#but also i SHOULD be SLEEPING. yet every time i lay down my brain's silly little lightbulb ''bing!''s Back On and im!! hoough!!
wabblebees · 2 years
#rant incoming! tldr: im just complainin' bc im a dumbass playing with the new blorbos from my head but i SHOULD be asleep. oops#had brain fog + migraine + joint pain BAD all mcfucken day#to the point where i spent the last 11 hours just laying in bed being adhd miserable bc it Hurt to be awake but the understimulation had me#fuckt UP. i couldnt sleep to escape it bc i couldnt fucken relax my FACE enough to make my head stop hurting but i felt like i was going#full yellow-wallpaper lady in my own head bc through the brain fog + the headache i couldnt focus on anything stimulating or fun enough#and now. NOW. now that its 2am and the ibuprofen is FINALLY working. i cant sleep bc i have dnd brainrot#ive got all these fun ideas that i dont wanna forget so ive been scrambling to get them all down before i can#but also i SHOULD be SLEEPING. yet every time i lay down my brain's silly little lightbulb ''bing!''s Back On and im!! hoough!!#sooo fun thinkin abt it all but also... dude. u dont have a campaign or table or a party or ANYTHING. so W H Y do u gotta do this rn#whyyyy rn. all day i wanted this or sleep and got NEITHER. but!! oh sure nOw the brain worms are active.#i have WORK in the morning little brainworms. its 2am!! where were u at 6o'clock!! we coulda done all this t h e n#But Also. i am rotating these new lil fuckers in my head at mach speeds#im so fucken psyched for smth to happen with these ideas even though ik theres like. literally no way in hell for them to go anywhere lmao.#ive never dm'ed in my gd life hgkfshfkgk idk wtf im doing here. ive played in like. 2 canpaigns total. wtf is going ON lmao#goddamn. adhd my beloathed. ah well#also just realised the phrase 'blorbos from my head' probably sounds.... very very silly lmao#im typing this out bc im hoping doing smth slightly Different will break the brain cycle enough to let me Go Tf To Bed lmao#wish me luck lmaooo#bee speaks
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migilini · 3 years
Hiiii! I liked how you did the road trip one shot and was wondering if you could do a request for Charlie Gillespie where the reader and Charlie are dating but have been living in different states due to COVID and the boys do an Instagram live and the reader wants to be on the live with them and Charlie gets so excited and it’s fluffy?
So far apart - Charlie Gillespie
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A/N: ofc i can! Thank you so much, hope you like it :) I will proofe read it tomorrow.
Words: 1.5k
Tiredness was your new default state. College alone was stressful and hard enough plus it didn't help that you had to do it online from your little NY appartement that you shared with three other roommates. But you had too. You were in your last semester ever! That was motivation enough to pull through.
Currently you were trying to facetime your boyfriend Charlie. You haven't seen him in about four months but if someone would ask your roommates, they would say it felt like an eternity of you moaning and pouting about not seeing him. When COVID started, the two of you seriously debated about moving in together. However, at that time, your classes were not online yet and you couldn't move away, he also couldn't move to New York with you because he still had meetings with the JATP Cast.
You stared at your ringing phone, desperate to hear his voice. You knew that he should be awake, you had the time zones imprinted on your brain.
Sorry babe, have a meeting in 5… Will call you after okay? <3 the message that just popped up on your screen made you frown a little. You weren't mad, you just had a really awful week and missed him like crazy.
Sure thing <3 yout texted back and threw the phone onto your bed. Deciding that instead of waiting for him to call back, you could use the time usefully and start studying for your next test in two days. 
It was an hour later, you were completely engrossed in the textbook, so you barely heard the ringing of your phone. Maybe a bit too quick, you tossed all your books to the ground and launched yourself on the bed to find your phone. 
His pretty face filled your screen “Heyyy!” “Hello beautiful!” You two grinned at each other.
“How are--” A knocking on your door interrupted your question. “Yes?” The door opened and revealed one of your roommates Alexis with a sheepish look on her face “I’m really sorry to interrupt but Tara just broke off with her boyfriend and she needs a hug.”
You looked up at your red haired friend “She broke up with Tom?!” Alexis nodded “It's an emergency” she claimed. Charlie understood this as his clue to end the call saying a quick goodbye and a don't worry about it, when you shot him an apologetic look. 
This is how it went nearly every time. Something always came up, either you were studying non-stop and he didn't want to distract you or he had actor things and meetings going on. It was truly tiring. The last time you really had the opportunity to facetime was a couple weeks ago and even then you fell asleep inert 15minutes. When Charlie accidentally lulled you to sleep with a song he's been working on. 
Still the two of you made it work. Charlie had started writing you weekly letters with his perfume on it. And you being your crafty self, sent him a little care package with letters, some self made food and paintings, every now and then.
You just finished all your tests and essays for this semester and you felt free again. Taking a deep breath, you opened your bedroom window and put your school books away. Sinking down on your bed, you closed your eyes temporarily, enjoying the moment. You got up again to get yourself something to eat and a coffee. Your roommates were currently away, probably getting groceries or books at the College Library.
You mindlessly scrolled through Instagram, the sandwich you made yourself still laying next to you on the nightstand. Ever since Julie and the Phantoms released, the cast's accounts blew up like crazy and Charlie always showed you off like a queen so of course people found your page as well. You didn't mind though. Most of the people were really nice and respecting, protecting your relationship from all the not so nice guys
You just answered some DM’s, chuckling at a meme that Maddie had sent you, when you got a notification that Owen was live. Naturally you clicked on it, knowing that Charlie most likely will be in the live as well, due to the fact that he was currently at Owen’s with Jeremy.
You were one of the first ones. Owen grinned when he saw your name come up in the chat. 
“Guten Morgen everybody.” You chuckled when you heard your boyfriend singing in the background, writing in the chat that Owen should say hi to Charlie. “Are all of you streaming JATP?” he asked the live audience while you nodded to yourself, your laptop open beside you. It was a bit embarrassing to admit how often you saw the show, but every time you felt lonely you watched it. It had some really cute guys in it after all.
He read the chat “Do you like watching the show you participated in? Thats a good question. Charlie, Charlie! I have a question for you.” The camera turned and it showed the canadian boy you fell in love with. 
“Eh…” he said as he walked into the kitchen, Owen following close. “It was very weird at first. Guess I'm more used to it now.” he answered honestly. You weren't even listening, you just stared at your phone in trance, the light making him look so incredibly pretty.
Suddenly you got an invitation to join the live from Owen. You sat up a bit straighter and blinked a few times before accepting. 
“Helloooooo!” he screamed, making you laugh. “Hi Owen. Yall are up early.”
“Yeah… you know Char. That dumb early riser.” he complained. “Yeah I feel you. Though he lets me sleep so he must love me more than he loves you.” you teased making Owen pout in a childish way.
“Charlie! Who do you love more, me or y/n?” the statement made your boyfriend laugh and for a moment your breath hitched, it was music in your ears and once again you realised how much you missed it.
“I’m really sorry bud, but definitely y/n…I want to...” Charlie just wanted to explain why when he heard your chuckling from Owen’s phone. “See told ya.” It was truly a blessing that the camera was still turned to your boyfriend, making it easy for you to see his reaction. He nearly let the fork he was holding fall out of his hand, his eyes widening while his mouth grew into a big grin. “Is that y/n?” he asked cautiously. Apparently Owen nodded, because before you knew, the camera turned and you were face to face with your boyfriend. 
“Baby!” he screamed, a wide, toothy smile on his lips. “How dare you go on live with Owen but not with me!” he jokes. “How was the history test? As hard as you thought it would be?” you cut off his rambling “Hi! Nice to see you too. No, it was way harder than I expected. Let's hope for the best, I get the results sometime next week”
“I bet you killed that test baby! No, Owen you don't get the phone back… I don't care that it's your live.” The chat was freaking out over Charlie's happiness by just seeing you, talking about how they want love like that.
“Little explanation for everybody. Me and Charlie haven't really been able to facetime so were just really excited right now. Sorry if it's boring.” you explained to the chat. 
“Don’t ever say that ever again.” he said in a serious tone “it's not boring.” you held your hands up in surrender. “Sorry sorry. Can I talk to Owen again? I mean he is the one who invited me.” you teased, poking your tongue out. With a pout he gave the phone back to Owen.
“Are you also streaming the show today?” he asked you. Charlie was in the background, looking at you over Owens shoulder, making silly faces. “Of course! Who do you think I am? I’ve been watching it everyday since it came out.” Owens' face fell “You're kidding… that doesn't… that doesn't seem healthy.” you shrugged “Well i don't really care. I have this massive crush on someone from the show, just can't get enough of him.” 
The camera shook and a couple crunts later you were once again faced with Charlie. “I sure hope it's me or you're not allowed to wear that shirt anymore.” he pointed to the shirt you were currently wearing and that was in fact one of his.
“Not gonna tell you babe. My mouth is shut.” you winked, making him blush. “I miss you.” he blurted out with puppy eyes. “I miss you too. Can’t wait to see you.” he grinned at that excited for the surprise he had planned. 
“I think i'm gonna go, let you guys actually comment on the show. I love you Charlie.” You sent him a kiss and he pretended to catch it with his free hand.
“Eww that's so cheesy.” Owen muttered from somewhere in the back.
“I love you too.”
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backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: Post mission confessions and will Benny finally find out what he's been missing out on?
Warnings: Mature 18+ ONLY!! Language, Smut and General Feels.
Word Count: 4852
A/N: Final chapter and final author's note. You guys have been so amazing throughout this series, showing me love and care and just overall enjoying my writing. My lucky number is 7 so seems only fitting that this has ended at 7 parts. Like I said in my little post earlier today, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people or fandom to share my final fanfiction piece with and the fact that its a completed series just makes me so happy and proud and ready to move on to my next writing ventures. Thank you all for everything, I will love and cherish you all always.
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The water pressure for the shower in your tiny hotel room was shit but you couldn't care less. You let out a deep sigh as your body relaxed into the feeling of the water washing over your body, washing away the grime and adrenaline that had come with the action packed day.
The job had been a huge success. You'd retrieved all the money with minimal casualties and delivered it safely to Santiago's contact across the border, but not before pocketing a little bit of it each.
It had been 1am when you had all made it to the tiny hillside hotel that overlooked the jungle. It wasn't much but the staff were friendly and there was the promise of breakfast included in the morning. There weren't many rooms so the boys had all doubled up, leaving you with a room to yourself. You had wasted no time, immediately dumping your bags and switching on the shower, half desperate to get clean, the other half desperate to run the tap cold to cool off from the heat.
You'd managed to stomach the cold for about 5 minutes before you had to turn it up a little, making the water more lukewarm than freezing. You quickly washed your hair and body with the single bar of soap that was provided with the room and got out. As much as you would have happily stayed standing under the running water a bit longer, you were also tired and desperate to sleep.
You wrapped yourself in one of the towels, which was a lot smaller than your preferred bath towels at home, only just covering your bum, and used the other towel provided to dry your hair as you walked back out into the small room. You had just sat down on the edge of the bed when there was a light knock on your door. For a moment you panicked a little, worried about opening the door and showing off too much skin to whoever was there, but then you remembered three out of your four team mates had already seen a lot more than this.
You had to stand on your tip toes to see through the view finder in the door so you could check and see who it was. They had their head down, but you'd recognise that hat anywhere. He was about to knock again when you suddenly opened the door.
Frankie's eyes grew wide as he took in the sight of you in the doorway. “Sorry, I was just getting out the shower.” you said as you held up the towel in your hand and continued to dry your hair as you spoke to him.
Frankie gave his head a small shake as he tried to get himself to focus again. “I broke up with Laura.” he blurted out. It wasn't what he was intending on starting with when he had first left the room he was sharing with Santiago, but he had become nervous and it had only gotten worse when you opened the door looking like that.
Your brow furrowed at his words. “What?” your question was almost a whisper. He held up his hand, a silent gesture asking if he could come in so you weren't having this conversation on a hotel room doorstep. “Umm yeah.” you said stepping aside, your voice starting to feel more confident, the shock of his statement wearing off.
“I broke up with Laura.” he said again as you closed the door. You remained silent as you observed him from across the room, encouraging him to elaborate. “When we went on that last job with Pope and everything went to shit,” he started; he was fiddling with his hands, unable to look at you. “There was this moment.” he continued. “When we were on the side of the mountain and I lost this mule and for a moment I saw my life flash before my eyes. I could have so easily have gone down with it.” he said, sitting himself down on the end of the bed. He took his hat off and began fiddling with the strap on the back of it. You stepped closer, taking a seat beside him, listening carefully.
“In that moment my brain thought of two things.” he said, his leg bouncing now. “I thought of my little girl's smiling face... and then I thought of you.” he admitted going silent, letting the statement hang in the air. You continued to examine his side profile as you waited patiently for him to continue. “Then when Tom died...” he finally said, his voice shaking slightly. He suddenly looked up at you and you felt your heart stop as you saw the faint traces of tears filling his eyes. “It was you, I just wanted to get home to you.” He paused a moment, looking back down at his hat in his fingers again before he continued. “I went home and told her everything.”
You braced yourself for what would come next in his story but it never came. “The worst thing was that she was so great about it. She said she wasn't surprised, that she knew that I was in love with you the first time she met you.” There was a long pause before he looked up at you again, his hand reaching out for yours, resting in your lap. “I wanted to tell you all this at the diner but you left before I got a chance to say anything. I wanted to tell you I was sorry, for all of it.”
“I'm sorry too, I should have never taken that job-”
“You did the right thing. Don't be sorry. I treated you like shit, I broke every promise that I made to you. I wasn't in a good place and I let you down and you were right. I needed help and we both needed space. Don't ever say you're sorry for that.” he said lifting his hand to wipe away a tear you hadn't realised was falling down your cheek.
“Frankie-” your voice cracked as you said his name.
“I got mad today because I was scared. Scared I was gonna lose you before I got a chance to tell you everything I've wanted to say since the moment I first saw you.” He paused, turning towards you and taking both of your hands in his. “I never believed in love at first sight, that was until I saw you and I knew there was something different there, I just didn't know what it was yet. You are the most beautiful, adventurous and stubborn woman I have ever met and I am so completely in love with everything about you. I don't want to carry on living my life without you-”
“I love you.” your voice came out suddenly as a whisper making him stop. “I love you Francisco Morales.” you said more sure of yourself. “I will always love you. I should have said it before when you told me you loved me but I couldn't.”
“I know.” he said it with such love but also such sorrow in his eyes. You sat there for a moment in silence as he put his hat back on, both of you just happy to be in each others company.
“So what do we do now?” you tentatively asked.
“I don't know. What do you want to do now?” he asked. His words were gentle but held a message of 'I'm happy to do whatever you want to do, as long as I get to do it with you'.
You took a deep breath in as you mustered the courage needed to make the first move. You stood up and Frankie sat himself upright, not taking his eyes away from yours once. You lifted your leg slowly, placing your knee onto the bed beside his thigh, before lifting the other one and placing it on the other side. Frankie's hands moved comfortably to your hips, guiding you into your seat on his lap.
You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, your eyes glancing down to his lips then back up to his eyes again. You slowly leant forward until your lips were touching his. It was tentative at first, but as soon as those fireworks went off in your mind and your lips tingled at his touch, you both wasted no time deepening the kiss. He wrapped both of his arms around your lower back, pulling you closer to him.
You nudged the brim of his hat with your head and he reached up to take it off, placing it on the corner of the bed. You leant forward against him and he lay himself back against the mattress, encouraging you with his lips to follow.
He brought a hand up to cup your jaw as he ran the tip of his tongue along your lower lip, gently asking for entry. You happily met his tongue in the middle with your own. You suddenly felt a tightening feeling in your chest and you broke the kiss sitting yourself upright, needing more room to breathe. “You okay?” he asked softly as he saw you bring a hand to your chest, rubbing at the spot inbetween your breasts where the pain was.
“Yeah, I just forgot to breath properly.” you half lied.
“Do you want to stop?” he asked, sensing your anxiety. He couldn't blame you for it, he knew he'd put you through a lot in the past and he didn't want to rush you.
“No, I'm just...” your sentence caught in your throat as you began to overthink the statement that was about to fall out of your mouth, your brain telling you you were being silly. You let your body slide off of him to the side but kept your legs lazily over the top of his. He gently stroked his fingertips across the bare skin with one hand, while he propped himself up on his opposite elbow to look at you. He waited patiently for you to continue, his brown eyes soft and encouraging. Safe.
“It's silly. I'm being silly.” you said, trying to laugh off the feeling within you. He continued to wait patiently. “I'm just nervous.” you finally said. “I want us to... I want to... I just... It's been a little while since I... and with you.” you mumbled out, trying to explain how you were feeling but feeling so silly for it. This obviously wasn't your first time sleeping together but it was so different from any other time the two of you had done it. You felt lost, all your confidence draining out of you. You wanted him to take charge, but not in the way that Santi had in Italy, more like how Will had. Soft and encouraging. Actions full of adoration and care. You wanted this to feel natural, yet still passionate and full of love. You just didn't know how to initiate that.
“Come here.” he said quietly, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. He gave you a chaste kiss to the top of your head as he held you loosely against his chest, allowing you time to breathe and relax.
When you felt the feeling in your chest subside, you looked up at him, silently telling him with your eyes you were ready to try again. He leant down, meeting his lips with yours once more. The tingling feeling in your lips came back, but as you inhaled through your nose, so did the feeling in your chest. Your breathing hitched and Frankie sensed your discomfort again. “Why don't you lie down.” he encouraged you, motioning to the pillows at the top of the bed with his head.
He used the opportunity, as you climbed up the bed, to kick his shoes off and take off his pants so he was sat comfortably at the end of the bed in his t-shirt and briefs. You pulled your lips into a tight happy smirk at the sight, as you settled into the pillows. He smiled back at you as he caught you admiring him, lowering himself sideways again, his elbow propping himself up. “I love you Frankie.” you said, a quiet giddiness to your voice.
“Yeah?” he questioned, his eyebrows playfully raising. “Good.” he said as he looked down at the bed bashfully before back up to your eyes. They then slowly trailed down to where your towel was wrapped tightly across the top of your breasts. You watched him slowly make his way up the bed towards you, his fingers tentatively reaching out for the fabric.
You held your breath in anticipation as he began to pull on the towel, the tight tuck coming free. He slowly pulled the towel apart and you became bashful at his gaze. He leaned forward to give you a brief kiss on your lips before they began to make their journey down your chin, then to your neck. They grazed across your breasts to your nipples and your breathing hitched as he placed a gentle kiss on either of them.
He then shuffled backwards on the bed, his hands gripping your thighs and pulling you into a more laid down position, making you giggle. He then went back to trailing kisses down your body. Every kiss as he made his way down to your thighs was gentle and appreciative. Your breathing hitched again when his lips started to make their way up from your knees, his scruff tickling the sensitive skin as he kissed up your thigh. He stopped just before he reached your centre, teasing you before he began kissing down the inside of the opposite thigh, down to your knee then back up again.
