#brazilian period drama
inesqueen · 11 months
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• Bruna Marquezine as Catarina de Lurton in Deus Salve o Rei •
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caroline-klaus · 2 years
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Brazilian period drama + Costumes [35/-]
from: Além da Ilusão (2022)
character: Isadora Camargo Tapajós
actor: Larissa Manoela
period: 1940s
costume by: Paula Carneiro
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madebyamily · 7 months
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Isabelle Drummond in Novo Mundo
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petiteblasee · 2 months
*:・゚✧ LAURED: laura & edgar • lado a lado, 2012.
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Hi, I'm sister Anon. I'd like to say that I got into a controversy about Sam and Caitríona in an Outlander group a year ago precisely because I responded to someone who was saying it was impossible for them to be together and no one had ever caught them . I always use a pseudonym and gave the example of my sister( I said this was a friend btw) but I didn't go into details. However, let me say a few things: in his family only his mother and ONE sister knew about their relationship. In my family, my parents and I knew. Grandparents, uncles, brothers-in-law and nephews didn't know they were together, for them they were just close friends and work colleagues. The rest of the team at work was certainly suspicious, but nobody dared to say anything, because there is a secrecy clause in the contracts. During this period there were speculations of him with at least two models and some Instagram influencers and they laughed, because it gave them exactly the cover they wanted. Anyone who looked at his social media would see a single guy enjoying life, when in fact he was a committed and passionate guy, living a very beautiful love story.
Dear (returning) Sister Anon,
Thank you for coming back with more. I chose to publish your story since the very beginning, because it sounds completely legit. *urv can troll around all day long, now enrolling that 23 year old Brazilian fan/journalist/writer (who doesn't know the plural form of 'gentleman' is 'gentlemen', not 'gentlemans'), she could never prove anything else than people having lunch, not sex, in Kensington. But for her crowd, that is enough.
Also, the Brazilian girl could have been my daughter. And if she were, I would tell her that people questioning her (obviously doctored) story does not mean they hate her. It simply means we are older, less gullible and certainly able to tell when an immature woman is desperately looking for attention. She will probably understand that... in five years or so, but that is not my problem anymore.
I loved every single thing you shared with us. Drop by anytime, you will always be more than welcome. And you are completely right: social media is not real life. And how could it be? Would you read my blog, if I told you all there is to know about my bunions?
You wouldn't. You want me to tell you about business, legal, travel, foodie and obscure Baroque/Renaissance/classical music stuff, right?
Things like this (what I wanted to be last week's Sunday sounds, but hey - drama, drama), for example:
PS: one of my acquaintances, a rather popular singer, was at one time the lover of a high (very high) profile local politician - a brilliant guy (also a family friend of ours, btw). I had no idea and I kept on teasing her about singing at his party's events, until someone told me to stop, because it made her feel uneasy. The same person was always referring to the guy as 'Michael', when they were talking about him in public (the woman was really smitten, along with tens of thousands of others, nationwide). Michael, my foot and it ended up in the tabloids anyways.
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mafioseo · 3 months
magdalena (m) // k.jw
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drama, angst, smut -- 1959, minas gerais, brazil. jungwoo kim is a young friar of the dominican order, rumored to be a living saint—wherever he goes, little miracles seem to follow. upon arriving in the city of belo horizonte. however, he finds his faith will be tested the hardest it’s been in years; and the test has not just one name, but two. once y/n l/n, now magdalena: former darling of high mineiran society, current reigning queen of belo horizonte’s red light district.
overall fic warnings (more specific warnings will be listed at the beginning of every chapter): sexual content, depictions of prostitution, heavy catholic/christian themes, period typical misogyny, period typical homophobia, depictions of violence, depictions of alcohol, depictions of child abuse, depictions of religion-based self-harm
um: santo | brother jungwoo arrives in belo horizonte and is confronted with a morally decaying city. magdalena faces the same criticism she faces each day, but it seems to be coming to a head. when the two meet at church, it will change them both forever.
more to come soon - est. 6 - 7 chapters
comment / reblog to be added to the taglist <3
author's note: hello hello ^^ this is based off of the 1998 brazilian telenovela hilda furacão which i've been absolutely in love with for the past few weeks (thx tiktok), so i figured i would give it my own spin :) hope you enjoy!!!
