#but damn this show just hits you with it like a wrecking ball
inheroes--wetrust · 2 months
i mean look i did start watching 911 after seeing the bi!buck kiss so i knew going in that buddie was the big ship. but. like. i did not realize it was SO unbelievably blatant??? within the span of like ten episodes from eddie's intro you get:
eddie's intro and subsequent tension with buck being at least 50% based on the fact that buck thinks eddie is hotter than him
maddie asking if buck's "boy crush" on eddie means he's over his serious ex-girlfriend
buck immediately assuming that "he's so cute" is referring to eddie, and being SO confused when it's not
when eddie and shannon start having sex, buck is venting to chimney about how this is weird right chim tell me this is weird and not something eddie should be doing
someone saying that buck and eddie have an adorable son together after which there is a poignant pause and buck says "thank you" as though this is something that he desperately wants!!!!!
i know people say this a lot but there is not a heterosexual explanation for that. i can't believe you guys watched six seasons of this
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stvolanis · 4 months
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Now i know you better
PAIRINGS: Alastor x Fem!Sinner!Reader
WARNINGS: ANGSTTTT, mean!Alastor, cheating w/ Lucifer, probably inaccurate time line idk, foul language,this is honestly kind of poorly written I’m sorry, manipulation, abuse, Alastor owns Readers soul, toxic relationship, possessive!Alastor, pet names, brief mention of suicide
NSFW WARNINGS: dubcon, slapping, hair pulling, choking, forced cream-pie, degradation, dacryphilia, p in v sex, knotting, humiliation, blood if you squint
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It wasn’t your fault that your grave was dug the moment you stepped foot into the fiery pits of hell.
It wasn’t your fault that it was dug by Mimzy when she introduced you to her dear friend, the Radio Demon who, oh so casually, casted peoples screams for hell to hear.
Mimzy, known to drag people into her messes when shit hits the fan, had deeply embedded you into an on-going war with one of the various overlords, simply by seeking a place to lay low for a few days. You didn’t expect Alastor to show up, that damned smile engraved onto his face.
And it most definitely wasn’t your fault that you laid in said grave.
He was charming, and charismatic. A lethal combination when a sense of confidence and dad-humor was thrown into the mix. The way you met wasn’t the most ideal, especially when he basically bombarded through you, inviting himself into your wrecked home to find Mimzy himself without a word.
His smile, then, seemed aggravated. He did little to hide the annoyance she had somehow caused him, and the way his voice grew in static when he spoke showed that. He was scary when you had watched his figure enlarge, his once normal, slim body now turning into a tall, beastly, and lanky figure with protruding antlers and dilated pupils.
Dread set into your core that day when he directed his wrath towards you. His tall frame stalking over you, a hand quickly shot to your throat. Your back hit against the wall as you were lifted from the ground, gasping for breaths of any air you could possibly get.
His breath was drug out and uneven as his chest moved up and down at a surprisingly slow pace. Even though he seemed to be filled of fury and unease—he had a sense of control over his calmness to an extent. Eerily, he had glided his mouth along your neck, inhaling your scent.
A harsh groan, almost as if he were in pain had slipped past his lips. It rumbled deep in his chest, and your eyes watered as your vision began to fade. Only then, did he release you and let your body fall to the floor. You held your throat gently as you finally got what you were begging for.
“Maybe you’ll listen, since sweet Mimzy won’t.” He began, his voice deep and contorted with static and brute. “You will fix the mess she created, and restore what was mine to begin with. Your soul will be mine until you have fulfilled your duty as said.” He finished.
Your mouth gaped. He had presented it to you like you had a choice in the devastating matter, but you knew better. You sobbed as your curled into a ball, and watched as he raised a hand towards your frame that wracked with sobs. “Hush now, girl. You will be under my care so long as I’ll have you.” He ushered with a grimace as he watched you wipe your nose with your wrist.
You longed to object. To scream and yell out that never in a million and one light years would you ever agree to such a thing. Your freedom was yours alone, and you liked to keep it that way. He’d have to drag you through hell and back for you to allow that to happen, yet as you took his sharp hand into yours, it was all said and done.
A bright light consumed you, and just for a moment, you thought maybe it was the light shower everyone talked about up in heaven. The bright beacon of a light so blinding that cleansed you of all your wrong-doings, took away all your pain and replaced the emptiness with a euphoric feeling of content.
Warmth spread throughout your body, and that moment of hope ended when you felt thick, heavy metal of chains cling around your throat and wrists. Alastors smile haunted you. It crept up on you in your dreams, and ate away at the only good things you had left to hold onto.
The life you once cherished, even in hell, soon faded away till it was nothing but a faint distant memory of someone you once knew that was yourself. It was replaced by an evil demon, in the form of a gentleman who disguised plots and alterier motives with wide smiles and laughs.
but again, you knew better.
The person you once were was stripped from you, and you were bare before him to bend and mold how he saw fit. And so, he did. You became his his underboss of sorts, a quiet and submissive being who did as told. They always said behind every powerful man, there was a woman. And it was you. Everyone got the good side of Alastor, yet it was you he took his frustrations out on when the day was said and done.
It was you who endured his aggressiveness when everyone was fast asleep in their bedrooms, dreaming of a better life you knew you’d never receive.
You were his lap dog, and his favorite toy to play with whenever and however he wanted to. It was unofficial, and confusing to others, but you somehow managed to find yourself in some sort of situationship with Alastor. You were his. body, mind, and soul.
You tried your best to please Alastor, constantly seeking his approval that he so generously bestowed upon others. You chased your tail around, and ran in laps, jumping through hoops just to earn a small nod in approval for him.
He wasn’t always bad. He cared for you, in his own fucked up way. He cared in way that he would never let something bad happen to you, and would protect you at all costs. You were his delicate little flower, how could he ever allow anyone who isn’t him to inflict any kind of harm onto you? He’s a bitch, but to an extent.
He loved you, yes, but only when he was in the mood to love you. When he loved you, he’d hold you close to him when you were perched on his lap in the hotel lounge. He’d whisper sweet nothings to you as he kissed along your neck, making giggles vibrate through your chest. He’d run his fingers through your hair till you fell asleep against him at night after a particularly hard day.
And on days when he knew he went to far, his classic water works he only had in store for you would come into play. He couldn’t bare his favorite toy hating him. He didn’t know how to deal with the colder shoulder and short-answer responses from you. It aggravated him that only you could get under his skin without doing much, so when you were heavily upset, only then would he drop down to his knees and kiss the inside of your thighs lovingly.
Tears would align his eyes, but his smile never once wavering, and beg for your forgiveness. He’d tell you how much he loved you as he rubbed your sensitive bud, and wash away your worries with so many orgasms, you forgot why you were mad at him in the first place.
Yes, he owned your soul and tended to be abusive, but he wasn’t heartless.
He’d tell you he’s sorry, and that he’d never hurt you again. It’s always a lie, and each time you allowed yourself to stupidly believe it.
But the truth was, you didn’t know what else to do. You hated to admit it, but you were nothing without him. You spent so long shaping yourself into the person he wanted and needed you to be, that you forgot how to be yourself. You forgot what your previous hobbies were, or what else made you happy besides him. Your world revolves around him, and without him, it felt like your world was coming to an exaggerated end.
So, you put up with it. Each and every time.
It wasn’t till today, the day of Charlie’s fathers arrival to the grand hotel Alastor managed to put together and run, that you’d ever seen him so genuinely with any sort of nerves.
The moment Lucifer walked in, in all his glory, Alastors personality took a flip. He went toe to toe with the ruler of Hell himself, all because he was afraid of someone who he knew had more power than him. But Alastor wasn’t a weak man, not at all, and that’s why he made it his mission to piss off Lucifer as much as he could.
You’d never seen him this way before. With you? Yes, but with other people? Never. He was cunning and every word he spat at Lucifer dripped with malice and confidence. Alastor knew he couldn’t beat him with power, so he hit him where he knew it would hurt. His family. Specifically, the only one he had left.
What Alastor didn’t expect, was for Lucifer to become completely and utterly smitten with you. From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he’s been all smiles and giggles with you.
He listened when you talked, even the little small words or sentences no one cared to listen to. His lips against the top part of your hand when you first met was the only thing that circled your mind for days. His lips were plush and warm, soft and tender. It was a contrast to the kisses Alastor left you of pity and forgiveness.
He was sweet, and undeniably handsome. He made you feel ways you’d never felt before. He made you feel like you had a choice. A voice that wouldn’t be spoken over and genuinely listened to. He was charismatic, in a way like Alastor, but it was real. His smiles were real, as were the sweet nothings he said to you.
For weeks, you snuck around with Lucifer. At night, when Alastor was fast asleep, you’d sneak out from under his watchful arm and find your way to Lucifers room. His arms were more welcoming, and warm. His kisses sweeter than honey and his love as gold and bright as they come.
His voice was soft, and vibrant as he hummed against your ear. The fingers that raked through your hair were gentle and soothing, calmed you to your slumbers that comforted you through the night. His smell was intoxicating; cider and musk, like an orchid full of ripe apples. The two rosey spots on his cheek shined in hue when you’d enter the room.
I didn’t take long for Alastor to notice. He want a dumb and oblivious man. He was a ruthless overlord who couldn’t afford to look past the little things. He noticed the stares that the two of you sent when in a room full of people. The lingering touches no one else noticed when you brushed passed each other.
And most of all, they way you’d slip from his grasp in the dark of the night like he was stupid.
He knew, of course. He knew the whole time. And he let you let yourself believe that there was any other choice besides him. He allowed you, from the goodness of his heart, to feel a speck of the freedom you longed for. He let you grasp it and cradle it with all your might, just to draw you back in by the chains that shackled you to him for eternity.
He liked knowing that he controlled you. It fueled the god complex he had, knowing that no matter what you tried to do, you’d always be his. His to love, his to fuck, his to torment.
He mocked you for it, too. Rubbing it in your face that you were chained to him for as long as you’d live in hell. Suicide crossed your mind a few times, the only way you saw yourself out of it—yet, you knew that no matter what life you had next, you’d still always belong to him in some way, shape, or form.
You should’ve known better. Should’ve known that you could never be happy. Should’ve known that Alastor knew the whole time. Yet you were naive enough to think you were smart enough to go behind his back with a person he detested the most. The one person who could easily kill him with a blink of an eye.
Alastor would never say it out loud, because he knew deep down that he would never win against Lucifer. So, he did what he does best, and he took it out on you.
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Tonight wasn’t supposed to be any different from any of the other nights you left Alastors bedroom.
You lay in another man’s arms, his chest rising and falling beneath you as soft breaths slipped past his pale lips. Lucifer looked especially beautiful like this. His white skin glistening in the dull lighting of the room, and his streaky blonde hair ran through messily against the plush pillow.
You wished you could stay in this very moment forever. You’d rather spend an eternity admiring Lucifer for all his greatness, than suffering in Alastors darkness miserably.
You never told Lucifer about the way Alastor treated you behind closed doors. You knew that if you did, Alastor would be dead without a second thought. It crossed your mind a few times, obviously. How could it not? It was your only way out. The only thing that stopped you was the fact that Alastor wasn’t always like this.
He wasn’t always a bad person towards you. In the beginning, he tried to make you as comfortable as possible. He made you happy, and lively. His presence didn’t make you want to cower away in a corner, and his stare made you flush red, as bright as the color of his hair.
After all he’s put you through, you couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt shoot through you each time you looked back at Alastor asleep in your shared bed. He never cheated on you. The one of many things he’s never done, yet here you were, every so happily cheating on him. You felt like a two-timing snake, and you knew if he found out that he’d feel betrayed.
With that thought, you slipped from under Lucifer’s heavy arm, watching with soft eyes as he muttered under his breath at the loss of your warmth against him. You kissed his cheek and whispered a goodbye as you exited his room, softly shutting the door behind you. Your finger glided along the walls of the hallway, all the way till you found yourself outside of Alastors room.
You inhaled deeply, reaching for the doorknob, twisting it ever so slowly. Your entered the dark abyss of the room, shutting the door softly behind you with a wince as it creaked lightly. Damned this old ass building.
What you didn’t expect, was for Alastor to press against you from behind.
His breathing was uneven, and sharp as his chest still moved up and down slowly. You froze. You felt your dead heart stop as if you were alive. It seemed like oxygen didn’t exist anymore as you gaped, jaw slightly fallen slack as your eyes lined with tears. Your body shook as his hand traveled to the bed of your throat, craning your neck back to meet his eyes painfully.
“A-Alastor—” you gaped. He clicked his tongue. “Hm, silly girl. You really thought I was unaware of your whore-ish activities?” He chuckled out, his breath warm against the shell of your ear. “Wait, please—” you began, but you didn’t get a chance to think of what to say next as he slammed your back onto the bed.
You tried desperately to crawl away from him, but within a second, chains tied you down to the bed frame. You wracked with sobs and please of despair. He stood silently for a moment, watching the way you crumbled so easily without him even having to really do anything.
“How dare you.” He hissed out after a moment. Climbing on top of your tense frame, he pinched your cheeks together and watched as tears ran down your cheeks pathetically. “I give you everything you could possibly need. I make sure you’re alive with a roof over your head and out of the clutches of hells streets, and this is how you repay me? By sleeping around with men?” He growled through his sharp teeth.
His smile was formed still, but more into a scowl of displeasure. His antlers were grown and prominent as he began to shift to his demon form that you hadn’t seen since the first time youd met him that fateful day. He was like a rabid animal, drool slipping through the cracks of his jagged teeth as his body became large and monstrous.
This was it. This how your soul would finally be put to rest. By the claws and bared teeth of a monster with the facade of a charming, hotel manager. Not the way you’d want to go out, but hey, at least your were gonna get out of it, right?
Or so you thought.