He stopped again, just before reaching your core, it tingled in anticipation. You tilted your head to see him smiling at you and you bashfully giggled before he leant forward, his tongue darting out to lap at your folds, his nose nudging your clit. You let out a breathy moan at the feel of his mouth re-exploring you after so long. The sounds of your pleasure encouraged his tongue to dive deeper into your folds, his arms hooking under your thighs, pulling you closer to him. His fingers stroked lazily and soothingly over your thighs and you felt yourself relax further into his touch, your previous anxieties becoming a distant memory.
You raised your legs and Frankie's hands pushed against the back of your thighs, opening you up wider, the tips of your toes brushing against his shoulders. He sat himself up for a moment and pulled off his t-shirt, throwing it across the room, before his head dived back down between your legs. He guided your swollen clit with his tongue, sucking it between his lips, the sensitivity and pleasure sending your head rolling back into the pillows. His name fell from your lips in a breathy whisper and Frankie felt his underwear grow tighter.
Your hips began to squirm, rolling your clit against his tongue in just the way you liked, as two of his fingers dove into your soaking cunt. You felt them stretch you out at first but then he curled them inside you, rubbing against that sweet spot that had you careening quickly towards your finish. Your fingers reached down, threading themselves into his loose curls, attempting to ground yourself as your release began to take over.
Your legs clamped around either side of his head and you felt him let out a small breathy chuckle through his nose. He buried his tongue deeper into your folds, lapping up everything you were giving him as your cries of pleasure rang out through the room.
Your legs finally released him and he quickly came up for air, a large grin plastered across his face. You brought your knees up tight to your chest, a large smile across your face and a giddy giggle falling from your lips. Frankie felt like he had gone to heaven as he leaned down to kiss your lips. He broke away, placing a kiss on your forehead as he got up from the bed to rid himself of his underwear, his hard cock springing free.
You rolled over onto your knees and crawled across the bed towards him. He took your face in his hands, bending down to reconnect your lips once more between smiles as you both shuffled backwards onto the bed. You encouraged him to lay down, his hands shuffling the pillow under his head to get comfortable.
You straddled his hips and he took his erection into his hand, lining it up with your entrance. As you lowered yourself down slowly onto his cock, letting it stretch you out, Frankie had this overwhelming feeling of coming home. When you had taken him inside you completely, he guided your head down to his so he could give you a deep passionate kiss. “I love you.” he mumbled the words against your lips and your eyes closed in bliss, your forehead resting against his as his hips began to roll up into you.
You began to moan in pleasure at the feeling of his hard cock thrusting slowly and deeply inside you, the prominent blood filled veins and the head if his member rubbing against the most sensitive parts of your walls. The feeling was overwhelming as you both rocked yourselves against one another, your breathing becoming laboured. You could feel your next orgasm building quickly as you reached a hand between your two bodies, your fingers beginning to circle your clit.
Your moans became more frequent and Frankie could tell you were close, “Come on baby.” he encouraged you. “Come on baby. Let me see that pretty face you make when you cum all over my cock.” His hands reached up to cup the sides of your face, guiding your head into the best angle for him to see you. Your eyes became unfocussed and you cried out as your pleasure took over you.
He continued to roll up into you with the same agonising pace, dragging your orgasm out as long as he could. “Frankie please.” you whined as the sensitivity became too much and he let go of his hold on your face allowing you to collapse against him, your head burying itself between his neck and the pillow. He listened closely to your ragged breaths as you attempted to come down from your high.
When you lifted your head, he could see small glistening tears in your eyes. He tilted his head to kiss your lips, his hand reaching up to smooth your hair. “You know I think that's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.” you smiled bashfully at his words. “Can I do it again?” he asked. You nodded as small yes escaping your lips before you kissed him, his hips beginning to roll up into you again.
His hands gripped onto your hips, grinding you down against him as he thrust up into you. Your lips attacked one another with fervour, your tongues melting into one another, your laboured breathing becoming one. He snaked his arms around you and his thrusts paused a moment as he rolled the two of you over so he was now situated on top of you, your legs locking around his back, his forearms pressed to the bed either side of you, encapsulating you with his body.
His thrusts became stronger and a little more powerful as he began to push you both towards your final highs. You pushed your knees back closer to your chest, encouraging him deeper still. He began hitting the most perfect spot, “Yes right there, please don't stop, don't stop.” you said wrapping your arms around his neck as his thrusts became quicker.
He buried his head against the crook of your neck as he tried to focus on not finishing before he had made you cum one last time but your moans and gasps were sending him over the edge. He counted his lucky stars as he felt your walls clamp down around him, the pulsations of your orgasm bringing him to his own finish. He propped himself up as he stilled inside you, his lips attaching to yours, thanking you for the moment you just shared together.
He pulled his head back to admire the blissed out smile across your face and the adoration in your eyes as you looked at him. “You know you were always the best right?” you teased him and he hung his head as he let out a chuckle, a reminder of your comment earlier in the day.
You both settled under the covers, curling into each others bodies, your limbs intertwined as one as you talked quietly in the dark. “Did he really have the safety on the whole time?” Frankie questioned you again, he still didn't believe your statement.
“Yeah.” you said propping yourself up so you could try to make out his face in the dark as the smile of complete and utter disbelief grew across his face. “I had to take it off to shoot him when I took the gun from him.” you said as you settled your chin back against his chest, feeling the rumble of his low laugh vibrate through it. “Is anyone ever going to tell Benny?” you pondered, turning your head to the side, your ear listening to his heartbeat and his relaxed breaths.
“I'm sure Ironhead will someday.” you both let out a snigger then as you thought of what Ben's reaction would be like the day he got to find out about all the things he'd been missing out on. “Did Pope really do that stuff he said he did to you in Italy?”
“You jealous Frankie?” your voice teased playfully. “You play your cards right maybe you can get the chance to do it one day... or I could do it to you.” You felt him go rigid underneath you, the idea of you tying him to the bed and teasing him all night playing out in his head. You propped yourself up, reaching to give him a kiss and break him away from his thoughts. He gave you a devious smirk that you could only just make out in the dark.
You settled back into his chest and his fingers began to draw lazy circles on your back, your eyes growing heavy under his comforting touch. “Hey Magpie?” his voice rung out in the silence.
“Yeah.” you mumbled lazily into his chest, your eyes remaining closed.
“What happens when we get home?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean us and Laura and the baby? I just... I want to do the right thing.” he said and you propped your head up again to look at him, knowing he needed to have your full attention for this conversation.
“What do you want to happen?” you asked him cautiously.
“I want to go home and be able to say you're my girlfriend, my partner.” he hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I want to have you by my side to raise my little girl with me. For you to share all your best qualities with her so she will grow up into an amazing woman. I always thought you'd make an amazing mom.” he said. You searched the dark for his eyes, they were soft and full of so much adoration for you. “I know it's a lot to put on you and I'm not asking you to step up and be her mom, that's what Laura's for, but I want you in her life. To be her friend and safe place like you are to me.”
You paused a moment, taking in his words before nodding and quietly saying, “Yeah okay.”
“Yeah?” he said hopefully as a large smile broke out onto his face.
“Yeah.” you said again, the nod of your head growing stronger and a smile spreading across your lips at the idea of you nurturing the little girl that was half of the man you loved. He leant forward crashing his lips into yours before reaching to place a grateful kiss on your forehead. He pulled you back down into his arms and smiled contently, his eyes closing and head relaxing deep into the pillow, happy to finally be able to sleep with you in his arms.
“Where's Catfish?” Will asked as Santiago sat himself down at the table in the quiet breakfast room, a large plate piled high with food from the spread on a table at the far side of the room, held firmly in his hand.
“I'm guessing he's having a lie in.” Santi smirked across the table with a small raise of his eyebrows.
“Didn't you share a room with him last night?” Benny mumbled through a mouthful of food.
“I shared a room with his stuff.” Santiago teased and he and Will shared a coy smile. Benny looked between the two confused. His confusion didn't last long though as you and Frankie walked into the breakfast room together, smiling and making eyes at each other.
“Wait? Fish and Magpie?” Benny questioned, his brow furrowed. Santiago and Will just gave small sniggers as they focused their eyes on their plates.
“Morning.” you said with a cheerful smile as you settled yourself in the free chair next to Santiago.
“Well someone's in a good mood this morning.” Will teased you as you reached for the pot of coffee in the middle of the table, filling up a cup, as Frankie settled himself in the seat the other side of you. You shot the older Miller brother a warning look and he tried his best to fight off a laugh as Frankie relaxed back in his seat, He rested his arm on the back of your chair, as you filled his cup with coffee too. His hand rubbed gently over your back, letting you know he was grateful for the gesture.
“How did you guys sleep last night?” you asked in an attempt to distract Benny who was staring across the table at you and Frankie, trying to work out what was happening.
“I slept great.” Santiago said between mouthfuls. “Had a nice quiet night to myself.”
“Wait, are we not going to acknowledge what's going on here?” Benny said, his hands falling heavy on the table top as he looked between each of you.
“I don't know. What do you think's going on here Benny?” Frankie teased him.
“I- Uh. I don't know. You tell me.” Benny replied, his eyebrows raising at yourself and Frankie.
“He slept with her last night.” Santiago said, still enjoying his food. He said it so nonchalantly, like it was common knowledge and you had to fight the large grin that wanted to break out over your face. Benny's eyes grew wide as the realisation of your words the day before really hit him.
“Wait! What! Was this what I was missing!” Benny said a little too loudly, drawing the attention of the other guests in the room. Frankie raised his hand at them and gestured a silent sorry to the other tables as Benny tried to regain his composure.
“Come on, I'll fill you in outside.” Will said as he got up from his seat, encouraging Benny to go with him. Benny moaned as he left his still half full plate on the table. You and Frankie watched giddily as Benny skulked off behind his brother.
“So you guys finally sorted things out then.” Santiago said more as a statement as he took a sip of his coffee. You and Frankie just gave each other a reassuring smile in response and Santiago sat back in his chair to admire the two of you. “Guess this means I'll never get to fuck her again then.” he said to Frankie.
“I don't know man, if you play your cards right and she wants to?” Frankie left the statement open ended and you gave him a playful smile. Santiago let out a small snigger lifting his cup up to Frankie as a touché.
“Just promise me you'll treat her right.” Santiago said to his friend softly as he placed his now empty coffee cup back onto the table.
“I will man.” Frankie replied as he looked to you with adoration. Santiago smiled giving you a small nod, blessing your new relationship as he stood up from the table. He placed a caring hand on your shoulder as he bent down to kiss your cheek, his last parting gesture.
You turned yourself towards Frankie's embrace as Santiago left the breakfast room and he placed a kiss on top of your head. You both sat there content in each others silence as you picked at your breakfast on the table before you. You reached for the pot of coffee to top up both your cups when a loud giddy shout of “OOOHH SHIT!” carried through from the lobby area of the hotel. It was official, Benny finally knew everything.
@icanbeyourjedi @theshiningharmony @darnitdraco @kesskirata @wyn-dixie @rosiefridayrogersunday @actual-spawn-of-satan @clydesducktape @asta-lily @honey-hi @heythere-mel @heidi-toevs @wigofokoye @choricenter @goodgriefitsawildworld @lostgirlheather @d0uwannkn0w @justdrawings101 @nicotinebirds @bisexualolympus @babyratt19 @cookiecat22 @peterhollandkait @a-bang-for-your-bucky @asta-lily @codenamewife @lazyunknownwerewolf @emmy626 @natura1phenomenon @fanfics-that-hit-my-feels @fangirl-316 @thisisthewaytofiction @rosiefridayrogersunday-reads @aficwhore @slayerx147 @alberta-sunrise @itspdameronthings @nano-pax @bunnypascal @niki-xie @eowynshairflip @mamacitapascal​ @dobbyjen​ @t3rradactyl @shadowolf993
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rileymustdie · 3 years
So yk how hawks lost his wings yeah so hm what if it was a different story and the reader was a healer and brought his wings back BUT it hurts her in the process that’s my request if u can do it :)
•angst, death, manga spoilers
•you both were a very good match. you both got along together, plus the fact that you were a healer and he was a pro hero that was constantly in fights, yeah he adored you.
• when he would come home all bruised and cut up, you would heal him. it only caused you a small headache, plus you had a happy and snuggly boyfriend after, what could be the problem?
•you never told him that if you overuse your quirk, it hurts you. you didn’t want him to start ignoring his injuries just because he didn’t want to hurt you. the headaches weren’t that bad anyways.
•that is until he loses his wings. the doctors said there was little to no chance of them coming back he was so upset about it and you knew you had to do something. so, you offered to attempt to heal them. his eyes lit up at the offer and so you sat behind him on the bed, trying your best to focus your power on him. now you have a massive headache and nothing even happened. you tell him “maybe it just takes time?” he goes back to sleep, upset. he knows it’s not really your fault and he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up but the thought of having his wings back made him so happy.
•the next day you wake him up and ask if you can try again. you hate seeing him so upset, might as well take a few ibuprofen and get over it. he says yes so you try again, nothing happens. you lean your head on his back with a sigh. “sorry birdie, nothing happened”. he nods and you help him get up to go make breakfast.
•he notices while you were cooking that your eyebrows were furrowed and you looked a bit dizzy. he decides it’s just that you were tired. you go about the rest of your day like normal. hawks calls as many doctors as he can find to see if they can do something about his wings while you work on some household chores. you go to bed, still with the headache
•you continue trying for about a week with no results. finally, you begin to see two small bumps on his back. you tell him and he runs (stumbling a little bit) to the bathroom to see for himself. his face lights up and he picks you up and spins you around, thanking you. you stumble a bit when he puts you down. surely he didn’t put you down that hard, did he? he asks you if something is wrong, but you just brush him off and ask to go cuddle on the couch with a reassuring smile. he guesses he just put you down too hard and you both fall asleep on the couch.
•over the next month, you put more and more power into healing him. for every feather that appears on his back, another dark circle or bruise appears on you. he’s starting to get worried now, but you continue to act like you’re fine and blame it on low iron or just lack of sleep. he listens to you and you continue to heal him, but he keeps his worries in the back of his mind.
• after a few more weeks, he suggests that you should take a break from healing him. his wings are still small and not ready for actual flight, but it’s a large improvement from nothing. you tell him that you’re fine and that you need to keep healing him so he can go back to being a hero. he still tells you no, that he wants to wait until you’re feeling better. (keep in mind that you still haven’t told him that it’s hurting you) you agree with him and you go to bed that night.
•little did he know, you still healed him while he slept. of course not enough to where it would be noticeable the next morning, but you still wanted to help him.
•he started to notice that you hadn’t started to look any better over the past few weeks, and feeling so awful all the time took a toll on you too. every time you looked in the mirror, you saw the dark circles and bruises. how much weight you had lost. you looked deathly, compared to hawks. he was so bright, his muscles back to where they were originally, his hair so smooth. you felt like you should start listening to him and stop trying to heal him, until you heard him on the phone with the commission. “yeah! my partner has been healing me and my wings are coming back! i might even be able to go back to work soon!” oh no. he was no where near ready to go back, you had to work harder.
• you still continue to heal him little by little. you can no longer stand to look in the mirror or make eye contact with hawks for too long. one night before bed he’s holding you, and you start crying into his shoulder. he asks you what’s wrong, and you start explaining. you tell him how you’ve been healing him all this time, how insecure you’ve been, how sick you feel, how much you want to see him happy. you “forgot” to mention what your quirk does to you. he tries his best to comfort you and makes you promise to take a break.
•you decide to listen to him and you start to look a little better over the next few weeks. but unbeknownst to you or him, you’ve already caused permanent damage to yourself.
(also for plot reasons,, we’re going to act like hawks wouldn’t immediately take you to a doctor)
•you tell him that since you’re feeling better, you can start on healing him again. at first he shoots you down, saying that your health is more important to him than going back to work. but then he sees the look in your eyes, how you genuinely want to help him. “fine.” he says with a sigh, “once a week, but if you start feeling worse you have to tell me. deal?” “deal.”
•so, that next week you start again, and immediately you’re back to where you were. you know you should tell him, but he just looks so happy when he sees his wings growing. he only needs a few more weeks of healing and he should be able to fly again. you just have to hold on until then.
•one day, while he’s out getting groceries for the two of you, you start to feel more lightheaded than usual. you remember your phone on the couch and try to get over there to call keigo. you get to his contact, then the room goes dark. he comes home to you passed out on the couch, for a second he assumes you’re taking a nap and smiles down at you warmly. it’s only until he’s halfway through telling you about the new foods he got for the both of you to try that something was wrong. he walked over there and saw your phone was opened to his contact. he sat down next to you and asked if you were alright. no reply. he started to panic and picked you up, no response. you had a pulse going, a slow one. (a/n: i literally don’t know anything medical so i’m making this up and hoping it’s right) he immediately calls an ambulance, tears streaming down his face. “no, baby please don’t do this to me. i’m sorry, i’m so sorry. i should have payed attention more. please just be okay.” after about a minute of him sobbing into your shoulder, you start to wake up. your eyes barely open with a soft smile. he looks at you and hold you tight “what’s going on, what happened?” you give him a pained look as you start feeling numb. “i’m sorry keigo, i should have told you.” “tell me? tell me what? i don’t know what’s going on, i just walked in and you were passed out” he starts rambling, you use your last bit of strength to kiss him one last time. “you’re going to be a great hero keigo. i love you.” he stares while he processes what you said. “no, no please. don’t leave me. please there’s got to be something.” he grabs your wrist and checks for a pulse, vision blurry and shaking. nothing, you’re cold. he felt his breathing stop, his brain stopped working. the person he fell in love with so long ago, the person he spent long nights awake with talking about anything and everything, the person who greeted him with a warm and loving smile and dinner after a long day of patrol, the person who saw him at his weakest and brought him back up little by little, gone and never to return. he opened up his phone to do something, anything and there you were. the picture you had taken that day he brought you flying. your beautiful smile and that red shirt he got you for your birthday. he remembered how you said it looked so pretty next to his wings, he responded with “well, you look so pretty next to my wings” a silly response, yes, but it made you laugh and you kissed him on the cheek. he looked back at where you currently lay, grey and bony, no life left in you. all because of him. the ambulance finally arrived and they had to pry him off you. he finally got himself to stop crying so he could talk to them, but as soon as he saw them carrying you in the bag, his facade vanished and the tears started flowing again. that night on his way to bed, he saw the indentation on the bed of where you laid just that morning. he made his way to the couch, only to see your phone still on the coffee table. he started sobbing again, and fell asleep on the floor.
(tw: mentions of alcohol and suicide)
•your funeral was the next week, he went back to work the day after. he needed something to take his mind off you. he worked long hours, not caring how much his fragile and much smaller wings ached and how they could barely carry his weight. on his way home, he picked up the strongest alcohol he could get. he downed bottle after bottle and at one point, if he squinted hard enough, he could still see your sillouette.
