#but I have So Many Thoughts
hydrus101 · 6 months
Thinking again about how John and his counterparts are just fully and completely in love with art.
The awed and breathless way he says “You’re a composer!” when Arthur tells him what he used to do. The way he lingers almost unnecessarily, lovingly, on descriptions of the things he sees, the beauty of colors and lights in the dreamlands. The way he focuses his attention on the sculptures and carvings and paintings they pass, like the woman’s portrait and the fine things in Larson’s home. His insistence on going to the cinema, to see the moving pictures humans make, another facet of their creativity. His interest in Arthur’s dreams in the pit, which are arguably the art of the unconscious mind. The way he lingers on the snippets of poetry Arthur gives to him, mulling on them and dwelling on their deeper meanings for hours and days.
Yellow does the same with Larson, from even the few fragile minutes we had with them. He takes an interest in Larson’s poetry of revenge. Yellow, who at his root is cut from the same cloth as John, even with his limited time exposed to Arthur, found some sort of appreciation for the dances performed at the Red Right Hand.
The way the cities of the King all have amphitheaters, places for plays and productions. The one in the Sleeping city, the one in the city Kayne slaughtered, there is a place for art even there. It’s so subtle but it’s there.
In Chambers’ book, the book of poetry that drives men mad is attracted to sculptors and artists and writers and in that way it is a form of love. The King is drawn to them, to the art they create, and he is fascinated in the way you would be fascinated with a mouse that suddenly stands and speaks and sings and dances. Humans are ants beneath his feet, yes, but when ants construct patterns that seem thoughtful and orchestrated, it becomes a novelty.
And novelties are fragile.
And the King is destructive by nature. He destroys them with the force his of attention, that fleeting moment of love, and their minds scatter. Lost to love and madness.
But John has no powers. He doesn’t inspire madness, he can’t destroy the art he loves in that way, and the longer he lingers with Arthur, the harder it is to remember why the thing that he was wanted to destroy it in the first place.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 year
wait not to say too much before the episode actually airs but buck is literally a part of EVERY family eddie has - eddie’s let him into all of it.
there’s the obvious eddie and christopher, but buck is also made a part of it well before the legal guardianship. eddie lets buck in about the ways he failed shannon and the ways their relationship had failed both of them.
there’s the way buck is over eddie’s Instagram, despite him not using it much, in one of the most pivotal moments in his parenting storyline on tv where there’s something chris might not be able to do the same way as everyone else, and he and buck manage to find a way to make it happen for him anyway
there’s the way eddie mentions his camaraderie with his squad in the army, and the only one that’s let in to the reality of that family, the reality of what happens to soldiers…is buck
there’s this thing of buck having met tia pepa, and assumingly also abuela, given the party at eddie’s house in 4x14. outside of the probationary ceremony and maybe 3x10, no one else has really been made that.
speaking of 3x10, christopher opening buck’s christmas present by the pinball machine, and eddie calling abuela over to join the moment with them???? i don’t celebrate christmas but that looks very family to me.
anyway, there’s the 118, obviously. I’ve always sort of taken it as…eddie’s never found a family like that before, and up until he tells chim about the 118 being the family they chose, he feels like he’s grappling with his place in it a little. but he does end up believing that the 118 is a home for all of them; a family they chose, and one that buck is obviously part of.
and now, for eddie to bring buck with him to a poker night that assumingly, he attends regularly and is given an exclusive invitation to, means that he’s sharing even that family with him. that’s like…
for buck, who’s only ever really had maddie before the 118, to have eddie irrevocably make buck a part of every single family he has, every single friend group he’s a part of…
tl;dr: eddie really said “you’re the family i choose” and there are endless anecdotes I could give to prove it
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acatalystrising · 21 days
*kicks down door*
I know it’s been a while, my life has been super tumultuous, but I’m happy to report I’m back, and about to drop a new Boba story!
