#bunny hybrid! Midoriya
mysicklove-main · 1 year
Pls, can I get a crumb of that new pack? *rattles red solo cup with small kachan trying to escape out of it*
New pack pls 😩
Soooo instead of giving you teasers of the next chapter I wrote this.
THIS IS NOT CANNON to the story!! Just a fun side story I wanted to write
Does NOT contain spoilers and definitely can be read as a regular fic, if you have not read Your New Pack
Your New Pack Side Story: Pool Day!
Pairings: Panther! Shoto Todoroki, Hawk! Takami Keigo, Rabbit! Izuku Midoriya, Wolf! Katsuki Bakugou, Dog! Eijiro Kirishima x Human Female! Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: You are just trying to finish the chapter of your book. The boys seem to have a problem with that.
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Convincing the boys to have a pool day was not very hard. It was blazing hot and spending some time in the cool pool is exactly what everyone needed. Plus the thought of you in a swimsuit had the boys frantically running into their rooms to change.
So here you were, out by the pool suntanning with a book in your hands. You wore large sunglasses that covered your face and a pink and white polka-dot bikini.
Izuku stands in front of you, near the edge of the pool, and cocks his head to the side. “What are you reading, Y/N?”
You tear your eyes from the page and onto the boy. He was wearing bright red swim shorts and had goggles on his forehead that pushes the mop of hair out of his face. You scan his body, just because you could. It was beginning to get more toned, you note happily. He did spend a lot of time in your gym.
“Y/N?” He prompts again, and you quickly tear your eyes from his abs to his face. He was blushing lightly, having caught your stare.
You blush in return and frantically wave your hands in front of your face. “Oh, uh, just some stupid cheesy romance book.”
His ears twitch above his head. “Are you a romantic person?”
“Hopelessly,” You sigh thinking about the times you have daydreamed about having a lover.
He furrows his eyebrows in thought. He brings his hand to his chin and begins his muttering things you couldn’t understand, “Huh. Hopeless romantic. Would she like flowers? Or does she want some sort of grand gesture? Like maybe–”
Suddenly the bunny falls–No is pushed into the pool. He lands in the water with a short screech. Your eyes widen and you quickly check if he’s alright. Izuku’s now-soaked hair falls in front of his face and he frowns at the figure above him.
“You deserved it. Nobody wanted to hear your annoying ass muttering.”
You frown at the wolf. “Katsuki,” You warn.
He looks at you from above his black sunglasses. His red eyes bore into yours. “What? You know I’m right.” 
You sigh and shake your head, knowing you’re not going to win this battle. So, you instead take in his appearance. Black swim trunks and black aviators. You weren’t surprised by his outfit choice. 
He catches your stare and grins, canines exposed. “You better get in the water soon or you’re going to end up like Deku over here.” He uses his thumb to point to the rabbit in the pool and you sigh but nod. 
You watch him jump into the shallow end of the pool and walk toward the small waterfall. He leans against it with a sign, finally cooling off. 
You hum and turn back toward your book. 
“Cannonball!” You recognize the voice immediately and you perk up. You watch Eijiro run from the ledge and jump in the pool, with his legs tucked into his chest. 
From this angle you could tell that he was wearing those ridiculous shorts you told him NOT to buy the first day you guys went shopping. Bright neon yellow. He looked like a human highlighter. You didn’t even have time to groan about his outfit choice.
Water sprays everywhere in the pool, and some droplets land on the bottom of your legs. You laugh as Eijiro comes up for air. He swims to the closest ledge, where Izuku was also hanging onto. 
The rabbit put the yellow goggles on. It made his eyes look massive. He looked ridiculous but you didn’t want to ruin his fun, so you held back a laugh.
“Did you see that, Y/N? C’mon get in the water, it’s no fun without you!”
“Of course, I saw it, I even felt it. Gotta be one of the best cannonballs I have ever seen.” He puffs out his chest in pride. “And In a bit. I just want to finish this chapter.”
“Alright! I’ll make sure to save you a floaty next to mine!”
Katsuki growled from across the pool, cutting you off. He wipes his sunglasses with his finger. “Really, idiot?” The blond scolds from across the pool and the dog grins.
“Sorry, Bakugou! But if you are in the pool, you do have to be prepared to get wet,” He hums in response, grinning at you as he talks. 
“I am about to get you real wet when I drown your ass!” The wolfs yells in response.
Eijirio laughs for a second and turns to face the wolf who is across the pool. “Sorry man, but that stuff doesn’t really turn me on.” He raises his eyes mischievously and you burst into laughter.
“Kirishima!” Izuku says, hand covering his mouth to hide his smile. The dog winks at him which makes you laugh even more. It was rare for Eijiro to best Bakugou and entertained the hell out of you.
Katsuki sits there for a second processing what the hell his best friend just said. He tears off his sunglasses and sends them flying into the grass. “You are dead, dog!” He bellows before tearing through the water toward the redhead.
The two begin to wrestle above and under the water, and Izuku has the first-row seat, with his goggles on beneath the water. 
You knew that the two of them would never hurt each other so you fix your sunglasses, lean back, and continue your book. 
Someone sits down next to you, and you turn your head immediately at the sound. Shoto is in the seat next to you, fully clothed. He turns to you and smiles softly. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Hey Sho.” His heart picks up as it usually does when he hears the nickname fall from your mouth. He scoots his chair closer to you and you smile and nod at him encouragingly.
You turn your attention back to the book, causing him to frown. He doesn’t say anything.
After a couple of seconds, the panther begins to shift uncomfortably in his chair. You turn toward him in confusion. “Hey Shoto, why do you have your regular clothes on? 
“Do you want me to strip for you?” He asks casually, honestly hoping you’ll say yes.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and try not to blush. You know by now that this is how he speaks, and he doesn’t mean anything by it.  “Why did you have to frame it like that?”
He cocks his head to the side and frowns. “Oh sorry. I can undress for you if you want. Is that better?” 
You give up. “Okay. Never mind. It’s fine.”
“It’s because I don’t want to go in the pool,” He reasons, looking disgusted at the two canines currently trying to drown one another.
“Why? It’s hot as hell. Wouldn’t it feel nice?” You encourage and he shakes his head.
“Not a fan of water.”
You giggle at this and he cocks his head in confusion. “What?”
“A cat afraid of water. You are a walking stereotype, Shoto,” You tease and the panther furrows his eyebrows.
“Cats are afraid of water?”
“Yes, have you not seen–You know what. Nevermind. It’s perfectly fine to not like water,” Reasoning with him usually took at least ten minutes, and you really wanted to finish your chapter. 
So the two of you sit in silence. You can feel Shoto stare at you but you ignore it. Just a couple more pages and then you can ask what is wrong. “I like that swimsuit. You look pretty, Y/N.”
You begin to respond to the compliment when a familiar voice cuts in, “Yeah she does and isn’t it just the perfect color?”
And suddenly the cocky blonde is walking, more like strutting, over to the two of you. You can’t hold back the laugh that falls from your lips when you see what he is wearing. Pink and white polka dot shorts, and pink sunglasses.
“What are you laughing at, Dove? Don’t like it? Woah, hold on, did you copy me?” Keigo clutches at his heart, with an overdramatic look of fake pain on his face.
“You’re such an idiot,” You sigh but smile.
“Agreed.” The panther says from next to you, who was not joking.
“Hey, princess! I’m surprised you didn’t come out here in a bikini!” The wolf calls, putting the fight on hold just to tease the hawk.
“Would you have liked that more, wolf? Cause I’m sure Y/N has some extras.” You try to hold back another laugh from the bickering but fail to. Shoto shakes his head at the comment.
Izuku emerges from the water, ears pinned back on his head from the force of the water. “Please don’t Hawks! You look great in pink,” Izuku says with enthusiasm. He has been idolizing the bird from the very first day he moved in, almost as much as he does with All-Might. 
Keigo takes in the rabbit’s dorky appearance and has to cover his laugh with a cough. “Thanks, kid. Hey, can you hand me that floaty? The pizza one.” Izuku nods and dives back under the water to fetch it.
He brings it back and Keigo climes on and fixes his pink sunglasses. He then turns over with a huff and lays down, sunbathing on his back, with his eyes closed.
It goes silent again, excluding Izuku and Eijiro laughing in the water with one another. You turn back to your book. 
A couple of minutes go by and Keigo speaks loud enough for everyone to hear, “Don’t Y/N and I look like a couple, matching together like this?” He loved stirring up shit.
Katsuki throws a blow-up beach ball at the hawk, hitting him in the stomach, before he could catch it. “No, you idiot! She’s not into you, bird brain!” Katsuki yells from across the pool and you sigh, knowing that it’s going to be a couple of minutes before you can go back to your book.
The panther, who much to your surprise, did actually strip, sits up next to you. He was wearing dark blue shorts that matched his collar that he never took off. “Bakugous right. Keigo, you are delusional,” Shoto calls from your side.
“Ironic,” The bird mumbles, before closing his eyes again. It goes quiet for a few seconds, and you think that was all, but suddenly Keigo and his floaty are being flipped over. The bird falls into the water with a groan. 
Izuku and Eijiro pop up with a smile and high-five one another. You laugh at this and the two turn to you, smiling in return. “Thanks for the encouragement, Y/N! We all know he deserved it,” Eijiro calls from the pool, and Izuku hums in agreement. 
Keigo doesn’t argue knowing he provoked it. So he sighs and gets out of the water to place his wet sunglasses on the table. He winks at you when he catches you staring at his body. You turn away, slightly blushing on being caught, again. At least Katsuki and Eijiro didn’t catch you.
It goes quiet again. Shoto has moved the seat even closer to yours. You don’t say anything. He turned his body to face you and you could feel him staring again. He was waiting for you to admire his body like you did with the others.
Five more pages and then you’re done. He can wait for five pages.
You pause for a second. It was quiet. Too quiet. You glance at the water and frown. The boys weren’t there. You begin to look for them when Shoto begins to speak, “Y/N, you know, your body looks–” And suddenly he is being lifted.
Each boy holds a different limb, Katsuki, and Eijiro hold him up both under his arms, while Keigo and Izuku hold him up by the back of his knees. He looks at you and then the boys shocked. They in response, grin viciously.