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caffstrink · 1 year
do you have any tips on how to live off as artist professionally?
First of all art isn't always a viable option depending where you live. The only reason ive been able to live off art is because the american dollar is worth 5x more than the brazilian real so even if i didn't get many comms i could still get by with the few i had. and if that wasn't the case I'd pretty much be eating breadcrumbs off the floor like a pigeon.
1. Whore yourself out and draw fanart of every popular or trending thing to gather attention to youe art
2. Learn your platforms: learn how each websites algorithm works, learn what are the best hours to post, etc
3. I cannot stress enough how important it is to find your niche
4. Everyone is fake no one wants to be your friend, other popular artists will start following you the moment your following becomes good enough. They'll start to interact with you too and want to become mutuals in order to share followings/traction. If you can play into that you can get them to share your stuff as well, but honestly don't fall for it bc most of them shittalk other artists on their privs or personal servers and the stress isnt worth it
5. Draw nsfw if possible/if you're comfortable with. People who commission porn pay well and they often have very few options when commissioning stuff bc most artists don't accept porn commissions.
6. Accept being an artist is a hard job that doesn't pay really well. If you're freelancing on comms life's always going to be a tightrope, so i suggest trying to do professional work once in a while so you can at least have the security of a salary. Draw backgrounds, gestures, scenes, studies, and the likes, bc those are what companies will want in your portfolio
7. Depending where you live it's extremely hard to live off as an artist, and being an artist is often means a very difficult struggle with finances. It's a job that requires passion, and more often than not turning art in a job causes creative burnout and complete loss of spark for it. Ask yourself: why do you want to be a professional artist? Isn't it better to keep it as a hobby? Maybe a side gig if you need money? You can still pursue art even if you don't do it to earn money, and it doesn't make you any less of an artist. It's a difficult job, and you need to understand its not going to be viable at all times and sometimes you'll have to throw in the towel and do something else to survive and there's 0 shame in that.
8. Be professional and courteous with your clients. Don't be a doormat, but don't go around ghosting people or being passive aggressive or taking them for granted and never deliver any product. Doing art for money is a JOB. Treat it like such. Inform your clients about delays, or any issues that may come up.
9. Take care of yourself and by that i mean eat decent food, exercise your arms, get 8 hours of sleep and get some sun (or take vitamin D periodically if youre a basement dweller). This isn't some self care uwu shit, it's actual science that your body is a machine and not providing what it needs to function leads to issues, and some of those issues include affecting your mental health, and mental health issues include and are not limited to: anxiety, depression, burnout, loneliness, feeling like your art sucks, feeling unmotivated, feeling like you're a failure, etc. Same with physical: for the love of GOD you DON'T want wrist issues. You dont want carpal or ulnar nerve entrapment. Don't draw 24/7. Don't push yourself either. If youre feeling shitty its time to STOP. Just picture a shitty graphics card trying to run minecraft with 5 shaders and 10 mods at once on fullscreen with 60 fps. Thats you. Youre the graphics card
10. Don't be a bitch, don't get involved with drama. Can't be an internet artist if you get cancelled so don't try to start shit at any point in time. Don't be a shit person.
And from the top of my head thats it, hope you like eating plain bread 🍞
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rosequart · 1 year
animation is cinema: a primer
there's been recent discussion about animation and how it should be treated as "real" cinema and "real" art for all ages—which is true! but these social media conversations typically only touch on already popular animated films in the U.S.
i've briefly listed what i consider the best international animated films of the past 10 years as a "primer" for people who want to get into more animated movies around the world, beyond well-known directors like miyazki and moore.
there's enough variety in art direction and plot that there's something for everyone: family friendly, war dramas, romantic comedies, horror. anyone is free to add their own recommendations in the reblogs. movies are good! watch them!
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boy and the world (o menino e o mundo, 2013)
adventure/family. a boy leaves his small brazilian village and discovers the industrialized city. uses collage alongside traditional animation to tell a story about globalization and capitalism that children can understand. PG.
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flee (flugt, 2021)
documentary. follows a boy's escape from afghanistan to denmark, incorporating archival film footage of the time. balances the realities of war and immigration with pockets of levity and warmth. PG-13: warnings for war, human trafficking, implied sexual violence.
