#but anyways expect more gifs from this video cause he looked so good in his plain ass white tshirt
kingleedo · 4 months
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draw me like one of your sad mermaids that turned into human and spends friday nights chilling in the bathtub
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withwritersblock · 2 months
More Hearts Than Mine-Their Families Find out They are Moving in Together
~More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress~
Author's Note: N/A Summary: Luke and Y/N move in together Warnings: Swearing, Implied Smut Word Count: 2,078 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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Luke knocked on Jack’s door, waiting for him to be granted entrance. A dramatic groan left Jack’s lips, allowing Luke to walk inside the bedroom. “So,” Luke started unsure of how to fully say what he wanted to say.
Living with his brother has been amazing, except he’s practically lived with Y/N the entire time he’s been in Jersey. He thought that now it would be time to make things official. He was added to the lease and they were planning on starting the move later this week. He has yet to tell anyone in his family about the whole idea. 
He wants to avoid talking to Quinn about it since he’s so dramatically focused on the whole it’s your rookie year don’t get distracted, a girlfriend right now probably isn’t the best idea. So telling Quinn that he was planning on living with said girlfriend, would probably cause him to implode. 
Jack, on the other hand, adores Y/N. He loved the idea of living with his brother but he also loves the idea of his little brother being happy. 
“So spit it out,” he muttered, lifting his gaze from his computer.
“Uhm, I’m moving in with Y/N this Friday,” he said, waiting for his brother’s reaction.
“That’s great, I mean you practically live there anyway,” he mumbled, shutting his computer screen. Jack’s eyes widened, “Did you tell Mom and Dad? Quinn?” he questioned. Luke shook his head. “Good luck with that,” he mumbled before opening up his laptop.
Luke stared towards Jack expectedly, waiting for him to say something about his objections. It never came. “Who’s going to be easier to tell?”
“Definitely Mom and Dad, they adore Y/N,” he explained. Luke nodded nervously. “You could also wait to tell Quinn until after the season is done. You know how he gets,” Jack said, meeting Luke’s gaze. Luke nodded as he pressed his lips together.
Luke sighed as he left Jack’s room and walked towards his room, the room that was now returning to a guest bedroom. He flopped down onto his bed as he pulled open his laptop. He began to FaceTime his Mom, hoping his Dad would be there too. Not wanting to have this conversation more than once.
It wasn’t really a conversation. It was more him letting them know what the plan was. It only rang twice before his mom answered. His dad was sitting beside her with a wide smile. “Hey honey,” his mom said as she answered the video call. 
“Hey guys, I wanted to tell you guys something,” he said nervously rubbing his hands together. Their faces both fell as his dad’s eyes widened.
“Y/N’s not pregnant is she?” his dad questioned. Ellen’s eyes widened as her mouth fell open. 
Luke shook his head dramatically, “What? No! No! Dad, I’m not stupid,” Luke said, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Both of his parents let out a sigh of relief. “I am moving in with Y/N though,” he said biting his bottom lip nervously. 
They nodded slowly, “So it’s been decided then?” his mom questioned. Luke nodded. “Are you sure, Lukey? I mean you guys are fighting for a playoff spot. It’s your rookie year, it’s a lot to handle right now,” she expressed.
Luke nodded, prepared to hear those words from Quinn, not from his mom. But in hindsight, he should’ve expected it. He looked towards the ceiling as he clenched his jaw. 
“I mean, I practically live there anyway,” he began pouting his lip, “I mean, the only time I’m back at Jack’s is when we have to travel for games. I’m never there, I’d rather have all of my stuff at Y/N’s since I’m always there,” he explained.
“Son, it may seem like it won’t be different but it will. Once all of your stuff is there, it’ll be different,”
“Good!” Luke expressed, a smile forming to his lips, “She’s-” he paused as he shook his head, “She’s the one, Dad, what’s the harm in starting the forever process now?” he asked. Ellen tilted her head back as she began to tear up. 
Jim nodded as he smiled slightly, “Alright, I can’t wait to see what you guys do with her apartment,” he said. Luke nodded his head as fought the smile on his lips.
“Don’t tell Quinn anything yet, he’s just going to get pissed,” he asked and they nodded. They spoke for a few minutes longer before he hung up. 
She sat on her bed, staring at her computer screen. She needed to tell her parents, she needed to tell them that in less than forty-eight hours her boyfriend would be moving in. Her dad may explode at the idea and she was terrified. Luke had texted her that he told his family and they approved. She quickly pressed the FaceTime button and waited for her mom to answer the phone. 
She messed with the end of her t-shirt as she waited for them to answer. After a handful of rings, her mom answered. Her dad was sitting beside her. “Hey sweet pea!” she answered excitedly. Y/N smiled nervously as he stared towards her parents through the video screen. “Oh what’s wrong?” her mother asked, her face falling instantly.
“You’re not pregnant are you?” her dad questioned. Her mouth fell open as she shook her head dramatically.
“Are you crazy!?” she asked as she took in a sharp breath. “You really think I would tell you that over FaceTime? I’m barely twenty!” she let out. They nodded, sighing. 
“What’s going on sweetheart?” her mom pressed.
Y/N took in a deep breath as she smiled softly, “I asked Luke to move in,” she muttered. Her mom’s eyes lit up with so much joy but her dad remained stoic as he furrowed his eyebrows harshly. “He’s moving in Friday,” she mumbled. 
“Oh wonderful, honey! That’s so exciting!” her mother expressed, her dad remained silent. Her mother nudged him slightly, practically begging him to say something. Instead he stood up and walked away from the couch, out of the view of the camera. 
Her mother’s face fell as she stared towards her husband walking away. Y/N’s eyes began to tear up as she watched him walk away. She clenched her fists and unclenched them as she looked towards her mom through the camera. 
“Sweetie, its just a lot for him,” she paused as she saw him take a glass and began to pour himself some whiskey. 
“No,” her dad let out grumply, “It’s too soon,” he continued, swallowing the whole glass in one swig. 
“Honey, they’ve been together almost a year, that’s a long-”
“We didn’t move in together until after we got married,” he said, pouring more into the glass.
Y/N fought the tears filling her eyes, hearing her father’s harsh tone. “And how many years ago was that? Your daughter is in love, she wants to take the next step. Stop being an ass and be happy for her,” her mother defended. 
“She’s my little girl!” he shouted back. Her mother tilted her head back. 
“I thought you liked Luke,” Y/N mumbled, her voice cracking. Her mother tilted her head to the side, raising her eyebrows towards her husband. Y/N could hear her father take a sharp breath. 
“I like the kid, Y/N, I don’t think you too should be living together. It’s too soon,” her dad said one final time before he stomped out of the kitchen and living area. 
Y/N sniffled as she wiped a tear that fell on her cheek. Her mother looked back towards her, frowning slightly. “What do I do?” Y/N asked, a sob climbing her throat. 
“You-” her mother paused, smiling kindly, “You two should move in together. Live in bliss, I’ll work on getting your father up to speed.” Y/N nodded as she met her mother’s gaze through the computer screen. “It’ll be alright, my dear, I love you. I’m going to go talk to him,” she winked towards her.
The doorbell rang throughout her apartment before it was being pushed open, “That’s Luke, I gotta go,” she mumbled before ending the call with her mom. She shut her laptop as she stood up from the bed.
She pushed open the bedroom door to see Luke walking down the hall. He had a smile on his lips, it quickly faltered into a frown as he saw her teary expression.  “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asked as he quickened his pace. He engulfed her in a hug. Running his hands up and down her back as she cried into his chest. 
“My dad freaked out about us living together,” she muttered into his chest. He clenched his as he shut his eyes. 
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry,” he mumbled as he rocked her side to side slowly. She shook her head as she lifted her head from his chest. She met his gaze.
“Don’t be, we’re going to do it,” she said, a sad smile forming on her lips. “I don’t need his approval,” she mumbled. Luke tilted his head to the side before he brushed a piece of hair away from her face. 
“Yes, yes you do. My love, I know how much your dad’s opinion matters to you,” he let out as he scanned her features. She clenched her jaw, “If he’s not ready-”
“I’m ready, I’m ready for this,” she delicately hit her hands against his chest. “He’ll come around, I need this to happen. I need to wake up to you every morning. I need to know that this is for real. I can’t know that until we live together,” she expressed. He nodded as he pulled her towards him again, hugging her tightly. 
“Okay, my love. We’ll do it,” he muttered, pressing his lips to the top of her head. She hummed against his chest. “Wanna hear something funny?” he asked, wanting to lighten the mood. She hummed again, “My dad asked if you were pregnant,” he said. She pulled away, her mouth agaped, his eyes widened teasingly. 
“My dad asked the same thing!” she said. His mouth fell open. 
“No way,” he said while laughing.
Jack dropped the last box into the living room and let out a heavy sigh. He stared towards the pair, a soft smile on his lips. “I’ve got two rules for you Lukey,” Jack muttered.
“Here we go,” Luke let out rolling his eyes as he pulled Y/N to his side. 
“Rule number one, never be late to anything. I’m not your ride anymore so you better show up on time and don’t make yourself look bad. Rule number two, don’t have unprotected sex; I’m not ready to be an uncle to my younger brother,” he said, a dry chuckle leaving his throat.
Luke nodded as he pressed his lips together fighting the smirk toying to his lips, “Alright, are you done?” Luke asked as he swallowed hard. Jack nodded as he rested his hands onto his hips. “Okay,” he said while nodding slowly.
“Oh,” Jack mumbled as he looked behind him before he met Luke’s gaze again, “You want me to leave?” he asked. Luke nodded encouragingly, “You don’t want me to help you unpack or you know decorate a little bit. I mean your first apartment where you are actually paying for things, I’m just checking to see if you-”
“Jack!” Luke said while he tightened his grip around Y/N’s waist. Jack chuckled as he nodded. 
“Fine,” he dragged out as he took a step backwards, “You better be at Morning skate on time, big game tomorrow,” he mumbled as he quickly walked out of the apartment. 
Soon, Luke and Y/N we're alone in their apartment. An apartment they share, just them. It was bliss and it was everything they had wanted. Sure, it was her apartment but now it was theirs.  “So what do you want to do first?” she asked, staring towards the collection of boxes scattering their living room.
She met his gaze, his eyebrows were raised as he was fighting off a smirk on his lips. “Oh,” she let out while smirking. “Okay,” she muttered as they leaned towards one another kissing each other with so much intensity. She jumped into his arms as he took a hold of her thighs, guiding her backwards towards their bedroom.
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ivyjupiterwrites · 3 months
TW: Slight mentions of blood & violence
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"Roach, I need to use your phone." Panicking the sgt handed his phone over and sat there while Ghost did what he needed to. As the seconds lurched forward, he couldn't help feeling that Ghost was doing more than just 'looking at something'. And much to his dismay, of course he was correct.
