#book: fly with me
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🦇 Fly With Me Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❝ They were mirrors in a way. Both of them watching their loved ones suffer. Both unable to help in any meaningful way. Both coping--one with work and the other with a list. Both scared shitless of hurting the other one. ❞
❓ #QOTD What are you afraid of? ❓ ⚠️ Content Warnings: Terminal illness, chronic illness, misogyny, toxic relationship, grief, traumatic brain injury
🦇 ER nurse Olive Murphy's fear of flying doesn't stop her from getting on a plane to honor her brother, but it seems her fear is misplaced. A medical emergency forces Olive to leap out of her seat and into action, only for the flight to get redirected. She would have missed the marathon she was meant to run at Disney if not for Allied Airlines pilot Stella Soriano; a gorgeous, type A woman who captivates Olive with a glance. They share a magical day at Disney together as the video of Olive saving a man's life goes viral (after all, she did TECHNICALLY save Mickey Mouse), prompting an uptick in positive press and sales for the airline. Stella sees it as an opportunity to earn her long-deserved promotion and asks Olive to play the role of her fake girlfriend as they generate more press. Can Olive stand playing a fake role when her heart is already on a one-way flight?
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My Thoughts:
💜 Get ready for a sassy, steamy, sapphic love story bound to soar into your heart. Andie Burke's debut novel has a little of everything; an insta-crush, fake dating (complete with a binder full of rules and research!), sharp and witty banter, plus some real and raw mental health rep. Between their anxieties, family responsibilities, and messy emotions, both Olive and Stella are relatable main characters you can't help but fall in love with. Sparks fly from the moment Olive and Stella meet, and Olive's mega-crush is adorable without making her seem adolescent. We gain a lot of insight into both characters' lives despite the fact that the story sticks with Olive's POV, which isn't always an easy feat. The prose is descriptive but not overly flowery, but it's the character development that really flies off the page. I absolutely adored Olive's best friend, too (imagine Felix from Orphan Black and get ready for ALL the gay sass).
💜 Burke does a wonderful job of normalizing mental health conditions without banging mental health rep over our heads. Olive's symptoms are as much a part of her as the heart-eyes she wears when Stella is in the room. After her (toxic) ex broke up with Olive because her anxiety disorder and panic attacks were "too much," Olive is afraid her symptoms will eventually scare Stella away. Meanwhile, Stella's responsibilities as her father's caretaker (who has Parkinson's) create the cracks in her type-A facade and show us why she's so committed to earning her promotion. Both characters encounter misogyny as well. While some readers might feel that there's too much going on, Burke carefully stacks these issues atop of one another. That's life; we're all juggling multiple conflicts, both internal and external. Read the quote I selected again. These women are mirror images of one another. Their struggles, while different on the surface, make it all the easier for them to empathize with and support each other. There's also no perfect, easy solution to the problems these women are facing because, again: that's life.
🦇 A part of me does wish this story split the POV, allowing us to see Stella's perspective. Keeping the focus on Olive ensured Stella's feelings for her remained hidden, but...come on. We all know where a sapphic romance novel is bound to end: with a sapphic romance. The "fake dating girlfriends with benefits" situation is where the story really gets messy. It's difficult to believe that Stella doesn't have romantic feelings for Olive at that point. The miscommunication trope is still my least favorite, but it lingers much too long in this one, leading to a not-at-all surprising third-act breakup. Even so, this remains the best sapphic romance I've read so far this year.
🦇 Recommended to fans of the fake dating trope, serious character development, and a heart-eyed, healing MC.
✨ The Vibes ✨ ✈️ Fake Dating ✈️ Bisexual MC ✈️ Sapphic Ship ✈️ Panic Attacks/Depression/Mental Health Rep ✈️ Debut Author
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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ricky-mortis · 6 days
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Howdy hello- guess who made a wings au :)
More to come with this eventually- I’m working on my designs for other characters at the moment, but for now we’ve got Red-Tailed Hawk for Curt and Eagle Owl for Owen.
For DMA I had Barn Owl wings because a) Barn Owls are beautiful and I wanted to draw the wings for them, and more importantly, b) Owen would probably want to disguise his wings, and it would make sense if it was as a different type of owl. I just assume he’d dye his feathers in some way or another. Look- just don’t think about it too much.
