#blue lock hayate
milaisreading · 1 year
can u do its our girlfriend (ryusei shidou version)?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽 w/ sub20 time? 👀
Author: Here it is! I hope u like this one and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The U-20 team felt a pretty huge shift in the dynamic when 2 certain players joined the team. One of them being Shidou Ryusei and the other one being Itoshi Sae. Now, Oliver as the captain did try and was somewhat successful with getting along with Sae, meanwhile Shidou... well he is a great player but really hard to get along with. But one thing Oliver noticed was that there was a rift and tension between Sae and Shidou, who were by all accounts always the closest to each other. The issue started a month ago when Oliver, and later on the team would notice how much bossier Sae was with Shidou, and the boy was in return a lot snappier with him. It was really getting out of hand and Oliver was ready to rip his hair out. Japan's U-20 team had an image to uphold and the last thing Oliver needed was their manager yelling at him to get them in line.
"You dumbass antena man, focus on the goal!"
"Under eyelashes senior is now the boss around here, huh?"
"Can someone shut them up?" Sendou pointed, tired from all the yelling.
"Why are they even arguing?" Teru questioned.
"God knows." Hayate shrugged his shoulders, watching as Oliver and Niou walked over to the bickering duo and pulled them away from each other.
"Alright! Enough!" The team flinched at Oliver's yell, but kept quiet.
"What's the issue you two? You have been acting like you killed each other's families!" Oliver started as Niou sighed and continued after the captain.
"We are just worried. Not only is this giving an issue to us as a team, but also to you two as a duo on the field." The long-haired boy explained as Sae and Shidou sent each other a side glare. The rest of the team kept quiet and watched the two as the huffed and looked away from each other. Oliver was pretty much speechless, he expected this from Shidou... but never from Sae of all people.
"This must be quite serious, Sae would act more mature otherwise." Teppei whispered to his friends and Miroku told them to be quiet.
"Spit it out." Oliver demanded and it seemed like Shidou finally broke.
"Under eyelashes senior here is butthurt his crush likes me more."
"I am not! All I said was that (Y/n) picking you as her boyfriend will come to bite her." Sae said back, shocking the team even more now.
'Shidou...Shidou has a girlfriend?!'
"Did I just hear correctly?" Hayate questioned with wide eyes and looked at his friends. Miroku and Teru slowly nodded their heads as Teppei and Sendou kept quiet, but were equally wondering how truthful that statement was.
'No way... he got a girlfriend before me?' Sendou thought with a huff.
'Ehh? I can't imagine Shidou with anyone.'
"What?" Niou raised an eyebrow as he closed Oliver's open mouth.
"Shidou basically got a girlfriend, way above his league if I may add." Sae repeated.
"Shut the hell up!"
"You know I am right. She literally could have had anyone, why you?" Sae said as his anger raised again, causing Shidou to smirk.
"Turns out my personality is more appear to her."
"Wait... Shidou has a girlfriend?" Oliver blurted out, causing the two to look at him.
"Yeah, they have been going out for a month." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Something you will never experience, might I add." Shidou chimed in.
"You two...are joking with us? Right?" Sendou suddenly spoke up as they raised their eyebrows.
"You sure? Sae that was a good joke." Miroku let out a laugh as Hayate and Teppei held back their laughters too. Niou tried to calm them down while Oliver tried to stop Shidou from yelling.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" The blonde asked, taking offense at their reactions.
"It's just...you don't seem dateable..." Teppei answered, earning a nod from Hayate.
"You are too loud."
"And you say weird stuff at times."
"Sorry, but there is no way someone is dating you." The statements caused Shidou's anger to rise even more, but along with that also came the insecurities. He could handle Sae saying those things, since he is pretty jealous of his relationship, but hearing people who are pretty much strangers to him say those things... it really stung.
"I think you are capping."
"Yeah... Sae and Shidou stop joking around-"
"Wait Sendou... who is your girlfriend?" Oliver asked, trying to wrap his head around this whole concept. Shidou wanted to answer the question, he did. He wanted to show off his cute, beautiful and funny girlfriend to everyone. But one part of him wanted to keep that part quiet, private. Sae knowing about her was enough as it is, he didn't need them to know it too.
'Especially when they don't seem to believe it anyways.' Shidou said nothing as he walked off towards the locker room, sending a warning glare as Niou and Teppei tried to get the name out of him.
"Enough joking... let's just get changed. Our training session is over." Hayate said as he pointed at the clock.
"Sae, can you please tell us who the girlfriend is?" Teru wondered.
"Yeah, otherwise we will think this is a joke." Oliver added in but the redhead just shrugged his shoulders.
"Believe whatever you want. I am not saying anything out of my respect for her. When she feels like meeting you guys, you will know."
While everything was going on outside, Shidou was in the locker room enjoying how quiet it was. He somewhat cooled down from the fight and his mind kept wandering off to (Y/n).
'Ahh~ just her cute face could make any of my bad days good. She is so kind and sweet, the World really doesn't deserve her. I wonder what she is up to.' Shidou thought, growing a little agitated.
'I didn't see her at all in the past 3 weeks, stupid Blue Lock and Ego... keeping her away from me like that.' Shidou pouted. He really missed her and hoped to get the chance to see her before that match with her team.
'Seems like it's just wishful thinking.'
Teru yawned as he walked down the hallway from the bathroom. After such an eventful day he just wanted to get dressed and go home to sleep.
'Maybe a good dinner and some movies would be a good idea.'
"Excuse me, do you know if Shidou Ryusei is still here?" The boy jumped up at the sound of a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind him. Turning around, Teru was surprised to find none other than Blue Lock's manager, (L/n) (Y/n). The boy's face turned beet red and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah... why do you need him?" Teru asked shyly as the girl grinned at his answer.
'She is even prettier than on TV!'
"I need to see him, can you please call him or bring me to him?" She asked and Teru quickly nodded his head, laughing nervously.
"Of course! Follow me, sorry if I am jumpy a little."
'She will think I am weird now...' Teru thought nervously, internally facepalming at his own behavior.