His claws, sharp as knives tore through your shirt, ripping it off of your figure and discarded onto the floor. Your white lace bra on display in front of him. Your pajama pants adorned with cheesy pandas torn to shreds alongside your favorite sleeping shirt. But all you could think about was the abnormally large bulge hard and prominent against your inner thigh.
God, you hated yourself. You danced along the line of lust, fear, and hatred. Hatred for him, mostly. You hated that you loved Lucifer—yet your body yearned to be used and played with at the hands of Alastor.
The sweet sex, praises and butterfly kisses Lucifer showered you was amazing, but this—this was different. The way Alastor fucked you was different. Yes, he was rough and fucked hard—but this was his way of showing you that he loved you. It was peculiar, to say the least. A man so easily able to use his words to fluster anyone couldn’t look you in the eye to tell you that he loved you.
So he fucked you like he hated you. But you knew what he meant.
His finger hooked under the middle of your bra, effectively slicing upwards to cut it in half. Your breasts sprang free, and your nipples hardened under the tense, cold air. You squirmed as his breath fanned against them, his long tongue shooting out to lick against them tenderly.
He played tricks on you. It was his favorite game. Giving you false hope. Dangling things he knew you longed for in front of you, only to yank it right back. Killing every last good thing you had left till you had absolutely nothing but him.
So you should’ve known better than to trust his soft tongue kitten licking your nipple. His sharp teeth bit down—hard enough to draw specks of blood around it. You yelped out in pain as your eyes lined with fresh tears waiting to be spilled over. The pain was dreadful, but god, did it feel good.
Alastors thumb trailed to lower, tracing down to your stomach till he reached your cotton panties, dampened with your arousal. “What a slut. Getting off on this. You should be ashamed of yourself, darling.” He mocked out with a cunning smile. He didn’t think twice before ripping your panties off.
He fumbled for second with his pants, unzipping them before letting them reach low enough just to pull his cock out. “Now, I’m gonna fuck this cunt till I’ve had enough, and after that, you’re going to go into the small-dicked-duck fanatics room with my cum dripping down your thighs and tell him just how good I fucked you.” He growled out, his hand finding it’s way back to your throat, squeezing tightly as he lined himself to your entrance.
“Alastor, please just listen—i” his cock bullied is way into you. Long, and thick. 9 inches of pure, heavy meat sat snugly inside of you, playing with your insides. He was perfectly trimmed, and his balls heavy balls slapped against the underside of your pussy with each agonizingly perfect thrust he delivered into you.
“Oh, oh fuck!” You moaned out, head thrown back as your hand clenched onto the chains that bound you to your bed post. “Tight little pussy. Tell me, does he fuck you like this, baby?” He panted out as he watched the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
He always thought you were the prettiest like this. Underneath him, writhing in pleasure, cock drunk and hungry for him. The only time you didn’t resent him. The only time you wanted him. He cherished this, not that he would ever say it out loud.
“I asked you a fucking question.” He said, slapping the side of your face harshly, leaving a painful sting behind. You whimpered at the familiar impact. “No, Alastor!” You all but screamed out as his cock kissed your cervix.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed loudly, and the smell of hot sex was in the air. A distinctive, vile smell. Your body was lined with sweat, as was his, and your breasts bounced each time his hips met flush against your ass. All you could think about was him.
He consumed your thoughts, plaguing your mind. You couldn’t escape him. And as of right now, you weren’t sure you even really wanted to all along.
Some sick part of you enjoyed this relationship you were in. The part that liked to be put in your place, and told what to do in return for praises of affirmations. A relationship that never got boring, and always kept you on your toes no matter what. Traumatic? Definitely. Toxic? 100%. But, this is what you had to endure. The least you could to was learn to like and deal with it.
You clenched down tightly onto him as his hips slammed into yours repeatedly, his dick hitting every right spot, including the little nerve of your g-spot inside of you. The angle he had your hips positioned in hit it better, and he could tell you were close when your cunt began to pulse around him.
“Please, please, I’m gonna cum!” You babbled on and on, drunk on the feeling of him inside of you. He chuckled as he pulled your head up by the root of your hair, just enough to have your lips crashing down onto his. “Fucked you stupid, honey, i know.” He cooed out against your lips.
He tasted bitter. Like whiskey and old cigars, mixed with a strange tea refreshment. It was an odd combination, but one that suited him indefinitely. His tongue swirled and glided against yours as they fought for dominance in a sloppy, and surprisingly passionate kiss. One that said what he didn’t have to out loud. ‘You’re mine’. He won the fight for dominance, and he sloppily suckled your tongue into his mouth.
The kiss was nasty, sloppy with saliva dripping down your chin and a few cuts on your lip from his sharp teeth clashing against them, but it was the least of your concerns as he rested his forehead against yours, nearing his end.
“I’m gonna fill this pussy up. Nice and full so everyone will know in dues time just who the fuck you belong to.” He growled out through clenched teeth. You shook your head back and forth, your eyes widening with fear. “No, don’t! Please don’t!” You begged, on and on, but to no avail.
His thrusts became harsher, and more demanding. Chasing his high aimlessly as you begged and moaned out his name underneath him. It was then that you felt it. His cock balls deep when you felt it began to swell up inside of you.
You gasped in shock as you were stretched painfully to your limit, the bulge in your lower stomach large and prominent as he pressed against it, triggering your orgasm. Your juices flushed out of you and all over his lower abdomen, and he groaned at the sight. You clenched down onto him impossibly tighter and he felt like he was gonna lose his mind.
“Pull out. Please pull out.” You desperately tried to reason with him, but he didn’t care as he sat snug inside of you, his knot finally emptying inside of you. It was warm, and you could feel it drip down your ass when his cock finally fell flaccid and limp, slowly pulling out of you.
“Maybe now, you’ll learn your lesson. You must be a fool to think that anyone could ever love you like i do.” He said, shaking his head. He bit his lip with a satisfied smile as he watched his mounds of cum pour out of you. “Milked my cock so well.” Was the only praise that slipped past his lips the rest of the night.
He didn’t allow you to clean yourself, only letting you thrown on a pair of panties from the drawer in his bedroom. Your inner thighs were slick and sticky with his warm, salty cum. “Run along now, dear. Come back when you’re finished.” He said in a singing tone, knowingly.
A flame rose in your core of embarrassment as you waddled out of the room, the uncomfortable feeling between your thighs growing by the second. It was humiliating, doing the walk of shame down the hallway, all the way to your now past lovers room.
A soft knock was laid on his door, and after a silent, dreaded minute of standing there, his door fell open. There you stood, in nothing but panties. Bite marks around your nipples and your neck prominent with a lingering bruise from the grip he held on your neck. His eyes trailed down to the cum slick between your plush thighs.
His eyes widened.
“The fuck happened to you?”
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
like a wrecking ball
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: frank finished a job earlier than anticipated, and he's finally coming home to you.
warnings: cursing, frank being a bit of a softie (my heart needed this warning lmao), explicit sexual content (minors dni)
word count: 4.7k
a/n: this fic was inspired by the song like a wrecking ball by eric church. it came on one of my spotify mixes a while back and it instantly made me think of frankie and put this idea in my head. idk what it is about frankie, like he makes me such a whore but also so soft so...here's a combo of both. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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I, I been gone, I been gone too long
Singin' my songs on the road
Another town, one more show
And I'm comin' home
Frank hated being away from you. He hated the thought of you at home by yourself, sleeping alone every night, if you did sleep at all when your anxiety wasn’t gnawing at your stomach about his safety. He hated that he was constantly running off to protect other people when the only person he really gave a shit about protecting was you. Frank knew you weren’t defenseless by any means. He saw to that personally. You knew where every gun and knife was stashed, and he had taught you how to use them until he was satisfied with your skill. He taught you self defense, how and where to hit, quickest exit points in the house. There were plenty of cameras and silent alarms around the perimeter of the house so he could check on you from wherever he was, but it did nothing to dull his paranoia, and it would have him driving seventeen hours straight just to make it back home to you.
Frank hated sleeping without you. He detested the motel beds and their scratchy sheets, worn springs of the mattress digging into his tired body, the scent of stale cigarettes and residual dust. There was a time when he hardly noticed shit like that. A room was a room, and a bed was a bed. Hell, it was better than sleeping in the van. But that was before you. Now he missed the feeling of you curled up into his side or using his chest as a pillow, your hands grabbing onto him like a lifeline every night, your silk skin and green apple scented shampoo keeping his nightmares at bay. He hated that he was missing out on all the little moments he looked forward to, and wasn’t there to hear you talk about your day, or watch you dance around the kitchen as you cooked. God, he missed your cooking. He missed you. He made a promise to call once a day, but hearing your voice only on the other end of the phone wasn’t nearly enough to soothe the ache and guilt he felt in his chest.
Frank hated the look on your face everytime he had to leave. You never complained, or said anything about how you truly felt. You always told him you understood, that this is who he was, and you accepted it. The only thing you ever asked of him was to make it home to you. But he could see the truth in your eyes as you tried to hide the glimmer of longing building up on your waterline. He could feel the desperation as you clung to him a little tighter, kissed him that much deeper, and let your fingers linger in his palm until he finally reluctantly let go. But he also hated the look on your face when he did come home sometimes after particularly bad runs. Sometimes he would come home a day or two late, just to give his wounds some borrowed time to heal before he had to face you. He would intentionally come home when it was dark, keep the lights off, and take you from behind slowly so you couldn’t see him, but could feel him and that he was home. He couldn’t hide from you forever, he knew that. But he just needed a couple of hours before he had to see that broken look on your face at the aftermath of his choices.
But this time hadn’t been so bad. Frank had finished the job quicker than anticipated, and relatively uninjured, and he was coming home to you.
Don't give a damn what these keys are for
I'm gonna knock down that front door and,
I'm gonna find out what that house is made of
It's been too many nights since it's felt us make love
It had been Frank’s personal mission to christen every square inch of the house when you moved in. Not that you two hadn’t broken in certain rooms and spots before, but that was different. That was before you had turned Frank’s house into a real home, one that you now shared together. That was before when he would come home to silence that echoed against the barren walls and climb into bed only to be greeted by cold sheets. That was before when he hadn’t even bothered to buy a dining table because he only ever cooked for one. That was before when the house was just brick and sheetrock, because there wasn’t anything inside that made it more.
Until you.
Frank still remembers how goddamn nervous he was to ask you to move in. You hadn’t even been dating a year, and he was worried you’d freak out that he was moving too fast. He loved the nights you spent with him, always coaxing you for another. Always just one more night.
Just stay one more night, darlin’. Promise I’ll wake ya up in time to change before work.
You always stayed. You even started bringing an overnight bag with more than one extra change of clothes, just in case. Frank wouldn’t have minded spending just as many nights at your place, but you always told him that you enjoyed his house more given that it was far more spacious than your little one bedroom apartment, and you were “absolutely in love with his kitchen”.
That right? Feel free to use it anytime then, sweetheart. I ain’t gonna stop ya.
You had been complaining about running out of space in your apartment, specifically space for your bookshelves. You had two large ones already that were overflowing, and you were ranting to Frank about how your tiny apartment was causing you to be financially responsible in limiting how many more books you could buy. Frank listened with an amused grin on his lips. He thought you looked adorable with the little pout on your lips, brows furrowed and nose crinkled up, clearly distraught by your predicament. He loved how much you loved to read. He loved it even more when he was able to persuade you to read to him.
There was an empty room he wasn’t using that he decided right then would be yours. He went out and got some ash gray wood to match the color of your current bookshelves, dropped by your place with coffee and a guise of “I was in the neighborhood”, but really was trying to get a gauge on just how much work he had cut out for him. You had always told him you wanted your own library room when you finally moved into a house of your own, and Frank was determined to give you one. He spent an entire weekend building out a few large bookshelves, testing the shelves strength with different weights, making sure every edge was sanded and smoothed to perfection, and secured them all into the walls so they couldn’t topple over. He even got you a little step stool that he tucked beside one of the bookcases so that you could reach the top shelves if he wasn’t around.
Frank had invited you over for dinner the following Monday night, casually announcing he had something he wanted to show you afterwards. His heart pounded in his chest the entire walk down the hallway and his palms had begun to sweat as he twisted the knob and opened the door. The nerves he felt in that moment were immensely stronger than any he had ever felt before, almost as debilitating as the ones he felt from the ambush in Kandahar. He was perplexed by the puzzled look on your face when he flicked on the light, stepping aside to allow you to move past him. He watched you carefully as you traced your fingertips along one of the shelves before turning to face him with a playful smile.
I don’t think you have enough books for these, Frank.
No, but you do.
You…got these for me?
I built ‘em for you, sweetheart. Said you were runnin’ out of space and all that. Thought you could use some more. 
Your lips had been on his before he could get another word out, not that he minded. Frank had guided you back against one of the bookshelves, his hands tightly gripped onto your waist as you poured all of your gratitude into his mouth. His hands had slipped down slowly to grab the backs of your thighs, lifting you up effortlessly to pin you between his hips and the bookshelf. You broke the kiss momentarily to giggle incredulously against his full lips.
I can’t believe you built me a library at your house. How am I ever supposed to wanna go home now?
Well, that’s just the thing darlin’. I was thinkin’ this could be your home now.
That was the first room in the house that Frank made love to you in after you agreed to move in with him, but that certainly wasn’t the only one that night.
I wanna rock some sheetrock
Knock some pictures off the wall
Love you baby like a wrecking ball
Frank was antsy the entire drive home, continuously glancing down at his phone as if that would make the distance shorter and the time pass faster. He missed you. He needed you. It had barely been a week since he’d had you, but something about this time felt different. His desire was a lot stronger than he could remember it being any other time he had been gone. Frank needed to touch you like he needed to breathe. He needed to feel your supple skin in his rough palms, your needy hands tugging at his grown out hair, his hips nestled between your own. He needed to feel that you were his and you were safe.
