that have xenophobic undertoens like Adam or Sae's comments. Isagi Yoichi's character could have a few traits flipped and be a poster boy for some alt-right manga about how superior Japanese people or hell, Ego's pupils are. But he doesn't. He's simply designed and he's rude and he looks down on people, but he also apologizes, humbly accepts when he can improve by questioning his own ideals and is open to talking with everyone he comes across.
Calling Blue Lock a "fascist soccer manga" is not only demonstrating that you have no idea what fascism is, but also disgustingly painting over all the beautiful themes and messages within the manga.
Again I'm aware that that original video wasn't aiming to negate any of these points but I have seen people make claims and jokes before that about Blue Lock's more *beat it into your head* tendencies with ideology. And I've seen jokes specifically about the German team/the way Sae seems to just hate Japanese culture. I just dislike the painting of Blue Lock as a jumping point for discussions about fascism and its effects because of the way it handles themes like cross cultural connection, family pressures, capitalism and disability so carefully.
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emi-writings · 3 months
Hi! I'd love to know how you envision cwilbur, I might want to take inspiration from it for my own headcanon
Okay, so I am really not an artist in any way, shape, or form, so words and some occasional reference images are all I got for anyone interested in this potential design idea.
Also, I have seen some people discuss maybe changing up C!Wilbur's name, and I am intrigued with the idea, though I haven't really done to much thinking about it, so I am curious a little bit on the community's thoughts about it.
Physical Interpretations
So, first of all, Wilbur’s eyes – the Minecraft skin has no indication of eye color, so that is completely free and up to interpretation. After some discussions, I think that heterochromia would be an interesting and unique addition to his design. So, I think Wilbur would have his right eye be a teal green, and his left eye would be blue, similar to his father’s eyes.
Then there is height. All Minecraft skins are the same height, and very few characters have stated their canonical heights. I think making Wilbur 6’ tall would be interesting. I could ramble on about how I think this could result in fun symbolism and all that, but that’s not why you’re here.
The hair is a little bit harder to mess around with… or it would be, if not for the hood attached to his jacket. I am choosing to interpret Wilbur’s hair as long, and just constantly tucked into his head. He probably keeps it in a ponytail or something. As for length, maybe something like this?
As for other physical details, I think that his face would probably have some freckles, he’s spent a lot of time in the sunlight in the early DSMP days as well as his later few DSMP days. Some additional scars would also make a lot of sense, given all the violence and explosions he’s been subjected to.
But I also think Wilbur might have some tattoos. What type of tattoos, I think witchy/magical tattoos similar vibes tattoos like this, this, this and this, would work very well given that potions in Minecraft are considered magic, and Wilbur is pretty associated heavily with potions.
Outfit Interpretations
Now, the outfit is much, much harder to interpret as drastically different, but there are some thoughts that I have on it.
First of all, the yellow shirt – there isn’t anything that indicates that what Wilbur is wearing under the jacket is a sweater or shirt. And I am choosing to interpret it as a yellow, low-crop top. Not enough of a crop top to be always showing off his stomach. But when he stretches, he would be showing off some tummy. Just because I want to add some more gender to the design. Personally, I do think the idea of him with a dark blue shirt instead would work better with him as a character but working we’re with what’s given.
The gloves are things I am debating on keeping, mostly because I don’t know if I want to give Wilbur gloves like this, or if I want to give him some magical bracelets, like this lapis lazuli bracelet, though not necessarily lapis lazuli is the gemstone being used. Maybe both could work, but I’m not sure if it would clutter the design as I can’t actually draw them out myself to test that. But talking about accessories, I think he’d wear the friendship emerald Phil gave him as a necklace like this, but with an emerald.
Species Headcanons
I like to headcanon Wilbur as a mockingbird hybrid, specifically a northern mockingbird. So, he’d have mockingbird wings! But that's very much a headcanon and is something that wouldn't be able to be argued as being there with the current canon design.