The idea originated a bit ago, but I’m finally writing it! Here’s a teeny sneak peek, the full chapter will be posted soon…👀
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Your knees locked up, but the Gamorrean behind you gave your shoulder a nudge with a grunt. Pain flared to life, and you winced, nearly tripping down the steps as you entered the room, heart hammering so loudly in your ears you thought it would burst.
Your eyes swept the room, which was filled with all manner of ilk, and your heart sank even further upon realizing very, very quickly, that many, if not all, were bounty hunters. Your gaze was pulled to the center of the room as if gravity itself demanded your attention, and your world ground to a screeching halt. Only one thought managed to escape your panicked mind before terror and recognition seized your heart.
You should have let yourself bleed out in the desert.
Maker, I am such an idiot.
An idiot who was about to die. A fool who had gone out on a limb, one last ditch effort, to survive. Instead of being rewarded for your final act of desperation, fate had decided to give you the most cruel, ironic end possible.
Because sitting before you, impossibly broad frame sprawled on a carved throne like the very world was his footstool, was none other than the king of the very beasts you’d been trying to outrun.
Boba Fett.
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talxns · 24 days
Co-creator of Batman Bill Finger did an interview in 1972 in which he responded to the question of whether Batman and Robin were “homosexual fantasies”.
His answer was that he “didn’t think of Batman and Robin in those terms.” But the next thing he says piqued my interest in regards to their intended relationship dynamic.
“I thought of [their relationship] in terms of … Frank Merriwell and Dick Merriwell, his half-brother, who was the kid he was taking care of.”
Brothers! Very interesting.
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quinn-gaither · 3 months
i'm SO bad at these lol and I have no idea how active the gone fandom is on tumblr these days but I am rereading the books for the nth time since being an OG reader back in the 2010s and have fallen head first back in love with everything. so... here I am!
i have endless thoughts about the series, I will defend quinn like my life depends on it and I really believe it is the book series that defined me most in my life. nice to be here!!!
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I think what makes this show so devastating to me is that when we're told a character is going to die they don't die in the way we think. They're still alive, but their fate mine as well be the equivalent to death for them.
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Despite her attempt to stay with him she ultimately gets stuck with no way back. To home nor the doctor. She's dead in her own universe, plus amount of hurt and loss here is so much. Even when she ends up finding his way back to him she doesn't get to stay. He doesn't let her. She's left with a version of him that can grow old and live a life the real doctor never could.
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And poor Donna. She lost all memory of the doctor, and all the traveling and everything she did with her life. She saved the whole universe and has no memory of any of it. All her travels and times with the doctor just gone. And even small reminder of this will kill her.
They don't die. They get lost. They lose apart of themselves. Whether they know it or not. And the doctor has to go on know these people he cared about so dearly are living on their lives without him.
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zenon-karr · 2 years
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So I’m gonna make this post. Someone posted about the script of The Battle of Starcourt. The ones with the red highlights (first ones are the original one that was uploaded) I definitely remember it. As I saw it a couple years ago when they got them. However now the second one is a screencap I just took and what the linked scripts say now. They literally have removed what Mike thinks! Very suspicious if you ask me!!
Here in the original script Mike’s questioning why he didn’t say it back to El and asking what’s wrong with him. I remember reading this when they got them. I remember him being mad at himself why he didn’t say I love you back. I noticed the change when I went to remember what was said and I noticed it was gone from the one they have now. The new version makes it look like maybe Finn acted the scene the way he did when the first one which is the one I remember and am familiar with shows it’s the direction. The script scene just makes it look cute awkward no struggle with emotions. Vs the original one has inner struggle and conflict. This one even says SHE leans in vs the other one takes it away. And removes what the hell just happened?