The boys have noticed for a couple of minutes that Shoto has been staring at you, and it definitely wasn’t in a pure way. So, they came up with a plan, and here they are.
“Perverts get banished to the pool!” Eijiro says, and the four begin to swing him toward the water.
“Wait–I’m not! Guys, cmon don’t do this! I hate the water!” But it’s too late and suddenly the panther is flying toward the pool. Your eyes widen when he hits the cool waterl with a splash. 
When he comes back up he looks absolutely pissed. You cover your mouth and laugh silently. 
But the moment doesn’t last long, cause suddenly you are being lifted up now. A hand grabs for your sunglasses and places them on the counter next to you. “Huh? Guys wait! I’m, not a pervert! C’mon, I just need to finish my chapter!”
“Sorry Dove, you should know we are all impatient bastards.”
“He’s right, Y/N! And you told me earlier you would come in! You are taking way too long, man.”
“I told you that you would end up like Deku.”
“You can finish reading your “cheesy romance book” later, Y/N!”
“But–” and just like Shoto, you were being thrown into the water, with a small squeal. You land with a small splash, and the boys all jump in after you, carefully making sure to not jump on you.
When you come up for air, you begin to laugh and the boys follow in pursuit, excluding Shoto. 
You quickly swim over toward the pouting cat, and move his sopping-wet hair away from his eyes. He closes his eyes and bathes in the soft touch. When you pull away, he smiles softly at you. “See? Not too bad right?”
He nods a little hesitantly. “I guess.” You smile wide at him and suddenly you are being pulled away from him by your legs. You laugh and allow yourself to be dragged back.
You spent the rest of the day teaching the boys every single pool game you could think of. 
Katsuki got way too invested in pool volleyball, almost drowning Eijiro while diving for the ball. Izuku is a pro at marco-polo, it actually freaked everyone out. You think he is cheating. Eijiro is fantastic at sharks and minnows, but that didn’t surprise anyone, in a different life you swore he would be a shark. Shoto liked playing colors, because when your “it” you have to stand out of the water. He didn’t even try to tag anyone. You had to end the game quickly because Shoto would never jump into the water. Keigo suggested playing mermaids, half a joke and half serious, and got shit on by everyone immediately. His swimsuit didn’t help his case. And finally, you requested a race. They let you win, and the six of you knew it, but nobody said anything.
By the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. After showering the six of you passed out ten minutes into your almost daily, superhero movie. 
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Main story: Here
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Mates By Fate
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Various Hybrid!Characters x Human!Fem!Reader.
Plot: The adoption center is filled with many different hybrids from all sorts. But when one gets a whiff of your scent that they can’t help but get excited to see you.
Characters: Rabbit!Izuku midoriya, Wolf!Katsuki Bakugo, Dog!Eijiro Kirishima, Cat!Shoto Todoroki
Warnings: quick adoption, licking, love at first sight, mention of dark past, not much.
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Rabbit! Izuku Midoriya
The building was filled with all types of noises, from barks to meows, even some growls. Some hybrids were out playing and doing their own things, some playing in groups outside or maybe they enjoyed their own company. Izuku was watching a movie that had come on just in time for his break. All hybrids get a break from the others to focus on themselves if needed, and he decided to watch his favorite movie. Super Hybrid: All might. Oh, how he adored the movie and the man it was about. His room filled with decorations of Allmight himself, posters on every wall.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off the screen when the scene came on. Allmight fighting a bad guy, his tail smacking him around from place to place. It was like watching it for the first time, he was on the edge of his seat cheering at the screen for his hero. Not much could get his attention away from this movie, so when a scent came into his nose it peaked his interest. What was that smell? So sweet, soft yet bold, how could something smell so perfect? His flappy ears stood up and his attention drew to the hallway where his door was cracked open. Grabbing the remote be paused the movie and walked to the door.
He poked his head out slowly to see what was going on and if he could find the source of the smell. Then he saw the owner of the adoption center in the middle of the hallway, then a woman standing next to her about three doors down. A hybrid with droopy ears likes his but brown, the hybrid rubbed her head against the new woman’s hand as she smiled. When he saw you, he felt the world crash onto him with a kick to the chest.
The words rang through his head and made his body tense up at the thought of having you in his life. But, he couldn’t have a mate? And not someone as pretty as you? He cheeks heated up while staring at you with wide eyes frozen in the doorway to his room. He could hear your conversation but didn’t truly listen, the words sounding like muffles to him. But a few seconds later your head turned when the owner said something and you looked right at him.
He yelps and slips back into his room quickly from being caught and your attention. His heart raced as fast as it could go as he panicked over every detail. Did you really see him? Was he imagining you here? What if this was a dream and he’d wake up mateless again? What if you don’t want him as a mate anyway? So many questions ran through his speedy head and made him panic.
“Izuku,” the old woman’s sweet voice called him out of his thoughts as she walked into the open room. “We have a visitor, like to meet them?” Your frame shuffled into the room and waved softly, the smile on your lips look like heaven. All he could do is stare and mumble nervously with words you couldn’t understand.
“He’s shy, but he’s a good hybrid to have around.” You nodded and reached into your pocket and his attention calmed down at the other scent he loved. Treats. A brown little heart shaped treat rest in your hands and pushed it towards him. “Hello, Izuku. My names Y/n.” The name engraved itself into his brain. The excitement finally washed over him and shot throughout his body, making him so happy that his leg started to tap and take the treat into his mouth.
He was so happy as he chew and you watched his nose crinkle with each bite, his happy feet bouncing. You giggled at the sight, he was your favorite by far. “I’ll let you have some time with him, seeing as he’s your perfect match. I shall be just outside with the other hybrids, call if you need anything.” She bowed and walked out the room.
You look at izuku and a nervous smile spread your face as he inched closer, no threatening gestures but with a curious look. His noses sniffed around your hand and up your wrists, he looked so focused. Then he nudged his faces across it like he was petting himself and your heart exploded. He looked so happy and relaxed with your touch.
“Mate.” He muttered and you froze up. Did he say that or was it a mistake…Mate? That’s interesting but you can’t help but feel like it was right. “Tell me, do you want me to take you home?” He jumped up and hugged your leg and you almost fell. Laughing you reach down to pet this hair.
He was interesting, he couldn’t get himself off of you. But he was perfectly sweet.
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Wolf! Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki is wasn’t one for social interaction, especially with new people he had just meet. Whenever someone came to look at the hybrids he wouldn’t let them get near and just walk off or give them attitude. He was adopted once before and it was the worst time of his life, humans were cruel and he knew damn well they couldn’t put up with him. So he put off the idea that he would find someone nice enough.
Kats didn’t get along with the other hybrids, only a selected group he allowed near him. If he wasn’t hanging around them then he was outside in the shade, or playing with a chew toy that need to be replaced each day. He loved to be outside a few hours because he had a lot of energy he couldn’t release inside. Today he decided to take a break and lay on the ground to take a quick nap, the shade and sun making him tired. Then, his nose picked up a scent. Shooting his head up from his resting place his head looked around for the scent he was smelling.
This wasn’t food, it wasn’t like anything he’s ever smelled before. It was the perfect smell for him. He craved to get near the source. So he stood up and looked around, his tail wagging behind him. Big and thick with blonde and white with brown tips like his ears. “Shit.” He smelled it out and followed trail. A beautiful laugh caught his ears and he looked up to see a woman smiling with the owner, a hybrid getting their head pat. Her. It was coming from her.
Mate. Claim. Mate.
She was his mate, his tail wagged harder but his head gave him trouble. He didn’t need a mate, and not a shitty human at that. What was she trying to do? He’s a alpha and not some pet she could keep in her house- But he wanted it. To be close to her at every second to keep he safe and sound. He groaned and fell close to the ground and behind the flowers, the garden being filled with big places with high planted flowers. It was easy for him to crawl closer without being caught, after all it was in his blood to hunt.
He got closer and watched for a second. “I’ll leave you to look around, I know of a few hybrids out here. A snake one, he’s usually in the trees and many others.” She smiles and took the cat hybrid inside, leaving you alone. Smiling to yourself and straighten your blouses then walk over to the flowers, smelling them. Bakugo wiggled his body and got ready to pounce on you, why? He just felt like it. But when you giggled and looked over at his direction he froze in shock and confusion.
“There’s a mirror wall behind you,” you look a seat on the bench beside you. “But don’t be discouraged, you would of had me.” The lighthearted tone in your voice made him heat up, and your smile with no anger in it. He rolled his eyes and stood up, inching closer to you with a glare, a low growl leaving his lips to imitate you with fear. You only smiled and pulled out a big threat, a bone shaped one.
“I apologize if I offended you, it was not my intention.” Standing up slowly you tossed the treat softly before him.  “But I hope you’ll take this treat as a apology, great wolf.” His ego built up at your praise and felt better. He took the treat and took a few bites. While he was focused on the treat you backed up to leave him alone, not wanted to anger him. Wolfs can be very territorial when it comes to it, so you wouldn’t egg him in. 
“I didn’t say go, damn human.” His tough voice caught you off guard. You turned around to see him soften his glare and look at the bench you once sat at. “Sit.” You smirked for a second and walked back to the bench and did as he said. He was adorable. You stuck out your hand for him to sniff and he hesitated, looking up at you like asking permission or to get a read on you. But you only flashed him a eye closing smile.
His noses poked your hand and sniffed all around to take in your scent in, and his body turned into mush. Your scent, he craved it. “Damn, of course it be a human.” He huffed and crossed his arms. You looked at him confused, “Hmm?” Kats rolled his eyes hard and pointed at you, “Mate.” He enjoyed how you looked at him in shock and flustered.
“Now, go get the paper work done so I can leave. I wouldn’t let anyone leave with you today wether you like it or not.” His tail stomped the ground as his teeth really showed to threaten the people he thought of. “Well? Go!” You giggled and rushed away from the shouting hybrid, a rough one.
He was demanding and didn’t care. He however, was loving on the way to your house so you didn’t mind.