• a month went by, he was miserable. some intern at his agency said “well, at least they died helping you. you can just get a different healer to finish the job, right?” he smacked the guy and retired then and there. he felt too much guilt, it was his fault you’re gone. just because he was too stupid to notice how bad you were getting. he stopped by your grave on his way home that night, the grass hadn’t even grown over the top. he looked at your name on the headstone. “heh, we didn’t even get to have the same last name yet. yknow, i had the ring in the drawer by the bed.” he looks down at the ground. “i know you worked so hard to fix my wings but, i hope you don’t mind too much if i joined you.” with that, he adds the roses to the growing pile of ones he brought before and heads home. the news the next morning read the title “Pro hero Hawks found dead after sudden retirement” He was with you again.
okay okay i didn’t mean for this to be so long and so sad but here we are,, if you have any suggestions on how to edit it plz lmk! asks and requests are open and feedback would be appreciated! :)
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26. Mirio Togata
          Theme: Incubus
          Kinks: Wet dreams, somnophilia, non-con, rough sex, breeding
Yeah. I don’t know how male orgasms work, so this will probably be inaccurate. I’m not that big into actually having sex and I’m not in a comfortable level with my male friends how orgasms feel for them. I don’t know what else to tell you.
Very OC Mirio. And you know what else? He’s canonically 18.
Spread your legs for me.
This was a dream and a damned good one at that. Laying on top of you was a young man, ripped like a Greek god. He ordered you around with a honeyed voice. It worked like magic. You opened your legs and allowed him to slip between them. His large, protruding member grazed against your slit before parting your wet folds as powerful-looking hands stood on either side of your head. You stared up from your pillow and into the ocean-blue eyes leering at your body. He snagged your lower lip between his teeth and sucked. 
Your eyes snapped back to the blue ones staring at you. You licked your lips. Your mouth was parched; you couldn't speak. 
You dared to look down at the body shifting between your legs. You gaped at the small bulge in your lower belly, where the cock was fully seated inside of you. Hips snapped into you, making you arch your back of your mattress.
You feel good, don't you, sunshine?
Don't you worry. Let me take care of everything.
Your legs trembled the next morning. It was worse between your legs, and the muscles of your inner thighs ached with every step. Your lower back screamed at you. When you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, you hardly recognized your own reflection. You were pale with dark circles under your eyes. You struggled to remember what time you went to bed. Your mind was running on two brain cells as you tried to work out what happened the night before. You remembered going to bed, but after that, you couldn't remember anything at all. Dreams weren't supposed to be remembered, yet it felt like you had one. In the back of your mind, you saw a man, a handsome man, sharing your bed. He was…inside you. His cock was pounding your insides like nothing else mattered to him except make you come hard. But you couldn't remember if he succeeded. 
You scrubbed yourself clean in the shower and ventured back to your bed. Carefully, you peeled back the covers. Sure enough, there was a wet stain. You quickly tore the sheets off your mattress and dumped them in the hamper. No one was going to see, but you felt better with a clean set. 
At work, people were already noticing the difference. 
"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Momo asked. 
"Hm?" Was all that you could manage. 
"You look like you pulled an all-nighter. Late-night project?" 
You shook your head. "No, just had a bizarre dream."
You flitted away before Momo could see the faint blush coming over your cheeks. You fueled yourself with coffee all day in an attempt to stay awake. A knock at your office had you snapping upright in your chair and spinning around to face the door. Mr. Toshinori stood in your doorway.
"L/N, do you have a second?"
You tried not to rub sleep from your eyes. 
"Sure, what do you need?"
"I'd like to introduce a new colleague to you. He just transferred from a different branch, so I'm showing him around. Togata, this is L/N-san."
You couldn't tell if blood drained from your face or sped towards your face. The other man in your office doorway looked uncomfortably familiar. He was broad as he was tall with a mop of blonde hair. His ocean-blue eyes beamed when he saw you.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, L/N," said Togata. "I'm Mirio. Mirio Togata."
You slowly rose from your chair. You wondered if your skirt was long enough to hide your knocking knees. You reached out to shake his hand and instantly regret that decision. His palm was warm—no, hot. It was hot to the touch, and it took everything you had not to wrench your hand away. Mirio's fingers were giant compared to yours. He gripped your hand almost possessively, but with Mr. Toshinori in the same room, that much Mirio could do. The moment your hands touched, a shiver ran up your spine. You lurched forward and almost fell into Mirio's arms. You clamped your hand over your mouth to prevent your new co-worker and boss from hearing you moan. 
"L/N, what's wrong? You look sick," said Mr. Toshinori. 
"I think…I think I should go home. I'm not feeling so hot." You managed to stammer out. 
"By all means, L/N. If you're not feeling well, you should get some rest. I'll fill out the paperwork, and you can sign it off when you get back."
"Thank you, sir," you mumbled. 
Mr. Toshinori and Mirio left the room. You gathered up your stuff, signed out of your computer, and headed out. As you rounded the corner, you felt someone follow behind you. You turned to see Mirio a few steps at your back. 
"If you don't mind, I'd like to help you to your car. Mr. Toshinori was kind of enough to let me help you since you don't look so good," said Mirio.
Mirio stayed a few steps behind you rather than walk right at your back. Which you were grateful if anyone asked. The personal space was needed before you passed out. That all changed when you realized that you would have to take the elevator to get to the parking garage below, which meant you had to share it with Mirio standing within arm's reach of you. 
The elevator doors closed with a solemn grumble. Your heart pounded inside your chest. You glanced at Mirio from time to time, waiting for him to make a move. Although what should you be expecting? Were you that suspicious of a man you just met just because he looked similar to the one in your wet dream? Coincidence, you thought. It was all just a coincidence. You were silly, really. A niggling doubt in the back of your mind said otherwise. Mirio didn't just look similar to the man in your dream, he was too tentative, and the way his eyes followed you around should have shot up several red flags. You ignored it in favor of acting like a sensible, rational human being. 
Mirio caught you looking at him once or twice on the way down that seemed to take a century. He merely smiled and kept his hands to himself. If he indeed was the man from your dream, then he would hesitate to put his hands all over you the moment the elevator's doors closed shut. Someone like that wouldn't give a damn about the security cameras either. His smile made you melt; you were practically a puddle when you exited the elevator. Mirio followed behind as you sprinted for your car. You bit your lip. Was this such a good idea to let a strange know what kind of car you drive and what your license plate read? No, no, that couldn't be the same kind of man Mirio was. He was too polite for that creepiness. 
You made it to your car without further incident. Your heart still raced a mile a minute. Mirio stood in the periphery of your vision, never far from your sight. He remained a respectful distance away. 
"Thank you so much for your help. I hope we get to work on future projects together," you said as you fished your car keys out of your purse.
"Let me get the door for you."
Mirio moved so quickly that you didn't have time to protest. He plucked the keys from your hand, pressed the button that would unlock the car, and opened the driver-side door for you. Puzzled, you didn't think twice about the matter. You settled your stuff in the passenger seat next to you and buckled in. You bated your eyelashes without thinking anything wrong. A little flirting never hurt right. 
"Thank you," you said. 
"Not a problem." Mirio beamed. His smile could melt icecaps.
Shutting the door, Mirio leaned through the window you don't remember rolling down. 
"I'll see you tonight." His voice was velveteen. 
Your brows furrowed at his meaning. You were a deer caught in a pair of headlights when you turned to look at him. Those same ocean-blue eyes held a darker intent than merely working with you. It was the vastness of the open sea, cold and ruthless. His eyes were a void meant to suck you in and drown you in their maddening depths. Mirio's smile dimmed to a smirk, and he walked away. You watched him from your car how he turned away, walked back to the elevator, and climb inside. Before the doors closed him in, you swore that Mirio winked at you before disappearing. 
The rest of your day was a blur. You dressed in your favorite pajamas and hoped that some food and mindless channel surfing would solve all your problems. Not only were you not getting paid, but your excuse was also rather lame. As you sat on your couch and stared into your television screen, you wondered when was the last time you got a full night of sleep. You blanked. There had to be a time when you did, but you couldn't remember. Your brain was a jumbled mess, all thanks to those cursed dreams you'd been having. You couldn't even remember the last time you had an ordinary, non-sexy dream with a stranger you hadn't met until today. 
You almost loathed it when it grew dark. Night meant bedtime, and bedtime meant dreams. The longer your brain festered on those dreams, the more you grew to dread them. You looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror as you brushed your teeth. You took a more extended look at the dark circles beneath your eyes and the sullenness taking over your face. Were your cheeks always that shallow? You spat, rinsed, and turned off the light. 
Mirio slipped through every wall and door to get inside your apartment. He would climb through every fence in the world just to get to you. Your scent was absolutely divine; it drove him insane with want. He licked his lips as he broke past the last barrier keeping you from him. The path to the bedroom was easy and one that he knew like the back of his hand. Mirio mapped out your entire apartment during his nightly trips. 
You paused at your bedside before peeling back the covers. Slowly, you got beneath your blankets and pulled them up to your neck. For the longest time, you lay there stiff as a board under your blanket and sheets. Your eyes darted around the room just to see if your new co-worker was lurking there. You set your phone face down on the nightstand after fifteen minutes of you lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. You flipped your bedside lamp off with a sigh.
You closed your eyes, still expecting Mirio to slink in. The room was silent. The only noise you could make out were the soft footsteps from the people in the apartment above you and the gust of wind against your windowpane. A prayer fell from your lips that whatever was coming for you in the night would leave you be.
He stood at the foot of the bed to watch you sleep. You snuggled up to your blankets like a child seeking protection. A few pieces of cloth weren't enough to protect you from him. Mirio crept a bit closer. When he was stood beside you, he peeled away the blankets and sheets. Lavender wafted up to his nose. 
"Changed your sheets after last night, eh? You humans are so peculiar about your habitats. It is a shame, though. I might have wanted you to sleep a little longer in your come. Get you used to it. Oh, well."
His hands worked the buttons of your sleep shirt, and the silken fabric fell away with no more than a gentle tug. Your long bottoms made him scowl. How dare you hide your lovely from him. That alone deserved punishment. You murmured in your sleep as Mirio tugged your pants and underwear down in one go. Tonight, he had no intention of putting you back together again. You would sleep naked after he was done with you. The only thing he wished he could do was to see your face when you woke up and found yourself naked. No matter. Good things come to those who wait. 
Mirio wasted no time dishevelling his clothes. Being a demon, he could have easily dissolved them or faded through them. He wanted this to be special and want to remember every detail. The act of stripping down made him feel a bit more compatible with you, a human. It was pretend, a show. Eventually, you would see his proper form and tremble. For now, Mirio settled for having you like this, vulnerable to his power and entirely at his mercy. 
He climbed into bed with you and reclined on his side. His tongue ran across his lips just by looking at your body. You shivered in the cold. You should have stirred and awoken to your body bare of even a sheet to protect you from his gaze. Mirio's magic made it impossible for you to open your eyes unless he desired it so. You were going to belong to him shortly enough, but why spoil it now? Mirio thought himself cruel for dragging it out like this but admitted to liking this game.
Mirio ran a finger down the column of your throat and let it trail down to your belly button and back again. He hummed with delight as he touched your smooth skin. He palmed your breast and tweaked your nipple to a stiff peak. Mirio shifted on the bed until his lips found your neck and suckled. He kissed your shoulders and licked your skin. Mirio's large hands groped your chest. 
"You fill my hands up nicely, Y/N. Your body feels like it already belongs to me," he murmured against your skin. 
Mirio placed his knee against your cunt, rubbing your clit occasionally against the hard muscle. He drew your knees upwards and settled himself firmly between your legs. Kissing your lips, his hands never left your chest. While he kissed your mouth, his hands never ceased to pinch and massage your chest. His cock grew stiff, just thinking about what it would look like sandwiched in the middle of your perfect breasts. 
"More time for that later. Let's get down to business, shall we, sunshine?" 
Mirio lined his cock against your pussy, now soppy wet from his ministrations. He smiled to himself at how easy it was to manipulate your body towards his needs. If you had been awake, he imagined that your eyes would roll into the back of your head at the stretch. His cock slipped in with only a little resistance. Your walls clenched around his intrusion before easing up. His first thrust helped him bottom out. Mirio closed his eyes at the feel of your body wet, warm, and tight for him. For him alone. 
"That's my sunshine. That's my girl. Oh, yes," Mirio grunted.
His hands bruised your hips as he dragged you up and down his cock, forced it to meet him thrust for thrust. While you slept, your walls clamped down around Mirio's cock. He snapped his hips back and forth as he felt your strength leave your body and enter him. Call it 'tit for tat.' Mirio was giving your body all the pleasure it could ever need and the seed it so desperately wanted. The only price was just a little bit of your energy. Soon, very soon, Mirio wouldn't need to take any more from you. He would be able to have you all to himself, and no force on earth could stop him. 
Mirio adored the sweet squelching sounds your pussy made as he pounded into it. You were flooding him with your juices, and you didn't even know it. He couldn't wait to see what your eyes looked like when he pleasured your consciousness. Though your mind was too far gone to realize that it wasn't merely a dream, you couldn't wake up until Mirio wanted you to. This was the way of his kind, only most were one and done. Mirio needed more and more of you to himself. He couldn't stop after one feeding. The only way for him to keep you without draining away your life was a simple spell. All he had to do was get you pregnant. 
You were close; he could feel it. Pleasured seared down his spine and threatened to burst, but he wanted to hold out a little while longer. Mirio moved faster, faster. He saw the bruises forming on your hips, the tighter he held on. He would rather crush your hips than stop when you were both so close. Your cunt squeezed around him. 
"That's it, good girl. Squeeze me. I'm going to give you everything. Better not spill a drop."
You whined in your sleep as you arched your back. Mirio watched your face as it scrunched up. In pain or ecstasy, it was hard to tell the difference. Your body convulsed around him. Your floodgates opened to him and coated Mirio's cock with your come. It was more than enough to allow Mirio to do the same. The searing tingle shot down his spine and burst like an explosion. He stopped gripping your hips to seize hold of the headboard and hold it tight. Mirio shoved his cock in as far as it would go to ensure that none of his come leaked out. He could feel himself releasing so quickly that it made his head spin. When the final drop hit, he slowly, reluctantly, pulled away from your welcoming cunt. Your insides and your inner thighs were covered in him, just the way he liked. 
Mirio dressed then looked over his shoulder at your sleeping and battered form. There were bound to be questions when you woke up, but it was a shame he couldn't see it. He satisfied himself for now by kissing your forehead and whispering, "Pleasant dreams."
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ampleappleamble · 3 years
The Elf and the Orlan's Wedding
"Hey. You'll marry me, won't you?"
Aloth had spent the last five years of his life honing his skills and reflexes in his mission to hunt down and destroy one of the most dangerous cults on the face of Eora, but somehow he still couldn't help but be utterly bested by just a few little words. Axa had a way of doing that– cutting past all his pretense and politesse, punching through all his meticulously constructed defenses with just a few simple words, striking at the very heart of him. It was part of why he loved her, and no small part, either.
He pulled her closer as he attempted to sit up in her spacious sleeping berth, struggling to scrape enough of his brain back together from the one-two punch of vigorous, passionate lovemaking followed up by that question to formulate an answer for her. But despite his best efforts, he found that the best he could manage was a feeble, "I beg your pardon?"
She laughed and nuzzled her face into his chest, his bare skin warm against her brow. She'd known the question would shock him, but she also knew that no matter how carefully she phrased it, there really was no way to ask a man like Aloth a question like that without shocking him. "Sorry to surprise you. But it's something I've been thinking about for a while now," she continued. "After we've arrived back in the Dyrwood and settled a few matters, gotten Caed Nua's reconstruction properly underway, taken some time to recover from all this– there'd really be nothing stopping us." She snuggled closer. "And I know the challenges we'll be facing in this new, uncertain world would feel a lot less daunting with you by my side. So... why not get married?"
Axa paused, then, tensed up in Aloth's arms. "That is, if you'd like to." She lifted her head to look at him, her violet eyes soft and glittering in the lamplight. "Would you like to?"
He studied her face, rosy and gorgeous and full of hope. Her proposal wasn't entirely unexpected– after all, it was only natural that she should want to take their relationship further, especially after all they'd been through together in the Deadfire– but it was still a bit overwhelming, actually experiencing such a thing himself instead of merely reading about it in a novel or watching strangers act it out in a stageplay. His head was swimming, his heart was hammering in his chest, his stomach was fluttering madly– but all the same, he couldn't help but smile at her.
"Of course. Of course I would," he murmured at last, brushing a lock of hair from her brow. "I can think of no greater pleasure."
The tears finally came, welled in her eyes as she beamed up at him. "Oh, Aloth," she whispered, pressing her face into his shoulder and squeezing him tight. "You have no idea how happy you've just made me."
"How happy I've made you?" He laughed, surprised to find himself blinking away tears as well. "I'm to be the consort of the Lady of Caed Nua! The brave, kind, beautiful heroine who uncovered the cause of the Hollowborn Crisis and saved the Dyrwood, the indomitable spirit who defies death and deities alike– and of all people, you want to be mine, to be my– my–"
My bride. Axa. My bride, my love, my wife. The reality of it suddenly struck him with its full gravitas, and an indescribable emotion washed over him. "I love you, Axa. Truly."
Giggles mingled with her sobs, and she scrubbed at her wet eyes with a fuzzy fist. "And I love you," she replied softly. She looked up at him again, grinning. "You'll plan everything, right? I was never very good at that sort of thing."
Aloth sighed, slumping back down against the pillows as Axa cackled. "I should have known," he groaned, shaking his head good- naturedly at his newly-betrothed.
"Yes, you should have," she agreed, spreading out on top of him, making herself comfortable. "Planning a fancy formal event– such as, say, the wedding of a landed thaynu who is returning triumphantly from a world-shaking, death-defying mission in the Deadfire– plays much more to your strengths than to mine. Of course, I'll help as much as I'm able. How about I find us an officiant?"
He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Xoti, then? Or were you thinking of asking Vatnir?"
She paused for a moment, her brow furrowed in consternation. "Gods, are those two the only priests I know?" she muttered, resting her chin again Aloth's sternum, and she sighed. "Typical of me, I suppose, to shun all clergy but the most death-obsessed misfits. Even my resident cleric at Caed Nua was a morose Berathian."
Was. Axa's smile faltered, and she abruptly went quiet, unfixing her gaze, lowering her eyelids.
"Well, given what we know of the gods, is it any surprise our priestly acquaintances gravitate toward the morbid?" Aloth tucked a lock of her burgundy hair behind her ear, let his hand linger on her cheek. He'd noticed the sudden chill in her demeanor– reminded of Caed Nua, no doubt, of her myriad responsibilities back at home, the dead waiting to be buried– and had hoped he could warm her back up a bit, but it appeared that even his wry musings weren't enough to soothe her melancholia.
"We're going to be alright, aren't we?" Axa's voice was soft and serious, and she reflexively curled in on herself, clinging to her lover as she contemplated the future ahead of them. "Kith, I mean."
He wrapped her in his arms, warm and steady, and let out a shaky sigh. "I don't know. With the Wheel destroyed and the cycle of reincarnation stalled indefinitely, we'll certainly have our work cut out for us. But if there's one thing in common between all peoples and cultures on Eora, I would posit that it is our stubbornness." Aloth smiled, ran a hand through her thick, soft hair. "With people like you working to guide and support us, kith may yet learn to band together and channel that indefatigable will of ours into finding an equitable solution for all this mess. In any case, I can't really see us all just... giving up. Especially not after all we've seen, all we've been through."