It’s so unfortunate for us that saw this before coz we saw their direction and what it was on there but now when it’s linked it’s gone because now there’s reasonable doubt that it’s not there! Also lowkey it contradicts what Mike says that he doesn’t say I love you to El as a conscious decision because he’s afraid she doesn’t need him anymore and it would hurt more. Now here it shows he is questioning why can’t I say it and he’s frustrated at himself and wondering what’s happening!?? It contradicts his speech coz he says a reason given is a conscious decision rather than not knowing why when clearly in S3E8 he can’t say it again and doesn’t know why. I remember they said they were contemplating ending in s4 so I was thinking they may have initially left it in so that initially planning s4 as the end they would not have him false confess to have an Empire Strikes Back season. They’d beat Vecna like they would in s5 and the answer to why he can’t say I love you would be you know coz he fell for Will and didn’t want to say it when he didn’t mean it. But maybe they decided to draw out the plot so s4 reveals Will’s feelings and s5 reveals Mike’s. I don’t know I just have so many thoughts on this. As a person who saw this when it came out to seeing what the script is now it sucks the link won’t link to the version I saw before.
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striderhead · 2 years
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i'm really bad at putting analysis into words so i tried to map it out
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valleynix · 2 years
Hey there! Do you have any head canons for the dimi girls? Like any quirks and fun things that you might not be able to get into the main plot?
listen i have so many thoughts about them, it’s very unhealthy-
since Bela and Cassandra are both pretty into creative stuff (music and art, respectively), they definitely have had little get togethers where they just hang out in the Opera Hall when everyone is asleep and practice their own thing
Daniela definitely joins them occasionally, probably with a book in hand or sleepily listening to Bela play the piano
Cassandra only allows her immediate family to call her Cassie. no ands, ifs, or buts. her s/o can call her Cass, but only once she’s realized she has feelings for them
Bela may not show it often, but she’s incredibly protective of her younger sisters. there was a time for like a week where she just spoiled them with little treats and praise and both thought Miranda had replaced her with some shitty copy
Cassandra has made her sisters their sickles, and it’s the only reason they’re good quality and haven’t fallen apart after hundreds of uses
Daniela takes offense when anyone doesn’t want to read with her. there was once a maid she fancied that refused her and made her cry, and, well… we’ll just say that her older sisters took care of that
all three love head scratches but in different places. there. i said it
Bela makes fun of Cassandra for being shorter than she is (nevermind that it’s only like an inch difference)
anytime the girls want something that might be a little hard to get, they have to send Daniela with her saddest puppy eyes to Alcina. it works like a charm
(Alcina never says no to them anyway. is she spoiling them too much? maybe, but she doesn’t care)
Cassandra and Daniela respect the hell out of Bela, even if they spend 90% of their time being the most annoying little siblings on the planet
definitely have little monthly get-togethers where they spend a few hours doing sisterly things. talking about the maid they fancy, how many people they’ve drained, which tool is best for causing the most damage… yknow. normal stuff
Daniela will hide in the library when she’s upset, hidden behind some hard-to-reach bookshelves
if Cassandra is ever upset and wants to hide, you will literally never find her unless she wants you to
if Bela is upset, she’ll either lock herself in her room or throw herself into her work until she thinks she’s made a rational decision
Cassandra has done paintings of her family before. don’t tell anyone, though. she will murder you
Bela will sometimes have the maids prepare her little siblings’ favorite dishes seemingly out of nowhere. she’ll deny ever being involved
i think i’ve kinda referenced this one before, but their flies are tied in with their emotions. Bela is incredibly flustered? flies are buzzing around her form. Cassandra is excited about something? hers are either buzzing around her form or crawling on something nearby. Daniela gets to a plot twist in her cheesy romance novel? expect to only hear buzzing in your ears for 3-5 business days
they purr when they’re content
Daniela can be strangely poetic at times, which she then follows by seeing something interesting and changing the subject like she’d never spoken. Bela and Cassandra are used to it, but they think it’s hilarious to see how guests react
when she’s feeling particularly down, Bela will go into the village at night and go to Cassandra’s and Daniela’s old homes to remember all she’s gained from this life
this is all my dumb brain can come up with for now, but i’ll definitely make a part two if i remember more of the little things i headcanon for them <33
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edgarallennope · 10 months
Hey. I want to say I loved that analysis you wrote about Crowley becoming gradually more bitter and spiteful against heaven and god. And I wanna ask you. What do you think about Crowley's relationship with God in particular? I mean, looking from afar, he looks suspicious towards heaven and god, but I do think he views these two entities in different ways. For him Heaven is pretty much the same as Hell, but painted as nice guys. But God? I don't know, I think the hole is more deep.