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josep (2020)
history/drama. a dying military policeman remembers his encounter with catalan artist josep bartolí in a french concentration camp after the spanish civil war. changes art styles depending on the time period. not rated: warnings for war, sexual violence.
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loving vincent (2017)
history/drama/mystery. a man retraces vincent van gogh's steps before his death. some truly beautiful art direction, each frame an oil painting. PG-13.
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marona's fantastic tale (l'extraordinaire voyage de marona, 2019)
drama/family. follows the life of a little dog and the various people she meets. an eclectic and mesmerizing animation style, paired with a great original score. not rated: warning for animal death.
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night is short, walk on girl (夜は短し歩けよ乙女, 2017)
comedy/romance. a college sophomore goes on a series of surreal encounters with the local nightlife, all the while unaware of the romantic longings of her classmate. a unique, simple art style that gets increasingly surreal as the story progresses. PG-13.
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the tale of the princess kaguya (かぐや姫の物語, 2013)
drama/historical fantasy. based on the 9th century folktale where an old bamboo cutter discovers a little girl in a stalk of bamboo. beautiful use of watercolor, limited backgrounds, and simple ink strokes to complement a devastating story. PG.
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the wolf house (la casa lobo, 2018)
horror/fantasy. a young woman takes refuge in a house in southern chile after escaping from colonia dignidad. surreal use of stop-motion animation that utilizes an entire house: painted walls, moving furniture, paper mâché, and more. not rated: warnings for body horror, general horror elements.
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Hello! Just wanted to say a few things!
firstly, I really love your works!! and also, I want to ask if you can recommend your favourite books/articles/shows/etc about mythology/history :)
Hii!! ☺️☺️
Thank you so much, anon! I'm very happy to read this. This kind of comment always cheers me up when I'm going through a difficult time. Thank you very much! ❤️
And yes, of course I can! 😊
Mythology books that I really like are: Percy Jackson/The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan, Pegasus and the Flame of Olympus by Kate O'Hearn, the book Greek Myths and Norse Myths.
And of course the Iliad and the Odyssey. Two classics that are totally worth reading, if you haven't read them yet.
Of books, although it is not considered a history book, but rather a period romance, I recommend Julie Quinn's books. Like Bridgertons, which is set during the Regency. Maybe you like it.
When it comes to history books, I don’t have a specific one to recommend. But I would say that it depends on the topic you prefer, whether it's Antiquity or the French Revolution, it really depends.
As for articles, I usually read from a Brazilian site called Aventuras na História, but it's not in English :( but you can automatically translate it on Google, if you're interested :)
These are my favorite series:
Rome: Very good indeed! For those who like the history of Rome and how the Roman Empire was created and a little of the history of Julius Caesar and Augustus, I highly recommend it.
Reign: It's not historically accurate, but it's very good for those who love a royal drama. I remember that when I watched it I was hooked.
The Tudors: very good for those who like the life of Henry VIII and his six wives. There's a lot of drama involved.
The Great: again not historically accurate, but it's very fun! It tells the story of the Empress of Russia, Catherine the Great.
The Spanish Princess and The White Princess: these are very good series that deserve more attention. The Spanish Princess tells the story of Catherine of Aragon and The White Princess tells the story of Elizabeth of York.
Outlander: fits both as a book and a series and I really recommend it. It's not about history per se, but it shows Scotland during that period while a lot of drama and angst surrounds the story!
I watch a lot of historical documentaries that you can easily find on YouTube! :)
I would say these are my favorite series and book recommendations. I hope they please you!