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zoreldanvers · 5 months
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#tfw you're the child of the goddess of wisdom and therefore a chronic overthinker but also dyslexic but also a desperate people pleaser but also you're twelve and have no supervision and 200 dollars to buy candy
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l-just-want-to-see · 3 months
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United States Junior Gymnastic Team of ‘88-‘89
Catherine Todd née Johnson & Mary Grayson née Lloyd: I hope we meet again (I’m letting you go)
@kindlespark / The Book Thief, Markus Zusak / ? / dc comics / Diary, Chuck Palahniuk / Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace / Always Gold, Radical Face / Us Against You, Fredrik Backman / @inanotherunivrse / I Wanted to Leave, SYML / ? / ? / Psychogeography, Chelsea Dingman / @leonardospoetry + me / On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong / Past Lives (2023) / A Letter to Love, Caitlyn Siehl / @archivegeo / In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive, Clementine von Radics / Always Gold, Radical Face / Dorothea, Taylor Swift / Stand by Me (1986) / dc comics + On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong / Life After Death, Laura Gilpin / Lost Without You, Freya Ridings
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blinkpen · 12 days
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commissioned my incredibly talented friend fairy to redesign/play around with demersa's sharky minotaur mode and i don't know about you guys but i am Beyond Pleased, and am Absorbing things,
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marshmelonlover · 1 year
One of my favourite parts of "Persuasion" is when Frederick says to Anne "You did not use to like cards; but time makes many changes." and then she responds "I am not yet so much changed." and then he says "It is a period, indeed! Eight years and a half is a period!" because this is such an important part of the book. It's when they both truly realise that neither of them is the same as they were 8 years ago. They're not 19 and 23 anymore, but 27 and 31. They both have scars and are more mature with a better understanding of the world and, more importantly, each other. And all part of each of them wants to do is go back to the beginning and rewrite the story from the start so they aren't separated and have to go through over eight years of emotional agony, but they can't, so they have to write a new ending. And they do.
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lameow-l · 6 months
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i still have hope in getting the other boys too
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its ok they can be a band or smth.. at least then gaming wouldn’t have to be so disappointed in people not hiring him bc he’s just having fun with his boys…
#it took me soooo long to realize his name can also be 'gaming' and idk if i should be ashamed or proud lol#his hashtag is gonna get real funny real quick#is it actually an intentional business decision made by hyv#no way this was accidental#anyway im disappointed in his hair design but i stopped feeling much since all genshin charas always have the ugliest hairstyles#also him being another bennett just not as unlucky#he works so hard and still tries to achieve his artistic dream at the same time#but people just smile and ignore him…PAY THE DUDE!!!#ALSO ALSO.. chiaki 2.0 and they better add all other ryuseitai next#i just can get over how energetic and cool genshin concept designs are when the game keeps slapping us with a downgraded version every time#not to say current designs aren’t energetic or cool.. just not as much lol (still salty about red xiao and those flying nahidas)#now i know why they still not doing an art book yet.. they’re ashamed to admit of the amounts of good designs they never use#AND I LOVE GENSHIN DESIGNS honest (otherwise why would i keep doing fanart of this game and this game only for 3 years)#sorry i dont post all of them.... i have issues#but i cant help but feel robbed when i see these designs knowing what they could’ve been#and it’s in no way hyv’s fault *glance at leakers* and the new designs are getting crazier and cooler but#please for the love of god hyv stop with the mullets PLEASE!!!#gaming#ga-ming#gaming genshin#genshin impact
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seleneprince · 2 months
Unpopular opinion:
Remus Lupin was as capable of cruelty and arrogance as the rest of the Marauders. There are plenty of hints of this in canon. The only reason we don't see this side of him as often is because of his heavy reluctante to be considered a "bad guy".
And he low-key enjoyed going against Snape just as much, he just had some conscience aftewards.
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visenyaism · 2 years
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these are the two saddest passages in the entire song of ice and fire btw
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markantonys · 6 months
also, wotseries canNOT just drop "btw we suspect luke fetherston might be gawyn" as a footnote in their article about morgase's casting!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't spring these things on me with no warning!!!!!
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i remember when they first reported that luke fetherston was in s3 and i looked him up and was like "wow that is one absurdly handsome man 😳 i wonder who he'll play" and YALL IF HE ENDS UP BEING GAWYN-
but on the other hand: no fear "what if the 'galad trakand' on callum kerr's cv was actually meant to say 'gawyn trakand' rather than just meaning galad has the trakand name in showverse" one fear!!!! he has Jock Bro vibes that i don't think would suit my babygirl gawyn at all, but luke fetherston has galad vibes (at least for how i personally picture galad, though everyone surely has very different ideas of what the best-looking man in randland looks like!) and he does look a bit like josha, so what if the casting is actually flipped?
