#bob’s burgers meta
redwiccanrobin · 9 months
Bob’s Burgers is one of my favorite shows ever. It’s one of my comfort shows. So often adult animations rely on being crude and offensive to be entertaining. Or they lean heavily on abusive family dynamics. After a time, it becomes tiresome. I’m someone who enjoys the kindness in others, not their cruelty. That’s not a revolutionary thing to say, I know. But a lot of adult animation and it’s fans want that offensive stuff, wants to see families rip each other apart whether that be emotionally or physically. But Bob’s Burgers is different.
For so long adult animation pertained to the bad dad trope. We had the Peter Griffins and the South Park dads, for example. But Bob Belcher is a breath of fresh air. It’s been stated that Bob did not have a good childhood. We do know some of the extent of why it was bad. Bad enough that he feels viscerally uncomfortable with his father’s presence. However, Bob didn’t pull a Hank Hill where he just shut down his emotions. He made the decision to be emotionally present.
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Tina is awkward and deals with an ever-present loneliness. She feels like an outsider in the world. Constantly voicing her feelings and her frustrations that she doesn’t have true friends outside of her siblings. Rather than just brush her aside, Bob is constantly trying to build her confidence. Bob was an awkward kid who didn’t have true friends. He understands and empathizes with Tina. At one point, he tells her that he would have been lucky to have had her as a friend when he was her age. He shows her the kindness that he never got as a kid.
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Gene is a colorful weirdo who dreams big. He’s this bubbly boy who expresses himself however he wants. His passion in life is his very odd and strange music. Bob doesn’t understand it, quite frankly. But rather than react in hostility due to his confusion, Bob looks at his son with wonder. And so many times he tries to reach out to Gene. It works, there are a lot of episodes where they spend time together. Bob, again, doesn’t really understand what Gene does or is interested in, but he tries to. He actively encourages his son’s creativity and loves how strange he is. He’s shows him the acceptance that he needed as a kid.
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Louise is quite different from those around her. She’s not one to just run around and ask to be friends with others. Unlike Tina, she’s fine with this. But she still has insecurities that many of us have. She worries about how others view her. Her arc in the movie is all about that. But, with the help of Linda, Bob is able to reassure Louise. Louise takes Bob’s words to heart. He’s not only her dad, he’s her best friend. They joke and banter with the knowledge that they still love one another. He gave her the companionship that he needed as a kid.
The reason Bob’s Burgers and the Belchers stand out amongst the adult animation field is that it proves something. It proves that you don’t need to be cruel and vicious to succeed. You can have an emphasis on kindness. There were notes that the writers got that the Belchers quote “liked each other too much.” But that’s part of the enjoyment for many of us. It can get exhausting watching shows like American Dad and modern Family Guy where there’s little to no love between the families. Bob’s Burgers is the opposite of those shows. It’s a damn good show and a lot of that has to do with the fact that Bob is a damn good dad.
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babsvibes · 1 year
Lover(s) by @theangrypomeranian
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
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wanderingwriter87 · 2 years
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tacosandtouchtanks · 2 years
In the "Boyz 4 Now" episode I find it interesting that Tina used to be a BooBoo stan but changed to a Griffin stan because you can easily make comparisons between Jimmy Jr and Zeke. Booboo was said to be the best dancer of the group something that is Jimmy Jr is passionate about. Griffin is the sporty/extreme one which you could connect with Zeke with his wrestling and general risky behavior. That probably wasn't intentional for the writers but fun fanfic fodder to think about.
Hey there! Welcome to the blog
And let me say! WHAT AN ENTRY! I never thought of that!
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And I agree the writers probably did not think that far ahead.
That is such a good observation. And yes, people should use that for fanfiction!
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squeaker6352 · 1 month
Dark Meta Knight: Looking down at a Squeaker Um... Hello, you are rather small.
Squeakers: Aggressive sniffing intensifies I S M E L L F E A R ON YOU
Dark Meta Knight: Looks to Daroach Okay, I don't like that one.
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danothan · 9 months
(Heads up, the post discusses the abusive nature of Martin and Hal’s relationship pre-2005, as you may be able to tell from the link, so here’s your content warning)
Hi hello! I know you already hate Geoff but I was wondering if you knew about this aspect of Stuff He Did/Changed/Ruined. As a comic newbie I thought it was interesting and perhaps you have a take of your own :)
The differing continuities means it’s probably unintentional, but it does create an interesting implication for at least the first GL Knight Terrors,,, I haven’t read the second one yet so they might not follow up on it lol
thanks sm for sharing this with me! i appreciate being informed + considered in the conversation :D while i vaguely knew that hal’s dad was Not Great pre-geoff johns, i didn’t know how or to what extent, nor did i know that the changes in his family dynamic were kicked off earlier than johns’s run either!