(I like to think of it like when your Dad asks for your phone 'to do something' then just goes on a lil cruise, cause privacy is irrelevant.)
"What the fucking hell are these pictures?" well that certainly wasn't the first thing Roach had been expecting him to dig up, but they were just hanging out in his gallery.
Ah yes.
The pictures.
The ones he had taken--of you, for you, at your request because you were doing something on the side. That being selling photos and videos to whom he could only assume were weirdos--considering how much they paid to see you drizzled in fake blood with skimpy lingerie.
"Ummm they're pictures of (y/n)?" Was Roach's weakly uttered response, not really knowing what else to say. There wasn't anything more in his mind that could be said.
"No shite." Ghost spat in return, he could blatantly see that--he had been wondering more so about the nature of the photos.
"Listen," explaining the best he could, Roach motioned toward his phone that was still firmly grasped in Ghosts hand. "She called me up, she asked me to come over and take photos. It ended up being this." he gestured to you, half undressed in a patch of greenery with fake blood squirted all over you. "And now that you've reminded me, I have to send those to her and delete them. They keep jump scaring me every time I open my damned camera roll--and giving me nightmares."
"What're they for?" when Ghost didn't hand the phone back, Roach begun to internally chuckling to himself. While only posing quite small questions, Roach knew when his lieutenant was intrigued.
Even if it was the slightest bit.
Ghost was a strictly need to know kind of man, if he didn't want to know, he wouldn't of asked. That was the basis he went off of for nearly everything, and it made life much easier for Roach.
Ghost was a man of pure minimalism. Conversation or otherwise.
"Well look who's a curious lil kitty cat~" not sharing the same regard for his teasing humour, Roach carried on as he received a rather nasty glower. "it's some sorta side thing she does, for like cults and stuff she gives them photos...Ya know, I'm not really totally all that sure, she just promised they paid well. That I would be compensated for my time served."
"I see." Was his superiors response, then Ghost was quiet. Staring down at one of your pictures for a thoughtful moment before flipping through a few more. "If I told you I could make you go missing, how scared would you be?"
"Very. And would 110% believe you. Why?" Eyes flickering around nervously, Roach then lurched back from the darkly brooding man dramatically. "Oh Jesus... You've already decided haven't you?--I'm already dead aren't I?"
"No." He shook his head, "not yet."
"Anything I can do for you to stay on the particularly alive side of life?" The sgt offered in consolation, if there were anyway to sweeten the deal he'd do it.
(He's picturing how he's seen Ghost do shit like this and S W E A T I N G.)
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"Send me these," Ghost handed him back his phone as nonchalantly as possible; yet the smouldering rage in his brown eyes that sent a polar shiver down Roach's spine suggested otherwise. "and never tell a damn soul about it--including (y/n)."
"Sir yessir." Saluting him Roach hustled away from the scarier than hell lieutenant, snickering to himself while he sent Ghost the requested goods.
Of course this would be his thing.
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yan-lorkai · 5 months
could you do TWST head cannons with a reader who plays the drums and had a more 'rebellious style' but is very polite?
(any characters you like, but maybe ruggie or silver?)
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☆*: Silver knows that judging a book by its cover is a fatal mistake, as appearances are very deceiving about a person's real character. So he would never judge you based on what you wear, otherwise he would be betraying his father's teachings and that is something he would never do.
☆*: Furthermore, he knows that you are a very polite and nice person. He hears good things about you from his dad and his classmates all the time, and it's possible he's even interacted with you before if you were part of the music club. Lilia sometimes invites his son to his practices and shows and Silver regularly appears there to show his support for his father.
☆*: Even though drums are a different instrument than the one his father plays, Silver knows a thing or two about caring for it. So he sometimes helps you take care of and polish your instrument, as well as asking you little questions about why you chose to play the drums, how many songs you know how to play. Anyway, he likes your style and the music you produce. If someone ever spoke badly about you around him because of the way you dress, he would give that person an endless lecture.
☆*: At Savanaclaw it's kill or be killed, so your politeness is something that made quite an impression on him the first time you two crossed paths. I mean, you have this rebellious and confident look, he kind of expected you to be like the other beastmen who think they are better than him because they are wolves or lions, or some other strong beast. He expected you to feel superior to him, he's just a hyena after all, but that was a silly thought that he quickly dismissed after you treated him with kindness and politeness.
☆*: You even gave him one of your donuts and patted his head! What kind of bad person would do that? Obviously you weren't bad, far from it, you were an angel! Therefore, anyone who makes fun of you because of your style or your drumming skills will mysteriously suffer minor accidents. Each of them worse than the other if they don't learn their lesson.
☆*: After your first interaction, Ruggie found himself interested in you. So occasionally he would show up to your shows and practices to watch you play and wow, you play well. He doesn't know much about drums, but as he wants to spend time with you, he asks you to teach him a little. He doesn't have money to buy a drum or any other instrument right now, but when he can he knows his grandma and the kids would love to hear him play. Even better if you're there to see it, but well, he can always send you a video.
☆*: Lilia saw you out of the corner of his eye for two seconds and automatically loved your rebellious style, floating towards you to talk and ask for fashion tips, after all, he also likes different styles and knows that the two of you together would be quite a duo. Yes, within five minutes of talking Lilia is already making big plans for the two of you as if you were best friends in the whole world. No, nothing you say or do will drive him away now.
☆*: Whether you join the music club or not, Lilia likes to hear you play. He has a talent for instruments and can help you improve yourself or correct small mistakes you may make without realizing while playing, offering tips and fixing your posture. He also likes to just sit and listen to you play as if nothing in the world could stop him from enjoying it.
☆*: He's like a kid excited about a new toy. And he will also cause accidents to anyone who talks badly about you because of the way you dress. You're so nice, so polite, he love how differently you are apart from your style. And people will treat you with respect or they're gonna deal with him! :)
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byhuenii · 6 months
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prompt— couples truth or drink with bf gojo satoru. (WC: idk) pairing— gojo satoru x fem!reader warnings— MINORS DNI! not proofread, fluff, maybe ooc gojo, typos, suggestive, maybe more im missing. a/n— these videos get me through boring days lol, i love these and yeah MINORS DNI. gojo’s questions are in blue and yours are in purple
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“ are we already recording orr… ” satoru’s blue eyes squint at the camera crew who put up their thumbs as a yes now start the video.
YN : “ hi. my name is yn ln! ”
GOJO : “ and im satoru gojo, and this is truth or drink couples edition! ”
“ how long have you two been together and how did you meet up? ”
a sly smirk rolled onto satoru’s lips causing you to groan outloud. “ well if you insist~ she actually spilled coffee on my white shirt that i gifted myself for my own birthday! and 2 1/2 years ”
“ it didnt even look expensive ”, she mumbled under her breath, a few staff giggled
GOJO : “ what? ”
YN : “ nothing anyways.ill go first! ”
a small chuckle escaped her lips, “ oh wow starting off stong. okay what is your favorite part of my body ” her eyes deadpanned to the camera “ i already know what he is gonna say, and its gonna be my ass and boobs .”
GOJO : “ wrong its your heart, i love the way it beats and brings me comfort ”
the silence was evident, gojo tried not to laugh causing little hee hee tee hee slip out. you stared at the camera blank expression.
GOJO : “ it is your boobs and ass though. ” a wide smile plastered on his face
“ have you liked any of my friends? ” satoru happily placed the card down staring beams against you, you hesitated at bit your hand rested against the cup, “ see! she only had eyes on me—“
you took a shot eyes squinting at the bitter and hot aftertaste lingering on your tongue
GOJO : “ WHAT ?? ” “ WHO?? WHAT ??? ”
YN : “ nope i took a shot im not saying shit! ”
GOJO : “ …do any of them know..? ”
YN : “ well i wanna say both of them. ”
you cleared your throat “ anyways, what were your first impressions of me ”
GOJO : “ i thought you were really cute especially when you apologized after spilling the coffee on my shirt.. ”
YN : “ is that it? ” you smiled at how sweet he thought of you
GOJO : “ …and that i wanted to fuc— “
YN : “ OKAY OKAY FUCK. NEVERMIND I ASKED. JUST GO. ” your face turned red flipping off satoru who blew you a kiss
“ what is the one thing you wouldnt change about me? ” satoru rested his head in his hand kicking his feet from under the chair
YN : “ your beautiful big blue eyes. ”
GOJO : “ i was expecting you to say like my big dick or something but awww ”
you kicked his foot under the table “ yeah i guess i love that too. ”
GOJO : “ no no you do love it, you tell me all the time ”
“ okay shut up satoru. how many people did you have sex with while we were talking? ”
GOJO : “ zero, after you spilled that coffee on my shirt i only wanted you. ”
“ whats the meanest thing you said about me to your friends? ” gojo smiled, “ it cant be that bad ”
you sighed taking a shot, debating if you should pour yourself another shot.
GOJO : “ okay im hurt ” he exclaimed dramatically,
YN : “ you may of not had sex with other girls when we were talking but you flirted with them toru. ”
GOJO : “ ..hey i said i was sorry! ” his pout was evident
“ if you could change one thing about me what would it be? ”
GOJO : “ nothing. ”
YN : “ all quick.. ”
“ me or peeta mellark? ”
YN : “ both? ”
GOJO : “ no pick thats not fair! “
YN : “ okay well you obviously! i love my boyfriend more than some fictional man.. ” you looked over at the camera ans whispered peeta mellark,
“ have you ever faked an orgasm? ”
YN : “ no. ”
GOJO : “ im just that good ladies never settle for anything lower! ” he winked at the camera
“ have you ever thought of breaking up with me or taking a break? ”
GOJO : “ honestly once i did, but that was just because my job is so demanding i didnt want you to constantly be alone waiting for me ”
“ would you of dated me STILL if i had a child with another women? ”
YN : “ oh hell yeah i would, kid no kid it dont matter to me ”
“ what is my biggest flaw? ”
YN : “ you are very cocky and some times act like nobody can touch you or you think youre alone basically. ”
GOJO : “ well..damn ”
YN : “ its okay i still love you ”
“ have you every considered having an open relationship? ”
GOJO : “ i have thought about it BUT i don’t like the idea of open relationships. whats the point of being im a relationship if you are going to date another person? it doesn’t make me feel right either.. ”
YN : “ okay good cause i would’ve killed you if you said yes. ”
“ whats the nicest thing you’ve said about me to your friends? ”
GOJO : ww had meanest so obviously we need the nicest now spill.
