#boss bludo
imaginethezeldaverse · 11 months
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"Ah, sorry I'm late, Bludo, it took a while to find the right herbs" your apology sincere as you carefully handed the large jar to him. Being a medicinal herb specialist, you were always happy to help the ailing chief with his problems. Admittedly, the Gorons were happy to have you, his original pain medicine beginning to lose its effectiveness after having taken it so many times to soothe his aches and pains. In you would swoop, like an angel with leaves (as Bludo loved to joke) to mix a concoction of Korok fronds, Goron hot spring water and broken-down hearty truffles. The result: a salve capable of relaxing the muscles in the boss's back - only this time with more potency and without the risk of tolerance buildup. The Goron patriarch beamed with joy, knowing he could count on you to fix him up something nice for his awful back was worth the wait, he figured. He was incredibly grateful for your talents, and even moreso that his assistant-turned-entrepreneur legend was the one to introduce you. You'd met Yunobo in your travels, crossing paths in Hyrule post-Ganondorf as you tended to the wounded and the sick. Though you didn't possess the same healing qualities as the Zora did, you were blessed to have the capability of mentally archiving a vast amount of knowledge of plant-life and all of their properties. He was sweetly reserved, that you remembered - but there was fire in him (as you would find out quite literally!) and he often aided you in transporting people since his Goron strength allowed for it with ridiculous ease. From there, his journey back home was at its beginning, and he begged you to come with him - his chief in desperate need of something to relieve his old back of its soreness. The rest was history. "Ha! Ya always know exactly when to show up, kiddo" Bludo guffaws, taking the jar from you and planting his hand over you to rub the top of your head. You laughed softly at the old man's affections. People often warned you he was rough around the edges, but you swore Bludo had been nothing but kind to you. Whether that was because you supplied him with the holy grail of pain relief remains to be seen. "Anytime, Bludo, I'm always happy to help you," you affirmed, matching his grin with your own. "Y'see, and you're nice t'boot," he continues, finally reeling his hand back from your now tousled hair, "Now I know why the boy likes you so dang much, you're a one inna million." You feel your heart initially flutter at this information, but that pales in comparison to the sheer thump you feel in your chest when you look behind Bludo. The "boy" in question - was standing not far off from you both; his initial intention was to welcome you back from herb hunt. As soon as the words left the Boss's mouth, Yunobo froze. You can tell by the way he looks ready to run that this was something you weren't supposed to hear; at least not this way and definitely not from anyone else. His cheeks color several shades of crimson, and although you want to look anywhere else to give him some reprieve, you can't help but have your eyes glued to his humiliated expression. Bludo looks between the two of you, unsure of exactly what's happening. "Yunobo..." you begin, earning a yelp when the Goron hears his name. A few steps forward, only a hair past his mentor do you stand when you ask "...Is that true?" His world is melting all around him as he processes your question. Is it true that he looks forward to your visits every time you come to Goron City? Is true that your laughter dances like a song inside of chest? Is it true that he thinks you're the most beautiful, intelligent, wonderous person he's ever had the pleasure of meeting? Of course it was. It was all true. But he wasn't ready to tell you that yet. Given who he is and the power he wields, he wanted more time. More time for you to get to know him, to feel truly comfortable around him. More time to veer past President Yunobo of YunoboCo, or Sage of Fire Yunobo - but rather simply Yunobo, just a Goron from the city. He swore he planned to tell you. You've been on his mind so much already, he just...he just...! Within a mere second's time, Yunobo curled up into a ball and zoomed out toward Death Mountain - actual fire trailing behind him as he rolled away. Your hand came to your face in surprise, you'd never seen him be so agile before! Once the initial shock of his departure wore off, something sad crept into your heart. For all the long months that you had visited and stayed in Goron City, all the lovely conversations at Hyrule Castle, the shared meals, the many many times you reassured one another through your own individual weariness'... You were honestly hoping it was true.
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 4 months
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“A new town,” Yunobo said thoughtfully. “I think that sounds lovely.”
“He’s passionate about it,” Link said. “And I get why. Akkala is almost nothing but ruins. If he can build something new…”
“It would really make a difference,” Yunobo finished. He smiled, his wide grin so much like Daruk’s. “I hope I get to visit it! I’d love to see it when it’s done. And, hey- if he needs any help, just give any of us a holler. We’ve got plenty of supplies to help clear the way. I’m sure we can spare some. I, uh…Can’t think of anyone else whose name ends in ‘son,’ but I…I don’t mind helping to deliver stuff if he’s okay with delivery boys not having the right name.”
“Maybe you’ll have to call yourself Yunoboson,” Link said with a grin. Yunobo chuckled and slapped him on the back, thankfully not nearly as hard as Daruk used to.
“Maybe I will!” he said. “Aw man, a new town…I can’t quite believe it. I hope everyone gets to hear about it!”
“Me too,” Link said.
Before either of them could say anything else, Link heard a distant roar. High up in the air, something was moving. A long, thin shape. Coated in flames, glowing fiery orange; it nearly blended in despite the night sky. The glow of the lava everywhere and embers in the air made it harder to spot. Making her harder to spot.
Almost no one else looked up, except for Boss Bludo outside his house, a handful of children, and Ramella the Gerudo.
Yunobo gasped. “No way,” he said in hushed, reverent tones. “Is that…? Y-you see her too, right, Link? Oh man, is that really…?”
“Dinraal,” Link whispered. “The fire dragon.”
Link and his friends meet up with Hudson at the newly dubbed Tarrey Town. Dinraal, guardian of the Spring of Power, decides to make her presence known.
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totkdaily · 4 months
Day 26: Goron City
I launch from the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower in the early dawn.
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The launch gets me as high as a nearby island, so I hop across and ride the minecarts there up to another. There, I find a… Sage's will? I've never heard of such a thing. Sounds useful though.
I think there's a shrine up here somewhere. 
It's a whole thing up here. That island leads to another via minecraft, which is high enough to hop to the shrine island, which also contains a machine which can bounce me up to the next island. 
See, the thing about being that high up is… how far can you get? I gaze at the horizon. I feel bad for leaving Pumpkin, but he's safe enough. I leap, paraglider in hand.
I land in the hot springs just outside Goron City. Not bad. 
I get Kish's photo of the hot springs, then glide down to the shrine. There's a scar of Gloom just outside town, I think. It's dusk over Goron City - red sky at night. 
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I glide down from there to the clothes shop - and stop short. A Goron outside with glowing eyes who won't stop eating, called Pyle, even when he's explaining to me that since Death Mountain stopped erupting a couple of years ago, no-one wants fireproof gear any more. Inside, another Goron with glowing eyes who also won't stop eating - Rogaro. What's wrong with them? Ashe mentioned Gorons with strange rocks - is this what they meant?
As I emerge from the shop, I realise - they're everywhere. 
Almost everywhere. Volcano says his teeth can't handle the marbled rock roast. Tray says none of the elders can eat it. But the younger Gorons...
There's a big pile of marbled rock roast in the centre of town. This is what they're all obsessed with.