"It's fine, my team is the same right now. Probably excited for the match coming up?" (Y/n) asked in a reassuring manner as Teru slowly nodded his head.
'Her voice is so soft...'
"Shidou!" The group turned to look at Teru as he ran into the changing room.
"What?" The blonde asked in annoyance, still mad at the way they spoke to him earlier. Teru took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm the redness on his face down.
"The...the manager fo Blhe Lock wants to see you..." Teru panted out. The blonde's frown turned into a grin as he quickly packed his things.
"What?! (Y/n) is outside?" Teppei and Miroku asked with wide eyes as Oliver grinned at the news. Niou and Hayate kept quiet along with Sae. The older Itoshi became restless at the mention of (Y/n)'s name while the other 2 grew a lot more nervous.
"Later, losers." Shidou chuckled and ran out with his bag.
"Hold it- Why is she even here?" Niou wondered as Teru spoke up again.
"It turns out the girlfriend Sae and Shidou talked about was (Y/n)."
The room grew quiet as Sae quietly left the room, hoping to catch up to the duo before they left.
'Is dating...'
'(Y/n)...' Sendou, Hayate and Miroku thought as Oliver's eye twitched.
"What do you mean?! No way did that guy get to her first!" Oliver yelled as Niou nodded his head.
"She was probably blackmailed into dating him."
"True. (Y/n) seems so sweet and kind..." Teppei started.
"And beautiful, she puts all the idols I know to shame." Sendou sighed dreamily.
"I also heard she is so considerate. I heard she always makes snacks for her team." Hayate chimed in.
"Forget that! Did you see the way she holds herself when talking to the reporters?!" Oliver added in with a blush.
"Yeah...she has to be blackmailed." Miroku concluded as silence fell among the group.
They looked between each other and at the door as Niou cleared his throat.
"I need to go to the toilet."
"Hold it! Why did you take your bag-" Before Hayate could finish his sentence, Niou was already outside the locker room.
"Hey!" Oliver yelled, running after his teammate and the rest joining in.
"I hope you like it! It's like a good luck charm for the upcoming matches!" (Y/n) grinned as Shidou held the necklace she bought him a few days back. It was a simple, 4 leaf clover pendant on a gold chain, but it did make Shidou's heart race a little and his face turned red from the attention.
"Thanks, th-this means a lot. I didn't get anything for you." Shidou said, getting a little shy from the sudden gift and (Y/n) shook her head.
"I am happy and fulfilled as long as you are, Ryu."
'So adorable! And all mine!'Shidou thought as his cheeks started heating up and he coughed.
"Want to eat something? There is a good restaurant-"
"Are we eating somewhere?" Shidou felt like all the rage he previously felt came rushing back as Sae appeared put of nowhere, putting his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Sae-san?! Where did you come from?" The girl wondered, a little startled by his appearance. Shidou watched with a snarl as Sae turned his stone cold look to a much softer one as he glanced at (Y/n).
"Good to see you, (Y/n). You look just as pretty as the last time I saw you." The girl blushed a little at the comment as Shidou pulled her our of his grip and glared even harder at Sae.
"We, as in (Y/n) and I will go and eat now. You can go somewhere else." Shidou said as he started pushing (Y/n) in front of himself.
"Ryu, you don't have to push me.... but I feel a little bad..." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as the two stopped and looked back at Sae. Shidou raised his eyebrow, wondering what she actually meant.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sae is your friend, maybe we could invite him along. He probably wants to eat with us too." (Y/n) smiled softly as Shidou felt his heart crack a little.
'She is so considerate! That Itoshi doesn't deserve this level of kindness! My cute, little girl.' Shidou thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Ryu~" She pouted as the boy chuckled.
"You are so adorable... Fine, we could invite Sae along." Shidou sighed, as he really couldn't say 'no' to (Y/n).
"Ahh~ Shidou? Is that your lovely girlfriend?" The blonde boy flinched as he heard Niou's voice and the two turned to look at the group. The blonde tightly grabbed onto (Y/n)'s hand as they observed the group. Shidou watched in horror and anger as he noted all their expressions as (Y/n) waved at them.
"Hello!" She exclaimed.
Niou, Hayate and Miroku had the most normal expression, just a small blush on their cheeks. Teppei hid behind a blushing Miroku as he sent (Y/n) a few glances here and there.
'So cute~ she is even more adorable in real life.' Teru, Oliver and Sendou where meanwhile blushing messes as they stared at (Y/n) and waved at her.
"It's so lovely to see you, (Y/n)-san. We weren't aware you and Shidou were dating." Niou spoke up as he walked closer to them.
"Yeah! Congratulations." Miroku added in as Teppei followed them.
"Can I get a picture with you?"
"Me?!" (Y/n) asked the boy in confusion as Sendou and Oliver chirped in.
"Yes, it would be lovely."
"You look even lovelier than a kpop or jpop idol."
"A-ah... Thank you, Sendou-san." The girl blushed a little as Teru and Hayate chimed in.
"Move a little, Shidou- Can I get a picture with you too?"
"Can you please be our manager? The old man is annoying." Hayate groaned, earning a hit on the head from Oliver.
Shidou watched in disbelief as his teammates tried to chat up his girlfriend, his jealousy close to reach its limit.
"Told you that (Y/n) is a real eye catcher." Sae snorted, equally annoyed at the scene.
"Shut it! I know...it's my (Y/n)... my girl we are talking about."
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princetenkoo · 2 months
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Isagi-Hunting (2024)
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milkteansugar · 18 days
need more haru hayate content 🙏
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thetreegeo456 · 1 year
Random Headcanon of the day
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I hc Nagi Seishiro and Hayate haru as cousins.
So Haru is Seishiro's cousin by his mother side. In saying Haru is Nagi's aunt son.
(Yeah I also headcanon that nagi has an aunt, that lives in a diffrent city)
They have diffrent middle names bcs Seishiro got his middle name form his dad. His mom original middle name is Hayate.