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Shoto Todoroki
Shoto is a hybrid that likes to take naps, his cat like nature is strong. The sunlight can make him fall asleep anywhere, no matter the place. He also loves to climb up on things to take a nice nap, mostly on a cat like tree they have for hybrids. He also has a scratching problem but not in a bad way, he just needs to stretch often. Those are the things he does in a day. Wake up, scratch, eat, Nap, scratch and then repeat. However he does hang out with some hybrids on occasion.
Today Shotos place of choice was in front of the art rooms door, so close to getting hit if someone opened the door fully. The hybrid didn’t notice this when he went to sleep or he would have scooted a bit further. You wanted to explore the place and decide to check the art room to see what’s it was like. When you opened the door you didn’t see the hybrid behind you, only a tail that curled and swung slowly. Stopping and not pushing the door any further you walked through the gap and poke your head around to see the hybrid laying there.
His hair mix toned, red and white. His tail thin but long, white fur all the way down. But his ears matched the hair on each side, he was gorgeous. You smile and push all the way in the room and close the door as quietly as you can, trying not to startle him. Kneeling down a few inches from him you start to call out softly for him to walk up. Clinking your tongue, “Little buddy, wake up please.” You repeated that line over and over. But he wasn’t little, only a small frame but you could see the muscles he had and how tall he was.
He slowly opened his eyes with a yawn, confused on what was going on. When he noticed you his demeanor changed slight. His face dropping and staring you, with almost a cold glare. Chuckling to not be afraid you step back, “Sorry, I just didn’t want you to get hurt. You were sleeping in front of the door.” You glanced at the door and showed him what you meant. But he didn’t stop staring at you with a unreadable expression.
Shoto was freaking out inside. Your scent drove him insane, one he wanted to run and nuzzle up to. He couldn’t look away from your pretty face or he would have. What was this? Had you have some sort of magic to bewitched him? Why was his body on fire? He had so many emotions and non of them made sense. Until his mouth started to water..
The clicking sound echoed through his brain when he realized what you were to him. A mate. Fate was funny about bringing people together and he didn’t have to find you, you found him. “Hello?” You waved a hand in front of your face as he continued to be silent and frozen. He blinked finally and you felt relieved. “Call me shoto.” You hummed at the calming tone. “Y/n.” You reached out your hand with a smile. Of course he couldn’t hold himself back from taking it and sniffing you.
Your scent was so nice to smell, calming but made his blood pump. You had weird affects on his body. You watch him sniff you and it made you laugh as he kept hitting his nose against the center. He was booping his own nose. Then he did something unexpected and licked your hand softly. To give affection he kept doing it, small licks. Nothing more to the eyes. Only he did it to get his scent on you.
“Adopt me.” He look up at you blankly and you were taken aback by his boldness. “We just met, don’t you want to get a know me first?” You asked. Most hybrids take a week at least before getting comfortable with a owner, or at least a whole day. “I know all I need, you are my mate of course.” He nuzzled against your hand as his tail swayed around smoothly.
“Mates?” You questioned but couldn’t help but rub his cheek, he purred so loudly you could feel it. “Hmm, smell you. Us hybrids have mates, or some do and mine is you.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “Now, I’m tired. Could you go get everything done so I can’t go back to napping?”
You took shoto home that night and he fell asleep on your nap. Followed you around the house with his head in your shoulders.
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Eijiro Kirishima
Kiri likes to be with other hybrids and people, a social butterfly if you will. He always has a smile on his face to cheer and play with the others, the big brother of the estate. His dream is to one day have a forever home with a family that loves him but worries about being worthy. Despite always tell the others they’d get adopted or cheer them up, he felt the same way. But he puts it off and has fun instead, he’s very active. They had to build a new playground area just for him and hybrids like him who are rough but playful.
Kiri today was in the playroom all by himself and it saddens him, no one to play with. He’d have the rope in his mouth and swing it around almost like a weapon. Or jumping around from the bars to places, or his favorite. Catch. They had a device to throw the ball automatically and he loved it, almost as much as someone actually throwing him the ball. Kiri watched the ball get shot out and hit the table making it change direction to the door. To his surprise the door opened just as the ball rolled on the floor and stop between someone’s leg. His mind focused on the ball he chased after it.
His legs ran to catch the small object and only to be caught in another trance caused by a smell, a delicious smell. Stopping in his tracks he froze and looked up at the person at the door who now looked at the ball between her feet. A smile spread on her lips when she bent down to pick it up. The smell was coming from her. Was it a treat in her pocket? What flavor was it? That smell was heaven to his nose, like it was made just for him.
Giggling you looked at the pup in front of you, a grip on the ball “Want me to throw it?” You wiggled it slightly. Thump thump. The sound of his huge fluffy tail hit the floor as he panted quietly. He was so excited. “Get it.” You threw it past him and made sure not to hit anything but far for him to have fun. He leaped up and chased after it, so fast and quick. It was cute to watch him bite the ball and chew down on it slightly then look back at you. He pranced back to you with his tail wagging, a pride filled aura as he puffed out his chest.
He dropped the ball at your feet and sat back on the floor, his tongue sticking out. “Awe, such a good boy.” You reached down to pet his head but gave him enough time to pull away if he’d like. But he didn’t so your hand patted the red hair, slightly touching the ears on his head. “My names Y/n.” Without a warning he jumps up and knocks you down, leaning onto of you and starts to lick across your face. His hands on your chest and tail making a breeze.
You laughed and tried to move but he didn’t let up on his actions. You smelled too good. You called him a good boy. A perfect mate for him. He leaned up and didn’t let his hands up from your stomach. “Eijiro Kirishima.” His smile was so wide you saw his teeth that looked perfectly white and sharp. Taking a breath you smile up at the hybrid you just met. “Nice to met you.” He jumped off you and waited for you to get up.
When you did you brushed off yourself and whipped your face off. Kiri stood up finally and you looked up at him, he was one of the biggest hybrids you have ever seen. Blushing at his height you giggled, he was just a huge puppy. “Are you here to adopt?” He asked, his ears and tail stopping and going down. You could tell he was sad and you wondered why.
“Yes, I am.” You see him look at the floor and a sad smile grew on his face. “They’d be luck to have you.” The heart in your chest shattered at his tone, so quick to dismiss himself. “Would you be willing to get adopted? I was looking for a dog hybrid…If you’re willing.” Kiri’s head shit up and his body started to wage and bounce. The sparkle in his eyes reappeared and his happiness coming back.
The next thing you know his arms are wrapping themselves around you and pulling you closer, his tongue licking your cheek. You patted his head, “I’ll take that as a yes.” You didn’t expect to meet the hybrid of your dreams on the first day of looking but here he was. “Mate, going home with my mate.” His words made you tense up. Mate? Does he think you’re his mate… Why doesn’t that not sound wrong?
“Okay, let’s go so I can go to the office.” He whined and hugged you closer. His head rested on your shoulder and he refused to let you go, he had a person for the first time. Too soon to let go. “You can come with him, but I need to walk.” He felt your chest vibrate with laughter and he huffed. His arms let your waist go but hooked on your arm instead.
You didn’t expect him to be so clingy and protective over you but that’s what he was. You’re now his home. But there’s no other pup for you.
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bakubunny · 6 months
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we’ve discussed denki with a hybrid!reader pet, but i raise you izuku x bunny!reader. if there’s anyone who wants a bunny, it’s him.* and i think he’d be a great bunny owner, js. so sweet and caring. rarely loud enough to startle you. makes you all comfy cozy the day he brings you home. already thought through a solution for your heats and is considering another hybrid mate for you. definitely has the stamina to keep up with your needs in the meantime….
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@dcsiremc oops i did it again 🎶
*or bkg but that’s another conversation. do not get me goin on bkg x bunny!reader pls i will simply cease to exist.
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vampcubus · 1 year
Yandere!Bunny Hybrid Izuku that thumps when people get too touchy with you, or stare at you too long while you’re out and about — that’s his job, thank you very much. Only he gets to leer at you with such blatant desire and a hot flush that nearly blots out his freckles.
You always turn to him with a brow quirked at the familiar sound, and one look at his pursed lips and pinned back ears has you scratching under his chin to comfort him. It almost works, his green lashes fluttering shut in bliss. Before his foot thumps the ground once more, this time accompanied by a displeased grunt.
“What’s wrong, ‘Zuku? Scary noise?”
“They keep staring at you, all while I’m standing right here,” Izuku whines, quickly shuffling into your personal space, clutching at your shirt. You only smile and drag his hips closer to yours by the belt buckle.
The action earns you a small gasp, and then a tooth purr when the display has the starer’s eyes skittering away, as if flustered.
“There. They aren’t looking anymore, grumpy pants.”
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cyfics · 1 year
Title: Izuku’s Bravery! (Bunny Hybrid)
Warning(s): NSFW!, Aged up!, Hybrid, Bunny Izuku, pussy drunk Izuku
Pairing: Bunny Hybrid! Izuku x fem reader
Pronouns: she/her AFAB
Synopsis: A chapter from my story “Day Job” on AO3
Word count: 1.6K !!
Note: Everyone is aged up!
On aO3 as Cyfics btw
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You had a whole day of sleeping soundly until you were woken up by the sounds of people shouting. You covered your ears and rolled over trying to get a few more minutes of sleep but were unable, they were just too noisy for you.
You stamped down the stairs looking for what the problem was, eyeing Katsuki who was seemingly screaming at everyone for no good reason “What’s going on here?” You asked the boys. “Nothing! Don’t worry about it Y/n!” Denki waved you off, “I agree! Nothing to worry about!” Eijiro agreed.
“You!- come here.” Katsuki grabbed Denki and slammed him into a wall, causing Denki to become dizzy and fall on his butt. “You’ve done enough Katsuki, don’t you see how our disagreement has disturbed lady Y/n?” Shoto asked him.
“Disturbed? She’s disturbed? I’m disturbed! Disturbed at the amount of bullshit you three have been spewing at me!” Katsuki shouted “what’s wrong, Katsuki?” You asked him directly “really it’s nothing! Don’t even worry your pretty head Y/n!” Eijiro begged of you.