I spot Boss Bludo! A familiar face. He's bemoaning Krane having given up to the marbled rock roast. Offrack and Slergo, the kids, are fine too. They say President Yunobo is the one mining the roast - uh oh. Yunobo, what have you got yourself into?
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Yunobo's dressed strangely, and is being mean. "What could you want?" What a way to greet an old friend! And talking back to Bludo… how has he got like this? 
Slergo reckons Yunobo has been talking to Zelda. I've got a bad feeling about this. Is this the real Zelda, or the imposter Penn hypothesised? 
Rohan the Smith says the Princess asked him to make a mask out of strange material. Is that the mask Yunobo is wearing? That's got to be bad news.
There's a Hylian here! I guess the lower temperature does make the City more accessible. She's called Douma, and she's a journalist. She's looking for a place called Gorondia, some mythic ancient place where Gorons used to live. She's going to write a book. That's nice. I'm going to get to the bottom of this rock roast business.
As I investigate, a Blood Moon rises.
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fatefulfaerie · 1 year
BTF TotK prompt #2
Prompt List
This oneshot is based on trailers officially released by Nintendo. I have looked at no leaked copies, nor have I looked at the leaked art book.
Without the Sheikah Slate, Zelda had continued the compendium in one of three journals she frequented. One of them, which Link was far too afraid to touch, was similar to her diary of a hundred years prior, composed of entries of a more personal nature. The other was scribbles of observations, things she put together for the far neater compendium. For each page, she drew a square for Link to sketch his drawing of whatever her new finding was, in that square and only in that square.
It seemed controlling, but Link understood. This was to be a database for generations to come. There was no room for error when it came to scientific fact.
By the end of their first year in Hateno, Zelda had three new entries, the Eastern Oxen, the Short-Haired Cat, and the Hylian Loach (all of which were beyond exciting since she figured that Link not seeing them in his adventures meant they had gone extinct during the Calamity).
Zelda was meticulously drawing another box for Link on the night they decided to go to the caves.
The new entry was a Ladybug, and Zelda was uncharacteristically silent when she handed him the journal, the pencil, and the caught red bug with black polka dots. Link had only drawn one arc of the first wing before he said something.
“I’m sorry,” he said without moving his head, his eyes fixated on the charcoal created by the pencil. Zelda had one foot on the stairs when she froze, only slowly bowing her head.
“I shouldn’t have…” Link stopped himself, hesitating. She knew what he had said earlier, there was no sense in repeating it.
Earlier that day, they had gotten into an argument. Zelda spoke again about her dreams, the malice, the dark skies, the mysterious figure with blonde hair and painted tears on her face, the sight of Link falling into an unknown abyss. Link loudly told her to stop. He was fed up. He didn’t want to hear anymore. He didn’t want to think that this peace they had found in Hateno was temporary, and he took it out on her. The words “I’m scared” came out as:
“They’re just dreams, Zelda!”
Those words were loud enough to echo between them throughout the rest of the day. Now, the night old and restless crickets chirping outside, Link put down the pencil and looked over at her.
“I shouldn’t have,” he repeated, far more sure. “I’m sorry.”
The apology finally erased his prior words, and Zelda reveled in it, taking a deep breath.
“You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”
Link stood up quickly.
“No, I…” he began. “Zelda, that’s…”
He hugged his arms close and sighed.
“I’m scared,” he said. “Because I wish you were.”
Zelda looked over, it looked as if she was going to be mad, until her expression softened. She looked away.
“I wish I was too.”
They stayed up by the warm of the candlelight talking about their next steps, they drafted letters to King Dorephan and Chieftain Riju, to Boss Bludo and Chief Kaneli, to Lady Impa and the infamous Rumor Mill “journalist” Traysi to get the word around that danger was yet again on the horizon. They counted out their rupees for what supplies they might need, how they might catch one of these Eastern Oxen, and they debated which Hateno residents might take care of their horses while they were away.
They decided they would leave at dawn the day after tomorrow.
Link had his own journal, similar to Zelda’s, filled with personal musings. He started it after the Calamity was defeated and, by now, the leather-bound book was almost full. The last entry in it was written with the help of the moonlight, Zelda sleeping beside where Link sat on the bed.
Tomorrow we make our final preparations to venture into the unknown of Zelda’s dreams. I’ve tried to deny its inevitability, but it was foolish. In fact, I should feel ashamed of my comfort here in Hateno. As the hero, I should be glad I got the year that I did, and that my neglect of the rising dangers in Hyrule didn’t cost any lives thus far.
And Zelda…goddesses I hope that my heart can grow a coat of steel on this journey, for Hyrule’s sake. Our love saved Hyrule once, but if I lose my head, could our love doom it?
Even now I feel my selfishness eroding at my heroism, I wonder if she would have said “yes” to my proposal, and I get giddy in the mist of fantasy.
Link stopped to massage his hand, letting his thumb rub and press and swirl as he looked across the room at Zelda’s desk.
Her journal sat there, and it had the answer to the question he was asking himself. He let his eyebrows knit as he considered doing something that would make him dreadfully unworthy of her.
He decided markedly against it.
Hyrule is doomed.
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Goron City NPCs
Yunobo - president of YunboboCo, descendant of Daruk, sage of fire, big himbo energy, ends his sentences with "goro"
Bludo - elderly, triple beard, patch over his right eye, bad back, was the boss of the Gorons before Yunobo
Tray - lighter orange, elderly, brother of Volcon, born in a moonlit cave, doesn't like to do anything hastily, used to run the inn
Volcon - darker orange, elderly, brother of Tray, preparing to return to the cave, prankster with his brother
Pyle - runs the inn, used to run the clothing shop, gets easily confused
Rogaro - dull orange, runs the clothing shop
Tanko - runs the general store, regrets that he has to import everything
Aji - dull orange, runs the ore shop
Krane - guard, on the lookout for marbled rock roast
Fugo - new master blacksmith
Master Rohan - retired blacksmith
Grapp - elderly, gray, hot springs expert
Bohrin - elderly, dark brown, YunoboCo, loves hot springs
Jengo - YunoboCo, helped build Mine-Cart Land
Carban - YunoboCo, works through the nights to make up for time lost during the marbled rock roast fiasco
Gonguron - YunoboCo, runs the diamond shop
Drak - mustard yellow, YunoboCo, cheerful and loves to roll around
Kresh - bright orange, west site, YunoboCo, adventurer
Mota - brown, west site, YunoboCo, wants to be relocated
Cubo - pale yellow, west site, elderly
Pleer - west site, YunoboCo, works with the Zonai team
Kalamp - west site, dark brown, in charge of the carts
Kabetto - runs the mine cart challenge at the top of Death Mountain
Gomo - the gourmand, fancy hair and cravat, glasses
Cooke - chef at the Bedrock Bistro
Dorill - dark brown, Mine-Cart Land, safety manager
Bayge - Mine-Cart Land, doesn't know what smiling actually is, runs the beginner course
Heehl - Mine-Cart-Land, runs he intermediate course
Dugby - child, wants to discover Gorondia
Axyl - child, dark brown, loves Mine-Cart Land
Banksha (M) - Hylian, YunoboCo, brown mustache and angry brows
Dayto (M) - Hylian, YunoboCo, tries to recruit other Hylians, works in YunoboCo HQ
Fico (M) - Hylian, YunoboCo, red hair, works in West Restaurant Cave
Elemerson (M) - Hylian, Hudson construction, visiting the Bistro, friends with Sawson and Billson
Sawson (M) - Hylian, Hudson construction, enjoying the secret hot springs
Douma (F) - Hylian, reddish brown hair, reporter
Billson (M) - Rito, Hudson construction, not in Eldin
Ramella - Gerudo merchant, buys ore at hefty prices, supplies the jewelry store in Gerudo Town
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 5 months
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What happened to Yunobo! He had been such a nice person, but it looked like the power of becoming the President of a company has gone to his head. He didn't look infected with the gloom though. He called Link tiny and didn't see him there and then told Bludo, the boss that he had respected before, to know his place. What?! He then asked one of the kids who ran Goron City now and they answered that YunoboCo did and that meant that Yunobo was in charge. The poor kids were scared of him! He then said that Bludo wasn't needed anymore. I can't believe him!