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gd no matter which version you go with, the common denominator is that hal was the black sheep of his family for being neurodivergent. kid can’t catch a break 🤕
from the explanation of the link alone, i think both versions explain his fear rly well with traumas that realistically play into every aspect of his life. there’s an influence that runs deep: his fear of having power and not knowing what to do with it bc he saw his father abuse that authority, his inability to grieve or acknowledge his trauma bc he was punished every time he tried—these are very different but very important traits in hal’s overall character. i was surprised to see how well aware pre-2005 hal was of the abuse he dealt at the hands of his father. post-2005 doesn’t even know that he was a victim of his family dysfunction, let alone recognize any of it as abuse
i like that in both versions, he has suicidal tendencies to paradoxically prove that he’s not suicidal (i think. i can only confidently speak on modern hal, but hal being reckless with his life is kinda just a persistent theme). the way the current narrative portrays it, hal idolizes his dad sm that when he died, he couldn’t bear to think that his last moments were in fear. it would force him to confront the fact that his dad wasn’t the great hero he worshipped, forcing himself to realize he’s just as vulnerable and that the rose-tinted nostalgia for his youth might be wrong. so he puts himself on the line with bravado bc if he dies, at least he could tell himself that he wasn’t scared. and from what i can tell of the older comics, hal was forced to be brave bc it was a survival tactic; if he could just go along with what his dad wanted, then maybe he could finally get his approval. and all that taught him was that the only thing worse than death is failure, so he’d put himself on the line to prove it. he can tell himself that he’s accomplished more than anyone’s ever believed in him, but his dad’s words still haunt him
the change in his backstory is a change in his character as well, and as someone that enjoys comics as a puzzle to figure out, i’d like to factor in all of these moving parts as much as i can make them fit. before, i thought martin’s death martyred him; now i think that interpretation could include both of these versions moving forward. if current hal is already putting his dad on a pedestal, then the follow up question would be “what does that hide abt him?”
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interesting implications indeed…
but this is where i get to share my personal thoughts/ biases! bc i’m very preferential + love complicating things, simply stating that martin’s death put him on a pedestal doesn’t satisfy me. now between you and me, i personally prefer the current narrative (i mean obviously, that’s my only firsthand experience, so i’m taking my own thoughts with a grain of salt here)
a huge part of hal’s interest in planes comes from the fact that he and his dad bonded over them together, but it also bordered on obsession
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i mentioned before that hal was treated unfairly by his family for being neurodivergent, and scenes like this one definitely have nd subtext to me. the older comics had his father berate him for “having his head in the clouds” (*cough* adhd), the newer comics have his mother keep his interests away from him bc “he’s consumed by it” (*cough* autism). but what’s difficult abt meshing these two is that martin being a source of ableist abuse becomes confusing if he’s nd too, specifically encouraging hal to indulge in his special interest (btw hal has audhd either way peace and love ✌️)
so i think i would take this the same way as jessica: did irreparable damage as a parent but there were enough good moments that hal wants to remember instead. his dad verbally abused him for having “weak” emotions, but hey, at least he let him skip school! and sure, he might’ve hit him, but would a bad dad introduce him to his special interest? (and so there’s no misunderstanding, i’m speaking facetiously here)
i think hal has had genuinely fond memories with both of his parents, most ppl wouldn’t be able to gauge that there was smth going on with the way he talks abt them, which is not uncommon for abusive relationships in general. it just doesn’t erase the trauma it left him with. jessica cherished and tried to protect hal but ultimately suffocated him, and martin nurtured hal’s passion and gave him “freedom” but harmed his well-being
i’m too under-read and biased to give both versions equal share in my interpretation, but i will say that i rly appreciate the older comics for their explicit portrayal of toxic masculinity in hal. like that shit is literally killing him but i don’t often see his dad playing a role in it when he obviously got it from him, nor is it shown as the root of those problems. if there’s one thing that makes modern comics hard to read, it’s the unironic machismo. again, LITERALLY killing him.
as for the differences in hal’s suicidality that i mentioned earlier, there’s actually a lot of similarities with the ways he treats his own life. in either case, hal tries to be brave to prove smth (to his dad in the old, to himself in the new). the main difference is fear vs worship, and honestly those are just two sides of the same coin. it goes back to that toxic masculinity his dad taught him abt failure, and it ties in with wanting to feel connected to his dad thru their shared interest. at the core of it is denial
i would have to get into more older comics to rly flesh this interpretation out, but i think this is laying out some interesting groundwork. thank you again for this ask, rly gave my brain a treat today!
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
Trev and his father don’t get along. Trev is too loud and too odd for his father. Part of Trev’s crush on Jimmy is based on his obvious daddy issues, though Trev would never admit to that.
Trev is gay and has been semi-out for a few years. He doesn’t hide that he’s gay but he’s not going to Pride every year either. However, Trev’s experience at Bog to Beach that one year (and seeing Bob dancing so freely) gives Trev the courage to go to Pride the next year. He meets Marshmallow, who takes him under her wing, and he has an amazing time the whole weekend.
Jimmy is vaguely aware of Trev’s crush on him. Despite otherwise being an asshole, Jimmy doesn’t comment on the situation, both because it makes him extremely uncomfortable and because he does actually care for Trev. Jimmy isn’t going to reciprocate but he’s not going to call Trev out and embarrass them both.