YN : okay well, this was when we were in our talking stage. i already knew he liked me but i was trying to figure out my feelings and he waited for me and was so supportive. i think i cried and ranted to my friends about him the next day—
GOJO : i mean nobody should pressure nobody into a relationship
GOJO : in the wise words of taylor swift “in a world of boys hes a gentleman!”,
YN : since when did you know tswift…
GOJO : …
“ if i was a leech would you still love me? ”
GOJO : “ aww yes, id put a cute little bow on you! ”
YN : “ really? id love a glitter bow— “
GOJO : “ i would keep you on my arm ans let you suck the shit out of me— “
YN : “ okay bye this video is over. MAKE SURE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE— ”
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A/N: :3 gojo :3
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franki-lew-yo · 19 days
James and the Giant Peach is still (mostly) for young children
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Despite a single pre-metoo joke and it's uncanny-ish artstyle that's a serious make-or-break-you factor on if you like it, James and the Giant Peach is aggressively a movie for young children. I personally like it as I never find it a patronizing sit for little kids, like Don Bluth's movies from the 90s so often were, but that really is what I think alienates people; the intended audience may be a bit too scared of the visuals (NOT like how they are with TNBC, which kids go in expecting to be scary) where the adult audience who is here for the 'creepy stop-motion' feel like the movie is lacking for not being Nightmare or Coraline, which is unfair. It absolutely scared me as a little little kid but upon finally facing it at, like ten or whenever it was on Cartoon Network's movie show, I realized there was nothing to fear. And that, in turn, was exhilarating. It's such good symmetry that the film is about facing your fears and standing up for yourself because that's exactly what my relationship with it was. It's such a comfort film for me. My og Bluey. JatGP, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Ernest and Celestine = perfect comfort after I watch something serious and/or disturbing.
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Half my reason for trying to pied-piper everyone else towards it as it's own merit is I think James and the Giant Peach would hit hard for lovers of weirdcore and dreamcore ala Jack Stauber or @samsketchbook's 'Welcome to Our Dimensional Party'.
That "looks unsettling/potentially disturbing but actually cute or gentle" vibe pairs perfectly with dreamcore aesthetic. We're coming up on it's 30 year anniversary I hope to see a genuine resurgence. If I had it my way and I was Dan Olson I'd make an hour-long look at the movie, the original book and Henry Selick's filmography as a surrealist the way Dan made an hour-lookback at Bakshi's Lord of the Rings. But I'm not. Cause I'm not Dan Olson and I can't build up the nerve to either show my face or figure out how to make videos in two years.
But anyway, about the title of this post (content warning: downer nsfl stuff; mentioning of real life child ab*se cases):
James' life with his aunts hits VERY different when you're an adult and you've watched too much true crime.
It's not intentional on the part of Dahl or Henry Selick. Selick had Mariam and Joanna ham up the screen and they clearly loved every minute of it and Dahl I think was just trying to tell an 'authentic' type fairytale story where the main character has to escape their evil family. Point being- Spiker and Sponge are supposed to be 'evil for the sake of evil' villains who could only exist as hammy caricatures in an already weird story. They aren't supposed to be like the parents in Matilda or the Twits who I'd argue are a little more 'realistic' depiction of awful people...except for the fact that legal guardians like Spiker and Sponge DO actually exist.
There's a heavy implication in the film that no one else in their county even knows James lives with Spiker and Sponge (literally the only people around to recognize James' existence are the bugs when they first meet him!). His aunts seem to make James work out of frustration for having to take him in, like he's a burden and they're making him pay for being one by being their slave. They actively don't feed him except for rotting fish and then shame him for not eating it. The Lane Smith picture book implies that James' parents weren't killed by a rhino but rather it's Spiker and Sponge who put that idea in James' head and use it to control him. And all that BEFORE the beatings which you know are happening off screen.
After the horrifying cases of Ruby Franke, Sylvia Likens and the Turpins, the "every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves children" reality of it all makes you realize that James probably would have died if he lived with his aunts. Considering how they flip out on him in New York- that boy REALLY needed to escape, giant peach or no.
This is absolutely another reason for why JatGP is a comfort movie for grownups. You have this horrific childhood rescued by loving in-human parents who will kill everyone in the room and then themselves if you touch their human boy. It's like Opal but if Claire found a happier family. Of bugs. None of that was intentional, ftr, but it's what sticks out to me.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
The Greatest Betrayal
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Request: hey !! would you mind doing this prompt: "I'm not jealous!" with changbin please? (he’s the one getting jealous)
7) "I'm not jealous!"
Pairing: Stray Kids Changbin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Your eyes were glued to your small phone screen, darting back and forth to catch every movement from the idols' bodies. You knew that this comeback was going to be good, but you couldn't possibly prepare yourself for exactly how good. The moment you felt tears begin to prickle behind your eyes, you knew you were done for.
"Y/N!" you heard a raspy voice yell. Instantly dabbing at the small amount of fluid that escaped your eyes, you tried to act like everything was normal.
"Yeah?" you called, only for your voice to crack.
A small shuffling sound greeted you instead of a response as Changbin turned the corner. His eyes were squinted, and he had the quilt from his bed pulled around his shoulders. "What are you doing?"
"You know," you coughed, locking your phone and setting it down. "Just hanging out."
Lifting a brow, he shuffled further into the room before plopping on the couch beside you. Leaning his head on your shoulder, he let out a heavy sigh.
"I thought we were going to nap," he whined. "Do you know how long it's been since we've buddy-napped?"
"Buddy-napped?" you asked, lifting your brows.
"You know," he groaned. "You get your nap buddy and get comfy in bed and go to sleep holding hands."
"I was not aware of these rules when agreeing we should try to nap," you laughed, reaching up to run your fingers over his disheveled hair.
"I shouldn't have had to tell you," he pouted. "Everyone knows the rules of the buddy-napping system."
"Everyone but me, I guess," you chuckled. Binnie was so clingy and cute when he was sleepy. You often forgot that your boyfriend needed you just as much (if not more) than you needed him. He had very few comforts in his day to day, and you were happy to be one of them.
"Why'd you get up anyway?" he muttered. "You could've watched your phone in bed."
"No reason," you said a bit too quickly. Internally cringing, you knew he would pick up on the misstep.
As expected, Changbin leaned away from you and gave you a scrutinizing look. "Secrets don't make friends."
"It's not a secret," you sighed. "I just wanted to watch something without disturbing you."
"Why would it disturb me?" he asked, reaching for your phone.
Knowing your boyfriend and how reactionary he was, you knew exactly why it would disturb him, but you weren't in the mood to tell him about himself.
Placing your hand over your lock screen, you side-eyed him. "It was a video I wanted to watch and I didn't want it to be too loud."
Peeling your fingers away from the phone one by one, Changbin stuck out his bottom lip. "Have you ever slept in a dorm with seven other men? You hear just about every noise the human body can make. I've slept through them all."
"If it wasn't a big deal," Changbin huffed as you scooted your phone even further away. "Why can't I see?"
"I love you," you said slowly, trying to prepare him for the next sentence. "But you have a way of....taking a small thing and making it a very big thing if your feelings are hurt."
"And why would it hurt my feelings?" he asked, his voice going up a couple of levels in volume. No turning back now. He wasn't going to drop it.
Rolling your eyes, you finally threw your phone into his lap and looked away. Easily unlocking your screen, he looked from your phone, to you, back to your phone, and finally leveled a glare in your direction. "The betrayal!"
You let out a choked laugh. "Now that's a bit much."
"Why are you looking at other meeeen!" he whined, flailing around dramatically. "I'm going to die of a broken heart and I want it to be written in my obituary that you were the cause!"
"More like you died of a jealousy-induced heart attack," you grinned, snatching your phone back.
"I'm not jealous!" he gasped. "Why would you say I'm jealous? I am the picture of security within myself and our relationship. There has never been anyone less jealous than me in the history of...well...ever!"
You glanced down at your screen, the sounds of Ateez's comeback playing quietly behind Changbin's complaining.
"Oh yes," you chuckled. "This is exactly how someone who isn't jealous would react to their partner watching another group's performance."
"Just..." he muttered. "Why Ateez? We know them! That's weird!"
"I liked them before we ever met, Binnie," you sighed. "You knew that."
"I did," he nodded. "That's why I've never introduced you to Wooyoung."
Lifting your brows, you stared at him.
"He's just really charming and good looking!" Changbin grumbled. "And you liked him before you ever met me! Just like you said!"
"I don't even know any of them," you laughed. Leaning over, you wrapped your arms tightly around his wide torso and nuzzled your face into his neck.
"No!" he yelled. Making no motion to push you off, he instead tangled his strong arms around yours. "No making it up to me! My feelings are already hurt!"
Tilting your face, you kissed the underside of his jaw lightly. "You'd have to be jealous in order for your feelings to be hurt. Don't you think?"
"My feelings are hurt because I've been betrayed!" he pouted, his fire slowly dying out the longer you held him. "You're only supposed to like me and listen to Stray Kids."
"Mhm," he confirmed, pressing his face into your hair. "I don't want you liking anyone else more."
"I couldn't possibly like anyone else more than you, Bin," you cooed. You knew behind all of the bravado, he just wanted validation. No matter how many times you told him he was wonderful or handsome, it was never quite enough to fully sink in. Everyone has self image problems, idols included.
"You promise?"
"Pinky promise," you nodded. You attempted to free your arm and stick a pinky in the air, but Changbin wouldn't let you move.
"So you'll only listen to Stray Kids from now on?" he asked.
"Now I never said that," you chuckled.
"Betrayal!" he howled, shaking you back and forth.
"Okay, okay," you laughed, patting his chest. "I'll consider it."
"Good," he muttered. "Now, let's go back to my bed."
"I haven't finished watching my video!" you teased.
"We can watch it together," Changbin hummed. "And I can watch you watching it to make sure you don't like it too much."
"You're impossible," you groaned.
"And you love it," he giggled, launching from the couch and dragging you with him.
After he had hauled you down the hall and you were both tucked back into his bed, Changbin let out a content sigh. With one of his arms being used as your pillow, he wrapped the other around your middle. Kissing your shoulder lightly, he looked through his lashes up at you.
"Yes," he nodded. "Now let's watch your dumb video so we can get back to what's important."
He nodded again with a small smile. "Nap buddies for life."
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
how many cpns can you get from a 7 second douyin by wyb? 💚💚💚
The Douyin King is back! I know i’m not the only one who missed his random ass douyin posts. They are very much welcome, he is free to share one everyday. I’m cackling at the comparison going around between WYB and other people. So, the rest of the celebrities and influencers are posting on a regular basis per month and have different topics.
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photos at work, travel photos, interests/hobbies. this line represents the whole year. there is another diagram that shows how many per line, like 1-2 or more. then you have wang yibo 😂😂😂
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line 1 : I'm busy at work and have no time. // line 2: I don’t have time to skateboard, ride a motorcycle or play golf // line 3: Visit my gege’s camping site and the volcano scenery is very good and has a lot of material// line 4: happy and don’t have much time// line 5: Shoot whoever is lucky enough to shoot!
then all the lines after is when he will post — shows that he will share a lot towards the end of the year to keep up with KPI. lol. he is rushing his homework again, to the point that on the video, people are searching what wyb’s kpi mean. which is the engagement metrics he needs to reach and now he gotta work on it, even the fans know and expect it.
the memes are also hilarious! 😂😂😂 ( cat memes below ) basically him working on making his “cool” posts to the internet.