The two lay together in silence for a while, his hand in her hair, her ear pressed to his heart. It had always fascinated her, how elf hearts beat so much more slowly than orlans'.
"The Elf and the Orlan's Wedding," she murmured.
"I... do hope you're not intending to have me write that on the invitations." He allowed himself a small smile. When she hadn't responded, he was sure he'd failed to cheer her, but maybe he'd conceded too soon?
"It's a children's song," she laughed, propping herself up a bit, "that I was just now reminded of. It's about an elf and an orlan at their wedding, and everyone in attendance is bemoaning the foolishness of such a union. 'She'll outlive you by two centuries, it's a waste of time for you both'... That sort of sentiment."
"Charming," Aloth deadpanned.
"Oh, yes," she chuckled, "very much so. Of course, by the end, the lyrics reveal that the titular elf and orlan are well aware of the vast disparity in their lifespans, but they've decided they love each other too much to let something like that get in the way of enjoying their time together."
He smiled knowingly. "Sounds familiar."
She smiled back. "The moral of the story, of course, is that one cannot waste one's life worrying about what others think, about the 'proper' ways of going about this or that, and that it's better to live in the moment and enjoy what you have while you have it."
"Sounds very familiar," Aloth sighed. "But if kith spend too much energy on enjoying the present, we won't be able to prepare for the troubles of the future until they're upon us."
"Ah, but that's just another reason the title characters chose to marry," Axa grinned. "It's easy to miss the significance when you're a child, but there are a few lines in the song regarding the orlan's horrible estranged family complaining about how the orlan's assets will now be bequeathed to his elf wife upon his death, thus keeping it out of their greedy paws for at least 200 more years, if not forever."
He cocked an eyebrow. "That's not your reason for proposing, is it?"
"No!" She laughed, lightly swatting at his chest with the back of one hand. "Although it'll be damned funny, I have to admit, sticking it to all the little Dyrwoodan lordlings with their eyes on my land who were just planning on waiting for me to die in a few decades." A wicked grin spread across her little face, and Aloth couldn't help but laugh.
"Pray tell, then," he smiled, running a hand up and down her back, ruffling her fur and smoothing it back down, "what exactly is the point you're trying to make by bringing up this song, my dear?"
Axa toyed with a lock of his hair, biting her lip and staring at nothing in particular, before finally admitting: "You know, I'm not sure. I definitely lost the plot somewhere along the line, there. I suppose I was trying to draw some sort of parallel between The Elf and the Orlan's Wedding, and our wedding, and... and the challenges ahead of us all in regards to repairing the cycle of reincarnation... something about planning for the future while still making sure to enjoy the present..." She scoffed at herself, resting her chin on Aloth's breast again. "Maybe I was simply randomly reminded of a silly song from my youth and I'm trying too hard to stretch it to link it to current events. Or I'm just tired and rambling and not making any sense at all."
"No," Aloth assured her, "you definitely had a reason for bringing it up, even if you can't quite articulate why." He stroked the back of her ear, staring pensively at the ceiling. "I think, perhaps, you wanted to reassure yourself that even if some new version of the Wheel ends up never getting built, even if it turns out that the days of kith are truly numbered and our end is inevitable... that doesn't mean you need to mourn every day yet to come as if it's already been lived in vain. As a Chanter, and given the subject we'd been discussing, it's only natural the realization would come to you in the form of a song about marriage."
She snuggled close to him, sighing contentedly. "You see why I want you to plan the wedding?" she murmured. "You make everything make sense."
"I learned it from you, you know," he replied, nuzzling the top of her head. "Funny how that works, isn't it? Like a two-piece puzzle. We complete each other."
"Thought that advice sounded familiar," Axa giggled. "Should listen to myself– and you– more often."
"That's a given." Aloth went to kiss her forehead, and she surprised him yet again by scooting forward and craning her neck to press her lips to his instead.
"What about Engrim?" she whispered sweetly, her smile still brushing his. "He's a priest of Magran. If we kept the booze away from him until after the ceremony–"
"Absolutely not, my love." His breath tickled her nose. "No wedding of mine will utilize a Magranite ceremony, and certainly not one conducted by a lush."
The little woman laughed, pressing her face to his neck. "Come on, I'm running out of priests!"
"You truly can't think of any others?" He kissed her temple, sighing with a mix of contendedness and exasperation at his little bride.
"Well, I do know a certain Glamfellen who's a priest of Wael, but we're not exactly on speaking terms." She tried a wry grin, but it morphed into a grimace halfway through. "Ugh. Not as funny as I thought it'd be. Sorry."
Aloth chuckled. "It's decided, then. We'll have a secular wedding."
"Sounds good to me, actually," Axa replied. "Never had much need of the gods anyway."
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fairestwriting · 3 years
title: think about it tomorrow
word count: 2629
summary: Even after that difficult day of work, Ruggie had one more task he needed to complete, one that he didn’t expect would end with him just coming home.
this fic post is a lil different from my usual ones but! i did a trade with @nicoliharu​ !! and heres my part of it uvu
Savanaclaw’s lounge has an eerie glow at night, blue irradiating from the pool in the center that people say looked uncanny when it was empty, like now. That, or visitors would find it pretty.
Ruggie himself didn’t care much. Usually, when he had work at the Lounge, he’d come back to that, and it was more familiar than anything. Without the other students around, it was more like the only thing welcoming him back “home”, so there’s a vague comfort there. He always gives it a bit of a stare before walking to his room.
Sometimes he sits there and thinks over the silence. Makes calculations in his mind about how much money he was sending back home, how much he needed for himself. Thinks about exam dates and those extravagant events Azul made him and the other employees suffer through. Leona’s errands, Crowley’s tasks, windows to be cleaned, letters to answer.
He doesn’t have time for that tonight. Ruggie’s heading straight back to his room, Agatha should be coming over soon, after all, he promised he’d help her out with Animal Languages.
Yeah, it seems sort of insane to accept requests like these when he was having such a busy week, he knows. It’s not like he doesn’t have the spine to decline them, or something, just… well. Agatha is Agatha. She’s not like anyone else in that school.
Agatha was the only girl, for one, and also, one of Ruggie’s close friends. A couple sparks had been rushing between them lately, which made him so much more excited than he should be, but he was grateful for the friendship itself. In his two years of being a NRC student, he never really found someone who had a presence that… healing. Agatha was understanding and kind, the sort of person that compels you to wind down just by being there.
(Really, how rare was someone like that in Night Raven College?)
So he had a crush he was comfortable with. Nothing wrong with that, right? And nothing wrong with wanting to see her after waiting all these damn tables either.
He opens the door to his room and wobbles inside with a sigh. But, man, he was exhausted. He hoped it wouldn’t show through too much when she got there. It wasn’t necessarily that late, just… he hadn’t caught a damn break today. He wonders if there’s time to rest his eyes for a bit before she gets there—
“Ruggie?” He perks up at the voice he hears outside. “Are you in there?”
And there she is! He feels inclined to smile. One very much needed spark of energy runs through him.
“Yeah, yeah, just a second!” He responds, first moving to turn on the lights, which he hadn’t done yet, then to open the door. Agatha greets him with one of her usual smiles. “You ready to work?”
“Ah, well.” She laughs, a bit awkwardly. “I’ll be doing my best. I hope it’s not too much of a bother or anything!”
Really, how could she ever be?
“Nah, not at all.” He says, allowing her inside before the door is closed. It makes a bit of a heavy noise when he shuts it. “If it’s Animal Languages, then I’m your guy! And, I always have time for you, shishishi.”
Agatha gives him a small chuckle. “You’re too good to me.”
“It’s just what you deserve, y’know!”
She sits on his bed while he’s picking up the papers he’d put together earlier on his desk. Drowsiness creeps in, but he knows how to push that aside well enough. He needed to do his best now. Just not let all that exhaustion show through so he could lend Agatha a hand! Then, then he could sleep…
Sleep sounds nice, doesn’t it? His brain tempts him, but he blinks multiple times, and hopes that good enough to stave off the feeling.
“So, what part did you have trouble with?” He asks, sitting next to Agatha, opening the textbook over his lap. The logical part of his brain wishes he had more than one chair in his room, so they could sit by the desk. The less logical part is just happy to be here.
“Mmh, it was with these...sentences Mr. Trein asked us to translate, I think? I couldn’t really get the difference between these two noises… I think it’s in chapter 7, hold on.”
She gets the book from Ruggie’s lap, bringing it closer to herself. He lets his eyes linger on her a little while she’s flipping through pages, shiny amber eyes narrowed at the words.
A silly smile appears on his face. Ruggie feels like a lucky guy, which he guesses it’s sort of odd, they’re not even dating or anything like that. And this was supposed to be him doing her a favor. Technically, he doesn’t gain anything from this, and yet…
Agatha’s hair is this nice red-like color that stands out while it flows over her shoulder. Ruggie doesn’t know the exact word for the color, maybe it was burgundy? Garnet? That doesn’t matter. The point is she’s just… beautiful. Eye-catching besides that pleasant aura that melted all his worries away. She’s there, so it’s like everything will be okay. Ruggie lets out a small laugh, in a way, this looks just like a dream—
“Ruggie.” Her voice calls for him, firmer than its usual airy tone. He blinks, a stronger haze settling over his mind. So he dozed off. Huh. “...are you okay? I think you just fell asleep for a bit.”
“I’m good!” Ruggie chirps almost immediately. Her brows furrow in worry. “Just dozed off for a bit. Uh.” He laughs awkwardly. “What were you trying to show me?”
Agatha stares intently, concerned expression intensifying on her face.
“Ruggie…” She begins again, head tilting a bit towards him. “I don’t think you should be studying right now. You should’ve told me you were tired.”
“Hey, I’m good, though!” He argues, but there’s no bite to it, really, he couldn’t add that in even if he tried. Agatha sighs, shaking her head. “We can keep going.”
“I’m not letting you study like this. Come on, you should get some rest.” She moves to close the textbook, but he grabs at it first, reflexes slowed down or not. “Ruggie.” She says, in a gently scolding tone.
“It’s fine, I told you.” He tries to argue again. It looks like she wouldn’t buy that at all, and, well… “Didn’t you need help? It won’t even take too long, I can just…”
“No. That’s final.” Agatha states, cheeks puffing slightly. “You’re so stubborn. Just rest a little, okay? We can study tomorrow.” She huffs, hand placed on the top of his head in a pat — That turns into something like light petting that sends a weird, fuzzy feeling across Ruggie. “Come on. You can lean on me if you wanna.”
Ruggie crosses his arms, but she looks at him all invitingly, with that warm expression on her face. And his resolve dwindles…
Ah. Ruggie isn’t really a strong man when it comes to things like that, is he?
“...what kinda leaning are we talking about?” He asks, a bit of a smile on his face. Well, maybe this wasn’t bad either.
Agatha chuckles. “You can lay on my lap or on my shoulder, what you’d like. As long as you take a little break, you stubborn hyena.”
Yeah, it’s not bad at all.
“Then I’m on it, shishi.” He can’t help but grin a little. “You said I could do it, so.”
He pushes the book off Agatha’s lap — Hey, it’s an opportunity, he’s not just gonna miss that — and moves to lean his head on her thighs, sighing when they touch. Agatha does a bit of a small, barely noticeable jump like she wasn’t expecting him to take that offer, but in just a second, her smile widens, still soft and warm. Ruggie smiles back at her.
“That’s the only way I can get you to rest, huh?” Agatha sighs, leaning back for a bit. “You’re such a workaholic.”
Ruggie doesn’t say much of anything. He begins to feel drowsy already, but… really, when he’s like this, how could he really sleep? He can feel his heartbeat quicken, the room filled with a silence that’s both comfortable and comforting.
Agatha’s hand makes its way into the mess that was his hair, Ruggie feels himself perk up — and then immediately begin to relax, feeling how the tips of her fingers begin to run along it, untangling knots and gently scratching against his scalp, then the back of his ears—
Ah. The tension in his body starts melting away, pressing his face against Agatha’s thigh some more. Damn it, that felt nice. If he had to die like that, he really doesn’t mind. He feels all fuzzy inside, the humming that begins to leave Agatha sounds faraway, even.
He sighs.
His thoughts get muddled… was he that much of a workaholic, he begins to wonder. It felt so natural to just fill every second of his day with those part-time jobs. He didn’t hate it at all, he’d come to every location with a smile, ready to tackle the day, but maybe he pushed himself a little too hard sometimes.
It’d be nice if he could come back to something like this everyday. Ruggie found his dorm room decently homey, but… with Agatha there, it’s a whole different story. Maybe she’s just spoiling him like this — He leans against her hand as she scratches the back of his ears once more, knowing they’ve gotten a bit twitchy — but whether he’d admit that out loud one day or not, he just really likes it. He feels floaty, fuzzy…
“Hey.” He half opens his eyes, Agatha’s gentle smile is the first thing he sees, warming his heart. Something straight out of a dream. “Y’know what, I really like you.”
Her posture straightens in shock.
“Eh?” She blinks, and only now, Ruggie notices what came out of his mouth.
“Uh. I mean.” Oh. Oops, he giggles awkwardly. That hadn’t been how he thought he’d tell her about it, but… gotta make the best out of what you have, huh? Whether that went well or not… “Is that weird? If you don’t feel the same we can just drop it. But I’m telling you the truth. You’re just… special. I feel really comfortable with you, and all.”
He feels his face warm up, and he’s still laying there — These are kind of embarrassing things to say, aren’t they? But it’s her, and it’s true — Agatha is undeniably flustered, maybe they shared the slight red tint to their faces now. Ah, it’s weird. He feels anxiety threaten to pull him under for the first time in a while—
“I… I do too. A lot. M-Maybe too much.” And she stutters, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear as she looks away in this rare sort of shyness. “S-So, it’s not weird at all!”
Ruggie’s heart skips a beat.
“Cool. Okay.” The words processing in his mind, repeating over and over like they hadn’t registered yet, echoing. His face felt impossibly hot, his self control running low. “...can I kiss you?”
Agatha blinks, still wide eyed, and a smile appears on her lips, she fiddles with her hair again, brushing it off her shoulder. “I… yeah.”
All of this, it’s so… Ruggie has a tough time wrapping his head around it all, but he’s not going to argue a reality like this at all. Sparkling with excitement, he gets up, sitting next to Agatha again, and they exchange a look for a moment as he smiles, foreheads touching.
Ruggie feels like he doesn’t even know how to begin, like she’s his very first kiss. Tentative hands cup Agatha’s cheeks, and in the peak of his enthusiasm, they just go for it, so close to being at the same time — And their lips meet.
He feels euphoric, almost every bit of exhaustion forgotten when he feels Agatha’s smile against his, small breathy laughs bubbling up and leaving them before the kiss deepens and Agatha pushes back against him too.
They’re not really thinking about it at all, and maybe that’s how Ruggie prefers it. Agatha is warm when she presses closer to him, her arms wrapping around him, and he continues to hold her face in his hands even as they pull away to breathe for a moment, seeing her smile.
“You’re so cute.” She says in between slightly harsher breaths. “Ruggie…”
And he thinks of the time he’s thought about something like this happening, none of his fantasies ever really went like this — There was always some sort of struggle, a larger pause after he tells Agatha about his feelings even when he thought of victorious scenarios. Even when he had her with him in the end.
He wonders when they kiss again, should anything have the right to feel so easy?
She tastes vaguely like lipstick, something cherry-like and similar to what he’d associate to the color of her hair, with a hint of sweetness. Her arms around him pull him closer with surprising strength, he feels her heartbeat on his when their chests touch.
And Ruggie’s not good at keeping his hands to himself— He notices he’d been hungry, wanting something like this for too long, and even though the world feels too dreamlike, blurry from exhaustion and still a bit of denial, he lets his hands wander. He touches her arm first, but it doesn’t linger there, going down her sides and ending up on her hips, wondering if he could let them wander further, maybe over her thighs—
“Ahaha, s-sorry, I’m just really happy.” They pull away, breathing heavily, and Agatha is giggling, her smile turning the dim room into the sun itself. Ruggie can’t help but share the expression. “I never thought… this really feels like a dream.”
“Yeah.” Ruggie agrees. “What do we… are we doing anything else, or?”
His face feels hotter upon saying the words. He sounds lame, but—
“I don’t know.” She says with a sigh, but it’s content. Their foreheads touch, bodies still too close to each other, and too happy to be where they are. “I’m just happy we’re here.”
“Mm, me too.”
There’s one more kiss, although a brief one. Agatha’s hand is on his hair, idly running fingers through strands, even after they part again.
“You still look so tired.” She points out, voice gentle. “Don’t you wanna call it a day?”
Ruggie has to sigh. Well…
“Maybe.” He admits, finally, even though he doesn’t want to be away from her at all now. “But I’m gonna miss you if you leave.” It’s a playful complaint, even though he means it. Agatha chuckles a bit.
“I can stay with you, then.” She says with a rare sort of decisiveness. “Someone’s gotta take care of you if you’re not gonna do it yourself.” She pouts, pulling him a bit closer.
His eyes threaten to flutter shut like this.
“If it’s you, then.” He murmurs, laughing quietly. “Guess it’s alright.”
Agatha gives him one more kiss, a small affectionate peck on his lips.
“Good. Let’s think about everything else tomorrow, okay?”
Then it goes by easily. He sighs, releasing tension with his exhale, and Agatha holds out her arms for him with an inviting smile.
They lay down, not really bothering to turn off the lights just yet. Ruggie makes himself at home there, back of his head on her chest, an arm pulling him closer while she continues to pet him, warm and dreamlike.
And they think about it tomorrow.
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shadowturtlesstuff · 3 years
invisible duckling
hi!! im alive, slowly working of fics still. i havent been writing as much as i want to but my brain is honsetly tired, but i have this cressworth (obvioulsy) that started as an invisible string based one, but becuase @fangirling-again has been pestering me about writing one about adopting ducks the ideas merged. somehow. the title is also her idea
(also im working my way through acosf so ill be online more frequently very soon!)
“We aren’t leaving the bed,my love.” I murmur as I feel Audrey Rose sit up and our cat move from his spot at the end of the bed to her lap. “We are staying like this forever.” I roll onto my side, careful not to brush against her leg. Her laugh caresses my skin as she lazily strokes our cat. I would happily stay in bed with the women I love and our son for the rest of my life, perhaps we can both get some more sleep that way.
We’d gone to bed earlier than planned due to the amount of things we needed to get done today but our son decided he needed our attention and who was I to deny his wants. Sir Issac had sat on my chest as I layed and stroked him long into the night whilst talking to my beloved. Audrey Rose had rolled her eyes at me when I had told her he can stay in the middle of us so we can hug him all night long. I was content stroking him until my eyes had grown tired and I could barely stay awake, but he had just meowed until I continued stroking him. It had led Audrey Rose to face me and tell me that is exactly how I act when I don't get enough attention.