Trev is firmly in denial about his crush on Jimmy. Jimmy is just his best friend and boss. He misses him when he leaves because he’s the most fun and interesting person that Trev knows and that’s all. Once in a great while Trev does think deeper about his feelings for Jimmy but that usually ends in Trev watching bad action films to drown out the truth in car chases and explosions.
Trev loves bad movies. He could watch “Joe Dirt” or “Manos: The Hands of Fate” and their ilk over and over. What counts as “bad” is subjective but if it’s campy or weird, Trev is all in.
Trev loves his lizards like they’re his children. He’d also like to have actual children at some point but his pets are plenty at the moment. Trev gives all of his lizards bad pun names.
Trev is the most stable adult man in the Pesto kids’ lives. He’s an honorary uncle to them and they like him (probably even better than their actual father sometimes). Trev would like to do more for the kids but he doesn’t want to upset Jimmy. Trev is especially close to Jimmy Junior because of their similar upbringings.
Trev wants to be friends with Bob and Linda but he’s too loyal to Jimmy to approach them. As Jimmy’s (sloowly) softening towards the Belchers, Trev is tentatively reaching out now and then. He doesn’t expect them all to be one big happy restaurant family but a deep, deep subconscious desire of Trev's is that they could all be friends and actually hang out together regularly.
Trev has ADHD (diagnosed) and autism (undiagnosed).
Trev loves novelty mugs and has an entire cupboard of them.
If Trev and Teddy ever actually hung out they'd get along like a house on fire. Teddy loves to learn about people and talk, and Trev loves to be noticed and supported. Their fights would be legendary, however, since neither is very good with regulating their emotions (or the volume of their voices).
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konfuse · 2 years
May 21: Day 20: Headcanon/Theory
Oh, short headcanon, longer theory!
Headcanon because I just heard the scene: Jimmy Jr.’s "Lady in Red" situation will be him playing it during the reception of Zeke and Tina's wedding as a tribute to their love.
Okay, let’s go weird now and also debunk the most boring theory and create a way more interesting one!
“This is all happening in Bob's imagination after HIS WHOLE FAMILY DIED IN THE FIRE! and that is why no one ages….” like, been there, done that. Stop being boring and get some imagination. Also it was said by Lauren that it's not true.
I propose that the show is happening in the fey world, that the whole city is within a parallel dimension in which magic exists. But no one knows! 
Also everyone has a special ability but they don’t know it and also sometimes it’s stronger sometimes it’s weaker.
Like Teddy can’t die falling down, like off roofs or ladders. 
Tinas imagination is very strong and if it got stronger it might influence reality, that is why her magic “worked”.
Gene can influence the emotions around him with his music, not always as intended but it’s there. 
Louise has charisma (which makes older people angry and younger people look up to her) and also a bit of witchcraft, maybe money magic.
Bob is a food magician but only for Burger and Turkey and also the charisma thing
Linda is like Gene and can influence the emotions around her. 
Stuff like that. And we all know that in the fey world the time moves differently and there is the explanation for that. 
You’re welcome! 
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
personally i like to imagine that gene and tina just go along with santa bcuz its cute that louise still believes in him and its fun, but neither of them actually think he's real bcuz obviously kids at school already know that he isnt Like a thirteen year old doesnt believe in santa and if she did she would be laughed out of her school by her classmates FJDMDMDJDJDMD
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jodjuya · 1 month
Finished "Malcolm In The Middle".
I have so much love for this show, and so many thoughts and feelings about it.
I can't decide on a single favourite character. It's a tie between Dewey and Piama.
Pushing through the last two seasons really felt like a slog. Probably why it took me so many months, and this hospital stay, to finally get through it all.
The show's highlights were absolutely the episodes that showed Francis at his peak:
- at Marlin Academy, where he won zero achievement awards because he was too busy being in trouble for standing up for the other students
- when the family visited him at Otto's Grotto, and he got that Ranch Foreman Montage exemplifying him as the Pinnacle Of Masculine Competence, and the episode wrapped up with him EMBEDDED in dysfunctional chaos, unconsciously setting off fireworks like a hypnotized sleeper-agent. I think that's my favourite episode of television period.
But I feel bad for Francis. In, like, a meta way. His character got the worst treatment out of everyone in the ensemble.
They kept giving him amazing redemption arcs, which kept accidentally disconnecting him from the family's chaos and taking him out of the show, so then they'd have to reset him back to square one every other season. Very unsatisfying. The man had nearly as many careers as Homer Simpson!
And THEN! late in the sixth season it's suddenly his 21st birthday and that completely threw me for a loop!
Because when you're looking at Francis Nolastname, you really feel, deep in your soul, that you're looking at the most 26 year-old man to have ever been 26.
And that episode gives you such a record-scratch-doubletake. It's discombobulating AF.