Katsuki continued to shout at the others, the noise starting to get to you a little. Izuku’s ears perked up as he turned towards you, jumping over the couch to come up and comfort you.
All noises were drowned out as Izuku approached you and covered your ears, taking you back upstairs.
Izuku took you to his burrow, which was practically his room but filled with tons of comfort items like pillows and fuzzy blankets. Izuku guided you to sit on his bed, his hands coming off of your ears. You could still faintly hear the disturbance happening downstairs but it wasn’t as bad as before now.
“Izuku, you saved me.. eh?” You asked the smaller boy “why wouldn’t I? You’ve been nothing but good to us.. and I’ve promised your dad that I’d take care of you!” Izuku straightened his back and looked up to the sky with a brooding look on his face.
You smiled softly at him, admiring his bravery. The Izuku you first met surely wouldn’t have done this for you, you thought to yourself. You felt a light blush rush to your cheeks “Thank you Izuku, you were very brave doing that.” You smiled to yourself.
“Me? Brave? S-Surely not..” Izuku bashfully looked away, trying to hide his red cheeks with his bunny ears. “You can’t shy away from me Izuku! Am I flustering you?” You teased him “yes! A lot actually!” Izuku whined.
“You’ve grown since the time I first saw you at my house, and I’m so proud of you..” you spoke up “you are?” Izuku’s voice became slightly shaken. You could tell he had some sort of effect on him from your words.
“I admire you Izuku, out of everyone you’ve changed the most.” You grabbed his face and kissed his cheek “G-Gah!” Izuku yelped and bounced back “I’m so sorry Izuku- I wasn’t thinking!” You defended yourself.
“Y-You kissed my cheek! Why?” Izuku’s entire face was tomato red, his soft hands grabbing and pulling at his fuzzy ears. “To show affection- What you did for me was very kind.” You stepped off the bed to reach for his face again, this time he leaned into it.
“Y/n- I like you!” Izuku perked up suddenly, clenching his tiny fists “You do?” You questioned “Yes! Like a lot! Everyday I’m plagued with thoughts by you and not the normal kind that a friend has!” Izuku admits quite suddenly.
“What kind of thoughts do you have?” Your thumb brushes his cheek “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to say!!” Izuku refused profusely “I-it was a bad idea to even confess to you! I’m so sorry-“ you interrupted him with a hug.
“You’re not the first out of the boys to confess to me, but I love everyone just the same.. including you, I love you Izuku.” You moved your head to give his soft lips a quick smooch.
“I- I love you more.” Izuku stammered.
Izuku took charge and leaned in once more, lips capturing yours in a tight yet passionate kiss. You were slightly shocked, not expecting the small bunny to have such passionate kissing skills. But I guess that rabbits have their own saying for a reason.
You kissed him back , trying to match his amount of passion he shared with you. Izuku’s arms lowered to be around your waist, squeezing your body with his arms. “I-Izuku!” You gasped, “I want you.. more than everyone else does!” Izuku proclaimed out loud.
“I want you too!” You admitted, allowing the shorter boy to toss you back onto his bed. The soft blankets cushioning your fall, the bed itself making you feel like you were in some doughy heaven. Izuku pounced on top of you, his hips slightly swaying as he was eyeing you down.
“Izuku, my gorgeous boy..” you couldn’t help complimenting him with the way he looked, his cute face looking down at you like that. From this angle you could see the amount of freckles that covered his face, you could see the slight eye-bags the boy was getting, you could even notice the slight hair growing around his face.
“Please.. let me admire you better than everyone else, let me show you how better I am..” Izuku pleaded as he began to straddle your body with his hips, his arms either side of your shoulders. Your arms were up against the bed, you felt in the moment like you were some kind of prey!
“Of course Izuku, please take me..” you whimpered. Izuku’s ears twitched, taking in the sound of your slight whines, the noises making a very obvious tent in his pants. Izuku lowered his hips down so you could feel his bulge up against you, rubbing up against you quite slowly.
You couldn’t help letting a gasp out “I-Izuku! You feel-“ you couldn’t allow yourself to finish that dirty sentence. “Y/n, love, have you ever heard of the saying?” Izuku asked you “what saying?” You asked him. Not too sure what he was even talking about.
“The saying, to fuck like rabbits. Now- I’m not a rabbit, but I can for sure fuck like one.” You watched as his bright green eyes darkened a significant amount, the shyness he had before leaving him in the moment.
You couldn’t get a word in as Izuku immediately stripped you, his eyes gazing upon you for moments before he continued to discard more and more of your clothing. In the end you were left in just your underwear.
“For me.” Izuku lowered himself between your legs, kissing your thighs gently before giving the skin a slight nibble. Your legs moved on their own, parting themselves to give Izuku access to your core.
Izuku leaned in, his little nose sniffling at the fabric before giving a satisfied hum “smells so good.. you smell so good..” Izuku’s tail began to wag intensely. Izuku’s hands immediately looped under the waistband of your underwear, tugging them down excitedly.
Izuku was eager to please but also eager to breed, he got off of you and hurriedly took off his own clothes; his shirt falling to the floor and his pants following with. The two of you were naked, both breathless with the sight of each other.
Izuku bounced back onto you, spreading your legs and rubbing his cock up against your folds. “Ready?” He asked you “J-Just make sure to pull out- none of that breeding stuff!” You explained hastily.
Izuku wasted no more time, slipping inside of you and rocking him hips eagerly. His dick curved in the right places, brushing up against your most sensitive spots “h-Hah..” you moaned out.
“You feel so good, so tight..” Izuku commented as his hips snapped up against yours. Izuku hummed to himself before quickly grabbing you by the hips and flipping you over, moving you into his own wanted position.
He moved your ass up, pressing your back down against the bed to force you into an arch. “Izuku! What’re you doing?” You were slightly confused on the way he was just manhandling you, none of the other hybrids was like this at all!
Izuku’s dick slid deeper inside of you, the feeling making an aching in your stomach. You were suddenly very aware on just how big he was, his cock now edging against the deepest part of you. His dick was causing a pain in your stomach, but you couldn’t help but admit just how good it felt too.
Your legs were shaking, slightly kicking every time Izuku thrusted deeper and deeper “Fuck- excuse my language Y/n, I’m sorry love.. I think I’m gonna cum..” Izuku rolled his head back and groaned. He began to go faster, thrusting into you at a high speed pace.
“Feels so good! Ma-Make sure to pull out!” You warned him, Izuku listened and quickly removed his cock. He jerked his dick for a moment or two before spilling cum onto your back. The feeling was very warm, and you knew you had to wipe it off before it dried and left a horrible feeling on your skin.
Izuku took liberty for you, using one of his many fluffy blankets to wipe the cum up. “I noticed you haven’t came, would you like me to go again?” Izuku asked happily with a slight excitement. Your legs gave out on the bed and you rolled to your side “I-I’m so tired.. been fucked..” you couldn’t even finish your words properly.
At the end of this you hadn’t even realised that the fight had ended, it had ended a while ago actually. Now would be a good time to possibly go back downstairs and talk to Katsuki?
But then again you’re not even sure if you’re mentally alright right now, you’re pretty sure Izuku’s dicking had fucked you silly.
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gglitch1dd · 5 months
Is there anymore Deku content on the way? I LOVE LOVE LOVE your characterization of Deku. It’s one of the bests i feel.
There will be in the future! I'm just currently not feeling well. But I promise there will be more Izuku.
In the meantime, there is a story where he's the main focus on AO3. It's called Prey. It's a story I've written about Reader being a bunny hybrid and having to fight in a sort of hunger games like tournament later on in the story and has to train and get used to her new life at UA. She runs into amazing Izuku but also Katsuki who's a wolf and who wants nothing more than to sink his teeth into her.
Context: UA High School. A school that produced some of the most famous participants of The Hunt since its creation. From both rabbit and wolf side. The strongest, the fastest, the smartest and the most determined of them all were cultivated and brought forth from UA. With the school’s motto for excellence and striving for a more equal and co-existing future between all rabbit hybrids and wolf hybrids in front of the cameras they were doing better than most. However, even inside UA’s walls the rivalry between bunnies and wolves couldn’t be stopped.
These two dynamics represented their society and the world they lived in. Hunter vs Hunted. Predator vs Prey.
Wolves vs Bunnies.
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2-dsimp · 2 years
Drider! Shinsou! doodle
Drider! Shinsou imagines
Perv! Ghostboi! Izuku🔞
Perv! Harpy! Shiggaraki! 🔞
Zombie! Shinsou! 🔞
Bunny hybrid! Denki!🔞
Scarecrow! Hawks!🔞
Cat hybrid! Amajiki! 🔞
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bitter-pyre · 10 months
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Found some more bunnies 🐇
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steveisagay · 2 years
I wanted to write Bunny!Izuku so yeah
Warnings: Smut, heats, fem!reader
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Look at him, he's adorable and rabbits are adorable
He would be so eager to please
At first he would be very wary of his new environment
Staying in his room, being very anxious and twitchy, ect. ect.
But once he builds trust he will want to be with you 24/7
Sometimes he feels bad and tries to distant himself, but this is actually more concerning than helpful
If you've read nsfw Bunny!Izuku shit you know about the whole heat situation
His first heat (rut? I have no idea what term to use) he will try to hide it. Of course he doesn't do this well. The few days before he starts stealing your shirts, he wanted to take a pair or two of your panties/boxers but he wouldn't be able to with the risk of you catching him
The first day of his heat he'll lock himself in his room, practically begging you not to come in, and you don't
Instead you call a friend with a bit more experience with hybrids
Meanwhile Izuku's busy humping his pillow with your shirt draped over it, painfully hard
About two days after you finally enter his room despite his protests
"Ahh- y/n! Please ple- mhmphf" His hips jerk erratically as he cums with a high pitched whimper. You take note of the fact that his dick is still semi-hard.
"'Zuku, are you in heat?" You question at no louder than a whisper. He quickly nods as his tip twitches agains his pillow, and your shirt. "Can I help you?" You ask, still quiet. All that comes out are small stutters and embarrassed 'n-no's. You move closer and he starts thrusting against the pillow faster. You place his cheek in your hand.
