#but also a woman dying as punishment for a man's actions is like.
raayllum · 5 months
like on the one hand miyana dying would be a pretty fitting punishment for karim as the consequences start to catch up to him and he loses everything even more than he already has, but on the one hand i love her and her cringefail man and i want good things for her smart politically savvy ass
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bonefall · 6 months
I'm sitting and looking at somebody's take about the scene of Willow Tail's death
"Clear Sky is fabulous here, and the deaths look karmic. Willow Tail dies blind bc she was so blinded by her wish of revenge she put innocent cats under threat and led to deaths of a medicine cat and an innocent kit. And Wind Runner, who prevented Moth Flight from saving Tiny Branch, lost a life to an injured leg just like he did. Beautiful."
Ig I'll just leave it here like a tribute
"the deaths look karmic" is the only correct thing in this passage. Yes, the writers ARE obsessed with punishing women, gruesomely zooming in on how much pain and suffering they're feeling when those horrible bitches finally get their comeuppance. Glad they can at least recognize torture porn when they see it.
Go one baby step further-- why do the writers keep choosing to frame the women as primarily responsible when Clear Sky is the same violent, egotistical tyrant he always was?
Willow Tail does die blinded-- by Clear Sky. The way he is constantly brutalizing every woman and foreigner in front of him. Just like how he was smacking Moth Flight before he ordered Red Claw to go up into the tree to beat the shit out of Micah and confiscate medicine, because he doesn't care when people die of treatable illness.
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But, sure. Sure, it's Willow Tail who caused the death of Micah, when she sees Moth Flight's face sliced open by a known serial murderer and jumps to her defense, and then learns that Red Claw has been ordered to attack a doctor.
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For those who haven't read Moth Flight's Vision, btw, Willow Tail is revealed to be the villain all along because she was planting rabbit bones on the border. This made Clear Sky mad because Wind Runner said "make your cats respect the borders YOU invented, bc MY cats didn't eat those rabbits" and she didn't just accept his answer of "nuh uh."
That's why it's totally the WOMEN'S fault that Clear Sky was throwing this tantrum, and not his own. Being offended is a totally valid reason to deny medical treatment and do assault and battery. Why would you ever hold a man in a position of power accountable for his own actions?
Wind Runner also didn't kill Tiny Branch through medical neglect. Clear Sky did. Can't believe I'm still saying this.
HE was the one who prevented Acorn Fur from getting help. He keeps insisting that he never needed Micah or any other foreigner to heal Tiny Branch's ailments. He didn't want Micah when it was a cough, and he didn't want Moth Flight when it was a fox attack.
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-Said in the Sap Confiscation Scene
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-Said as Tiny Branch is dying, confirming that yes, he DID stop her from getting the help right away.
Wind Runner PROPOSED an embargo at a meeting that SkyClan was absent for, AFTER Clear Sky had already insisted on denying medical treatment to Rocky and got Micah killed. Wind Runner's hypothetical embargo was broken less than a minute later when it's revealed SkyClan was late by several hours because Tiny Branch got attacked by a fox.
Here's how long they're held up by Wind Runner, though. All 214 words, less than a full page in dialogue, of it.
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How long would you guess this took? Was everyone here speaking at 0.025 speed? Did someone hit the slow motion button? Were they escaping out of a time bubble?
Why's Shattered Ice never mentioned as killing Tiny Branch, btw? The one who actually did physically hold up Moth Flight (but not the other three Medicine cats, Dappled Pelt, Cloud Spots, and Pebble Heart), even if it was for less than 30 seconds? When he's not even from Wind Runner's Clan? CURIOUS INNIT?
I need to remind you that he was also responsible for preventing Acorn Fur from being fully trained. That was HIS choice. HE closed the border. HE stopped Moth Flight from completing Acorn Fur's training. HE is in the middle of a book-length hissy fit about being told what to do.
And, yet, Moth Flight is held up for less than 5 minutes after Clear Sky forced Acorn Fur to save his son alone until signs of infection set in, and this is all Wind Runner's fault.
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So he later kidnaps Moth Flight, expecting Wind Runner to just trust that THIS time he takes a hostage he's not starving them like he did to Jackdaw's Cry, and not launch the two Clans into war. Redemption arc, btw.
And then he gets to be framed like a hero even though he is 100% responsible for every single one of his actions and escalated the situation at every turn. ZERO consequences for him, because him letting his own baby suffer and die was "punishment enough."
The bloodthirsty tyrant, child abuser, woman beater, and known liar was totally justified because It Made Him Sad When Wind Runner Didn't Trust His Word :( This was all actually an evil, scheming woman's fault for planting bunny bones, lol. So she totally deserves getting her eyes ripped out.
At MOST, the narrative considers Wind Runner and Clear Sky "Equally Bad", but only Wind Runner and Willow Tail get personally punished. With death and agony. Surely, SURELY this is not because of writer misogyny? In the Arc of 7 Fridgenings? Perish the thought.
Anyway, glad that I've curated my dash enough to not see that take out there in the wild. Who would even write something so ridiculous, Gray Wing?
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 months
Listening to A Game of Thrones again. I only just finished Jon I and I just had a thought that I have no wish to expand upon at this moments, but maybe I will later or someone else could if they wish.
Starks and Targaryens
Lyanna / Ned / Catelyn -> Aemma / Viserys / Alicent
Lyanna and Aemma die giving birth to a child wanted by the father only for their only living child to be the gender the father of the child did not want. Both women haunt the story even though they are relegated to very brief mentions in their “historical” records. Both die due to a Targaryen man’s irrational belief in prophecy.
Ned and Viserys attempts to keep the peace between the two halves of their family, however, their first “child” causes tensions with his wife and other children and there is a divide between them. Both treat their first children above the typically accepted position their birth would have entitled them to.
Catelyn and Alicent are married to men and constantly feel compared to a woman who is dead or gone and feels threatened by the protective nature of their husband towards their first child. Both have a child who is disabled, only for their husbands to not care. No one was punished, even lightly, for the blinding of Aemond, and Viserys brushed the incident away. Ned left Catelyn alone with Bran, who could have very well died while he was away and chose his duty to Jon Arryn, someone dead, above his son. Both women die with vengeance for their dead children on their lips.
Jon / Robb -> Rhaenyra / Aegon II
Jon and Rhaenyra are their father’s eldest child and is raised above the station many children in their positions are given (Jon as a bastard and Rhaenyra as a girl). Their position within the family puts their stepmothers on edge and their positions also serve as a vague threat to their half-siblings. They both leave their homes and “set up court” elsewhere, Jon at Castle Black and Rhaenyra in Dragonstone, and stay away from the main fight of the series. Both were born the opposite gender their fathers wanted.
Robb and Aegon II both picked up their crowns after the urging of familial figures that discussed the danger their siblings are threatened with. Both lost control of their anger once their siblings began dying. Neither man seemed insistent on a crown and do not think of their other sibling as a danger to themselves despite the warnings of their mother. Both are betrayed by allies.
Benjen -> Daemon
These are more foils. Benjen is everything that Daemon is not and vice versa. Benjen sends himself into exile and remains there and serves the King and his brother with honor. He also tries to look out for his nephew and help raise him to be a proper man for the time he is with him. Daemon is constantly exiled for his actions but always comes back and leads his niece astray.
Jon / Sansa -> Aegon III / Jaehaera
Both Jon and Aegon III are made heir by the will of the previous king so that a woman won’t be given the throne (albeit for different reasons). Both have a complicated relationship with symbol of their house. They are traumatized by the death of a woman who had great influence over them (Ygritte and Rhaenyra). Both were never meant to be put in royal positions of authority, Jon being both a bastard and a second son, and Aegon with three older brothers and the son of the losing side.
Sansa and Jaehaera are both girls deeply traumatized by witnessing the death of beloved male relatives who are wrongly beheaded right in front of them. The two girls serve as keys to their houses and inheritance and are used for that inheritance despite being willed away from such an inheritance. While incited to violence, both are reluctant to such murder and do not enact it. They serve as a representative to sides of a war that are not well liked in the current ruling dynasty.
Ironically, if Jonsa were to happen it would be a true reconciliation of two sides of the similar conflicts that originated with the questions of inheritance.
Lannisters and Strongs
Tywin -> Lyonel
Both men are considered to be great politicians. However, their children undermined their political influence and reveal that both men are not actually as great as they are initially believed to be. Tywin does not think about the long term. Lyonel allows his son to put them all in danger by even allowing such rumors to swirl. If Lyonel were smart, he would have nipped those rumors in the bud not only to protect his son, but to not add shaky foundations for Rhaenyra’s reputation.
Jaime / Cersei -> Harwin / Rhaenyra
Both men have affairs with royal women and sire children that look like them. Both men have three bastards destined to die due to the greed of the women they love who can and will never acknowledge them as the fathers of their children.
Cersei and Rhaenyra do not wish to have children with their husbands, for different reasons, and often put their own sexual pleasure above their positions at court and their own allies. Both women are threatened by younger women who could usurp their place and often belittle them for the sake of their own vanity. Both greatly fear their younger brothers and what hand they might take in their deaths.
Tyrion / Larys
Both men are the “lesser” sons of their fathers and are disfigured—earning nicknames for said disfigurement. Both men are very resentful towards their siblings and either enact or wish for the destruction of their houses.
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korizzybee · 10 months
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Info: reader is black and fem, she’s also taller than Ciel by 2 inches making her 5’2, reader is a maid, reader is 13-14
Day in and day, you trained and trained. You trained until you could no longer all so you could protect your master. Why wouldn’t you? He had practically saved your life. Your name is [Name] [Surname], you come from a family that lives in the west coast of the Caribbeans. At least, that’s what you were told.
You actually don’t know where you come from, all you remember is one day waking up on a ship with a katana by your side and knowing that you were born with a gift that allowed you to create weapons from your body by transforming the lipids and fat cells into your creations. You were trained, since you were 10 years old, as a human weapon.
No one treated you like a human being, had no feelings, no soul of your own. Your previous master made you go on dangerous missions, not giving a damn wether you had sustained serious injuries or not. Of course he wasn’t too evil, you thought, he would give you short resting periods in between if an injury was very serious. He can’t have his weapon dying on him, now can he?
You had grown used to his cruel actions towards you, and had become numb. No light shining in your eyes, not a single wince shown on your face when you were punished by your master for doing something that was ‘not to his standards’. Your current mission, ‘Eliminate Ciel Phantomhive and Return With His Head on A Platter’ was how you ended up in the situation you’re in now.
Of course you would screw up this mission. Your master knew you would screw up this mission, you could bet he was sitting in his office chair right about now, laughing and imagining the surprised look on your face when you found out Ciel Phantomhive was a child. A kid only a year younger than you. You could cut down a man in an instant using your sharpest blade, splatter a woman’s brains across a wall using your finest gun…
But a child? You had never been fond of killing children, especially ones younger than you no matter the age gap. The moment you saw his face you hesitated, your blade shaking in your grasp. And that’s what led to your downfall, here you were pinned to the ground by the kid’s butler. “My, what do we have here Sebastian?” Phantomhive asked his butler, he had your hands tied behind your back.
“This seems to be the rumored, man slaying assassin, Puppet.” Sebastian informed his master, “but…she is just a child.” He finished in a voice that almost sounded like disappointment. Puppet. How you hated that name. You were not a puppet to anyone, at least, not in your eyes. “If you wish to kill me I suggest you do it now, or else I cut your butler down where he stands.” You threatened with a monotone voice.
Truth be told, you weren’t sure if wether or not you could slice this man down. There was something…off..about him, you couldn’t put your finger on it but it was almost like he wasn’t even human. Like he was something else entirely…
“You can try if you’d like, puppet, but I assure you my butler isn’t one to go down so easily.” Phantomhive said with a slight, cocky smirk displayed on his lips. “You’re quite cocky for a small, frail child such as yourself.” You reply to him in slight irritated tone. You hated that word, puppet. It made you feel as though you weren’t your own person.
He walked towards you and Sebastian, looking down at you as if you were inferior to him in a way. It made your stomach boil, you’d never felt this type of distaste for anyone before. Not even your abusive master. “You’re a child too.” He said with a scoff, “Just a slightly older and taller one. You may be good with weapons, but your skills with them aren’t useful if you end up losing a match against someone.”
He then smirked and raised an amused eyebrow, “From what I hear at least, you can conjure up the weapons from your body using your body fat. Is that true?” He asked, bending down to get a better look at you. Sebastian looked down at you. “And if it were?” You responded, that gave them everything they needed to know. “She would be a good addition to our staff, don’t you think so, My Lord?” Sebastian asked Phantomhive with an almost cat-like smile.
“She would indeed. So what do you say, Puppet? Will you join the Phantomhive Manor as a maid?” That choice…is up to you…
AN: hey everyone!!! I just wanted to post a lil sum sum to let y’all know I’m still alive. As you all know school, at least in south of North America, is starting back in August so I’ve been busy making my schedule and getting my supplies. I also want to let everyone know that yes I am still a minor and I am just now going to in to high school.
When August 14 hits I will be offline for at least until December because I want to focus on my grades especially because I’m taking some AP classes. The reason I haven’t been posting much during the summer is because I do both summer basketball and volleyball for my school, and I’ll be doing track nearing the end of the school year so don’t expect a lot of posts then either.
I’ve also been burnt out from sports and had writers block as well, but since I heard Black Butler was getting a third season (where it follows the manga canon) I wanted to write something for Ciel in celebration of that. I will post more chapters to my ATSV OC fanfic but idk when that will be. I will try to post more before August 14, but if I don’t then, oh well.
I’ve been feeling a little more motivated to write, especially since Summer is coming to an end so fast. I have 5 WIPs in my drafts that idk when I will be releasing. My request box is also looking a little dry so don’t be afraid to request anything, just take a look at the rules above. If my works come out slow please remember that I am someone who puts her grades and mental health first before touching social media.
Anyways I love you all, have a good day/night wherever you are. ❤️
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horizon-verizon · 10 months
I’ve always disliked Rhaena. She was a terrible, neglectful mother to her daughter and an abusive, cheating wife to Androw Farman.
*EDITED POST* (1/10/24)
Response to this post HERE.
The same guy who killed what seems to be a teenage girl because his wife came to hate him and wouldn't allow him to accrue more power or esteem through her position yet also wanted her to become politically subordinate to her out of jealousy and a fragile ego? Sure, let's go through this.
blankwhiteshield says this:
You can have an irredeemable and evil character that the patriarchy still suppresses and affects the psychology of immensely, rendering her a bigger monster. The commentary on the destructive capacity of static social constructs is not lost as a result. A character can turn into the devil of the story due to a world that ceaselessly strips her of her humanity, as well as as a result of the choices she actively makes.
And Rhaena was never actually evil or abusive or anything like these things BEFORE she's forced to marry Maegor, etc.
Her History (and a Pseudo-Summary of Later Explanations)
I perceive Rhaena to have been sensitive in her youth and then grew more bitter from the slights & abuses against her. The hurt becomes the hurter. It started as ner needing to be away from people towards the end of her life, especially when they expressed they didn't want her around and they had been with her intimately (romantic, familial, or platonic).
Though she started shy and always preferred to be either alone or with close friends, it is that reservedness that makes her value her bonds with a select group of people that makes their dismissals or betrayals hurt that much worse. Thus her lashing out, her brooding, her solitary runs, and her cold "bloodthirstiness" against Androw after she realizes he killed all her remaining friends. All ways for her to collect her perenially crushed dignity.
She marries Androw just to be close to Elissa and she never mistreats Androw until Elissa leaves. Then she lashes out, because this is already on top of all the other betrayals that happened before she ever met either of them.
She ticks off 3 of 8 behaviors of emotional abuse (in italics):
constant monitoring
excessive jealousy
humiliation & ridiculing
And we know that it would have continued. The details we get, she:
continued to accuse/suspect him of helping Elissa run away and steal her dragon eggs
said that the "wrong Farman" ran away
laughed after her ladies laughed when he requested to replace a man named Bullock as the garrison commander
mocked him when she said how he couldn't stay on a dragon even if he tried after he declared they'd go together to the dying Alyssa
...but does this merit femicide and killing kids for your own growing self-loathing AND does Rhaena's actions actually have terrible wide-range consequences for those outside of her small group?
(Reminder, femicide is different from just killing a woman. Femicide is killing a person because they are a woman and you wish to display dominance in destroying a woman & instilling their inferiority or subservient position to oneself, to punish her for straying from that role. Again, I explain how Androw falls under a femicidal person.)
Of course, Elissa left bc Rhaena already was in her state of bitterness and to kickstart her sailor-captain-adventurer dreams. However, if we argue that Rhaena shouldn't have put down a grown man's self-esteem and hurt both her lover & daughter so she could feel more in control...shouldn't we hold Androw Farman accountable for his crimes in response to those put-downs?
I think that the strength of Rhaena's writing is how human she is and is allowed to be by the narrative while showcasing how she pulled others into her misery with no coddling nor outright subtextual disgust.
In Rhaena, we get the raised question of what do we do with a victim who's BOTH fallen into darkness and then faces more of the similar thing they resented or has pushed them into the darkness? We also see the beginnings and consequences of female Targ abuse. I think we can appreciate Rhaena as a layered female character with many faults developed from abuses or ignoring those abuses, exacerbated over time while being the center of a story within a major one. Something we don't get often enough for women.
In Rhaena, we're getting a very detailed look into non-ideal motherhood, womanhood, and victimhood--from her and those she hurt.
She clearly has loyalty to her own family and house, cares about her kids as a mother (look below), but also seeks out any sort of compensation or some sort of justice for the suffering and sidelining that came from being a woman, and a woman in the wrong place of history AND being a female Targ.
She is quite literally our first account of what being a female Targaryen princess/royal family member is like (Alyssa Velaryon does not grow up royal or a Targ). She foreshadows & heralds the exclusionary/oppressive fates of Targ women, especially under war, and shows us the one way a woman (does not or cannot) deal with the fallout & decisions of others.
(Check out the quote way below of her criticizing her mother's decision to marry Rogar despite Rogar having abandoned Aegon when he battled Maegor above the God's Eye).
We remember that her brother Aegon was named heir over her despite her being the oldest child of Alyssa & Aenys. She did not complain or protest at this because she grew up in this patriarchal society and lived more or less privileged, surrounded by a lot of so-s-so--to great female friends as a princess and expecting to become Queen Consort one day, with the new family she grew with said husband. She is also the one to give her siblings Jaehaerys and Alysanne the eggs of the dragons they have while they are still in their cradles.
That all ends with her uncle usurping her husband, which is ironic because, again, she is the oldest AND she wanted to leave to protect their twins. So we should understand that at one point she came to the idea that her life could have been totally different if she had been Queen/heir apparent, as a succession crisis still occurred.
Then she's forced to marry that same uncle who she probably believes betrayed not only his rightful king but his entire family through the murder of her brother-husband, the "marriage", threatening her daughters, and killing her brother (Viserys). And of course, Maegor would have raped her through the entirety of their forced marriage. Later on, her mother aids Jaehaerys in further passing her over for another son--yes partly for the survival of all her surviving kids, but again it's not so much Alyssa as much as the passing over after all Rhaena was forced to give up (below). Alyssa and Rogar explicitly planned against the possibility of her becoming a regent for one of her daughters (as they both were thought as Aegon's heirs) ["The Year of the Three Brides -- 49 A.C."]:
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I don't know if she, in real-time, understood that this was the reasoning behind Rogar & Alyssa's thinking, but either way, she looks like she observed that she was being treated as more of a threat than someone Alyssa gave birth to and someone who would have done anything for her family. Her claim became the thing her family used against her. And she became more and more resentful of the exclusion and "subtle" betrayals/sidelining.