It was a good series of twists to have him eager to be turning 21 because he's "been waiting for this day for YEARS" and you're like "alcohol?" But then it turns out he's Sober and big into Alcoholics Anonymous, and THEN it turns out he doesn't actually ever drink because half a glass of beer gets him tipsy, and so he's not even remotely close to alcoholism but that's just a narrative he latched onto to make himself feel better about his terrible life. It's very very funny.
Same narrative arc as when Reese got himself emancipated and got himself a kickass apartment and seemed to be superbly functional and mature, and then it was revealed that, no, he actually doesn't know shit from fuck and was just funding his whole lifestyle on credit cards like they were an unlimited free money hose.
Always very very funny to portray the boundless hubris of ignorant jackass teenagers. One of my top #1 all time favourite best television tropes.
Anyway, yeah, very weird to have that sudden reminder that Francis ran away to Alaska when he was only like 16 or something. That's fucking wild.
His wife was the best late addition to the show. I never didn't enjoy seeing Piama onscreen.
Pairing Francis up with Ida so often was a good writing decision. Kept him tethered to the rest of the family in a way that didn't feel too forced, and gave many opportunities for him to express Big Feelings with some hammy wallpaper-gnawing. Kept his character from getting too stale.
I don't know if I'll ever be able to watch "Breaking Bad". I really really really struggle with being able to watch "Bob's Burgers" for the same reason.
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So I’m back! Bracket time!
Reminder the time zone being used is CET
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Aka Cartoons, Anime, and games associated with such (fire emblem and ace attorney)
Day 1 22/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
Reigen Arakata (mob psycho 100) vs Corazon (one piece), finished
Lord Garmadon (Lego ninjago) vs Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb), finished
Iroh (avatar: the last airbender) vs Bob Blecher (bob’s burgers), finished
Iruka Umino (naruto) vs Darkwing Duck (darkwing Duck), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Hakoda (avatar; the last airbender) vs Ice King (adventure time), finished
Greg Universe (Steven universe, he won an extra battle because I forgot him at first) vs Splinter (teenage mutant ninja turtles), finished
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo’s bizarre adventure) vs Greil (fire emblem: path or radiance), finished
Professor Kukui (Pokémon) vs Phoenix Wright (ace attorney), finished
Day 2: 24/4, finished
Part 1: 5pm
David Evans (Inazuma 11) vs Loid Forger (spy x family), finished
Tim Lockwood (cloudy with a chance of meatballs) vs Oscar Proud (the proud family), finished
Shouta Aizawa (my hero academia) vs Donald Duck (ducktales), finished
Sailor Uranus (sailor moon) vs Skipper (penguins of Madagascar), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Sully (monsters ink) vs Kouhei Inuzuka (sweetness and lighting), finished
Alibert (wakfu) vs Meta Knight (Kirby), finsihed
Gru (despicable me) vs Zenkichi Hasegawa (persona), finished
Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars: rebels) vs Mr Ping (kung fu panda), finished
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Aka live action media, books, and video games & graphic novels not associated with anime (so no light novels or tie ins)
Day 1: 26/4 5pm, finished
Bobby Nash (9 1 1 on fox) vs Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek, deep Space 9), finished
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs Atticus Finch (how to kill a mockingbird), finished
Paul Blofis (Percy Jackson) vs Gomez Addams (the Addams family), finished
Lee Everett (telltale’s the walking dead) vs Waymond Wang (everywhere everything all at once), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Joel Miller (the last of us) vs Calvin’s dad (Calvin and Hobbes), finished
Pyrrha Dve (the locked tomb) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters), finished
Doc Louis (punch out!!) vs Riki (xenoblade), finished
Bob Cratchit (a Christmas carol) vs Mo Folchart (inkheart), finished
Day 2, 28/4
Part 1: 5pm
Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale), finished
Dave Seville (Alvin and the chipmunks) vs Chimney Han (9 1 1), finished
Glamrock Freddy (fnaf: security breach) vs Bail Organa (Star wars) , finished
Kim Dokja (omniscient Reader’s viewpoint) vs Hal Wilkerson (Malcom in the middle), finished
Part 2: 8pm
Lee Scoresby (his dark materials) vs Dream (sandman) , finished
Thrushpelt (warrior cats) vs Barret Wallace (final fantasy 7), finished
Domingo Montoya (the princess bride) vs Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn 99), finished
Rupert Giles (Buffy) vs Pollination Tech 9 Smith (the sims 2: strangetown), finished
WHY THIS PAIR UP? I’m a bringer if chaos, also it was random
What time zone? CET!
How do I do propaganda? Well first you reblog with a text post, don’t put the propaganda in the tags. Or send me an ask! I will make sure to reblog it with the right tags
Hey I saw you made a mistake, what should i do? First, don’t use anon asks to correct my spelling and if I misuse slang. Just tell me directly. If it is 2 hours after a poll has launched, I will redo it immediately. But I will write down the mistakes I make and correct them later on
Previous battles
Main Rounds
Second chance/dad mansion break in
The only way to show how the battles (second chance) will happen cuz it’s random AN EXTRA NON DAD BATTTLE?!?!?!?!?!?