Now on the relationship between them:
They have a two year difference (Nagi 17 and Haru 19 (this is only hc Harus age is unknow) )
• when Nagi was younger, something between 4 to 10 years old. He used a lot of times to stay at his aunt house. His parents droped his often when they had to travel somewhere. So in younger times Seishiro and Haru were hanging out together a lot. They were ether playing video games together or Seishiro watching Haru play football. At that time he only liked watching and was never thinking of himself palying football or a sport he was thinking how much of a pain it is.
(But yk now that changed in the future)
• Before Nagi befriended Reo. Like from 12 to 16. Haru was also sometimes visiting Nagi's house to check on him. When he was there they like talking for hours about manga and games news or also playing Nagi's video games. Haru was like his only friend before Reo.
• Haru did tell Nagi that he was in the u20 but Nagi didn't bother to think much of it at that time.
• They stoped talking for a while more bcs now Nagi was with Reo and at Blue lock. And Haru was practceing for U20.
• when They meet eachother at the U20 match. Haru was so shocked when he seen Nagi was playing agains him. He would have never think that his cousin Nagi Seishiro got into Football but he was happy that he finaly got to play with Nagi. But Nagi at first didn't sems to notice Haru was there.
• At the end of the match. When Reo wasn't around Haru comes to Nagi and telling him how great of a match was it to have with him. Nagi hears his voice and he responds with "thanks it was fun to play with you too Haru-nii".
• In the two weeks off. Haru pays Nagi a visit again after such a long time not seeing eachother but when he got there Reo was at his house already. Now Reo and Haru start knowing more about one another. After they got to know eachother haru thanks Reo for takeing care of Nagi and being his friend when he was not around.
•Haru also started telling Reo embarrassing moments about Nagi when he was younger, Nagi was geting angry at him while Reo was laughing at the things he did.
• On the same day Haru challanges Nagi on a 1vs1. After many tryings Nagi finaly agrees to play with him. It endend on a 02:02, bcs Nagi was starting to get bored. Also Reo was watching them play.
•In the present arc (chapters 154-212) they still talk with eachother on the phone and talk about their matches and other things.
Okay thats it.
( totaly not the only reason I made them cousins is bcs they both have white hair and brown eyes, hope when s2 come they won't change Hayate Haru's colors bcs then this hc wil be ruinded)
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vrmxlho · 2 years
i made a blue lock quiz
do it rn 😡
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Hello there Haru Hayate fans.
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
" 𝕆𝕦𝕣𝕤 " 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧 𝐔-𝟐𝟎
| This is based off the Blue Lock arc. You are the U-20's Manager. | This will not include Sae or Ryusei (Sorry!!) |
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Stepping into this field of work you never would have guessed how draining but equally exciting it was. At first becoming to Japan's U-20 Manager alongside that old geezer you tried your best to stay out of their way. With your looks it wasn't exactly easy. They let their gazes linger a few times, You even shook hands with a few, Like Teppei, Oliver, Teru, And Miroku. You tried your best to stay out of their way and just help the men with whatever they needed.
Of course they said a few words in the locker room. How you were cute, quiet, not polite enough to speak properly or introduce yourself Like you ever could. After winning a match you made sure they ate well until something touched your wrist, It was a hand that grabbed it. It was Oliver "You should eat with us, I'm sure you worked hard." He said with a smile. You scanned their faces, They were all awaiting eagerly for a reply. You agreed just wanting to keep them up in their spirits and not spoil their victories.
It was quiet. Dead quiet. The silence was killing you, You looked around, Most eyes were looking away from you Purposely . But Itsuki seemed to just stare at you from across the table. His big and wide eyes staring at you, You smiled a gentle smile in his direction and he smiled back slightly. Breaking the silence you asked him.. "So, Why do you like to play soccer?" He looked at you for a moment and replied. " 'Dunno, Just felt like it.." His tone was sad he wasn't looking at you either. His face hot and a shade of pink. Well that wasn't much to go on. You finished your food quickly and walked off waving to them.
After you had left the room he let out a huge sigh. He was holding his breath the whole time, Some of his teammates snickered others grunted in annoyance. "Lucky itsuki..Why does he get your favor? Maybe I'll have to sit in front of her.." Then, Teru rushed up from his seat leaving his plate as he held a huge grin on his face. he caught up with you and walked next to you. "Not even a goodbye?" He asked playfully. You flashed him a grin and his heart did a flip. "Sorry Kitsuneza-" "Teru!" He interrupted. You looked at him as you turned a corner, "You're sure?" "Of course!" he replied happily. "Sorry for not saying goodbye teru, This is where I'll be tonight, I'll see you tomorrow..Train hard!" You reached out to shake your hand, he took and and threw you into a hug. "Goodnight Coach Y/n!" He walked off happily. You walked into your quarters and began for night.
As teru rounded the corner back to the dinner hall he was met with a few pissed off faces. "Not cool Teru." Hayate said. "What? I was just walking her to room! I'm being friendly to my coach-" Oliver cut him off saying "Teru's right, If we wanna get her attention it's up to the lucky one who get's there first." Everyone shakes their head "Yes" and walks off to their room.
Sendo couldn't help but feel obsessed already, He was listening to you and Teru talking. The way you moved, the way you smiled, every movement..He was enamored. If he wanted a "Glamour idol." Well he's got one in front of him..He just has to beat his team to it..But how?? Gifts? What would you even like? Acts of some kind of service?? But what and how?? Touch..? Nonononono. He's the ace he'll pull it off.
So then it began. From a quiet and quick job from listening to all the members, Reading Buddhist chants with Miroku, listening to teppei talk, and do teru's hair! Oliver tried to impress you with his skills with other women Not many bu you had no interest in that.
One time after a hard match they had won Sendo's hair was messed up and sweaty. You walked up to him and he froze, You moved the messed up strands for him and he froze in his place your hands gliding over his hair to part it the way he always had it. "...Thank you."