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inesqueen · 2 years
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↳ MATHEUS ABREU as YAQUB in DOIS IRMÃOS (2017) - episódio 01
"Agora ele estava de volta: um rapaz tão vistoso e alto quanto o outro filho, o Caçula. Tinham o mesmo rosto anguloso, os mesmos olhos castanhos e graúdos, o mesmo cabelo ondulado e preto, a mesmíssima altura. Yaqub dava um suspiro depois do riso, igualzinho ao outro. O andar era o mesmo: passos rápidos e firmes"
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caroline-klaus · 2 years
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♕ 200 years since the Prince Regent Dom Pedro declared the Independence of Brazil from the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves — 7 SEPTEMBER 1822
On September 2, 1822, a new decree from Portugal arrived in Rio de Janeiro while the Prince Regent of Brazil, Dom Pedro, was in a political tour in the Province of São Paulo. The letter overturned the Brazilian government and demanded the immediate return of Pedro to Portugal. Since August 13 the Princess Maria Leopoldina of Austria was the Acting Princess Regent of the Kingdom of Brazil and head of the Council of State in the absence of her husband. Aware that Portugal intended to relegate Brazil again to the status of a simple colony rather than a kingdom united to that of Portugal and fearing a civil war the Princess acted imediately. Maria Leopoldina met in the morning of 2 September 1822 the minister José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva and summons the Council of State. She signs on that day the Decree of Independence, declaring Brazil separate from Portugal. Leopoldina sends Pedro the news, along with letters from her and from José Bonifácio urging him to proclaim the independence of Brazil. In her letter Maria Leopoldina warns: “The pommel is ripe, pick it up already, or it will rot.”.
On September 7, 1822 at the shore of the Ipiranga River the letters reached the Prince. Dom Pedro turned to his companions and spoke: “Friends, the Portuguese Cortes want to enslave and pursue us. From today on our relations are broken. No ties can unite us anymore” and continued after he pulled out his armband that symbolized Portugal: “Armbands off, soldiers. Hail to the independence, to freedom and to the separation of Brazil from Portugal!”. He unsheathed his sword affirming that “For my blood, my honor, my God, I swear to give Brazil freedom,” and cried out: “Brazilians, from this day forward our motto will be Independence or Death!”. This event is remembered as the “Cry of Ipiranga”. The Prince and Princess then became Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil and Empress Consort Maria Leopoldina of Austria, inauguring the Empire of Brazil (1822-1889).
Caio Castro as Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil and King Dom Pedro IV of Portugal and Letícia Colin as Princess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, the Empress Consort of Brazil, Queen Consort of Portugal and Archduchess of Austria in “Novo Mundo” (2017).
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madebyamily · 8 months
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Isabelle Drummond in Novo Mundo
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fleurfay · 3 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
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AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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ravenadottir · 1 year
renaming characters: s1, s3 and s4
i just decided to compile all of them in one post since we all know these characters pretty well, and by that i mean i know SOME of the names from season 4.
season 2 / season 5 (i guessed/named them because i didn't play the season so... no stakes there!)
allegra - she's very powerful, *clears throat* hot, and allegra as a name can be that...? i don't know, i feel like amber resumes this character so much, especially if you say it with her accent... amba... every amber in reality tv is a little too intense and we know she's the queen of cringey overreactions.
erikah - always thought laura would suit her better. i don't know why but i don't like erikah for her, but i think laura has a je ne sais quoi that she, the character, also has. she's very complicated and quite feeble at times, but her face tells me laura.
jen - she's clearly a fucking ashleigh. not for nothing, i know a lot of great ashleys', but the -eigh makes it so obnoxious and that's perfect for homegirl, because right off the bat she's claiming vanilla swirley hair romeo and ashleigh's tend to be like that... tell me you can't picture jen in a 2014 pinterest gear up in a pumpkin field wearing uggs and a fedora, i dare you to tell me she's not the type!
talia - is her full name natalia? 'cause it should be. in my humble opinion isla is a great name for her, (pronounced ay-lah) means island and it's spanish and scottish, perfectly beautiful for her, because let's be honest, if any of these girls is gonna have an interesting name, that's talia. hell, talia is already a great name!
jake - this is such a boring name for someone so full of flavor, i can't! he's not dabbed in caucasity nor adolescence, so why the fuck was he named jake???? mateo though... mateo is a fucking name, ok? it can be italian, spanish, portuguese, it doesn't matter. jake is such a 13-yo momma's boy name... ugh, no. if the guy has a collar popped like a fucking vampire and is walking around the villa with that hair, jake is not his name. PERIOD.
mason - i honestly like the name, just not for him. i always thought oliver would be a curveball because so is mason's lack of personality. let's face it they made a huge oopsie when interchanging levi's characteristics with his when coupled up with mc. mason is a drummer turned model, how the fuck did you manage to make him boring??? anyway, his face, to me, is giving oliver.
