#boston children's hospital
khensaptah · 2 years
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Hail to You, Sekhmet the Great, Who shoots Her arrows against the Enemies of Ra! Rise up! Defend us! Oh You Who love Ma'at, Who Burns Apep with the Fiery Breath of Your Mouth, Rise up! Defend us!
She of the mighty phallus, Unique one, Who defies gender, We come to You, Your transgender and queer children. There is no defense like Yours in the Heavens or on the Earth.
Hold in Your arms the victims of the Club Q shooting, Hold in Your arms our beloved transgender and queer dead, Hold in Your arms those who are in fear, Hold in Your arms those who mourn.
Lady of the Uraeus, She Who is satisfied when She Protects, Bring an end to the violence against Your children.
May our offerings satisfy you: Tributes of money, of time, of work To bring an end to this suffering, Now and forever.
If you have the means, donate funds to help the victims of the Club Q shooting here. If you have time, take action for gun control in the United States here. Also consider writing messages of support to Boston Children's Hospital, who have been facing harassment and bomb threats for their work with transgender youth here. Their social media is listed at the bottom of this page. You can also donate funds to the Transgender Emergency Fund of Massachusetts here.
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robynochs · 2 years
I am proud to live in Boston, where hundreds showed up in support of transgender lives.
Thank you, @BostonChildrens, for your care for these and all young people.
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"Attacking a children's hospital to..."
*checks notes*
"...save the children..."
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Believe them when they tell you what they’re up to.
This are from a series of - now deleted - YouTube videos produced by Boston Children’s Hospital where they say outright that a child can be suspected to be trans if they “[refuse] to get a haircut, or standing to urinate, trying to stand to urinate, refusing to stand to urinate, trying on sibling’s clothing, playing with the ‘opposite gender’ toys, things like that.” 
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Note that sex stereotype non-conformance is most prevalent among gay kids. #ConversionTherapy
To solve this “problem” of a child who plays with “opposite gender” toys and doesn’t like getting a haircut, the Boston Children’s Hospital offers services such as a “gender affirming hysterectomy.”
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They wouldn’t offer it if they either weren’t doing it, or weren’t at least willing to.
And they are.
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Or, until a couple of days ago, were.
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"nO oNe Is gIvInG cHiLdReN sUrGeRy!!”
They keep telling us what they’re doing, and fanatics keep trying to gaslight us.
When the Boston Children’s Hospital’s own videos were reposted to Twitter, people naturally reacted strongly. The hospital then deleted them all and summoned media outlets like NBC News to lie to everyone that legitimate criticism of BCH’s own promotion of dated stereotypes and mutilation of children to enforce them was an unwarranted “transphobic” attack by the “far right.”
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Good, because I have questions.
Starting with why playing with the “wrong” toys is a medical issue worthy of surgeries, drugs and life-long medicalization. Or needs to be “fixed” at all.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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daisylovesrumble · 2 years
This makes my blood boil.
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kp777 · 2 years
By Brandy Zadrozny and Phil McCausland
NBC News
Aug. 16, 2022
Boston Children’s Hospital has warned employees about mounting threats and is coordinating with law enforcement after far-right activists on social media began targeting the hospital with false claims about its treatment of young transgender people.
It’s the most recent in a series of attempts to target hospitals for their work with trans youth, adding to an ongoing wave of anti-LGBTQ sentiment that has hit libraries, schools and even a trans-inclusive Los Angeles spa.
Read more.
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communityinclusion · 1 year
Long Time LEND Director David Helm Retires
Congratulations to David Helm! David has served as the Director of Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at Boston Children’s Hospital and the University of Massachusetts for nearly 15 years. Before that, he was the LEND Training Director for 20 years. This summer, David retired from his position as LEND Director.
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David has been an outstanding teacher, researcher, writer, and administrator. Dr. Helm received his PhD in Sociology from Boston University. He has had numerous academic appointments, including Harvard University, Bentley University, Boston College, Boston University, Lesley University, University of Massachusetts. He has taught at Harvard Medical School, Brandeis University, and Emerson College. David was also a Fellow of American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and served on editorial boards of professional publications. Dr. Helm’s impressive CV includes 95 major presentations, 43 articles and chapters, and six monographs.
Dr. Helm has had many exceptional academic achievements, and he is also an admirable mentor, colleague, and friend. David’s long-time colleague Dr. Ludwik Szymanski shared,
“Dr. Helm has been an excellent teacher for his trainees of varied disciplines. He imbued them with compassion, ability to learn from one another, and to work together. He is a truly interdisciplinary person, who has the talent to teach others how to be members of a team, not limited by the boundaries of one’s own discipline…He is also a warm person and great friend, caring for his patients and students and a model for them.”
David has dedicated a lifetime to the field of developmental disabilities and to teaching about human development and developmental disabilities. His work has had an important impact on the lives of people with disabilities and their families as well as on the life of his students and colleagues.
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thecapitolradar · 2 years
An excerpt from this article:
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Chaya Raichik is psychotically unhinged about the gender identities of minor children.
