#but alas. the demons
bagelrites · 4 months
They both got issues, it just presents itself very differently. like,
Dream: "Do you love me?"
George: "no" <- can't say yes because if he does it would be obvious that he means it in a deeply romantic way
Skeppy: "Do you love me?"
Bad: "Yes!" <- says "I love you" to all his friends so this could mean anything and he knows it, he's evil
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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coat sharing (2017 // 2024)
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turtleofthehollow · 3 months
The best way I can describe how I ship radioapple is “intimacy through hatred”
They hate each other, they never stop hating each other, but they grow so used to each other that they look like they’re dating from an outsider’s perspective
Lucifer knows Alastor hates being touched, so he keeps putting his arm around him and finding any excuse to invade Al’s personal space
Knowing that Lucifer hates his opinion, Alastor goes out of his way to advise the King of Hell on all his problems. Lucifer especially hates it when it’s actually good advice, and has no choice but to accept it
They both enjoy pissing each other off so much that they can often be found laughing together, and everyone thinks they’re just having fun
Luci once insulted Alastor's culinary skills, and it somehow lead to them starting a cooking competition to see who was the better cook. It's been ongoing for years because they keep trying to poison the other, so they're never able to declare a winner
Everyone is super confused about their relationship, and insist that they're actually in love and just living in denial, but they do really hate each other, they just can’t explain it in a way that makes sense
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lazlolemur · 9 days
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Oi mistah you transgendah
Fae out of his usual anthropology professor and enjoying his ability to lift up his shirt while working out without any fear
Fae (He/Him)
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wis-art · 8 months
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to be loved is to be changed
"all the things you've done. all the things the angels told you.
all the people you hurt. no more. you are no longer an angel.
you're wiktoria. my dearest wiki. the ringed beast you once were is no longer with us.
the ghost of who you were haunts us but that does not mean you will never heal.
the sword is now nothing more than a bitter reminder of what violence we have to go through."
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krazieka2 · 9 months
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Vampire Mercedes lore doodles (and vampire Lorenz bullying)
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scrimblyscrorblo · 5 months
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This is my contribution to society
I’ve always thought arial dancing was sick af like I wanna try it some day
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reineydraws · 8 months
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renkaza sketches based off the opening scene of the bear 2x09 bc the shots were nice :') less nice was me squinting at the low-lit scenes trying to make out their features and getting mad at my screen's glare but i digress 😂
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sockibean · 3 months
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lotuslate · 5 months
art from my wwx playlist:
🎵 Summer Rain - Bauke Top
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scrawlingskribbles · 6 months
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[ *peeks ever-so-cautiously out from the rock I've been living under & wordlessly chucks This out at your feet before scuttling back into the darkness once more* ]
...man isn't it just absolutely wild when a rogue art demon suddenly possesses your body out of the blue one day and decides to necromance the ancient bones of a couple of multiple-years-old askbox requests & synthesize them into a fully actualized Something™ that they never would have even come close to being all those years before? Yeah? You know what I mean? ...........................No? x'3c well,,, anyways—
(they're secret-dating at the time of this scene so that's why they're sneaking around in the woods like this, in case anyone was wondering lol)
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cuubism · 29 days
You know what we need in the world? Dreamling in the backrooms. Idc if Dream is an entity, if Hob is an entity, if they are both human, if it's Endless Dream and immortal Hob both just going through the backrooms, or whatever. I just think it'd be funny
I'm out of touch so I had to look it up 😂 I'm imagining Hob as part of a group of friends who go adventuring in inadvisable places, and Dream as some creature that just kind of got stuck there, like, maybe he's a sleep paralysis demon that's supposed to exist in the liminal space between sleep and waking but he kinda got stuck in the real world and now he can only exist in physical liminal spaces instead. He is very sad and lonely and wants to go back to the dream world. Anyway. Hob's friends are all like you shouldn't go in there Hob what if you encounter The Entity and Hob, a known idiot, is like well what if The Entity wants a friend did you think of that? Also YOLO.
So Hob does go in there and it turns out The Entity is just this sad and wet guy that's sitting on the floor dripping ink and viscera everywhere, at first Hob thinks he's a ghost because he's kind of clipping in and out of reality, but no, turns out not. Instead of running away, Hob, a known insane person, is like wow... what a beautiful strange and demonic entity! Listen he's always been a bit of a monsterfucker. It's part of why he goes adventuring in inadvisable places, where else are you gonna meet monsters?
So he tries to befriend Dream; this is the first time someone tried to talk to Dream in years so he's very terrified of it, but eventually he's like "It's no use, Hob, I am stuck here in this liminal space, the only way I could potentially get out is through dreams but no one is going to want to let a sleep paralysis demon start living in their head."
And Hob's like "okay... so listen"
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chubs-deuce · 4 months
I wish Hazbin Hotel made me care more about Chaggie...
It is a very cute ship and I'm happy they made up again in the finale, but I also can't help but feel like it lacks? So much substance?
Which is sad, because I really did want so badly to fall in love with them, but their chemistry just falls kind of flat for me, like it's hardly been explored properly.
All of their interactions are positive and supportive, but ultimately just very surface level kinds of wholesome and sweet...
I don't dislike them, far from it, but I really wish the show had focused on them a bit more thoroughly, and given us more reasons to substantiate why they care about and love each other - and in extension, why we as the audience should too. I'm ngl, I felt like Angel and Husk had more substance to their developing bond than Charlie and Vaggie had all season... And those two aren't even anywhere close to being together yet.
The show does minimally bite into more of Charlie's and Vaggie's relationship with the trust fall incident and Whatever It Takes, but even that song was only partially focused on Vaggie, split in focus on a completely different character - kind of like her relationship with Charlie is more of an afterthought? I feel like that should've maybe been more of a solo song focusing on just Vaggie, properly exploring more layers of her character and her relationship to Charlie, underlining them more as equals to each other.
Speaking of... I also can't help but feel like a large part of Vaggie's character is always tangentially tied to Charlie one way or another, like she's not really her own person outside of being paired with her - being protective of Charlie, giving advice to Charlie, helping managing the hotel for Charlie - while Charlie feels much more like a fleshed out and properly realized person that functions well on her own outside of this relationship too.
I understand that Vaggie's past as an exorcist gave her a very military flavored, screwed idea of self that lacked a lot of individuality - so it's not like her having not quite found herself as a person yet can't be reasoned within the narrative, but it also isn't ever actually used as a deliberate plotpoint.
I just feel like I barely know her as a character, and maybe if the show had more room to breathe for the plot and characters to develop more naturally, the momentary tension between them after the big twist reveal and their subsequent quick and imo much too easy reconciliation would've also actually impacted me more :')
Maybe in the future seasons this will change...
But as of now, I unfortunately still find them kind of uninteresting and am sad that they could have had so much more depth and substance than they currently do.
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wazzi2ya · 3 months
Yeah man I love huskerdust *looks at smudged drawing on hand*
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marmastry · 2 years
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Like a slow-acting poison
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