And was it truly Alyssa's fear, or Rogar's, that Rhaena would come back to wrest power through her daughter? Who is the one to try to kidnap Rhaella and force her to "confess" that she is Aerea after he failed to get Aerea or convince the others to back his plans to usurp Jaehaerys? Rogar!
More likely, he convinced Alyssa that this was the case so he'd be more in control and isolate/distance Rhaena from her family. She saw through him before anyone else! ("Prince into King"):
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Her and Jaehaerys, his making it clear that she would not gain Dragonstone based on her own autonomous claim to the throne but on his permission as king--have their own sort of betrayal, even though he had his own pressures to show others his strength and authority he could be a "tough but fair" king. Again, she didn't ask for the throne, but the thing that would be given to who is the next in line to the throne.
At this point, Aerea was Jaehaery's heir presumptive (not "apparent"). Jaehaerys had no children and Rhaena had just come from the machinations of the Lannisters--her moving into Dragonstone and being recognized as one with a claim would have given her more power against those seeking to use her. Plus, again, her daughter was considered Jae's heir. Hence, when Jae took that last dignity/remnant of something that could-have-been from Rhaena, she sought to claim back her own daughter...especially since she might have known that Jae would just eventually sideline Aerea if/once he had kids. (From her perspective)
Jaehaerys took her asking for Dragonstone as an indirect challenge to himself (not that she was opposing him so much as her doing it at all reminds others that because she is the eldest of Aenys' children, others around them could advocate or use her despite her being female....just as Rogar tried to when he tried to usurp Jaehaerys), and I think Rhaena was offended by his even thinking to suspect or throw out a hint of accusation. As well as his extra pains to make sure she was his subject and not his equal or peer in the full eyes of everyone. There is where she'd feel humiliated simultaneously.
Yes, Jaehaerys was trying to solidify his place in a time when people doubted him right after defeating Maegor, but it is not about him so much as him distrusting her. With her history. Doing it purposefully in front of "outsiders" and potential betrayers (Rogar and the other courtier & nobles) looking for any weaknesses--as if she were not family, as if she weren't the one who gave him his egg as a baby as if she'd actually care enough to try to usurp him. Why not talk to her beforehand, get her into a conversation about their plans going forward so he could broadcast his own control. Thus also strengthening the idea of her symbolic outcast-enemy status to the public. For all Rhaena's self-retreats and brooding, she had much to brood about.
In other words, kinda like Maegor (for it would remind her of Maegor, I think) Jae chose power over family...or really, he was very shortsighted when it came to a problem like this, chose to take advantage of his female relatives while also excluding them from most political decisions and chose the easier, exclusionist way (bc against, he continues this into his death, alienating most of his female family members but also opening the way to the Dance through that exclusion or sidelining).
With Alyssa, his mother becoming his regent and marrying the man who would have usurped him through his connection to Alyssa, I also think that he saw it better for him to consolidate power away from his female relatives bc they could marry men who'd compete with him.
Even with Alysanne, you can see where he reaped the benefit of her intellect, or would have ignored some of her claims and demands if she hadn't been the right kind of insistent (the drinking water of KL).
Her Marriage & Androw's Character
She definitely cheated (if you define cheating as going out for a partner whilst having another on a monogamous relationship despite only marrying them for security), but I don't really feel she should be shamed in the same way we should shame Robert Baratheon, Aegon II & IV, Aerys II, and just ASoIaF men in general for cheating. I do not care that Cersei cheated on Robert multiple times.
Even if Robert didn't abuse Cersei, I wouldn't care about her cheating versus his cheating because Cersei, while she definitely has her ego, cheats to reaffirm the autonomy ignored since childhood AND to try to use her lovers to her own political advantage during her marriage to him. That and how the marriage itself is an arrangement for politics, not for love or intimacy AND women are expected to not practice the same sexual freedoms men do, not even allowed to have their own lovers without ruining their reputations and social value. She also might (and this is a big might) have stayed faithful or devoted to Robert (or at least would feel some guilt in her affairs) if not for his clear preference for Lyanna ANd his philandering throughout their marriage. It comes from a need to have the power men have in her society. Robert cheats because he just feels like it and thinks he's entitled as a man/king. Cersei is from the thought that she should have that kind of power, that entitlement, and though she does not, she will claim it and also do it for her kids' sake....too bad that her classism and cruelty far outstrip her own perception of her capabilities.
The other thing is that Rhaena was very likely a lesbian who could sleep with a man if she was "asked nicely" for politics if the husband was pleasant enough, and/or if it benefited a relative as long as it also didn't ruin her autonomy, esp after Maegor. People of the same sex cannot marry each other even in Dorne, and they can't openly live together as a couple. And if she wasn't lesbian, she'd still be a bisexual woman who got her most important and most positive relationships from those with women. When that happens, romance, sexual desire, and platonic love can and often blur. Especially when there is no safe room to really explore/reflect on those feelings in one's youth or adulthood.
And of course, she fell in love with Elissa and wanted to be close to her.
What exactly could she have done except use marriage as her cover? Yeah, that's unfortunate for Androw, who probably thought that she was in it for him and romance (he wasn't very bright, too), but his feelings don't invalidate or erase the conditions I've described nor do they really compare or level with Rhaena's position as a wlw woman. The condition of entrapment for a woman like Rhaena.
Rhaena says this of why she married Androw ("A Surfeit of Rulers"):
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I do not think their marriage was ever a real one, in terms of romance or having a close bond ("Birth, Death, and Betrayal"):
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Though they began as pleasant acquaintances, she always had stronger love and care for his sister, not him. Rhaena knew that she'd be pressured into remarrying even after Maegor's death to shore up Jaehaerys' (really Rogar's authority and stake in Jaehaerys' rule) own power through connections to specific families. This is why Rogar was angry when she married without his permission.
He even was already choosing people of his own family to arrange a marriage b/t her and them for his own power! ("The Year of the Three Brides-49 A.C."):
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So her rationale & goals in marrying Androw: If she had to be married, she would choose the guy who she thought wouldn't make things difficult and oppressive for her, which includes marrying a guy far beneath her powers and rank PLUS an easygoing guy. Remember how she rails at Rogar for basically consigning her mother, Alyssa Velaryon, to death instead of just being happy with the male child she managed to birth to him before? Her disapproval of Jaehaerys for dismissing her with Dragonstone, his castigation of her threatening Franklyn Farman even though he's the one who told her he would just throw out Aerea if she ever appeared just as he did to her. Maegor's forcing her to marry him and raping her for months, the fear she could have lived with all those months.
She did not marry him to love him nor hurt him intentionally, but she married him to avoid marrying a man who could drag her into heated political conflicts and to be closer to Elissa without it causing too much suspicion/to keep female intimacy without suffering patriarchal violence. Androw was placidly kind (in the beginning and what she thought) and didn't ask as much from her as other noblemen would have. Until later...
Androw became (or failed to hide that internalized envy and inferiority complex) the very sort of man she tried to avoid, incel-like. Here is a quote of him and his justification for killing all her friends ("Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I"):
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Meanwhile, these are descriptions of Androw as a person both before and a little after his marriage to her:
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A lot of emphasis was placed on his:
his lack of really wanting adventure, the opposite of his sister whom Rhaena loved and preferred just as a companion (their incompatibility, not just his inferiority and lack of appeal) -- his incompetence as either a warrior or a "learned" man. going back to the inferiority part, let's be real, how much appeal does a person with no talent NOR any ambition have? If you don't have talent, at least have intelligence or curiosity or ambition. If not the last one, at least some of the others. And he's illiterate so no discussions about stuff they could read, has no hobbies to speak of or that we see. It's not just Rhaena who sees no appeal in him; apart from seeing that he is powerless in Dragonstone bc Rhaena shows her indifference to him, others around Androw have not been his friend or whatever for ALL of his life. Again, he's not that impressive of a person.
And he never seemed to really care or notice this (or expressed such) until people began to really mock and disregard him on these things alone and he was outside of his own birth home, where he'd not really experience people making fun of him probably bc his brother and father would not have allowed it, or he wasn't so much in people's view for them to dwell on his shortcomings.
Mark that part about him spending his time in the room with the Painted Table with the map of Westeros. He started to dream of conquests or those masculinized activities of power and domination.
The women weren't just mocking him without observing a legitimate change in him, as cruel as the book (written by male maesters) tells us they were about it. They were mocking him bc they see him try so hard to grasp power; too obviously try to show he's the "boss", the "man"; for not understanding/accepting who has the real power (Rhaena); AND probably bc they are so used to seeing a man have all the power and are enjoying the reversal, their advantage over him.
While one may think that it's understandable and justified for him to want more respect or power in a place where people constantly denigrate him...what he does to get revenge and get back control doesn't match the wrong(s) and was itself misogyny-motivated AND again, he was already turning to the feudalist hypermasculine ideal of violence against women and children as a way towards "dignity"...something that Aemond will grow up as part of his male, princely entitlement in his own mass/spree murders and subjugation in the riverlands.
Mind you, he decided to kill only the women around Rhaena, not any of those men who the maester said also mocked him.
Here are 2 quotes about that ("Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I"):
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And this is what he says to her after she is hugging the corpse of her cousin and youngest companion, Lianna Velaryon:
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So why is he an incel? Because he feels he is entitled to her time, body, and company even to the moment where he kills all her friends for being her friends and not "respecting" him, though they were never a real couple; like Rogar to Alyssa (who had been castigating her until he finally insults her in front of the council when he proposed usurping Jaehaerys), Androw wants to be the lord to his wife instead of the husband to her "over"-lady. He wanted that traditional, patriarchal dynamic, and what's so absurd is that he expected it after all those months of being married to her...instead of thinking about that before marrying her, when she had been a Queen Dowager and showed her personality at his home island.
Now, this is not to say Rhaena should have let her daughter splash shit water on his head without suitable punishment since he hadn't done anything at that point to either her or Aerea to warrant such anger that the book tells us. It's saying that:
she already grew to distrust men of her not being able to deal w/the sexism...once more, we need to remember that Maegor raped her & threatened her child's life
her distaste for him grew because she couldn't stand his Elissa-like face
there may have been some words b/t them when they fought the two times they fought she could never forgive (we don't know for sure bc we aren't privy to that from the book but it is a possibility)
she suspected him of helping Elissa take Dreamfyre's eggs bc she knew that he was likely to help his own sister, they weren't close themselves, she and Elissa were on the rocks, AND he probably was already showing signs of jealousy at their bond...too eager to establish something she could never have with him
and as a result, she withdrew into her circle of women, those she had always been able to find some sort of substantive emotional support and less unpleasant surprises -- thus her further distancing from him and refusal to really castigate her people from disrespecting him
he either developed an inferiority complex after being mocked OR he always had one but it really got triggered when Elissa's absence made him more aware of how others thought he was out of Rhaena's league and disrespected him on his own lack of those qualities that his society expects of an aristocratic man
Add the boiling pain and betrayal above and you have a person who can't tolerate their husband, another person asking things of her or who w/could.
Retrospectively, I also headcanon that Rhaena felt this envy growing in him whenever they were together and this was one more reason for her to separate herself from him. That he made some sort of demands from her to treat him more like Andal women are expected to treat their husbands...despite her outranking him (if not in powers but in the title), their seemingly non-close relationship, and his seemingly being fine enough with that to even agree to marry her in the first place.
Androw wasn't a helpless child. He seemed content until they had to leave Fair Isle on his own brother's orders and was more exposed to others' thoughts of his subparness. Despite the rank, Rhaena can't do much for a person who doesn't attempt to self-improve (it's told the maester was the one who tried to get him to at least be more learned). And she felt she shouldn't have to, bc again he wasn't a kid and she probably felt she gave/worked enough for the wrong people.
Rhaena as a Mother
Apparently, or maybe, Rhaena was never a child person. However, remember that this is the same woman who:
begged her brother-husband to run to Essos to take their kids away & protect them from Maegor, specifically stating she prioritized the girls' lives over his claim, the latter of which she had already said she prioritized over her own life
laid her life on the line to protect her two daughters from Maegor by disguising them and voluntarily entering KL/the Red Keep to be married off to him, even with no expressed protest....also accepted the chance she'd be tortured
in her forced wedding, saw that her kids were taken nonetheless and let go of any thoughts of really going against Maegor while they were hostages -- and thus had to live as hostage herself to her uncle for months
spent an entire year or so on Dreamfyre looking for Aerea when she ran off with Balerion or in a sort of guilt-desperate state...in spite of her condemnations of Aerea taking & bonding with her father's "killer" AND before that, yes "raged" but also not being able to sleep after Aerea's disappearance
Adding to how she has spent a long time apart from her own kids for their safety AND was already less inclined to want to interact with kids in general, her kids may have become "less" her own while she brooded over her other family. now you've got a very complicatedly angry and emotionally repressed person as a parent.
Yes, she eventually stifles Aerea in her anger at her siblings and mother, hatred for Rogar and refuses to even consider how the girl feels about her leaving what she thought of as home. Only to ignore her most of the time unless it is to yell at her for her disruptions and troublemaking. And her other daughter tells her that she might not have been a great mom, but she was glad to be her daughter if only to become a septa and "serve" the Mother (one of the Seven).
These are valid conclusions and worth being frustrated with her. I just hope that we're not looking at her as if she were an evil entity for the sake of being that way or because she was just selfish. I happen to think she was in the wrong time with the wrong people and no idea of how to get them to really acknowledge her own crap, so she chose to cope by ignoring them and barrel over her own emotions.
She seemed to already have the sort of inclination or predisposition where she compartmentalizes her feelings until the danger passes or when she's insulted. And the more times she gets insulted or put into danger, she claims up and tried to maintain her dignity. When someone asked her why she didn't cry over Aegon's death, how she "coldly" goes through the wedding when Tyanna insults her and brings out her kids, how she talks to Franklyn Farman, how she sullenly warns Jaehaerys about trusting the admiration or regard of the other lords as if she knew he wouldn't listen, and how she points out Jaehaerys' anxiety of her in the same tone.
So with each thing, she became more and more withdrawn while also seeking to keep what she thought she could keep close to her close even if they themselves began to either feel suffocated by her or felt they were losing pieces of their own life (Aerea [being heir presumptive and life built at KL] & Elissa Farman [her dream of being a seas-sailing adventurer]).
And a huge motivation for Elissa to leave Rhaena would have been Rhaena's private hurting her. Why stay & put off your dreams when the person you love has changed so thoroughly as to even (maybe, I headcanon) take it out on you? I don't hate Elissa for leaving Rhaena to start a new life...just for taking the eggs to do it when she knew that it would put Rhaena in a mess with her other family and even could disgrace her in the public eye.
All of Rhaena's self-suppression would come out, built up and vitriolic. And it's important to trace its development so we don't add to that dismissal or misjudge and simplify her.
I also find it fascinating how alike and different Aerea and her are and how they respond to the isolation both experience. Aerea, like Rhaena, grew up expecting to have one of the highest ranks and/or positions of power available in Westeros. Aerea also felt abandoned by her mother when she expresses to Alysanne how she did care her mom's friends died. Aerea also had many friends/acquaintances and was happiest around them. She, like Rhaena, regarded Elissa Farman as one of the most important persons to her and their loneliness, even with Aerea being the one to actually beg Elissa to stay while Rhaena let her leave the second time asking. Both are stubborn and become more and more sullen. And both mistreat others in their loneliness and trying to feel more in control against a relative: Rhaena against Alysanne and Jaehaerys by wanting Aerea back and Aerea throwing poop on Androw as well as pranking and harassing others. Aerea learns from Rhaena, but she eventually just does what Saera hopes she could have done and takes a dragon for her own freedom...tragically ending with her own painful death. While Rhaena did not die as painfully, she does die pretty much alone and miserable in her attempts to get back control. A little less sympathetically as she had more power over Aerea still refused to listen and communicate with her kids, but similar in intentions and thematically. It's also funny how like Jaehaerys she acted here, pushing away a daughter for her own selfish ends to never see them again. At the same time, it was only a matter of time before Aerea was pushed away and out of KL when Jaehaerys finally had children to become his heirs, as many expected and hoped for. As I said in the first section, Aerea was just Jaehaerys' heir "presumptive", not his "apparent" and he seemed very glad to foist her onto Rhaena. What sort of disappointment would Aerea have had if she had stayed and Jaehaerys had kids? Yes, they didn't know that Jaehaerys was fertile and would go on to have many children, but even Maegor would have had kids (if it weren't for Tyanna) the ever-present plans of a monarch and their subjects include children to be their heirs. Whether or not Rhaena felt and anticipated this and acted either for herself or for both her and her daughter or how much she really thought about her daughter's future for its own sake, I believe that it's cool to think about the probability that Aerea would eventually inherit Rhaena's frustrations of being passed over and abandoned, rejected on account of her gender.
Rhaena was a complicated woman. She already didn't have patience with kids but loved her own. She loved her family and was fiercely loyal, but after some abandoned her, she also always tried to claim some dignity for herself and forgot what it was like being a child and/or helpless in the process. Needed a partner who was either as bold or bolder than her, yet used her rank to overpower them into staying with her despite knowing sailing was her dream.
Comparison to HotD!Alicent]
Why the comparison? Because I feel someone might bring this up if they took the time to brave my ridiculously long post AND HotD's Alicent also goes through sexual abuse and neglect or abandonment by family. Both's bad problematic behavior toward those they love or have loved comes directly from their abuses, some that stem from societal and familial misogyny. Both do not really consider their friend's/partner's (Rhaenyra and Elissa) needs or desires to feel less lonely or to make power moves. And Alicent of HotD is told to be wlw, if not lesbian.
HotD Alicent is not well thought out as a character and has more internalized misogyny than Rhaena. Rhaena does not hurt her lover nor wife from wanting to deny her own womanhood, Rhaena has shown to be quite the opposite of a misogynist (threat to Rogar).
HotD!Alicent empowers her male relatives to hurt more people because she feels she has to as a woman basically totally succumb to patriarchal ideology even in her sending that damned note to Rhaenyra, while canon!Rhaena has been trying to keep and get power for herself in spite of the men around her.
Rhaena is not a simple queerbait wlw character, her relationships with women are not queerbait: her sexuality is believable as presented and her relationship with Elissa Farman is obvious because of the background information for both, how they got together, how Rhaena came into her own, why they were attracted to each other...it all is well written, coherent, consistent, and comprehensive.
She is smarter than HotD!Alicent and more aware of the motivations of others around her, and the politics around her as well.
Finally, Rhaena's core motivations remain clear and consistent. No compromising of self-respect while searching for constant, mutual love from her peers.
In other words, Rhaena's life and psychology are written way better and comprehensively than HotD!Alicent's AND she has way less internalized misogyny than Alicent.
#1 ("The Sons of the Dragon")
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#2 ("The Sons of the Dragon")
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#3 ("The Sons of the Dragon")
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#4 ("Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I") & ("Jaehaerys and Alysanne -- Their Triumphs and Tragedies")
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#5 Rhaena & Jaehaerys about Dragonstone and Aerea ("A Time of Testing"):
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#6 And then we have this moment of Rhaena seeing her daughter again after Maegor's gone ("Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I"):
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#7 Her against Rogar and the Succession ("A Surfeit of Rulers"):
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#8 Finally, what she says to Alysanne when she suggested taking Aerea back to KL ("Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I"):
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heartgold · 9 months
Disorganized ep1 re-read thoughts to sort out properly later, **** and Natsuhi centric
At one glance Natsuhi being the narrative punching bag is fun from the standpoint of Sayo taking out her resentment towards her by writing her into Situations (maybe I'm reaching but the specific accusation Eva throws at her about pushing Kinzo thru the window onto the courtyard below reads like a stand-in for getting to accuse her of having pushed her off the cliff) but it's even more interesting and painful seeing how even with all that, she gives Natsuhi so much narrative focus, Especially with her struggles being a woman stuck amidst the chains of the Ushiromiya family and her feelings of inadequacy as a wife and mother. Natsuhi is relentlessly put through the wringer but also gets to be one of the stars of this episode. The bits with Natsuhi swearing to protect Jessica no matter what because a mother would become a demon to protect her daughter are so painful on a re-read considering what she did. And, again reaching, the part where Natsuhi runs people out of the study when there's a killer out there also reads as a stand-in for Sayo's feelings about having survived attempted murder by the woman who should've adopted and protected her. They even bring up that she would feel differently had it been Jessica instead, she wouldn't throw her beloved (biological) daughter to the wolves. Man.