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homoeroticgrappling · 6 months
Okay so Danhausen is NOT the devil (because TK couldn't book anything that interesting) but if he were, here would be my Pepe Silvia corkboard:
Danhausen has been posting a drawing recently of a merch design that he drew up in 2018 when he was considering quitting wrestling before he decided to give it a shot doing his own thing and became Danhausen, the "see you in hell" is particularly interesting
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Obviously the first version of Danhausen was straight up evil, no very nice to be found. His first promo video, "The beginning of Danhausen" featured typewriters heavily, with him repeatedly typing "I will not be ignored" (appropriate given the recent situation with him in AEW), as did other promos of his at the time
He said himself that video came from him feeling frustrated at the direction his wrestling was going, and we've all seen him showing frustration on socials recently. It's also worth noting that the return teaser trailers went out of their way to emphasize the Very Evil, giving us Evilhausen for the first time since Full Gear 2022, so if he were feeling frustrated and decided to go for a change of direction, taking a darker more horror inspired route was his choice the last time this happened
Also I couldn't tell from watching live if the proposed tag match was a teamup or against each other when it came to the Devil. If the Devil is trying to tag WITH Maxwell, well. Danhausen has said all along that MJF is his good friend, something Max has very much disagreed with, to the point of calling him a spooky pervert (ahem. Uno's tweet after the Devil's goons attacked MJF tonight where he asked who the "spooky perverts" were) and MJF until recently wasn't known for tagging with people or having friends so him refusing to call someone a friend wasn't noteworthy, but now he has opened his heart to the power of friendship etc
I'm just stuck on the wording of the Devil's message. Will you face the unknown in a tag match? Are you a hero, Max? Is the Devil trying to tag against him or with him? Because if it's against him, that to me implies the Devil possibly may not be one person. If only Danhausen had a tag team mate he could work with, someone who fits the whole devil theme... Oh wait.
Anyway it's nearly 4am and I'd love to believe this is true but I sadly do not, this is just me using my Danhausen knowledge to provide evidence of what COULD be
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hamletisintown · 9 months
Faes and Celestials - General lore
The Faes of my imaginary world are bug-inspired fantasy people. They have features taken from/inspired by real-life bugs, while still mostly looking human. The rules for how these features work/are distributed are still pretty loose because I can't make up my mind and I like to keep my options open. Some will have magically retractable features, while others may just have them all the time. Some will have certain features that others don't. I'm just doing me, who cares about rules.
There are many types of Faes, from the tribal societies of Spiders to the hellish and mythical underwater cities of Crustaceans, not to mention a whole range of different insects with different societal organizations. I'll cover each of those in more detail in separate posts.
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(ID under the cut at the end of the post)
Celestials take inspiration from both real-life birds and angels/dragons. The bird inspirations aren't as strong as the Faes' bug inspirations because I kinda gave up halfway through (sorry, I'm simply not as knoweldgeable about bids nor as into them as I am with bugs), but they're technically here.
There are 2 types of Celestials, Angels and Dragons (I'm not sure I like those names but I haven't found anything better yet).
Angels are pretty much what you'd imagine with this name, normal human-looking people who can sprout wings. The wings do take very different shapes from person to person, some can be basic feathered wings but some will be like. Electricity arc vaguely shaped like wings. It can be anything, really, but it does allow all of them to fly. There's definitely some big christian influences in their culture, but we'll cover that in some other post.
Dragons are also human-shaped but they can have scales and slit pupils. They're like spicy humans. And some of them can turn into actual dragons, but those actual dragons are like. Inspired by the idea that birds are dinosaurs and dragons are inspired by dinosaurs and anyways, what if dragons looked more like feathered dinosaurs than just fully scaled lizards with wings y'know? (at least following the typical european dragon designs, I know there are other types of dragons on other cultures, but this is the one I'm most familiar with).
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(ID under the cut at the end of the post)
More about: Faes Celestials
1st picture: A digital drawing of 3 spider-inspired fantasy characters standing next to each other. They all have tan skin in more or less unnatural shades, from pinkish brown to purplish brown to straight-up blueish purple. They all have several pairs of eyes, either 3 or 4 pairs. They all expose the skin of their torso heavily.
2nd picture: A traditional drawing of a merfolk character with crustacean traits, such as chitinous plates covering their body, extra pairs of bug-like legs along the sides of their tail, and antennaes. They are laying down on the floor with their arms crossed in front of them and their head laying down on their arms.