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fanning-the-flames · 3 years
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Linktober 2021: Day 4 Boss
I quickly got bored of panda themed linktober so sticking with normal linktober with Boss Bludo for Boss. Who doesn’t love the trope of grouchy grandpa who is adopted by cutie granddaughters? Post-game Cottla loves her new hide-and-seek place, and Koko think pink looks great on Grandpa Bludo!
Bludo is surprised because he thought he was agreeing to training (bragging to) these tiny Sheikah, and suddenly found himself in this situation (he should really have accepted those hearing aids Robbie offered)
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annyllel · 2 years
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Poor Bludo... It must seem like an excuse to some, but hey, it’s a good excuse to have Link do his usual hero stuff!
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
head canon that gorons grow by gaining layers, kind of like a tree or a jawbreaker. they can technically gain an unlimited number of layers, if they have the food and resources, but they begin to become brittle and have trouble supporting their weight. the last layer a goron can get is kind of spongey. after that, they begin to shrink, becoming smaller and smaller and more and more weathered, until they have been eroded away.
not many gorons actually get that far in their life cycle, as once they enter the eroding phase they become increasingly brittle. gorons face a lot of wear and tear in their life, and the common nicks and cracks are typically filled in by the next layer, though the area is a bit more brittle than before.
gorons actually function a bit more like arthropods than they do vertebrates, they have a molten core and use a sort of hydraulic system with it to move. this makes would that are deep enough to nick the core deadly, because the goron can't move until the flow is stopped. and while their molten blood can coagulate, it leaves stiff spots in their body that are painful to move. (boss bludos back injury) its because of these issues with serious injuries that there are almost never any gorons missing limbs. its also why the gorons are so sturdy, almost like horses, they can take a beating, but once there harmed in a certain way, they are as good as dead.
the tattoos you see on gorons are actually paint, and they become "tattoos" after its sealed in by a layer or two. most gorons really only need to re-apply the paint once or twice in their lifetime, when the layers have started to obscure the colors too much.
there is actually a way for gorons to slow the aging process quite a bit, but it only works if they stay off death mountain, which is dangerous to them for multiple reasons. the process is called glazing where they (you guessed it!) glaze the goron in question. gorons can choose to get glazed at any point in their life, but it makes it almost impossible for them to gain more layers, so its really only done for those with their final layer. gorons need to leave death mountain after getting glazed because if they stay too close to death mountain the glaze will actually melt off and leave the goron exposed to the elements.
there is also an old rumor of a magical lava pool that functions a spring of youth, repairing cracks and adding layers, leaving the goron with a beautiful obsidian glaze.
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Anon, I cannot stress this enough, holy shit
THIS Is the kind of worldbuilding I love seeing in this community. ❤
Also...maybe this post is what you're here for?
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 60: Goron City
The Gorons sure know their rocks. They do a lot of mining, but not for gems, they couldn’t care less about those. They mine to get specific rocks that they find delicious. I’m not sure whether this is cannibalism or not, but the Zora eat fish, and they’re aquatic creatures, so I guess this is fine.
There’s a mine right before the city which is where I first found some Gorons. They’re big round people made of stone. I actually found two workers in the mine who’s names end in ‘son’ and I convinced them to help with Terry Town.
As we traversed through the mine lava rocks suddenly came crashing down after an ear-splitting roar rang and the ground quacked. The Gorons were able to quickly calm Friend. Though there are not many animals here, their very… relaxed demeanor is calming.
The city and just about everything, even the people are made of stone. Lava flows like rivers through the city. There are even metal bridges that cross over them. Many ambers and ash flitter about. Though this place is not as elegant as Zora’s Domain, it still has it’s own rustic charm. Frankly it’s the exact opposite of Zora’s Domain, even down to the demeanor of the people.
From the city you can see the peak of Death Mountain which is still so far off in the distance, and the Divine Beast, which looks like a giant lizard, scuttle around the volcano. Though It’s much smaller than Vah Ruta, seeing it constantly move is more disturbing. I can’t imagine what it would have been like for Sidon and I if Vah Ruta constantly marched around the Domain.
When I got to the city I found an armor shop which sold clothing made of stone so I didn’t have to keep constantly drinking the elixirs, so now there’s more for Friend. With the constant eruptions Friend is a little shaken. The inn keeper was kind enough to offer to look after Friend so she doesn’t have to be outside when the eruptions occur.
Though I hadn’t been there long, I already felt at home, like in Hateno, or with Sidon.
After I immediately went searching for the leader of this place, which turned out to be an elder named Bludo. He told me this Divine beast is called Rudania. Because of it, the eruptions have become extremely dangerous, even for the Gorons. When he said that it used to protect the Gorons, it was clear he didn’t believe that. He says that if this keeps going the lava will soon overflow to the rest of Hyrule, completely destroying everything. Apparently, they have been able to use cannons to temporarily stop Rudania from moving but it never lasts long.
As he spoke to me it seemed he got hurt. Apparently, he suffers to back pain. It was only then he asked who I was. When I said I’m the Hylian champion he laughed, almost falling over then asked who I really was… Nobody knows me. It seems that their life span is similar to that of a Hylian. You’d think that being made of rock they’d live for a long time, but no, the Zora’s still live for much longer. It’s… very strange. To them I’m just a traveler and nothing more. In a way it’s almost relieving. There’s not this ghost of a past life I can’t recall stalking me. I’m just me.
When I said I was a traveler he assumed I came to pay my respects to him and already liked me.
He was just about to drive the Divine Beast away with the cannons when his back pain flared up, making traveling anywhere difficult. A Goron named Yunobo who also helps drive off the beast was sent to get Bludo’s medicine but has not returned yet. The medicine is at a place called the abandoned North Mine.