"Sure thing! Happy I could help." You turned around to notice all their eyes on you and your touch on him. They looked at you like they were waiting for their turn. Like they had Earned your touch . You sighed, Not wanting to break their spirit. And they did do a good job.. You helped with their sweaty messy hair with some dry shampoo and few combs. With hayate's height he had to sit down while you reached to brush the front of his hair perfectly up. Your chest in his face he was frozen in excitement reading all your moves with his hair.
Thus began the never ending cycle, Learning the teams interests and excitements. Going out places with them, Celebrations, training. You cheering for them..It made them excited and wanting to do their best. You were theirs..All theirs.
| Hope you guys liked! Send me some requests on characters I should do! | Should there be a part 2..Maybe with some spice.? Request it! | Make sure to drink tons of water today! |
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boinin · 5 months
Blue Lock Chapter 245/NEL team rambling
foreword: I wrote this over Christmas, when suffering with a headcold. It's not that coherent, but I spent an amount of time on it? So have it as is... whatever it is.
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God, they're doing Bachira Barcha so dirty.
If I'm interpreting this right, it sounds like Lavinho entered the game, but not Loki. Oof. Speaks volumes.
It took one of the most renowned footballers in the world to hold off Shidou and company so Bachira and Otoya could score.
It rankles how little development the Barcha boys are getting, compared to Manshine, Ubers or PXG. I know one team had to be the "first boss" of the NEL, but it's Bachira's team.
Bachira. Who's always shown the ability to thrive when the chips are down. Who's one of the most important characters, prior to the NEL.
Ugh. The story is entitled to focus on other characters, and overall I've enjoyed the outcome of this league. But you have to wonder how they can justify Barcha being this weak, even against a team as dominant as PXG.
Now, I did a fact-check to see if I'm just being salty (always a possibility). I looked at the teams by Blue Lock players, and specifically 1) who has a volume cover and 2) who is likely to get a volume cover between now and the manga ending.
My rationale? Volume covers are a proxy for talent/story significance, and appear to be an early bellwether for who might make it into the new U20 team lineup. Sendou fans rejoice
The results kinda support both the "me being salty" angle as well as the "Bachira is being deliberately ratio'd" one. Let me explain.
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Germany are stacked next to the others, especially when they have both Kaiser and Ness as well. However: of the seven BL characters that have volume covers, four of these were revealed during the NEL arc. It makes sense, with Germany being the protagonist's team. But something to keep in mind, when we look at the others.
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France has four characters that had volume covers before the NEL started. It's extremely likely Zantetsu will get one, and there's outside odds of Nanase also getting a cover. France has a potential NG11 or high-level player in Charles Chevalier. There's also Kento Cho, who had a not-insignificant role in the U20 v BL11 match. Worth noting.
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I was surprised by how many high-profile characters Italy have, with five volume covers between them. This said, two characters (Niko and Sendou) only received theirs during the Ubers match arc, although I'd argue Niko would have received one earlier if it wasn't for Kaneshiro's commitment to the bit. Italy also has Don Lorenzo, possibly the most effective NG11 we've seen in action so far. IMO there's a slim chance Fukaku Gen will get a cover in future—the national team needs more than one goalie.
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England have three volume cover stars: when you hear Manshine, all you can really picture is Nagi, Reo and Chigiri, right? In addition they have Wanima the elder and Niou, one of whom may sneak into the national team bench and nab a volume cover (my money's on Niou, solely because of that magnificent beard). Other than that, Manshine only has Agi, who's noted to have significant talent.
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Lastly Spain, which has two volume covers to its credit and (in my view) low chances of any further ones. Maaaaybe Darai or Hayate, if we work off the current rankings (post round 3). But I can't see them beating Tokimitsu or Zantetsu for a Top 23 placement. They only have one notable Spanish player that has speaking lines (Ignacio Lara) but I wouldn't put him on, say, Agi's level.
To recap, the teams have this many significant characters as of the time of writing:
Germany: 7 + 2 (Kainess) + 2 (Igaguri, Kiyora) = 11.
Interestingly, a number that's give high status in this manga, and one that is often associated with Isagi.
France: 4 + 1 (Chevalier) + 2 (Zantetsu, Nanase) = 7
Italy: 5 + 1 (Lorenzo) + 1 (Fukaku) = 7
England: 3 + 1 (Agi) + 2?? (Niou, Wanima) = 6?? (closer to 5 really)
Spain: 2
If we retrospectively discount any character that didn't have a volume cover before the NEL arc kicked off, and reference only high-profile BL players:
Germany: 3
France: 4
Italy: 3
England: 3
Spain: 2
In conclusion: Spain has been outgunned since day one, and the story has failed to develop any of the Spanish players beside Bachira and Otoya... despite having a over a third of the national team front bench among its ranks.
I think Bachira and in particular, Otoya, have underperformed overall, considering their elevated position prior to the NEL. However, a repeated theme in the NEL is, you're only as good as the support or players around you.
Bachira and Otoya simply don't have the calibre of supporting midfielders, wingers or defensive players in Barcha that the other teams have. They don't have an NG11 player, or a defence capable of holding off a strong offensive opponent.
To get back to my original point: no wonder Lavinho had to sub on to give his two star players a chance to shine against PXG. It's indicative of the level of talent on the French front bench.
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nekokats · 1 year
Numerology in Blue Lock
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Gagamaru: 6 > 88 > 1 > 99
Zantetsu: 10 > 53 > 29
Hiori: 27 > 16 > 23
Kurona: 4 > 16 (14)
Nanase: 99 > 77
Raichi: 10 > 95 > 22
Igaguri: 13 > 108 >
Aryu: 2 > 17
Tokimitsu: 3 > 20 > 20 (22)
Kiyora 21 >
Isagi 11
Kira 10
Chigiri 9
J Wanima 10
K Wanima 9
Nrhy 11
Barou 10
Bachira 8
Aiku 9
Yuki 9
Reo 10
Nagi 7
Krs 10
Hiori 23
Ksr 11 (20)
Ness 20 (7)
Nrhy 5 > 38
Kuon 2 > 97
Iemon 1 > 101
Immr 7 > 104
In Nagi's imagination of his WC goal he wears 9.