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but then, i have an easier time picturing callum kerr (right) as a whitecloak and luke fetherston (left) as egwene's malewife than the reverse. and neither looks to me noticeably older than the other, so that offers us no clues. (they both kinda seem older than i would picture gawyn, though, but you never know how they might look in costume or with different hairstyles, etc.)
slight tangent but season 2's complete lack of reference to moiraine and anvaere having a brother, when they easily could have tossed in a mention to set up galad's arrival in s3, does make me wonder if maybe they'll cut out the trakand-damodred connection altogether and just make galad a full trakand sibling and morgase's biological son (and not related to rand). i do love galad and morgase having such a sweet and positive stepchild/parent relationship, but i wouldn't object to the show simplifying the family tree since galad being rand's half-brother never ends up mattering for shit; that connection is notoriously unsatisfyingly-handled in the books, so the show may have opted to cut it if they felt they couldn't do it justice. so, whether or not galad's actor resembles josha in any way might be irrelevant.
it is also very possible that luke fetherston is playing an entirely unrelated character (janduin or luc have been popular speculations for him given the josha resemblance) and that gawyn's actor is still unknown! wotseries has been wrong before. still, from what i can recall, they don't usually bother with such specific "we think X character might be played by Y actor" speculation in an official published article that isn't even ABOUT that character or actor unless they feel pretty confident about it...........especially since i have not once seen anyone posit luke as gawyn until now, so it's hardly like it's a popular fan theory they're just parroting...........
(and in even more important news, from a quick google search it appears that luke fetherston is queer, and i NEED to see a randwyn dynamic where gawyn is played by a queer man djkjfg the vibes would be IMPECCABLE)
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raayllum · 26 days
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The swirl and blue lightning look familiar to anyone?
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pynkhues · 3 months
MM and Mae working together again possibly……. To be a fly on the wall 🤣😂😭
Anon, I have been laughing about this for d a y s.
It's only a short film and the cast is so (bizarrely) stacked I don't reaaallllly imagine they'll have any scenes together or even have been on set at the same time, but who knows.
The idea of actors like Anthony Carrigan, Alan Tudyk, Jay Baruchel and Wendi McLendon-Covey potentially being looped into GG set drama is also unbelievably funny to me.
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thatsrightice · 3 months
We were there, LeMay said, because he was trying to find out why the Third Air Division wasn't doing its job any better. Part of the reason was bad formation. Group commanders were instructed to check out all new crews in formation before they flew. There was to be more practice flying in formation.
Another reason for the trouble, LeMay ground out in his gritty, patternless speaking voice, was that lead pilots had not learned to fly with lead navigators and lead bombardiers.
"Wrong, sir," I thought to myself. In the 100th's case, we had a good lead crew in each squadron, but the command pilots messed us up.
"I am a pilot," LeMay said, "but I am the only person in this room who is also a trained navigator and a trained bombardier. When I was a group commander in the First Air Division I flew a mission as a lead pilot, a lead navigator, and a lead bombardier. I learned that a mission goes wrong when all three don't work together.
"Too many times, the command pilot, who is supposed to lead a mission, is the one who causes it to fail. Every time he sees a burst of flak, he takes the wheel and swerves his plane. That causes trouble for the whole group.
“If there is anything that is necessary on a bomb run it is that there be no evasive action.
“Too many command pilots have their own special ways of taking over on the bomb run. Some of you think you can spare your group from the flak if you descend and confuse the anti-aircraft— and you ruin the bombsight computations. Some of you, under-standably, want to keep your formation tight so your bomb pattern will be small. That is commendable. But you have to depend on your wing men to keep in place. You can't jockey back into place. The lead plane must fly straight and level. What you must do on the bomb run is to let the bombardier and the Norden take over."
This guy is tough, I thought. I was seeing a group of full colonels getting chewed out.
"We know all this," Doug whispered, "but how is he going to make the brass keep their hands off the wheel? Egan and Harding take over on the bomb run."
As the briefing continued, LeMay said, "Now I want you here to tell me what went wrong on the St. Nazaire and La Pallice mis-sions."
One by one the colonels or lieutenant colonels who had flown right seat spoke. Yes, my group assembled on time. Yes, we made the wing rendezvous as briefed, but the other groups weren't there. Yes, we flew good formation during the whole mission. Yes, we were at the fighter rendezvous, but the fighters weren't. At the I.P., we tucked in tight, but the bombardier missed the target.