miles - he deserves a douche name because he has that chest piece, and any guy who displays such... awful tattoo deserves to be punished. fuck it, let's name him terry, short for terrible.
jasper - i mean, i HATE this name, and well, his face and hair is giving elité father tease, so i want to name santiago, because oh my god, every santiago i've met sucks ass and is a creep. the guy has a pet cobra, he HAS to be named santiago!
tim - this is the ONLY character who fits in the jake genre, because he looks 18 and clueless (affectionate). i feel like liam is somehow fitting for him, mostly because that's the go-to name in teen dramas... and usually the liam's are also clueless.
levi - why do his mates call him romeo is beyond me, homeboy has NO GAME. NONE. he's the personification (along with mason) of pretty privilege. if you stick a pin on his head it might deflate, because there's nothing going on behind those average eyes. fuck levi, his name is eric, basic and common.
rohan - since his name has multiple origins, and we don't know for sure his ethnicity (not that it matters, i know brazilian boys who are named tyler, so...) i'm naming him gael. he's a gael, argue with the wall.
cherry - have you ever seen a courtney??? because that's her! and she might be the type to say "although i have the same name as kourtney, khloe is my spirit animal" and you can't tell me she doesn't.
reese - tristan. fuck reese.
sammi - i would love to name her according to her ethnicity, because sammi apparently is hebrew. for instance, if she's korean: seong-min is perfect, because it's a genderless name and so it's sammi. also, i headcanon her as enby (she/them). if she's japanese, aya, because it can mean "brilliant fabric" and that's what she's fucking wearing. if chinese, yu ming, which means jade brightness, again... fitting! i like sammi, but i think it was a missed opportunity to name her in what could be her background culture, since lots of us don't know much, if anything about those countries. i for one didn't have any asian history classes in my school curriculum, which is weird because we had ajapanese immigration here, so like... MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. anyway, these are the names i would give her.
lucy - that's a rebecca that refuses being called becky, and will have a fit if you do. i don't have much to say about her, lucy can die in a hole.
elladine - she gives me "i have two L's in my name" but it's not elladine. it's something like danielle, which is really pretty and the first name that came to mind when i saw the teasers with her.
aj - this is a great name for her, i have to say! if anything i would've taken the same route and either use an acronym, like aj, or a "boy name" like robin. i honestly love that name for girls and enby's.
bill - honestly the caucasity is too much for me, and i have to say, the name has to fall into that category, so i'm naming him ryan! he's childish and you can tell nobody has told him to shut the fuck up ONCE in his life. his name is ryan and you can argue with the jar of mayo sitting next to him.
camilo - i don't like this for anybody, it's such an ugly name in my opinion. if they wanted to name him a latin name they could've gone with so many other prettier options, and to me he looks like a cauã (the last a is pronounced ahn). listen, cauã is indigenous from brazil, BUT it's so fitting for him, you'll have to trust me on this one! they're athletic and also very... um... let's say "active", and by that i mean they're all whores (affectionate). it's perfect for him.
harry - if zhong is his surname (and it's chinese), then i'm choosing my favorite boy name, which is jun hie. ((fun fact, zhong can also be a first name, and it can mean devotion, among other things that don't even slightly mean that, but i'm focusing on devotion)). harry looks like someone who deserves a cute name that has a deep meaning, and jun hie means outstanding.
nicky - what a bland ass name for someone so pretty! i like jamal for him, and i could stand here all day trying to come up with an excuse but truth be told, it's because of jamal sims (the coreographer), leave me alone he's hot ok!
seb - i actually think a cat name is perfect for him lol it's either seb or something stupid like axel or dash, which makes him INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT.
miki - i like it but i think something like sakura would be perfect. there's something about her that reminds me of the petals' colors... she's a pretty chill girl, and somewhat delicate, so i like sakura for her.
genevieve - i think it's perfect! it's dainty but has some strength to it. personally i think if i came up with a name for her it wouldn't be as good as genevieve. hate the nickname though, viv is really basic. call her vieve, man, what are you doing??
iona - i would never think of this name because i've never heard it before meeting her, but she gives me the vibe of a girl who has a big name but cool, short nickname, like andressa or andrea but the nick is andi. the choice is andi, you pick the original.