One wonders if Chaya Raichik has gender identity issues of his own. He should pick on people his own size.
We're waiting, "Chaya".
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thatheathen · 2 years
Pogroms are not singular events. Mass violence requires years of priming an audience to believe that a vulnerable minority is in fact an enormous danger to the majority. Early stage pogroms tend to target property. As time passes, those attacks become normalized, and then escalate into genocidal killings.
Chaya Raichik is acting like a literal fucking terrorist inciting violent threats to doctors based on political conspiracy theories propagated by rightwing media and she’s just allowed to run amok in society? Really?
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johnnyrobish · 2 years
Boston Children's Hospital Staff Under Death Threats Over Child Transgender Rumors
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NBC News is reporting that Boston Children's Hospital has been forced to issue a warning to its employees to be on guard for their personal safety due to a large volume of death threats targeting clinicians and other hospital staff, after conservative groups like “LibsofTikTok” began spreading lies on social media that the hospital has been performing hysterectomies on children under the age of 17, if the kids simply state they're transgender.  In response, Boston Children's Hospital says they “do not perform any such procedures on children.”  
Smart move MAGAs, because nothing says “I’m a true patriot,” quite like threatening people who dedicate their lives working to save children - all because of “rumors” you’ve seen posted about them somewhere on the internet.  How can this happen you ask?  Well, it appears it all began when right-wing grifters realized what a gold mine there is out there, just by feeding insane conspiracy theories and lies to folks who apparently were born without a “bullshit detector.”  Or, as they are more commonly known by - Donald Trump supporters.
That said, I’ve always thought it must be rather depressing, spending all your time being so angry about what everyone else is doing with their bodies, or in the privacy of their own homes.  Why not just mind your own business and live and let live, you ask? Well, to do that would be missing the point, which is to try to make sure everyone else's life, is just as miserable as yours.  And now, thanks to our Christian fundamentalist Supreme Court, these freaks are now free to do just that - bring their own sick, demented fantasies - right into our homes and bedrooms.  And, you can bet it’ll be the gift that keeps on giving, folks!
Of course, these nice “Christian” folks don’t wanna just limit their vitriol to things like Children's Hospitals or healthcare professionals.  No, not when there are so many other people and things to focus their pent-up rage, anger, and sexual frustration on.  You know, like teachers, parents of school massacre victims, advocates of sensible gun laws, the LGBTQ+ community, pro-choice folks, feminists, scientists, authors, textbooks, entertainers, local election workers, US Capitol Police, judges, the DOJ, and now - the FBI.  Why, it’s a damn shame when you feel so much hate, yet there’s so many laws against doing something about it.
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thingstrumperssay · 2 years
Transphobic right-wing lunatics threatened to kill everybody inside of a children’s hospital because they help trans children as equally as any other child after people like LibsOfTikTok and Matt Walsh lied about them doing gender reassignment surgery on children.
“The party of pro-life” wants to kill children because some of them may be trans.
Don’t try to tell me that genocide isn’t the end goal when this shit is going on.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
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auroraluciferi · 2 years
The account, run by Brooklyn real estate agent Chaya Raichik, tweeted on August 11 that “Boston Children's Hospital is now offering ‘gender-affirming hysterectomies’ for young girls.” 
The claim has been widely debunked by fact-checking groups—but as is typical in anti-trans rhetoric, facts rarely matter, and the claims were shared widely on right-wing social media accounts.
“Long past time to start executing these ‘doctors,’” a member of a pro-Trump message board formerly known as TheDonald, wrote under a copy of a video featuring a doctor from the hospital. 
This message board is the same one whose members last week doxed and made violent threats against the judge who signed the search warrant that allowed the FBI to search the home of former President Donald Trump.
There were similar reactions to the claims in far-right and conspiracy-minded Telegram groups. “Demons like this do not deserve to breathe! Crimes against humanity=DEATH,” one Telegram user wrote under a link to one of the articles repeating the false claims. “These people are physcopaths [sic] and should be locked up,” another wrote. On both platforms, the doctors and hospital staff were referred to as “pedophiles” and “groomers,” attacks that have become a mainstay of Republican orthodoxy in recent months. 
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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Boston’s Massacre of ‘Child Gender Care’ Sparks National Outcry
by Suzanne Bowdey | Last week, The Post Millennial helped blow the doors off Boston Children's Hospitals' radical agenda, which presents the permanent sterilization of children as routine as a tonsillectomy. Once attention was drawn to the Center’s videos, which The Post Millennial reporter Christina Buttons calls “a rosy picture of the genital, chest, and face surgeries they offer,” the playlist mysteriously disappeared. ⁠ ⁠ Libby Emmons, editor-in-chief of @ThePostMillennial, explained that Buttons’s investigation pulled the curtain back on a lot of sinister practices at Boston Children’s...
Link: https://www.washingtonstand.com/commentary/bostons-massacre-of-child-gender-care-sparks-national-outcry-
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