After all the command pilots talked, LeMay said, "Do any of you lead navigators or lead bombardiers want to add anything?"
Of course, we didn't. We were all first and second lieutenants. Not one of the command pilots had described a mission anything like the way it was really flown. Even so, who among the lieutenants wanted to contradict our own brass?
Silence. Uncomfortable silence.
"Lieutenant Shore, Group Navigator of the 390th. Who was the bombardier with you in the nose on the mission of July 18th?”
Marshall Shore pointed to a bombardier.
LeMay turned to the bombardier. "Do you have anything to add?"
"No, sir."
"Were your bubbles level during the bomb run?"
When Colonel LeMay asked that question, I must have gasped. I knew exactly what he had in mind. Maybe because of the sound I made, Colonel LeMay looked directly at me.
He slowly winked. Something was wrong with one side of his face, and it was a grotesque wink, but that was what it was.
I felt my heart speed up. I could hardly breathe. I looked around at the other navigators and bombardiers. How many of them knew what LeMay's question meant? What he was really asking was who was flying the plane. If the bubbles in the bombsight were level, the Norden was flying. If the bubbles were off, a pilot had overpowered the controls-and was probably doing evasive action.
When I looked back at Colonel LeMay, he was still looking at me. I winked back at him, and nodded. That funny smile again. He looked at the bombardier.
"Did your equipment work all right?"
"No malfunction, sir."
One by one LeMay addressed all the lead bombardiers and asked them several irrelevant questions-and the one about the bubbles.
Then he turned to the navigators, me first.
"Lieutenant, give me your story."
"Sorry, sir, I wasn't leading those missions."
"What group are you in?"
"The 100th, sir."
Colonel LeMay turned to Colonel Harding. “Why is he here, Chick, if he isn't a lead navigator?"
"He was the lead on Trondheim and Warnemünde. Before he replaced the navigator on the lead crew, he was on a wing."
Colonel LeMay looked back at me.
"Trondheim? Good show."
"Thank you, sir."
He turned to Lieutenant Marshall Shore of the 390th.
He asked several questions, but I recognized the key one.
"Lieutenant, when you were on the run from the I.P. to the tar-get, what was the maximum deflection of your compass heading?"
"About twenty-five degrees, sir."
By now every lead navigator in the room knew what was going on. If the Norden was in charge, the corrections wouldn't have been more than five or six degrees. Only a pilot could jerk a plane around more than that.
At the end of the debriefing Colonel LeMay knew what every bombardier and navigator in the room knew, and I doubt if any pilots knew he knew.
I realized I was in the presence of a very bright man, and a very skilled leader.
On the way to the mess, Colonel LeMay went in first and then waited as we all filed past him. One by one he asked our group designation and shook hands with us. As I went by him, he said,
"Trondheim?" He looked at my name tag. "Your name is Crosby?"
"Yes, sir."
He smiled, that funny grimace of a smile, and turned to the next officer in line.
That was it.
— Harry Crosby in his memoir, A Wing and a Prayer
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andytheoverthinker · 11 months
i am in desperate need of a frances hardinge fandom, please more people need to read those books
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i thought it was a given guys why are you shocked?
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you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you  🎶
#dwedit#rd edit#river song edit#eleventh doctor#river song#doctor who#is it great? no. does it make sense? no. not really.I just wanted to make it#because this quote kind of makes me go feral#because imagine river. a ghost. trying to get a closure from a man who supposedly loved her#but it seems to have forgotten all about her. put her on a shelf life a book that wasn't even that great and engaging#and so she haunts him. first trying to get a reaction and realising that he can't hear or see her#and so then she talks. about their adventures. about her love. how she misses him. how she's always missed him#she'd tell him about her solo advenures#how much fun she used to have and she'd tell him how many times she stole his TARDIS and he didn't even notice#and she'd make fun of him piloting the TARDIS ('hundreds of years and you still can't do that. you really did get that flying licence in a p#and during these rare times when he slept she'd read or tale him fairytales. because why not? what does she have to lose?#and yet. he heard her all the time. every single time.#but he never talked to her. why would he? to do that he'd have to acknowledge that he'd lost her for good. just like her parents. just like#and river - she was supposed to be different. a touchstone. someone who would be able to keep up with him. stay with him. they would always#and yet. he was left all alone. his wife gone. a ghost of her was all he could have. he should set her free but he was a selfish man. so he#is it too much? or not enough?#idk they just make me go feral tbqh. what can I say I want me faves to suffer :)#mine#long post#otp: the towers sang and you cried
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