Like. Underneath the resentment and sadness and anger it reads like Sayo tries to process the trauma of learning about what she did by trying to understand Natsuhi through writing her character and drawing parallels between them. The entire idea of women unable to fulfill the role of wives and mothers being treated as subhuman is presented in the story through Natsuhi's suffering, with the bitter realization later on that it was that very aspect of Natsuhi's pain that culminated into the incident in the first place and passed that pain forwards. There are too many feelings imbued into Natsuhi's characterization, many contradictions. Sayo grieves the adopted mother she never had being also the madam who was horrible to her as a servant her whole life and the reason her life snowballed down a thorny path while also understanding and resonating with her pain more than anyone else. It's a very delicate, bittersweet portrayal. It feels a bit similar to how she sometimes uses Kinzo as a stand-in for herself in a way that reads as very self-loathing, portraying her pain and the parts she hates about herself through the people who ruined her life, except Kinzo is reduced to a narrative spectre and a caricature, written as a pathetic dying old man crying over Beatrice and spouting nonsense about sorcery in the background to obfuscate the mystery from the fantasy, a dead narrative device pretending to be alive, whereas Natsuhi is brought to the forefront and her suffering as a woman wronged and dehumanized by the family are central to ep1. There's an immensity of contradictory feelings in there but it's clear how Sayo's resentment towards those two is on very different scales.
By comparison this makes it even clearer how ep5, the other Natsuhi-centric episode, was a forgery written without love. Besides the obvious with the entire premise of the message bottles being foregone by making Battler an accomplice, ep5 focuses purely on punishing and humiliating Natsuhi as much as possible for those specific aspects of her suffering, and "the man from 19 years ago" is characterized as primarily revenge-motivated when in truth Sayo's actions were a result of the depths of desperation and seeing no other future for herself or the family besides death, there was anger and catharsis in it but they were never the main goal, more like an internal justification for why they all should die alongside her. The whole thing tramples on the original meaning of the message bottles, which is very much The Point of this forgery from both meta and irl angles. The witch trial in the court of illusions reads a lot like an allegory for witch hunters discussing the latest forgery in internet forums in the worst faith possible and tearing the real tragedy apart in the process alongside the dignity and humanity of very real dead people. "Natsuhi wanted to defend Kinzo's honor even with all the torment he put her through? (ignores everything about her character centering being a woman fighting to be deemed worthy after being dehumanized for being unable to fulfill the role of a wife) what, was she FUCKING that old man? lol"
Speaking of that, something that's funny in a horrible way is how ep5 basically retells the entire "how did Kinzo leave the study?" argument from ep1 verbatim but with SO MUCH meta-mockery involved. Eva's receipt is now Erika's perfect seal (countering Natsuhi's defense that the receipt couldve been replaced). The idea that there could be hidden passages is instantly countered by Dlanor using the decalogue. Same goes for Battler's "what if grandpa was hiding under the bed and snuck out while you weren't looking?!" genius theory since Dlanor & co can magically check all spots simultaneously. And then "what if Kinzo was thrown out the window" is back except it's Battler having a midair anime battle with Dlanor (DESCRIBED AS LOOKING LIKE A KNIGHT ON A WHITE HORSE) over whether peepaw would jump out the window and survive and demonstrating it by flying outta there dramatically after dropping some epic action lines then Beato also jumping out and into his arms like a princess escaping a tower. It's hilarious with how it makes fun of everything but at the same time so painful how it tramples on everything ep1 stood for regarding The Heart. I'm just imagining GM!Lambda having so much fun coming up with this scenario because it's such a Lambda thing. Mockery thinly disguised with exciting action and cheesy lines and even a bit of romance. Pop cute etc let's take the piss out of everything and everyone. And also include a bunch of genuine hints and clues despite it all. It's not like I want you to make an epic comeback or anything
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essaysbyciara · 16 days
forgiveness does not mean the absence of consequence.
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tw: intimate partner violence, sexual violence
I sit here and wonder why I chose to forgive the men who hurt me. Why would I? I can count the number of men who’ve helped me on one hand. Those who harmed me? I don’t have enough appendages to note them all. I just know that I had to. Not for them but for me. 
Every day I punish myself for believing that they deserve it. 
I’m a woman that knows what it’s like to fester in what you’ve reaped. I stay reaping for things that I sowed by proxy of being present in those moments. I need to speak up about grace more often. The moment I believe that grace and forgiveness remain distant from me is when the cross loses its power. But I know that as I sit by watching their lives carry on as I labor on with the grief and shame of somehow letting their act of hatred stain me, I again wonder if forgiveness is truly the only method of solving this madness. 
A man spoke death over me. A man threw a glass bottle toward my head. A man wouldn’t stop when my hands pressed against his body in hopes that he would. A man spit on me as I went down to the ground hoping things ould end. A man saw me unable to make cognizant decisions and thought the prospect of sex was worth more than asking if I was okay. A man mocked my father’s fragility during an online spat. “Your Dad was inside the house dying a slow death while you were over here sucking my dick.”
I have yet to forgive myself for running to men as my life ran away from me. Dude who spoke of my father’s “slow death” was one of those escapes. I prayed for his children when I found out he himself left Earth and went to the eternal. Forgiveness comes in many forms. 
I’ve been taught through the words and actions of an eternal king that no one is without the opportunity for redemption. Powers drive a person to be their worst selves. Trauma informs. “I just want him to be okay.” That’s all I can ask for in those moments after I found myself on the wrong side of their history. They don’t ever mean to. Sounds like I’m making excuses. 
I really do want their hearts to be at peace. I also want them to come to that conclusion before God chooses to no longer give them a way out. 
“Their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek. Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not seek justice. They do not promote the case of the fatherless; they do not defend the just cause of the poor. Should I not punish them for this?” 
I’m asking the Creator to spare them the worst knowing that they won’t be fully spared at all. “I won’t destroy you completely.” There’s always rebuilding after destruction. 
I know I’m being spared. I know ducking and dodging the worst. Only after acknowledging my guilt. Sitting in shame, bathing in the disgust of my decisions. Punishing myself recklessly before God can finish the job. Sheepishly hoping as if you did enough self-work to keep God’s wrath at bay knowing there ain’t enough to stop the reign. 
Sometimes exile is the catalyst for healing. Being sent outside of the city walls until your leprous spots no longer boil and fester is the only way to keep you and others safe. Destroy and rebuild. Uproot and plant. Remove and re-establish. Again, I know. 
Yet I live in the shadows of all the hurt afflicted upon me. I don’t trust men. I don’t trust their intentions. I think most men will surely hurt me, it’s only a matter of time. I self-destruct under pure intentions. My ruins aren’t meant to be loved. I know perfect-for-me exists but I know a man won’t see me as perfect-for-them. I stay out of the way in hopes to not be into anyone’s way. 
So I hide to heal. That’s the lie I tell myself. 
I need to learn how to forgive myself. 
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toku-explained · 9 months
Sentika F8ABA6 Jisariz
This series of 15 minute episodes is the product of Inoue Masahiro's PINK no Tokusatsu project. As the episodes are freely available, and GINGANEN have even provided subs, I think it's fair to go over the whole series like this.
While things will gradually change, each episode sees schoolgirl Ayuka awaken in a new world after dying, Jisariz hunting her, while the enigmatic Radkeeper "observes". It seems like this has been going on for a while, a nightmare haunting Ayuka, but Jisariz has only now started talking to her.
We begin in what looks like a future cityscape, also in the OP, Jisariz discarding a letter notifying him of disciplinary action, before jumping worlds
Episode 1 takes place in a forest, Radkeeper watches a candle burn down. Ayuka's phone doesn't work. Jisariz stops her after she falls while running for him, giving her a knee injury, and reveals he's been able to predict where she will go due to her unconsciously always choosing to go left, he then catches her again when she deliberately goes right, as he predicted she would after hearing his advice. She winds up at a cabin near a cliffside, as night falls and the candle is near burnt out, Jisariz offers her a knife, telling her she can only return to her own world if he kills her or she kills him. When she doesn't take it, be pushed her from the cliff.
Episode 2 appears to be more of a funfair. Radkeeper watches a toy robot wind down. Ayuka's legs is still injured, and she is soon beset by soldiers, who hunt her down seeing she's human. She gets away thanks to a distraction from Jisariz and remembering his advice, but encounters a woman who also wants to kill her. Jisariz appears after a giant bear and the soldiers turn up, and uses her phone to initiate a Keitai Henka, placing the phone into the headset that appears. This seems to reveal Jisariz's form is an image projected on a black body, which then inverts into F8ABA6 Jisariz, which fights with a sickle and defeats all of them, revealing they are all toys bearing grudges against humans for discarding them, that's the purpose of this world. Ayuka picks up the bear before Jisariz informs her this isn't the world she is looking for, and shoots her dead with a toy gun.
Episode 3 sees Ayuka wake up in a bed, hearing a musical tone reminds her of singing with a precious friend, but she remembers nothing about them. When she instinctually sings, she is interrupted by a woman, who informs her telepathically that speaking is forbidden, introducing herself as Rinko. Rinko reads Ayuka's mind to learn of what's happened, when her roommate, Soutarou returns, they'll let her stay for a bit. They note the music has been playing a long time, but don't know why. There were lyrics, and Rinko recalls singing them with Araragi when they were children. Later at dinner, Araragi and a cohort knock on the door, ready to punish all of them from Ayuka talking when she awoke. They try to flee, but Ayuka yelps in pain and they're caught, Soutarou opts to hold them off, one keeps up. Ayuka then apologises for running into someone, drawing public ire, Rinko pushes her away so their pursuer chases her, as Ayuka is lead by a voice to a man in eccentric clothing like Jisariz, but his focal colour is blue. He is called Fobia, and also speaks freely, and helps her, as Jisariz has also arrived. Fobia explains that the ban on speaking was due to telepathy being freely available, and any hidden intentions could not be hidden by telepathy. However, Fobia wants to change this world, and wants her help to do so, casually mentioning if she doesn't return her world will be destroyed, then is interrupted by Jisariz arriving. Jisariz rejects the notion they were ever friends, and Fobia mentions both of them desire to possess Ayuka, and the two start clashing, and Ayuka is left watching in shock.
Episode 4, continuing on, sees Jisariz criticise Fobia wanting to change this world, Fobia arguing leading is part of the duty of the Sentika, and mocking Jisariz for losing the Revuke, but is then made to realise they've drawn attention from people shocked they're speaking outloud, Radkeeper is there with a helium balloon. Fobia leaves, and Jisariz advises Ayuka not to trust him, she doesn't have the will to kill him yet, but does have a request. Araragi and Tsurumaru captured Soutarou and Rinko, and are demanding explanations about Ayuka, fearing others will start speaking freely, as the two defiantly do so. Owing the pair, Ayuka requests Jisariz help free them, and they all flee together, people witnessing seem more envious of the fact they speak out than angry at doing so, Soutaro and Rinko call out they should do so. Jisariz sees Radkeeper's balloon is nearly down, Fobia now opting to challenge him while Jisariz is out of time. His own Keitai Henka sequence transforms him into the blue, gun wielding 0066C0 Fobia. Jisariz uses Ayuka's phone again, but Fobia thinks he shouldn't have been able to Keitai Henka, however his ranged fighting keeps Jisariz at bay. Jisariz encourages Ayuka to help the people break the shackles of silence by starting to sing the song. She is reluctant, but starts and Jisariz works to close the distance to Fobia, initially only Soutarou and Rinko sing, but by the time Araragi and Tsurumaru arrive the whole crowd has joined in the song, wishing for a new world, and by the end even they have accepted it, as Jisariz defeats Fobia, but he no longer has a need for Ayuka and lets Jisariz continue. Jisariz and Ayuka reunite, and an image appears in the air to Ayuka, a picture of F8ABA6 Jisariz's arm, he has her open the Revuke app and place it in one of 6 empty spaces on a flower pattern. Collecting these proofs of her accomplishments is what she should be doing. She thanks him for helping her and saving this world, and he stand her. Soutarou and Rinko briefly notice she's gone, but are distracted by further conversation. In a dark room, a group monitor worlds, lead by the man called Zeigen.
In episode 5, Ayuka awakens to find her vision basically non-existent, and is surrounded by masked people wondering if she's human. They're scared off, and she's helped up, by Marou Kaijin Gulf, alongside his brother Gallia. She's perturbed when Gallia let's slip they're all Kaijin, and Yabai Kamen and an entourage make comments that they may be disrupting the balance, then leaves after spotting Jisariz nearby. Jisariz is currently with Radkeeper, who wears a mask and had a spinning pinwheel. The brothers let Ayuka sleep, the first human they've seen, and Gulf thinks he can cure her eyesight with a herb mentioned in an old book as being in the Valley of Fear. Gallia wants to go, but Gulf warns the book's info could be outdated, among other things. Yabai Kamen plans to set a trap. Ayuka and the brothers have dinner, and Ayuka explains she has something to fulfill and then she'll leave, Gallia, saddened, runs off. Wishing he could be human too, Yabai Kamen corners him, and tells him there's only one thing he can do to keep her safe. Gallia agreed to do it.
Episode 6 opens with Ayuka having explained what's happened to Gulf, when Jisariz approaches, Gulf recognises him from the description and defends Ayuka, Gallia returns and drags her away, Yabai Kamen then double crosses him, intending to make her into an exhibit. Gallia tells Gulf what happened, and Jisariz, seeing time running out thanks to Radkeeper, sends them to the Valley of Fear. Jisariz arrives at Yabai Kamen's base and knocks out the others as Gulf and Gallia discuss their desire to live as their own people. With only Yabai Kamen left, Jisariz uses Keita Henka. Gulf and Gallia leap into the Valley of Fear to obtain the plant, but are left falling. Jisariz defeats Yabai Kamen, who resents him being a hero while Masked, then frees Ayuka. Gulf and Gallia return with the plant, and as Ayuka expressed concern for Gallia she makes the image of Jisariz's head appear. They apply the medicine and patch her up, but when she wakes up Jisariz tells her the brothers have gone, though they did make sure she woke up. Jisariz gives Ayuka medicine, which turns out to poison her, and when Gallia looks back, Ayuka is gone.
Episode 7 sees Ayuka awaken on the beach. She sits, noting she is weirdly getting used to this, but is still upset by what she has to do, and doesn't notice the man in green, Vanitas, notice her. In a palace, the man in yellow Degeal, is lord and is informed of a message from Gundial HQ about Jisariz, he will deal with it as necessary. Vanitas approaches Ayuka, who recognises the seal he wears from Jisariz, and he warns her to leave this world without interfering. She tells Jisariz about the encounter when she sees him, Radkeeper has a sprouting plant in a pot chained to him. No one in the village will talk aside from some comment about the weather, but she helps a girl find her mother, then collapses as they reunite, awakening back at the beach. Vanitas approaches angrily, while Jisariz appears, greeting his former mentor. The two fight, until Vanitas becomes offended and uses Keitai Henka to become 4DB56A Vanitas, using a large fist weapon. Ayuka has to get Jisariz her phone before he can change as well. Vanitas questions of Gundial have given him permission to Keitai Henka in other worlds, but he's just hacked the system. Vanitas declares himself, as an Iruk, a second human, superior, and despite Jisariz's efforts overpowers him, eventually landing a blow that shatters his body, which crumbles to dust. Ayuka witnesses her phone land, and the Gundial app delete itself. Radkeeper's plant has grown quite a bit.
Episode 8 sees Ayuka flee Vanitas, shocked at Jisariz' loss. In Gundial HQ, the leadership have no record of Jisariz's matter transferring, so he appears to be dead, troublesome for them, as they will likely need a century to identify a new candidate, but Zeigen seems to be ignoring them. Ayuka flees Vanitas, but finds everyone in the same places, including the girl, Vanitas stops her helping the girl, and catches her at the house, throttling her. Radkeeper's flower is blooming. She awakens again at the beach, as Radkeeper's flower is wilting, Vanitas tells her this world always repeats the same day, her involving herself is just a nuisance. Ayuka begs for help, and the left leg image appears and flies towards her phone, where Jisariz takes both. Apparently he forcefully split himself, something forbidden and dangerous, and declares only he can kill Ayuka, which she finds weirdly comforting. Jisariz and Vanitas fight again, but the senior Sentika declares he knows all his opponent can do, but Jisariz has a new trick, pulling a laser sword out of the hilt of his scythe, and impaling his mentor. Jisariz asks his mentor why he doesn't change this world, but he can't with his family there. The flower is nearly dead, as Jisariz tells Ayuka that the next day, Vanitas' daughter lost her life to the sea, and he wasn't there because of his duties, the world as it is one of his regrets. When she expresses relief he is safe, he mocks her, and she slaps him, saying she doesn't care about anything anymore. He punches her, saying she has no choice, before choking her with one hand, once she's dead he apologises for her fate. After the two are gone, Radkeeper walks the beach to where their footprints vanished, and looks to the town, where Vanitas' daughter is still stood, and smiles pensively, before moving on.
Episode 9 opens on an old schoolhouse, Jisariz sitting at a desk contemplating recent events and questioning aloud to Radkeeper, holding a puzzle with only one piece, is he's wrong, and getting no response, leaves, only to encounter himself, who says he is, indeed, wrong. Ayuka awakens outside the school, questioning of she's trapped doing this, and is confronted by her own double. Ayuka's double torments her by voicing her fears and worries, leaving her terrified, Jisariz' is less successful, as the original continues to deny it's words, before saying he knows it isn't him, because even he isn't himself. Ayuka's double manages to trigger fragments of memories, of a family dinner, school with a friend, holding the completed Jisariz emblem in class, her friend asking about it, and reaching out in desperation towards someone. The double questions if she can't remember more, or refuses to, telling her she has a responsibility to, before Fobia suddenly arrives, warning not to listen to her, and scaring the double off, and expressing concern if he doesn't find Jisariz soon. Jisariz expresses that Jisariz is him, nothing else matters, the double laughs, and initiates a Keitai Henka, burning away into F8ABA6 Jisariz, and fighting the other, as the skies darken, and a storm breaks out.
Jisariz' double beats him, mocking him for changing. Fobia helps Ayuka, and they witness the fight. Ayuka is confused, but Fobia points out that as Ayuka has her smartphone, they know which is their ally. As the double gets really angry, Fobia blasts if, scaring it off, but Jisariz is annoyed by the interference. Time passes in near silence, only 4 pieces missing from Radkeeper's puzzle. Fobia explains to Ayuka this is a world without anyone, but where your double manifests to voice hidden thoughts and doubts. Fobia explains to Jisariz that after they caused the changes to the world he managed, he was summoned by HQ and ordered to chase Jisariz, licensed to Keitai Henka in other worlds, but chose on his own to help him, and asks if he's after guidance or resolve, when the double of Jisariz appears. Jisariz demands Fobia not interfere and starts fighting, Fobia in turn stops Ayuka giving her phone until Jisariz asks for it. As the double goes to deliver a killing blow, Jisariz dodges and pulls the hidden blade out the scythe, stabbing the double. After it's dead he declares he is Jisariz, but he's crying. The torso image appears to Ayuka, only 2 left, Fobia tosses the phone to Jisariz. Ayuka wonders if Jisariz has no choice to continue, but she has been stabbed by the thrown blade before she notices. Jisariz orders Fobia not to follow him. Ayuka appears in the court of Degeal, and on awakening is welcomed to his world.