ABSOLUTELY I think the hole is more deep. Tbh, I hadn't intended for the meaning of that post to be about an anger and bitterness that was specific to God and Heaven, I meant more in general, perhaps including humanity, but...it makes sense. I'm thinking specifically about his reaction to the crucifixion, his 'oh, yeah, that'll do it', his cold resentment of the human choice, but he knows that was Heavens doing (Aziraphale's line on policy decisions). Similarly, The Spanish Inquisition, something that made book!Crowley drink for a week solid, likely happened without any heavenly influence, but still happened in Her name.
I think a large part of Crowley's resentment towards Her is those who claim to speak for Her, and those who stay fiercely loyal to Her with no input. The Archangels, the more overzealous humans, the Metatron. Eventually, Aziraphale too.
I have been thinking heavily on a scene from Season 1 since seeing Season 2 and writing that meta. it's when Crowley and Aziraphale are sat on that bench in Tadfield, drinking wine, and Crowley asks him;
"Do you think She planned it like this, all along?"
To which Aziraphale says;
"I wouldn't put it past Her."
At the time, I didn't think too much about these lines, but now I wonder how Crowley meant that. The immediate thought is, or at least was for me, that "ah, of course She meant for it like this all along, how ineffable! Classic Her!"
But now I think, similar to the realm of the two exactly's, they both meant very different things.
I think Crowley asked it meaning "This is so typical of Her, to not speak to anyone and to forge Her solutions from pain and heartbreak and death. It's ridiculous. Even by forging our own side, we're still playing Her game."
And I think Aziraphale answered it meaning "Of course she did! She has had a plan all along, and it means everything is going to be okay! That's how she plans everything!"
Crowley doesn't have that blind faith, that level of trust. He still speaks to her, we see that in Season 1 (one of my FAVOURITE favourite scenes), but he doesn't expect an answer. A far cry from the angel we meet in S2E1 who works very closely with upstairs. He asks Her, desperately, to show him a Great Plan. It is not something he'll take for granted, or take on trust, never again. It's something he knows he can't have, and I think that will never stop hurting.
I do believe he still has a very distant affection for Her, despite everything. Despite the fact he can't understand Her. He knows that She isn't to be understood. That She Herself is ineffable. I think his anger, his bitterness, is reserved for the people who believe they can understand her. For the Archangels and humans who follow her will blindly. For Aziraphale, who expects a system as corrupt and blind as Heaven to be fixable because She made it.
Crowley is an optimist, a character trait that I regard as his most tragic. The book says as such, and goes on to say that he knows that the universe will always take care of him. The world, the one he had a hand in making. Not God. Crowley understands that the world has expanded far, far beyond Her reach. God cannot cure the sick and save the dying. God cannot prevent war or famine or pollution or death. God cannot save Crowley when his bosses decide he must be punished. It's not that I think he hates her, not really. He understands what She is, and he mostly accepts it. He knows he can't rely on her, and that it's not because he's a demon. He knows that nobody can anymore.