"Y-you smell so good." He murmured, his hips almost stilling, almost. His eyes were watering as he forced his lips into yours, moaning as your hand intertwined with his green locks. His hand met your waist he instinctively pulled you further onto his bed. "I-I sorry! Ma-ah-aster!" His dick was now catching on your slit as he mercilessly humped into you. All you could do is moan in response. Once his thrusts slowed enough, he yanked down your pants and underwear. Within seconds his dick slipped in your slit, hitting your g-spot repeatedly. Although, this was only the beginning...
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gojou-violin · 1 year
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I apologize, I don’t know who made this art, but I need to share it for thoughts ok 😭 I’m so obsessed with the idea of bunny!hybrid Deku, I genuinely think I’m gonna start going insane. Like I’m foaming at the mouth.
I just imagine you come home one day, calling out for him, only to not hear anything back. You go to check in the bedroom. He’s laying there in bunny form, his wittle nose buried in the sheets to stay warm, his ears laying back to show that he’s dead asleep and has been for quite some time.
So you go to over to him. You crouch by the side of the bed and start to gently scratch between his ears and kiss the top of his cute bunny head while cooing him awake. With a yawn and a tap of his foot, he wakes up, looking at you, only to realize that you’re much bigger than he is, which means he must’ve shifted into bunny form when he was sleeping 🥺 He gets all embarrassed and hides again— But you keep kissing him while telling him that it’s okay. You think he’s adorable. He shouldn’t rush to getting back into human form. It’s okay. He starts to sniff your arm. His lil bunny nose is twitching like crazy.
You get the hint and lift him into your arms. He’s so small 🥺 His green fur is so so soft 🥺 And he just immediately plops in your arms like a baby. His stomach is up, his legs in the air, ears flung over your forearm/elbow, and he’s slowly closing his eyes again. You wanna spoil your boy, so you go to make snacks for when he’ll wake up— Transforming into bunny form is easy for him, but transforming back into human form has always been difficult. It’s so strenuous. He gets tired and weak whenever it happens, so having his favorite snacks readily available to regain his strength is crucial.
So while he’s falling asleep as he’s cradled in one of your arms, you use the other to put snacks together for him 🥺🥺🥺 Sweet, sweet boy. His leg kicks every so often when something happens in his dreams. He gets a cute lil sneeze at one point that wakes him up briefly. You give him a baby carrot to chew on to help him relax again. 🥺 Oh, my baby 😭😭😭
When the snacks are ready, you scratch his tummy to wake him up again, his leg kicking happily at the touch. You tell him that it’s time as you set him down on the couch, kissing between his ears again as a reassurance that it’ll be alright. It takes him a minute. He’s still sleepy and content with bunny form, but you both know that it’s bad for him to stay in it long term……. When he’s back, his leg is still tapping the couch excitedly, and his bunny ears haven’t gone away at all. You smile and scratch between them. He turns a bright shade of red and tries to hide his twitching nose in his shoulder, but you tilt his head up by the chin and kiss him, telling him how much you love him and how lucky you are to have him 😭😭😭😭
As he’s enjoying his snacks, he’s half awake while allaying in your arms. Your lil bunny 🥺
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
Now I have to ask. How would the boys from Your New Pack react to the reader being injured by a different hybrid, either intentionally or accidentally?
not good my friend, not good. but hey let's get into it.
sorry if this is a little short!!
You watch his wings twitch and gulp. It was an accident, the fox hybrid truly didn’t mean to swipe at you. He takes a slow step toward the poor hybrid and you do the only thing that will make Keigo turn back toward you, you begin to whine and cry. Of course, it didn’t hurt that bad, but from the way the hawk turned to you with wide eyes in alarm, while the fox ran away, it was pretty believable. He curses to himself and tears a piece of his shirt off to wrap your hand in a bandage, all the while mumbling stuff like, “You are alright. I know Im sorry, Dove.” and “Please don’t cry. Please, you know how much it hurts me seeing you like this.” mostly to himself to calm himself down and not chase after that fox bastard.
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This was your fault. A bear hybrid pissed you off and one thing lead to another, and he landed his teeth on your arm. You expected Izuku to freeze, maybe even cower, but he did just the opposite. He stands in front of you, teeth bared, against the bear who was twice his size. His ears go back and he tries to control his growls. When the bear takes a step closer, you are the one that has to pull Izuku away. Although he looks fierce currently, you are not willing to risk your bunny getting hurt. So, you put all of your strength into pulling him away (which is a lot, and he barely budges). But, when he hears your pleas, he allows himself to be dragged away. He cries when he helps you bandage the wound.
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Wolves are possessive by nature. In Bakugous mind, every inch of your skin was his. So when the small pup tries to dig his canines into the hand he has already claimed (accidentally, but he tries not to think about it that way) he bares his teeth with a small warning growl. His muzzled face did nothing to hide his sharp teeth and the poor pup gulped, tears lining his eyes, as he scampered toward his mother. You get mad at him, and he goes off on a tangent on how he was in the right and the pup should know his place. You just sigh and apologize to the mother.
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The vulture hybrid didn’t even get a chance to strike. The second Shoto saw the malicious glint in his eyes, he dove for the other. Honestly, it freaked you out. The way his usual polite words turn to descriptive, condescending threats. Like he was playing with the fool, trying to scare the absolute shit out of him. “If I so much as see you glance at my owner I swear I’ll find you. Do you understand? I will find and kill–” You grab him by the collar with wide eyes and he immediately pauses. And just like second nature, he switches back to how he usually is in your eye, “I apologize Y/N, but I just couldn’t let him hurt you! You know you mean so much to me. I just...wanted to protect you. Of course, I would never do anything to him, you know me!”
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His happy-go-lucky mood would switch instantly. It surprises you considering he has never seemed to get mad, but the second that cat hybrid landed its claws on you he did a 180. He turns quiet and cold, glaring at the cat, and small rumbles pull in his throat. He readies himself for a fight. The cat scampers away instantly, feeling the harsh mood and he immediately turns to you. His eye water and he apologizes profusely for not being “strong enough to protect you”. You have to reassure the poor dog that it wasn’t his fault.
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moony-mai · 1 year
🖤1-A Sleepy Dorm Pictures🖤
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🖤🌿Aizawa fell asleep on the dorm couches...🌿🖤 🖤Which one do you like more, one or two? 🖤Etsy: MaileysArtistry
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku nsfw Hybrid AU Ⅱ
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
All contain mature content/smut … check tags.
Art work by @fihella !
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾
Wolf's Wool by ContraryBee
Summary: We all know Ram Izuku and Wolf Katsuki are married, but how did they GET married?
Izuku curses all the old gods and the new. Stumbling about in the snow searching for his silly Ram mount, he’s underdressed and lost to boot. Lost, until he uncovers his ram being kept warm and safe by a massive direwolf, one who’s owner is sharp eyed, sharp tongued, and utterly unintelligible.
Great, a language barrier.
One Shot | No Quirks AU
Wolf Bakugo x Ram Midoriya
The Scent Shop by kyramidoriya
Summary: Izuku's pride and joy is The Scent Shop where hybrids can sell or buy anything snuggly as long as it's drenched in their scent. Izuku originally started it to help people through their mating seasons, but he didn't expect it to bring a surly but sweet Mountain Lion into his life.
— — —
Or: Katsuki goes to find something for his rut in Izuku's shop, and falls in love with Omega Izuku's scent.
One Shot | No Quirks au
Lion Bakugo x Bunny Midoriya
Breeding season by JoonEleven
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki was finally allowed to go outside and garden for supplies for his village. Being an omega, everyone thought he couldn't handle himself. Katsuki was going to prove them wrong. Accidentally, he walks farther away from the bunnies' territory into the wolves' den.
Unfortunately, the pack leader is going through his breeding season. He's supposed to mate with the wolf his parents picked to bring the pack great cubs but the scent of a certain bunny catches his attention.
And he'd rather breed him instead.
One Shot | OmegaVerse | Age Gap
Wolf Midoriya x Bunny Bakugo
Little Cow by kittiegirl1616
Summary: Izuku gets paired with a bull for the first time and is extremely excited.
{One Shot}
Cow Deku x Bull Baku
Maid You Mine by GlamourWeeb
Summary: “Welcome to Yuuei, Master!” A squeaky voice greets Katsuki when he pushes through the door of the Omega maid cafe, the little bell on the inside jingling, announcing his arrival. “Oh, hi, Kacchan!”
“Deku,” Katsuki growls back, his own fluffy golden tail flicking behind him irritably.
— — —
A hybrid AU where wolf Katsuki begrudgingly puts up with his obnoxiously cheerful coworker, bunny Izuku, until the day Katsuki comes into work and goes into heat.
One Shot | Cafe AU | No Quirks AU
Wolf Bakugo x Bunny Midoriya
Ignite by neva_writes
Summary: What's the thrill about sex?
Katsuki doesn't understand it.
That is... until he meets Midoriya Izuku, number one heartbreaker of Yuuei.
Complete | 2 Chapters | College AU
Bunny Midoriya x Wolf Bakugo
Hybrid Deku Week - Bunny/Praise
by Mistress_of_the_Night
Summary: Katsuki is wounded in the line of duty and needs an aid to care for him while he recovers. Enter Izuku Midoriya, a bunny hybrid who works for a rehab and companion company. He helps aid wounded hybrids back to health and also offers short term companionship to other hybrids. They start their companionship off a little rocky but eventually become good friends and maybe a little more than friends. ;)
One Shot | OmegaVerse | No Quirks
Tiger Bakugo x Bunny Midoriya
Aching Fangs & Burning Need
by MiraChaDoodles
Summary: “No. I’m—” He huffs. “I’m not a nice Alpha. So you should probably hurry the fuck up and get out.”
Those forest eyes widen at his words, lip tugged between his teeth as he seems to mull it over. After a moment, he turns away from Katsuki, reaching for a bottle of some kind, and Katsuki’s Alpha snarls.
That fucking Omega just turned its back on him. What the hell kind of defective bullshit is that?!