In Kira's imagination of his elimination:
Kira 10 B ❌
Bchr 9 W
Kngm ? B
Chgr 14 B
Isg 11 B
Ggm 4 W
Rch 5 W
Immr 6 W ❌
Nrhy 13 W ❌
Kuon ? B ❌
Iemon 1 G ❌
1. Gen Fukaku
2. Oliver Aiku
3. Kazuma Niou
4. Teppei Neru
5. Miroku Darai
6. Itsuki Wakatsuki
7. Haru Hayate
8. Kento Chou
9. Teru Kitsunezato
10. Sae Itoshi
11. Shuto Sendo
13. Ryusei Shido
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exchangestudentnova · 10 months
𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒊 13 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 (𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉) 𝒑𝒕 2
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Part 2 of the blue lock characters in Bleach AU!!
Part 1 is here
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Role: The mass reinforcement division. When any of the other divisions require extra shinigami or reinforcements, the 8th is the division they turn to first.
Characters: Gurimu Igarashi, Junichi Wanima, Jin Kiyora, Reiji Hiiragi, Hajime Nishioka, Akira Endoji, Haruhiko Yuzu, Tetsu Sokura, Aiki Himizu, Shizuka Haiji, Yukio Ishikari, Kyohei Shiguma
Explanation: These characters currently serve as reserve characters in the neo egoist league.
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Role: They prevents information from leaking, as well as information being stolen. They are in charge of dealing with tactics and warfare against intelligent beings and massive hollow gatherings and creating counter tactics when Seireitei is under attack. They also in charge of the Seireitei news magazine.
Characters: Yoichi Isagi, Seishiro Nagi
Explanation: We have already seen how Isagi uses his intelligence to overpower the other players and Nagi wants nothing more than a simple job that does not require hard work. He'll love to work in the publishing department.
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Role: The 10th Division is in charge of planning, coordinating, and executing large missions. They assemble shinigami from other division and send out reinforcements and information regarding the mission.
Characters: Gin Gagamaru, Michael Kaiser
Explanation: Gagamaru's flexibility and Kaiser's stats are both well suited for this division.
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Role: The 11th Division is the frontlines. They are the most skilled in physical combat and are the most powerful and offer the most defense and offense. When Seireitei is under attack, they are first to deal with the enemy.
Characters: Jingo Raichi, Rensuke Kunigami, Shoei Baro, Ryusei Shido
Explanation: These characters are know for their strength and/or aggressive nature, making them a perfect fit for this division.
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Role: The 12th Division develops new technology and spiritual tools. Members are tasked with research and collection of data and samples. They are also in charge of storing a mass amount of information known to Seireitei in their database. 
Characters: Anri Teieri, Jinpachi Ego
Explanation: These characters have done plenty research to create the blue lock project.
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Role: The 13th Division is the ones that actually send out patrols on a daily, frequent basis to survey Seireitei. If a threat occurs, they find and take care of it. They are the part of defence line of the Seireitei.
Characters: Ikki Niko, Aoshi Tokimitsu, Haru Hayate, Oliver Aiku
Explanation: These characters have good defence and are gentle in nature which will go well with this division's environment.
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P.S: Maybe not many people might understand this scenario as you'll need the knowledge of both the anime, but I'll be happy if people could enjoy it^^ I tried to include as many characters as I could but there isn't enough information.
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luna-3-clips · 10 months
I just wanna take a moment to admire (and judge/insult) the Blue Lock player icons (pt.2)
Please don't take any of this seriously, I love all the characters and I'm simply just joking to have a little laugh.
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He looks more glam than Aryu
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Emo teenager
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He could bite my head off if he wanted to
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Kinda cute, but he looks like a pompom
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He looks like Bob Ross if he was a rock musician
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His hair is brighter than my future
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How have I never noticed his mole until now?
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I wanna say something but I don't know how to word it... sideburns
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Kinda cute, but he's got BIG eyes
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He's been through some things
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He looks like a robot
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He looks more like Nagi than Nagi looks like Nagi
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Why is his face shape built like that?
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Why does he kinda look like Oliver Aiku?
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He looks basic and somehow more depressed than Rin
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He's the only one with a nose and I can see why they wouldn't make them with noses
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He looks like Rin just with a different hairstyle
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Hottest one so far, I love it
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His head's so round..
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Pikachu! I choose you!
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He looks like a clown
Please don't take anything I said seriously, this is all just for fun and jokes.
That's all, have a good day/night!
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milaisreading · 1 year
Author: impacted the literature more than Romeo and Juliette ever could😭 here u go and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
"Come here (Y/n), your favorite person ever wants to carry you!" Oliver laughed as he picked the reluctant girl up. Niou and Sendo shook their heads at the way he was holding her and how uncomfortable she looked while being held.
"Oliver, I don't think you are doing it the proper way." Sendo added as Niou nodded along. The black haired boy looked at the two in confusion and then down at (Y/n), who looked like she was about to burst out crying.
"I don't get it, I watched children being held like this on movies. You must just be picky then, huh?" Oliver teased the girl as she looked up at him. It was silent for a moment and Niou sighed in relief, thinking that maybe this was (Y/n)'s way of acting out, but all that was chucked out of the window as Oliver put her in the same position and the girl burst out crying. Panicking Sendo ran over and grabbed the girl while Niou pulled on Oliver's ear.
"Ouch!" The player yelled as the long-haired boy glared at him.
"I told you she was uncomfortable!"
"But that was how babies were held in movies!"
"Yes, movies! Not real life!" Niou said as he looked over at Sendo, who was rocking the sobbing toddler back and forth.
"She calmed down?"
"A little."
Oliver watched in weird awe at how well Sendo handled it.
"How do you know to calm down kids?"
"I used to babysit from time to time." Sendo shrugged his shoulder as Teppei and Hayate ran into the room.
"What happened?!"
"We heard crying!"
"Is everyone alright?" Miroku and Teru poked their heads inside.