3rd picture: A digital drawing of 4 butterfly or moth inspired fantasy characters. Their names, pronouns, and the species of moth/butterfly that inspired their design is written at the top. Morphée (he/him, Hyalophora cecropia) is a small child with light skin and short black hair, wearing a cape colored like a cecropia moth's wings. He's holding an ivory-colored mask in his hand. Thanatos (he/him, Spilosoma lubricipeda) is a man with light skin and long spiky black hair attached in a high ponytail, dressed in dark blues and black, with a thick black cape covered in white spots, reminiscent of a moth's wings. Hypnos (he/him, Spilosoma lubricipeda) is a light-skinned man with short black hair dressed in a white kimono and a white cape with fur on the shoulders and black spots, that make it look reminiscent of a moth's wings. All 3 of these characters look like they're related to each other. Finally, Aupébine (he/they, Cithaerias pireta aurora) is a small androgynous-looking person with light skin and long white hair that fades to pink, attached in a low ponytail. They're dressed in fancy old-fashioned army clothes with frills and lace, and a transparent cape with the motifs of a butterfly's wings on it.
4th picture: A digital drawing of 4 bee or wasp inspired fantasy characters. Their names, pronouns and the insect species that inspired their design is written at the top. Anthéa (they/them, Apis mellifera ligustica) is a small feminine-looking person with brown skin and shoulder-length curly blond hair, shaved on one side of the head. They're wearing a bustier dress that looks like a narcissus flower, and their skin is sprinkled with golden glitter. Chardon (he/him, Bombus lapidarius) is a tall fat man with black skin and vitiligo patches visible on his face and arms, and black kinky hair attached in a high ponytail. He's wearingsunglasses, a chestplates and leg armor, and has a very big and fluffy fur patch draped over his shoulders. Bee wings are visible behind his back. Quince (he/him, Sphex pensylvanicus) is a tall and slender man with black skin and straight short black hair slicked back. He's wearing black clothes with blue and purple iridescent borders, and black leg and arm armor. He's also wearing pendant earrings and has a scar over his left eye. A pair of purplish blue iridescent wings are visible behind him. Nemesia (they/them, Vespa velutina) is a feminine looking person with brown skin and long wavy brown hair that fades to blond. They're wearing golden leg armor with hornet markings on it, and golden arm armor as well. A pair of brown translucent hornet wings are visible behind them.
5th picture: A digital drawing of a male knight character with tan skin and brown hair slicked back and attached in a low ponytail. He's dressed in shades of blue and grey, with some golden armor pieces, and is holding a golden spear with one hand. He has a halo and wings that both look like blueish white electric arcs.
6th picture: A digital drawing of a male knight character. He has slightly tan skin and straight black hair attached in a knot in the back of his head, with some bangs falling over the side of his face. He's standing straight and resting his hand over the tip of the hilt of a saber that is planted in the ground. He's wearing full plate armor and has a cape draped over his shoulder that is colored like a crowned crane's wings, white on the upper part and dark red on the bottom feathers. He also has a golden halo that is reminicent of the crowned crane's crown of yellow feathers.
7th picture: A digital drawing of 2 male twin characters. They have brown skin and ark brown hair of the same cut but slightly different lengths. They're both wearing masks shaped roughly like the skull of a dragon, with horns. They're both dressed in slightly different shades of blue. One is wearing a tabard over a chestplate and chainmail, while the other is wearing a fantasy military-looking coat with a long dark cape that drapes around his neck.
8th picture: A digital drawing of a dragon. It has a long snout, reminiscent of some dog breeds, and a long neck covered in black feathers. Its scales are dark grey with some golden motifs around the eyes and on the chest. It also has slender, tipped back horns. Its eyeshave black sclera and golden irises. /end ID]
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riftclaw · 8 months
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Gonna fill out this questionaire for Curie's upcoming appearance in the @sonic-oc-showdown round starting this weekend! Let me introduce you to my beloved flying radioactive puppy!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Curie is named after the radioactive measurement of the curie, and also Maria Skłodowska-Curie. Their name is actually older than this particular iteration of the character, who was originally not a sonic oc and was named Curie as an intentional callback to the name of a character in Homestuck. "The Radiant" is because he glows in the dark, playing on a rarer sonic character naming convention (Fang the Sniper/Hunter).