The only time Frank ever truly felt at ease was when he was with you. He wasn’t quite as hypervigilant, unless you were out in public and then he couldn’t help himself. There wasn’t an omnipresent weight bearing down on his shoulders. That daunting thing inside him wasn’t clawing him apart begging to be let out. He felt lighter, definitely happier. He felt things he never thought he would feel again. Things he didn’t think he deserved to feel again. At first it terrified him. He didn’t want to get used to that tenderness, only to have it ripped away again. He didn’t know if he would be able to survive that a second time. But the harder he tried to fight it, the stronger his craving grew, and eventually he gave in and chased it like a nomad following the North Star. 
Frank loved being around you. But when he was inside of you? God, that felt like heaven. Probably the closest he thought a man like him would ever get, but fuck if he didn’t care as long as he got to visit every single day. Sometimes several times a day when he just couldn’t get enough. He was insatiable when it came to you. Burying himself to the hilt in the warmth of your walls was where he always found pure peace. Everything else melted away when his hips collided with yours, and he heard your breathy repetition of his name sweetly echoing in his ears. Frank could stay inside you for hours. Sometimes he would keep going, even when you were both far past your point of exhaustion and overstimulation, even when it almost hurt. 
Just one more, sweetheart. Just need one more, that’s it.
Frank needed you, and the stronger his desire grew, the harder his foot pressed against the gas.
You, look at you
Send me one more shot
Sittin’ on the bathroom sink
Damn you really turn me on
Paintin’ your toenails pink
Frank had gone from having not a single photo on his phone to his entire camera roll being full of pictures of you, and plenty of the two of you together. He had gotten in a habit of sneaking photos of you when you weren’t looking, or when you were doing simple things around the house or while the two of you were out. He loved to look at those when he was gone. It made him feel like you were there with him sometimes, especially the ones he had caught of you sleeping when he had woken up before you. That was the last thing he looked at every night when he was away before he fell asleep.
His favorite was one of you in Central Park in autumn. He had let you drag him along for a little romantic picnic at one of your favorite spots. Of course you didn't actually have to drag him. Frank would’ve followed you fucking anywhere you wanted to go without hesitation or complaint. The leaves had shifted from varying shades of emerald into deep hues of vermillion and gold. A breeze had blown through that had a few of them cascading down like timid raindrops around your head, and you had glanced up to watch them fall with the biggest smile on your face. Frank couldn’t pull his phone out fast enough to capture that moment. Every time he looked down at his phone, he saw that picture, and it made him smile just as big.
Frank loved that you sent him pictures while he was away. You always included him in whatever you were doing, even if he wasn’t physically present. Sometimes you sent him quick little videos when you wanted to ramble about something that was too much to type. He didn’t mind. It meant he got to see you, and hear your voice at the same time. Sometimes you’d send him a picture wearing two different earrings to ask him what looked better, or would paint two different shades of pink on your toes and ask which he preferred, as if he could tell the fucking difference. He’d always give you the same response.
Don’t matter, you make everythin’ look beautiful.
He could practically hear you rolling your eyes through the phone at that, and it always made him laugh. But he loved it. He loved that you asked for his opinion on things, even if you didn’t need it. He loved that you thought about him just as much while he was away as he thought about you. 
He really loved when you sent him pictures of you in bed, wearing nothing but one of his shirts. Frank absolutely loved when you wore his clothes, and how they smelled like you after. There wouldn’t even hardly be any skin showing in the picture, except your bare thighs, and it was always accompanied by an endearing sleepy smile on your lips, but God did it get him hard as a fucking rock. It always sent his mind into a frenzy with memories of the two of you in bed together. If he closed his eyes, he could almost feel the soft flesh of your hip in his hand. He could almost smell the dainty floral and citrus of your perfume running underneath his nose. He could almost hear the melodic whimpers and honeyed pleas that seemed to reverberate in his ears. Pictures like that had him eagerly pursuing your memory with his hand down his sweats, sending up silent prayers of your name to anyone that was listening that he could come home soon.
Easy baby before you say,
But if I can make it just one more day
That old house is gonna be shakin’
I hope those bricks and boards can take it
But I won’t be surprised if the whole damn place just falls
I’m gonna rock you baby like a wrecking ball
Two hours. Just two more hours, and Frank would be home. He could make it. He already had eight hours that had felt like an eternity behind him. Two hours was nothing. The closer he got home to you, the more all of his exhaustion from the past few days was quickly evolving into veritable energy. Frank was absolutely wide awake by the one hour mark. He hadn’t told you he was coming home early. He wanted to surprise you. He thought briefly about stopping to get you flowers or something, but that meant stopping and putting even more time between the two of you. He’d get flowers later.
All Frank could think about was you. Fuck, had he missed you. He was struggling to decide on whether he would have the patience to take his time with you, spend all night making up for every second that he was away. He liked to go slow with you. Frank liked to learn your body and memorize it constantly, like reading his favorite book all over again. He loved the way your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head when he set a languid pace, ensuring you felt everything. He loved to strum you delicately with his fingers, producing beautiful melodies from your lips as he played his favorite tune between your thighs over and over again. Frank especially loved when you embraced his head against your core as his tongue delved and sought out his favorite treasure. Frank wasn’t a religious man, but he felt reborn every single time your gratification coated his face, reveling in the way your taste washed away and absolved his past sins.
As much as he enjoyed leisurely extending your pleasure, sometimes he couldn’t wait. There were times Frank couldn’t even be bothered to fully rid either of you of your clothing, he just needed enough out of the way to get to where he needed to be. There was at least one occasion where you two hadn’t even made it past the front door. Frank had shamelessly fucked you right there, for any of your neighbors to see or hear, keys long forgotten in the lock, because he couldn’t wait. He hadn’t even bothered to keep quiet. Had anyone been on the other side of that door, they probably would’ve thought S.W.A.T. was in the process of fucking breaking it down. But who was gonna come out and say something to him? Who the fuck would dare get between Frank Castle and his girl?
Never had he been so fucking happy that he had installed a camera on your front door. The amount of times he had replayed that video while he was away was egregious, but Frank didn’t fucking care. Due to that incident, and a few others where you two barely made it past the entryway, all the photos you had hung on those walls were purposefully moved a foot inward. Curtis had inquired once about the weird gap of space between the front door and the half of the hallway that was decorated, but Frank’s mouth had curled upwards in a salacious grin before you had a chance to come up with an excuse.
Better you don’t ask, Curt.
Frank let out a breath of relief he didn’t realize he was holding when he pulled into the driveway and saw your car there. He could see a faint glow through the curtains in the living room, letting him know you were awake. He didn’t bother grabbing his bag out of the back or even locking his truck. All that mattered right now was you.
And that old house is gonna be shakin’
Rafter and rockin’ foundation quaking
Crash out through the front door
Back you up against a wall
You were waiting at the other end of the entryway as soon as Frank stepped through the front door. He nearly groaned at the sight of you in one of his flannels that just reached the middle of your thighs. There was surprise written evidently all over your face. He had told you he wouldn’t be home for another three days. But that initial shock seemed to wear off the second you took in the hungry look in his eyes, your lips curving upwards into a playful smirk.
“Hey, big guy.”
“Hey, sweetheart.”
In an instant, Frank had crossed the distance to you in two short strides, grabbing your face in his large hands to steal your lips in a kiss that had you collapsing into his chest. He wasted no time backing you up against the wall, his tongue swiping the bittersweet remnants of white wine off your lips as your frantic fingers pushed his jacket off his broad shoulders. Frank redirected your hands away from toying with the collar of his henley and guided them down to his belt, silently signaling how much he needed you right now. You moaned softly into the kiss at just how much he was straining against the rough denim.
As you pulled the worn leather from the buckle and worked on undoing his jeans, Frank’s fingers found the waistband of your panties underneath the flannel and shoved them carelessly down your legs. He gave you just a split second to step out of them before lifting you up into his arms and pressing you back roughly into the drywall, his other hand quickly working on freeing his coveted cock. He could feel your heat seeping through the fabric of his shirt on his lower abdomen. He should’ve felt guilty about not prepping you more first, but he was too far gone in clouded lust to hold back, especially with the way you were nibbling on his earlobe and begging diligently.
 “Please, Frankie.”
That was all he needed. A guttural groan tore through him when he finally sank the blunt head of his cock into your welcoming heat, continuing to drive further into you until he had nothing left to give. His fingertips dug bruisingly into your hips as he held you there, his eyes falling shut at the way your greedy pussy squeezed around him longingly. Your legs wrapped even tighter around his lower back as he pushed you further against the wall with his hips. Frank couldn’t form a single coherent thought at the moment other than how fucking good you felt. How much he had missed this. How much he had missed you.
The high pitched cry that sounded from your throat snapped him back into focus. He would get lost in you later, but right now he wanted to watch you fall apart. Frank dipped his head to press his forehead against yours, holding you as close to his body as he possibly could and securing his arm around your waist so that you were being knocked back into his embrace with every powerful thrust of his hips. He placed his other hand at the base of your throat, wrapping his fingers around it delicately like ivy and squeezing ever so gently to get you to look at him.
“There’s my pretty girl. Missed you so much, sweetheart. So fuckin’ much. Drove all goddamn day for this. Couldn’t wait to come home and be right here.”
Frank loved looking into your eyes when he fucked you. He could see it all. Every little thing you were feeling, all of the words his hips were knocking out of you, all of the pleas his lips stole from yours. He loved watching the way your pupils dilated when he called you his girl, praised you, or when you were about to come. He tried so hard to get you to keep them open when you finally did, swearing he could see the entire fucking universe in them.
Love you baby,
Take it right there baby
Rock you baby,
Like a wrecking ball
“Missed you so much, Frank…God…please…”
“That’s it baby, atta girl. Take it like I know you can. Promise we’ll take our time later, yeah? Just need to feel you right now. Been too long, sweetheart. Too goddamn long.”
Frank could barely hear the sound of the picture frames rattling against the wall as your conjoined bodies collided into it over and over and over again. All he could hear was your breathless pants and pleas of his name ringing in his ears. You grabbed onto the back of his neck, chasing his lips as he quickened his pace. Exchanges of i love you’s were murmured against each other's mouth, trying to fit all of your shared longing and greed into the growing bubble of pleasure that was about to erupt between the two of you.
This right here, this was home. You were it. Happiness. Heaven. Freedom. Peace. Home. Those were all the things Frank found within you. All of the things he would fight anyone, even the Devil or God himself, to hold onto. No one could help the sorry son of a bitch that ever tried to take away what was his again. Nothing would ever take you away from him. Nothing.
That thought echoing in his mind had Frank pounding you so hard into the wall with such a ferocity it shocked even him. But he couldn’t stop himself, not with you digging your nails into his shoulder blade and pleading for more.
“I love you. You hear me? I fuckin’ love you. Ain’t nothin’ ever gonna keep me from comin’ home to you, sweetheart. Not a goddamn thing.”
Frank didn’t need you to speak. He just needed you to listen. He needed you to know that you were home. He needed you to know that you were his. He needed you to know that he would protect you until he took his last breath, and even then he’d find a way to keep going. 
Frank immediately lost it when you finally let go, his hips convulsing against yours as your walls wrung every single drop of elation out of his spent cock. He let his head fall against your shoulder, closing his eyes for a moment to catch his breath as he hugged you as tightly as he could to his chest. He had no idea how the fuck he was still standing, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind as he focused on the sound and feeling of your heart thudding just below his ear.
Your nails gingerly scratched at his scalp and he hummed, wrapped up in content like a blanket with your heart as a pillow. He could’ve passed out right there. Definitely fucking better than a motel bed. 
He grunted in response, which earned a canorous fit of giggles to vibrate against the side of his face. It only made him snuggle further into your chest, gently smacking his palm against your ass when you wiggled in his relentless grasp.
“Stop movin’.”
“Baby, we can’t stay like this.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because if you pass out, you’re gonna crush me.”
“You callin’ me heavy?”
“Frank, you’re a giant compared to me. Yes, you’re heavy. I’d rather you crush me in a sexy way, not in a permanent way. Now, I believe you promised me a few more rounds, Castle.”
Frank’s ears perked up at that, retracting his head from the crook of your neck just enough that he could see your face. He cocked his head to the side slightly, a sly smirk twisting at the edge of his mouth as he brought his palm back to your ass to give it a rough squeeze.
“Mm, I did, didn’t I? Better get on that then, yeah?”
“I don’t know, you think you can handle it? Looking awfully tired there, big guy.”
Frank’s eyes darkened when you quirked your brow in a challenge, a knowing smirk of your own spreading over your lips. The teasing tone laced in your words didn’t escape him. He knew exactly what you were doing, and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t working. You always knew what buttons to press to get what you wanted, and Frank was always more than willing to comply. Hell, most of the time you didn’t even have to try to convince him. All you had to do was give him that smile, and he was a goner.
But if you were gonna play that game, so was he.
“Oh sweetheart, I know you don’t think I drove all day just to fuck you once and call it a night.”
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totallytatum · 6 months
No one else
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pairing; joel miller x reader rating; 18+ warnings; the tiniest bit of descriptive smut, kinda angst, basically fluff divider; cafekitsune summary; it was never meant to be complicated, no more than hooking up. word count; 990 note; I suck at proof reading and editing just in general, this was just a little short drabble, something to attempt to get the creative flow going. this had better potential tbh.
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Joel is in pure bliss. Love. In love. He was never the man for domestication and settling down. It has always just been him and Sarah, never needing anything more. Until you showed up. Wrapped under his younger brother’s arm being dragged to him. Shades of pink flushed your cheeks as you two were introduced. That night you two hit it off good. So good you went home with him. 