"Yeah, it's just that Oliver doesn't know how to hold kids." Niou explained as Hayate took the girl out of Sendo's arms.
"Hey!" The blonde protested, earning a shrug from the taller.
"You all had the chance to hold her, I didn't." Hayate argued and got no response, as the rest knew he was right with that part. Oliver sighed in defeat and sat on the floor as Niou let his ear go.
"You alright, captain?" Miroku asked as Teru ran to where Hayate was.
"No... (Y/n) is so comfortable with all of you and just cries when she is with me. Am I that bad with kids?!" Oliver wondered as Sendo, Niou and him paid attention to what he said. Hayate, Teppei and Teru were meanwhile busy entertaining the toddler, the laughter she let out from Teru's funny faces hurt Oliver even more.
"I see... maybe we can practice with you?" Miroku suggested.
"What do you mean?" Sendo raised an eyebrow.
"Easy, we can help Oliver meanwhile the others can play and take care of (Y/n)." Miroku said calmly as Niou looked over at the rest.
"I don't really think those three will mind that idea." Niou added, pointing at the group. Teppei was holding (Y/n) now on his shoulder while she was patting Hayate's head, meanwhile Teru was taking pictures of the scene.
"So, Oliver the first lesson you need to learn is how to approach a toddler!" Sendo exclaimed as Niou wrote down on the board something. Oliver nodded his head and told the blonde to continue.
"Alright, shoot!"
"The first mistake you make is the tone of your voice, well... more specifically the volume." Miroku said.
"Children, especially those of (Y/n)'s size can get easily scared, so you yelling might be more off-putting than you seem to think."
"Children need a level of calmness, especially when picked up. You saw how I did it the first time, right?" Oliver nodded at Niou's question, remembering how calm and collected he was when they saw her first.
"Just act like that. Let's practice then!" Sendo announced.
"Here comes the train~" Teru exclaimed as he fed (Y/n) her lunch. The girl happily opened her mouth and ate the food while Teppei wiped the excess food off of her face.
"Aww~ this is really adorable!" Teru said as Hayate nodded his head and put it on top of hers.
"How do you think Oliver is doing in those classes?" The white-haired boy asked as the other two chuckled a little.
"I don't know, but just the image of Oliver taking classes on baby care is funny." Teppei commented as (Y/n) looked up at him, wondering what was funny.
"Let's just hope be learns a thing or two." Teru said as Hayater removed his head from hers and started ruffling (Y/n)'s hair.
"Alright! After an hour and 45 minutes, you are finally a lot calmer, this is what we need!" Sendo said as Oliver flopped on the couch. Miroku smiled fondly at the captain and watched as Noui wrote down the 2nd lesson.
"Alright! Next lesson is feeding a toddler! Babies need to eat, and knowing how to properly feed them is very essential for you." Noui started as Oliver sighed.
'This is exhausting... and people have kids willingly?!'
"Come back here!" Teppei yelled as he chased (Y/n) around the empty field. After eating her lunch, the three players decided to let her play before it's her nap time.
"Make sure (Y/n) doesn't fall down." Hayate warned as he observed the duo closely.
"Shhh... I need to have this on video." Teru whispered with his phone out and following (Y/n) with it.
"Yoh are obsessed with taking pictures and videos." Hayate commented.
"Well yes, but it's of (Y/n) as a toddler, you don't see that everyday."
"...fair enough." Hayate nodded his head and took his own phone out.
"Alright! This one took us like...2 hours but you got the hang of it!" Niou sighed as Oliver rolled his eyes.
"You guys are really counting?"
"Yes, yes we are. Now off to the 3rd and most important lesson!"
They looked at Sendo as he wrote something down.
"And that lesson is holding and picking up a toddler, which you lack in the most. That's why we found some videos that show you those." Sendo said as Miroku opened his laptop.
"Shhh! Teru!" Teppei whisper/yelled at the boy as (Y/n) slept on top of Hayate.
"Sorry, I forgot." The boy apologized as they looked at the door.
"Ahh? How did the classes go?" Teru teased as Oliver sent him a glare while Sendo and Miroku snickered.
"Did (Y/n) eat?" Niou asked the other two, who nodded their heads.
"Yeah, she fell asleep like two hours ago too." Teru told them as Oliver walked past them and towards Hayate and (Y/n). The white-haired boy raised his eyebrow at the captain and nodded his head.
"Be quiet, she is still asleep. Anyways, how did your lessons go?"
"Pretty much ready to be (Y/n)'s new favorite." Oliver smirked as Hayate rolled his eyes.
"He did it... I am so proud." Sendo sobbed as Miroku patted his back and Niou rolled his eyes at the dramatic acting. Teru, Teppei and Hayate were staring at Oliver in disbelief as he held (Y/n), who seemed calm and content in his hold.
"Good job, you two. I never expected him to work this out." Teru chuckled as Hayate took a few pictures.
"It's kind of adorable to look at it." He said calmly as Sendo and Teppei nodded their heads.
"So, am I your new favorite?" Oliver asked excitedly as (Y/n) looked up at him for a moment.
"Boooo...." She said back and Oliver cooed at the sound.
"I'll take it as a yes!" The captain chuckled. Then suddenly the door opened and in walked Rin with Hiori following him.
"What did you two need?" Sendo asked as he walked over to the two. Hiori ignored him and walked straight to grab (Y/n), but was stopped by Hayate and Teppei.
"Hands off!" They warned as Hiori and Rin glared at them.
"We came to pick up (Y/n), your babysitting duty is over. Now hand her over to Hiori, Aiku." Rin said as he glared at the fellow captain.
"No." Oliver answered back, earning looks of disbelief from their rival team members.
"What do you mean with no? That's our manager, give her back."
"Calm down Rin, we just want to babysit her a little more." Noui added.
"Besides, she doesn't mind staying with us." Miroku said, pointing at the girl.
"Like a give a shit, hand her over." Rin demanded as he started an argument with the the team, meanwhile Hiori tried to bribe (Y/n) into coming with them.