The ‘mine’ is a large body of lava with several stone island/hills like things. On the furthest one is a building. On the islands were many red Lizalfols. They unfortunately have the ability to swim in lava. The best strategy I could use was to use the lava’s updrafts to shoot them from above. I am so grateful to have the Zora’s crystal weapons. Metal ones would have burned me and wooden one would have immediately been lit aflame. Well, the arrows go on fire, but if I shoot quick enough it’s as if there’s no difference.
I had to use the Sheikah Slate’s bombs in order to activate the cannons. Using that I was able to blow up some rock formations and find new updrafts to use. The cannons are set in place, but they can be moved to face a different direction. In order to do this you need to use this lever, but it’s impossible to move on my own. I had to freeze it in time, then hit it a few times for it to finally flip. Clearly these things were only intended for a Goron to use. They’re unbelievably strong.
When I reached the building, the entrance was collapsed in on itself. I could hear a voice, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I had to use another cannon to open it due to the Sheikah bombs not being powerful enough to open it.
Inside were many supplies, but at the very back I found a Goron with his hands covering his head, huddled in a sphere shape. It may have been my eyes tricking me, but there appeared to be an orange glow surrounding him till he stood and turned around. Around his neck he wore a blue cloth with silver threading. It looks so similar to my tunic, and to the other champion’s clothing. When he first saw me he assumed I was a monster. When I got him to slow down and breath he realized I’m a Hylian.
He asked how I did it and was shocked to hear I had used the Boss’ cannons. Turns out only he is powerful enough to use them.
He’s a real kind guy, just is spooked easily. This may be a weird thought, but he really reminds me of Friend. They even have the same big, dark, liquid eyes. He’s taller than me, but not as tall as Sidon. More like a little taller than Kass.
He thanked me for helping him escape. It turns out that during one of the eruptions that were caused by the Divine Beast a lava rock hit the entrance sealing him in. He then asked why a Hylian was out here. When I told him the elder nicknamed Boss sent me he started mumbling to himself, he does that often.
As he began to leave more Lizalfols appeared. The moment he saw them, he immediately curled up into a ball shape and that orange glow had returned. He was shocked to see me fight them off without hesitation. Other things like Chuchus and Keese appeared so I ended up escorting him back to the city.
When we returned to the city Boss was elated to see us. Yunobo swiftly gave him the pain killers. He also spoke of how I helped and protected him. The Boss was impressed saying that he didn’t know that there were warriors like me among the Hylians. He gave me lots of fireproof elixirs as thanks. Now if I need to stay longer Friend can stay for a while longer too.
It will take some time for the medicine to take effect so nothing can be done about Rudania till then. I asked why Yunobo was needed if only Boss could use the cannons. He’s used as ammunition. Because he’s a Goron he’s denser than regular rock, and unlike the other Gorons he won’t get hurt because of a power he inherited from Daruk. The Goron champion.
They were surprised by my reaction of confusion. That name. For a moment I heard something echo in my mind. “Brother”. That word. I felt a tugging in my breast.
They turned me to face an entire mountain side they had carved in his likeness. The warm wind raced past me. My footing was a little unsteady, but not enough for me to fall or lose my balance. The view was unlike anything I had ever seen. I heard a cheer. He said he was finally getting the hang of controlling the beast. Even said it was fun to do so. He told me to tell the other champions that they better work as hard as they could to keep up with him. His presence was loud, yet there was also a strange serenity to it. He was also impressed with the view, just as I was. He then said that though he didn’t know much about Calamity Gannon, he’d protect the land to his death. Then said “Right, little guy?” and hit my back. I took a few steps to regain my balance causing him to laugh. Surprisingly it was quiet. Seeing him like that filled me with an at ease feeling, taking away all the anxiety that was choking me in an instant. He then congratulated me on becoming the princess’ appointed knight. He said it was a big deal but placed his massive hand on my shoulder saying there was no pressure. Then he spoke more seriously, saying that she had a strong personality, can’t see the range for the peaks as he put it. He said that if I remembered that, I’d be fine. Then the ground began to quake. Some peaks that were over us, came crashing down. He stood before me, that orange glow enveloping him. When the rocks made impact, they were crushed into pebbles. He then turned around and spoke to me as if nothing had happened, the orange glow gone.
Despite being surrounded by lava, when his image faded, I felt a chill. Like something had suddenly gone missing that should have been there. I was desperate to say something, but all I could say was what still lingered in my mind then, and even now as I write.
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Masked Menace (Part 1) - Yunobo x Reader (NSFW)
Warning ahead: there are some Tears of the Kingdom spoilers with characterization and setting the scene for Goron City past this point, please take heed!
Alright, bout time I finally made this one (which I was very excited to do 🥴). I want to preface this with: Keep in mind of what that mask did to Yunobo, so he is not acting like himself at all! Also, just an fyi: reader is written female here.
“Phew, the hike to Death Mountain never gets easier…” you sighed, exasperated. Even with your travels going as far out into the Gerudo desert, you still struggled to acclimate with the trip to Eldin. Six months kept you away from the volcanic venture as you explored the other parts of Hyrule, researching plant life and exchanging goods along the way to bring home souvenirs for you and your beau. Upon your walk up to Goron City, you couldn’t help but take notice of strange magenta slabs stacked endlessly in your path. Gorons, who you’d made friends with due to all your time there, didn’t seem to recognize or even acknowledge you really. The constant crackling and crunching at their purpled rock roasts being their only focus. You had an overwhelming suspicion that something was horribly wrong. Trekking carefully into the central city, you took in the sight - a gigantic mass of the same marbled earth standing tall and terrifying in the middle of the normally bustling area.
Yet…bustling wasn’t the word you would’ve used right now.
No, around you elder Gorons and the children of the city seemed downtrod, quiet and keeping to themselves even as they saw you pass. Any of the adults, or worse yet, your mining friends, seemed completely dazed - entranced by whatever this new culinary cobblestone dish this was. Eventually you caught sight of the boss Goron, Bludo, scolding one of his workers.
“Boss,” you approached him slowly, taking in the sight of one of your friends spread out on the ground, eyes splotched a dark reddish-purple as he droned on about marbled rock roast, “…What’s going on? So many Gorons are stuffing their faces but they all look…sick.”
Your nickname for him caught his attention, only for the sigh that left the patriarch to lean on the heavy side. A large finger scratched at his head, “What a time for you to come back, I’ll say…I don’t even know where to start.”
Your head tilted, gaze shifting about the city in search of someone in particular. His absence gave you some slight unease. Trepidation filled your chest as you feared to ask,
“Bludo…where’s Yunobo?”
That got the boss fired up, “Oooooh that crag-craniumed wisecrack! This is all his fault!” You were taken aback by such an animated response from the patriarch. Normally he was a soft worrywart over the Goron champion, to hear him say something negative only added to the notion that something definitely wasn’t right. Bludo growled, his fist thumping into the ground, thick eyebrows turning downward in anger, “When I get my hands on that boy, I’m gonna- AUGHH!” a sickening crack sounded from behind him before he yowled in pain, his hands shooting to his back. After a few moments of groaning and trying to stabilize himself, the boss Goron pointed a shaky finger to one of the higher peaks, closer to the mines.