“As wonderful as that sounds, we need to leave at some point,” she tells me and I whine about my discomfort. The bed was warm, safe and didn’t involve dealing with people I wished not to deal with. Again her laugh fills the room and I open my eyes to find her face half concentrated on me and the other on our demanding son. I may have taught him too well.
“Remind me what we’re doing today so I can come up with valid reasons as to why we shouldn’t.”  sir issac moves from audrey’s lap to sit right in front of my face, brushing his head against my own. I nuzzle against before I sit up and pull him into my lap. I fear the day when we get our second cat and sir isaac gets jealous of the attention we give it and not him.
“We are not getting another cat thomas,” she tells me and gives me the look that tells me she saw my thoughts on my face. We shall give sir isaac a sibling but I'll concede this argument for now. So I scowl at her and then rest my head on her shoulder. She sighs as she steals my hand and entwines our fingers. “We have to meet Dacinia at the restaurant near cornelia street. She has news for us, then my aunt wants to meet with me for an hour or so then uncle wants us in his office the rest of the day. Our case, it seems, has new leads that he is dealing with alone today but will fill us in and make plans for tomorrow.”
It has been months since we saw my sister and I've been excited since we got the letter she will be in town. We are visiting my favourite restaurant, the archer. We used to go as kids with our mother before she died. I have been meaning to take Audrey Rose but our lives are filled that we barely have time to do anything together like that. As soon as we are able, I'm bringing her to Romania to have a long overdue holiday. “Have you ever been in the archer, my love?” I ask just to keep her by my side a little while longer. Our grip tightens slightly and I know she knows my intentions behind the question. She always figures out how my mind works even when I do not understand it. Just as I do for her.
“I have, many times. My mother would take us all and we’d have dinner there once a month.” I trace shapes on the back of her hand, it shocks me to think we frequented the same place, for nearly the same reason for so long without knowing. There must be more times our lives have crossed without either of us knowing.
“It is a bizarre and wondrous thought that you were a part of my life, in ways i didn’t know, and now you are the most treasured thing. It is like we were pulling on a string, leading us to each other.” We are both silent, contemplating where else we may have crossed paths when she snorts loudly.
“It is absurd how put together that thought was when you have spent the entire morning whining at me,” her hand rests on my face as we smile widely at each other, “yet it is nice to consider that all our actions, all the mistakes and choices have led us to each other. Like an invisible string of sorts, that tied us to each other.”
“I'd go through all the hell again if it led me to you.” I tell her as she leans in and kisses me. I pull her atop of me now that our cat has lept of the bed, most likely to get us to give him food. We kiss, holding onto this moment before life crashes down on us. She pulls back, her smile blooming on her face and her face flush. It is a sight I wish I could witness forever.
“It is crazier to think our actions now are leading us to another cat.” I give her my most charming grin as she rolls her eyes but smiles at the thought of us having another cat. Slowly I am convincing her we should adopt another cat.
“It is crazy,” she begins, rolling off me despite me trying to hold her to me, “that a grown adult whines like a child every morning about leaving his bed.” Audrey Rose moves towards our desk to get her cane and my eyes are transfixed on the sight of her. Her hair is in a state, messy due to her not being a still sleeper, but she looks adorable. Her face still wears the smile that makes my heart flutter and her dazzling green eyes are bright as she faces me again with her eyebrows raised to challenge me into a retort.
“It is utterly crazy, that a man would want to spend all day in bed with the women he loves.” Finally I sit up as she walks back towards me, her face filled with emotions I cannot read through. She kisses me deeply and then rests her head on mine. Her hand rests on my cheek, her hands warm.
“I too, would go through all that hell, I would search for that string forever if it led to you, my love.” she whispers against my skin and I swear my heart either reaches out to hug her itself or explodes. I marvel at the women in front of me, of all the pieces of information about her I have discovered and all I am yet to discover and smile. “I want to stay in bed too, but we are adults Thomas, people relying on us. Soon, though, we will stay in bed all day.”
We stay like that, stealing kisses for a few minutes before we tear ourselves away from each other. The string we have between us loosens but as we go about our morning routine we always find our way back to each other.
“You little beast.” I hear Audrey rose hiss as she tries to carry a tray of food into the dining hall for us. I laugh and get up to help her, taking sir Issac in my hand so she has a clear path.
“This is why, my love, we are not getting another little pest.” she glares at the cat who meows back, seemingly aware of how much he has annoyed her. I sat him down on the chair beside mine and sat, helping Audrey Rose set the food.
“But if we were to get another cat, our son, not a pest or beast, will be occupied.” I try to convince her as best as I can. “Or we could get a dog, or perhaps even a duck-”
Audrey rose starts laughing, “A,” she tries to speak but cannot get enough air to do so. “A duck?” She breathes out finally and I roll my eyes. It was not my best suggestion, but if i can find any way to get another cat I shall.
“What is wrong with ducks?” as muster as much confidence in my voice as i can and that makes her laugh more. The laugh that fills the room with how genuine and adorable it is and I can't help my own laugh escaping. It's a tad absurd even for me.
She reaches out for my hand, trying to master her features into a serious look. She fails miserably but I take her hand in mine and rub circles on the back of her hand. “Thomas. Know that I love you. And care about you a lot. But have you hit your head today because honestly a du-”
“There was nothing wrong with my suggestion? What has a duck ever done to you?” I interject, both of us trying not to laugh.
“Nothing, because ducks are not pets and we aren't getting one either.” I glare at her as sir Issac climbs onto my lap. I tear my gaze away and pick him up so we are face to face. He scratches at my shoulder and tries to rub his head against my hand. I glance back to find Audrey Rose's face still smiling at my ridiculous actions. The smile that would make me do anything ridiculous just to see again, the smile I try and seek every day, more intoxicating than any drink.
“Son,” I say in a voice parents usually give their toddlers, “how would you like a duck as your brother and sister?” he meows at me so I take that as a yes. Audrey rose is shaking her head as she begins to eat her food, seeming to try to end this conversation. “That settles it, tomorrow I shall inquire about adopting a duck.” i had no idea how i was going to do it, or how i would later convince her to get another cat, as that was my main goal, but now i felt as though i had to get a duck. She rolls her eyes at me as I set sir Isaac down on my lap.
“Do not inquire about a duck Thomas.”
“Why? You said you didn't want a cat, and you heard our son, very lonely, so it seems to be the only plausible solution.”
“Thomas, do not inquire about a duck. Ducks are not pets. How would we even care for a duck? Why are we even considering getting ducks as a pet?”
“Consider this my love,” I try and be as normal as possible, try not to smile as i see her do the same, “we could buy it a little bucket to swim in or another bath with a little ladder,”
She shakes her head at me, our food long forgotten. It had been a tiring day for us, with a lot of walking, and when we'd gotten home she collapsed onto the sofa in our bedroom. So this conversation as silly as it is, is somehow needed for us both. “Why would the duck need a ladder?”
“To climb into the bath. It will be cute! The duck has little floppy feet. Oh! And we get make a tiny hut for our son here and the duck to cuddle in and we can have it next to our bed-”
“So at night we can hear both animals and never get any sleep? Thomas this is-” she once again shakes her head at me. “Madness. Utterly crazy. Are you sure you haven’t hit your head. I can call uncle over to double check.” We sit in silence, staring at each other for a second until we both lose it and start laughing.
“Would it not be adorable to have sir Isaac on your lap, with ducks on your shoulder and head?”
“Ducks? A second ago it was one singular duck, now you want multiple?”
“The duck has to have a friend.”
“The cat is to be its friend. If you get more ducks than sir Issac still is lonely as you like to claim he is.” as if in answer sir Isaac appears at her side, jumping onto her lap. She scowls at him but stokes his back. “Pest. you need to stop listening to your father, he is a bad influence.”  our eyes meet and she smiles at me as I begin eating my own food finally. I can see the exhaustion in her eyes even as she smiles at our cat.
“Imagine love, we have our cat, a duck and a child. All under this roof. I did promise a lifetime full of surprises, with all of those in the equation we’d never have a dull moment.” her eyes soften as the mention of a child. We both wanted one, had discussed it, but as of right now it wasn’t the time. Yet I can picture a tiny Cressworth child, my charm and her wit, playing with sir Issac and our second cat. Even a duck.
“That sounds wonderful. Tiring, but perfect for us.” I stand from my chair and walk around to her side of the table. Her hand finds mine instantly as I lean in for a kiss. She deepens it, her body twisting slightly and her other hand on my chest. I may never get used to the thrill of kissing her, of feeling her love for me. I nestle my hand in her hair, pulling out the pins keeping it up. We pull apart as her hair falls down past her shoulder, her emerald eyes dazzling at me. “I love you,” she whispers, her breath coming out in pants. Sir Issac nudged her and she pulled her eyes away from me as he kept nudging her, demanding her attention be on him. I laugh as she scratches behind his eyes.
“This is perfect too.” I tell her as I offer my hand to lead her up to bed. I will get her settled then return with cake, both of us needed a treat. I could feel my own exhaustion settling in as she took my hand and we made our way upstairs, sir Issac following us and jumping atop our bed and taking over my spot. Wadsworth glances at me, a knowing look on her face. One telling me: ‘you still want another one?’ to which I give her my own smirk telling her yes and kiss her before she can start to tell me no again. I kiss her again one more time before I leave to get us cake.
@fangirling-again @goatahoan @kittycat2187 @city-of-fae @the-hoofflepooff @purplecreatorhorsewagon @padfoot-sirius-black-blog  @boredbookwormgirl @goddess-of-writing-wars @lovecakeandmore @yikesitsmaddie  
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salemsbones · 3 years
Lonely Stars Chapter Six
Trigger Warnings: self hatred, silbing arguing, heavy mentions of blood, violence, spell use of "Sectumsempra", mentions of scars
Age 16      Regulus had barely left my side after he discovered what I had done to my arm, he saw straight through the fake smiles I gave other people and saw the true me that was numb and feeling terrible about what Sirius had said. He made sure I was eating enough food, attending all my classes and actually sleeping at night, every morning he would be waiting outside of the Ravenclaw common room for me, and he would walk me to breakfast where he made sure I ate at least a piece of toast, and then he would walk me to my classes, and when those classes were finished, he would be waiting outside to walk me to the next one. I think he's nervous that I'm either going to disappear into the Forbidden Forest or try to kill myself, neither of which I would do.      Regulus and I were waiting in the prefect bathroom, Regulus had convinced Sirius to talk with us after he finally admitted what I had done to myself and my arm less than a week ago. The prefect bathroom was spotless, each of the white marble counters gleamed and the large golden bathtub that was the size of a swimming pool looked eager to be filled with fancy soaps and bubbles. Regulus leaned against a wall, examining his pristine fingernails, while I sat on the sink counter, impatiently clicking my own fingernails against the counter.      I jump off the counter, my boots thudding against the floor, "He's not coming." I say with annoyance.      "He's coming Aurelia, he said he would." Regulus said, trying to calm me.      "He said we were dead to him Reg, he's not coming." I say, disappointment dripping from my words. I let out a small sigh and go to leave the bathroom when the door swings open revealing Sirius. He looked the same as always, leather boots with mud stains, dark pants, untucked shirt and sweater vest with his tie untied.      "Sorry I'm late," He said, rubbing the back of his neck, looking guilty.      "We didn't think you were coming," Regulus admitted, pushing himself off the bathroom wall and coming closer to us.      "You're still my siblings, I still care about you." Sirius says, looking between Regulus and I.      "But not if we have the Dark Mark right?" I say with disgust, crossing my arms over my chest, staring daggers at Sirius.      "Aurelia I-" Sirius began but was cut off by the sound of footsteps coming from the far entrance of the prefect bathroom. We all turn towards the approaching footsteps to see Severus Snape, a older Slytherin in Sirius' year. He had a big smirk on his face and was twiddling his wand between his fingers.      "Awe," He mocked. "What a nice family reunion."      "Piss off Snivellus." Sirius growled, clearly not wanting to deal with the Slytherin boy at the moment.      "Oh, I don't think I will," Severus smirked, his eyes flickering from me to Regulus to back to Sirius.      "Severus please, this will only take a few minutes then we can talk." Regulus tries to reason only to be met with a viscous glare from the older boy.      "I don't want to speak to you Regulus, I want to speak to Sirius," He says slyly, his wand passing through his fingers smoothly.      "We're in the middle of something greaseface, leave us alone!" Sirius spat, getting frustrated by Severus. Within a second, Severus' wand had stopped twirling between his fingers and was pointed at Sirius.      "Severus!" Regulus yelled, sounding almost like Father when he is angry. Severus only ignores him and continues to point his wand at my brother.      "You don't get to tell me what to do after you nearly killed me Black." Severus sneered, his lip curling.      "What are you talking about?" I ask, having finally rediscovered my voice.      "Your brother locked me in the Shrieking Shack with that monster he calls his friend!" Snape yelled, glaring at Sirius.      "Don't you dare call Remus a monster!" Sirius yelled back, his hands balling into fists.      "That's what he is! Bloody werewolf should be put down." Severus spoke, causing Sirius to whip out his wand and point it back at him.      "I didn't lock you in there, I simply told you the shortcut we use to get there." Sirius says surprisingly calmly, justifying what he did.      "You could've had me killed! I could be dead and it would be that beasts fault!" Severus bellowed, his voice echoing off the porcelain walls. I can hear the hiss of Sirius' voice as he goes to cast a hex him or one of his friends made up but before he could form the words, Severus yelled his own spell, "Sectumsempra!"      Without even knowing what could possibly be the effects of the spell Severus had just cast, I push my brother out of the way and am hit with a violent jolt that I can only describe felt like a thousand knives piercing my skin. I fall to the ground with a heavy thud, suddenly feeling pain all over my body and as I look down I see the cause; my clothing was torn and I had deep cuts where it looked like invisible knives had slashed their way through my flesh and I was bleeding heavily. My hand hovered over my stomach, where I was bleeding the most as dark crimson blood started to pool around me and within a split second, both Sirius and Regulus were by my side.      "What did you do?" Regulus shrieked, looking at Severus who looked stunned.      "I- I didn't know it would be this bad," He stuttered, clearly also not knowing the effect this spell would have. His face looked shocked, the blood rushing from it, almost making him look as if he would be sick.      "Fix it!" Sirius yelled, looking from me to Severus desperately. "Take it back!"      Severus shakes his head dumbly, looking at me in fear, "I-I don't know it yet."       Before my brothers could say another word, he was running from the bathroom, his feet nearly slipping on my blood that was flowing heavily and staining the once beautiful marble floors.      I could hear moans falling from my mouth, whimpers and tears running down my face, my hands were shaking and the edges of my vision were fuzzy. My ears felt like they were stuffed full of cotton, the voice of Regulus sounding like it was a hundred years away as he tried to reassure me that it was okay, that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.      "Go the hospital wing, tell Madam Promfrey what happened. I'll be there in a minute." Sirius ordered, looking down at my bloody frame. When Regulus hesitated, trying to absorb the words just spoke, he barked "Go!"      Regulus runs from the bathroom, also almost slipping on a smear of my blood. I felt Sirius' arms snaking around my back and under my knees, cradling my bloody body to his chest as he lifted me from the floor, making me whimper and whine in protest of his movements. "You're okay, it's okay," He breathed, trying to reassure both me and himself.      "I'm sorry," I whisper, my words slurring as vision goes in and out of focus. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me."      "I'm not mad Lia, I'm not mad anymore. It's okay, you're okay." He whispers, walking gingerly over my blood, careful not the slip. He tried to walk as smoothly but as fast as possible, trying not to disturb me as I babbled endless slurred apologizes.      My vision tried to focus as Sirius' pace began to slow, we were near the hospital wing. Sirius' untied Gryffindor tie was stained with blood, my blood. He tried as gently as possible to kick open the door that led to the hospital wing, the same mud stained boots he's been wearing for the past two years, the same mud stained boots I gave him for Christmas after he said how much he wanted them from a local Muggle shop. I could barely hear the stern voice of Madam Promfrey, the head nurse, ordering Sirius to lay me on a cot as she filled her arms with even more medical supplies that she was currently holding.      "How are you feeling Miss Black?" She asked as Sirius laid me down, my blood immediately staining the clean white sheets beneath me.      "Sleepy," I whispered, my eyelids threatening to close.      "No sleep!" She said quickly, using scissors to cut through one of Sirius' old shirts he let me borrow months ago in order to get closer to the damage.      "No sleeping Lia," Sirius whispered, kneeling beside me, taking my hand. Regulus kneeled beside Sirius, placing his own hand on top of Sirius' and mine, "Gotta stay awake for a bit okay?"      "Keep talking Lia, stay awake," Sirius pleaded, squeezing my hand tightly. He looks to Regulus quickly, the gears in his brain turning as he thought of an idea. "Promenons- nous dan les bois," He began to sing lightly, a song he used to sing to Regulus and I if we ever had nightmares as children because our parents never would. It was a silly song in French about a wolf loosing his underpants but it always calmed me down.      Regulus joined in on Sirius' song, singing the next line quietly, "Pendant que le loup n'y est pas,"      They wait for me to sing the next line, repeating the previous verse a few more times as my mind cleared, remembering the words say to me countless times, "Si le loup y etaitt il nous mangerait."      The song continues, my eyes threaten to flutter closed every so often until Sirius squeezes my hand, bringing me back to consciousness as Madam Pomfrey tries to clean and stop the bleeding. Madam Promfrey steps back from the bed and whispers gentle words, making me very calm, and my slurred words turned to quiet whispers and then to silence.      Before Sirius or Regulus could protest, Madam Pomfrey raised her hand to silence them, "It's just a healing spell, it will calm her mind and make her drowsy."      "Is she going to be okay?" Sirius asked, hoping to hear positive news but dreading the words Madam Pomfrey may say.      "She will heal." Madam Pomfrey says, nodding her head.      "And the cuts?" Regulus asks, looking back at me with hopeful eyes.      "They will heal, but the scars will be permanent."
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minjuwrites · 4 years
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A/N: Hey babies! I've been so terrible at uploading, I have so many unfinished stories that I like but haven't had any time to finish :( over break I will definitely have more time. Anyways, THANK YOU so so soooo much for the comments and likes on my posts. It means the world to me, you don’t understand the smile and happy dance I do when I see you guys enjoy what I wrote. Here's a short little story I thought of, since our little Hyuka is a penguin. HAVE A GOOD DAY!
Prompt: After one day a mysterious pebble shows up in your locker you find yourself and your new friend trying to find out who the “penguin” is.
Huening Kai x Y/N (gender neutral)
WARNINGS: A little insecurity from the reader? Other than that cute fluff :)
There it was, another smooth shiny rock sitting in your locker. You smile picking it up and analyzing the pretty rock excited to add it to your growing collection at home. It was strange really, the little pebbles started appearing a couple months ago with no explanation. At first you thought it was some kind of joke one of your friends were playing, it seemed like something strange that Beomgyu would do. Yet, when you brought it up to everyone at lunch they seemed just as confused as you were.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two months ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Okay, why are you putting rocks in my locker.” You ask slamming your lunch on the table.
Yeonjun follows behind already being caught up on the little joke.
“What?” Beomgyu looks up at you confused with a half chewed sandwich in his mouth.