One Shot | No Quirks | OmegaVerse
Bunny Midoriya x Wolf Bakugo
The hybrid farm by Mrs_Galaxy_M
Summary: In this world there are things like hybrid farms that creates perfect hybrids but for that they need the semen of the perfect alpha and the perfect genes of an omega. The semen is usually taken out by a milking device but katsuki bakugo, a lion, despises when its time for the milkers so the workers had to use another method
Using omega izuku to then extract his semen but there's a thing the workers forgot.
Alphas can get overprotective over things.
Especially their omegas.
Complete | 5 Chapters
OmegaVerse | No Quirks AU
Lion Bakugou x Bunny Midoriya
I Run From You by Morpheel
Summary: The forest was a dangerous place.
Anyone with half of a brain could deduce that much; yet to a prey species, this rule held especially so. The reach of woods was a diverse and lively ecosystem, thriving with both hybrid and animal alike. As cruel as it was- the food chain largely didn’t care whether you were hybrid or beast.
Izuku Midoriya knew this especially so.- - -What's a rabbit hybrid to do when cornered within the clutches of a savage, hungry wolf? Anything he can to escape.
Complete | 5 Chapters
OmegaVerse | No Quirks AU
Bunny Midoriya x Wolf Bakugo
enamored by Inouye_47
Summary: A Tiger!Katsuki and Rabbit!Izuku story. Izuku forgets some preparations for his heat. He comes face to face with a hybrid not known to inhabit this area. The lurking tiger requests something of this cute rabbit he sets his sights on and Izuku’s next words will determine his fate.
One Shot | OmegaVerse
Tiger Bakugo x Rabbit Midoriya
First Time Breeding? by Platonic_Emotions
Summary: Izuku is a heifer in heat which means it's time for him to pull his weight on the farm and get knocked up. Aizawa has just the bull in mind for him.
{One Shot}
Cow!Midoriya x Bull!Bakugo
Claws and Clovers by DarkMachi, Iwacakes
Summary: Mountain Lion Katsuki spots abandoned Bunny Izuku and can't help but wonder how long this idiot will remain clueless.
Complete | 6 Chapters | OmegaVerse
Hybrid Deku Week 2022 - Day 7 - Bunny / Praise by Melliemoo22
Summary: Katsuki is wounded in the line of duty and needs an aid to care for him while he recovers. Enter Izuku Midoriya, a bunny hybrid who works for a rehab and companion company. He helps aid wounded hybrids back to health and also offers short term companionship to other hybrids. They start their companionship off a little rocky but eventually become good friends and maybe a little more than friends.
One Shot | ABO au | No Quirks au
Bunny Midoriya x Tiger Bakugo
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xkatsukizukux · 1 year
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🌸I like to think that Aizawa accidentally fell asleep on the dorm couch and other students found them like this so they all took pictures whisper yelling not to wake them up lol
🌸I couldn't choose so I did both!Generally I won't post my main art here so if you want more of my official pieces please follow my main account @maileysartistry
🌸Which do you like more 1 or 2?🌸
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art-in-distress · 2 years
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Y’know how animal moms will correct their babies??
That but make it bkdk UwU
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
1. Anything (Midoriya x Reader Week)
Bunny Midoriya x Bunny Fem!Reader
In this one reader is fem and is AFAB.
Maybe this arranged marriage with another rabbit hybrid could work out better than you initially thought. (Hybrid AU with No Quirks
Note: Nest- A group/family of rabbits ; Doe rabbit- female rabbit; Buck rabbit- male rabbit.
Warning: SMUT!! Mating Season. Cunnilingus, fingering, breeding kink, you know the usual BUT mostly just fluff
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You felt like you were going to throw up. You could barely register anything around you other than the door in front of you. It was crazy. Absolutely crazy. Yet you weren’t even surprised considering how normal it was in your town and apparently the next town over. Your parents had arranged an engagement for you.
You fought tooth and nail to find a way, any other way, out of it but here you were. Standing in the hallway of your own home, knowing that on the other side of the door awaited your beloved fiancé that you had never seen or met before. You were in a panic, your tail moving fast as you tried not to have a panic attack. Your mother told you it was only natural. She married your father and your grandparents married each other the same way too. All your aunts and uncles did the same too. It was some trend that wasn’t only just a rabbit thing but for all hybrids too.
You took a deep breath trying not to freak out. You heard your grandparents were nearly two decades apart in years. The thought of being paired with some old geezer made your stomach twist and you weren’t sure if the little muffin you managed to force down your throat earlier, would stay down. In such a case you had already planned your escape, because there was no way you were going to be some breeder bunny to some old floppy eared buck rabbit.
You tapped your cheeks a few times to try and calm yourself down. You had to get it together. To at least get to the other side of the door and through this meeting before feeling as though your life was completely over.
The feel of the metal handle never felt so terror inducing as you managed to open the door. Your legs felt stiff as you forced them to move one at a time. When the door was fully opened you took a few steps inside. You finally saw him.
Standing at the end of the room looking out the window was a tall man. His long rabbit ears twitched indicating that he heard you. He turned his head close to half a second after his ears twitched. He turned around fully to face you, in wonder as well. This was the first time you had ever seen him. He was larger than most of the rabbit hybrids you had met, not by much but his body had thick muscles from hard work and yet his face seemed soft and kind. His cheeks still had baby fat to it with a face littered with tiny freckles that looked harder to see other than the ones on his cheeks. He had a head full of soft green curls that was slightly darker than the fur of his ears and his tail that you had only gotten a glimpse of.
You cautiously moved forward closer to him out of instinct, and he did the same. The two of you walked up close to each other, noses twitching slightly as you inspected one another. He smelt nice at least. You let out a short huff and took a step back, satisfied with your inspection. He wasn’t that bad looking. He was attractive actually but you didn’t know him so you would be hesitant still.
“Afternoon, I’m Y/N.” You bowed at the waist.
He gave you a soft smile and did the same. “A-afternoon. My name is Midoriya Izuku.” He greeted back.
You both stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what else there was to be said. You looked away from him to the couch that stood in the warm sunlight. You motioned to it, checking if he wanted to sit. He nodded his head and the both of you sat down next to each other, leaving much space between the two of you. It was awkward for a moment.
Midoriya could tell but the wag of your tail ever so slight that you were nervous. He let out a soft chuckle, his green jade eyes looking down at his hands, scarred. “Your parents?” He asked. You nodded your head, looking away from him, not knowing what to say. He chuckled. “It’s okay. My ma, she…” He hesitated. “Gets worried about me.”
You hummed. “I understand and sympathize.” You nodded your head. “Being part of a nest of ten, it was bound to happen for me.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Ten?” He asked with wide eyes. You chuckled at his reaction. “Only?” He asked with a raised eyebrow but a handsome smile on his face. You noticed, for a rabbit, he had longer canines than you would have thought.
There it was. It was a joking statement used amongst rabbits. Being known for their… bountiful… number of offspring, rabbits turned it into their own little joke too. You laughed nodding your head. “I know, I know. Small families.” You joked. “My parents thought I should join my elder siblings and be hoisted away to make room for my brothers and their families.”
“Hm.” Midoriya frowned for a moment, not liking the sound of that one bit, his ears lowering slightly. “Well, I am from a very small family.” He stated. “Just me and my ma.”
You looked at him shocked. “You have no siblings?” You asked.
He chuckled, nodding his head. “Yep. It’s just ma and I, also my stepdad. My ma moved away from her nest when she was younger, so we don’t have any relatives anywhere near us” He revealed to you. You stared at him still flabbergasted to hear of a rabbit with no siblings. He laughed at your shocked expression. “I know, it’s odd, but there are a few rabbits and hares in my town so we still have a little community amongst ourselves. Most of them work on our farm so I see most of them every day.”
“You’re a farmer?” You asked, he nodded his head. “Is that how you got those?” You asked motioning to his hands and his forearms. He had the sleeves to his button down rolled up, so it allowed you to see the few scares on his arms.
He looked down at his hands and arms. “Some of them…” He said extending his arms. “This one is from an angry bull,” He pointed to one on his outer forearm. “This one was from breaking my arm when I fell out of a tree one time, this one was when my hand broke when a crate fell on it, this one I got from my one wolf friend who was chasing me, this one…” You listened to him ramble about his scars, or the scars you could see. Your eyes wide in attention looking at every single one. He looked down at you at your wide eyes and your unreadable expression to him. He quickly tried to pull his arms back to hide them behind his back. “Sorry, I know my hands can be a bit tough to look at…” His ears moved to face back behind him in nervousness.
“No, it’s okay.” You placed your hand over his arm, stopping him from removing his hand. Your hand sat atop of his arm. You peered up at him gently, trying to make sure he didn’t feel insecure in front of you. “It’s not that. I like your hands. They show how hard you work.” You told him honestly, looking down at his big hands. Midoriya watched you with wide green eyes, glistening as you moved your hands in front of you, inspecting your own. “My hands aren’t nearly as experienced as yours.” You expressed. “I guess that will change though, right?” You asked giving him a hopeful smile.
Midoriya’s shoulders softened as he looked to you softly. He nodded his head, placing his hands on his lap. “Yes. I guess it will.”
That was the first and last time you would see him before the wedding. Your parents called it a great success considering no one got kicked in the face in disapproval (Rabbit habits). Soon everything was moving so fast you weren’t sure when it all began. Your items, in bulk, were being sent to Midoriya’s hometown and wedding preparations were being made.
It was a bit hard, with the two of you living in two separate towns but your parents and his mother seemed to make it work. You had to pick a wedding dress, which wasn’t too hard for you, considering your parents allowed you to get any dress of your choosing. You made sure that they would regret that decision by looking for the dress of your dreams no matter how expensive it seemed. Then you arranged the flowers with your mother.
Soon the day before the wedding you were travelling to Midoriya’s hometown. Yuuie. Now Yuuie was not like your town of all prey hybrids. Yuuie was a much more diverse town. Meaning you had to stop your mother from fainting at every glance whenever she saw another predatorial hybrid. You noticed much in the town. A butchery associated with the name Bakugou, a bakery with the name Sato, blacksmiths shop with the name Kirishima and so much more.