“Just…see for yourself” he creaked out.
Checking to make sure Bludo was going to be okay with his sore back was your priority before you headed off. When he assured you he’d be fine (especially with one of the younglings fetching him his pain medicine), you quickly zipped to the next mountainous area that the Gorons frequented. At the end of the cart’s destination stood YunoboCo HQ, the main cave systems that Yunobo and his team not only mined in, but addressed business matters. You remembered being incredibly proud of your boyfriend, building a whole new empire of mining services and blue collar trade for Goron City while using his reputation as a champion to generate revenue tenfold into the village’s economy after Death Mountain had completely cooled off. Business quite literally boomed at the birth of YunoboCo. So what could have possibly happened for even his mentor to speak so illy of him? Trying to wrap your head around any possibilities just deemed impossible for you, leaving you with little choice other than to confront the source himself. Thankfully, or rather, unthankfully, you were alerted by the sound of an ill-tempered voice hollering not too far off.
“Offrak! Slergo! I thought I asked you two to move this supply of marbled rock roast out to the shipping carts?”
The two little Gorons looked at one another in timid confusion before the lighter Goron, who you recognized as young Offrak, shakily spoke up, “B-But President Yunobo…you said those shipments weren’t going out until tomorrow…”
The champion leaned forward, narrowing his eyes, “Looks I changed my mind, now didn’t I?”
With a stomp of his foot he shouted, “Now get these roasts to the shipping carts or I’ll make slab stew out of the both of you!”
“YUNOBO! THAT IS ENOUGH!” came your angered yell. The Goron turned to face you, slight surprise adjusting his previous pout. Slergo and Offrak’s faces dropped in shock at your sudden appearance. They’d never seen you so angry before! Your gaze took in the appearance of your beloved: the gaudy outfit sticking out like a sore thumb on him. His sturdy fingers were covered in large gold rings, a leopard print pelt vest covering his back and shoulders, and worst of all - a golden mask covering the lot of his face. Six months and he’d completely changed his entire appearance? That didn’t make sense to you - all you remembered him adding to his wardrobe was his company chestplate. But for the moment that mattered little to you as your eyes quickly shifted over to the two frightened Goron children behind him. The disappointment and fear on their faces was blatant, they were scared of him.
“You leave those boys alone! I can’t believe you’d ever raise your voice to them like this!” your index finger shoved into his chestplate, “This is NOT the Yunobo I know - what’s the matter with you?!”
Yunobo’s mouth turned up in a sneer. His hand jutted out, as if to signal to the younglings behind him, “Boys…watch the door for me. Seems like the lady and I needta have a chat in my office.”
You shot him a confused look, “I don’t understand what’s happening, wh-” Suddenly your arm was snatched up in his vice-like grip, “We’ll talk in my office. Not here.”
Trying to yank your appendage from him did very little other than to cause yourself grief. You reluctantly followed him as he pulled you toward his designated cave. He was careless in how he handled you, not even allowing for you to properly get your full footing as you both walked. When you finally arrived at his office, his grip loosened just enough for you to take your arm back from his clutches. There was anger inside of you that you’ve never felt towards him before, you were stunned at how easily he pulled you around like a mere rag doll - he never tested his full strength on you like that. Rubbing your arm you seethed, “You have some serious explaining to do, Yunobo.”
“Me?” his arms crossed over his chest, “You’re gone for six months and the minute you get back, you’re over here makin’ a scene and yellin’ at me!”
Your hands slotted on your hips, “The way you’ve been acting SINCE I got here, I think you deserve it!”
“You know what I think?” grumbled Yunobo, who was steadily stomping his way over to you. Before you could retort, he had backed you up against his giant slab of a “desk”, his arms slamming at your sides, effectively caging you in, “I think your president deserves a proper greeting.” His close proximity shook your originally stern position, and your hands flew up to his chest to try and create space between you two. His roughened disposition unnerved you, and yet you were falling so weak to it.
“Y-Yunobo, please, you’re too close…” but he would only press closer still. A large hand swooped you at your lower back, forcing you to sit on the hard stone. The Goron shoved your knees apart, sliding his sturdy body between them. You had very little to keep your body shielded from the cold steel on his chest, having disposed of your heavier travel wear before climbing the path on Death Mountain’s trail. The mere tank top, bra, and shorts combination was all you had left on you. So when the solidity of his chest presses against your own, it takes a considerable amount of force to bite back the pleasure just that contact alone gave you. Six months alone really did take a toll on you as you were starting to find out. Trying to close your legs proved to be obviously ineffectual as well, Yunobo made sure of it. A knuckle took under your chin, pulling your gaze upwards to meet his.
“Look at you…don’t you even realize this is exactly where you belong?” His thick fingers tangled into the locks of your hair, and then suddenly gripped tight, directing your head backward. His face buried into the crook of your neck, a sharp inhale sounding before you. You whined, slight pain blooming at your scalp at first, but deafened by the sensation of his wet tongue dragging up the length of your neck. He held you in place as about as flush to him as he could get you. Hyper aware was your body now, your thighs being seized open by the mass of him, nipples pebbling against the slowly warming metal adorning his chest. Yunobo’s lips blazed a trail of love bites down your neck while his other hand busied itself with grasping the front of your tank top. Your first thought was that he was going to shove the straps off of you - but to your surprise, his fist bunch into the fabric, twisted, and shred the thin covering off of your body. A shout of annoyance and protest bubbled at your lips, but it would never surface. Yunobo slammed his mouth over your own, his tongue sliding past your lips with surprising ease. Your instincts fought with your morals, wanting to equally stop and scold him for mistreating you so far AND finding yourself melting under his touch. He unfurled his hand from your hair, dragging it slowly down your body before cupping around the roundness of your breast. Feeling your barely clad nipple rub against his palm had you pressing your thighs harder against his torso.
Another inhale into your neck. His voice held a touch of softness as he said, “You smell incredible…I hated having you so far from me. I waited every day for you.”
That heart of yours, so in love with the Goron above you, thumped with guilt. Your eyes fell away to a random corner of the room, your fingers curling into the fabric of his pelt, “Yuno…I…” your voice trailed away, emotions welling into your throat. Before you could will yourself to continue, you were unceremoniously flipped over, your stomach and chest now pressed against the desk. Peering over your shoulder, you watched as Yunobo stripped himself of his leopard pelt and began untying his chestplate - your cheeks lighting up with such a macho display.
“I’m tired of waiting.”
The thrumming in your loins was becoming too heavy for even you to ignore. You took a deep breath, your fingers fumbling with the buttons of your shorts. You’d beat him to it if it meant saving you a set of pants from being torn in two as well. This wasn’t the sweet and tender Yunobo you knew - this aggressiveness, this ‘total dominance’ attitude was unheard of for him…but you’d be lying if you said you hated it at the moment. Despite something being incredibly off, you couldn’t pause your feelings for him if you tried, both emotional and physical - and when you looked up, that face was still his after all. There were a billion questions you needed answered, and you swore you’d make him pay for the loss of your shirt, but right now, you needed him.