Given they are now in the world of desire, Fobia hopes that for once Jisariz won't act, only to see him making his way in the direction of the castle. His quarry takes a look from the opulence of the castle to see the squalor others live in, then announces himself. Degeal has most of his entourage leave, Ragos standing by, as he realises from questioning her that Jisariz hasn't explained the rules to her. He explains his world is one without any desire, and what she and Jisariz have been doing by disrupting each world's rules is dangerous, and summons his sword, aiming to execute her. Ragos actually tries to stop this, but Fobia stops him, promising to get her away and stop Jisariz acting, her own world is in danger after all. Degeal shows Ayuka the destruction taking place in her world, devastation she caused, and which she must act to undo by gathering the pieces. Ayuka still can't remember. Jisariz arrives, promising to just leave, but Degeal doesn't want disruption to other worlds either, and swings, neither Jisariz nor Fobia can stop him, but Ragos takes the blow, to his sister's horror. Jisariz admonishes, Degeal, who he used to respect, for the way he has ruled over this world, and swears to crush it. Degeal becomes FFD063 Degeal, his black body not inverting, but producing the armour from within, and Jisariz takes his own Sentika form. Ayuka starts remembering more, specifically something more with the full image, and calling out for Shiori. Degeal has Jisariz at his mercy, ignoring shots from Fobia, and swings down, when Ayuka calls for Jisariz, who glows pink, a symbol appears on her eyes, as Jisariz transforms into a more mechanical, armoured form.
Gundial HQ are trying to work out who gave the authority for Jisariz to power up, but Zeigen is just amused. Jisariz' new abilities allow him to overpower Degeal completely, who acknowledges his loss, at which point the power up vanishes in an instant and Ayuka collapses. Jisariz' apologises for Ragos. Ayuka obtains the left arm, one piece remains, and they prepare to leave to settle things to save their world. Phobia believes he has no business assisting with the last one and leaves.
They arrive at Ayuka's world. Jisariz informs her that when Radkeeper's candle goes out, the world will be destroyed, and the seal is the emotions making up this world, the emotions she has gathered, happiness, friendship, anger, shock and love, and still to collect is sorrow. This forces Ayuka to remember how she tried to encourage Shiori to be more involved with others, only for her to then catch her about to jump from the school roof, she leapt, and in that moment the seal broke and the pieces vanished, as did Ayuka. Producing his sword, Jisariz tells her to kill him, reminding her he told her at the start either he kills her or she kills him, she begs him to just kill her so they can go to another world, she cannot do it, there must be another way. It takes a lot of encouragement, and the candle is almost burnt down, but she does it, the seal is completed, the world saved, and Ayuka is able to stop Shiori jumping. While walking with Shiori Ayuka bumps into Jisariz who she doesn't remember, but apologises and takes her phone back, once they're gone, Jisariz collapses against a post, still pained at least, and asks Radkeeper what's so amusing, before leaving, only to start having his body fall apart, seeing the image of his Sentika form, Ayuka looking back for a moment after he vanishes. A new Sentika is now in this world, and she says Jisariz will witness hell. At Gundial, Zeigen waits.
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
Earlier today I had received a comment in regards to an Instagram Reel of the Hamas-Israel prisoner exchange and ceasefire negotiations that Netanyahu declined which you can watch above.
I wasn’t sure what to make of this comment at first but here it is and the reply I made.
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It was while I was waiting for a reply that I visited our friend’s little blog.
And the absolute fucking ignorance I found has never made me feel so much fucking anger at the ISSUE AT HAND. What issue at hand? The fact the Israeli Government (not people, not the Jews, not whoever else, the fascist cowards in the Government) is pushing towards the ACTIVE GENOCIDE towards the Palestinian People. Instead, this prick focuses on what Hamas has done (WE DO NOT SUPPORT HAMAS ANTI-JEW VIOLENCE, WAR CRIMES NOR DO WE CONDONE THEM FOR THE SHIT THEY HEINOUSLY COMMITTED, AND NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL) and actively demonizes the Palestinian People as if labelling every MAN, WOMAN, CHILD, JOURNALIST, DOCTOR AND INFANT that are currently alive and have DIED in Palestine, Gaza and Rafah as apart of the entirety of Hamas and are all "terrorists" deserving of what comes to them. This cunt seems more concerned and empathetic towards the LAND of Israel than the PEOPLE DYING ON IT (SOME OF WHICH ARE ISRAELI CIVILIANS AND HOSTAGES WHICH THE GOVERNMENT CLEARLY DOEN'T GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT GETTING CAUGHT IN THE FUCKING BOMBINGS) and had reblogged multiple posts supporting their pro-genocidal Israel supremacy Anti-Palestinian bullshit views, most of their own resources coming from a blog that dedicates itself to the history THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT had built forged out of their ass. And to add to the bullshit, this cunt is also pro-Zionist given the things they've said and reblogged (and seems to think Zionism and Judaism are one in the same and that Jews of all people should support the Palestinian genocide), doesn't seem to understand nor care how mental health effects people differently and how society has stigmatized it to the point generations of men say "we're fine" when their actually not because that's what they're expected to say (same thing with women) and said "Asexuals is just a made up label and are just forcing themselves to be sexually-repressed because they are people who have experienced an unhealthy sexual and romantic relationships" like, PLEASE BITCH HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN ME WHO'S NEVER BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP AND KNOWS THEY'RE ACE???
Also I am absolutely certain that Jewish people are not in support of a fucking genocide and are standing up against it so suck on that dickhead!
Anyway, I blocked them. Because at this point... I'm not dealing with that bullshit.
Now I don't condone the anti-semantic actions of Hamas, never have never will, it's just Hamas is coincidentally putting their efforts into getting a ceasefire so they, alongside/to the benefit of the Palestinian people unrelated to their cause, can stop being slaughtered... which, FANTASTIC, THEY DID SOMETHING GOOD FOR ONCE. Doesn't change the horrific shit they absolutely have done and some of the things they may have done though. But I want the safety and an end to the suffering the Palestinian people have been put through because of this bullshit. It sucks but it's at least something beneficial that will help the civilians over in Palestine.
Also, since that blog did make mention of it, the Hamas use "from water to water, Palestine will be/is Arab" perhaps for their anti-semantic bullshit, perhaps for their want for their land back depending on what's even true with them, HOWEVER, we don't use those words. We use "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" because we are calling out to the Israeli Government that they cannot and will not be able to hide or complete their genocide BECAUSE we know they are an illegal occupation and we will fight tooth and fucking nail to ensure the Palestinian PEOPLE are freed, and that the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT, and those who took part in the genocide, are punished for this GOD-AWFUL CRIME that has ended the lives of so many men, women, children, journalists, civilians, both Palestinian and Israeli alike, both young and elderly, not to destroy Hamas (but that's a bonus for them) but so they can build a NEW FUCKING CITY OVER THE REMAINS OF AN ENTIRE PEOPLE AND CULTURE THAT LIVED AND BREATHED THERE!!!!!!!
We are not supporting nor condoning Hamas when we say "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free", we are supporting the Palestinian People facing an unjustifiable act of terror and inexcusable loss of life.
If any of you are some dickwad who have the same views of the cunt I had mentioned above, do me a favour and block me. Actually, no even better, DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG. You will promptly be blocked, because genocide is an evil and abhorrent act and any one who supports it and ignores the facts surrounding it, I wish a very unpleasant day upon.
Remember to continue to find donations, continue to boycott, continue to spread awareness of the Israeli Government's genocide against the Palestinian People, pressure Biden's Administration in the U.S, pressure Australia here to force Labor or whoever to DO SOMETHING about it, speak loud and proud, don't give up hope, and remember: From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!
Also, fuck the Israeli Government!
Fuck, I'm tired. I don't think I will be posting for the rest of the day guys.
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seanyyyyyibong · 2 years
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Nickname: Sean Full Name: Sean Kyle P. Ibong Birthday: August 10,2006
Dream: To be a teacher and lawyer Your unusual Belief: Sucess shows a truly determination by your own opportunity to learn. There is road to sucess to accept the failures in your life.
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Nickname: elay Full Name: Jarmyleigh Salvacion Birthday: October 5, 2005 Dream: Flight Attendant Your unsual Belief: Your success will be determinded by your own confidence and fortitude.
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Nickname: Elle Full Name: Nazenda Venice Tena Cusi Birthday: April 24, 2005 Dream: I want to be a police officer someday and have a good life. Your unusual belief: There is always an opportunity, remind to yourself that failure is a learning tool to success.
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Nickname: Aifha Full Name: Aifha Crystalline A. Rose Birthday: November 29, 2005 Dream: To be a successful woman Your unusual Belief: YOLO
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Nickname: Nayr Full Name: Nayr Angelo Reyes Birthday: February 4, 2006 Dream: Flight Attendant Your unusual Belief: "There's no secrets that time does not reveal"
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Nickname: Dean Full Name: Hans Dean A. Antipasado Birthday: May 4,2006 Dream: To be a software engineer Your unusual Belief: Stay out of trouble
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Name : Maria Anne V. Gilmore Birthday: April 21, 1986 (twins) Short Description of Character: Anna's older sister, She is a short tempered person and she loves collecting perfumes.
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Name: Anna Julia V. Gilmore Birthday: April 21, 1986 (twins) Short Description of Character: Anna is described as the sea because she is calm as the sea like her father.
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Name: Emma Lauren V. Gilmore Birthday: April 14, 1962 Short Description of Character: Emma, a beautiful mother of twins that shows trustworthy and kind also for her family.
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Name : John Andrew B. Gilmore Birthday: March 23, 1955 Short Description of Character: A father of a twin sister that shows to be kind and hardworking for his family.
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(In California, USA where the Family lived)- In scene 1
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(In forest, When Anna's cat is missing and She is dying and passed way by her condition which is Asthma Attack)- In Scene 2
Exposition: The beginning of the story takes place in California, USA where the Twins born, When the twins going to the forest, Anna's cat is missing and she dying by asthma attack and suddenly she passed way and this is how the Sister's heart shows truly love each other by the resting of their lives.
Rising Action: Anna's cat went to the room and broke some of her Sister Anne's perfume which is valuable to her, when they go to the forest, Anne is shocked to her sister that she dying by asthma attack.
Resolution: Anne punished her sister by replacing the perfume that was broken by her cat so that she can be a more responsible pet owner.
What type of drama is used? This type of drama is tragedy
How it is used? It shows about that Anne and Anna have a misunderstanding with each other that Anna's cat accidentally broke her perfume that can lead it into a misconception between them, and Anna have an asthma attack and her cat is missing that her parents got shocked because she dying that have a difficult breathing until her death. Her parents and Anne are crying because of her sister's passed away that shows Sister's at Heart.
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Anna and Anne were identical twin sisters who were raised in a wealthy family in America, Anna can be described as like the sea because she is calm like her father. On the other hand, Anne is a short tempered person. The father of the twins was a young man named Andrew, who had a gorgeous face with an ice-cold skin and crimson lips. There is a young lady with a special beauty who seems to fascinate everyone. He was not only handsome in his appearance, but he also had a patience and respect for the elderly. It didn't take long for Anna's mother named Emma. They quickly came together to establish a lovely family, but despite her attractiveness, She lacks patience and is also elusive to men.
[ One day, Anna is looking everywhere for her cat. Anna can't see her cat in their house. However, there's one room left that she didn't check. That is Anne's room.]
Anna: Where is my cat? Anne. Anne: I don't know. Anne: What are you doing in my room. Anna ?! Anna: I just looking for my cat.
She goes inside and looks for her cat. Suddenly, she remembers that Anne gave her a warning that She is not allowed to enter the room because Anne is collecting a lot of glass perfumes.
[Anna is now thinking if she will enter Anne's room. Not until she heard a crash inside. She quickly opened the door.]
Anna: I am nervous to enter my sister's room, I hope she will not notice me.
[Anna doing a tip toe's inside, but suddenly Anna notice the sound of the fallen perfume.]
Anna: Oh my god, What is that?! Oh, my sister's perfume. Anne: Anna, what is that noise in my room? Oh my god, it smells good in my room.
[Anne goes inside her room, She is shocked to see the cat playing with her perfume.]
Anne: Anna! What did you do in my room, and why is my perfume all broken? Anna: No, it's not me. Anne: I know you're in my room, so you must have broke it.
[Anne saw her cat next to Anne’s perfume that accidentally breaks it, She shocked what her cat did. She tells to her sister that her cat did broke her perfume]
Anna: Huhh!!! Your perfume Anne: Anna! Why is your cat in my room and why did she break my perfume? Anna: Uhh, sorry Anne, it was accident that my cat broke your perfume and I let my cat go around in our house. Anne: Now, i teach you a lesson, you need to pay all of this! Anna: I’ll gonna go now, I need to find my cat now.
[She gets her cat immediately. She was going outside when Anne saw the situation. Anne is very angry because some of her luxury perfume is broken. She points at Anna and says that she gives her a warning.]
Anne: I told you that you are not allowed here in my room. and look at your cat did! Anna: I'm very sorry Anne everything that happened was just an accident. I promise it won't happen again Anne: Anna I will accept your apology but this is the last time.
[Anne and Anna's parents hear their fight in Anne's room because of her perfume broke]
Andrew: Hey girls, what's happening here? Anna: Umm, we have a misunderstanding because I broke Anne's perfume. Andrew: So you need to apologize to her.
(Anna apologized to her sister and explained everything to Anne. She looks at Anna's cat and sees that the cat is wet and smells similar to her perfume. Anne is getting lost in anger. She wants to kill the cat because of what happened. Anna runs away and Anne follows her.)
Anna: Please forgive me Anna, It was really an accident. Anne: I already talked to you about,,now look at what happened? Anna: What should I do for you to forgive me? Anne: Replace all the perfume that your cat had broken, This serves as a lesson for you. Anna: For now, i will save money to be able to replace the perfume that my cat had broken. Anne: You better do it and learn how to respect my rules Anna: I'm really sorry,I will be more responsible this time. Anne: I'll accept your apology but don't do it again next time.
(All the discussion stops when they hear something upstairs. They immediately turned around when they heard it was their mother.)
Emma: Everyone, what's going on here? Andrew: Nothing honey, they have a misunderstanding, but don't worry they are okay now.
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[cat is missing]
Anne: Where’s your cat Anna? I have some food for her Anna: She’s just playing around outside.
[Anne finding Anna’s cat, but they don't know that Anna’s cat is missing]
Anne: I can't find your cat. she is not outside, i think she’s in the forest. Anna: I can't find her too, come let’s find her in the forest. Anne: Are you sure? you won’t have an asthma attack? Anna: Yes i am sure!
[While they finding Anna’s cat, Anna had an asthma attack and Anne was confused because she didn't know what to do with her sister]
Anne: What happened to you, Anna? Anna: I'm having trouble breathing. Anne: Come stand up slowly and let's go home first and let our parents know how you feel.
[When they got home, Anne told her sister’s feelings to their parents, Their parents immediately took Anna to the nearest hospital]
Anne: We were looking for Anna's cat and suddenly she had trouble breathing. Andrew: You know that your sister is had a asthma but you still asked her to look for the cat Anne: Anna told us to look for it because the cat is important to her Emma: stop your discussion, just pray and wait
[While they were waiting, anna's doctor came out sadly and said they did everything but anna's heart couldn't take it so she passed away]
Anne: Anna!,, Anna!!
Emma: My darling!! Wake up Andrew: Sweetheart!! Miss u so much Anne: I miss you sister, thank u for being such of us as Sisters heart, I love you in the rest of our lives.
—--- The end —----
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oh captain ~ jack sparrow;pirates of the caribbean
word count: 2488
request?: yes!
“Can you do a Captain Jack Sparrow smut where the reader has a kink of calling Jack her captain”
description: in which she loves to call him her captain, even in the most intimate of situations
pairing: jack sparrow x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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It all started as a joke.
I came aboard the Black Pearl in search of my sister, Elizabeth Swann, and her secret lover, Will Turner. It was no secret that they were travelling with notorious Captain Jack Sparrow and, although my parents did not exactly like Will Turner, they had sent me as a way to tell Elizabeth that they were giving her their blessing to marry Will.
Of course, the moment I - a single, young maiden that had often been described as “beautiful” by my suitors - stepped on to the ship, the captain himself couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. There was many a moment in which Elizabeth had to actually tell Jack that he was being too forward or too crass with me. I liked to play along with his games as well and would tease him back. My favorite way of teasing him was to call him “Captain” in a sarcastic manner.
The first time I said it was in response to Jack’s very bossy tone as he told Elizabeth and I to do something. “Oh, of course, Captain.”
I could see a fire light in his eyes even then as he looked at me. “What did you say?”
“Well, you insist that we on the boat here refer to you as your supposed title,” I had told him. “I was just saying it. I thought you would like that.”
“The way you said it,” he pointed out. “It wasn’t very...crewman like.”
“Oh, my apologies, Captain.”
The fire ignited in his eyes again, but he decided to leave it be this time and to go on to yell commands at his other crewmates.
That’s how it all started. It was just a joke, a way to poke fun at Jack without being too harsh. I used the nickname almost every time I saw him, and almost every time I could see a look on his face that was hard to understand.
That was, until I found myself bent over his desk moaning the original teasing nickname repeatedly.
I never expected to find myself falling for Captain Jack Sparrow. Elizabeth had told me many a story about his attempts at courting beautiful maidens, including herself despite her love for Will. The stories led me to believing that Jack was just a man who wanted to use then leave a woman. I wrote him off as nothing more than a scoundrel, a pirate captain. Oh, what a fool I was.
No one on the ship knew of our love affair, especially not Elizabeth. I loved my sister dearly and I knew she would never judge me for who I had fallen in love with, however I also knew she couldn’t keep a secret from our parents for the life of her, and the last thing I needed was to break my parents hearts by telling them that their youngest daughter had fallen in love with a pirate.
That’s why I continued to use the teasing nickname in such fashion in front of my sister, but every time I used it, I could see that spark of desire in Jack’s eyes.
There was one day that we were on course for some sort of treasure that Jack was dying to find.
“It’s been lost for hundreds of years,” he was explaining to Will. Elizabeth and I were trying to help some of the crewmen and overheard the conversation that both men were refusing to tell us. “Wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams. You could buy over Elizabeth’s parents with that sort of money.”
“I don’t think anything could buy over Elizabeth’s parents at this rate,” Will joked. “But do you really believe it to be truth? I’ve heard it’s nothing but a - ”
“A pirate’s tale,” Jack finished. “A way to lead pirates to their deaths? I’ve heard those stories, too. But there’s only one way to find out.”
“Mad man is going to get us killed,” Elizabeth whispered to me. “He only cares for the riches he may get, he doesn’t think of the countless lives he’s risking.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” I responded. “Anything that will shower him in gold and recognition is his top priority.”
“What are you two talking about down there?” Jack called from his perch at the steering wheel.
Elizabeth and I shared a teasing glance before Elizabeth responded, “Just about how smart you are, my dear captain! This journey can only go right!”
Jack raised an eyebrow at the obvious sarcasm in Elizabeth’s voice before his eyes landed on me.
“We were discussing how much recognition you will get once you find this totally real treasure you’re looking for,” I said. I paused a moment before giving Jack a brief smirk as I added, “Captain.”
He shuffled a little, trying to make his lust seem like he was just annoyed with me and Elizabeth. I couldn’t help but smirk triumphantly at him before turning back to Elizabeth, who was also giggling.