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Honestly, never change yibo. We love you as you are, Our Gremlin Best Actor. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
That was a long intro, now let’s move on to the sweets & CPN…..
• @rainbowsky already talked about the messenger bird CPN & how it might be for ZZ’s Hennessy endorsement.
• similarity in how sometimes, they just wanna post an emoji for caption. this one is a cute parallel from 2021 and 2023. If you wanna further clown with WYB using kadian 13 for yizhan then go ahead too 😌
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• it is being compared to him referencing his shoes before, picking up his shoes ( xie zi ) (xz) ; and now it’s another homophonic clue ( jm ) ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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yes we know that you get to meet more often now cause you are both in Beijing! It’s so cool how their language can be used for so many things and you can play with it to send different meanings. international fans could never 💀💀💀💀
• talking about picking up and meeting, cpfs remembered ZZ’s 11/17/21 douyin post. It’s the one with him and a light saber and a sexy transformation. Going by his clothes, I’m thinking it was what he wore during the DC tencent conference and at the time of posting it was already considered as leftover. but I could be wrong, cause he might have worn other leather jackets that year for ads.
anyway, the point is — please compare the background of the rooms. the walls. you know. add the floor too. 👀
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look, this isn’t the most unique type of interior. i would say it’s pretty basic like how we clown about hotel curtains. i’m guessing yibo’s is an evisu shoot sometime ago ( cause his hair is not that fluffy anymore idk if his stylist did something to make it like that even with his recent cut ). this place may be a studio of sorts that can be rented out and they just happen to have filmed there.
or… or…..
this could be XZS office. or one of their rented office. Why? this CPN is similar to the one in 2020. How we speculated that the birthday shoot was done in XZS office so ZZ could supervise the direction of the shoot too.
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we also love to talk about how xzs and ybo office are right next to each other ( it’s a fact xzs is close to yuehua building actually ) so maybe that can be an explanation too 😂😂😂 it’s not uncommon for an office to have a separate space to do regular photoshoots so maybe theirs have that. or this could have been done after and wyb dropped off their office and took this.
hahahahahaha! so many explanations all because of a wall. that’s the kind of life we turtles have 🙃
Personally, i’m hoping for a 24 hour relay between them. 🙏🏼
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wolfpackss · 11 months
Only mine (2)
Paul Lahote x you
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A/N: here’s part two! This part focuses more on Paul’s pleasure. It was fun writing this. This man is just URGH. please for the love of everything take me away from this man. Jk. Hope you enjoy, part three coming soon. First requests. Hope you’re excited cause i am!
Warnings: smut, 18+, masturbation.
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After the afternoon and evening you and Paul had, you decide to call it a day. You both spend the night at his house, cuddling and basking in the glow of what happend that morning. You fall asleep with a smile on your face and your arms wrapped around your boyfriend.
The next morning, you wake up, practically laying on top of Paul. He’s still asleep and you take a moment to enjoy his closeness. His face is softer than it normally is, sleep allowing him to be more relaxed. You’re so impressed with the changes he’s willing to make and already made just for you. His anger issues slowly fading away. You realize that, while you know he has a long way to go, if he continues this way, there’s nothing or no one that can keep you from him.
Even now you can feel the desire for him changing, becoming something you’re not accustomed to, something you’ve only heard about. A desire, a need for him, flares deep inside of you. As you watch him, you feel something growing hard between you two. You frown and his eyes open, looking down at you.
“Baby, you can’t stare at me and think whatever it is what you’re thinking and not expect my body to respond to it. Even if I’m asleep” he pulls you closer. A part of you, a larger part then you would have expected is happy with his response to you. The other part, is a bit scared of it. “Come on, let’s get ready for today”
Paul crawls out of bed, extending his hand, inviting you to shower with him. You blush but take his hand. You want to be more open with him and that means becoming more open to being naked with him. You can see his pride for you at your willingness to go with him and he walks into the bathroom and turns on the water.
You know he’s aroused by your presence, it’s obvious, so when we get in the bathroom you become bold, remembering how he made you feel yesterday, how he looked at you, his lust for you. When you step in, he puts you under the water first, washing your hair and rinsing it before grabbing shampoo for his hair. And that’s when you take your chance.
You move behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. “Babe, what-“ he stops talking as soon as your hand grabs his hard length. He’s so much larger than you imagined and much thicker too. You lean against him, your front to his back, and begin stroking him.
“Baby….” You kiss his back, stroking your other hand over his abs. “You made me feel good yesterday, Paul. I want to return the favor. You said I could touch you anywhere, anytime I want to” he puts on of his arms in front of him and rests his forehead against it. He’s breathing heavily and his other hand is clenched into a fist. “I want to touch you, Paul”
“Oh god…” he groans. “Touch me anyway, anywhere you want baby” you kiss his back again and as you continue to stroke him, you slide your other hand between his thighs, cupping his balls. The video’s your friends were making you watch in junior year did really pay off as his moaning increases. “Fuck babe!” He says leaning back for a moment to put both hands on the shower wall before leaning forward again. You realize your hands aren’t big enough to fit him entirely so you reach your other hand around and put it over the other. You stroke faster.
“Oh fuck baby, please don’t stop. Whatever you’re doing, please don’t stop” you have no intention of stopping. Hearing him moan for you, growling your name, begging not to stop makes you feel things you’ve never felt before. It makes you realize that this man is all yours. You begin stroking faster, twisting your hands slightly as you do. “Shit y/n!” Paul growls, and you can feel him throbbing in your hands. You feel him getting closer to the edge and you tighten your hands a bit more, sending him over the edge.
“Fuck!” He yells, his body jerking against you as his cock throbs in your hand, shooting ropes of cum against the shower wall. You slow your strokes as he pants until you finally release him and he turns around to face you. “Fuck baby, where’d you learn to do that? That was amazing” Paul leans down and kisses you passionately before pushing you up against the other wall.
“And now it’s your turn.”
Yeah Paul, you’re only mine.
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rosy-crow · 1 month
Yeah, after watching the teaser, I’m really starting to think Square is doing the Arcane thing.
I’ve been talking about it with @altocat for a while now, and I feel like it’s starting to get real. So, this is just gonna be my final theory for the story until proven otherwise.
Spoilers for Arcane: League of Legends, but for anyone that doesn’t know, basically Arcane adapted LOL and developed one of their most iconic villains, Jinx, into a very well-written character with a story that showed you exactly who she was and why she eventually lost her mind. Before this show, she was probably about as developed as Seph was in the OG.
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Even though Jinx is more flamboyant and emotionally chaotic, she and Seph are weirdly similar villains from what I’ve seen. Seph reminds me a LOT of Jinx and vice-versa. I’ve even drawn them together and compared their designs—it’s funny how mad villains in video games tend to have key similar design points, even down to hair-styles and clothing, but I’ll save that for another post lol.
Anyway, from the FS teaser it looks like we have a big climax in that ultimately leads to this scene with Seph and Rosen, who have been set up to be mirrors of each other.
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All I know is that the trailer showed Rosen telling Seph to make a choice about which life he wanted to save (Japanese version made this a bit clearer), and the other lives in danger are Team Glenn. Seph is gonna have to choose between them, and….well, since we know Team Glenn lives….uhh…and also….
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Rosen’s dog is trying to alert the others of something. Seph made a choice or did SOMETHING, and I thiiiink it’s gonna result in Rosen’s death. Whether it was intentional or an accident, we don’t know, but it’s clear this is when sane Seph when was still good and caring, even if a little psychologically stunted and conditioned because of Shinra. He’s been consistently this way throughout the First Soldier and doesn’t change until Nibelheim.
But I get the feeling everything went wrong with Rosen. That’s why Glenn is at odds with Seph years later.
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This is also why we’re getting Arcane vibes. If it’s a misunderstanding or rift caused by Seph’s intentions to save his friends…well, that’s very familiar to this notorious Arcane scene:
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Basically, Jinx…or Powder, as she’s known here, makes a drastic decision to save her friends and sister from genuine danger. However, her own talents are her worst enemy, and she causes twice as much destruction as the enemies her friends were struggling with. Almost everyone ends up dead, except for Powder’s sister. It was a horrific mistake and creates a massive rift between Powder and Vi (that’s the sister).
Vi also cements the idea in Powder’s mind that she’s a “jinx” or a curse of sorts. A complex that Powder had already been struggling with, and one she later embraces as her persona.
Glenn and young Sephiroth have been established to have a bit of a brotherly relationship so far, with Glenn being the down-to-earth and honest older source of influence. There was also the whole arc between these two revolving around Glenn initially calling Sephiroth a “cyborg” as an insult to say the kid was modified and different, not a “normal human.” This lowkey came off like a deliberate reference to Sephiroth’s later meltdown over not being human, yeah?
So you guys see what I mean, the themes here are similar to Arcane and Jinx’s psychology. If Seph makes some fatal mistake or a bad choice to save his team, and they walk in on this? Or get the wrong idea? Yeah, it’s gonna turn what was supposed to be an act of heroism into something much worse. It’s also gonna be the perfect reference to Seph’s later big moment in canon…errr, Nibelheim itself, where he just embraces inhumanity and finally goes berserk against everyone’s expectations, traumatizing the main protagonist and his eventual rival in the process.
Again, the theme of “tragic mistake paralleling or foreshadowing a villain’s first deliberate act of cruelty and evil” would be VERY similar to what happens with Jinx in Arcane.
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I’m not saying SE is doing this on purpose, really, but the shared themes of identity collapse and “monsters you created” between Arcane and FF7’s main “mad villains” are interesting. Their stories obviously will play out differently, but it wouldn’t surprise me if The First Soldier ultimately culminates in a life-altering decision that Sephiroth makes, one that does NOT end well and births that conflict between him and Glenn.
That’s my theory for now. These teasers are convincing me more and more. We’ll see.
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breezybangtanbebe · 6 months
Heaven: Changkyun❤️‍🔥
Tags: Monsta X's IM x Reader, long-distance relationship, lazy morning sex, kinda fluffy then kinda nasty, pussy eating..something short and sweet. :)
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2.7k words
24 hours.
That was all the time you had with him and he had already wasted a third of it in bed.
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The Miami humidity was less offensive from inside the luxury suite. Oceanview balconies welcomed in the breeze that morning as you lay tangled in sheets as white as the sands with your long-distance lover.
Changkyun was..busy, to say the least.
Promotions. Rehearsals. Fittings. Video shoots. Interviews. Fan meets. Group studio sessions. Solo studio sessions. Performances.
With all he and his group members had scheduled, it was out of sheer luck his managers granted the guys one full day of rest before they got to work on promoting their two new albums internationally.