Six months too long were you without his touch, and today you recognized how it made you ache desperately for him.
You slid off your lower garments entirely, leaning fully forward now, your ass on full display. There was a pause behind you. Deafening silence that kept you waiting and wondering. Your lashes sat heavily over your eyes when you looked back at him. “C’mon, Mr. President,” you goaded, a mix of want and mockery in your tone, “You wanted to see me, didn’t you?”
His chest was hot against your back, one of his big hands now weaving fingers with your own and holding you down against the desk. You spread your legs, arching ever so slightly to give him what he was looking for. Over the cheek of your ass came the caress of his opposite hand, “Don’t forget exactly who is in charge here.”
A sharp smack stung your backside, you had to nearly bite your tongue so as not to squeal. He rubbed the affected area, the grin in his voice prominent, “Hope you’re ready for me.” You shot him a slight glare over your shoulder, though the reddened cheeks of your face registered more embarrassed than anything. Deliberately you pushed back, your ass rubbing against his length to tease him. The rumble that sounded behind you was your last warning. Yunobo grasped himself, lining up with your slit and shoving forward. You hissed, your forehead baring down into the stone beneath you - the stretch, how he filled you, you swore you were already so close to cumming. His hand slid over your ass once more and up to the small of your back, flattening out against it. A slow withdrawing slide out - a quick thrust back in. His hand smoothed over the length of your spine, keeping you still while the Goron worked inside of you. The pace he set already had you whimpering: slow, but hard and very deep. You grasped at the stone under you, desperately trying to find purchase. With your feet planted, you shoved your hips back on him, his thrust filling you all the more as he met you halfway.
“Y-Yunooo” was your wanton whine. Shoulders heaving, your hair beginning to stick to your forehead as the heat of being fucked was beginning to overwhelm you. Yunobo grunted harshly above you, hunger evident in the grit of his teeth and the way his eyes roamed over your frame. Your ass bouncing off of his thrusting hips, the obscene sounds of your pussy taking every inch of he had to give. The Goron Champion felt for you like no other - love of his life that you were; but ever since you came back, something coerced him to stake claim to you. He didn’t understand this need, but his body moved on its own. There was something primal in his chest that made the growl in his throat surface when you cried out, “Oh! Ohhh god, Yunobo!”
You were his.
“You’re mine, understand?” he echoed into your ear, his chest caging your body to the desk. Yes, he had to take you. It was him you wanted. Him you needed. You came back to see him after all. His sight was blurred with flurries of red but still he drank the sight of your ecstasy in. What he was doing to you.
It only made sense.
You belonged to him.
“You belong to me,” he repeated over your dampened skin, his hips picking up speed. Your throat was drawing horse from your constant panting and whining, and you felt yourself clench tightly when Yunobo’s tongue traced the curve of your shoulder.
“Yuno, please nghh, I can’t ! I-I’m gonnaaa” you sobbed out.
His hands slid down to your hips, pulling you back onto his cock harshly, the series of grunts and groans above you giving you the impression that he was getting closer. You were teetering over the edge yourself, one of your hands clasping onto his at your hip for purchase. With no warning the Goron above you closed his mouth over the junction of your neck and shoulder and sucked hard. The prick of pain flowed into a tsunami of pleasure as the scream of Yunobo’s name echoed all throughout the cave - your orgasm slamming into you at full speed. Yunobo clapped his hand over your mouth as you came, silencing your pleasured sobbing behind his thick digits. He fucked you mindlessly now, thrust after thrust after relentless thrust, chasing his own end as your pussy milked him. He came shortly after - his teeth sinking into your flesh, not enough to break your skin, but definitely enough for you to feel it. You gasped, hot liquid heat pumping you full as your boyfriend finally slowed his hips. Yunobo’s mouth left your neck with a hum before he finally easing off of your overstimulated body. He drank in the sight of you: sweating and spent, fucked out and trying to find the strength in your legs. Just how he wanted you.
You felt his eyes on you, and though your legs trembled, you mustered the will to turn and face him. His dark blue hues were almost purple - a reddish hue swimming in them. This concerned you, you knew your gut instinct was spot on - something was wrong. Your hands reached for his face, “Yuno…what’s hap-“ but as soon as your fingers touched his golden mask, your hand was smacked away. Yunobo clutched his head, groaning in pain now as he backed away from you.
Puzzled, you looked around, hoping to understand or catch sight of what your beau was talking about. But before you could ask what he meant, Yunobo was already pulling his leopard pelt back on and rushing to the entrance of his headquarters. He left you alone, confused and half naked. After some rummaging around his office you found his champion’s scarf with which you tied around your chest. You heard a cart descending back toward Goron City; you felt it in your best interest to wait for him at his home then - at least this way you could get to the bottom of what was going on in private.
Suddenly you winced, pain and soreness scattering across your shoulder. Your fingers found the indentations of broad marks on your shoulder blade - the remnants of your beloved’s lust ridden bite. Rubbing the aching skin you looked over to the window, some structures of Goron City visible from where you were standing. Worry panged in your heart.
Yunobo…what’s happened to you?
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 6 months
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“Boss, I’m back, goro!” Yunobo cried, running ahead of the group. “These guys saved me, they even worked out how your cannons work! And, goro, you’re never gonna believe this: they’re princes! And knights! Two princes and two knights!”
“Eh!?” Bludo gaped at them, sitting up unsteadily. Yunobo handed him the medicine (a black, tar-like substance) and Bludo gulped it down. “You’re what?”
Bazz stepped forward and took the lead. In true Captain of the Guard fashion, he held his spear and stood at attention.
“Hello, Boss Bludo,” he said formally. “It is a true honour to meet you. I am Bazz, Captain of the Guard and this is my dear friend and colleague, Knight Rivan. These two young men are Crown Prince Sidon of the Zora, and Prince Link.” He glanced at Yunobo almost guiltily and added, “He is the widower of our beloved Princess Mipha, the Zora Champion.”
“Aw, goro, I’m so sorry,” Yunobo said to Link. Then, as Bludo loudly swore, Bazz’s words seemed to sink in for Yunobo.
“Zora…Champion?” he repeated weakly. “But- but, goro! That would mean you’re-!”
“Hylia’s Chosen,” Bludo said, eyes wide. “The Hylian Champion.”
Link and the Zora meet Yunobo, descendent of Daruk. With Rudania still out of control, they must act quickly to protect Goron City.
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retrogamingreplay · 2 years
BOTW part 6: Divine Beast Vah Rudania (Longplay)
BOTW part 6: Divine Beast Vah Rudania (Longplay)
Derek enters the Eldin region to confront the Divine Beast Vah Rudania, which now crawls along the rockface of Death Mountain and is plaguing the Gorons below. Derek’s Quest brings him to Goron City, where he meets Bludo, the Boss of the Gorons. Bludo sends Derek to find Yunobo, who helps Derek with his quest. Soon he will try and tame his final Divine Beast. Wish him luck! source
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heroofhyrulelink · 7 years
Here it is! The final chapter of The Hero of Hyrule, a SidLink fanfic. This is more of an after story than everything but if you want to read the whole fic in its entirity then click on the link above! 