“You both doubt me,” he finally said after a long stretch of silence, “but I’ll show you both, and this whole boat, that I am right and this treasure is real.”
He came down from his perch and walked into the room that was designated as “his office”, his eyes meeting mine for a split moment. “I’m going to study the map for some time, please do not disturb me.”
What he really meant was, No one else come disturb me, I will be fucking (Y/N)’s brains out.
I felt myself becoming tingly between my legs, a regular sensation that Jack was able to get out of me. I tried to keep a light look on my face, but it was hard to do so when all I wanted was to follow him into that room.
“You two should be kinder to him,” Will said, although he, too, was laughing. “He’s been kind enough to let us travel with him.”
“After trying to get under mine and (Y/N)’s skirts for a few months,” Elizabeth added. “He knows that we like him and that we are grateful for him. It’s just so easy to tease him sometimes.”
Tell me about it, I thought to myself.
“Maybe we should leave the captain alone to his mapping for a while,” Will said, wrapping an arm around Elizabeth’s waist. It was his only silent way of asking Elizabeth for what Jack was trying to get from me.
“Perhaps we should,” she responded and gave her husband to be a light kiss on his lips.
The two left without another word to me, which was alright by me. It meant that I didn’t have to make up an excuse as to why I was “disturbing” Jack when he asked me not to.
Once I was sure they were too busy with one another to notice me, I turned and raced for the door. I hastily did mine and Jack’s secret knock before shoving the door open. I was shocked to see that the room before me was empty - the desk where Jack usually sat waiting for me was empty, and there was almost no sight of him at all.
Before I could even consider why this had happened, the door slammed behind me and I felt someone take hold of my throat and shove me against the closed door. Jack’s lips met mine and I felt the familiar explosive feeling I had whenever we kissed. His hands were already roughly pulling at my skirt, trying to pull it up around my hips.
“Someone is impatient,” I breathed against his lips. “You told everyone not to disturb you, remember? You don’t have to be so fast and so rough.”
“But if I take you quickly once, I can take you again before anyone notices that we’re even gone.”
His dirty words ignited a fire in me. I giggled as he picked me up in his arms and laid me down on his desk. The poor thing had seen more of our action than any actual work that Jack had ever done. I was surprised that it was still standing after all this time.
I took hold of the back of Jack’s neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Our lips moved so perfectly with one another as his hands trailed up my bare legs, his cold rings leaving shivers where they trailed. I pulled at his pants, trying desperately to get them off. He chuckled against my lips, the vibrations running through my entire body.
“Who is the impatient one now?” he asked.
“Not like the great Captain to leave a girl waiting in her desire,” I teased, hoping the nickname would be used to my advantage.
Lucky for me, I knew that was the one thing that could break Jack. He roughly pulled at the strings around the back of my dress, causing it to loosen and fall off my body completely. Once my dress was a heap on the floor, Jack pushed me onto the desk so I was laying on my back. I watched as he undid his pants and pulled them down just far enough for his hard member to pop free. Just seeing how hard he was from the little amount of teasing we had been doing was enough to make me start dripping in anticipation.
I gasped as I felt him pushing himself into me. No matter how many times we had sex, I still continued to be shocked by how big he was. He made my eyes roll into the back of my head just by filling me with his hard cock.
His hand found my hair and he roughly pulled me up so my body was pressed against his. “What’s my name, love?”
“Captain,” I breathed, dying to move my hips against his to get some sort of friction between us. But I knew that would only result in him punishing me for being naughty.
My response earned me a few slow thrusts. I bit my lip as to not moan too loud, but it was hard to keep quiet during one of our rendezvous. They were often few and far between, leaving the two of us very pent up and needing of release when the time came.
“Say it again for me my pet,” he purred.
“Captain,” I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist to pull him as closely as I could. “Oh, Captain.”
The grip he had on my hair tightened as he began to thrust into me more, now going at a quicker and more steady pace. I pressed my lips to his to try and muffle my moans, which were now starting to become loud enough for anyone who would be passing by to hear.
I moaned out the name a few more times, which led to me being laid back over the desk yet again with Jack leaning over me, his thrusts so rough now that the desk was being moved. I arched my back against him, trying to get him as far into me as he could go. One of his hands was gripping my thigh while the other was wrapped around my throat, pressing slightly against the sides every now and then, and causing me to feel lightheaded.
Jack was always able to hit a spot in me that made my brain turn to mush and my eyes roll back into my head. I could barley think straight when he was pounding that spot relentlessly inside of me, especially at that moment when the only thing I could feel was waves of pleasure rippling through my body.
I managed to pull my thoughts together enough to utter out a sentence, “I’m so close, Captain.”
“Let me feel you come undone around me, my pet,” he said. I could feel him twitching inside of me, indicating that he was close to finishing himself.
My fingers curled into the desk as I felt myself hitting my climax. My entire body seemed to curl in some way as I felt myself contracting around Jack. His hands slipped under my arched back, pulling my body up to press against him as he did his final thrusts and finished inside of me.
The aftermath of our love making rarely lasted long in fear of being caught. Jack held me for a short amount of time, kissing the top of my head and whispering sweet nothings into my ear, before he finally had to pull away from me and begin to redress himself. I pulled my dress back up.
“You mind tying me back up?” I asked him, turning around to present my still bare back to him.
He laced the strings through their proper holes and tied it tight enough that it would stay up, but not too tight to cause discomfort.
“Do you really think you’ll find that treasure you’re on route for?” I asked him once he was finished. “Do you think it’s real?”
“I choose to believe every treasure is real until proven otherwise,” he responded. “I know everyone on the ship thinks that I’m leading us to our deaths, but I truly believe there is something waiting for us at our destination.”
“Well, if you believe it then I believe you,” I said. “What do you plan on doing with your riches once you get them?”
“I’ll share them amongst the crew,” he started. “There’s supposedly enough to keep a dozen men from having to work for the rest of their lives, and I have just a little over a dozen men on this ship. What I keep for myself I’m going to use to get a better ship. The old Black Pearl is starting to see her end I’m afraid. And, with whatever is left, I intend to buy you a rock so big and so stunning that any royal woman would be jealous of it.”
He lifted my hand to his lips and gave my knuckles a soft kiss.
“You intend to marry me?” I asked him.
“Of course I do. Why do you seem shocked to hear that?”
I chuckled. “Well, the stories I’ve heard about the great Captain Jack Sparrow, none of them made it sound like he would ever settle down with a woman.”
Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, looking lovingly into my eyes. I could get lost staring into those beautiful eyes of his.
“A man must know when the right woman has come along,” he told me. “Especially a pirate. And the moment you stepped foot on my ship, I knew you were the right woman.”
“You sweet talker,” I said before pressing my lips to his. “When you do get me that ring, just know that I will say yes.”
“Of course, my love. And I cannot wait to have you to sail the seas with for the rest of my life.”
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Hi, I was reading your post about Jason punching Dick in the face when Dick revealed he fake his death was bullshit ( which it was) and it reminded me of an issue/question that has bothered me for sometime.
Why did people believe Dick was actually dead?
I’m not the most avid comic reader so maybe I missed something but it was always weird to me that everyone just accepted this especially given how Bruce was acting or should I say wasn’t acting.
This is a man when his child died another child had to come along and told him sir you are being too violent and emotional you need supervision. When his other child died he went all over the universe to bring him back to life because he knew it was possible ( which was happening at the same time), so why didn’t anyone think it was weird he wasn’t doing that for Dick. Can you imagine Dick really dying that soon after Damian it would be injustice Batman Version. You are telling me that Tim, Jason or Barbara didn’t think it was weird that Bruce didn’t also bring Dick’s corpse to the bring Damian back to life mission or mention it to themselves. Like what more likely Dick dead and Bruce is handling it well or that he fake his death to do something stupid and Dangerous after his partner/brother/ little bit my son the feelings are complicated died after he was knocked out and woke up to his corpse.
Oh man, this is like, the entire nature of my beef?
(Slight derail just to emphasize the fact real quick that Dick DID actually die, he was just revived quickly, but like, the trauma of his death was very real and its not like anyone was clued into Luthor having a resurrection backdoor built into his literal murder of Dick in the actual moment of it happening. So Dick’s death wasn’t fake, and additionally, he didn’t have anything to do with like, telling people about it, because he was literally comatose in the cave and recovering while Bruce was telling people....by the time Dick woke up in the cave, we already know that Alfred at least had already been convinced by Bruce that Dick was dead, so I have a kneejerk need to pushback against the Dick faked his death narrative by reminding people wherever possible that Dick had no agency in the spreading of that narrative. 
It happened without him being involved, and the only actual contribution he ever made to it was just not revealing he was alive before Grayson #12, after Bruce like.....emotionally, mentally and physically badgered him into accepting that doing so would be directly harmful to his family and he didn’t want to be the reason more people died when like, people had just died because he ‘let’ himself be captured and interrogated by Power Woman’s Lasso of Submission, did he?
SORRY TO BE PEDANTIC, just wanted to start this off on a clarification, even though I know the aim of your ask was very much in tune with the rest of my response. A lot of people don’t read the actual comics, so like, I’m never gonna skip over an opportunity to emphasize that the shorthand people use to refer to Dick’s death and the year he was with Spyral, is like, literally just shorthand for describing it. Its not actually an accurate description of how all that went down and who had the most hand in it).
Okay so like, not only was the entire family and Bruce himself giving Dick shit for his death and Spyral, like, PAINFULLY egregious because it was literal victim blaming in every possible sense of the word....
None of it made a LICK of sense with ANY of their characterizations, and they ONLY all accepted it on face value because the Plot Demanded It, and when you're like, no, as a reader I say The Plot Demanded It is not a good enough reason for me to be like well sure, that makes sense......looking at the characters ACTUAL actions at face value pretty much just makes them all look like assholes?
Like, Tim has never gracefully accepted anyone's death. Ever. This is core characterization for him. He will go to the ends of the earth for his loved ones and to bring them back, prove they're not dead, refuse to let death be the final verdict for them. He was tempted to use the Lazarus Pit to bring his parents back to life. He refused to accept Bruce was dead long before he had any proof whatsoever of that theory. He tried to clone his BFF/future-husband Kon in his fucking basement like, dude was two whole inches away from going Full Dark Side in his quest to bring back a lost loved one no matter WHAT the cost.....and then you've got Dick unmasked onscreen, killed offscreen, and Bruce then reporting to the rest of them with zero inflection 'oh Dick's dead now. Its very sad' and Tim's just like, sure. Sounds legit.
I mean?!?!
And you're SO RIGHT ABOUT THE DAMIAN THING! Bruce LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLY went BEYOND the ends of the Earth, like, he full on chartered a fucking space ship to fly his whole family out to APOKOLIPS to bring Damian back from the dead by going to EXTREME lengths.....WHILE everyone else thought Dick was dead....
And not a single person looked at Bruce and was like, okay, not that we're not down to do this for Damian because we miss Stabby Smurf something fierce ourselves, but.....what the fuck is UP with you dude? Why aren't you displaying ANY hint of this same kind of energy in regards to your eldest son that you said you watched die right in front of you?
Like....I don't know that we were actually ever told that Dick's coffin was empty or had a fake in it, but like....this family of detectives who refuse to accept death, defy death, COME BACK FROM THE DEAD....not a single one of them said like, okay, if I'm gonna like, ACCEPT accept that Dick is dead and gone for good, I need to at least just see him one last time? That's literally all it would have taken for someone to realize hey something's a little wonky here. Where's the dead body, Pops?
Since when has Jason ever missed an opportunity to prove Bruce is a) full of shit, b) acting like an emotionless robot and all his kids deserve better especially when they've just like....died, c) just factually incorrect and wrong and jumped to a conclusion before it was conclusively proved, d) lying like a liar or e) all of the above?
Nobody even ASKED if Dick's body could be put in a Lazarus Pit? Yeah, Jason wouldn't necessarily recommend it himself, given what it put him through, but actually fuck that, I take that back, because I'm NOT actually of the opinion that Jason full on hates his life and actively spends every second of every day wishing he hadn't been resurrected, even if it had come with a huge buffet of additional trauma and pain.
And that's kinda what's implied when people just take it for granted that he would never be on board with any scenario involving using a Lazarus Pit to bring Dick back, because it suggests that based even just on his own experiences and feelings, he honestly believes Dick would prefer being dead and not have ANY further opportunities to be with his loved ones, his friends, help save the damn world again at some future point.....that Jason, projecting based just off himself, legit feels Dick would rather be dead than have another shot at life even WITH the downsides of Lazarus Pit usage? Nope. Sorry, I don't buy it.
Speaking of not buying it.....you know what was missing from all those soliloquies the others monologued at Dick about how they felt and were hurt and just devastated by his death, to such a point they can't seem to muster a single shred of happiness that he's NOT dead still -
(seriously, Damian was the ONLY person in ALL THE LANDS OF EMOTION-HAVING who expressed ANY kind of positive reaction to having Dick back. We were so fucking cheated of like.....ANY opportunity to have the characters show just how much they valued him by just being fucking HAPPY he was alive, no matter what else was involved....and then most of fandom compounded that by for years being like mmmm, no, Dick didn't get yelled at enough by his family for what HE put THEM through. Needs more yelling. More punching too. Bad Dick. Bad. This is the only way you'll learn not to die and get shipped off on a mission that you don't want but at least is to protect your family after being beaten into it by your dad whilst victim blaming you for dying in the first place. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO THINK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR FEELINGS FOR A CHANGE, DICK?!?)
- But like, BUT I DIGRESS aside....you know what was missing from all those monologues about how hard DICK'S death and ensuing year of basically exile from his loved ones was for EVERYONE BUT HIM?
We never got a single line of explanation as to what everyone else officially thinks even happened to him in the first place?
Like, did Bruce straight up just say oh bad news kids, your brother umm. Expired. Spontaneously. There's no one to blame, he just keeled over, its all very sad.
Is that how that went down?
You're telling me that the explanation of Dick's death didn't come with a single pointed finger at someone for this family of blame-happy vigilantes to like, BLAME for the loss of this brother they all mourned oh so much, they just couldn't help but blame him for all the hurt it caused them?
The family that in every other fic is like OBSESSED with avenging and being avenged and all things vengeful and even tangentially vengeance-y....like didn't ask for a single detail on whomst the fuck deprived us of our brother-having?
Where were the attempts on Luthor's life by Jason (who I mean, yeah I know it was in a previous continuity, but erasing that timeline doesn't erase my awareness of the time Dick killed Jason's murderer so like.....mmm, just saying, woulda been nice)....where was the rage directed at the Crime Syndicate and references to how seriously and personally the Batfam took making sure that they were PUNISHED for all this and would never be free to wreak havoc on their world or their family again? What did they tell Damian when he came back to life, and how are you going to tell me that this fraternal little ball of fury didn't aim himself like a cannonball at whomever the fuck had DARED take HIS Batman from him when Damian wasn't around to have his back?
Not only does everyone else's desire to be avenged start falling really flat the second you factor in hey maybe Dick feels "mmm what about MY avenging" sometimes, and why doesn't anyone ever care about doing that for him.....but also, y'know what REALLY sucks about the ONLY person we actually SEE being blamed for Dick's death and ensuing absence being like....Dick himself?
Not only were his family all super keen on making all of this HIS fault and HIM the bad guy because of how it made them all feeeeeeel (and meanwhile fuck his feelings, am I right Batfam hfaklshfklahfkla).....
They somehow found a way to justify prioritizing this OVER ever even getting around to blaming some villain for his death in the FIRST place, in the entire year or so they thought he was still dead!
Like, you couldn't come up with a single target in all that time, but Dick's back two seconds, and you don't even give him a chance to EXPLAIN before you're punching him, shutting him down with 'I expected better from you' and turning away with 'I don't want to hear it, why am I surprised Dick Grayson disappointed me again'?
Make it make sense!
And like, it won't, cuz it doesn't, and it never will, and like I said at the top, the ONLY reason it all played out this way is because DC doesn't give a fuck about character development and deemed it necessary to go down this way for the sake of the plot (which was totes worth it, I mean, glad we sacrificed characters for this A+ plot which was clearly the greatest plot of all time and definitely justified every story choice made or not made around it loooool).
The problem isn't JUST that DC is stupid, even though that is an eternal mood and quite the problem.
Its that the SECOND large parts of fandom decided to play along with DC and just accept the story at face value, only add to it and play into it exactly as it happened in canon with no significant deviations, and like, heaping on the LITERAL abuse from Dick's siblings while ignoring the LITERAL abuse from his father....
THAT....is when all of this becomes relevant.
Because the second people decided TO engage with the reasoning DC gave for what Bruce did and how and what Dick did and how and just not mess with any of that and have it all play out exactly like that...
The second people are like, okay we're FINE with not just dismissing this story as OOC writing that doesn't make any sense, and actually VALIDATING it to various degrees by engaging with it as is....
That's when 'OOC writing' stops being an excuse or explanation for alllll of the above gaps in character logic and actions.
Because its like, when you had abundant chance to REJECT this story and say nope, this was bullshit from start to finish and I'm not here for it, when you were just as capable of transforming literally ANY aspect of this story you didn't like into something that made more sense to you....
And you chose not to.
That's.....accepting it as valid writing. You were like, okay, I'm game to just treat this as a thing that happened, just like they said that happened.
For the chance to give Dick shit for it, see. For the angst, see.
And that's when I'm like okay cool, so when engaging with this story as is and accepting it on face value and just delving into the characters as they were SHOWN interacting with and around these events......for the angst or whatever....
You guys just all decided en masse to just hop, skip and jump over allllllllll the opportunities for angst inherent in examining even ANY SINGLE ONE of the above lapses in judgment or hypocrisy on the parts of the characters (who don't get to be excused by OOC writing if you're not going to call the story an example of OOC writing, whoops).
And its just like, uh, what's up with that?
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mgsapphire · 3 years
My K-drama recommendation master list Part 2
You can find part 1 here
Look, you gave us relatively new recommendations, what about ones older than 10 years? I'll give you my top 5
Princess Hours (2006) Is a modern Cinderella story. It's 24 episodes long. Available on Viki.
Personal Taste (2010) Honestly, problematic plot if you put your mind into it, but entertaining nonetheless. It's 16 episodes long, each one lasting a little over an hour, available on Viki.
Cinderella's Sister (2010) You hate every character, but there's still something that makes you watch it. Available on Viki.
Thank You (2007) was ahead of its time, it's about a single mother with a daughter who has an HIV+ diagnosis. 16 episodes long, each one lasting a little over an hour. Available on Viki.
Stairway to Heaven (2003) for a good melodrama.
What about romantic fantasies involving fantastic beings?
Guardian: The lonely and Great God(2016) A classic of the genre. It tells the story of a God who was once a man, and is being punished by immortality, unless he meets his bride, who just so happens to be a high schooler centuries later. Available on viki. 16 episodes long with 3 specials, all lasting about 75 minutes.
Hotel Del Luna (2019) it would be unfair to talk about Goblin, without talking about this other masterpiece about a being cursed into immortality and granted special availabilities along with it, but a curse is still a curse, and she must run a hotel meant for ghosts, where after centuries of being, meets a young man who is alive. Availability on Viki, 16 episodes long and each one lastz about 75 minutes.
Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020) You get to see Lee Dong Wook as another mystical being, and Kim Bum is his half brother. 16 episodes long and one special, each one lasting about 65 minutes. Available on Viki.
My roommate is a Gumiho (2021) what's up with gumihos? It's still airing. The title is self explanatory. Available on Viki and Qiyi.
Angel's last mission: Love (2019) is a cute and sad story about an angel who is about to ascend and a ballerina who has a cynical view of the world. Available on Viki. Each episode averages 30 minutes, with 32 episodes.
Doom at your service (2021) About to finish airing. It tells the story of a dying woman who wishes doom upon the world, and the doom who answers her plea. Available on viki, 16 episodes long, each one lasting about an hour.