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I have read reviews and now we are one day from the drop of the new series and aside from the Pilot, I won’t watch it. Velma 2023 as a concept of- Prequel, No Scooby-Doo, and changing Race of a Character- is all fine and dandy. We, Scooby Doo Fans, do that in our art all the time. I love seeing everyone’s ideas on differences in the gang like Velma being Black or Daphne being East Asian or any combo I’ve ever seen. There is really true creative talent in this fandom for respecting cultures but applying them to Scooby Doo Characters which is a GIANT thing Velma is going to miss. Even the vaguest reviews make it out to sound like a churn-and-burn CW affair where it’s horny teens and spooky monsters. That method has worked in the past, but as viewing audiences sit with Riverdale and Euphoria, I think it has been played out. The series also misses key fundamental character specifics like Fred isn’t Rich, Shaggy got Scooby young, Velma is a giant nerd but not overly concerned by appearances (depending on versions, I’m citing the originals), Daphne is rich but not an idiot just generally clumsy, and the other host of characters being their parents change. The last thing about their parents changing is fine, there is fluidity with that.
Velma also seems to miss a thing that most shows nowadays are as well: Decent Character Dialogue. I’m not sure what has happened to writing rooms, but even the better movies have stilted and wilted character interactions. I find it hard to see past the “Woke Show” complaint because even though I’m for more open ideas, it comes across as a parody of Woke Shows a MAGA person would make. Example:
“Have you ever noticed how pilot episodes of TV shows always have more gratuitous sex and nudity than the rest of the series?” -Daphne, Velma HBO-Max (2023) she is then reported to have a naked shower scene fighting another girl.
“Man, if I even think about getting into 420, 420 culture or especially 420-related humor, kill me.” -Shaggy, Velma HBO-Max (2023)
These are not good examples of Meta-Humor or self-awareness. They seem like something out of a high school creative writing course at the beginning of the year. Which is a harsh take, but if you are going to make a character self aware, at least make it funny. It’s like the head writer, a former SNL writing room writer, looked at 3 TikToks made by teens and decided that’s how they all sound. Then tried to be an EdgeLord about it. Which, for a show trying to introduce different races to beloved characters and be smart about it, IS AN AWFUL WAY TO CHANGE MINDS. It is more likely to have awful reviews claiming race when actually it’s poor poor writing.
Velma 2023 was supposed to be a smart way to bring Scooby Doo to adults. Which could be done correctly and there have been successful and witty adult cartoons without the typical plagues of Over-Sexualizing, Too Much Gore, and Cringey Self-Awareness. Take for example, Bob’s Burgers. It’s beloved by all and while the humor sometimes gears towards adults, it’s not overly raunchy. Velma feels like it belongs more in 2005/2006 Comedy Central attempts than on a paid TV Channel. I hope that in the future, creators might be actual true fans or at least have a writing room that adores the basics. The Mystery Gang can be for adults, it just hasn’t had the love yet to transition.
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babsvibes · 2 years
HEY love your blog, ty for being you and keeping this fandom alive <33 ANYWAYS I'm curious to your thoughts abt the melon episode are? I know people tend to use that as a "gotcha" moment for killing Louigan as a ship so I kinda ignore it ever happening LMAO but there might be more from the episode I'm not taking? What do you think?
BABE?! Flattery AND a request for analysis?? Y’all aren’t in a contest for my love…. But if you were…. (you would be a top contender). Now, “I'm glad you brung it up because I been dying to talk about it for a fucking hot minute.”
First, I do enjoy the episode. We get more background info for Logan (he’s seeing a doctor for his emotions? Hello? Also, he’s stupid enough to think he can jump to the second story of a building, love it), we see a new side of Gene, Bob and Linda are high, and also it has the line “Are you saying this is proof there’s a god?” I can't hate the episode even though it gives a few folks a sense of righteousness when they want to act out in my guest comments lol
I want to make space for the fact that it doesn’t feel like a typical Bob’s Burgers episode, and it’s more than natural to be uncomfortable with some of the storytelling decisions made. I do think there’s a reason for these decisions though, which I hope to explain from my perspective.
The main takeaways today will be:
These are characters in a sitcom written by different creators.
Creators are going to have their own story they want to tell.
This episode is about Gene and Louise’s relationship, not their relationship with Logan.
So let’s break these points down.
These are characters in a sitcom written by different creators.
As much as we want to believe or hang on to things like character development or growth, these qualities are not as applicable in a situational comedy (sitcom). If the characters grew or changed too much, then we stop being able to create conflicts that are interesting to a wider audience. Stories need conflict, and that’s harder to create with a flawless character.
We can have an episode where Tammy learns to sacrifice for the good of others like in Sleeping with the Frenemy but goes right back to being selfish in Tweentrepreneurs.
Every writer is going to have their own take and interpretation on a character, especially depending on what the story needs. While they might need to stay consistent to a character bible, things like how they react to certain situations or other people are not always going to be represented in the same way.