That night turned into a bunch of nights spent together, but only nights. You two only confined in each other between his sheets and calloused fingers.The space between you two is only filled with the sounds of pleasure and begs. Please Joel. More. Please. Please. Please. That solitude only lasted 7 months. 
His breath was rugged, staggering into your ear. A soft moan escaped your lips as you dug your nails into his back, anything to pull him closer. Euphoria ripped through chest, his pace not slowing down. His fingertips danced your back and his lips kissed your jaw, “ you could be my entire world, “ he whispered into your ear before moving down to your collarbone and placing a kiss. You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t say anything. Your eyes squeezed shut and hissed in a breath. It was never supposed to be like this. It was never meant to get complicated, it was never meant to turn into anything. 
Joel’s pace became relenting, his hips snapped into yours, balls smacking against your ass. He became louder, his moans more erratic. His hand rode up the side of your rib to the swell over your breast. Taking your hard pebble between his lips, his thrusts became sloppy. “ Tell me. Tell me you’ll let me have you. “ 
You choked back tears. This couldn’t happen. This can’t happen. Not with Joel. This can’t get messy. “ J- Joel. “ You hand trailed up his back and onto the base of his neck. Anything to distract him Anything to make this encounter quicker so you can make your dash for the door and return his messages, leaving him to wonder where it went wrong. He must’ve taken his name call for more, bringing his lips back up to clash with yours. All teeth, spit mixed into each other's mouths. Joel was always your favorite taste at the end of the day. Always tasted like whiskey, but never overbearing. Maybe just a quick glass before you two get tangled between the sheets. 
He was close, pushing himself over the edge. Whatever he felt in this moment absolutely wrecked him, sent him to another planet. He groaned as he tensed up, painting your walls white with his spent. He placed a softer kiss against your lips as he tried to catch his breath, pushing sweat soaked hair out of your eyes. You met his gaze and the reality set in, you have to end this. You have to break his heart to protect your own. 
“ Joel. We can’t. “ 
His brows furrowed in confusion, “ can’t what. “ 
You pushed his shoulders slightly, pushing him off of you. Bringing the sheet up to your chest and sitting up, turning your head to look at him. “ This. We can’t do this anymore. We can’t do anything. You don’t want me. I’m no good. Used damage. “ Pushing the sheet over, you slid off the best, grabbing your old t-shirt off the floor before slipping it on. 
“ Now hold on a damn minute. Baby - “ 
“ Joel, please. Please don’t make this complicated. “ 
“ Have you ever thought about what I wanted? What I wanted in this? I want you, baby. All the time. All. The. Fucking. Time. I’m distracted. Always distracted. I’m shit at work. I fuck things up now and Tommy has to fix it. When I first met you, the very first time I saw you, saw you under Tommy’s arm. Well, well baby I wanted to run away. We clicked, something that night just did it for me. I wanted to run away because I knew if we started doing this, we would never stop. I’d never want to stop.That’s exactly how this is, that’s exactly how it has been. In no universe would I want to let you go, would I ever let you go without fighting for you. “ 
Your eyes started to become glossy, shaking your head, you hissed in a trembling breath. You were about to crack. About to become a sobbing mess if he didn’t knock this shit off. 
“ J-Joel. Please. I’m begging- don’t. “  
“ I want you. I want to be with you, on you, in you every second of the day. I dream of a life with you. A life that could happen. I could make it happen. I could make you happy. We could make each other happy. I want to marry you. I’d marry you tomorrow if it would seal the deal you were never leaving. I want to add you to my health insurance. I want to buy groceries on things you like. I want to have your trinkets littered around the house. I want the closest stuffed full of your clothes. You have nestled deep into my heart. I need you. I want to play it cool, tell you i’m not obsessed but I’m head over heels for you darlin’. “ 
You will never witness a love like this. Never again and never from a  man like Joel. Your heart swelled, you needed him, even if you left and never spoke to him. You’d mourn what was there, what could have been. He didn’t think of you as baggage, as used up damages. He thought of you as a flower, delicate and full of life. Filled with different emotions you tackled him, arms wrapped tightly around his neck, you let out a breathy laugh that was filled with tears. 
“ You, Joel Miller, are the most magnificent thing that has ever happened to me. Be gentle with me, Joel, that’s all I ask. “
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cypherthesuccubus · 3 months
I was never really into the daddy kink, but when Luci was first introduced in the show I thought about how cute and dorky he is and I just couldn’t help but find that super adorable. Then my mind decides to go feral on me and says “This man definitely has a daddy kink!” and I actually loved that idea of him calling himself daddy as he absolutely wrecks your insides praising you on how you’re such a good girl taking his cock so well while he stimulates every sensitive spots you have to the point you can’t even speak coherent words anymore nor feel your legs or pussy from the on slaught of his thrusts hitting balls deep. Like….GOD DAMN!!!!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Ahem, yes it is I! So an idea literally bashed me in the face and I couldn't help but think 'Oh this is an interesting idea!' What if different versions Transformers have this crossover (Bayverse, T.F.P., T.F.A., GEN 1, Knightverse which is one of my favourites because of Charlie and Bumblebee or any other universes you're familiar with it) where T.F.P.'s groundbridge malfunctioned (probably Wheeljack and Bulkhead) The reader works in the T.F.P. universe Ratchet's assistant and they're his guardian on top of that. Of course, instead of sending them to a desired location the groundbridge ended up locating them in a different dimension... it was Bayverse's while the other dimensions were already there and T.F.P. just lands there last. Just complete and utter silence until Miko says something. You can tell how shit went downhill from there, but let's pretend no one dies for the sake of it all. My dearest reader and T.F.P. O.P. are dating but also not dating; they're just orbiting one another while being friends and T.F.P.'s O.P. is just content and not necessarily talkative but just sweet with the reader. Always carrying them around and so on. Of course, the other universes notice that. Jazz from Gen 1 is just smirking in that damn corner and all versions of Prowl wondering why is their lives are like this. It doesn't help that T.F.P.'s Ratchet has been tired of seeing these two idiots being in love and not doing shit about it. Obviously, the other O.P. versions caught on and the reactions... varied. Surprise, to utter.. confusion and curiosity to completely just wondering if there is a reader on their Earth. You can always add in anything you wish; I really love bantering amongst the others too! AND IRONHIDE'S REACTIONS TOO-
Multiverse to Bayverse  (Transformers Multiverse/ TMV)
Will probably edit it later for typos lol
(Bayverse, Animated, Prime, Earthspark, Gen 1)
Various! Optimus Primes X Reader
Ratchet noticed something was wrong with the groundbridge when it started growing a weird yellowish color. Before anyone could say anything, a wave covered all of them in golden light.
June, who walked in with popcorn, looked around the room in question. “Uh, guys?”
You all landed on the harsh ground, and heard a voice. Before you could hit the ground, Optimus caught you in his servos. 
We all looked up to see a large group of around twenty Cybertronians. There was complete silence in the room as everyone looked at eachother, when Miko chimes in. “Uh, why are there like five Optimus Primes? Raise of hands if you’re secretly another Optimus.”
Everyone gave her a deadpan look when you realized quickly that you were not in your Optimus’ servos. You looked up to see an almost cartoonish looking bot, smiling sheepishly down at you. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Optimus Prime, nice to meet you.” 
You squinted at him, and looked around the room. “Okay so I assume that this has to do with the groundbridge explosion- or I’m in a weird dream.”
The four Optimus Primes that were new to you looked at you in confusion. “Groundbridge?” Two chime in.
“Uh… yeah. A scaled down version of the space bridge. Ratchet engineered it to transport everyone anywhere on Earth- we couldn’t have anything as high-scale as a space bridge because we lack the energon for it.”
“Well why don’t you just use oil?” A voice sounds. 
You all look over to a green bot. “Bulkhead?” Arcee asked.
“Uh, yeah- how do you know my name?” 
Your Bulkhead made his way forward to inspect the other one. At the same time both Bulkheads showed their wrecking ball hand. “Woah! Twins!” Both of them said at the same time.
“Bulk, please never do that again,” Miko looked at them in joking fear. “You remind me of the twins from that one horror movie.”
“Aww come on Miko! It’s not everyday you meet, well, yourself!” Bulkhead grumbled. 
“Can we focus on the situation, please?” A gray mech asked. They looked strikingly like Megatron. The next second, almost everyone in the room had their guns trained on him.
He quickly backed up with his hands above his heads. One Optimus stood in front of him, hands up. “Woah, this Megatron is an autobot now! He’s alright.”
Everyone squinted or glared at him. Generation One’s Optimus didn’t back down. “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know for certain that I’m not cool with Megatron being here.”
You turned to him, gaping. “Did you just say ‘cool’? What?” 
Jazz laughed aloud. “Yeah, that’s Op for ya! He just started learning Earth slang from Spike!”
“Alright, enough!” All of the Ratchets shouted at once. Everyone looked at them. A good eighty percent of the room burst into giggles or tried their best to stop that urge.
“Looks like no matter what dimension you go to, Ratchet’s always the same.” Wheeljack said. A chorus of varied agreements sounded through the room, making the renowned grouches grumble.
Soon enough, you all began figuring out how you were all there. It was pretty much the same for everyone- one way or another, a yellow light ran over them.
You all started constructing various groundbridges in hopes that it could somehow send you home. 
You often hung out with your Prime, making everyone else curious about your relationship. You could almost always be seen on his shoulder or in his servo. You almost never walked anywhere.
It was pretty obvious to everyone- except a few of the younger bots like animated Bumblebee and Knightverse Bumblebee.
Bayverse Prime (with his never ending confidence) was the first to approach you. “Hello, (Y/N). Would you like to go on a walk with me?” He held his hand out. You stepped onto his hand and sat down. 
As he made his way out of base, everyone watched you two. Primeverse Optimus couldn’t help but feel a pang in his chest as you both walked out. He knew that he didn’t have a right to feel that way- you two weren’t even together. Not yet, at least. 
Everyone noticed the look on his face even though he himself didn’t.
All of the Ratchets had the same thought: ‘Primes (Derogatory)’. 
Optimus from the Animated universe was confused. He was normally pretty in tune with his emotions, and he doesn’t see why Prime Optimus doesn’t just ask you out. He’d been trying to subtly hint at that, but Prime Optimus was somehow oblivious. Animated Optimus also wondered if you existed in his universe- you were very charming and, he’s embarrassed to say, cute.
G1 Optimus teased your Optimus on the subject. He always mentioned how back in his day he was a spark breaker. Earthspark Optimus always tried to scold G1 Optimus for his behaviors, but then G1 Jazz would join in on the teasing so he’d have to chase both of them around.
Earthspark Optimus would comfort him, trying to encourage him gently to follow his spark. While he’ll never understand the attraction to a human, he believes that it’s not really his business. Even Earthspark Megatron gave fairly good advice to the other bot. 
Bayverse Ironhide sort of agreed with their advice- but also warned the Prime. “If you wait too long, they’ll find another. Make something of yourself, Prime!”
You both stopped at a pond and he sat down on the ground. He placed you gently next to him as he threw seeds into the water. You both watched as fish swam to the surface and bobbed up and down to try and snag a treat.
“Are you and my counterpart… together?” 
A flushed look covered your face as you snapped your head towards him. “Wh-n- I-” You covered your face with your hands. “No, we aren’t together.”
“Ah. I see.” Bayverse Optimus had a lot more experience with this sort of thing. “So you have feelings for him, then?”
Your face got impossibly warmer and simply nodded. “We haven’t been dating so to say… but we’re really close. I would just never have the guts to… you know.” 
Bayverse Optimus merely nodded at you and left you at the pond by yourself. When he got back into the base he and Ironhide grabbed the Prime by his arms and began dragging him off. The other Primes and Ratchets knew exactly what was going on and followed.
When they got into a more secluded room of the base, they set him down and pushed him into a chair. Primeverse Optimus was confused and a little anxious as the many bots surrounded him.
��When are you going to ask them out?” G1 Optimus teased. 
Primverse merely shook his head. “I don’t think that is a good idea at the moment. There’s a war go-”
“Oh stop being a fragging boltbrain!” Bayverse Ratchet yelled. 
“They have been waiting for you to ask them out for months now!” Primeverse Ratchet yelled. 
His eyes widened at that knowledge. “I don’t know.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll go ask the lil’ lady on a date then.” Jazz began to strut out of the room when Optimus shouted for him to stop.
“What should I say?” Primeverse Optimus questioned. 
“Alright, so here’s what you say.”
While you were at the pond,  a gathering of girls and femme bots surrounded you.
“So he still hasn’t asked you out yet?!” The Arcees were shocked.
“Yeah, you’d think he would have by now, right?” Their counterpart from Primeverse shook her head. “I think he’s just worried about the war.”
Miko threw her hands over her head. “So?! He needs to get the girl!” 
Your hands were holding your face yet again. Prowl gently laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). Good things come in time- and some bots,” he glared at everyone else, “Shouldn’t rush it.”
You smiled up at the ninjabot. “Thanks, Prowl.” 
He smiled back, though irritated at the situation. Some bots were so nosy and loud. They always had to get into everything and couldn’t leave well enough alone. 
Suddenly you were swept up by Jazz, who yelled out “Sorry, I’m borrowing the lil’ lady!” Prowl facepalmed as the girls cheered.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level.
“I” He paused to get his words together. “I have had feelings for you for a while. I know that we’ve been friends for a while, and just friends. I have no clue if you share the sa-”
“If you’re asking me out, the answer is yes.” You planted a shy kiss on his faceplate. The Prime’s cheeks grew a flushed blue. Suddenly confetti streamers fell on the two of you. You both looked up to see Miko, Animated Bee, and Sari in the rafters. A bucket fell on Optimus’ head which made the rafter bound group wince.
“Uh.. congrats?” Bumblebee quickly grabbed the other two kids and bolted. 