The Scholar Who walks the night (2015) another Lee Joon Gi entry, but I swear all of his works are great, it's a period drama that tells the story of a scholar who is a vampire and the young bookseller he meets. It's 20 episodes long, each one lasting about an hour. Available on viki. Also, if you've liked Lee Soo Hyuk in Doom at Your Service, I advise you check this one out.
Tale of Arang (2012) two Lee Joon Gi entries in a row? Girl, you have to stop. Anyways, this one is another period piece of a magistrate who can see ghosts and the ghost of a young woman who doesn't remember her life, nor the cause of her death. Available on viki, it's 20 episodes long, each one lasting a little over an hour.
Look, those are fine or whatever, but I started as a K-pop fan, where can I see some idol dramas? Don't worry, I came prepared
Full House (2004) with Rain as the main character is the og idol drama in my opinion. Available on Viki. 16 episodes long, each one lasting about 73 minutes.
Imitation (2021) is currently airing, and it's literally an idol drama about idols. You can find a looot of idols too: Jeong Yun Ho and Park Seong Hwa from Ateez, Chani and Hwi Young from SF9, Park Ji Yeon from T-ara, Lim Na Young from I.O.I and Pristin, and although Jeong Ji So is not an idol, she is the main lead, and I absolutely love her, she's also in Doom at your service. Available on Viki.
Miss Panda and Mr. Hedgehog (2012) features Donghae from Super Junior, and if I'm going to recommend a Super Junior drama, I would rather recommend one featuring him over Siwon.
At a Distance the Spring is Green (2021) is currently airing too, and only has four released episodes, but I've liked it so far. Featuring Park Ji Hoon, and Kwon Dun Bin. Also, I have a lot of opinions about this show. Available on Viki.
I was going to put an IU drama but, all her dramas are good, so go and watch them all, the woman has range.
Dream High (2011) is the king of idol dramas, in my opinion. It talksa about a high school for people who want to be idols. Another one with a long line up of idols, so let me start: Suzy, IU, Taecyeon, Nichkhun and Wooyoung from 2PM, Ham Eun Jung from T-ara. Leeteuk (SuJu and Chansung (2PM) make cameos. Similarly to Imitation, Kim Soo Hyun is not an idol, but he's the main lead. It's 16 episodes long, each one lasting about 65 minutes. Available on Viki.
Wow, quite a few, but they all seem rather popular, do you have some underrated gems? I'm going to have to go down memory lane, but I do
The Queen's Classroom (2013) This one feels like a fever dream, because I'm aware it exists, I watched it back when it first aired, but I can't find it anywhere now. It's based on a Japanese drama of the same name. It's about a strict but warm hearted teacher and her students' lives and struggles. 16 episodes long. DM me if you find anywhere to watch it.
1% of Something (2016) is a really cute drama, the chemistry is off the charts, and if you're looking for skinship, this one is the one for you, underrated arranged marriage kdrama, I'm telling you. It's 16 episodes long, averaging 45 minutes, and it's on Viki.
I'm not a Robot (2017) has a really cute plot, not underrated per se, but not hyped enough. It's 32 episodes long, each one averaging 30 minutes. Available on Viki.
Do you like Brahms? (2020) is a music themed kdrama, really cute and wholesome. If you like 2setviolin and watched their critique on their YouTube channel, let me tell you, the cast actually knows how to play violin and stuff, and there's an actual child prodigy in there. It got so much hate bc of that one yt video. It's 16 episode long, each one lasting about an hour. Available on Viki.
Solomon's Perjury (2016) a good reflection on youth and the pressure society has. 12 episodes long, lasting about 63 minutes each. Available on Viki.
The Greatest Love (2011) is a super entertaining TV show, and just supper funny and cute. 16 episodes long, each one lasting around 65 minutes. Available on Viki.
Two Cops (2017) if you like Kim Seon Ho, I think this was his TV acting debut. It's a hilarious action comedy TV show. 32 episodes long, lasting around 30 minutes. Available on viki.
Do you have any recommendations where time traveling or time is central to the story?
Alice (2020) look, I can't give you a full explanation because it's too mind bending. Let's leave it at detective meets his mother. Available on Viki.
Signal (2016) The premise is similar to that of the movie Frequency (2000) in which there's communication between the past and the present via technology. The plot is based on the real Hwaseong serial murders. Really interesting. Available on Netflix. If you like the premise of communicating with the past via technology Call (2020) is a Korean thriller movie available on Netflix.
Chicago Typewriter (2017) this one is about reincarnation but we get to see both timelines. Available on Netflix.
Tomorrow with you (2017) Time-traveling but make it ✨depressing ✨. The story of a man who time travels, and how that ability messes with his marriage. Available on Netflix.
What about historical dramas? I don't really watch those, but here are some I liked
The Moon Embracing the Sun (2012) is one of the few I've finished. It's really good, it follows the love story of a king. Available on viki. 20 episodes long, each one lasting about an hour.
Gunman in Joseon (2014) Am I recommending you this one because of Lee Joon Gi? Maybe. It has 22 episodes, each one lasting about an hour. Available on Viki.
The Crowned Clown (2019) a story of the Prince and the Pauper if I must give you a description that is relatable, but if you know the book titled Skogland, it's closer to that. It's 16 episodes long, each one lasting about 80 minutes. Available on Viki.
I'm a little ashamed to say this, but do you have any BL? I do, I do
To My Star (2021) is a story about an actor and a chef, and how they learn to cohabit after the actor is forced into hiding. You can watch either the movie version or the drama version, both available on viki.
Color Rush (2020) is a modern romance fantasy about people called Monos who can't see any color unless they meet their Probes, however this may turn dangerous as the Monos may experience obsessive behavior, so what happens when a young high schooler meets his probe?. You can either watch it on its drama or movie version. Both available on viki. By the way, if you're a long time deobi and was wandering what happened to Hwall, he's one of the main leads.
You Make Me Dance (2021) follows the story of a university dancer who is in debt and his debt collector. Available on viki in both versions. The movie is 107 minutes long.
Just Friends (2009) is a short film, but ahead of its time, if you can't tell by the year it was released on. It's a cute story about a man who visits his boyfriend in the military. I found it in dramacool.
That's all from me, if you have any specific genre or them you felt I didn't add in, do feel free to tell me.
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oliviayamaoka · 3 years
Heartfelt Deception Continuation (Joey / The Legion x F!Reader)
Joey x Reader Angst!!!!!!
Hi! I’ve been busy working and getting ready for university but I’ve been DYING to finish requests! I wanna put my heart and soul into the requests so sorry if it takes long! Working on finishing the Doctor stuff after this!
Anyways, general plot is you see Joey again but your reunion is short lived!
You weren’t sure how long you’d been in the Entity’s realm at this point. It felt like years but must’ve been a few months. It feared you apart on the inside thinking about all those you left behind. What terrified you most was the thought of you actually being dead. Were you just a husk being punished in this purgatory? This hell? What the hell did you even do to deserve this? You sighed deeply and looked upwards.
You awaited the trial. It had been almost two weeks since you were chosen to participate in a trial. You cherished every moment not being in those twisted games. A shudder ran through your spine remembering your last trial. You awoke in a bathroom with Kate Denson. There were devices on your heads and the voice of a man spoke, telling you that he wanted to play a game. While you and Kate played that awful game, the other two were doing generators. You got the trap off of your head but Kate wasn’t so lucky. It was terrifying but you couldn’t forget the image of the woman in red. The woman who wore a pig’s head as she chased you.
“Y/N?” A guy said to you as you jumped. You recognized the guy as Quentin Smith. He was around your age and you two talked before.
“Oh, hey.” You said with a smile, a nervous one.
“Are you, like… alright?” He asked you as you nodded.
“Just nervous.” You said to him.
Quentin was friendly but he looked extremely tired. He came the same time as the dream demon? You hadn’t personally fought this demon but you hated what you heard about him. But, you did remember where they came from. Elm Street, was it? Despite the atrocities that occurred here, you loved hearing about where all these mysterious people came from. He nodded in response and looked around.
“Yeah, me too. I, uh, heard that we might be fighting that ogre…” He said. You saw the fear in his eyes when he began to remember his own trauma fighting these creatures and murderers.
“Which one?” You ask, trying to lighten the mood as he chuckled quietly.
“The samurai one.” He said as you nodded. Y/N only fought him once. A hulking samurai who beat her down in an instant. You cringed, remembering the blunt force trauma on your back. Quentin noticed how uncomfortable you looked and cleared his throat.
“Anyways, yeah… it’s just gonna be me, you, Bill, and… Ace? I dunno, they’re old so I don’t really know how to talk to them.” He shrugged.
“Well, I have faith we’ll be fine. Bill might look old but you should see him in action.” You said with a grin. Bill once refused to leave you behind, carrying you on his back and throwing you out the exit gate once. Since then, you admired him and always had his back.
“Yeah, he’s a fighter, isn’t he?” Quentin asked as he yawned. You were about to say something but the familiar, cold fog surrounded you guys.
“Come find me.” He quickly said to you as the fog completely engulfed you.
You shut your eyes tightly, opening them again when you were sure you were in one of the realms. Your hair blew slightly when you looked around. This place seemed foreign to you. It was a hospital of some sort? Not Crotus Prenn. Y/N looked around, crossing her arms tightly. The hallway looked old, dirty, and bloody. In one of the many rooms were chairs and bathrooms?
Y/N shivered and peaked down the hallways. You didn’t see any of your teammates. As you walked into the waiting room, you saw a paper on the ground. You kneeled down and picked it up.
“Leary’s Memorial Institute exposé.” You mumbled, instantly lighting up when you realized this must’ve been the realm that belonged to the infamous Doctor. You didn’t fight him yet but you heard how he fought survivors. Electric blasts? The place seemed massive and long. You then remembered what you heard your friend say. ‘Come find me.’
“Quentin?” You called out, not too loudly in fear that the killer was around. When you got no response, you just began to quietly speed walk to the generator you spotted down the hallway.
You kneeled down, wasting no time in getting to work on it. The repairs came naturally to you. And when you were so focused on survival, you were determined on fixing this generator. The generator sparked and as you continued to fix it, it became more and more loud. At this point, you didn’t care if the killer heard you. You just wanted this generator to be completed.
Or at least you thought so, anyways. Your concentration broke when you heard a scream nearby, it must’ve been Ace? Your finger slipped and the generator blew up. Y/N covered her face as she rapidly stood up. You felt dazed for a moment and heard something sprinting towards you, you quickly turned around. You gasped loudly, holding your arms up in defence as you felt something slash through your forearm.
You let out a scream as the figure immediately stopped. Y/N stumbled a bit, panicking at the slash on your arm. The killer had been one of the Legion members. You immediately forgot about the rapid bleeding from the wound when you looked at the killer. It was Joey. He seemed frozen in place, immediately regretting his actions. He held his knife as he stared at you, breathing heavily from the fatigue he got from his frenzy. Joey wasn’t thinking straight earlier, he always had a temporary migraine whenever he finished his frenzy.
As he was about to reach out, a chair was thrown at him. It was Ace. He had a slash on his back from Joey’s knife. With confidence, he spread his arms out. Ace seemed somewhat pissed off too. Joey grunted and snapped his eyes to his direction.
“Come pick on someone your own size, pal.” He said as Joey switched the way he held his knife.
“Run, kid!” Ace yelled at you.
You looked at Joey before nodding and quickly breaking into a sprint. Joey watched you, feeling frustrated at his situation. He quickly began to chase Ace, wanting to hook him and find you as fast as possible. Y/N continued running and vaulting into random rooms. You held your forearm, losing more and more blood. Y/N eventually stopped running, feeling exhausted and lightheaded.
You kneeled down, biting your lip hard as you pressed your forearm into your shirt. It stung and the sight of your own blood was making you panic. In fact, you didn’t even realize how much sound you were making, breathing heavily and crying. When you heard footsteps beside you, you basically shrieked but quickly realized it was just Bill.
“Ah, shit.” He said, throwing his cigarette to the side. He kneeled down beside you and looked at your wound.
“Quentin, get your ass over here!” He yelled. You covered your mouth with your other hand as Quentin entered the room, carrying a medkit he must’ve found. How did he always manage to find a medkit? You didn’t care right now.
“Are you okay? I mean, obviously not but…” Quentin said, quickly opening the medkit for Bill.
“It stings.” You said.
“Who was it?” Bill asked, taking your wrist as he began to quickly clean your wound and mend you. You shook your head.
“I-I don’t know… he’s after Ace right now.” You said. The three of you heard the familiar scream of Ace in the distance. He must’ve been hooked.
“Not anymore.” Bill huffed as he wrapped a bandage around your arm.
“There was no alcohol or stuff in it, sorry.” Quentin said as you nodded.
“He’s one of the faster ones, though.” You said as Bill helped you up. He has his usual mean mug.
“We best split up and work on seperate gene. If you see the bastard, you better man the hell up and run for the sake of the rest of us. I’ll get Ace. You kids work on fixing these godddamn machines.” Bill said in his usual gruff tone.
“Yeah…” Quentin said nervously.
“Okay… got it.” You said as the three of you quickly ran in seperate directions. There was no need for small talk with no generators completed yet.
You ignored the pain of the wound. Not because of your objective but because he was here? What the hell were the odds of seeing him again? Why didn’t he just kill you in Ormond? Maybe, it was a deception trick? You didn’t know and it was starting you drive you crazy. He even shows you his face. His face! You never forgot what he looked like. You also never forgot how he felt, sitting so close to you and comforting you? You felt your face heat up at the thought but got angry thinking about how it just could’ve been a lie.
You walked back to your generator, quickly going back to work on it. As you kneeled down, you yelped as you were pried off of the generator. Y/N panicked as the gloved hand covered her mouth.
“Please don’t scream!” You heard the familiar voice of Joey say to you. You struggled but quickly stopped, curiosity getting the better of you.
You quickly ripped away from him when he let you go. You turned around, eyes wide and your posture tense. Joey tilted his head, taking in your features as his shoulders loosened. It felt so intoxicating for him to finally see you again. He pulled his hood back and took off his mask. You still felt on edge when he did so. Joey knew he didn’t deserve to act so friendly but still, he smiled seeing you again.
“Look… I know things look bad right now.” He began as you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Bad…?!” You whisper shouted.
“I’m sorry, okay?! I didn’t mean to…! The Entity makes me and my friends go into this weird ass bloodlust state where we want you just stab everything in sight, I stopped as soon as I recognized you!” He explained, rambling a bit.
“Stopped, huh?” You questioned, mad about your wound. It was pretty deep. He sighed deeply, holding his head in frustration.
“Look, I could’ve done so much worse than that, okay…? I just, I’m sorry, okay?” He said.
“You don’t sound that sorry.” Y/N replied, you crossed your arms.
“Man, just bare with me, aight? I’m not used to saying stuff like that.” He said, clearly flustered.
You let your guard down and stared at him. Of course, you still felt extremely scared knowing he was one of the killers but he felt so… relatable? Funny, almost. Why was Joey even a killer? What did he even do?
“It’s okay.” You said after a few silent moments. He looked at you.
“Really…?” He asked, a bit dumbfounded.
“Yeah… it’s fine, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” You mumbled awkardly as he stood up straight again, putting his knife away.
“I doubt that but still… it’s nice seeing you again.” He said with a geeky smile. Your eyebrows lifted in surprise as you held your worst to your chest, looking around.
“I-um… why aren’t you trying to kill me…?” You asked in a quiet, awkward voice. It felt so strange speaking to other people your age. Quentin was fine but this was Joey.
Joey stared at you for a second. Not even he knew the answer to that question yet. Well, he didn’t but he didn’t want you outright tell you that he had a crush on you. He scratched the back of his neck and nervously looked around. He wanted to shoot his shot since he wasn’t sure if he’d see you again for a long time but he didn’t want to rush things and make you uncomfortable. Not that he cared, if this thing between you two was possible then he’d be as patient and respectful as he could.
“I think you’re cool.” He replied as you stared at him. You blinked a few times in both shock.
“You think I’m cool…?” You questioned.
“Yeah, yeah… you don’t like that?” He asked.
“No, I do, but… you’re a killer.” You said, your eyes wide with fear subconsciously as you looked at him.
Joey felt a sting in his chest with the way you were looking at him. But, you were right. He was indeed a killer. Fucking Frank, he thought to himself. If it weren’t for him and Julie pretending to be so badass, he wouldn’t be here. Although, he probably wouldn’t have met you. He deserved to be here for helping them kill that janitor. Joey knew it deep down but he wanted to preserve the image of himself he wished he had. A geeky Canadian teenager. Something he once was before he hung out with the wrong crowd.
“I know I’m a goddamn murderer, okay?! I wish I wasn’t but I had no choice!” He snapped. You seemed taken aback by his sudden outburst.
“I’m sorry, I…” Y/N stammered as he shook his head, sighing deeply.
“No, it’s fine… my bad. I’m just used to getting mad easily ‘cause of my friends. I dunno, you just miss social cues when you hang out with the same three fuckers.” He said.
You fumbled with your hands nervously and looked towards the waiting room. You thought for a second before clearing your throat.
“Um… wanna sit…?” You asked nervously as you pointed towards the waiting room. Joey stared blankly before looking at you, surprised by the suggestion.
“Uh, yeah, definitely.” He nodded eagerly as he followed after you.
You walked into the room and sat down on one of the chair, putting one leg over the other. Joey seemed much more confident when sitting, getting comfortable with his arms crossed and legs spread. You didn’t know why but you smiled at how comfortable he quickly got. Joey was a mystery, an interesting one to say the least. Y/N looked around at the walls.
“So… how are you…?” You say.
“Chilling, I guess… you?” He asked.
“Surviving.” You joke as he chuckled lightly.
“Sorry, I gotta ask… what do you survivors even do after the trials? When I first got here, I thought you would all be dead permanently.” He said to you.
“Oh, uh, there’s like a campsite? We get our own tents and supplies. We kinda just explore the woods and dreadfully wait for the Entity to choose the unlucky four.” You explained.
“Unlucky four, huh? Why are you here?” He asked you. Y/N shrugged lightly.
“Honestly, I don’t know… I was happy and free until the fog came. I’m starting to lose track of the days.” You said.
“Me too.” Joey said with a deep sigh.
“Why are you here…?” You asked nervously.
“Me? Uh… fuck. Look, I’ve been doing some self-reflection and getting in touch with like, emotions and shit. I know what I did was wrong but it was Frank’s fault. And Julie influenced his dumbass… if only they didn’t think they were fucking Harley and Joker.” He muttered.
“What happened?” Y/N asked.
“I—or we, killed a janitor… it was some older dude. Me and Susie didn’t want to but I dunno, I never thought peer pressure was real but… I guess I was just scared shitless when I saw Frank with that knife…” He said. You could hear the guilt in his voice as he leaned forward.
“And it could’ve been something we could’ve easily redeemed ourselves for but… that’s when the Fog came. I dunno… ever since I met you, I’ve just been thinking a lot.” Joey said.
“Me?” You ask as he looked at you.
“Yeah… not in a weird way but, you’re cool and normal… something I don’t find often nowadays.” He shrugged as you nodded, your heart thumping from how flustered you’d become.
“So, who’s this Frank?”
“Frank? Well, he’s my bro. My best friend, as you people would say. I dunno, he was kind of a loser now that I think of it but ride or die, amirite? Anyways, I always knew he was kind of crazy. And Julie too. I never liked her too much, she was always kinda bossy. Especially towards Susie.” Joey explained.
“Anyways, we formed the Legion. It was us four against the world for a bit. Quite literally now that I think about it. I think the Entity changed Frank… he’s more… violent now? Literally doesn’t even listen to reason anymore.” He said.