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Developmentally and physically, Curie would be roughly in their early to mid twenties. However, they were born in 1923, making them about 86 in their AU's current day (2009). They spent most of their life locked in isolation in a military facility, though, and were only freed and started living life outside a box again in 1995.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
He's part of a 5 person polycule including my other characters Agent VX, Caprice Amaranth, David Valke and Luka Mosaic. He has different relationships with all of them, having fallen for V, Caprice and Valke while adapting to modern life, and becoming involved with Luka later after they bonded over being giant nerds.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Candy, pretty much any type. Crunchy sweets like rock are their favourite.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Curie runs a nuclear power plant and waste disposal business, which is largely a front for making sure he has enough to eat-- because as much as he enjoys candy, his body will only properly digest radioactive materials. Since his business is really only there to keep him fed, he sells power at a loss-- which means it's very affordable and in high demand, giving him the ability to expand his power network and thus bring in more nuclear waste to eat later. He's not in it to make money, though-- outside of his personal R&D efforts, he sinks practically all his profits into charity. His main reactor base and the surrounding city of Bloodwood Grove was built on the Painted-Rocks clan's abandoned land, specifically to help camouflage the habitats of the last living mobosaur herds that the clan once hunted and protected.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
They collect plushies, radioactive knick knacks like uranium glass and watches with radium paint, and Godzilla merchandise, and they love to tinker with technology and study space.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Nuclear physics, probably-- it's something that started out of necessity (because of his unusual diet) but he developed an aptitude for it and genuinely enjoys working on nuclear powered inventions. It's not unusual for him to build experimental reactors for fun.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
They love to watch Godzilla movies and play around with unusual tech. They hate being confined to boring meeting rooms or made to deal with unnecessary beauracracy.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
The first time he rolled in the grass after he was freed from the facility he was imprisoned in. The grass wasn't even on Earth/Mobius, but it was grass, and he'd all but forgotten it existed after being locked away for 60+ years.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
They don't currently have many-- a lot of their most traumatic experiences will occur in the future, such as when the forces/zombot plot occurs. That's not fun for anyone, but especially Curie.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
The very first proto-Curie was actually just a heavily au Jade Harley-- who had changed so drastically I "filed off the serial numbers" and made into their own character. His first ever original design was human! He still ate nuclear waste, though. This current iteration of Curie was developed when I was initially setting up my Amalgam au, drawing more on his initial prototype's personality and history than Cain Einley, the other character I split off the same prototype several years back.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Related to the question above, they spawned from a particularly ridiculous homestuck fanfic that never made it past a disjointed first draft back in the early 10s. If i sink enough development into a canon character that they stop looking/sounding like that character, I split them off, give them a fursona and a new name, and carry on writing my new oc, and Curie is just another in a long line of similar characters who occupy my brainspace.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Science fiction for sure.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
They are agender with a side of transmasc*, and use he or they pronouns interchangeably. Curie is also demisexual-- they need to form an emotional bond with someone before they can develop romantic feelings for them. *My friends and I often refer to them as "none gender with left boy"
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
He had four, but none of them are alive today, and he doesn't remember them anymore. :(
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
They don't remember either of their parents, either, but considering that the guy who made them what they are now was their father, at least one of those relationships was pretty unhealthy.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
On a purely aesthetic level the fact that he glows in the dark will always delight me. It's such a fun trait to play with!
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I draw them decently often, although a lot of what I draw in general doesn't get published. I write about them a lot more, but nothing that's in a state to be shared. They're the secondary main character of Amalgam's whole main storyline!
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
He does die in the future. Not for a good long while-- mobians in his universe live for 150 years on average, and his peculiar metabolism means he's going to outlive that many times over, but eventually he will power down and fade away. He's got a lot to accomplish on the way there though!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Claustrophobia for sure.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
In the future he'll be taking the rookie's place in Amalgam's version of the forces/zombot plot (they are combined!), and will be facing up against their version of Infinite. His radioactive blood means he can't get infected by the zombot virus, which puts him in a position of being the best person for a lot of problem solving in this particular plotline.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
As "Curie the Radiant", since early 2019. Here's the first ever picture I posted of them, before their personality had finished solidifying!