Though being back in the states after such a long time seemed like a vacation, the young rapper had his fill of obligations and you couldn't bring yourself to be upset with him for choosing the first several hours of his rest day with you to be spent sleeping.
Ok, maybe you were a little mad.
Slightly pouty at best. But not at him, only at time and the lack thereof.
He deserved the rest after all.
It was barely noon and the room service you'd ordered for breakfast was surely cold when your boyfriend opened his eyes. You're seated upright in the large bed with the TV remote in hand, channel surfing in silence.
You were freshly showered, smelling like warm sugar and decadently scented body butter, shaved and exfoliated, and primed for a day of making up for the lost time. Considering how tired Changkyun was last night when he and his group members touched down in Florida, you didn't expect him to be actively intimate with you when you went to bed.
When you awoke that next morning, inhaling his warm masculine scent with your face nuzzled in his neck, you didn't mind the stillness or silence. After being separated for so long, it felt like heaven to finally be in his arms.
You were happy to be pressed against him with his leg slotted between yours, causing a teasing friction every time one of you stirred.
He felt so good. His skin was smooth and soft, contrasting his muscles that were firm and toned beneath it.
"G'mornin" Changkyun croaks from beside you, not even lifting his head as he pulled himself from his slumber.
You glance over to find him still smushed against the fluffed pillow with his jet black hair fanning over half of his face. All you can see are his dark pink sleep swollen lips as they moved.
"I smell peaches..." were his next words and you chuckle breathily as you shook your head.
"Good morning." You smirk, resuming your attention to the television only to turn it off. You weren't watching it anyway and you preferred to take advantage of the opportunity to talk. Changkyun groans tiredly as he rolls over on his back, running the palms of his large hands over his face.
"Fuck......how long have I been out?" he grimaced tiredly, leaving only one eye open to adjust to the daylight. You looked over at him fondly for a beat before responding.
"A while." is all you say, sounding much more resentful than you intended. Changkyun tenses at your tone and turns his head towards you with a lazy frown.
"Uh oh...You're mad," he states and you mirror his frown, shaking your head adamantly.
You watched Changkyun rise up from the pillows, shaking his bed head out until his long mane of black silk was falling over his perfect head in the sexiest way. His spine was curved as he sat up, making the lumps of his abs and chest protrude attractively.
"No. Why would I be mad?" you respond distractedly.
"Because.......I fell asleep." Changkyun pauses to stretch his arms over his head midsentence.
"You came here straight from the airport babe...after an 18-hour flight." you point out, now leaning against the headboard and shamelessly admiring his body as he woke himself up fully.
After rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck, Changkyun lets out a strained sigh before plopping back against his pillow again. You smirk at how he did all of that for nothing.
"And you're obviously still tired so..." you trail off, not even wanting to finish your sentence since it would add insult to injury.
"Nope! I'm up...I'm up... Tired or not, we only have half a day left together.." Changkyun groans tiredly, his words muffled slightly as he rubbed his hands over his face again in an attempt to wipe the sleepiness away. 
"Not really. I mean I'll be here for as long as you all are in Miami." you shrug and Changkyun wrinkles his nose in disagreement.
"Yeah but then I'll be too busy or too tired to spend time with you. It'll be more nights like last night. Coming in late and going to bed soon after." he almost whines. The guilt and regret in his tone are enough to make you feel like a turd for showing any signs of disappointment.
He really was working hard and the distance wasn't just hard on you. He missed you too and when this opportunity for you to be together came about, he was more excited than you to board that flight.
"Hey.....I knew what I signed up for. I'll be here for as long as you are. If that means the bulk of our alone time is to be spent in bed, laying together, I'm ok with that." you shrug, actually believing what you were saying for once.
Changkyun squints at you incredulously.
"You sure?"
You nod at him with a soft smirk.
"It can deal with it. One of the few of cons being with you."
At that, Changkyun's eyes widen in offense and amusement.
"Cons??? ....with an 's'? As in plural? More than one?" he asks, his tone climbing with each question. You laughed at his expression and roll your eyes as you moved to get up from the bed.
"Oooh, yea. You think being IM's secret lil girlfriend is a walk in the park?" you toss over your shoulder on your way across the suite. Changkyun sits up just enough to watch your thickly toned legs move as you walked, keying in on the way the shirt you wore barely concealed your ass cheeks beneath it.
"I mean. Not really but..." he murmurs, trailing off and tilting his head to get a different view of your curvaceous body.  From up close and under the covers, Changkyun hadn't realized you were basically naked underneath that loosely fit shirt. Well, his loosely fit shirt. One of the many you'd sifted through from his luggage. It was always comforting to have his scent on your skin, even when he was laying next to you.
Knowing now that you were naked made any trace of jet lag or fatigue fade, waking up other parts of him as he watched you venture across the room in the direction of the outlet where your phone was charging.
Your nudity is further confirmed when you bend over thoughtlessly to pick it up, exposing your naked ass and the slit of your lips to him for only a second. As you stand and turn to the side, the shape of your full breasts and nipples poke through the thin fabric, and Changkyun stares shamelessly as you checked for any missed notifications.
God, he loved your body.
Dreamt of it almost every moment he wasn't with you in Korea.
Spent countless nights envisioning it as he stroked himself repeatedly, calling your name as he came in his hand, and doing his best to ignore the heartache he felt once the haze faded.
But now, you weren't just a beautiful part of his imagination.
You were here.
A few seconds pass and you were making your way back to join Changkyun in bed, mindlessly texting away in response to your friends that had been checking in with you since landing in Miami. As you resumed your spot beside him, Changkyun watched you settle back against the pillows with your phone still in hand. He drags his bottom lip between his teeth while you sent your final text, setting the phone aside on the nearby dresser.
You felt his eyes on you immediately and glance over with a smirk.
"What?" you perk your brow. For a moment Changkyun doesn't respond, only dragging his heated gaze over your body appreciatively. His mouth shrugs innocently before laying his head back down against his pillow.
"Oh, nothing...Hey, why is it that every time you move...I suddenly have the strongest craving for peaches....." he asks randomly.  You grunt softly in amusement at his question and shake your head.
"You probably just smell me. I took a long shower before you woke up..." you shrug nonchalantly, not expecting Changkyun's interest to be peaked by the small fact.
"Foreal?..come here?"
Without warning, Changkyun reaches out to pull you towards him by the neck. He nuzzles you playfully while inhaling the sweet scent of your clean skin, making you giggle and push back against him.
"Now you know I'm ticklish..." you complain lightly while trying to escape his hold, only encouraging Changkyun to pull you into him tighter and chuckle mischievously against your skin.
His lips were pillow soft on your neck, the tip of his nose brushing just beneath your jawline as he inhaled the soft peaches and cream scent. His new favorite smell on you next to his. His hands held the fabric of his shirt firmly, trapping you against his body as he kissed up and over your jaw until his lips were on yours.
He tasted surprisingly fresh despite having woken up a few minutes ago and you allowed yourself to melt into him with every luscious peck. He sucks at your bottom lip before taking it between his teeth, making you moan at the sting.
He releases it to resume the languid dance between your tongues, sighing in contentment as his hands snuck beneath the shirt covering your body. The moment he touches your bare skin, you flinch in reaction to the chills they inspired as if electricity flowed through his fingers.
He squeezes your hip and allows his grip to travel lower to cup your ass cheek, pushing the shirt higher from your body.
"Take it off.." he whispers against your lips and you immediately comply, pulling away so that you could pull the loose shirt over your head. The moment it's gone, Changkyun's mouth is on you again. Starting at your lips, he pecks them softly before returning to your neck. His hands glided up your waist as he moved to guide you back against the mattress.
You allow him to dominate you gently, sinking into the pillows and opening your legs as he settled between them. The weight of his body is comforting and your hands stroke the skin of his back as his lips traveled downward.
The middle of your throat.
The center of your chest.
Over your left nipple briefly. Then to the right.
As he sucked the pebbled flesh into his mouth, you grind your body against that stiffness in his underwear. He was hard and thicker than you remembered if that were even possible.
You angled your hips in a way that makes the fabric between your bodies seem thinner than air and Changkyun groans with your nipple still caught between his lips. He pulls away to flick his tongue over it a few more times before abandoning it to attend to the annoying shred of clothing blocking him.
He settles between your legs and takes a moment to admire you beneath him. You blush under his gaze, feeling it hover over the swelling pink flesh between your legs.
He wastes no time in scooting down to push them back and smother the heat thar gathered with his mouth and tongue. You gasp on contact, eyes already rolling back at the feeling of Changkyun's tongue sliding sinuous flat licks over your folds.
The warmth of his opened mouth kisses on your clit has you moaning softly to the ceiling and Changkyun digs his fingers into the meat of your thighs as he ate.
His deft tongue plunges inside of you while his thumb rubs rhythmically over your clit, just the way he remembered you loved it. His eyes are on you, watching you bite your lip and screw your eyes shut with the struggle of holding on.
Suddenly, your fuse is blown and in an explosion of colorful language, you came all over Changkyun's waiting tongue. He presses his thumb against the hood of your clit while your walls twitched and pulsed around him, savoring the taste of your climax with a satisfied groan.
You were still panting when he pulled his mouth away from your pussy and the mattress bounces slightly as he sat up on his knees.
The print beneath his shorts was prominent as fuck and Changkyun hurriedly frees himself from its captivity. Your eyes immediately fall on his dick as he pushed his black Balenciaga boxer briefs down his toned thighs.
He's already got you wet and wanting him, legs still spread wide to accommodate his body.
There's an unspoken plea between the two of you and Changkyun responds to it by grasping your thighs and pulling you towards him over the sheets. In the same movement, the tip of his dick slides past your entrance and stretches you well until you're pressed firmly against his pelvis.
From here, he goes in. Mindlessly fucking you like there's no tomorrow. As if all of his frustrations from being away from you, having to love you from a distance, wishing he could be inside of you every night, were all being channeled through him.
Boosting his stamina.
Feeding his need to make you call his name.
Which you did. Over and over as he drove your body back up to the head of the bed.
You felt so good. Warm and wet. Tight and welcoming. It was like you were made for him and the distance hadn't affected a thing. Muscle memory molded you around his thick shaft and you took every inch of him like you were designed to do. His forehead was pressed against yours, noses touching and mouths agape as his rhythm hastened. Your walls were clenching at his pressure hungrily and your voice was reduced to barely audible yelps.
Your body trembled endlessly as you reached your climax and Changkyun smiled wolfishly against your parted lips.
"Yep, that's it. Gimme that shit, baby. Let it go.." he coaxed and praised you through the mind-numbing orgasm he rewarded you with. He continues pounding into you until tears pooled from your eyes and you weren't sure if you'd cum again from the sheer overstimulation.
All you knew was that everything he did, every move and rasped word he spoke, he was pushing you higher than you ever thought you could go.