“Sounds like an asshole, sorry.” You said as he smiled.
“He is, don’t worry.” Joey said.
“So, that’s why you’re here? You got scared and were forced to do something? That’s such bullshit.” You said, looking at him.
“Yeah, I guess so…. I’m really nothing to be scared of.” Joey said before falling silent, holding his head for a second when he heard whispers in his head.
“Are you alright?” You asked.
Joey felt the Entity’s anger with him. At times, it was scary. He remembered what happened to Susie when she didn’t comply with what it wanted her to do. It just twisted her even more and made Frank into a complete monster. He shut his eyes tightly. Joey wasn’t making an effort to sacrifice anybody and the Entity was growing tired and bored with this trial.
“I’m fine, just fatigue is all…” He lied.
“But, um… yeah, thank you for opening up to me about that stuff… and for your gloves.” You said, smiling warmly. He looked towards you.
“You remember that?” He asked.
“How could I not? You’re still my friend. A good one, at that.” You say, grabbing his hands softly and standing him up. Joey wished he didn’t have his other set of gloves on so he could feel your skin.
“I was gonna suggest you drink some water slowly but… there’s none.” You said to him.
“Real smart.” He sarcastically laughed with a grin. You smiled too.
“Please, I literally forgot we were in hell.” You said.
“Oh, this is hell?” He asked, becoming a bit more bold when it came to flirting with you.
“Maybe.” You replied with a smile.
You frowned when he held his head again. Joey grunted at the sudden sharp pain in his head, a migraine worse than when the frenzy ended. You put your hand on his shoulder, watching him with concern as he grit his teeth. Why they hell was this happening now? Why the fuck did the Entity suddenly care so much? Joey knew what it wanted. It wanted it to hurt her.
“Y/N…” He muttered.
“Uh, what’s up…?” You asked in concern.
“I don’t think it wants us to waste anymore time.” Joey said, wincing from the pain and becoming more overwhelmed when the whispers grew louder. Y/N couldn’t hear anything.
“What? The Entity?” You asked.
“Listen, you should just… run, okay? Go do a generator or something.” He said before he cried out in pain after finishing his sentence.
“Joey?!” You asked with panic in your voice.
“Fuck…! Quit it, you motherfucker!” Joey yelled at the Entity, holding his head. You rubbed his back, totally unsure of what to do.
“I-It’s okay…! Don’t listen to it!” You said to him.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” Joey said to you when you suddenly felt a sharp pain plunge into your stomach. Your eyes widened as Joey stood tall, aggressively twisting the knife before pulling it away.
You coughed out blood onto his chest, clinging to his shoulders when you felt yourself lose blood rapidly. Joey pushed you back, slashing again at your chest. In that moment, he felt rage, anger, sadness, regret, shame, and guilt. But, the bloodlust he felt was even stronger than what the frenzy made him feel. He couldn’t control it. The Entity did. You wailed as you curled up, not expecting anything that just happened. Joey cleaned his knife off, putting his mask back on and lifting his hood.
Joey didn’t speak. He couldn’t even look at you when he picked you up. It made him feel even worse at how weakly you were wiggling. You punched at his back as hard as you could but you were ready to faint at any given moment due to the extreme blood loss. Joey shut his eyes tightly once he got to the hook, hoisting you off of his shoulder onto it. Your eyes shot wide open at the hooked sensation. The hook shot adrenaline through your body as you tried lifting yourself up, letting out a scream as you hung there.
He couldn’t even bare to look at you. Even in his crazed state of mind, he seemed ready to just kill himself. Why did the Entity do what it did? He just turned and walked away as fast as he could. Due to the amount of time you wasted with Joey, the Entity just decided to kill you then and there. It didn’t want to wait for any of your fellow survivors to come and get you. It was bored and hungry. Joey began his frenzy once he heard the Entity finish you off, deciding to take his anger out on the remaining survivors.
You slowly opened your eyes to see Yui watching you intently. She seemed surprised you were awake and brushed your forehead. Beside her was Claudette who made sure you were okay.
“You’re awake.” She said.
“Yui…?” You asked, disorientated.
“You did not last long, at all.” She jokingly said as you sat up. Claudette seemed too shy to tell you not to sit up. You winced.
Usually, it would take a few days for all wounds to completely heal.
“You guys must have had a rough trial.” Laurie said as she kneeled down beside you. You looked towards the other three.
Quentin, Bill, and Ace seemed to be in a worse condition than you. Multiple bandages and bloodied wounds. Your mind immediately went to Joey. What had happened? You winced at the pain in your stomach.
“It’s a really deep wound. Just sit back and relax.” Laurie said to you as you nodded.
You thought about Joey. You remembered your last interaction with him, how he seemed unwilling to kill you. What did the Entity do to him? Would he be like that forever? You teared up at the thought of it. Joey didn’t deserve to be here, he was just like you and Quentin. He was normal. You shut your eyes and hopes that maybe you’d see him again. There was a sense of heartache within you when you thought of him now.
“Heard you had an amazing fucken trial.” Frank said to Joey, congratulating him but Joey wasn’t having any of it.
“Fuck off, Frank.” He growled at him as Frank held his hands up jokingly.
“Too much palettes dropped on your tiny brain, Joe?” Julie asked sarcastically, sitting close to the fire inside the lodge in Ormond.
“The Entity seemed happy with your trial, Joey. Maybe we won’t have to do one for a while.” Susie suggested, twirling her knife.
“Probably for the fucking best.” Joey muttered as Frank stood up, tilting his head.
“Why are you so riled up, man?” He asked.
“Just leave it, Frank. Joey’s becoming soft.” Julie said, rolling her eyes.
“And you’re not? We’re in a whole different fucking dimension!” Joey snapped.
“Why would I be? We get to do whatever we want.” Julie shrugged.
“I thought that way too… when I was a fucking kid.” Joey said to her as she glared.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Frank questioned him.
“You guys are still so fuckcing delusional… we can do whatever we want, really?! Even if we weren’t in his shit hole, we wouldn’t have had money, jobs, or a place to stay. I can’t believe I was that fucking childish to think this was paradise.” He said to them.
“Where the fuck is this coming from then, huh?! You just had a good fucking kill sesh and now here you are bitching like a fucking pansy.” Frank said to him.
“Kill sesh? Maybe, I am a fucking pansy for not wanting to be cool and edgy for killing innocent people.” Joey said, inches away from each other’s faces.
“Innocent people, huh? Who’d you see there, Joey?” Julie asked, a grin on her face. She seemed excited from the anger.
“Nobody.” He quickly replied.
“Was it somebody from school?” She asked.
“I didn’t see nobody, now fuck off.” He said.
“Ever since that one Ormond trial, you’ve been acting so fucken soft. We all noticed, Joey. You feel bad for one of those survivors, don’t you?” Julie said to him.
“They’re not worth feeling sorry for, Joey. They’re here for a reason and we have to punish them.” Frank said to him.
“How the fuck do you know that? Did that janitor deserve it?! Did Susie deserve this?! They sure as hell didn’t and neither did Y/N!” Joey yelled at them. Susie’s face lightened a bit. She also missed her old life but was often bullied by Julie.
“Y/N, huh? Must be one of those newer gals. You like her, Joey?” Julie asked him.
“Skip of the tongue, bitch.” Joey muttered.
“Awe, you finally found a girl. Frank and I were starting to think you’d be a virgin for eternity.” Julie said to him with a laugh.
“Shut the fuck up.” Joey said angrily.
“Whatever, she’s not worth it. She’ll probably end up as the Entity’s lunch by next week. Sometimes it kills survivors for good. Just imagine what it would do to somebody one of the killers cared for.” Frank said, smiling when the realization hit Joey.
“Awe, Joey’s showing emotion for once.” Julie teased. Joey felt scared for the first time in forever. Was it true? Would it kill Y/N because he cares for her in that way?
“Leave him alone, guys. You act like you’re not a couple.” Susie said to them.
“Oh, shut up. That’s different, we’re a group.” Julie rolled her eyes.
“Fuck you guys.” Joey said as he stormed off, leaving the other three. He needed to check up on Y/N somehow.
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genshin-impact-fics · 3 years
I love your fatui! reader x genshin really tugged on my heartstrings right there.
if it's alright can i ask for a continuation for keqing? 👉🏻👈🏻 like the two of them inevitably have to fight each other ft. other fatui and keqing gets overwhelmed so the reader ultimately betrays her peers and gets gravely injured (i live for the angst-hurt/comfort)
again thank you for writing this it was definitely a fun read 😊
Thank you so much, I really enjoyed writing it as hopefully I'll do more for other characters! I love continuations so I was so happy to write this. I also apologize for not getting this out sooner as I had this in the works with a few other things; however, a couple of personal things came up. But that aside I do hope you enjoy this as I hope you don't mind that I did a hybrid of scenario/fic.
Keqing was asked to go investigate the suspicious activity that was going on near the entrance of the mines with only the mention that it is possibly involving the Fatui. On her travels to get to the location of course her mind had wondered to what she’d possibly find; then the thought of you popped into her head.
It had been so long… Maybe a couple of months since she last saw you since she cut ties after finding out you were with the enemy. There couldn’t be a possibility that you were still in Liyue after the whole incident that had taken place right, she didn’t want to worry about coming to come face to face when the pain and the memories of that day was still very fresh in Keqing’s head
Whatever or whoever was seemingly up to no good, Keqing’s resolve to keep all of Liyue and Liyue Harbor safe stayed strong. Upon arrival so far there had not been a soul in her sights, but of course continued to look around to see if she could find any signs of evidence that people were there. It was after a while of searching that Keqing walked up a couple of stairs until she heard a voice talking. She only saw two figures, one kneeling before the standing figure
“Boss, the rubble that’s blocking the entryway to the Chasm is far greater than initially suspected… It may take us longer to clear it all out,” the masked agent kneeling said. Keqing’s eyes widened at the new information as holding her sword in hand she rushed over to put a stop to the Fatui’s plans. “Stop right there,” she shouted getting both the agents attention; however, the kneeling agent was the only one who jumped up and looked at her
“Leave this to me, get back to the others and get the job done,” the other figure spoke as at that moment she knew right away it was you. When it was just the two of them Keqing’s hold on her sword loosened as she watched as the hood was pulled off. “Of all the people that could have been sent it had to be you… I really wish this wasn’t how we met again,” you said with a small sigh fully turned to face her removing your mask revealing the glimmer of the eyes Keqing had fallen in love with
“What’s the meaning of all of this (Y/n),” she asked as she was mad, she should be mad yet her heart betrayed her as it raced at the sight of you. “Unfortunately that’s classified information,” was all you spoke having a soft expression on your face before you summoned your weapon. “I’d much rather not fight you but knowing you, you just won’t simply walk away… So you give me no other choice.”
The fight between you two was fast as flashes of your elements clashed together blow for blow. The sounds of metals clashing and striking one another till eventually you both skidded apart from each other heavily breathing, small nicks and tears in clothing. The brief moment of the wind passing through before Keqing sprinted forward attacking again.
“You’re a traitor! A Lair,” Keqing shouted, striking her sword at (Y/n) who was simply blocking and staying on the defensive side. “You have every right to be angry with me; I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth. I knew if I did you wouldn’t give me the chance to explain, but please believe me when I say that I dated you because I loved you; I wasn’t trying to use you,” You further said blocking the barrage of attacks. Keqing gritted her teeth as she felt the ache of her chest; how could she believe anything you said, for all she knew you were simply trying to sweet talk her. “How can I believe you when you told them everything that I told you and everything that was in the Jade Chamber,” She shouted angrily, swinging her blade.
Her words of her assumptions of what you possibly did brought a sharp pain to your chest; instead of using your weapon to stop her attack you grabbed the blade by the hand; the small pain of the blade cutting into the skin causing blood to seep out. Looking at her with a hurt expression you looked Keqing in her purple eyes as she was staring back with a shocked expression by your actions. “You-you really think I’d stoop that low to tell the Fatui all the things you’ve told me about and what was in the Jade Chamber? I never told them anything; I might be working for them, but I’ve kept all of our conversations and that of the Chamber to myself this whole time,” You said, causing Keqing to freeze at your words in complete bewilderment. Though before any more words could be exchanged during your fight, the sound of a gun being shot, the two of you jumped back to watch a bullet engulfed in flames hit the dirt of where the two of you just were.
The other members had suddenly appeared shooting attacks as one of the Vanguards charged Keqing. Panic started to slowly overtake you as you had to watch Keqing fight off the others. “What are you all doing?! I told you to get the job done didn’t I,” You shouted trying to get them to back down, but it didn’t seem to be working. “We’ll make quick work of this one,” The Bracer said, aiming his gun to fire another round. Glancing back to Keqing it was clear she was doing her best to at most keep up and dodge the enemies attacks. In this crucial moment there was a decision to be made: to either walk away and let the others continue the fight and simply pray Keqing would flee or betray the Fatui in order to save the woman you still very much loved. Finally coming to your decision you first attacked the bracer to get him out of the way before running over to handle the rest. Getting knocked down Keqing was doing her best to get right back up, but only managed to sit herself up; her attention now on the electro vanguard who’s hammer was up in the air about to come down on her. Closing her eyes she waited for the impact… However after not feeling anything she opened her eyes only for them to widen at the scene before her; there you stood your weapon blocking the hammer before managing to push the tall man back.
“Who do you all think you are?! How dare you go against my orders like a bunch of morons,” You shouted angrily as though she couldn’t see the look on your face, she could only imagine how mad you were. “For your unacceptable behavior you all will face punishment,” you now spoke in a much lower tone, your vision surprisingly enough started to change to a different color before you charged at the other members of the Fatui. It still almost felt unreal of the turn of events that have taken place yet here you were fighting your own peers to protect her, the feeling of guilt creeping in on how she treated you. The fight dragged on a while longer until the last remaining members fled while they could, leaving you to stand by yourself with the few bodies that laid on the ground. You turned around to look over to Keqing to check on her and to your relief she wasn’t hurt too much. “You okay,” you asked, feeling your body grow heavy and tired from the wounds you’ve sustained. Blinking she snapped out of her trance and nodded her head uttering a small yes. “That’s… Good,” you replied smiling before falling over.
“(Y/n),” Keqing shouted, scurrying up to get to you, carefully turning you over gasping at the sight of how grave your injuries were. “Hey! Hey,” she loudly said cupping the side of your face to make you look at her as a flurry of mixed emotions were going on. “What’s the big idea huh?! What do you think you were doing,” she asked sternly as it pained her to see you in such a horrible condition. A weak laugh came out as you reached up a hand to overlap the one holding the side of your face running a thumb over her hand in a comforting manner. “I was pro-tecting you of… Course,” you answered before a hard cough briefly stopping you from talking. “It-it’s okay if you still… Hate me, but I hope that… At least this makes up… For all the bad I’ve done,” you further spoke, wincing when trying to breathe. Tears falling, Keqing feeling the weight of your words hit her heart hard, regretting how cruel she was. The rain started to fall, Keqing couldn’t just mope around and let you die; putting her strong urge to cry aside, she carefully picked up your body and made a run back to the harbor as hopefully Dr. Baizhu would be able to help.
Who knew how long you had been out for, though much to your surprise you were actually alive but how? The sight of an unfamiliar ceiling was the first thing you saw before you tried to move to sit up to further investigate your surroundings. “Don’t you dare try to move, you’ll only reopen your wounds,” the stern voice of Keqing rang in your ears as looking over she was now right beside you causing a small strained laugh out of you. “How could you be laughing, you could have died,” She said now sitting on the edge as she had a sad expression on her face. “Hehe sorry, sorry… But really if it meant that I knew you were safe I was well prepared to die,” You answered as suddenly Keqing was now gently hugging you and the soft sound of her crying reached your ears. “You idiot, you can’t go dying on me! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for how cruel I was to you and all those harsh things I said to you. I love you so don’t try throwing your life away for me!” she spoke, carefully hugging you firmer. It brought a relief to you to hear that she still loved you so in return you put a hand on her back and rubbed it in a comforting manner. “It’s alright I never held it against you, though if it makes you feel better then I forgive you… I will always protect you, you’re the love of my life,” you responded with a soft smile. Having begun the mending of your relationship you two shared a short kiss before Keqing brought over some food and medicine for you to take; it would take time for you to get better, but at least you were still alive.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
I was rewatching death note and when L did his monster speech this request was born! So the idea is Bakugo and iida (separately ) with a s/o who has trust issues and is liar ,nothing extremely serious like betraying them! More like smaller stuff? They probably confront them asking why they lie so much!”
({and btw if you haven’t herd L’s monster speech you should for inspiration buts that’s your choice! Have a happy holiday!✨)
“y/n just tell me the fucking truth for once”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: this long sorry, violence, language, some topics of abuse but it isn’t in detail, kissing and fluff 
word count: 5200+
a/n: hi sorry i don’t write for iida cause i find him really annoying and i don’t think i have the facilities to write him, but i do write bakugo so here it is, also i love the L speech sm and anything in italics is either a reference to the speech or directly incorporates the speech, have a happy rest of the holiday as well 
summary: in which you were raised by villains, by being saved by the heroes, the trust issues and lying you were brought upon reflects you now, bakugo grows ever more frustrated at your lying and all your truths come out
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The echo of the wind bashing against the windowsill roared through the commission, the white walls cascaded around you, it was painful and enduring at how you sat in the middle of the silent room. Waiting. No. Watching, you were listening and seeing those around you, a muzzle around your mouth to surpress your voice. Your wrists coated with the metal handcuffs, you were trapped, and you being stalked by those around you.
“Miss Y/l/n, we have found your family.” The voice is loud and monotone, you didn’t care, fuck your family, fuck what they did to you, fuck them.
Unable to move your hands to put a middle finger up at the camera, one movement causing an electrifying bolt run through your arms. You hated being here, you would rather fend for yourself on the streets than be involved in a hell hole like this.
“No words of happiness.” The sound of a certain pro hero caught your ears, the one who had captured you, held you against your will, locked you in this room. Number two pro hero Hawks.
“You can kill them for all I care.” Your voice dripped with malice not looking up at him.
Monsters who will not show themselves and will cause trouble.
You heard him say something quietly behind him before the jingle of keys were heard. He walked to the handcuffs undoing them, the muzzle clenched against your face, leaving sore marks, he grabbed at it making you face him. You were about to activate your quirk, but he quickly let go making you stop.
“We’re sending you to UA.” You eyes widened, what did a shitty school like UA need with a villain like you.
He looked at your sore wrists, before the signs of the bruises vanished underneath your thumb which you had been rubbing against the purple. He watched you touch your neck which had bruises from being pushed to the ground, all disappearing in a single touch. “A school like that doesn’t need me.”
“Of course it does, your quirk can be used for good.” He softly speaks sitting beside you on the white floor. The room was suffocating, and you wanted to leave it as soon as you could.
“I can’t, I know how to kill, I was raised to kill.” You put your hands to your face, getting rid of the cuts that erupted on your face, with an instance it was all gone. “If I touch you and activate my quirk, I could break you.”
He looks at your tired eyes, a child broken and used by your family to become a villain. “I’ll make a deal with you.”
It gains your attention and with an instance you look at the man, he holds his hand out you grab it with ease, his fingers were soft, you could imagine them breaking under your touch. He guides you out of the room, you walked past to where many other rooms which you assumed where blank and lifeless. Before seeing a window, it was to another room, you saw a woman in bed, she was bandaged up but the silver around her wrist made you in an instance know who it is.
“Your mother she’s dying, the families she ruined wont get proper justice, but I’ll let you go in, you can scream, shout hell you can kill her yourself, but you will join UA.” The sound of being able to kill her, kill the woman who had stolen you away.
“She’s not my mother, she found me.” They were never your family; they had seen you at such a young age and stolen you to indoctrinate.