You and Optimus chuckled as he brought you up to his faceplate for another kiss.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level. “I-” he paused to get his words together. “Well, my name is Optimus Prime, yo! The other primes are my friends, yo! Uh-huh, they told me everything.”
You looked up at Optimus in confusion, about to say something when he continued. 
“And I like you a lot, yo!” 
Outside the door, everyone looked at Jazz with glares. He just shrugged as a grin pulled at his face. "What? I’m sure it will work.”
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theholypeanut · 10 months
Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom
Characters from Blue Lock, Haikyuu and Kuroko no Basket
On photos are het couples from shoujo mangas, but outside of that gn!reader
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Him Grumpy You Sunshine
You were walking slowly to school until you saw a familiar silhouette of a guy with headphones on. Excited, you run and hug him from behind.
- Hello~! - you chirped with a smile. He looked at you with an annoyance.
- If you’re gonna keep doing this, one day I might accidentally hit you, don’t sneak up on people.
But he knew that no one else in this universe would even try that. Most people have some self - preservation, but you were like a baby chicken who doesn’t sense any danger.
- No, you wouldn’t - you smiled brighter. - So do you have plans after school? Maybe we should go to this new arcade…
You were right, he wouldn’t. And he also wouldn’t want to admit how much he enjoyed you around, even if he couldn’t properly put it into words. No matter how many times he wanted to put distance between you two, you just came back like a wrecking ball. At first he thought he was annoyed, but to be honest, he was just out of his comfort zone. He wasn’t used to someone clinging to him even after he was mean or cold.
- Whoa, did you just smile? - He heard your loud voice getting through to him and snapping him out of his thoughts. He turned his head away from you.
- You are seeing things. Get your eyes checked.
BAROU, RIN, Raichi, Nagi bc he is tired (Blue Lock) Kenma, KAGEYAMA, Tsukishima, Sakusa (Haikyuu) Aomine, Midorima, (Kuroko no Basket)
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You Grumpy, Him Sunshine
- What are you writing? - You heard his voice right next to your ear. He had a really annoying habit of showing up out of thin air and ignoring your private space.
- Homework.
- Whoa, already? Wasn’t it just assigned? You really are a hard worker, Sunshine! - And this stupid nickname again. It was a running joke, as it was quite obvious who was the sunshine between two of you.
Since the beginning of the school year you barely had any occasion to spend some time in silence, because he came along. Always finding you in lunch time and inviting himself over. Asking you to borrow him pens, notebooks, hair ties and hair pins (why? What for?), and even when you told him to just get things himself, he still bothers you on daily basis. At this point you just accepted, that at one point or another of the day, you’ll hear his voice next to your ear, or even worse, he just throw his arm on you and call you “Sunshine”. At the beginning you took into consideration that he was trying to bully you, because of the obvious sarcasm, but the longer you two spend time together, it looks like he was genuine. To be fair, you’d never met a person radiating brighter than a summer sun, but now he is here, showering you with his light. Even worse, it’s not… awful.
- You should do that too, you know. I won’t borrow you mine last minute - you said, not taking eyes of your notes.
- That’s so mean - he pouted. You knew he wasn’t really hurt, but it kind of made you feel uneasy. You opened your bag and hold up juice from the vending machine in front of him.
- Here. I accidentally pressed a wrong button and got it. You can take it. - You didn’t look at him at all, hoping he won’t see a tiny blush on your face.
- Oh you accidentally got my favourite? What a coincidence~ - You could hear just by the tone of his voice what a huge grin showed up on his face.
- If you don’t want it, I’ll take it. - You put the juice box on the table next to your notebook.
- No! It’s mine now! - In split second it was gone. You came back to the last sentence you’ve been writing. - You really like me, don’t you?
- Just drink your damn juice.
BACHIRA, Reo, Ness (Blue Lock) HINATA, BOKUTO, Yamaguchi, Noya, Tendou (Haikyuu!) KISE, Takao, Kiyoshi (Kuroko no Basket)
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By slowlyholypeanut - don’t steal please, give credit
Mangas on the pics are: Koisuru Harinezumi, Tonari no kaibutsu-kun; I don’t own this mangas or this images
The fact that both POVs are from Grumpy shows who am I as a person
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Saturday :) Counted the days today see how far off we are. 73 days till s6. Still awhile away but glad to have something to look forward to. Not a ton of moments in this one but what we do get is good. Always is with them having crumbs or massive moments tis a delight. Do get to see Tim in sexy leader mode. Always gets my engine revving ha
4x15 Hit List
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We start off with the clown saying 'Hi' to Lucy. She asks if he got her emails? He babbles on about not reading them yet. Cause they pertain to coddling felons. (asshat...)He then jumps the gun and calls her his GF. Lucy is not about it. I love her calling him out on it. The clown tries to defend his answer but Lucy cuts it off. Not allowing the convo to go any further. It’s almost like he’s not worth it Lucy…. Or just a relationship of convenience....Instead of digging deeper into that she presses on about the judicial system.
How he could make a difference with the position he’s in. Chris asks why she didn’t go to law school then? Her answer is classic. Because her parents wanted her to LOL The clown starts telling her she should go to law school. Leave being a cop and the violence behind. It’s funny or more annoying really. Both Chris and Ashley wanting them to leave being a cop behind. Something that so dear and important to them. An intricate piece of who they are. Oh the reasons these people are wrong for them is plentiful.
They truly pick the polar opposites for themselves this season. Before the clown leaves he asks her if she really wasn’t ok with him calling her his GF? Lucy deflects once again. Saying it’s fine if she can call him her ‘Work in progress. ’ Easy love, your commitment issues are showing…Amazing how in s5 with Tim she doesn’t hesitate…. *sigh* The clown is an annoying speed bump on our journey to that moment.
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We first catch our couple rolling in their shop. Lucy looking out the window. Pensive look written on her face. Tim notes this silence and says she’s been quiet. So funny this man who would get so irritated by her talking and personal stuff notes this. We know that wall is demolished so when he doesn’t have that he misses it. i.e. this moment.
We all know he secretly loves their shop talks at this point. She came barreling into his life like a chatty sunshine filled wrecking ball. Knocking his high wall down to rubble. With it gone he’s used to it now and craves it honestly. Especially when it’s absent. He’s the one to break the silence in this moment not Lucy. It’s the little things I love so much. Look at our Tim.
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Once the silence has been broken Lucy asks her question. Asking Tim if he thinks she’d be a good lawyer? Doesn’t waste a second before telling her No LMAO Her face in the second gif haha She’s so offended. Tim sees this and follows up with saying it's a compliment. Lucy tries to defend it by saying Wesley’s a lawyer. ‘We’ like Wesley. Heh who is this 'We' eh Lucy? Talking like an old married couple. What else is new? Haha I love it Tim fires right back with the same ‘We’ below. This is making me giddy. I see you guys and I’m happy about it.
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Tim makes the point they only accept Wesley cause they fear Lopez. I mean where’s the lie? LOL If there is one other woman (other than Lucy) who can put the fear of God into Tim it’s Angela Lopez haha Also his disdain for lawyers explains his extra dislike of Chris the clown. Already doesn’t like the guy. Him being a lawyer isn’t scoring him any extra points with Tim.
Nevertheless she is amused by her husband antics about this. Written all over her face. Damn they cute. Lucy continues on about making change. That a progressive DA can change a lot more than they can. Tim stops her. Says they’re not there to make change. Their job is to catch criminals. If she wants to become a crusader for change tells her to become a billionaire. Then she can eradicate poverty.
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Before their convo can go any further they see a car pull up speeding. It cuts them off and opens fire on the vehicle next to it. They pull up to the car and the poor driver is already dead. There was nothing they could've done for her. She’s so young it’s sad to see. Lopez pulls up to their scene after its in progress. Asks what happened? All they have right now is a drive by for info. She tells them that the key into why she was shot at will be in ID'ing her.
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Tim takes over for Grey so he can go testify in his case. It’s his first stint as Watch Commander. Already off the a rocky and hectic start. Nolan also had a victim this morning. Man blatantly poisoned in the lobby. He died waiting for help. They connect the two through the fact they were both witnesses to a massive case. Tim lets them know it’s the same case Grey is about to testify for… I do love seeing him in that chair. Everyone coming to him because he's acting commander. He wears it well.
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Tim comes to see Grey at the hospital. He just barely survived his attack. The scene in the garage is intense. It's a throw back to when Nolan killed his suspect back in S1. We can see the worry on Tim's face before he walks over to Wade. He does his best to put his worry away before coming up. The worry is still evident though. Especially through out their interaction. This man has been a rock and a mentor for Tim. To see Grey shaken up like this is hitting him hard.
I love Tim coming up calm and patting his leg. Trying to reassure him. He then does what he does best and takes control of the situation. Lets him know everything is squared away. That all he needs to focus on now is getting better. Wade asks who she was? He tells her a hitter for Matteo Rubio. The man he was set to testify against. They think that she was also the shooter for the drive by.
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Tim goes into sexy sergeant mode. Reports back to his crew who are waiting for news. They discuss what happened and if the threat is over. Nolan doesn’t think so since the person who killed his victim was a man. Tim sends Lucy to the DA with Angela to get the witness list. See if they can prevent anymore deaths. He then directs everyone else in that take charge tone of his. Yum. Everyone turning to him for guidance and respecting everything he's saying. I love it sfm.
He wants round the clock security for Grey. Then advices Nolan on how to be there for Wade. Going from strong leader to teacher in the blink of an eye. Getting me all hot and bothered Sergeant Bradford. *fan-self* Tim says he’s going to try and ID the deceased shooter. That way he can find out who she was partnered with and catch this other threat.
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The trip to the DA is fruitless. Del Monte won’t share the confidential witness list. Says unless they have credible evidence he isn’t sharing anything. That they handle witness protection for a reason. Angela is fiery af with Del Monte. Saying they’re doing a bang up job LOL I love her so much. This is why Tim fears her haha
Chris tries to catch them before they leave. Angela allows a minute for them to chat in private. He hands her the list. Lucy immediately tries to hand it back. He follows it up telling Lucy that she can’t say where she got it from. He’ll be fired if she does. Maybe then don’t do that and put her in this position clown…
Acting like he's doing her this big favor but also letting her know how it could damage him. Trying to be the big hero but it comes off as anything but that IMO. Like look at me and what I'm going to possibly sacrifice. You'll owe me if this works out. Putz. Lucy’s moral compass winning out though. Tim would be so proud. Telling him they can’t become criminals to catch one. That they’ll find another way. My girl. I love it. Angela interrupts says they ID’d Grey’s shooter.
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We return to our ship on a stakeout. They found the place she has been staying at. Waiting to gain entrance to their shooters home. Tim coming up asking if there has been any movement? Lucy reports no. What I love here is the lack of space. This whole season it's not a concept they understand. I love it sfm. He closes the gap and she doesn’t even notice. It’s just their natural rhythm at this point. Magnetically drawn to one another. Could he be any closer to her?
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Once they’re inside they notice her associate isn’t there. They don’t have a name attached to him yet. All they had was this house and it’s empty. Lucy asks Tim if he smells smoke? He says yes. Being the smart cookie she is saying it’s a little hot outside for a fire….The theme for lack of person space continue as they examine the fireplace. Looks like they just missed him. He bailed and burned their paper trail before he took off.
As they check the remains of the burnt paperwork. Tim joins her and leans close as they inspect what’s left. No need for it but I’m happy for it haha He physically can’t help it. Tim saying there isn’t much to work with. Lucy being the bad ass she is finds something. A name Kellen Myers. Just what they needed. A huge crack in the case courtesy of our girl.
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We find out that name was of a paralegal who sold the list to their shooter. Angela breaks down this dude quickly. It's amazing to watch her in action. He easily collapses under the pressure. Says he didn’t know anyone would get killed. Tells her he gave the name of the witnesses and the DA. Idk how this dude thought they would just play nice with them all. Idiot. Probably why they picked him.
Tim and Lucy race to the DA office. Phone lines are down and they know their next target is them. Unfortunately they save his clown ass and Del Monte (would’ve saved us a lot of trouble had this guy succeeded haha) Guess them being together did get us pouty, pining Tim in S5 so it’s not a total loss her dating him lol
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Lucy checks in on the clown after everything is settled. She then asks him why he really wanted to give her the list? To me Chris was one big manipulative red flag. (Also clueless as hell at the same time. Enigma of ugh.)He never did anything because it was the right thing to do. It was because he was trying to impress her. Pleading the 5th and all that for the list. Just like Tyler's deal in 4x11. He did it because it was to impress Lucy. To get in her good graces.
So once again with this moment he did it for the sake of impressing her. Not because it was the right thing to do. Nothing like Tim. I’ve said this before they both went for people who were the polar opposite of who they really wanted in s4. I dislike Chris so much and he lasts the longest bleh. I don't like either Ashley or Chris but I dislike Chris more. Love the actor to bits he's a sweetheart. Chris though? blah. Pretty low content ep for them but next one will more than make up for it.
Side notes-non Chenford
The SL with Grey and Nolan is really good. I may give Nolan a hard time cause well he is a putz most times ha but I do enjoy how he and Grey have grown professionally and personally.
Aaron’s plain clothes day is ROUGH to say the least with running into Patrick’s dad…
Thank you so very much to those who continue to be on this review journey with me. By liking, commenting and reblogging these ❤️ you’re the all the best. See you in 4x16 :)
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deobienthusiast · 5 months
something blue | choi chanhee
• pairing: best friend!chanhee x female!reader
• word count: 3.5k words
• genre: fluff, slight angst
• rating: PG
• warnings: weddings, reader is kind of being an asshole, fake friends, and our favorite curse words
• notes: *sigh* thank you to sana ( @heemingyu )for your not so serious but also super serious betaread of this. now that i know what really gets you going i mean continue to hit at that now😘😘 I LOVE YOU
• tagging: @deoboyznet
• synopsis: after getting into a big fight with your best friend the day before your wedding, you’re left wondering if he’ll even show up.