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devilishlycute · 1 year
Hear me out, fem reader giving Hayate a reassurance smooch
A little reverse comfort huh? Love it and love everything about it! 💕🥰
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"Y/n... Please don't laugh at me..."
Boyfriend!Hayate Ichikura x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: You and Hayate have been together for nearly a whole month! So your relationship is still very much new, so you soon come to realize that your boyfriend can be.. A little shy when it comes to his self image. Let's go pay him a surprise visit!
Typing away on my laptop, indenting, paraphrasing, reading over what I just typed. Just a typical night for a college student. Feeling my eyes strain from the laptop's glare, I decide that now would be a great time to take a good five-to-ten minute break for a mental cool down. My stomach suddenly rumbled, "Yeah... Me too buddy." I pat my stomach while standing from my chair, getting ready to leave my room.
A familiar ringtone blares from my phone, "A text? From who??" Unlocking the screen I see that it was Hayate! The cute little blue bear icon I have for him, pops up again.
"Do you have time to talk??"
"I just.."
"If you're busy I can text you later."
He sends a sticker of the blue bear in a dogeza pose.
"Oh.. Geez! At least give me time to answer you goof!" I whine as I pull up my keyboard quickly typing back a response.
I sent a sticker of a f/c bear shaking their head.
"I'm not busy! I was just about to take a break anyway ^^"
"What's wrong Hayate? Are you olay?"
I smacked my lips and huff in irritation, correcting my text.
"* Okay?"
The loading bubbles appeared, then disappeared, then reappear again. Making me giggle under my breath. "He's overthinking again.." I say softly, as I imagined Hayate's cute face all scrunched up trying to type-
"Is it okay to call you?"
The message he sent pops up, causing my heart to ache. "It must have been something serious.." Grabbing a jacket, gathering my keys, wallet and mini backpack (as well as a means to defend yourself). "I'll talk to him on my way to the convenient store.."
I expertly typed with one hand as I locked my door and head out.
"Sure! Voice or Video?"
"... Voice please."
Soon my screen goes black, then lights up showing the picture of Hayate looking absolutely smitten at the dog park you happened to pass while on one of your past dates. Sliding to answer, I moved my phone towards my ear.
"Hayate, is everything okay?"
I hear nothing from his side, for one solid minute.
"Is it true that women's clothes have tops without straps to hold them?"
I hold back a choked laugh, I could just see Hayate squirm.
"P-Please don't laugh.. I'm seriously asking. I think... I think I embarrassed myself in front of people." His voice wavers at the end, making my heart squeeze.
"I understand. And to answer the question: Yes. Some people like that style, they feel comfortable and confident. But I would say you didn't embarrassed yourself, you just didn't know. No harm, no foul." I reassure him.
Walking into the store, I collect my favorites. Making sure to talk in a volume where it doesn't disturb anyone. "It was really embarrassing.. I thought I was being courteous, I asked if she knew that her shirt was in danger of slipping of her shoulder. But my friend just told me that it was supposed to be like that- I thought I was gonna die on the spot."
Softly giggling, I notice one of the fridges had Hayate's favorite ice cream. Grabbing it, I went to the counter to pay for my items.
"Not only that, I made a wrong move at the Izakaya I work at and got scolded." The worker bagged my items and wished me a "Good night.", I place the items in my mini-backpack, and hoist it back over me. I asked Hayate to elaborate what happened, and he explained that he tried to be more "chummy" and "refreshing" and the manager immediately chewed him out.
Feeling laughter begin to bubble, I cover my mouth. "I-I see.." I stop at the crosswalk, waiting for the lights to change. "But you shouldn't try so hard to be someone different, you're perfect as you are." The light changes signaling me to cross, I make sure I'm heading to Hayate's by looking at the street names.
The street looking more and more familiar with each passing block. "I'm thinking about quiting the Izakaya job and trying to find somewhere a little closer." I hummed and saw Hayate's apartment complex, "If it's what you want to do Hayate, I'm there for you." Walking up towards the door, you typed in Hayate's code,
"Hmm? Hey, I'll be back. Someone's at my door."
"Yeah, it's me! I have snacks!!"
"HUH?!" Hayate shouts over the phone, the red light soon flashes green and the sound of the lock unlocking let's me know it's okay to walk in.
"H-How did you get here so fast?! Did you seriously walk over here at night?!" He asks, his worried voice amplified from the phone. As I walked upstairs and down the hall, " Yup! I got here while talking with you. You know how I said I was about to take a break? I was gonna go on a late dinner-slash-snack run before you texted me. Hurry up and let me in you goof, I got your favorite ice cream and another surprise for you."
I hear some muffled footsteps and shuffling inside, "B-But it's messy inside." His voice whispers through, causing me to pout. "Then I guess you get no ice cream and no surprise!"
He goes quiet, the drops the call. The door unlocks and Hayate opens the door a smidge, "W-Welcome.. Come in." He moves to open the door, his minimalist apartment wasn't as messy as he made it out to be. Just a couple of JUMPs scattered about, but that's it, pulling out the bag I hand it over to Hayate. "It's mostly my favorites, but I made sure to get the ice cream and chips you like." I set my mini-backpack on the hook attached to his door, I turn around to see that he's setting the bag down on his coffee table.
Hayate opens his ice cream and eats it with the wooden paddle it comes with, sitting down across from him. Watching him, more specifically his lips.
"I did say I had a "surprise".. It's appropriate to start kissing right?? We've hugged, h-held hands... Even walked to University together! It's been a half a month... Surely he wouldn't mind.." I debate with myself, not noticing the Hayate's turning red. He moved the spoon away from his lips, "Did you want some- mmp!" I leaned over the table and gave his lips a soft peck, my cheeks resonate heat.
Pouring my feelings for Hayate in that one single peck, I pull away and give him a bashful smile. "That's the surprise, a little pick me up for the nerve-racking day you had.. Sorry that happened to you, Hayate." I watched as his face exploded in red, he covers his mouth and turns away.. "Not.. Fair... I wanted to be the one to.. Ki-ki-ki..." He mumbles.