Teddy will always be a handyman with a love of burgers. Tina will always be an awkward teenaged girl. However, sometimes Teddy is fine with Mort and sometimes he’s aggressive with the fellow customer. Sometimes, Tina has stage fright/can talk on stage with others, and sometimes she can’t.
Let’s pull this into focus with Logan, Louise, and (surprise) Gene.
Logan DOES have a consistent trait right up there with Teddy being a handyman. It’s that he has a berserk button (check this out on TVtropes, but a way to explain it is that it’s the fictional version of a trigger). Logan is called to action as a REaction to something he views as his space or his person being violated, typically in front of his friends ex: the steps, the hill, Dakota pushing him into a closet, and the melon. That he views it as his space, whether earned or not, is crucial here. In Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise, for the most part he’s just there to be annoying, not an actual threat. However, once his friends arrive and he takes more ownership of the space (“I do whatever I want around here”) then he gets upset that there’s spitballs thrown at him. Once the threat to his space is removed, he is no longer agitated. He doesn’t follow Louise and her friends in Better Off Sled after they retreat. He doesn’t lash out about Louise stalking him at school, the mall, or even up to the front steps of his home. He doesn’t get into a frenzy with Louise because of the way Dakota (and his mom) acted in Mother Daughter Laser Razor. Thing is? Rotten fruit doesn’t just go away.
Logan could have chosen to wash away the melon himself, however we know by this point that another consistent trait for him is that he is an incredibly immature mid-teen boy. He gets in “I know you are but what am I” fights with Louise. Frankly, I also think he doesn’t have a sense of “this is a little girl therefore I need to take it easy on her.” I think he sees her as a competitor on equal grounds with him. He mentions “cheap sex ladies” around her, he threatens to throw ice at her (something he had been doing with his friends), and seems surprised that she’s crying in the melon episode. I just don’t get the sense that he recognizes that he should be treating her differently because of her age, which is a sign of his immaturity.
The way things escalate are, to me, a little out of character though. Yes, I think it’s in character that he gets pissed off about the melon being thrown. I think it’s in character that he staked out the Belcher residence. If somebody threw a three year old melon at my crotch when I was 16? I would have burned down the building because I was an angry kid. However, Logan’s actions have never felt like punching down before. They’re always a kind of quid-pro-quo for whatever Louise has dealt him. Logan using his size and strength to punch down in this episode made things more threatening and, yeah, felt out of character. But we’ll get into why these decisions might have been made later.
Quick side note to venture into headcanon territory. I would bet my left asscheek that Logan doesn’t have a sense of privacy or stability at home and that’s what is fueling this fierce protection of himself, his friends, and his space. Logan is not treated well by his mom. That’s canon, and you can check out a few instances here. She controls where he goes, is demanding of him with little regard for his wants, and often shows disdain for him. If he had a supportive mother who showed an ounce of love or gentle parenting that isn’t the result of some contest to be Best Mom, then I don’t think he’d be as angry as he is.
With Louise, she is a little out of character in this episode as well. While it’s been pointed out to me that it’s in character for a nine-year-old to cry when backed into a scary situation (and I do agree with that), Louise isn’t a typical nine-year-old. It’s what makes her character so fun! She’s a mastermind that leads her siblings around, inappropriate (how many nine-year-olds can make a pun about foot fetishes?) and thrill-seeking. Louise has had a gun pointed at her and didn’t cry. Louise had to have an entire haunted house built special just to be able to scare her. Louise has been locked in a dark room with Logan before, and she punched him hard enough to put him on his ass? While it’s in character for a nine-year-old to be scared, it is not in character for Louise to be scared. So why is Louise scared? It is because of…
Gene. Gene’s character has been consistently shown as not a “typical” older brother. It’s called out in the beginning of the episode, and even in the next Logan episode he goes right back to letting Louise take the lead. But, the creators wanted to show Gene being a “good” older brother in a traditional sense (subjective). We can see that in the next point.
Creators are going to have their own story they want to tell.
Originally, the episode was going to have the tagline “AKA Logan’s Run,” but it was dropped to be just “Large Brother Where Fart Thou.” Not sure how many folks have seen Logan’s Run, but it’s a creepy movie. I think it’s indicative to understanding this episode to know that the intentions were there to tie it to this source material, and it’s even MORE crucial that it was dropped. I obviously can only speculate, but I think this episode was made to be creepy, but they went back to the drawing board to add in this message of “Gene Is A Good Big Brother.” Yeah, I’m purely guessing by the title change, but it does put other elements into perspective.
It’s not just dialogue and character action. So many little things in this episode are reminiscent of a horror movie. The music is especially kicked into high gear, but we also have the camera angles. The one where the burger phone drops to the ground in particular seems pretty Hitchcock to me. So we have music, camera angles, and the lighting for the confrontational scene in a dark warehouse. You know how Fanny pointed a gun at the family and it didn’t feel as intense? Yeah, the music, the lighting, and the camera angles were not designed to incite fear but whimsical thrill. Everything that happens in the climax of Large Brother Where Fart Thou has been done before (Zeke bruised/wrestled Gene against his will, they used “smell torture” on Darryl), but this was designed to be a much creepier story than in those instances.