“Oh come on, don’t pretend like you don’t know.” Yeonjun laughs.
“Don’t know what?” Soobin pulls out the chair next to you sitting down.
“Beomgyu keeps putting rocks in my locker.”
“I seriously have no idea what you are talking about.” His shocked expression makes you think it really wasn't him.
“Can you please explain what is going on?” Soobin asks unwrapping his own meal.
“Fine,” you sigh. “Since Monday, I keep finding these little rocks and pebbles in my locker. I assumed it was Beomgyu because… you know that's just something weird he would do.”
He looks offended at first before mulling it over and nodding in agreement. The kid knew he was a little strange.
“Anyways, I guess it’s not him. I just don’t know who else it could be or what the reason is.”
Soobin looks deep in thought before casually taking a bite of his bread. “Maybe the rocks are like a death omen, or maybe its a stalker or maybe-”
“Oh god, please shut up.” You groan not needing to think the worst of the situation.
Taehyun walks to the table sitting down with Kai right on his tail. His presence makes your heart flutter and you feel the tip of your ears heat. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Taehyun asks.
You would speak but Kai's presence makes you panic. Truthfully it was your own fault. You had a massive crush on the boy turning you into a babbling blushing mess every time he even happened to make slight eye contact. It was pathetic and it didn’t help that the boy was shy himself.
“We are talking about Y/N’s possible crazy psychopath stalker who is probably waiting to murder her while she sleeps.” Beomgyu teases.
You smack his arm with a curse. 
“Are you okay?” Kai looks at you worried. “If you want we can tell the staff or the police.”
“I-it’s okay, Beomgyu is just joking it's nothing like that it's just..” You sigh.
“It’s just what?” Taehyun asks.
You explain the situation to the two and Taehyun looks at Kai who looks away from the boy.
“Maybe this person is trying to tell you something?” Taehyun leans back in his chair.
“What do you mean? Like some kind of warning?”
“Maybe, or maybe it’s like some kind of confession.”
“Confession?” You feel confused, there wasn’t anyone you could think of that showed signs of interest towards you. “You think so?”
“Yeah, maybe they are too shy to say anything.”
“Okay, but why rocks?” Soobin looks questioningly. 
“You know, penguins actually give the smoothest pebble they can find to another during courtship.” Taehyun stabs his food before looking up at you. “Maybe this person is your penguin.”
You smile at the idea, the thought of someone having a crush on you was exciting and you couldn’t lie that the mystery of it all was interesting.
“Yeah, my penguin…” You look up, catching Kai’s eyes before he gives you a tight smile and looking away just as quickly.
After that day, you found yourself eager to find the cute little rock left in your locker. There was something else that made you more excited though. A couple days after you brought up the rocks to the boys Kai had offered to help you figure out who your “penguin’ was. You both would wake up early hoping to catch the culprit and would stay after school as well waiting patiently. Neither of you saw the person once, and a part of you hoped you never would so the two of you could keep meeting. Kai was determined to help, always waiting in the hallways or in front of the gate for you to come and investigate together. Sometimes after school you two would go and eat and he always made sure to walk you home after “just in case” which always made your brain turn to mush. It didn’t take long before you two got closer, although you were still a nervous mess around him you also felt comfortable around him. Speaking became easier between you two and you got to see more of each other's personalities. 
Closing your locker you run your fingers over the smooth rock.
“Another one, huh?” Kai looks at the rock dancing in your fingertips. “You must be tired of waiting to see who it is…”
“Hm,” you smile at him slipping the rock in your coat pocket. “It’s kinda fun, you know? Trying to figure it out. Plus, we got to know each other more.”
Kai looks down with a smile nodding his head in agreement.
“Here I'll walk you home.” He smiles waiting for you to finish grabbing your stuff.
You thank him shutting your locker and following behind him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You open your locker expecting another rock but, you find nothing. It’s a little strange but, no matter what, the little prize was waiting there by the end of the day. As the lunch bell rang you met up with Kai and the others stopping by your locker. You swing it open excitedly only to find nothing there. With a pause you ignore the worry feeling in your head and grab your lunch.
“What did they leave today?” Beomgyu peeks in your locker.
 You look over your shoulder at him before shutting your locker, after taking another quick glance of course. 
“N-nothing yet.” You fake a smile. “It’s not a big deal.”
Taehyun squints at you before leading the way to the cafeteria.
“You okay?” Kai asks, walking at your pace. “You seem a little… disappointed.”
“It’s nothing really,” except creeping thoughts began to fill your head. “I guess they just got over it? Maybe they realized I’m really not that interesting.”
He makes a face. “But you are interesting, you shouldn’t think like that. If anything maybe they got the courage to finally ask you.”
You open your mouth to protest but he stops you placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You know anyone would be lucky to have you. Seriously, everything about you is amazing.”
“Yo!” Yeonjun calls, the group had gone ahead of you two waiting for you to catch up. “You lovebirds coming?”
You see Taehyun whack the back of the boy's head causing him to rub it with an annoyed expression. You smile looking at the scene before noticing Kai’s hands are still resting on your shoulders. He seems to notice too pulling away quickly and scratching the back of his neck.
“I guess we should catch up with them.” He juts his head in their direction before walking with you to the others.
You smile feeling the lingering sensation of his hands on your shoulder that spreads through your body.
At the end of the day you reach your locker pausing before swinging the door open. Your eyes immediately see the empty space where the rock usually lays causing you to inhale sharply. Nothing. Your heart sinks, and you shuffle your stuff around wondering if maybe it had fallen somewhere. 
What you didn’t notice was Kai watching you while he fumbles with the bright pink stone in his hand. He’s thought of (and acted out, although he will never admit it) a million ways to give you the silly little rock but, as the moment comes his palms sweat and his heart speeds at an unhealthy pace. With a nervous exhale he walks towards you before giving a nod to Taehyun who in turn gives him a thumbs up.
“H-hey.” He cringes at how much he stumbles over the single word.
His nervousness turns to worry when he hears you sniffle and you turn to him with tears threatening to spill out.
“Um, I’m sorry I just-” You run off not wanting to cry in front of everyone.
“Wait!” Kai shouts but, you continue to leave the building not even looking back.
It felt stupid, to cry over something so small. You never realized how much those little rocks meant to you. You never had someone confess to you, no one had even had a crush on you as far as you knew. Every morning that little rock managed to make you feel a little more important to someone, although you weren't sure who. You also had a creeping thought that maybe, since the anonymous person stopped being interested, Kai and you would hang out less. You sigh feeling ridiculous while you wipe the tears that were starting to leak. 
“Y/N!” Kai calls running up to you.
You look up feeling embarrassed at how you acted before.
“Are you okay?” He looks at your glassy eyes with a frown.
“It’s stupid.” You smile. “I’m sorry for just storming off like that.”
“Hey, don’t apologize. What happened? You know I’m here to listen to you always.”
You feel a pang in your chest. You wondered how the universe created such a sweet boy.
“It's just, I didn’t get a rock today,” You sigh covering your heated face. “It meant a lot to me you know? I always felt like the person that no one would ever have a crush on. So, when I started getting them I felt a little excited that someone was interested in me. And… I guess I was worried that maybe if they stopped showing up you wouldn’t want to hang out as much.”
Kai’s heart skips a beat, you were really worried about something like that?
“You know, the whole wanting to know who the penguin was is an excuse?” He smiles reaching into his jacket pocket. “The truth is Y/N, I’ve always had a crush on you but, I was too scared to say anything. Everything about you is interesting, I like the way your eyes always smile before your mouth or how you always think about everyone no matter what the situation is. I meant it when I said anyone would be lucky to have you.”
You stare at the boy in complete shock. Processing the idea that the boy you have been pining for has had a crush on you the entire time.
“You didn’t get a rock today because,” he takes one of your hands placing the shiny pink stone in the palm before smiling. “I wanted to give it to you in person.”
A rush of emotion hits you like a wave. “You’re my penguin?”
He flashes a bigger smile before looking at his shoes with a pink tint in his cheeks.
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way,” he chuckles. “I actually wrote you a note and used the stone to make sure it stayed there. I asked Taehyun for your locker combination but, before you got out of class I panicked and grabbed the note.”
You laugh as the feeling of butterflies and other warm things fill your chest.
“You just seemed so happy after that I just decided to keep leaving them until I got the courage to confess. I ended up trying to “help” you figure out who it was so I could make sure you wouldn’t find out it was me. Once we started to hang out more I started realizing more and more how much I liked you.”
You hug him, catching him off guard at first but, he wraps his arms around you.
“I like you too, I always did.” You say into his chest. 
As you two pull away you clutch the stone in your hand before sliding it into your own pocket.
“Do you want to go get ice cream?” He asks cutely.
Laughing you nod your head before he slips his hand in yours swinging it lightly. He looks away attempting to hold back the smile on his face causing you to squeeze his hand.
Like a soulmate, he's your penguin. 
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penguintransporter · 3 years
Daisies (a short “anyone you want it to be with” story) Part III
part I | part II | my masterlist
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Third part of this mini series. Things seem to be going for the better @avenirdelight​ ;) Thanks or all the lovely comments I have gotten, and I hope you will enjoy this one as well. Please, like it, reblog it (this is very important, not only to me but to other writers as well) and tell me what you think (anons you are always welcome.) 🌼
No matter how many memories one person creates in their life, only a handful of them stick to one’s brain like no other, building a colourful storybook of scenes that we love and cherish, and to which we go back to when we are happy or sad, scared or lonely or as we lay in our beds – alone with the universe in the silence of the night. 
Every page and every section of the particular storybook has its deeper meaning to each individual; it carries a certain weight or a message, and we can label them with a year, a month and a day; sometimes even time.
In his own storybook, somewhere between the memories of his first kiss and the first goal he had scored as a professional footballer, there is a page – crumpled and ruffled around the edges. Read many times – over and over again.
A rainy Tuesday in October.
Cold, whistling wind, miserable sky, and with rain bathed umbrellas.
Soaked socks in fashionable trainers. People walking faster than usual along the streets, hopping over puddles – arms hugging the coats and jackets tighter.
Monochrome painted clouds, like a paper soaked in watercolours. With condensation smudged windshield screen.
The memory of meeting her for the first time – crystal clear and omnipresent like a rerun of the movie he had watched many times before, but is never able to get enough from the story line.
He remembers being happy to get away from the weather and the rain that was washing away all the dirt from the streets, and although it took him just five quick steps from where he had parked his car to his teammate’s doors, as he stepped under the covered porch, his shoulders were soaked and he had few droplets of rain sliding down from the tip of his nose.
Every movement and every sound; the amount of shoes in the corner of the hallway when he opened the doors to let himself in, as he did many times before. The smell of coffee and food, rich and hearty at the same time, wrapping its arms around his nostrils as he shrugged of his parka.
The loud sound of the doors as they closed by itself; his name being called above the loud chatter and music. The banter that kept going as he walked in on a group of familiar and unfamiliar faces, shapes and silhouettes.
A lazy scratch of his hand along the back and the head of his mate’s dog.
First glance towards her.
Dressed in a thick jumper, black jeans and daises-patterned socks, she was leaning against the kitchen island that divided the two equally modern rooms – a wooden spoon in her hand.
Smile on her face as she looked back at him after saying something to one of the unfamiliar faces.
Did he expect a different reaction? Yes. Did he expect her to shy away as many girls have before when they realised who he was? As vain it sounded, yes.
She didn’t.
“Come,” she said with a smile, beckoning him over, “I want you to taste something.”
Confused, he remembers racking his brain for something – a name to put together with a picture; a voice.
“Do we know each other? Are you…?”
“No, and probably not,” she grinned, stepping behind the sleek stovetop, “it’s a bit sad that we don’t know each other, but that’s good, because I need someone neutral here.” She took a clean spoon from the container before passing it out to him, and he mimicked her moves, looking down at the red liquid that simmered in the large pot in front of them. “Try, and tell me if something’s missing. Salt? Acidity? Something else? You dress like you know what you’re doing, so I trust you more than I trust that bellend in that ridiculous Gucci labelled shirt,” she spoke louder, looking at his teammate with a silly smirk.
He glanced at her face as she rambled away before looking down in the pot again – the red sauce looking as inviting as it smelled, and with a shrug, he scooped some of it before trying it.
Savoury and a bit sour and with just a hint of something he couldn’t put his finger on. It tasted like knowledge, patience, love, and above all, it tasted like home.
Word by word, laughter after laughter.
Another scoop, another bite, a grind of pepper above his plate before she sat next to him at the long dining table.
Breadcrumbs on his lap.
“Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over, until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an edge to cut you,” said Mark Lawrence, and whenever he finds himself going back to that rainy Tuesday in October, he cuts himself on the edge of the memory over and over again, and the realisation of his actions hurts him more than the relieved moment.
That day, he should have fallen in love with her.
He was known to be a talkative man, but this time he was an observer.
As he quietly sits in front of his laptop, he feels the knot in his throat tighten ever so slightly with every passing second of a video-call to which he was invited to, just a week prior.
A sleepless week filled with either thinking, wondering or regretting yet another night he spent sleeping with a girl that liked roses more than she liked daisies.
Smiles, happy nods, and laughter.
A gasp, with disbelief laced ‘what’s’, and a string of ‘my God’s’; shake of the head.
He wants to speak, wants to engage in the conversation, and to show that he cares, that he misses her more than he thought he ever would; so much that he it scares him sometimes. As he wipes his sweaty palms against his trousers, he wonders when did something that usually came natural to him became more difficult than anything else.
Because he feels guilty for not answering her calls and messages for the past few weeks? Because he knows that once the call is over, the melancholy will knock on the doors to keep the company to the sadness of knowing that she is miles away? 
He doesn’t know the answer, but he feels it.
So he stays quiet and listens to her as she talks, watches her move her hands around as she speaks about her new home, the nature and the weather, her noisy neighbours, and the new bicycle she has bought at the local market. 
He stays quiet, like a passerby, insignificant and tucked away in some kind of a daydream as she shows them painting she has found in the basement of the house she is renting, and he stays quiet when she expresses a wish to get herself a cat.
She seems happy.
Happier than when she still was around him.
Relaxed and liberated. 
Away from the heartbreak he had caused.
Once again, he finds himself wiping his hands against his trousers, and without looking away from the screen, he reaches out to take a sip of his coffee. The burn on his tongue stops his train of thoughts and he slams the mug against the desk – liquid slushing over the lip of the container and drips down on the wooden surface, creating a small pool of brown liquid.
A profanity that leaves his mouth stops the happy chatter – he never liked swearing out loud, and as soon as it happens, all eyes are on him. He feels naked, stripped of everything; uneasy and anxious – as if he was running for the goal during an important match.
“You okay?” she asks, but he doesn’t know what to say. Her voice is soft, filled with compassion.
He looks at her, and for the first time since she left, he lets himself believe that he still had the chance; that there was something; one single ember that refuses to die down.
But he knows he needs to say something.
Was this the most important match in his life?
Was he running for the opponents goal or is he about to auto-goal himself?
“When can I visit?” he asks as he puts a smile on his face, leaning back in his chair.
The silence; thick, knife-cutting silence.
His friends look at him, confusion and surprise written all over their faces.
But not hers.
She’s smiling at him, and he feels his heart fill with hope.
“Whenever you want.”
Part IV
tags: @rosie7703, @emwritesfootball, @avenirdelight, @alexajanecollins, @afootballimagines, @footballcloud , @englishfairylights @footballerimaginess , @footballxwrites, @just-imagines, @emwritesfootball, @macybeckham7, @hnrfc
if i forgot someone, let me know, or if you want to be tagged, also let me know... 
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werezmastarbucks · 3 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 2538
music: savage streets by perturbator, you’ll only be safe with me by tuff turf, dark all day by gunship
You stood on one knee, feeling Kai’s fingers under your belt as he held you. You shoved out of the window half way, and yelled,
“I’m good!”
He pushed the gas pedal into the floor, and the car roared angrily, tearing through the night mist.
The black shadows surrounded you, floating out of the metal and brick twilight of the street so suddenly fear shot through you like lightning. You held up your shotgun and aimed, trying to balance with your hip on the frame of the window. Falling out of the window would mean imminent death: zombies were everywhere. They were waiting on the corners, in the windows of the buildings, hiding in the shade, behind the smelly dumpsters and in the middle of the road. As the city lights died out, and the car raced deeper into the district, golden and silver changed into cold blue and electric, the colors of docks and warehouses.
“I got them!”
“Shoot!” Kai yelled.
You exhaled and did not inhale, because the best snipers don’t breathe when shooting. As the monster truck passed by the cluster of black silhouettes, you fired three rounds into them, scaring the gathering and hitting one of them. Then you fell back into your seat and pulled your hair away from your face. It will be a bitch to try and brush after. The car drove out into the narrow quay where black water lay like glistening dirty skin, and Kai’s face was yellow in the passing bleak lights.
“What the hell is that?” he asked, poiting at the figure on the roof on the left. He slowed down a little, and you looked back to make sure nobody’s following you. You set the shotgun on your right.
“It’s Jeepers Creepers”.
“Wha... Y/N. What is Jeepers fucking Creepers doing at our zombie apocalypse?”
“I don’t know, Kai”, you snarled, “maybe he launched it. How am I supposed to know?”
“You’re driving me crazy”.
“I am afraid of Jeepers Creepers, okay? He’s gonna be the final boss”.
“I’m gonna tear his balls off”, Kai mumbled.
“He’ll take yours. That’s what he does”, you reminded him.
Kai snored.
“Get up. There’s more. They must have circled the parking lot. Look”.
Right in the middle of the road, where yellow fog was floating in the air like phantom veil, and the asphalt glistened, sweaty after 10PM rain, the black shadows barricaded the road. Kai stopped the car, and the low grumble slowly faded into the quiet, monotnous howl of the city. Somewhere, trains were moving to and fro on the rails, colliding with each other, creating noise. The factories were working, sending black smoke into the opaque sky, clogged by unwilling cigarrette clouds. The river itself, it seemed, hummed something very low, like a deadly lullaby. This world was a hostile and lonesome place. The only warm thing in here was Kai’s body sitting next to you, radiating humanity. You jerked your shotgun. You knew he was seeing exactly the same thing as you did - a bunch of zombies swaying slowly in your direction. He turned up the music a little.
“Aim better or else we’re gonna drive in circles all night”.
“Don’t tell me how to kill zombies, Kai”.
He mimicked you, starting the car.
Next night, it was his turn, and you did the same thing, racing through the night city, crashing into cardbox fortresses and blowing up the glass forts, shooting the heads off the zombies, until you both have had enough of that zombie apocalypse world. It has been some time until you got tired.
(To get into the right mood, you have occupied the Columbus Movie Theatre for like a week, rewatching zombie movies. Turned out, you can’t just walk into a movie theatre and find all the zombie films piled up neatly in the movie room - or whatever it’s called. You have argued about them again and again, Kai insisting on Evil Dead being immortal classic, but the Day of the Dead was his all-time favorite. You nearly got into a fistfight with him over the Return of the Living Dead.
“Of course”, he puffed and laughed out, condescending as hell.