Holding you close, Changkyun rolled his hips into you feverishly until he was stalling out. An unbearably sexy groan escapes his lips when he came deep inside of you and you took every drop of him with pleasure, squeezing him as he stroked you to his completion.
"Fuuuuck, I missed you...I missed you so much.." his husky deep voice whispers lovingly in your ear and you moan softly in response as he pressed himself deep inside of you for emphasis.
"I love you...fuck, I love you..." he continued, his voice almost breaking with the known profession. As he comes down with his face buried in your neck, Changkyun plants a series of lazy wet kisses over your sweat-coated skin.
When his teeth graze that same ticklish spot, you giggle and shy away from him. He grumbles in protest but promptly ceases his tease to rest his head on the pillow you shared.
He remains inside of you, his body weight nearly smothering you. But you didn't care.
Because being with him in any way felt like heaven.
And you were happy to die...
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*sigh* hes so FFFFFFFFFOYNE
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deliwrites · 2 years
ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕝𝕦𝕥 // 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔 //Dream Team
// DATE // 9th of November 2022 // PAIRING // DreamTeam x fem!Reader, george x fem!reader, sapnap x fem!reader, dream x fem!reader // WARNING // flirty!reader, use of real names, tease!reader, playgirl(ish)!reader, use of 'good girl', 'baby girl', 'little brat', slight degration, one picture of lingerie   // WORDS // 2,6k+ // SUMMARY //  You finally move to America! And Nick is the one to pick you up from the airport. Which means, private time! // SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part Two // Part three // Part Four // I’m open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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I ended up listening to Dream. I sat in a call with him. Discussing what I wanted to bring, while also discussing new pc parts. He was sharing his screen with me. His shopping basket full. Whilst I was making a copy of files I wanted to keep.
"So, I'm guessing not all three of you are going to pick me up from the airport?" I ask watching my files load onto the external drive.
"Sadly not," Clay sighed. I could tell he was disappointed. "But Nick is going to pick you up."
"Awh so no Georgie, either?" my cam was on so I send him a pout.
"No," he chuckles. "George and I will be setting up your pc."
"Awh, that's sweet, thank you."
"And until we have time to go on a shopping spree, we will rotate on beds, 'cause we don't want you to have to sleep on the couch for however long."
"Hmm, but what if I want to share the bed with you?" I smirk teasingly.
"Is that so?" I nod eagerly while biting my bottom lip. "Hmm, it will have to be our secret," clapping my hands in excitement.
"I'm so excited to finally be all of us together."
"Same, it took a good while but it's finally happening."
Arriving at the Orlando airport had my anxiety pumping. We decided not to announce when I would be flying. So lucky for me and my anxiety. I now only had to deal with meeting Nick for the first time in real life.
As I wait for my luggage I record a little bit more for my video on the move. Talking about my nerves to the camera. Getting interrupted by Nick calling me.
"So, the flight was long. I was able to sleep a lot tho. Now I'm just waiting for my suitcases to come thro-. Oh, Sap is calling me. Hey Sap," I smile when the facetime call connects.
"'Ello darling," he says. Lucky for me it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to call me that.
"Are you- are you still in the car?" I ask in disbelief.
"Well yes, I'm here though. I just wanted to ask if you were at baggage claim yet?"
"I am! I think I see one of the suitcases already."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit then!"
"Okies!" Hanging up, I look back at the camera. "I can't believe he was still in the car," I pout at the camera before grinning. "Anyways, I'm gonna get my suitcases, so I'll see you lovelies later!" Waving at the camera before ending the recording.
Dragging my suitcase into the hall, I'm immediately met with a sign. My name poorly written in bold letters, hearts covering any free space. Chuckling at the sight. I abandon my suitcases, running over to Nick. Throwing my arms around his neck.
"Well hello," he chuckles, not expecting me to do this. He knew how nervous I was, but his gentle smile when I saw him made it all fade. Dropping the sign his arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Sorry, I'm just so happy," I tell him, slowly letting go of one of the best hugs. He chuckles in understanding.
"I know, let's get your suitcases and start this drive," taking the suitcases, Nick leads the way to his car. Once the suitcases are in I get surprised. A gasp leaving my lips when I get turned around, back pushed into the side of the car. Nick had me trapped against his black Tesla. "You know," he smirks. "Now there will be consequences to your teasing," a blush flushes my cheeks at his words.
"Will there now?" I decide to fight the shyness. Teasing him while giggling smugly.
"Oh, you'll see," moving away he opens the door for me, then going to the other side. Before we even drive off Nick's hand finds its way to my thigh. The dress mom made me wear was a wrap. So the moment I sat down the leg Nick's hand holding become bare. "Did you wear this dress for me?" he asks, fingers softly caressing my inner thigh.
"Maybe," I smirk. Deciding not to tell him it was actually my mom who wanted me to wear it. Just to swoon the three of them. "Do you like it?" I ask trying to look as seductive as possible.
"You look breathtaking, darlin'."
"What about now?" Taking the ribbon that ties the dress, pulling on it. Opening the dress, revealing the orange lingerie set I was wearing.
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Looking over, his grip on my thigh tightens, though nothing comes from him. When Clay told me Nick was the one picking me, I had already mentally picked out to wear this.
"You think you can just tease me like this?" his voice is dark which surprises me a little. Eyes slightly wider as I look at him.
"Whatcha gonna do about it, driver?" recovering quickly from the initial shock. I put emphasis on 'driver'. At this point, we had reached the highway.
"Y/n, what care are we in?" the question is asked slowly. The slowness had me confused.
"Y-yours…?" I answer his question with an unsure answer. He chuckles, shaking his head cutely.
"Yes, but that's not what I asked darlin'. What type of car are we in?" he asks even slower. Even more, confused now, I wreck my brain. I open my mouth a few times to answer, though nothing comes out. There is a smirk playing on Nick's lips as. He starts tapping the steering wheel. It catches my attention. Looking at his hands a gasp leaves my lips.
"Tesla!" I tell him, pointing at the logo in excitement.
"Good girl," his praise brings back the flush in my cheeks. "Do you know what that means?" I shake my head. He pulls the right gear stock down twice. A do-do sound rings through the car. "It means, I don't have to do anything," I look at him wide-eyed. His hands leaving the steering wheel. The car now driving without his help. "You are in so much trouble now," a startled squeak escapes my lips. His right hand having just pulled my leg up. I hated to admit it but that was so sexy.
Nick couldn't help but smirk as the predicament she was in slowly sunk in. To his surprise Y/n pulled up both legs, turning to face him. A small wet patch on her panties has the smirk returning.
"Awh, you're already wet for me?" a shy nod comes from the female. "You enjoy teasing so much, huh? Little brat. I guess you want me to do something about it, don't you baby?" Y/n nodded eagerly mumbling 'please'. "What happened to the brat, you're all shy now," he teases, his hands dancing along the shy brat's skin. His right-hand stops just above where she needs him to touch her. A soft needy whine came from her. Y/n moving her hips to try and move the hand down. Both hands moving to take hold of Nick's right one. Fighting the man's strength to push it down.
"Please, touch me," she asks, voice needy. He moves against her tries, barely putting in any effort.
"Oh, you're so desperate," he chuckles darkly. Finally, Nick slides his hand down, thumb grazing over her barely clothed clit. It makes her jump a little in her seat. Giving a few pats to tease her more, the same happens. Thighs threatening to close around his hand. Little gasps and whines escaping her lips. Deciding not to tease the horny female further, his hand swiftly slides back up, into her panties. Fingertips immediately met with her wet lips.
"Fuck," she whimpers. The position is a little awkward making Nick pull his hand away before Y/n gets to enjoy his touch. Before she can complain though, Nick speaks.
"Be a good girl for me," nodding her head before he even finished his demands. "Take off your panties and sit on your knees, facing me," he chuckles under his breath at her eagerness. Watching her as she does as told. "So, obedient," he praises her. In addition to the demands, she decides to take off her dress as well as her bra. Abandoning her sneakers on the floor, clothes on the back seat. A little stunned at the ravishing site he's met with, she takes advantage of the opportunity. Leaning over she's finally able to claim his lips for the first time. His stubble scratches at her skin, though she doesn't mind. Nick's hands find their way to her naked body, right hand on her waist, left hand cupping her soft face. Holding her gently steady inside the moving car. Slowly pulling away from his soft lips, she pecks him one, two, three more times. "God, you're even more gorgeous in real life," Nick says. "Such a beautiful baby girl," a shy giggle coming from her. "Oh, you're so cute. Are you getting shy again, little brat?" he teases.
"Niiick," she whines quietly. Wanting him to just touch her already.
"What is it, baby?" he smirks, looking directly into her eyes.
"Touch me," she whines again. Taking hold of the hand still on her waist. Again, trying to move it where she needs him.
"You've been waiting for so long, haven't you, darlin'?" she nods with a pout on her lips. "Hmm, I think you can wait a little long-"
"Noooo, please! I'll do anything!" she begs. His thumb teasingly caressing her waist, watching the desperation spiral in her eyes. Her hands still trying to move his hand.
"Anything, you say?" Nodding vigorously. "Alright, I'm gonna hold you to that," finally his hand moves between the desperate girls' thighs.
Fingers slip between her wet folds, thumb rubbing against her clit. Having his skilled fingers on her heat had her weak in the knees. Her left hand coming to rest on Nick's shoulder to keep herself steady. Nick's smirk never leaving his lips. Being able to touch the girl he's been flirting with for years. And having this effect on her filled him with pride.
He doesn't waste time, slipping two fingers into her dripping core. Sharp nails digging into his shoulder along with a gasp from her. Y/n had been so touch-starved since George moved. Feeling extra sensitive now with Nick's hand on her. Making 'come hither' movements with his fingers. Fingers much bigger and longer than hers. Reaching places she never could.
"Com on baby, bounce on my fingers for me," his tone is enough to make a soft squeak leave her lips. Doing as told, she slowly starts up a pace. Her thighs already quivering. "That's it, good girl," the squelching noise becoming louder as Nick decides to help her out. Thrusting his fingers into her at a fast pace. Gasps and squeaky moans escaping her, eyes closed at the amazing feeling.
"Fuck," she squeaks, the warm feeling in her abdomen coming quicker than she hoped. Willing herself to last longer, she suppresses it. Subconsciously squeezing around Nick's fingers. It was like he knew what she was doing.
"No, no, darlin'," his voice is dark. Scissoring his fingers to stop her from squeezing. His thumb starts working on her clit. She buckles, trying to get away from the expert movements. But with his fingers inside the gorgeous girl like a belt loop, there was no escape for her.
Thighs shaking in delight, with a smug look Nick watches her break under his touch. A chain of moans escaping her lips as her back arches. Giving into the honey-sweet feeling. Body stuttering as Nick rips an orgasm from the female.