We’ve established they wanted to tell this story and how they went about executing it, but why does that matter? Why did they need things to escalate this much?
Because it’s about Gene and Louise’s relationship.
We know Gene, and we know he’s not going to be the one to put himself in front of his sister. Frankly, if it hadn’t been pointed out to him at the beginning of the episode, I don’t think Gene would even have it in his mind that he has more responsibility as an older brother. He needed to be told that piece of information and he needed a push that could guarantee that he would act later. And it needed to be a BIG push. Logan is the best character they had that could elicit that type of situation, though not perfect which is why we see out of character elements from him and Louise.
Think this is still just a story about how Logan is the worst and Louise is a broken bird victim, hm? Rewatch the episode and notice something crucial: The situation only escalates when Louise purposefully ignores her brother’s warnings. Gene doesn’t want to throw the melon, but Louise does it anyway. Gene wants her to apologize, but she doesn’t and provokes Logan further. We see this from Logan’s line “I was thinking I was just going to give you a noogie or maybe a swirlie, but I changed my mind.” (Obviously, still not appropriate to do, but in his mind it’s “less threatening” than what he escalates it to).
The ending message becomes: Even if you ignore my advice and get into trouble, I will step in to face those consequences for you because I can see that you’re scared. I am too, but I’ll be here for you.
It’s a very sweet message, but it takes multiple characters being looser interpretations of themselves and an entire episode built around being creepy to get there… like Louise’s haunted house, but this is Gene Being Traditional. It’s a good episode and has some great lines, even if some of those lines are uncomfortable. More than anything, the reception is what I hate because folks tend to disregard that this is a story told by someone else. The storyteller’s role is crucial in understanding why a story exists, and it can’t be forgotten.
I’ll leave you with this: Our lives revolve around story, and not all of those stories are meant to be positive because that’s not indicative of the human experience. It is a disservice to not explore these regardless of reaction. I will always respect the creator’s right to create, even if I don’t like what it did to my ship lol
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 months
Bob's Burgers: Fraud of the Dead: Zombie-docu-pocalypse (14x09)
Okay... this had to have been an episode planned for closer to the end of October, right? So weird how the episodes have been scheduled!
Nothing much to complain about, this was great spooky ridiculous fun! The one thing that was a little odd was that the conceit of this scenario is that Gene and Tina don't know Louise, that they are just a documentary crew, and then there were times later in the episode where they continued to reference that they don't know each other. Like, at the end, Tina calls Bob and Linda "your parents" when talking to Louise, as if she's still being the documentary crew and not herself. That feels like a bit of a muddled premise to me, I would have loved to do a bit more with it.
On the other hand, maybe I should eat my words and say that the muddled premise ultimately added to the comedy: I love how high-concept Louise's idea for a movie was, that it starts off as a documentary and then becomes about a zombie apocalypse, so the artifice is that it's a project that gets interrupted by something and that becomes the focus. The end scene with the family reacting was a great capstone, because suddenly when you realize that Louise actually wrote and produced this whole thing, the scope and talent on display is kind of crazy. She got her whole family and so many other people involved, and did it all with nothing other than a couple of cameras being held by her siblings, who also had acting roles in the story.
There are certain things that become more funny when you realize that this whole thing is in fact scripted, like Bob being really reluctant to disassemble the restaurant, but then caving to it because... "this is a zombie apocalypse..." or Linda telling the kids when they go upstairs on their own to keep filming the movie while they hold off the zombies downstairs, "don't go in my room".
I also loved the dedication of Andy, Ollie, Jimmy Jr., Rudy, Mort, and Teddy in their performances, it was so fun to see them all go full-tilt and support Louise in her creative endeavor. There's something honestly heartwarming about this scenario, because it's so ridiculous but we get to see how much of a community these people have built; they'll all show up for each other to help with creativity and fun.
A few stand-out jokes for me:
Rudy saying "it's okay" and "I don't want to be remembered as a complainer" as he's being eaten by zombies was so funny and so in character. It made me wonder if Louise had written that line for him because she knows Rudy so well, or if that was improv on his part.
Same with Tina talking about editing techniques and her "vision" for the project as she realizes she's probably about to be eaten. Is that Tina's artistic integrity, or Louise's writing for how Tina's documentary film crew character would speak? I love the ambiguity of that.
The song was another comedy highlight for me; the meta jokes where Tina asks Louise why she's singing in this documentary, and then the song getting cut off... the fact that this was a joke that Louise wrote into her movie in-universe, as part of her character arc regarding learning how to be an archer... it's all so funny and cute.
I love Louise, so no surprise an episode like this, where she gets to be her zany, creative self, and also go through a bit of a journey of self-discovery, really works for me!