You wanted to explore so much but there was still much to be done about the wedding and you hadn’t seen your soon to be husband in weeks at all. When you arrived to what would soon to be your home you were struck in awe. A bit away from town with land far and wide, was the Midoriya Farm. A sign by the entrance gate with a little green carrot and cabbage next to it. Down the dirt road let to a farmhouse. Beautiful and white and spread across the farmlands were other buildings as well, stables, pens, a silo, barns too. Out of one of the barns closest to the entrance was where you noticed many people working.
When you had managed to sneak past a very happy-to-see-you Inko Midoriya and your parents, you went to check out that barn. You hid away to the side by the open doors. The inside was clean and decorated in whites, greens and golds. White fabric hung up by the ceilings and down the posts as hybrids of all shapes, species and sizes moved tables and chairs into place. In the centre of it all was your familiar green haired rabbit hybrids he was checking things off in a notebook, his head down as he muttered to himself.
“Move out of the way, you damn bunny!” A large canine hybrid growled. He had blond spiky hair that reminded you of a porcupine, but deadly and intense vermillion eyes. He was carrying a round table easily with both hands. His blond tail wagged softly behind him as he worked.
Midoriya didn’t look up from his notebook as he stepped out of the way. “Sorry Kacchan.” He managed to say before going back to muttering.
A pink haired woman with a short tail and fluffy semi-circle ears walked over to Midoriya. She patted his back trying to comfort him. “Come on Midoriya, there’s no need to worry. Everything is going to be fine.” She said kindly.
“I agree with Ashido.” A tall man with hair split in colours walked to stand by them. One side was red the other was w blinding white. He had feline features but clearly some sort of big cat by the thickness of his white tail with red spots. He placed a hand on Midoriya’s shoulder. “It will all be fine.”
“I know, I know.” Midoriya sighed out as he took a step away from them to finally look up at all the decorating to be done. His ears twitched at every little sound. “But it has to be perfect for her. I really want her to enjoy tomorrow. If there is anything I could do, I just want to make her wedding day special.” He voiced out with his eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at the ceiling lanterns being set up.
You felt your heart flutter as a soft smile graced your face. He really wanted to make sure you would enjoy your wedding day. Out of this whole arranged marriage he wanted the day you would be known as Mrs Midoriya at least to be a good one to remember. You were touched by the green haired buck.
“Aww.” A huge redheaded hybrid, who looked the same type as ‘Ashido’ said with a face in awe at Midoriya’s statement. “That’s so manly, Midoriya.” He stated, carrying two stacks of chairs, one in each hand as he walked over to where the blond canine looking hybrid had put down the table he was carrying.
You would have wanted to stay and watch more but soon, your mother found you and took you by the ear and dragged you back to the townhouse before Midoriya would see you. It was bad luck for him to see you the day before the wedding after all.
You could barely sleep that night, sleeping in a room downstairs just a few short steps and up a staircase away from where you would be residing for what hopefully will be the rest of your life. It was nerve wrecking to say the least.
When it was time for you to wake up, you had managed to sleep a few hours and you were suddenly thrust into a world of intense preparations. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, nothing was safe. You were scrubbed till your skin burned and showered in ointments, rubs and scents till you smelled like a walking rose petal. While you were being pushed and pulled in all directions, you noticed out the window how guests started to arriving. Some you knew, most you didn’t, but you would soon.
Till finally you stood outside the chapel, bells ringing, your heart thumping so hard in your chest you thought you would throw up and faint. Whichever came first.
Your dad gave your arm a single squeeze looking down at you. You gave him an awkward smile making him laugh.  “He’s a good man Y/N, you don’t have to worry. I wouldn’t be making you stand here if I didn’t know he would treat you well.” He told you tapping your arm gently.
You nodded swallowing down hard. “I know dad, thank you.” You weren’t sure what you were thanking him for, nor if you genuinely meant it, but you had to put on a brave face as the doors opened.
The chapel was decorated too, filled with white decorations and wide-eyed guests. As you walked down the middle, trying your best not to trip, your eyes caught on the end of the aisle. The groomsmen were some of the hybrids you saw in the barn, the one with split red and white hair, the angry looking blond who seemed surprised, a blue haired snake hybrid with glasses and the gigantic red head. They all looked at you surprised to see the person their friend was to marry.
Midoriya stood dressed in an all-white suit front of the officiant, his shoulders tense as his back was facing you. His tail wagged nervously. Finally, you reached the end, your father letting you go as Midoriya turned around to face you. His face instantly fell into one of surprise. He was speechless. Completely and utterly speechless. He found you the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. You looked gorgeous in all white and an awkward smile on your face. His ears shot up as a smile in disbelief pulled onto his lips.
“Holy-” One sly look from the officiant and he coughed changing his proceeding words. “Carrot pastures." He quickly changed making you and others laugh as a blush went onto his face. Midoriya offered you a hand as you face one another. “Hi.” He greeted you with a flustered look.
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Hello.”
The whole ceremony went without a hitch or stone, with Midoriya’s mother crying in the front row. Then you went back to the Midoriya farm for the rest of the day. There was much singing, dancing and drinking. Speeches from people you didn’t know but they seemed funny and you could get along with them just fine.
For example the blond. He held a champagne glass up and looked to you and Midoriya at your own separate table away from everyone else. “Deku I wish you all the best of luck in your new marriage.” He said genuinely. “To your wife, toots, I don’t know what his mother told you, but half your marriage will be filled with you trying to nurse him of a broken bone, I assure you.” That made everyone laugh, but Midoriya just rolled his eyes with a smile.
You met all of his close friends, which were a lot of names to keep track of but some you remembered from town. There was the blond canine who turned out to be a wolf hybrid, Kacchan as Midoriya called him (the blond didn’t seem to like the name at all- but in fairness he did call Midoriya Deku), there was the strict looking snake hybrid Tenya Iida, there were the bear hybrids Kirishima Eijiro and Ashido Mina, a leopard hybrid, Todoroki Shoto and many more. You were a bit hesitant of the predators, but they all seemed pretty sweet, besides Kacchan. Kacchan looked like he was ready to eat both you and your husband alive.
After speeches, people made it to the dance floor in front of you and Midoriya. The two of you sat next to each other, eating cake and pointing out different people to one another. You smiled as you watched people out on the dance floor. Midoriya looked down at you and then at the scene in front of him.  He cleared his throat. “Do… do you want to dance?” He asked offering his hand to you.
You looked down at his hand and took it. “Yes.”
Midoriya and you stood up, with him guiding you to the dance floor. Upon seeing the two of you arrive at the dance floor, it cleared to allow the newly married couple to have their first dance together. Midoriya carefully pulled you towards him, one hand holding yours the other holding your waist as music played. The both of you softly swayed to the beautiful music together, all eyes watching the couple dressed in white dance together.
“Today has been… nice.” You told him quietly just for the two of you to hear.
His eyes lit up upon hearing that. “Really?” He asked.
You nodded your head. “It was.” You gently squeezed his shoulder and hand. “Thank you, Izuku.” You spoke to him genuinely.
He smiled down at you, tenderly at this little moment. “Of course, anything for you.” The two of you continued to sway gently on the dance floor. Just the two of you and the music and for a moment, you didn’t think about how you still probably didn’t know half the people here, or how this was only the second time you had met Midoriya. For a moment you could shut all that out and focus on the way the music played and how Midoriya held you gently in his hands as you swayed with him. Midoriya then got an idea. “Hold on.” He gave you a bright smile which held mischief behind it.
You looked up at him confused. “Hold on? What do you mean by th-AAH!” Midoriya quickened the pace of the dance all while staying to the beat of the song to keep you in sync. You started to laugh and giggle as the two of you glided and spun around the dance floor in a flurry of white and giggles. Suddenly he let go of one of your hands, placing both hands on your waist before picking you up into the air making you let out a short scream that made the guests laugh too. You laughed, your head up to the ceiling as he spun you around in the air as if you and your dress weighed nothing. As the song started to come to an end, he slowly lowered you down your faces close to one another as you placed your noses together giggling.
After a flurry of more dancing, drinking and Midoriya and his groomsmen making a fool of themselves on the dance floor in some odd, coordinated dance they had been doing since middle school, the party soon died down and you said goodbye to your family. Then it was the wedding night.
You were practically ready to break out into a sweat at how nervous you were. Your tail wagging a mile a minute as you held your legs close to your body. All you had to wear tonight was white baby doll lingerie which only purpose was to either be ripped off of you or to seduce your husband into doing so. You felt practically naked and scared. This was the one part of the day you had foolishly forgotten. With it just being you and your new husband in the farmhouse, of course, there was nothing but the rows of carrots and the few chickens around the outside of the house to bare witness to what would occur.
Midoriya smiled as he entered his bedroom looking down at what he was holding in his hands. “I wasn’t sure what to bring so I-” The moment he looked up, all words left his vocabulary. His ears went up in alert as his brain froze. He was stunned as you sat on top of the sheets of the bed you now shared. He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous, if he thought you couldn’t look better at the wedding, he was clearly wrong. But then he saw your fearful expression, the way your fluffy tail moved, and your slicked back ears. Despite his flushed pink cheeks he quickly composed himself. He lifted a pack of playing cards in his hands. He shook the deck with a soft smile. “Cards?” He asked.
Relieved, your tail stopped twitching and your ears slowly started to raise away from your head. You nodded, accepting his proposal for a game.
And that’s how you spent your first night together. Playing cards and getting to know each other until you eventually both fell asleep in exhaustion at the full day the two of you had.
Your relationship with Midoriya was budding as the two of you grew closer day by day. With all the big or little things. Together the two of you were like old friends you had known a long time. You found out a lot about him, and he you. Although learning to live with one another was an adjustment, it wasn’t something the two of you couldn’t handle.
There were little things that two of you did together that always made your days so filled. You always woke up together, having gotten used to waking up bright and early in his arms. Him chinning you softly making you laugh at his possessive bunny behaviour despite knowing it was often just the two of you now a days. Then you made breakfast together, which was fun since the both of you swapped and tried out new different ways to cook meals.
Afterwards, the farm had much work to be done but together with other rabbit hybrids you grew to know, it was work done well, with you and Mama Midoriya being the ones to sell all the many vegetables grown at your farm in the Todoroki market. Your new favourite hobby however, whenever you were supposed to be helping around, was watching Midoriya chop wood.