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🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
In 2019 I was 29! Although as I said earlier, he has roots in fanfiction/original fiction from before Amalgam became my primary worldbuild, and his prototype form would date to when I was about 23.
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rennybu · 10 months
Hiii Andy! I've adore your art for years and your characters. Their designs are so lovely!! And expressive!! I was wondering if you had any tips for a cohesive character design? Or even advice on adding little asymmetrical details or features? And help is greatly appreciated! Thanks! Wishing you all the best!
HELLOO!!! AAAH Thank you so much for such a thoughtful question, this makes me so happy to hear! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to you, it turns out I have way too many things to say about this topic AKLSDHFKLSDG
(pls take this readmore<3)
For the starting point in a design, I try to stick to whatever rules apply for the setting the character is in, and their role in that setting.
Basic colour theory is always at the back of my mind, as well. I tend to use analogous and complementary colours when I design my characters and their closets. Analogous colours keep a palette contained and feeling similar to itself without being monotone. And then using colours that are complementary to that elsewhere in the design adds contrast while still maintaining that feeling of cohesion :D
The intended use of the character also heavily affects what can make a design cohesive or not - it's very dependent on art style and medium. (A design for use in animation would be extremely different from semi-realistic TTRPG concept art. The rest of what I've written skews more towards the second option!)
I consider the colours, shapes and materials that make sense for what I want to convey about the world, and how the character would want to be presented in it. The Dogwood characters are my current exercise; Mel's clothes fit him perfectly since he works a labor intensive job on the farm, and his identity is wrapped up in it so he never strays far from heavy cotton, straight cut. Ryan and Park both wear ill-fitting clothes in completely different ways (Ryan, butchly. Park, autistic and transly) - and they each have work uniforms. Ryan's work uniform suits her gnc appearance (welding coveralls/safety gear), while Park's uniform completely transforms him into "Just Some Guy" and that changes how others read him, too (cashier). And they all shop at Local Thrift Store / Farmer's Surplus / The Walmart 1hr Outside of Town. Their styles give them each a distinct silhouette, and their levels of social comfort as well as public expression contribute to body language, colour choices, and shapes that make them stand apart from each other despite living in the same small bubble. COHESION!
Asymmetrical details and features are my FAAAAV THEY ARE SO FUN, I find inspiration for these in people-watching, nature documentaries, architecture, my reflection, my friends.. <333 This part is also fun to tie in to the character's setting! Springboard questions like. Are they prone to injuries? Magical injuries? Do they have like, modern dental procedures available? Do they give a shit about crooked or crowded teeth? Are they missing a tooth, or did they chip one? Do they smile a lot and have crow's feet/other wrinkles? Do they get a lot of sun, and do they have/use sunscreen? (Even finer wrinkles.) Did they have acne as a teen? Do they still? Are they in a combat-heavy setting, with the scars to show it? Even more uniform features like freckles aren't symmetrical.
Clothing is really good to use to play with asymmetry - maybe the character rolls their cuffs but one is coming undone a little. Jewelry of all types is also great for asymmetry since it can go anywhere on the body!! Facial and other physical deformities or injuries are also incredible to see, and should be researched to find out if they impact other parts of a person's overall health and mobility outright. The different skin texture of a birthmark, for example! I noticed in certain photographs, the subject's red birthmark changed the texture of the skin, so I started drawing Orson with one drooping eyelid on the side affected by his birthmark. The more you look, the more you find!
Before I get too carried away. I try to use asymmetrical details and features as a way to boost that "world setting" cohesion, and to bring attention to parts of the character I am personally endeared by or want other people to notice. Mahon's snaggletooth is an eternal fav, which made me draw him smiling more, which made me more prone to drawing lines around his eyes. And since the anchor is in his left hand, and he tries to hide it subconsciously, I put thumb-holes in his left sleeves, which he plucks through as a nervous fidget, and as a result, his clothes pull a little across his entire body :D ITS VERY FUN to find the right jumping-off point that lets specific details click into place. For Mahon especially, since so many of those details are derived from the setting and his role in it!