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tacosandtouchtanks · 2 years
Okay, in "Midday Run" we all know the highlight of the episode for Zekina shippers is the wedding comment, but I wanted to point out another scene I thought was cute as well. I really appreciate the conversation between Tina and Zeke about the "miss deweiners". It's another one of Tina's awkward (but still funny and cute to us) puns but instead of Zeke making a comment on how it's lame or something (I mean it's not in Zeke's nature to do that to any of his friends, but anyway) he appreciates Tina's attempts to make work fun, even if it's through awkward puns. I just think it's sweet of Zeke of complimenting Tina's work/fun balance even though anybody else would probably be annoyed by Tina because they are too busy thinking about how she's hauling them off to detention.
Hey there! Sorry once more for the late response.
I have not much to add to your post because you are already absolutely correct! Except for apparently it's Mr. Wieners??
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I think Zeke especially appreciates Tina trying to make her job more fun with puns because he himself is a fan of puns. I don't know if that is a southern-culture thing but he constanly is making wordplays, using methaphors and figure of speeches. For example:
Zeke: I got more blood in my head than a skeeter on a peter. - The Belchies S. 2 E. 1
You learn something new every day... I googled that.
Zeke: I guess we're stuck between tricks and treats. We're Hallo-tweeners. - Nightmare on Ocean Avenue S.9 E.4
It's a very similar kind of joke to the one Tina did in Midday Run.
Another example:
Zeke: My main man's bright. I mean, not book smart, but broom smart. - Yes without my Zeke S.9 E 22.
So yeah, Zeke does unironically enjoy wordplays (he will grow up to throw around dad-jokes without end). And let's be honest even if Tinas is not super creative it's also not as bad as it could be. But also she can do better.
Anyway I gif'ed the scene too:
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He actually enjoys the joke! His face becomes more relaxed, he laughes after that and also after that he confides in Tina.
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And he is serious again because it's a serious situation and he needs Tina to believe him. Because if he already has a crush on her at that point (which we can assume) it would mean the most to him if she - not only as the hall monitor - but as a person believes him.
It's not working as we know until Tina hears Ms. Selbo on the phone talking to Zeke's grandma.
But what probably was also a plus in Zekes book is learing that Tina enjoys puns and wordplays too. That is something they have in common. And learning your crush and you have something in common? That is quite the rush.
Thank you once more for your message and I hope you enjoy what I added.
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smol-lydia · 1 year
Lyds Fanfic Master Post
Hey all here you can find all my delicious Viktor x reader fics in one spot finally as well as my headcanon posts for Jewish Viktor, etc
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First, this is my ao3: my x reader stuff is not posted here but for my Jinx and Viktor mutuals you can find all of those AUs there as well as my Mileven long form fics and Danganronpa fics and Bob's Burgers works as always don't like don't read applies here let's be mature adults about this thank you <3
After Hours, A Viktor x Fem!Reader fic: Standing on the freezing streets of Piltover, you're having a hell of a shift bringing in customers for drinks. You see a pair of Academy students headed your way--one is eager enough but the other is much more of a challenge and you like a challenge. (Incomplete) For @astudyincontrasts
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Skin of My Teeth, Viktor x Fem!Reader: Viktor finds his lab assistant unwell and is doing his damndest to take care of her. Unbeknowndest to him, his tough as nails mechanically minded assistant has been harboring a crush on him for quite some time and this is no ordinary flu. TW/CW for implied drug use and addiction (In progress; in complete)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
For A Sweet New Year: Viktor x Fem!Reader (Oneshot, NSFW)
You attempt to bake bread in a way that's traditional for Viktor's people as a surprise when you're invited to meet his family for the first time. It doesn't go as planned, and when Viktor arrives to pick you up he finds a mess and the two of you get distracted. The horny Rosh Hashanna fic no one asked for. Fic
Salty Sweet: Viktor x Fem!Reader (Oneshot, SFW)
You are set up on a blind date by Jayce's sister, no matter how many times you tell her you have no time in your busy academic life for dating. Both Talis' are determined to prove you and Viktor wrong, and you hate that they just may be right. Read it here.
Winterblessed: Viktor xFem!Reader (Oneshot, SFW)
Written for @therealtendercrisps Secret Santa exchange for @shimmerforall prompt was Viktor and reader dancing awkwardly in the snow
Read it here
Kindling the Light: Viktor x Fem! Reader (Oneshot SFW)
A gift fic for my beloved @astudyincontrasts prompt was Viktor and his S/O enjoying a cozy Chanukah celebration at home together. Read it here
Headcanon Posts and Misc Viktor Meta:
Moodboard for gyaru!reader in After Hours
Ask box prompt for a match making Jinx and Viktor fic that turned into my Chem Baron AU
Art of Jinx and Viktor in Vik's lab from the Burlesque AU
Jayce x reader 1920s headcanons for a friend's b-day as well as more Jewish Viktor headcanons in this post
Art of Viktor and gyaru!reader
The OG Jewish!Viktor headcanon post
Another gyaru!reader moodboard
Jinx and Viktor regency/Bridgerton AU headcanons
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