I let out a cheeky laugh and go to open my bag of chips, "Sorry for making the move first Haya'~" His blush worsens, "..You can stay as long as y-you want.. Just let me walk you home though. It's dangerous to walk alone at night." I felt my heart race and my smile widened, popping a chip in my mouth. "You got yourself a deal! Be prepared Hayate- I love cuddles."
" "Cu-Cuddles"?!" I laughed out loud, placing my clean palm under my chin. Staring lovingly at my shy boyfriend resume eating his ice cream
" Hayate Ichikura, the easily embarrassed and highly introspective.. How cute." I mentally coo. You can't help but plan more kisses for him in the future.
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A/n: Whoop! Whoop!! Another fluffy drabble down, Hayate's very adorbs and deserves reassuring vibes and comfort every time he feels embarrassed!
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So finally I got myself to make a masterlist
Genshin Impact
A day with Kazuha would contain
Dating Tartaglia would contain
Kaeya x Reader (Comfort!)
Eula x Amber relationship headcannons
Mondstad boys reacting to reader who's as strong as Yor from Spy x Family
Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me
Touken Ranbu
Paradox Live
Doppio Dropscythe x reader (+18)
Cockwarming with Ver Vermillion
Streamer!reader accidentaly revealing their relationship with the Xsoleil boys ft.Nina!
Tsukipro, Tsukiuta
Assassination Classroom
Visual Prison
Boku no Hero Academia
Hawks x reader (18+)
Tokyo Revengers
Non!Toman members reacting to a gn!reader who is as strong as Yor from spy x family
Toman members + Bonten members reacting to gn!reader who is as strong as Yor from spy x family
Spy x Family
Twiyor wedding
Yor Forger crushing a car by accident
Mr. Henderson finding out that Damian and Anya are getting married to eachother
Blue Lock
Blue Period
Cool Doji Danshi
Hayate with a sweet and caring g\n!reader
Takayuki Mima x short M!Reader
Bungou Stray Dogs
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Tian Guan Ci Fu
High Card
Kaguya-sama Love is War
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari
Kyoukai no Kanata
One Punch Man
Owari no Seraph
Ryman's Club
Sasaki to Miyano
Sasaki and Miyano being in long distance
Sasaki and Miyano as HC roomates
Shiguang Daili Ren (Link Click)
ShuuMina (Fujiwara Shuu and Narumiya Minato)
Vanitas no Carte
Violet Evergarden
Kiss Him Not Me
Yuukoku no Moriarty
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ezralva · 10 months
In your personal HCs, what are Takayuki & Hayate's love language(s) for each other?
First in how they address each other. Mima dropped the honorific with Hayate as soon as they started going out, though he still speaks in keigo to Hayate. Hayate asked him cz Mima seemed subconsciously omitting the "-kun" while texting anw. And Hayate secretly liked it cz it showed his different status now to Mima compared to Shun-kun and Souma-kun. Hayate also asked him to start talking casually with him btw.
Hayate only began calling him "Takayuki-san" after they moved in together. But ofc he won't ever drop the honorifics.
Next, for sure cooking for each other, cz what else is the more romantic love language other than cooking wholeheartedly for your loved ones? not just what they like but also taking into accounts the health benefits they cud offer.
So Mima started learning how to cook healthy bento for Hayate ever since he heard that Hayate mostly ate konbini-bought meals every day, which happened long before they even began dating. Hayate likes fried food and any other fast food youngsters like nowadays so at the very least by making his bento, Mima cud make sure he uses less oil, healthier fat, and adds more veggies to his diet.
Hayate who couldn't cook at all, started learning how to make sushi bcz it's Mima's favorite food. But ofc he can only manage barazushi for now and he puts lots of healthy, stamina-and-immune-boosting ingredients to it cz Mima rarely works out. He's keeping chirashizushi recipe for Mima's birthday with all of Mima's favorite seafood. He also learned from Asami-san how to brew coffee the way Mima likes it cz Mima drinks coffee more than tea. He's now saving to buy an espresso machine for their home, the one with grinders cz the old one Mima has is the standard coffee maker.
When they move in together, they still rent a place w/ 2 bedrooms cz private space is very important for both of them, tho they usually sleep in Mima's bed. When they fight, however, Hayate could lock himself up in his room for a whole day and night and won't read text or pick up his calls, making them unable to talk it out soon. When that happens, Mima knows to just leave him be. When he calms down enough then he will either: comes to Mima's bedroom and joins him on the bed, or offers to make him a cup of coffee...that's when Mima knows he's ready to talk. If Hayate offers to give Mima a body massage then it means Hayate feels very guilty about their quarrel.
Hayate can tell when Mima wants to make love whenever the guy starts sniffing down his neck at random times, whereas in Hayate's case, Mima can tell when the younger gives him a backhug out of the blue.
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bllk-kiddos · 2 years
The name is M or Monty, this is a place for me to talk about my Blue Lock Fankids for ships I like and various characters
Sae Itoshi + Ryusei Shido
Chika Itoshi (16)
Hibiki Itoshi (12)
Hayate Itoshi (9)
Katsu Itoshi (7)
Rin Itoshi + Shoei Barou
Riku Itoshi (16)
Osamu Itoshi (16)
Hyoma Chigiri + Rensuke Kunigami
Haru Kunigami (14)
Izumi Kunigami (12)
Yoichi Isagi + Meguru Bachira
Kaori Isagi (15)
Megumi Isagi (15)
Reo Mikage + Nagi Seishiro
Kenichi Mikage (16)
Minoru Mikage (14)
Suzume Mikage (10)
Kenyu Yukimiya + Karasu Tabito + Eita Otoya
Moriko Karasu (17)
Junpei Karasu (15)
Sadako Karasu (10)
Oliver Aiku + Shuto Sendou
Ryuji Aiku (15)
Alice Aiku (15)
Tomoko Aiku (12)
Michael Kaiser + Alexis Ness
Alissa Kaiser (17)
Emil Kaiser (15)
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