ciaran - this is a trent and you can argue with bill's mayo jar. he might be irish but his stance is the fucking white american who is a nice guy. i don't like his personality, or the lack of, and trent is a brainless guy, just like him.
tai - it's fucking perfect for him actually! when i saw him on the tease i thought of taika, tai or koa (joyful), but personally i think tai or koa are very fitting.
yasmin - whenever i see her i think of the exact color of iris, so that's the name. plus, she gives "hemp-skirt-wearing and having lesbian sex in an orange tent after lolapalooza" tease and that's why iris fits.
rafi - i don't like the name rafi for him, so... husani. it's pretty accurate, since it means 'handsome'. i also like how it sounds and i think it fits with his personality since that's... the only personality he has. "ah, but vena he talks about his brother-" i'm gonna stop you right there, because he does, but um... how many times did we get to see his depth? exactly.
lily (liliana) - she looks like a bruna to me. it is italian but we do have a lot of bruna's here, and honestly? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME, and they look like that.
angie - she gives me strong vibes of alexandra, in a way that she hates her name and prefers a gender bent nickname, like alex. i don't like angie for her.
lexi - this absolute excuse of a person is a jessica to me, but the bad type. you know what i'm talking about, the type you have to call her out in the middle of a discussion because once again she's giving "THAT'S MY OPINION!!" tease. i hate this character so much, she's 46% of the reason why i stopped playing the season.
najuma - i love it but i would never think of this name since i've never heard it before. if someone suggested it, i would probably go with it, but if i had to pick one, it would be amani. i think najuma is better though.
thabi - honestly? pretty cool name for her, such a cute and short name, i would probably choose something like that. i'll keep it.
hazeem - not gonna lie i did NOT think he would have a muslim/arabic/urdu name when i saw him for the first time. and because i don't know NEARLY ENOUGH about the culture, i'm keeping it. he does look like a hazeem somehow.
james - it's such a common, bland, accessible name... then again, so is he. meh, james is fine. although he gives me benjamin... lol idk why, don't ask
kobi - this guy is such a... dynamic young man. there's a guy named calvin, from season 3 of the circle, and is the perfect summoning of what i think kobi is like. the type of guy that joins his fingers and gestures it to explain something, particularly to someone who hasn't asked anything. yeah, kobi's name is calvin.
will - ok, it would be EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN before will, especially knowing it's short for willem? LIKE, I FEEL SO BETRAYED- anyway, since he's japanese, and i wouldn't give him an engligh name, it's an opportunity to expand the character's culture a bit, so his name would be shigeru (lush), 'cause let's face it, the boy is pure lush... he has a fucking robe, it's perfect.
bruno - rafael vibes, and that's because here in brazil that usually goes to very annoying boys... (pronounced ha-fah-el). he just strikes me as a guy who doesn't know when to be quiet and well... he's a comedian, so you know that's fucking true.
youcef - if you told me he was french i would say pierre, because to be honest his face gives... absolutely nothing, so probably blanche? or blanc...? i don't know, he's just such a weird choice, all i think of is the "go back to party city where you belong" because of his hair. i'm definitely naming his blanche.
valentina - that's the most gabriela i've ever seen!! like... she's so fucking hot, i barely can think when i see her, and valentina is a beautiful name, just doesn't fit her vibe.
juliet - fuck this girl, i hate her design so much. and you know what, i also hate the name adrianna, so that's what i would name her. she has the vibe of someone who cuts you off to talk about herself and adrianna's love doing that shit.
cora - close but not quite, i would name her nova, because reasons. she just gives me nova vibes, maybe it's her style? maybe it's just how fresh she looks, idk, i just love the name nova for her.
tom - i'm not fucking with you, the first name that came to mind when i saw him was jerry, before knowing what he was called lol istg it's just jerry for me, the oldest most generic name for a guy that wears a goddamn suit on a summer trip.
kelly - i don't like the name kelly, it's really common in some regions here, i'm tired! plus, she breathes, walks and talks like a chloe, i can't imagine another name for her.
tiffany - hate this name, oh my god... if i had to moan tiffany at any given time, i would jump into an elevator shaft first. since they go by all pronouns, why not a gender neutral name? he gives me solid riley energy. i like it because of the girl in inside out and how there's male and female emotions in her head, so... riley.
dylan - he could be named rat for all i care. BUT i'm giving marcel, because that's what marcel's do, understimate women and are slightly misogynistic, and by slightly i mean a fuck ton. FUCK THIS GUY, FUCK HIS FACE, FUCK HIS BODY, FUCK HIS PERSONALITY. FUCK - THIS - CHARACTER.
oliver - at this point i don't even know, because he gives oliver, but he also gives mason, and also jason, basically names for guys that are ripped lol i think i would give him luke. don't ask, it's a luke thing!