Asymmetry and symmetry are just tools at ur disposal. Asymmetry tends to be more comfortable and natural. Symmetry gives a sense of stability and can be pushed for a sense of power, a sense of being uncanny, rigid, etc. Asymmetry can also be pushed into uncaniness depending on what it's applied to!! (But as a matter of personal taste, I find asymmetrical details to feel more natural and inviting than perfectly symmetrical ones. Which. Again. Depending on the character's purpose, could equally contribute to a cohesive design!!!)
OMG ok my final thought. Asymmetry can also be used as a balancing tool which yet again lends to a sense of cohesion. Adding a detail on the left while leaving it out on the right, repeated throughout with different details where applicable. Loam's colour spots, archery gear, scars and jewelry are all areas I've played with this idea.
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tired-reader-writer · 10 months
G-witch AU Infodump
Enabled by @werewolfcoochie @marchdancer @sharpdistances @germanpillow @kallista-dragonsoul and @iwantthatdickgrayson here is me infodumping about random shit in my G-witch AU:
After being rescued by Ellyus, El4n takes on a new name and identity— one he would choose for himself— though Shin Sei doesn't quite have the means necessary to turn his face into something else, nor does he remember what his original face is supposed to look like anyways.
Anyways, his new name is Nary, bc “nary” means “nothing, none” and he's basically someone who has nothing, starting from scratch with a clean slate and even before that he had nothing. Also it's a reference to @stil-lindigo 's fantastic poem-comic here and @telamont 's fic may the little garden where you smile, last forever since I read both of them at roughly within the same timeframe and they double-teamed up on me in terms of brainrot. I am not sorry for this.
I'm still struggling over his new surname however, though Frey is a temporary placeholder— as a reference to the goddess Frigg whose divine domains included clairvoyance and prophecy, and though Nary himself is no prophet his love interest is so hmmm. Does Ellyus count as an Odin figure? I'm not well-versed with Norse mythology. (what El definitely is is a trickster/prophet/fey type character)
Shin Sei in this AU is comprised of the friends and families of the slaughtered Vanadis researchers who want justice/vengeance for their fallen loved ones— and so support Prospera in her schemes. There's also mercurian folk in there but yeah.
Ellyus gets his mother and Shin Sei to fake/develop a new identity and backstory for Nary/El4n. It's up to him whether he comes back to Asticassia but I like to think he does.
He dyes his hair the same colour as the woman who's presumably his mother, the lady with the birthday cake? Yeah? The same brown.
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He still wears soft earrings bc this analysis of El4n's gender thing lives in my head rent-free. He also wears a lot more feminine clothing because he can. (EDIT: added the link that I forgot to add bc fucking hell I knew I was forgetting smth)
He has a new hairstyle. I actually have a design in mind but since I can't draw right now... lemme dig up my gallery in hopes that there's something that looks like it—
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(I'm not sure if I could share these, as far as I could track these were drawn by the original artist of the comic this character is from, I eventually seek to replace these w my own drawings when I can.)
He probably ends up taking the surname of some Shin Sei employee, though argh, it fucking pains me that we know practically nothing about Shin Sei!! Who's Godoy and what does he even do?!
The Plant Quetta attack does not happen. There will be another attack to replace it, alright, but it's been moved down the timeline. I don't know when it'll be or by whom, but it happens on Earth, while Ellyus is there. Why is he there? Dunno, probably some GUND-ARM related reason. He's one of the main mechanics of Aerial after all, and someone who's heavily involved in the production of GUND-prosthetics.
Speaking of Ellyus' engineering work, Shin Sei did develop the drone technology Prospera mentions in the witch trial— it's just that Ellyus is the one who created it. Maybe he could also be present in the trial room? His presence wouldn't really help against Delling but hey, it's the thought that counts. Besides, he (and we the audience) already knows Miorine will come to save the day.
Delling is fucking dead. No mercy for the fucker, he probably dies in the same attack that lethally wounded Ellyus? Or perhaps after that, in another incident. Vim Jeturk is accused of the murder, and subsequently silenced by Prospera and/or Shaddiq.
