#brat anakin skywalker
intermundia · 11 months
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but did you try telling him he's your very best, most special boy when he listens, obi-wan? did you try spanking him when he doesn't? because i don't think you have. i think there are plenty tools you are leaving in your toolbox here lol
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Anakin: It’s outrageous!  It’s unfair! Mace: Take a seat, Skywalker. Anakin: *walks over and sits in Mace’s lap*  This one’s not taken is it? Mace: *closes eyes and inhales deeply, then exhales*  Clear the room. *grabs Anakin’s wrist*  Not you, Skywalker.
-council room clears save for the two of them- Mace: Knight Skywalker.  I am going to count down from five, and when I am done, you had best my off my lap and crafting a formal apology to the council or Force help me, whatever I don’t release into the Force, I’m going to release out on your ass. Anakin: Maybe I’d rather you release it into my ass.
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Anakin: *arrives back at his shared apartments, red-faced and visibly limping* Obi-Wan:  I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen known Mace Windu to lose composure.  I suppose you’re proud of yourself. Anakin:  *falls onto the couch making dying bantha noises* Worth it.
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infernaleikon · 2 years
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anakin skywalker appreciation week
day seven :: free choice           anakin being a brat
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Rex is gonna do a post-war seminar on how to take care of a baby for all the idiots who got kids now. Cody’s conducting a seminar in the next room about how to get away with arson. Yes the room was set on fire seventeen times during this no he ain’t know shit about it stop asking or he’ll call his lawyer. Rex has six kids in his care at all times and three of them are Skywalkers and one of them is Ahsoka and two of them are Fives and Echo he knows how to parent he does it very well. Cody also steals people’s identities and makes catfishing accounts for them. Not for the money he’s just having fun since the fifth one paid off his house and helped him plan the most ostentatious wedding ever for Kenobi.
Crimelord Cody is just a silly goofy guy. Parent Rex is just regular Rex with less stress because he has the right to put Anakin in time out now.
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hanasnx · 10 months
mmm okay dilf!anakin and thigh fucking. He likes using it as a sort of punishment for you, if you’ve been teasing him or pushing his buttons on purpose. It’s so close to where you need him most and he smirks down at you the entire time while you squirm and beg for him to show you some mercy
oh my fu king godddmx
“ani, please,”
“what’re you talking ‘bout, baby? i’m feeling so good.” rubbing it in your face while he’s squeezing your thighs together and moving you in tandem with his thrusts. watching that sticky mix of saliva and cum of his string out, squelching, connected to his pelvis and gooey in his pubes.
anakin loves brat taming because he has such a specific— sadistic— way of going about it. how you’ll push his buttons and refuse to heed his warnings because you think you know what’s coming… and he turns it around on you. you acted out because you want his old man cock? too bad, it’s being used up on smthn else. painting those pretty thighs.
instead of having a cool-headed guide, who therapizes you into complacency, you get a man thirsty to put you in your place in the cruelest way possible. in his old age he’s gotten antsy for correcting problematic behavior as “someone with wisdom to bestow.”
he oughta wash your mouth out with soap. tie you up and fix a vibrator to your clit and leave for hours. bend you over his knee and get that disciplinary spanking right across.
thigh fucking, is reserved for a special kind of brat. the kind that gets fussy because you haven’t been fucked in so long. and it’s the frosting on the cake that he’s getting off to how he’s using you to get there.
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pararararablof · 1 year
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Anakin: I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
(And still get his legs falling asleep during meditation)
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z0naar · 10 months
Anakin is exactly the type of sub who only wears short black dresses with tights and little panties and maybe even a collar and who’s very bratty but then he gets really really shy as soon as Obi-Wan rips the tights off or when he attaches a leash to the collar and starts praising him
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~Two Hours in Coruscant traffic~
Anakin: *crying* I wanna go home!
Obi-Wan: Ani, you're acting like a child.
Anakin: I can't help it! I'm cranky and I'm bored and I'm hot and nothing you can do will make me stop whining! *distant ice cream trunk music* except buy me ice cream.
Obi-Wan: No.
Anakin: PLEASE!
Obi-Wan: NO!
~5 Minutes Later~
Anakin, slurping ice cream: Okey, I spy with my little eye, something that starts with "T".
Obi-Wan, also slurping ice cream: Traffic?
Anakin: Yes. I spy with my little eye, something else that starts with... "T".
Obi-Wan: Is it traffic?
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ellelans · 2 years
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Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker ( Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones)
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
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Anakin: *boasts about being able to do something*
Anakin, immediately afterwards: *can't even identify what he's looking at and relies fully on Tru's memory to fix things*
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lilith-91 · 2 years
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Padawan Anakin is becoming one of my favorite phases in his life lol
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former-ly-darth · 10 months
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I Just KNOW this lady was kinky and a switch
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kittonafoxgirl · 1 year
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[Podfic] Some Technical Difficulties 
Chapter 1 (AO3 Link)
Fandom: Star Wars (modern AU) Pairing: Obi-Wan / Anakin
Writer: @grapenehifics​
Text: Some Technical Difficulties
Reader: Kittona
Cover: @nonbinariwankenobi​
Rating: T
Chapter 1 Length:  00:33:41
Summary: Anakin really does have an incredibly attractive British boyfriend. The problem is, no one believes him.