“What’s that laugh?!” you demanded. Kai shrugged.
“It’s such a girly thing. Return of the Living Dead. The third part is also your favorite, isn’t it?”
And he gave you the nastiest look. You narrowed your eyes.
“You bigot. You absolute fuckface. The first one is my favorite”.
He was enjoying himself too much, obviously agitated by the topic, not entirely there.
“Okay, okay”.
“But for the record, yes, I do think that the third part is the best love story I’ve ever seen on screen. It’s incredible”.
Kai nodded, the smile never leaving his face.
“She managed to fight off her cannibalistic instinct not to hurt the person she loved. She tore herself with needles and hooks to fight the urge to kill him and actually managed to keep him safe although she was literally a flesh eating zombie. How cool is that?”
Kai sighed and looked you in the eye.
“Very cool’, he said, with the tone that screamed ‘you’re silly and I adore you’.
“What other movies came out this year?”
“Not many, it’s only May”, he replied, digging deep into the box with films.
“Is Dream Lover out yet?”
“We should watch it”.
“Later”, Kai said, throwing a film across the room and allowing it to crash into pieces. You hoped to hell it wasn’t Dream Lover.
“And Freddie Krueger?”
“No, not yet”.
“Damn it”, you looked over his shoulder.
“No Freddie Krueger!” he announced, “that’s it, she draws the line at Freddie. We’re leaving now”.
You laughed.
In the dark movie room, you could choose any row, any seats. You nested against each other, honoring the sacred cinema theatre tradition to gently touch in the twilight. While the action unfolded on screen, you had to shove popcorn into Kai’s mouth because it was the only way you could make him stop talking. When you ran out of popcorn, you had to shut him up with your mouth. It was a great week.)
You looked around the street and then, at Kai. How lucky he was, to find himself in this wretched place with someone as willing to play zombies as you were. You should do it more often. Maybe you should act out Mist next, somewhere in Houston.
You pulled your backpack up, and your eyes darted towards the black tower, ominous, insidious without any light, like a gigantic grave stone. Before Parker cut all the electricity, it was the Hancock Tower, now, it was just Tower. And the path to it lay through the dangerous city filled with brain craving monsters, bloodthirsty, dumb and ferocious, and you were running out of bullets. Besides, earlier on, you fell through one of the cardboard box forteresses and bruised your knee so badly, together with your left hand which you landed on. This adventure would be the death of you.
Kai twitched.
“I hear something”, he said, cocking his gun. You stood behind him, one-handed, unable to shoot. You closed your eyes. Lo, if they attack from all directions, you won’t be any help. A wounded companion is worse than an enemy in this world. You wondered if Kai would leave you alone to be eaten and stall them, or whether he’d shoot you in the head first, to spare you.
He walked on a little, entering a small square, and the black outlines of hairless, clotheless humans frightened you like you weren’t the one who had put them there ten hours earlier. They spooked you every time.
Kai shot three times, hitting each mannequin with one bullet.
“On the roof!” you pointed, turning back. You bowed as he threw up his shotgun, and fired. Heavy plastic body hopped and rolled down, falling on the ground. Kai could see in the dark so well you had to remind yourself he was human. Sometimes you would forget that fact completely. He was so different from everybody else.
He led you towards the tower where you stabbed one of the zombies in the throat. He was good at shooting, but you were very gifted with stabbing. You never missed.
“God damn”, Kai panted, as the mannequin swayed and collapsed on the asphalt just next to the glass door he was holding for you, “you saved my life”.
He took you in the movie gesture, pulling you into a long kiss. Your wrist started swelling and you had to take off your electronic watch temporarily. In the bleak room, it shone with green thin neon light from the bedside table while you had sex on the matrass.
In the middle of the night something fell off the roof, and scared the hell out of you - for real this time. You did not put anything on the top of the Tower since it was your fort. In the morning you came up on the top, while Kai went down and examined the object. Turned out, on the tenth of May, 1994, one single bag filled with files and staplers fell off the roof of the Hancock Tower. There was no way of knowing why.
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“Wake up”.
You opened your eyes and rubbed your neck, aching from sleeping on the single mattrass on the floor. You looked out of the window. It has just stopped raining, which meant it was already close to midnight. In the dystopian Boston, you have switched to night regime of living completely because in the daylight, mannequins randomly standing in the streets looked simply stupid.
“The Titans”, he said. Kai’s face was so close to yours, you could feel the words on your skin. His eyes shone nervously.
“What Titans? It’s zombie apocalypse, Kai”.
He frowned.
“And what was Jeepers Creepers doing there then?”
“Oh my god”, you groaned, “let go of it already! You killed him like a week ago”.
“Come on, see for yourself”, he pulled you up, and you walked to the window, and gasped, instantly feeling for Kai’s hand. It couldn’t be happening.
That’s it! This madness finally drove you... mad.
There was an actual silhouette, the one you didn’t put there, and possibly couldn’t. The one that could not be put there for the life of you. The one of proportions too great for anyone to put it in the middle of the city, one foot on the right side of the river, and the other, on the left.
“What the fuck!” you yelled, your fright real as ever. Kai grinned happily, but then his face changed back to the philosophical expression of impending doom.
“This is it, Y/N. The zombies... and that dude... were just omens, but that’s it. The sky people have come to destroy us. It’s the end“.
“Seriously, Kai, how did you put it up... there?”
The sky was blackish-bordeaux, like usual. The river was seen just fine from here, from the top floor of the Tower. You had a pretty good look on the gloomy city and all its post-war industrial charm. The figure was so big it stood almost above the Tower itself; he reminded you of the Colossus of Rhodos, the Bronze Man, or one of the mythical golden gods of ancient times. You could actually feel your heart trying to break the hell out of your ribcage in a desperate attempt to kill itself. You couldn’t breathe for a second, mortified by the size of that thing. It was one of the deepest nightmares of your childhood, one of the visions haunting you from when you were little and kept dreaming about the end of the world.
You told Kai about those, and he now used them against you, but you appreciated the performance. It was all almost like art. It was horrifying and great, but you hated it.
“He came down from the clouds”, Kai said quietly, like a dispassionate narrator. Who already knows what’s coming, and doesn’t give a shit, because he’s already dead.
“To press the earth into the core of the planet, and make all life perish. He shall walk the land... waging his wrath on all that breathes. Including you and me”.
You made an effort to turn away, mesmerized by the statue, and looked at Kai.
“How much magic have you wasted on it?”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t break the character, it takes me a lot of concentration”.
“Sorry”, you whispered.
“How do you feel about facing the end of the world with me?” he asked.
It was a damn good question. Parker really did ask all the right questions. After all the time in post-apocalyptic Boston, surrounded by enemy, living in a dark den and barely seeing the sun, it was very easy to actually sense the end coming. You clutched your own elbows, thinking. Strangely, you weren’t scared anymore.
A part of his face was in the shadow. He blinked the way you’ve only ever seen Kai blink, just a little, as if he didn’t want to lose visual even for a split second.
“I’m okay with it. I have lived a fine life, in my totalitarian city, guarded by robots and...”
“Hunted down by Harrison Ford...”
“You just jumble together all the movies, it’s actually insane, stop it”.
“But now as Cthulhu has sent its warriors...” (Kai rolled his eyes), “I’m ready to go”.
A lonely honk of a train cut through the distance making you feel melancholic. The trains were just crawling there day and night, filling the air with their lonesome cries occasionally. It would make any reasonable person go crazy, too.
“What will be the last thing you do before you die?” he whispered, his nose almost touching yours. You gave in, hot slow lava crawling up your body. You took Kai’s waist, trying to feel his ribs through three layers of clothing.
He probably wore three or four shirts just to see you go nuts as you tried to undress him every time. His street jacket goes, then, a pullover, then a shirt, then another shirt, and you groan with anger as he chuckles at you, his hands snaking under your clothes at once. Your skin went shivering, covered with goose bumps under his fingers, like by magic.
As he pushed you against the wall, the gigantic Titan started melting above the river, looming shadow stepping away from the city, which was flattering. Kai’s whole mind was directed at you now.
You thought about how one loves at the brink of extinction; is it passionate, like when Kai grabbed your shoulder, your hair, pounding you into the floor, or is it gentle and thoughtful, like when you only moved your hips slowly, pressed against each other like two halves of Oreo, or is it impatient, breathless and vile, like when he was fucking you against the wall, talking all the way through your whimpering?
It took the end of the world for you to end up on his dick.
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krisdreaming · 4 years
A/N: Today is a special day because it’s Em’s birthday, @imaginethathaikyuu​!!! Em is such an amazing writer and a warm & caring person, and I’m so glad that I’ve had the chance to get to know her. This is my humble birthday offering, I hope you enjoy!
This is a college AU!
Here’s the 4+1 masterlist
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Four times Keiji thinks he loves you, and the one time he finally says it out loud
When Keiji gets to your dorm, you immediately pull him inside, closing the door quickly behind him. “I’m sorry,” You’re already apologizing, “I didn’t know who else to call.” You lead him to your bed, and there, in a shoe box laying on top of a folded towel, is a tiny kitten. It’s laying eerily still, and he can hear a slight wheezing sound every time it’s small chest rises and falls. 
“I found him on my way back from class, he was laying all curled up by the sidewalk. I couldn’t just leave him there. He needs help.” You reach into the box and ever so gently caress the top of the kitten’s head with your fingertip. 
He’s silent for a few moments, looking into the box and turning the situation over in his head. “I’m pretty sure there’s an emergency vet in town,” He says finally, “I can drive us there.”
You look at him, and there’s a relieved smile breaking across your face. “Really?” You breathe, “Keiji, thank you! You don’t have to do this,” You add quickly, looking back to the frail kitten. If he’s not mistaken, there’s a sheen of tears in your eyes.
“I want to,” He says firmly. You’re bustling around your dorm to grab a jacket and an extra blanket to swaddle the kitten, wondering aloud if your parents will let you keep the kitten at home if he recovers, but he’s completely still, just watching you.
It’s not the first time he’s caught a glimpse of your big heart. He knows how much you care, it’s part of what drew him to you in the first place. It’s just that now, especially, something is swelling up inside his chest, and it feels an awful lot like I love you. It’s the first time he’s felt it so clearly, and he can’t help the small smile that finds its way onto his face.
Keiji rests his head on his arms and closes his eyes, just for the few minutes until class starts. He’s lucky if he got three hours of sleep last night, and he hopes he’d studied enough. This midterm is a huge part of his grade, and despite the hours he’d spent in the past week preparing for it, he still doesn’t feel too confident.
He feels a gentle touch on his arm. “Keiji,” at the sound of your voice he looks up, surprised to see you standing by his desk. You aren’t supposed to be here - you have your own class starting in about five minutes. “I thought you might need this,” You laugh softly, and he finally notices the cup in your hand when you set it down on the corner of his desk. It looks like the largest cup of coffee the campus has to offer. He’s never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
“Thank you,” He wraps his fingers around it, pulling it closer to himself, but he doesn’t take a sip yet. He’s still looking at you. “This is perfect,” He smiles.
“Good,” You smile back, even bigger. “Good luck today, Keiji. You’ll do great.” You lean in and press the quickest peck to his cheek. The feeling of your lips lingers even after you pull away. 
“Thank you,” He says again, because he isn’t quite sure what else to say. “You should get to class too, right? I’ll see you after.”
“Yup! You’ve got this!” You grin before you lift your hand in a quick wave and duck out of the classroom. He watches the door even after you disappear from view, his hand resting absently on his cheek at the spot where you’d placed your kiss. 
he muses that it’s probably a good thing you hadn’t stuck around any longer. Something like the words I love you might have slipped out past his sleep-deprived brain.
Keiji glances from his spot on the court to the place he knows you’ll be in the stands. When you see him looking your way, you immediately lift both both hands above your head in an exaggerated wave. He waves back at you, quickly, before the next volley starts.
Even though he’s only on the intramural team and the stands are rarely packed, you still show up at every single one of his matches. Even though this is nothing like the Black Jackals match he took you to once, no roaring crowd or big, bright stadium lights or fancy official uniforms with sponsor patches, you’re always telling him how exciting it is to watch him play. You mean it, too. He can tell.
“You don’t have to come every time, you know,” He says, afterwards, as he walks you back to your dorm. “It’s nothing special, so I don’t expect you to always be there.”
“I want to be there, silly.” You shove your shoulder against his, and he uses it as an excuse to reach for your hand, sliding his fingers between yours. “You love volleyball, and I love watching you play. If it’s important to you, then it’s important to me.” You’re important to me. I love you. He thinks it, but somehow he can’t make himself say it out loud. Instead, he gives your hand a squeeze and tugs you a little closer.
“Thanks,” He says, stopping just for a moment to press a quick kiss to your lips.
You giggle softly. “What was that for?”
He shakes his head, a small smile playing across his lips. “Nothing in particular.”
Keiji is trying very hard not to move. The train is jostling enough as it is, and you had fallen asleep on his shoulder almost as soon as the train had started moving. He can’t blame you. It had been a long day, and you’d done a lot of walking. 
He can just make out your face in the reflection on the train window. It looks so soft and peaceful. Your lips are slightly parted, and you let out the softest sigh. Something washes over him, then - an overwhelming desire to protect you, to keep you safe, to stay by your side for as long as you’ll have him. He’s not sure where it came from.
While he’s still lost in thought, your stop comes up. Gently, he nudges you awake, and you blink at him blearily, confusion on your face for a few moments before you remember where you are.
“Oh, sorry,” You murmur, “Didn’t mean to fall asleep. You could’ve woken me.” You rub some sleep from your eyes, and he gives your cheek the softest pinch. You scrunch your nose at that, standing to exit the train.
“Nah, you looked so peaceful. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” He rests his hand at the small of your back for a fraction of a second as you step off the train, and when you’re on the platform, you turn to him and grin.
“Oh?” You ask cheekily, a teasing glint in your eyes.
He nods, then quickly changes the subject. “Okay, let’s go. We need to get you to bed.”
This day is definitely not turning out the way Keiji had envisioned it. When he woke up to the patter of rain hitting the windowpanes, his heart sank. He’s been planning this romantic little picnic for a few weeks now, as a way of celebrating your six month anniversary and, as a bonus, the perfect time to finally, finally tell you what he’s been feeling for so long. And now it’s raining. Even if it stops raining, the cute little park near campus is going to be soaked. 
“We can do it some other time,” You say over the phone, and he sighs. Who knows when ‘some other time’ could end up being? The end of the semester is getting closer, and he’d been lucky this weekend had worked out for both of your schedules. He lets the gears turn in his head for a few moments before responding.
“No. Come to my dorm. We can still hang out.” He looks around the room, already figuring out what he’ll do to make the place look even a little bit nicer. All he’ll have to do is make sure his roommate keeps himself scarce, and it could work.
“Okay,” You say, and he can hear the smile in your voice, “I’ll be over around noon?”
“Perfect,” He agrees. It gives him just a little more than two hours to make some preparations.
When you get to his dorm, he watches the way your expression changes when you walk into the room. You look from the blanket and pillows spread out on the ground, to the candles he’d lit (and paid his roommate 2,000 yen not to tell anyone about), and to the big bouquet of flowers. Your lips form a small, surprised O, and he pats the spot on the blanket next to him, inviting you to join him.
“Keiji,” You breathe as you sink down, still taking everything in, “This is beautiful. Honestly.”
“For a dorm room,” He chuckles, handing you a bottle of your favorite drink. “Would’ve been better in the park, but...” He shrugs and gestures to the window, where you can see the rain outside still falling.
“This is so cozy, though!” You murmur happily, scooting in a little closer so you’re just leaning against him. He shifts so that the arm bracing him up is also resting against your back. “All this, just for six months.” You laugh softly.
“Of course,” He says, his nose just brushing your cheek when he turns to see your face better, “These last six months have been wonderful. Truly. I’m really glad that I could spend them with you.” 
“Keiji,” Your voice is almost a squeak, “So am I. It’s been perfect.”
“Yeah,” He agrees, turning so you’re practically face to face and reaching for your hand, holding it loosely and brushing his thumb across the back of it. Your smile drops off and you study his face, then, almost as though you’re waiting for something. He’s been waiting too.
“Y/N,” His voice drops lower and softer, “You’re incredible. I’m amazed by you, every day. Sometimes I don’t know why you’d want to be with me,” He chuckles softly at the frown that puckers your brow at that, “But I’m glad you do. And... I love you, Y/N. So much. And I will keep on loving you for as long as you’ll let me.” For a few moments, the only sound is the rain falling outside as his words sink in. Then, all at once, you close the distance between you and throw your arms around his neck.
“Keiji,” Your words are muffled against the skin of his neck, “I love you too. Oh my god, I love you so much.” You pull back, then, and with the way you’re looking at him, like he’s the only person in the world, he can’t help himself. He cups your face in his hands and kisses you like he means it, because he does. More than anything.
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4+1 taglist (let me know if you want to be added!):
@luna-barnes14​, @herow1n​, @disgruntled-gay​
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peakyblinderswhore · 4 years
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req:  A date with Tommy Shelby. Umm, not actually date, it's just that he and his wife haven't been able to spend time together due to work and he just randomly goes to his wife's study and finds her working and then she asks him what he wants (she's annoyed with his behaviour lately) and he goes "can't I sit in my wife's study to just look at her?" I mean, yeah something like this and then they drink together and slow dance and then make gentle love and just sleep away. Sorry if it's too lengthy 🙈
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wc: 1.6k
warnings: mentions of alcohol, smoking, left to your imagination at the ending ;)
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Tommy sits back on his leather desk chair and thinks about all the things he’s been doing lately. Most of them involved seeking you out and prying for answers to his questions or just to exist in your presence. His eyes sweep over all of the things laying on his desk, including the pen he had abruptly placed down when he decided that he’d had enough; he thought the words would be tattooed in his brain by now and yet he still does the brunt of the work sometimes. It drained him mostly but occasionally it kept his very busy mind focused on this and only this.
Tommy pushed with his foot to swivel the chair a little and his eyes shifted to land on the frame adorning his desk, a little reminder to himself of why he still exists today. Inside the frame was a picture of you and him on your wedding day, surrounded by John’s kids who had been flower girls and flower boys. It wasn’t something Tommy was aware was a thing but you had insisted that they get equal opportunity and as he had expressed not wanting to lose the rings, you said it was a win-win. He just has Arthur hand them over when it gets to the important part and you cry at the sentiment. You had everything planned out, even down to when to cry and when not to cry; he’d always loved you for the little, impossibly specific things about you. He knew you probably would cry most of the day but it was your way of trying to comfort him whilst also including his nieces and nephews in the wedding, something they hadn’t been allowed to do at Arthurs and Linda’s immaculate Christian wedding.
Tommy’s lips curl absentmindedly as he remembers the day he wedded you. It was undoubtedly one of the few things he was so positively sure of that Polly didn’t even prepare a counter argument like she had for Arthur (She never had the chance with John since Martha was pregnant and on the verge of showing just how pregnant). 