Since this chapter is so long (11k+ words!) I’m only posting part of it on Tumblr, as a sort of excerpt. The chapter alone can be found here. (Another link will be provided at the end as well so don’t worry) Enjoy!
Summary: Link worries about the future of Hyrule since no Princess with the blood of the Goddess Hylia is around. To get his mind off of things he goes out and takes care of a Lynel problem for Bludo up at Death Mountain. However after a fatal accident leaves four kids stranded near the Eldin Great Skeleton with a powerful Lynel closing in on them, Link does what any knight would do and soon gets four answers to his problem.
"You shouldn't let the gossip get to you, my dear." Sidon hummed as he placed every single piece of jewelry away for the night. "You and I both know that there is no possible way for us to conceive a child, especially not a child with the divine blood of the goddess Hylia." Link grunted rather loudly and continued to, rather violently, polish the savage lLynel crusher he had managed to snag out of the hands of the silver beast. The weapon was already spotlessly clean, Link could see his own upset reflection staring right back at him, but he still continued rubbing it with the rag in his hand.
"Link," Sidon sighed and sat besides his husband, "Wasn't it you that had reassured me that the Goddesses had a plan for the next goddess blooded princess? I seem to recall you rolling your eyes and waving my own worries away while stating that you had complete faith in the Three Golden Goddesses. Now its a year later and you hear one person mention the fact that there is "no heir and no mortal Goddess" and suddenly you're throwing all faith out the window!" The Hylian King stopped his cleaning and crossed his arms, looking away from Sidon.
"I don't like to see you this upset. Especially not over something so small and so...fixable." The giant Zora Prince  wrapped an arm around Link and pulled him closer. When Link didn't respond to the affection Sidon sighed and stood up before picking Link up from under his arms, much like how someone would pick up a small animal or child. The Hylian King glared at Sidon but Sidon merely smiled back. "Cheer up, my pearl. The Goddesses have not let us down once, I'm quite certain they won't let us down now. Besides," the zora prince brought his spouse closer and placed a gently kiss to his lips, "Such a heartbreaking expression should never make its home on your beautiful face." Link blushed darkly and attempted to keep his upset face but it didn't last long. Soon he was smiling and looking at anything besides Sidon so his smile wouldn't grow.
"You're cheating you know." Link signed as his Zora husband set him back down onto the bed. "Using your smooth talk to get me to feel better is considered cheating and you should feel rather ashamed of  yourself."
"Now why should I? You yourself have said that in battle you must use everything you can to win. No holding back." Link couldn't argue with that logic.
The rest of the night was spent in bed, the two of them talking about anything they could think of. Link's hair had grown back to where he could have a pony tail again, Sidon had learned more and more about his ancestors with Hyrule Castle's extensive library (he had learned that the zoras of old had used their arm fins as some sort of weapon which was pretty cool, he wished to see if it was still possible), Link had to go up to the Eldin Tower Region to speak with Bludo about some odd increase of Lynels in the area, and Sidon was to meet with Riju to catch up with her. When their small talk had returned to the more serious topic of whether or not they would ever have a goddess blooded child Sidon sighed, pulled Link close and kissed his forehead. He reminded the King that everything would work out. He had to have faith.
"Although," Sidon mumbled a moment after convincing Link that everything would work out, "It would be nice to have a child." He leaned over and put out the light of their bed-side candle before snuggling closer to his husband and continuing. "It would be a dream to raise a child- or even children- with you, my love. Anyway, sweet dreams." Sidon closed his eyes and sighed contently. Link, however, did not close his eyes and to sleep soundly. Instead the Hylian King was now more awake than ever, panicking slightly. Now he knew for a fact that Sidon wanted a children (or children) and Link wasn't about to let his husband down.
"We've been seeing Lynels a lot lately, Goro." Yunobo mumbled as he walked Link through the entrance of Goron City. "It's gotten kind of scary to be honest...I-I know that I have Lord Daruk's shield power but...still. Lynels are fierce monsters, Goro!" Link nodded, adjusting his crown. He decided to not wear the usual fireproof suit one would wear if visiting Death Mountain. Instead he chugged about three fireproof elixirs and deemed himself good to go. "These Lynels..." Yunobo continued, rubbing the back of his neck, "I dunno. They're...scarier. They look like they're a different color but Boss says it's just the, uh, "fire in the air". I don't believe him, Goro. Somethings kind of off. But then again that's what you're here for!"
"Don't worry." Link signed. "I'll fix the problem. Lynels are a piece of cake." The young Goron smiled and thanked his friend, offering him a word of encouragement before finally pointing him in the direction of the Goron Boss, Bludo. Link hurried over, wanting to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Bludo explained the situation, all around the outskirts of Death Mountain there have been multiple reports of Lynel sightings. Bludo estimated a total of six Lynels surrounded the area, mostly silver ones. There was one, however, that people thought to be a weird yellow sort of color. Bludo stated that he believed it was probably the fiery air of Death Mountain making it look like that since that particular Lynel happened to be closer to the volcano than the rest. Link nodded, thanked Bludo for the information, and got straight to work.
Normally this would be a job for the soldiers trained to handle these overpowered monsters but Link didn't want to risk anything. So many Lynels...he didn't think even the best of his soldiers could handle six Lynels. Plus Link missed the adventure.
He headed to the stable that rested at the foot of the Eldin Region and asked the stable manager of people that had gone out during the night (to keep an eye out for them, just in case). The manager reported that only a small group had gone. Two hylian adults and four children. But they had left early yesterday evening and were heading towards the hot springs located behind the mountain. That was a relief.
He got on with his task, visiting Robbie's Tech Lab to purchase a few ancient arrows (Robbie only allowed Link to buy three, he spouted something about upgrading the arrows so he needed as many as possible) before beginning his search for the Lynels.
It was easy work. Within an hour Link had found and defeated one silver Lynel without trouble. He continued his search, using the weapons Sidon had given to him when he first proposed as well as some other ones Link has been hoarding since he first woke up from the Shrine of Resurrection. When he defeated the fifth silver Lynel most of his weapons were broken and useless. No matter. He had all three ancient arrows. The last beast would be the fastest to kill.
He spent a good two hours searching for the final foe and so far he had no luck. He checked and double checked his Sheikah Slate, making sure the tracking for Silver Lynels was on, and attempted "activate the animal instincts" he supposedly developed while traveling alone. Nothing happened.
Link was beginning to lose hope. Perhaps someone had already defeated the last Lynel? That was unlikely but it wasn't impossible. He continued his search. He reached the point where there was rocks mixing in with ruins of old villages. Hardened lava made up the ground and a cliff leading to certain death was in eye sight. Still, he saw no sign of a Lynel and decided that maybe getting up on higher ground would help. So he begun climbing the mountain side and carefully jumped from ledge to ledge, keeping an eye out for any sign of the monster.