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sukugo · 2 years
my tags on this post (which u should def check out along with op’s other amazing edits!!) have me thinking about dinluke leaving grogu to be taken care of by the force ghosts everytime they have to go on an errand or a small mission or do anything where he can't come along
it's luke's idea, and while din isn't really happy with it, he doesn’t really have any choice but leave grogu to be babysat by a bunch of dead jedi (din still doesn't get how that works) (but lately he feels like he doesn’t get most things in his life so he's decided it’s better to just not question things and accept them lmao)
so yeah, that's how it goes, luke and din leaving grogu with a bunch of literal ghosts.
and obviously, the force ghosts LOVE grogu, he's a surviving youngling! some of them had even known him since before the fall. not to mention he's adorable. and they all coo at him and hold him and rock him and cuddle him bc how can you NOT
everyone, except anakin.
now, anakin LOVES grogu (that’s his grandson!!!!!) and look at him!! he’s so tiny and cute and just like a mini yoda!! and he goes to coo and grab and touch at grogu all he can
but, it happens that grogu HATES anakin, absolutely DESPISES him, hisses and growls at him any time he comes near him. bc FUCK you, you made my life hell, how dare you 
(anakin: but i said i was sorry!!!!! please!!!
grogu, through force connection: sorry doesn’t fucking cut it, fuck you
and then he turns back to talking to the others, as it nothing all: hi guys :D)
grogu will be so comfortable in obi-wan’s arms. cuddled up and shutting his eyes, losing himself to sleep. so anakin uses that moment to get closer silently, tries to touch grogu’s soft little round cheeks—grogu immediately wakes and snarls, looks at him with so much loathing, it has anakin frozen in place
to then just turn back to sleep completely relaxed in obi-wan’s arms. 
obi-wan, mace, and yoda, watching anakin cry at the corner while they take turns to feed grogu his baby food: lol deserved
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Qui-Gon: Listen, both of you are my padawans. You’re both very precious to me, I love you both so much.
Obi-Wan: *guiltily tapping at the wall with his foot*
Anakin: *burying his face in his knees sadly*
Qui-Gon: But that wasn’t okay. Playful fighting is one thing but you two can’t pull hair, bite, crotch shot each other, or try and cause lasting damage- Obi-Wan quit that this is a time out don’t kick the wall, Ani, just because you’re in trouble doesn’t mean you can’t look at me, I’m not going to physically hurt you as punishment.
Obi-Wan: *grumbling because he’s 28 and in time out*
Anakin: *sad sighing because if Obi is any indication he’ll never be too old for time out, obviously, shameful*
Qui-Gon: *just trying to get them to think about the consequences of trying to kill each other in front of the counsel that was so embarrassing he’d just been bragging about how great they’d both been doing Mace damn near put HIM in time out after that* Master loves you both.
Obi-Wan: …love you too, Master.
Anakin: Love you, Jeiah.
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hanasnx · 1 year
Can we pretty please hear more about ani being beat up before sex 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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you call me papi indy i’ll do anything you want me to. i love talking about anakin getting beat up before sex— this is all i could think up off the dome, but! ppl should ask me/talk to me about anakin’s deranged impact play kink more often like this. get really violent with it
based on this post and this post
warnings: severe impact play (both receiving), and some smutty material, brat!reader mentioned
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☥ the thing is, i have no idea how a normal person would react when asked, “hey, i get my rocks off when i’m fought in the right circumstances. help me out?” so we’ll just have to pretend that you, our dear reader, are not normal
☥ you’ve accepted your lover is into some strange things, things you wouldn’t expect he’d get a boner about. one of them being, injury during sparring
he wants to hurt. and he also likes the consensual impact play and risk of hurting each other during sparring. he wouldn’t use the force in any way, solely him and his flesh (his metal arm is not used as an advantage either, not that he’s going easy on you, he’s just not trying to kill you). the rush of seeing you fight against him, even if he may think it’s futile. in turn, he cannot get enough of the adrenaline that he sustains when you land a strike.
being close to you, your back to his chest, and you gain enough room to elbow him in his nose. blood speeds to his cock. snatching a fist full of your hair to draw you back to him like a leash.
when you tire him out, he pins you with his body weight. your wrists in his hands, heaving over you, drooling on you. you wiggle underneath him, try anything to shift things in your favor, and he can’t help but rip your clothes off and have you right now on this mat.
☥ things like slapping him for commenting out-of-pocket-offensive shit unprompted, have given you insight as to how he accepts it. a fire ignites in his eyes. it grows until he cannot tell the difference between anger and lust.
when you act like a brat and need someone like him to put you in your place, it makes it all the more satisfactory when you fight him on it. banging your fists against his chest, and then his lower back when he throws you over his shoulder
when you try to kick him, he catches your ankle, and now you’re balancing on one leg essentially at his mercy. but he would’ve let it land if he felt like it. prove to you the kind of pain he can take, show you how much stronger he is.
☥ once you’ve gotten comfortable with everything (hardened by the war, you’ve learned how to take a punch. your pain tolerance is nothing short of advanced) anakin manages to land a hit onto your cheek, and he sucks on the bruise while he blows your back out
☥ there are times where he’s not in the mood to cause you pain, and so “sparring” becomes a “blocking exercise.” all the moves at his disposal, are dodging/blocking your attacks. of course, it’s impossible to block all of them, you’re a formidable opponent. which means he’s thinking of how he can turn this around in order fuck you on all-fours, while you’re kneeing his gut and flipping him onto the mat
☥ this specific kink of his, is his way of “safely” creating an outlet for that energy that’s generated in places like battle. instead of using that energy to maim and kill mercilessly, he directs it onto an activity thats mutually fun for the both you.
☥ being beaten, but knowing he’s large enough to stop it any time he wants to adds to the appeal.
☥ it becomes yours and his way of blowing off steam. taking out everything on each other. that’s essentially what he wants. whatever is burning up inside, to be unleashed on someone that’ll love you for it.
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