"That's it, baby," riding out her high, breathing heavily. Her eyes slowly open as she sinks backwards against the car door. His slick fingers slipping from her heat. A grin on his lips as he brings his fingers to them. A flush covering the girls' cheeks as she watches him clean his fingers. Bringing her arms up she hides shyly. "Can't wait to actually get to taste you," having come down from her high she starts putting her clothes back on. Accepting the water bottle Nick hands her.
"Thank you," I take the bottle from Nick. Taking a few sips before putting it away. Turning to sit on my knees, I go to lean over. Wanting to return the favour. Having obviously noticed the bulge in his sweatpants.
"Whatcha doing?" Nick asks having gone back to driving as we exit the highway.
"Want to return the favour," I pout which has him chuckling.
"That's okay, we'll have many more opportunities for that," he says, sending an evil smile my way. My cheeks heating up at all the things we could do now. "Plus, we're almost home," just that has me sink back in my seat with a content sigh.
"Yes," he grins sweetly. His hand finding its way back to my thigh. smiling I place my hand on his, fingertips curling around his palm.
Finally we pul up to the house, clapping my hands in excitement. It really looks like home. "Alright, I'll get Clay. You wait here," to be honest, I had completly forgotten that I would see Clay in real life for the first time. "Are you nervous again?" nodding slowly as I pull my knees up to my chest. Giving a soft chuckle, Nick exits the car. Walking around the front, going to my side. Opening the door, he crouches beisde me. "It will be okay, we've been friends for years, remember?" turning to face him, I nod, a pout on my lips. Leaning up he pecks my pouty lips. A grin quickly replacing the pout. "He is no different in real life, okay? I'll get George first that way you don't have to wait alone."
"Thank you!" I get out of the car with new found reassurance. Pecking Nick's lips in a thanks before letting him go. It doesn't take long for George to exit the home.
"Y/n!" he sing-songs, a squeal coming from me. Running over I wrap my arms around him, jumping together in excitement.
"Georgie! I missed you!" I tell him when we stop jumping, leaving my arms on his shoulders.
"Hmm, now you get to pay for your teasing," he grins taking hold of my waist, he pulls me closer. With a giggle, I peck his soft british lips. Having missed the feeling more then I thought I would. Pecking his lips a few more times before pulling away. Just in time for the front door to open again.
"Ah, I'm nervous!" I exclaim, hiding behind George. "It's just me, darlin'," Nick chuckles, walking over to George and me. "But you're not the only one. Clay's nervous too." "He is?" I ask, peeking over George's shoulder. Nick nods with a wide grin. "Oh, that makes this so much easier for me," I giggle, moving away from my hiding place.
"But how was your flight?" George asks curiously.
"Sleepy," I giggling. "I was too nervous so I slept most of the flight. Now I'm finally home!" I squealk, jumping while clapping. Did I look weird? Probably yes, but they knew me this way.
"Weirdo," I heard from behind me, though before I could turn around, I got wrapped in a hug.
"Of course, who else!" I recognize his voice. Turning in his hold, I wrap my arms around him.
"We're finally complete!" George says, ganging up on the hug. Nick also joining in.
We are finally all together. I am so happy!
// SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part Two // Part three // Part Four // I’m open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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Safe - Baron Corbin x Reader
So, saw a prompt list– and this one (listed below) was on it. Got a few ideas for different people– so i’ll play around with it. This one is for Baron Corbin <3
PROMPT: Person A goes to approach Person B, but Person B flinches, expecting an attack. Person A steps away, a devastated expression flickering on their face.“Who was it?”
Y/N = your name
Warning(s): past abusive relationship mentioned
EDITED IN TAG LIST @starwithaheart​ @shedevil22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ 
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I couldn’t even begin to explain why I liked him. Baron was… different than most guys I had met. He was overall silent—except when he wasn’t. He was tall and intimidating—except when he wasn’t. I had seen him around backstage enough times to know that there were multiple sides to Baron Corbin. The one the audience saw, the one that everyone backstage saw—and the one that very few, rare people saw. Somehow, I was in the latter group.
I had seen Baron trudge through the motel lobby in the morning after only getting three hours of sleep—and watched him, in the rear-view mirror as I drove to the next town, fall asleep in the backseat- his head against the door.
I had seen Baron after matches; sweaty, tired, sometimes a bit sore. Happy as a clam and proud when he’s won. Pissed at himself and shut-off when he’s lost.
I had seen Baron in silent tears, alone in a vacant corner of the arena, after a nasty breakup that broke his heart more than he let on.
I had seen his face light up in joy and heard his laughter as he played video games; I had watched from afar as he rocked out to his favorite music.
I even had the greatest opportunity ever, an excuse to be near him; I was the one he always sought out for his photographs. When the brass needed promotional photos of him- regardless of the reason—I knew to expect Baron Corbin at my proverbial doorstep.
One would think with as many times as we hung out—despite it really only being when I was taking his photograph—that by now, we’d be close. He’d know things about me, as much as I knew about him. But that wasn’t true. Whenever he was near, I felt myself clam up—my shyness taking over.
Shyness—and fear.
My last relationship was a shit-show. A hell in a hand-basket, if you would. The verbal abuse that my ex threw at me—that I could get over, I could put behind me and ignore (most of the time).
But the physical abuse? That was more difficult to get past.
I’d find myself flinching at the smallest of things—maybe a crate got dropped down the hallway, or someone would yell for a friend.
How no one had noticed, I couldn’t say.
That—or they had, and no one said anything.
Honestly, I don’t know what would be worse.
“Hey, y/n— Shit, sorry,” Baron apologized, seeing that he had taken me by surprise.
“It—It’s okay, I just… forgot you’d be stopping by before your match,” I waved him off, embarrassed, as I waited for my heartbeat to slow down.
“Gotta get the King in all his glory,” Baron smirked, spreading his arms a bit causing the cape to move with him.
“Yes, yes, your highness—now over there,” I pointed, rolling my eyes playfully.
Couple hours later, the show had ended and I was finishing up on all the photographs I had taken that night.
“Knock knock,” I heard Baron chuckle, rapping his knuckles against a crate behind me. Luckily, I had heard his boots echoing through the hall, so I knew someone was approaching—and didn’t jump, this time anyway.
“What, you need more photos taken?” I joked, looking over my shoulder at him.
“Nah—don’t wanna break your camera too soon,” he laughed, walking over,” Any turn out good?”
“I’d say—here, take a look.” I handed over the folder with his printed photographs, watching with baited breath as he flipped through them.
“Damn—how do you make me look so good?”
“Well—lighting is key, and then you have to know your angles—”
“Y/N—I was kidding… hey, you got something— right here—”
I knew it was Baron.
I knew I was safe.
But all my mind saw was an arm coming at me—and that’s all it took. I flinched backwards, away from his outstretched hand, eyes furrowing in fear and my heart pounding; barely, I could register my hands shaking, as my sight refocused on the man in front of me.
Baron looked at me—emotions running through his features.
“Who was it?”
“I—I—” Words failed me for a moment, before I shook my head,” Please… don’t—”
“Hey, no—it’s alright. You’re safe—I’d never—” Even he seemed at a loss for words, noticing my eyes starting to well up with tears,” Can I do anything—I mean, do you need anything?”
Looking up into his big brown eyes, thinking back to all our times together—everything I knew about him—I knew one more thing.
With Baron Corbin—I would always be safe.
“Hold me,” I whispered, feeling myself starting to break down. I needed the stability that I knew Baron could provide me. Wordlessly, I felt his arms slowly wrap around me, pulling me close against his tall frame. For the first time, since my ex, I didn’t mind the contact. For the first time, I longed for it—needed it. Sighing, I clung to Baron, tears falling down my cheeks—but a smile on my face.
I am safe.
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Season 1 Episode 11
 We open the episode with Fiona and Steve having a super cute moment when Debbie interrupts them. Fucking Jimmy-Steve..
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Debbie wants Fiona to go to a classroom moms meeting; she had signed Monica up, but Monica is gone, so Debbie asks Fiona to go. No one is happy about it. Fiona goes down to make coffee, but Debbie stays to ask Jimmy if he’s told Fiona the truth yet. He hasn’t. Baby Debbie is unimpressed.
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Lip is looking for Ian’s birth father; he’s hoping to scam him for cash. Fiona suggests they take the bus to see Grammy. Grammy Gallagher!!
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Fiona heads over to Debbie’s school. The class moms are super shitty. But we learn from Jasmine, who’s from the neighbourhood, that they’re making “decorations for the kid’s St. Patty’s day party tomorrow”. This is a direct quote! Keep this in mind.
Fiona heads over to the bitchy ladies, who are talking mortgages and they make a shitty comment about Fiona not needing to worry about it because she doesn’t own a home. But Fiona’s always got a comeback.
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The next scene has Debbie and Carl playing video games in the living room. Frank comes home to them and asks what they’re doing home, to which Debbie replies, “Budget cuts. We have every other Friday off.”
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This implies that it’s a Friday. But the St. Patty’s day party is tomorrow, making the party on a Saturday. So the district doesn’t have money to keep the kids in school, as is the law, but has money to bring them in on a Saturday for a party? Okk..
Now there is a chance that the actress who said the party is “tomorrow” messed up and ad libbed that, because according to the Netflix closed captioning, she doesn’t say the word ‘tomorrow’. But then they could have edited the scene better. Either way, I’m not happy with this for my purposes here.
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Anyway, Frank is there to pick up his mail because he’s expecting a cheque. Instead he finds a letter saying his work compensation his been terminated. He’s ummm... a little upset.
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Lip goes to Karen’s to look for her. He hears loud music coming from the basement, and goes down to find her destroying her dad’s apartment. God those clowns are creepy.
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Lip says he hasn’t seen Karen at school in a few days, and she’s got a new nose ring/chain thing. She’s very clearly upset that her dad called her a whore, and Lip, being a dumbass, doubles down and calls her a whore, too. Not his smartest moment.
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Frank is upset and finds his sleazy personal injury attorney, who informs Frank that they have video of him not being injured. His professional advice is that next time, he aims for knees as it pays more.
Fiona is still stuck with the moms making shamrocks or something. Jasmine is trying to make friends. Ah the sweet beginnings of bi-Fiona. She starts with coffee and then suggests a drink. Sounds like a date.
Frank offers to take Carl to ‘learn the family business’ and Debbie has typed up resume for Frank. Debbie and Carl are soulmates.
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gifs courtesy of @gardenerian​ aka loml
Lip and Ian are having a brothers day looking for Frank’s brother. Lip is really into it; Ian is skeptical. Frank takes Debbie and Carl to the job centre to look for work. The kind of work where an accident might be happen. He’s unreasonable though because he doesn’t like the idea of sharp metal in the eye. He is given a list of jobs where the conditions are hazardous, unsafe, or both. Sweet Debbie is concerned..