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Whoever said your wedding day is the happiest day of your life is an absolute fucking idiot. What is there to be happy about if everything isn’t perfect. You wouldn’t consider yourself a perfectionist by any means, but when you have a vision for something you expect it to be pretty damn near close.
The process of planning your wedding didn’t start when you got engaged to your amazing fiancé Sangyeon. It started when you were a kid, sitting in your living room watching the Disney princesses who had happy endings and fairytale weddings. You knew you wanted a wedding similar to those of the princesses. Which princess didn’t matter, but as long as the wedding was to your standard of perfection, it would be fine.
Alongside your planning was your best friend, Chanhee. He wasn’t just your best friend. He was your person, or as your fiancé liked to say ‘your soulmate’. You had never really believed in soulmates, but when more and more people pointed out that you and Chanhee could be soulmates, you began to listen. It made sense. Chanhee was always there. From your earliest memories in Kindergarten to graduating college, to getting your dream job. Everywhere page in your mind was littered with your best friend. The small, skinny kid that would bring you pretty blue forget-me-nots every time he saw you. Chanhee helped you plan your dream wedding, combining elements of each Disney princess into one big wedding. He called himself your unofficial wedding planner. He made sure everything would go off without any problems, even threatening to throw out some of your work friends if they got too drunk.
Chanhee even planned your pre-wedding party. When you and your wedding party went out, Chanhee had everything covered. From the party bus, to dinner, to the club, your best friend was on it. Chanhee only wanted the best for his best friend, while you only wanted him to at some point let loose and enjoy himself.
The dinner you and your wedding party went to seemed like such a distant memory now. Despite having been only a couple of hours ago, the amount of alcohol in your system made it seem like dinner was months ago. You and your work friends were trashed, to say the least. Hopping from table to table, stealing people’s drinks, getting heavily belligerent with anyone that tried to stop you. You were on a wrecking ball, wreaking havoc across the club. People were starting to complain to the managers, and Chanhee was just trying to find your purse and shoes that you somehow rid yourself of in the midst of all the madness. His constant apologies were falling on deaf ears as all people wanted now was for you and your rowdy entourage to leave.
“Hey, why don’t we sit and have some water?” Chanhee asked you, having finally caught up to you.
You were once again at a table that was not yours as you took a shot from the hands of one of the guests occupying the table. “Water? I don’t need water, Chanhee. I need more vodka!”
Chanhee gave a sympathetic look to the other partygoers as he spoke. “I’m really sorry. I’m trying my hardest to get everything under control.”
The guest who’s drink had been stolen scoffed. “Try harder dude. This is ridiculous.”
The people at the table stood up, moving from the area as Chanhee began to get frustrated. You had never acted like this before. He always said your work buddies only brought out the worst in you, but you never listened to him. In fact, Chanhee couldn’t even spot any of your so-called work “friends”.
“Where is everyone? I want to hit up another party.” You yelled.
Chanhee grabbed your arm, ripping the glass from your hand as he began to drag you towards the exit. “They left! And that’s what we’re doing.”
On his trek towards the door, Chanhee spotted your shoes and purse, squeezing behind a nasty trash can that they were sitting behind. He let go of you momentarily to make sure your credit cards, ID, and cash were all still in your wallet. As his fingers slipped through the loops of your heels to pick them up, he heard a loud crash. Turning around, a table filled with bottles of vodka had hit the floor and you were now face to face with an angry patreon.
The girl was screaming in your face about how you didn’t need to be drinking anymore, while all you could do was yell back about how she wasn’t the boss of you. You were having a good time, why was everyone trying to stop you. Chanhee pulled you back to him, heading for the door before stopping.
“Shit, the tab.” Chanhee whispered.
You were still yelling over your shoulder to the girl as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his card. He wasn’t even sure what the final bill was, but he was willing to pay for it if it meant getting you out of the club in one piece. The bartender took the card, looking over the slumped over state of you as he shook his head. He swiped the card, pulled out a receipt and handed both the card and receipt to Chanhee. Your best friend let out a sigh as he practically carried you to the exit. When he got outside, he sat you down on the curb as he began to call someone.
“Where are we going?” You asked, your sentence is just barely able to be made out by Chanhee.
The boy looked at you as he rolled his eyes. “The hotel.”
You perked up. “I don’t wanna leave. The girls are still inside.”
Chanhee shook his head. “That’s too bad. They can find their own way back to the hotel.”
“I don’t wanna leave.”
“You are beyond drunk. You can barely stand, you have no shoes on, and you are so fucking lucky someone didn’t rob you. You’ve made a mess of yourself and this club, you have no choice but to leave.” Chanhee said sternly.
The alcohol in your system didn’t like the way he was talking to you. He had never talked to you like this before.
“Why are you being so mean?” You asked rather loudly.
Chanhee let out a humorless laugh. “I’m being honest. You need to go to bed. It’s three in the morning on your wedding day. You have to be up early for breakfast, you have to have your makeup done, you can’t stay out with them any longer.”
He heard you begin to mumble as he began to get impatient. All he wanted to do was get you safely to your hotel suite, and go to bed himself.
Why wasn’t the driver picking up his fucking phone?
“You’re just jealous of them.” You said softly.
Chanhee froze. “What did you just say to me?”
You looked up at the boy, eyes wide as you spoke louder this time. “You are just jealous of my relationship with the girls. I see them everyday, and we don’t see each other every day. They are better best friends to me than you are.”
The phone that was covering his ear was now down by his waist. “How dare you?”
You could only look back at the boy, the realization of your words now dawning on you. “Chanhee,”
“Do you know what I’ve had to go through to make sure your fucking wedding day is perfect? I’ve given up my own personal time to be here and plan EVERYTHING for you. May I remind you that I was the only one that helped you pick out your outfit. I helped pick out the food and recommended the bakery for the cake. I found the DJ, the place for dinner tonight, and the fucking club. I have kept you from getting arrested tonight on more than one occasion. I’ve canceled plans to be at your beck and call anytime that you have ever needed me. I’ve done everything for you from the time we met each other when we were five! No one, and I mean no one, will ever be a better best friend than me.” Chanhee yelled.
Before you could speak, he continued. “Do you think they are better than me? The person that has held your hand through sicknesses, the person who has been there to pick up the pieces through every heartbreak you’ve gone through with shitty guys. I introduced you to Sangyeon. He was my friend first, and yet he seems to be the only one appreciative of what I’ve done, not just for him but for you. Not once have you ever told me thank you for anything. Anything!”
He dropped your shoes, grabbing your hand from the sitting position you were in to smack your purse into it. Chanhee brought a hand up to his forehead, rubbing over it as he began to feel a migraine coming on. He could hear talking on the other end of his phone as he tossed it to you, making you flinch as it hit your chest.
“Find your own way back to the hotel. Or better yet, go ask your best friends since they are better to you than I am. They can get you back to the hotel, and they can help you out in the morning. I’m done!” Chanhee said.
He turned quickly on his feet, walking off in the opposite direction of the club. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you tried to get yourself up to stop your best friend. His legs carried him quickly to a bus that had stopped at a bus stop as he hopped on it. You watched the bus pass you as you let out a sob.
You didn’t sleep very well when you got back from the club. All you did was cry over what Chanhee had said, and your work friends were beginning to get annoyed. They merely dropped you off at your suite and left to continue their night. All you could do is sit against the headboard of the hotel bed as you looked around the lavish room that your best friend had spent his hard earned money on, reminding you that as the bride you “deserve the best”. Now you weren’t so sure.
The alarm on your phone went off, signaling that you needed to get up, but you didn’t really have the energy. In fact, you weren’t even sure you wanted to get married. You knew that wouldn’t be fair to Sangyeon, calling off your wedding over the fact that you got into a fight with your best friend. Although Sangyeon would’ve understood, you couldn’t do it to him. A knock at your room door pulled you from your thoughts as you groaned, dragging your body weight out of the bed.
You looked through the peephole on the door and groaned again, seeing the cheery face of your mother and future mother in law. Opening the door, both ladies squealed.
“Happy wedding day!” Your mother exclaimed happily as she pulled you in for a hug.
Sangyeon’s mom did the same before pulling back just slightly, whispering to you. “Are you okay dear?”
You looked at the woman, feeling tears well up in your eyes. You gave her a nod, trying to force a smile on your face. She wanted to speak again before your mom interrupted.
“You need to shower, and you need to be quick. Makeup won’t wait all day. And all day isn’t what we have time wise.” She said, pushing you into the bathroom.
The only sound that left your mouth was a sigh as you let your mother practically manhandle you into the shower. She was quick to pick up your pajamas that you don’t even remember getting into last night as she exited, leaving you to wallow in your own self pity as the hot water cascaded onto your skin. You slowly washed your body, attempting to scrub the dead skin, sweat, and the memories from last night off of your body and down the drain. You weren’t sure how long you were in the shower, having at some point zoned out. The water had gone cold, and you were beginning to shiver as you turned the handle, shutting off the shower.
When you pulled back the curtain, the remaining steam from the previously hot water was still fogging up the bathroom. You could see it get pushed around from the sudden release of cold air from the cold water. You noticed a towel and satin bathrobe set upon the countertop. Reaching for both, you quickly dried off and threw on the bathrobe before opening the bathroom door and letting your mother whisk you off to your makeup appointment.
The day dragged on. All your work friends managed to make it to the venue for hair and makeup. Strolling into the building wielding water, liquid IV packages, sunglasses, and a hangover, they didn’t look very pleased anymore about the time you chose for all of this. They let the artists get them ready with no complaints, just barely sparing you a hello. You weren’t all that thrilled to see them either, so this didn’t bother you a bit. Your mother was making her rounds, checking on each girl before one of them got sick, making her stop to tend to the one person that couldn’t handle her hangover. This gave Sangyeon’s mom a chance to check on you.
“Hey,” She said softly, catching your attention. “Are you okay? Truly?”
You couldn’t turn your head due to the makeup being put on so you opted to just locking eyes with her through the mirror.
“Is it that obvious that something is bothering me?”
She chuckled. “I’ve known you long enough to see a change in your moods.”
For the first time today, you cracked an actual genuine smile.
“I got into a fight.” You said quietly.
“With who? One of the girls?”
Shaking your head. “With Chanhee.”
“Oh sweetheart. I’m sure it wasn’t too bad.” She cooed.
You chuckled. “He’s not here, is he? Something tells me he’s not with Sangyeon either.”
Your mother in law frowned as she excused herself, pulling out her phone as she stepped outside the room you were in.
The artists were slowly getting everyone finished as each girl got into her bridesmaid dress. You were the last to be finished, and you could hear the shouting and greeting of your guests making their way into the venue hall. Your bridesmaids left you to go mingle with some of the single men that your future husband had invited to keep them controlled. Your mother helped you get into your dress before disappearing herself to greet guests.
The words Chanhee had said to you continued to run through your mind, making you zone out once again. You were starting to get upset as someone knocked on the door. You checked your makeup in the mirror as you walked to the door. You went to grab the handle to open the door before someone put weight on it, keeping it closed.
“Hey,” Your fiancé’s voice rang through the wood of the door. “Don’t open it. It’s bad luck for a groom to see his bride before she walks down the aisle.”
A sense of calmness washed over you at the sound of Sangyeon’s voice.
“I missed you.”
He chuckled. “I missed you too. I’m ready to marry you.”
This time you chuckled. “So am I.”
You both laughed before he spoke again.
“I just wanted to check on you. My mom said you were a little down about not seeing Chanhee yet.”
You perked up slightly at the mention of your best friend. “Has he shown up?”
The other side of the door was silent before Sangyeon spoke. “He didn’t tell you? He got sick. He must have come down with something while he was out with you. He stayed back at my hotel so he wouldn’t get anyone else sick.”
Your eyes closed as you let out a sigh. You couldn’t believe it.
He wasn’t coming.
“Oh, okay. He must have just forgotten.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it. He always bounces back, you know that.” Sangyeon told you.
You wanted to reply before hearing a loud yell from the other side of the door.
“There you are man! We’ve been looking for you.”
You’d recognize the voice anywhere.
“We’re stealing your husband back real quick. You’ll get him back when you walk down the aisle!”
“He’s not my husband yet, Eric. You can take him, though.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
He patted the door in response before Sangyeon replied.
“I love you.”
You could hear him get dragged away by the younger boy as you picked up your dress so it wouldn’t drag, walking back towards the makeup station you were previously sat at. Pulling out your phone, you pulled up Chanhee’s contact. Your finger hovered over the call button before you jumped.
The far side door opened, revealing your best friend dressed in a tux. He closed the door behind him quickly as you stood up.
“Chanhee!” You said happily.
When he turned to look at you, you quieted quickly. He looked dejected, hurt, as he made his way towards you.
“I was supposed to give you this last night. However, due to certain circumstances, I got distracted.” Chanhee whispered.
You swallowed hard, trying to gulp down the knot in your throat. He reached into his suit jacket as he pulled out a box. It was black leather, with slight tears in it. He handed it to you quietly, choosing not to say anything.
Gently taking the box from him, you opened it. You let out a gasp as you took in the beautiful sight before you. The box held a beautiful hair clip decorated in white gold with blue diamonds.
“It’s a forget-me-not. Our flower.” Chanhee uttered out.
He took the clip from the box, pulling you to stand centered in front of the mirror as he slipped the clip into your hair. The lights in the room made the blue diamonds sparkle as he spoke.
“I found it in a thrift shop. It was a family heirloom that eventually ended up in the shop. I figured you’d like it. Brides are supposed to have something old, something new, something used, and something blue, right? I guess it falls under every category.” Chanhee told you softly.