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‘Land Of Shadows’: Portuguese-Brazilian Period Drama About Romance Of Gay Soldiers In Development
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A Portuguese-Brazilian drama series about the romance of two 17th Century soldiers is in development.
Land of Shadows will follow their blossoming but forbidden love during the 17th Century, when Brazil was a colony of the Kingdom of Portugal. It’s based on No País das Sombras, a novel from Emmy winner and telenovela writer Aguinaldo Silva, who is supervising the text adaptation and will be executive producer.
Director is Pedro Vasconcelos, who won an International Emmy for Brazilian net Globo’s 2014-15 series Império (Empire), which was also from Silva. Luiz Felipe Petruccelli is the writer of Land of Shadows and Diosual Entertainment the producer.
The show’s set in Olinda, a Brazilian village, during in the Captaincy of Pernambuco in 1604 and 1605, and reveals how the soldiers’ equality puts them in opposition to Portugal’s Holy Office of the Inquisition. Side plots will include the persecution of New Christians, abuses against women and the romance between the wife of a sugar cane plantation lord and one of his slaves.
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gyuyoungarchives · 6 months
📰 Omelete: Interview with Park Gyuyoung - “Global Audience Embraced K-Dramas Because They Are Original Stories”
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Park Gyuyoung, a standout star in the K-drama universe, recently spoke in her first interview with Brazilian media, Omelete. Celebrated for her roles in "It's Okay to Not Be Okay," "The Devil Judge," "Sweet Home," and the new "A Good Day to Be a Dog," she attributes the global success of Korean productions to a single secret: creativity.
Park reflected, “Fans around the world seem to understand and like the unique sensitivity of K-dramas, as well as their very original and creative stories. I feel very grateful to know that people outside Korea also enjoy series like 'A Good Day to Be a Dog,' and can identify with plots like those of Haena.”
Highlighting the creativity in her latest series, Park plays a literature teacher cursed to transform into a dog every night if she kisses a man. The only way to reverse the curse is if the same man kisses her while she is in her canine form. The plot thickens when she drunkenly kisses a colleague, played by Cha Eunwoo of the K-pop group ASTRO, who is absolutely terrified of dogs.
Park admits the plot has many fantasy elements that are hard to imagine in real life, but she believes fans will find ways to connect with her character: “At the same time, she expresses genuine concerns, sorrows, and joys, which can help the audience to identify with her story. When I was playing Haena, I tried to understand and sincerely empathize with the situations she goes through.”
A good co-star always helps, and Eunwoo's experience with the international reach of South Korean culture was an important asset on the set of "A Good Day to Be a Dog." A seasoned entertainer in the music world with ASTRO, he has also been successful on TV, in K-dramas like "Gangnam Beauty" and "True Beauty."
“Cha Eunwoo was always very attentive and reliable on set,” praises Park. “He has a great sense of responsibility towards his fans around the world, and knew they would be eager to watch the drama. I had a lot of fun working with him, and I am grateful for everything he taught me.”
"A Good Day to Be a Dog" is the most outright comedy in Park's career to date, following her successful ventures in horror, drama, and romance. Currently in production for the second season of the global phenomenon "Squid Game," Park Gyuyoung promises to continue exercising an eclecticism that challenges the limiting choices many women face in the entertainment world.
“Breaking away from a character I fell in love with, and absorbing a new character is always difficult - but I have a small ritual that helps me with this variation,” she shares. “The time I spend with each character is both too brief and very long, and it's hard to separate from them when filming ends. So it's very necessary for me to have a breathing period between jobs, especially because I always want to explore new genres and show various sides of myself to the audience.”
Omelete, 2023
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