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twentysidednerd · 9 days
i’ve been thinking about “i saw the tv glow” ever since i saw it yesterday and all of the layers that were in it. especially since my brain’s been kinda blah since last night
yes, the whole movie is essentially an allegory to being trans and not being able to be yourself. and i LOVE that messaging, don’t get me wrong. i think it’s so important to have that narrative be told. that messaging is literally part of the reason why my friend and i got so emotional when we watched it lmao. i literally started thinking about the scene where owen/isabel tackles maddie/tara on the football field and runs away right before they go through with their plan at the dinner table yesterday and almost cried. how owen/isabel was so close but got too scared and ran away. that happens so much with trans people, myself included, and it just… ugh, it hit home so hard
but so much of it also reminds me of how it feels to deal with maladaptive daydreaming. how owen/isabel wants so badly to run away into the world of “the pink opaque” and be someone else, be someone he wants to be rather than what real life dictates he SHOULD be. when maddie/tara talks about time and reality feeling different and wrong when she’s in this world but feeling better or “normal” when she’s in the world of “the pink opaque”. the image of owen/isabel literally sticking his/her head into the tv screen, so close to that fantasy world, before being pulled away and forced back to this reality sticks with me to this very moment
you want to live in, and stay in, the worlds in your head so badly with MADD. i know i have an issue trying to be present and be a part of reality when the worlds in my head make me feel so much better. i have so much of an issue trying to be there for the people around me and focus on what’s happening but the second i start getting overwhelmed or just have time alone for myself, im right back into the worlds in my head and i would much rather stay there because it feels safer. i feel some semblance of control, of being someone worthwhile. the exact same way maddie/tara would rather be in, and stay in, “the pink opaque” world
that in itself is a coping mechanism for stress! a coping mechanism the stress owen/isabel finds himself/herself in when trying to be who he/she is in a world that doesn’t want him/her to be! the stress from the fear of wanting to come out and be yourself but being forced to conform to what the rest of the world wants! it’s all intertwined! and i love it! this movie just gets better the more i think about it!!
and i love that even though it doesn’t have a happy ending, there’s still a twinge of hope. because there is still time for owen/isabel, just like the chalk on the street says. there are plenty of people who transition later in life. though owen/isabel is struggling badly at the end of the movie, he/she still has time to be who he/she wants to be. who he/she is. it’s not too late. it might be bad at the moment for him/her, but it’s not too late
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now-that-i-saw-you · 11 months
During season 1 of Succession I really wanted Kendall to win and I was so sure he would dethrone Logan, but then the no-confidence vote happened and his father won. Then, Kendall was going to sue Logan and I thought that this is it. But with losing the battle and Logan putting out stories that his son's relapsed and Rava doubting Kendall, he did relapse. And his father was right there to catch him when he fell. He doesn't even allow him to get properly sober, he sends Kendall off for two days and then calls him up again when needed. And I'm watching all this going down and I just really, really want Kendall to step away from his father.
And then comes Shiv. Shiv who starts working with her father's enemy, partly because she's upset with him. So Logan tells her he'll name her his successor, so all's well. But after it he just strings her along. He refuses to publicly announce her as a successor, so much that he's willing to lose a deal just to not announce his daughter as a successor. And again, I really want Shiv to leave Logan but she never does.
None of them do! They all hate him but are so eager to please him and so eager for his power. I skimmed over an article that talked about how all Roy children know deep down they'll never live up to their father's legacy and that's just it. Logan always gets the upper hand and I'm wondering how much is actual cleverness and how much is merely luck. I wonder if Logan is aware of what he's doing to his children, this pushing and pulling.
But with mistreating his children he condemned them to never be as good as him and tear down the company. They're constantly squabbling each other and sabotaging the company. He'd made them enemies and their internal wars are ruining his empire.
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gonzofromspace · 1 year
see the big issue with bingeing a show in a day is that there's no content now it's done. even tumblr is dry rn. I have to wait.
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wordsofwilderness · 5 months
Wip tag game
Thank you so much for the tag @emlovessid <33
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Silver Secrets
Windswept Mornings
Britney Spears - The Jukebox Fic
buy me your world
Dubcon rut A/B/O
Vampire Omegaverse AU
I have no clue who hasn't been tagged yet but @soliloquy-dawn @orchideous-nox @futurequibblerjournalist
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1wn8ure · 6 months
I apologize for the state of your dashboards when I finish the Magnus archives (should be within the week)
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amethystsoda · 1 year
thinkin hard about gender again 😵‍💫
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