You couldn’t help but bring your hand up to your hair, running your fingers over the emblem. You should’ve told him it was beautiful, should’ve said thank you.
Instead you opted for this.
“You came.”
Chanhee nodded. “I couldn’t miss your wedding even if I wanted to. You're my best friend.”
Feeling your eyes start to water you whipped around, pulling him into a tight hug. Chanhee hugged back, just as tightly, as he let out a shaky breath.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled out into his jacket.
You felt him shake his head. “It’s okay.”
“I don’t deserve you.” You mumbled again.
This time, Chanhee chuckled. “You’re right. That’s a conversation for a different day, though.”
You two pulled apart to look at each other as he spoke again.
“You look beautiful, by the way.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
“Come on. Let’s go get you married.” He said, walking you to the door.
You let him lead the way before you both stopped. You took a deep breath before looking at your best friend. He gave you a smile.
“You're the best Chanhee! I love you.”
Chanhee chuckled. “Careful. Sangyeon might think you’re falling in love with me.”
You both laughed as your mom opened the door, greeting Chanhee happily as she told you everything was ready. As she led the both of you to the front of venue, Chanhee was ready to walk you down the aisle as he whispered to you.
“I love you, too!”
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all written works on this blog belong to @deobienthusiast and are protected under copyright- absolutely no translating/reposting or claiming my work as your own.
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@undertheknightwing sent this ask for the fanfic end of the year asks but something weird happened with it so I deleted it and I'm putting it in here instead!!!
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
The Last of Us! Oh my God, what an awesome community! I was welcomed with open arms, my fics were received with incredible excitement - which I was shocked by - and I gained close friends that became like family in an instant!
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
The death fic. I loved and I loved and I lost you hit me one day like a damn wrecking ball and I literally had to sit down cause I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't breathe. It hurt like hell and yet I knew I had to drop everything and write it. It was at a time when I took a little break from writing Titans and I tried to force myself to come back to it by coming up with an idea that's cute, fluffy, and a bit romantic and even spicy. But that wasn't what my heart was truly calling for; instead it wanted to process the grief over losing this beloved show the only way it knew how - by pouring that grief onto my two birds.
21. most memorable comment/review
This one on my Prospect fic Holding On And Letting Go because it brought me to tears and I was incredibly touched and impressed by this person's deep analysis.
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27. favorite fanfic author of the year
You said to pick a few so I'll give you my 2023 Big Three - I will never pass on an opportunity to gush about my besties!
@ambeauty because she never fails me when it comes to squeezing all of the Titans-related emotions out of me. I'm talking the full spectrum - from getting so hot I need an ice bath, through rolling on the floor dying laughing, to screaming into my pillow and sobbing. The attention to details floors me every time, especially in the most recent chapter of her fic Without You I Got Nothing To Lose, where she brought Kory's home world to life through her own vision, inspired by the culture and traditions close to her own heart and it's absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Not to mention she always sprinkles in some beautiful moments for my two birds and I collect each one of them like shiny little diamonds and tuck them close to my heart.
@sotvtaughtmehowtofeel making me emo about Cee and Ezra on the daily!!! To see myself reflected in your eyes is one of my favorite fics I read this year and holy shit I still remember how hard I was crying, how high my heart was soaring. My girl here is all about making you emotional with symbolism and softness, making the littlest things like a simple touch of a hand mean so freaking much it takes your breath away. She always hits all the marks that go straight to my heart and I’m always so excited to read her stuff!
@orangechickenpillow another Prospector in our ranks, is here because Etterath is A MASTERPIECE!!! To keep the two characters from any sort of physical contact/affection just to slam dunk you with it by the end? GENIUS!!!! I am literally shaking while reading every single chapter, just as I’ve been shaking and crying and holding my breath with all their works, either Prospect or The Last of Us!!! This one’s got a way with words that just gets you right in the gut, the insane ability to destroy you with a single sentence.
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hidingoutbackstage · 11 months
so im coming to you, the leading scientist in ashley graham-ology, to say you are SO right. there is literally no difference between ashley in the original and the remakes. they didn't make improve on her characterization, they just gave her scenes that endear her to the player, and even though they're very sweet moments... they don't give us anything new? i mean, it's nice for her to have moments where she can express her feelings, i mean she's been kidnapped and taken to a foreign village so thats going to be at the forefront of her mind, but we get nothing deeper about her. frankly, we get more new characterization from the sorority sticker on her phone and her casual outfit than we do in most of the new scenes. everyone else gets retooled stories, and she is very much the same. and, imo, at best she is a slightly more polished version of her old self (which is not saying much because she was never given a lot to begin with), and at worst she feels like she falls into only being important when it comes to leons development. anyways srry 4 rambling but yes! I agree with you!
You’re right in every way ugh I hate it so much. Like they COULD have expanded upon her in a way that both fit the context and the narrative while still making her a more fleshed out character. Luis got a whole ass backstory and people keep drawing cutesy art of him with his old team of Umbrella researchers who we never knew and don’t matter, but people only talk about Ashley in the context of Leon.
And the problem is that the game does this too! It isn’t just fandom misogyny this time (though that’s obviously at play sometimes) but everything Ashley does is just her being a victim, or relating her to Leon. Even the funny and cute stuff brought over from the og doesn’t get to be about her! Ashley operating the wrecking ball is a setup for Leon to comment on “what they’re teaching kids these days” when in the og it’s unexplained and that kinda implies it’s just something she knows how to do. And it’s funny without context, but in the game the context they give just makes her look stupid for comparing it to driver’s ed.
She helps put out the fire on Leon after his fight with Mendez. See? She’s helpful now! She tries to hit Leon with a candelabra when he shows up instead of cowering in terror like in the og. See? She’s #girlboss now! She doesn’t flirt with him or call him a pervert for acting like a pervert. See? She’s mature now! She says “We can protect the U.S. from all threats!” See? She’s patriotic now! She’s mind controlled and holds a knife up to her throat instead of panicking and running in fear. See? She’s less of a crybaby now! She gets one (1) good outfit (that only came with preordered games) See? She has personality now! (except it’s entirely cosmetic and has no effect on how she is in game) She now has a slimmer face, blue eyes, obvious makeup on, and her hair covers her “dumbo ears.” See? She’s attractive now!
But she doesn’t get a motherfucking personality, when she’s the ONLY character who didn’t get one. Luis gets more backstory, Krauser gets more (incorrect/conflicting) backstory, motherfucking SALAZAR gets more backstory. But not Ashley! Not the g-d damn, entire focal point and center of the entire game, not the main female character, she gets g-d damn nothing!
Here, off the top of my head, here’s little bits of dialogue that could deepen her character yet still fit in the game
A: I can’t wait to see my dad again. I miss him so much.
L: You two close?
A: Yeah. He’s a great dad. He had to be, we’re the only family each other’s got
L: I promise I’ll get you home safe, Ashley.
or, alternatively
A: I’m so nervous to see my dad again. I hope he isn’t mad about the kidnapping
L: Mad? It’s not your fault
A: I know, but…it feels like it is. It feels like I did something wrong. I shouldn’t have been caught.
L: It isn’t your fault, Ashley, and I’m sure your dad won’t be upset. He’ll be happy to see you
A: I hope so
or, again alternatively
A: So, how’d you become an agent anyway? My bodyguards, [name and name] say you’re the best in the business.
L: It’s a long story
A: Tell me when we get back, then?
L: Sure. It’s not very fun, though
A: What’s that supposed to mean?
L: Nothing, don’t worry about it…let’s just say, it involves someone you remind me of
(there so all the fangirls can cry about how emo Leon is while Ashley gets confirmed to have relationships)
A: I can’t believe I went to that party. I didn’t even want to go.
L: Why’d you go, then?
A: My sorority sisters told me to come. I wasn’t gonna turn them down.
L: They good friends?
A: Not really. More like colleagues, I guess
L: They took your jacket
A: Yeah. They can keep it, honestly. I never liked that thing
L: Why wear it, then?
A: Dad says it looks good for public appearances
See? Would it have been that hard?
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I'm giving the may prompt list by @creativepromptsforwriting a try! :) tysm I'm in love with these cute prompt ideas!
My setting for all of these will be The Walking Dead cause I'm an obsessed wreck :D Pairing: Magna x Yumiko :)
Feel free to let me know what you think about these two beans! Also I'm german and my writing might be slightly off sometimes. I just started exploring writing english prompts and I definitely do feel insecure about it. Please be kind <3
1. Strawberries
“Are you serious?!” Magna said and eyed Yumiko down. She shook her head, uncomprehendingly. “You can't be serious, Miko.”
“It's not my fault, Magna.”
Magna's eyes were flickering between the woman and the strawberries on the table. The anger did not only show in her tone but also the corners of her eyes and mouth. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. One hand kept drumming onto her own upper arm.
It was impossible to miss how annoyed Magna was. And she had all right to be.
Yumiko didn't want to argue. Not during the short amount of time they had. It was only a handful of days a month that Magna visited her in her apartment.
Mostly because they had this weird thing going on.
The shower arrangement.
Because Yumiko could not stand the fact that Magna had to shower with ice-cold water at the workers' settlements on most days.
They had spoken briefly after the ball. Just a little small talk to catch up. They hadn’t had the chance to see each other before and Yumiko still cared so much about Magna.
Well, if Yumiko was being honest with herself, there would have been chances.
But she never overcame her fear and anger, though.
Until suddenly Magna had served her that fancy wine. Yumiko had found her incredibly stunning. After that, both had been enormously tipsy around each other.
Nevertheless, arguments weren’t rare occasions when they met. They still hadn’t had the time to figure things out.
Yumiko just wanted to be with Magna and feel her with every fiber of her body again.
Magna slipped away though.
“But you do know that Daryl and all the other parents, caregivers, whatever you want to call them… they need to wait at least an hour in the food line to get their kids some kind of shitty mashed potatoes and beans. And they are giving you damn strawberries?! Not fair.”
“I know you are upset. I know you don't like this way of life. And neither do I.”
“Yeah, sure.” Magna scuffed impatiently.
Yumiko went on and ignored Magna's snappy comment.
“I didn't ask for this. It just happened to me. I’m in love with the fact that we are safe from the sickos here. But I hate you guys being treated badly. I am trying to make things better, trust me.”
Yumiko dared to take a step toward Magna. And the other woman froze.
“In fact, you love how things are done here. I mean… the CommonWealth got you your old life back. You do love that, Miko.” Magna made eye contact. An intense sting hit Yumiko right in the guts. She couldn’t disagree. Because it was the achy truth.
“And that's kind of the whole damn point.” Magna continued with a sigh. ”People being at the top also means people being at the bottom. And they suffer. Daily, Miko.”
“I know how this works. And I am hating it.” Miko pleaded again.
She couldn’t stand how Magna somehow thought she liked what Pamela did to the lower class. Yumiko swallowed the paragraph forming in her head, all about how she studied society models and how she went on anti-capitalist student protests. She couldn’t deny the thoughts of defense but wanted to calm the waves.
“Look. I didn't touch the strawberries. I saved them for you.” Yumiko told her in honesty, cracking a weak smile.
Something in Magna’s eyes twitched.
“Who says I would want you to?” Magna pointed a nasty look toward the berry bowl.
“Back then in prison? I visited you on this very hot summer day. And you told me you loved berries. And that there never were berries in prison. I want to make things easier for you, Magna. I can't get myself into the lower class. Not as Milton’s lawyer. I can't switch. But I can fight from my point of being. I can still fight for you.”
Big brown eyes seemed to absorb Yumiko while talking.
Finally, Magna lowered her arms. Her gaze softened.
“You’d still do that?” Magna asked quietly. The question sounded insanely vulnerable.
“Ride or die, remember?” Yumiko reassured. She tilted her head a little. Arms down by her sides, trying to convey openness and support. And love, of course. Always love.
Because Yumiko loved Magna.
“Ride or die.” Magna nodded and all at once her walls broke down. She wrapped her arms around Yumiko’s waist and pulled her in. The gesture was so close and sudden that Yumiko forgot to breathe for a moment. Then she inhaled Magna slowly squeezing her even tighter to feel more of her.
Yumiko felt a trace of fingertips on her back making its way up between her shoulder blades. Magna nestled her face into Miko’s neck and pressed a kiss onto the soft skin.
“I missed you.” Yumiko whispered into her ear.
“Me too.”
Yumiko was gently loosening her grip on Magna’s body only to take a strawberry and hold it in front of Magna’s mouth.
“Do you even remember how these taste?” Yumiko asked with a grin. Magna’s eyebrows rose. “I could never forget that.” They shared a sheepish look before Magna took a bite of the strawberry.
“Holy shit!” Her eyes grew wide. “Just taste it already!”
Yumiko took her advice into action immediately. Holding Magna close as she put the berry in her own mouth now. It tasted amazing.
“I get why you are in love with berries.” Miko agreed. Both of them chuckled lightly.
“What do you think about me sharing with you then?” Magna bit her bottom lip staring right into Miko’s eyes.
“I’d like that.”
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pstelwitchcraft · 1 year
Critical Role - C3EP52 (After the break)
We're back with more Sending fails!
F.r.i.d.a looks so cool i love themmm
Also the kids are starting to get strong i love it
Feels like yesterday when imogen had like, 10 hit points
Also this is absolutely the leylines being fucked
Something happened and magic everywhere is going heywire
I'm now convinced the exaltants are being "awakened" to be Predathos' army and it's all gonna go balls to the wall
Imogen has to be this campaign's double agent right? They're absolutely gonna have to fight her at some point and it's gonna wreck me
Now that I think about it does it mean they'll have to fight fearne too??? 😳
i'm getting vibes from imogen and f.r.i.d.a and i don't hate it? 👀
Exandria's Greatest Bake-Off: Pike Trickfoot vs. FCG and their easy-bake oven
Ooooo fearne has pass without a trace now? Thank God
Once again i got sad we won't see marisha, liam and tal tonight 😔 hope we have robbie with them tho, maybe even more people from EXU?? I hope we get to see Opal!