Monsters who abduct children.
He nods already knowing, “we’ll lock the door.” All that flashed through your eyes was murder, she had taken it all from you, you never wanted to see her family, her stupid husband and her stupid son, you hated them all and you were going to kill her.
The sound of the door locking made you move towards her, she looked up thinking you were hear to save her. “My daughter.” The words were careless and made you angrier.
“I was never your daughter…” You pause her frail fingers had started to wrinkle and her face becoming grey and hair patchy.
“Y/n.” He breathing was rough, but you didn’t care, with an instant you went up to her exposed hands.
A smile formed on your lips, maybe you were a sadist, but you could do one last villainous action, make her fie even quicker, make her beg for forgiveness. Then you would go to UA, you would forget about the torture, forgot about them. You would become something a lot more than they had ever expected.
“I’m going to kill you.” It was comical but her face fell.
“You heartless bitch.” She shouted, “you fucking bitch, no wonder nobody loves you.” You didn’t care about her words smiling away.
The way her fingers cracked under your touch, each bone breaking the screams filling the room. You didn’t care touching even more of her before you moved directly to her heart. Hawks had heard the screams ignoring it maybe it was wrong of him to let you do this. But you deserved justice, your hand moved on top of her chest.
“Y/n…please.” She begged it was heaven in your ears, the woman who had tormented you was begging for you too stop and what else could you do but disagree. She had clinged onto your wrist, tightening her grip, unable to use her own quirk due to the medication, this was your only chance.
Hawks knew it was over, opening the door to see you walk out, he looked at you expecting some emotion but was brought with happiness, almost joy. “Where are the other two?” 
“You’ll see them again when they’re locked up, but that’s it, you cant kill them.” You nodded, you’d find a way, you’d find a way to kill them both, but you kept your composure.
The day flew past he explained how you’d have to lie, pretend your life was normal. But the main thing he wanted you to know was.
“If you kill any of them, I’ll be the one to kill you Y/n.” You nod, you had a straight face for most of his lecture, but you felt like he was trying to replace the adult figures you had had in your life. “If you get into any trouble, call me or just want to know how to act human, I know you haven’t been in the best education, but this is a fresh chance.”
“Okay.” It was simple and whilst sleeping in the commission in a much better area with colour and natural light. You watched the sky, watched how the stars danced around the moon, you admired it from a far but oh how you wished to see it up close.
The night was calming, and you were restless, but it wasn’t out of fear of going to UA, it was of fear they would find out who you were. Find out you were a villain, find out that you had caused deaths along the way. You were confident in your abilities, but they were new people, you had been surrounded by A rank and B rank villains all your life. Hell you had been classed as an A rank villain but now you would become something in life.
Hawks hadn’t bothered to tell you about your real parents, all that was known was you had been on the streets, you were a nobody and you would remain like that if you tried hard enough. The night had led to a lack of sleep with tossing and turning, the nightmares blaring through your head. The torment the way they would use your quirk at the tender age of five to kill and kill again.
Monsters who devour dreams.
The sound of coughing woke you up in your slumber, you hadn’t grown close to the winger hero. But he was trying, he gave you your new uniform, helped you pack a bag with everything and even gave encouraging words along the way.
The uniform was gross but after being trapped for weeks in solitude you were finally getting human contact, experiencing the world. “I’ll help you settle in; the teachers know your…past.” You nod, he was avoiding it and so were you, the drive being filled with silence.
Your gaze had been out the window, the hues of red and yellow cascaded through the sky, it was beautiful. A month ago the only thing you had seen was thick concrete walls, murder only occurring inside of the building you had called home for years.
“We’re here.” He whispers opening the door for you, taking your bags he watches you hit the air and feel the sun, “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile.”
Your surpress the smile looking down, “make friends Y/n.” You nod, you were able to make friends, of course you were it was the not sticking out like a sore thumb that bothered you.
These people will have known each other for a month’s now but you, you weren’t normal. Hawks gave a smile walking you inside the building, “I’ll go drop your bags off to your new room once you’ve settled in.”
You walked past the doors, before arriving in front of a humongous door, shrugging at how Hawks spoke about the class. “The league tried to get them.” You mutter out. “They had talked to Shigaraki about it prior, we were going to go with them but my bro…he got sick.”
It was a lie of course; it wasn’t that he had gotten sick. You had touched him; broken his arm and you had been punished in an instant. You were made to sleep in the rain, eat off the ground, it was torture and you had felt sucked to death.
Monsters who suck blood.
Hawks nods, you misspeaking made you nervous, this was the first time you would be talking and listening to people who you weren’t about to kill. The door opened and you didn’t dare face the class, the teacher who you assumed was Aizawa stood in a sleeping bag, you dismissed it knowing how powerful his quirk was.
“We’ve got a new student today, Y/n Y/l/n and pro hero Hawks is here.” The shock on there faces was something, but it felt more to Hawks than it was to you.
“I’ll be leaving I’ll call tonight.” You nod at Hawks watching him leave with your stuff, your bag hanged loosely on your shoulder. You analysed them all, scanning up and down before you saw the boy who you knew Shigaraki had captured, the Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya who your ‘parents’ had told you about.
You stopped staring at them, Izuku looked down not meeting your gaze whilst Bakugo scowled at you, “why don’t you introduce yourself?”
“Oh umm…” You stuttered Hawks had made you practice a fake backstory but, in an instant, it was forgotten, “I’m Y/n Y/L/N, I moved here with my family a…and ugh.”
Monsters who always tell lies.
You didn’t know what else to say, refusing to meet their gazes as you looked out the window, the birds chirping, petals falling in the August heat, it was beautiful, how life spewed out into the world. But also how easily it was to destroy life, how in one touch everything could break and deteriorate, “Y/n.” Aizawa had been repeating your name but you hadn’t gotten out of your daze until the third time.
“Yes.” You whisper.
He points to a seat behind Bakugo and in front of Midoriya, “go sit behind Bakugo.” You nod, walking past them all, they seemed already accustom to their friends. This was going to be a lot harder; it wasn’t like you were infiltrating it to gain anything. You going against the indoctrination and being the opposite of what you had been brought up to be.
You felt someone tap your shoulder as Aizawa went to what looked like sleep, quickly turning around to meet the green haired boy. “I’m Izuku Midoriya.”
You pretended to not know him, smiling as you introduced yourself again, “Yeah I heard.”
“Why did your parents move?” A blonde boy shouted, you saw the black in his hair, it was a look, but you had seen a lot worse hairstyles.
“Oh, work.” It was an easy enough lie which nobody would be able to see through. “We move around a lot.”
He doesn’t say anymore, as some of the girls come around the table, all introducing themselves, you smile thinking this had become easier by the minute. As quickly as introductions had occurred between the whole class, the day had begin to conclude and all that was left was training.
You didn’t have a hero costume so remained in the UA uniform; it was easy enough. With the odd amount of people, Aizawa had made you stay beside him. “I want you to break all of their left legs.”
Was this a trick or a ploy? You were happy to accept knowing this to be an easy enough thing to do, you saw how they had all began to bunch together. It was paced easily, skimming through each and everyone of them, jumping onto the high buildings as you touched all their left legs with ease, even Midoriya whose quirk you had known to be superior had not been paying attention, you easily touched it before hiding it. Your last victim was Bakugo who seemed to be jumping around, you saw how he stood in front of Kirishima in the open area, well you were going to make this a show.
You already heard the screams of some of the class and whilst being distracted you touched the blond’s leg, having assumed it was the wind he ignored the feeling. Ready to attack just as you bounced back to Aizawa.
In an instance you saw the class cascade onto their left knees, the shouting and tears flowing from some of them. It was quick enough, and you almost felt the thrill of killing from doing this small action.
Even Bakugo who had tried to not become grounded was repressing growls at the pain, “What’s ha…” You heard Momo ask on the ground, even the boy you had known as Endeavor’s son had collapsed onto the floor.
“It’s good, and you can heal them as well.” Aizawa ignored the class taking it as an endurance test.
You nodded about to go reverse it, “no let them feel it.” He had stopped you, you spaced in and out watching them on the floor, you stood in silence, it was easy enough to be stealthy even the invisible girl was easy to get after seeing the gloves floating about.
Aizawa after a couple minutes let you touch there legs again, all regaining strength again. They were all a bit out of it but Bakugo seemed the most pissed at you, not understanding your quirk. The class stood in silence looking at you, you didn’t look at them, wanting to leave and just look out at the sky for a bit.
“Y/n, was that your quirk?” The questions cascaded out, but you refused to answer, you didn’t care if they knew but you felt anxious and untrustworthy of these people. They could end up using it against you, hell they might even try and cut your hands off, so you’re left quirk less.
You had heard it happened to Overhaul so what would make you think that these groups of future pro heroes wouldn’t do it you. “No.” Is all you say, it was a lie, and you were going to stick by it forever.
Lying monsters they are much more cunning than other monsters.
Look into the horizon and see hope, “can we go now?” You muttered to Aizawa, he nodded, you didn’t stop to talk to them instantly leaving.
You didn’t want to face the question and answers, you wanted to be alone. You understood after all these years of being isolated, making friends, being around other people had took a toll on you and you wanted to curl up into a ball.
You grabbed your bag changing as quick as you could, instantly walking past the class who had just arrived to change. You saw the message on the phone Hawks had given you a number and floor of where you assumed your room was.
Whilst walking towards where the dorms were you heard the shout of your name. Turning around you were met with Todoroki, “oh hi.”
“Your quirk its…” He trailed off not knowing the words.
He joined you in the walk to the dorms, “you can say villainous, I can kill people with it.”
“I wasn’t going to say that but at least you’re on our side.” He smiles out before talking about the class and how impressed they were with your quirk.
All you could think about were the words he had said though our side, what did it mean? Were there sides to this world, were you going to remain on the side of justice or go against Hawks and run and kill and be killed by him.
You had ignored everything else he had said, “I’m glad I’m on your side as well.” It was a blatant lie, but you were trying, trying to put on a façade. You tried to understand him, understand the emotions that were around you. But you didn’t understand it, didn’t understand how something has harmless as you had done had made them impressed. If they wanted to be impressed, you could kill someone. If they really wanted.
They pose as humans even though they have no understand of the human heart.
Todoroki talked about how meals worked and the works and before you knew it, he had dropped you off directly outside the dorm room. “I’ll come get you for dinner.” You nodded before sucking in a breath. You had your own room, your own sanctuary, you could make it look however you wanted.
You walked inside seeing your bags to the side, a desk and a bed it was normal and empty. Hell if you knew what to do with the room, you had no pictures to put up, no possessions only the new clothes Hawks had brought you. It was barren and you expected it would remain this way.
You laid on the bed, feeling the soft and warm covers, it was a new experience, the rags you had slept in prior being nothing compared to this. It was comfort that you had never experience, the few hours later bringing the half haired boy to your room.
You had put the clothes in the designated area and been waiting on the bed, staring out of the window. It was getting dull and wearing the clothes that fit too right, you opened the door to see Todoroki.
“We’re waiting downstairs.” You nod, pulling at the sleeves of the shirt as you followed the boy. He made conversation which you gave small yeah back too. You were eating for the sake of it, eating to fuel you it wasn’t to satisfy or pleasure you it was to make you stronger. That’s how you had been brought up and that’s how you seemed to remain.
You saw the class crowding a table, a confusion settling on your face. Even the angry Bakugo was perched on the table, Todoroki coughed, and everybody turned their backs. “She’s hear.” Mina squealed, “we got you a cake to celebrate you joining our class.”
Your face fell in confusion, why were they being nice? You had hurt them and now they had gotten you a cake, you had never had a cake, always being told it was bad for you and would ruin your quirk.
“A c…cake.” You stuttered.
“Yeah, a cake, look its got frosting.” Ururaka smiled moving to show you the cake.
It was Midoriya the next to speak, “we think your quirk is really cool and don’t want you to think we think it’s a villain quirk or something.”
Your eyes widened; the cake had blue frosting but the sound of Midoriya repeating what Todoroki spoke out too you. You took a deep breath before faking a smile, everybody seemed to believe it and your next words, “thank you guys so much it means a lot.”
Bakugo knew, Bakugo saw how your eyes were lying, how your face might have been smiling but inside you were dying. Those eyes of yours, the way your upper lip twitched whilst cutting the cake. He saw it all and, in the end, he saw how your fingers skimmed the knife, as if you were thinking about murder. But what did he know about an extra like you.
They eat even though they’ve never experienced hunger.
A couple weeks had passed, and you seemed to have settled in, well that’s what Hawks had assumed after every daily call with you. His words echoing in your head, one murder and you would die yourself. You had grown closer with all of them , specifically Mina and Kirishima, but Bakugo was another story, he was scowl every time you looked at him, everytime you tried to make conversation. You both hadn’t shared a single conversation only being around each other due to your mutual friends.
The day Mina had asked to study in your room had brought Kirishima, Sero, Denki and Bakugo to your room. You hadn’t expected all of them, but you put on a fake smile again, you didn’t need to revise, hell if it wasn’t for your quirk, you’d still be academically smarter then the rest of them.
You didn’t confess to this truth only accepting them inside the barren room, you hadn’t gotten time to print out the pictures you had taken with the class. As much as the villain inside of you hated to admit it you were enjoying your time. You had thought the first night at UA, that in a month you’d have killed them, the villain in you would come out and you’d stop all their hearts, but now, smiling with them maybe things were different.
Or maybe you were lying to yourself, because to Bakugo you still showed the lying nature, your eyes were filled with lies and could dare look at you. It was only for Kirishima who had dragged him alone, he wanted to ask why you lied, why you didn’t tell the truth? A true pro hero would never go to this extent, but he had no proof, it was in his head.
It was all true, you had continued this lie, making up about how your parents and you were distant, but you had a brother who you were close with. The brother who had stolen you had never been close with you, he hated you, resented your quirk and had killed anybody around you to prove he was the better child.
You imagined him locked up right now, locked away in the hell hole, it was callous, but you relished in his pain. Mina had begun asking questions which you ignored thinking, you zoned out looking out of the window. He was probably chained up, sobbing at how he regretted it all. Regretted hurting you, you bet he didn’t even know that you were the one to kill his mother.
It was comforting but you knew you would have to surpress these thoughts to seem normal. “Sorry, I spaced out, say that again?” You quickly spoke.
Bakugo had noticed you space out, noticed how your lips twitched upwards into a cruel face he had seen that face before. Seen it on every villain he had even encountered and the fear that filled him, startled you all as he knocked the books to the floor.
You continued helping Mina ignoring the boy who continued looking at you. He didn’t bother helping Kirishima, only glaring at you, it wasn’t like he cared if you trusted them or not. But you were no hero to him, even if Deku and Todoroki told you, you were a hero, you would always be something villainous. The night fell and they all left, Bakugo having glared the entire night, it was unnerving, and you were fearful he was catching on, but you dismissed it. It was easy to not overthink these types of stuff, you could always threaten the boy.
They study even though they have no interest in academics.
The late night was unnerving you could feel Bakugo’s presence surround the room, you jolted up. Looking around, feeling watched, before you noticed the hoodie Bakugo had been wearing draped over the chair. He might be awake, he could be, you didn’t care, you got up stretching before grabbing the hoodie and creeping out the door.
You were on the same floor as the boy, so in a quick few steps you arrived at his door. You knocked hesitantly, maybe you should’ve waited. You shook your head, knowing that the feeling of his hoodie in your room made you on edge. You knocked again, and on the third a sleep Bakugo opened the door.
They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love.
He rubbed his eyes before noticing who it was, “what the hell do you want?”
You scowled looking at him, “you left your hoodie in my room.”
You pushed it on him about to leave, but instead he grabs your wrist, “we need to talk.”
“We can talk in the morning.” You were fearful not of him but the threat he knew your secret, knew everything about you.
He ignored you dragging you inside and shutting the door, “sit down.” He mutters, you oblige sitting on the edge of his bed, he had been wearing a black shirt and shorts, you didn’t look at him, instead looing around his room. You see a picture of what looks to be his parents, he was the spitting image of his mother. He looked angry in it but even then, it was a family picture filled with love, something you would never have.
“Why do you lie?” He meets your gaze.
“L…lie, I haven’t.” You lie out.
“I see it in your eyes, you have this face and I’ve seen it on villains, who are you?” His voice had become harsher and you felt intimidated. Fuck, you had killed people and a rowdy blond boy was making you scared.
“I told you…”
He interrupts you, “Y/n just tell me the fucking truth for once.”
“Bakugo I don’t know what you’re on about.” You say acting dumb to leave this situation, “I’ve tried to be nice to you but you jus…”
He speaks over you to make you shut up, “you don’t want to be friends, what are you Y/n?”
His voice was eery and he continued to spew out the truth, “you’re a villain aren’t you.”
You take a deep breath the tears about to brim from your eyelids, “I’m the monster, parents tell their kids about.”
Bakugo watched the tears flow out, he didn’t know what to do, he brought his hand to your face wiping the tears with his thumb. “Y/n tell me the truth.”
You look a mess, but you didn’t care, and you confessed it all, you didn’t lie or skim over the truth. You told him from the moment you got taken to the moment you killed the woman who had made you call her mother.
You expected him to push you away, tell everybody instead he sat in silence. Before bringing you into his arms, “I shouldn’t have called you a villain.” It was a soft side to the boy who had been known for being aggressive, after hearing your sufferings he understood, and he wanted to make sure you were always safe and protected.
“I am a monster though.”
He makes you look up at him, holding your face in his hands, “you’re not, the monsters are those people.”
You don’t speak instead leaning your head against his shoulders, you had never been this vulnerable with anyone. He held your head onto his body, moving onto the pillow to let you lie down on him, he brought you comfort, let you cry on him. You weren’t a villain; you weren’t a villain and if Bakugo believed it then you weren’t a villain to the boy who had been surrounded by them just as much as you had.
After that night Bakugo and you had grown into a strong friendship, it was shocking to the class who had never seen you even talk. The way he would come and make you coffee in the morning, walk with you to each class. Sit beside you in at lunch, even go as far as it train with you just so you felt included.
But seeing how you both talked and smiled at each other, for the first time you had a genuine smile on your face, a genuine laugh that wasn’t filled with lies from your past. They watched how the two of you grew over the course of the next month, how the two of you grew closer and closer. It was unfathomable but you had made a true friend, a friendship that wasn’t based on lies, maybe one day you’d tell them all.
But at the time being you were content with having the angry boy be remotely nicer to you than anybody. It was Mina who had noticed how Bakugo would open the door for you or hold your bag occasionally. The unusual behaviour making everybody think he was sick, but all you saw from him was kindness that had evolved for you.
What they hadn’t realised was how at ease you both had gotten into a routine of sneaking into each other’s rooms. How you’d hold onto each other, talk and vent about the past in each other’s arms. Friends don’t do that; friends don’t hold and comfort each other like you both did.
On one of the many nights you both spent together, his arm around your waist, you looked at him. Looked at his fiery red eyes and fallen blond hair, he had become something more to you. Somebody who you could trust with your life.
“Stop looking at me, its creepy.” He scolds, you laugh at the boy bringing your hand to his hair.
You feel him stare down at your tiny figure, “I thought you were a real bitch the first time we met.”
“You don’t think that anymore.” You pout out nearing closer to his plump lips.
“I still think you’re a fucking bitch.” He laughs, cocking his head back before bringing it back to your face, the gap having narrowed and all you could see was his fiery eyes stare back at you. “You’re my bitch...though.”
You nod not making a remark as the gap closes between you. Your lips moving together in an instant, it was long awaited and seethed with love and hope. But most of all it proved the woman who you called mother wrong, you weren’t heartless, and you have the love she spoke about from Bakugo.
Monsters who always tell lies.
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