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Lip and Ian go see Grammy in prison. She’s in there after she caused a tiny meth explosion that killed two teens. She outraged they have her cleaning the toilets, but it’s ok. She kindly informs her grandsons that she can get pussy and blow anytime she’d like, so all good. No worries! They ask for Frank’s brothers’ names. They get Jerry, Clayton, and Wyatt. We also get this iconic line:
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And this squishable face:
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Fiona and Jasmine are out on their date. Jasmine is married with three kids and a stretched out cookie box. But don’t worry—she’s doing kegels while on her date with Fiona. They bond over drunk dads. And then their date is over.
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Kev is super into it.
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Kevin Ball: a champion and an ally. 
Frank is taking Carl and Debbie around looking for work, but all the jobs are either way too dangerous or not dangerous enough. Good Officer Tony and his partner have figured out that Steve might be stealing cars. He’s pretty excited about that. Can’t wait to tell Fiona. But Fiona’s not very happy with Tony sticking his nose in Steve’s business. She tries to call Steve to warn him, but he’s not picking up.
Karen seems to have dyed her hair black and is on Daddyz Girl, a web diary website. She also got the word ‘whore’ tattooed on her arm. Oh boy.
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The Gallaghers are icing green cupcakes they made for the party the next day. Steve comes to help, and Fiona is worried, but Steve seems pretty chill about it. Tony notices that the car Steve had earlier now has different plates.
The next morning, which is a Saturday I guess, Lip has borrowed Steve’s car and he and Ian are knocking on Frank’s twin brother Jerry’s door. There’s a tiny bit of a family resemblance. I think.
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And then the show goes on for 10 more seasons and they never once mention Frank’s TWIN brother. Who wants nothing to do with Frank’s family.
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Jasmine comes over to the Gallagher’s unannounced with a bunch of clothes for her and Fiona to try on. Steve has apparently heard of Jasmine and seems a little jealous. He’s heading out, and Debbie makes Steve pinkie swear he’s going to tell Fiona the truth. I love baby Debs SO much!
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Frank is wallowing at his job, realizing it’s gonna take a while to get hurt enough for worker’s comp. Fiona is getting more attention from Jasmine as they try on clothes. Karen is breaking Eddie’s car window. And Lip and Ian seem to have found the brother they’re looking for.
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Clayton is excited to show them pictures of him and Frank as kids. Frank was pious, an alter boy and top of his catechism class. The concept of a baby Frank is so strange.
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Aunt Lucy, Clayton’s wife, isn’t very comfortable with them being there, though. The two of them fight in the kitchen, loud enough for Lip and Ian to hear, and Ian wants to leave. He doesn’t want to ruin their lives. He doesn’t want to leave his siblings. Ian walks out and lets Lip know that his siblings are his family and he’s happy with who they are. He just loves his siblings so much.
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This casting really was spot on, though.
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Tony catches up with Steve while he’s stealing a car. Steve doesn’t help himself, and Tony is pissed. Looks like Good Officer Tony isn’t so good after all. He takes Tony to an alley and roughs him up. He tells Steve to either turn himself in, go to jail for two years, just enough time for Tony to propose to her. Or he can leave. Just pack up and leave.
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Good officer Tony Isn’t so Good, huh?
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Fiona is at the kid’s dance party, and runs into Jasmine and her husband Hal. Hal is also really flirty. Fiona’s worried Steve isn’t there. Jasmine suggests they go to the bathroom and indulge in some party favours she has.
The car that Tony knows Steve stole cuts him off and passes by, and Tony chases after it. Except we know that it’s Lip and Ian. He calls it in, and when he pulls up he finds Lip and Ian. This is a wrench in his ‘get Fiona to love me’ plans, huh.
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Frank had hurt his hand at work when he nail-gunned himself on purpose. He won’t get worker’s comp, but he got some good drugs. He hears Karen crying in the basement and goes to check on her. She tells him to leave, but then she gets an idea. She strips down and, well. She rapes him. On camera. This show is a mess.
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And Fiona gets a call that Lip and Ian are in a spot of trouble.
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So this episode takes place on a Friday-Saturday around St. Patrick’s day, which is March 17th. In 2011, March 17th was a Thursday, so I guess this episode takes place March 18-19th. Sure. Whatever. Who throws school parties on Saturdays!
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Guess what movie I saw recently in theaters
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No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
No no no no no
No no no
NO no no no
The real one. I saw the real one
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That's it. There we go. That's the one I saw.
And everybody please go fellow @hisy-fit they have really cool super Mario movie headcocnen 's that are getting the creative juice 's fellowing for fanfiction. So expect that in the future. But for now I want to talk about what we're all here for.
In the after credits scene there's this little scene that just says.
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🎶 we're making a sequel , we're making a sequel, we're making a sequel, betcha didn't know 🎶
And now that I finally have seen the Mario movie. I can finally join in on sequel ideas. Yay 😊. Now that everyone is wrapping up thair sequel pitchs . Yay 😔.
( this is my very unsuttle way of asking you to please go subscribe to finnthepony ).
Anyway. While there was a part of me that immediately said. "No no no no no you didn't see anything you didn't see shit we're getting a Luigi 's mansion sequel" .
But then I watched a sequel pitch by one of my favorite my little pony YouTubers. Finnthepony and I just realized that he's onto something.
For one thing I love the idea how he brought in characters like wario and waluigi and how easily they fit into this new story. I seriously think that this should be the root Nintendo and illuminations should take for a sequel.
Now for some things that I came up with.
For one thing I would like for Luigi and donkey Kong to have some sort of interaction at least during the beginning.
I also really want to see the kupalangs
Bowser 's 7 adopted children . I don't know why but I feel like that jack black 's Bowser would be a good dad . Granted I don't change anything with the character . I think it'll be cute if Bowser has a secret soft spot for his kids . I mean the kupalangs where forgotten about for 19 STRAIGHT UP YEARS!!! just now getting rebooted. But Bowser's relationship with them is never really touched on. And I would like to see that explored in a possible 3erd movie. But for the sequel let's just show them helping Bowser escape. In a after credits scene or something. Or even better if we want going with Jack black 's idea the kupalangs could have already helped Bowser escape from the cage and gave a power up or something. But then Mario, Luigi and peach came in to get Bowser 's help to defeat wario.
But come on I know what you're all here for. The biggest question on everybody's mind. One that have baffled movie goers sence the dawn of time.
Who's gonna make out with who.
I like the idea of Luigi and daisy 's relationship being more head on then Mario and peach 's . Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate the fact that they didn't immediately go for the love story. What I meant by that was . Luigi very clearly crushing on Daisy. Stuff like being nervous to hold her hand, blushing whenever he sees her, and just all around happy to spend time with her.
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Another point that finnthepony brought up is the fact that daisy and peach being best friend 's until something caused a rift in the 2's friendship. I think that it's a good idea and I really love how he wrote it.
I highly encourage you too go to his channel subscribe and watch those 2 videos.
And like I said fanfiction coming soon. I already have a few on the page already so feel free to look around.
Thank you for reading 👍
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kawasiki-jo · 2 years
Left and Right
Hey guys. I live, regrettably. 
It’s been a long ass week for me and I’m sorry for going M.I.A. Your girl graduated university with a Law degree, celebrated her birthday, and got Covid all in one week✨
It was fun (all the times I nearly coughed up lungs included). And now I’m back. All this nearly dying thing gave me time to gather a constellation of fanart I wanna do in the future, so you can definitely expect some cringy shit. Actually, I don’t even know if anyone is still reading, but if you are- Thanks. You make bad decisions 
Anyway, If you were waiting, here you go:
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Some Vampire slayer and the Vampire he’d definitely slay for, fanart✨✨✨🙈
Yes. I am aware that Macau looks nothing like Ta. let me live please.
(I don’t know what I did, but Macau looks older and it’s just a downward spiral from there....)
On to the rant if you’re still interested🦄. P.S it’s gonna be back to being a skeleton cause @tino2410 and I are writing the full fic - which will start getting published soon. I hope.
Macau couldn’t take it. He was hoping that his gut was lying to him, it can’t be true. He’s shaking and pretty sure all the blood in his body is sloshing around up in his head by now. He had done another quick check, just to be sure. God, how he hopes it’s not what he thinks it is.
His brother would never, right? 
His brother would never kidnap Chay just to hurt Porsche, right? 
Vegas knows how much Porsche and Chay care for each other because Macau was the one who had told him so. Macau had told him just how much Porsche does for Chay. Fuck. He did this as well. Now he’s losing his sanity over finding both Porsche and Chay dead. 
His bodyguard comes running up to him with what he prays is the information he had requested for, and it is. It’s the cctv footage of all the cameras around the area. The bodyguard plays the third video - it’s from the mini grocery store down the road, on the left - and he sees it, the white van that passes at the 10:13am time stamp. None of the other vehicles seem suspicious so it has to be the white van, there are records of it going and coming all within a span of fifteen minutes. 
His heart is racing as he zooms in to get the number plate, but the angle of the camera hadn’t picked it up. He wants to throw a fit, frustration begging to get the better of him, but he doesn’t have time for that. Every second he wastes could mean Chay losing more blood.
He begs his brain not to imagine it, and shuts his eyes, but he still can see it. 
He gets back into the car, finally leaving Chay’s house. He needs to get back to the family house. He knows it’s beyond unlikely that Vegas would bring them there, but he still couldn't locate Vegas’ phone.  
When he arrives back home, he quickly notices that all the bodyguards are lined up in their posts. His father must be back. Great, there couldn’t be a worse  timing for any of this. He rushes into the house only to be stopped by Lan the moment he breaches the threshold. Lan informs him that his brother has not yet returned and that his father is not in a good mood. Conveniently, through his peripheral he sees a few bodyguards drag a decapitated body towards the basement. 
His heart nearly stops, as Lan’s voice fades out. He’s running before he knew it, skidding on the few puddles of blood left behind as he calls out to the bodyguards who were carrying the body. 
Let it not be.
He hadn’t realized that he’d been holding his breath until his shaky hands pull one of the men aside to take a better look. He breathes in and lets out a silent chant of relief. His calm lasts for a second before his eyes shoot back towards the body. If it wasn’t Porsche or Chay, who was it? 
Ken; he is informed by the other bodyguard and Macau’s eyes blow wide. He pieces his worries together, and pulls out his phone to call Vegas. He needs to warn him, needs to let him know to stay away. 
He still isn’t able to reach him, and Macau thinks that if his father doesn’t end up killing Vegas tonight, he’d do it himself. He can’t believe how fast everything escalated and now he doesn’t even know who he can save. 
Lan finds him near the stairs- mid-internal conflict- and informs him that his father wants to speak to him. Macau isn’t surprised when he enters his father’s office to see Ken’s head getting wrapped up in a box. He straightens when his father turns around to acknowledge his presence before he notices the suitcases beside the couch.
“You leave in twenty minutes.” 
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Short? yes, I know. I’m sorry 
Slow? Yes, I also know. I’m sorry 
Took a depressing turn? Yes, I also also know this. I’m a little less sorry about this 
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