A screech pierced through the air and Link looked around wildly in search of the source. Just in front of the Eldin Great Skeleton was a small group that Link only assumed to be the ones who had left the day before. They were backing away from an usually large Lynel (nearly twice as big as any silver one) with weird gold skin.
Link began sprinting down the side of the mountain, pulling out his bow and ancient arrows. One of the two hylian adults was injured and on the ground, trying their best to drag themselves away from danger. The other adult had pushed the crowd of children behind them, shield up. The Lynel raised its gigantic crusher and just as the injured hylian prepared for the worst, the other dove and raised the shield in a feeble attempt to deflect the weapon.
The monster didn't even hesitate to swing and knock both hylians off the side of the cliff and to both their dooms.
Another loud shriek was heard and the Lynel focused on the group of four children. Link began running even faster. He jumped off a small ledge and aimed in midair he aimed and shot the ancient arrow.
It had no affect.
Link's heart sank. The beast didn't even seem bothered by the fact that it was just hit by an arrow. The children continued backing up as the Lynel slowly went forward. He was nearly there. Nearly there...
The monster's pace quickened as it raised it crusher once more. Just a little farther.
Link hastily yanked the Sheikah Slate off of his hip, running faster, and quickly pressed on the stasis option. He aimed the Slate and pressed it once more. The Lynel was frozen in time but only for a short while. When the stasis wore off and the golden beast turned to look at what caused his momentary stop, Link was already there. With the strength of Lord Daruk, the tiny hylian king successfully tackled the monster to the ground. Not a second later and Link had stood up once more, ran to the frightened children, scooped all four of them up into his arms and began sprinting towards the skull of the Eldin Great Skeleton. Once they were safely hidden from the Golden Lynel, Link got a good look at the kids. The eldest looked like a Gerudo, she carried a baby Goron in her arms and holding onto both of her arms was a silver Zora and a blue feathered Rito.
"Stay here." Link said as he handed the shield to the Zora child. Before any of them could respond Link had already pulled out his sword and was sprinting towards the enraged Lynel. He already knew that this monster would probably impossible to beat, if it didn't instantly disintegrate when hit with an ancient arrow then a sword wouldn't do any damage.
Link dodged a swing of the giant crusher and got an idea. If Link couldn't hurt the monster with his weapons, maybe the Lynel's own weapons would be enough to hurt it. It would be risky, so very risky, but he had to deal with this monster before anyone else got killed.
Link dodged again, pulled the Slate off of his hip and froze the Lynel for a split second before unfreezing him and snapping his fingers. The lighting struck the golden monster and it dropped its over-sized weapon to the ground. The Hylian King ran to the crusher and froze the Lynel once more before picking up its weapon. It was admittedly heavy, but the adrenaline of the battle gave Link that extra bit of strength. He began hitting the frozen beast like crazy and once the stasis wore off, the Lynel was flying off the edge of the ground and down into the chasm where its earlier victims lay dead. The battle was over and Link's adrenaline was gone.
The four children watched the hold thing, heads poking out the side of the giant skull. Link took a moment to catch his breath before he walked back to the four kids, dragging the Lynel's weapon behind him.
"That...was so cool!" The silver-scaled Zora girl exclaimed, running towards Link. "The way you just-just tackled it!! Then you used lightning!! And you froze it!! And you used its own weapon to-to smack it dead!!" Link smiled. "Oh! I'm Cilia! That's Nanju." She pointed to the Gerudo who was clutching a Goron baby in her arms. "The little Goron she's carrying is Derun. And he," She pointed to the Rito boy, "is Areli."
"You're...the King." Nanju asked, tilting her head. Link nodded again. "Thank you. For saving us."
"Anytime." The Hylian King took his shield back from Cilia, patting her head. "I'm just sorry I couldn't save your parents."
"Those two," Areli sighed, "weren't our parents. Just a couple of delusional hylians that got too excited at the idea of looking like the kingdom's heroes for collecting orphans and finding them homes." The Rito boy shrugged before speaking again. "But they did offer us food and protection for a short while so I suppose their death is somewhat tragic." The other two solemnly nodded in agreement. Link blinked and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Right, well...I suppose I should take you all...uh, to the springs? I was informed by the Foothill Stable manager that you all were going there."
"Yes, in hopes of finding a home for Derun but none of the Gorons there wanted to adopt him. They brought us too look at the skeleton and cheer us up." Nanju sighed. "Now we have no where else to go." Link thought for a moment. He supposed he could take them all with him to Hyrule Castle while he finds suitable caretakers.
"I hope you don't mind the long trip to the Central Tower Region because I'm bringing you all to the Castle with me." Link took Derun from Nanju's arms and held onto him, beginning to walk.
"What?!" Cilia's tail flapped happily as she ran besides Link. "We get to stay in the Castle?! With you?! And Prince Sidon!! Will I meet him??" Link smiled and nodded.
"Will we really get to stay in Hyrule Castle?" Nanju's eyes practically sparkled at the idea of getting to stay in such an extravagant castle after spending so much time in cold caves and makeshift tents.
"Of course." With his free hand Link unhooked his Sheikah slate again and opened up the map. "I usually travel by shrines. I can get anywhere in Hyrule with the Sheikah Slate. Up until a few months ago I couldn't bring anyone else along because it only worked for the, uh, "chosen hero", but Robbie and Purah recently upgraded it so I can have people join me. But...there's a lot of us so I won't make it take us too far. Just in case." Link swiped a finger across the screen of the slate, looking for a shrine a good distance away. "Alright, everyone hold onto me." They all did, grabbing onto Link as tightly as they could. A moment later they became nothing but blue light floating up into the sky and vanishing.
Full Chapter Here
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I spoke to the Goron Boss, Bludo who said that the Divine Beast Rudania had been running wild and the only way to keep it away was to shoot it with cannons. He then said that he was waiting for Yunobo who helped him but he hadn’t come back from getting his pain killers from the Abandoned North Mine. I’ll have to look for him.
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thealluringsink · 7 years
botw age headcanons
 pre-calamity/in game (contains spoilers)
zelda (actually canon) 17/117
link 20/120
purah 28/128
impa 26/126
urbosa 33 
riju 16
sidon 15/115
mipha 61
dorephan 232/332
(i figure since the zora around link’s chronological age were children when they knew him and some now have adult/adolescent children that zora age something like 4x slower than hylians)
daruk 56
yunobo 26
bludo 87
(gorons probably age similarly to hylians, considering that the boss talks about daruk’s legacy rather than implying having known him, and yunobo is called his descendant rather than grandson or great-grandson)
kaneli 102
revali 34
teba 59
(kaneli recognized link’s sheikah slate and assumed he was a descendant of the hylian champion, implying that he knew of the calamity but was not old enough to have met and remembered link himself. considering the rito are closely related to zora in canon, i think they would be a bit longer lived than the average hylian, meaning revali was pretty much a bratty teenager/twenty-something who thought he was the shit)
tl;dr: mipha was quite possibly the oldest of the original champions
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