Shaddiq takes the presidency. Ellyus left behind pre-recorded video messages tailored to each recipient, he sat down and recorded them before he died, set to automatically be sent to the ppl he wants in the Know after his funeral, and Shaddiq and El4n's messages include the entire backstory, basically, and so Shaddiq knows about Quiet Zero and who it's for. He seeks out Prospera and basically proposes an alliance— much of their goals align, he can use QZ's might to strong-arm favorable negotiations for Earth, he knows who QZ's for and realizes that Ellyus can be “alive/free” again like Ericht since he's deduced that the night Ellyus went missing from his hospital room and came back dead was actually him being uploaded into a GUND-bit.
(It's part of Ellyus' machinations, to protect Miorine from Prospera, to bridge Shaddiq to a strong ally who shares a lot of his goals, and... yeah. Fuck Spacians, this alliance is gon be a bulldozer.)
Shaddiq does not ally with Peil.
Peil will meet a karmic end. I don't know how yet, but El4n and El5n are involved. Anyways, that'll probably happen during or after the struggle for the Benerit Group presidency.
Guel actually learns something beyond “daddy good”, dammit.
Miorine and Prospera have a... complex, shall we say, relationship. Prospera holds back from roping her into revenge unlike in canon— mostly because of Ellyus' pleas to not let GUND-ARM be ruined/soaked in blood, partly because Miorine is the one who resurrected and kept true to GUND's ideals of medical research and stuff. Prospera hates her bc well, Delling's daughter, but on the other hand... a successor of sorts to carrying the GUND research torch. Miorine doesn't trust her, no, buuuut she still can't deny that together w Shaddiq they're... actually doing decent work. (Again, unlike in canon LOL)
Suletta's off to the side having her own Identity Journey. The video message to her also explains her origins and everything, so she now knows she's a repli-child. I don't know what I'll do with the journey proper but I want the eventual outcome to be: “I am not Ericht, I was never a Samaya and that's just fine. I'm Suletta, and the name Mercury is mine in a way it isn't for mom. I still love you, mom, Aerial/Eri too, but I am a Mercury and I'm proud of that. I still love you but I'm me and you're not my entire world.” kinda deal. Basically, independence, loving her family on her own terms.
No Plant Quetta means no tomato paste and no divorce! Huzzah! (I mean, another attack still happens but due to Ellyus' and Miorine + Earth House's influence Suletta focuses more on disaster relief and evacuation and stuff.)
Adding a new layer to Ellyus' non-linear time thing (I've posted about it, I've linked to it before in another post, it can be found in his character tag), he's allowed to make phone calls to One (1) person in the past. That person happens to be Jeru Ogul, aka Shaddiq's child self, way before he's learnt to put up barriers around his heart.
(Ellyus was never meant to be human. If the G-witch cast proper is comprised of 3D beings and us the audience 4D, he'd be like, 3.5D. That's why he's allowed time shenanigans by me. Only as far as I allow it, though. He's a plot device, a robot w its guts exposed. I have also posted about this before. I won't link to it here bc well, I already have before and ppl didn't seem all too interested in the makings and structure of his character. Meta-narrative fuckery ftw.)
The calls are sporadic, but kid Jeru comes to hold this mysterious friend person in the phone very dear to his heart. Their non-judegmental and gentle encouragement was one of the things that kept him going in those days.
He's buried the memory now, in the deepest layers of his heart, under twenty vaults, along with the tender hurt and angry child self that was Jeru Ogul and everything that it represents. It fuels him, it's his impetus, but it's hidden, carefully so.
It's a surprise to the both of them when they find out.
(basically, Doylist reason was that I needed a narrative tool strong enough to break through his walls and allow him to be changed for the better, to stop having tunnel-vision, and Ellyus became the narrative device responsible for that task)
This development allowed for Shaddiq to be more proactive and open. To the point he might actually ask for Miorine's support/help during the competition for the presidency. I'm still contemplating it.
I don't know what I'll do with Dawn of Fold yet.
Not the Space Assembly League, really.
Somebody help.
Well, that's it for this episode of info-dumping! Thank you for enabling me, I was afraid to do it bc it's disheartening to scream your heart out into the void and have no response.
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