Now maybe this was the start of how things started to slowly grow between the two of you but you couldn’t help it. The way his arms would grip the axe as he swung it harshly down cutting the log into two effortlessly, the way the sun glinted on his sweating muscles and how with his hat on, he looked like he could kill you with just one look. He had you breathing funny and all the other rabbits teasing you. Midoriya noticed of course, he noticed everything that happened on his farm. And maybe that’s when he started getting bolder.
At the end of the day when it was just the two of you in the house, after a warm dinner there were a few things the two of you would do. From stargazing, cards (a deadly war in the Midoriya household), jenga and your favourite just talking. Talking with sleepy yawns, bodies unconsciously leaning against each other, blankets draped over the both of you, ears drooped in tiredness and little yawns and sniffles. Falling asleep in warm accepting arms was something you weren’t sure when you would ever get used to but it was something you never wanted to lose.
Slowly the two of you would get closer. Maybe you would bathe with the door slight open letting him peak inside if he ever just so happened to be in the house when you did. Or he seemed to forget all his shirts and start working shirtlessly a bit more, saying how shirts were ‘constricting’ him. Escalating things. From small touches, longing gazes, possessive holds, everything.
Until next thing you know, it was Spring. The most dreadful time, especially for rabbits. All the rabbit hybrids had taken at least two weeks off due to the beast that was mating season. At first, you and Midoriya avoided each other like the plague. Your instinct trying to gravitate and pull each other to one another like two strong magnets. Instincts calling, demanding for you to breed. You both clearly wanted each other, it was evident in the way Midoriya’s eyes would darken every time he saw you walk around the house in nothing but one of his shirts and a carrot in your mouth to keep you occupied. Or in the way your eyes would linger on his bulky body more aware of his presence whenever he did anything even it was just lounging around.
Until you couldn’t take it anymore. The burning and insatiable need inside you becoming too much to handle. It felt so hot. Everything felt too hot, too much, yet all not enough. You whined and cried out into the open air for the first time since this whole season. Normally you would muffle your voice and your cries, not wanting to disturb or tempt Midoriya, but frankly you couldn’t care. Your rabbit infesting your thoughts and actions with the power of a tsunami.
Midoriya was thoroughly surprised when he walked by his room (which he had given up to you during this season as to not tempt himself) to hear you crying. Now in all fairness he probably should have paid closer attention to the situation, but he couldn’t care. All he knew was you sounded like you needed help, like you were in pain. And Lord behold, when he opened that door frantic to check on you, the sight he saw in front of him made all the blood rush down to his painfully restricted cock.
You lay on the bed, your fingers deep within your cunt, fingers plunged deep inside you as you cried out in frustration. His shirt sat bunched down your body as you arched your ass high in the air, your tail up. With your other hand you kept his shirt bunched up near your face so that you could smell his scent on you. Tears spilled from your eyes in pain. You turned your head to look at Midoriya. You whined. “Fuck! Izuku please.” You wiggled your tail to try and seduce him to come relieve you of the intense ache inside you. “Please! Please Izu~ Help me.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice.
This whole time he had to bite tooth and nail, all while fucking his fist in order not to just grab you and fuck you on the nearest surface he could. He needed you like he couldn’t breathe without you. Never had mating season been so bad till now. Now it was like all he could think, taste, see and smell was you, yet he couldn’t have you in fear of overstepping.
Well not anymore. He rushed to you as if being further away from you was the biggest sin he could have committed. Ripping his pants off and climbing into bed, you whined wanting him to touch you. Midoriya placed his hands on your ass, prying you apart and forcing your face deeper into the sheets down below you. Not wasting a second his tongue was on your slit making you mewl, your body shivered finally having him where you needed him. You whined trying to push his tongue inside you.
Midoriya groaned at the taste of you. To him right now you tasted like pure honey on his tongue and he was addicted to it. Nothing could replace it. He lapped and licked at your sex like a man starved. He needed you as if he was dying of thirst, that only your juices could quench. His fingers found their way to your tail, pushing down at the base. You jolted forward with a squeak making him chuckle against you.
You moaned at the vibrations, loving the feeling. “Izuku.” You let out. “Please.” As much as you wanted him to continue to eat you out as determined as he was, you wanted something inside you. Him, inside you.
“Don’t worry, gorgeous. I’ve got yah.” Midoriya carefully brought his hand to your sex, cupping it gently. You bucked into his palm wanting friction. He chuckled as he pushed two fingers in.
His calloused fingers rubbing against you just right. You whined and keened at the feeling, finally having something inside you. You squeezed his fingers as if it was the cock you knew he was keeping from you. Midoriya moved his long fingers in and out of you, stretching you out. You whined as he started to increase in speed. He gripped your ass, keeping you in place as he rapidly decided to move his fingers in and out of you. You moaned as you pushed against him even more.
A surprise orgasm ran through you. You cried out in pleasure as you came around his fingers, them not relenting as they endlessly caused you pleasure as your release dribbled down your thighs and his hand. As your high started to go down, he quickly removed his fingers. He flipped you over so that you were lying on your back, and before you could start complaining, he plunged his fingers back inside you. Not allowing a break he, continued right where he left out. His thumb moved to rub at your clit and then you gasped. You felt tears prick your eyes as your hands fisted the sheets underneath you. “Izuku! Izuku!” You cried out at the onslaught of pleasure and pain mixing together.
Midoriya’s eyes were dark and trained on your body as your thighs shook at the accumulated amount of stimulation he was giving to you. He used one hand to grip one of your thighs down to the bed to force you open. He was enchanted with giving you pleasure above all things. He wanted to satisfy you, to make you satisfied, so that’s what he did. Watching another orgasm befall you as your eyes rolled and you arched your back. Guiding you back more gently this time, he relented as your body relaxed.
He removed his fingers from your tight sex, his hand and forearm dripping in your essence. He shuffled closer to you, spreading your legs wider to accommodate his size as he licked his forearm. Gripping both your thighs. You watched with lust filled eyes as he aligned his cock with your entrance. You noticed that was one of the few places he didn’t have freckles everywhere. You reached a hand up to him. Midoriya looked down at you confused. His ears twitched alert, wondering what was wrong. He bent over you to ask you if you were alright when your hand found its way to his head filled with green curls.  You threaded your fingers through his hair and then pulled his head down to you. You placed both your noses together, just like you both did on your wedding day. You smiled and nodded your head. This was you choosing him, allowing him, letting him. You wanted this
and he wanted this too.
He smiled grateful for the reassurance, before pushing his fat cock head into you. You hissed at the stretch, your grip on his locks tightening. Midoriya groaned at the feeling of you wrapping his cock so delicately yet so tight. His shoulders dropped in relief as the bunny fever of spring started to ease up just by being inside you. He sighed in relief once he was fully inside you, the feeling intoxicating. You moaned at the full feeling he was giving you. It felt almost relieving and right to be like this, fitted together to be one.
Midoriya waited a few moment for you to adjust, to get used to his length inside you. Then he felt the itch again, at the back of his mind that made his tail twitch once in anxiousness. Breed. He had to breed you. His hands on your thighs, a tight grip on the plush of them. He looked down at you, his expression unreadable. “Can I be rough with you?” He asked breathlessly.
You nodded your head and that’s all he needed.
Carefully withdrawing back, almost pulling his entire length out of you, you breathed in a sigh of relief at the lack of pressure. Then without warning he snapped his hips back forward into you. You moaned in pleasure as from there he started a steady rhythm in and out of you. The beautiful feeling of your sex trying to milk him for all that he had making him not relent. His hands tightened on your thighs as he used your thighs as leverage to move your body up and down his cock to the rhythm of his thrusts.
Midoriya let out a low growl like sound. The sight of your body jolting, chub jostling from the force he was using was enough to make him want to cum already. He was already sensitive due to the time of year, but now being inside you, he had to focus so hard on not absolutely blowing his top off from just being inside you.
Your eyes were rolled back as you cried out in pleasure. You gripped at your chest and at the shirt of his that you wore. Everything was warm, it was hot and yet it was a beautiful type of heat that left you aching and wanting for more. “Izuku! Please! Cum inside me please! Kits! Give me, kits please!” You pleaded to him, aching for him to douse the heat that was the spring mating season and the harsh hold that it had on your body and mind.
Midoriya grunted, he focused on chasing his building orgasm. He smiled at your neediness. “Of course, anything for you.” He smirked down at you, repeating the words he said to you at your wedding. At a particularly hard thrust, your were arching into him with a loud cry. You came over his cock, your hold on him tightening and pulsating. Midoriya moaned at the feeling, his moans slowly started to turn into whines. Needy whines as his thrusts turned less rhythmic. “Fuck. Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so good. So good for me.” He let out as his thrusts started to falter yet more desperate. His grip on you was bruising and you knew it would bruise. “I’m gonna- gonna-” With a whine, and his head placed in the crook of your shoulder his orgasm rippled through him.
You hummed at the warm feeling inside your abdomen as you finally felt peace and relief go through you. “Izu…” You let out tiredly. Midoriya lay on top of you, not wanting to remove himself from inside of you. You were just too good, too perfect, too much for him and yet he couldn’t get enough. “You’re crushing me.” You giggled threading your hands through his hair between his ears. Wordlessly, he rolled over to have you atop of him. He held you safely, his hands moving to hold you by your waist.  His head still buried in your neck as he slowly came down from cloud nine. You let out a soft purr like sound in affection. You nudged the top of his head. “Are you alright?” You asked quietly.
He nodded his head. “Yah.” He removed his head from the crook of your neck to relax back against a pillow. His eyes glistened with unshed tears. He sniffed wiping at his eyes. You cooed at how cute he was being. You littered kisses over his face. “Hey!” He laughed, trying to escape your kisses. “You think I’m succeeding in my husband duties, hm?” He asked with a chuckle.
You nodded, placing a kiss on his nose. “You had been since the first day I met you, silly. I couldn’t have gotten anyone better.”
<Izuku Midoriya x Reader Week Masterlist>
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