Chetney still struggling 😅
I don't know Dustel but I f*cking hate him 🤬
Chetney backstory finally!
Don't get me wrong I'm very excited but I knew it was gonna be some bullshit 🤣
Travis is NOT here for anything serious this campaign AT ALL
He "kneecaped" someone?????
Aabria somehow has great chemistry with everybody she ever roleplays with it's the Iyengar effect istg
That little talk with chet was so cute
And then... fearne tells deanna he has horrible diarrhea
They keep making it worse 😅
This IS indeed a wild group to meet out of nowhere
"Be nice to us, we're trying our best" 🤣 they're so stupid but I love them sm 💖
This is probably the most vulnerable and reasonable FCG has been all campaign for real
I don't think the real problem here is whether or not the gods are good, it's whether or not the Godeater is good, and even before we worry about that, it's about whether or not its gonna wreck everything and everyone in it's path to the Gods
Imogen herself is most likely gonna die for whatever this whole thing is if they let it happen
Like are we really willing to do all this shit and possibly extinguish all life on Exandria when you could like... not worship the Gods? It's not like they're forced to or smtg
Wait. WAIT. So if Ruidus is wherever (whenever?) the other half of the group is and it's NOT in Exandria anymore there are really only two possibilities for where the others are: back in time or in another realm and both are big problems for us
Matt please let my babies see each other I'm getting sad rn
Oh shiiiiiit this is a big big mess yall 😳
So ruidus is in exandria it just doesn't move?? So the others are actually still in Marquet then
It's the Reilora 😱 this is baaad
Yup, they're already trying to pull her to the dark side. This is gonna be a mess. I'm preemptively so upset for how much this is going to hurt.
I have a feeling this is how they really got to Liliana and all those people. Whatever Predathos is, it has some sort of pull on people that makes them want to give into it, specially the ruidusborn and even more specially the exaltants.
Do not listen to the robot right now
Laudna would be slapping yall in the face for even SUGGESTING IT
Do NOT let Imogen go into the freaking alien godeater hivemind or so help me GOD
See? This is why I get worried when they're separated they're like each other's emotional support pet, two days and Imogen is already considering going into the damn light
This scene with f.r.i.d.a is giving that scene from twilight without the homoerotic undressing
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Why, why would he go to chetney alone like that?? He has almost taken half the party once this is BAD!
Tho we know robot boy is a heavy hitter so I guess it could go either way🤷
This is the only place where we can get heartfelt, beautiful monologues about the meaning of death and life and morning toot in the same episode and that's why I love this show
This fight is giving one of those old chihuahuas that keep snapping at your ankles but that has for some reason taken a burning passion rage against your robot vacuum
Also you can't convince me a dog wouldn't absolutely hate this thing
It would just feel like a threat, this weird human that isn't human and it can mimick stuff but also it sounds weird? My dogs would go NUTS
Listen. I'll be a chetney apologist for this one. I'm a wildlife veterinarian and animal behaviorist and idk where dude thought he was gonna get off approaching a wolf like that, or honestly approaching him alone at all
Surprising he survived all this time in wildemont tbh but I'll give him a pass bc it's is D&D
Love that Deanna is so horrified by them when this is not even the full party 😅 like, ma'am we're missing- *checks notes* one tree/cadaver/goo person, a magic rock rainbow sparkle barbarian and a 4ft tall widowed ballerina that is prob covered in monster blood as we speak 😀
Final thoughts:
Overall I loved this one, it was light and fun and everything I needed after all the stress from the last few weeks
I also enjoyed the split party dynamic more than I thought it would and I am hopeful it's gonna lead to some good things in the long run
It's a bold move ngl. One of the quintessential, funnest things about D&D parties is the found family, the unity of it all, it's seeing them spend time with each other and develop different dynamics, games, inside jokes
In any other situation it might alienate party members from each other and make it not feel as cohesive, maybe even jeopardize the forming of a tight bond.
But with Bell's Hells we have such close pairings that this almost feels like it has to be done
Fearne and Orym, FCG and Ashton, Laudna and Imogen are all pairings that came together and rely deeply on each other, to the point where it felt a little stiffening to the other members of the group bc these people very rarely sought deeper companionship and support from anyone other than their initial pairing
Also we can get a closer look at Chetney's backstory and hopefully Ashton's next episode when I'm hoping we'll see how the others are doing
I also was hoping there would be some time fuckery or realm travel and still kind of am, but it's sounding like the other half of the Hells were still in Marquet by the end of 52
If they are still in close proximity to the beam it's going to be a mess and I have no idea what to expect but chaos, specially since they can't call the others and I'm guessing shit is going DOWN over there
If they are indeed in the shadowfell, close to the key that Beau and Caleb tried to take down, I wonder if they could go after that connection and weaken whatever they are doing to Ruidus, hopefully even sever that connection completely.
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desertfangs · 9 months
"This is for Dear Dungeon Anon" for me?! 🥹 I'm beside myself with joy, please 🥹
I don't even know where to begin but like... it's just how I'd pictured the whole thing in my head? Down to Daniel's clothes being a mess in his suitcase! The only difference is that you made it softer, and gave it a heart, which only made it SO much better! tysm you're the best ❤️
The way you had them make out off screen and then had Daniel reminisce about it made go "aweee that sounds so hot, I want more" and then YOU WENT AND SHOWED US FR 😭 hottest make out session ever just *chef's kiss* 🤌
"He examines Daniel’s erection as if it’s a piece of art in some gallery" just Armand things lmfao, he so would stare at Daniel's cock unabashedly, committing every inch of it to memory, until Daniel is squirming with embarrassment/want.
"He wants to cum all over them, to sully this immaculate creature with his mess." YES GOOD. Daniel Molloy aka the most relatable monsterfucker ever. I love how you pinned that moment down, when the lines between fear and desire started to blur for Daniel for real. Armand was right there, staring at his neck as he jerked him off, hungry, and all Daniel could do was ask for more.
"You can join me." GOD I wish. It absolutely made sense for Armand to have declined the offer/bolt before Daniel got out of the shower (but not before folding and putting away his clothes, my heart 🥹) given this was pre-Pompeii, but that would make for an amazing sequel imo (no pressure though!).
Absolute perfection, I truly can't take you enough! Can't wait for whatever you come up with next xoxo DA ❤️
DA!! I'm so, so glad you liked it! It's always so nerve-racking for me to write something FOR someone because I'm just never sure if it's going to hit for them or if they'll like it.
Glad to hear it's similar to how you pictured in your head down to Daniel's messy suitcase (that boy is a wreck and Armand will spend eternity chasing after him to put his damn socks in the hamper instead of leaving them curled up in random balls on the floor 😂).
then YOU WENT AND SHOWED US FR 😭 hottest make out session ever just *chef's kiss* 🤌 I have always been a fan of hot, desperate kissing and I'm glad I'm able to share some deeply horny kissing with this fandom. It's probably my favorite thing to write in smut.
just Armand things lmfao, he so would stare at Daniel's cock unabashedly, committing every inch of it to memory, until Daniel is squirming with embarrassment/want. Right, like it's the weirdest handjob ever, your vampire stalker utterly examining your dick after he walks in on you. Only Daniel Molloy would put up this nonsense tbh.
I desperately need "Daniel Molloy, aka the most relatable monsterfucker ever" on a t-shirt. Which, let's be honest, I'd be too embarassed to wear most of the time. But yes.
Armand was right there, staring at his neck as he jerked him off, hungry, and all Daniel could do was ask for more. I know, Daniel is so desperate for those fangs and so horny for his own death (in a figurative way, he doesn't really want to die, but damn if he has to go...)
I really, really wanted to get Armand in the shower with him but it's so early and I'm sure by that point in the night Armand is just totally spiraling out trying to process what he just did with this mortal boy he's not supposed to like this much and he had to get the hell out of dodge before he showed any deep emotion where Daniel could see it.
(Maybe a sequel, though, I mean...if Armand is always walking in on him, he's going to catch him in the shower eventually. 😉😉)
I'm so happy to hear you liked it! You're so very welcome! Thanks so much for encouraging it, it was fun to write and I'm really happy with it! And thank you for being such a blessing to this fandom, you're the best! 💖💖
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atomatanibne · 11 months
out of all of your favorite character, who would you say is the least popular or most obscure?
cw: straight people i was thonking hard for this one... my most obscure fave would be Kurumi Sahana from an ecchi manga that i was obsessed with in 2017. its named sundome and i will.. explain in the following paragraphs why i like this one a bit too much
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it starts as a regular ecchi (with nasty vibes) its about two highschoolers, straight guy gets interested in the girl and the girl is sort of flirty etc etc etc . the comedy revolves around dick jokes which gets me laughing real hard because i have the mental capacity of a 14 year old
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but then after some point these two start... a real actual.. semi healthy... kinky dom sub relationship..?? i mean they explore their wants and needs.... in a.......... normal human way????
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they are able to communicate with each other??? communication? in my romance manga? never done before. show stopping... also they still act like highschoolers... but not dumb highschoolers... u get me...
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oh and. it gets. real fucking profound. REAL PROFOUND. the only manga other than trimax i needed to take breaks while reading because it made me feel too many stuff LMAOOO
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its about love and how loving someone can improve you as a person... its about trust... (and orgasm denial and golden showers)... i think it really changed my brain chemistry back then. i reread it a few months ago and well its still as good as i remember, i just have a few more microaggressions with some of the jokes. (this one is awesome though)
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and kurumi s awesome because. she s a really complex character..................she s......... very compelling to think about...
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she's so mysterious and dominant but soooo vulnerable at the same time... and its so easy to love her because the straight guy loves her so much and ....... he keeps sharing how he loves her.... and his love is real huge that you cant help but share it... its our wife now..... sorry.....
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oh and the ending. i will not be spoiling anything. but it explodes my balls like holy shit. damn. makes an impression kinda... hits home with a wrecking ball kinda ending. i ended up writing a whole essay............................ its ok if you didnt reply to this at all im sure it takes 10 minutes to read damn..... it would be funny if you knew the manga tho ....... (obscure? ??really ibne you must be joking this was the shit at 2016 reddit) have a great day.. love u......
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qxrhg · 1 year
You were supposed to be my forever
Now I’m lying here alone in a cold empty bed and wondering what the point of it all is. I throw myself into work because it’s the only thing I have left, the only place I can feel like I have some purpose. That seems so shallow, but what is it we’re supposed to do with this life anyway? To me, the whole point is to create connections. We, as human beings, are meant to form connections with other people. We need to love and be loved in return or what’s the point of existing? All my life I’ve wanted that special connection with someone.
Sometimes it felt so right with you. The way we could communicate without speaking, how we knew each other’s habits and body language so well it became a private language that belonged just to us. The comfort of being in your arms and feeling like everything was all right. You were my safe space, the one I looked to before all others. And I tried to be what you wanted me to be. In the beginning you were right, there was a lot I had to work on about myself. There was anger and fear and the weight of past traumas, but I knew I would have to push past them if I was going to be good enough for you. So I worked on myself. I looked hard into the ugliest parts of myself and fought to be the best version of myself that I could be. I grew and became kinder, more secure, and braver than I had ever been. I was so proud of what I had become, the hell I had trudged through to become who I was meant to be.
But somehow that still wasn’t enough. There was always something wrong with me no matter how hard I tried. I never realized until after how much that chipped away at me over the years. The criticisms just shifted, an impossible array of balls to keep juggling so I was always going to end up dropping one. So I started to feel hopeless. At first I thought that I was just so fundamentally broken that I was simply beyond fixing, no amount of effort could ever be enough to make up for the fundamental train wreck that was me. I used to lay there and fantasize about being able to make myself into someone else entirely, someone worthy of your love. Someone you would finally be proud to show off, that you could have absolutely no doubts about. I wanted you to look at me and see the love of your life, like I saw mine when I looked at you. If I had had the money I would have carved my face and body up with plastic surgery until I had finally gotten rid of everything you found objectionable.
Then the PTSD hit and the therapy made me realize that the flaws I did have were human. That it was ok to have them, they didn’t mean that I didn’t deserve love. I realized that I was never going to meet your impossibly high standards. They had to be coming from something else inside you, something that made you not ever want to let me in. Because I should have been enough. I loved you with my whole heart, I took care of you, and dammit I’m a good person. I’m kind, smart, accomplished, funny and one of the bravest damn people you will ever meet. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to let me in. You don’t want me to know you, you don’t want to open yourself to me and give your whole heart. Maybe there’s a reason for that, some kind of hurt that made you incapable of letting another person in like that.
So now we’re both alone, dazed and bewildered and unsure what even comes next. We both face the empty, gaping chasm of what used to be our life together and try to come to terms with the feelings that come out of that. For me, it’s just an overwhelming amount of grief. Grief for the life I thought I had, for the years I wasted getting so deeply invested, and for my poor broken heart. I’ve barely skimmed the surface of what’s happening with that. All I know is I have a lot of feelings that I’m never going to be good enough to be loved how I want to be loved and I don’t know what to do about that.
Even if the perfect potential partner showed up tomorrow, I don’t know if I can do it again. I don’t know if I can give my love and trust knowing how badly I hurt now. The thought of it is too much to bear. I don’t know why I’ve never found what I’m looking for. With foresight I can definitely see red flags that should have made me leave long ago, but I’m not sure what to do with that information because the damage is done. I’m 42 and it just might be that my chance is gone. The dating world seems like a cold and cynical place and I don’t think I can face it. My heart can’t take being evaluated and rejected again and again, I had to face enough of that with you. I’m just so very tired.
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