Deep in thought, Tommy tries to remember the last time the two of you spent some time together, that wasn’t bound to dinner tables and quiet breakfasts. The breakfasts were quiet as the two of you ate and caught up on the news by reading the newspaper most mornings. Sometimes he would smoke and you would frown slightly at his actions but never commented. He would always let it burn in the ashtray the second your fingers searched for yours in reassurance despite the light scowl present on your temples as you continued decomposing the front-page news of the day. He adored you and studied you at breakfasts, more often than not, leaving his breakfast to go cold and later apologising to the cook when he asked for another slice of toast instead of eating his cooked breakfast. Tommy usually removed the poached eggs from his plate and put them on a saucer before silently nudging them towards you. You always lifted your newspaper higher and hid the smile gracing your lips, hoping that he wouldn’t see it but he always did and he always felt his heart flutter at the sight, no matter the fact that you’d been married already for a few years and he hoped it would never fail to make his heart flutter for years to come.
Deciding that he’d had enough for the day, Tommy lifts himself from his desk chair and makes his way towards your study, where you often lay reading or sat painting or sometimes could be found just airing your thoughts to the painting of the horse that Tommy had bought for you at auction for your anniversary one year. You had named him Honeysuckle. Tommy had been over the moon that you loved his present as he had always enjoyed spending his off time with horses whenever he could. He preferred horses over people, not including you.
Today, when Tommy padded into the room in a pair of slippers you had insisted on gifting him (you said it was silly for him to walk around in work shoes when he was at home and therefore he should wear something comfier for the comfier setting), you were sitting in an armchair, the leather faded from the sunlight that pooled through the tall windows, your hair pulled back and tied out of your face by a simple scarf and a book resting on your folded legs.
Tommy’s chest swelled with adoration, loving how the midday sunlight hit your face and made you glow from where he was standing. The book you were reading was well thumbed despite the leatherbound spine, instantly telling him that you were researching the appropriate things for your small business. He sat down on the loveseat opposite and pulled out a cigarette.
You twitched, hating that he had come into your space to smoke when he could’ve just as easily smoked in any other room in the house or on the grounds somewhere far away from you. He knew you hated him smoking as it reminded you of your father who chain smoked like it was going out of fashion until the day he died. He also knew you tolerated it as best you could as Tommy didn’t smoke as severely as your father once had.
“Tommy,” you began, not taking your eyes away from the line you were currently trying to etch into your brain, “this is a cigarette-free space.”
He smiles, enjoying your nagging despite not directly addressing the thing that was bothering you.
“Alright I’ll put it away,” he says and tucks it neatly back into the case he had pulled it from and left them to rest on the wooden tabletop next to him.
“I was just repeating the only rule we agreed on in this house.”
“And I just wanted to listen to you say it, again.”
You shifted how you were sitting so the book rested on the arm of the chair and you rested your head on the palm of your hand, flicking between pages with the other.
“I don’t see the appeal in listening to me repeat myself.”
“I like hearing the sound of your voice as it travels through the room,” he replied, not missing a beat. He smiles and waits for you to lift your head to face him. You wondered briefly if you had forgotten what he looked like since this morning’s breakfast… probably not,
He waits for you to say something back but nothing comes and you make no moves to continue the conversation, “Don’t you wanna see if my face has changed since this morning?”
Stilling, you wonder how he knows you so well. You leave your finger below the line you were reading and point your gaze in his direction. You drink in his features, take note of the slippers you had been nagging him to wear and offer a tight smile, “What are you after, Tommy?”
“Can't I sit in my wife's study to just look at her?”
You frown and pull the bookmark down and close the book before resting it next to your own wooden tabletop. Looking over at Tommy Properly, you see that he’s sat with one leg draped over the other, a smug grin resting on his face and his eyes glistening as he watches your every move.
“I suppose you can.”
“Drink?” He offers as he leans forward, uncrossing his legs and begins pulling whiskey glasses from the centre of the lowered table between the two of you and pours himself a single, not wanting to push it too far tonight.
Hesitantly, you nod and wait for him to pour one for you. He holds the glass out to you and waits for you to take it from his fingertips.
You reach to take the glass from him. Your fingertips brush over his and he pulls you towards him by your elbow. You let out a gasp when your met with Tommy’s clothed chest, holding your glass close to your chest and try to push away from him but he just sighs and gruffly says, “I know I haven’t made too much effort to spend some time with you recently but this is me saying I’m sorry so please don’t pull away.”
His blue eyes bore into your own as you look up to study him, “Alright,” you whisper and rest your head against his shoulder, swaying in his arms as he sways with you, humming something you don’t quite recognise straight away. He hums it like a soft lullaby you would sing to a young child.
Breathing in his scent, you nuzzle your head further into his neck and press your lips against the bare expanse of skin that you could reach while you were in your moment of bliss. You sip from your drink and hum along with him, not wanting the moment to end. It was a breather and something you had missed from his soft side in recent days.
“Hey,” he lifts your chin to face him. He presses a kiss to your lips and watches as you chase his lips when he pulls away, “Follow me.”
You let Tommy guide you through the decorated halls of your home until he leads you into your bedroom, glasses long forgotten on one of the sideboards, left for one of the maids to clear away later on.
He undresses you slowly and drinks you in before you do the same to him, spending the rest of the afternoon together, tangled in the no-longer clean sheets in your shared bedroom.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Opposites Distract
Will Graham x reader
Word Count: 1.3k 
Warnings: talks of murder and dead bodies and killers
Author’s Note: Hey love! I hope that it’s okay I chose Will I think will be the first I post of him although I’ve written like seven already that have yet to be posted lol. I just really love him and when I read this request he was the first that came to mind! Thank you for requesting dear!
Requested: by @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza​,Hey idk who this prompt would work with best but I wanted to do a general ask with the phrase "opposites distract"? Where reader is so similar to the character but continues to date awful people because opposites attract? Thx😘
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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You were exhausted. You had come home from yet another bad date and to be honest you weren’t sure if you could take much more. It was a fifth date really and you had planned on going home with the guy until it took a horrid turn, him bullshitting about some sort of misogynistic ideas. You knew he was a bad guy and you should have taken the first hint when you saw him texting a girl's heart right in front of you.
To be fair though, you were pretty terrible at choosing guys.
You walked to your bed and dialed Will’s number. He was probably still awake, despite the late hour.
It only rang twice before Will picked up.
“Hey,” he muttered. 
“Did I wake you up?” 
“No.” You were silent. “Yes. It’s alright, it wasn’t a good sleep anyway. How was your date?” You scoffed. “That good huh?”
“He told the waitress that her tits were nice. While I was eating my salad Will. Over my salad.” He couldn’t help but laugh. There was an obvious distaste in your voice and he was pleased to hear it.
“The guy was a scumbag anyway.” 
“I should've just listened to you,” you muttered. 
“I know. Listen, go to bed and try and get some sleep okay?” You had obviously woken him up and he was too polite to tell you he wanted to sleep but to be honest you didn't' mind. You should go to sleep anyway but you wanted him to know that the date had gone exactly as he planned it. Bad.
“You’re right. Goodnight Will Graham.” You could practically see his smile. He liked it when you said his full name for some reason. Just the way it sounded coming from your voice was pleasing.
“Goodnight Y/N.” 
The next day Will was called in to help with a case. Hannibal was there as well, checking in on how the case was forwarding. Usually he just waited for Will to come to his session and explain but he had a special interest. Either way, he and Will stood with a few other people in the morgue. 
“How was Y/N’s date?” Hannibal asked. Wil laughed dryly, welcoming a nice change of pace to the dark his mind was going to about the body.
“She found out the guy was a misogynist pig who commented on the breasts of a waitress. Over his salad was a particular problem.” Hannibal chuckled.
“She was trying to eat poor girl.” 
Hannibal knew of Will’s feelings. He also knew that you were a fool for not dating the man. You and Will were similar in many ways. You shared the same morbid curiosity of death and killers. Beside that you thought of things similarly. It wasn’t the same of course. Will was a little more advanced or crazed in his thoughts but like Hannibal you were able to trace killers with a speed and professionalism that amazed Will. A skill similar to his own.
You had gotten into a habit of dating men that were nothing like you. A problem lay in that. You wouldn’t date Will if you dated people that weren’t like you.
“How do you feel about her dating others?” 
“She has no obligation to date me Hannibal. Besides, this isn’t a session is it?” Hannibal shrugged.
“Just some friendly conversation.” He looked at Will. “Speak to her. I think you’d be surprised what comes out.” 
Will took that to heart more than he thought he should. He liked you, a lot. It killed him when you continued to go on dates with men that didn’t deserve you. Will at least could make you happy, treat you right. He might not be the most stable person but that didn’t mean much otherwise.
You knocked on the door to his house. You were coming over for drinks which you did every once in a while, especially after a case that affected one of you. He opened the door and gave you a strained smile which meant that he was thinking about something.
“Hey Will Graham,” you said smiling. 
“Hey.” You said hello to the dogs and Will poured you a drink, handing it to you. You sat on his couch and waited for him to get situated.
“Something wrong?” you questioned.
“Just surprised you didn’t have a date today is all,” he said offhandedly. You raised an eyebrow and took a sip. He sat down across from you.
“I know I’ve been going on a lot lately. It’s stupid really,” you muttered. 
“Can I ask why you’re so keen on dating men that are so bad for you?” You scoffed.
“That’s a blunt way to put it.” You took a deep breath and shugged. “I believe opposites attract I guess. That was the theory anyway, I think I’m evidence disproving that theory with my dating life.” You took a larger drink this time. “I mean I guess that really it should be that opposites distract. From this world, our life.” 
Will watched you. He analyzed you. He knew you believed that opposites attract and he wondered where you had gotten such a silly idea into your head. 
“Have you ever thought about dating someone similar to you?” he asked. You thought about it a moment, swishing the wine in your glass.
“No actually. I suppose at this point I should,” you joked. “But who do I know that’s even remotely similar to me?”
There was a silence. 
Will waited very patiently, studying your face. 
You were concentrated in thought until suddenly your face eased as it came to realization. Your laughter filled the room even if it was faint.
“You,” you muttered. “You’re the only person even close to me.”
Will stared at you and then you smiled wider as the pieces began to fit together in your brain. 
“For such a good detective I have to admit, you’re really stupid sometimes,” he said. You laughed, shaking your head.
“Well then Will Graham, would you like to go on a date with me?” you asked. His smile was addicting. 
“If you insist.” He laughed. “Isn’t this a date though?”
“Just you and me in your house with wine? Yeah I suppose we’ve been having dates all along and you just forgot to mention it.”
Will laughed. He was quite happy with this development.
“You want some more wine as we continue our date?” 
“I would love some.”
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smuggsy · 3 years
Can I have a "i sleep better in your bed" for flyboys please 🥺
All right, I know those are supposed to be comfort prompts but I didn’t quite get there. Just a helpless pining Collins for you, my friend.
Collins doesn't fall into unhealthy habits. He thinks it must have something to do with him coming from a very small village, born into an even smaller family. An early bird that took care of the farm in the wee hours of the morning when everyone else enjoyed an hour or two of extra sleep.
A fag or two a day? That's alright, it's only common in the ranks; but he's never been one for alcohol. It would serve a purpose, he thinks, as he turns on his bed for the third time that minute.
Maybe if he knocked down a pint or two he'd get a wink of sleep on this godforsaken place. Which is anything but forsaken, of course. Quite the opposite. They've been sent out to an airfield in Croydon and it's beaming with personnel and new recruits being noisy and chipper, the word "inexperienced" written all over their faces.
Collins knows that's about to change, and he turns once again on his bed as that intruding thought downs on him at 2 in the morning. They've been transferred here for a reason and he reckons any day now the Luftwaffe will give those cheerful new lads a reason to finally get in the air and they will soon have no extra energy to burn off, no impromptu football matches to organize, no more bets to make on their card games.
At that, he finally sits up on his bed and weights his chances. He'd promised himself he wouldn't do this again. It was just a one-night thing, and he didn't even ask for permission to go and use someone else's bed.
(Although, to be fair, Farrier wasn't there to be asked. If he'd been, he'd have probably kicked him back to his own bed with a gruffly grunt.)
There is no infestation of ants round this side of the room tonight, so tonight he's got no real reason to scoot over to the opposite bed and lay down on it, the same thin and overly-soft army-issued mattress underneath but feeling much more comfortable.
Because it smells like Farrier.
Fuck it. He's always up before anyone else and Farrier won't be here till six.
And he's going to be awful tired for his early flight tomorrow morning if he doesn't get a proper four hours of shut-eye.
Farrier's not here.
What Farrier doesn't know won't hurt him.
So, in the dead of night, with about twenty-five other pilots sound asleep, he tiptoes over and gets under the covers with a sigh, his shoulders relaxing and his eyes shutting close with easiness at the familiar smell.
Collins doesn't really have any unhealthy habits.
But this may just be becoming one.
* * *
He's over by the runway when Farrier meets him at eight. His hair is wet and he looks very clean, and Collins actually hears him approaching before he sees him. That same cadence to his footsteps, careless and easy-going yet firmly getting closer.
"Morning," Farrier says, and Jenkins nods his way. Collins finishes fastening up his lifejacket and turns around to greet him, smell of coffee filling the air.
And also the smell of shampoo.
"'Elo," he says with a smile, avoiding Farrier's intent stare because it feels weird, because he really needs to stop using his bed every night when he can't sleep, because it's a violation of his privacy and it's wrong and it's becoming a thing, "good night?"
"Uneventful," Farrier shrugs and he comes closer to stand next to him with his cup of coffee, his free hand buried deep inside the front pocket of his navy-blue trousers, "you'll have a quiet day as well, I reckon."
"I hope not," Jenkins blurts out, turning around and heading for his own Spitfire at seeing their Squadron Leader hopping up, mumbling something about Jerries and the weather forecast.
Collins turns to Farrier with an awkward smile, feeling immensely inadequate standing next to him and smelling that same scent from up close. That's what his pillowcase smells like.
Stop it.
He clears his throat and checks his lifejacket's in place again, unaware of how twitchy he's behaving. Unaware of Farrier following his every nervous movement with an almost-smirk on his face.
"See ya then," he says in lieu of a goodbye, but when he takes a step forward Farrier catches his arm and stops him from leaving.
Collins turns around with sweat on his brow.
"What's up with you?"
"What? Nothing - stomachache. Milk was sour, I think. Good thing yer havin’ coffee," he rants, gesturing towards the half-empty cup Farrier's holding, ignoring the way his ex wing-mate is frowning at him like he's grown a second head, "I need to go."
Farrier's still got a hold of him and he frowns unapprovingly for a couple more seconds before stepping back. Collins makes a run for the cockpit and keeps his eyes forward until they take off.
They're not even out for sixty minutes before they must head back, storm looming over London and air so wet and hot they all make a beeline for the showers soon as they step back on land.
Collins keeps himself busy. He replies to a letter, he plays some poker, he sits down by Hugh when he picks up his guitar and starts singing away the afternoon.
And one too many times he finds Farrier looking at him from afar.
Just looking. Pondering. Not approaching.
He must know he's avoiding him, Collins thinks, and he feels like an idiot. Like a jittery teenager every time he glances around to find Farrier smiling at something his wingmates say but meeting his gaze immediately when he finds him looking.
The sky falling outside doesn't help a single bit.
There's nowhere to go.
When Farrier approaches him, like he'd been waiting for Jenkins to go away to come and chat, Collins runs a hand over his eyes and nods towards him, tired of the idleness and tired of his very useless infatuation.
Maybe he should stop turning down invitations from pretty birds at the pub and have some fun. Fuck the image of Farrier away from his brain, have his very musky scent erased from his memory and replaced by some soft flowery perfume.
"Alright?" Farrier greets.
Collins answers with a sigh and lights up a fag.
"Fuckin' bored," he says, with the cigarette in between his lips and leaning against the window overlooking the runway. It's immensely dark outside, save for one or two bolts of lightning flashing prettily in the distance.
Farrier lets out a laugh next to him.
"You sound like the boys," he comes round to block Collins' view and his eyes glitter with mischief as he takes a bite of his very red apple, "you should know better. Enjoy a quiet day for once."
He offers him the apple as he chews, and Collins shakes his head and can't help but smile at his air of playfulness, the awkward exchange of looks feeling distant and utterly silly.
This is Farrier.
They've been together since they got their wings.
Just his mate.
Nothing else.
"Yeah, well," Collins takes a deep draw and when he talks next, the smoke goes in Farrier's direction, "maybe they're growing on me."
"Yeah," Farrier says, half-heartedly like his mind's someplace else, and he just stares.
From then on, it starts getting awkward again and Collins shifts his weight from foot to foot, at a loss for words and feeling like he's being read like an open book.
It feels like ages before Farrier gestures towards him with the half-eaten apple again and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
"You have a very nice cologne, don't think I ever said."
Collins almost chokes.
But it's just smoke in his throat so he simply plays it off as a cough.
"Quite strong," Farrier continues; Collins feels like his soul is leaving his body, like he's imploding, like he's about to pass out, "but nice."
He looks around, maybe someone nearby will come and drag him out of this situation, out of this conversation, is Jenkins gone off already?
"My bedsheets stink of it."
Oh fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Dear me, don't look so mortified!" Farrier laughs, he laughs, "I don't mind, but someone will notice, and they'll start talkin'."
Oh fuck, we are having this conversation.
"Shite, look - sorry, I'm sorry, I just, it's - I dunno," yes you do, you do know, you bleedin' idiot, "I sleep better in yer bed, I won' do it again."
"Do it all you want.”
And Collins stops himself from blurting out any more apologies at that, frozen in place whereas Farrier looks positively amused by the whole affair.
The fact that he's taking it so lightly is almost insulting.
"You wha'?" Collins blinks stupidly.
Farrier checks that no-one else is within earshot and shifts the slightest bit closer to him. Just a silent and quick look around that sends off alarms in Collins' brain.
The Scot swallows through a very dry throat and he most definitely doesn't look down at Farrier's throat when he swallows another piece of his apple, that very sweet apple he can smell from where he's standing.
"Is this why you've been avoiding me lately? Acting all weird because you've been sleeping in my bed?"
Collins makes a face. Farrier laughs again, the bastard.
"God, don't say it like that, ye make it sound-"
"What? I make it sound what?"
Collins can't make a sound. He can only look at Farrier, with his hazelnut twinkling eyes staring right into his soul, the brightest of lightning making his pupils go small for half a second, those juicy lips that would most definitely taste of fruit, the collar of his shirt buttoned-down, the suspenders firmly in place on top of both wide shoulders and BANG!
The loudest and closest thunder so far sinks the whole hall into deep darkness, only the very dim light from cigarette tips visible here and there. A collective wave of groans and colourful swearwords can be heard all throughout.
Collins jumps in his place at the sudden deafening sound, and instantly two strong arms come to grab each side of his shoulders to prevent him from moving, and he can't see a thing but he can feel, he can feel Farrier's fingers grabbing insistently at the fabric around his biceps and he can feel him suddenly leaning closer.
And he can feel him kiss him too.
Deep and needy and just a flash.
Like that lightning.
So fast and unpredictable it leaves him heaving for breath and needing to brace himself against the thick window glass. It leaves him tasting apple.
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